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Summer Games Done Quick 2024 - Benefitting Doctors Without Borders - Mr. Run and Jump

07-05-2024 · 47h 10m

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[00:00:00] 🎵 so so so so so.
[00:01:11] . Thanks for watching!. oh oh oh oh oh Hello everybody and welcome back once again to Summer Games Done Quick 2024.
[00:02:48] Chet, y'all absolutely came through on this $5 Dono train for Morrowind.
[00:02:55] Let's keep this momentum going.
[00:02:57] We are just over $5,000
[00:02:58] away and I know we can make this happen.
[00:03:00] We've got $5 from Snarkdog that
[00:03:02] says more Morrowind please.
[00:03:05] $5 from Rasmus
[00:03:07] that says choo-choo
[00:03:08] donation train
[00:03:10] and we've got a big ol'
[00:03:12] hundred dollar donation
[00:03:14] from Sinewave Dave that says staying up
[00:03:16] late for the Morrowind run. So here's
[00:03:18] $100 towards the bonus run
[00:03:20] so I have an excuse to stay up
[00:03:22] even later
[00:03:23] Looking forward to staying up late with you Sinewave Dave.
[00:03:27] But before that we've got an incredible
[00:03:31] run, that I think a lot of people may not be expecting. Mr. Run and Jump
[00:03:35] coming up here is a pretty small community but I don't think it will be I'm going to go ahead and get this game started.
[00:03:37] We're getting a little bit
[00:03:39] more than we were expecting
[00:03:41] Mr. Run and jump coming up here
[00:03:43] is a pretty small community,
[00:03:45] but I don't think it will be for long after you see this Quacksilver would say, this game schmoves. And nobody
[00:03:48] schmoves through it better than our runner
[00:03:50] AltaBiscuit. So AltaBiscuit
[00:03:52] show them how well this game schmoves
[00:03:54] take it away
[00:03:55] applause applause way
[00:04:11] morning everybody thanks for joining us uh whatever time of night this is. I'm Altabiscuit, and...
[00:04:13] I'm a big honkin' burger or studio depending on the day
[00:04:15] of the week.
[00:04:17] And I'm Cool Ranch. Sorry, Tony.
[00:04:20] But anyway we got a pretty good run for you here so we can get started
[00:04:26] here when I am ready.
[00:04:29] We're good? All right. I guess that when I'm ready. Good?
[00:04:31] Alright, 3
[00:04:33] 2 1 go!
[00:04:35] Yeah Alta!
[00:04:39] So this is Mr Run and Jump and Dash.
[00:04:42] And Long Jump.
[00:04:43] And Long Jump.
[00:04:44] And High Jump.
[00:04:46] There's a high jump there you go.
[00:04:49] Yeah, there we go.
[00:04:52] And then roll there's uh
[00:04:55] a lot of things that couldn't fit on the uh
[00:04:58] the name of the game
[00:05:01] so mr ronald john i mean it's a very straight So, Mr. Run and Jump
[00:05:03] I mean it's a very straight forward game you are trying to get through these levels
[00:05:07] very quickly um you have the whole tool of movement options
[00:05:11] You've got the high jump which Alta's using to get through here pretty quickly.
[00:05:13] You've got a long jump that makes you go very fast.
[00:05:16] But the tricky thing with Mr Run and Jump is he is the floatiest person on the planet.
[00:05:21] If you get momentum, he will not stop running, he will not stop jumping.
[00:05:24] So you're trying to balance this like toolkit of really good movement skills while
[00:05:28] matching all of these cycles of enemies that would tap you and uh Alta is extremely
[00:05:33] good at this game
[00:05:34] and there's a lot of adaptation a lot of cool movement you can probably get that
[00:05:37] show going all right first level down
[00:05:41] yeah the it's hard to resist the temptation of not long jump at every opportunity.
[00:05:48] Okay.
[00:05:51] There we go.
[00:05:54] And this game is also a very Alright, there we go.
[00:05:55] And this game is also a very funny way that we found this game?
[00:06:01] Yeah, we found this at PAX West last year and they had a speedrun leaderboard standing outside of it so
[00:06:08] it's like hmm. It was also there was a prize too if you
[00:06:11] got the best time of the day, you get a free key for the game so that was
[00:06:14] setting out Speedrun Catlin for us.
[00:06:17] The first day we just grinded
[00:06:19] and got better times because our first entries
[00:06:21] were pretty bad. Then the next couple of days we just took
[00:06:23] home the keys individually
[00:06:25] and the funny thing is, on Friday
[00:06:27] the person who came to key was actually sent by his guy
[00:06:30] for GDQ so he's also an unofficial
[00:06:33] Mr. Run and Jump speedrunner. But going
[00:06:36] through these levels you can kind of see Al Alta just trying to keep a good pace of dodging through skulls,
[00:06:43] dodging through frogs. Everything is on pretty much global timer and not necessarily align positively. So every single movement Alta makes, if it is too fast he then has to adapt
[00:06:53] If it's too slow he then has to adapt. And there are lots of narrow openings that he is going to be trying to get this going.
[00:07:01] This is actually a really good example of the level where the IL strategy
[00:07:05] is very annoying because you have to wait for the cycles
[00:07:10] to align perfectly for every single IL.
[00:07:12] But once he gets flowing, the stages are all pretty planned.
[00:07:16] There's very little RNG in this game outside of a couple small buggy pixels that are not really the concern.
[00:07:23] This level is also like, a good example of just high jump... long jump into high jump momentum
[00:07:30] which is uh... I going to reset this screen actually. That's a good
[00:07:36] example of just like there are certain cycles i'm expecting to get, and
[00:07:43] I need momentum from previous screens sometimes.
[00:07:47] It's often better just to try again
[00:07:51] instead of trying to force it.
[00:07:55] Bye, frog.
[00:07:56] Goodbye, frogs.
[00:07:58] I think frogs are probably the most
[00:08:00] lethal enemy in the run just because they go
[00:08:02] quite far as you can see.
[00:08:04] And it spikes actually, the spikes are everywhere and they're very mean
[00:08:08] but aside from that most enemies a little bit more predictable outside of one guy
[00:08:12] we'll see more of them
[00:08:15] if i make involuntary noises that is normal um my couch may also
[00:08:19] make it it's a stressful run.
[00:08:24] Let's see, what?
[00:08:27] All right.
[00:08:28] The Void levels there is a void chasing you.
[00:08:31] Usually it's very speed focused like the challenges in the level
[00:08:34] picking up little shards but by going
[00:08:36] fast it kind of defeats
[00:08:38] the danger of the void for the most part
[00:08:40] This skull is a pretty good
[00:08:42] example of just finding a
[00:08:44] yes a narrow opening. When MrRun run and jump dives he actually changes his uh
[00:08:48] hitbox and you can use that to find narrow little openings above schools and that comes up a lot
[00:08:56] see yeah Let's see.
[00:09:01] Yeah, he's got a... quite a big hitbox actually. I think, uh talk about too is falling is actually very difficult in this game because Mr. Run and Jump, as I said he's very floaty
[00:09:14] And will stick the walls like nobody's business
[00:09:16] And when that happens it's very hard to get them off the wall
[00:09:20] and you dramatically slow down because you start wall sliding
[00:09:23] which I think you might only do once or twice in the whole run on purpose.
[00:09:27] It's actually kind of awful for
[00:09:29] the run, and there's more tech
[00:09:31] to avoid sticking to walls than there is
[00:09:33] to actually using the walls themselves.
[00:09:36] Yeah.
[00:09:37] Rolling into a wall makes you not uh grab it so i do that pretty often
[00:09:44] this is also welcome to the blue levels that's the theming for this game it's
[00:09:48] different colors i believe the plot
[00:09:50] is something along
[00:09:51] the line of Mr.
[00:09:51] Run and Jump
[00:09:52] has kind of
[00:09:53] accidentally torn
[00:09:54] open colors into
[00:09:55] the world,
[00:09:56] and now The Void
[00:09:56] is trying to
[00:09:57] destroy him.
[00:09:58] This is a remake
[00:09:58] of an 80s game,
[00:10:00] I believe.
[00:10:00] It has two colors.
[00:10:03] They're quite nice.
[00:10:04] It's got a couple others but they've added
[00:10:06] a bit more since then.
[00:10:10] Every level's got a time trial, silver gold and platinum times that you can go for. This level's platinum time is the hardest by far.
[00:10:23] And I'm not sure why.
[00:10:27] I love this screen getting past those squares, it's actually quite hard
[00:10:31] and just navigating right above the skulls
[00:10:33] that's a lot of these screens with the right momentum coming in
[00:10:36] also will just be shaving everything essentially you know like the the platinum time on this is 105 and my pb's a new enemy type here at the end.
[00:10:58] You have access to everything in your movement toolkit from the get-go.
[00:11:05] You don't unlock anything, so it's just...
[00:11:09] The levels are mostly designed in a way to introduce you
[00:11:12] to how you're expected to use the movement instead of unlocking new stuff
[00:11:19] and introducing humanity types so the flumps for example
[00:11:23] thwomp when you are uh getting close to them or not sometimes they'll thwomp when you are getting close to them. Or not.
[00:11:27] Sometimes they'll thwomp when
[00:11:28] you're underneath them and the problem is
[00:11:31] you have to memorize which one's which
[00:11:32] and it gets very difficult
[00:11:34] It's actually one of the hard parts is to run.
[00:11:37] The robots will dash in front of you if you stop
[00:11:39] so you have to jump up and dash
[00:11:41] as Alta shown off there
[00:11:43] but they'll be more enemies
[00:11:45] that introduce more drama more kind of just drama
[00:11:48] I think is a good way to put it.
[00:11:50] Do you mind if I jump in with my very favorite
[00:11:52] kind of donation?
[00:11:54] It's $100 from
[00:11:56] John Makula
[00:11:57] that says, It is a special kind of thriller It's $100 from John Makula.
[00:11:58] And it says,
[00:11:59] It is a special kind of thrill to see
[00:12:01] a game you worked on get absolutely
[00:12:03] dominated by a speed runner
[00:12:05] especially when it's for a good cause
[00:12:07] On behalf of myself and the team at Graphite Lab, I want to say thank
[00:12:10] you to AltaBiscuit for bringing Mr Run-and-Jump to the SGDQ stage. Let's run and jump to $1
[00:12:17] million! million dollars graphite lab
[00:12:26] yeah they've been uh they've been really supportive on this and i
[00:12:29] really appreciate that you all and I really appreciate that.
[00:12:31] Y'all made a really good game here.
[00:12:33] That was actually a really good level by the way.
[00:12:39] Once you start hitting blue and especially green stages,
[00:12:41] you're going to see a lot of just like...
[00:12:43] It's very hairy very quickly.
[00:12:46] But it's just very planned out in execution.
[00:12:49] It's a weird run because you want to do everything consistently every single time, but
[00:12:53] you won't because that's just not how humans work and so there's going to be a lot of minor adaptations.
[00:12:59] That's a really good example diving into that room so you immediately have to dash and get past those squares.
[00:13:05] I mean if your execution is going to feel good while I'm reading Donuts, I'll gladly just keep going.
[00:13:10] Yeah go for it!
[00:13:12] We've got some love for you.
[00:13:13] $75 from Jay Pappy.
[00:13:15] He says I don't know much about this next run
[00:13:17] but I sure hope there's running and jumping in it.
[00:13:20] And $50
[00:13:21] from Universal Giant.
[00:13:28] I just rolled out of bed, bounced off a few walls and jumped into my chair to donate through a portal. Am i doing it right? Best of luck with the run Alta!
[00:13:31] Thanks Uni.
[00:13:32] That was the slightest pixel in that bounce map!
[00:13:36] I discovered that by accident.
[00:13:40] I think routing for this game is very fun.
[00:13:43] Alt has done a ton of runs, but
[00:13:45] early on you just match her face
[00:13:47] into a room and go, alright, what works?
[00:13:49] What's physically possible? What's reliable?
[00:13:52] What's IL only? And you just keep
[00:13:53] doing stuff until something
[00:13:55] kinda works, and then you just keep doing stuff until something kinda works
[00:13:56] And then you get good at that
[00:13:59] Back in January they added the Ghost update
[00:14:04] Which made Is a lot better.
[00:14:11] It was just so nice to get instant feedback on everything, and it probably improved my times by minutes.
[00:14:20] That's overall.
[00:14:24] It's hard to call it sick tricks because there are a lot of cool things that happen, but they're so fast.
[00:14:30] Like going through the skulls here! That's really cool, but actually it's really hard to time.
[00:14:34] Going through those narrow gaps is pretty difficult because Mr Redjump has a lot of vertical leap on his dashes, so it's actually
[00:14:42] pretty hard to time. Green levels, how do you feel about the green level, Alta?
[00:14:47] They're pretty trolly.
[00:14:50] New enemy type, we got the Chompers.
[00:14:52] They are pretty simple if you stay on their platform they will chomp at you.
[00:14:56] The trick is it is instant when they attack so you cannot dodge them that's the only really hard thing about
[00:15:02] but you get enough time and if your speed running you're going fast anyways i think this is where
[00:15:07] we start seeing a lot of patterns coming up too.
[00:15:10] We also get the breakable platforms, pretty simple straightforward.
[00:15:13] You jump and they break, they give you a big bounce if you want it.
[00:15:18] I think also like just...
[00:15:20] And this really applies to any precision platformer especially but like it's just not to get tilted. You're going to die at some point like
[00:15:28] Especially in a live marathon run.
[00:15:31] So you just kind of got to roll with whatever happens.
[00:15:34] You've gotta roll with it or jump, long jump, crouch, etc., etc.
[00:15:41] Got the red platforms here too, they disappear after you hit them so that's a new mechanic there.
[00:15:49] Here is a good example of flomps being different than what you might expect.
[00:15:54] Yeah, those last couple rooms too they're really good at
[00:15:58] just showing off how there's a lot of verticality to level levels too
[00:16:02] that's something that sets MrVomitJump apart from a lot of levels too. That's something that really sets MrVonandJump apart from a lot
[00:16:04] of platformers I feel, is there's a lot of emphasis going upward-downward as well
[00:16:09] as left and right.
[00:16:10] If you want to see him alter into something, just look for us to make sounds.
[00:16:16] There was a moment where he was an inch above a bunch of robots going around
[00:16:20] and it's super hard to do that, it's super cool in action but it's so fast.
[00:16:24] This is one of my favorite moves coming up. It's super cool to play it in action, but it's so fast.
[00:16:25] This is one of my favorite rooms coming up.
[00:16:28] Just navigating through these birds.
[00:16:30] Those birds will hit you as soon as they move.
[00:16:31] It's instant.
[00:16:35] And this room is also awesome if you get the timing and he got it. So by going at the perfect speed everything lines up
[00:16:38] and its very difficult to do
[00:16:41] This is a... I was gonna say this is a really good print
[00:16:46] And that was my fault.
[00:16:48] That's the other rule of precision platformers
[00:16:50] if you ever have any optimism it's going to get crushed immediately
[00:16:53] that's just how the game goes
[00:16:57] and then there's this part of the screen.
[00:16:59] This is where IL
[00:17:03] and full run diverge, because you can do dashes
[00:17:05] across that, and you have like an 80% chance of dying on
[00:17:08] each platform because of how slow he is.
[00:17:11] Yeah it's really easy to eat those spikes
[00:17:12] when your dashing like that.
[00:17:16] Here um, it's difficult to time the dashes after the platforms.
[00:17:20] It will interrupt your movement and let you get underneath spikes which is very important for a lot of sections.
[00:17:26] That was a very good green too.
[00:17:28] This level has a pretty fun one. That was a very good green, too.
[00:17:31] This level has a pretty funny screen.
[00:17:38] It'll be evident once we get there but we're calling out the screen before. I think that's the first time in a run you have to wait for a cycle,
[00:17:42] regardless of routing.
[00:17:44] Also this is where flops start acting pretty funny.
[00:17:54] Okay whatever. funny like uh okay whatever did he kill you it works sometimes things just work.
[00:18:03] That's a mean thwomp.
[00:18:10] There are a couple of mean thwomps in this level, actually.
[00:18:14] This is a very mean level!
[00:18:18] This is a pretty good example of avoiding walls. You get enough enough and then we really shove off them because
[00:18:23] quite frankly they're awful for mr ranger i don't think we covered it either but like hugging the
[00:18:28] wall also resets your hair dash also this is the room. I love this room.
[00:18:33] All right, this one's tricky.
[00:18:34] You got it.
[00:18:40] Keep practicing.
[00:18:41] That's a secret.
[00:18:42] That room's really cool, but if the trick
[00:18:44] is there's a very specific app you can follow.
[00:18:46] I love that room because it's so daunting your first time
[00:18:49] through to give you an alternate route.
[00:18:50] But speed running is cool, so you just
[00:18:52] do the cool thing ASAP? I think we both had the same idea when
[00:18:55] We first saw it. It's like, there's got to be a way
[00:18:57] Oh yeah, we're making it through
[00:19:00] And we died
[00:19:01] A lot trying to figure out
[00:19:03] The way through I love this room i love the birds they're my favorite enemy
[00:19:07] in the game um navigating them you have to not land on them and there's my least favorite font
[00:19:13] because when you first learn runs uh, you forget about them.
[00:19:16] Yep, you're gonna get jump scare killed by
[00:19:18] it.
[00:19:20] Toss us in the horror blog we've got
[00:19:22] a scary- oh there's Tony's skip!
[00:19:24] That is a skip Tony found, regardless of what he says
[00:19:27] and we did it before because
[00:19:29] we don't remember but he pointed it out
[00:19:31] and started doing it
[00:19:33] Thanks Tony. Not a problem
[00:19:35] It saves us a little bit of time.
[00:19:37] Gotta take what you can get.
[00:19:43] God I love getting... when you see the frog jumping over your ass,
[00:19:47] it just lines up perfectly.
[00:19:52] Honestly though, pretty much every jump is hard.
[00:19:55] Oh absolutely.
[00:19:57] A little time for donations while we're moving through? oh absolutely
[00:20:02] a little time for donations while we're moving through here yeah we are getting a lot of love moving toward this morrowind incentive
[00:20:05] especially from germany we've got $100 for Michael85
[00:20:10] that says, Greetings from Germany!
[00:20:11] Again, a great event. Donation
[00:20:13] goes to the Morrowind Incentive. I've seen
[00:20:16] an 80% run before and it is
[00:20:18] wild.
[00:20:20] As well as $25 from Bowl that says
[00:20:22] donating $25 towards the Marowind
[00:20:24] from Germany because y'all are probably asleep
[00:20:26] over there. Let's meet that incentive
[00:20:28] 1, 2, 3...
[00:20:31] 4, 5
[00:20:33] I learned how to count
[00:20:35] two five because of
[00:20:43] That is so much higher than any other speedrunner can count. I'm surprised.
[00:20:54] Oh, another bird room. If this is where you start to see the void I actually rubber band against
[00:20:57] you a bit too.
[00:20:58] Yeah.
[00:20:59] You cannot outrun the void.
[00:21:01] A life lesson for all of us, it will bug the character and actually
[00:21:06] It's a little dangerous on a couple screens but for the most part you know if it's caught up to you something has gone wrong
[00:21:12] I'll later avoid levels like that one,
[00:21:13] just have a victory lab screen at the end
[00:21:15] so it's kind of a nice thing.
[00:21:18] So Yellow
[00:21:19] is very cycle-based
[00:21:21] There are some extremely cursed strategies which are probably not going
[00:21:29] to be safe, so I'll only be going for some of them but...I'm going for it.
[00:21:35] Alright.
[00:21:36] We're also getting introduced to our friend-shaped
[00:21:38] worms here. They've got nice cute little
[00:21:40] smiles on them.
[00:21:42] There's like, little risk
[00:21:43] for going for that. Yeah, I think that's
[00:21:46] a good way of putting it out there.
[00:21:47] There's a lot of risky things you can do and if you lose
[00:21:50] a half second if you die, go for it. If you lose
[00:21:51] 10-20 seconds...
[00:21:53] Maybe not for a full run um the worms are great they they're really just a timer
[00:21:59] very mechanic uh for another like cycle um they're pretty straightforward though and you know
[00:22:04] they're cute they're happy little guys i like them i think
[00:22:06] they're friendly they're not my favorite but i like them they're high on the tier list you can
[00:22:11] probably fit another donation or two here absolutely we've got25 from Delta1 that says,
[00:22:17] Long-time viewer so happy to finally be able to donate.
[00:22:21] I never played Morrowind but it is one of the first GDQ runs
[00:22:24] I watched so let's get that any% run chat.
[00:22:28] We are getting there. We're at 15,330
[00:22:31] and it's
[00:22:32] going to be tight but chat I have
[00:22:34] seen y'all do some incredible things
[00:22:36] in the past. I know that we can do this we just gotta keep it moving we've got
[00:22:42] a little bit of uh throwback donation ten dollars from janine that's my best bet my favorite song from Janane.
[00:22:49] That's my best bet.
[00:22:51] My favorite song from the Morrowind soundtrack
[00:22:52] is Peaceful Waters.
[00:22:54] Am I doing this right?
[00:22:55] You're doing it perfectly.
[00:22:57] You're doing amazing.
[00:23:00] This is a really good start to Yellow 2. New enemy,
[00:23:02] the big ol' flowers, they
[00:23:04] expand and contract. Sometimes
[00:23:06] they don't, and that's the gimmicky so you have to figure out which ones
[00:23:08] don't. They are not instant like Chompers, so you have to figure out which ones don't. They are not instant like the Chompers
[00:23:11] So there's a lot of
[00:23:13] timing that you can do to
[00:23:15] narrowly avoid them and their hitboxes
[00:23:17] are beautiful
[00:23:19] they're just shy of filling the full image so you can
[00:23:21] actually get real close to them it's pretty dirty
[00:23:29] this was probably one of the levels that gave me the most trouble at first when learning it.
[00:23:36] Like, every screen was just a menace, but now it's uh now it's mostly the uh
[00:23:43] the red levels which come after this
[00:23:46] you tickled that flower on the way out
[00:23:48] the door yeah
[00:23:49] a lot of levels really are just like
[00:23:51] learn throughout and then they're still hard but
[00:23:53] they're at least you know plausible.
[00:23:55] Got the fast cycle there.
[00:23:57] Nice!
[00:23:58] This is a huge maze that Alta skips.
[00:24:02] We'll do it again, this is a huge maze that Alta
[00:24:04] skips.
[00:24:05] And then a long falling
[00:24:12] screen here at the end.
[00:24:14] The big thing here is you never want to dash
[00:24:16] unless like it's routed in.
[00:24:17] It's a safety measure but every dash kinda
[00:24:21] has a good chance of killing you
[00:24:23] because it'll mess up the cycle later on and
[00:24:24] it's actually very hard to react at the end here
[00:24:26] can i humbly ask how it's a safety measure if it almost always kills you
[00:24:31] uh it's it's instinct it's like well i'm in danger i better dash to
[00:24:34] you know get a little bit more time to react
[00:24:36] or get to this wall. But because
[00:24:38] it messes up every cycle
[00:24:39] you just end up dying a few seconds later and it's the
[00:24:42] worst of all worlds.
[00:24:52] There's a lot of bad habits that you have to immediately stop when they're playing. Not even running, just playing this game. Yeah there's just... As much as this game rewards speed, it also
[00:24:57] rewards a lot of discipline.
[00:25:05] I don't know what my death counter is in this game, but it's probably really high.
[00:25:11] I would be shocked if it's no time to restart.
[00:25:24] And most runes are actually relatively small so it's not a huge impact.
[00:25:33] This is a tough room because if you do any movements,
[00:25:35] you have to change your whole route entirely
[00:25:37] because it completely adjusts the flower cycles.
[00:25:40] I'm always talking about the flower cycles.
[00:25:42] Just hold right on this screen, that's all!
[00:25:48] You go for the fat cycle in this one, right? Yep.
[00:25:51] Right here.
[00:25:59] That's really hard, by the way.
[00:26:02] But that was one that was so hard I remembered how hard it was and went like
[00:26:05] okay we gotta call this one out in the run.
[00:26:08] I love this room, it's the biggest room in the game by far, at least for the regular levels and you can just do whatever like there are so many routes you can take here it's a very flexible adaptable run
[00:26:24] It happens sometimes. But the thing here is as long as you are trying to keep aware of the skull pathing and landing on the jump jump pads you need to land on it's a very open room
[00:26:38] until you've done a bunch of runs i'm pretty sure people do
[00:26:41] a different route every single time.
[00:26:43] I have no idea where I am at.
[00:26:45] There you go, that's the new route! The weird skull route.
[00:26:48] I don't know if I've ever seen those skulls.
[00:26:54] Okay. Hello!
[00:26:57] We are in super improv land right now.
[00:27:03] Alright,
[00:27:07] Super Improv Land
[00:27:09] is my favorite 2D platformer
[00:27:11] right after Mr. Run and Jump!
[00:27:13] Got time for a couple donations? Yeah, sure.
[00:27:16] Alright, we've got $25
[00:27:17] from Marika that says
[00:27:20] greetings from Germany again! Let's meet
[00:27:22] this incentive Elder Scrolls
[00:27:24] hype!
[00:27:27] Small button Elder Scrolls hype! Small but mighty, I
[00:27:29] appreciate you 3AM crowd.
[00:27:33] I thought small but mighty was a username
[00:27:35] for a second and then i thought that was so cool
[00:27:41] time for a little bit more yep this is a good level for it
[00:27:44] perfect we've got 25 from anonymous donation to help meet Morrowind incentive friendly reminder to utilize any donation matching your company may offer to help MSF that much more.
[00:27:57] You've got $25 from Marco
[00:27:58] that says, let's get some more
[00:28:01] a-wind. I will not
[00:28:03] get tired of reading that pun. If y'all
[00:28:04] want to donate that pun 100 times, I'll read it
[00:28:06] 100 times.
[00:28:08] We've got $10
[00:28:09] from Empty Null that says
[00:28:11] Mr. Run and Junk is interesting but what I really
[00:28:13] want to know is what do those blue Doritos
[00:28:15] taste like? It better not be blueberry.
[00:28:18] Cool ranch for sure. That's actually coolest ranch the undiscovered flavor
[00:28:22] that's why the void is trying to tear this place apart it's too powerful
[00:28:25] the secret powerful pool there's a little timing trick you do there i'll put's a little timing
[00:28:31] trick you do there, Alta did a little jump to
[00:28:33] perfectly align the flowers if not this
[00:28:35] room is actually one of the hardest rooms
[00:28:37] to casually get through because finding
[00:28:39] alignment for the flowers while being chased by the void
[00:28:41] sucks. I was going to say, I hate it
[00:28:43] I was very mad at it but I felt very good
[00:28:45] so good work on the game design, it was very satisfactory
[00:28:47] Alright, onwards to red.
[00:28:55] These are all hard levels. Red one is okay but it's still very difficult. This is no new mechanics,
[00:29:02] it is everything being thrown all at once.
[00:29:05] We got frogs, we got worms,
[00:29:06] we got plombs deciding whenever they want to move
[00:29:08] and there's a lot of cycles.
[00:29:12] Most enemies are
[00:29:13] pretty okay at this point
[00:29:15] in terms of being one universal cycle, but
[00:29:17] a lot aren't so it's... This is a very
[00:29:19] tricky section.
[00:29:28] And just more thwomps where you just gotta know. Some of them are gonna look like...
[00:29:31] Oh, this is a cool thwomp!
[00:29:33] He's got those cool slow skulls I love.
[00:29:36] I was really happy when I saw that.
[00:29:39] It's a very silly section.
[00:29:43] A good example of looking at the frogs here, any point they're misaligned everything gets dangerous.
[00:29:48] Always keep your frogs aligned.
[00:29:51] Keep your frogs in a row.
[00:29:56] They always seem to be drawn
[00:29:57] to game where there are going
[00:29:58] to be any frogs tormenting me.
[00:30:01] It's,
[00:30:02] in this game,
[00:30:02] it's an Octopath Traveler,
[00:30:04] you know?
[00:30:06] What is the video game with Abbotson? past travelers you know
[00:30:11] what is a video game without its frogs nothing i say um let's see that was a really good red one
[00:30:24] the shortest of them by far though these uh get longer and longer they get longer the screens get longer um and it's got longer and there's a lot of adaptation needed if anything happens pretty much.
[00:30:33] Just if the game is played. and it's got intense music to match That was a long one.
[00:30:54] The Sarnie up ahead is just gonna wait for reasons.
[00:31:02] It's fun watching you sync up with your ghost on the B-Handlers!
[00:31:07] I put in the Ghost for goes for the run for fun what's behind if i need one
[00:31:16] okay Oh, that was...
[00:31:26] I thought I was dead for sure.
[00:31:37] This is Those are the two hardest slumps in the game. I think Tony needed a hand on those. Yeah, yeah. I had my skip and that was my wall.
[00:31:39] I just couldn't handle it on my own also had to hold my hand it's important to note
[00:31:44] that the flumps have very specific ranges for activation so like when alta gets up close to one
[00:31:49] to turn it off there's a very narrow window you can actually do it in, and
[00:31:53] it's super easy to run into them or
[00:31:55] worse not activate them and kind of stop
[00:31:57] So this is
[00:31:59] all very fun
[00:32:00] The swamp at the end of this room will be an
[00:32:04] incredibly good example of that.
[00:32:06] And this is a very cool room.
[00:32:15] Yes! Beautiful. That was good, that was really good.
[00:32:19] That was like two seconds off of PB for an IL which for a Marathon is incredible
[00:32:23] And that last round for a marathon. It's incredible.
[00:32:25] And that last room is very scary to
[00:32:29] get right. So Red 3
[00:32:33] by far the hardest level in the run in my opinion it's also the longest
[00:32:41] it's long level long screens super precise lots of different cycles.
[00:32:57] Alright okay Alright, okay. Got the slow squares! I love the slow squares.
[00:33:05] You just gotta know.
[00:33:16] The tricky part about playing this casually too is there's just a lot of different things being thrown at you.
[00:33:21] So for example, dodging the birds, dodging the worms, getting to cycle with the worms and the birds that lets you survive both of them
[00:33:27] Getting through that swamp but also not being killed by a bird
[00:33:29] because you waited too long.
[00:33:33] I think the birds are actually really kind of the pacemakers
[00:33:35] here, because they move
[00:33:37] instantly so you have to build everything around them first and then
[00:33:41] you have to make space for all the skulls and tones i've upgraded by the way
[00:33:47] that room is a chance to breathe. It's one of the...
[00:33:54] it's just a jumping room, like vertical rooms are kinda good for that
[00:33:58] You still have to be very fast on inputs inputs, and the timing actually for the dashes is pretty difficult.
[00:34:01] If you go too quickly,
[00:34:03] you don't get enough height off the dash in the wall jump
[00:34:05] so there's still a rhythm to it
[00:34:07] but it's at least easy
[00:34:14] It's a very tight cycle yeah that was uh i think you did this in what three ones normally you do it like six
[00:34:18] casually and four if you're trying to go fast
[00:34:20] that was actually a very good room
[00:34:23] if i jump in with some love from your community yes we've got 25 dollars from sarah it says
[00:34:30] morning and good luck alta so happy to see mr run and jump on the sgdq stage you are doing
[00:34:36] amazing do i tomorrow thank you sarah we've also got $25 from Ozpan that says,
[00:34:45] Hello! Watching games done quick for years now together with my dog and husband
[00:34:50] we're so hyped for the Morrowind run but also I don't want Mr. Run and Jump to end!
[00:34:55] It looks so much fun and the commentary is great.
[00:34:59] Greetings from Germany.
[00:35:02] All right final level. One more void. Lots of skulls, lots of cool skull sound effects.
[00:35:11] Look at you, Morn!
[00:35:12] Yeah exactly.
[00:35:15] Also the audio design in this game is very clear on what's happening
[00:35:18] You know what's going on based off of sounds
[00:35:24] That toe jump sound effect haunts me.
[00:35:27] Yeah, everything from the level design to movement and sound design is all very intentional
[00:35:33] And that's something I absolutely adore about this game
[00:35:36] Those skulls dodging the ones
[00:35:37] he just won in the little pit,
[00:35:38] that's actually super hard too
[00:35:39] because they move at an angle
[00:35:41] and very few things like that
[00:35:43] move at an angle
[00:35:43] and they're all hard to dodge.
[00:35:48] Pretty much... It's just... I don't know. It's hard to dodge. Pretty much, it just... I don't know, it's hard to comment on the individual levels because yeah you see all the stuff things run off of him
[00:35:52] Yeah if he goes slow he dies and if he goes fast he could die too so you have to do it perfectly
[00:35:56] That's my commentary for everyone going forward
[00:36:00] yeah alta does it because he's good at the game it's pretty cool
[00:36:05] perfect yeah there is no way i think to avoid any of the red platform like that one row
[00:36:09] and platforms birds here are a little on the slow side which lets you kind of avoid
[00:36:18] this room's cool because i think this is just the way you beat the level.
[00:36:21] Like, there's a casual strat.
[00:36:23] I think this is a bit of a breather for you right?
[00:36:25] Yeah...
[00:36:27] I think it's possible to make that first cycle
[00:36:29] I haven't done it but I think it's possible to make that first cycle.
[00:36:31] I haven't done it, but...
[00:36:34] It's there.
[00:36:36] It's there taunting me.
[00:36:40] Okay. I'll take it.
[00:36:45] Hey, it worked!
[00:36:49] Early morning ultimoses
[00:36:54] and the victory lab screen all right time's coming up
[00:36:59] any time when we hit the diamond on the next screen.
[00:37:04] You can't still
[00:37:05] die on this screen, by the way.
[00:37:07] And time.
[00:37:13] Alright. What was time on that? 32-33.
[00:37:17] Wow, that's really good actually.
[00:37:21] And stumbled a little early, but the end game went very well.
[00:37:26] I was really happy with how that went.
[00:37:29] All right, thanks to you all for joining me on the couch.
[00:37:32] Thanks again, Graphite Lab lab for the support and just
[00:37:34] making an amazing game it's on sale on steam check it out
[00:37:38] um that's it for me Thank you so much, AltaBiscuit for that fantastic run and for once again making me want to learn another speed game because i don't have enough of those
[00:37:57] really fantastic really entertaining stuff we've got some more love coming in
[00:38:01] for this morrowind incentive which just passed the 80% mark.
[00:38:06] We are so close, Chat.
[00:38:08] I know we can do this.
[00:38:09] Let's keep this love coming.
[00:38:11] We've got $50 from Minnie.
[00:38:12] We need the Morrowind any percent run.
[00:38:15] Keep going, Twitch chat.
[00:38:17] We've got $5 from Kaveru Lars
[00:38:19] that says all aboard the Morrowind
[00:38:21] any% $5 train.
[00:38:23] We need more GDQ and let's get it.
[00:38:26] And a $5 anonymous donation on that train
[00:38:28] that says choo-choo!
[00:38:31] Alright, everybody.
[00:38:32] That is it for my time with you in the
[00:38:34] wee hours of this morning but don't worry
[00:38:36] I will be sitting in the crowd watching Elder Scrolls
[00:38:39] and I will leave you in some
[00:38:40] incredibly capable hands right after
[00:38:43] this upcoming break. Do not
[00:38:45] touch that dial. Get those Donos in
[00:38:47] for this bonus any% run and I will see y'all on the other side of the camera
[00:38:50] In just a minute. so so so so so so..
[00:40:04] .
[00:40:06] .
[00:40:08] .
[00:40:10] .
[00:40:12] ... so ¶¶ so so. so so. so How wild! Hello, everyone. And welcome back to SGDQ 2024 powered by Twitch live from Minneapolis, Minnesota and benefiting Doctors I'm here as your new host for the rest of this morning or whatever time zone that you are in and speaking of time zones we have donations
[00:42:34] coming in to support this morrowind any percent incentive from all over the world
[00:42:40] which is absolutely incredible we have ten dollars that came in from Razor Damiano. Hey,
[00:42:44] from California! Can we get an Elder Scrolls $5 hype train?
[00:42:49] Yeah, absolutely! Can everyone get those $5 donations in?
[00:42:52] We can get this bonus any% run met
[00:42:55] for the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind.
[00:42:57] We are just over
[00:42:58] $3,000 away to hit that
[00:43:00] $20,000 we need to see that
[00:43:02] run. You really don't want to miss it more Morrowind is always better and also
[00:43:07] Think about the amount of time it probably took you to finish for wins now divide that by
[00:43:13] Maybe a hundred maybe two hundred, and that's the any percent run so you definitely don't want to miss
[00:43:18] that it is absolutely incredible and super cool to watch! So get those donations in let's
[00:43:23] get that five dollar hype train going.
[00:43:26] You can do it, Twitch chat.
[00:43:27] I believe in you.
[00:43:32] Oh my gosh!
[00:43:33] Anonymous sends in a hundred dollars
[00:43:35] and says 20 tickets for the Morrowind
[00:43:38] train, please. Thank you so much for all
[00:43:39] 20 of those tickets. And yeah, that's
[00:43:41] a great reminder that you don't just have to send in one
[00:43:43] ticket to the hype train. You can send in as many
[00:43:45] tickets as you want. So thank you so much anonymous for
[00:43:47] that generous
[00:43:48] generous donation
[00:43:53] mikey3 also sent him 50 saying come on
[00:43:57] guys we can get the morrowind incentive done
[00:44:00] greetings from germany well thanks so much for sending that
[00:44:03] in from germany again we've got people tuning in from all over the world to
[00:44:08] support this morrowind 80% incentive.
[00:44:10] I know we can do it, keep the hype train going!
[00:44:14] Also, I do want to give a quick shout out to our live audience here because while
[00:44:18] it is small,
[00:44:19] it is mighty. Hello back couch. Y'all are crushing
[00:44:22] it this morning.
[00:44:25] Thank you so much for being here this early in the day.
[00:44:28] I also want to give a shout out to that donor from California
[00:44:30] what is it, 1 in the morning? 2 in the morning
[00:44:33] there? That's ridiculous so thank you
[00:44:35] to everyone who is staying up late
[00:44:36] waking up early to catch this run
[00:44:38] because I know we all very greatly appreciate it.
[00:44:42] It's going to be absolutely incredible.
[00:44:56] All right, and speaking of that spectacular run it is finally time I will now hand it off to musical Daredevil to show off all main quests in the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind.
[00:45:09] Welcome moons and stars to this place where destiny is made.
[00:45:13] I hope you all came prepared because you are about
[00:45:15] to see a whole lot of Morrowind in just 26 minutes!
[00:45:19] We're going to do our best to attempt
[00:45:21] to explain everything that is going on.
[00:45:23] We're not gonna get through everything, there's a lot that happens in this speedrun.
[00:45:27] Of course I'm gonna introduce my co-commentators who are going to help me
[00:45:30] explain everything that's about to happen. You wanna introduce yourselves?
[00:45:33] Uh...I'm Forrest, the founder of The Run
[00:45:37] I'm EllaK47
[00:45:39] I am a big fan of the game and of the speedrun
[00:45:41] going back over a decade
[00:45:43] so quite awhile.
[00:45:44] I'm Zbogo, I played a lot of Morrowind when I was 14 and
[00:45:47] talk really fast...and also run this category
[00:45:50] Which is both pretty necessary. Alright we're just gonna jump into
[00:45:53] the game time has not started yet.
[00:45:55] Time is going to start in a bit once I get full character
[00:45:57] control.
[00:45:58] But we just wanted to show you all G-Eub
[00:46:00] because everyone likes G-Eub.
[00:46:01] G-Eub was great.
[00:46:02] His ghost is in Skyrim.
[00:46:04] Yep.
[00:46:05] You got to meet him in the Skyrim DLC, he takes care of all the cliff racers which we might see one later on.
[00:46:16] Here comes this guard.
[00:46:17] I will give a countdown for when time starts.
[00:46:21] And you can start time in 3, 2,
[00:46:25] 1...go! Three, two, one, go.
[00:46:27] And right off the bat we have Liz probably
[00:46:29] the hardest strat in the entire run.
[00:46:30] Nailed it!
[00:46:31] Yes.
[00:46:32] And that is skipping that guard
[00:46:33] right there that saves about half a second
[00:46:34] to a second in the run.
[00:46:36] He's slow.
[00:46:37] We have another skip here to try and skip a tutorial
[00:46:39] box. I got that too! Nice!
[00:46:41] I did not get that at all in practice. Great.
[00:46:43] Now right here we have character generation.
[00:46:45] This is a strat that Forrest actually found, where you can
[00:46:47] position your mouse during the pause menu.
[00:46:48] I picked Redguard as my race because Redguards get an ability known
[00:46:51] as Adrenaline Rush, which makes you move slightly faster
[00:46:54] but will be needed for a jump coming up in a couple of minutes.
[00:46:57] In here is the rest of character generation, this is
[00:47:00] Acutious Urgala who was voiced by Wes Johnson, big shout out to Wes Johnson
[00:47:04] great guy I've met him a couple times. We are going to be creating a custom class
[00:47:08] for our character. The reason why is because we need to get
[00:47:11] to level 3 later on
[00:47:15] Gonna pick these here
[00:47:17] Yeah, and in Morrowind like
[00:47:19] any other Elder Scrolls game you level up by increasing your skills individually.
[00:47:22] So having the skills that we're going to use in the run will then let us get to Level 3 to complete a quest checkpoint.
[00:47:28] Exactly! And here we picked the birth sign of the steed because it makes us go slightly faster which is great for speedruns.
[00:47:36] Now we have a bit of an AI exploit. Off to the right side is a LimeWare platter
[00:47:40] And I'm just gonna steal that. Now stealing is wrong in Morrowind and I'm just going to steal that. Now stealing is wrong
[00:47:43] in Morrowind, but I'm just going to drop it on the ground
[00:47:44] The guard's going to tell me
[00:47:46] Wait, wrong game
[00:47:48] Whoops! Anyway
[00:47:50] I'm just going to put the platter on the ground, ground and the guard will be able to take it back from me
[00:47:53] because this is a tutorial so the game doesn't really give you any consequences for stealing or anything like that.
[00:47:58] The Mormon run is 90% glitches to get away with crimes.
[00:48:02] Exactly. Now here we're going
[00:48:04] to buy some lockpicks and
[00:48:06] scrolls of teleportation from Aril,
[00:48:08] so the platter plus a ring that I picked
[00:48:10] up...if it all looks
[00:48:12] correct.
[00:48:15] There are several different kinds of teleportation in Morrowind.
[00:48:19] There is mark and recall where you can mark a spot
[00:48:21] then recall back there later.
[00:48:23] You also have intervention where you can teleport to the nearest
[00:48:25] temple or fort, depending on which one you use.
[00:48:28] Right now I'm heading outside of town to a little bit
[00:48:29] of an Easter egg. So there is a mage named
[00:48:31] Tarheel, who I think is from North Carolina
[00:48:33] and he invites some scrolls while him jump really high and really far,
[00:48:36] but unfortunately doesn't know how to use them correctly
[00:48:38] so he is going to fall to his death.
[00:48:40] We're gonna teleport to Balmora
[00:48:42] we are going to use them correctly
[00:48:44] to jump right to the end of the game from here. far uh this is still not a glitch this
[00:48:47] is gameplay as intended that is all about to change this is what
[00:48:52] axiom verge community referred to as a yes major glitches category
[00:48:56] we're going to see the first one in this room there's a dagger
[00:49:00] that we're gonna equip and by equipping it unequipping it really fast we can cause
[00:49:04] it to permanently stack its stat buffs. Here we go!
[00:49:08] So if you look at those stats in the top left corner of the screen,
[00:49:10] we're aiming for speed. Those are out of 100
[00:49:12] We're aiming for about 2,900
[00:49:14] speed. 3,000 speed? Cool.
[00:49:16] Yep, that'll be fine So in case you haven't noticed the game doesn't know what to do with us anymore.
[00:49:22] Walls become a suggestion that we can move through by quick saving.
[00:49:26] Physics only applies when we want it to um and our footsteps come really fast
[00:49:32] this guy we're killing the lockpick deals integer underflow damage
[00:49:36] uh that only works in the 1.0 version of the game. Fortunately for us, we don't need
[00:49:41] the 1.0 version of the game
[00:49:42] for the rest of this run
[00:49:44] so we're just not going to use it.
[00:49:46] So right now I am moving
[00:49:47] the save file I just made
[00:49:48] to the Game Of the Year edition.
[00:49:51] The reason why is in addition to being a bit more stable, because they updated it,
[00:49:54] you also get a lot of quality-of-life improvements and so
[00:49:57] when in game time in particular,
[00:49:58] it's actually faster to swap versions of the game. Shout out
[00:50:01] to mid-run patching. Yes, exactly.
[00:50:04] He is also
[00:50:05] by the way so lucky
[00:50:07] in-game that basically
[00:50:09] anything he does just works any lock pick no matter how hard it is he can also
[00:50:16] barter and no matter what happens basically the vendor will accept the deal.
[00:50:24] Speaking of vendors, we are about to head to everyone's favorite merchant creeper.
[00:50:27] For we are going to be selling him some gold
[00:50:28] I'm gonna steal out of this crate here but because I'm out of bounds
[00:50:31] no one notices. The game cares whether your
[00:50:33] head is out of bounds. So you can kill
[00:50:35] people, you can steal things,
[00:50:37] you can do anything you want as long as your head
[00:50:40] is clipping outside of the terrain
[00:50:42] we are going to abuse that so much.
[00:50:44] I think we go out-of bounds like
[00:50:46] 50 times in 20 minutes in this run?
[00:50:48] Yeah, about that. Anyway, I just bought a bow
[00:50:50] and some arrows. We're going to be using those
[00:50:52] to kill people from out-of- of bounds a whole bunch during the run.
[00:50:55] And this here is the temple from Belmore we jump to the end of the game from,
[00:50:58] I'm going to be buying some spells in here that are going to help us out later.
[00:51:02] Yeah so uh...the worst part of every Elder Scrolls game is an escort quest. We can skip three of them with a pair of really cool shoes we'll talk about later.
[00:51:10] One of them is unskippable. The only way to deal with it is create a spell that will permanently enchant an NPC
[00:51:16] to make them faster. So we're making that spell now, later on
[00:51:20] we are going to hit some guy with it just to give him the zoomies so that we can get through
[00:51:24] the hardest escort sequence of the game.
[00:51:27] Queuing up some hotkeys,
[00:51:29] getting ready to party... We now have every
[00:51:31] tool we need to beat
[00:51:33] all main quests. Pretty much!
[00:51:36] So now I'm heading back to Seydanine
[00:51:38] because there's a fetch quest in an ancestral tomb
[00:51:41] just outside of Seydanine
[00:51:42] so we're just going to go to that early
[00:51:44] and grab an item from there.
[00:51:46] Yeah, the person who wants this
[00:51:48] item will tell us where it is later
[00:51:50] but we know where it is because
[00:51:52] we've played this game before
[00:51:54] so we're going to do every main
[00:51:56] quest in the game but not necessarily
[00:51:58] in the correct sequence yep this right here is kais gosades
[00:52:02] he is going to be our main quest giver for the first part of the main quest
[00:52:05] he has given us a quest to go outside of town to fetch
[00:52:08] a small puzzle box, which is right over
[00:52:09] here in Arkansag. So if you may
[00:52:11] remember Snowy Granius who played this game casually
[00:52:13] we just flew over him. Goodbye!
[00:52:15] If you don't remember Snowy Granius
[00:52:17] he's an old man with a skeleton who is like the first real gear check in the game.
[00:52:23] He's a casual nightmare and we don't even think about him.
[00:52:27] Yep absolutely. Anyway got the puzzle box,
[00:52:29] we're going to get some information from an NPC
[00:52:31] in the Fighter's Guild about The Sixth House which I'll talk about later.
[00:52:35] This game does have a plot if you can read really quickly you'll be able to follow along.
[00:52:42] Or I guess you can watch the VOD later at like 1-100 speed.
[00:52:45] This is
[00:52:46] the part we have to level up to level 3
[00:52:48] so instead of
[00:52:49] practicing or playing the game, we're just cashing out with our shirtless boss.
[00:52:55] And then we are going to take a power nap later on to level 3 all at once.
[00:52:59] Yeah, we've just set up the level-up. We also have a little bit of rave here because a whole bunch of fight-ins and fade outs that were supposed to happen but they didn't because we went fast, so it just happened now.
[00:53:07] Anyway, now we are going to head to the Mage's Guild, going to buy and sell some items with Gab already here.
[00:53:15] Buying a soul gem for later plus some scrolls
[00:53:21] where that was the best place for that to be and this npc downstairs is the one who needs the skull we got from ancestral tomb They're going to tell us about the Nerevarine Cult,
[00:53:24] I'm going to buy some levitation from this
[00:53:26] NPC as it's a bit of
[00:53:28] a safety strat.
[00:53:30] It's not quite the most optimal but
[00:53:31] it's a bit more safe.
[00:53:34] Exactly. Now I'm going to head to It's almost optimal, but it's a bit more safe. It's so worth it.
[00:53:35] Exactly.
[00:53:36] Now I'm going to head to Aldruun
[00:53:37] to set up another glitch for escort quests.
[00:53:40] See in three escort quests in the main quest
[00:53:43] there is part of the script that esc escort quest where if you manage to get
[00:53:45] to it by casting a spell twice on an NPC,
[00:53:49] you can actually insta-pass that escort quest. This is my favorite glitch in the game. We make
[00:53:53] a pair of magic shoes and if you hit someone with them twice they think
[00:53:56] you've solved their problem exactly we're going to use it pretty soon too right the
[00:54:01] first time we lose it is coming right up next quest level up buttons Right up. Next quest.
[00:54:08] Level up. Buttons!
[00:54:09] You realize this was just the start of your grand adventure?
[00:54:11] Yep.
[00:54:13] So now we have a quest to go to the city of Vivec and get yet more information. You may be sensing a bit of a trend
[00:54:18] here with Caius.
[00:54:20] So, the first one is
[00:54:21] going to be an escort quest if I can get in the
[00:54:23] door here. Doors are very much the enemy in this
[00:54:25] speedrun.
[00:54:27] Yeah, this Argonian
[00:54:28] is in a bar. He doesn't want to be in this bar
[00:54:30] but we hit him twice with the shoes and he realized that he had
[00:54:32] the power to leave the bar all along.
[00:54:35] So
[00:54:35] that was useful. We just helped him out, helped out a homie.
[00:54:40] Yep. Now this right here... the second NPC has some problem with her taxes. This is the tax man.
[00:54:45] Ru's gonna kill them and I guess those problems aren't a problem anymore?
[00:54:48] Yeah we shot him from outta yeah we shot it without a bounce
[00:54:49] which makes it not a crime? Exactly
[00:54:51] Walls are just suggestions they
[00:54:53] solid one way and
[00:54:55] we don't even care about that
[00:54:57] one way because we're so fast.
[00:55:00] This is the library here. There's an NPC in here who's going to tell us about a book. The book also
[00:55:04] happens to be in the library. I'm gonna try and get my head out of bounds. It's probably not gonna work but I'm way too fast
[00:55:08] for the guards. Anyway...
[00:55:13] You can stick your skull inside of that pillar and then they don't notice that you're a
[00:55:15] disembodied floating torso just took a library book.
[00:55:19] Alright so Caius is giving us another quest to get more information.
[00:55:21] This one is about a series of nomadic tribes called the Ashlanders.
[00:55:24] They live way out in a region called The Ashlands, of course
[00:55:27] and we are going to learn about their gift-giving customs.
[00:55:32] Morrowind has some high key Dune fanfiction going on through most of the plot,
[00:55:38] so we basically have to go meet the religious zealots who live in
[00:55:43] the distant deserts, and convince them that we are the Messiah.
[00:55:47] Yes! And that's actually what Caius told us about. Now that we've actually talked
[00:55:51] to all those folks who got the information, Kai has told
[00:55:53] us that the Emperor thinks we may be reincarnation of a war general from 1000 years ago.
[00:55:57] And if that is the case then we have an important destiny to fulfill so now we are going to
[00:56:01] head out and talk to the Ashlanders
[00:56:03] And see if they know anything about what exactly we need to do to fulfill this prophecy
[00:56:07] They're going to send us on a fetch quest
[00:56:09] To grab a bow from this ancestral tomb
[00:56:11] And so, we're just gonna go ahead and grab that right now
[00:56:13] Just kill Grandpa's
[00:56:15] ghost and take his bow? Exactly.
[00:56:18] Also, fun fact
[00:56:19] about the town he fast traveled to
[00:56:20] I just learned this year is not pronounced
[00:56:23] cool or anything like that. It whole oh i heard a voice yeah kh
[00:56:29] yeah there's the boat from there if you have any reason to go you don't anyway now we've
[00:56:34] grabbed the bow we're going to head to the Ashlander camp.
[00:56:36] First we have some nice deeds to fulfill,
[00:56:38] primarily robbing this NPC 2,000 gold
[00:56:40] so we can talk to the leader.
[00:56:42] 200 gold?
[00:56:43] Yeah, two thousand's a lot.
[00:56:47] Gotta make some donations. Yep.
[00:56:48] So here is the leader of the tribe who told him, hey guess what?
[00:56:51] We got the bull already and he said all right go talk to the wise woman.
[00:56:53] Now what the wise woman's going to tell us
[00:56:55] Is that we haven't quite fulfilled
[00:56:57] The entire prophecy yet
[00:56:58] But we do have the potential
[00:56:59] To fulfill the prophecy later
[00:57:00] Now what would happen next
[00:57:02] Is we would have a very long
[00:57:03] And very annoying fetch quest
[00:57:05] To go to a cave
[00:57:06] And that would give us Location of another cave but because we are speed
[00:57:09] runners i've done this like a thousand times i know exactly where that kid is already it is that
[00:57:14] black patch on the right side of the map there that'm heading towards. And in this cave is a statue,
[00:57:19] This statue will give us
[00:57:21] a ring but it has to be
[00:57:23] 6 AM so we gotta wait for...
[00:57:25] well
[00:57:27] In real time about an hour and 20 minutes.
[00:57:30] Something yeah.
[00:57:31] Now anyway what just happened there was we skipped a cutscene that set up the rest of
[00:57:35] The main quest. We have to have all four Ashlander tribes nameeless near verine and all three great houses name us
[00:57:41] for tutor that vampire i just killed was part of one of the neighboring quests
[00:57:44] and it's thunderstorm my goodness yeah sorry uh sorry audio The weather just happens sometimes.
[00:57:53] There is one crash that we've dodged already,
[00:57:57] but if you do the big jump during a thunderstorm,
[00:58:00] you'll jump into a cell
[00:58:01] that can't have
[00:58:02] thunderstorms
[00:58:02] and the game will just
[00:58:03] refuse to continue.
[00:58:05] Also I think it has
[00:58:06] something to do with
[00:58:06] too many rain sprites
[00:58:07] or whatever.
[00:58:08] Yeah.
[00:58:08] Anyway,
[00:58:09] that was one of
[00:58:09] the counselors
[00:58:10] of House Tovani.
[00:58:11] He was supposed to vote for me for Hortator but that takes a while so we just didn't bother and killed him instead so he doesn't count.
[00:58:16] Murder is an appropriate form of career advancement.
[00:58:18] Yep!
[00:58:19] Yeah it's actually the best way to deal with almost every single Telvanni counselor
[00:58:24] and is encouraged by the guy who was first killed.
[00:58:27] So we just do that from out of bounds because...
[00:58:31] Why not?
[00:58:34] Yeah, murder from out of bounds is apparently okay in this universe.
[00:58:36] Yep. It is part of the
[00:58:38] Tovani customs that if you beat
[00:58:39] your opponent in a duel, you are right
[00:58:41] by default.
[00:58:44] And so we have done that!
[00:58:46] Anyway, now we're going to head to Aldruin and take care of the Redoran Horde into our quest.
[00:58:49] The way this quest works
[00:58:50] is the son of one of the counselors
[00:58:52] has basically been kidnapped by the head
[00:58:55] of house right around so we are going to go rescue him and by doing that we
[00:58:58] garner favor with all of the other counselors except for one
[00:59:01] we will deal with him later so this is that one escort class i was talking about we can't skip we have
[00:59:06] now made this kid just permanently really fast and he's going to follow us at ludicrous speed
[00:59:12] um the problem is he doesn't know how to steer himself at ludicrous speed so this is actually a
[00:59:17] pretty sketchy split yep um he can get stuck on railings banisters guards light posts pretty much
[00:59:24] anything because he's running it of speed the game didn't intend him to go.
[00:59:27] It's also worth... Look at that! Isn't that wonderful?
[00:59:29] It's also worth mentioning that being in third-person mode does cap your speed,
[00:59:33] so it makes some of this more precise maneuvering
[00:59:36] much more manageable.
[00:59:38] Thank you, there we go.
[00:59:39] All right, we got it.
[00:59:41] So now that we have done that
[00:59:42] we basically just have to talk
[00:59:43] to all the other councilors of House of Redron
[00:59:45] and garner favor with them
[00:59:46] and get their votes so So this would actually be
[00:59:48] a really great time for donations, Beth, if you've got any.
[00:59:51] Oh I have so many!
[00:59:52] There is so much love coming in for this run
[00:59:54] and so much love coming in for that Any% run
[00:59:56] which we only have just over $2,000.
[00:59:59] Do you need to get...
[01:00:00] Oh, I'm sorry.
[01:00:01] As I was saying it,
[01:00:02] we now have, oh my gosh,
[01:00:04] just over $1,500 left to get that incentive.
[01:00:07] Oh, let's go!
[01:00:09] And everyone's showing so much love with
[01:00:11] that five dollar donation train. We have
[01:00:13] five dollars from Anonymous who said one
[01:00:15] ticket to the Morrowind Train please.
[01:00:17] Twenty-five dollars from Citizen Giant who said five tickets to the Morrowind train.
[01:00:20] Greetings from Japan!
[01:00:22] We also had $5 from Daniel, who said greetings from Norway.
[01:00:25] Hope we get the Morrowind any percent and good luck to all the runners.
[01:00:29] We also have some love specifically coming in for you, Musical Daredevil.
[01:00:32] We have $100 from John who says,
[01:00:34] I woke up so early to catch your run that I disturbed my cat's sleep
[01:00:38] for a change.
[01:00:39] On behalf of everyone back home, we're proud of you and
[01:00:41] we hope you're having a great time at GDQ
[01:00:43] WMGSO together
[01:00:45] strong! Thanks that's my
[01:00:47] orchestra back in DC. Anyway
[01:00:49] that actually wraps up the Red Run Hortator quest.
[01:00:51] Now we're going to head back to Balmora for a bit of a side diversion.
[01:00:55] See, Kai's and his Blades agents have found a base of the Sixth House
[01:00:58] And they want us to go take out the Head Priest.
[01:01:01] The Sixth House are
[01:01:03] the main villains of Morrowind
[01:01:05] especially if you play Vanilla. If you're speedrunning
[01:01:07] their enemies are doors or candles but
[01:01:09] they are the enemies of the vanilla game
[01:01:11] and their leader Dagoth Ur is slowly trying to take over the province of Morrowind,
[01:01:12] and eventually the entire world. So we are going to try to stop that.
[01:01:18] If you're here... That's not the bobe, but that's alright.
[01:01:22] Yeah so we're gonna shoot this guy from out of bounds again.
[01:01:26] Yep. Have to make sure I don't go inbounds or else dialogue happens...
[01:01:30] There we go!
[01:01:31] And with his dying breath he has cursed us with Corpus Disease
[01:01:34] Which is a pretty nasty disease that slowly disfigures you and eventually kills you
[01:01:38] And we now have that
[01:01:39] Does it kill you?
[01:01:40] I thought it just made you into like an immortal squid guy
[01:01:43] Who's like a brain puppet of the evil god that
[01:01:45] lives in the heart of Red Mountain.
[01:01:47] I know in some cases it kills folks, but yeah
[01:01:49] some people become an octopus
[01:01:51] so it's weird. This is a really normal fantasy RPG
[01:01:53] Yes exactly Anyway really normal fantasy RPG. Yes, exactly.
[01:01:58] Anyway, while Kai'sa and his blades agents get to work on trying to find a cure
[01:02:00] for Corpus which is supposedly incurable
[01:02:02] we're just going to take care of the error by some Nerevarine
[01:02:04] The way this quest works is there are a whole
[01:02:07] bunch of warlike people who are in charge of this tribe,
[01:02:09] and we're just going to kill all of them, and then leave someone
[01:02:10] else's head of this tribe instead who likes us more.
[01:02:13] I don't need to loot anything from you.
[01:02:15] I am looting a whole bunch of items from these folks, because
[01:02:17] once we need to talk to the person
[01:02:19] and make them head of their tribe, we need to throw a bunch
[01:02:21] of items at them and yell at them
[01:02:23] then they're gonna become the head of their tribe
[01:02:25] and then we're going to become Nerevarine. Yeah, this is the basic plot of
[01:02:28] this quest is like you murdered
[01:02:30] all my friends I guess
[01:02:32] you are the messiah please leave this town
[01:02:34] and never come back but thanks for giving me
[01:02:36] my dad's shirt. Exactly.
[01:02:39] Here is him and his dad's shirt! There it is.
[01:02:41] It looks really
[01:02:43] dripping.
[01:02:47] So now we are actually going to try and get our Corpus taken care of.
[01:02:49] Kaizen's Blades agents think they might have found a cure for Corpus,
[01:02:52] and that is here in Telphir.
[01:02:55] Yeah, Telphir is terrifying. This is the split where runs go to die.
[01:03:00] The curvier an object is, the harder it is to clip through and these mushroom houses are
[01:03:04] made out of curves. The lamps are miserable, the walls are miserable, the doors are miserable
[01:03:08] people are miserable... Everything about this split is just painful.
[01:03:11] If you've played this game
[01:03:13] it's bad even at normal speed.
[01:03:15] And there's soft locks in
[01:03:17] it, the bounding box is weird
[01:03:19] so if you fly at a bounce there
[01:03:20] You can get a black screen and have to reload a safety save
[01:03:23] Yeah, Telphir's the worst. Yep
[01:03:26] We did just talk to the last living dwarf there
[01:03:29] If any of you played this game or Skyrim, you know how big of a deal it is that we just talked to a dwarf?
[01:03:33] Yeah, a little blink and you'll
[01:03:34] miss it there. You already did miss it actually
[01:03:36] But anyway, we are going back to Telphir
[01:03:38] We take the Corpus Cure and what do you know
[01:03:40] It actually works on us the main character
[01:03:42] of all people. It actually turns out being able to be cured of corpus is part
[01:03:45] of the Nerevarine prophecy. Oh, oh big thunder storming again. Big Thunder! Yep anyway that
[01:03:51] right there is Nelof he is supposed to come back in a Skyrim DLC
[01:03:53] but he is canonically dead so sorry
[01:03:55] to all of you Dragonborn DLC fans
[01:03:57] You can't complete that now. Whoops!
[01:04:01] Anyway, in here is Gothryn. The game actually tells you
[01:04:04] that you are supposed to kill Gothryn. He's never going
[01:04:06] to vote for a speedgame named Nerevarine.
[01:04:08] And right here is the trolliest door in the entire
[01:04:10] game and I got that extremely quickly. Nice!
[01:04:14] Hate that door.
[01:04:15] Same.
[01:04:15] Last instance of the shoes,
[01:04:17] we're going to get this lady married
[01:04:18] by hitting her with the shoes.
[01:04:20] Yep, she is now
[01:04:20] the bride of the head
[01:04:21] of the Zynapt tribe.
[01:04:22] Congratulations.
[01:04:23] Daredevil's way nicer than than i am i leave her cage locked
[01:04:26] um so she's married and trapped in a cage in someone else's wizard tower for eternity but
[01:04:31] you know it is a little less consistent on these occasions.
[01:04:37] Okay, here is Inapptrag. I've been here before.
[01:04:41] So now that we have done this before,
[01:04:42] We are going to go back to Caius for one final quest.
[01:04:45] You may remember a while back when we
[01:04:47] stole that book from the library and it was a whole thing with the guards
[01:04:49] um, when we talked to Mira Milo well Mira Milo is now in jail and we're going
[01:04:53] to break her out of jail. See Mira Milo is part of a faction known as the Distant Priest so I'm going to talk about that later but first we are going to kill the head of the third of
[01:05:01] the Great Houses, House Lalu. See, the head of House Lalu's actually allied with Dagothaer and
[01:05:05] so he's never going to vote for Esminia Nervarine.
[01:05:08] So there he goes. And he's also intimidating two of the other councillors into not
[01:05:12] supporting you. Yeah, and now we get to intimidate the councillors by showing them his severed
[01:05:16] head. Exactly. This is like good, normal
[01:05:19] healthy elf politics.
[01:05:21] Just how things go here in Bardenfell I guess.
[01:05:25] Now you may remember when
[01:05:27] we did House Redoran the head of House Redoran actually challenged us to a duel to the death.
[01:05:30] Well I'm just going to balk him on the head here and now he's dead.
[01:05:32] That was the hardest fight in the game.
[01:05:34] Yep. Not even joking.
[01:05:37] In here is another counselor of House Hlaalu, Yingling Half-Troll.
[01:05:40] He makes us pay him 1000 gold which is a lot of dialogue so it's way faster to kill him
[01:05:43] So I'm just gonna do that... There he goes!
[01:05:46] In here is another counselor all you have to do is find him
[01:05:49] This is really funny right over here they
[01:05:51] actually put two different cells in that one cell so you go through the wrong door and then fly out
[01:05:55] of bounds in his house into the next doorhouse and that's where he's actually at yep
[01:05:59] this counselor is really really easy to forget because they are kind of located out of the way of Vivec
[01:06:04] Yeah, they just want to farm mushrooms and be left in peace. Exactly
[01:06:08] And now we have done it with House Lalu, we are going to go break Veramala of Jail.
[01:06:12] Which is actually just a giant floating meteor.
[01:06:14] Now the dissident priests have an alternate account
[01:06:16] Of this war general that we are the reincarnation
[01:06:18] Of but the temple doesn't really like
[01:06:20] This account because it kind of goes against all of their preachings.
[01:06:23] And so they are jailing all the distant priests, but we have just broken Miramala out of jail
[01:06:27] and we're actually going to go meet the distant priest at their secret base.
[01:06:31] And to do that we are going to use the passphrase which is going fishing
[01:06:34] hey can I hop in for a second and just you know that we are under $1,000 away
[01:06:39] from getting the any% run let's keep those trains going. Let's go! Keep those trains going.
[01:06:44] This is...
[01:06:44] We do not have a lot of time left.
[01:06:47] This run is going well and just is fast.
[01:06:51] Anyway, we've just got that alternate account
[01:06:53] with the War General.
[01:06:54] Now, we have a couple quests that we can do in kind-of any order.
[01:06:56] The first one I'm going to do is talking to
[01:06:58] the last living counselor of House Sovani
[01:07:00] if I did everything correctly, that is.
[01:07:02] Now she's a bit hard of hearing
[01:07:04] and so she's going to rant about spiders and eggs and other things
[01:07:07] but um i guess it counts
[01:07:11] good job concealing little kandall nud on the map. Okay, we're good. Concealed by
[01:07:16] the map. Anyway, now we are going to
[01:07:18] turn in House Redoran and it turns out that
[01:07:20] new leader of House Redoran since we killed their leader
[01:07:22] by mocking them on the head is actually
[01:07:24] the councillor whose son we've saved! They're gonna name us Hortator no problem.
[01:07:28] So these are the final checkpoints before
[01:07:30] we are allowed to go and not actually kill
[01:07:34] the final boss of the game, but break his robot?
[01:07:36] Kind of. Yeah, we game, but break his robot.
[01:07:36] Kind of.
[01:07:37] Yeah we're gonna break his robot.
[01:07:38] Yep this is actually a mech game in case you didn't know.
[01:07:42] Anyway now we have the new leader of House Lalu
[01:07:44] now they killed their old leader
[01:07:45] that is Crassius Curio, who's a rather
[01:07:48] interesting character.
[01:07:50] And author? Yes, and
[01:07:52] author and playwright. You might have read
[01:07:54] his play if you've played Skyrim or this game.
[01:07:57] Yeah, all he wants is a kiss kiss he doesn't care who you are
[01:07:59] he's like really just a pansexual icon yep shout out to crash his carryout and now that we have
[01:08:04] done that i have gotten yeah pause for applause there.
[01:08:08] Anyway we have been named Nerevarin of all four Ashlander tribes and Hortator
[01:08:12] of all three great houses so now we can talk to the false god Vivec
[01:08:15] who is going to give us the final quest
[01:08:17] and that is take out the leader of the sixth house, Dagoth Ur.
[01:08:20] And now that we have done that, we have fulfilled
[01:08:22] all of the requirements of all main
[01:08:24] quests, and so we can just go back to the
[01:08:26] center of the map, Red Mountain, and
[01:08:28] defeat Dagoth Ur.
[01:08:30] Alright, we are
[01:08:31] very close to time here
[01:08:33] so if you are still on the
[01:08:35] fence about that any percent donation
[01:08:37] get that in now!
[01:08:39] Less than $200 to go! Less than $200 to go.
[01:08:40] All right, oh...
[01:08:41] Less than $100 to go.
[01:08:42] Oh let's go.
[01:08:43] Oh it's a race, let's go.
[01:08:44] Let's go!
[01:08:45] Time is coming up in like 30 seconds.
[01:08:47] Yes.
[01:08:48] All right this is the final boss here.
[01:08:50] Time will be as soon as I lose character control
[01:08:53] Use it slowly, come on
[01:08:56] Yeah like mess up a little bit
[01:08:59] Yeah get stuck on that rock
[01:09:02] And... time Yeah, get stuck on that rock. And time.
[01:09:08] Come on, four bucks?
[01:09:10] Three dollars.
[01:09:12] Three dollars? Let's go. You're at 99% of the way there to any
[01:09:24] turns out we still do bear in that bonus 80% run. Thank you so much everybody who donated to that incentive.
[01:09:26] Turns out we still do bear the burden of prophecy and we are not yet free because
[01:09:28] you were about to see
[01:09:29] that whole thing done in
[01:09:31] less time than it would take the Halo 3 crew to beat
[01:09:35] the four of us in a nostalgia death
[01:09:37] match, it would not take long.
[01:09:39] I am not very good at Halo.
[01:09:41] Halo was not my FPS of choice.
[01:09:42] We all spent our Xbox years playing Morrowind. Yup
[01:09:45] exactly. I was a vehicle specialist
[01:09:47] Ooh nice! I would go down quickly
[01:09:49] I used to drive the Scorpion up the back
[01:09:51] of Blood Gulch and then pretend that it wasn't
[01:09:53] my fault, my friends got mad at me.
[01:09:56] But anyway thank you all so much for
[01:09:58] donating towards that incentive
[01:10:00] especially getting right towards the end there
[01:10:02] what a finish to that run
[01:10:04] Now we just finished Morrowind in 26 minutes where we did all of the main quests.
[01:10:09] But you don't have to do all the main quests!
[01:10:13] We jumped to the end of the game and got the two items that we needed to beat the game
[01:10:16] then veered off
[01:10:17] and did all the main quests because that's the requirements
[01:10:19] for the route. Then we came back to Red Mountain
[01:10:21] as you may remember and defeated the final boss
[01:10:23] but you don't have to veer off from the ending
[01:10:25] no! You can just go straight to the final boss after you get those
[01:10:28] two items and that is exactly what all of you have donated for we also don't have to patch
[01:10:34] nope this is not one point out yeah and you will once again get to hear, over applause, the three different dialogue playing at the same time because there there's, I believe, two
[01:10:49] from Dagoth Ur and then one from Azura
[01:10:51] all playing at the same time.
[01:10:53] Yep, it's great. Yeah, 2001 Bethesda
[01:10:56] didn't have a huge budget for voice acting
[01:10:57] so they made sure that you couldn't skip any of the lines
[01:11:01] so you just get to hear them all layer it's it's really wonderful
[01:11:07] if i split quickly right Thank you to the chat.
[01:11:11] It's gonna mess up your menuing a little bit.
[01:11:13] Yup.
[01:11:14] It is going to mess me up which is...
[01:11:15] I thought about making that incentive but decided not to for that reason.
[01:11:21] Alright. reason. Alright,
[01:11:22] gonna give another countdown for the timer.
[01:11:26] You can start
[01:11:27] the timer in 3,
[01:11:28] 2, 1,
[01:11:30] let's go!
[01:11:32] We have another guard skip here. Twice in a row!
[01:11:34] Two for two baby!
[01:11:39] Another hatch skip.
[01:11:43] Alright. Another hatch skip. Alright, yeah we are back in character creation. One thing
[01:11:47] we did not mention in character creation the first time around is the other thing that determines how fast
[01:11:51] you go is how long your legs are
[01:11:53] This game syncs up movement speed to the walk cycle
[01:11:56] So sorry Short Kings
[01:11:57] You are officially suboptimal
[01:11:59] We have some history around that too, right?
[01:12:03] You had a run where you were...
[01:12:04] Yeah I did Argonian for one of the DDQ runs
[01:12:07] and it was really slow because they're walked like
[01:12:09] those jankies when you're in third person
[01:12:12] you just go way slower than I'm used to.
[01:12:15] It looks really funny in the escort quest that we skipped when you have the Argonian going really fast.
[01:12:20] Also, um...the one thing that we haven't mentioned about speed is that it's faster to go at diagonal like it is in a lot of games from this era and older.
[01:12:31] That's just, you know, going into directions at once and they didn't normalize things
[01:12:36] Yes, so you move it the square root of 2 times your normal movements. Yep
[01:12:40] Yeah, that's fun
[01:12:43] You weren't expecting to trigonometry and yourind run, but you donated so you got it.
[01:12:51] I'm only a little bit sorry.
[01:12:54] Anyway one thing that was a bit different in there is we didn't have to make a custom class because
[01:12:58] We don't need to be level 3 for the 80% run. So I just picked a pre-made one in there
[01:13:02] So this guy we mentioned, Tarheel, his name is Tar Heel, he's not the only
[01:13:08] UNC Duke
[01:13:10] rivalry Easter egg in this game. Morrowind
[01:13:12] is full of references to late
[01:13:14] 90s and early 2000s college basketball
[01:13:16] for some unguessable reason my favorite there's a sword named elton
[01:13:22] brand and when you equip it the game pops up a window that tells uh you to go to hell carolina
[01:13:31] um but here he is there he goes
[01:13:40] and we're off yep here we go again quick mid-air donation
[01:13:47] i sincerely apologize i was not ready for the mid-air donation it was quick well shout out to Woolboy.
[01:13:51] Ash said hi! He's donated $20 and says welcome Moon and Star
[01:13:54] to this place where PBs are made.
[01:13:56] Good luck musical daredevil so excited for your run.
[01:14:04] It's almost over so thanks for the good luck. We're doing the thing again where we undercut a dagger to go really fast?
[01:14:07] The nice thing is that I don't actually have to worry as much about what number
[01:14:10] I get, too.
[01:14:11] In all main quests if you get above 3000 it starts to get a bit unstable and collision gets weird
[01:14:16] but because this run is so short I don't really have to care about that as much
[01:14:19] So 3300's totally fine here.
[01:14:21] Just don't hit like 5,000.
[01:14:22] The wheels fall off more than they already have.
[01:14:26] He's been lockpicked.
[01:14:28] Yep.
[01:14:28] Grab that.
[01:14:29] We're going to head back to Alderaan kind of like before.
[01:14:32] And then we're just gonna head straight back to Aldruin, kind of like before. And then we're just gonna head
[01:14:33] straight back to Red Mountain.
[01:14:36] Oh!
[01:14:38] That's fun.
[01:14:39] Yeah, was that the disease?
[01:14:41] That's what happens if you get hit while you're in midair sometimes it
[01:14:44] just causes that blood spider it's a well-known bug nice i don't do anything yeah so yeah i remember
[01:14:51] that happening a good few times now time is going to be slightly longer
[01:14:55] because I don't have Mark and Rico like
[01:14:56] I had before, but I will do the queue.
[01:14:58] Slightly is very relative term in
[01:15:00] speedrunning by the way, so still
[01:15:02] almost there and time
[01:15:11] and now we're actually afraid Yep.
[01:15:18] So y'all probably couldn't hear it because, you know,
[01:15:20] you were plotting cause it was call time but there are basically
[01:15:23] three different lines of dialogue all playing at the same
[01:15:25] time there.
[01:15:26] Two lines from Dagoth Eir, one from his first phase,
[01:15:28] one from a second and a line from Azura.
[01:15:30] It's great! It's wonderful.
[01:15:32] Anyway that's Morrowind.
[01:15:35] Thank you all very much.
[01:15:36] Thank you very much to the GDQ games committee for bringing this game back after its last appearance at HDQ 19 when Forrest ran it.
[01:15:43] A couple of shoutouts, thank you very much to Of of course, Forrest for routing this and creating the All-Mane Quest route.
[01:15:49] Thank you to Volvulus, the current world record holder,
[01:15:52] who has actually mentored me quite a bit in being able to get fast on this run
[01:15:56] and show you everything I showed you today.
[01:15:58] Also, a big shout-out to Kronos who is basically in charge of our Discord
[01:16:02] and a lot of parts of the Greater Elder Scrolls community.
[01:16:05] Kronos ran Halo 3 last night in an extremely hype run and will be up once again for Baldur's Gate 3 today, tomorrow?
[01:16:13] Tomorrow.
[01:16:14] Tomorrow exactly.
[01:16:15] Is it tomorrow yet?
[01:16:18] Tomorrow when...yeah. Exactly. Tomorrow wind. I can't train yet.
[01:16:20] Exactly.
[01:16:22] Anything the three of you want to say?
[01:16:24] Not really,
[01:16:26] Morrowind is a great game
[01:16:28] if you wanna play it casually, OpenMW
[01:16:31] is a really good way to play it casually.
[01:16:32] It's also in the Humble Bundle right now?
[01:16:34] You can grab it with that, with the
[01:16:36] GDQ Humble Bundle. I would like
[01:16:39] just give a quick appreciation To everyone who rolled out
[01:16:41] At stupid o'clock in the morning
[01:16:43] To come watch us play this game
[01:16:45] Thanks Back Couch
[01:16:47] Thanks 104 for being my family
[01:16:50] Away from home
[01:16:51] Y'all the best for being my family away from home.
[01:16:52] Y'all the best.
[01:16:54] And Forrest,
[01:16:56] you have a run coming up later today.
[01:16:58] Yes, I'll be racing Yellow Taxi Go's room at like 4pm.
[01:17:01] Yep, so definitely check that out and i will also be over there
[01:17:04] at the hosting desk where spef currently is early saturday morning so definitely
[01:17:08] check those runs out as well but i think that's going to do it for us and get hyped for our next run thank you all so much
[01:17:30] thank you so much again, Musical Daredevil for both of those absolutely incredible runs of Morrowind. I wanted to let you all know about a new incentive we now have open and once once again, huge shout out to everyone who came
[01:17:35] out and donated for that bonus Any%
[01:17:37] run. Thank you so much! All of
[01:17:39] those donations go towards an incredible cause
[01:17:41] Doctors Without Borders
[01:17:43] thank you so much for helping us raise $20,000
[01:17:45] for that incentive all directly to Doctors Without Borders.
[01:17:49] Thank you so much again. So let's talk about that new incentive.
[01:17:52] We have a desert festival race open
[01:17:54] for Stardew Valley if we can get fifteen thousand dollars by the
[01:17:58] stardew valley run we will see some of the newest content added in stardew valley and race through
[01:18:04] the desert festival after their run.
[01:18:06] So, get your donations in if you would like to see that.
[01:18:09] I'd also love to call out a bid war we currently have opening for
[01:18:12] a run coming up after our next run so
[01:18:14] Next up we've got Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones with Mistani.
[01:18:16] But after that Limey's going to be showing off Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2.
[01:18:20] Now, we have a really cool big war going on for this because
[01:18:23] the character choice is all up to you.
[01:18:25] I need you to remember that this
[01:18:27] is a fighting game, so the
[01:18:29] character choice basically
[01:18:30] determines the run.
[01:18:31] Every single one of these
[01:18:32] characters plays completely
[01:18:33] differently and you get
[01:18:35] donate and choose what
[01:18:36] you want to see Limey play.
[01:18:39] Right now, Garfield
[01:18:40] is in the lead at $232
[01:18:42] but very close behind
[01:18:44] is Danny Phantom
[01:18:45] at 174.50
[01:18:47] and in third place right now The Angry Beavers at $174.50 and in third place right now the Angry Beavers
[01:18:50] at a hundred twenty dollars oh I never thought i'd get to say all of those
[01:18:54] characters on stream live so if you want to see your favorite
[01:18:57] Nickelodeon character played during the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 run,
[01:19:01] get those donations in and let us know who you want to see star in that run.
[01:19:17] I also wanna shout out all of the love that we've gotten from everyone for this past Morrowind run, especially for musical Daredevil.
[01:19:24] Double Evil sent in $50 and said best of luck to musical daredevil who did a stellar job hosting during my AGDQ run back in January
[01:19:28] That interview from earlier this week with the symphonic orchestras was so cool
[01:19:32] MD, in case you're reading or hearing this message. know that you are awesome. Hope the game doesn't crash even though let's be real as a fellow Morrowind enjoyer I'm kind of expecting at least one or two.
[01:19:39] Thank you so much for that generous donation.
[01:19:43] Nemo2324 also sent in $25 saying,
[01:19:45] staying up late to see this amazing
[01:19:47] Morrowind run because who needs
[01:19:49] to be awake at work anyway?
[01:19:51] Fully agree. Wishing you the best of luck musical daredevil
[01:19:53] I'm cheering you on with the rest of your speed friends on the forums
[01:19:59] James Swan also sent in a hundred dollars to Doctors Without Borders saying greetings from the back couch during my part to get the bonus any% run into
[01:20:08] the marathon. Let's go Twitch chat, we can do this. Well thank you again Twitch chat because we did do it and we did get that 90%
[01:20:15] run. Thank you so much again.
[01:20:24] Dark Painted Ruse sent in $25 and said, so hyped to see you getting a run it instead of just hearing you host go MD. Go and go MV did that one was so fast and so incredible to watch.
[01:20:37] I also want to highlight that during that run we did pass $980,000 total raised during the marathon.
[01:20:44] Thank you again so much to everybody who's donated
[01:20:46] so far this week all right thank you so much everyone again for being here with us
[01:20:55] this morning or whatever time zone you're in we are
[01:20:58] going to take a quick break so stretch grab some water we will see you after the break so so so so so. so so. so. ¶¶ so so so so so so Hello everyone, welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024, benefiting Doctors Without Borders.
[01:24:29] Thank you so much again to everyone who
[01:24:31] donated during that last run and throughout the
[01:24:33] entire marathon this week
[01:24:35] we've been having a great time on site
[01:24:37] in Minneapolis, Minnesota showing
[01:24:39] off all these incredible speed runs for you and raising money for an
[01:24:43] incredible cause.
[01:24:48] Up next we have Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones where Hastati will be showing off the Ephraim route.
[01:24:53] But in the meantime, we still have so much love coming in and so many donations coming in from that Morrowind run
[01:24:59] And I would love to let you know about some of those.
[01:25:03] Anonymous sent in $10 and said,
[01:25:05] for my late big sister,
[01:25:07] always remember playing the Elder Scrolls with you.
[01:25:10] Thank you so much for that donation, Anonymous.
[01:25:19] Cassie Schell also sent in $25 saying the world has never needed MSF more In memory of the doctors who have given their lives for the good of those in need.
[01:25:24] Thank you again, congratulations Cassie Jo.
[01:25:28] Alright
[01:25:30] and we have $10 from KittyInAHoodie
[01:25:32] who said I had to wake up early, but it's worth
[01:25:35] it for one of my favorite games of all time. Sacred Stones
[01:25:39] Go Nostani! And that is a great segue into the fact
[01:25:43] we are ready with this fire emblem.
[01:25:44] The sacred stones run, so I will now hand this over to
[01:25:47] Nostani to show off the Ephraim route. Take it away.
[01:25:58] All right. What is up, everyone? Welcome back as they mentioned we are running Fire Emblem the
[01:26:03] Sacred Stone specifically eFrame running the E-Frame route. This game was actually showed on GDQ
[01:26:08] about six years ago but that showed the Erica Route so I'm
[01:26:11] very happy to show the other side of this game six years
[01:26:15] later. Joining me on the couch, I have
[01:26:17] the lovely Pleasantly Twisted if you want to introduce yourself.
[01:26:20] Hi everybody! I'm Pleasantly Twisted or as many might know me
[01:26:23] as PT. I am once again on the
[01:26:26] couch here to clown around and provide some useful commentary
[01:26:30] but i am mostly here to just kind of hang out with astani and see what this run is all about
[01:26:34] especially so that i've just learned how to pronounce it as of 20 seconds ago.
[01:26:38] Just 20 seconds
[01:26:39] ago, so...
[01:26:40] And neither of us are going to hit our mics anymore
[01:26:43] because I accidentally smacked the crap out
[01:26:45] of it, but... Oh, did I just?
[01:26:47] So this is actually the second game
[01:26:49] releasing to the Western market. This is actually
[01:26:51] the eighth Fire Emblem in total though
[01:26:53] and this is the third on the GBA franchise
[01:26:55] and with that being said let's just go ahead
[01:26:57] and hop into the run. Time's going to start on file select so can we get a countdown?
[01:27:02] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! Go.
[01:27:13] Alright, so this is Fire Emblem
[01:27:15] If you don't know Fire Emblem it's a tactical role playing game
[01:27:17] The TLDR is that I do a turn
[01:27:19] and then they do a turn and then we just go back and forth. It's really
[01:27:21] simple gameplay
[01:27:23] but what happens at the very beginning of the game
[01:27:25] is that we are aligned with the nation
[01:27:27] of Vrenus, we're controlling Princess
[01:27:29] Erika and her retainer seth
[01:27:32] and basically the nation of grado has invaded us
[01:27:36] who we were friends with for so long and then they were like actually
[01:27:40] we ain't friends anymore. We running it down.
[01:27:42] And so now we, instead of running it down
[01:27:44] we're running it away to Freelia because
[01:27:47] we don't want to die.
[01:27:49] Smile. So we're running away and then
[01:27:50] we're also going to loop back down because our brothers
[01:27:53] are in enemy territory. Whatever. If you've all seen any other
[01:27:57] Fire Emblem games, you know that there's a lot of this thing called RNG in Fire Emblem
[01:28:01] games, and I'm very proud to tell you we got none of that here. Everything
[01:28:07] you're about to see is predetermined, and uh... You know that saying? Uh... You know,
[01:28:11] We've never seen that before. We have seen it before,
[01:28:14] we've seen everything before and we're going to keep seeing it
[01:28:17] And this is the primary method of what we are going
[01:28:20] do is all that little weird circle around thing
[01:28:23] I just did was me redrawing the cursor.
[01:28:25] And essentially what happens is whenever you
[01:28:27] redraw the cursor in this game,
[01:28:29] you burn a set of random numbers.
[01:28:31] So,
[01:28:32] whenever you load into the game for the first time
[01:28:33] and you create a new file,
[01:28:34] you get like, let's just say four
[01:28:37] random numbers. If you manipulate these four random numbers in a specific way every single
[01:28:42] time on repeat will get the same outcome every single time. And that is exactly what we're doing.
[01:28:50] And so this has a lot of implications because there's many things that these numbers can
[01:28:55] influence and by many things I mean basically everything
[01:28:58] you could think of. Most notable ones is hitting, if you hit or not,
[01:29:03] if you crit or not, things of that nature. And so, I do want to bring out
[01:29:08] or bring up rather
[01:29:10] the routing aspect of the game
[01:29:12] because let's be for real
[01:29:14] I didn't route this
[01:29:16] I'm dumb as bricks I ain't doing any of this,
[01:29:18] I ain't smart enough to do this
[01:29:19] I'll be so real
[01:29:21] So I am definitely standing on the shoulders
[01:29:24] from very many smart Fire Emblem runners
[01:29:26] such as Kirby Masta
[01:29:28] and the other Fire Emblem runners such as Kirby Master and the other Fire Emblem crew.
[01:29:29] But, so what they did when they were running this game is that you know
[01:29:33] we can manipulate crits let's be very clear we can do that I can crit
[01:29:37] every single enemy if i wanted to. Now probably not me because
[01:29:40] I couldn't figure out what cursor
[01:29:42] redraw to do but you know, I could
[01:29:44] But your gonna notice a lot of times
[01:29:46] we actually don't because at the end
[01:29:48] of day this is still a speedrun.
[01:29:49] So a lot of times we're just going to hit them twice
[01:29:53] because that's faster than doing
[01:29:55] the whole and redrawing it like a billion
[01:29:58] times right?
[01:29:59] Because at the other day, we're still about speed and not about swag
[01:30:02] unfortunately. I hate to say it but this is Seth right here on the screen middle guy
[01:30:09] he's going to be our primary ball handler. Basically Fire Emblem likes
[01:30:12] to give you a pre-promoted unit at the beginning of runs. These units
[01:30:16] normally fall off later on in the game, however Seth is a little different
[01:30:20] because A it's Seth and if you know anything about Seth he's a ridiculous unit in this game.
[01:30:29] But also we can manipulate level ups so we can get certain levels and certain abilities that will basically make us stronger.
[01:30:38] But, we'll talk about this in a second because right now
[01:30:41] We are going to flash the screen. Don't worry about that.
[01:30:44] And then
[01:30:45] we're gonna go to the shop because we just got
[01:30:48] some money and we're gonna spend all of it.
[01:30:50] Not all of it but like most of it.
[01:30:52] And we're gonna buy these things called javelins. Essentially in this game, you have melee range and
[01:30:58] you have range-range as they say. Basically the whole goal is to minimize player turns as much as possible,
[01:31:05] which means that we want to be able to counter attack enemies
[01:31:08] that can attack us from a two ranger way.
[01:31:10] So like Nimi has a bow she just attacked that wall there
[01:31:13] from light years away.
[01:31:16] By light years I'd literally been two spaces away.
[01:31:20] But javelins allow us to attack enemies from melee range and range
[01:31:24] And the only caveat with these javelins is that
[01:31:28] they are pretty weak weapons
[01:31:30] and they're also inaccurate.
[01:31:32] But again,
[01:31:33] it doesn't matter that they're inaccurate,
[01:31:34] we're never going to miss ever.
[01:31:38] But... that they're inaccurate, we're never going to miss. Ever. But
[01:31:38] another thing is that since they are
[01:31:41] weak, we will be
[01:31:43] swapping... We won't be
[01:31:45] killing everything with Javelin, just like most things. Like 90% of things.
[01:31:52] So since we have a moment I wanted to ask a couple questions so for those who don't know
[01:31:56] I actually never played fire
[01:31:58] emblem proper but i have played valkyria chronicles
[01:32:00] i have played final fantasy tactics i have played many
[01:32:03] of the tactical style rpgs and there's a few things that i wanted to ask nastani
[01:32:07] about what we have going on on the screen so first of all
[01:32:09] i've seen you get an xp every single time is that on an individual basis or like a team
[01:32:14] basis because i know you have your op character who's like carrying real hard
[01:32:17] it is individual so uh so only Seth is getting the
[01:32:20] experience, so none of our other units are basically going to be getting any experience
[01:32:24] ever and so... which is fine because we're
[01:32:28] basically just gonna run it down with Seth.
[01:32:30] Which is why I said that he's our primary ball handler and um...
[01:32:33] And I wanted to go back to what I said before where we can manipulate level ups
[01:32:36] So in this game there are 8 stats but we do not care about 8 stats
[01:32:39] We care about 3 stats and those care about three stats. And those stats are
[01:32:41] Strength, Skill and Speed
[01:32:43] Strength obviously you need to be able
[01:32:45] To hit people and do damage
[01:32:47] To kill them
[01:32:49] Basically the order of importance is speed is actually one of the least important just because Seth is already such a fast unit that we don't really have to put that many points into speed.
[01:32:59] So, we're really prioritizing strength so that we can hit people and then skill.
[01:33:03] And basically what skill is,
[01:33:05] for every two points of skill
[01:33:07] you have, you get one point
[01:33:09] of crit. That's just the super TLDR
[01:33:12] and basically it's really important because we need to be able
[01:33:14] to crit certain enemies and if you have a 0% chance of crit,
[01:33:17] you multiply that by anything it's zero.
[01:33:20] Yes!
[01:33:21] That's the only math I I can do, but this
[01:33:24] is Vanessa and if you notice
[01:33:26] she just flew over water
[01:33:28] which Seth cannot do.
[01:33:30] Seth cannot swim.
[01:33:32] Bro will drown live on camera.
[01:33:34] And by that, he just can't traverse it at all.
[01:33:39] So Vanessa's really important because she's a flying unit
[01:33:42] and so that's why I said that Seth is our primary ball handler for now, because there are a bunch of things you see on your screen.
[01:33:47] On the far left side you can see these things called mountains.
[01:33:49] Seth can't even move over those and then there's force and basically force inhibits Seth's movement. So like if he moves over
[01:33:56] force, you will lose a point of
[01:33:58] movement. So instead of moving 8 spaces, he'll move
[01:34:00] 7 or 6. Blah blah blah.
[01:34:03] Who cares? This is
[01:34:04] a kill all map. There are monsters on the map, just don't worry about
[01:34:07] the monster aspect of this but basically what we're doing on this map is that
[01:34:12] we were splitting up all our units and we are basically sending Seth into the main juncture.
[01:34:18] And you're going to see this a lot on Kill All maps,
[01:34:20] where we spread out our units pretty thin so that
[01:34:22] we can kill everyone in the four corners rather than
[01:34:24] have Seth go all the way to the left
[01:34:26] or all the way to right left and all the way to right
[01:34:28] right we just dumb it down keep it simple and then speaking of keeping it simple let's
[01:34:33] keep it simple with some uh donations uh here throughout uh the rest of this level this would
[01:34:36] be a good time because i'm literally just holding down the A button waiting for these guys to die.
[01:34:40] Alright, well while you were holding down that A button we have a lot of love already coming in
[01:34:44] for this run. We've $25 that came in from Jacksler who says
[01:34:48] despite 9 of my ten alarms not waking me
[01:34:50] i'm glad to make it for the back couch for one of my best friends proud of you unleash the weapon Elliot! Thank you so much, Jaxler.
[01:35:02] Salquaza also sent in $25 to Doctors
[01:35:04] Without Borders saying,
[01:35:06] Sacred Stones was the first Fire Emblem game I ever played
[01:35:08] and it made me fall in love with the franchise so incredible to see
[01:35:11] it being beat in a fraction of the time i've invested in it love you kawasa
[01:35:16] and we also have ten dollars that came in from this thani's sister who says,
[01:35:21] look up at 6am to catch you live dude.
[01:35:24] Can't wait to see how you speed on a
[01:35:25] Fire Emblem game. Love you.
[01:35:28] Crush it. Thank you so much for that donation.
[01:35:30] Love you too!
[01:35:32] And I guess we'll take it over from here because
[01:35:34] we're basically at the end
[01:35:36] If you ever notice me looking down
[01:35:38] It's because I have 8 pages of notes in front of me
[01:35:40] Just don't worry about it.
[01:35:45] So, in this next chapter we are going to be introducing to basically another new mechanic and we're gonna use a decent decent amount. Well, it's not...
[01:35:53] well I guess technically it is a mechanic. Anyway, who cares?
[01:35:57] New thing that we are going to be doing... wow! We haven't done it yet. Well actually we did do it.
[01:36:01] I just lied to you. Anyway, who cares? Whatever.
[01:36:04] We're about to rescue people.
[01:36:06] We're going to rescue chain people.
[01:36:10] I'm going to keep yapping and just completely confuse PT as much as possible.
[01:36:11] It's really necessary.
[01:36:19] So what we're going to do here is that I'm going to unequip Seth from everything because I do not want him to hit anything. And then I'm gonna pick up Vanessa, but the thing is that Seth cannot pick up and put down Vanessa in the same motion. So I have to take Vanessa from Seth,
[01:36:26] and put her down. The reason that we're doing this is... This is called Rescue Chaining
[01:36:31] which basically means instead of like doing this map in four turns, I do it
[01:36:36] in three. That's all you really need to know. You can't pick up and put down the same person on the same turn.
[01:36:40] You have to use two other units to pick up and put down
[01:36:44] the same unit. Nostani?
[01:36:46] Yeah?
[01:36:47] Do you know my real name?
[01:36:49] Uh, no.
[01:36:50] My real name is Vanessa.
[01:36:51] Ooh!
[01:36:54] You have been absolutely terrifying me every time you mention this character's name.
[01:36:56] It's like, so Vanessa can fly?
[01:36:57] And I was like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[01:36:58] So Vanessa could fly both in game and in real life.
[01:37:01] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, chill, chill,
[01:37:03] chill, chill.
[01:37:04] But also I was going to make a comment about Seth
[01:37:05] because imagine being the main carry of this and not
[01:37:08] being able to go over mountains or water. It couldn't be me.
[01:37:10] People have been saying this.
[01:37:12] It couldn't be me. Imagine being the main carrier just like what's a mountain? No,
[01:37:15] I can't go. Okay cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.
[01:37:20] Well, if you notice
[01:37:21] that last battle
[01:37:22] that was a kill the boss chapter which is why
[01:37:24] unequips us because for kill
[01:37:26] the boss chapters we don't need to kill anything else besides the boss.
[01:37:29] So why kill anything if you don't need to?
[01:37:32] And so that's what we did.
[01:37:33] We can basically trade between enemies or not enemies.
[01:37:37] We can trade between allies and we can basically unequip ourselves whenever
[01:37:41] we want. But this is chapter 5x, say hello to Ephraim. Hello! I'm looking at you guys.
[01:37:48] Hi! And he is...this I'm looking at you guys.
[01:37:53] And he is, this is the route we're gonna take the chapter 9 split
[01:37:55] but for now, this is
[01:37:57] Chapter 5X. X chapters in Fire Emblem
[01:37:59] are known as Gaiden Chapters,
[01:38:01] which Gaiden Chapters literally just translates
[01:38:03] to side story in English.
[01:38:05] So these are side chapters.
[01:38:06] These are normally optional in Fire Emblem games
[01:38:07] but this one it's not optional
[01:38:08] because you have to be introduced to Ephraim
[01:38:10] cause otherwise how would you know him and pick his route?
[01:38:14] Whatever. Anyway, so
[01:38:16] this is a Seize map. You're gonna see
[01:38:18] a lot of these because they love to be seized
[01:38:20] PT I have a question for you though.
[01:38:23] What do you think is about to happen? Because I need
[01:38:25] to get the throne room as quickly as possible.
[01:38:27] What do you think is the best manner that I do this in?
[01:38:29] Oh no... Well looking at it...
[01:38:31] Whoa! Halt! So what do you think? Just keep going.
[01:38:33] Oh okay. I mean I was gonna say probably go murder some men and then just
[01:38:37] down through the throne room but the screen's white and I'm scared!
[01:38:41] Yeah that's true. What we're actually going to do
[01:38:43] is we're actually just
[01:38:43] going to move everyone
[01:38:44] out of my way.
[01:38:45] Oh!
[01:38:45] This is because
[01:38:46] I'm going to control
[01:38:47] all the enemies.
[01:38:48] Oh, okay.
[01:38:50] I mean,
[01:38:50] networks too?
[01:38:51] That's super valid.
[01:38:52] Sometimes you just
[01:38:53] got to move people you don't like i completely get
[01:38:56] that people have been saying this it'd be that way sometimes you're in the way
[01:39:01] i'm not gonna box you but I am going to move you.
[01:39:05] And speaking of moving people,
[01:39:07] I'm moving everyone. This is Enemy Control Glitch. So
[01:39:09] why
[01:39:10] am I able to do this?
[01:39:13] Ooh, that was almost bad.
[01:39:18] So basically there are these things called actor tiles and these actor tiles uh-basically the TLDR is that if an enemy waits on
[01:39:23] an actor tile you can soft reset the game.
[01:39:26] And if you soft reset the game, it's my turn now!
[01:39:30] Mine!
[01:39:32] Then you take over.
[01:39:33] Basically, we...
[01:39:34] You can create actor tiles in different different ways what we did here is that if you
[01:39:39] create an actor tile by uh you can create actual house opening doors and so that's what we did
[01:39:44] we opened the door and by opening the door
[01:39:47] we created an actor tile in the top left hand corner of
[01:39:49] the map. And then that actor tile is what we activated
[01:39:52] and basically by software setting the game I hold
[01:39:54] A B select and start and then I hold start which is why you saw
[01:39:59] that the screen just holds because you can
[01:40:01] hold it for like as long as you want.
[01:40:03] Normally from now on we're just going to flash
[01:40:05] the screen. It's not gonna be very drawn out
[01:40:14] but...and now we are out of the woods because there is a thing with software setting
[01:40:16] which I will actually discuss in a second because I just forgot that.
[01:40:21] We have to go more shopping because we have to do the torch staff. I'll discuss this later, just don't worry about it. Anyway so this is the torch staff. We're gonna light it up. Similar to Elliot, we're going to unleash our weapon, but our weapon is the Torch Staff.
[01:40:33] And this is really OP! Remember how I told you that we can activate enemy control glitch in multiple different ways?
[01:40:42] This is one of them.
[01:40:43] So, we can just create actor tiles at will.
[01:40:46] We're just that powerful.
[01:40:48] Don't worry about it.
[01:40:50] And so, that's exactly what we're going to do because this is Chapter 6, Victim's Don't worry about it. Uh, and...
[01:40:53] And so that's exactly what we're gonna do because this is chapter 6, Victims of War
[01:40:55] This was a really hard chapter
[01:40:57] But we are going to completely trivialize this chapter
[01:41:00] And this will probably piss off almost every single person at home
[01:41:03] Because especially when you play this game on hard mode,
[01:41:03] this app sucks.
[01:41:06] This is what I was talking about.
[01:41:07] If you make a mistake in this game
[01:41:09] and you do not commit to an action,
[01:41:10] you can soft reset the game
[01:41:11] and then your RNG
[01:41:12] is not completely screwed. If you commit to an action, you can soft reset the game and then your RNG is not completely screwed.
[01:41:13] If you commit to the action, you are completely screwed and you have to restart the chapter but
[01:41:17] luckily I cut that so we're so back and we don't have to restart
[01:41:21] the whole chapter.
[01:41:26] And this is a two turn of one of the hardest maps in the game, Smile
[01:41:28] yeah just move the
[01:41:30] boss out
[01:41:32] I think one of my favorite things that I've seen so far when you're moving enemies,
[01:41:35] in the previous map where you were in a castle and you were like we are going to move enemies.
[01:41:38] Once you actually got back into combat and started moving towards your goal
[01:41:42] Enemies will try to catch up with you like hold on wait! Time out! Stop.
[01:41:45] And they're chasing after you and it's like no
[01:41:47] you gotta stay back there. That's where
[01:41:49] you've been this whole time. Be easy
[01:41:51] chillout, you're fine
[01:41:53] And so if you all noticed the K-9 among us is...
[01:42:02] We're not using Seth on this map. This is because, uh, this is, uh, Seth again cannot swim, will drown, he'll just fall in the water, super helpless.
[01:42:14] But unfortunately for us we have Vanessa who is not super helpless both on the couch and again in the game.
[01:42:21] And so Erica has this weapon called The Rapier. It has the might of seven.
[01:42:25] Basically how this works is that her
[01:42:29] sword is super effective against horses bye oh wow i'm gonna rename that the horse slayer
[01:42:37] there is a weapon in this game actually called
[01:42:39] The Horse Slayer, which is actually super effective on horses
[01:42:41] except it's a lance instead
[01:42:43] Actual item in the game though
[01:42:45] Oh! Wow!
[01:42:47] I could play this... we're good it's gucci uh what am i doing here
[01:42:53] uh yeah that's you're flying vanessa oh all right sometimes you just forget the moves because, you know,
[01:43:02] you're just moving the cursor and it's all kind of the same but anyway so basically what happened
[01:43:07] there is that whenever we are super effective against an enemy,
[01:43:11] the super effectiveness is actually determined
[01:43:13] by your weapon's might, not
[01:43:15] your character strength. These are two different stats
[01:43:17] and basically because Erika has like a strength
[01:43:19] of four with her tiny baby arms.
[01:43:20] Mainly cause she's level 1, we've been killing everyone with Seth right?
[01:43:23] She just can' know there is nothing she could do about that
[01:43:26] but uh that is why that works like that
[01:43:29] and were gonna see a lot more instances of abuse
[01:43:34] with the mite modifier in this game,
[01:43:38] but right now this is the last chapter before
[01:43:43] we actually do what you might call it, the split.
[01:43:47] And also I wanted to bring up this
[01:43:49] You've been noticing the screen flashing in between saves.
[01:43:52] So whenever I save the game,
[01:43:55] the game flashes and basically what
[01:43:56] I'm doing there is I am soft resetting
[01:43:58] the game because essentially
[01:44:01] In order to get your RNG to line up
[01:44:02] you basically just need to do these soft resets. In between almost every single chapter there are certain exceptions but for the most part I will be doing this all the time forever.
[01:44:13] So i'm'm gonna equip this
[01:44:15] javelin here and open this door and then uh...I hate to
[01:44:19] break it to you guys but we missed. I lied to you.
[01:44:23] I'm so sorry I lied to you, I cannot believe it
[01:44:25] We did miss with the javelin
[01:44:27] but we actually missed intentionally because
[01:44:29] guess what this map is everyone?
[01:44:32] It's a seize map
[01:44:33] We're seizing the throne, oh my god again?
[01:44:36] Yes!
[01:44:37] I'm so excited.
[01:44:39] So again since we need to seize the throne
[01:44:41] it's basically like a kill boss map except with extra steps
[01:44:44] you just have to hit this know hit the space underneath it
[01:44:46] uh so again don't want to fight as many enemies as we want so we intentionally
[01:44:50] miss on that night so the other two don't hit us right just a little mini
[01:44:53] time save there.
[01:44:58] That's all I have to say.
[01:44:59] Let's get some donations.
[01:45:01] We're good until through the end of the chapter, to be honest.
[01:45:03] Incredible. Well, we have plenty of donations
[01:45:05] waiting. We have $10 that came in from XCOG who said,
[01:45:09] fire those emblems magic man!
[01:45:11] Already the commentary is great.
[01:45:13] I actually feel like I understand
[01:45:14] the colorful shapes on the screen somewhat.
[01:45:17] Can we give it up for the commentary because this is
[01:45:19] absolutely incredible so far?
[01:45:21] You are killing me, that's an accurate assessment
[01:45:25] Turtle Run 2412 also sent in
[01:45:27] $50 to Doctors Without Borders and said,
[01:45:29] barely woke up in time to catch this Fire Emblem run live from the audience.
[01:45:33] As a massive fan of the franchise I want to shout out my favorite unit
[01:45:37] in the series, Valoria from F from face she's both adorable and weird and has
[01:45:41] absolutely carried some of my playthroughs and her red riding wolf design is just chef's kiss i
[01:45:47] challenge everyone else watching to donate for their favorite Fire Emblem Unit 2 so we can hit the million!
[01:45:53] And that's a great reminder that we are just over $18,000 away from $1 million raised this week.
[01:46:01] So let's keep going.
[01:46:02] Let's hit that milestone.
[01:46:03] It'll be incredible.
[01:46:04] Also get those Fire Emblem character donations in
[01:46:07] I will probably pronounce all of their names wrong
[01:46:09] so also feel free to call me out in donations
[01:46:12] for every one of them that I say wrong!
[01:46:16] I'll actually match you. For everyone you say wrong, I will donate an additional $5
[01:46:20] I will also donate $5 for every Fire Emblem character in the series.
[01:46:23] So get those characters in so we can both butch from them, let's get into it.
[01:46:28] Also if you're a Fire Emblem fan at home and you are like dying at that,
[01:46:30] I am so sorry. Kind of.
[01:46:33] She's not sorry.
[01:46:37] Alright, we are now onto
[01:46:39] Ephraim route where this is the
[01:46:41] route of the guy that we are taking.
[01:46:43] Basically, this is the big difference between
[01:46:46] the routes start now.
[01:46:52] What was I saying?
[01:46:53] Oh! I know what i was about to
[01:46:55] say uh actually i want to give a special shout out to someone on the on the couch
[01:46:59] in full cosplay back there the byleth cosplay looking absolutely amazing. And speaking of amazing, this storyline...amazing? That's
[01:47:11] not a sarcastic I actually mean that. Actually it that's the story of this game. So basically there are two different routes in
[01:47:18] this. There is the E-frame route and Erica route. We're taking the E-frame route. And what ends up happening
[01:47:23] after we run it down, we save our brother
[01:47:27] even though he doesn't really need saving because he's fine.
[01:47:29] But like whatever. We save him.
[01:47:30] And then basically the game
[01:47:33] splits into two. Essentially what we find
[01:47:35] out is that Grotto not only are they invading us but
[01:47:37] They want to kill all of the sacred stones. That's the game name. Important item
[01:47:41] Probably. They wanna kill all these things and break them like into pieces right?
[01:47:45] So- And we don't want them
[01:47:47] to do that
[01:47:48] because if they break
[01:47:49] them all into pieces
[01:47:49] the monsters
[01:47:50] that happened
[01:47:50] in chapter four
[01:47:51] that I told you
[01:47:51] not to worry about
[01:47:52] yeah more of them
[01:47:52] spawn
[01:47:53] if they break
[01:47:54] more of these
[01:47:54] rocks
[01:47:55] right
[01:47:55] these magical
[01:47:56] rocks
[01:47:57] and so we don't want
[01:47:59] them to break the magic rocks but
[01:48:01] unfortunately they already broke their
[01:48:03] own rock because they own one of these rocks
[01:48:05] and then they broke the
[01:48:06] rock in Frelia. They're just breaking
[01:48:08] all these rocks
[01:48:09] not to be confused
[01:48:09] with Dwayne
[01:48:10] the Rock Johnson
[01:48:11] not him
[01:48:11] different rocks
[01:48:13] I was going to say
[01:48:15] not to be confused
[01:48:16] with the rocks
[01:48:16] that you see
[01:48:17] in other games
[01:48:18] that we won't mention
[01:48:18] where there's sometimes
[01:48:19] there's rocks, there's crystals. Maybe you get it maybe you break them
[01:48:22] maybe you fix them who knows but there's something involving
[01:48:25] rocks they're shiny and they're important. And speaking of uh shiny
[01:48:28] important I don't have anything to follow up.
[01:48:30] We just opened a door.
[01:48:33] Which you can probably guess what's about to happen because we open the door
[01:48:35] and we have a bunch of people in the top left-hand corner...
[01:48:37] Yeah it's my turn now! My turn! Me me!
[01:48:41] No more! So I'm now going to move all the
[01:48:45] enemies out of my way again because guess what this is? Audience can you
[01:48:49] guess what kind of map this is? It's a seas map. Good! Yes, we're learning.
[01:48:58] We are going to see a lot more of these. You're gonna notice i did something a bit different uh this time
[01:49:03] i didn't unequip all the enemies from the weapons that's because the actor tile never goes away so
[01:49:09] we're just going to run it again it's my turn it's not your turn anymore. Goodbye. No more.
[01:49:14] You thought you were
[01:49:15] going to go again? My turn!
[01:49:19] Okay.
[01:49:19] Well I did too early. If you do it too
[01:49:21] early that's fine. You can try again. The real thing is you don't want to do it too early, that's fine. You can try again.
[01:49:23] The real thing is you don't want to do it too late.
[01:49:25] This is like I think a 20 frame window to hit it so
[01:49:27] it's not the hardest thing in the world but
[01:49:30] you err on the caution of making sure
[01:49:33] that you actually hit it so you don't have to on the caution of making sure that you actually hit it
[01:49:35] so you don't have to restart the whole chapter again.
[01:49:37] Not cool. But luckily for us,
[01:49:39] Gillian has Twinkle Toes and he is just dodging
[01:49:41] all of these attacks so that
[01:49:43] he's never going to die. I lied! He just died. Bye-bye.
[01:49:45] How about I say, I think he just commentated curse to him.
[01:49:47] I was going to make the same comment too
[01:49:49] So we were mind melded. It is both of our faults
[01:49:51] I was like wow, he's out here juking
[01:49:53] Oh nevermind, he died he's so gone
[01:49:56] he's very dunzo
[01:49:58] whoops alright sorry homie
[01:50:00] alright
[01:50:02] so chapter 10 what we're gonna do
[01:50:04] is we're gonna watch this cutscene because I desperately need
[01:50:07] to because I have actually no idea why. For some reason if you don't watch that cutscene
[01:50:11] just get horrific RNG and nothing lines up.
[01:50:15] I don't know why. I forgot, I meant to ask
[01:50:17] why but I forgot so
[01:50:19] unlucky we just won't know
[01:50:21] the answer uh but we will know
[01:50:23] uh but we will know that it works that's all I need
[01:50:25] to know is that it works. I know how to play the game. I don't know necessarily
[01:50:28] everything about it. I'll be so for real.
[01:50:30] Again, I didn't route it. I'm standing on the shoulders
[01:50:32] of many other smarter people.
[01:50:34] But speaking of many other smarter people,
[01:50:37] um... I don't know. don't know they're gonna anyway this is a
[01:50:39] defense chapter 13 turn defense chapter or to kill the boss chapter so you can guess
[01:50:44] what we're about to do again there's no seth on the screen so how are we going
[01:50:47] to kill the boss are we going going to use a special weapon?
[01:50:50] No, we're going to steal a unit.
[01:50:51] This is my unit now. They do not
[01:50:53] get to use this unit anymore.
[01:50:55] Let's have Vanessa shine
[01:50:57] both on the couch and in the game.
[01:51:00] Oh, get into it.
[01:51:02] Create animations are just fun.
[01:51:03] We're going to watch some of them throughout this game.
[01:51:06] Whoa, whoa, what's the casting with the nonsense?
[01:51:08] I'm gonna need you to show up, homie.
[01:51:09] Don't worry, you're dodging. You're so back.
[01:51:11] Be bodied.
[01:51:14] Touch my horse again.
[01:51:15] Be clopped up
[01:51:16] and lost your mind.
[01:51:19] Alright, so there is the recruiting mechanic here, and basically we now have our primary ball handler for the remainder of the run.
[01:51:25] This is Cormag. If you know anything about Cormag in this game he's probably the best unit in the game, he is absolutely
[01:51:34] unequivocally ridiculous because he is a Weavern rider. Weaverns and Fire Emblem are notoriously
[01:51:39] really powerful units. Essentially they're
[01:51:41] really big and strong
[01:51:43] and they take no damage
[01:51:44] at all besides from
[01:51:46] bows because bows are
[01:51:47] super effective against
[01:51:47] them but like other
[01:51:48] than bows they're
[01:51:49] pretty much impervious
[01:51:50] and they're also
[01:51:51] extremely fast.
[01:51:53] They have good edges. They're really good. And so we're going to use him now
[01:51:57] He's our boy. This is because he's a flying unit
[01:52:01] Flying units are really OP,
[01:52:03] because we're not impeded by anything on the ground.
[01:52:05] I mentioned forests can impede our movement...
[01:52:09] Obviously water, obviously walls...
[01:52:12] We can ignore all of that and so hello core mag not to be confused with hello mario
[01:52:25] i'll just wait for a moment to be like I'm gonna need you to get these wormers off my junk please and thank you because I'm surrounded. Help!
[01:52:29] Help! I can't see anything what's going on!
[01:52:33] Speaking of not being able to see, we are
[01:52:36] not going to be able to see in this chapter
[01:52:38] because there is fog.
[01:52:40] Oh no! We can't see but luckily
[01:52:42] this is the fatal flaw
[01:52:44] of this chapter that it has fog.
[01:52:47] So I didn't mention this before but we have a strict limitation on the activation of ECG with the torch staff
[01:52:53] Is that we need to be dark or foggy in order to the sword staff, which is why we don't use enemy control
[01:52:58] glitches at every single level.
[01:53:01] But we're going to use them this one.
[01:53:02] So this is actually one of the hardest levels
[01:53:04] on the game unironically.
[01:53:06] This is because we have to do two major instances of enemy control glitch,
[01:53:11] and the thing is that I mentioned that this game is pretty punishing
[01:53:14] , so if i make a mistake And by pretty punishing, I mean really punishing.
[01:53:17] So if you commit to an action and make a mistake.
[01:53:23] So like if I do this, right?
[01:53:25] I just burned a bunch of numbers but I can use do this
[01:53:27] and now my RNG is fine. Alright?
[01:53:29] We get it right? But if I commit to an action, I have to restart the whole
[01:53:33] chapter. I can't do that mini soft reset. I can't rely on
[01:53:37] that. I have to do the whole chapter again.
[01:53:40] So, if you can't tell, whenever I do enemy control glitch
[01:53:47] I do the soft reset
[01:53:49] so if I mess up on the enemy turn and I soft reset...I break the glitch.
[01:53:55] Which means that I cannot mess up a single input on these turns. But anyway,
[01:54:03] no more of that! We're going to talk about
[01:54:05] what I'm using right now. I'm using the Iron Lance
[01:54:07] because Cormac spawns with two
[01:54:09] lances. He spawns with the Killer Lance and the Iron Lance
[01:54:12] We switched to the Iron Lance because the Iron Lance has
[01:54:14] 45pp, and the Killer Lance
[01:54:16] has 20pp
[01:54:18] The Killer Lance is really OP because
[01:54:20] basically it increases the amount of crit chance that we get.
[01:54:23] And so, we want to basically maximize
[01:54:25] the amount of PP uses we get out of the Kill Alliance
[01:54:27] because that PP is very valuable to us
[01:54:30] because of how much crit chance it gives
[01:54:32] and so we're actually going to be using the PP from this very low to us because of how much crit chance it gives.
[01:54:32] So we're actually going to be using the PP from this very,
[01:54:34] very well and we are actually going
[01:54:36] to end the game with one PP left.
[01:54:38] For all these enemies,
[01:54:39] we are basically using the 45PP that
[01:54:41] we get from the Iron Lance in order to kill all of these guys.
[01:54:46] And if you can't tell, we're feeding every single enemy on this boat into Cormag because
[01:54:50] Cormag is now our pivot and so we to get really big and strong.
[01:54:55] My turn!
[01:54:57] I lied, hold on.
[01:55:00] My turn!
[01:55:01] Alright, we're so bad.
[01:55:03] Now I'm going to kind of shut up for a bit because I can't mess this up
[01:55:05] So let's read some donations while I'm shutting up. I'm sure everyone would want me to shut up at this point
[01:55:11] We absolutely do not want you to but I do love giving you some donations.
[01:55:16] We have $25 that came in from Ryan In Theory who says
[01:55:19] Hey Nestani! Your passion for the game shines through
[01:55:22] in the run and commentary. Awesome to see you out here this early AM
[01:55:25] and excited to see where your speedrun journey takes you in the future.
[01:55:30] Hey, it's me RyanInTheory of slash RyanInTheory
[01:55:33] And I approve!
[01:55:36] We also have $5 come in from Grimian who said,
[01:55:38] Loving this Fire Emblem run.
[01:55:40] Pretty sure this is the one my friend borrowed
[01:55:42] my GBA SP to play and then threw it down
[01:55:44] the hill at the new character.
[01:55:53] Hoping for a better run here oh don't worry we only lost gilliam and no one cares about guilin i was really hoping I had a donation.
[01:55:58] I was like,
[01:55:58] my favorite character
[01:55:59] is Kyo-Yan.
[01:55:59] Oh my god!
[01:56:02] All right,
[01:56:03] and thank you everybody
[01:56:04] who has already been
[01:56:05] sending in donations
[01:56:06] on Fire Emblem names.
[01:56:08] I would like to select the easiest one
[01:56:09] from NapsThePotato for $25.
[01:56:12] She said, this is for my boy Joshua,
[01:56:14] my favorite hard carry character
[01:56:16] for Sacred Stones behind set.
[01:56:18] I have very bad news for you,
[01:56:20] we left Joshua in the dust
[01:56:22] in chapter 5
[01:56:24] You can actually recruit him
[01:56:26] into chapter five but we completely ignore him
[01:56:28] because he's completely useless to us and uh you know truly unlucky so sorry for your
[01:56:32] loss imagine donating for your favorite character and the runner says your character is useless
[01:56:37] all right how about this one though uh photobots into 25 and said
[01:56:41] had to donate for my favorite fire emblem character larocco la raquel or rachel
[01:56:48] or as i like to say uh as a kid was La Archel because I can't read.
[01:56:52] Uh, fun fact.
[01:56:54] They said, I love her so much
[01:56:56] although I get the feeling she won't be seeing
[01:56:58] a whole lot of use in this run.
[01:57:00] Uh, I don't even think you're gonna see her in this entire run. I don't even think you're going to see her in this entire run, uh, I'll be
[01:57:03] so for real, but speaking of so
[01:57:04] for real, we're done with the
[01:57:06] hard part of this chapter, so surely I don't
[01:57:09] throw it at the very end, that would be
[01:57:10] tragic, um, but I do, I do, uh, we are about to do the and that would be tragic.
[01:57:13] But I do,
[01:57:15] we are about to do the second longest redraw in the game so crowd if you want
[01:57:17] to count with me, we're going to count
[01:57:19] A. I know it's really hard for some of you to count
[01:57:21] I'm not looking at Cosmic. anyway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so this is Fire Emblem 8
[01:57:29] can we get an $8 donation train for the eight redraw and for the eighth game in the fire emblem series please i support this message
[01:57:38] true we need to get to the milli wouldn't be hype if we got two a million
[01:57:41] fire emblems yo i'm here for it though like amelia on fire emblem and we got time too?
[01:57:45] Hang on, let me sit down.
[01:57:47] Let me look at it right quick.
[01:57:49] Oh yeah, we can do it.
[01:57:51] We could do it.
[01:57:53] Come on. I have faith in chat, viewers at home, couch in everybody. Somebody is donating their sleep they don't realize it.
[01:57:58] People have been saying this.
[01:58:00] So, actually wanted to bring up a question that I got when
[01:58:04] I ran in limey's RPG show, which is why do we speedrun this game if everything is predetermined?
[01:58:11] It's the same thing every single time. Well, I think my best rebuttal to that is that I have like a high 106 and records like a low 103.
[01:58:21] I'm not even close, I'm not even nipping them.
[01:58:26] That's because there are a lot of movement mechanics,
[01:58:28] mainly B-movement
[01:58:30] so basically if I hold down the B button
[01:58:32] and then move my cursor
[01:58:34] it moves real fast
[01:58:36] It is really hard to control normally we only use it on straight lines. But those crackheads use it a lot.
[01:58:43] They have so much APM... I just simply don't have that much APM.
[01:58:48] I have a good APM, I have a respectable APM but not that
[01:58:51] much.
[01:58:53] this is Chapter 12.
[01:58:57] So we just fed Cormac
[01:59:00] a bunch of experience and basically
[01:59:02] he's level
[01:59:04] 15 now. And 15 is all
[01:59:06] we need. And the good thing about Cormac
[01:59:08] is that he spawns with an Elysian Whip.
[01:59:10] There are class promotional items, so this is going to promote him
[01:59:13] to advanced class units similar to Seth.
[01:59:15] Seth has an advanced class unit.
[01:59:17] Now he's in advance class unit.
[01:59:20] Basically what you need to know is that uh we're choosing this
[01:59:22] class because we get a bunch of good stats like skill and speed and strength. We need all of
[01:59:27] that and also an extra tick of movement now we can move move eight spaces! Things to note is that moving more
[01:59:34] spaces is faster. I just like that your upgrade means
[01:59:39] that you're dragon is now, or sorry sorry your wyvern is now long.
[01:59:43] Is now what? Long.
[01:59:45] He's a long boy. Yeah he's very long now
[01:59:47] and speaking
[01:59:49] of long this
[01:59:50] chapter is not long actually the. The next one is... whatever.
[01:59:53] You know, I'm beefing with you.
[01:59:55] Anyway so what we learn in this chapter
[01:59:58] story time! We haven't talked about the story of the game
[02:00:00] So there's monsters on screen
[02:00:02] These monsters basically will about the story of the game. So there's monsters on screen.
[02:00:03] These,
[02:00:04] these,
[02:00:04] these monsters,
[02:00:06] basically what we learn in this chapter
[02:00:06] is that the monsters
[02:00:07] are obeying,
[02:00:09] like they're working
[02:00:09] with the Grotto army
[02:00:10] which is weird
[02:00:11] because like monsters
[02:00:12] don't really got brains
[02:00:13] and they just want to kill things right?
[02:00:15] They ain't buddies, right? They killers.
[02:00:19] And so we're like what the heck
[02:00:23] why does this happen?
[02:00:25] And also we want to know is
[02:00:27] will this guy die in one hit?
[02:00:29] Yes. Goodbye!
[02:00:33] Nice. High quality.
[02:00:36] It'd be nice if you got that nice health refill when you got that, because I'm concerned about your wyvern friend here.
[02:00:42] Oh, I think he'll be so fine, uh...
[02:00:44] Okay.
[02:00:45] ...because it's the end of the chapter, because he'll boss back.
[02:00:46] Oh, swag!
[02:00:47] Sensational.
[02:00:48] No worries to be had.
[02:00:50] Alright, now speaking of long...
[02:00:52] This is the longest chapter in the game.
[02:00:54] Smile.
[02:00:56] But this is also one of my favorite maps
[02:00:57] in the game, casually to play.
[02:01:00] This is for multiple reasons
[02:01:01] mainly because
[02:01:03] I don't know, I just like the map.
[02:01:05] I thought I had more to say, but I didn't.
[02:01:07] Sometimes you have nothing to say.
[02:01:08] It be that way sometimes.
[02:01:09] I have something to say though because I've been wanting
[02:01:11] to ask a question about this for awhile and it's been bothering me.
[02:01:14] So I've seen on some of your maps that you've had team red
[02:01:17] enemy team, team, enemy team.
[02:01:19] Team blue player team and then there's other team.
[02:01:23] Yeah so other teams is basically green units these are either allies
[02:01:27] they're basically like rough allies of you. You can't attack
[02:01:29] them but they'll attack the enemies for you.
[02:01:31] Oh smart. Yeah. Generally their
[02:01:33] scene is really bad which is why
[02:01:35] in chapter 3
[02:01:37] we actually recruited one of the green enemies to basically remove
[02:01:41] the Green Turn. Because if the Green Turn plays... not to be confused with
[02:01:45] the Green Lantern... If the Green Turn plays... whatever! We don't want the extra turn, right?
[02:01:53] Yeah.
[02:01:54] We're minimizing turns.
[02:01:55] This is Garak.
[02:01:56] He travels with Prince Enes who's the prince of Freely.
[02:01:59] I forgot to mention what we're doing
[02:02:00] right now. So, we're gonna get...
[02:02:03] I meant to storybomb you a little in chapter
[02:02:05] 13, but you're gonna get all of it this
[02:02:07] chapter actually.
[02:02:10] You're about to get it. But before you get
[02:02:12] it, I'm going to tell you what we are doing in this chapter. We are using four
[02:02:16] main units. We are using Dussel who we actually got in Chapter 10.
[02:02:20] Dussel is an Imperial General of Grotto, which we will talk about
[02:02:23] in a sec. He turned code at Grotto.
[02:02:24] He doesn't agree with him. He's like, I don't like you guys anymore.
[02:02:27] I'm leaving. He's now with us.
[02:02:29] He's a really powerful enemy because again, Grotto
[02:02:30] General, uh, powerful.
[02:02:34] He's an advanced class unit, Seth is an advanced class unit, Cormac is a advanced class unit and then we just use a Hero's Crest
[02:02:37] similar to the Legion with promotional item on Garak to make him an advanced class
[02:02:41] unit so as you can tell, in chapter 13
[02:02:44] this is basically where you start actually getting
[02:02:46] advanced class units and casual gameplay.
[02:02:49] And so we need these types of strong units
[02:02:51] in order to kill everyone on this map. And since...
[02:02:54] and this map is also very,
[02:02:55] very spread out.
[02:02:56] So we have Dussel
[02:02:57] on the far left.
[02:02:58] He's taking off
[02:02:58] the left side of the map.
[02:02:59] Uh,
[02:02:59] Seth is gonna take out
[02:03:00] the middle left side of the map
[02:03:01] and the boss Selena.
[02:03:03] Uh,
[02:03:03] Cormac is going to take out the middle right and the bottom side of
[02:03:06] the map and then garrick didn't take up the rights on a map uh and so uh now we're gonna
[02:03:11] we're gonna we're gonna story bomb time uh so what do i uh, there's two routes in this game, Ephraim and Erika route.
[02:03:19] Basically when they destroyed the Stone of Freyja they were like hey we need to warn
[02:03:23] other nations about Grado trying to kill their rock. We need
[02:03:27] protect the rocks." And so
[02:03:29] basically, Erik is
[02:03:31] going to Rostan to tell them
[02:03:33] lock up their rock and Ennis
[02:03:35] Prince Enis of Freylia who's the prince of Frelia he's going to Jehenna
[02:03:37] To tell them to lock up their rock. But we are not locking up any rocks
[02:03:41] We're going... Hey Selina!
[02:03:43] We are going straight to the Grado Imperial Capital because we are going
[02:03:48] to go kill Emperor Vergard, who is the emperor of Grado. The big boy
[02:03:52] We're gonna kill him and end the war where it started. That's the objective
[02:03:56] of what were doing doing. We're almost done!
[02:04:00] We're gonna kill him next chapter!
[02:04:02] So, good thing that we just now learned about his existence.
[02:04:05] One, two, three, four, five...
[02:04:07] Wow, I can count! Congratulations!
[02:04:09] Proud of you!"
[02:04:10] Um... so...
[02:04:15] Oh my god!
[02:04:17] Oh my god! Keep playing your game.
[02:04:20] I can't deal with you.
[02:04:22] I am playing the game.
[02:04:26] But, I'm proud of you counting.
[02:04:28] Very very proud of you.
[02:04:29] Thank you and so now we are on this map, so basically why is Selina here?
[02:04:33] So there's six Grado Imperial Generals. Since we were long time allies with
[02:04:38] Grado, they attacked us out of nowhere
[02:04:41] There's a lot of like
[02:04:43] Hey why are we doing this
[02:04:45] Most notably from Selina and Dussel
[02:04:47] Dussel went all the way
[02:04:49] And turned Kota and was like I'm done, bye-bye And so he's with us now. He's wrong with us.
[02:04:52] I lost my train of thought, this is good.
[02:04:56] Oh yeah! So Selena's here.
[02:05:00] She's the one who was talking about I lost my train of thought. This is good.
[02:05:03] Oh, yeah.
[02:05:03] So, yeah.
[02:05:04] So Selina's here.
[02:05:05] Selina is in the middle of the map.
[02:05:06] We are going to go
[02:05:08] kill her, Smile.
[02:05:10] Oh!
[02:05:10] Yeah, because we need
[02:05:11] to kill every enemy
[02:05:12] on the map if she's an enemy.
[02:05:13] And so basically why she is here is that
[02:05:15] We actually have a companion with us called Murr
[02:05:18] and Murr is a dragon
[02:05:20] She's actually the great dragon
[02:05:21] The big dragon.
[02:05:25] Basically they have an evil dragon, we have a big dragon,
[02:05:27] like a hero dragon.
[02:05:28] She has this thing called
[02:05:30] the Dragon Stone.
[02:05:31] This Dragon Stone allows her
[02:05:33] to turn into a dragon. Who would have thought?
[02:05:35] Very on the nose, I know.
[02:05:37] And because for some reason she's a dragon
[02:05:39] and she has these magical properties where
[02:05:41] she can detect where her dragon stone is
[02:05:42] I don't know why a dragon would have magical properties do not ask
[02:05:45] me ask the devs um but uh so she's a magical dragon she can detect dark energy and she can
[02:05:52] also detect her dragonstone and And so basically, Prince Leon,
[02:05:56] who is Emperor Vergard's son,
[02:05:57] Prince Leon,
[02:05:59] orders Selina to go find the Dragonstone
[02:05:59] because he wants it
[02:06:00] I think for like a research
[02:06:02] or something.
[02:06:03] So he just wants it.
[02:06:04] She's supposed to go get it
[02:06:05] and basically she learns from Murr So he just wants it, she's supposed to go get it.
[02:06:06] And basically she learns from Murr...
[02:06:10] Yeah this is what I'm supposed to do.
[02:06:11] Oh by the way speaking of, this is an energy ring
[02:06:13] This gives us plus two strength we need this to kill Selena
[02:06:16] If we don't,
[02:06:16] we're gonna lose the fight. So we're going to do that."
[02:06:19] And basically...yeah.
[02:06:22] So Prince Leon orders Selina to get
[02:06:25] the Dragonstone. Murr talks to Dragonstone.
[02:06:28] Murr talks to Dragonstone, also Murr fun fact is Ephraim's grandmother
[02:06:32] don't worry about it. Anyway
[02:06:36] and basically Anyway, uh... Okay.
[02:06:39] And basically, so Selina
[02:06:41] basically learns from Murr
[02:06:43] that the Demon King has these really cool
[02:06:45] properties and this really cool property
[02:06:47] is that he can like destroy your mind.
[02:06:50] Oh!
[02:06:52] Casual, just like by my mind.
[02:06:54] So does he have Twitter? Is that what I'm saying?
[02:06:57] I'm confused...
[02:07:06] I don't understand. I'm confused. Basically, so Demon King is Twitter and Twitter is destroying your mind and basically, so Selina learns that the Demon King is destroying the mine.
[02:07:12] But the thing about Selina is she's incredibly devoted to the Emperor.
[02:07:17] So much show that she's actually in love with the Emperor and since she's in love
[02:07:20] with him and will not turn traitor, we're gonna
[02:07:21] have to kill her just like that. And
[02:07:23] unfortunately, it just... Inher Huber is
[02:07:25] so inlove with him, and honestly
[02:07:27] I wish Selena was in love with me instead.
[02:07:29] Oh yeah. I'll be so for real. real uh anyway uh for the rest of this map
[02:07:33] this is the last turn let's just get some donations let's just we'll just run it can do
[02:07:39] we have a hundred dollars from mom cheater that Nostani is awesome and he is my son.
[02:07:45] Doing awesome.
[02:07:46] This is true, people have been saying this.
[02:07:51] Word on the street
[02:07:52] love you mom
[02:07:53] just had $50 coming from anonymous that just says
[02:07:57] loving this run of my first Fire Emblem game
[02:07:59] you all are crushing it
[02:08:01] Ankylos also sent in $50 saying hello from the back are crushing it.
[02:08:03] Ankylos also sent in $50 saying hello from the back couch!
[02:08:06] My lengthy tenure as a Fire Emblem fan
[02:08:08] all began with Sacred Stone, so seeing
[02:08:10] it so soundly conquered is always a treat.
[02:08:13] I don't think I've seen the Ephraim
[02:08:15] before, but surely my favorite unit Ross will be
[02:08:19] a big contributor here right? Yeah you know he gave
[02:08:23] Seth Javelins at the beginning of the run that's pretty useful
[02:08:32] you trying your best to be like do i drag all their faces
[02:08:37] sometimes you just have to uh does he know
[02:08:43] this is uh this is chapter 14.
[02:08:45] All right, we're so bad.
[02:08:48] Chapter 14, let's do it.
[02:08:50] The end of Ephraim's route.
[02:08:52] So we're about to be so out of Ephraim's route
[02:08:55] I'm just beefing all these inputs,
[02:08:57] just don't worry about it.
[02:08:58] We're getting some specific people here.
[02:09:00] So this is a B movement,
[02:09:01] so this cursor moves really fast.
[02:09:02] That was what I was talking about before.
[02:09:05] But we're actually going to talk about nothing on this map because nothing is important here.
[02:09:10] So what were actually gonna talk about, I'm just story bombing you again.
[02:09:14] Sensational!
[02:09:16] I know that's what you all signed up for on a speedrun,
[02:09:18] it's for me to yap at ya about the game.
[02:09:21] Uh...I mean, is that not what we're here for?
[02:09:24] This is true! People have been-
[02:09:28] People have almost been restarting the chapter
[02:09:29] anyway that's Emperor Vergaard on the throne
[02:09:33] You wanna guess what kind of chapter this is?
[02:09:35] It's a Thieves Chapter!
[02:09:37] Yippee! They're, God they're so smart.
[02:09:40] They're so good at this.
[02:09:42] So...
[02:09:44] What we learn is that we actually learn a lot of
[02:09:46] cool things on the side of the route. You don't
[02:09:48] learn this on Erika's side of the route or or maybe you do. I don't remember but I don't think you do.
[02:09:52] Basically what you learn is that Grado... their sacred stone is actually better than everyone else's sacred stone
[02:09:58] That's because that is the fire emblem
[02:10:01] Wow because that is the fire emblem. Name of the game! Wow, name drop?
[02:10:03] I name dropped a game!
[02:10:07] So basically
[02:10:09] their sacred stone is the one that trapped the Demon King's soul long ago in a galaxy far, far away.
[02:10:14] Except it's not a galaxy, it's just this land.
[02:10:16] Anyway so his soul was trapped their rock and basically uh... you see that guy up there?
[02:10:23] That's Emperor Vergaard.
[02:10:24] He's dead.
[02:10:25] Nope.
[02:10:26] We are literally fighting
[02:10:27] a reanimated corpse.
[02:10:29] Oh!
[02:10:30] There's necromancy
[02:10:31] in this joint?
[02:10:31] Who did that?
[02:10:33] Really normal stuff. And speaking of normal stuff, so basically he's been dead for about a year now
[02:10:38] and the backstory to this we learn after this chapter from Noel, who's just a unit in the game.
[02:10:45] Basically Prince Leon is the son of Emperor Vergard so naturally when Emperor Vergard dies he takes over because he's next in line or whatever.
[02:10:54] Now I don't know how to put this in nice words. takes over because he's, you know, next in line. Whatever. Now,
[02:10:56] I don't know how to put this in a nice way.
[02:10:59] So like Prince Leon is like kind of
[02:11:01] a coward, kind of
[02:11:03] a little baby,
[02:11:04] baby cry. Oh my god i'm so unfit to rule
[02:11:08] i can't do it i'm not good enough he has this like he's such a coward bro
[02:11:13] and so naturally when you're this much of a coward, instead
[02:11:16] of like doing something logical, I don't know get better.
[02:11:19] What he does is counts to 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
[02:11:25] Instead what he does is that uh the next natural
[02:11:29] line of progression is that instead of getting better what he does it's like
[02:11:32] hmm how do i uh resurrect my father from the dead.
[02:11:37] Instead of like...
[02:11:38] What?
[02:11:40] That's punk energy.
[02:11:43] Basically, what he does is that he takes the firearm and splits it in two. There's a dark stone
[02:11:45] that has the Demon King soul, and then he has the sacred stone.
[02:11:47] He breaks that rock, so the sacred stone is gone.
[02:11:50] He just has the dark stone.
[02:11:51] The dark stone, he uses that to resurrect his father.
[02:11:53] Now his father is a corpse,
[02:11:54] and the Demon King has destroyed both their minds.
[02:11:59] That sounds like the pipeline for Twitter, so that tracks.
[02:12:03] But I actually want to talk about something else
[02:12:05] you learned from Noel because
[02:12:07] this game has these things called support conversations where you can like
[02:12:10] hear the characters talk to each other it's really cool a lot of these are like romance things but in
[02:12:15] this game specifically and a lot of older firemanblem games, not engage. Basically
[02:12:20] they do this thing called
[02:12:22] actually putting in cool things to
[02:12:24] the story in here. We're going to watch another crit.
[02:12:27] And basically
[02:12:28] what we find out is that while researching how to resurrect his father from the dead completely hinged
[02:12:34] Basically, they also find out a way to look into the future
[02:12:38] Which is like a crazy piece of lore that you would have never found out if you didn't read this random support conversation between Natasha and Gnoll specifically.
[02:12:46] And so basically they know how to look into the future and predict a storm rising on the southern tip of Grotto.
[02:12:54] They basically save people from sailing.
[02:12:56] They're like, hey don't sail until May 17th.
[02:12:59] And then they were like cool we aren't going to sail and then a storm hit
[02:13:01] and saved a bunch of people. Really cool no one cares
[02:13:03] But what we do actually care about is that there's a subplot where
[02:13:08] Oops I meant to turn off animation
[02:13:10] Well we're gonna watch Teethys dance
[02:13:12] This is Teethys. She dances and she basically
[02:13:13] can make you move twice. That's...
[02:13:15] that's what she does. She's very elegant.
[02:13:17] This is true. People have been saying this.
[02:13:21] But it basically Basically what else do we find out from our future looking into is that there's going to be a supermassive earthquake
[02:13:29] that hits the southern half of Grotto and it's gonna destroy half the population.
[02:13:32] Not to be confused with the supermassive earthquakes that are
[02:13:35] going on in California, they're not the same thing, they are completely separate
[02:13:39] things and basically at the end of this chapter we got two
[02:13:43] items these are sacred weapons
[02:13:45] or sacred twins or not sacred twins
[02:13:47] they're sacred
[02:13:49] they're S rank weapons so there's
[02:13:52] weapon ranks in this game. There's like
[02:13:53] E through S or D through Fs i don't know whatever basically you have
[02:13:57] to you have to the more you hit someone the more your rank goes up and basically these weapons are
[02:14:02] really have really high might modifiers and uh they're really good against monsters so we'll talk more about
[02:14:08] them later as it becomes relevant because right now it's completely irrelevant. And speaking of e...
[02:14:17] E? People have been saying this.
[02:14:21] This is where the
[02:14:23] routes collide, so chapter
[02:14:25] 15 we're so back! We are together again. This is Erica. She's
[02:14:30] so back. She's with Ennis and basically what we doing on this here map? There
[02:14:36] a bunch of enemies, as you can see
[02:14:39] on the right side of the map and there's a bunch
[02:14:41] that you can't see on the top left side of the map
[02:14:43] And basically... This is a kill all map
[02:14:45] so we're gonna kill everyone
[02:14:47] which means this is the second longest level in the game yippee um
[02:14:52] so basically how we're going to handle this is that we have our two op
[02:14:55] characters we have cormac right there and we have seth down there again you
[02:14:58] can't see seth off, but all this that you
[02:15:00] see in the middle of the screen right here,
[02:15:02] that's sand. If Seth walks over
[02:15:04] the sand his horse actually breaks
[02:15:06] all of his legs
[02:15:08] and he could only move one space at a time rather than eight.
[02:15:13] And so we don't want to break the horse's leg,
[02:15:15] so we're not going to interact with the sand because
[02:15:17] we want to get to the bosses as quickly as possible.
[02:15:19] So... Are we sure Seth is
[02:15:21] an OP character? Because he sounds like
[02:15:23] he's got a lot of restrictions and issues,
[02:15:25] it sounds like some punk energy. That's why
[02:15:27] he's the secondary ball-hander. He's the Kyrie Irving
[02:15:29] to our Luka Doncic, okay?
[02:15:31] You know we have Cormac as our Luka.
[02:15:33] This guy is our Kairi and we're just so bad.
[02:15:37] So this guys gonna go kill Volter
[02:15:40] That's because there are a bunch of planes down here. Not to be confused with the airplanes, but like the grass.
[02:15:47] Flatland... he can walk over the flat land without breaking his legs. Since C again, Cormac really OP can fly is not impeded by anything on the ground he can go right above the sand
[02:15:57] right to Kalec so we are actually fighting two grato generals on this map we're fighting Kalec and we're fighting Valtor, really OP units. This is actually a pretty hard chapter to do casually.
[02:16:07] And so what were gonna do was shoot this guy with a bow bang uh and get this guy out of here
[02:16:17] actual dude energy imagine having a wyvern just eating dirt
[02:16:21] weird weird it could not be me you're supposed to be op your garbage actual garbage
[02:16:29] and so uh what was that saying man
[02:16:33] uh whatever we're here that's what you get what we are doing on this map and we're basically just going to hold A
[02:16:38] Basically after you beat the game once you unlock this magical mechanic called holding down the A button
[02:16:42] Because if you don't enemy moves really slow like that
[02:16:45] So you hold down the A button so they move faster because if you don't, enemies move really slow like that.
[02:16:46] And so you hold down the A button
[02:16:47] so they can move faster and it actually saves
[02:16:49] an ungodly amount of time which is very useful for us.
[02:16:54] I feel like I've been story bombing you all a bit much here.
[02:16:58] So instead, I'm going to sum up Erica's story really quickly so we don't have to worry about it anymore.
[02:17:05] Basically what happens on Erica's side of the story is that
[02:17:08] Erika tries to go in a boat but can't
[02:17:10] because T-Pain's blocking her, and then
[02:17:12] Ennis almost dies so she has to go save
[02:17:14] Ennis, and then
[02:17:16] Erika joins a religion, she learns a practice called the lega.
[02:17:19] and then basically Jehennas sickerstone has been destroyed
[02:17:23] The queen is dead and Valter has team killed. We got all that?
[02:17:26] That is the most JRPpg story i think i've heard this morning thus far and
[02:17:32] that's like i have a lot of jrpgs under my belt but that's so i thought you were saying
[02:17:36] i'd watch a lot of jrpgs this morning
[02:17:39] i mean i've watched a bunch over the course of this week and even then it's
[02:17:42] just like yeah that's a that's a jrpg story if i ever heard one
[02:17:45] i think my favorite thing about this run i've been noticing so far though is the
[02:17:47] number of times where you literally just stand there and it's the enemy turn.
[02:17:52] They just go all yeet themselves into the void.
[02:17:54] They literally just pull up and they're just like, we're going to fight you.
[02:17:57] And then I just turn around and just look at you.
[02:18:00] We're going to do it. We're going to do it!
[02:18:01] We're going to fight you! Imagine
[02:18:03] watching all your homies fall down and then be
[02:18:05] like, but I am the one that's gonna take it.
[02:18:07] I'm the one that's gonna do it. This guy has 9 HP? They might
[02:18:09] kill him. Right. Surely.
[02:18:13] I am the no bro you're dead with all your homies go ahead get in the back it's like taking a number honestly
[02:18:18] like what are we doing? So there are certain differences
[02:18:24] between the Japanese and English version.
[02:18:26] I just realized, I haven't talked about this basically
[02:18:27] at all.
[02:18:28] Most notably whenever we do the flashing thing
[02:18:30] in-between chapters where like we reset basically
[02:18:33] we can skip all the screens on the japanese version on the english version
[02:18:36] we have to watch all of them so we basically lose like 15 seconds per
[02:18:38] thing also this guy moves on the japanese
[02:18:42] version game he normally does not move at all,
[02:18:44] bosses in Fire Emblem normally sit and they do not run out
[02:18:48] but this guy runs it down on the Japanese version which is quite scary
[02:18:52] You got on Jay's!
[02:18:55] He's ready for's. He is!
[02:18:59] And also, we're gonna get the boots This gives us plus two movement
[02:19:01] There are items in the sand
[02:19:03] Remember how I said that we can RNG manipulate everything?
[02:19:04] We RNG where the, where we pick up the boots.
[02:19:07] So we pick up the boots in the same spot every single time
[02:19:09] that gives us plus two movement which is really OP
[02:19:12] this guy's collect he has a hop on guard
[02:19:14] basically we can't crit him
[02:19:16] so we have to three hit him.
[02:19:17] Boo hoo.
[02:19:18] And I know that
[02:19:19] some of the people in the chat
[02:19:20] are probably upset
[02:19:21] that we are not having
[02:19:22] Cormag avenge his brother
[02:19:23] because when I said
[02:19:23] Vulture team killed
[02:19:24] he killed Cormac's brother.
[02:19:27] But luckily for us we do get some revenge with Seth
[02:19:30] and unfortunately for Vulture
[02:19:32] he is just a corpse that does not know that he's dead.
[02:19:35] Wait what?
[02:19:36] Yep! Can't we get some donations?
[02:19:38] Absolutely! And this is very well timed because we had a hundred dollars come in from Gutsybat who said shoutouts to my boy Cormag!
[02:19:44] Joins in Chapter 10, devours an entire boat of skeletons
[02:19:47] in Chapter 11. What a chat!
[02:19:51] And everyone's keeping those Fire Emblem character donations coming
[02:19:53] and I would like to remind you that while you were donating for
[02:19:55] Fire Emblem characters, you can also donate
[02:19:57] for your favorite characters from Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
[02:20:00] because Danny Phantom and Garfield are currently battling it out
[02:20:03] for the top slot. You can also donate to any of
[02:20:06] the rest of the characters that you want to see played during
[02:20:08] that run
[02:20:08] that's coming up next uh but if you wanna snag that now is the time to do it.
[02:20:12] Uh we also have ten dollars coming from Amarlyn who says tech crew here donating for
[02:20:16] the obviously correct best fire emblem character, Lindis from FU7.
[02:20:21] That's a good pick. It's a basic
[02:20:22] pick but it's a fine pick.
[02:20:24] I don't know. Back Couch didn't like that at all.
[02:20:26] It's like that big thing that comes and says everyone
[02:20:28] dislike that? But that says Back Couch disliked that. But that's a batcouch dislike that.
[02:20:31] She's just like main character.
[02:20:32] You can't pick anyone other than the main
[02:20:35] character. Really dog?
[02:20:36] That's it?
[02:20:38] They're over here dragging me but I don't know what to tell you.
[02:20:41] This is why I'm a neutral party.
[02:20:43] I just know it's a pretty picture. It's anime coded.
[02:20:46] I run around and we beat up some people. There are some wyverns involved
[02:20:50] And then usually you gotta kill someone's dad.
[02:20:52] There's a zombie, there's probably some crystals.
[02:20:54] Normally we don't kill anyone's dad? Normally our dad is
[02:20:56] the one that dies. You know what, that's super fair.
[02:20:59] Hey, like I said
[02:21:00] I know JRPGs, that's why I'm on the couch.
[02:21:02] I might be clueless in this but I bet you I can figure it out.
[02:21:06] Your dad really
[02:21:07] dies in this? Yes. Your dad dies
[02:21:08] in every single Fire Emblem game. If you ever see your father
[02:21:11] in a Fire Emblem game he's dead. He's gonna die.
[02:21:13] That's the opening scene if I ever heard one.
[02:21:16] It is
[02:21:17] the opening scene in basically every Fire Emblem.
[02:21:19] The thing is that actually in Three
[02:21:21] Houses specifically, they actually keep your dad alive for a long time
[02:21:24] almost to the point where you think he might not die then he dies uh sorry to spoil it for
[02:21:30] you guys at home i'm sure all of you have never played Three Houses before if you're a Firehold fan.
[02:21:39] But this is chapter 16, so this is actually a pretty interesting chapter
[02:21:43] in the fact that this is the last chapter that has any differences between the E-Frame and the Erica route.
[02:21:48] There are basically subtle differences, like last chapter we spawned in a different area, not to be confused with a different area code.
[02:21:55] We spawn in different areas, basically we spawn at the bottom left
[02:21:58] but here and on this chapter
[02:22:01] we also spawn on the bottom left
[02:22:04] Basically Erika's route spawns on the right side of the map which is good for Erika and not good for us.
[02:22:09] That's because we have to basically move more to get to the throne room because this is a...
[02:22:16] It's a Seas have a question answer does that mean it's gonna be your turn soon uh no it's
[02:22:24] it's not my turn because again limitations of this there is no darkness or fog on the map so we can't just manually ECG and there are no enemies on top.
[02:22:34] Because here is the thing that we have to either have darkness or lure have to lure enemies to the top left hand corner of a map
[02:22:41] there is no top left corner on this map yeah the corners like we could open the doors but it's
[02:22:45] slower than just running it down so what we're getting from that is
[02:22:49] that back couch is smarter than current couch?
[02:22:53] Well, that's the first mistake of the run! See, hey
[02:22:57] you know... Swag. We get to do this all over again isn't that very
[02:23:01] exciting but luckily I haven't yapped about what it's my fault because I missed the
[02:23:07] notes on how to manip so that's why I gotta watch it again.
[02:23:11] It's like that one student that just gotta keep
[02:23:13] reading the notes over. So you can
[02:23:15] blame me for this, okay? You know what
[02:23:17] uh-I'm down but I'll blame myself because
[02:23:19] uhh... I was just down for a second.
[02:23:21] I just turned off my brain but we'll just turn it on.
[02:23:25] Xbox ON!
[02:23:26] I hope I had to turn on someone's xbox at home that would be really fun.
[02:23:32] Like some of when Spotify just ran
[02:23:33] and we started playing,
[02:23:34] it's like...
[02:23:35] What's going on?
[02:23:36] Play Despacito.
[02:23:40] Anyway,
[02:23:41] we're gonna run this again.
[02:23:43] So I did mention that Cormac's really OP and he can fly over walls
[02:23:47] however you cannot fly over these walls. These walls are too big
[02:23:51] very tall walls. He is actually just going to hit his head on the
[02:23:53] wall if he tries to fly in. So unfortunately we have to go all
[02:23:57] around so basically what is the difference here?
[02:24:01] We spawned them left side which means there are a bunch of these bushes here.
[02:24:04] And basically bushrolls make beans and basically will slow you down a lot
[02:24:08] so we have to do a bunch of rescue chaining to get over them
[02:24:13] Which is slow! And not fast over them.
[02:24:15] Which is slow and not fast.
[02:24:17] And you know what else
[02:24:18] is slow and not fast?
[02:24:19] My brain right now
[02:24:21] because I can't keep up
[02:24:21] with what I'm saying.
[02:24:24] Perhaps
[02:24:24] I might be back to eating a little up with what I'm saying. Perhaps,
[02:24:25] I might be backseating a little bit
[02:24:27] but do you think
[02:24:28] we should do some
[02:24:28] donations so you can
[02:24:29] vote?
[02:24:29] No because
[02:24:30] I actually have
[02:24:31] I'm just reading
[02:24:32] at the same time
[02:24:33] while talking
[02:24:33] that is what
[02:24:34] we're doing.
[02:24:36] I'm just trying to be supportive as best I can. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:24:37] So basically the difference is that
[02:24:39] the TLDR here
[02:24:41] is that Erica's route
[02:24:42] is actually two minutes faster
[02:24:43] on this map specifically
[02:24:45] than the E-Frame route. This is because you kind of saw it a little bit ago, right before I made an oopsie woopsie doopsy, that a bunch of like literal infinite c cacophony enemy spawn this is because the
[02:24:58] e-frame route is basically seen as the harder uh version of the game which really just means
[02:25:02] that they just throw more enemies at you for pretty much no reason.
[02:25:10] And so, since there's so many enemies we have to watch them
[02:25:12] move which is really
[02:25:14] cool
[02:25:16] and there's also actually kind of a really cool tech that you can do on Erica's side
[02:25:21] of the route, four turn this on Erica's route but
[02:25:25] On this route you actually actually six turn it. And basically...
[02:25:31] Yeah and what ends up happening is that
[02:25:34] You saw all those reinforcement spawns
[02:25:35] That we're gonna have to watch run it down?
[02:25:38] You can basically manip this so they
[02:25:40] spawn at the end of turn three, so then
[02:25:42] you don't have to watch them move at all.
[02:25:44] However...
[02:25:45] We're watching them move.
[02:25:53] And... Yeah, but the thing is that Erica's route was actually still two minutes slower overall
[02:25:55] and that's because you don't use Cormac on Erica's side of the route
[02:25:58] You actually use Vanessa as your main
[02:26:00] primary ball handler. Unfortunately
[02:26:04] we're not doing that reason Cormag
[02:26:05] and basically what
[02:26:07] ends up happening is that you have to feed Vanessa a
[02:26:09] bunch of experience all throughout the early game, which is incredibly
[02:26:12] slow versus what we did. Which is...we just went on a boat and just killed all the enemies
[02:26:17] at one time. And basically at the end of this chapter, after these guys...
[02:26:25] Dude, this chapter is so annoying.
[02:26:27] We really gotta watch all these men move to do absolutely nothing of value. Absolutely nothing.
[02:26:33] You don't even get in range! They're not even in range,
[02:26:35] they're just helplessly clawing
[02:26:37] trying to go... I'd rather you just clock out, like what are
[02:26:39] you doing?
[02:26:41] People have been saying this.
[02:26:43] But, so I mentioned S rank weapons before
[02:26:46] at the end of this chapter we're actually going to get two specific
[02:26:49] weapons because we are in Castle Aranis and retaking it
[02:26:52] So this is our homeland, and basically
[02:26:55] We get two S rank weapons siege link and Siege Lend
[02:26:59] But these weapons are actually not S Ranked I'm not going to forget to do this redraw
[02:27:03] I have forgotten to do this redraw in like literally two other marathon runs.
[02:27:05] It's pretty funny, if you forget this your run is over but I remember
[02:27:09] this time we're so bad. Fantastic!
[02:27:13] Love that for you.
[02:27:15] And basically these two items are actually not S rank,
[02:27:19] they're actually intrinsically
[02:27:21] for EFirm and Ericub themselves.
[02:27:23] This is also asking us if we want to class change them.
[02:27:26] We don't because they're useless, and like
[02:27:28] we are not using these in America.
[02:27:30] But we do want Siege Lane and Siege Moon
[02:27:32] because in Chapter 18
[02:27:33] we will actually be using this
[02:27:34] because you don't have to have an S-Rink
[02:27:37] to use them. They are locked to Ephraim and Erika specifically,
[02:27:41] which means that we can use them without an S-Rink.
[02:27:44] And then this next chapter is a two-term trip so literally throughout this whole chapter you can just spit donations
[02:27:51] For this whole thing. It's gonna go by really quickly
[02:27:54] All right, we've got $10 from the dirty Don Don who said, donated for my favorite Fire Emblem characters
[02:28:00] Elowood and Ninian.
[02:28:02] Much love to runners and all GDQ staff!
[02:28:04] Shouts to Ninian. Good choice, good choice.
[02:28:06] Fishy sent in $20
[02:28:08] and said my favorite Fire Em is hubert von vestra
[02:28:11] heart he's slimy but in a good way shout out to all the black eagles
[02:28:16] i don't like slimy. But in a good way.
[02:28:19] Take that word out of your vocabulary, no more slimy.
[02:28:22] I don't know if I'm with that.
[02:28:25] Janine also sent in $10
[02:28:26] to Doctors Without Borders and said
[02:28:28] hopping on the Fire Emblem fave strain for my beloved
[02:28:30] Marissa aka the Crimson Flash aka pretty and witty and always led to
[02:28:35] cruddy. Nistani don't shut up you're keeping me giggling. Anonymous also sent in $25 it, Blake.
[02:28:41] Anonymous also sent in $25 saying
[02:28:43] loving this fire
[02:28:44] emblem run donating
[02:28:45] to shout out two of
[02:28:46] my faves Caden and
[02:28:47] Lucina a ladder unit
[02:28:48] sharing my birthday.
[02:28:52] All right. And so we're gonna get more of these S rank
[02:28:54] weapons but we only care about this one
[02:28:56] This is a lance it's the
[02:28:58] S-rank weapon that basically allows us to do
[02:29:00] really big damage to monsters which which we're gonna fight a bunch of.
[02:29:03] And this lance is called
[02:29:05] Verdunerf!
[02:29:07] It's called what? Yep, that is exactly
[02:29:09] how you pronounce it. I'm definitely not pronouncing
[02:29:11] it incorrectly.
[02:29:12] It is Verdinerf, and so whenever you hear me say
[02:29:14] Verdinerf, you know what I am talking about.
[02:29:16] It's Verdinerf, alright?
[02:29:19] So this map is actually pretty interesting from a routing perspective.
[02:29:24] I know I haven't talked much about the routing, A that's because
[02:29:27] I kind of don't know much about it, I'll be so real
[02:29:30] but what I do know is that I need to get the lance to use it.
[02:29:39] And basically, there are a bunch of these eggs.
[02:29:42] This is a kill-all map.
[02:29:43] Eggs are enemies.
[02:29:44] Eggs hatch gorgons.
[02:29:44] And basically we don't want to wait for these
[02:29:47] eggs to hatch because that will take far too much time
[02:29:50] so instead we're going to kill the eggs while they're sitting on
[02:29:53] the ground. We're gonna we're gonna step
[02:29:55] on them make some scrambled eggs you know the vibes
[02:30:00] and so the painful thing about these eggs though if
[02:30:03] you notice there is that they give me 50 experience points which like would be
[02:30:08] good in casual gameplay however we don't
[02:30:12] really need the experience at this point of run so these eggs are actually just
[02:30:16] really really really, really
[02:30:17] annoying but luckily they have one redeeming
[02:30:19] quality which is it's my turn
[02:30:21] now! They activate
[02:30:23] as actor tiles if you destroy them
[02:30:25] so basically we're going to unequip that Medusa from stone because the
[02:30:29] the medusas have the stone ability, that makes you turn into stone as meduses do yeah and
[02:30:36] basically the thing about the stone abilities that I had mentioned
[02:30:39] there is one to two range. There's a secret third
[02:30:43] called three range where the stone can attack from three spaces away which means
[02:30:47] we can't counterattack.
[02:30:49] So we unequip her so that she can't use it
[02:30:52] and then she has to fight us
[02:30:55] And we're not gonna get stoned
[02:30:56] and we're going to be so bad
[02:30:57] And so here you're gonna notice I'm using a lot of people on this map.
[02:31:02] There's a lot of units going around here.
[02:31:04] This is because we're actually trying to avoid as many level ups as possible
[02:31:07] because again, we don't really want them.
[02:31:12] Right? And you know...
[02:31:17] That's what we're doing.
[02:31:21] I forgot, I forgot.
[02:31:23] I was about to say something and my brain turned off.
[02:31:26] We can probably get a couple more donations
[02:31:28] because the rest of the run is probably going to go by really quickly, so
[02:31:32] we'll get one more round in.
[02:31:34] Alright, you have $8 from that
[02:31:36] $8 donation train from MrBadGuy
[02:31:38] saying donating for a good cause and to let
[02:31:40] everyone know about my favorite fire emblem character gilliam
[02:31:43] i hope he's super helpful on the run he was super helpful in the runs red apple sent him 25 saying
[02:31:50] the best firearm bloom character is my faith tactician soren from path of radiant
[02:31:54] slash radian dawn ignore the fact that you have to play through radiant dawn doing a lot
[02:31:58] of extremely specific things twice to get his full backstory he's worth it I like the shade in that one.
[02:32:06] CritNerd also donated $5 to Doctors Without Borders and said,
[02:32:10] Always love me some Fire Emblem. Shoutout to the best Lagas?
[02:32:14] I don't know how to say that. Shout out to the best Lagus? I don't know how to say it.
[02:32:15] Shout out to the best Lagus king, Tiburn
[02:32:17] Laguz. Thank you.
[02:32:19] Shout out to the best Laguz king, Tiburn from
[02:32:21] Path of Radiance and Radiant Dog.
[02:32:23] Alright, and so this is one of the last turns on this map
[02:32:28] And basically what we're going to be doing
[02:32:30] Is that I mentioned Siege Lane has
[02:32:33] Basically it's an S rank level weapon
[02:32:36] which means
[02:32:37] that level 10 Erika
[02:32:40] with 7 strength
[02:32:41] is going to murder
[02:32:44] this Gargoyle because this has a might of 16,
[02:32:48] which is
[02:32:49] a lot.
[02:32:51] We're going to kill
[02:32:52] a late game enemy with Erika
[02:32:54] and we're going to do
[02:32:56] 30 plus damage in one hit and it's not going to be a crit, she's just
[02:32:59] gonna hit them that hard. That should tell you how OP these weapons are which is why
[02:33:04] it's very useful that we actually equip Erika with this weapon specifically.
[02:33:11] You know, and you could argue that maybe it's kind of lame
[02:33:14] that only Ephraim and Erika can use these weapons
[02:33:17] but I think it's fine just because
[02:33:19] it makes the speedrun easier.
[02:33:23] Bye! See ya! Nerds outta here. It's over.
[02:33:27] And as I was mentioning before we're about to It's over.
[02:33:31] As I was mentioning before, we're about to dodge a bunch of level ups on this last
[02:33:33] turn on the map
[02:33:37] I forget who all dodges level up so you're just gonna see it we're gonna find
[02:33:40] out together do you have to level up nope you're leveling up kind of anticlimactic
[02:33:46] uh surely e-frame dodge is one though, right? Surely.
[02:33:50] At least the sprites are cute.
[02:33:52] That's true.
[02:33:53] I like her little headband.
[02:33:53] Oh we dodge one there we go.
[02:33:54] Nice!
[02:33:55] We got one dodge here
[02:33:57] and as you know with our killer ants
[02:33:58] just bringing it back to the PP.
[02:34:00] We're now at three so we've been using this very well
[02:34:05] and we are going to do a little bit of redrawing here.
[02:34:10] Seth's also going to dodge
[02:34:12] a level up, Tana is gonna
[02:34:14] dodge a level up and Sally's also gonna dodge
[02:34:16] a level up. Erica however
[02:34:18] will not because she
[02:34:20] had to kill two enemies so she's just getting a bunch of experience points because
[02:34:23] she's like level 10.
[02:34:27] And then hopefully we crit the crap out of this egg,
[02:34:29] because if we do that means we did it correctly.
[02:34:31] We're so back!
[02:34:33] Fantastic!
[02:34:34] That is also another pretty hard level just because there's so many different things going
[02:34:41] on that you have to keep track of, and now we're gonna go into probably my favorite map in the game,
[02:34:45] this is chapter 19, this is Last Hope
[02:34:49] and this map has a fatal flaw!
[02:34:53] You can probably tell
[02:34:55] what is about to happen.
[02:34:57] Um, so...
[02:34:59] I think it's gonna be
[02:35:01] my turn a little soon
[02:35:03] here.
[02:35:05] Again, Darkness... This is supposed to be like I think a 15-turn or
[02:35:09] 17-turn Defense Chapter? Oh no it's a 13-turn, I just lied to you for no reason.
[02:35:13] It's a 13-turn Defense Chapter but again 13-turn defense chapter or a two-turn
[02:35:18] uh kill the boss chapter and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do something really funny where
[02:35:22] we're gonna rescue chain on the enemy side of the field.
[02:35:28] Which is really funny because if you've played any Fire Emblem, you know that enemies never rescue other enemies.
[02:35:32] They're never a thing they do but we're gonna do it
[02:35:34] cause' we're going to drop a Reave just in range
[02:35:36] because I think what the darkness is that
[02:35:37] you cannot hit what you cannot see. But luckily
[02:35:39] we can see this guy and this guys about to get owned
[02:35:41] dot com.
[02:35:43] He has something
[02:35:45] to say. We didn't care though.
[02:35:48] Literally, sir you died no one cares. I'm not reading
[02:35:52] all that congratulations are my condolences.
[02:35:56] Alright and then as we get on out of All right.
[02:35:58] And then as we get on out of here,
[02:36:00] we can probably get one more donation here before we start the next map.
[02:36:03] Absolutely.
[02:36:04] Ella sent in $10 saying, wow, that emblem sure is fire. Did I get the plot right?
[02:36:09] Such a fun run to watch! Shoutouts to PT on the couch for being one of
[02:36:13] best people in the community. P.S., let's not eat the dirt.
[02:36:17] Listen, that's what you gotta do. You gotta put these men in the dirt. Listen, that's what you gotta do! You gotta put these men in
[02:36:20] the dirt! I don't understand why you would say that, I'm confused. There are so many things
[02:36:24] happening this run that is confusing. You got somebody who like the founder of Twitter
[02:36:28] and then on top of that you you got people out here with my name
[02:36:31] flying on wyverns and we don't even use them.
[02:36:33] Some dude is on another wyvern
[02:36:35] and his wyvern is long? Listen
[02:36:37] You're doing a whole lot
[02:36:39] And then you say we can't put men in dirt i can't even believe this speaking of long
[02:36:42] wyverns uh we're gonna have only flying units on this map to the i'll be so real i lost i lost count
[02:36:49] we're gonna do this again but i'm actually one going to... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
[02:36:52] Alright we're so bad. Uh, we're actually doing something
[02:36:54] really interesting-
[02:36:56] I can count! Yay!
[02:36:58] We're gonna do something really interesting on this map actually
[02:37:00] So, I rescued Teelees with Sirene and basically
[02:37:03] put her on the mount, then i put Cormag on a thick brush
[02:37:07] and basically these two different things are not on ground
[02:37:11] since we're not on the ground, basically what that means is none of these guys move.
[02:37:14] Only the people who can fly can move which means we actually save a ton of time
[02:37:19] on the first turn because we don't have any grounded units
[02:37:22] so all these guys standing
[02:37:24] in these four-man rotations
[02:37:25] don't move, but
[02:37:27] Gorgons can fly
[02:37:30] in the Japanese version of the game, which is
[02:37:32] insane! They don't fly on the English version.
[02:37:35] I was like, I haven't been able to talk bad about
[02:37:37] nobody because everybody looks like pixels and stuff
[02:37:39] but I know the Medusas
[02:37:41] when I see them, and ma'am
[02:37:43] what do you mean you just flew over? If you don't go back to your
[02:37:45] other side of the pond, what are you doing?
[02:37:48] Who told you come over here?
[02:37:50] Who invited you? No.
[02:37:51] Absolutely not. Yeah so that was actually
[02:37:53] patched out of the English version as well.
[02:37:55] Gorgons do not fly on the English version
[02:37:58] So you don't have to worry about that
[02:37:59] But what we did notice
[02:38:01] And this is what I was alluding to back in Chapter 16
[02:38:03] Where if you don't do that redraw
[02:38:04] You basically get an extra point of resistance, you basically get an extra point of resistance. And
[02:38:07] if you get an extra point of resistance, you get 25 health instead of 23 health. We need
[02:38:11] 23 health because Ephraim has 23 health. Because Ephraim is a little
[02:38:15] baby because he hasn't fought anything the whole run, right?
[02:38:18] And so these guys can just kill him if they want but they don't kill him
[02:38:23] because we both have 23 HP and since he has a Javelin and he can fight back
[02:38:29] They actually prioritize Cormac who can't fight back. Because that's just the way it is coded which is really good for us but it's funny because they don't kill.
[02:38:35] 1 2 3 4 5 6 wow counting! just don't kill. One, two, three, four, five, six. Wow!
[02:38:39] Counting... This guy's dead.
[02:38:43] Get him out of here. Are we allowed to say he can
[02:38:47] eat dirt?
[02:38:49] Yes, we can. He could eat gravel, how about that?
[02:38:50] Altered. Now he's not eating dirt,
[02:38:52] he's eating gravel specifically.
[02:38:55] And this is the last chapter of the game
[02:38:57] there are actually two maps but this is
[02:38:58] the last chapter and surely I don't get
[02:39:00] the white screen to death.
[02:39:02] We're still back! I actually skipped the cutscene!
[02:39:04] I never skip that cutscene.
[02:39:06] I start good, yes!
[02:39:08] Skill! Yay! skill yay
[02:39:11] speaking of
[02:39:13] yay
[02:39:13] we're
[02:39:15] gonna
[02:39:15] get to the
[02:39:18] end of this
[02:39:19] chapter quickly
[02:39:19] I don't know, bro.
[02:39:20] Alright whatever. Anyway so we're flying directly over here
[02:39:24] and we're going to drop Seth here. So we have a little conundrum here
[02:39:27] And basically the conundrum is that there's three people in front of Leon right there
[02:39:30] This is the kill-the- boss chapter, so we need to
[02:39:32] kill Leon and basically we need
[02:39:34] have Seth get to the middle guy
[02:39:36] and open up the gates so that Cormac
[02:39:38] can kill the boss
[02:39:40] Kill the big baddie. But unfortunately we have a bow user that's going to target Cormag and try
[02:39:46] to kill him because Cormags weak against bows so instead we have a different flying unit to die.
[02:39:52] Bye bye!
[02:39:54] That is all of Cyrene's usefulness in the run.
[02:39:57] Oh yikes.
[02:39:58] Yay death.
[02:39:59] Um...
[02:40:02] I'm about to get that donation because it it's like I love Siren. It's like ooh who's gonna tell him?
[02:40:07] Who's gonna tell them? And speaking of telling them, uh...
[02:40:10] I'm about to tell you all that we are about to hit a little bit of a wall here because
[02:40:14] we're going to do a little bit of math here
[02:40:16] because i don't know if you guys noticed but nine times three is like
[02:40:19] i don't know 27 or something 27 times two is just not 73.
[02:40:23] no and so basically what we what we need to happen here is that we
[02:40:26] need to hit him we need to crit him three times and we
[02:40:29] need him to miss twice and he one shots us
[02:40:32] so surely that just happens, right?
[02:40:42] Oh. Sick! We one-shot him! Oh. How nice!
[02:40:46] So this is Pierce.
[02:40:48] Weaver and Dice have this skill called Pierce which activates on your level
[02:40:53] so we had a 12% chance of activating Pierce
[02:40:55] which again, we can manipulate everything in the game which again we can manipulate everything in the game
[02:40:56] which means we can manipulate Pierce which is so sick
[02:41:00] because I remember when I was learning this
[02:41:02] I looked at that and I was like how am I going to kill that guy?
[02:41:04] I forgot about Pierce. 1 2 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
[02:41:08] And basically what Pierce does is that it makes you do true damage
[02:41:14] It lets you do true damage
[02:41:16] So this guy has like over 100 HP But since he doesn't have any defense at all
[02:41:20] This is the Demon King by the way. Time's gonna come up relatively soon
[02:41:23] Alright it's pretty fucking loose wide
[02:41:25] He has over 100 HP
[02:41:28] He has none 100 HP.
[02:41:29] He has none! I was gonna say...
[02:41:30] One shot, that's it!
[02:41:31] Imagine having over a hundred HP and still being Punk Mate.
[02:41:35] The only thing valuable here is your artwork my good dude.
[02:41:38] And now he's going to dissolve like the sand and time's going to
[02:41:40] end when I ever save on
[02:41:42] the file so it's gonna be a pretty easy
[02:41:46] TIME! You got it!
[02:41:48] Nice!
[02:41:50] And that is the Sacred Stones, everyone.
[02:41:54] Again this is one of my favorite games
[02:41:56] of all time like top five ever so I'm really
[02:41:58] happy to have shown
[02:42:00] this off.
[02:42:01] Quick shout-outs just
[02:42:02] to Kirby Master for...
[02:42:04] I basically learned
[02:42:05] about him from the
[02:42:05] game off of his run.
[02:42:06] He did a very,
[02:42:07] very good job
[02:42:08] of preserving
[02:42:09] this game
[02:42:09] and basically had
[02:42:10] like a pace bin with all these notes about
[02:42:12] how to run the game, how to pick it up.
[02:42:14] Really really helpful so just shoutouts to
[02:42:16] previous Fire Emblem Runners I know it was more than
[02:42:18] Kirby Master that brought us however I don't know your names
[02:42:20] I'm so sorry but all of you that helped,
[02:42:23] I appreciate it. Uh...I just wanted to shout
[02:42:25] out my mom who donated.
[02:42:27] I want to shout out my family.
[02:42:28] Wanted to shout out all the people in the back house
[02:42:30] clapping on me for being able to count a really good skill that i learned today
[02:42:35] and shout outs to ryan uh and then show us for pt for joining me it was good vibes it
[02:42:40] was a good time. I was useful.
[02:42:45] And you can follow me on Twitch, slash Nostani.
[02:42:48] I also have a podcast called Even Though Nobody Asked that nobody asked for.
[02:42:52] So you should check that out.
[02:42:53] It's speedrun adjacent. we're not all about speed
[02:42:54] running but we do do the podcast uh and that'll be all from me just thanks for having me ggq
[02:42:59] i love being able to show off this game have a good one, everyone.
[02:43:13] Thank you so much again to Nostani and PT. I want to read a quick donation from TempestMask1000
[02:43:16] They sent an $8 saying
[02:43:18] Where would we be without Fire Emblem at SGDQ?
[02:43:21] Congrats to Nastani on taking
[02:43:22] up the challenge of learning this run and bringing
[02:43:24] Ephraim to this event. It's been great to see your growth, my
[02:43:27] guy. Also shout out to my friends at
[02:43:28] EmblemCon both from the staff and
[02:43:30] attendees. Sacred Stones unite
[02:43:33] and unite we did
[02:43:35] Thank you so much again for that run, and before we
[02:43:37] go to a quick break, I just want to remind you all
[02:43:39] that this is your last chance to get your donations
[02:43:41] in for the Character Choice Bid War
[02:43:43] for Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
[02:43:45] because that's coming up next. So as as a reminder Garfield is currently in the
[02:43:49] lead with $377 but Danny Phantom is not far behind at $335.50 then we have the Angry Beavers
[02:43:56] at $120 and then all the other choices are below it. You can do Reptar,
[02:43:59] Korra, SpongeBob, Gerald from Hey Arnold or L.T. Grey so if any of those catch your fancy and you
[02:44:04] want to see those as the character selection in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.
[02:44:08] Remember, get those donations in.
[02:44:10] Alright, so we'll be taking a quick break and we'll be right back
[02:44:14] but we'll see you in just a few minutes.. so Try to follow the red rainbow
[02:44:43] Twist into hell, we'll just keep living on
[02:44:47] Guess what my kind only one with different out
[02:44:50] Must keep on moving ahead
[02:44:51] Don't stop the gas and follow my passion
[02:44:54] Trusting in what you can see
[02:44:59] Take my lead, I'll set you free
[02:45:03] Run away, set me free
[02:45:06] Trust me and we will escape from this city
[02:45:11] I'm making through Run away on the city I'll make it through
[02:45:13] follow me
[02:45:16] Follow me
[02:45:20] Set me free
[02:45:22] Trust me We will escape from this city
[02:45:26] I'm making a girl prove it to you
[02:45:33] Trust me so.
[02:45:48] . so so so is I don't care what lies ahead
[02:46:39] No time for guessing, follow my friend's head
[02:46:43] I'm an exchange no matter what that may be
[02:46:47] Take money and we all set you free me Escape from the city I'll make it through
[02:47:01] Follow me
[02:47:06] Follow me
[02:47:08] Set me free Trust me and we will escape me We are For
[02:47:21] Space
[02:47:23] Yeah
[02:47:25] Yeah
[02:47:27] Yeah
[02:47:29] Yeah Yeah Welcome back, everyone to Summer Games Dunquick 2024 benefiting Doctors Without Borders.
[02:47:48] Let's give it up one more time for that last incredible Fire Emblem run,
[02:47:52] That was such an absolute joy
[02:47:54] and some incredible, incredible commentary.
[02:48:01] But first, I'd like to talk about one of our incredible supporters for this event.
[02:48:10] Which is Frame Fatales! GDQ is proud to host Frame Fatales, a community of women and femmes interested in speedrunning, charity events, and gaming.
[02:48:20] In addition to our two flagship events we have supportive community discord with activities year round, including game of the month and randomizer events.
[02:48:27] Our next FF event is Flame Fatals 2024 running from August 18th to 25th.
[02:48:32] To check out the schedule and learn more, type exclamation
[02:48:36] point FF in the chat.
[02:48:38] Once again that is exclamation point
[02:48:40] FF in the chat.
[02:48:45] We all love Frame Fatales here, so thank you so much to everyone who's a part of that community
[02:48:50] and definitely go and support them in the upcoming event.
[02:48:54] All right I want to remind everyone one more time.
[02:48:57] We have this Nickelodeon all-star Brawl 2 run coming up
[02:49:01] and the character is still up in the air
[02:49:04] and since we've taken our break it has flipped
[02:49:06] so before Garfield was in the air and since we've taken our break it is flipped so before garfield was
[02:49:08] in the lead and it has 377 dollars but now danny phantom is now on the lead at 425.50
[02:49:15] we had a 50 donation come in from zb that just said, let's go Danny Phantom.
[02:49:20] Yeah, let's go.
[02:49:21] And if you don't want to see Danny Phantom,
[02:49:23] you want to see someone else get those donations in right now,
[02:49:26] your time is running out.
[02:49:28] And as a reminder, this does choose the character
[02:49:30] for the entire run which pretty much just determines
[02:49:33] what the whole run will look like every single character
[02:49:36] plays completely differently because
[02:49:37] this is a fighting game.
[02:49:39] So if you wanna see how that run pans out,
[02:49:41] you can always snipe this.
[02:49:42] You've got Danny Phantom as an option
[02:49:44] currently in the lead Garfield as an option
[02:49:46] but you also could vote for or donate
[02:49:48] for The Angry Beavers, Reptar, Cora SpongeBob Gerald from Hey Arnold or donate for the angry beavers reptar corus spongebob gerald from hey arnold or l t gray so
[02:49:54] any of those sound good to you get your donations in right now your time is running out.
[02:50:05] I'd also love to remind everyone about the Desert Festival Race incentive that is open currently for Stardew Valley, we are at
[02:50:08] $1,744 out of the 15,000 that we need to see that later today during the Stardew Run.
[02:50:15] So also remember to get those donations in when you are donating go down to
[02:50:19] the bottom of the page and click that incentive button.
[02:50:24] Alright!
[02:50:26] It looks like we are now ready for this upcoming run
[02:50:29] of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
[02:50:32] We've got a new Game Plus campaign campaign and I will hand it over to
[02:50:34] Limey for that run, go for it!
[02:50:39] Let's go! Well...
[02:50:42] Hello everyone, uh, I'm Limey, I don't know if you can see me Well...
[02:50:44] Hello everyone! I'm Limey Underthorosaur.
[02:50:46] I run this game.
[02:50:48] No way.
[02:50:49] I have two people who play Blat Fighters on my couch,
[02:50:51] if you'd like to introduce yourselves?
[02:50:52] Unfortunately.
[02:50:53] I'm Kabaskasco i used to
[02:50:54] i played this game a little competitively on launch um
[02:50:58] i was like close-ish top 50 but who cares about that
[02:51:02] i mean helix i don't play this game. Yeah!
[02:51:04] Play Project Plus.
[02:51:05] Yeah!
[02:51:06] Head Rivals 2!
[02:51:07] Head Rivals 2.
[02:51:08] Yeah!
[02:51:09] Okay.
[02:51:10] But yeah, this is Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.
[02:51:12] If you have seen the first Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, it is totally different.
[02:51:17] If you're a big nit kid,
[02:51:20] You'll see there's a lot of characters and references that are in this game for you.
[02:51:25] I know that there was a bid war
[02:51:27] for the character, that i'm a little nervous about
[02:51:29] I'm scared to ask who won
[02:51:38] Alright, I was getting the final results. Danny Phantom was in the lead but we had a snipe and you will be playing as Garfield.
[02:51:46] It's all over. It's all over. It's so over.
[02:51:48] Chaos wins.
[02:51:52] How much?
[02:51:54] Garfield ended up winning by just under a hundred dollars wow that is close then it's like very
[02:52:01] until the very end that was old for his money yeah yeah it was it was like within
[02:52:06] a dollar which is very cool i have to change my loadout a little bit but yeah
[02:52:10] this run is a roguelite it's very, very cool.
[02:52:14] We go through three areas 12 stages each with again
[02:52:18] the character that y'all picked.
[02:52:19] Thank you for your donations again.
[02:52:21] And then we're going to be picking perks
[02:52:23] and then basically just getting right into the run.
[02:52:25] You should show everybody Garfield's neutral B.
[02:52:27] I will, yeah.
[02:52:28] Give me one second.
[02:52:30] What is it again?
[02:52:32] Oh, yeah.
[02:52:34] Yeah so Garfield has a shine in this game if you've seen Fox or Falco from Super Smash
[02:52:39] Brothers Melee for the Nintendo GameCube.
[02:52:40] You'll know what that means.
[02:52:41] It looks like this.
[02:52:44] He's so silly, my little war crime kitten.
[02:52:50] But yeah,
[02:52:52] I'll get into more of the explanation as we get in
[02:52:54] but time will be
[02:52:56] starting when I click A right over this portal
[02:52:58] it's gonna be happening in 5
[02:53:00] oh, 5? 4, three, two,
[02:53:03] one! Go!
[02:53:05] The first time you've ever done a good countdown
[02:53:07] is to start an American run.
[02:53:09] I'm proud of you.
[02:53:13] We're still back. So if you've ever seen classic mode in Super Smash Bros games, this is like that but as Limey mentioned it's also a red light which is sick.
[02:53:21] Yeah, it's so cool
[02:53:24] The first stage in every area
[02:53:26] is going to be
[02:53:28] this arena type level
[02:53:30] and ideally I'd be getting
[02:53:32] only two per area everything else should be a character fight or just getting items because those are the fastest ways to beat all areas.
[02:53:41] Arenas are bad because you have to fight a lot of enemies and more enemies equals that takes
[02:53:44] more time, which equals bad because we're speedrunners.
[02:53:47] That was a coherent sentence.
[02:53:49] The stages are also really big usually in the custom mode
[02:53:52] cause it's like the hazards off just casual stages
[02:53:54] which you know they're pretty good but for these
[02:53:56] things where the enemies can just run away and like oh and whoa okay and stuff like that gonna
[02:54:03] happen it's been running away It's usually in your favor,
[02:54:06] just for getting early kills.
[02:54:08] Like, it can go both ways.
[02:54:13] Oh, the backcatch is into it.
[02:54:14] You love this game.
[02:54:15] Thank you so much, BackCatch!
[02:54:17] Yeah, GURR. One of the shops you want?
[02:54:19] Yes, this is one of the shops I want.
[02:54:21] Hopefully I get something good...
[02:54:23] This is good.
[02:54:25] So because I got GURR really early on, I because I got Gur really early on
[02:54:28] I'm thinking I'll just be building my projectiles up
[02:54:33] So I'm going to try and get another low level perk
[02:54:37] where every
[02:54:38] about 12 seconds, I'm going to be getting a
[02:54:40] projectile that spawns off of me.
[02:54:43] I took that
[02:54:44] off of my perks because there's a different version of that
[02:54:46] that is really good, but for Garfield, it is better
[02:54:49] to use my smash attacks and just have things
[02:54:51] come with my smash attacks. That is not
[02:54:53] the right one.
[02:54:55] The shops...
[02:54:56] You see they can have the shops all do different things.
[02:54:59] They always have not like the same power-ups but themed power-ups
[02:55:03] Like Grr! always has projectile based ones
[02:55:07] And I believe you want mainly mainly Gur and Q Neutron.
[02:55:12] Yeah, and then I'm also fine with...I don't remember her name but the girl from El Tigre
[02:55:17] she also has good stuff for me because I can build my light attacks which also
[02:55:20] I'm pretty sure includes my aerials.
[02:55:21] It's very good.
[02:55:24] Yeah, sometimes Garfield does trouble killing just because...
[02:55:26] Where's your shine combos?
[02:55:30] Come on, man.
[02:55:32] Drill, shine shine up smash.
[02:55:36] Oh no! We're so bad.
[02:55:40] Another thing there... You see Slimey has a meter. It's the slime meter which
[02:55:43] probably not be using at all
[02:55:44] because in single player it's not really as
[02:55:47] useful. It depends on the character I think
[02:55:49] but normally
[02:55:50] you can use slime to enhance your specials and have maybe your up special
[02:55:54] go further so that you get a better recovery but the main thing is, you can use slime on
[02:55:58] hitting an attack to cancel it.
[02:56:00] And like cancel into another attack.
[02:56:03] You could also if you have two bars
[02:56:05] you can have up to three
[02:56:06] If you have two and get hit
[02:56:07] you have a burst
[02:56:08] which cancels all of your knockbacks
[02:56:10] and makes you live in a dire situation
[02:56:12] And even with 3
[02:56:13] you can do like special
[02:56:14] like a super which uh a lot of people probably never use because they're
[02:56:17] really slow i might use it well look i don't remember what carter is
[02:56:20] this you should actually totally use it
[02:56:23] it's for the content, right? Yeah!
[02:56:26] Please? Off the top
[02:56:27] please?
[02:56:29] Maybe Garthwell does a little trouble killing.
[02:56:31] Oh, there you go.
[02:56:33] I know in this game every character has like a aerial strong attack as well yeah
[02:56:37] which is like your smash attacks yeah they're called strongs legally distinct smash attacks
[02:56:42] and garfield garfield has both like fox and Falco downers.
[02:56:47] The strong one is the Falco pillar that spikes
[02:56:49] everybody's probably been hit by in Hades.
[02:56:53] I just got 1 of 2 really good things
[02:56:56] I'm looking for.
[02:56:57] This is basically all my projectiles will now home in on enemies,
[02:57:01] which could be really silly with certain characters.
[02:57:04] Oh!
[02:57:06] That was my bad. that was my bad.
[02:57:07] Next time for sure.
[02:57:10] I will break those targets next time.
[02:57:11] Alright, I believe you.
[02:57:13] You should believe me.
[02:57:14] Coolest characters in the game by like Blankton.
[02:57:17] He's in a Mech, it's awesome.
[02:57:18] I don't think we can explain the basics of platform fights
[02:57:21] just incase you don't know about platform fights
[02:57:24] You do damage they take percent
[02:57:27] The more percent or damage or the more damage they
[02:57:29] have... I don't know if it's a percent in Smash Bros.
[02:57:32] The more damage they have, the farther they get launched and if you launch them off
[02:57:34] the screen then you win!
[02:57:36] That's part of the reason single character fights are generally fast in this is because you only have one character to knock off the screen.
[02:57:43] You don't have to worry about dealing damage to a whole bunch of different parties.
[02:57:48] Why isn't that way?
[02:57:50] And then it's generally... Why isn't that way?
[02:57:55] And then it's generally useful to get, you know, attacks that link another attack.
[02:57:58] Or just spam Sash attacks.
[02:58:02] Well, you do that to build up damage and then you usually try to finish with some sort of strong attack.
[02:58:11] With different characters I tried using my projectiles especially if I get the homing in power-up but with Garfield power up? I'll do this.
[02:58:13] But with Garfield,
[02:58:14] I usually just prefer hitting a charged smash attack
[02:58:17] and then hopefully
[02:58:17] something good happens.
[02:58:19] Yeah, fair.
[02:58:21] It's all secret. He was in the mid war!
[02:58:23] Thank you for your donations again.
[02:58:25] Uh...yeah this is just a little bit more character fights
[02:58:28] And then we're gonna be getting into
[02:58:31] The first boss cause we're gonna be three. There are six bosses in total
[02:58:35] But it is just random which one we get especially in a new game classroom like this
[02:58:43] What are the strengths of your build, apparently?
[02:58:47] I have five jumps built,
[02:58:49] built five stocks...
[02:58:51] and then maxed out
[02:58:53] 80% movement or something.
[02:58:55] It's really good.
[02:58:57] I didn't get 5 jumps with the other stuff but...
[02:58:59] 5 jumps is hilarious. Yeah!
[02:59:01] That was a lot of jumps for a platform fighter.
[02:59:03] Yeah that was a little absurd.
[02:59:09] What if Aang just yells, stop that?
[02:59:13] I have so many feelings about the characters in this game, because I played on launch and
[02:59:16] Aang was one of those characters that did not like
[02:59:18] playing against. Thank you for
[02:59:20] winning.
[02:59:21] Of course. I made a snappy just for you.
[02:59:24] Thank you.
[02:59:27] Every 11th stage is going to be a rest stage where
[02:59:30] I can get certain buffs,
[02:59:32] I don't need any because I am good at this game.
[02:59:36] It's basically still a bit of rest before the boss
[02:59:37] a lot of these bosses
[02:59:37] are supposed to be hard
[02:59:38] but again I'm good
[02:59:39] at this game
[02:59:39] I know how to build
[02:59:40] my character
[02:59:40] yeah there's
[02:59:42] King Jellyfish
[02:59:43] I don't know if anyone
[02:59:43] here has seen Spongebob
[02:59:45] maybe
[02:59:45] what's Spongebob?
[02:59:47] Backout really likes Spongebob SpongeBob? Yeah, maybe. What's SpongeBob?
[02:59:50] Backcouch really likes SpongeBob! Yeah, Jax is probably on it.
[02:59:52] Hi Drexler!
[02:59:53] Let's go Bingo!
[03:00:02] I don't know why but this fight reminds me of Giga Bowser. Oh definitely.
[03:00:04] Yeah.
[03:00:06] Hey you're using fine!
[03:00:08] I've noticed! That's awesome.
[03:00:09] Yeah one weakness of Garfield that makes you very sad...
[03:00:13] You spotted a lot of popcorn there off the side!
[03:00:17] Don't worry about it.
[03:00:18] Okay, you should use your Super on King Jettyfish.
[03:00:21] I will, just for you.
[03:00:22] Thank you!
[03:00:24] Darn Veil does a lot of trouble killing bosses. It's very sad and makes me upset.
[03:00:31] But because we got King Jellyfish he is totally set up close to the ground
[03:00:39] and I can just keep up tilting and then it's fairly fast um this is just one more arena
[03:00:44] uh we have time for a quick plug donation if you have any absolutely do we have 10 from limey and Absolutely do. We have $10 from Limey SR that says,
[03:00:55] Happy to be here.
[03:00:56] I'm a first-time runner, long-time runner, donating $10.
[03:00:58] Yeah, we don't have any more time for donations, I think.
[03:01:05] So yeah, this is an arena um
[03:01:09] again we have 10 enemies and we're gonna be getting through them really quick like i said so everything that should be fine, again trying to just finish my Strongs like
[03:01:16] that.
[03:01:17] That's good.
[03:01:18] That was really good!
[03:01:19] And then there are four left so again not too much left.
[03:01:22] Oh use your super! Ooh, yeah. There's four left, so again not too much left.
[03:01:23] Use your super!
[03:01:25] Just for you.
[03:01:27] I missed.
[03:01:29] Bungled it.
[03:01:31] It's actually probably faster.
[03:01:35] You'll get it next time!
[03:01:38] Yeah, surely next time.
[03:01:41] But again almost done I just need to get this guy off of the screen.
[03:01:44] Ah, yeah.
[03:01:45] Generally how platform fighters work.
[03:01:46] Yeah and then we're good here.
[03:01:49] The classic platform fighter speedrun problem
[03:01:53] of AI is sometimes extremely uncooperative.
[03:01:56] It's kind of cool because it makes for a very different run each time, especially when you
[03:02:00] add a... That is the second one I need! Okay. Awesome!
[03:02:04] Yeah so the perk that I just got if you know anything about Cloud Fighters
[03:02:07] and if you're seeing how I'm playing that might look enticing
[03:02:11] That makes me intangible every time I do an aerial attack
[03:02:13] and I land a hit
[03:02:15] So that could be really good for bosses.
[03:02:21] Is there something wrong with your
[03:02:23] controller? I mean it doesn't look like you're using a normal
[03:02:25] game control. Yeah, I'm cheating!
[03:02:28] Oh man...
[03:02:30] I forgot to mention that he plays on a box because of wrist issues.
[03:02:32] Yeah, wrist issues are the problem.
[03:02:34] GameCube controllers are notorious for their wrists.
[03:02:36] Yeah, yeah. I was watching Family Feud, again.
[03:02:39] If you're here at GDQ there's a lot of activities people could do
[03:02:44] and I'm pretty sure there is an entire page for it
[03:02:46] but yeah, I was watching Family Feud
[03:02:49] like Draft Family Feud
[03:02:50] and someone said GameCube controller
[03:02:52] a bunch of people said GameCube controller
[03:02:54] is the best controller for speedrunning
[03:02:55] which is...
[03:02:57] It is from Monkey Ball!
[03:02:59] Okay we get it you play Monkey Ball We get it is from Monkey Ball. Okay we get it you play monkey ball.
[03:03:00] We get it you play monkey ball I say as a monkey ball runner.
[03:03:05] There ya go.
[03:03:06] Shout out to the monkey ball speedrunning.
[03:03:08] True.
[03:03:09] They obviously do that. Shout out to Monkey Ball Scooter. I obviously do that.
[03:03:11] Shoutout to Damage Boosting for those...
[03:03:13] Yeah, that's funny.
[03:03:15] This is...
[03:03:19] I hear someone on the back couch correcting me, unfortunately.
[03:03:20] I don't care.
[03:03:23] Hey, is there a heat-seeking missile?
[03:03:24] I think they're correcting me, but I'm not even gonna go.
[03:03:26] It's fine.
[03:03:29] Probably wouldn't want to read it.
[03:03:32] We'll go down here. Yeah, Forced Arena.
[03:03:34] You need his super this time!
[03:03:36] Ooh maybe yeah.
[03:03:38] I'd like to see Thorfield's special...
[03:03:40] I actually don't remember what it is. Why does he spawn?
[03:03:43] He actually spawns like a popcorn thing every time
[03:03:45] he hits an enemy in this mode, let's go see.
[03:03:47] Oh wow!
[03:03:49] Okay, well I can't understand anything that's happening
[03:03:51] because it's all too small now
[03:03:53] yeah the stage like has transformations kind of like pokemon stadiums yeah any gold one things
[03:03:59] probably shout out okay from earlier in the marathon.
[03:04:07] Yeah!
[03:04:10] Okay, you almost got a meter? I'm counting on you this time.
[03:04:15] Of course.
[03:04:19] Yeah, I believe- yeah!
[03:04:23] What is... I don't like what I'm hearing.
[03:04:24] Why is he talking to me?
[03:04:25] That's...
[03:04:26] Yeah!
[03:04:27] Nice!
[03:04:28] Yeah, that's a special in this game.
[03:04:31] Hey you signed up for this.
[03:04:33] This was your fault.
[03:04:34] This is peer pressure. I'm getting peer pressured right this. I didn't remember- This is your fault.
[03:04:35] This is peer pressure, I'm getting peer pressured right now.
[03:04:37] My bad.
[03:04:39] I don't like how Garfield talked to me during that one.
[03:04:44] That was also definitely slower.
[03:04:47] Yeah, for sure!
[03:04:49] They both would have just been eviscerated.
[03:04:53] Over the comments...
[03:04:54] You know people donated to this.
[03:04:56] People did. You're getting your money for this. People did?
[03:04:56] You're getting your money's worth.
[03:04:57] Yeah, yeah.
[03:04:58] That's true.
[03:04:59] You gotta give them what they want.
[03:05:00] When they donated,
[03:05:01] they clearly wanted to see that.
[03:05:03] I'm sorry for blaming you.
[03:05:04] Thank you.
[03:05:06] I have to do three here? Okay.
[03:05:08] Usually like I said, I only have to do two but this game got patched very recently
[03:05:13] Like yesterday or something
[03:05:15] The classic patch the day before
[03:05:22] They added a rock study from i think ninja turtles yeah
[03:05:25] yeah no clue what he plays like i haven't played in the game in like
[03:05:29] a year or half a year. A half a year, but still.
[03:05:33] Really? I was trying to make him go down the hole?
[03:05:34] Womp womp.
[03:05:35] Womp womp.
[03:05:38] Okay. Please? You're trying to build me there again, I get it.
[03:05:41] Yeah, yeah.
[03:05:42] You want a few to get.
[03:05:43] There's the projectile.
[03:05:45] Please!
[03:05:46] Please!
[03:05:48] Okay.
[03:05:50] No he's alive.
[03:05:50] That's why I'm sorry.
[03:05:54] Oh, okay.
[03:05:55] Yeah, just jump into that.
[03:05:55] Yeah.
[03:05:56] You take those?
[03:05:58] Yeah, a lot of the time AI likes to jump from ledge
[03:05:59] so I can count on that usually sorry i heard the crowd
[03:06:03] and had to respond of course it's a bingo yourself yeah some are saying this yes
[03:06:09] you don't see this and say, heck yeah.
[03:06:14] But that perk I just got is the one that I like to see boost all of my tilts or I guess my life in this game.
[03:06:21] Another Forcerina. like tilts or i guess my life in this game another force arena yeah of course
[03:06:30] yeah this one is one of the worst ones respectively just because uh
[03:06:35] The ceiling is so high
[03:06:37] It looks cool though. Yippee
[03:06:39] Okay
[03:06:42] I got it lagging you up!
[03:06:44] Blast Sands being further away means
[03:06:46] you have to knock people inside of them, which means
[03:06:48] you deal more damage and it takes more time.
[03:06:50] I know right?
[03:06:52] Who would've thought that's how that works.
[03:06:56] I've never played Smash Bros before.
[03:07:00] What is that guy doing over there? He's on an adventure.
[03:07:06] I'm going to keep pushing this smash button. Wait, you're me out!
[03:07:08] Oh no...
[03:07:10] We're doing it again?
[03:07:11] No!
[03:07:12] WAIT WHY?!
[03:07:14] I heard you out.
[03:07:16] Why is Garvey talking to me like this?
[03:07:19] You wouldn't get it.
[03:07:20] You don't get it with us.
[03:07:22] That's true if you get it.
[03:07:25] Yeah. I'm getting flashbacks Yeah, it's true if you get it.
[03:07:33] I'm getting flashbacks to when I played Garfield 04 for the PC and it was really bad.
[03:07:35] If you know, you know. No or no Garp do it on 4!
[03:07:37] I did so much work that.
[03:07:39] Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
[03:07:42] Anyways...
[03:07:44] We're gonna be fighting Danny Phantom as the next character fight.
[03:07:48] We could've been playing as him!
[03:07:52] It's okay. I can't complain about getting donations to charity.
[03:07:58] That vid war kinda popped off. Donations to charity. Yeah! That's like, donations to charity.
[03:07:59] That bid war kind of popped off.
[03:08:02] There were so many lead changes in the last half hour.
[03:08:05] It popped off especially for an overnight bid war.
[03:08:06] Oh yeah?
[03:08:06] Yeah.
[03:08:08] Thank you all for being awake for this. Yeah!
[03:08:10] Aw... that wasn't a kill.
[03:08:14] Sure, sure.
[03:08:16] I just need to go back there, yeah.
[03:08:18] Nice back air! Nice back air!
[03:08:20] I swear this is what it's called
[03:08:22] I like using Garfield's
[03:08:24] Back Air because it is a
[03:08:26] sex kick. Oh my god
[03:08:28] Smash community Why do they call it neutral? oh my god smash community yeah but why are we calling mutuals that this is not about it's
[03:08:33] not usually right back here it's a backyard but it's like good it's really good uh some
[03:08:37] are saying this i'm saying this right now kick, kick move that comes out really fast.
[03:08:41] And stays active for a long time.
[03:08:45] That was the character who used to be a real character in Natsumi 1
[03:08:48] It was like the final DLC and I wasn't playing
[03:08:51] the game at that time
[03:08:52] but I'm pretty sure
[03:08:53] he was really broken
[03:08:54] in the game.
[03:08:55] Is that what?
[03:08:55] What is that?
[03:08:56] It's like a Wasp?
[03:08:57] What's happening?
[03:08:58] Okay,
[03:08:58] I'm not sure.
[03:08:59] There was a bug
[03:09:00] to some degree
[03:09:01] and we both freaked out!
[03:09:03] I was trying to explain about how Shredder is like the bandit on Vazby 1 but whatever
[03:09:06] I guess.
[03:09:07] It's fine.
[03:09:09] Now he's just a boss.
[03:09:11] Distracted him so much actually.
[03:09:13] You tricked me out!
[03:09:16] More interesting than Shredder, I mean what?
[03:09:20] But yeah, um...
[03:09:22] I'm just taking advantage of the intangibility that I get.
[03:09:25] Shoutouts to roguelites! Some of these upgrades are really good.
[03:09:30] A lot of these attacks are hard to get around so I'm just gonna be using my Aerials to like get past them.
[03:09:39] Shatter is preferable to the other bosses...
[03:09:41] Okay hear me out!
[03:09:44] Sorry! What was that?! Get me out. Sorry.
[03:09:45] What is that?
[03:09:47] I didn't want to hear you out.
[03:09:51] Sorry, sorry.
[03:09:53] Why is Shredder more preferable
[03:09:54] than other boss?
[03:09:56] Because he's a loss solution with the ground so I can use my tilt because Garfield's tilts
[03:10:00] are really good for killing bosses as opposed to...
[03:10:02] What was the other potential boss?
[03:10:03] It was the one from LTG.
[03:10:05] Oh, that's right. Yeah. Saw that one in your practice. It was the one from L.T Grey.
[03:10:06] Oh, that's right! I saw that when we were practicing.
[03:10:11] We're getting into the last area here. This is one of the last arenas we'll see hopefully?
[03:10:15] I forget the audio does that
[03:10:16] yeah it's way lighter there
[03:10:21] yeah hopefully the last boss we get is good because it is between uh
[03:10:25] clockwork and black feathers vlad is a lot better because like i said between Falkirk and Vlad's.
[03:10:27] Vlad is a lot better because, like I said,
[03:10:29] towards the ground so...
[03:10:31] He can just smash my tilts
[03:10:33] which is always really good.
[03:10:35] That banner is really coming in handy.
[03:10:36] Yeah.
[03:10:37] So should we get five jumps? Imagine Fox with five jumps.
[03:10:39] No! I'd rather not.
[03:10:41] We don't want to.
[03:10:42] Well, we don't have to imagine it. We're seeing it. You see it.
[03:10:45] Multi-shinning Garfield is not real and also multi-shinning Garfield cannot hurt you.
[03:10:48] Yes it is. Yes it is. I've seen that thing win the tournament before. Multishining Garfield is not real, and also multishining Garfield cannot hurt you.
[03:10:48] Yes it is! I've seen that thing win the tournament before.
[03:10:51] I've seen Garfield multishine somebody across a stage like two directions...
[03:10:56] Just like Stuart Little, multishine Garfield is real and can hurt you.
[03:10:59] Oh no!
[03:11:00] No not Mr. Little.
[03:11:06] Sure.
[03:11:08] They didn't boo you, they went
[03:11:10] stew!
[03:11:12] My apologies to BackEdge.
[03:11:15] I need to remember to go up after this one
[03:11:16] because the next one is also fast but this is better.
[03:11:19] It's funny guy.
[03:11:22] Okay. also fast but this is better it's funny guy yeah yeah i can i can tackle this okay all right go up
[03:11:26] you gotta go up yep i will go up Thank you for the reminder.
[03:11:36] Yeah, so this is time to destroy the robots. It's really hard to do optimally.
[03:11:38] I'm gonna try and...
[03:11:40] I messed that up.
[03:11:41] That was so weird that your controller just like that up it's so weird
[03:11:42] that your controller just like yeah it's bugging
[03:11:45] you don't have an excuse to make sick tricks because your controller is like
[03:11:48] a cheater no no there are stickers it is drifting right now
[03:11:50] you just don't get it hmm you're right, I don't get it.
[03:11:53] Box players!
[03:11:54] Yeah, I think my controller should be better actually.
[03:11:59] We need to ban box controllers.
[03:12:00] I mean what?
[03:12:01] No, I don't think that. Disclaimer.
[03:12:04] They're fine. Disclaimer, I like accessibility.
[03:12:06] Yeah same yeah yeah.
[03:12:08] My friend uses the Boxing Muler but he also plays Kazuya so...
[03:12:10] ...
[03:12:17] Uh I would never play Cosmogon. I can't speak, I mean Sonic and P-Plus.
[03:12:19] Yeah you're right, you can't
[03:12:21] speak actually, I forgot about that.
[03:12:23] I'm all left saying it anyway yeah anyway so we're gonna be getting more perfect
[03:12:30] yeah my build isn't totally done yet but uh i mean
[03:12:32] it's a 20 minute run it's not not ever gonna be done, never ever.
[03:12:37] But yeah having extra charge attack is really nice
[03:12:40] There are not many stages left we're halfway through this area
[03:12:45] Woah that... why is he evil? Um... GARFION!
[03:12:48] Woah, that's- why is he evil?
[03:12:50] Shadow Garfion.
[03:12:52] Shadow?!
[03:12:56] Shows the Barbie.
[03:13:00] Hey, PS2? It's a pizza.
[03:13:02] This stage...
[03:13:04] It's Pokemon Stadium 2.
[03:13:06] Pizza stadium 2. Can we it keeps on stating too.
[03:13:08] Can we ban it? I've done PSU.
[03:13:16] Do you have time to hop in with a quick donation
[03:13:27] that's the goat that couch knows what they're doing yeah back's been here before.
[03:13:29] The host wanted to hop in, do we have an answer for that?
[03:13:31] Oh yeah sorry I didn't want to ruin the plankton hype.
[03:13:34] We had $500 come from Good Cat 2010 who said thanks to all of the great runners at this event
[03:13:38] Love GDQ and the mission of doctors
[03:13:40] without borders this donation goes towards making the stardew valley run a little longer with the
[03:13:43] desert festival race and i would love to remind you all that we have that desert festival race
[03:13:47] incentive open and need just over twelve thousand dollars by the end of that run in
[03:13:51] order to see it so get those donations in thank you all so much i like how you just got absolutely
[03:13:57] obliterated by that laser but like didn didn't care. You didn't go anywhere?
[03:14:01] Yeah, it's fine.
[03:14:02] Why is Panky so alive?
[03:14:04] I'm not sure.
[03:14:05] It's gonna...
[03:14:06] Yeah.
[03:14:07] Thank you for asking me.
[03:14:09] Did it just walk up slowly that's good um
[03:14:23] that's good i'm gonna take that nice yeah hopefully i see another sim but
[03:14:28] i am not going to be too much if i don't get it
[03:14:30] there's car or my god yeah
[03:14:34] i watch all these shows for sure definitely
[03:14:41] yeah um there's not too, too much left.
[03:14:44] There is just like Patrick and then there's the one Force of Naut for sure
[03:14:49] And that's gonna be it
[03:14:50] Shout out to Patrick in Nasty One for having a command input
[03:14:53] Like a fighting game character.
[03:14:55] He had parts of motion for a super grab.
[03:14:57] Of course he did!
[03:14:59] Because of all people you could give that to it would be Patrick's time.
[03:15:02] Yeah, he was also bottom one.
[03:15:04] That makes it way funnier.
[03:15:06] And that's the fire!
[03:15:08] It was really funny.
[03:15:10] It was really bad but if you did a pretzel motion and you get super armor on his command grab
[03:15:14] then they go across like half the stage
[03:15:15] okay it was really funny actually it was actually really funny wait yeah this stage is a little
[03:15:21] there's a little weird because of the moving platform in the middle sometimes you can get
[03:15:25] stuck on it if it's moving up. It's a little
[03:15:26] strange, so I'm going to just try and avoid being on it
[03:15:28] or climb on it just jumping using my
[03:15:30] aerials. It's very weird.
[03:15:33] Some of the platforms in Skipper is
[03:15:34] kind of buggy.
[03:15:36] It reminds me
[03:15:37] of like a mario like level with like the moving platform section between two
[03:15:40] like areas what is that thing i
[03:15:44] it's probably terrifying at the enemies are doing you
[03:15:48] a little bit of a favor and staying relatively close together.
[03:15:53] Yeah, we're almost on two enemies, one enemy.
[03:15:58] Surely right?
[03:15:59] Okay, we're so fine.
[03:16:00] That seemed really good
[03:16:01] for an arena.
[03:16:02] Yeah.
[03:16:03] I was really quick.
[03:16:04] I got my build together.
[03:16:06] Yeah, apparently Garfield
[03:16:06] is like the slowest character
[03:16:08] out of that mid war. Yeah. Garfield was the slowest character out of that mid-war.
[03:16:08] Yeah, Garfield was the slowest character. My PB with him was 3 minutes slower than everyone else.
[03:16:14] And we got clockwork so...
[03:16:17] This is the final boss and we are almost done.
[03:16:22] Oh no! Not the sound on this level again.
[03:16:26] For some reason that clock is only in our right ear.
[03:16:29] I don't think it's intentional. I think the game did. It's intentional.
[03:16:31] I didn't notice that, but you're
[03:16:33] right. Yeah, I noticed it right away.
[03:16:35] Okay well this one-this box
[03:16:37] can be in the air so this is good for you so far.
[03:16:39] Yeah this is really good he could just be straight up in the air and it's really annoying.
[03:16:41] Okay!
[03:16:44] No!
[03:16:45] Hear me out.
[03:16:47] Oh okay.
[03:16:50] Smash 4 bail?
[03:16:52] No!
[03:16:54] There's those 5 jumps again.
[03:16:56] He's gonna wait till he comes down.
[03:16:58] Hear me out.
[03:17:02] Yeah?! I'm hearing you out.
[03:17:03] All right.
[03:17:04] Yeah, wait!
[03:17:05] He actually shows up in there?!
[03:17:07] One more for the fans.
[03:17:09] I'm a biggest fan today!
[03:17:11] Look, he just doesn't care!
[03:17:14] He's like... Oh my god! i'm a biggest fan today look he just doesn't care
[03:17:27] okay that animation was so worth it what animation there was none exactly Exactly. Nice!
[03:17:29] A little bit of slime incorporation.
[03:17:31] Oh, yeah.
[03:17:33] Let's go shoot.
[03:17:39] Oh my goodness! Seems like a pretty good shot. health goes all the way down to the bottom and he starts talking you're getting very close
[03:17:46] seems like a pretty good fight yep and time yeah Well, yeah.
[03:17:59] That's Nickelodeon
[03:18:00] on Star Brawl.
[03:18:02] It sure is.
[03:18:03] Yeah.
[03:18:03] The second one.
[03:18:04] Yes, the second one.
[03:18:06] I don't want to be here too long so we can just go reverse order of plugs if that's fine.
[03:18:10] Okay.
[03:18:12] This is my last commentary I'm doing so you could find me on places and he looks 13 underscore.
[03:18:16] Shout out to Parallel Universe, and he looks 13 underscore. Yep.
[03:18:17] Shout out to Parallel Universe.
[03:18:17] We can talk about that.
[03:18:18] Yeah.
[03:18:18] Shout out to Midwest Speedfest.
[03:18:20] Heck yeah.
[03:18:21] Despite what everybody says when I'm on commentary or runs,
[03:18:25] I'm not actually Kobe.
[03:18:25] I'm Kabasco on streams and stuff and on Twitter.
[03:18:28] Yeah, I would never believe it.
[03:18:29] Support your locals!
[03:18:32] Go to Locals for Pathfinders if you're interested.
[03:18:34] True. Yeah, absolutely.
[03:18:36] And me as Runner, I'm Limey underscore SR.
[03:18:40] Like Helix said we both co-host a show on GD Codefix called Parallel Universe
[03:18:45] it's all about being able to create content.
[03:18:47] A lot of y'all have been on it yeah um it's great to see uh like kobe said
[03:18:52] support your locals if you like plot fighters or even like just regular
[03:18:56] like traditional fighting games absolutely support your locals.
[03:18:59] This game would be a lot more obscure
[03:19:02] if it wasn't for local scenes and bigger regionals
[03:19:06] and majors accepting this game with open arms.
[03:19:08] It is really cool.
[03:19:09] It's really coming to its own
[03:19:10] especially since like the first one and like the first patch
[03:19:12] um absolutely just play Smash Bros in person with all of your
[03:19:17] friends! Support your local uh platform fighter events, support your local FGC event, support your local speed fighter events, support your local FGC events
[03:19:21] support your local speedrun events
[03:19:22] period and also check out the
[03:19:25] non-binary
[03:19:26] speedrunner showcase on Hotfix
[03:19:29] on July 14th
[03:19:30] but with that case on Hotfix on July 14th. Yes!
[03:19:33] But with that, just want to give one quick shout out
[03:19:35] to the New Mexico smash scene.
[03:19:37] I came from there.
[03:19:38] I go to locals regularly.
[03:19:41] Absolutely like we said support your locals and one last thing trans rights
[03:19:49] yeah thank you everyone so much for watching.
[03:20:01] Thank you so much Lamy, for that exceptional run!
[03:20:02] Let's give it up one more time
[03:20:05] for that run of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
[03:20:08] and thank you also so much
[03:20:09] for putting up with playing Garfield from that big war
[03:20:12] thank you to everyone who donated for that.
[03:20:14] That was an incredible battle between Garfield and Danny Phantom,
[03:20:18] and so fun to watch go back and forth all morning. This has been my time as host.
[03:20:22] It is up, but I will be passing it off to the incredible Char Bunny after
[03:20:25] the break. Thank you so much for having me, GDQ. And yeah, we will be back
[03:20:29] with more GDQ and more speedruns after this break. ¶¶ so.
[03:21:00] . so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Hello everyone and welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024 live from Minneapolis, Minnesota. My name is Char Bunny.
[03:23:58] Excited to take you through our next few runs
[03:24:00] including Crash Nitro Kart and Stardew Valley.
[03:24:04] They're both going to be amazing.
[03:24:05] I am so excited for you to see them
[03:24:06] but while we're setting up
[03:24:07] I'd like to take a moment to hear
[03:24:09] from one of our sponsors. so Thank you so much to Humble.
[03:24:48] The games in that bundle are absolutely amazing.
[03:24:51] Definitely something on my to-do list when I get home
[03:24:54] is make sure I've downloaded all those and played through every single one of them after GDQ.
[03:24:59] But speaking of GDQ, we have an incentive open right now for our upcoming Stardew Valley run.
[03:25:05] That's going to be a bonus desert festival race!
[03:25:08] This is a super cute little bonus race with tiny little adorable crit. And I'd really like to see it happen.
[03:25:14] We're currently at around 3,000 out of a needed 15,000
[03:25:17] but I know the Stardew community can come together
[03:25:19] and all of you out there can make it happen.
[03:25:21] And I'm not the only one who's excited about this. We have $15 from Katie Liu,
[03:25:25] who says, I'm putting this donation in the delivery bin for the Stardew Valley Desert
[03:25:29] Festival Race. Stardew Valley has brought me a lot of fun and joy,
[03:25:33] and I hope we can see more of it at GDQ.
[03:25:36] We also have $50 from Ebon who says,
[03:25:39] love me some stardew!
[03:25:40] Let's see that desert festival race!
[03:25:43] I would really like to see it as well. Thank you so much!
[03:25:45] And of course, all these donations are going toward a wonderful cause
[03:25:49] We have $5 here from Emily who says
[03:25:51] As someone who works in the immigration agency
[03:25:53] Here in Sweden and meet people who are
[03:25:56] applying for asylum on the run from war
[03:25:58] and other reasons, MSF feels
[03:26:00] very important since I
[03:26:02] see what war does to the civilians.
[03:26:04] Great job everyone!
[03:26:06] Thank you so much Emily, and yes we are here supporting
[03:26:09] Doctors Without Borders which is a wonderful cause
[03:26:12] And if your wondering why you should support MSF
[03:26:15] You help MSF save lives. For more than 50 years, their medical teams have been reaching those caught in crisis from armed conflict to devastating earthquakes with rapid response care.
[03:26:24] Donors make it possible for them to provide medical treatment
[03:26:27] to more than 16 million people.
[03:26:31] And if you're sitting here going,
[03:26:32] yeah well what about my donation?
[03:26:35] Well the good news is your donation makes a difference directly!
[03:26:38] $30 can buy one week of therapeutic milk powder rations for two newborns in
[03:26:42] the initial phase of treatment for malnutrition or 125 medications to
[03:26:46] prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage, or 25 treatments
[03:26:48] to cure adult patients from malaria.
[03:26:51] $10!
[03:26:52] That's pretty reasonable.
[03:26:53] Combine enough vaccine
[03:26:54] to immunize 45 people against poliovirus,
[03:26:58] 15 treatments to cure children from malaria or clean drinking
[03:27:02] water for 147 people for one week.
[03:27:05] And even just $5.
[03:27:07] Every time we have those $5 trains that five dollars can buy four treatments to cure adult
[03:27:12] patients from malaria. Five rapid tests to diagnose HIV infection or enough vaccine
[03:27:17] to immunize 13 children against measles.
[03:27:20] It is amazing how excellent MSF is at turning your donations into impactful, life-saving
[03:27:27] care.
[03:27:28] So thank you again so much everyone who's helping make this event happen and stop getting us closer
[03:27:33] and closer to that million mark for it $986,519 of $544 raised for MSF.
[03:27:39] So far this event which is stunning and i know earlier this week we crossed our 50 million
[03:27:44] total for all gdq events towards charity which is absolutely fantastic as well it's amazing to see
[03:27:50] the speed running community everyone out there watching come together
[03:27:53] to make such a huge difference we have five dollars from becky who says good afternoon
[03:27:59] from sunny germany very long time watcher, first-time donor.
[03:28:03] The work MSF does is now sadly more important than ever.
[03:28:06] Everyone remember to hydrate and trans rights!
[03:28:10] Less than three...
[03:28:11] Can I get a trans rights from the audience here
[03:28:15] whoa you know it and with that i hope you're ready to rev up your engines because
[03:28:20] it's time for an any percent run of crash nitro cart with mick hooper good luck and go fast
[03:28:33] hello welcome to summer Games Done Quick 2024.
[03:28:36] My name is Mick Hooper, but you can call me Nick.
[03:28:38] And with me on the couch I got Joker with me who so graciously volunteered
[03:28:42] to be my co-commentator today and man,
[03:28:44] I just want to go ahead and say
[03:28:47] this is my first SGDQ
[03:28:49] My first GDQ run
[03:28:51] ever! It is
[03:28:53] incredible to be here
[03:28:57] Not only that,
[03:28:58] now this is my first time
[03:28:59] running on the show.
[03:29:00] This is the first time
[03:29:01] that this game
[03:29:02] has ever been
[03:29:03] at GDQ
[03:29:04] ever.
[03:29:05] And within
[03:29:06] the last couple of months, this game has gotten
[03:29:08] snapped in half and I
[03:29:09] just want to
[03:29:12] say like I want to do
[03:29:13] the best job that I possibly can to show off everything
[03:29:16] that I've learned over the past couple of months
[03:29:18] and throughout my time running this game altogether.
[03:29:21] So with that being said,
[03:29:23] I do believe we have a bid war.
[03:29:25] Can I get confirmation on who won the bid war?
[03:29:28] Oh absolutely! The winner of the bid war
[03:29:29] raised over a thousand dollars by the way
[03:29:31] Congratulations!
[03:29:33] The winner is Team Cortex
[03:29:37] I can't lie I was slightly hoping it was Team Cortex.
[03:29:41] Alright here we go!
[03:29:44] File name? Let's go! All right, gonna count down in three, two, one.
[03:30:06] Go!
[03:30:07] Let's go, good luck.
[03:30:10] Now something I wanna get out of the way right away is that if you are familiar with
[03:30:15] Crash Team Racing.
[03:30:19] This game is very similar in concept and gameplay to Crash Team Racing.
[03:30:23] It handles very differently though, like it's not the same gameplay engine
[03:30:26] but it uses the same mechanics and core controls
[03:30:30] So you can drift, you can drift turbo
[03:30:32] And a lot of tracks in this game have a very similar look
[03:30:35] to how they looked in Crash Team Racing.
[03:30:37] So this track for instance looks a lot like Crash Cove from CTR
[03:30:42] and you might notice right away, like the aesthetic is very similar.
[03:30:46] It's got a very interesting shortcut right away that
[03:30:50] the AI can do a really good job at blocking you from hitting 50% of the time.
[03:30:55] So I'm glad that they didn't get in the way, and
[03:30:59] just as well this game also has reserves which is
[03:31:03] basically an invisible meter that tells you that uh keeps your boost
[03:31:06] speed for as long as you keep boosting so if i were to like let go of boost for like as you can
[03:31:12] see in like drift turboing this This is a mini-turbo.
[03:31:15] Whenever the gauge fills up on the right
[03:31:17] and I hit the opposite shoulder button
[03:31:19] that I am using to drift,
[03:31:21] You get a mini-turbo which adds reserves
[03:31:23] to your boost meters.
[03:31:24] That way if you let go for a little bit like this...
[03:31:28] I don't really lose any speed.
[03:31:31] So that's what reserves are.
[03:31:32] They help out in certain tracks where like,
[03:31:35] you know,
[03:31:35] Let's say I need to just like
[03:31:36] you know do some normal turning for a little bit
[03:31:40] helps out in that instance and if you thought the game was a little too
[03:31:46] safe brace yourself because it gets a little more
[03:31:48] broken right after this track this tracks very like you know very simple very easy
[03:31:54] uh start to the run this is the really good this is you know uh the really good introduction to the core mechanics of the race,
[03:32:03] of the game.
[03:32:04] Introducing you to the jumps,
[03:32:06] to the drift turbos,
[03:32:07] to the boost pads.
[03:32:08] So it's a really nice,
[03:32:10] really good start.
[03:32:11] The music is great.
[03:32:14] And here we go.
[03:32:15] We're about to see
[03:32:16] one of the biggest changes
[03:32:17] that this game has had legitimately.
[03:32:21] I believe there's like four to six tracks
[03:32:23] that have massive skips found within
[03:32:26] the last two months after
[03:32:28] this game was submitted to GDQ
[03:32:31] a bunch of skips were found and we're coming up on
[03:32:33] the first big skip of the run.
[03:32:35] Oh yeah here we go.
[03:32:37] So here comes Jungle Boogie
[03:32:39] This is...
[03:32:40] this track normally takes about a minute and thirty seconds to do if you're playing like really optimally,
[03:32:45] but uh
[03:32:47] You can just do this That's no way to win
[03:32:52] Oh first try let's go
[03:32:54] So yeah
[03:32:56] We are out of bounds
[03:32:57] If you look at the bottom right hand corner
[03:32:59] There is a mini map
[03:33:01] The mini map lies minimap does not oh let's go all
[03:33:06] right so so couple of things that happen there uh the minim-map does not exist, the mini-map
[03:33:13] lies. We use that to
[03:33:15] our advantage in skips like Jungle
[03:33:17] Boogie. You notice as
[03:33:19] MacCouper went out of bounds, backed up
[03:33:21] he backed up onto second half of the track then went forward and
[03:33:25] was immediately at the start finish line on the mini map that allows us to trick the game into
[03:33:31] thinking that we actually completed the lap now we popped off because we got what's called a
[03:33:35] null lap uh which is when you saw there at the end it was the lines through the second
[03:33:41] lap it's essentially a zero-second lap so doing that. So doing that optimally saves another couple of seconds on top of the 30 plus seconds we're already saving just from skipping the course entirely.
[03:33:54] It's one of the craziest things, it's not even the only track in which you
[03:33:56] can do that in like there's another track later on in the run it's about halfway through that we can
[03:34:02] also get a null app in and if you get one there's even an even bigger time save now uh we're playing as
[03:34:08] tiny here so this is tiny temple this track is not broken so we can all rest rest easily
[03:34:13] we there's no crazy stuff happening here uh we are playing on Tiny Temple, and the reason for that is because
[03:34:19] this track doesn't really require a whole lot of decent turns
[03:34:22] which I never really did mention but every character
[03:34:24] I'm using throughout this run has different stats
[03:34:26] so every character has'm using throughout this run has different stats.
[03:34:27] So, every character's a different top speed,
[03:34:29] different handling,
[03:34:30] different acceleration.
[03:34:32] Cortex is the all-rounder.
[03:34:33] He's got decent speed,
[03:34:35] better than average acceleration.
[03:34:39] And he's actually got, like, the second worst turning on the team for some reason.
[03:34:42] Tiny's got the worst turning, but he's the fastest as far as his base speed goes.
[03:34:47] And Engine is the complete opposite. he's got the best turning with
[03:34:49] the least top speed um but as you'll see later on in the run is that like stats don't really matter
[03:34:55] a whole lot because turbo pads make everybody go the exact same speed when you hit
[03:35:00] them. Like, everybody in the game
[03:35:02] has the same top speed so that means
[03:35:04] turning characters are actually super broken
[03:35:06] Tiny here
[03:35:08] saves a couple seconds on the very first lap.
[03:35:11] So that's why we use him primarily.
[03:35:15] And let's see if I can skip this fire, yeah! Let's go right by
[03:35:19] that fire.
[03:35:20] That fire is very misleading. If it's all the way out
[03:35:23] It'll just cover the entire side of the ramp and you can't pass unless
[03:35:26] You have a shield. do have one!
[03:35:29] I did have a shield but didn't need to use it
[03:35:33] yeah it's it is really interesting to to notate also that this is the first
[03:35:37] instance of the anti-grav sections yeah where
[03:35:40] you'll see the tires turn and you turn and the sounds are a little bit different as we're
[03:35:44] on the anti-grav and as we're drifting and boosting.
[03:35:47] Anti-grav is also very broken in this game, as we will discover later on in the runs
[03:35:53] and a couple of the tracks.
[03:35:55] Oh yeah.
[03:35:59] Now if you missed Jungle Boogie, don't worry.
[03:36:01] We get to come back to that
[03:36:02] in Velo here. So I worry. We get to come back to that. And Velo
[03:36:04] here... I didn't really get to mention the plot of this game
[03:36:06] but if you're familiar with CTRs
[03:36:08] the Crash Cast was abducted by
[03:36:10] aliens again. They have
[03:36:12] to race for the planet again. But this time it's a different villain his name is
[03:36:16] velo emperor velo the 27th he's the galactic champion and he's a tactic champion, and he is a...
[03:36:27] If anyone has played this game before you know how that final boss goes.
[03:36:30] That's all I'm going to say.
[03:36:34] This was again like we said we're back at Jungle Boogie again.
[03:36:37] First try and watch the mini map as we go through.
[03:36:40] See how it cuts to the middle of the course?
[03:36:42] And then back that's what's causing this.
[03:36:44] That's what's causing us to be able to do this here.
[03:36:48] Just a little bit off the line.
[03:36:50] Okay, yeah you need to go a little further up.
[03:36:53] Basically get on top of that hill.
[03:36:58] And when you back up, the mini-map will update.
[03:36:59] The mini-map thinks that you're going from the middle of the track to behind the finish line.
[03:37:02] And when you do that,
[03:37:03] the shortcuts get a little bit confused.
[03:37:05] Or the checkpoints, I mean.
[03:37:06] They get a little bit confused. So
[03:37:08] it just thinks that you're completing a lot because you are going from the middle to the end constantly
[03:37:16] So now we get to go into the second hub world. This one, this hub world has two tracks that are pretty broken. The first one that we're going to is not very broken though and I think it's actually a pretty good time for some donations though.
[03:37:28] Absolutely! We have plenty coming in with love for you.
[03:37:29] We have $50 from Chalky Cake who says hello from the audience!
[03:37:33] Nitro Kart was my absolute favorite game as a kid, so cool to see it represented here. Go, Nick Hopper!
[03:37:42] Oh that's so lovely we have $25 from SibyllaScribbles who says hey there Nick
[03:37:46] It's so incredible to see you at SGDQ and I'm so proud of you.
[03:37:50] Good luck on the run, I am so excited to see it!
[03:37:53] And I'm so excited to support Doctors Without Borders.
[03:37:56] Thank you so much.
[03:37:57] Thank you Scribbs.
[03:37:59] We also have $50 from Tvaltak who says, more GDQ hype?
[03:38:01] Let's get that Stardew Valley dessert race.
[03:38:04] Wait, this is not right.
[03:38:05] This isn't Kirby.
[03:38:06] Let's get that desert race.
[03:38:08] There we go.
[03:38:09] And that's only around $11,000 away over a quarter of the way there so you're doing wonderful please make sure you keep assigning your donations to that incentive when you donate.
[03:38:21] Would you like more donations?
[03:38:23] Oh yeah, sure. Go ahead.
[03:38:25] Awesome! We have $25 from JV the Banui who says
[03:38:27] Bandicoot power!
[03:38:29] Unfortunately we're not playing as Coco
[03:38:31] so we don't get to hear that line.
[03:38:33] Unfortunately.
[03:38:35] We also have $30 from Vailid the Dragon who says good luck
[03:38:39] from the back couch Hooper! You got this man.
[03:38:41] Yo thanks!
[03:38:48] This track is very simple. There's not really a whole lot going on here but
[03:38:49] it's more or less just like an example of good
[03:38:52] cornering and how I can make a difference there's this one boost pad
[03:38:55] up here that i hit at the very start of lap 1. that way I can get turbo pad speed right away
[03:38:59] and uh it's also a really good example of like
[03:39:02] as soon as they like there's a turbo pad that's near the start it doesn't
[03:39:07] really matter which stat class you pick like if you can pick cortex tiny or um
[03:39:12] engine and as soon as you get a boost pad they all go the same top speed.
[03:39:16] So if you are on a track like this
[03:39:18] that has a lot of winding turns,
[03:39:20] it's better to just pick a handling character because you don't have to deal
[03:39:22] with any of that.
[03:39:24] Now I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to hit this next trick.
[03:39:27] This next trick is a...
[03:39:29] They did my boy Dingo so dirty in these loading screens.
[03:39:33] A plot point is that Entranced from the GBA title crash bandicoot 2 entranced actually is a playable
[03:39:40] character in this game and what happened is he brainwashed both the polar bear from
[03:39:44] crash two and dingo dial to be on his team.
[03:39:47] And Dingodile is just kind of chilling,
[03:39:49] you know he's not really doing much this whole game
[03:39:51] like there he is right in front of me
[03:39:52] he's not really doing anything
[03:39:55] so like I said I'm gonna try this
[03:39:57] I'm not sure if it's gonna work because
[03:39:59] I haven't really hit this most of my practice.
[03:40:03] This is a super finicky skiff and
[03:40:06] this also is a prime example
[03:40:08] of just how broken the anti-graph sections are so
[03:40:12] this isn't an autograph section here in the back half of the course oh okay we got past the first
[03:40:18] part Oh, okay. We got past the first part.
[03:40:22] Okay.
[03:40:22] Okay.
[03:40:23] Okay.
[03:40:27] Okay.
[03:40:27] Now we're just too far away. But that's a core example
[03:40:31] of just how broken the anti-grab
[03:40:33] sections are. We can
[03:40:34] anti-grav ourselves and yeet ourselves
[03:40:36] across the map, go upside down
[03:40:39] under the track
[03:40:40] make the game glitch out again and give us
[03:40:43] extra laps when we're not supposed to
[03:40:45] have them. But it is a very
[03:40:47] finicky, very hard trick
[03:40:49] It's one that was only recently done RTA,
[03:40:53] so it's still kind of
[03:40:54] getting the kinks worked out of it and getting
[03:40:56] everything figured out, but we'll get to see
[03:40:58] Baron Ruins in its entirety.
[03:41:00] It's a very fun track, and
[03:41:03] up until very recently
[03:41:05] was not broken
[03:41:07] until that skip was found.
[03:41:09] Shout out to C Fred who
[03:41:10] just recently actually got the
[03:41:13] 80% record for this category.
[03:41:15] He actually is very consistent
[03:41:17] at Baron Ruins Ultra, which
[03:41:19] is what we call that. We call it BRU
[03:41:21] or so Roo
[03:41:23] BRU, or so Roo.
[03:41:26] BRU for Baron Ruins Ultra.
[03:41:28] He actually is the only person I think so far that can do it consistently.
[03:41:31] So shout out to Fred for being able
[03:41:32] to actually do it.
[03:41:33] I still can't figure it out. Fred for being able to actually do it. I can't,
[03:41:34] I still can figure it out.
[03:41:35] It's a mystery to me.
[03:41:39] And speaking of mysteries the next track we got
[03:41:41] is definitely a mystery as to like why it even works
[03:41:44] but we'll get there.
[03:41:45] Right now, Barren Ruins is a very safe track. I do like actually
[03:41:49] taking good lines in this track. This is um...
[03:41:53] It's also one of the first tracks to have cycles.
[03:41:56] So these robots that walk back and forth,
[03:41:58] if you like,
[03:41:59] if that first one I pass is on the right side,
[03:42:01] then you know that you're actually in a good cycle.
[03:42:13] It's it's a nice little bridge after the first hub world going into the second and third hub worlds.
[03:42:14] It's that kind of nice bridge, still a little bit easier, but starting to get a little bit more on the technical side of the courses and making sure that your mechanics are really up-to-date
[03:42:24] And getting yourself ready for the harder tracks coming up in hub world three and four
[03:42:31] exactly all right here we go good 42 40 42-40-40.
[03:42:38] 203 is pretty good here on this course without doing BRU.
[03:42:44] This...
[03:42:47] I'm not going to say anything.
[03:42:48] I'm not saying anything. All I am going to say is watch in awe.
[03:42:54] This is deep sea driving and you will know exactly what I mean as soon
[03:43:01] as I start it up here, just watch. so Got it. This trick is so finicky.
[03:43:47] You can either get that one second skip or it can take you a longer time. It could take 100 years.
[03:43:54] We don't know exactly why it works.
[03:43:57] We don't know how it works, we just know that it does work. There's a precise line
[03:44:01] that you need to line up and take when crossing the finish line here on
[03:44:05] the out of bounds or off road section. And going constantly between backing it, there we go!
[03:44:13] So yeah, that works. It just There we go. So, yeah.
[03:44:14] That works.
[03:44:15] It just skips the lap.
[03:44:18] Tink?
[03:44:19] Shoutouts to the old school Xbox.
[03:44:21] He is playing with a Duke controller, the old school big honking
[03:44:25] Xbox controllers.
[03:44:28] So that's also part of the
[03:44:29] finickiness of the track is
[03:44:31] everyone knows, everyone who's played
[03:44:33] The Duke, the D-pad is not exactly the best.
[03:44:36] Actually no I think the d-pad on this
[03:44:38] Is way better than...
[03:44:40] I'm not a fan of these dpads but
[03:44:42] That's just me that's me personally
[03:44:44] I like the PlayStation dads there come on man we get to see
[03:44:48] dsd again as we go into the boss uh course
[03:44:52] the boss race here yeah if you thought dst once was
[03:44:55] uh it was weird then you get to see it twice back-to-back.
[03:44:59] And again, it's just that finicky lining up between certain points in the background and in the foreground
[03:45:06] to make sure that you know where to back up
[03:45:08] and where to go forward can be a little bit tricky.
[03:45:12] There's a good 22nd one.
[03:45:16] Usually once you hit that first one, You get the good course.
[03:45:19] Now because we've got a lot of time thanks to
[03:45:21] The new skips,
[03:45:22] We're going to go ahead and show off DSD
[03:45:24] It's one of my favorite courses
[03:45:25] The design is really neat
[03:45:27] A lot of it is in an anti-grav section
[03:45:30] in tunnels underwater it's kind of it's
[03:45:33] kind of cool to see we are going to run into these teeth
[03:45:36] here because we are so close to the boss teeth teeth and tnt nt yeah we got tnt
[03:45:43] so tnts uh this is like a recent discovery but apparently tnts are broken in this game
[03:45:48] and you'll get to see that a little bit later on in the run. But for right
[03:45:51] now, NT. Nice try.
[03:45:53] One of the neat things that I
[03:45:55] didn't fully know about
[03:45:56] the boss races up until
[03:45:59] very recently,
[03:46:03] onto the tracks that have these kind of obstacles that are set on timers. Like those fans, those blades will circle around during
[03:46:08] the boss races they're disabled Which does make things a little bit
[03:46:12] easier to go through but that's
[03:46:14] deep sea driving. Thankfully
[03:46:16] we won't have to see it for the rest of the race
[03:46:18] or the rest of the run
[03:46:20] That is one of those tricks that kind of was found a longer time you have
[03:46:23] to help kind of open up the race open up the game to see more of these kind of broken skips
[03:46:30] exactly so now we're going to move on to third hub world, this is where stuff gets a little more technical and by
[03:46:35] technical I mean this next track is absolutely busted!
[03:46:39] This is busted!
[03:46:40] This is one of the glitchiest tracks in the entire game.
[03:46:45] So, out of time...
[03:46:47] I want to say it's one of the first tracks that was ever made for the game.
[03:46:50] And I say that because there are so many shortcuts,
[03:46:52] so many tricks.
[03:46:53] I say that as a starting boost starting boost but it's fine.
[03:46:58] There is a shortcut right here at the very start.
[03:47:00] So another shortcut right here.
[03:47:01] These are both intentional
[03:47:03] But then we're going to into the stuff that's definitely not
[03:47:05] intentional so we're gonna go ahead and get up on this clock here we're gonna
[03:47:10] we're gonna do a thing called cactus jump
[03:47:12] and you'll understand why we call it that because there's a cactus right here yeah all right
[03:47:23] so now that's not dev intended this is definitely not dev intended no we're just
[03:47:27] gonna go out of bounds here casually just you know go ahead and drive up right here
[03:47:35] oh okay no Oh, okay.
[03:47:37] No.
[03:47:42] Actually it takes a little longer to respawn there than it would be just to restart.
[03:47:49] So it's unfortunate I missed that shortcut, but it's fine.
[03:47:53] That gives us a little bit of time here. So CNK differs from CTR in a lot of ways.
[03:47:57] This is also a team-based
[03:47:59] racer, so you'll see
[03:48:01] on the right hand side there's that team meter and
[03:48:02] you'll see Tiny's picture up there as well.
[03:48:05] One of the main mechanics of this game
[03:48:07] is the closer you are to your teammates,
[03:48:09] that team leader builds up and builds
[03:48:11] up and then allows you essentially
[03:48:13] when it fills up, allows you
[03:48:15] infinite uses of various items
[03:48:17] for a small amount of time it will continue to cycle through
[03:48:20] items over and over uh for a very small amount
[03:48:23] of time as you're going through um and gives you you know all sorts of
[03:48:28] different things that you can use boosts and masks uh tnt's
[03:48:32] uh anything like that and so one of the also one of the other things about this is
[03:48:38] you don't have to finish in first casually uh if your teammate finishes in first
[03:48:43] and you're still in the top three you still get the trophy to move on uh this is the old this
[03:48:48] is the backup route sir there so we're trying to do what's called the B-side skip,
[03:48:52] the backside skip.
[03:48:53] Unfortunately can't hit it but this
[03:48:55] is the back up of what had been done for a long time.
[03:48:59] We go out of bounds.
[03:49:00] We hit the side of the course in order to trigger
[03:49:03] the lap and then just fall for a good couple seconds
[03:49:07] And then we go right back to the clock. Nowhere close to it on the mini map
[03:49:11] But we just skip and go right back to
[03:49:14] the clock here for lap two forget to mention but uh cactus jump is
[03:49:17] very finicky you have to jump at a very specific time
[03:49:20] for oh okay don't hit the worm do not hit
[03:49:23] the worm uh yeah cactus is a little bit finicky you
[03:49:27] have to jump at a very specific point on the ramp coming off the clock otherwise
[03:49:30] uh you just straight up don't get enough height to clear the jump.
[03:49:37] So you do this for...
[03:49:39] Do this again?
[03:49:41] We have to fall, and fall,
[03:49:43] And fall.
[03:49:46] And then finally we get back to the clock! Did you know that you can actually skip this clock?
[03:49:50] Clock skipped!
[03:49:51] Oh no, I can't even get that one.
[03:49:54] Again another unintended dev skip we
[03:49:57] can just turn right back around jump to the other side and uh skip the clock
[03:50:04] there we go good cactus, good cactus. Almost a good cactus jump.
[03:50:08] Alright let's see...
[03:50:11] On lap 3 you don't typically need to go for the B-side skip
[03:50:14] We do revisit this track for the boss
[03:50:17] race of this hub, so we'll get
[03:50:19] another couple cracks at that
[03:50:21] B-side skip. So right here you
[03:50:23] land on top of
[03:50:24] the out-of-bounds, because no matter where you hit
[03:50:28] outside here, it'll always trigger
[03:50:30] the lab, no matter what.
[03:50:32] And the next track that's coming up is
[03:50:34] actually not broken, and it's also one of my favorite
[03:50:36] tracks to do and not mess up.
[03:50:39] Clockwork Wumpa,
[03:50:40] it's also like
[03:50:41] my favorite track aesthetically
[03:50:42] and it's also got
[03:50:43] one of the best songs in the game.
[03:50:44] This is...
[03:50:45] I'm hyping it up
[03:50:46] because it's a really cool track.
[03:50:48] Oops.
[03:50:49] Oop. It is,'s worth mentioning
[03:50:51] menu- so I call it
[03:50:53] Menu Cancelling. It's when like the text flies
[03:50:55] off the screen you can actually cancel that by hitting
[03:50:57] B or A after you select something.
[03:51:01] Every time I select something, I piano from A to B.
[03:51:06] It doesn't seem like a lot but when you're doing a lot of menuing, especially to change characters in between races,
[03:51:12] that little one second every so often will add up quite a lot.
[03:51:15] Especially when you are doing like 100% runs
[03:51:18] or the longer categories here.
[03:51:21] This is Clockwork Wampa,
[03:51:23] aka Cortex Castle at Home.
[03:51:28] It's got a lot of
[03:51:29] these same kind of map layouts and feel as Cortex Castle if you've ever played
[03:51:35] the original CTR. Sharp angles, sharp corners so it is one of the first really technical courses.
[03:51:43] There are some dev intended shortcuts like the cogs there we saw,
[03:51:47] like that ramp as well. This is one of the toughest
[03:51:51] corners coming up these last couple
[03:51:53] of turns here.
[03:51:54] But it's so smooth when it's done right,
[03:51:57] that's a fantastic turn there.
[03:52:00] But yeah this another non-superbroken lap.
[03:52:04] Super broken course so I think
[03:52:06] MacCouper if I'm not wrong we have a couple times for donations?
[03:52:09] Yes
[03:52:10] Awesome because we have donations here for you
[03:52:12] We have $100 from Grandma Ellen who says,
[03:52:16] watching this run with my good friends
[03:52:18] who I met through the CNK and CTR community.
[03:52:20] Big hugs to Jaro, Roman, Coolsy, Cash, Prowl and Philippe.
[03:52:24] Let's get to 1 million love from Australia, New Zealand
[03:52:27] and Germany. Thank you!
[03:52:30] And we are getting awfully close to that one million only about $13,000
[03:52:33] away would be pretty awesome to hit that either
[03:52:36] this one or next. I don't know. I think we could do that.
[03:52:39] I think we could do it.
[03:52:40] We also have
[03:52:42] $50 from Sarah who says
[03:52:44] calico eggs are delicious over rice which I believe is a reference to
[03:52:48] that Sardew Valley Desert Festival Race incentive currently at around four thousand four hundred
[03:52:54] dollars out of the needed fifteen thousand so you all are doing a wonderful job
[03:52:57] of making that happen we also have twenty dollars from lala's tacos who says hey guys
[03:53:02] best of luck on the run hooper thank you lao salamanca from the hit show brother call saul
[03:53:11] i think we got time for one more all right we have fifty dollars from zaz who says greetings
[03:53:15] from germany i'm not from germany but i'm in it right now so i gotta take this
[03:53:19] chance to say it while i can thank you so much for your wonderful contributions to doctors without
[03:53:25] borders making a difference we're all in germany right now nice turn there and that's clockwork
[03:53:30] bump i can it's just it's a fun technical track it's a little bit tough but when it's
[03:53:36] done smoothly it's it really looks fun.
[03:53:39] It's really a fun one.
[03:53:40] It really does.
[03:53:41] The next track is actually
[03:53:42] not that broken,
[03:53:43] believe it or not.
[03:53:46] Foreshadowing.
[03:53:48] Foreshadowing.
[03:53:59] Anybody know what you see? Do you see? So this, the skip that we're gonna- That Macub is going to try to hit here
[03:54:01] was another one
[03:54:02] that was found in The Batch about two months ago
[03:54:06] that again completely kind of revamped
[03:54:08] how this course was run.
[03:54:11] Oh, end scene!
[03:54:13] Yeah I'm not going to be able
[03:54:14] set it up here on lap one.
[03:54:15] So it does require a TNT
[03:54:17] very much like the tiny arena skip
[03:54:19] if you know anything about
[03:54:21] Craftstream Racing and the
[03:54:23] CTR runs. It does require TNT. Unfortunately
[03:54:27] it's not one of those where we could potentially set it up and do it immediately
[03:54:31] but it is a little bit more safe
[03:54:33] and it's a little bit easier to do by doing
[03:54:37] the long way and actually coming around through the lap. If you can get the timing down right
[03:54:41] and don't have the AI run into
[03:54:44] the TNT, you could do it could set it up on lap 1
[03:54:48] and do it laps one and two.
[03:54:52] But we're gonna go ahead and set it up here on lap 2, and then hopefully
[03:54:55] we hit it on lap 3.
[03:54:57] This is where we're going to see just how
[03:54:59] the TNTs are busted
[03:55:01] in this game.
[03:55:02] The thing about setting it up
[03:55:04] on lap 1 is that the AI has a chance to hit it on lap
[03:55:06] 1, so it's not really such a good idea unless you're trying
[03:55:09] to get like a massive time save to set it up
[03:55:11] on lap 1. Setup right there. Beautiful.
[03:55:18] So hopefully when we come back on lap three, that TNT is still there
[03:55:20] and then we can do
[03:55:21] an extremely, extremely
[03:55:24] weird looking skip.
[03:55:30] It's going to look cool if it works
[03:55:35] and we just have to we just have to pray that the uh that the ai doesn't run into it because it does obviously ruin
[03:55:40] the skip if we do not have the TNT
[03:55:42] in order to do it.
[03:55:43] It was one
[03:55:46] of the ones that massively broke open this course especially, saving a good 30 to 40 seconds when done and executed correctly.
[03:55:57] Yeah you could have had to try if it works. correctly and when the AI likes to play nice.
[03:55:59] Yeah, you kind of have to try
[03:56:00] if it works.
[03:56:02] If it works.
[03:56:05] And this is one of the few skips that were found
[03:56:07] that was found that is really AI...
[03:56:12] That really relies on the AI to not mess it up. It's still execution-based
[03:56:17] but you've got to make sure the AI doesn't accidentally run into it.
[03:56:20] Oh no!
[03:56:22] So what we try to do here is with the TNT on our head,
[03:56:25] we try to jump up over the wall and out of bounds.
[03:56:29] For some reason having a TNT crate on your head
[03:56:33] helps you keep this state of being grounded on the track.
[03:56:37] Because we're grounded, we can still drift,
[03:56:39] we can still hop. and we continue to fall down
[03:56:42] and try to fall to a specific death plane where the TNT will
[03:56:45] explode, it will roll around.
[03:56:47] And then when we stop, we respawn halfway
[03:56:50] through the course.
[03:56:51] We skip all of this anti-grav section,
[03:56:53] and we come into like the last final couple
[03:56:56] of turns here in the course.
[03:56:58] But again it's one of those that's a little bit finicky but we would respawn right around here
[03:57:04] uh if we were able to hit it properly exactly it's unfortunate we didn't get
[03:57:09] enough speed um it's it's based on like where you jump from and how high you get.
[03:57:15] You need a lot of speed going up the ramp
[03:57:18] in order to get enough height to clear the invisible wall.
[03:57:21] Still solid though, yeah!
[03:57:29] So now we have to race Norm.
[03:57:31] Norm is a unique race amongst the series because you're actually racing two people at once. You only need to beat one of them, and the second one just kind of hangs back and lays down items. And good thing is that we are on out of time again so i get to
[03:57:47] i get a second chance to try out b-side
[03:57:53] shout outs the big norm Shoutouts to Big Norm.
[03:58:00] This one's not too hard, this boss race if you can get control of your drift turbos
[03:58:07] it's not too hard to get out in front and stay
[03:58:09] out in front. As you can see we're
[03:58:11] leaving Norm behind in the dust
[03:58:12] A3 boosts
[03:58:14] So one of the neat things about Cnk as well is there are item boxes that have
[03:58:19] the x on them uh that will give you three of specific items instead
[03:58:24] of just the one that you would normally get.
[03:58:30] So it creates a little bit of a difference there and makes it a little bit more fun, potentially.
[03:58:33] Got to line it up.
[03:58:34] Got the drifts.
[03:58:40] Yes! Yes. All right, got it.
[03:58:44] So the neat thing about B-Side is you hit
[03:58:47] it and you're immediately dropped in on the second lap
[03:58:51] right behind where we would need to go
[03:58:54] to do B-side again.
[03:58:55] Again, absolutely broken track.
[03:58:58] Not sure what causes this
[03:59:00] or why it works out that we go
[03:59:02] from here across the finish line
[03:59:04] on the mini-map. That is
[03:59:06] an absolutely clean
[03:59:08] out of time B side skip there.
[03:59:11] Getting it twice on the boss
[03:59:14] Got boost items too
[03:59:18] And then we just take the old school skip there and 124.
[03:59:23] Really nice.
[03:59:24] That's the best I've gotten all week.
[03:59:28] Yes, yes! One of the changes there between Team Bandicoot and Team Cortex is that we don't get to see the sad mime. No yeah No sad mime unfortunately.
[03:59:44] But he comes up to you and big Norm tries to give you some props.
[03:59:48] You know? You did good out there.
[03:59:50] And Cortex just kind of shooes away because he doesn't like clowns or mimes or anything.
[03:59:54] Now we're on to the third world...
[03:59:57] Fourth.
[03:59:58] Fourth, excuse me! We are already onto Hub 4
[04:00:01] The most technical of hubs.
[04:00:04] And you know...
[04:00:05] Literally the most technical!
[04:00:06] We're in the future baby!
[04:00:08] We are on the tech-knee so as
[04:00:10] MacCoover mentioned we do go around
[04:00:13] the galaxy, We're visiting different
[04:00:15] planets, which is kind of the course
[04:00:19] of this so we are on the planet Techni for our last
[04:00:23] few tracks here.
[04:00:26] Assembly lane isn't really broken,
[04:00:28] there is an ultra that can be done
[04:00:30] but it's not really RTA viable just yet
[04:00:34] it does involve, as you
[04:00:36] can probably guess an anti-grav section here
[04:00:40] where we are on a pipe and if were not careful
[04:00:44] getting enough speed coming around these corners we can absolutely
[04:00:47] yeet ourselves off of the track which is what the the ultra does involve going
[04:00:55] onto that pipe and just kind of throwing ourselves across the map.
[04:00:57] But again, it's another one that was discovered
[04:01:01] but is not quite RTA viable
[04:01:05] just yet. We're still working on getting the proper setups and make sure that
[04:01:10] we can hit it but its another one you eat yourself across the finish line and then it kind of takes
[04:01:15] over the laps and your done then done with the course.
[04:01:18] If you remember what I did at the start of Barren Ruins,
[04:01:21] that's exactly what you do in Assembly
[04:01:23] Lane. It's on this pipe
[04:01:24] at about this
[04:01:27] point on the pipe.
[04:01:30] You want to jump off to the right side and you can get like far underneath the map like it's insane
[04:01:34] if you have never seen what the underside of a receipt or cnk map looks
[04:01:38] like trust me i didn't know either until i saw the video
[04:01:45] but assembly lane is extremely technical it this almost like requires you to pick us
[04:01:49] uh turning character because the turns here are absolutely insane.
[04:01:53] Oh don't get picked up by that magnet? Okay there we go.
[04:01:57] This conveyor belt actually speeds you up when you make contact with it it's kind of cool
[04:02:02] um it's you can also just straight like avoid those pistons by driving on the side of the
[04:02:07] conveyor belt i didn't need to i could just go straight through it. I caught a good cycle. Yeah, you did.
[04:02:13] And the good thing is that
[04:02:14] I didn't drop Turbo Fire this entire time
[04:02:17] which was actually optimal
[04:02:19] because there's only one turbo pad in that entire track.
[04:02:22] So that again ties into there's only one turbo pad in that entire track. So
[04:02:23] that again ties into the
[04:02:24] everybody having the same
[04:02:26] boost speed essentially off of
[04:02:28] the turbo pads, so maintaining
[04:02:30] your reserves, maintaining that boost speed is really crucial on tracks like
[04:02:34] that where there's not a lot of turbo pads to get the speed back up.
[04:02:40] And let me tell you driving around in on the answer graph sections is not easy.
[04:02:45] You slide around a whole lot and Macooper's making it look so easy and so smooth.
[04:02:50] So here we go into Android Alley. This is the boss track for this world
[04:02:55] I can't believe i'm saying this but this is the least broken track in the entire game and it needs to be broken because if
[04:03:02] we could find a way to break this track the boss fight would not only be really easy but it also potentially open up a huge, huge category overhaul for this.
[04:03:13] Because there's a glitch that I don't know if I'll have time to show it off after this run,
[04:03:16] but there is a glitch where you can just skip straight into boss rooms.
[04:03:20] But it has a catch.
[04:03:23] But for now, we're in Android Alley.
[04:03:25] This is a very standard track. There's not a whole lot going on here.
[04:03:29] There are some corners... hard corners. There's some anti-gravity but it's not super complicated. super like what's it called?
[04:03:37] Super complicated.
[04:03:39] It is the only track in
[04:03:41] the game where you start
[04:03:41] off on anti-gravity and
[04:03:43] uh,
[04:03:43] the walls in the tunnel
[04:03:44] that you start off in
[04:03:45] will actually like sort
[04:03:46] of magnetize you to them i don't know
[04:03:47] how they get by then buy their robot there we take those yeah this would actually be a really
[04:03:52] good time for some donations let's see if we can get some five dollar hype trains for
[04:03:55] this train here huh i would love to see a five dollar high trade for this train here, huh? I would love to see a $5
[04:03:58] hype train for this train. That'd be fantastic!
[04:04:01] We do have $25 from our
[04:04:03] previous host, Speth, who says, as promised
[04:04:05] here's $5 per fire emblem
[04:04:07] name I mispronounced on stream.
[04:04:09] All of it to watch the Stardew Runners compete to go fast.
[04:04:12] Let's see that race!
[04:04:14] And we're getting really close to $5,000
[04:04:15] out of that 15,000 needed for the Desert Festival Race
[04:04:18] That's going to be so exciting i love
[04:04:20] the idea that they've been cooperating for like an hour straight and then it's
[04:04:22] like never mind time to take you down we also have 25 dollars from mo morrison
[04:04:27] who says,
[04:04:39] It's unfortunate because we can't play as Dingo Dial in the story mode.
[04:04:40] We can only play as
[04:04:41] two teams, Team Cortex or Team Bandicoot.
[04:04:44] If we could play as Team Entrance
[04:04:46] and Team Moxide that would be amazing
[04:04:47] and
[04:04:48] it kind of doubly hurts because the speed characters are not very useful outside of the tiny temple.
[04:04:57] It's so unfortunate, I would love to play as a speed character more often.
[04:05:01] There is a guy, I mentioned
[04:05:02] him before, his name is Seafred. He usually uses
[04:05:04] Crunch for some tracks just because that's his favorite
[04:05:07] character and you know what? I respect it.
[04:05:09] I respect it.
[04:05:11] I think we've got time for one one or two more, Char? Yep.
[04:05:14] Absolutely! We have $25
[04:05:15] from the Knight Who Goes Knee who says
[04:05:17] always love any Crash Bandicoot game
[04:05:19] and we have $25
[04:05:21] from Calari... Oh, I'm so sorry.
[04:05:24] Galadrius who says,
[04:05:25] So many amazing prizes this segment.
[04:05:27] Fine and take my money.
[04:05:29] You can check out all the prizes at
[04:05:31] There's quite a few really fun ones.
[04:05:33] A couple of $5 minimum donations to get into
[04:05:35] a Junimo plush amigurumi and
[04:05:37] star drop amigurumi, so those are the
[04:05:39] ones I have my eye on but there's plenty of different
[04:05:41] options to choose from.
[04:05:43] $5 minimum donation gets you in some of those and if you want to enter to win our grand
[04:05:46] prizes it's 250 dollars cumulative over the course of the events get your donations in now
[04:05:51] that pick that height the uh the levelist fight stick with the um with the GDQ logo on it looks really sick.
[04:06:00] So there are some really good prizes available for this day and section, so make sure to get those donations in
[04:06:05] Get them towards that Asturias sturdy valley run we want to see that
[04:06:10] here comes electron avenue if you're familiar with nature field
[04:06:14] this track does not look at all like it does in Nature Fuel.
[04:06:16] They did a complete overhaul, and what I'm going to do is
[04:06:19] I'm gonna do a normal lap because this is actually another one of the broken tracks
[04:06:23] so I want to do a normal lap just to show
[04:06:25] what the track used to look like before these new skips.
[04:06:30] We will do one skip in
[04:06:32] the normal lap, that does still
[04:06:35] skip a hefty chunk of the course, but
[04:06:38] laps two and three will
[04:06:40] showcase exactly how broken
[04:06:43] this game, this track
[04:06:45] especially got. This track
[04:06:47] opened my eyes to just how busted the checkpoint system in this game is.
[04:06:51] It doesn't make any sense. When I first saw it,
[04:06:53] I was like you've got to be kidding me!
[04:06:55] A track that takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds on average now it takes a minute
[04:06:59] thirty what
[04:07:03] if it's just wild how much uh how much time
[04:07:07] and effort was spent here this is the main skip we go just kind of bounce off
[04:07:13] the wall and there's a whole section where you're anti-grav you're kind of facing you know inverted
[04:07:18] on each other uh we just kind of go, oh we can actually
[04:07:21] just go to the other portion of the track?
[04:07:23] Okay yeah, we'll just skip that and
[04:07:26] I'd go straight on there but
[04:07:28] so it's really neat to see then, now is where we get
[04:07:32] to the fun part.
[04:07:34] It's going to take a little bit of a right-hand turn here.
[04:07:36] First try! No!
[04:07:38] No!
[04:07:40] Okay, so this does involve a bit of precision jumping off
[04:07:45] of this opening ramp here.
[04:07:47] There's a certain line that you have to take.
[04:07:49] You can't go too far inside.
[04:07:50] That building can't go too far outside.
[04:07:54] So there we go
[04:08:03] so what's happening there is uh micruper jumping off the ramp, taking that right hand turn
[04:08:06] and going immediately towards that anti-grav section
[04:08:09] we just had talked about. And because of that
[04:08:12] We can hit it at the right angles where
[04:08:15] we will hit the death plane to respawn for
[04:08:19] that specific section. Alright first try there on lap 3
[04:08:23] let's go!
[04:08:26] And then we do a couple extra little fall-offs and jumps
[04:08:29] to kind of just reset patterns and reset where
[04:08:32] we are and just continue to skip sections of the track.
[04:08:35] We'll back up here,
[04:08:36] skip another small section
[04:08:37] and then all of a sudden right there is...
[04:08:41] You know, we saw that minute nine here
[04:08:42] for the first lap
[04:08:44] and then when done optimally a sub 30
[04:08:47] lap three so you're saving another 30 seconds each
[04:08:50] lap
[04:08:54] so something with the xbox version specifically is that if you skip
[04:08:58] the cutscenes too quickly, they just appear pink for some reason.
[04:09:02] I don't know why that happens, but it happens on every single
[04:09:05] Xbox version.
[04:09:06] So now we get to race Geary again,
[04:09:08] and we're back to Android Alley,
[04:09:10] which means there's not a whole lot
[04:09:11] to talk about here.
[04:09:13] But however, I do want to mention
[04:09:14] that Geary does have one thing
[04:09:16] about him,
[04:09:17] and if you can get in front of him at the start... Giri does have like one thing about him.
[04:09:21] And if you can get in front of him at the start, it's basically free.
[04:09:23] But if you don't, he's an absolute terror.
[04:09:26] He's one of the only challenging bosses in the entire run because the track itself is not very broken and because he himself
[04:09:30] is also pretty fast. He's also got these little bots that will throw out traps
[04:09:35] and kind of distract you, so it's really difficult to get
[04:09:40] in front of him. You've got to either get a
[04:09:42] really nice line here on this corner,
[04:09:45] which Makuba was able to do.
[04:09:46] You can also do the dev
[04:09:48] intended shortcut later on through that glass wall
[04:09:51] That can help out and get you in front of him
[04:09:55] Once you get in front of him, smooth sailing. But he's really tough to get to there
[04:09:59] And McCooper made that look so easy we have a lot of time for some extra donations
[04:10:04] because there's not a whole lot to talk about the second is adventurer dally it's essentially
[04:10:07] the same exact track yep got it then we have an answer from earlier five dollars from keenan who Yep. also $50 from Tio the Doll who says, got to see that Stardew Valley Desert Race.
[04:10:23] Massive thank you to all the runners and volunteers
[04:10:26] that are bringing us such an amazing event.
[04:10:28] You all our heroes.
[04:10:30] And we're doing so well on that desert festival race
[04:10:32] only about a little over 9,000 left to go.
[04:10:35] Doing wonderful everyone out there.
[04:10:36] Keep those donations coming in.
[04:10:38] We also have $50 from Cherry Scary who says enjoy catching GDQ as much as I can this week here's to one million and good vibes for
[04:10:46] the weekend we are only about eleven thousand dollars away from the 1 million dollar mark
[04:10:52] how soon can we get there that is scarily close i'm really excited for that to happen
[04:10:57] in fact if we meet that desert festival race we are inches away from it so i really hope we can
[04:11:01] get both of those things to happen and And helping us along the way, of course
[04:11:05] is our friend Anonymous with a $250 donation
[04:11:09] no comment but thank you so much for your wonderful support
[04:11:13] So here we are coming up on the third lap of Android Alley.
[04:11:18] After this is Velo,
[04:11:20] We're actually just about to end up right at the end of the run
[04:11:24] As soon as I beat Geary here We're actually right at the end of the run. So as soon as I beat Geary here, we are going to do Velo's race.
[04:11:30] The one good thing about Velo's race is that you don't
[04:11:34] race him on a track he has already been on before
[04:11:36] He has his own
[04:11:37] unique track that he races on got a really high jump there i call it
[04:11:40] the crunk jump don't ask me why i call it that just
[04:11:43] called that
[04:11:45] high jumps crunk jumps. That's all you gotta know.
[04:11:50] They're really fun to perform too.
[04:11:53] So
[04:11:53] Velo casually speaking is
[04:11:56] one of the hardest crash racing bosses
[04:11:59] of all time. He's extremely
[04:12:01] unfair and just lots a bunch of items
[04:12:03] at you
[04:12:03] pretty much all the time
[04:12:06] if you're in front of him he shoots missiles if you're behind him uh
[04:12:11] throws bombs at you that's 54 a lot there we go there we
[04:12:16] go yeah really solid
[04:12:18] really solid race there.
[04:12:20] Also if you noticed in that track
[04:12:21] in the boss race, boss races don't have hazards on.
[04:12:27] So the train unfortunately was not there.
[04:12:29] You didn't get to see the train.
[04:12:33] Here we go, final boss!
[04:12:37] The really neat thing about how this is set up
[04:12:39] Is that when we get into the boss
[04:12:41] the full cutscene showcases how the track
[04:12:45] is built. And Vela gets to do his good Dwayne Johnson
[04:12:49] impression there it is. There it is uh so what happens is vlo opens up the
[04:12:54] in his um in his arena he opens up the floor and a bunch of
[04:12:58] bunch of these sections of the track pop out you are literally on his coliseum racing right at this moment
[04:13:05] but this is another one of those uh super super broken
[04:13:08] uh courses because we just fall off there and we are onto
[04:13:13] the next teleporter. We did get a TNT
[04:13:16] there, which can set up
[04:13:17] for the Ultra coming up here in lap
[04:13:19] two as long as Vela
[04:13:21] doesn't hit it, which he shouldn't.
[04:13:24] I don't think...
[04:13:24] He shouldn't really hit it
[04:13:25] if it's placed in the middle like that.
[04:13:27] He usually stays away from the middle.
[04:13:30] Yeah, see?
[04:13:30] He's shooting missiles at me
[04:13:32] because I'm in front of him.
[04:13:33] This is also one of the few tracks where
[04:13:35] the mini map is hidden at first which is why we have the speedometer the minimap is available it
[04:13:42] is in the game files but you don't get to see it when
[04:13:44] you're doing this course.
[04:13:45] Honestly I feel like kind of leads to the whole like
[04:13:48] this've never seen this before
[04:13:50] You don't know what you are going through
[04:13:52] So you really have to learn the course
[04:13:54] and its ins and outs through so you really have to learn the course and it's it's you know ins
[04:13:57] and outs the tricks the tips and everything here's another big anti-grab section um that's
[04:14:03] really fun these like tube anti grab tube anti-grav sections
[04:14:07] are fun. Lots of winding turns
[04:14:11] but if you handle them properly, they're really smooth and fast to go through
[04:14:15] Exactly! The anti gravity smooth and really fast to go through. Exactly.
[04:14:17] The anti-gravity sections in this are
[04:14:19] probably some of my favorites.
[04:14:22] Hyperspaceway, if you're familiar with Nitro
[04:14:23] Fueled, like the
[04:14:25] 2019 re-release, is uh it actually gets rid of that entire
[04:14:29] like this entire anti gravity section.
[04:14:33] Got it! Yes! So if you hit a TNT here,
[04:14:38] You respawn towards the end of this anti-graft section and it just completely cuts it out.
[04:14:42] Saves a lot of time.
[04:14:44] Unfortunately I didn't get to set up a TNT for the third lap
[04:14:47] But hitting it once is already a huge enough time save that it's not
[04:14:49] really a huge deal if you don't get it on both
[04:14:51] laps. It's playing
[04:14:53] again off of the fact that
[04:14:55] the game when you have a TNT
[04:14:57] gives you the grounded state so
[04:14:59] you can jump even while
[04:15:01] you're in midair because
[04:15:02] you know,
[04:15:03] the mechanic is you get
[04:15:04] the TNT crate on your
[04:15:05] head.
[04:15:05] You're supposed to jump
[04:15:06] to get it off your head
[04:15:06] so you don't explode.
[04:15:08] We kind of we use that to our advantage actually no
[04:15:11] it's because like if you're drifting in midair you actually have a few frames
[04:15:16] when you come out of the drift you actually have a few frames to jump out
[04:15:19] of it this Yeah, this
[04:15:21] one is a little bit different than others so
[04:15:23] that's my mistake, excuse me but
[04:15:25] it's still really neat to see that
[04:15:27] there is that kind of ultra where you can
[04:15:29] jump in midair
[04:15:31] jump off the track and again we hit that ultra so
[04:15:34] this that ultra saves around seven seconds
[04:15:37] um per lap seven to eight seconds which is again it's saving 16 seconds in
[04:15:43] in a racing game this is pretty big
[04:15:48] so there you go i was able to jump out of the drift there you can see like just
[04:15:51] how useful that is for getting a lot of height off of the drift there you can see like just how useful that is for getting a lot of height off
[04:15:53] of a drift because you're not normally allowed to jump out of a drift in midair like when you're
[04:16:00] when you're in the air the game should be counting you as in the air but for some reason when you're in the air, the game should be counting you as in the air.
[04:16:03] But for some reason when you are drifting
[04:16:05] it just thinks that you are still on the ground so you can jump out of it.
[04:16:08] We are getting a lot of boost items.
[04:16:10] Nice big jump there!
[04:16:13] A lot of big jump. Whoa! Lot of big jumps.
[04:16:15] Time is coming up soon here
[04:16:17] because this is the last course.
[04:16:26] So it's figure eight right here. It doesn't matter which side you go on because they're both the same,
[04:16:28] and these static orbs that his henchmen are laying down,
[04:16:32] uh, they're actually in a pattern.
[04:16:34] So you can avoid them like all
[04:16:36] like all the time because they're always in a consistent spot
[04:16:39] triple boost item we're getting nothing but boost items here
[04:16:43] just take straight lines here throughout the pipe.
[04:16:46] Time is coming up in about seven seconds,
[04:16:51] and...
[04:16:54] time! Time!
[04:17:01] 46-47 RTA.
[04:17:03] Really solid.
[04:17:05] Absolutely.
[04:17:10] That was Crash Nitro Kart, now a lot of those new skips i haven't been able to get a whole lot of practice time with them because of how just how near they are um even the stuff
[04:17:16] that i missed i was able to come back with it.
[04:17:19] So I'm very proud of myself for that.
[04:17:21] I do want to give some shout outs
[04:17:23] to all the people in the Crash Discord
[04:17:25] who've been grinding away at CNK
[04:17:27] trying to get all the strats. Some people finding new strats some people finding new strats we got james toasty mel the peop-
[04:17:30] The two people who have found all the new skips essentially and it created a
[04:17:36] A massive new revolution for them, for the game. So to those two, thank you very much
[04:17:41] for finding all these new skips. Shoutouts to HypnoShark for being one of
[04:17:44] a few people to implement these in RTA runs and being huge inspiration
[04:17:48] for anybody who wants to get into the game. To see Fred, another person
[04:17:52] who's been grinding away at the game... um... to Ripperoo, to all the people who've
[04:17:58] been playing the game, Galaxian. All of you
[04:18:01] guys, thank you so much for playing the game.
[04:18:03] Thank you to Joker for being my co-commentator today.
[04:18:05] Thank you for having me. Thank you for the back couch for coming
[04:18:07] out and supporting me super early in the morning.
[04:18:10] And with that, I got
[04:18:12] nothing else. My name is Mick Cooper.
[04:18:14] I'm signing out guys.
[04:18:17] Well GT's Mick Cooper
[04:18:18] on an absolutely fantastic
[04:18:20] showing there. That was incredible. Thank you so much for bringing that to this stage
[04:18:25] We are currently getting set up for our next run which is going to be Stardew Valley
[04:18:30] 4 players, skull coverage 100 glitchless I am so excited for that but first now's a great time
[04:18:34] to stretch take a quick break but don't go anywhere because stardew valley is going to be coming up
[04:18:38] again soon and while we're getting that ready i do want to read a few more donations that came in from that last run.
[04:18:46] We have $5 on that train from SuddenlyUgians who says,
[04:18:50] Choo choo choose to donate during Crash Nitro Kart!
[04:18:55] We also have $10 from Mew2Also who says this game means a lot to me.
[04:18:59] So I just had to wake up at 5am to catch this run, and
[04:19:03] wow it's been amazing.
[04:19:04] Here is $10 for my 10-year GDQ anniversary.
[04:19:08] Congratulations on ten years!
[04:19:11] We also have $25 from Sir Gregory II who says I am speed.
[04:19:16] Shout out from the back couch.
[04:19:19] Thank you so much for that and we are doing wonderful on our next incentive
[04:19:24] The Desert Festival race is now at
[04:19:26] around halfway there. Over
[04:19:28] $7,000 toward that
[04:19:30] $15,000 incentive. I am
[04:19:33] really looking forward to that. I saw the
[04:19:34] runners practicing it yesterday. it was really, really cute
[04:19:37] It was the perfect way to end out that run
[04:19:39] So I really hope we can get that met
[04:19:41] And also
[04:19:42] We are now less than $10,000
[04:19:45] away from the $1 dollar mark. We are getting
[04:19:48] so incredibly close
[04:19:50] I am really excited for that to happen
[04:19:52] and I'm not the only one
[04:19:54] we have $50 from Nikon who says
[04:19:56] 1 million hype That milestone is going to be incredible.
[04:20:03] And of course all of these wonderful donations are going towards a fantastic cause which
[04:20:07] is Doctors Without Borders.
[04:20:09] Doctors Without Borders
[04:20:10] is an independent international organization
[04:20:12] that provides emergency medical care
[04:20:14] to the people who need it most.
[04:20:16] MSF cares for people affected by conflict,
[04:20:18] disease outbreaks, disasters and social
[04:20:20] exclusion in more than 70 countries msf offers medical humanitarian assistance
[04:20:25] solely based on need regardless of race ethnicity religion, religion or politics.
[04:20:31] MSF teams include medical, logistical and administrative staff
[04:20:34] most of them hired locally.
[04:20:37] Their actions are guided by medical ethics
[04:20:38] and the principles of independence, impartiality
[04:20:41] and neutrality. To learn more please visit
[04:20:47] And I want to try something a little fun here which is called the 2 for one special so you know that we have prizes
[04:20:53] and you know that we have a wonderful charity so why don't look at both of those so five dollar
[04:20:57] donation gets you in to win a junimo plush amigurumi and a star drop amigurumi related to our upcoming run.
[04:21:04] But for doctors without borders, it can also buy four treatments to cure adult
[04:21:07] patients from malaria by rapid test to diagnose HIV infection or enough
[04:21:12] vaccine to immunize 13 Children against measles test to diagnose HIV infection or enough vaccine
[04:21:12] to immunize 13 children against measles.
[04:21:16] With a $10 minimum donation, you're entered
[04:21:18] to win a mini Korok plush,
[04:21:19] agreed Junimo amigurumi, among other wonderful things.
[04:21:24] And $10 for Doctors Without Borders can buy enough vaccine to immunize 45 people against poliovirus,
[04:21:30] 15 treatments to cure children from malaria or clean drinking water for 147 people
[04:21:35] for one week. And a $50 minimum donation could get
[04:21:39] you into the Into Win The Evil Zone Leverless Fight Stick, which looks
[04:21:44] absolutely incredible.
[04:21:45] And for Doctors Without Borders that can buy three jerry cans used by refugees to support
[04:21:49] and or transport and store clean drinking water
[04:21:52] and relatedly clean drinking water for 736 people
[04:21:56] for one week. All incredible, so not only do you get entered to win prizes
[04:22:00] your supporting our charity as well. Up next I'd like to chat
[04:22:04] about something or show a video about something that you could see year round.
[04:22:08] Take a look at GDQ hotfix.
[04:22:20] My name is Hypnolix and this...
[04:22:23] Going Places.
[04:22:30] Well, our main focus is the games that we have to travel with to distant lands for, or maybe a special local treat.
[04:22:32] Shorter things, region exclusive games,
[04:22:35] or other games that we take on the go either
[04:22:39] on handheld consoles or mobile phones. Kind of like this guy here.
[04:22:46] So whether you are either home or away why not join us every other Friday evening from
[04:22:51] 7pm Eastern till 10pm Eastern.
[04:22:54] Good time zone, everyone.
[04:22:59] My name is Amber Cyprian
[04:23:01] and I host a show called Passion Project
[04:23:02] here on GDQ Hotfix.
[04:23:04] Passion Project is a variety speedrun
[04:23:06] and speedrun adjacent show
[04:23:07] that encourages anyone
[04:23:09] and everyone in the speedrun
[04:23:10] community to showcase the projects that they've been working on.
[04:23:13] Whether it's your current favorite game to grind runs for, a new category or
[04:23:17] a game you've been running out of,
[04:23:18] a new tool assisted speed run that
[04:23:20] you just finished or there's randomizers and bingos that
[04:23:23] you like to play. You name it, I want it! Join us here on Passion
[04:23:27] Project every other Friday night at 10 p.m eastern
[04:23:29] on GDQ Hotfix.
[04:23:32] Hope to see you there, and who knows?
[04:23:35] Maybe you'll even find your next passion project!
[04:23:41] Hello! I'm Mr. Arnzgor Shasta And I host host a show on GQ Hotfix called Do All The Things.
[04:23:44] Do All the Things is a show where we show off our 100% speedruns as well as runs of games
[04:23:48] where you do or collect all something such as all bosses, all items, all quests
[04:23:52] basically if the category has
[04:23:54] all its name you'll probably see it here. Tune in 7 p.m eastern time 4 p.m pacific
[04:23:59] time for doing things on GDK Hotfix. Goodbye gamers!
[04:24:06] Hey, I'm Helix and my friend Limey and I host a show called Parallel Universe
[04:24:10] on GDQ HotFix. Parallel Universe is a show centered around community-created content.
[04:24:15] We show off speedruns and showcases of fan games, mods, custom levels
[04:24:20] And even different methods of play such as randomizers and bingo
[04:24:24] To see your favorite games presented in a unique way, make sure to
[04:24:26] tune into Parallel Universe at 10 p.m eastern every other Friday on GDQ Hotfix.
[04:24:43] A wonderful way to keep up with speed running year-round.
[04:24:47] You're watching Summer Games Done Quick 2024 live from Minneapolis, Minnesota
[04:24:51] where we are less than $9000 away
[04:24:54] from raising one million dollars for Doctors Without Borders.
[04:24:56] I am so excited for this countdown, everyone!
[04:25:00] We are also over $8000 towards that Desert Festival race
[04:25:04] That's a $15,000 incentive
[04:25:06] So we're getting so,
[04:25:07] so close only about $7,000 left to go on that one and people out there.
[04:25:12] There are so many hype donations excited specifically for this desert
[04:25:16] festival race.
[04:25:18] We have $25
[04:25:19] from Shell, who says,
[04:25:20] super excited to see my favorite game,
[04:25:23] Stardew Valley. Let's get that Desert
[04:25:24] Festival race!
[04:25:26] We have $250 from Jeremy Baramy who says,
[04:25:30] Wait.
[04:25:30] We can get more Stardew Valley?
[04:25:33] Shut up and take my money.
[04:25:34] Less than three.
[04:25:36] Thank you so much for that.
[04:25:38] We have $100 from Purrpal who says,
[04:25:41] Desert Festival Race?
[04:25:42] Yes please!
[04:25:43] I cannot wait to see them demolish my favorite game.
[04:25:47] Me too.
[04:25:48] The Skull Caverns run is so cool to watch, the teamwork involved is incredible.
[04:25:53] Audience are you all out there excited for this Stardew Valley Run?
[04:26:00] I absolutely love the energy everyone has coming up this morning.
[04:26:03] This is fantastic!
[04:26:04] We also have more excitement for that $1 million we're aiming for,
[04:26:08] $25 from Sancero who says we're almost at 1 million hype! We have $15
[04:26:17] from mom6226 he says congratulations on crossing the 50 million or 50 million dollars raised a small donation
[04:26:24] to push the counter for this event over one million dollars good luck runners less than
[04:26:30] 8 000 to go to get to that one million dollar mark everyone less than
[04:26:33] a k we are so close we have 50 from gudon eater who says
[04:26:38] let's go 1 million hype
[04:26:42] and again all of your donations are going to support Doctors Without Borders which is
[04:26:46] an absolutely incredible cause. We've talked a lot about them this event but one thing
[04:26:51] that's amazing is your support helps keep MSF fiercely independent.
[04:26:55] Organizations that take money from governments or institutions face red
[04:26:58] tape and limits on whom they can help. Your gift safeguards their independence
[04:27:02] and allows MSF to go wherever they are needed
[04:27:05] to save lives. They're also ready to respond at a
[04:27:09] moment's notice. Over 90% of MSF doctors, nurses
[04:27:13] and logisticians work in their home countries. When disaster strikes like
[04:27:17] the war in Ukraine or earthquakes in Syria these local teams are already on the ground.
[04:27:23] Constant communication with these teams means MSF can help,
[04:27:26] could even help prevent crises before they happen.
[04:27:29] Which is absolutely incredible! I am so proud
[04:27:32] every single year that we get to work with such an amazing charity
[04:27:35] that does such amazing work to help people around
[04:27:37] the world
[04:27:41] we have $50 from Xanatos
[04:27:43] who says Stardew is one of my
[04:27:45] favorite games of all time so of course I gotta donate for more who says,
[04:28:03] We also have $100 from anonymous who says amazing as always give us more stardew. That incentive is moving we are now just under $9,000 out of that 15,000.
[04:28:09] It would be incredible to meet the incentive before
[04:28:11] the run even starts?
[04:28:13] What do you think?
[04:28:14] Do you think we can make that happen?
[04:28:23] The audience definitely believes in it. I believe in all of you out there donating $5, $10, all of its making a difference. Thank you so much.
[04:28:28] We have $25 from Kira who says trans rights are human rights. Less than three, absolutely!
[04:28:36] We have $250 from Matt R., who says thanks to all the runners and the GDQ staff
[04:28:41] to once again put on an amazing event
[04:28:43] absolutely
[04:28:45] and we have $100
[04:28:47] from Venerable Monk 27 who says
[04:28:49] trans rights
[04:28:50] could not agree more, trans rights could not agree more trans rights indeed
[04:28:57] we have 50 from laprasol who says this had been such a fun event so far. So
[04:29:03] hyped to continue hanging out and watching
[04:29:05] over the weekend.
[04:29:07] I know we're going all the way through Saturday.
[04:29:09] Tons of amazing runs left.
[04:29:11] Stardew Valley is what we're setting up for right now. Later on today,
[04:29:14] we're going to have The Legend of Zelda A Link To The Past followed by Crypt
[04:29:18] Of The Necrodancer Synchrony and then Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.
[04:29:22] So quite the Legend of Zelda block coming up after this,
[04:29:24] but Stardew is our next run,
[04:29:26] which is going to be absolutely amazing.
[04:29:29] We have $25 from Fix who says,
[04:29:31] I have put so many hours into Stardew Valley.
[04:29:34] Always love to see this game speedrun!
[04:29:37] Me too. And if you loved this as well, don't forget
[04:29:40] all our prizes! There are an absolute ton
[04:29:43] of Stardew themed prizes available right now
[04:29:46] such as these Junimo Pearlers that are
[04:29:47] a $10 minimum donation. The
[04:29:49] Junimo Plush Amigurumi you see on your
[04:29:51] screen, look at how adorable that is!
[04:29:53] That's a $5 minimum donation and plenty more.
[04:29:56] So, you can check out all the prizes
[04:29:59] see all of the amazing things
[04:30:01] that we have to offer right now
[04:30:03] less than 7000 to go to that 1 million audience can you help me count down when those
[04:30:07] thousands go up i really want to see us hit this it's so so close it's a bit of a race right now
[04:30:14] between whether we get the desert Festival Race Incentive first or
[04:30:17] the 1 million. Who thinks we're going to get Desert Festival Race first?
[04:30:22] All right, who thinks we're gonna get the $1 million first.
[04:30:30] This crowd is very excited for their stardew.
[04:30:32] I cannot blame them, this is going to be a really fun run.
[04:30:34] Awesome. We have more donations as
[04:30:36] well that are equally excited for that incentive.
[04:30:39] $25 from MrPenguin Von Penguin who says,
[04:30:42] Donating to the Stardew Incentive because I've literally been playing it on Steam Deck while watching all week
[04:30:47] except playing Bellatro during that run.
[04:30:49] MSF is an amazing organization so let's help them and get to one million!
[04:30:55] We also have $500 from Corinne who says good morning
[04:30:58] from the crowd.
[04:30:59] Here to watch some Stardew Valley, one of the most hectic
[04:31:02] chill games I've ever played.
[04:31:05] Donation goes to getting that desert festival incentive.
[04:31:12] We also have $25 from Emmy who says, watching GDQ with my girlfriend is my favorite time of the year.
[04:31:16] We had to get a dono in for one of my favorite cozy games,
[04:31:19] Stardew Valley less than three.
[04:31:22] We are now at over $10,000 on the...
[04:31:25] $6,000 to go to 1 million!
[04:31:27] Good job crowd you did great there.
[04:31:29] We're also less than $5,000 to go on that Desert Festival Race Incentive.
[04:31:33] We are getting so close on both of these!
[04:31:36] I like how there's now a bonus race in this event between these two things.
[04:31:39] Both of them are fantastic they're both winners
[04:31:41] i'm just really excited to see what happens first.
[04:31:46] We have $30 from Blitz Fritz who says,
[04:31:48] I am always willing to watch a GDQ run to support Doctors Without Borders
[04:31:52] and while I cannot be there in person,
[04:31:53] I'm always willing to watch online.
[04:31:56] Good luck to all the runners less than
[04:31:57] three.
[04:31:59] We have $50 from the 8-bit old man
[04:32:01] who says sending many thanks to all
[04:32:04] the staff, support crew, runners
[04:32:06] and of course everyone watching
[04:32:08] and supporting Doctors Without Borders.
[04:32:11] And more love
[04:32:12] for our wonderful charity $100 from Quinn who says much love to MSF and all who helped put this on.
[04:32:19] Absolutely, there are so many people working on this event
[04:32:22] From the people you see up on stage,
[04:32:23] The tech behind-the-scenes,
[04:32:24] the donations team.
[04:32:25] I always love the donations team.
[04:32:27] They read every single donation that comes through
[04:32:29] so if you send in a donation
[04:32:31] they're going to see it.
[04:32:32] Feel free to send in a donation
[04:32:33] saying hi to the donations team
[04:32:34] they'll appreciate that as well
[04:32:39] we have fifty dollars from captain's ditches who says yay sardew valley my favorite cozy
[04:32:44] game to play casually with a comprehensive two-year plans flowchart next
[04:32:47] to me.
[04:32:48] Always fun to see it get destroyed at GDQ!
[04:32:51] Good luck to the runners and may the Serpents and Pepper Rexes be kind!
[04:32:54] Less than $5,000 to go to get to that one million dollar mark and less
[04:32:58] than four thousand to go on a desert festival race incentive we are so
[04:33:02] close to both of these I think we can make it happen before the run starts
[04:33:06] It's getting really, really exciting over here!
[04:33:11] We have $25 from Anonymous who says
[04:33:13] dedicating this donation to my boyfriend
[04:33:15] who got me into GDQ seven years ago
[04:33:17] Happy to be watching every year with you and finally
[04:33:20] being able to donate this year i love you smiley face oh that's such a sweet donation i love hearing
[04:33:26] about gdq bringing people together i love hearing about allDQ bringing people together.
[04:33:28] I love hearing about all the wonderful times
[04:33:30] people are having.
[04:33:31] Audience, have you had a fun time at GDQ this week?
[04:33:37] Twishton, I wanna hear from you too!
[04:33:38] Spam all your emotes in chat, help us get hyped for how close we are getting to this $1 million mark!
[04:33:45] We have 100 dollars from the Osborne family who says glad to donate for a great cause thank you so much over here
[04:33:55] I also want to quickly shout out frame fatales GDQ is proud to host frame
[04:33:58] fatales a community of women and femmes interested in speed running
[04:34:01] charity events and gaming in addition to our two flagship events we have a supportive
[04:34:06] community discord with activities year round including game of the month and randomizer
[04:34:10] events our next ff event is flamefaith round, including Game of the Month and Randomizer events. Our next
[04:34:12] FF event is Flame Fatales 2024
[04:34:14] running from August 18th
[04:34:16] through the 25th. To check out the schedule
[04:34:18] and learn more type exclamation mark
[04:34:20] FF in the chat.
[04:34:22] And spoilers, there's more Stardew at that event too.
[04:34:24] I'm really excited to see Stardew multiple times this year.
[04:34:31] We have $10 from Dan Vano who says,
[04:34:33] Long time viewer. First time donating.
[04:34:36] GDQ has become such a big part of my fiancé and I's life
[04:34:39] And as we're getting married later this year
[04:34:41] We can't not donate to such a great cause.
[04:34:44] Keep on running, folks!
[04:34:46] Well congratulations to you and your fiancé!
[04:34:48] I hope you have a lovely wedding later this year.
[04:34:52] We have $50 from Neil Barry who says friends to enemies, count me in. Incentive goes towards the Stardew Valley Desert Festival race to 1 million and beyond.
[04:35:04] We are now
[04:35:04] barely $3,000 away
[04:35:07] from that Desert Festival race yet
[04:35:09] now we're less than $3,000 away from that
[04:35:11] Desert Festival race.
[04:35:13] I am so excited to see it. How many of you have enjoyed the Desert Festival since
[04:35:17] the release of 1.6? Less than 4,000
[04:35:22] to go to that one million! We are so incredibly close everyone! Who's going to be the donation
[04:35:27] that puts us over that $1 million
[04:35:28] mark? It's getting that close.
[04:35:32] We have $100 from Harmonix
[04:35:34] who says thanks for all
[04:35:36] of the GDQ staff and community
[04:35:38] for putting together such an incredible event.
[04:35:41] Over the years,
[04:35:41] GDQ has been such an inspiring
[04:35:43] and amazing event
[04:35:44] for my wife and I to enjoy
[04:35:45] and is a great reminder of all the good things that can
[04:35:48] be done when people work together.
[04:35:50] Keep being awesome!
[04:35:53] Thank you so much
[04:35:54] and thanks to all of you donating,
[04:35:56] making this number go up,
[04:35:58] making this event happen, raising this wonderful money for a wonderful cause.
[04:36:02] You're the ones making this happen.
[04:36:04] Thank you so much.
[04:36:05] It's always inspiring to see as a community just how powerful we can be,
[04:36:09] just how much of an impact we can have on the world.
[04:36:13] I've been talking about the different dollar amounts that you can donate
[04:36:15] that support MSF, what they can do with your donations.
[04:36:20] The largest number I even have on my sheet is $10,000
[04:36:23] and we're close to raising 1 million
[04:36:25] And $10,000 by the way
[04:36:27] can buy four motorbikes used
[04:36:28] to reach remote communities during vaccination campaigns an inflatable boat
[04:36:32] used during flooding evacuation or exploratory missions for mobile warmers essential to
[04:36:37] maintaining newborn body temperature after a complicated delivery, or treatment to cure 37 patients
[04:36:42] of hepatitis C without chronic liver damage. I'm always so inspired by this event every year
[04:36:48] as it's amazing to see what an impact we can directly have on other people's lives.
[04:36:53] I can see the crowd getting excited,
[04:36:54] and we're getting really close to that next number.
[04:36:57] Less than 2,000 on that Desert Festival race, by the way.
[04:36:59] Less than two K of Desert Festival,
[04:37:01] and less than $3,000
[04:37:03] to go on that one million dollar mark.
[04:37:05] Audience I hope you're warming up your vocal cords
[04:37:06] because I really want to hear it when we hit one million alright?
[04:37:10] You want to do a practice round?
[04:37:11] Let's hear a practice cheer, everyone.
[04:37:12] All right, 3-2-1 go!
[04:37:15] Okay that's good, that's good, that's good.
[04:37:17] Keep that energy, keep that energy I'm excited to see it.
[04:37:20] Less than $1500 dollars to go on that Desert festival race. We are getting so close to that happening 90% of
[04:37:26] the way there! That's flying up thank you so much to everyone who is donating for that and
[04:37:31] remembering to apply your donations toward that incentive. That is crucial, we really appreciate that.
[04:37:37] We have $25 from anonymous who says GDQ heart MSF. Absolutely thank you so much for that
[04:37:48] we are oh it's so close i keep watching the number less than two thousand five
[04:37:52] hundred dollars to go to get to that 1 million mark. We're getting really, really close
[04:37:56] and it's amazing
[04:38:02] to see just how many people are up
[04:38:04] right now local time pretty early so it's
[04:38:07] wonderful to see everyone here and the donations are coming in so quickly online
[04:38:11] So much appreciate that! We have $250 from Anonymous who says
[04:38:15] 1 million is almost here! Let's go!
[04:38:20] We have $50
[04:38:21] from the Strutting Shroom
[04:38:22] who says donating $25 for me
[04:38:24] and $25 for my first
[04:38:26] and truest Stardew Valley love.
[04:38:28] This is for you, sweet blue-haired Emily.
[04:38:33] Some luck for Emily out there!
[04:38:35] Feel free to donate
[04:38:35] and tell us your favorite Stardew Valley characters.
[04:38:37] We'd love to hear more about those.
[04:38:43] We have $100 from Jolly Donbury who says,
[04:38:45] Hi donations team! Appreciate all the work y'all put in oh thank you so much
[04:38:52] we have fifty dollars from amanda the herder who says oh
[04:38:56] he says i'm so excited for a co-op Sardew Valley.
[04:39:01] Let's get that Desert Festival race incentive met.
[04:39:05] And we are now less than $2,000 away from that $1 million mark and less than 1,000 away from that Desert Festival race.
[04:39:08] It is so close to getting that. It's like less than $800 away in fact.
[04:39:13] I'm just watching it go up. I hope you just keeps going. One million dollars!
[04:39:26] Thank you so much everyone who's donated, everyone who supported this event throughout the week. You have helped us raise over one million dollars for Doctors Without Borders.
[04:39:32] Thank you so much!
[04:39:34] And I'm also excited to announce
[04:39:36] we have met the Desert Festival Race Incentive! This is absolutely incredible.
[04:39:51] $1 million, Doctors Without Borders. This is amazing.
[04:39:55] And a big thank you to Underscore who donated $2,000 and says good luck Piano, Terp, Leechat, and Jules.
[04:40:05] Y'all are incredible
[04:40:06] and love you to all of the Stardew Speedrunning community
[04:40:10] for your constant support
[04:40:11] and excitement in support of GDQ and MSF. Audience, can you give yourselves another
[04:40:15] round of applause for that wonderful achievement that we all got here? Thank you for your excitement
[04:40:20] at that moment. I appreciate it so much.
[04:40:27] And just because I don't know if anyone could hear me, the crowd was beautifully loud we did get desert festival race incentive too so congrats to everyone on
[04:40:31] that! This is going to be absolutely
[04:40:33] incredible i am so excited for this run coming up.
[04:40:38] Again, this is a four-player cooperative run of Skull Caverns 100.
[04:40:43] My favorite thing about this run is it really relates to me because it's kind of a procrastination
[04:40:48] run where you get to sleep in a whole bunch and then do all your work in the last like
[04:40:51] 10 minutes.
[04:40:52] I don't know about all of you out there, but's kind of how i approach certain things
[04:41:00] all right we're going to take a quick moment to look at a special video that
[04:41:03] we have about something coming up a little bit
[04:41:05] later this year let's take a look
[04:41:13] oh it's going to take a second to get ready we got loaded in first
[04:41:15] we gotta put the vcr into the VCR player, so just give us...
[04:41:18] Sorry, tape it to the VCR player!
[04:41:20] That was not a good analogy!
[04:41:22] We'll get that set up for you in just a second.
[04:41:24] But in the meantime, I'd like to shout out more of these donations
[04:41:26] that helped us get to that $ million dollar mark we have 100 from
[04:41:30] pickled human who says number go up let's see these fantastic runners run this desert festival
[04:41:35] race and we have 500 dollars from anonymous no comment there, but thank you so much for your generosity.
[04:41:43] All of these donations are coming together to make all this happen and support such a
[04:41:47] fantastic cause.
[04:41:57] We also have $25 from Tomato Walrus who says, good morning GDQ!
[04:41:59] I absolutely love Stardew Valley! for chat who do you romance in stardew
[04:42:04] actually ask the audience too on the count of three yell out your partner and stardew valley
[04:42:09] one two three One, two, three.
[04:42:16] Thank you so much everyone.
[04:42:21] Alright awesome! I think we've got a short little video to play for you all, so let's go ahead and take a look.
[04:42:30] Aren't you the main character? Do you ever find that your princess is already in another castle?
[04:42:36] Or are you always rolling around at the speed of sound?
[04:42:39] It can be daunting feeling like you've come across tasks and waste your time on things
[04:42:45] you are unprepared for or things that feel downright unskippable.
[04:42:50] That's why there is Frame Savers.
[04:42:52] Here at Frame Savers, it is our goal to help you
[04:42:55] course correct with any obstacles
[04:42:57] you may face on your journey.
[04:42:59] We assist heroes with
[04:43:01] any of their needs so long as
[04:43:03] those needs fall between august 18th and
[04:43:05] august 25th between 12 p.m and 12 a.m eastern
[04:43:09] we get regular daily testimonials from our customers talking about how happy
[04:43:14] they are with our services but don't take my word for it
[04:43:17] just listen to what they have to say in my last adventure the hero took so long to save me that
[04:43:23] i decided to reclaim my own story moving forward
[04:43:26] with the help of frame savers i was able to get the assistance that i needed
[04:43:30] why does she need my thousand that's right
[04:43:34] we're partnering with flame fatales to bring you best in industry assistance.
[04:43:39] Call or come into one of our offices to receive your consultation
[04:43:43] with one of our trained speed run support specialists.
[04:43:48] Hey, uh yeah hi! Here at Framesavers we love to hear from you whether
[04:43:53] you're a hero, a chosen one even a villain because
[04:43:56] here at Framesavers nothing is more important than the client experience.
[04:44:00] We love to work day and night to be sure our clients are happy because your time matters
[04:44:04] to us. Was that good? Our intention is to help fatales raise money for malala fund between august 18th
[04:44:14] and august 25th we hope you'll join us in this exciting new frontier of time saving.
[04:44:20] Frame savers, because your time matters! I wasn't kidding when I said they had to put the tape in the VCR for that one. That's actually just how
[04:44:38] that works, I think backstage. I want to let everyone know that we have a new incentive open for
[04:44:42] a bonus ensemble mode run in Crypt of the Necrodancer Synchrony!
[04:44:47] If met, the runners will complete a bonus run
[04:44:50] of Ensemble Mode after the main Crypt
[04:44:52] of the NecroDancer synchrony run.
[04:44:54] Bonus run means more GDQ,
[04:44:56] so I know that's something we definitely want to see.
[04:44:58] We need to get $15,000 in order
[04:45:00] to make that happen and we're already over $1,000
[04:45:03] of the way there which is fantastic
[04:45:05] to see. Crypt of the NecroDancer is coming
[04:45:07] up a couple runs from now so definitely get your
[04:45:09] donations in for that. Again, we are
[04:45:11] still setting up for Stardew Valley which I know everyone here is very
[04:45:13] excited for. Following that will have
[04:45:15] Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Crypt
[04:45:17] of the NecroDancer Synchrony and Legend of Zelda
[04:45:19] Twilight Princess so plenty more
[04:45:21] wonderful games to stick around for this morning.
[04:45:25] And speaking about wonderful games, how about some wonderful donations?
[04:45:28] We have $50 from JeffIsFine saying greetings from Korea!
[04:45:32] Here's more for more Stardew and that sick
[04:45:35] fight stick. I know, that $50 donation
[04:45:37] just got Jeffers Fund in to win
[04:45:39] that $50 minimum
[04:45:41] donation for the Evil Zone
[04:45:42] Leverless Fight Stick.
[04:45:45] That thing looks absolutely incredible.
[04:45:47] Evil Zone is a major tournament this event.
[04:45:49] I'm so excited to see that.
[04:45:50] It's just exciting overall,
[04:45:52] and again we have a ton of different prizes
[04:45:54] that are here for Stardew. $5 gets you in to win
[04:45:57] a blue chicken keychain which is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen as well as pick
[04:46:02] Junimo plush amigurumi and a stard amigurumi. So plenty of options there.
[04:46:07] Very excited to see those coming in. Thank you
[04:46:09] so much to everyone who has donated
[04:46:11] prizes to this event. We really
[04:46:13] appreciate it. We know all of you out there like prizes.
[04:46:15] We know everyone at home likes prizes,
[04:46:17] but the people who donate them are
[04:46:18] the ones that really make that happen.
[04:46:21] We have $10 from Hannah Hands
[04:46:22] who says Mod Squad member here donating
[04:46:24] to celebrate all the staff and volunteers behind the scenes
[04:46:27] it's an honor to work alongside you and help support msf
[04:46:30] less than three so many wonderful less than threes here
[04:46:36] we have 250 from Vale who says,
[04:46:38] Hooray for Star Deed Valley! One of my favorite cozy games.
[04:46:42] Best girl? Abigail. Best boy? Sebastian. Fight me but remember I fight for love. Less than three.
[04:46:48] Have a nice day and an awesome rest
[04:46:49] of SGDQ. Greetings from Germany.
[04:46:53] We have $300 from
[04:46:55] Zachary20XX who says, so
[04:46:57] excited to see some of the best stardew runners
[04:46:59] smacking yams on the GDQ stage.
[04:47:02] Since I'm sure they'll get plenty to repair the bus
[04:47:04] I'll send a few yams worth to Doctors Without Borders
[04:47:07] Thank you so much for that.
[04:47:17] Getting some drama lighting here in the stream room, always fun.
[04:47:32] We have $50 from Ash Lane, who says Harvey has always been my choice in Stardew Valley. Call me old fashioned but I love how awkward and nerdy he is. Heart congrats on one million dollars everyone! Yes congrats again on $1 million! That's absolutely incredible to hit
[04:47:34] and at what? Like 8 a.m local time?
[04:47:37] We're starting this day right?
[04:47:39] We're starting this day hype!
[04:47:42] We have 100 dollars from MSG Maisie
[04:47:45] who says, first time donating and
[04:47:46] first time attending. Gamers remember
[04:47:48] to stay hydrated and be true to yourself.
[04:47:52] Staying hydrated is definitely a big
[04:47:53] part of being here this week, I've got my
[04:47:55] water next to me so I'm going to be all good to go
[04:47:57] for the rest of this shift but make sure that you are
[04:47:59] taking care of yourself, staying hydrated
[04:48:01] as well.
[04:48:04] We have $250 from Chris who says,
[04:48:06] Stardew is my wife's favorite game
[04:48:08] and she's finally getting to watch her run live!
[04:48:11] So this is going for the incentive
[04:48:12] for more Stardew.
[04:48:14] I am so excited to say that we've met that incentive!
[04:48:16] That's gonna be a really, really fun way
[04:48:18] to cap off what's going to be an incredible run here.
[04:48:24] We have $123 from CJ who said, would love to see that desert festival race.
[04:48:29] It's a wonderful seed of donations and people being so excited for that incentive
[04:48:33] And be able to say yes you get to see that. You helped make it
[04:48:36] happen. We get a Desert Festival race
[04:48:38] Let me know
[04:48:40] by the way if you've seen the Desert Festival
[04:48:41] race before. Tell me in chat
[04:48:44] which animal you hope wins or which fun little creature
[04:48:47] you hope takes the victory lap in that race coming up at the end of the run.
[04:48:55] We have $25 from Jebika who says,
[04:48:57] Stardew Heights? Good luck and have fun. Lee Chat, Jules Turp & Piano
[04:49:01] So excited to see you rock the stage!
[04:49:05] I don't know if that was meant as a a plug, but it was one and that was pretty
[04:49:08] fun. We have $100 from anonymous no comment, but thank you so much for sending that in
[04:49:16] we appreciate that.
[04:49:24] We have $25 from Ninja Joghurt who says,
[04:49:25] More Stardew Valley!
[04:49:27] I love this game so much.
[04:49:30] Good luck for the run and greetings from germany thank you so much for that really appreciate it
[04:49:43] won't take a quick second to shout out another community within GQ. UBAF is a wonderful group that does amazing events!
[04:49:46] If you missed our Juneteenth All Black Speedrunning event, we got you covered.
[04:49:50] Catch up on the Juneteeth and UBAF 2024 playlists by going to
[04:49:55] slash gamestudquick slash playlist. Those are some of my favorite events
[04:49:59] every year I keep them on all day long when they're going
[04:50:02] crowd today have you seen that event maybe get hyped for one of those events
[04:50:09] absolutely they are always a ton of fun.
[04:50:11] There is so much going on in the GDQ channel,
[04:50:13] so many wonderful communities and speedrunning.
[04:50:15] Make sure you check them out! It's a really fun watch.
[04:50:20] We have $100 from David Key who says going to Skull Caverns? Be sure to bring delicious gemstones.
[04:50:28] The username didn't say Abigail but I'm kind of suspicious there.
[04:50:32] We've got $100 from Deerstar Valley who says,
[04:50:33] Desert Festival, let's go! Let's hit the festival
[04:50:35] and hit one mil.
[04:50:37] Absolutely, we did both of those.
[04:50:39] Congratulations everyone on making those happen.
[04:50:47] We have $250 from Shellfish everyone i'm making those happen we have 250 from shelby who says started playing stardew to spend time with my stepdaughter and i can't wait to watch this run with her well shout out
[04:50:52] to you shelby and to your stepdaughter i hope you both
[04:50:55] have a wonderful time enjoying this run
[04:51:00] we have 100 from anonymous who says good luck gamers
[04:51:03] so happy to be here in person
[04:51:05] to support you all.
[04:51:06] Thank you so much!
[04:51:09] And as a reminder of what
[04:51:10] all this is going towards,
[04:51:11] what all $1 million
[04:51:13] that we've raised so far
[04:51:14] is going towards, again,
[04:51:16] that is Doctors Without Borders.
[04:51:18] They do so much impactful work and they
[04:51:21] are revolutionizing vaccination campaigns,
[04:51:23] administering a new Ebola vaccine containing measles outbreaks by vaccinating millions and the you make those lifesaving campaigns possible.
[04:51:36] Every single one of you who has donated so far this event,
[04:51:39] every single one of you who is supporting this event
[04:51:42] and help making it the wonderful thing it is,
[04:51:44] you are helping MSF,
[04:51:45] you're helping make a difference.
[04:51:47] And one of the things that's incredible about them as well
[04:51:49] is you help MSF respond at any moment's notice.
[04:51:52] Over 90% of MSF doctors, nurses and logisticians
[04:51:56] work in their home countries when When disaster strikes, like the war
[04:51:59] in Ukraine or earthquakes in Syria, these local teams are already on the ground. Constant
[04:52:05] communication with these teams means MSF can help even prevent crises
[04:52:09] before they happen.
[04:52:12] That's so incredible, like
[04:52:13] they have this amazing network of people
[04:52:15] that can call on to do this rapid response
[04:52:17] and make everything happen quickly enough to not only save lives
[04:52:21] but to save lives in advance that's preemptive life saving that's incredible we have 100 We have $100 from Shabble1738 who says,
[04:52:34] It's been so great to finally be at GDQ after watching with my brother and fiance for so long.
[04:52:39] This donation goes to the incentive for her favorite game
[04:52:43] stardew valley We have $25 from Helios Cannon who says, let's get this desert festival race met and hit
[04:53:00] that 1 million.
[04:53:01] Again congratulations to everyone for
[04:53:03] nailing both of those things!
[04:53:04] Desert Festival Race is met, 1 million is met
[04:53:07] the next thing we're looking at is that
[04:53:08] bonus ensemble mode run for Crypt of the
[04:53:11] Necrodancer Synchrony. That is now over $2,000 out
[04:53:15] of that $15,000 needed so you are all doing absolutely amazing at making
[04:53:20] that one happen! If you haven't seen Crypt of the NecroDancer, it's a
[04:53:24] really, really cool run
[04:53:25] and definitely seeing anything extra
[04:53:28] in that is going to be an absolute treat
[04:53:30] so please make sure that when you're
[04:53:32] donating, you're assigning your donations
[04:53:34] to that bonus ensemble road run
[04:53:36] so we can see that a little bit later today.
[04:53:43] We have $50 from Mrs. Dragon Jet who says,
[04:53:45] had to donate for my favorite game Stardew Valley
[04:53:48] and of course donate to an amazing cause!
[04:53:50] Good luck runners! Let's get that Desert Festival race!
[04:53:54] I'm curious, for how many of you out there
[04:53:56] is Stardew Valley your favorite game?
[04:54:03] That's quite a few of you!
[04:54:04] There's a lot of games out there so that's really saying something. That's quite a few of you. There are a lot of games out there, so that is really saying something.
[04:54:07] That's really exciting. We have $100 from Corduroy who says,
[04:54:21] Stardew Valley saved my life a few years back
[04:54:23] and I'm so happy to see it on the GDQ stage again.
[04:54:26] Let's hit that Desert Festival race! We've done that. Oh,
[04:54:29] P.S., don't tell my boss I'm paying more attention to this stream than my work laptop. Yeah, I'll definitely admit to being in that group of yeah,
[04:54:43] I'm totally paying all attention
[04:54:45] to this meeting right now.
[04:54:46] Definitely don't have a second monitor open or anything.
[04:54:50] We had $25 from mosley who says loving to see some of my favorite games broken wide open while supporting a great cause
[04:54:58] and we have a lot of people who donate without a comment but
[04:55:00] we really appreciate it $25 from
[04:55:02] Kubrick no comment $15
[04:55:04] from Steph no comment and $15
[04:55:06] from Jacob H. No comment
[04:55:08] but thank you so much for your generosity. All of those donations again going to support an absolutely wonderful cause in Doctors Without Borders, doing amazing work around the world.
[04:55:29] We have $25 from Vela who says, Keep up the good work!
[04:55:31] Despite not always being able to tune into these events as much
[04:55:34] as I'd like.
[04:55:35] It's a great feeling knowing that there is something exciting going on
[04:55:38] 24-7 whenever you do find the time to check out the action.
[04:55:41] And all this for a
[04:55:43] good cause, GG's
[04:55:45] Well GG's to you as well
[04:55:47] Oh Anonymous coming
[04:55:51] in strong $50 from Anonymous no comment and another $50 from anonymous no comment. Thank you so much for that.
[04:55:58] And now $100 when you combine those can buy two vaccine carriers used to keep temperature sensitive vaccines in a
[04:56:03] controlled environment for short trips or two resuscitators used to help
[04:56:07] provide or assist with non-invasive ventilation and newborns I have a cousin
[04:56:12] who recently had newborns they are so precious and they're so fragile,
[04:56:16] they take a lot of work,
[04:56:17] they take a lot of care
[04:56:18] So it's wonderful that MSF can provide
[04:56:20] so much to help these brand new citizens of Earth
[04:56:24] and help get them set up for a wonderful life in the future.
[04:56:26] The work MSF does is literally life-changing, and I think it's incredible that we have come
[04:56:31] together for this event to help make even more life-changing work
[04:56:35] possible.
[04:56:38] We have $50 from Player 2 Start, who says
[04:56:40] this $50 is for best husband Sebastian.
[04:56:46] So you have some Sebastian fans out there in the crowd Sebastian. See if some
[04:56:47] Sebastian fans out there in the crowd?
[04:56:49] We have $500
[04:56:50] from Wilhelm who says,
[04:56:52] Go GDQ!
[04:56:53] Go!
[04:57:02] We have $50 from Phoenix who says a morning million to bring lots of luck as our cooperative crew delves deeper. I hope everyone has an absolute blast today as the fantastic runs continue.
[04:57:09] Let's get that ensemble mode incentive met!
[04:57:12] Ensemble Mode Incentive is doing wonderfully, we're now over...
[04:57:16] We're now over $2,500.
[04:57:19] We're at $2840 and 50 cents out of that $15,000
[04:57:24] that we need to make that incentive happen
[04:57:25] which is absolutely wonderful.
[04:57:27] Please keep making sure you assign that your donation to
[04:57:30] that incentive when you donate. We have $5 from Charlotte who says Stardew Valley
[04:57:36] is my all-time favorite game.
[04:57:40] I'm a children's dance teacher,
[04:57:43] and my little dancers love dancing to the soundtrack!
[04:57:44] So cute!
[04:57:46] That's so precious.
[04:57:49] But for you to donate and share what your favorite song is from the Stardew Valley soundtrack.
[04:57:51] I know there's a ton of great ones on there.
[04:57:53] I know Stardew Valley has been touring in concert lately,
[04:57:55] which is absolutely incredible to see.
[04:57:57] And I see that our crowd's getting warmed up.
[04:57:59] Our runners are getting warmed up. Lots of excitement for this upcoming run! And I'm glad to say, audience, are you ready?
[04:58:21] Please join me in welcoming the immaculate team of piano addicts
[04:58:24] leech interpreter and jules jewels for a skull conference 100 that's a sport player run
[04:58:28] from the classic and cozy this deep it's Starter Valley time!
[04:58:40] Hello hello.
[04:58:42] Hello!
[04:58:44] Okay I'm going to get this phone started so you guys can load in and then we'll do intros.
[04:58:48] Perfect. Welcome to Stone Valley.
[04:58:52] Hi everyone. How are we feeling?
[04:59:01] We gotta wait for Luchan to get in.
[04:59:03] Oh yeah right I'm first hold on I got this. I'm first. Hold on. I got this.
[04:59:04] I'm in guys! Alright.
[04:59:05] I'm in HackerRage!
[04:59:07] I'm also in.
[04:59:09] How do I spell my name again? Okay.
[04:59:13] My favorite thing is going to be donations.
[04:59:16] Oh, I put TV.
[04:59:18] Oh, well...
[04:59:19] That's awkward.
[04:59:20] He's a good dog too.
[04:59:23] And then I decided
[04:59:24] to dress like my character today, so.
[04:59:27] You look swag, Terp!
[04:59:29] Oh my goodness thank you!
[04:59:31] Hey Penn, do you want introduce yourself?
[04:59:34] Hello, I'm Piano Addict
[04:59:36] I am a Stardew Valley speed runner and challenge runner
[04:59:37] I've been playing Stardew for about like five years now
[04:59:39] And it's just the best
[04:59:41] The community is so awesome
[04:59:43] And I'm really happy to be here today
[04:59:45] Next to me is Terpiter.
[04:59:47] Yes, my name is Terpiter but that was my father's name! You can call me Terp.
[04:59:51] My pronouns are she or her and I'm super excited to be here today.
[04:59:55] I love this category, I love the mines.
[04:59:58] Check out some of those settings? I love this category. I love the mines and oh, settings,
[04:59:59] settings,
[05:00:00] settings.
[05:00:02] Not the interruption on my internet.
[05:00:05] All right?
[05:00:06] Well yeah,
[05:00:07] I love speed running stardew.
[05:00:08] I've been doing it for a couple of years and uh...yeah.
[05:00:12] Whenever you're ready we'll start in the null-
[05:00:14] You don't want to introduce yourself?
[05:00:15] Okay.
[05:00:16] We can get going.
[05:00:17] I see.
[05:00:18] Are you guys all ready?
[05:00:19] Yeah, we're just doing a quick tech check.
[05:00:20] You don't turn snow transparency off.
[05:00:22] Does anybody in the crowd or in chat like to take naps?
[05:00:28] Who likes to sleep?
[05:00:30] In Stardew Valley sometimes we like taking naps too.
[05:00:32] We're going to be actually napping for three seasons so...
[05:00:36] Prepare yourself.
[05:00:37] Yeah.
[05:00:38] Okay ready? Almost.
[05:00:40] Are we all in? We're in. All right. Three...
[05:00:43] Let's do a countdown together! 3, 2, 1, go!
[05:00:51] Sleepsiep-sleepsiep.
[05:00:55] Hey, I'm Jules Joules.
[05:00:57] I play Sardu Valley and I speedrun with Lee Chaton.
[05:01:00] Hi, I'm Lichaton.
[05:01:05] I mostly go by Leechad because nobody can pronounce my name
[05:01:09] and I am ready to play and squad up with some friends
[05:01:11] Let's go
[05:01:13] Who likes playing Stardew with their friends? Me!
[05:01:15] Also, I like how Jules said
[05:01:17] he likes playing Stardew with Leechan
[05:01:19] but totally didn't say us
[05:01:21] And you guys too.
[05:01:23] Yeah, with the guy.
[05:01:24] Oh, okay.
[05:01:27] So you might be wondering why we're just sleeping and redecorating our houses?
[05:01:31] We were supposed to be decorating?
[05:01:32] I didn't know we were decorating.
[05:01:33] Oh yeah! I forgot about that.
[05:01:34] Oh my gosh. Okay okay, I'm screwed now. Let's go.
[05:01:37] We need to go to winter because by far the fastest way
[05:01:41] to make money in a speedrun sense is to exploit a little trick
[05:01:45] um, in the winter called Winter Tilling. Um, basically
[05:01:49] by manipulating the pattern of tiles
[05:01:53] that you use your hoe on it can give you certain results mainly winter root and snow yams um and those are an average of 85 gold each so we're gonna go to winter and we're going to get a lot of money.
[05:02:08] You want to talk about
[05:02:09] why we need money over there?
[05:02:11] Yeah, sure I can talk about why we need money
[05:02:12] who doesn't need money?
[05:02:14] We all need money right?
[05:02:17] Alright so basically what we're gonna be doing with that money is
[05:02:19] we need to purchase a membership to... guys
[05:02:21] don't hate me, Joja. We are going to sell out
[05:02:23] to Joja. I'm sorry!
[05:02:25] It's the fastest way. We just gotta do what we gotta do.
[05:02:29] Yeah, speed run.
[05:02:31] So on the first day we're actually gonna be getting 5,000 gold and we're also going to be buying some food and some coffee. Who likes coffee?
[05:02:38] It's morning time, I know you guys got your coffee out there.
[05:02:42] And then we're gonna need money later on in the run
[05:02:44] so we can buy the Volt bundle, sorry, the bus bundle. We're not
[05:02:49] going to need the vault for this run
[05:02:51] and the bus will be taking us to the desert
[05:02:53] and yeah we're
[05:02:55] going to be able to get into the Skull Cavern without reaching
[05:02:57] the bottom of the mines which is a new strat in 1.6.
[05:03:02] So we get to showcase on the brand
[05:03:03] new update for Stardew, which came out just
[05:03:05] a few months ago.
[05:03:07] So yeah, we're ready.
[05:03:10] So for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game,
[05:03:15] in the desert there is a cave which
[05:03:20] is endless and it spawns random floors and enemies.
[05:03:24] It's just kind of like the harder variant
[05:03:28] of The Regular Minds if you've ever played the game.
[05:03:34] Someone decided,
[05:03:36] I think it was like a year or two ago, that they wanted to see how fast they could
[05:03:38] get down to level 100.
[05:03:41] This category was born just from people, you know, trying to do the mines as fast as possible.
[05:03:47] Which, as we all know is RNG Fest so hopefully...
[05:03:51] My favorite!
[05:03:54] Hopefully we get some luck in the mines,
[05:03:56] and the skull caverns. And we get some hashtag droppies.
[05:03:58] Hashtag droppie!
[05:04:00] Droppies.
[05:04:02] We're gonna need some droppies. So every time we see a shaft,
[05:04:04] um...we call them droppies
[05:04:06] and by we I mean when we started running this
[05:04:08] Terp called it a droppy
[05:04:10] so now its called Droppy
[05:04:12] so we love droppies here.
[05:04:14] Droppy!
[05:04:15] We're going to need your help later on, but yes, summer three we click always.
[05:04:19] Yeah because there is an earthquake that opens up something
[05:04:23] that we don't even care about um
[05:04:25] um excuse me i like to go to the bathhouse sometimes okay
[05:04:28] i never go up there i think uh we have some
[05:04:31] time for a quick donation yeah um we're just gonna be sleeping for a little bit
[05:04:34] longer here?
[05:04:35] Absolutely, there is so much love coming in from this community.
[05:04:38] $50 from a 20-something loser who says congratulations Leigh Chet, Jules Piano and Turf on making it
[05:04:43] to the big stage!
[05:04:45] The whole Stardew community is so
[05:04:47] proud of you! Love you all so much,
[05:04:49] Lee! We love you too, Lee!
[05:04:51] Do we have time for another? Yes!
[05:04:53] We have $100 from Sprinkle Theory
[05:04:55] who says, Wooo! Stardew! Lee, Chad, Tur whoa stardew piano and julio are all amazing you got
[05:05:00] this shout out to the amazing supportive starter community more started please hi char i sprinkle
[05:05:11] yeah you can keep going you've got a season and a half so probably about four
[05:05:15] minutes roughly well we have plenty of donations in!
[05:05:19] We have $50 from the Valiant Son
[05:05:21] who says
[05:05:29] So much love from the back couch on mainline and show just how absurd Stardew Runs can get.
[05:05:31] So much love from the back couch, Less Than Three.
[05:05:34] We have $250
[05:05:35] from Jules Jewels somehow.
[05:05:39] You're right next to me.
[05:05:40] When did you do that?
[05:05:42] Uh-oh,
[05:05:43] married couple or...
[05:05:44] Who said so glad
[05:05:45] to finally be on the big stage
[05:05:46] at GDQ
[05:05:47] and watching for 10 years
[05:05:48] and being up here
[05:05:49] with my wife
[05:05:50] and great friends is amazing.
[05:05:52] This has been a great experience, thank you!
[05:05:59] We have $5 from Blackheart Wings, who says, but I will try. Watching you come together and do such amazing things
[05:06:12] inspires me more and more every day. It's an honor and a privilege to know
[05:06:16] all of you, and I strive to be better because of your friendship. Keep being excellent,
[05:06:20] and I love you all thank you blackheart real quick here we need to um press escape escape
[05:06:27] i was waiting for your joke i'm sorry you disappointed me
[05:06:31] we didn't have time, we were doing donuts.
[05:06:33] Wait what joke? I didn't know you were funny!
[05:06:37] We call that Dory Strats. It's Dory Strats.
[05:06:40] Yeah because you have to escapee.
[05:06:42] Okay. cafe yeah we still have time for some more donations oh wonderful Speaking of.
[05:06:55] We still have time for some more donations.
[05:06:57] Oh, wonderful!
[05:06:59] Sorry, go ahead.
[05:07:01] There's lots of exciting things that can happen while you sleep aren't there?
[05:07:06] We have $100 from Brittany Hitch who says I just want to say huge good luck to leech at joel's turf and piano so excited to see y'all run
[05:07:09] and just know y'all are gonna crush it thank you
[05:07:12] yes thank you we also have one hundred100 from Princess Shortcake who says,
[05:07:17] cannot wait to watch my faves ding-dong hit rock!
[05:07:20] Ding dong!
[05:07:21] Any ding dongs?
[05:07:22] Droppies, ding dong.
[05:07:23] Ding dong.
[05:07:24] Ding dong droppy.
[05:07:26] Jack can I hear your...actually audience sorry I'm still in online mode.
[05:07:29] Can I hear your best droppies?
[05:07:32] Droppiees!
[05:07:34] Oh come on you guys can do better than that.
[05:07:36] Okay there we go!
[05:07:39] That's so beautiful.
[05:07:41] We have $5 from Jackie Lantern 234 who says
[05:07:44] reminder that you're all loved aggressively. Plus the 30
[05:07:48] And I want to thank everyone
[05:07:50] giving love to our incentive as well,
[05:07:52] The bonus ensemble mode run is now over
[05:07:54] $4000 of the way
[05:07:56] to that 15 dollar mark you're doing amazing
[05:07:59] work making that one happen let's go all right we are coming up on winter here um we've got a
[05:08:06] little bit more days to sleep. Okay.
[05:08:08] But I wanted to talk about...
[05:08:09] Wait a minute.
[05:08:10] You guys are going to see some pretty crazy stuff coming up here.
[05:08:13] First off, you're gonna notice we're using our tools really fast, especially me.
[05:08:18] Whoa! Maybe we all use tools. really fast, especially me. I'm going to be...
[05:08:22] I don't know if you guys have my game audio
[05:08:24] but it gets a little crazy when I'm doing what
[05:08:26] I'm doing so basically we are
[05:08:28] using this pattern.
[05:08:30] Actually I've worked on it quite a bit over the last few years
[05:08:35] and Lichat & Jules are going to be on the beach
[05:08:37] and they get to do a really nice satisfying pattern
[05:08:40] where they fill the whole beach and it's
[05:08:41] really beautiful meanwhile i get to suffer a little bit and do a really
[05:08:49] advanced tech where i use a different pattern that i can just do it right next to marnie's ranch and
[05:08:54] luckily my cabin is going to be right down there so i can just go at it all day
[05:09:00] yeah and i'll just be sleeping.
[05:09:02] Oh yeah, Terpsi's gonna be in bed the whole time.
[05:09:04] I don't really want to help out...
[05:09:06] She got tired, she has to work really hard in the morning so...
[05:09:10] Yeah exactly.
[05:09:11] Now I'll be going to the mines because we need level 1 and 2 mining in order to make some cool stuff for school caverns such as bombs which i'll be able to get when
[05:09:24] I have level one and then level two, I'll be able to build
[05:09:28] staircases with 99 stone. So if you want to call me the
[05:09:33] backbone of this team, that's fine.
[05:09:35] I wouldn't say that.
[05:09:37] I think we're all important here.
[05:09:39] I just feed you.
[05:09:41] We are hoping you do get a femur in the mind.
[05:09:44] I know, fingers crossed.
[05:09:44] We need that weapon. That would be really helpful.
[05:09:46] Yeah because there's many times we've run this and
[05:09:49] I just end up with the rusty sword which is as good as a scythe honestly.
[05:09:53] Oh yeah.
[05:09:54] Scythes are a good weapon weapon we're doing almost no preparation for the
[05:09:57] mines we're gonna make some money to buy some materials for bombs and then we're going to
[05:10:01] upgrade our pickaxes but other than that we don't have any reliable weapon.
[05:10:07] We're just going to have food and bombs
[05:10:09] and we are just gonna go at it so...
[05:10:11] Yeah, we like to live on the edge.
[05:10:13] If you're new to Stardew I don't recommend
[05:10:15] going to Skull cavern without a weapon
[05:10:20] hey look at that all right what's your answer winter so i have a question while
[05:10:25] we're making our way over um piano is there a reason why you let just me and my
[05:10:29] husband down on the beach is it because we like long walks on the beach or oh that's kind of cute
[05:10:34] kind of romantic actually so i can't, I can't. Ow!
[05:10:38] Nope.
[05:10:41] Alright,
[05:10:42] let's go.
[05:10:45] Alright,
[05:10:45] where do we want the owl?
[05:10:46] It's right here in the quarry.
[05:10:48] Oh by the way,
[05:10:49] if you've seen other Shardy speedruns
[05:10:51] you probably have like see
[05:10:53] Forest Farm or other farms get used
[05:10:55] a lot more. However, we're doing
[05:10:57] Hilltop and the reason for that is because we got a quarry right here on the farm
[05:11:01] So I'm able to just go for all this copper here and get level one without even entering the mines
[05:11:08] And I get sleeper next to it, so...
[05:11:11] No, you're saying if I...
[05:11:12] I don't want that broken CD
[05:11:15] that you left.
[05:11:16] And I already got level one, so that's nice.
[05:11:21] Oh, a second hole pattern? Nice!
[05:11:23] Wow! Can I get that too please?
[05:11:25] No. That's okay.
[05:11:29] So you may be thinking wow, Stardew is a really relaxing casual chill game
[05:11:34] and then you look over at piano screen you're like what
[05:11:40] yeah it's pretty accurate actually.
[05:11:44] So basically this is the clay farm pattern or winter tailing
[05:11:47] pattern and the clay farm is a bit different.
[05:11:50] Basically you go in the chest piece move. Up 1, left 2. And that always drops a Winter Forge once you find it and then you do a pattern of 9 to go backwards one or ten to go up one good night night
[05:12:11] cookies Turkey!
[05:12:17] It's nice to be in bed on a winter day. Yeah, I thought that sounded quite nice.
[05:12:19] What is it like being on the beach and not freezing?
[05:12:23] Um...I mean, I'm okay. I guess that's good.
[05:12:27] Yeah so if you go back to bed
[05:12:29] after being out and like depleting
[05:12:31] your energy slowly but surely
[05:12:33] my energy bar is going back up.
[05:12:36] And so that's why I go to bed.
[05:12:38] Um...I will be leaving my bed.
[05:12:39] I'm just gonna do a little nap!
[05:12:41] I'm just all wittle sweepy.
[05:12:43] So yeah, I have to undo everything I just did
[05:12:45] so that I can do it again.
[05:12:48] Um...
[05:12:50] So as we make this money
[05:12:52] It could be a little bit challenging
[05:12:53] To um communicate a little bit
[05:12:56] Terp's going to be able
[05:12:57] to talk about her mind's run
[05:12:58] and hopefully have some
[05:13:00] good luck in there,
[05:13:00] but if you wanted
[05:13:01] to get a few donations
[05:13:02] while we are making money,
[05:13:04] that would work out?
[05:13:06] Absolutely!
[05:13:06] We have $50 from Brooke El who says, good luck to Turp Piano Jules and to the best Twitch
[05:13:11] wife ever Licha!
[05:13:13] I love you YP.
[05:13:15] We have $10 from Ola No Name who says, Hi everyone! It's so exciting to see Stardew Valley add another GDQ. The SDV speedrunning community is one of the best I've had the chance to be a part of and I'm so happy to see it get recognized for the amazing speed
[05:13:29] game it is. Good luck to the runners.
[05:13:31] I know you're gonna crush it.
[05:13:34] Aw. Do you have time for one
[05:13:35] more? Yeah, go for it. We have $25
[05:13:37] from Ocean Lightly who says, Leechap,echap piano terp and jules you're all incredible
[05:13:42] watching all four of you practice this was so fun proud as heck to see our crazy ways
[05:13:47] to play up on the big stage enjoy Enjoy sleeping through three seasons, getting those droppies
[05:13:52] and then show off our favorite festival! Terp, show us how to say SGDQ while we sleep.
[05:13:57] Sign it! Yes! Oh and sign? Okay.
[05:14:00] Alright let me move this cap then.
[05:14:01] Sorry I got too excited.
[05:14:04] Alright S-O-S-G-D 2! G2!
[05:14:13] Let's go.
[05:14:20] Almost done.
[05:14:23] Yeah, what I was doing I was moving our cabins so that we're nice and close together, and then we decided piano gets banned to the south side of the farm.
[05:14:34] It's okay, we'll accept him later.
[05:14:37] I do not have a great pattern.
[05:14:40] Oh, I had a great pattern.
[05:14:42] You're actually going to have time to finish it all.
[05:14:45] I just watered no big deal.
[05:14:50] So when I enter the mines...
[05:14:53] Wait what's his name?
[05:14:55] What's the guy's name?
[05:14:56] Marlo?
[05:14:57] No.
[05:14:58] Marlin.
[05:15:00] Marlin and me.
[05:15:02] He gives you a weapon that really sucks.
[05:15:05] But at least it's better than nothing, so... True.
[05:15:09] Oh my gosh imagine hitting rock.
[05:15:13] I'm gonna have cutscene.
[05:15:16] Five, four, three, two, one...
[05:15:24] So we push F really quickly so that we can cancel out that cutscene it's a thing
[05:15:27] that you'll see in speed running quite a bit um as much as the
[05:15:30] cutscenes are beautiful and a casual play in a speed run they just slow you down
[05:15:38] so down. So, I'm just gonna go
[05:15:39] sell what we've just tilled up and you can see
[05:15:41] uh, we have a couple dollars.
[05:15:43] $20,000.
[05:15:46] And I'm on my last line, just so you guys know.
[05:15:48] It's a little strong. Perfect, let me see if I can get to level 5! Let's go, I got to level 5!
[05:15:52] Good job! Thank you. Can we make some hype?
[05:16:00] Alright All right. I'm headed up to sell this ball.
[05:16:03] We might be short on coffee today, but that's okay.
[05:16:05] That's fine. I go into Gus. No, not Gus.
[05:16:15] Clint?
[05:16:17] There we go! Names names I remember them sometimes.
[05:16:21] Alright, I've sold...
[05:16:23] I clearly don't.
[05:16:25] I bought the resources to make a furnace because we're upgrading our pickaxe.
[05:16:32] May I spend all of our money then?
[05:16:34] Please do.
[05:16:35] Thank you, I love spending money.
[05:16:37] Me too. You know what else I like?
[05:16:39] Okay, it's no bother.
[05:16:40] Donating money! Wooo! know what else i like okay it's not donating money do we have any of those do we have any donations
[05:16:46] for a stardew rush yeah because it turns out we have a lot of traditions in the Stardew Run.
[05:16:52] We have $10 from Tazula and Baby Cocozula who say
[05:16:56] The only thing better than playing stardew with my friends is watching my friends play stardew for a good cause.
[05:17:01] L'am, mes amis!
[05:17:03] I'm sorry, my French is terrible so...
[05:17:05] Hopefully that was close enough.
[05:17:08] We also have $50 from Emily who says
[05:17:09] So excited to see Stardew at GDQ!
[05:17:12] Good luck to the runners helping out for lots of droppies!
[05:17:15] Oh you need copies? Sorry.
[05:17:17] So now we go out so that Terp can give me her rocks
[05:17:20] so I can make a furnace and i can get the demetrius
[05:17:23] testing it's great coffee oh did you not get it
[05:17:27] i didn't know who got the coffee oh my god
[05:17:30] no that's not true my coffee is outside are you not gonna
[05:17:33] oh it's outside?
[05:17:34] Oh my god.
[05:17:34] That's me.
[05:17:35] You're looking at me.
[05:17:36] Okay, it-it's right there.
[05:17:37] Did you get the salads?
[05:17:38] Yeah, yeah I got the salads.
[05:17:39] Okay perfect.
[05:17:40] Yes, Tardew is fun.
[05:17:41] Dropping stuff to other people is um...
[05:17:43] Well usually you are not there. Why were you there?
[05:17:45] Oh, what do you mean? It's fine. It's your fault!
[05:17:49] So Jules, would you like to talk about what you're doing right now? I am
[05:17:53] smelting all the copper dye in a spot so that we can upgrade our pickaxes. So,
[05:17:58] We're sleeping for 16 days, 15 days so I can sell it but that ends up on Wednesday and then
[05:18:04] we can't sell in that Wednesday.
[05:18:06] So, we're waiting.
[05:18:08] Because we are supporting capitalism.
[05:18:10] How do you upgrade your tools in Stardew?
[05:18:13] Obviously, we're smelting copper, but what do you do with them?
[05:18:15] Then you bring it to Clint and we have 2,000
[05:18:18] gold and then you can upgrade your tools
[05:18:19] and then we can, uh, you know,
[05:18:21] do clay farming without tools, without a pickaxe
[05:18:23] which is awesome. Good luck.
[05:18:26] It goes into no mistake mode. And I think we already said this, but the reason Good luck. No mistake, Malte.
[05:18:28] I think we already said this but the reason why
[05:18:30] we're upgrading our pickaxes so that
[05:18:32] we can break rocks a lot faster
[05:18:36] Ding dong.
[05:18:43] Click down now?
[05:18:50] Absolutely, we have $50 here from Clare.hero who says I woke up early to catch this Stardew Run and everyone's asleep? Technically you're asleep too when you think about it.
[05:18:55] Audience are you asleep or awake right now for this run? Quick check in.
[05:19:04] That sounds pretty awake to me.
[05:19:05] Good job, everyone.
[05:19:06] Yeah.
[05:19:07] More awake than I am.
[05:19:07] Yeah, we're just kind of stuck here. Yeah, I was just going to say.
[05:19:11] We have time for a quick one.
[05:19:12] Yeah, we can do a quick one.
[05:19:14] Got it.
[05:19:15] We have $200 from Amorsey who says,
[05:19:16] Love seeing this Stardew run!
[05:19:18] The Stardew single-handedly helped me
[05:19:19] quit smoking three years ago and it's
[05:19:20] heartwarming to see this in person good luck on the RNG runners we are gonna
[05:19:29] check the daily luck real quick.
[05:19:31] Yes.
[05:19:32] Because you want to have some better luck on the mines and then we'll go out again.
[05:19:36] Yeah, and the reason for wanting that good luck is so that...
[05:19:39] Oh let's go!
[05:19:45] Two last pattern right i gotta put something important remember to drink your coffee friends all right and pet that cat not your mailbox i've had the
[05:19:50] cat is anybody drinking coffee alongside us right now?
[05:19:55] Oh, I am.
[05:19:57] There's salads there just let me know if you got them.
[05:20:00] What was it?
[05:20:01] The reason why I need the good luck is so that i can get ladders faster
[05:20:10] because luck affects the mines
[05:20:15] you're like lock affects the mines. I feel like...
[05:20:16] Two.
[05:20:19] Should be...
[05:20:21] Uh-oh.
[05:20:25] I'm picking up some crystal fruit just so I don't eat my salads.
[05:20:29] Alright, so today
[05:20:31] I am going to try and get at least level 10
[05:20:33] see if we can get a weapon hopefully that's better than this rusty sword
[05:20:48] while you're doing that, would you like more donations?
[05:20:50] Yes.
[05:20:52] Awesome!
[05:20:53] We have $150 from Rain who says big love to the tech crew,
[05:20:56] GDQ runners and hosts,
[05:20:56] and MSF for this event.
[05:20:58] GDQ is always my favorite time of year
[05:21:00] and I'm currently on vacation
[05:21:01] so I'm glad I can watch all week
[05:21:03] especially for Stardew.
[05:21:05] Let's keep it rolling
[05:21:06] to two million hearts!
[05:21:08] Dodo goes to host choice. Oh, thank
[05:21:10] you! My choices of course are bonus
[05:21:12] ensemble mode run. We're at
[05:21:14] $5,730 and
[05:21:16] 50 cents out of the 15,000 that we need to make
[05:21:19] that one happen so well over a third
[05:21:20] of the way there please make sure you choose
[05:21:22] that incentive when you donate that is a whole
[05:21:24] bonus there that we're going to get to see
[05:21:26] at the end of the Crypt of the NecroDancer
[05:21:28] synchrony run. So,
[05:21:29] that's more GDQ and more Marathon! You know
[05:21:31] that we love that here.
[05:21:37] Do you have time for more? Yes.
[05:21:39] Are we focusing on patterns?
[05:21:40] Okay, there's a lot of patterns going on.
[05:21:41] I know they get complicated.
[05:21:42] I'm glad that you're getting those through.
[05:21:44] We've $20 from BlueShineSpark who says donate to wish good luck
[05:21:47] to everyone in the run and it's special
[05:21:49] to my favorite streamer, Leisha Tong.
[05:21:51] You can do it.
[05:21:52] Thanks, Leisha.
[05:21:54] We have $50 from BZ Archer who says so excited for all the Friday morning runs.
[05:21:59] Can't wait to see that bonus ensemble. We're working work on that. Also Emily, best girl, fight me!
[05:22:07] We also have $100 from Lori who says so excited to see stardew love the music do any of you have a
[05:22:14] favorite song in stardew yes it's called it's sam's band like... Sam's Band?
[05:22:22] Sam's Band.
[05:22:22] I think it's the bluegrass one.
[05:22:25] That's my...
[05:22:25] It's really short.
[05:22:27] Love for Distant Banjo?
[05:22:29] No, not Distant Banjo.
[05:22:31] Oh!
[05:22:32] You said Any any love I thought
[05:22:33] you were asking me. Any love? NO!
[05:22:37] Alright got to level 10
[05:22:39] Alright leather boots
[05:22:43] Yeah no weapon Alright, leather boots. No weapon, Saj.
[05:22:45] Yeah, no weapon.
[05:22:46] A little defense.
[05:22:49] Um... And in 1.5
[05:22:52] ConcernedApe changed it so that you can get remixed rewards,
[05:23:00] so it's kind of randomized as to what we'll get on level 10, 20, et cetera.
[05:23:05] And sometimes you can kind of guess
[05:23:07] because I feel like a lot of times
[05:23:08] when there's those leather boots
[05:23:10] that's when I get the club on 20
[05:23:12] so let's see if I can make it at least to 15.
[05:23:15] So that then like, oh!
[05:23:16] 15 let's go!
[05:23:21] You said stop two before right?
[05:23:22] Two in your last line you do, that's it.
[05:23:27] I'm gonna leave you five salads, the ones that didn't drop to
[05:23:29] later just at the top
[05:23:33] I'm going to give you an extra 5
[05:23:35] Just be sure. I want to make sure you're well fed okay?
[05:23:37] Aw!
[05:23:43] Terp.
[05:23:49] 17 Oh, 17. And we're just gonna get freebies right here, right?
[05:23:51] Perfect.
[05:23:52] Good energy levels.
[05:23:57] Alright good news.
[05:23:57] We can afford our picks.
[05:23:59] Let's go.
[05:24:02] What's that?
[05:24:03] No, don't exhaust.
[05:24:05] Nobody's ever done that.
[05:24:09] Imagine exhausting when you need money.
[05:24:12] So, if you do exhaust,
[05:24:14] you do lose a portion of your money
[05:24:16] and we need every bit of it right now to do this upgrade.
[05:24:19] Speaking of money, we're going to be a little behind.
[05:24:21] My pattern has not been cooperating with me very well today.
[05:24:24] That's for you.
[05:24:25] Thank you.
[05:24:27] Terps is at the door.
[05:24:29] I upgraded the right tool good
[05:24:30] good
[05:24:35] and if you're wondering why we're exhausting it's because walking slow
[05:24:38] and passing out and appearing in your house
[05:24:40] as quick
[05:24:43] please don't try that in real life this only works since dardew valley
[05:24:46] okay the plan good plan get to exhaust.
[05:24:59] Have we talked about why we're swinging our tools so quickly exactly? Or how we do that? Because I'm sure people are wondering.
[05:25:01] We can talk about that, we've got a little bit of time here.
[05:25:04] So animation canceling is a hard-coded debug tool
[05:25:08] that Concerned Ape added to fix it fishing rod softlock.
[05:25:11] Basically if you hit right shift
[05:25:13] delete and R
[05:25:15] it resets your firmware to its
[05:25:17] default state which cancels out
[05:25:19] of tool actions and for some reason
[05:25:21] the actual action of tools
[05:25:24] happens about 10 frames after using it and not
[05:25:26] after about a 30 frame window.
[05:25:29] And that allows us to cut about 20 frames off
[05:25:31] of every tool animation which as you can imagine gets pretty fast. If you ever watch a TAS do it, it's insane.
[05:25:40] And no we're not hitting those buttons! We are allowed to rebind it to spacebar. Yes.
[05:25:45] Three-to-one.
[05:25:47] Merry Christmas!
[05:25:48] Merry Christmas!
[05:25:51] Oh, let me stop Merry Christmas.
[05:25:53] That's awkward. Okay.
[05:25:56] Yes.
[05:25:57] Checking my mail?
[05:25:58] Oh yeah, checking my mail as well.
[05:26:09] I think I got all my money. Alright, and the reason
[05:26:13] we were able to get just some free random money in the mail is because we chose the female character
[05:26:20] and that gives us money for making money.
[05:26:24] Well explained, I like that.
[05:26:27] Thank you! And if you choose male, then you get cookies.
[05:26:34] Oh, you found out? Okay good.
[05:26:35] So, that was exciting.
[05:26:36] Alright.
[05:26:37] Unless you really like cookies.
[05:26:39] Every day when we go to the beach on this
[05:26:41] day, we're like please pattern be there!
[05:26:43] Please pattern be there!
[05:26:45] Alright so let's see if I can pull this off too...
[05:26:47] Oh let's see if I can pull this off too. Oh, let's go!
[05:26:48] Yay!
[05:26:49] Okay.
[05:26:50] Thanks!
[05:26:52] So they don't have pickaxes so they can't make any mistakes right now.
[05:26:57] Yeah.
[05:26:58] And I don't have my pickaxe either,
[05:27:00] but instead of going
[05:27:02] to the mines, I am making
[05:27:04] some bombs that I was able to...
[05:27:06] Oh yeah, level 2! Let's go!
[05:27:09] So I'm making some bombs
[05:27:11] so I can just grab some extra copper
[05:27:13] and stone
[05:27:17] Ugh, not the geode cutscene
[05:27:21] Geood Not the geode cutscene. Geodd...
[05:27:25] What's that? No I haven't, I like to avoid it.
[05:27:29] Actually have a lot of copper.
[05:27:38] Would you like more donations while we're doing all this fruit finding?
[05:27:40] We are very focused.
[05:27:41] We have $25 from Electric who says,
[05:27:43] can you please tell LeeChat and Jules we said meow?
[05:27:45] Meow.
[05:27:46] Love LeeChat's mod team.
[05:27:48] I hit your spot.
[05:27:49] I'm sorry.
[05:27:50] No it's fine.
[05:27:51] We have $100 from DarkosLab who says after staying up to watch all the amazing runs this
[05:27:56] week, napping for three seasons and waking up to a fresh coffee sounds like a great idea.
[05:28:01] Yeah.
[05:28:03] We also have a question.
[05:28:05] $10 from Trader Noddy asks with all this sleeping is it ponk shoo or me-me-me?
[05:28:11] Ponk shooo!
[05:28:13] Is that one yours or mine? That's mine okay it's not a very good mogus oh i forgot
[05:28:19] we have time for another one yep all right we have fifty dollars from
[05:28:23] a fancy dragon who says so excited to see the star do run.
[05:28:26] After hearing about the run from JulesJules, I'm so excited to watch in person.
[05:28:30] Cheering you on from the back couch.
[05:28:32] Hey!
[05:28:32] Hey!
[05:28:34] Shout out to the back couch by the way. Up early and all of the high fall rewards. See you. have already raised over a million dollars. That is amazing. It's wild.
[05:28:48] I'm so
[05:28:49] excited for the runs for the rest of the day as well.
[05:28:51] You guys are crushing those incentives
[05:28:52] and
[05:28:54] thank you so much for matching our incentive.
[05:28:58] I'm really excited to show you what is going to happen at the end of this run.
[05:29:04] I do want to give a disclaimer that there's going be a bit of spoiler.
[05:29:07] So if you haven't played the newest update recently,
[05:29:12] we're going to showing off some of the newer stuff.
[05:29:14] So if you prefer not see that kind of stuff
[05:29:17] and explore for yourself then just before one.
[05:29:23] All right I picked up my pickaxe so
[05:29:25] I'm going to go ahead and try and get to 20
[05:29:27] before everybody else is done with their patterns and then fingers
[05:29:36] crossed but I was able to make a chest so that we can put all of our tools in it and have a more open
[05:29:42] inventory um the first spot of your line again. Sorry.
[05:29:51] You can keep going on those donuts.
[05:29:53] We are almost done with the hard focus time.
[05:29:54] You got it! We have $15 from
[05:29:56] Joja Corporation.
[05:29:58] Oh!
[05:30:01] Joja Corporation, and it's Oh! A rebate came in. This thing, Shojo Corporation and its investors
[05:30:03] hereafter referred to as the company
[05:30:05] are proud to be observed donating to Doctors Without Borders
[05:30:07] Hereafter referred to as the beneficiary
[05:30:09] The company invites all GDQ viewers to speed run
[05:30:13] to their nearest Joja Mart and sign up for a membership today!
[05:30:19] Join us, Thrive. Join us, thrive!
[05:30:22] Speaking of joining us and thriving we do have an amazing speedrun community.
[05:30:27] Shout out for this amazing community many which are with us today which is really cool.
[05:30:35] I'm done.
[05:30:36] Stuff is next to the mirrors.
[05:30:38] Yeah.
[05:30:42] Perfect.
[05:30:43] Fine. No love Perfect. Final level 20!
[05:30:46] First try.
[05:30:48] And then we're almost done with the clay farming part, and next we're off to buy our bite of stuff we need,
[05:30:54] and then it's our favorite activity, sleeping again.
[05:30:57] Yeah, no, I'm going to leave everything in front of Piers,
[05:30:59] or do you want me to stop?
[05:30:59] No, I got it.
[05:31:00] Okay.
[05:31:01] You can go ahead.
[05:31:01] Thank you.
[05:31:02] Just let me have it.
[05:31:03] I was just bringing it a little bit closer, that's all. Did you get yours? just like behind. I would bring it a little bit closer that's all.
[05:31:05] Did you get yours?
[05:31:06] Yeah you did.
[05:31:07] Perfect.
[05:31:08] Alright and we are rich again!
[05:31:09] Yay money!
[05:31:10] You drove the journey by the bus like perfect.
[05:31:14] I did. I did. You drove the journey by the bus, like, perfect.
[05:31:15] I did.
[05:31:16] All right.
[05:31:19] Save the frames.
[05:31:20] All right.
[05:31:21] I'm getting stoned.
[05:31:23] I think it's done yet.
[05:31:24] Okay.
[05:31:27] Do we buy any more food? are we good? I need more coffee.
[05:31:28] Yeah, we need more coffee.
[05:31:29] So wait a little bit before...
[05:31:30] Yeah, I'm gonna run to Gus's.
[05:31:33] Grab that stone.
[05:31:34] How many coffee do you have, Dirt?
[05:31:35] I have three.
[05:31:36] You have three coffees? I have three.
[05:31:36] You have three coffees? Okay.
[05:31:37] I have six so...
[05:31:39] I think six would probably be fine.
[05:31:42] Maybe I'll get an extra one for us and then three for Dirt.
[05:31:46] And now Piana finally chart. Thank you!
[05:31:47] Um, and now Pia finally gets to join us!
[05:31:50] Oh boy here we go.
[05:31:53] You behind me?
[05:31:55] I have bought it.
[05:31:56] I have a little bit of extra too. Okay.
[05:32:01] Copper, all the coal...
[05:32:06] Uh we can go to exhaust. All right.
[05:32:09] And that is the end of our winter forest farming.
[05:32:14] Yeah!
[05:32:17] Whoo! All right, who's ready for some fun? Yeah. Woo!
[05:32:20] All right, who's ready for some Skullcavern 100?
[05:32:24] But first...
[05:32:25] A nap.
[05:32:27] First full nap.
[05:32:29] All that work man. anybody got any forage no
[05:32:35] there's a pledge showing spring porridge there and then yeah that's pretty funny
[05:32:39] yeah my little tool.
[05:32:41] Alright.
[05:32:43] A couple more quick don't-no's while we sleep to the 16th?
[05:32:45] Absolutely!
[05:32:47] First I want to say that we're not sleeping on this incentive
[05:32:49] We are now over $6000 out out of that $15,000 needed to unlock the bonus ensemble mode run.
[05:32:55] So excited for that later today.
[05:32:57] It's going to be fantastic.
[05:32:59] We have $10 from Barry Patches who says, Much love to the Stardew Valley speedrun community.
[05:33:04] Especially the awesome gamers running today!
[05:33:07] Good luck in the caverns! You are braver than I!
[05:33:11] We also have $5 from Auntie Salvo who says,
[05:33:13] Greetings from Australia. It's late night for us but the love for SGDQ trumps all.
[05:33:18] Big shoutouts to my lovely niece who is obsessed with Stardew Valley and has been keen for this run all week love you heart
[05:33:28] i don't know if it's getting picked up on the audio mic so the audience
[05:33:31] is meaning and hog shoeing along with all the snap time.
[05:33:36] Wonderful job, everyone.
[05:33:38] We also have $100 from Carrie Fry who says
[05:33:40] please give Shane a pizza
[05:33:41] and say hi to him for me less than three.
[05:33:43] Sorry you're to be disappointed.
[05:33:46] Good luck runners
[05:33:46] and great job.
[05:33:47] We need to improve us.
[05:33:48] We can maybe do that later.
[05:33:49] I don't know what day he goes.
[05:33:51] Take it.
[05:33:52] Pull up the wiki.
[05:33:53] No way.
[05:33:55] Actually we'd do that a lot during a sleepy run.
[05:33:59] We also have $50 from Sa who says what's up SGDQ?
[05:34:02] Stardew Valley is such a life changing game.
[05:34:07] So full of love for this game,
[05:34:08] marathon and amazing cause.
[05:34:10] Two million, let's go!
[05:34:11] Let's go! Coming up, it'll be going up Thank you.
[05:34:17] Coming up, it will be going up on the 16th because Pam decides to go to the festival and lets us drive her bus so we all get to pay money to ride for a bus for her.
[05:34:28] Yeah, she also gives us a sign.
[05:34:30] I never thought of it before but
[05:34:32] is that really kind? That she makes us pay
[05:34:34] to use the bus when we're driving ourselves?
[05:34:36] That's a lot of work somebody has space
[05:34:47] good morning oh i ended up in the river again?
[05:34:51] Oh my god. Okay.
[05:34:53] Mail...
[05:34:55] Here's the mail.
[05:34:59] So you'll notice that I got a training Oh, I already checked mine. Turn off the blinking.
[05:35:03] So you'll notice that I got a training rod in my inventory along with I'm pretty sure everybody else.
[05:35:06] Basically if you don't fish during the first year, I guess? Or season. How does that work? Do you guys know?
[05:35:13] First season.
[05:35:14] Is it first season then? I guess because we only checked our mail later, that's why.
[05:35:19] I have yours.
[05:35:19] Guys can you step away?
[05:35:20] Can you step away from Turp?
[05:35:23] That's for piano.
[05:35:24] Okay, thank you.
[05:35:24] We're just distributing some materials.
[05:35:27] Jules, this is for you.
[05:35:29] Oh, sorry.
[05:35:30] I need to hear...
[05:35:31] Okay, I have bombs. Goodbye. It was a little chaotic, I know. Oh, sorry. I need to hear...
[05:35:32] It's a little chaotic, we got this though.
[05:35:39] Now for the high octane gaming.
[05:35:43] This is in focus mode Focus mode locked in!
[05:35:45] You guys thought this was a cozy game?
[05:35:47] Okay, this is part of the small modding update
[05:35:49] called 1.6. Yeah, this is
[05:35:51] the small modding update.
[05:35:54] ConcernedApe goes hard. I'll just say that. He's the best.
[05:35:58] True.
[05:36:00] Shoutout for ConcernedApe!
[05:36:02] Shoutout Concerned Aid. Shout out, Concerned Aid! Yeah!
[05:36:06] So part of this festival
[05:36:08] is this little booth where we get some
[05:36:10] free food... Oh my gosh, I'm just running into the wall.
[05:36:24] We get some free food and with some certain combinations speed and luck. Oh, not luck. Yeah, luck. Okay.
[05:36:25] Okay.
[05:36:26] So we're going to need your participation in the chart.
[05:36:30] If you guys see a droppy, you know what to do?
[05:36:31] You got to shout it out.
[05:36:33] Droppee!
[05:36:35] That was a practice. I don't think everybody was ready, so let's try that again.
[05:36:38] One, two, three!
[05:36:40] All right.
[05:36:42] Everybody is warmed up.
[05:36:43] Let's go.
[05:36:47] Running around in circles!
[05:36:49] Alright, just up right?
[05:36:51] Top right...
[05:36:55] Oh, entrance! I got my level 3! Yeah, careful of those enemies. Oh! Entrance?
[05:36:56] Hey I got my level 3!
[05:36:58] Going left.
[05:36:59] You're going in the middle?
[05:37:00] Top right.
[05:37:01] Nice.
[05:37:02] Top right is where it is...
[05:37:03] I've got some ideas to sleep on.
[05:37:06] Oh, I almost laddered.
[05:37:10] Entrance
[05:37:14] How much coal do you need to turn up?
[05:37:16] Um...I need a lot Okay, go touch the cat.
[05:37:18] Let's go to...
[05:37:20] Wait, somebody touched the cat?
[05:37:22] Are you joking?
[05:37:23] No.
[05:37:23] Everything's fine.
[05:37:25] Droppy!
[05:37:27] Droppy!
[05:37:28] Yeah. On the next one, Ron. Droppy!
[05:37:31] I'm the next one, on the coal floor.
[05:37:43] Oh droppy to the right dropping
[05:37:51] stay away from my friends!
[05:37:55] We don't hurt friends here. So in multiplayer, the game actually does not pause
[05:37:59] so you just gotta be careful that you don't get hit by these guys and if
[05:38:03] you do you need to eat uh coffee time yeah coffee time and i'm eating something else
[05:38:10] nice okay Oh, got the ladder there. Nice.
[05:38:11] Okay.
[05:38:13] Dinosaur! I'm not gonna...
[05:38:17] Don't wanna pet it?
[05:38:18] No.
[05:38:20] But also, oh was it gonna? Yeah.
[05:38:23] Oh dropy!
[05:38:29] So with the droppys you can get from 3 to 15 floors but you take damage taking it
[05:38:33] but it's super fast and super a lot of right
[05:38:38] mummy mummy don't kill me please mummy mummy Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?
[05:38:46] I just don't want to walk this way, but
[05:38:48] I need to vomit.
[05:38:56] Leave her alone. Yeah, thank you.
[05:38:57] Oh! Good dinosaur.
[05:38:58] Thank you for defending my honor.
[05:39:00] Bottom right, bottom right.
[05:39:02] Next floor is safe so just get in here.
[05:39:05] Okay, okay.
[05:39:06] Yep, yep, yep, yep.
[05:39:07] I got it.
[05:39:09] Entrance free?
[05:39:11] Free?
[05:39:13] That was really, really close.
[05:39:15] It's a little sweaty. We're fine.
[05:39:17] Free bottom right?
[05:39:18] Yeah, thanks.
[05:39:23] So with this run you learn with your friends very quickly what right and left are.
[05:39:27] And sometimes you learn the reverse of right and left are.
[05:39:31] Droppy!
[05:39:33] Ooh seven. Let's go.
[05:39:36] Don't jinx it um entrance at the top uh do we want
[05:39:41] a ladder though first let's just Laddering. Thank you.
[05:39:47] I defended us.
[05:39:48] Defense?
[05:39:49] That is a word for defense.
[05:39:51] We're good to mine here.
[05:39:54] DEFENSE!
[05:40:03] DROPPING! defense swiss cheese floor eat fun health oh my gosh happy Coffee time! Okay, sorry.
[05:40:08] Coffee time.
[05:40:10] I would help you but...
[05:40:12] Oh no!
[05:40:14] Everybody eat!
[05:40:16] Leave my friends alone!
[05:40:18] The mummy floors are easier but this one is spicy.
[05:40:22] Oh bottom right, bottom right, middle.
[05:40:25] I was gonna say how much you want to bet? Is it just 4 rocks being hit?
[05:40:27] I'm going to make some more bombs.
[05:40:28] Yeah good plan.
[05:40:30] Uh bombing up here...
[05:40:31] Might be coffee cycle?
[05:40:33] Ladder top right?
[05:40:37] Dropy dropy!
[05:40:39] Watch out for the bats! Oh, I got 15 shots. uh um so you always want to check the extra We're doing good. We're doing good. Whoops.
[05:40:56] So you always want to check the extra rocks on those floors,
[05:40:58] the treasure floors, because there's a chance we'll get a droppy.
[05:41:01] Okay. Did you get any megabombs this time though?
[05:41:03] No megabomb, but that's okay.
[05:41:07] Where is this guy?
[05:41:09] Bottom right!
[05:41:13] Entrance... Oh, bottom left. Droppie! No we both got droppies.
[05:41:15] No but we skipped it.
[05:41:17] Um...
[05:41:19] Lottering this?
[05:41:23] I've gotta Seedmaker.
[05:41:30] If anyone was looking for a Seedmaker you can find one on floor 74. Oh why did I?
[05:41:34] Dropy dropy dropy! Oh, why did I? Okay. Droppy, droppy, droppies.
[05:41:36] Droppy, droppy, droppy, droppy! Oh, Droppy, hello!
[05:41:39] Droppy!
[05:41:40] It worked!
[05:41:41] Well, Droppy, it worked!
[05:41:42] It worked!
[05:41:44] All right, six levels. Doing good, doing good!
[05:41:45] Oh, entrance!
[05:41:47] I didn't get it.
[05:41:49] Entrance again?
[05:41:51] Uh...
[05:41:53] More cherry bombs! I always go for that letter.
[05:41:58] It's a freebie on the next one too?
[05:42:02] Woo there is a serpent in the next one.
[05:42:04] Yeah be careful of serpents. There's coffee time oh coffee time thank you
[05:42:07] thank you we love that coffee 16 more floors to go oh got it in the middle up right
[05:42:14] upright okay uh Watch out!
[05:42:16] Ladder next floor I'm gonna defend.
[05:42:17] Yep yep yep yep.
[05:42:18] Laddering.
[05:42:19] Perfect good callout.
[05:42:21] Remember to eat.
[05:42:23] Ladder check how many ladders?
[05:42:25] Two from right.
[05:42:28] I have three. I have two so that's uh seven
[05:42:33] uh do we wanna do we want to ladder this yeah um hold on
[05:42:39] go ahead just gonna run back and forth. Oh, dropy, dropy, dropy!
[05:42:43] I'm laddering right now to floor. Oh my gosh! Ouchie!
[05:42:47] I got two ladders.
[05:42:48] Alright, I have three.
[05:42:50] That's for you!
[05:42:51] Take the rocks?
[05:42:53] Oh, I have four ladders!
[05:42:56] Four, five six seven...
[05:42:58] Dropping, dropping! Alright, dropping dropping dropping dropping ladder dropping We're all back in! We're all here.
[05:43:13] Oh my gosh.
[05:43:15] 42 minutes?
[05:43:17] Guys, we have time for the incentive
[05:43:19] here. Let's go!
[05:43:21] Oh my goodness.
[05:43:25] We're just gonna go straight into the incentive
[05:43:27] here. That is by far our best
[05:43:29] run ever. That is our best run!
[05:43:35] Okay, we just missed the cycle.
[05:43:37] That's okay.
[05:43:39] We're going to wait for these guys
[05:43:41] to do their little race here.
[05:43:42] So...
[05:43:42] Do you want to explain what we're about to do?
[05:43:45] Oh, I can't put bombs down?
[05:43:46] So we're just going to go and do
[05:43:47] everything that you can do at the Desert Festival.
[05:43:50] We're going to start with these racers.
[05:43:53] We're going to bet on who we think is going to win and then run around
[05:43:55] do everything
[05:43:57] so kind of just show off the festival
[05:43:59] have a good time with it
[05:44:01] I want to sneak in a quick 50 donation from the habu who says did i hear a distant banjo
[05:44:09] most certainly did not thanks hub big shout out to baboo as well he's one of Thanks, hub.
[05:44:18] Big shout out to Haboo as well. He's one of the best speedrunners in the game.
[05:44:25] Okay. Make sure you guys have some inventory space open and you drink your coffee. Alright, who are you guys gonna go for?
[05:44:27] I don't know. Let's see.
[05:44:29] That was hard.
[05:44:33] Escargot! Escargo all the way! We got this. Okay okay. Eskar go.
[05:44:36] Eskar, go all the way!
[05:44:38] Eskar goes actually slower.
[05:44:40] Shh...
[05:44:42] You're gonna win!
[05:44:44] I believe in him.
[05:44:48] Already, already, already! So we we're gonna go when he says go yeah yeah he's going to line up down here
[05:44:53] come on i think it's only yeah just uh yeah it's on the hour. Yeah, just a...
[05:44:56] Yeah, it's on the hour.
[05:44:57] Patient!
[05:44:58] Okay.
[05:45:01] On your marks...
[05:45:02] Oh, I drank that really early.
[05:45:06] Goooooooo! Get set...
[05:45:09] Gooooo! Pet the camel.
[05:45:13] Pet the pig.
[05:45:14] I got it.
[05:45:15] Oh, you got the trash?
[05:45:16] I remember the trash first.
[05:45:21] Are we good uh 28th uh apricot trees um oh shoot i don't know oops i don't know that one ah i got it okay got it
[05:45:28] oh I got it. Okay. Got it. Oh!
[05:45:30] I'm on there, okay.
[05:45:32] Forgot the camel, have to go back.
[05:45:34] Oh no you have to go back.
[05:45:35] I've got the pig. Getting the camel, getting the camel.
[05:45:38] Alright we're good, we're camel. Okay. All right.
[05:45:40] We're good, we're good.
[05:45:41] Getting our speed boost food after.
[05:45:46] Go, go, go!
[05:45:48] I don't think I'm going to win that one.
[05:45:48] Go, go, go!
[05:45:49] Shoot this guy! Oh! Congratulations. I don't think I'm gonna win this. Shoebiscuit won!
[05:45:51] Congratulations.
[05:45:55] Was my outfit good?
[05:45:57] It's fine, I'll get a cute little cactus one.
[05:46:01] What did you get?
[05:46:03] It's so fun!
[05:46:07] Oh, I look like...I don't know Indiana Jones or something?
[05:46:09] Oh my gosh, I'm Santa Claus!
[05:46:14] Let's go!
[05:46:18] Dude your cactus has a hat!
[05:46:22] Alright Jules wins I think but I also got third.
[05:46:26] Interesting teeth.
[05:46:27] I got second place.
[05:46:29] Mine has like lip...
[05:46:30] No he doesn't have teeth.
[05:46:32] My hair.
[05:46:32] I like my cactus.
[05:46:33] Nice flower though.
[05:46:34] These are totally randomized.
[05:46:35] Last place!
[05:46:36] Let's go!
[05:46:38] Oh yeah, time.
[05:46:39] Time, sorry.
[05:46:41] Okay we're just going to go up here and finish the runoff
[05:46:44] um you guys have any shout outs you want to do
[05:46:49] i can go um i'd like to first of all just give a shout out to the entire
[05:46:53] stardew valley community and
[05:46:55] you can find us on under starty valley and we also have a discord server make
[05:47:00] sure to join that um also big shout out to Restream Francais.
[05:47:12] And I'll pass it over to Jules.
[05:47:14] Hi! Yeah, thanks for everybody. Thanks for all the And I'll pass it over to Jules. Hi, yeah.
[05:47:16] Yeah thanks for everybody. Thanks for all the crew back there getting our sound sorted out.
[05:47:20] Thank you for the reading donations.
[05:47:22] Thank you for everything.
[05:47:24] Thank you for all the Thank you to the crowd, everybody back there!
[05:47:28] You can find me on Twitch,
[05:47:30] I'm Jules Jules and yeah...
[05:47:33] Terp, you're up.
[05:47:34] Alright, my name is Terperter
[05:47:36] and you can find me at slash terpeter
[05:47:39] And I just want to say thank you so much
[05:47:41] To everybody at GDQ
[05:47:42] All the volunteers
[05:47:43] Tech crew
[05:47:45] Staff
[05:47:46] Friends Attendees Everybody crew staff friends attendees everybody back couch love you guys um yeah thanks to the
[05:47:54] whole starting community and thank you concernedpe for this amazing game.
[05:48:01] I saw your words.
[05:48:02] Oh, no it's okay.
[05:48:04] I just wanted to say thank you for having us at Game Stunning Quick Committee.
[05:48:09] I want to give a big shout out
[05:48:10] to all of the doctors out in the world
[05:48:13] who are doing real work helping people
[05:48:15] survive the calamities that are happening right now
[05:48:18] and I just think it's so amazing
[05:48:20] that we've raised almost you know almost 1.1 million dollars
[05:48:24] like to help them out and i just feel so
[05:48:27] blessed to be part of that process. So I just thank everyone who's donating and
[05:48:33] supporting the cause, so...I'm Piano Addict you can catch me on Twitch at pianoaddict
[05:48:37] that's with an underscore um and yeah thank you for watching our run that was
[05:48:43] super super fun
[05:48:48] thank you so much again to piano lee chatzer
[05:48:51] and jules for that world record run
[05:48:53] that we just saw. That was absolutely fantastic!
[05:48:56] We're going to take a moment to get set up for the next round give everyone a
[05:48:58] chance to refill their water maybe take a small nap maybe grab some coffee summer games so quick 2024
[05:49:04] powered by twitch we'll be back soon so We'll be right back. so so. so.. so. so so so so Thanks for watching!.. Hello, everyone.
[05:52:26] And welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024 powered by Twitch.
[05:52:31] My name is Savage Octagon.
[05:52:33] I'm so excited to be your teammate today as we benefit Doctors Without Borders,
[05:52:38] such an amazing cause and there are so many people that make this possible
[05:52:43] So you're going to hear words from some of them I know we gotta get it
[05:52:59] I know we gotta get it
[05:53:06] Know that we gotta get it. Know we gotta get it somehow.
[05:53:11] Yeah,
[05:53:12] I know we gotta get it.
[05:53:20] I know we got it.
[05:53:25] And of course,
[05:53:26] we have tons of comment all year round.
[05:53:28] If you missed our Juneteenth All Black Speedrunning event, we got you covered.
[05:53:33] Catch up on the Juneteenth and UBAF 2024 playlists by going to slash games done quick
[05:53:43] slash playlists there is so much amazing content on hot
[05:53:48] fix let's cheer for ubaf
[05:53:58] welcome back to summer games then quick, I am Savage Octagon and that Stardew Valley run was amazing! The Stardew Valley community really showed up for that so i'm going to share a little love 25 from ed katt who says husband and
[05:54:13] I also like to play stardew valley together, so we enjoyed the run congrats on the world record.
[05:54:27] And of course, not only did we start off today with some amazing runs, you're going to get
[05:54:29] to see some runs both
[05:54:31] within and inspired by one of the greatest franchises
[05:54:34] of all time, The Legend of Zelda.
[05:54:40] Woo! Yeah that's right.
[05:54:42] We could have as many of three games on the schedule, and we are going to start in just a few minutes with an amazing link to the past run.
[05:54:50] This is a little bit different than you were expecting to see.
[05:54:56] This is an all dungeons swordless run. I definitely want to learn
[05:55:09] a little bit more about that chant in the
[05:55:11] Donos, so please send those
[05:55:13] in.
[05:55:16] Now of course, we hear about that Master Sword sleeping forever
[05:55:19] so we're going to let it nap just a little bit longer
[05:55:22] and in the meantime, I'm excited to tell you a little more about our amazing charity Doctors Without Borders or MSF.
[05:55:35] MSF offers medical humanitarian assistance so that people need, regardless of race ethnicity religion or politics.
[05:55:43] MSF teams include medical log logistical and administrative staff.
[05:55:48] Most of them hired locally.
[05:55:51] Their actions are guided by medical ethics
[05:55:53] and the principles of independence, impartiality
[05:55:57] and neutrality to learn more please visit the
[05:56:08] ball.
[05:56:11] Picking up on
[05:56:14] the love that was expressed for
[05:56:17] that Stardew Valley and the love
[05:56:18] that's going to come in for picking up on the love that was expressed without starting valley and
[05:56:20] the love that's gonna come in for legend of zelda a link to the past
[05:56:23] i have a hundred dollars from goomba anarumba that says much love to everyone.
[05:56:41] And of course, I would be remiss if I didn't hype up our next incentive.
[05:56:46] That is the bonus ensemble mode run from Crypt of the NecroDancer Synchrony.
[05:56:50] We definitely want to watch these two players get a little extra content in because it is
[05:56:51] a wee bit chaotic. I think you're going to love it.
[05:56:58] ...
[05:57:00] ... I have a $25 donation from you done who says what been watching GDQ for at least seven years every year. I'm going to turn it over to the next player,
[05:57:12] Udyne.
[05:57:15] He says he's been watching GDQ for at least seven years every
[05:57:18] year. Awesome
[05:57:21] GDQ so far! Super excited games. Oh, I understand. 989 that's the thousands left until 2 million everybody.
[05:57:41] We hit 1 million this morning and I think we can do 2 million for sure. I have some no comment donations. $100 from anonymous, $50 from the 8-bit old man and $50 from Sleepy Foo.
[05:58:06] They must be speechless at how much amazing content they've seen just today, and how much more is yet to come.
[05:58:28] So Legend of Zelda fans, I know you're going to be showing up for this. I want to hear the answers
[05:58:30] to any question I could possibly ask about Legend of Zelda
[05:58:34] For example we are going without the sword so
[05:58:37] if you can only have one item what would it be? I have a $100 donation from shadow link six. No comment comment just lurking
[05:59:09] and of course as we go through our run,
[05:59:11] we're going to keep our eyes on the prize for that bonus
[05:59:14] ensemble mode run which just leaped up
[05:59:16] to over $8,000 out of 15,000. I know that we can meet this over fifty percent of the
[05:59:24] way there let's go And of course, you'll be scrolling down to the bottom of the donation page
[05:59:42] to click on that incentive, choose it.
[05:59:46] Make sure that you go all the way down
[05:59:48] but if you get a little lost in the list
[05:59:50] of amazing prizes that we have
[05:59:52] that's okay.
[05:59:52] Just make sure you get all the way bottom to
[05:59:54] down to the bottom for those incentives
[05:59:56] because even if you just give a minimum
[05:59:58] of five dollars
[05:59:59] That'll enter you into some Zelda prizes
[06:00:02] A drawing for Zelda prizes,
[06:00:05] a drawing for Zelda prizes.
[06:00:07] For example,
[06:00:09] a gratitude crystal Zelda thank-you card from Cards4Nerds. I have a $250 donation from Zadok. No comment, but thank you so much.
[06:00:39] And a $25 donation from anonymous who says, okay.
[06:00:42] Maybe just a little bit of comments.
[06:01:06] Any bit of comment makes our day. And don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter at Games Done Quick. And on TikTok
[06:01:08] at games.done.quick
[06:01:10] for more SGDQ
[06:01:12] content, polls, clips you may have
[06:01:14] missed, and more throughout the week
[06:01:16] That social media team is doing a great job of making you feel like
[06:01:21] you're here, but we'd love to see you next event.
[06:01:29] Ooh! Ooh. And with that, I see
[06:01:31] that our next run is ready.
[06:01:34] So let's keep
[06:01:35] that Master Sword sleeping.
[06:01:37] Here is Glan with all dungeons swordless.
[06:01:43] Glan, take it away! Yo, what's up everyone? I'm Glenn.
[06:01:53] I'm here to run all dungeons swordless just now
[06:01:56] so this is a really glitchy run
[06:01:59] we'll get into it soon but here to explain with me what's going on are my two commentators.
[06:02:04] Introduce yourselves.
[06:02:05] Hi, I'm Chuck Sieman.
[06:02:07] And I am Twin.
[06:02:09] All right so ready to go?
[06:02:12] Ready to go.
[06:02:13] All right, countdown three, two, one, go.
[06:02:20] All right, so we're just going gonna get into this here. So again, this is all dungeon swordless
[06:02:26] so what that means is we are going to beat all the dungeons of the game
[06:02:28] get all the pendants and crystals, beat both Agum fights
[06:02:31] and beat the game. And we're not going to collect a sword
[06:02:33] the entire time.
[06:02:34] So that's gonna have a few complications
[06:02:36] We're gonna have to do some more difficult
[06:02:38] boss fights in combat in general
[06:02:40] and also gonna have to use some really
[06:02:42] much weirder glitch setups than normally
[06:02:44] in other categories.
[06:02:46] So right off the bat here we are gonna grab the lamp
[06:02:48] this is important because normally the first thing you'd
[06:02:50] do in this game is go up and see your uncle
[06:02:52] who got hurt in a tunnel trying to save Hyrule and get the Sorfen, but we're not going to do that.
[06:02:58] We're just gonna leave him there.
[06:03:00] Lana's taking advantage of diagonal walls in this game to clip out-of-bounds, and he gets the funny auto-lock thing.
[06:03:08] We're not going to go to Sample, we're gonna go to Eastern Palace first. There's a bow
[06:03:12] in Eastern Palace which isn't a sword but But it does fight things. It does kill enemies
[06:03:16] so that's where we're gonna need to go
[06:03:18] first.
[06:03:22] We're just going to do a few clips
[06:03:24] to get in here. This one, I mean it's an action necessary
[06:03:27] just saves a little time
[06:03:31] It's called a citrus club
[06:03:33] Let's just get on the wall here and we can jump
[06:03:35] We're at the top of the screen
[06:03:36] and into Eastern Palace.
[06:03:39] Nice clip.
[06:03:43] It's helpful to minimize gameplay
[06:03:46] and it's okay to minimize gameplay.
[06:03:48] And it is okay to be pause buffering because we receive a message from Zelda every minute and
[06:03:55] we want to go fast, and we want to beat these cycles if we can
[06:03:59] but can't we we can't pause right now right we were able to use select in the overworld
[06:04:06] but it's true we can't use elect in the dungeons yet.
[06:04:10] Yeah so this game kind of
[06:04:11] operates with like four states
[06:04:13] of progression. There's
[06:04:15] at the beginning of the game there's after you
[06:04:17] see your uncle in the tunnel and then there's
[06:04:20] after you rescue Zelda and after you beat the first Agnum fight.
[06:04:24] So we're going to be doing a fair bit of the game
[06:04:26] in that first state which has a few
[06:04:28] interesting things. At the start of the game, you're given an invisible follower
[06:04:32] who pops up the Zelda text every so often.
[06:04:34] She thinks that we should go to the castle dungeon
[06:04:37] but I don't know...
[06:04:38] I have a different way of viewing things.
[06:04:40] She's not going anywhere, she can wait.
[06:04:45] But one complication to this as well is that you can't save until
[06:04:48] you visit your uncle so the first few minutes of this run,
[06:04:53] I won't be able to save
[06:04:54] which means I have to be a little careful
[06:04:58] to not mess up...
[06:05:12] Luckily there's a heart in this room we do want four hearts here because one staple of a link to the past speed running is the anti fairy skip coming up and we have to take intentional damage.
[06:05:16] Yeah, ideally just a heart-and-a-half.
[06:05:21] And we can hear Gland bumping along the catwalk to save frames.
[06:05:24] We gotta save those frames where we can.
[06:05:26] That's right.
[06:05:28] Yeah, so you're supposed to kill all enemies in that room
[06:05:30] and make the anti-fairies move but you can just get iframes
[06:05:32] and then pick up the pot. And it works
[06:05:35] fine. Do that
[06:05:37] in every category.
[06:05:39] Neat little trick.
[06:05:41] Yeah, honestly Eastern isn't
[06:05:43] that different in this category.
[06:05:46] Like you mentioned we have to take a couple of extra damage boosts because
[06:05:49] we don't have a weapon and then there's
[06:05:53] room coming up that we have to only use the bow and it's a little bit more complicated
[06:06:07] All right.
[06:06:13] Yeah, we could probably fit in a couple donations actually while we're going through Easter.
[06:06:15] Well I would love to give you a huge donation.
[06:06:18] $1,000 from Ballisting!
[06:06:21] Woo-hoo!
[06:06:23] Wow.
[06:06:26] A Link To The Past is my all-time favorite game. Reverse boss order left me mesmerized
[06:06:32] the first time I saw it, so excited for the upcoming Swordless run! Go, Glan!
[06:06:40] And I also have a $75 donation
[06:06:43] from Jokuro who says
[06:06:45] Hey! Lansen!
[06:06:54] I will not be saying that too often don't worry thank you so coming up on the first boss fight here which is our most nights we're gonna do a little trick and fire them here which is
[06:06:59] uh normal We're gonna do a little trick and fire them here, which is...
[06:07:05] Normally once you defeat five of them the last one becomes red And regains all its health
[06:07:06] But by hitting it down to just one arrow left of health and then killing it quickly,
[06:07:11] it won't do that. Now I'm going to wait
[06:07:15] a bit to pick up this pendant. If the Zelda text pops up during
[06:07:19] the cutscene you softlock, You have to reset the entire run.
[06:07:21] So I'm just going to be safe here and wait.
[06:07:23] Yeah, there it is.
[06:07:26] It would've come up.
[06:07:29] Clan found a new way that this Zelda text can interrupt gameplay yesterday.
[06:07:34] Yeah, while practicing?
[06:07:36] Probably won't happen again... I hope. Hey, hello.
[06:07:53] Alright and yeah before grabbing it I used the lamp a couple times there that sets up some memory for a trick later we'll talk about that more when we get there just uh it wasn't random um but now that we've got the green pendant and in the courage we're gonna go talk to sahasrila who we definitely met before
[06:07:57] and he's going to give us the pegasus boots pegacutes will let us go fast
[06:08:00] they'll be really useful for a lot of glitch setups, just generally very important item in the game.
[06:08:06] We got a lot of text to mash.
[06:08:08] We're also going to grab the rupees out
[06:08:10] of Grandpa's closet here.
[06:08:12] We're just gonna collect a couple years back payments for birthday money, you know?
[06:08:18] Yeah.
[06:08:21] And of course, you know whose grandpa doesn't have explosives yeah we're gonna grab some bombs
[06:08:26] and if you've ever seen any zelda speedrun before you probably
[06:08:29] know that bombs are incredibly broken so it's not any different in this game
[06:08:36] uh turns out in this game. Turns out allowing yourself
[06:08:38] to take damage anywhere you want is pretty good.
[06:08:44] Now that we got the bow and everything,
[06:08:46] We're gonna finally go into the castle to rescue Zelda.
[06:08:49] But you know,
[06:08:50] We're still not going to go in the normal way
[06:08:52] That's a little too mainstream
[06:08:54] We're actually going to go in through the stream instead.
[06:08:58] There's a boots clip coming up to help plan get through this diagonal wall and he doesn't have the ability to punch at this point, which we normally get from Uncle.
[06:09:08] So he has to turn up and down, left
[06:09:12] and up to get past that.
[06:09:15] So we're going to do a swim flip here.
[06:09:17] So I'm swimming into the slope in the right one So we're going to do a swim flip here.
[06:09:18] So when kind of swimming into the slope in the right way,
[06:09:21] you'll be able to kind of clip through it while still swimming.
[06:09:26] But how are we swimming? We don't have any flippers.
[06:09:28] Oh yeah, that's true. Uh...we did a little fake flippers
[06:09:31] You just swim into the transition and then it
[06:09:34] despawns the splash which uh
[06:09:40] Just doing a little swim up the Hyrule Castle there.
[06:09:43] Grom and me learned to
[06:09:44] swim so that we can fly? Yeah.
[06:09:47] This is where
[06:09:48] the run gets really interesting.
[06:09:52] Yeah, and Glenn needs to clip these stairs,
[06:09:56] the rail,
[06:09:59] and he gets a one frame down left.
[06:10:01] Very well done.
[06:10:02] I'm not even going to pretend that trick is easy,
[06:10:04] it's the hardest trick in the run.
[06:10:05] I was nervous for you.
[06:10:10] So now we're in EG which we are underneath the floor.
[06:10:15] We hit the back of this staircase to go down it.
[06:10:20] Yes now we're just in the dungeon here, but
[06:10:23] we jumped into the pit there which we did something called
[06:10:25] arming EG so essentially the game's kind
[06:10:27] of in this weird state where
[06:10:29] its like waiting for Link to land on floor
[06:10:31] before changes its layer.
[06:10:32] So we're going to abuse that by, after we pick up Zelda
[06:10:35] we can bonk the wall and that'll complete that fall
[06:10:38] and then go to the lower layer.
[06:10:39] I don't even think that's gonna hit the guy.
[06:10:41] Oh! It looks like the Ball & Chains guard got caught a little bit.
[06:10:45] I don't think I've ever seen him get stuck there!
[06:10:48] Thankfully we have one more pot.
[06:10:51] Pots are so strong in this game.
[06:10:54] That's right.
[06:10:55] We're going to get five rupees, very important.
[06:10:58] Pots deal tempered sword damage,
[06:11:00] but we don't know what that item is.
[06:11:02] What's a sword?
[06:11:07] So I actually have to get that five rupees we need a total of 420 rupees to buy all the things that went into this run uh so god
[06:11:13] got five from a drop five from the chest look get two more fives later and we'll be perfect.
[06:11:19] And Zelda tells us about a secret passage through the sealers but we're not going that way.
[06:11:23] We're taking a secret-secret passage.
[06:11:25] Nobody likes wet feet. We're not going that way. We're taking a secret, secret passage.
[06:11:26] Yeah, secret passage under the floor.
[06:11:33] Just taking a little walk on the floor here through all these rooms. So, as you can probably tell
[06:11:37] from this like... All of the uh... The rooms are kind of just on the world map and as long
[06:11:43] as you get out of bounds you can transition between them. I started crashing way too early there.
[06:11:48] Alright, so here in Rescue Zelda this is normally what it looks like
[06:11:54] It's completely normal normal
[06:12:02] uh so after this we're gonna be walking through eg a little bit more so belief
[06:12:05] in a couple more donations here.
[06:12:09] Absolutely, you're talking about five rupees just now and I've got a lot of fives here in the donations for you. I've got $25 from sneak that says, him hop me hap.
[06:12:21] And $25 from Iwala Koala
[06:12:24] who says wishing I was there in person
[06:12:26] but cheering you on from home Glenn
[06:12:28] much love good luck, go fast
[06:12:30] and be sure to say hi to Gannon.
[06:12:33] Oh I will be saying hi
[06:12:35] and we'll give him a nice big hug.
[06:12:37] Got time for one more?
[06:12:39] Uh sure.
[06:12:40] $25 from Liam Atlas who says,
[06:12:42] Glam it's so awesome to see you on the GDQ stage.
[06:12:45] Good luck!
[06:12:46] Also shout outs to Chex and Twin.
[06:12:48] Glam don't forget Burn nantaka oh yeah big slam all right so we went through eg2 thieves
[06:12:58] town here uh this is the fourth Dark World dungeon.
[06:13:02] We're just coming out to get to Village of Outcasts here.
[06:13:04] There's a couple things we need to take up.
[06:13:06] You may be noticing
[06:13:07] the normal Light World music is playing here,
[06:13:09] and I'm not abutting it.
[06:13:10] This is because we're in something called Fake Dark World.
[06:13:13] So the world state that you're in is actually tracked separately from the actual physical like overworld tile screen you're on uh
[06:13:19] so right now we're on a dark world room, but we are in the light world.
[06:13:24] Your world state only changes when you take a portal or use the mirror
[06:13:28] So as soon I take an overall transition here it's going to change me back to light world
[06:13:32] In this part of the run Glenn is collecting a lot of items he'll need for
[06:13:36] the rest of the run yeah oh wait that's not betrayed why don't you
[06:13:44] why did you bonk me?
[06:13:46] We're bonking Mr. Einstein, he's got
[06:13:47] five rubies.
[06:13:49] We're also going to pick up a bottle here
[06:13:51] and one of the best weapons
[06:13:53] in the game.
[06:13:55] What could that be? one of the best weapons in the game. Yeah.
[06:13:56] What could that be?
[06:13:58] You know, it's just in the possession
[06:13:59] of this sick kid in bed.
[06:14:01] It's got a really good weapon.
[06:14:02] It's not a sword.
[06:14:07] Yes. sword. Yeah, so...
[06:14:11] We're gonna get the bug net here which is
[06:14:13] the best weapon. There it is!
[06:14:15] I mean if it works against Demise, then it works against the enemy.
[06:14:19] Yeah, it's a necessary item.
[06:14:22] And we'll do a quick little bit of shopping here. We need more bombs. Bombs are important.
[06:14:28] And we need a red potion. We don't need
[06:14:30] a red potion, actually. It's just for safety.
[06:14:34] Yeah, so as Chex mentioned,
[06:14:36] the first part of this run, we're going to be collecting a lot
[06:14:38] of items and then we're gonna chain like a lot
[06:14:40] of dungeon completion together. So right now we're gonna start chaining
[06:14:43] a bunch item collection together. We're gonna go in this cave here
[06:14:46] we're gonna go back into EG by doing another citrus clip
[06:14:49] to an upward teleport so we can get out of the concierge.
[06:14:56] Okay, you saw a citrus at the eastern clip, and there goes Link teleporting upward this time.
[06:15:03] Yep.
[06:15:04] So this room here is just a couple rooms south of Misery Mire right here.
[06:15:07] And now we're in something called Cave State.
[06:15:10] So your dungeon ID is based on the entrance you take,
[06:15:13] so right now if it's a cave,
[06:15:14] why don't we call it Cave State?
[06:15:16] And Cave State has some funny properties.
[06:15:17] One is that
[06:15:18] If you try to do anything that requires the big key
[06:15:20] It checks for
[06:15:21] having a certain big keys in your possession.
[06:15:23] One of which is the Hyrule Castle one
[06:15:25] which we have so we can just open
[06:15:27] the big chests and stuff. And we have
[06:15:29] the Canis Sumaria which by far the most broken item in this game.
[06:15:32] It's used in countless glitch applications and all sorts of different ways.
[06:15:36] It's actually pretty incredible how messed up that item is.
[06:15:41] So again, how did you open that door?
[06:15:44] Yeah, that's
[06:15:45] another thing about Cave State.
[06:15:46] In Cave State, you're not supposed to have
[06:15:48] the small key count on your HUD
[06:15:50] so the game's indicator for that is to set your keys to minus
[06:15:53] one, which is actually 255
[06:15:56] since it's a single byte value.
[06:15:58] So we have 255 small keys
[06:15:59] and just open all the doors.
[06:16:01] Thank you for explaining that while
[06:16:02] dodging that very scary slut yeah what a one-shot me
[06:16:08] so glenn has to count here
[06:16:12] nice well done so we'll see a transition Nice. Well done.
[06:16:14] So we'll see a transition here that takes us to a room
[06:16:18] that is not expected because it's seven tiles north.
[06:16:24] There we go.
[06:16:24] And we're in swamp.
[06:16:25] Yeah, we're in swamp pile snow.
[06:16:32] And we pick up the hook shot which is not only great for hooking things but it is also incredibly broken.
[06:16:41] It is and the game is so resilient.
[06:16:43] It lets us abuse it with all these glitchy tricks.
[06:16:49] And, with the broken transition we can take advantage of that and get the Moon Pearl in here and here.
[06:16:56] Now we're going to use the wonderful 1.0 hole as some people
[06:17:00] might know about this was discovered way back when the game came out if you take
[06:17:05] this hole here and fall down the right side of it,
[06:17:08] You'll land on a wall down there.
[06:17:09] And then you can just jump out.
[06:17:11] DG
[06:17:14] I don't know if we mentioned
[06:17:15] We are playing on the Japanese 1.0 version
[06:17:25] Of the video game and it doesn't just save on text in text boxes. It also has a lot of glitches you can take advantage of.
[06:17:28] Yeah there's a lot of unique glitches in this version.
[06:17:29] Mostly minor glitches but
[06:17:31] there are some major glitches that are
[06:17:33] patched
[06:17:35] So we're doing some weird routing
[06:17:37] here just because we have to deal with the broken camera making some transitions
[06:17:41] not work so we're gonna do our first miss slot here i can let you guys talk about that if you
[06:17:44] want this is a really complicated glitch right so glenn has set up some memory values so that we can take advantage of placing
[06:17:56] items and slots that they don't belong in so with aotted bomb, Glam can use the hook shot and pop back into
[06:18:03] the upper layer. Yeah which is what we call a weird shot after the Ocarina of Time
[06:18:08] glitch.
[06:18:13] Alright, so now we got the fire rod, We're done with the item collection for now.
[06:18:15] Okay this is fantastic.
[06:18:19] This room...
[06:18:27] Which one of the worst rooms in the game turns out in glitch modes as well.
[06:18:31] So we have to get the big key here now? Now we're actually in Skullwood State.
[06:18:32] Just taking intentional death because half a heart...
[06:18:36] Yeah, that's what refills our health.
[06:18:40] We need the big key for a couple things coming up soon.
[06:18:44] I don't actually want the heart,
[06:18:45] I just wanna be able to get the magic.
[06:18:51] So we're in Skull Witch, does that mean
[06:18:53] we are going to the boss macula not yet first we have
[06:18:57] to get the hammer which is definitely installed oh yes hell yeah everybody knows that.
[06:19:05] So here we're gonna do a little what we call a diver down if I can menu the game's summary.
[06:19:12] The menu in this game is not great.
[06:19:16] And it just the stairs backwards?
[06:19:20] I love watching Link go up the stairs to go under the floor, it's fantastic!
[06:19:25] As it turns out Palace of Darkness is right beside Skullwoods.
[06:19:28] So we're going to pop over here and we're going to literally pop out of EG with a trick
[06:19:31] called EG Kick.
[06:19:33] So this room here, the room just to the left of it is the one that has a full floor conveyor belt.
[06:19:40] Which actually makes it so that Link pops out of EG and we do it right up against the top transition
[06:19:46] so we can touch it after being on the upper layer.
[06:19:48] And now we're here in the dark place
[06:19:50] and we just have to go here?
[06:19:53] Glenn,
[06:19:54] it's dying!
[06:19:56] We need that help.
[06:19:58] We still have a Skull Woods dungeon ID and
[06:20:01] That was an unlucky death unfortunately
[06:20:07] But yeah, we still have the Skullwood's Dungeon ID so we use
[06:20:09] the Skullwoods big key to open that chest and get the hammer. And now
[06:20:13] we get to fight everybody's favorite boss Mothula with no sword and four hearts
[06:20:17] With no sword... we can't...
[06:20:20] It's pretty easy. Yeah, we can't get back there the normal
[06:20:22] way because we can't slash the vines.
[06:20:24] So, we're just gonna go
[06:20:26] underneath the floor. We're not just going to
[06:20:28] fight Mothiel normally right? We just going to fight mafia normally right
[06:20:30] we're gonna do a very weird miss lawning setup to set up
[06:20:33] something called moth items so it's actually possible that
[06:20:36] we can change essentially the item value that the crystal will give us here.
[06:20:43] So I definitely made a samaria block there, uh...
[06:20:47] It's invisible at first? We can see it in the corner.
[06:20:50] Yeah so this is what the red potion is for We can see it in the corner.
[06:20:55] So this is what the red potion's for, safety? In case you were wondering.
[06:21:00] This was a really haphazard fight and Glan has a safety potion to use.
[06:21:02] We're fine. Yeah we're fine, we're fine.
[06:21:04] Yeah, we're fine, we're chillin' now.
[06:21:06] And the boss room creates sort of defense for the boss.
[06:21:12] It's the worst room in the game.
[06:21:13] We have to hit moth
[06:21:15] into space
[06:21:17] when there is space around it, we can't
[06:21:19] hit the moth into
[06:21:21] the spikes because the spikes
[06:21:23] restore its... It doesn't restore
[06:21:26] its health, but it prevents it from
[06:21:28] taking damage.
[06:21:30] You'll see Glan is
[06:21:32] using an item and then immediately menuing.
[06:21:35] We have to be on hookshot
[06:21:36] when the boss dies. We cannot menu while
[06:21:39] the boss is dying.
[06:21:43] So he's just going to hook this block a couple of times and we get the mirror.
[06:21:51] I thought we were going to earn a crystal, but we have a mirror.
[06:21:54] Nope! We get the mirror.
[06:21:56] Much better than a sneaky crystal.
[06:21:57] We'll get the crystal soon.
[06:22:00] We'll get the crystal by returning
[06:22:02] to that room, right?
[06:22:04] Well, no. So now we're in Skullwoods right?
[06:22:07] So we have the Skullwoods at 190 so that means when we get a crystal
[06:22:10] We are going to get the Skullwoods Crystal
[06:22:12] But we can get the crystal from any boss room as it turns out
[06:22:16] Glenn is using audio cues here.
[06:22:21] So, here's Helm Saurer
[06:22:31] Getting spin speed to make that hammer hitbox actually usable. This boss is kind of hard, but it's not as hard as moth.
[06:22:35] He can hit his mask 17 times.
[06:22:41] Oh, I lost count of it there. It's fine.
[06:22:44] Clan had the opportunity to despawn the fireball.
[06:22:50] But that's okay.
[06:22:51] Beautiful fight.
[06:22:52] Nice fight.
[06:23:00] All right. Alright. So now this is the Skull Woods Crystal,
[06:23:04] because we started from Skull Woods and we have Skull Woods Dungeon ID loaded right now
[06:23:08] but since we fought Helmasaur in the Palace of Darkness boss room,
[06:23:12] We're actually going to exit out from Palace of Darkness after this and be able
[06:23:15] To go back in so that's gonna kind of be the main mechanic for chaining the dungeons
[06:23:19] Together will just fight one boss, a different boss
[06:23:21] from each dungeon
[06:23:22] and then come out there and go back in
[06:23:25] and fight a different boss and get a different crystal
[06:23:27] and we can fit in a couple donations here.
[06:23:30] Awesome.
[06:23:32] I have a $50 donation from Legend of Link who
[06:23:34] says, it's dangerous to go alone.
[06:23:36] Take this...
[06:23:37] hammer?
[06:23:40] And we are just about $2,500 away from that Crypt of the NecroDancer synchrony run. So you definitely want to see that get those donations in and i have a 75 donation from fileon who says game looks fine
[06:23:59] nobody panic go glenn go we haven't even got to the good part yet oh yeah Go, Glenn. Go!
[06:24:05] We haven't even got to the good part yet.
[06:24:08] So we're going to go buy a potion here.
[06:24:10] This is gonna be used for glitch layer.
[06:24:12] This one's not for safety.
[06:24:15] Or I'm gonna.... So Glan was going for an upward teleport to get to the potion shop
[06:24:19] It looked like that was one pixel too low
[06:24:23] We're gonna have to do some improv here yeah
[06:24:27] so uh the portal is cleared is that right
[06:24:31] yeah the portal's gone so i'm going to go back to taun
[06:24:36] but we're on the mountain!
[06:24:38] Uh yeah.
[06:24:40] In the Light World.
[06:24:42] Yeah this is where we usually go to get to Palace of Darkness, right?
[06:24:47] Yes.
[06:24:49] So what Gland is doing here is called Kiki's Gale.
[06:24:52] It shouldn't be in the run but it is now.
[06:24:55] Yeah!
[06:25:00] Uh... Yeah. There we go.
[06:25:04] Very good.
[06:25:05] So what Glenn did was a bomb clip, which is a fun way to clip diagonal walls and he's now going back through Palace of Darkness.
[06:25:16] Let me grab a couple bombs here, Jamie.
[06:25:21] As caves and dungeons are connected
[06:25:25] they...are actually
[06:25:27] these particular caves and rooms are on opposite sides of the map, top and bottom.
[06:25:32] But when we go down below the map, we get wrapped to the top.
[06:25:41] Yeah, we need that portal there. So after we get the potion here
[06:25:45] We're gonna go actually get the misery of mire crystal
[06:25:48] The misery of mire crystal so the misery my crystal has always been
[06:25:50] uh you know the finicky part of swordless because as i mentioned in
[06:25:54] order to get a dungeon's prize you need to get the dungeon id by going in the
[06:25:57] main entrance but for misery mario that requires
[06:26:00] opening it using ether which you can only do if you have a sword.
[06:26:03] Which we don't so...
[06:26:05] We gotta do something else here.
[06:26:07] We're gonna make use of a glitch called Overworld Conveyor
[06:26:10] which is another mis-slaughtering application.
[06:26:14] Do you need hearts by the way? I don't think so.
[06:26:20] Actually maybe... It's possibly going to hit twice here but I just won't. I'll be good enough.
[06:26:29] Clan is misslotting a bomb and timing it just right to get a downward conveyor.
[06:26:36] Yeah, I'm gonna hammer on that tile...
[06:26:38] And I just feel like it, I guess? Actually no.
[06:26:41] Here I need to use a music cue so um some silence i guess Nice transition.
[06:27:01] And we can pick up the crystal of Misery Mire.
[06:27:04] And since it's over there, we get to skip the fanfare.
[06:27:12] Yeah so roughly how that works is basically when you're moving with the conveyor mechanic, it kind of like remembers a tile that you are on and we use a tile in the overworld
[06:27:24] That shares properties with a tile in the underworld
[06:27:27] That causes your grunge ID to get toggled
[06:27:29] So, we're able to change it from Palace of Darkness
[06:27:31] To Miserive Mire that way
[06:27:33] It's very complicated
[06:27:35] I don't even fully understand it.
[06:27:37] Yeah, we swap IDs.
[06:27:39] There was other ways to do it like passing through the castle
[06:27:42] sewers door but we're not doing that anymore.
[06:27:50] Yeah, that was a very long thing to do.
[06:27:55] So now we're going to keep chaining our dungeons together and go from Palace of Darkness over to Stevestown?
[06:27:59] Uh... maybe? oh yeah
[06:28:03] I need strong EG, what can i get then
[06:28:07] in this dungeon?
[06:28:08] Yeah.
[06:28:10] It's gonna be a problem, isn't it?
[06:28:12] Actually I know what I can do.
[06:28:18] Oh did that save and quit mess up your EG?
[06:28:22] Yeah, because it started in the mountain.
[06:28:24] Oh no...
[06:28:26] It's fine.
[06:28:28] Wait, isn't this from a week? No. It's not home. I don't think so.
[06:28:36] We'll find out!
[06:28:47] So... So, rooms have different strength of EEG. Often times they're strong if they have multiple layers to them.
[06:28:53] So that's the kind of room we want to have been in last, so let's see if that works here.
[06:29:01] No.
[06:29:03] What about... so does that, are there rooms in this dungeon
[06:29:07] we can use? No. I see.
[06:29:11] I'm just gonna go to Skull Woods again, I guess.
[06:29:19] Works for me.
[06:29:25] So normally we would be chaining dungeons together to, in this case get to Deevstown next. Is that the next one?
[06:29:35] Yeah, we want to go to Thievestown but we're going to go there from Palace of Darkness
[06:29:41] Yeah, we did get a crystal from that dungeon but it it wasn't the darkness crystal. It was the mire crystal.
[06:29:50] And in this category we have to beat all of the bosses and collect all their prizes.
[06:29:56] Yes.
[06:30:01] Doing some fun little backup stuff here.
[06:30:03] A Death Mountain Descent, I didn't think
[06:30:05] I would see it but there it is.
[06:30:08] Clance taking advantage of the free portal available to get to the Dark World.
[06:30:15] He has no gloves and no hammer. So our usual ways...
[06:30:18] He has a hammer.
[06:30:19] Oh yeah!
[06:30:20] Just no gloves.
[06:30:21] There's just no gloves.
[06:30:28] Give me a fairy, or I'll take a heart.
[06:30:36] I've got a Skull Woods donation if you don't mind.
[06:30:39] Sure, yeah.
[06:30:41] I have $5 from Flimbob84 who says pretty sure that stairway thing linked in Skull Woods was from the movie inception.
[06:30:50] Another one?
[06:30:51] You got time for another one?
[06:30:53] Yeah.
[06:30:54] $50 from Solski who says, hey, Glan,
[06:30:56] I'm taking a moment out of my busy schedule
[06:30:58] of dumpstering Andy, Oats and Goats
[06:31:00] and Eddie in Super Metroid Map Rando
[06:31:02] to tell you that you're doing great.
[06:31:04] Your pal Solski
[06:31:06] Thanks Solski
[06:31:18] Okay Okay, so this is gonna work out hopefully.
[06:31:25] And by the way we see some Skullwoods exclusive graphics that are not normally seen. The skull statues.
[06:31:29] Those kind of creeped me out the first time I saw them.
[06:31:37] There we go! I'm gonna get more bombs...
[06:31:41] We're back where we should be, yeah after...
[06:31:45] Slight- slightly. That's it's fine, it's fine you know just this is Scenic Row, Scenic Row! round. All right, maybe we're back on track now.
[06:32:07] There we go.
[06:32:10] Back under the floor.
[06:32:12] Where Link belongs.
[06:32:17] I don't really like having three hearts, but surely that'll be fine.
[06:32:22] Surely that won't be an issue nothing can go wrong from here
[06:32:27] blind is a scripted fight yeah blind's descriptive point is fun
[06:32:35] so we have to pop out of eg here to pick up the maiden Very nice.
[06:32:49] And then go right back in. Okay, that's not even this far.
[06:33:03] Okay.
[06:33:05] Yeah so... Pay paying attention to which slots that our items go in. Sometimes they end up in the wrong one.
[06:33:16] But yeah... let's see here Yeah.
[06:33:23] What slaughtered them? I don't even know.
[06:33:27] .... Is it alright to give you some shoutouts? Yeah. Awesome! I got $50
[06:33:40] from Dr. Dreveski
[06:33:42] who says,
[06:33:44] A link to the past Vanilla and Rando
[06:33:46] communities and to everyone else who has made
[06:33:48] these games come alive again for so many.
[06:33:50] It's been fun making sprites
[06:33:52] and doing casual multi-world games with everyone,
[06:33:54] and it's great to donate for such a good cause.
[06:33:57] Good luck on the Hammer Time run!
[06:34:14] And a $10 donation Good luck on the Hammer Time run. break. Shout out to my favorite
[06:34:16] comfort series and love to see Link To The Past
[06:34:18] run in the way, it was definitely
[06:34:20] intended! Okay so this one's a little complicated
[06:34:24] we have to do this without magic now some kind of thing
[06:34:28] i'm doing we're under the floor where there's no resources. That didn't work.
[06:34:46] I like the potion suggestion, but then we would have to redo our
[06:34:52] route? Yeah.
[06:34:54] No, I'm not going to drink the potion.
[06:34:56] We're gonna improvise a little bit here.
[06:34:58] Alright.
[06:35:01] She can get magic from this guy.
[06:35:04] Right! This guy
[06:35:05] is in the high value
[06:35:07] enemy drop pack,
[06:35:09] so it'll cycle through
[06:35:11] some items that we know
[06:35:13] we would want.
[06:35:15] Plus we get bombs.
[06:35:16] Of course it's 50-50 so when it drops...
[06:35:20] Yeah, we can probably get some donations here.
[06:35:23] Awesome! I'd love to do that.
[06:35:25] I have $25 from Pidge01 and Sean Kass, who says any gamers?
[06:35:33] One.
[06:35:35] Also we are less than $1500 from that bonus ensemble mode run for Crypt of the Necrodancer Synchrony.
[06:35:42] And folks! We just opened up a new incentive for a bonus dungeon on the Legend of Zelda
[06:35:48] Twilight Princess Randomizer base. Who wants to see more Zelda?
[06:35:56] Got time for one more, Glenn?
[06:36:01] Yeah.
[06:36:02] Awesome.
[06:36:03] $10 from Anders saying you know what this run needs?
[06:36:06] Trivia.
[06:36:07] Oh yeah.
[06:36:08] Much love to Chexer twin and glanimal less than three thanks anders no
[06:36:22] now we need a backup to the backup. Yeah, we need a backup to the backup now.
[06:36:24] Do you have any ideas?
[06:36:28] I don't! Do you have any ideas?
[06:36:33] I don't.
[06:36:36] We only have one bottle!
[06:36:40] I only have one bottle and I need the blue potion.
[06:36:42] I don't want to keep killing this guy.
[06:36:44] I feel bad.
[06:36:47] He's ruined so many runs, it's okay.
[06:36:50] That's fair. There is like no magic in here.
[06:36:52] Oh, eight bombs.
[06:36:56] It's good to have maximum bombs.
[06:37:00] We'll get the wraparound. Maybe we'll get Ares, too?
[06:37:03] The wraparound...
[06:37:06] Alright,
[06:37:07] we're gonna be here a while. I think we do have more donations.
[06:37:10] Awesome.
[06:37:11] I have a $250 donation from Schnorks, who says there's no better time than fresh off the announcement of Echoes of Wisdom for some 2D Zelda at GDQ.
[06:37:24] And how about this run? Such a great combination of strats! My jaw is seriously on the floor,
[06:37:29] keep up the good work and! Because swordless.
[06:37:38] And I've got a $10 donation from Old Man, who says it's dangerous to go alone take oh never mind then
[06:37:52] and a 10 donation from Common Cryptid who said,
[06:37:56] Casually breaking the laws of physics to save Hyrule.
[06:37:59] NBD.
[06:38:00] Yeah.
[06:38:04] I love that the maiden's just following you the whole time.
[06:38:07] Yeah, she's chill.
[06:38:09] Alright, I think we wrapped around two more.
[06:38:14] There is a reason why this is the hardest segment of the run.
[06:38:18] And so that's exactly what you saw.
[06:38:31] So they have to do it again? So it should be the next draw. I'm glad you know the price packs, because I don't.
[06:38:35] I just hope I get the diary where I need it.
[06:38:42] Alright, this one right? No.
[06:38:45] Still a 50-50 that hasn't changed.
[06:38:48] It's still a 50-50. That hasn't changed. It's still a 50-50.
[06:38:50] Hey, Glenn?
[06:38:51] Yes?
[06:38:52] Don't go to Vegas.
[06:38:54] Yeah.
[06:38:54] Thank you. All right, we under the floor! all right so now we're gonna go where we were supposed to go like 10 minutes ago
[06:39:26] which is back to the thieves town attic to blow open the floor since we need to do that.
[06:39:35] And usually, the game prevents us from going into
[06:39:37] the attic with the maiden following but
[06:39:40] we're taking a shortcut there so she can stay with us yeah So the bombs that Clan uses are doing a lot of work, but... Yeah.
[06:40:06] So Glenn has to pop back into EG and blow open the crack in the floor.
[06:40:13] Okay, something got messed up there let's just do this again
[06:40:19] what is that the room
[06:40:23] i don't like that camera. um Oh, I had it in the wrong slot I think. That's fine, that's fixable. Uh, where am I now?
[06:41:11] Can't figure out where I am.
[06:41:19] There we go.
[06:41:21] All right, that was optimal actually.
[06:41:24] I think you're right.
[06:41:27] So here's blind. i think you're right
[06:41:32] all right so here's blind uh that hole actually drops you into the fight even though you're never actually supposed to be able to reach it conveniently enough
[06:42:04] glenn is using kane of samaria to let the boss sort of damage itself All right. And that is the Palace of Darkness crystal.
[06:42:07] We started from Palace of Darkness.
[06:42:11] So we can get a couple more donations here. First off, let's hear it for Glenn everybody!
[06:42:19] The Legend of Zelda community is really showing up. I've got $50 from ProfNES who donates also a half-eaten sandwich and plinks the wall until it becomes 50 rupees.
[06:42:35] And another $20 from an old man who says, hey
[06:42:37] where's my mirror?
[06:42:42] Don't forget we have just under $1,500 for that Crypt of the Necrodancer ensemble mode run incentive.
[06:42:50] And it had $10,000 for every minute in the estimate so we got
[06:42:56] we gotta get that done speedily let's put on those pegasus boots
[06:43:02] all right now it's time to go shopping again.
[06:43:06] We're not just gonna do regular shopping, we're gonna go hook-shopping.
[06:43:11] We took some intentional damage. Maybe we need to buy a heart now?
[06:43:16] Yeah I think we should buy a heart.
[06:43:20] Probably good idea.
[06:43:24] And the hook is stuck.
[06:43:29] Good thing we can get it unstuck.
[06:43:30] Alright, now we're here.
[06:43:35] So are we using hook speed here?
[06:43:36] Yes.
[06:43:37] Nice!
[06:43:38] The only superspeed in the run.
[06:43:40] We were super-speedy for that one round.
[06:43:42] Actually, yes, that's not technically true but...
[06:43:49] But we finally have Ice Rod. We're going to need the Ice Rod for Trinex later, but now we're going to keep chaining our dungeons together.
[06:43:55] We're gonna go to Ice Palace next and fight Cold Stare.
[06:43:59] Uh, Cold Stare is a pretty hard boss even with the sword.
[06:44:02] I'm sure anyone who's played this game knows that so...
[06:44:05] Surely it'll be really easy without his sword.
[06:44:08] So are we all done shopping now?
[06:44:11] Yes.
[06:44:13] We have all the items we need for the run.
[06:44:16] Now, we just do probably the hardest misslotting setup here.
[06:44:22] This one's really complicated, so first we have to
[06:44:24] do a weird shot to get out of EG here
[06:44:27] but I'm going to leave a Samaria block sitting on the lower layer, and then we're going to use that to do a hook push into the Cold Stair room.
[06:44:39] Because I didn't collect any gloves so we can't lift the big block to get in the cold stair room because I didn't collect any gloves so we can't lift a big block to get into cold stair.
[06:44:46] There's a slot zero block on the bottom layer and and that's going to cause a hook push where Link flies down very far.
[06:44:57] And that's where the boss room will be.
[06:45:01] Yeah it's one-one room south of here.
[06:45:03] So we get another stuck hook similar to when we're book shopping
[06:45:11] and now we just need to activate it.
[06:45:13] But, we're going to use a diagonal boomerang
[06:45:17] To change the slot that the hookshot looks at for where to push link.
[06:45:26] And here's Goldstare. He looks a little blocky
[06:45:29] in blue, but that's okay.
[06:45:32] Don't we all look a little blocky and blue sometimes.
[06:45:38] So I'm using arrows here to try to get double hits with the fire rod, just save magic.
[06:45:42] It's a two frame window to shoot the fire out after the bow.
[06:45:46] But it's not mandatory to hit them, it's just nice.
[06:45:53] Yeah if we can save a little magic for the fight it'll allow us to use fire rods.
[06:46:00] Alright let's save one I guess.
[06:46:10] Did I only hit one of them? So now we just gotta hammer him to death.
[06:46:15] Easy, right?
[06:46:16] Not easy.
[06:46:20] We had a speedy one.
[06:46:23] The RNG gives different speeds to this boss, so it's pretty tough.
[06:46:29] It sure does.
[06:46:31] I just need more magic again is fine and hearts ideally.
[06:46:37] I just need one magic drop
[06:46:39] and then it'll be good.
[06:46:45] Do you have time for a couple donations? Yeah.
[06:46:47] Awesome! I have $50 from GameIsJustAStart who says greetings
[06:46:51] from the audience! Where you at? Yeah there you are! So happy to catch my favorite Zelda game live for my first in-person GDQ.
[06:47:04] But, uh... Link? Wasn't your uncle supposed to give you a little something before setting out on your journey?
[06:47:10] How many people know about that?
[06:47:13] Let's see. Be honest,
[06:47:16] I got like five and $50 from such cool brand saying frog.
[06:47:25] Frog.
[06:47:30] I also have a $10 donation from Batar who says,
[06:47:34] all-time best Zelda game played in slightly different order
[06:47:37] I remember from my childhood.
[06:47:39] Greetings from Germany.
[06:47:41] Can I get a Dankkashane, audience?
[06:47:43] Donkashane! Excellent.
[06:47:49] Oh wait, I...
[06:47:52] Okay there we go.
[06:47:59] Now I'm gonna have to remember to mirror after i beat this dungeon. Alright, we'll just get in there again and fight him again.
[06:48:20] Easy.
[06:48:21] So the hookshot shenanigans are new enough that we don't understand why we're getting intangible hooks yet. Right?
[06:48:30] Yeah basically. It's not fully documented but we can get there eventually.
[06:48:37] It has a lot to do with timing.
[06:48:44] Yeah... We don't really know.
[06:48:54] That was close enough...
[06:48:56] This is just a little inconsistent That was close.
[06:48:58] This is just a little inconsistent,
[06:49:01] but it'll work.
[06:49:06] There we go.
[06:49:08] You got the stock good?
[06:49:16] And a push down.
[06:49:18] Alright, so we're gonna do something a little bit different this time since I've used some magic.
[06:49:24] We're going to do something called Samaria Magic Refill.
[06:49:28] Basically plug up the slots with uh some objects and then spam the cane and you'll just
[06:49:37] get magic back.
[06:49:43] Hit him again...
[06:49:48] Oh, I thought I got two shots there.
[06:49:52] One's still good.
[06:49:56] Fire on does a quarter of their health, hammer does an eighth.
[06:50:03] And here we see just how bad the hammer hitbox is. That's great, it works.
[06:50:12] I thought he was gonna go further right than that.
[06:50:16] Okay.
[06:50:21] Excellent. Thank you.
[06:50:28] So this is the Thieves' Town Crystal? Yes.
[06:50:29] Okay.
[06:50:30] All right, that's Ice Palace done I guess. And Thieves. So right now we have one more boss beaten than we had prizes so we're gonna correct that after this and get the ice palace crystal by just going back to the upstairs room. Oh yeah, remember
[06:50:44] to mirror. Yeah, thank you. Thank you audience
[06:50:46] I was thinking of it
[06:50:48] I wasn't
[06:50:50] It completely escaped me
[06:50:51] Now why do we have to mirror?
[06:50:54] So this thing in the game called pendant conflicts.
[06:50:57] When you're in a fake dark world,
[06:51:00] when your games actually light worlds so basically
[06:51:03] there's this weird thing that when you go to the boss room and it
[06:51:05] checks whether you have the prize or not it determines whether to check pendant or crystal
[06:51:09] based on your world state even though it always gives you the correct price based on your dungeon
[06:51:12] id and it just so happens that if you're in the light world, then there's
[06:51:16] certain pendants of crystals that coincide with
[06:51:19] which bit in memory they are. And since I have the green
[06:51:24] pendant, I wouldn't be able to get the icing And since I have the Green Pendant,
[06:51:27] uh, I wouldn't be able to get the Ice Palace Crystal in Fake Dark World.
[06:51:33] I'm sure that made sense to everybody, but...
[06:51:39] Perfect.
[06:51:41] Clear as mud?
[06:51:47] So the Ice Palace entrance is right at the top of the map and the Cold Stairs room is right at the bottom so we're just going to go up wrap around the bottom and then set up here for another fanfare skip. So the fanfare skip just skips the initial fanfare, which saves about nine seconds.
[06:52:15] We can have a donation or two here.
[06:52:17] Amazing! I've got $25 from Hyper's mom, who says
[06:52:22] Wonderful cause! Great to see you and Hyper behind you!
[06:52:26] Keep up the great run!
[06:52:29] Hi Hyper! We love Hyper. We do! Keep up the great run.
[06:52:29] Hi, Hyper!
[06:52:30] HYPER LUCAS MADISON- We love Hyper.
[06:52:31] KATE GORDIUS- We do.
[06:52:32] And $25 from Gumbracules who says a Link to the Past
[06:52:35] is my favorite game of all time and I always
[06:52:38] love seeing it on stage at GDQ events. Also, let's get to that Twilight Princess incentive.
[06:52:43] Yeah!
[06:52:45] But before we get there,
[06:52:47] we have to get to Crypt of the NecroDancer Synchrony.
[06:52:49] We want to see that bonus ensemble mode run and it
[06:52:52] is just about a thousand dollars away so i know we can
[06:52:55] meet this
[06:52:58] all right so back in eg here and uh here's the top of Ganon's Tower.
[06:53:07] So we're gonna beat Ganon's tower now.
[06:53:11] Lan just needs to find a torch to hook to.
[06:53:13] Found one!
[06:53:16] So we're gonna do another Stoke Push here...
[06:53:21] Ah, cool. That made sense.
[06:53:30] The more you play this game the more things that just don't make sense happen even among the things
[06:53:36] you're trying to do that don't make sense
[06:53:40] all right hook shot and then fill all our slots
[06:53:44] and use nook shot again and now we're in
[06:53:46] diagonally
[06:53:49] i haven't been eggnum one yet but here's
[06:53:51] agam two
[06:53:53] wait how are you gonna to reflect his magical powers?
[06:53:56] Yeah right. I forgot to get the sword. No we got the best item in the game
[06:54:00] Oh that's right. I already forgot
[06:54:04] So we've gotta hit him six times.
[06:54:07] We can reflect all the different balls from them, so we're going to try and do some net dashes here
[06:54:11] which look very swag and also help you get multiple hits
[06:54:15] He's not giving me great will help you get multiple hits.
[06:54:21] He's not giving me very good RNG here, but still swag.
[06:54:32] Nice fight. So, what bosses do we have left?
[06:54:35] Moldorm, Lanmo, Triax,, Atreus and Aghanim1.
[06:54:42] And Argus.
[06:54:44] Can't forget Argus.
[06:54:46] Why don't we group some of them together?
[06:54:48] We can't forget Ganon. Yeah, we'll be grouping some of them together? And Ganon. We can't forget Ganon.
[06:54:49] Yeah, well, we'll be grouping some of them together.
[06:54:52] You know, Hyrule's getting a little boring.
[06:54:56] Can we go somewhere else?
[06:54:58] We're gonna go to Tower of Hera, everyone's favorite dungeon that is so interesting.
[06:55:03] And by the way having a mirror allows us to have a new save point as if we've rescued the old man from his mountain cave.
[06:55:11] Yeah, there's no actual flag for that it just checks
[06:55:13] if you have a mirror
[06:55:16] because...
[06:55:18] I mean why would they need to be?
[06:55:21] They had to save all that memory they used on unused features though.
[06:55:26] They didn't expect moth items.
[06:55:28] They didn't expect moth items.
[06:55:32] Alright so we took a little shortcut here just getting the pot
[06:55:34] You're supposed to drop into this
[06:55:36] Pot from the fifth floor, so this warp brings you up
[06:55:38] To the fifth floor
[06:55:40] And... yeah Easy as And yeah.
[06:55:43] Now let's play Moldorm. Everyone loves Moldorm, right? He is the best boss in the game.
[06:55:49] You shouldn't... No you you weren't supposed to jump.
[06:55:54] This boss sucks.
[06:55:57] Actually it's... More GDQ!
[06:56:05] More GDQ.
[06:56:10] Actually, this boss really isn't that hard with the hammer.
[06:56:14] It just takes
[06:56:14] three hits?
[06:56:16] Yeah, and you get to skip
[06:56:17] the fast phase because
[06:56:18] that only happens when he's at one HP
[06:56:21] and the hammer gets two damage
[06:56:23] so... and the hammer does two damage so
[06:56:31] glenn catches dependent low to save a few frames.
[06:56:37] Alright, so...
[06:56:40] Our next place we're going's kinda interesting.
[06:56:42] So we've been to Light World,
[06:56:43] We've been to Dark World,
[06:56:45] but we haven't been to Plaid World yet.
[06:56:48] Here we go!
[06:56:55] So, we're gonna take a quick little trip over Turtle Rock.
[06:56:59] So, we are doing the turtle rock climb so with some wiggles Link gets pushed out of collision
[06:57:05] And yeah, we just climb up the little mountain there.
[06:57:07] That's why it's called Turtle Rock Climb.
[06:57:09] And there happens to be a land bridge that allows us
[06:57:11] to just flip to the other side.
[06:57:15] Nice clip!
[06:57:16] That was wonderful!
[06:57:17] We're in the middle of Turtle Rock and here we are going to do a YBA which is drinking
[06:57:22] a potion on the same frame as the screen transition.
[06:57:25] We're gonna use this safe method here that makes it so I can't drink it without doing the YBA.
[06:57:33] This is normal.
[06:57:37] So drinking the potion you're doing the YBA does a fake flute which brings up the
[06:57:43] flute menu in the underworld but shouldn't happen and then we float and then the game
[06:57:47] breaks.
[06:57:48] It's working fine!
[06:57:51] So here's the Glamolas
[06:57:55] And the glam cannot
[06:57:57] travel to the bottom part
[06:57:59] of this room.
[06:58:00] So, the last hit on the boss has to be near the top so you can reach the heart that drops.
[06:58:05] Yeah, the heart is the...sets the flag that you beat the boss
[06:58:09] That's why we have to collect all our containers.
[06:58:13] This is a very quiet
[06:58:14] part of the run. We've lost the music,
[06:58:16] but it is a very colorful part.
[06:58:19] I'm sure you can see
[06:58:20] why we call it Black World.
[06:58:22] I don't like I'm sure you can see why we call it Black World.
[06:58:26] I don't know what you're talking about, looks perfectly normal.
[06:58:41] Yeah so we are actually on the Underworld map but what's happening here is that when we did the float it tried to load overworld collision which just doesn't really map out properly to the underworld maps. A lot of the collision is determined just kind of by like arbitrary memory values, which a lot of it is just kind of free to move through. But there are some weird walls like the one we engineered with MOLAs.
[06:58:55] There's also some camera issues so I have to take a bit of a specific route.
[06:58:59] I see Trinex's legs! Yep, here is Trinex.
[06:59:03] There it is.
[06:59:11] How are you alive? Uh, because you try in the cold food to try on hot eat the food.
[06:59:21] That's great.
[06:59:23] Perfect answer.
[06:59:30] I do have to watch my magic a little bit here.
[06:59:33] We should be fine now.
[06:59:39] Trinex's shell is part of the background, basically. So when it moves, the whole background moves.
[06:59:42] I'm actually surprised that fit.
[06:59:45] Okay.
[06:59:50] Okay. Now for phase two, we're gonna hit him with the hammer five times.
[06:59:54] Hopefully he doesn't give me any early turns.
[06:59:56] Oh I did.
[06:59:58] We don't know why that happens.
[07:00:04] It's fine though.
[07:00:06] There we go.
[07:00:08] The trinx is hard always spawns in the middle of the room, so we can go up to
[07:00:11] the upper quadrant of the super tile here and grab it up here
[07:00:17] And then...we're gonna be up near the top of the room so that we can get a stable transition to the north.
[07:00:22] We are going to fight the last boss in Vladworld, which is Vitreous.
[07:00:26] Now, you might think that's probably a really hard boss when you have no sword.
[07:00:33] What we're gonna do is get creative here and do a technique called murder bomb
[07:00:37] So you've seen that we've done weird shots a lot by using mis-slotted bombs.
[07:00:42] So, we're going to do kind of that again but this time the hookshot is going to be resetting
[07:00:48] the bomb's fuse every time I shoot it while its exploding.
[07:00:52] So, uh... It just explodes eyes over and over again.
[07:00:56] Yeah, these hookshots are not doing anything
[07:01:00] to damage but rather glan is controlling his movement
[07:01:05] keeping the bomb perpetual i have a lot of arrows i'm just going to arrow these guys.
[07:01:20] Now the big eye comes out and we're able to use arrows.
[07:01:25] Nice!
[07:01:33] Alright, let me get a fanfare skip here because there's no music.
[07:01:37] And this is the Crystal 4 Turtle Rock?
[07:01:40] Yep! There's Zelda. We rescued Zelda.
[07:01:43] Yeah, we started in Crystal Rock so long ago.
[07:01:47] This is the crystal we learned from it.
[07:01:49] The crystals having a little bit of trouble animating, but that's okay.
[07:01:53] It's fine.
[07:01:56] I think a lot of things are having
[07:01:58] a bit of trouble right now.
[07:02:02] Except Link, he's chilling.
[07:02:06] Alright and since we beat Vitreous...
[07:02:09] The boss of Misery Mire. After this we exit from Misery Mire
[07:02:13] From the entrance that is definitely open
[07:02:18] Now we're going to go to desert. Since we beat landmolas, but we didn't get the Desert Pendant yet...
[07:02:22] So first thing I'm gonna do is go up here and almost die to the spemos.
[07:02:31] And we're gonna get the desert prize... Of course, we're going to swamp to get that.
[07:02:37] Yeah, I mean it's obvious.
[07:02:43] We're in no danger.
[07:02:46] Nope, you know what we're doing.
[07:02:47] So I'm gonna perform a Death Hole here, so first I'm going to do
[07:02:48] a smart transition corruption up here which is going to create holes in the ground
[07:02:53] Uh, so there's one kind of right here above this little...
[07:02:56] like in this hallway here
[07:02:58] and I'm going to
[07:03:00] get hit by a bomb on the last possible
[07:03:02] frame while falling and die
[07:03:06] Uh, then I gotta navigate around some more invisible
[07:03:08] holes here.
[07:03:09] And here's Argus.
[07:03:18] As a bonus, we get an Ice Palace pallet.
[07:03:20] Yeah because I die on Ice Palace.
[07:03:23] So Death Hole basically causes a fairy revive which ends up loading like cash pallets from dying. So that's a nice palace.
[07:03:34] I think I hit him twice there.
[07:03:36] Argus is behaving pretty weird.
[07:03:38] Oops. This is fine.
[07:03:43] You'll notice we did not have to pull the puffs off of Argus, he did that for himself.
[07:03:49] Yeah this is really annoying when he does this. If I go up, I'll get all the puffs following him again.
[07:03:54] Right now they're off screen so we're just gonna wait for the DVD Rewinder to line up
[07:03:59] with me.
[07:04:01] Perfect.
[07:04:04] So that's it. Yes. Perfect.
[07:04:11] So there's our desert pendant.
[07:04:17] I love how the animation shatters at the last hit for some reason.
[07:04:24] Alright, one last crystal to get which is the swamp palace crystal and this is going to be... which is the Swamp Palace Crystal. And this is going to be...
[07:04:25] This is the most complicated hook push setup in the run
[07:04:28] but it's not super difficult so I'll just kind of go through it.
[07:04:32] You can try to explain it if you want.
[07:04:43] Well, Glan is setting up a slot 9 block. Is that right? Yeah.
[07:04:45] With that on screen we can control the distance
[07:04:48] that we want to travel by using a fire rod
[07:04:54] in a specific slot zero and 0. And there we go.
[07:04:57] But that's not quite enough distance
[07:04:58] to get to the right side of the screen.
[07:05:01] So GLAN is using more insula,
[07:05:05] the stuff that Link makes,
[07:05:08] to fill up the stuff that Link makes to fill up more distance.
[07:05:10] And there we go.
[07:05:16] There we go, there's the spawn crystal. This is Mafula Super Kyle here.
[07:05:23] May I cut in? Yes. Well you may have done a fanfare skip but I can't skip this fanfare.
[07:05:28] We met the Crypt of the NecroDancer incentive so thank you so much!
[07:05:36] And...
[07:05:38] ...I have a $10 donation from Hyper Endemic who says, morning from the beat couch.
[07:05:46] Does anyone know what a sword is?
[07:05:49] No.
[07:05:51] Definitely not.
[07:05:53] Alright, so we're going to have to do Aghanim I still and then Ganon.
[07:05:59] How are they gonna do Ganon?
[07:06:00] That's going to be really interesting fight actually. How are we gonna do Ganon?
[07:06:03] That's going to be a really interesting fight, actually.
[07:06:07] I don't know if you're supposed to use the sword to fight Ganon but...
[07:06:09] Are we gonna get silvers?
[07:06:13] No. Bugged it? get silvers no bug net
[07:06:29] bognet maybe okay okay Okay. Starting back in Sanctuary, Glan is going to get into EG one more time.
[07:06:35] It's a little hook push, I had 1 bomb left.
[07:06:41] ... um
[07:06:53] i was hoping we would use that button.
[07:06:55] I want my bomb back.
[07:07:03] It might look a little weird because now I have easy strength zero but it shouldn't matter I'm going to be in a different room than normal this time, but...
[07:07:26] That's fine.
[07:07:31] Yeah, that was affected.
[07:07:33] Well, that's Agnum's boss from right there.
[07:07:36] That's where we need to go though. Yeah, get there.
[07:07:41] So first we need to rearm EG is that right?
[07:07:44] We're gonna fall in a bit, get hit by the guy apparently.
[07:07:50] We love 1.0
[07:07:56] So we need another stuck bush here.
[07:07:59] Wait, you don't have a sword! How are we gonna flash the curtains?
[07:08:03] Uh... I dunno, why not?
[07:08:07] Wait, I don't have a bomb here.
[07:08:14] That's not ideal.
[07:08:23] Do we need either a bomb or... Yeah think i need a ball here i mean
[07:08:32] all right i'm useless in this situation. Everything is going according to plan.
[07:08:35] Everybody, let's hype it up for Glenn!
[07:08:39] Let's just get more bombs.
[07:08:43] Somewhere here, actually is this even the best spot?
[07:08:47] I don't think so...
[07:08:50] So are you thinking bushes?
[07:08:52] This house has the 50-50 rock.
[07:08:54] We're gonna go here.
[07:08:58] We can't lift any rocks.
[07:08:59] Oh that's right!
[07:09:00] Can't lift rocks but we can lift bushes.
[07:09:03] Yeah, we're gonna get some bush bombs over here.
[07:09:07] Oh just south of the grove?
[07:09:09] Yeah.
[07:09:10] Okay okay.
[07:09:13] This run has been- It's going according
[07:09:15] to plan. Yeah.
[07:09:19] Two is enough.
[07:09:21] Hopefully. We got good Rg from the 5050 bush So I mentioned before that the fire rod sets distance. The bomb sets distance as well, so it pushes Link just far enough. Mhm.
[07:10:09] Yeah, we got the hook distance from the bomb there and direction. Bombs have direction.
[07:10:11] In case you didn't know...
[07:10:13] Move please!
[07:10:17] I can't get hit by this guy. He likes to stand in front of the stairs.
[07:10:25] ... Alright, this time we'll do that.
[07:10:33] We use the diagonal boomerang to set the...
[07:10:40] There we go. And there, we're in Aghanim's.
[07:10:46] So Aghanim is a very fun boss with very fair RNG.
[07:10:49] Totally fair.
[07:10:50] So the way he works,
[07:10:51] he attacks in cycles of five attacks.
[07:10:53] The first one is guaranteed good ball
[07:10:55] then there are three 50-50 good or bad balls
[07:11:00] and then a lightning
[07:11:08] so right now this is pretty good so far
[07:11:11] oh Oh. Oh, no!
[07:11:15] We're off to the floor. We're gonna hit the button again.
[07:11:17] The funny thing about this
[07:11:19] Aghanim fight is we actually have to try not to get hit.
[07:11:23] Oh, that's the wrong file.
[07:11:26] There's some challenge to it.
[07:11:30] A Link To The Past is known for this RNG that you were explaining, where the blue balls simply waste time. There's no way to reflect them. So they waste six seconds each yeah pretty
[07:11:45] much the only thing you can do to speed it up is like
[07:11:48] hit him towards the center of the room to on average
[07:11:52] speed up the warps that's it
[07:11:57] why does that happen
[07:12:02] yeah we normally swap layers at that point but something went wrong.
[07:12:07] Yeah...
[07:12:12] That's okay, more GDQ, right?
[07:12:22] More GDQ is best GDQ, Glenn.
[07:12:25] Don't you worry about it.
[07:12:26] I've got a $100 donation from Kat who says
[07:12:29] we always watch The Legend of Zelda runs at GDQs
[07:12:32] and would love to see more.
[07:12:34] Let's get that Twilight Princess bonus dungeon unlocked!
[07:12:44] So we're back under the floor... Yeah, I'm just gonna do this whole thing again and not get hit by Eganem again ideally.
[07:12:56] I could say The Thing that's never happened before because
[07:13:02] That didn't happen in practice but this but
[07:13:13] you know it was bound to happen at some point
[07:13:19] okay setting up a stock hook once again at least this setup is easy.
[07:13:27] Good release. Back to the fight! Alright, we just need to knock a hit this time. One blue ball.
[07:13:46] Maybe this will be the 15 more DQ.
[07:13:48] No. 15 is the 15 more DQ.
[07:13:55] 15 is the maximum possible, assuming you don't miss any hits.
[07:14:01] And now we get the lightning. Yeah, so because I have armed EG if I get hit
[07:14:04] I go into EG and that's bad
[07:14:06] because I want to keep fighting him
[07:14:09] It's also bad because I don't have bombs to get back out of or do the hook push again.
[07:14:15] Two!
[07:14:18] We're also gonna fight Ganon after this, right? So we gotta save our health.
[07:14:22] Yeah, we're gonna fight Ganon after this... so we gotta yeah we're gonna fight gannon after this
[07:14:36] well we get a full refill it's funny oh that's right all right But it must be a really hard fight.
[07:14:40] Yeah, yeah, it's a really hard fight. It's a really cool fight.
[07:14:46] I'm not going to say too much about it until we see what happens, you know. But yeah, we will be entering GAN soon so that'll be the end of the run after that.
[07:14:52] Well good luck whatever happens. Yes. good luck. Whatever happens.
[07:14:54] Yes. Good luck.
[07:14:56] You're not going to want to miss this fight. Definitely.
[07:14:59] Can I give you a little hype for it?
[07:15:01] Yeah.
[07:15:02] Awesome.
[07:15:03] We need a little hype for it.
[07:15:04] Well let's get a hype oh here we go
[07:15:31] plan all right time time. Nice one! So yeah, we
[07:15:33] can't fight Dan without a sword
[07:15:35] he's not in the category you literally can't damage Dan without a sword. He's not in the category, you literally can't damage him with a sword.
[07:15:44] Alright well that was all Dungeons Swordless.
[07:15:47] You got to see everything that can possibly go wrong in this category.
[07:15:51] It's a really hard category!
[07:16:01] But hope you enjoyed it. Do you have any shoutouts?
[07:16:03] Thanks so much for having us.
[07:16:05] And thanks for the donations!
[07:16:07] Yeah, we'll try to keep it quick because we will passively overestimate
[07:16:10] but just showing up the links in the ask community
[07:16:13] or helpful friendly you want to join in run
[07:16:15] the game most common category is NMG
[07:16:18] no major glitches very easy to get into and yeah.
[07:16:24] Thank you GDQ! so Hey, hey, JDQ.
[07:16:47] It's me.
[07:16:48] It's Seth.
[07:16:48] I've turned myself into a Pikmin.
[07:16:50] I'm Pikmin Sand! We're gonna do
[07:16:52] a whole series of Pikmin scent skits
[07:16:54] It's going to be great, everyone is going to love it
[07:16:56] we are going to do Pikmin scents
[07:16:58] You know what? No
[07:17:00] We're not doing this No one would actually watch that.
[07:17:03] It's not gonna work. I'm not going to be able
[07:17:05] to tell you all about the prizes
[07:17:07] that I want to talk about. Let's just get straight
[07:17:09] to it. Hey everyone
[07:17:11] my name is Scent and I am here to tell you all about some of the amazing prizes that you can win by donating during Summer Games Done Quick
[07:17:17] And before I do, real quick while the audience is still in here
[07:17:20] Can we get one more round of applause for Glenn beating Link to the Fast without a sword faster than I think I've ever beaten it, even with the power of a randomizer.
[07:17:30] Just incredible and amazing run. and we have so many
[07:17:35] more great runs today. Now
[07:17:37] all the prizes I'm going to be telling you about right now
[07:17:39] are available from now until the end
[07:17:40] of Twilight Princess a little bit
[07:17:43] later this afternoon.
[07:17:44] That is going to be a great run.
[07:17:46] Speaking of randomizers, you absolutely don't want
[07:17:49] to miss that.
[07:17:51] Spike and gymnast are gonna put on an incredible show
[07:17:53] and we do have an incentive for that.
[07:17:56] You can put your donations towards right now to make them
[07:17:58] do extra dungeons, which just
[07:18:00] means more Spike and Gymnast, which
[07:18:02] just means more GDQ, which
[07:18:04] just means a good time. So get those
[07:18:06] donations in while you're donating to
[07:18:08] win some of these prizes. Let's take a look at
[07:18:11] some of them. From Andy Percent,
[07:18:12] which is still a great name,
[07:18:15] we have this absolutely adorable St Starter Valley Blue Chicken Crochet Keychain.
[07:18:20] It's a functional keychain, it's a functional crochet, it's not a functional chicken. You would
[07:18:25] not want one of those on your keys. You're not getting one of those on your keys.
[07:18:27] You're getting something soft and fun instead, $5 minimum donation.
[07:18:32] Thank you so much, Annie.
[07:18:34] Now we got something that I really love here from Mountain Golf Mom.
[07:18:37] We have Stardew
[07:18:39] Valley Tic Tac Junimo.
[07:18:41] So this is a
[07:18:43] carrying case here, you can see.
[07:18:45] Just a zippered case. It's got a tic-tac
[07:18:46] toe board on it but it comes got a tic-tac-toe board on it but it's go it comes with a bunch of little junimos
[07:18:52] and star drops so you can play tick-tack toe on the board with the junimos and
[07:18:56] the star drops it's absolutely adorable, $10 minimum
[07:19:00] donation. How could you not
[07:19:02] love it?
[07:19:03] How could you
[07:19:04] absolutely not love it? It's so good.
[07:19:07] Like we got so many great Stardew
[07:19:08] Valley prizes. Stardew Valley prizes.
[07:19:10] Stardew Valley, just such a great run in general,
[07:19:13] such a great game in general.
[07:19:15] Like this Stardew Valley signed guidebook
[07:19:18] from Carey Fry and Fangamer.
[07:19:20] This thing is absolutely incredible, a $10 minimum
[07:19:23] donation as you can see it's signed somewhere on the inside
[07:19:26] Carrie usually likes to get on the inside here but my favorite part
[07:19:29] about all of her books is that the dust jacket has a second
[07:19:34] purpose so here it's a lovely little chart of all of the different villagers in the valley
[07:19:39] and what they like, what they don't like, what their friendship rewards are.
[07:19:42] That's super cool!
[07:19:43] And then the book just has that lovely leather binding itself
[07:19:47] and I'm going to hold it right side up out of respect
[07:19:49] for how good a book it is.
[07:19:50] That's how much I like this book
[07:19:52] I'm gonna take the effort to make sure
[07:19:53] it's not upside down. $10 minimum
[07:19:55] donation, make sure to get your
[07:19:57] donations in before Twilight Princess
[07:19:59] Speaking of books I like, from Chef Ava B
[07:20:01] we have Boy at the Cauldron,
[07:20:03] a Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild cookbook.
[07:20:05] If you've ever wanted to know how
[07:20:08] to cook the fish pie from Breath of the Wild
[07:20:11] You could have a delicious fish pie.
[07:20:16] I can't cook a fish pie i can barely cook a peanut butter and jelly sandwich but
[07:20:19] you could cook a fish pie and that's what matters ten dollar minimum donation
[07:20:23] thank you so much ava for sending that out to us. We have genuinely
[07:20:27] so many amazing prizes unfortunately we don't have it here with us but from Angie Biener we
[07:20:31] have a lovely Legend of Zelda Link to the Past inventory cross stitch it is framed. It
[07:20:37] is about gay wide or so, it is a beautifully accurate rendition of the
[07:20:42] inventory from a link to the past down to some of the more fine details that personally i'm not sure
[07:20:48] I would have included in such a project. $25 minimum donation until the end of Twilight Princess
[07:20:53] thank you so much Annie and right behind me on the shelf here we have an Atari 2600 and a copy of the original Mr. Run & Jump signed by the developer of Mr. Run and Jump, it's a super cool prize.
[07:21:09] I actually got to meet the Atari team at PAX East this year
[07:21:13] they were a bunch of really cool people
[07:21:17] and they were telling me that
[07:21:19] recently, they've kind of been on a kick
[07:21:21] reimagining some of the
[07:21:23] older games from the 80s
[07:21:25] that they produced way back when
[07:21:27] I don't remember exactly what the game was, but I was looking at this top-down racer and talking to a developer like oh you know what lessons are you taking from the original?
[07:21:36] Like how are you iterating on it?
[07:21:38] And his response was well I mean I hope I you iterating on it? And his response was well I mean I hope
[07:21:40] I'm iterating on it. I coded the original back in 84 and that's just
[07:21:44] wild to me. The idea that somebody has been working at Atari
[07:21:48] for something like 50 years now, making video
[07:21:51] games. The level of pedigree there
[07:21:52] is insane and you could have this
[07:21:55] lovely Atari and copy of Mr. Run
[07:21:57] and Jump for a $25 minimum donation
[07:21:59] What other great things do we have?
[07:22:01] Well, we have the Valheim bundle from our friends over at Heroic Replicas.
[07:22:05] The last time I had this mug out
[07:22:07] I was going full bottoms up
[07:22:09] yelling skull, drinking a solid liter of water out of it.
[07:22:13] It was great but you know what?
[07:22:14] This is just a perfectly functional mug.
[07:22:17] The inside is metal lined.
[07:22:19] This could hold the hot drink as well as a cold one. The craftsmanship
[07:22:23] on it is great. It is just
[07:22:24] a wonderful drinking
[07:22:26] vessel, and it's not by
[07:22:28] itself because you're also going to get a pair
[07:22:31] of Valheim dice
[07:22:34] ranging from a D4,
[07:22:35] uh,
[07:22:36] D6,
[07:22:36] 2D8,
[07:22:37] or,
[07:22:38] a D8,
[07:22:38] two D10s,
[07:22:39] a D percentage
[07:22:40] and a D20.
[07:22:41] All the dice you need
[07:22:42] to do whatever you'd like.
[07:22:46] A set of patches all for 25 minimum donation so thank you so much to our friends over at herro crap because for making it happen but again that's
[07:22:50] not all we have so many amazing prizes to talk about today like one of our day prizes
[07:22:55] here we have a leverless which means hey there's no stick here uh there are only
[07:23:02] buttons for your directions. Evil Zone Fight Stick
[07:23:05] This is a metal plate
[07:23:07] here engraved with the logo of
[07:23:09] Evil Zone, the most important
[07:23:11] fighting game in GDQ lore
[07:23:13] You're gonna see that later on this afternoon when
[07:23:16] our very own
[07:23:17] Dylan and Dragon Blitz
[07:23:20] host the top four
[07:23:22] of the tournament, the longest
[07:23:24] running tournament at GDQ, I believe.
[07:23:27] Live on this stage. You don't want to miss it!
[07:23:29] It's going to be wild.
[07:23:32] Check it out.
[07:23:34] $50 minimum donation for this Lless fight stick. It's USB
[07:23:37] compatible, it works really
[07:23:39] well. These buttons...
[07:23:41] that's a good button right there let me tell you
[07:23:43] make sure to get those donations in and
[07:23:45] lastly but not least, from Shadow
[07:23:48] Insignius we have
[07:23:49] a Deku Shield. Just an actual
[07:23:52] Deku Shield.
[07:23:54] This is not like
[07:23:55] a recreation. This is
[07:23:57] not a prop. This is not like a recreation. This is not a prop.
[07:23:59] This is a solid piece of wood here,
[07:24:03] just a tree that they have chainsawed down,
[07:24:07] varnished up, carved out
[07:24:09] the insignia of the
[07:24:11] Kokiri, gilded it with
[07:24:13] copper and created a
[07:24:15] real life Deku shield. This entire
[07:24:17] thing is incredible!
[07:24:20] It's a $100 minimum donation at any
[07:24:22] point today until Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns
[07:24:24] of the Patriots. You've got to get your donations
[07:24:26] in. The level of detail on this
[07:24:28] is incredible. Again, this is the actual
[07:24:30] bark from the outside
[07:24:33] of the tree. None of this has been fabricated
[07:24:35] On the back
[07:24:36] you can see the age lines
[07:24:39] of the tree,
[07:24:40] uh,
[07:24:41] the fungal infection that,
[07:24:42] you know,
[07:24:43] fell to the tree to begin with.
[07:24:47] You can even see some little like pock marks in the wood from where beetles lived in it over the years.
[07:24:49] This is a living piece of history crafted into
[07:24:52] a one-of-a-kind prize. It's got leather straps on the back
[07:24:56] as well as a mahogany handle to make it easy to handle,
[07:25:00] and it could be yours for a 100 donation get those donations in this is the
[07:25:06] perfect piece for any zelda fan up there and of course we have a set of four amazing grand prizes all for $250.
[07:25:14] Cumulatively, we have a great gaming PC from our friends over at SkyTech Gaming
[07:25:18] We've got a super cool prize pack from our friends over at Heroic Reptiles
[07:25:22] including the amazing
[07:25:24] Keyblade that we saw last night.
[07:25:26] Kingdom Hearts 2 was a great run. If you didn't
[07:25:28] catch it live, you gotta go back and
[07:25:30] watch it again. I do not understand
[07:25:32] how you take on some of those bosses so underleveled and so underequipped.
[07:25:37] We've got a Resin Axe and Sword combo from our friends over at Cute Monster Props,
[07:25:42] Vulpen Props, and Solo Roboto Industries. And of course we have an amazing... cute monster props and vulpin props in solo roboto industries
[07:25:44] and of course we have an amazing functional
[07:25:48] eight string doom guitar that lights up in the dark from our friends over at
[07:25:53] orbal guitars you gotta check out all of those prizes and so many more
[07:25:59] while you're there check out all the incentives that you can put your donations towards check
[07:26:02] out all the amazing speed runs that are coming up today and tomorrow. I'm going
[07:26:07] to tell you, there is not a single
[07:26:09] game you do not want
[07:26:11] to watch at some point in the next two days.
[07:26:13] Every game is
[07:26:15] a banger. In fact, this next next one one of my all-time favorite speed runs to watch we're
[07:26:20] going to see crypt of the necrodancer synchronicity you do not want to miss it get yourself a drink
[07:26:25] give yourself a snack get yourself whatever you need but stay tuned don't go anywhere
[07:26:33] thank you so much scent and yes don't forget to drink a little bit perhaps some lanlan milk as you're taking
[07:26:41] a break so come back in a couple for that link to the pass run and for Zelda in general. And once again, I have a $5 donation from Old Man saying,
[07:27:05] I guess it's not so dangerous to go alone. Whatever, do what you want.
[07:27:15] And a $25
[07:27:16] donation from Justin
[07:27:18] who says Gannon doesn't have a sword so
[07:27:21] it's only fair to not use
[07:27:23] one either right?
[07:27:29] And of course when old man said do what you want. I know exactly what you want. You're going to want to see more GDQ in the form of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.
[07:27:39] You are gonna wanna see an extra bonus dungeon.
[07:27:42] Right?
[07:27:43] Yes!
[07:27:47] It's a big undertaking but I know you all can do it.
[07:27:49] We have just about $42,000 left to go.
[07:27:53] But I know that we can race through that like with a $1,000 donation from Steveio19.
[07:28:01] All right.
[07:28:02] Who says longtime washer-time donator,
[07:28:05] who says,
[07:28:07] long time watcher and
[07:28:09] first-time donater.
[07:28:11] I've been watching GDQ for so
[07:28:13] many years now with legendary moments from that's never happened before to marathon look. From blind
[07:28:16] running, to races, to task bot there's so much talent dedication and science all
[07:28:21] coming together to break video games we love so much,
[07:28:25] to deliver hope to so many.
[07:28:27] Keep up the good work.
[07:28:29] Here's hoping for both good and bad luck
[07:28:31] for equal parts awesome runs and more GDQ.
[07:28:44] Of course, Crypt of the Necrodancer synchrony is coming up and it is a blink or you'll miss
[07:28:49] it run.
[07:28:50] These two are so fast at this, and I'm so glad we got to see more of them on stage.
[07:29:03] And I have a $100 donation from Madoka who says, having a great time with GDQ again. Sadly, watching for work, but all the managers are off so no one to complain about it. I'm going to go ahead and show you the prizes.
[07:29:19] So,
[07:29:21] all of our pledges are off so
[07:29:23] no one can complain about it.
[07:29:25] Woo!
[07:29:27] Donating to hit the Twilight Princess extra dungeon because Have you seen these awesome prizes? And yeah, Scent showed us so many awesome things.
[07:29:30] I would definitely want that Deku Shield.
[07:29:33] I've definitely burned a few of them in my time.
[07:29:35] But all it takes is $5 to start entering you into those prize drawings
[07:29:47] and a final shout out for glenn
[07:29:55] fifty dollars from moonlight seven who says thank you gland for an amazing run of my favorite game it truly broke my brain. uh into the kitchen And hello, everyone.
[07:30:43] And welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024, benefiting Doctors Without Borders.
[07:30:50] And just as quick as this run is going to go, I see that Crypt of the NecroDancer synchrony with ACZ and Rossum1234 is ready.
[07:31:04] Take it away
[07:31:11] hello hello and welcome to crypt at the necroDancer. Before we get started, would you like to introduce yourself?
[07:31:19] Hi I'm Ross and it's nice to meet you.
[07:31:21] I'm AC Zed. You can call me Zed if you want, it doesn't matter to me.
[07:31:28] Some quick mechanics that we want to explain before we start are just the walls and how we attack because it is a little bit different than a standard character so we'll be playing melody once this loads maybe
[07:31:42] we crashed it immediately we're speed running a different thing, actually. Crashing the game!
[07:31:48] Wow. Very well done.
[07:31:52] Awesome.
[07:31:56] Nothing's working... um
[07:32:10] all right we had a false start.
[07:32:10] But that just means that we've got
[07:32:11] a little more GDQ.
[07:32:13] And trust me,
[07:32:13] this run is going to be amazing.
[07:32:27] Thank you. amazing. I have $25 from Chef Mayhem who says,
[07:32:31] always have to support the incredible NecroDancer community.
[07:32:34] I first got involved after seeing it in a HopFix event
[07:32:37] and I've been so glad I found this group of people who remember what Uncle Eli taught us.
[07:32:45] Of course, Hotfix is some of our programming that's available all year round.
[07:32:51] You can see videos all week
[07:32:53] that outline all the shows they've got,
[07:32:55] and it is amazing.
[07:32:59] All right.
[07:33:01] We are ready again you feeling good everybody out there feeling good
[07:33:09] crypto the necro dancer take two
[07:33:18] all right well the dungeon we had crafted
[07:33:21] is gone so we're just gonna we're just
[07:33:22] gonna get it started uh just a note
[07:33:25] we do attack by moving so if we get surrounded that means we are stuck and will have to find
[07:33:30] an alternate way to kill the enemies around us and um yeah that's that's about it i'm gonna take this
[07:33:36] opposite it's not very well all right can i get a countdown five four three two down? 5, 4,
[07:33:45] 3, 2,
[07:33:47] 1. Go!
[07:33:50] Alright so we
[07:33:51] are playing as Melody the base
[07:33:53] character in this game is Cadence.
[07:33:56] She generally just kind of has all items enabled.
[07:33:59] Melody uniquely does not have all items enabled.
[07:34:02] She's weapon locked to her loot which as said... That's a horrible blood shop.
[07:34:09] Which only attacks while moving
[07:34:11] So we're doing a two player run
[07:34:13] Previously at GDQ we've only ever seen
[07:34:15] Koda the hardest character in the game.
[07:34:17] We cannot do that! That is really hard and we are not back good at this game.
[07:34:24] You want to die so reset?
[07:34:27] So I...
[07:34:29] Well that's unfortunate.
[07:34:31] You know what, I can do this.
[07:34:33] That's awesome!
[07:34:35] So dying on a 4 means you're gone for the rest of the four but we'll respawn you
[07:34:39] the next four with two hearts which formality is full life.
[07:34:45] It is not full life for every character So we'll be taking a bunch of
[07:34:49] intentional deaths. There will also
[07:34:51] be some unintentional deaths because
[07:34:53] of roguelike. Like that, I
[07:34:55] did a silly.
[07:35:01] So this is a rhythm roguelike.
[07:35:04] Yeah, we can only move to the beat of the music and enemies like
[07:35:06] to kill you
[07:35:08] in one shot because we have less health than we normally would on
[07:35:11] a character like Cadence. In order to finish the fort, we both need to exit
[07:35:16] um but that's why we die because then it speeds everything up that was scary do you mind what
[07:35:24] i've got a two-player ghost i've got two two player ghosts so unfortunately since we're
[07:35:28] playing in multiplayer there are some special enemies that spawn.
[07:35:31] We very much do not like a specific one.
[07:35:35] We'll mention them later.
[07:35:38] Thanks Maru!
[07:35:40] We don't know if it's Maru's fault but we do like mario's on the german restream so
[07:35:47] you want to hear from maru please 255 dollars from marukyu who says it still feels so surreal to see synchrony go
[07:35:56] from a fun little fan-made project of mine to being featured in gdq
[07:36:01] acz was one of my earliest playtesters, best of luck to you and rawsome1234!
[07:36:07] Thanks. That is tragic. So on boss floors we want to get flawlesses because it will reward us with uh some pretty high
[07:36:19] tier items um i unfortunately missed a beat so we did not get the 1-4 flawless which is really bad because
[07:36:28] we like taking armor out of one four um because and because naturally we are very squishy yeah that's move randomly in this game
[07:36:41] and occasionally I like to take my chances.
[07:36:47] Everyone does, and everyone loses.
[07:36:49] I don't have a bomb but there is a shine of space if you want a bomb for a map?
[07:36:55] Let's get to the exit first.
[07:36:57] Oh I was gonna jump over here.
[07:37:01] Then I will catch it.
[07:37:05] This is The Shriner. They don't like us blowing up their shrines. Unfortunately
[07:37:08] for them, I don't need to be alive
[07:37:10] I just spawned a Leprechaun
[07:37:14] The Leprechaun will drop a Charm of Luck
[07:37:16] Oh that's unfortunate
[07:37:17] Which means that bats will do their best and not
[07:37:20] to hit me very nice so gdq generally um has not seen any other characters which is also why we have the Insomal run
[07:37:31] Which was already met. That's incredible! How could you guys?
[07:37:35] Do you wanna do something?
[07:37:40] It's not T for me.
[07:37:42] That's unfair.
[07:37:44] Why?
[07:37:46] What is that?
[07:37:48] We really don't like those guys.
[07:37:51] This is true. Because if we both go down...
[07:37:55] If either of us goes down, we can't kill them anymore.
[07:37:57] If either of us go down
[07:37:59] they are functionally invincible outside of like a few things.
[07:38:04] Oh, that's mean! That's unfortunate.
[07:38:07] That was King Konga. Every eighth beat is missing.
[07:38:12] Where we going? It looks like down right, okay.
[07:38:16] I forgot I have a map.
[07:38:18] So I have a map!
[07:38:20] The map is very good, it shows me everything on the floor. Like especially where the exit is.
[07:38:27] You are gone.
[07:38:31] I'm gonna get this barrel.
[07:38:33] There's a secret shop, I wanted to check.
[07:38:37] There it is! Heavy plate that's so awesome! Can I catch it?
[07:38:41] Yeah you can catch it. Alright so we just got the best armor in
[07:38:45] the game which is heavy plate there's a uh exit over here by the way
[07:38:49] pepper unless you really want that barrel
[07:38:51] never mind there's a boss over here yeah so there's five zones in this game um
[07:38:56] this is zone three it's generally the most technical and difficult zone
[07:39:00] um just because this is where runs go to die technically zone 4
[07:39:04] is a little bit harder but uh zone four generally by that time you'll have some
[07:39:09] sort of build where down right
[07:39:15] some enemies move diagonally.
[07:39:17] Those guys cheat and you cannot convince me otherwise.
[07:39:24] Yeah, we're going to see a lot more diagonal enemies and more offbeat stuff.
[07:39:29] Oh that's scary!
[07:39:30] Oh that's me.
[07:39:32] Looks like the eggnit is pretty clean.
[07:39:34] You just got that guy to deal with.
[07:39:36] I'm going this way, i'm taking the safe
[07:39:42] While we're slipsiding around on ice, we got any fun donations?
[07:39:47] I do! I've got a donation from Goofy Have you got any fun donations?
[07:39:47] I do.
[07:39:48] I've got a donation from Goof Custom who says, lock in.
[07:39:54] Thank you, Goof.
[07:39:55] I have immediately died.
[07:40:01] Commenter's press!
[07:40:05] So this is a roguelike, it's a difficult game we will die
[07:40:07] hopefully it doesn't happen again
[07:40:09] and she got torturized in the blood shop oh that's awesome so to explain those secret shops
[07:40:15] um they mostly appear randomly except for that blood shot which will appear guaranteed on either 1-1 or 1-2.
[07:40:23] And they take our life instead of money.
[07:40:28] There was zero confidence in that, we could have found him.
[07:40:30] You bet it did. Ooh nice potion!
[07:40:33] Potions are cool if you were to die they fully revive you but they're always behind uh tier two or sometimes
[07:40:41] two three wells protecting this right yeah awesome
[07:40:44] yeah so there are some set pieces like like that one uh
[07:40:50] the track's block do you want to go over there?
[07:40:52] No.
[07:40:54] I'm not taking care of Stompy.
[07:41:00] Glass! Glass items are cool Glass.
[07:41:10] Glass items are cool, they're very strong and they break when you take damage so I'm going to do my best not to take damage.
[07:41:12] I do get one free hit because of the glass armor.
[07:41:15] But, um...
[07:41:19] We're not messing up the kill this time, right?
[07:41:23] It's your turn to deal with Fortissimal.
[07:41:25] That's so fair.
[07:41:26] This is Fortisimal, he's the unholy moley underworld bully.
[07:41:30] He crushes those who oppose his will?
[07:41:35] I'm not taking that. I don't want to take that.
[07:41:41] Mine.
[07:41:43] I have armor, you can take the shield.
[07:41:45] Awesome! I love these guys.
[07:41:53] Titanium Shroud. That's cool.
[07:41:56] And an apple!
[07:41:58] Healing is very rare. They all come in the form of food.
[07:42:02] I have an Apple that heals me one heart.
[07:42:05] That's half my health that's a lot uh because it's for 240. oh it's awesome i want
[07:42:10] that third shovel used to be even cooler um it's not just normal cool.
[07:42:16] Yeah.
[07:42:17] Her chappel makes you invincible onto the tile that you dig on to?
[07:42:22] This is...
[07:42:24] If needed I can can trapdoor.
[07:42:28] I'm fine.
[07:42:31] That's so awesome!
[07:42:33] You can trapdoor anyways.
[07:42:34] Oh dude you're fine.
[07:42:35] No.
[07:42:39] Yeah, so there's a couple of items in Mel
[07:42:41] um, Melody
[07:42:43] that just makes our lives way easier
[07:42:45] I'm going
[07:42:47] Goodbye Um, Courage Shuffle is one I'm going. Goodbye.
[07:42:52] Courage Shuffle is one of those, there's some other ones... There's a cap that will automatically- oh that's unfortunate
[07:42:55] There's a cap that automatically lets you mine as well and it's really nice
[07:42:59] I'm gonna let Zed focus here.
[07:43:03] This is death metal,
[07:43:04] this is the fastest track in the game.
[07:43:06] But otherwise,
[07:43:07] death metal is not very special.
[07:43:12] He's kind of the most normal boss he moves around and you hit him he asks you to bathe in fire i will respectfully decline. Nice.
[07:43:25] Flawless, I should be doing these! I don't know why I messed up the 1-4 flawless
[07:43:27] in the first round.
[07:43:29] So something you kind of saw there,
[07:43:31] um,
[07:43:33] there's three chests that spawn on a flawless.
[07:43:33] Where are you going?
[07:43:35] I don't know.
[07:43:37] We're down here.
[07:43:38] Um,
[07:43:40] so there's three chests that spawn on a flawless,
[07:43:40] um,
[07:43:43] for the purposes of melody and for the most part in this game, your goal is to just take
[07:43:47] the black and then take purple.
[07:43:50] Black contains weapons, armor armor and shields rarely um yeah and um purple
[07:43:57] generally has spells or rings rings yeah uh and so black is really useful on Mal because what do you know? We can't get more weapons
[07:44:07] So we just kind of... You're leaving me with this aren't you?
[07:44:11] Yes I was.
[07:44:19] Oh, I got a really cool spell. It's the heal spell.
[07:44:23] You might have noticed that I healed on the stairs when you are on the stairs
[07:44:25] that makes you functionally invincible and that also includes blood casting
[07:44:29] you can see on my spell it says 15 kills 11 now or one heart to cast, I
[07:44:36] misspeed. That's embarrassing.
[07:44:38] Add you to queue? Yeah.
[07:44:40] You've missed like three Lawlesses.
[07:44:43] He took damage.
[07:44:44] I did take damage.
[07:44:45] I just took damage from Spider, you're right.
[07:44:47] No gooboots! So gooboots are really nice because this is Zone 4
[07:44:51] we're finally here, hooray. You're just gonna keep me trapped aren't ya?
[07:44:55] Um so keep me trapped aren't you?
[07:44:59] Zone 4 features goo, which
[07:45:03] there's a type of golem that drops them as well
[07:45:05] and sometimes it just appears on the ground.
[07:45:08] Goo is scary because if you don't have something to protect against it
[07:45:12] like these goo boots I have, it will just...
[07:45:16] You can't attack on them and it'll
[07:45:18] take double damage which entirely
[07:45:22] negates any armor you have wearing and
[07:45:24] then some here's the boot looking skill
[07:45:28] the columns they used to be way worse.
[07:45:31] Yeah, so this game has two DLCs. The Synchrony one and Amplified. We're actually playing both.
[07:45:42] Synchrony allows for this beautiful multiplayer as well
[07:45:44] as these dynamic characters
[07:45:46] so you can see exactly what we have equipped
[07:45:48] regardless of what screen you're looking at without
[07:45:50] having to look at our HUD synchrony was a basically it's just a giant
[07:45:58] multiplayer update oh that's rude um but it also added two player enemies why
[07:46:04] um but so i just took um i think darkest shrine um oh i'm down um darkness shrine puts out Darkness Shrine. Oh, I'm done.
[07:46:12] Darkness Shrine puts out all the torches which means that enemies find it harder to
[07:46:16] find us and they also...ooh please eat! Thank you
[07:46:20] Um please eat thank you um
[07:46:24] orange armadillo moment but these guys are menaces
[07:46:28] nice
[07:46:31] we see several two player enemies there. There was a skittish Blademaster, which their entire goal is to run away and be a menace.
[07:46:41] Regular blademasters, which we have zero issues with, but instead of dashing towards us they
[07:46:46] will dash away from us.
[07:46:50] Which makes them really annoying to deal with because we can't kill them.
[07:46:56] Yeah, Kinga Konga has this fun missing beat on the eighth beat which would normally be
[07:47:02] there and if you press during that beat it does count as a missed beat so...
[07:47:05] That's fun.
[07:47:07] Awesome.
[07:47:09] I did again?
[07:47:10] I watched.
[07:47:11] This is zone 5! Zone 5 is a little bit easier than zone 4 but it's generally a little more hectic.
[07:47:17] We have these nice conduits which chain lightning to our enemies I just used my potion.
[07:47:31] This is fine, everything is fine.
[07:47:32] Everything is fine?
[07:47:33] You have shield by the way.
[07:47:35] Just reminding you all we're about a quarter of the
[07:47:37] way to that Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess extra bonus dungeon and yes
[07:47:42] everything is fine So another thing Darkest Friend does is give me this ring, which makes it very hard for
[07:47:54] me to see.
[07:47:55] It also makes shops entirely free.
[07:47:58] That's true, but we're speedrunning and don't care about shops anymore? What are you doing?
[07:48:03] I was an Earth-like Skrull!
[07:48:06] We can go straight down.
[07:48:08] Can we?
[07:48:09] Oh, I got you.
[07:48:11] Nevermind.
[07:48:15] Something very nice about Synchrony is that
[07:48:22] players are immune to the other bombs of players so I placed a bomb there but Zed was immune to it.
[07:48:26] This is the final boss! Wow.
[07:48:29] Time will be when we last player leaves the floor.
[07:48:35] We also have a very nice in-game timer.
[07:48:39] True, but that doesn't count on GDQ?
[07:48:41] How are things going over there, I can't really see.
[07:48:43] Uh...I got like wall-hunched this week.
[07:48:45] Oh it's unfortunate.
[07:48:48] At least I didn't get squished.
[07:48:50] Nevermind.
[07:48:52] Is there any way?
[07:48:54] Got him.
[07:48:58] Both players have to leave the floor,
[07:49:00] this includes death.'s that was time yep and that's Crypt of the NecroDancer.
[07:49:18] If you are at all interested, it is currently on sale for...
[07:49:22] It's $10 for everything that you saw
[07:49:25] Everything and more that you haven't seen true. There's a lot more
[07:49:29] You haven't seen because it's a roguelike look at all these characters including this one, which haven't unlocked i'm not
[07:49:34] i i haven't played nine characters enough yet
[07:49:38] that's the we have nikki though we do have hatsune miku you should buy
[07:49:41] the game for hatsune miku nikku dlc Neku DLC.
[07:49:46] Yeah, so all those characters you just saw we're actually going to be playing
[07:49:49] all of them in one run now which is what Ensemble is
[07:49:52] So if you want to go on the start run staircase.
[07:49:55] We get to select an order
[07:49:57] to play every single character.
[07:50:00] Thank you.
[07:50:02] Marion51, please?
[07:50:04] Yes, I'm excited! We were experimenting with a different layout. one, please. Thank you.
[07:50:07] We were experimenting with a different
[07:50:07] layout.
[07:50:08] Yeah.
[07:50:09] But ensemble mode
[07:50:10] plays all of the
[07:50:14] characters minus
[07:50:14] the one we don't
[07:50:15] have unlocked in
[07:50:16] Miku
[07:50:17] In a very set order.
[07:50:19] We can pick the order,
[07:50:20] we can also pick random
[07:50:22] We will not be picking random
[07:50:24] That's scary
[07:50:25] Random is very scary
[07:50:26] We're not good enough at this game to pick random
[07:50:28] so well we'll sort of explain the characters as we go along
[07:50:33] um some characters will be faster than others
[07:50:35] um this one than others.
[07:50:41] This one, the one that is literally moving at double speed compared to everyone else?
[07:50:43] It's crazy they move
[07:50:45] at double speed who would have guessed
[07:50:49] The biggest thing to note, we mentioned earlier the Bloodshop appears on
[07:50:51] 1-1 or 1-2. That's
[07:50:53] Aria and Chaunter here
[07:50:55] because we really need some
[07:50:57] early game guarantees that
[07:51:00] we're going to do stuff. We put Arya on Chandra here. Arya is scary because
[07:51:04] she starts on Trap of Heart, and if you miss-beat you take damage.
[07:51:08] She's there because you also can't swap off a dagger, the base weapon which means that we can try to get armor in the blood shop.
[07:51:14] But if that fails Shantur possesses enemies after you kill them and so we can use him to get good weapons or other things in the blood
[07:51:21] shop. So that's really our early
[07:51:23] setup.
[07:51:25] Yep, uh, and then the rest of the characters
[07:51:27] will sort of explain as we go along.
[07:51:30] Um, we will see two instances of
[07:51:32] melody, as well as two
[07:51:34] instances of aria and two instances
[07:51:36] of cadence
[07:51:38] which is like the normal characters
[07:51:40] So we need another character
[07:51:42] we need another another countdown yeah can you hear it
[07:51:45] five four three two one oh that's me.
[07:51:53] Yeah so bats are extra scary on... Wow this is a great generation
[07:51:57] I love this. Bats are extra scary on Aria because they move randomly
[07:52:01] It does mean that
[07:52:04] it's a little more scary.
[07:52:06] Another thing we didn't mention is
[07:52:08] Aria usually plays from
[07:52:10] zone 5 up
[07:52:11] rather than from 1-1 down, so we are seeing a bunch of the late game enemies due to
[07:52:18] um and it's called zone bleed
[07:52:22] um so we're just gonna see a lot of those guys and normally very scary. It is still very
[07:52:30] scary but yeah. And during the Melody run, you occasionally saw
[07:52:35] us both being in the same place or trying to be in the same place because
[07:52:38] Melody doesn't get extra damage. Here it's honestly
[07:52:43] easier sometimes to one of us hang back so that we're not double digging walls
[07:52:49] or something because that does count as a misbeak which would deal damage to Arya.
[07:52:54] So now we have Shanta,r as I mentioned he possesses enemies.
[07:52:56] I'm gonna totally get this dragon.
[07:52:58] Oh that's really upsetting.
[07:53:04] Sometimes enemies can spawn as mess-
[07:53:05] No I'm dead.
[07:53:12] We got time for donations.
[07:53:13] That's true.
[07:53:14] We have so much time.
[07:53:16] I have $10 from Hanshan who says you rule great job guys
[07:53:23] and a $25 anonymous donation gotta dance. Definitely. Anonymous donation. Gotta dance!
[07:53:29] Definitely.
[07:53:31] Especially as Ahri, you die if you don't dance.
[07:53:34] Yeah, if you wanna bop in the audience a little bit feel free.
[07:53:37] Can I get some pump?
[07:53:40] Thanks. This is my problem now.
[07:53:42] Awesome. So this is Dorian
[07:53:44] Dorian is cursed to wear frog socks
[07:53:46] due to story reasons
[07:53:48] Get over here! Get over here!
[07:53:50] Okay, okay I'm not getting this off the ground.
[07:53:53] He's going away.
[07:53:54] There's a black chest down there that you might be able to...
[07:53:57] I'd love that.
[07:53:58] Where is it?
[07:53:59] You can't grab it because you have a monkey.
[07:54:00] Oh that's really upsetting
[07:54:06] yeah so dorian has front of me funny frog talks and this is suzu That sucks.
[07:54:17] And this is Suzu, she has a fun sword that makes you zip past everything and this is like the best boss for her.
[07:54:19] Please wait for that night!
[07:54:21] How dare you?
[07:54:23] What could- how can you do this?
[07:54:26] Yeah, so then this is Eli. Eli's cool because he has infinite bombs
[07:54:29] and he loves bombs.
[07:54:31] He can damage enemies directly by hitting them
[07:54:35] but we can huck bombs. So it's really fun
[07:54:41] I see what's in the shop. I would love to see what's in this shop. You're so great.
[07:54:43] As you can see, I'm kind of just going bowling with bombs.
[07:54:46] There is not really much good in the shop and no quartz does not count.
[07:54:51] Can I huff a donation at ya?
[07:54:52] Please! Absolutely.
[07:54:53] $25 from Timeless Quartz. Can I huff a donation at you? Please. Absolutely.
[07:54:57] $25 from Timeless Chronicler, who says,
[07:54:59] Hooray for the Zelda block!
[07:55:02] Necro Dancer had a crossover, so it counts, right?
[07:55:03] Very true.
[07:55:08] That's how I got into this game. Crypt of the uh Cadence of Hyrule
[07:55:16] Crypt of the Hyrule yeah Crypt of the Hyrule sorry my memory is working i think that's not an issue. No. Alright, so we just finished
[07:55:20] Dove who isn't really too scary she can't attack and
[07:55:24] so it's kind of avoiding- There is a trapdoor up here.
[07:55:27] I'm going.
[07:55:29] Monkey is scary because if he picks
[07:55:31] up gold, he dies
[07:55:33] And if you notice everything
[07:55:35] drops gold.
[07:55:36] So we're going to skip him.
[07:55:38] And the fun thing about Monk...
[07:55:41] There are extra enemies that normally wouldn't drop gold
[07:55:44] That do drop gold if you are playing Monk.
[07:55:50] So that's, like,
[07:55:51] really cool of the developers.
[07:55:54] This is Nocturna.
[07:55:55] Nocturna is a vampire and can become a vet that no just
[07:55:59] a
[07:56:02] just a really like standard character yeah so we're back to melody um put Melody here for a bit of a reset time because did you know this game is hard and scary?
[07:56:15] Just a little bit.
[07:56:16] Yeah, so we're just making sure that we we get through one that was definitely worth it though
[07:56:22] yeah so that that's that spell i have is dash it does four damage oh like clean enemies very nice Kill enemies. Like, clean through enemies?
[07:56:31] Very nice!
[07:56:33] If you do not kill the enemy, just leave.
[07:56:35] No. I want Curved Shovel.
[07:56:37] Oh, I didn't see that. You still have it.
[07:56:40] Yeah so Curve Shovel once again
[07:56:41] lets you dig walls for free.
[07:56:44] This is the big sword woman.
[07:56:45] We love the big sword woman.
[07:56:47] She has a big sword.
[07:56:50] Also one of the characters that utilizes diagonals, which means that my good friend Ross's keybinds are different.
[07:57:01] Mine aren't because I'm sane.
[07:57:03] So on her you just control the actual sword and where it goes, but we're back to Cadence.
[07:57:10] Cadence is a base character, she gets normal stuff.
[07:57:13] Hey! That's pretty cool.
[07:57:15] Last weapon steal 4 damage break 1 hit
[07:57:18] So just like don't get hit. Best weapons in the game
[07:57:21] Yeah we don't get hit though your job is to clear these that's an
[07:57:25] interesting proposition i've done it i have before damage weapon hey guys hey chat did you know
[07:57:32] did you know if you know you should totally donate and let us know that you
[07:57:35] know this is like the worst boss ticket here it's a tempo scary um if that timer
[07:57:41] hits zero you die and to refresh to refresh it, you have to hit enemies.
[07:57:46] But hitting enemies kills them instantly.
[07:57:48] It's really cool!
[07:57:50] Why would you do that?
[07:57:53] I forgot...
[07:57:55] I got the money yay
[07:57:59] i'm greeting awesome that's the those are freeze tomes free spells really good aria please remember you heard the guys if you know
[07:58:09] you know audience do you know okay so it's sort of those great goblins in 3 deal three hearts of damage which is really fun because that's most characters base health so they one shot most characters if they have no armor or base health. So they one shot most characters if
[07:58:27] they have no armor, extra health
[07:58:30] Do you know now? Yeah
[07:58:33] That's what I thought. I died. I know
[07:58:37] No. No that's scary. That is scary I know.
[07:58:39] No? No, that's scary.
[07:58:40] That is scary.
[07:58:41] Scary things.
[07:58:42] I could freeze actually.
[07:58:45] Yeah.
[07:58:46] I think freezing into the mini boss room would be useful.
[07:58:48] I agree.
[07:58:50] He's killed.
[07:58:52] No.
[07:58:55] Freezing in?
[07:58:56] Yeah, I know.
[07:58:59] Okay now we're good.
[07:59:01] Alright so that's pretty stressful
[07:59:05] but for the most part
[07:59:06] we are pretty smooth sailing
[07:59:07] We really need a better weapon though
[07:59:09] because coming up in zone
[07:59:10] five we have two characters that we were just like yeah we just won't worry about
[07:59:14] them and will have stuff to make it easier currently we don't have stuff
[07:59:17] thoroughly make it much easier we have a dash spell?
[07:59:21] That does not count.
[07:59:22] That does sort of count.
[07:59:24] It's my carry now, by the way.
[07:59:26] Then...
[07:59:28] You can only carry one item in so...
[07:59:30] Gone.
[07:59:34] Awesome!
[07:59:36] Watch out, the orange armadillo is on your
[07:59:38] enslave. This is hard!
[07:59:40] Oh that's awesome actually. Oh, that's awesome actually
[07:59:50] This is Bard. Bard doesn't have to follow the way- oopsies Um Oopsies.
[07:59:54] I don't have enough coins for more purchases, but if you want to go get a cool weapon in the shop...
[07:59:59] My bad. Why would you do this?
[08:00:09] Alright, so that's the purchase shop where you can purchase new items. It's super duper awesome because fun fact,
[08:00:12] You can purchase NEW items which is not old items.
[08:00:16] And our old items kinda sucked.
[08:00:18] Unfortunately we have new ones now.
[08:00:19] I just died but there's mana in this drop!
[08:00:26] Please do not dash My back
[08:00:26] I am
[08:00:27] Please earth that guy
[08:00:28] You can earth
[08:00:28] That golem right now
[08:00:29] There you go
[08:00:30] Awesome
[08:00:32] That guy too
[08:00:34] Good idea
[08:00:34] Cool This is Reaper Awesome. That guy too, good idea.
[08:00:35] Cool.
[08:00:37] This is Reaper, Reaper is not notable.
[08:00:40] Reaper used to be a Nintendo Switch exclusive.
[08:00:44] And I thought they were the coolest. They're not the coolest
[08:00:50] Nice
[08:00:53] Well, I was confused so it's not really my fault. Confused with her scissor controls.
[08:00:57] So this is the scary character we were talking about but luckily Zed has an axe now which
[08:01:00] is so cool.
[08:01:02] Axes are just like...
[08:01:04] The best weapon?
[08:01:08] Yeah. So this character is a little she has a little sheep. Her name is Manny.
[08:01:14] That's so awesome! How much is it?
[08:01:17] I can't. Can. I do not know.
[08:01:18] I can.
[08:01:19] Oh, so awesome!
[08:01:20] Can I have a gun?
[08:01:21] Absolutely.
[08:01:22] Thanks.
[08:01:23] That's ultra-reliable.
[08:01:24] It's a titanium longsword.
[08:01:25] It is just like the consistent of all consistent weapons.
[08:01:29] I found it.
[08:01:33] Hang on...
[08:01:37] You wanna... I would love to catch it.
[08:01:40] So Mary has a little lamb
[08:01:42] If the little lamb dies, you die
[08:01:46] We're gonna
[08:01:48] We don't need focus, I lied.
[08:01:50] I have an axe.
[08:01:51] This is Volt.
[08:01:52] Bolt moves at double tempo, we mentioned this earlier.
[08:01:53] Bro where is this room?
[08:01:54] I found the room.
[08:01:55] Oh no!
[08:01:56] I'm in trouble!
[08:01:57] I'm in trouble!
[08:01:58] I'm in trouble!
[08:01:59] I'm in trouble!
[08:02:04] I'm in trouble! I'm in trouble! Where is this room? I found the room. We have died to Bolt many a time because just double beat, so that's very relieving.
[08:02:09] We're kind of in smooth sailing,
[08:02:10] So if you want to do some more donations we do have time. So that's very relieving. We're kind of in smooth sailing,
[08:02:11] so if you want to do some more donations we do have time.
[08:02:15] I am happy to do some more donations!
[08:02:18] I have $25 from Alora Mora who says long-time watcher had some money to spend I'm going to give it to Ron. He's a good guy. He's got the best
[08:02:22] running back in the league
[08:02:23] and he's been playing
[08:02:24] for us since we started
[08:02:25] this season, so he's
[08:02:26] definitely going to be
[08:02:27] a great player.
[08:02:28] And then we have
[08:02:29] $25 from Alora Mora
[08:02:30] who says long time
[08:02:31] watcher had some money
[08:02:32] to spend. So why not give it to a donation goes to runners choice. Keep up the good work. Oh, also
[08:02:34] to Ron Zed my buddy Malin says hello.
[08:02:38] Awesome. All right time is coming up this is the final boss
[08:02:41] of a run.
[08:02:44] If runs do not have a unique... You died?
[08:02:45] I didn't.
[08:02:46] Oh, my God.
[08:02:47] I blood dashed.
[08:02:48] Time is on the staircase.
[08:02:50] Time.
[08:02:52] Nice!
[08:02:55] That was kind of stressful, because we did not get
[08:02:59] weapons! Yeah that was awesome.
[08:03:03] Alright, yeah.
[08:03:05] So that's it from us.
[08:03:07] Yeah so I'd like to shout out my parents and my sister
[08:03:11] who are watching thank you so much for being awesome.
[08:03:14] They learned that I'm actually cool,
[08:03:16] and I do things with my time,
[08:03:17] so that's awesome.
[08:03:19] I'd also like to shout out our two
[08:03:20] awesome couch members back here
[08:03:22] who you can see.
[08:03:23] We have some awesome couch here.
[08:03:25] We love them.
[08:03:27] And massive shout-outs to the NecroDancer community
[08:03:29] who found out we existed with this run.
[08:03:33] Yeah, shout-outs to my parents.
[08:03:37] They're watching, there's a huge party
[08:03:40] out at our house for 4th of July
[08:03:43] but I'm here instead because
[08:03:45] well why wouldn't I be?
[08:03:48] How could I miss Peanut Butter the dog?
[08:03:50] That was far more important to me.
[08:03:54] Yeah so that's all from us! You should buy Crypt of
[08:03:56] The NecroDancer it It's about $10.
[08:03:59] It's really hard, so if you're into
[08:04:01] rhythm games or hard games then definitely give it a try.
[08:04:03] Please 50% of people haven't
[08:04:05] made it past Zone 1. This is true.
[08:04:07] Please get that number higher. Or,
[08:04:09] alternatively you can buy the easier Cadence of Hyrule
[08:04:11] on Switch which is
[08:04:13] Zelda and Crypt of the Necrodancer
[08:04:15] I don't know how they made that but good
[08:04:17] for them so anyway. And we loveelda right who's excited for twilight princess yeah
[08:04:24] cool all right i think that's it from us yeah thanks so much for having us
[08:04:29] enjoy the toilet princess
[08:04:33] hello everyone kung fu truck up here and as you can tell yes i also love zelda so i
[08:04:38] so i would agree with that and and we have some Zelda coming up.
[08:04:40] But we just had this awesome Crypt of the NecroDancer,
[08:04:44] and we love rhythm games here.
[08:04:46] So I am joined by NB1RS,
[08:04:48] and we are going to be chatting about Waka reverse hello hello how are you pretty good
[08:04:54] good all right so walker reverse for those who don't know is an arcade um we have it here uh
[08:05:00] in our very own arcade at gd, and not only that but we are going
[08:05:03] to be bringing the cabinet on
[08:05:05] the stage for the first
[08:05:06] time so that MB1 can
[08:05:08] be playing this live in front of you all
[08:05:11] on stage which is going to be very,
[08:05:12] very cool.
[08:05:13] We have some footage here.
[08:05:14] So I want to,
[08:05:15] um,
[08:05:15] for those who haven't seen it,
[08:05:16] which I,
[08:05:17] you know,
[08:05:17] I just learned about this like last year,
[08:05:19] this game is so cool.
[08:05:20] It is so much fun.
[08:05:21] Can you just explain kind of what's going on?
[08:05:22] Just a little bit,
[08:05:23] yeah, quick rundown. This is the rhythm game. So you have notes that kind of come down and
[08:05:29] hit it to time with the music. But what you're seeing here is
[08:05:34] this game has a
[08:05:37] full 360 degree
[08:05:38] touch panel setup. So it registers
[08:05:40] all of your inputs so you'll have to
[08:05:43] swipe left right up down.
[08:05:45] And then also there's a bunch of tap notes.
[08:05:47] Lots of very movement oriented.
[08:05:48] It's very cool.
[08:05:49] Yeah.
[08:05:50] Very visually impressive.
[08:05:51] It's just like a whole round touchpad.
[08:05:52] Yeah.
[08:05:53] And it's so much fun to just go go all the way around and you just, it feels actually
[08:05:58] really intuitive to play I would say.
[08:05:59] Yeah.
[08:06:00] The kind of going in and out and like...
[08:06:01] It's very choreographed.
[08:06:02] So it's very, very fun.
[08:06:03] Yeah.
[08:06:04] It's a beautiful game.
[08:06:05] It's super, very fun.
[08:06:06] Yeah, it's a beautiful game.
[08:06:07] It's super-fun to play.
[08:06:08] So I want to know then about that kind of what draws you into WACA over other rhythm games for example?
[08:06:14] Because I know this isn't the only one you play, but I can tell your excitement
[08:06:17] around it.
[08:06:19] Well, I got into this game just because
[08:06:21] it's so pretty. Like when you look at it, there's
[08:06:23] just like so many colors going on.
[08:06:25] It's very nice to look at.
[08:06:28] But also, I am really into like electronic music
[08:06:30] and EDM and so the people
[08:06:32] who do the soundtrack for this game, Hardcore Tannos C
[08:06:34] are like a really well known EDM label
[08:06:36] and I followed them before this game came out so i when i found out they
[08:06:41] were doing the soundtrack for this game i was like oh my god so that's really cool yeah and
[08:06:45] so like it makes you like more excited to and test out all the music in it.
[08:06:50] And there's I assume some original stuff that was written for this as well.
[08:06:54] Yeah, okay.
[08:06:54] I love that.
[08:06:55] I was like yeah, that always happens with games.
[08:06:57] But we also know that this is kind of like it's already at its like end-of-service
[08:07:01] lifespan can you talk about the life span behind walking kind of what went down okay
[08:07:05] so waka was a live service game which means basically you could take
[08:07:11] what they call an IC card
[08:07:13] and it has like a little NFC chip
[08:07:15] in it where you would scan it physically
[08:07:17] on the machine and it would load up your profile
[08:07:19] data. So you could,
[08:07:24] it has progression systems like you can unlock songs over time by playing the game more.
[08:07:25] They would release like biweekly updates so you could play the game like
[08:07:28] whenever you visited the arcade and come back for more.
[08:07:31] And so this game is, like whenever you visited the arcade and come back for more.
[08:07:38] And so this game had three different versions across around 3 or 4 years
[08:07:46] So what arcade games will usually do, since like what most developers would do if they have a physical game for console release They'll just make another game. With arcade games what they do is completely change the UI and the color scheme of
[08:07:53] the machine itself,
[08:07:54] and update the version on the machine like yearly.
[08:07:58] So WACA went up to Version 3
[08:08:00] And ended on that which is is Waka Reverse.
[08:08:03] Okay. Oh, and that's why we have Waka Reverse.
[08:08:05] So Waka kind of like came out during COVID
[08:08:08] and so because of that
[08:08:10] there wasn't really like a lot of people in arcades
[08:08:12] and so it didn't really gain a lot of people in arcades. And so it didn't really gain
[08:08:15] a lot of traction at the time,
[08:08:16] which is really unfortunate
[08:08:17] because it ended up getting
[08:08:18] really, really, really good.
[08:08:19] Yeah.
[08:08:20] So I think the game went offline
[08:08:21] in 2022.
[08:08:23] Okay.
[08:08:23] So it is now an offline game, but we are running
[08:08:25] the offline version of the game on the cab
[08:08:27] that we're bringing you on stage. Okay.
[08:08:29] I got you. I mean, is there anything that you can do?
[08:08:32] I mean, I know... Okay. I'm just like
[08:08:33] oh, Beat Saber.
[08:08:36] With a modding community, don't know like kind of what's around with waka or if you see any kind of like if you give it that or
[08:08:41] if we just want to encourage people go in and play it at arcadeades. Arcade games are really just like,
[08:08:48] they have their own unique control schemes.
[08:08:50] They're so unique.
[08:08:52] They have all kinds of tech that can be pushed
[08:08:54] at higher levels.
[08:08:55] They have borderline infinite skill ceilings, as
[08:08:57] other arcade games do.
[08:08:59] So I'm really hoping
[08:09:01] that this showcase will spread awareness
[08:09:03] of the arcade community that is very
[08:09:05] rapidly growing over here. Yeah i can definitely ddr tournaments have
[08:09:09] been popping off like crazy late okay our group loved me love being ddr as well so like i'm excited
[08:09:15] about that okay then with okay with waka going back into it a little bit like i wanted to
[08:09:20] know of course you like have a good amount of knowledge about it and like its progression
[08:09:24] and everything are there any like fun facts or like favorite things surrounding the cabinet itself that you like to share?
[08:09:30] Cabinet itself.
[08:09:32] Um...
[08:09:32] I know this is, like, an out-of-the-blue question.
[08:09:34] Oh, I gotta think about this, actually, because...
[08:09:36] We can come back to it. Think about it.
[08:09:37] Yeah, actually, yeah, okay.
[08:09:39] Yeah, cause, like, I just figured I just figured sometimes people have like oh here's a fun fact you
[08:09:42] wanna ask me about theme parks and I'm like I got you let me tell ya.
[08:09:46] So true.
[08:09:47] It's just fun when you have that kind of background and i know that the walk is not the only rhythm
[08:09:51] game that you play you also have like soundvoltaics you've mentioned some other things like um uh i'm
[08:09:56] really big on the performai series which is sega's rhythm games. So that consists of Tunethym, MaiMai and Ungeki
[08:10:04] Which is not a game we have in the arcade here
[08:10:05] but basically that trifecta makes up
[08:10:08] all of their rhythm games
[08:10:09] they have like crossovers with each other so they'll port each other's songs
[08:10:12] into their games which is really awesome. I'm pretty
[08:10:14] sure all the dev teams just like collaborate together
[08:10:16] and it's very fun to see
[08:10:18] Sega also developed Project Sekai
[08:10:20] which is a Vocaloid rhythm game for mobile.
[08:10:23] Oh cool! And that is currently very popular.
[08:10:25] Oh nice! Okay so what brought you into this whole scene in the first base then?
[08:10:29] There are so many ways to get into rhythm games
[08:10:33] because it really is just like kind of this hot pot
[08:10:35] of culture.
[08:10:36] You'll see Toho songs in rhythm games.
[08:10:39] Recently Undertale songs have been getting into rhythm games
[08:10:40] so you can boot up a cab and there's just Megalovania on there. They make the best
[08:10:44] rhythm game, like, metapacks.
[08:10:46] It kind of starts with these sort of surface
[08:10:48] level... Like, okay, I know
[08:10:50] this song from this game. I can play it in
[08:10:52] this game. It's really cool." But, like...
[08:10:55] What I usually do is
[08:10:56] I'll keep an eye out for new artists
[08:10:58] that I end up liking
[08:11:00] through rhythm games
[08:11:01] and then I will check out the rest of their discography
[08:11:02] so if I see them appear
[08:11:03] in another rhythm game
[08:11:04] I'm like
[08:11:04] oh okay this is cool so that's not what a lot of like
[08:11:07] rhythm game originals are like uh usually they'll pull artists from other
[08:11:10] games and then they'll like have them in their own game to make
[08:11:13] an original song that's, that's nice.
[08:11:15] So...
[08:11:16] Have you ever had that like take you from one game
[08:11:18] to then? Like, you're like, oh well it's on here
[08:11:20] so I will try this game.
[08:11:21] Absolutely.
[08:11:22] Konami,
[08:11:23] their Bomanie series has a lot of crossovers
[08:11:25] with each other.
[08:11:27] As I said earlier, Sega's Performa games all collaborate
[08:11:30] with each other so it's really easy if you get into one game
[08:11:33] by one company then you can just like find another game
[08:11:36] by the same developers and
[08:11:37] then just like play this on there.
[08:11:39] Oh, I get into it that way.
[08:11:40] Yeah.
[08:11:40] Yeah.
[08:11:40] I think that's totally fair.
[08:11:41] Like I've definitely been on or like testing out arcade games here
[08:11:44] to beat tape or whatever and be like oh i've heard this before
[08:11:47] i think this was on this thing right um and it's cool to be able to kind of experiment around now
[08:11:52] with people like wanting to go try waka they're like i want to play this now which you should
[08:11:56] it's really fun it's even just like it's very simple.
[08:11:59] I don't know. It flows really well.
[08:12:00] If we were getting into that, somebody's
[08:12:02] going to pop into the arcade, what would you tell them
[08:12:05] going up to the machine wanting to use it
[08:12:06] for the first time? Inter like interacting interfacing with it.
[08:12:09] Change your settings, change your settings.
[08:12:10] The full settings are really, really bad.
[08:12:12] The background brightness is super bright
[08:12:14] so it's kind of hard to see even notes.
[08:12:15] Starts you off really, really slow
[08:12:17] so that notes are super compressed
[08:12:18] and it's hard to actually time it with the
[08:12:20] music, kind of. What I usually tell people is up their scroll speed
[08:12:24] because reading faster while it may seem
[08:12:28] intimidating you have to like kind of up your reaction time.
[08:12:32] It makes the notes a lot less dense
[08:12:33] so you can read it a lot better and parse it.
[08:12:37] So at a certain point, you start grouping things
[08:12:39] into patterns rather than individual notes and that's where it starts getting really, really fun.
[08:12:42] Oh nice! Okay okay so then like as since you have been playing this for a while right?
[08:12:47] Like what do you think were the things that kind of added to your experience or like helped
[08:12:51] you get better? Like besides just doing it. Uh, rivals for sure I had a lot
[08:12:55] of people who are picking up the game with me at the time. Oh but you mean
[08:12:58] people having a rival? But the game was online
[08:13:01] You could set rival codes and set people as your friends
[08:13:03] and like have their scores show up on the song selection screen
[08:13:07] so you can hover over a song see if it has score
[08:13:09] It's like, do I want to beat this today?
[08:13:10] Okay.
[08:13:11] So are these always people you know,
[08:13:13] or do you just...
[08:13:13] Yeah, usually it's just like friends,
[08:13:15] people who like are local,
[08:13:16] people like through Discord maybe.
[08:13:18] Just like people who play the game,
[08:13:19] people who are similar skill levels to you.
[08:13:21] It's really...
[08:13:22] Arcade games are very social.
[08:13:24] They're kind of like really convoluted
[08:13:26] and not beginner friendly so having
[08:13:28] someone to be there with you, learn
[08:13:30] things with, you can communicate
[08:13:32] that information to each other and gradually learn more about the game over time.
[08:13:36] Well, I mean at least we were saying Waka itself feels again intuitive so it's pretty accessible in terms of rhythm games that exist.
[08:13:43] Exactly yeah.
[08:13:44] Like if you're I mean it...
[08:13:45] I don't know.
[08:13:46] I feel like it's done well.
[08:13:47] I'm not sure how to describe it actually myself.
[08:13:49] That's why I'm asking you the question.
[08:13:50] There is very positive connotation with Waka just because there's no like...
[08:13:56] How do I describe this?
[08:13:58] I'm also at a loss for words, honestly.
[08:14:00] Just like, I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk
[08:14:02] negatively about Waka. Like everyone
[08:14:04] just loves the game so much.
[08:14:06] Everyone involved with it is so passionate.
[08:14:08] So it's very cool to see.
[08:14:10] Yeah, I would agree.
[08:14:11] Okay, so with your rivals...
[08:14:12] I just want to step back
[08:14:13] to that for a second.
[08:14:14] With the rivals
[08:14:15] that you have for this, like...
[08:14:16] So you're going to Discord and then how often
[08:14:18] Have you been swapping scores or changing around people?
[08:14:21] So typically in rhythm game discord servers specifically there's going to be
[08:14:25] You'll have your general channel and then there's
[08:14:27] like a score posting channel so like you can take a picture of your score at the
[08:14:30] arcade and just send it like look i did this today oh nice that's perfect so is
[08:14:33] there like then like a discord you'd recommend people join if there is uh
[08:14:37] actually like a Waka English
[08:14:38] server that exists online.
[08:14:41] I'm sure there are links for it
[08:14:43] hovering around. It's been around for years.
[08:14:44] But there's also, like...
[08:14:46] Depending on the game you play, not even just for walk-a-days.
[08:14:49] Usually individualized Discord servers
[08:14:51] for every game.
[08:14:51] So...
[08:14:52] And they're usually run by very passionate people
[08:14:54] in the community.
[08:14:55] Yeah I say that would make sense.
[08:14:57] So there ya go!
[08:14:57] There is a way for y'all to get involved. Wok is really cool, again when I discovered it was like awesome so
[08:15:01] When i heard it was coming into this marathon
[08:15:03] It was like oh we need to talk about this
[08:15:05] We need people to learn about this
[08:15:06] This is so much fun
[08:15:07] I'm so excited
[08:15:09] To be able
[08:15:10] to just talk about arcade rhythm.
[08:15:11] Right, exactly.
[08:15:12] Yeah, no, and it's literally the one
[08:15:13] that I was like,
[08:15:14] if I'm going to go into
[08:15:15] the arcade room here,
[08:15:16] that is the one cap
[08:15:17] that I actually see now.
[08:15:18] Exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[08:15:19] So yeah yeah highly recommend
[08:15:20] so excited for your
[08:15:21] showcase
[08:15:22] it's going to be
[08:15:22] amazing
[08:15:22] I was watching
[08:15:23] them do some
[08:15:24] practice
[08:15:24] and it's
[08:15:25] incredible
[08:15:25] it's so much
[08:15:26] fun
[08:15:26] and again
[08:15:27] it feels
[08:15:27] so fluid
[08:15:27] it's going
[08:15:28] to be
[08:15:28] an awesome
[08:15:29] awesome
[08:15:29] showcase
[08:15:29] so I can't
[08:15:30] wait for
[08:15:30] that later on this evening.
[08:15:32] Um, so please stick around. We have an amazing
[08:15:34] amazing lineup of games today.
[08:15:36] Like next up we have Legend of Zelda Twilight
[08:15:38] Princess. That'll be our second out of three
[08:15:40] Zelda games today. We got Mario, we have...
[08:15:43] I don't know, we have a lot.
[08:15:44] Yeah, and we have a bonus game, please.
[08:15:46] Ocarina of Time, let's get that met.
[08:15:48] I know we're also working on the bonus dungeon
[08:15:50] for the Twilight Princess run
[08:15:51] that looks like it's at about over 31%.
[08:15:53] I'm doing a host thing right now.
[08:15:55] I should stop because I'm not hosting. We were
[08:15:57] talking with Envy1. This was awesome. Thank you
[08:15:59] so much for chatting with me. Of course.
[08:16:01] I'm really excited to see the showcase. So am I. Yes.
[08:16:05] You're going to do a great job again
[08:16:06] The Cabinet will be on stage with
[08:16:08] you all here in this room it's going
[08:16:10] to be incredible. It's going to be so cool.
[08:16:12] Awesome well thank you
[08:16:13] so much, good luck on
[08:16:14] practice, I can't wait
[08:16:15] to see it and we're
[08:16:16] getting ready for some
[08:16:17] Twilight Princess!
[08:16:18] Let's go!
[08:16:19] Thank you so much!
[08:16:19] Excited! Hi friends.
[08:16:30] Hello and welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024!
[08:16:40] Feel the Zelda energy.
[08:16:42] We are live in person, powered by Twitch and coming together to support Doctors Without Borders.
[08:16:49] Thank you so much everyone for lending your time and support this week
[08:16:53] to an amazing cause, and some absolutely incredible runs.
[08:16:57] The fun's not nearly over yet.
[08:17:00] I'm Pippi in a top hat,
[08:17:01] and I will be your local disembodied donation reading voice
[08:17:05] for the upcoming run of Twilight Princess Random randomizer co-op with gymnast86
[08:17:09] and spike vegeta that's what i like to hear yeah all right let's keep the energy alive Yeah!
[08:17:23] Alright, let's keep the energy alive because we have to take a quick break.
[08:20:52] So use this time to get some water and prepare yourselves for co-op fun so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so Welcome back, everyone. How's everyone doing today?
[08:20:56] Are we excited for Zelda?
[08:21:06] As a resident Zelda nerd, I'm so excited. I'll have you all know if you've never seen a randomizer co-op before, oh, I'm excited for you. It's the best way to enjoy
[08:21:13] randomizer, hands down!
[08:21:15] And while we're getting
[08:21:17] excited, um...
[08:21:19] The donations are also
[08:21:21] feeling the vibes.
[08:21:25] So let's read some of those, shall we?
[08:21:27] And hey, one of them could be yours.
[08:21:30] I've got $100 here from Code and Data, who says
[08:21:34] Zelda block equals
[08:21:36] best block. Let's get that Twilight
[08:21:38] Princess bonus dungeon!
[08:21:42] And
[08:21:42] good reminder everyone, if we can raise $50,000 towards that bonus dungeon incentive
[08:21:48] We are going to have our runners go on an extra adventure
[08:21:52] To see one of the other dungeons that won't be included in the randomizer seed today
[08:21:57] so if you want to see more twilight princess hey we're already over 35 percent of the way there
[08:22:04] we have raised almost twenty thousand dollars for it already y'all I'M GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS.
[08:22:06] WE HAVE RAISED $25,000 FOR
[08:22:09] YOU ALL.
[08:22:10] THAT'S 75% OF THE WAY THERE.
[08:22:13] WE HAVE RAISED ALMOST $20,000
[08:22:14] FOR IT ALREADY.
[08:22:15] Y'ALL ARE DOING GREAT. Please, if you're donating during this run,
[08:22:18] hit that little add incentive button
[08:22:20] at the bottom of the screen.
[08:22:21] It's big and friendly
[08:22:22] and it really wants to see
[08:22:24] that bonus dungeon
[08:22:25] just like the rest of us do.
[08:22:28] Plus, if we get it, I'm told we might have a little extra surprise afterwards. I also have $100 here from Uncle Gramps.
[08:22:44] Oops.
[08:22:46] So sorry.
[08:22:48] We have $100 from Uncle Gramps who says Deku Shield!
[08:22:53] Thank you also for the reminder on amazing prizes
[08:22:56] you can check out.
[08:22:58] We are going to take one moment to hear from some of the
[08:23:02] amazing people that make games done quick able to do the wonderful things
[08:23:07] they do so please lend them your attention And the six-pack.
[08:23:27] It's time to finish this masterpiece! I'm afraid you're gonna have to try harder than that.
[08:23:36] It's not your city, dammit!
[08:23:40] Yaku Gachi
[08:23:41] Available now Damn it. Rakugaki!
[08:23:43] Available now. Welcome back to the pre Twilight Princess hype y'all. I love the energies.
[08:24:07] You know what else
[08:24:08] I love? Wolves.
[08:24:10] We're going to see a lot of wolves.
[08:24:12] I have $50 here from devio xs who says really excited for the Twilight Princess run after really enjoying the link to the past run earlier. Two of my all time favorites. This donation goes to the Twilight Princess Bonus Dungeon.
[08:24:46] Thanks to all the runners, commentators, hosts and everyone else who has made this another amazing event.
[08:24:53] Let's keep marching on to two million rupees!
[08:24:57] Set? marching on to two million rupees! Exactly.
[08:25:03] And I'm being informed that our wolves have just received the finished receiving their pre-performance pets
[08:25:10] and our co-op runners are ready to rando so please let's hear it for gymnast 86
[08:25:16] spike vegeta and the legend of zelda twilight princess co-op brand advisor
[08:25:32] i want everyone to know that Jim patted my head like a good boy right before this. The best boy! It was adorable.
[08:25:34] So, we wanna keep the whole schedule on schedule so we'll try to give our quick introductions.
[08:25:40] What's up everyone? Welcome back to SGDQ
[08:25:42] 2024. I'm Spike Vegeta and I'm joined
[08:25:44] by the one, the only legendary Gymnast86
[08:25:46] and we're going to be playing for you all
[08:25:47] The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Randomizer in cooperative fashion,
[08:25:52] meaning we are both going to be playing at same time and sharing information as we go.
[08:25:57] Now Jim what is our goal today? What do we got to do?
[08:25:59] So for The Twilight Princess Randomizer,
[08:26:00] our goal is to beat
[08:26:01] the big bad guy Ganondorf
[08:26:02] who is sitting in Hyrule Castle.
[08:26:04] To get to Hyrule Castle,
[08:26:05] we have to beat four random dungeons
[08:26:06] that we don't know what they are.
[08:26:08] They could be any combination of four
[08:26:09] that the game has
[08:26:10] but we have to beat those dungeons
[08:26:11] and then we can go off to hyrule castle to kill ganondorf
[08:26:14] uh but as you guys i'm sure know there is an incentive to add even more
[08:26:17] dungeons to that so if you want us to do five
[08:26:19] maybe six dungeons be sure to get those donations in for that.
[08:26:24] But yeah.
[08:26:25] Let's go ahead and jump in but real quick I do want to give
[08:26:26] a big shout out to Phantom5800
[08:26:28] and LunarSoap, two amazing commentators
[08:26:31] that we're going to have with us today.
[08:26:33] Go on this journey! It's fun, it's a randomizer! We don't know what's about to happen,
[08:26:35] we don't know where anything is so let's find out.
[08:26:37] With that, let's get started in 5...
[08:26:40] 4... 3... 2... 1... Go! five four three two one go i got a one second lead on gymnast
[08:26:50] all right so as you do with co-op randomizers
[08:26:52] you obviously want to be efficient you want to be covering ground as quickly as you do with co-op randomizers, you obviously want to be efficient.
[08:26:53] You want to be covering ground
[08:26:54] as quickly as you can.
[08:26:56] All right.
[08:26:57] So for our dungeon today,
[08:26:58] we got Forest Temple,
[08:26:59] Lakebed, Snow Peak
[08:27:00] and the City in the Sky.
[08:27:01] You read that so fast.
[08:27:02] Oh my goodness.
[08:27:03] I've been there for five minutes.
[08:27:04] That's why he's the reader. I'm the picker fast. Oh, my goodness. I haven't been there for five minutes.
[08:27:04] That's why he is the reader and I'm the picker-upper.
[08:27:06] Oh, okay.
[08:27:08] Yeah one of the other aspects
[08:27:09] of Twilight Princess Randomizer
[08:27:11] is we also have these hint signs placed around the world
[08:27:13] that are going to tell us various facts about
[08:27:15] the randomizer seed that we're playing uh so the hints that i read there said
[08:27:18] that uh the goats check in ordan village is dead so i will not be doing that one
[08:27:21] no goats today it's very, we big take those.
[08:27:27] Yeah, I know.
[08:27:27] We got the booze in the crowd.
[08:27:29] The booze have been awesome.
[08:27:30] They're wholesome and terrifying at the same time.
[08:27:32] It's great.
[08:27:34] But yeah, so we're instantly...
[08:27:35] So like Jim was saying
[08:27:37] Twilight Princess is a pretty
[08:27:39] by itself very linear game
[08:27:41] so it's really cool that the randomizer
[08:27:43] was able to take and say what if it was an open world game
[08:27:45] let's mix it with Breath of The Wild. That'd be cool. So we're gonna be warping
[08:27:48] around trying to check all these various
[08:27:50] checks as quickly as we can. Including
[08:27:52] the post holes right here. I just ripped
[08:27:54] that dude's heart out, literally.
[08:27:57] Anything on that sword yo blue bloop oh
[08:28:00] yo double bleeds
[08:28:06] go ahead yeah i'm doing the Ordon checks, Spike's going off to do other things in Farron Woods here
[08:28:13] in the... what is it called? The Sacred Grove, that's what the name is.
[08:28:17] So I'm carrying this cradle back so that I can get
[08:28:20] a check from Uli here
[08:28:22] for delivering her cradle back.
[08:28:25] We got another
[08:28:26] hint sign. Castletown is on
[08:28:28] the way of the hero. Okay, okay, so we'll take that.
[08:28:31] So anybody, if you have not watched other Zelda randomizers,
[08:28:34] that's a pretty standard wording there for it.
[08:28:37] Oh, nice bow right there.
[08:28:38] We see from Jim our first major item discovered. Good
[08:28:41] job, Jim. Thank you. I believed in you.
[08:28:44] I put in a lot of effort to get
[08:28:45] that. Uh-huh. Ooh, 50 bucks.
[08:28:47] I'll take those. Um...
[08:28:49] But yeah, the insider right back there said so and so is on the way to here.
[08:28:53] Castletown specifically.
[08:28:54] So we know that castletown has some item that we need in order to beat this scene.
[08:29:00] What it is? We don't know.
[08:29:01] There's even potential it's some sort of item you can use to beat the sea. What it is, we don't know.
[08:29:03] There's even potential it's some sort of item
[08:29:04] you could work around
[08:29:05] out of logic,
[08:29:06] we call it
[08:29:06] because there has
[08:29:07] to be a logic in play.
[08:29:09] Lunar Soap,
[08:29:09] you can explain
[08:29:09] a little bit more about this
[08:29:10] as one of the primary devs of Twilight Princess Randomizer,
[08:29:14] how logic works?
[08:29:15] Yeah so logic is essentially parameters that we put in
[08:29:19] so that way when the generator places items
[08:29:21] it makes it to where the world isn't like isn't beatable and so
[08:29:26] it's just parameters we put in say hey you know if you're going to do this
[08:29:29] we want to make sure that you have the ball and chain or the bomb bag
[08:29:32] just to make sure that everything is good and kosher.
[08:29:35] But if you play on no logic, then that kind of
[08:29:37] goes out the window and it's you versus the world.
[08:29:40] So I would like
[08:29:41] to note my monitor home is a
[08:29:43] little lighter than this.
[08:29:45] I am big following I'm going to try and get a little bit of fun with this. The entire home is
[08:29:47] a little lighter than this,
[08:29:49] so I am big following
[08:29:51] the mini-map right here
[08:29:53] to try to finagle our way through it. Things are probably gonna chomp on me That's okay. But yeah, these are locations you still don't want to be leaving behind.
[08:29:57] I think I'm almost to the check.
[08:29:59] All right.
[08:29:59] Yeah, we...
[08:30:00] Oh, back it up, back it up, back it up, back it up, back it up, back it up.
[08:30:03] You know what?
[08:30:06] Am I able to get some light in there by killing the enemy?
[08:30:09] It is right about... where did the chest go?
[08:30:13] It's somewhere in...
[08:30:15] Chad, I need your power.
[08:30:16] And this is why Lantern is logically required for this challenge Somewhere in... Chad, I need your power.
[08:30:16] And this is why Lantern is logically required for this chess so you can actually see.
[08:30:21] Where are we?
[08:30:23] While Spike is shooting around in the dark here
[08:30:26] I'm wrestling Bo for what normally in the dark here. I'm wrestling Bo for
[08:30:28] what normally, in the base game, Bo gives you
[08:30:30] the iron boots when you beat him
[08:30:32] at wrestling. Use your senses.
[08:30:35] Oh!
[08:30:36] That was tech.
[08:30:40] I've literally never had to use that before. All right!
[08:30:42] Dude, we didn't need...
[08:30:44] Oh, this is okay.
[08:30:45] We don't need lantern anymore.
[08:30:48] That was a great assist right here
[08:30:55] oh yeah it's so much brighter out here all of a sudden
[08:30:58] we're gonna be doing uh little i little it's a minor trick right here that i don't think
[08:31:02] at least i didn't know about until a couple weeks ago there's one check in the mist here where you
[08:31:07] would normally need the lantern but by the power of being kind of tall we can get up there and uh
[08:31:12] Get that check out of logic
[08:31:15] Yo dominion rod. Okay
[08:31:20] Yeah, so the demeion Rod in the Randomizer
[08:31:21] is actually kind of interesting. There are actually
[08:31:23] two Dominion Rods
[08:31:24] in the Randomizer. Also, let's see what the hint here
[08:31:27] is. Okay, those two long checks are dead good.
[08:31:31] But yeah, so the first Dominion Rod that you get gives you
[08:31:34] the ability to use the Dominion Rod in the Temple of Time itself
[08:31:37] in the past and then the second one is the powered up
[08:31:39] Dominion Rod that allows you to use it in the overworld
[08:31:41] where normally it doesn't work at the beginning.
[08:31:43] So the single Dominion Rod by itself is not doing a ton for us?
[08:31:46] It would give us access to two checks back in the Sacred Grove
[08:31:49] that we will hit up later.
[08:31:52] Very useful! hit up later
[08:31:56] very useful i don't think i'm going to spend 500 bucks for an ordinary shield as cool as the field it is a very nice
[08:32:01] shoe yeah yes i'm going to Castletown here
[08:32:04] partially to chase that hint
[08:32:05] that we got about Castletown
[08:32:07] but also because Castletown
[08:32:08] has a bunch of different hint stones
[08:32:10] or hint signs
[08:32:12] excuse me
[08:32:12] that we can use
[08:32:13] to just get more information about the sea or hint signs, excuse me that we can use to uh
[08:32:14] just get more information about the seed as we go through. I also did a funny
[08:32:17] thing here where i changed it to nighttime. The game normally doesn't
[08:32:20] allow you to do that but this is the randomizer has lots of quality-of-life
[08:32:23] stuff that has been implemented,
[08:32:24] one of which is the ability to change between day and night without having
[08:32:27] to wait 11 minutes.
[08:32:29] So nice!
[08:32:31] Yeah I did not realize... because I hadn't played the regular game in so long
[08:32:34] I did not realize that was the thing,
[08:32:36] and that sounds awful.
[08:32:37] I know you've been doing a lot of Twilight Princess
[08:32:39] 100% speedruns of like the base game,
[08:32:42] and you can just miss cycles on...
[08:32:44] Wow!
[08:32:45] I got frozen
[08:32:48] wow
[08:32:52] there is some toxicity in the crowd
[08:32:59] i really appreciate the bounce that last GDQ we were like, oh, the meme will be hooray.
[08:33:00] Yeah, great positive.
[08:33:01] What are we going to do this time?
[08:33:03] Boo!
[08:33:10] Y'all are great, we love you. If you'd like some positivity may I share with you some positive donations?
[08:33:13] Oh please do!
[08:33:14] Absolutely yes.
[08:33:15] I've got here a hundred from Nux Tenma.
[08:33:19] Ooh!
[08:33:20] Let's go, woof!
[08:33:21] Exactly.
[08:33:23] Who says Twilight Princess Link is clearly the best link
[08:33:26] because he's also a doggo?
[08:33:28] Good luck fetching the Triforce, Jim and Spike!
[08:33:29] Also I'll donate another $200
[08:33:32] if either of you can finish off a boss with the spinner.
[08:33:36] Oh...
[08:33:37] The challenge has started.
[08:33:41] I'm a scrub.
[08:33:42] I don't know about this.
[08:33:43] This is where we learned that Spinner's actually in Hyrule Castle
[08:33:45] this seed so...
[08:33:48] So yeah, I found the iron boots there on the Poe in Giovanni's house.
[08:33:53] That's probably our Way of the Hero hint that we got earlier, alluding to that item there.
[08:33:58] I did unfortunately not have enough money to check the Malomar
[08:34:02] Check, so that's going to remain unknown.
[08:34:04] Dude it's $10!
[08:34:08] Lake Lantern Cave is also on the way to the hero.
[08:34:12] That's a very common one.
[08:34:16] This Poe can be an absolute jerkwad, so we're gonna see...
[08:34:19] I try to space the enemies away and hit him from max distance if you charge up
[08:34:24] and then go into your oh where is he oh jump of destiny all right we ripped his soul out
[08:34:29] that's great he had a hundred dollars in there I don't know what that says about him, but...
[08:34:35] But yeah, oh stop yelling at my horse!
[08:34:38] Yeah so generally with pose you want to perform a technique
[08:34:42] the most basic one is you charge up
[08:34:44] while you're not in sent form
[08:34:47] and then...
[08:34:47] Not the prize guy like inside Charlie Princess
[08:34:50] And uh,
[08:34:51] Then as they come close that baits them towards you.
[08:34:54] Then you can go into send form at the last second
[08:34:56] and do your charge back and get the dub.
[08:35:03] I also really relish any time I get to run into an enemy with the Pona.
[08:35:07] Look at this.
[08:35:08] Bang!
[08:35:09] That dude's day was ruined.
[08:35:12] So, yeah, also seeing those items, there'll be several freestanding items we can just take a peek at
[08:35:16] and determine if we don't necessarily need it.
[08:35:18] I can peek this one over here
[08:35:20] and I'm going to get a little close to make sure
[08:35:21] I don't say, oh, there's nothing up there.
[08:35:23] Yeah, that is definitely a piece of art.
[08:35:27] Bobby, you'll want to find out two hours later... Oh! That was the claw shot.
[08:35:29] Yeah, oops.
[08:35:30] In terms of major items we definitely wanna see
[08:35:32] and we would pog for
[08:35:33] would be like either of the claw shots
[08:35:36] will be really good.
[08:35:36] We need both of them in order to beat the seed.
[08:35:39] Any sort of explosives
[08:35:41] would be really good right now.
[08:35:42] One that a lot of people
[08:35:43] might not necessarily think of
[08:35:44] if you only know this game casually,
[08:35:46] not necessarily in either a
[08:35:48] speedrunning or a rando sense, is the
[08:35:50] Lantern. The Lantern is the strongest
[08:35:52] it is in any Zelda game ever.
[08:35:54] It locks 5,000 checks.
[08:35:56] It's unreal.
[08:35:58] We determined we do not
[08:35:59] need post holes, correct?
[08:36:00] Yes. Unless you want another hundred bucks
[08:36:02] for collecting 20 post holes.
[08:36:05] Okay. Thank you. Do you have just
[08:36:07] a moment for a quick announcement? Oh, please go.
[08:36:08] Absolutely.
[08:36:09] Because we have just hit 50% of the way to that bonus dungeon!
[08:36:16] That is so much great money for charity, y'all.
[08:36:19] Thank you so much.
[08:36:21] But 50% means we have 50% more to go
[08:36:23] and we have four dungeons to get there.
[08:36:25] So keep on going, y'all.
[08:36:26] We're also less than $1,000 shy
[08:36:28] of being at 1 1 million 50k um please i like watching number go up
[08:36:37] big number right there in front of me i want to pop off 1.05 million right
[08:36:41] now, let's do it. Y'all are incredible
[08:36:43] every single year what you all do
[08:36:45] for charity so heck yeah. We also just
[08:36:47] learned that Sacred Grove is on the way over here
[08:36:49] which we can go back, I could go back there and hit up Dominion
[08:36:52] Rods. In fact, you know what?
[08:36:54] I'm gonna go.
[08:36:56] The quick check
[08:36:56] you want to do is you want to open the map
[08:36:58] and then you can utilize from there a quick
[08:37:00] way to warp over. There's three checks i can go back over here and
[08:37:04] get including the two dominion rock checks yep yeah because temple of time is not one of our
[08:37:10] required dungeons uh the only checks that the first Dominion LOD rocks
[08:37:13] are those two checks in the past,
[08:37:15] although we do also have some overworld
[08:37:17] checks where you move around some owl statues that require
[08:37:19] both Dominion rods,
[08:37:21] which we could potentially need if we find that second rod.
[08:37:25] It's probably worth mentioning since Spike and Jimmus have been warping around everywhere
[08:37:29] you don't have to start with the ability to turn into Wolf but because they did
[08:37:33] we had a bunch of warps.
[08:37:37] 1.05 baby!
[08:37:40] That's it, 1.1!
[08:37:42] 1.1 keep going!
[08:37:45] Yeah so we have almost all of the warps
[08:37:47] open from the beginning and
[08:37:49] they can go almost everywhere. There's a few that
[08:37:51] need to be opened up progressively
[08:37:53] as you would in vanilla all right that one was not the excitement is this the
[08:37:59] excitement Yeah.
[08:38:10] So, again charge up make sure he's behind me... Well, if you wasn't that was the problem.
[08:38:12] Where'd he go?
[08:38:14] Where did he get...?
[08:38:16] He has disappeared and...
[08:38:16] Oh, there he is.
[08:38:19] Alright, there we go.
[08:38:21] Is this cool?!
[08:38:24] Not cool!
[08:38:26] There is one more check we can go get because we know sacred grove his way the hero
[08:38:30] i'm gonna go get that other generally there's obviously anytime you're doing a randomizer
[08:38:35] you want to think how do i hit up check density maybe i save some checks
[08:38:39] for later on so it groups better together with others um but uh you know going that
[08:38:46] secret grove is waiting here about that changes things just a little bit.
[08:38:53] Yeah so right now I'm hitting the
[08:38:55] upper part of Zora's Domain here again
[08:38:57] Just to get some more hint signs and to check Upper Zora's River as
[08:39:00] well. Thankfully we know that a bunch of the
[08:39:02] long checks like the Iza Helping Hand
[08:39:04] or the Ice Block Puzzle
[08:39:06] Cave in the nearer field are dead
[08:39:08] now, so we don't have to go and check them because
[08:39:10] we know that they will not have any useful items
[08:39:13] do you have a quick moment because one of our donors found a hint for you
[08:39:17] oh what's that they've found a hundred dollars from zanuck who says
[08:39:21] they say doctors without borders is on the way of the hero Thank you.
[08:39:35] Chap, that sounds like Jim and I cannot do this alone. You gotta go on the adventure with us
[08:39:37] and keep those donations a-poppin'.
[08:39:40] Of course you can't do it alone. It's a co-op!
[08:39:42] That's exactly it.
[08:39:46] Do you have time for one more special donation?
[08:39:49] Sure, let's do it.
[08:39:50] Because I have...
[08:39:50] Oh!
[08:39:52] But yes, we did to get the celebratory lantern first.
[08:39:57] I have $500 for you from Inverse415 who says I want to send a huge shout out to my wonderful husband Lunar
[08:40:10] Soap.
[08:40:11] Over the last few years, I've seen you put hundreds of hours into this project.
[08:40:15] Your dedication and passion have always amazed me
[08:40:18] And seeing you share your hard work on the GDQ stage fills me with pride and joy
[08:40:23] You've put so much love into this project,
[08:40:25] it's incredible to see it celebrated here
[08:40:27] for the amazing group of runners to boot.
[08:40:29] Thank you GDQ for this opportunity
[08:40:31] and for supporting such a fantastic cause.
[08:40:34] Let's get that extra dungeon, everyone!
[08:40:38] That was adorable.
[08:40:40] Shout out to my wife for being here.
[08:40:42] She is actually 31 weeks pregnant
[08:40:48] so we cut this right at the line for being able to travel
[08:40:53] so uh shouts her she's been my big supporter and it's been a very fun time
[08:40:56] heck yeah so happy for. And what a legend.
[08:40:57] 31 weeks.
[08:41:01] Yeah, so I feel like there was a little bit of humor right there
[08:41:02] in that I spent about an extra minute
[08:41:04] trying to sift my way through the dark cave.
[08:41:08] This dude needs a lantern.
[08:41:10] Like I said, there's this whole pack
[08:41:12] of checks and a ton others that
[08:41:14] the lantern is logically locking
[08:41:16] and yeah, you will not get very far
[08:41:19] in this mist without waving your lantern
[08:41:21] around. Three more checks over here.
[08:41:23] We'll see if this leads to anything directly.
[08:41:25] But it is something we're gonna
[08:41:27] need just to beat,
[08:41:29] I guess not necessarily some of the dungeons.
[08:41:31] There's potential.
[08:41:32] So it's got... Oh no!
[08:41:33] Huge wallet energy.
[08:41:34] Big money.
[08:41:35] Did you get the lantern check that was in the Lost Woods
[08:41:38] after she got the lantern? Yeah yeah so i didn't i don't
[08:41:40] know if like it's worth running back i thought about it i determined against
[08:41:46] it so uh yeah they all go back and check
[08:41:49] that one just to be sure
[08:41:52] yeah two more quickies right here we do know that the lake lantern cave which is
[08:41:56] the height cave of this randomizer uh it's got 18 checks in it, which is all big.
[08:42:01] Oh!
[08:42:02] Let's go!
[08:42:03] I'm so happy.
[08:42:04] The item.
[08:42:06] Now we're not going to find a sword for Lexi.
[08:42:09] It's ours now.
[08:42:12] Yeah, so that's cool. So now let's
[08:42:14] go over... Let's go back to Kakariko
[08:42:16] and continue on my way up.
[08:42:18] Again, gymnasts and I in all of our co-opting
[08:42:20] we've tried to think how to divide and conquer A&L of your checks.
[08:42:24] We kind of fall into a general flow of I go up the right side checking Kakariko Village
[08:42:29] and all these other locations on the right side of that where Jim's hitting up like Castle Town
[08:42:33] and Sora's Domain, so on and so forth. Also, lantern
[08:42:37] color check. Jim's got the pretty blue and Spike has the purple
[08:42:41] very nice. Oh, we purple? So fun story about the lantern and Spike has the purple. Very lovely purple.
[08:42:43] So,
[08:42:44] fun story about The Lantern.
[08:42:45] Um...
[08:42:45] so back in the older days
[08:42:46] of the randomizer
[08:42:47] we were able to change
[08:42:48] the lantern color
[08:42:49] pretty easily
[08:42:50] thanks to some research
[08:42:50] that people have done
[08:42:51] long ago
[08:42:52] but we could never
[08:42:52] change the color of like the oil meter
[08:42:55] and one day someone came into the tpr discord and was like hey
[08:42:59] i want to change lantern color how do we do it and i said here's the information
[08:43:03] go forth and do great things.
[08:43:04] And they came back and said, okay,
[08:43:05] I messed up somewhere because I accidentally changed
[08:43:08] the oil meter color and not the light color.
[08:43:11] And I was like, okay, how about we trade information?
[08:43:14] And so this random person that came in is the reason why
[08:43:16] we have the ability to change the color of the meter.
[08:43:20] What a contribution!
[08:43:22] Yeah, no way!
[08:43:23] Joined speedrunning today, then.
[08:43:33] Ah! Gerudo Desert is on the way over here.
[08:43:35] Okay.
[08:43:37] Sounds like we will need to find Oru's memo so they get the access to the Gerudo Desert there.
[08:43:40] I also do want to point out that again
[08:43:42] We have got this donation incentive that is rolling down
[08:43:44] We're going to raise $50,000
[08:43:46] of which you all already like what? A million?
[08:43:48] What are we at? I didn't see the number.
[08:43:49] Y'all have raised a ton of money for it.
[08:43:52] We got the $50,000. We will add a fifth dungeon
[08:43:54] that Jim and I have to play through
[08:43:55] but if y'all are able to get us then pretty soon, we might even
[08:44:00] have the ability to add a sixth dungeon to it so you're just like hey Twilight Princess
[08:44:04] It does have the best dungeons in all of Zelda. I want to see even more of those. Get your donations in,
[08:44:09] that would be sick.
[08:44:12] Alright, let's just place it with another five.
[08:44:13] Quick update, we have surpassed $30,000
[08:44:16] towards that incentive!
[08:44:19] Making great progress, y'all!
[08:44:24] Twitch chat, you are all so powerful
[08:44:26] and we love you so much. Thank you.
[08:44:29] Yeah, I'm gonna head out to Lake Hylee here so much. Thank you.
[08:44:31] Yeah, so I'm going to head out to Lake Hyley here, a pretty big hub
[08:44:33] of checks. Ideally, I would have
[08:44:35] maybe had Ball and Chain or some explosives
[08:44:37] before coming here so that we can do the
[08:44:38] Lantern Cave right away but there's still a lot that
[08:44:40] we can do here without uh being able to do that
[08:44:43] try to think where i should go because it was just the bow you found correct
[08:44:46] in uh ordon yeah just the bow and orion like we could maybe hold out for the
[08:44:50] fishing rod i don't know before i would go back there because the bow by itself is not doing a ton for you
[08:44:54] You know, the bow is super sick nasty
[08:44:56] It's uh much better once you find bombs to pair with it then you're're just walking exploding stuff i love thanks
[08:45:03] for bringing that back and the gal boomerang if you're wondering like why did they pop off
[08:45:10] so hard for that isn't it just a boomerang?
[08:45:12] If you've watched Twilight Princess speedruns before,
[08:45:15] You know the boomerang is the most broken item in the game.
[08:45:18] Especially when paired with assault.
[08:45:20] Oh let's go!
[08:45:22] Yeah!
[08:45:26] The actual best item.
[08:45:28] God...the slingshot sucks.
[08:45:32] Let's see what happens. I believe Spike's idea to buff the slingshot was to turn
[08:45:34] the slingshot into bomb arrows in the next race?
[08:45:37] Just straight up here.
[08:45:38] I mean, that is the way to add value to that thing.
[08:45:41] Oh yeah.
[08:45:41] It does nothing.
[08:45:43] It unlocks, hey, front
[08:45:45] three checks of Forest Temple. You could go
[08:45:47] do that. But yeah, it's not very
[08:45:49] powerful at all. Even basic enemies, it won't
[08:45:51] kill them, most all of them.
[08:45:53] So the Slingshot's just there. But you know
[08:45:56] it's come along for the ride. We got to light it up
[08:45:58] on the tracker out there I see. That's what's
[08:46:00] important
[08:46:00] We're gonna fill this tracker
[08:46:03] Oh yeah
[08:46:08] Oh Oh, yeah. Making our way up to the top of Kakariko.
[08:46:10] So what I've tried to route Kakariko here is
[08:46:12] to make sure there are four Poes that I have access to.
[08:46:16] So I'm trying to combine it where I have access to. So,
[08:46:16] I'm trying to combine it
[08:46:17] where I have to change
[08:46:18] the time of day less times.
[08:46:20] So now going up here
[08:46:21] which would've been closed
[08:46:22] all these doors
[08:46:23] throughout the nighttime
[08:46:24] and now get up
[08:46:26] to this point
[08:46:26] I'll kill the two potes up here,
[08:46:28] get a couple of checks, warp back and then
[08:46:30] go to the graveyard where we'll have
[08:46:31] two additional checks
[08:46:33] Trying to cut out as many load zones
[08:46:35] as those are not super duper fast.
[08:46:39] And I'm just trying to make sure I don't, uh...
[08:46:41] Oh, well.
[08:46:42] Do that.
[08:46:43] Do that, yeah!
[08:46:44] Are we throwing away the middle chest?
[08:46:47] Are we skipping chest two, maybe.
[08:46:49] Do we really want this to have something
[08:46:51] one of these chests so there's a reason for me
[08:46:53] to go do it. Otherwise man that would be
[08:46:55] hilarious.
[08:46:57] I wanna give big shouts to one of the other devs isaac at home who betted this scene
[08:47:01] said it would be a good one for gq so he's gonna be hilarious like
[08:47:04] garbage um and him sitting at home saying that was 12 swords in there.
[08:47:17] Which one? Was it the very top one you missed or...
[08:47:20] No, it was the second one.
[08:47:22] Do you have time for a very special donation?
[08:47:25] Please do!
[08:47:27] Perfect way to kick into the donations!
[08:47:30] I have $2,000 in my pocket! PERFECT WAY TO KICK INTO THE DONATIONS.
[08:47:31] I HAVE $2,000 HERE FOR YOU!
[08:47:34] WHOO! LET'S GO, BABY!
[08:47:39] AND THAT MONEY COMES COURTESY OF B of Baby Lold, who says...
[08:47:51] Oh! I'm going to be a little bit more of an old lady.
[08:47:53] I was born three days ago.
[08:47:55] Had to borrow daddy's credit
[08:47:57] card to express love to his
[08:47:59] two best friends, Jim and Pippi
[08:48:01] . To say hello to the always entertaining Spike, shout out the amazing couch and the beautiful back couch
[08:48:03] and to send some support to Doctors Without Borders.
[08:48:07] I spent the last few days in the hospital,
[08:48:09] and I believe everyone worldwide deserves to have access
[08:48:12] to the same level of medical care I received.
[08:48:16] Good luck and have fun with this randomizer,
[08:48:18] though I do prefer the one where you can find the baby rattle.
[08:48:24] Very nice! Thank you so much.
[08:48:27] Thank you for stealing a credit card.
[08:48:33] Don't emulate that behavior at home.
[08:48:38] Yeah, so a couple different little platforming tricks you got to see from both Jim and I right there.
[08:48:43] Those are cool. It's always cool to find the ability to do stuff out of logic
[08:48:46] i randomizers get a lot more fun when you are able to do that uh but also right before
[08:48:51] that amazing donation i was able to find the oros's Memo, which gives you access
[08:48:56] to an entire corner of the map that we don't have
[08:49:00] access to, The Desert.
[08:49:02] And we do know that Gerudo Desert is also on
[08:49:04] the way of the hero.
[08:49:05] So we'll be probably hitting that up very very soon like to see a couple of
[08:49:08] things potentially a claw shot would be really really nice yeah having a sword
[08:49:12] would also be good and still don't have one of those i'm hoping that, like, Rude Desert is pointing to the owl statue.
[08:49:22] Yeah, definitely
[08:49:26] the big items that, like, people can pop off for we find swords we
[08:49:30] find claw shots we find that oh there you go that's my boy let's go
[08:49:37] i see why the lantern was required.
[08:49:39] Yeah, that was pretty good.
[08:49:42] That's been in my head
[08:49:44] the last week.
[08:49:45] But yeah, So with that
[08:49:49] That actually opens up
[08:49:50] A couple more checks
[08:49:51] We now have something
[08:49:52] To explode stuff with
[08:49:54] Uh so
[08:49:54] Nice and violent
[08:49:55] It'll be great
[08:49:56] Um I think
[08:49:57] Yeah let's
[08:49:58] Let's continue to do This stuff first i guess yeah go up to north elven because uh
[08:50:03] cause we could just rush lake lantern cave which we know is where the hero right now but
[08:50:08] let's face it you need a million things to beat Twilight Princess.
[08:50:12] You still have... okay, you have the irons I do not.
[08:50:15] Yeah so i'll go and check for the chest under the spring.
[08:50:18] Yeah.
[08:50:20] Hey ball and chain! That was nice!
[08:50:21] Wow! Great job! Whoa! hey ball and chain that was like wow great job whoa i'm just clairvoyant like that you know
[08:50:27] i've definitely done a lot of cooperating my system with people where i get the chest
[08:50:30] and i'm popping off for saying oh and say, oh we knew that.
[08:50:33] We've known that for five minutes. Good job.
[08:50:37] Yeah this is
[08:50:37] not the fastest way to
[08:50:39] get access to this check but we're gonna
[08:50:41] do it. Ball of Chain uh an amazing item in that it also has a ton of
[08:50:46] utility that you can actually even grab things out of the air like they would normally need
[08:50:52] like claw shot or Boomerang with.
[08:50:54] There's a check coming up that I'll grab with it just to showcase, yeah, you can do that.
[08:50:58] I don't know why it has those properties, but it is the item that has the most utility in the game.
[08:51:03] So between that and the gale boomerang my
[08:51:05] two favorite items have been found yeah fun fact about the ball and chain
[08:51:09] you can actually use it to destroy spider webs but for some reason
[08:51:13] in the game code like because bombs can also destroy spider webs.
[08:51:16] And bombs and ball-and-chain are one and the same
[08:51:18] in certain instances.
[08:51:19] So if you hit a web with a ball-and-chain it just burns.
[08:51:22] Like, just catches on fire and it's like nope.
[08:51:25] My favorite is when you're not looking at the web and it just doesn't burn oh yeah
[08:51:31] yeah so i'm gonna go over here get the uh auras memo that spike found earlier since
[08:51:34] i'm here i may as well also grab it.
[08:51:37] And then I think
[08:51:38] I will probably go
[08:51:38] do Lake Lantern Cave.
[08:51:40] Yep.
[08:51:41] That sounds like the sauce.
[08:51:42] Again, 18 big fatty chicks
[08:51:44] in there,
[08:51:45] so hopefully we'll find something.
[08:51:46] I want to hear from the audience picking up between zero and eight I WANT TO HEAR FROM THE AUDIENCE.
[08:51:47] PICK A NUMBER BETWEEN 0 AND 18.
[08:51:56] JUST YELL THEM out, 0 and 18!
[08:52:01] I'm hearing a lot of 2s.
[08:52:03] Yeah, I heard a lot of 2s.
[08:52:05] 2 is probably...
[08:52:06] Two 2s.
[08:52:06] Two is probably a pretty smart number. We're only about still 14 items from go mode,
[08:52:10] so it's still decent.
[08:52:13] Bombs can be found in the entirety of Lanayru province.
[08:52:16] Sick! What's up guys?
[08:52:22] Whatever add-ons you have of the neighborhood province sick what's up guys whatever applicable you want to try to jump on a pona from the back side because that'll give her an initial me and send her
[08:52:27] on her way i don't know why phr it like that was great um sometimes in life you
[08:52:31] just need an additional name yeah any never mind so twitch pilled i'm sorry
[08:52:45] we did get a hint in here earlier that this lantern check is dead so i just have to very precisely open up this chest
[08:52:49] there you go hey that's Validation Ruby!
[08:52:52] Oh dude was that Link's House Ruby?
[08:52:55] So in most Zelda games there is a validation ruby which is just one of the specific kind
[08:53:01] of rubies so in Ocarina of time it's a green ruby on twilight
[08:53:03] princess it's link's basement rupee because it's purple and it has different texts so that's our
[08:53:09] validation repeat there's no special name for it if you want to come up for it, definitely hit us up and we take all suggestions or you can donate and tell us what you think it's going to be.
[08:53:18] Yeah, we think this one should be called Randy.
[08:53:24] Oh yeah!
[08:53:28] By the way I imagine if you ever do a hit list run of this game
[08:53:30] This field sucks!
[08:53:32] Yeah these archers are...
[08:53:34] They're archers. Their aim is incredibly good.
[08:53:37] I kind of hope I get destroyed here
[08:53:39] when going to get another check pretty soon.
[08:53:41] That's what happened to me a lot.
[08:53:43] But yeah you saw that Po-Soul up on the ground we don't need puzzles
[08:53:46] but i want to showcase the ball chain has weird utility i don't get it but the game does and
[08:53:50] that's all it's important so now jim going into the Lake Lantern game.
[08:53:55] Again, 18 big checks in there.
[08:53:57] How many good things will there be?
[08:53:59] Well, we're 0-2 so far.
[08:54:00] 0-2.
[08:54:01] Actually, the one annoying thing about coming in here with the ball and chain
[08:54:04] is that the game likes to prioritize putting away the lantern
[08:54:07] before putting away the ball and chain.
[08:54:09] So, a little annoying
[08:54:11] on that front but oh well.
[08:54:13] Yeah so right here we'll go ahead
[08:54:15] show the utility then after that I'm going to try
[08:54:16] do another out of logic wolf jump.
[08:54:18] There's a lot of fun stuff you can do...
[08:54:19] Oh god! Amy this is awful.
[08:54:21] I swear it was cool.
[08:54:22] I swear this is worth it.
[08:54:24] Let's go baby!
[08:54:25] Easy first try.
[08:54:27] But now we're going to do something so like this.
[08:54:29] Another little nifty wolf trick right here.
[08:54:32] You're supposed to have both of the Dominion rods in order to get this.
[08:54:35] But if we line this up, I can't see anything.
[08:54:39] And cool! All right, he could jump and grab them.
[08:54:43] That's my baby!
[08:54:45] That was one of your first three tricks...
[08:54:47] that is probably the first trick i learned when uh learning
[08:54:50] twilight princess randomizer oh okay very nice that was so much cooler than what i did
[08:54:58] i opened a chest which uh which one was that again uh that
[08:55:02] was the one directly after the poe the first
[08:55:05] co not in the room with them oh no sorry yes
[08:55:09] in the room with the Poe that one chest
[08:55:11] Okay, chillin' in the room with the poe
[08:55:13] You know I think it's good whenever you play a co-op randomizer
[08:55:15] and you develop names for every single check of the games
[08:55:18] And then you just gotta write up three whatever
[08:55:20] You know whatever stupid name you can come up with.
[08:55:21] So I just threw out numbers that was lame.
[08:55:23] But yeah there's 18 checks in this game
[08:55:26] so it's really hard to keep track of all of them.
[08:55:29] I think the logic is it's literally first, second, third.
[08:55:32] Yeah, yeah.
[08:55:33] Sixth, yeah.
[08:55:34] Seventeen!
[08:55:36] I'm so sorry but do you have time for another super special donation?
[08:55:40] Because I have $500 from Isaac.
[08:55:43] Woo!
[08:55:49] Isaac would like to say, hey,
[08:55:51] Isaac here super excited for, hey! Isaac here.
[08:55:52] Super excited for this TP Rando run.
[08:55:54] If you had told me back at SGDQ 2014 that I would be working directly on a game
[08:55:59] at GDQ 10 years later,
[08:56:01] I probably would not have believed you.
[08:56:04] But here we are!
[08:56:05] Everyone has put in a ton of work to make today possible
[08:56:08] and I'm so proud of this community putting
[08:56:11] this toward the bonus dungeon incentive
[08:56:13] so we can make an amazing run even better and just one last
[08:56:16] thing can i get a tpr hype exactly best of luck, everyone!
[08:56:24] Yeah, Pippi where does that put us now for getting towards the high?
[08:56:27] It just came up on screen but...
[08:56:30] We'll say no more.
[08:56:33] We're at just over $36,000 out of $50,000 total.
[08:56:40] That is just a smidgen shy of 75% of the way there. So come on y'all we got this!
[08:56:48] Let's keep it going gamers I believe in you.
[08:56:51] And again, there might be another dungeon
[08:56:53] in the works if we're able to take out that one.
[08:56:56] I normally would have asked Jim,
[08:56:56] so what do you think we should do here?
[08:56:57] Because I should go get that claw shot
[08:56:59] but I'm going to hit the bow first
[08:57:01] just to delay it a little bit
[08:57:02] because at this point
[08:57:03] what checks do we feel like
[08:57:04] We've done a lot of our opening route plays
[08:57:06] Right What do we feel like where's the
[08:57:08] sauce at this point probably desert i mean yeah because we got that uh the hint or the path hint
[08:57:13] for something good in videos we also got to hints uh i think it's our first baron hint
[08:57:16] uh of the seed here and leg Lantern Cave, telling us that
[08:57:18] The Great Bridge of Hylia is dead.
[08:57:20] Ooh!
[08:57:21] Okay.
[08:57:21] That's actually, I think, one of the better foolish hints that you can run into.
[08:57:25] Just the fact that we're like...
[08:57:26] Oh, I have to...
[08:57:27] I gotta save the baby! I gotta save the baby while we're here, oh I have to... I gotta save the baby!
[08:57:28] I gotta save the baby while we're here.
[08:57:30] That's where the boat was.
[08:57:32] Yeah, I think that's one of the better ones.
[08:57:34] That just ends up being one of the overworld areas
[08:57:36] that we generally get to a little bit later in our routing process if not like the dense area
[08:57:41] we don't touch so yeah that's actually good value. Good job Isaac! Yeah shout out to Isaac,
[08:57:48] a lot of things in this randomizer wouldn't be possible without him.
[08:57:51] He was the one who got the custom, you know, tunic colors working,
[08:57:55] designed a lot of the website and also did the hint system so yeah big
[08:57:59] shoutout to Isaac.
[08:58:02] Yes we also need you to get a big shot size of.
[08:58:08] I thought people were excited because I was saving a baby over here which like hey that's great too
[08:58:17] are you saving the babies
[08:58:22] i accidentally fell down.
[08:58:25] Oops.
[08:58:26] Was that right before check 18?
[08:58:28] How about you just leave with the claw shot and I'll do
[08:58:31] the last hand.
[08:58:32] We did get a hint saying
[08:58:34] something good past this point oh so you should see so i can stay here wasn't it just the last
[08:58:39] check in the poll last checking the post yeah and And then that something good could be nothing?
[08:58:45] It could be our second bow!
[08:58:48] Unfortunately it can't be slingshot, because we already found that.
[08:58:53] Could be a bomb bag though
[08:58:54] yeah or sword so jim what do you feel like
[08:58:58] you want to do after this do you want to push the desert and all kid up like i
[08:59:01] don't know like lanayruru Field, Star Prize 1.
[08:59:05] I can go get my Iron Boots while I do that.
[08:59:07] Yeah, I guess it probably depends on what the
[08:59:09] item at the end here is.
[08:59:11] If the item at the end here is a sword,
[08:59:13] I actually think it might be a smart play for me to go into Forest Temple.
[08:59:16] Yeah, I agree. So we can start hitting up
[08:59:18] some of our dungeons.
[08:59:19] Our four dungeons we need to complete are
[08:59:21] the Forest Temple, Lakebed Temple,
[08:59:24] Snowpeak Ruins, and City in the Sky.
[08:59:28] It is a second bow!
[08:59:29] All right well I got a second over here.
[08:59:30] Oh okay.
[08:59:32] Less odds you're just gonna see one here.
[08:59:35] Jim without the ability to have...
[08:59:36] errrr.. not the ability, without a sword, has to be a little careful
[08:59:39] moving on these because as you saw right there it is
[08:59:42] potentially very very punishing so I guess
[08:59:45] I'm just going over to Lantern Cave as well.
[08:59:48] Yeah get the claw shot is pretty important.
[08:59:50] Yeah, I'm just going to play a little follow-the-leader technique and then we'll split up from there based on the options we have.
[08:59:55] And that's fun at Randomizer! We don't know necessarily what we're going to be doing today
[08:59:58] we are improvising and uh making up the routing on the flock did you water tote pulley it up slash
[09:00:05] boys mo i did not do those now okay so then we can go ahead and take care of
[09:00:10] those real quick just to delay Sully behind him another thing you want doing
[09:00:13] co-op randomizer you wanna make sure you're not on top of each other the
[09:00:16] entire time yeah that's let's go ahead and also change it nighttime with that
[09:00:21] hippie as we are figuring out that's oh
[09:00:28] do i go into lakewood without a sword?
[09:00:31] Oh, we don't have bombs actually.
[09:00:33] You could if you want.
[09:00:37] We're feeling extra spicy today.
[09:00:39] There's two chests.
[09:00:41] Yeah, I think I'll probably push the desert in this case.
[09:00:43] Yeah, sounds good. We are hopefully
[09:00:45] going to find a sword relatively soon. Was that
[09:00:47] from the Poe or the chest? That was
[09:00:49] the chest. Okay. So chest after the first po and then very last chest.
[09:00:53] Sounds good.
[09:00:55] Do you have just a moment for another very special donation?
[09:00:58] Oh my gosh! I love every time you ask us.
[09:01:01] Ooh, then I'll ask more!
[09:01:03] Here's $500
[09:01:05] from ChrisIsAwesome
[09:01:09] Shoutouts to Chris!
[09:01:15] They would like to say hey all it was a bit too expensive for me to come in person so here's a portion of what it would have cost
[09:01:21] i wanted to donate for this since the tw Twilight Princess community has been one of the best communities
[09:01:26] I've been a part of.
[09:01:27] I've been at the TPR scene ever since the beginning, so I've seen the dedication some people have shown
[09:01:33] and would like to give them a special shout out.
[09:01:36] TPR wouldn't be where it is today without Lunar and Zephylus pushing its limits beyond what was initially envisioned,
[09:01:42] And seeing TPR at GDQ? I don't think that would have happened without all the work Isaac has put into the racing scene.
[09:01:49] Coming up with race rule sets, hints and hosting almost daily races lately. Good luck
[09:01:56] and have fun to Jim, Spike
[09:01:58] and the couch. And here's to hoping
[09:02:00] we get that bonus dungeon
[09:02:01] and to 3 million rays!
[09:02:04] Woo!
[09:02:07] There is a
[09:02:08] PS.
[09:02:10] Can you pet Howard for me?
[09:02:12] He's the greatest of all time.
[09:02:14] If you get good goats, any goat will do.
[09:02:17] Very nice.
[09:02:19] Thank you so much.
[09:02:21] So for those who don't know there's the goat mini game at the very beginning and there is always a goat that doesn't want to go the way that you
[09:02:28] wanted to yeah tp community has lovingly and begrudgingly named it howard
[09:02:36] yeah so the desert here is a very...
[09:02:39] Oh.
[09:02:40] Oh!
[09:02:40] That probably explains it.
[09:02:41] That's probably what we need, yeah.
[09:02:42] So the item that we just got right there
[09:02:44] is the Ancient Sky Book.
[09:02:48] So we have to find the Ancient skybook if we want to access
[09:02:51] uh city in the sky which is one of our required dungeons
[09:02:54] so it's good that we found that that does technically give us access to the dungeon
[09:02:58] because we have the claw shot now and two checks in
[09:03:00] the dungeon because we have iron boots and uh i'm gonna be very sad if that's
[09:03:03] where our next progression is because we probably don't want to go there for a bit
[09:03:07] i want everyone to know normally you would just take that and just leave.
[09:03:12] You do not have to donate anything but this event is literally a charity event built around donations
[09:03:18] so I wanted to give him $100 of our hard-earned money.
[09:03:21] So shouts to charity everyone!
[09:03:24] Shouts to charity, support local
[09:03:25] businesses.
[09:03:28] Speaking of $100
[09:03:29] can I offer you a donation for $100? Speaking of $100, can I offer you a donation for $100?
[09:03:32] Speaking of $100...
[09:03:34] Uh-huh.
[09:03:35] ...a phrase I want to hear my entire life.
[09:03:37] Exactly!
[09:03:39] Here's $100 from the sound defense who says shout out to spike vegeta one of
[09:03:45] the most entertaining outgoing talented and all-around nice guys i've met in the speed
[09:03:50] running community good luck up there buddy ps let me know if you need any spaghetti to take
[09:03:54] home oh geez we would appreciate it the sound defense always gives us the hookup with uh
[09:04:00] delicious spaghetti that i drive uh to my wife We don't have to go through this whole story,
[09:04:04] but yeah.
[09:04:06] I was about to just like break down the
[09:04:08] whole thing. Here's my address and everything.
[09:04:10] But yeah, so I'm going to be
[09:04:12] same as Jim. I actually am gonna use the lantern
[09:04:15] because as you saw at the beginning
[09:04:17] it is very dark in here right now.
[09:04:21] Let's pop it.
[09:04:23] You try and do a little bit of technique where you can run the ball up, kind of up and right from your position.
[09:04:29] And that will allow you to...oh is there another one i'm about to find out
[09:04:36] uh you're gonna kind of hit up and right and it'll pop
[09:04:39] back into your hand so that's just not as far back it has to go
[09:04:43] so this should be the claw shot i knew it see i called that whoa spikes just goted yeah
[09:04:52] and now we got to finagle our way down to the very final chest in the dungeon.
[09:05:01] Yo nice, your damage cancelled.
[09:05:04] So I'm gonna go up, gonna get the warp portal
[09:05:08] that's up there at the Gerudo Mesa
[09:05:10] because there is a Poe we can see up there in the distance.
[09:05:12] Just kind of chilling out there
[09:05:14] and then I will continue my
[09:05:16] trek running across the desert
[09:05:17] to get all these chests.
[09:05:21] The layout of the chests in the desert does make
[09:05:23] it very awkward to try and route
[09:05:24] efficiently just due to the way that they're all spread
[09:05:27] out, which is why I voided out after getting one of those previous chests back there
[09:05:30] to reset my position. Thankfully the randomizer does include a boar at the beginning
[09:05:34] of the desert, which allows us to get that one chest behind's behind the fences,
[09:05:40] which require a boar to break. Otherwise
[09:05:42] we'd have to make the routing even more
[09:05:44] awkward by going down all the way to the end of the desert
[09:05:46] and coming back up, and it's just... It's a whole annoying
[09:05:48] process, so thank you for putting that there.
[09:05:50] That actually wasn't me, that was a member of the community, Luzgar.
[09:05:54] I found out that there was a flag and was like here more.
[09:05:57] And I was like thank you, you saved our lives.
[09:06:12] I will give more commentary after I don't fall.
[09:06:17] So this chest is a little annoying without having the sword and the Gale Boomerang,
[09:06:26] because this P-hat's on a very long movement cycle to get all the way over these fissures here.
[09:06:29] It would be nice if we had Bigail Boomerang and the Swords so that we could do what's called the Long Jump Attack,
[09:06:31] where we can just simply jump over
[09:06:32] the fish right there.
[09:06:35] Speaking of...
[09:06:36] That was
[09:06:39] clairvoyance!
[09:06:41] We swear we do not have to spoil spoiler log in front of us.
[09:06:44] Anyway, so here's a long jump attack.
[09:06:46] Whee!
[09:06:47] Whee!
[09:06:49] Now this is actually the GameCube,
[09:06:50] not the Wii?
[09:06:53] Not what I see. Can you play on Wii? Okay, so we are technically playing
[09:06:59] the GameCube version on Wii consoles. Wee!
[09:07:07] Yeah, and then we got one hint sign in the desert just up here.
[09:07:11] That's fine I wasn't even worried
[09:07:16] Oh yeah thanks.
[09:07:17] I love getting told about checks that I have already checked.
[09:07:20] Of course!
[09:07:22] Do you have time for a couple quick donations?
[09:07:24] Absolutely.
[09:07:25] Yeah, do it.
[09:07:28] Because I have $100 from Megan who says tell gymnast I said hi.
[09:07:31] Hi, Megan.
[09:07:32] Can somebody tell Jim that Megan said hi?
[09:07:35] Hey, Jim!
[09:07:39] Megan said hi! jim hey jill megan said hi oh okay cool oh okay you can tell megan that i said hi
[09:07:41] okay megan jim said hi we've done it i also have ten dollars here from fleet
[09:07:46] paw who says,
[09:07:47] I'm going to really try my best. Thank you.
[09:08:03] You know it's a good impression when two notes hit and you're like, I knew exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, so now I'm going to follow out
[09:08:11] So you have found the sky character
[09:08:15] That we need in order to get into City of the Sky
[09:08:16] And our first sword
[09:08:17] And then from there we can possibly decide
[09:08:20] hopefully we're going to find a more
[09:08:22] branching path after this.
[09:08:24] We do have ball and chain.
[09:08:25] I've got it! This is very
[09:08:28] good. Yes.
[09:08:30] So what is so good about this
[09:08:32] is that we have full access to be both Forest Temple
[09:08:35] and Lakebed Temple,
[09:08:36] and we can split those up.
[09:08:38] Jim, if you could only do one of them,
[09:08:40] what would you do?
[09:08:40] First of all
[09:08:41] where am I going
[09:08:41] oh yeah it's over here
[09:08:42] Uh
[09:08:42] I wouldn't personally
[09:08:43] like to do lake beds
[09:08:44] Okay
[09:08:44] Sounds good to you
[09:08:45] I will go do
[09:08:46] the forest temple
[09:08:47] sounds good
[09:08:47] we can start
[09:08:48] showcase a lot
[09:08:49] of LJAs in there
[09:08:50] It'll be a good time
[09:08:51] It'll be a good time, it'll be a good time!
[09:08:54] Alright!
[09:08:56] I think Gerudo Desert was
[09:08:58] way up the hero. Just a little bit, yeah.
[09:09:02] Yeah so that's the sky character is on the first clawshot chest when you enter in and then
[09:09:08] The grotto over here with two bows with the bomb bag and sword
[09:09:12] And then the other chest that's
[09:09:13] annoying if you don't have a sword to get to it.
[09:09:21] It was this bad boy, sorry I was trying to find it.
[09:09:23] What's the other thing you said? Where is the sword?
[09:09:25] Uh, so the sword is... The first sword
[09:09:27] is at the chest and that's really annoying if
[09:09:29] you don't have a sword to get to it.
[09:09:31] Oh! That's hilarious!
[09:09:33] The one all the way at the end.
[09:09:35] Before you enter Lakebed,
[09:09:37]'ve been issued a challenge by
[09:09:39] a donor. Would you like to hear it?
[09:09:41] Absolutely!
[09:09:43] Let's do it! Cause I have $50 from the
[09:09:45] period,
[09:09:47] who would like to say
[09:09:49] Twilight Princess Coup? Isn't that
[09:09:51] the plot of this game? Good luck Jim
[09:09:53] and Spike got a few challenges for you.
[09:09:55] 50 more dollars if either of you do Morphiel without Zora armor...
[09:10:00] Okay, okay.
[09:10:02] Alright, Jim! Best of luck!
[09:10:04] 100 dollars if Jim does
[09:10:06] Cool Game
[09:10:07] and another $100
[09:10:12] if either of you crash
[09:10:15] on Zelda.
[09:10:17] Thank you!
[09:10:21] Alright, so two of those might set us back
[09:10:23] a little too much time-wise to do
[09:10:25] though I appreciate the mention of them.
[09:10:28] Morphine without Zora armor? I haven't done that in over a year but I'd be down to try it for
[09:10:32] the extra 50. It's free, it's fine. It's for charity!
[09:10:36] Yeah just don't drown easy exactly yeah
[09:10:42] now thankfully you have two swords so it shouldn't be that big of a deal yes
[09:10:44] thankfully we're not fighting more feel with wooden sword without zora arm i
[09:10:48] don't know if that's even i think that is technically possible but it would be I'm fighting Morphiel with wooden sword without Zora armor.
[09:10:48] I don't know if that's even...I think that is technically possible,
[09:10:50] but it would be very awkward and I've never done that before.
[09:10:57] While we're traversing do you have time for a couple more quick donations?
[09:11:01] I can do two or three more.
[09:11:03] Cool! Because we have $50 from Malomart Customer Service Line
[09:11:08] who says,
[09:11:09] You got a purple rupee but it won't fit in your wallet now so let's put it back
[09:11:18] also have 500 from ray storm thunder Also have $500 from Ray Storm Thunder.
[09:11:23] Woo!
[09:11:26] Thank you so much.
[09:11:28] Who says, how's it going?
[09:11:30] Make sure to do a 360 for style points
[09:11:32] good luck you two on the rando and don't forget those valuable style
[09:11:36] points oh yeah so as far as other items that
[09:11:40] we're missing...
[09:11:42] So one of our dungeons is Snowpeak Ruins and to get to Snowpeak Ruins
[09:11:45] We need to fish up the Reekfish which requires two Regressive Fishing Rods
[09:11:49] So that we can get the Coral Earring.
[09:11:51] So we are still looking on for those to eventually pick up.
[09:11:59] For City in the Sky, we obviously want the double claw shots because that's how you get anywhere in City in the Sky
[09:12:04] basically.
[09:12:05] And we're also still looking for the spinner.
[09:12:08] Yeah, which doesn't necessarily lock our
[09:12:10] access to beating that dungeon
[09:12:11] but we will need it by the end of the seed in order to dispatch a Hyrule Castle.
[09:12:18] And then we're also looking for the Master Sword which is required to beat Ganondorf.
[09:12:22] Oh speaking of efficient...
[09:12:24] Alright there's so much out here!
[09:12:27] Yeah but once again that's only
[09:12:29] the first of two fishing rods
[09:12:31] um, that are necessary for being able
[09:12:33] to get up to the snow peak uh mansion
[09:12:37] i did not catch which of these pose had it so everything dies all right okay
[09:12:48] do you have time for one more quick donation? Of course.
[09:12:49] Because I've $10 from that one Chelsea who says,
[09:12:52] let's get that dungeon incentive!
[09:12:54] More GDQ,
[09:12:55] more Zelda,
[09:12:56] more gymnasts?
[09:12:57] More Spike Vegeta?
[09:12:58] Yes, please.
[09:13:00] And we are in fact less than $10,000
[09:13:03] away from the extra dungeon!
[09:13:05] So please y'all, we're so close!
[09:13:14] Okay sick I just want that one.
[09:13:16] And then the fishing rod is in the first chest
[09:13:19] in Bulblin Camp when you get there. Oh, actually
[09:13:23] on... Yeah, inside Bulblin Camp itself.
[09:13:27] Yes, we got two more checks here at the end of
[09:13:29] the desert. This is the entrance to
[09:13:31] Arbiter's Graham Dungeon which is not required so
[09:13:33] we're not going in it
[09:13:35] unless you guys hit one of those rolling donation
[09:13:37] signs. Absolutely! Again, there are three
[09:13:40] additional dungeons that it could pull from.
[09:13:42] The dungeons right now that we don't have to do
[09:13:44] are Goron Mines, Temple of Time
[09:13:46] and the other one.
[09:13:48] Arbiter's Rastra.
[09:13:51] So the one we're literally in front of.
[09:13:55] Yeah, so any of those three could be added to it We'll kind of make a call on the fly
[09:13:57] which one we would add but if you want
[09:13:59] to add a second one You're going to want to hit that $50,000
[09:14:01] and beyond. I don't know
[09:14:03] I'm not on the games committee they'll maybe decide how
[09:14:05] much the pricing would be but let's just
[09:14:07] get it early so we can make a lot of money for
[09:14:09] charity. That number has been going up this whole run.
[09:14:15] Yeah, so since I'm gonna be going
[09:14:17] into Lakebed Temple next,
[09:14:18] uh...
[09:14:18] I'm gonna go pur-
[09:14:19] or I'm going to go and purchase some water bombs
[09:14:21] from Barnes Bomb shop here because when
[09:14:23] you get the bomb bag it fills up with normal bombs we're gonna need to do some uh underwater
[09:14:27] bombing if we want to beat more feel without zora armor so i gotta go over here and get these.
[09:14:37] And that's the only thing I'm grabbing over here?
[09:14:38] It's just a rod?
[09:14:39] It's just a rod, yeah.
[09:14:39] Okay.
[09:14:40] So again, as Jim said,
[09:14:41] he's gonna be hitting up Lightbed Temple.
[09:14:43] We'll be hitting up Forest Temple over on my side
[09:14:45] and trying to conquer two of our first four dungeons.
[09:14:50] Yeah so one of the cool things about co-op is that especially with the dungeons
[09:14:53] The first person goes through the dungeon basically full clear So one of the cool things about co-op is that, especially with the dungeons,
[09:14:54] the first person goes through the dungeon and basically full clears it.
[09:14:56] But then when the second person gets to go do the dungeon,
[09:14:58] you get to see the really fast version
[09:15:00] that only involves the checks that are necessary, which is really cool.
[09:15:05] I'm about to make another donation to the bird because we were using normally based on like what you're
[09:15:08] playing out you can like up the brightness and whatnot
[09:15:11] and you can see in some places like a lake lantern cave but uh
[09:15:14] instances like this,
[09:15:15] they are very dark
[09:15:16] and the lights
[09:15:17] are hitting it.
[09:15:18] It's great.
[09:15:18] Yeah.
[09:15:19] So we've been going
[09:15:20] through some lantern oil.
[09:15:21] Let's another donation
[09:15:22] to the Burr.
[09:15:24] Somebody said
[09:15:25] donation? Do you want to hear a donation?
[09:15:26] Let's do it!
[09:15:27] Hondo, let's do it!
[09:15:28] Donation?!
[09:15:29] Huzzah!
[09:15:31] Because I have $5 for you from the King's Bride who says, Jim, I've been at the milkshake
[09:15:36] shop for 20 minutes where are you buddy
[09:15:38] for real though good luck to both of you show ganondorf the power of the dominator tf
[09:15:44] and have fun up there donation goes to goes to making Jim and Spike do more dungeons.
[09:15:53] Alright, so to get into Lakebed Temple...
[09:15:56] The regular way to do it is to basically explode that rock
[09:15:59] that's blocking the entrance in front of it uh but we can instead do this
[09:16:02] uh little nifty clip which is called pillar clip because you swim
[09:16:05] you swim up into the pillar and you clip out of bounds.
[09:16:10] Just like this... What a magic trick!
[09:16:13] Yeah, so that's
[09:16:14] like a few seconds faster than having to blow
[09:16:15] up the rock.
[09:16:18] And then we're actually going to save warp at the start of the dungeon here, because
[09:16:23] this will put us further into the dungeon and we don't have to go through the waterway
[09:16:27] at the beginning.
[09:16:28] Anyway Spike that was Forest Temple! It was good! waterway at the beginning.
[09:16:31] Anyway, Spike, how was Forest Temple?
[09:16:33] It was good! We did a cute little warp right there where normally
[09:16:35] you would not have like bombs, bomb airs
[09:16:37] The game does not expect you to have this
[09:16:39] stuff so we were able to do a little warp there by blowing
[09:16:41] up the cage from a distance also let's see i think i have to aim a little more
[09:16:45] to the left right here yep that perfectly sails to blow that up and then i can switch
[09:16:50] to regular arrows right here and knock down
[09:16:52] this webbing if I can aim. Heck yeah,
[09:16:54] we did it. Um...I believed in myself.
[09:16:58] I believed
[09:16:58] in you too. Thank you.
[09:17:02] Yeah, so we'll see if either one of us are able to find anything exciting.
[09:17:05] So this time what are we looking for?
[09:17:06] We're looking for fishing rod number two which will upgrade to – oh, that's funny.
[09:17:11] I had to explode a wall to get a bomb bag.
[09:17:14] That's randomizer, all right.
[09:17:17] Spike, I have a special donation for your current Dungeoneering.
[09:17:20] Oh baby, let's do it!
[09:17:22] I've got $5 from Ook.
[09:17:24] My bad!
[09:17:26] Ook says,
[09:17:27] Hey fellas, you should come see me.
[09:17:29] I promise I'll be nice this time.
[09:17:31] I definitely won't keep you here forever.
[09:17:33] Only 15 to 30 cycles this time,
[09:17:35] I swear!
[09:17:36] I swear!
[09:17:38] Thank you so much, Ook.
[09:17:40] I have a suspicion that Ook might
[09:17:41] have an ice trap.
[09:17:44] That was Isaac undercover? have an ice trap yeah that was isaac undercover this will get him
[09:17:49] yeah so another thing for dungeons to keep track of as we want to keep track of the small keys
[09:17:53] that we find uh forest temple it's probably not too oh there was
[09:17:56] a ball and chain hint by the way um but yeah so i have to keep track of where
[09:17:59] i find my small keys to so that i can tell spike where they are when he eventually comes into here
[09:18:04] uh for forest temple it's not much of a...
[09:18:07] We don't really have to remember where the small keys are
[09:18:09] because there're only two checks that are locked by any sort
[09:18:11] of small keys at all.
[09:18:14] But yeah just another thing you keep track of as well
[09:18:16] as the big key which we need to access the box But yeah, just another thing to keep track of as well
[09:18:16] as the big key which we need to access
[09:18:18] the bosses for every dungeon.
[09:18:20] Yeah, Forest Temple we only need up
[09:18:22] to potentially two keys right now.
[09:18:24] Same as in Lightbed... Hey I found both your keys buddy!
[09:18:26] Oh yeah! And each of them thankfully only locked one check so in most seeds we don't have to get either
[09:18:31] one of them.
[09:18:32] Coming into here already with Claw Shot again.
[09:18:35] Normally you'd get Claw Shot in Lake Temple, where Gymnast is.
[09:18:39] So this being the first dungeon, it severely kind of breaks open
[09:18:42] and opens up the routing that you can do with it.
[09:18:45] Also let's use that destructive force of the bomb arrows.
[09:18:48] Bang!
[09:18:50] Oh, it whiffed.
[09:18:52] Alright second one we'll trade blows with him.
[09:18:56] Dude walk off please.
[09:18:58] Now he is dead off of that
[09:18:59] Now we can just
[09:19:00] put the bombs by itself
[09:19:01] and circumvent
[09:19:02] a lot of the dungeon
[09:19:03] There's a monkey in the background that is stuck behind a cage, so canonically you are supposed to save him along with three others in order to get to Ook who normally has the boomerang.
[09:19:20] But we're heartless.
[09:19:21] We're in a randomizer and we're trying to go fast
[09:19:23] so sorry bud.
[09:19:25] I have more donations from Ook.
[09:19:29] Ook my man!
[09:19:30] I have a $25 donation from JoshyFE8, who says our lord and savior Oook left this here for me to donate.
[09:19:38] Can you both please go thank him for me?
[09:19:40] Good luck to both runners.
[09:19:43] Thank you for being awesome.
[09:19:45] Also, the host is factually cool.
[09:19:47] That can't be right.
[09:19:49] Insert lots of hockey motes!
[09:19:51] I'm only hearing big facts. I don't know what you're doing or your huge facts
[09:20:02] That's why got some inconvenient key placement here in Lakebed Temple.
[09:20:05] Ideally, I wouldn't have had a second small key by then so we'll see if...
[09:20:08] Oh! I think it has to be this one?
[09:20:11] No okay well now it's the... We have to go down now.
[09:20:14] It's the poopy one.
[09:20:16] That's gonna be a slightly longer lakebed temple for me as I then have to come down into this room and get back up to the top to check those two checks at the top of the water wheel.
[09:20:26] But it'll all be good.
[09:20:27] Big Key also found on my screen as well,
[09:20:30] gonna be right there on the boomerang lockjack so...
[09:20:33] There's no need to think about going through this place.
[09:20:36] I can't get the logger no it's still far to the side oh but it was all right that's fine
[09:20:41] trying to get the the log roll meta going but i have to be good at it myself
[09:20:46] to make a possibility can i share an important announcement please
[09:20:51] we've hit 86 percent of the way to the goal
[09:20:55] just for jim Just for Jim.
[09:20:59] But that does mean we have less than $7,000 remaining.
[09:21:02] Y'all got this!
[09:21:06] I was so impressed by your generosity,
[09:21:07] I walked in the wrong room.
[09:21:12] Yeah, so the only other check on this side is going to be Ook,
[09:21:15] which is also gonna put the dungeon in a weird state
[09:21:17] where it says you've
[09:21:18] already got the boomerang so it'll like release some monkeys and sun runes and like
[09:21:24] get rid of some cutscenes they'll be great.
[09:21:32] There's also a little piece of tech that Jim and I are doing all over the place
[09:21:34] where anytime you want to use,
[09:21:35] in particular it's the claw shot,
[09:21:37] the boomerang or a dominion rod. You actually want to go
[09:21:40] into first person then pull
[09:21:42] out the item cock it so
[09:21:44] that it will just cut out that animation
[09:21:46] of having to like stand still get
[09:21:48] ready and then throw it. You're just instantly ready to throw or shoot
[09:21:51] or whatever you're doing.
[09:21:54] And now we've got my boy Oop.
[09:21:56] There's a number of different ways
[09:21:57] you can take him out.
[09:21:58] First one is a little bit orangey
[09:21:59] how he's gonna jump around and everything.
[09:22:00] Hopefully he doesn't dance around too much on us.
[09:22:03] Oh, bro! Let's go send him back.
[09:22:08] And we're going to take care of that rash right now
[09:22:14] bang
[09:22:21] very effective one cycle.
[09:22:23] Yeah, so Bomb Arrows are really good!
[09:22:27] If you've got that, it's going to be your main damage dealer in a lot of cases
[09:22:31] if I don't see the Master Sword by the time i run through this entire dungeon
[09:22:34] uh i'm just gonna fight the final ball the boss of this dungeon
[09:22:37] now baba with just four bomb arrows because that's how strong they are
[09:22:42] yeah game really didn't expect you to have bombs when
[09:22:44] you were in Forest Temple.
[09:22:48] I'm just climbing up the water wheel here,
[09:22:50] I have to activate the water wheel if
[09:22:52] I want to get to the second half of the dungeon which is
[09:22:54] where like the big key normally is and all that jazz something cool don't do
[09:23:02] that yeah because there are four keys cuz you're Don't do that.
[09:23:06] Yeah, because there are four keys because you're intended to have to find four keys
[09:23:08] to unlock all the monkeys in order to get to Oog.
[09:23:12] So it's funny they put a key there.
[09:23:15] But yeah.
[09:23:18] And so we're just going to now go to the other side and make our way over
[09:23:20] to Diababa.
[09:23:22] Try to think coming out of this, so neither of us have found
[09:23:24] anything particularly cool in either of our dungeons
[09:23:27] so i'm wondering what our next play is i don't believe we ever hit up lanayru field star prize
[09:23:31] one is the thing uh yeah in general some probably just west of castle town has not been touched
[09:23:38] yeah it's probably where we're gonna get pigeonholed into if i had to guess
[09:23:44] why is this guy here dude he's been doing that so often for you lately.
[09:23:49] No!
[09:23:50] He has way too much of an opinion.
[09:23:53] It's like, this is my door,
[09:23:54] you're not getting past it.
[09:24:00] Do you have time for a couple donations?
[09:24:01] Of course!
[09:24:02] Yes.
[09:24:03] Because we did have quite a few people donating the suggestions, sorry,
[09:24:07] for the name of the validation ruby.
[09:24:09] Let's go. I've got $50
[09:24:11] from Kessent who says
[09:24:13] $50 for the ruby to be named
[09:24:15] Spike Ruby.
[09:24:17] Alright!
[09:24:19] $10 from the Shaded Master, who says petition to call
[09:24:23] Devalidation Ruby Pugsy because what is pugsy truly?
[09:24:27] We can give him a purpose.
[09:24:30] We also have $5 from Doodleflex
[09:24:32] who says, A name for the validation
[09:24:34] Rupi? How about My Cat
[09:24:36] because my cat is named Rupi and yes
[09:24:39] he's a little gem.
[09:24:40] Aww. Very My cat is named Roofy, and yes he's a little gem.
[09:24:45] Very cute! Thank you everyone so much!
[09:24:53] many small things. small. Jim doing another very cool strategy there.
[09:24:56] All the Gale Boomerang strats are very fun,
[09:24:58] and I always tell people they're very accessible
[09:24:59] at the same time. There's a lot of different techniques for how
[09:25:02] you do it.
[09:25:04] So Spike will get to do that one later!
[09:25:06] That's great!
[09:25:09] And so that gives me access to
[09:25:10] City in the Sky. Not all of City in the sky uh there's still one half
[09:25:14] bit that requires the spinner that we can't do but it is definitely something to consider to do later.
[09:25:28] But yeah, with LJAs there's all sorts of cool different strategies or
[09:25:30] different variations. It's about having them like
[09:25:32] over a pit you're gonna see one pretty soon from me here in
[09:25:35] a little bit, just trying to get the Boomerang
[09:25:38] to be above a platform that is higher than you are
[09:25:41] because the game always wants to make sure your long jumps
[09:25:44] are going
[09:25:44] to be successful.
[09:25:45] So they'll kind of make Link, like, jump from a pretty good distance away
[09:25:49] so by locking onto the boomerang you can go a very far distance away.
[09:25:54] And this is something that only works on the GameCube
[09:25:56] and the TPHD versions of
[09:25:58] the game. Now right here,
[09:26:00] uh, this is pretty cool. Uh, same
[09:26:02] sort of thing. Bang, bang, and he's dead.
[09:26:04] Alright. Ball and chain is really good for him.
[09:26:13] Nice little damage boost strat that I'm gonna go for right here.
[09:26:16] Um...I don't remember what you're supposed to do in this room.
[09:26:19] Uh...I genuinely have no idea what you're supposed to do
[09:26:21] because I just do this.
[09:26:23] And bam! We're up to the chest so...
[09:26:27] Jim found
[09:26:28] double claws, I want to find something cool
[09:26:30] I've just got more money
[09:26:31] At least I got the wallet, I can fit it all in there
[09:26:33] I mean you could go and check
[09:26:36] Malomar because we still don't know what's there.
[09:26:38] Oh, that would be true toxicity.
[09:26:41] Let's do another LJ right here where
[09:26:43] we're going to lock onto this torch up here. I just want to point out that knocking
[09:26:50] that goblin down that was purely disrespectful like the dude wasn't even
[09:26:53] paying attention thought he would have gotten away
[09:26:56] i do that every time i don't even care claw shot once again really good for coming in here because there's normally like a 17 piece part of movement to get up there or you just go
[09:27:06] and you're at the top.
[09:27:07] We'll look for another LJA here.
[09:27:09] This one saves more time than you would
[09:27:11] think. Normally, you have to throw a bomb
[09:27:13] into the mouth of this plant
[09:27:14] enemy right here, but that animation is
[09:27:17] shockingly long. So
[09:27:18] I'm going to try to use my own visual cue here.
[09:27:20] I'm gonna get right above the chest
[09:27:21] and go all the way up to that part of the ceiling,
[09:27:24] lock on five times, pull out the sword
[09:27:25] and jump slash
[09:27:26] And I failed but we're gonna do it again
[09:27:28] That's fine
[09:27:30] I swear that one always works for me.
[09:27:36] Fear...
[09:27:38] Do you have time for one more Rupee name?
[09:27:40] Sure. Yeah, while I't fail this game
[09:27:43] i've got five dollars and fifty-five cents from perpy the purple rupee who says howdy
[09:27:49] heroes did you know that i not only validate runs, but also parking?
[09:27:54] If you're a hero in a hurry on your way across Hyrule
[09:27:56] and you don't want to worry about paying to park your horse, come see me.
[09:28:01] Thank you, Perpy.
[09:28:04] We have so many nominees by the end of the day
[09:28:06] we have to name it something. Like an Ocarina
[09:28:08] of Time, The Single Green Rupee. There's only
[09:28:10] one in the game on like your base settings
[09:28:12] We call that Greg. He's great I believe it is the green rupee of eternal
[09:28:19] and wind waker they have the rainbow ruby which
[09:28:21] is trevor and i do not know all of the meanings of the letters but it's a lot oh there are meetings
[09:28:31] optional very valuable repeat or something like that i I don't know. Yeah, close enough.
[09:28:36] There were letters in there,
[09:28:38] that's all that matters.
[09:28:40] Alright, I'm gonna be doing another LGA over here to
[09:28:42] kinda go around this section of the Lakebed Temple backwards
[09:28:44] if you...basically if you're not a a speed runner or you don't do a lot
[09:28:47] of randomizers this part of like that temple is very confusing to memorize but basically doing
[09:28:53] that long jump attack allows us to do a smaller loop around the backside here
[09:28:57] so that we can get all the checks more
[09:28:59] efficiently. I appreciate
[09:29:01] you have backslice and I don't have ending blow.
[09:29:04] So, we're going to get
[09:29:05] in go mode. So. There are seven hidden skills
[09:29:08] in this game, they're progressive
[09:29:10] as long as we find one of them
[09:29:12] any of them
[09:29:14] We have access to the ending blow
[09:29:16] Nice little clip here with the wolf. Whoop! It's great.
[09:29:18] It's not even a clip, it's just a shimmy.
[09:29:21] But yeah, you need
[09:29:22] to find any one of them because you need it or you
[09:29:24] cannot defeat Ganon at the very end of the scene
[09:29:26] and I'm living for the day
[09:29:29] when we're in ending blow go mode.
[09:29:30] We can't find any of those seven.
[09:29:34] They're all in the treasure room.
[09:29:36] Oh, toxicity.
[09:29:38] So let's get it.
[09:29:38] Here's Diababa. Four bombers.
[09:29:40] Bing bang bing bong. See ya, kid.
[09:29:43] And yeah, so that's
[09:29:44] one dungeon down.
[09:29:46] You don't need anything in there!
[09:29:48] Yeah, just get the big key and then be on our way.
[09:29:51] You remember where you saw it? Yeah, I was in
[09:29:52] the boomerang blowing out
[09:29:55] the torch. Yep, yep, yep. Now you can't go
[09:29:56] talk to Hook if you want. I could go talk to Hook
[09:29:58] if I wanted to wait for time. That is true.
[09:30:02] Hold on, hold on!
[09:30:04] That's okay. So I'm gonna get a Snow Peak?
[09:30:08] Yeah that sounds about right I would say.
[09:30:11] Because there's no...okay, okay Uh, yeah. That sounds about right I would say. Yeah.
[09:30:12] Because there's no... Okay.
[09:30:12] So we can beat three
[09:30:14] of our four hard
[09:30:15] required dungeons.
[09:30:16] The only thing
[09:30:16] we're still looking for
[09:30:17] is a dungeon
[09:30:17] We actually
[09:30:18] we could beat
[09:30:18] all four of them.
[09:30:19] Jim, shut up.
[09:30:26] Let me talk more we could beat all four of them right now now we really don't want to beat the fourth run to get the fourth one
[09:30:30] because we don't have master sword, I will say there's a million
[09:30:33] checks in these dungeons. So let me split
[09:30:35] up two. Let's go split up two more. Yep.
[09:30:39] And do
[09:30:40] a jump down here
[09:30:41] so I can skip actually having to make the water flow
[09:30:44] down. Because if you just pull that lever, the water starts
[09:30:46] flowing here despite the fact that we didn't
[09:30:48] actually fill up this little basin right
[09:30:50] here. It's fake!
[09:30:51] So you did find something.
[09:30:54] Yeah.
[09:30:55] As it turns out, each of our dungeons had one thing.
[09:30:57] I want to give a shout-out to the chef, Isaac.
[09:30:59] See?
[09:31:00] He's pretty cool so far.
[09:31:01] I like him.
[09:31:01] Now, Pippi, I do want to ask how close are we
[09:31:04] to adding a fifth dungeon?
[09:31:05] Because we're too fast.
[09:31:06] He's too fast.
[09:31:07] I'm following along.
[09:31:08] How close are we to having you do
[09:31:09] a fifth dungeon right now?
[09:31:11] Just over $5,000 away.
[09:31:13] Oh my goodness gracious!
[09:31:15] We're so close y'all!
[09:31:17] So close!
[09:31:20] Hey there's the other wallet!
[09:31:21] Yeah!
[09:31:23] Uh...
[09:31:24] Am I getting these two top checks in Zora's domain while I'm here?
[09:31:27] Ah yes.
[09:31:28] I didn't check anything at the top of Zor's domain, yeah.
[09:31:31] Okay.
[09:31:33] Then let's do it!
[09:31:34] Get a couple of checks along the way because because we are still missing THE Master Sword.
[09:31:37] THE Master Sword!
[09:31:39] Along with the Spinner which we will need in order to beat The Seed
[09:31:42] And is that it?
[09:31:45] I believe at this point yeah.
[09:31:47] Unless you don't find any blow then you'll need to go get one of those.
[09:31:49] God that's...
[09:31:52] That would be raw toxicity dude.
[09:31:56] I guess do you have in mind the least poopy one
[09:31:59] I could go get.
[09:32:00] The one that I just found is pretty bad
[09:32:02] I know that there's one in desert
[09:32:05] Just like in the little camp area
[09:32:07] That wouldn't be too bad to go and get.
[09:32:10] I should have got that one last turn.
[09:32:12] No, it's fine. Like we're about
[09:32:13] to open up 600 checks
[09:32:15] in dungeons. We're good.
[09:32:19] What am I doing?
[09:32:20] I haven't gone to get the Iron Beads.
[09:32:23] So, I'm gonna go get the Iron Beads.
[09:32:30] Yeah so I just got one more check of Lakebed here
[09:32:33] this is the Vanilla Boss Key Chest
[09:32:35] we'll see if it has anything that requires Spike to basically do all of Lakebed for
[09:32:38] Okay, that's why not.
[09:32:43] So I guess to review where the small keys were,
[09:32:44] what's my dungeon layout?
[09:32:47] Oh boy.
[09:32:47] Oh boy.
[09:32:48] Yeah,
[09:32:48] so I should go
[09:32:50] downstairs first.
[09:32:51] Yeah.
[09:32:52] To get that other small key.
[09:32:53] Actually, I don't think you...
[09:32:55] I think you only need one,
[09:32:58] I want to say.
[09:32:59] So just get the one which is in this room
[09:33:01] that I'm about to enter.
[09:33:02] Okay, that's the ball one.
[09:33:04] Yeah, because then I think you can just LGA over
[09:33:05] to the double claw shots and then save warp out
[09:33:08] and then...
[09:33:10] Because you'll be able to get the big key with only a single small key.
[09:33:15] I think that's all you need.
[09:33:17] You can't find anything else besides those double claw shots.
[09:33:20] Yeah, normally, I mean, you hear this a lot.
[09:33:22] There's a lot of running around the dungeons
[09:33:24] you have to do.
[09:33:25] What's up cats?
[09:33:27] You obviously do like the intended progression
[09:33:28] raise the water all the way up in order
[09:33:30] to get to more fuel or we can just
[09:33:31] do a little bit of nifty platforming
[09:33:34] and we don't have to worry about that.
[09:33:36] What's up, man? Give me your mind.
[09:33:39] Alright, so my good friend
[09:33:40] The has challenged me
[09:33:42] to do more feel without Zora armor.
[09:33:44] So we're going to take off the Zora armor and drop down in here.
[09:33:53] So, yeah.
[09:33:59] Morphine without Zor armor, it's not something you really ever end up having to do in a randomizer because of logic.
[09:34:04] But the any% and all dungeons speedruns do morphine without Zor armor.
[09:34:07] So the tricky thing here obviously is there's an air meter that is dwindling down
[09:34:09] and if the air meter goes all the way to zero, we die
[09:34:11] Right? Um...
[09:34:13] Now very conveniently
[09:34:15] We can get to the bottom here right before
[09:34:16] the air meter runs out and the cutscene will refill our air meter for us.
[09:34:20] The first phase is not too bad as long as I'm able to
[09:34:22] get these hits off so we can just
[09:34:25] get the eye... oh no no no!
[09:34:28] I'm back here!
[09:34:32] Okay.
[09:34:35] Let's see... I need to do this. As the eye goes back in
[09:34:36] I need to then Force-Unequip Ironip iron boots so we can get that out right there.
[09:34:39] Alright very good!
[09:34:42] So were going to be abusing a glitch here that allows us to actually refill our air meter underwater
[09:34:47] Basically if you pull out a water bomb and begin
[09:34:49] swimming with it underwater...if you try to throw it the game will ground
[09:34:53] you for a frame which is then considered to be out of water
[09:34:57] on land so that'll refill the air meter up for us.
[09:35:00] And we're basically going to try to juggle refilling our air meter
[09:35:03] with being able to get the hits in on Morphial here,
[09:35:07] So hopefully this doesn't go too badly.
[09:35:12] All right, we want to wait a little bit refill our air meter just like that
[09:35:15] and then I want to equip the iron boots and claw shots
[09:35:19] Morphiel please get over here...
[09:35:23] Oh! I missed. Alright well that's fine.
[09:35:25] So basically if I miss there
[09:35:27] I have to go back down to
[09:35:29] bottom of the lake bed temple here.
[09:35:31] Start another one of these air meter
[09:35:34] refills here, hopefully time it so I can have a lot
[09:35:37] of air out now more fuel...oh wait is she going up?
[09:35:40] Okay we should be able to make this work please do not eat me okay yeah that's fine all
[09:35:45] right so it's gonna be our first hit um to make sure that we can get back down to the bottom of
[09:35:50] the arena in time i'm going to force unequip my iron boots again
[09:35:53] and then put them back on.
[09:35:56] Let's see, are we gonna get back down
[09:35:58] in time? This is gonna be close but
[09:35:59] I think we should be alright.
[09:36:02] Put out like this this equip over that
[09:36:05] where are you going okay okay this is looking good
[09:36:10] i should be able to hit the eye from here
[09:36:13] yes okay very nice
[09:36:18] okay so this is the second pit and then all right more feels going down can we get
[09:36:22] the third one yes Yes, all right.
[09:36:25] Let's go! The extra $50!
[09:36:30] I have not done that in a year but thankfully
[09:36:32] I remember how to do it.
[09:36:36] Gymnast 36 everyone
[09:36:39] anyway spike what are you up to yeah so we're out of time i'm just killing pose dude
[09:36:43] i was like i can't i need to look at my game, but I really
[09:36:47] want to look at this game.
[09:36:49] Yeah, we're up here in Snow Peak. There's a ton of
[09:36:51] checks up here, including that red rupee right there.
[09:36:53] So yeah, we're following the scent.
[09:36:55] Probably a lot of people ask like oh is this
[09:36:57] kind of like the haunted wasteland you would get
[09:36:59] in Ocarina of Time where if you just
[09:37:01] know where everything is
[09:37:03] you can just bypass having to get
[09:37:05] the reeked scent? It not. It will void you out wherever
[09:37:08] you are. So while I'm here mostly just trying to take care of the pose,
[09:37:11] I don't believe its night time so I do want to also switch over
[09:37:13] to that as well.
[09:37:17] Yeah kind of funny thing about playing the randomizer with pose on is that it's mostly just nighttime all the time because of the fact that we always have to change it tonight for the pose.
[09:37:26] Swap it over now.
[09:37:28] Make sure this pose is actually going to be here up by the tree.
[09:37:34] Do you have a moment for a couple of donations?
[09:37:36] Of course! Absolutely yeah.
[09:37:38] We have $25 from John. couple donations absolutely yeah we have 25 from john silver demon who says let's go spike and
[09:37:44] gymnast also do you think yetto and yetta might be related to a certain urban Yeti?
[09:37:52] Just a thought.
[09:37:54] I also have $50 for you from justagamerjohn, who says
[09:37:59] Hello Jim! It is me, your fiercest
[09:38:01] rival and bestest buddy John.
[09:38:03] You may defeat the randomizer
[09:38:05] but you won't defeat me at Mario Party.
[09:38:07] Your day is our number, Jim.
[09:38:11] Put a
[09:38:12] Jim W at the end.
[09:38:14] Maybe one day I'll beat John
[09:38:16] at Mario Party.
[09:38:19] When's Zelda Party?
[09:38:28] When's Zelda Party? Now it's here for that!
[09:38:31] We can keep going with a few more.
[09:38:33] Oh, wonderful! I have five dollars from Codeman38 who has a knock-knock joke.
[09:38:37] Uh... Knock-Knock? Who's there?
[09:38:40] Oook!
[09:38:41] Oook.
[09:38:47] No, no, not ooku she is in another room.
[09:38:50] Ohhhh...
[09:38:53] I mix that up all the time. Why are they making ooken and oo-oo in this?
[09:38:56] If you have time for another one,
[09:38:58] we've got another proposition
[09:39:01] for our validation
[09:39:03] rupee. Here's $10 from Allie,
[09:39:06] who says petition to name the validation rupee Valerie.
[09:39:09] Oh! I kind of like that one.
[09:39:14] Um...I also have $71 for you from Darstar, who says...
[09:39:19] BONUS DUNGEON!
[09:39:20] BONUS DUNGEON!
[09:39:21] BONUS DUNGEON!
[09:39:22] BONUS DUNGEON!
[09:39:23] BONUS DUNGEON!
[09:39:24] My voice hurts.
[09:39:27] We are very close
[09:39:29] to the bonus dungeon.
[09:39:30] Thank you for hurting your voice
[09:39:32] for charity?
[09:39:32] No, it's for charity.
[09:39:38] Yeah, so I'm just getting these remaining checks in the back of Lanayru's Spring here which thankfully I can full clear since
[09:39:40] I found those double claw shots like that.
[09:39:42] Hawkeye! Let's go!
[09:39:43] Let's go, my boy!
[09:39:46] That's not actually useful for anything
[09:39:49] hey you can like peek like two checks from a distance or something
[09:39:53] that's true yeah you can indeed do the zoomies and look forward
[09:39:59] yeah so i'm gonna go into City in the Sky now, as Spike is on his way over
[09:40:02] to the Snow Peak Mansion.
[09:40:05] Again, I can't complete all of City in the Sky technically.
[09:40:08] I might be able to get the boss,
[09:40:09] or I might be able to defeat the boss
[09:40:11] if the Boss Key is not locked behind using the Spinner.
[09:40:15] Although I would also like
[09:40:16] to get another sword upgrade before going
[09:40:18] to the boss which is Argorok.
[09:40:20] Because Argorok with the Ordon Sword takes 90 seconds longer compared to having the Master Sword
[09:40:26] Which is a little annoying.
[09:40:28] Yeah for whatever reason even though casually you would never ever
[09:40:30] be able to fight Argorok without Master Sword,
[09:40:35] he has like an armor stat or something.
[09:40:37] Lunar, you might be able to explain it better than me.
[09:40:39] Yeah, so like Spike mentioned
[09:40:42] certain enemies have armor stats
[09:40:43] or they have different ways that their damage is calculated
[09:40:46] and for some reason Argorok has an armor value of one
[09:40:49] which means the wooden sword actually cannot be used to
[09:40:52] defeat Argorok because the wooden
[09:40:54] sword does one damage and as
[09:40:56] we all know from second grade math
[09:40:58] 1 minus 1 is 0. So you at least
[09:41:00] need the Ordon Sword. So normally with Master Sword it takes three cycles,
[09:41:03] but with Ordon Sword it takes five.
[09:41:06] That's a little fun time.
[09:41:09] We tried very hard to see if we were just gaslighting ourselves
[09:41:12] into thinking wooden sword
[09:41:12] wouldn't work but we sat in a discord call and after like 67 cycles they're
[09:41:17] like okay we think this may not actually work
[09:41:22] all right i can make a play i can go up and fight arnorock but it's gonna take half an hour
[09:41:32] yeah so start of city in the Sky I didn't really find anything.
[09:41:34] There was actually a little technique that I did back there which doesn't
[09:41:38] really look like much but because I opened the door from so far
[09:41:41] back the fan that's up here which is normally supposed to be spinning
[09:41:44] is not spinning anymore.
[09:41:45] Which means I will save about 20 seconds later
[09:41:47] not having to turn it off.
[09:41:53] And sitting in the sky is also just another really great place for long jump attacks.
[09:41:57] Here's what we can do here to save a few seconds.
[09:42:00] The bridge that's normally intact here has actually started out broken,
[09:42:09] just to make logic for the dungeon a lot simpler than trying to have to account for if the player goes through and then doesn't get the chest
[09:42:13] and breaks the bridge or something. It would be kind of a little bit of a big mess so
[09:42:18] it does require double claw shots to get over here to this chest which is not actually
[09:42:21] something that's required in the vanilla game interestingly enough ice keys ice keys kill everything guys except how did he not get hit
[09:42:36] all right that's fine.
[09:42:38] They don't have their little idiots with them.
[09:42:40] Get out of here, goon squad!
[09:42:43] Thank you. Come on.
[09:42:51] So now coming here,
[09:42:54] actually getting down to the Snowpeak Ruins,
[09:42:56] our fourth and final dungeon right here.
[09:42:58] We're going to be snowboarding, it's actually faster
[09:43:00] to be in the air whenever you
[09:43:02] can so we'll try to obviously do a lot
[09:43:04] of jumping as you would imagine off of that
[09:43:06] but also doing like quick spins
[09:43:07] so that you can also kind of extend your time in here. So whoop and whoop
[09:43:13] And we're just gonna be doing a lot of that trying to take the fastest path
[09:43:16] I do have to be a little careful because controlling this
[09:43:18] can definitely be a little wonky uh effectively their ice
[09:43:23] yeah so while it is faster to be moving in the air you can't actually steer
[09:43:28] which is a pretty big detriment for these narrow passageways in some parts.
[09:43:35] I don't know why, but you said that and it made me think of Link holding a steering wheel while trying to climb up the ladder.
[09:43:41] Like Tears of The Kingdom he just puts the stick on the front of the leaf? Yeah, to help out of there. I mean, like Tears of the Kingdom, he just puts the stick on
[09:43:42] the front of the leaf? Yeah, take a steering stick
[09:43:44] out onto it.
[09:43:49] Do you want to take this faster path?
[09:43:50] I found out! So I never done the snowboarding uh against ghetto and yetta check
[09:43:57] until randomizer if you don't go this back you just like can't beat her. She's really good.
[09:44:10] Thankfully, I was able to avoid that big Baba back there who is very annoying to kill and we can begin getting the checks in the Baba Tower room up here
[09:44:13] as long as I don't get
[09:44:14] knocked out by this guy.
[09:44:18] This room can be a little precarious.
[09:44:20] It is very easy to just accidentally
[09:44:22] fall all the way down again
[09:44:24] and have to climb all the way down again.
[09:44:25] And have to climb all the way back up.
[09:44:29] Do you have a moment for a few more donations?
[09:44:32] Because I've got $10 for you from Crane, who says,
[09:44:36] Hello GDQ.
[09:44:37] I really enjoyed this time at my first in-person GDQ,
[09:44:40] watching runs, hanging out with my good friends and donating to a good cause.
[09:44:45] Jim! Spike, I have
[09:44:47] really good view from the back couch
[09:44:49] for each bong, I'll donate
[09:44:51] one dollar at the end of the co-op
[09:44:53] I'm so sorry!
[09:44:55] Up to three hundred dollars We put a cap on it, best of luck!
[09:44:59] Alright cut a check for 300!
[09:45:02] This is your chance Spike to try and roll him like that temple? I don't know.
[09:45:11] I'm definitely going to roll up those stairs.
[09:45:13] So now we've got
[09:45:14] Snowpeak Ruins,
[09:45:15] this is our favorite dungeon to try
[09:45:18] to do any sort of like rando pathing through.
[09:45:20] It's so open, so fun.
[09:45:21] Another geminian rock.
[09:45:22] Oh, man.
[09:45:23] Ooh.
[09:45:24] OK.
[09:45:25] Interesting.
[09:45:26] We're going to start off with a funky looking strat right here
[09:45:28] where I'm actually going to start off with a funky-looking strat right here,
[09:45:28] where I'm actually going to equip the boomer.
[09:45:31] Let's also equip this guy right here.
[09:45:36] And we're going to bring these keys down to us.
[09:45:38] I'm going to immediately turn around and we're going to bring this Keese down to us. I'm gonna immediately turn around,
[09:45:40] and we're gonna try to target onto him.
[09:45:42] It's a little bit of a wonky strat.
[09:45:43] Hopefully I'm able to hit it.
[09:45:46] Why did he come to me?
[09:45:47] No.
[09:45:48] You know what?
[09:45:49] Well okay, we're going to do that strat.
[09:45:52] I've never seen him move to that position.
[09:45:54] So we are gonna do a different strat now because of that this is also tricky.
[09:45:57] You're not supposed to hit this from the bottom floor. So if my positioning is okay...
[09:46:03] Not quite.
[09:46:06] You gotta be able to step
[09:46:07] as far, because every time you throw the ball
[09:46:09] in chain, it's gonna overthrow chain it's going to overthrow,
[09:46:11] It's going to kind of also push Link forward.
[09:46:14] So this should hopefully work and so I need to look for a visual cue here.
[09:46:20] All right! And that's going to allow us to get up
[09:46:22] to the top floor out of order.
[09:46:28] Yeah, this just got a lot worse.
[09:46:30] This guy... he sucks.
[09:46:32] Nope. go away.
[09:46:35] Yeah that Shelfos
[09:46:37] because we have to move the chandeliers
[09:46:39] here if he knocks you off while
[09:46:41] you're on the chandelier it It's just big, sad time and
[09:46:44] wastes a bunch of time as well.
[09:46:46] I have not done this casually in awhile
[09:46:50] so we'll find our way through it.
[09:46:52] We have to lock... Okay! Alright that's fine we're going to figure this one out together.
[09:46:55] Everybody get GameFAQs open for me.
[09:46:58] That's our part in the co-op.
[09:47:01] Audience co-op yeah.
[09:47:03] I would imagine casually you want to get these off speed from each other?
[09:47:06] Nope.
[09:47:07] We're going back up.
[09:47:08] All right.
[09:47:10] If you do want to respawn the keys again,
[09:47:12] you can go in and out of the dungeon.
[09:47:14] Honestly let's do the cooler strat
[09:47:20] this is a cool strat
[09:47:24] yeah as far as my journey and sitting in the Sky goes, nothing yet.
[09:47:28] We did find a small key on the Po Island if that becomes necessary.
[09:47:32] Was it the power of the chest?
[09:47:33] It was the chest.
[09:47:35] Let's try this again.
[09:47:42] Remember, just don't do what you did last time.
[09:47:44] Yeah I don't know what I already did differently.
[09:47:47] Alright bring him down, turn around
[09:47:50] turn into a wolf. Good boy.
[09:47:52] Now we're going to target and now
[09:47:54] Keese just go up there please.
[09:47:56] So if this works
[09:47:57] Wee! So now we're just out All right, so if this works... Whee!
[09:47:58] Whee.
[09:47:59] So now we're just up here.
[09:48:02] Yeah, this check is normally very long.
[09:48:05] Now we're gonna do another LJ.
[09:48:06] I have to set this up specifically one down here
[09:48:08] and then lock
[09:48:09] five up here, off center
[09:48:11] And jump slash it there that gives us
[09:48:13] this chest. Okay cool
[09:48:17] Alright now let's go ahead and pull the sword.
[09:48:20] Let's do a late jump slash right here.
[09:48:22] We're going to do a couple more where I'm going to try
[09:48:23] to get the boomerang out of bounds.
[09:48:27] Nope, that was late.
[09:48:28] All right, sick.
[09:48:30] Now we can just do the red one because we already opened this up.
[09:48:33] But yeah, talk about different variations.
[09:48:35] There are some where you want to get it on a platform above you.
[09:48:39] You want to do one where
[09:48:40] you get them out of bounds because that's technically over a void
[09:48:43] which is another way to do it
[09:48:45] And now we hit this, let's go ahead and
[09:48:47] boop, boop, put you
[09:48:52] Does that do to punk?
[09:48:55] Do we have a moment for
[09:48:56] a few more donations? Of course.
[09:48:58] Let's do it! Because I
[09:49:00] have $100 for you from 64-bit Link,
[09:49:03] who says, hey Jim and Spike,
[09:49:05] good luck on the random run.
[09:49:07] Make sure not to forget the bazooka.
[09:49:09] I hear it's in the bonus dungeon.
[09:49:11] Ah, yes.
[09:49:13] That's a swing shot!
[09:49:14] If you want to see Link have a bazooka,
[09:49:17] You're gonna need to donate for the bonus dungeon
[09:49:19] Which by the way we are less than $2k
[09:49:22] Less than $3,000, sorry. Remaining, y'all.
[09:49:25] Make it happen gamers!
[09:49:26] We are playing KOOFACE!
[09:49:28] We're so close!
[09:49:32] Alright, so I only have one more check that I can actually get in City in the Sky here before I have to dip.
[09:49:37] It's just all the way at the end here,
[09:49:39] So I'm gonna be doing this really neat looking LJA
[09:49:43] Where I'm going to do 1 target there go over to two targets here and then we
[09:49:45] got one and two all the way down to the ends nicely done
[09:49:52] and let's see what do we have in the last chest that we can get?
[09:49:55] Yeah, it was water bombs.
[09:49:56] All right, goodbye.
[09:49:57] So we are officially spinner-locked
[09:49:59] in order to actually defeat Argorok.
[09:50:03] Honestly nice because you didn't have to fight him with the Ordon sword.
[09:50:06] Yeah, well, we don't know about that yet.
[09:50:12] This is one of the more precise LJs right here.
[09:50:14] You have to put them in very specific spots.
[09:50:16] And then your timing needs to be a little off, I guess less
[09:50:20] often than what I was doing. Do you have time for another donation?
[09:50:30] Because you've been issued more challenges.
[09:50:33] Oh, boy.
[09:50:35] A promised $50 from the period who says the period here a few too many bombs but a deal
[09:50:44] is a deal.
[09:50:45] The rupee is Fred frustrated rupee endlessly downstairs.
[09:50:50] Next challenge for Spike
[09:50:52] is $25 to do Snow Peak Ruins with Zora armor equipped and not die.
[09:51:02] Hi! and not die. For Jim, a Ralpha skip
[09:51:04] with Hawkeye for another 10.
[09:51:08] I'll see if i can figure it out
[09:51:13] also i have here two hundred dollars from spencer who says for a ghetto and
[09:51:17] yet us honeymoon fund oh that's really cute!
[09:51:21] We're so close to the incentive now.
[09:51:23] So for those of you who don't know
[09:51:25] Zora Armor takes 10 times
[09:51:27] damage to fire and ice
[09:51:29] so if... Yeah, I'm joking fire and ice so
[09:51:37] so uh we'll give this at least one death
[09:51:40] we'll see where it might pop in over here.
[09:51:43] Yeah, so a normal hit that takes half
[09:51:45] a heart will take five hearts.
[09:51:47] I'm gonna be careful because if you bump into those
[09:51:49] you die.
[09:51:55] We were just... It's more than half like... Shouts to soup.
[09:51:59] You might need some of that with the Zora armor.
[09:52:03] I don't actually think i have a bottle what's up lady what you got
[09:52:07] all right sick yeah normally where you would get the map
[09:52:10] in this it's set for another lja and room over, and if you want to get into learning
[09:52:14] long jump attacks, this is like Bill 1 to learn.
[09:52:17] Ice block, cave, go on
[09:52:18] spring water rush.
[09:52:21] Yeah, all the individual launch jokes
[09:52:22] are dead.
[09:52:25] That reminds me, I forgot to check
[09:52:26] the hit sign in City in the Sky. Oops.
[09:52:29] It's fine.
[09:52:31] I mean, you know something is over there.
[09:52:34] Less than
[09:52:34] 2,500 remaining rolls!
[09:52:45] I think it's up to us. we will kind of figure out like based on vibes which dungeon we want to
[09:52:50] do uh yeah you can just click through the ceiling right there you're supposed to like break the wall
[09:52:54] the floor down there and that's how you actually get
[09:52:57] down to that check.
[09:52:58] But there's also just a couple of pixels
[09:52:59] where you can shoot through it.
[09:53:00] So that's cool.
[09:53:02] You should go.
[09:53:10] Yeah, I'm just going through North Lanayru Field here. Got about two checks remaining.
[09:53:12] Thankfully we got hinted that a bunch of the checks
[09:53:14] were dead so we don't have to check those.
[09:53:16] So we've got the Poe that's up here
[09:53:19] which is going to be very annoying
[09:53:21] to get with these two guys here
[09:53:23] Let's see if we can manage...
[09:53:25] Hello! Come on!
[09:53:27] Alright, there you go I actually want to stand a little further back All right.
[09:53:28] There we go.
[09:53:31] I actually want to stand a little further back and lock on right here, because you have to deal
[09:53:33] with bonk physics.
[09:53:35] So that makes it where I can get
[09:53:37] underneath that platform and
[09:53:40] not bonk on anything and just like
[09:53:42] clank off into a crag.
[09:53:44] Oh my crag.
[09:53:47] Let's see, so
[09:53:48] for stuff that we haven't done on the overworld yet um
[09:53:51] we haven't done the kakariko gorge cave i believe uh that is true yeah kekrika gorge
[09:53:56] in general is like pretty untouched and then we also got the all the owl statues now that you found
[09:54:03] the second dominion rod oh this is true
[09:54:08] i'm gonna like i'm gonna extra kill stuff again times 10 damage everyone times 10 damage
[09:54:17] uh you know yeah one little nifty thing is if
[09:54:20] you have the ball and chain in your hand,
[09:54:22] you should also die.
[09:54:24] Yeah, I didn't say I only hit that corner.
[09:54:26] You actually don't have ice physics.
[09:54:28] You can just walk around as normal, which I might use more of here.
[09:54:35] Big shout-outs to the randomizer not...
[09:54:38] Whenever Link is considered to be heavy in the randomizer,
[09:54:40] like with the iron boots on or carrying around
[09:54:42] the ball and chain.
[09:54:44] Link just moves at normal speed
[09:54:46] and isn't hampered by any sort of
[09:54:48] stealthy trees.
[09:54:52] Yeah that's a side effect of the fast iron boots setting.
[09:54:55] So whenever you walk with iron boots it's normal speed but then I was like just like
[09:54:59] everything heavy makes you want normal speed and i liked it so I got that.
[09:55:10] Do you have a moment for some lovely positivity from the donors?
[09:55:11] Yeah, do it.
[09:55:12] I have $50 here from Sage Saria, who says matching the periods challenge donation because
[09:55:18] I'm continually floored by the tricks speedrunners find.
[09:55:21] Good job, Jim.
[09:55:23] Also have $86 from Anonymous says that underwater boss got 86.
[09:55:32] And here is 86 reasons to make the runners do an extra dungeon.
[09:55:39] Thank you so much, y'all!
[09:55:45] I'm gonna conserve my lantern oil a little bit just in case it becomes necessary for something else later on as i'm going through
[09:55:49] this cave here thankfully this one's just bright enough that i can kind of see what's going on
[09:55:53] as we're going through it i have one more for you.
[09:55:58] Alright.
[09:55:59] I've got $25 from a GameFAQs user.
[09:56:04] Thank God!
[09:56:05] I've been waiting for this.
[09:56:06] Alright, alright.
[09:56:07] They said,
[09:56:08] I looked up how to jump across the chandeliers.
[09:56:10] And the advice was to quote,
[09:56:14] jump across the chandeliers.
[09:56:16] Oh, thank God.
[09:56:17] Hope this helps.
[09:56:18] All right, let's reset reset I'll go back.
[09:56:29] And so we got one more Poe in here.
[09:56:31] And then you never did the great... what is it?
[09:56:35] The Farrenfield Bridge chest that requires Kalashnaid. Did you spike?
[09:56:39] Farrenfield chest? I did not. did not okay yeah that's a classic one that always
[09:56:42] gets left behind because it's the only one that hard across can't even peek it without
[09:56:48] the clawshot so potentially that's there We don't have a ton of overworld
[09:56:52] left to work with,
[09:56:54] so we need that spinner. Potentially
[09:56:56] from there, there could be two swords up in
[09:56:58] Hyrule Castle, which would
[09:57:00] be our go mode at that point.
[09:57:02] Are we forced to have to five-cycle Argrogg?
[09:57:05] I mean, it's...
[09:57:06] We're getting down to the wire on that one, yeah.
[09:57:14] This is the most scared I've ever been of running through Snowpeak Ruins
[09:57:16] because when
[09:57:18] I killed the big freezer and it's like
[09:57:20] 12 children popped up
[09:57:21] with a spider boss. yeah oh okay because yeah i don't know they were trying to
[09:57:29] figure out some reason i was like why would people ever take the zora armor off it just
[09:57:32] lets you swim underwater, and Nintendo thought
[09:57:34] the same thing. They were like, what if it just kills
[09:57:36] the player?
[09:57:38] Not times two! Not times
[09:57:41] four! Times ten damage!
[09:57:43] What are we doing out here?
[09:57:45] And it's funny because the math adds up, so if you fall
[09:57:47] into lava, you actually lose two
[09:57:49] hearts, and so 2x10 is
[09:57:51] 20, so if you fall in lava with Storm Armor,
[09:57:53] it's instant KO. Like all of your hearts are gone.
[09:57:57] Oh nice! We got this first try.
[09:57:58] So I just climbed a ladder and that's it?
[09:58:00] Yeah, that was pretty cool.
[09:58:01] Let's go. Really impressive.
[09:58:03] Yeah so uh...
[09:58:04] What if we just never explain why that was a trick?
[09:58:07] Yeah.
[09:58:09] Uh yeah! So what was I-GIGIGIGIGIGIGIGI
[09:58:13] Oh no.
[09:58:15] That's fine, I'm not about to do like a combat room or anything, that's cool
[09:58:18] Wanna catch these two as they drop down
[09:58:20] Let's actually just never explain that stuff
[09:58:21] We'll explain when you get to it
[09:58:23] But for now
[09:58:24] I climbed the ladder
[09:58:25] It was great
[09:58:28] If I may for just a moment we are less than $2,000 away from that
[09:58:30] bonus dungeon everyone!
[09:58:33] We're making
[09:58:34] progress but let's get there!
[09:58:38] Do you all but let's get there
[09:58:42] do you also have a moment for quick donation of course sure yeah because i have 25 from shadow and cygnus
[09:58:46] who says hey jim hey spike Shoutouts to you and all my other
[09:58:49] Zelda nerd friends for inspiration
[09:58:51] and guidance in making the Deku Shield!
[09:58:53] Let's keep going
[09:58:55] for yet more Dungeoneering!
[09:58:57] That's a great reminder that
[09:59:00] when you're submitting your donations
[09:59:02] to Doctors Without Borders
[09:59:04] and you're hitting that incentive button
[09:59:06] to help us get that last dungeon,
[09:59:08] um,
[09:59:08] that next dungeon, sorry,
[09:59:10] we can get more.
[09:59:13] There's also a ton of neat prizes that you can be automatically
[09:59:14] entered to win including a real
[09:59:16] wood handmade Deku shield
[09:59:18] made by the one and only Shadow Insignus.
[09:59:21] I got to touch it, it's really cool!
[09:59:24] It feels like wood because it's wood,
[09:59:26] it's real wood!
[09:59:29] Can you say that sentence again?
[09:59:31] It's wood! It's made of wood.
[09:59:34] But it feels like wood because it is wood, am I hearing right?
[09:59:37] Yes, yes.
[09:59:38] Okay, I love that for us.
[09:59:41] It's so cool!
[09:59:43] I don't know how else to explain it
[09:59:45] They had it on stage earlier
[09:59:47] and it looks really cool
[09:59:49] What up, Yetta?
[09:59:53] So now we're going to take the bedroom key and are going to fight our
[09:59:56] I guess third boss we've seen on screen for y'all.
[09:59:58] This first part...
[09:59:59] The room we're in is not perfectly circular
[10:00:02] so sometimes you'll get random bounces and
[10:00:04] you have to react to them which for me means crying
[10:00:07] So, we'll just kind of see what happens. I generally want to try to move more towards the middle
[10:00:11] Just so it doesn't have like it doesn't have as much room to bounce off in violent ways
[10:00:16] so okay keeping it straight keep it history even one more time please that would be great
[10:00:22] we gotta react we gotta react we gotta react. We gotta react!
[10:00:24] We gotta react!
[10:00:25] That's it I'm waiting for it to stop.
[10:00:26] That's right.
[10:00:27] I took out one of the 400 children.
[10:00:28] It's locked up.
[10:00:30] Oh yeah this is gonna do a lot of damage isn't it?
[10:00:34] Yep. Hit it hit it hit it hit it hit it okay there was a ring
[10:00:38] of death that was chasing her so now what we gotta do in phase two we're going to try
[10:00:41] and go for the quick kill it's got three hp you're trying to hit it three times with ball
[10:00:45] and chain we're going to try it three times with ball and chain.
[10:00:46] We're going to try to set up for,
[10:00:47] am I gonna take increased damage from the damage boost?
[10:00:49] Oh, you are!
[10:00:50] Ah!
[10:00:53] Are there any hearts on the floor?
[10:00:54] Yes, there should be.
[10:00:55] People did donate. How much health do I have?
[10:00:57] Are we gonna die?
[10:00:58] Yeah.
[10:00:59] I believe you have four hearts.
[10:01:00] As long as you have two and a half for the damage.
[10:01:01] Oh okay, two and a half.
[10:01:02] That's all I need?
[10:01:03] Okay, sorry.
[10:01:04] Well let's get it first try!
[10:01:06] So yeah there is a way to do
[10:01:08] a triple hit right here with
[10:01:09] a very specific damage boost.
[10:01:12] Where that's a quarter heart
[10:01:13] that's more than you need.
[10:01:17] Clank the wall to back myself up.
[10:01:19] Setting up for this, or they're going to get to the side.
[10:01:22] Okay, that doesn't...
[10:01:23] So we're gonna go for one, for the two,
[10:01:25] and then line it back up.
[10:01:26] Oh, I dropped the input.
[10:01:27] Can I still save it?
[10:01:28] Three!
[10:01:29] Oh!
[10:01:31] All right, so we're going for the two cycle then.
[10:01:34] That hit it.
[10:01:36] You would think.
[10:01:37] Yeah, she disagreed.
[10:01:41] Yeah, I tried to press the ball... Tried to pop the ball and chain a little too fast from there
[10:01:44] so the input got eaten.
[10:01:47] It was on me.
[10:01:47] It was a skill issue.
[10:01:49] I did want to interrupt the damage boosting but we're uh less
[10:01:51] than a thousand dollars to meeting this incentive and then i took too long to say that and we're
[10:01:56] less than five hundred dollars away $100 away from me.
[10:02:13] Also, I have a very special message for you that needs to be read like right now is that okay yep yeah i have 100 dollars for you from yetto who says forget bank account gdq no look into eyes of Yeto.
[10:02:25] Look in reflection of Yeto's eyes.
[10:02:29] Their true donation.
[10:02:31] Who needs money?
[10:02:33] Seriously, though, let's have more dungeon and more TDQ for a great cause.
[10:02:36] Yetto putting orange ruby towards
[10:02:37] more dungeon!
[10:02:39] There's less than $200 left, y'all.
[10:02:41] Thank you, Yetto.
[10:02:41] Thank you, ghetto.
[10:02:52] And that is an extra dungeon.
[10:02:57] Alright, five dungeons. Five dungeons!
[10:02:59] I do believe there is potential...
[10:03:01] What do we want to do?
[10:03:03] Do you wanna go to the mines? Yeah that sounds about right. Let's go to the mines?
[10:03:05] Yeah, that sounds about right.
[10:03:05] Let's go to the
[10:03:06] mines!
[10:03:06] So we'll tack
[10:03:07] that one on
[10:03:08] and...
[10:03:09] We'll have to wait.
[10:03:10] I don't know if
[10:03:10] we wanna run
[10:03:11] something for a
[10:03:12] six dungeon
[10:03:12] because we could
[10:03:13] make that happen.
[10:03:14] We could make that happen, yeah.
[10:03:16] According to what I'm looking at
[10:03:18] it seems that a sixth dungeon is
[10:03:20] on the table.
[10:03:22] Chat and audience, that's going to run us
[10:03:24] $7,500
[10:03:25] more dollars uh but we can add on a sixth dungeon
[10:03:30] to the to-do list we're gonna beat them all gamers except for the ones we don't beat.
[10:03:42] May I share one more donation with you?
[10:03:45] I've got $10 from the ladder spike climbed
[10:03:51] who says still in a dream dream to honor
[10:04:01] So
[10:04:03] Is that one or two?
[10:04:05] That was the first one.
[10:04:07] Let's go!
[10:04:09] And now we don't have to do 5-cycle Argorok, let's go!
[10:04:13] So theoretically we only spin her from Go mode at this point gamers.
[10:04:17] I'm gonna get that master sword. sword just has to generally be stronger and
[10:04:21] it's right here that would be funny if it was your star prize one end team yeah yeah so since
[10:04:28] you have uh you have both dominion rods, I would probably recommend you check the Owl Statue checks.
[10:04:34] And we'll see where we can go from there.
[10:04:36] Sounds good!
[10:04:38] I'll go to the rest of the south of Castletown and clean up what we couldn't get earlier.
[10:04:41] I hope it's the desert owl statue.
[10:04:44] Oh, please!
[10:04:46] And Ingrido Desert was Way of the Hero, it only gave us 12 items already.
[10:04:51] Yeah there is an old adage in randomizers
[10:04:53] always clear your way to the hero
[10:04:55] Oh I already found the thing right?
[10:04:57] And it turns out there are like 12 things there
[10:05:07] Aww Oh. I'm confused what just happened behind me.
[10:05:15] Are we not allowed to just clap for no reason?
[10:05:16] Help us clap!
[10:05:20] I like clapping.
[10:05:22] I like clapping! Woo!
[10:05:23] It's not for me.
[10:05:24] I also like dungeons.
[10:05:27] Dungeons!
[10:05:28] I should also remember to go check the Malamar now that
[10:05:30] I have 2,000.
[10:05:31] Dude, I saw them out of fucking here.
[10:05:37] So right here let's see if we can do another lj uh we did a cool um we didn't think uh we know gray bridge of highly is already dead
[10:05:41] we know that's dead uh where are the other double-giving
[10:05:45] ones? Yeah, let's go.
[10:05:47] This is the classic one you forget because this
[10:05:49] one's only locking one because we did the wolf jump at
[10:05:51] the beginning of the run then skipped over to the second lock
[10:05:53] but by and large they locked two checks. That was
[10:05:56] not the spinner? That was not the spinner.
[10:05:57] Thank God! That is
[10:06:00] one of, if not just the worst
[10:06:02] chance in the entire game. In general,
[10:06:04] have we done much up here in northeast eldon field i don't think so
[10:06:07] but i mean this the spinner also locks a bunch of those checks right we're not going to find
[10:06:11] the spinner and checks that are locked behind the spinner unless something's broken.
[10:06:19] Yeah, and even doing the other dungeons we have the ability to do all of them so
[10:06:21] we're truly not worried about anything spinner-locked
[10:06:25] Yes there is actually a very well-hidden chest up here in the game.
[10:06:30] If you clawshot onto this target and then walk across these tightropes...
[10:06:34] So well hidden it doesn't even appear.
[10:06:37] Oh yeah but that goes
[10:06:40] don't know what the rendering on that one's doing but yeah it doesn't get
[10:06:43] drawn unless you're very close to it for some reason
[10:06:48] listen i know the fountain
[10:06:49] has to be dead because it's spinner-locked
[10:06:52] but what if you backslice today?
[10:06:53] Yeah, what if we did it anyway? What if you just did it?
[10:06:56] We're here. We're doing a showcase.
[10:06:58] Yeah, so the fountain chest
[10:06:59] here outside South Castle Town
[10:07:00] it logically requires
[10:07:02] the spinner to get to
[10:07:03] because there's
[10:07:03] a spinner track
[10:07:04] that you can jump down
[10:07:05] from here after
[10:07:07] getting this chest.
[10:07:08] I should take off
[10:07:09] this sword armor
[10:07:11] i am in a literal volcano but instead what we can just do is we can do uh
[10:07:16] this and get to the chest. So cool!
[10:07:28] What else is there? Did you do all three checks at the top of Zora's Domain?
[10:07:31] I did not do the underwater Gwad. Alright, I will go do that thing because I have water bombs.
[10:07:34] Do you have a moment for more donations?
[10:07:37] Of course!
[10:07:38] Yes we do!
[10:07:39] I have so many for you.
[10:07:41] I'm drowning! We uh six dollars from kairi 45 who says six dollar train for the sixth dungeon
[10:07:49] seeing two of my favorite speed runnersners together still blows my mind.
[10:07:54] Thank you for the great commentary, and let's get that incentive, guys!
[10:07:58] Woo!
[10:08:01] I also have $100 for you from Beninock, who says show me the bazooka.
[10:08:10] Anybody know where that is? It's random right?
[10:08:15] Um there's no way it's i already got that check yo thank god yeah there's no
[10:08:19] uh can't we go gorge let's hit this up yeah i get that one
[10:08:23] uh let's see because yeah i think think we can't get the spinner track.
[10:08:27] We did everything in Ordon.
[10:08:29] Did you have fishing rod?
[10:08:30] We didn't fish.
[10:08:31] Oh okay, I'll go with that.
[10:08:32] Yeah, we didn't have that at that point.
[10:08:37] I'm gonna make a cat happy. Get it back to its mama?
[10:08:40] Yeah!
[10:08:41] Woo!
[10:08:43] Most excited any Twilight Princess Showcase has ever been for fishing.
[10:08:50] Dude, I love fishing mini-games!
[10:08:53] What is the least... You know what? We'll put in good verbiage for this. What is the best
[10:08:57] of the fishing games in Zelda
[10:08:59] history? Which one makes you feel like, ooh
[10:09:01] yeah I'm relaxed
[10:09:03] Yes
[10:09:03] Alright
[10:09:05] Okay Yes.
[10:09:10] Okay. I heard a vote for Ocarina of Time, alright, alright!
[10:09:14] MM3D?
[10:09:16] I don't think I've ever done the MM3D one.
[10:09:19] Ah, I disagree on OOT.
[10:09:23] Me as I'm straining my finger holding target for ten minutes.
[10:09:29] Alright and here we go. We're fishing.
[10:09:33] We caught one! Fish on!
[10:09:37] And... Fish on.
[10:09:40] Oh, and... Hey!
[10:09:42] Hey.
[10:09:42] And now the cat is happy.
[10:09:48] Also, I'm very happy. Less than $6000 remaining to that bonus bonus dungeon everyone!
[10:09:55] All of a sudden they can't get all the checks fast enough. They're just gonna keep making us do dungeons.
[10:10:00] I don't know why I used that voice.
[10:10:02] Shouts to Seth.
[10:10:04] Off note for everyone, the bonus bonus dungeon incentive will close at
[10:10:09] the end of our second runner finish, or is it first
[10:10:13] runner or second runner?
[10:10:14] Runners reminds me.
[10:10:15] Just say don't keep donating!
[10:10:16] They have to finish four dungeons first so when they finish four dungeons we can tell them how many more
[10:10:23] they're doing make it a lot that'd be great uh we still got the shell blade grotto oh
[10:10:31] that that chick is awful!
[10:10:33] Honestly I just thought about the
[10:10:35] Shellblade Grotto you need to go away
[10:10:37] That chest over there is dead by the way
[10:10:39] Have you already done it? No, it was hinted dead
[10:10:41] Did we ever talk about that?
[10:10:43] No.
[10:10:44] Okay.
[10:10:47] Just wanna keep my bearings straight, make sure I know.
[10:10:50] So yeah let's go Boob, you and You.
[10:10:55] Four more checks in here so it's a relatively-
[10:10:57] Oh, and I did that too.
[10:10:59] Oh!
[10:11:00] So am I just doing double dominion round locks?
[10:11:02] All right we're going. Okay Locke's stuff. Yeah.
[10:11:05] Okay.
[10:11:06] That's great.
[10:11:07] I love when Jim just tells me I don't have to
[10:11:08] do stuff.
[10:11:11] What if it's the second
[10:11:13] chest of this tower?
[10:11:15] Oh no. Um... it's the second chest of this tower.
[10:11:18] Oh no!
[10:11:21] Bother man! Oh yeah, oh that's right we did skip that earlier!
[10:11:24] We skipped that Guko Tower, I'm just saying!
[10:11:28] I really badly wanted to be there.
[10:11:31] You know what? I'm gonna check this first.
[10:11:34] This is higher Check Density technically.
[10:11:36] That's the correct play but it's going to be really fun!
[10:11:41] Less than $5,000 remaining y'all...
[10:11:44] We're getting there!
[10:11:45] Why are we donating so fast!
[10:11:48] Shoutouts to y'all purchasing tickets for the $6 donation train, it feels like spirit tracks in here. There's so many choo-choos.
[10:11:59] Juno! There's so many Choo-Choo's. Choo-choo!
[10:12:01] Did someone say QQ?
[10:12:03] QQ!
[10:12:05] Sorry, wrong game.
[10:12:07] Yeah. Sorry, wrong game.
[10:12:10] Skyward Sword randomized there for the next GDQ.
[10:12:13] I'm starting out there though, that would be sick.
[10:12:15] I'd be down.
[10:12:18] Woo!
[10:12:23] Yeah, it's amazing how many Zelda games have randomizers.
[10:12:26] All of them.
[10:12:29] Wand of Gamelon is in there? It's great. All of them.
[10:12:32] Wand of Gamelon's in there? It is great!
[10:12:36] It is an absolute journey of a randomizer.
[10:12:43] Alright, well I think it's about time for me to go check chest two. Oh baby! Let's go!
[10:12:47] I will cry tears of joy.
[10:12:49] Just kidding, it's right here!
[10:12:54] So you've done all of Lanayru Field
[10:12:56] What do we have left?
[10:12:58] The desert owls
[10:13:04] Time to get shot at with cannon the desert owls yeah all right you know i just had a thought of something oh no snowboard racing oh all right you know what
[10:13:11] i'll make that my next thing i'm awful at snowboarding but it will be great.
[10:13:13] Either way there will be laughs.
[10:13:15] Laughing, cheering all of it.
[10:13:16] Crying.
[10:13:19] Over here.
[10:13:21] Can we clap?
[10:13:24] Yes! Let's clap! over here can we clap yes let's go
[10:13:30] can we clap for less than four thousand dollars remaining
[10:13:35] also for this donation of six6 from the back couch,
[10:13:37] that says random clapping time!
[10:13:38] Yay!
[10:13:41] Thank you. Chest, chest two. Chest 2 approaches.
[10:13:47] Alright, let's see.
[10:13:49] Come on dude please!
[10:13:53] I saw something
[10:14:08] yeah thinking about it um we don't have a lot to do i guess i yeah i already cleared sacred grove uh we cleared farron woods as much as he could orton's village is clear declared cat gorge kakariko you
[10:14:13] got the rock spire chest in Kakariko Village?
[10:14:17] I did not.
[10:14:19] We have not shot up there yet, so take a peek at that.
[10:14:21] That and the Iron Boots check.
[10:14:23] Oh yeah, I got the Iron Boots check earlier.
[10:14:24] Okay.
[10:14:24] Man! Went into something really... Man, uh...
[10:14:30] We didn't miss something, Ryler. I'm thinking right now, I don't think so.
[10:14:32] Yeah, I don't think you've skipped anything.
[10:14:34] Theoretically the spinner exists somewhere.
[10:14:37] Hypothetically.
[10:14:38] Potentially.
[10:14:39] I sent you an unbeatable seed, Saeed!
[10:14:42] Wasn't that hilarious?
[10:14:45] It's right here. This is it.
[10:14:50] There it is.
[10:14:52] Good golly, Miss Molly.
[10:14:55] So I do have to go beat Forest Temple and Snow Peak
[10:14:57] before I can go get that.
[10:15:01] Oh, I actually need to get... No, I don't need to get Water Bombs.
[10:15:02] I don't need Water Bombs.
[10:15:03] You don't need Water Bombs?
[10:15:04] I don't need Water Bombs.
[10:15:05] Who would need Water Bombs?
[10:15:06] Unless you also want to do Morphiel
[10:15:08] without Zora armor.
[10:15:10] I would not recommend it I noticed you also want to do Morpheal without Zora armor.
[10:15:16] I would not recommend doing that for your first time on stage.
[10:15:20] We're going to have a 45 minute tutorial session.
[10:15:20] So you do, so you pull the bomb.
[10:15:22] Yeah right.
[10:15:23] Yeah I watched you do the whole thing
[10:15:25] while half looking at this side.
[10:15:26] Yeah it's great.
[10:15:28] Yeah and we don't need any small keys in forest
[10:15:30] no we don't yeah any small keys in Forest. No, we don't.
[10:15:32] Yeah, you just need the big key from that one chest.
[10:15:36] I'm going to get
[10:15:36] the small key that is in
[10:15:38] the big bottom of stuff
[10:15:40] and the big key was in that other chest.
[10:15:43] That was so long ago.
[10:15:44] After you unlock the locked door,
[10:15:46] it is the first chest on the right.
[10:15:49] Unlocked door, first chest...
[10:15:50] Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was the big key and then double claw shots were uh
[10:15:56] yeah after you do the chest that you jump on and then do the lga over the railing
[10:16:00] uh the double claw shots are in the further chest that has like,
[10:16:04] the giant stream going through it.
[10:16:06] Oh yeah!
[10:16:10] Yeah so because I don't have to do anything
[10:16:12] and Forest Emblem except get the Bosky
[10:16:14] I can just plosh out my way up here and go get the Bosky.
[10:16:19] Make sure I still have lantern oil to burn these webs.
[10:16:21] Less than $3,000 remaining. Excuse me?
[10:16:27] Also Spike if I may
[10:16:29] If you don't want to go
[10:16:31] Zora Armor
[10:16:33] Morphiel.
[10:16:36] I did get a $30 donation from Momomomo
[10:16:38] with an extra challenge.
[10:16:40] They say, Hi Spike! Hi Jim!
[10:16:42] I know you've had some tough challenges this run
[10:16:44] so how about something a little easier if the sixth dungeon
[10:16:48] is the arbiter's grounds i'll give you a hundred more dollars for salad
[10:16:55] also best fishing game is Skyward Sword
[10:16:58] which doesn't have one.
[10:17:00] Oh!
[10:17:02] That's what I like to hear baby.
[10:17:03] I think they're talking about Bug Heaven?
[10:17:07] Bug Heavens a great fishing game.
[10:17:10] I'm being booed.
[10:17:22] Excuse me, I continue to not be able to see on this. Also, I just remembered we never found the big key in City In The Sky.
[10:17:25] Oh yeah it's on the right side.
[10:17:27] Yeah so you will have to go get the small key I believe unless
[10:17:30] you want to do a small-key skip which don't do that.
[10:17:33] That actually looks like the worst track.
[10:17:35] You found out and it looks basically TAS only.
[10:17:38] Yep.
[10:17:41] Did that wedge...
[10:17:42] There's a specific line I look for on the ground,
[10:17:45] and I can't see it right now.
[10:17:49] Uh, I mean,
[10:17:49] I can go just get
[10:17:51] water bombs.
[10:17:51] I mean,
[10:17:52] that would be fine.
[10:17:53] Yeah,
[10:17:54] not being able to see
[10:17:55] kind of...
[10:17:56] Oh, what the heck?
[10:17:57] Let's go with...
[10:17:58] Can you make it daytime?
[10:18:00] Can you? Not daytime? Uh, can you?
[10:18:01] Not underwater.
[10:18:03] There is a specific
[10:18:05] dot I look for to sit on the
[10:18:07] ground. This one works right here.
[10:18:09] This is the clip.
[10:18:10] This is not the clip. This is the clip, this is the clip, this is the clip,
[10:18:11] this is not the clip.
[10:18:13] So we're going too far to the left side?
[10:18:15] Let's try right side I guess?
[10:18:18] Like a little further like my leg...
[10:18:21] Because you need the camera to be up like that and then generally it's up again. Like a little further, like my leg. I think my leg...
[10:18:22] Does it need the camera to be up like that?
[10:18:23] And then generally it's up against the wall.
[10:18:34] Hmm, alright, gee, All right, Jim.
[10:18:36] I'm going to ask you for your eye, my coach,
[10:18:38] through all of these TP randomizers.
[10:18:40] Unfortunately, I also cannot see because the blinding light is on my face.
[10:18:41] Yeah, it is...
[10:18:42] I need the lantern underwater otherwise yeah
[10:18:46] we're gonna do this one more time and then i will just go get the water bombs
[10:18:58] yeah okay well Yeah, we... I cannot tell. Alright so we're just gonna go get the water bombs then.
[10:19:01] It is so dark.
[10:19:03] So here I'm going to do the the ljs to get to the boss door a little different than
[10:19:07] the ones that spike did because spike went to the other side of the room to get the chest
[10:19:10] uh so we just put a target there and then jump attack and then we get to the end. Yay!
[10:19:22] Do you have time for some intrusive train noises?
[10:19:24] Yes. Because I've got SixSouls from Sage
[10:19:27] who says, Dungeon 6 Train
[10:19:28] is leaving the station at full
[10:19:31] speed and Skyward Sword Randomizer
[10:19:33] would make my day.
[10:19:37] I also have
[10:19:39] $10 from Kako that says
[10:19:41] Quack! Quack!
[10:19:43] Quack!
[10:19:54] ... If we have time for one more, I'm so sorry for this.
[10:20:04] But we have $25 from We have a 25 donation from nordic the wolf that says nordic the wolf that says can we get that bonus can we get that bonus bonus bonus, bonus dungeon, dungeon?
[10:20:08] Let's go gymnasts! Let's go Spike.
[10:20:23] Oh yeah just a quick interesting thing, you guys didn't hear it on Spike's side because
[10:20:30] I believe we're using My Game Audio but Diababa the is kind of just not making noises
[10:20:48] just kind of silent yeah it's a little bit of weird side effect Yeah, something to do with the music stuff that you guys have had to do for Music Shuffle. Just rando dev things
[10:20:54] swayed my life we got three bomb bags right here.
[10:21:04] We need the setting at some point where
[10:21:06] the second one just starts with water bombs.
[10:21:08] Right.
[10:21:11] So this is the intended way to actually blow up your boulder
[10:21:15] to get into the Lake Bend Temple.
[10:21:18] Could have saved that a little bit of time. It's okay. We're vibing. Yeah, other than that we will probably try to start linking in.
[10:21:30] I think were going for Goron Mines first and
[10:21:32] I know you were given a suggestion on
[10:21:35] your sixth dungeon what you might go
[10:21:37] for. Uh, I'm gonna leave that one to you, baby.
[10:21:39] Ah, yeah,
[10:21:40] I mean, no.
[10:21:43] I do not have confidence that
[10:21:44] I would be able to do Salad Skip.
[10:21:46] I don't think that one is happening, unfortunately.
[10:21:49] You gotta at least try once.
[10:21:51] I mean we could go through
[10:21:52] and just try once
[10:21:54] but
[10:21:54] I don't think it's gonna work I could go through and just try once.
[10:21:58] I don't think it's gonna work, but... That was not me putting pressure on you!
[10:22:00] I'm like, I'm not doing it.
[10:22:04] I do have the warp portal so it wouldn't take too long to get to arbiter's grounds
[10:22:07] um but yeah first i have to find the boss key for city in the skies we'll focus on
[10:22:13] that for the time being what if i tried this one more time now that it's you got this first try god it's so lit Did we clip in and out?
[10:22:33] I think that was still like slightly too far to the left.
[10:22:35] Okay, okay.
[10:22:36] I won't waste any more time.
[10:22:37] Less than $2,000
[10:22:39] remaining.
[10:22:43] Let's keep
[10:22:44] the Dungeoneering
[10:22:45] going y'all.
[10:22:48] Do you have time for... I have another request for y'all.
[10:22:52] I've got $25 dollars from Anonymous who says
[10:22:56] Can I get your best CAT as we ride the sixth dungeon train?
[10:23:02] All right, you first.
[10:23:03] Yeah!
[10:23:05] Ah!
[10:23:06] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
[10:23:13] Sick! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I feel like we sounded Like an old Barry guy
[10:23:14] Oh those are Link's parents
[10:23:18] Okay
[10:23:19] I also have Fifty dollars These are Link's parents. Okay.
[10:23:25] I also have $50 from Little Dark Sun, who says...
[10:23:31] Sign me up! Good luck for both runners
[10:23:32] and yeah!
[10:23:34] It gave me a note saying
[10:23:36] in Link's voice, you know?
[10:23:40] Oh, I did the thing.
[10:23:42] I forgot...I thought I...
[10:23:44] Uh-oh!
[10:23:48] For a second I thought you did Cool Game while I wasn't looking.
[10:23:51] No, thankfully not.
[10:23:53] Cool Game is a soft lock.
[10:23:55] I don't know if I want to do Cool Game
[10:23:57] but apparently there's $100 on the table for it.
[10:24:01] Jim one more time where was the double claw shot?
[10:24:03] Oh so after you do the LGA onto the railing from the open chest
[10:24:08] The double claw shot will be in the...
[10:24:12] Like you jump down into the water
[10:24:13] Into the water.
[10:24:15] Into the water? Oh, okay.
[10:24:16] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[10:24:18] It's what... The one that's blowing against me or...
[10:24:20] Or...
[10:24:20] It doesn't matter. I'll figure it out.
[10:24:23] Yeah, because we just need to...
[10:24:24] Okay.
[10:24:24] So that's the only small key
[10:24:25] We need right there
[10:24:26] Also where was
[10:24:28] The Dominion Rod in Snoopy?
[10:24:29] Was it just
[10:24:30] In the first room?
[10:24:30] It was the Poe
[10:24:31] In the first room
[10:24:32] Okay
[10:24:32] See if you want
[10:24:33] Two for convenience
[10:24:34] You can get
[10:24:34] The small key On the left statue.
[10:24:37] Right.
[10:24:38] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[10:24:39] You know what you're doing.
[10:24:40] You've played this before.
[10:24:44] Would you like some more takes on fishing games?
[10:24:46] I've got fishing takes.
[10:24:48] Of course, please!
[10:24:50] We always signed up for this video.
[10:24:52] But we're having some fishing discourse.
[10:24:55] We got $100 from Crane who says i forgot speed runners don't tend to bonk
[10:24:59] 100 for another dungeon to bonkin best fishing mini game is windaker. You get to shoot the fish.
[10:25:13] Speaking of fishing, we got more fishing coming up here. fish on So I'm going to go ahead and volunteer that Phantom Hourglass is not on anyone's favorite fishing.
[10:25:37] Because, yeah, that gave me issues at a guy I may have cried a couple times
[10:25:42] fishing fan back less but that's okay who is it that was gonna donate if we
[10:25:47] just keep on. This is a quality of life.
[10:25:51] For some reason,
[10:25:53] they decided to make those
[10:25:54] like really you could not
[10:25:56] roll up those stairs. Nintendo said
[10:25:58] no. Not in my children's video game.
[10:26:01] I mean, have you tried rolling upstairs
[10:26:02] and are alive?
[10:26:03] It hurts.
[10:26:04] Yeah, that's true.
[10:26:07] Then I've tried it.
[10:26:10] This is awful.
[10:26:12] By the way, one, we are 75%
[10:26:14] of the way there to our
[10:26:16] sixth dungeon!
[10:26:18] Incredible job, y'all!
[10:26:20] Let's keep it up!
[10:26:27] I also have 25 from wig tall who says dungeon six let's go also lynx awakening is by far the best fishing game
[10:26:33] that one person awakening is by far the best fishing game
[10:26:49] that one person agrees i played that one Oh. Whenever you inevitably do co-op,
[10:26:51] then I have to like think through your brain.
[10:26:53] All right don't do all those checks just start to
[10:26:55] these ones so i'm trying to think through what the process is here i guess you're going to go down
[10:26:59] you're going to jump over yeah i gotcha yep i just wanted to mouth that out, sorry.
[10:27:05] No, you're good.
[10:27:07] Let's just jump down here.
[10:27:08] Okay, cool.
[10:27:13] Hey, I'm just making my way up the snow peak.
[10:27:14] Oh, we... You can LJA that. You can LJA that. Oh, you can lj you can lga that oh you can't oh my god all right let's walk
[10:27:19] that poor guy i hate jumpscare am i just putting it above this um yeah should work
[10:27:25] all right Yeah, should work. All right.
[10:27:28] Oh, I see, I see.
[10:27:29] That's the first one.
[10:27:31] And you can't just make that, can you?
[10:27:33] You know what?
[10:27:33] Throw it up there.
[10:27:34] Wait. Fine. Spike got the other LGA variant,
[10:27:39] The Little Jump Attack.
[10:27:41] What's that second one?
[10:27:43] We are live learning this one!
[10:27:45] You can do two targets above
[10:27:46] the overhang and then just do two targets above the overhang, and then just do 2 LJAs in a row.
[10:27:51] So just match A?
[10:27:52] I'm fishing off of edge of ledge that's not where the Fishing Rod goes.
[10:27:57] I meant to do an LJA over here! goes.
[10:27:59] I meant to do an LJA over here.
[10:28:00] So because I know that
[10:28:01] I don't have to come
[10:28:02] back to Snow Peak,
[10:28:03] uh,
[10:28:03] I can skip fighting
[10:28:04] the shadow beast there
[10:28:05] and skip having to
[10:28:07] do all that.
[10:28:07] It does come with
[10:28:08] the caveat though that now i have
[10:28:09] to do snowboarding uh somewhat blind because the render distance is turned way down so
[10:28:15] I'll just have to make sure that I be careful to not fall into the void.
[10:28:22] Do y'all have time for more hot fishing takes? There's so many. Real quick,
[10:28:24] I'm putting two up there!
[10:28:25] Maybe a little higher. A little higher?
[10:28:28] Yeah, so get rid of those too and then go a lot higher up. Oh, like here? A little higher? Yeah, so get rid of those two and then go a lot higher up.
[10:28:31] Oh like here?
[10:28:32] Little bit further down.
[10:28:35] God the live tutorial! How about there?
[10:28:38] That should be good.
[10:28:39] Alright let's try it baby!
[10:28:40] Wooo!
[10:28:41] Yeah, easy!
[10:28:45] That's not how you do it.
[10:28:49] Wait, do that again I wasn't paying attention.
[10:28:51] Another LJ right here after let's let these guys drop down.
[10:28:55] Oh, I probably want to open this.
[10:28:56] I guess that doesn't really matter.
[10:28:57] We need to get up on top of the chest and
[10:28:59] this is one where you need to throw it out super quickly.
[10:29:01] So boom, boom
[10:29:03] over to the side. We're going to lock
[10:29:05] on once here.
[10:29:06] Pull it out and real quick jump slash. Hey we're good.
[10:29:09] Alright now let's read
[10:29:11] some donations.
[10:29:13] Perfect because I have a very special donation for you from the Yeti.
[10:29:19] Let's go!
[10:29:19] I wonder if it's Yetto.
[10:29:23] They donated $10,000!
[10:29:26] Woo!
[10:29:30] And they would like to say
[10:29:32] hey all Yeti here.
[10:29:35] We have a special message from Miski,
[10:29:37] one of our tea artists who has been contributing designs
[10:29:40] for 10 years.
[10:29:41] She says I've been doing GDQ teas
[10:29:44] for a long time and it still feels incredible to be able
[10:29:47] to contribute through my art and be able to give more than I ever could on my own.
[10:29:51] I also love that I can help highlight indie games in my own way via design collaboration.
[10:29:57] I got into speedrunning through GDQ and even though i'm mostly just an enthusiast, without
[10:30:03] exaggeration it's genuinely changed my life and ended up introducing me to some of the
[10:30:08] most important people in my life so i hold a special place in my heart thank you miski
[10:30:14] for all your amazing art thank you so much thank you so much
[10:30:24] also uh just a quick aside by the way we We're less than $1000 away from a sixth dungeon!
[10:30:28] Let's keep this rolling!
[10:30:32] Oh my god there are so many trains... There's trains on my screen
[10:30:40] do you have time for more fishing tapes by the way let's hear them
[10:30:44] uh because we have fifty dollars from anon who says
[10:30:47] my hot fishing tape?
[10:30:48] Show that fishing rod to Ganondorf and show him what for.
[10:30:53] Sure, why not?
[10:30:54] We'll show Ganondorf the fishing rod.
[10:30:56] We also have $30 from Not an Expert who who says my favorite fishing minigame is the one from
[10:31:02] Breath of the Wild. Bums away! I'd also like to point out that we are about $5,000 away.
[10:31:13] Ooh!
[10:31:13] Now less than $5,000 away from $1.1 million total.
[10:31:19] Let's go baby
[10:31:22] keep that train rolling
[10:31:30] yeah so i'm just going through Snow Peak.
[10:31:32] Gonna go pick up the boss key and then head over to beat Blizzetta
[10:31:36] So I don't have to get any of the other checks that Spike had to go uncheck
[10:31:40] So yeah it should be pretty short for me since the bedroom key is just over
[10:31:48] and i am fighting more feel right here again
[10:31:50] the big thing you're trying to look for is as Morpheal bobs up and down,
[10:31:54] you can force unequipped the iron boots by going into the menu
[10:31:58] and just putting anything else in that slot,
[10:32:00] and that should cancel out the animation of link flipping up and down
[10:32:04] and it knocking you off and hopefully be able to get a quick re-grab there is
[10:32:08] some randomness of how it bobs up and down then I have to react to we'll see
[10:32:12] what happens it's not easy.
[10:32:14] But either way, he a fish, we're gonna try to kill him.
[10:32:16] She a fish, we're gonna try to kill her.
[10:32:21] Is this a fishing minigame?
[10:32:24] Unfortunately, I don't think you can pull out the fishing rod during this fight.
[10:32:28] So maybe not.
[10:32:39] I mean, I have some obscure TP knowledge that technically this could be a fishing minigame. Because there's a glitch you can do, it's also used for Stalag Scope
[10:32:43] It's called Clawshot Actor Displacement
[10:32:45] And if you land on one of the pillars and fall off It's called Claw Shot Actor Displacement.
[10:32:48] And if you land on one of the pillars and fall off on the same frame, you grab Morphineal
[10:32:50] it actually pulls her to you
[10:32:53] I can't argue with that one actually
[10:32:55] So technically fishing minigame.
[10:32:57] Alright so this trick that spiked it earlier
[10:32:59] This is a trick called the last freezard skip
[10:33:02] where normally this freezer is supposed to continuously fire
[10:33:06] the ice stream at you
[10:33:08] so that you can't get up there.
[10:33:10] But it was discovered
[10:33:12] that if you actually trigger
[10:33:14] the freezer to begin attacking and then drop
[10:33:16] down on a very specific frame
[10:33:18] down the ladder, you'll instead get an attack
[10:33:20] that does actually end
[10:33:21] if you can climb back up the ladder
[10:33:23] and get up there.
[10:33:24] Which skips having to do either
[10:33:25] really stupid long jump attacks
[10:33:27] or having to use bombs
[10:33:28] and fire cannons throughout the whole dungeon.
[10:33:31] And unlike in vanilla, you can do that all with one ladder climb as opposed to having to drop down a second time
[10:33:37] to re-grab again because of how fast
[10:33:40] you climb ladders.
[10:33:42] Shout out to faster ladder climbing,
[10:33:44] it's so nice.
[10:33:47] So at this point, I mean,
[10:33:50] I could go up into City in the Sky.
[10:33:51] Where did you say the small key was?
[10:33:52] It was on the Poe Island in the chest.
[10:33:54] Yeah, it was on the Poe Island in the chest.
[10:33:56] So that's...
[10:33:56] I think you would want to go backwards.
[10:33:57] Yeah, I think that's a reversal we could pull.
[10:34:00] Otherwise, I guess I's a reversal we could pull. Otherwise,
[10:34:01] I guess I could go to Goron Mines?
[10:34:03] It depends.
[10:34:05] What are we doing?
[10:34:06] I think we should beat our required dungeons first.
[10:34:08] First and then.
[10:34:09] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[10:34:10] Less than $500 to ascend first and then yeah yeah yeah less than 500 to a sixth dungeon oh my god they just keep
[10:34:16] they just keep ordering up new ones for us
[10:34:20] y'all let's take all their plans and let's throw them into the fishing hole.
[10:34:25] Got your own built-in crowd control, oh my god!
[10:34:39] I mean here we're hopefully going to get the one cycle, so you do 1...2 and then 3. Let's go!
[10:34:41] Easy. Very nice.
[10:34:48] So let's go, the last thing that I hadn't picked up yet...
[10:34:51] You have your spinner correct?
[10:34:53] No because I just got my minion rod
[10:34:55] in here. Oh that's right!
[10:34:59] Jim has to go get his spinner and I've gotta
[10:35:01] go get my Master Sword here on Star Prize 1
[10:35:03] little mini game. It's cool we we got to showcase this in it.
[10:35:06] There's a lot of optimization.
[10:35:07] You put a timer on anything in a speed run,
[10:35:10] people will optimize the heck out of it
[10:35:11] because it gives you that immediate satisfaction
[10:35:13] of how fast you're going compared to everybody else uh so yeah people have
[10:35:17] optimized this uh to a nutty degree just like all the different movements you can do to snag
[10:35:22] all them very quickly yeah Yeah, all the different variations
[10:35:26] of what strats there are
[10:35:27] depending on
[10:35:27] what items you have.
[10:35:30] It's very cool.
[10:35:32] Hey!
[10:35:34] Do I have claw shot on?
[10:35:35] Yeah,
[10:35:35] surely do. No! do i have claw shot on yeah sure That's a sixth dungeon for you.
[10:35:49] Oh, why not?
[10:35:51] Look into eyes of Yetto.
[10:35:55] Their true beauty.
[10:35:59] Is there a sixth dungeon in Eyes of Yetto?
[10:36:02] Who need mirror, instead we have six dungeons!
[10:36:08] Artyom! How much do you need to get rid of that? All right, Kim.
[10:36:09] How much do we need to get you for you
[10:36:11] to do Palace of Twilight?
[10:36:15] Well, that would require both going through
[10:36:17] Arbiter's Grounds also.
[10:36:21] Oh man, we'd get like 12 of yeah you can do stalart skip then do palace and you need a fourth sword for that we'd have to find the
[10:36:25] fourth sword for that yeah it might be in Palace.
[10:36:32] Vanilla Light Sword?
[10:36:36] I've never done Palace of Twilight in the randomizer.
[10:36:39] It's fun, you should try it sometime. It's very different now. Yes.
[10:36:44] Just a reminder for everyone that while we have met two whole bonus dungeons,
[10:36:49] we are also still less than $4,000 away from 1.1 million
[10:36:53] which is incredible and also there's more incentives that haven't been met
[10:36:58] yet so um we have less of eight thousand dollars away from a bonus any percent run of animal well
[10:37:05] um and yeah okay we can keep going.
[10:37:24] Yeah, so right here to actually break the trigger for this fan. Sort of inching up to the point where now I should be able
[10:37:27] just press A with Wolf and that skips over the trigger
[10:37:30] for this fan we saw it with gymnast earlier but
[10:37:32] I'm going to extend the benefits of being able to do that.
[10:37:36] Now I can do this whole left side of the dungeon in reverse.
[10:37:40] So now I can just go up here and there would normally be a fan going off above us but it's just all that's where i should have
[10:37:46] checked beforehand make sure is that oh yeah i can still hear it yeah i was about to say
[10:37:53] uh yep that's right we learned this just for it. All
[10:37:56] let's drop off and do like a jump slash. Yeah, That's great.
[10:37:58] Alright um yeah so now I can go through in reverse because all
[10:38:02] I really care about is this small kid.
[10:38:07] If I may also draw your attention to
[10:38:08] not only do we have that
[10:38:10] animal well any percent bonus
[10:38:12] run incentive, that's less than $8,000
[10:38:15] away but we have just opened up another incentive.
[10:38:17] Hey y'all do you like Zelda?
[10:38:20] Like Zelda games?
[10:38:22] Yeah?
[10:38:24] We're above lukewarm on Zelda games.
[10:38:28] Something like that.
[10:38:33] Because we have opened up the bonus game for The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
[10:38:40] Which if you want to see more Zelda, that's going to be $100,000.
[10:38:41] Ooh!
[10:38:44] And that's a lot, but I know y'all got this. Thank you. I went the wrong way.
[10:38:54] Oops.
[10:38:55] Muscle memory?
[10:38:56] Yeah.
[10:38:57] Dude, this is so hard to get up.
[10:39:00] Shoutouts for going the wrong way.
[10:39:03] Now I do have the spinner though
[10:39:05] So I can actually form the bridge up here
[10:39:07] To get the last few checks in the dungeon
[10:39:09] Which have to have the big key i guess we'll see
[10:39:13] if it's on the aralfos chest or not and if uh the period has to donate ten dollars again Yeah, otherwise
[10:39:26] Jim and I are going to
[10:39:27] This is the only reason
[10:39:27] I threw out
[10:39:28] The Goron Mines thing
[10:39:29] I was like
[10:39:29] We are gonna be
[10:39:30] Pretty much right next to each other so
[10:39:32] hopefully we'll be able to get to hold hands
[10:39:34] walking out of the dungeon and then each
[10:39:36] of us have to do our fifth and sixth dungeons. Now
[10:39:38] both of us had to complete our
[10:39:40] first four dungeons in order to actually gain access
[10:39:42] to beating the seed.
[10:39:43] But for the purpose of the incentive,
[10:39:45] we're going to make just one of us
[10:39:47] have to be each of the other two.
[10:39:49] So right now I think
[10:39:50] I'm committed to doing
[10:39:51] the Goron Mines and Jim is committed to doing one of the others.
[10:39:55] Which would be between Temple of Time and Arbiter's Grounds.
[10:39:58] I think he has projected which one he will make first.
[10:40:02] We'll have to see as we get there. Can we read this? Which one do you need?
[10:40:03] We'll have to see as we get there.
[10:40:05] Did we read this?
[10:40:06] Sure, there's nothing to be found on Leneva Spring.
[10:40:08] Did you do anything there?
[10:40:09] I did everything there.
[10:40:10] Oh well, you wasted all your time. You're not supposed to be able to get from the top, but with some double clawshot aiming you can get over here just like this get this one down here not bosky This is like 400 presses. Do you have time for a couple of more fun donations?
[10:40:51] Absolutely.
[10:40:52] Wonderful, because in honor of our Link noises we do have $ six dollars from length likes to bonk who says yeah
[10:41:03] uh more dungeons equals more boxks. Less than three.
[10:41:07] That was my best attempt at following the instructions.
[10:41:10] Hi-yah, bonk, ow in Link voice.
[10:41:15] Ow in Link voice?
[10:41:19] What's up Jim?
[10:41:21] How you doing?
[10:41:23] Now, you keep reading donations.
[10:41:25] Oh wonderful!
[10:41:27] I also have $100 from Casey, who says,
[10:41:28] I think I speak for everyone when I say
[10:41:30] Twilight Princess low percent win.
[10:41:33] Oh gosh!
[10:41:36] And the entire week of GDQ below percent.
[10:41:46] So we only got three more chests in City and the Sky that could potentially have Big Key.
[10:41:52] You gotta get through this room, then go through another U-Poo Flying Room.
[10:42:02] And if it's not on either of those two checks, we are going to be fighting the mini-boss.
[10:42:05] Fighting?
[10:42:06] Yes, fighting.
[10:42:08] Theoretically, yeah.
[10:42:10] That is a word of all time.
[10:42:16] Don't do it! Yeah, he's got you.
[10:42:20] I was like, I'm not going to try the jump slash there.
[10:42:23] There we go.
[10:42:25] Yeah, so again,
[10:42:25] that was the first time
[10:42:26] and the reason why
[10:42:27] I failed,
[10:42:28] if you've ever wondered
[10:42:28] why do some of these
[10:42:29] not work sometimes?
[10:42:30] I needed specifically
[10:42:31] it to be over that void,
[10:42:33] That's what triggers the ability to go as far as we do
[10:42:41] Nope not on that. 50-50.
[10:42:53] Can I interest you in another hot fishing take?
[10:42:58] Alright
[10:42:58] We ought to
[10:43:00] Okay, there are some questions
[10:43:03] To be had here
[10:43:03] So real quick Okay, there are some questions to be had here.
[10:43:07] So real quick, do you have a shield?
[10:43:09] No.
[10:43:12] We will be... I will also fight it.
[10:43:16] I've learned one way for how to fight this boss, and it was definitely with
[10:43:18] Shield Bash. Uh...
[10:43:19] It's fine. I know how to generally defeat
[10:43:22] the boss, but we'll get there.
[10:43:24] It'll be fine. We'll have a good time.
[10:43:25] Go ahead and give us some fishing.
[10:43:27] I'm going to learn how to fight this boss.
[10:43:30] Wonderful, because I have...
[10:43:32] First of all, $25.
[10:43:35] Whoa!
[10:43:39] Whee! Whee! $25. Here's $25 from
[10:43:41] Flimbob84, who
[10:43:43] says Twilight Princess best game
[10:43:45] Twilight Princess best fishing which is
[10:43:48] a very sound take for
[10:43:50] Twilight Princess speedrun. We also have $15
[10:43:52] from Anonymous who says
[10:43:54] Hi! Time Traveler here. Echoes
[10:43:56] of Wisdom has the best fishing minigame by far.
[10:43:59] Spoilers?
[10:44:02] Actual Nintendo
[10:44:03] representative in the donations. Let's go.
[10:44:05] Oh my goodness.
[10:44:06] What are they doing, back and top?
[10:44:11] Alright so we got to the Aralfos here. I'm going to try to do what's known as the Arlfo skip uh with um the hawkeye i have no idea what
[10:44:22] the visual cue for this is but i guess we're gonna be trying it
[10:44:26] anyway
[10:44:31] i don't know maybe that looks good? No, that's too low.
[10:44:33] We'll try this a few times to see if
[10:44:35] I can figure it out.
[10:44:37] I actually know what the visual cue for
[10:44:39] this is on the HD version of the game, but that doesn't really help here.
[10:44:41] We can go Wii a few more times.
[10:44:56] We needed to go a little bit higher, something like this maybe? Oh no that was too high.
[10:44:58] We're narrowing it down though.
[10:45:03] Whee!
[10:45:07] Spike's gonna do the actual fight.
[10:45:08] Yeah, let's see if we remember...
[10:45:11] Okay, yeah, so
[10:45:12] because that should bring that up and now I can bring in the Let's see if we remember... Okay, yeah. So...
[10:45:13] Because that should bring that up and now I can
[10:45:15] bring in the ball and chain.
[10:45:21] Well, I guess I'll probably just try to do it the normal way then.
[10:45:24] I don't want to spend here trying to figure out what the exact pixels line up for
[10:45:28] for that is with the Hawkeye.
[10:45:30] All right, I'll donate $10 to make up for that, okay?
[10:45:38] That's here for Legend of Zelda runners paying their taxes.
[10:45:42] Anyway this is what the actual skip looks like.
[10:45:49] And there it is, sitting in the sky's big G.
[10:45:52] Do I learn that live right here? There's a setup I could teach you right now.
[10:45:56] Setup? Unironically? Yeah!
[10:45:58] Iwabi made a set up in February
[10:46:00] for this that is pretty easy to
[10:46:02] just learn. Okay, what
[10:46:04] is it?
[10:46:07] You do have to reset the room. So fall in void.
[10:46:11] Oh yeah I see. Sure! Live learning here at GDQ!
[10:46:15] You know how strong I was trying to just put these on.
[10:46:20] Okay so Iron Boots off.
[10:46:23] Iron boots off.
[10:46:25] Slash slash slash, slash stab.
[10:46:29] Stab is A?
[10:46:31] It's forward and then F.
[10:46:32] Oh, OK.
[10:46:33] Yeah so neutral first three slashes
[10:46:35] hold forward for the fourth slam.
[10:46:37] All right we're gonna go there
[10:46:38] neutral press a three times and then four days yeah you want to do the combo so three slash
[10:46:43] combos set stop finisher all right take off irons one two three, four. Turn around.
[10:46:48] Turn around.
[10:46:49] C up.
[10:46:52] Look straight up and then you're going to item wheel buffer.
[10:47:00] We are doing this, Mary!
[10:47:04] Excuse me, we interrupt
[10:47:06] this tutorial to bring you an important message
[10:47:08] about the fact that we have hit 1.1 million dollars I think that deserves a wheeeee!
[10:47:24] Thank you.
[10:47:29] Alright, so 1-2-3-4 and then we're going to turn around I'm gonna see up... and then go aim all the way up and open the atom wheel
[10:47:37] yeah we're just gonna do that okay cool
[10:47:46] hey Aim up. Aim all the way up. Item wheel. One... Oh wait, you gotta take these off.
[10:47:48] 1 2 3 That's not gonna work.
[10:47:50] Turn around. Yeah.
[10:47:52] Okay, we're going to work. Turn around.
[10:47:53] Yeah, yeah.
[10:47:54] Okay, we're going to do this.
[10:47:54] All right.
[10:47:56] Okay.
[10:47:58] One, two, three.
[10:47:58] Forward step.
[10:47:59] Woo!
[10:48:01] Come on.
[10:48:02] Donate.
[10:48:09] Can we get a wee train one two wait two three and then no oh but it's with that weight yes fun, be fun, yeah.
[10:48:15] Swing with eight?
[10:48:20] Hold the sword.
[10:48:22] One, two, three...
[10:48:24] No! Oh, that, three. No!
[10:48:24] One, two, three...
[10:48:26] Oh, that's it.
[10:48:28] You got it?
[10:48:29] Sure, sure, sure.
[10:48:34] I'm a visual learner.
[10:48:36] Ah, yeah and you turn around
[10:48:39] You go all the way up
[10:48:40] You see up
[10:48:41] Yeah we're gonna try
[10:48:42] And item wheel buffer this
[10:48:44] Spike have you ever done
[10:48:45] An item wheel buffer? I've never done an Item wheel buffer this? Spike, have you ever done an item wheel buffer?
[10:48:46] I've never done an item wheel buffer.
[10:48:48] Okay, that's the frame we want. You can tell by the little overhang
[10:48:50] in the bottom left corner.
[10:48:51] All right, you just keep doing it.
[10:48:53] So we're going to hold C up. We're going to close
[10:48:56] the end wheel, press a three times and claw shot
[10:49:01] let's go Wow!
[10:49:12] It's the big key.
[10:49:14] Wee! Oh, my God.
[10:49:23] Time for two Argoroks at the same time.
[10:49:26] Yeah, that's why we did that so we could stagger this.
[10:49:28] Do you also have time for a quick donation? Always do.
[10:49:28] Because I have $4,000...
[10:49:31] Oh!
[10:49:35] ...from the Yeti who says,
[10:49:38] Hey y'all, Yeti here. says, hey all, Yeti here.
[10:49:40] Here's $4,000 for The Four Horsemen of Link Sounds.
[10:49:44] Thank you.
[10:49:58] Oh, $100!
[10:50:00] Let's go!
[10:50:02] Cool game!
[10:50:05] Yeah so this is a softlock.
[10:50:09] I can't let go of Argrock all All I can do is target the tail and...
[10:50:15] Yeah, it's okay though. I'll catch back up to Spike.
[10:50:19] Yay you will!
[10:50:21] Okay, I want to see if he eventually moves because you can't just kind of fly around the arena with him
[10:50:25] if he eventually goes away.
[10:50:29] Come on!
[10:50:31] This is a very cool game.
[10:50:36] I don't think he's going to fly around, unfortunately.
[10:50:40] Extra $100! There we go.
[10:50:47] Thank you for the chair it's all going to a good cost
[10:50:52] yeah so these are pretty precise where you got to place each of these claw shots actually get linked to go up on top now we're gonna show me to the side YOU GOT TO PLACE EACH OF THESE CLOTH SHOTS TO ACTUALLY GET
[10:50:54] LINKED TO GO UP ON TOP.
[10:50:56] TO THE SIDE, AND WE'RE
[10:50:58] LET'S PUT...
[10:51:00] INTO A DOUBLE.
[10:51:01] CAN WE GET IT?
[10:51:02] OH, COOL!
[10:51:03] YEAH, EASY.
[10:51:08] LET'S GO. Oh, go on! Let's go. Something something stop glitching.
[10:51:11] Glitching in my randomizer
[10:51:23] didn't quite get knocked into the void there.
[10:51:34] It's a pretty tough claw shot right here, we'll give it a shot and watch right there! Okay cool now we can switch over to Iron Boots
[10:51:36] because you want it to drop down with them on
[10:51:38] so that we can try and catch this earlier cycle
[10:51:43] And catch...this guy!
[10:51:45] Okay sick This guy. Okay, sick.
[10:51:53] Yeah a lot of what they did here is you have to anticipate the shots a little bit You gotta lead them
[10:52:02] Do you have a moment for a couple of very important donations? Of course.
[10:52:03] Because I have $25 here from Sharknado, who says,
[10:52:07] You guys have it all wrong.
[10:52:10] Clearly the best fishing mini game
[10:52:12] was in Link's crossbow training.
[10:52:16] Please tell me it actually has one.
[10:52:18] So few people have played that game
[10:52:21] that no-one can actually fact check
[10:52:24] if it even has fishing in it.
[10:52:27] Can any of you audience?
[10:52:29] I can, so I think what they said is true.
[10:52:31] No one just...
[10:52:33] No one lied!
[10:52:36] Give me a yippee if you have actually played that game.
[10:52:42] Oh my god!
[10:52:43] I disagree.
[10:52:45] That's way too big a number.
[10:52:47] May I also share with you,
[10:52:48] I have $5 from your game console.
[10:52:50] Yours. And it would like to say Whee! I have five dollars from your game console.
[10:52:51] Yours!
[10:52:52] And it would like to say,
[10:52:53] Weeeeee!
[10:52:57] That's a Nintendo Wii.
[10:52:59] I hate games. i hate it
[10:53:06] yeah spike don't do the thing i did that is not faster
[10:53:11] i did not download the tutorial for that one so art rock is one of those bosses when you first start playing this uh he takes forever
[10:53:15] you're here for like an entire lunch break there's actually a lot of ways to speed him up including
[10:53:20] right here he's supposed to be able to fly back around the arena a second time
[10:53:24] for this phase one, but
[10:53:26] based on your camera manipulation
[10:53:28] I can hopefully really quickly get a
[10:53:30] re-grab before he
[10:53:31] gets going.
[10:53:41] Okay, nice! So that speeds up phase one quite a bit. Hey you know what? I can keep talking Thank you.
[10:53:46] Hey, you know what? I could keep talking.
[10:53:47] This is such a long cutscene.
[10:53:48] Please read like 30 definitions.
[10:53:50] Yeah.
[10:53:52] Ooh!
[10:53:53] Exciting.
[10:53:55] I love to read in donations. I've got $5 for you from Skybills.
[10:53:57] Hey, what's up, Skye?
[10:54:00] We would like to say hey, Spike and Jim.
[10:54:04] It's fantastic to see y'all on the big stage running Twilight Princess.
[10:54:18] I'm so thankful for y'all's friendship. Spike, it's almost been 10 years. When did we get so old? Thanks for everything y'all have done for the community. We're lucky to have you. Thanks to staff and volunteers for all your hard work. I miss y'all, love Skybills.
[10:54:21] Love you, Skye.
[10:54:23] So now going into the phase so people
[10:54:25] have found
[10:54:28] ways to speed up this fight by a good like
[10:54:30] minute or so once you get here
[10:54:31] right here at the start Jim and I are both going to be
[10:54:34] immediately actually jumping off
[10:54:36] because that's going to just get Argorok
[10:54:39] to spawn sooner in the middle of the arena. So take off Iron Boots so we can have
[10:54:43] more momentum behind us. Really just... I ruined something
[10:54:47] down there and now we're gonna to put back on the iris
[10:54:49] I'm going to be listening for very specific audio cues right here
[10:54:53] To know when I'm gonna try to go for an art rock animation skip
[10:54:57] So try to go up here in two shots spike's doing the gamer lean
[10:55:06] okay Okay, so what happened right there is effectively he thinks he hit us with the flame.
[10:55:21] So that's an immediate early first hit right there,
[10:55:24] our first set of hits.
[10:55:25] We're going to do the exact same thing on the second cycle now
[10:55:28] and then third one we are going to switch it up just a little bit
[10:55:30] but same premises.
[10:55:32] We're going to try to get up on in two claw shots.
[10:55:36] Whee!
[10:55:38] Whee!
[10:55:40] And you've got to move fast, otherwise he starts roaring. You don't want that- Oh! It's over here!
[10:55:46] Okay so we're gonna go ahead and drop off just so we can reset this up.
[10:55:54] I didn't catch what it was.
[10:56:04] So we'll listen for the roar.
[10:56:10] Lock on, as soon I see the flame push down claw shot up. We have once again tricked his AI into thinking he hit us. Go a couple more
[10:56:16] over. And so for this last one, we're actually... I don't understand. Lunar can you explain
[10:56:25] how this works? Why this
[10:56:27] works with the gun? Do we have any idea?
[10:56:31] Well you see
[10:56:33] Dragon go brr It's gonna be some weird manipulation here where by taking the
[10:56:40] iron boots off at one point all right so i'm going to go four over. One, two, three.
[10:56:48] Counting despite the distance.
[10:56:50] And then we're going to put the Iron Boots on right now.
[10:57:01] All right. now and by taking them off he's like what happened oh i screwed it up that's right
[10:57:05] you can watch Jim inside. He can show you.
[10:57:10] Yeah so we're gonna take off the iron boots and go three Peahats over this way
[10:57:15] wait for him to—or wait for the flame to eclipse the last P-hat that we just shot.
[10:57:21] Put on the Iron Boots, go down.
[10:57:23] Ardorak's now going to turn around.
[10:57:25] We take the Iron Boots off after he begins shooting and then that cancels his shooting animation
[10:57:29] And we can plush onto him to get the last hit in quickly.
[10:57:37] And now we have even more time for donations.
[10:57:41] So much time!
[10:57:42] Ooh, I love that.
[10:57:44] I have $759 from JubJub. That's a lot of money. Yeah, that's for that.
[10:57:56] They would like to say from a fellow bonus game runner I learned how stressful watching that donation goal can be.
[10:58:02] So here's my drop in the pot of pond $1 for every kill and my wrath of the machine run
[10:58:08] And reminder that we actually have two bonus games open right now.
[10:58:12] We also have the Bonus Any% run
[10:58:14] that is less than $7,000 away.
[10:58:17] So if anybody has some time to spare
[10:58:20] to click on that little incentive button.
[10:58:23] We'd love to see that get met.
[10:58:25] Do you also have time for one more?
[10:58:27] Yeah.
[10:58:28] Because we have $100 from The, period period who says
[10:58:33] pretty cool game. I'll match
[10:58:35] you $100 salary skip incentive
[10:58:37] donating towards Ocarina
[10:58:40] of Time. Ganon floor is
[10:58:41] really cool, trust me. It really is!
[10:58:45] Yeah so we have reached the point where
[10:58:46] We have each done simultaneously all of the things
[10:58:49] We need to do to go beat the sea
[10:58:52] We can now go to Hyrule Castle
[10:58:53] But because of y'all's generosity We gotta go beat the sea. We can now go to Hyrule Castle,
[10:58:54] but because of y'all's generosity,
[10:58:55] we gotta go beat
[10:58:55] two more dungeons.
[10:58:56] We're each gonna pick one
[10:58:57] and we're gonna go.
[10:58:58] I'm going to Goron Mines.
[10:59:00] I guess I'm going
[10:59:01] to Arbiter's Grounds.
[10:59:03] Woo!
[10:59:03] Woo!
[10:59:10] Woo! Woo! I have to give a shout-out
[10:59:11] to Isaac for, like...
[10:59:13] You know, going through
[10:59:13] really good and, like,
[10:59:14] preferences on what dungeons we wanted to see and now we're
[10:59:17] just doing all of them anyway so thanks for betting one with all our favorite engines
[10:59:23] yeah so for our dungeons all we'll have to do well Well, all I'll have to do is find the boss key.
[10:59:28] Spike's gonna actually have to find three separate pieces of the boss key
[10:59:31] because she's doing Goron Mines.
[10:59:34] Now putting on the Iron Boots and then mashing out a Jump Slasher
[10:59:36] you saw it in his side as well You can land on the iron boots and then mashing out a jump slasher, you saw on his side as well.
[10:59:37] You can land on the bridge and cut out a lot of the swing around in
[10:59:41] the water that's so slow.
[10:59:45] Best of luck, Jim.
[10:59:48] You said how long has it been since you've done this skip?
[10:59:51] Over a year and a half
[10:59:52] but it's also...
[10:59:53] It's basically the hardest trick that you do in any speedrun
[10:59:56] of Twilight Princess.
[10:59:57] I don't remember what the setup
[10:59:58] is, so if it works
[11:00:01] it's going to be by some miracle.
[11:00:05] You know, generally they say
[11:00:06] make sure you practice your speed runs before you uh
[11:00:10] do them up at a gdq and i've learned at least like three strats to do this
[11:00:17] jim is about to do something that uh no one should ever go for and you're doing
[11:00:22] at least in a randomizer and uh you have not done it in a year or so this is great
[11:00:27] gdq improv done, it's great.
[11:00:30] Yeah, Stalor Skip is specifically something that never should be...
[11:00:36] It should never be faster to do in the randomizer because if you're beating Arbiter's Grounds
[11:00:39] You still need to beat
[11:00:40] styler to get the dungeon reward but of course yeah we've set up the perfect scenario for
[11:00:44] stellar skip to be shown off in a randomizer except again i'm not going to get this so
[11:00:52] yeah I'm not going to get this, so...
[11:00:58] That's quitter talk Jim.
[11:01:05] Spike and I have each entered our respective dungeons, so we're going to be going through them. Arbiter's Grounds for the most part...we do...even if the boss key is in a very convenient location
[11:01:10] I still will have to do a decent chunk of the dungeon
[11:01:13] because I do have to get
[11:01:15] four Poe Souls to open up
[11:01:17] the second half of the dungeon.
[11:01:20] Or at least,
[11:01:21] specifically kill four Poes
[11:01:23] to open up the second half of the dungeon.
[11:01:24] They do have random items in them.
[11:01:27] Hey! That speaks well. We've already got one Ki Shard.
[11:01:31] So we need three of those in order to beat the dungeon.
[11:01:34] Let's drop down here and go for the LJ a variant of this room
[11:01:40] Put it right above this guy that'll lock him over there and then jump slash.
[11:01:46] Man, I really want that dude to get destroyed.
[11:01:48] It usually does.
[11:01:53] By the way, the scroll wheel in Twilight Princess.
[11:01:56] I love that item menu. It's really fun because like in one to two inputs
[11:02:00] you can get every single item in this.
[11:02:04] ... I know because of key logic, this has to be a small key right here.
[11:02:12] One of the first two always has to be.
[11:02:14] So we'll see. It would be nice to speed up these bonus dungeons
[11:02:16] with at least got the three key shards early, but the odds of that are pretty low.
[11:02:21] Yeah, with Goron Mine specifically just because you need to find
[11:02:24] three pieces to get the boss key. It's pretty common that one of the
[11:02:28] pieces will end up
[11:02:30] in the second half of the dungeon.
[11:02:35] Do you have time
[11:02:36] for a few donations?
[11:02:37] I got time for one, yeah.
[11:02:38] One?
[11:02:39] All right we got $25 from Advo who says
[11:02:43] A few years ago
[11:02:44] I watched your Wind Waker race versus Linkus
[11:02:46] which got me into the community
[11:02:48] and I even met
[11:02:48] the love of my life and have
[11:02:51] my wonderful daughter because of it.
[11:02:53] So thank you Jim, and thank you GDQ
[11:02:55] for changing my life.
[11:02:57] It's really wholesome.
[11:03:00] Love you too, Advo!
[11:03:04] Alright so right here I'm gonna be doing this
[11:03:06] little bit of a finicky trick called
[11:03:08] Poe One Skip even though we already got
[11:03:10] the poe.
[11:03:11] But normally you'd skip it and skip the first poe.
[11:03:13] All right.
[11:03:14] There we go.
[11:03:15] Just a little jump up there like that.
[11:03:16] It's actually a lot more finicky than I made it look.
[11:03:18] I don't know how that works but we made it work somehow.
[11:03:20] Yeah. It's a little bit weirder and randomizer
[11:03:22] because of fast iron boots behaving differently with sand.
[11:03:26] I have clips.
[11:03:27] Don't worry about that.
[11:03:30] Yeah, let's hear for the clip. Let's hear it for the clip.
[11:03:32] Let's hear it.
[11:03:33] All right.
[11:03:34] So we have got...
[11:03:35] See, you're just looking
[11:03:35] for your boss here.
[11:03:36] I've never even seen this before.
[11:03:38] I don't know what
[11:03:38] you're about to do.
[11:03:48] All right. Yeah, so this is currently just the path to get to what is normally the fourth Poe. The reason this saves time in a speedrun
[11:03:50] is because you can actually get the Poe scent
[11:03:52] in the dungeon from any of the
[11:03:53] Poes. Normally though, they don't expect
[11:03:55] you to be able to get to any of the Poes
[11:03:57] until you get the scent off of the first one
[11:03:59] but with that little finicky
[11:04:01] jump that we did in the previous room,
[11:04:03] We can get to the fourth Poe and get the scent off of the fourth Poe.
[11:04:06] Which allows you then skip the first Poe because for some reason
[11:04:09] The gate to the second half of the dungeon only checks
[11:04:11] For the 2nd 3rd & 4 fourth Poe but not the first one.
[11:04:16] Because reasons I guess.
[11:04:18] That's just like 3D Zelda flags in general
[11:04:21] that are always talked about how as long you get the shadow and spirit temples done, that's all
[11:04:25] the game really checks for.
[11:04:27] For being able to gain access like a lighter
[11:04:29] cutscene everything I'm sure it's simpler
[11:04:31] from like a coding standpoint
[11:04:35] So got a little bit
[11:04:36] of some RNG manipulation that we're going to
[11:04:38] try to do here with this Poe. So depending
[11:04:40] on which direction we get... Okay, so
[11:04:42] this direction I do nothing and he should begin
[11:04:44] spinning around immediately. Alright right very good uh sometimes the
[11:04:47] poke can just kind of like galley around link for a while which can get kind of annoying she looks
[11:04:52] like he's actually okay there we go finally and then we got this one over here.
[11:04:57] So this is the second of the four toes that we need.
[11:05:01] Still have not found Boss Key yet.
[11:05:04] I do feel like we need to point out, if you play Twilight Princess casually
[11:05:08] this is way faster than it would normally be in Iron Moves.
[11:05:12] It was probably day one they were like, ah, we're going to make a TP rando
[11:05:16] and that's not gonna to move that slow.
[11:05:18] So actually
[11:05:19] that patch came
[11:05:20] pretty late.
[11:05:22] Oh, what are
[11:05:22] y'all doing?
[11:05:23] Well so we
[11:05:24] found it at first
[11:05:25] but then it
[11:05:26] caused issues
[11:05:26] with Argorok
[11:05:27] where you would hang on the tail and nothing would happen.
[11:05:30] So we had to do more science
[11:05:31] and Decomp really helped out with that.
[11:05:34] Yeah, that's an
[11:05:35] extremely good quality of life.
[11:05:37] I don't think I would like goron mines that much
[11:05:39] if we had to move like at an inch per second Do you have time for more wheeze and other things from five donors?
[11:05:57] I'll give you mine.
[11:05:58] Yours is the one we're talking about.
[11:06:00] Oh, wonderful! Yeah, let's hear it. Because we have $10 from French for yes who says whee!
[11:06:05] Whee!
[11:06:07] I also have $250... Letose, who says thoroughly enjoyed Animal Well. Would love to see an extra any percent run of it. Now if I could only find those last few eggs and now as not a connoisseur
[11:06:26] of animal well personally but a fan of zelda i choose to believe that those are zora eggs yeah
[11:06:36] we need to find the Zorax let's do it only six thousand dollars away coming up on Poe number three here.
[11:06:45] This one's honestly one of the more annoying ones just because of these other bubbles that exist in the room with us.
[11:06:50] Alright yeah so we kind of missed that there because the targeting priority
[11:06:54] got messed up and wasted a few of our seconds.
[11:07:01] I am running a little low on chunks.
[11:07:03] Oh, as I said that is our second key shark we need
[11:07:06] one more of those bad boys and potentially skip the last portion of the dungeon We got about like five checks left before then.
[11:07:23] And there's five more that's locked behind the bow check.
[11:07:26] We're going to do another nifty little LJA right here,
[11:07:29] where I'm going to get it above the door back there,
[11:07:32] and we can just slip through that hole
[11:07:34] and not have to knock it down.
[11:07:36] APPLAUSE through that hole and not have to knock it down.
[11:07:45] We don't have another small key, so there's like... A key has to be in this room.
[11:07:48] It's either a small key or the third keyshard.
[11:07:51] So we're rooting for that keyshard!
[11:07:53] Show it to me right here!
[11:07:54] Don't show me that small key!
[11:07:55] Oh, it's-
[11:07:56] Aw, vanilla!
[11:07:57] Hey, that doesn't mean anything though it's about but
[11:08:02] yeah i got a uh nifty little lga coming up over on my side here to skip having
[11:08:06] to pull this chandelier.
[11:08:08] Just got to make sure we get the bubble out of the way there.
[11:08:11] And then we get onto the corner
[11:08:14] of the ground right here
[11:08:17] aim up at the ceiling for the targets just about
[11:08:20] right there and then we can get up onto this chandelier
[11:08:23] and skip having to pull it.
[11:08:26] Nice! nice
[11:08:38] just give me the key, Shark.
[11:08:45] We've got like three checks left and then we gotta go to the back part? Hey you know what, you all didn't donate for me to skip parts of dungeons
[11:08:49] Although I guess if we are speedners, that's probably what we inherently
[11:08:52] do.
[11:08:57] Alright so this
[11:08:58] room in Arbiter's Grounds is
[11:08:59] very annoying
[11:09:00] but thankfully we have our good old friend Valen Chain here so we can use
[11:09:08] it to take out all of these little stout children here, like the crowd around.
[11:09:14] And then we can also use it to get rid of the ReDead that's back
[11:09:18] here.
[11:09:20] Otherwise these ReDeds are very annoying to deal with.
[11:09:25] On our way to our last Poe...
[11:09:38] I was trying to go for a nifty little ledge grab skip right here, but we failed.
[11:09:42] So this time we're going to try it again because I don't want to knock...
[11:09:44] Wait wait wait wait! Oh, that's going to...
[11:09:45] Okay, that's fine.
[11:09:46] All right.
[11:09:51] All right.
[11:09:52] SVA, my dude.
[11:09:54] Let it happen. Ah it happen ah we got two more checks then we're going to the back part
[11:10:01] i said you not bet this part we go there's been so many purple rupees how many purple rupees are there in the pool lunar uh
[11:10:10] a lot it's like 20. all of them are in spike seed right here yeah
[11:10:15] there is one final chest that we are committing to the second loop of the dungeon
[11:10:23] oh really i'm being weighed down by the rats.
[11:10:28] There we go, okay. Just right here!
[11:10:36] Thank god no Dengora today.
[11:10:39] Poor guy.
[11:10:40] Spike, I have a special donation for you.
[11:10:43] All right, all right, all right.
[11:10:44] It's $50 and it says it's from Oxocarb
[11:10:47] but I really think it's
[11:10:48] from one of those chests you opened.
[11:10:50] OK.
[11:10:51] It says hey listen two of my favorite runners
[11:10:54] with one of my favorite games take my purple rupee.
[11:11:00] I'm so upset.
[11:11:02] I'm not.
[11:11:04] Yeah, you know what? It was for charity.
[11:11:06] Thank y'all so much once again.
[11:11:08] $1.1 million raised raised already for doctors without borders let's keep it going gamers
[11:11:13] animal animal well any percent bonus run ocarina of time bonus game if you're watching this
[11:11:20] you probably like zelda Let's get him in the
[11:11:21] marathon.
[11:11:28] Right here a minute we're going to try
[11:11:29] to snipe this one from a little bit of a distance away it's been
[11:11:33] put on the bow and then just do a little shinny around here you should be able to okay i looked
[11:11:40] at lg there for like one second of his run.
[11:11:42] All right, now head on over and we have got...
[11:11:44] What's the name of this boss again?
[11:11:46] Fyrus.
[11:11:47] Fyrus! Yeah my dude.
[11:11:48] I forgot to read the wiki before we started this.
[11:11:51] But did you read The Game Fox?
[11:11:53] That's my
[11:11:53] number one website, that's great
[11:11:54] Alright well
[11:11:57] best of luck with whatever you're about to do
[11:11:59] This is
[11:12:01] normally where the boss is.
[11:12:04] Whee!
[11:12:05] Spitter circle.
[11:12:10] Can I slip in another very timely donation?
[11:12:15] Sure.
[11:12:16] Because I have $5 for you from Tomomodachi, who says
[11:12:19] You spin me right round Zelda! Right round!
[11:12:24] Let's get that bonus,
[11:12:25] bonus dungeon.
[11:12:25] We did get that met.
[11:12:26] Ooh, yay!
[11:12:27] Claps are in the back couch.
[11:12:32] All right, so...
[11:12:33] I already kind of messed something up. Let's try that again. Alright, so...
[11:12:38] Oh I already kind of messed something up. Let's try that again.
[11:12:43] So we're going to try and move around Stallard on this side
[11:12:47] Go up here, see? I need this and I need this
[11:12:48] Something like that
[11:12:50] Let's see
[11:12:52] Do I remember
[11:12:53] what the line up here is.
[11:12:56] I don't think I do, but it's something like this.
[11:12:59] Oh no, that's definitely not it.
[11:13:03] Oh, that's right. That's what
[11:13:04] it is. It's this. You see that?
[11:13:06] One, two, three's this. You do that one two three four.
[11:13:23] Ah yeah he's gonna hit me unfortunately.
[11:13:26] Anyway so if we were set up in the right position The next thing we would try to do is this
[11:13:29] Oh no didn't quite get that.
[11:13:32] So we're trying to do a trick here called Claw Shot Actor Displacement
[11:13:35] where basically we are trying to pull this guy here all the way over to...
[11:13:40] Actually, hold on.
[11:13:41] This can softlock.
[11:13:42] I should save first.
[11:13:44] Hold on a second.
[11:13:46] Oh, yes.
[11:13:51] All right. So we weren't quite in the right position there
[11:13:55] I want to at least try and get this because it does look very funny if we properly
[11:13:59] get it. And I don't to get damaged by Stellard,
[11:14:01] so I need more over on this side.
[11:14:07] Okay, so we got the Clawshot actor displacement
[11:14:09] and okay yeah, we did not go to the right place.
[11:14:12] So unfortunately uh...the trick is dead so I'll just have to fight Stallard regularly
[11:14:16] but basically we pulled this guy into the corner over here
[11:14:20] use him to clip out of bounds once with a
[11:14:22] precise claw shot aim to get
[11:14:24] into the wall, and then use a damage boost
[11:14:26] to get out of bounds to fight him again. Also I'm just going
[11:14:28] to take damage here to reset the room
[11:14:30] That's honestly like,
[11:14:33] that's super cool you went for it,
[11:14:35] that impossible trick
[11:14:36] but also the quick kill on Star-Lord
[11:14:38] I think is one of the most satisfying things
[11:14:40] that can be executed
[11:14:41] and can be seen in this run
[11:14:42] so I'm glad Jim's going to get to showcase that that can be executed, can be seen in this run.
[11:14:45] So I'm glad Jim's going to get to showcase that.
[11:14:47] Thanks, Lee and Twilight Princess.
[11:14:49] We just respawned at the start of the boss fight here,
[11:14:50] so it's not a huge deal.
[11:14:51] And while he's doing that,
[11:14:53] so I've done all the dungeons that I have to do.
[11:14:54] Jim, I will start to scout out where are the small keys and most importantly
[11:14:56] where the big key is inside of Hyrule Castle.
[11:15:00] So hopefully be able to just give him some information
[11:15:02] we'll be able to hold hands going in to save Hyrule together.
[11:15:11] Yeah so for the actual Stallard fight we have to basically break Stalarts spine three times.
[11:15:18] Ideally we jump off here immediately and can get another hit on him on his spine.
[11:15:22] Okay, got a pretty clear path there thankfully.
[11:15:25] Where these staltroopers spun up is rng so you kind of have to
[11:15:28] um like in the moment uh oh that's that's a giant wall let's not do
[11:15:33] that uh okay he's got the three back there. Do we have anybody to hit off of?
[11:15:38] Any bros!
[11:15:39] Not really, no. Alright, gotta try again for the pinball strategy here.
[11:15:43] We're gonna try and aim for this guy right here...
[11:15:46] That was weird
[11:15:47] but we made it work.
[11:15:50] Nicely done.
[11:16:09] And so what's going to be coming up here on Jim side is that he's going to try to manipulate sort of trick Stallord into staying a little closer to him in phase two than he should. And then at a very specific timing,
[11:16:11] start the spinner motion and get on the wall
[11:16:15] and if you do it correctly with precise timing
[11:16:18] you're able to jump off and knock him down almost instantly.
[11:16:21] What does this say?
[11:16:23] Oh come on! There's nothing in city...
[11:16:25] There's nothing in the sky baby.
[11:16:29] What a great hint at this point.
[11:16:31] So here we are in Hyrule Castle, the big thing we're just trying to find is
[11:16:35] the big key. You always need a minimum of two small keys. I'm gonna let them come up and hit me
[11:16:39] that's going to be my trigger to pull out the bomb,
[11:16:41] because the bomb is by far
[11:16:42] the fastest way
[11:16:43] to deal with all these macablans.
[11:16:44] Oh nice! And they all died actually.
[11:16:46] Great job.
[11:16:47] That bird we don't care about.
[11:16:50] That was kind of mean.
[11:16:50] Sorry, I love you. love you ow no you suck um
[11:16:55] yeah so there's like nine or so checks out here in the courtyard
[11:16:59] and uh we're just gonna go finagling through them as we are getting the quick knockdown from Gymnast.
[11:17:05] Nicely done, and now try to go into this perfect chaining together of the jump slash
[11:17:10] into the triple hit quick spins right here.
[11:17:15] Nice one, Cycle!
[11:17:17] Thank you. All right, we did six dungeons collectively.
[11:17:29] God, we have been here for so long.
[11:17:31] We've not done six dungeons.
[11:17:32] Actually, you know, pretty fast around these six of these. And now we've got six of these. Actually, you know, pretty fast we're going to do six of these.
[11:17:34] And now we're in a higher castle looking for all our keys.
[11:17:37] The only reason why we would need the third small key is if the treasure room was immediately...
[11:17:43] There's two?
[11:17:45] Double boomerang!
[11:17:47] Is this Ty the Tasmanian Tiger now?
[11:17:51] If anyone doesn't know,
[11:17:53] I'm holding the boomerang right now so we know that is a face do i get it
[11:17:58] yeah yeah oh no oh no you are a fool so yeah fun fact twilight princess does not have like eye straps or anything
[11:18:08] like that but other games have it and we thought it'd be cool so we added them in
[11:18:15] we like a mild amount of suffering.
[11:18:17] Yeah, so ice traps as with other games if it's a free standing item that is an
[11:18:23] Ice Trap it will appear as a fake item.
[11:18:28] Which is why we saw a second
[11:18:30] Gale Boomerang there that was not actually a Gale Boomerang.
[11:18:35] Yeah,
[11:18:36] it wasn't clear. We knew just based on the settings
[11:18:39] because obviously Twilight Princess dungeons
[11:18:41] are a little longer.
[11:18:42] All of the checks that were in the...
[11:18:44] Ah!
[11:18:45] Were in the other three dungeons
[11:18:47] were all junked effectively. They all had to be bad.
[11:18:50] So you would never
[11:18:51] go in there. So I thought it was a fake boomerang?
[11:18:53] That was great! Oh, big key!
[11:18:55] Big keys!
[11:18:57] So that immediately eliminates the treasure room actually.
[11:19:00] So from here we just have to find two small keys.
[11:19:02] So we know Jim's got to come over to this right side.
[11:19:05] Let's go.
[11:19:05] He's getting the shield.
[11:19:06] We're getting the Ordon Shield.
[11:19:08] And donating to charity for it?
[11:19:10] Yeah, donating 500 rupees
[11:19:12] to charity for it.
[11:19:17] Yeah, another randomizer
[11:19:18] quality of life
[11:19:18] is normally you have
[11:19:19] to donate like 50 rupees over and
[11:19:21] over again.
[11:19:22] So we change that to 100, and you only have to donate 500.
[11:19:25] There's a bonk.
[11:19:28] One more dollar from Crane.
[11:19:29] In interest of the bonks, can I share
[11:19:32] with you a beautiful donation?
[11:19:34] Here's $250
[11:19:36] from Man of Teal
[11:19:37] who says...
[11:19:39] It says Link Bonk Sound.
[11:19:42] I did my best!
[11:19:44] I love how many are, do this thing.
[11:19:47] The exact word in the script.
[11:19:51] So in the interest of splitting up
[11:19:52] hiero castle i'm going to go to the left
[11:19:53] side here which is uh much shorter than
[11:19:55] the right side so hopefully by the time
[11:19:57] that spike has done with the right side
[11:19:58] i'll have
[11:19:59] be able to clear it up a bunch of the
[11:20:01] left side here
[11:20:01] yeah there's potential we just get our two small keys
[11:20:04] here and we're just done but we might be looking in the second area we'll see Otherwise, you might have to go for a pretty precise skip called the double darknut skip.
[11:20:23] Double darknut skip. So, what's going on?
[11:20:25] Small key.
[11:20:28] Now there are none on the...
[11:20:28] Well, not none.
[11:20:32] As we traverse
[11:20:33] do you have time
[11:20:34] for a couple more donations?
[11:20:35] Yeah.
[11:20:36] We're just looking for small keys.
[11:20:37] Go for it.
[11:20:38] Wonderful.
[11:20:39] I do have quite a few fishing minigame takes for you.
[11:20:42] I know you never would have seen that coming.
[11:20:44] Right.
[11:20:46] We have $10 from Fishman who says
[11:20:48] the best fishing minigame in Zelda
[11:20:50] is the Bylocite fight from Skyward Sword.
[11:20:54] Where else can you
[11:20:55] anger...
[11:20:56] Angle? Ang anger a wind fish?
[11:20:59] Something like that.
[11:21:02] We also have $100 from Kathy 42, who says best fishing would have been Majora's Mask.
[11:21:12] Fishing while the moon is about to crash?
[11:21:14] Sign me up!
[11:21:17] All right, so we got one small key on this side from KingBullboy. up.
[11:21:19] Alright, so we got one small key on this side from King Bulblin.
[11:21:20] But it is small. Let's go.
[11:21:23] We'll see if a second one exists
[11:21:24] in any of these other chests.
[11:21:29] Yeah, thankfully we won't have to find
[11:21:31] three of them for the treasure room.
[11:21:35] Yes, all you need from this side is
[11:21:37] the big key.
[11:21:41] The only way that you could possibly or that we could possibly have to do double dark nuts if both the small keys are locked behind
[11:21:45] uh the double darkness right there's a couple other checks from
[11:21:49] there one more check down here in the
[11:21:51] corner well it's all but you already have them up you already had a small key yeah
[11:21:56] i want smokey from gomo chat is this going to be the one is it no okay
[11:22:07] uh that doesn't mean anything but it was quite fun all right so we do have to
[11:22:11] do something inside of ganon's uh hyrule castle what it is i don't know
[11:22:19] i love this right here this is the simplest little skip in
[11:22:22] the world so right here i'm about to screw it up um no there's a barrier
[11:22:25] it is the laziest spawn-in timer ever so we just didn't have to fight all these dudes you were
[11:22:30] waiting for these guys to come over, so they're probably quite confused.
[11:22:33] As long as you just know where it's going to spawn you,
[11:22:36] don't got to do it.
[11:22:39] Do you have a moment
[11:22:40] for another very special donation?
[11:22:42] Go for it.
[11:22:47] Because I have $840 donated moment for another very special donation go for it because i have 840 dollars from the sgdq poker tournament oh this is what we like to hear all right they would like to say raised 840 dollars on our event poker
[11:22:57] tournament and then a million exclamation points that's a lot thank you so much.
[11:23:07] I also have here $10 from stealthy dragon who says, Can we start the offering of time go Time goal off strong with a $10 train?
[11:23:17] More GDQ is always better.
[11:23:18] And I have to say,
[11:23:19] we are starting off the Ocarina of Time goal real,
[11:23:22] real strong.
[11:23:23] We're almost at 10% of the way there there already y'all that's incredible keep it going more zelda
[11:23:30] i really like zelda i like zelda zelda's fine.
[11:23:43] So Big Key was just in the set of three chests?
[11:23:44] Yeah, it's the one on the left side.
[11:23:46] The left of the left.
[11:23:48] So am I doing the double door?
[11:23:49] That's good.
[11:23:50] If you want to,
[11:23:51] you could just forge
[11:23:52] on ahead anyway
[11:23:52] and I can do it after
[11:23:53] if you haven't found
[11:23:54] a small key by that point.
[11:23:55] Yeah.
[11:23:58] Want to leave
[11:23:59] that one up
[11:23:59] to the coach?
[11:24:03] I do want
[11:24:04] to say Jim
[11:24:05] has been an
[11:24:06] amazing coach
[11:24:07] and co-op
[11:24:08] partner this entire time
[11:24:09] for just getting to learn the randomizer
[11:24:12] and everything.
[11:24:13] So I've learned like a million things watching him.
[11:24:15] Jim is an incredibly talented speed runner,
[11:24:18] but also a very good person. And the kind of
[11:24:20] person you want
[11:24:21] as like an ambassador for the 3D
[11:24:24] Zelda speedrunning community. 3D Zelda
[11:24:26] speedruns are super, super cool. The randomizers
[11:24:28] are super cool and Jimma Jim you are a great representation
[11:24:31] of that. So thank you. Thank you very much
[11:24:33] I know it's been
[11:24:37] a lot of fun. You're a lot of fun to play with
[11:24:38] Always some
[11:24:41] hijinks to get into.
[11:24:44] Right here we got another berry, this one's
[11:24:45] a little more specific so we're going to just skirt
[11:24:47] the outside and there's only like
[11:24:49] three waves of enemies you gotta worry about there.
[11:24:51] Just put on the lantern, so we're gonna get to the top of the Hershey bars right here
[11:24:56] drop on down
[11:24:57] And then if you light just a single torch here
[11:24:59] I guess the game is confused
[11:25:00] I don't know what it is
[11:25:03] The entire room is lit up now, including the one on
[11:25:05] the right. I don't know why this is just at least
[11:25:07] like those two. Yeah normally
[11:25:09] completing
[11:25:11] that fight down there is... Oh, there a small key. Oh, okay with that
[11:25:15] Yeah hold hands together let's go
[11:25:19] Yeah normally the lights in this room light up once you beat the fight that we skipped um
[11:25:26] so beating the fight is what makes the entire room light up and makes that chest appear
[11:25:30] so you don't actually need lantern to make that just appear
[11:25:35] well go phantom do you want to explain a little bit about how we're going to fight dark nuts and eventually gain it so darknuts by hitting the
[11:25:42] shield on the dark nut it effectively stuns them for a little bit so Link can run around and smack him in the back.
[11:25:48] Knocking off all of their armor.
[11:25:51] Gymnast doing the ball-and-chain strap.
[11:25:54] Lunar you probably know more about how that one works oh yeah
[11:25:58] ball and chain um so like i mentioned if you hit them with the sword it kind of stuns them
[11:26:04] and then you can just swing the ball in chain and it goes really fast
[11:26:07] and it hurts. And, if you get hit with a giant ball and chain in the face I'd cry too so...
[11:26:14] Yeah! It's a really nice technique that exists.
[11:26:16] That little running slash you can do without losing any momentum
[11:26:20] because that allows me to get behind it and the entire strat to work
[11:26:25] There is a lot of stuff you can do with movement movement and sleeve sword that no other zelda game
[11:26:32] man shout out we are less than five thousand five hundred dollars away from
[11:26:36] that bonus any percent run for Animal Well.
[11:26:39] Great job, everyone!
[11:26:44] Also just as a treat would y'all permit me
[11:26:47] Just one more Link sound?
[11:26:49] Just one. I promise.
[11:26:51] I promise.
[11:26:53] Because we have a $50 donation from Village Mascot who says...
[11:26:58] What is Link's
[11:27:00] favorite hotel to stay at?
[11:27:02] The H-Y-A-T!
[11:27:04] It's high end.
[11:27:08] Thank you.
[11:27:10] I hate that I love that one.
[11:27:17] Yeah, the room that Jim is going through right there
[11:27:19] it's one where there's a bunch
[11:27:20] of invisible rats
[11:27:21] that'll get on top of you,
[11:27:22] but if you take some good movement,
[11:27:23] good spacing there,
[11:27:24] you can actually just bypass
[11:27:25] the entire thing.
[11:27:27] Yeah, and this is where
[11:27:28] at least the hard logical requirements
[11:27:30] for a lot of these items come into play because
[11:27:32] logically, for this passageway right here you need to double claw shots.
[11:27:36] There is a way that you can get through it with just a single claw shot.
[11:27:39] It's not actually that bad, but sometimes it takes a while
[11:27:42] because it's kind of tedious to do properly.
[11:27:45] It is fairly tight,
[11:27:46] but it is very doable.
[11:27:48] And then we want bomb arrows here
[11:27:50] for these guys.
[11:27:51] Oh, I don't know how you escaped out of that.
[11:27:52] All right.
[11:27:53] And then this is where the spinner is hard or not as
[11:27:56] hard required but logically required.
[11:27:59] There's a way to get past this spinner requirement too with
[11:28:01] a bunch of uh stupid ljas
[11:28:12] once again this one's just a couple pixels to work with.
[11:28:16] Unfortunately because the randomizer skips cutscenes so quickly we can't actually skip
[11:28:22] this dark nut which is typically skipped in vanilla speedruns.
[11:28:27] Well I mean technically on the version they're on there's a setting that can...
[11:28:31] True! You could disable cutscene skips.
[11:28:36] Do it manually.
[11:28:40] I'm gonna wait for Spike here so we can go tackle the final bosses together.
[11:28:44] Oh god, now there's pressure on me!
[11:28:49] So running strike, that'll trigger him
[11:28:57] Run back.
[11:29:05] His armor's all the way off, I don't have a shield so we're trying to just dodge that any way we can. It's fine! One..., two, pull out the ball and chain.
[11:29:08] Can we catch him?
[11:29:09] Oh come back here!
[11:29:10] Come back here!
[11:29:11] Yeah that's right!
[11:29:17] Let's go!
[11:29:22] Perfectly in sync. So, Jim you gonna do that at Zelda Crash?
[11:29:25] This is so close.
[11:29:27] Am I going to be what the Zelda crash?
[11:29:28] No.
[11:29:32] Yeah, so this final gauntlet right here we got four fights starting off with Puppet
[11:29:36] Zelda now this is actually normally a fence of like
[11:29:40] Link to the Past went up and maybe you don't know TP
[11:29:42] It's almost like the blue balls of this game
[11:29:44] where there's just a
[11:29:46] percentage chance that Puppet Zelda
[11:29:48] will give you the correct attacks or not.
[11:29:52] This in the randomizer, thankfully, the RNG is set
[11:29:55] so on the first third and seventh attack she'll always
[11:29:58] give you her light warbs.
[11:30:00] Any chance that she can throw
[11:30:01] an electric ball, she will.
[11:30:03] There is still RNG on the
[11:30:05] middle attack so whether they're the triangles
[11:30:07] on the ground or as she flies at you
[11:30:09] another thing that was also fixed with RNG in this
[11:30:12] fight is, in Vanilla there is
[11:30:14] a random amount of frames between each attack
[11:30:16] between 50 and 150
[11:30:17] and we just locked it in at 100 for the
[11:30:20] randomizer
[11:30:20] So while we're essentially locked it in at 100 for the randomizer.
[11:30:25] Also, while we're essentially going through this what is an auto-scroller lunar
[11:30:26] where can people go if they want to find
[11:30:28] the Twilight Princess Randomizer?
[11:30:29] So if you want to find
[11:30:30] the Twilight Princess Randomizer
[11:30:31] you can go to
[11:30:35] not to be confused with
[11:30:37] But yes,
[11:30:41] that's where the web generator is linked to the discord
[11:30:44] all the fun resources can be found there
[11:30:45] have you also just gotten
[11:30:50] all triangles? I saw
[11:30:52] one swoopy dude
[11:30:53] okay I'm just getting all triangles.
[11:30:57] I just want a triple triangle.
[11:31:00] While we're fighting Zelda can I give you a donation from Princess Zelda?
[11:31:04] Sure of course! from Princess Zelda? Sure, of course.
[11:31:05] Because Princess Zelda donated $25 to say,
[11:31:09] don't you just hate it when your legendary hero decides
[11:31:11] he'd rather go out of his way to explore more random dungeons instead of coming to save you
[11:31:20] our bad it was for charity sorry so now we go immediately into b-scan right here
[11:31:25] we got to get off a quick arrow shot or a ball and chain shot
[11:31:28] right away, then we got to react
[11:31:29] to where he falls to.
[11:31:32] Whoop!
[11:31:36] So right now I'm going for a more beginner friendly start where I'm doing the double
[11:31:39] jump slashes.
[11:31:40] Jim is trying to go for one that's gonna manipulate him to have a very specific amount of health
[11:31:45] to have a very quick third hit.
[11:31:48] We did do some manipulation right there, also having him land in the center
[11:31:52] already facing us.
[11:31:56] Fall it out into another double jump slash.
[11:31:59] So now we're going into our third phases, where Jim has had probably a slightly slower first two phases but he will spawn faster.
[11:32:08] We'll just be able to see where the portals go
[11:32:12] yeah because of the amount of damage i did he's just going to spawn in a single
[11:32:15] portal to try and catch us off guard which we see right here
[11:32:18] oh man he did catch me off guard apparently.
[11:32:24] A button, there we go.
[11:32:28] E-V-I-E E-V-I-O What did you say one of your friends thought?
[11:32:34] My chat seems to think that the chanting says,
[11:32:37] Email me.
[11:32:39] So we talk about how we get to the final boss of Twilight Princess
[11:32:41] to have a boardroom meeting with Beast Ganon.
[11:32:45] And now we go into the third phase, this is definitely one
[11:32:49] of the trickier ones. We've got horseback Ganon, and we're
[11:32:52] going to try do some pretty specific movement
[11:32:54] to manipulate him getting in front of us.
[11:32:56] I do have The Great Fairies tiered,
[11:32:58] so I'm going to try to two-cycle them.
[11:33:00] But we'll see how it goes down yeah so ideally we want them to try
[11:33:04] to swing at us right here and then get behind him just like this
[11:33:10] and this is my preferred rng I really like it when this happens.
[11:33:12] I know that he's gonna try to juke me to the right here so I'm going to hold right...
[11:33:17] Okay well unfortunately we did not turn fast enough
[11:33:19] So Zelda was not able to get the straight shot onto Ganondorf there.
[11:33:25] That's the second one, and then is he going
[11:33:28] try to juke us again? No, not really. Okay.
[11:33:48] I am stunned. Okay, so now I'm going to make sure I put this on because I want to try
[11:33:50] to stay right behind him and go
[11:33:52] for a second. Oh, he's giving me the loosey-goosey.
[11:33:54] Come on. Because yeah, second always give me the loosey-goosey come on because yeah there's no rng as
[11:33:58] far as like how zelda is concerned let's go ahead actually drink the thing
[11:34:02] because now we'll do double damage for like 10 seconds. Hopefully, we can catch up to him.
[11:34:09] Alright, do the free cycle and
[11:34:10] the two cycles. So now, we just got
[11:34:12] the final Ganon
[11:34:13] and just like Phantom was talking about earlier, that running slash strike.
[11:34:18] We're going to try and manipulate that to... Jim's about to kill him in 10 seconds! Good luck!
[11:34:24] Well actually...
[11:34:25] Fishing rod.
[11:34:29] Fishing minigames? well actually fishing rod hold up yeah holds up fishing mini games
[11:34:41] excuse me hey there's fishing rod you gotta reel him in jim oh he got a real
[11:34:46] all right well hold on do i do we have Ganondorf in the fish journal here?
[11:34:51] You haven't caught him yet!
[11:34:52] No, we haven't caught him yet darn it.
[11:34:54] Well...
[11:34:56] Oh hello.
[11:34:58] One more time, Here we go and...
[11:35:00] oh no. Guess not unfortunately. No Ganondorf fish today.
[11:35:08] That's one knockdown.
[11:35:11] So that's... you do need to delay your jump strikes just a little bit.
[11:35:17] That's two!
[11:35:20] That's three! I can't man you! Wow, put on the iron boots.
[11:35:20] Oh darn it got up for me.
[11:35:21] And oh do it!
[11:35:22] You got this.
[11:35:23] He was waiting so long for me.
[11:35:25] Time is coming up as soon as we get this third knockdown
[11:35:32] We're putting on the boots!
[11:35:34] We're jumping on them!
[11:35:36] TIME!!! Yeah.
[11:35:45] Woo!
[11:35:47] All right, we found all the items.
[11:35:49] Man, we did so much Zelda though. I know obviously we just took a lot of extra time so I do want to just say thank you.
[11:35:58] You can follow me there, Jim!
[11:36:00] Yep, I'm gymnast86, You can follow me at gymnast86.
[11:36:04] Thank you very much Lunar and Phantom for the commentary
[11:36:07] for the TG Randomizer.
[11:36:08] And do not think this ends here.
[11:36:12] Yeah.
[11:36:13] See y'all later. Get that OOT run, man!
[11:36:15] Later gamers.
[11:36:21] What's up
[11:36:23] Summer Games Done Quick 2024? My name is Adaf. I hope you enjoyed that Twilight Princess Co-op randomizer as much as I did.
[11:36:29] I have a very special interview here today.
[11:36:31] I am joined by Amy Leah Potter, who works with MSF.
[11:36:35] Amy thank you so much for joining me.
[11:36:37] Thank you for having me.
[11:36:38] Yes absolutely!
[11:36:39] I'm going to jump right in here.
[11:36:40] Amy, I want to talk about your work with MSF and how you got started
[11:36:44] with the organization if you wouldn't mind telling that story.
[11:36:47] Oh absolutely so I actually have a background as
[11:36:49] a paramedic and a nurse
[11:36:51] So MSF was one of those things
[11:36:53] I kind of knew about a little bit but
[11:36:55] wasn't sure and I I remember back in 2008
[11:36:59] I went with a friend of mine to the theater
[11:37:01] they're showing a movie called Living In Emergency
[11:37:03] and it's a little dark very graphic
[11:37:06] I do recommend it for anyone who's interested.
[11:37:08] But I walked out of that theater and was like, I have to do that job!
[11:37:12] My friend said, I will never do that job.
[11:37:16] It was one of those things that really was interested in,
[11:37:18] so I spent some time getting
[11:37:19] the education and experience.
[11:37:21] 2016,
[11:37:21] I got hired
[11:37:22] and I actually work as
[11:37:23] international mobile staff
[11:37:25] and I know this week
[11:37:26] you guys are going to meet
[11:37:26] a lot of people from MSF.
[11:37:28] Most of them are full-time, that's what they do and I'm one
[11:37:32] of the people who takes an assignment,
[11:37:33] I go out into different areas in the world,
[11:37:36] I work for a little bit then I come home back
[11:37:38] to day-to-day life. Sure. Work in the hospital,
[11:37:40] I go shopping, I get kind of itchy
[11:37:42] feet, and then I get a chance to go back out again.
[11:37:45] Because I'm a nurse, I work
[11:37:46] on the medical team, so I work on
[11:37:48] a variety of projects. It just depends on what's needed.
[11:37:51] Sometimes it is a malnutrition project or infectious disease.
[11:37:54] Lately, because my background is more in trauma,
[11:37:57] I've worked a lot on conflict projects.
[11:38:00] Sure. You mentioned conflicts. I've worked a lot on conflict projects. Sure, so you mentioned conflict projects.
[11:38:04] You focus primarily on caring for those at least recently
[11:38:06] who are in conflict zones.
[11:38:08] Can you explain how MSF is able to aid in,
[11:38:12] aid those in need in places like Gaza?
[11:38:16] MSF overall we work to fill gaps
[11:38:18] in the healthcare system.
[11:38:20] Unfortunately those gaps tend to exist in countries
[11:38:23] that not all but a lot of them are prone to conflict. And so what happens is we're
[11:38:28] there already sometimes when these conflicts break out
[11:38:30] which I guess helps us in a way because the population
[11:38:33] know us they accept us we also have an amazing national staff
[11:38:37] because of this which means instance for instance in Gaza when October 7th
[11:38:42] happened our National stuff are already there working on different projects for instance in Gaza, when October 7th happened
[11:38:43] our national staff were already there working on different projects
[11:38:46] microbiology and burn reconstruction
[11:38:49] so we were able to pivot right away
[11:38:52] they were able to help care for the new need.
[11:38:54] The other thing is MSF is known as being neutral,
[11:38:57] and I know sometimes people aren't sure of that
[11:38:59] but if you actually listen to anything
[11:39:00] that comes out of MSF we don't take sides.
[11:39:03] We'll talk about the facts of what's going on,
[11:39:05] and we will ask for a ceasefire
[11:39:06] which we always asked for.
[11:39:07] You need to cease fire desperately.
[11:39:10] Thank you.
[11:39:17] And so because we are neutral,
[11:39:22] we are accepted by both or sometimes more than two sides who are fighting.
[11:39:25] We're allowed access and we're allowed access,
[11:39:26] we're allowed to remain in areas.
[11:39:27] So that helps out a lot.
[11:39:29] And then the other thing that MSF does is
[11:39:31] we're really quite robust.
[11:39:33] We have a huge talented staff pool
[11:39:35] which means when there's conflict
[11:39:36] that breaks out we can help in a lot of different areas.
[11:39:38] When I was in Yemen, I worked myself on setting up a trauma surgical project near the front line
[11:39:44] but MSF had a lot of other projects in Yemen focused on malnutrition, cholera. We're sort
[11:39:50] of like a one-stop shop for your emergency conflict needs, which is unfortunate
[11:39:55] and that we don't want to be there right because you know charities i think
[11:40:00] any charity organization worth their weight uh should definitely be hoping to be obsolete
[11:40:05] we want to be out of business right the goal the goal is let's get those ceasefires,
[11:40:09] let's give people the aid they need and then once communities can self-sustain
[11:40:13] we might not need to exist anymore.
[11:40:15] Always a goal.
[11:40:16] Yeah, of course.
[11:40:17] I'd like to touch specifically on your work in Gaza
[11:40:20] because you were just there
[11:40:21] and I'd like to know how long
[11:40:24] you were there and what was the sort
[11:40:26] of work you and your team were doing?
[11:40:28] What was the impact like?
[11:40:29] So, I was inaza for one month unfortunately
[11:40:33] because of the volatility and the conflict that's going on we could only remain in
[11:40:36] gaza for one month at a time and our work changed a lot, so I worked primarily in sort of two areas
[11:40:44] we had a really huge population i was in Rafa at the time
[11:40:47] and this is obviously just before Rafa was invaded so there were 1.8 million people living in the area
[11:40:54] formally designed or housed 200 000 people my god and these people have no access to health care
[11:41:00] i'm willing to bet that if we pulled the audience some of these people have no access to healthcare. I'm willing to bet that if we polled the audience, some of these people forgot their medications
[11:41:04] at home before coming on vacation because it always happens.
[11:41:08] So when you're running from war, you forget things behind.
[11:41:11] You don't have your blood pressure medications, you
[11:41:13] don't have medication for diabetes epilepsy also you know you're moving several times
[11:41:18] they're living in tents it's cold people who have coughs, colds, flus little things we
[11:41:22] would just go to Walgreens and get some supplies they
[11:41:25] don't have access to that they don't have doctors and so we wanted to give this huge internally
[11:41:30] displaced population some basic health care but there's nowhere to do that there was
[11:41:35] literally no space there was tents or some type of dwelling structure
[11:41:40] everywhere and so we actually got some trucks
[11:41:43] and we opened up mobile health clinics in the back of boxed trucks.
[11:41:47] We saw about 450 people a day just trying to get them the very basic that we could in healthcare.
[11:41:54] Now eventually,
[11:41:55] we were able to transition from our trucks
[11:41:57] into a structure
[11:41:58] that was a cinder block building
[11:42:00] that wasn't quite completed
[11:42:02] and our logistics team did an amazing job.
[11:42:04] They took down walls
[11:42:05] and put up new walls and this allowed us to
[11:42:09] not only leave the trucks but expand our services so we started to add some physical therapy which is
[11:42:14] key to taking care of any orthopedic trauma we had some mental health now
[11:42:19] we were able to do some what we call psychological first aid and try and help
[11:42:23] some people cope but it was something for this huge population.
[11:42:28] And the other thing that we did when I was there
[11:42:30] is we worked in some of the hospitals.
[11:42:32] Now, the hospitals are actually run by
[11:42:34] the Ministry of Health and they do an amazing job
[11:42:39] with horrible... And they do an amazing job in a horrible, amazing job with what they have.
[11:42:41] Right of course.
[11:42:42] The situation itself is pretty dire.
[11:42:44] It's exactly like all the pictures that you see on TV
[11:42:46] I hate to say it but
[11:42:48] the hospitals, the beds are
[11:42:50] multiple people to a bed, people lying on the floor. I saw several ambulances come
[11:42:55] in and just put the patient on the floor then walk away there's just nowhere
[11:42:58] to put anybody,
[11:42:59] so we tried to offer a little bit of support where we could.
[11:43:02] We did some dressing changes.
[11:43:03] We worked with some surgeons in the operating theaters.
[11:43:08] We worked a little bit in the emergency room, and it wasn't anywhere close to what we
[11:43:11] wanted to do. Unfortunately because of supplies, we just couldn't get enough supplies, and it's
[11:43:16] truly a heartbreaking situation to see. So I mean to that effect, how did the donations coming in you know not just from SGDQ but
[11:43:25] also to MSF in general?
[11:43:27] How do these funds, you know, how does that help support in aiding communities in need like those in Rafa and Gaza?
[11:43:35] Basically, why should people donate?
[11:43:39] Well one of the big principles MSF has is that they are independent.
[11:43:43] A lot of organizations, they require or rely on donations from governments
[11:43:48] and major corporations
[11:43:50] And with that, I don't want to say there always comes strings attached but we don't have that.
[11:43:53] We don't have to operate on anyone else's agenda.
[11:43:55] Sure.
[11:43:56] We don't have to make decisions for any political reasons.
[11:43:58] Basically MSF now operates – they see a need and they're able to respond.
[11:44:02] Private donations that go into this
[11:44:05] general emergency fund are what allows us to operate independently and allows us to operate
[11:44:10] quickly so when something happens we're there within hours. In Gaza
[11:44:14] We were already there obviously
[11:44:16] We had to shift from our other projects
[11:44:18] To meet the new needs but we were able
[11:44:20] To do that because of these funds
[11:44:22] I don't know if people realize
[11:44:24] The impact it has, but it's amazing.
[11:44:26] I can tell you personally in Gaza,
[11:44:28] the funds we used they bought medications for people who didn't have them
[11:44:31] They bought dressing supplies
[11:44:33] We started to supply a little bit of food.
[11:44:35] Luckily, when I was there we weren't seeing
[11:44:36] a lot of malnutrition but we were able
[11:44:38] to help kind of save that off with some interventions.
[11:44:42] They helped pay for the trucks.
[11:44:43] They helped redesign the cinder block building into something that
[11:44:48] we could use as functional. Also, Gaza is a desert. There's no natural water supply
[11:44:53] except for one river that's inaccessible, we were able to set up some water points
[11:44:58] so people could just have basic drinking water.
[11:45:01] The donations, they go to such a good cause.
[11:45:04] I remember one lady, she was 96.
[11:45:08] She was so thankful. I mean, she was speaking to me mostly in Arabic
[11:45:10] which I don't speak very well but she kept hugging
[11:45:12] and kissing me and saying thank you
[11:45:14] And all we did for her was a dressing change
[11:45:16] for her diabetic foot.
[11:45:18] And she was so thankful that we had clean supplies
[11:45:21] that she could finally be able to use
[11:45:23] that she was in tears.
[11:45:24] It, it was heartbreaking.
[11:45:27] Well, Amy, I cannot thank you enough.
[11:45:28] Audience can we please get a round of applause?
[11:45:34] I think there is...
[11:45:38] We live in such a privileged country and
[11:45:41] and in such a privileged part of the world in so many ways
[11:45:44] and i think it is easy to disconnect oneself from what is happening in other
[11:45:48] parts of the world and so I'm very grateful, and
[11:45:51] I know we all are for people like yourself
[11:45:53] who are willing to do the hard work
[11:45:55] and apply their expertise to something
[11:45:57] incredible. So I would ask
[11:45:59] everybody at home if you're considering donating and you have the means games done slash donate.
[11:46:04] I literally cannot.
[11:46:05] I love MSF it's a remarkable organization and I feel so lucky to have been able to speak with you. Please do donate.
[11:46:12] Thank you. Yes, thank you so much. There is more Summer Games on Quick
[11:46:16] coming up right after this. Amy, thank you so much. Stick around and donate.
[11:46:27] What a fantastic interview there, absolutely everybody your donations
[11:46:29] are absolutely phenomenal
[11:46:31] you've just heard what they're helping out there. I am our gig
[11:46:33] I'm going to be taking over for the next four runs here
[11:46:37] I hope you are ready for two days of absolutely amazing
[11:46:40] Content here we are gonna help raise as much money as we possibly can for MSF
[11:46:44] and just coming out of our
[11:46:46] Twilight Princess run there, we have an $86
[11:46:48] donation from Crane that says
[11:46:50] I counted like 34
[11:46:52] from Jim and a friend counted 17
[11:46:54] from Spike. Rounding up a couple of dollars
[11:46:57] because I'm bad at counting,
[11:46:58] and I hear they can bonk in the Ocarina
[11:47:01] of Time bonus.
[11:47:02] We do have that Ocarina of Time bonus run. It is currently, we've got it open there
[11:47:06] It's currently sitting at 11,564 out of the 100,000 that we are looking for
[11:47:12] Please keep your donations coming in because it's been an absolutely phenomenal
[11:47:17] week i tell you now while we're going through here.
[11:47:34] I'm just hearing like Golden Sunrise, the first book that
[11:47:37] the soundtracks that we get to hear. Golden Sun's
[11:47:39] a phenomenal game and the fact that we get to hear
[11:47:41] some really cool remixes of these music is
[11:47:43] just absolutely phenomenal. I hope you're
[11:47:45] all in the audience there are ready to have some fun listening to the cool music as we get set up for a really quick run, like literally you blink and you'll miss it. It is going to be phenomenal six minute estimate on that one as well then we've got
[11:47:59] some cool md game fun with animal well yellow taxi goes vroom as well the other taxis gonna
[11:48:05] be a fun time i have played that personally and enjoy it immensely.
[11:48:08] And then the Evil Zone Tournament Finals, you'll hear more about that as long as
[11:48:14] you keep it here at Summer Games Done Quick 2024 powered by Twitch. so
[11:48:40] and speaking of incentives we do have our Animal Well Bonus Any% run that we want to
[11:48:46] have as well.
[11:48:47] Currently sitting at $5,648 out of the 10,000. We have a lot of love coming in
[11:48:52] on the donations for that as well
[11:48:54] we have a $50 donation from Fonny
[11:48:56] that says Animal Well is a
[11:48:58] masterpiece but I want to see
[11:49:00] it broken in any percent as do we remember folks when you are donating
[11:49:05] please put your donations towards the incentives that way we can extend gdq much further and have
[11:49:11] a lot of fun with it.
[11:49:12] We also have a $50 donation from ZargonX
[11:49:15] that says, an amazing GDQ as always
[11:49:18] and have to keep going with some extra animal well!
[11:49:24] And then $25 donation from
[11:49:26] Talia that says, let's hit that
[11:49:28] animal well any percent
[11:49:30] incentive. Absolutely.
[11:49:32] We are getting ourselves through there
[11:49:34] we're having a lot of fun with it and we're just enjoying the week overall so so
[11:50:04] just a little bit of an update there as well number go up me like that that's the phrase
[11:50:08] i've said all week this week when i'm on the chair here we are three thousand eight hundred and forty
[11:50:13] one dollars away right now like that number is going up very fast it is very nice
[11:50:17] especially with donations like this we have a 100 donation from true geek
[11:50:23] the says couldn't decide which bonus run to contribute to. So, why not both?
[11:50:28] Because everyone wants more
[11:50:30] GDQ. Absolutely.
[11:50:34] Yeah, you can clap for that.
[11:50:36] Absolutely. Go for it!
[11:50:39] 100% you can clap for that absolutely go for it
[11:50:45] 100 and we are also of course gdq wouldn't be possible without some of our sponsors here so let's have a look and click the magic button.
[11:50:51] Check out Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble,
[11:50:55] an appealing addition to Sega's beloved franchise!
[11:50:58] Experience thrilling gameplay that is easy appealing addition to Sega's beloved franchise.
[11:50:59] Experience thrilling gameplay that is easy
[11:51:01] to pick up and play, yet challenging
[11:51:03] and fulfilling to master.
[11:51:05] Slip into a wonderfully crafted story
[11:51:07] either locally or online
[11:51:09] in the all new adventure mode where you
[11:51:12] will journey through 200 newly crafted stages, either in four player co-op
[11:51:17] or solo. Or you could go bananas with your favourite bunch
[11:51:22] and drop into online multiplayer for up to 16 players
[11:51:25] or local multiplayer for up to 4 players!
[11:51:28] And, to keep the excitement rolling
[11:51:30] use the new spin dash technique
[11:51:32] to sprint past rivals
[11:51:33] or create new shortcuts
[11:51:35] to victory.
[11:51:36] Whether you're a seasoned fan
[11:51:37] or new to the series,
[11:51:39] Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble
[11:51:41] is a must play. it up on nintendo switch today All right, folks.
[11:52:01] We are ready to go with the next run.
[11:52:03] It is time for some Super Mario Bros
[11:52:06] with GTAs.
[11:52:08] Let's take it away!
[11:52:19] Alright. All right. Hello, everyone! I'm GT Ace. I play Mario a lot. You might remember me from last SGDQ
[11:52:23] I did the one-handed
[11:52:24] warpless run that went really well, so
[11:52:27] I'm using the same exact cartridge I used for that run. Hopefully
[11:52:30] the luck continues. But yeah, now I'm going to use
[11:52:33] both my hands and do an any% run which should only take five minutes NOW I'M GOING TO USE BOTH MY HANDS AND DO AN ANY% RUN,
[11:52:43] I BELIEVE, WHEN ANDREW G DID HIS RUN THERE. SO...AND SHOUT-OUTS TO ANDREW G FOR THAT. 2014, I believe. When Andrew G did his run there.
[11:52:46] So and shout out to Andrew G by the way
[11:52:48] I got to meet him a month ago he's an awesome person
[11:52:51] I believe he did the first ever GDQ run
[11:52:53] A Mega Man 1 run of Classic Games Done Quick so
[11:52:56] He's been a huge inspiration so i wanted to shout that
[11:52:58] out and uh so i actually wanted him to be my commentator but just the time it didn't work
[11:53:02] out but luckily adef is here to step in and help me out because yeah i'm gonna need to i'm gonna need
[11:53:07] to lock in i basically know as much about mario's energy yep yeah exactly so
[11:53:12] yeah i need to lock in so he's going to be covering for me with the information while
[11:53:15] i do this and uh so speaking of Andrew G., he did the first ever
[11:53:18] sub-five minute run, so the first run in
[11:53:20] under five minutes. I'm going to try to do that here
[11:53:22] on the stage. I have one shot.
[11:53:25] I'm going to try my best.
[11:53:26] I don't have to do anything for imperfect luckily that comes later but yeah
[11:53:30] just to put into that into perspective the world record is a 454 and if i play perfectly
[11:53:34] i can get a 458 four seconds off so i'm going to try my best
[11:53:38] and if something goes wrong i can do some other
[11:53:41] spiky things while we go but yeah i think that's everything i wanted to say so timing starts when
[11:53:46] ace gains control of mario uh so you'll see the World 1-1
[11:53:51] and then it will snap into like
[11:53:53] 1-1, that's when timing begins. And we'll give
[11:53:55] a countdown as well so if
[11:53:57] we're ready to go let's start this off here in
[11:53:59] 3... 2, 1
[11:54:01] go. Okay welcome
[11:54:03] to Super Mario Brothers so
[11:54:05] you may be familiar with the frame rule system
[11:54:07] imagine a bus okay
[11:54:09] so every 21 frames a bus leaves the level you are currently on to take Mario to the next level.
[11:54:16] Even if Mario's not there. So our goal is to make it to the tightest possible frame rule we can in every single level. Now, this means you can only gain or lose time
[11:54:27] in increments of 21 frames until the last level but we'll get there. Ace has leeway here on the sub-five, but
[11:54:33] not much. Two or three
[11:54:35] frame rules is about how much ace
[11:54:37] can lose. So far, we're
[11:54:39] frame rule perfect, which is great.
[11:54:41] Heading into 1-2 here, the name of the game here is
[11:54:44] Pipe Jumps. So there are going to be a couple tight
[11:54:46] jumps here. Excellent.
[11:54:48] Now right after this we've got some pipe jumps
[11:54:50] jumping over the Piranha Plants. You have about 2-3
[11:54:52] frames depending on movement. Great. Excellent.
[11:54:55] So now Ace is going to head into the warp zone and go
[11:54:57] straight to world four. Now
[11:54:58] like I said, a lot of these levels are tight.
[11:55:01] Some of them aren't as tight so you don't have to be perfect
[11:55:03] but a lot of these frame rules are super tight and
[11:55:06] now's a great time for some donations yeah we got like one or two short ones here absolutely
[11:55:11] you're gonna cheer for this one 2 000 donation fromott that just simply says less than three.
[11:55:19] Thank you so much for that.
[11:55:20] Yeah thank you.
[11:55:21] One more quick one please.
[11:55:23] We got a $50 from Keegan that says can we just get
[11:55:25] a huge round of applause for Doctors Without Borders?
[11:55:27] Thanks for all that you do.
[11:55:29] Absolutely.
[11:55:31] Okay, 4-2.
[11:55:33] So far so good.
[11:55:35] 4-2 is where the run kind of begins,
[11:55:37] there's a wrong warp that Ace
[11:55:39] will be doing in this stage.
[11:55:41] Ace is going to bump Mario on certain
[11:55:43] platforms and what bumping Mario
[11:55:45] basically displaces Mario from the center of the screen.
[11:55:48] Now, the reason this is beneficial is because
[11:55:50] for lack of more detail,
[11:55:52] the game can really only load one
[11:55:54] warp at a time. So there's
[11:55:56] this vine we want to take, but climbing the vine is super
[11:55:58] slow. So Ace is going to go in this pipe
[11:56:01] and there you go.
[11:56:03] So Ace pushed the camera
[11:56:05] such that the warp from the
[11:56:07] vine was still on screen so going down the pipe took us up
[11:56:09] where the pipe or with the uh vine pardon me would take us eight one here we're looking good
[11:56:15] okay we have good judges uh so basically there is a small chance for an RNG window to make the flagpole in this level one pixel lower than usual.
[11:56:25] One frame early.
[11:56:27] Okay, so some of these pipe jumps like I said are incredibly difficult.
[11:56:31] So unfortunately sub 5 is probably not possible now.
[11:56:34] Very much it's not. You can still get underestimated.
[11:56:37] Underestimate is what we like to hear baby!
[11:56:40] We got halfway there, you know?
[11:56:41] That's pretty good. Yeah, this... I want to
[11:56:43] emphasize something because Ace didn't really touch on it.
[11:56:45] He's going for everything.
[11:56:47] So, like, you know,
[11:56:49] this sub-five is not simple. And so, you know, this sub 5 is not simple.
[11:56:51] And so Ace really went into this run with the methodology of I'm going to go for everything and whatever happens, happens.
[11:56:58] So you have to give him credit for that, because it's not safe.
[11:57:03] Yeah I really wanted a sub-5 on the stage
[11:57:05] but luckily right before my run
[11:57:07] I did some practice on the stage and got
[11:57:09] a sub 5 on the stage anyway, so you know what?
[11:57:11] So counts. It counts.
[11:57:13] I'm just going to play it safe here.
[11:57:14] We're through.
[11:57:16] Yep, I'm gonna pick up the mushroom here
[11:57:17] just for safety because
[11:57:19] You want to be on certain frame rules
[11:57:20] so that you know all of the enemy patterns will do
[11:57:22] but now I don't know
[11:57:23] what that will be so I'm just going to play it safe and get underestimate
[11:57:26] But, I can show off a cool trick here if I do a frame perfect jump
[11:57:30] And uh hit a 50-50 window essentially because of how the game does enemy collision
[11:57:37] you can also buffer jump in this game after a power up grab yeah so like ace was mentioning
[11:57:42] uh enemy patterns are based on the frame rule that you're on so now that ace has died
[11:57:47] once uh the frame rule is kind of a mystery to us at the moment we don't oh we're going okay
[11:57:53] yes Yes! Let's go.
[11:57:56] All right, that makes up for it.
[11:57:58] It is all good now baby.
[11:58:00] We got a firework to celebrate too.
[11:58:02] Wow okay so that is
[11:58:04] a Bullet Bill glitch.
[11:58:07] Basically, not to get too detailed on it but there are
[11:58:09] other ways to get the flagpole other than
[11:58:11] just hitting it from above
[11:58:12] and the hitbox for the flagpole
[11:58:15] extends down using some enemies we can bounce into it in interesting ways
[11:58:17] into the corner of that block
[11:58:19] and that skips Mario walking all
[11:58:21] the way across and also skips
[11:58:23] the flagpole coming down. In this segment, Ace is going to have
[11:58:25] to slow down a little bit by bumping that wall.
[11:58:27] We don't want to hit a firework.
[11:58:29] If you end the level on a timer of one's digit of 1, 3 or 6
[11:58:33] You will get 1,3 or 6 fireworks respectively and those are obviously bad.
[11:58:36] We're almost done!
[11:58:39] We're almost done! It's the final level!
[11:58:41] Okay, 8-4. So no more frame rules to worry about here
[11:58:43] Every frame counts in
[11:58:45] 8-4. The name of the game
[11:58:47] is go as fast as possible and pray to god Bowser is okay.
[11:58:49] We're good because we are big
[11:58:51] Yeah, we're big Mario so not a whole lot
[11:58:53] to worry about. Ace is going for a wall jump
[11:58:55] Excellent!
[11:58:59] Next up we got another wrong warp.
[11:59:01] We're going to advance the screen forward,
[11:59:02] go in this pipe to hit the water.
[11:59:03] Now Ace are you going to do crouch swim here?
[11:59:05] Yeah, I'm gonna do crouch swim in here.
[11:59:06] So Ace is going to hold down just for a second there
[11:59:08] and you'll notice that big Mario looks like
[11:59:10] small Marios collision. That allows us to do fun things like that. So Ace is holding
[11:59:15] down while swimming here in order to have a crouch hitbox while swimming which is really
[11:59:18] useful.
[11:59:19] Alright, are we on time? yeah literally the frame ace touches the axe
[11:59:25] time all right pretty good for one death and bG in there, so we'll take it.
[11:59:34] Or underestimate.
[11:59:35] I can't believe you went for bulletproof lips!
[11:59:37] Of all the tricks that could have gone forward
[11:59:39] That was like the easiest one
[11:59:41] The less risky ones So I'm glad that worked out at least
[11:59:44] no sub five but you know what that was still pretty hype halfway there so that was amazing
[11:59:49] ace can we get another round of applause for gta please. Thank you. I want to get my shoutouts out of the way here.
[11:59:55] I want to shoutout the speedrun community,
[11:59:57] the Mario 1 community, everyone that's here.
[12:00:00] Finding speedrunning has
[12:00:01] just been the best thing in my life so i'm just happy
[12:00:03] to be here thanks for inviting me back and i have an
[12:00:06] announcement for the mario 1 community uh i held off saying this like a month
[12:00:11] ago at an event but um after uh gdq i'm gonna do 454 attempts again oh so that means
[12:00:22] like tying world record to the second but obviously there's decimals which i will not get
[12:00:26] but that's every almost every trick in the game there's many frame perfects and i'm coming back
[12:00:32] it's been three years i'm ready so um look out for that if you want to watch me do that
[12:00:36] I stream on GTS 99s my Twitch.
[12:00:39] Also have a YouTube where
[12:00:40] I have the Sunday Speedrunner Spotlight
[12:00:42] it's a podcast where I interview
[12:00:44] a new speed runner every week
[12:00:45] and people tell me it's good so i'm gonna believe that
[12:00:49] i'm gonna believe them so if that sounds fun you can watch me there and uh yeah just uh thanks for
[12:00:53] the commentary adef of course and uh yeah uh just enjoy the rest of the event one last thing is
[12:00:59] can we please give a huge shout out for sgdq for donating 1 million dollars here
[12:01:04] raising 1 million for charity and $50 million total.
[12:01:07] A round of applause, please.
[12:01:10] And thanks so much for having me.
[12:01:16] What an absolutely phenomenal run there that was.
[12:01:20] We're going to keep the show going, we've got some donations here.
[12:01:24] Got a $25 donation from Nick O that says
[12:01:27] Well well well
[12:01:28] Well well well Well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well well, well, well. Well, well, well.
[12:01:30] Well, well, well!
[12:01:31] I just really want more animal
[12:01:33] well. They are of course referring to our
[12:01:35] animal well bonus any percent
[12:01:37] run incentive. We only need
[12:01:38] $1,647
[12:01:41] left
[12:01:42] for that. We can absolutely
[12:01:44] hit that just before the run
[12:01:46] starts here. We are getting ourselves set up
[12:01:48] for that one so we will be back right after this.
[12:01:51] Don't go anywhere, everyone.
[12:01:52] You're watching Summer Games Done Quick 2024. so so We got a donation here that absolutely encapsulates
[12:02:32] that last round.
[12:02:33] $25 donation from anonymous,
[12:02:35] that says can someone just tell me what I missed?
[12:02:38] I blinked and time was called.
[12:02:40] Haha! That was amazing. Go GDQ!
[12:02:43] Exactly, that was a quick literally blink and you miss it moment there
[12:02:47] I do also like the little shoutout ADef did to it
[12:02:49] Imagine a bus cause that is
[12:02:51] That's a key moment in speedrun history there. something fun about games on oh something really fun about games done
[12:03:13] quick way to go everybody we have just had that animal well bonus
[12:03:18] any percent run absolutely fantastic job thank you very much everybody.
[12:03:26] We're going to get bonus GDQ!
[12:03:28] You'll love to see it, absolutely.
[12:03:31] We do of course still have our incentive open for the bonus game
[12:03:35] if you liked the Zelda run there
[12:03:37] that you just saw
[12:03:37] with Twilight Princess,
[12:03:38] if you love this series
[12:03:39] you're absolutely
[12:03:40] going to want
[12:03:41] to see this one.
[12:03:41] We do have
[12:03:42] The Legend of Zelda
[12:03:43] Ocarina of Time
[12:03:45] bonus run
[12:03:46] no SRM of course uh began in no srm that is currently sitting at let me have
[12:03:53] a lovely look here the magical number says sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty4 dollars out of the 100 thousand required for that.
[12:04:02] We still got some time going on that one we've got some indie game fun coming up
[12:04:05] and then we have something really special with the Evil Zone Tournament Finals that you're not going to want to miss.
[12:04:12] But do NOT rest on your laurels in that one, you're gonna be like
[12:04:15] I love it, just catching someone's eye there, they're really excited for the Evil Zone tournament.
[12:04:19] It's like, yeah, let's go!
[12:04:21] That is what we want to see on that one.
[12:04:24] I can also let you know as well
[12:04:25] that we have just opened up a new incentive
[12:04:29] for Waka Reverse that is going to be happening here.
[12:04:33] We've got the Waka Reverse, Reverse Boss Rush currently just opened
[12:04:39] looking for $25,000 for that one.
[12:04:41] So if the game is Wacka reversed but it's a reverse boss rush
[12:04:44] does that mean its a Wacka Boss Rush?
[12:04:48] Hmmmm...
[12:04:50] You can tell me if I'm right or wrong
[12:04:52] or throw it at me in the donations, please do!
[12:04:54] Always fun when you do that.
[12:05:00] Oh speaking of puns here we go $100 donation from Hangman's Moose that says
[12:05:04] How does Mario surf the internet?
[12:05:07] Using a web browser!
[12:05:13] Yup, that's fine.
[12:05:15] We deserved that one, that's fine.
[12:05:17] Hangman's Moose, I loved it. I appreciate it.
[12:05:21] Alright we'll be back in a couple of minutes everybody.
[12:05:25] SGDQ 2024 continues after this.
[12:05:33] Welcome to the stream.
[12:05:34] Where our passions roll.
[12:05:36] And communities get hyped.
[12:05:38] We don't just create, we create a scene.
[12:05:40] Because when we go live, it matters.
[12:05:42] It defines culture.
[12:05:44] We're not just changing the game. we are building a whole new arena.
[12:05:46] We demand intuitive tools that make a powerful impact
[12:05:49] That keep our creativity streaming
[12:05:51] Vibes flowing
[12:05:52] Communities growing
[12:05:54] Because in the stream...
[12:05:55] Every view, like, follow, chat, sub...
[12:05:58] Counts.
[12:05:59] Streamlabs.
[12:06:00] Unleash your live.
[12:06:11] And Unleash Our Life is exactly what we are going to do because we are ready for our next run.
[12:06:12] It's time for HakkaKat as we're gonna look look over some Animal Well.
[12:06:16] Take it away!
[12:06:23] Hello, GDQ.
[12:06:25] I'm Hekaket and I're in the game Animal World obviously.
[12:06:31] Let's get started.
[12:06:33] Can you do a quick countdown from five?
[12:06:37] I can do a countdown.
[12:06:38] Yeah, let's do it.
[12:06:39] We start in
[12:06:39] 5
[12:06:40] 4
[12:06:41] 3
[12:06:42] 2
[12:06:43] 1
[12:06:44] Go!
[12:06:46] All right.
[12:06:47] So
[12:06:48] quick goal of the game we're going to get some flames and then we're gonna go down the animal wall.
[12:06:53] All going through this total section? If my cops want to send theirselves?
[12:06:57] Yeah sure. Go ahead.
[12:06:59] You go ahead.
[12:07:00] Okay.
[12:07:00] Okay.
[12:07:02] I'm Wed.
[12:07:03] I mostly do PlayStation games.
[12:07:05] Hi,
[12:07:05] I'm Talia.
[12:07:06] I run mainly Celeste
[12:07:08] but I'm a big fan of IndieDude platformers, nice water bounce right there
[12:07:13] If you position the rising platform right there
[12:07:15] It's a very precise position
[12:07:17] You can get the water to be act a little bit weird and bounce us up which skips waiting for
[12:07:23] the bottom of the rise all the way out yeah it seems to be like some sort of like edge detection
[12:07:28] whenever you are on a falling platform.
[12:07:32] Alright, now Hakke is going to get to our good friend
[12:07:34] the ghost that's gonna be chasing us for like
[12:07:37] a good portion of this run but also
[12:07:38] Hakke just got the disc!
[12:07:41] Now uh... The disc is a very special one I just got the disc.
[12:07:42] Now, uh...
[12:07:43] The disc is a very special thing that we have in this game.
[12:07:46] You're going to be seeing the disc used quite a bit throughout
[12:07:49] this run.
[12:07:51] Mostly...
[12:07:56] Mostly in quote-unquote unintended ways you'll be able to see it a bit over as time progresses throughout this room i'll make sure to point out a few moments
[12:08:04] well a little bit of a rough room there, but we're through it.
[12:08:06] Sick disc climb!
[12:08:08] Right there that's one of the few things
[12:08:10] or one of the things that we have with
[12:08:12] the disc. We can permanently climb walls
[12:08:14] with the disc.
[12:08:17] Something that you also see popping up is
[12:08:18] we will be riding on the disc
[12:08:21] if you time a jump
[12:08:22] or time a disc throw at the very top
[12:08:25] of your jump you're able to actually land onto the disc and use it
[12:08:29] get a little bit of additional speed. You also saw Hakka pick up
[12:08:33] firecrackers and throw them earlier
[12:08:35] uh their main purpose is to just scare away aggressive entities so
[12:08:39] we can get it'll have a little bit of an easier time
[12:08:43] yeah this uh this dog can be a little bit annoying.
[12:08:47] The firecrackers really do help out with that.
[12:08:50] The disc does not as it kind of makes the dog...
[12:08:54] As you could see,
[12:08:55] it starts to move a little bit faster
[12:08:56] when we throw the disc.
[12:08:57] Alright. Nohacka just got the mop disc and he's gonna real quick take a death
[12:09:00] and spawn back at the spawn point.
[12:09:02] So this... there is some weirdness that just happened there.
[12:09:06] Normally if you die while the ghost dog is chasing you There's some weirdness that just happened there.
[12:09:07] So normally, if you die while the ghost dog is chasing
[12:09:09] you, the normal disc will get put back at the shrine
[12:09:13] and the chase will end so they don't follow you all
[12:09:16] the way to your spawn point.
[12:09:18] However, you're meant to pick up the mock disc and then make
[12:09:21] the full loop around and put it back at the shrine so that
[12:09:24] we can keep the normal disc but if you die for the mock
[12:09:26] disc, the game will get a little confused and be like
[12:09:28] oh! You have the mock disc.
[12:09:28] You want to put that at the shrine? Here you go I'll do it for you.
[12:09:31] So now we just have the disc for real.
[12:09:35] Nice!
[12:09:38] Yeah conveniently along with that you saw
[12:09:41] that we purposely took a death abuse there
[12:09:44] and that's going to be a common thing
[12:09:46] that you'll see here
[12:09:47] and there during this run.
[12:09:48] We want to be able
[12:09:49] to come back right to the central area.
[12:09:51] So we set up a save point right at
[12:09:53] the start of the run so that we can come back
[12:09:55] very easily after we collect one
[12:09:57] of these flames which are all in like the corners
[12:09:59] of the map. Can you do a little skip there? Skip a little boss
[12:10:01] fight interaction? Nice!
[12:10:04] That skips
[12:10:05] like a
[12:10:06] seahorse mini-boss. You'll see them
[12:10:09] again. Yeah.
[12:10:12] Haka got the next major item of their run, which is
[12:10:14] the bubble wand, which lets you kind of spawn these
[12:10:16] bubbles that you can just stand on and then jump
[12:10:18] again.
[12:10:20] You will see Haka chaining these bubble jumps so he can jump in a bubble and then get again, you'll see Hakka chaining these bubble jumps
[12:10:23] so it can jump and then bubble and keep going
[12:10:26] so we get basically infinite height
[12:10:28] which is pretty cool if you ask me.
[12:10:31] Along with that using the
[12:10:33] quick select menu options we have here
[12:10:35] by pressing the L and R
[12:10:37] buttons, were able to just like
[12:10:39] swap between the disc
[12:10:41] and bubbles at will so we can use that for like a bunch of
[12:10:46] faster aerial movement stuff like that.
[12:10:49] Shout out to these penguin guys, there's so many little
[12:10:51] guys in this game.
[12:10:53] I'm going to do a sick puzzle skip here while I can actually bounce around There's so many little guys in this game.
[12:10:54] You can do a puzzle skip here, while it can actually bounce off of your player model.
[12:10:58] So, skip a whole lot of puzzles there.
[12:11:01] This section is a bit scary. Haku to go for a bit of a skip here, and looks good.
[12:11:07] Nice!
[12:11:09] You're meant to kind of just throw the disc
[12:11:11] and let the whale lift it up but that's really slow
[12:11:14] so I could just time to jump off the bubbles
[12:11:16] really precisely there.
[12:11:18] That room back there is actually like
[12:11:20] a lot more scary than you would think.
[12:11:22] That whale has a propensity
[12:11:23] to just eat you and you instantly die.
[12:11:30] Nice, that's the first flame of the run!
[12:11:33] As Hakka mentioned earlier
[12:11:34] The main objective of this run is
[12:11:36] To get the four flames scattered around the map,
[12:11:38] and then come back to the central area where the final well drop will open up.
[12:11:43] I'm going to do a bit of skip.
[12:11:46] Kind of skip item progression, a little bit.
[12:11:50] There we go.
[12:11:54] Line up into this jump off the wall.
[12:11:57] The movement you can do in this game is so mesmerizing into this jump off the wall.
[12:11:57] The movement you can do in this game is so mesmerizing,
[12:12:00] with the disc and the bubble just kind of switching
[12:12:02] between everything.
[12:12:04] Speaking of items, we're going to get
[12:12:05] the next major item on the run.
[12:12:07] This one isn't really used for movement
[12:12:09] as much as the other ones, but it is really cool.
[12:12:11] It's The Slinky!
[12:12:14] We love slink.
[12:12:15] What other game can you use a slinky
[12:12:18] has a puzzle mechanic in all right uh this is a good time for some donations
[12:12:25] absolutely we have got a 100 donation from Terokoon that says
[12:12:30] Animal Well already has a speedrun.
[12:12:32] Well, that's why I'm donating to get another
[12:12:35] Gold Hacka Cat!
[12:12:37] And we also have the 10 dollar donation
[12:12:38] from Lost in My Universe that says good luck on the run hackacat
[12:12:42] it's been awesome seeing you improve your time and work to get the fruitless route down to such
[12:12:47] a low tide let's go hacka so right here there's going to be a lot
[12:12:51] of going on right now.
[12:12:53] Made it look easy.
[12:12:55] That was the massive skip, by the way.
[12:12:57] Yeah that skips like most of this area.
[12:13:01] We end up using the knockback mechanic, getting hit by the mist right down there to land right onto a bubble which we could use to get up here way earlier.
[12:13:13] Usually you have to wait for a lot of stuff and do
[12:13:17] you want to explain a little bit about the iguana? Yeah! So this is the Chameleon boss
[12:13:21] right before the next flame.
[12:13:24] Ideally, Hakko would kind of position the tongue attack so it catches a porcupine every time but just slightly missed it this time big deal, and that's the second flame
[12:13:37] Def-warp again back to our trustees trusty save I
[12:13:41] Hope you guys weren't missing the dog from before.
[12:13:45] I'd like to see him again for a little while.
[12:13:48] Yeah! My favorite!
[12:13:51] You love cat-dog?
[12:13:53] Absolutely.
[12:13:56] Is it a cat? Is it a dog?
[12:13:58] Honestly, I've been saying
[12:14:00] dog. I'm still on Team Cat.
[12:14:02] I can't see anything else other than cat.
[12:14:04] A cat is a hateful beast sometimes. I keep seeing,
[12:14:06] you know,
[12:14:06] a wolf or a dog
[12:14:08] because,
[12:14:08] I mean,
[12:14:09] it's a Frisbee.
[12:14:10] Let us know
[12:14:11] what you think
[12:14:11] with the donations.
[12:14:13] Let us know
[12:14:13] if you're Team Cat
[12:14:14] or Team Dog
[12:14:14] or Team Wolf maybe.
[12:14:16] Oh,
[12:14:16] they've already got you covered we got a 25 donation from
[12:14:19] ghost dog that says hey look a firecracker accurate representation here's a really spooky disc jump right here nice
[12:14:34] that one's uh very irritating to back up.
[12:14:37] Now we have some very precise movement up here.
[12:14:40] Nice, doing these bubble climbs
[12:14:42] up the three-wide corridor is way harder than it looks!
[12:14:47] Right here we can actually go ahead and mention the vines. The vines do play a physical role in this game, they stop the disc as well as pop any bubbles that you're using in the way um there's some things that we
[12:15:02] can do to sometimes fudge them but usually they're a great barricade from us being able to pick an area.
[12:15:11] Number three!
[12:15:14] Just gonna head right back up through this hole here.
[12:15:17] That's okay, that's fine.
[12:15:22] Another three-wide climb here? Nice!
[12:15:26] There is a lot of stuff here that looks all simple but
[12:15:29] really is stuff that's a lot harder to
[12:15:33] do than you would ever expect the movement in this game is so cool
[12:15:38] alright heading down to the bottom right area-ish,
[12:15:42] where we hopefully are going towards the Fork Flame
[12:15:45] and get the next major item soon-ish.
[12:15:49] Got time for a quick donation?
[12:15:51] Absolutely! We have got a $25 donation from Polar that says,
[12:15:56] animal well? Don't you mean a watering hole? Super proud of you Haka. Also, Gay Rice!
[12:16:08] This era features these kind of ghost birds normally you're not able to outrun
[12:16:10] them so they are just hard barriers
[12:16:12] but by screen transitioning in specific places, Hakka can just kind of bend them toward his will basically. And that was the yo-yo, the next major item.
[12:16:21] We came all the way down here for the yo-yo, because we needed to open a door
[12:16:25] for us.
[12:16:27] It has other purposes, I swear.
[12:16:29] It's not just the door.
[12:16:30] It's used a lot. Not much in this run though.
[12:16:35] Good? good.
[12:16:37] Sick.
[12:16:37] Those are also
[12:16:38] scarier than you
[12:16:39] think.
[12:16:39] Those birds can
[12:16:40] just squish you and
[12:16:41] kill you sometimes.
[12:16:43] A little annoying.
[12:16:43] There's a lot of
[12:16:44] things that can
[12:16:44] kill you in this
[12:16:45] game.
[12:16:46] Say hello to the kangaroo. we're never seeing them again goodbye say goodbye to the kangaroo all right
[12:16:53] major use of the yo-yo right here a little bit of a glitch nice first try so by timing what your yoyo throw
[12:16:59] with this kind of rising platform cycle you can get it to go right between the scene between
[12:17:03] the two glass blocks and essentially skip going right to the top for a very long room saves a ton of time
[12:17:13] And over here we get to see like the primary purpose that you usually
[12:17:16] see the yo-yo for it's able to break a bunch of these stalactites
[12:17:18] and stalagmites.
[12:17:20] Right here, we're actually using
[12:17:22] a slightly different use
[12:17:24] for the firecrackers. You can
[12:17:26] switch the mice from moving up and down
[12:17:29] to left and right which we can then
[12:17:31] have them hit the button for us to be able
[12:17:33] to skip a bunch of
[12:17:35] movement throughout going like
[12:17:37] backwards through a bunch of stuff before.
[12:17:41] Yeah these cycles can be a little frustrating sometimes they can sometimes crush the slinky if you're unlucky but all good right
[12:17:47] here you can actually see a mechanic that I definitely did not notice casually in this game.
[12:17:52] That you could just put the Slinky straight through these semi-solid...
[12:17:59] Another big skip here...
[12:18:01] Nice! By positioning the Slinky
[12:18:03] in a precise location
[12:18:05] you're supposed to kind of go all the way to the left
[12:18:07] and get like a big ostrich ball chasing
[12:18:09] you. You're gonna have to play the game for that because
[12:18:12] the hacker just completely skips it.
[12:18:16] Yeah make sure you play this game.
[12:18:18] And that was our fourth flame?
[12:18:20] Yeah. Heading deeper into the well already
[12:18:28] could fit in a couple donations here probably
[12:18:31] absolutely we have a 50 donation from
[12:18:33] wilfred the boss that says hey what if hey what
[12:18:38] hey what if there was a person named annie male
[12:18:41] will that would be funny, I think!
[12:18:44] Good luck on the run, Hacker! You got this!
[12:18:46] Also, gay rights!
[12:18:52] And we also have a $50 donation from TPK that says,
[12:18:54] I love this game!
[12:18:56] I've been waiting for this run all week.
[12:18:58] It really is a perfect mashup of Halo 2 and Halo 3.
[12:19:01] This is the spooky final area of the game.
[12:19:05] It's got these shadow entities that Hacker's going to dodge real quick.
[12:19:08] It has three puzzle rooms, two of them use this kind of mice mechanic
[12:19:12] where as you traverse through the room
[12:19:14] you'll see a mouse chase after your info and tell you kind of mice mechanic where as you traverse through the room,
[12:19:15] you'll see the mouse kind of chase after and follow your moves.
[12:19:18] Think Shadow Mario or Battlin' from Celeste
[12:19:20] And he's gonna manipulate the mouse
[12:19:22] to set on the button at a perfect time
[12:19:27] Normally there is... button perfect time and yeah normally there's as i said there's normally three puzzle sections since you need to go
[12:19:30] through them to hit the story buttons but
[12:19:33] real quick hakka is gonna kind of lower that number to two real quick.
[12:19:37] There we go!
[12:19:39] Yeah, there's another clip there with the yo-yo.
[12:19:40] It's just convenient
[12:19:42] that the floor below does not have
[12:19:44] the door currently loaded
[12:19:45] so he can just hit the yo-yo right through the floor and
[12:19:48] hit the button on it or early plastic disc all right guys skip uh one million puzzles there
[12:19:54] i believe kingswood found that so shout out to them huge shout outs all right that was the final
[12:20:01] major item this run which is the lantern the letter is pretty powerful but you're not going
[12:20:05] to see too many uses of it other than the major use which is just getting rid
[12:20:09] of these ghost guys are blocking your way so we can go even deeper into the well
[12:20:17] coming up here we have our like final little check that goes, hey do you have all the items? As opposed to all of the other areas that actually exist as well.
[12:20:27] And yeah, now coming upon like the last couple of rooms.
[12:20:34] Wait, did you hear that?
[12:20:36] What was that?
[12:20:37] Is that boss music?
[12:20:38] Whoa! Okay so this is the final bosses of the game
[12:20:41] which is the Manticore.
[12:20:43] They are very, very scary in casual playthroughs
[12:20:45] but in this V run
[12:20:46] they're a little bit chill.
[12:20:48] They can't really do too much harm
[12:20:50] other than their little laser attack
[12:20:52] that we can kind of dodge by timing lantern activations.
[12:20:56] There's a funny little desync with the ceiling right there
[12:20:59] that you might have noticed that HakaA ended up using to just clip straight through,
[12:21:04] diagonally through some of the ceilings there.
[12:21:08] Yeah and goal here is get all the buttons open out the door here and there we go got the last
[12:21:16] disc off on that nice stance follow this squirrel all the way down
[12:21:22] and timing is going to end when the time appears in the middle of the screen so time that was a sick run.
[12:21:39] Major flushing last morning, by the way. Right now.
[12:21:46] Nice. And goodbye. nice goodbye right yeah that was a musical chance Thank you.
[12:22:07] Huge shout out to the animal sparing community, it's an great little community, very tight knit but very supportive,
[12:22:10] very great for getting into speed running
[12:22:12] got all sorts of resources
[12:22:13] lots people like wanting to help out.
[12:22:17] Yeah. You guys have anyone that people want to help out. Yeah, I got to
[12:22:19] reciprocate that there's a
[12:22:21] whole lot of
[12:22:23] stuff to be able to look for. There are
[12:22:25] strats that people are posting out there.
[12:22:28] Constantly new things being updated, new routes being found and stuff like that.
[12:22:32] I definitely recommend looking at the Animal Well Discord if you want to either play it casually as a collaborative effort or get into speedrunning.
[12:22:40] I just wanna say huge shoutout to Billy Basso for making this game,
[12:22:43] This game is awesome!
[12:22:52] There's a lot of things that this run kind of spoiled, but there's a lot of things that the run didn't spoil.
[12:22:53] And they are kinda the biggest like best parts of the game so if you're at all interested
[12:22:58] make sure you pick this game up.
[12:23:00] Absolutely Bob! We have an incentive that got made as well
[12:23:04] So I think your gonna show us a little bit more of what Animal Well has to offer right?
[12:23:08] We definitely do... You just have to wait for
[12:23:12] it allow us to pause well that's doing
[12:23:15] that for now quick one $25 donation from used to go on this as
[12:23:19] thanks very great event as always.
[12:23:20] And of course, hashtag team dog.
[12:23:22] It's a good dog.
[12:23:23] It's a good dog.
[12:23:24] It was a good dog.
[12:23:25] It was a good dog.
[12:23:26] Not as good of a dog
[12:23:26] as peanut butter though.
[12:23:29] Ah, sure.
[12:23:29] Very true.
[12:23:34] All right. It looks like we're about ready to do some any percent yeah
[12:23:38] thinking a countdown from five yeah we can't do that again you want to do it this time laden sure uh starting in five four three two one go all right haka's gonna start
[12:23:49] by going to the left this time to get this first chest which is gonna be his
[12:23:52] first egg so you didn't see that at all during
[12:23:56] the nmg run but one of the kind of major things about
[12:23:59] this game is that there's these eggs hidden around everywhere behind puzzles and And once you get like a certain
[12:24:04] kind of threshold of eggs, the game will give
[12:24:06] you these
[12:24:08] cool items! Yeah it'll
[12:24:10] give some fun goodies throughout
[12:24:12] your playthrough A lot of times
[12:24:15] used for keeping track of things, but
[12:24:17] there's one thing in particular that we really
[12:24:19] do want that luckily
[12:24:21] only costs eight eggs. Water bounce?
[12:24:24] Another water bounce, we
[12:24:25] get to see another one here
[12:24:27] Double water bounce?
[12:24:29] This category is awesome
[12:24:30] I mean
[12:24:33] unless
[12:24:33] There's i mean unless unless there's uh like a frame perfect sub pixel jump
[12:24:40] that you could also go for there don't recommend reset
[12:24:46] nice let's go!
[12:24:48] It can be a little finicky sometimes.
[12:24:52] Take the same save as before,
[12:24:54] the trusty-trusty center save thing save thing now i hope you guys were not missing the dog
[12:25:00] because we do get to see it some more yeah there goes he's gonna be chasing
[12:25:04] paka for like what solid 80 of this run this run yeah it's the majority of the run hello
[12:25:12] hi the disc is just too helpful not to use it for this.
[12:25:19] So we're going to be heading up this ladder first and doing a couple of disc climbs.
[12:25:22] Copy-baroo!
[12:25:25] Nice.
[12:25:30] Oh yeah, that's the one. getting on that. Nice. Nice. Now we actually do, like over time here have to take some
[12:25:33] deliberate damage though.
[12:25:35] You know...
[12:25:36] That was a nice spot for you to take one.
[12:25:38] That however not as much.
[12:25:40] I'm scared of that.
[12:25:41] Notably when the disc is out and being used
[12:25:44] The Ghost moves like 50ish percent faster?
[12:25:47] I'm not sure what the exact number, but it does move faster
[12:25:51] which makes a lot of these parts
[12:25:52] way harder
[12:25:53] Nice
[12:25:56] Looks good. There we go
[12:25:59] Could maybe fit like one donation real quick There we go.
[12:26:03] Could maybe fit like one donation real quick?
[12:26:09] $100 donation from Animal Well question mark, just as I sure hope it is!
[12:26:11] I agree.
[12:26:16] Hope someone's checking up on him.
[12:26:25] So yeah, we've seen some of these rooms before. Now with an additional feature. Yeah, we got some cool movement right here.
[12:26:27] Nice! Clean! Those dex jumps are no joke. Not at all.
[12:26:34] A bit of a different route here to grab this egg on the way
[12:26:38] We didn't mention before there, by the way
[12:26:41] You can end up skipping the damaging hitbox of these stalagmites there if you can just get around the main hitbox and land on the floor beneath them.
[12:26:50] A little bit scary.
[12:26:52] Yeah, I'll keep quiet until you get this.
[12:26:54] There we go.
[12:26:55] Nice!
[12:26:56] Okay, okay, we're good now.
[12:26:57] We can die.
[12:26:59] Coming up here, now we get to get our last egg and as you hear that jingle
[12:27:03] that means it's time to go get our last egg. And as you hear that jingle,
[12:27:04] that means it's time
[12:27:06] to go get our goodies.
[12:27:07] Yeah, you'll soon see
[12:27:08] why the previous category
[12:27:10] disallows this item.
[12:27:12] It is definitely
[12:27:13] the most powerful
[12:27:13] and broken item in the game.
[12:27:16] And you're gonna see that right away as soon as Hakai gets it right out of his chest.
[12:27:21] Here's the flute, input a code to teleport to the center hub room.
[12:27:25] Hakai's going to position this bubble and stand on it while standing
[12:27:27] off on the platform now he's going to pause for a specific frame when the bubble is
[12:27:30] perfectly circular, and then hopefully time a frame perfect inventory open after that to work to one frame early. This is a frame perfect inventory open so i want everybody to pop off when he gets this
[12:28:00] apologies for flashing light Apologies for the flashing lights. Frame early again.
[12:28:04] This is a super finicky trick. Let's just reiterate, this is a frame perfect trick.
[12:28:11] Nice!
[12:28:13] A 60 FPS game.
[12:28:15] And we're at the end.
[12:28:16] Look at that.
[12:28:17] Time. Look at that. And time!
[12:28:31] Incredible. You're getting my so hard.
[12:28:33] Yeah, that was pretty good.
[12:28:38] That was Animal Walk. yeah that was animal.
[12:28:54] One amazing run that was of Animal Well and the bonus incentive there as well.
[12:28:58] Absolutely phenomenal gameplay there, indie games are wonderful And don't go anywhere because we've got more indie games coming up next with Yellow Taxi Goes Vroomed
[12:29:06] And a lot of people are very happy about GDQ still going on here
[12:29:10] Like this $100 donation from Polyrhythmic Drop.
[12:29:14] This HDDQ wouldn't be complete without an awe-inspiring Ocarina of Time run,
[12:29:19] so let's get that incentive and smash Ganon!
[12:29:23] Absolutely update on that incentive and smash Ganon. Absolutely update on that incentive there, we are $20,101.20 out of the 100,000 needed for that one there.
[12:29:34] We are getting up there.
[12:29:35] Please do keep your donations coming in towards it,
[12:29:38] especially if you've got any puns or any silly things
[12:29:40] you want me to read while we're up here
[12:29:41] on these lovely intermissions.
[12:29:43] I will be happy to as we are all supporting doctors without
[12:29:47] borders and of course we will be back after this Make sure you're using this time to go stand up, stay hydrated.
[12:30:02] Make sure you're taking care of yourselves whether you're here in the venue or watching us live at home.
[12:30:09] Staying hydrated is always good. I have a nice bottle of water up here.
[12:30:12] Oh wait no it's not a bottle of water because she's all like the British part there. Well, I have a $50 donation here from AlphaBetSeeds that says,
[12:30:34] I'm a sucker for Zelda speedruns, so if someone says more Zelda content
[12:30:39] I say shut up and eat my money. Respectfully. For charity.
[12:30:44] And we would be happy to. We also have a massive $800 donation from the fifth mat.
[12:30:56] This is Let's See More of my second favorite 3d zelda gasp second favorite oh Got one here.
[12:31:17] We got a $5 donation from Lizardo that just says,
[12:31:19] can we get a round of applause for dogs
[12:31:22] absolutely we love dogs i'm very much dog person
[12:31:27] thank you audience let's get some ones from AnimalWell here.
[12:31:32] A $10 donation from Anonymous that says,
[12:31:34] Is that dog well?
[12:31:35] Well, we just don't know.
[12:31:38] I would say that dog is well.
[12:31:40] We also have a $25 donation from Rissa that says congratulations animals you
[12:31:45] have animaled well! Animals always do animal well they also human well at times as well.
[12:31:59] We have a $50 donation from P25 underscore
[12:32:01] that says, so happy to see AnimalWell at
[12:32:04] GDQ so soon after release.
[12:32:06] Here's the good mouse RNG
[12:32:08] and good luck Hakka Cat!
[12:32:20] And we also have a $500 donation from V8Ninja that says, I love that animal well.
[12:32:22] And Yellow Taxi goes vroom are getting back
[12:32:25] to back speedruns. Both games
[12:32:27] are my game of the year contenders, and I'm
[12:32:29] glad the speedrunning community has recognised
[12:32:31] how mechanically rich
[12:32:33] these two games are.
[12:32:36] My donation goes towards unlocking the bonus
[12:32:37] any% run.
[12:32:42] Yeah, please do keep
[12:32:43] all your donations
[12:32:44] coming in everybody
[12:32:45] because it is absolutely worth it.
[12:32:46] We want to extend the marathon here.
[12:32:48] We want to see some more Zelda, absolutely.
[12:32:51] Ocarina of Time, one of my favourite
[12:32:53] Zelda games I remember very fondly
[12:32:54] playing back on the N64 even tried getting into randomizers
[12:32:58] with it and while i may not be the best of them they are tremendously good fun do we want to thank our friends at do do do do do do
[12:33:24] we want to thank our friends at red bull for sponsoring summer games done quick 2024. Red Bull energy drink is appreciated worldwide by top athletes, busy professionals
[12:33:29] college students, travellers
[12:33:31] on long journeys and
[12:33:33] speed runners. Check out their summer
[12:33:35] edition with the taste of Karuba
[12:33:37] rounded off with elderflower to give you wings on warm days.
[12:33:42] Spam your favourite emotes in the chat and send
[12:33:44] your thanks to Red Bull for their support, and keeping everyone at GDQ hyped!.
[12:34:09] So we got one of those pun ones there as well.
[12:34:12] We have a $50 donation from Old Socks and Shoes that says,
[12:34:17] Why doesn't Ganon use the internet?
[12:34:21] Because there are too many links i'm sorry everyone here's some money
[12:34:26] to make up for the dad joke see you got some booos in the audience there as well.
[12:34:34] Thank you for your pun donation there.
[12:34:37] Remember folks do keep your donations coming in
[12:34:40] Make sure you're marking it up to the incentives
[12:34:45] You see them on the screen right now when you're on the donate page, you can stick that to the incentives we have available
[12:34:50] make sure you select it to the Zelda one or maybe split it if you want to. And
[12:34:54] also don't forget we also have
[12:34:57] some amazing prizes
[12:34:58] that are available on offer
[12:35:00] and Elite Nerd 314
[12:35:02] has realised that with a $25 donation,
[12:35:05] that it says the Zelda prizes all looked awesome
[12:35:08] that I just had to donate.
[12:35:11] Excited for all the runs.
[12:35:13] Absolutely. We're getting some love for the little indie blog that we've got here with a $250 from manoxin bromide that says hey gdq
[12:35:40] really enjoyed the animal well run and really looking forward to this yellow taxi race i
[12:35:46] spent a lot of time looking to work
[12:35:47] forward to yellow taxis because the soundtrack is
[12:35:50] by the same fellow that did the cloud built soundtrack
[12:35:53] it's amazing the kind of range he gets across his
[12:35:56] work good luck runners, Yellow Taxi indeed goes vroom!
[12:36:01] And thanks for that little tidbit actually
[12:36:02] I love Cloud Built Soundtrack
[12:36:04] and Yellow Taxi Goes Vrooom is a phenomenal game
[12:36:06] everybody should definitely be checking that
[12:36:09] one out there. Good $5 donation from anonymous here that says congrats on the great run. Just a friendly reminder for the day crew to utilize any donation matching your company might offer to help MSF that much more.
[12:36:42] P.S., let's get that ocarina of time run!
[12:36:46] Absolutely, everybody.
[12:36:48] And just in this little intermission here you have already put us up to 2,000...
[12:36:51] I can read numbers.
[12:36:53] $21,202.20
[12:36:56] So it is going but please do keep it coming
[12:37:00] That run is going to be coming up after the super mario world
[12:37:05] kaizo really raised so there's not a lot of time to get in there for it but we absolutely
[12:37:10] want to see it that is what we're aiming for on this one, we want more GDQ
[12:37:13] and speaking of... Yeah! Absolutely get that job! More GDQ let's
[12:37:17] go! Woohoo!
[12:37:21] And speaking of more GDQ, we are ready to go so it is time
[12:37:26] for the yellow taxi goes vroom race take it away Hey, how's it going everybody?
[12:37:38] This is Yellow Taxi Goes Room.
[12:37:40] My name is Oro.
[12:37:41] My name is Forrest.
[12:37:42] I'm DarkTerex.
[12:37:43] And I'm Lugol.
[12:37:44] And I'm gonna do a little bit of cheat magic here, we're going to yank Argic off the host stand here.
[12:37:48] No! Don't do it!
[12:37:49] You'll still be able to hear his lovely voice but he's only joining us for this one.
[12:37:54] Or just taking him along.
[12:37:56] Yep.
[12:37:57] All right so Moogle if you want
[12:37:58] to give us a countdown we're gonna go ahead
[12:38:00] and get started here.
[12:38:01] All right three two one go.
[12:38:05] Good luck. Good luck!
[12:38:06] So Yellow Taxi goes... I like the pitch
[12:38:08] Yellow Taxi goes weird, it's like a mix between
[12:38:10] Crazy Taxi and Super Mario Odyssey
[12:38:12] which sounds like
[12:38:14] a very weird combination.
[12:38:16] It just kind of works, you have to collect gears but
[12:38:19] You don't get sent back to the hub world
[12:38:22] When you're SM64 styled
[12:38:26] Here at the beginning we only have access to drive forward, and very quickly we will unlock more movement.
[12:38:34] But not quite.
[12:38:36] Yeah, we're about to unlock a spin dash that we'll be using for the entire run. You'll see it quite a lot.
[12:38:45] So entering the first stage here. This is more or less a tutorial stage, this is Wario's home
[12:38:51] We are going to get that Spin Dash S mechanic we mentioned earlier which is Flip-A-Will
[12:38:55] And you will see that immediately start getting used here
[12:38:59] You can interrupt the flip a little
[12:39:01] in many different ways
[12:39:02] to do a little short hop,
[12:39:03] a sideflip,
[12:39:04] a backflip
[12:39:05] and you can chain that together
[12:39:07] to do like double jumps
[12:39:08] or just double backflips
[12:39:09] double short hops
[12:39:11] or any combination of such. There's also a boost
[12:39:14] that after your flip-a-wheel starts if you press the gas you will gain a boost to get extra distance when you're near or off of a ramp.
[12:39:25] So pretty much anytime you see those stars coming out of the back in the taxi that's like the boost that they're getting.
[12:39:37] We're not going to be collecting every year we're going to be giving 130 of them
[12:39:39] for this run
[12:39:39] and you can tell how many are worth on the level
[12:39:42] uh just up in the upper left corner yeah 130 of your soul that we need to collect
[12:39:46] before beating the game there's 219 years available
[12:39:50] and after beating the game was 250 years for the entire
[12:39:53] game.
[12:39:59] Mario's home is a very strange layout for residents,
[12:40:04] but it makes for some fun platforming.
[12:40:07] He has quite a bit of square footage in here.
[12:40:09] He does.
[12:40:10] You wouldn't know if from the outside
[12:40:12] was like really tiny on the outside.
[12:40:13] It's really vertical with not really much access to it but you know... Alright.
[12:40:31] So right away, we're making a lot of use
[12:40:34] of the unique movement that the game has
[12:40:36] in trying to use backflips, side flips to get up onto much higher platforms. Alright here is coming the end of Moria's home.
[12:40:57] You'll notice on like the top left there are little gear icons with question marks that
[12:41:00] we have not collected in that room, that instance area and the green ones are ones
[12:41:05] that we have collected.
[12:41:09] So it's not, like, all the amount of gears in the world,
[12:41:11] just the area within that what we're in.
[12:41:16] Now we're going to Bomb Beach,
[12:41:18] which is pretty close inspiration to like Bomb on Battlefield from Super Mario 64
[12:41:20] which this game takes a lot of inspiration
[12:41:22] from PS1 games and Nintendo 64 platformer and collectathons.
[12:41:27] At the top of this level there's even a
[12:41:29] big bomb boss that you can fight, but we are not
[12:41:31] going to actually do that in this room.
[12:41:34] However, this is the first of our crazy taxic-like
[12:41:37] segments.
[12:41:39] We're gonna pick up this guy here.
[12:41:40] Yes.
[12:41:43] Anytime we pick someone up,
[12:41:44] the timer goes up. Anytime we deliver them, it also
[12:41:46] goes up as well as picking up any gears.
[12:41:50] So they both just did like a little bomb jump, so if you have the bomb trailie
[12:41:55] just by like a hair and it explodes then it will go up
[12:41:59] Like the taxi will jump pretty high.
[12:42:03] Yeah, there's no health bar or anything
[12:42:06] So if a bomb hits us doesn't hurt us
[12:42:08] we can't really die to that
[12:42:10] It's just kind of an obstacle you get pushed around by
[12:42:15] them so we only picked up one person at the beginning of this level, and that's actually
[12:42:26] the only person we'll be picking up for the Crazy Tag Seed segment.
[12:42:30] Yeah he's the only one in this level that gives you a gear.
[12:42:35] The other ones just give you time which we can collect what we need to before time runs out.
[12:42:40] Fortunately we're going very fast so we're not actually gonna run out of time.'ll notice there's like a timer in the top right and if you run out of time
[12:42:46] Then you just timeout which is effectively dying and you go back to your checkpoint
[12:42:50] Um picking up gears doing pickups and drop offs and picking up coins, coin bags.
[12:42:53] They all add to the time. And we're also going really fast
[12:42:56] so we're not expected to even come close to running out.
[12:43:02] Just a couple of small environmental mechanics as well, such as these blocks that you can only open up with an explosion from a bomb or there are some that you use with the flip--Will. That would be a different symbol.
[12:43:25] Almost out of this level.
[12:43:26] Only one more left.
[12:43:30] Have to be really careful on that bomb, because sometimes he gets really aggressive and just starts nudging you towards the ledge
[12:43:34] And tries to push you off.
[12:43:37] There have been many runs lost
[12:43:38] to getting pushed off there.
[12:43:42] Sometimes that bomb,
[12:43:45] two bombs are there for some reason, and
[12:43:47] it just messes up that jump
[12:43:49] for whatever.
[12:43:51] Yeah, there's another one a little bit farther into that section
[12:43:54] that can aggro and kind of get
[12:43:56] in the way of the other one.
[12:43:58] So now we're on Granny's Island, uh...
[12:44:00] We exited Morioh's lab and this essentially is a second hub world
[12:44:05] However, we're not going to see most of the levels that this area leads to.
[12:44:09] This is technically where we start the game
[12:44:11] That very first room you saw us in was in Granny's Island
[12:44:13] But this is kind of just an extension of the main hub
[12:44:17] They are both in gym gears right now and this is essentially a tutorial for jumping, which is kind of helpful.
[12:44:35] Forest is going for a treadmill jump, which is kind of hard to do and I'm honestly struck that they did it.
[12:44:36] Yeah well done.
[12:44:38] NRO did a little spider climb
[12:44:43] Spider climbing is like
[12:44:45] essentially
[12:44:47] you can dash into the wall
[12:44:49] and then get it to reset off of it because the wall thinks that you're
[12:44:52] like on the floor for some reason
[12:44:56] It is finicky though there's a lot of walls that just seem to like not
[12:45:00] let you do that especially if there's like other
[12:45:02] textures to the wall it just sometimes won't let everything suck
[12:45:05] but also they're just clipped through like a skk64 yeah so
[12:45:08] the walls in the game a lot of the game like walls and floors are just kind of made out
[12:45:12] of blocks stacked next to each other, so it's very easy
[12:45:15] to get caught or go through the scenes between the blocks.
[12:45:20] What did I just do? Oh, I entered photo mode.
[12:45:25] And I know we haven't talked about the plot very much just yet but
[12:45:28] We have a quick little disclosure that we need to make and
[12:45:30] We're going to talk to our lawyers here very briefly
[12:45:34] Yeah so this is the law offices coming here for this one gear and uh for this very important message
[12:45:40] this is a work of fiction that contains crude humor any resemblance to actual
[12:45:43] persons living or dead actual events are or companies is purely coincidental.
[12:45:45] Now that we can talk about this legally...
[12:45:49] So we are created by a character
[12:45:51] Legally Distinct Morio
[12:45:53] who wants us to help him take down an evil, legally distinct corporation called Tosla with its evilly-legally distinct CEO named Alien Mosque.
[12:46:06] Completely different from any of that might be real.
[12:46:09] These gears are actually like
[12:46:11] evil... it's like corrupted oil
[12:46:13] essentially. It's
[12:46:15] like the lore.
[12:46:16] Yeah, we're collecting them to take them out of the ecosystem because it's
[12:46:19] corrupting the cars. The cars are becoming self-aware
[12:46:22] and attacking people. People can no longer use them
[12:46:25] And that is also part of why we are
[12:46:27] a wind-up taxi, because
[12:46:30] you don't have to run on that.
[12:46:31] We are Mori of Sun he created us.
[12:46:33] That's true.
[12:46:36] That's also a bit of the lore as to why we need the time increases in the crazy taxi sections, is that we're too far away from Morioh and his mind juice that keeps us powered.
[12:46:46] It's not available i guess yeah it's very selective
[12:46:57] here we're gonna get a big old boost off of this ramp and
[12:46:59] get over to the lighthouse to grab this gear
[12:47:06] this game is very unique with its movements uh there's a lot
[12:47:08] of things you can do to recover if you don't quite get enough height or
[12:47:13] in the distance, you can do a few things to try and maneuver your waist
[12:47:16] over where you need to go. Well, we're navigating around today.
[12:47:26] Get a quick donation in?
[12:47:27] Yeah, go for it.
[12:47:27] We have a $250 donation from Adela biscuit that says hey Forrest and Auro happy to see you on the gpq stage again
[12:47:34] And to spend another event with y'all proud of you both good luck on the run Thanks, Alta.
[12:47:49] Arcade Panic I would say is probably one of the harder levels in the run. There's not like any part of it that looks super bad or we did something terrible, but
[12:47:54] It's really easy to just lose small chunks of time in this level.
[12:47:57] Yeah.
[12:47:58] To various things.
[12:48:01] Most of the levels are one giant pit and you're just kind of flying out above it.
[12:48:05] And if you do your movement right, it's not that hard to actually do.
[12:48:08] It's very punishing if something does happen.
[12:48:11] It is required to hit the bowling pins with the bowling ball. If you try to knock them over with a taxi, it gives you a little clown horn honking at you and calls you a cheater.
[12:48:18] It does.
[12:48:22] So we have to make sure that we don't cheat so that we get our gears.
[12:48:31] This is another area that has a couple of side rooms in them, but we're still only going to collect a few select ones here and there.
[12:48:45] We could probably get like a couple more donations in during this part yeah
[12:48:48] oh absolutely you've got plenty of love coming in here one especially important
[12:48:52] uh we have a 40 donation from drizzleressel and Kriv that says,
[12:48:57] Forrest so proud to see you on the stage
[12:48:59] among other GDQers again.
[12:49:01] We love you
[12:49:02] And we'd love to see your hard work pay off today
[12:49:04] Best of luck to both our racers
[12:49:06] Try not to be distracted by any cheering co-pilots off today best of luck to both our racers try not
[12:49:07] to be distracted by any cheering kobolds in the audience
[12:49:14] we also have a 50 donation from killer7151 that says two amazing runners and one crazy game yellow taxi hi
[12:49:25] thanks keller killer is the current record holder for this
[12:49:27] game he's absolutely incredible at this game.
[12:49:29] Yeah.
[12:49:30] Yeah, Keller has a 2552 right now which is kind of nuts.
[12:49:37] Oh god!, no.
[12:49:41] So on Oro's
[12:49:42] side here, we have to get this bowling ball down
[12:49:44] and like I said, you have to hit the
[12:49:45] pins behind with the bowling ball to get the gear that
[12:49:48] we need. However, in front of this one are a bunch of cars that want
[12:49:50] to explode and push the bowling ball off the track.
[12:49:53] They kind of have these switches that are
[12:49:54] alternating between pink and green. It's like one of
[12:49:56] the main mechanics of this stage
[12:49:58] and if you are a little bit too fast on switching the switches
[12:50:02] so that the bowling ball falls down, it kind of just falls
[12:50:04] down really janky and not flat.
[12:50:07] And that can definitely happen.
[12:50:10] Here on Forrest's side we need to get these missed and that can definitely happen.
[12:50:14] Here on forest side, we need to get these missiles to blow up the explosion boxes
[12:50:17] to gain another couple of two quick gears.
[12:50:20] Fortunately, the missiles have incredible tracking so it's not very likely they accidentally hit anything else other than what I want them to.
[12:50:26] It's very surprising like how sharply they turn. I think this might be one of my best Arcade Manics ever that I've had.
[12:50:41] Yeah, that was very good. That was very clean.
[12:50:46] I was really nervous about the level. It's a very difficult level.
[12:50:50] This level is very tricky to do quickly. There's a lot that can go wrong.
[12:50:55] And next we're headed into pizza time.
[12:50:58] This is another crazy taxi level,
[12:51:01] however,
[12:51:02] we are not going to deliver anybody in this level.
[12:51:04] Yeah, I believe none of the drop-offs actually give you a gear
[12:51:09] in this level but we get enough time from like gears and stuff that
[12:51:12] we don't have to worry about our time limit.
[12:51:15] With that it's very straightforward levels that we don't have to worry about our time limit.
[12:51:18] With that, it's a very straightforward level It's pretty flat in terms of things
[12:51:20] so if you had a couple more donations here
[12:51:21] this would be good time for them
[12:51:22] Absolutely
[12:51:23] We have a $25 donation from Re that says hey gdq this is christian one of the
[12:51:29] people who worked on yellow taxi goes through as part of the publishing team and i just
[12:51:33] wanted to say that it's a blast seeing it broken to bits at this event amongst
[12:51:38] other amazing games. Shout out to Auro,
[12:51:41] Forest and our entire community you're
[12:51:44] the reason why we do the things we do
[12:51:46] fun fact despite both devs being proper You're the reason why we do the things we do.
[12:51:47] Fun fact, despite both Debs being proper Italians
[12:51:50] one of them has an unhealthy obsession for frozen pizza.
[12:51:55] Chad what's your favorite pizza? they did the bit for us we had this planned
[12:52:05] that's how you know your devs are based, yeah.
[12:52:11] We also have a $50 donation from SkyBlack that says Former Yellow Taxi Ghost Room Community Manager here
[12:52:14] Great to see the game at such a fantastic event
[12:52:22] one more i think you got something yeah we got 20 donation from dakiri
[12:52:26] that says good luck to both forest and oro on the race to see arnold
[12:52:32] and a quick update we're at 23 257 dollars out of the 100 000 on our ocarina of time bonus game
[12:52:39] making steady pace.
[12:52:40] Do keep the donations coming in for it, folks.
[12:52:43] We absolutely want to see more GDQ.
[12:52:46] I assume on Forrest's screen you've been trying to...
[12:52:49] You can cancel your dashes in the air with another jump to extend how far out you can go.
[12:52:55] And we use that many times throughout the run.
[12:52:58] I'm coming upon the biggest run killer in the game.
[12:53:01] Yes, so we've got a walkthrough of this run. upon the biggest run killer in the game.
[12:53:01] Yes, so we've got a wall clip here to try and skip going through the Tosla offices level
[12:53:11] which would give us an item to get past this.
[12:53:12] Oh my god!
[12:53:13] Whoa first try that was insane.
[12:53:14] Nice.
[12:53:16] That clip is like we tried so hard to figure out how
[12:53:19] to do it consistently but it just feels like vibes in the end.
[12:53:23] You had the vibes today!
[12:53:25] It's a 50-50.
[12:53:28] So yeah we skipped that entire level. The whole level basically resides inside of a building that has everything on top of it, so it's really long to get anything inside of it.
[12:53:39] And then we go past it to go to Merizio Sippy instead.
[12:53:43] I'm actually going to be picking up some people here.
[12:53:45] Three of them?
[12:53:46] Yeah.
[12:53:53] You can tell how well you are doing with your passenger based on the happy face above?
[12:54:00] Yes. There are a few ratings for drop-offs depending on how long it takes you, they all have like various amounts of patience so if
[12:54:07] a psychotic thing great then good and then well you'll see hopefully hopefully you don't
[12:54:13] see the last one yeah i know we're too good for that.
[12:54:16] I would never be that slow.
[12:54:28] Okay. Nice.
[12:54:30] The clip has been very rude to me all week, so for that
[12:54:32] to go even remotely well I'm very happy with it.
[12:54:34] Do the little curious slide there to drop them off?
[12:54:36] They're both in Maroozio City, so that's pretty good.
[12:54:41] There are a lot of little parodies in this game
[12:54:43] So when I pick this guy up you see that car back there with the head?
[12:54:46] His name is VanBiodiesel head his name is van biodiesel
[12:54:49] yeah shout out to vampire diesel i love van by our diesel Whoa, that was rude.
[12:55:03] You came at me?
[12:55:05] So you won't see him but there's a giant monkey on top of this level. Who is Maurizio?
[12:55:09] Yeah, a really distinct monkey on top of a skyscraper.
[12:55:13] Yes. I've got the reset.
[12:55:16] At least that didn't fall!
[12:55:18] Here we're going to go drop back down to the statue that we were at previously, and
[12:55:23] we are actually going to use this eye…
[12:55:25] This statue is sticking up here, and I used it as a ramp to get more height
[12:55:30] over to this water tower.
[12:55:32] It's amazing how much height that small thing gives you.
[12:55:36] Oh, if you got an angry customer now,
[12:55:37] he's probably fine.
[12:55:39] Yeah, he's not doing too well.
[12:55:40] I hope he doesn't jump out of my car.
[12:55:41] Yeah, probably not now with his fit.
[12:55:47] Sorry you gotta get good. I believe that is the last passenger we delivered.
[12:55:57] Yep, in our eyes.
[12:55:59] I'm now just a car.
[12:56:01] Now just a car. Crash Test turns the game on its head and like completely changes
[12:56:06] the entire fundamentals of how to play i'm no longer driving with an a button not controlling
[12:56:10] my movement with my joystick entirely i can no longer cancel
[12:56:14] my flip-a-wheels at all so any mistakes i make
[12:56:17] i'm entirely beholden to so
[12:56:21] i don't this level's like i might mix on calling an easier hard level yeah because there's nothing that's like, I'm mixed on calling it an easy or hard level.
[12:56:24] Yeah.
[12:56:25] Because there is nothing that's too hard about it but any mistakes are so punishing in this level
[12:56:29] That it is very stressful.
[12:56:31] All of our usual fail-safes basically just don't work at all.
[12:56:36] A lot of pipe jumps. The usual fail-safes basically just don't work at all.
[12:56:40] A lot of pipe jumps, nice got up to the top one there. Dropped down to the second one.
[12:56:42] That's a ton of narrow ledges.
[12:56:45] And like jumps like that where I have to land on small platforms.
[12:56:48] Arguably the hardest part of that level done for Forrest.
[12:56:53] Here we're going to dash into- or flip a wheel into the barrier and it'll put us up on top of it
[12:57:02] And essentially make a makeshift ramp.
[12:57:04] That's fine.
[12:57:08] We are in Minnesota, it's Hope. Excuse me?
[12:57:12] So the lore for this stage is essentially we are trying to impress our love interest uh orc taxidermist spooch so
[12:57:21] we cannot jump at all to impress her yeah she doesn't like people who cancel at all all
[12:57:35] like one more yeah difficult jump here i
[12:57:38] make it difficult there's an easier way to do it but
[12:57:40] I was too scared to learn how to do the easier way so I just do it like that
[12:57:44] Yeah which is a lot scarier
[12:57:50] One more. Okay, good.
[12:57:52] I'm touching that flag.
[12:57:54] Sometimes it's very tight on what direction you could be holding. So sometimes, you may just not realize
[12:58:02] they're holding slightly in the wrong direction
[12:58:04] and you end up dashing 45 degrees
[12:58:06] in a different direction.
[12:58:13] You may have noticed some like little orange outlines throughout the level. It's kind of like a block switch in Super Mario World, I guess
[12:58:16] where once we hit this orange button here
[12:58:18] all the orange blocks turn on throughout the entire game
[12:58:21] and here's
[12:58:22] Okratak, Seagull Smooch
[12:58:24] She reveals that she was actually an agent
[12:58:26] sent by Alien Mosque to
[12:58:28] sabotage me but she was so impressed
[12:58:30] with my determination to not use jump cancels that she actually loves me and will help me.
[12:58:41] So for us this is going to Morioh's mind.
[12:58:44] First, Morioh has taken a little snooze with the Dream Machine...
[12:58:48] He's fine! Yeah, so he forgot his password for this door here,
[12:58:52] so we have to enter his subconscious to go retrieve it.
[12:58:54] Unfortunately though,
[12:58:55] a subconscious does not like invaders
[12:58:58] so the entire time I'm in this
[12:59:01] level, a laser will be firing at me
[12:59:02] and it does kill me on the spot.
[12:59:05] Yeah, the first couple of gears here are pretty tricky to get
[12:59:09] Okay that's the first one down
[12:59:13] ... Oh, that's a great height.
[12:59:20] Excellent.
[12:59:20] Okay.
[12:59:21] Cool.
[12:59:22] It gets really tricky doing those because especially when you try to land on a slant if you're upside down sometimes the taxi just doesn't reset and you just slide off of the platform you're trying to land on.
[12:59:32] Okay... I forgot that little height thing. Usually I get too much right on that one.
[12:59:38] He almost got me!
[12:59:41] The hitbox of those lasers is extremely unreliable.
[12:59:44] Sometimes you can just drive through it and nothing will happen
[12:59:47] And sometimes it'll hit you from states away from you.
[12:59:51] You'll be behind a wall and sometimes it'll just hit you anyway. I'm going to try and get a couple more here.
[13:00:04] Almost done with this level, thankfully it's very quick level despite like how much is in there it's a little annoying
[13:00:10] for this level routing wise that as soon as we get the uh password that's the giant key
[13:00:15] and his mind uh it immediately boots us out so that affects our ability to get a lot of
[13:00:21] other gears in the level that would be otherwise pretty fast yeah
[13:00:27] because getting back up to this area is not fast from any other spot.
[13:00:32] I'm so relieved to be done with this level, it's a little scary.
[13:00:36] Yeah, well done.
[13:00:39] That was really good Mario's Mind.
[13:00:41] I generally try to aim for like
[13:00:43] a 1-46 on the in game timer
[13:00:45] that was a 1-44
[13:00:47] Oh and the password? It's 1111 he forgot
[13:00:49] that. That's too hard I can't remember that.
[13:00:51] I've already forgotten it.
[13:00:53] Wait, what was it?
[13:00:54] Um...I don't know.
[13:00:56] There is a VOD you might be able to go back and check out.
[13:01:00] Password is probably Peanut.
[13:01:06] Speaking of Peanuts, do you think Mr. Peanut's full himself?
[13:01:11] Yes! pull himself?
[13:01:13] Yes.
[13:01:18] So we don't like any mechanic here,
[13:01:19] it's a propeller hat
[13:01:19] so now when I do
[13:01:20] a little cancel
[13:01:21] okay that little thing is a whole weird Now when I do a little cancel,
[13:01:23] okay.
[13:01:25] That little thing's a little weird.
[13:01:26] A little weird.
[13:01:30] You go up into the air and then higher jump with the cancel
[13:01:32] using the propeller.
[13:01:35] You only get three charges of it.
[13:01:37] Normally your backflip
[13:01:38] and sideflip are much higher jumps than
[13:01:40] just a standard jump key,
[13:01:42] so that turns your standard one into a much higher one.
[13:01:46] Ruined Observatory
[13:01:47] has a lot of very spaced out
[13:01:49] gears to get, and
[13:01:51] you have to get a lot of jump height
[13:01:53] in order to get everything quickly.
[13:02:02] Thankfully there's a lot of backups in regards to like where you can get a ram. Yeah all these little uh like powers I guess. You can get a buttload of height off them.
[13:02:09] Like right there? A lot more than I wanted!
[13:02:12] Can you do that from the other one?
[13:02:14] It used to be we... So we used to go in this level a different direction.
[13:02:18] We used to like go on the front entrance down at the bottom of the castle first.
[13:02:22] I ended up losing a ton of runs for that though because there's a bunch of alternating platforms above spikes inside,
[13:02:27] and it can be pretty tricky to climb.
[13:02:30] So I said okay, I'm going in from the top instead
[13:02:34] And it ended up being 10 seconds faster
[13:02:37] and way easier just go in from the top than to climb up
[13:02:39] from the bottom. There's another instances of that too where it's like,
[13:02:43] in this game going up and then down is generally
[13:02:45] easier than going down and up, essentially.
[13:02:51] So yeah you can see those alternating platforms there
[13:02:54] it was like really easy to die because near the end of
[13:02:57] the run you were probably stressed and sweaty
[13:02:59] and could barely focus.
[13:03:02] So all right.
[13:03:03] But he got the far one, so I'm happy about that.
[13:03:05] Yeah.
[13:03:15] All right. We're going to get one small cutscene here which opens up the final portal level
[13:03:23] Which is the Tulsa HQ. And we are essentially going to skip this entire level. Yeah.
[13:03:24] And we're gonna see two different methods from the runners, so they're
[13:03:27] gonna do it slightly differently.
[13:03:30] By using those spider climbs you may have seen earlier slightly differently.
[13:03:31] By using the spider climbs you may have seen earlier in Jim,
[13:03:34] where we get resets on the wall,
[13:03:36] but you're going to use it to climb over the building instead of
[13:03:38] going through it?
[13:03:40] Yeah.
[13:03:41] And this saves like anywhere from 30 to 50 seconds, I don't remember the exact amount of time
[13:03:45] It's like 30ish I think but
[13:03:47] It's been so long since the route has included the inside of the building
[13:03:53] There was an old method we had too where we had to like do
[13:03:56] a lot of really slow jumps around the left side of the building
[13:03:59] and then do the spider climbs up the back and then we were like okay we can just do it
[13:04:03] up front like we don't have to do anything do it anywhere else
[13:04:08] and forest is doing it in a cool way where you go around the building yeah
[13:04:10] that's going straight up
[13:04:12] it's much harder to do this, but it is a few seconds faster
[13:04:15] if you get the height in time
[13:04:17] to get onto this platform.
[13:04:19] So well done.
[13:04:21] This was almost a 26.
[13:04:24] It can't be, it's impossible
[13:04:25] because this level is like 145
[13:04:28] at minimum but
[13:04:29] oh my god this has been such a good round
[13:04:32] for me. Yeah you've been killing it.
[13:04:34] So far it's just Ender and Moon which is like the only stage that has like gravity...
[13:04:38] Not gravity but lower gravity to it.
[13:04:41] We were very serious about the Mario Odyssey comparisons though.
[13:04:44] Yes. the Mario Odyssey comparisons with.
[13:04:50] Yes, we're here to confront Alien Most
[13:04:53] and his dastardly schemes.
[13:04:56] Do you think there's anyone else behind his pos?
[13:04:58] Definitely not Cthulhu.
[13:05:00] No, not at all.
[13:05:05] So we see Oro here using this corner to just go straight up the side of the building instead.
[13:05:08] A little easier, a little more consistent
[13:05:10] but it gets you over nonetheless
[13:05:14] I might get a little nauseous here
[13:05:16] Oh my god.
[13:05:17] The main antagonist
[13:05:18] is not Alien Moskvich.
[13:05:19] What?
[13:05:20] It's Morioh's grandma
[13:05:21] who is technically
[13:05:21] our great-grandma.
[13:05:24] That's true.
[13:05:25] We're Morioh's son after all.
[13:05:26] The resemblance
[13:05:27] is uncanny.
[13:05:27] Yeah.
[13:05:28] I can see it. There's like Or Moria's son, after all. The resemblance is uncanny. Yeah.
[13:05:30] I can see it. There are pictures around the lab of her holding him when he was a baby.
[13:05:36] It's very emotional.
[13:05:38] And this is the final boss, so get ready on time.
[13:05:42] Yeah, I just need to make her hit these three pylons and then I need to hit her afterwards.
[13:05:48] She's fine yeah?
[13:05:49] I'm going up to challenge her directly real quick.
[13:05:50] She looks fine.
[13:05:52] Just gonna get a little bounce off of her head there.
[13:05:54] Just trying to hug her grandma, nothing wrong with that.
[13:05:57] Yeah!
[13:05:59] I was trying to like get her, you know like try to bring her back
[13:06:01] to sentences but she didn't even take it she wouldn't like my hook that's sad and time That was a fantastic run. And we're just going to follow it up.
[13:06:29] What did you get? Oh my god, 2706?
[13:06:31] Yeah. That beats my PB by like 8 seconds, by the way.
[13:06:36] Forrest's PB is what 3 times since being here. Yeah, Forrest has been killing it this week.
[13:06:41] I was getting 30s at the start of the week and
[13:06:43] i was like concerned about oh my god that's awful
[13:06:46] and then i pb'd three times and
[13:06:49] by time is now 2650 something i forget 51 i think yeah I forget. 51, I think?
[13:07:01] While we're waiting in order to do the thing here can I jump in?
[13:07:04] We are about to hit time here so just a minute this one moment yeah
[13:07:11] it's got one more pile on and then the final hit, and then I'll be done.
[13:07:21] And it's time for me.
[13:07:25] Well done! me well done
[13:07:31] that was good feels good gg we got a lot of love in the chat for you and
[13:07:35] the donations so i've got 100 donation from spin in the chat for you and the donations.
[13:07:36] I have $100 donation from Spinamas that says,
[13:07:38] This is a fever dream of a 3D platformer
[13:07:40] That i have never heard of before
[13:07:42] This is hilarious
[13:07:43] I love it
[13:07:45] And we also have another 100100 donation from Shrambles
[13:07:48] that says, greetings from the audience.
[13:07:50] Yellow Taxi Ghost's room has re-sparked my interest
[13:07:52] in getting back into speedrunning.
[13:07:54] Watching the progression of the run get faster and faster
[13:07:56] since release has been a joy good luck to both runners
[13:07:58] and bless any wall claims that may happen
[13:08:02] i know of course one last 120 from naruga this is hey gd especially forest
[13:08:06] kobold here let's see that taxi go vroom and good luck on the run.
[13:08:11] Couple quick things to mention before we close out here,
[13:08:14] if you're interested in speedrunning this game which you definitely should be
[13:08:17] play this game first and then speedrun it
[13:08:20] but if you go to the page
[13:08:23] there is a link to our Discord.
[13:08:24] It is the wider discord for the entire game
[13:08:27] so if you want to talk about the game casually
[13:08:29] or from a speedrunning perspective,
[13:08:31] that's where it's all going to be.
[13:08:33] All the runners are more than happy to help people
[13:08:34] out. We have a couple of people already
[13:08:36] in there who started speedrunning
[13:08:38] at all with this game. So if you're intimidated by
[13:08:41] speedrunning at all, just jump on in and get started. You'll have a great time.
[13:08:46] And yeah, do you guys have anything else to shout out?
[13:08:49] Shoutout Arnold. Oh, yes, the best bunny.
[13:08:52] Yeah, if there's any very credits
[13:08:54] of the picture of Arnold the Bunny then whenever
[13:08:56] any of us PB we always make sure to get
[13:08:58] Arnold in the screenshot.
[13:08:59] Yeah that's just the community culture
[13:09:00] is to PB screen screenshot with Arnold but
[13:09:03] yeah, that's it for us. Thank you guys so much
[13:09:04] for watching. Definitely pick this game up. It's on
[13:09:06] sale at the Steam Summer Sale right now and
[13:09:09] yeah, have a blast. Take it easy, guys.
[13:09:16] Welcome back everyone.
[13:09:17] This is Summer Games Done Quick 2024.
[13:09:20] I am Mr. Game and Shout
[13:09:21] And I'm joined here on the interview set
[13:09:24] by some amazing
[13:09:25] co-prize presenters. We have
[13:09:28] Corvime, we have
[13:09:30] FrozenFlyGone, and we have
[13:09:31] prizes to tell you about. hey shout yeah are we luigi
[13:09:38] may what are you talking about like metaphorically speaking if you think
[13:09:42] are we lu? I mean,
[13:09:44] I guess it makes sense
[13:09:46] because Santa's Mario, right?
[13:09:47] Yeah.
[13:09:47] That's what I'm saying.
[13:09:48] Oh God.
[13:09:49] Now I'm not going to be able
[13:09:49] to stop thinking about this.
[13:09:51] May!
[13:09:52] Maybe the prizes
[13:09:53] will help us figure it out
[13:09:54] and who we can be because
[13:09:55] we can't all be Luigi.
[13:09:57] Yeah, there's only one Luigi, right?
[13:09:59] Exactly.
[13:09:59] Wait, no, wait.
[13:10:00] There's a lot of Marios in Kaizo
[13:10:02] if you think about it.
[13:10:03] Everyone plays as Mario.
[13:10:04] Okay.
[13:10:04] And there's going to be eight people on the Kaizo Relay.
[13:10:06] So maybe this poster, talking
[13:10:09] about the Kaizo Relay, will have a bunch of Mario characters
[13:10:11] on it we can pick from. There's Mario.
[13:10:13] Yeah. And they're all
[13:10:15] Mario. Also, none of them are Mario. Four of them
[13:10:17] are Groovy Goombas and four of them
[13:10:19] are Fuzzy...Funky Fuzzies. Which leaves us with zero
[13:10:21] Luigi's. Okay well
[13:10:23] if you get your five dollars then you could have this poster
[13:10:25] and even though it didn't help us figure out, you know, what character
[13:10:28] we are, it would look really nice on your wall.
[13:10:30] It is a really nice poster. Yeah, thank you.
[13:10:31] Really excited for the Kaiser race
[13:10:34] later tonight.
[13:10:35] I don't know. Maybe something here will help me.
[13:10:38] We have this Mushroom Kingdom wooden ornament
[13:10:40] sent in by Escalier Studios
[13:10:42] and that's got Mario characters on it?
[13:10:43] I could be one of them!
[13:10:44] It's got Goomba
[13:10:45] but those are all like Mario villains.
[13:10:48] Those are all like bad guys.
[13:10:50] I don't think any of our relationship to scent is antagonistic,
[13:10:54] even if it sometimes does come off that way.
[13:10:56] And if anything, I think I'm the closest to that.
[13:10:58] Although even antagonism Even unpacking this isn't
[13:11:00] permanent. So we've got the Super Mario
[13:11:02] Bros., the Mesoamerican Super Mario
[13:11:04] Bros mug from
[13:11:05] Retro Nerd Studios. It's a $10
[13:11:08] donation to get in to win this. I love the Mesoamerican art on
[13:11:10] this, and like Bowser and Mario have a
[13:11:12] complicated relationship. Sometimes they're enemies,
[13:11:15] sometimes like Super Mario RPG their allies
[13:11:16] play tennis. You know what?
[13:11:18] You know what? I think I could pull a Bowser.
[13:11:20] Especially today,
[13:11:23] I think I'm feeling the Bowser energy
[13:11:25] today. Oh, it's on his shirt!
[13:11:27] Can you plan this?
[13:11:28] I think I'm going to take Bowser today.
[13:11:31] I think I can take Bowser take Bowser today. All right.
[13:11:31] I think I can take Bowser.
[13:11:32] All right, so you have Bowser.
[13:11:33] So I got Bowser, but that's the only one Luigi for the two of you.
[13:11:36] Yeah, that's not going to work.
[13:11:38] Okay, maybe we stop thinking about the Mario prizes.
[13:11:41] We think about some of the other games we have on the schedule
[13:11:43] like Animal Well. May,
[13:11:44] you could be the blob from Animal Well
[13:11:46] in this resin coaster sent into us by
[13:11:48] Lost My Universe. I don't know if
[13:11:50] I want to be the blob from Animal Well.
[13:11:52] When I played Animal Well casually,
[13:11:54] I died like a thousand times!
[13:11:58] The blob was the casualty.
[13:12:00] It is a nice coaster though.
[13:12:01] There's only a $10 minimum donation,
[13:12:04] but if you don't want to be the blob from Animal Well,
[13:12:07] you know what?
[13:12:07] I understand.
[13:12:08] How about Donkey?
[13:12:10] I don't think I could beat Donkey.
[13:12:11] I think Donkey is Donkey.
[13:12:12] Yeah, I think there's a lot of good reasons not to beat dunky too oh yeah and the yeti did say this is the last
[13:12:16] donkey on the planet i think uh yeah they said that they pulled this out of
[13:12:19] their archive they thought they had none left and that was the last one they have
[13:12:23] and so if i'm also Dunkey, then that's not the last one anymore.
[13:12:28] It is the last Dunkey.
[13:12:29] Then we get in trouble.
[13:12:30] Okay, so I guess all we can do now
[13:12:33] is just hope someone will put in a $10 minimum donation so that they can have
[13:12:36] donkey, but you can't be donkey.
[13:12:38] Thank you Yeti for finding that. I got it.
[13:12:40] Okay? What is it? I could be Game & Watch
[13:12:42] I'm right
[13:12:44] here. Right, yeah
[13:12:45] I mean I can play
[13:12:46] Game & Watch and that's fun. That's fair!
[13:12:48] Uh this is the Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch
[13:12:50] too so you can play any one of four games on it
[13:12:52] You can play uh Super Mario Bros.,
[13:12:54] you could play Super Mario Bros. The Lost bros you can play super mario bros the lost levels
[13:12:57] you could play ball and you can play my favorite game time
[13:13:02] i mean they are games and watches thank you so much to sound Defense for sending this in.
[13:13:07] $10 minimum donation.
[13:13:09] I don't feel any closer to solving this conundrum.
[13:13:12] Okay, but I definitely found it for myself, I think.
[13:13:14] Look at this!
[13:13:15] It's for the speed!
[13:13:16] That's adorable.
[13:13:17] We have a stained glass portrait sent into us by Liz Locksley Look at this! It's for the speech. That's adorable.
[13:13:17] We have a stained glass portrait, signed into his file as Loxley and it has
[13:13:20] a bow on the bottom.
[13:13:21] Yeah that is very you.
[13:13:23] It's meant to be.
[13:13:24] And the decoration on the framing really brings it out and even in the picture itself like
[13:13:27] I don't know if
[13:13:28] the camera catches it because of the glare of the glass on it but
[13:13:31] there is a sparkly holographic yeah so like
[13:13:34] even as you get in there the detail that is a wonderful piece that's again 25
[13:13:38] for getting entered to win that from Liz Loxley court I think that works
[13:13:42] for you.
[13:13:43] I think I have, I think it was all right perfect wait no I got it I got it so we had the Lego
[13:13:47] Super Mario Nintendo Entertainment System, right?
[13:13:49] Yeah.
[13:13:50] And you can see...
[13:13:50] And then obviously,
[13:13:51] the Mario characters don't solve the problem for me.
[13:13:53] But you know what came on the same cart as Mario
[13:13:56] on a lot of NESs?
[13:13:58] What?
[13:13:58] Duck Hunt.
[13:13:59] I love ducks.
[13:14:01] I could just be the duck from Duck Hunt! You know what happens to the duck in Duck Hunt!
[13:14:03] I don't want to think about it!
[13:14:05] So look we have the duck...
[13:14:07] No that's Super Mario probably.
[13:14:08] Okay well that avoided a thorny problem.
[13:14:10] I will say though,
[13:14:11] I have this Lego set at home
[13:14:12] and it is extremely fun.
[13:14:14] It's one of my favorite ones
[13:14:15] I've ever built.
[13:14:16] It has all these interactive components.
[13:14:18] And of course the one
[13:14:18] that you win
[13:14:19] does not come pre-assembled.
[13:14:20] Yeah.
[13:14:21] We wouldn't do that to you
[13:14:22] yeah you could there's like a crank you can turn and mario runs around and the
[13:14:26] backdrop moves you can unplug the controller you can slot the cartridge in and you can push
[13:14:30] it down it's super fun so So cool. Thank you so much
[13:14:32] to the Sound Defense
[13:14:33] for sending that in,
[13:14:34] $25 minimum donation
[13:14:35] for that as well.
[13:14:37] I don't know what to do.
[13:14:39] Okay, wait, wait, wait.
[13:14:40] Hold on, hold on.
[13:14:40] So we might have solved this though
[13:14:41] because the original problem
[13:14:43] was not enough Luigi's to go around.
[13:14:44] Okay.
[13:14:45] Well, if I'm Bowser...
[13:14:46] I'm Peach!
[13:14:48] Then that still leaves us with Luigi.
[13:14:49] You can be Luigi!
[13:14:50] Yeah!
[13:14:51] And if we actually have four Luigi's here
[13:14:52] you could beat four Luigi's!. You can be four Luigi's!
[13:14:53] How was this a problem in the first place then?
[13:14:55] Wow, if we had known that we could've skipped this whole skit
[13:14:58] Well what Luigi's do we have?
[13:14:59] Do you want to be the normal Luigi?
[13:15:00] Okay, we have Luigi-Luigi
[13:15:01] We have swimming Luigi
[13:15:02] Swimming Luigi
[13:15:03] Uh, jumping Luigi Okay and really happy thumbs up Luigi Luigi. We have swimming Luigi. Swimming Luigi. Jumping Luigi. Okay. And
[13:15:05] really happy thumbs up, Luigi! That is
[13:15:07] dying Luigi. Now we're getting back to the duck
[13:15:09] again. I don't want
[13:15:11] to be dying Luigi but I'm willing to be
[13:15:13] the other three. Thank you so much Mario42
[13:15:16] for sending me these Luigi sprite coasters.
[13:15:18] They're so cute.
[13:15:19] Yeah, you can put them on your table
[13:15:22] and make sure that the table doesn't get
[13:15:24] damaged. That's what coasters do. Luigi took
[13:15:26] that one for you. $25 minimum
[13:15:29] donation. Okay, I'm glad
[13:15:30] we solved that. Right? I think now that I'm not having
[13:15:33] an existential crisis, we can actually do
[13:15:35] the prize segment. Okay, i don't know how much time
[13:15:37] you have left i think we can get the day prizes of grand prize but let's take
[13:15:39] this one from the top okay all right so this is sgdq24 from the
[13:15:44] prize team i am bowser and i am joined by Louise, Luigi and Peach
[13:15:48] We are going to show you some of the amazing
[13:15:50] Day prizes and Grand Prizes
[13:15:52] that you can win with your donation
[13:15:54] So we have three
[13:15:56] day prizes available today.
[13:15:57] They're all available through Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots later on tonight or early tomorrow morning.
[13:16:02] First off for a $50 donation from Solara at The Magical AF Boutique
[13:16:07] We have the Heart Contain scale mail drape you can see a
[13:16:11] beautiful picture of this on the website donate get your donation in
[13:16:16] 50 donation gets you entered to win that that 50 donation will also get you entered to win that. That $50 donation will also get
[13:16:20] you entered to win the Evil Stone
[13:16:22] Leverless Fight Stick from Breckenridge.
[13:16:23] Sorry, Evil Zone.
[13:16:26] It's fine.
[13:16:28] So I was just thrown off by the fact that there's not a stick on the fight
[13:16:30] stick. It's called a fight stick but there's no stick.
[13:16:32] Yeah, it's like a hitbox style one. That's what I think. Right,
[13:16:34] but it's called a fight stick. There's no stick.
[13:16:37] Why do you call it a fight stick when
[13:16:38] there's no stick? I'm going to stick with it if you stop don't stop asking
[13:16:41] questions players are oh that's okay thank you wait a second what's this on the side ah there
[13:16:47] comes down and the pads
[13:16:51] on the bottom
[13:16:51] have some sort
[13:16:52] of etching in them
[13:16:53] so we have
[13:16:53] an ayaya,
[13:16:55] uh,
[13:16:55] we have
[13:16:56] an orb,
[13:16:57] we have
[13:16:57] We have
[13:16:58] an upside down.
[13:16:58] We have
[13:16:58] cute chat,
[13:16:59] shout out
[13:16:59] to cute chat
[13:17:00] and the tiny
[13:17:01] one you can't read, uh uh says that's never happened before
[13:17:04] that's fantastic i love that fifty dollar minimum donation thank you breakfast garage
[13:17:09] and from shadow insignus for a hundred100 donation. Our third day prize today
[13:17:13] is this wooden Deku
[13:17:15] shield, and this thing
[13:17:17] is so awesome. It's actually lighter
[13:17:19] than it looks somehow.
[13:17:21] I remembered the kind of wood this was,
[13:17:23] and then it just fell out of my head.
[13:17:25] But it's a solid piece of wood on the bottom.
[13:17:27] The bark on top is the bark from this wood
[13:17:28] that was inseparated
[13:17:29] and has been reattached.
[13:17:31] It is resined and shellacked
[13:17:32] with a copper foil inlay.
[13:17:35] This thing is absolutely gorgeous, has a nice heavy handle on the back along
[13:17:39] with straps that you can use to attach to your arm.
[13:17:41] These are I think actually originally ankle straps for a motorcycle.
[13:17:46] So this will hold on quite well.
[13:17:47] It's very sturdy.
[13:17:49] The submitter said don't actually
[13:17:51] use weapons on it but otherwise
[13:17:53] it's going to hold together pretty well.
[13:17:55] $100 donation gets you in to win this absolutely gorgeous piece thank
[13:17:58] you so much shadow and sickness for sending that
[13:18:00] into us and that hundred dollars gets you a good chunk of the way
[13:18:03] towards our four grand prizes this event we have
[13:18:07] four of them and all of them are available for a 250 cumulative donation
[13:18:12] so what we do we take all of your donations
[13:18:14] throughout the week add them together if that total meets or exceeds
[13:18:17] 250 you are entered for all four grand prizes so if you want to spread those
[13:18:21] donations across prize blocks great! If you wanna send it in all at once
[13:18:25] Great! You're entered to win all four.
[13:18:27] We have the Heroic Replicas grand prize bundle from
[13:18:30] Heroic Replicas featuring the Princess Peach crown and
[13:18:35] jewelry up there as well as
[13:18:36] There's a peach for more prizes!
[13:18:37] I know, it's unnatural. As well as... It's the peach from our price. I know, it's a natural. As
[13:18:38] well as the Keyblade which is a giant
[13:18:40] billet of aluminum and is
[13:18:42] that explains why they
[13:18:44] carry that thing around like that in the King of Hearts blade.
[13:18:48] We have the Azure 2 gaming PC from sky tech gaming.
[13:18:50] You can find the full specs on the website, games done quick
[13:18:55] .com.
[13:18:56] Follow the link to the prize page.
[13:18:58] The resin replica Skyrim steel axe and steel sword sent in to us by Cute Monster Props, Volpin Props, and Solo Roboto Industries.
[13:19:05] Those things are absolutely gorgeous.
[13:19:07] Another thing that's much lighter than it looks.
[13:19:09] Yeah. It's kind of nice that they're not just like a little bit more expensive. are absolutely gorgeous. Another thing that's much lighter than it looks,
[13:19:11] it's kind of nice
[13:19:12] that they're not made out of metal
[13:19:13] because you can actually hold and carry them
[13:19:14] and then finally from Orbital Guitars
[13:19:17] the Doom Crucible Guitar
[13:19:19] if you want to rip and tear.
[13:19:21] Shred and tear. Yes,
[13:19:23] thank you.
[13:19:25] My prize segments, I just get
[13:19:27] the people that are smarter than me
[13:19:29] to be up here on the prize segment with me
[13:19:31] and it all works out.
[13:19:32] So,
[13:19:34] slash donate
[13:19:34] while you're getting
[13:19:35] that donation
[13:19:35] and we have some
[13:19:36] incentive open
[13:19:37] court
[13:19:39] please save me
[13:19:39] from stumbling over words.
[13:19:41] Yeah,
[13:19:41] when you donate you don't have to put it towards a specific prize Court, please save me from stumbling over words. Yeah, absolutely.
[13:19:42] When you donate,
[13:19:43] you don't have to put it towards a specific prize
[13:19:44] but you can put it towards some incentives.
[13:19:47] Of course, we've been talking about our bonus game
[13:19:49] Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
[13:19:50] one of the most famous speed runs of all time.
[13:19:53] We're about 27%
[13:19:55] of the way there to that 100,000
[13:19:57] so please get your donations in for these amazing
[13:19:59] prizes and put it towards that.
[13:20:01] We also have a milestone open for grand pool world three upgrade to all
[13:20:05] exits and the great part about the milestone you donate it automatically goes towards that
[13:20:09] fantastic so 1 million 250 000 will get to see even more Kaizo,
[13:20:14] even more Grand Prix World 3.
[13:20:16] A game that I love and know
[13:20:17] that I want to see more of.
[13:20:19] Excellent.
[13:20:19] Well thank you again everybody
[13:20:20] for joining us.
[13:20:21] I think...
[13:20:22] I think that's it.
[13:20:22] Did we get everything covered there?
[13:20:23] We got the day prizes, the grand prize, we figured out who is Luigi...
[13:20:26] Hey wait! If i'm Luigi does that mean if they unplug
[13:20:30] The second controller I disappear?
[13:20:39] Oh no don't disappear! Well... we'll have to continue watching GTQ to find out.
[13:20:43] That's a very interesting prize segment.
[13:20:47] Okay, I'm not going to go through that.
[13:20:48] We're going to continue on.
[13:20:52] We've got some funds and donation love coming in here from the last one as well.
[13:20:55] We have a $25 donation from BigTheDave that says... did you hear? They're running multiple
[13:20:57] tariffs on gelatin-based desserts.
[13:20:59] That's right! Jell-O
[13:21:01] taxis!
[13:21:04] Boo.
[13:21:05] Even I'm saying boo at that one.
[13:21:08] So while we're saying boo at that one,
[13:21:09] we are going to get ourselves out for our next round.
[13:21:11] Everybody don't go anywhere.
[13:21:12] We will be right back after this.
[13:21:15] BRB, we'll see you in three
[13:21:25] and if you're still able to hear me congratulations we'll go through and read some more donations on that one a little bit that came
[13:21:28] through during the run there
[13:21:29] from the commentators. I hope Argic...
[13:21:31] They were saying like, Argic's probably going to be a little bit dizzy
[13:21:33] from that climb on the final level there.
[13:21:35] $25 donation from Esperbucket this
[13:21:37] says, I hope your Argic doesn't have motion sickness from being strapped
[13:21:40] to the top of that taxi yeah no one most certainly would half that is me know like spinning and then
[13:21:47] in response to one of the publisher donations there,
[13:21:50] we have a $5 donation from Withered Soul that says
[13:21:53] pineapple is the best pizza topping.
[13:21:56] No hesitation.
[13:21:58] Oh, I hear cheering in the audience for that i'm not a fan no
[13:22:04] don't put fruit on your pizza or do let us know in the donations if that is something that you
[13:22:09] like doing and that is something you like to enjoy. While we're
[13:22:12] doing that, of course, we do have ourselves
[13:22:14] more donations coming in here. Plenty
[13:22:16] of more love especially for our
[13:22:18] Ocarina of Time bonus run and
[13:22:20] for NSF here we have an amazing
[13:22:22] $250 donation
[13:22:25] from Nacho Stout that says
[13:22:27] as a US combat veteran
[13:22:29] the story of MSF's
[13:22:31] outreach in conflict zones touched my heart
[13:22:32] In ways I wasn't prepared for.
[13:22:35] Thank you, GDQ,
[13:22:36] For giving common nerds like myself
[13:22:39] A cool event that allows us to learn a lot about the work being done by exceptional humans.
[13:22:45] Here's to the bonus Zelda game
[13:22:47] and to MSF.
[13:22:49] Yeah!
[13:22:50] Absolutely, thank you for that amazing donation there.
[13:22:53] Also, thank you for that amazing donation there.
[13:22:56] Also thank you for some of the claps there! We have also got a massive $500 donation
[13:23:01] from Dreddingo
[13:23:03] that says let's Get OOT
[13:23:05] in the Marathon.
[13:23:08] Absolutely, please
[13:23:09] do. We have that bonus game
[13:23:11] currently sitting at $28,000
[13:23:14] there out of the 100,000 that we need.
[13:23:17] And I've just looked at the screen and realized
[13:23:19] that every 1,000 is basically a percent.
[13:23:21] And I'm like, oh, that's nifty.
[13:23:22] Please do make number go up.
[13:23:24] Keep your donations coming in.
[13:23:25] Let's extend this marathon.
[13:23:26] Let's make this one of the best summer games done quick
[13:23:29] that we have ever had on this as well. so We got a $50 donation here from Longer Tons that has said,
[13:23:54] more Zelda and a chance for the Keyblade?
[13:23:59] Take my rupees, GDQ. Absolutely, we
[13:24:01] will thank you very, very much.
[13:24:02] Remember, you just saw on the prize segment there
[13:24:05] a whole bunch of prizes that are going to be available
[13:24:07] $250 minimum donation for the grand prizes
[13:24:11] if you want to be entered into that keyblade and be one of the wielders of light And then something for the prize team here.
[13:24:28] $50 donation from Library
[13:24:31] Nerd that says, Prize Team
[13:24:32] deep down we're all
[13:24:34] Green Mario or something
[13:24:36] You're all amazing is my point
[13:24:38] Absolutely
[13:24:40] Everybody's amazing here such an
[13:24:42] amazing event right now and while we are getting ourselves set
[13:24:47] up please take a look at this.
[13:24:59] Welcome to the stream where our passions roll and communities get hyped.
[13:25:01] We don't just create, we create a scene. Because when we go live it matters
[13:25:03] It defines culture
[13:25:05] We're not just changing the game
[13:25:06] We are building a whole new arena
[13:25:08] We demand intuitive tools that make a powerful impact
[13:25:11] That keep our creativity streaming,
[13:25:14] vibes flowing, communities growing
[13:25:16] because in the stream
[13:25:17] every view, like, follow, chat, sub
[13:25:20] counts.
[13:25:21] StreamLab, unleash your life.
[13:25:32] A big thank you to Streamlabs
[13:25:34] and of course all our sponsors
[13:25:36] of the event.
[13:25:37] Folks, if you are just joining us
[13:25:38] you are watching
[13:25:39] Summer Games Done Quick
[13:25:40] 2024
[13:25:41] powered by Twitch
[13:25:43] and you are just in time for something special.
[13:25:48] We're setting up here for the Evil Zone Tournament Finals
[13:25:54] Now if you're wondering what that is, at GDQ here we have a lot of
[13:25:58] things that go on outside of the stream room! You can find out more about it at
[13:26:03] slash activities. We've had a lot of things there there's an arcade, There is some general gaming.
[13:26:06] There are loads of tournaments that happen
[13:26:08] and this is one such tournament
[13:26:12] And we're going to get to see the Tournament Finals next
[13:26:16] It is going to be a lot of fun, you are in for a treat!
[13:26:21] And someone who knows this
[13:26:23] We have a $50 donation from Deaf Hobbit that is saying
[13:26:26] My favourite pizza topping a $50 donation from Deaf Hobbit that is saying, my favourite
[13:26:28] pizza topping is
[13:26:30] Evil Zone.
[13:26:33] Now I don't know if
[13:26:34] Evil Zone can be a pizza
[13:26:36] topping but we'll certainly find out hopefully you will get to see some of that
[13:26:43] and plenty of love coming in from everybody here
[13:26:46] we have a 25 donation donation from Redlink101
[13:26:49] that says, let's hear it for the
[13:26:51] Ocarina of Time bonus game!
[13:26:53] I need to see our runners
[13:26:55] defeat Ganon
[13:26:57] Absolutely I want to loud cheer on Gannon. Absolutely.
[13:27:00] I want to loud cheer in the audience from every
[13:27:02] single one of you on this, and we have a massive
[13:27:03] $2,000 donation
[13:27:06] from Anonymous that says, of course I'll donate to get my favorite game into the marathon.
[13:27:16] Absolutely chat I want to see all your emotes as well.
[13:27:21] Get all your emotes and that in the chat.
[13:27:22] You know if you do the Doritos chip emote,
[13:27:24] you're filling the chip meter.
[13:27:26] The chip meter is currently available.
[13:27:28] You have used it apparently 103 686 times that is a lot of times to use the emo on that one I also have to say, I am very happy to...
[13:27:47] There you go! Look at that. You're using it all.
[13:27:49] It went up. What's going to happen?
[13:27:51] One, two, three, three four smash that's me
[13:27:54] that was me dad did that anyway big thank you for filling up the chip meter there on
[13:28:00] that one always having a lot of fun. But we have a $25 donation from Fallen Angel here
[13:28:05] that says, wanted to make sure to donate whilst ARG is on the desk. The union thanks you for
[13:28:11] your representation stateside. Audience, let's get a cheer for the hosts and actually
[13:28:16] let's give a big cheer for all the host team everybody has been fantastic i'm going to be
[13:28:21] a little bit cheeky here as well now can i get one more big cheer for our host coordinators
[13:28:26] as well who've been here all week for us giving us a hand we absolutely appreciate them a lot and then speaking of asking for things we have in the donations here,
[13:28:46] $250 donation from tbskyen that says GDQ I have never asked you
[13:28:53] for anything and I don't want to put you on the spot.
[13:28:57] But please, PLEASE
[13:28:59] I NEED this Ocarina
[13:29:01] of Time bonus run! If you make it
[13:29:03] happen, I'll owe you one.
[13:29:05] I'll buy you a pizza. I'll help you move. I'll buy you a pizza, I'll help you move!
[13:29:08] I'll tell that cute person
[13:29:10] you have a crush on how cool you are!
[13:29:12] I'll play Mario Kart with you
[13:29:15] and drive right behind you
[13:29:17] to block all the shelves for
[13:29:19] you. They absolutely
[13:29:21] really want it. I would, yes
[13:29:23] I would happily do that. Thank you
[13:29:24] We've got more pizza
[13:29:27] love in here as well we have 25 from dr somer that says not only is pineapple
[13:29:33] the best pizza topping it gets even better if you add black olives.
[13:29:40] Somebody really liked that! I just heard a yes straight out of there. chat you are absolutely amazing everybody here we are over 33 try that, we are over 30...
[13:30:01] We are over $30,000 for the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time bonus game!
[13:30:07] We are at 30,356 out the 100,000.
[13:30:11] You can see it on the schedule
[13:30:13] on this screen right now
[13:30:14] coming up in around three hours
[13:30:17] so please don't dilly-dally
[13:30:19] shilly-shally
[13:30:20] you need to get your donations
[13:30:21] in for that.
[13:30:22] And here's the thing, if you just get the donations in for that and
[13:30:26] you manage to get the £70k in there,
[13:30:28] you are inching us ever closer
[13:30:31] to our milestone as well. Remember million 250 000 gets us the upgrade
[13:30:38] to gran pu world three as well so you're getting a double whammy at the moment
[13:30:44] or maybe a triple
[13:30:46] because it goes towards the prizes
[13:30:48] too, so you are getting absolutely
[13:30:50] phenomenal value right now
[13:30:51] and you get that warm tingly feeling inside because you're helping doctors without
[13:30:56] borders
[13:31:00] all right i'm going to read this one because it's uh very obviously aimed at me five dollar donation from captain iron brew
[13:31:07] aloha love hearing your burr on the host mic so i've got a joke for you
[13:31:13] what's our pirates favorite letter aye you'd think it would be R but
[13:31:18] in fact its the C. Okay okay 50-50 on that one. We had some booze, we had some cheers.
[13:31:28] Understandable.
[13:31:31] $5 donation from Anonymous
[13:31:33] and I don't want to read it
[13:31:34] but I'm obligated to.
[13:31:40] Broccoli on pizza is superior in my opinion what why are you cheering for that what hip is broccoli on pizza no no no We got a $50 donation from Scublist that says,
[13:32:11] add a jalapeno to a pineapple pizza for a sweet and spicy treat.
[13:32:18] I like the fact that these donations coming in right now seem to be making some kind of pizza menu.
[13:32:23] Maybe we can get going with, like, The GDQ Pizza Shop where we're all gonna make GDQ-style pizzas and the donations here We have a $25 donation from Nordic that says, all company from the hosting desk much love to you and gdq
[13:32:52] much love to you all as well again please do keep your donations coming in
[13:32:56] it number go up make everybody happy especially carolyn petite here who has a $25 donation that says
[13:33:03] Watching an Ocarina of Time run at a GDQ many years ago was what got me fascinated with speedrunning in the first place.
[13:33:10] So it's always held a special place
[13:33:12] in my heart
[13:33:13] as one of the quintessential
[13:33:15] speedrunning games.
[13:33:16] Let's make it happen
[13:33:17] and raise the money for MSF
[13:33:19] whose work has never been more urgent
[13:33:21] and essential than it is now absolutely thank you for your donation there All right, folks.
[13:33:39] We are ready to go.
[13:33:42] It is time for the EVOZONE!
[13:33:50] Hello everybody.
[13:33:52] Welcome, this is it. This is EVO Evil Zone Tournament Finals happening here. Hello I am DragonBlitz
[13:33:59] And I am CavemanDCJ and this is the wonderful game known as Evil Zone
[13:34:04] The hottest two button fighting game on the PS1.
[13:34:07] This game has a long
[13:34:09] storied history here at GDQ
[13:34:10] dating all the way back to
[13:34:12] AGDQ 2015? Yep, that's where
[13:34:14] it all began. So viewers at home, you might be wondering what is this? Fighting game speed running marathon?
[13:34:21] Well so this has been a staple of the on-site attendee experience since 2015.
[13:34:27] I've been running tournaments for close to a decade,
[13:34:30] and basically it's just something for people to do.
[13:34:32] I mean look at that we got a packed crowd here.
[13:34:34] They've all...
[13:34:35] I forced them all to play Evil Zone.
[13:34:37] Can I get a show of hands?
[13:34:38] How many of you have played Evil Zone, raise your hand.
[13:34:40] Yeah.
[13:34:41] How many of you have met me because of Evil Zone?
[13:34:46] Pretty much.
[13:34:46] Good amount, good amount, yeah.
[13:34:48] So basically slash activities.
[13:34:51] There's onsite activities for all attendees to do.
[13:34:54] Tournaments are one of them
[13:34:54] and this is a showcase of that.
[13:34:58] Yeah.
[13:34:58] This game is a two-button fighter as we said before uh it's a three dimensional
[13:35:03] fighter as well we're gonna get into the mechanics of the game as the matches go on
[13:35:07] uh but it's just so important to us and we're so happy to showcase what has become a staple of the attendee experience in our opinion.
[13:35:13] Live for you guys on the stream, I hope you are ready for that.
[13:35:16] So who do we have? Who do we have playing in top 4?
[13:35:18] There is somebody that I know who is in top four uh i there's somebody that i know who's
[13:35:21] in top four who's near oh yeah you actually
[13:35:25] i am in the top four as well as organizing and running tournament
[13:35:28] as is tradition but also at all two first time players of the game this week at
[13:35:34] the event they picked up the game at this event and they have made it to the top four beating
[13:35:39] veterans of the game including myself uh we have tinamo shouts out let's hear for tanimo
[13:35:46] and we also have first time gdq attendee alimra let's hear from everyone
[13:35:53] and my opponent in Winners Finals is long time PlayStation Nation member, Frogger Extraordinaire.
[13:35:59] Let's here for Kane of Pachi. And I think without further ado,
[13:36:06] I'm going to hop off the cans.
[13:36:07] But Dragon Blitz and our lovely assistant Brian Otto,
[13:36:09] they're going to be commentating you for it.
[13:36:11] So yeah, let's just get into it.
[13:36:12] Let's get our first match going.
[13:36:14] Let's do it! Yeah!
[13:36:18] Are you guys ready for Evil Zone?
[13:36:23] Let's go everybody! We've been
[13:36:25] waiting a long time to showcase this for you.
[13:36:27] This is a brand new style
[13:36:29] of thing to be doing at GDQ
[13:36:31] and we're very excited to be part of it. How are you feeling,
[13:36:33] Brian? What's up, DB? I'm doing really well. I also
[13:36:36] like so many other people in this tournament played the game for the first
[13:36:38] time at the tournament and I had a wonderful
[13:36:40] time and I am beyond excited
[13:36:42] to be here and help y'all commentate
[13:36:44] this. Oh yeah, we're going to have some of the highest level gameplay
[13:36:47] You might think to yourself
[13:36:48] well, some of these players they picked it up for the first time
[13:36:50] how could they be so good at the game?
[13:36:51] Well, it is a game that is
[13:36:52] quite simplified version of a 3D fighter
[13:36:55] there are only two buttons. However, most
[13:36:57] of that interaction comes down to player
[13:36:59] versus player, hard reads, understanding what
[13:37:01] options they like to go for and using the
[13:37:03] game's mechanics to their advantage. We're going to be seeing
[13:37:05] a lot of grabs, a lot of spacing, a lot of grabs a lot of spacing a lot of zoning
[13:37:08] a lot of grab here in evil zone yeah it's uh it's going to be a good time but uh let's go
[13:37:12] ahead and introduce our first contestant here tinamo please come down sorry let's go time up I'm going to go with the Tynemo.
[13:37:18] Tynemoe, please come down.
[13:37:20] Sorry.
[13:37:22] Let's go Tynemoe!
[13:37:24] I was getting mixed signals
[13:37:26] there for a second. My apologies. And who's tournament going to be playing?
[13:37:30] On the other side of the loser semifinals, we have a Lymrah. Go ahead and get set up into the game, get comfortable
[13:37:43] And we will let you know when to get started
[13:37:46] But yeah. How are you feeling about the overall event so far brian uh just as a whole yeah oh my
[13:37:52] goodness one of my favorite gdqs i've attended in a while me too it's just I feel like
[13:37:57] the vibes have been great so far just a really wonderful schedule, and so many
[13:38:01] of my friends up on stage
[13:38:03] are having amazing runs and raising a lot of money
[13:38:05] for a great cause. A lot of unique things happening too.
[13:38:07] A lot of unique things. I've been saying
[13:38:09] it's a pretty ambitious schedule, and even stuff like this.
[13:38:12] We've never really done anything like this before
[13:38:14] so it's awesome that we're here
[13:38:15] and it's happening right in front of us.
[13:38:17] Whenever you two are ready
[13:38:18] feel free to select your characters
[13:38:20] and get into it!
[13:38:21] Let's get it rolling.
[13:38:26] So this is going to be a losers semifinals match.
[13:38:30] The winner of this is going to move on in the bracket,
[13:38:34] the loser unfortunately be knocked out at fourth but still making it
[13:38:37] to the top for a wonderful feat between these two players and we're
[13:38:41] already getting into it so this character with the wings is like
[13:38:44] extremely good is that right i've been told they are like s tiered yes that
[13:38:47] is e hadoka we're actually seeing the two best characters in the game going up against each other
[13:38:52] all at a time that is correct yeah yeah. We have Iha Doka
[13:38:54] the boss character of this game who
[13:38:56] funny enough isn't even considered necessarily to be
[13:38:58] best in the game. We have
[13:39:00] the other half of the S tier Kakarine
[13:39:02] these two spiritual beings and the lore of the game are very very powerful um
[13:39:08] we're seeing a lot of scraps going on i bet the lure in this game goes crazy oh it does it very
[13:39:12] much does this is right here a grab animation.
[13:39:15] This game is very cinematic, you're going to be seeing lots of different camera angles as many
[13:39:19] of the grabs and attacks like this do have cinematics tied to them.
[13:39:23] Anything with a cinematic usually has priority
[13:39:25] over other types of attacks as well, so it can be very important
[13:39:29] if you have like a projectile that goes into a cinematic
[13:39:31] and you want to use those a lot. Lots and lots of grabs already
[13:39:34] coming out from the Kakarina player.
[13:39:36] And something about this game that really surprised me is every character has a full screen grab.
[13:39:41] Oh yeah, I think Kakarina is one of the best characters to be up close and personal as you can see
[13:39:45] because those grabs can be very devastating.
[13:39:48] But every character in the game is also
[13:39:50] fully equipped at range
[13:39:52] so one of things that makes this
[13:39:54] game very unique is everything
[13:39:56] is based off your position on the screen.
[13:39:57] So, you're distance from the other player determines
[13:39:59] which attacks you are able to do.
[13:40:02] At range,
[13:40:03] your standard attack button turns into a projectile
[13:40:06] and then you can change that projectile into different
[13:40:09] special moves based off of the direction
[13:40:11] that you press with the attack button.
[13:40:13] And the common opener in this
[13:40:15] game, you're going to see it a lot, is jab, jab,
[13:40:18] grab. You condition that to block with
[13:40:20] the first two jabs and then you combo into the grab
[13:40:22] while they're still blocking and grabs in this game
[13:40:24] do be blocking so it's a very
[13:40:26] common setup to get some free damage. Ooh!
[13:40:28] Teching the grab there!
[13:40:30] Did you see the red ring
[13:40:31] form underneath the player?
[13:40:33] They are attempting
[13:40:33] to go for a ranged grab.
[13:40:35] Ranged grabs can be
[13:40:35] teched out of if you block
[13:40:36] at the correct timing
[13:40:37] and it's very tight.
[13:40:38] We believe it should
[13:40:38] be a two-frame window
[13:40:39] so teching out of any grab is like goes
[13:40:42] to show that these players picked up the game literally
[13:40:44] what three days ago and they're already
[13:40:46] taking grabs two frame windows live here on stage
[13:40:49] it is incredible.
[13:40:50] Ty was telling me that they lost in round one and then just got
[13:40:54] here coming out of kind of ridiculous losers bracket right which i can't believe the story
[13:40:58] of both of these players is incredible tino losing round one and then winning 11
[13:41:03] games straight.
[13:41:04] 11 matches straight to get
[13:41:06] to the top four, eliminating some of the top
[13:41:08] players of the game, eliminating me
[13:41:09] as well. One of the only tournament winners
[13:41:12] to ever win a
[13:41:12] tournament here at GDQ in Evil Zone and we also have Olimra
[13:41:16] who found Caveman on a chance encounter at Hell's Kitchen
[13:41:21] Oh, that's so cool!
[13:41:22] Ended up checking out Evil Zone wanted to see what it was like at Hell's Kitchen. Oh, that's so cool.
[13:41:24] Ended up checking out Evil Zone wanted to see what the hubbub is all
[13:41:26] about and it is now here in the top four as well.
[13:41:29] Yeah, I was under the impression
[13:41:31] that... I guess we're getting down to it, huh?
[13:41:33] Oh yeah, this is the last game of
[13:41:34] the match here and whoever gets
[13:41:36] knocked out here, it's going to be their advantage
[13:41:38] And there's a Raw Super!
[13:41:40] Raw Super! Wow
[13:41:42] Punishing the start startup of another move.
[13:41:44] And that is one O in Tynemo's favor.
[13:41:48] Now this is standard fighting game rules.
[13:41:50] The winner is character locked
[13:41:52] but the loser is allowed to change characters
[13:41:54] if they would like
[13:41:56] so we're going to see a quick character select here move on into game number two okay we got
[13:42:03] that is a solid choice yet another another high tier character believed to be
[13:42:06] a little bit better in the zoning department perhaps
[13:42:08] or maybe just a comfort pick, who knows?
[13:42:10] I saw very little of this guy in tournament so
[13:42:12] I'm very curious to see it.
[13:42:14] Yeah, Kea I think is one
[13:42:15] of the better zoners in the game. His projectiles
[13:42:17] are very strong. They come out very quickly.
[13:42:19] They have priority as well because they are cinematic
[13:42:21] but getting hit by that long range grab
[13:42:23] Wow, that was a big chunk. Yeah
[13:42:25] Grabs are one of the most consistent ways to do damage in this game
[13:42:27] there aren't a whole lot of like consistent combo strings it's a lot of neutral hits that lead into
[13:42:33] either a lot of pressure like am i going gonna grab you here or am i going to continue my combo
[13:42:37] uh right there that's a cinematic
[13:42:38] it only happens if you tech out of any um combo string like that that's what
[13:42:42] happens when you take some extra damage okay so oh and
[13:42:45] there's a stun another universal universal mechanic in this game.
[13:42:51] Where if every character in the game has a projectile where if it hits they go into a stun animation.
[13:42:53] Wow.
[13:42:53] But teching out of the grab that's usually considered to be confirmed.
[13:42:57] That move from Kakarina is so hard to deal with.
[13:43:00] So gnarly.
[13:43:02] Yeah, you have to basically like...
[13:43:03] You can't interact with the rings at all
[13:43:05] you have to wait for the animation to end.
[13:43:07] The crab animations!
[13:43:09] Wow, Tynamo is really tearing it up
[13:43:11] so far, applying the pressure early
[13:43:12] old blocks the combo string goes for
[13:43:15] a jab-jab grab but at the counter grab
[13:43:16] that is one way to counter the jab-jab grab strategy
[13:43:18] I noticed that as I started playing better players, jab-jab-grab strategy. Yeah, I noticed that as I started playing better players
[13:43:21] Jab-Jab Grab stopped working. Yeah there's a lot of ways to counter it. It really
[13:43:25] is only thing you have to condition your opponent into first like you want to make sure they are blocking
[13:43:29] your pressure strings and then the jab
[13:43:31] jab grab starts working otherwise you can uh try an attack out of it
[13:43:34] you can also counter grab and back throw back throws do more damage
[13:43:37] is that right when you grab them from behind yep that is another universal
[13:43:40] mechanic in this game where usually if you get a stun or if you are catching your opponents behind
[13:43:44] like facing the other direction getting that grab does a little bit more damage and in a game
[13:43:48] where most of your damage is coming from straight hits any additional damage you can get that's confirmed
[13:43:53] is really good and yet another long grab animation really making you think about your choices as
[13:43:59] you got grabbed it's coming down to it oh yeah and uh right now this is actually a limer's like tournament life here am i correct
[13:44:06] absolutely yeah if we see keo go down here a lima oh no another jab grab confirmed this
[13:44:12] is going to leave him with barely any health.
[13:44:14] He does have one stock of super that is what the red gem in
[13:44:16] the top left corner goes for a super right there.
[13:44:19] Does a chunk of damage and it's down to the wire.
[13:44:21] Oh!
[13:44:27] This is coming down to the wire here. Olimaruk still on tournament life, but
[13:44:29] still barely breathing.
[13:44:33] We're seeing the zoning come through and that's the sigil on the ground that goes into a cinematic
[13:44:35] and very high priority projectile here.
[13:44:38] Ooh, both going for jumping attacks.
[13:44:40] I was utterly fascinated
[13:44:42] by the amount of depth in this game.
[13:44:43] I hear two button fighter.
[13:44:44] I think maybe something like dive kick for example for example right but there's literally not to say that that figured out on death, but there's literally so much that's going on in everything
[13:44:51] that you've covered somebody hidden mechanics. Yeah, this is one of those games that we basically found
[13:44:57] kind of diving through the eclectic collection
[13:45:01] of PlayStation games that we wanted to just like
[13:45:03] oh, we'll play a silly fighter that sounds funny.
[13:45:06] And as you might see in the background here
[13:45:08] I'll try and point it out if we can see
[13:45:12] There's so many cute and amazing things about this game
[13:45:14] but then all of the depth that comes with it
[13:45:16] If the camera just changes a little bit more.
[13:45:19] A little flogger knocking
[13:45:20] going right there. There it is, gamers in the background
[13:45:23] Gamers rise up
[13:45:24] make some noise
[13:45:26] as it is coming down to the final moments here this is a limer's life if he is able to get
[13:45:32] this last knockdown it's going to go to a game three oh with the red signal that does give him
[13:45:36] one free sock of meter is he going to use it goes for immediately blocks but
[13:45:40] the chip damage there goes for another invincible super charging up a little bit of meter there
[13:45:45] blocks all the rings gets a counter party and. And that's it!
[13:45:51] We have ourselves a tie game here.
[13:45:52] It all comes down to this
[13:45:53] here in the Loser Semis Finals.
[13:45:55] This is going to be
[13:45:57] a best two out of three,
[13:45:58] so this will be
[13:45:59] the final match running it back all
[13:46:01] right all right you love to see it what do you got for this last one what
[13:46:05] are you liking what are you liking that you're seeing oh man there's just
[13:46:08] already like for two players that have picked up
[13:46:10] the game at this event there's so many
[13:46:12] high level strategies already deployed
[13:46:14] it's one of the things I love about this game where it is
[13:46:16] simple to understand but if you have
[13:46:18] a solid understanding of fighting game fundamentals
[13:46:20] you can go really far. Understanding mix-ups, understanding
[13:46:23] conditioning, understanding how
[13:46:25] to provide threats and making sure
[13:46:27] your opponent... If you find something that
[13:46:29] works, keep doing it until they
[13:46:31] prove into you that they know how to deal with it then you start mixing it up all of the very common
[13:46:35] threads of all fighting games are apparent here took the words right out
[13:46:38] of my mouth i mean i tried to just supply a lot of what i knew coming from
[13:46:41] super smash bros background you know
[13:46:43] and uh i found a lot of success in exactly what you talked about doing
[13:46:47] something until it doesn't work then you find the next thing that works rinse
[13:46:50] and repeat yeah that said i only went one or two so
[13:46:52] i had to do that well.
[13:46:55] Not to make too many parallels with Smash,
[13:46:56] but one thing that is important to know about the control system,
[13:46:59] you might be thinking how are they doing so many varied moves
[13:47:01] with only one attack action?
[13:47:04] All of the attacks are also tied to
[13:47:05] a direction plus attack, or multiple
[13:47:07] directions plus attack, or by
[13:47:09] double tapping the attack button as well.
[13:47:11] All those combinations lead to separate moves
[13:47:13] so these players have all those combinations memorized
[13:47:15] to make sure that the special that is coming out is the one that they want
[13:47:18] oftentimes if you double tap the attack button you'll get a wider version
[13:47:22] of your special move that's designed to catch sidesteps because this is
[13:47:25] a three-dimensional game, it's very
[13:47:26] powerful to sidestep out of the way of projectiles
[13:47:29] and then counter with your own projectile.
[13:47:30] But if you see your opponent doing that, then you're opened up
[13:47:32] to wide range versions of attacks.
[13:47:35] And this is a game that I I found out the hard way,
[13:47:37] does not reward mashing.
[13:47:39] Oh, absolutely not! That's exactly what you were talking about
[13:47:41] with the double tap attack and when it splits the attack
[13:47:43] if your opponent is standing directly in front of you
[13:47:45] it just whiffs entirely. Exactly, yeah yeah it's our first lesson we teach every
[13:47:48] player here at gdq events you do not want to mash in this game you want to be very deliberate with
[13:47:53] your button presses and already you see them uh at range charging some meter.
[13:47:57] It's a raw grab from range.
[13:48:01] There are two different types of grabs as well.
[13:48:03] When you see the red circle appear and it's full, that's
[13:48:06] a normal grab but what we in the community like to call
[13:48:09] a donut grab happens when there is
[13:48:11] a little bit of space in the middle
[13:48:13] and it's a wider version of the grab
[13:48:14] It's designed to catch sidesteps
[13:48:15] So that's kind of the mix-up
[13:48:17] Are they gonna stand still
[13:48:17] and eat the range grab? or are they gonna walk towards you
[13:48:20] and eat the donut grab? Alright final game
[13:48:22] or final round here I should say. Oh yeah
[13:48:24] no matter what next knockdown is going
[13:48:26] determine who moves on here in the finals
[13:48:28] this has already been a down-to-the-wire showcase
[13:48:30] you couldn't ask for anything better here at
[13:48:32] SGDQ 2024
[13:48:34] Evil Zone, I can't believe we're doing
[13:48:37] it man. And you could, I mean, I'm sure that
[13:48:38] neither of these players when they sat down for their first match at the tournament imagined they'd be sitting here on Friday.
[13:48:44] Yeah, turning from attendees to essentially runners here in the marathon! They even get their own runner badges after this custom designed for
[13:48:52] the evil zone tournament you love to see it oh and there we go the sigil taking priority over that
[13:48:57] dashing attack wow too high level gameplay here. Oh my goodness!
[13:49:02] We're just seeing the footsies that neither player wants
[13:49:04] to commit to anything too risky.
[13:49:06] It looks like Alindra has a supercharge as well.
[13:49:08] Oh yeah and gets the grab here
[13:49:10] That's going to apply a little bit more pressure.
[13:49:12] One thing that's important to note is
[13:49:13] that your meter is also tied to your health, so
[13:49:15] the lower your health, the easier it is to charge meter
[13:49:17] and get supers going. Oh!
[13:49:19] That's a huge chunk of damage, and I think
[13:49:21] any knockdown is going to do it, and that's a confer!
[13:49:26] Congratulations
[13:49:26] Alimra for moving on
[13:49:28] to Dynamo. A fantastic showcase
[13:49:30] literally beating some of the legends
[13:49:32] of the game, tournament winners
[13:49:33] have passed
[13:49:34] and I just could not ask
[13:49:36] for a better showcase here.
[13:49:38] Congratulations to both of you.
[13:49:39] You did a fantastic job
[13:49:40] and the nerves
[13:49:42] weren't on there
[13:49:43] for a limber too.
[13:49:43] Did you see that deep breath big sigh love
[13:49:47] this sportsmanship big handshake of course yes i mean it is about competition but also
[13:49:52] it's about community it's about fun it's about showing that video games can be more than just
[13:49:57] distractions from the world.
[13:49:58] It could be a community building process and I am so happy
[13:50:01] that we are here for it.
[13:50:02] I think we're ready to move on to our next round. This is going to be the winner's
[13:50:07] finals. Ready for this one,
[13:50:09] I am super excited. Two legends
[13:50:10] of the game here starting first with
[13:50:12] Caveman. Let's go Caveman! A winner
[13:50:14] of many, many tournaments. Let's go Cave caveman. A winner of many, many tournaments.
[13:50:16] Let's go, caveman!
[13:50:18] Honestly the villain runs a tournament
[13:50:21] just to try and win it himself.
[13:50:24] Playing into the heel you love to see it.
[13:50:29] Puts up a beautiful poster as the prize with the intention of trying to win it himself
[13:50:34] honestly the nerve of this guy. But we love him.
[13:50:39] Really an exercise in ego to run tournaments just to win them.
[13:50:42] And we have his opponent right here, right now.
[13:50:45] We have Kane of Pachi.
[13:50:47] A long-time member of the PlayStation Nation team of Hachi, a longtime member
[13:50:48] of the PlayStation Nation.
[13:50:58] And as these two players set up here, we're going to see probably new characters.
[13:51:03] I would hope so!
[13:51:04] I would like to see some new characters.
[13:51:06] Another thing that's important to know about the character selection in this game is
[13:51:10] that the cast is actually, we were talking about top tiers and best characters or whatever.
[13:51:14] It's actually a very well balanced game all things considered because every character has access
[13:51:18] to a handful of universal mechanics like the sun,
[13:51:21] like the supers,
[13:51:22] like the grabs.
[13:51:23] And those are like the bread and butter of gameplay in this game.
[13:51:26] So really the individual special moves that the characters have and
[13:51:29] stuff like that is kind of like the spice on top
[13:51:32] of it so most characters tend to be very
[13:51:34] good. And we have two
[13:51:36] new characters shown on screen, we have Midori
[13:51:38] and Setsuna. Alright here
[13:51:40] we go game one! Yeah we have Caveman picking the patented Midori.
[13:51:44] Very aggressive, very in-your-face, likes to rush you down.
[13:51:48] Used advancing specials
[13:51:50] to try and go into like cinematic
[13:51:53] special animations, and do damage that way.
[13:51:56] And then Shetsuna is more of a well-balanced all rounder
[13:51:59] has good projectiles can also scrap with the sword
[13:52:02] close range but yeah we're seeing midori's dive kick
[13:52:05] uh taking priority over a lot of different um interactions as well kind
[13:52:09] of like a rushdown grappler style absolutely
[13:52:13] that's like that's definitely a character that speaks to me
[13:52:15] most, and I'm really excited to see Caveman
[13:52:16] working at full power here. When he was teaching
[13:52:18] me the game, I mean, I could tell Brother
[13:52:20] was not trying, right? So I'm really
[13:52:22] excited to see him go in just full bore and what he's capable of.
[13:52:24] I am fully confident in saying that no one has played this game
[13:52:28] In the world more than Cavemane
[13:52:30] A double stun, that is one thing that is interesting about Midori
[13:52:33] Is her stun is a little bit lackluster in certain
[13:52:36] scenarios, but the one priority
[13:52:37] benefit that it does have is that
[13:52:40] it will take priority over certain
[13:52:42] trades where both players will get stunned.
[13:52:44] So if you're doing a stun war, at the very least
[13:52:47] you have to rely on the fact that
[13:52:49] all players are going to be stunned.
[13:52:50] And one thing that's important about stuns
[13:52:53] is that you can mash out of suns
[13:52:54] to get out of the actual stun itself faster.
[13:52:56] Oh, but that was not safe!
[13:52:58] The counter special able to knock down.
[13:53:01] That's going to be my next question.
[13:53:02] I saw Caveman rapidly shaking his hands when he was stunned.
[13:53:04] I did not know you could mash out of it.
[13:53:06] Yep. There are a couple of mashing minigames shaking his hands when he was stunned i did not know you could mash out of it yep uh there's a
[13:53:08] couple of matching mini games that may come up uh being stung is one of them if you see both
[13:53:14] players running side by side that can happen oh. Ooh, a very advanced technique there.
[13:53:19] The jab-jab into stun combo and then doing
[13:53:22] a quick turnaround to get the back grab
[13:53:24] for a little bit of extra damage.
[13:53:25] This is how you know he's playing on another level
[13:53:28] because he thinks about being able to eke out
[13:53:30] every last drop of damage in every situation.
[13:53:33] It's what makes him so deadly as a competitor,
[13:53:35] something that would only be like 10 interactions for one player. Caveman
[13:53:40] is able to take down an opponent
[13:53:42] in like 6. Is JabJab into stun?
[13:53:44] Like, is that true? It depends on
[13:53:46] the situation. So there are
[13:53:47] a counter hit mechanic in this game.
[13:53:49] If you hit somebody out of a special attack
[13:53:52] of their own, they'll go into a crumple state where
[13:53:54] they land on the floor.
[13:53:56] During that period of time
[13:53:58] They are vulnerable to true combos. Otherwise
[13:54:01] all combos kind of turn into mix-ups where
[13:54:03] it's like okay am I going to finish my combo string
[13:54:05] and expect you to press buttons?
[13:54:07] Nice smash in the counter.
[13:54:09] Yeah we are seeing already incredibly aggressive
[13:54:13] and then going back to play back and forth.
[13:54:16] Back and forth is coming down to the wire here.
[13:54:18] Supers yeah three supers can maybe come into play.
[13:54:21] Supers are one way to get back into this game.
[13:54:23] Oh wow!
[13:54:24] Game 1!
[13:54:26] Game 1 to Kane.
[13:54:28] And this is a...
[13:54:30] Like miracle run really.
[13:54:33] Is this the best of five?
[13:54:35] This is going to be our first best of five in the tournament now that we are in the upper part
[13:54:37] of the bracket. This is
[13:54:39] winner's finals here. Both players
[13:54:41] are guaranteed to get at least third place um but the winner of this
[13:54:46] gets guaranteed top two as they sit in the grand finals right where they will have to
[13:54:50] uh sit pretty with at least two sets to work with.
[13:54:53] Now, character change from Caveman...
[13:54:55] Why do you think he went Achaea?
[13:54:56] I think Midori is a solid character
[13:54:58] but the more that we play this game
[13:55:00] it's clear that her weaknesses kind of
[13:55:03] get outweighed in certain situations.
[13:55:06] I think Setsuna might be a harder matchup because she has the sword,
[13:55:09] She has really strong projectiles and Endori is more of a rushdown character
[13:55:12] with needing to apply pressure and needing to apply mixups
[13:55:15] but Setsuna doesn't want to deal with any of that
[13:55:18] because of the priority on her moves and such.
[13:55:20] I see, I see.
[13:55:21] And Kay is a really good zoner as well.
[13:55:23] He has some of the strongest projectiles in the game.
[13:55:25] He also has a really strong gameplay
[13:55:26] because his sigils that he throws down on
[13:55:28] the floor, if you notice those, he has a blue
[13:55:30] one and he has a red one. If he ever hits
[13:55:32] the red one, he gets a free stock
[13:55:35] of meter which can kind of snowball into the situation.
[13:55:38] Oh wow! Cancels the ranged grab with a stun.
[13:55:40] Combos into the super! Massive damage.
[13:55:43] Wow! Huge comeback potential here.
[13:55:47] Kea does have one stock of meter,
[13:55:48] oh gets the confirm! Into the stun!
[13:55:50] Into the super!
[13:55:52] And that is going to be a knockdown.
[13:55:55] I love getting...
[13:55:56] I love when everybody does a super because they get to see the new animations that
[13:55:58] I haven't seen before.
[13:55:59] Oh yeah!
[13:56:00] There's so many beautiful animations of this game
[13:56:02] and we are seeing so many of them come out today
[13:56:04] I loved getting introduced to the Dan Ziver space
[13:56:07] Oh yeah it's a shame we don't see any dance divers
[13:56:10] here in the top floor because the space laser boy oh boy it is uh something to behold
[13:56:15] as a 20 second long grab animation but here already a very strong start i think the k pick is really
[13:56:22] paying off okay maybe just ever so slightly different way that uh cain is not really
[13:56:27] prepared for and you mentioned cane went on a miracle run,
[13:56:30] can you tell me more about that?
[13:56:31] I mean,
[13:56:32] Kane hasn't really
[13:56:33] been super active
[13:56:34] in the Evil Zone
[13:56:36] tournament scene,
[13:56:37] he's been MIA
[13:56:38] from a handful of GDQs
[13:56:39] so his story he was telling me at the beginning
[13:56:41] where he was expecting to maybe make it far
[13:56:43] but then lose to some of the tournament
[13:56:45] suspects. Like this guy right here
[13:56:47] But just putting his nose
[13:56:49] down to the grindstone playing a few games during the event
[13:56:52] and really kind of de-rusting
[13:56:53] his skills. And now he's sitting here
[13:56:55] in the Winners' Finals up again!
[13:56:58] Something that if you had asked him before this event
[13:56:59] I don't think he would have seen himself in this situation.
[13:57:02] It's looking like Kea would ask him before this event, I don't think he would have seen himself in the situation. Right, absolutely.
[13:57:05] It's looking like Kea is the answer here for Caveman though. Yeah, we'll see
[13:57:06] if maybe Kane is considering a different pick
[13:57:08] or maybe some sort of optimizations
[13:57:11] in his gameplay. Maybe he's trying to download some
[13:57:13] habits from Caveman to bring into
[13:57:15] the next game, or maybe... Yeah, I was
[13:57:17] going to say there is comeback potential with the
[13:57:19] stocks and meters on it. I saw how quickly he was building
[13:57:21] super there. That was wild. yeah yeah remember those red uh like little
[13:57:26] diamond things in the top is your stock of me or you can spend them for either the universal super
[13:57:30] or powered up ex versions of moves that do have invincibility.
[13:57:33] All right, here we go!
[13:57:34] And we are seeing a character switch coming out here.
[13:57:36] We're seeing the Errol coming out.
[13:57:38] I don't think I've seen this character once,
[13:57:40] so this is all going to be new to me.
[13:57:41] Oh yeah, Errol is a fan favorite
[13:57:43] of many high- uh gdq tournament winning uh players
[13:57:50] of this game uh legendarily mike uyama's name oh Oh, really? Okay, very cool.
[13:57:55] Mike Uyama, shoutouts.
[13:57:57] One of the top players,
[13:57:58] one of the few players
[13:57:59] to ever win an Evil Zone tournament
[13:58:01] here at GDQ.
[13:58:02] Yeah, I was going to say
[13:58:02] previous tournament winner
[13:58:03] Mike Uyama.
[13:58:04] Yeah, shoutouts.
[13:58:06] Arguably what he's known for.
[13:58:08] Oh yeah, I think like that's for... As far as I'm concerned, he only stunned Evilzone,
[13:58:11] right? Something like that, yeah. That's how I first
[13:58:12] heard of him. Yeah.
[13:58:14] Arrow is a strong character, Another sword-based fighter.
[13:58:17] The sword doesn't come into play too often.
[13:58:19] The thing that actually sticks out most about Errol
[13:58:21] is her laser special attack
[13:58:23] is one of the best lasers.
[13:58:25] There's a couple different like types of special attacks. There's standard project different types of special attacks, there's
[13:58:28] standard projectiles, there's projectiles with higher priority
[13:58:30] and then there's lasers. The lasers usually tend
[13:58:32] to be on the better side but they usually
[13:58:34] have a lot of end lag. Inerals for whatever reason
[13:58:36] doesn't so it makes it very, very scary
[13:58:38] but Kaya kind of just shutting it all down with his
[13:58:40] zoning. Very powerful specials
[13:58:43] like I said. The laser you're talking about, is that
[13:58:44] that red one? It's like a blue
[13:58:46] laser that'll come up from the ground and go out of that um but kane is actually
[13:58:50] going with a very different style of like trying to throw out a lot of stuns because their sun
[13:58:54] is also very decent as well it's the little white projectile that will come out okay yeah
[13:58:57] it's like a standard fireball but it doesn't have a lot of end lag either
[13:59:00] Errol is also known for her
[13:59:02] snowball potential because
[13:59:04] she has one of the best EX moves in the entire
[13:59:06] game. Fully invincible charge across
[13:59:08] the screen. Oh! Caveman was able to
[13:59:10] fast out that stun that it didn't combo
[13:59:12] into a grab! Oh, and then a little bit
[13:59:15] of nerves coming out not getting the full punish there off the stun
[13:59:17] finally gets the grab there
[13:59:18] but still all of that pressure did do a chunk
[13:59:21] of damage to Caveman. It might not have been optimal
[13:59:23] but he's still on the bad foot here! Uh-oh!
[13:59:25] Gets the knockdown but doesn't control it.
[13:59:27] Oh, doesn't punish with the grab there off
[13:59:29] of the special. Okay see that's done now oh and it's coming down to
[13:59:33] the wire here another grab for caveman into the stun this should be a if the grab connects
[13:59:38] and we were coming down to the final round here in game number three is this the third
[13:59:44] gaming no i don't think last one did okay yeah it is right now one game for kane one
[13:59:50] day per game for caveman and the winner of this is going to have the advantage in the set
[13:59:54] it is best uh three out of five so first to get to three wins will be
[13:59:59] the winner of the set a critical game three oh yeah you never want to go down in the center because ideally
[14:00:06] you just want to win 3-0 you know absolutely we're getting fantastic zone gameplay here and
[14:00:11] i couldn't be happier Would you say that the
[14:00:14] evil zoners at GDQ are
[14:00:15] the best Evil Zone
[14:00:15] players in the world?
[14:00:17] Oh,
[14:00:17] I would say so,
[14:00:18] yeah.
[14:00:18] That's pretty cool.
[14:00:19] think of...
[14:00:20] We have scoured
[14:00:22] the lands to try
[14:00:23] and find combo videos,
[14:00:25] technique video, any online place where people are talking about this game.
[14:00:29] And ultimately it keeps coming back
[14:00:30] to our community, our tournaments that we run.
[14:00:33] And there we go. Caveman sealing another game.
[14:00:36] I don't think the arrow was a terrible pick necessarily
[14:00:38] but you know, Caveman is
[14:00:40] a strong competitor. He's won many games
[14:00:42] and he has won so many tournaments
[14:00:43] leading up to this point right here.
[14:00:46] Staring at each other, giving each other I think it's a good thing. We've seen some of the best tournaments leading up to this
[14:00:48] point right here, so
[14:00:50] staring at each other giving
[14:00:51] each other will stare down
[14:00:52] Canes thinking about it.
[14:00:54] Yeah, I don't think this is
[14:00:55] a bad choice necessarily. A couple of things going differently and it could have went his way
[14:00:57] We haven't even seen all of Errol's kit yet either
[14:00:59] Oh, but immediately we saw the red
[14:01:01] sigil giving him that Sock-O-Meter
[14:01:03] immediately comboing the stun then using
[14:01:05] the super for a half health combo this is what makes chaos such a scary
[14:01:09] uh tournament character oh gets a counter stun runs up into the grab and i think kane
[14:01:15] might be able to stabilize here yes you, and you cannot mess with that move.
[14:01:20] That is what makes Daryl so scary as a comeback character.
[14:01:22] If she has meter, she could say,
[14:01:23] I don't know what else to do.
[14:01:25] I'm going to go invincible instead of...
[14:01:26] That was an absurd-looking attack.
[14:01:27] You cannot mess with it,
[14:01:28] It is fully invincible and has essentially zero end lag
[14:01:30] so you can't punish it
[14:01:31] If Arrow wants to stall the game out
[14:01:33] with that move she can
[14:01:34] It does cost meter
[14:01:35] So she can't do it indefinitely
[14:01:36] But it's really scary to go up against
[14:01:38] You kinda just have
[14:01:39] to block it out and eat the chips oh and that stun might do it for round
[14:01:43] number one here on the caveman kane's gonna have to change something
[14:01:46] up if he does not want to see any losers bracket this soon and caveman's on match point right now
[14:01:52] oh yeah fantastic gameplay so far i could not be happier with the showcase
[14:01:57] oh and yeah that move from k is also as we have discovered this week one of the strongest projectiles in the game
[14:02:03] It comes out very quickly
[14:02:04] it catches sidesteps has very little end like he only downsides that only catches a very specific range but caveman's gotten so good at playing in that mid-range
[14:02:12] playing to the very edge of that special
[14:02:14] attack. He's so good with that sigil too
[14:02:16] Yeah, one of the things I also like about
[14:02:18] Caveman's gameplay, wow getting the donut
[14:02:20] grab there. Incredible!
[14:02:21] The thing that I like about him is he's not afraid to do jumping attacks
[14:02:24] because it's one of the options
[14:02:27] we've considered kind of bad, a little bit laggy
[14:02:30] maybe a little telegraphed But if you time it right
[14:02:33] you can jump over somebody's projectile
[14:02:35] Oh I think that's it
[14:02:36] Yeah I think that is going to be it
[14:02:39] I don't want to call it too soon
[14:02:40] There it is!
[14:02:44] Well played, gentlemen. Killing with the super. Caveman moves on
[14:02:48] to the grand finals attempting to win his own tournament yet
[14:02:52] again his own tournament yet again
[14:02:56] i think we have over 10 tournament wins under your belt caveman
[14:03:00] embrace me he says oh you love to see camaraderie amongst the PlayStation Nation.
[14:03:09] All right.
[14:03:09] So we're going to have Olimra versus Kane coming up here.
[14:03:13] Yeah.
[14:03:13] And while they're getting set up, Argic, how are you feeling
[14:03:15] about these matches so far?
[14:03:16] Absolutely loving it.
[14:03:17] It's been amazing.
[14:03:18] Hi, hi!
[14:03:19] How are you doing?
[14:03:19] Hi, Argic.
[14:03:20] Hey.
[14:03:20] I was having so much fun
[14:03:21] that I looked straight ahead
[14:03:22] in your right there.
[14:03:23] Yeah.
[14:03:23] How lovely.
[14:03:24] It's amazing.
[14:03:24] Like seeing these games
[14:03:25] come out.
[14:03:25] You're saying it's a GDQ staple, it absolutely is because I'm hearing over the pond
[14:03:29] but we've got some love in the donations here as well.
[14:03:31] We have a $50 donation from Dan Ziver, the ultimate hero that says good evening
[14:03:37] this is Kaya. I have an interesting
[14:03:40] letter that says a group of gamers
[14:03:41] are gathering donations for
[14:03:43] Doctors Without Borders and would like
[14:03:45] my advice. Well, Doctors Without B borders is a fine charity so i recommend that
[14:03:50] everyone in the audience donate five dollars i couldn't agree more yeah let's hear for a five
[14:03:55] dollar train maybe we can get those going.
[14:03:58] Absolutely.
[14:03:59] And then you were mentioning about community as well.
[14:04:02] We have a $10 donation here from Paul Kitsune that says... As the GM who gave this game out at Cuso Grande 8,
[14:04:06] I'm so happy to see people who actually know
[14:04:09] how to play a fighting game with a single
[14:04:11] attack button and all
[14:04:13] the anime. Shoutouts to Kuse
[14:04:15] Grande. Shoutouts. If there's one thing
[14:04:17] I've learned coming to GDQs, is you can always...
[14:04:19] Like, there are...
[14:04:20] There's no group of people that are more knowledgeable
[14:04:22] about obscure random PS1 and Nintendo games from the 90s.
[14:04:26] It's great.
[14:04:26] Oh, of course.
[14:04:27] Speaking of,
[14:04:28] I think our competitors are ready to get into that next match.
[14:04:31] Let's go.
[14:04:32] We have Olimra versus Kane here in the losers' finals.
[14:04:38] Ready to go?
[14:04:39] Oh yeah.
[14:04:39] All right.
[14:04:40] Getting right into it. See Ihidoka versus Setsuna2. We're ready to go? Oh yeah. Alright!
[14:04:40] Getting right into it, seeing IHedoka versus Setsuna
[14:04:42] two of the most powerful characters in the game
[14:04:44] going up against each other
[14:04:46] like we said earlier
[14:04:47] IHedoka is
[14:04:48] the boss character this game
[14:04:49] so she does a ton of damage on
[14:04:52] her special moves.
[14:04:56] Her special moves also have very high priority
[14:04:58] For example if you ever see the orange
[14:05:00] fireball come out from Ihodoka,
[14:05:02] that move, you cannot mess with it. It has infinite
[14:05:04] priority. It beats every other special in the game.
[14:05:07] The main downside of
[14:05:08] Ihodoka however, she is the boss character, she's rather
[14:05:10] clunky, rather slow.
[14:05:12] Uh, she does a lot of damage
[14:05:13] but uh,
[14:05:14] she can struggle to get in
[14:05:15] sometimes if you zone her out
[14:05:16] so...
[14:05:18] Oh and then we see
[14:05:18] another thing happening there!
[14:05:20] This is crazy!
[14:05:20] Setsuna,
[14:05:21] one of the few characters
[14:05:22] to actually low profile during certain
[14:05:24] animations. Oh that's so cool. When she does her
[14:05:26] sword attack, she kind of pancakes into the ground
[14:05:28] and she can go under other specials.
[14:05:30] Yeah it's one of the things that makes Setsuna such a
[14:05:32] tricky character to really pin down.
[14:05:34] And Kane kind of has Elimera on their last ropes right here in this first round
[14:05:38] Oh the counter grab next knockout is gonna do it, yeah
[14:05:42] One thing that's important to note about this game
[14:05:44] in order to actually
[14:05:45] eliminate the player
[14:05:46] for the round
[14:05:47] you have to knock them down.
[14:05:48] There is no individual hit
[14:05:49] that will lead their HP
[14:05:51] to zero.
[14:05:52] Their back has
[14:05:53] to hit the floor.
[14:05:53] I had no idea.
[14:05:54] Okay, hence being called Knockdown. Okay. Yep, but Knockdown has to hit the floor. I had no idea. Okay, hence being called knockdown.
[14:05:56] Okay.
[14:05:56] Yep, the knockdown
[14:05:57] has to be a part of it.
[14:05:58] Oh, tech into the crab!
[14:05:59] Like I said,
[14:05:59] it is such a tight window
[14:06:00] to hit.
[14:06:01] These players are prepared
[14:06:02] to give like
[14:06:03] the best showing
[14:06:04] so far.
[14:06:07] Oh, the jab-jab grab but the counter
[14:06:08] grab showing that it's not a real combo.
[14:06:10] There are options against it. Also...
[14:06:13] Okay, I can't... Wait. Okay.
[14:06:15] How do you say her name?
[14:06:16] E-Hagoka.
[14:06:17] I always just called her Ball Girl.
[14:06:18] Oh yeah.
[14:06:18] She's had a lot of balls.
[14:06:20] Oh yeah.
[14:06:20] Her balls are very
[14:06:21] very powerful.
[14:06:24] What?
[14:06:24] One thing I can't...
[14:06:25] What did I say?
[14:06:26] One thing I can't
[14:06:26] get over with her is when she gets up,
[14:06:28] she just turns invisible.
[14:06:29] Yes that's one of the things that is trickier about
[14:06:31] Ehadoka and Kakarine as well
[14:06:33] The mystical ghost spirit girls of the game
[14:06:36] Their animations are very tricky because they're meant to in
[14:06:39] the lore of the game ihadoka is a being that is able to exist in multiple dimensions there
[14:06:44] are the balls coming out right there i love them lying they're very powerful yes
[14:06:47] i learned not the hard way yeah no staring down hodoka and her
[14:06:51] powerful balls it is a sight you do not face lightly here in the evil zone checking out of
[14:06:56] every grab oh my god kane is gaming right now that's a lot of two frame windows to hit
[14:07:00] right there oh yeah especially under situation yeah and it's not like you know in speed running
[14:07:04] when you have a two-frame trick coming up it's like okay i can prepare myself this
[14:07:07] is a fighting game on reaction You are playing against another player who
[14:07:10] is trying to defeat you, so you just have to
[14:07:12] be ready for it and I think those reactions are amazing.
[14:07:16] Oh there's the balls
[14:07:16] coming down. They have very high priority
[14:07:18] they beat almost every projectile in the game.
[14:07:22] Oh, I do like that flying dive attack as well from Ihidoka.
[14:07:25] It's kind of her one way to say,
[14:07:27] I'm a slow character but I can get in with this one attack.
[14:07:29] It's a little telegraphed, I would say,
[14:07:31] but it's still very powerful if it hits.
[14:07:34] And essentially behind the other player too, is that right?
[14:07:37] Oh yeah, and if it hits,
[14:07:38] it also essentially gives you a free counter hit
[14:07:40] regardless of what the player is doing.
[14:07:42] The balls are powerful, I'm telling you!
[14:07:45] Oh and yep it goes for the powered up EX
[14:07:47] It does a little bit chip damage so
[14:07:49] even if it just does the chip damage that could end up mattering
[14:07:53] Oh he has those Deluxe V long screen grab because of the projectiles. One more hit for a Libra
[14:07:57] Cicero has two bars of speed
[14:07:59] meter and the grab is gonna
[14:08:01] do it.
[14:08:06] Game 1 goes to Elimra.
[14:08:12] Again, this is another best of 5 first-to-3 here at the Losers' Finals.
[14:08:17] We might see a character change or or nope they're running it back i like to see it these are again two of the best characters in the game so i don't think you're gonna find a better
[14:08:21] character on the character select screen than these three.
[14:08:24] And clearly they both, it was working for both of them.
[14:08:27] Those were 3 consecutive very close rounds.
[14:08:29] Oh yeah! I mean sometimes it just comes down to conditioning you know?
[14:08:32] This is a game like I said said, that is very well balanced.
[14:08:35] So it's just the difference between mixing up your approaches,
[14:08:38] mixing up your pressure, knowing when to have
[14:08:41] a hard read on your opponent and really try and punish him.
[14:08:44] If you're going to stand there and block my pressure, well a grab is
[14:08:47] going to open you up. If I think they're going to start mashing
[14:08:49] I can just sidestep those mash attempts
[14:08:51] and do a projectile of my own
[14:08:52] There's a lot of depth in a game like this
[14:08:54] And would you say there are any matchups that are just, like, not
[14:08:57] winnable or really bad, even at this level?
[14:09:00] At the top level, no. I think
[14:09:01] most characters are pretty well balanced. There's a couple of the
[14:09:03] lower-end characters or a couple of the funkier
[14:09:05] matchups that we think are kind of rough. Dan Zyver, unfortunately
[14:09:08] we're not seeing him here. He is a fan favorite
[14:09:10] he's got the space laser and everybody loves him
[14:09:12] He is one of the characters I think has some
[14:09:14] of the more polarizing match ups in the game
[14:09:16] He was able to shut down some of
[14:09:17] the lower tier characters pretty
[14:09:18] hard, and then the stun into
[14:09:20] super is going to do a ton of
[14:09:21] damage.
[14:09:22] Iha Doka is going to get a stock
[14:09:23] of meter because that is another
[14:09:24] thing that does happen if your
[14:09:25] HP goes low enough.
[14:09:27] Nice.
[14:09:29] That's just a pure punish right there.
[14:09:30] A little too bad to do on that.
[14:09:33] But yeah, if you have a stock of meters, so essentially the yellow
[14:09:35] that comes in from their health bar,
[14:09:37] that's them charging their meter. If their health goes
[14:09:40] below the yellow part of the bar
[14:09:42] they'll just get the stock of meters.
[14:09:43] I always thought there was
[14:09:46] the meter breaking or something like that but that
[14:09:48] makes a lot more sense. Oh yeah! No it gives you the stock of meter
[14:09:50] so this game is actually kind of has a built in
[14:09:52] comeback mechanic in that way where if your health
[14:09:54] is lower, you charge meter faster up to
[14:09:56] the point where you get full stock of meter
[14:09:58] and those supers do so much damage.
[14:10:01] It's one of the most damaging ways
[14:10:02] to punish your opponent.
[14:10:04] Very cinematic angles here.
[14:10:07] Oh my goodness.
[14:10:09] Some of these grabs are some
[14:10:10] of the most ridiculous animations I've ever seen.
[14:10:12] Yeah we were talking about it in the practice room they really wanted to show love
[14:10:15] to the 3D animation available on the PlayStation of Xperia.
[14:10:20] It's a beautiful game in my opinion one of the most beautiful on the playstation
[14:10:24] look at this everybody wow okay
[14:10:31] and came here trying to find the answer, take a game of his own.
[14:10:36] These matches are going by real fast too.
[14:10:38] Yeah they are.
[14:10:38] These are very aggressive players like because Evil Zone you might think
[14:10:42] you might notice there's no timer
[14:10:44] Like couldn't she just run away forever?
[14:10:46] Well because every character has full screen grabs
[14:10:48] and projectiles it gets really scary to do that
[14:10:50] They're both fully invincible for a while
[14:10:52] but then Kayn doesn't want that interaction the chip isn't going to do
[14:10:54] enough it needs to be knocked down the grab puts them both down to one hit the first knockdown
[14:10:58] will do last kick oh he blocks in time and this is going to be game three here.
[14:11:08] So it looks like that projectile has more priority?
[14:11:11] Oh, yeah.
[14:11:12] The little yellow fireball,
[14:11:13] It's one of the best projectiles in the game.
[14:11:14] The only things I can beat it is cinematics the little yellow fireball it's one of the best projectiles in the game the
[14:11:15] only things that can beat it is uh
[14:11:16] cinematics uh specials and you have to
[14:11:18] like sidestep in order to even do that
[14:11:20] okay tsuna does have a cinematic
[14:11:21] special with her sword attack so if
[14:11:23] the sword hits it'll go into an
[14:11:25] animation and that like overrides a lot of things.
[14:11:27] Oh, and wow!
[14:11:29] Gets the knockdown into the wake-up
[14:11:31] in to grab. An exclamation
[14:11:33] there from Kane was not happy
[14:11:35] about that I don't think.
[14:11:36] It was a very, very frustrating situation. You felt like you were in the driver's seat.
[14:11:39] You get hit by the balls and your grab gets canceled
[14:11:42] and then you get counter grabbed.
[14:11:44] That is a big swing of damage.
[14:11:46] Can we do a ball donation training? you get counter grabbed, that's a big swing in damage.
[14:11:49] Can we get a balls donation train? I would love to hear how the people at home are feeling about
[14:11:52] E-Hodoka's balls and how powerful they are.
[14:11:55] I mean, that's going to come in,
[14:11:57] that should be fun to read off but we do have a $50 donation from MyHeroZero
[14:11:59] that says EVIL DOME LET'S GOOOO!
[14:12:01] Let's gooo!
[14:12:02] Glad to hear the people at home are loving this gameplay and it is coming down to The Wire yet again
[14:12:07] This is... Oh possibly going to do it, maybe?
[14:12:11] Sajam will he kill?
[14:12:13] No! Just barely not enough.
[14:12:18] Oh yes, the knockdown.
[14:12:19] You love to see it.
[14:12:20] Fist pump from Kane.
[14:12:21] He is feeling it.
[14:12:22] He has evened out the score.
[14:12:26] While you're getting set up for the next round here we do have people coming in
[14:12:29] here who have a $20 donation from blue bowl comments that says i've been
[14:12:32] playing evil zone since i was wee and seeing it played on the main stage at sgq
[14:12:37] and hearing them music brought back so many great memories. All the best
[14:12:41] to these brave fighters and lots of love
[14:12:43] from Scotland. Nice
[14:12:45] Love to hear it. Love to hear
[14:12:47] Argic reading that too
[14:12:48] It's actually Argic self inserting into Oh, yeah.
[14:12:51] It's actually Argic self-inserting into the donations right there, yeah?
[14:12:55] He's shaking his head at us.
[14:12:58] All right so here we are game three and once again a critical game
[14:13:01] three both players on with the game of peace yeah i mean
[14:13:04] there are still you know two minimum games to work with here but you don't want to let it get that
[14:13:09] far with both uh having a match under their belt.
[14:13:12] Both players are going to want to seal it out
[14:13:14] as soon as possible here,
[14:13:15] because this is the most fierce competition I will say
[14:13:18] in the 10 years
[14:13:19] I have been watching people play this game
[14:13:21] nearly ten years of Evil Zone.
[14:13:24] This is the highest level of gameplay we've ever
[14:13:26] seen. And something I will note,
[14:13:28] this was the biggest tournament
[14:13:30] ever at a GDQ. Is that right? We
[14:13:32] have had the most sign-ups, at least as far
[14:13:33] as we can confirm. This was the largest tournament in GDQ history
[14:13:37] It is all coming down to this showcased on the mainstream
[14:13:40] You'll love to see it
[14:13:42] Get another cinematic grab here, very anime.
[14:13:48] And I've noticed that depending on where the players are
[14:13:51] in the stage for the same animation they'll have different camera angles.
[14:13:55] Oh yeah! This game has a dynamic camera system
[14:13:58] it's one of those things that makes
[14:14:00] some of the most hyped moments in GTA 3
[14:14:02] just like that! Low profiling under
[14:14:05] the fireball, able to
[14:14:07] get a counterstun. Wow!
[14:14:09] Taking out of the grab. Oh my god, Kane came to play.
[14:14:11] Kane is cooking right now.
[14:14:12] Oh, sidesteps the raw super, gets a countergrab
[14:14:15] gets to charge a little bit of meter. It's one of the things that makes grabs so potent
[14:14:17] in this game is while other characters
[14:14:19] knock down you can charge a meter and set up pressure
[14:14:21] and get another knockdown!
[14:14:24] And Kane with a quick match right there
[14:14:26] Yeah that was probably one of the most dominant matches we've seen,
[14:14:30] I think, period so far.
[14:14:31] Oh yeah, you'll love to see it.
[14:14:33] And okay, character change it is.
[14:14:35] How are the people feeling at home so far?
[14:14:37] People are absolutely loving it. We have a $5 donation from Kysis that says here are the $5 bills that Kaeya uses for his super.
[14:14:44] Pouring that of course towards The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time bonus game.
[14:14:49] 34000 on that one.
[14:14:50] Please keep your donations coming in for it and the love for Evilzone as well.
[14:14:55] I'm so happy to see so much love for this game
[14:14:58] And I would love to see that love extended into the
[14:15:00] bonus game for Ocarina of Time. I want to see that
[14:15:02] personally, but for now we do have
[14:15:04] yet the next match here at Evil Zone
[14:15:06] Losers Finals! This is
[14:15:08] nearly all the marbles, you know?
[14:15:10] If you want to make it close to...
[14:15:12] Yeah, if you want to make the run back
[14:15:13] two cavemen sitting pretty in grand
[14:15:15] finals, you're going to have to win this match
[14:15:17] here and Kane's looking quite poised
[14:15:19] to do so but so far this round's not necessarily going his way.
[14:15:22] He does have one stock of meter and close to a second stock as well.
[14:15:25] Oh! The counter stun! They both go back to neutral.
[14:15:32] Sorta tanky there. faster yeah they both go back to neutral
[14:15:37] sword attack clips oh that probably might not have been the best play oh but this is really yeah that's gonna be a knock down
[14:15:41] all right another ka pick and it's working here Oh yeah, that's gonna be a knockdown.
[14:15:43] Alright another Kea pick and it's working here
[14:15:46] Yeah I really do like the development of Kea recently
[14:15:49] A character that we knew was strong but not a lot of people picked him up
[14:15:53] But now we're seeing him nearly at the highest level of gameplay. That's something I wanted to ask you about. You mentioned earlier, you didn't know
[14:15:55] how powerful he was until this
[14:15:57] tournament? Yeah, there's just
[14:15:59] not been a lot of very high-level
[14:16:01] players that have messed around with Kaya.
[14:16:04] I think Caveman having a pocket k has kind of helped develop the meta we kind of sat down and
[14:16:07] was like okay we know kay is strong but like how
[14:16:10] strong is he but then once we realized this game plan really was That mid-range zoning, very powerful
[14:16:15] Projectiles using the priority to his advantage
[14:16:17] Like we were seeing that he really
[14:16:19] Is a tournament threat you know
[14:16:20] Our mental tier list of this game
[14:16:22] Is like changing in real time. That's so
[14:16:25] fascinating that even after all this time, yeah
[14:16:27] the meta is still developing and y'all are still finding out
[14:16:29] new things about these characters that you've been playing with
[14:16:31] in this niche little game for such a long time
[14:16:33] I think it just comes down to how well balanced and well designed
[14:16:36] this game is, you know? You hear
[14:16:38] fighting game with two buttons, you think oh it's probably
[14:16:40] going to get solved in like two seconds. No!
[14:16:42] I did not expect the complex game when I sat down
[14:16:44] and then here we are. Oh yeah. Oh, and then cancels
[14:16:46] out of the grab animation with a projectile still
[14:16:48] flying through the air! The fact that every
[14:16:50] character has projectiles at range
[14:16:52] and grabs at range really changes
[14:16:54] the combat dynamic so much in this game.
[14:16:56] All right, we're going to the third round here.
[14:16:59] The Limer trying to push a Game 5.
[14:17:01] Otherwise, this might be a Limer's tournament life here.
[14:17:05] Kane on match point. he's been feeling it the whole set see if
[14:17:10] you can lock in here oh yeah i love to see some good evil zone
[14:17:15] neutral here yep full screen backing away from each other like no we have projectiles
[14:17:20] or we can get in close grapple style get the grabs going i just love how the game plays it's
[14:17:25] such dynamic ranges going in and out, sidesteps, jumps.
[14:17:29] They really are never safe.
[14:17:31] It's a game where you can feel pressure at all
[14:17:33] levels of the screen, anywhere
[14:17:35] on the screen, at any moment. And they're matching each other
[14:17:37] blow for blow here. Yeah, health-wise this is as even
[14:17:40] as it gets neither of them have super meter oh cancel out of the grab yet again
[14:17:44] oh this is a pressure string but the counter grab gets the knockdown there like
[14:17:48] dead even in health gets the grab one stock of meter for satsuna
[14:17:55] not enough one more knock down will do it but let's see what
[14:17:58] came out he does have super available one stunning to super will definitely do it
[14:18:05] game five wow i could not have asked for a better showcase.
[14:18:11] That was awesome.
[14:18:13] Now that we chat,
[14:18:14] we got ourselves a massive $500 donation from TMS Lift.
[14:18:18] This is what a week it's been already.
[14:18:21] Good luck Kane. Ooh. Ooh. what a week it's been already good luck kane we're getting some loving from the players here as well
[14:18:28] all right oh alimbra taking off taking off the jacket
[14:18:31] here we go it's hot up on the stage.
[14:18:33] It really does when you're gaming this hard.
[14:18:37] Alright and here we go game five at switch to is it Errol? Yep
[14:18:41] We have Errol. Errol versus Kaeya.
[14:18:44] This is a matchup that I think
[14:18:46] is really underdeveloped like this might be
[14:18:48] the handbook that we go back to
[14:18:50] try and figure out how this matchup
[14:18:52] is supposed to be played. History being written right in front of us, yeah?
[14:18:55] Two lesser-played characters but being played at the highest level here.
[14:18:59] This is like never before seen anywhere in the world high-level gameplay.
[14:19:03] I mean, I'm having so much fun and this is kind of like my first time
[14:19:06] so to speak.
[14:19:07] I can only imagine as somebody that has been running these tournaments
[14:19:10] and playing this game for such a long time how this must feel for you?
[14:19:13] How cool?
[14:19:14] I am glowing right now.
[14:19:15] I'm so happy.
[14:19:16] I've been nonstop smiling since
[14:19:17] I've been sitting on this couch.
[14:19:19] This tournament alone even like
[14:19:21] backstage in the tournament room
[14:19:22] we were seeing brand new
[14:19:23] interactions happening.
[14:19:24] It being the largest tournament
[14:19:25] that we have ever run mean it being the largest tournament
[14:19:26] we've ever run being the largest tournament ever at a gdq
[14:19:28] like it just goes to show how much got that match
[14:19:31] we are able to get people together for just having fun
[14:19:35] enjoying the community,
[14:19:36] getting together for a good cause.
[14:19:38] It's one of things that makes GDQ such a special time
[14:19:40] of year for us gamers and we love to see it.
[14:19:45] A lot of zoning in this game.
[14:19:46] Honestly, that is a tough game to play I feel like.
[14:19:50] Oh the laser is barely not getting out in time!
[14:19:52] It's one of those things
[14:19:53] that makes the laser very powerful up close
[14:19:55] but at that range it doesn't necessarily have
[14:19:57] the speed to compete with certain specials
[14:20:00] yeah looked like a limerick was on his back oh yeah there oh but doesn't block every single
[14:20:04] hit whoa one of the things that makes Errol so scary,
[14:20:09] that EX Spin to Win as we like to call it.
[14:20:14] You cannot mess with that move
[14:20:15] It has a ton of different hits
[14:20:16] and has a bunch of priority
[14:20:17] its invincible the whole time
[14:20:18] it can true combo into her laser for big,
[14:20:20] big damage.
[14:20:21] It's honestly a winning strategy that has seen play from
[14:20:25] Mikuyama of all people.
[14:20:26] It's one of the things that defined his tournament run and
[14:20:29] his winning tournament in, I believe
[14:20:30] it was AGDQ 2019?
[14:20:33] I might be wrong on that. It was one of those.
[14:20:36] Also how cool that y'all have
[14:20:37] so much history with this.
[14:20:38] That's a lot of GDQs over nine nine years yeah we've been running so many of these events and i'm
[14:20:43] so happy to finally showcase it on the mainstream for you lovely people
[14:20:47] i'd be very interested to hear how the people are feeling at home
[14:20:50] people are absolutely loving it how are people are feeling at home. People are absolutely loving it.
[14:20:52] How are people feeling in the crowd?
[14:20:55] Yeah,
[14:20:56] it is live here. We've got a $5,000
[14:20:58] donation from Zone Bridget that says,
[14:20:59] Oh my God! I used to play the heck out of Evil Zone.
[14:21:03] I just didn't recognize the name at all.
[14:21:05] This was an absolute blast from the past
[14:21:07] and a ton of fun to watch.
[14:21:09] Oh, that grab
[14:21:11] might be the swing
[14:21:13] that Kane needs in life because at this point
[14:21:16] if Kane gets one more knockdown
[14:21:17] that's going to be the set.
[14:21:19] Let's see if a Lymrah can get a knock down here
[14:21:22] goes for the EX.
[14:21:23] Those EXs are invincible.
[14:21:25] I think that's going to be not enough
[14:21:27] for the knockdown.
[14:21:28] Oh, my goodness!
[14:21:28] I can't believe it.
[14:21:30] Oh, and the laser is going
[14:21:31] to do a chunk of damage.
[14:21:32] Tries to jump in. Oh, combo into laser's gonna do a chunk of damage. Tries to jump in!
[14:21:33] Oh! Combo into grab!
[14:21:36] Oh!
[14:21:37] And he is coming down
[14:21:38] to the final match here.
[14:21:41] Game five last round and a trip to grand finals on the line.
[14:21:46] I cannot emphasize this enough.
[14:21:48] A limer picked up this game this week and it's playing at
[14:21:51] the highest of levels like,
[14:21:53] This is incredible.
[14:21:54] I could not be happier another sigil here and the drama as it
[14:21:59] comes down to this last round oh yeah i can just feel the tension yet neither player wants to
[14:22:04] necessarily over commit here kind of slowing down
[14:22:06] the gameplay really trying to feel each other out oh but this stun counters the full screen grab
[14:22:10] it's one of things that makes full-screen grab not necessarily like as overwhelming as you might
[14:22:14] think is like you are vulnerable to projectiles when it's in the air.
[14:22:16] Don't get the combo into super!
[14:22:19] The stun combos into super is gonna be a ton of damage.
[14:22:21] Baseball?
[14:22:23] Shout out to peanut butter.
[14:22:25] Shout out baseball.
[14:22:27] And yet another full screen grab Shut up, baseball. Shut up, Kansas City.
[14:22:29] And yet another full screen grab.
[14:22:31] The pressure is overwhelming here.
[14:22:32] It's not going to be enough.
[14:22:34] Olimara takes off his headset.
[14:22:35] You're still in it, Olimara.
[14:22:36] You've just got to believe. This is a game where comebacks are more than
[14:22:39] possible the being able to charge meter when your hp is low does it so hard to finish this game
[14:22:44] finish out us around in this game it does require adown, but it is coming down to the wire! A little bit
[14:22:50] chip damage straight hits aren't going to do it jump in does get a hit into the combo backs off
[14:22:56] says i don't want to put myself in a risky situation with the mixup
[14:22:59] I'm not ready for.
[14:23:01] He's dodging so much into his stun!
[14:23:03] It's not over!
[14:23:08] Olimar just took off the headset
[14:23:09] To feel the crowd and how they're feeling about this match Olimar just took off the headset to feel
[14:23:09] The crowd and how they're feeling about this match
[14:23:13] As he comes down for the wire, just a straight hit
[14:23:16] And a knockdown!
[14:23:18] The move you talk so much about.
[14:23:20] It's a very powerful move, wow!
[14:23:23] Oh and a big ovation here from the crowd for Kane
[14:23:26] who just flushes that out.
[14:23:28] What a wonderful performance by the way.
[14:23:29] I have seen so much
[14:23:31] Evil Zone in my life. That is the most
[14:23:34] electric set I have ever seen
[14:23:36] legitimately. That is
[14:23:37] coming from a legend of the game as
[14:23:40] well as a newcomer. First event making it all
[14:23:42] the way to top three!
[14:23:44] Let's all hear for Olima...
[14:23:46] Standing ovation from the back couch, how about that?
[14:23:48] Well done to both of you.
[14:23:54] But, the tournament's not over.
[14:23:57] We do have grand finals after this... I feel like I hear Jaws music right now.
[14:23:59] ...versus The Electric,
[14:24:01] the many-m-time winner of
[14:24:04] Many Evil Zones, Caveman.
[14:24:12] Really? Truly the final boss.
[14:24:15] Boomy, he says!
[14:24:17] Truly the final boss of Evil Zone. You may think it's IhaDoka being able to consist in multiple dimensions at once, you know this spiel.
[14:24:25] Oh man! All roads lead to...
[14:24:27] What do I even say? Argic,
[14:24:29] help me. We got a $50 donation
[14:24:31] from Garry that says,
[14:24:33] I love Evil Zone! I grew up with the game first from a very limited demo disc
[14:24:37] then the full game and had never heard of anyone knowing about it until i heard
[14:24:41] all about it from agdq this year so hyped to it showcased on the big stage,
[14:24:46] Zerochakoo! And then we also have a $25 donation from Anonymous
[14:24:50] that just says WAIT WHAT THE HECK?! Now that I'm looking at it
[14:24:54] I played so much Evil Zone as a kid with my brothers.
[14:24:57] This is unlocking so many memories.
[14:25:00] Everybody is loving this.
[14:25:02] It is phenomenal right now.
[14:25:03] And we have a $25 donation from Jam SSS.
[14:25:05] You guys are doing amazing amazing here are five tickets for
[14:25:08] that $5 donation train awesome love to hear and as we get into our finals we
[14:25:14] are seeing a change of location here, as is tradition in Evil Zone
[14:25:18] tournaments. We are changing the stage
[14:25:21] to THE Evil Zone.
[14:25:23] Alright!
[14:25:25] Once these competitors
[14:25:26] are ready, they'll go ahead and lock in their characters.
[14:25:28] And we're getting ready for Grand Finals here at SGDQ 2024!
[14:25:33] Crowd how are you feeling?
[14:25:37] I'm so happy to see such an electric turnout here at SGDQ 2024.
[14:25:43] I could not be happier, as I've said many times
[14:25:45] I am non-stop smiling seeing the highest level of gameplay
[14:25:48] and oh man, the music is kicking in!
[14:25:50] Let's go!
[14:25:52] And so to be clear, Kane has to win two sets
[14:25:54] coming from the loser bracket. That is correct.
[14:25:56] Yes this is a double elimination bracket
[14:25:58] So once you've lost one set,
[14:26:00] you go into the lower bracket and since Caveman hasn't
[14:26:03] lost a set yet if for example Kane takes
[14:26:06] the first set, Caveman would then go into the lower bracket
[14:26:09] and they would rerun the set and then whoever wins that set would be
[14:26:11] the grand champion here oh another
[14:26:14] canceling out of four power but
[14:26:15] mashing out of that
[14:26:17] oh yeah i mean they're pulling out all
[14:26:19] the stops here and this has been a
[14:26:20] pretty slow grinding match so far.
[14:26:22] They are both
[14:26:22] going blow for blow
[14:26:24] with a little bit
[14:26:24] of pressure set up
[14:26:25] here off the grab
[14:26:26] charges up some meter
[14:26:27] tries to go
[14:26:27] for the raw super
[14:26:28] but gets counter-supered
[14:26:30] with the stun.
[14:26:31] Is this gonna do it? I feel like it should right yet another knockout off
[14:26:36] a super wow been working for him the whole tournament i mean it is probably the most
[14:26:41] damaging punish in the game it's one of those things that you fish for
[14:26:44] when you need to make a comeback.
[14:26:46] It's one of the things
[14:26:46] that makes the comeback mechanic
[14:26:48] of getting super earlier with lower health so powerful
[14:26:50] and another tech,
[14:26:52] but jumping over with Midori's dive kick it's what makes her
[14:26:54] such an aggressive character that divekick is
[14:26:56] uh very very powerful yeah that you can definitely tell the playstyle
[14:27:00] that caveman likes in the door just rushing down running full screen
[14:27:03] saying you have to deal with my moves
[14:27:05] one way or another. And I feel like
[14:27:07] two sets versus
[14:27:09] arguably the greatest in the game
[14:27:11] it's a tough ask right? But I'm wondering if
[14:27:13] the momentum coming off that emphatic game five win
[14:27:17] propelled Kane to victory here.
[14:27:18] So far, I mean it's looking good.
[14:27:20] Kane did take the first match so far and like
[14:27:24] you know, the HP is still even.
[14:27:26] There's a stock of meter for Setsuna.
[14:27:28] One stun into Super could do it.
[14:27:31] Oh yeah, we're seeing the spinny move from Setsuna.
[14:27:33] Another very powerful pressure move that she has.
[14:27:35] Stun!
[14:27:37] Into Super! And that's gonna do it. Wow. another very powerful pressure move that she has. The stun and the super!
[14:27:38] And that's going to do it.
[14:27:41] Wow, game one going to Kane here.
[14:27:43] Unless I'm lying, I am not lying.
[14:27:47] No lies detected. Game one goes over to Kane.
[14:27:50] Beautiful grand final so far.
[14:27:53] Coming from the loser's bracket.
[14:27:56] I made a big mistake!
[14:28:00] God, I love this game. How are the people at home feeling about
[14:28:02] the game so far? They're loving it as well
[14:28:04] We got a $50 donation from Thoragate
[14:28:06] that says always loved seeing some fighting games being represented
[14:28:09] at SGDQ. Especially
[14:28:11] the weird and wild ones.
[14:28:14] And we also have a $25 donation
[14:28:15] from Demi that says, love learning about this
[14:28:17] weird little fighting game on this corner of GDQ's live
[14:28:20] events now let's get ocarina of time and a quick update on that we are almost at 38 000
[14:28:26] out of the 100 000 for that you can do it twitch chat
[14:28:30] let's go love to see the love in the chat in person here
[14:28:34] for evil zone grand finals game number two
[14:28:37] and i can't believe it caveman switching switching to Ball Girl. Oh, yeah. Ehidoka
[14:28:41] considered one or two
[14:28:43] in the tier list. Being a boss
[14:28:45] character obviously has its advantages.
[14:28:47] Oh! A very powerful setup there with
[14:28:49] the dive-in but doesn't quite get the conversion oh but the grab
[14:28:54] misses getting a counter grab of his own it's one of the things that makes this like weird mid-range
[14:28:59] uh kind of difficult to deal with because if you're like one character length over,
[14:29:02] it's a full screen grab. You get the red circle on the ground
[14:29:05] but if your one step forward, it's a manual grab that requires
[14:29:08] that you actually connect with the opponent so when you're playing at
[14:29:11] that range, it's kind of like a game
[14:29:13] of chicken where you're like okay is my opponent going to throw
[14:29:15] out a special? Am I gonna throw out a special?
[14:29:18] Oh and they had another Sun into Super!
[14:29:21] It really is the story of this grand final so far.
[14:29:24] Stun into super for big damage,
[14:29:26] and that was enough to knock down No Way!
[14:29:28] And has stun at the super been
[14:29:29] every single one of his round wins so far?
[14:29:31] So far.
[14:29:32] I mean, it is the most damaging punish and Setsuna
[14:29:34] has one of the most powerful stuns in the game.
[14:29:36] Comes out super fast, doesn't have a ton of end lag
[14:29:38] It's just like an all-round
[14:29:40] very powerful move. And so the switch to
[14:29:42] ball go from Caveman, like you think he's trying
[14:29:44] to play something in the matchup or what do you think preempted this?
[14:29:47] I think it might just be that Midori is his comfort pick.
[14:29:50] He's always going to feel out of his opponent with Midori because
[14:29:53] he knows Midori so well but he knows that Ehidoka is the better character.
[14:29:56] Gotcha. And he has a very powerful Ehidoka. This
[14:29:58] Ehidoka has won many tournaments, probably the pioneer of the characters sitting in
[14:30:03] that chair right there being Caveman. So nobody knows this character better than him
[14:30:06] as a connoisseur of the game. Uh-oh,
[14:30:08] getting a little bit mixed up in his movement there but decides
[14:30:10] you know what? I got a stun. I'm just going to take the grab for damage.
[14:30:13] The one downside
[14:30:14] we'll say about Ehidoka is her stun projectile
[14:30:16] is the one that shoots forward
[14:30:18] and then up in a 45-degree angle.
[14:30:21] That 45-degree angle one
[14:30:22] will always come out,
[14:30:23] so if you land the first stun...
[14:30:25] Wow, there we go.
[14:30:26] Nice knockdown, love to see it. So if you land the first stun. Wow, there we go. Nice knockdown, love to see it.
[14:30:28] So if you land the first
[14:30:29] stun, it can oftentimes combo
[14:30:30] into the second stun that's at
[14:30:31] a 45-degree angle which will
[14:30:32] knock them down meaning
[14:30:33] they can't combo in super.
[14:30:35] Getting this super with
[14:30:36] IhaDoka is a lot harder but
[14:30:37] she has generally higher damage on her specials and better zoning ability.
[14:30:41] And obviously as we've seen the balls...
[14:30:42] Oh! But the ball's actually getting cancelled out by the stun there.
[14:30:45] I didn't think they came out fast enough.
[14:30:47] Oh, but the ranged grab is going to do a lot
[14:30:50] of damage here and i guess my next question especially since i'm seeing such abusive cape man
[14:30:56] does satsuna have any sort of answer for that big orange projectile?
[14:31:00] That's the thing.
[14:31:01] That is what makes Iha Doka such a formidable character,
[14:31:04] is that projectile is very powerful.
[14:31:07] You kind of can't answer it outside of just sidestepping it really
[14:31:10] um or like making a distance and blocking it
[14:31:13] uh-oh last legs here oh and the otg very very rare on the ground hit
[14:31:20] it doesn't happen in this game very often but caveman seems so very, very rare on-the-ground hit.
[14:31:21] It doesn't happen in this game very often, but Caveman's seen
[14:31:22] so many of this game's
[14:31:24] possible game states
[14:31:25] and knows exactly what to do there
[14:31:26] to finish out that round.
[14:31:28] A lovely round finisher.
[14:31:30] How for another character change, alright.
[14:31:32] We're getting another swap.
[14:31:34] Should we hear from the people back home?
[14:31:35] Let's hear from the people back home how they're feeling.
[14:31:37] People at home, we got a $10 donation
[14:31:39] from TempestMask1000.
[14:31:40] It says, I must say, Evil zone truly was the best thing to discover at agdq of
[14:31:45] this year so much though that i had to make time for coming back to sgv q props to the event
[14:31:50] for doing a first of its kind and showing such a tournament showcase on the main stage.
[14:31:54] Bless all of the Evilzone homies now and forever, until the next battle!
[14:31:59] You'll love to hear it.
[14:32:01] Alright, and it looks like we got double balls here.
[14:32:05] If you can't beat them, join them.
[14:32:09] This is something that I don't –
[14:32:11] I wasn't aware that Kane had an Ehudoka
[14:32:13] but maybe it might be just one of those moments
[14:32:15] like well, I know how to play the game.
[14:32:17] I know how Ehedoka works.
[14:32:18] She's very powerful so I'm going
[14:32:20] to take advantage of her powerful tools as well
[14:32:22] So that way I don't have to feel
[14:32:23] there is a character imbalance, it just comes down
[14:32:25] to head-to-head gameplay, can I outplay the types of plays
[14:32:29] you were doing in front of me? How many
[14:32:33] how many of these tournaments have been decided in a ball-goal mirror here at the end?
[14:32:38] Oh man, not very many to be honest. Usually mirror matches don't happen
[14:32:43] at the top end because you don't really like your match most
[14:32:47] time in games yeah cause certain interactions that
[14:32:49] you're expecting versus other characters don't necessarily happen
[14:32:52] um it also just comes down to that like people really are character loyalists
[14:32:56] uh most of the time in this game.
[14:32:57] I can understand why in a game like this.
[14:32:58] When you find the character
[14:32:59] that really does speak to you,
[14:33:01] you want to just showcase everything
[14:33:02] that they have to offer.
[14:33:04] But when you're going up
[14:33:06] against the final boss cave Caveman, who says,
[14:33:08] You know what? Character loyalty. I don't need that.
[14:33:10] I'm trying to win.
[14:33:11] I'm gonna pick the best character that is available to me.
[14:33:14] And we are seeing it here with already a little bit of an advantage for Caveman
[14:33:19] taking the first round and
[14:33:20] already another on-the-ground situation.
[14:33:23] Charges some meter, says I don't need to mess
[14:33:25] up those balls, I'm keeping them away from me. Doesn't get
[14:33:27] the hit after the stun there in the air.
[14:33:29] Oh, and the double fireball. They're full
[14:33:31] screen but they can still pressure each other.
[14:33:34] Oh, that's what I'm talking about. The stun
[14:33:35] hit. Right. But it comboed into the other hit of
[14:33:37] the stun which knocks them down. They don't get the full punish.
[14:33:40] Right here we're seeing yet another
[14:33:42] punish from Kane.
[14:33:44] Another different camera angle for this move.
[14:33:45] The dynamic camera angles do make
[14:33:48] this game so cinematic.
[14:33:49] So cool! The side step into...
[14:33:52] Wow that is a really damaging special.
[14:33:54] I've seen those specials so many times and it still shocks me how much damage they do.
[14:33:57] I got ruined by that move.
[14:34:00] This is definitely everyone's
[14:34:01] day one pick when they're playing this game
[14:34:03] and you tell them, yeah, this is the boss character. She does a ton
[14:34:05] of damage. Everyone's like, okay, I'm picking her.
[14:34:08] It also helps...
[14:34:09] I cannot relate to those people.
[14:34:12] It does help that she's also very stylish
[14:34:14] Look at these camera angles, look at these moves
[14:34:16] Who doesn't love the balls? Everyone loves the balls
[14:34:18] Still waiting on that balls donation train
[14:34:22] Oh and that's gonna do it for the game
[14:34:24] wow, that was fast
[14:34:26] I feel like that just kinda
[14:34:28] came out of nowhere
[14:34:36] so caveman is going to go to tournament point. Oh, yeah! I mean unless something changes,
[14:34:39] Kane is looking at a possible elimination here but choosing
[14:34:42] to go back.
[14:34:44] It's what was working for him, so I understand that.
[14:34:46] This may be the possible final
[14:34:48] game of the tournament. Let's hear
[14:34:50] one last time from the people back home. How
[14:34:52] are they feeling? Well we got a $50 donation
[14:34:54] from Casarashia that says
[14:34:56] just had to donate for the Ocarina of Time run
[14:34:58] I love that game with my whole heart
[14:35:00] and loving the Evil Zone addition
[14:35:02] to GDQ. might pick it up myself and then we have a 25 dollar
[14:35:07] donation from anonymous success amazing gameplay
[14:35:10] amazing commentary and hosting evils own hype and donation goes to host choice which of course Evil Zone hype. Hype.
[14:35:17] And donation goes to Host Choice,
[14:35:19] which of course is to our Ocarina of Time incentive.
[14:35:22] 39,000 everybody.
[14:35:23] It's going up.
[14:35:30] Keep it going and get hyped for these finals all right and as we say that yeah takes
[14:35:40] one more knockdown and that is going to be the end of this tournament, and Caveman would be the 50 most millionth win of his career at this point.
[14:35:42] Oh man.
[14:35:43] Kane's got a lock in here.
[14:35:45] Look, I'm not supposed to be biased on commentary,
[14:35:46] but I want Kane to win so bad
[14:35:48] Who doesn't want the Eagles own tournament
[14:35:50] to continue here right? Well not only that
[14:35:51] I don't want K-Man to win
[14:35:53] He's had enough wins in his career
[14:35:55] I'm just joking. I love both of these players,
[14:35:58] I wish they could
[14:35:58] both win but at the end
[14:35:59] of the day this is
[14:35:59] a competition and we
[14:36:01] are the ones winning
[14:36:01] getting this beautiful
[14:36:02] gameplay here
[14:36:03] and you love to see
[14:36:04] that sword special
[14:36:05] going into the cinematic
[14:36:06] getting a little bit
[14:36:06] charged
[14:36:07] oh knocks
[14:36:07] Hidoko away with a single slash
[14:36:09] text out of that grab! Wow, I love
[14:36:11] the text! That could have been a ton of damage
[14:36:13] this is a huge reversal, just checking
[14:36:15] with the singular jab projectile there
[14:36:17] oh but get hit with the donut grab Crab! That's to punish the sidesteps.
[14:36:21] It's beautiful that this
[14:36:22] game has built in punishes for
[14:36:24] people spamming sidesteps, people spamming moves
[14:36:26] like there is an in-game counter
[14:36:28] for almost everything so nothing is too oppressive.
[14:36:30] And I love that both players staying so aggressive.
[14:36:32] You're not seeing a hint of fear on either side.
[14:36:34] Oh, but that's the stun!
[14:36:35] Tries to combo into the balls,
[14:36:36] but it doesn't quite connect!
[14:36:37] This is the full screen grab.
[14:36:38] Oh, but gets hit there!
[14:36:40] That could be another situation jump in, but it's in there! There could be a knockdown situation jump-in
[14:36:41] But then The Mask comes through
[14:36:43] That's it!
[14:36:43] And that's gonna do it
[14:36:44] That's gonna do it
[14:36:45] He runs his own tournament and he wins it
[14:36:50] All jokes aside I wanna say I am so happy
[14:36:53] to have shown this off and I'm so proud of all
[14:36:57] of you for showing up for this event.
[14:36:58] Thank you all for making it so special for us.
[14:37:01] This is something that we've been wanting to do
[14:37:02] for such a long time. Thank you, Caveman, for finding this game and being
[14:37:06] so passionate about PlayStation Jank and getting us all here together
[14:37:10] to play some fun video games. We wouldn't be here without you,
[14:37:13] and thank you all yet again.
[14:37:15] Do we want to do a winner's ceremony real quick?
[14:37:17] All right, let's get all of our competitors
[14:37:19] up on the stage, please.
[14:37:20] Let's hear it for all of our competitors
[14:37:22] here in the top four. Evil Zone,
[14:37:24] The first-of-its kind, a beautiful showcase if I do say so myself
[14:37:28] and i want to say if you thought this was cool
[14:37:32] yeah come on over here yeah come on in come on in here. Come in! Let's get a good shot with the prize.
[14:37:34] Get in close if you want.
[14:37:36] If you thought this was cool
[14:37:38] if you had a good time
[14:37:40] if you wanna join in yourself
[14:37:42] come to a GDQ. There are so many things to do outside of the stream room.
[14:37:44] I entered this tournament for the first time, and it's going
[14:37:46] to go down as one of my favorite parts of the whole event.
[14:37:48] This really is going down in GDQ history.
[14:37:51] The first-of-its kind, a showcase of its ornament,
[14:37:53] seeing something that isn't necessarily just speedrunning but like
[14:37:57] a showcase of a community that was built out of the love of speedrunning
[14:38:01] built up to the love of GDQ finding a game we can all come together for oh i want to see what this is
[14:38:11] awesome yeah another poster that is the runner-up prize so
[14:38:14] the winner does get the signed glossy congratulations man second place
[14:38:22] all right let's hear it crowd let's hear it
[14:38:26] i couldn't be happier for the showcase.
[14:38:27] Thank you, Bri.
[14:38:28] Thank you everybody at home.
[14:38:29] Please keep donating.
[14:38:30] I want to see this number go to the moon here
[14:38:33] Number go up!
[14:38:34] For support for MSF.
[14:38:36] I could not be happier, and yet again,
[14:38:38] I just have no words. Just no words. I'm so happy.
[14:38:42] The excitement is brimming off you. Thank you so much
[14:38:44] for having me man. Yeah thank you all
[14:38:46] so much. This has been Evil Zone. Thank you GDQ!
[14:38:53] What is up GDQ?
[14:38:55] Welcome to the checkpoint. I hope you enjoyed your time
[14:38:57] in The Zone. I know I did. We have an
[14:39:00] excellent checkpoint stacked for you today.
[14:39:02] We're going to swing right through it.
[14:39:04] My name is Adaf. I am joined by the ever-delightful
[14:39:06] Ruby Hard Kung Fu Fruit Cup, and my
[14:39:08] good friend Danny B will be joining us. He is running Ocarina
[14:39:10] of Time, which is our third bonus game
[14:39:12] of the marathon. Get those donations in. The incentive
[14:39:14] is open right now. It's at just shy of $40,000.
[14:39:17] We need to raise $100,000 to that
[14:39:18] donate and make sure to add the incentive okay i want to talk about the runs coming
[14:39:23] up this evening ruby what do we got absolutely the very first one that i was so pumped about is
[14:39:27] the super mario world kaizo relay that coming up in just a little bit here.
[14:39:32] Yeah, please get hyped for that!
[14:39:34] The relay races are always such
[14:39:36] a huge mark of GDQ and I got to preview
[14:39:38] some of the levels earlier, especially level
[14:39:40] four. Do not miss it! It's anything from incredible
[14:39:43] and beautiful platforming to like incorporation of music and techno in a really interesting
[14:39:49] way. So this is going to be Groovy Goombas versus the funky fuzzies don't miss that
[14:39:56] i spoke this morning with the waka reverse runner that's mb1rs who's gonna do an incredible job
[14:40:01] i've got to see them practice as well, actually. So that was
[14:40:04] a really wonderful moment seeing them come together
[14:40:06] again. We talked about it. It's a really, really cool rhythm
[14:40:08] game and the whole arcade cabinet is going to be
[14:40:10] up on the stage for the
[14:40:12] first time ever. That's going to be really cool.
[14:40:15] It's like this, you get
[14:40:16] to see a lot of this, just tune in
[14:40:18] for that. So Danny is
[14:40:20] joining us. Danny, first of all how are you feeling? I keep doing
[14:40:22] great. Hello. We wanted to bring Danny on because the trick that First of all, how are you feeling? I keep doing this. You're great?
[14:40:24] Hello.
[14:40:25] We wanted to bring Danny on because the trick that is in the OOT bonus run which please
[14:40:29] again get your donations and he's really complex and very cool so Danny has done us a great favor
[14:40:35] in Twitch chat, get excited.
[14:40:37] Danny has made a video of sort of an exploration
[14:40:39] of the glitch so we're going to cut
[14:40:40] to a sort of picture-in-picture here
[14:40:42] so we can watch Danny's video
[14:40:44] and talk about how this trick was found,
[14:40:46] what the run is, and what you can expect. So Danny feel free
[14:40:48] Take it away.
[14:40:50] A little minute of context here
[14:40:52] What your about to see is a
[14:40:54] macro of glitch being performed and some other results
[14:40:59] of what it can do because when you can do is way more than what you're gonna
[14:41:02] see in the run later
[14:41:03] okay I'm and so I must start here The number that you see on the screen,
[14:41:08] the zero is the enemy volume when Link
[14:41:11] is nearby an enemy.
[14:41:13] So we're gonna get close to this Deku Baba
[14:41:15] and closer we get that volume goes up
[14:41:17] to a maximum of 7Ff i've already done the glitch you'll
[14:41:19] see what the actual glitch is in the run will explain it a little better but the result is
[14:41:23] that we get the game into a state where every time that we die, we're gonna warp
[14:41:29] to a scene dependent on
[14:41:31] the enemy volume. So I died with
[14:41:33] the volume being 1
[14:41:35] and so here now we are going to warp
[14:41:37] to Scene 1 which is Dodongo's Cavern.
[14:41:41] And this lasts forever.
[14:41:45] For as long as you keep warping to a scene that contains an enemy
[14:41:49] that you can manipulate the audio volume
[14:41:50] further. You can keep
[14:41:52] chaining it and just keep dying and keep
[14:41:54] warping to new places.
[14:41:56] The applications of this are
[14:41:58] limitless. Yeah. Yes.
[14:42:00] The one big downside
[14:42:02] is that it only works
[14:42:03] as child link
[14:42:04] at nighttime
[14:42:05] and so if you like
[14:42:07] warp to Hyrule Field
[14:42:08] or something
[14:42:08] and it becomes day
[14:42:09] suddenly the glitch
[14:42:10] just stops working or Or it works differently
[14:42:12] more precisely. Do you have to turn it back to night for
[14:42:14] it to work? Yes. Okay so you can
[14:42:16] like reactivate it basically. Yes.
[14:42:17] I feel like the child
[14:42:19] nighttime thing is a great segue
[14:42:23] into how you discovered this.
[14:42:25] Because there is a rich
[14:42:27] history behind the discovery of this trick,
[14:42:28] and it involves Danny.
[14:42:30] So I was pretty instrumental in finding this glitch
[14:42:33] in the first place. So like seven years
[14:42:35] ago, I was messing around in
[14:42:37] Dodongo's Cavern which is where the glitch
[14:42:39] is initially performed. Again you'll see more of that later
[14:42:41] in the run. Hopefully get those donations in.
[14:42:44] And so something weird happened.
[14:42:47] Suddenly some of the walls and floors like disappeared
[14:42:50] and I was falling through the map
[14:42:52] and no one had to understand...
[14:42:53] What's that? When you died? What's that?
[14:42:53] When you died or just...
[14:42:54] No, just at...
[14:42:55] So I'll explain in a run how it actually happened
[14:42:58] but the end result was that
[14:43:00] some of the collision of the map
[14:43:01] just straight up disappeared
[14:43:02] and no one had ever seen anything like that before
[14:43:04] and eventually I was messing
[14:43:05] around, using levitate cheats to
[14:43:07] float around and then my game
[14:43:09] just crashed. And I was like okay
[14:43:11] I did something weird the games is in an unstable
[14:43:13] state and it crashed, whatever. I posted
[14:43:16] my findings, I posted a video
[14:43:18] showing what happened. And then that
[14:43:20] sort of just laid dormant
[14:43:22] for seven years.
[14:43:24] And so earlier this year in february uh a very prolific glitch hunter of
[14:43:29] ocarina time named natalia has died was working with another glitch hunter named mr cheese
[14:43:33] and dm'd me saying hey danny i was looking at this glitch that you found seven years ago and thinking
[14:43:39] we could use it to warp anywhere in the game potentially or at least warp to Ganon.
[14:43:47] And within five minutes of me getting excited
[14:43:51] and hearing that and going back to test the glitch
[14:43:54] all of a sudden I got a warp to Ganon out of nowhere.
[14:43:56] I didn't know what I was doing!
[14:43:57] I just went back to do the same thing
[14:43:58] I did last time seven years ago
[14:44:00] and suddenly I warped again
[14:44:01] And the only difference between
[14:44:03] seven years ago
[14:44:05] and when it happened in February
[14:44:07] Was that I was doing the glitch as
[14:44:09] child Link instead of adult Link, and that was the cause
[14:44:11] of the crash seven years ago as I was adult Link.
[14:44:14] And so
[14:44:15] we could have had this entirely by accident
[14:44:17] seven years ago,
[14:44:18] but we have it now.
[14:44:20] And as Adaph said earlier,
[14:44:22] the applications are unbelievable
[14:44:25] as you might expect like 100% category
[14:44:27] being able to work anywhere
[14:44:28] you want repeatedly is just nuts.
[14:44:30] So then here's the big follow-up question I have
[14:44:33] You said that these values are kind of
[14:44:34] what determine which scene
[14:44:36] you end up in. How do you adjust
[14:44:38] that value so you end up in the right scene? Yeah, that's a good question.
[14:44:41] So I just killed an
[14:44:43] Armos enemy a certain distance away from me
[14:44:45] And when you kill an enemy
[14:44:47] The value actually
[14:44:49] Freezes at what the volume was.
[14:44:52] The music's not playing anymore, but the
[14:44:54] value freezes depending on the distance away
[14:44:56] you are to be enemy.
[14:44:58] And so if you can just do a position
[14:45:00] setup to distance yourself from the enemy to a known value so that
[14:45:03] you keep that volume value for when then you go to die and warp away. That's great, okay.
[14:45:08] Seems very specific. Yeah it is
[14:45:10] And every single warp is going to require a specific setup.
[14:45:13] Yeah, it's really fascinating how... I know we don't have much time but like
[14:45:16] How things that... Like you think this game has found everything and then
[14:45:20] Oh, OOT!
[14:45:22] OOT is the gift that keeps on hitting.
[14:45:24] The most powerful Romorph in the game was found this year.
[14:45:26] Yes! 26 years after it came out
[14:45:28] which is just nuts. That's amazing.
[14:45:30] There are like 30 seconds left here and
[14:45:32] the last thing I wanted to show you is that earlier, if you might have
[14:45:34] noticed, I set Ferrers Wind which is a
[14:45:36] warp point item
[14:45:38] that you can use to go back to wherever you
[14:45:40] set the item. I'm gonna
[14:45:42] leave this boss room here And when you take a regular loading zone in
[14:45:46] this game the glitch dies dying with link no longer warps you anymore so the glitch is gone
[14:45:51] right now but because I set Pharaoh's Wind back when I had the glitch,
[14:45:56] When I return to Farer's Wind you can just revive the glitch back.
[14:46:00] So I'm going to warp with Farer's Wind and warp to scene 4f which is Adam.
[14:46:04] Wow! And there we go. there we are great okay so we're gonna be seeing something
[14:46:08] like yeah so this run this bonus incentive is open right now we're up to 42 500 that
[14:46:13] is 42 of the way to the 100 grand necessary get those donations in and again please do
[14:46:18] remember to attach the incentive to your donation that's donate danny thank you so
[14:46:23] much for joining us you're gonna see more of that glitch in all of its glory and an incredible, historic Ocarina of Time speedrun.
[14:46:31] There is more GDQ coming up right after this. I'm gonna throw it over to my good friend Cort! take it away thank you so much adep yes my name is frozen flag on and i am
[14:46:44] overjoyed to be your host for these upcoming couple of runs who's here for some kaizo
[14:46:54] that's what i thought me too
[14:46:58] i see the kaizo donations coming in and please put them towards that Ocarina of Time bonus game. Oh, that Evil Zone tournament.
[14:47:13] I was on the edge of my seat
[14:47:14] that entire time.
[14:47:16] It was absolutely incredible
[14:47:17] and we have $100 here
[14:47:19] from Betty Ball
[14:47:19] that says,
[14:47:22] Message from the Global Yoshi's Cookie League.
[14:47:24] Evil Zone is esports.
[14:47:27] Thank you to all heroes of the Evil Zone for supporting esports. We have $25 here from Cyberbot X saying,
[14:47:34] I just wanted to let you all know good luck.
[14:47:36] We're all counting on you.
[14:47:37] Finished up my work day with the Evil Zone finals
[14:47:39] and I also look forward
[14:47:40] to the upcoming Super Mario World Kaizo
[14:47:42] run, and the hopefully unlocked
[14:47:44] Ocarina of Time run, which is what I'm putting this
[14:47:47] towards. And with that we're at
[14:47:48] $42,906
[14:47:51] dollars towards that, need a hundred thousand
[14:47:53] dollars i know that we can do that
[14:48:00] and for all you kaizo fans out there we also have Grand Blue World 3 coming up later on this evening.
[14:48:05] And there is a Sprite choice open for that.
[14:48:07] Currently Barb is winning at $1,115.
[14:48:12] If you want to not see barb get your donations in
[14:48:21] i see so much love coming in for the kaizo players i know that this race is going to be absolutely incredible
[14:48:33] we have 100 here frombrotato that says,
[14:48:37] Donating to see one of the most influential games
[14:48:39] Of my childhood completely destroyed
[14:48:41] Just like the clay pots of Hyrule
[14:48:43] Shoutouts to all the runners and staff
[14:48:45] That contribute to this amazing event every year Shout outs to all the runners and staff that contribute
[14:48:45] to this amazing event every year.
[14:48:48] Thank you so much for your donation.
[14:49:05] In addition to Super Mario World, we have a Waka reverse run coming up later for all you Rhythm Game fans out there.
[14:49:10] We've got a reverse boss rush rush we're currently at 1632 out of 25 000
[14:49:15] so if you're a rhythm game fan like i am you can also get your donations into that to see more waka really cool thing about that run we're going to see it live here We have $100 here from StarRatKirby86 saying,
[14:49:35] let's get that reverse for all stress instead of met.
[14:49:37] I know how hard you've been working at this isaac so let's see
[14:49:40] deliver the best walker performance this side of the speed running world has seen absolutely
[14:49:49] the lineup for games today is just absolutely incredible. Of course, we got Super Mario World Kaizo Relay Race coming up shortly.
[14:49:54] So fun seeing everyone get set-up for that. Ocarina of Time, gotta make sure we get that met.
[14:49:59] Walker Rivers Grand Pool World 3
[14:50:01] just an amazing lineup today
[14:50:07] We have
[14:50:09] $200 here from Eon saying, so many friends involved with this relay race. I just hope both teams have fun. Me too. thank you so much Eon.
[14:50:27] And with that we have a video here from Doctors Without Borders Without borders.
[14:50:39] I'm a psychologist, project coordinator, community engagement coordinator I am a medical doctor
[14:50:40] I work with Doctors Without Borders, which we also call MSF.
[14:50:46] MSF is a humanitarian medical organization but in my opinion it's more than that.
[14:50:52] To me MSF is an organization that has principles and values
[14:50:53] that relate with my own.
[14:50:55] Most organizations go to communities
[14:50:58] with solutions.
[14:50:59] MSF tries to get solutions from the people,
[14:51:03] the patients they treat.
[14:51:06] We are always the first
[14:51:07] responders. Sometimes we go
[14:51:09] to places where we are the only source of belief
[14:51:11] available. All the patient that comes
[14:51:13] to our facility is being treated free of charge.
[14:51:18] And we treat them equally, no matter where they come from.
[14:51:23] More than 100 trauma patients every day came into our hospital,
[14:51:27] which was beyond our limit at the time.
[14:51:30] But we didn't refuse any patient.
[14:51:33] This is what MSF is.
[14:51:35] It's a group of people who share the common idea that each human being has the right for medical care
[14:51:42] It could be due to conflict, epidemics, disasters, pandemics
[14:51:47] it could be people that have limited access to care.
[14:51:50] MSF looks at what is in the best interest of the patients.
[14:51:54] We have the freedom to decide and respond to the needs, wherever they are,
[14:51:58] as we are not influenced
[14:51:59] by governments or politics.
[14:52:01] We want to be less
[14:52:02] and less necessary.
[14:52:03] We try to develop a world
[14:52:04] that will continue
[14:52:05] even when we leave
[14:52:06] the country.
[14:52:08] The message goes beyond where everyone else would go
[14:52:12] Disease doctors without product It's amazing seeing the impact of all of your donations makes for Doctors Without Borders.
[14:52:33] Oh my goodness and the amount of donations that are coming in
[14:52:36] is absolutely incredible like this one thousand dollar donation from Maddie Thorson! I know her.
[14:52:47] And it says the SMW community rules.
[14:52:49] Can we get a round of applause for that?
[14:52:50] I agree! The SMW Community Rules.
[14:52:51] Can we get a round of applause for that? I agree!
[14:52:56] Thank you so, so much Maddie for that donation
[14:53:00] and that means we are now at 47 000 out of a hundred thousand for
[14:53:04] that ocarina of time bonus run let's cross 50k real soon i know we can do it We have $50 from Hector that says, thank you to all the friends community members who've worked stressed test and practice hard leading up to this excellent moment. Thanks
[14:53:24] for the great show and congratulations! Good luck relay runners! Also. I'd like to know what team are you rooting for? Everyone say it at once.
[14:53:40] Go!
[14:53:42] I'm cheering for both two, I agree.
[14:53:53] Alright and people get your donations in.
[14:53:56] Tell me what team you're rooting for like we have $1,800 from Genedy
[14:54:02] that says let's go Team Fuzzies!
[14:54:05] Love all y'all. that says, let's go team Fuzzies!
[14:54:06] Love all y'all.
[14:54:10] And we have $25 from Turpo Gaming
[14:54:13] that says, good luck to all the talented runners
[14:54:15] in this Kaizo Relay. let's go team goombas
[14:54:26] we have it 250 dollars from moon We have $250 from Mooing Lemur that says,
[14:54:32] Greetings from the audience. As always I appreciate being welcomed into
[14:54:36] the Kaizo community and I'm thankful for
[14:54:38] the opportunity to see everyone at these events. Shout out to those who have put
[14:54:41] months of their life into what is being presented here today. Absolutely! Absolutely.
[14:54:57] We're still getting set up, I'm so excited for this and thank you to everyone
[14:55:00] who is donating and putting their donations
[14:55:02] towards that bonus game.
[14:55:04] Of course, Ocarina of Time has to be met
[14:55:05] before the end of this relay
[14:55:07] so please get your donations in now and we just passed 50 000 out of 100
[14:55:12] 000 for that so thank you so much everyone
[14:55:22] you all are incredible.
[14:55:29] We have $1,000 here from Nuclear Cheese!
[14:55:32] Thank you so much for your generosity.
[14:55:37] We have
[14:55:38] $333.33
[14:55:40] from Anonymous saying, zelda i absolutely agree
[14:55:58] and of course, like I said, if you love Kaizo we don't only have Super Mario World. We have Grand Rural 3 that's going to be coming up later and we have a milestone open to extend that from any percent
[14:56:05] to all exits. We just need to get through an event donation total of $1,250,000.
[14:56:12] So every time you donate towards the bonus game it's also helping us see more Kaizo and more Grand Prix World 3! Thank you all so much for getting your donations in. We have
[14:56:36] $100 from Uma Arctos
[14:56:38] that says, Waka, my favorite
[14:56:40] rhythm game in a GDQ? Dreams
[14:56:42] do come true. I have got
[14:56:44] to see that boss rush absolutely waka is coming up later and we have an incentive
[14:56:50] available for reverse ball thrush that just means we're going to get to see more walkout reverse.
[14:57:05] We have $25 from BeansThembo that says, my first time watching a GDq and now i'm kicking myself for taking so long
[14:57:09] y'all are amazing keep doing what you're doing trans rights and free palestine We have $100 from Jake saying,
[14:57:23] lots of love to everyone involved with GDQ.
[14:57:25] I've been watching since 2013 and have loved every moment.
[14:57:28] Let's keep this going for MSF!
[14:57:30] Healthcare is a human right.
[14:57:38] We have $100 from I Have One Big Eye.
[14:57:44] Says, GLHF Best Team, Team Fuzzies.
[14:57:52] I love seeing who everyone's cheering for in the comments. Keep them
[14:57:54] coming!
[14:58:23] We have $50 from Lily. Hey, Java Brew! I stayed up so I could catch your run. Good luck and go groovy Goombas! And wow. The bonus game is already at 52,000 out of of 100 000 every single time i look over the number keeps rising so excited for this run and i can tell that you are too And of course, all those donations are going to Doctors Without Borders
[14:58:44] which is an independent international organization that provides emergency medical care
[14:58:48] to the people who need it most.
[14:58:50] MSF cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, disasters and social exclusion in more than 70 countries.
[14:58:58] I'm so excited to see how much we can raise during these two hours of Kaizo! kaizo
[14:59:15] we have 25 dollars here from jake pickle
[14:59:21] saying hey all just wanted to shout out the rhr team for putting this together they've been working on this for so long and i just wanted to say thank you.
[14:59:31] We have $250 from Mars and Pear.
[14:59:40] That says, this scene is strong and lively
[14:59:41] and we're just getting started
[14:59:43] to take a small part in the ever evolving practice
[14:59:45] of SMW modding
[14:59:46] is a real and continual highlight
[14:59:48] of my life. Thanks for that." Oh yeah, and we love our trans comrades! We have $25 from
[15:00:02] Cio Cadillac and Princess Bun Bun.
[15:00:14] That says, Hi Racers! We are both so excited to watch another RHR production for Games Done Quick. These relays are always our favorite run of the event.
[15:00:18] Special thanks to the production and construction team,
[15:00:20] the level designers, the other playtesters, the commentators
[15:00:23] and the racers! These races are always an impressive effort to put together
[15:00:27] but all of the racers definitely deserve this spotlight to
[15:00:29] shine can't wait to see what everyone has cooked up this time around
[15:00:33] p.s that frank peach stain glass portrait is so cute
[15:00:37] i agree We have $253 from Sayla.
[15:00:56] That says, big shout out to Doc,
[15:00:58] Fen, and everyone who contributed to make this race happen. Very honored
[15:01:00] and excited to be part of such an awesome event.
[15:01:03] Thank you, Light Alliance, for making Mario levels
[15:01:04] with me. Best of luck to both teams!
[15:01:14] You all are amazing. I love seeing All the love coming in for these players
[15:01:16] For Super Mario World
[15:01:18] For everyone setting up for this relay
[15:01:20] We have $25 from Rainbow Llamas.
[15:01:25] That says, can the grooving Goomba's grind through
[15:01:29] the gauntlets grab the goal tape and get the GG?
[15:01:32] Or will the Funky Fuzzies fight with enough ferocity to finish
[15:01:35] the final floor first? Which quartet of competitors can combine quick clears, careful consistency
[15:01:41] and collaborative communication to control the characters and clear the custom crafted kaizo
[15:01:45] content?
[15:01:46] That was a lot.
[15:01:48] Best of luck on a fun and exciting race, and congratulations to all our level designers,
[15:01:52] race organizers, and everyone who made this amazing race happen. Good luck.
[15:02:21] Oh my goodness, we're almost at 55,000 out of 100,000 for Ocarina of Time. All right.
[15:02:23] Kaizo fans in the audience,
[15:02:25] you don't have to wait any longer.
[15:02:30] It is time for the Super Mario World world kaizo relay race let's get it
[15:02:38] okay wait hold on i'm sorry Okay, wait.
[15:02:39] Hold on, hold on, hold on!
[15:02:40] I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
[15:02:43] I don't think I heard you.
[15:02:45] If you are ready for some Kaizo SMW make some noise!
[15:02:55] My name is Dr. No and I am joined here on the couch with...
[15:02:57] I'm Hank Sinatra
[15:02:58] And we are, we made a little mixtape for you.
[15:03:01] We have an eight-track mixtape.
[15:03:03] Everyone loves making mixtapes for friends, right?
[15:03:05] But we made our friends here a mixtape.
[15:03:07] We have the Groovy Goombas, Glitch Cat 7,
[15:03:09] The Java Brew, Jazz Cook and You Fail Me
[15:03:11] versus the Funky Fuzzies
[15:03:13] Mark Alarm, Shojo Shepda
[15:03:14] and The Beast 721.
[15:03:17] Alright who's ready to get started?
[15:03:18] I think I'm ready to get started. It's been long enough.
[15:03:20] Okay, we are going to kick things off with our lead track! This is One and the Same by LidaLines and Cela
[15:03:28] a very established duo who have made some very beautiful levels,
[15:03:32] and we are going to get things started.
[15:03:33] Who's ready for some video games?
[15:03:37] All right! Help me count it down!
[15:03:39] We got video games in 5...
[15:03:41] 4... 3, 2, 1.
[15:03:44] Go!
[15:03:48] So Lighter Lines and CELA have a very specific visual style
[15:03:51] And you're seeing it right now Oh yeah The timelines in Sela have a very specific visual style,
[15:03:52] and you're seeing it right now.
[15:03:54] Oh yeah we are starting off with some screen teleporting if
[15:03:56] you can't tell.
[15:03:59] So you'll notice that little timer next to each player.
[15:04:02] When the timer goes off, they're going
[15:04:04] to switch sides and you can see Mark the first through
[15:04:08] the door. Yeah let's give it... Okay there is no serious
[15:04:12] time here. If you see something that makes you cheer I want to hear it!
[15:04:14] Let's go!
[15:04:18] We got our first rotation we've got mark alarm
[15:04:20] and glitch through the door
[15:04:22] Now you know it's a L on the sailor level because it's
[15:04:25] not a scroller so hank what are you looking at what are you seeing here as
[15:04:32] a player i am i'm just trying to pick my jaw up off the floor right now.
[15:04:36] Actually, this is...
[15:04:38] Oh my goodness.
[15:04:41] It looks like a big part of this is just
[15:04:42] playing in the gym.
[15:04:44] But a big part of what
[15:04:46] the runners are going to have
[15:04:47] to do is figure out exactly
[15:04:48] how to execute, not even
[15:04:51] the execution itself.
[15:04:52] And you'll notice that
[15:04:53] racers are in full
[15:04:55] gamer mode right now.
[15:04:55] They are really looking closely, and they are talking
[15:04:57] because one of the things you're going to
[15:04:59] notice here is that the racers
[15:05:01] are all kind of looking at this from
[15:05:03] different angles and from different perspectives,
[15:05:05] and if they see something that they recognize that the players
[15:05:08] need to do, they're going to let their teammates
[15:05:10] know so that we can make that move quick.
[15:05:12] And we got...
[15:05:13] We got Phil and we got Thab coming up.
[15:05:16] Oh my goodness. This is close y'all.
[15:05:19] This is very close.
[15:05:21] The Beast making it a little further on the strip
[15:05:23] but missing that jump.
[15:05:27] Y'all, I've been looking at these levels for a long time now.
[15:05:29] And I'm excited!
[15:05:31] I don't know what's gonna happen. This is fun!
[15:05:33] Mark alarm coming back up. We got Glitch going.
[15:05:35] Now one of the things you're seeing here
[15:05:37] Is something that Glitch likes to refer
[15:05:40] to as sort of balance between consistency and one-shotting something.
[15:05:44] It's always great if you can get something right on the first try when you see it
[15:05:48] but more than that what is helpful is once you see it but more than that what is helpful
[15:05:50] is once you see how to do something, you can do it over and over again so
[15:05:54] that you don't have to keep starting over from scratch. And in a
[15:05:58] race like this you don't have to keep rotating you can stay you can hold the
[15:06:01] controller and you can get more attempts further down the right further down the line so it looks
[15:06:08] like they each have three lives so deal with? They each do.
[15:06:11] Here's a bit of rundown for how this is going to work.
[15:06:13] We have eight levels for you, we have 8 tracks in our mixtape
[15:06:17] Each track will have 15...
[15:06:21] Shojo doing shojo things
[15:06:23] is absolutely reading the heck out of this.
[15:06:26] So 15 minute time cap per level
[15:06:28] will tell you when it's a little different
[15:06:30] and it will get a little different at times. A little different?
[15:06:33] We'll get there. You tease.
[15:06:35] Oh, yes.
[15:06:38] Ooh, needing to stay
[15:06:39] very in the right spot there to get
[15:06:41] in that one tile gap, it like this is very close what you're
[15:06:45] seeing now is that now the racers know what no it's expected they've pretty much seen what they're
[15:06:49] going to see in this section of the level and so now it's execution, now who can do
[15:06:54] what is asked of them
[15:06:56] first? I think right you're seeing
[15:06:58] now you've got Glitch. Glitch is no stranger
[15:07:00] to these race levels. Glitch has been
[15:07:02] commentating and watching him playing race levels for
[15:07:06] many, many years now. And you're seeing that experience play out both in how he plays but also
[15:07:12] the communication. How these things... How they go back and forth
[15:07:15] and how they talk to each other.
[15:07:18] We have time for a special donation here?
[15:07:20] Absolutely.
[15:07:21] We have $300 from RHR Productions!
[15:07:26] It says,
[15:07:28] we, all 57 of us,
[15:07:30] made this smile.
[15:07:32] We hope you like our mixtape.
[15:07:34] And remember, there's no room for hate in
[15:07:37] SMW. Trans rights!
[15:07:43] Yeah, you heard that right.
[15:07:44] There are 57 people
[15:07:46] that have contributed in some way or form to
[15:07:50] the creation of this mixtape and many of them are back here
[15:07:54] right behind us on the couch thank you A big thank you to all of them.
[15:07:58] Yes, thank you.
[15:08:00] Just knowing what he needs to do and now it's just a matter
[15:08:03] of doing it. So you're seeing some familiar faces if you've watched SMW Kaizo here at GDQ in the past.
[15:08:12] We have several of these racers and we are coming back, but we have some new faces for you.
[15:08:16] You may recognize The Beast from previous Mario Maker 2 levels, but this is a very
[15:08:21] good SMW player too. We also have on The Fuzzies we have Mark Alarm who you may remember from
[15:08:26] a couple GDQs ago as the creator of CelesteSMC, but what you might not know about Mark is Mark can game.
[15:08:32] Mark is a gamer, as you're seeing some of these moves here
[15:08:35] as Blitzcat is making another pass up.
[15:08:39] Timing that move very making another pass up.
[15:08:43] Timing that move very nicely.
[15:08:46] All right, we're making moves here.
[15:08:51] Make it perfectly into that gap. Glitch!
[15:08:52] Yo?
[15:08:57] Let's go!
[15:08:59] And that is our first H, yep.
[15:09:01] And Shojo was so close!
[15:09:04] This is such a close race,
[15:09:06] So yes we call them H's in SMW
[15:09:08] Why do we call them H's?
[15:09:10] Well they look like H's in some cases.
[15:09:13] That is an age.
[15:09:14] We are very simple.
[15:09:16] We're simplophobes.
[15:09:18] Salt of the earth.
[15:09:19] If we see H, we say H.
[15:09:22] This is a very important part of each little individual level
[15:09:27] right now you're saying oh it's my own oh get chicken doesn't quite have the momentum to
[15:09:32] get up there that is a knowledge PB, though, for the Funky
[15:09:34] Fuzzies. They know they need some extra
[15:09:36] momentum to make that last little
[15:09:38] jump up to the clouds.
[15:09:41] Meanwhile, this is some sweet
[15:09:42] sweet time that the Groovy Goombas have all alone in this section of
[15:09:47] the level.
[15:09:47] And you see, in this section of the level, we're basically doing the same thing except
[15:09:50] now we have a fire flower.
[15:09:53] So as the Groovy Goombas are making this climb and as we are...
[15:09:57] There it goes.
[15:09:58] And there we go!
[15:09:59] As Fonky Fuzzies join us,
[15:10:01] Frozen Flygon if you have a couple donations now is a great time to share them.
[15:10:05] I don't have a couple donations,
[15:10:06] I have like a bazillion donations!
[15:10:08] Let's go, let's go!
[15:10:10] I have a really fun one here,
[15:10:11] I have $50 from Shufta!
[15:10:14] A multi-tasker?
[15:10:15] How's she doing that? That's impressive impressive why are you doing this hey shabda
[15:10:19] it's shut up try to do something cool up there and i mean she is
[15:10:24] i think look at the look at this run i would call this I'd say that's pretty cool right?
[15:10:31] That is so impressive! We also have $100 from Baba Yaga
[15:10:37] It says fail world, fail says, fail world. Fail world.
[15:10:38] Fail world.
[15:10:40] Good luck for all these wonderful people.
[15:10:42] You all are amazing.
[15:10:44] Thank you.
[15:10:46] Thank you, Baba.
[15:10:47] Time for more? Yes!
[15:10:49] We have $50 from Revolog!
[15:10:52] Woo!
[15:10:53] That says, I could not be
[15:10:55] more excited for this race and proud to be part
[15:10:57] of this community. Kaizo level design is a delicate art, and it's always great to see that fact
[15:11:01] represented to so many people." We believe that at RH Art
[15:11:06] Kaizo is art! And what you're seeing right now
[15:11:10] is some of the best artists in the world playing the work
[15:11:13] of some of the best composers in the world
[15:11:15] and Beast making a run for it
[15:11:17] and Glitch making a run for it
[15:11:20] Oh, we have a...
[15:11:21] Oh! What is this?
[15:11:22] What is this?!
[15:11:25] Well that's more knowledge
[15:11:26] for the next time.
[15:11:27] We love knowledge.
[15:11:28] We get paid in knowledge here.
[15:11:32] You're getting paid? No.
[15:11:36] Come on, this is SMW Modding.
[15:11:38] There's no money here. What are you talking about?
[15:11:42] Cord, if you have some more donations we'd love to hear them. Absolutely! We
[15:11:45] have plenty. We have $25 from Gossip Greg
[15:11:48] saying good luck to all the racers! You all are
[15:11:51] great I love my trans comrades.
[15:11:53] Let's go! Thank you, Greg.
[15:11:56] Shout out to What's Up Doc.
[15:11:59] We have $10 from SolferX
[15:12:02] saying let's go fuzzies!
[15:12:04] Can't wait to see the audience's minds get blown.
[15:12:07] Okay we're one level in
[15:12:08] audience are your minds blown yet?
[15:12:12] I think okay.
[15:12:14] Alright. I think, okay. All right. So both teams are making very equivalent progress and it is
[15:12:18] now purely execution.
[15:12:20] We're no longer trying to figure out what we're doing.
[15:12:23] Now it's just doing. purely execution we are no longer trying to figure out what it is we're doing now
[15:12:25] it's just doing and which team is going to be the first
[15:12:29] to put it all together and make it into that
[15:12:32] that pipe we saw earlier.
[15:12:38] We got a run going,
[15:12:40] we've got a run going on both sides!
[15:12:44] Let's hear it... This is close, yes! Oh!
[15:12:50] But here comes Shojo.
[15:12:54] That's knowledge that's good,
[15:12:56] That is knowledge
[15:12:57] Good knowledge
[15:12:58] That Judd can take
[15:12:59] And Shufda can take
[15:13:00] Into this next run
[15:13:02] Something you may have noticed
[15:13:03] About this transportation
[15:13:04] It's not just one side
[15:13:05] Or the other
[15:13:06] You go to whatever Side of the screen you're
[15:13:08] not on, so if you run
[15:13:10] across the middle of the screen and the timer runs out
[15:13:12] you go back. Sometimes that's
[15:13:14] because you screwed up and sometimes that's because
[15:13:16] you made an advantage... Oh my gosh, Juzz this is...
[15:13:20] By heart can't take this we just started what are we doing?
[15:13:26] I just wanna say we passed $60,000 out of 100,000 Ocarina of Time.
[15:13:30] If you like what you're seeing here help us put Ocarina of Time into this marathon.
[15:13:35] We want to see Ocarina of Time.
[15:13:38] Help us get there. And if you like what you're seeing
[15:13:42] it's for a good cause
[15:13:46] this is close all right it's fail going is this it for fail? So you're noticing like there's communication happening on the side of
[15:13:53] the Goombas because now what you are seeing is they notice timing
[15:13:56] when they hit that switch matters.
[15:13:58] Because of the very narrow window here comes stab it's out with the end
[15:14:04] is this it we got two hunts and that is it that is the first level
[15:14:11] living up to the name.
[15:14:15] My heart.
[15:14:18] Blitz is making a final run for it.
[15:14:24] We're gonna get it, let's go! Let's share them on the...
[15:14:25] Let's see if we can get it on this.
[15:14:28] Let's go.
[15:14:30] They know what they need to do.
[15:14:32] We got this, let's go!
[15:14:34] I think we're about to see it.
[15:14:35] I think we've got this.
[15:14:36] Ohhhh...
[15:14:37] It's a little late.
[15:14:40] Alright, well...
[15:14:42] Yeah. Alright, let's give it up.
[15:14:44] Okay so let's give it up first off for LidoLines and say hello on that.
[15:14:52] That's about a leap off.
[15:14:54] Light Alliance is here, thank you so much Light Alliance and Selah
[15:14:58] watching at home, thank you all for the work that you put into this very beautiful level
[15:15:02] And that is one point for The Fuzzies what does that mean we'll come back to
[15:15:06] that later right now we have track two but before track two court if you have a donation for us
[15:15:10] that was a great time absolutely i have a hundred dollars from Blagon that says,
[15:15:16] I'm so excited to get the privilege
[15:15:18] to make a level for the best event at GDQ!
[15:15:20] Go GroovyGoombas!
[15:15:22] Let's go. Thank you so much Blagon.
[15:15:24] Alright, speaking of Blagon we have one of of Blagon's best friends in the whole wide world coming up here.
[15:15:29] We have a level from Fire150 called Fleeting Footwork.
[15:15:33] Fire is one of the most prolific level designers when it comes to these types of levels.
[15:15:39] These very, like specifically race-tuned levels.
[15:15:42] So most of the people that have played up here are very familiar with fire levels and they're about to get one right now
[15:15:47] Are we ready?
[15:15:51] All right in five four three two one go 3, 2, 1, go!
[15:15:58] And right off the bat we're throwing things in pits.
[15:16:02] Let's go and we are still throwing things
[15:16:06] in pits. Oh we have found an answer.
[15:16:09] Juzz has actually managed to learn how to...
[15:16:11] Well I thought he learned how to jump?
[15:16:15] All right okay both teams have figured this out
[15:16:17] so audience have you figured it out yet?
[15:16:21] If not here...
[15:16:23] In this level fire has turned off your jump button.
[15:16:26] You can't jump unless the P-Switch is active.
[15:16:29] So what you are going to see now
[15:16:30] is a great example of how many ways in SMW
[15:16:34] you can jump without jumping. I'm going to get you.
[15:16:44] Getting that piece of it there,
[15:16:46] and falling into the...
[15:16:48] All right, Glitch with a shell jump hits the piece. Oh, glitch with a bit of a read!
[15:16:52] Okay, glitch finding out what's on
[15:16:54] the other side of that pit which is important.
[15:16:56] Again knowledge is very valuable
[15:16:58] resource in a race like this especially
[15:17:00] in a level like fires where understanding what the we call it a gimmick
[15:17:08] defines what is asked of you for the whole level. Fire is really, really good at setting a gimmick
[15:17:15] at the very beginning and then using every possible variation
[15:17:19] and variation of that to really ask a lot of the players.
[15:17:23] Once they figure out what to do, though,
[15:17:25] can they make the next step?
[15:17:29] And it looks like B's pointing something else
[15:17:30] as a report of Communication happening there.
[15:17:35] Now, here's a fun fact.
[15:17:37] If you land on a P-Switch and you are holding grab,
[15:17:39] You grab the P-Switch
[15:17:41] but you do not step
[15:17:42] on the P-Switch
[15:17:44] which is important here because
[15:17:45] you have to hit the P-Switch in order to jump.
[15:17:48] And so we as,
[15:17:49] as Kaizo players I'm sure Amethyst and Hank will tell you
[15:17:52] We're not used to letting go of the run button.
[15:17:54] Not at all, no.
[15:17:56] So this is some...
[15:17:58] we are going to have to relearn some muscle memory as fail
[15:18:00] making a bit of break for it
[15:18:02] getting some momentum jumping
[15:18:04] hitting the wall.
[15:18:06] Be very careful with your jump height there to not make it into those, where
[15:18:09] those spike tops are.
[15:18:11] Both teams making really good progress here.
[15:18:14] But while we're seeing the rest of this go,
[15:18:17] Court if you have some donations I'd love to hear them. Absolutely! We have $100 from The Little
[15:18:21] Highland.
[15:18:25] Greetings from the back couch! It was such a joy to be able
[15:18:28] to participate in the production of The Relay.
[15:18:30] Shoutouts to all the talented folks that were
[15:18:32] involved with The Relay,
[15:18:34] from the producers, the racers,
[15:18:36] and everyone else behind the scenes. Thanks to this wonderful community
[15:18:38] I've been able to meet so many friends that I hope
[15:18:40] to continue to have. Let's go Fuzzies!
[15:18:44] Thank you so much Hylian
[15:18:46] And you'll'll notice that we have seen what we're trying to do
[15:18:50] and Glitch now has some very important knowledge.
[15:18:53] Now the question is, what did we do with it?
[15:18:56] That's what we do with it!
[15:18:57] Let's go!
[15:18:58] That was an H. See, that's what an do with it. Let's go! That was an H.
[15:18:59] That is a good read.
[15:19:00] See, that's what an H looks like.
[15:19:02] That was a very good read from the Goombas there.
[15:19:08] So nothing too different here.
[15:19:10] It's basically the same as it was.
[15:19:12] You still can't jump unless a P-Switch is active
[15:19:14] which means it's time to hit some P-Switches.
[15:19:19] We're going to see how long it takes the fuzzies
[15:19:21] to catch up to the Goombas while the Goomba's here
[15:19:23] explore some of this new level.
[15:19:25] So, Court, how close are we to Ocarina of Time?
[15:19:29] We are now at 63,000 out of 100 which is amazing let's go and i have a very special
[15:19:35] donation here i have 500 from fen that says the kaizo community has been literally life changing for me over the past six years
[15:19:46] and I'm so proud of everything that we have accomplished.
[15:19:49] And continue to accomplish this relay and the vast amount of people involved in its creation
[15:19:54] in racing represent the best of our community, and I wish the best of luck to our racers!
[15:19:59] I know y'all will do amazing. Go Goofy Groupas and Funky Fuzzies!
[15:20:02] Let's go thank thank you so much.
[15:20:04] Six years?
[15:20:06] Six years?
[15:20:08] Time is fake. I don't want to think about that
[15:20:12] Okay, that is...okay I don't know how many people
[15:20:15] I've seen beat this level
[15:20:16] but that's the first time
[15:20:16] I've seen someone beat it
[15:20:17] by throwing the P-Switch
[15:20:18] off the side of the wall
[15:20:19] and check top of the ceiling.
[15:20:20] Beast is built different, everybody.
[15:20:31] Meanwhile... is built different everybody meanwhile the fuzzy naked some so now we have so we have we have a yavi yeshi we have yahshua. Yoshua has joined us.
[15:20:35] Now, here's the thing.
[15:20:36] You can't walk on to Yoshi.
[15:20:39] You have to jump onto Yoshi.
[15:20:40] So one more little layer of puzzle to add as we have both teams now trying
[15:20:45] to puzzle their way through this part of the game. layer of puzzle to add as we have both teams now trying
[15:20:45] to puzzle their way through this part of the level.
[15:20:54] Yeah, Shojo taking her time.
[15:20:56] That is not a...
[15:20:56] Honestly that's not a bad idea because obviously the goal
[15:21:00] is to go fast we want to go fast.
[15:21:02] That's the name of the game this is Sonic the Hedgehog right?
[15:21:04] So sometimes going fast in Kaizo ends very badly for you.
[15:21:11] Sonic was a couple of days ago.
[15:21:12] That's right, that's right. I was...yeah.
[15:21:15] It's okay! I'm here.
[15:21:17] You were here! Smile? I remembered sorry. It's okay, I was here. You were here!
[15:21:17] Smile.
[15:21:18] I remembered it.
[15:21:19] Hi Maddie.
[15:21:22] We have so many amazing donations coming in.
[15:21:24] Let's hear them, let's go.
[15:21:25] Like $50 from Margo.
[15:21:28] Love you Margo50 from Margo. Love you, Margo.
[15:21:30] Hi, Margo!
[15:21:36] That says good luck to all my Kaiser comrades up on the stage right now.
[15:21:40] And a huge shout out to Amethyst, Doc and Hank on the mics.
[15:21:44] So proud to be a part of this relay.
[15:21:46] I think we smashed it gang trans rights in free Palestine.
[15:21:49] Let's go. Hey, and free Palestine. Let's go.
[15:21:50] Hey, that's us.
[15:21:52] Smile at it.
[15:21:53] The famous Margo.
[15:21:56] So alright, the Fuzzies have landed on
[15:21:58] onto Yoshi but now we need to know what to do with Yoshi.
[15:22:04] Now you may have seen this giant row of blocks. I can tell you that all of our racers
[15:22:08] know exactly what that giant row of blocks means.
[15:22:12] But now they need to know,
[15:22:14] they know what to do with it which means the Fuzzy's just got a very big
[15:22:17] knowledge point there.
[15:22:19] What are they gonna do with that?
[15:22:20] Well we need to hit the key switch. But we'll show you.
[15:22:23] Meanwhile I didn't know if you knew this about Yoshi but Yoshi is very skilled.
[15:22:27] Yoshi doesn't need to jump. Yoshi can just walk onto a shell and jump right up
[15:22:31] And now we go!
[15:22:35] Fire does not like it when you try to,
[15:22:37] uh...
[15:22:37] When you try to cheese his levels.
[15:22:39] Fire doesn't like it.
[15:22:40] Fire will, uh...
[15:22:41] Fire will punish you.
[15:22:44] Yes, that was there on purpose we promise.
[15:22:50] All right, we've got good knowledge going
[15:22:52] on here from both sides.
[15:22:54] We've got Jez picking up the P-Switch...
[15:22:58] Yeah, okay some really good knowledge there
[15:23:00] Oh! Going too far!
[15:23:02] Yeah again we're not yeah You're going too far. Yeah, again...
[15:23:05] Yeah, Fuego doesn't like cheese.
[15:23:10] This is really interesting because what you are seeing
[15:23:13] is both teams react in real time.
[15:23:17] So when you are playing Kaizo, a lot of what it is
[15:23:20] is pattern recognition.
[15:23:21] It's seeing something that you may have seen
[15:23:23] some other level before or in some other game before and recognizing that
[15:23:28] that is what the game is asking of you so when you see something like that giant wall of blocks
[15:23:33] uh you know what that is because you've seen it in other levels before.
[15:23:37] It's very familiar.
[15:23:40] We have to remember the order of operations here
[15:23:43] in order to land on the Yoshi and then figure out
[15:23:45] what we're going to do next.
[15:23:48] But while we're figuring out those Order of Operations for it, let's keep hearing the love
[15:23:50] from the community. I'd love to hear it.
[15:23:51] Absolutely! We have $100
[15:23:54] from Proto Pizza
[15:23:55] that says both of these from Proto Pizza.
[15:24:00] That says, both of these teams are full of incredible top tier players.
[15:24:02] I can't decide who to root for.
[15:24:04] So go Goofy Groombas and
[15:24:06] go Funky Puzzies. Good luck racers!
[15:24:11] You got time for one more?
[15:24:13] Absolutely we have a special one here
[15:24:17] Oh there is a door.
[15:24:20] I see capes.
[15:24:22] I saw the door.
[15:24:23] I saw capes.
[15:24:23] I'm excited.
[15:24:24] But I know you all will be excited for this $30 from The Bergy Man.
[15:24:28] Love you, Bergy. That says wish I could be here with you all wonderful people it was a joy to work
[15:24:34] with y'all on the art side of things thanks to the Kaiser community for being as an oh
[15:24:41] again beast more knowledge community for being as an... Oh! Again, beast. More knowledge.
[15:24:43] Beast finding knowledge. We're going to need that P switch later.
[15:24:45] Sorry, Borgi didn't mean to cut you off.
[15:24:47] We'll go back to
[15:24:49] Burgumates. All good. That was tense.
[15:24:51] Can you please give it up for the Borgie Man who did all of
[15:24:53] the amazing art you see, these team logos,
[15:24:55] t-shirts, that poster
[15:24:57] that is a prize if you donate
[15:24:59] by the end of this relay
[15:25:01] you can be entered to win that amazing poster which
[15:25:03] we may or not be signing after the race.
[15:25:07] Who knows?
[15:25:08] We might even win it.
[15:25:08] Yeah.
[15:25:10] Thank you for you.
[15:25:11] We love you and we wish you were here too but we're so grateful
[15:25:13] you were able to help us out with this. Yeah, Bergi said thanks to the Kaizo community
[15:25:17] for being as welcoming as it is and to the GDQ crew for organizing these most
[15:25:21] excellent events. Long live Kaizo! Thank you, Bergie, really appreciate it.
[15:25:27] Just parking Yoshi right outside the elevator.
[15:25:30] That is a Yoshi elevator that's the technical term for it.
[15:25:33] Yoshi doesn't like snow. That is a Yoshi elevator. That's the technical term for it.
[15:25:36] Yoshi doesn't like stairs.
[15:25:41] All right, can we start putting it all together? We have Shojo and we have Fail coming up to play.
[15:25:44] Now, I can tell you
[15:25:45] And I think it's fair to say this
[15:25:47] That I don't know if there is anyone alive
[15:25:48] Who has played more fire levels
[15:25:50] Than you fail me right here
[15:25:53] Alright, Shojo
[15:25:55] Miss timing the jump on that Yoshi elevator so knowledge
[15:25:58] like the knowledge is done and now you're seeing
[15:26:02] the same communication.
[15:26:04] Our racers have to time that jump so that they
[15:26:06] jump long enough
[15:26:08] to be able to land on Yoshi
[15:26:11] when it's at the top of
[15:26:12] the elevator there, which is some really
[15:26:14] intricate timing and I want to give a very special thanks
[15:26:17] to the GDQ tech crew
[15:26:20] for helping us get audio
[15:26:21] for these runners so that they can hear
[15:26:23] the P-switch timer
[15:26:24] and have a better sense of when
[15:26:26] they can make these moves.
[15:26:27] We really appreciate the GDQ Tech team,
[15:26:30] The Game Committee,
[15:26:31] and everyone for helping this relay happen.
[15:26:34] We cannot stress enough how important it is
[15:26:37] to show you what these levels and
[15:26:38] what these makers mean to us.
[15:26:43] And we have even more
[15:26:44] donations coming in from people who helped make this
[15:26:46] possible. We have $25 from
[15:26:49] Furby McFrosting. Let's go!
[15:26:52] Saying, so much
[15:26:53] time and effort goes into making these levels
[15:26:55] and it's totally worth it. The relays
[15:26:57] are my favorite parts of the marathon, and having seen the behind
[15:27:00] the scenes of some of them, I can say firsthand
[15:27:02] that levels are labors of love, and absolutely
[15:27:04] nuts at the same time.
[15:27:06] Bases certainly are. Thank you so much
[15:27:08] Furpy. Furpy is a... You may remember Furpy from the level a couple years ago that like Mode 7-ed itself all over the place?
[15:27:14] Yeah we love you Furpy thank you so much!
[15:27:16] We may see something like that later, who knows?
[15:27:28] It seems like both teams are very close at this point and have seen most of the level. Who's gonna execute it and put it together?
[15:27:33] I think Beast has this... Oh!
[15:27:34] Oh!
[15:27:34] Okay!
[15:27:35] Seems like he's got the right idea.
[15:27:36] That is an important knowledge gain
[15:27:38] for the Funky Fuzzies.
[15:27:39] That little P-Switch jump there,
[15:27:42] that might be the key that unlocks
[15:27:45] this one for the Funky Fuzzies. Let's see.
[15:27:50] All right. Meanwhile,
[15:27:51] Java, playtesterinaire and long time community member here.
[15:27:55] Really making work of all the knowledge that his team has gained over this entire run.
[15:28:00] And he's taking a run for it! Let's go!
[15:28:04] We got a beagle! Oh we gotta jump over the beagle!
[15:28:08] You hate to see it!
[15:28:12] Mark Alarm just stealing the win from the rest of us. Mark Alarm is stealing the win from the race level.
[15:28:14] Mark Alarm with the snipe.
[15:28:16] That's terrible.
[15:28:18] The Neville checkpoint right there, wow!
[15:28:20] That would not have been there if this were not at race level
[15:28:22] I will just say that right now If this is not a race level this would be over
[15:28:25] all right let's see if the let's see if the goobas can take us home oh let's get it up everyone this Thank you.
[15:28:38] All right, thank you so much and thank you at home fire for what?
[15:28:43] Wahoo!
[15:28:44] Wahoo!
[15:28:45] Wahoo! Audienceoo. Wahoo.
[15:28:45] Audience, can I get a wahoo?
[15:28:49] That'll do.
[15:28:51] All right before we move on to this next level which hasn't named you that might seem familiar
[15:28:55] to you gdq
[15:28:57] uh faithful court how are we doing on ocarina of time
[15:29:00] we are doing amazing we're almost at sixty eight thousand dollars out of a
[15:29:04] hundred thousand i think we can do that.
[15:29:07] No, I think we got this.
[15:29:09] We're only $50 away from $1,200,000 total?
[15:29:14] Let's go!
[15:29:14] I think they could do that quite nicely.
[15:29:16] I would like to see it happen very, very soon.
[15:29:18] Very soon!
[15:29:20] We have the power
[15:29:22] to make this happen
[15:29:24] speaking into existence
[15:29:26] And that just means only $50,000 away from us seeing
[15:29:29] Grand Cru World 3 be updated to
[15:29:31] all exits! We want to see that!
[15:29:34] You are going to want to see that. Mouse
[15:29:35] might not want you to see that but you are going to
[15:29:37] want to see that. Trust me.
[15:29:41] Alright this is market crash by xiao xiao when i say xiaoxiao what comes to mind hank shells amethyst shells it's shell time everybody in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Go!
[15:29:56] Well it is not just shells. I knew it.
[15:29:59] You called this. I knew it.
[15:30:01] You called this.
[15:30:03] You predicted this happening.
[15:30:05] All right.
[15:30:07] So this is market crash by Xiaoxiao.
[15:30:09] You may remember Xiaoxiao from last SQDQ, the maker of Baron of Shell.
[15:30:12] The baron is back
[15:30:14] but this time the barons not giving away these shells
[15:30:16] for free. Each shell will
[15:30:18] cost you a coin so get a
[15:30:20] coin and get a shell.
[15:30:24] And right now you have the two... Right now you are playing
[15:30:26] two of these single best
[15:30:28] shell gamers in the world
[15:30:30] and Glitch Cat and Shoved Up both of them have absolute impeccable shell skills so if there
[15:30:35] are any people in the world they're going to be able to beat this it is these players right here
[15:30:48] oh you all are amazing. Thank you all for the donations like this.
[15:30:54] Like there's $100 from RB pin let you RBP. That says congratulations and thank you to everyone on the team for making this race happen.
[15:30:58] Incredible amounts of work to create incredible good.
[15:31:01] Go racers go!
[15:31:03] Thank you RB RVT.
[15:31:05] I think we've got time for one more.
[15:31:06] We have $10 from Fletcher that says,
[15:31:10] congrats to Fane and everyone who poured their entire spirit into this event.
[15:31:14] It is awesome. Let's-a go,
[15:31:16] Funky Fuzzies! Let's go!
[15:31:20] Alright so what we're seeing here is just some
[15:31:22] honestly these are
[15:31:24] shell tricks and shell setups that many of these players will have seen in many levels before.
[15:31:29] Particularly at levels like the Outparent of Shell but also Joker Shell OK which is a game that Shovda runs
[15:31:37] extensively. And many
[15:31:39] other shell-specific hacks like
[15:31:41] Sheffy World and Sheffy World 2.
[15:31:43] What we have here is just
[15:31:45] can you recognize what to do?
[15:31:47] And crucially, can you execute it.
[15:31:50] Like, can you see it and then can you do it?
[15:31:52] How long does it take you to move from seeing something
[15:31:55] to being able to do something?
[15:31:57] That is a beautiful read
[15:31:59] from Mark. Seems
[15:32:00] to be the theme so far, even with
[15:32:02] the Cha-Cha shell level here. What's that?
[15:32:04] The trying to figure out exactly
[15:32:06] what you need to do versus the execution. It's almost like we play Wow
[15:32:12] We have been playing it true
[15:32:13] we have been planning for this relay and we had been working on this mixtape since that's I can't talk when you're so good!
[15:32:23] We have been working on this since October. This has been a labor
[15:32:26] of love from all of us to make this happen, It is so, so good to hear and that
[15:32:31] is a move and you could I don't know if you heard that if you ever
[15:32:35] heard someone saying spin that might come in handy later.
[15:32:42] We needed what we didn't have was the the noiso spin sign you mean either blue points with a giant
[15:32:47] a yeah oh but yeah shout out to the mario
[15:32:49] maker giant A in coins.
[15:32:53] Alright, Juzz...
[15:32:56] Juz-
[15:32:59] Let him hear it! Let's go! If everyone is having a good time so far, let's hear it.
[15:33:04] Just got Stacy.
[15:33:08] That was an IRL Stacey for Judge everybody.
[15:33:12] Love to hear it.
[15:33:13] I do have some sass coming in here for Juz,
[15:33:15] I gotta say.
[15:33:16] We have $25 from Mervy that says,
[15:33:18] Juz, can you please just do better?
[15:33:22] The rest of your team is fine though. Please just do better!
[15:33:23] The rest of your team is fine, though.
[15:33:27] I think we have time for a couple...
[15:33:28] Oh wait, hold up Beast!
[15:33:30] What's Beast doing here?
[15:33:32] You know what gaming? What? Gaming?
[15:33:36] Everyone's favorite direction on the D-pad, up.
[15:33:41] Shout out to the up direction on your D-pad, everybody.
[15:33:46] So to clarify, because it looks
[15:33:48] as a spectator, it looks like they can't
[15:33:50] pick up the shells unless they get the coin.
[15:33:53] Yeah, Xiao is not
[15:33:54] giving these away for free like i think all i
[15:33:57] think xiao is xiao was in the back keeping notes and after the relay he's
[15:34:01] gonna walk up to each of the uh each of the razors with a bill for each shell we
[15:34:04] are yeah razors with a bill for each shell. We are, yeah.
[15:34:11] Shao is here by the way. Everyone give it up for Shao.
[15:34:14] Hi Shao.
[15:34:15] I love seeing all the donations coming in from smw people i have 100
[15:34:21] from tnr91 that says how to take time off work to make this
[15:34:25] smw race shout out to gc7 for all the comfy streams you give us take time off work to make this SMW race.
[15:34:29] Shout out to GC7 for all the comfy streams you give us.
[15:34:32] Perfect timing, GlitchCat's playing!
[15:34:34] Alright, here goes Shojo.
[15:34:37] Glitch had a run and now Shojo's got to run.
[15:34:38] Just a little unfortunate pop there that threw off the tiny glitch meanwhile though.
[15:34:43] Everyone, hold your breath...
[15:34:50] Alright, now what?
[15:34:50] Now what do we got?
[15:34:55] I love the up button.
[15:34:55] You love the up button?
[15:34:56] It's my favorite button on the controller.
[15:34:57] So Hank, did you see
[15:34:58] that last little setup
[15:34:58] there? I did see that last little set up there?
[15:34:59] I did see that last little setup.
[15:35:00] What did that look like to you?
[15:35:01] That...I already forgot it.
[15:35:06] Well, I think you might be seeing it again very soon.
[15:35:08] Okay. be seeing it again very soon we have 100 here from mars we love mars that says everyone should
[15:35:18] go try some mario world mods when they get the chance.
[15:35:20] The game is great, we mean it!
[15:35:23] It's true, we do.
[15:35:24] We actually believe these games are good.
[15:35:29] We love this.
[15:35:31] Alright, we are making some great progress here.
[15:35:34] Alright, Judd's getting a run going...
[15:35:37] Here is the thing with shells
[15:35:40] as much as they're predictable,
[15:35:42] they seem to always have a mind of their own
[15:35:44] and so you can know what to do
[15:35:46] and sometimes you can just say
[15:35:47] this shell doesn't want to do it like that right there.
[15:35:48] So close there for the beasts.
[15:35:53] All right, fail taking a stab at it with
[15:35:55] beast coming up. Both
[15:35:57] teams making some very deep runs into this
[15:35:59] so its very exciting
[15:36:01] to see.
[15:36:04] This is one of the times, though, where a three live
[15:36:06] rotation system does kind of come
[15:36:08] to a detriment because one of the things you might know
[15:36:11] about shell levels is that flow is
[15:36:13] very important with a shell level.
[15:36:14] And the problem with rotating
[15:36:15] is you lose that flow,
[15:36:17] you loose your time with the controller
[15:36:20] to really dig in and feel what this feels like
[15:36:23] so our racers are doing extra to make up for that
[15:36:26] by really talking with each other, communicating
[15:36:28] what it is they're trying to do as Mark Alarm...
[15:36:31] Mark Alarm making a bit of a break for it!
[15:36:35] He got the up throw,
[15:36:37] but oh!
[15:36:40] Those triangles are mean.
[15:36:44] I do want to say we have passed $70,000 out of 100,000 Ocarina of Time!
[15:36:50] Kaizo people rise up. We can get Ocarina of Time during the relay.
[15:36:55] I mean, we HAVE to get it during the relay. We can do that. Let's go.
[15:36:56] I want to see it happen.
[15:36:57] We have to get it
[15:36:58] during the relay.
[15:36:59] Ocarina of Time is right up next!
[15:37:01] Positive, power
[15:37:02] of positive thinking.
[15:37:04] We will.
[15:37:05] Less than $30,000 away.
[15:37:06] You all are amazing. Let's keep those donations rolling and again tell me which team you're cheering for.
[15:37:12] Let's hear it! Alright.
[15:37:19] Let's go. All right, we got a run here from Sojo.
[15:37:22] Now what do we got?
[15:37:24] We've gotta drop that shot!
[15:37:26] We've got the first try on the cat.
[15:37:29] All right, we're through the pipe now what?
[15:37:31] Now you've got shell and we got the arm!
[15:37:38] She can't keep getting away with it.
[15:37:43] No, that mean when I'm collected.
[15:37:48] All right.
[15:37:52] Court, before we move on,
[15:37:53] do you have any donations that
[15:37:55] you'd like to read perhaps?
[15:37:57] I mean,
[15:37:57] I have a lot of donations that
[15:37:58] I want to read.
[15:38:00] One more real quick. Yeah, I have $15 of donations that I'd like to read. One more real quick.
[15:38:01] Yeah, I have $15 from Demarine
[15:38:03] that says, Hi Amethyst!
[15:38:05] Morsel sends his love too. Go Fuzzies go!
[15:38:07] Morsels my cat
[15:38:09] and it's not the creator morsel. That's my cat.
[15:38:11] Specifically, the cat morsel.
[15:38:13] Okay.
[15:38:14] We have a level here from a couple names you may remember.
[15:38:16] We have Diva IV who has made levels for us in the past.
[15:38:19] Everyone give it up to Diva IV.
[15:38:20] This is great. that other name on
[15:38:23] the list there yes hmm yes um i don't know if i can do justice of level up dan
[15:38:30] dan oh hi you're right there.
[15:38:34] Do you mind telling us a little bit about this?
[15:38:40] Hello runners.
[15:38:44] Everyone sit down. Hello, runners. Hi Dan!
[15:38:46] You are now entering
[15:38:48] a world where we are in control.
[15:38:52] There are two rules.
[15:38:53] Rule number one, the player switching does not work as normal in this level.
[15:38:58] You will know when to switch players by seeing
[15:39:00] the blinking rotate icons in the corner of the screen.
[15:39:05] Rule number two,
[15:39:07] the lowest score wins.
[15:39:09] Score!
[15:39:10] So if you don't know
[15:39:13] Kaizo loosely translates to restructuring or rearranging.
[15:39:20] Knowing that your Kaizo experience will not help you very much here because we did not rearrange. We shattered reality.
[15:39:30] So yeah, this is the long-anticipated collaboration between
[15:39:34] me and Dita IV but it took a total of five people to make this level.
[15:39:38] So with that runners I hope you feel nothing but fear.
[15:39:45] For everybody else let's crank the audio and I hope you enjoy what you're about to see.
[15:39:55] I'm not even running and I'm terrified.
[15:39:57] Say what?
[15:39:57] I'm not even running and I'm terrified.
[15:39:58] I know, and quickly here we have $50 from D to the fourth.
[15:40:01] Let's go!
[15:40:03] That says,
[15:40:04] I made this smile.
[15:40:07] Did she ever?
[15:40:10] Y'all ready to see something cool?
[15:40:13] Chat, if you're watching this right now,
[15:40:15] I want you to get every single dance emote
[15:40:17] you have ready to go to spam like crazy and if
[15:40:20] you're here in the audience, if you see something cool say it because
[15:40:24] you're about to see something really cool.
[15:40:26] Let's do this in five four three two one go It's my favorite line from Super Mario World.
[15:40:45] It's super mario world.
[15:40:50] Oh... Oh, my! Oh.
[15:40:51] Oh my.
[15:41:04] Well, if it's Toho, we're the anime girls
[15:41:25] just wait oh Oh! I'm not sure what the game is about, but it's a pretty good idea.
[15:42:07] The first thing you see when you're in this area are these two blue blocks that appear on the screen. They're the enemy, girl. What? what So, I'm going to go ahead and do that.
[15:42:37] And now we're back at the start of the game! so Oh, where have I seen these before?
[15:42:43] Ohhh. Okay. That's a little familiar.
[15:42:50] Alright we got Grand Pool World 3 at home. Oh no!
[15:43:31] Fireball Oh my god. uh I see Super Nintendo consoles on the tables here. Where are the hidden PlayStation 5s that are running this level? oh so And we just passed 75,000 towards Ocarina of Time.
[15:44:13] You all are amazing! Keep the derp agents coming!
[15:44:16] And there we go, and with a score of 22-26
[15:44:20] The Groovy Goombas take the point. So what do you think?
[15:44:37] It's going to take me a while
[15:44:38] To recover from that I think
[15:44:39] That was beautiful
[15:44:39] I don't know if we have
[15:44:40] Much time
[15:44:41] Court can give us
[15:44:41] A second to kind of
[15:44:42] Decompress here
[15:44:43] Yes absolutely
[15:44:45] That was amazing We have 250 dollars from furriful fawful
[15:44:51] that says oh hey i made this smile i'm so fulfilled by all of the hard
[15:44:55] work we've put in, and I'm so glad
[15:44:57] it's being put up on stage. As we look to our
[15:44:59] remaining levels, I have to shout out all the
[15:45:01] fantastic creative people who worked to make this
[15:45:03] a reality. Those of us who made it here are all
[15:45:05] piled into the back couch! And we're also excited to see you all demolish
[15:45:08] the levels we've put together. Much
[15:45:10] love to all the community for making this possible.
[15:45:12] Donation goes to winning team's choice!
[15:45:16] We won't know who that is for a while, so hold on to that thought.
[15:45:18] Alright we are moving on.
[15:45:20] We do have a side B. That was the end of side A because this is a proper mix tape it has two sides.
[15:45:26] That's right let's give it up for cassette tapes.
[15:45:29] This is a level by Blagon, who was kind enough to donate a little earlier.
[15:45:36] Blagon is another one of the people that have made some very prolific race style levels.
[15:45:42] So we're in for a treat here, if everyone's ready let's count it down in 5...
[15:45:47] 4... 3... 2... 1... Go! Five, four, three, two, one.
[15:45:50] Go!
[15:45:52] And so this level is called Growing Pains
[15:45:55] and we got munchers as it is.
[15:45:58] Now notice something.
[15:46:00] Look at the jump.
[15:46:01] Look at the teams jumping.
[15:46:04] And now we have learned what we are asked to do here.
[15:46:08] So here is that sound you heard? That is what SMW Kaizo sounds like.
[15:46:14] That is the natural sound of SMW Kaizo.
[15:46:19] To explain it as easily as I can
[15:46:25] When Mario is midair he gains powerup state. Now what does that mean? It means you can take a hit and get iframes
[15:46:29] And that's what this level is all about. Getting
[15:46:33] iframes by jumping, being big,
[15:46:35] and then hitting a
[15:46:36] very specific spot.
[15:46:39] Managing power upstate here
[15:46:41] is going to be very important as is knowing how to use their power upstate.
[15:46:48] Very impressively both teams making it past this
[15:46:51] really tricky opening setup.
[15:46:53] This was something that a lot of people had to take some time
[15:46:57] to think at, and both teams are absolutely just moving
[15:47:00] right past it.
[15:47:07] We have a $1,000 donation from Skippy!
[15:47:10] Thank you very much.
[15:47:12] That says
[15:47:13] started watching years ago with my girlfriend
[15:47:15] and now I watch with my wife
[15:47:17] and daughter. Thank you for the great times
[15:47:19] and thank you Doctors Without Borders
[15:47:21] Thank you so much
[15:47:23] And real quick,
[15:47:26] frozen flag on how close are we to Ocarina of Time?
[15:47:29] We are inching closer and closer.
[15:47:30] We are now at 77,000 out of 100,000.
[15:47:34] I think we can do that.
[15:47:35] Meanwhile, the Groovy Goomers took a swim
[15:47:37] in what can only be described as Kool-Aid.
[15:47:41] You can swim in the Kool-Aid
[15:47:43] but only at the very surface. Once you get past it
[15:47:45] its too sweet.
[15:47:48] It's funny watching the racers in this level do
[15:47:50] what I would expect to do
[15:47:51] but it seems like you really have to think
[15:47:54] backwards about
[15:47:56] losing and gaining your power-ups.
[15:47:57] Yeah, because the key is it's not a matter of like...
[15:48:01] It's instantaneous as you can see.
[15:48:03] It doesn't matter if you're hit or not.
[15:48:05] If you are midair, you gain a powerup state.
[15:48:07] And okay, fun stuff! If you're midair, you gain a powerup state.
[15:48:08] And OK, fun fact if you knew that at home,
[15:48:13] 100 cool points to you for knowing
[15:48:15] that you can do that with a sprite.
[15:48:17] Mark almost saving it, but yeah we had a little bit of a strut there.
[15:48:27] And so now this is one of those things where there are people in the community that know very
[15:48:32] specific things about how this game works. Sometimes those experiences differ and so
[15:48:38] it's very likely that there is something happening in this level
[15:48:40] That one player on each team recognizes
[15:48:43] That the others don't. And making
[15:48:46] That communication, being like no this is how this works
[15:48:49] SMW is weird and you can do this very specific thing. That's actually a really important skill in this race to be able to see with certainty, what is this? Is this custom is this vanilla is
[15:49:01] this something new
[15:49:04] so the trick is what are we going to do
[15:49:06] to get up there
[15:49:10] java just barely missing out on that vine block.
[15:49:16] So Amy, when you're playing levels like this where it's a very definitive thing
[15:49:21] you are asked to do,
[15:49:23] and then it's just repeating the
[15:49:24] thing over and over again.
[15:49:25] Like how do you approach like
[15:49:26] building and varying that kind of a gimmick?
[15:49:31] Well, it's interesting because
[15:49:40] sometimes when you are trying to learn the later tricks in a level, especially in a
[15:49:45] level like this where you have to build your muscle memory. Sometimes if you're trying to learn a new trick, you start to
[15:49:47] go back on
[15:49:49] progress in the beginning level so
[15:49:51] important thing here is to
[15:49:53] and it's going to be hard with all the switching is to make sure
[15:49:56] to not lose your muscle memory for the things that you've already figured out how to do
[15:50:02] so that rex is that rex is a very,
[15:50:06] very important Rex.
[15:50:07] And the teams
[15:50:08] are getting to
[15:50:08] know and
[15:50:08] appreciate that
[15:50:09] Rex.
[15:50:10] So while we're
[15:50:11] trying to
[15:50:12] suss out what
[15:50:12] to do here
[15:50:13] with that
[15:50:13] Rex,
[15:50:14] Court if you
[15:50:14] would please
[15:50:15] have any
[15:50:15] donations
[15:50:16] for us we'd love to hear some. Absolutely. We have $50 Court, if you would please have any donations to share with us.
[15:50:16] We'd love to hear some.
[15:50:17] Absolutely.
[15:50:18] We have $50 from Citrus Crumlin
[15:50:20] that says the Kaizo community
[15:50:23] is one of the most open and accepting
[15:50:25] I have ever seen in my two full decades on the internet. Even if you aren't a Kaizo player,
[15:50:29] You can still make art, port music, make world maps, program ASM, and everyone is just as important.
[15:50:35] We all come together to make something bigger than the sum of our parts,
[15:50:38] just like GDQ in general. Let's go Goombas!
[15:50:42] Thank you so much,
[15:50:43] Vipers. None of this stuff is
[15:50:44] born into backing everything. It's collaborative
[15:50:46] and that's a beautiful thing about this community.
[15:50:48] When we said, when we said
[15:50:50] that 57 people contributed
[15:50:51] that's just the people like
[15:50:53] that tested and created unique things
[15:50:56] The number of people
[15:50:57] that have contributed over the course
[15:50:58] of the time to making this,
[15:51:02] this is in the hundreds.
[15:51:04] Like these are resources that go back probably as far as the mid-2010s and every kaizo mixtape,
[15:51:12] every Kaizogam that is made is built on those resources.
[15:51:18] Oh no wait! As we got Beast making a run for it.
[15:51:20] Oh, no.
[15:51:21] Wait.
[15:51:23] Ooh, so close.
[15:51:25] Knowledge gain.
[15:51:27] Important knowledge gain there from Beast.
[15:51:30] Let's see if Mark can pick up on that and move forward.
[15:51:30] That would have taken me an extra 20 minutes to figure out,
[15:51:33] probably.
[15:51:34] Like I said, it felt different.
[15:51:36] Oh wait, fail?
[15:51:41] Oh, Mark.
[15:51:41] So Mark trying a different variation there.
[15:51:46] A lot of times with Kaizo the assumption is
[15:51:49] there's only one way to do something. But in actuality,
[15:51:53] there are a lot of times
[15:51:54] where there are multiple ways
[15:51:55] to get from point A to point B
[15:51:57] and sometimes
[15:51:58] one might be easier for you than another.
[15:52:01] I really like glitch powering down in the same frame as the
[15:52:05] uh koopa on the left so it just fell off
[15:52:11] so oh and there's the 8. There is the 8.
[15:52:16] So now we got more.
[15:52:21] That is a very mean setup that Blagon has made for us.
[15:52:26] Blagon doing something mean, I couldn't ever care about it.
[15:52:29] Never!
[15:52:31] So hitting that block will actually kill that shell.
[15:52:35] And it appears we may need that shell,
[15:52:37] so we can't hit that block or else we lose the shell.
[15:52:42] And there's the knowledge right there.
[15:52:44] That is some great communication by
[15:52:46] the Funky Fuzzies here to see it
[15:52:48] and then say it, and then immediately turn it into
[15:52:51] action and progress on
[15:52:52] the level.
[15:52:55] We have $50 here from Tomato Flanges.
[15:52:58] Oh, tomato!
[15:53:00] That says...
[15:53:02] Set an alarm to watch this Australian morning.
[15:53:04] Been looking forward to this race ever since it was announced.
[15:53:06] Love to all my friends on both teams on the couch. Been looking forward to this race ever since it was announced.
[15:53:07] Love to all my friends on both teams on the couch, hosting and making levels.
[15:53:11] So many wonderful amazing people in this community I feel so blessed to know you all. Heart."
[15:53:15] Trans rights free Palestine!
[15:53:19] Thank You Toneado heart. Trans rights, free Palestine! Thank you, tomato.
[15:53:24] And there's the H! We got an A for the groovy goombas. It is an H right? Like it looks like an H, right?
[15:53:29] Like it looks like an H. So we call it an H.
[15:53:34] We also have $500 here from Altabris.
[15:53:38] Thank you.
[15:53:40] Hold on, mark alarm with a bit of
[15:53:42] progress...
[15:53:46] Sorry, Courtney. No, no it's all good!
[15:53:48] They say always a delight to see these races at
[15:53:50] GDQ and also extremely excited for the
[15:53:52] Super Mario Maker 2 Troll Race!
[15:53:54] Yes. Good luck to the Fuzzies
[15:53:56] and Trans Rights! That's gonna be
[15:53:58] a thing probably. That is a thing. That's going to be a thing probably. That is a thing.
[15:54:00] That's gonna be fun.
[15:54:01] Jez is playing in that too.
[15:54:02] Yeah, if you're having fun here come see us tomorrow!
[15:54:03] It's gonna be a blast y'all those levels are going to make Carl and Jez very angry
[15:54:08] and it's going to be great. All right, Shoujo with the burrito.
[15:54:14] The knowledge gain here is
[15:54:16] knowing what the problem is sometimes
[15:54:18] as difficult
[15:54:20] as the solution itself. So like with that setup, what is it
[15:54:23] that we're trying to do? What is the thing that is being asked of us?
[15:54:27] Sometimes when you're looking at a kaizo level you're like okay I know how
[15:54:29] to do that and i don't like it.
[15:54:33] And sometimes you'll look at a Kaizul El and be like
[15:54:35] I have no idea how to even start this.
[15:54:38] So that balance here of turning things from action into knowledge back into more
[15:54:44] action. It's a really important skill for racing and it's a really important
[15:54:48] if you want to get better at kaizo in general, just seeing something
[15:54:52] then doing as quickly and consistently as possible.
[15:54:54] And Beast, making some progress here
[15:54:56] on this little up throw section
[15:54:58] what I like to call the controller check
[15:55:00] Can you do three up throws in a row?
[15:55:02] Beast can't do it.
[15:55:04] But jumping over the shell and recognizing immediately
[15:55:07] that was not what was intended.
[15:55:11] I will say we've passed $81,000 out of 100,000 for Ocarina of Time.
[15:55:18] I know you all are mesmerized by the Kaizo levels here
[15:55:20] but that run has to be met
[15:55:22] before the end of this relay so please get your donations in now!
[15:55:27] We didn't work on that many levels so we have some time left but not that much so if you wanna i want to see ocarina
[15:55:33] of time if you want to see it too help us meet incentive. Let's put it in the marathon y'all.
[15:55:37] LET'S GO QUINCET!
[15:55:43] Alright Shoujo making a...
[15:55:45] Shoujo with a really smart strap there.
[15:55:47] Because, so with the iFrames if you regain
[15:55:50] the power of state when the iFrames run out
[15:55:52] you get more time.
[15:55:53] So it's almost like stalling in a bit.
[15:55:57] There is that controller check. There is the controller check. Can you do three and two? I feel like stalling in a bit.
[15:55:57] There's the controller check.
[15:55:59] Can you do three and only three up throws in a row?
[15:56:02] Everyone's favorite direction, again shout out to the up button
[15:56:05] The most underappreciated button on the SNES controller.
[15:56:12] All right, we got some really good communication happening now
[15:56:15] on this side of the Groovy Goombas.
[15:56:18] And we've got fail in driver's seat,
[15:56:19] which is a dangerous sign if you are a Funky Fuzzy.
[15:56:25] All right while we're making this product oh shut up
[15:56:28] and shut the bank.
[15:56:29] Oh, we've got...
[15:56:30] I think it's an interesting disco show.
[15:56:32] Is it not?
[15:56:32] All disco shows are interesting in their own world.
[15:56:36] A very relevant donation
[15:56:39] that is $300 from John that just
[15:56:41] says, shout out to Just Cook's D-pad.
[15:56:47] Can we give some love for all the D-pads
[15:56:49] in the world that go unappreciated and unloved?
[15:56:53] Your d-pad loves you, and you should love it back.
[15:56:57] Bees get... Okay bees with a damage boost now... Now!
[15:57:01] Ohhhh... I wonder if that Now, now... Oh!
[15:57:02] I wonder if that helps
[15:57:04] solve your question about...
[15:57:06] Let's start to clear some things up a little bit there.
[15:57:08] Alright glitch at the same time
[15:57:10] Okay so both of our both of our teams are at the same knowledge section.
[15:57:16] They have roughly the same amount of knowledge as each other.
[15:57:19] So now it's a matter of who is going to figure this out next?
[15:57:22] Who is going to figure this out next?
[15:57:23] Who will take the next step forward and how much level
[15:57:26] is left for them to do because it looks like we might be...
[15:57:30] Oh, okay. Mark has some...
[15:57:32] Mark has a very specific idea and Mark is...
[15:57:35] If you can't hear it, Mark is very clearly communicating what that idea is
[15:57:39] And now up to the rest of the team to take that idea and play it out.
[15:57:45] Ah, yeah I think that... Yeah
[15:57:49] Tricky! We got some moves
[15:57:53] Jaws We got some moves. Juzz!
[15:57:59] Y'all,
[15:58:01] do you want Juzz to win or not?
[15:58:03] That's how they tell
[15:58:05] them that they wanted to win.
[15:58:06] Cord, if you have a couple of ten years...
[15:58:08] I have a very special donation!
[15:58:10] I have $1,000 from Incoherent!
[15:58:16] And it says what we're all thinking SMW sure is a video game.
[15:58:22] It's one of the videos like a video game that is being played right now.
[15:58:27] Technically.
[15:58:30] We have $250 from Sunshine
[15:58:31] that says, I love this Kaizo community
[15:58:34] so much and I love the GDQ showcases
[15:58:36] every year. Thank you all so much.
[15:58:38] P.S.,
[15:58:39] that DS and D4 level blew my mind!
[15:58:42] Yeah, let's give it up one more time.
[15:58:45] All right, Beast making...
[15:58:46] Oh, wait, okay, we got...
[15:58:47] So, all. We got... So all right.
[15:58:51] The instinct to not land on a muncher.
[15:58:57] All those years of not hitting munchers ruined in an instant.
[15:59:01] Java, we got...
[15:59:03] Oh, Java with some jukes!
[15:59:06] Java was some really good moves there.
[15:59:08] Okay both teams now know what they want to do here,
[15:59:10] and now it is a matter of time
[15:59:12] and the beast...
[15:59:14] Alright! What have we got?
[15:59:18] Shojo instantly spotting the strat
[15:59:21] and shouting it out for Mark
[15:59:23] to pick up and run with. So let's see
[15:59:25] if this is going to be...
[15:59:27] Juzz,
[15:59:29] oh almost that jump is y'all if you've never played smw before and
[15:59:33] you think that jump looks easy i'm here to tell you it's not that jump is not easy all right All right. Oh!
[15:59:46] Poor Juz.
[15:59:48] Juz now heckling the audience back.
[15:59:57] This is why we love each other.
[16:00:01] And okay, there it is! You might have been able to hear that.
[16:00:04] More knowledge for The Funky Fuzzies.
[16:00:07] I love the very nice donations coming in for everyone, and then the antagonistic ones
[16:00:10] just all on the way.
[16:00:11] That's love!
[16:00:12] We have a $50 from Corvallis Wolf here that says,
[16:00:14] Donating for Shojo and the Funky Puzzies!
[16:00:16] You're my wife's favorite!
[16:00:20] It's all down to execution now as we approach
[16:00:22] the last 30 seconds remaining?
[16:00:25] We're going to see this out.
[16:00:26] We're gonna play this out, so let's
[16:00:27] see how close we go because if we're
[16:00:30] close like we know what to do here.
[16:00:33] So it's a map now. Now it's just a matter of putting it all together.
[16:00:39] And I think both teams are very close to putting it all together.
[16:00:45] Alright, Shubda with the Disco Shell Jukes gets the damage boost almost...
[16:00:50] Almost saves it.
[16:00:53] Both teams here very close. We're going to play this out, so let's...
[16:00:57] We're going to play through one more rotation on each side.
[16:01:00] So let's go.
[16:01:02] We can do this.
[16:01:03] Go.
[16:01:03] Keep going.
[16:01:04] Yeah, we got this.
[16:01:05] One more rotation on each side.
[16:01:08] You got this beast.
[16:01:17] Does this...oh. Wait for it.
[16:01:21] Look at that!
[16:01:23] Beach, the audacity!
[16:01:27] So close! The audacity. Wow!
[16:01:29] So close!
[16:01:35] Give it up, y'all!
[16:01:37] Give it up, y'all. Give it up.
[16:01:42] That was absolutely clutch.
[16:01:50] Y'all we got some names coming up here that you might recognize as well. I saw those names.
[16:01:51] Those are names.
[16:01:52] But before we talk about these names, Court, how're we doing?
[16:01:54] We are doing amazing!
[16:01:55] 86 thousand out of 100 thousand and that number continues to climb so So thank you all so much.
[16:02:02] You got this, Twitch chat.
[16:02:02] You got this.
[16:02:03] Yeah, just like this $10 from not Brad Brains.
[16:02:06] What?
[16:02:07] I know a Brad Brains.
[16:02:08] That says,
[16:02:09] I'm on team Dr. No. shout out to them and the rest of
[16:02:12] the amazing production team.
[16:02:14] Why are you want a team with one?
[16:02:17] I'm not that good at this game.
[16:02:20] That is not what we are here for, please stop
[16:02:22] that immediately.
[16:02:26] We have
[16:02:27] Soulbound Shell here from Margo
[16:02:28] and Maddie username to be
[16:02:30] discussed later.
[16:02:44] You may recognize I'm going to have a to have some fun here.
[16:02:45] Y'all ready for some fun?
[16:02:49] Are you ready for a Margo level?
[16:02:50] Are you ready for a Margo and Maddie level?
[16:02:51] I'm not ready for a Maddie level.
[16:02:52] I'm ready for a Margo level though.
[16:02:53] All right.
[16:02:53] Well, let's have ourselves a Maddie level. I'm ready for Margo level, though. All right. Let's have ourselves a level in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
[16:02:59] Go!
[16:03:03] So now we are... Who needs feet?
[16:03:05] Why do I have to read?
[16:03:09] We are kicking shells and we don't even need our feet to do it.
[16:03:13] This basically is what it says on the tin
[16:03:16] if you hit the L trigger, the shell goes left. If you hit the R trigger
[16:03:20] the shell goes right. That's about it! Now it's a matter of
[16:03:24] what we do with it.
[16:03:27] And there is the knowledge from Glitch, now it's a matter of
[16:03:32] Shojo figuring out how to use it. Oh wow. Yeah.
[16:03:42] They're taking the time to discuss it, which could be slow... But honestly if you-
[16:03:45] And Jabba with it.
[16:03:50] Now Java playing with these left and right shell kicks, what we can do
[16:03:54] with them?
[16:03:57] Pinballing the shell around.
[16:04:00] Is this all one screens? That's cool.
[16:04:03] We'll find out together.
[16:04:06] Oh! That is a knowledge gain.
[16:04:09] Meanwhile the Fuzzies know what's up so this
[16:04:13] is a close one y'all. Just meanwhile getting
[16:04:17] the timing down is going to be tricky because just meanwhile getting getting the s
[16:04:19] getting the timing down is going to be tricky because
[16:04:22] this is a this is something new this is new
[16:04:26] fail okay fail knows what's up. Remember I said earlier about sometimes
[16:04:31] it's pattern recognition
[16:04:32] and seeing something you've seen before
[16:04:34] and applying it to this level?
[16:04:37] Sometimes it's something
[16:04:38] you've never seen before.
[16:04:40] And now we got this...
[16:04:48] Who do you think made this room, Andy?
[16:04:51] We got a room for Shoujo making it into the next room.
[16:04:58] What a reed!
[16:04:59] That is some good reeds.
[16:05:01] Alright now can Shoujo make the...
[16:05:02] There it is!
[16:05:06] It's almost like Shoujo has played Hax by Maddy before.
[16:05:10] All right, Jabba with the timing.
[16:05:13] Okay now we have...that is a very quick catch up and now
[16:05:17] Chojo figuring out that we can do whatever we want to this show. There's no time
[16:05:21] like we could just kick it over and over again however we want it to
[16:05:27] as we're getting through here i want to say we have a 768 dollar donation that was a one-shot.
[16:05:34] Wow, that was amazing!
[16:05:36] It says incredibly impressed by the Kaizo Relay Race
[16:05:39] Awesome work by both the level designers and the runners
[16:05:43] Thank you for your donation level designers and the runners.
[16:05:45] Thank you for that.
[16:05:46] Thank you for your donation.
[16:05:49] This is a close one, y'all. And now it's not all one screen. Oh, we have more than
[16:05:51] one screen now. We have used more than one screen.
[16:05:56] Alright. now that we've expanded
[16:05:58] past one screen it's time to see what else
[16:06:00] we can do with this
[16:06:02] and it's the thing you
[16:06:04] want to see most in SMW Kaizo especially.
[16:06:06] It's an indication to go left.
[16:06:09] I'm out.
[16:06:14] We're going left here, and Beast making their way through this room.
[16:06:17] We got our first Borgie bat everybody, can we give a round of applause for the
[16:06:21] Borgie bats that were about to see?
[16:06:25] I shouted out TheBorgieman earlier as a phenomenal artist, but Borgi is also
[16:06:28] a phenomenal creator and created these bats that just kind of chill.
[16:06:32] They're just there, they're vibing, living their best life
[16:06:36] A lot of creators use them as sort of like indicators for where to land on
[16:06:41] a jump, and to kind of help guide the player to what place they want to go in
[16:06:45] terms of what order to do things. And so you're going to see these bats later on down the road,
[16:06:49] but shout out to BorgieMan and that's an example
[16:06:51] of resources building
[16:06:53] and growing among the community
[16:06:55] That is something Borgie created for a game
[16:06:57] that was run not too long ago, actually
[16:06:59] at AGDQ called Luminescence.
[16:07:02] I keep saying she can't keep getting away with this.
[16:07:05] SPEAKER 1:" Shout out to Shojo for just doing an extra shell
[16:07:07] jump in the video."
[16:07:09] SPEAKER 2:" we don't...
[16:07:09] Shell jumps are a
[16:07:12] unlimited resource
[16:07:14] in SMW Kaizo
[16:07:15] and you can use them
[16:07:16] as you see fit.
[16:07:17] Meanwhile Glitch
[16:07:19] with the knowledge this is going to be a close race y'all so we should probably get some donations in while we can.
[16:07:24] Absolutely well Clayton agrees with $50 saying actually we can let Shoujo keep getting away with it.
[16:07:32] And we...
[16:07:33] We can and we shouldn't.
[16:07:34] Go ahead, sorry.
[16:07:35] Absolutely.
[16:07:36] And $1,000 from Glassglade!
[16:07:39] Thank you so much.
[16:07:41] That says love to the Mario community and that was put towards Ocarina of Time which put us over $90,000 towards it!
[16:07:46] Let's go we're almost there, we got this.
[16:07:48] Less than $10,000 away for our bonus game keep those donations coming so now we got some uh
[16:07:56] we have a charles charles is here and charles is here to help not hurt charles is our friend
[16:08:06] charles will hit the switch for us what a nice guy
[16:08:12] all right shoujo making some very impressive reads in this level.
[16:08:15] But the Groovy Goombas are not far behind at all.
[16:08:19] Fail knowing what to do and really very close
[16:08:23] to finishing the execution.
[16:08:25] And there's some communication, you've got Beast
[16:08:27] backseating. We had to teach our racers
[16:08:30] how to backseat y'all, would you believe they don't know
[16:08:31] how to backseat?
[16:08:33] Y'all are great at backseating, by the way. Keep it up.
[16:08:39] You should definitely do that in your favorite Kaizo streamer's stream next time you see them.
[16:08:42] Yep. All of these racers are appreciating it.
[16:08:52] Alright, we are very close to a neck and neck.
[16:08:57] As soon as I say that,
[16:08:58] Beast is absolutely owning me
[16:09:00] in getting an H
[16:09:01] and moving to the point more section ahead.
[16:09:06] We have some very good knowledge happening and we've got some very,
[16:09:09] very good players. Oh wait what are we doing?
[16:09:14] We're figuring this out as we go.
[16:09:22] Sometimes you just need to think. You just need to look at it.
[16:09:24] Picture a feather.
[16:09:28] We have
[16:09:29] $150 from GrandPu there!
[16:09:31] Thank you, Pooh!
[16:09:34] That says
[16:09:35] the only thing more impressive than these levels are
[16:09:37] the players figuring them out live in front of this crowd.
[16:09:41] Hard game hard, but gamers be gaming!
[16:09:44] Thank you so much Poo.
[16:09:47] And we have $50 from Dermd. Yeah, thank you, GermDove!
[16:09:50] It says, shout-outs to our HR
[16:09:52] it's been a highlight of my week for years
[16:09:54] proud to be part of putting this relay together
[16:09:56] Let's go guys and an H
[16:09:58] for the Goombas That's an H!
[16:10:05] It's close, y'all.
[16:10:09] What a save there by Glitch. No kidding. Trolling that shell so...
[16:10:12] Oh my gosh!
[16:10:14] Say, um...
[16:10:16] Did they patch that in? Did we see that one before?
[16:10:17] We didn't.
[16:10:19] But if you didn't know who made the level, now you know who made the level.
[16:10:24] I promise that was there the whole time.
[16:10:31] Honestly... Honestly kind of shocked
[16:10:33] him when he went into it!
[16:10:37] Literally, pixels
[16:10:39] difference between a success
[16:10:41] and a miss on that attempt.
[16:10:43] And sometimes the difference between these races
[16:10:45] really is one good attempt versus not,
[16:10:50] and you're seeing now what the Goombas are trying to do
[16:10:52] is figure out okay,
[16:10:53] what sort of English do I need to take on this shell hop
[16:10:56] to hit that up pipe?
[16:10:58] Because if Maddie loves anything in this world more than up pipes,
[16:11:02] I'm not sure I know what it is.
[16:11:05] All right. than up pipes. I'm not sure I know what it is. Alright, mark alarm taking a shot at this section!
[16:11:09] Okay now so that
[16:11:13] we have some more timing related setups here.
[16:11:16] So this is going to take probably
[16:11:19] some flow and some really good communication
[16:11:22] between the racers.
[16:11:22] So while they're trying to suss these sections out
[16:11:24] and while the Gurugomers are definitely in the
[16:11:27] in the realm of catching this up uh court if we have a couple more donations i'd love
[16:11:31] to hear them absolutely we have some a really nice donation here it's's $250 from Anna Harai
[16:11:36] that says
[16:11:39] just for MVP
[16:11:41] most valuable passer of the controller
[16:11:43] Wow
[16:11:45] He can't even hear you, he's too busy gaming to...
[16:11:50] I know just proving him wrong that's all I'm saying.
[16:11:53] We also have $1,000 from Anonymous.
[16:11:56] Thank you.
[16:11:59] That says good luck to all the runners!
[16:12:03] Shubta knows shells about as
[16:12:05] good as anyone in the world, so
[16:12:06] not surprised that she got that H there and now it's time for beast i hear he's
[16:12:12] pretty good with shells too he's okay no everyone on this stage is an absolutely incredible Kaizo player.
[16:12:21] And can we take a second while we have just give love to all of these players for
[16:12:25] just absolutely showing up?
[16:12:28] This is stressful y'all.
[16:12:30] Can you imagine speedrunning a game in GDQ and actually not
[16:12:34] knowing what it is until you get here? Yeah that's hard! And they're doing
[16:12:38] it right now and they're doing it really well
[16:12:44] i just said that
[16:12:48] all right shoujo
[16:12:52] oh what do we got at that time
[16:13:04] so learning something there about when she has to kick that shell right we have some knowledge gained meanwhile the groovy goombas are making some very very solid progress here
[16:13:14] we have 25 dollars from Ampersam. Love you, thank you, Amber.
[16:13:16] Saying many amazing folks out here showing how incredibly talented the SMW community is
[16:13:21] From the makers to the racers and event organizers.
[16:13:25] Being a part of it for over five years now, wild, has been one
[16:13:28] of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.
[16:13:30] Good luck everyone!
[16:13:31] You can't keep telling us how old we are.
[16:13:33] Stop mentioning the passage of time!
[16:13:35] We also have $25 here from Lizstar
[16:13:40] that says, thanks for letting me help make art.
[16:13:44] Alright what do we got?
[16:13:46] We've got a hint!
[16:13:48] Hint?
[16:13:59] You asked for a hint, right?
[16:14:06] Wait for it.
[16:14:07] Nice!
[16:14:09] Incredible. Thank you.
[16:14:19] Incredible job!
[16:14:21] Y'all, I was so glad they hit that question block.
[16:14:25] You have no idea.
[16:14:27] All right, we are gearing up for track number seven,
[16:14:31] Violence in Repose by Alex and Snow Rump Pyro.
[16:14:34] And if those aren't names you're familiar with,
[16:14:36] I promise you these racers are.
[16:14:38] And it just got a little afraid.
[16:14:40] But before we start talking about that...
[16:14:42] Court, that number goes up, don't it?
[16:14:44] Yeah, that number goes up.
[16:14:46] We're at 93,000 out of 100,000 plus $93,000 out of $100,000
[16:14:49] plus the $7,000 to go.
[16:14:51] Let's keep it rolling.
[16:14:53] We absolutely got this. Be sure
[16:14:55] to assign it towards that incentive.
[16:14:57] Let's see Uckerts, Reno of time!
[16:14:59] Do it!
[16:15:00] Let's go.
[16:15:00] We want to see
[16:15:01] Ganon go down.
[16:15:02] It has to happen.
[16:15:04] We want this in.
[16:15:05] All right.
[16:15:06] Violence and Repose
[16:15:07] by Alex and Snow Runt Pyro.
[16:15:09] Two very skilled creators
[16:15:11] who have made some very
[16:15:12] hard things in the past.
[16:15:14] So when you see them come up on a race level,
[16:15:17] you're like, what could this possibly be?
[16:15:18] All right, let's find out in 5...4...3...2...1...go!
[16:15:27] So when you see the word repose at an SMW Kaizo level that usually means shells but in this case the shells fire back
[16:15:35] that makes sense yeah the shells are mad and what you just heard was
[16:15:39] the sound of mark alarm reaping what he has sowed.
[16:15:45] Mark Alarm, famously not only a creator at Celeste.smc and
[16:15:48] also made a very well-loved resource that allows basically for anything to shoot these sort
[16:15:56] of cluster sprite bullets is what we call them. And so Alex and Snow Pyro have decided,
[16:16:03] let's make the shells fight back.
[16:16:05] So what you're seeing now is Shells Engei.
[16:16:17] We have $25 here from Marcy August. Thank you, Marcy.
[16:16:19] Every year the Kaiser community continues to impress me with how innovative, creative and impressive they are with the levels they
[16:16:25] craft. What an absolutely incredible level that D4, Dan Silvado and everyone else who
[16:16:29] assisted them was able to create. Especially D4, who has done so much for
[16:16:33] the community over the many years of creating and tinkering she has done.
[16:16:37] I'm so proud of how far the community has come
[16:16:39] and I continue to look forward
[16:16:40] to the amazing things they will inevitably create.
[16:16:41] I love you all.
[16:16:42] Thank you Marcy.
[16:16:44] Love you Marcy.
[16:16:46] All right.
[16:16:47] So we've got a couple varieties of shell here, each with their own little particular flavor
[16:16:51] of shooting you in the face.
[16:16:53] We have green shells which are firing horizontally.
[16:16:56] We have red shells, sorry,
[16:16:58] which are firing vertically
[16:17:00] and then you have blue shells
[16:17:02] which honestly they're like why not both?
[16:17:06] So...
[16:17:16] Shout out to World Peace, an absolute legend in the SMW
[16:17:19] Kaiser community who made a level I'm not even going
[16:17:21] to say how many years ago called Cruel or Crueltubular which
[16:17:26] introduced so many of us to a wonderful
[16:17:29] world of things shooting bullets at you that you didn't think should.
[16:17:35] So a lot of this is honestly
[16:17:37] believe it or not it while it looks very
[16:17:40] intimidating what it is is timing so these the all the bullets fire on a
[16:17:45] very specific pattern and you can see there it is beast calling it out immediately
[16:17:53] when you take damage in the middle of a shell jump it stops the spin
[16:17:57] in the middle of a spin joke sorry it stops your spin uh and sometimes that is
[16:18:01] very strategically asked of you by a kaizo maker because they want you to
[16:18:06] hit like spin break some blocks but not others so now it's a matter of timing,
[16:18:12] not only where and when to put these shells
[16:18:17] but also the general sense of like how do I time everything being asked of me. This is a
[16:18:23] this is a timing level so that whole idea of like building muscle memory
[16:18:30] that Amethyst was talking about earlier.
[16:18:32] That's even more important here, as we got an H from the first H of the level
[16:18:38] here from The Beast.
[16:18:40] And now we've got Yellow Shells and Yellow Shell shells are going up and down, left and right.
[16:18:45] All right, we got these immediately
[16:18:50] going I needed that.
[16:18:57] I do want to say if you're enjoying this Kaizo relay, we do have our milestone to upgrade Granblue World 3 to all exits for more Kaizos!
[16:19:01] That is really... Holy moly that is really close isn't it?
[16:19:06] It's about $18000 away.
[16:19:08] Oh we got that right?
[16:19:09] That number continues to decrease.
[16:19:10] We got that right let's hear it.
[16:19:13] Mark Kaizo lets do it!
[16:19:14] Every donation counts.
[16:19:16] That is something that you can help us do
[16:19:18] and get some more
[16:19:20] Grand Poo World in the Marathon.
[16:19:22] Who doesn't want more Grand Poo World in the Marathon? Let's be real.
[16:19:24] Mr. Mighty Mouse I have imagine. Yeah, probably.
[16:19:26] Alright, Shoujo. Ooh! And now
[16:19:28] we have a Disco Shell. What do you think a Disco Shell
[16:19:30] shoots? Everything.
[16:19:33] Everywhere. Alright, Juz
[16:19:34] with the Great Read and getting Jez getting the H.
[16:19:37] That is some great...
[16:19:38] You can see right now Jez and Faye
[16:19:40] working together very closely here
[16:19:42] timing this out, playing this out as we go
[16:19:44] because Jez knew that was one more away so fail immediately
[16:19:49] getting ready to pick up right where jess left off on this next section
[16:19:56] shoujo making oh a little bit too late there Oh, my goodness. We are now at $95,000.
[16:19:57] Let's go!
[16:19:58] I think we can do that in one and a half minutes.
[16:20:01] What an absolute genius.
[16:20:03] That was so close.
[16:20:04] That is the best thing you could ever do.
[16:20:06] You know what?
[16:20:07] I'm going to give it to him. I think we can do that in one and a half minutes.
[16:20:09] What an absolute god-tier re-prepare!
[16:20:13] I just looked over for a second!
[16:20:16] Can we see the replay on that?
[16:20:20] We didn't program that in. We spent all that budget
[16:20:22] on Dean Dan.
[16:20:25] There was no budget.
[16:20:26] It's the budget for the anime girls.
[16:20:30] All right, It's the budget for the anime girls. Alright,
[16:20:32] fail in that absolutely
[16:20:34] incredible read giving
[16:20:36] the Groovy Goombas some really much needed
[16:20:38] time on this next section.
[16:20:41] With this next section, I want to give a special shout out
[16:20:44] and we can please give some love for Circle Friendo.
[16:20:47] Circle Friendo is an absolute...
[16:20:54] one of my new favorite people in the world for helping us make this level look as beautiful
[16:20:56] it does while still having these
[16:20:58] firing shells and
[16:21:00] waterfalls in the background with these layer 2 platforms
[16:21:02] so if you have any Waddle Dee emotes I would love
[16:21:04] for you to scan them right now and say thank you
[16:21:06] Circle Friendo for helping us
[16:21:08] one of many people that helped make this level
[16:21:10] happen
[16:21:11] a market alarm very help make this level happen.
[16:21:13] A market alarm, very close!
[16:21:20] So Emi you ever played any toho no actually you haven't i think if
[16:21:26] you play newton hey have you played any some bullet hell games i've not played
[16:21:30] let's go as an h for the Funky Fuzzies.
[16:21:37] We made a lot of people in the history of SMW Central very happy by recommending to our racers
[16:21:40] that it might be a good idea
[16:21:41] for them to play some Toho,
[16:21:43] and you too at home should also play some Toho if And you too, at home, should also play some
[16:21:45] Toho if you have the chance. Glitch!
[16:21:47] Alright, glitch.
[16:21:50] That was a really good read
[16:21:51] from Glitch and some very important knowledge
[16:21:53] coming up because one of the things you're seeing here
[16:21:56] is if you can figure out the timing
[16:21:58] and you can see kind of how things are
[16:22:00] lined up, it really helps
[16:22:02] the people behind you. Because that means
[16:22:04] they don't have to figure that again again the timing is the same for everybody
[16:22:08] so if you figure it out once that means you don't have to figure it out again
[16:22:12] and that is a oh don't be hasty.
[16:22:22] We have the audacity to put a Kome's trap in this
[16:22:25] and a Kaiser race level GQ y'all we're less than $3,000 away level of GDQ.
[16:22:28] Y'all, we are less than $3,000 away.
[16:22:29] This level!
[16:22:31] I want to hit it this level!
[16:22:34] Listen, the racers have been playing
[16:22:36] amazing. Can we give it up please for the Racers?
[16:22:40] This has been absolutely incredible and I know
[16:22:42] we want to celebrate meeting that bonus game
[16:22:44] so get your donations in now!
[16:22:46] Please, we're so close y'all
[16:22:51] court actually if you have a couple of donations that was probably a really
[16:22:54] good time for some i mean yeah the number keeps going up
[16:22:56] so many donations we have 100 $100 from PhoenixPyrus
[16:23:00] that says, greetings from the crowd!
[16:23:02] GDQ is always an amazing time and I'm happy
[16:23:04] to share it with my wife Iris. Good luck
[16:23:06] to the runners and let's get that Legend of Zelda
[16:23:08] Ocarina of Time! No, we can do this.
[16:23:11] We got this. Alright, both
[16:23:12] teams right now have really seen
[16:23:15] pretty much the same amount of the level
[16:23:16] and now it's a matter of who's better
[16:23:18] at dodging bullets, baby?
[16:23:23] Wow. of who's better at dodging bullets baby i would like to say that both teams are actually very good
[16:23:25] at dodging bullets it's just a matter of who is able to get it first. I'm going to go with the same.
[16:23:44] Same. coming up on this little escort the shell.
[16:23:55] Hank, when you're playing something like this
[16:23:57] how hard is it for you to remember
[16:23:59] to do the little things when you're focusing so much
[16:24:01] on the big things? Yeah, remembering each individual obstacle is so...
[16:24:05] and it's so easy to just forget that
[16:24:07] you need to do a spin jump somewhere
[16:24:09] instead of a regular jump.
[16:24:11] Very important!
[16:24:12] It's really easy to tunnel vision when you're dealing with a bunch of things in the level like this.
[16:24:16] Absolutely.
[16:24:17] Kaizo Ray Spring is real and it can happen to you.
[16:24:20] Alright, that something like that
[16:24:25] famously
[16:24:27] Mario's Hitbox is incredibly consistent
[16:24:29] and well known to all people who play these games
[16:24:31] Of course
[16:24:33] Alright, Beast waiting out this cycle here I THINK IT'S A LITTLE BIT MORE OF A RECESSION.
[16:24:36] ALL RIGHT,
[16:24:39] HERE.
[16:24:40] ALL RIGHT. I see a number going up.
[16:24:46] Less than $1,000!
[16:24:48] Oh my goodness!
[16:24:50] Come on let's go!
[16:24:52] We have $200 from Wookie Riot that says
[16:24:54] Shoujo is such a legend Go Funky Fuzzies We have $200 from Wookie Riot that says,
[16:24:56] Shoujo is such a legend.
[16:24:57] Go Funky Fuzzies!
[16:24:59] Go Zelda Ocarina of Time!
[16:25:01] Oh, 2.30 left!
[16:25:02] Come on.
[16:25:03] Come on!
[16:25:04] Come on!
[16:25:04] I know you can do it.
[16:25:05] I know you can do it, Twitch chat. Y'all are going to beat them
[16:25:07] to the end of this level,
[16:25:08] I'm a believer.
[16:25:09] 180?
[16:25:11] Okay...
[16:25:12] Bumper go up.
[16:25:14] Oh!
[16:25:16] Hey!
[16:25:18] What do you know? That is a very important age for your family
[16:25:20] because one of the things
[16:25:22] that you like to see about these is that...
[16:25:24] There it is!
[16:25:29] You all are absolutely incredible. That is $100,000 to Doctors Without Borders
[16:25:32] and we're going to see Ocarina of Time after this.
[16:25:34] Let's go!
[16:25:37] I never doubted for a second.
[16:25:39] I think you fail me as playing some Toho.
[16:25:42] Yeah, I think you fail me
[16:25:44] as experienced in the arts of the Toho.
[16:25:47] And the Gungeon!
[16:25:49] Into the Gungeon. Yeah, into the gungeon here.
[16:25:50] We didn't use the dodge relay as him.
[16:25:52] I'm sorry.
[16:25:54] All right.
[16:25:57] This is going to sound very silly but one of the best things about getting an
[16:25:59] H is that you don't have to play, but one of the best things about getting an H
[16:26:00] Is that you don't have to play other parts of the level anymore
[16:26:03] Oh my goodness! Glitch Cat
[16:26:07] That was...
[16:26:10] Y'all when I say that that may have been like one of the parts
[16:26:14] of this relay i may have been a little worried about and uh let's just uh let's just did that
[16:26:21] i want to say big thanks to this $1,000 from anonymous. Thank you.
[16:26:25] That helped us meet that incentive and it says I couldn't watch most of GDQ so I'm making up for it now.
[16:26:33] Let's make Ocarina of Time happen and you helped make it happen!
[16:26:37] Thank you so much!
[16:26:40] Look how close we are to making Mighty Mouse play more Grand Poo World 3.
[16:26:45] I want to see that happen!
[16:26:48] Oh, that...
[16:26:50] And what have we got here?
[16:27:03] OH MY GOD That's why we got here. Vindication!
[16:27:05] The vindication.
[16:27:07] Did Juzz just do better?
[16:27:09] He finally did better!
[16:27:11] After so many years,
[16:27:13] Juzz has finally done better.
[16:27:16] Y'all give it up! Give it up! Let's go! Come on!
[16:27:20] What a level!
[16:27:24] Alright y'all, it has been a blast and we're not done yet.
[16:27:27] We have our very last track which
[16:27:30] we'll talk about here in a second but before we do I know there's probably
[16:27:32] a lot of people Kort that are really happy and that we want to thank for helping us
[16:27:38] get some more Zelda into the marathon. Yeah absolutely there's so many donations
[16:27:42] that came in for Ocarina of Time thank you so much like this. $1,000 from JT.
[16:27:48] Thank you.
[16:27:50] That says, I love that I'm able to
[16:27:52] donate to such a fantastic charity
[16:27:54] during one of my favorite AGDQ events.
[16:27:56] Much love to the entire community for hosting such a special event
[16:27:59] for everyone to come together for
[16:28:01] Thank you so much
[16:28:02] Alright, we're at the last level
[16:28:04] y'all, so here is how this is gonna work
[16:28:07] The Funky Fuzzies right now have a three-point lead over the Groovy Goombas,
[16:28:12] which means they will have a 30 second head start for this level.
[16:28:17] That is 30 seconds of advantage.
[16:28:20] Or if you want to think about it this way,
[16:28:22] that's 30 seconds of stream sniping.
[16:28:24] However you want to think of it.
[16:28:26] John back here just...
[16:28:30] We're dialing it in.
[16:28:34] This level we will play to the end.
[16:28:38] We are going to have a 30 second head start
[16:28:41] and we have Wild Wild
[16:28:43] Rescue by HeroSoft
[16:28:45] and why not?
[16:28:47] HeroSoft and why not have been making
[16:28:49] levels for so many years.
[16:28:51] Why Not actually is your mom's favorite SMW maker!
[16:28:54] It's true, it's really...
[16:28:57] Yeah she told me the other day, it's right.
[16:29:00] Y'all ready for this last track?
[16:29:06] We will count down the Funky Fuzzies, and then
[16:29:10] we'll start to countdown for the Groovy Goombas at 25 seconds so that they have a 30 second headstart.
[16:29:17] Alright audience did you write that down because there's a very good chance you might mess this up.
[16:29:25] Alright, we're gonna count down the Funky Fuzzies!
[16:29:27] It's time for Wild Wild West-Q in 5...
[16:29:30] 4... 3... 2... 1... Go! three two one go and we have a title screen within the
[16:29:37] title screen. We are featuring a new friend here everybody I'd like to
[16:29:41] introduce you to Laura the Pokey.
[16:29:45] Lara the Pokey is my new best friend,
[16:29:47] I would die for Lara the Pokey.
[16:29:49] That's my favorite character.
[16:29:51] So we are summoning Lara the Pokey with the L and R button And Lara the Pokey can do a couple things for
[16:29:57] us. First off, we can jump on Lara the Pokey. Meanwhile, we're going to rescue these Goombas.
[16:30:01] Three, two, 1, go!
[16:30:05] It's okay. The title screen kind of evens it out.
[16:30:07] It's a timed title screen. It's fine.
[16:30:09] Shout-out to the audience for being on top of that by the way.
[16:30:11] Give yourselves a round of applause please.
[16:30:13] You told time Twitch chat chat audience. Congrats!
[16:30:17] Alright the other thing is...
[16:30:19] Laura the Pokey
[16:30:21] Oh that was actually brilliant
[16:30:23] from Shepda despawning that mole there
[16:30:25] There's a lot of text here uh normally kaizo levels
[16:30:28] don't like to make you read hero loves to make you read this is an extremely hero level
[16:30:36] this is one of the hero levels of all time.
[16:30:37] So if you did not pick up on that, there are five hostage Goombas in each room
[16:30:44] that we have to rescue before we move on.
[16:30:47] This is a hero level.
[16:30:50] Hero, if you're watching this,
[16:30:51] I absolutely love you. Thank you and
[16:30:53] why not for making this? This is an absolute
[16:30:55] treat for us and I'm so glad we get to see
[16:30:57] it here on the stage.
[16:31:02] Laura hates fire, which, I mean, yes,
[16:31:03] it's a pokey wearing a suit of armor.
[16:31:05] Fire is the natural weakness.
[16:31:12] So if either the player or lara gets hit by fire that's it that's the run and you have to collect all five hostages in one go uh to make it into
[16:31:17] the next level do you got all that yeah that there will be a quiz later
[16:31:23] it's interesting seeing these racers fight their instinct to kill all of the goombas
[16:31:26] it's true well they're clearly like these are some very distressed Goombas, right?
[16:31:32] And see here's what happened.
[16:31:34] When that mole hit the Goomba on the creepy Goomba side...
[16:31:39] Well we don't want to talk about it.
[16:31:41] So we have all five Goombas in each level and we're going to need some bullets
[16:31:47] so Laura can reflect a whole bunch of stuff including bullet bills
[16:31:51] We are timing this out. The other thing you might have
[16:31:53] noticed is that when
[16:31:55] the team is spin jumping,
[16:31:57] Laura actually
[16:31:59] will spawn directly
[16:32:01] underneath and it says that so if you spin jump and you then you call laura
[16:32:06] laura will join you right underneath you so you can basically just spin and then immediately
[16:32:11] summon laura right where well Laura right where, well,
[16:32:13] theoretically right where you need her.
[16:32:17] None of our racers here have met Laura the Pokédex before
[16:32:21] so we're making new friends here.
[16:32:23] So while our racers are making new friends here. While our racers are making new
[16:32:25] friends with Laura,
[16:32:27] our absolute best friend in the whole universe...
[16:32:29] Court can you have some donations please?
[16:32:31] Absolutely! We have so many donations coming
[16:32:33] from so many friends! We have $25 from Puzzle Cat that says,
[16:32:37] Hello from the audience!
[16:32:39] I am in awe of these tracks and gameplay.
[16:32:41] Just stunning and an amazing feat.
[16:32:43] Keep going, racers!
[16:32:44] Let's go.
[16:32:46] All right.
[16:32:50] more knowledge
[16:32:52] for the Funky Fuzzies. Famously in
[16:32:54] Kaizo Aurelia races, head starts not actually that helpful but i think
[16:32:59] in this instance a head start is actually a really beneficial thing because this
[16:33:03] is something no one will have ever felt or seen before.
[16:33:07] And the more time you have to figure this out,
[16:33:09] the easier it gets to do more with it as you go.
[16:33:13] So the Funky Face is having that 30 second advantage
[16:33:16] means that's extra time they don't need
[16:33:19] to figure it out.
[16:33:20] There we go, we're in the gate
[16:33:22] and on to the next room.
[16:33:25] On the flip side
[16:33:26] then, one god Reed will erase an entire head start like that.
[16:33:34] No pressure!
[16:33:37] We have $20 here from Moxie Cat that says,
[16:33:39] As someone who loves Mario mods.
[16:33:42] Huh? What? How?
[16:33:44] That is the appropriate reaction to what you are seeing.
[16:33:47] Shout out to the incredible runners and amazing level designers behind this.
[16:33:50] Absolutely! And I do want to say, we have that reverse boss rush incentive for Waka Reverse!
[16:33:56] It's approaching 5 thousand out of 25 thousand.
[16:33:59] I know we can make it. Please
[16:34:01] assign your donations towards that incentive
[16:34:03] if you want to see some more rhythm gaming later.
[16:34:05] Y'all, I saw the Waka machine they had in the arcade
[16:34:07] here. I had 0%
[16:34:09] chance of doing anything there. You're going to want to see this Waka showcase,
[16:34:13] so we can make that...
[16:34:13] We made Zelda happen.
[16:34:15] We can make this Waka reverse boss rush.
[16:34:17] I can't talk.
[16:34:19] It's been so much guys on this plane.
[16:34:20] It's okay.
[16:34:21] The plane is so hard okay, it's okay.
[16:34:21] They're playing so hard.
[16:34:22] I've got you.
[16:34:23] We have less than 10,000 for that Grand Pool World 3 upgrade too!
[16:34:26] Let's go!
[16:34:27] Let's do it!
[16:34:29] And also, if you want Mighty Mouse to not play as barb during grand pool world 3
[16:34:34] you can donate to yoshi who's in second place
[16:34:37] that is a tough call i know people have some some
[16:34:41] some hot takes about Yoshi as well.
[16:34:44] Might be a spicy bit.
[16:34:46] Are we revisiting the is Yoshi a horse discussion? Because Yoshi's a horse.
[16:34:48] Oh boy. Yoshi's a horse,
[16:34:50] I will not accept any evidence to the contrary
[16:34:52] no matter how right it is.
[16:34:56] Alright this section of low is...
[16:35:01] Kaizo platforming is hard enough on its own.
[16:35:03] Kaizo platforming with a friend
[16:35:05] is a little trickier but just making just making some good reads i don't think there's
[16:35:12] anyone on the planet that has played more hero levels than jazz
[16:35:21] whether he wants to have or not that explains a lot all right we have some...
[16:35:28] We're making some moves here.
[16:35:29] We're exploring.
[16:35:30] We're bouncing around
[16:35:30] taking some great moves
[16:35:32] and while we do so
[16:35:33] Court if you have
[16:35:34] any more donations
[16:35:34] I'd love to hear them.
[16:35:36] I mean we have so many donations coming in like this $50 from part-time dogfish
[16:35:41] that says the Mario community is full of some of
[16:35:43] the most amazing people including some of my best friends. Much love.
[16:35:48] Thank you so much.
[16:35:49] We also have $25 from John and Josh Brown that says,
[16:35:53] watching SGDQ for the first time with my son!
[16:35:55] Having such a blast seeing these wild Mario levels.
[16:35:58] Thanks for giving us an awesome show."
[16:36:02] The racers have been putting on
[16:36:04] an absolute brilliant show, y'all and this is
[16:36:06] we're bringing it home here.
[16:36:09] So the thing about
[16:36:11] Kaizo and if you haven't picked up on this
[16:36:13] progress doesn't always appear
[16:36:15] visually like sometimes progress
[16:36:17] isn't you make it further in a level.
[16:36:21] Sometimes progress in Kaizo is knowing what not to do and learning that something is wrong
[16:36:26] because one of the things that happens a lot in Kaizolevels
[16:36:29] is you do something wrong and it works.
[16:36:32] That is actually not a very good thing at all because...
[16:36:34] I feel called out.
[16:36:36] I promise, I wasn't talking to you Hank!
[16:36:39] But in general like doing the wrong thing once it working
[16:36:42] and then assuming it's the right thing to do,
[16:36:44] that is a really fast way to lose a lot of time.
[16:36:48] So yeah, now what? Now what are you gonna do, Chuz?
[16:36:56] What're ya gonna do?
[16:36:59] Oh.
[16:37:01] Chuz in the gate!
[16:37:03] All right, now we've got a minecart level.
[16:37:08] We're entering minecar-level territory and
[16:37:11] we are taking Laura for a train ride.
[16:37:17] Fun fact if you ride
[16:37:19] through the wall of fire
[16:37:21] bad things happen but like like if Jez is just
[16:37:24] going to smoke... Look at that! Jez just smoked this room!
[16:37:26] Look at that!
[16:37:28] Wow. Alright, Sheriff
[16:37:30] Mouser must be close y'all.
[16:37:35] Looks more funky close y'all funky fuzzies are also making progress here yeah we are this is still
[16:37:39] anybody's race that that just absolutely just went
[16:37:43] are you okay em okay i'm okay
[16:37:46] what do we got oh we we bouncing we going back and
[16:37:53] i would like to go on record in saying that I think this is my favorite room
[16:37:57] in the entire mixtape. This is an absolutely just amazing
[16:38:02] room and you'll see why as we progress but while
[16:38:05] while the fuzzies are catching
[16:38:06] up and while the Goombas are giving this room a shot,
[16:38:08] how are we doing on donations? We are
[16:38:10] doing great. So many people really want to see
[16:38:12] more Grandpa World 3 later. Like
[16:38:14] this $10 from Kaizo Lurker that says, need more
[16:38:17] Kaizo! Need Grand Poo World 3
[16:38:19] All Exits. Absolutely
[16:38:21] and $250
[16:38:23] from Kinne
[16:38:24] That says Barb created All Ex all exits let's see all exits and with
[16:38:31] that we are less than nine thousand dollars away towards that milestone of
[16:38:34] one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for doctors without borders an incredible number $1,250,000 for Doctors Without Borders.
[16:38:38] An incredible number! Let's get there!
[16:38:41] Yeah. Glitch doing something really important
[16:38:44] which is continuing a doomed run.
[16:38:46] I do not mean that as a joke
[16:38:49] or as a diss. Sometimes
[16:38:51] when you know you can't beat
[16:38:53] something, either because you failed an objective
[16:38:55] or something you know is just
[16:38:57] not going to work out for you. Sometimes the best thing to do
[16:39:00] is to keep going anyway,
[16:39:01] because when knowledge
[16:39:03] is the thing that you're trying to gain the most
[16:39:05] but gaining that knowledge
[16:39:06] is more important than moving fast.
[16:39:09] So moving forward, Java with the absolute reads here.
[16:39:13] All right, all right.
[16:39:15] Java making absolutely brilliant reads
[16:39:18] on some of these very clever Laura setups
[16:39:22] that Hiro and YNOT have made for us.
[16:39:28] It's funny, because if you can't hear the racers are talking so much to each other
[16:39:33] and i wish y'all could hear some of the things they're saying because like they are very yeah
[16:39:39] there is some very deliberate gameplay going on right now as the Funky Fuzzies are getting very,
[16:39:43] very close. Mark?
[16:39:45] Mark just about had it at the last attempt.
[16:39:51] Using the slope speed.
[16:39:53] Alright!
[16:40:01] The mole there is serving as a timing check to make sure that you get
[16:40:04] there in time, but also serving as a heat check to keep
[16:40:08] you moving. Alright Shoujo up
[16:40:12] it is very close the team has seen the exit.
[16:40:15] They know where to go.
[16:40:17] Can they put the pieces together?
[16:40:23] All right.
[16:40:24] Oh, that same mole.
[16:40:25] Sometimes you got to play it out.
[16:40:28] Meanwhile, fail being just a little hasty when we don't want
[16:40:32] to be hasty.
[16:40:33] Don't be hasty.
[16:40:34] Don't be hasty. Don't be hasty!
[16:40:37] Court, do you have any donations for us while
[16:40:38] we're playing this through?
[16:40:40] Absolutely! We have $100 from Porter South Imperial
[16:40:44] that says,
[16:40:45] Donating for the Gran Prix World 3 100%
[16:40:47] incentive. It'll be great to see
[16:40:48] the whole thing in a marathon setting.
[16:40:51] Absolutely. Thank you so much.
[16:40:53] We're going to make Mouse play the whole
[16:40:54] thing.
[16:40:57] That's a lot of exits!
[16:40:58] That's a lot of floors.
[16:41:00] I'm working on Grim Reel 2,
[16:41:01] I'm excited to see 3...
[16:41:03] It's gonna be amazing.
[16:41:04] It's gonna be a blast here
[16:41:05] you are gonna want to see it.
[16:41:09] We have $50 from tilly hearts that says amazing work to the creators and racers glad to have been watching smw for an amount of time thank you
[16:41:14] thank you let's appreciate it we appreciate that thanks Thanks for all the smilers.
[16:41:18] Any smilers in chat?
[16:41:21] I love to smile, it's my favorite.
[16:41:22] I love smiling.
[16:41:24] Alright B is taking the very, very...
[16:41:28] That was a very...
[16:41:29] All right.
[16:41:30] Now can they figure this out?
[16:41:31] This is definitely...
[16:41:34] What are they going to do here?
[16:41:35] They're spawning Laura.
[16:41:36] Is that a nod at his ride with the door!
[16:41:40] Oh and now we are back in the minecart level.
[16:41:42] Everyone's favorite part of a kaizo level
[16:41:44] is the minecart ride.
[16:41:46] I know it's yours, Annie.
[16:41:48] Alright, almost there.
[16:41:51] We got this mole here.
[16:41:55] And we gotta get the switch,
[16:41:57] but how are we gonna get
[16:41:57] this mole up there?
[16:41:59] Glitch with the expert mole manipulator oh no it's coming back
[16:42:05] oh now it's getting over at level that's what the mole
[16:42:11] so just about clear of the second section there.
[16:42:14] Oh.
[16:42:15] What?
[16:42:17] This mole is...
[16:42:19] Come on. This is...
[16:42:22] Come on! This is the ultimate
[16:42:26] this mole is like, I would like a close race please.
[16:42:30] The mole has money on this, apparently.
[16:42:34] So
[16:42:35] to be clear,
[16:42:36] the mole is influenced by
[16:42:39] Mario's position so if I very
[16:42:41] carefully manipulating where he's standing glitch is trying to make
[16:42:46] that mole do what he wants the problem is i mean the mole is not i'm i'm appreciating
[16:42:52] the physical comedy portion of the relay this is
[16:42:54] the slapstick portion of the relay everybody
[16:43:00] all right meanwhile shocho not in the mood for any slaps. Momentum is really a pain, isn't it?
[16:43:24] For every action there's an equal and opposite.
[16:43:26] Come on! Oh!
[16:43:30] There he goes! In the pipe!
[16:43:34] . In the pipe.
[16:43:39] And we're in!
[16:43:41] Alright, and we got a sheriff!
[16:43:42] We got Sheriff Mouser here.
[16:43:45] We got ourselves Sheriff Mouser. Sheriff Mouser is mean,
[16:43:48] and Sheriff Mouser
[16:43:49] is throwing bombs at us.
[16:43:51] Shout out to the Metal Gear text
[16:43:52] up at the top right corner.
[16:43:55] I know when I think
[16:43:56] Super Mario bosses,
[16:43:57] I think Metal Slug.
[16:43:59] Sorry, I got my things messed up.
[16:44:01] So this is Sheriff Mouser and we're trying to kill
[16:44:03] Sheriff Mouser here.
[16:44:07] Meanwhile the fuzzies are making up.
[16:44:09] So if the Groovy Goombas...
[16:44:12] Oh!
[16:44:13] Sheriff Mouser playing defense.
[16:44:22] That's a good one. Sheriff Mouser playing defense. By the way, can we give a shout out for this awesome soundtrack from Wild Guns being used in this level?
[16:44:27] Alright, Mark Alarm joining us.
[16:44:30] A little bit of hastiness here.
[16:44:32] I think we talked about that.
[16:44:34] We did, we asked them very politely
[16:44:36] don't be hasty.
[16:44:38] Alright We have some...
[16:44:41] Oh! What do we got?
[16:44:43] Oh they hit the bomb!
[16:44:45] And that's a sign!
[16:44:47] That is it!
[16:44:53] That is the game. That is a come from behind win for the Groovy Goobas.
[16:44:58] Give it up, everybody!
[16:45:00] GG to all the producers. Give it up, everybody. Gigi Dahl. G-G-Dah.
[16:45:04] Incredible.
[16:45:11] I just... I want to say this run alone raised $57,000 for Doctors Without Borders.
[16:45:21] Give it up to yourselves, y'all.
[16:45:24] Incredible.
[16:45:26] We want to take a moment to play these credits
[16:45:27] because there is no
[16:45:28] humanly possible way
[16:45:30] we could shout this out
[16:45:32] and give everyone the credit necessary.
[16:45:34] Hey, look it's us!
[16:45:36] Mom get the camera.
[16:45:38] We're going to let this roll
[16:45:40] And we want you to take a look
[16:45:42] And see all of names of these people.
[16:45:45] While meanwhile, listening
[16:45:46] to this wonderful original music from Furyful Fawful
[16:45:50] imposing a wonderful-
[16:45:51] Shout out to Fawful.
[16:45:53] Look it's awful. Look, it's them!
[16:45:57] Meanwhile while this is doing that
[16:45:59] Hank do you have any shoutouts
[16:46:00] you'd like to share?
[16:46:01] Shoutout to everybody
[16:46:02] responsible for these levels
[16:46:03] You see some of them on the couch
[16:46:05] behind us here. They're all back here!
[16:46:05] Absolutely incredibly talented people, and everyone who could not make it
[16:46:08] thank you so much for all your incredibly hard work in putting this together
[16:46:12] Thank you.
[16:46:13] You did an amazing job.
[16:46:14] We really appreciate it.
[16:46:17] I want to shout out Super Mario World Central,
[16:46:19] which is an incredible resource if you
[16:46:22] want to learn how to play or make these fan games,
[16:46:26] that's the place for you.
[16:46:27] Also I promised Hank I would shout out his parents.
[16:46:31] Shoutout to Hank's parents!
[16:46:33] Shoutout to Hank's parents everybody.
[16:46:35] I want to give first off...
[16:46:37] I'd like to start by thanking,
[16:46:38] uh,
[16:46:39] my other producers,
[16:46:41] Fane,
[16:46:41] fearful,
[16:46:42] thoughtful and the other fourth.
[16:46:43] We have put our heart and soul into making this a thing that we hope everybody enjoyed.
[16:46:49] And we hope everyone got a lot of joy out
[16:46:51] of not just the racers, but everybody.
[16:46:54] And so we...
[16:46:56] This is our gift to
[16:46:58] the entire community
[16:47:01] to show you what we're all about,
[16:47:02] what we can do and how important this all is to us.
[16:47:07] I also wanna give a huge shout out
[16:47:08] to RHR which is coming up on its 300th week of weekly races.
[16:47:14] I'm the one that's doing it, sorry!
[16:47:16] I've been there for most of them, I can do this.
[16:47:19] 300 race... yeah, that's almost a year.
[16:47:25] So many people have been introduced to KAISO through RHR.
[16:47:29] It is an honor that I have to help lead this community and to help serve
[16:47:33] And give a platform for people to get to know, appreciate
[16:47:37] Get to love these levels as much as we do
[16:47:40] I want to give a shout out to everyone who is involved here and the last thing i want
[16:47:43] to say and it says it right here on the screen kaizo is art an artist for everybody thank you all
[16:47:53] so much.
[16:47:59] Let's go.
[16:48:14] Hey everyone, I am country shook up and oh my goodness that was such an awesome race. Holy moly! What an amazing thing. I love the level with
[16:48:18] Dan Salvato and working together. That was so cool.
[16:48:22] Hi, I'm Conquistruup and I am joined by Bubzia
[16:48:25] and I wanted to talk with him
[16:48:27] about his upcoming or I guess
[16:48:29] tomorrow's upcoming Super Mario
[16:48:31] 64 10 star
[16:48:33] randomizer
[16:48:34] blindfolded.
[16:48:36] Another blindfolded run happening with BubsyF.
[16:48:39] First of all, how's it going?
[16:48:40] Yeah, thank you. I'm good.
[16:48:42] Very excited to be here and
[16:48:43] show off more blindfolded stuff on the screen.
[16:48:45] Yes, I am very excited to be here and show off more blindfolded stuff on the screen.
[16:48:45] Yes, I am very excited to see it and hear about it
[16:48:47] and learn about it.
[16:48:49] This is a randomized run
[16:48:51] Before this, I was like
[16:48:52] this is a set seed for randomizer
[16:48:54] And Bubsy's like no
[16:48:57] Wait what do you mean? What do you mean it's randomized? How are you going to know where anything is? You're blindfolded! So
[16:49:02] what is the process for that? Yeah so it's a bit of a weird idea but I actually
[16:49:08] once watched a video about
[16:49:10] blindfolded cubing like the Rubik's cubes
[16:49:12] you know. Oh, okay.
[16:49:13] They have a vastly different approach to
[16:49:15] blindfolding things apparently
[16:49:17] they start the timer, look at the different approach to blindfolding things apparently.
[16:49:17] They start the timer, look at a cube from all sides, memorize it then put the blindfold
[16:49:24] on and solve it so the learning memorizing and creation of like the is all included in the speedrun kind of.
[16:49:30] And I thought what if we do that in randomized video games?
[16:49:34] Basically how it works is we're going to get a completely random seat on stage, memorize everything, create
[16:49:42] setups route everything while the timer runs and then when I think I have enough knowledge
[16:49:48] I will put on the blindfold and beat the entire game.
[16:49:50] That's fascinating!
[16:49:51] Okay so we're gonna get to see
[16:49:52] the whole process like from beginning
[16:49:54] to end live?
[16:49:55] Yes exactly.
[16:49:57] Awesome!
[16:49:58] The full spirit of Blindfolded.
[16:50:03] Well then why don't we just do that right now? Yeah, sure.
[16:50:04] I want you to teach me how to get a star in Mario 64 blindfolded.
[16:50:12] Are you down?
[16:50:13] I am down.
[16:50:13] Okay, we have the game set up.
[16:50:15] So we're going to do this right now live for the first time.
[16:50:18] I'm going to put on a blindfold here
[16:50:19] and then Bubsy is going to walk me step by step based on like
[16:50:22] his process so you all can
[16:50:24] hear about what goes on inside and
[16:50:26] see how this works. And we're
[16:50:28] going to see if I can get this started within
[16:50:30] seven minutes, and then if I can't do it he's gonna show
[16:50:33] it off maybe we'll get him to do it anyway after but
[16:50:35] um we're just going to do that so i'm going to take this off and put on the
[16:50:39] blindfold and uh i'm i'm nervous i will got you no
[16:50:42] by the way I'm nervous. I will get you, no worries. You can do it.
[16:50:43] Okay.
[16:50:44] Can we have some applause?
[16:50:45] Thank you very much.
[16:50:46] Thank you.
[16:50:47] Thank you.
[16:50:48] Thank you. All right.
[16:51:00] Is this right?
[16:51:01] Yes.
[16:51:02] Okay, it's on.
[16:51:03] I'm going to hand you the controller
[16:51:05] i don't know why i still feel like closing my eyes even though i have a button they also do that
[16:51:11] okay all right so we need to do we need to restart the level?
[16:51:16] Yes, actually.
[16:51:18] So now we are in Womp's Fortress and one of the first few stages
[16:51:22] in the game.
[16:51:24] I don't know if you know know the basic layout of this stage?
[16:51:26] I do. Generally yes.
[16:51:29] We're going to need this a little louder, the game audio is a bit louder.
[16:51:32] If that would be possible.
[16:51:34] Yeah but it's okay let's just get started at...
[16:51:36] All right.
[16:51:37] So I created like very,
[16:51:39] very simple setups for beginners to
[16:51:41] just follow so I'm going
[16:51:42] to guide you through this now.
[16:51:45] First C left twice
[16:51:48] that positions the camera in a way
[16:51:50] that you can just hold
[16:51:52] left and jump. Hold left?
[16:51:54] And then jump, exactly. Like right away?
[16:51:56] Just wing it It will be fine.
[16:52:00] Perfect! There's the tree.
[16:52:03] So you can hear there was a sound cue, Mario grabbed the tree...
[16:52:07] Yeah exactly, exactly.
[16:52:08] So these are the sounds we kind of listen for.
[16:52:10] Okay.
[16:52:11] Now on the tree,
[16:52:12] we need to hit camera C right one time
[16:52:15] and then you can just hold up
[16:52:16] on the analog stick
[16:52:17] and Mario will like slowly go up the the analog stick and Mario will slowly go up
[16:52:20] the tree. It doesn't matter how long
[16:52:22] he holds this because he will be stuck on the top
[16:52:24] Okay, that's probably good
[16:52:25] All you need to do
[16:52:27] tap a tiny bit down
[16:52:30] and just keep holding up now.
[16:52:32] Just keep holding up.
[16:52:34] It's very finicky because in Blindfolded
[16:52:37] even going neutral for like a mini second
[16:52:38] somewhere can already mess up the setup okay so now you're good
[16:52:42] now you're good um from here on just keep holding up all the time and do a full jump
[16:52:48] okay like with an a button and you will hear water, exactly.
[16:52:52] Now it can stop... Oh I can hear it!
[16:52:56] So from here we're gonna go to
[16:52:58] House of Star-Craft into the wild blue
[16:53:00] Yes! It's very simple analog stick movements here, we play on a notched controller
[16:53:05] so you can just notch the stick now into first left notch until you hear a wall
[16:53:13] I hear it twice in a row here a wall. Okay, do I stop?
[16:53:15] You can just keep going. To speed it up
[16:53:17] you can hold up left
[16:53:19] until the next wall. Up left? Yes.
[16:53:23] Um okay that's Up left? Yes. Here?
[16:53:26] Okay, that's SM64. There is a funny little bug going on.
[16:53:28] He just keeps running up there was the wall.
[16:53:30] You can hold up a tiny bit and you will hear a coin.
[16:53:36] This confirms your position in the corner basically
[16:53:41] so keep holding up left now and just jump that will get to uh to offense eventually we'll just keep holding, it's fine.
[16:53:46] There it is?
[16:53:47] Should I keep holding it?
[16:53:49] Now switch to up. Just up all
[16:53:51] the time. It's very simple, just
[16:53:53] like full-on notged inputs right here.
[16:53:55] Again a wall and from this wall up left again until the next wall
[16:54:01] And there is a corner suddenly
[16:54:03] Okay I hear it
[16:54:04] You can hear like this
[16:54:05] Okay so that was the easy part.
[16:54:08] Okay!
[16:54:10] Yeah, it was basically just hold a direction until the wall. Hold another direction into
[16:54:15] a wall. So it's like yeah, this is most nervous
[16:54:18] I've been on a segment in my
[16:54:22] Can imagine I do just collect so many years now for me. This is second nature but
[16:54:27] So now so many years now like for me this is second nature but um so now you can punch the fence with the b button
[16:54:32] perfect and do one backflip like crouch and then press A. And hit once
[16:54:38] to the left, that perfectly sets you up
[16:54:40] for the hardest part
[16:54:42] of this challenge right now.
[16:54:44] This might take a few tries don't get discouraged
[16:54:46] we need to do a blindfolded side flip wall kick up this thing, this is
[16:54:52] basically a skip, it's not the intended route. It's getting up on the little platform?
[16:54:55] Yeah there's like a star basically directly above you.
[16:54:59] And what you need to do is first hold down the tiny bits of Mario games like momentum...
[16:55:04] ...and then side flip up a wall and just try to time it?
[16:55:07] Yeah, and the wall kick there could be a little bit there's not really a
[16:55:11] spread for you just kind of need to figure out
[16:55:14] walking okay
[16:55:16] and very important uh after like when you do the side flip up, keep holding up.
[16:55:23] Even after the wall kick, just keep holding up because otherwise you will not land on
[16:55:27] the platform.
[16:55:28] Okay.
[16:55:29] So tap jump because Mario fell asleep?
[16:55:33] Perfect, and now you can just try it.
[16:55:35] It's very forgivable because you can retry this as often
[16:55:37] as you want.
[16:55:38] That is the big part about it.
[16:55:41] Oh, I have to the right yeah you bumped against
[16:55:43] the wall you didn't get the walk okay if you want to retry you can hit
[16:55:48] uh c right i think twice yep and just hold up again.
[16:55:53] And it will eventually get you to the corner
[16:55:57] Now we can do the whole setup again. So punch, backflip
[16:56:01] and C- and just retry
[16:56:03] and now
[16:56:03] we can be
[16:56:04] doing this kind of
[16:56:05] in a loop
[16:56:06] until you get it
[16:56:06] okay well
[16:56:08] within the time
[16:56:09] yes of course
[16:56:10] but I believe
[16:56:11] I believe
[16:56:11] okay here we go
[16:56:12] down
[16:56:13] up oh too close yeah it's like I believe. Okay, here we go. Down... up...
[16:56:14] Oh too close!
[16:56:16] Yeah it's like you can run even a bit further so that Mario has more space to get to the wall
[16:56:22] So one more time, back back up, C rights twice.
[16:56:25] Hold up until corner.
[16:56:28] And now punch?
[16:56:30] No no, punch.
[16:56:32] Backflip and C left.
[16:56:35] And now you can try again.
[16:56:39] Oh, perfect!
[16:56:42] Okay, okay...
[16:56:44] Second try. It's not over yet!
[16:56:47] We can't fall down from here.
[16:56:49] Yes, ok.
[16:56:51] So the good strategy is to punch and then do two backflips.
[16:56:59] One... And one more!
[16:57:01] Perfect!
[16:57:02] Now you need to jump and do tiny left taps on the analog stick while you are mid-air
[16:57:08] if that makes sense yeah just keep doing that eventually you will reach it Yeah! That was awesome.
[16:57:30] Oh yeah.
[16:57:31] That was so dope, I'm so nervous right now.
[16:57:40] Yeah, how does it feel to hear that star sound finally at the end?
[16:57:44] That's the best it ever sounded.
[16:57:46] Oh man!
[16:57:47] I hope they can relate.
[16:57:48] I'm so warm right now.
[16:57:51] Alright, okay okay follow up i want to see you do it okay i could try we did it we did it thank
[16:57:57] you for the love that was really hype.
[16:58:01] And this is not because of me, This is because Bubsy is awesome and did a great job in leading me.
[16:58:05] Yeah I mean you did well too.
[16:58:09] No like I've created so many now setups for all kind of beginner levels, intermediate
[16:58:15] levels and stuff. So if you have this game at home,
[16:58:19] you can probably just go ahead and try out such a spread
[16:58:22] and you will get the star blindfolded as well so that's really cool um
[16:58:26] that was really cool yeah so i can get to start too maybe
[16:58:31] a tiny bit faster we're gonna see this in vanilla right now because
[16:58:33] not only is it going to be really cool to see Bubsy do it
[16:58:35] but also because once
[16:58:37] when we see the 10-star randomizer, it is randomized
[16:58:39] so this is like just watching kind of
[16:58:41] the vanilla process and then you'll get to see it in action again with
[16:58:45] like the in real time like figuring out processing it's going to be fascinating okay let's see let's
[16:58:50] see you do this yes can i also get the game audio a tiny bit up for my headphones that would be
[16:58:56] great we're gonna work on that i need um i need a little water after that actually oh Surely.
[16:59:23] I have to say there's a tiny bit of audio delay. Nobody is going to believe me now but you know Okay, let's start from... honestly?
[16:59:40] Yeah.
[16:59:41] It's going to go.
[16:59:44] I know we're playing it a little bit differently here
[16:59:50] i didn't do this i didn't do this part
[17:00:00] i don't think i would have done that as well oh my gosh Oh my god! So yeah, fun fact here.
[17:00:05] Because of the audio delay I just tried to blend out the audio in my head because I did this star once
[17:00:10] without sound and blindfolded.
[17:00:11] So I just like try to count it in my head rather.
[17:00:14] Do you have that recorded?
[17:00:15] Is that something we can see?
[17:00:16] Oh my gosh!
[17:00:17] That's really cool.
[17:00:18] Yeah. Okay well if this wasn't a great taste of what you
[17:00:22] can catch tomorrow during the 10 star randomizer blindfolded i don't know it is so thank you so
[17:00:26] much for doing i'm like i want to shake your hand or something um but yes thank you so much bubsia
[17:00:31] i'm so so excited to catch this tomorrow it's going to be incredible and thank you
[17:00:36] for teaching me you did a wonderful job can we get around a blast for
[17:00:39] bugs yet for being awesome? We're so
[17:00:41] excited for this! Thank you! More beautiful Mario
[17:00:43] content, I cannot wait
[17:00:45] for the run it's gonna be amazing
[17:00:47] but for now
[17:00:49] we have another run that I'm SO excited about we are getting ready for our ocarina of time this
[17:00:54] is our defeat game and no srm it's going to be awesome again another amazing person danny b
[17:00:59] it's gonna be so good anyway get excited for that coming up next!
[17:01:03] Whew!
[17:01:04] That was so much
[17:01:08] fun and we are still
[17:01:10] getting ready for Ocarina of Time.
[17:01:13] I do want to just say,
[17:01:14] We have $25 from Phoenix that says
[17:01:16] That Kaizo really was out of this world!
[17:01:19] Now let's keep going and get some more Kaizo
[17:01:21] with all levels of Grand P world three yes we are getting closer
[17:01:25] and closer to our milestone of one million two hundred and fifty thousand for doctors
[17:01:30] without borders around five thousand dollars left for that. I know
[17:01:33] we can do it!
[17:01:36] But with that, it's time to take a short break
[17:01:39] and we'll be ready with Ocarina of Time here in a bit
[17:01:42] so don't go anywhere so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so uh so so so so You're entering the Doritos dimension. Jolt into a world of tangy and sweet barbecue,
[17:05:44] gallop through bold spices, and explore every mind-blowing angle.
[17:05:50] Giddy up! Try another angle with the new BBQ Doritos.
[17:06:12] Hello everyone and welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024 powered by Twitch. I'm still calming down from that Super Mario World Kaizo Relay, but we gotta keep the hype rolling because we're almost ready for
[17:06:14] Ocarina of Time!
[17:06:16] Which is going to be an absolute blast!
[17:06:24] I have a very special donation here.
[17:06:26] We have $25 from Vash that says,
[17:06:28] Hey everyone, this is Vash.
[17:06:29] I wanted to give a special message to my late brother Brolylegs.
[17:06:31] For those that didn't know, he was a disabled gamer
[17:06:33] and one of legend in the fighting game community
[17:06:35] traveling across the country
[17:06:37] competing at high level tournaments all while
[17:06:39] playing with his face!
[17:06:41] Even with his disability, he never let life stop him from pursuing the things
[17:06:44] he loved and always pushed his limits beyond what any thought possible.
[17:06:48] GDQ was something special in our household back in 2012 when we first saw it
[17:06:52] We've been tuning in since. he always wanted to attend one but
[17:06:55] never got the chance. We miss him every day and I just want him to be a part of this in
[17:06:59] some way so that you could join me in sending him love with all the heart emojis in the
[17:07:02] chat, it would mean the world to my mom and my family
[17:07:05] thank you so much for all who work on gdq on screen and behind the scenes
[17:07:09] you do so much for the world that you don't even know i love
[17:07:12] you broly hope we get to play more games in the future when I see you again. Thank you so much for sharing that with us.
[17:07:33] And, so far we have raised $1,246,000
[17:07:37] for Doctors Without Borders, making that difference.
[17:07:52] All right. I do believe that it is time for our bonus game, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Defeat Ganon No SRM by Danny B.
[17:08:08] I am going to be playing The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Defeat Ganon, no SRM
[17:08:12] So we are gonna start right here from the file select screen
[17:08:15] Can i get a countdown for 3, two, one.
[17:08:20] Go!
[17:08:22] Let's go Danny.
[17:08:23] My lovely couch co-commentators
[17:08:26] can you please introduce yourselves?
[17:08:28] What's up I'm Adeph and I play Ocarina of Time.
[17:08:30] Hello, I am GoodGortho and I also play Ocarina of Time
[17:08:33] I speedrun Defeat Ganon as well
[17:08:35] And I'm Danny B and I play Ocarina of Time
[17:08:37] Wow!
[17:08:39] What a coincidence! I've been playing this game since 2013 in a speedrun capacity.
[17:08:43] I was last up here on the big GDQ stage in 2016 doing Glitchless.
[17:08:49] This is going to be not that at all. This is defeat Ganon no SRM so what does that mean exactly? First part a little self explanatory our goal is going to be to defeat Ganon in this speedrun,
[17:09:02] that is the end condition for this run
[17:09:05] we don't have to do anything else
[17:09:06] our only goal just to get
[17:09:07] final boss and kill him
[17:09:10] And then the no SRM part, a little self-explanatory.
[17:09:14] It just means we have to not use the SRM glitch.
[17:09:18] Now beating Ganon kind of sounds like that might be
[17:09:22] the same as any percent. Beating the game is beating Ganon kind of sounds like that might just be the same as any percent.
[17:09:24] Beating the game is beating Ganon from the perspective
[17:09:27] of almost everyone who has played this game,
[17:09:29] but in a speedrun capacity we can warp directly past Ganon sometimes, do a wrong warp glitch to the credits.
[17:09:36] And that counts as a valid ending for Ocarina of Time speedruns unless stated otherwise
[17:09:40] and this is one of those categories that does indeed state otherwise
[17:09:43] our goal is to
[17:09:45] specifically kill the final boss.
[17:09:49] SRM is a big glitch
[17:09:51] that allows you to do a whole lot of stuff
[17:09:53] in this game and it's currently the fastest way to beat the game.
[17:09:56] SRM is used in any percent to warp past the final boss
[17:10:00] In four minutes or less. So that
[17:10:04] Is not what we're going to be doing here.
[17:10:06] We are not allowed to use SRM, and we must kill the final boss.
[17:10:09] So this category has a pretty long in-story history.
[17:10:13] Back in 2012, a wrong warp glitch
[17:10:16] that many of you may be familiar with called Ganondorf was found.
[17:10:20] Which allows you to wrong warp from the very first dungeon in the game inside The Great Deku Tree
[17:10:25] To nearly at the end of the game,
[17:10:27] during the tower collapse sequence just before Ganon.
[17:10:31] And earlier this year that 12-year run
[17:10:34] of Ganondorf being the fastest way
[17:10:36] for a while beat the game and then later defeat Ganon was defeated.
[17:10:42] Ganondorf is no longer in this run
[17:10:45] And what IS going to be in the run to replace it,
[17:10:48] Is a little bit of surprise and you will see at the end.
[17:10:53] So the beginning of this run is gonna be relatively standard for an Ocarina of Time speedrun
[17:10:58] Uh, and its just to devolve into more
[17:11:00] nonsense from there. We're
[17:11:02] gonna try to escape Kokiri Forest
[17:11:04] here. Normally in order
[17:11:06] to get out of Kokiri Forest
[17:11:08] you have to beat the Great Deku Tree, the first dungeon in the game.
[17:11:11] And we are going to try
[17:11:12] and skip that by escaping through
[17:11:14] the Lost Woods. Not only that, but
[17:11:16] typically you would need a sword and a shield.
[17:11:19] We're not gonna get either of those yet, either.
[17:11:21] Dani is just gonna get enough money to get one Deku Stick
[17:11:25] And that will be our primary damage source throughout basically
[17:11:29] 95% of the run i do want to say we are less than two
[17:11:33] thousand dollars to our grand pool world three milestone
[17:11:37] let's make it happen
[17:11:42] when you donate for that you can also put it towards our WACA Reverse Paws Fresh incentive. And WACA's coming on
[17:11:46] right after this! So we pick up ten rupees here on the way to the shop
[17:11:50] and we're gonna buy this one DeguStick.
[17:11:53] And that is gonna be our only item in the run for a little while.
[17:11:59] And we can immediately use it to good effect to escape the forest.
[17:12:04] So there, I mean in the history of Ocarina
[17:12:06] Time speedrunning, there have been tons
[17:12:08] of ways discovered to escape the forest
[17:12:10] We'll be opting to try and get to
[17:12:12] loading zone in Lost Woods that takes you
[17:12:14] to Zora's River, famously known as Aqua Escape.
[17:12:17] There are lots of ways to do it.
[17:12:19] Danny will be jump slashing with a certain angle
[17:12:21] on a certain frame in order to clip through the corner of the collision
[17:12:26] of a block you'll see coming up onto a slope that will push Danny out of bounds.
[17:12:30] So there's a lot of movement options in this game, Link can do a whole lot
[17:12:33] of stuff walking backwards is generally the fastest way to move if you're not using glitches. Side hopping is faster as child link.
[17:12:43] Let's see if we can get this.
[17:12:47] Let's go, Danny!
[17:12:51] So you're going to see me walking backwards quite a bit.
[17:12:54] Luckily I know where I'm going.
[17:12:59] So this part is probably going to be the least eventful part of the run heading down Zora's River so if we have some donations
[17:13:02] This is probably the best and potentially the only time
[17:13:05] We're gonna get some time for them.
[17:13:07] So keep it coming!
[17:13:09] We have plenty coming in,
[17:13:10] we have $300 from Saturn New Hockey that says
[17:13:14] finally we get to watch Link go on an epic grand adventure all over Hyrule as he fights his way across time and...
[17:13:21] Wait you're done already?
[17:13:23] And $100 from Sarah that says so glad we're getting this Ocarina of Time run.
[17:13:29] It was one of my favorite childhood games and shout out to my cousins who are fortunate enough
[17:13:33] to be in the live audience right now!
[17:13:37] One more. $ more, yeah.
[17:13:39] $25 from Yasu saying,
[17:13:41] Waka got me into arcade rhythm games
[17:13:43] and I've connected with tons of people through it.
[17:13:46] Can't wait to see his showcase
[17:13:47] and I can't wait to see him taking on the reverse boss rush.
[17:13:49] The boss songs are absolutely brutal, and you do not want
[17:13:52] to miss it! And yes we're at 9000
[17:13:55] out of 25 thousand for that so please get your donations in!
[17:13:58] Nice. So right as I left the water there you might have noticed Link sliding for a little bit
[17:14:04] that was called a Water Extended Super Slide my goal
[17:14:07] was to keep it all the way into Kakariko Village
[17:14:10] I would've been able to skip the owl,
[17:14:12] but dropped it a little bit. That's okay.
[17:14:14] So we're here in Kakariko Village and
[17:14:16] a lot of times when
[17:14:18] speedrunners come to Kakariko Village as
[17:14:20] child Link you may see them get a bottle
[17:14:22] by collecting all the Kokos
[17:14:24] and then getting a bottle from the Koko Lady.
[17:14:26] But we're here for a bit of a different reason
[17:14:28] We are going to head directly to Bottom
[17:14:30] of the Well where we will find our next major item that
[17:14:35] we're gonna need to set up for our Warped Gannet and that is the bomb
[17:14:39] juice. Oh! Real quick, we haven't met that
[17:14:44] $1,250,000 milestone
[17:14:46] for Grand Prix World 3.
[17:14:48] Y'all were...
[17:14:50] y'all didn't want the Kaizo to end. We're gonna get
[17:14:52] to see more. Thank you all so much!
[17:14:54] Another reason we needed the stick was to do this trick called Navi dive
[17:14:58] Danny just smashed Stick as Navi came up
[17:15:02] and he got to dive under the water. Yep, while Navi came up, and he got to dive under the water.
[17:15:05] Yeah.
[17:15:06] While Navi is talking to you, Link
[17:15:08] can't interact with water so you could follow right through.
[17:15:10] And here we are in bottom of the well
[17:15:11] and we're going do some crazy stuff
[17:15:13] to get to the bomb shoes.
[17:15:13] Gortho, can you help me explain that?
[17:15:15] You should save, Danny.
[17:15:16] I should save. Thank you.
[17:15:17] Yes.
[17:15:18] Danny's doing a setup right now
[17:15:20] to get into position
[17:15:22] to do some frame perfect inputs.
[17:15:25] He's gonna pull out right here on the third wiggle of the skulltula leg
[17:15:30] and then turn right, slash, and at the end of all these inputs
[17:15:36] the skull will be dying and we'll push link out And at the end of all these inputs,
[17:15:36] the skull will be dying and we'll push Link out
[17:15:39] of bounds and under the floor so he can get up to bomb shoes.
[17:15:45] So what I'm doing here is called pause buffering.
[17:15:47] Adeph, can you explain that?
[17:15:48] Yeah, so Ocarina of Time runs at a brisk 20 frames per second
[17:15:53] but there are still tricks
[17:15:56] that require incredible precision.
[17:15:58] OOT by virtue of pause buffering, which is where you can advance the game frame-by-frame
[17:16:02] by pausing well. Also nice job Daniel, let's go!
[17:16:06] You can advance the game frame- frame and do frame perfect inputs.
[17:16:10] So OOT has tons of setups that would not be viable in other games or performable
[17:16:14] by human beings, but we have incredible scientists
[17:16:17] that have used pause buffering to great effect
[17:16:19] uh, to make OOT the unbelievable beast that it is.
[17:16:22] Worth noting, that trick I just did that I paused about 4 billion
[17:16:25] times on... Uh, there's one person in this world who
[17:16:28] can do without pausing at all,
[17:16:30] and that is the current World Record holder.
[17:16:31] They just set a new World Record a couple days ago.
[17:16:33] TKC, very talented Japanese runner.
[17:16:35] Shout-outs to him.
[17:16:35] I think he's actually commentating the Japanese restream here.
[17:16:38] So shout-outs to TKC for being able to do that trick.
[17:16:40] What up, TKC for being able to do that trick. What up, TKC?
[17:16:43] If you notice Danny picked up another stick out of
[17:16:46] that pot we're going to need that stick
[17:16:48] for a trick called Bunch Storage and
[17:16:50] we'll need it in DC.
[17:16:52] We got Chews in well,
[17:16:53] and now we are getting the shield.
[17:16:55] It's so fortuitous.
[17:16:56] Literally all of the tools
[17:16:58] we need are in this one dungeon.
[17:17:00] Yeah.
[17:17:01] This is like the only place in a game that has all of
[17:17:02] those things.
[17:17:04] Bomb shoes and a Deku Shield
[17:17:06] and a stick refill
[17:17:08] and luckily it's just right on the way to where
[17:17:10] we need to go. So I saved one more time,
[17:17:13] saving this run is just for safety
[17:17:15] because if something goes wrong you can
[17:17:17] head right back
[17:17:19] so now
[17:17:21] were going to head up to Death Mountain Trail, but there's a gate in the way.
[17:17:25] Normally you need Zelda's letter to pass that gate so we're gonna do a trick called lunge storage.
[17:17:29] I'm gonna pick up my Deku Stick here and do a slash on that ledge.
[17:17:33] Link was trying to do a lunge
[17:17:34] slash, but by falling off the ledge
[17:17:36] I interrupted the slash
[17:17:38] and we saved the lunge for later.
[17:17:40] That lunge is now stored and it'll pop
[17:17:42] next time I do any melee swing.
[17:17:44] So we're gonna head up to this gate,
[17:17:46] and use it to great effect!
[17:17:49] And we need that extra lunge
[17:17:51] to get past this gate, otherwise
[17:17:53] he wouldn't go through, we would just break our stick on it.
[17:18:01] See if this works.
[17:18:04] And we're through. Very nice!
[17:18:06] Okay, so we are headed to Dabdongo's Cavern
[17:18:10] and we have one little trick that we can do on the way there
[17:18:14] to get there a bit faster. This is going to be called a hyperextended superslide.
[17:18:18] I'm going to shield damage and hold
[17:18:20] us particular position of my analog stick
[17:18:24] and drop it again, that's OK.
[17:18:25] So that was pretty much the same trick as
[17:18:28] the Water Extended Super Slide in Hyrule Field.
[17:18:30] Not super important that I get
[17:18:32] just a little bit of time save
[17:18:34] This next trick coming up into Dango's Cavern
[17:18:36] is the big one. It's of crazy um and we have prepared a script to
[17:18:41] help us out because there's a lot to explain in very little time i'm going
[17:18:45] to do one last safety save here uh and then we can get it started. It's probably worth
[17:18:50] noting that it actually has to be nighttime for this trick to work so even if you drop the
[17:18:56] heads, it doesn't really matter. You're not rushing to get there it just needs
[17:18:59] to be night all right here we go all right
[17:19:05] all right so um between the main room that you see here and a hallway off to the right is a room transition
[17:19:13] trigger that unloads one room and loads the next one when you cross it. We're going
[17:19:17] to get out of bounds to go behind it so that when we cross it from the wrong side,
[17:19:22] we can reload this main room and duplicate everything in it.
[17:19:25] So Danny is going to use damage here to great effect to get out of bounds
[17:19:29] and then maneuver out of bounds to get to that very specific place
[17:19:32] near the load trigger.
[17:19:34] And some of the stuff that we dupe when
[17:19:36] we go back and forth over that load trigger
[17:19:37] will overflow past the memory meant to
[17:19:40] contain it and corrupt
[17:19:41] the data that comes next, which happens
[17:19:43] to be the map collision.
[17:19:44] By correcting it in a specific way we can force
[17:19:47] the game to start reading collision data
[17:19:48] from unrelated places in the games' memory.
[17:19:52] One of those places is highly controllable by us,
[17:19:53] the colors of the pixels visible on screen. So we're going to force
[17:19:57] the game to read the colors of eight specific pixels in a row as
[17:20:01] a collision polygon.
[17:20:04] Make it so that that polygon is read as a loading zone,
[17:20:08] and then we can go touch that loading zone. And the special thing about
[17:20:12] custom loading zones is that the destination it sends you to is also controllable.
[17:20:17] It ends up using the volume value of nearby enemies' proximity music as the value for which map to send us to. So by killing the
[17:20:28] Dodongo enemy, which you'll see here in a moment at a specific distance away,
[17:20:36] we can freeze that volume at whatever value we want
[17:20:37] giving us a loading zone
[17:20:38] that can take us anywhere
[17:20:40] in the entire game
[17:20:40] any scene in the game.
[17:20:48] So Danny's going for a backup here. Very nice.
[17:20:50] I killed that Dodongo at a specific distance away so the volume value is
[17:20:54] going to be the same as the scene ID for where we're
[17:20:57] going.
[17:20:59] So all these setups are incredibly precise,
[17:21:01] this trick is ridiculous and Danny
[17:21:04] is now getting those pixels on screen where we need them.
[17:21:09] He's now going to pause buffer
[17:21:10] to get those pixels exactly where he wants them.
[17:21:17] And now the game will read the Dodongo volume level.
[17:21:22] Let's go!
[17:21:27] Alright, that's a big weight off my shoulders.
[17:21:31] I bet!
[17:21:35] So Ganon was living under the floorboards in Dodongo's Cavern all along...
[17:21:38] The whole time?
[17:21:39] The whole time, nobody knew it.
[17:21:40] And so 12 years went by in the era of Ganondor and we like to call this one Ganon floor.
[17:21:54] So we have Ganon here, and while Ganon is spawning, let me talk a little bit about how that was
[17:21:56] found.
[17:21:57] The name for that glitch is called Dyna Warping,
[17:22:00] Dynamic Polygon Overflow, wrong warping
[17:22:01] don't worry about the long name.
[17:22:03] If you want the real in-depth explanation
[17:22:05] for how that works I have a video on my
[17:22:07] YouTube channel DannyB21892
[17:22:09] that explains it. It's a half hour
[17:22:12] long video, it really goes into the nitty gritty
[17:22:14] if you're as much of an nerd as I am
[17:22:16] you will enjoy it, I promise
[17:22:17] So seven years ago, I was
[17:22:20] messing around duping rooms in Dodongo's Cavern
[17:22:22] and a bunch of the collision disappeared.
[17:22:25] Right?
[17:22:26] I fell through the floor
[17:22:27] The walls weren't there
[17:22:28] And then my game crashed
[17:22:30] That was kind of where it stood for seven years.
[17:22:32] Then this February, NataliaHasDied and MrCheese, two very prolific glitch hunters
[17:22:38] of Ocarina time messaged me and they were like,
[17:22:41] Danny I think we can corrupt the collision to make a loading zone.
[17:22:44] And then two days later we had a new world record in this category.
[17:22:50] Okay so Danny's going for something here called ISG or Infinite Infinite Sword Glitch. It just so
[17:22:54] happens that if you interrupt a crouch stab on a certain
[17:22:56] frame with something like a Navi text box, you can
[17:22:58] swing your sword every single frame.
[17:23:00] This also comes to great effect in
[17:23:02] addition to Power Crouch Stab crouch stab so crouch stabbing in this game has no implicit
[17:23:08] value but it instead takes value from your last damage source so danny did a jump slash with the
[17:23:13] deku stick which just so happens to be the same value as a Master Sword jump slash.
[17:23:17] Then stores that value, swinging every frame.
[17:23:19] I know it looks like Young Link has just picked up the Kokiri sword but it actually is the Master Sword.
[17:23:24] It's just can't visually display it on young link's model uh but now he'll get isg
[17:23:28] again and this time a little spooky oh you know that's not so good
[17:23:35] that's not so good but that you know so good but you know what that means?
[17:23:37] Audience this is going to be exciting
[17:23:39] More Ocarina of Time
[17:23:41] Let's go!
[17:23:45] So I do still have my deku stick
[17:23:48] We we start up here on top of the collapse
[17:23:52] And so we're gonna head down and escape normally, you know
[17:23:56] We're just harkening back to the Ganondorf days where this
[17:23:58] is exactly where we would show up.
[17:24:01] Um... you know, the thing that went wrong there
[17:24:02] was that I was on the wrong side of Ganon
[17:24:04] so he twisted around in a really weird way that I wasn't
[17:24:06] prepared for. But, you know, stuff happens in the marathon run
[17:24:09] we keep going and uh...we'll make it back down there. So the interesting
[17:24:13] thing is that... Let's go Danny! You got it baby!
[17:24:17] It's almost like baby.
[17:24:22] It's almost like we're now combining Ganondorf and
[17:24:23] Gangplank to one run.
[17:24:26] It's pretty funny, actually,
[17:24:27] that I can do the crazy
[17:24:28] glitch in Nadango's cavern but then died again and that's
[17:24:31] you know what's unbelievable though is that you died again
[17:24:33] and the game's like oh well yeah we'll take you to power collapse
[17:24:36] yeah and interestingly even if i hadn't picked up the Master Sword, when you die to Ganon what you end up getting is...
[17:24:45] You get the Master Sword on B. Like, I don't have the Quaker Resort anymore, I have the Master Sword.
[17:24:49] Even though I haven't picked it up, you get the Master Sword here when you die at the end.
[17:24:54] So yeah a little unfortunate but that's alright.
[17:24:57] I've got special donation here.
[17:24:59] I have $100 from Rock and Lisa that says Danny B's parents.
[17:25:05] Thank you, Mom and Dad.
[17:25:08] Thank you for writing that in.
[17:25:10] Otherwise would not have known.
[17:25:17] And that puts us at $12,000 out of 25 for our Walker Reverse Incentive.
[17:25:19] Let's keep it going!
[17:25:21] And speaking of incentives, thank you guys for raising $100,000 to get me up here.
[17:25:27] That's pretty amazing.
[17:25:32] So there is actually a way to skip this whole sequence.
[17:25:36] I have not practiced it because it's not normally part of
[17:25:40] this route if you couldn't tell.
[17:25:41] I'm not supposed to be here.
[17:25:42] But in the old Ganondorf Route not supposed to be here um but in the old ganondorf route uh that
[17:25:46] used to be that used to be the way you'd wrong warp
[17:25:48] here and you do a big super slide down the collapse clip out of bounds and fall
[17:25:52] through the floor it was a whole thing it was pretty hype we traded traded one hype at the end of
[17:25:56] the run for another, we got
[17:25:58] Ganon floor wrong warp now.
[17:26:00] So the cool thing about
[17:26:02] ganon floor is that you can
[17:26:04] wrong warp anywhere in the game but oh it's okay so this is going to be
[17:26:08] the tricky part we're going to not use the master sword at all i can yes i can
[17:26:13] um but we're just going to make sure.
[17:26:16] So Danny does not want to burn his shield, that would be very bad
[17:26:21] That has potential to crash the game
[17:26:24] So Danny is just going to try to kill these Scalfos with ISG.
[17:26:30] That cutscene actually removed ISG, I didn't know it did that.
[17:26:33] Yeah, that's something you only know if you're really bad at this game and do the slow route. Ha ha!
[17:26:40] Oh, hello.
[17:26:44] So can wrong-warp anywhere in the game
[17:26:46] or I guess not. Oh, Dagger Nuts! Look at that!
[17:26:51] Let's go nuts bro!
[17:26:55] So once you do a warp with Dynawarp
[17:26:57] if you die then. If you die, then... Normally when you die
[17:27:00] the game checks to see
[17:27:02] where you came from to know where to send you
[17:27:04] So if you're in the middle
[17:27:06] of Dodongo's Cavern normally
[17:27:08] and you die, it'll go back to the beginning of Dodongo's Cavern, because the game references where you came from
[17:27:10] to know where to send you after death.
[17:27:13] But with Dyna Warping,
[17:27:16] The game's reference for where you came from is still the enemy volume that you used in the Dynawarp glitch.
[17:27:25] So by dying, you can reference the enemy volume again and just chain the warps forever.
[17:27:33] And so for as many warps as you can go to a map that has another enemy
[17:27:37] to manipulate the volume value further,
[17:27:39] you could just keep going
[17:27:41] and keep doing more warps
[17:27:42] and chain them forever. And then if the glitch dies because you take a normal
[17:27:46] loading zone or something like that, uh...then you can
[17:27:50] set Ferrar's Wind and pick up the glitch later so
[17:27:54] you can put the glitch in your back pocket end it warp
[17:27:57] back with pharah's win and just pick it up again later
[17:28:00] So this is going to be a crazy addition
[17:28:03] To categories like 100%
[17:28:06] Categories potentially like MST
[17:28:09] There's a big routing push to happen right now
[17:28:12] This was found in February and of course, this run, you know, all we needed was
[17:28:14] one warp as fast as possible directly
[17:28:16] to Ganon. So this was like a
[17:28:18] really easy one to figure out.
[17:28:21] But routing is going hard
[17:28:23] right now for 100%.
[17:28:24] So we'll see if we can get it in.
[17:28:26] Some routes might be unrecognizable
[17:28:27] in the coming months.
[17:28:29] So, we made it down the tower
[17:28:30] without burning our shield!
[17:28:31] Let's go, Danny!
[17:28:34] This is, by the way way to make it even more impressive
[17:28:36] Unpracticed
[17:28:38] So Danny's just showing off the god gamer skills
[17:28:42] I did do glitchless runs
[17:28:44] That was last time i was here. This is just a memento to my...
[17:28:46] It's a walk down memory lane!
[17:28:48] Yeah, it's from eight years ago that I did.
[17:28:52] So this cutscene actually has
[17:28:54] a little bit of funny- i knew you were going to talk about it we're here
[17:28:57] gotta talk about something i was prepared to be done with commentary five minutes ago
[17:29:03] uh so that cut scene actually has a random duration because of all the lag,
[17:29:09] of all the particles and rocks spawning and stuff like that.
[17:29:12] And so in categories where you have to watch that,
[17:29:16] particularly the previous iteration of this category where you run Warp
[17:29:18] of the Decatree. You can lose anywhere up to
[17:29:22] 3 or 4 seconds or something? The range is actually really significant
[17:29:26] So at high level runs and runs this short, that can be
[17:29:29] pretty bad.
[17:29:31] Luckily I still have my decker stick. If I had broken
[17:29:33] my decker stick we would have been in big trouble
[17:29:35] here because I don't have any other weapon to use
[17:29:37] for the first phase,
[17:29:39] because we're still going to get our Master Sword knocked away
[17:29:42] here.
[17:29:42] Yeah, so the game literally removes
[17:29:45] the Master Sword from your inventory
[17:29:46] when Ganon strikes here.
[17:29:48] And so even though we have this weird child link master sword, the game is going to take it away.
[17:29:52] And then we'll get it back in second phase.
[17:29:56] Yeah, and I don't have the Kokiri Sword either as a backup.
[17:30:02] So this Deku Stick is my one-and-only lifeline.
[17:30:05] We'll try not to die to him this time. If we do die...
[17:30:08] You know what? Let's come to that if it happens.
[17:30:11] It's not gonna happen. Twice It is not going to happen.
[17:30:12] Twice in a row couldn't possibly happen.
[17:30:13] Come on, audience!
[17:30:17] You know, it is a tradition in Ocarina of Time GDQ runs
[17:30:21] but there's always
[17:30:22] one... Well that never happened before.
[17:30:25] I can tell you I have not died to Ganon
[17:30:26] in practice in a very long time.
[17:30:30] Alright we got ISG.
[17:30:33] So one of the big benefits of fighting Ganon as child Link is that you can just walk between
[17:30:38] Ganon's legs whereas as adult link you have to roll uh so a small saving
[17:30:44] brace and the deku stick just happens to be
[17:30:46] tall enough to strike his tail with isg
[17:30:51] all right here we go. Let's get this done.
[17:31:02] I'm gonna let him come to me. Yeah, nice good.
[17:31:08] 2
[17:31:13] Last one.
[17:31:16] Let's go, Danny!
[17:31:17] We're in there.
[17:31:18] That's my boy.
[17:31:21] Timing will end on final slash here.
[17:31:23] You know, it's a bonus run.
[17:31:26] Gave you guys a little more Ocarina time than you planned for but it cost a hundred thousand dollars so it was worth it a little more danny b too yeah that's true that's exciting
[17:31:32] um you can find me on slash danny b uh dannyb21892 on YouTube. If you stop by,
[17:31:37] you'll see some more Ocarina of Time content
[17:31:39] and that's it!
[17:31:43] Good job, Danny.
[17:31:45] Thank you guys for having me.
[17:31:47] This was a ton of fun.
[17:31:48] Always fun showing off the new crazy stuff
[17:31:50] you can do in this game.
[17:31:51] You know, this game is 26 years old
[17:31:53] and we just found one of the biggest glitches ever
[17:31:55] this year so it never dies man.
[17:31:57] It's awesome
[17:32:00] can we uh can we give it up one more time for danny b please That's all we got.
[17:32:25] Behold! For once again it is I, the prize wizard sent.
[17:32:30] My heart is full of compassion
[17:32:34] from the amount of donations put towards seeing that Ocarina of Time
[17:32:38] speedrun and yet I am saddened
[17:32:41] to see another practitioner
[17:32:43] of the magical arts defeated in
[17:32:45] combat! It conflicts
[17:32:47] me so! But soon,
[17:32:49] prized wizard, another will fall fall for I challenge you to a Prize Wizard Duel.
[17:32:55] Prize Artificer, how have you come here where I am always sitting at all times
[17:33:00] and all points of the day, forever during this week.
[17:33:03] I'll never reveal my secrets!
[17:33:05] Curse you prize artificer!
[17:33:07] Very well if it is a prize duel you seek,
[17:33:10] A PRIZE DUEL WE SHALL HAVE! As challenger duel you seek, a prize duel we shall have. As
[17:33:13] challenger I offer you the
[17:33:15] first prize moon. Can we
[17:33:17] quickly go over some ground rules?
[17:33:19] Of course! This is a wizard duel after all
[17:33:21] honorable.
[17:33:22] As we know,
[17:33:24] always your duels are determined
[17:33:25] by whoever wears the best hat
[17:33:27] by the end of the duel
[17:33:29] and if I'm not mistaken
[17:33:31] what does that one thing you don't wear i may not wear a hat
[17:33:35] prize out of this year but my prizes are fantastic enough to make up for it
[17:33:40] make your first move are they as fantastic as these ocarina
[17:33:43] of time lincoln weld the dolls they're made Are they as fantastic as these Ocarina of Time Link and Zelda dolls?
[17:33:46] They're made of yarn, animals are roomies in fact!
[17:33:49] And they have magnets in their hands so that they can hold many things
[17:33:52] such as the ocarina and Navi, who I have launched towards you.
[17:33:57] But you have forgotten that I have hands as well, and thus can take one of them to hold!
[17:34:04] Only a five dollar minimum donation for the pair of them sent to us by the great craftsperson, Arctic Wren.
[17:34:10] Well I have another attack you did not expect two attacks in a row I'm sure!
[17:34:14] This double sided tingle keychain, as you can see
[17:34:17] is a hat for your keys!
[17:34:19] A hat for your keys?
[17:34:21] Preposterous! I have never seen such
[17:34:23] an invention. And artwork
[17:34:25] on both sides.
[17:34:27] The shiny tingle!
[17:34:28] Unbelievable! This truly is a powerful play,
[17:34:32] A five dollar minimum donation from Opalescent I see
[17:34:35] But I shall counter prize artificee for I
[17:34:38] have a Breath of the Wild
[17:34:40] Mipha themed pendant! Behold
[17:34:42] it in its beautiful pendant
[17:34:44] glory! You could wear it around your
[17:34:46] neck if you're head was not as large as mine
[17:34:50] is that an insult to me perhaps or perhaps it is proof of my magical
[17:34:54] abilities or perhaps it is just that this headset
[17:34:58] is very large.
[17:34:59] Regardless of the reason, only a $5 minimum donation
[17:35:03] plus another $5 minimum donation at the same time
[17:35:06] making a $10 minimum donation to be
[17:35:08] entered in to win this lovely pendant from 600 clothing
[17:35:12] your move i require some assistance begrudgingly i accept thank you it's very long
[17:35:19] this delta scarf with hyrule Crest, Prize Wizard!
[17:35:21] And it is like a hat that you can wrap around your neck!
[17:35:23] You could also probably wear
[17:35:25] it as a hat. It's very multi-purpose.
[17:35:27] Mr Wilson sent it to us.
[17:35:29] As you see, it's so very, very long that I had to make you hold some of it and now
[17:35:33] I didn't know it did that.
[17:35:35] I am being strangled by your magical scarf!
[17:35:38] I'm not doing that.
[17:35:39] Truly, it is a powerful sentient artifact! Or perhaps
[17:35:43] I am just being melodramatic!
[17:35:45] Either way, a $10 minimum donation!
[17:35:47] Thank you to Mr. Wilson.
[17:35:49] What have you next,
[17:35:50] Prize Artificier? It's your turn.
[17:35:52] Oh right! I've forgotten how turn-based battles work!
[17:35:55] It's been a while, you'll have to excuse me...
[17:35:58] For I have a set of mini Ocarina of Time cross stitches!
[17:36:02] Not one, not two,
[17:36:04] not three but six objects that I can hold right side up or upside down!
[17:36:10] Truly a birth of options for me and you
[17:36:13] And everyone involved for their feature items
[17:36:16] Such as the potion
[17:36:17] Such as the triforce
[17:36:18] Such as a heart container
[17:36:20] Such as the orb
[17:36:22] I think this is a fairy
[17:36:23] But I'm going to call it the orb. I don't
[17:36:25] know what the last two are! It's a rupee!
[17:36:28] And that one's the fairy...
[17:36:29] The orb is... I'm not sure about anymore.
[17:36:31] It's all good because you get all six of them
[17:36:33] at once. Thank you to Morning Possum!
[17:36:36] I do not know why the possum is so sad,
[17:36:38] they should not be for these are incredible.
[17:36:41] Do you know what is more than six?
[17:36:44] 25, 25 Zelda buttons sent to us 26. 25!
[17:36:49] 25 Zelda buttons sent to us by Shuggle of Sketches!
[17:36:52] One of these has to have a hat, there's so many.
[17:36:54] Link has a hat and... Zelda doesn't have a hat. And
[17:36:59] Ten, eleven, twelve
[17:37:01] Twenty-five is surely a high
[17:37:03] number prize artificer! I appreciate
[17:37:05] it especially when the prize is only a $10 minimum donation.
[17:37:09] But behold! A number smaller than 25!
[17:37:13] Six?
[17:37:14] Six is a powerful number in Prize Wizardry because it it is the number of two prizes that are available
[17:37:20] right now. Is that relevant? Absolutely not! Because these coasters are all
[17:37:25] the same coaster but that does not make them any less impressive for they are all coroks made
[17:37:31] of leather now leather is not made of wood it is made of hide and hide is an important
[17:37:37] thing to do when you are a prize wizard,
[17:37:39] because people are going to come after you for how terrible your holding skills are.
[17:37:45] Know how to hide with these coasters!
[17:37:47] Ten dollars from Nikom! Do people do that sometimes? Yes, that seems very annoying
[17:37:54] I have been on the run for many years, but you always are here
[17:37:57] They're not very good at finding me. I don't think you are very good at running!
[17:38:01] It's all good, what have you prize out of the sea?
[17:38:03] These Triforce fingerless gloves sent in to us by Cat Cuddle Craft
[17:38:07] they are so soft and warm that you can wear them on your hands
[17:38:10] That is how gloves work They are so soft, so warm you can wear them on your hands.
[17:38:11] That's how gloves work!
[17:38:14] And now I have the Triforce of Power!
[17:38:17] Your gloves aren't as powerful as mine for they have triforces
[17:38:20] or courage, I'm not sure which one wait is that how gloves
[17:38:24] work i thought you did this with the men just put them on your hands to hold them in the meantime
[17:38:31] i think this counts as a hat!
[17:38:33] I've never seen this before!
[17:38:34] I have clearly been mistaken this entire time!
[17:38:37] I am learning new things! Thank you,
[17:38:39] Cat Cut of Crafts, a $10 minimum donation
[17:38:41] for those lovely gloves. But behold,
[17:38:44] for there is certainly more! I offer not one but two
[17:38:48] Senofumafumo's! You could have a plushie of
[17:38:52] the at least sixth best Toho character for a set of $25,
[17:38:56] a donation that you could have. She is not very smart but there is no
[17:39:02] but! That is the end of the story.
[17:39:05] However, they could be yours.
[17:39:08] $25.
[17:39:10] Look behind you, prize wizard
[17:39:11] for my next attack was lying behind
[17:39:13] you the whole time!
[17:39:15] Yes.
[17:39:16] The King Zora got to go fast cross-stitch sent into us by Skater43!
[17:39:19] That is not what I have grabbed at all!
[17:39:22] Oh no, you've fl in through my attack!
[17:39:26] I must counter, of course, with this covetous Legend of Zelda pyrography tribute from Niamh
[17:39:32] at Whiscats Creations.
[17:39:33] It can defeat King Zora for for it is made of wood!
[17:39:37] Pries out of his ear. My favorite material burned with fire
[17:39:42] my favorite element together they are unstoppable and show a lovely pattern
[17:39:50] Of shadow hands reaching for the Triforce.
[17:39:51] Can we do mine now?
[17:39:53] Yes, okay, you may do yours.
[17:39:58] The King Zora got to go fast cross-stitch that did-do-us by skater 43. As you can see, you can king-see King Zora he's sitting there and he says
[17:40:01] Mweep! Mweep! Got to
[17:40:05] This is funny for King Zora is known for not going fast.
[17:40:09] Amongst all wizardkind he's known as the slowest fish!
[17:40:13] The fish being the slowest class of animal to begin with!
[17:40:17] Exceptionally slow and exceptionally beautiful. It could be yours for a $25 minimum
[17:40:23] donation! I must say, prize artificer you have come well prepared.
[17:40:28] Do you have another attack? Oh yes, I have plenty. In fact, I have an infinite number of attacks, Prize Antipasir!
[17:40:35] You fool! You should never have challenged me as a prize wizard, for I will deflect anything you throw
[17:40:41] at me with this incredible
[17:40:43] Deku Shield. For
[17:40:45] it is powerful
[17:40:47] and it is made of wood!
[17:40:49] Wood and glazed with copper!
[17:40:52] Copper, my favorite part of the
[17:40:54] periodic table. And wood,
[17:40:56] my favorite material combined.
[17:40:58] It is unstoppable.
[17:41:00] I like that you're consistent about that. For it is forged from
[17:41:02] the single trunk of a tree,
[17:41:04] with the bark of the tree and
[17:41:06] the leather of the tree!
[17:41:08] It might not be the leather of the tree.
[17:41:10] I'm still not sure where leather comes from.
[17:41:13] How much damage does a shield do
[17:41:15] if something reflects off it? Is it less
[17:41:17] than two? It is a fifty
[17:41:19] damage points for the fifty
[17:41:21] or hundred dollar minimum donation you must put in to make it happen.
[17:41:25] Numbers are very confusing to me this late into a wizard battle,
[17:41:29] you must understand!
[17:41:30] Well I will deflect it with this heart-pended scale mail
[17:41:33] sent in to us by the law for magical af i can't talk
[17:41:39] i have defeated surprise here before she could no longer. And I can tell you about the
[17:41:45] Heart Veil Container Scale Veils Wraps
[17:41:47] into a spice to laugh from Magical AF
[17:41:49] Boutique! A fantastic game
[17:41:51] for a fantastic metal monster
[17:41:53] and truly a fantastic prize for a $50
[17:41:56] minimum donation. But you
[17:41:58] must hurry, for the prizes that
[17:42:00] we have battled with and more shall
[17:42:02] end at the end of Metal Gear Solid
[17:42:04] 4 Guns of the Patriots later tonight.
[17:42:06] Now our battle together might be endless! We shall use our energies
[17:42:10] to summon grand prizes to duel in our steed!
[17:42:17] Okay this might take a while.
[17:42:19] Probably about an hour or so, give or take.
[17:42:21] In the meantime, I shall
[17:42:23] send you over to the Sonomancer
[17:42:25] numbers and their walker machine,
[17:42:28] a machine of true power and marvel that you must enjoy.
[17:42:32] Prize magic!
[17:42:34] Sin-O-Freeze! I'm going to go freeze!
[17:42:42] Wow.
[17:42:46] Great job, sent. May. Well hello, hello everyone! My screen name is Brutal Mello and I have the honor of being your happy host this Friday evening. How we doing Minneapolis? Minneapolis.
[17:43:02] Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us both virtually and in person.
[17:43:04] If you're here in our beautiful crowd one more time
[17:43:06] make some noise!
[17:43:11] I hope y'all are ready for WACA reverse. I'm so excited, I've been talking with the runners and
[17:43:13] couch, we're all just geared up, amped up,
[17:43:15] ready to go.
[17:43:16] We'll be right back in a moment after this.
[17:43:18] Stay tuned tuned don't
[17:43:22] go anywhere Okay, everyone.
[17:43:36] I want to read a couple little donations from Alan R.
[17:43:40] They donate $25 to MSF and say,
[17:43:43] heck yeah, games? Heck yeah, Doctors Without Borders? Great race!
[17:43:47] Yeah, I think that's in reference to the Kaizo Super Mario World Race earlier.
[17:43:56] We have an anonymous donation.
[17:43:59] The comment says, great job everyone and the amount, $1,500!
[17:44:04] Thank you so much for that
[17:44:06] donation to Doctors Without Borders.
[17:44:12] Did y'all know we have an incentive for WACA?
[17:44:14] It's the reverse boss rush incentive. We're going to be adding at least
[17:44:18] 7 boss songs to the run, make sure you donate to get them met
[17:44:22] Right now we are looking at, of course, 69%.
[17:44:25] We are $17,300
[17:44:28] the way there. Need about $7,000 and some change more.
[17:44:40] ... and some change more. Meaty Guy agrees with me, donates $10
[17:44:42] and says, more rhythm game showcases at GDQ?
[17:44:45] Yes please! Let's get Waka met. so so I'm going to go ahead and start the game.
[17:45:24] $25 here from Nick and Elena,
[17:45:26] thank you so much they say What an awesome block of games!
[17:45:29] We're looking forward to the Walker reverse run.
[17:45:31] Let's get that reverse boss rush incentive!
[17:45:37] Thank you very
[17:45:37] much, Nick and Elena. Yeah, folks, if you're out there making donations make sure that you're scrolling all the way down and applying your donation towards an incentive so so And a $50 donation from barge.
[17:46:16] They say, I don't know how these prize segments keep outdoing each other, but they do.
[17:46:20] I agree we have a wonderful prize team Welcome back everyone. Gosh, I have been snapping into some Doritos all week. The crunch is just so crisp, so right. Let's learn a little bit more after this.
[17:46:58] You're entering the Doritos dimension.
[17:47:01] Zoom in to the zesty taste of nacho cheese.
[17:47:10] Feel the electric bolt of bold cheesy flavors and explore every mind blowing angle.
[17:47:23] Try another angle with Doritos Nacho Cheese. We have a $100 donation from Gigi Jeno.
[17:47:26] They say, I must see these rhythm bosses.
[17:47:28] Waka waka!
[17:47:35] Yeah that incentive is flying. Let's try to get it met as soon as possible. We just passed $20,000. So we're now... Yep, yep, over 80% of the way there.
[17:47:52] Zig donates $100 and says The reverse boss rush? I need it!
[17:47:54] Yeah me too Zig, me
[17:47:56] too.
[17:48:30] . I'm so excited for WACA at GDQ. I'm going to go ahead and give them a little bit of credit.
[17:48:32] Got some more love for the
[17:48:34] prize team here, $50 donation
[17:48:36] from single speed.
[17:48:38] Of course that goes to doctors without borders they say i have to donate for those sweet
[17:48:41] prize wizards slash artificers is there a minimum donation
[17:48:44] to get more prize team skits it's a good idea
[17:48:50] thank you for that single speed.
[17:48:56] $10 from the prize
[17:49:00] sorcerer who says,
[17:49:03] Prize Wizard and Prize Artificer.
[17:49:04] Please stop fighting!
[17:49:07] You're making the prizemage family reunion really awkward. Thank you for watching! All right, everyone.
[17:49:19] I'm getting some really good news.
[17:49:21] So if you're here in the crowd or if you're in the chat, when I say
[17:49:24] WACA, you say reverse. WACA!
[17:49:27] Okay that was a little lame. Let's do something more fun. How about this?
[17:49:32] When I say aluminum, you say can.
[17:49:33] Aluminum! Can!
[17:49:35] It looks like Walker Reverse is ready.
[17:49:37] I'm going to send you over to NB1RS. Give it up!
[17:49:48] Thank you. Hello, DDQ! Y'all hyped to see some Waka today?
[17:49:53] Alright. I'm just gonna do a very quick Y'all hyped to see some WACA today?
[17:49:58] Alright, I'm just gonna do a very quick explanation.
[17:50:01] This is an arcade rhythm game.
[17:50:04] This was live-serviced in arcades
[17:50:06] so when this game was online, I say it was because it is now offline.
[17:50:13] You could take what they call an IC card, scan this on the machine physically and then it would load up profile data.
[17:50:18] So you would be able to go through progression progression system save your scores unlock new songs stuff like that they would push by weekly updates uh unfortunately this
[17:50:22] game released during covid so it didn't do very well during the early stages of its
[17:50:25] life so it's now offline. So today we're running
[17:50:27] the Offline Build Walker Reverse.
[17:50:30] You might look at this thing,
[17:50:31] it's like really, really flashy.
[17:50:34] So basically this game features
[17:50:36] a full 360 degree touch surface.
[17:50:39] So, basically if I touch this machine it's going to recognize all of my inputs.
[17:50:45] That being said, this game is very flashy.
[17:50:50] I'm going to give a quick epilepsy warning and we do have one volume warning in the showcase.
[17:50:53] Just to preface that.
[17:50:56] That's it!
[17:50:56] I'm gonna hand over my commentators and let them introduce myself while I get through menuing.
[17:51:02] All right.
[17:51:02] So hello everyone.
[17:51:04] I'm Sylvie.
[17:51:05] I'm Orca.
[17:51:06] And I'm Jack.
[17:51:07] I go by LosermanWins.
[17:51:09] Yeah. Really excited to show this showcase off to everyone!
[17:51:12] This one is really special because it's the first showcase featuring an arcade cabinet
[17:51:19] or at least an arcade rhythm, or nonetheless,
[17:51:20] an arcade rhythm game
[17:51:21] at the GDQ venue.
[17:51:23] And we're really honored
[17:51:24] to be able
[17:51:25] to have this showcase here
[17:51:26] for everyone
[17:51:27] to enjoy it.
[17:51:29] You might recognize
[17:51:30] this one? Yep. starting with the classic.
[17:51:33] So MB1RS is going to be editing a little bit of their settings here
[17:51:37] just changing some of the background filtering
[17:51:39] to make it a little easier read
[17:51:42] That said I think we're good to go! Yep. Get out the Cerno?
[17:51:44] Time starts when the song starts.
[17:51:46] Alright. Ready for time?
[17:51:48] Oh... Time started!
[17:51:50] Oh! Go!
[17:51:58] So, what exactly is this Waka cabinet?
[17:52:02] Like IP1DRS has mentioned, the main input scheme is a full 360 degree touch panel.
[17:52:10] We have 12 panels over here featuring 20 touch sensors.
[17:52:14] So we have a total of 280 sensors that can detect
[17:52:17] a wide range of motions and inputs from your hands,
[17:52:22] which will allow for a very wide array of combinations to hit.
[17:52:28] And charts are very fluid and really innovative and you can
[17:52:32] really show that off as you go to the showcase.
[17:52:35] Yeah, and this is a rhythm game.
[17:52:38] Some of you might know what rhythm games are
[17:52:39] but if you don't I'm here to explain.
[17:52:41] So these notes that are going down
[17:52:43] in the play field they're gonna be different colors
[17:52:45] and those colors represent different things.
[17:52:46] So these purple notes that are showing up here
[17:52:48] are called tap notes. You just need to
[17:52:50] tap any of the sensors that are in line with it
[17:52:52] and you will get a judgment for it
[17:52:54] And then also these long orange notes
[17:52:57] let's see if one shows up they are called hold notes
[17:53:00] until you have to tap the beginning of it and you hold it down for the entire
[17:53:03] duration and those are mostly every rhythm game
[17:53:05] you'll see tab and hold notes.
[17:53:07] However, what makes Waka special is
[17:53:09] going to be the swipe notes that show up in the showcase.
[17:53:12] So there's four different directions.
[17:53:14] This chart only has two of them, one
[17:53:16] that goes clockwise and one that
[17:53:17] goes counterclockwise which is green and orange respectively.
[17:53:20] And then there will also be red and blue swipes
[17:53:23] that will go forward and backwards
[17:53:24] all four cardinal directions.
[17:53:32] I'll just let the rest of this play out here.
[17:53:37] And these also, I didn't mention this, the chain notes.
[17:53:40] These kind of like caution tape looking things are called chain notes.
[17:53:44] You will always get a maximum score for them as long as your hand is in the sensor at any point.
[17:53:48] You don't have to time it at all as long as you're hand is holding down in the sensor at any point you don't have to time it
[17:53:49] at all as long as your hand is holding down on
[17:53:51] the sensor that matches it, you will get a perfect score for it.
[17:53:58] And speaking of lack of timing, swipe notes also cannot early.
[17:54:02] So as long you're hitting the directional requirements
[17:54:04] You'll just get a nice swiper
[17:54:06] You can however get a late judgment on it
[17:54:20] You start off with a full combo it
[17:54:25] the cat does this little light show for every full combo you do. This cabinet is very, very flashy and we actually did a little fun thing with it to make the
[17:54:31] lights even brighter than they already
[17:54:32] are so you guys are going to enjoy that
[17:54:34] through the shoulder cam actually it's on
[17:54:36] the stream here
[17:54:48] hey before we get into this next song I just want to update y'all that we're 98% of the way to the boss rush in set 3 already? So let's go!
[17:54:54] Some more setting adjustments here.
[17:54:56] Yep, that setting they just moved to
[17:54:58] plus 4 is more the background filtering
[17:55:00] so it makes the background even darker
[17:55:02] It's going to hide most of the background video.
[17:55:06] RhythmGamers a lot of times try to hide a lot of things that are distracting in the game,
[17:55:11] and so NB1RS is doing this to focus more on gameplay.
[17:55:16] And one thing to is that this game is produced and developed by
[17:55:19] marvelous with collaboration with prominent music label
[17:55:23] hardcore tano sea and this song is very popular within that label, if you would like to explain a little bit Jack?
[17:55:29] Yeah so this game was made in... it was released originally in 2019
[17:55:33] Like Sobi said it was produced in cooperation with Hardcore Tano Sea who is Japan's biggest Japanese hardcore music label.
[17:55:40] That's most of the music you're going to hear today is Japanese hardcore.
[17:55:44] And Marvelous had actually never made a rhythm game before making this.
[17:55:47] They were mostly known for making kids' Pokemon Japanese arcade games,
[17:55:52] that was mostly what they made but they decided they wanted a challenge
[17:55:55] so they decided to make a rhythm game, and that became Waka.
[17:55:59] And so in addition to working with TanoSea
[17:56:01] on the music for the game,
[17:56:03] the artists in TanoSea also worked
[17:56:05] on the charts for the game.
[17:56:07] So when we say chart chart, that's just how
[17:56:09] the notes are arranged in relation
[17:56:11] to the music you're hearing so
[17:56:13] where a note is placed relative to a sound
[17:56:15] that's part of the chart
[17:56:17] The artists for Tano Sea worked on the charts, which for rhythm games these days is quite uncommon.
[17:56:22] Usually there are in-house charters that make the charts and then the artist makes the music.
[17:56:26] It's usually separate but Tanosea artists also worked on the charts for this game
[17:56:30] yeah talking about charts a typical thing you'll see in rhythm games is each
[17:56:35] song will have a couple different turns right so those are
[17:56:38] usually what we refer to as difficulties.
[17:56:43] So this one is a hard it's also a level 10 So there's two different distinctions
[17:56:44] This game has difficulties of normal hard and expert
[17:56:47] And then also inferno which is kind of like the final boss
[17:56:53] And then it will also have a number associated with it so this one has a 10 uh the game goes all the way from 1 to 15. so we started with bad apple at
[17:56:59] 5 and jumped straight up to attend so it's a little bit of a jump there um and we only
[17:57:03] have a little bit to go another five but the game really exponentially ramps up as you start to get
[17:57:08] into those upper numbers you also see uh some of these forward and backward swipes, those red and blue ones.
[17:57:15] Those are new effects.
[17:57:21] Now the higher we go up in a, the more it's really going to utilize the full range of the circle touch panel. I believe that is another full combo.
[17:57:50] Gonna have to keep amping it up, too easy.
[17:57:53] Up next we got our first expert. So mdRS is going to edit more of their settings, this is going to be closer
[17:57:58] to what they would actually use in the arcade if they were trying to go for top scores.
[17:58:03] Going to just increase the scroll speed which we didn't talk about
[17:58:07] um but you can really edit uh your speed this menu actually
[17:58:11] there's an increments of 0.1 which is very like minute
[17:58:15] and so players can really hone in on what they want to use then mb1rs is also
[17:58:19] going to change some other things about how the game looks going to turn on a score subtractive
[17:58:24] system which i will talk about a little bit once we get into the song.
[17:58:28] As well as turning on...
[17:58:31] A different note color scheme
[17:58:34] This one is for the colors that are around the ring
[17:58:37] So it's gonna to change those lights
[17:58:38] that show up while they're playing.
[17:58:40] Really show like how you're feeling,
[17:58:41] your mood light of sorts.
[17:58:44] Yep.
[17:58:45] Make sure to check out
[17:58:45] that shoulder cam for the lighting.
[17:58:47] All right.
[17:58:52] Going into the levels this is a 12 plus y'all want to hear something really hype yeah i do we hit that reverse boss so we just went from 19 to
[17:59:00] 26 songs, and if you want to see
[17:59:02] song number 27, the hardest
[17:59:04] song in the game, Mobius Inferno
[17:59:06] We have a new incentive open
[17:59:08] We gotta raise 15 grand. I'm gonna be quiet so we can watch this performance but get
[17:59:12] those incentives or donations in please there's no joke you really want to go hit that yeah
[17:59:18] uh so one thing i wanted to talk about a little bit with this song actually is it's
[17:59:22] a remix of the song that was already in WACA, but released during a version of
[17:59:26] the game. It's actually on now called WACA Reverse so when we're
[17:59:30] talking about arcade rhythm games they go through a couple of
[17:59:33] different updates throughout their lifetime just to kind of keep the game fresh because
[17:59:36] the developers like to keep people coming to the arcades and so you want
[17:59:40] to update every once in a while
[17:59:41] and pull people back in.
[17:59:42] And so Waka started out just called Waka,
[17:59:45] that's the name of the game
[17:59:45] so we'll call it that
[17:59:47] and then went over to Waka S
[17:59:49] and then Waka Lily
[17:59:50] then Waka Lily R and finally reverse So in Waka Lily, then Waka Lily R And finally reverse
[17:59:53] So in Waka Lily R they introduced something called an
[17:59:55] R note which is I believe
[17:59:57] R notes work twice as much right?
[17:59:59] Twice as much as a normal note
[18:00:01] so mixing them takes a lot away yes this old see
[18:00:06] us in the little details frame right next to the gameplay where it gives the breakdown of
[18:00:10] the judgments the numbers in the parentheses are how-Nodes you got of those judgments.
[18:00:15] So, R-Nodes will contribute a lot to your score.
[18:00:17] Missing them will be very detrimental to getting a good grid.
[18:00:20] Yeah and that also means any chart or song
[18:00:22] that was in the game before LilyR
[18:00:25] Actually, it was some mix
[18:00:27] was released then
[18:00:29] Which is a decent amount of song lists actually
[18:00:31] Just don't have R notes in them
[18:00:33] And so those judgments are in parentheses They just won't have anything for some of them.
[18:00:39] This also does give us our scoring system in the game.
[18:00:42] Now that we see the subtracted score, you see the max score of 1 million?
[18:00:48] Every note is worth
[18:00:52] basically the number of notes plus or it's one million
[18:00:57] divided by the number of notes in a chart plus the number of R-notes. And most of the grades
[18:00:59] that we began on these classical
[18:01:01] songs were SSS+,
[18:01:03] which the requirement is to get
[18:01:05] 990,000 or rather like 99% accuracy which is no easy task with
[18:01:11] how many points each notice work relative to that grade. coming up to the end here another full combo Awesome.
[18:01:33] Alright, we got some menuing coming up here so if the host wants to read a donation
[18:01:35] really quick... Yeah absolutely
[18:01:37] y'all! How about this? $500 from StarRodKirby86!
[18:01:42] Let's go!
[18:01:45] They say thank you NB1RS for being an amazing representative of the Western rhythm game community
[18:01:50] and keeping the love for WACA shining on.
[18:01:52] From one washing machine appliance player
[18:01:54] to another,
[18:01:56] I wish you a miss-less-less
[18:01:58] fortune of all marvelous mastery.
[18:02:01] Right back at you Kirby, thank you for your work as well.
[18:02:03] Thanks Kirby!
[18:02:04] Yeah Kirby ran MyMy at GDQ before so familiar name right here.
[18:02:10] We also have a $10 donation from the BSAC community.
[18:02:14] They say, this is a very important announcement
[18:02:16] for all Waka fans.
[18:02:17] Waka will turn into an aluminum can
[18:02:19] once you reverse bot rush and and sent to the stage.
[18:02:22] To save WACA donate for NB1RS
[18:02:23] to run the wildest WACA songs ever!
[18:02:26] Let's keep supporting
[18:02:27] the arcade rhythm game community.
[18:02:29] I got good news for you y'all
[18:02:30] we did hit that incentive
[18:02:33] so i'm glad they're happy.
[18:02:35] So I think Twitch chat is gonna know this one,
[18:02:37] so get your copy paste ready. It will not be a proper showcase without
[18:02:39] the classic Brainpower. Before we get to
[18:02:41] the chorus, just to quickly talk about Brainpower.
[18:02:44] It wasn't actually originally made for this game or really any game you've seen recently
[18:02:48] it was made for... well, you saw Sound Voltex two years ago at SGDQ
[18:02:52] which is a game that it originally came from.
[18:02:54] It was originally made for a song contest for that game
[18:02:56] and when the license
[18:02:59] for it was up, Noma decided
[18:03:01] to not renew it and take it out of
[18:03:03] soundball tech so it could be in other games.
[18:03:05] So you've probably seen it
[18:03:06] in a ton of other games,
[18:03:07] and that's because he decided to take it out
[18:03:09] so it can be in other games.
[18:03:11] And so here we have it in Waka
[18:03:14] It is really at the peak of its popularity because of the copy pasta.
[18:03:17] Yep.
[18:03:18] Very prevalent, which we'll probably see a lot in this map.
[18:03:21] You want to see Twitch Jack going crazy for this map?
[18:03:25] Yeah another thing you actually might see a little bit in this room is Yeah.
[18:03:26] Another thing you actually might see a little bit in this chart,
[18:03:29] as we get into the upper
[18:03:30] difficulties,
[18:03:31] the actual
[18:03:35] tactile feedback of the touch sensors doesn't really give you a lot when it comes to
[18:03:38] timing and so to kind of counteract that, Waka actually has an indicator which will show
[18:03:43] you whether you're hitting the note fast or slow.
[18:03:45] And so NB-1RS also turn that on so they can
[18:03:48] kind of adjust to that as they play all right here we go I'm not sure if this is the best way to end it, but I think it's a good idea.
[18:03:59] I don't know what else to say about this game, but I'll leave it at that for now.
[18:04:04] I hope you enjoyed watching! so. Oh, wow.
[18:04:31] Too easy.
[18:04:32] All right.
[18:04:33] No easy chart too. Alright. SnowyC Chart 2.
[18:04:45] Can I get a quick donation? I hope some of y'all like YouTubers!
[18:04:48] Yeah, you can do a quick donation.
[18:04:49] Yeah, we have $1,337 donation.
[18:04:53] Yeah, give it up.
[18:04:54] From Penguin who says
[18:04:56] Hey NB-1RS I'm so glad that
[18:04:58] You're having the opportunity to display your skills
[18:05:00] To such a large audience
[18:05:01] It's always a treat
[18:05:01] to see these rhythm game showcases at GameStone Quake.
[18:05:04] My only question is, ongeki when?
[18:05:07] Don't pick up the wrong question!
[18:05:08] Don't tempt them, they're good at ongeki too.
[18:05:12] So I actually They're good at Ungeki too. Yeah.
[18:05:19] So I actually mentioned earlier the difficulties of a game being normal, hard and expert.
[18:05:23] This is our first Inferno that we are going to see with the showcase. So this was a difficulty that was released kind of later on
[18:05:25] in the lifespan of Waka,
[18:05:27] and usually charts will not release with Inferno
[18:05:30] though sometimes they will.
[18:05:33] With this one specifically it was added later on and Inferno's can kind
[18:05:38] of either be the ultimate representation of a song or it can kind of be a meme chart.
[18:05:42] In a sense, it's kind of a meme chart. If you'll notice the only
[18:05:46] swipes that we will see in this entire chart are the red and orange ones. If you guys know
[18:05:50] anything about VTubers, Heco Miko. Orange, red...
[18:06:01] So it's matching the VTubes which is really cool nod that the charters did for this
[18:06:07] I think the Inferno makes a good sign because you drop drop that's not present in any other difficulties, right? Yep.
[18:06:08] Yeah, the Inferno lift is actually one second longer than the Expert lift even though it's the same song.
[18:06:16] And fun fact during this Hello Live! post though it's the same song
[18:06:20] and fun fact during this hella live collab echo indico had a livestream of them playing on a water cab
[18:06:24] in their vr benefits basically are in VR, Venom is basically. And it's really cool to see a lot of games so many collabs with
[18:06:33] product figures from other games and even how alive I think we have time for another donation real quick.
[18:06:55] Absolutely! Let's see here from Pickleheart, they donate $50 and say we want Mobius! We want Mobius!
[18:07:02] Yes we do.
[18:07:03] Yes we do.
[18:07:04] Yes we do.
[18:07:05] We need to raise another at least $13000 to get there only just over 10% of the way there. Get those donations in everybody!
[18:07:13] And $20 from SilentBlackCat! Hi Isaac!
[18:07:17] So proud that you've been putting this showcase on. Your dedication to WACA is really inspiring,
[18:07:21] and watching you play in person
[18:07:23] is super impressive.
[18:07:25] When's your right cosplay by the way?
[18:07:27] This is kinda what
[18:07:29] WACA is known for. These hardcore kicks, this really intense music
[18:07:33] It's a hardcore Tennessee staple
[18:07:36] This is Japanese Hardcore right here
[18:07:39] Notice how they keep one of their hands kind of fixed on one point,
[18:07:43] and then move around with the other hand.
[18:07:48] Amazing!
[18:07:51] NB1RS has not missed a note in the showcase yet.
[18:07:55] For anyone who is both into rhythm games and VTubers,
[18:07:58] there's this clip circulating on Twitter right now
[18:08:00] of Fubuki playing U-Beat
[18:08:02] And it is the most wonderful thing to watch because
[18:08:05] she is just so happy playing the game that it is so entertaining to watch all right
[18:08:16] now we have another collab at the time with another very prominent music
[18:08:32] shout out some news dash players oh yeah we got more than i expected so this song was released a little down the line in Maka's lifespan, and this is really when he started to hone in on their charting styles.
[18:08:42] Being more choreographed and making you go with the specific flow to his specific patterns
[18:08:50] yeah definitely um when you chart for a rhythm game it really is kind of like
[18:08:54] you are an artist that is taking your own interpretation
[18:08:57] of the music. And,
[18:08:59] the more that you do it,
[18:09:01] the better that you get at it.
[18:09:03] So with this song being released so much later
[18:09:05] in the lifespan of Chargers Highlight a couple more years to really hone their craft.
[18:09:09] And so this chart implements
[18:09:11] a really interesting thing that we call flow
[18:09:13] and rhythm games with arcade rhythm games
[18:09:16] if there's a lot of movement
[18:09:17] I mean, if you're looking over at an over-the-shoulder camera With arcade rhythm games, there's a lot of movement.
[18:09:17] I mean if you're looking over the shoulder camera
[18:09:19] moving around the entire circle
[18:09:22] and so what charters will do is they'll try to put the notes in a way
[18:09:26] that leads your hands
[18:09:28] and reasonable directions, right?
[18:09:30] They are leading you to where they want you
[18:09:32] to be so that you don't have
[18:09:33] to kind of interrupt your movements.
[18:09:35] Makes it feel really janky
[18:09:36] makes it feel really stiff and not fun. So this chart with these hold notes, they lead you exactly
[18:09:42] to where it wants you to go and that's an example of what we would call good flow.
[18:09:47] Something worth mentioning is um everyone has changed their old colors to blue, but notes have not changed at all. It's just the color and you can change those pretty much whatever you'd like.
[18:09:56] Yeah Waka has a really big range of colors so you can change literally any note to. It really gives its
[18:10:01] players all the power to make their play field however they want. Yeah, Waka kind of became known
[18:10:09] for the game that collaborates with like every other game
[18:10:11] even like after it went offline, it still gets new collaborations
[18:10:15] with rhythm games that are still active so uh
[18:10:18] you'll definitely see plenty of collaboration in the songs both that have come to waka and gone to other games in
[18:10:23] this yeah just in the middle it still says 1 million on the screen this is a subtractive
[18:10:31] scoring that we were talking about earlier. Basically,
[18:10:33] all it does is it shows you that this score that you would get if you got all marvelous
[18:10:38] for the rest of the chart and marvelous is the best judgment in the game.
[18:10:46] It's useful because sometimes they'll let you know as, in and overrun if your on pace
[18:10:48] or under with a PB or certain score
[18:10:50] break point whereas other games it's only
[18:10:52] a derivative scoring so you can only really know after
[18:10:54] you finish the chart. It's also worth noting this background
[18:10:58] here is what we would probably say is a dip spike
[18:11:01] it's where the turret really picks up and gets a lot harder.
[18:11:07] Got some slide stack on holds there. Yeah.
[18:11:13] ... And a full-down ball.
[18:11:25] Two greats, two very good ones. And open a box. That's awesome.
[18:11:26] Two greats, two greats.
[18:11:27] Very close.
[18:11:30] Now if any of you all liked that song and thought it was
[18:11:33] a banger, DJ Norikin one of the artists for this song actually just released an album
[18:11:38] a couple months ago with an extended version of this song
[18:11:40] and it goes up to like five minutes long. It's crazy!
[18:11:43] Yeah, that's something we should talk about.
[18:11:46] With arcade rhythm games you kind of have a set
[18:11:48] time when you play, when you card in
[18:11:50] When you actually play a set
[18:11:52] Obviously you don't want to make every song like 10 minutes long
[18:11:54] because then one person is going to be in the cabinet for an hour
[18:11:58] So what they will do is basically you can either get a song
[18:12:00] and cut it down shorter or
[18:12:02] the artist can make a song that just
[18:12:04] matches that limit. And Waka's actually
[18:12:06] kind of known for having a bit of a longer song time.
[18:12:09] Usually songs kinda lean around like 2 minutes to two and half minutes,
[18:12:12] whereas other rhythm game companies will try to keep it under 2 minutes
[18:12:16] so that sets are about 10 minutes long.
[18:12:21] You know honestly I'm just like so excited to even be here right now i'm so happy to show off walk i'm feeling a
[18:12:24] little jolly yeah a little jolly right after that score and what we just
[18:12:28] learned about the extended here.
[18:12:29] Actually, I got gifts for everyone actually.
[18:12:31] Oh really? Presents?
[18:12:32] Yeah.
[18:12:34] Got one for you.
[18:12:35] It's feeling like Christmas.
[18:12:36] Oh my god!
[18:12:37] One for you too.
[18:12:40] That's going over the mic.
[18:12:42] It's Christmas already?
[18:12:43] Christmas in July!
[18:12:48] So this is Jingle Death, a remix of the very well-known song
[18:12:53] Jingle Bells.
[18:12:54] We call it a Requiem Remix of sorts.
[18:12:58] If you can see a bit
[18:12:59] of the video during this as well it's great
[18:13:07] what a banger yeah Uh oh.
[18:13:18] I think you'll get the gist of this remix pretty quickly here.
[18:13:22] Rest in peace to Teefazlite here who is getting pushed into a wall and the video
[18:13:26] is being bullied Okay, so memes aside this probably needs a little bit of explaining.
[18:13:48] So Jingle Death was an F-Loud between two artists and they actually released it in a
[18:13:53] winter like Christmas themed update. So arcade rhythm games again, talking about
[18:13:58] updates they like to do things that are pretty timely for example whenever there's golden
[18:14:03] week in Japan usually Rhythm Games will try to release more content
[18:14:06] so that people who are on vacation can play more. For Waka every Christmas they would release
[18:14:12] a Christmas song and other than that like April Fool's Day
[18:14:17] a lot of rhythm games will do kind of April Fool's charts
[18:14:19] which are really silly and break the bounds
[18:14:21] of what is usually allowed by the rhythm game.
[18:14:26] You can see this chart very fast compared to a lot of the stuff we've played so far, just really fast patterns requiring alternating your hands very quickly.
[18:14:33] They're not chain notes you have to lift your hand and hit those.
[18:14:42] Okay, so you really have a mix of difficulty when it comes to just the speed
[18:14:43] or the execution you need to hit certain patterns
[18:14:45] or the technicality,
[18:14:47] which we'll see.
[18:14:48] We might have to look at that later on.
[18:14:51] Definitely more of a speed chart.
[18:14:56] It's going just in style of gram songs and journalists very fast
[18:15:01] and not for your own benefit I think it's Graham.
[18:15:21] I have no idea
[18:15:23] Y'all want an update on
[18:15:25] that Mobius incentive?
[18:15:27] Okay, so 21% of the way there
[18:15:29] we still need to raise over $11,000 to get there
[18:15:33] I know we can do it also
[18:15:35] I have a $75 donation from crying who says hey and be one
[18:15:40] This donut was made on behalf of everyone here in Sad Otters.
[18:15:42] Let's go!
[18:15:44] Wild to see you showing your skills on the big screen instead
[18:15:46] of a Discord call with us at 3 in the morning.
[18:15:50] Best of luck with the run and let's get that that boss rush goal met so we can make our friends suffer.
[18:15:54] I think they mean the Mobius Inferno incentive?
[18:15:57] We did already meet the boss rush incentive.
[18:16:00] Yeah, we sure did.
[18:16:01] Alright, I thought that song was just a little bit fast so I'm going to find something a little
[18:16:05] bit slower paced for us to have a good time with.
[18:16:07] Just chill and relax.
[18:16:09] Have a little break here.
[18:16:11] And by the way...
[18:16:13] Why are you laughing? This is our video. And by a good time.
[18:16:13] Volume warning, by the way.
[18:16:14] Why are you laughing?
[18:16:16] This is our volume warning just in case, by the way.
[18:16:19] Wow!
[18:16:21] One VPN help.
[18:16:23] How slow can this be? one vpn how when we per minute This is my favorite song.
[18:16:40] What a banger!
[18:16:45] So, the funny thing about this song is that it's 1 BPM, right?
[18:16:48] Indicated by its title. Actually, it's charted at 120 BPM
[18:16:52] So internally, yeah, it's heard at 120 BPM.
[18:16:57] And DJ Miyosuke loves to do harsh noise songs like this
[18:17:01] he is kind of known for that
[18:17:03] and so the song is just basically one distorted kick
[18:17:06] and he just stretched it out So the song is just basically one distorted kick,
[18:17:06] and he just stretched it out for like half a minute.
[18:17:11] Enjoy the spiral.
[18:17:14] I feel like harsh noise is an understatement.
[18:17:18] With those spir note, you can just hold your hands on both sides of the cab since
[18:17:22] the note goes fast enough that you don't have to move your hands.
[18:17:26] The song is so soothing to the ears
[18:17:30] chill walk of beats to relax you I used
[18:17:34] to listen to this song to go to sleep
[18:17:36] it's like white noise. It is.
[18:17:49] This song is longer than I remember. Yeah.
[18:17:50] I love this song so much!
[18:17:54] This is my comfort music.
[18:17:59] One important technical thing, actually when it comes to how mb1rs plays this game, in
[18:18:04] this chart you will see a lot of these tap notes that are kind of stacked.
[18:18:09] He can do something called
[18:18:12] slide cheesing, where basically you
[18:18:14] just hold your hand on the touch sensor
[18:18:16] on the first note so you play like a normal tap
[18:18:18] and then you kind of slide your hand around
[18:18:20] and as long as the notes are kind of close enough together
[18:18:22] you will just get all marvelous for all of it
[18:18:24] if you're just sliding. So you don't
[18:18:26] have to actually tap every single node there.
[18:18:28] Nice! Awesome, that's good.
[18:18:30] Still has not missed a node.
[18:18:33] I gotta ask, like... awesome that's still has not missed a note yeah oh that's actually very nice
[18:18:37] with the mobius inferno what are the chances of a full combo if that incentive gets impossible i gotta see it i want to see you try
[18:18:42] yeah just to give you an idea. They're full comboing every song so far and Mobius will not happen
[18:18:48] So that's to give you an idea of how much harder Mobius is than everything you see in this showcase
[18:18:53] So donate, it's good!
[18:18:54] We mentioned that the highest grade you can get is
[18:18:56] in SSS Plus at a 990. Only four people
[18:18:58] in the world have been achieved
[18:19:00] and only one person has
[18:19:02] the highest grade you can get which is an all marvelous yeah it is
[18:19:06] brutal beyond belief all right speaking of hard songs this
[18:19:10] is uh this is our first 14. which for most of
[18:19:13] the game is the hardest difficulty.
[18:19:16] This song was also kind of like the first,
[18:19:19] we call them boss songs,
[18:19:21] so oftentimes when rhythm games get updated
[18:19:23] they get a set of songs put in and you have to unlock them kind of in order
[18:19:28] and then the last song will be like the hardest song in uh in that set of unlocks it'll be like
[18:19:34] a new original song for the game. It will usually be, like,
[18:19:36] the highest difficulty of the game available
[18:19:38] and oftentimes the songs
[18:19:39] will also introduce tech
[18:19:41] that's never been used before
[18:19:43] so it's kind of a new way
[18:19:44] to push the boundaries when they come out
[18:19:46] So when we talk about a boss song
[18:19:48] that's what that's referring to and this is
[18:19:50] first major boss song of Waka.
[18:19:54] You're gonna see noticeable difficulty increase from here
[18:19:56] Yeah, this was final kind of boss song
[18:19:59] of the original version of Waka
[18:20:02] and so like Jack was talking about
[18:20:03] they were really trying to expand on their horizons
[18:20:05] with how they take the difficulty of the game like do we want to kind of push it in
[18:20:09] like the speed up the bpm and just try to make everything faster or
[18:20:13] you wanna make things a little bit more technical
[18:20:15] technical make it a little bit harder to read and for this song i kind of did
[18:20:18] both um so you'll see stuff like
[18:20:20] these long holds that make you hold with one hand and then do all of the swipes in a bunch
[18:20:24] of different directions with the other hand. This long swipe right here in D1 RS is choosing
[18:20:28] to use both hands for the swipe really watches over the shoulder game
[18:20:33] here doing a technique called bracketing here which is where you're hitting two notes at
[18:20:38] the same time with one hand.
[18:20:40] It's a carryover turn from dance games,
[18:20:42] referring to where you step between two panels
[18:20:44] on the metal bracket of your foot taking two notes.
[18:20:48] Going into part about the music patternning, usually it's a bit of a trend in rhythm games where they'll add these really unique patterns that are just really hard to hit.
[18:20:58] But then as the game goes on, they'll maybe add more songs at like a much slower pace with those if that helps give you a word point
[18:21:05] yeah yeah they use the boss song to kind of see what works and then take that and then make
[18:21:10] the natural progression up to there.
[18:21:12] They don't want to just throw players into this,
[18:21:14] you wanna actually be able to work your way up
[18:21:15] until like, IndieWanx has been playing
[18:21:17] these games since the very beginning
[18:21:18] so they've worked their way up from
[18:21:20] the lower levels all day after here.
[18:21:22] And one fact about this chart in block of tournaments that
[18:21:25] have been going on this is considered a personal choice based on how well you can hit certain
[18:21:30] patterns and the theme of this is these full circle notes it should be really hard to parse
[18:21:36] depending on how you read it that's a lot of visual clutter for the shirt
[18:21:41] yes i see one miss though.
[18:21:46] So anyone else got a
[18:21:48] Missless, but there was
[18:21:50] One miss if you get under
[18:21:52] Five misses, but not zero
[18:21:54] Misses You get a missless.
[18:21:56] We do not know why it is called that even though you get misses.
[18:22:00] Maybe it just means have less misses or the game's telling you to miss less.
[18:22:04] I don't know. to miss less i don't know yeah it's missed please this less
[18:22:08] all right i think we can get a donation right here yep absolutely
[18:22:12] wright donates 100 that says yo hey nb1rs here's $100 to play Mobius Inferno.
[18:22:18] If your arms haven't fallen off you aren't playing hard enough.
[18:22:21] Waka so long.
[18:22:24] $25 from Vera who says it's morbid time.
[18:22:29] Morbid time, that's true I love that movie!
[18:22:32] It's a good movie!
[18:22:34] Oh yeah one of the best!
[18:22:37] Can't believe they made a song out of it called Morbius.
[18:22:38] Inferno! There were so many jokes when that song came out.
[18:22:42] It was inescapable, yeah. Alright we're gonna take
[18:22:46] down the notch slightly for a minute here.
[18:22:49] Yeah so we went from Invincible Frenzy which was a 14 and we're dropping all the way down to Hanatachi ni Kibo
[18:22:55] Which is a 12, so very big jump even though it's only two letters
[18:23:00] like I was saying earlier those difficulty ratings really get exponential as you go through
[18:23:04] and an interesting thing about this song actually
[18:23:08] It was featured in a song contest.
[18:23:09] So Jack was talking about how Brainpower
[18:23:11] was kind of submitted to SoundVoltex through a song contest,
[18:23:15] this song was submitted by SoundPiercer
[18:23:18] to a song cont-cont contest called BMS of Fighters.
[18:23:23] And so it's kind of like, a big community thing.
[18:23:26] BMS is the colloquial term used to refer
[18:23:28] to any simulator of the game, Beatmania 2DX.
[18:23:32] It's kind of developed its own community
[18:23:33] and so they hold these contests
[18:23:35] to have composers get together with charters
[18:23:39] and artists who make this whole experience in a song
[18:23:42] and then submit it for the contest and just kind of see who does well
[18:23:46] um it's really just kind of her bragging rights but you
[18:23:49] will often get your name out as a composer. And so Soundpiercer,
[18:23:53] the BMS fighters that they submitted
[18:23:55] this song to actually ended up winning!
[18:23:57] So now we are able to see
[18:23:59] this song in this game. The producers of Waka
[18:24:01] were like, this songs pretty cool, Let's add it to our game.
[18:24:03] Even the most popular songs in rhythm games
[18:24:05] in general have been from the BMS format.
[18:24:08] Also a lot of the artists just in general
[18:24:10] have gotten...Japanese artists in general
[18:24:11] have gotten their start.
[18:24:12] I mean even non-Japanese artists
[18:24:13] have got their start from BMS.
[18:24:15] Artists that become big in rhythm games.
[18:24:17] Freedom Dive is a BMS song!
[18:24:18] It is?
[18:24:19] Freedom Dive is a BMS song. So has Conquest if you've heard of that song.
[18:24:22] Yeah? Yeah.
[18:24:33] Coming up to this section here, we have a lot of triplet jacks. So not Jack my commentatorator there's actually a pattern called jacks which are
[18:24:36] for jackhammers just refers to having to hit kind of the same area consecutively
[18:24:41] so you're hitting it kinda like you were a jackhammer
[18:24:45] and depending on how fast the note is
[18:24:47] you might want to alternate those jacks with two hands so it's easier just
[18:24:51] go faster maybe sometimes time for waka you can even slide
[18:24:54] kind of in places there is a break point i believe it's 150 bpm six teeth notes
[18:24:59] yeah or if the first note is marvelous you can just slide the whole cannon and the rest
[18:25:03] of those if there are that type of packs we'll be all levels as well.
[18:25:08] Yeah, the rhythm game tells us what to do and then
[18:25:12] we as rhythm gamers kind of decide how we want to do it.
[18:25:15] Especially at high level.
[18:25:16] Yeah, yeah.
[18:25:17] And NB1RS is definitely a treat
[18:25:18] to watch because they go for a lot of really unconventional patterns which are very very flashy
[18:25:22] I could not think of a better person to showcase this game at GDQ
[18:25:29] We haven't said it enough times definitely watch the shoulder cam
[18:25:31] because you can see a lot of techniques that they use to fit
[18:25:35] unique patterns and they might even be doing stuff that's sort of unintentional.
[18:25:41] I'm starting to mind watching the shoulder cam in general,
[18:25:45] especially when we get later into their run because this game is very physically demanding
[18:25:47] which also has a skill set in its own. Just dropped one grade here. So close! because i ended some
[18:25:50] just dropped the one grade Two greats, two greats.
[18:26:04] Still only one miss total right? Yeah, only on Invisible Frenzy
[18:26:06] And on the original Boss song too
[18:26:09] I would like to emphasize that BMS is not just for music producers.
[18:26:12] There are separate categories for people who are making the music videos and also the charts,
[18:26:16] so it really does encapsulate all aspects of the creative mediums within rhythm games.
[18:26:21] Yeah, it's an awesome event
[18:26:23] oh we got a banger coming up yeah the song that we have coming up is
[18:26:28] night raider it was one of the launch titles actually
[18:26:31] for waka and so this chart if you went is one of the launch titles actually for WACA.
[18:26:33] And so this chart, if you went to an arcade
[18:26:36] on the day that WACA released
[18:26:37] you could play this song Day One
[18:26:39] and because of that it has a lot
[18:26:41] of early patterns that kind of suffer from age
[18:26:45] that we'll probably talk about once we get into it
[18:26:47] a little bit more.
[18:26:49] But this is definitely something I would call janky.
[18:26:56] A lot of up and down swipes in this one this song is uh one of the songs that has crossed out
[18:26:58] of waka uh a lot it's in like every game that
[18:27:02] uh that walker has collaborated with, especially the arcade games.
[18:27:08] Final Planet is a banger.
[18:27:10] It is a banger.
[18:27:27] ... So this artist Yu Sao that made the song, they kind of have a motif in waka which are these forward and backward swipes. And so pretty much
[18:27:28] any song by Usao you
[18:27:30] will see that repeated.
[18:27:32] Which is a really interesting thing Jack mentioned
[18:27:34] towards the beginning where the artists were kind of
[18:27:37] called upon to maybe chart their own songs or even sometimes chart other
[18:27:41] artist's songs and so as an artist when you are kind
[18:27:46] of changing that musical representation from the song into making
[18:27:50] this chart for a rhythm game, you will have the motifs from the song and try to turn
[18:27:54] that into a motif in the church. And so Usau turn that into those forward and backwards swipes
[18:28:02] everyone else playing this whole section one-handed just to show off Yep. What's that? Another thing that this chart actually does, or rather doesn't do too much is it doesn't
[18:28:26] really use the full circle to its full whole capabilities which it's kind of the point of this was a launch song
[18:28:33] so they were still getting used to things um but it feels a little bit cramped with
[18:28:38] a lot of these uh drills oh're called where it's just kind
[18:28:40] of repeated 16th notes between your hands. They can feel a little bit close
[18:28:44] together and so what the touch sensors is really easy to trigger no early that
[18:28:48] you didn't mean to. So you saw that a couple of times and B1Rs actually did
[18:28:52] that.
[18:28:56] Another Missless!
[18:29:00] Yeah, I think it's really brutal with the double swipes at the same time.
[18:29:03] Yeah you have to alternate those!
[18:29:05] That's brutal.
[18:29:07] Alright up next we got Cloud9 which fun fact this song,
[18:29:11] The person who made this chart is also a
[18:29:14] song artist in Rhythm Game which is really interesting.
[18:29:18] So you have an example of an artist making a chart for
[18:29:20] a song they didn't write?
[18:29:22] I'd like to point out by being honest that making a chart for a song they didn't write.
[18:29:26] I'd also like to point out that this is by Noma, so he does not only make songs that are brainpower...
[18:29:31] Believe it or not, yeah.
[18:29:33] This will be the sort of our little gimmick block
[18:29:36] of the showcase where we're going to a small string of charts that have a lot
[18:29:41] visual tricks strange elements Yeah the kind of
[18:29:45] gimmick of this chart is not only
[18:29:47] does it have a BPM change later on but
[18:29:49] also utilizes the scroll speed
[18:29:51] to kinda fake out the player
[18:29:53] and so it will increase it and then slow it down to trick
[18:29:57] the player into hitting a note earlier than they intend. And so this is kind
[18:30:01] of a staple of arcade rhythm games, you love these stuff like this.
[18:30:06] That one right there really... me and see what these stuff like this
[18:30:29] that one right there really adds to the feel of this song Nothing too crazy yet though, you do have time to kind of see what's coming when it does that. I think we do have
[18:30:30] time for a donation here.
[18:30:31] Yo, this art designer was cooking!
[18:30:33] Hey, absolutely quick incentive update.
[18:30:36] We're just over a third of the way to that Mobius Inferno
[18:30:38] we still gotta raise like, just under 10 grand y'all
[18:30:42] $9,560 dollars to go. Let's see that incentive hit
[18:30:46] Rylegoat donates 50 dollars. They say, hey, MD1 it's Riley! It's so incredible to see you up on stage with such a great cast commentating for you accompanying you and hosting this awesome showcase. Let's get that mobius incentive
[18:30:59] sending love to you tari and the others thank you so much riley
[18:31:05] see here's a little bpm you see up here yeah so the vpn is going to speed up
[18:31:08] a lot here from 120 to 180 with very high performance
[18:31:14] these patterns get very awkward and technical
[18:31:19] another example of patterns that make it really easy to trigger a note too early and accidentally get a great or good judgement.
[18:31:26] Yeah, the second half of this chart really comes into the technical aspect because now that we have these very awkward rhythms here
[18:31:32] providing a two-part slogan tester our independence
[18:31:37] so we have our spikes on the whole as well as our nodes that you have to time.
[18:31:41] Remember those highlighted notes are worth double so missing any is a very good score.
[18:31:49] Nice!
[18:31:50] Bill 991, very good.
[18:31:52] Very good score.
[18:31:55] Like I mentioned, notes are worth so much
[18:31:57] so chart-blast pluses are no easy feat.
[18:32:00] You'll find on a lot of harder charts
[18:32:02] they put the R notes
[18:32:03] on the technical stuff, so it's not easy to score.
[18:32:05] Did you all talk about chart constants yet?
[18:32:08] We have not.
[18:32:09] Because that chart was 13.6 which is at the top of the 13 wall.
[18:32:13] So as we've probably seen from some previous charts
[18:32:16] in their levels there are sometimes a plus next to it so every chart this game
[18:32:20] has a hidden decimal point which will denote their difficulty but
[18:32:23] it's also played back they factor into a person's rating
[18:32:25] when kind of going for your overall skill set so a normal level
[18:32:30] will be like a 12 like we'll be like 0.02 8.6 and pluses are denoted through 0.7 to 0.9 so like right away if you're
[18:32:39] able to find that constant, you can kind of see what difficulty the chart is
[18:32:42] going to be which also kind of ties into how hard mobius is
[18:32:49] so for most of the 14s are getting to this showcase majority number like
[18:32:53] fourteen point zero fourteen point one like one fourteen
[18:32:56] point two there's nothing in between mobius this is
[18:32:59] it shoots all the way up to 15 and that's what i mean by by mobius being harder it's
[18:33:04] just so much harder than everything else in the game. Nothing comes close.
[18:33:10] Time for another crossover song!
[18:33:13] Yeah, so Archive here by Feriquitous was a song that was actually released kind of as a...
[18:33:18] I want to be quiet.
[18:33:22] Nice!
[18:33:24] So, that note has to be timed with the metronome
[18:33:26] there is no audio to time that with. And that's an R note
[18:33:29] so if you do not hit it, you lose a lot
[18:33:31] of points. Yeah I think if you miss that
[18:33:33] note, your max automatically drops
[18:33:35] to 996. That's a lot
[18:33:37] But like I was saying, this song
[18:33:40] was released for a mobile game
[18:33:42] called Archaea and it was kind of
[18:33:44] their boss song... It wasn't really
[18:33:46] a boss song in the sense that it was hard
[18:33:48] but more like a lore kind of boss song, so it's very important to
[18:33:50] the universe of Archaea
[18:33:52] and because of that they add a lot
[18:33:55] of technical stuff in
[18:33:56] the realm of gimmicks. So a lot
[18:33:58] of playing like kind of upper half of the circle,
[18:34:01] a lot crossovers and also a lot of lane speed gimmicks.
[18:34:05] And this shirt actually requires a bit of memorization towards
[18:34:08] the end because it will kind of just throw notes at you with
[18:34:13] no real going into it. It's gonna jump forward also you see some slowdowns here I'm going to emphasize the memorization aspect of these kind of charts with these gimmicks,
[18:34:28] because if you're just playing them for the first time,
[18:34:30] you're not gonna expect that the lane to just
[18:34:32] slow down so much. So I'll naturally hit it really early and of course I'm not hitting it at all
[18:34:39] This vocals is really beautiful do you know what they're saying?
[18:34:44] No, do you?
[18:34:46] No actually, uh...
[18:34:48] Very quick test, um...
[18:34:50] Every single song that we've made the vocals are in a made up language
[18:34:55] That no one knows the translations to. So we have no clue what they're singing about. I hope it's something beautiful.
[18:34:58] They're saying, We want Mobius Inferno.
[18:35:00] Yes!
[18:35:03] Look at how pretty the lights are here.
[18:35:05] Yeah, they're using the unused space to make the cabinet lights flash.
[18:35:13] We'll start to see that a little more later too.
[18:35:16] You can also see the R notes make the entire circle flash rainbow, which looks really nice.
[18:35:21] Nice!
[18:35:23] Doing really well through that technical section there.
[18:35:26] This is separate though from the bonus message as a set of chairs at the top
[18:35:30] of your screen, that is completely separate system. It gives it slightly more
[18:35:34] givage for you to clear. so it gets a slightly more damage for your lure
[18:35:44] coming in again here
[18:36:04] there's one more given section Nice. Still miss list, 902.
[18:36:06] Really good.
[18:36:07] Opting for a pretty difficult strat there with sliding those
[18:36:09] tab notes, which is
[18:36:11] difficult if you slide too fast or too slow,
[18:36:13] so you can get excess grades.
[18:36:15] Risky strats are good.
[18:36:17] Yeah real quick it's really time to start pushing for that Mobius incentive. I want
[18:36:20] to call for a $5 donation train at 45 minutes so get your browsers ready. Get ready when
[18:36:26] you see 45 minutes on the screen submit that that $5 donation, apply to
[18:36:30] the incentive. One of the most fun things at GDQ is watching a
[18:36:33] donation train just push us all the way there! So let's get it in.
[18:36:37] This is a good song for our $5 hype train.
[18:36:39] Yep. We talked about settings and This is a good song for our $5 hype train.
[18:36:40] So we talked about settings, and a lot of rhythm game players
[18:36:43] who play seriously will opt to increase their scroll speed
[18:36:46] to help the notes separate out and make it easier to read.
[18:36:49] We're going to show you to read. We're gonna show you why, because we're
[18:36:52] gonna play this on one times
[18:36:54] scroll speed and there is a 14
[18:36:56] basically some of the hardest stuff in
[18:36:57] the game.
[18:36:58] This song is also all swipes.
[18:37:01] So like the final boss of technical
[18:37:02] gimmick charts.
[18:37:04] So it's going to be a little hard
[18:37:06] to understand what's going on, and that's true for us too!
[18:37:08] I would definitely recommend
[18:37:10] watching the over-the-shoulder cam.
[18:37:15] Yes, some of the movements that everyone else does at the start is really nice for us to watch.
[18:37:18] Yeah, and just to kind of extrapolate more on
[18:37:20] your settings as a rhythm gamer,
[18:37:23] it can be very intimidating when you go to the arcade
[18:37:25] and see players like NB-1RS that are so talented
[18:37:28] in playing with notes coming at you so fast,
[18:37:31] but they've worked up to the point
[18:37:33] to be able to read it at that speed.
[18:37:34] And so new rhythm gamers kind of tend
[18:37:36] to try and read something like this,
[18:37:38] something similar to 1.0
[18:37:40] The reason we're doing this
[18:37:42] is really to show you why
[18:37:45] that can kind of fall apart as you start
[18:37:46] to work up the ratings.
[18:37:48] And so it's really important
[18:37:49] to be increasing your lane speed
[18:37:52] as you improve with the game,
[18:37:54] and makes the game a lot less intimidating.
[18:37:57] Definitely check out the body motions that this turn makes you do, it's very fun!
[18:38:01] It's also about to get a lot harder.
[18:38:04] So now we got three-note swipes.
[18:38:07] Like the brackets we mentioned earlier, now they're just doing it with swipes.
[18:38:14] And some of those swipes that we'll see here, not present in any other chart.
[18:38:23] I mean it is a 14-ism on song 14 years of us Oh, ah.
[18:38:39] Still holding the 990.
[18:38:42] We thought Reno's was alive now we have...
[18:38:45] Yeah I'm gonna add another egg.
[18:38:47] Lots of diagonals. is this confusing enough chat
[18:38:51] it gets worse somehow looking into the vortex of pain here.
[18:39:11] We probably don't have enough time for a donation here. Yeah, absolutely!
[18:39:12] Do y'all see these donations pouring in right now?
[18:39:15] We're already at $8600 over halfway there!
[18:39:18] There we go, keep it going.
[18:39:20] I love watching all those $5 donations pop up.
[18:39:23] Thank you so much.
[18:39:24] We want to see Mobius so bad!
[18:39:26] Anonymous donates $50 and says,
[18:39:28] Mobius Inferno please?
[18:39:30] 10 tickets for you, buddy.
[18:39:32] Let's keep the hype train going all
[18:39:34] the way through these next couple songs and
[18:39:36] ride it all the way to the Mobius
[18:39:38] Inferno!
[18:39:41] So M21S is going to be changing their settings
[18:39:43] back to kind of what they had before.
[18:39:45] Something that they're more used to.
[18:39:47] And I didn't get a talk about it,
[18:39:49] but they got a 975
[18:39:51] on that chart, which is a very good score.
[18:39:53] Typically if they were playing on their preferred settings it would probably be somewhere around
[18:39:57] a 985. They can probably consistently score that really well
[18:40:01] and so just that lane speed is it's like you can really think
[18:40:04] your such a huge factor yeah i mean just being able to hit the charm in
[18:40:08] first place itself all right more crossovers.
[18:40:15] We had Musedash fans, any Linoda fans?
[18:40:18] Yes? No? Less, less.
[18:40:20] So, Linoda is another mobile rhythm game
[18:40:23] Actually has very similar gameplay to this game Sort of's sort of presented in a circle,
[18:40:26] although it's on a touchscreen.
[18:40:27] Because it's another like
[18:40:28] circle kind of based game,
[18:40:30] we can get some patterns
[18:40:33] brought directly over
[18:40:33] for better or for worse.
[18:40:35] Yeah, they really tried porting a lot of the
[18:40:38] patterns directly from Linoda into Laka
[18:40:43] and you'll see some of that...
[18:40:45] Some of it plays a little weird
[18:40:47] something just doesn't really translate some work some don't
[18:40:53] let me get all the technical with the holds here I'll check if it's a tank It looks like a tank I think we might do a picture here.
[18:41:09] Absolutely! The power of $5 is wild,
[18:41:13] We're over two thirds of the way there,
[18:41:15] 10 grand raise to get that incentive.
[18:41:18] Let me tell you real quickly
[18:41:20] what the power of your $5 can buy.
[18:41:23] Your $5 can buy enough vaccine
[18:41:25] to immunize 13 children against measles,
[18:41:27] five rapid tests to diagnose HIV infection
[18:41:30] and 4 treatments to cure adult patients from malaria.
[18:41:33] So if you have any reason not to donate
[18:41:35] I don't know what it is!
[18:41:38] So this part coming up is why the song is in our little gimmick block here.
[18:41:44] It's a very notable chart from our community.
[18:41:49] If you're in the crowd you'll probably know
[18:41:51] get ready all right i'll say cheese
[18:41:56] say cheers everyone one
[18:42:05] all right anyway back to locker yeah this is where the chart really picks up
[18:42:08] though how nice of a game to give us a break
[18:42:10] there picks up though. How nice of the game to give us a break there. Yeah.
[18:42:17] The chart is definitely not over yet, though. There's this one
[18:42:20] really tough pattern I've the chargers are scoring some
[18:42:23] higher chart and we'll see it these mini checks here already have a little bit of openness
[18:42:29] but now coming up we're gonna have a lot of swipes.
[18:42:32] Or a lot of vertical swipes.
[18:42:33] It is just leading into the very notable part
[18:42:37] that basically gives us all this difficulty
[18:42:39] where all your score's gonna go right here.
[18:42:58] Oh wow! Pretty good. go right here oh pretty good pretty good it's really close to that ending section
[18:43:01] really decides your whole score.
[18:43:02] Very nice.
[18:43:03] We have so many kind of
[18:43:05] hilarious donations. Can I read a couple here?
[18:43:07] Yeah, go for it. Okay, we have $50
[18:43:09] from Jared Leto who says it's morphin
[18:43:11] time! Oh my god!
[18:43:13] Oh my god!
[18:43:16] Jared Leto just wanted 10 tickets. We have $5 from Rylecote who says, hype train!
[18:43:22] $5 from StarRodKirby86
[18:43:24] who says hi it's me. dollar hype train everyone play more my mind
[18:43:28] now shout out to the chat of the ruling game players are y'all coming up for those donations
[18:43:34] thank you yeah we greatly appreciate you and then five dollars from evo says let's go
[18:43:39] mobius yeah what you've seen if what you've seen so far do you think it looks hard like i can't
[18:43:45] we can't stress enough that mobius is just harder than everything
[18:43:47] that you're going to see here so and then we keep coming it's all the talk about the first
[18:43:51] incentive that we did reach right yeah in a showcase which will also have a lot of
[18:43:56] hard songs there so thank you for donating for that.
[18:43:58] Yeah we're going to start building up towards that difficulty spike here with actually Big Bang
[18:44:04] We had Invisible Frenzy as our first 14
[18:44:07] Big Bang was a 14 that was added way,
[18:44:09] way later in the game and so this is kind
[18:44:11] of like our technical boss
[18:44:13] Yep. A little bit of the showcase
[18:44:16] Also this one has some very
[18:44:17] fun cab lights so So definitely watch the...
[18:44:20] Especially in second half,
[18:44:21] watch the over-the-shoulder cam.
[18:44:22] You'll see them do some fun stuff
[18:44:23] with these space that's not being used. Really fun tab section here. One thing we didn't actually mention was the people that this chart is credited to.
[18:44:44] So every song will say who charted it, but for this one it's the Fu Min team so it's the Fumin theme.
[18:44:51] So it's a lot of Fumin theme which in Japanese just means chart
[18:44:55] It's kind of like sheet music
[18:44:57] so that's how we would say chart
[18:44:59] and so it's a lot of people
[18:45:01] so they got a bunch of different people to try this one song. And
[18:45:04] they each got different sections! And so the chart you can kind of tell is broken up into
[18:45:09] a couple different sections where they'll repeat kinda the the same idea a couple times and then move on. some bracket holds here along with the over-the-shoulder cat this part.
[18:45:42] Yeah, that's what the fun lighting.
[18:45:47] It's just going around in a circle.
[18:45:53] Those little gaps are limiting your playfield to an extent. It really makes you feel like you're in the washing machine no that's the other
[18:46:02] this could be like honorary watching through the dryer
[18:46:10] it's a led ramen bowl true yeah we're actually about to go into the trailer right now actually all these no splicing a hold All these mouse places to hold.
[18:46:19] Whoa, little part of the fly swipes?
[18:46:25] Nice! Really good start.
[18:46:28] Wow!
[18:46:30] That was crazy.
[18:46:33] Some of those ending sections with the close together tap notes are very tough to hit because you have to slide them.
[18:46:35] Very hard to act.
[18:46:37] Yeah, and if your execution isn't on point, like you're hands in the wrong place and a touch kind of
[18:46:38] dismiss all then it takes all of your score.
[18:46:42] Anybody else seeing this incentive
[18:46:44] on the screen here?
[18:46:45] 99%!
[18:46:47] Wow! Yeah can I read just a quick 99%? Wow. Let's go!
[18:46:49] Yeah, can I read just a couple of these train donations out there?
[18:46:52] Yes.
[18:46:53] Okay how about this $500 from anonymous thank you and say 100 tickets for the Mobius chain,
[18:46:59] walka-walka choo-choo!
[18:47:02] You know I love when people have better ideas than me.
[18:47:05] Vyof Normie donates $5 and says...
[18:47:07] Oh there it is.
[18:47:08] Oh okay let's go.
[18:47:09] I hope you're ready to be tired. They say improve your Oh! There it is. Oh, okay.
[18:47:09] Let's go.
[18:47:10] I hope you're ready to be tired.
[18:47:11] They say Inferno Train going choo-choo.
[18:47:12] We hit that incentive.
[18:47:13] My bad.
[18:47:14] Get hype again y'all.
[18:47:16] Let's go.
[18:47:18] Thank you all for donating.
[18:47:21] I'm hoping we have enough water over there. Yeah, you're gonna need more water bottles.
[18:47:23] I got three!
[18:47:25] So going into battle number one
[18:47:27] like I mentioned earlier during Big Bang
[18:47:29] it was credited to the Wakan Fueman team. This song
[18:47:32] is also credited to the Wakan Fueman team
[18:47:34] so not only do they have a charting team
[18:47:35] but the song is also by the Tano C
[18:47:38] sound team. So
[18:47:39] this song is just a huge collab between probably more than 15 people.
[18:47:43] There's over 11 artists credited on the song and they had about 5 people working on the chart, I believe.
[18:47:50] So it features motifs from basically every single artist.
[18:47:54] Check out this kind of walking pattern on the shoulder cam here.
[18:47:57] This is DJ Nori-ken.
[18:47:58] Walking yourself around in a circle.
[18:48:02] And this is sort of the theme of TanoSea. circle.
[18:48:04] This is sort of the theme of Tano Sea.
[18:48:06] It's like the Avengers, yeah.
[18:48:18] Yeah, like I mentioned the song doesn't have a lot of motifs but the chart does too based on the artist.
[18:48:19] Yeah when you get a chart that's kind of a big collab with a bunch of people
[18:48:25] You tend to get a chart that's really broken up into specific sections
[18:48:29] Which for this XIV it makes it really hard because your brain can't kinda
[18:48:33] latch onto the patterns really easily
[18:48:35] because they don't really repeat it just does a thing one time and then
[18:48:38] goes on like this section here with these forward
[18:48:42] and backwards waves
[18:48:45] makes me move super, super fast.
[18:48:48] And then we have Blue Sunhole, same as Nightmare. You can see all of those forward and back slits.
[18:48:55] If you play rhythm games before, you're probably hearing a lot of samples you've heard in other We're going up to the Kobario section here.
[18:49:08] Kobario loves to use these full circle
[18:49:12] attack modes.
[18:49:16] The holds are counting down in Roman numerals.
[18:49:21] You have to be feeling sexual, usually the hardest part in the hardest part.
[18:49:30] Fun car notes here.
[18:49:35] Nice! Nice. Really good score.
[18:49:48] Gerts? Thanks, Gerts! Kurtz?
[18:49:52] Thank you all so much for that high-five. Hi, Camellia!
[18:49:53] So good.
[18:49:54] Yeah, shout out to Camellia.
[18:49:57] Some Camellian joggers in the chat.
[18:49:59] Yeah, we're getting close to the end of our
[18:50:01] base showcase here.
[18:50:03] We have Invisible Frenzy Remix,
[18:50:05] so this is the fastest song
[18:50:07] of our showcases at $5.93
[18:50:09] as indicated by the title.
[18:50:11] It's a remix
[18:50:12] by Camellia,
[18:50:14] who this is the first time we're seeing, but now
[18:50:16] that we've met the Mobius incentive, it won't be the last.
[18:50:20] So Camellia kind of known for...
[18:50:22] Known in many rhythm games for making the hardest boss songs.
[18:50:25] And this song is no exception.
[18:50:27] Just loud fast difficult music that get hard charts
[18:50:30] and he's been in many games He's in beat saver sound whole text all the
[18:50:35] every rhythm you can think of pretty much he's in it and uh he wants to make you suffer
[18:50:39] yeah it's already end up waka's life cycle they had a song nearly every day, mostly originals and Kendo Analyzer popped in as a guest artist to make this remix of the original boss song and make it bossier of sorts.
[18:50:55] Yeah, when Walker was
[18:50:56] announced that it was going into service
[18:50:58] they had a big event where they were releasing a new thing
[18:51:00] every single day for the month before
[18:51:02] it was done offline so they really pulled out all of the big guns
[18:51:06] for it. The show is definitely one of them, uh, it actually has a
[18:51:11] really high no count compared to a lot of others. They're not 10 or 5.
[18:51:18] The combo, the max combo for this song
[18:51:20] goes a little bit over 1400 which is
[18:51:22] honestly not very common for
[18:51:24] Waka even for some of the harder charts and so hitting a couple grates
[18:51:27] here and there really won't lower your score too much because it gets uh a bit diluted
[18:51:34] classic familiar buildup
[18:52:03] techie gold up here so playing these caps inside the holds can be really dangerous you don't have to curve so that you don't trigger something early
[18:52:08] here we go. I see those R nodes being anchored there. for any time Wow.
[18:52:51] Such a brutal ending, absolutely brutal ending.
[18:52:54] So many of the hard parts are on our notes just taking your score away.
[18:52:58] Well done.
[18:52:59] That profile picture in the top left corner is how I feel right now.
[18:53:04] And some things are harder than that, also by a lot of people.
[18:53:09] Nice one here to end this credit so, so we're out of time for another donation.
[18:53:12] Yep!
[18:53:15] If you want, you can go ahead and read a donation real quick.
[18:53:17] Yeah absolutely y'all how about this?
[18:53:19] I have a question.
[18:53:21] Adora Bible- sorry, Adoraibble donates $50 and says
[18:53:24] Can the couch tell us about the Wokka mascot characters at all?
[18:53:27] And the lizard?
[18:53:29] So there are two mascots in this game
[18:53:32] One is Aitsu which is the the lizard, and the other one is
[18:53:34] a sloth. I don't remember his name. If you look actually
[18:53:37] if I scroll on this credit menu, you can see them
[18:53:39] on the side kind of like poking out. They're hiding
[18:53:41] which is adorable.
[18:53:42] The third character, Luin, kind of has like a transformation form.
[18:53:46] So he is the mascot himself.
[18:53:50] Well I would also like to point out that we're only less than $10,000 away from 1.3 million.
[18:53:57] Yeah this is the last song in our main run here.
[18:54:01] Yeah so less than 10 thousand away from 1.3 million and speaking of those sloths
[18:54:05] And lizards we also just opened the save or kill
[18:54:08] the animals incentives
[18:54:11] What would y'all prefer? Save them!
[18:54:14] Please save.
[18:54:21] Save the brains, baby! That's right!
[18:54:25] Yeah so jumping in to dive with you This song has a lot of emotional
[18:54:28] baggage with it. So this was
[18:54:30] we mentioned the new
[18:54:32] song every single day during the last month
[18:54:33] of Waka's kind of send-off
[18:54:36] party, this was the last song of that.
[18:54:38] So this was the last song in Waka.
[18:54:41] This Inferno difficulty, it's actually
[18:54:43] the only Inferno difficulty that is rated
[18:54:45] lower than its expert.
[18:54:47] And so they used this chart specifically as a big thank
[18:54:50] you note to kind of all the players who stuck with
[18:54:53] their game throughout the couple years that they were in operation
[18:54:56] and it has a lot of references to a lot of the like iconic
[18:55:00] uh, patterns
[18:55:02] in songs in the game. And actually
[18:55:04] a noteworthy thing is
[18:55:06] the max combo of this song is 390
[18:55:08] and so 39 in Japanese is Son-in-kyu the song is 390. And so,
[18:55:10] three nine in Japanese is san and kyu,
[18:55:12] sankyuu,
[18:55:13] thank you.
[18:55:14] So it's kind of
[18:55:15] the developer's way
[18:55:16] of saying thank you
[18:55:17] to everyone that
[18:55:17] played the game.
[18:55:20] And we are glad you
[18:55:21] asked that question about
[18:55:23] the mascots, because
[18:55:25] all three of them are singing
[18:55:27] this song. This is a little love letter
[18:55:29] as well. Each mascot was in their own version of the game, helping navigate through it through turns. Now they're all here to push you personally. Sit you off on your rhythm beat journey.
[18:55:45] This is also now the default song that gets selected
[18:55:48] on all of the offline caps when you start a credit,
[18:55:50] this is the first song it's just set to.
[18:55:52] I'm sure there were a lot of people who went to their arcade
[18:55:55] when the Valus was released and cried, yeah, a lot
[18:55:58] Crying through the swipe notes? Yeah
[18:56:00] Everyone is going through their crime right now honestly
[18:56:02] Um, yeah, I feel it Uh time will be at the end i want to blend into your crime right now honestly um yeah
[18:56:03] i feel it uh time will be at the end of this song by the way is so And that is...
[18:56:38] Oh, ending with an...
[18:56:40] Wait.
[18:56:41] All Margolis!
[18:56:42] Ending with an all Margolis.
[18:56:43] Well done.
[18:56:45] Very iconic.
[18:56:46] That's the end of the main run.
[18:56:50] As you see, we get this master rating for getting an all marvelous
[18:56:52] none of any other judgment.
[18:56:57] Alright well that is not the end of the showcase
[18:56:59] because we met our donation incentive.
[18:57:01] Would you guys like to explain
[18:57:02] the next seven songs?
[18:57:05] Yeah, so what we're getting into is kind of our reverse boss rush.
[18:57:08] So every single one of these songs that will play throughout here until Mobius was an unlock
[18:57:13] of some sort.
[18:57:14] So in reverse they kind of did their own thing called gates.
[18:57:17] And so you would play the gate and unlock the song as you went through it
[18:57:20] and all these were either boss songs or other gates
[18:57:23] that were just involved in a gate in some way.
[18:57:34] We're gonna take it down one more notch just for a second, and once it starts getting hard again, It's not stopping until Mobius.
[18:57:36] The gates don't really exactly start with the hardest songs right away. Alright, let's count down the timer.
[18:57:41] 3...2...1...GO! so You see we have the background video back to this.
[18:58:04] Some of the songs in this game do have background videos, usually we choose to dim them just for gameplay clarity but a lot lot of songs have videos so this song was made by emo
[18:58:18] who is a pretty prominent figure in the rhythm game community
[18:58:21] because not only do they make a lot of songs for rhythm games,
[18:58:24] but also play them themselves and are actually really good.
[18:58:29] If you know SoundVoltex,
[18:58:31] they've achieved 21 goal scores.
[18:58:33] Insane!
[18:58:34] They do a lot of charting even for stuff that isn't their own song so
[18:58:38] they're very trusted to make songs for us.
[18:58:40] They are actually in fact an advisor
[18:58:42] for the Konami esports
[18:58:48] you can see a lot of symmetrical patterns in this one kind of doing
[18:58:50] the same thing on both sides patterns that require two hands or in this case one hand but
[18:59:05] that's a good. More of that signature Japanese hardcore kick. We probably have time for some donations here.
[18:59:22] Yeah, absolutely! $25 donation from Bokun the Chow.
[18:59:26] They say,
[18:59:27] our server's SHSL Rhythm Gamer
[18:59:30] has made it on the big stage.
[18:59:32] Love to see you thriving here, buddy.
[18:59:33] You absolutely deserve it.
[18:59:35] Have you thought about doing
[18:59:35] the Friday Night Funkin' next time?
[18:59:38] Also,
[18:59:39] Shigoli messed up and sent his dono early
[18:59:41] adding his message here so you get to hear it
[18:59:43] Not gonna lie, feels weird to see this actually
[18:59:45] happening. I thought you were joking years ago when
[18:59:48] you mentioned doing this.
[18:59:49] I still have to withhold some of my older
[18:59:51] cousinly approval because your segment is
[18:59:53] missing the critical staple composition
[18:59:55] 4 minute and 33 seconds, so... Rock on Otterspong! We're proud to have a great time.. I think two.
[19:00:21] One good! Oh, one good.
[19:00:23] That's a weird one.
[19:00:26] Yeah you would notice it was a fast good.
[19:00:29] Oh my god I love death note sure
[19:00:34] but like i was saying um earlier we've talked a lot about
[19:00:37] like the touch sensors when you slide.
[19:00:41] So notes are kind of hit
[19:00:44] when you go from not activating a sensor
[19:00:47] to activating a sensor, so you'll notice
[19:00:49] a lot of times in Waka when you're playing and trying to do some slide stuff,
[19:00:53] You can very easily trigger a note too early because you are going outside the touch sensor zone
[19:00:58] And accidentally activating a touch sensor that you mean to.
[19:01:01] And so that one good would have been probably from a bad player. accidentally activating a touch sensor that you mean to,
[19:01:01] and so that one good would have been probably from something like that.
[19:01:06] I need the dance emotes for this one Twitch chat. This is good.
[19:01:09] Banger.
[19:01:10] Yeah, this chart is also very notorious
[19:01:11] for being one of the hardest if not the hardest
[19:01:15] 12 pluses in the game.
[19:01:17] Sometimes difficulties are really just suggestions.
[19:01:22] Yeah. RhythmGamer has gotten known to endlessly Sometimes difficulties are really just suggestions.
[19:01:23] Yeah, other gamers have known to endlessly debate difficulty levels
[19:01:28] According to the artist of this song there are six drops in this song so we are on the first
[19:01:36] it's like a roller coaster i don't want to get off
[19:01:40] for those that don't know we actually have a gdQ Waka emote in the chat now.
[19:01:46] So drop your GDQ Wakas?
[19:01:48] Yes.
[19:01:53] Probably have time for another donation or two here. Yeah, absolutely! How about this? IGKIN donates $5 and 73 cents!
[19:02:00] They say hey NB1RS and Orca, IGkin here. Welcome to the GDQ Music Game Showcase Hall of Fame.
[19:02:06] I'm so proud of you for getting in and showcasing this amazing game that has left us far too soon.
[19:02:11] Thank you for representing the Ohio rhythm game community,
[19:02:14] And giving this can a new life.
[19:02:17] Waka at Mistake on the Lake 6?
[19:02:20] Donation to Moby is because they need
[19:02:22] to see this, yes they do!
[19:02:24] Yeah if anyone doesn't remember AG Ken actually ran
[19:02:26] again called Dance Wars Stardom
[19:02:28] which is the dance game that has the big panel and you just kind of do a lot of shuffling on it.
[19:02:33] They ran that game in one of our local arcades in Ohio
[19:02:37] And it was really awesome to see that in person in one of our local arcades in Ohio.
[19:02:38] And it was really awesome to see that in person.
[19:02:42] Another quick one, this one came
[19:02:43] in during the Mobius train and actually finished us
[19:02:46] when we were almost there $1,337 from Penguin! Thanks so much!
[19:02:52] They said I suppose they do want to see Mobius.
[19:02:55] Well you're gonna get it.
[19:03:05] Lookworm214 donates $5 and says, five dollars for a supreme display of non-binary swag.
[19:03:09] That is mischievous. non-binary swag. Nice, Mistless!
[19:03:13] This is probably the point in the round where you can start to mention that physical endurance
[19:03:16] is absolutely a factor in this game
[19:03:18] as you could probably see from MV everyone else moving all over the place.
[19:03:23] Mobius being at the end of this run is arguably a death sentence so lots more to come!
[19:03:30] Yeah we jumped down a little bit for the reverse boss rush
[19:03:33] so not really a boss rush.
[19:03:34] We kind of gave them
[19:03:35] a little bit of a break but we are going straight back up.
[19:03:38] We're going into Yogg I believe.
[19:03:40] I would say
[19:03:41] The latter five songs of this section
[19:03:43] are all boss songs.
[19:03:45] It's pretty much non-stop from here.
[19:03:48] That is how
[19:03:48] they get you to keep pumping.
[19:03:50] Using this menuing as a brief break.
[19:03:54] That is how they get you to keep coming back
[19:03:56] to the arcade with these progression systems
[19:03:58] making you put in lots of plays
[19:03:59] to unlock songs and all the more enticing
[19:04:01] harder stuff at the end
[19:04:04] and then they make the hard stuff so hard you can't clear it you have to keep
[19:04:06] playing so back you come again for another credit is So we've mentioned it a couple times throughout the showcase to watch this over-the-shoulder
[19:04:32] cam.
[19:04:33] This chart in particular has really,
[19:04:35] really fast movements around the circle so you will definitely be one of keeping an eye on that. Yeah, this pattern requires very heavy armor. so Everyone else is using some techniques to simplify patterns down a little bit.
[19:05:15] For example, some of these jacks they will opt to instead alternate their hands
[19:05:18] to turn from a jack into just a normal string.
[19:05:22] Or even for some of these triple uh ported jacks
[19:05:26] sometimes they will just swipe them or slide down
[19:05:36] we got a little bit of a break here.
[19:05:39] Probably do another donation.
[19:05:41] Yeah, absolutely.
[19:05:43] From Swamisama.
[19:05:45] They donate $50 and say,
[19:05:48] I always love seeing rhythm games showcased at GDQ.
[19:05:50] NB-1RS is destroying this run and deserves more time on the big stage.
[19:05:56] Crazy hold there. Yeah.
[19:05:58] Thank you to CH, they donate $5 and say the best part of walker reverse was when
[19:06:02] they said it's morgan time going all over those guys so true they worked so hard this game is
[19:06:09] now offline sure and more than too close to the song.
[19:06:12] I can't understate how many times that joke has been made.
[19:06:14] Being an arcade rhythm gamer
[19:06:16] when that song was coming out
[19:06:18] was like living in a permanent deja vu.
[19:06:20] We are reviving all the Waka memes right now.
[19:06:26] Super fast again.
[19:06:28] Wow!
[19:06:35] That is one of my favorite songs in the game, and the Waka Discord server My name has been Yagenjoyer for about two years
[19:06:39] Yeah, really anything above a 990 on any of these songs going forward
[19:06:42] Is gonna be extremely impressive.
[19:06:44] Yeah, with that max score in 990 being 99% accurate.
[19:06:48] Yeah while the game was still online it actually had a function...
[19:06:51] It doesn't display it- well it does in the offline version
[19:06:53] says rate but it just kind of has a hyphen to indicate
[19:06:55] that its not there. While it was online MB1RS mentioned
[19:06:59] at the beginning of showcase you could actually scan
[19:07:01] a card and it would log you in. As you played songs,
[19:07:05] what it basically does is it takes the rating
[19:07:07] of a song, pretty much multiplies it by
[19:07:09] like score you get, and gives you a certain amount
[19:07:11] of ratings. And so there's kind
[19:07:13] of way for players to track their progress.
[19:07:17] So NB1RS really got up there in the top rankers of the game,
[19:07:22] according to rating.
[19:07:24] It was really just stuff like Mobius.
[19:07:26] I almost said Morbius there.
[19:07:28] Stuff like Mobius that really separates players' ratings from each other.
[19:07:33] Some other song that's crossed over out into a lot of other games from Waka.
[19:07:40] Also, a banger.
[19:07:44] Is that bass in your face?
[19:07:46] Bass is my face.
[19:07:47] It is!
[19:07:57] Yeah, the name of the game for this chart is definitely going to be finesse.
[19:08:00] You have to really be careful around those touch sunsets.
[19:08:05] Nice! Overhanding those R-Nos, very tricky.
[19:08:17] Yeah and some of the physical endurance that this game takes, it is just also really physically demanding to be able to keep on time with notes especially on the top of the touch sensor.
[19:08:29] Nice!
[19:08:32] It's very easy to lose a lot of score in that section
[19:08:34] because if you hit one thing
[19:08:36] early or late, then it's just going to take your score
[19:08:41] There you go!
[19:09:17] I'm getting a tiny bit of space here... so Very careful with these staircases that go from one side to the other with the path notes. Maybe watch this sliding them, but it can be very easy to trigger no early.
[19:09:21] Hopping for sliding making it easier to perform but harder accuracy
[19:09:32] there's tons of sections in this chart that I'll just...
[19:09:34] Oh, mate! That 990. Saved it.
[19:09:38] That ending verse is so much of your score.
[19:09:41] That ending is worth probably half the song honestly.
[19:09:45] There are so many points in that song they'll just take your sword i mean it's
[19:09:48] really just made the game at the high end
[19:09:51] at the height of most rhythm games when you're playing a lot of these harder
[19:09:53] songs there's usually one section that sort of decides
[19:09:56] your score in the sense because you can play
[19:09:57] the easier parts of the song with not much
[19:10:00] trouble.
[19:10:03] Time for
[19:10:04] quick donation?
[19:10:05] $250 from Car Toxis, they say thank you Marvelous
[19:10:09] for having made this amazing game to NB1RS
[19:10:11] for showcasing this intense skill and to Games Done Quick
[19:10:14] for getting this game on the stage.
[19:10:17] Dive forever.
[19:10:21] Yeah, Shadow of the Barbaros, they made a pretty good
[19:10:23] game on their first try I would say.
[19:10:24] Yeah.
[19:10:25] Really impressive. Let's hope they make a second yeah definitely Really getting into the meat of this chart here with these swipes,
[19:10:48] where it will make you have one hand on top of the circle
[19:10:51] which physically is a lot more intense than keeping out the bottom half
[19:10:54] and it'll make you swipe on the other side.
[19:10:56] Really intense transition there.
[19:10:58] Lots of these swipes.
[19:11:00] You can see the Swiping Hand getting very far over, almost underneath the other one. Good job on those R notes.
[19:11:13] Quick break.
[19:11:16] Maybe we can do a donation here. arcade rhythm games helps these games reach more places
[19:11:33] i think one of the reasons why there's such a really tight community is because
[19:11:36] these things make you really go out to your local arcades help you support them
[19:11:40] and meet people who are also just as interested.
[19:11:44] Yeah rhythm games are very social. You know gamers are known for being
[19:11:47] social of course so when you have to go into an arcade with other
[19:11:51] people that play the same game as you and actually interact in person
[19:11:53] it creates a lot of really long lasting bonds like i mean within vr1rs um i met them when waka
[19:12:01] was first starting so i've seen them play this game from the very beginning
[19:12:04] all the way until now and just watching their improvement throughout that period has been insane Very intense forward and backwards Oh! Wow.
[19:12:25] Very, very good.
[19:12:29] That's a huge score.
[19:12:33] That might actually be my personal best.
[19:12:40] We have time for a couple donations here as we're changing the set.
[19:12:44] Yeah, absolutely! I just want to point everybody's attention towards
[19:12:46] the fact that we're at $1.292 million raised
[19:12:50] for Doctors Without Borders.
[19:12:52] Such an incredible number.
[19:12:54] Still on the push to hit that 1.3 million.
[19:12:56] The $5 Del No train might have slowed down a little bit, but it didn't stop.
[19:13:00] We got $100 from Stag of Artemis who says how about $25?
[19:13:05] Thank you so much.
[19:13:06] $25? Yeah,
[19:13:08] you know what I mean. Anyway, they say
[19:13:10] 1. Watching NB1RS is
[19:13:12] breathtaking. I've played this game and my jaw
[19:13:14] has been on the floor this whole run.
[19:13:16] 2. Brutomello has an amazing and soothing voice
[19:13:18] He could record an audiobook or be on a talk radio
[19:13:21] show. Let's keep the train rolling for more
[19:13:23] GDQ. That's a really nice
[19:13:25] thing to say to your host
[19:13:26] So jumping into Dangerous Jungle here,
[19:13:29] these final three songs...
[19:13:31] Yes, final three.
[19:13:32] These are going to be basically the three hardest songs
[19:13:35] of the game. Dangerous Jungle has a lot
[19:13:37] of really crazy chain note patterns that require you to be very careful with where you're holding your hand and making sure that you're holding it there.
[19:13:45] And the next two songs after this are just insane, You guys need to stick around and see this.
[19:13:52] Probably my personal favorite song in the showcase,
[19:13:54] definitely watch the shoulder cam on this one
[19:13:56] the emotions this song makes you do
[19:13:58] is ridiculous.
[19:14:02] It's really funny how this song really gets in there.
[19:14:08] Makes it sound like a wild great job
[19:14:15] these chain notes here is what i was talking about you have to be really careful to hold the entire
[19:14:18] thing I'm going to go with 15.
[19:14:36] My part is really tricky having to reset your hand and cross over while doing the full paddle stance.
[19:14:38] Nice.
[19:14:48] Very technical section here. These tap notes that are on top of the holes can be very dangerous because when you hit the hole,
[19:14:53] you get a dead fight for it and then if you move your hand at all hours can be very dangerous because when you hit the hole,
[19:14:54] if you get a death right for it.
[19:14:56] And then if you move your hand at all after that,
[19:14:58] you can trigger those tap heads.
[19:15:00] A very tricky sliding strat here.
[19:15:02] It's all about finesse.
[19:15:07] Too fast or too slow and you just get a ton of grace and elder judgments.
[19:15:49] Coming up to the last section of this song here and it really ramps up. This is where mini jacks with bolts leading into these boards, these brackets. Oh my god.
[19:15:56] Really good scoring still. Yeah, 9-9-2.
[19:15:57] He missed the message.
[19:15:59] While we were doing practice runs for this I was very worried that NV1RS is going to
[19:16:03] get up here and get into a dangerous jungle and their arms are just gonna fall off because
[19:16:07] they've been playing this game so much
[19:16:09] this weekend, but the absolute stamina
[19:16:11] that they're showing right now is unbelievable.
[19:16:14] So this was the last song of the bonus
[19:16:17] And then we have Mobius after uh time is at the end of
[19:16:20] this song yep so uh you know the territory we're in now
[19:16:24] is just really hard
[19:16:28] yeah there's really not much to say.
[19:16:29] I mean Dimension Hacker is known for having a fairly high BPM
[19:16:32] it's very rhythmically intense
[19:16:34] It kind of goes to show just all the things that they developed throughout Waka's lifespan
[19:16:39] Throws in a ton of jacks,
[19:16:41] a lot of really hard to read sections
[19:16:43] some of these rhythms get into like
[19:16:45] tuplet territory for all you musically minded people
[19:16:47] out there. It really is just
[19:16:49] the kitchen sink.
[19:16:56] And it's also one of the really stuff you've heard with their R-Note placements as well.
[19:16:59] Yeah, those are not for word double. You do not want to miss any of them.
[19:17:04] This song is also going to go through a lot of different genres, so you're
[19:17:06] kind of at the middle break
[19:17:08] straight back and speed forward
[19:17:13] I'm feeling it speed forward
[19:17:30] two greats wow very good start punching it tons of movement here and And all our nerds.
[19:17:34] Oh,
[19:17:35] so speaking this is what
[19:17:36] happened.
[19:17:39] Nice.
[19:17:40] Quick break.
[19:17:47] Go for it Before it just gets techy again.
[19:17:48] Yep.
[19:17:49] Really no rest in these.
[19:18:44] Enjoy the cab lights on the top there yep a little bit of chip too so so so Wow. Oh, my God.
[19:18:46] Crazy score! Oh, my God. Crazy score!
[19:18:49] Oh, my God.
[19:18:51] Unbelievable.
[19:18:53] I mean that's one of the hardest songs in the game.
[19:18:55] That's insane.
[19:18:57] One miss, one good. Holy!
[19:19:00] Oh that's time by the way.
[19:19:04] Wow holy...
[19:19:08] All the status out there who want to see me die,
[19:19:10] you're getting your win.
[19:19:11] Good job.
[19:19:12] This is the one.
[19:19:12] So after all that, now everyone around us
[19:19:14] has to play the hardest song ever made for the game.
[19:19:16] It's not even close.
[19:19:17] This is the hardest song in the game.
[19:19:19] Yeah, I mean, there's really not much to say
[19:19:21] they did so many things on this chart
[19:19:23] that just do not exist anywhere
[19:19:25] else in the game. It both serves
[19:19:27] as kind of a stark reminder
[19:19:29] what maybe Wakka could have gone on to develop into please no maybe
[19:19:34] could have done more 15s and developed it more but because that didn't happen
[19:19:38] we now have mobius as this shining beacon of just, what did I just watch?
[19:19:42] Yeah.
[19:19:44] They knew it was coming to an end so why not just go all out?
[19:19:46] The truth of the universe
[19:19:48] goes so hard.
[19:19:50] Very ominous. Hey do y'all remember when the whole crowd said it's
[19:19:54] morbin time shout out to jared leto hello crowd can you say it's morbid time?
[19:20:04] Okay, thank you.
[19:20:06] Amazing.
[19:20:07] All right let's count down.
[19:20:08] Ready?
[19:20:09] Three, two, one, start!
[19:20:16] Good luck.
[19:20:18] You'll need it.
[19:20:20] Have fun also.
[19:20:40] Or not. Yeah, pay attention to the movement on the camera here.
[19:20:42] This is absolutely demanding. Okay. You can see they changed their hold color to white, just fully changing all of
[19:20:54] their settings to what they prefer.
[19:20:55] Optimizing as much as they can
[19:20:57] to play this very hard song.
[19:20:59] Yeah and we probably won't do much commentating over
[19:21:01] the song but just a big thing that
[19:21:03] this chart does that's kind of special
[19:21:05] is it will throw brackets in at pretty much any given opportunity.
[19:21:08] It just makes you have to have your hand
[19:21:10] in that much more of a precise position,
[19:21:13] and when the notes get so dense like something like this
[19:21:16] they become so easy to drop a lot of score so it's like the top of That was so exhausting.
[19:21:43] This is not a break.
[19:21:49] Closest you get to a break is not a brake closest you get to
[19:21:49] a break is right here if you want score this is not a break it's very easy to
[19:21:54] hit these early in the holds
[19:21:58] does a really good job of handling those.
[19:22:03] 992 out of the break is very, very good pace here. Here we go!
[19:22:09] Come on, press it! to the final mushroom into the funnel oh shoot here we go into the outro Really good run.
[19:22:41] 970?
[19:22:44] Brilliant!
[19:22:46] Don't drop it, don't drop it.
[19:22:52] Wow! oh my god
[19:22:58] you were aiming for a 960 on that song 970 it's so impressive
[19:23:02] you can take a picture of that one. If they're taking a picture, you know it's a good score.
[19:23:09] My memory may be foggy but when the leaderboards were online for this game
[19:23:13] The amount of people who had higher than a 990 on this song
[19:23:18] was two.
[19:23:20] Two?
[19:23:20] Yeah.
[19:23:21] And you saw plenty of 990s and everything lower in this
[19:23:23] but 15 is just a whole uncharted territory.
[19:23:26] Truly uncharted territory.
[19:23:28] All right.
[19:23:29] I'm going to go ahead and go through some shoutouts real quick.
[19:23:32] Shoutout to PsychicDrive for bringing us the cab!
[19:23:36] Oh my God.
[19:23:37] There they are.
[19:23:38] We love you.
[19:23:39] You're so cool.
[19:23:40] We love you.
[19:23:41] If you want to see more arcade games at events like this,
[19:23:45] support your arcade vendors.
[19:23:46] That includes Psychic Drive, Credits Remaining, Snow Phoenix, at events like this, support your arcade vendors. So that includes
[19:23:47] Psychic Drive,
[19:23:48] Credits Remaining,
[19:23:49] Snow Phoenix,
[19:23:49] 100 Yen Life,
[19:23:50] people like those.
[19:23:51] They are bringing these cabs
[19:23:52] to events
[19:23:53] so you can play on them.
[19:23:54] So if you want
[19:23:55] to experience more of these
[19:23:55] please support them.
[19:23:57] Shout out to our local arcades Starcade, ALC, If you want to experience more of these, please support them.
[19:23:57] Shout out to our local arcades, Starcade, AO, Game Underground,
[19:24:01] Red Nose, Zenith, The Cave, Gameness.
[19:24:03] These people are giving people accessibility
[19:24:05] to do these kinds of games so that you can play them.
[19:24:07] If you don't live near an arcade,
[19:24:09] you can support Steam developers, so shoutouts
[19:24:11] to the dev teams behind Xdriver, Unbeatable,
[19:24:13] Noise Starlight and Vivid Stasis.
[19:24:17] And then other than that, shout-outs to Dex.
[19:24:20] He was a commentator who wasn't able to make it.
[19:24:22] He wanted us to shout out Fauna for him.
[19:24:24] So shout-out to Fauna!
[19:24:26] Shout-out to StarRogKirby
[19:24:28] for inspiring me to do this showcase in the first place.
[19:24:30] I saw the MaiMai Showcase two years ago, and I was like
[19:24:32] oh my god that is the coolest thing ever!
[19:24:34] I could do that.
[19:24:36] Shout out to Skibble, and then finally
[19:24:38] shoutout to the Waka Charting team for making all of these amazing charts,
[19:24:41] for being such great level designers.
[19:24:45] And I think from there,
[19:24:47] I'm going to hand it back to my host.
[19:24:48] So take it away.
[19:24:51] Thank you so much. Y'! Give it up again for MB1RS!
[19:24:57] Such a beautiful fantastic high-skill showcase
[19:25:05] I am blown away having watched that run. What a great night! Why are you all having a good Friday night?
[19:25:11] Alright, well hey we're going to send it over to my friend All right.
[19:25:12] Well, hey, we're going to send it over
[19:25:13] to my friends, a couple people I know,
[19:25:16] the interview team for the Red Bull Daily Recap.
[19:25:18] Take it away, folks.
[19:25:26] All right, everybody.
[19:25:30] Welcome to the Friday Night Red Bull Daily Recap.
[19:25:36] My name is ADef and this is my last little segment here for the event so I'm excited to talk about Friday and the days beyond. Stop awwing and start wowing because it's time for games!
[19:25:42] Wow!
[19:25:43] Anyway, let's get right into the clips and
[19:25:47] the things we were excited for that we saw today spike take it away
[19:25:51] bam right here we have got maybe the greatest showcase
[19:25:55] of Kaiser Mario Galaxy we've ever seen.
[19:25:58] Mario Galaxy?
[19:25:59] Of Kaizo...
[19:26:00] I commentated that one.
[19:26:01] Of Kaizu Super Mario World
[19:26:03] that we've seen in these marathons.
[19:26:06] That right here, you've got Dan Salvato was not
[19:26:08] only running a game in this marathon but also decided
[19:26:10] I'm going to make the nuttiest looking level
[19:26:12] of all time. This is the whole thing
[19:26:14] where they were tracking the total number of hits each
[19:26:17] team would take. And then at the end
[19:26:19] that would be the team who got the point. This was one
[19:26:21] of the most creative levels we've definitely ever
[19:26:23] seen out of GDQ in these
[19:26:25] showcases. But uh but the whole thing.
[19:26:27] You can't miss any.
[19:26:28] Can you even believe
[19:26:29] that the crowd was so full for this run?
[19:26:32] People were popping off left and right.
[19:26:34] It was phenomenal.
[19:26:35] Don't even get me started
[19:26:37] on the raw energy that they were bringing
[19:26:39] into here at the crowd was amazing today epic it was a showcase of the day one of
[19:26:45] them at least there's multiple to go over though
[19:26:47] yeah go ahead Fu. Would you
[19:26:49] mind talking about the game
[19:26:51] you were excited to see today? Graciously. I was
[19:26:53] very excited about A Link
[19:26:55] to the Past so let's check in on that.
[19:26:57] We have some great
[19:26:59] um movement here by glenn this is a in the dark palace
[19:27:02] we're gonna see this really cool clip happening um where he goes beneath the
[19:27:05] floor and is able to just kind of you know skip
[19:27:08] a lot and i like i like how you see the movement coming in here.
[19:27:10] This whole run was amazing, doing it incredibly
[19:27:13] like entirely swordless and getting through
[19:27:16] You can see we're already on the floor heading out
[19:27:18] and then you're just gonna see him walk by. I love that. How do people
[19:27:21] find this stuff? I still ask
[19:27:23] myself that stuff to this day. I know
[19:27:25] right? Right
[19:27:26] Just chiming in here
[19:27:29] I can't believe that I didn't mention
[19:27:32] that we are joined by not just Kung Fu Fruit Cup and Spike Vegeta
[19:27:34] but also our good friend Bobby Byrne.
[19:27:36] Can we get a round of applause for Bobby Byrne, please?
[19:27:39] Well, kudos to you, my friend.
[19:27:42] What a gracious host.
[19:27:43] Thank you for introducing me.
[19:27:45] Loser is what I am
[19:27:46] for not bringing you up earlier.
[19:27:47] But I gotta say,
[19:27:48] Bobby is running
[19:27:49] a delightful game
[19:27:51] and we'll get to that
[19:27:51] a little bit later. But Bobby, can you
[19:27:53] please talk about Animal Wealth?
[19:27:55] Man, we have Animal Wealth. What a fantastic
[19:27:58] run. I am an indie
[19:27:59] speedrunner, so seeing this was just the joy
[19:28:01] to my heart. Our character here we have a frame specific trick
[19:28:05] where we're going to be pausing really quickly to try to get that bubble perfectly circular hits it
[19:28:09] the second try on awesome skip opening inventory and having that circular bubble.
[19:28:14] It was just amazing.
[19:28:15] No!
[19:28:17] Oh yeah!
[19:28:23] Please can we talk about Evil Zone?
[19:28:26] I mean, okay. So we have the top
[19:28:27] four of the Evil Zone tournament today and
[19:28:29] can I even just tell you
[19:28:31] I participated in the zone this year
[19:28:33] I practiced for about two days made made it to top eight, I will
[19:28:36] say. But top four is absolutely
[19:28:38] amazing. Of course, Caveman
[19:28:40] went and won the whole thing. But our
[19:28:42] boy Kane had an amazing comeback here
[19:28:44] in Winners Finals to take this game we're watching right here in this clip.
[19:28:47] But truly, it was just remarkable.
[19:28:48] If you didn't catch the zone, go back and watch the VOD.
[19:28:50] It was really remarkable. Quality!
[19:28:52] That's what you got out of this run
[19:28:54] right here. Across crossbow thing,
[19:28:57] This is 10 years of GDQ history gobbled up in a little ball
[19:29:00] and spat out regurgitated...
[19:29:02] I don't know if girl stuff.
[19:29:04] Really really cool to see it finally
[19:29:05] here up on the main stage.
[19:29:07] I think that like...
[19:29:08] So we were sitting here and Adeph was giving us
[19:29:11] the play-by-play so we were learning a lot about this
[19:29:14] and seeing your legitimate enthusiasm about having learned this,
[19:29:19] that was really cool.
[19:29:20] Super! I mean it was just incredible,
[19:29:22] I was so excited to watch it
[19:29:24] And the zone was just amazing
[19:29:27] Now I want to show some pictures from today our wonderfully talented photo
[19:29:30] team has taken some delightful pics we got bubsia here doing the blindfold and uh foo
[19:29:35] i think we got a picture of you in a blindfold here too that's right yes so not only um
[19:29:41] not only is bubsy doing the the blindfolded but okay i did have a segment just a bit ago where
[19:29:45] bobc was able to guide me through one of this Super Mario 64 stars, but
[19:29:50] I learned how to do these stars vanilla.
[19:29:54] Bob Z will be doing it randomized
[19:29:58] like a Rubik's Cube.
[19:30:02] And how people will look at it and then blindfold themselves
[19:30:04] and solve it. It's gonna be like that but...
[19:30:08] Very cool.
[19:30:09] But here with Mars is very hard.
[19:30:10] Well Bobby can you tell us about this picture oh god uh wow
[19:30:18] i lost it uh no this is the wait hey
[19:30:25] xylophone is an instrument
[19:30:28] this is the crowd for the kaiser relay and we had a packed house for the kaizo
[19:30:33] relay did you all enjoy that kaizo relay race today
[19:30:38] i mean that was stupendous but i have okay
[19:30:41] i've seen a lot of amazing showcases on stage.
[19:30:44] I have never seen a crowd so boisterous in a good way.
[19:30:47] I just love to see everybody hype and excited
[19:30:50] And it felt like I was at a sporting event
[19:30:52] You truly had to be there
[19:30:53] To witness it Whether in the room or online and it felt like I was at a sporting event. You truly had to be there
[19:30:54] to witness it,
[19:30:54] whether in the room or online.
[19:30:56] It was a moment that can't be captured.
[19:31:00] Zelda?
[19:31:01] Zelda!
[19:31:01] Baby, how's all this going?
[19:31:03] Are you Zelda fans in the house?
[19:31:04] We had a great Zelda block.
[19:31:07] Alright, look at people signing the wall!
[19:31:11] Do we go to numbers now or...
[19:31:14] Let's just kill the bit.
[19:31:15] I think we're good.
[19:31:15] Let's kill the bit.
[19:31:16] Let's kill the bit.
[19:31:17] Okay, well what are
[19:31:18] we looking forward
[19:31:18] to tomorrow?
[19:31:19] I'll tell you,
[19:31:19] I'm looking forward
[19:31:20] to Elden Ring
[19:31:20] by my boy Blanks.
[19:31:22] Elden Ring is going
[19:31:22] to be incredible
[19:31:23] and I don't want to,
[19:31:24] look,
[19:31:24] I don't want to spoil
[19:31:25] something that's not been said.
[19:31:27] Bruh.
[19:31:28] I happen to know that there might be...
[19:31:30] Look, I'm not going to say too much, but there might be a little bit of extra Super Secret sauce
[19:31:33] on the Elden Ring run, so don't miss it.
[19:31:35] Do not miss Elden Ring. It's going to be incredible.
[19:31:38] Spike, what about you? What are you excited for?
[19:31:39] Man, one of the hypest
[19:31:41] races we've had in a long time. Super
[19:31:43] Metroid 4 of the Super Metroid
[19:31:45] gods coming back together in a real cutie.
[19:31:48] Emmett, Oats and Goats
[19:31:49] and Shiny Zenia to think through all of them
[19:31:52] are all coming out to showcase their
[19:31:54] skills in the classic Super Metroid 80%
[19:31:56] race. Will one survive? Will two? Will the entire group get through saving I'm not going to say that. I don't think so. I have a question for you,
[19:31:57] because this is the last
[19:31:58] Super Metroid any% race.
[19:31:59] Will one survive?
[19:32:00] Two?
[19:32:01] Will the entire group get
[19:32:02] through saving and or killing
[19:32:03] those animals?
[19:32:04] I guess you can't AND
[19:32:05] that.
[19:32:07] It'll be exciting tomorrow. The movie's I have the second Super Metroid as somebody who just like has had
[19:32:09] the Metroid bug for,
[19:32:10] like,
[19:32:10] the last couple months and is playing through most of them
[19:32:12] for the first time.
[19:32:13] And it's been really fun.
[19:32:14] So I'm extra excited to see this
[19:32:17] and then I was...
[19:32:17] I'm like already talked about Super Mario 64. It's blindfolded.
[19:32:20] It's randomized. At first I was
[19:32:22] like, this is the set seed, right? And he's like, no.
[19:32:24] So, yeah,
[19:32:26] really excited. I have so much respect for people
[19:32:28] who do blindfolded round trips because the level of memorization that is required to go through an entire game or even just like a level of a single game is just hours, hundreds of hours in just that single thing. It's just the most impressive thing. Bobby! Okay, yeah.
[19:32:40] Bobby!
[19:32:41] What are you doing?
[19:32:43] Bobby, did you know
[19:32:43] that you're running a game
[19:32:44] in like six hours?
[19:32:46] You should give us...
[19:32:47] Are you not ready?
[19:32:48] I'm sensing we have
[19:32:49] a clip to talk about
[19:32:50] our playing a game. Let's start a clip.
[19:32:52] Wait, what are you doing? Bobby
[19:32:54] is running high- that's not a clip, but that's okay.
[19:32:56] There it is. How did you get me on the screen?
[19:32:58] Bob, you're in two places at once. This is Hyperbolica.
[19:33:00] Bobby tells us what's going on. Yeah, Hyperbolic is a 3d non-euclidean
[19:33:04] puzzle game and as you can see here it is a very trippy looking game so only the
[19:33:08] the most simple of stomachs can handle this game, I think. It's very
[19:33:13] cool looking. The whole world
[19:33:15] rotates and literally warps as you're walking
[19:33:17] through it. It is really, really cool. It will be at
[19:33:19] 6 a.m. Central-ish
[19:33:21] this morning, and I'm very excited to be doing it yeah check out bobby's run
[19:33:24] bobby's been doing a lot of amazing stuff in the community over the last few years yes
[19:33:28] and we're excited to have him on the couch tonight look segment still going but i'm
[19:33:31] gonna say bobby killed this recap okay i'm gonna say Bobby killed this recap.
[19:33:34] I'm gonna say it right now. Bobby killed his recap.
[19:33:37] Yeah, Fu you had something to say?
[19:33:39] I was just gonna say that I think it's absolutely worth staying up for or if you're going to bed get some rest now. You gotta wake up for this run.
[19:33:45] Have to wake up for it. I'll be there? turn yes okay okay don't know why i did that uh everybody well that's the last thing
[19:33:53] i say for the event. Isn't that exciting?
[19:33:55] Do you guys want to hear my drill impression again?
[19:33:57] No!
[19:33:57] Oh no, please.
[19:33:58] That would be great.
[19:33:59] A unanimous...
[19:33:59] a unanimous no.
[19:34:01] Nope.
[19:34:02] Okay, okay, gosh.
[19:34:04] Okay, okay, okay.
[19:34:08] By the way can we get some love in the room for Adaf who has just been killing it this morning?
[19:34:12] The king of commentary!
[19:34:17] Well, well its been an absolute delight SGDQ is always a
[19:34:19] delight I love the summer months
[19:34:21] I don't know where this is going
[19:34:23] but we are raising money for an excellent cause
[19:34:25] please keep donating to Doctors Without Borders.
[19:34:28] We are nearly at $1,300,000. It all goes through a great cause.
[19:34:32] I just gotta say, free Palestine! Here's my drill impression we're gonna throw out of shop for prizes.
[19:34:36] Take it away, Shout.
[19:34:40] Greetings adventurers! It is I
[19:34:43] the Prize Warrior
[19:34:44] here to equip you with some
[19:34:46] of the amazing selection that we have
[19:34:48] with your donation to Doctors Without Borders.
[19:34:52] slash donate
[19:34:55] Everything I'm about to show you is available from now
[19:34:58] through Metal Gear Solid 4 later.
[19:35:01] We will start with some of the finest armaments in our collection,
[19:35:05] From Breakfast Garage, The Evil Stone Leatherless Fight Stick!
[19:35:09] Why is it called a stick when there
[19:35:10] is no stick? I don't
[19:35:12] know! I'm the prize wizard,
[19:35:14] not the prizemith. But if you
[19:35:16] send in fifty dollars
[19:35:18] you will be entered to win this fine weapon.
[19:35:23] From Solara at Magical AF Boutique we have the Heart Container Scale Mail!
[19:35:30] Almost 500 scales, over 1,000 rings providing top-notch protection!
[19:35:37] May your foes be foul monsters or nefarious wizards. $50
[19:35:42] gets you in to win!
[19:35:44] Upgrade to a hundred dollar donation?
[19:35:46] Get more armor!
[19:35:48] The wooden Deku
[19:35:50] shield from Shadow Insignias made of spalted hackberry wood
[19:35:56] the black lines from the fungus veining are simply fantastic shellacked lacquered with a copper foil inlay solid handle and straps for easy carrying
[19:36:08] this is gorgeous and i really like it one hundred dollars gets you in to win this,
[19:36:15] and both of our day prizes,
[19:36:17] AND get you a good way towards the two-hundred-and-fifty dollars
[19:36:21] to enter for our four grand prizes! A fine selection of weapons, such as these!
[19:36:28] The resin steel replica... the resin replica steel axe and steel sword from Cute Monster Props, Vulpin' Props,
[19:36:40] and Solo Roboto Industries. They could be yours but time is short!
[19:36:47] slash donate
[19:36:49] or else!
[19:36:57] Wow. Wow. Thank you so much I'm going to go ahead and give it up for the team.
[19:36:59] Wow, wow.
[19:37:01] Thank you so much for that
[19:37:03] Mr. Game and warrior.
[19:37:05] That was wild. Shout outs to Berm, Fu and Spike Vegeta. They all did a great job on that daily recap really proud.
[19:37:08] Adaf loved that Médecins Sans Frontières hat that you were wearing
[19:37:12] very stylish we're gonna send it over to a quick break don't go
[19:37:16] anyone everywhere everybody because when we come back shortly it'll be grand
[19:37:21] poo world 3 with mr mighty mouse everyone in the room so hyped for it stay tuned see you in a minute. How's it going everyone who is still here with me?
[19:37:42] I want to go through some more of those WACA donations that came in.
[19:37:46] There were just so many! We had $25 from Connie Fizz, who says,
[19:37:50] colorful circle goes brrra!
[19:37:53] Sure did.
[19:37:58] $250 from Nostil.
[19:38:01] They say, is this game even real?
[19:38:03] Mind equal blown with the skill being shown. $25 from Fango.
[19:38:21] They say,
[19:38:21] Envy1RS, your washing machine just made some funny noises i think
[19:38:24] your laundry's done I want to remind everyone why we're here.
[19:38:46] Doctors Without Borders is an independent
[19:38:48] international organization
[19:38:49] that provides emergency medical care
[19:38:51] to the people who need it most.
[19:38:53] MSF cares for people affected by conflict,
[19:38:56] disease outbreaks, disasters and social exclusion
[19:38:59] in more than 70 countries.
[19:39:03] Of course, MSF offers medical humanitarian assistance solely based on need regardless
[19:39:09] of race, ethnicity, religion or politics.
[19:39:12] MSF teams include medical, logistical and administrative staff.
[19:39:17] Most of them hired locally.
[19:39:18] Their actions are guided by medical ethics
[19:39:20] and the principles of independence, impartiality and neutrality.
[19:39:24] To learn more please visit so so. so so. so Welcome back, everyone.
[19:40:55] Don't forget you're watching summer games dunk quick 2024
[19:40:58] powered by twitch.
[19:41:00] How are we doing out there tonight?
[19:41:08] Are y'all ready for some Grand Poo World 3?
[19:41:16] Well, we're not.
[19:41:18] So it's going to be another couple minutes.
[19:41:19] Just saying. We'll see you then. I want to let you all know that you can follow us on our Instagram and Twitter pages at games done quick.
[19:41:38] And tick tock at Games period, done period quick for more sg content, polls, clips that you may have missed and more throughout the week we just posted a daily recap poll pretty much asking what your favorite run of the day was here on this second to last day.
[19:41:56] So head over to that Twitter page to take part in that poll,
[19:42:00] and don't forget to drop a follow too. so We have a $200 donation from anonymous.
[19:42:27] Thank you so much, anonymous.
[19:42:29] They say love the GDQ events and I had to donate during one of my
[19:42:32] favorite games and also get more of that game.
[19:42:34] Good luck to the runners.
[19:42:37] And I think that was for walk Reverse, thank you very much.
[19:42:52] We have a 1550 donation from Paul who says, This marathon represents my 10th anniversary of watching SGDQ and I can't be happier to be watching with my wife.
[19:43:00] I love you Riley, let's raise some scratch for charity! We have a $25 donation from anonymous who just says less than three.
[19:43:27] Drop your hearts in the chat, y'all.
[19:43:28] Less than three.
[19:43:35] Evie donates $50,
[19:43:37] and that goes to MSF.
[19:43:39] They say SGDQ is always a highlight of the year and a staple of my summers.
[19:43:43] Doctors Without Borders is such an important cause to support.
[19:43:46] Thank you staff, announcers, and especially runners for doing such a great job.
[19:43:51] Less than three What's been guiding me Letting me go
[19:44:07] Unaza donates $25
[19:44:09] and they say,
[19:44:10] to an amazing cause.
[19:44:12] I haven't had the chance
[19:44:13] to watch as much as I wanted to,
[19:44:15] but here's to breaking records and having a blast.
[19:44:17] Thank you for that, Unaza.
[19:44:18] Of course, that goes to MSF
[19:44:20] and if you don't have the chance to watch live
[19:44:23] you can always go back and listen to The Vods,
[19:44:25] watch The Vods or head over to our YouTube page
[19:44:27] and catch them there too.
[19:44:28] I'm so lonely
[19:44:30] Brave in eternity
[19:44:33] Paving way for us me A $50 donation from Mermex who says,
[19:44:53] this is the fourth GDQ I've tuned in for now, and I've loved every second.
[19:44:58] I love getting to support a great cause
[19:45:00] and watch games I spent hours struggling with get absolutely blown open. We have a $50 donation from Cartridge Blowers who says, I'm going to be playing the game.
[19:45:29] I am so excited about this
[19:45:31] because I have been looking
[19:45:33] forward to these games, not
[19:45:35] just because walker reverse is
[19:45:37] another intense rhythm showcase and not just because Mello is on the host mic. Mello, I miss you and love you
[19:45:38] and everyone there so much
[19:45:40] but you're doing an incredible job as always.
[19:45:42] Keep being amazing.
[19:45:43] Here's some art for you in haiku form.
[19:45:46] A bear tells a joke
[19:45:48] but how does he finish it?
[19:45:50] Waka waka.
[19:45:51] Smiley face.
[19:45:53] I think that's a haiku.
[19:45:54] Thanks, Cardi.
[19:46:01] Y'all,
[19:46:03] Cardi made that donation because I love haikus.
[19:46:06] If you love haikus,
[19:46:08] please submit your
[19:46:09] donation right now. We're still trying to hit that 1.3 million, we're less than a thousand dollars away from 1.3 million! But absolutely, submit your haikus, limericks, any kind of short form poetry, your quatrains.
[19:46:29] I can think of more poetry forms for sure and you have a chance for those to be read live on
[19:46:37] stream Also, for that Super Metroid save or kill the animals bid war.
[19:46:51] Of course it's one of our, probably our oldest most iconic incentive slash big words we ever do a GDQ save the animals is currently sitting at 2650 that's $2,650 kill the animals Animals, 2,430.
[19:47:05] Pretty close, pretty close.
[19:47:07] Make sure if you don't know what to apply your incentive towards
[19:47:10] You're looking at our bid wars telling us which you'd prefer
[19:47:13] To see happen.
[19:47:14] I think it's been a long time since we've seen
[19:47:16] kill the animals that's what i prefer personally and i know i'm in the minority here but hey
[19:47:21] who agrees with me yeah let me hear some love for saving the frames.
[19:47:26] So quiet!
[19:47:28] So quiet!
[19:47:30] I'm gonna keep it real with you all.
[19:47:32] Everybody wants to save the animals.
[19:47:34] Let me hear it for Save The Animals!
[19:47:39] Alright, Mello has officially become your GDQ host villain
[19:47:42] because I want to kill him.
[19:47:49] Don't you dare boo me. I will walk off this stage right now.
[19:47:54] $250 from RSS who says,
[19:47:56] A decade of watching GDQs for me and I'm endlessly impressed by the community
[19:48:00] and your power for good. Thank you so much, RSS. Hey everybody in the crowd and in the chat,
[19:48:06] I got really good news for you the next run is ready
[19:48:10] give it up for mr mighty mouse barb and gpb for the grand pool world three soak showcase How's it going, SGDQ?
[19:48:26] We'll be running
[19:48:31] Grand Poo World 3
[19:48:33] One of the hardest
[19:48:34] Kaizo fan games
[19:48:35] Ever made
[19:48:36] It's 41 exits
[19:48:37] Of grueling
[19:48:38] And creative levels
[19:48:39] So long.
[19:48:40] Made by this man to torture this man.
[19:48:42] Do you want to introduce yourself?
[19:48:44] I'm Barbra's King,
[19:48:45] I made this.
[19:48:46] And I'm Grand Poo World 3
[19:48:48] and I'm his muse.
[19:48:52] Nice. I'm Grand Pooh Bear, not Grand Pooh World 3. It's late guys!
[19:48:54] All Exits was met earlier so we will be doing every
[19:48:58] game that is available on the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Sorry. So we, all exits was met earlier
[19:49:02] so we will be doing every exit
[19:49:04] and every boss in this game
[19:49:06] that is 41 total
[19:49:08] exits
[19:49:09] I'm ready
[19:49:11] to kick this off.
[19:49:15] Alright, help me count down.
[19:49:18] 5
[19:49:19] 4
[19:49:20] 3
[19:49:20] 2
[19:49:21] 1 So you may have Three, two, one.
[19:49:24] So you may have noticed that Barb is winning the Sprite Bid Wars
[19:49:28] so we will be playing as the creator Barb
[19:49:30] if you didn't know who that was
[19:49:32] now you do it's the man on the couch behind me i swear
[19:49:35] i'm not an egomaniac and like made this game with me as the star uh if if you beat a challenge in
[19:49:41] this game you get to change like your look of of Mario in this one.
[19:49:44] I swear.
[19:49:45] There's a lot of sprites, to be fair.
[19:49:49] Including some people out here.
[19:49:51] Like there are some players that have a sprite.
[19:49:56] Some sprites are even broken,
[19:49:58] but that's neither here nor there.
[19:50:00] All the important ones maybe.
[19:50:06] So this is level one. I always like to start off ROM pack with a fast, fun-paced platformer
[19:50:10] and that's pretty much what this one is.
[19:50:14] It's going to be a lot harder than it looks here.
[19:50:17] I've seen people take upwards of 20 hours just
[19:50:19] to get the first checkpoint, so this
[19:50:21] is one of those cases where this is much more difficult
[19:50:24] then he just made that look.
[19:50:26] Get your first First checkpoint there.
[19:50:32] The theme of this level was to use
[19:50:34] like as many different kinds of weird
[19:50:36] platforms, and in general with grand pro 3 like i
[19:50:39] wanted to like explore all different kinds of different sprites
[19:50:42] and custom things that's a very tough jump
[19:50:47] don't mind me i'm just gonna sneak on past that.
[19:50:49] You know what's really
[19:50:51] cool about this run? You're going to see a lot of what MrMoneymouse
[19:50:53] is doing here, it isn't just like
[19:50:55] a lot of Kaizo games speedruns are just play
[19:50:57] the game and don't die but there's actually a lot of really cool
[19:51:00] speed strats that people have come up with and you're going to see a lot of those mr mighty
[19:51:08] here we go.
[19:51:14] I thought you were just going to hit it on purpose. Oh no, not that one!
[19:51:18] Level 1 down. Yeah, there we go.
[19:51:20] One shot baby.
[19:51:21] There you go.
[19:51:22] You get the one shots out of the way.
[19:51:23] Love to see it.
[19:51:24] Deathless run starts now.
[19:51:26] Don't quote me.
[19:51:28] We never know it too but he also dodged about like four or five different kinds of blocks all throughout that level.
[19:51:34] There's a lot.
[19:51:35] Yeah I like to put them where I can put them for maximum damage to the player's emotions so...
[19:51:41] We get to do something no gamers ever
[19:51:43] do touch grass
[19:51:46] okay so that he just solved a puzzle that barb put in
[19:51:50] right and it was...
[19:51:52] The only hint we had
[19:51:53] was touch grass.
[19:51:55] And I swear to God
[19:51:56] there's like videos
[19:51:57] of literally people
[19:51:58] walking outside their house
[19:51:59] as if the hint
[19:52:00] was going to be
[19:52:01] literally outside our house.
[19:52:05] Yeah, I think some people sent me photos of like their hand and grass like what do you know yeah so we're gonna be returning that level
[19:52:11] but for now we need to go here first. The structure
[19:52:14] of this game is a bit weird and
[19:52:16] you're going to see a little bit more why
[19:52:18] We're on board a sunken ship
[19:52:21] now
[19:52:21] And this is the Mario player's worst nightmare,
[19:52:26] going left.
[19:52:28] And reverse water.
[19:52:30] This water is reversed.
[19:52:32] I put that there to piss off players as much as I could.
[19:52:38] So the water's reversed and as soon as you jump out of it
[19:52:40] you're back to normal so it's a really
[19:52:42] hard back-and-forth move right there.
[19:52:48] Oh! back and forth move right there. There's another kaizo block right there.
[19:52:52] And meth shark...
[19:52:54] Luckily, we don't have to deal with the shark.
[19:52:58] Oh no!
[19:53:00] Come on!
[19:53:01] Now is a good time for donations though
[19:53:03] as we take our nice leisurely swim.
[19:53:05] That poor shark.
[19:53:08] Yeah, okay sure. How about this? Darth Rony donates $25
[19:53:10] Hey she's over there!
[19:53:12] Hey Darth Rony! They say
[19:53:14] poo hug, poo hug, poo hug chat
[19:53:16] let's start $5 hype train to recreate the best
[19:53:19] poo hug emote on Twitch.
[19:53:21] The Grand Pooh World trilogy has brought a lot of memories
[19:53:23] throughout the years.
[19:53:24] I'm so sad it is over but the hype lives on!
[19:53:26] Love you always, Mars Mouse Barb and poop mars i'm sorry there's some who call me
[19:53:33] i screwed up my own name earlier don't worry so this section is going very fast here, but in this section Mr. Mighty Mouse
[19:53:42] actually moving the water with L and R so he's the one controlling
[19:53:46] the water level as it goes.
[19:53:48] Okay.
[19:53:49] You can see the fish there, yeah. Wow!
[19:53:56] Yeah, there's a lot of...
[19:53:58] Mouse is doing a lot of very small optimizations here that are saving a lot of time for a Kaizo game.
[19:54:08] Especially one as long as this.
[19:54:10] Yes! Like they add up up man those seconds add up yeah
[19:54:14] any advice to new speed runners those those half a second they add up
[19:54:18] a lot for some reason this rope falls off it falls on very fast lot.
[19:54:21] For some reason this rope falls off, it falls off very fast.
[19:54:24] I don't know why but I liked it so I kept it.
[19:54:27] Speaking of for some reason we have a
[19:54:30] Sonic fight.
[19:54:33] So, this hack would not exist without a website called
[19:54:37] Super Mario World Central and this is just the boss that somebody made on
[19:54:41] Super Mario World Central and I thought it was really cool.
[19:54:43] So this is one of the resources there.
[19:54:45] I made a Chuck boss out of it,
[19:54:47] and it was kind of a see-the-silly little guy.
[19:54:50] He swings his ball and chain back and forth.
[19:54:51] He isn't too tough.
[19:54:55] You are on a timer here, though, so if you don't
[19:54:56] get your hits...
[19:54:57] Timer's looking a bit tight now.
[19:55:01] Can I get him?
[19:55:02] Okay, we can get him.
[19:55:04] The timer doesn't go...
[19:55:05] The timer doesn't stop until he flies off the train.
[19:55:08] Hey!
[19:55:09] One by a second left.
[19:55:12] We're good.
[19:55:14] GG. One more than we needed. Good.
[19:55:18] One more than we needed, baby. Exactly.
[19:55:20] Alright so now we're gonna head back to the level
[19:55:22] where we touched grass
[19:55:24] and go back on the normal route.
[19:55:26] So at this point in the game, your options...
[19:55:28] You don't really have too many options of which levels you can play
[19:55:30] but that's gonna change shortly.
[19:55:33] These shells, you may recognize this in the music
[19:55:37] these shells are more like Super Mario Bros 2 shells where you don't jump
[19:55:39] off them, you kind of ride them for a little while
[19:55:41] and that was kind of the theme for this level
[19:55:43] Helper fish
[19:55:46] Start to say hello, wish you a good run It's a helper fish.
[19:55:47] He starts to say hello, wish you a good run.
[19:55:50] He is there to stop you from going too fast.
[19:55:53] Exactly. Helps you learn.
[19:56:04] So these are the so the piranha plant right in the shell that's a sprite stacking which might be one of the best custom code things they've done that was like d to the fourth, I made that tool. It's so good.
[19:56:11] So at this section you can hear the SP2 music.
[19:56:14] If you hold down in this section
[19:56:16] you gain the Super Mario Bros. 2 super jump,
[19:56:21] and it's one of the stranger ASMs I just wanted to experiment with,
[19:56:22] and it's a lot of fun to mess with,
[19:56:24] so I made a quick section about that.
[19:56:26] Oh, you do that way different than I do that.
[19:56:28] So I do a trick there where we hit the on-off
[19:56:31] twice and that
[19:56:32] is going to let us skip a tough trick
[19:56:35] further in right here
[19:56:37] but we don't
[19:56:38] even need to do any more.
[19:56:41] Oh, that's so smart!
[19:56:45] Just go on the pipe.
[19:56:49] God I hate when I see such simple smart strats.
[19:56:56] Anything that we can do to make our life a little bit easier in this run,
[19:56:59] we 100% do because it is a hard run. Yeah.
[19:57:03] Yeah. I know, me too! It was so...
[19:57:05] I know!
[19:57:06] I hated that up throw!
[19:57:15] So these sprites that are coming up, these are Yoshi's Island Bowser Blade sprites.
[19:57:19] And you know they're a very strange sprite.
[19:57:21] I've never really seen too many people use them in ramax
[19:57:23] i figured that would try messing around with them and uh you can do a lot of fun stuff with
[19:57:27] him i found there's like four kaizo blocks there he just missed. Oh yeah!
[19:57:38] Yeah, this one's
[19:57:40] just like a nice fun
[19:57:42] platforming level here. Yeah, I think
[19:57:45] when people think about Kaizo they often
[19:57:47] think like I'm trying to make the hardest
[19:57:49] possible thing you can and that's really not
[19:57:51] what I try to do at all. I just like things
[19:57:53] to be at least somewhat enjoyable,
[19:57:55] you know?
[19:57:56] Like,
[19:57:56] you can mix a little pleasure
[19:57:57] with the pain
[19:57:58] once in a while.
[19:57:59] Well,
[19:57:59] something that I've really,
[19:58:00] I've been talking about
[19:58:01] lately too is like
[19:58:02] one of the main differences
[19:58:03] with like
[19:58:04] the really great
[19:58:05] Oh my God! Great time! god wow we're done done wow all right
[19:58:10] wait wait wait people paid for all exits we got to do the rest
[19:58:14] they paid for all legs so we'll keep going, it took me four years to make those couple levels.
[19:58:18] It was a lot of work.
[19:58:21] The end!
[19:58:23] But yeah just giving players like a little bit more room
[19:58:26] because you see in so many kaizo games
[19:58:28] They just make everything so compact. You know what I mean? And that's how you artificially create difficulty
[19:58:34] I'm not a huge fan of that before we can move on with this run we need to pick up the keys to our ride first
[19:58:41] so we got to uh enter this ship in a completely normal way Now, you may have noticed we're locked on an island here.
[19:58:55] So uh...we gotta pick up the keys to our ride and head on out.
[19:59:02] I'm sure you all recognize
[19:59:04] that as white and nerdy, which is
[19:59:06] all that it is.
[19:59:10] Amish paradise. What am I thinking? The ship level is what allows you to actually access
[19:59:12] the airship, and what the airship does
[19:59:14] it lets you fly around
[19:59:16] to choose whichever levels
[19:59:18] you want to do on the map. And that was kind of like,
[19:59:21] the starting idea of why I even made the hack
[19:59:23] to begin with. That'd be a cool thing to do
[19:59:25] so that's my start off point.
[19:59:27] It actually made the routing for this game
[19:59:29] super interesting because there are lot of sub-worlds
[19:59:31] so just figuring out what the optimal way
[19:59:34] to go around every level
[19:59:36] and every world is, because there's like four or five
[19:59:38] levels you can go to right off the bat
[19:59:40] And not only are the sub the sub worlds like you can exit
[19:59:42] the sub world
[19:59:42] and it'll put you
[19:59:43] at a different place
[19:59:44] on the regular
[19:59:44] overworld maps
[19:59:45] then there's
[19:59:46] you know
[19:59:46] it added a lot of fun
[19:59:48] to the routing
[19:59:49] and also it added
[19:59:50] a lot of fun
[19:59:50] to the first plays
[19:59:51] because if you were a viewer
[19:59:53] You could go on someone's stream and like four people
[19:59:55] Were playing just completely different stuff.
[19:59:57] Yeah everybody went different ways.
[19:59:59] So in this level uh you can see he is standing
[20:00:01] In toxic gas there If he has to enter the safe zones
[20:00:05] to get his breath back every time.
[20:00:08] Depending on how...
[20:00:10] What the color of the gas
[20:00:11] or how toxic the smash tournament is
[20:00:27] it's a visual representation i should have called this level to smash Yeah. This is a tricky pipe entry here.
[20:00:30] And right in.
[20:00:31] Nice.
[20:00:32] Love this next section.
[20:00:34] Yeah, these pipes are so fun!
[20:00:36] I love these pipes,
[20:00:38] those little quick pipes that we're gonna throw around
[20:00:40] and go in-and-out to move around this level?
[20:00:44] So these pipes are another sprite from Super Mario World Central.
[20:00:47] And when I first started messing with them they were like crashing the game
[20:00:51] They were causing so much lag and with the help of Kaizen Man
[20:00:55] and D4 we're able to like make some small improvements
[20:00:58] for them, they became much better.
[20:01:01] They were borderline unusable at first but I think it ended up for a really cool level yeah this trick's right here just
[20:01:09] this whole thing is cool so he still has to refresh his air every so often
[20:01:12] so you can't take too long and that was that. There we go! That's a quick section.
[20:01:18] Smoothing along...
[20:01:21] You're making this look real easy here, man!
[20:01:23] I'm just making this look real easy!
[20:01:25] Don't worry, I'll take some deaths on purpose later.
[20:01:28] Those next deaths you see, those are on purpose.
[20:01:31] I thought this game was hard. What the heck?
[20:01:34] Ignore the little level that pops up
[20:01:36] that's just an illusion from the toxin.
[20:01:39] Your head's a little fuzzy, you don't see that.
[20:01:41] I definitely didn't try to go to that level like 70 times.
[20:01:46] All right, we're going to try and do a cool strat here.
[20:01:50] Okay. Alright, we're gonna try and do a cool strat here.
[20:01:54] I'll give it another try. That was on purpose! It was for me. I told you, it's entertainment purposes.
[20:01:59] That one is again for me.
[20:02:02] This is a tough strat.
[20:02:04] I'm not even sure what the strat he's trying to do it with.
[20:02:06] Oh this ones cool. Yeah you haven't seen...this ones cool.
[20:02:08] Ahhhh!
[20:02:10] There we go.
[20:02:12] Right?
[20:02:13] So these TNT blocks
[20:02:15] kind of function
[20:02:15] almost like keys,
[20:02:16] so you can jump off them,
[20:02:18] change your jump
[20:02:19] off them,
[20:02:19] but depending on the color
[20:02:20] like the red ones explode almost immediately the blue
[20:02:25] i knew i threw that one too far they're also tricky because you have to let go of run each
[20:02:31] time you land on it.
[20:02:32] Otherwise, just like a P-Switch
[20:02:33] You're just going to fall straight through
[20:02:35] Oh, he got the strat again! Look at this guy
[20:02:38] Oh yeah we are feeling it I mean, I gotta say just like the amount of Mario talent in one room over here tonight
[20:02:51] has been kind of wild between yeah yeah between the relay
[20:02:57] sonic saves the world yeah it's been wild I think people are going to be able to tell them a big Street Fighter fan because there's
[20:03:10] so much street fighter music and I'm wearing a Street Fighter t-shirt.
[20:03:14] People are gonna figure that one out. I'm wearing a Street Fighter t-shirt.
[20:03:15] People are going to figure that one out.
[20:03:23] So we activate that block early so we don't have
[20:03:25] to wait when it explodes.
[20:03:26] Right there.
[20:03:28] So if you walk through the goal without blowing up that block that he did,
[20:03:32] he'll just walk into the lava and die.
[20:03:34] So it's a post-goal death.
[20:03:36] I like seeing the joy in the players eyes leave as they do that.
[20:03:37] Makes me smile.
[20:03:39] Because you instantly realize, if you're playing this game at
[20:03:42] this point, you've had a few of them right?
[20:03:44] So you know it's too late to go back and play again.
[20:03:46] Yeah. I definitely realize too, like if you're playing this game at this point
[20:03:47] You've had a few of them right? So you know as soon as you hit that goal
[20:03:50] It's like yeah. Alright so this would be a good time for a donation
[20:03:53] Cause we are just snagging a quick secret exit
[20:03:56] Yeah absolutely from Winnow they donate $100 and say all of us in the mouse pad know you're gonna crush it good luck have fun
[20:04:02] He is crushing it
[20:04:03] Yes
[20:04:06] Defy by default donates $25 and says
[20:04:09] I just want to say good luck
[20:04:10] And most importantly
[20:04:11] Have fun to mouse in your Grand Poo World 3 run
[20:04:14] The entire Kaizo community is rooting for you
[20:04:16] Poo love
[20:04:17] Thanks Don't worry Mouse We're rooting for you, Pooh Love.
[20:04:23] Don't worry Mouse, the whole community is counting on you. The whole community?
[20:04:25] Everybody's watching it.
[20:04:26] Nervous sweats.
[20:04:35] Time for some more yeah you know and get some more okay yeah $100 from I have one big eye they say hi Gran Poo World 3. I'm dad.
[20:04:40] Hi, Dad.
[20:04:43] So on this level you can see that there's
[20:04:45] a constant flow of dolphins just keep coming up and up.
[20:04:48] So they spawn on every certain number
[20:04:50] of frames.
[20:04:51] They're just consistently always going to be there.
[20:04:53] As you can see, they can help you
[20:04:54] but they can also greatly hinder you and kill you
[20:04:57] so a little bit of a mix there.
[20:05:01] ERIK PASTERNAKUSKIY- End's so i know this doesn't look hard but that
[20:05:05] is so like technically timing it's so hard
[20:05:09] this is i can't trust this enough a very hard hack
[20:05:14] nah man it's easy you're not even dying yeah oh yeah
[20:05:20] okay i didn't know you could just bring that block with you though
[20:05:22] yeah last forever it's your friend block.
[20:05:24] Yeah I had no idea about that.
[20:05:25] Your companion block that we instantly destroy.
[20:05:29] Learned that one today.
[20:05:33] So the kind of dolphin that follows you when you ride around,
[20:05:34] that was inspired by a lot of different morsel hacks.
[20:05:37] Morsels are amazing creators who have made so many different
[20:05:40] hacks and he's definitely hurt me before but I've been
[20:05:43] inspired.
[20:05:45] He is a very talented creator.
[20:05:47] And look at the fish.
[20:05:51] That fish crushed many players on the blind play throughs orb yeah there's no yumps in this so we gotta
[20:05:59] orb as much as we can to make up for it oh my god there are no young just no yes
[20:06:06] oh i didn't't realize that.
[20:06:08] You don't get them anyways.
[20:06:12] Hit the message block!
[20:06:16] We don't have time to read the message block. That is a blatant... Yeah, we don't have time to read the message block.
[20:06:18] Barb, can you tell us what the message block says?
[20:06:21] Well it describes where Mario gets these throw blocks
[20:06:24] because in this level
[20:06:25] You can see Mario's just making throw blocks appear out of nowhere.
[20:06:29] So like where could they possibly be coming from?
[20:06:32] Who were they coming from?
[20:06:34] Well I mean there are only so many places that a human or or a Mario in this case,
[20:06:38] can hide them. And I guess the technical
[20:06:42] term... This is the technical term in Kaizo
[20:06:46] The Marosi in kaizo is the marosi.
[20:06:49] That's a technical term! It's science!
[20:06:53] I like that Jeremy Springer reaction from the audience. Like, I made that...
[20:06:57] Awwwwwww. I went so high!
[20:07:00] Oh, well.
[20:07:02] So you got one shot at the final pipe and have to catch
[20:07:04] the dolphin just in time
[20:07:06] and kind of swoosh on
[20:07:08] with the block there If you die die there's no checkpoint this level it sends
[20:07:11] you right back to the start so it's a quick level but it's unforgiving i like how i just
[20:07:18] got blamed for that joke too you. You just set me up.
[20:07:21] I appreciate that.
[20:07:22] I was the one that put it in the game.
[20:07:28] And they all groaned and every
[20:07:29] one of them knew what it was.
[20:07:32] Oh, how could he?
[20:07:34] Oh no!
[20:07:36] Man this level is a D-pad check for sure.
[20:07:40] Yeah so he's holding up to swim up fast.
[20:07:42] But then you're trying to throw these bricks right,
[20:07:45] bricks left and it's just very difficult.
[20:07:49] I played many levels where you had
[20:07:51] to make throw blocks and
[20:07:53] do various platforming challenges but never played a water level that
[20:07:56] had to do it.
[20:07:57] So yeah, why don't I try that?
[20:07:59] That's kind of where this level came from.
[20:08:02] Also, I named this level Gill Issue
[20:08:04] so any-I feel like nobody's
[20:08:06] allowed to complain about it cause all you can say is
[20:08:08] well its a gil issue
[20:08:12] We can't complain but we can groan at the pun.
[20:08:14] There you go.
[20:08:22] Orb! There's a lot of orbs in this.
[20:08:25] I didn't realize how many orbs there were until
[20:08:27] I told an entire crowd of people to yell orb every time
[20:08:29] I got one.
[20:08:31] Now, I'm slowly realizing.
[20:08:38] I don't know what you're talking about. slowly realizing. Yep. Alright, we're leaving this little cave area
[20:08:40] We are going up to Shifting Stronghold
[20:08:44] So to access like the final area of the game,
[20:08:46] you have to choose two of three
[20:08:48] of the main castles.
[20:08:49] There's a lot of choice in the game.
[20:08:50] This is one of the potential
[20:08:52] three castles you can play.
[20:08:54] I was kind of inspired.
[20:08:58] There's lots of Layer 2 castle levels where everything is moving
[20:09:00] but the difference here
[20:09:01] is that to move the layers
[20:09:03] it's not happening on its own
[20:09:05] you have to control them yourself with L and R
[20:09:08] so that means you have to control them yourself with L and R. That means you have the platform And you also have to move the layers constantly
[20:09:10] To help you out
[20:09:12] You're also on a timer too
[20:09:14] So you have to go fast
[20:09:16] The timer is the real kicker in this one.
[20:09:18] Because you can't just sit there and be like, okay I'm going to line it up.
[20:09:20] You have to do it all at once.
[20:09:23] Luckily for us, the timer isn't something we're really concerned about.
[20:09:27] You do have to say hi to Hank, though.
[20:09:29] This is the one portrait we see.
[20:09:30] Everyone say hi to Hank.
[20:09:32] Hi.
[20:09:33] That is the one you can always see here.
[20:09:36] I have a $100 donation from Hank Sinatra.
[20:09:42] It says, hi!
[20:09:44] Haha 2020
[20:09:48] That's a cute little optimization right there
[20:09:49] Yeah that's good one I. I like that one.
[20:09:50] Yeah, that was good.
[20:09:51] I think I stole that one from Lack Attack actually.
[20:09:53] So this is the same theory as the first section where in
[20:09:55] this case you're pressing L and R to move everything left
[20:09:57] and right.
[20:09:59] Oh no!
[20:10:01] There is a slight amount
[20:10:03] of jank sometimes.
[20:10:05] How dare you?
[20:10:06] There's no jank in this game.
[20:10:09] You know what?
[20:10:11] That's just part of playing a game from 1991.
[20:10:14] You know what I mean?
[20:10:16] This game was made 30 years ago.
[20:10:18] What can you expect?
[20:10:21] Did you see what we're shoving into Super Nintendo's now?
[20:10:23] You know, that's fair.
[20:10:25] I'm just lucky Bad Apple isn't showing up in the middle of my playthrough.
[20:10:31] Oh! Okay. That one... Oh, that one angered me.
[20:10:36] Oh!
[20:10:37] That one angered some people.
[20:10:38] It didn't kill anybody though.
[20:10:39] I know.
[20:10:40] It was just there as like a ha-ha thing.
[20:10:41] No, it killed me.
[20:10:42] That one did kill me.
[20:10:43] Oh, did it?
[20:10:44] Oh yeah.
[20:10:44] I need that clip.
[20:10:45] All right.
[20:10:46] So we're done with this island.
[20:10:48] We got to get in our ride.
[20:10:50] Can you put on hot drinks?
[20:10:54] I got you. I got you.
[20:10:56] The best Wendy's training video
[20:10:58] from the 90s?
[20:11:02] So you might recognize these.
[20:11:04] If any of you have ever played Shovel Knight,
[20:11:06] you might recognize these.
[20:11:08] These are the snow blocks pretty much directly from Shovel
[20:11:10] Knight.
[20:11:11] I had seen this in the jump hacks before.
[20:11:13] I love this block,
[20:11:15] I thought it was so cool
[20:11:16] as I really wanted to make a level themed around that one.
[20:11:20] And then of course this song right here
[20:11:22] The national anthem
[20:11:23] Yeah
[20:11:25] This song is in so many hacks and it deserves to be because
[20:11:28] it is such a banger.
[20:11:29] It's a good song.
[20:11:30] Yeah, it's just a good song.
[20:11:36] We do have a fun strat here.
[20:11:37] Yep.
[20:11:41] Oh, we gotta go for that.
[20:11:45] So the best part about this song is it has this little like breakdown here that basically
[20:11:51] lets you know, you weren't good for the level.
[20:11:54] He hasn't got to yet though.
[20:11:56] It's with the melody of shame. Oh, we're going to...
[20:11:58] The melody of shame, yeah.
[20:12:02] Here comes Noah Banks.
[20:12:05] Yeah, we had to do it just for poo.
[20:12:07] That's, again,
[20:12:08] the deaths are for poo.
[20:12:09] Deaths for entertainment purposes.
[20:12:11] Defo.
[20:12:13] All right.
[20:12:16] There we go.
[20:12:16] Nice.
[20:12:17] A little shell jump through there.
[20:12:18] That is not intended for the record. That's fair. There we go. Little shell jump through there.
[20:12:19] That is not intended for the record.
[20:12:21] It's true, it's not.
[20:12:22] How much does that even save exactly?
[20:12:26] I legitimately think like maybe a second.
[20:12:33] He has got lots of swag it looks cool yeah that's what matters you never see don't stop so it's just like a full one i would do if i would do it if
[20:12:37] it was slower to be honest there was another Kaizo block right at the end there.
[20:12:41] There's a nasty Kaizo
[20:12:43] block on that final jump. It is
[20:12:45] riding away.
[20:12:48] When I made it and I was
[20:12:49] so I made this on stream and I was testing it. People were like where are all the kaizo blocks?
[20:12:52] You didn't put enough kaizo
[20:12:54] Blocks in it. And people were not saying
[20:12:56] That after the week of release
[20:13:00] That's classic twitch chat yeah i'm gonna do this it is all right this was the one level that
[20:13:04] i was like what the hell barb now i love it i love it now but yeah i kind of thought
[20:13:11] that's how people were going to react to it overall.
[20:13:13] But you know what? I think I'm right so I'm gonna keep it.
[20:13:17] It's the children who are wrong!
[20:13:19] The gimmick here is're on ice moving, but when you change direction
[20:13:23] you don't do it right away.
[20:13:25] It's like this delayed changed direction
[20:13:27] and it just makes everything hard and awkward.
[20:13:31] Yeah, it's very slippery
[20:13:33] and takes a lot of getting used to.
[20:13:35] I mean we've seen so many of the usuals...
[20:13:37] Oh there is a really tricky checkpoint here.
[20:13:39] There is a mean checkpoint.
[20:13:40] I definitely died here.
[20:13:42] I think in my blind playthrough I was, there's no way Barb trolls me.
[20:13:45] Right as I said that,
[20:13:47] I just flew off the edge.
[20:13:49] If you land there,
[20:13:51] you go right immediately and die.
[20:13:55] We've seen and die. Yeah, that's true. So I kind of felt like
[20:13:56] we've seen the traditional Super Mario
[20:13:58] World ice level how many times?
[20:14:00] And I was like, I kind of want a different ice physics for this one.
[20:14:02] And I knew people were going to react to it
[20:14:04] a bit negatively but I was like, yeah! You know?
[20:14:05] I think it's cool.
[20:14:06] I actually didn't mind this one as much
[20:14:08] as most,
[20:14:09] But I'd also played
[20:14:11] hacks that had this.
[20:14:13] So...
[20:14:14] I kind of knew what I was doing.
[20:14:16] It was one of those ones...
[20:14:18] It was like in Grandpa World 2
[20:14:19] where I didn't like the poison mushrooms
[20:14:20] and then it became my favorite one to speak about.
[20:14:22] You know? Like, it became my favorite one.
[20:14:23] Same thing here.
[20:14:24] It was...
[20:14:25] Like, I love this one in my life.
[20:14:26] So he's got to keep these momentum jumps the entire way?
[20:14:29] Oh, that is...
[20:14:30] Wait, are you supposed to get the momentum for that?
[20:14:34] Didn't mess it up there.
[20:14:37] Yeah, you're supposed to. I didn't know that.
[20:14:39] You're supposed to and that's different
[20:14:41] in this version.
[20:14:42] That jump is a big chungus
[20:14:44] jump now.
[20:14:46] Alright, now would probably be a good time for a couple of donuts too.
[20:14:49] Yeah absolutely! How about this? From Foff and Cake
[20:14:53] They say hey Mouse we're both rooting for you as you tackle
[20:14:57] very difficult game thanks for demonstrating the mastery
[20:15:00] that Kaizo community is capable of,
[20:15:02] and go kick butt for charity!
[20:15:04] Wait wait wait wait...
[20:15:05] That was two people in one donation?
[20:15:07] Uh huh.
[20:15:08] Yeah they're gonna need to run that one back, okay?
[20:15:11] The Blue Snake donates $5 and 15 cents.
[20:15:14] They say fan games are my favorite at every GDQ
[20:15:17] And these three keep the hype strong at every event
[20:15:19] Good luck on the run Mouse Mouse. Also, hey Pooh
[20:15:21] Hey! How did Mr. Mighty Mouse get his
[20:15:23] name? Oh, that's actually a
[20:15:25] wonderful question
[20:15:27] A lot of people think it's from the old
[20:15:29] Mighty Mouse cartoon, you know? But that's not true.
[20:15:32] Actually, Mr. Mighty Mouse is a
[20:15:34] big fan of old NBA player Damon
[20:15:36] Stoudemire who had that
[20:15:38] tattoo on his arm. 1990s
[20:15:40] Toronto Raptor legend.
[20:15:44] I mean to be fair i like him from his time on the sun oh yeah there you go so yeah that's actually he saw he saw the tattoo and
[20:15:49] and then said that's a cool mouse that looks mighty.
[20:15:52] How do you have these ready all the time?
[20:15:54] He was ready to go, yeah.
[20:15:56] Actually, know what's funny is
[20:15:57] that the only other thing I ever think about besides him
[20:16:00] is Damon Stoudemire's right arm. Also, no one's gonna
[20:16:04] double-check his tattoos. It's fine.
[20:16:06] We can just say it.
[20:16:08] Oh, no, that's a real thing.
[20:16:09] Damon Stoudemire has a Mighty Mouse tattoo on his arm.
[20:16:12] Why do you know more about my lord than i did
[20:16:16] i think the real reason is the real thing we need to be asking is why do i know
[20:16:20] the tattoos of 1990s mid-level point guard Damon Stoudemire.
[20:16:24] That was fair, yeah.
[20:16:28] Can anyone tell me why I'm getting
[20:16:29] donations in the voice
[20:16:31] of Stone Cold Steve Austin?
[20:16:33] Oh!
[20:16:36] What?
[20:16:38] Yeah, what?!
[20:16:40] I don't know if I can attempt these but tell me when I have time.
[20:16:43] You got it.
[20:16:45] Am I doing this right now? Oh no. Tell me when I have time. You got it.
[20:16:46] Am I doing this right now?
[20:16:48] Oh, no...
[20:16:50] Hey Mario!
[20:16:58] The big ol' 500 pound sum dude Bowser took the dang princess and used all his star power to put everyone in paintings. Now take your butt inside those paintings,
[20:17:01] and recover those stars with a little bit of jumping!
[20:17:04] What?
[20:17:05] A little bit of punching!
[20:17:06] What?! And a little bit of butt-whooping!
[20:17:08] What?! The same Princess Peach,
[20:17:10] and that's the bottom line!
[20:17:12] Because Stone Toad said so!
[20:17:14] Oh, that was really...
[20:17:20] That was absolutely beautiful. I know nothing about wrestling.
[20:17:23] First of all, you nailed it!
[20:17:25] I think you do know something about wrestling.
[20:17:27] You had those what's on point
[20:17:30] you got the showmanship which is like 90 of wrestling to begin with yeah
[20:17:37] all right back to the mountain.
[20:17:39] This level infuriated me on my blind play.
[20:17:43] And I don't know if it's because
[20:17:44] I got there and
[20:17:45] I've been playing for a while
[20:17:47] but the wall climb mechanic just...
[20:17:49] This one hurt my hands. Yeah.
[20:17:50] Yeah this is definitely one of the tougher
[20:17:52] levels in the game for sure. There's like a
[20:17:54] so as you can see whenever he climbs the wall there's
[20:17:56] like a grip meter. It's almost like a Breath
[20:17:58] of the Wild style like how long you can hang on to the wall at all.
[20:18:02] And as you see he has to climb up and keep advancing
[20:18:05] past all the spikes...
[20:18:07] Ninh's got one of these!
[20:18:12] So that might look like really
[20:18:14] simple, but even really
[20:18:16] experienced players got hard stuck
[20:18:18] on that one. That's honestly just a straight
[20:18:20] up knowledge check for a lot of players.
[20:18:22] You can still mess it up even if you're extremely skilled at the game.
[20:18:25] You have to jump, duck under and then quickly jump again
[20:18:29] past on the very steep slope.
[20:18:31] If you've never tried moving on a very steep slope. If you've never tried moving
[20:18:33] on a very steep slope in Super Mario World
[20:18:35] It is probably the worst thing you can ever do
[20:18:37] in this game! Oh yeah. And it just throws
[20:18:39] you off. It's so bizarre.
[20:18:41] I think there was a long clip of me going he put in a slope muncher and just complaining for
[20:18:47] like five minutes straight i think that's exactly why i put it in you knew i specifically would complain about that.
[20:18:56] Well, you know, LinkedIn made an entire hack of just that.
[20:18:59] Yeah!
[20:19:00] He looked at it like smiled and never died to it.
[20:19:02] He just went right past it.
[20:19:09] That's a way trickier move than it looks.
[20:19:13] I don't know, that one looked tricky. It does look tricky.
[20:19:24] And... no, I don't think so.
[20:19:26] That fish killed me.
[20:19:28] Yeah that was a particularly emotionally damaging
[20:19:30] fish there for some people.
[20:19:32] That one definitely got me yeah.
[20:19:36] Also this song, I don't know if you recognize it from Metroid Prime.
[20:19:40] I have to give a shout out to G-Gamer who made this.
[20:19:42] He is like such a talented music order for Super Mario World.
[20:19:46] And I cannot believe that the Super Nintendo
[20:19:48] is making these sounds, like he's just
[20:19:50] so talented at this.
[20:19:54] G-Gamer Composer and Dan
[20:19:56] the VP did a ton of their for this game, and they just did
[20:19:58] an amazing job.
[20:20:02] What's funny
[20:20:02] is I knew it was Metroid Prime
[20:20:04] so I was like, it's probably G-Gamer.
[20:20:06] Yeah, that's right.
[20:20:09] Because he also did the
[20:20:10] I think it's Metroid Prime
[20:20:11] music and like
[20:20:12] Grandpa World 1, right?
[20:20:13] That's right.
[20:20:14] Yeah.
[20:20:14] He's like such a nice dude too
[20:20:16] he's like yeah
[20:20:16] I'll make music sure.
[20:20:19] It does kind of too he's like yeah i'll make music sure
[20:20:24] it does kind of like all the stuff we can do with a super nintendo still now to this day i'm like why do we have new consoles
[20:20:28] why do we need these
[20:20:34] this is the last jump here a little tricky jumps spin across
[20:20:38] there we go. Very smooth.
[20:20:45] That's a rough level because there are a lot of places to die and the level sections are long.
[20:20:47] Yeah, that is a long one for sure.
[20:20:53] This run is freaking amazing right now. We're a little spicy.
[20:20:55] Oh, God! I love this level so much guys.
[20:20:58] This is the first of what we'll call like I guess like the boss levels.
[20:21:02] It's so good! This level is so good.
[20:21:05] You may notice slight inspiration from another game.
[20:21:08] So in this level, um...
[20:21:10] I've removed Mario's ability to
[20:21:13] jump entirely. So what Mario does
[20:21:15] instead is that he reverses gravity
[20:21:17] every time he jumps. So he'll reverse
[20:21:19] from the ceiling to the floor over and over.
[20:21:24] And there's just so many cool little visual moves in this that I love
[20:21:28] like, the way you get under the Charging Chuck...that right
[20:21:32] there that right there
[20:21:44] also the music is just that move i love that move. Yeah, that's tough.
[20:21:46] Get a nice little speed strat here...
[20:21:48] If you ever notice like a really awkward jump
[20:21:50] like that there was a Kaizo block there.
[20:21:52] There was yes.
[20:21:56] And then this section right here I mean
[20:21:58] these swamp jumps are so pretty
[20:22:04] So this is a track that was done by Dan Salvato, I believe.
[20:22:07] From Bobberman Game, I believe.
[20:22:09] Man of many talents!
[20:22:10] Yeah he truly is.
[20:22:12] He really is.
[20:22:17] I played
[20:22:18] WWE
[20:22:19] literature club
[20:22:19] for the first
[20:22:20] time this year
[20:22:20] and sent him
[20:22:21] a DM of
[20:22:22] just like,
[20:22:22] dude you
[20:22:23] melted my
[20:22:24] brain.
[20:22:27] So here he's spin jumping across
[20:22:30] the ceiling there, I thought it was so awkward
[20:22:32] that I had to put that in.
[20:22:43] This is a boss fight, and I'm sure many of you remember from earlier tonight Dita the Fourth.
[20:22:45] She is just an incredibly talented individual.
[20:22:48] And I came to her with the idea of like a VVV style boss fight at the Gravitron,
[20:22:53] and it was a lot of work back and forth
[20:22:55] and I really have to say that this fight here...
[20:22:58] What you have to do in this fight here, what you have to do in this fight,
[20:22:59] you have to constantly avoid the projectiles
[20:23:01] and survive for a certain amount of time.
[20:23:04] And Mr. Mighty Mouse is just...
[20:23:05] I'm not sure he's going to take a hit at all.
[20:23:07] He's just...
[20:23:08] Why are you going to do that?
[20:23:09] Are you going to jinx me?
[20:23:16] Yeah, this one was definitely
[20:23:17] one of the
[20:23:18] really, really fun surprises.
[20:23:22] And just, like, again, look at
[20:23:23] what the Super Nintendo can do! Yeah.
[20:23:25] You know?
[20:23:29] What if Nintendo...
[20:23:30] What if they were like, you know what?
[20:23:31] Screw the Switch 2.
[20:23:32] We're just going to bring back the Super Nintendo.
[20:23:34] It's back.
[20:23:35] Yeah, it's back.
[20:23:36] The Super Nintendo Pro.
[20:23:37] Yeah.
[20:23:38] So there is an amount of RNG here as to when the winning orb will show up.
[20:23:44] And you can also miss it too.
[20:23:46] Wow, wow! You're getting...
[20:23:48] This is kind of bad luck.
[20:23:50] This is real bad luck. Oh, man!
[20:23:52] Oh wow!
[20:23:54] Okay...
[20:23:55] It can show up around one minute so this is actually like really about right.
[20:23:58] There it is!
[20:24:00] Alright we didn't take damage you're right.
[20:24:02] Wow!
[20:24:04] See?
[20:24:04] I was right.
[20:24:05] I was giving you confidence.
[20:24:07] So you're going to see our first instance of moving in the overworld with our airship
[20:24:11] and tactically moving from place to
[20:24:13] place so we're gonna go over three and up and just we're
[20:24:16] going to come out right where we need to be
[20:24:19] yeah so depending on where you leave an area with the airship it actually
[20:24:22] affects where you end up on the overworld so i made like the only romhack with
[20:24:25] overworld like movement optimization i guess like that and it was fun and that was i had a really
[20:24:32] good time we had great times routing that so now would be a good time for a couple donuts
[20:24:38] yeah absolutely 100 from fast forward who says that stone cold impression was performance art
[20:24:45] thank you very much.
[20:24:46] $300 from Jump Attack.
[20:24:48] Hi, Mouse,
[20:24:49] you're killing it.
[20:24:50] Yes.
[20:24:51] $1,000
[20:24:52] from Matty Thorson.
[20:24:56] And Matty says, the SMW community rules.
[20:24:59] You rule, Matty.
[20:25:00] Thank you very much for that.
[20:25:01] Matty does rule.
[20:25:02] Allegedly.
[20:25:03] Allegedly.
[20:25:05] So these falling leaf sprites, whenever you show an SMW player
[20:25:08] these they'll almost always go, oh.
[20:25:11] Oh no!
[20:25:15] See I'm kind of looking at, look at how nice guy.
[20:25:18] Take a visit to pensive link dead.
[20:25:22] I'm such a nice guy.
[20:25:24] But yeah most Super Mario World players when they see these leaf
[20:25:26] sprites they kinda groan and they're like, ugh.
[20:25:28] And I might be one of those but at the same time
[20:25:31] actually there's a lot of cool things you can do
[20:25:33] with these leaf sprites so I decided to try
[20:25:35] to use them.
[20:25:36] Actually did that a lot in the game where it was
[20:25:37] like a terrible sprite that nobody likes
[20:25:40] Let me try to make something cool with it
[20:25:44] And there are still leaves in the end
[20:25:48] Also you can see here There's a lot of, I mean pretty obvious optimizations that Mouse is doing right now.
[20:25:53] Oh yeah we don't need most of those.
[20:25:55] Skipping those leaves, you know and again these things just add up
[20:25:58] and they're really special to have in Kaiser Romax.
[20:26:01] A lot of Kaiser Romax, again, are so tight that they don't leave you that room or freedom to do something.
[20:26:05] I like some leeway.
[20:26:08] I think it's really special to give players leeway but still be hard as hell, you know?
[20:26:12] Yeah.
[20:26:20] Now if you're somebody who is familiar with any kind of Donkey Kong runs,
[20:26:23] You might recognize the next level.
[20:26:26] It is a classic in Donkey Kong runs.
[20:26:30] Yeah I'm a big Donkey Kong Country fan.
[20:26:32] Love Donkey Kong.
[20:26:33] And this features some of the sliding ropes
[20:26:37] which were mostly from like
[20:26:38] Donkey Kong Country 3, right?
[20:26:40] Believe so.
[20:26:41] Yeah.
[20:26:44] Second half of this level amazing.
[20:26:53] So the different colored ones pull you in a different direction on each one.
[20:26:56] You have to re-grab them each time you jump off, so make sure you're pressing up every time.
[20:27:01] And it's pretty easy whenever you're grabbing ropes or vines or anything like that
[20:27:05] to start to fumble that, it's a lot harder than it looks
[20:27:07] This level is definitely
[20:27:09] a D-pad check
[20:27:11] There's another Kaizo block there
[20:27:13] He's trying to get me it's a friend
[20:27:16] block that's going to help you yeah the second half here
[20:27:19] it's a lot of like being able to let go of up and then re-grab
[20:27:22] it at the right time as you see even when he's just climbing right here.
[20:27:34] He's actually constantly jumping up the rope to just go that little bit faster
[20:27:38] each time because it's like the game has become very optimized already and people
[20:27:43] have taken grand portal 3 farther than I thought they ever would.
[20:27:47] The frames do add up.
[20:27:50] Speedrunning, man. Speedrunning in 2024
[20:27:53] you get two months before it's crazy.
[20:27:56] You get no months if it's in early access.
[20:27:59] I was going to say, zero months
[20:28:01] if it's a Nintendo game leaked a week early.
[20:28:04] There's too many Australians now.
[20:28:06] Yeah.
[20:28:07] Well, I don't know nothing about that. I don't know nothing about that,
[20:28:08] I don't know what you're talking about.
[20:28:09] No!
[20:28:11] Oh, that's a rough one.
[20:28:14] So there is a technique in Super Mario
[20:28:15] we'll deal with often here called the Re-Grab
[20:28:17] and what that means is like
[20:28:18] you bounce off of an enemy without
[20:28:20] holding jump but you have to repress it and uh that final jump there is like
[20:28:24] a really tough regret very easy to miss those yeah um. Honestly, like
[20:28:29] re-grabs are the
[20:28:31] core of Super
[20:28:32] Mario World
[20:28:33] Kaizo.
[20:28:34] Yeah.
[20:28:34] Yeah.
[20:28:34] They're almost so
[20:28:35] much of a misnomer
[20:28:36] because we basically
[20:28:37] do them on every
[20:28:38] game.
[20:28:39] Right.
[20:28:39] But that one
[20:28:40] specifically is like when we
[20:28:41] don't even do a real bounce. It's just
[20:28:44] regrabbing
[20:28:45] jump after we hit it. Once you learn how to
[20:28:47] regrab really effectively, I mean
[20:28:49] you can start throwing your shells for shell jumps
[20:28:52] anywhere you want and just adjust to it
[20:28:55] and you get so much more control over Mario
[20:28:57] that you could really just wizard through the games.
[20:29:02] There we go.
[20:29:04] Yeah, it's really like where you kind of learn to like man I love
[20:29:07] Super Mario World is where it's like wait I don't hold
[20:29:09] jump on every jump and I'll just hold B
[20:29:11] yeah that's where that's where you're really like
[20:29:13] oh okay this game is awesome.
[20:29:15] It's the Smash Bros melee of Mario.
[20:29:21] There it is, just those extra frames of falling when you're not holding jump.
[20:29:26] Really makes the difference.
[20:29:30] Some more Donkey Kong music here?
[20:29:32] One of the hottest optimizations?
[20:29:34] Wait, you do the left first?
[20:29:36] Yeah I go left first.
[20:29:38] Never mind then.
[20:29:40] Listen we've got optimization there too.
[20:29:42] I just want to say that Barb was making this game long before Mario Wonder came out.
[20:29:46] We say that because, you know...
[20:29:49] Long!
[20:29:50] It is true.
[20:29:52] This ASM has actually been on SMW Central for like a decade.
[20:29:57] It's been there for a real long time.
[20:30:00] So, for this level to even be accessible...
[20:30:02] If you recall earlier we were talking over it but during the Bubble Level
[20:30:05] playing that Bubble Level is what made this level available I think we were talking about it earlier, but during the bubble level
[20:30:06] playing that bubble is what made this available.
[20:30:08] That's actually a really sick speed strat
[20:30:10] to skip the platform and keep moving forward
[20:30:14] So you're allowed to jump off of it.
[20:30:16] But you can only have one bubble out at a time which means that
[20:30:19] You kind of have to do a lot of different strats and finagling with
[20:30:22] The area there's a kaizen block there oh yeah they're everywhere
[20:30:25] There's another one.
[20:30:30] Whew! Whew!
[20:30:32] That was clean!
[20:30:35] All right, back in now for the optimized section that Pooh wants.
[20:30:40] This is just one of the greatest skips on this thing.
[20:30:43] Oh, I love it.
[20:30:44] It's such a good, beautiful skip coming up.
[20:30:49] And not only that, it skips like a very long
[20:30:51] level so... Yeah I think
[20:30:53] we blatantly stole the skip
[20:30:55] coming up in the second half of this section from
[20:30:57] the TAS.
[20:31:00] You know what annoyed me too is my chat
[20:31:02] was like, I bet you could just
[20:31:04] run it burn that shell back up there. Of course yeah
[20:31:06] And i was like no chat you can't
[20:31:08] and then it Anyway No, chat. You can't.
[20:31:11] Anyway...
[20:31:15] So these sequence of blocks there are obviously on a different timer. There's like a bunch of different kinds of blocks here
[20:31:17] on and off here.
[20:31:21] That was nice, dude!
[20:31:25] The second half of the section
[20:31:27] is a little different. Whenever you hit the switch
[20:31:29] the blocks are active for a certain amount of time.
[20:31:32] We're not going to be seeing too much
[20:31:33] at this section though because people discovered
[20:31:35] a way to kind of skip
[20:31:37] a significant amount of it
[20:31:39] and I'm still mad about it.
[20:31:41] Yeah, you're supposed to do this really big large loop
[20:31:43] when you come back to the beginning
[20:31:46] but instead we are going to use this shell
[20:31:51] So what happened there is that we threw the shell in a mess Oh!
[20:31:52] So what happened there is we threw the shell and it fell back down on
[20:31:55] the switch. Yeah. And activated it.
[20:31:58] That's a lot harder to learn than... It looks like, oh that was so simple
[20:32:01] but it's a lot harder to learn and figure that out.
[20:32:03] I think that was taken from the TAS wasn't it? Oh yeah.
[20:32:08] That was one of the few things we saw from the TAS where we were like
[20:32:11] We could do this. We got this.
[20:32:16] So these resiners can only be damaged
[20:32:17] by a throw block
[20:32:18] and you also have to
[20:32:20] when you...
[20:32:20] Oh, that was
[20:32:20] a really solid ball.
[20:32:22] That was nice.
[20:32:37] Jesus Christ! We're cruising. Yeah, we are cruising all right next level i'll die some for you next level no all right we gotta take off
[20:32:45] boom right where we need to be never seen such optimized overworld movement in a heck.
[20:32:51] So this is, uh... This level is one of the series levels I made in the game where I kind of revisited a level design or like an idea
[20:32:54] I had from an older game.
[20:32:57] This is, like, the first level of Grand Pool World 1
[20:32:59] and since I think this is, like, the last ROM
[20:33:01] hack I'm gonna make...
[20:33:03] I thought it'd be kind of cool to, like,
[20:33:05] revisit some of these ideas. This is kind
[20:33:08] of a shout-out to the first level of Grand Portal 1,
[20:33:10] but significantly more difficult,
[20:33:11] obviously.
[20:33:14] Oh, that was a pretty hard level back there.
[20:33:16] Yeah, that was a tough i'm pretty sure it's still tough it's still tough
[20:33:23] i've watched laser pick this back up level one still pretty tough
[20:33:34] point you're just sailing through the
[20:33:38] price dude You're just sailing through the fence. Jesus Christ, dude!
[20:33:40] So this level was a Grand Poor Old One throwback
[20:33:43] but that is not the only throwback in this level.
[20:33:47] You may potentially recognize our old friend, Charles
[20:33:50] from Grand Portal 2.
[20:33:54] So this version of the Chuck is obviously comes
[20:33:57] from the Grand Portal 2 Chuck boss fight
[20:33:59] but this Chuck has
[20:34:01] some changes and some new
[20:34:03] attacks. Now the question is are we actually
[20:34:05] going to get a chance to see it?
[20:34:07] That's what I was about to say, dude.
[20:34:10] So he can summon clones of himself to attack you.
[20:34:13] Uh-oh.
[20:34:15] Oh, it's going to be tough.
[20:34:17] No!
[20:34:19] I knew.
[20:34:20] I was like...
[20:34:21] But the fish was coming.
[20:34:21] I had to try and get him.
[20:34:23] There's your death poo.
[20:34:26] So the baseballs are the same as they were in Grand
[20:34:28] World 1.
[20:34:29] They just sail off the screen.
[20:34:30] The tennis balls bounce off the wall and try to hit you from there, so
[20:34:33] they're a little bit different in this one.
[20:34:38] Does he always throw baseballs
[20:34:39] with that pattern? Uh, no.
[20:34:41] I think it's RNG.
[20:34:43] All right.
[20:34:45] I don't know if you were...
[20:34:49] That attack is like... I swear that's the only attack
[20:34:50] I just don't know how to handle.
[20:34:52] Well, when it's two footballs and a rock?
[20:34:53] Yeah, when it's mixed either way.
[20:34:55] When it's mixed, yeah.
[20:34:56] This bike can very quickly get out of your hands.
[20:34:59] It's very tough.
[20:35:00] I don't mind two rocks in the football but two footballs
[20:35:03] on a rock, I don't mind two rocks and a football. But if there are two footballs in a rock,
[20:35:05] I don't like it.
[20:35:09] There's the tennis balls.
[20:35:13] We're staying safe over here.
[20:35:18] Gah, every time? Oh no!
[20:35:19] There we go.
[20:35:20] Nice.
[20:35:22] Some of his attacks are RNG so you never quite sure exactly what he's going to do.
[20:35:25] Kind of some brute force there using the mushroom
[20:35:27] to make sure he dies, which is kind of a smart play.
[20:35:32] No!
[20:35:34] So we got to hit him twice right here or he is going
[20:35:37] to go...
[20:35:41] In Grand Portal 2, the chuck chases
[20:35:43] you and explodes.
[20:35:45] In Grand Portal 3, he runs away and unless you kill him, the screen goes white
[20:35:48] it's like a nuclear explosion when you die. So you have to kill him in Grand
[20:35:52] Portal 3. Alright we're gonna grab two quick free exits so this is definitely
[20:35:56] a good time for donuts. Alright. Hey, I should have shouted
[20:35:58] this out a long time ago, but thank you gamers
[20:36:00] for helping to raise 1.3 million
[20:36:02] dollars from NSF.
[20:36:06] Donations are
[20:36:06] still pouring in. Your generosity is so appreciated.
[20:36:11] AshleyFL donates $25. They say, Mouse you're killing it!
[20:36:15] So proud of you tonight. We're all cheering you on in Discord.
[20:36:18] Also hi to Barb and Poo, have fun guys!
[20:36:20] So fun cheering you on.
[20:36:22] Mouse, go mouse go!
[20:36:26] Nice. Thank you.
[20:36:30] This next one is a little confusing, $25 from Trogdor576.
[20:36:35] They say I have been waiting all week to watch Grand Pooh Bear play
[20:36:38] Mighty Mouse World 3 withb on the couch i mean
[20:36:42] mighty mouse playing barb king world three with poo on the couch that sounds
[20:36:46] right yeah yeah nothing wrong there I don't think.
[20:36:54] Thank you to Sans Serif for donating $25.
[20:36:54] They say,
[20:36:58] Yeah, shout out to the vibes!
[20:36:59] The vibes.
[20:37:04] The vibes. The vibes. $25 from Terrorfecta, they say this is a poem for our host who said he'd like poetry most you You prefer a haiku, but well
[20:37:13] from me to you, limericks are just more fun
[20:37:15] to post." Thank you and they say here's
[20:37:17] the hit of 1.3 million
[20:37:19] So I've never played
[20:37:21] it, but there is a game called Shinobi 3 and I was kind of inspired by a level from Shinobi 3 where you ride a horse
[20:37:27] And there is like platforming and stuff. Well Yoshi is kind of a horse right? We can make a level like that
[20:37:32] Don't start that discourse again.
[20:37:35] Apparently people have heated opinions
[20:37:37] on it. What, if Yoshi's
[20:37:38] a horse? Yeah. It's a
[20:37:40] heated discussion.
[20:37:42] So these blocks you can see are changing Yoshi's color.
[20:37:45] And as you know, in Super Mario World, depending on Yoshi's color changes his ability.
[20:37:49] So here he can fly but then when he goes through there he loses that ability.
[20:37:52] He's not not a horse.
[20:37:58] He has horse-like attributes he does i like to think of him as a doggo but i know that's probably wrong oh i definitely want to think of him as that.
[20:38:13] So this is a required midair shell jump. Oh, first try easy!
[20:38:15] First try midair he's a god
[20:38:17] look at this guy
[20:38:18] oh you know what
[20:38:21] there actually is a yump in this game right
[20:38:23] oh yeah
[20:38:24] required yump
[20:38:26] if I nail the yump. You're right, you're right.
[20:38:27] If I nail the yump first try,
[20:38:29] I want to see
[20:38:29] a $5 dono train.
[20:38:31] It is tough, it's tough,
[20:38:33] I'll admit.
[20:38:34] The Yoshi Yump,
[20:38:35] I mean so...
[20:38:36] Oh, Yoshi Yump
[20:38:37] has even worked. You can't use both buttons with a Yoshi Yump, I mean so. Oh Yoshi Yump is even worse. You can't use both buttons with a Yoshi
[20:38:39] Yump you ditch Yoshi. True yeah. I want all those five dollars to go towards killing the animals too
[20:38:44] just saying it's currently winning let's go! I mean, we are gonna kill some Yoshis for you.
[20:38:49] That's fair, yeah.
[20:38:51] So, you might notice that this Yoshi looks really weird
[20:38:55] This Yoshi kinda moves more like the frog from Donkey Kong Country
[20:39:00] Isn't it Winky is his name? So he doesn't really, uh...
[20:39:02] He actually just bounces whenever he jumps.
[20:39:04] Here it is!
[20:39:06] Wow!
[20:39:10] When have you ever seen such a gamer with such skill?
[20:39:16] Dude, the way chat was popping off when I first first playing that level.
[20:39:21] They're like, every time!
[20:39:27] This is another different Yoshi. This one has a horn and shoots fire from his mouth
[20:39:31] And in this set you have to use that fire
[20:39:33] to advance. And also throw away Yoshi
[20:39:35] once you're done with him as you do
[20:39:37] with all Yoshis.
[20:39:39] Disposable tool? Exactly!
[20:39:41] Tools not jewels.
[20:39:48] This section you actually have to hit yourself with Yoshi's fire
[20:39:51] To send Yoshi flying through. I like this part.
[20:39:57] When Yoshi's in walls, he just shoots up, by the way.
[20:39:59] That's what happened right there.
[20:40:01] Super Mario World is a bit of a jank game.
[20:40:03] A jank.
[20:40:04] There's a Kaizo block right there too.
[20:40:06] There's three Kaizoblocks there.
[20:40:08] If you land early and you try
[20:40:10] to jump out of the way of that fireball
[20:40:11] there's three Kaizob blocks waiting. Yeah they're really
[20:40:14] hilarious
[20:40:15] You can see like either path he took
[20:40:20] led him to that level so they're actually
[20:40:22] built in options as to what you want to play in the game
[20:40:25] so for the any percent route that means that you can like
[20:40:28] Optimize and choose which levels you want to play now for all exits. You're gonna play everything anyway, so
[20:40:33] But we still had to optimize the route because we still got to get around all that you
[20:40:37] know and it's um basically like it kind of if you looked you start in the middle you go up left come
[20:40:42] down right then you end up back in the middle once it's all said and done
[20:40:46] because there is a super secret hidden level over on the left.
[20:40:52] There's a whole bunch of stuff going on.
[20:40:54] This game was super fun when it first came out,
[20:40:57] It was so much fun!
[20:40:59] So this is another level that
[20:41:01] was something I did in Grand Pool 2
[20:41:03] Now its not really a water level
[20:41:05] Its more like the Mega Man Sho shovel knight style really floaty jumps in the
[20:41:09] water and i made a level on grand pro 2. i didn't do too much with it i kind of was
[20:41:13] like i bet i can revisit that and like do a lot more that was a great first drive button that was awesome
[20:41:20] so i utilized the same physics and decided to uh revisit and make a whole new level with it
[20:41:24] and this is one of my favorite levels in the game. I love playing this one.
[20:41:30] Uh, this Fugu cannot be killed. He cannot be bargained with or reasoned with.
[20:41:36] All you can do is avoid him or use him
[20:41:42] and he's annoying right here oh he's annoying right there oh he's on you yeah he's
[20:41:49] nice that was like that was really good Yeah, he's nice.
[20:41:51] That was really good.
[20:41:58] I do take an intentional death here because there is going to be fish swimming by and that fixes their position.
[20:42:01] So the fish positioned, they're actually
[20:42:03] reskinned eeries that are flying in
[20:42:05] You can see that the crab is not only throwing
[20:42:07] rocks he's also spewing like fireballs
[20:42:09] periodically. The hitbox on those is wild they are nasty yeah you got
[20:42:15] you have to stay way out of their way yeah the fireballs are the real danger here
[20:42:22] um and also you're trying to be as fast as
[20:42:24] you can and don't want to miss any of your ammo
[20:42:26] going on here.
[20:42:28] But also I was really
[20:42:30] happy to see this sprite finally used in rom hacks
[20:42:35] now mostly this this spread is associated with like bad rom hacks yeah
[20:42:39] exactly it's like ah that i could use it there we go oh no
[20:42:43] i didn't someone please get us some of that three-headed hydra from smb2 ones
[20:42:49] i see a lot of the flame guy oh yeah yeah you. Fry guy, right?
[20:42:53] This is not going to go...
[20:42:54] Yeah.
[20:42:56] This either we just nail it first try or it takes us a bit.
[20:43:00] Listen, crabs are the ultimate life form.
[20:43:02] I mean...
[20:43:07] What you gonna do? Alright, he's
[20:43:09] crustationing you
[20:43:11] like crush
[20:43:13] That was not bad.
[20:43:17] I'm timing myself out
[20:43:17] my own chat
[20:43:18] for ten minutes.
[20:43:20] Uh oh. uh-oh
[20:43:30] no also he takes a thousand hits is it like five might as well be a thousand
[20:43:43] oh i didn't even see that one this is just it's just a tricky fight.
[20:43:49] There we go.
[20:43:50] Well, it's nice
[20:43:51] if you're dying
[20:43:51] a little bit
[20:43:52] that way we're like
[20:43:52] oh yeah this game
[20:43:53] is hard
[20:43:53] right
[20:43:54] right
[20:43:54] You need to remind us Slaying it pretty hard You need a reminder.
[20:43:57] Slaying it pretty hard.
[20:43:59] You need a reminder every once in awhile.
[20:44:01] I've been kind of slaying it.
[20:44:05] Oh my god god those fires
[20:44:25] all right all right let's go There we go. Nice! All right, we can head out of here. Now we're going to go to the super secret level.
[20:44:41] There is no hint in the game where
[20:44:43] this level is, for the record.
[20:44:45] Yeah, the thought process was that it'd be cool
[20:44:47] if maybe years down the road
[20:44:49] somebody would find this level and be like,
[20:44:51] what is this?
[20:44:52] But of course so many people playing it
[20:44:54] and searching everywhere.
[20:44:55] I think people went systematically every tile
[20:44:57] to try to find this though.
[20:44:59] Yeah.
[20:44:59] The classic RPG overworld,
[20:45:03] just like something hidden in the middle of nowhere trope? I think if you wouldn't have attached the bridge to this level...
[20:45:08] It might've stayed hidden for a while actually.
[20:45:10] Yeah maybe.
[20:45:14] So this is the uh same time stop mechanic from grand pool 2 where each time you hit the the clock block there
[20:45:20] that you will freeze whatever sprites you hit so like this throw block gets paused the shell
[20:45:25] is getting paused and uh you have to navigate the obstacles by doing that oh that's cute.
[20:45:38] This level was a ton of fun to make.
[20:45:40] I love this level.
[20:45:46] These right here were the up throws that I thought were so cool.
[20:45:51] So a ki is actually a sprite, just like a goomba or shell or anything
[20:45:53] So when you kick it up and hit the block
[20:45:56] It will store that movement going up.
[20:45:58] So you have to periodically ride the key up through these invisible blocks
[20:45:59] just so you can make it
[20:46:00] and it was a ton of fun
[20:46:02] to mess around with this.
[20:46:03] I gotta say like
[20:46:03] that was one of those moves
[20:46:05] that as soon as it happened
[20:46:06] I just popped off
[20:46:08] Oh that's so cool
[20:46:20] Got a tough pipe entry here. Nice.
[20:46:25] And when it's a cool section section you need to make three sections
[20:46:29] i think i just made this section that was like i'm having fun let's
[20:46:31] just make another section with her why not
[20:46:36] oof stop this is The way the key moved right there was pretty funny.
[20:46:41] Oh, wow!
[20:46:43] That's so hard!
[20:46:46] He's just showing off.
[20:46:49] That is so hard.
[20:46:51] We skipped a time freeze by going faster than you normally would.
[20:46:55] Yeah that was actually legitimately like a seven second skip right there.
[20:46:58] It was important. that was actually legitimately like a seven second skip right there
[20:46:59] it was important he's gonna have to do oh nice oh we're good
[20:47:07] oh that just annoyed me.
[20:47:10] We don't need that in the closet. I haven't seen that one before!
[20:47:14] Oh, I hadn't seen that one before.
[20:47:16] How'd you miss that one dude?
[20:47:18] That's what you wanted to tell you that.
[20:47:22] This boss is a little wacky.
[20:47:27] This boss is just for fun man.
[20:47:28] Yeah this is literally just for fun.
[20:47:30] That was really solid.
[20:47:31] There we go.
[20:47:33] I just thought it was funny to see the resume going so fast.
[20:47:39] Listen not everything has to be serious. It's okay.
[20:47:41] Exactly! Right.
[20:47:44] I think you...I don't know, you still have to do the left side right there, right?
[20:47:46] Yeah, Luigi level is up next.
[20:47:48] That's right, Luigi.
[20:47:49] Oh wait before we do, yeah.
[20:47:53] We have to change temporarily chat to the
[20:47:55] Mario sprite
[20:47:56] because this is the Luigi
[20:47:59] level and
[20:48:01] he only shows up if you go in as Mario.
[20:48:04] As you can see, there was a large collection of sprites
[20:48:08] in there... All the important ones
[20:48:12] are functional though, so...
[20:48:17] So I made a Luigi level in Grand Forl 2 but there was really
[20:48:20] Luigi was just exactly like Mario and I thought well
[20:48:23] what if I made like a level themed just
[20:48:26] around luigi's jump mechanics in this one so luigi is i think he's really fun to control he has
[20:48:31] like the craziest re-grabs you would ever see. He's also incredibly slidey,
[20:48:36] there is some unintended
[20:48:38] speed stuff you can do with Luigi
[20:48:40] also so... Yes!
[20:48:42] He is on rollerblades in this for sure
[20:48:44] Only backwards though You like gogo gadget you know like inspector
[20:48:47] gadgets is really old i'm making really dating myself here no i don't i'm a young kid okay yeah
[20:48:52] i know the three of us all know this one all right um but he would always like have his little rocket roller
[20:48:59] skates and they'd always go backwards luigi's got those too i'm ruining oh No, he does!
[20:49:08] We call him the zoomies in this.
[20:49:10] You'll see the...
[20:49:12] The first time we do it is right here.
[20:49:16] Go a little bit faster.
[20:49:30] You really rizzed through that pipe there.
[20:49:32] Rizzed through that pipe right there. Please stop.
[20:49:34] You're physically painting me over here.
[20:49:40] Why don't you go back to Ohio, okay?
[20:49:45] This level is
[20:49:46] the bane of the existence of many
[20:49:48] a casual player. Okay, here's the thing about this level
[20:49:50] you have this really hard
[20:49:52] and then you have a boss fight
[20:49:54] but there is no checkpoint before
[20:49:56] the boss fight
[20:49:58] And it's not necessarily the hardest boss fight but it is not easy
[20:50:02] and it is so annoying i feel like 30 years from now somebody's going to find
[20:50:07] me and be like why didn't you know what why did she put a checkpoint in the boss fight?
[20:50:16] Cursing your name playing this for the first time.
[20:50:22] What's funny is I just struggle with the level proper more than I do the boss fight nowadays.
[20:50:24] I say that knowing full well,
[20:50:25] I just jinxed myself.
[20:50:28] Probably. Dude, it's a hard boss fight, man.
[20:50:30] It's a panicky boss fight is what see if i had the if i put a checkpoint you
[20:50:36] wouldn't panic see that's fair right you'd be like oh i can just try this a million times
[20:50:41] it wouldn't be as bad as it is if you put a midway?
[20:50:44] Is that what you said?
[20:50:45] We would have two or three shot at any one.
[20:50:47] You'd have to have something at stake.
[20:50:49] You're absolutely right, yeah. It's like in Dark Souls, you know?
[20:50:57] When you have the...
[20:50:58] In Elden Ring, you got the graces right outside.
[20:51:00] You just walk back in there but in DS1,
[20:51:03] you might be sitting there for a while
[20:51:06] there's the uh rocket coming up on the boss fight here.
[20:51:24] I believe MrMightymouse has some manipulations for the boss fight here i believe mr mighty mouse has some
[20:51:26] manipulations for this boss fight we do yeah
[20:51:32] oh that's scary.
[20:51:37] So this Magikoopa takes repeated hits, oh that was really scary.
[20:51:45] It was...
[20:51:50] No, I needed that shell.
[20:51:52] So Magikoopa's magic is
[20:51:54] it works very strange. He can spawn a number of
[20:51:56] different things. There you go, nice job!
[20:51:58] So if you die in that fight,
[20:52:00] you're back to the beginning of the very long section.
[20:52:04] The first time it hit people on their blind playthrough they were like
[20:52:06] He didn't.
[20:52:09] What kind of jerk made this?
[20:52:12] So now we're going
[20:52:13] back to the level we first started
[20:52:15] with when we got the airship and we're gonna do
[20:52:17] the secret exit.
[20:52:19] I guess you should
[20:52:20] change back to Barb.
[20:52:21] No, I can do it now. We got time.
[20:52:24] Why don't you play as
[20:52:26] maybe me?
[20:52:27] Listen, I'll play as you later.
[20:52:30] I'll fix it someday.
[20:52:32] Actually, I don't want to. If anything,
[20:52:34] I want you to make it harder.
[20:52:36] So this level...
[20:52:38] We were here earlier when we got the exit with the pipes.
[20:52:41] But you can actually go to the left side.
[20:52:43] You can go to a completely different level.
[20:52:44] So you actually have a choice as a player
[20:52:46] which one you would want to do.
[20:52:49] This has those little mini warp pipes again,
[20:52:52] and they're just so cool.
[20:52:55] Yeah,
[20:52:55] they're super fun to play with.
[20:52:57] They really are.
[20:52:59] Yeah,
[20:53:00] ROM hackers like feel free to just throw one of these levels.
[20:53:03] Oh yeah.
[20:53:04] I feel like this should be as standard as Ultra Starves and Hacks from now on.
[20:53:11] So in this side of the level, the water is toxic.
[20:53:14] He has to get out of the water periodically
[20:53:16] to get his breath back and be able
[20:53:18] to continue throughout the level.
[20:53:20] I love this part.
[20:53:22] Uh...I've never seen that.
[20:53:26] Yeah.
[20:53:28] I have not seen that before. That was slick!
[20:53:32] You're supposed to take that first pipe all the way down there and throw it down and jump to the other one,
[20:53:37] and we just skip all of that. We don't need to be doing that nonsense.
[20:53:41] Yeah, that one's real cool.
[20:53:45] So we gotta go all the way down here now to get another P-Switch because there is an entire wall of invisible blocks there.
[20:53:51] So I have to swim back up and avoid all these.
[20:54:02] That's a nice time too.
[20:54:04] Yeah, that was some optimization. That was a nice time too. Yeah, that was some optimization.
[20:54:06] That was a pretty little optimization right there.
[20:54:08] I enjoyed that one.
[20:54:10] Yeah, I enjoyed that one a lot.
[20:54:12] It was also hitting the brick
[20:54:14] right there. I was like, oh, I'm so stupid.
[20:54:22] Time for
[20:54:23] The Coastal Elites.
[20:54:28] This is another
[20:54:29] sprite people think
[20:54:30] is cursed on
[20:54:31] Super Mario World
[20:54:32] Central, these
[20:54:32] fling blocks.
[20:54:33] I think these
[20:54:34] blocks are amazing.
[20:54:35] I love these
[20:54:35] blocks.
[20:54:36] I don't mind
[20:54:36] them.
[20:54:37] So whenever you jump on the yellow blocks they turn blue
[20:54:40] and you can no longer jump on them unless you hit the ground.
[20:54:43] The red ones will fling sprites up so you can see that
[20:54:46] the sprites are being bounced up periodically.
[20:54:48] You can fall through them if you try to jump on them there.
[20:54:54] That little rotation is harder than it looks.
[20:55:00] Can't stress this enough, everything in
[20:55:02] this game is harder than it looks.
[20:55:03] He has to take a dip right there if he wanted to get
[20:55:06] that checkpoint. Yeah you can continue
[20:55:08] the level without getting the checkpoint there.
[20:55:09] But it's probably nice in a marathon to have a little safety and not try to YOLO.
[20:55:13] Saves like three seconds. Sorry, I'm just in awe right now.
[20:55:28] You've been slaying, dude.
[20:55:29] Yeah, you're doing great.
[20:55:32] There we go!
[20:55:35] That's another troll that got most people on their first playthrough.
[20:55:39] So the Disco Shell can hit the fling blocks there as you're walking
[20:55:42] after you grab the orb and it will kill you.
[20:55:46] Really, that's your fault.
[20:55:48] It was obvious.
[20:55:49] It's the player's fault.
[20:55:51] Because you think it's the one behind you, right?
[20:55:53] So you kill the one behind and you're like oh I gotcha
[20:55:55] I buggered that one out
[20:55:57] And then the one just comes
[20:55:59] flinging at ya all of a sudden
[20:56:05] I love this sprite stacking so much uh this level's themed around the sprite stacking with bats
[20:56:08] all different weird things you can do with sprites on bats like bean bat
[20:56:12] yeah bean bat.
[20:56:16] Shell bat?
[20:56:16] Shell bat, yeah.
[20:56:18] There really is one of the best ASMs
[20:56:20] any combination you make
[20:56:22] is awesome and fun, I swear.
[20:56:26] I don't think I've played a bad level that used this.
[20:56:28] I think again it was D to the 4th that made this tool.
[20:56:31] I was about to say I feel like every level I ever play
[20:56:34] is pretty bangin' with stacks.
[20:56:36] Yeah, exactly.
[20:56:38] Now would be a good time for some donuts, I think.
[20:56:40] Yeah absolutely! Let's see...
[20:56:42] Oh yeah we got a Yump Train goin'!
[20:56:44] From Gabnon, $5 things.
[20:56:46] $5 yump train, let's go!
[20:56:49] We have
[20:56:50] from
[20:56:52] Lexological, they
[20:56:54] donate $5 and say, Yumping on this train.
[20:56:57] I don't normally donate to kill the animals,
[20:56:59] but well, the people on TV told me to.
[20:57:01] That was easy.
[20:57:03] Banjo Apocalypse donates $5
[20:57:05] and says, Sick yump!
[20:57:07] I love this last move right here. Apocalypse donates $5 and says, sick yump.
[20:57:09] I love this last move right here. It took me a while to just figure out
[20:57:11] but I love that little grab how it moves everything up.
[20:57:16] One final jump here you have the drop Yoshi to eat all five bats and then jump off.
[20:57:19] Everyone's favorite, pencil bat.
[20:57:24] I don't know why people love pencil bats so much.
[20:57:26] I don't know. It love pencil bat so much. I don't know.
[20:57:29] It was sea mine for grand pool world 2,
[20:57:31] it's pencil bat for grand pool world 3.
[20:57:33] That's funny and then chat was like
[20:57:35] Don't take it out!
[20:57:37] I don't know why.
[20:57:39] Alright, do you all want to explain the next level we're going to?
[20:57:41] Because it's The Tower.
[20:57:43] So we are going to a level called The Tower of Fate.
[20:57:46] Wait! You do that next?
[20:57:48] We're done with all these levels?
[20:57:49] Yeah, he's done everything. But what about... Wait, you do that next? We're done with all these levels.
[20:57:50] Yeah, I think he's done everything.
[20:57:51] Yeah, but what about...
[20:57:54] There's nothing left to do.
[20:57:55] He has to go there now.
[20:57:56] Wait, you go there before...
[20:57:59] Never mind. I'm losing it. Sorry.
[20:58:01] So this level is a random level so you don't know
[20:58:05] which rooms you're going to get inside the level. There's 81
[20:58:09] potential rooms in the level. I made 81 individual rooms and
[20:58:13] The spread you can get a minimum of eight or maximum of 20
[20:58:17] So you really don't know it led to some people being very confused and angry on their first
[20:58:25] because they're like wait why did i win on that attempt why did i lose on that attempt
[20:58:29] so what uh mighty mouse is doing right now is an optimization to basically pick the eight rooms.
[20:58:35] So if you look up in that timer,
[20:58:37] right there,
[20:58:37] if you enter the door on a specific pixel
[20:58:40] when the timer hits a specific time
[20:58:42] you will get a certain specific set of rooms because there's no true rng
[20:58:46] on a super nintendo machine like we have to do it by pixels and frames so if you find the
[20:58:50] right pixel find the right frame you You can get what rooms you want.
[20:58:55] There's a counter in the top left that tells
[20:58:56] how many rooms you've done.
[20:58:59] So he's up to five rooms now.
[20:59:02] Also there is something called hard mode
[20:59:06] and that's why he's able to change his sprite so to unlock the different characters you play as in the game you have to do
[20:59:11] all 81 rooms consecutively also it's a little jank so sometimes
[20:59:15] it ends up being like 90 something rooms.
[20:59:18] Yeah, occasionally
[20:59:19] for whatever reason
[20:59:21] the room counter will just
[20:59:23] restart. Like it just goes from like
[20:59:26] 70 to 1 and if you've
[20:59:28] beaten it all, it's happened to you. Guaranteed it's
[20:59:30] happened to you. We've all gone through
[20:59:32] it so everyone's had to suffer the same.
[20:59:35] Funny enough, never hit me.
[20:59:37] Oh, screw you.
[20:59:39] But I also went from a PB of 41 rooms
[20:59:41] to just feeding it.
[20:59:42] Y'all saw Waka earlier, right?
[20:59:44] Y'all saw the Waka gaming earlier?
[20:59:46] We're about to show you some real rhythm gaming
[20:59:50] so you always want to do something different with boss fights and
[20:59:53] with this one i want to do something really different
[20:59:59] you guys can't see it, but Mr. Mighty Mouse
[21:00:01] actually has a DDR pad up here
[21:00:02] he's actually dancing on.
[21:00:06] He's stomping
[21:00:07] on it lightly. So this was I'm going to go with the D.D.R. God, because he's
[21:00:09] really good at this game.
[21:00:11] He's stomping on it
[21:00:13] lightly.
[21:00:15] So this would not exist
[21:00:17] without D.D.R. The Fourth. She is just amazingly talented He's also apparently a DDR god. I played this and I could not beat it at all, it was so hard.
[21:00:23] It's like please make it a little easier.
[21:00:26] It's also slightly offbeat on some of them, which is kind of funny.
[21:00:32] It's really great. Oh yeah, this was all visual for me. I try and do it by
[21:00:34] sound.
[21:00:37] So just pure D-pad or you
[21:00:38] can also use X, A, Y and B just in case
[21:00:40] you had a bad D-pad.
[21:00:41] So we were pretty considerate on that one.
[21:00:44] Oh see I used left down
[21:00:46] and then XA.
[21:00:47] Oh really?
[21:00:48] Yes.
[21:00:50] I found that's easier.
[21:00:53] I thought about making a secret level if you got all perfects.
[21:00:56] But I can't do that.
[21:00:57] So I was like, ah, it's not going to work.
[21:01:00] That's funny because We talked about that
[21:01:03] I wonder if you got all perfect
[21:01:06] See, I thought it would be cool
[21:01:08] If it ended faster
[21:01:10] Based on how well you did.
[21:01:14] We had to fill up the meter.
[21:01:15] Yeah, or it was like a health bar and you took him down.
[21:01:19] Alright, we are in
[21:01:20] the final area of the game.
[21:01:22] Luckily there's nothing that
[21:01:24] hard left. Oh god.
[21:01:27] So you might recognize that overworld?
[21:01:28] That's actually the Grand Pool 2 starting
[21:01:30] island, except now it's like
[21:01:32] in lava and stuff. It's like a story, I don't know. Yeah, it's like in lava and stuff.
[21:01:34] It's like a story, I don't know.
[21:01:35] Yeah, the old Doom of Valeria happened.
[21:01:38] Exactly, exactly.
[21:01:39] Well what's fun is that Barb claims there's no lore
[21:01:42] in these games but I definitely have headcanon
[21:01:45] that I haven't created.
[21:01:47] Like even with the trailer
[21:01:49] that he put out for this game where Mario's like
[21:01:51] all grizzled and
[21:01:53] hasn't shaved in a while, so I feel like there's
[21:01:56] a big time gap between two and three. Lore wise?
[21:02:00] Nooooo! Deepad betrayed me. So this level
[21:02:04] you'll see that he starts with the Goomba, when he throws it on the death block there
[21:02:06] It turns into a ghost and then it will reverse back and forward
[21:02:10] And so the sprites are like coming back to life and then back to death over and over
[21:02:14] The skull kills and the unk brings you back exactly
[21:02:21] just like real life Honestly, the kindest death going to continue in the second half.
[21:02:41] Continues until Moriah agrees.
[21:02:44] You guys know that's what happens to them when they turn into lava?
[21:02:47] In fact, that's how they build all the castles in The Mushroom Kingdom.
[21:02:50] That's where they get the bricks from.
[21:02:55] I wanna know why y'all are getting mad at me about it!
[21:02:57] I didn't do it, I'm not the the princess that's a nice little time save there
[21:03:01] it's a bit easier oh that was close here we go i really like this part visually,
[21:03:10] like Yoshi literally turns to a skeleton right there.
[21:03:15] We're a kill the animals stream for sure.
[21:03:18] I was just about to say Sadly sadly Save the Animals is currently still winning.
[21:03:25] Oh see, I think you kill the Yoshis and save the animals at GDQ.
[21:03:29] The most confused crowd ever.
[21:03:33] Yoshi's not an animal, he is a tool.
[21:03:37] He's a tool!
[21:03:44] Yoshi doesn't cuddle you at night.
[21:03:48] He eats your stuff out of your fridge, that's what he's doing.
[21:03:54] So it was just the 4th of July and I don't know if guys know this, but Mario is a strong proponent of the Second Amendment.
[21:03:55] America!
[21:03:58] Can we get a USA chant going on?
[21:04:01] USA!
[21:04:02] USA! USA!
[21:04:06] I love it every time.
[21:04:10] So, I found this sprite in the waiting section
[21:04:12] on Super Mario World Central and was like why is there a section on Super Mario World Central, and I was like,
[21:04:14] why is there a gun in Super Mario World?
[21:04:17] And I was like, I bet I can make a level with
[21:04:18] this.
[21:04:23] The correct answer is is why not?
[21:04:25] Exactly. You know why you can because of freedom.
[21:04:30] So you have to use the gun periodically
[21:04:32] to hit on off switches or or to get super momentum.
[21:04:36] Here you're using it right here
[21:04:37] to get tiny little jumps
[21:04:38] to avoid the disco shell.
[21:04:44] This is just a really fun level to make.
[21:04:46] Yeah, fun level to play too.
[21:04:50] There's a nasty Geyser Block there too.
[21:04:54] How is it nasty? It gives you a one-up.
[21:05:02] You can actually, um...
[21:05:05] If you jump and shoot up off that spring
[21:05:09] you could actually shoot yourself with the bullet bill too oh wow yeah
[21:05:15] sometimes when i came across this friend i was like is this jank and it's like yeah, this is jank. And I was like, ah, put it in anyway why not?
[21:05:20] Seems good.
[21:05:23] Really liked the helicopter shooting
[21:05:25] and still going through.
[21:05:26] This part's very difficult.
[21:05:28] Nice.
[21:05:30] Oh!
[21:05:32] He was shooting a blank there for a second.
[21:05:35] And he just gets rid of his weapon.
[21:05:37] There you go.
[21:05:38] You got to drop it off, No one in here has no evidence
[21:05:41] Yeah, throw away. Yeah, throw it away
[21:05:43] Put it in the bin
[21:05:48] All right we're now gonna walk back to the ghost house
[21:05:50] to do a secret exit.
[21:05:58] There's a lot of secret exits in the game.
[21:06:01] I think this next secret exit is probably one of my favorite things
[21:06:03] I've made in the entire game.
[21:06:05] I was going to say,
[21:06:06] I think this is the one that definitely gets people
[21:06:08] to pop off the most as far as...
[21:06:11] It also makes it impossible
[21:06:12] to do a deathless run, though.
[21:06:14] Sure.
[21:06:15] That's true.
[21:06:15] Yeah, technically.
[21:06:16] It's also the most relatable
[21:06:18] of the secret exits.
[21:06:21] You'll see why here when we get to
[21:06:23] the main part of it it's a pretty convoluted to find this
[21:06:26] secret and i don't really give too many hints about this one but
[21:06:30] people figured it out anyway. That's fine.
[21:06:34] It was one of those ones where
[21:06:36] I felt like there was only
[21:06:38] one way to do it, right?
[21:06:41] So we're bringing Yoshi
[21:06:42] all the way back here to sacrifice Yoshi.
[21:06:45] And there we go!
[21:06:49] Alright, so what's so special about this section?
[21:06:51] In this section I wanted to utilize Mario's death as a mechanic.
[21:06:55] So you saw that he died to the disco shell?
[21:06:58] Or right here he is dying to spikes and then Mario is revived through
[21:07:01] the power of Satan and comes back.
[21:07:08] I don't think the unk is...
[21:07:10] It's upside down.
[21:07:12] Oh, okay.
[21:07:13] Well yeah, that makes sense then.
[21:07:15] Oh! Well, yeah. That makes sense then.
[21:07:21] It was really fun to like how many ways can I utilize Mario's deaths as a level design mechanic?
[21:07:24] Like I said, relatable levels. design mechanic like i said relatable level so here he has to crush himself with the coin block
[21:07:33] just missed it
[21:07:37] wasn't holding right missed it. Wasn't
[21:07:37] holding right.
[21:07:45] And he controls these coin blocks too.
[21:07:47] Yeah, yeah.
[21:07:48] If you never know those blocks are actually controlled by the player with
[21:07:50] the d-pad so it's very tricky.
[21:07:55] So when Mario dies he also holds a block as he dies too.
[21:07:58] So you can bring stuff with you post-death.
[21:08:02] Here he's gonna blow himself up.
[21:08:04] There is also a silly Kaizo block right there.
[21:08:13] It's a funny thing, when Mario dies, Yoshi's tongue still stays out? You can actually
[21:08:15] use that after Mario has died there too
[21:08:17] which is also fun to mess with.
[21:08:20] They didn't after Mario has died there too, which is also fun to mess with.
[21:08:24] In a level of reviving we still kill Yoshi Exactly
[21:08:28] This is the best one So Okay, so what's so hard about this
[21:08:31] is that every single Kaizo player in here
[21:08:34] doesn't miss shell jumps anymore
[21:08:36] because we've been trained to do them a million times.
[21:08:38] But here you got to miss the shell jump.
[21:08:40] Yeah, you have to kill yourself with the shell.
[21:08:43] I feel like I made that when I was really mad at playing so many shell hacks.
[21:08:46] I was like, you know what?
[21:08:47] I'm going to enter the door. actually pauses time which means you can actually catch up with the platforms and use them to uh
[21:09:03] enter the door we're actually coming up the next level is probably going to be the hardest
[21:09:07] level in the entire game oh yeah no no no probably about it definitely It definitely is.
[21:09:13] If not the level,
[21:09:14] then boss.
[21:09:18] Oh, I think you got
[21:09:19] that in there.
[21:09:25] It's actually really hard to get that left key It is, it's finicky yeah
[21:09:27] If you notice he had to jump in the air
[21:09:29] just to get that little extra pixel over
[21:09:32] To the right of the gopher.
[21:09:35] So this was the last of, like,
[21:09:37] shout-out levels I made. The first level
[21:09:38] of Grand Portal 2 is a level called Marathon, which
[21:09:40] features, like, a lot of these blocks and the same kind
[21:09:42] of pillars. Uh... i wanted to make this level
[21:09:45] like probably the heart i was trying to make something more difficult a little bit more
[21:09:49] challenging than the other ones and uh this level is a long level with a lot of nasty jumps.
[21:09:56] Yeah, he definitely succeeded!
[21:09:59] And... and a bitchin' soundtrack, respectfully.
[21:10:02] Yeah this is the uh- I'm a huge Hades fan
[21:10:04] This is the Hades soundtrack,
[21:10:05] and this was done by Composer who just did an amazing job with this.
[21:10:10] Shout out to Composer!
[21:10:12] And there's a lot of little things here
[21:10:13] and again you have to be not just a super mario world
[21:10:17] nerd but a grand poo world nerd you know what i mean at that point
[21:10:20] but there are like little spots here that are just blatantly ripped out of
[21:10:23] the first level um but like it's like down, you know what I mean?
[21:10:27] It's gone through the doom.
[21:10:30] This is very cool.
[21:10:32] If you've played Grand Pool World 2
[21:10:34] a bajillion times, you really appreciated that.
[21:10:39] Oh man. times you really appreciated that oh man i was sick all right this boss that was way harder than it looks by the way no
[21:10:46] one shot that dude speaking of things that are way harder than they look...
[21:10:50] All right, so
[21:10:50] you may recognize this.
[21:10:52] This is the boss
[21:10:52] from Grand Portal 2.
[21:10:53] It's the same Bowser.
[21:10:55] Now what I did with this Bowser
[21:10:56] is that I took all of his values
[21:10:58] and basically readjusted the fight to make it significantly harder.
[21:11:02] He has more health, he's way faster,
[21:11:05] His attacks are crazier
[21:11:07] Specifically the hammers are really brutal
[21:11:12] and i really can't emphasize the speed of this is really really hard because so often you're trying
[21:11:18] to throw like your bullets here adam and he's already throwing out his next attack or you're trying to throw like your bullets here at him and he's already throwing out his
[21:11:21] next attack or you're avoiding his previous attack and his next one's coming out so fast you know um Jesus Christ.
[21:11:35] No!
[21:11:39] No!
[21:11:42] That was so good.
[21:11:47] That's okay.
[21:11:49] It's hard to explain
[21:11:51] how hard this boss is.
[21:11:52] If you ever watch people do runs, they would regularly get here
[21:11:54] and then just lose like 10-20 minutes.
[21:11:56] Yeah.
[21:11:57] Just flat out.
[21:12:01] It's an RNG boss
[21:12:02] But I think this is one of the most fun things
[21:12:04] In the entire game
[21:12:05] I do love it
[21:12:06] It's a satisfying boss
[21:12:07] Yeah
[21:12:07] And it was weird too
[21:12:09] Because like
[21:12:10] The first time I played it
[21:12:11] I was like
[21:12:11] Oh, wasn't that bad?
[21:12:12] Cause like
[21:12:12] You know
[21:12:13] You had the experience
[21:12:14] but then like it never got easier oh yeah really i never felt like it got
[21:12:17] easier just like no that's how hard he is every single time
[21:12:22] oh that was a nice dodge.
[21:12:30] Oh my god!
[21:12:32] I had a lot of people mad at me when they were like, how do you even dodge these hammers?
[21:12:36] That's how. See? Just do that.
[21:12:40] Easy! Nooo the fire! Speaking of hammers...
[21:12:44] Noooo! Awwww! Speaking of hammers...
[21:12:48] He also has AI. Oh yeah, 100%
[21:12:52] I'm just saying my sprite would crush this one
[21:12:54] We can give you a try.
[21:12:57] We show y'all what Pooh's sprite looks like if I don't win here. Come on, I'm going to try something fancy. Nice.
[21:13:19] Whoa, whoa!
[21:13:20] He's just giving you hits.
[21:13:21] Oh, the greed.
[21:13:23] Not even greed.
[21:13:24] That shell was coming for me.
[21:13:25] So he'll throw – if he's already starting like a shell
[21:13:31] throw and then you make him change phases
[21:13:32] He'll do it twice because we'll do the last one
[21:13:35] And then he just repeats that same one start
[21:13:38] Yeah Let's go nice we're out that's an incredibly difficult boss
[21:13:48] just a couple tries is really,
[21:13:49] really awesome.
[21:13:50] That was great.
[21:13:51] Fight is wildly difficult.
[21:13:52] That was great.
[21:13:54] GG.
[21:13:55] I tell you right now my stress is lifted
[21:13:57] now that you're past that boss.
[21:13:59] I can only imagine how you were feeling dude i'm good i'm good yeah
[21:14:02] that that boss legit there's a reason like this run has so much time built into the
[21:14:08] estimate because you can just get to that boss and he can just stomp
[21:14:11] you forever. It's wild. I feel like now is a good time for an
[21:14:15] overly convoluted explanation of this puzzle.
[21:14:21] So, I don't know if you guys know, but I put a huge puzzle at the end of Grand Pool 2.
[21:14:25] And when I was making 3, I was like do I do the puzzle again?
[21:14:27] Yes!
[21:14:28] And I thought that if I do then people are are gonna be mad and like why did you do
[21:14:32] that? Why did you put another puzzle in? But if I didn't, people were like oh I
[21:14:35] wish she'd put a puzzle in. So either way
[21:14:38] I was damned if I did it, damned if I didn't.
[21:14:39] I would have been mad if you didn't put a puzzle in. Oh yeah.
[21:14:46] So there's math,
[21:14:48] You have to do some math
[21:14:50] To get these ones. That's not really important
[21:14:52] This part though, is more important.
[21:14:53] Goal!
[21:14:55] This part's more relevant so you remember that music we heard earlier?
[21:15:01] You heard Gangster's Paradise it's not Amish paradise
[21:15:03] you heard Gangsters's Paradise. It's not Amish paradise. You heard Gangster's Paradise, there's hot drinks
[21:15:05] There's
[21:15:07] the Chrono Trigger song? Is it the Chrono Trigger song?
[21:15:09] That doesn't have any words
[21:15:10] And then there is Rickroll
[21:15:12] and right here,
[21:15:15] you actually need to...
[21:15:17] Each one of those songs
[21:15:17] has like...
[21:15:18] Rickroll is never
[21:15:19] going to give you up
[21:15:20] or let you down.
[21:15:23] As I walk through
[21:15:24] the valley
[21:15:24] of the shadow of death
[21:15:25] and take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.
[21:15:27] Right? So you have to go through all these songs
[21:15:29] Hot drinks really get you going
[21:15:33] Fill you up
[21:15:35] Do you want to...
[21:15:37] Look at that little guy!
[21:15:45] What we just beat took players like 10, 15, 20 hours to do.
[21:15:51] That was fun. I had a really good time but it was...
[21:15:55] I'm so mad because I knew it was the songs and i kept like not i missed like an up
[21:16:00] in hot drinks the whole time but i'm just like i know those songs you know
[21:16:04] it's just pure content creation to watch streamers get mad at it.
[21:16:09] It was a good puzzle. So this is the final level, are you going to do the cape stuff?
[21:16:13] Oh yeah!
[21:16:16] We'll do cape.
[21:16:17] So if you do everything in the game,
[21:16:19] you can actually skip these sections
[21:16:21] but because Mighty Mouse is Giga Chat
[21:16:23] he's just gonna do it anyway.
[21:16:28] And it is kind of like... so it's kind of a meme.
[21:16:30] Kaizo players are bad at cape.
[21:16:32] It's not really a meme.
[21:16:34] It's just true.
[21:16:36] So Barb gave us an option to skip the cape.
[21:16:39] Not skip the cape.
[21:16:40] Not skip the puzzle, thankfully nerds.
[21:16:42] Yeah that one you can't skip.
[21:16:44] But he did give us options like I didn't know you had a white cape!
[21:16:47] I didn't know that either actually.
[21:16:49] Yeah. actually yeah
[21:16:57] now i'm curious what everyone's cape looks like actually i didn't know we all had different well i don't know what your cape looks
[21:16:58] like we'll never know mine looks like a bunch of garbled pixels.
[21:17:04] I love cape.
[21:17:05] Uh,
[21:17:06] I feel like I'd,
[21:17:06] I love to see more of it in hacks.
[21:17:08] I like to do as many interesting things with cape as I can when I'm at
[21:17:11] whatever I make a cape level.
[21:17:12] Cape is one of my favorite things to mess with.
[21:17:14] So this is the final level and it starts off
[21:17:17] with three cape sections that are pretty extreme,
[21:17:20] they're pretty tough.
[21:17:29] Do you get repeated spin flies here to clear the path?
[21:17:32] I think I got cape janked.
[21:17:33] That's a thing. It's also a thing, yeah. That's a thing.
[21:17:35] It's also a thing, yeah.
[21:17:36] It's also a thing.
[21:17:37] Getting 91 was when this game came out.
[21:17:39] Yeah.
[21:17:40] It's the game's fault.
[21:17:40] It's not my fault.
[21:17:46] So it's a layer, moving the spikes up.
[21:17:48] So you have to move through it a certain time over there.
[21:17:52] If you don't recognize this song,
[21:17:54] This is actually the Gwyn theme from dark souls and this is another
[21:17:56] another composer yeah i didn't recognize i didn't realize that
[21:18:04] i'm horrible video game music though.
[21:18:06] Can you res- no, you can't reset that.
[21:18:10] I think he actually... nah.
[21:18:14] Oh! you can?
[21:18:17] I don't think I've ever had to do it though.
[21:18:20] I know you can though.
[21:18:22] He was just trying to respawn that platform
[21:18:24] he needed.
[21:18:25] Yeah so you need to get P speed there to get spin flight twice as
[21:18:28] you go through uh you can jump and respawn those platforms it is kind of tricky because
[21:18:32] it's just it's hard to get the screen to move the way you want it to
[21:18:40] who would have thought composer could turn the Gwyn theme into something so good, right? The Gwyn theme was already good but man... Fly there, fly back left and fly back right again.
[21:18:54] This is a tricky sticky flight coming up here.
[21:18:56] Yeah, right here with that slow down under the pencil
[21:19:01] and then this turn
[21:19:05] nice he's not in the clear yet no midway yet
[21:19:10] there's the biggest H ever.
[21:19:17] Yeah it was so hard about that guy he couldn't't hit the wall. If you touched the wall,
[21:19:20] He wouldn't have the momentum to get back over to the other one.
[21:19:24] So but it's erroneous now because he's just going to one shot this.
[21:19:28] Oh yeah.
[21:19:29] Yeah.
[21:19:34] Nice. Nice job. shot this oh yeah yeah nice nice job
[21:19:39] this one yeah i feel like i haven't played very many cape sections that were going down so i tried to i drove let me try to make a cape six and it goes
[21:19:42] down so you have to maintain flight the entire time as you fly through here
[21:19:49] i think cape is one of those things where good cape players
[21:19:51] make it look effortless but
[21:19:52] it's so tough yeah like when i watch bk cape
[21:19:58] so you have to catch that key as it falls before it goes in the lava and get
[21:20:01] to fly through at just the right time.
[21:20:08] Sometimes you make something
[21:20:09] in a level that looks so cool,
[21:20:10] it's like I know
[21:20:11] I can't take this out.
[21:20:12] You can't take it out.
[21:20:12] Yeah.
[21:20:13] It has to stay.
[21:20:14] Even if it's a little difficult or janky whatever
[21:20:16] it's gotta stay you know?
[21:20:18] I agree.
[21:20:22] Nice.
[21:20:24] That was slick.
[21:20:27] You can't slam there, you have to slide through the Sparky
[21:20:31] there. I stole that from you, Boo.
[21:20:34] Oh, I appreciate it.
[21:20:36] So the cape sections are done now we're just down to gigantic fire bars.
[21:20:40] Everyone's favorite.
[21:20:42] This section know what?
[21:20:44] We were talking about how everything's harder than it looks.
[21:20:46] This section is actually easier than it looks.
[21:20:50] Mostly just because you only have one option of where you can be.
[21:20:54] You know what I mean like there' can't go anywhere.
[21:21:01] Oof! Yeah sometimes the firebars
[21:21:05] can tag you from behind.
[21:21:07] Yeah.
[21:21:09] This is really cool too I just love this kind of like rotation
[21:21:11] going in a circle right?
[21:21:12] Yeah.
[21:21:16] So he needs to key here to enter the pipe there we go nice
[21:21:21] bruising
[21:21:33] so these are propeller blocks are another like really cursed item from Super Mario World Central and I frankly love them.
[21:21:35] I think that they're so cool.
[21:21:37] Oh, did not know that one!
[21:21:42] Yeah there is a little bit of jank with these you can get away
[21:21:44] with some stuff. Like if the player can figure something out
[21:21:46] that's fine. Wait did you throw it against
[21:21:48] the ceiling and then move? I threw it up and caught it while
[21:21:50] it was going.
[21:21:56] Oh nice!
[21:21:58] Now for the final boss of the game.
[21:22:00] Can you get a donation in right before?
[21:22:02] How about this, $500 from anonymous...
[21:22:05] Hi Barb.
[21:22:07] Anonymous donate is $500.
[21:22:09] Ow!
[21:22:11] Wow. GDQs are the best.
[21:22:13] Who knew speed running could save lives?
[21:22:15] Keep up the amazing runs and thanks for making
[21:22:17] the world better.
[21:22:18] I just want to remind you all, we're donating
[21:22:20] to raise money for MSF.
[21:22:23] What a great cause. Thank all so much for your generosity so this is um this is the final boss uh
[21:22:30] so we've obviously done bowser multiple times we wanted a completely new bowser and a completely
[21:22:34] new boss fight so this one kind of throws out the rule book from the previous grand pool 2 browser
[21:22:39] he has his own set of attacks and completely new move set. You can see, like, he collapses into a pile of bones
[21:22:45] and reemerges beneath you.
[21:22:47] And one of the things you're gonna see here
[21:22:49] are those spikes that pop up,
[21:22:51] and those are the real kind of,
[21:22:53] like, enemies here,
[21:22:54] more than anything.
[21:22:55] Because those spikes just make the room smaller.
[21:22:58] Um...and so you're gonna try and kind of like
[21:23:01] strategically put those spikes in a spot
[21:23:03] that's not really bothersome for you.
[21:23:05] You'll see in the background that Bowser has summoned an airship
[21:23:08] that is firing cannonballs at you. This is also the BFG division, which is perfect for a Mario game I think.
[21:23:23] It's really perfect.
[21:23:25] Aww we got bombs!
[21:23:28] Every once in a while there's a glitch that happens
[21:23:32] They're so hard they just go anywhere
[21:23:34] There's no rhyme or reason to where those bombs go.
[21:23:36] You can't like move one way,
[21:23:38] they're not really coming at you,
[21:23:39] they just go.
[21:23:40] So what it was,
[21:23:41] it detected you played too well.
[21:23:42] I know.
[21:23:43] Slow you down.
[21:23:44] Yeah every once in a while he really like just...
[21:23:48] Well that was weird.
[21:23:50] Yeah I think my d-pad dropped it? I don't know.
[21:23:53] Yeah I'm taking that deck. We're gonna do a dewey over. That's a mulligan.
[21:24:00] There we go. that's the one issue with this bowser is attempts can take a long time yeah it's got it's random whether or not bowser summons
[21:24:06] a bomb when he hits the wall so it's not always a guarantee you're going to get a lot of hits.
[21:24:11] And you have to roll through his entire cycle if you don't get that extra bomb so, um, you can be really beyond there.
[21:24:22] Okay, Neapad.
[21:24:26] It's alright, RNG gods. Just... Just hearing the music some more.
[21:24:33] It's so good.
[21:24:34] Exactly.
[21:24:35] There is another composer jam, you get this?
[21:24:37] Yeah.
[21:24:38] It is just crazy that a Super Nintendo can pump this out.
[21:24:47] So in this phase he's actually summoning three spikes and three spikes can be really nasty
[21:24:53] that's why you see put them in the corner strategically to try to get them away from
[21:24:56] the fight but even still you can get forced into a bad position sometimes yeah one thing you can do is you can he goes through the same
[21:25:06] rotation of attacks every time so if you can memorize what attack he does before
[21:25:11] the spikes you can kind of kind of use that to your
[21:25:13] advantage and know where they're coming. And position yourself in a spot that's better
[21:25:21] Yeah, that's unfortunate.
[21:25:23] So right there he actually had a bomb and refreshed the timer by kicking it up because Bowser was out of bounds.
[21:25:28] You!
[21:25:30] The bombs!
[21:25:33] Wow! They're so mean! The bombs!
[21:25:36] They're so mean to us. And that is literally like there's
[21:25:38] nothing you can do, he could be
[21:25:40] anywhere on the screen, the bombs don't care
[21:25:42] If you get in the corner, it can be really bad.
[21:25:54] So yeah, you see right here he's basically going to be working with half of the room now.
[21:25:58] He's not gonna go on the left side of the room and so that's just really what makes his valves very difficult
[21:26:02] And you'll see once a third phase happens it gets even smaller
[21:26:05] The third phase changes, it gets even smaller. Oh yeah.
[21:26:08] The third phase changes the fight even more.
[21:26:10] I love this fight.
[21:26:11] I think this fight is so fun.
[21:26:12] I like it.
[21:26:16] If anything,
[21:26:17] I wish this fight was a little harder.
[21:26:20] I don't know if a lot of people would be saying that for like 10 hours
[21:26:21] or 15 hours.
[21:26:23] They need to get good.
[21:26:28] I wasn't talking about y'all.
[21:26:30] Why are you getting so mad at me?
[21:26:32] Is that one and more boss fight?
[21:26:33] I'm sorry.
[21:26:35] Such controversial thing,
[21:26:36] I want more game.
[21:26:40] So he's actually going to be juggling... It's so tough, but you can't juggle multiple bombs at the same time
[21:26:43] to get as many hits as possible.
[21:26:46] Really really tough to do that. the bombs can also collide each other
[21:27:05] another thing too is because these are bombs instead of shells, like you can hit yourself with your own bomb. Which is frustrating. Oh my god!
[21:27:08] Alright so we're now into the final round. Oh my god.
[21:27:12] Alright, so we're now into the final phase of the fight. You can see right here why this is so dangerous.
[21:27:16] Now there are pits in the fight.
[21:27:19] Yeah, that's unfortunate. That's a rough place.
[21:27:26] Eww!
[21:27:28] My mate is staying safe.
[21:27:32] It's good dog food. Oh! Just staying safe. That's a good duck on the barb sprite right there.
[21:27:37] Okay, that's gonna make it a little bit safer.
[21:27:42] No! first no oh no every once in a while this fight gets
[21:27:49] really really mean.
[21:27:53] Just nowhere to go.
[21:27:56] That was just inconvenient you know?
[21:27:58] Okay here we go.
[21:28:02] Hey we need to send our energy to Mr. Mighty Mouse can Can we get some hype?
[21:28:03] Woo!
[21:28:05] Listen,
[21:28:07] listen,
[21:28:08] I'm going to put in a grand Pooh Bear guarantee
[21:28:09] he wins this time
[21:28:10] and everyone knows
[21:28:12] that is 100% accuracy out there.
[21:28:14] Mind if I read a really sweet donation here?
[21:28:16] How about it?
[21:28:17] Python donates 250,000...
[21:28:19] Sorry, whoa! $250.
[21:28:22] 250 thousand?!
[21:28:23] Mello's tired!
[21:28:25] Holy God!
[21:28:26] Listen, hey Python,
[21:28:27] $250.
[21:28:28] Thank you so much.
[21:28:29] They say the Kaizo community is one of
[21:28:30] the friendliest and most inclusive
[21:28:32] I've been a part of
[21:28:33] And it's more accessible than ever. Donating in
[21:28:36] honor of a community member who is no longer here with us, Kindred MSG whose
[21:28:41] positivity was entirely outmatched and helped make the Kaizo Twitch Community
[21:28:45] what it is today. Oh, yeah.
[21:29:14] Took me so long... Like the skeleton drop where he throws the bones?
[21:29:16] That one took me so long to figure out how to deal with.
[21:29:18] Yeah.
[21:29:19] Oh, wow that's just...
[21:29:20] Whoa!
[21:29:22] Okay, okay.
[21:29:23] Okay.
[21:29:30] Why does this face seem like it's going on extra? I'm saying.
[21:29:34] Oh, wow. This horrible RIP.
[21:29:36] There are a lot of bombs but in the wrong places.
[21:29:40] No. Be be nice bombs!
[21:29:46] Ah that was
[21:29:48] A horrible hitbox! Gar horrible hitbox.
[21:29:51] Garbage hitbox.
[21:29:54] Even if I had survived that,
[21:29:56] there was literally one pelted at my head.
[21:29:57] Oh!
[21:30:00] Come on. We got this.
[21:30:01] All right.
[21:30:03] Woo!
[21:30:04] We need to Spirit Bomb this check.
[21:30:08] Poo, can we get a guarantee for this try?
[21:30:10] Oh yeah, no, See the last one I was... that was not
[21:30:13] a real guarantee because
[21:30:15] I didn't stamp it with my approval but yes
[21:30:18] right here 100% guaranteed Mighty Mouse beats us
[21:30:21] in fact he's not even going to take a hit I'm just gonna say that Right here, 100% guarantee Mighty Mouse beats us.
[21:30:21] In fact he's not even going to take a hit.
[21:30:23] I'm just gonna say that.
[21:30:24] Oh ho ho!
[21:30:29] And these guarantees will happen or your money back.
[21:30:34] Guaranteed?
[21:30:35] Yep, guaranteed.
[21:30:36] A lot of the GDU's gonna support that one.
[21:30:39] Nope, nope, they are contractually obligated now.
[21:30:53] Nooooo! trashy obligated now no I said it wouldn't take a bit is what I said you guys misunderstood me
[21:30:58] You do it really fast Oh, Yeah, the spike floor at a really inconvenient time can really be dangerous.
[21:31:24] Oh no did my guarantee lose its touch yeah it might have kind of getting worried now
[21:31:29] maybe the active ginseng isn't working out maybe maybe maybe she should have used a different sprite.
[21:31:41] I'm sure my sprite would be so much easier.
[21:31:45] Okay, people out there, I am not just trying to get him to use my sprite. It's very special. Literally.
[21:31:53] Oh! Okay.
[21:32:05] Oh!
[21:32:07] That was close.
[21:32:09] Nice!
[21:32:13] It matters so much what attack he has after his bomb
[21:32:17] ... after his bomb.
[21:32:24] Like ideally you want to see this after his bomb right there, that's the one
[21:32:30] Nice! Nice. Put the spikes to the corner to keep them out of the way.
[21:32:38] That was a nice free hit there nice nice Kind of nervous watching.
[21:32:55] I know, I know.
[21:32:57] Oh no!
[21:33:03] Bum.
[21:33:09] Oh, come on! How is the glitch not happening? If it doesn't happen the first time, it's not going to happen.
[21:33:13] Oh really? Yeah.
[21:33:16] I didn't
[21:33:17] know that. Yep.
[21:33:21] I feel
[21:33:21] like I've had it other times.
[21:33:23] That's a great placement for that final spike.
[21:33:25] Yeah, that's exactly where you want to put it.
[21:33:30] Oof!
[21:33:31] That's not the attack you wanna to see after a bomb though.
[21:33:34] So he has an unfortunate pattern here but...
[21:33:40] Oh my god!
[21:33:42] What?
[21:33:44] Oh my god. Oh! What?
[21:33:46] Oh, my God.
[21:33:49] Oh, beautiful placement. Oh no!
[21:34:02] We've spent more tries on this than the hard bowser.
[21:34:08] Alright, alright.
[21:34:12] Alright guys, guaranteed
[21:34:14] this is going down. so Hmm. Oh, all right.
[21:34:57] We're allowed to say Bowser wins?
[21:35:00] Bowser wins.
[21:35:02] No, man, you won.
[21:35:03] You crushed it.
[21:35:05] Let's go one more!
[21:35:07] One more?
[21:35:09] Okay, one more! One more?
[21:35:10] The crowd demanded it, I mean the crowd demanded it.
[21:35:14] Starting off with bombs.
[21:35:18] Just remember, Mighty is doing all this for charity.
[21:35:21] This is what he's going through for charity! So, I'm going to go ahead and do that..
[21:35:48] Tension's high right now.
[21:35:49] It is.
[21:35:50] Yeah, tension did the tie. Extra. Let's go.
[21:36:31] That was nice.
[21:36:34] Love the timing, love the timing.
[21:36:40] Oh come on!
[21:36:42] What is going on with those bombs? oh Oh, come on.. All right. We have a very quick victory lap.
[21:37:33] There's five more boss fights.
[21:37:35] Yeah, there are 17!
[21:37:37] There is eight more levels.
[21:37:41] So this is a really quick kind of victory lap here where you fight Bowser on his airship because I thought it would be cool like what's a better way to end the series and end the game with a final shmup fight?
[21:37:52] Was there like- was this like cuphead
[21:37:54] inspiration or anything? Or just
[21:37:56] you know... Maybe a little bit.
[21:37:59] Can I ask one question? is bowser's ship so much bigger
[21:38:03] than ours it's so much bigger i mean he's bowser it's large. All right.
[21:38:11] That's it.
[21:38:12] Time ends on fade out.
[21:38:14] Shout-out to Brew and Barb for coming out here,
[21:38:18] Barb for making this, the entire SNW Kaizo community community we ruined the world no other things can happen shout out to
[21:38:27] uh my family the entire kaizo community.
[21:38:35] John, anybody you wanna shout out? Shout outs to kaizoman, D4th, Nexus,
[21:38:38] Freakin Hot, Composer, G-Gamer and the VP. This hack would not
[21:38:44] exist without them. Super Mario
[21:38:46] Central thank you so much
[21:38:47] and thank you to Pooh and thank you to Mighty Mouse
[21:38:50] Thank you guys
[21:38:51] Again thank you for making three amazing games.
[21:38:55] Your games have probably propelled me personally more than I've ever done anything for myself,
[21:39:00] so I really appreciate that.
[21:39:02] You're welcome.
[21:39:02] Miles, thank you so much for running this and having me on the couch.
[21:39:06] We were supposed to race a few years ago, so I'm glad I could finally be up here with
[21:39:09] you.
[21:39:10] Thank you.
[21:39:11] Thanks.
[21:39:12] It was super awesome.
[21:39:13] And then I want to shout out Wilson Phillips who made this banger song that we are about
[21:39:14] to hear right now so
[21:39:16] you know all right and thank you sgdq for having us yeah
[21:39:37] let's hear it one more time everybody. Heidi! Heidi! Heidi! Heidi! Heidi! Heidi! Heidi!
[21:39:41] Alright!
[21:39:43] Take it away Spike Gugino
[21:39:48] What's up everyone? Yes,
[21:39:49] absolutely massive shouts to Mr.
[21:39:51] Mininghouse with one of the clutchest Bowser kills we've ever seen here
[21:39:53] on the GDQ stage. What's up,
[21:39:56] everyone? Welcome back to Summer Games So Quick 2024. I am Spike the
[21:39:57] stage.
[21:39:58] Welcome back to
[21:40:00] summer games so quick 2024
[21:40:02] I am Spike Vegeta and that was
[21:40:04] incredible right now we're going
[21:40:06] to calm down a little bit. That was exhilarating. I just want to chill with
[21:40:09] someone I'm honored to get to interview
[21:40:11] my first time ever getting to interview him
[21:40:13] one of my oldest friends
[21:40:15] in the speedrunning community and
[21:40:17] absolute legend of the games done quick history books.
[21:40:22] The one and only Puexl, how you doing friend? I'm doing good it's been a good week yeah
[21:40:27] been a wonderful week you've already you're on the downplay of the week you
[21:40:31] already got to do lufia too wasn't it good right it was a good run yes yeah privilege
[21:40:36] and an honor to get to play here absolutely i know that was on your quickly evolving resume of speed runs
[21:40:44] that you've gotten to do here at PDQ,
[21:40:46] and I want to get a little bit into that,
[21:40:48] but I just want to start first with you.
[21:40:50] We've been around for a long time.
[21:40:52] I remember when you and I
[21:40:53] made up two-thirds of the Kingdom Hearts
[21:40:56] 2 speedrunning community
[21:40:58] many years ago
[21:40:59] along with Axel Reimann, shout out to
[21:41:02] Axl. Now all of a sudden we're
[21:41:04] here like that community's blown up
[21:41:06] to hundreds and hundreds.
[21:41:08] There's an entire randomizer around it.
[21:41:10] Tons and tons of speedrunning communities that you've gotten to move through,
[21:41:14] have an impact on. I guess I just want to first start with you. How did
[21:41:19] you find this craft? How did you find this community? What inspired it?
[21:41:26] It's kind of a neat story that almost nobody expects to hear from me too.
[21:41:32] So probably in about 2006 or so, I was doing 100% playthrough
[21:41:34] of Metal Gear Solid 3, one of my favorite games of all time. Okay!
[21:41:36] And the FA...I was using an FAQ
[21:41:38] to find a bunch of the well-hidden items
[21:41:40] in that game and in the very
[21:41:42] tail end of the FAQ there was a little note from the author that said
[21:41:45] Oh yeah I've got a speedrun of this game on SpeedDemo's archive.
[21:41:49] So I took a look and watched a speed run of Metal Gear Solid 3
[21:41:53] Then I watched a lot of other speedrun videos
[21:41:57] on SDA, if anyone not familiar that was basically kind of just the hub of the
[21:42:01] speed run community for a very long time especially before
[21:42:04] the um... before the streaming
[21:42:06] era took off really.
[21:42:09] And then
[21:42:09] I joined the SDA forums
[21:42:12] and was more of just a lurker
[21:42:14] for quite a while, actually. And then
[21:42:16] in 2010
[21:42:18] the community there organized
[21:42:21] an event called Classic Games Done Quick
[21:42:23] where just a bunch
[21:42:25] of friends just met up in Maiko Yama's basement and did a bunch of friends met up in Maiko Yama's basement
[21:42:28] and did a bunch of speed runs
[21:42:30] or retro video games for a full weekend.
[21:42:32] And I was hooked, like especially enjoyed the finale
[21:42:37] done by mutual friend of ours, Essentia with Final Fantasy VI.
[21:42:41] And then...
[21:42:43] I mean, I enjoyed it so much that I just wanted to get more involved in the community
[21:42:47] although there were know games or whatever that
[21:42:50] I wanted to try and run myself. But then I went to the first Awesome Games done
[21:42:54] quick in 2011 where there were a whopping 50 people in attendance.
[21:43:00] Massive! That was like five times the amount of classic, absolutely.
[21:43:04] Yep and really just kind of one of the seminal moments
[21:43:08] for me at that event was a very very late night run of kingdom hearts 2 by
[21:43:14] axel reiman who you mentioned a bit ago i just i stayed up all night and
[21:43:18] had so much fun watching Axl run one of my favorite um kind of semi more
[21:43:24] recent RPGs that about a month maybe a month or so after getting home he's like you know what
[21:43:28] I'm gonna try that myself. Kingdom Hearts 2 was your first run.
[21:43:32] The first game I ever finished
[21:43:34] the full run of was Kingdom Hearts
[21:43:36] 2 and the PlayStation 2
[21:43:37] and yeah, then a lot
[21:43:40] happened after that.
[21:43:41] Here we are.
[21:43:42] We had the honor of getting to race in an over six-hour long run...
[21:43:46] Yes.
[21:43:47] Look, we're going to get old boys on you right here!
[21:43:49] But it was an over six hour long race
[21:43:51] that you and I got to do of Kingdom Hearts 2.
[21:43:53] And it came down to a three second differential,
[21:43:57] you barely pulling out at the end.
[21:43:59] Yes.
[21:44:00] To this day,
[21:44:00] I've been going to these events for 15 years and that's still one of my favorite moments
[21:44:04] let me get into some of your favorite moments here in a little bit. And i also want to talk to you about
[21:44:08] just, you are in a lot of ways I think one of the pioneers of rpg speed running you have brought
[21:44:16] a countless amount of different rps we got to see you run lufia 2 earlier this
[21:44:20] week he runs the final fantasy 4 and 5 and 6 and 7
[21:44:25] and 9. We can go down
[21:44:27] the whole Final Fantasy list. Chrono Trigger, yeah.
[21:44:29] Chrono Trigger. So many different RPGs
[21:44:31] And I want to know specifically, I know like we all have
[21:44:33] our different things that we love about speedrunning.
[21:44:35] For you what is it about RPG speedrunning specifically
[21:44:38] that always made you say
[21:44:40] that is particularly addicting and attractive to me
[21:44:43] to want to go ahead and take up those projects.
[21:44:47] Well, I mean in addition to just the fact that I
[21:44:48] like playing RPGs and always have
[21:44:50] it's not the only type of video game
[21:44:52] I like but it's one of my favorite genres
[21:44:54] I've really just kind of come to appreciate that speedrunning in RPG is a very,
[21:45:00] very cerebral type thing.
[21:45:02] Sure.
[21:45:02] Like it's there's a lot.
[21:45:05] There's just so much planning that goes into it as far as figuring out strategies.
[21:45:09] What items to pick up what to skip how to fight bosses and that sort of thing
[21:45:13] And there is so much you don't really see when you're playing,
[21:45:17] when you are doing a run of the game too.
[21:45:20] And then there is also just unless it's around
[21:45:23] like really heavily manipulated
[21:45:25] there is lot of decisionmaking and kind of option selecting
[21:45:29] and that sort of thing.
[21:45:30] And I just,
[21:45:31] that's,
[21:45:32] that's,
[21:45:32] that's a feeling that I've just,
[21:45:34] that's just,
[21:45:35] it,
[21:45:35] I've,
[21:45:35] that's addicted me to just kind of getting to the point with
[21:45:38] a,
[21:45:41] um, with a speed game where I just feel like I know the games so well that it can do whatever
[21:45:44] it wants to me and I know how I'm going to deal with it.
[21:45:47] It may not be great but uh but um but but i have a plan i love that that is my single favorite
[21:45:53] thing about rpg spearing i've never picked your brain about that yeah there's a million
[21:45:58] things that will go wrong and knowing how to always say oh i know how to deal
[21:46:02] with that which you've needed to do in the course of having to do all these rpg speed runs for gdq
[21:46:07] rpg land break and other marathons over history.
[21:46:11] And you know, your love of RPG speedruns
[21:46:13] that has led you to be actually a part
[21:46:15] of helping out with the RPG section
[21:46:18] of The Games Committee here at GDQ.
[21:46:21] I believe you are one of two people
[21:46:23] that covers that genre of game.
[21:46:25] Yeah, it's been a long week.
[21:46:26] I'm kind of tired.
[21:46:27] I'm trying to remember who's the other person
[21:46:29] again with something wizard?
[21:46:34] Who was it
[21:46:44] oh hey foxhole hey this couch looks like it prizes. I got you covered on that though buddy.
[21:46:45] All right.
[21:46:46] Yeah, I didn't...
[21:46:47] I forgot to bring some...
[21:46:49] Don't worry man.
[21:46:51] So during the run I went with a theme of
[21:46:52] Prizes for games you speedrun.
[21:46:53] I thought we'd go the other direction for prizes
[21:46:54] for games Fightful has absolutely never touched.
[21:46:57] Like this lovely
[21:46:58] Evil Zone fight stick right here.
[21:47:00] I've never played Evil Zone.
[21:47:03] That is correct.
[21:47:03] Never will. ever say never say never
[21:47:07] 50 minimum of the nation and you gotta hurry because all the prizes i'm about to talk about
[21:47:12] and after our next run metal gear solid four We got some beautiful ones here like this Evil Zone Fight Stick
[21:47:17] as well again for $50.
[21:47:19] This lovely male drape with a heart container on it.
[21:47:23] It's fantastic! You can wear it wherever you'd like.
[21:47:25] It can protect
[21:47:26] any part of your body. This is the best
[21:47:28] RPG armor! It could go in any slot, you know what I'm
[21:47:30] saying? Yeah... No glitching
[21:47:32] required.
[21:47:34] Oh man, I love the best RPGs
[21:47:37] where you can just equip other characters
[21:47:39] into your armor. That's my favorite
[21:47:41] glitch of all time.
[21:47:43] From Andy Percent, we have an incredible
[21:47:45] Breath of the Wild themed blanket after Link's paraglide the next one. We're going to
[21:47:47] get a little bit of
[21:47:48] detail on that, but we'll
[21:47:49] be right back after this
[21:47:50] newscast.
[21:47:51] 90% we have an
[21:47:52] incredible breath of
[21:47:53] the wild themed blanket
[21:47:54] after links
[21:47:55] paraglider.
[21:47:56] It's super cool.
[21:47:57] It's great. It's really hard to show off, the game. I'm going to go ahead and
[21:47:58] show you a $25 minimum
[21:48:00] donation from nest paints,
[21:48:04] lovely gigantic watercolor
[21:48:06] painting of tune link sailing at the king of red lions which Odobe sent in a lovely skullchilla from a game that I know Spike plays
[21:48:09] but I don't think I've ever seen Flexil doing
[21:48:11] an oot randell.
[21:48:13] Yeah, that's correct.
[21:48:16] Like I said, never
[21:48:17] say never.
[21:48:18] And finally from Ruby's Mom I'd like to say never say never. Absolutely.
[21:48:21] And finally, from Ruby's Mom...
[21:48:22] Shout-outs to Ruby's Mom.
[21:48:23] Shout-outs to Ruby's Mom.
[21:48:27] Another lovely Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time themed blanket.
[21:48:30] Again, all of those $25 if you have not gotten any $25 minimum donation today, you
[21:48:32] absolutely should. Paxil
[21:48:34] I just want to say it really is an honor
[21:48:36] and a pleasure working with you on the Games
[21:48:38] Committee. You are a wonderful person and
[21:48:41] being able to confer with
[21:48:43] a living legend on what RPGs
[21:48:45] get in the marathon is an incredible
[21:48:47] experience. Well, thank you!
[21:48:49] That said, my turn is over.
[21:48:51] I'm going to get out of this combat.
[21:48:54] Run away!
[21:48:56] He's fleeing!
[21:49:09] Oh no! That's how King Zora got away.
[21:49:09] That's great.
[21:49:17] Yeah, it's great to conversate about that with our you know some of us that have been around and watched this community grow for so many years i actually want to take it back
[21:49:21] literal decades at this point they I'll ask you about,
[21:49:24] this is a little fun fact that I always throw out to
[21:49:26] people about you because I was thought of her and you
[21:49:28] can confirm it's true. You were
[21:49:30] just like I was a subscriber to
[21:49:31] Nintendo Power as a kid. Yep 1991 i think 91 yes so beginning like the super
[21:49:37] nintendo era and there was always little competitions you could go in they'd say
[21:49:41] oh see if you can get this high score in this game. And there were occasionally
[21:49:45] little speedrun challenges. I believe
[21:49:47] there is a Nintendo Power
[21:49:49] out there with you in it. Yes,
[21:49:51] I think it's the one with...
[21:49:53] I think it's with the baseball game
[21:49:55] that peanut butter
[21:49:56] the dog ran.
[21:49:57] Oh, King Griffey Jr.
[21:49:58] presented
[21:49:58] Major League Baseball?
[21:49:58] Yes.
[21:49:58] I know it's a
[21:49:59] baseball game
[21:50:00] that's on the cover
[21:50:00] of that issue.
[21:50:01] Oh, okay, okay.
[21:50:03] Yeah, I mean,
[21:50:03] I think that one
[21:50:04] was first party Nintendo.
[21:50:05] That's probably one of those.
[21:50:07] Yeah, there were a couple of Griffey games.
[21:50:09] But yeah, it was for, I believe, Donkey Kong Country 2?
[21:50:11] Donkey Kong Country 2, yes.
[21:50:12] Yeah, because again,
[21:50:14] it does surprise people to learn about me sometimes that i do in fact
[21:50:17] play a lot of games that are not rpgs even though rpgs are kind of the genre that i've but i'm
[21:50:23] the best known for speed running but um like I have a lifelong love
[21:50:28] for action platformers especially
[21:50:29] to like the Castlevania, Mega Man
[21:50:32] and Donkey Kong series
[21:50:34] but yeah
[21:50:35] I didn't even own a copy of it at the time too.
[21:50:39] It was all rentals but I played through Donkey Kong Country 2 after
[21:50:43] it came out in 1995 and then shortly
[21:50:46] after that, Nintendo Power
[21:50:48] did a contest and said
[21:50:50] can you get 102%,
[21:50:52] which is everything in the game basically
[21:50:54] in under 5 hours
[21:50:56] game time. You know what?
[21:50:58] I'm going to rent Donkey Kong Country
[21:51:00] 2 again and do it.
[21:51:02] And then, this was
[21:51:04] kind of what we now call a segmented
[21:51:06] speedrun where you're able to
[21:51:08] save and reload, basically,
[21:51:09] and only kind of keep going when you want to.
[21:51:14] But yeah, I remember nothing really about the experience other than that,
[21:51:20] but my final time was
[21:51:21] three hours and 36 minutes game
[21:51:23] time.
[21:51:25] One of the
[21:51:27] marks of being a really
[21:51:29] truly old school speed runner is having recorded
[21:51:32] the speed run on VHS tape. Because I mean before
[21:51:36] streaming and like easy ways to record in PC that was all you
[21:51:40] could do but...I haven't done that personally,
[21:51:42] but I did one step beyond
[21:51:44] too, which was to do a speed run on a
[21:51:46] Kodak camera.
[21:51:50] That's all
[21:51:50] you had for just an hour? Yeah, because basically I just had to take a picture of my save select screen showing 102% with my final game time
[21:51:57] and send it in.
[21:51:58] Dude, I wonder how many cheated times there are?
[21:52:01] Just go in there edit the's a little bit of an
[21:52:04] overkill, but that is the
[21:52:06] speedrun leaderboards.
[21:52:08] Just go in there and edit
[21:52:10] the picture a little harder
[21:52:12] back in the day. The OG speed run there's 102 dkc2 anyone's never tried to do it that's really hard to do and you did
[21:52:15] it in a rental period yeah with like the year of the game came out yeah yeah
[21:52:23] none of these glitches or uh speed struts
[21:52:26] or anything just up there doing wrong warps and stuff that was the og stuff people found
[21:52:32] those guys today yeah poexo i want to just leave off with,
[21:52:36] again, we're here at
[21:52:37] Games Done Quick and you have been
[21:52:39] debatably
[21:52:42] on the Mount Rushmore of runners
[21:52:43] at this marathon. I truly mean that you've had
[21:52:46] the joy of being on stage. The first
[21:52:48] time we ever hit a million dollars,
[21:52:50] got to sit on the couch doing commentary for
[21:52:52] Obda Jr.'s run of Kerner Trigger. Such a good
[21:52:54] run. Fast forward another couple years. You're the first person to ever I'm going to be a little bit more dramatic than you are.
[21:52:57] You're the first person
[21:52:59] to ever get on stage when we hit
[21:53:01] $3 million also with Chrono
[21:53:03] Trigger.
[21:53:05] We've had countless other amazing moments, runs you've gotten to do and everything.
[21:53:09] I still get compliments to this day about our 2013 run of Final Fantasy IX.
[21:53:15] That guy got people into it and everything.
[21:53:17] Do you have a personal favorite moment? I'm going to go with the Final Fantasy IX. That guy got people into it
[21:53:17] and everything.
[21:53:18] Do you have a personal favorite
[21:53:19] moment or a couple of moments
[21:53:21] for you personally throughout
[21:53:23] QDQ history?
[21:53:24] Yeah, well picking
[21:53:25] a single one would be too hard
[21:53:27] so maybe I'll just kind of try to rip through a couple.
[21:53:29] So you already touched on the one which was our race
[21:53:32] at Kingdom Hearts 2 with the very first SGDQ
[21:53:34] because for starters
[21:53:35] I went into that race hoping to lose
[21:53:37] by less than 10 minutes not really knowing that at the time I was going to say, I'm not sure if you were able to get
[21:53:40] into that race hoping to lose
[21:53:42] by less than 10 minutes.
[21:53:44] Not really knowing at the time
[21:53:46] we were on different models of
[21:53:48] PlayStation 2s and there were differences in that close of a finish was just incredible.
[21:53:49] Let's see, then in SGDQ 2014
[21:53:53] I did a co-op run
[21:53:56] on Final Fantasy VI with Essentia who is one of my inspirations
[21:53:59] for getting into speedrunning RPGs in the first place.
[21:54:02] Not only that but also having MrMV on commentary for that
[21:54:07] Oh my gosh! It's just such an experience, yeah.
[21:54:11] And again
[21:54:14] and then yeah just
[21:54:15] being part of the first
[21:54:17] 1 million and 3 million for
[21:54:19] GDQ too that $ three million dollar chrono trigger run is just
[21:54:24] i feel like it's one of my best performances of my career too because
[21:54:29] just especially especially the ending to when the crowd was going wild
[21:54:33] for the upcoming three million.
[21:54:35] It's like, oh nope I got a final boss to fight
[21:54:37] and I'm just gonna get in this zone and do it.
[21:54:40] There's definitely an amount
[21:54:41] of showmanship that you have developed
[21:54:43] yeah over the years so you've like had it essentially from the beginning
[21:54:47] and uh it's always been incredible to watch knowing that i think at the end
[21:54:49] of the day you understand we're first and foremost like we're a
[21:54:52] bunch of speedrunners here a bunch of gamers but we're here for charity
[21:54:54] We have raised now over 50 million dollars
[21:54:57] For charity over the years
[21:54:59] And way more when you consider stuff like RPG library
[21:55:01] Yeah absolutely
[21:55:05] Way more when you consider stuff like RPG Little Break. Yeah, absolutely. Way more where you consider stuff like RPG
[21:55:07] Little Break. Yeah, we're about to hit one billion between
[21:55:09] all of our events. Oh, let's go!
[21:55:11] RPG Little Break, another incredible event
[21:55:13] going on roughly in the spring early summertime
[21:55:18] every year now getting back up to speed make sure y'all check those out as well plexo
[21:55:22] part of the committee there in addition. Puexel, once again
[21:55:26] I said you were one of my first friends in the
[21:55:28] speedrunning community. I am so happy
[21:55:30] that we're both still here.
[21:55:32] We're both still nerds who like to play video
[21:55:34] games and I appreciate you spending some time
[21:55:37] with me tonight, again, to talk about your history.
[21:55:40] A true legend
[21:55:41] of speedrunning right here, Blexel.
[21:55:43] Thank you for everything you've done, my friend.
[21:55:45] Pleasure's mine.
[21:55:48] With that, gamers gamers taking it back up to the front.
[21:55:56] Welcome back to Summer Games Done Quick 2024. Benefiting Doctors Without Borders, powered by Twitch and live in Minneapolis!
[21:56:04] Yeah we got a little bit of energy this late at night.
[21:56:08] Woo!
[21:56:09] Yeah let's hear it!
[21:56:10] We just had some fantastic runs,
[21:56:11] we've got some more.
[21:56:12] My name is The King's Pride
[21:56:14] but you can just call me Pride
[21:56:16] and I'll be your companion through the wonderful world
[21:56:18] of speedrunning for the next few runs.
[21:56:20] We have been having a fantastic time this whole week raising money
[21:56:24] for MSF, but we are not done yet!
[21:56:26] We're gonna be kicking off Finale Day with a bang here in a bit
[21:56:28] But first, I'm going to have us all take a little moment of
[21:56:31] responsibility to get up stretch and hydrate, but don't worry I'll be right here for you when we get back.. I'm going to go ahead and start the game.
[21:56:52] And for those of you who can
[21:56:54] still hear me, thank you so much
[21:56:56] for subbing to Games Done Quick
[21:56:58] on Twitch.
[21:57:00] If you haven't subbed to Games Done Quick on Twitch,
[21:57:02] congratulations on your ad blocker. But consider Prime Gaming
[21:57:06] maybe? Who knows?
[21:57:08] ...
[21:57:08] ... I'm going to go ahead's Gate 3 music.
[21:57:24] That was cool.
[21:57:26] Anyway, while we are taking our nice little break here
[21:57:28] let's get some love for that
[21:57:30] last run read
[21:57:32] out here because we have so much pouring
[21:57:34] in. That was an incredible
[21:57:36] ending. We have
[21:57:38] $25
[21:57:40] from Letifer who says,
[21:57:42] Grand Poo World 3 Vinyl Win. Y'all, I was
[21:57:45] listening to that up here on Host Desk
[21:57:47] and that last one
[21:57:49] had, I believe it was a remix of
[21:57:51] BFG Division from Doom
[21:57:53] Absolutely incredible If they printed
[21:57:56] the vinyl, I would be first in line.
[21:58:04] We have $25 from sexy samurai who says I love that we all come together when the community is hurting.
[21:58:18] Shout out to UGG Rochester one of the kindest individuals i have ever come across who has been
[21:58:22] an inspiration to many thank you Barb and everyone involved I love you all less than three
[21:58:34] We have $50 from QD Hazen who says, well done mighty and y'all oh my goodness. We were a freaking out up here during that run like hold that that final boss I'm terrible at at platformers and that looked so hard
[21:58:50] and just like getting up here and doing that it takes so much courage. Looks like we have some agreement because we have $50 from John Brawls who says, what a Bowser fight.
[21:59:11] I very much agree,
[21:59:12] John Brawls.
[21:59:13] We have $25
[21:59:15] from Keshek
[21:59:16] who says that was an amazing run
[21:59:18] from Mr. Mighty Mouse
[21:59:19] and great commentary from Barb
[21:59:21] and Grand Pooh Bear
[21:59:22] Y'all I'm still
[21:59:29] I'm sorry it's hard to read donations with this incredible remix in my ears.
[21:59:34] Oh my goodness!
[21:59:36] I've been playing through Baldur's Gate 3 and uh
[21:59:39] oh my gosh the
[21:59:41] Down down by the river.
[21:59:42] In my ears I...
[21:59:44] It's too good.
[21:59:51] We have $186 from Jessie G who says here's two dollars for every death that I counted anyway. That incredible Grand Poo World 3 run way to go, Mighty Mouse.
[22:00:25] We have $250 from Heidi PhD, who says good morning GDQ Metal Gear Solid to kick off the last day of what has been a fantastic week event week. Yes please shout out to the organizers and everyone behind the scenes that made this week happen
[22:00:27] And big shout out to Doctors Without
[22:00:29] Borders. Thanks for all you do across
[22:00:31] the world. Hype!
[22:00:39] Oh yeah we still got it going and uh speaking of but we are still going
[22:00:51] i believe i'm receiving a transmission colonel i'm trying to sneak around but this next run is incredibly amazing and the clap of the audience keeps alerting the guards. I am turning control over to speedrunner Joseph Joestar for Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns of the
[22:00:57] Patriots Extreme NG+.
[22:00:59] Joe, the mission's in your hands.
[22:01:05] Alright.
[22:01:11] Good morning. morning games done quick. Alright starting off the final day with a bang and of course I'm not going to be alone in this. I'm joined with Glenn and with all of you watching here
[22:01:20] and around the world at home.
[22:01:23] Of course, in the interest of keeping things moving
[22:01:26] we're just gonna get started by loading this
[22:01:29] save file, which is already
[22:01:31] skipping two and a half minutes
[22:01:33] worth of commercials because I mean who needs more
[22:01:35] commercials right? And
[22:01:37] we're going to be running New Game plus on the boss extreme and Glenn, and I will go over more of those details later so it will start once this is fully loaded and I hit start on the loading prompt.
[22:01:51] So here we go!
[22:01:53] All right, Glenn? Audience?
[22:01:55] All right so in 5...4...3...2...1...go! 4, 3, 2, 1. Go!
[22:02:05] Alright. We have our first cutscene.
[22:02:08] Yeah, first of many to skip.
[22:02:12] So we're starting with the prologue section
[22:02:16] of Metal Gear Solid 4 which is more or less
[22:02:20] an introductory slash tutorial but we're just going to be running
[22:02:24] through and don't worry that alert right there does not count and believe it or
[22:02:30] not i did not know that for many years i actually you know routed this where
[22:02:34] i wouldn't get spotted by anybody until i don't know some uh runners from the mgs our discord
[22:02:40] said yeah did you do what you just run through there? It's like... oh.
[22:02:44] The amount of times I reset for nothing!
[22:02:46] We heard the exclamation point
[22:02:48] and we thought, oop! That's an alert
[22:02:50] we gotta start over.
[22:02:52] We want Big Boss! We're going for a big boss.
[22:02:53] Yeah, so I guess we can talk about what defines New Game Plus
[22:02:57] and the Big Boss ranks.
[22:02:59] So Glenn's background, I believe is mainly from New Game whereas I'm running
[22:03:05] New Game Plus and there's a lot of similarities
[22:03:07] with some differences in
[22:03:09] both but
[22:03:11] primarily in New Game Plus, I have
[22:03:13] all the items and weapons I need.
[22:03:15] I don't need to collect anything,
[22:03:17] I don't need to build up a driven point currency
[22:03:21] And I guess Glenn could you talk more about what qualifies as a big boss run. Sure, so most of the Metal Gear Solid games
[22:03:29] all have rank screens at the end of the game and they all have their own special requirements this
[22:03:34] that in the third. So big boss in Metal Gear Solid 4
[22:03:37] if I am remembering correctly
[22:03:39] you must beat the game in under 5 hours
[22:03:41] free for us we're speed runners
[22:03:43] You cannot kill anyone
[22:03:45] you can not use any healing items.
[22:03:47] And unlike most other games this game was very generous
[22:03:51] and gave you unlimited saves
[22:03:53] so you could save every room if you really wanted to.
[22:03:56] Yeah it is very friendly with saves It's a really good way to actually learn the game
[22:03:58] without being too overwhelmed by it.
[22:04:02] So what I did at the beginning there was this intentional caution strat
[22:04:06] which I shot the wall a few times just to distract the guards it also
[22:04:12] brings the tank forward which is normally an unskippable cutscene because i mean yeah who needs
[22:04:16] more in skipple cutscenes so what I'm going to do here is,
[22:04:19] I'm going to roll right around this corner
[22:04:21] with auto-aim turned on,
[22:04:22] which is gonna target that guard in the back.
[22:04:25] And he's gonna run forward.
[22:04:26] I'm gonna wait a little bit.
[22:04:28] I'm gonna zap him with the stun knife.
[22:04:30] Which ironically only gets used...
[22:04:33] ...a total of three times this run!
[22:04:36] And I'm just going to tiptoe ever so slowly,
[22:04:39] Wait for him to stand up and zap.
[22:04:42] Perfect.
[22:04:43] The reason I need to wait
[22:04:45] to zap the second guard is that if you do it too soon
[22:04:47] the guard off to the left
[22:04:49] will hear it or possibly your footsteps leading up to it.
[22:04:52] And you know we don't want that. So technically what I did
[22:04:56] in the first few minutes was sort of new game but its starting from this point
[22:05:00] forward where its actually officially New Game Plus,
[22:05:02] where once you meet up with Otakon Mark II
[22:05:04] You gain all of your gear, items, accessories, everything.
[22:05:09] So what I did now is I re-equipped the disguise that i had on at the very beginning
[22:05:15] uh the reason for this is so that the rebels that are fighting the pmcs will not see me as an enemy
[22:05:21] all right excuse me.
[22:05:24] So I guess we could talk a little bit more about with New Game Plus specifically
[22:05:30] that I'll be taking advantage of in this run besides the disguise.
[22:05:34] So I have all the weapons I need, which
[22:05:38] normally in a new game run you have to unlock them by beating certain
[22:05:42] bosses, which weapons I'll be using are the MGL 140 grenade launcher,
[22:05:49] the railgun,
[22:05:52] the m82 50 caliber, which I believe is purchased in a new game run at some point.
[22:05:59] And then the famous solar gun, which I believe comes from Boktai.
[22:06:05] It does come from the Boktai series,
[22:06:07] so we are going to get some help
[22:06:09] from our friend Jango
[22:06:11] which is another Konami property
[22:06:13] and Kojima had some input on its creation,
[22:06:16] then Boktai won in a little...
[22:06:19] I will die on this hill that he had
[22:06:21] a lot more to do with Boktai 2
[22:06:23] than people have him believe.
[22:06:26] But that is neither here nor there.
[22:06:28] We'll get to that gun when we actually need it.
[22:06:31] Yeah and then I guess one of the other minor things
[22:06:33] I was gonna bring up next
[22:06:34] is like I have an assortment of secondaries, which are chaff grenades, smoke grenades and these
[22:06:40] colored smoke grenades.
[22:06:42] And a motion tranquilizer rounds now it might sound a little much there.
[22:06:47] But one of the main themes of Menagerie solid four is that it revolves
[22:06:50] around like emotions uh that get you know brought up in battle and with the sons of
[22:06:56] the patriots or sop system it's meant to keep that stuff in check
[22:07:00] to make a soldier more efficient.
[22:07:03] So what I'm gonna do now is set up my first
[22:07:06] of several menus which I'm saying that lightly. So I'm equipping a
[22:07:11] shotgun attachment to the M4 Custom, which I am then going
[22:07:14] to replace with the MGL-140 grenade launcher
[22:07:18] I was talking about with a stun and these uh okay i don't know what happened
[22:07:24] there along with these sleep gas satchels which are going to be important
[22:07:28] on the little bits and of course I mean we need our iPod
[22:07:32] and the syringe, you know, the iPod
[22:07:34] well, we'll talk about
[22:07:36] why that's important later
[22:07:37] but the syringe is actually
[22:07:40] a required item uh you know for two sections of the game
[22:07:46] uh which will be in act four and five
[22:07:51] all right so coming up here is a little skip.
[22:07:53] Normally when you trigger this
[22:07:55] little cutscene with this rubble falling down, you get stuck
[22:07:57] in place instead. I'm going to roll
[22:07:59] into the trigger like lying
[22:08:01] down and then as it starts,'m just gonna get up at the same
[22:08:04] time so it just allows you to save the thing is what like five or six seconds
[22:08:08] of just being stuck something weird like that yeah it's one of those advantages we can take in animation,
[22:08:15] just like we did sidling across the ledge there
[22:08:18] with the animation canceling
[22:08:20] which is very thematic throughout Metal Gear Speedruns.
[22:08:25] We use a lot, a lot of animation cancelling
[22:08:29] in pretty much 1 through 4 mainly. Yeah so I'm gonna use these
[22:08:33] smokes here and wait until I cross this pillar and throw one
[22:08:36] followed by another which is
[22:08:38] going to space it exactly the way I want
[22:08:42] you know, to occupy those guards
[22:08:44] And the smokes in this game are incredibly valuable.
[22:08:47] I mean, you know, people on my chat when they watch
[22:08:49] me use them almost call it like throwing stealth.
[22:08:52] Um... and what makes
[22:08:53] the smoke so valuable is that
[22:08:55] not only does it incapacitate the guard
[22:08:56] just from responding to you
[22:08:59] if you're nearby, they can't attack you,
[22:09:01] they can't see you.
[22:09:02] And the animation for the coughing
[22:09:04] is actually really long compared
[22:09:06] to other games.
[22:09:10] So what I did there with the stun launcher is i took out those two snipers and i'm gonna throw a smoke at those two pmcs excellent
[22:09:15] nice also prying that barrel behind me doesn't explode even though it's rare but
[22:09:19] it can happen and yet i get the barrel to explode every time all right so i'm gonna
[22:09:25] shrink this pmc on the rooftop uh normally you wouldn't have to deal with them but i've had this
[22:09:31] you know many instances where i smoke those two guards run to the door and say all right
[22:09:35] all is well then all of a sudden i get to the door it's like oops it's like hey who saw me
[22:09:39] then as i looked behind me it's like oh there was a bmc up there that i never
[22:09:44] knew was there all right so we're in avid palace
[22:09:48] we're supposed to meet up with with Merrill and her rat patrol team,
[22:09:52] and we're going to continue to use the grenade launcher here
[22:09:55] to take out these sleek gas mine traps.
[22:09:58] And New Game I think used the M4 to shoot them out
[22:10:01] whatever's convenient if we have the operator
[22:10:03] convenient then we'll use that. If you have the M4
[22:10:05] convenient, we'll use that
[22:10:06] Yeah, with the grenade launcher, you don't even have to be that
[22:10:09] accurate, just gotta be you know just generally close and
[22:10:11] then you know fire away so one last thing i'm going to equip is a very spooky uh face camo
[22:10:18] which is only unlocked when you get the big boss rank, which is
[22:10:22] the Big Boss Face Camo.
[22:10:24] And I assure you for those
[22:10:26] probably just tuning in, yes this is still
[22:10:28] well it's Old Snake. You know he's not
[22:10:30] Solid Snake anymore, he's Old Snake.
[22:10:33] But the face camo is very valuable in this encounter coming up which we'll get to uh
[22:10:38] but before it starts if you want to get off a few donations, Pride.
[22:10:44] Oh, absolutely.
[22:10:46] I have some very special ones.
[22:10:49] I have $25 from Sergeant Silent who says,
[22:10:50] which way is the resistance member going to go?
[22:10:53] My money is on this way.
[22:10:56] I'm so happy
[22:10:57] to have MGS4 represented
[22:10:59] at GDQ for another great run
[22:11:01] by another great runner.
[22:11:02] I've watched not only you, but the entire community grow around this game
[22:11:06] from 2018 when i first started running it all the way till today and if rumors hold here's to mc2
[22:11:12] bringing even more runners in to join our history in the making good luck out there joe
[22:11:17] show us how to get big boss on the big stage get phase skip for me and remember
[22:11:21] this is good isn't it oh seven oh seven yeah i can't thank Sargent Silent enough.
[22:11:27] He taught me a lot of what I know about
[22:11:29] this game and
[22:11:30] many others that have contributed over the years
[22:11:33] so definitely big
[22:11:35] shoutouts back to you.
[22:11:37] Alright, so the Big Boss Face camo as you might have noticed
[22:11:43] when a frog soldier looks at me up close it it just makes them faint. Because
[22:11:48] in this encounter I don't have to worry about alerts
[22:11:49] but I do have to worry about an audio cue.
[22:11:53] Alright there it is.
[22:11:54] So what I was listening for there
[22:11:55] is a group of frogs spawning on the rooftop. It's kind
[22:11:58] of like this, I don't know, like tumbling
[22:12:00] metallic sound. It's kind of hard to describe
[22:12:02] but the reason for
[22:12:04] getting it right in
[22:12:06] this encounter is that if you do not stop
[22:12:09] these preemptive spawns
[22:12:11] from happening, what could
[22:12:13] happen is it will delay
[22:12:15] Meryl's team from moving forward
[22:12:17] because in this segment,
[22:12:19] you only move as fast as Merrill's team can go.
[22:12:22] Like he can't go too far ahead of them.
[22:12:24] So when Merrill says contact,
[22:12:26] that was another cue to trigger a satchel I planted over there, followed by
[22:12:30] another one here. And
[22:12:32] I'm just gonna, I don't know, flip this
[22:12:34] frying pan just for, I don't know,
[22:12:36] reasons. If Snake can't get it,
[22:12:38] neither can the frogs.
[22:12:40] I don't know.
[22:12:41] Plus, I think there's a meme where
[22:12:43] something about Yes Chef or
[22:12:45] something.
[22:12:46] Yes Chef!
[22:12:50] Okay, so that was the uh first floor and if you can kind of take over for
[22:12:56] uh this floor while i get these planted that'd be great yeah sure
[22:12:59] so if you haven't noticed uh but you can think of the sleep gas satchels as a sort of non-lethal C4
[22:13:07] We're gonna plant them in a few very specific locations in a specific order because the frogs will spawn
[22:13:13] routinely. We're going to do
[22:13:15] a small skip here where we
[22:13:17] literally are going to beat the crap out of
[22:13:19] Johnny. There he goes.
[22:13:22] That's going to skip this hole
[22:13:24] He is freaking out because
[22:13:26] he has some stomach pains
[22:13:28] and that's just what he is going to do anyway
[22:13:30] so it gets held out here
[22:13:32] we are just gonna here in the bathroom for
[22:13:33] uh, the Rat Patrol to come to a specific
[22:13:36] spot. And then Johnny's gonna get knocked
[22:13:38] out because he's just kind of
[22:13:40] the punching bag in the series.
[22:13:42] Yeah, like normally if you don't do that skip at
[22:13:45] the stairwell with Johnny
[22:13:47] they do this end
[22:13:49] game cutscene moment where they're shooting it
[22:13:51] out and Johnny's going up to each one saying
[22:13:53] oh man I gotta go and then
[22:13:54] they're kind of like pushing them off
[22:13:56] to the side and it just wastes a lot of time.
[22:13:58] Granted that is hilarious
[22:14:01] if you're playing for the first time.
[22:14:02] All right so once I see this white flash
[22:14:05] I'm gonna go one... two
[22:14:06] uh three detonations of the
[22:14:08] satchels I planted
[22:14:10] And we're gonna save that last
[22:14:12] one for the bottom floor
[22:14:14] Yeah, so it was probably hard to see but during that
[22:14:17] moment when the wall collapsed like there
[22:14:19] was a bunch of frogs that spawned in that all got
[22:14:21] knocked out
[22:14:22] pretty close with any
[22:14:24] time I detonated
[22:14:26] and I've got one more frog here with any, you know, the time I detonated.
[22:14:28] And I got one more frog here.
[22:14:29] Boop!
[22:14:31] Now, I know what you're thinking.
[22:14:35] Joe shot one of the frogs that was stuck on the wall?
[22:14:37] Oh, I didn't even see that one there.
[22:14:40] Then she fell, right? she fell to her death and i know what you're thinking we said we weren't gonna kill anyone i mean gravity killed her i didn't do it
[22:14:44] that's correct we didn't kill her gravity did here's a funny little glitch uh if you're laying down when they
[22:14:50] uh start this cut scene yeah you get stuck
[22:14:56] you can actually do it standing up but I can't get the timing right.
[22:14:59] But it's consistent if you're lying down.
[22:15:03] Yeah, Jonathan over there is just a little too big for Snake to just walk through.
[22:15:08] Guys, you mind? Show respect. walk through.
[22:15:18] And it's still funny that Snake manages to get to the set position he's supposed
[22:15:21] to start in anyway oh speaking of silly uh this may look
[22:15:24] stupid but this actually saves time if i do this
[22:15:27] it really does i can't explain it either yeah
[22:15:30] i mean well the reason for
[22:15:32] dropping down on him is that there's this
[22:15:34] subtle trigger for this bulldozer to
[22:15:36] show up and if you just file
[22:15:38] in normally... like you have to wait a couple
[22:15:40] seconds for them to show up. It's
[22:15:42] kind of ridiculous, but once I shrink
[22:15:44] three out of the four, I'm going to detonate the last
[22:15:46] satchel and if I did it right
[22:15:48] I should've knocked that whole group in
[22:15:50] Yep, that should be that's in yeah i'm actually not going to use the smoke
[22:15:55] them to end this a little bit sillier so i'm gonna wait for johnny to show up like hey johnny
[22:15:59] that a boy like i said he is the punching bag yeah and again it actually saves time it does i mean people
[22:16:06] don't believe me when i do this but like for some reason if you let them all file in like there's
[22:16:10] these subtle triggers like i said before that you have to wait for in order for it to end so by
[22:16:16] punching johnny as long as you're in the room and merrill's in the room then all is well but uh
[22:16:21] that's the frogs encounter and this would be another great time for donations while I get set up for the next section.
[22:16:28] Absolutely, and I have another very special one, $250 from Mom and Dad.
[22:16:34] Yeah, let's hear it!
[22:16:37] They say
[22:16:38] good luck, have a great run,
[22:16:40] let's go!
[22:16:42] Man, I honestly can't thank them enough.
[22:16:44] I mean the support they've shown, and even my older brother
[22:16:49] that got me into gaming in Metal Gear
[22:16:52] came out all this way to support so thank you so much.
[22:16:57] Okay, so... support so I uh you know thank you so much um okay so we're
[22:16:59] gonna be uh
[22:17:00] working along with the rebels but not really
[22:17:03] but uh we'll
[22:17:05] explain that in a second but I also swapped out the smoke grenades from
[22:17:09] their normal type to the yellow smoke rounds and uh glenn i believe this is probably one of
[22:17:15] your favorite parts of the run whenever you tune in when I use
[22:17:18] these yellow smoke grenades.
[22:17:21] Yeah, this is probably
[22:17:22] one of the more fun areas for me to watch as a viewer
[22:17:24] when I'm speedrunning this game on
[22:17:26] the other hand, this is also one of the more stressful areas.
[22:17:29] This is where, at least on New Game
[22:17:31] for myself
[22:17:33] and at least JaguarKing
[22:17:35] another runner, this is where a lot of
[22:17:37] big boss attempts fail just because you've got the tank going
[22:17:42] around, the rebels are trying to help the tank advance these PMC soldiers are everywhere
[22:17:47] and for some reason as we're used to Metal Gear Guards being very blind uh for some reason, as we're used to Metal Gear
[22:17:49] Guards being very blind. For some reason these
[22:17:52] ones are not. And this is true for the next
[22:17:55] three areas of the game. So you have Crescent Meridian
[22:17:58] here, Millennium Park next.
[22:18:00] And then that is the end of the Act
[22:18:01] and then the first area of Act 2,
[22:18:04] Coe Valley Village, they get like that too
[22:18:07] so we go through a little bit of a gauntlet.
[22:18:11] Well, you know what they say about reducing stress, Glenn?
[22:18:13] What's that?
[22:18:14] Just have a good laugh!
[22:18:18] They're not wrong.
[22:18:19] Yeah, so the yellow smoke grenades just make them
[22:18:21] go into spontaneous laughter.
[22:18:22] It doesn't even make them aware of what's around them and they just start shooting each other
[22:18:27] And it's a good chuckle.
[22:18:29] It's one of those new game plus items that triggers the emotions we were talking about earlier and causes plot nanomachines, somethings go crazy.
[22:18:41] We're not worried about that, We're just going to take advantage of them.
[22:18:44] All right, so we're going through
[22:18:46] Millennium Park here, so we're about to wrap up
[22:18:48] Act 1, so I'm just gonna
[22:18:49] knock these two out.
[22:18:52] Nice headshot. Ah, thank you!
[22:18:54] Gonna try to get that
[22:18:56] guy... Did we get him?
[22:18:58] Yeah, over-the-shoulder aiming can be a bit
[22:19:00] spotty at times in this
[22:19:02] game but I usually just try to generally aim where i think is best
[22:19:08] uh but the tranquilizer itself is also really dependable more than just
[22:19:12] you know the instant gratification of a headshot.
[22:19:15] But if you were to just shrink them in the torso
[22:19:19] and let it tick the stamina drain
[22:19:23] which they would eventually knock out
[22:19:25] It's actually relatively quick
[22:19:27] compared to past Metal Gear games
[22:19:29] where you fire off one tranq and it just feels
[22:19:31] like it takes an eternity for it to
[22:19:32] kick in. Okay, we're good. That caution
[22:19:35] would not have been fun had he called for backup yeah i mean getting a
[22:19:39] caution here is i wouldn't want to say disastrous but it could be uh because then it calls for
[22:19:45] backup i'd have to change my approach
[22:19:47] to actually get out of here and it's not a fun time
[22:19:50] Two guards there, one in the front
[22:19:53] One on the back they would see us
[22:19:56] And there is one by the door at the end of the act. We have our emotion smoke, so they're just going to laugh
[22:20:00] at us as we walk away.
[22:20:01] I'm actually going to shrink him just out of safety.
[22:20:04] Although it's rare, but if they're under a smoke
[22:20:07] and they're staring at you,
[22:20:09] like as it's about to expire
[22:20:11] there's a chance that you can get spotted
[22:20:13] for fraction of a second.
[22:20:15] And even though the alert may not show up on screen
[22:20:17] but the general rule of thumb is that if you hear
[22:20:19] the alert buzzer it counts yeah and that is act one as you can see zeros down the board
[22:20:26] all right 1932. that's good that's pretty much what i hoped i would get for in a marathon um ideally i try to go
[22:20:33] for sub-19 minutes uh for a pb run but i'm happy with that. So, right?
[22:20:41] I'll leave it back to you.
[22:20:43] Absolutely! We have $25 from
[22:20:45] Kechi Face who says
[22:20:47] Is this the work of an enemy stand?
[22:20:49] Oh no, it's a donation. Hello from the activity room on site at SGDQ so excited to be able to see this run snake eaters sing along when folks you donate it i'll do it
[22:21:02] i'd i'll put that one out there yeah do
[22:21:05] it
[22:21:06] time for a couple more oh yeah sure
[22:21:08] absolutely
[22:21:09] uh we have
[22:21:11] oh here we go already Already catching on to that.
[22:21:13] We have $100 from the ladder who says
[22:21:17] I'm still in a dream
[22:21:21] Snake Eater Dream snake eater.
[22:21:24] Well played, well played.
[22:21:28] Love it.
[22:21:32] Yeah too bad there's not a letter like that in this game.
[22:21:34] No unfortunately not.
[22:21:36] Also, Sneak Eater is not the only Metal Gear song out there folks.
[22:21:39] It's true.
[22:21:40] Alright so we're starting Cold Valley Village and what I'm going to do is
[22:21:45] I'm going to start running. And I'm going to run in a specific path because
[22:21:49] I want to make sure I get most of these PMCs that are in the middle of this village
[22:21:53] to run up to investigate. And i'm just gonna make sure that
[22:21:57] they all clear and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to wait uh just a little bit for this
[22:22:02] pmc to run forward i'm going to hold them, tranq them and then it's important that
[22:22:06] I do this for two reasons. One, I don't want
[22:22:08] that PMC to see me as I'm running
[22:22:10] away and two, I want the
[22:22:12] Rebels see me hold
[22:22:14] them up because at the very beginning Snake is treated as
[22:22:17] a hostile enemy and
[22:22:19] the alert count does not
[22:22:21] regard who
[22:22:23] saw it. If it came from a PMC
[22:22:25] or a Rebel, it doesn't matter matter it will still count against you for
[22:22:28] uh the stats for the big boss rank and i swapped the solid eye vision to
[22:22:34] the nvgs uh it just makes it easier to spot the PMCs here,
[22:22:37] because it is early dawn when you first start.
[22:22:40] So casually this would be very hard
[22:22:42] to see if you try and go without it.
[22:22:46] Did we hit that front one?
[22:22:48] I think so. Yeah, you did. Wow!
[22:22:51] It's hard to see that one.
[22:22:54] He is kind of a pain.
[22:22:57] Oh he actually moved forward.
[22:23:00] Oh, that might have hit him.
[22:23:01] Okay, well, that one definitely did.
[22:23:03] That one for sure did.
[22:23:05] Yeah, so now the rebels will see Snake as an ally.
[22:23:08] There's a small little alliance
[22:23:11] kind of thing here.
[22:23:12] This is true for the Middle East
[22:23:14] rebels but we have it disguised for that one.
[22:23:17] It's not really used
[22:23:19] but in South America you do want Snake to be seen by at least one of the Rebels with that guard he held up.
[22:23:26] See him shoot him or take him down in some way.
[22:23:30] Yeah like if you look at the rebels with
[22:23:32] the user interface
[22:23:34] with the solid eye it will actually show
[22:23:36] a text name
[22:23:38] over them and if its
[22:23:40] yellow orange then your still treated as and if it's yellow, orange or blue
[22:23:42] then you're still treated as friendly
[22:23:44] but if it's red
[22:23:45] that's where you'd be treated
[22:23:46] as an enemy
[22:23:47] and you possibly would be spotted
[22:23:49] if you're alert.
[22:23:51] Wait what am I doing here?
[22:23:56] It's me again.'re gonna ask us about all that every single time they see this well I was just going to say I'm running for charity that's what I'm
[22:23:59] doing we are here for charity alright so I so I'm gonna take it a little
[22:24:04] bit slower here because there's one PMC that
[22:24:06] I need to shrink which
[22:24:08] I did but I'm going to figure out another one
[22:24:10] He can be a pain sometimes
[22:24:11] Doesn't always see you but he he can. I mean, technically
[22:24:14] there's a way where you could actually roll past it and be
[22:24:18] safe although I just...
[22:24:22] Where did that one come from?
[22:24:25] I think I hit the, uh...
[22:24:27] Well you missed the tranq shot if that happens, ya know
[22:24:30] Yeah well not to worry
[22:24:32] Normally the two guards up here
[22:24:34] I like to say they're scared of Snake I mean, I... Normally the two guards up here
[22:24:35] I like to say that they're scared of Snake.
[22:24:37] They know he's here so they run away from the old man.
[22:24:40] Yeah, I've messed this up enough times
[22:24:42] To at least know how to recover it
[22:24:45] Or at least try to recover it, or at least try to recover
[22:24:46] it. So for the most part I'm just trying to make sure that
[22:24:50] those two are knocked out and then the ones that are coming in...
[22:24:54] Okay so I think and I'm going to throw a smoke.
[22:24:58] Okay, so I think I got them both
[22:24:59] but I'm going to
[22:25:00] shrink them
[22:25:01] because again
[22:25:01] what I talked about earlier
[22:25:02] is that
[22:25:03] you know
[22:25:04] if they're looking
[22:25:05] in your direction
[22:25:06] like as the smoke's about to expire
[22:25:08] like there's a fraction of a second where they could spot you it doesn't happen all
[22:25:11] the time but it's happened enough times where i just
[22:25:14] i just don't take any risks uh if i don't to. And for any aspiring speedrunners doing this at home, always learn your backups.
[22:25:21] Yes.
[22:25:24] All right, so now we're coming up to the power station,
[22:25:26] which isn't nearly as scary as uh cold valley village because
[22:25:30] i've been close you know i mean for speed running coal valley villages where big boss runs go to die
[22:25:35] um even if they're on new game plus that doesn't mean we can relax here, it's still...
[22:25:40] you know, you've got to get into what
[22:25:42] you're doing and go through the path
[22:25:44] throw the smokes where you need to
[22:25:46] take out the guards that you need too
[22:25:48] but for the most part we can just hang a left here and throw our smokes.
[22:25:52] Yeah I'm gonna throw like four of them.
[22:25:56] We've got plenty.
[22:25:57] Yeah we've got plenty.
[22:25:59] Alright I'm just going to crank this guard.
[22:26:03] And if
[22:26:03] we need to pick up some more regular ones,
[22:26:05] we know where they're at.
[22:26:07] And that one on the top is the one
[22:26:08] that always scares me.
[22:26:09] I think the rebels take him out before all right there we go
[22:26:12] i just want to make sure that the smoke kicks in before i start running because uh if you wait too
[22:26:17] long what can happen as pmcs will actually spawn where i'm running um on this side of the power station and uh you know worst
[22:26:25] thing it could do is you know just assume that it's clear and then you're not paying attention
[22:26:29] to the solidite radar and then bam they're right there if i had a dollar for every time that's
[22:26:34] happened yeah i would donate it to charity exactly so uh this is just another section where i'm just
[22:26:41] going to be you know going through. So Pride, if you have
[22:26:44] donations this would be a good time.
[22:26:45] Oh, I absolutely do. I have $5
[22:26:47] from Totsie Gaming who says
[22:26:50] speedrunning has
[22:26:51] changed. It's great to see so many people come
[22:26:54] together to support such a great cause, and I'm
[22:26:56] excited to see MGSR repping my brother's
[22:26:59] favorite game in the series.
[22:27:00] Sorry, I probably won't be awake when you get your run going,
[22:27:03] but I wanted to send good luck for the run. but i wanted to send a good luck for the
[22:27:04] run. I also wanted to say that it's awesome
[22:27:06] being part of this amazing group of runners
[22:27:08] hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and that chat gets to see an
[22:27:11] amazing run of a great game by the way if JoJo and Glenn have an incentive preference
[22:27:16] put this towards it please
[22:27:18] I think
[22:27:20] I have the
[22:27:22] selection for pet the dog
[22:27:32] For whom the bell tolls excellent choice always pet the puppers
[22:27:39] time for another yep great because we have 100 from evil buho who says snake
[22:27:48] thank you well done hopefully that doesn't happen for our run here. Hopefully not!
[22:27:50] Yeah, you can do another one.
[22:27:52] Fantastic. I have $25 from Sean Zilla who says
[22:27:56] Happy to see Metal Gear.
[22:27:57] Thanks for volunteering your time, appreciate it.
[22:28:01] All right so we're coming up
[22:28:03] to the confinement facility and actually
[22:28:07] at the back track there's actually different ways
[22:28:09] to get through this section.
[22:28:12] You know, there's like three different entryways
[22:28:14] and they all lead to the same place, to Vista Mansion.
[22:28:17] But for this run I'm opting to go to the leftward path here because
[22:28:22] it's more of a direct route to the vista mansion um so what i'm gonna do here is throw that smoke
[22:28:27] which wow that was really funky that was a weird bounce but it works.
[22:28:30] Yeah I mean well as long
[22:28:32] as the smoke gets to the ground
[22:28:32] don't care how it happens.
[22:28:34] It technically works
[22:28:35] which is the best kind of word.
[22:28:36] Throw another one right over here.
[22:28:38] Got it? Yep.
[22:28:39] Yep. Yep.
[22:28:43] I mean, technically I don't have to train some
[22:28:45] of these guards around here but you know
[22:28:47] again they've been burned too many times
[22:28:49] that you just want to take that chance So I'm going to throw one right past the truck,
[22:28:54] try to shrink this one in the crow's nest and...
[22:28:58] Oh there we go.
[22:29:00] Yeah, we don't want them to call for backup because
[22:29:02] then the caution will carry into
[22:29:04] next area, there's gonna be extra guards...
[22:29:06] That's a mess.
[22:29:10] Oh you know why that guy's mad?
[22:29:13] Why?
[22:29:14] He didn't have Twitch Prime.
[22:29:17] Got hit with the mats.
[22:29:18] Yeah.
[22:29:21] All right so what I'm going to do here may seem ridiculous but it's actually very helpful.
[22:29:25] I'm just going to run up here and be like huh? What is that an explosion?
[22:29:32] An explosion in In Ward? Nah, nah that doesn't happen.
[22:29:37] Well what happens here is they all focus their attention towards the explosion and away from where I'm running
[22:29:42] And at the same time it starts this skirmish
[22:29:45] between the PMCs of the rubble.
[22:29:47] So it's a nice two for one deal.
[22:29:50] And its big boss friendly.
[22:29:53] Very much so.
[22:30:01] I'm gonna give Snake a chance to use the Rebels as a cover and sneak into the mansion, because we're looking for Naomi.
[22:30:04] Because...we think for some reason those are old come on bulldozer even though oh no get out of the way
[22:30:12] yeah sometimes that run over by the bulldozer but uh he lived
[22:30:18] but sadly the bulldozer did not rip bulldozer
[22:30:23] that's okay it did what they needed it to do
[22:30:26] all right so like glenn was saying we have to go find naomi which
[22:30:29] is in a lab uh you know hidden within the vista mansion so i'm gonna do here
[22:30:33] as i'm going to hang left and i'm going to throw a smoke right over okay not like that oops no biggie
[22:30:40] and this is why pressure's okay maybe uh
[22:30:43] there could be a problem but i'm going to try to fix it.
[22:30:53] Nice headshot. Oh, the Rebels seem to think so.
[22:30:55] I'm actually going to make sure that's clear before
[22:30:57] I... Yeah, see these guys worry me a little bit.
[22:31:00] Looks like you're clear.
[22:31:02] Yeah, sometimes when I'm trying
[22:31:04] to throw grenades it'll go
[22:31:06] underhand versus overhand
[22:31:07] which in context of this
[22:31:10] run, the way I have
[22:31:12] this set up is I'm actually using a dual sense
[22:31:14] believe it or not for PS3
[22:31:16] which for those at home wondering well how's that
[22:31:18] even possible? Well thankfully I have an adapter
[22:31:21] that makes that work. Of course there's some concessions i
[22:31:23] have to make such as you know, I have no six axis control
[22:31:27] um I can't you know do some of the things that required
[22:31:30] you know the motion features and the things that required motion features and
[22:31:32] um...of course I have no pressure sensitivity
[22:31:34] which as a speed runner is a huge plus
[22:31:36] because pressure sense can
[22:31:38] often get into more trouble than it helps
[22:31:42] but here we are at the lab and
[22:31:44] while I do another
[22:31:46] assortment of menus, this is
[22:31:48] another good donation opportunity
[22:31:50] Fantastic because I have $25 from Malinky Fox who says,
[22:31:54] I once watched Joseph Joestar take on 20 Metal Gears in one sitting and he only cried once.
[22:32:00] So if anybody can beat Metal Gear 4, it's definitely
[22:32:04] him. You know, I
[22:32:06] actually did almost want to cry in MGS2
[22:32:08] when I died to those raids.
[22:32:10] But thank you, Maliki.
[22:32:13] Oh yeah, you do another one.
[22:32:15] Another one? Absolutely!
[22:32:17] We have $50 from Patsykin who says
[22:32:19] Can't believe we're technically on the final day of SGDQ
[22:32:23] This week is all about going fast, but this
[22:32:25] is too fast!
[22:32:27] I feel the same way, but unfortunately
[22:32:29] you know, a week's gotta end at some point.
[22:32:32] Alright,
[22:32:33] so we're starting a another frogs encounter where
[22:32:36] this time the alerts will count which hopefully i won't get spotted and i'm going to start
[22:32:40] by look at okay awkward all right so i going to pretend like I didn't do that.
[22:32:47] Do what?
[22:32:49] Oh, the botching of the first stun.
[22:32:51] What are you talking about?
[22:32:53] Yeah, what's done.
[22:32:55] All right, so what I'm going to do is
[22:32:56] I'm going to throw these stuns
[22:32:58] to get this...
[22:33:00] What was like a first group of four
[22:33:02] and preferably
[22:33:03] you want to get them all together
[22:33:05] at the beginning
[22:33:06] but especially since I uh there you go
[22:33:11] yep there they go now it's just waiting for him to hit the floor all right so once you get the first
[22:33:15] four i'm gonna stay right here in this corner.
[22:33:17] And by doing this it's gonna manipulate where the rest of the frogs spawned in from
[22:33:22] So for example if i was in that room where I started they actually will spawn off to the right
[22:33:27] and by being here, they just
[22:33:29] go right through here and
[22:33:31] the satchels that I planted
[22:33:33] after I threw the stuns
[22:33:35] what's convenient is like Glenn said
[22:33:37] they're sleek-ass C4 and you can
[22:33:40] stack them. You can detonate them one after the other.
[22:33:42] It's not going to compromise the others that you planted.
[22:33:45] Oh, there
[22:33:46] they are. I was wondering where they were.
[22:33:48] And what's also nice about it is like as
[22:33:49] they file in, they just get instantly knocked out. It's
[22:33:53] incredibly convenient so there's the solar gun that we
[22:33:57] were talking about earlier which will get used uh after the first phase and more commonly throughout the
[22:34:05] run who that what was that oh there's someone else Who dat? Wait, who's that?
[22:34:12] Oh there was someone else here.
[22:34:14] Oh it's the first boss fight!
[22:34:16] Laughing Octopus
[22:34:18] So Glenn I'll leave it to you
[22:34:20] So what we're gonna to do real quick is
[22:34:22] run away because she's always gonna open with a P90
[22:34:24] and we're gonna whip out the railgun
[22:34:26] and charge it alllll the way up
[22:34:30] Think of it like Pokemon, weak to electricity and she is an octopus therefore water type.
[22:34:34] We're going to move in such a way that hopefully we can manipulate where she will spawn
[22:34:39] but actually that doesn't always happen but that's okay
[22:34:45] yeah it's a 50-50 uh chance whether she's a fake mannequin or
[22:34:49] she's on the painting there we go all right so then we're just gonna wait here
[22:34:56] okay okay this is fun yeah i can't fool me that's too big to be the mark two
[22:35:04] but casually i did fall for it, so don't feel bad
[22:35:07] for those that fell for it too.
[22:35:10] Okay, I did get the frog face skip and oh there she is!
[22:35:14] She could spawn in one of three places
[22:35:16] if you're successful but which of the three
[22:35:18] should spawn that is random?
[22:35:21] Naomi? What are you on about?
[22:35:22] Aw, she's not Naomi.
[22:35:23] I don't think so. We watched we watched her no we didn't watch anything because
[22:35:28] you are not watching cutscenes oh she left she said no not today oh yeah that is what i call the She's right behind you. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You don't.
[22:35:40] Yeah, that is what I call the rolly ball of death,
[22:35:43] which she goes into a ball,
[22:35:45] and if you get hit by it on this difficulty,
[22:35:51] it is an insta-death, and that is the last thing you need and goodbye there we go that is first phase of octopus and that's actually the wrong weapon but i fixed it.
[22:36:02] Yeah, bro, I'm gonna be doing that a lot so have at it!
[22:36:04] Let's get all the sunlights from the crowd
[22:36:06] or donation comments that would be funny.
[22:36:10] Alright so
[22:36:11] we beat the first half and now for the second
[22:36:13] half we're just going to go on the floor
[22:36:15] roll a few times which is going to make them crawl
[22:36:17] they can't dodge this while crawling
[22:36:18] new game I think uses the V-Ring which is going to make them crawl. They can't dodge this while crawling, um,
[22:36:19] new game I think uses the V ring rounds,
[22:36:21] which are the non-lethal shotgun rounds with the,
[22:36:24] uh,
[22:36:25] under barrel attachment.
[22:36:27] Correct.
[22:36:27] Uh,
[22:36:28] but with the solar gun,
[22:36:29] it's just two, a two shard shots and all is good.
[22:36:32] I'm going to equip some things here before I end the fight
[22:36:35] And that is Laughing Octopus.
[22:36:41] Well done.
[22:36:43] Yeah, I see the fight went pretty well
[22:36:45] it was the frogs that was a bit
[22:36:47] sketchy but yeah
[22:36:48] it is what it is. all things considered we'll take it
[22:36:51] uh so we got a few more cut scenes and codex to skip so if you want to
[22:36:56] you know write off a few donations you can absolutely and i have 500 from precious roy yeah Absolutely. And I have $500 from Precious Roy.
[22:37:02] Woo!
[22:37:03] Yeah.
[22:37:04] They say rock and roll, Joe.
[22:37:07] Rock and roll indeed.
[22:37:09] We also have $75 from Pythonicus who says ready to get the full force comfy vibes live
[22:37:15] from the back couch.
[22:37:16] Good luck and crush the run, JoJo.
[22:37:19] Yeah, thank you, Pythonicus.
[22:37:21] You know, again, big, big shout outs to the you know mgsr community of metal gear speed
[22:37:26] runners if you're ever interested in wanting to you know learn just be run a middle gear game
[22:37:31] and you know the community that embraces
[22:37:33] that very idea, check out the
[22:37:36] MGSR Discord or
[22:37:38] check out the wiki at
[22:37:42] There you have it. so right now naomi got taken away uh so we're just gonna
[22:37:49] go to where she's at the whole idea is that you're supposed to look at the footprints on
[22:37:53] the ground like your tracking but thankfully we know exactly where to go and oh this is funny
[22:38:02] Snake, one of the rules here
[22:38:04] is that you have to take a shower.
[22:38:05] He should not be able to smell you from 50 meters.
[22:38:08] Well I was going to say he made a mistake of adding a zero.
[22:38:13] So that smoke that I threw there
[22:38:15] is what I call the, you know,
[22:38:17] classic beginner's trap because that guard is not always there on other
[22:38:22] difficulties.
[22:38:22] He spawns in on extreme and I think maybe on big boss hard,
[22:38:26] correct me if I'm wrong later.
[22:38:28] But the thing is like they don't show up
[22:38:30] on the radar because it detects motion
[22:38:32] and noise so when there's standing still
[22:38:35] like that frog is there
[22:38:36] its very hard to you know be able to anticipate
[22:38:39] it uh you know when you're running up
[22:38:41] through here but thankfully i've just memorized where they all are and where
[22:38:44] they're looking including this frog around the corner
[22:38:48] just crawl up a little bit,
[22:38:49] and this shot could be a little tricky
[22:38:51] but we got to get it nice
[22:38:53] And its really good that we get it all memorized
[22:38:55] because if you're using the
[22:38:57] solidized night vision goggle feature. The frog
[22:39:00] specifically can hear it, it makes a pinging sound or high pitch
[22:39:04] sound. Oh that was a nice bounce! He's going to be mad about
[22:39:08] that bounce. Oh he might be mad about something else later
[22:39:10] but that will be RNG whether if it happens or not.
[22:39:12] I mean you did throw smoke in his face
[22:39:14] and I'd be upset about it too.
[22:39:16] Alright so we got one last guard
[22:39:18] on this trail side here which...
[22:39:21] Just do a quick uh...
[22:39:23] Sometimes he's an odd one there.
[22:39:27] I've seen him turn for some reason
[22:39:29] A couple of times for other runners and it's like what are you doing yeah
[22:39:34] sometimes if you're trying to aim for a head shot and like i said over the shoulder aiming can be
[22:39:39] sketchy um and at times when you think you're getting a headshot,
[22:39:42] you hit them like in the back of the neck or something and it makes him turn.
[22:39:46] Hey! It went off. So sometimes what can happen is if you smoke that guard
[22:39:50] and they face the right way. He actually falls on top of
[22:39:52] the Claymore he just planted, and again
[22:39:55] I'm not at fault here. That Claymore was
[22:39:58] friendly fire. Yeah, doesn't count against me.
[22:40:01] It's not my problem. right so we're up with the first of two
[22:40:06] vehicle sections of the run which we're now going to be using more of the solar gun for real now
[22:40:16] the pmc's are i don't know they're kind of just doing stuff
[22:40:21] um they're not really acting right so i guess we just kind of refer to them as just zombie pmc's
[22:40:25] so the real threat here are these power suits,
[22:40:27] which is where the solar gun comes in handy. It takes them out in one
[22:40:29] full charge, but
[22:40:31] the trick of it is actually trying to hit them
[22:40:33] because the projectile hipbox of the solar gun
[22:40:36] is not as wide as you think it is um like there are moments where it
[22:40:40] actually looks like it hits but it doesn't actually
[22:40:42] hit them so i try to be a little bit more vigilant on making sure oh here we go sunlight
[22:40:51] oh and for the record drebin ran into that power seat i had nothing to do with it
[22:40:57] honestly much faster than it is on New Game where you have to kind of wait for them
[22:41:01] to enter the area and then pull up a V-Ring
[22:41:05] Sometimes its just a mess. And we do have
[22:41:08] A bunch of gecko here, so we are going to use the big machine gun
[22:41:12] On top of Drebin but the problem that we do have to face here as Big Boss attempt
[22:41:16] Is there is a guard hanging from the front
[22:41:18] of Drebin and you don't
[22:41:20] want to be shooting the machine gun when he
[22:41:22] finally pulls himself up.
[22:41:25] He will just instantly put
[22:41:26] himself in front of the barrel and just die.
[22:41:29] And we don't want that.
[22:41:31] Yeah, I mean one of things I do up front is
[22:41:34] I knock out a guard that I know if left alone
[22:41:37] will walk up to the front of the tank and climb
[22:41:40] up. And there's a chance that as you're just
[22:41:43] firing, uh, you know consistently that you'll actually
[22:41:46] hit them. I've done it countless times where each
[22:41:49] time i just lose
[22:41:50] my train of thought
[22:41:52] like, oh dude, did I just throw my big
[22:41:54] boss run already? But then there's
[22:41:56] times where you could maybe get lucky and hit them in
[22:41:58] the arm, and they just fall off. If you hit them in the arm and they just fall off if you hit him in
[22:42:01] the limb they won't die but i me too uh just oh you know what else
[22:42:06] won't let them die oh he didn't get it run over by the tank
[22:42:10] yeah it's like every run that i do that
[22:42:12] guy always gets ran over by the tank but they just get right up like it never happened well
[22:42:15] he knew you weren't trying to kill anyone so he didn't want to take the risk it was nice of him.
[22:42:26] Wait, Trevon what are you talking about? We got an MGS right here!
[22:42:30] And I assure you that is not where I am.
[22:42:33] Alright, so the bigger threat
[22:42:37] Not the geckos, not the zombie PNCs but the gate!
[22:42:41] This gosh darn gate with so much
[22:42:43] health for no reason.
[22:42:47] I mean, now,
[22:42:47] I just look at it like this. Alright, so
[22:42:49] we do have the heavy machine gun turret
[22:42:51] but we also got a really big tank i don't know apparently thanks i know
[22:42:56] couldn't the tank just drive through the gate i mean it's not like we're trying to break through
[22:43:00] like you know the black gates of m anything. Right and it does like...
[22:43:05] the way the gate is falling apart at the seams
[22:43:07] It looks like its made of wood?
[22:43:09] I-It isn't.
[22:43:11] No, it's very
[22:43:12] for some reason made of
[22:43:13] the weirdest metal on Earth.
[22:43:16] It just chips like wood.
[22:43:17] Now, I think on other difficulties you could use
[22:43:20] your other power weapons
[22:43:22] to knock this gate out faster
[22:43:24] but on extreme sadly it's just way too much
[22:43:26] HP and it's just better off to just use
[22:43:28] the turret. Well, at least with the gate gone
[22:43:30] we don't have to worry about the PMCs anymore either
[22:43:32] Oh, get ready for some speed
[22:43:34] Get ready for some speed! Oh, Ry ready for some speed.
[22:43:38] Oh, right as he hits the brakes. And we're immediately hitting the brakes.
[22:43:41] Whoops!
[22:43:43] At least what he could have done is made it look cool in drift.
[22:43:47] Alright so we got three more geckos that are going to jump
[22:43:51] in just a little bit and try get two of them out together.
[22:43:58] Got it. together there we go and then the third one's
[22:44:00] gonna jump in front and it's going to get hit by a mortar
[22:44:04] and then i'll just hit it once with uh you know
[22:44:07] but the turret i'm just gonna blow up that tank.
[22:44:09] I actually didn't know it got hit by a mortar.
[22:44:11] Yeah cause like when you look at it its health is
[22:44:13] at zero and I couldn't figure out why for
[22:44:15] the longest time and that was the only thing I could come
[22:44:17] up with. I mean it did explode where he landed so that tracks
[22:44:25] oh drebin is not happy
[22:44:29] oh wait now he's telling me it's gonna get bumpy! Oh wait now he's telling me
[22:44:30] It's going to get bumpy?
[22:44:32] I mean its been anything but a smooth ride
[22:44:34] Up until this point. We're doing a little
[22:44:36] Off-roading Drebin
[22:44:38] You mean to tell me that this is the smoothest off-roading you've ever
[22:44:41] done?
[22:44:44] And now we're back on a road.
[22:44:45] Come on.
[22:44:47] Alright, so thankfully we're over
[22:44:49] the hardest part of this tank section, which in my view it's
[22:44:54] partly Vista Mansion and mainly via the geckos as you leave Vista Mansion.
[22:45:01] Because again, on extreme if
[22:45:02] you get hit by the gunfire from the geckos
[22:45:04] it takes half your HP away
[22:45:06] and that is very
[22:45:08] severe when
[22:45:10] working with all of the other elements of,
[22:45:12] you know, PMC zombies trying to grab ya,
[22:45:15] trying to shoot ya.
[22:45:16] And your health doesn't regenerate
[22:45:20] during these sections and even during
[22:45:22] the normal game like you have to be standing still or laying down motionless for your health. The region it's not like MGS three where your health and stamina
[22:45:32] You know change concurrently
[22:45:33] throughout the game, even in vehicle sections.
[22:45:36] So now we got
[22:45:37] one last thing to do which is
[22:45:39] get to the chopper!
[22:45:42] Oh and some geckos but
[22:45:43] we're just going to ignore all but one if they show up.
[22:45:47] It's random if they do. And if it comes down to it I'm...
[22:45:51] I got a.50 caliber bullet with their name on it.
[22:45:55] They are not showing up
[22:46:02] okay i actually did think about doing that role but i've been also burned too many times in the past getting it wrong because uh if they land on you it's an instant death we don't want that
[22:46:08] let's see oh there's a chopper oh bye chopper and that's act two still zeros all right so we're going into the uh fun part of the run which i say in
[22:46:24] enthusiasm for those that know this game.
[22:46:28] But before I get into it, Pride, take it away.
[22:46:31] Fantastic.
[22:46:32] We have a lot of love pouring in.
[22:46:34] We have $5 from Jonathan Joestar who says,
[22:46:37] Sunlight? No.
[22:46:39] Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!
[22:46:44] Yeah we got a couple of JoJo fans in the audience. Let's hear it.
[22:46:49] I heard the sun and a gun.
[22:46:51] We also have $1,000 from Peak Zorro who says,
[22:46:54] Snake?
[22:46:55] Snake!
[22:46:56] Snaaaaaaaake! Thank you so much. Snake!
[22:47:02] Thank you so much.
[22:47:06] Time for a couple more? Oh yeah, sure. Fantastic. We got $10
[22:47:08] from Liquid James Syrup who says awesome to see Metal Gear Solid 4 at GDQ.
[22:47:12] I played the whole series in two weeks! Maybe one year I can do my 2 week speedrun at a GDQ.
[22:47:17] Good luck and don't let Liquid ocelot push you around yeah he could be uh it
[22:47:24] could be quite a character which we'll talk about that later so in act 3's going to be a different pacing of how things will work. In the first two acts,
[22:47:37] It was pretty the standard technical
[22:47:42] espionage, but this is
[22:47:44] anything but that.
[22:47:46] But for good reasons.
[22:47:48] Unfortunately, the outfit
[22:47:50] we have on as-is isn't good enough. emcees recognize Snake's younger appearance, older appearance. They just don't like Snake
[22:47:53] so we're just going to do the next best thing
[22:47:55] is just pretend like you're somebody else
[22:47:57] and
[22:47:59] exactly that somebody else is the boss
[22:48:01] that we just defeated which is uh laughing octopus but
[22:48:05] yeah i don't know i mean it could be her could be not i mean you know as long as the pmcs don't
[22:48:10] know um and remember that ipod that i equipped at the very beginning? Well, this is why.
[22:48:14] Because it helps speed things least
[22:48:18] it feels like it does. Alright so I'm going to clip
[22:48:22] the crying rounds here
[22:48:24] for the tranquilizer.
[22:48:25] And the main theme of this first half
[22:48:29] is following their resistance guy which
[22:48:33] I know for those that have played the game casually,
[22:48:35] it can be quite extensively boring.
[22:48:38] I will say but thankfully there is some tech involved to help speed this process up just
[22:48:43] for my own sanity as well as for all those watching and the very first thing i'm going
[22:48:47] to do once i regain control of snake is i'm gonna shoot at the ground at the resistance guy's feet
[22:48:53] and what this is gonna do is is spook them to run forward
[22:48:57] and if I did this right
[22:48:59] he's gonna run down into the right
[22:49:03] aaaand...he's not. Alright, so that
[22:49:05] just bad RNG. If he runs
[22:49:08] down into the right, he's just going to regroup
[22:49:10] at the corner and continue running
[22:49:11] but if he runs down into the left
[22:49:13] you'd probably lose a minute for him
[22:49:15] to walk back and then resume
[22:49:17] his leash-release stroll Oh! like a minute for him to walk back and then resume his leisurely stroll.
[22:49:20] Oh,
[22:49:20] and then this is a nice little shout out opportunity for Nick Carpe Green's
[22:49:25] Metal Gear Solid 3 All-Caratons run, which was on backup this year.
[22:49:29] And believe it or not, until recently I had no idea that this Keraton background
[22:49:33] was even here and I've been playing this game for years.
[22:49:36] Would you believe me if this is the first time I see this?
[22:49:38] Well now you've all seen it.
[22:49:41] So yeah, definitely shout-outs to Dick Arpy Green.
[22:49:44] You know, I hope to see that run get in.
[22:49:47] I know he's put a lot of work into optimizing
[22:49:50] that run for European
[22:49:52] Extreme, and
[22:49:54] it's actually a really fun run.
[22:49:56] It's like a different take on the game
[22:49:58] with...
[22:49:59] Oh, did he notice me
[22:50:03] maybe i don't think so no because he would say who's that
[22:50:09] yeah that's the thing is that if I...
[22:50:12] He's just scared.
[22:50:16] And I'm just waiting to see what he does. He's either gonna
[22:50:20] run away again or he he's just gonna pretend like
[22:50:22] he didn't see me and then resume his walk which is what I'm hoping
[22:50:24] he'll do.
[22:50:26] You're just a fella with a knife and an iPod
[22:50:29] and a creepy face crouching in an alley.
[22:50:31] What's scary about that?
[22:50:33] I don't know, I mean,
[22:50:34] I don't see anything sus about this.
[22:50:36] Okay maybe the bit with the knife is overdoing it.
[22:50:39] Wonder if you're too far for them
[22:50:41] because there's proximity thing sometimes.
[22:50:47] Ah, okay that's what I was afraid of.
[22:50:52] Well he's just doing the distinguished Joestar technique.
[22:50:55] Running away.
[22:50:57] Alright so they'll be losing a bit more time than I had hoped for
[22:51:02] So while I wait
[22:51:04] for them to walk back,
[22:51:05] Pride, this would be
[22:51:06] a great time
[22:51:06] to bring up
[22:51:07] some more donations.
[22:51:08] Oh, absolutely.
[22:51:09] And I have $50
[22:51:10] from Dolphin Chucks
[22:51:12] who has
[22:51:13] a very pertinent
[22:51:14] piece of information.
[22:51:16] They say, Snake, remember the basics
[22:51:18] of CQC? You tap enemies on the shoulder
[22:51:20] and run away. It works every time.
[22:51:23] It does?
[22:51:24] Every single time. We have $50 from theory, who says good luck with the run Joe hope the RNG is in your favor.
[22:51:32] Thank you very
[22:51:34] We also have a $300 from Nat Tiger, who says,
[22:51:39] Hey boss, caught this donation trying to sneak through our defenses undetected.
[22:51:43] Kept babbling about getting big boss rank, but we caught him!
[22:51:46] Ain't nobody getting through here without an alert going off
[22:51:51] oh the uh glenn this seems pretty familiar
[22:51:59] felt like i've heard this before.
[22:52:04] Oh, when I ran Metal Gear MSX two years ago and also during the chopper riding Ground Zeroes.
[22:52:05] It's a classic tune and the song I was playing before, The Theme of Solid
[22:52:09] Snake is from one of my favorite
[22:52:11] game soundtracks which is Metal Gear 2 Solid
[22:52:13] Snake. You know, a lot of the
[22:52:15] melodies that you hear throughout this series originate
[22:52:17] from the first 2D classics
[22:52:20] of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.
[22:52:22] So if you ever get a chance
[22:52:24] to play either one of those games, especially
[22:52:26] with Master Collection out there now
[22:52:28] I definitely recommend at least uh you
[22:52:30] know giving either one or both of those games to try
[22:52:32] all right so now the resistance guy's back to where he was supposed to be
[22:52:36] and we're gonna well do this once he stopped
[22:52:40] rolling his head.
[22:52:43] You know, they must have overheard the music that I'm playing and they're like
[22:52:47] Oh man! The nostalgia!
[22:52:50] I remember hearing that music back in
[22:52:52] the day and they're also going to cry.
[22:52:56] Alright, so you are probably wondering why in the world
[22:53:00] am i doing this to those poor pmcs well
[22:53:02] for some reason the resistance guy just doesn't acknowledge that they're there
[22:53:06] while they're under the effect of the motion rounds and the crying rounds are
[22:53:11] used specifically just because it immobilizes them,
[22:53:13] like they're not going to get hostile in their own way or turn on each other with
[22:53:17] their weapons. And of course we don't want the resistance guy getting in the middle
[22:53:21] of all that. And I guess it just looks funny at the same time because
[22:53:24] we look they're crying their hearts out and there's this guy just doesn't have a care
[22:53:28] on the world neither do we so we're just just gonna walk past them too.
[22:53:39] Alright, so since I flubbed the beginning part of this resisted section I'm going to try and do my best to get
[22:53:41] The second ricochet which is going to come up in a section
[22:53:45] later on. Probably like in the next
[22:53:47] seven or eight
[22:53:49] minutes.
[22:53:51] So when we
[22:53:52] get to the center courtyard, it's kind of
[22:53:54] considered as
[22:53:54] I don't know like a walking
[22:53:57] checkpoint not for me but for the resistance guy if i were to reload the zone for any reason
[22:54:02] and come back it'll actually place him right here and uh kasha's gonna go off because when the guards are
[22:54:09] under the effect of the emotion around it's not really treated as a tranquilizer knockout but
[22:54:13] more of a stun knock out and when when they revive, it's going to treat
[22:54:17] like if they were attacked and
[22:54:19] its calculated so
[22:54:21] if you see a claw should pop up
[22:54:23] no big deal
[22:54:25] most of the time its's intentional. You'll know
[22:54:28] when it's not,
[22:54:30] but in this case we're just going to
[22:54:32] Oh, better
[22:54:34] look away.
[22:54:40] Yeah, somebody didn't go before the run. You knew this was two hours man, come on.
[22:54:44] Alright so once he's done doing that we're gonna shrink the other two guards right here.
[22:54:54] And then just for funsies since... let's see, oh oh yeah let's play that one
[22:55:02] i'm gonna play that but I'm also going to kick this can just uh I don't know
[22:55:05] because reasons
[22:55:08] we wow nice kick.
[22:55:12] Sometimes depending on how you
[22:55:14] kick it, you can actually get it stuck in that tree which is really hilarious
[22:55:16] I need to see that
[22:55:18] Maybe not today, but...
[22:55:21] Oh, I think he might have noticed me again
[22:55:23] so I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't.
[22:55:32] Yeah, it's your imagination. Don't worry about it.
[22:55:34] I sometimes overlook the field of vision he has.
[22:55:39] There are times where you can kind of walk nearby and then get
[22:55:42] away with it, and other times where he just
[22:55:44] has the eyes of a hawk.
[22:55:46] And he
[22:55:47] saw the PMCs after they
[22:55:50] cried themselves to sleep.
[22:55:52] Yeah, that was part of the reason why I wanted him
[22:55:56] to walk through without them being knocked out first.
[22:56:00] But it's just...
[22:56:01] What's another little time loss on what's already a bigger time loss at the start?
[22:56:09] Oh, Snake must like this song too. Alright, so I have to wait here in order for him
[22:56:22] to start moving because like Glennenn said before you can't
[22:56:25] get too far ahead of them otherwise they'll just stay where they are
[22:56:28] like you're you're meant to follow them even though in the context of the run like we know
[22:56:33] exactly where the hideout is. We could run all
[22:56:35] the way there if you wanted to, but the game just has this hard
[22:56:38] requirement where there's this guy must get
[22:56:41] there and snake muscle followed them so as
[22:56:44] much as I dislike this
[22:56:46] part of the run, especially in a case
[22:56:48] where we're on New Game Plus
[22:56:50] we should know a lot of these things already.
[22:56:53] But in this case
[22:56:54] we're just kind of stuck with it. Let's see what's another good one we can play
[22:57:00] oh this one
[22:57:05] good old classic from Snatcher.
[22:57:11] And watch Snake's poor imitation of trying to dance, it is as close as we're gonna get
[22:57:26] let's hear it for Snake's moves.
[22:57:28] Look at this man shuffle, that's an old man dancing.
[22:57:34] Yeah so while snake is doing the jig probably
[22:57:36] this would be another great opportunity
[22:57:37] for some donations.
[22:57:38] This fantastic because I have a donation that might make it to the show I'm going to go ahead and start giving away some of the
[22:57:40] prizes.
[22:57:42] This would be another great
[22:57:44] opportunity for donations.
[22:57:46] Fantastic, because I have a
[22:57:48] donation that might make some of us out here start behaving rounds here because i have ten dollars from odin frost who says hello gdq
[22:57:51] i learned a gaming fact some months ago that ruined my world view so now i'll
[22:57:55] make you suffer as well the nintendo wii is a retro console and
[22:57:59] super mario galaxy is a retro console and Super Mario Galaxy is a retro game.
[22:58:02] You know,
[22:58:03] when I was actually bringing my PS3 through
[22:58:05] TSA, they actually said like
[22:58:07] oh wow, that console's old school.
[22:58:10] Oh no!
[22:58:12] That one hurts.
[22:58:13] Yeah.
[22:58:15] But keep going.
[22:58:17] Fantastic. We have
[22:58:19] $100 from Mershon, who says,
[22:58:22] ZA WARUDO!
[22:58:26] What happened? I don't know.
[22:58:28] It's like time stopped. Ah, nice. Sorry.
[22:58:31] Uh...
[22:58:31] Anyway, we have it. $100 Ah, a knife. Sorry.
[22:58:36] Anyway, we have $100 from Bubbas who says,
[22:58:38] Thanks GDQ for the show this week.
[22:58:41] Raising money for MSF is very cool. Yeah, absolutely it's
[22:58:44] going towards a great cause
[22:58:46] and if you can donate or
[22:58:48] know someone that
[22:58:50] can donate get them to do it too
[22:58:52] its needed now more than ever.
[22:58:56] All right, so in this intersection,
[22:58:58] Otacon is going to be like,
[22:58:59] oh, watch out for the spotlight from the chopper.
[22:59:01] You don't want to go in there.
[22:59:02] Well, Otacon is actually wrong about that since we got our totally perfect
[22:59:06] disguise you know pmc's even including the ai drone chopper is not going to really
[22:59:11] you know know any better but there are some rules, when it comes to using these disguises.
[22:59:17] One, you cannot do anything that's seen as a hostile act such as punching,
[22:59:22] attacking the PMCs, even just having your weapon visible.
[22:59:26] Now of course, the knife doesn't count.
[22:59:29] I mean, I can't put that away.
[22:59:31] But if I were to run with the MK2 pistol tranquilizer
[22:59:35] even by
[22:59:37] accident at the wrong time.
[22:59:39] That's an immediate alert,
[22:59:41] and I've actually lost big boss
[22:59:43] countless times from that
[22:59:45] and just very subtle things because I'm checking my inventory and then i forget um that there are pmcs nearby when i do this
[22:59:51] all right so that's those two and uh back to back to jazzen
[23:00:05] man this never gets old with just him just
[23:00:05] strolling through like yeah it's a long track, too.
[23:00:12] Not that we're complaining.
[23:00:14] There it goes.
[23:00:15] Alright, so another good one
[23:00:17] for all of our you know,
[23:00:20] horrible ops fans out there.
[23:00:22] Oh yeah! Half of them are
[23:00:24] in the room with us.
[23:00:29] There's at least three.
[23:00:30] You're probably right.
[23:00:32] I'm also just kicking the bucket,
[23:00:34] because reasons,
[23:00:35] cause I'm waiting for uh...
[23:00:36] The resistance guy to get to the corner.
[23:00:38] No it's not the end of
[23:00:40] the game yet.
[23:00:41] You can't kick the bucket.
[23:00:41] Sorry spoilers for Metal
[23:00:42] Gear Solid 4.
[23:00:44] Oh a game from 2008.
[23:00:47] A retro game from
[23:00:49] 2008 apparently.
[23:00:52] Yeah I mean even if that's the case it still looks and plays well
[23:00:56] from back then just the only downside is
[23:01:00] its stuck on the PS3. For now.
[23:01:04] This is a game that came out when HDMI wasn't
[23:01:06] quite this standard yet,
[23:01:08] this is actually a game with composite
[23:01:10] in mind and it still looks really good.
[23:01:15] All right so there's the second record shade
[23:01:17] which I hope by God because like a really use
[23:01:20] a morale booster with that time loss
[23:01:21] if I got in I didn't get it.
[23:01:24] Alright, so ideally
[23:01:26] by doing that ricochet, it's going to move
[23:01:28] our now strangely
[23:01:30] disguised resistance member dressed as a
[23:01:32] PMC down the street and then
[23:01:34] resuming his walk, but instead he just ran down
[23:01:36] the alley. He's going to resume
[23:01:38] his walk, but it's going to be from slightly farther away
[23:01:40] so it's probably like a 30 second time
[23:01:42] loss, so not as bad as the first. but hey you know it just gives us more time to
[23:01:47] chill with music that's true while we're chilling to the music do we have time for
[23:01:51] a couple of questions fantastic because i have $10 from Bash Prime who says option four.
[23:02:02] Nice. We also have $61 from Pete the Panda who says yeah,
[23:02:05] I'm in a box.
[23:02:08] Now do we see any boxes
[23:02:10] in this run?
[23:02:12] Sadly no.
[23:02:14] Not even on the new game run and the the new game run we actually opt to use the drum barrel instead.
[23:02:22] It's kind of a box.
[23:02:23] It's just round.
[23:02:24] It's a cylindrical box.
[23:02:26] Made of metal.
[23:02:27] That counts.
[23:02:28] I think it's close enough.
[23:02:31] Time for a couple more?
[23:02:32] Oh, yeah.
[23:02:33] Oh, yeah.
[23:02:33] I was going to say one thing to note before
[23:02:35] you keep bringing off donations is just... All just all right now i know my disguise is ridiculous
[23:02:40] all right but let's look at our friend here so looks like a pmc but he's got
[23:02:46] that was like a cyclist helmet instead of theirs. No main weapon except his handgun, but hey man you know they don't seem to notice the difference.
[23:02:56] Just metal gear cards he is wagging those hips too my goodness he's power walking and i'm
[23:03:04] now doing something but yeah uh yeah yeah you can go ahead.
[23:03:09] Yeah fantastic because I have $15 from Revolver Ocelot who says,
[23:03:15] Revolver! Ocelot.
[23:03:25] Thank you so much, we have $5 from Apple Chip the video game says happy to see one of my favorite runners running
[23:03:28] one of my favorite games series.
[23:03:30] Good luck Joe let's get a $5
[23:03:31] hype train going. Donate your
[23:03:33] favorite MGS song. Mine is
[23:03:37] Here's to You.
[23:03:38] That song makes me
[23:03:40] sad though. I played Ground ground zeros and i was like oh
[23:03:43] oh no oh no i don't know which version i liked better when they used that song
[23:03:49] they do use it for the credits of this game as well
[23:03:53] oh that's this one sounds familiar
[23:03:59] it's like i hear at the very beginning of every run that we start.
[23:04:06] Followed by a Kodak, and then what is it?
[23:04:08] Like two minutes of waiting for the elevator lift?
[23:04:12] Mm-hmm.
[23:04:17] Oh, it's the 20th anniversary edition of Metal Gear Solid 1. Specifically the Caverns soundtrack which again another awesome game with an incredible soundtrack.
[23:04:25] It's also a nice game to speedrun,
[23:04:27] including all of its multiple versions.
[23:04:30] Can confirm that game is my bread and butter.
[23:04:33] Yeah, I mean you got the console version, whether it's
[23:04:36] HD or not HD
[23:04:38] but a Master Collection, the PSTV
[23:04:40] version, and then you got
[23:04:42] the unique
[23:04:43] GOG
[23:04:44] totally-not-broken version of MGS1 on PC which that's
[23:04:49] definitely your neck-of-the-woods storyline. That is certainly my run
[23:04:54] and that is a run of all time but but that is neither here nor there.
[23:04:58] If you want to see that run...
[23:05:00] well, you'll have to check it out on your own time.
[23:05:04] Now I must ask from the experts
[23:05:06] if we're talking best Metal Gear songs do we count Metal Gear Rising?
[23:05:16] Oh we're thinking about it. Yeah?
[23:05:17] I would have to say yes.
[23:05:18] Yes!
[23:05:19] Okay.
[23:05:20] The vocal songs in Rising are absolute headbangers.
[23:05:26] So while I'm waiting for the Resistance guy to go on ahead since I don't have to really follow them at this point.
[23:05:31] I'm just going to kick the can because...I know snake's got to stay in shape.
[23:05:38] You mean that dancing wasn't enough? I know, snakes gotta stay in shape.
[23:05:41] You mean that dancing wasn't enough?
[23:05:43] Well we don't want to go overboard!
[23:05:45] I mean he is old...
[23:05:47] Oh that was a nice kick!
[23:05:51] I told you, snakes should have gone into soccer. Oh, that was an even better one.
[23:05:52] Oh, there it is.
[23:05:53] It's like, where did it go?
[23:05:54] I mean, depending on how you kick it,
[23:05:56] it can actually just disappear off the map.
[23:05:58] Like, there's some crevices
[23:05:59] where it'll actually just go through walls it
[23:06:01] landed on the roof yeah you know or as i often say like when it gets kicked into nowhere it's
[23:06:06] like well that can got kicked into the shadow realm never to be seen again
[23:06:13] oh that was actually very shadow realm here i heard we had a shadow place
[23:06:18] see my disguise is good it's good enough
[23:06:29] yeah oh i saw that gave me a mean look and he just like yeah turned around that wasn't very nice.
[23:06:33] Got my eye on you!
[23:06:35] While we are drawing ire from the guards,
[23:06:37] do we have time for a very interesting donation?
[23:06:39] Yes, we do.
[23:06:41] Fantastic. Because I have $100 from Euro Fiverr
[23:06:45] who says a pay-on to Sonny's egg cooking skills.
[23:06:49] Someday
[23:06:50] you screw up the
[23:06:52] eggs and someday you feed snake of my odd gone wrong this breakfast the trial to survive
[23:07:03] for the day
[23:07:05] I cook eggs right
[23:07:07] I cook these
[23:07:09] eggs not never
[23:07:11] cook well
[23:07:13] crime it's the way I cook well.
[23:07:16] Crime, it's the way
[23:07:18] I cook for you
[23:07:22] I'm still in a dream
[23:07:25] Egg eater I'm still in a dream, egg eater.
[23:07:28] I'm still in a dream, egg eater. That was well written. I like that one.
[23:07:39] Thank you for egg puns!
[23:07:41] And then the other great thing is we're finally done with the resistance section.
[23:07:45] Let's go!
[23:07:48] And now we're getting into
[23:07:50] the scariest part of the category
[23:07:52] which is the bike chase
[23:07:54] so it's going to be quite different from
[23:07:56] the tank section in Act two uh but thankfully again
[23:07:59] with the wonders of new game plus i'll try to mitigate at least the opportunities of
[23:08:04] uh you know things that can go wrong uh but again it's just uh you know
[23:08:09] just execute hope for the best and uh you know just pray that rng is in my
[23:08:13] favor um so again the solar gun is going to
[23:08:16] come in handy here since we're on the bike with
[23:08:20] Eva,
[23:08:22] aka Big Mama.
[23:08:24] We're going to be using auto-aim
[23:08:26] for parts of this since
[23:08:27] aiming in here is going to be rather difficult but there will be some shots
[23:08:31] i do manually which in this case is gonna be used mostly against barrels which are just conveniently
[23:08:37] placed around here and the rule of thumb with the barrels is that
[23:08:41] well, as long as you shoot the barrels
[23:08:43] and the guards are next to it, they will not count
[23:08:45] as a kill I mean because I don't know
[23:08:47] somebody placed their barrel there wasn't my fault
[23:08:49] I didn't kill them the barrel did. Yeah, exactly.
[23:08:52] All right so I'm gonna train those two...
[23:08:56] Or at least I thought I did.
[23:08:58] Game said no.
[23:09:03] And then that's it. games it now. He still has our gun for these. And the nice thing
[23:09:04] about the bike chase
[23:09:06] section and the game
[23:09:06] being a little more
[23:09:07] forgiving is that
[23:09:09] now you can hit
[23:09:10] guards anywhere with
[23:09:11] the tranquilizer
[23:09:12] weapons, and they will just instantly be knocked out as opposed to having to wait.
[23:09:16] Yeah, like you don't have to go through the effort of aiming for headshots. I mean that'd be way too much of a...
[23:09:22] It is way too complicated.
[23:09:26] Alright, off we go.
[23:09:28] Alright so that was the first section
[23:09:30] which you know it's
[23:09:31] pretty minimal but it's in this section that scares me the most of anything else. But again that's what the solar gun is going to be there for so as soon as this van makes a turn I'm just just going to start shooting these KFC guards.
[23:09:47] Shoot the guy in the turret.
[23:09:49] Got him. There you go. Alright, so I took
[23:09:51] only a little bit of damage. This is
[23:09:53] doable because like I said,'s the damage taken that's really
[23:09:58] the biggest thing to worry about here along with not getting actual kills
[23:10:02] because you know we don't want to do that.
[23:10:06] Yeah, this is... Yeah, that frog's fine.
[23:10:07] This is probably the last super big scary bit
[23:10:10] where Big Boss might go away,
[23:10:13] but luckily after this room we get a nice health refill so that's that's helpful all right so
[23:10:20] i'm gonna use the solar gun on those turrets because the hip boxes is really ridiculous when
[23:10:24] you're trying to use it with a tranq. Even the solar gun hitbox
[23:10:28] won't be able to do it sometimes, which I'm going to use again here
[23:10:32] Alright so I'm gonna use it on the second
[23:10:36] one since I'll be able to auto-aim and just
[23:10:38] Since even though its a manual reload weapon
[23:10:40] As long as you cycle out of it
[23:10:42] Between each shot
[23:10:44] You can fire repeatedly
[23:10:46] As if it wasn't a single uh you know reloaded weapon okay so i got
[23:10:50] a little bit of damage there animation cancels that we like to take advantage of
[23:10:57] all right now we're just going to wait for the van.
[23:11:00] Boom! Yay! And somehow that
[23:11:04] van did not get rocked doing that. Armored van.
[23:11:08] Armored van. That's all I got.
[23:11:10] Alright, so I'm gonna shoot this barrel on the right.
[23:11:12] Be careful not to hit the frogs there and
[23:11:14] hit the barrel...
[23:11:16] I have actually killed a big-
[23:11:18] I have killed a frog there and lost big boss because of it
[23:11:22] okay apparently didn't trick that frog on the van like i thought i did
[23:11:27] just to kind of hammer home how impressive a big boss run of this in single segment is.
[23:11:34] Only three people to my knowledge have actually done it in a single
[23:11:37] segment, so it's Joe here on New Game Plus, Sparty has done
[23:11:41] it on New Game and Jaguar Kingy has done it on new game and jaguar king
[23:11:42] is also better about the game so it's certainly a monumental task
[23:11:49] yeah that's unfortunate um yeah the bike chase section is where
[23:11:53] my big boss run gets lost all
[23:11:55] the time and it's just
[23:11:56] you know sometimes it happens
[23:11:59] you take extra damage other times you get through
[23:12:01] pretty much not really damageless but that's what the rations
[23:12:05] are for so unfortunately the big boss runs dies right here. But I'm still going to do
[23:12:09] the rest of it as if you know the rank was still good and and like glenn said since we hit this uh checkpoint halfway through
[23:12:17] the you know health refills and because i had the solar gun equipped while
[23:12:22] loading in here that also gets refilled the full, too.
[23:12:25] So more solar gun!
[23:12:26] Well there is another reason we would continue
[23:12:29] tranquilizing enemies here and it's actually
[23:12:32] the sight gauge that Snake has in this game. The more
[23:12:36] soldiers and enemies he actually kills,
[23:12:39] he gets stressed about
[23:12:40] that, and when his stress is at a high
[23:12:42] enough level, your sight gauge will actually drop
[23:12:44] and his hands look at shaky
[23:12:46] and then we're gonna fill it back up with,
[23:12:50] you know there are certain items
[23:12:51] that'll refill your site cage
[23:12:52] or ironically cigarette smoking.
[23:12:57] It's good for his stress pad and bad for his health,
[23:13:01] which there is a codec conversation
[23:13:03] that actually touches on that.
[23:13:05] Yeah, I mean you don't technically
[23:13:06] need to shoot down the drones here but it's just good target practice including shooting at the next boss which is Raging Raven.
[23:13:12] We would like to shoot at her and get some of that health down because that will carry over into the boss fight.
[23:13:17] Yeah what I did at the very beginning
[23:13:19] was i used the xm25 grenade launcher um that i equipped just before hitting that uh that checkpoint
[23:13:25] and by hitting her once with it it's going to take 25% of her health
[23:13:29] off the top which is the maximum
[23:13:31] you could do during this
[23:13:33] section. And it's going to be part of a
[23:13:35] quick kill setup later once we're out of
[23:13:37] the bike chase.
[23:13:41] So later once we're out of the bike chase. Snake!
[23:13:45] Alright, so waiting for a Humvee right here...
[23:13:49] There he is.
[23:13:50] Got him, nice.
[23:13:55] Ah thank you Otacon.
[23:13:57] He's so supportive.
[23:14:03] Nice. He's so supportive. Oh, then this part's funny.
[23:14:06] Gotcha!
[23:14:07] Juked him.
[23:14:09] He's fine now.
[23:14:17] Alright, so we're coming up to this Humvee pincer which could be pretty scary but with the Solar Gun it can make it easier So I'm just gonna aim right about here since it pulls up
[23:14:20] Got the first one Okay, so i got got them both and that
[23:14:24] took to hit for me um which is random um so yeah thank you to big mama
[23:14:33] okay to big mama. Okay...
[23:14:35] We only get a couple more
[23:14:37] opportunities to do any kind of boss damage
[23:14:39] to her here, so...
[23:14:44] I mean actually once you hit with the grain launch you don't really need to shoot her anymore but
[23:14:47] there is a minimum yeah i mean i just like doing it to
[23:14:50] you know just make her mad well she is raging raven so that tracks
[23:14:57] all right so i'm gonna take out that frog shoot the barrels here
[23:15:01] and there shrink the others that are nearby.
[23:15:09] Good! Alright, so I'm gonna wait for a frog to jump next
[23:15:13] to this bear before I fire at it.
[23:15:15] Got her.
[23:15:18] Okay, shrink the other one, shoot barrels there...
[23:15:27] Alright then, Eva's gonna get hit.
[23:15:29] Let's snipe her to the chest
[23:15:31] and she tanks it like a boss.
[23:15:34] Mm-hmm.
[23:15:37] Alright, so we got another barrel here
[23:15:40] followed by three frogs
[23:15:44] which I'll just use the solar gun
[23:15:45] to step up. which I'll just use the solar gun.
[23:15:50] Just everybody in this act is allergic to sunlight.
[23:15:54] Alright, so
[23:15:56] we're about to wrap up the bike section just take out a few more
[23:15:59] drones just for fun and ah why not just keep shooting at raven
[23:16:05] and we can just watch this awesome cinematic.
[23:16:13] Alright, that's the bike chase.
[23:16:15] Kind of bummed out I lost to Big Boss Rank but in my mind
[23:16:17] the bike chase is where you mind, the bike chase is where
[23:16:19] really
[23:16:22] the main obstacle is.
[23:16:23] You're trying to juggle a lot of
[23:16:26] variables together, some that are within
[23:16:28] your control, some that aren't.
[23:16:30] But thankfully one that are within your control and some that aren't. Thankfully one that is within my control
[23:16:32] which I hope I will get
[23:16:34] is this quick kill.
[23:16:36] Once this loads in
[23:16:37] I'm going to swap out the M4 for the rail gun which i equipped at the beginning of
[23:16:42] the resistance section charge it up to full and I'm going to
[23:16:46] stand right here aim at this window wait for it to get blown off.
[23:16:54] Got her! Nice!
[23:16:59] Yeah, you could technically do that shot without doing like pre-damage but
[23:17:04] you have to get a headshot and it is very difficult. I think I've only ever done it twice
[23:17:08] It's like one in a million um but with using the gritty launcher
[23:17:13] it makes it so much easier and more way more consistent all right so same thing as laughing
[23:17:19] octopus we're just gonna land on the floor so she crawls and can't dodge this.
[23:17:25] And right before the second shot, I'm going to set up my menus for
[23:17:28] the next act...actually that's the wrong thing.
[23:17:32] Gonna do that... kill and it's national oh i'll wait till after this
[23:17:39] um so yeah that's raging raven
[23:17:48] all right so All right, so now we're just going to wait for the next score screen. So Pride if you got donations go for it.
[23:17:51] Oh I got donations!
[23:17:52] I've got people chiming in on that $5 train earlier.
[23:17:56] We have $10 from Phantom T Mac who says,
[23:17:59] Five dollar hype train you say?
[23:18:01] I'll buy two!
[23:18:03] One for me and my brother!
[23:18:05] Will we be stopping at Shadow
[23:18:06] Moses during this ride?
[23:18:08] Loving the entertaining run from Joseph
[23:18:10] from out here in the crowd. Oh, and
[23:18:12] the tanker incident alert theme is
[23:18:14] the best song in the series.
[23:18:16] We also have $5 from Vivi, who says my favorite
[23:18:20] song from MGS is Heaven's Divide.
[23:18:23] That's pretty close to my own opinion I must say.
[23:18:26] I think that one's fantastic but we have That's pretty close to my own opinion, I must say.
[23:18:27] I think that one is fantastic but we have some disagreement here.
[23:18:31] $5 from Pythonicus who says clearly there's no contest.
[23:18:35] Best MGS song is Love Deterrence.
[23:18:37] I will not be taking questions.
[23:18:38] That's a good one.
[23:18:39] However, I will be taking questions because we have a $5 donation from Anonymous who says my favorite Metal Gear song is a cruel angel's thesis
[23:18:51] he's confused but they've got the spirit uh
[23:18:55] i would i would love to just get to the end of a metal gear game it's just
[23:19:07] i mean there is a part where uh you know we get in a certain robot but i you know won't spoil that now but uh you know but speaking of taking a return trip to shadow moses that's
[23:19:12] exactly where we're going is the shadow moses where for a lot of people including myself
[23:19:17] it's where it all began but wait a minute sh minute. Shanna Moses, MGS1?
[23:19:21] I didn't prepare for this!
[23:19:23] Glenn, could you help me out here?
[23:19:25] I think I gotchu. Yeah, I wanna see
[23:19:27] uh, you know, Glenn just
[23:19:29] spot me here for MGS1. It's- i can kind of do it but it'd be nice if you
[23:19:34] know if it's done by somebody that's way better at the game than me oh look at his mgs one oh
[23:19:40] look at that all right so he's
[23:19:46] gonna run with the chaff because you
[23:19:47] move faster with a weapon equipped it's
[23:19:50] going to flip them over and crawl into the vent.
[23:19:53] Nicely done!
[23:19:55] Okay, game can we play Metal Gear Solid 4 again?
[23:19:59] Wait wait, we're not going to load into the tank hanger?
[23:20:02] Oh go... you might want this.
[23:20:05] I think it's going back
[23:20:06] to MGS4.
[23:20:07] It was all a dream.
[23:20:10] Or was it?
[23:20:12] Yes.
[23:20:14] Yeah, so thankfully in that flashback the alert
[23:20:16] That you get running through the spotlight
[23:20:18] Does not count just like the very beginning
[23:20:20] Of the prologue
[23:20:22] But now we're actually going to shannon moses for real
[23:20:26] and it's beautiful yeah because i mean think about this you know metagrassal one came out in 1998
[23:20:31] and this game was made 10 years later and And just to see a, you know...
[23:20:36] Well actually, to be fair
[23:20:38] Twin Snakes did re-envision the look of Shadow Moses
[23:20:42] but this is like another facelift of it
[23:20:45] and it is absolutely amazing.
[23:20:47] So what I'm going to do here is...
[23:20:52] Oh! Grenade launcher that's gonna need...
[23:20:57] Alright so I'm gonna have the M4
[23:20:59] chef
[23:21:01] 50 count... Oh! Forgot the most
[23:21:03] important thing, the outfit.
[23:21:05] Because, you know, camouflage doesn't really matter anymore in here so we're just gonna
[23:21:09] go on as uh all tire from assassin's creed
[23:21:14] okay yeah i mean shout outs to Ubisoft for having their contribution
[23:21:18] to the development of MGS4 and if you want to unlock
[23:21:22] the outfit yourself either get the Assassin's Creed rank or just use
[23:21:26] code in the extras which is exactly what I did.
[23:21:29] But look Glen... there it is!
[23:21:33] It's so pretty!
[23:21:37] Ah too bad we gotta go inside.
[23:21:40] Yeah this is literally one big nostalgia trip so there are flashbacks
[23:21:44] all over you can listen to and...there's a nice easter egg one of
[23:21:48] Overhead View which is really funny.
[23:21:50] There's also this one for what I call mistaken identity.
[23:21:56] Not anymore.
[23:22:05] I don't know, I think you got the wrong person Merrill, it' know he may have
[23:22:07] left his Solid Snake and became Old Snake
[23:22:09] but now we're
[23:22:11] Old Altair Snake.
[23:22:13] Something like that.
[23:22:15] But also how uncanny is
[23:22:17] Glenn was running through
[23:22:20] the helipad with the chaff grenade
[23:22:22] because of its optimization, and I'm running with a chaff grenade just cause
[23:22:26] it's out of necessity. So even ten years apart nothing
[23:22:30] has changed. Chfts are valuable.
[23:22:35] This little throwback in this act
[23:22:37] is they're making you answer codecs the old-fashioned way.
[23:22:41] Opening
[23:22:41] the codec.
[23:22:44] And then we're just gonna go up to
[23:22:46] the door, and then it's gonna be like, what? It's locked!
[23:22:48] Power is turned off.
[23:22:50] Well, I mean, this place has been, you know,
[23:22:52] left abandoned for...
[23:22:53] I forgot how many years. It's between a PS2 and...
[23:22:55] Nine years. Wow, nine years!
[23:22:57] Wait, isn't that the same amount of time
[23:22:59] that a certain somebody was in a coma
[23:23:01] and they woke up and... ooh?
[23:23:03] I'm afraid so. It's been nine years.
[23:23:07] Strange coincidence. Yeah weird.
[23:23:09] Wonder if Kojima had an obsession with the number 9?
[23:23:12] The deepest lore...
[23:23:14] And also, just like
[23:23:15] the other MGS games,
[23:23:16] yeah, the elevator
[23:23:17] does show up faster
[23:23:18] if you just press it
[23:23:18] multiple times.
[23:23:20] That has never changed.
[23:23:23] It's weird, but we take it.
[23:23:24] Snake looks good
[23:23:25] in this outfit!
[23:23:26] This whole act is just really nice.
[23:23:28] This is like one of those...
[23:23:30] what we used to call Black Magic
[23:23:32] fake framerate because it looks like
[23:23:34] more than 20-something frames
[23:23:36] a second,
[23:23:37] but I assure you
[23:23:37] it still is.
[23:23:39] Yeah,
[23:23:39] in some sections
[23:23:40] of the game
[23:23:41] it rarely gets
[23:23:43] towards 60 FPS
[23:23:44] but the majority
[23:23:45] of the time
[23:23:45] it doesn't.
[23:23:46] It really looks like it does in this act
[23:23:48] though. Oh wait a minute, now we got another
[23:23:50] problem.
[23:23:52] Passcode.
[23:23:55] Yeah you know what to heck with the passcode.
[23:23:59] Turns out you don't really need to put anything in it.
[23:24:01] It's just a funny
[23:24:01] moment where it's like
[23:24:04] oh yeah I wrote this password down
[23:24:06] and Snake Stamina goes down because he's sad.
[23:24:09] And if you get it right, it can go up.
[23:24:10] And if you put in Drebin's
[23:24:13] codec number, you actually get... I think it's 100k.
[23:24:16] Yeah, it's 14893.
[23:24:19] Alright, so... Oh, look! A893. Alright so... Oh look a gecko!
[23:24:21] Nice shot!
[23:24:23] And yeah that was a nice shot I rarely ever get it like that.
[23:24:26] No scoping too.
[23:24:29] Yeah there was a time where I was even afraid to take that shot because of the risk of getting spotted if I miss.
[23:24:34] So we came down to the lab not only just as a nostalgia trip but we also needed of kind to turn on the power so it unlocks
[23:24:41] the hangar door so we can actually leave uh the now abandoned nuclear warehouse and i mean things
[23:24:48] are looking up i mean got our stuff raising for charity, destroyed the gecko, Otacon's gonna open the door...
[23:24:55] I mean, nothing else can happen!
[23:24:57] Not-not-not-nothing.
[23:24:59] Nah.
[23:25:00] Not even once.
[23:25:02] Wait a minute...
[23:25:04] If Otacon's there,
[23:25:06] Snake is there
[23:25:08] and we're here
[23:25:13] I'm just using the elevator. That gecko exploded, right?
[23:25:19] Oh no! Wait a minute how did it not exceed the weight limit?
[23:25:25] That is a good question.
[23:25:27] Alright well thankfully I could just take a step down, aim at its head...
[23:25:33] Blow it up just like the other one.
[23:25:36] It took a little extra time, but it's okay.
[23:25:38] Yeah and now the one big thankful thing about this part is that
[23:25:42] The devs had the insight to
[23:25:44] not make you wait out the three minutes
[23:25:47] if the player was able to destroy
[23:25:49] that Gekko early, versus
[23:25:51] the, I guess, intended
[23:25:53] method of distracting for three minutes, but
[23:25:55] yeah. Intended speedrunning strat.
[23:25:59] Thanks Kojima.
[23:26:03] Okay so
[23:26:04] we're coming up to the next boss fight which is crying wolf who I would arguably say is probably one of the worst only just because of the premise of you know the RNG that's surrounding it which is her starting location it's
[23:26:18] one out of like i don't know like 10 or 12 places some that are in my favor some
[23:26:23] that are not some that are somewhere between um. So when I said earlier
[23:26:28] my camo index
[23:26:30] doesn't matter,
[23:26:32] quite literally meant that because
[23:26:34] and the context of who I'm up against
[23:26:36] at the very beginning,
[23:26:38] the dwarf geckos, those little scarab things that roll around.
[23:26:40] They'll spot you no matter what your camel is.
[23:26:44] Even self-camel will see right through it.
[23:26:46] And since we're in a blizzard and we just
[23:26:48] happen to be wearing
[23:26:48] rather plenty of an outfit, the frogs won't see me right away either.
[23:26:52] But with the MVGs I can see them
[23:26:54] and crying wolf depending on wherever she is.
[23:26:58] So ideally I would want her to be off to the left depending on wherever she is.
[23:27:01] So ideally I would want her to be off to the left, there's two positions where
[23:27:03] she could be which unfortunately
[23:27:04] she's not...nope!
[23:27:07] There's a couple spawns in
[23:27:08] the back snow field
[23:27:09] where Snake faced off against Sniper Wolf, which are about like average.
[23:27:17] Okay there we go and then there's some off to the right, which I kind of put in the not-so-good basket.
[23:27:25] There's a couple that end up on the communications towers up here. They can see you and the solid eye actually does still make sounds so if you're close enough to them they will see you, and the solid eye actually does still make sounds.
[23:27:31] So if you're close enough to them, they will hear you.
[23:27:34] Yeah including that sniper which I gotta deal with.
[23:27:38] Where'd she end up?
[23:27:39] She's over by the hind I think...
[23:27:41] Which is unfortunate.
[23:27:43] Not behind that wall so I think it's the hind.
[23:27:47] Yep there she is.
[23:27:48] There we go.
[23:27:49] Alright what I'm going to do now is throw a Blue Smoke and there's a reason for using the
[23:27:53] Blue Smoke specifically because it's gonna deal slight stamina damage while she's coughing.
[23:27:57] Just light her up with the Stun Grenade Launcher and that is that. Well done!
[23:28:01] Yeah, so unfortunately i got the worst spawn um you know because again
[23:28:06] i sweep left just in hopes that i get a favorable spot and it's also
[23:28:11] just keeping in mind for big boss rats.
[23:28:15] All right, so we're gonna see a flash of light
[23:28:16] So sorry everyone.
[23:28:20] Snake don't go into the light!
[23:28:23] Alright, so while I'm firing off that round,
[23:28:26] I'm just going to be clipping things
[23:28:28] I'm going to need for the next section
[23:28:30] and then just fire off one charge shot
[23:28:33] for this.
[23:28:35] And that is
[23:28:36] Crying Wolf.
[23:28:39] Alright, so coming up is something I
[23:28:41] actually learned earlier today
[23:28:43] but was found by Glenn
[23:28:46] which is this codex skip.
[23:28:49] Normally you get up to this part and it's like
[23:28:50] oh Snake, you gotta change the disc!
[23:28:53] Oh wait we're on PS3 and I'm Blu-ray!
[23:28:56] As funny as that is, we of course
[23:28:57] want to find time saves, and Glind
[23:28:59] ended up finding this time save on accident
[23:29:01] while he was doing an anthology run
[23:29:03] of 1 through 5, so what I'm going to try
[23:29:05] to do is line this up
[23:29:06] like so so and then i'm going
[23:29:09] to pause bar for it with a menu to get the right moment to roll through the trigger all right here
[23:29:19] more All right, here we go. One more now.
[23:29:23] Yeah I did it just a little bit early.
[23:29:26] If you get it just right and allows you to roll into the stairs and you can still hear the codec ringing.
[23:29:32] But it saves like 3 or 4 seconds.
[23:29:35] It's 2-3 maybe 4 seconds if you do it optimally.
[23:29:38] When we were labbing this out earlier I think maybe four seconds if you can do it optimally.
[23:29:39] When we were labbing this out earlier, I think
[23:29:42] between the two of us our consensus was that
[23:29:45] there's a barrier there before the codec rings and
[23:29:48] when the codec rings it despawns whatever barrier that
[23:29:50] is because the game doesn't expect you to be able
[23:29:52] do that.
[23:29:54] Yeah, and its also animation
[23:29:56] dependent like I was looking for Snake's
[23:29:58] right arm to be forward as he is running,
[23:30:00] as a cue to roll forward.
[23:30:03] But since we are in this somewhat of lengthy elevator ride down
[23:30:07] this would be good time for donations and Snake could do a couple of these...
[23:30:13] Sunrise! for donations and snake to do a couple of these sunrise
[23:30:18] uh snake there's no sun in there but that's not gonna stop him hey let them live his truth uh meanwhile we have $5 from Captain Kieran who says Jack Do you know what day it is today?
[23:30:26] It's the last day of SGDQ!
[23:30:28] Let's get those donations in to help Doctors Without Borders!
[23:30:31] But really amazing run so far
[23:30:33] and thank you to everyone chipping in
[23:30:35] to help a great cause. Lalalalilolo
[23:30:39] We also have some
[23:30:41] excellent donations coming in appreciating that egg pun song from earlier.
[23:30:47] We have $10 from Sunny, we love to hear that!
[23:30:51] No comment but we do have a comment, of five dollar donation from anonymous who just says egg
[23:30:57] Egg egg
[23:30:59] All right. So we're in the
[23:31:01] deeper sections of the blast furnace and of of course, it's just filled with
[23:31:05] dwarf geckos and the bigger
[23:31:07] geckos. So these chaffs that I farmed
[23:31:09] on this file come in handy
[23:31:11] especially in Act 4.
[23:31:13] So I threw the first one to temporarily disable
[23:31:17] that gecko that was there at the beginning.
[23:31:19] Now, the smaller dwarf geckos they will stay incapacitated
[23:31:24] throughout but the bigger geckos they only get stunned just briefly for a few seconds.
[23:31:28] And even if you were to try and extend it by throwing another chap
[23:31:31] They'll still be upright and operating and be able to spot you
[23:31:34] But thankfully with being able to time you. But thankfully, with being
[23:31:36] able to just time it at the
[23:31:37] right places, it just allows
[23:31:39] me to get through on a clean
[23:31:41] cycle. And I want to give
[23:31:43] shout outs to Schmuckle who
[23:31:44] helped me out a lot when he
[23:31:46] came up to that second room because I kept getting spotted all the time I was just trying to get a good idea of what the
[23:31:48] situation is.
[23:31:50] I talked with my friend,
[23:31:52] who helped me out a lot when
[23:31:54] it came up to that second room
[23:31:56] because I kept getting spotted all the time and throwing somewhere else so they don't hear it. It's like, wow, why didn't I think of that? Easy enough.
[23:31:59] Sometimes it's the simplest things.
[23:32:02] Alright,
[23:32:02] so you might be thinking...
[23:32:04] What?
[23:32:06] Oh, no Rex.
[23:32:09] No, I mean Rex is there but we just gotta go up
[23:32:11] in the hangar and into the next boss fight
[23:32:13] against the infamous
[23:32:15] Vamp, a guy that doesn't know when to take
[23:32:17] a hint and just die. But thankfully,
[23:32:20] we got our trusty weapon.
[23:32:22] That's right, the solar gun.
[23:32:25] I mean, because
[23:32:25] he's a vampire, and you know, we got
[23:32:27] sunlight, and yep, all fire and you know we got sunlight and uh
[23:32:30] yep that was all it takes
[23:32:32] oh wait a minute
[23:32:34] gotta grab him
[23:32:36] just gotta poke him with the syringe
[23:32:38] yeah he's done.
[23:32:43] Yeah, if you don't do the syringe it'll just keep getting back up because his nanomachines
[23:32:45] are regenerating
[23:32:46] at accelerated rates
[23:32:49] so now that we injected the syringes
[23:32:52] nanomachines are disabled so he's actually
[23:32:54] vulnerable now but
[23:32:56] at this point we're now protecting
[23:32:57] Raiden who's having his
[23:33:00] take advantage. Maybe he's kind of ticked off saying like
[23:33:02] man I fought you twice in the big shell
[23:33:04] and you know I thought you were dead
[23:33:06] so now we're just gonna be taking
[23:33:08] shots at the geckos as they
[23:33:10] swarm in and we don't have to take all of them out,
[23:33:13] although just out of convenience I do.
[23:33:15] But the ones with the blinking red lights
[23:33:17] are the suicide geckos, which
[23:33:19] if you allow them to count
[23:33:21] down what the explosives that are armed to them they'll blow up and
[23:33:24] you know it's a really sad game over that you do not want to get so while i uh do some target
[23:33:30] practice pride this is a great opportunity for more donations.
[23:33:34] Absolutely and I have a $25 donation from Magicode13
[23:33:38] here who says so many amazing prizes and folks
[23:33:42] that's a fantastic reminder that we do have
[23:33:45] a lot of fantastic amazing prizes, a lot
[23:33:49] Zelda prizes. We've got some
[23:33:53] Evil Zone leverless fight stick
[23:33:56] uh and the kokiri shield okay so i have to tell you
[23:33:59] i have a the person who made that is a friend of mine i've gotten to like lift
[23:34:03] it and hold it it It's actually incredible.
[23:34:06] Pictures do not do it justice.
[23:34:07] That is all closing at the end of this run,
[23:34:10] so be sure to get those donations in.
[23:34:13] You're going to be helping out MSF.
[23:34:15] You can help us meet some of these incentives you can weigh on
[23:34:17] weigh in on whether to kill or save the animals uh and you can get a chance to win some
[23:34:22] fabulous prizes yeah i think i was sold when Mr. Game and Shot
[23:34:27] Was showing off that
[23:34:28] The cookery shield
[23:34:30] And the sword
[23:34:31] Especially with the ending pitch of
[23:34:33] You know it's like get these prizes or else
[23:34:36] I mean seriously If you had prizes or else.
[23:34:38] I mean, seriously if you want to get those
[23:34:40] prizes, yeah, get those donations in and
[23:34:42] get into the raffle.
[23:34:45] Yeah, it's very worth
[23:34:46] it.
[23:34:49] I have a hundred dollars here from
[23:34:51] Eurofiver who says
[23:34:53] in anticipation of the coming Baldur's Gate
[23:34:55] 3 run, some Nicola and Bart
[23:34:57] they say Here Here's to you
[23:35:00] Snake-Cola and Shard
[23:35:02] Rest forever
[23:35:04] here in our runs
[23:35:06] The last and final
[23:35:08] egg sunny screwed up.
[23:35:10] That agony is our donation art.
[23:35:15] Thank you so much!
[23:35:23] These are good. Oh yeah, you can keep going.
[23:35:25] Absolutely! I have $50 from
[23:35:27] ohthatsrasbury who says
[23:35:29] absolutely loving this amazing MGS4 run.
[23:35:32] You're pretty good Jojo.
[23:35:36] Yeah thank you very much.
[23:35:38] We have $25 from Nintendork64, who says,
[23:35:42] long time watcher.
[23:35:44] Longtime donator but first-time attendee.
[23:35:47] Thanks for putting on a great event.
[23:35:49] I hope to come back in the future maybe even as a runner?
[23:35:53] Yeah.
[23:35:54] I've been watching since, heck, even
[23:35:58] since like the early days.
[23:36:00] But I didn't get into speed running until 2019 and just had this dream of wanting to get here.
[23:36:10] And I know it's incredibly challenging to go through submissions and reevaluating those
[23:36:17] submissions when you try again.
[23:36:20] But if you're truly passionate about wanting to pursue something like, pursue something like it.
[23:36:24] I just encourage anyone to try it and to keep trying.
[23:36:28] Also, this is really funny here.
[23:36:30] So of course, nostalgia flashback.
[23:36:31] You can't do it.
[23:36:34] No, I can't. I can't do it no i can't i can't shoot i can't do it I mean, he's right.
[23:36:53] He's got to watch that sunlight.
[23:36:54] That gun is dangerous.
[23:36:55] Look what it did to Vamp! It's true. And Vamp is finally dead,
[23:37:01] Rabamoojee. I mean he better be because I'm not fighting him again.
[23:37:07] I feel like if we learned anything from MGS1
[23:37:10] falling off of a Metal Gear Rex ensures that you're alive.
[23:37:13] That's true. Yeah. Can confirm.
[23:37:17] Also fun fact since you know with MGS forward this is gonna be
[23:37:21] the first and only time in the franchise as far as I'm aware that we actually get
[23:37:26] to use Metal Gear.
[23:37:31] Woo! Snake, get in the robot.
[23:37:33] Oh, he's already in the robot.
[23:37:35] There is one downside to this section.
[23:37:37] It has probably one of the best tracks in this entire game.
[23:37:40] I can barely hear myself thinking,
[23:37:42] let alone hear the music.
[23:37:43] And it's also the laggiest.
[23:37:46] Unfortunately.
[23:37:47] I guess when they were developing this section of the game
[23:37:49] When they asked Kojima how many explosions and things blowing up
[23:37:53] They wanted it. He just said yes
[23:37:56] Do do do do do do do do do tight
[23:38:03] yeah so um we're obviously dashing forward repeatedly because that's faster
[23:38:06] than just doing the normal walk and what i have now is uh oh well bye riding i don't know what he said
[23:38:14] i don't know what he's doing at this point but my right hand i think he's actually fighting off the
[23:38:18] gecko so it kind of covers our exit what get, Gecko? You're running them over!
[23:38:22] I don't know, maybe it just felt like
[23:38:24] you had some more to unleash since
[23:38:28] maybe his vamp fight wasn't what
[23:38:29] he thought it would be.
[23:38:30] He's just bored and calling it um but we got three weapons primarily which
[23:38:34] is the gathering gun the at missiles and the laser i'm starting off with the missiles for
[23:38:39] a setup which i hopefully will get um at the end of this tunnel section,
[23:38:44] um...
[23:38:44] Which is probably one of the most important fights
[23:38:47] just for going for, you know, like PB world record
[23:38:50] regardless of what difficulty or category that you're doing,
[23:38:53] but it's especially important on my experience for a big boss run
[23:38:58] because it's just a good morale booster for...
[23:39:00] You know, like, you come a long way
[23:39:02] and you want to just be able to get through this next fight nice
[23:39:04] and easy because it also has the potential to not be nice and easy all right so that's
[23:39:10] the end of that so once this loads in,
[23:39:16] I'm going to try to explain it and do it at the same time. So once
[23:39:18] I get control of Rex, I'm going to
[23:39:20] fire off half my missiles at
[23:39:22] Metal Gear Ray. Hello, Ray.
[23:39:28] Goodbye, Ray. Once it goes down down I'm going to do two steps. Hop to the right, another few steps...
[23:39:30] Stop and pause
[23:39:32] And that's the first jump. Awesome!
[23:39:34] Got him? Okay. You right, so I know you might be thinking,
[23:39:37] wait a minute, how in the world do you do so much damage?
[23:39:39] Well, we'll explain that once I get the second shot
[23:39:41] right at the crane.
[23:39:43] Got him.
[23:39:43] And that is Ray.
[23:39:52] So when Raid jumps, his hitbox just... I don't know. Or not his hitbox but his iframes just disappear
[23:39:56] and the laser does way more attended damage than it's supposed
[23:39:59] to there's a fun fact about that rayquick kill there is
[23:40:02] a video from August 2008 yeah of that exact strategy.
[23:40:09] So,
[23:40:10] that was discovered
[23:40:10] two months
[23:40:11] after release
[23:40:13] and it was never patched.
[23:40:14] Yeah,
[23:40:15] and it still works today
[23:40:16] and again,
[23:40:18] shout outs to
[23:40:18] Sergeant Silent for at least teaching me the the setup
[23:40:21] which um it is a very precise setup because it's you know dealing with damage uh the amount of
[23:40:26] steps and also even just manipulation of Rex's movement with the analog
[23:40:30] which is also precise.
[23:40:32] By getting that set up, it
[23:40:34] saves you what could be
[23:40:35] two or three minutes of agony
[23:40:38] trying to end it because you can't exploit
[23:40:41] the weakness at any time,
[23:40:43] but it's when you don't get the quick kill
[23:40:45] where it's just like...
[23:40:46] There goes an hour and a half worth of work.
[23:40:49] I'm really glad that went well.
[23:40:51] I'm glad because like the bike chase,
[23:40:53] I was also worried about that coming into this
[23:40:56] today so I'm definitely stoked
[23:40:57] for that. So I'm also stoked
[23:41:00] that we're on the final act of act five
[23:41:03] uh you know this run so like the bike chase which is scary
[23:41:09] the top deck of outer haven is is also scary, but thankfully the
[23:41:13] way I have it routed is fairly
[23:41:15] consistent and
[23:41:17] of course the biggest threat here is
[23:41:19] getting spotted because for those that played
[23:41:21] the game casually, getting spotted in in outer haven is a death sentence
[23:41:24] that alert will not go away unless if you get through that door or through a continued screen
[23:41:29] which i don't want either um so what i'm going to do here is swap out some items
[23:41:34] so that for the tranquilizer and regular smokes
[23:41:38] And then what I am going to do is
[23:41:42] route this on the left side of the top deck here.
[23:41:45] I'm gonna throw a smoke at this corner which is gonna get both of those frogs
[23:41:51] and hopefully I'll run through without getting caught in the smoke
[23:41:54] Which is fine.
[23:41:55] If I did, it's not that big of a deal.
[23:41:57] Throw a second smoke immediately behind the two frogs
[23:41:59] that jumped right behind me
[23:42:01] while I'm going to shrink this frog
[23:42:03] right in front.
[23:42:05] Stay right here because there's going to be
[23:42:06] two more frogs coming around this corner.
[23:42:08] There's one.
[23:42:10] And then the other is going to be right
[23:42:12] there.
[23:42:15] Alright, now I'm going to throw a chaff because it's gonna
[23:42:17] delay a gecko from landing on the top deck which is
[23:42:19] very important um...because
[23:42:21] I will be spotted if I don't do this
[23:42:23] Um and now what I want to check for
[23:42:25] is a sniper which can be there.
[23:42:27] It's random.
[23:42:29] So I'm just going to check with the camera and thankfully they're not
[23:42:31] there.
[23:42:32] Yeah.
[23:42:32] She's not very nice.
[23:42:33] Yeah.
[23:42:33] Cause see this is where you could get spotted most of the time,
[23:42:36] especially if you don't um look around first
[23:42:39] um because like i said there are frogs moving around everywhere including the snipers which
[23:42:43] where they go and when they show up as random it's absolutely infuriating
[23:42:47] when you get spotted here, but thankfully I didn't
[23:42:49] and that is the last section of the game dealing with alerts. So
[23:42:53] if anything, got it alert-less so I'm happy for that.
[23:42:59] It's very stressful, the opening to Act 5
[23:43:01] but once you get on this elevator
[23:43:03] it's pretty smooth sailing
[23:43:05] for the most part.
[23:43:07] Wait, microwaves?
[23:43:11] I don't see any microwaves in here.
[23:43:16] Well, it sounds cool with that. Maybe they're talking about food.
[23:43:21] Microwaving food, though?
[23:43:25] Yeah. I think that's a very good way to celebrate a mission well done.
[23:43:29] Alright so now we are coming up against... Oh yeah! You guessed it. I mean
[23:43:32] frogs just keep coming back
[23:43:34] you know? Act 1, act 2
[23:43:36] act 3 since they took the
[23:43:38] rank away from me. But this
[23:43:40] time we got a skip right here which i'm gonna try to set up
[23:43:45] uh so i'm gonna take out five out of the six
[23:43:51] okay i think i got her. Oh there we go.
[23:43:53] Three...
[23:43:57] Aw that's funny she got stuck. Alright so we've got one frog
[23:44:01] left and what I'm to do here is throw a
[23:44:03] smoke at them and want them get caught up in it
[23:44:06] all right perfect now i'm gonna shrink her once
[23:44:09] throw another smoke and what i'm trying to do here is get her to cough while the
[23:44:12] tranquilizer is taking effect. And you can see
[23:44:15] like right now, her stamina bar is zero
[23:44:17] but she's still in the coughing
[23:44:18] animation so the game's going to get
[23:44:20] really confused as to what's going on
[23:44:22] and I'm like hey this frog should be knocked out