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HIGHLIGHTS: What HAPPENS in the room STAYS in the room

10-04-2024 · 10h 54m

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[00:00:00] No one's actually asked me how I am today, so thank you, thank you, man, I'm good, I'm good.
[00:00:05] How are you?
[00:00:06] I'm good, I'm good.
[00:00:07] Someone is taking care of you, I have to be.
[00:00:09] Someone's got a beautiful, and that's it, you know, homies.
[00:00:12] But look, how was the flight in?
[00:00:13] Did you get in today or yesterday?
[00:00:15] I came yesterday, it was a long patrol day, I went to airport at 7am and then
[00:00:20] I arrived here at 7pm, so it was a 12 hour flight, even though it should be
[00:00:26] supposed to be short.
[00:00:29] Where are you coming from in Europe?
[00:00:30] I come from Montenegro and then,
[00:00:32] I mean, if I had direct flight, it would be one hour flight,
[00:00:34] but since I had to go to Istanbul
[00:00:36] and then be five hours there, it's been a long day.
[00:00:39] That's a little crazy trip.
[00:00:42] Now, are you feeling jet lagged at all
[00:00:46] because it was a 12 hour flight?
[00:00:47] You know, it's coming a long way.
[00:00:48] There's only like, what's the time difference
[00:00:50] between Montenegro and here?
[00:00:51] Is it one hour?
[00:00:52] Yeah, it's one hour.
[00:00:53] So definitely not jet lagged,
[00:00:54] but the trial there was like going to Dallas
[00:00:57] something. It's a lot for what it is. You know, look, Falcons coming into this one, you
[00:01:03] guys had, what did you do well at recently? Off the top of my head, I can't remember, but
[00:01:07] I know you guys got the win at the blast. Cool. We qualified for blast and also we
[00:01:12] played a real qualifier, which we didn't qualify for real, obviously. And also we
[00:01:17] played bad boom. So we played three tournaments at the same time. It was a very tough
[00:01:21] schedule. We were not used to play like three best of threes in one day and things
[00:01:25] like this but obviously we gained a lot of experience there. We played tons of matches
[00:01:31] so we could gather the information and what we need to improve on and what is good for
[00:01:34] us. So I think it was a good learning experience.
[00:01:38] Is your physio here by the way?
[00:01:40] Our physio is not here, no.
[00:01:42] I met him in Cologne and he actually fixed my deadlift. We were in the bar and he
[00:01:46] was showing me what was wrong with my deadlift so I needed to shout out to him one
[00:01:51] time that was great for me. Is he fixed your deadlift?
[00:01:53] Actually, I'm not going to the gym lately, I stopped like one and a half years ago and
[00:01:59] now I can go for a week and then I don't go for two months, I'm very lazy when it comes
[00:02:04] to the gym but I think the physio was doing a very good job, he's called David and he
[00:02:10] was helping us with like whenever we have back pain or neck pain and it can help when
[00:02:16] we go into the game to feel more relaxed.
[00:02:18] Does he ever give you any chair yoga, you know to get get nice and limbo on the gaming chairs?
[00:02:23] Has he has he done that yet? Not that but we had some
[00:02:26] dream sessions with him and we had a good like how would say
[00:02:31] Massager the things like to help us with the back and stuff a good physio massage actually just goes a long way
[00:02:37] Doesn't it? Yeah, it's really good. Yeah, well in terms of this tournament
[00:02:41] What's what's the goals for Falcons because you know your group you're a pretty decent group
[00:02:45] I feel like you have a good shot at making playoffs here.
[00:02:47] I mean, to be honest, we didn't set up exact goal for this tournament,
[00:02:52] but for me personally I would like to make it to playoffs.
[00:02:55] I want to get this feeling of playing playoffs like before,
[00:03:00] so it would be really nice to go to the playoffs
[00:03:03] and then taking it game by game.
[00:03:06] Obviously it's not easy, nowadays every team is playing really good,
[00:03:10] and everyone understands the game.
[00:03:12] So I think we should just focus on game-to-game and try to reach the playoffs
[00:03:16] Which I think is a good goal for us in the moment now in terms of today
[00:03:21] You've got this you've got SSD setup. What else do you have to do? What's that? What's the main things?
[00:03:26] I mean usually yesterday was a troll day and today is like kind of we call it a media day where we
[00:03:32] We go breakfast in the morning and then we go to the media where we have to do the photos and then some hero shots
[00:03:37] some small videos and then obviously after it we have to do some interviews like individual
[00:03:42] or group interviews and also we have to do some social media things. So it's a lot of
[00:03:48] small things but it's not much but it's like small things and then after it we just gonna
[00:03:53] do an SSD setup which is gonna take like 30 minutes it's a short one I mean depends how
[00:03:58] fast the players are but I think we are kind of used to it we played many tournaments
[00:04:02] long and it's just gonna be 20 minutes and after it we have free time but we gonna
[00:04:07] use it to practice a few maps so we're going to be ready for Furia do you want
[00:04:13] to tell him that he's facing the wrong direction Peter you're supposed to watch
[00:04:16] this way but he doesn't care he's too focused have you looked out your poses
[00:04:22] yet have you figured out what you want to do yet I didn't do it you come over
[00:04:29] the thing over the media so I didn't have time it's come come come we'll
[00:04:34] We'll get your picture sorted, we'll figure out what pose we're doing today.
[00:04:38] Alright, so what's Madden's archetype?
[00:04:40] What's Madden's archetype?
[00:04:42] There's no way I'm some kind of warrior or something.
[00:04:45] No, you're a demolition man.
[00:04:47] You're a demolition man, come here, come here.
[00:04:50] It's one of these ones.
[00:04:52] Oh, okay.
[00:04:53] What are we going with today?
[00:04:54] I'm trying to get people to do the Wolverine.
[00:04:58] Yes, I would do that if I was going to gym.
[00:05:02] But since my biceps doesn't look so good in triceps, what should I do?
[00:05:07] I don't even know.
[00:05:09] This one is like the most easy one, so I'll do this one.
[00:05:13] Let's do this one?
[00:05:14] Come on, you can do better.
[00:05:15] Oh no, this one, it's the easiest.
[00:05:17] I have to do this.
[00:05:19] Make my day easier, please.
[00:05:20] You better do 11 of these.
[00:05:23] This one.
[00:05:24] This one?
[00:05:25] Yes.
[00:05:26] Yeah?
[00:05:27] Okay, I'll try that.
[00:05:28] I'll try that, yeah?
[00:05:29] Okay.
[00:05:30] Let's see how this one goes.
[00:05:33] I'll set it on basic first.
[00:05:35] Let's see, is it the basics?
[00:05:38] Let's see.
[00:05:39] Do you reckon we can improve on that?
[00:05:41] Snappy, could you improve that?
[00:05:43] As the improve, improve these?
[00:05:45] Not improve, I mean he's lost.
[00:05:49] What about like chest up, chest up, shoulders back,
[00:05:51] do you know?
[00:05:53] That's good, that's good.
[00:05:54] What are you going to do?
[00:05:54] What are you going to do with a few poses?
[00:05:55] Just basic stuff for you.
[00:05:56] You're just going to be.
[00:05:57] I hope really nothing.
[00:05:58] Hopefully just stand.
[00:05:59] Oh, no photos?
[00:06:00] hopefully just basic stuff. How was your trip in? He was saying it was like a
[00:06:04] 12-hour thing for him. He had a whole ordeal yesterday. Was yours better than
[00:06:07] that? I mean, Meltzer don't have the best connections in general, so always a
[00:06:11] connection. It's okay. The main thing was that yourself forgot to pick us up.
[00:06:15] We waited one and a half hour at the airport. Not at all. How's your day been today?
[00:06:22] What was the schedule this morning? Breakfast? Did you gym or what was the
[00:06:27] plan. Breakfast, then some gym and then me. Me, just annoying you. Yeah, so chill day and
[00:06:36] also tomorrow's. Do you have any content skits for this one? Not that I know of, maybe. Could
[00:06:44] be spawned on you at any moment. At any moment. That's the best thing about pro league.
[00:06:49] Oh, he's doing the pose we just picked out. Let's have a look. Is that good? You reckon
[00:06:52] He's nailing that I think it's fine. I think it's fine
[00:06:56] You can do better. No, hopefully not as I said, hopefully it's gonna be very
[00:07:01] You got to pick something though. There are some basic ones. There are some really cool ones. What's what's the go-to for the
[00:07:07] Dwellies. Oh, Julie's huh? Oh, he knows. He knows what he's doing already
[00:07:13] Let's see these let's see these Julie's
[00:07:16] Guns out. You can tell he's hitting the gym. Look at that. He's got the chest up
[00:07:20] He's got the the posture the posture is just so confident
[00:07:25] Incredible
[00:07:27] Incredible
[00:07:30] Straight down the barrel. All right. I've lost the others. I'm gonna go chase him find him and we're gonna go do some SSD setup
[00:07:37] Magisk, what is the strat here?
[00:07:42] Well, it's going all right you haven't lost yet. Yep. Nice. Nice. Nice little touchdown. Where's it?
[00:07:48] What's the next block? Is this a two-player game? Are we going three player?
[00:07:50] We are playing here with three guys right now, but to be honest, I have never played it before
[00:07:55] So I think we are just kind of making our own rules here to bonus
[00:07:59] I think it's gonna drop now
[00:08:04] God now I have to do it you're pretty clutch player though, so I think you got this there's like multiple options
[00:08:10] I feel like that's a bad choice for me
[00:08:18] Where to from me that is a very good question. I feel like it should be one of those
[00:08:25] Oh
[00:08:32] It's all about the finish
[00:08:36] This one is gonna drop it Peter
[00:08:41] Who kicked it's able to
[00:08:43] There's someone who dropped the whites upstairs
[00:08:45] Then you are actually cheating you are not
[00:08:51] Maybe on the opposite side of me
[00:08:53] I was leaning towards the right
[00:08:57] How do you get out of this one?
[00:09:05] The one on top of the last one.
[00:09:13] Move out from there.
[00:09:15] You were not even in the game.
[00:09:18] You guys started playing a team right?
[00:09:20] Thoughts on that disaster?
[00:09:22] I mean, that's the life of a coach, you know.
[00:09:25] When things are hitting a disaster point, then you try and pitch in
[00:09:29] and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
[00:09:31] This was one of the few times where it didn't work out.
[00:09:34] and that is unfortunate but look we go again you know you win or you learn right yes exactly
[00:09:40] get up on the saddle again what's your thoughts on these guys are they are they good are they are
[00:09:46] they troublesome are they are they annoying to deal with or are they are they just like the best
[00:09:51] guys i mean it depends sometimes they i think we're our team is everything you know sometimes
[00:09:57] it's very good and sometimes it's not that good so so i guess that's part of of being part of a
[00:10:03] team so it's all good. And in terms of the Jenga stacking do you think Magisk
[00:10:08] like has the skill to get to the next level because he said he hasn't done
[00:10:13] that much Jenga before? Oh he definitely has and this time we can't really fault
[00:10:17] him for the tower collection this one was on me so I guess so far he's
[00:10:23] been doing a good job and as you can see he's right back at it
[00:10:28] setting it up again so he's a rider he's hard-working and also proves
[00:10:32] outside of the server as you can see. Love the Jenga on the side. Now in terms of the CS you know
[00:10:37] leading into this comp what kind of extra prep did you get going on the backside did you have to
[00:10:43] do too much or are you just doing the same old thing and letting them do the counter striking?
[00:10:47] I think we are we are hitting in the right direction obviously we would like it to go a
[00:10:51] little bit faster we can play sometimes really good I think that also shows our last couple
[00:10:58] of games you know we've won four five six games in a row I think while we were in Serbia and then
[00:11:04] we all of a sudden lost four games so it's kind of how it is with Falcons right now and I think the
[00:11:13] average line is progressing in the right direction and obviously this is a good test for us to see
[00:11:18] where we are now but the big goal is for later to qualify for the Shanghai Major.
[00:11:23] Is he not flown in yet?
[00:11:28] He is here.
[00:11:29] He arrived yesterday just like anyone else.
[00:11:31] I think he's just doing a make-up right now.
[00:11:33] I might have to catch him as well.
[00:11:35] Coloni had a pretty good performance.
[00:11:37] He had up and down performance, but on the highs,
[00:11:40] it was pretty bloody good, wasn't it?
[00:11:42] Yeah, and I think that's kind of characterised our team right now
[00:11:46] that whenever we are hitting our shots and the communications in a flow,
[00:11:51] Then we are playing some really decent CS, but unfortunately sometimes we just drop off
[00:11:59] and then drop off the bottom level of our team right now is where we have to put our
[00:12:05] focus and that is where we have to improve.
[00:12:08] Because we need to be able to not have everyone hitting on all cylinders in order for us
[00:12:13] to win games because that is simply impossible.
[00:12:17] So we need to create that more consistency, I guess that's the word I'm looking for.
[00:12:21] In terms of the mental, who do you think is in the server?
[00:12:25] Obviously, you have to chime in with the timeout
[00:12:27] to maybe pull them back sometimes.
[00:12:28] But who do you think is the most mature that would be like,
[00:12:30] come on guys, let's just bring it back
[00:12:32] and be able to bring the mood back up out of everyone?
[00:12:36] I think it's tough to say someone specifically.
[00:12:39] I think it takes turn.
[00:12:42] When you're having a good game,
[00:12:43] it's obviously easier for the players
[00:12:46] to get the rest going.
[00:12:48] But you can definitely sometimes see that you have a few players who have tried a lot
[00:12:53] in Counter-Strike.
[00:12:54] They have a lot of experience, especially when it's tough.
[00:12:59] They still try to get the job done, but overall I think we have a very experienced team also
[00:13:05] showcased on our average age of the team.
[00:13:09] But for me that is definitely not where we are lacking the issues.
[00:13:14] I think everyone is very mature, very hard-working,
[00:13:18] looking into where we can improve as a team.
[00:13:20] And I think that's the most important thing.
[00:13:23] Madden said that you guys hadn't discussed goals for Pro League,
[00:13:27] but in terms of on the spot right now, what would you say the goal is?
[00:13:31] Like the main goal is it playoffs?
[00:13:32] Is it just take one game at a time?
[00:13:35] What do you think it is?
[00:13:36] I mean, I think it is true to head playoffs.
[00:13:38] But again, for me, it's about the progress
[00:13:42] to see that we are still improving, but I will be satisfied with the playoffs
[00:13:50] because you also have to have a realistic approach to how we will be performing throughout the year.
[00:13:55] If we just say that now we want to hit the semi-finals, I think we can very easily be disappointed.
[00:14:01] It's a tough field nowadays with CS and it's more mental than ever
[00:14:05] And if you're not coming based off any success event that we haven't had throughout the year, it's a grind.
[00:14:15] And we have to also accept that things are not going as fast as we wanted it to.
[00:14:22] So to set too high expectations and too high goals for us is, but yeah, as I said, you will be disappointed.
[00:14:29] And on that note, I think everyone's going downstairs.
[00:14:31] I'm going to let you go.
[00:14:32] Thanks for the chat.
[00:14:34] It's the lobby with the Falcons.
[00:14:36] Let's go.
[00:14:42] Yeah.
[00:14:43] And as you can see in this moment,
[00:14:44] there's a good artistic value to this right here.
[00:14:47] I think that's probably one of the more impressive paint jobs
[00:14:50] no pun intended I've ever seen.
[00:14:52] Thoughts?
[00:14:53] Well, I asked him if he could draw a squirrel at his friend's
[00:14:57] snail, and once again, he's just blown us out of the water
[00:15:00] here.
[00:15:00] The talent that he's showing is we haven't seen stuff
[00:15:04] like this before.
[00:15:05] It's honest to God impressive.
[00:15:07] And I'll say the utilization of different brushes
[00:15:09] and different strengths of bruch.
[00:15:11] I don't ever want to bother the artist
[00:15:13] while they're at work though.
[00:15:14] So that's like, oh yeah, okay.
[00:15:16] Hey, the pre, it's the pre everybody.
[00:15:17] It's the pre.
[00:15:18] Hey, the pre, man.
[00:15:20] How long you've been working on your paint skills?
[00:15:24] It's a common thing that I used to do
[00:15:25] whenever there was no incident in spagina days.
[00:15:28] It was super boring.
[00:15:29] So I just went into pain.
[00:15:31] And you got really good at it.
[00:15:32] My God.
[00:15:33] Yeah, like just like casually working on it, right?
[00:15:36] Do you have any masterpieces
[00:15:37] that perhaps one day you'll share with the world?
[00:15:40] This one?
[00:15:41] Yeah.
[00:15:41] OK, maybe print this out and get it signed.
[00:15:44] Put it in a placard.
[00:15:45] Do my signature of you.
[00:15:47] Oh, that is pretty good.
[00:15:49] Kind of, you know?
[00:15:49] Yeah, that's good.
[00:15:50] And then we can send it somewhere.
[00:15:51] Yeah, or I could sell it on eBay
[00:15:52] and make a little bit of money.
[00:15:53] That's pretty good.
[00:15:54] It's pretty good.
[00:15:57] But as you can see, there's still Counter Strike going on.
[00:16:00] We're not going to talk to this young man.
[00:16:01] He's definitely in the zone.
[00:16:03] So we can just watch him use his aiming skills.
[00:16:07] see some people go to paint some people play dm
[00:16:10] either way still better than you at home i can assure you that
[00:16:23] snapy can watch you set up
[00:16:24] that cool
[00:16:26] i don't think a lot of people want to see that
[00:16:29] that's that's where you're wrong bud everyone wants to see snappy's details
[00:16:33] a lot of people wanting snappy settings but you can see them
[00:16:35] dude all the tweets all the form posts you don't see any of that
[00:16:40] normally is he shit
[00:16:43] Look, I don't know, I haven't seen anything even remotely close to that, with what you're saying.
[00:16:46] Anyway, run me through these video details these days.
[00:16:49] Anything cool, anything breaking that people need to know about?
[00:16:52] Experience, I don't know, 360 Hertz and then...
[00:16:56] I don't know. NVIDIA Reflex, I have Enable Plus Boost, but I have no clue if it's correct.
[00:17:00] So where was your inspiration to turn it on then?
[00:17:06] I was just told it was good, but I think people have it both on Disable, Enable and Enable Plus Boost, so I don't even know what's correct.
[00:17:12] Oh, okay, so texture filtering mode though, right?
[00:17:15] Like, does it seem to make pixels stick out a little bit more?
[00:17:18] What is it about something like that, that setting?
[00:17:20] So I noticed that that one will change the clarity of the whole game almost.
[00:17:23] Text of filtering mode, I think it's more this multi-save and anti-alizing maybe, huh?
[00:17:28] I think if I put this to none, it's going to look really weird.
[00:17:31] Really?
[00:17:31] Yeah, so I have that on four, four weeks.
[00:17:34] But the bi-linear one.
[00:17:36] Yeah, but I'm not sure this changes too much, to be honest.
[00:17:39] But I play on the same one, to be honest.
[00:17:41] Sometimes on billionaire, sometimes billionaire, and sometimes on 4x.
[00:17:47] Sometimes on the 6x, sometimes on the 8x, sometimes on the 6x.
[00:17:51] But I think this is what I have at home.
[00:17:54] Very bottom.
[00:17:55] It makes much of a difference.
[00:17:57] The very last setting in this entire thing here in the advanced video options.
[00:18:01] Fidelity FX Super Resolution Disabled, highest quality.
[00:18:04] Thoughts?
[00:18:05] I have no clue.
[00:18:06] This is what everyone else have.
[00:18:08] I'm just trying to give the fans what they're asking for.
[00:18:10] snappy settings. Thank you very much for your time, Snappy. No problem.
[00:18:15] Masi back in Malta, media day, Astarya, I know it's your favorite.
[00:18:19] How does it feel to have Kate Moss as your teammate over there?
[00:18:24] Flames you with five different positions for the photos.
[00:18:27] How many loves it? I think he I think he enjoys this more than playing.
[00:18:31] I think I definitely know what he's going to go into after playing CS professionally.
[00:18:34] So I think he's got he's got his career path set out already.
[00:18:38] So he's going to he's enjoying it.
[00:18:40] I think he can pull it off, someone else who's enjoying himself I think is all of
[00:18:44] vitality after how Cologne went, that was a big one so you know you had a couple
[00:18:50] of weeks how did you guys spend that time what was the focus?
[00:18:54] Yeah I mean first off we had a little break right after Cologne because it was
[00:18:58] a lot of time spent like just the preparation before and then also at
[00:19:02] the time a lot of energy and then just been practicing from home trying
[00:19:06] to get as much like reps in as well like of course when you spend a week break or a few
[00:19:10] days off it's like getting a bit rusty and also after winning a tournament as well you
[00:19:14] don't want to get complacent as a team and think okay we're the best now and I think
[00:19:18] we're trying to stay grounded as a team and know that we need to keep looking at other
[00:19:22] tournaments now make sure we come to here because we want to get revenge and with last
[00:19:26] pro league we got close but this time we want to make sure we take it.
[00:19:31] Is anyone still missing their nades? Or did everyone get the two key jump bind sorted?
[00:19:38] For the first few days for me it was really tough. There's so many practice games where
[00:19:42] I'm going to throw a smoke, it just hits a wall and it was, I think our coach has got
[00:19:46] so many clips of me just throwing nades at walls and just landing and spawn and stuff
[00:19:49] but I think we've got a bit used to it now. It was tough at the start though.
[00:19:53] Alright so we'll see a little bit more brawly vitality in the first game maybe. Do you
[00:19:58] Do you guys share rooms or do you have single rooms here?
[00:20:00] We usually share.
[00:20:02] This event I think we've got a few single.
[00:20:06] A few of us got single anyway.
[00:20:08] Usually we share. It's good to the team chemistry.
[00:20:10] It's a bit more old school.
[00:20:12] I think a lot of teams are getting single rooms now.
[00:20:14] Who's your roommate when you do share?
[00:20:16] Usually it's Flames.
[00:20:18] I can tell you for sure that there's never a quiet moment.
[00:20:21] There's never a quiet moment.
[00:20:22] You're up until the early hours.
[00:20:24] He's always talking.
[00:20:26] That's a nice thing with Flamzy anyway.
[00:20:27] So what's your go-to to make him wind down?
[00:20:32] What are the tricks that you use?
[00:20:33] Don't worry, he was not going to watch this anyway.
[00:20:36] There isn't any tricks.
[00:20:37] He'll just start hearing me snore or something.
[00:20:39] I'll start sleeping and like he's talking and just slowly
[00:20:42] I just go to sleep anyway.
[00:20:43] There's no tricks because if you stop one thing,
[00:20:46] he's got 100 different topics in his head.
[00:20:48] So he's never going to stop.
[00:20:49] He's never going to stop.
[00:20:50] The brain goes really fast.
[00:20:51] All right.
[00:20:52] Thanks, Matt.
[00:20:52] We'll go talk to your roommate now.
[00:20:54] Vitality, really good at not being upset at some of these early games, probably, what's the key?
[00:21:01] Well, it's all about the... What is it about with them? Tell them.
[00:21:09] I just talked to him, it's up to you now.
[00:21:11] Yeah, but I want to hear it from my players, because I'm the main character of this kit.
[00:21:14] What's it all about?
[00:21:18] Winning.
[00:21:19] Winning?
[00:21:20] Yeah.
[00:21:21] You heard Englishman, it's all about winning, energy.
[00:21:23] Now it's just to be honest in those games
[00:21:25] I feel like we struggled a bit because we didn't come and we didn't like come to the opponent so prepared
[00:21:31] because we felt like they were a bit off but
[00:21:33] some of those games all you need to do is just play to your level and
[00:21:37] try to push the energy, you know, treat it like a game against FaZe and then you
[00:21:42] You're gonna be very dominant against them
[00:21:44] But again nowadays in CS2 every team, tier 2, tier 3, they're so competitive
[00:21:49] the skill is so high that even in those games you need to have like a little fear and little
[00:21:54] respect to the other team you cannot just run around and expect to win and some of those
[00:21:57] games you just start out really with like structure and together as a team and then
[00:22:02] you see that the flow like players have the flow and then you just let them play
[00:22:05] the other game and we we crush those things sometimes but again like we we do struggle
[00:22:11] some of those games who miss who's missing the most needs now well to be fair done
[00:22:17] One is missing a lot of nades lately.
[00:22:19] Apex?
[00:22:20] Yeah, I got out mid on Mirage, no smoke connector, no smoke top middle, no smoke window.
[00:22:24] Ah, my bad.
[00:22:25] 3 smokes, mate.
[00:22:27] But, to be honest, in our team, if someone misses a lot of utility, we just don't give them the utility.
[00:22:33] You just have the responsibility to throw it away.
[00:22:35] Do you think you have players then who do it on purpose, so they don't have to throw nades?
[00:22:39] I think we have some players that just don't have it with utility.
[00:22:43] Yeah, they just, not forget, but it's just, you know, like, you were a player once, you know, the feeling of some utility like smoke, you click S a bit, you go back and some of the people just, yeah, they just like that and it's very annoying to go out somewhere and to meet the smoke.
[00:22:58] It requires a delicate touch, you know, for some of that utility and some people don't simply don't have it.
[00:23:04] Is it a good English thing? Not delicate? Some people don't have it.
[00:23:07] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're spot on. I mean, West Coast, you got it.
[00:23:11] Yeah.
[00:23:12] I think also, Messi has been getting some criticism unwarranted lately, I think mostly unwarranted, because
[00:23:19] they don't have the information that also I didn't have until recently, that's when you share rooms, you're his roommate,
[00:23:25] so the man probably can't get a good night's sleep at a tournament, do you have any comments on that?
[00:23:30] Well, to be honest, what happens in the room stays in the room, but I'll just say that I think William is very enjoying the room sessions.
[00:23:37] Because we, you know, when was the last two we shared?
[00:23:46] You got rolled back into this.
[00:23:55] When was it? Was it for Oleg?
[00:23:57] Probably last? Yeah.
[00:23:59] It explains everything. It's a long time.
[00:24:01] A long time together. Two weeks together is...
[00:24:04] Well, it's two weeks with anyone is a lot, but it means it's easier, right?
[00:24:09] Yeah, but we also went from like a Dallas or something when we were two events in a row together, so like three or four weeks.
[00:24:16] Well, to be honest, the thing is when I'm in the room with someone, I completely enjoyed the room.
[00:24:23] I treat it like I'm alone in the room.
[00:24:25] So, so...
[00:24:26] Yeah, MP3 is alone.
[00:24:28] In Dallas, in the after party.
[00:24:31] But the thing is, I just like to talk a lot as you know, so in the night we just talk a lot, but I don't know, like last Wally I was scared, I was doing Pilates on the bed and stuff like this midnight, and this guy was like, what the fuck is happening?
[00:24:48] So yeah, some tournaments are weirder than others, and some tournaments you know, it just depends on the tournament, every tournament I play does change my, how I am in the room.
[00:24:58] All right, have you looked at all who you're playing to begin with or you leave that for your captain and stuff, what are your thoughts?
[00:25:06] Well, I saw who we play against, but I found out this was for Mungoli, I thought the Austerian for some reason.
[00:25:13] And well, I know Kabal, I played against him in some tournament and you know the Mungolian teams, they're not...
[00:25:20] You should be ready against those guys because they play really good, they play together, they play the same counter side.
[00:25:27] They have the same culture and it's really nice nowadays because everybody is international.
[00:25:32] You see barriers inside of that, but they play really together.
[00:25:36] And I didn't really watch their matches, but I'm aware that you are probably going to
[00:25:40] have a good fight against them.
[00:25:43] And then I think the next game is Falcons of Australis, right?
[00:25:46] And that one, well, I'm always, these sometimes feel easier than those underdog games because
[00:25:52] you know you need to come prepared, you know you need to invest energy in these
[00:25:55] games.
[00:25:56] to be fair Astralis are good and Falcons are good right now.
[00:25:59] It's Fnatic Astralis, but never mind, you were close.
[00:26:02] Fnatic Astralis, oh then we bully Fnatic mate,
[00:26:05] then because it smashes X-team.
[00:26:07] Who is playing for Fnatic, Blamev?
[00:26:09] Matis?
[00:26:10] Yes, he's playing for Fnatic.
[00:26:12] Wait, don't tell me, ah, Cris is it, what?
[00:26:16] Blamev, Matis, Kim.
[00:26:18] Who's the agile?
[00:26:19] Blamev.
[00:26:20] No.
[00:26:21] Ah, wait, so there is another guy, wait.
[00:26:23] French.
[00:26:23] French?
[00:26:24] Oh, buddy. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. What the fuck? Oh, and the Afro, Afro. And the coach is Jamie Hall-Kata.
[00:26:31] Yeah, but, um, because every time we play the X team, we always want to come to play.
[00:26:39] Like, even when we play, so wait, it's Astralis Fnatic.
[00:26:42] Yes.
[00:26:43] Yeah, okay, perfect. So, yeah, we're ready.
[00:26:45] All right, so if Apex hits his smokes against Atox, you'll be fine.
[00:26:49] To be honest, right now there is no flight for Apex, he is in the video, he is in the middle of Rome
[00:26:57] and I need to tell him to buy Parmesan.
[00:26:59] Well it's a good thing you guys have an extra day, right? The first games on Wednesday so...
[00:27:05] All right, thanks so much Flamzy, that was Vitality in the lobby, we'll let them do their thing.
[00:27:12] I've located Electronic and we're going to be having a quick check-in on James's ping-pong form
[00:27:17] because we haven't seen him play too much pong as of late, but he's got a nice long hand there, doesn't he?
[00:27:23] I guess they're playing a lot recently, you know, but I don't know who is better.
[00:27:29] We're going to find that out now. So, uh, so we've got Jayme, who's this gentleman?
[00:27:35] The manager of our team. Is he is he known for his pong skills?
[00:27:39] Yes, I guess so. He usually wins as I heard, but I'm not sure what's going to happen this
[00:27:50] time because they're practicing a lot. I mean, James, at least.
[00:27:55] Do you guys have ping pong set up at the VP facilities?
[00:27:59] I mean, they're usually playing these tournaments, you know.
[00:28:05] And you're good enough to always be at the tournament, so you just get a lot of
[00:28:08] practice it makes sense doesn't it? Exactly. How's your pong form? No I'm not
[00:28:12] playing. You're not playing? No no I don't like it I mean I'm not enjoying
[00:28:17] while I'm playing usually I know like back in Sydney you did the turning of
[00:28:22] the snags of the sausages remember that the bunnies skit usually that
[00:28:27] translates well into the ping-pong world so it did it did it not for you?
[00:28:31] No
[00:28:33] How do we how do we fix that?
[00:28:36] Probably I'll fix in the future. Yeah, well look now you're at VP
[00:28:40] You're getting to more tournaments than maybe what you were before so that gives you a lot more chance to practice your
[00:28:46] Tournament for ping-pong you know from the spot players we could set that up
[00:28:50] We could maybe have a player on this week
[00:28:52] Although the problem is
[00:28:53] It's when you get knocked out that you get to play in the pong tournament because otherwise your focus will be in the wrong spot
[00:28:58] So look if if things go wrong for VP this week we can organize a pong tournament for you. All right
[00:29:06] Everything will go smooth for us, you know in this tournament. So and we'll call it the electronic
[00:29:13] Invitational
[00:29:15] So just in case anything goes wrong, it's all on you you got to remember that all right
[00:29:20] How about the prac leading up to this in terms of counter strike? How's that gone? I mean
[00:29:25] How's your practice going, leading into EPL?
[00:29:30] It was good, as usually, you know.
[00:29:33] We changed our course, so we'll practice.
[00:29:38] Are you happy with where it's at at the moment?
[00:29:41] I noticed that there's much less passive gameplay coming through from you guys
[00:29:45] since you joined the team.
[00:29:47] Has that been something that the team has enjoyed
[00:29:50] or is sort of struggling to get used to?
[00:29:53] I don't know like we were struggling a lot recently you know so I don't know we'll
[00:30:03] see I guess we'll see now in your group is there anyone in particular that you
[00:30:09] guys are focusing on you know having to beat can you repeat because yeah too
[00:30:14] much too much ping pong it's absolutely crazy in terms of your
[00:30:17] opponents you know is there anyone that you guys are focusing on knowing
[00:30:20] that you're going to have to go up against?
[00:30:22] Anybody from our group or from any other group
[00:30:26] could beat anyone.
[00:30:28] That's how scene works now.
[00:30:30] Like, even if you're top one team,
[00:30:33] it's going to be a tough game for you, you know?
[00:30:37] There is no favorites, I would say.
[00:30:42] Beautiful.
[00:30:43] Now, in terms of working with him,
[00:30:44] because obviously he's got one of those big brains,
[00:30:46] huge knowledge of CS2.
[00:30:49] How's that being transitioning under James' leadership as opposed to everything else that was going on before at C9?
[00:30:55] I mean, it's kind of hard because I used to play the different view of Counter-Strike before, you know?
[00:31:03] So I'm trying to find the way to play it better.
[00:31:09] You know how people are saying Maus is one of those teams that plays really good when there's no crowd around?
[00:31:15] You know, like how they're a studio team, there's that theory that mouse esports are a studio team,
[00:31:21] and when it comes to the big stages they seem to not get the results that they want.
[00:31:25] I mean like, you know, I wouldn't say like a mouse is a studio team.
[00:31:32] They can play good everywhere.
[00:31:35] But they're learning a lot now, you know, they changed their playstyle as I said before, right?
[00:31:43] The art playstyle was completely different if you compare it to the fallen playstyle.
[00:31:50] So yeah, I guess the QCCR and Yuri, they have to play more in this playstyle, you know,
[00:31:59] so they will feel much more confident in the future.
[00:32:04] And one last question from me, especially for ESL Pro League.
[00:32:06] You know how there's the glass in the middle now and the glass goes defrosted in
[00:32:11] the middle of like when the round ends?
[00:32:13] So you can see your opponents face to face.
[00:32:15] What's your thoughts on that?
[00:32:16] Do you like it?
[00:32:17] Do you get involved in the screaming?
[00:32:18] Honestly, I don't care, honestly, for 100%.
[00:32:21] I mean, sometimes I scream to the opponent, but I'm not looking at them, you know, when
[00:32:27] I'm screaming.
[00:32:28] So yeah, I don't care.
[00:32:30] Beautiful.
[00:32:31] And that was Electronic, the best bunning snag turn out that we've seen on this
[00:32:34] side of the equator.
[00:32:35] Thank you.
[00:32:36] How are you?
[00:32:37] Very tired.
[00:32:38] It's very...
[00:32:40] Very tired.
[00:32:42] Ah, okay.
[00:32:44] See, the bad thing about learning any language I've learned is that we learn bad words.
[00:32:48] And so the only things that I can reciprocate to respond to you with are...
[00:32:52] Probably I could be like,
[00:32:54] Ah, Cayete!
[00:32:56] That's just rude. That doesn't make any sense, does it?
[00:32:58] Yeah, it doesn't.
[00:33:00] You like good makeup?
[00:33:02] I think it's fine.
[00:33:04] It's not your first time, surely.
[00:33:06] I don't even know how many times I did it already.
[00:33:08] You get kind of used to it after a while.
[00:33:10] Yeah, I'm actually trying to not cry here.
[00:33:13] I don't know, something messed up my life.
[00:33:15] Oh, it's like some touch.
[00:33:16] Well, if you do want to cry, we could turn it into a little bit.
[00:33:18] Yeah, I'd try my shoulder.
[00:33:19] What do you want to cry about, man?
[00:33:20] What's wrong?
[00:33:20] Talk to me.
[00:33:21] Are you OK?
[00:33:22] I hope your pharmacist is in pro league.
[00:33:24] But you got a new pro league season ahead of you.
[00:33:26] I mean, it's always the same dream, you know?
[00:33:29] It's a weird dream.
[00:33:30] It's one that we don't need.
[00:33:31] Finny, enjoy whatever it is you're doing over here.
[00:33:34] I don't think you're getting makeup anymore, but.
[00:33:36] How do you guys go about picking out an archetype? How do you go about picking one of these out?
[00:33:43] Is it for poses or are you just like
[00:33:46] Poses it's my pose this you got salute. It's like a soldier. Okay. It's a soldier the leader the veteran the glue
[00:33:54] Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay. We have a mastermind. This is for try. No
[00:34:01] The more this is for try mastermind for Vinny
[00:34:06] I wasn't ready for that light. I'm not gonna lie. It just kind of got me a little bit. Yeah, I thought this was Eminem for a second, but yeah
[00:34:14] It's just not it's like a GQ. Yeah, it's almost nice. That's the guy from Jurassic Park
[00:34:22] Yeah, I know I know this guy but I don't know what's the name
[00:34:26] Interesting cool. Well, I'm glad we found your archetype today my friend
[00:34:33] Now here's the real process. Look at this. They might have picked out their archetype, but
[00:34:37] They're gonna go through the book and they're gonna find which poses they like the most you might get some
[00:34:43] Might get some of these you might get some of these
[00:34:48] Who knows let's see what he's picked and how he does
[00:34:51] My bad. It's just a photo. You know, it's like we're editing a live photo over here. It's basically what's happened
[00:34:57] I mean, yeah, I shouldn't be in here. Come on then. Let's go
[00:35:06] All right, here we are with Fanatic, the new player for the lineup, Krims, Krims, your first land, how are you feeling?
[00:35:16] A bit nervous, to be honest.
[00:35:18] What is the thing that makes you nervous the most about all this?
[00:35:22] I think it's just the environment, it's not very safe and people are watching you and stuff.
[00:35:27] You don't have the privacy that you used to playing from your home?
[00:35:30] No, I like it in my dork room at home.
[00:35:33] Who is your least favorite teammate?
[00:35:36] Afro.
[00:35:37] Is that because he sits next to you and makes you uncomfortable?
[00:35:40] He likes to touch my hand.
[00:35:42] Alright, thank you so much, Freddy.
[00:35:43] I hope things get better for you moving on.
[00:35:47] Afro, do you have any comments on what Krimzha said?
[00:35:51] Yeah, I'm just trying to make him safe and take care of him.
[00:35:54] He's quite a new boy in the scene, so yeah.
[00:35:57] If I'm not mistaken, this is your guys' first land this season,
[00:36:01] Right, coming back from the break. Does that feel a little bit weird?
[00:36:06] I think it's been good for us, I think, because we had time to prepare for sure.
[00:36:12] It feels good to be back on track and being able to show what we are able to.
[00:36:19] You had to play a lot of online games, you know, some qualifiers and everything.
[00:36:24] So did you feel like you got enough reps in official to just be able to play your game
[00:36:30] here?
[00:36:31] Yeah, I think we played quite a lot of official online games.
[00:36:35] For sure it's not the same as in LAN, so looking forward to see if we're able to show
[00:36:41] our true selves here.
[00:36:42] But yeah, I think we are prepared enough here.
[00:36:46] Alright, thank you.
[00:36:47] I'll keep it moving.
[00:36:48] I don't want to bother anyone for too long.
[00:36:50] Body.
[00:36:51] I don't bother anyone.
[00:36:53] I just wanted to ask you a little bit, as the captain,
[00:36:56] how prepared do you feel coming into this tournament?
[00:37:01] As of first said, kind of really prepared
[00:37:04] since we had a long time to actually practice
[00:37:08] and get some reps and online officials.
[00:37:11] So yeah, I'm pretty excited to play this tournament
[00:37:13] to be one of the first kind of bigger event with BlameF.
[00:37:17] So I'm looking forward to see how we can do it.
[00:37:19] Yeah, because, you know, scrims are all nice,
[00:37:23] but then officials are better,
[00:37:25] but you had to play all of them online.
[00:37:27] So do you think sometimes it helps
[00:37:29] to have these officials online
[00:37:30] compared to just having a lot of times to practice
[00:37:33] with no officials because you get things tested
[00:37:35] a bit better?
[00:37:36] Yeah, exactly.
[00:37:37] Like we suck in practice.
[00:37:38] So anyway, it's very good for us to have online officials.
[00:37:40] And yeah, we practice our maps.
[00:37:44] We try new stuff and actually having on it
[00:37:47] to do them in practice, like all you do, do the reps against teams that also practice
[00:37:52] stuff and don't try to come to you.
[00:37:53] It's really bad to be in.
[00:37:55] How big of a difference is it having a guy like Blame on the team?
[00:37:59] Real big as him, like real big, he's talking a lot.
[00:38:02] He wants to do a lot of things.
[00:38:04] He take a big space in the team that we actually needed.
[00:38:08] So, yeah, it's really nice to have him in the team.
[00:38:11] All right.
[00:38:11] Thank you so much.
[00:38:12] We'll go talk to the big guy himself.
[00:38:15] Blame, we're going to keep it short.
[00:38:16] we're not bothering anyone here. First game, are you excited for the opponent?
[00:38:22] Yeah, it's going to be a fun one. It's going to be a fun one for sure. I'm pretty looking forward to it, yeah.
[00:38:26] How have you been feeling coming back to an international squad, you know, after a while after getting to be in a Danish team?
[00:38:33] I don't think it's that different. I think maybe in the beginning I had to get used to talking English, obviously a little bit more,
[00:38:40] but I think as soon as you do it every day, getting used to it, and now I've been here for a lot of months,
[00:38:45] I don't know exactly how long, but I've been here a long enough that it feels pretty natural now, I would say.
[00:38:48] Did you miss the online Counter-Strike?
[00:38:51] Yeah, I did actually. I always enjoyed online Counter-Strike, it's kind of like where I came from with Epsilon and stuff back in the day.
[00:38:57] So I'm used to playing a lot of online and I think it's pretty fun honestly.
[00:39:01] Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say we look forward to seeing you back here at Pro League with Fnatic, we'll leave you to it.
[00:39:08] as we finish off here with Mattis, so it finally gave your mousepad, it's dead?
[00:39:17] No, it's getting dried in the shower, it was a little bit bad, that's why I had to stay there for a while,
[00:39:22] but now there is no chance I'm giving it up so far.
[00:39:25] This is going to be like, it's soon it's going to get a life of its own, but tell me a little bit,
[00:39:31] how are you feeling coming into Pro League?
[00:39:34] I'm definitely happy after a while because we played many online tournaments obviously and it's nice to hit final tier one lane.
[00:39:40] So I think the feeling is really nice to be honest.
[00:39:42] I think compared to the last time maybe we are way more prepared let's say, especially when we've joined KIND of a obviously the start was a little bit rough.
[00:39:49] At some point after a few months we managed to have a kind of let's say a good way of playing compared to when we played before so I think we are way more ready right now.
[00:39:59] Yeah, because all the teams a lot of the time say we need some more time to work on this, to work on that map, you guys have had plenty of time, obviously there's always details to work on, but you feel like this is as ready as you can be really at the moment.
[00:40:13] I think we managed to get our line up of the maps really together, we managed to have struggles on certain maps obviously after a while but I think we are really prepared so let's see how it goes.
[00:40:22] Let's see how it goes obviously it's a very different compared to online right out of pressure
[00:40:25] Maybe we want to be everyone we want to show that we can be capable of beating anyone on this land
[00:40:30] So I think we're gonna try good games. How do you feel about the first game going up against the showers?
[00:40:34] I think it's gonna be fun, especially for Blimey Francis unlike he's like steam
[00:40:39] So I think it's gonna be really nice. Hopefully the veto goes right and yeah, it's gonna be fun for sure
[00:40:44] Especially against these kind of players. I think I have a lot of respect for all of them. So yeah
[00:40:48] All right, man. Thanks a lot. Good luck in the game and I'll leave you to it
[00:40:51] That was fun.
[00:40:54] Happy birthday, buddy.
[00:40:56] Thank you so much.
[00:40:58] Anything you say to the other birthday boys and girls out there?
[00:41:01] Enjoy and don't party too hard.
[00:41:04] Yeah, okay, that's right. Be like Salah.
[00:41:06] Not like the other people in the forums.
[00:41:08] Thanks, man. Appreciate that.
[00:41:10] Hey, just one quick question for our leader, guys, is Booth here.
[00:41:13] Obviously, thanks for having me. I know I wasn't invited, but thanks for having me.
[00:41:16] No problem.
[00:41:17] The question is going to be, who really is running Germany out of mouths and big?
[00:41:24] Who runs Germany from one org to a versus another org?
[00:41:27] Who's running Germany out of mouths and big?
[00:41:29] Bro, you woke up feeling funny today, huh?
[00:41:32] No, did you?
[00:41:34] No, you're smiling like you're feeling funny.
[00:41:36] Who's running Germany?
[00:41:37] Of course, in miles.
[00:41:38] Of course.
[00:41:39] Yeah.
[00:41:40] Didn't you see Cologne?
[00:41:41] Oh, no, we've seen what we've seen.
[00:41:43] I ain't even going through the counter strike.
[00:41:45] I'm saying from organization versus organization.
[00:41:47] right? So obviously, Malz has got to be up there in that conversation, right? That's nice, man.
[00:41:54] That was real sweet. Hey, thanks for that. I'll see y'all around. I did wake up feeling funny,
[00:41:59] so I'm gonna walk over to Big Clan and use the rest of that funniness. What did you guys get
[00:42:03] into coming into Malta? Tell me about some of the stuff you've been up to. Not much. I mean,
[00:42:08] we had a little bit disappointed at Cologne, right? We went not to the main tournament.
[00:42:13] I wasn't gonna bring it up. You did. So I'm just saying. Yeah, but it's also good to
[00:42:17] to know that, right? But we're very motivated. We want to show what we are capable of with
[00:42:21] like one and a half week of online training. And yeah, and now we're prepared to show what
[00:42:27] we can in Malta.
[00:42:28] Yeah, you know, the Berlin are not Berlin, the clone one. I see sometimes I get confused
[00:42:33] like big Berlin in national gaming. Then I've got colleagues that just want to make
[00:42:36] jokes every time you guys have a match. It's like, Oh, you guys see that big game
[00:42:39] coming up? And it's like, All right. Yeah, I got you got me there is big playing
[00:42:43] or are you just saying it's a big game itself?
[00:42:46] I think the biggest game I can think of in this moment
[00:42:48] is who's running Germany?
[00:42:50] Is it big or is it Maus?
[00:42:53] I mean, obviously I would say that
[00:42:55] we have a majority lineup, right?
[00:42:57] So I feel like the weird, the German team,
[00:43:00] like Maus is obviously a organization based in Germany,
[00:43:02] but for me they're international teams.
[00:43:04] So I would say big.
[00:43:06] Yeah, I was looking at organization versus organization.
[00:43:08] I think that's a fair comparison, right?
[00:43:11] Like a fair competition.
[00:43:12] Yeah, kind of healthy in a way.
[00:43:14] Yeah, I mean, we have nothing against the mouse guys.
[00:43:16] I mean, we have JDC who played in mouse.
[00:43:18] They're still good friends.
[00:43:20] There was sessions like...
[00:43:21] All that thought, yeah.
[00:43:22] Are you guys still friends?
[00:43:24] Yes, we are, I would say so.
[00:43:25] Not on the server, but outside of the...
[00:43:27] We don't want the rumor mill.
[00:43:28] Thanks, appreciate that.
[00:43:29] Yeah, but other than that,
[00:43:30] I think the mood between the two teams are fine.
[00:43:33] So nothing special there.
[00:43:34] Cool, so you guys get done with SSDs right here,
[00:43:37] which it looks like everybody's almost on the same page.
[00:43:40] Then what, what are you gonna do tonight?
[00:43:42] I mean, we have another media skit.
[00:43:45] And then tonight, it's just preparing for the enemy,
[00:43:48] going through to the game plan, what we want to do,
[00:43:51] getting Tapsen into the mood, what he wants to call,
[00:43:53] and then individual routines, and then we go to sleep.
[00:43:56] We should run a segment on that at some point
[00:43:58] where it's like getting Tapsen in the mood,
[00:43:59] like you said, right?
[00:44:01] What that takes, and how we do that,
[00:44:03] I think that is a pretty big question.
[00:44:04] What would you normally go to there for that?
[00:44:07] Like normally how to get Tapsen in the mood
[00:44:08] is I take my shirt off in the beginning,
[00:44:11] That's the one he likes the most.
[00:44:14] And yeah, then we need the mood and the action starts.
[00:44:16] Okay, well, a little bit more descriptive than I'd hoped for,
[00:44:20] but we did get there at the end of the day,
[00:44:21] Tapsin confirmed it and I, all right, good.
[00:44:23] He confirms, right?
[00:44:25] HATV confirmed.
[00:44:28] And on that note, I'll be seeing myself right here.
[00:44:30] Thank you very much, big clan.
[00:44:31] Thank you.
[00:44:32] Yeah, Kee, what's the gut to your poses, Bear?
[00:44:34] What's the, let's turn this way so the camera can see.
[00:44:36] Okay, this is the, it's called demolition.
[00:44:38] Demolition?
[00:44:39] Yeah, what is it?
[00:44:40] It's like a pose for badass people who run in front of the eye or kill.
[00:44:44] Oh yeah, Intraman, Intraman, show the camera.
[00:44:46] What's your favorite, spin it around.
[00:44:48] I mean, last time I did this one, I think it's pretty cool, like, you know.
[00:44:53] Yeah, and what you got?
[00:44:54] I'm trying to show you your attitude, and there's many other different ones.
[00:44:57] Give us that one.
[00:44:58] The neck crack.
[00:44:59] Oh yeah.
[00:45:00] No, it's pretty cool.
[00:45:00] It's pretty cool.
[00:45:01] Also the thing is like, in our team, there's a second demolition guy.
[00:45:05] You know who it is?
[00:45:07] Like, everyone?
[00:45:09] at cologne it was everyone ultimately ever
[00:45:12] that that guy is uh...
[00:45:14] people call me aggressive i don't know uh... that guy is so that
[00:45:17] is he is he got the same as well as that his folder
[00:45:21] yes i think money we can share you know
[00:45:25] i just want you to uh... show me some of these poses and and what you'll go to
[00:45:29] is of course
[00:45:30] you destroyed at cologne
[00:45:32] but what's the new post now and that you are the absolute go on the stick
[00:45:35] okay okay
[00:45:38] This looks fun.
[00:45:39] Yeah.
[00:45:42] Yeah?
[00:45:42] Good one, good one?
[00:45:43] No, I'm not trying to show them.
[00:45:45] I'll hold you, show them.
[00:45:46] We've got to practice.
[00:45:46] We've got to practice for your photos.
[00:45:48] Yeah, ready?
[00:45:49] Ready?
[00:45:51] Oh, yeah.
[00:45:52] Oh, yeah.
[00:45:53] Let's go.
[00:45:54] Beautiful.
[00:45:54] I could be a player.
[00:45:55] OK.
[00:45:55] Try this one.
[00:45:56] Maybe not.
[00:45:57] Is there one?
[00:45:58] Do you do want to?
[00:45:59] Is it this?
[00:46:01] We got this.
[00:46:02] There's so many.
[00:46:03] There's multiple pages.
[00:46:04] Oh, that's different.
[00:46:05] That's the Dudley.
[00:46:06] Yeah, we're not.
[00:46:07] But he's a soldier though.
[00:46:14] Give us the Hugh Jackman, give us the...
[00:46:18] You know, again?
[00:46:21] The Joker?
[00:46:27] What is the Martin...
[00:46:29] Fucking, what's his name?
[00:46:31] Yeah, it's not the...
[00:46:33] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:46:34] Who's the bad guy in Gladiator?
[00:46:36] Martin Aurelius, no, is it that one?
[00:46:39] I don't know, no one's around to Google though, it is right.
[00:46:43] You know the thing is also it's like, we're kind of ready
[00:46:45] because we went to the gym this morning and...
[00:46:47] Or pumped up.
[00:46:48] I think Roland can do like Hugh Jackman type.
[00:46:51] Yeah?
[00:46:52] Do you do arms or do you do legs?
[00:46:53] How does it check in?
[00:46:55] Yeah, you're getting pumps, getting...
[00:46:56] Ooh, beautiful.
[00:46:58] This guy benches.
[00:46:59] 53 kilos for him.
[00:47:01] 53 for eight?
[00:47:02] Yeah, that's a lot, no?
[00:47:04] That's good, what we...
[00:47:06] What's that body weight, like 1.2 times?
[00:47:12] We'll get there, we'll get there.
[00:47:13] It's one for one, he's 53 kilos.
[00:47:14] You're 53 kilos?
[00:47:15] Yeah, that's for sure.
[00:47:16] Is that what you need to do to be like the best AWPer,
[00:47:17] is just like, you know, cut, like full, full lightweight?
[00:47:20] I mean, do you actually?
[00:47:22] No, I'm not playing AWPer, I have no idea.
[00:47:24] Yeah, I'm the AWPer now.
[00:47:26] You're the only AWPer now?
[00:47:27] We're playing faces sometimes and I'm like,
[00:47:28] grown, okay, if you're not AWPer,
[00:47:30] I'm gonna be AWPer, you know?
[00:47:31] Cause this guy is almost a rifle, I'm telling you.
[00:47:33] Why would he not AWP though in FaceIt?
[00:47:35] Is it just because FACE is like the wild lands, you know, kind of like the wilderness?
[00:47:39] You don't really want to...
[00:47:40] You know, he wants to be ready at all times, I think.
[00:47:43] And that rifle is a little bit...
[00:47:46] The level is too high on FACE.
[00:47:47] Like on this tournament, it's kind of, you know, but on FACE, it's kind of rough sometimes,
[00:47:52] you know.
[00:47:53] I heard you've got a lot of confidence.
[00:47:54] I have heard that, you know, since joining Liquid, you will just like make calls.
[00:47:58] You're like, yeah, I'm doing this, no matter what, is...
[00:48:00] Do you like that?
[00:48:01] Ask this guy.
[00:48:02] Do you like that?
[00:48:03] No, it's refreshing.
[00:48:04] refreshing. I don't know, I'm not gonna lie, at some point he was like a little bit, should
[00:48:09] I say, should I not say, I'm like, Ron, just say everything what you think, say, do whatever
[00:48:14] you want to do, you know, we're a little bit older, we're gonna adapt and do what
[00:48:19] you want to do, you know what I mean? And he's providing.
[00:48:22] Yeah, it seems good. It's almost like a secondary cola, say if like, you know,
[00:48:27] Twist doesn't actually have anything solid that he wants to do that run, if he's
[00:48:31] he's just like, yo, I've got this sport, I'm doing this.
[00:48:33] Is it just everyone's like, okay, cool.
[00:48:34] We'll just wait or like help you get that pick or whatever.
[00:48:37] I think it's a little bit harder because he's every,
[00:48:39] every round he has an idea.
[00:48:41] So, so for Twist, it's a little bit different.
[00:48:43] It's not, it's not like, oh, you, oh, you have an idea.
[00:48:45] Let's go. It's more about like, okay, okay.
[00:48:47] I need to choose the, which, which ideas are we doing
[00:48:49] and which ideas and like he wants to call himself,
[00:48:52] you know, so.
[00:48:53] So far, so good. So it's, since Cologne,
[00:48:55] how's the, how's the prac being?
[00:48:56] Is everyone, everyone happy with how everything's going?
[00:48:58] Yeah. I mean, a little bit unfortunate that we have
[00:49:01] go to NA to play the real qualifier and I feel like we flew there so it's like
[00:49:06] minus 25 hours to fly there and we stayed there for four days. Two of them were
[00:49:11] one of them was a free day because we just landed and whatever one of them
[00:49:14] was practicing two days of qualifier and then again 25 hours you're flying back
[00:49:18] to Europe so it sucks a little bit in terms of missed opportunities in terms
[00:49:24] of like practice and whatever but I think overall we're doing good I
[00:49:28] I think everybody is super confident.
[00:49:30] I think everybody is enjoying and laughing their asses off
[00:49:33] in practice and during games as well.
[00:49:35] Even though in Cologne we had a little bit of a rough one
[00:49:38] after like losing comeback to FaZe,
[00:49:41] but I think it's,
[00:49:42] everything's going how it's supposed to be going.
[00:49:43] And I don't know.
[00:49:45] I think everybody is super happy in the team.
[00:49:48] This guy's my main supporter, you know?
[00:49:51] That's nice.
[00:49:51] You know, you gotta love the homies.
[00:49:52] Is he supportive?
[00:49:53] That guy over there?
[00:49:54] No.
[00:49:55] No, no, no.
[00:49:56] That guy is Australian.
[00:49:57] Australians they like don't talk to anybody they like no, no, no, it's like you're you're like a fake Australian
[00:50:04] Oh, what what a fake Australian?
[00:50:06] All right, keep going. Yeah, I mean he's from Melbourne, right? Where is from Brisbane? Yeah, Brisbane. It's the same same thing
[00:50:14] I'm smack bang in the middle Sydney Sydney. Yeah, that's fake Australia. Yeah, I'm like country, you know
[00:50:21] No, Justin Justin is doing amazing as well. Of course, I think he's
[00:50:24] He's not going to lie, I knew he's a little bit quiet or maybe shy or whatever,
[00:50:31] like from the talks with other players and whatever, but the amount he's working
[00:50:36] and actually like me and Russ could be having a conversation after some search round
[00:50:42] in practice or during official and Justin would be always coming with his chair closer to us
[00:50:47] and maybe not necessarily trying to go into the conversation but always listening.
[00:50:53] Always listening, always trying to like bubble up the information, like sponge the information up and whatever and that's the thing that I just love about him.
[00:51:01] Okay, what about this guy? What's his go-to pose? Like other than, we know he's a good counter-strike player, we know what he does.
[00:51:07] But pose was right there set of 10.
[00:51:11] If I would choose, I would choose this one. But I think he has one more where he has the AWP.
[00:51:19] Do you remember when you have the op, you're like usually doing the op?
[00:51:24] Yeah, I think that's where we go through.
[00:51:27] Do you want to work on the cross-dome?
[00:51:29] We'll go back into the cross-dome.
[00:51:30] Chest up.
[00:51:31] Yep, shoulders back.
[00:51:32] Boom.
[00:51:33] Look straight forward.
[00:51:34] Chin up a little bit.
[00:51:35] Oh, that's confident.
[00:51:36] Beautiful.
[00:51:37] Beautiful.
[00:51:38] There we go.
[00:51:39] That's what we're working with.
[00:51:40] I should be here doing all the photos.
[00:51:42] I didn't put the chest up.
[00:51:45] Chest up.
[00:51:46] Chin up.
[00:51:47] There we go.
[00:51:48] beautiful.
[00:51:49] Beautiful.
[00:51:50] Beautiful.
[00:51:51] Beautiful.
[00:51:52] Beautiful.
[00:51:53] What's, what's, what's your pose?
[00:51:58] Like this?
[00:51:59] Oh yeah.
[00:52:00] The point.
[00:52:01] Not bad.
[00:52:02] Not bad.
[00:52:03] How's your, how's the flight over here compared to coming from Australia?
[00:52:09] It was pretty, pretty rough actually before the AMALTA.
[00:52:12] That was a, what was wrong with that?
[00:52:14] That was a full flight.
[00:52:15] That was a pretty packed actually.
[00:52:17] We next to the boys though, we next to Randams.
[00:52:18] I was next to Torb, the coach, Mitha,
[00:52:20] but it was just a long day.
[00:52:22] It's a long way over, a long day, not the best, huh?
[00:52:25] And got here at like 10 p.m.
[00:52:27] And I had to set my stuff up and go to bed.
[00:52:30] That's about it.
[00:52:31] Yeah, nice.
[00:52:31] How's the art working with Mitha?
[00:52:32] Is that, has that been good?
[00:52:34] How's it working with him?
[00:52:35] Yeah, he's really good.
[00:52:36] He's like really understanding coach.
[00:52:37] He always helps players,
[00:52:38] always willing to be around people
[00:52:40] and then give them feedback.
[00:52:41] And yeah, he's just a great guy.
[00:52:42] He's pretty funny as well, though.
[00:52:44] Yeah, not every day you get a funny coach, though.
[00:52:46] I guess it's like, because you and him both joined at the same time, right?
[00:52:50] You're like both got picked up roughly, roughly, yeah, that's cool.
[00:52:53] So like you kind of like homies in a way and kind of like with him.
[00:52:56] What's your thoughts on ultimate?
[00:52:57] You know, you can say it really loud or really softly.
[00:52:59] No, he's pretty good.
[00:53:00] He's pretty good.
[00:53:02] You think his voice, his, uh, his like little early around calls ideas, uh,
[00:53:08] sort of tips away from your, your quietness.
[00:53:10] Uh, you know, everything around here is something to say about what he wants
[00:53:13] to do at the start of the round.
[00:53:14] Oh, he's just obviously a good thing.
[00:53:15] So it's pretty good balance, I think, but it's got to kind calm him down a bit sometimes and not always actually doing something.
[00:53:23] You just got to figure out like who is the the head chef of the team?
[00:53:26] You know, sometimes right. He's definitely up there. He's definitely one of the chefs for sure.
[00:53:29] Not the assistant cooks, you know, like I just kind of pass around some dishes and then some things and they need some ingredients.
[00:53:35] Yeah.
[00:53:35] That's about it.
[00:53:36] That playing with Neff.
[00:53:38] How's that being?
[00:53:39] Did you guys played?
[00:53:40] Did you guys play on the same Renegades team like years ago?
[00:53:43] Yeah.
[00:53:43] So it's almost like reunited, right?
[00:53:45] Yeah, anyway, I don't know how long we've played, but we actually want to tell them in China or something together.
[00:53:50] It was a year, maybe less that we played, but it's a lot different now. I think like we've both grown up all over, but older, more mature.
[00:53:56] And yeah, he's still like the same old person, but yeah, just a little bit older, same old person, but just a little bit older.
[00:54:01] I've located the actual head chef, not just the standing head chef over there.
[00:54:07] How's things, you know, being an IGL life, do you feel a bit older? Do you feel a bit more mature now?
[00:54:11] Yeah, I mean, I was already feeling returned up to take on the role beforehand, but I feel
[00:54:16] like I've definitely grown over the past.
[00:54:19] I mean, my time in the team so far, I've definitely grown a lot.
[00:54:24] And yeah, I've enjoyed captain life very much.
[00:54:27] What's the goal?
[00:54:28] Obviously, Cologne for you guys went, I'd say it went relatively well considering you've
[00:54:32] just gone for the roster swap, you've gone for the role swaps, you brought Ultimate
[00:54:35] in, he had a crazy performance.
[00:54:37] You know, what is the plan for Liquid here?
[00:54:40] Is it just take it all or just take each game at a time and just make sure you win it?
[00:54:43] I mean, at the end of the day, it's each game at a time.
[00:54:46] I think the goal is always playoffs though.
[00:54:48] I think top eight in Cologne was a good result, but knowing that we should have been playing
[00:54:54] in the arena, it's a bit of a bummer.
[00:54:56] But yeah, I feel like our practice has been good.
[00:54:59] It's not something that we've really grieved about or, you know, like it's not on our
[00:55:03] minds still.
[00:55:04] Yeah, I would say that's my playoffs here in round 12 or round of eights and we see where it goes from there
[00:55:11] You know I had
[00:55:13] Yaki wherever he's going he's going he told me that I'm a fake Australian because all Australians are quite like him
[00:55:19] What's your thoughts on that? I?
[00:55:21] Don't think so. I think Justin is one of one
[00:55:26] It's fine for the best yeah, I don't know that's sure enough, but it's very calm lad. Okay. Yeah
[00:55:30] What about so people don't know much about ultimate? What's like a?
[00:55:34] a thing like a tic or like a quirk or something about him that people need to know.
[00:55:39] Quirk, I don't know.
[00:55:41] Something he does on the daily where you're just like, let's stop it.
[00:55:44] Funny guy.
[00:55:45] Funny guy.
[00:55:46] In more way.
[00:55:47] Funny how, huh?
[00:55:48] He has good humor.
[00:55:49] Yeah, he has good humor, good banter, whatever people want to call it.
[00:55:53] Yeah, he always just, I don't know, always good vibes.
[00:55:57] It feels like you've really struck the great mix of personality and liquid.
[00:56:01] You know, everyone seems to be getting along, everyone seems to be happy with each other.
[00:56:04] Is that the key to a successful team, or do you think teams can still work if there is some tension behind everything that's going on?
[00:56:12] I mean, after the day that should be a team's goal is to find people who truly mesh out of the game together.
[00:56:18] I think the teams that are more likely to fail are the ones that do not have this mesh of people that actually get along and enjoy each other's presence.
[00:56:26] Do you enjoy this?
[00:56:28] Yeah, I mean, I don't know what he's doing. He usually doesn't do this, so
[00:56:32] Maybe it's because he has makeup on now or something, he's a bit more...
[00:56:35] He's used to holding W, so he's just...
[00:56:38] Okay, well, um...
[00:56:40] What's your go-to makeup? What's your skin tone? Do you know your palette?
[00:56:44] What you aim for, especially on these photo days?
[00:56:47] Yeah, we've had a pretty strong summer, so actually these days I don't use too much.
[00:56:52] I like spending a lot of time in the sun.
[00:56:54] Usually though like either you know like that's shiny lip gloss or like a pure red lipstick
[00:57:02] It's like either one of them. I like to keep things simple. Yeah, yeah
[00:57:05] I usually lean towards like a black lipstick myself. I think it's more bold
[00:57:09] But here in Malta, I feel like it probably stand out a bit too much
[00:57:12] So I lean towards maybe like a more of a like a lighter purple. Yeah, you like having myself as well. I
[00:57:19] Partake yeah, do you know the who?
[00:57:21] No, you don't know like the Mongolian have a male like like with the throat singing
[00:57:28] I've found a lot of people here don't know them
[00:57:31] I don't know Mongolian, so
[00:57:36] We did some throat singing yesterday I can get the clip for you and show you but I
[00:57:40] don't want to
[00:57:42] Try to speak Mongolian with absolutely zero knowledge of how to speak Mongolian
[00:57:46] I learned like two words when I went to Ulaanbaatar for the major qual, for the Asia-RMR back in last year, last year, started last year and yeah, learned a little bit then, but it is all gone. It did not stay in my brain.
[00:57:59] Can you teach me Norwegian?
[00:58:04] Half Norwegian, half Danish, half Danish, but like there's not a lot of throat singing, like I would probably...
[00:58:10] I just meant words but you can teach me some more.
[00:58:13] I'll talk to you kinder if you would like to know about throat thing singing like he's
[00:58:19] He's pretty good at karaoke. So you'd say is the throat good?
[00:58:22] He is the throat. Oh, yeah, okay. I'll go get his take on that quickly. Thank you
[00:58:28] Jackie you've been dubbed the throat go by
[00:58:33] Him but what is the throat go you're the best at throat singing in the server, you know like
[00:58:39] I thought completely that's fine.
[00:58:42] You don't like that?
[00:58:44] I mean, you wanted to be a different kind of thrower,
[00:58:46] is it?
[00:58:48] No, the thing is, I wanted to argue because I'm sure
[00:58:52] Torb is the better throw goat, but it's just
[00:58:54] I understood it first in a different way.
[00:58:58] But the singing one, yeah.
[00:58:59] The singing one, yeah.
[00:59:00] Yeah, OK, OK.
[00:59:01] What was the other kind?
[00:59:03] Throat, the other one?
[00:59:04] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:59:06] Like, Gizzy Goblin, I think they call it?
[00:59:08] Is it the Glyzhykalfa? Is the Gen Z name for that?
[00:59:13] Yeah, love the good hot dog.
[00:59:15] Yeah, hot dog, yeah, like a good banana, you know what I mean?
[00:59:17] So, yeah, Torb is kind of mature enough to be a professional at it.
[00:59:23] It takes maturity to get to that stage.
[00:59:26] Yeah, like ages of experience, you know?
[00:59:28] And sometimes you are born with the talent, and I'm not gonna lie.
[00:59:32] I think he was born and also experienced, so...
[00:59:36] The two things you need.
[00:59:38] Everywhere, everywhere.
[00:59:40] NCS and throat goatee.
[00:59:42] Everywhere.
[00:59:44] Glyzzy Gladiator.
[00:59:46] Glyzzy Gladiator.
[00:59:48] Getting in there.
[00:59:50] Anyway, I'll leave you guys to it. That's plenty.
[00:59:52] See you, Graf.
[00:59:54] Here with Intz, still conducting the lobby.
[00:59:56] I've got Potty. That's a little bit of a...
[00:59:58] a rhyme, perhaps?
[01:00:00] Yeah, maybe, maybe.
[01:00:02] Potty, tell me about you. Tell me about your whole life.
[01:00:04] miserable? No, no, I'm joking. It's good, full of sunshine, very happy.
[01:00:10] Yeah. Okay, where are you from, Poti?
[01:00:12] Northern Finland.
[01:00:14] Northern Finland. Okay, so do you watch the hydraulic press channel or no?
[01:00:18] Of course not.
[01:00:20] Well, we're going to get into some pressing issues here on the board really quickly,
[01:00:23] if you don't mind. I'm going to give you this, it's a marker, it's a whiteboard marker.
[01:00:26] We're going to start over here in Group C, and you're going to circle the teams that you think you're going to win in their opening matchups.
[01:00:32] one at a time maybe walk us through it all right the first we have most against
[01:00:36] most against rooster i mean it's easy for my boy chimp hat he has birthday today so okay yeah it is
[01:00:43] his birthday yes my boy he's gonna destroy them i'm pretty sure good luck to rooster quick question
[01:00:50] how do you say his last name chimp hats yeah salo okay cool i was just i've been deathly curious
[01:00:56] about that let's move on we have an imperial and we have a big clan oh it's
[01:01:01] actually a height matchup I don't know maybe let's go for a big but not very
[01:01:06] confident about this one 50 50 okay I understand that yeah about complexity
[01:01:12] M80 what do you know about him complexity is pretty good they have
[01:01:17] a leash he's destroying everyone M80 they lost Malops so yeah it's gonna be
[01:01:25] complexity for sure. You don't believe that Rack and company can pick up over here on M80?
[01:01:31] They need Malps. If they have Malps maybe they can win but now for sure complexity.
[01:01:37] Malps and a greener pasture for now. Let's look at Fanatic and Astralis. Now there's
[01:01:41] some heat in this one right? Yeah for sure. What makes this match up interesting? I mean
[01:01:47] Blaine F is on Natic yes so it's it's pretty nice he's playing against his X team yeah.
[01:01:52] Juicy yeah pretty juicy, but I would still have to go for rastralis in this one. They they they are pretty good
[01:02:00] I would say yeah, and they're playing train right now versus falcons. That's pretty interesting
[01:02:06] Yeah, it's right over there. They're playing train versus the falcons kind of crazy. Wow. That's crazy
[01:02:10] Yeah, you take a look at effort. Let's move over to group D as it seems this is where you find yourself
[01:02:15] We'll get into that. Let's start at the very tip top. We got a tox versus vitality. I don't know if that's a no-brainer for you
[01:02:20] Yeah, it's no brainer. I don't know what to comment about this one, but you don't have to say much. We get it. Yeah, you get it.
[01:02:28] What about the next one, the Falcons and the Imperial? A little bit of veteransy on both sides.
[01:02:32] Oh, Falcons against. Oh, I like this matchup. Oh, yeah? Yeah. I don't know. They are a lot of legendary players.
[01:02:40] Yeah, for sure. But I need to go with Falcons.
[01:02:44] Now, in a once-of-a-kind pick, I don't know if many people pick Falcons right out of the
[01:02:50] gate.
[01:02:51] Tell me what you think about the project over at Falcons.
[01:02:54] I think people had too high expectations when Falcons were made.
[01:02:59] Everyone thought it would be like a super team in a month or something.
[01:03:03] I think they are slowly improving.
[01:03:06] They have seemed a bit better recently than at the start.
[01:03:10] I trust in Falcons.
[01:03:11] Okay, that's interesting.
[01:03:12] I don't think you're wrong by any stretch.
[01:03:14] However, in this instance, it gets a little awkward, doesn't it?
[01:03:16] Because see, this is ants, you know, ants?
[01:03:18] Yeah.
[01:03:19] Yeah, I know ants.
[01:03:20] Okay.
[01:03:20] And you know, this other little horse over here, right?
[01:03:22] It's like a liquid or something.
[01:03:22] It's like a horse taking on like a octopus or squid or something.
[01:03:26] What is an ensaladas?
[01:03:28] I'm not sure.
[01:03:29] Actually, it looks like a octopus or something.
[01:03:32] Something.
[01:03:32] Anyway, who you got here?
[01:03:34] How many tentacles are you all going to get in?
[01:03:37] Brother, it's going to be a tight matchup, I hope.
[01:03:40] But of course I need to support them.
[01:03:41] Yeah, that would be very questionable if you didn't and it would be documented for the all of the internet to see
[01:03:48] Tell me what you're looking forward to when you play towards liquid
[01:03:51] I'm looking forward to a good match. They have good players and I overall enjoy watching them play
[01:03:58] So I think it will be fun. What do you think about ultimate? Oh, he's been very good
[01:04:03] Like I didn't know much about him before turning liquid, but he's seemed like really good open very quick very quick
[01:04:11] Red Canids, okay, so you've got a Coldzera versus, well, what's going on over here?
[01:04:16] What do you think about this project in BP?
[01:04:20] I don't know. It's like...
[01:04:23] All I know about them is that I don't like to play against them.
[01:04:26] Okay, yeah, fair enough. So versus Coldzera and Red Canids, the last one, who do you select to win?
[01:04:32] I guess I will go for BP.
[01:04:34] Okay.
[01:04:35] They...
[01:04:36] I know a bit more about them than Red Canets, they probably play some Brazilian stuff more
[01:04:42] here, so I need to go for VT.
[01:04:45] Okay, so who wins this group?
[01:04:47] Who wins this group?
[01:04:49] Okay, Group C?
[01:04:50] Yep.
[01:04:51] Maus will win.
[01:04:52] Maus will win the group.
[01:04:54] What about Group D?
[01:04:55] I mean, yeah, go for it.
[01:04:58] Uh...
[01:04:59] Brother U!
[01:05:00] Brother U!
[01:05:01] What do you got?
[01:05:02] What do you got?
[01:05:06] I need to go for vitality.
[01:05:07] We will be second.
[01:05:08] Oh my goodness.
[01:05:10] That's spicy.
[01:05:11] Anything you want to say to the fan base?
[01:05:13] Thank you for support and everything.
[01:05:16] Yes, perfect.
[01:05:17] Maybe you'll find a little answer here too.
[01:05:19] Somewhere like right in the middle.
[01:05:20] That's very good.
[01:05:21] I appreciate you potty.
[01:05:22] I appreciate it.
[01:05:23] You have a good rest of your day.
[01:05:24] You too, you too.
[01:05:25] Cool.
[01:05:26] It's the lobby.
[01:05:27] Let's keep going.
[01:05:28] Ambush in Australia.
[01:05:29] Still lobbying.
[01:05:30] Still checking out makeup.
[01:05:31] I really like this team meeting guys how we doing good yeah good yeah what about
[01:05:38] you yeah yeah just doing some makeup it's good what's his uh what's his lipstick
[01:05:43] color you reckon what should we be going for today for the photos maybe
[01:05:47] purple purple would be nice it seems like a common choice in it what what
[01:05:52] purple does it complement the New Jersey nicely or yeah maybe I don't know
[01:05:57] could be I personally I don't use like that for the lips you're not gonna
[01:06:01] I'm gonna smack some red on for this, you know?
[01:06:03] No, no.
[01:06:04] It's like good pro league vibe.
[01:06:06] What about bro, what's his color?
[01:06:09] Black maybe.
[01:06:10] Is it black in there?
[01:06:11] Yeah.
[01:06:12] I think you can help us with black makeup, bro.
[01:06:14] I don't know.
[01:06:15] I usually don't wear makeup sometimes when I'm home alone.
[01:06:18] Yeah.
[01:06:19] Hashtag no makeup.
[01:06:20] Yeah.
[01:06:21] So wait, you do wear it when you're home alone?
[01:06:24] Maybe.
[01:06:27] That's mysterious.
[01:06:28] No.
[01:06:29] Oh, yeah, well, yeah, you actually kind of just told us.
[01:06:31] Now, how's the prep going into this?
[01:06:33] happy you guys excited ready for another 20th season of Pro League? Yeah it's been a while since
[01:06:39] we played last time and we're looking forward to this tournament and see how we play. What was
[01:06:45] the trip like? Do you guys all live in Denmark? Yes, as far as I know. Some people just don't
[01:06:54] live in Denmark, you know, like I don't live in Denmark, so yeah yeah. Now I know, so I won't
[01:07:00] ask that question again that's fine but what about you know Cologne you know that was a bit
[01:07:04] unfortunate of a exit for you guys do you think that Pro League is going to be better do you think
[01:07:09] you're happy with the group obviously there's more teams there's like lower tier teams to
[01:07:12] you know start warming up really early I mean we are going into this tournament with confidence and
[01:07:19] willingness to perform and show what we are capable of and I think we all feel that we
[01:07:26] we didn't get to show it in Cologne,
[01:07:28] but we have a good opportunity to do it here.
[01:07:30] So that's what we are planning to do
[01:07:34] and hoping to do as well.
[01:07:36] Have you ever answered the allegations
[01:07:38] that you could be somehow distantly related to JKS?
[01:07:44] I mean, I have family in Australia.
[01:07:46] I do.
[01:07:48] What's that?
[01:07:48] I have family in Australia.
[01:07:50] You do?
[01:07:51] That's OK.
[01:07:52] The mystery gets even more mysterious.
[01:07:55] Where in Australia do you know?
[01:07:57] I'm not sure. It's my Macedonian family, which I don't know.
[01:08:01] There is a heavy Macedonian population in Australia.
[01:08:05] I got a couple of Macedonian friends. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool.
[01:08:08] I don't know your, but how Macedonian are you?
[01:08:11] 50% half Macedonian, half Dane.
[01:08:17] That's a, that's a cool combination. Yeah, it is. An interesting one.
[01:08:21] Is that why you're so like stern and quiet?
[01:08:24] Maybe, but I have the attitude of an Eastern European as well.
[01:08:30] Okay.
[01:08:31] If I get to know you, I might see the Black Lipstick, I might see the Eastern European mentality.
[01:08:38] We'll see that come out maybe.
[01:08:40] Sometime, sometime.
[01:08:42] How long is it going to take before you start firing up?
[01:08:45] Because you're generally, you know, similar, incredibly calm when it comes to playing Counter-Strike,
[01:08:51] especially on the cameras. When do you start screaming? When's that going to start happening?
[01:08:56] When I feel like it. I've been working on doing it because when I come out of my shell,
[01:09:01] I'm different from what you've maybe been used to. So it's a balance I have to find.
[01:09:09] Now, are you the newest member of Astralis? You are, right? Yes. How does that mean?
[01:09:16] You know, obviously they had their, you know, little bromance going, but now you're a bro.
[01:09:20] So like does that integrate well in the Berminces that were already there?
[01:09:24] Yeah, I mean, I played on the talent team a few years ago, so it's not completely foreign to me.
[01:09:31] I'm quite familiar with some phases and also people from the office.
[01:09:37] So it feels like a Danish home, you could say.
[01:09:42] That's pretty cool. Now, have you got your archetype for the photos yet?
[01:09:46] Yeah, I mean I have to do it at some point, right?
[01:09:50] Yeah, do you know which archetype you are or do you find that out in a moment?
[01:09:53] I'll find out in a moment, I guess, I don't know yet.
[01:09:56] Well, let's go, we'll go check in with him and see what he's picking.
[01:10:00] The last mate, what's the go-to here? What do we pick him today?
[01:10:04] This is superhero poses. You can choose, I'll do it.
[01:10:10] Who's choosing? Me or him? Me? Oh, okay. Okay, what works for you?
[01:10:14] I think that's the safe bet and then we'll give you the oh I think that's
[01:10:26] kind of you get around that you might have to kneel for it do you have to
[01:10:30] kneel for that one yeah yeah we'll go for those two I think that yeah
[01:10:37] beautiful all right let's watch this happen all right let's let's see how
[01:10:41] he does it. He's getting in there. So there's the initial phases of the post and then he's
[01:10:56] going to have a second one which is similar. Oh, that's powerful. He's got the smolder
[01:11:05] going. He's got that full smolder with the eyes, you know, just like, hmm. Oh, he's
[01:11:11] done this before. He's certainly done this before. Got his hair done for the day too.
[01:11:16] down the barrel, full focus, locked the fuck in. He's a little smoke there too. All confidence,
[01:11:26] all confidence. Okay, and this is the posing regime, getting ready, look in the right way,
[01:11:35] Igor of course, instructing him to success. And this is what it takes to be photogenic,
[01:11:47] in the barrel. Yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah, have you been working on that Smolder for a while?
[01:11:57] I'm thinking more now, right? So maybe we're working on it, looking. Maybe it's just, you know,
[01:12:02] getting a bit tired with all day, too, just like, you know, is it a similar thing? Yeah, no, I would
[01:12:06] say just more thinking as an in-game leader. True, true, true. How's your experience coming
[01:12:12] to Malta? You know, you've been here, how many times have you been in Malta now? It's been
[01:12:15] almost every time pretty much. Yeah it's the second home right you know the area and everything so
[01:12:20] I like coming here only pain is the flight because we can't fly directly here so but otherwise it's
[01:12:27] nice place it's hot it's a good weather can't complain. What's the what's the weather difference
[01:12:32] between here in Denmark is it like like 15 degrees and then humidity level probably like 60
[01:12:37] percent difference in the humidity? Yeah probably around that we had some decent summer
[01:12:40] weather but but it's it's like the UV as well here is way more than it done mine
[01:12:45] we don't have that in Denmark you're looking tanned all right you've been
[01:12:47] out in the sun a little bit lately no I've been told that I haven't been outside
[01:12:50] so grunting you've been grunting yeah yeah the monsters are just putting out
[01:12:56] UV lights perhaps I don't know we'll see we'll see now I was talking to bro
[01:13:01] he's obviously been here for when did he get picked up it was like January
[01:13:06] January? After the major in April. Okay, so around then. Okay, and he's been
[01:13:14] integrated really well. He's played some insane rounds for you guys. What's it like
[01:13:18] playing with Tim? Of course he came from like a mixed European English speaking
[01:13:22] team but coming into a Danish speaking team. Do you think that that's
[01:13:25] affected him in a positive way? Yeah, I'd say so for sure. I think that CS has
[01:13:31] played a little bit different in mixed European teams. What do you
[01:13:35] usually see as way more individual decisions and yeah I think that it always takes time
[01:13:41] to readjust to a new team and a new play style but he fits well I would say. I think he's
[01:13:45] really good and like his aim also pales him out a lot of times when when he's in top position
[01:13:51] so he's a really good aimer and yeah. I've actually seen most of you guys in the gym
[01:13:56] at most of the events I've been to lately is there is this something like you have
[01:14:00] personal trainer that gives you guys little little workout plans and do you think that affects you
[01:14:06] guys in a positive way in Counter Strike because I've got this theory that people that are putting
[01:14:11] in the extra yards especially in the gym or even just like cardio or whatever end up playing better
[01:14:17] depending on you know what their daily schedule is going into the games do you think that's
[01:14:21] something that affects you personally? I'm in never sure in regards to the personal trainer
[01:14:26] we have programs and stuff that's individualized of course from where you are in life and the way
[01:14:33] like you're out what do you say like you start buying this um but yeah I would say as you say as
[01:14:38] well it it as long as you don't fry your nervous system and you go too hard it's fine I would say
[01:14:44] you can do it on game days and stuff as well so me I started running more and lifting a little
[01:14:48] bit less because I love running so yeah that's what I do at least. I believe in the cardio
[01:14:54] like a nice 30 minutes of medium level cardio, don't roast yourself out, don't lift heavy
[01:15:01] weights, don't just take it too heavy before the game, that's fine, after the game you
[01:15:05] can do whatever you want.
[01:15:06] But do you think that sounds good?
[01:15:08] Of course.
[01:15:09] I think the most important thing after the game is just to realize that we play CS,
[01:15:13] there's a lot of stress involved, but you don't really get away of getting it out
[01:15:18] of the body.
[01:15:19] So you have to get that running it out some way and I think it's different for
[01:15:22] a lot of people what they want to do.
[01:15:24] Some people just want to relax, go to the sauna, stuff like that.
[01:15:27] Some people involve Jamie into the whole system too.
[01:15:29] That's just one of those things man.
[01:15:31] Yeah, I can't comment on that now.
[01:15:35] What do you think about him?
[01:15:36] Do you think he's a hectic Jammer or do you think he's more of a gymmer?
[01:15:39] Jammer or gymmer?
[01:15:40] Man, of course I'm going to say gym, but yeah.
[01:15:46] Who knows, you know, we'll leave that as another mystery.
[01:15:48] Thank you.
[01:15:49] Thanks to Vos.
[01:15:50] Let's have a word with some of the M80 guys just as they got briefed on the Testes rule.
[01:15:57] Ha ha ha, snappy, snappy, snap, tap, Wreck.
[01:16:03] Did you ever use it to begin with?
[01:16:04] Yeah, I started using it as soon as it came out.
[01:16:07] But we can't use it no more, right?
[01:16:09] Are you heartbroken about it or do you not care?
[01:16:11] Nah, yeah, I didn't really feel it.
[01:16:13] So I feel like I'm fine, yeah.
[01:16:14] It didn't really affect me.
[01:16:16] How are things over in the M80 camp?
[01:16:18] How has been?
[01:16:19] at the post Malibu's depression out of the way, you know.
[01:16:22] It was like a day or two after you left, you know,
[01:16:24] I missed the boy, but besides that, now we're good.
[01:16:26] Back to form, yeah.
[01:16:27] How are things going?
[01:16:28] Do you love the fact that you flew halfway across the world
[01:16:31] just to play complexity again?
[01:16:33] Yeah, I always love playing them, so I was a good rivalry.
[01:16:36] You feel like you have the upper hand in the rivalry?
[01:16:39] So far, yeah, we're 1-0, right?
[01:16:40] So feeling confident against them for sure.
[01:16:43] Do you prefer it when you come to Malta week one,
[01:16:48] and then you have to wait a week if you make the playoffs
[01:16:50] or just now when you have like two weeks potentially,
[01:16:53] hopefully.
[01:16:54] Yeah, I think the two weeks is nice.
[01:16:55] Just kind of go into playing after
[01:16:56] so there's no break in between.
[01:16:57] I think I like that, yeah.
[01:16:58] All right, man, I'll leave you to it.
[01:17:00] I'll leave you to the set up.
[01:17:03] And now I'm gonna go all the way to the other side.
[01:17:05] Or actually, no, all these guys are setting up.
[01:17:07] So sure, it has to be you again.
[01:17:09] How you doing, man?
[01:17:10] Good, how are you?
[01:17:11] Come take a seat.
[01:17:12] Oh, yeah, this is way more comfortable.
[01:17:14] I'm doing fantastic.
[01:17:16] How's it feel to be back in Malta?
[01:17:18] Good. I think it's my fourth or fifth time here.
[01:17:20] So it's doing pretty good.
[01:17:21] Last time you guys had some really good performances,
[01:17:24] really good games, obviously the G2 games
[01:17:26] were some of the best we had all season long.
[01:17:29] So what's the goal this time around?
[01:17:31] I mean, obviously came here to have fun.
[01:17:35] There was like, I think even in the practice room
[01:17:36] we had like a picture of the post match of that game.
[01:17:38] I'm like, those were the most fun games
[01:17:40] I've ever played in my life.
[01:17:41] So obviously we're gonna come out here, have fun again.
[01:17:43] Hopefully give some good games
[01:17:44] and hopefully make playoffs this time.
[01:17:46] How do you feel about going up against complexity in the first game?
[01:17:50] It's pretty good. It's funny that we're flying all the way out here to Europe just to play them for this round.
[01:17:55] But that's just how the seating worked out.
[01:17:58] I mean, we've done the time we played them. We came up up front.
[01:18:01] So we're confident going into it, but you never know. Things always go the way they go.
[01:18:06] You guys are still in that phase where, you know, you play these qualifiers back home.
[01:18:12] imagine to get into Atlanta, right? Are you looking forward to that? Another one in on
[01:18:18] home soil? Yeah, Glenn is always fun. We went last year. It was fun tournament. We never
[01:18:22] full five rosters. So we always stuffed a little bit. But yeah, Glenn is going to be
[01:18:26] fun this year around. I think we have Thunderpick and then at RMR after that. So that's the
[01:18:32] big one. All right. I'm going to keep it moving. Sin. All right. How you doing?
[01:18:37] I'm good. How are you?
[01:18:38] I'm doing great, thank you. Who is messing up the Nades most now on the team?
[01:18:44] Oh, actually I think the guy was most surprised with is that Mason because he never used the
[01:18:49] Jumper before. Then he said like, yo, Mason, you have to use the Jumper and then it got removed
[01:18:52] next day. So that wasn't fair of him. Actually, I struggled a little bit with the new Jumper,
[01:18:56] but it's fine. That's the true captain. That's the true leader admits it.
[01:19:01] We have a spreadsheet now of who misses smokes. Everyone, if you miss a smoke,
[01:19:05] it's a dollar towards a team meal and Elias is leading that charge right now.
[01:19:10] You guys have been eating well on his on his account. Soon to be eating well yeah.
[01:19:14] All right how has it been now with Lake being around for a little while right
[01:19:21] integrating him into the lineup all that stuff? Honestly I think it's just
[01:19:27] pretty fun again like obviously playing a new guy getting like how we say
[01:19:31] We need to teach him how we want to play, but we also have to keep him that he doesn't forget what he wants to do on his own.
[01:19:38] And I think that's what we started with a bit in the beginning, but now especially after the Europe time,
[01:19:42] I would like 6 days in Europe at the BLAST tournament and just we got some nice practice in.
[01:19:46] He got some a lot of confidence in these games and yeah, we're just feeling better every day.
[01:19:50] You guys feel like LAN is where you do your best work.
[01:19:53] For me personally for sure, and I think we as a team also, because our mood rises I think online.
[01:20:00] And sometimes in online games, I think it goes a bit down.
[01:20:03] At least it can go down.
[01:20:05] But yeah, Le Amne is for sure, we have the most fun here.
[01:20:07] And I think that's what benefits us.
[01:20:08] All right, man.
[01:20:09] Thanks a lot.
[01:20:10] I'll leave you to it.
[01:20:12] OK, that's not going to work.
[01:20:14] Lake, can I talk to you for a little bit, man?
[01:20:17] How are you doing?
[01:20:19] Well, I realize this doesn't work if you only
[01:20:21] keep the mic in mind.
[01:20:22] So how are you doing?
[01:20:22] Good, how are you?
[01:20:23] Doing great.
[01:20:24] You see, we got there.
[01:20:25] That's how we like it.
[01:20:27] How are you feeling in the team now after a couple
[01:20:29] months getting to play as your second land, right?
[01:20:31] It was EWC and all this?
[01:20:33] Uh, yeah, the second.
[01:20:35] So, I mean, it's been going pretty well, honestly.
[01:20:37] I'm getting integrated in the team, kind of, kind of developing how I want to
[01:20:41] play in their system and learning how they want to play also in their system.
[01:20:44] Do you feel like NA players are getting a bad rap because people are talking
[01:20:48] about, uh, there's a lack of talent and who could this team get and that
[01:20:52] team get and then here you come in, hit the ground running?
[01:20:55] I mean, and it does kind of get a bad rap.
[01:20:58] but I mean, there are like truths in the criticisms.
[01:21:01] Like there's not a lot of young guys out there really anymore.
[01:21:03] There's only like a few.
[01:21:04] So, I mean, and it is kind of coming back up,
[01:21:08] getting on its feet from where it was,
[01:21:09] from what it was in Valorant,
[01:21:11] and just trying to be better.
[01:21:13] Don't worry, we'll let it that out, you'll be fine.
[01:21:15] Do you think the bigger problem is a lack of skill
[01:21:17] or a lack of professionalism
[01:21:19] with some of the younger players in NA?
[01:21:23] I think it's both.
[01:21:24] I think that even in like pugs that you can just tell like people in the U almost like one or more like
[01:21:32] That was kind of a difficulty that I had like going to Europe even like pugging
[01:21:35] It's just like it feels like every game in Europe is almost like a mini match
[01:21:39] But in and it just feels like just like a bunch of trolling and like nobody really cares
[01:21:43] So I think it's definitely a bit of both
[01:21:45] What's been your main focus for yourself and it comes to you know playing a tournament like this or tournament like
[01:21:52] like EWC going up against some of these better teams that hail from Europe?
[01:21:57] Honestly, it's just like keeping confidence in myself and the roles that I play in.
[01:22:01] Obviously, I play Star Rifle roles.
[01:22:03] So it's just like a bit of trying to find out who I want to be as a player against these top teams.
[01:22:08] And I mean, obviously you saw against like Vitality.
[01:22:10] I just didn't play very well, but I mean, that was my first land game and it was against Iowa.
[01:22:14] So it's kind of, it's bound to happen eventually,
[01:22:16] but I think I'm getting pretty confident now as I go into my career.
[01:22:19] All right, man. That's awesome. Great talking to you. Best of luck. That was MIT. We'll keep it moving
[01:22:26] Mate look, I'm new to Malta. I know you guys got a facility here. Yeah, what are the good things?
[01:22:30] What's like the good restaurants? What's the good pastitti places or even the bars like what's good Randy?
[01:22:35] I think the best region hearing malta is like where you are like here
[01:22:42] There's there are a lot of restaurants like it Italian restaurants
[01:22:46] So, but you like like Brazilian food, there's one restaurant only and we always order so
[01:22:54] it's good.
[01:22:55] Do you know what you know where that is?
[01:22:56] Because I love Brazilian, is it Brazilian barbecue?
[01:22:59] Yeah, there's, it's Thais, Thaisalimpa, something like that so you can find your own
[01:23:05] app.
[01:23:06] So, we always are there.
[01:23:09] And the best thing in here in Malta, I think is the weather, like it's hot and
[01:23:15] So for us, Brazilians, it's the best.
[01:23:19] So there's a lot of place to go to swim,
[01:23:24] so it's good as well.
[01:23:26] And I think that's it.
[01:23:29] Where are you from in Brazil?
[01:23:30] São Paulo.
[01:23:31] All right, so is it super humid there as well?
[01:23:33] I haven't been to Brazil yet.
[01:23:35] Sorry?
[01:23:36] Is it humid?
[01:23:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:23:38] The best region there is São Paulo in Rio,
[01:23:41] Sue as well.
[01:23:42] Brazil is a very nice someplace.
[01:23:45] And this reminds you of it a little bit.
[01:23:46] Is there more greenery in Brazil?
[01:23:47] Because in Australia, West Southern Hemisphere as well.
[01:23:49] But we got a lot more grass.
[01:23:51] Yeah, in Brazil it's more green.
[01:23:53] But what do we remember there?
[01:23:56] It's like the weather and the sea.
[01:24:01] So there are a lot as well when we're real generos.
[01:24:04] So it's similar.
[01:24:07] That's cool.
[01:24:07] In terms of getting here, did you guys
[01:24:10] come straight from the prep facility?
[01:24:12] Were you already in Malta for the last week
[01:24:13] whatever doing a bootcamp or since our tournament you were here and we are
[01:24:19] here practicing so we have faceture here so and it's it's cool right because
[01:24:26] they are we are in like home playing so yeah it's very nice you know what you
[01:24:34] from here did you already get your photos done did everyone already get
[01:24:36] the photos yeah I did already I did like demolition pictures so it's very
[01:24:41] nice beautiful beautiful now in terms of this tournament what's the goals of
[01:24:45] here I think the goal the main goal is playoffs for sure the last time we
[01:24:50] didn't so it was almost like one match but Jesus playoffs and winning against
[01:24:58] the top teams like the top 10 teams and winning against those those teams like
[01:25:05] top 20 I think the main goal is playoffs and it's like getting better
[01:25:11] better through the tournament. So I think that's it. Yeah, cool. What did you guys do in terms of
[01:25:17] like prep for this tournament? Did you have a full bootcamp, like a full week, or did you just sort
[01:25:23] of, you know, take it easy? We have like full week of bootcamp, like all days, like practicing,
[01:25:30] and we have like just Saturday off the day off. So we actually we just have like
[01:25:41] one day off day off so it's good for us. And we need to put more our
[01:25:47] respects in right now because it's a good moment to improve our game and
[01:25:54] And since the school is joining the team,
[01:25:57] has getting better and better.
[01:25:59] So I think we need to keep doing our stuff.
[01:26:03] So, and we can win, you know?
[01:26:07] So, yeah.
[01:26:08] It feels like Scals is smiling.
[01:26:10] Every time I've seen him playing,
[01:26:12] he's just got a huge smile on his face
[01:26:14] since he's come back from Liquid.
[01:26:16] Do you think he's just like 100% enjoying the vibe
[01:26:19] in the Furia team compared to what was going on
[01:26:21] in that Liquid experiment?
[01:26:23] Yeah, yeah he always says it like he it was the best thing that happened for him this year
[01:26:32] because he loves Brazil like Team Brazil so he's very happy with us and I'm happy
[01:26:40] too so yeah it's good I'll leave you to it though you know I'll let you go set that SSD up brother
[01:26:47] yeah yeah catch up I got a question for you okay okay so these things they're guns right
[01:26:53] What?
[01:26:54] The big guns.
[01:26:55] Big guns.
[01:26:56] Big guns.
[01:26:57] How much ketchup is the best?
[01:26:58] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:26:59] Wait, no, not the sponsor.
[01:27:00] The guns.
[01:27:01] These.
[01:27:02] The guns.
[01:27:03] No, not guns.
[01:27:04] It's a drink, bro.
[01:27:05] Oh, okay.
[01:27:06] Well, I was watching these perform over there.
[01:27:07] You got a buddy.
[01:27:08] Arm on your man.
[01:27:09] Yeah, I'm a strong guy, you know?
[01:27:11] Yeah.
[01:27:12] But I can play very well ping-pong because I broke my knee.
[01:27:15] Yeah.
[01:27:16] You broke what?
[01:27:17] My knee.
[01:27:18] Your knee?
[01:27:19] Yeah.
[01:27:20] Played a football.
[01:27:21] Wait, how long ago?
[01:27:22] What?
[01:27:23] When?
[01:27:24] Ah, four months ago.
[01:27:26] Are you good now?
[01:27:27] Playing football here.
[01:27:28] Are you good now though?
[01:27:29] Yeah, I'm good now.
[01:27:30] That's a speedy recovery.
[01:27:31] I need to make a surgery in December and I'm still good.
[01:27:36] At least you can still play CS, you know?
[01:27:39] Yeah, I'm good.
[01:27:41] Are you ready to do some yelling and in Cologne you're loud as hell?
[01:27:44] Do you want that again?
[01:27:45] Yeah, of course.
[01:27:47] Are you going to get him?
[01:27:48] Are you going to teach him how to yell?
[01:27:49] Yeah, he's my good boy.
[01:27:51] He's learning, he's getting there. He just came back from the English speaking team back
[01:28:00] to full Portuguese. How's that going for you? Are you enjoying it? I've just said to Yuri
[01:28:06] before that I've only seen you smile since being back in Furia. So are you having a great
[01:28:10] time here? Yeah, of course. It's always a good time with those guys. They're like
[01:28:14] funny as hell. So yeah, we're just practicing hard and having a good time.
[01:28:18] And you've been playing well as well, look. So into this one, what do you think the goals
[01:28:21] are for the team? Is it just like make it to playoffs? Do you think it's just like individually
[01:28:27] figure things out? Or are you just here to play some ping pong and see what happens?
[01:28:30] I mean, we are evolving very quickly as a team. So I think this tournament, it's a
[01:28:34] long tournament. So we have the perfect opportunity to like grow even more. So yeah,
[01:28:38] let's see where it is allows us to be.
[01:28:42] Let's play off the game. We will take playoff.
[01:28:44] beautiful and in terms of this who's who's the best on the on the sticks for
[01:28:49] the soccer manager or a manager he's like insane yeah what's what's the
[01:28:56] secret he's play yeah he play 10 games for a day all right so who's up who's
[01:29:09] Who's Arsenal? Who's playing Arsenal? You?
[01:29:11] I wasn't focused and so that's why it's so new for him.
[01:29:17] So who's winning this one? You've got 27 minutes left, which is going by pretty quick.
[01:29:22] What's the score in the end? You reckon it's going to be 4-0-3-0? Father?
[01:29:27] Six, move seven. Let's see.
[01:29:29] We'll see. We'll see you in time.
[01:29:31] You have to remember it's a pro against another material.
[01:29:35] Yeah, I have to take that into consideration.
[01:29:38] What's the general prize winnings you've gotten so far with FIFA?
[01:29:42] I mean, what does it weigh to me?
[01:29:44] How much money have you made playing this game?
[01:29:45] Nothing. Just try hard.
[01:29:48] Do it for the love.
[01:29:49] He's negative two thousand dollars.
[01:29:51] Don't say that.
[01:29:54] I'll let you go.
[01:29:54] I'll leave you guys to it.
[01:29:55] We'll see what the score is in the end.
[01:29:57] Back to this, though.
[01:30:00] So, yeah, who you going for here?
[01:30:02] Don't let him hear.
[01:30:04] 100 percent.
[01:30:06] There's no chance.
[01:30:06] Is there no chance?
[01:30:07] he's going to score probably like three more goals.
[01:30:09] He's like all brains, right?
[01:30:10] But he's like, no, no, no, he actually plays good,
[01:30:12] but Leo is like so superior.
[01:30:14] So no chance at all.
[01:30:16] That's just one of those things, you know,
[01:30:17] sometimes in life, you know,
[01:30:19] some people are just better than other people, right?
[01:30:20] I mean, he's good at Counter Strike.
[01:30:23] He's good at FIFA, you know, so sometimes it happens.
[01:30:26] Good balance, good balance.
[01:30:27] Yeah. Okay.
[01:30:29] What's the, so you're new inferior and is this
[01:30:32] your first boot camp here in Malta?
[01:30:34] Or is it like a second little boot camp?
[01:30:35] How long have you been around Malta?
[01:30:37] We live here in Malta, actually, they do.
[01:30:39] Did you, when you were liquid, you obviously weren't here.
[01:30:42] Oh yeah, I always love Malta a lot because it feels like home and the weather is like
[01:30:46] amazing, it's always sunny, so kind of.
[01:30:48] That's what he said, too.
[01:30:49] Yeah, I mean, we are Brazilians, so we like, we enjoy like, sun and good like,
[01:30:53] weather, yeah.
[01:30:55] And like, people here are like, always very like, warm as well, so that's good.
[01:30:59] Yeah, it's hard not to be warm in Malta, it's like 35 degrees, you know, 100%
[01:31:03] humidity, kind of crazy.
[01:31:04] Yeah, it is.
[01:31:05] What's that? Is Jenga the secret to his game? What's going on over there?
[01:31:08] I think he's just cooking a little bit, you know, so he's a smart guy.
[01:31:15] He likes like this kind of games.
[01:31:18] We have a game at our apartment that we play as like sticks.
[01:31:22] It's kind of similar like you have to like put the sticks and you cannot
[01:31:26] move like the whole thing. But yeah, Jenga's fine.
[01:31:29] He's picked a bad block here, are they?
[01:31:31] I don't think he's made the right option, the right like decision.
[01:31:35] I believe it.
[01:31:36] I don't believe it.
[01:31:37] It's all about the finesse.
[01:31:38] Yeah, we're about to see something bad here.
[01:31:42] Yeah, we are about to see something like sad.
[01:31:47] I don't think patience is going to help everybody.
[01:31:49] You made it.
[01:31:50] GG, bro.
[01:31:51] GG.
[01:31:52] GG.
[01:31:53] GG.
[01:31:58] Yeah, it's over.
[01:32:00] Just embrace it.
[01:32:01] Just embrace it.
[01:32:03] Clutching in the serve and out of the serve. That's actually insane.
[01:32:14] How do you...
[01:32:15] What?
[01:32:16] That's smart.
[01:32:19] It ain't up until it's over, right?
[01:32:26] That's enough content anyway.
[01:32:27] That's good. Thank you. Thank you.
[01:32:29] And that was Furia. See you later, boys.
[01:32:31] All right. Still the lobby here, but I'm here with Fallen.
[01:32:34] Now Fallen, see more Counter-Strike than you could ever hope to in your life.
[01:32:37] Isn't that right, Fallen?
[01:32:38] That's actually true.
[01:32:39] And so under these circumstances, this is what we've got to look for to be a group C.
[01:32:44] We've got group D. If you don't mind, let's go through group C and what you think.
[01:32:49] Who's coming out on top on either side?
[01:32:50] Maybe give me an explanation on a few of them.
[01:32:52] Miles and Rooster.
[01:32:54] Hard to think.
[01:32:54] Miles, we're going to lose here.
[01:32:56] Big favorites.
[01:32:57] One of the best things there were right now.
[01:32:58] We've got to be Miles.
[01:32:59] Circle the winners.
[01:33:01] Winners.
[01:33:01] Yeah.
[01:33:02] Winners circled.
[01:33:03] Okay.
[01:33:04] That would make sense.
[01:33:04] Check's out.
[01:33:05] Rooster.
[01:33:06] Easy, easy, easy.
[01:33:07] Guess, but you never know, right?
[01:33:08] Sure.
[01:33:08] There's a chance. Imperial versus Big. Got to go from Brazilian fellas here, because otherwise he's going to look bad.
[01:33:15] Because otherwise Big has a good chance though. It's going to be a good game. Complex versus M80.
[01:33:20] That's the NA class. M80 has been doing some good damage against all the American teams.
[01:33:23] I can see on some qualification tournaments and stuff, but I still think it's always favorite here.
[01:33:28] With Elysia over there running the show. Can you talk about that a little bit?
[01:33:32] if he's hitting hard, he's hitting hard.
[01:33:36] And now we have Astralis versus Fanatic.
[01:33:38] BlameF Fanatic, oh, this one is spicy, that's great.
[01:33:41] I think Astralis is a little bit favorite,
[01:33:44] but BlameF maybe is gonna come with the law of the X,
[01:33:46] you know?
[01:33:47] You know what I'm talking about, right?
[01:33:49] I know what you mean.
[01:33:49] Exactly, so the law of the X.
[01:33:51] Okay, Fanatic over Astralis,
[01:33:53] only got your own group over here now.
[01:33:54] So you've got, obviously, you know, this one,
[01:33:57] we're not gonna make you call right here on the spot,
[01:33:59] but let's start.
[01:34:00] Let's see, these are the opening matches.
[01:34:01] So what do you got?
[01:34:02] Well, same as Maus, right? They're just bigger favorites here than this team, so vitality should be winning.
[01:34:09] Liquid versus Anse. Liquid is being good form. I like the way they have instruction in the new team.
[01:34:13] Anse now has a new coach, new blood, never know how.
[01:34:17] Mastermind Glaive is going to show up with his new fellas with the new coach, but I still think it's his favorite.
[01:34:23] Let me pause you right there. These guys, tell me about their story where they're at right now versus perhaps, you know, before.
[01:34:29] I think now they have less cookers on the kitchen, so it's working better
[01:34:34] I think Twist is managing the team pretty well
[01:34:37] Ultimate, I told him I put him in my pocket last tournament, but he put me in his pocket
[01:34:41] So he was better. He's definitely a good helper. Quick, real quick. He's very good
[01:34:45] He has some good plays and he's been playing well for them and yeah
[01:34:48] I'm looking to see them play more and for VP and red cannons
[01:34:53] Uh-oh, you know, CodeZero, you gotta believe you CodeZero. There is no other way
[01:34:57] But even these guys don't look like they're having the best of times, right?
[01:35:00] They're not having a lot of fun over there right now.
[01:35:02] That's the word on the street.
[01:35:03] At least that's what the forums tell us.
[01:35:05] Yeah, I think VP is kind of in a position where I kind of was as well when I joined
[01:35:10] free with arts.
[01:35:11] Like they are trying to figure out the way they want to play the most.
[01:35:14] I think they're trying to bring many different ideas compared to the James system.
[01:35:17] And they're kind of trying to feel how they make it work or not.
[01:35:21] And during this balanced time, sometimes it's not going to balance too well or
[01:35:25] sometimes it's going to be stressful.
[01:35:27] and I think VP is kind of suffering a little bit from that.
[01:35:29] But it's VP in the end, you know, they got great players.
[01:35:32] I trust in James.
[01:35:33] James is very strong captain.
[01:35:34] He has good ideas.
[01:35:35] Even though he might not be calling now,
[01:35:37] I don't even know for sure.
[01:35:38] His ideas are very good.
[01:35:39] He's a good offer.
[01:35:40] And the other rifles are just as good.
[01:35:42] And every time I hit a death match session,
[01:35:44] some VP players are there.
[01:35:45] So don't count them out.
[01:35:46] But anyway, regardless, we got Code Zero.
[01:35:48] Best rifle in the world, 2016 and 17.
[01:35:51] One of the greatest of all times.
[01:35:52] So I got to go with him.
[01:35:53] Best rifle or 2016, you heard it here first.
[01:35:55] Thank you very much, Gabriel.
[01:35:57] Let's continue with the lobby elsewhere.
[01:35:58] Hey man, Trace.
[01:35:59] Nice to meet you, how you doing?
[01:36:00] Long time no see, bro.
[01:36:01] Yeah, well, you know what I'm saying?
[01:36:02] Let's go for a walk, come on.
[01:36:03] What you been in there doing?
[01:36:04] Taking photos?
[01:36:05] Yeah, yeah, yeah, we were doing makeup
[01:36:06] and now we're gonna do assist this.
[01:36:08] Uh-huh.
[01:36:09] So I was just playing ping pong with your,
[01:36:10] with some of your teammates.
[01:36:12] David?
[01:36:14] Nuts.
[01:36:14] Yeah, appreciate the graph.
[01:36:15] Right, he's pretty good at it.
[01:36:16] Ooh!
[01:36:17] Just scary of it.
[01:36:18] You know, it's fun though.
[01:36:21] It's, we take the ping pong very seriously here.
[01:36:23] Of course.
[01:36:24] What have you guys been up to
[01:36:25] ready for here? Now we are just playing a little bit. Yesterday we had some great time, right? So
[01:36:31] the first day, great jet lag. So we went for a walk, I went to the gym with the boys as well,
[01:36:38] for we take a good rest. And today we are ready to practice and preparing for the match one.
[01:36:42] Okay, and all that checks out too. So for you, Cold, you've seen a lot of Counter-Strike. We've
[01:36:48] kind of looked back over the course of the season at history in the game itself. Think about
[01:36:53] Some of those earlier days, 2016's, the 17's versus where the game is now, do you think it's
[01:37:00] made progression? Yeah, of course. The game is way more hard now, right? So we have more
[01:37:05] things to analyze the opponent. In the past, for you to analyze the opponent, you need to
[01:37:09] download the demo and just literally watch the demo. Nowadays, you have a lot of tools,
[01:37:15] like Skybox, So you have a lot of tools to use to analyze the teams and
[01:37:22] be ready for the match. So the game nowadays is more competitive in that terms because you can analyze
[01:37:27] the opponents and you can prepare well for the match. Yeah, the tools are all there. I think the
[01:37:31] support staffs are bigger. Like there's generally a lot more going on around a Counter-Strike team
[01:37:35] now. Does that sound right? Yeah, of course, like so many teams have like two analysts, one like
[01:37:40] performance coach and the nutritionist. They have a lot of things to be honest. So I think
[01:37:45] like today the game is more professional, as you can say. Like in the past, like you could
[01:37:49] like some teams had an analyst, but analyst was not the big deal. So coach has more, has more
[01:37:55] voice inside the team. Nowadays I think the analyst has even more voice now.
[01:37:59] If you could go back and do anything different in your career, what would you do?
[01:38:03] We're not in Brazil.
[01:38:06] Yeah, that's the one. I think like we had so many great times like in the past, but we never
[01:38:11] want to turn in Brazil. I think that's something I regret a lot. We had a chance in the
[01:38:15] Yes, upper league back then, but I think we what we could do like it's a little studio a little bit more the game
[01:38:21] Like I think when you're in the top level is way more hard to stay there. And like sometimes you have like some
[01:38:27] bumps in the road, but I think we I think we had a had a good time together like we played very well
[01:38:33] I think we made the community very proud of us and nowadays we just expect the younger the younger generation like just to progress
[01:38:42] a lot as well. That's very profound. Hey, I appreciate your big time, Colin. You got to
[01:38:46] set up your SSD. That's the right canids, and this has been the lobby. Sorry for coming in
[01:38:52] the middle of your little game here, but it's a part of, hey, how's it going? Want to
[01:38:58] introduce yourself to the fans? I'm Dubbo from Team Atex. Can you tell us a little
[01:39:03] bit? Because I think there's going to be a lot of viewers who are not familiar
[01:39:07] with you guys, can you sort of introduce the team to everyone back home?
[01:39:11] We're from Asia, Mongolia, and it's our first Easter tournament as a team, and some of you
[01:39:18] guys already know the annihilation and copy. How about the three of you guys, where did you come
[01:39:26] from, how did this team sort of come together? Kabul and me played together a long time,
[01:39:34] And after he left from IHC, we started talking and we're a new team and we bring some new Mongolian talents and yeah, that's how it started.
[01:39:46] Okay, Kabal is the IGL?
[01:39:48] According to him, the IGL.
[01:39:50] Oh, so you changed that recently?
[01:39:52] Yep.
[01:39:53] I wanted to ask you about, you guys were really close in the RMR qualities, right, losing out
[01:40:00] at the last game, which is tough, but then as you said, this is your first S tier tournament, so
[01:40:06] you sort of have to, you know, focus a lot on this one. How hard is that coming into pro league?
[01:40:14] It's pretty tough loss. We were like practicing for RMR quite a long time and didn't make it,
[01:40:19] it was pretty hard to swallow.
[01:40:21] But at the end of the day, we have ESL probably coming,
[01:40:26] so we just forgot that kind of thing and focusing on this one.
[01:40:32] Obviously, you have a tough opening game versus Vitality,
[01:40:36] who just won Cologne.
[01:40:38] Where do you see your chances in that matchup?
[01:40:42] Of course, it's going to be tough one,
[01:40:44] because they are a pretty good team,
[01:40:47] But we don't have anything to lose.
[01:40:50] We just come here to show our level and test our level where we are.
[01:40:56] So we're going to try out against Vitality and see how it goes.
[01:41:01] All right. Talking about expectations, I wanted to ask you a little bit about what would be your dream scenario,
[01:41:08] nightmare scenario, and then something that's more realistic that you're aiming for?
[01:41:14] Dreams would of course be like winning vitality and going to a playoff like straight and nightmares
[01:41:24] and others of course like 0-3, like losing all the teams like 2-0 or something, yeah.
[01:41:30] And realistically we're thinking like we have chance to like go through the playoff.
[01:41:38] So we're aiming for that and of course the first match is tough on, but it's going to
[01:41:44] be a warm up for us and we will focus on the next games and we try to qualify.
[01:41:50] Okay, now more on the human side of things.
[01:41:55] What's the vibe like in your team?
[01:41:57] Are you a team that gets really loud?
[01:41:59] You know while they're playing or are you more reserved, just focused on the game
[01:42:03] itself?
[01:42:04] Yeah, we're not that loud but if you compare to Mongols, we are quite loud and yeah.
[01:42:14] Who's the joker on the team? Who's the guy that cracks jokes all the time?
[01:42:19] It's Mike.
[01:42:21] Alright, thanks so much, man. Good luck in the tournament and yeah, that was A-Talks.
[01:42:27] I'm here with Rooster. I found him. They turned out how many minutes late, boys?
[01:42:32] Yeah
[01:42:36] Arrived best when you needed, you know now. All right, we're going straight into this post on photos
[01:42:41] What's the what's the go-to post that that's you?
[01:42:44] No, I don't have good pose TJ as good poses. Well, what's the poses for the boys that you aren't gonna?
[01:42:48] Um, I don't know we're gonna have to think of some on the fly here
[01:42:52] We got we got a whole we got a whole list of different poses for the homies. Here we go
[01:42:57] There's there's plenty. Do you have your archetype archetype? Have you got an archetype?
[01:43:03] Are you the demolition expert the Lebowski the mastermind the virtuoso or the soldier?
[01:43:09] I'm a bit of a soldier man, I'm a bit of a dog.
[01:43:11] A bit of a...
[01:43:12] You know that?
[01:43:13] What do we got?
[01:43:14] Just one of the cars.
[01:43:16] No, I might have to hit that one.
[01:43:18] That actually looks good to captain.
[01:43:19] That's pretty good.
[01:43:20] Yeah, that actually looks good.
[01:43:21] Give it a crack, give it a crack, give it a crack.
[01:43:23] Head down, head down.
[01:43:25] Oh, that's good.
[01:43:27] That actually is good.
[01:43:28] I will be hitting that.
[01:43:29] What about your teach?
[01:43:31] Come on.
[01:43:32] Come on, mate.
[01:43:33] Come here.
[01:43:34] Okay, getting your pose ready.
[01:43:36] You stand there and look good?
[01:43:38] I believe that when I see it.
[01:43:40] It doesn't matter if it's good.
[01:43:42] See, I heard you guys had a bootcamp here, doggie.
[01:43:45] A bit of a shocker, mate, to be honest.
[01:43:47] Bit of a shocker.
[01:43:49] We had Chelyos had a bit of a situation.
[01:43:51] Couldn't participate.
[01:43:53] So we were playing with JHD.
[01:43:55] That went about as well.
[01:43:56] And he's the guy in the suit all the time, right?
[01:43:59] The goat?
[01:43:59] I think they call him the goat?
[01:44:00] Yep, no.
[01:44:01] That's the goat over there.
[01:44:02] Is JD the goat?
[01:44:04] He'll be coaching this one.
[01:44:06] JHD was the sub.
[01:44:08] Not pretty. That's all I'll say. I've played enough basic bugs with him. It's not very good.
[01:44:13] That's putting it nicely. What about the goat? Is he all right? He is a very good coach.
[01:44:17] I remember because he was in, he was the one that back home, some, oh no, no way. I'm thinking of
[01:44:23] Akram. I'm thinking of Akram, you know, when he came over that time and then he just had that
[01:44:26] crazy Nubis game. Oh yeah, that was Akram, yeah. He had his, had a shocker of a boot camp
[01:44:32] to keep it real and then comes a pro league as a, as a fucking life game on a Nubis,
[01:44:36] So, Malta hasn't seen JD yet, have they?
[01:44:39] No, they haven't.
[01:44:40] I don't think anyone's seen him, actually, so he's a bit of a surprise here.
[01:44:43] I'll stop calling him JD.
[01:44:44] The goat.
[01:44:45] The goat.
[01:44:46] That is his proper name, actually.
[01:44:47] Yeah.
[01:44:48] Yeah, the face-to-face setup, he will be intimidating them, I think.
[01:44:51] Yeah, he's quite a big guy.
[01:44:54] Yeah, yeah.
[01:44:55] Now, with Slimey, is he a sufficient substitute for Nettik?
[01:45:00] Because of course, Nettik is here in Malta.
[01:45:02] He's just not here with the boys.
[01:45:04] Yeah.
[01:45:05] I don't think it would be fair to ask anyone to substitute Nettik.
[01:45:08] We'd probably have to think of it a different way.
[01:45:10] Obviously, we're going to have to change how the team plays and stuff, you know.
[01:45:13] We're trying to be a bit more team-based, you know, play together rather than
[01:45:17] we had a bit of an individual brilliance from Nettik.
[01:45:20] Yeah, we just had to change it.
[01:45:22] We wouldn't put that pressure on us, so I mean, a bit unfair.
[01:45:24] Is he doing all right for the shoes he's had to fill though?
[01:45:28] I feel like every time we've seen him online, there's been a couple of
[01:45:30] rough games, but most of them have been really, really good so far.
[01:45:33] Yeah, I think most of the games he's played online have been pretty high pressure, you know,
[01:45:37] he's getting from no team to throwing straight into like qualifying games.
[01:45:40] He can't really expect him to play perfectly, but yeah, I don't think anyone could feel
[01:45:45] net issues to give him his credit.
[01:45:48] To be fair, he's going through his first photo session, his first ever photo session right
[01:45:52] now. Is he going all right?
[01:45:55] Yeah, he's looking confident. Yeah, he's looking good.
[01:45:57] Yeah, he's a bit of a smile here.
[01:45:58] Chest up, slimy.
[01:46:00] Yeah, there we go. Yeah, that's all right.
[01:46:02] Kitching up a little bit too.
[01:46:03] Yes!
[01:46:05] Good dog.
[01:46:06] Man, you're the coach.
[01:46:09] I was giving it to Liquid as well before.
[01:46:10] I was getting naff, looking a bit more jacked in the first.
[01:46:12] Might as been all the gym, who knows.
[01:46:14] What about Shabash, how's he going?
[01:46:16] He's been in and out of the team over the years,
[01:46:18] and he's been back in for a little while.
[01:46:22] Do you think he needs makeup?
[01:46:25] Maybe a little bit.
[01:46:26] I think we all do.
[01:46:28] None of us are perfect.
[01:46:30] Yeah, he's, he's a bit of a tough boot camp without Chell.
[01:46:33] I think he did a lot of heavy lifting with the comms and stuff.
[01:46:35] So, you know, it was a bit of a, um, wake up call playing as European players,
[01:46:40] which, you know, if they see an advantage, they just step on it, you know,
[01:46:44] they take everything they can, which, you know, makes it a bit hard to play
[01:46:47] sometimes with inexperienced players.
[01:46:57] All right, new captain, big man.
[01:47:00] Yeah, I know, but we can still talk.
[01:47:01] just don't move your mouth too much new captain you are are you still like are you the captain
[01:47:06] or are you just the idea oh i guess it's the same thing it's the same it's okay that's all the
[01:47:11] matters beautiful how's uh how's the flight was all right uh on to we went to poll Poland
[01:47:17] yeah Poland yeah it was a good time really fun how was the flight to Poland
[01:47:21] shitty us classic they sent us a long way into Singapore 40 degree 8 that's just a classic
[01:47:28] You go outside or just stay in the airport?
[01:47:30] No, no way. In the air condition.
[01:47:32] So it was 40 degrees in the aircon?
[01:47:34] Yeah.
[01:47:35] Stop fucking complaining.
[01:47:36] Don't send me to Singapore.
[01:47:38] I'm the captain, I shouldn't be going...
[01:47:40] We took you to Malta, it's just a sweaty ear. How's that going so far? You've been outside much?
[01:47:44] I love it here. It's awesome.
[01:47:46] Of course I've been outside. You can go outside here, I'm not in Singapore.
[01:47:50] How's the face it going?
[01:47:52] Because Sapa Sapa had something to say about that.
[01:47:54] Are the beans up or are the beans down?
[01:47:56] haven't been far on because I'm banned for a month for what pretty I'll just say
[01:48:04] I'm protecting the same from stains from stains this has gone dark direction are
[01:48:12] you okay do you need to talk to someone I think crags needs to be permanently
[01:48:17] banned from Australia kicked out of the country probably but yeah I'm great I'm
[01:48:24] awesome that's good that's good now what's your what's your skin tone do you know out of those
[01:48:28] they're all are they the same or are they different yeah probably no clue mate no clue
[01:48:35] well we're gonna we're gonna learn we're gonna like what what is this skin tone will you be able to
[01:48:40] which one of these is his skin tone oh mixed mixed three tones to get that there you go
[01:48:47] very nice now let's see what she can do there all right let's uh see how pretty you get
[01:48:51] I don't need much.
[01:48:53] Yeah, true.
[01:48:54] Most of the face is covered with the beard.
[01:48:57] What color lipstick are we going for here today?
[01:48:59] Hopefully purple, maybe.
[01:49:01] Little bit of purple.
[01:49:03] It's not red to go with the rooster colors or a bit of blue,
[01:49:06] maybe.
[01:49:07] Whatever.
[01:49:08] Whatever, whatever.
[01:49:09] Yeah, goat.
[01:49:10] Mate, you're submitted as the coach.
[01:49:14] How's the coach integration been coming into Rooster again?
[01:49:17] Because you've been gone for a little while now.
[01:49:19] And that's been great.
[01:49:20] introduced a new reward system at the bootcamp.
[01:49:24] Win five rounds in a row, we go strippers.
[01:49:26] So,
[01:49:30] Yeah, it was effective.
[01:49:31] It was effective.
[01:49:32] We'd win five rounds and we'd lose the six.
[01:49:34] So they got to be excited.
[01:49:36] At least they weren't strippers, so.
[01:49:40] Chavez, how was that?
[01:49:43] How was the reward system?
[01:49:45] Are you invested in this reward system?
[01:49:48] I may or may not have participated in the reward system.
[01:49:51] And you didn't of course because you're a taken man so you've done the right thing.
[01:49:57] I am the adult of the crew. I don't take into that stuff so.
[01:50:01] He didn't go. I didn't go.
[01:50:04] This is going in a direction that I definitely expected.
[01:50:09] Shout out Rooster one time. Now first time in Malta.
[01:50:12] Is it the first time in Malta? The first time out of Australia?
[01:50:15] Yeah.
[01:50:16] We've got to wait for the microphone. We're learning together.
[01:50:19] when I say, hi, hello.
[01:50:22] Hi, there we go, there we go.
[01:50:24] Slimey would learn.
[01:50:25] I liked your photo session.
[01:50:26] That was really good.
[01:50:27] Are you ready to take on the big dogs?
[01:50:30] Are you feeling a bit of sensation
[01:50:33] with all the pros walking around?
[01:50:35] Do you think it's a little bit weird
[01:50:36] because your first event?
[01:50:37] Oh yeah, it's definitely weird.
[01:50:38] You watch all these pro players play
[01:50:40] on demos and on stream
[01:50:42] and you just walk past them in a hall.
[01:50:43] So obviously it's a bit overwhelming.
[01:50:45] But yeah, like, confident as well.
[01:50:47] think to our mouse coming in. So yeah. Have you walked around the area much since
[01:50:53] you've been here? I have had a bit of a walk around. I've noticed a lot of strip
[01:50:58] clubs that are a lot of places that a big man can visit over here as a coach.
[01:51:03] So I think the reward system is staying the same over here. For some it's definitely staying.
[01:51:09] Yeah, we got confirmation on that. Thank you. Thank you.
[01:51:12] What about mouse? Wow. Strip is on me. I don't know how much of this interview we can use
[01:51:18] but we're going to keep filming it.
[01:51:21] So you went with the folded arms for your first ever couple of photos.
[01:51:26] Did you go with any of the extra ones or do you have like a second session once you look
[01:51:30] at all the other poses?
[01:51:31] What's the strategy here?
[01:51:33] So initially I hit him with the chest and the fist, ready to fucking destroy, sorry,
[01:51:41] language.
[01:51:42] Yeah, well I mean, what can I say?
[01:51:45] I mean, I'm ready.
[01:51:47] I think you're definitely ready. Now, Mals first, are you as confident as the goat in this matchup?
[01:51:55] Well, I mean, I have to be. You can't go into a game like this being just hardened, that you're
[01:52:02] versing a team like Mals. I mean, I can only really go into it saying 13-0, 13-0 to others,
[01:52:08] because even though the preparation wasn't great, there's still so many good signs of
[01:52:11] like just winning. So I feel good. Do you think I prepared you in any way, shape or form with
[01:52:16] our 1,000 FPLC and FPL matches over the years.
[01:52:20] I was definitely a track getting through those.
[01:52:24] But yeah, I mean,
[01:52:25] everyone goes through it at some point in this, yes.
[01:52:27] So getting through that early and now I'm here.
[01:52:29] So I think it's prepared me well.
[01:52:32] I've known you since you were 15 about that.
[01:52:35] And then all the way through the HSC, it's kind of crazy.
[01:52:37] And now you're here, huh?
[01:52:38] That's nice.
[01:52:40] Congratulations, Slimey.
[01:52:42] Hopefully it goes well.
[01:52:43] Of course.
[01:52:44] No, I just wanted to see.
[01:52:45] We wanted to see like the before and the after bro the afters looking good. Oh
[01:52:49] Slay Queen what was I looking like before then a bit more bit more moist, but you know, we all look like that in Malta
[01:52:55] It's fucking on
[01:52:57] Yeah, that's what I'm saying, baby
[01:53:00] No more normal questions now. So I'd yell in a dude. Do you enjoy it? Do you prefer when chill was doing it?
[01:53:06] personal preference not effectiveness
[01:53:08] I started picking it up a little bit more towards the end, even with Corey, like I was kind of second calling a lot of the time anyway.
[01:53:16] It kind of suits me. I get a lot more freedom myself.
[01:53:19] You know, like, you know, you can't get in trouble with your own calling. You know, I can just run into it and then there's no issues.
[01:53:25] But I like it. It's good.
[01:53:27] I feel like we needed, like, especially with the new meta, like the meta is changing and stuff.
[01:53:32] We needed like a pace changes and that, which hopefully I brought in a little bit more.
[01:53:36] But yeah, no, I'm enjoying it. It's good fun.
[01:53:39] That is all over the place. So Matt Paul was, what's your insta-band again?
[01:53:43] I can't remember. It was an ancient, yeah? So everyone here plays an ancient.
[01:53:47] Most played map here, actually, for the first two groups.
[01:53:50] Do you think that is going to work in your favor or against you guys?
[01:53:54] Because you got a bit of a different Matt Paul than a lot of the teams here.
[01:53:57] Yeah, I mean, not playing ancient is obviously an advantage because
[01:54:01] everyone's been picking it, everyone's been playing it, like everyone's
[01:54:05] well-conditioned on it, but I mean our map will still, even though we play the six, it's still lacking,
[01:54:10] I'd say a fair bit, which will prove costly. I think a lot of teams, you know, you only have to
[01:54:15] look at how we've been playing, like if they pick their, pick like these specific maps, I think
[01:54:21] it'll be tough, but you know, I think we have it in us to, you know, at least pull a victory
[01:54:25] off here and there. Maybe a series hopefully, but it'll be interesting. Now in terms of the
[01:54:31] Ping Pong on the team. Do we have any any favorites any up hands up you are the goat
[01:54:37] He's actually pretty good. Yeah, what's what's the secret backhand McGee? So they call me
[01:54:43] What's the secret just hit him with the backhand? I can't hit a back and then saying McGee all that was the
[01:54:49] That's why I'm the backhand McGee mate. I
[01:54:52] Checked out. I checked out. What's what's his ping pong man alias big boy?
[01:54:59] What's that supposed to mean? That's a bit rude.
[01:55:07] I've just been put in the middle of a war. We can't have this in the team. How do we fix this later on?
[01:55:18] Or is it just sort of water under the bridge? Is there any protocols that need to be put in place?
[01:55:23] No more of that.
[01:55:24] Well, hopefully, you know, we're going to be in practice today. Hopefully hit the quieter for the reward system.
[01:55:29] and you know where we're going it's a simple as that little bit of tame bonding never had anyone did it
[01:55:35] that's true that's true Chell you want to have a chat how's uh how's his calling going if you had
[01:55:42] to rate them like 110 I'd give it a 8.5 for coming out argument nine no context you know what listen
[01:55:54] in a month, I'd be yelling and say something like that.
[01:55:57] Pretty solid, but I taught him well.
[01:55:59] You taught him well, you taught him well.
[01:56:00] You taught him, how many years was that,
[01:56:01] you were calling with him under you?
[01:56:03] Except there was like one month
[01:56:05] where you got rid of him, right?
[01:56:07] Oh, a year or two, I guess, yes.
[01:56:09] Something like that, yeah.
[01:56:10] That's pretty good, you know,
[01:56:11] no one's not bad, but room for improvement.
[01:56:13] How's it been for you, you know,
[01:56:14] orping and not having to think
[01:56:16] about what everyone else is doing?
[01:56:18] Oh, that's good, it's a good flavour.
[01:56:20] Too hard to open CS2 without telling everyone to do,
[01:56:23] what to do you know. Now in terms of you know changes and stuff have you guys
[01:56:29] gotten on the round you know getting rid of the boost bug were you affected by
[01:56:32] that boost bug that was in the game was there ever any point points where you
[01:56:35] were getting boosted to go and do something but then the game just sort of
[01:56:37] was a little bit buggy. Yeah it's annoying but you could just check before
[01:56:41] letting warm up and then rejoin but I just always forgot so just got a couple of
[01:56:47] It would just be terrible.
[01:56:49] Yeah.
[01:56:50] Now, what about him?
[01:56:51] Has his prep come into this?
[01:56:53] Because sometimes he drops the ball.
[01:56:54] Sometimes he's the goat, not that goat.
[01:56:57] But the goat, is he doing well?
[01:56:59] Is he going to be the star player here?
[01:57:01] Could be.
[01:57:02] He's going to compete with me.
[01:57:04] So it's pretty hard.
[01:57:04] But he's all right.
[01:57:06] He's all right.
[01:57:07] It's sort of team effort, really.
[01:57:08] Can't win half one fella.
[01:57:12] What about him?
[01:57:13] What about Slimy, of course.
[01:57:14] The new comment of the team.
[01:57:15] He had to replace Netic.
[01:57:17] What did he do to get in the team?
[01:57:20] Oh, he's friends with TJ.
[01:57:22] No.
[01:57:23] Okay.
[01:57:24] And he got caught from his team and we're like, oh, that's a steal.
[01:57:27] There's not many people to pick up, you know, but when there's a good one,
[01:57:30] you can kiss it him out.
[01:57:31] Seem pretty good.
[01:57:32] Can communicate.
[01:57:33] You know, what's your thoughts on the Australian scene in general,
[01:57:36] the Oceanic, sorry, Mr. New Zealander.
[01:57:38] And what's it like being the only New Zealander left in the team?
[01:57:41] Dangerous technically.
[01:57:43] His secret New Zealander.
[01:57:44] Secret New Zealander.
[01:57:45] Are you Shav?
[01:57:47] What do you mean secret? How can it be a secret New Zealander?
[01:57:50] Come here, come here, come here, come here.
[01:57:52] I mean, I have a New Zealander citizenship and a passport, so, yeah.
[01:57:56] Are you dual with Oz?
[01:57:58] Yeah, dual with Oz.
[01:57:59] Not bad, not bad.
[01:57:59] So you used to do it technically like, like homies, like brothers?
[01:58:02] Yeah, of course.
[01:58:04] We're family, we're fine now.
[01:58:07] Is that family in?
[01:58:09] In Mali.
[01:58:10] Mali? Beautiful.
[01:58:13] Yeah, yeah.
[01:58:14] Yeah, give me some more Mali.
[01:58:15] Fuck it. I mean, I can't eat that. I know
[01:58:18] Come on, take my day
[01:58:21] Oh
[01:58:21] I don't know the rest of it, but what can we start if we got back to a
[01:58:25] Try New Zealand call in the team. We just go to TJ put someone else in there
[01:58:29] It's like Kiwi. Can we get the Haka before the games? No, not for me
[01:58:33] Nah, don't fuck with that. Yeah, what about you?
[01:58:38] Depends on the third depends who we get we can make we can make them do it
[01:58:42] we can make them do it. Who would be an appropriate New Zealander that would slot
[01:58:46] into the team allowing the Hucka to commence? Sunny Bill.
[01:58:54] Is that the only option? Yeah it was no one else in the place CS is it? Sunny Bill place CS.
[01:59:00] No, they could get us to do the Hucka. He can do the Hucka though. He can, he can, he's a scary
[01:59:06] individual. I reckon TJ would pull off a pretty good Hucka. Definitely better than me.
[01:59:10] But then like cultural appropriation or something, right? So he's not a live
[01:59:15] He's got the past check out TJ one time. Anyway, I'm gonna I'm gonna follow you guys down to like
[01:59:22] What is it SSD setup and see how you all do that, but I'll meet you down there. Good stuff
[01:59:31] Well, yeah, I'd love to see that as well
[01:59:33] But here we go jumping straight on it. It is a map pick from Lynn vision
[01:59:38] It is gonna be dust to you and it's gonna be Navi starting here on a CD
[01:59:41] It's like stacked towards B and Emma starts it off with a nice little clean headshot.
[01:59:46] Oh, fallout though from flying and we got the cast flying a lot over the years.
[01:59:50] We've kind of seen him grow.
[01:59:52] He hasn't necessarily been able to get one of the best Chinese rosters and
[01:59:55] Emma getting involved in fights.
[01:59:57] 2v2 established off the back of it.
[01:59:58] Now, flying looking to make a name for himself inside of this B bomb site.
[02:00:01] Jay off the back of the site.
[02:00:03] Nice shot, but cleared by flying and a 1v1 stepping up is Alexi B.
[02:00:07] He's got a kit, he's got a smoke and now flying committing to the plant.
[02:00:10] So at a minimum, even if he loses this 1v1, they've got a good force by into the next round.
[02:00:14] So, flying, heading around the boxes to the back of the platform, and Alexi B just waiting for a mistake.
[02:00:20] And flying, not providing that just yet, but he's got to worry about doors, he's got to worry about window.
[02:00:25] And as the longer the time goes on, maybe he even considers tunnels.
[02:00:28] Yep, and he goes back to have a look.
[02:00:30] Here comes Alexi B through the window and to the wall.
[02:00:33] It's flying with that headshot, locking in the first round of play for the side of Lin Visit.
[02:00:39] The Force by coming out from Navian M4A1 in the very capable hands of that Ima.
[02:00:46] He's a man who plays for the team, Jinka.
[02:00:49] Yeah, he is in.
[02:00:51] I'm not going to stop saying that, are we?
[02:00:53] Never.
[02:00:54] Wonderful.
[02:00:55] He's going to have to look for a better performance at this event, isn't he?
[02:00:58] I mean, he probably wouldn't be happy with the end of clone.
[02:01:01] Maybe he got a lot of Chris Henson over there as well.
[02:01:03] So to return and have a massive step-up influence in the pro league here in Malta would be incredible for wonderful
[02:01:10] Just starting the rounds here for a bit damage done and a dink onto zacker. That's fine. You can just
[02:01:16] toss the M4 direction a wonderful so kill add a dink on a zacker and
[02:01:20] They're just getting so much respect to Navi this round
[02:01:23] I just gave them all the space in the world to work with they have a flash no they don't
[02:01:27] They're a long long vision. They've gotten a minute left on this clock and currently looking at Navi set up their
[02:01:34] Pre-passive, you got one player inside of the side, that's Alexi B with a 5-7, and he's just spotting long making sure
[02:01:39] So he keeps that information going and yeah, sure they've seen him
[02:01:42] But dealing with it could be another problem as Alexi B just hides around that corner
[02:01:46] Here comes the utility over the top, Alexi B's 5-7 primed and ready
[02:01:50] And he's also got his teammates coming over to help him out. Navi have plenty of forces ready to go
[02:01:56] And Amelia, cat, he's waiting to give her up to score. Alexi B though
[02:01:59] I'm able to get anything and Amelia gets a double and eventually just follows up
[02:02:04] So they clean up those pistols not only had a good start by the force by doesn't play off blood now
[02:02:08] They're down to the eco whoo
[02:02:10] That's the great thing about you know that these Chinese players you always talk about them
[02:02:13] They always have some crazy mechanical skill don't they?
[02:02:16] Who was your who's your favorite player over the years from coming out of China blood China somebody somebody yeah
[02:02:22] It's got to be because he just provides the most amount of laughs. I've
[02:02:25] I've casted an entire game of Dust2Once where somebody's playing CTV, and he pushed tunnels alone, 13 rounds out of 15.
[02:02:34] Every single time. It was lunacy. It was actually inter-work. Yes, which is even more insane.
[02:02:40] So somebody's my, well for the memes, my favorite.
[02:02:43] Yeah, he's definitely the most meme worthy player in terms of just the mental plays that he makes.
[02:02:49] Well, that was deagle. It's a loose cannon, and it's good for one. Couldn't quite follow up and really should not let this one get out of hand if you're in vision, but they've somewhat put themselves in a difficult spot.
[02:03:01] But the damage done to the remaining Na'Vi players of just the P250 left, you could imagine. They don't let this one slide, but Emilia, he starts to fight through those middle doors, and the likes of P's able to take him out with a USP.
[02:03:11] Now it's not just usps now. They've got a mac 10 and an 8k 47 picked up into this round
[02:03:17] So they're gonna go for this is nothing to lose so flash ready to go no kid though
[02:03:21] No kid and if they aren't going to go quickly that could cost them
[02:03:25] So flash getting set up here for wonderful
[02:03:28] he's gonna send in the feeler squad to figure out the positions of the two remaining players and
[02:03:33] That should be fine. That's a
[02:03:35] Opening kill on the lexie p and things are looking good
[02:03:38] I guess wonderful one of them. It's a kill through the doors, but it didn't quite do anything
[02:03:45] It's a very good damage being dealt here. They lose the three players what in what was just a sure usp
[02:03:51] So yeah, I'm gonna be fine the guns gonna be coming out now
[02:03:55] Zachary with the op
[02:04:00] Emma up on short
[02:04:03] Decided to see what I must be able to do here in Malta alexi be down early on going through that CT smoke and
[02:04:11] If I before picked up off the back of it
[02:04:14] So 55 seconds remaining in the round to Lim vision have got the opening kill
[02:04:17] But they're fully committed long and now he know that they absolutely know that so they've got the player stacked over towards a
[02:04:23] Wonderful's gonna chime in with a kill on Amelia and with 45 seconds left
[02:04:27] The numbers even down and not be with four on the bomb site is looking rough here for Lim vision taking so long
[02:04:33] And now they spot at least two more players as well, so Navi can just go for the stack.
[02:04:37] Molly towards Gandalf, one of those guns that uncomfortably did smoke.
[02:04:41] He's gonna feed them alive.
[02:04:42] It's not exactly the greatest retake set up here for Navi, so if the bomb is to go down, so they want to fight.
[02:04:47] They want to take the tools and they're winning every one of them.
[02:04:50] Flying left to low and he couldn't get a second.
[02:04:52] That's what he can, but Navi, as soon as the guns come out, they win the first round.
[02:04:55] This Spide being 3-1 up, how the tables turn, Dinka?
[02:04:59] the table turn quickly and yeah you that I mean you brought up in the last
[02:05:03] run you know the main off won the previous round the flash not the jump
[02:05:07] throw doesn't help with that it's like it's all about the damage that you did
[02:05:11] in the round because look at the outcome now you you win one gun round and you
[02:05:15] force limvation down to a full eco immediately
[02:05:19] oh that's gonna hurt wonderful just fall back here's got teammates with the
[02:05:24] weaponry and MP9 should be shredding a few disc players yeah this is what
[02:05:29] This one's done.
[02:05:30] A Fufu.
[02:05:32] That's a new player for L'Invision.
[02:05:34] Fufu.
[02:05:35] That is one hell of a name, isn't it?
[02:05:37] Fufu.
[02:05:38] A Fufu.
[02:05:40] I don't know if I like it.
[02:05:41] Casting that really fast is going to be tough.
[02:05:44] Which name?
[02:05:44] Oh, my god, it's a Fufu.
[02:05:46] Like, what are we going to do with a big play?
[02:05:48] If a Fufu makes a huge hero play?
[02:05:50] If it makes a fumble.
[02:05:51] Oh, that's a Fufu.
[02:05:52] A Fufu.
[02:05:55] Everybody loves a Fufu by tan.
[02:05:58] You know, there's a lot we can do, blah.
[02:06:01] That's a reference, I don't think I'd hear this early in the day.
[02:06:05] Yeah, clean up from Navi.
[02:06:07] That being said, didn't lose a couple of plays.
[02:06:10] OK, yeah.
[02:06:11] OK.
[02:06:13] All right, flying.
[02:06:14] He's had some shots so far, hasn't he?
[02:06:17] I don't know what to talk about.
[02:06:18] It's also like a lot of the players in the wings-up team
[02:06:21] that when they disbanded, right?
[02:06:22] A couple of them went to Rare Atom,
[02:06:24] where they're actually right now
[02:06:25] a top three team in China at the moment. So they have some pretty good players overall in that team.
[02:06:32] It's just a K-LXEB! Alright, completed blinded no vision. Nate should find the third as well
[02:06:37] and has a 3K Bi-LXEB. And what was the buy from Lin Vision? Getting absolutely
[02:06:44] dumpstered in long doors. Dude, I would love to make a Mongols movie. I think it'd be pretty
[02:06:50] sick. Like, you get, you just tell the story of how they all get picked up in the van,
[02:06:54] You know they get brought out to the land cafe
[02:06:57] You got coach Mara put him together the gold squad of Mongolian youngsters and they tell their parents
[02:07:02] We're gonna go and compete. Oh
[02:07:04] Around the world and counter-strike tournaments and that that's gonna be sick. That'll be a sick movie. Yeah, like I really
[02:07:10] They actually have some great personalities. Also
[02:07:13] We did see I think it was let's East. Oh, he did he messed up
[02:07:18] He messed up. He said actually all since the great English is we just don't want to do it
[02:07:21] I want to do interviews and they've been lying to all of us and now you're gonna hear you're gonna hill a lot from those
[02:07:27] the mongos players
[02:07:29] They've got Emilia. He's out long and he's certainly drifted towards top mid
[02:07:33] But a minute ten seconds left players
[02:07:36] Yeah, here comes an attack him through the Molotov through the utility good flash buying
[02:07:40] Oh, not so good on the spray and JL this time doubles up bit completely wrecked by the flash
[02:07:45] So they're into the B bomb site Emilia cutting rotations doing this good of a job is he can't handle how he's been able to turn on
[02:07:51] Emma that is huge. Emma should have locked that kill in every single time, but a 2v2
[02:07:56] That's a retake this B bomb site. I thought you fumbled for Emma. There was a free kill for him
[02:08:00] Would have been a 3v2, but now yeah 2v2 bomb down
[02:08:04] Here comes the flashes
[02:08:05] They're coming in on it through the window. They already go it's gonna be a spray down from flying and now just wonderful
[02:08:10] You can't retake with AWP this round can't happen. So Lynn vision is going for it's actually going for it
[02:08:15] This is wild for wonderful. It's so unlikely and yeah, it just goes down
[02:08:20] So thank you very much. That's an AWP for LimbVision. Scroll line tied up.
[02:08:24] And once again, they go three-pist with tunnels. They're really favorite as B bombsite.
[02:08:29] Yeah, I like it.
[02:08:30] Ah, they don't love this.
[02:08:32] I like direct hits from LimbVision, but the spacing was offline when I had it, and his teammates weren't there to follow up through the smoke.
[02:08:37] So JL has given a free opening kill for Navi to play with.
[02:08:42] I don't know, LimbVision playing with a player deficit is going to be very difficult here,
[02:08:46] especially with Wonderville cutting off middle. A Fufu goes down.
[02:08:50] And then Vision have a 3v5 to try and recover. At least they've got time left, but it just feels so unlikely at this point of the round.
[02:08:56] Yeah, I mean, the idea wasn't bad at all, right? Like you pointed out, but just the spacing was off. Amelia...
[02:09:02] But buddy, what is it?
[02:09:05] Together, he's so far away, so late.
[02:09:08] Zacker does find a trade. Onto what's wonderful.
[02:09:12] I mean, you gotta have a lot more.
[02:09:13] They can actually steal. They can actually steal. Onto what's jail. There's a chance.
[02:09:17] They need a lot more than that.
[02:09:18] And Zacker, pushed out into the cubby beyond those doors and gets caught by JL, great work.
[02:09:24] Flashbind blinds him just at the last second, Amelia's getting flanked at long all the way through top middle.
[02:09:29] So he's going nowhere with this, and Avi about to head into the lead again. Amelia with a great headshot, considers top middle, but Bitt is so sharp, so quick, and locks in that headshot.
[02:09:38] I like the aggressive stance from Bitt. He's decided that he doesn't want to wheel the secondary AWP, then go at I for one, with a big sign of that.
[02:09:46] Well, wonderful. Certainly not a fan of that. Sackger just knocking him on his ass.
[02:09:51] That's gonna hurt. Here goes Bitno. That shot not coming in. In fact, he gets blasted away by the
[02:09:57] West Mellon. Best Mellon. Yeah, the best Mellon in all of China.
[02:10:05] And Jail pushing in towards the upper tunnels, flying waiting for him.
[02:10:08] Here comes a chance for flying. Oh, really gotta win those. They're gonna speed it up now.
[02:10:13] They know it's going to be an A-Play.
[02:10:15] Emma going to rotate in and speed up.
[02:10:17] Rich on the lexie.
[02:10:18] Yeah, fantastic chance for LimbVision to make something happen here,
[02:10:20] but the lexie flying from the car does well, but it gets cradied.
[02:10:22] Now, Emma, this could be a little risky.
[02:10:24] This could certainly be risky.
[02:10:26] Go for it.
[02:10:26] If you jump up, your heads revealed,
[02:10:28] and they have a chance to move off with a fire.
[02:10:30] Beautiful.
[02:10:31] It forces him up into the open, and Emma goes down.
[02:10:34] So, just JL and a 1v3 Bloc.
[02:10:36] He's going to get pt by Zachar.
[02:10:39] So, 5oz for LimbVision.
[02:10:40] They're going to make a half out of this.
[02:10:41] That was a very well played run. It's the final round of the half, Na'Vi.
[02:10:45] They have to go for this, and it's not a great run.
[02:10:47] Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
[02:10:48] LimVision have mastered money up right at the end, so
[02:10:50] it's a great chance for LimVision to get six rounds out of his T side.
[02:10:54] It's worked out. They've got the opening kill.
[02:10:57] Generally when they get this opening, they're a lot more comfortable.
[02:10:59] They don't make as many mistakes.
[02:11:00] And here comes the push from Na'Vi trying to gain that kill back.
[02:11:03] A little bit of a dink, but the flow kills aggression to the tunnels again from JL.
[02:11:08] It's too long.
[02:11:09] Punished.
[02:11:10] By LinVision.
[02:11:11] So they've got two players up, and you're left with just Lexi B, Bit, and Ima.
[02:11:15] Two rifles, one 5'7".
[02:11:18] This is gonna be a 6th round play.
[02:11:20] I'm actually really impressed with this half now from LinVision towards the end.
[02:11:23] I think the second buy round onwards they've been looking way more solid.
[02:11:28] Just, uh, they tried to abuse B, they eventually got stopped there, but they found another solution.
[02:11:32] They found another way.
[02:11:34] Oh, they're falling for it.
[02:11:36] It's a double fake play coming in here. I think it's got to be an A hit.
[02:11:40] Well, one kill has come back, but he's been able to get rid of Amelia. Now coming back over to try and deal with his B
[02:11:46] problem is BIT. Now if there is one player to step up in this moment, he takes it, he takes it.
[02:11:51] But he's been absolutely removed. Tries to get out of the window, gets chopped down by West Mellon,
[02:11:57] and LinVision into the site to try and close the half at 6-6.
[02:12:00] That is a perfect play from a Fufu. All the way to its short, riles up a couple of bullets,
[02:12:05] It doesn't go for the full deal and that forces bit out of position and that's gonna be six for Lynn vision gaming
[02:12:11] That's that's great
[02:12:13] So you they come in against one of the best squads in the world and this Chinese roster are tied up to half six to six
[02:12:19] Great performance on the T side. They're gonna switch to the defense and see how they show up there
[02:12:25] Lynn vision I really feel like they need another good start to the half though
[02:12:28] Right, it feels like they need a pistol win and a follow-up conversion
[02:12:32] version to be able to take Navi down on us too. If there's any shot at that, this pistol
[02:12:38] would mean so much to Limvision's campaign. But the bomb is dropped, it's going into mid
[02:12:42] to B, a little bit of pressure thrown in towards the A bomb site by a short, and it's a deep
[02:12:46] smoke at CT, but it's allowing one player to fight, and BIT is not going to allow
[02:12:50] that fight to continue for long, but Sacker headshots coming in, oh my god, Flying
[02:12:54] got one in like CP, JL left his in-chem leader to die because it was just a whiffing
[02:12:58] shots. Fake Plash climbs to the window. It's a smart play for J.Albert. Sackler has one
[02:13:03] hell of a pistol round. He is having one hell of a map. He's 13 and eight at the moment.
[02:13:08] And that pistol round picked up by LimbVision. I can't believe Flying actually spun around
[02:13:11] and got the kill of the dualies. I can't believe he survived that one. Got to give it our
[02:13:14] hands, dude. We actually, we really do. I won't lie. I came into this. I'm like,
[02:13:17] alright, you know, this one's going to be a curb stop coming in from Na'Vi, just
[02:13:20] waiting for the heroic nip game. But the young ninjas, they actually beat them,
[02:13:25] Hey, wait, I'd need to call it Jason.
[02:13:27] I've been stuck with Moses in a little basement,
[02:13:29] casting with him all...
[02:13:30] Alright, hey, wait, a few weeks.
[02:13:33] Creamy Henry.
[02:13:34] You have casted virtually half of the CS town.
[02:13:37] Yeah, I've got a round.
[02:13:38] I've had my fun.
[02:13:40] Yeah, man.
[02:13:41] Well, you're up there, man.
[02:13:42] Thanks, Valya.
[02:13:43] Appreciate it, dude.
[02:13:44] Bit and a zacker going forward for blowing a little bit of speed behind this attack
[02:13:47] from the side of Navi.
[02:13:48] They're coming out of the tunnels with a bomb on their back
[02:13:50] and they're into the site.
[02:13:51] And that means
[02:13:52] It is very likely that Navi collects this round, especially with the likes of B and Wandaform across fire, crunching down on this retake attempt from LimbVision.
[02:14:00] I think with that utility it's going to force the squad to fall back over the save call.
[02:14:04] And Navi trying to do some damage at the end, but West Melon staying alive despite only being on 19 health.
[02:14:11] So Navi, get the guns up, up to seven rounds, and is catching the bank here for LimbVision so the buy will continue into the next.
[02:14:18] So at least that's something.
[02:14:20] Yeah, especially if he was two A1s alive as well, although that would have been wonderful.
[02:14:24] I like how they're sending in Zaka with MP9 just to be the first one to contact.
[02:14:28] That's an AK picked up as well.
[02:14:30] Yeah, from Navi, I'm not really going for this hunt. I'm not really worth it now.
[02:14:34] They had an attempt.
[02:14:40] Zaka, baby.
[02:14:41] No.
[02:14:42] What was that about?
[02:14:44] I have no idea.
[02:14:46] At some point I have to peel away, right? I can just stick around towards Short and...
[02:14:49] Looks like they're doing that now.
[02:14:51] flashbangs, gonna be the tell, smoke as well. This could be a sass around from Navi.
[02:14:54] They've pushed into the tunnels here as well, in vision, so they've actually got full tunnels
[02:14:57] to control at the moment, so they gotta know what's up, they've gotta know.
[02:15:00] This could be a long play from Navi. Can they get the resources?
[02:15:05] And the players in position on A in time.
[02:15:07] And this is climbing up the ramp at the moment.
[02:15:10] Zaka's got a Molly.
[02:15:11] And they're climbing up. Ooh, it's loose as most of us help in that first fight.
[02:15:16] JL cracks open the first skull, but Zaka fighting back, Emma on the follow-up,
[02:15:20] Not be looking good. They got all of the essential kills, but a Fufu
[02:15:25] He's got to be the wizard here. He's got to step up with some magic. So lucky the smoke saves them
[02:15:31] Okay, that's a shot from flying now. There's just a back in this blood
[02:15:34] That headshot from flying gets them right back into this but a little bit of a Fufu right there
[02:15:38] Wonderful getting rid of him and now flying left and around he can't win
[02:15:41] So there was an opportunity but a Fufu needed to get back here or he could just waited a second
[02:15:46] I guess I was trying to get the bomb planter as soon as he planted the bomb
[02:15:49] but Emma's so lucky to be alive with one HP and yeah, it was a bit of a messy back and forth,
[02:15:54] but Navi will come out on top to tie things up as well. Let's see what he's able to accomplish
[02:16:02] in this round. Once again, Navi is getting some space long, but that smoke fades away,
[02:16:05] and it reveals the Fufu who nearly gets a double, but the trade is in from Amelia.
[02:16:09] Good work to take out wonderful AWPer for Navi's down, and look at this point.
[02:16:13] Westmellon has pushed through the tunnels, and he could get in behind. He could get in behind
[02:16:16] JL and unravel this round completely for Navi, and it's not just West Mellon.
[02:16:21] The timing though, instantly taking a fight, headshot locked in on Ima, and will they spot JL?
[02:16:27] They've seen multiple players, and oh JL!
[02:16:29] He gets a headshot, but he's not going to be expecting that second player, surely?
[02:16:33] And he's very lucky to get beyond that grenade.
[02:16:36] JL's still in this fight, Navi's still in this round, but LinVision's certainly ahead with advantages,
[02:16:42] goes down through CT. Now Alexi B, 1v3, 40 seconds left and if he climbs up on the
[02:16:49] Xbox he's being spotted and now those steps being heard as he crosses over to
[02:16:53] a CT spawn. Alexi B gets flanked in by Amelia and it's a 9-9 scoreline. This
[02:16:58] game is not going to fall out of control for LNV. They are going to stay in this fight.
[02:17:02] What was the team we had last time? Was it LNV but was it starting at last
[02:17:07] early? There was pulling some upsets? Yeah so they had some very close games,
[02:17:11] Yeah, that's what they're known for.
[02:17:39] See a lot of that back home and tell you that damn and Navi think about a B play
[02:17:44] So it smoke goes out for the cross that's gonna be CT spawn smoked out for a mid to B hit
[02:17:49] Now if you have four players or a three players going through the tunnels one just cutting off rotations in middle
[02:17:54] But this is still a strong setup to deal with this threat inside of the B ball side full-in vision
[02:17:58] West Mellon takes initial attention flying peaks out from the copy and it's absolutely perfect from the CT side
[02:18:05] But JL wonderful still will trade out those two B players and bits in mid getting caught from zacker
[02:18:10] And it's only wonderful in a 1v3 you talked about him being quiet
[02:18:14] This would be a one hell of a time to get loud tags up. Let's go
[02:18:19] In the site hiding behind the box
[02:18:21] He's got a worry about the tunnels. He's got a worry about window and the threat of three players running him down with an
[02:18:28] AWP first shot missed wonderful
[02:18:30] They know exactly where he is to jump over his head and that's one way to do it blood just climb on top and knock him down with a USP
[02:18:38] That's why I'm not the best thing though. That's I'm here casting with you because I was yeah, you're in the basement with me
[02:18:43] Yeah, I love me a base hanging out a
[02:18:46] Fufu and long is gonna be put under a lot of pressure flash goes out and he is wrecked
[02:18:51] Absolutely destroyed by baits along control safely in the hands of Navi
[02:18:55] They're gonna clear out the car and Molotov just burning anybody that would be standing there
[02:18:59] but there's not. And Limvish in? They haven't necessarily enjoyed being in 4v5s.
[02:19:05] They're going back to what worked for them. This long place from Navi. Straight up. No time being wasted. No BS.
[02:19:11] They heard a scope.
[02:19:17] Smoke in the middle of this site. Emilia's gonna use this as cover to get around the backside.
[02:19:21] Emma moving into that smoke. He stands on default. He's not a position-up detected yet
[02:19:26] and he's just gonna hide there. Emilia under so much pressure and Emma!
[02:19:28] He actually just charge through hoping that the elder to surprise is allowing that kill.
[02:19:32] JL's patience pays off holding long. Oh, a nice headshot from Amelia.
[02:19:36] It's still Limvision fighting in this round despite losing the opening kill,
[02:19:40] but that trade comes back from Alexi B. JL now arriving from long. Wonderful get to pick on
[02:19:45] Zach. And it's just flying left to do as they know where he is. They're putting pressure on his
[02:19:49] position and he's starting to run out of bullets. And JL comes in to save the day.
[02:19:53] He gets that kill back long and then closes it on the site.
[02:19:56] I've got a little worrying for Navi there, but yeah, JL catching the rotate as well.
[02:20:02] And Navi just going back to all fateful the long hit.
[02:20:07] I feel like I'm lucky for Iba.
[02:20:09] I guess he wasn't expecting anyone to be there.
[02:20:12] So, Brazen, aggressive from LinVision.
[02:20:22] They might have expected this. This could actually work out.
[02:20:25] Good shot, wonderful. Taking a foo foo down.
[02:20:28] Advances siding with Navi again.
[02:20:31] And wonderful nose. There's a possibility of a second player being aggressive at top middle.
[02:20:35] So wonderful's looking forward. Now he knows.
[02:20:37] Now he sees it, but the bullet, it just goes into a different dimension.
[02:20:41] It just went to his pockets, straight through the clothing.
[02:20:45] Yeah, but he's locked in now. He's trapped.
[02:20:49] Ima, just gonna take his time.
[02:20:53] Gonna play with his food. In the meantime, no, kill back from Zacker that's big going down,
[02:20:57] and he's gonna get this opportunity, and he will sink the kill just about.
[02:21:01] Hiding over towards a zacker going down and it feels like LimbVision are starting to crumble right at the end here
[02:21:07] West Mellon
[02:21:09] Hiding an elevator and has no money left. So they're gonna try and save but the problem is there is not really a safe pathway
[02:21:16] Unless they get to be quickly and there is still someone over here JL is in the tunnels
[02:21:20] He can make this a very difficult for them to actually get away with these weapons and now it's only just a FAMAS in mid
[02:21:25] Oh, dude if they break if they if they lose everything with and even with one rifle doesn't feel like it's gonna be too much
[02:21:34] Yeah, this feels like Navi you're gonna grab control of the game right at the end
[02:21:37] And this is gonna be a heartbreaking finish to dust to a film vision the money's so right they have to eco
[02:21:43] But it will handle from Navi though some good protocols wonderful. You despite the flash
[02:21:48] I thought it was blinded somehow matters the line get the kill
[02:21:54] Okay
[02:21:56] Medical advice from blood is injurious your health who would open and kill from zackers
[02:22:01] They want to try and force this game into overtime and it's a good start zacker knocking out bit dink on the JL as well
[02:22:08] So naffi this is a very poor start to the rounds
[02:22:11] It's it's gonna be difficult to close it right now for naffi. Let's speed it up
[02:22:15] It's gonna go for the mid to be right now. They're just two defenders of West Mellon's being aggressive
[02:22:19] Look at zackered West Mellon up front
[02:22:21] West Mellon close by, he's got Sackler coming in and this is overtime written all over it.
[02:22:27] Navi are losing health, losing players and losing chances to close this in regulation.
[02:22:33] His opening map absolutely looking destined for OT, destined for the bonus rounds.
[02:22:39] Emma, patient. Sackler walking through the smoke, instant trade from Amelia.
[02:22:43] And now it's just J.A. a wonderful left on low health. J.A. health field has shot.
[02:22:47] Now they know Emilia is close on these doors.
[02:22:50] Navi keeping it in a 2v2, but a kill back.
[02:22:53] Wonderful falls, just JL left alone, and a spam down through the doors.
[02:22:57] JL gets it into a 1v1 fight, and then AWP nearly closes it.
[02:23:02] But LinVision dragged this battle to overtime versus Navi.
[02:23:08] One of the lowest rated teams we've got in the event going against one of the best squads on the planet.
[02:23:13] And they've got them in overtime here on Dust2.
[02:23:16] came down to just a one-time. I thought J.L.A. was probably going to hit it.
[02:23:19] It was so low as well.
[02:23:22] And LimbVision, yeah, they're not quite done yet.
[02:23:25] A lot of kill by J.L.A. as well. Low on HP, finds two, but unfortunately not able to.
[02:23:31] Yeah, 2-0-T. I thought you'd give him a little golf clap there for it.
[02:23:35] Yeah, love it, boys.
[02:23:36] Here we go. No time being wasted. Fastplay coming out towards Long.
[02:23:39] And wonderful. We'll find West Mother to Fufu.
[02:23:41] He has to back away here.
[02:23:42] Yeah, it looks like Navi want to try and put their boot to the throat to live vision plays.
[02:23:46] Alright, getting aggressive, getting in their faces, and getting that opening out long.
[02:23:52] Wonderful sustain damage, goes down to 11 health.
[02:23:55] Smoke blown open, kill for Zacker.
[02:23:58] Dude, what a game he's having.
[02:24:00] 24 kills, 15 deaths. This might be a highlight performance for Zacker's career.
[02:24:04] A Vufu getting aggressive.
[02:24:06] Wonderful going down. That's the Lewish P-Player they picked up early, finished off.
[02:24:10] There's a good flying. He's pushing to its tunnels.
[02:24:12] Yeah, he's gonna have a bit of a jewel if he continues to go down lower, but the timing...
[02:24:15] Oh, it works out for Navi to get past C4. The bomb.
[02:24:19] The bomb is left, centered from the pack, flying with a fight against J.L.
[02:24:23] And he hits the headshot. He absolutely nails it.
[02:24:25] The idea of the...
[02:24:26] Bit coming close, headshot collected.
[02:24:29] 1v3 total for Bit.
[02:24:31] He recollects that bomb, and Bit has a lot of time, boy.
[02:24:34] He has a lot of time to work with.
[02:24:36] Yep.
[02:24:37] And the CTs are somewhat split up. You've got Amelia playing outside of those mid doors and Zachary down at CT spawn.
[02:24:43] Because I can say, though, I thought he was gonna potentially take the deal by himself there. So is the climb up behind.
[02:24:48] Yeah.
[02:24:48] The flank is coming in from Amelia. He's gonna start walking up short and behind BIT, which means there's a timer on this plane.
[02:24:53] If BIT, oh, he's gonna plant exposed. Exposed to short, he comes in. BIT!
[02:24:58] Oh, he's down.
[02:24:59] That guy got a little bit of a wave from Amelia.
[02:25:01] There's a bit scary there, Dingo.
[02:25:02] But he actually got in the accident.
[02:25:04] Oh, people don't want to win like that. It's against BIT.
[02:25:06] It's really about to nail that. She'll always be using a snap that one right back
[02:25:10] They've been back towards be wonderful with the spawn and the AWP
[02:25:15] Lying should be cognizant of this. He should not be really going in for
[02:25:21] Swing but a fast hit towards B
[02:25:26] Trades are good for Navi and this could be it. Emma is very low on health dinko, but
[02:25:32] That 3v4 retake on the B bomb side and does too
[02:25:37] Doesn't seem too likely does it? They do have money
[02:25:40] And it is going to be the final round.
[02:25:41] It's OT, baby, so they're going to go for it, but it doesn't seem favorable, at least.
[02:25:45] Navi getting himself sunk deep into the site, that grenade that draws those numbers back
[02:25:50] to all 83.
[02:25:51] Molly forcing wonderful in the open, but no one peeking with it.
[02:25:54] No one really capitalizing on that opportunity.
[02:25:57] That flash gets blinded.
[02:25:58] That flash is so perfect from Zachar yet again.
[02:26:01] Bit left alone.
[02:26:02] 1v3 that he can't win.
[02:26:04] And LuneVision forced themselves up to 14 rounds on the board.
[02:26:09] This is looking so good for this Chinese squad.
[02:26:12] It's like every single thing went right at that, with a U-Till, where they dumped it.
[02:26:19] And now they're going to be killing themselves, they kill.
[02:26:20] That looked like a round.
[02:26:21] That was done, it was sealed.
[02:26:26] Alright.
[02:26:28] Aggression for Emilia with a secondary AWP, and West Melody needs to get the kills.
[02:26:33] Not a fine one, but a trade should be good.
[02:26:34] So again, player advantage for Na'Vi early on.
[02:26:39] A bomb site. A little bit of utility being dumped in, but not committing yet. They don't
[02:26:44] need to. It's 4v3, you can just pump the brakes, slow things down a bit. And for vision, they're
[02:26:50] just committed to this aggressive stance with mid and short, whereas we have a foofoo.
[02:26:55] There's made footsteps, they know where it is. And this should be around.
[02:27:03] No, it will be. It will be. It's around for Navi, especially with the LXB coming
[02:27:07] short here he's got the fine move he's got the finisher and that's gonna work
[02:27:11] out for likes it be on the first couldn't quite get the second but at least the
[02:27:15] foo foo spotted three players up still for Navi bomb now just crossing into the
[02:27:20] bomb site that foo foo not in a position to make that uncomfortable and
[02:27:23] they've already got one outside of those doors bit was confident to stand and
[02:27:26] fight and the double upset of it this is aggressive from bit super advanced
[02:27:32] angle of flying comes for a peak if he even thinks about this against bit
[02:27:35] He's going to go down so that's a great move to pull out this late in the game at this point of overtime to gain you an advantage
[02:27:41] You put bit in the tunnels of the AWP and he catches flying with no trade potential for limb vision
[02:27:51] Flash at the ready here for West Mellon
[02:27:53] Just waiting to use a dump early on. He's got a cotton ready to go
[02:28:01] Wonderful force off the angle flash super effective
[02:28:04] 50 seconds left in the round
[02:28:07] I'm gonna peel back
[02:28:09] And for Navi, you know, it's 5v4, no need to over-aggress. Wonderful catching Amelia as well.
[02:28:15] And yeah, this looks like it's gonna be super uncomfortable here.
[02:28:18] Tied up game at this point, 3v5.
[02:28:20] There is a window.
[02:28:23] Mid to B. But mid with AWP.
[02:28:26] Holding the line from window.
[02:28:28] They got a clear amount. Zachern is the kill and he can't do it.
[02:28:31] Bit is wielding this double-up setup to absolute perfection.
[02:28:34] And now the creep out through that B round smoke as soon as Emma gets confirmation they're both looking at them. Well, okay
[02:28:40] That's it that that works, too
[02:28:42] I guess a little gap to play with over the top of that smoke and all ports for wonderful second kill from Emma
[02:28:48] Truly this sort of mental shatter as well as just the fact that the series gets more difficult as you go into Navi's map pick
[02:28:55] Oh map 2 of ancient so bit cracking things open
[02:28:59] That's a foo foo going down early swinging into top middle. I'm not sure what I was thinking there
[02:29:03] Little rough loses his life and now Bit going back for a second fight. Oh couldn't flick down great shot from West Mellon
[02:29:10] pops the head of Bit
[02:29:13] And gives this round a back
[02:29:15] Well, it's a chance to get full in vision. They might think it's only one defender to be bombsite though
[02:29:20] Yes, but you because bit is often been there right so if you may think there's a bit of a weakness here
[02:29:25] You can exploit the West Mellon getting peppered down through the smoke and finished off by JL
[02:29:29] Here comes that final thrust into the B bomb site. Emma's never going to be checked.
[02:29:33] It's a sick setup for Navi. Very effective close. They're at map point and for LynVision,
[02:29:39] they've got to do it again. They have to fight back again to force another overtime.
[02:29:43] Yeah, you're right. I mean, there's always a chance for LynVision to just get this one
[02:29:49] extra round and we go again. That is a terrible start. LynVision's suffering losses. It's a
[02:29:55] like CP with two going down at long, Amelia and West Melon both gone and it's
[02:30:01] gonna be a sad day. It's gonna be a sad day. For whom? I don't know what you're talking about.
[02:30:04] Maybe for Limvision. Nice peek from Pickrather from Zacker, finding Bid.
[02:30:09] They got a chance still in the fight with that kill. It's still a 3v4.
[02:30:13] The lightest reply from Octavia. He needed lobbing the smoke, ensuring
[02:30:16] the Bid to be played as it happened. So, boosting up, getting information that
[02:30:20] they're not playing with it, that they're not getting too aggressive off
[02:30:22] the back of it. Limvision players committing in short. They're the last three that can
[02:30:28] do this. If overtime two is going to be established, if it's going to be achieved, it must be
[02:30:34] a Fufu, Zakhar, and Flying. Two of which... Oh no! A Fufu! The Molotov just lands on
[02:30:42] his head and he goes into the fight. Wonderful! Picks him off. Zakhar and Flying left.
[02:30:48] And it's been a wonderful effort from LinVision for the heartbreaking close here on Dust2.
[02:30:54] Na'Vi take them down 16-14, but you've got to say, that was one hell of an effort.
[02:31:00] That's a hell of an empty if I've ever seen one.
[02:31:02] I'm lucky there, Molly, it was basic.
[02:31:05] LinVision versus Na'Vi.
[02:31:07] T-Side start for Na'Vi, and CT side beginnings here for LinVision.
[02:31:12] What a utility here for Emilia and Zachar.
[02:31:15] He's helped me he's got flying beside him and don't have negative look to fight into the elbow early nice clean shot from flying to kick off
[02:31:21] The pistol affair. They'll be flashed into the elbow peeking. Oh my god. Okay flying you even mean that one
[02:31:27] All right, but that's that's a bit unlucky, isn't it?
[02:31:30] What do you do that?
[02:31:32] Literally don't even mean to hit that shot. Okay, flying's a pistol God
[02:31:35] That that just wrap it up worship the God of the pistol. So it looks like you do something here
[02:31:39] Well, let's see he fancies himself a bit of a demigod. He's gonna come around the back side and then already
[02:31:44] Oh God definitely not near that level of flying and that's a pretty clean pistol for the side of limb vision
[02:31:50] They only lose one player in middle, but flying just bursting heads
[02:31:54] All right here we go
[02:31:55] Yeah
[02:31:55] I mean that I think on dust 2 with the key to limb visions competitive nature in the first half was getting a good start
[02:32:00] We're in the pistol being able to convert it and also just like these up this mid-round
[02:32:05] Proactive place right not just being static and that's something that really and zacker man. He was influential. He was so good
[02:32:11] But he's got his op out incredibly early, but he's dead instantly.
[02:32:15] A flash.
[02:32:16] He couldn't get away either.
[02:32:18] And now Fufu must step up in his stead, and Fufu goes down to the hands of Ima.
[02:32:22] Round's done.
[02:32:25] Ima.
[02:32:26] He is in bomb plant going down, bit locking it in on A. And the round is absolutely finito.
[02:32:34] I saw a new...
[02:32:37] Sorry, I'm watching a new anime recently.
[02:32:41] What's the anime you're watching, blood?
[02:32:42] Wait hold up give me a sec. It's called.
[02:32:46] Oh it's called hold up I'm gonna read this out.
[02:32:49] Emilio, dead to JL and started the red room and the round is absolutely dead now
[02:32:53] so at least you're gonna save two weapons you couldn't save the third
[02:32:56] and Navi going on to the board with their first gun round.
[02:32:59] They will have a buy though. Yeah they'll have money on a majority.
[02:33:03] Well I don't even say majority actually.
[02:33:05] Three rifles. I think we could buy for himself so I can drop a weapon for Zachar.
[02:33:11] Uh, will be one MP9 da- I- I would actually like to see them and it's also like...
[02:33:17] Lost one was pretty rough. Yeah, it was happy with that.
[02:33:19] Some random one's around.
[02:33:20] Alright, so, name of the anime, it's called Life with an Ordinary Guy who re-incarnated into a Total Fantasy knockout.
[02:33:27] He's a man of taste.
[02:33:28] Yeah, he likes to get animated, that's for sure.
[02:33:30] Yep, very much indeed.
[02:33:31] Big ol' talk to Rush Lee. Uh, he's over in Malta.
[02:33:35] I miss Rush.
[02:33:36] Motion the buttons following the action.
[02:33:37] Yeah, I miss Rush, dude. Like Chad willies him all the time, but I love it.
[02:33:40] That doesn't necessarily, but it's rough love.
[02:33:44] Oh, it likes to be a good opener.
[02:33:46] Mili up following up with a second and it's back in fourth.
[02:33:48] Tick for tat in mid.
[02:33:49] Zacker applying pressure, another kill on Ima.
[02:33:52] And a 3v3 established off the back of this,
[02:33:54] and this is the buy we were talking about for LimbVision.
[02:33:56] It had a few weaknesses.
[02:33:57] They had to go to SMGs.
[02:33:58] But this would be such a risky play,
[02:34:01] and the flash catches Zacker.
[02:34:03] It doesn't affect bit in any way, shape, or form.
[02:34:07] And yeah, I like the idea to an extent
[02:34:09] of trying to take a risk through elbow, but Navi are so good, they consider it, and wonderful
[02:34:15] missing a shot out towards CT.
[02:34:16] We'll see if that comes back to bite Navi in this round.
[02:34:18] The answer to that is no, because wonderful gets it on the second time of asking.
[02:34:22] And now Westmillan cleared out by wonderful.
[02:34:26] Finds both of them, makes up for it, there you go.
[02:34:29] He's come back though, has a lot of comebacks too, but you know, a lot of people returning.
[02:34:33] Yeah, I love my comebacks.
[02:34:35] Yeah, especially you.
[02:34:36] Especially me.
[02:34:37] Here we go.
[02:34:38] Fufu, into the fight, down to Emma, and this is what Emma's just so good at, man, when he gets out of Elbow, he gets in these fights.
[02:34:45] And wonderful, just rapidly training, look at Westmellon.
[02:34:48] It's absolute chaos inside of Middolin. Sackers chimed in with the AWP.
[02:34:52] Pandemonium.
[02:34:53] There's a win of a JL here.
[02:34:55] Two bots out of cave.
[02:34:56] A lot of dicks on JL's gun.
[02:35:01] Look at him swing it as he goes into the fight, sees one out towards cave.
[02:35:04] It's flying that goes down nice and early.
[02:35:06] He'll cross off cave with a smoke Westmellon hopping out in jail.
[02:35:11] He loves to get into these smokes, he loves to be a real nuisance and this play is cool.
[02:35:15] He's in the cave.
[02:35:16] They should know now.
[02:35:20] That's information gain, he knows where both the players are.
[02:35:22] Jail's played this perfectly.
[02:35:23] They can send Bit off to A, he can send Bit to plant for CT spawn.
[02:35:27] So, let's see how this goes.
[02:35:29] Rotation for Limvision.
[02:35:31] One down B ramp all the way down ramp.
[02:35:33] That's Westmellon.
[02:35:34] Smoke's too deep though.
[02:35:35] Zach is ahead of it.
[02:35:36] of it. Oh this could end up a little unfortunate for bit. Yeah but how long is that going to
[02:35:42] take? It's playing for JL, right? So he's in a strong post play, he doesn't really necessarily
[02:35:46] need to fight. It's a fight at play. Oh my god, okay. JL got that kill locked in, headshot
[02:35:53] round done. That's it. He's won the round. West Mellon can't do anything about this.
[02:35:57] Time's too far gone. He's not in a position to win it. And JL wins the round over on
[02:36:01] B and closes it. He won that he played that one magnificently for dig stinker. That's all you need it
[02:36:08] Yeah, that AK he's got it got the jump gun in the end
[02:36:12] But fly quiz eternal fire that game is still ongoing and
[02:36:16] That's over me a stream. We've also got face down go a little bit later on a heroic and IP
[02:36:20] The next game is coming up. So an action packed first day of counter strike here at ESL pro league season 20
[02:36:27] You guys can keep track of it all.
[02:36:30] Emilia to remove wonderful who's not going to be too happy about the start of this round
[02:36:34] and JL just, what, dude, uh, what's hap- what is happening?
[02:36:38] It's alright, Emilia.
[02:36:40] JL just threw his gun and couldn't get it back.
[02:36:44] He's all good now.
[02:36:45] He's got the AWP.
[02:36:46] He likes to be with a headshot.
[02:36:47] It's going to be west smelling coming down JL actually using the AWP to devastating
[02:36:50] effect on Emilia.
[02:36:51] I'm not sure why they're going for that.
[02:36:53] And that's a CT smoke thrown out by the way.
[02:36:55] the 5v3 as well, the smoke was terrible at mid.
[02:36:57] Yep, they threw their own smoke down there and it was used against them.
[02:37:00] And now a lexie B inside of red, flying, coming to have a little bit of a look.
[02:37:05] They've lost every piece of backdoor.
[02:37:08] Oh, but okay, Zaka finding JL.
[02:37:14] Headshot ready to go, locked in.
[02:37:16] You know, it's going to be Zaka crumbling and rotation coming back through red.
[02:37:19] They're going to try and clear out a lexie B but they can't stop him.
[02:37:22] And a lexie B gets back to red and that puts a Fufu in a real uncomfortable spot.
[02:37:27] He's gonna go and fight Alexi. Oh, we actually hit the headshot, blah
[02:37:29] Takes half damage and now he's up against bit and bits going aggressive
[02:37:33] He's gonna fight him
[02:37:34] He's gonna come into the fight but a tiny on the flash bit started rattling bullets off just before that flash affected him
[02:37:40] That could have been a massive one V2 for a foo foo. Yeah, it's not looking good. Thank you. Yeah, we really we've got all kinds of
[02:37:47] Italy, that's not Italy. Why are there any Italian pro players? We found the only Italian that watches counter strike
[02:37:54] Incredible or plays kind of strike
[02:37:57] I've never met an Italian who plays on those counter-strike in my life.
[02:38:00] Someone once met you, Glef.
[02:38:02] You've met me once?
[02:38:03] Yeah.
[02:38:04] I once met Glef in a matchmaking.
[02:38:05] He-he-he fled.
[02:38:07] Well, here we go.
[02:38:07] Glef runs back, action returns, and a foo-foo.
[02:38:10] Only game one, but does a lot of deal damage on Alexi B.
[02:38:13] Drops him down to 11 health.
[02:38:14] Zacker.
[02:38:16] West Melon, look at that.
[02:38:18] Alexi B not quite ready for the West Melon sneaky player on the back side,
[02:38:21] and now bit and wonderful left into two versus three.
[02:38:25] Nice shot.
[02:38:25] that locks in the kill on zacker
[02:38:27] it will rest my limits
[02:38:31] he's in the donut
[02:38:33] wonderful creep it around the back west milling cannot deal with it
[02:38:36] it puts it all on flying and he's one of the sharpest players that lead vision of
[02:38:39] god
[02:38:40] and he couldn't get the second on wonderful despite
[02:38:42] running it close
[02:38:44] we got blood here he's from the uh... indian nation
[02:38:47] indian nation yeah
[02:38:48] how about india
[02:38:50] meanwhile fast
[02:38:52] beach with
[02:38:53] the hit with speed it might be a bit of a switch of coming in here from
[02:38:55] navi
[02:38:56] 82 that started so real caution to the wins free kill for bid rounds done packet of going back to countries and nationalities
[02:39:04] Dinka
[02:39:06] Another another quick victory for Navi. It's a it's one two punches just great entries to breaking linvisia's defense almost instantly and
[02:39:15] It's a tough tough game here for them vision not quite the same shades of dust to unfortunately and I think that's expected
[02:39:22] We said if there's any shot at staying competitive in this series, they had to win the first map.
[02:39:27] Honestly, if it went to Inferno, I could potentially see a bit of a fight being put about by L'Invision as well,
[02:39:31] but Inge unfortunately isn't exactly a, isn't a great, uh, not good.
[02:39:39] Alright, what's happening in chat now?
[02:39:43] Someone just sent Microsoft tech support.
[02:39:48] Hell yeah.
[02:39:49] How does that make you feel, Bla?
[02:39:51] Actually worked in a couple of companies once.
[02:39:54] Nice.
[02:39:55] Experience manuals, Bla.
[02:39:56] Yeah dude, like who do you think takes all this shit that goes down in production?
[02:39:59] You should call Yanko.
[02:40:00] No, he's got Yanko once upon a time, and then he got too big for it, he had to put his own shoes, you know?
[02:40:04] Yeah, that's cool, the Yanko origin story is pretty cool.
[02:40:08] The Yanko origin story?
[02:40:10] Yeah, from a little observer, to an analyst, and coach.
[02:40:14] Pretty coach!
[02:40:16] Coach!
[02:40:18] You ever think about some day, Blaire, that you want to coach Tyloo?
[02:40:21] Absolutely not.
[02:40:24] Why?
[02:40:24] You know how much hill also have right now. I don't lose whatever I've remained a beautiful hairblur. I'm gonna lose all of it
[02:40:31] Coaching a Chinese team would be the end of me and I survived a lot of things my life. Yeah, that's good
[02:40:37] Good push from West Mellon down the ramp. It's gonna work out wonderful coming down likes to be able to trade it and I
[02:40:42] Like the idea from Amelia. I love the idea from Amelia and it's worked out so well
[02:40:47] Double kill it likes to be jail could handle it in what had to trade
[02:40:50] So all they had to do then kill will just push and push all the smokes
[02:40:53] by themselves all alone and hope and pray you catch the timing this guy should
[02:40:58] work out everyone's here in B third level in vision a last bit little back and
[02:41:07] forth Emma now alone they're both on the ramp Emma not spotted and now they
[02:41:14] consider this if they smoke off the ramp Emma confirming how close he is with
[02:41:18] the utility being used up blinds himself and without the bomb life gets a
[02:41:22] little tough here for him up but he does have a smoke so you can go down it
[02:41:25] into the smokes he's taking damage oh my god him is able to get it finally picks up
[02:41:30] that bomb and he's actually made it away oh my god oh no okay that's one way to
[02:41:37] close the first half nine to three score line Naughty to lead the way and
[02:41:41] they are on track to two zero limb vision on ancient and it looks like it
[02:41:48] is about to be closed out if Naughty can want to pissed around it just
[02:41:50] It feels like there's too far to go for Limvision to get back in.
[02:41:53] And what's worrying is that despite the fact that we won the final round of that first half, right,
[02:41:56] it just felt like a desperation place coming up in the individual, so...
[02:42:00] Okay, Alexey! You wanted to frag out, didn't go any. He is fragging out indeed.
[02:42:05] He loves to frag Mr. Alexey.
[02:42:07] But also, two headshots, straight away, and...
[02:42:10] Well, if you had any questions about the pistol that are now answered, it's 10-3.
[02:42:14] Not even close to doing anything in that round, Limvision.
[02:42:18] Uh, the facet miner, memory shows to be right.
[02:42:20] Yup, it was that in London.
[02:42:22] 2018, what a legend.
[02:42:23] All that time ago, in L'Invision!
[02:42:25] This is it! The last hurrah!
[02:42:27] They're gonna be sprinting towards the APOLM, so wonderful, and you're gonna try and deal with it.
[02:42:31] And he hasn't been able to find himself in a comfortable spot whatsoever, so this APOLM has worked-
[02:42:35] OHHHHHH!
[02:42:36] K, a Fufu!
[02:42:37] Alright!
[02:42:38] That is what we like to see!
[02:42:39] A Fufu with a double headshot, J.L. and Pit, both falling down, and we've got a 3 versus 4.
[02:42:45] No one's seen anyone yet so far, this round.
[02:42:47] Every kill has been through the smokes and the flashes.
[02:42:50] Oh, Lexi was very scary dick. I think it's our three players
[02:42:56] Here comes a retake a
[02:43:00] Lot of damage done on towards Amelia for health left grenade is going to search him and it's knocked him out
[02:43:06] Okay, all crew flight wonderful loses it imma trading back in donut now. I'm it's all alone
[02:43:10] I've got his chance. He couldn't quite sink the opportunity though and flying off the tall box will keep it going for Lynn vision
[02:43:17] Aliolio, that's what I like from Italian food, ITALIAN FOOD.
[02:43:23] Oh yeah?
[02:43:24] Spaghetti Aliolio, they had a little bit of, you know, olive oil, a little bit of chileese
[02:43:27] right there.
[02:43:28] Yeah, there's a cold...yeah.
[02:43:30] I like to add some shrimp in there, it's usually good.
[02:43:33] Yeah, shrimp's great, yeah.
[02:43:35] Cool.
[02:43:36] Here comes a little bit of a shrinking defense as JL has gone first, full-up kill from
[02:43:40] Ima.
[02:43:41] We're on the little back and forth, they gave us tennis, my wheels, and now a
[02:43:44] CB around the bottom of the ramp, he's only got one, and Zacker turns on a sort of swivel.
[02:43:50] And Emma waiting, he's got a difficult fight because that fire is not allowing him to move forward.
[02:43:55] So Zacker comes to him instead, it puts it all on flying,
[02:43:58] and Navi about to go into the territory of 12-4, which will be serious point for Nautis Vincere.
[02:44:05] The bomb as well has to be retrieved.
[02:44:07] It smokes on a bite.
[02:44:09] Quite a bit of time for Emma.
[02:44:12] I can see a bit as well, rotating all the way from key spawn holding, smashing a doubly button.
[02:44:16] Sinsome OT in the chat, do they believe in it?
[02:44:19] Probably not.
[02:44:21] Uh, yeah, I'm not, I'm not saying an OT here, Dinko.
[02:44:24] Okay, is this going to be a little vision winning in regulation?
[02:44:26] Because it's still on 12 rounds for Navi.
[02:44:28] Sure, buddy.
[02:44:29] And we've got flying up in this 1v2.
[02:44:31] I know exactly where he is, he gets that fight versus Ima, but it's 12 to 4 now for Navi.
[02:44:36] Bit is having a great series, he's 17 kills, 5 deaths at the moment.
[02:44:39] I think at 21 kills, I'm at 1 as well.
[02:44:41] Yeah, so he's just in general very good at counter-strike. Who would have guessed it? Yeah, he's good at counter-striking
[02:44:47] Are you good at counter-striking? I'm okay at counter-striking
[02:44:50] But I can't name it like these guys do you know you definitely it is it is really funny how you did their few people
[02:44:56] I don't know on Twitter and Reddit or whatever. Yeah, you know what?
[02:44:59] He just put me in a team. I could play them. I have played a few pros. We have faced up with some few pros
[02:45:03] I'm not even talking about tier one pros get absolutely an island tier two, but the support player
[02:45:07] We're absolutely crap on you fast play coming out to its mid, Dinko it's another two for BIT
[02:45:12] It's a force by his wealth and it's over. I mean it's a final round. There's a hope
[02:45:15] It's all over the dream's dead
[02:45:17] Well the real competition now is to see if BIT can get 20 kills before this game ends there's two available left on the table
[02:45:23] Will he get his 20th frag?
[02:45:26] Here comes flying straight in towards Jack, likes you B not going to win that fight
[02:45:30] He's low HP. He's not gonna get it's too far away Dinko. So it's not allowed to happen
[02:45:34] JL, spotting out the bomb carrier at those double doors, he'll do his best to eliminate him,
[02:45:40] but he has to worry about the time he's getting pushed by a cave player, and JL actually has
[02:45:43] gone down, so now an opportunity back on for Biddy, it has to be Biddy, and if they want
[02:45:47] to close right now, he has to get this kill, I'm flying, and knock out his 20th kill,
[02:45:51] and that's exactly what Biddy will gather, Na'Vi will take down LinVision in a 2-0
[02:45:57] fashion, Dust2 was competitive, LinVision give us a show, both for Na'Vi on their
[02:46:02] their opening day of EPL is a victory.
[02:46:04] Jason Brogane.
[02:46:08] They, Jason, progame, experience.
[02:46:11] Time to strike my day.
[02:46:12] Jason Brogane podcast by night.
[02:46:14] All right, welcome into the studio.
[02:46:15] I'm actually, I'm so excited for this.
[02:46:16] I've wanted to have you on as a guest for forever.
[02:46:20] And finally, we're able to work it out
[02:46:22] between my people and your people.
[02:46:24] So welcome, welcome to the studio,
[02:46:26] Donald T. Ramp.
[02:46:28] Or is it Donald Tramp?
[02:46:30] Wrong.
[02:46:31] Okay, T. Ramp.
[02:46:32] It's double T ramp. Okay. Perfect. I guess I guess we can move right into the important things
[02:46:37] For instance, like do you I mean there's you've known and you've been talking about for a while this massive
[02:46:42] Flood of illegal keybinds working its way into Counter-Strike and like just no one's putting a stop to it
[02:46:48] Like what what exactly is your idea of what to do about this all these all these illegal keybinds?
[02:46:53] Just ruining our game and making things a little bit crazy
[02:46:57] Jason this is where they've went wrong
[02:46:58] The left they try to take my ear. Okay, but I have my ear to the streets
[02:47:02] That's my right ear and with that ear. I can tell you right now. No binds. They're staying around tremendous
[02:47:08] Especially if we can bypass the bipartisan parties
[02:47:12] So we're keeping we're keeping the keybinds if I get elected. Yes, we'll bring them right back
[02:47:16] We will bring them right back. Okay. I've gotten great reviews on everything in this moment
[02:47:21] Minus my hair. I've gotten great reviews on everything when it comes to to the big picture of no binds spinning cheating
[02:47:28] whatever. I noticed I noticed that means all the rich players are gonna are gonna
[02:47:32] love you they're gonna absolutely love you Donald. Yeah and that's kind of the
[02:47:35] plan. Okay well what about these all these you know articles are being written
[02:47:40] all the time about about the silvers about the illegal nolbans what I mean
[02:47:45] this seems like a huge problem how does one man even deal with it? Well that's
[02:47:49] the thing Jason it can't just be one man it's gotta be a team it's gotta be a
[02:47:52] big team a big effort and you've got to get that effort moving in the right
[02:47:56] way and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna come back into office and we're
[02:47:59] gonna make this stick out in a way that it should have stuck out all the time if
[02:48:03] we're up to me cheaters you're going back across the wall that's it that's the
[02:48:07] end of the story for the cheaters you're spinning you got hacks you're gone
[02:48:10] that's a three-strike system that's what we're implementing here today you did
[02:48:14] bring something in today is that a is that a gift for me yeah we got
[02:48:19] hundreds of millions of these made just in case I have to run again in like
[02:48:22] 10 more years. Sure. We're gonna make CS great again. You know,
[02:48:25] ZPL 20. Read the people and I brought this here for you,
[02:48:29] Jason. It's very important. Okay, it's very important. Here's
[02:48:32] what I'm gonna say about it. This is symbolic. Everybody in
[02:48:36] matchmaking wants this, this piece right here. But they're
[02:48:38] not gonna get this. You know why, Jason? Because you've got
[02:48:41] it. And now, when the left sees you with this hat, you're
[02:48:44] gonna be plastered bad too. And you'll see what I mean.
[02:48:48] Okay, well, once again, I just appreciate your time. I
[02:48:50] I appreciate everything you've offered up here and I wish you the best of luck moving forward with whatever you've got going on.
[02:48:56] We're gonna make Counter-Strike great again.
[02:48:59] Counter-Strike by D8, Jason Broglie podcast by N9.
[02:49:03] Yeah, look at that.
[02:49:05] Oh yeah, can you hear me that?
[02:49:07] Slap!
[02:49:08] Oh, I can hear you!
[02:49:10] Okay, I know 5-6 smoke, I know inner smoke, I also know the molly for back-pop inner and...
[02:49:16] I am ready.
[02:49:18] Hello, good morning by NAPAL
[02:49:20] Looking very good, very nice
[02:49:22] English nice
[02:49:24] English speaking
[02:49:26] Hello, good morning
[02:49:28] Hi, nice
[02:49:30] Let's find a knife
[02:49:32] I'm gonna stop the CT
[02:49:34] Double A
[02:49:36] Going on H2 blue train
[02:49:38] Go one, nice
[02:49:40] Yes, steps
[02:49:42] Go there, Nick, full standing there
[02:49:44] Double kill
[02:49:46] Girl, girl, you're dating it, so fucking bitch.
[02:49:50] Pop, we have to speak English right now.
[02:49:53] Pop, pop, pop!
[02:49:53] Do we have to speak English right now?
[02:49:56] Yeah, I think so, bro.
[02:49:58] Are you sure about that?
[02:50:00] Yeah, I think so.
[02:50:00] About that, sure, buddy.
[02:50:02] Yeah.
[02:50:02] Meow, meow, meow, meow.
[02:50:04] In here, but here's the first one.
[02:50:07] Go 300.
[02:50:07] I think so, three are we.
[02:50:09] Three are we, Emil?
[02:50:10] No, Emil is going mid, bro.
[02:50:11] Emil is going mid instead of you.
[02:50:12] Yeah, I don't know.
[02:50:13] One peeking green thing.
[02:50:15] I don't see pop.
[02:50:15] One down, Pop.
[02:50:17] Everyone is up.
[02:50:18] I think I can go down.
[02:50:20] I think I can go down.
[02:50:21] Roadside, bro.
[02:50:22] Yeah, Roadside.
[02:50:23] They're pushing in, by the way.
[02:50:25] Yeah, they're in.
[02:50:26] I'm backline.
[02:50:27] One's in.
[02:50:28] Backside.
[02:50:29] Two guys in front.
[02:50:30] Coming back.
[02:50:31] He's coming.
[02:50:32] Push, pack up.
[02:50:33] I'm back with you.
[02:50:34] I will go back now.
[02:50:35] English, English.
[02:50:36] Two sides.
[02:50:37] Talk English.
[02:50:38] Two sides.
[02:50:42] Maybe he's going all the way to the cheese corner.
[02:50:44] I heard him above, Pop.
[02:50:45] I'm under here, man, okay?
[02:50:46] Yeah.
[02:50:47] Come on, come on, come on!
[02:50:47] If you wait, I have faith sound or someone.
[02:50:49] I'm spam, I'm spam.
[02:50:50] You walk, you walk.
[02:50:53] I'm jumped through soon.
[02:50:56] Yeah, one side.
[02:50:57] Oh, nice shot, nice shot.
[02:50:58] I'll lock it, boys.
[02:50:59] I'll lock it, I'll lock it.
[02:51:00] Maybe next year.
[02:51:00] We're buying, we're buying for sure.
[02:51:02] I need scout, I need scout in here.
[02:51:03] I need scout as well.
[02:51:04] Okay.
[02:51:05] I'll go con and hold the scout.
[02:51:06] Throw, throw, bang, while run.
[02:51:08] I'll grenade it.
[02:51:09] Run, we use this one.
[02:51:10] Watch out, because he's calling an inner threat right now.
[02:51:13] Yeah.
[02:51:13] I have smoke banger.
[02:51:15] I'm blinded.
[02:51:16] Blinded.
[02:51:17] They smoke Sandwich.
[02:51:19] Yeah, I don't know.
[02:51:20] I think they are.
[02:51:21] Yeah, yeah.
[02:51:22] I actually out.
[02:51:25] Oh no, they are back up.
[02:51:26] Backlash.
[02:51:27] Thanks.
[02:51:28] One more, one more, one more.
[02:51:29] I'm really caught.
[02:51:30] I'm careful behind, okay?
[02:51:31] I smoke site.
[02:51:32] One behind.
[02:51:33] We have no way behind, boys.
[02:51:35] Two low.
[02:51:36] Two low, two low.
[02:51:38] One dead one.
[02:51:39] Up the dog.
[02:51:41] Up the dog.
[02:51:43] Oh, what?
[02:51:45] I hit an 82 with the shawly
[02:51:48] go to god, he went to IV
[02:51:50] uh, what are you doing with this?
[02:51:52] yes, you wanna side smoke?
[02:51:53] no no no, don't flash
[02:51:55] yes, you can do it
[02:51:56] go run out, go run out, pull this
[02:51:57] yeah, yeah, I will flash, I will flash, I will flash
[02:51:58] I'm alone
[02:51:59] flash
[02:51:59] I'm going with the main now, so
[02:52:01] practice flash, this is practice flash
[02:52:02] one out, one out
[02:52:03] flashing
[02:52:03] out, maybe guys
[02:52:04] one out, all of, all of
[02:52:05] no one IV, IV clear
[02:52:07] one two, all of, all of
[02:52:08] one holding, all of them
[02:52:10] top blue and out
[02:52:11] all of, all of
[02:52:13] flashing
[02:52:14] One sandwich, another heavenwind, one behind 6.
[02:52:17] One behind.
[02:52:18] My flash.
[02:52:19] Careful behind pop.
[02:52:20] One in hell.
[02:52:22] Hell, one in hell.
[02:52:24] I V1, I think.
[02:52:25] Yeah, I am fine.
[02:52:27] Have a speed, have a speed.
[02:52:29] Is that your smoke, JB?
[02:52:30] No.
[02:52:33] Alright, I'll end it.
[02:52:36] I'll play a couple of rounds.
[02:52:38] Nice, I like this, man.
[02:52:40] Wow.
[02:52:41] some pyros go outside and Maiden also kill one
[02:52:44] he's going for it
[02:52:45] hello
[02:52:46] one shot
[02:52:48] have a pick
[02:52:49] no backlash
[02:52:51] watch out green
[02:52:52] maybe carl
[02:52:53] yeah good for it
[02:52:55] and you... oh
[02:52:56] it's pretty damn cold right?
[02:52:58] yeah it's good
[02:52:59] unlucky unlucky
[02:53:00] let's try it
[02:53:01] let's try it
[02:53:02] damn bro i hit some pyros for 91
[02:53:06] guys where should i go?
[02:53:07] i just go main and hold top green ok?
[02:53:09] yeah yeah do it
[02:53:10] Who's supporting?
[02:53:11] Who's lashing?
[02:53:12] I'm lashing after this.
[02:53:13] I smoke my flash.
[02:53:14] I flash one early.
[02:53:15] I go towards pop then.
[02:53:16] Flash.
[02:53:17] I'll go lashing.
[02:53:18] I'm lashing.
[02:53:19] I'm blind.
[02:53:20] One Ivy.
[02:53:21] I used to be behind the fucking...
[02:53:23] You were not holding it at auto.
[02:53:25] I was.
[02:53:26] No you were not.
[02:53:28] I'm dead.
[02:53:29] One more in pop.
[02:53:31] Okay.
[02:53:32] In pop.
[02:53:33] Can you hide?
[02:53:34] One on main.
[02:53:35] Pop was main.
[02:53:36] Pop was main.
[02:53:38] YUP!
[02:53:39] 3 kills, don't you worry guys
[02:53:41] I got that
[02:53:42] Look Ivy, of course
[02:53:43] Ivy, Ivy
[02:53:44] He out, out
[02:53:46] I'm gonna go entry
[02:53:47] Out of the game
[02:53:47] Overpeaking, overpeaking
[02:53:49] No, no, no, one HP, one HP
[02:53:50] NICE!
[02:53:52] Wait, wait, wait, wait
[02:53:53] Last shot man
[02:53:54] Can I get the ult right now?
[02:53:55] Good shot man
[02:53:56] Wow man
[02:53:57] That's excellent
[02:53:58] I dropped, I dropped right now
[02:53:59] I'm rushing Heaven, I'm playing, I'm doing a play, I'm happy
[02:54:01] I'm sorry, I didn't
[02:54:03] I go up
[02:54:04] I go up, I go up
[02:54:04] I'm probably with this no, I'm sorry
[02:54:05] I forgot that was the, I was the
[02:54:06] One more time, I wanna do something, we'll take care of it!
[02:54:09] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
[02:54:12] I can hold flash for you, you want me to hold flash, Palle?
[02:54:15] Flash?
[02:54:16] Wait a bit, wait a bit. I'm flashing.
[02:54:18] One Ivy.
[02:54:19] I'm coming!
[02:54:19] Where's P? Where's P? Come and push me.
[02:54:21] Maybe all of them, maybe all of them.
[02:54:24] BOOM!
[02:54:25] Wait a bit, wait a bit, I'm gonna...
[02:54:26] I missed a bit!
[02:54:28] I missed a bit!
[02:54:29] Okay, Ivy.
[02:54:29] I'll do one.
[02:54:30] I'll be everyone.
[02:54:31] Wait, wait.
[02:54:32] Maybe all of them.
[02:54:33] One out P.
[02:54:34] Yeah.
[02:54:35] Hardly killed!
[02:54:39] Nice, last was in the...
[02:54:41] Last was hiding up in the bathrooms.
[02:54:44] No, no, he just killed you, Jacob.
[02:54:46] Yeah, I know, he was out in the bathrooms.
[02:54:50] Nice!
[02:54:53] I will smoke 5 and 6.
[02:54:54] Yeah, can you do a free flash as well?
[02:54:56] Can you throw it like I give you another one?
[02:54:58] Wait a bit, wait a bit.
[02:55:00] I didn't throw it.
[02:55:01] There we go.
[02:55:02] Flash.
[02:55:03] Lushing!
[02:55:04] Lashing!
[02:55:07] Don't see out.
[02:55:08] Two main, two main.
[02:55:09] Rest in peace.
[02:55:10] One main.
[02:55:11] One main.
[02:55:11] Bomb, bomb.
[02:55:12] Nego has the bomb.
[02:55:15] I think I was...
[02:55:15] Two out, man. I think all three.
[02:55:17] Yeah, they can't do anything if you wait.
[02:55:20] Will wait.
[02:55:21] Bomb with these bomb boys.
[02:55:22] Damn.
[02:55:22] Maybe one boost, maybe one boost.
[02:55:24] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:55:24] Maybe push the Ivy and have bomb.
[02:55:25] I think so, I think so.
[02:55:27] Let's pull.
[02:55:27] Careful Ivy.
[02:55:28] I'm throwing the flip.
[02:55:29] Yeah, push the Ivy.
[02:55:30] Push the Ivy.
[02:55:31] One more Ivy.
[02:55:31] I'm burning, man.
[02:55:32] Push the Ivy.
[02:55:33] He's pushing the main.
[02:55:34] He's pushing the C.
[02:55:36] And Ivy also pushed this one
[02:55:38] And Ivy, at the box
[02:55:40] I don't see him
[02:55:42] Oi!
[02:55:44] It's Snape, hey
[02:55:50] Unlucky, unlucky guys
[02:55:52] I try to play good round here
[02:55:54] Yeah, me too
[02:55:56] Let's win a round
[02:55:58] Let's win a round
[02:56:00] I'm blazing now
[02:56:02] I like, I'm blind as fuck, mate
[02:56:04] Just fuck man.
[02:56:05] Yeah, pretty good.
[02:56:06] You safe.
[02:56:07] They're in pop.
[02:56:08] Eh, Peter has pop, honey.
[02:56:10] Ah, fuck!
[02:56:11] It's what it's in!
[02:56:12] They have an AK in pop.
[02:56:13] Yeah.
[02:56:14] 1, 2B, 2B, no, it's B at all.
[02:56:15] He's in sand watch.
[02:56:16] It's BJB.
[02:56:17] Yeah.
[02:56:18] Huh?
[02:56:19] Okay, there were two above our list.
[02:56:20] I don't see anything.
[02:56:21] We can actually go through.
[02:56:22] We cannot go outside.
[02:56:23] We cannot go down here, mate.
[02:56:24] We can go outside.
[02:56:25] We can go inside.
[02:56:26] Oh, I do it!
[02:56:27] Go, go, go, go.
[02:56:28] City corn.
[02:56:29] Malik did come.
[02:56:30] Malik did come.
[02:56:31] Yeah, he was in corn one.
[02:56:32] We did go.
[02:56:33] Oh
[02:56:36] That's right boys you could save this one
[02:56:42] Oh
[02:56:46] Keep city
[02:56:49] Yes
[02:56:52] See this is my specialty. I walk out all of me come on meet up and we do
[02:56:58] I'm coming with you Peter you can they will made me
[02:57:01] me yeah it's pretty damn cold right now yeah I don't like being here I'm blind
[02:57:05] it's work I'm in I think in I think yeah inside one one guy at least I'm
[02:57:12] going inside to the puppy what are they doing I'm inside I don't know brother
[02:57:18] I'm here you showed me blessing me me way way watching now all right
[02:57:27] I'm pushing inside of this fucking shit man let's get out
[02:57:30] One top is still
[02:57:32] On backlands
[02:57:34] I'm out right?
[02:57:35] Behind behind behind I killed one...
[02:57:37] I don't know what's going on
[02:57:38] You killed the top guy?
[02:57:39] No no I killed the...
[02:57:41] I killed one teammate
[02:57:43] I'm behind teammate
[02:57:44] I go in now
[02:57:45] Planning? I'm planning A
[02:57:47] Peep peep
[02:57:48] Green train
[02:57:50] I don't remember...
[02:57:52] Call for this
[02:57:53] You guys you guys
[02:57:54] No no no cool
[02:57:55] Too close to me.
[02:57:58] One more.
[02:57:59] D4 on A.
[02:58:02] I'm telling you, I'm much of this.
[02:58:05] 3 hit plays, my boss.
[02:58:06] Jacob, you want flash Ivy and rush out?
[02:58:08] Nah, bro.
[02:58:09] I'll peek and green train.
[02:58:11] I have a nice peek here.
[02:58:13] I made him back in the days.
[02:58:15] They smoke team though.
[02:58:16] You in to break this.
[02:58:17] Emil, we need to break this.
[02:58:18] Let's go.
[02:58:19] I will let Emil break it.
[02:58:20] Flash Maliel.
[02:58:21] Flash Maliel.
[02:58:22] Flashing.
[02:58:23] I have D4.
[02:58:24] Oh, wait, wait, wait.
[02:58:25] Oh, one more, one more.
[02:58:27] What?
[02:58:31] And so what the dream wait wait?
[02:58:35] One out low low back. I'm sorry
[02:58:41] Okay
[02:58:46] He playing
[02:58:48] They're hiding, see?
[02:58:50] I see, they go.
[02:58:55] Very well, drop nade.
[02:58:57] Right now, bro.
[02:58:59] You're playing good, right, nade?
[02:59:01] Drop one, KB?
[02:59:03] Okay, let's go to heaven, Jack.
[02:59:05] Use, use, use.
[02:59:07] I strafe, bro.
[02:59:09] I can, I can strafe, bro.
[02:59:11] You gave me nade, so you can strafe, right?
[02:59:13] Bro, bro, bro.
[02:59:15] Just look.
[02:59:17] I mean, I mean, let's look.
[02:59:19] I got him. Oh, a freak high speed.
[02:59:21] What the fuck, man?
[02:59:23] We're rushing Heaven out.
[02:59:24] Ah!
[02:59:24] Can you go back, can you go back, can you go back, can you go back?
[02:59:27] Ah, walling out.
[02:59:28] Alright, Niel.
[02:59:29] Job's done, job's done.
[02:59:30] Yeah, yeah, yeah, in it.
[02:59:32] I'm not out Heaven.
[02:59:33] Lago's holding it right now.
[02:59:35] Push, push.
[02:59:36] No, no, no.
[02:59:37] One backside tonight.
[02:59:38] I'm Molly, behind the wall.
[02:59:39] Bought one.
[02:59:40] Come on, Bisteau.
[02:59:41] Go, go, go.
[02:59:42] We're Molly, Tzikon.
[02:59:44] This guy, bro, we can't keep...
[02:59:46] He's so good at this game.
[02:59:47] He's fooling us, Brody.
[02:59:49] Down door, we want to get out of this game.
[02:59:52] POP! POP! I'm lagging!
[02:59:54] Careful! Careful!
[02:59:55] You got out, you can plant safe!
[02:59:56] You can plant safe!
[02:59:57] POP! KITT!
[02:59:58] Cannot plant.
[02:59:58] He's down!
[03:00:00] There's double PIT!
[03:00:01] I'm picking Q and Q.
[03:00:02] Wait, he's around the...
[03:00:03] ELEC!
[03:00:04] ELEC!
[03:00:04] ELEC!
[03:00:05] ELEC!
[03:00:05] POP! Still.
[03:00:06] I'm coming on the left wing left.
[03:00:07] One, two, go!
[03:00:08] Wayne, are you holding this angle right now?
[03:00:10] Yeah, angle holder.
[03:00:14] Plant!
[03:00:16] Plant behind maybe.
[03:00:18] I'm taking timing is okay when you make pressure on me
[03:00:25] We can't lurk if we don't play space make space
[03:00:29] Yeah we take space
[03:00:31] I'm playing heaven don't tell you about the boss
[03:00:33] Just look at this out of love maybe
[03:00:35] It's madden he's out
[03:00:37] Pushing me bro you're trolling me
[03:00:39] Stop 5-6
[03:00:41] He's half HP mil
[03:00:43] Yeah yeah
[03:00:45] Maybe he's lurking high
[03:00:47] Maybe not, I will.
[03:00:48] Yeah, I killed one sandwich, I killed one sandwich.
[03:00:51] I have bomb on Laka mark, could be, could be.
[03:00:53] I will last, I will last, I will last.
[03:00:55] I have triple A mode.
[03:00:57] Left, left, left.
[03:00:58] Where is he?
[03:01:00] Nice, right there.
[03:01:01] Webhunt, webhunt, webhunt.
[03:01:02] Can you do 5-6 C like first do some a lot of pressure,
[03:01:05] fresh estimate on stuff.
[03:01:06] You can do 5-6 then I do, uh, 6.
[03:01:08] I'm fine.
[03:01:09] Anything else you want me to buy?
[03:01:11] C, T, coffee.
[03:01:13] I will go back for check.
[03:01:15] I'll be high, you always forget the name.
[03:01:17] I'm dropping downpour, you can come with me if you want.
[03:01:19] I like that play right near.
[03:01:22] Pop one, pop one.
[03:01:25] Low pot.
[03:01:26] E-Leg one.
[03:01:28] I'm walking I.B.
[03:01:29] I don't see behind six, I don't see behind six.
[03:01:33] They're having a winner.
[03:01:34] Heaven, Heaven! One and maybe one more E-Leg.
[03:01:38] Where's Snappy going?
[03:01:40] Oi, Snappy you're coming!
[03:01:44] Coming!
[03:01:45] One is close, pink.
[03:01:46] Snape, hey!
[03:01:47] One close, B.
[03:01:48] Yeah, nice try some players.
[03:01:50] Nice try, bro!
[03:01:51] Can you talk, blue?
[03:01:52] Oh, you were that blue.
[03:01:53] Good information, Gareth.
[03:01:54] One above me, I pink, so...
[03:01:56] Up, up, up, up, up, up, up.
[03:01:58] Guiding train.
[03:02:00] Oh, he's out.
[03:02:01] Woo!
[03:02:02] That team, that team.
[03:02:03] Up, up, up, up, up.
[03:02:06] Nice, man!
[03:02:07] Hold on, hold on, hold on!
[03:02:09] He's in poly.
[03:02:11] Oh, you suck.
[03:02:13] Ah!
[03:02:15] Rhyan! You don't know?
[03:02:17] Oh my god!
[03:02:17] If I fell out of my Molly, I would have been killed.
[03:02:20] I had so many time in play.
[03:02:23] Whoa.
[03:02:24] Yeah, whoa.
[03:02:25] I'm just gonna say...
[03:02:25] If Peter doesn't see anyone, you push lower, slow down.
[03:02:27] Yes.
[03:02:28] Get up here.
[03:02:29] Nice, bro. You just keep cooking, stir.
[03:02:31] Pop, pop, pop!
[03:02:32] I'm dead.
[03:02:34] Just do it and pop.
[03:02:36] One more!
[03:02:36] Go low, go low!
[03:02:37] One more!
[03:02:37] One pop.
[03:02:38] Ivy as well!
[03:02:39] One in out.
[03:02:39] Pushing Ivy! Pushing Ivy!
[03:02:40] Pushing Ivy!
[03:02:41] I'm in out.
[03:02:41] Ivy!
[03:02:42] Ivy!
[03:02:42] One out!
[03:02:43] He has bomb.
[03:02:44] E-box and scythe.
[03:02:45] We're taking the L.
[03:02:46] Yeah.
[03:02:47] Unfortunately so, it looks like it.
[03:02:50] Nice.
[03:02:51] TP, TP.
[03:02:52] One in.
[03:02:53] He has bomb on the wall.
[03:02:54] Bomb blowers.
[03:02:55] Yeah.
[03:02:56] F***ing me.
[03:02:57] F***ing side.
[03:02:58] He's on the left side.
[03:03:00] He's close to heaven.
[03:03:02] Oh, he's not.
[03:03:04] Close to you.
[03:03:05] Close on the side.
[03:03:06] F***ing you.
[03:03:07] Pushing me.
[03:03:08] Nice!
[03:03:09] Nice!
[03:03:10] I don't know what it's got there.
[03:03:12] What is going on?
[03:03:14] Oh, I was just about to say...
[03:03:16] BAM!
[03:03:20] I'm going cable nine in all of Diggle main.
[03:03:22] Fuck!
[03:03:24] You know my pistols were all...
[03:03:26] I'm full try after the main.
[03:03:28] From the beginning you need to make the...
[03:03:30] Fissure, we don't play in the middle.
[03:03:32] I'll play with Jason, I'll play with Jason.
[03:03:34] I need some help, Timmy.
[03:03:36] Yeah, but Peter is coming. I'll come as well.
[03:03:38] I'll come and lead.
[03:03:40] can that be popped out no they trippled at me I'm one of the rest one team is
[03:03:45] He's burning!
[03:03:46] One ladder, one ladder!
[03:03:47] One, one, one!
[03:03:48] Okay, got him!
[03:03:49] Hop on!
[03:03:50] Haha, he said fuck yeah!
[03:03:52] One more, one more!
[03:03:53] One more, one more!
[03:03:54] Hop dead!
[03:03:55] No, no, no, no, no!
[03:03:56] Hop lost!
[03:03:57] No, no, no, no, no!
[03:03:58] No, no, no, no, no!
[03:03:59] He didn't peek, he didn't peek!
[03:04:00] Oh, that was close!
[03:04:01] Terrible!
[03:04:02] Oh!
[03:04:03] Oh, you hit him!
[03:04:05] Oh, you made so lucky, bro!
[03:04:07] He's not gonna die!
[03:04:09] I need to think to you.
[03:04:10] Okay, now we are free outside.
[03:04:12] I go in and get out of there.
[03:04:13] Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going all the way.
[03:04:15] You want a flash, Pum?
[03:04:17] Do it.
[03:04:17] If you have it.
[03:04:18] Yeah, I have it.
[03:04:21] Ready?
[03:04:21] One.
[03:04:22] Hello?
[03:04:22] Hello?
[03:04:23] Where's the Molly?
[03:04:23] I need, I need.
[03:04:24] I have blue one.
[03:04:25] I need blue Molly, man.
[03:04:26] OK, I'll pop.
[03:04:27] I'll pop to death.
[03:04:28] I'm never trusting you anymore.
[03:04:30] But it was there Peter.
[03:04:31] But it's not team with Molly.
[03:04:33] I'll connect her maybe.
[03:04:34] He's a once a call.
[03:04:35] First contact us.
[03:04:36] Yeah.
[03:04:37] It's hill, I think.
[03:04:38] I'll take the band.
[03:04:39] Maybe in this hill.
[03:04:40] Maybe in this mo.
[03:04:40] Yeah, I will hold it.
[03:04:41] Take landing.
[03:04:42] Did he dead?
[03:04:42] Wow, the lit guy.
[03:04:43] You hear him?
[03:04:45] Stur is searching him.
[03:04:47] Stur will get the kill from the lineback.
[03:04:49] He is afraid of Stur.
[03:04:51] Nice.
[03:04:53] Nice bro.
[03:04:55] You want up?
[03:04:57] No, no, no.
[03:04:59] I'll slowly armor it's in mid here.
[03:05:01] Who is playing in here?
[03:05:03] Marco.
[03:05:05] Marco you are playing with us?
[03:05:07] Stop bro!
[03:05:09] Nice Peter.
[03:05:11] then it's...
[03:05:12] uh... all of one HP
[03:05:14] he's stuck there, dead
[03:05:15] pop out, pop out
[03:05:16] I'm pushing, I'm pushing
[03:05:17] I'm hiding
[03:05:18] two guys, two guys, save me
[03:05:20] then one top of what?
[03:05:21] yeah
[03:05:22] side pop, side pop
[03:05:22] I'm dead
[03:05:23] I'm alive
[03:05:24] I don't miss
[03:05:26] you know I don't miss
[03:05:30] that's true
[03:05:33] easy
[03:05:35] you know I don't miss, innit?
[03:05:36] nice one, man
[03:05:37] they were fucking close
[03:05:38] but I think I'm like face is totally stuff
[03:05:40] why am I every long?
[03:05:42] I can give an info, but I need a smoke from the game.
[03:05:44] Every now and then I'm starting with 30 HP, mate.
[03:05:47] I'm just gonna get a molly from someone.
[03:05:49] Peter, give me molly.
[03:05:51] Two on mid, team mid
[03:05:53] Go, go, go
[03:05:54] Alarm is not team mid a lot
[03:05:56] You need to push team mid, mid
[03:05:59] I will hold, bro
[03:06:00] Heeeed
[03:06:01] So, I'm holding
[03:06:02] They will jump a ball
[03:06:05] Out, out there
[03:06:06] Only one
[03:06:07] Hello, kill him
[03:06:08] Yes, I'm peeking
[03:06:09] I'm flashing, I'm looking for him
[03:06:11] Inner
[03:06:12] Inner?
[03:06:13] Yes
[03:06:14] Down low maybe
[03:06:15] Inner dead
[03:06:17] Freaker, you're doing well
[03:06:19] Yeah, I'm cutting them.
[03:06:22] Wow. Yeah, he's too good.
[03:06:23] I got this.
[03:06:25] You don't miss, so what?
[03:06:27] Do you win something for winning this game or what?
[03:06:29] Oh, no, I know.
[03:06:31] Yeah, you win thick, maybe.
[03:06:33] Man, that's so fun. That's why I want to play every game.
[03:06:35] Every time.
[03:06:36] Too much. I want to do this every day of my life.
[03:06:40] I will do a loud or bender. You know this?
[03:06:42] Yeah, maybe. Maybe.
[03:06:44] I'm ready to flash you.
[03:06:45] Flash signal. Flash in no long.
[03:06:47] I don't see anyone Ivy.
[03:06:50] I need also with two pincers. Two in on two in on two in on.
[03:06:54] Another out. I'm pushing Ivy fast.
[03:06:57] Out in it out in it out in it low low low low.
[03:06:59] Nice. What do you drink?
[03:07:01] I might have a knife kill.
[03:07:05] I might have a knife kill.
[03:07:07] Don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill.
[03:07:10] Yeah knife.
[03:07:15] hahahaha
[03:07:17] it's ok guys, you got this
[03:07:19] oh no, two come, two come
[03:07:21] one, yes it's a nice one
[03:07:23] winnable, winnable
[03:07:24] do you have smoke?
[03:07:25] smoke it
[03:07:26] i don't know
[03:07:27] let's go
[03:07:28] i can't miss it this point
[03:07:29] behind you
[03:07:30] ah no
[03:07:32] hit him
[03:07:33] hahaha
[03:07:34] i wanna rip up
[03:07:36] go molly mid, i made it
[03:07:37] go in circle
[03:07:39] yeah but guys, calm down
[03:07:41] why are we starting 2B everyone
[03:07:42] Yeah, they're rushing in.
[03:07:44] One out.
[03:07:45] Out mid bro, you don't even know Molly per team.
[03:07:48] Nothing case.
[03:07:49] I don't see all of them.
[03:07:50] You smoked him?
[03:07:51] I did, smoked.
[03:07:52] Nothing B, nothing A.
[03:07:54] You haven't found the A.
[03:07:56] Okay, he's having a really...
[03:07:58] He's low.
[03:07:59] 50 euros.
[03:08:00] Oh, that's a pop guy, that's a pop guy.
[03:08:02] One A.
[03:08:11] You didn't end up, you wanna live?
[03:08:13] Just live.
[03:08:14] No info.
[03:08:17] He might be anywhere. I'm heaven, bro.
[03:08:19] I'm here, nevermind.
[03:08:20] Heaven, Leo!
[03:08:21] Nice try, nice try.
[03:08:23] If you're clear, let's click.
[03:08:26] Fucking bird.
[03:08:27] Love it, love it.
[03:08:28] Got Bali.
[03:08:30] Do it, bro.
[03:08:33] He'll push you, take this.
[03:08:35] This is our smart.
[03:08:37] He won't push you, bro.
[03:08:38] He needs them for the next round.
[03:08:40] Are you serious right now?
[03:08:42] Yeah, bro.
[03:08:43] Bro, you deserve just seeing what he does.
[03:08:46] You saw him when he rotated went around he waited mid-side
[03:08:50] I come in and then I go back lines with all if they're going out fast. Yeah, but he's just big
[03:08:55] You remember the old crack you can see from back
[03:09:02] One picking is that he's that
[03:09:04] Two out!
[03:09:05] Hold on!
[03:09:07] I see one out.
[03:09:09] Oh, there he is!
[03:09:12] Oh my god, two back lines.
[03:09:14] There's two of us.
[03:09:15] They're back lines.
[03:09:16] Wow.
[03:09:17] Let's get an old disaster...
[03:09:18] Yeah, yeah, yeah, back line!
[03:09:21] Yeah, take off, take off.
[03:09:22] The comeback is real, boys.
[03:09:25] No, I don't care.
[03:09:25] I go up, I go up.
[03:09:26] I'm right back.
[03:09:26] If we run to midair they'd surrender.
[03:09:28] We need to start early.
[03:09:29] Yeah, they should, actually, shoot.
[03:09:30] This is the last thing.
[03:09:30] Let's go boys.
[03:09:31] Ok, let's go boys, focus, ok?
[03:09:34] Don't go mid side.
[03:09:36] Guys, there's a smoke up there.
[03:09:39] Left shot.
[03:09:41] Up, up, up, up, up, up.
[03:09:43] One behind, 5, 3, behind 5.
[03:09:46] Explode to you guys behind.
[03:09:47] I'm exploding him.
[03:09:48] From the sandwich right now.
[03:09:49] I'm going to kill him.
[03:09:50] I'm going to kill him.
[03:09:51] Fucks sake, I'm sorry.
[03:09:52] Should we survive or what?
[03:09:53] Just shoot, shoot, shoot.
[03:09:54] You killed them.
[03:09:55] I killed them.
[03:09:56] Last guy is really good right now.
[03:09:58] Pog, where he at?
[03:10:00] Pog right near.
[03:10:02] He has AVP soon, right near.
[03:10:04] No, let's take off, let's walk, let's walk, let's walk.
[03:10:06] Guys, two wall outside, okay?
[03:10:08] I'm wall.
[03:10:10] I'm two bang bang with flashbangbang flashed at the bang bang flashbang.
[03:10:15] Two?
[03:10:16] I'm blind, smoke bro.
[03:10:17] Yes, I don't care.
[03:10:18] One in pub dark.
[03:10:19] One dead.
[03:10:20] One pub dark.
[03:10:21] Nice, a little.
[03:10:22] Two three three three.
[03:10:23] One pub.
[03:10:24] One still in the smoke.
[03:10:25] Yeah, but I'm body warm, what you do with?
[03:10:27] Nothing
[03:10:29] I'm pushing Marco, I'm pushing, come fast
[03:10:32] Connector, area
[03:10:34] Hey Javi, is baiting, what's he doing?
[03:10:35] Snap here, snap here with the push
[03:10:37] Not bad bro
[03:10:38] Yeah, one fucked
[03:10:40] Where you roll, it's an L boys
[03:10:44] Just use grenade, fine
[03:10:45] I pushed Ivy, I'll go behind, okay?
[03:10:47] I might have a timing
[03:10:48] Bomb is down
[03:10:49] Hey, one kill
[03:10:49] Took bomb
[03:10:50] Yeah, he's coming
[03:10:52] They boosted
[03:10:53] Oh, he's shit
[03:10:53] He's absolutely shit
[03:10:57] Flash around, flash around
[03:10:58] Flash around
[03:10:59] And it would be interesting to have a conversation with him now and see how he does with the
[03:11:16] updated meta.
[03:11:17] I mean, from being so well respected for his brain.
[03:11:21] He's just like me, to be honest, in that sense.
[03:11:25] Well Big Brain on the Spaniard of Alex is gonna be put to the test here as his troops
[03:11:30] sent in to the dangerous waters of ancient up against a major winning roster.
[03:11:35] Isaac gone immediately and bit starts things off how we would hope I
[03:11:41] Mean this is so good man like yeah, I
[03:11:44] Didn't I kind of hate watching him why because like I didn't know you couldn't do this even if you tried
[03:11:52] And while I go bit couldn't even do this
[03:11:56] He's just he's so good moving forward
[03:12:00] Well done Harry you killed him. Yeah, I can do that
[03:12:04] I know how to do that move that did just made been there done it
[03:12:09] Max the donning the lime green t-shirt Harry Limes lemons or cucumbers?
[03:12:16] Wait, what is that question in your drink? Oh, you come cucumber, of course
[03:12:22] Couple of sophisticated people who don't like flavor. Maybe a couple of peppercorns. You know, yeah
[03:12:27] just for good measure. I like jalapenos in my geninotonic into the b-site for Nip, out of the b-site for Nip.
[03:12:34] JL, crispy shots. He's so good man and like JL, I almost hate watching him if I'm honest like he's just
[03:12:42] so good. Look at this. He jumped. Imma is well throwing his name in the hat that's in the ring.
[03:12:50] Can I call you on that? Yeah you can. I don't think you want to be bringing
[03:12:56] the shed load of SMGs, and it's nice to have the ability to play ranged.
[03:12:59] I see the logic, all the popping, and that's a really good flash, but they might not clear it,
[03:13:04] they might just run right by turning round, last second, Maxta, head on a swivel.
[03:13:09] Both of Maxta's kills so far in this game have been all in 180s in middle.
[03:13:14] That's a famous peek.
[03:13:16] Yeah, that's a famous damage.
[03:13:18] That's a lot of damage.
[03:13:20] The mage just clipped behind the wall and rez, he can't believe he's still alive.
[03:13:24] Oh, he's not don't worry. Yeah, that's good thing. You couldn't believe it
[03:13:28] Jals just give me a hate watching in that
[03:13:33] So good
[03:13:34] Well, those kills can get mopped up relatively easy at least that next one on max sir
[03:13:40] But that all depends on them actually getting into the fight mallets. Oh, it's not gonna spread fast enough
[03:13:46] You don't go for this, right tiny Molly effect
[03:13:49] it's injury
[03:13:51] True actually it's not tiny. It's a it's just a perfect size
[03:13:56] Nip, take a sip and a sip back in CT spawn as they find their first.
[03:14:00] Here you go. I want to throw a question your way.
[03:14:01] I'm terrified.
[03:14:02] Power rank is the Narvee boys.
[03:14:05] Front at five. Best of worst.
[03:14:07] Best at canvas right?
[03:14:09] Yeah.
[03:14:11] Number one, bit.
[03:14:12] Yeah, fair.
[03:14:13] Number two, JL.
[03:14:15] All right.
[03:14:17] Number three, Ema.
[03:14:20] Just seems a lot more confident and comfortable, especially on some of the lurks he goes on.
[03:14:24] felt like he didn't even believe back in even the major winning RV yeah had huge
[03:14:30] games out of jail and bits and that's why they're too many top Jason on this
[03:14:35] B-pop JL for blind only good for one Alexi not cleared on the 50-50 and
[03:14:40] nipper in the side but he doesn't want to wait he doesn't want to relent he
[03:14:43] runs them down and doesn't dirty that's so annoying for net they just
[03:14:48] get in and then RV don't stop creeping and crawling but the main smokes up
[03:14:54] it's gonna have to be a split here and look at the donut set up for Navi wonderful can get a shot
[03:14:59] He has to hit the first it will set up him a perfectly
[03:15:02] He's right now assisting bit wonderful might be on his own mate that maybe that doesn't even matter smoke comes down swinging the
[03:15:08] Orbrinkle turns at the worst possible timing and now it's just obvious
[03:15:11] You know nipper in a main all the info even with a team flash a double flash
[03:15:17] Moving off of this control. They are just going into the meat grinder
[03:15:20] Yeah, and you think to her and don't know because you saw both of them. You don't realize bit is still there
[03:15:24] It's taken down, but man Navi Wow just crushing them
[03:15:28] What a slaughter. Yeah
[03:15:31] Again it you know like phase when they came into the year they were in every final for a long old period there
[03:15:36] I think now if you're gonna go on that exact same street now
[03:15:38] Are they gonna win? I think that fundamentals are very very good
[03:15:42] And I think you fairly consistently get good numbers out of this team
[03:15:45] I think it's too hard to go on that kind of a streak now.
[03:15:48] It's way too hard.
[03:15:49] I see. We'll see then, Jason. We'll see.
[03:15:51] How many finals are you talking here?
[03:15:53] Was it phase in like 10 straight or something like that, 9?
[03:15:58] Start CS 2?
[03:16:00] Yeah. I'd say whether or not they go on like a huge run in a road,
[03:16:04] I think if you're looking at a team that's going to consistently make finals,
[03:16:07] let's say over like 90%, I think it's going to be no.
[03:16:10] Okay. I think kind of tied into that point.
[03:16:13] I think that actually is a hot take, first of all.
[03:16:16] That's not a stone cold take.
[03:16:17] That is a little bit of a hot take in my mind.
[03:16:21] Easy to be overshadowed with some of the players
[03:16:23] he has on his team, but very capable individual.
[03:16:28] We'll get hard cleared.
[03:16:29] Nice shot for Rez.
[03:16:31] Too quick for Jail to swing for the trade,
[03:16:32] tucks himself against the wall, hoping Rez won't look left.
[03:16:39] Wonderful.
[03:16:40] Progressing back from middle there.
[03:16:41] It's a gap, but the bomb has to go back through door
[03:16:43] Because mid control is firmly in the hand of Navi and they climb up as well.
[03:16:47] Ema in the mid round, clears middle with no smoke elbow and just fights Heaven.
[03:16:52] And Nip can't do anything about it.
[03:16:54] That's what I mean about confidence.
[03:16:55] Like another team, that's probably like crazy idea.
[03:16:58] And Navi here is just like, we don't care.
[03:16:59] We'll just go for it.
[03:17:00] Yeah, I mean, I also think Bit and Ema actually have like
[03:17:04] glimmers of each other and how they approach.
[03:17:06] You know, like you kind of see them even in that round there,
[03:17:08] they're like pincering up onto the lane.
[03:17:11] They make these really nice moves.
[03:17:13] They compliment each other well, but it's still kind of falling apart here down this stretch.
[03:17:17] They have found a couple of kills right back in, and so now, wonderful.
[03:17:20] Ten and zero. It's either gonna be his first death, or he's gonna go 20-0 up in this melody banger.
[03:17:28] Soon as that bomb plot comes in, wonderful.
[03:17:31] Round in the corner. Yet to die.
[03:17:33] Literally, he doesn't know what death feels like.
[03:17:35] He only stays winning. There's wonderful.
[03:17:37] And he even got the info that they've exited towards Donut.
[03:17:40] So now he's got bit moving into Lender Helping Hand.
[03:17:43] Full bell EU till on wonderful two molotovs can come down over the wards donut to either try and force these fights or deny the peaks
[03:17:49] Tap on the bomb they give the kill to wonderful and now it's just
[03:17:57] Wonderful first death on the board
[03:18:00] JL was on apex and he this starts when I was standing
[03:18:03] Sure, they may play offs, but who didn't he felt like a very good role player and now he's just now
[03:18:09] He's just a god. Yeah
[03:18:11] There you go from playing in Apex to playing Apex in Grand Finals.
[03:18:16] Oh, that's a peek from Rinkle. That's crazy. Just stepping into this cave smoke.
[03:18:21] Same as Emo. Just walks through the mid smoke lurk and shoots Max. They're in the back.
[03:18:26] They've got to pop B. Micea retakes that up here for Navi.
[03:18:29] They don't actually have anyone on the site or the cave for once,
[03:18:32] and they've lost another player. Wonderful. Trying to catch the exit.
[03:18:35] They won't take long. Bit denies it. Get a bomb on. They're in with a chance.
[03:18:41] Oh
[03:18:43] This is switched on
[03:18:46] Oh, he gets out with one more
[03:18:48] Now it's all eyes on Emma. I might do it the HL default
[03:18:52] I'm gonna do it that ain't gonna do it to Alex
[03:18:55] You didn't throw it right into the old wrinkle holds the line
[03:19:00] Yeah, that's a strong high five. That was a great high five nice firm sound. Yeah, give me a firm high five
[03:19:08] Alright, fight around to the first half, here we go, NIP clawing back into things, you love
[03:19:13] to see it, Ima.
[03:19:14] Oh, lucky smoke.
[03:19:15] That's got to kill, presumably, on Donut, and they got Ima trapped so he's got a fight
[03:19:25] for his life, he will take one with him, and man up a niff.
[03:19:28] Oh, this is weird though, look at Alex, how he slipped the niff out here.
[03:19:41] You have two players defending that B bomb site, and both of them have missed this
[03:19:44] plague as both of them are pushed up Alex is just going to get a clean kill on
[03:19:49] bid he's going to be telling the team everyone starts shifting towards yeah
[03:19:52] I was gonna say the A bomb say but it looks like he was to cut off rotations
[03:19:55] I think the thing that's weird is he also didn't see anyone right so he's in
[03:19:59] the summer he's like holding deep hoping that he's got two players
[03:20:03] potentially coming his way to catch him rotation and that's not true you
[03:20:08] missed the timing Lane was taken cave was taken he knows that cave is a
[03:20:12] possibility it all comes down if it goes further forward because you're kind of running at a time if you wanted to run that bomb away
[03:20:17] This player likes okay. He's done
[03:20:20] But they don't know they don't know about jail should he's the anchor
[03:20:23] He's the guy who's always here, and they'll find out the hard way and they'll get rid of a nice trade work for me
[03:20:28] I like the Alex he comes back after realizing no one's rotating just yet
[03:20:33] Rinkle shuts down the round and that's all it do the bare minimum here on their map pick to see if they can compete
[03:20:39] with one of the best, one of the world's best, it's Navi Von Aids.
[03:20:43] So now they're going to do a comeback, okay? That's the order of the day right now.
[03:20:50] Hi, sorry to interrupt. I love what you guys have been doing.
[03:20:53] Harry, you've been requested to go to the makeup room to get your head measured.
[03:20:57] Could you please go do that now and once you're done, you can come back here and get back into casting.
[03:21:01] Is this a real thing?
[03:21:02] This is a real thing.
[03:21:03] Go get your head made, please.
[03:21:04] Make sure you bring back the stats as well. I want to know how big it is.
[03:21:07] Alright, I'll be back.
[03:21:08] Alright, thanks Harry.
[03:21:09] got a big skull I'll probably take his spot so could you hold my this one yeah
[03:21:15] thanks all right well nice little pistol Isaac Scott that opening killer you go
[03:21:20] yes indeed and now they're coming back into him they don't clear it properly
[03:21:25] Isaac gets at least two and some change there's moving in for more it's going to
[03:21:30] be trapped in the cubby you did hear them push though so Ima just trying
[03:21:34] to play to stop that re-aggress it's a very scary map right now for nothing
[03:21:37] they're coming from all sides, EMA activates, traded,
[03:21:41] BIT doesn't know about this A main push either, so...
[03:21:43] Oh, Maxta!
[03:21:44] It's going back to buy him this time, but he still wins the fight
[03:21:47] and Nip wins the round.
[03:21:49] Chad, since you've just joined us,
[03:21:50] can you do a power ranking of the Na'Vi players?
[03:21:52] One through five.
[03:21:56] Oh, they're going for it. They're going straight into it.
[03:21:58] Oh, that's almost a perfect timing.
[03:22:00] But it's very nice to get into the bomb site,
[03:22:02] even if you don't get that first kill.
[03:22:03] Two players trapped in cave,
[03:22:04] and that's a nice opening for Akron Eba.
[03:22:07] Oh, the flank is fast as the player smoked off of the door, so he's just going to come through fearlessly.
[03:22:12] Wonderful! Fall blind to the flash, but they don't know! They don't know!
[03:22:16] They find out the hard way, and that's going to have to be the save.
[03:22:21] What a double for Wonderful considering how blind he got on that push.
[03:22:26] Stay number 36, NIP, believe I am one of them.
[03:22:29] him. Lost in a while. That's how long it felt like he was out the doors for, Hugo.
[03:22:38] Have you guys found your energy? Found our energy. No. How do you, how do you do that?
[03:22:44] Well, not like the Counter Strike team. Get it? Because they're not very good. Yeah.
[03:22:52] Nailed it. Bit, however. Wants to smoke short. Will Alexey smoke long? He did.
[03:23:02] Wow. That's C-Mark. I can't believe it.
[03:23:06] Jail's gonna lead the way.
[03:23:08] Alex stuck behind the smoke for the moment.
[03:23:10] Jail can't get it done, but a trade from WONDERFUL.
[03:23:12] Gonna blow that long smoke.
[03:23:14] One is out in the office.
[03:23:15] They want that fight and they've got it.
[03:23:17] Love it.
[03:23:17] And that's how you get into the B-bomb site, ladies and gentlemen.
[03:23:19] Any wallbang? No.
[03:23:20] I think that NIP should save.
[03:23:22] Uh, it's about can they...
[03:23:24] They will now.
[03:23:24] I was gonna say assist resin getting out.
[03:23:26] That might...
[03:23:27] ...dangle a little bit of bait in the water.
[03:23:28] They're giving this one a look.
[03:23:29] Big flank better to go than to back up into a certain death.
[03:23:32] And so Isaac takes one more trade, but he's got to be quick on this stick.
[03:23:36] He's got to find out that Ema is coming on the big flank.
[03:23:39] Tap, E. Isaac gets another, but he has no idea where Ema is coming from position.
[03:23:44] Give it away, but he can't stick.
[03:23:46] He knows he's going to get run down and Ema goes for the fight
[03:23:48] and wins 10 rounds for Navi.
[03:23:51] Now, I would like to deviate the conversation for a moment.
[03:23:54] So now he will be operating with an economical Hugo.
[03:23:56] We were having a discussion before of what changed
[03:23:58] between last season and this season. That season, what, Jason?
[03:24:02] All right, this is essentially the last round of the game.
[03:24:04] Well, we'll see.
[03:24:06] Fnip, win it.
[03:24:07] We go on. We play for more.
[03:24:08] And this is a big fake right now.
[03:24:10] Let's go, boys. Let's go, boys.
[03:24:12] It's not like a seminar.
[03:24:13] Watch out.
[03:24:15] They believe in, but they were also buying snake oil.
[03:24:18] Well, I mean, this is kind of a sick fake.
[03:24:20] One one person executed, only only bits out all the way at Temple,
[03:24:23] all the utility in place.
[03:24:24] They have no information,
[03:24:25] So, NIP have no clue how to rotate back across the map.
[03:24:28] And I know how Bitten's tucked in here. He's not even playing right now.
[03:24:30] Nip of Realize is a little bit too quiet,
[03:24:32] but they don't actually know how deep Bitten's going.
[03:24:34] He can play late flank, but he needs to play soon.
[03:24:37] Trying to get that kill on Donut.
[03:24:38] Meanwhile, Bomb getting stuck on the B site,
[03:24:40] and Alex has heard this, so Bitten's out of position for the meantime.
[03:24:43] Yeah, he's got to hustle somewhere.
[03:24:44] Where does he push forward to CT spawn?
[03:24:46] Or do you rotate all the... He's just out of his fight.
[03:24:48] Yeah, he is a bit screwed right now.
[03:24:49] They're going to block with nades.
[03:24:50] They could buy a few more seconds, but the smoke is on B.
[03:24:53] That Molotov needs to be beautiful for JL. Down the ramp, do they go through? They cannot afford to.
[03:24:58] They're running out of time. Chad, you said it's the last round of the game. You might not be wrong.
[03:25:03] Oh, they got Lordy into sticking around and everything taken away.
[03:25:07] Oh, that's brutal. Res not getting out either. 12-6 and crap money for Nip.
[03:25:15] There's still one big question that remains, Chad. How big is Harry's skull?
[03:25:20] Oh, that is true. I thought he would have returned by now.
[03:25:23] It's a big head.
[03:25:24] Should we make estimates?
[03:25:25] I don't know what an average skull is.
[03:25:27] I don't either.
[03:25:27] That's gonna be my next question for you.
[03:25:29] It's gonna be more fun, I guess.
[03:25:31] Oh, okay.
[03:25:31] I'm gonna go with, um, I guess we go with girth.
[03:25:35] How big is your head?
[03:25:36] Let us know.
[03:25:37] Use the email,
[03:25:40] Yes, send us pictures if you have an
[03:25:41] interestingly shaped skull.
[03:25:44] We would love to see.
[03:25:47] Average human head circumference is 55 centimeters.
[03:25:49] I did that in European measurements.
[03:25:50] I think Harry's head color is 62.
[03:25:53] Oh man, that's filthy brutal from bits lock it in Navi stealing nips map pick here to make it to the playoffs
[03:26:06] Just one little gasp from an IP right right at the end of the first half three in a row when the pistol in the second
[03:26:10] How did it sound?
[03:26:14] Little yours was surprised Jason yours was someone else. I'm getting choked
[03:26:20] But I like that you both have it something different. That's the thing with improv. Yes, and yes and tea Chad
[03:26:30] Is it our easy for as the 1972 I am awkward MVP up against
[03:26:38] Marauders of now V the bomb planted the time on the clock and right now Raz has to make the play of his life
[03:26:46] rolling back the years
[03:26:48] And of course it was that 1972 Auckland MVP where Rez really stood up on the big stage
[03:26:56] but here in this 1 vs 5 it's going to be Naveen taking the map, ladies and gentlemen
[03:27:01] we'll be right back after these short messages.
[03:27:03] Get your Dustu, Dustu coming up next, get your Dustu here.
[03:27:09] Cool.
[03:27:12] Go coach.
[03:27:13] Go coach.
[03:27:14] Yeah.
[03:27:15] Coach, go.
[03:27:16] If I ever get a goat I'm going to name it for the guys, Isaac's going to drop
[03:27:19] off with the doolies backing over tucking himself into the cubby all there goes
[03:27:23] Rickle, there go the doolies, there go the B bomb site and that's pissed around
[03:27:28] JL's just tapping window and he like peeks into it just goes double gooshed
[03:27:33] dude I am actually so scared of getting in a long-range tapping fights
[03:27:38] against Glocks on Pistols
[03:27:39] oh my god no surprise
[03:27:42] three to get doors
[03:27:44] there is no hope
[03:27:46] that feels very unreasonable
[03:27:48] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[03:27:52] Since he starts running, they're like, nope, not throwing this.
[03:27:55] Rinkle or Rez is your number one.
[03:27:58] You go, awww.
[03:28:00] Right now, I'm going to go right now.
[03:28:02] I'm going to go Rinkle.
[03:28:03] You're like, you know, if this was the 1970s,
[03:28:05] it'd be a very different answer.
[03:28:07] Rez at number two.
[03:28:09] Number three's got to be Isaac.
[03:28:12] And then, I guess.
[03:28:13] And the four maxed it.
[03:28:15] I don't, I'd even almost say,
[03:28:16] say Alex has had some really good like impactful rounds I've seen yeah I'm less
[03:28:26] familiar with Max's game that's a great shot I'm gonna go with Alex their max
[03:28:31] but let's see if he can prove you right now he's at the bottom of the list
[03:28:38] sadly only for this round they come in along the key and clean Alex out as
[03:28:43] well no one gets away only wrinkle my goats okay Jason I'll pose you a question
[03:28:50] I'm kind of acting like the host yeah who on NIP would be good at deadlock
[03:28:57] Jason not like deadlock probably no he's playing 100 out of 10 boot I've
[03:29:05] never played it I do have I do have access yeah I just haven't played it
[03:29:08] flex but yeah sure I'm enjoying car I'm in a counter strike mode oh yeah
[03:29:13] That's a good game. I'm loving Counter Strike.
[03:29:14] You're gonna love Deadlock when we play.
[03:29:16] I played, it's like Dota. I played one game, and then I...
[03:29:18] Did you run and start?
[03:29:19] I played one game, and I uninstalled it. Same as Dota.
[03:29:21] Every game, every game, every game, isn't Counter Strike or Daisy.
[03:29:25] You get Hugo to download it and play it.
[03:29:26] No, some games I play like two or three games.
[03:29:29] Yeah, I just don't think this is the game for me.
[03:29:31] My game really is not for me.
[03:29:34] See, they can find it here.
[03:29:36] They peel off a middle as...
[03:29:39] Harvey Flash made sure to give a bit of a warning to me if there's players out and about.
[03:29:42] Double Cat set up, they can aggress when they believe this to be the commitment and it's about to be
[03:29:49] Molly buys a few more seconds for Nip
[03:29:51] But then Molly off the catwalk at the same time, so no reaction to be made just yet
[03:29:55] Backplot, Molly, JL sending it now, we've got to see some flanks coming in
[03:29:59] They're working them in to be nice break on the smoke from Axta
[03:30:02] But they're still a player with the car, Rez
[03:30:04] It gets one, Isaac cleared out, Rez on top of the site, good angle on the headshot
[03:30:08] It's wonderful, low HP hunted down and Nip, they do it, they win
[03:30:12] We'll do that door do they yeah seconds. Oh, that's a nice flash bit. It's gonna be delayed snow. Go he's going
[03:30:18] Oh, he missed it now. He's got the timing the whole thing it
[03:30:22] It kind of a few more seconds. I think he's done when you miss the timing. It's like, yeah, you know, okay
[03:30:29] I'm screwed. Yep
[03:30:31] All right back away save the AK-47 decent enough damage though saves the off as well
[03:30:36] That'll be passed over wonderful time machine round right there for Rez
[03:30:39] going back to the glory days it's res three girls deep on the gate yeah he was
[03:30:47] sick of that open though are you so nice to me that event what changed well you
[03:30:53] weren't horrible not from you either they just in general everyone else though
[03:31:03] Oh, he's got the... Oh, he's got the... Oh, they saw him too!
[03:31:07] So unsteady for Wrinkle, doesn't jump the gun.
[03:31:10] Oh, how did... how did Jayle not get that intel?
[03:31:12] Dang, he must have a res.
[03:31:14] He's in out.
[03:31:15] Is that Oakland res?
[03:31:16] Uh...
[03:31:17] Gotland.
[03:31:18] Go... Go... Go...
[03:31:20] Gotland? Gotland?
[03:31:21] It's like across probably a place in Sweden.
[03:31:24] Gotland.
[03:31:24] Gotland.
[03:31:26] And...
[03:31:27] Gotland.
[03:31:28] Land of the Goats bit is here.
[03:31:30] Meh...
[03:31:31] That was like the half-assed impression I've ever heard of you.
[03:31:37] That's a sheep.
[03:31:38] They're pretty similar.
[03:31:39] They scream.
[03:31:40] They have like a...
[03:31:41] Give me a scream.
[03:31:42] I can't do it.
[03:31:43] Scream like a goat?
[03:31:44] That's amazing.
[03:31:45] That was a crazy goat scream.
[03:31:47] Alright.
[03:31:48] No V.
[03:31:49] Three on three.
[03:31:50] Someone take us back in.
[03:31:51] Oh, flashed it.
[03:31:52] Oh, wonderful.
[03:31:53] That was like the half-assed impression I've ever heard of you.
[03:31:55] That was like the half-assed impression I've ever heard of you.
[03:31:57] That was like the half-assed impression I've ever heard of you.
[03:31:59] Flash down, oh wonderful, oh it's just quicker than them.
[03:32:03] Oh Harry, this is a disaster.
[03:32:05] It was a five on three for the Ninjas.
[03:32:07] They've lost control of the bomb site.
[03:32:09] Rez, how much more can he do with six HP?
[03:32:14] I mean why are those questions that got him the MVP
[03:32:16] back in Oakland?
[03:32:18] It was just the belief that he could do anything.
[03:32:20] Isaac now, alongside him, opens up on a wonderful
[03:32:23] to give them a route back into this retake.
[03:32:26] Good luck for Nip to open up this round,
[03:32:27] but it's quickly turned sour,
[03:32:29] so now we look on. Can Rez, can Isaac pick up the pieces?
[03:32:33] No, Alexi dead, it's Rez to find him, bit back, all the way over in pit, misses his chance
[03:32:38] on the opener, they swing him together, Rez, this would have to be the moment, this would
[03:32:41] have to be the time, but Rez is tapped out bit, swinging wide on the plant, but he can't
[03:32:47] finish the job, he's caught on the back of Isaac and there is going to be time
[03:32:50] for this. Lock it in. Dang, I think Big Art worried
[03:32:54] that he couldn't see him clearly under the viewers and he stuck to that fight
[03:32:57] when he didn't really want to.
[03:32:59] The Costco guy's universe.
[03:33:01] I've never seen any of this, I can't help you out there.
[03:33:05] Damn, he's the expert.
[03:33:07] Fully brain-wrotted.
[03:33:11] That's a dirty path he came in.
[03:33:13] Getting as wide as he can, they hunt him down.
[03:33:15] That's a nice bully though, from Navi.
[03:33:17] I think you're going to assume after the last two rounds
[03:33:19] one player alive and the last one two alive previously
[03:33:21] that their money's busted, so you basically just
[03:33:23] brute force bully your way outside.
[03:33:25] All your Mima goes down.
[03:33:29] The mid push on Dust2 is something we didn't recover
[03:33:32] because that's been in there for a while now.
[03:33:33] It's coming back.
[03:33:34] But it's crazy how aggressive teams enjoy being pushed mid.
[03:33:37] Well, just knowing there's not a guarantee
[03:33:39] every round that you got an AWP.
[03:33:40] Dealing down middle, you get some control early.
[03:33:45] Rinkles pushed back and with no kit,
[03:33:47] I think this one's done for.
[03:33:48] Headscar will be a save.
[03:33:50] These are the two weapons you'll be able to bring in.
[03:33:52] Maxter will be able to get an SMG
[03:33:53] if they want to force by a rounder.
[03:33:54] probably will lunatic you've got a podcast sponsored by Harry Russell he's gonna be a private
[03:34:03] producer financially invested as well locked oh it's so good nobby five two up
[03:34:12] locked every single person around for the rest of the season it's really good it's strong
[03:34:20] That's explode out long and Navi just piece it together in that very position
[03:34:33] Meets me you kind of stand on business here, but they're not
[03:34:37] Gonna mug you Harry. Yeah, I mean well
[03:34:41] by by now be now be you've been viewing
[03:34:44] Kind of a skibbity toilet raise
[03:34:49] And you just don't have the answers to it Oh Rez he might
[03:34:53] Nobby's open this map this round up horribly. I think Blades making notes right now. He's like we're talking about this
[03:35:00] All right, wonderful
[03:35:05] risky play moving down middle
[03:35:08] Waiting for the peek in double doors. There's a push on catwalk
[03:35:12] And wonderful from the double doors a slight gap and now it's just the lower players
[03:35:16] They're ticked off. He must brawl low doesn't matter good win from NIP
[03:35:20] I love that crunch there as soon as you get the info they just start swinging
[03:35:25] 57 finding faces
[03:35:28] What are you doing? Oh my god, it's Mac. Okay taking over the observing on board
[03:35:32] I was wondering what what you know was how long we've been doing your all-series
[03:35:37] 30 seconds, but we'll see how we go. I don't fucking up Mac. I believe in you
[03:35:41] It's okay. Okay. You missed one, but that's okay
[03:35:43] I thought it was gonna be gone through first one. What was that old like chat notification?
[03:35:50] Oh, they've already crossed. Good switch, Max. That's perfect. You missed the off-kill. It's okay.
[03:35:59] Who is the important player?
[03:36:01] Quick switch.
[03:36:02] All right, Max there. Left up in this alone, and it's Max.
[03:36:04] It's 1v3.
[03:36:05] You stay on the clutch.
[03:36:06] You stay on the clutch. He opens up with it first on a wonderful.
[03:36:09] Max there. Stars in his eyes right now as he can't quite believe what he's seeing.
[03:36:13] He's trying to realize those dreams.
[03:36:15] He raised back to the Oakland Heights but boxed in and shut down on Broadway for all to see it's not be up on a six
[03:36:28] Again and he's seen them make the play down into lower. They're actually trying to face him over in middle
[03:36:33] Res push so risky move. I'd see if it pays off forum Rez holds the line. Oh double up. Oh
[03:36:40] There's the support from wrinkle
[03:36:42] BOLD!
[03:36:44] BOLD!
[03:36:46] Nice, nice play for Nip, but it's not done yet, because this bomb has made it into the B site.
[03:36:50] If he didn't put his gun away, maybe there was a hope in hell instead.
[03:36:54] It's hella in a cell, Ima just trying to fight through the bars.
[03:36:57] It's actually huge, even if Navi's on his bomb site two people hold the phone, Ima.
[03:37:02] Tapping away, giving one more shot at it. Good kill from Alex.
[03:37:05] Two round lead, woo!
[03:37:07] Not verbatim, but...
[03:37:09] No, not word for word, but the sentiment was there, yeah.
[03:37:12] The vibe.
[03:37:13] NIP's really proven me wrong.
[03:37:14] Oh, heavy long, four long.
[03:37:16] You said you want to see Nip win long.
[03:37:17] Well, this is it.
[03:37:19] It going late on the left, got a player in pit.
[03:37:21] We've got an AWP resetting after throwing some U-Till.
[03:37:25] Rinkle's got to fill middle.
[03:37:28] But Bitz is not going for it.
[03:37:30] He's been blocked, so hardly have to take it elsewhere.
[03:37:32] And that's Rinkle finding a 5v4.
[03:37:34] Huge kill in the last round of the half.
[03:37:37] Yeah, massive way to open it up, looking for one more!
[03:37:40] He's got it!
[03:37:40] Oh!
[03:37:41] Smoke blown open, good wide angle from Wrinkle.
[03:37:44] Oh, fights through the flashbang does bit.
[03:37:57] So now it's just Emmer and JL, that bomb's lost over Emmer.
[03:38:00] And so Emmer's gonna try and make a play here, but he's going into two.
[03:38:03] Oh, I'm getting too much for three now.
[03:38:08] And now where he is?
[03:38:09] You can chalk that one up to an info peak.
[03:38:11] Oh my god!
[03:38:13] Emmer!
[03:38:14] No!
[03:38:14] No more!
[03:38:15] Stopped after the first it's just left on JL and wrinkle over in mid is ready to seal the deal on a split-off for an IP
[03:38:25] It's talking about you Jason. Why is he whispering?
[03:38:30] You catch on more and more
[03:38:34] Whispering
[03:38:36] This is your map into the second half and I P
[03:38:40] Alexi, what are we doing?
[03:38:42] I've been able to tie up this game off the rule.
[03:38:44] And so now everyone looks on.
[03:38:46] I mean, I'm wondering.
[03:38:48] We're going to walk a short climb
[03:38:50] towards the east side of the scene.
[03:38:52] You know,
[03:38:54] we're dropping off, but that's the support.
[03:38:56] Alexi, over.
[03:38:58] Alexi B.
[03:38:59] No.
[03:39:00] We're looking to kill you.
[03:39:02] We know from Alexi,
[03:39:04] we know from Alexi,
[03:39:06] we know from Alexi,
[03:39:08] The wrinkler lives!
[03:39:11] N.I.P. win the pistol!
[03:39:13] Oh, we love that. We absolutely love that.
[03:39:16] Pissed around to the Ninjas and, uh, nice 7-6 lead.
[03:39:21] N.I.P. just glocked her!
[03:39:23] N.I.P.!
[03:39:25] There you go. There's the link in the early run.
[03:39:27] And now all that kind of talking can be forgotten about,
[03:39:29] and we're right into this game, because N.I.P.
[03:39:31] are up in the lead.
[03:39:33] N.I.P. force-buying up. This one is now a game.
[03:39:36] Oh, I cannot believe bit one that I can't see one that bit still alive close up
[03:39:41] They're backing away from long. Oh smoke sterling gonna force him back new plan for NIP. They got a plan B
[03:39:50] Scout and they could be lethal
[03:39:53] On flash he doesn't commit
[03:39:56] Sure keeps a man advantage but gives Nick a lot of space they're gonna crunch your middle instead wonderful can still
[03:40:01] Find him back from his position that baited in even gonna play off of that scout screw
[03:40:05] He's gonna swing through the flashbang. They're blind. Oh, but he takes too long and wrinkle faded already comes back with a kill
[03:40:13] Two on two bit waiting top mid to have to go B. That was the first time I think we've seen in this series EMA second guess himself JL's
[03:40:20] Deagle we know it's Deagle, you know those are some easy kills
[03:40:24] Not prepared for the push and we're all tied up at seven
[03:40:28] Kind of riding the high successful pistol round thinking you're gonna explode on the T side and the Navi up
[03:40:33] brutal in a bit of aggression open this one up while leaving close with the
[03:40:37] pistols but he's able to deal with them swiftly and there's the support from
[03:40:40] wonderful over in mid wonderful giving in the taste of their own medicine there
[03:40:45] that wrinkle orp was very oppressive out through middle even kept it up in the
[03:40:49] early stages of the game so wonderful is keen to get involved on that m4 and
[03:40:53] it was still hanging around looking for fights there didn't necessarily need to
[03:40:57] hopefully not a decision they come to regret Isaac left up in this one
[03:41:02] all alone. One on three. Now if you've got him boxed in, two players watching from the
[03:41:07] B hill, you've got Alexi holding onto the cat side. The only route that could get opened
[03:41:11] up is if Isaac finds this kill right here, and he does. Isaac 28 HP, 1v2 and an MDA bomb
[03:41:19] site to work with. Oh, the plant is massive. Molotov just misses, Mark bounces a little
[03:41:25] bit too far. Let's give Isaac a chance in this clutch. 1v2, 17 bullets in the mag.
[03:41:32] players coming from CT spawn, AK47 and 4 Double Swing and doesn't really get a clean
[03:41:36] chance at it. 8-7 Navi with Stam the Danger.
[03:41:40] Maybe even a teammate's deagle if you're really feeling like kind of chaotic on the day.
[03:41:46] True, if you sometimes like even if I block armor and I let someone die and I grab like
[03:41:51] a long take here.
[03:41:52] Oh, they were fighting in balltongue.
[03:41:53] But it's really not panned out, there's flashes just streaming over from wonderful.
[03:41:58] He's now watching with that AWP, holding for a cross, to watch Ima down in the pit and
[03:42:02] they're trying very, very hard to get JL here because he has more flashbangs to lob in to
[03:42:06] help out for this kind of long retake for Navi.
[03:42:09] They actually want to fight for this control and this is a powerful position to be in.
[03:42:12] It's going to be hard to uproot Ima from in the pit.
[03:42:15] They smoke the long side to get the AWP off the line and that was the best way
[03:42:19] they had to deal with that.
[03:42:21] I actually don't even care that they get that kill.
[03:42:22] I think Navi still won that exchange.
[03:42:24] I know they're like a man down right now and the round is still going to
[03:42:26] be difficult, but like the amount of resources and the amount of time that IP had to spend
[03:42:30] on that is massive. That was what like two Molotovs into the pit, like three HE grenades,
[03:42:37] probably plenty of flashes, smokes in the corner. You've got to smoke a Molly and a
[03:42:41] flash left for the rest of the round and look at the position a bit.
[03:42:43] Oh yeah, he can't, he can't flank it. He needs to know that this is a possibility
[03:42:47] that they reset through B and that's exactly what they're doing.
[03:42:49] I mean, he's in a really good position. If anything, I would say this is better
[03:42:54] than if he was in the upper tunnels because it's like sure they can walk right by him.
[03:42:59] Oh, he never hit, yeah, the time they didn't check.
[03:43:01] Not a fan of that.
[03:43:02] But I think, you know, if he's in the upper tunnels there, like he goes one for one,
[03:43:07] the rounds over anyway, at least this way they save on three.
[03:43:09] Well, this is an effect of being manned down.
[03:43:11] Navi feel like they need to gamble and so they have to make the play and now he's
[03:43:14] realized now they have to save.
[03:43:16] And I think Tee, like the other side of the coin too is like the place the game is at.
[03:43:19] If you have to reinvest all your money, like that's a kind of a nightmare scenario for Navi.
[03:43:24] In the chaos, Ima maybe misplayed that attack.
[03:43:29] He got pushed forward on the second wall, eh?
[03:43:31] Yeah, but I mean, you know, if he...
[03:43:34] I feel like because that smoke lands over it long,
[03:43:37] that's what like triggered him to fish at all for anything.
[03:43:40] It's like the idea that, wonderful, even for a moment, has lost vision.
[03:43:43] I'm paying him that respect, I think, you know.
[03:43:46] High expectations, we need.
[03:43:48] But if you're willing to kind of settle for mediocrity, that's fine.
[03:43:52] Here we are, little V-Rush, J-O, he chans them up.
[03:43:58] Now, Bits here as well, you're going into two of them, uh.
[03:44:01] Uh, Maxter, battle's past.
[03:44:04] Still a lot more left to do in the round for all main Maxter.
[03:44:08] Alexi's very far removed, so for the time being, it's closer to a 1v2 for Maxter.
[03:44:13] If you're an RV, you're not feeling that pressure to force the fight on him just yet.
[03:44:17] You can wait for Alexi to set up back in the tunnels.
[03:44:19] Yeah, especially now that you've bought this time.
[03:44:21] Oh, I can't believe he's got in.
[03:44:23] Oh, this is massive.
[03:44:25] Maxter around the corner, opposite position.
[03:44:27] Miss shot from wonderful.
[03:44:28] He's got a back away.
[03:44:29] Alexi coming into the B bomb site behind him.
[03:44:31] And Maxter's aware.
[03:44:33] Oh, if he puts this 1B3 together, but through the smoke.
[03:44:36] How do you see him?
[03:44:37] That's one way as hell.
[03:44:40] Coming in with the all-in-buy.
[03:44:42] And some, I'm not going to say the greatest
[03:44:44] long spawns ever, but long spawns nonetheless.
[03:44:47] They had four players pretty down close.
[03:44:48] Corner smoke in, flashes over the top.
[03:44:50] They're going to try and fast play out long. Beat here, full blind.
[03:44:53] Oh, Alexi's run right by them! Mixed the battle behind him!
[03:44:56] And can't turn on a wrinkle, but the Molly finishes the job.
[03:44:59] So in that long skirmish, Navi have won it out.
[03:45:02] That's exactly the same long rush that we just saw a couple of rounds ago
[03:45:06] when Ema got trapped in pit. This time it goes in the favor of Navi.
[03:45:09] Same Molotov, same fights being taken inside the Molotov by NIP.
[03:45:12] They just can't beat Alexi quick enough.
[03:45:15] I love it when people run through that corner smoke and get to blue bin.
[03:45:17] It's so it's so strong noxiously good. Yeah
[03:45:22] Just catches it with Nate's in hand
[03:45:25] three on two and
[03:45:27] Navi have every position with eyes on
[03:45:30] They know no one can be short and
[03:45:33] Ema's got that long spot as well from a safe position
[03:45:37] What needs to hit it he does and Maxi's got full nades
[03:45:41] But that would require giving away his position
[03:45:43] He wants his dry fight and wonderful will happily
[03:45:45] They meet him there!
[03:45:47] Not happily anymore.
[03:45:48] You tried.
[03:45:49] This could still get weird.
[03:45:50] Yeah.
[03:45:51] Maxtor trying to make a move right now and this is the play he's hoping they're not suspecting.
[03:45:55] And it puts him right in the prying eyes of Emma and so that very important round for an IP where they're all in right at the end of this game.
[03:46:03] Subscriber to ESL4S right now.
[03:46:07] Well nip.
[03:46:08] Slippery right now as Navi come running up.
[03:46:11] Oh no.
[03:46:12] Drinkle falls off the boost talking efficient barrels now be a playing cop
[03:46:16] They've run it all the way up through me
[03:46:19] straight in
[03:46:21] NIP a man down final work and now be
[03:46:25] One round away from doing it into
[03:46:28] Yeah, step forward is well behind that smoke in NIP they want to press the issue out along
[03:46:36] One for one that's not bad wonderful steps up next he's got another they know there's one more still
[03:46:40] Well, wonderful. We're gonna hold the line. This is the bomb if this goes down here. It's basically all over
[03:46:47] No, is it though is it I said if because Max the Isaac in the response
[03:46:54] To quick kills between them JL and bit have it a play catch up here
[03:46:58] But it's a lengthy rotate all the way around the long side doubled up on this flank
[03:47:03] Are you gonna be ready to face to here? Well Isaac should have heard this and he should have heard four feet to be exact
[03:47:08] the fifth.
[03:47:12] It jails sweet.
[03:47:14] Big,
[03:47:16] I got on the cross and just JLF standing.
[03:47:18] He's got this though.
[03:47:20] Oh, little jiggle for the short fight, but
[03:47:22] Max is going to delete him.
[03:47:24] Well set up there to trade out JL.
[03:47:26] I wasn't familiar with Max's game.
[03:47:28] He's going above Alex in the NIP
[03:47:30] rating. He's had some fantastic rounds
[03:47:32] in this map.
[03:47:34] This is the rise from the ashes moment.
[03:47:38] Flash over the wards, the catwalk.
[03:47:40] towards the catwalk. Wonderful. Blind to that has to drop on down.
[03:47:45] Seems like they want to try and take this cat control away and they've at least got a lot of
[03:47:49] Utah out of Navi who as we touched upon were kind of cash trapped coming into this round.
[03:47:53] They're down out of just wine cindery once smoke in terms of
[03:47:56] Utah that can take the pace out of the round. This is actually a massive ground for an IPF.
[03:48:01] They can win this one and break the economy of Navi. They were basically playing for overtime
[03:48:05] all hit force into the open. Those are both awkward fights for the SMG out towards long.
[03:48:10] Alexi swings big kill. Huge kill. And this allows wonderful to fall back and focus towards catwalk.
[03:48:22] Need to be with no smoke. Just a corridor and I have to go running through it.
[03:48:26] Ema has to play now. He's in the open, exposed to the door jail, covering him
[03:48:30] fantastically. Two kills and they don't know about Ema hiding in the corner.
[03:48:35] Just wrinkle left. He's got a shot. He's got a Molotov and a 1v2 on his plate.
[03:48:39] Bomb gets stuck. They've got to play together. Can he isolate these fights?
[03:48:42] I love that play for you, Ema. The fallback after...
[03:48:44] He's got a 3.
[03:48:46] Mad man. And that will be it.
[03:48:48] Navi, find their way to play off.
[03:48:51] Swinging through the Molotov.
[03:48:52] Jason, would you say Ema's feeling pretty confident right now?
[03:48:55] Ema's feeling real confident. Ema's feeling real good.
[03:48:58] That's actually a great series from him.
[03:49:00] Both maps, very impactful. Ema 22 and 13 here on Dust2.
[03:49:03] Who's the best shit talker from Brazil?
[03:49:06] Michelangelo.
[03:49:07] No, no, no.
[03:49:08] I'm Sub-Zero.
[03:49:09] I play whoever's in front of me.
[03:49:11] Mason is my little puppy, you know?
[03:49:13] Playhouse Media Day.
[03:49:14] These are exciting times.
[03:49:16] We have people filming people, filming people, but this is the only one they absolutely
[03:49:20] have to do.
[03:49:22] So to player slash co-caster slash commentator all around guy JDC, how are you feeling
[03:49:28] this lovely Monday morning?
[03:49:31] I'm feeling Monday morning, I'm feeling good man, how are you?
[03:49:35] I'm feeling amazing, I'm excited, it's been two weeks of groups, now we're into the playoffs,
[03:49:39] we're going up against the Mongols first, you guys haven't played them, does that make you excited?
[03:49:47] Not really, I think we're playing very good at the moment and the pace we are playing,
[03:49:52] the way we are playing, it doesn't matter who we are facing, it's just a matter of
[03:49:56] that we keep up what we're doing. What's different compared to the last couple of
[03:50:00] tournaments. Did you guys just have more time with Rigaun? Was that key or you identified
[03:50:05] what to focus on? That's a very good question. I think we're just grooving in more and overall
[03:50:11] we're getting more confidence. I think if you're beginning in the lineup and you have a couple
[03:50:16] of losses maybe a bit down but right now we are on an upward strength so we're just gathering
[03:50:20] confidence. I saw there was some pink punging going on around some really loud sounds were
[03:50:28] coming from that part of the venue. So what's the biggest rivalry in Big Clan in
[03:50:34] Pigpong? I mean, Krim was the best player in Pigpong, but the rivalry is between me
[03:50:40] and him. We are always playing and he likes to scream and I beat him, so it's
[03:50:44] very nice dynamic, you know. Well, I'm certainly hoping for everyone else that
[03:50:47] Searsons luck picks up in the Pigpong games. I'll let you go. I'll keep it
[03:50:52] moving here with Tapsen. Tapsen, how are you doing?
[03:50:57] It's okay. It's just the morning.
[03:50:59] Yeah, I like it, you know, honesty. It's really important.
[03:51:02] As an in-game leader, when you go up against a team like Mongols that you haven't really faced, is it...
[03:51:07] Do you like playing teams more that you faced a lot recently, or teams that you haven't played, because both can be annoying?
[03:51:14] To be fair, I don't really mind. For me, I'm really excited to play against Mongols, haven't played them,
[03:51:19] And I'm just excited how the kids on the server. All right
[03:51:23] another question
[03:51:26] If big wins pro league, why is that going to happen?
[03:51:32] Hard work pays off
[03:51:35] All right. Well, thank you for all this gold
[03:51:39] Let's see who else we can talk to we're gonna borrow cream boy while he's getting makeup
[03:51:46] We're gone
[03:51:48] Your team threw you under the bus. Sorry, man
[03:51:52] It's been a while now in big clan. How has it been for you?
[03:51:56] The first month has been tough, but now it's okay
[03:52:00] Why has it been tough the first month? I didn't play that good. No, I'm getting confidence and I'm feeling good
[03:52:06] They just weren't used to your style man. Yeah, I think so. No, they're used to
[03:52:11] Now they have no choice, right? It just has to run as well. Exactly. Yeah, or
[03:52:15] Or it's the first playoffs for you guys already very early on with the team that definitely helps the vibes
[03:52:23] No, it definitely helps
[03:52:26] Did you play the Mongols when you were in be any or never we never played against them
[03:52:30] I feel like they will be able to match your speed on the server
[03:52:34] I think they're crazy as well, but I think Tubsin is more crazy. So when I play thought he just follows my style
[03:52:42] like it you see now you made me think because he's so laid-back look at it
[03:52:46] look at absent right doesn't seem like a crazy person but those are the craziest
[03:52:51] ones we all know thanks for that to you and I think it gives everyone back home
[03:52:55] something to think about that was big clan we're gonna keep the lobby moving
[03:52:59] one minute with Finn Anderson how was the bootcamp it was good we didn't have
[03:53:05] any windows so we felt like lab rats so that's maybe what we need to perform
[03:53:09] better. So I think it was good. That's the first bootcamp the season for us and we wanted
[03:53:15] something before but we also wanted to take care of the schedule but now we didn't care. We need
[03:53:20] some results. I imagine now as you look down the stretch we've got La Blanche, we've got Rio.
[03:53:25] Rio is pretty stacked. Then we head into essentially the RMRs right. So we're already
[03:53:30] in the home stretch of 2024. Will there be another bootcamp available this year?
[03:53:33] Depends, I think if we are top eight for the major, like after the qualifier, I think if
[03:53:40] you're group B at the AMAL, you have four days until the opening stage of the major,
[03:53:45] then you probably stay in China, right?
[03:53:46] So if you're group A and we're doing good at the next three events, then probably go
[03:53:50] back home and do a bootcamp in Europe, but for now, if it goes according to the plan,
[03:53:56] we have four weeks on the road and that's been a while since we've been like that.
[03:53:59] Were there any team bonding activities?
[03:54:02] I think we just needed to play. We tried to focus on the chemistry before Pro League and stuff like that, but we also just need to play.
[03:54:11] We had to change some stuff. A map pool is up in the air, but it's starting to turn our belief with our map pool.
[03:54:16] So it's a pretty interesting player for us and also the upcoming tournaments. I believe we have a good foundation that we just need to perform now.
[03:54:24] Thank you for your time.
[03:54:25] Thank you very much.
[03:54:26] Rain, are you running away or would you like to talk to me?
[03:54:29] But, but I just wanted to ask a few questions.
[03:54:32] Mr. Mr. Finn Anderson, he wasn't feeling too well.
[03:54:35] How are you feeling?
[03:54:36] I'm feeling good.
[03:54:37] I'm feeling good.
[03:54:38] Pretty good.
[03:54:39] How do you feel about boot camp with no windows?
[03:54:40] I heard there was a no window situation.
[03:54:42] Yeah, I was living in the basement for seven days.
[03:54:45] So it must be weird.
[03:54:46] You've been in sunny Malta.
[03:54:47] You've been going outside.
[03:54:48] You've been swimming?
[03:54:49] It's really, you know.
[03:54:50] Really?
[03:54:51] Just Counter Strike?
[03:54:52] Just Counter Strike.
[03:54:53] Entire time.
[03:54:54] Surely some pub geos on the kid there, huh?
[03:54:56] A little bit of deadlock here and there.
[03:54:58] play deadlock all right what do you think of it i think it's great i like it were you a dota fan
[03:55:03] no dig oh oh really yeah i played league okay all right what do you like about deadlock obviously
[03:55:10] it's very mobile s but with a bit of shooting yeah i liked the fact that it's like the perspective
[03:55:16] of it the third person and how it plays it runs so smoothly and everything so i like it okay uh
[03:55:21] in terms of your bracket i was just talking ultimate i it's you guys first complexity it's
[03:55:26] I look at it was last night. I'm ever forgotten already and then into liquid and then to G2
[03:55:32] So that's a pretty crazy gauntlet of teams. How do you feel about the way it's been drawn?
[03:55:38] Gonna be there for doing anyway, so it doesn't matter. I knew you were gonna give me that answer
[03:55:42] I should have thought of a more creative question. Fuck. Okay. How easy do you think it is for vitality to make the ground final?
[03:55:50] She the bracket looks a little bit easy, but it is what it is. So it is okay
[03:55:54] Well I suppose obviously you and Spirit coming third in your group kind of
[03:55:57] contributed a little bit to how the bracket shapes up, but yeah looking at
[03:56:02] our top side do you think any of the teams can really challenge vitality?
[03:56:06] On their side of the bracket? Yeah I'm sure they'll get a couple of hard games, but
[03:56:10] they have Zywa in the end. They have Zywa in the end. Alright alright alright alright what
[03:56:15] else have I got for you mate? I don't know you've been hanging out at Malta for an
[03:56:17] extra bit of time, you've been boot camping, you're in a long stretch of
[03:56:20] events now? Is it hot? You missing the family? Yeah, for sure.
[03:56:23] I'm sure to bring them out to Denmark when we go there
[03:56:26] afterwards. So I'll get to see them again. But it's a
[03:56:30] long time on the road. So it's a tough road. Oh, I'll let you
[03:56:33] get back to you. Thanks for your time. Cheers. Well, what's
[03:56:38] going on here? Let's see team spirit trace. Well, he's in
[03:56:44] middle of something, Magisk. Just enjoying themselves. Hey buddy, how's it going?
[03:56:52] Hi there. Wow, this is going to be very exciting. Yes, thank you so much for this.
[03:57:00] You love media days, don't you? Yes. What's worse, a media day or losing to
[03:57:10] MIBR. AM Cologne. AM Cologne. All right. You're gonna go up against Furia in your first game,
[03:57:22] played him at Bat Boom. It was pretty easy, any reason for us to believe it's gonna be any different
[03:57:27] here? They're not in Cologne. Okay, so Spirit's Revenge Tour, is that what we can expect?
[03:57:37] maybe revenge arc revenge arc okay so basically as long as you guys are not
[03:57:45] in cologne you're fine oh yeah all right great I'm gonna use that in the
[03:57:51] broadcast if you guys end up winning probably why is that going to be it's
[03:58:00] not cologne cologne right thanks hi don't can I see you for one minute are
[03:58:13] Are you excited about whatever's going on here?
[03:58:18] Yes.
[03:58:19] Are you more excited about that or playing Furia?
[03:58:25] Playing Furia.
[03:58:26] Last time it wasn't very exciting.
[03:58:28] It was very exciting.
[03:58:30] I guess for you it was very exciting, right?
[03:58:32] Yes.
[03:58:33] For you, every game seems to be exciting this tournament.
[03:58:36] Yes.
[03:58:37] What's the reason for that?
[03:58:41] I love CS.
[03:58:42] Love CS. Well, that makes two of us.
[03:58:45] I'm going to ask you the same thing. I asked Magisk.
[03:58:47] If you win this tournament, why is that going to be?
[03:58:53] I don't know.
[03:58:54] Okay. What's your favorite Ninja Turtle?
[03:58:58] Michelangelo.
[03:59:00] Nice. All right.
[03:59:01] That's what's going to be a lot more Michelangelo fans out there.
[03:59:05] We leave them to whatever is going on here and keep going.
[03:59:10] That's right. With Imperial, we're going to walk.
[03:59:12] At some point, we're going to talk.
[03:59:14] But here's something for the people at home to know about Imperial.
[03:59:17] Imperial may be everybody's favorite team because they're on time.
[03:59:23] And not only are they on time, they are early.
[03:59:27] So Vinny, I think a lot of people respect a man that's early.
[03:59:31] Did you grow up in a household where you know it's better to be, you know,
[03:59:35] 10 minutes early than one minute late?
[03:59:37] Yeah, exactly.
[03:59:37] I think my house was really like a prison sometimes.
[03:59:40] Whoa, really?
[03:59:41] Yeah, my modern bed was like really strict.
[03:59:43] So what other rules did you have when you were growing up?
[03:59:47] Is it at nine?
[03:59:49] Is it at nine? Yeah, when I was a kid,
[03:59:54] don't play too much, need to study, like I'll describe it.
[03:59:58] So you get the homework done before you play Counter Strike?
[04:00:00] Yeah, yeah. And I think sometimes when I was 14, 15, I was like working and studying and playing.
[04:00:07] So it was fun, no?
[04:00:08] Like so you had a very rigid upbringing.
[04:00:11] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, if I was able to play, I need to have like a good grades.
[04:00:17] I don't know how the metrics system here, yeah, yeah. But like, if it wasn't bad in school,
[04:00:23] the place, yes. No, so I did both. So you were good in school? I think so. I mean, not expert,
[04:00:29] but above average. What was your favorite subject? Did I not get out of the way so that you
[04:00:32] might have a good time? I mean, everything with numbers. So, mathematics, physics,
[04:00:37] stuff like that. But yeah, but they're like 10 years ago, you know?
[04:00:39] I'll let you make it, we'll return to this. Who should I bother instead? Do you want to talk to me? Try?
[04:00:46] You're the only one. How has it been in a team of Brazilians?
[04:00:52] It's been good. I already had the experience with the 00 guys, so I didn't chill.
[04:00:59] Just the same again?
[04:01:00] Yeah, same language. Overall, I think it's a different style.
[04:01:06] Whenever I got to a team, I always tried to implement some things like my way, like a mini system.
[04:01:19] And the moves that you can make and stuff like that.
[04:01:21] Yeah, for example, when I joined the team, it was a bit chaotic and then I told me like I wanted to be the second color.
[04:01:31] So yeah, we started talking and implementing these things.
[04:01:35] Okay, who's your favorite one of these new boys no way or decent you know these guys in the server. They're pretty sharp on it
[04:01:41] Yeah, both both are great. I mean they're pretty really good
[04:01:46] And I like him. I like them a lot. So I think I know we speak singlish, but
[04:01:53] So if you want to speak to him
[04:01:56] Go with no way you're saying yeah
[04:01:58] Well, he's in the makeup chair now mate, so I might lose him for a second
[04:02:01] Now, taking a look at some of the other teams from the region, there's quite a few teams
[04:02:05] from South America that are showing good results at the moment.
[04:02:08] Is there any, like, how would you, do you think that there's a South American style of
[04:02:14] Counter-Strike and if there is, what would you define that style as?
[04:02:19] I don't know really, I don't think there's a style from South Americans here, but yeah,
[04:02:28] The thing is, whenever we play in Brazil, we don't show our A-level, so you can play
[04:02:39] against these teams from the region and lose, but you can come here like us and maybe win
[04:02:45] against big and mouse, but it is because in Brazil it's hard to win because you face
[04:02:55] the same teams all the times and you know each other very well so yeah I don't know if there's
[04:03:00] really a style because for me like Fira has style, Payne has another one, I think we have another one
[04:03:08] but yeah the thing is we face each other a lot so it's hard to win or to be consistent at least.
[04:03:16] Yeah and I'm fair enough that makes sense the familiar, I can't even say the word,
[04:03:21] how familiar you are with your opponent right and there's lots of things you know
[04:03:24] what they're gonna do or they know what you're gonna do making it tough to play
[04:03:27] those matchups yeah yeah that's right all right cool thanks for your time I'll go
[04:03:31] bother no way now you told me he speaks English so let's have a chat hello
[04:03:34] no way he said you speak English is it true no no it's like I don't know you
[04:03:39] just replied to me so I think I think we're getting there I think we're
[04:03:42] getting there now look I was just talking to Vinnie about school and about
[04:03:46] rules in his house he said he had a pretty strict upbringing how was
[04:03:51] you're upbringing you know did you have strict parents more free okay all right
[04:04:17] all right he's from the farm yeah he's from the farm you know track track there
[04:04:23] is the car or stuff like that so he was just a real kid you're a farm boy how
[04:04:30] How did you get a computer on the farm?
[04:04:32] Ah, it's much work in the farm.
[04:04:37] Alright, well, look, let's do this. This way you can speak Portuguese.
[04:04:43] Is there anything you want to say to the fans back at home?
[04:04:46] Well, thank you guys for always watching us.
[04:04:50] Let's go for another playoff now.
[04:04:52] One more, as if we were playing 500.
[04:04:54] Let's go for a playoff now.
[04:04:56] We're going to turn around and play with you.
[04:04:58] Thank you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You see these jerseys these jerseys are going to be worth
[04:05:07] hundreds of thousands of euros why because this guy has signed it the one and only then apex so
[04:05:17] played liquid last night media this morning work never stops for you does it no it doesn't
[04:05:25] and it's gonna be like that for a month straight.
[04:05:28] It's a, we paid for that, we well paid for that.
[04:05:32] So don't have time to complain.
[04:05:34] All right, so this is second time in a row
[04:05:37] that you guys win these seeding games, you know?
[04:05:40] With the Colombian?
[04:05:42] Yes, and Colombian, you know?
[04:05:44] Yeah, I mean, as I said yesterday on the desk,
[04:05:46] I mean on the couch, because on the desk,
[04:05:48] it's a fake desk.
[04:05:50] It's the fourth time in a row
[04:05:51] we first in our group stage in EPL.
[04:05:53] So I ask ESL to give us medals, or maybe
[04:05:58] enter Grantslam cash prize, or something like that,
[04:06:00] because it's impressive.
[04:06:01] At least like 20% or something.
[04:06:04] Exactly, something.
[04:06:05] What did you feel about that liquid game?
[04:06:08] Because they've been looking good, it's exciting.
[04:06:11] People are talking about them.
[04:06:13] How was it on the server?
[04:06:14] Well, yeah, that was a good game.
[04:06:17] We lost Nubis, the first map.
[04:06:19] Unfortunately, I think we had good chances to close them up,
[04:06:23] but we lost too many crucial runs, like 4v2s, 5v3s.
[04:06:27] You know those things that if you lose them,
[04:06:30] it's going to be a tough one.
[04:06:31] Most likely, they must have.
[04:06:32] And then I think we bounced back on the other two,
[04:06:34] and yeah, we're not so scared in some points.
[04:06:37] We always had the control of the game.
[04:06:39] But yeah, they played good.
[04:06:41] They have really good individuals.
[04:06:43] I think Twizz also impressed me in the way he calls right
[04:06:46] now because he's a really new IGL,
[04:06:48] Even though he played with Karrigan for a long time, it's never easy to just understand everything that's going on, etc.
[04:06:55] But yeah, he's doing well for such a short amount of time.
[04:06:59] What was the impressive part about it?
[04:07:01] No, the reeds he had sometimes, and also going for some more bossy calls, etc.
[04:07:08] I really like that personally, so I think it's just part of the game.
[04:07:13] Sometimes you just have to gamble and like, okay, I don't think the deal is there, so just walk or whatever.
[04:07:17] And they did that a few times. Also, yeah, I think some individuals step up and that's anywhere you need that to win some games
[04:07:24] Tell me a little bit about so you had a couple of days before the liquid game
[04:07:28] Now you have three more days before you play again. So how do you organize all that time in between?
[04:07:34] Well, the first week of group was a really chill for us. That's in the first time our
[04:07:41] Our staff gave us that much free time because we are we have a month out of home now
[04:07:46] And we knew that even though we're not at 100% in EPL groups, we should go through normally.
[04:07:54] And that's what happened.
[04:07:55] So I'm really proud of the guys because we managed that time well.
[04:07:59] And now, yeah, it's going to be full practice.
[04:08:02] We want only one trophy this year.
[04:08:05] And even though we did well, we want to get more.
[04:08:08] So it's going to be all about focusing on the playoff and trying to get the trophy.
[04:08:13] So a few practice for the next three days as much as possible, I mean not too much, not too
[04:08:19] I mean a great amount and yeah, I think that's what could happen.
[04:08:23] All right, and if Vitality wins EPL, what's going to be the reason for it?
[04:08:29] Well, they win VP, a classic one. I think also we can also play really good as a team.
[04:08:36] We have like this we are one of the best in terms of trading when we're on the T side, etc.
[04:08:43] So it's also going to be about that.
[04:08:45] So and also in later on, we need also to win those later runs.
[04:08:49] So those guys have to step up in me sometime, but I'm not too often in the later ones.
[04:08:54] All right.
[04:08:55] Thank you so much, Dan.
[04:08:56] Always a pleasure.
[04:08:57] Good luck.
[04:08:58] We'll grab at least one more guy.
[04:09:01] Sorry guys.
[04:09:02] Mas, you're clear.
[04:09:03] I got you the first time around.
[04:09:05] Zywoo, you weren't around.
[04:09:07] Yeah, it's fine, it's not going to be, you know, when you have Apex on your team, he covers most of the stuff.
[04:09:13] So this is just to show the people what they want to see.
[04:09:16] How was the game against Liquid for you last night?
[04:09:20] Going up against, well, you know, Ultimate on the other side, new kid on the block, all that, wanting to prove himself.
[04:09:25] You showing who's boss?
[04:09:27] Actually, I didn't think about that.
[04:09:29] I think before starting the game, it was fun to play a new team plus
[04:09:32] because we kind of always played the same team, like from NDPL or other like Blast or anything.
[04:09:37] So it was good challenge for us to play a new team too.
[04:09:40] We didn't really know what they're going to do.
[04:09:41] So it was new challenge for us and it was really exciting to play against them.
[04:09:45] All right, usually at EPL, you guys do pretty good.
[04:09:48] I mean, last season was great up until the last game, you know,
[04:09:51] but do you feel like because of the Cologne win as well,
[04:09:55] you're a bit of a different team this time around?
[04:09:57] Could be. I don't feel any difference to be honest, but obviously when people have faced us and we are like the remaining champion of Colombian business, I want to be the small, so we need to be even more on the table to be better.
[04:10:11] So obviously we need to be focused even more and we need to be even more like every day.
[04:10:16] Alright, you have a couple of games before you have to play a couple of days before you have to play your first game. So are we going to see any more squash match-ups against Pinks?
[04:10:26] Yeah, I think so, but I will beat these small ass every day, so it's fine.
[04:10:32] It's fine, all good, all good.
[04:10:34] Is it more intense in the squash matchups or the ping pong matchups?
[04:10:39] I think it's more trying to get into the squash game because look at this face, it's like this all the game against me is so focused.
[04:10:47] So obviously we need to be 100% in the squash game.
[04:10:50] Do you fear that all the rivalry in the squash game might have negative influence on the team on the server?
[04:10:56] Don't say this to me yet, so you will not do anything.
[04:10:59] All right, thank you so much, man, good luck.
[04:11:03] That was Vitality in the lobby.
[04:11:06] We'll go to our next team.
[04:11:08] Stay tuned.
[04:11:10] We've got Spirit taking on Vitality on cash, I believe.
[04:11:15] I don't know if we can get up here and take a look.
[04:11:17] Maybe we can.
[04:11:19] Maybe we can sneak in behind.
[04:11:21] I don't wanna disturb anybody right now.
[04:11:25] You've taken the coaching role today man.
[04:11:26] Yeah, exactly. I'm the coach of guys.
[04:11:28] So I wanted to know how we do that.
[04:11:31] I don't fucking know, I don't fucking know this map.
[04:11:34] Just know the LDSC smoke, that's it.
[04:11:36] Yeah, okay, a bit of French history.
[04:11:38] Now, the importance of this game today against Spirit on cash,
[04:11:41] it's a huge match.
[04:11:42] I know you guys been practicing for this for weeks on end.
[04:11:45] How are the boys feeling this morning?
[04:11:46] Yeah, feeling good.
[04:11:47] Like you saw them on the Mediare.
[04:11:49] They were, they was fully dressed for that.
[04:11:51] And actually, it's quite a good tactic.
[04:11:55] We've practiced cash for a few months already,
[04:11:59] because we're already preparing after China.
[04:12:02] Excited to see it come back into the map.
[04:12:04] Paul, I wish you guys some luck,
[04:12:05] and I'll take a look at what's going on here.
[04:12:06] Yes, you guys.
[04:12:07] Thank you, thank you.
[04:12:09] All right, well, tea time for Vitao.
[04:12:10] Today we can do some live one-sided commentary here.
[04:12:15] They're out middle.
[04:12:16] I wonder if they know the crisscross smoke still.
[04:12:17] Dan definitely knows what's going on.
[04:12:22] I'll wait till someone dies,
[04:12:23] and I'll see if we can.
[04:12:24] They're actually full-fragging right now.
[04:12:26] This is nice to see.
[04:12:28] This is the old version of Cash.
[04:12:30] This isn't the new version by any means.
[04:12:35] Zahewe just got a knife kill.
[04:12:41] It looks like they're having fun.
[04:12:42] So we won't disturb them.
[04:12:43] We won't get in the way,
[04:12:44] but you can look out for this content.
[04:12:45] It's gonna be coming your way on the socials.
[04:12:49] All right, we're gonna insert ourselves
[04:12:51] in the middle of two Titans.
[04:12:52] We'll see who we can find to talk to.
[04:12:55] We'll just hover around.
[04:12:56] We'll just walk around.
[04:12:58] Nice and quietly.
[04:13:00] I'm going to come all the way back here and talk to Roland from Poland.
[04:13:06] Roland, which part of Poland are you from?
[04:13:08] Close to Germany border in Poznań, it's a big city.
[04:13:12] Is nowhere near us from?
[04:13:14] Yeah, yeah, this.
[04:13:15] Damn, I have a good memory somehow.
[04:13:17] How are you enjoying your time with all these native English speakers, mate?
[04:13:21] It's nice, very nice as well, as a people.
[04:13:23] And I think I'm learning English pretty quickly with them, so it's good.
[04:13:27] Now look, you're pretty flurry on the AWP, you like to get aggressive, you don't have these fun moves, you get the best role in the team, so things are going pretty well.
[04:13:35] Do you have any complaints, do you have anything that we need to say to the boys that need to flash you more, drop more orbs?
[04:13:40] Yeah, Justin's stealing my Ecos a bit. That's the problem, you know.
[04:13:45] Well look, everybody needs Ecos, right? You don't want to share, you don't have like a quota this game, you know, someone else gets them or you want them all.
[04:13:52] I don't like it, no.
[04:13:54] Fair enough. I understand. Everybody likes the easy kills.
[04:13:57] Who's your favourite team mate? They're not listening right now.
[04:14:00] No, everyone is. I know it's a polite answer, but everyone is great.
[04:14:06] And you guys have a pretty tough bracket coming up ahead.
[04:14:10] I think there's phase complexity. I think you're obviously
[04:14:15] going into G2 potentially. What do you think of your bracket?
[04:14:20] Pretty easy, not a challenge, just playing, just playing.
[04:14:25] Alright, I'll let you go with your team, you got to do some photos and stuff mate, have a good day.
[04:14:28] It's all fun and games on media day, before the playoffs.
[04:14:31] Mr. Yukinda, can I borrow you?
[04:14:33] I know you're deep in conversation about strats with your team, but we have more important stuff to talk about right now mate.
[04:14:38] Now you're obviously a massive Daisy player, one of the biggest Daisy influencers going around.
[04:14:43] Why do you like the Running Man Z?
[04:14:46] I think it's just interesting, you know, like you compare CS to DayZ and DayZ just feels a lot more realistic and a lot more hardcore, in a way.
[04:14:57] And I think running at Z, he kind of makes this hardcore-ness, he kind of mixes it up with his calm voice and calm commentating that it just makes, like, it's just a pleasure to watch, you know.
[04:15:11] Now Rush he puts a lot of slander out there towards running man Z
[04:15:15] He calls him the walking man Z thinks he's a bit boring. Do you have anything to say to Rush about that?
[04:15:21] Well, how he said to me on not to me on practice, but he said eyes were seven multi and he's gonna understand that
[04:15:29] Okay, well, I'll never get some translations gone for that one right there now
[04:15:32] Look, what's your favorite Daisy map?
[04:15:35] I only paid one chair on rules. Yeah, I have like 20 hours
[04:15:39] I don't have many, like I'm not a professional, I just for fun play with my girlfriend sometimes
[04:15:46] and we play like for two days and we're like in the middle of the map and then we suddenly
[04:15:51] get just sniped without a chance and then we're just mad and we don't play for a week or
[04:15:56] two.
[04:15:57] Fair enough, we're going to get you on to some new mouse, you know, I will try getting
[04:15:59] Justin in there for a while, Daisy is not really his game, I think it's a bit
[04:16:02] slow for him but we'll get you on some new mouse, we'll get you in with the
[04:16:04] boy.
[04:16:05] Slow for Justin?
[04:16:09] Yeah.
[04:16:10] I'm surprised that Daisy's too slow for you.
[04:16:12] When you're reloading, you're done this game.
[04:16:15] But you need to clean it up, you know?
[04:16:18] Yeah, it's not his type of a game.
[04:16:20] All right, well, we'll get you on the Mauska one point
[04:16:23] and we'll see if we can get you into some fun.
[04:16:25] Now, let's do some serious conversation for a second.
[04:16:27] Yesterday, you played against Vitality first time with this roster.
[04:16:30] What's the diagnosis post-match?
[04:16:33] Well, I'm not going to lie.
[04:16:35] For me individually, I should let the last map for sure.
[04:16:39] On Nuke, I felt like we were not necessarily moving around on CT side the right way.
[04:16:45] Like what usually happens when somebody closes up the gaps, we were not necessarily naturally moving.
[04:16:51] And that's why it was hard to play. They got a lot of gaps.
[04:16:53] There was a force round, like force wars, and that's the worst thing you can have on the CT side Nuke, right?
[04:16:59] And on Dust2, I think we just fell a little bit sleepy.
[04:17:05] Some missed clumps there, some mistakes, some missed smokes.
[04:17:10] Have you seen my missed smoke on this too?
[04:17:12] I tweeted about it, yeah.
[04:17:13] I was, I'm not gonna lie, that was a fake smoke for door, so that thing is short.
[04:17:18] And then we ran out to B and we went around the app.
[04:17:22] But people think it's a missed smoke, I don't know why.
[04:17:25] Man, the amount of people I see who line up on the wrong thing is pretty common though.
[04:17:28] Like, you know, when people go into the palette, they line up on the wrong line.
[04:17:31] No, but that's the thing, it's like such a common smoke, you don't really practice it.
[04:17:34] And then like the first time you come on the server and you're like if you look at the wrong thing you're thinking like okay, wait
[04:17:41] Where am I you know?
[04:17:43] Yeah, I just fucked up. I don't know just a bad bad man, but I
[04:17:49] Feel I feel like we have a good chance against the next time
[04:17:52] Well, that's the thing to play against them next time you have a pretty crazy bracket potentially right this phase versus complexity
[04:17:57] winner that plays into you, winner of that game plays into G2, and then winner
[04:18:02] that plays into either like a Navi or a Spirit most likely.
[04:18:05] And that's before you even get to the Grand Final where Vitality will probably
[04:18:08] be. That sounds pretty fucking crazy.
[04:18:09] I mean, we're here for experience and the more experience we can get the
[04:18:13] better.
[04:18:15] Okay.
[04:18:15] Well, that's the thing.
[04:18:16] I forget that I'm asking competitors.
[04:18:17] I just thought it rained the same question.
[04:18:19] He's like, well, if we want to win, we've got to beat everybody.
[04:18:21] Like, yeah, but like if Vitality is not in the Grand Final, they got
[04:18:24] the easiest side of the bracket in the history of the fucking world.
[04:18:27] Yeah, well, but, I mean, it's not the O's who are responsible for this, it's the teams who fucked up and like Miles Astralis who lost in groups and that's what the bracket got all like, like this.
[04:18:40] So, it just happens, you know, it happens and there's been already tournaments with where easier brackets are on one side of the map and harder brackets are on the other side of the map and you just have to deal with it.
[04:18:53] Yeah, we possibly play FaZe or Complexity, we play possibly FaZe G2, we possibly FaZe Navi or Spirit, I mean, that's life, that's how this is, fair enough.
[04:19:04] Alright, thank you for your time. Thank you.
[04:19:06] Alright, what's going on here, Russ?
[04:19:09] Um, costume party.
[04:19:13] Is this your doing? You decided to put this on today?
[04:19:16] I don't know, it started looking at me and he just said sub-zero. And, yep, we're not now.
[04:19:22] Do you feel you're a bit of a sub-zero?
[04:19:24] I guess so.
[04:19:26] I mean, if you saw the movie, it was kind of a badass.
[04:19:28] But it also fucked up.
[04:19:30] I was just asking about what went down yesterday.
[04:19:33] We were just talking a bit about the bracket.
[04:19:35] What was your most memorable match in the group stage, you reckon?
[04:19:37] Most memorable match?
[04:19:39] Out of all the teams.
[04:19:41] For you? For Liquid?
[04:19:43] Yeah, yeah. Oh, for Liquid.
[04:19:45] I mean, of course, the Vitality match is probably the most competitive match.
[04:19:49] And when I listen to the cast, I mean the cast is totally exciting so...
[04:19:54] Okay, alright, fine. Who are you looking forward to playing the most in the playoff bracket potentially?
[04:19:59] I would like to be a revenge on Faze and Vitality.
[04:20:04] Faze? Oh, that's right. I forgot about that little match.
[04:20:08] Okay, so if complexity loses to Faze, then you play against Faze, right? So you get that chance.
[04:20:12] And then, have you guys played against G2 yet?
[04:20:14] No, only in scrims.
[04:20:16] That means Justin can play against you too.
[04:20:18] I'm gonna revenge.
[04:20:19] Justin, do you want revenge against G2?
[04:20:21] No, I don't care.
[04:20:23] Oh, why don't you care?
[04:20:25] I play whoever's in front of me.
[04:20:26] Shut up, you fucking bitch!
[04:20:28] Get angry!
[04:20:29] It would also be a spicy game, but that's about it.
[04:20:32] But they have a completely different roster.
[04:20:34] Will you shit talk?
[04:20:35] No.
[04:20:36] Whenever I have a shit talk.
[04:20:37] I would have not be.
[04:20:39] I'll give you some lessons.
[04:20:40] No.
[04:20:41] No shit talk.
[04:20:42] Alright.
[04:20:43] A bit of a game though.
[04:20:44] If we do play them.
[04:20:45] Yeah, whoever's in front of that.
[04:20:47] You have to either be complex to your face.
[04:20:48] Yeah, so that'll obviously be a really hard game.
[04:20:50] So one game at a time.
[04:20:53] I'm leaving.
[04:20:54] I'm done.
[04:20:55] I'm done.
[04:20:56] I'm getting these fucking humble bitch responses.
[04:20:58] Thank you for your time.
[04:21:00] You got MIBR here, safe.
[04:21:03] How are you doing, buddy?
[04:21:04] I'm good, good.
[04:21:05] Yeah.
[04:21:06] Gonna be a lot worse once you see
[04:21:07] what they're gonna have you do soon enough.
[04:21:08] But tell me, MIBR in the playoffs or pro league,
[04:21:13] What was different this tournament compared to some of the other ones?
[04:21:17] I don't know, maybe the vibes?
[04:21:19] I don't know, I think we liked Malta.
[04:21:22] It was good to be in the playoffs of such a big tournament.
[04:21:27] What do you like about Malta?
[04:21:29] The weather, I mean everything, I guess.
[04:21:31] It's more like Brazil for us, so it's nice to be here.
[04:21:36] You guys changed in-game leaders a little while back.
[04:21:38] What would you say is the biggest difference between exit and drop?
[04:21:43] It's hard to say because I think the structure is almost the same, but I think exit is more
[04:21:51] comfortable on lurker roles and drops are really active in giving him the responsibility of
[04:22:00] always having to give some call and things like this is important for us.
[04:22:05] So yeah, I think that's the biggest difference.
[04:22:09] Three Brazilian teams in the playoffs.
[04:22:12] Are you a little bit surprised by that?
[04:22:16] Not really, I think.
[04:22:18] CS2, it's with the MR12 and things like this
[04:22:24] are giving those kind of results,
[04:22:26] like the underdogs beating the top tier teams.
[04:22:31] So I'm not surprised by this.
[04:22:33] And it's really good for our region
[04:22:37] to have these things in the playoffs.
[04:22:41] You guys have a day or two off before you have to play your games,
[04:22:46] you're also bringing first two groups.
[04:22:48] So what have you been up to in between your games and playoffs now?
[04:22:54] We've been practicing a lot.
[04:22:56] Yesterday we had a day off, just to chill and try to have the energy back.
[04:23:03] And today we're going to practice and tomorrow too,
[04:23:06] so to be ready for the next match.
[04:23:09] Yeah, going up against the winner of and Heroic, any thoughts on that particular matchup?
[04:23:15] Have you played those teams a lot recently?
[04:23:19] I don't think we played VP, but we played Heroic in Cologne.
[04:23:25] I think both teams are having some ups and downs, but both of them are really good teams.
[04:23:37] VPs are really good teams, all they have really good individuals
[04:23:40] and it's gonna be a cool match to watch.
[04:23:43] Alright, thank you so much man.
[04:23:45] We'll grab someone else from your team.
[04:23:47] Everyone is so excited from here.
[04:23:50] No, no.
[04:23:51] It's good, it's good.
[04:23:54] Good morning, how are you?
[04:23:56] Good morning, how are you?
[04:23:58] You are...
[04:24:01] How do you say, tired?
[04:24:04] I'm a little tired.
[04:24:34] Yeah, how are you loving the in-game leader life?
[04:24:37] Yeah, it's easy. I just read the paper and call the stress.
[04:24:41] You seem like you're enjoying it a lot. You don't seem tired at all or like you have to think about a million things?
[04:24:48] No, it's fine. I'm just rushing and then I die and I watch for good screens.
[04:24:54] Ah, so Art's your favorite player growing up?
[04:24:56] Yeah, Art's my mentor.
[04:24:58] Well, good luck with that. You guys are going up in a couple of days against VP, Heroic.
[04:25:07] When was the last time you played VP?
[04:25:10] I think it was last year, on YokoPink. It was a best of one.
[04:25:16] Every bedroom?
[04:25:19] We played them?
[04:25:21] Yeah, we didn't play any of them on the best of one.
[04:25:24] In your opinion, it was the best of one and we won it.
[04:25:27] Because it's a unique team, right? A lot of teams hate playing them.
[04:25:32] Where do you stand on all that?
[04:25:34] Yeah, it's like you have to have a lot of patience to play against them,
[04:25:37] because they are always playing slow and saving when they have no chance.
[04:25:41] So it kind of makes you tired when you're playing,
[04:25:45] but I think I can run more than they can save.
[04:25:47] I mean, Brazilian CS is a lot about patience as well.
[04:25:50] Do you think maybe then it's easier for you guys to go up against them
[04:25:53] than some of the other teams?
[04:25:55] I wouldn't say that.
[04:25:57] Maybe there's some matchups that we can go better,
[04:26:00] maybe on map pool or something like that.
[04:26:01] But against VP, there is a high game.
[04:26:03] So if we play against them, I know it's not going
[04:26:06] to be an easy battle for us.
[04:26:08] All right.
[04:26:09] If MIBR ends up winning ESL pro league,
[04:26:12] what will be the reason for that?
[04:26:15] Lucky.
[04:26:17] All right.
[04:26:18] Fair enough.
[04:26:20] Thank you, MIBR.
[04:26:21] We're going to keep going.
[04:26:24] Trouble in Paradise, Trace, anything you'd like to talk about recording issues, cropping up with your ideas?
[04:26:30] See, cropping will be the biggest issue, Chad, especially when it comes to green on a green screen.
[04:26:34] Today, it's designed for not only mandatory fun, but also new content.
[04:26:38] And part of the problem right now is that one of the teams
[04:26:41] seemingly has somewhat of a green jersey.
[04:26:44] Didn't forecast, I did not see this one coming.
[04:26:47] Now, if you could just cover the mole in fabric that's not grain, would that be the solution?
[04:26:53] In theory, yes.
[04:26:54] But as it turns out, well, you see all the costumes working with Mr. Virgil.
[04:27:02] I do have a space man in there.
[04:27:04] We can go to our costume box as well if required.
[04:27:07] I think we're running dangerously low over there as well.
[04:27:09] All right.
[04:27:10] Well, I wish you luck with your solutions.
[04:27:11] I'm going to go talk to Rushley Rancher.
[04:27:14] Good luck with that.
[04:27:15] I don't think he works anymore, does he?
[04:27:16] You just placed ping pong all the time?
[04:27:17] Yeah.
[04:27:18] find out. Now we're here with lead ping pong specialist from ESL that's rushly
[04:27:23] rushly roadblock ranger they call you now why do they call you roadblock? That's
[04:27:28] because I like to stop things from happening that is my main quest in
[04:27:31] life. I thought it was to do with they can never get a ball past you. Well
[04:27:35] that's also true Jay you want to see you want to see a serve a J give me that
[04:27:39] ball what's this what what's the serve what's this all right keep that
[04:27:44] Mike, wait for me. You see that? I put spin on it, right? I do a little spin and
[04:27:51] maneuver and it just goes off to the side. I mean, what they're supposed to do.
[04:27:54] Rush, you've been enjoying yourself here at ESL Pro League Season 20?
[04:27:56] Yeah, I think it's been pretty good. Like, I've been really enjoying it. You're
[04:28:00] supposed to follow me, right? Anyway, I've been really enjoying it. It's been a
[04:28:02] good time. It's been nice. I've only been here for a week, one more week to go.
[04:28:06] And I'm having a great time. How are you doing, Chad?
[04:28:09] We've been Rio.
[04:28:10] Yes. Well, I don't know. I don't know if I can confirm or deny this, but I
[04:28:13] should be in Rio, yes.
[04:28:14] Okay, now Rush, this will obviously be the last DSL Pro League season ever.
[04:28:19] We made it to 20. Do you have any words that you want to say to everybody who's been tuning into
[04:28:24] DSL Pro League these last couple of years and enjoying the entertainment that you've been providing?
[04:28:29] I mean that would be a shame honestly. I mean on a serious note, I've been doing this since
[04:28:32] season three you know. So I've been here a long time. I really enjoyed my time with Pro League.
[04:28:36] Probably one of my favorite events to work on. So if that is true Chad, I haven't heard this
[04:28:39] you know nothing internally at least. So if that is true I'm quite sad about that.
[04:28:43] I know you're not allowed to officially comment but you know it's true.
[04:28:47] I haven't heard anything from the top. I often have meetings with the top echelon of the company
[04:28:51] you know and I've had nothing so I don't know. I'll say goodbye this will be the last time anyone
[04:28:56] ever sees you in an episode of the lobby. All right well I enjoyed it. You want to
[04:29:00] watch me serve again? Jake give me the ball. And now we watched Rush for the last time
[04:29:06] play table tennis. Thanks, Rush. We have a German going to space. Oh, hold up. We're
[04:29:18] in the way. Come on in. The problem is they're going to have to change shirt. So we're going
[04:29:25] to need a we're going to need a cut and then come back after they change shirt. And with
[04:29:29] the magic of television, we're back. Everything is sorted. Trace is dressing people. This
[04:29:33] is great. He's showing them how to use a vest. Now, look at that. Slacks is a
[04:29:40] natural. All right. I wanted to talk to you to Slaks anyway. Slaks, look, couple of questions.
[04:29:48] Obviously you're an American team. Have you relocated to the US of A?
[04:29:52] Not really. So I'm officially still living in Germany, but I'm never home. So, okay,
[04:29:59] fair enough. So you, when you are in the US, where are you based from?
[04:30:02] So we have a house in Austin right now. So we are always in Austin, different Airbnb's.
[04:30:07] Okay, what's it like? Do you like it? Yeah, it's everything is bigger in taxes. You have some good fastwood chains.
[04:30:15] The weather is really hot and humid, but I kind of like it right now.
[04:30:20] Okay, is it all of you there or is it just like you and Sin there or is everybody based from there?
[04:30:24] So everybody still lives at home basically, but most of the time we are together because of the ping.
[04:30:32] We have two guys from Cali, it's not so good to play from there, but we also had times
[04:30:37] if we only practiced, then me and Zinner are there and the others are at home.
[04:30:41] So it's kind of, every day is different.
[04:30:44] You don't think it'd be more beneficial to get them over to Europe, so you guys could
[04:30:47] be in Europe more often playing European Counter-Strike or you feel you're at enough
[04:30:50] events?
[04:30:51] No, so we want to be more in Europe than we are right now.
[04:30:56] It always depends, like, if we can be more in Europe, we will be, but we have
[04:31:00] to play the ECL right now and the scheduling is kind of rough sometimes, then we have to beat it because
[04:31:05] we need the Pro League spot. But we will have some more time with Thunderpick where we can also then
[04:31:10] stay more in Europe and actually practice because that's our ultimate goal. So yes, it would for
[04:31:15] sure be a lot better. Well, that's in Germany, right? That's on the pick event. Is it in like,
[04:31:19] so is it Berlin or Düsseldorf? Yeah, but we are not the thing with Thunderpick is we
[04:31:25] qualified for it but the thing we qualified for is the online tournament and there you can qualify
[04:31:31] for the event in Berlin. Okay so another step first but you guys have got Atlanta you got
[04:31:37] Thunderpick then you've got the RMR so still a bit of stuff going on for the rest of the year so
[04:31:41] what's the plan after Pro League ends how far away is Atlanta? Atlanta I think is in two
[04:31:46] weeks already so we will go from Malta to Austin we stay there for 10 days then we
[04:31:54] Then we go to Atlanta, then from Atlanta we go back to Austin, and then from Austin
[04:31:58] we go to Berlin, then we stay for Thunderpick and Bootcamp in Berlin, and then we go from
[04:32:03] Berlin to Shanghai.
[04:32:04] Okay, well you've been paying attention to your calendar, that's very good of you making
[04:32:08] sure you know when you're going to be home, all right, all right, all right, now which
[04:32:10] one is your favorite teammate, they're not listening, they can't hear you.
[04:32:15] That's a hard one.
[04:32:16] So Mason is my little puppy, you know?
[04:32:18] Your little puppy?
[04:32:19] Because we are in the same room, you know, I'm taking him under the shoulder,
[04:32:23] them out so we have a very good bond but I love them all of course. All right all
[04:32:29] right thanks for your time I'm gonna go bug your teammates right now a little
[04:32:32] puppy hello do you like the thing named little puppy no I'm not a fan is he
[04:32:39] correct are you are you under his wing yeah a little bit under these two pretty
[04:32:42] much I learned from him the most more than likely but these two teach me about
[04:32:45] like life and if I need to get yelled at they do it he doesn't do it about
[04:32:49] life. What life lessons are you learning? I mean, I'm a young kid. I'm only 19. So like,
[04:32:53] kind of like first time really out of the house, like away. So they kind of like,
[04:32:57] just teach me what I need to know if I need to know something. But most of the time, if it's
[04:33:00] about in game, he says it, but he's not really the, the, the one to yell at me. He's not the
[04:33:05] enforcer. Nah, it's to be those two. But he's been the one messing up lately. It's been his
[04:33:11] fault. Been having to yell at him. What's he been doing wrong? Just he's doing some funny
[04:33:16] He's right-clicking smokes randomly 20 seconds on a B split. I was like, are you trolling me? But it's okay. Oh, wow
[04:33:23] Okay, well investigate that a minute. I want to hear more about this you 19 says first time out of the house
[04:33:27] Obviously, that's a bit of a hyperbole. I would hope you've been out of the house before right now
[04:33:33] I just never touched grass. I played FPL never never left fair enough
[04:33:38] Now look, what's the biggest culture shock you've had since you know, you travels overseas. I don't see there really hasn't been any I mean
[04:33:46] I don't really know. I mean, we definitely like the talking like just like more Americans are loud talkers
[04:33:52] But like everybody else kind of like hush hush quiet like speaking wise
[04:33:55] But it's kind of what I've noticed, but that's really about it. Nothing really too crazy
[04:33:58] Are you looking forward to the spray of events you guys get coming out?
[04:34:01] We're just talking about a lot of slacks and like you guys have quite that the run ahead of you now
[04:34:04] Yeah, of course. We haven't spent a lot of time in Europe this season. We spent a lot more last season with mobs
[04:34:10] So we're coming we're planning. I think to be in Europe ever from October 21st onwards
[04:34:15] so the RMR and the major.
[04:34:18] So it's good to be able to get some practice there.
[04:34:20] The RMR should be quite interesting for you guys
[04:34:22] because a lot of the America's teams,
[04:34:24] at least at this event, right?
[04:34:25] Whether they're in attendance to the RMR or not,
[04:34:26] have shown some good performance,
[04:34:27] like seven out of the 16 teams are not European teams
[04:34:31] who are in the playoffs here.
[04:34:32] So do you think this is a sign of the event
[04:34:34] or do you think this is a sign of a change in the times?
[04:34:36] What are your things going on?
[04:34:37] I'm not really sure.
[04:34:38] I think teams, I think with MR 13
[04:34:40] and the way like CS is right now,
[04:34:42] It's kind of a little bit more underdog,
[04:34:46] like helpful underdogs with the economy and such.
[04:34:50] But I think Ana is just playing a decent CS right now.
[04:34:54] And with the economy, the meta,
[04:34:57] it's just kind of working in the America's favor.
[04:35:00] Okay, all right.
[04:35:01] And your side of the bracket,
[04:35:03] if I, I don't want to be saying anything too,
[04:35:07] too untoward to some of the other teams,
[04:35:09] but compared to the lower half of the bracket,
[04:35:11] Your half is looking pretty chill.
[04:35:14] For the most part, yeah.
[04:35:16] I mean, the drawing, I'd say,
[04:35:18] went probably the best it could have gone.
[04:35:22] But we earned that, I would say, for sure.
[04:35:25] Exactly.
[04:35:26] It's the other team's fault,
[04:35:27] not like for fucking up and losing.
[04:35:28] Like if FaZe and Spirit didn't come third in that group,
[04:35:30] the whole bracket could look completely different.
[04:35:32] Exactly.
[04:35:33] I think I even saw someone say that
[04:35:34] like if Liquid beat Vitality last night,
[04:35:36] it would have been even more of a shit fest
[04:35:39] on that lower portion.
[04:35:41] So I mean, I'm happy with it.
[04:35:43] You're happy with it, all right.
[04:35:44] Who do you think from your little spree of teams
[04:35:46] that you can be playing against?
[04:35:47] I think it's like VP, Heroic, MIBR into you guys, I think.
[04:35:51] Yeah, I think it'll probably be,
[04:35:53] I think VP will be Heroic, then VP versus MIBR,
[04:35:56] probably VP beating them.
[04:35:58] Even though probably close to three maps
[04:36:00] and then we'll probably play VP.
[04:36:01] How do you feel about having to play that play style?
[04:36:05] I think it's fine.
[04:36:06] I think we play better against slower point styles
[04:36:08] and like teams that are super hyper aggressive
[04:36:09] be more tricky for us. Okay, cool. Thanks for your time. Of course. Thank you. Sweet. Thanks,
[04:36:15] guys. Thank you. You want to talk to me? I don't know. Do you have a sign to say? No, I'm not
[04:36:21] really happy to be here. I'm looking at him and I'm laughing a bit. This dress is funny. Same
[04:36:25] with Fritz. He's got the AI moves. The AI moves. Yeah, like the default skin, you know,
[04:36:31] when you default carry time. Yeah, okay. I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing.
[04:36:33] Do you like Austin as much as Slack seems to? Honestly, I don't. Yeah, American food,
[04:36:38] fast food especially it's really good. Oh so you're not seeing your healthy diet?
[04:36:43] Panda Express. Yeah I love Panda. Panda is really good. What should you go to order at Panda Express?
[04:36:47] It's the orange chicken. They had the hot orange chicken this was the absolute best but it's out
[04:36:51] for some reason. You like spicy food? Yeah I love it. And the fried rice and the vegetables the
[04:36:57] super greens or something it's called. Are you teaching the boys any German? No not really
[04:37:03] Honestly, I also talk to Fritz like English even when we're two alone in the room, we talk English just out of habit, I guess.
[04:37:10] Varun?
[04:37:11] I guess, yeah, like just you try to speak English all the time. It's not my first language, so I just try to improve.
[04:37:17] But also just in general, like keep everyone involved, you know, like we've had some past teams where we had one Polish guy,
[04:37:24] not that he like we tried to do it, but then it was like fast. No, it's more like natural. I really like it that way.
[04:37:29] Okay, do you find you ever get caught when you're, you know, in game leading and you don't have the words or do you think it's really quite easy?
[04:37:38] No, at the beginning a bit, yes, but honestly right now I feel super comfortable in English.
[04:37:43] No, like not finding the words, but it's like fixed because we have some keywords, you know, keywords are some like the idea in general.
[04:37:50] And yeah, this just helps.
[04:37:52] Okay, awesome. And, well, I was just talking to switch about your potential opponent. He thinks it'd be VP, do you agree?
[04:37:58] Yeah, I think VP is the strongest. They've been in the slump, but I still think they're the strongest team out of them.
[04:38:03] But yeah, so I think it's VP.
[04:38:05] Okay, so because you don't know your opponent, but you know it could be one of three teams, how does preparation begin?
[04:38:11] Obviously, we look at maps of everything we could play.
[04:38:13] Obviously, we value like some teams more than us, for example, VP.
[04:38:16] Look at the maps and just focus on our maps because we're going to pick our map, we're going to get the regardless, I'm pretty sure.
[04:38:22] So yeah, just practice our maps, see what we want to do at first.
[04:38:26] And then, do I play tomorrow? Yeah, right?
[04:38:29] Yeah, games start tomorrow.
[04:38:30] Yeah, okay, okay.
[04:38:31] Then we can maybe see after the game, in the evening, like focus on, okay, it's more like the disc than that, you know?
[04:38:36] Yeah, focus on ourselves.
[04:38:38] Alright, focus on yourselves.
[04:38:39] I like it.
[04:38:40] We're going to talk to Wreck as well.
[04:38:41] We're talking to everybody.
[04:38:42] We will see the whole team, shall we?
[04:38:44] Now, look, the Counter-Strike world and Wreck.
[04:38:47] How much do you think the people at home know about you?
[04:38:49] Not too much.
[04:38:50] I don't go on interviews too much.
[04:38:52] I mean, whatever I put out there.
[04:38:54] Let's learn a little bit right now.
[04:38:55] Now what, uh, so I guess, uh, I think he said there's two California boys.
[04:38:59] Yeah.
[04:38:59] So I guess you're one of them.
[04:39:01] Yeah.
[04:39:01] So Cal saw I was, uh, I'm from Orange County area, you know, that's that.
[04:39:05] It's just so, so Cal, it's like 50 minutes from LA.
[04:39:09] What's your early counter strike influences?
[04:39:10] When did you get involved in CS?
[04:39:12] Ooh, I had to say for my cousin, I was really young.
[04:39:15] He was playing 1.6.
[04:39:16] So she's how people start.
[04:39:17] And then, um, I don't know.
[04:39:19] I think when age 12, I bought go on the computer for the first time.
[04:39:22] It was like my first ever PC game and I kind of got hooked from there.
[04:39:24] and then I just kept playing.
[04:39:25] Okay, so what was like your first team?
[04:39:28] My first team, oh wow.
[04:39:29] The first like recognizable team I guess was really tactics.
[04:39:32] I went to like a land with them, Fragedolfia.
[04:39:35] I don't know which one, I think like 17 or 16.
[04:39:37] Yeah, that was my first like real team I guess you can say.
[04:39:40] Damn, okay.
[04:39:41] All right, all right.
[04:39:41] So that's what we're talking within the last six years
[04:39:44] or so is where things have been really picking up.
[04:39:46] Yeah, yeah, for sure.
[04:39:48] Okay, and at what point we like,
[04:39:50] I'm going all in on this counter strike stuff.
[04:39:51] We do like work on the, on the side
[04:39:53] were you just all in CS?
[04:39:54] Yeah, no, I was playing as a kid, so I was just doing high school.
[04:39:57] So right out of high school, I was kind of on an MDL team.
[04:40:00] So I was kind of always going all in since high school, I guess you can say,
[04:40:02] just because I picked up from there and yeah, I haven't quit since.
[04:40:06] Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. All right.
[04:40:07] And is Anubis your favorite map?
[04:40:10] Not an ancient, I'd say, probably between those two. Yeah, for now.
[04:40:13] I just watched some of your performances on Anubis and that
[04:40:17] overtime game that you were playing in San Max, you know, I guess
[04:40:20] everybody starts in that game.
[04:40:21] You've played more than, if you look at it,
[04:40:23] you guys play 70 something rounds in that game.
[04:40:26] It's like 71, yeah, that's what it is.
[04:40:27] So you just play multiple games of Anubis in one lifetime.
[04:40:30] Crazy, yeah, it was a long ass game, yeah.
[04:40:32] It makes other games feel short, so.
[04:40:34] Yeah, fair enough, fair enough, all right.
[04:40:36] Well, anything you want to say to the people at home
[04:40:37] before we let MAD go?
[04:40:38] I'm not really, just thank you guys for the support
[04:40:40] and I'm proud to be here.
[04:40:42] Awesome, thanks Matt.
[04:40:43] Thanks Matt.
[04:40:44] I just want to say thank you to MZinho
[04:40:46] for allowing me to talk to the team.
[04:40:48] I heard that he's the boss here.
[04:40:51] Everyone is so excited, it's media day, Blitz, you seem like the most excited guy.
[04:40:58] Don't worry, I'll bother your teammates as well.
[04:41:00] How are you feeling on this lovely Monday morning?
[04:41:04] Not good.
[04:41:05] Not good, why?
[04:41:06] What's the problem?
[04:41:07] Can I help somehow?
[04:41:08] Yeah, it's too early.
[04:41:10] I feel you, man, I feel you, but it's the job.
[04:41:14] What can you do?
[04:41:15] Mongols, back in the playoffs, it's been a little while.
[04:41:19] What was different for you guys this tournament?
[04:41:23] Yeah, nothing different. Just like other tournaments.
[04:41:28] Yeah, that's it.
[04:41:30] Big clan, your opponent, you guys haven't played them at all.
[04:41:36] Does that make it a little bit more weird for you
[04:41:39] or you actually like playing teams you haven't played before?
[04:41:43] No, I think we haven't played before
[04:41:47] And I'm so excited because there are so many times lost.
[04:41:56] I mean, they've been so much times and now they are in playoff.
[04:42:01] And I have good conversation with Karimbo and Tapsa friends.
[04:42:10] I mean, we are friends and yeah.
[04:42:14] All right, tell me if Mongols win ESL Pro League, why is that going to happen?
[04:42:23] Yeah, I think if you play our style, yeah, and we have a good day, if we have a good day,
[04:42:36] and we can beat everyone, yeah.
[04:42:40] All right, thank you man, that was it, I'll leave you to it.
[04:42:43] We'll go to the other teams, other teams, other players, man, this Monday morning thing.
[04:42:49] Hey, N'zinho, you ready for another skit?
[04:42:55] What did he say?
[04:42:56] Another skit, you know, like the Lord of the Rings thing?
[04:42:58] No.
[04:42:59] No?
[04:43:00] You didn't enjoy that?
[04:43:01] Yeah, I did, but not for a second.
[04:43:06] It's enough for one tournament, right?
[04:43:08] Tell me, do you feel any extra pressure that you're on a team with someone as
[04:43:12] famous as Senzu? No? No? I don't know he's like in songs now there's thousands of people saying
[04:43:20] his name can you tell us a little bit about what we saw? Just a concert that's Mongolian
[04:43:27] rapper Rocketbase and it was at this two some Mongolian rappers and in it Senzu's name
[04:43:35] in that song. It's pretty popular right? I mean it seemed like there was a lot of people there.
[04:43:39] yeah that rep is very popular and he's famous do you think this is gonna make him a better player
[04:43:47] now you know there's more eyes on him hey i think he don't care okay let's ask the man himself
[04:43:54] senzu do you care or not care do you care to confirm do you care or not care yeah not care
[04:44:01] It's cool though, isn't it?
[04:44:03] Yeah.
[04:44:04] Well, not as cool as beating Big in the playoffs, am I right?
[04:44:10] Yeah.
[04:44:11] Okay.
[04:44:13] Tell me, I don't know what you can tell me.
[04:44:17] I think, thank you so much Mongols.
[04:44:20] That was it for the lobby.
[04:44:22] We're going to keep it moving.
[04:44:23] Thanks guys.
[04:44:24] Have a good one.
[04:44:25] Malaysia's coming, I heard.
[04:44:26] Graham just said, we're signing shirts.
[04:44:30] Do we know why we're signing shirts JT?
[04:44:33] No.
[04:44:33] Why are we signing?
[04:44:35] I don't know.
[04:44:35] I was looking for you.
[04:44:36] Someone told me to sign it, so I'm signing.
[04:44:39] You're doing your job.
[04:44:40] Yeah, I'm just doing my job.
[04:44:41] Fair enough.
[04:44:43] Look, JT, I got a question for you, ma'am.
[04:44:45] You don't live at home.
[04:44:46] You live on the other side of the world.
[04:44:48] How badly do you miss South Africa?
[04:44:51] I mean, I don't really think about it.
[04:44:54] It's been like six years that I've been traveling and stuff like that.
[04:44:57] Yeah, of course I miss it, but it's not really like saying it feels bad because I'm just kind of used to it.
[04:45:04] You ever think, can you end up back there one day? Are you going to be in a permanent American transplant now?
[04:45:09] No, I mean not, probably won't be able to live in Syracuse. I want to keep playing esports or staying in the esports industry.
[04:45:16] So I think either just permanently living in the US or moving to Europe is probably like the most likely situation for me.
[04:45:23] Okay, and let's look way down the road, you know, not recent future, but we'll think about the future and let's say like 10 years from now. Have you thought, you know, as if you're not playing anymore? Have you thought about what you'd want to do after?
[04:45:36] Not playing anymore? I don't know, maybe. I mean, hopefully I don't have to do anything.
[04:45:42] But yeah, maybe coaching or something in the industry doing these four.
[04:45:48] So I just, I don't think I have anything else to do really besides these four stuff.
[04:45:52] So, and I just want to stay in gaming.
[04:45:54] Fair enough.
[04:45:55] Yeah.
[04:45:55] I think a lot of us feel like that stay with Counter-Strike has treated us pretty well.
[04:45:58] All right, mate.
[04:45:59] Now, throughout the group stage, you had to play the same teams quite consistently.
[04:46:05] Was there one match that was more memorable than the others, you know,
[04:46:08] one that stands out for you personally?
[04:46:11] Yeah.
[04:46:11] I think they're made a game first was stand out just for the wrong reasons.
[04:46:15] Of course, I think we played pretty bad and we started off the tournament on the wrong foot.
[04:46:18] So, you know, one's pretty memorable for me.
[04:46:20] I think in the games that we won, we showed our real face and how could we can play.
[04:46:26] But we need to make sure that we played that well every match.
[04:46:28] And then 80 game and the big game wasn't really a good showing from us.
[04:46:33] Yeah. All right.
[04:46:33] Well, let me get over here with how's it?
[04:46:34] Let me get with the with the Norwegian.
[04:46:37] Now, you guys got pretty lucky.
[04:46:38] You drew a really easy side of the bracket.
[04:46:40] It should be a straight run for you guys to the grand final I imagine. Yeah, I mean this seems like the easiest bracket of all time
[04:46:46] I think
[04:46:47] Yeah, I think you look at phase that should be a quick to offer you guys liquid a 2-0 as well G2
[04:46:53] I think that one if we look at the video is probably three man, but what do you reckon?
[04:46:55] I think a 2-0 for us. That may be some over times, but yeah, you know
[04:47:00] Yeah, how does it feel to be the best or per on that side of the bracket? Oh, you know
[04:47:05] Just like the usual, you know? I'm used to it right now.
[04:47:09] Fair enough, I was just asking JT about living away from home and all that kind of good stuff.
[04:47:13] Do you miss Norway a lot? Do you go back often?
[04:47:16] Yeah, I go back once every few weeks I guess. I mean it's not that bad, but it could be worse.
[04:47:22] It could be like JT, but I can't complain. This is what I do. I live by playing C, so it's nice.
[04:47:30] Yeah, okay. Do you feel that you want to live in Norway at the end of the day?
[04:47:34] I was asking him if he wants to, you know, live in America full-time.
[04:47:36] He says if he wants to do video games, he's going to have to be Europe or America.
[04:47:39] What about you?
[04:47:40] I love Norway. Best country in the world, so I want to stay.
[04:47:43] Even though everything's really, really, really expensive?
[04:47:46] Yeah, I mean, that's fine.
[04:47:48] I mean, I'd rather have a good quality of life and being expensive.
[04:47:52] He doesn't want to move to Oslo.
[04:47:55] Where do you live?
[04:47:56] Lili Hammer?
[04:47:57] No, brother. I mean, it's still expensive.
[04:48:00] Norway but I live in the best city in the world. Also it's starting to become dog shit so I don't
[04:48:06] want to move there. Why is your city the best city? It's nice, nice air when I come home, I smell
[04:48:11] the air, oh it's the best. Do you wrestle bears? Sometimes, like only a few times a month when I'm there.
[04:48:18] Are you a snowboarder or a skier? A snowboard for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, what tricks can you do?
[04:48:24] I mean I can do like some double backflips and stuff but I mean I can really do extreme
[04:48:28] sports when I'm playing you know so I haven't done a few years. It's in the complexity contract
[04:48:32] you have to protect the wrists right? Exactly. Fair enough, fair enough. All right uh I want to
[04:48:36] ask Floppy some questions mate so thank you for your time Floppy. Now uh there's a bit of um
[04:48:42] feeling going around that you can only win when you're the underdog. How do you feel about
[04:48:47] that sentiment? I mean I'm from Manila we've been underdogs like pretty much my whole life
[04:48:52] so I mean just used to it to be honest. Then this bracket works out pretty nicely for you
[04:48:57] than I'd imagine. Oh no, I don't think so. We're not underdogs. Oh, okay. Well, you're going up against
[04:49:03] phase first, then if you're going to go into liquid, then if you're going to go into G2.
[04:49:07] Yeah, I mean, it's one of the brackets of all time. Sure. Yeah, I mean, it is one of those.
[04:49:13] I think like you could have been bigger. Yeah, I mean, anything can happen. CS2.
[04:49:19] Okay, are we still, are we still Valvan watching? How do we feel about CS2 these days?
[04:49:24] Oh, I mean, I think there's been some good quality of life improvements. I mean, something like
[04:49:30] as small as like the radar being able to see sound like for subs you make, because I think it's
[04:49:34] cool. Like a little stuff like that's like cool and all of the graphically it looks cool.
[04:49:38] Smokes are cool. But I mean, past that's like the FPS is really bad.
[04:49:42] So is what it used to be. And I think sub tick is kind of not the best, at least right now.
[04:49:48] I think, uh, some things have to change in that regard.
[04:49:52] Uh, just feels, doesn't feel as crisp to see as you used to feel.
[04:49:55] So, and whatever valve want to do is whatever valve wants to do.
[04:49:58] So it's out of my control.
[04:49:59] I can't really do anything about it.
[04:50:01] They fixed some of the bugs there, right?
[04:50:02] We've finally fixed the, uh, head boasting bugs.
[04:50:04] So that's sorted, right?
[04:50:05] Right.
[04:50:05] Took a year, but we, we did it.
[04:50:07] We're on valve time.
[04:50:08] Yeah.
[04:50:09] I mean, if it was, if it was an issue involving ragdolls, I feel like
[04:50:12] that's something that valve probably should have thought about, uh, a long time ago.
[04:50:16] That's three clicks for, I think that, right?
[04:50:18] three clicks. I think because he made a video where he stacked all the ragdolls really high
[04:50:23] and then they changed the setting after I could be this guy remaking it up. I don't know. I know
[04:50:28] ragdolls used to be a server side like back in the limit test, but I think now they're clients.
[04:50:33] So maybe something changed in that regard and then why people can boost. So yeah, I don't know.
[04:50:37] Maybe he should work involved. Three clicks. Yeah, maybe he should. I should work involved.
[04:50:42] That's what I was just I just want to see what people want to do after they finish their
[04:50:45] counter strike Chris. So we're not talking like in a couple of years. We're talking, you know,
[04:50:47] and way down the track. What do you want to do? You want to go like be in a forest somewhere with
[04:50:51] Houselok in Norway or you want to go to South Africa and hunt lions with JT? What are you thinking?
[04:50:56] I'm probably going to work at Target. Okay, like check out or more managerial?
[04:51:01] Well, I don't know. I have like no discernible skills besides being able to click a mouse. So
[04:51:05] probably just be like a, I don't know, like stock shells or something.
[04:51:09] I feel that if you're on your resume though, if we take some of the things that like let's
[04:51:13] Let's, we can look at Graham when we do this.
[04:51:15] So he's going to be your reference on your resume, right?
[04:51:19] You're going to hand it out to Target
[04:51:21] or wherever you want a job.
[04:51:22] And they call up and they get Graham on the phone
[04:51:25] and they say, was this man on time?
[04:51:27] What's the answer?
[04:51:27] On time?
[04:51:29] Yeah, I'm 15 minutes early.
[04:51:30] That's on time to me.
[04:51:32] Yeah, I like that.
[04:51:33] All right.
[04:51:34] And then in terms of, you know,
[04:51:35] remembering grenades and strategies and stuff,
[04:51:37] you know, how would your memory be, right?
[04:51:39] That's a big part of any job, right?
[04:51:40] Having a good memory, making sure you remember
[04:51:42] do all your tasks and jobs.
[04:51:43] Yeah, tasks, that sounds kind of sus, like among us.
[04:51:46] Like you scan the card.
[04:51:47] I don't know, I don't play those games, man.
[04:51:49] Well, I mean, my memory, I'm getting older, man.
[04:51:52] So I'm feeling some old age,
[04:51:55] so I might forget some stuff.
[04:51:57] Okay, well, look, I don't know.
[04:51:58] I think we can get you a job at Target.
[04:52:00] Is that the one that you really want,
[04:52:01] or we maybe go up in the world?
[04:52:03] Maybe Walmart.
[04:52:04] Are you a Costco guy?
[04:52:06] I am a Costco guy, I like Costco.
[04:52:08] Buy everything on bulk like Americans typically do,
[04:52:10] so it's nice.
[04:52:11] Are you up to date with the brain rot?
[04:52:15] Yeah, you don't want to scroll through my Instagram rules or TikTok.
[04:52:18] It's so, it's actually just like not even funny anymore.
[04:52:21] How stupid it is.
[04:52:22] It's actually just stupid.
[04:52:24] I can't really relate.
[04:52:25] I, I try not to use social media that it's, it's killing me, man.
[04:52:28] You know, when you get older, taught to read, it's hard to say, it's hard to do
[04:52:31] all of those things.
[04:52:31] Now, social media, it's like my social media is probably a little bit different
[04:52:35] than yours in terms of like when we lose games, you just get like
[04:52:37] death threats and stuff.
[04:52:38] So that's pretty cool.
[04:52:39] You got to close all the DMs in that regard.
[04:52:41] So yeah, it's cool.
[04:52:43] It used to be much worse in CSCO lounge days.
[04:52:45] I think Aleige can probably attest to that.
[04:52:48] But it's great to see the community still keeping up
[04:52:50] with the death threats, right?
[04:52:51] Like, that's great.
[04:52:52] Like, at least they're consistent over almost a decade.
[04:52:54] What's your favorite death threat you've ever gotten?
[04:52:57] Oh, I don't think I should say it on camera,
[04:52:59] to be honest.
[04:53:00] So I'm just going to leave it at that.
[04:53:01] All right.
[04:53:02] Thank you for your time.
[04:53:04] I bugged everybody.
[04:53:05] Well, I don't bug the Aleige.
[04:53:06] I haven't bugged Grimm, but I always bug Aleige.
[04:53:08] Should I, should I bug him or should I bug Graham?
[04:53:11] I think you should bug Graham.
[04:53:12] All right.
[04:53:15] Now, do you have any other shoes or any Crocs?
[04:53:18] I actually have one pair of Crocs,
[04:53:19] one pair of running shoes and my cycling shoes with me.
[04:53:22] How many times have you been cycling since you've been
[04:53:23] here in Malta?
[04:53:24] Five times.
[04:53:25] On the streets?
[04:53:27] It's fucking scary.
[04:53:28] Why are you doing that?
[04:53:29] It's scary.
[04:53:32] Yeah.
[04:53:33] I'm, why would you do on a bike on a road here?
[04:53:36] What, you can just go to the gym or something mate?
[04:53:38] I thought it'd be nice.
[04:53:40] because the weather's nice and it is nice.
[04:53:41] It's just a bit scary because the cars don't really,
[04:53:44] I live in Denmark, right?
[04:53:45] Denmark is like the most nicest place ever
[04:53:48] in the world, it's like a utopia for cyclists.
[04:53:50] They give you like this one.
[04:53:51] Malta's the opposite, Malta's the exact opposite.
[04:53:53] And that's just the cars.
[04:53:54] The roads are horrific.
[04:53:56] Like just potholes and, oh.
[04:53:59] Now look, we're gonna get in trouble
[04:53:59] because I can see a plan out in the standing by
[04:54:01] which means that the team is ready to go.
[04:54:03] So the team, you gotta go that way.
[04:54:06] Do you know why?
[04:54:07] We're doing something with the green screen
[04:54:08] And based on what I saw from what Apex posted,
[04:54:10] we're doing some sort of costume.
[04:54:13] Are you gonna get wear a costume?
[04:54:15] I don't think so.
[04:54:16] Just as a fun of it?
[04:54:17] If they want me to?
[04:54:18] I would love you to.
[04:54:19] If they want me to, I'll do it, but otherwise.
[04:54:21] I mean, I think I've got a set example
[04:54:23] because I posted the picture and these guys are like,
[04:54:24] oh hell no, no way.
[04:54:25] So I might have to set an example.
[04:54:28] Let's go, let's see if they wear a costume.
[04:54:29] Let's go.
[04:54:30] All right, looks like a party in here.
[04:54:33] Nurtz, you look amazing, bro.
[04:54:35] Are you like, what are you?
[04:54:38] I'm, there is a, like someone in Tekken that call something zero.
[04:54:43] You know, something with zero, I don't remember his name.
[04:54:45] That's Mortal Kombat and it's called Sub-Zero.
[04:54:48] Ah, Sub-Zero, never mind Mortal Kombat, yeah.
[04:54:50] We want it to look like a Faro Jedi with that lightsaber.
[04:54:55] No, no, no, I'm Sub-Zero.
[04:54:57] I want it to be Sub-Zero.
[04:54:59] Sub-Zero is cool, man, it's my favorite character.
[04:55:01] Well, him is corporate, but that's not her thing.
[04:55:04] How does it feel to win the breakup?
[04:55:08] win the break up. You know, you see the Falcons, they're doing better than they are.
[04:55:13] I mean, I'm there, my friends, everyone. Of course, like, you have, like, probably on everyone,
[04:55:22] like, you have, like, it's not a good feeling, but you're happy that you are making programs
[04:55:27] than the other. But for me, we are always texting each other after the rough games and
[04:55:34] and even if we win, like good job and this kind of stuff, we're still talking.
[04:55:37] And I'm not happy that they lost, but I'm happy that I made it.
[04:55:42] We saw some good stuff from you guys, not just this tournament,
[04:55:45] but some of the previous ones, but it's been a little bit up and down.
[04:55:49] You know, so what was the focus on to try to get some of that
[04:55:52] consistency that everyone's looking for?
[04:55:55] Like you said, you said that consistency is the most important thing.
[04:55:58] And I think we are in a point that we should already be consistent.
[04:56:03] And I hope that we will show it.
[04:56:06] And I think like all the things with the flights, with the external stuff affecting us.
[04:56:12] But I feel like at the moment we are kind of consistent.
[04:56:16] We found our place.
[04:56:17] You guys accomplished the most important part, which is actually have your full team here for the playoffs as well.
[04:56:24] Yeah, the World Tournament.
[04:56:25] It's been a while, you know, you played the first group.
[04:56:28] So what was the focus on in the previous week?
[04:56:31] In the previous week for us it was just to get to the playoffs first of all and and show good CS
[04:56:38] I felt like we were showing good CS and unfortunately this guy
[04:56:42] You've been snapped up. Ah, yes
[04:56:46] That's it sure. I think it was a we would win this game
[04:56:49] But I think it was after if we won an IP and one sand gal and I think we played really good CS
[04:56:55] Going up against VP, you know people either love it or hate it. Where are you on that?
[04:57:00] I hate them so much. I cannot play this kind of series but I feel like Electronic
[04:57:05] brought good things with him and I really want to break the chaos against them
[04:57:10] because every game that I played against them I just lost and it's just
[04:57:13] annoying. I really like before I waited for Vitality and Liquid to
[04:57:19] finish the game just to see and I really wanted to play against VP and I
[04:57:22] got it and we have I think our bracket is kind of let's say it's
[04:57:28] It's just easier to get to the semis and I really hope that if you will get this win against VP it will
[04:57:34] against MABR is also, it's not easy game but you know, decent and after it M80.
[04:57:39] So I feel like it's a good way to go to the semis.
[04:57:42] So everyone on face-to-watch should keep an eye out for nerds in that game against VP you're motivated.
[04:57:48] I'm motivated as fuck yes.
[04:57:50] Yes sir.
[04:57:50] All right great, we'll go bother someone else from your team as well.
[04:57:53] They all left you man, they all left you man.
[04:57:56] Dexter, there he is.
[04:57:58] You're the best teammate, right? You're the only one waiting for nerds. Well, he's pretending to be a pharaoh or something.
[04:58:03] I mean, I just like him so much. How can I leave him alone?
[04:58:07] What do you like about him the most?
[04:58:10] I mean, hard to explain. It's like guy thinks that's how I can name it.
[04:58:15] Energy.
[04:58:16] Energy.
[04:58:17] As an aura. That's what the kids use these days, aura.
[04:58:20] Yeah, yeah.
[04:58:21] How excited are you just to be here that you made it?
[04:58:26] I mean, I'm super excited to play here, not just to be there, and I'm excited to see how we're going to play.
[04:58:34] How difficult was this last couple of months for you, right, where you weren't able to attend some of the tournaments?
[04:58:39] Obviously, you put a lot of work in the team individually, you've been away from competitive CS for a while, so I think you were obviously hungry to play the game again.
[04:58:50] Yeah, I mean, I was hungry, and I'm still hungry, even though like I'm playing right now.
[04:58:54] The thing is, I mean, I already said about that.
[04:58:58] Even though I had the problems, I was still working.
[04:59:02] To be honest, I wouldn't be illusional.
[04:59:05] The work that I did and I'm still doing
[04:59:09] is long-term process.
[04:59:10] And I expect that process, like all the things
[04:59:13] that I'm doing, I expect them to work in long terms.
[04:59:17] And I want to see myself to improve each day to each day,
[04:59:19] each game to each game, and be the best version
[04:59:23] of myself for my team.
[04:59:24] and basically that's what I was doing
[04:59:27] when I was not able to play.
[04:59:28] I took that as a challenge for me
[04:59:30] and I'm still doing that
[04:59:32] and hope here in the playoffs
[04:59:34] it's gonna show up even better.
[04:59:36] All right, you guys are going up against VP.
[04:59:39] I think probably you and Jay
[04:59:41] are the two opposite styles
[04:59:44] when it comes to op-ing.
[04:59:45] So a bit of a stylistic clash in that matchup.
[04:59:49] Do you like going up against a team like that?
[04:59:51] Is it annoying?
[04:59:51] You know, people are usually very set
[04:59:53] when they play VP?
[04:59:55] I mean, previously I was also said
[04:59:57] until I realized how they play,
[04:59:59] but it was in CSGO to be honest.
[05:00:01] In CSGO I think we didn't play against them
[05:00:04] in official matches list.
[05:00:05] And the thing is about style of opening,
[05:00:09] it's never was the main important thing for me.
[05:00:13] They are playing different, difficult than it was in CSGO.
[05:00:17] And to be honest, I am interested to see
[05:00:20] how we're gonna play against them now
[05:00:22] and it's going to be a good experience anyway because like what they're
[05:00:26] changing with electronic, it's interesting.
[05:00:29] And I think they had some problems.
[05:00:31] Now they're like getting better results and it's going to be good to see how
[05:00:35] can we play against them and how can we play.
[05:00:38] And I don't want to say it in a bad way, but like win against them.
[05:00:43] Okay.
[05:00:43] And tell me if heroic wins ESL pro league, what's going to be the main
[05:00:48] reason for that?
[05:00:48] I mean, the main reason why we can win, I mean we are doing a lot of job and our job was like incredible in last weeks.
[05:00:57] That's the reason how we can win in my eyes.
[05:01:00] Alright, thanks so much Dexter and good luck in the game. That was heroic.
[05:01:05] Alright, final team of the day. Kasturado everyone talk to me. You can say no.
[05:01:13] Hi.
[05:01:14] Look, you played against Spirit less than a month ago and you're going to play against
[05:01:18] them in the round of 16.
[05:01:20] How do you feel about that matchup?
[05:01:21] Do you think it's going to be different this time?
[05:01:22] Yeah, of course.
[05:01:23] We are feeling very confident and we're going to see the next time.
[05:01:28] Okay.
[05:01:29] Easy as that.
[05:01:30] Easy as that.
[05:01:31] All right.
[05:01:32] All right.
[05:01:33] All right.
[05:01:34] Well, look, yesterday your matchup against Red Canids, it was completely different
[05:01:36] from the first time round.
[05:01:37] You got it done in two maps and big adjustments made on Anubis, but there's a lot
[05:01:40] of teams in the top 16 who are from South America or not Europe is that surprising to see few to
[05:01:47] see so many names like we are made complexity I guess liquid are a bit from everywhere imperial
[05:01:52] right there's a lot of names that that aren't just European teams there is nice to see the
[05:01:55] president seems come so far in disturbance I think when we got the pertinent that's all the
[05:02:03] We do everything for this.
[05:02:07] I was talking to try before and he said one of the problems that he feels is back home, they play against the same teams all the time.
[05:02:14] So when they come over here and they play against different names, it didn't say easier, but the matchups aren't just like, oh, they know exactly what we do.
[05:02:23] They like the way they know how we approach everything.
[05:02:25] approach everything. There's a bit, I guess it's like playing new teams is kind of
[05:02:29] means you can do your play style. But for you guys, you're in Europe all the time.
[05:02:32] So you probably don't have that same feeling.
[05:02:34] Yeah, I think we felt that in NA when we used to play there. But I think for
[05:02:41] them, this is way difficult to play with Brazilians because there's a lot of
[05:02:46] mind games games going on. But I think for now in European esoteric, so I
[05:02:54] I think this is similar to the footballing in Europe
[05:02:56] and similar to Brazil.
[05:02:57] I think these stats get better because of that.
[05:03:00] And who made the last mistakes?
[05:03:04] One again.
[05:03:05] Is there one Brazilian team that you like beating
[05:03:08] more than others?
[05:03:13] Actually, I love to beat all of them.
[05:03:16] You just like to be the best in Brazil.
[05:03:17] Yeah, not at all in Brazil.
[05:03:19] Just I want to face Liquid again.
[05:03:22] to bring in the enemy.
[05:03:25] Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
[05:03:26] Thank you for your time.
[05:03:27] I'm gonna jump over.
[05:03:28] Where's cello?
[05:03:30] Where did cello go?
[05:03:32] He went, oh, I wanted to ask him about the shit talk,
[05:03:36] but he's not here.
[05:03:37] So I don't know, let's talk to Skulls.
[05:03:41] He's good at it too, yeah.
[05:03:42] But cello is the loudest member in your team for sure.
[05:03:45] Skulls, we spoke yesterday,
[05:03:46] but yesterday the group draw,
[05:03:47] I mean, the playoff draw wasn't done.
[05:03:49] And then that happened and you saw that
[05:03:51] and you looked at your half of the bracket,
[05:03:52] what are you thinking?
[05:03:53] I mean, I don't really care about like who we face.
[05:03:58] We just like, if you want to be champion,
[05:03:59] you need to like win against everybody.
[05:04:01] So that's the mentality.
[05:04:02] But what are the other half of the bracket?
[05:04:03] It's pretty easy, right?
[05:04:05] Of course, I mean, for Brazil, it's always harder.
[05:04:07] Yeah, okay.
[05:04:08] Well, like Vitality at the top,
[05:04:09] it seems that they're the most likely team
[05:04:11] to go to the grand final.
[05:04:12] Do you think any teams can upset them
[05:04:13] on that half of the bracket?
[05:04:15] Hmm.
[05:04:16] I think Vitality are playing some solids here.
[05:04:18] So I would say no.
[05:04:20] Okay, you think they're in the fine form.
[05:04:21] All right, all right, all right.
[05:04:22] Now you play in this team with Cello.
[05:04:25] I wanted to ask him some questions,
[05:04:26] but before I do, oh, you're bringing it.
[05:04:33] Hello.
[05:04:34] Good.
[05:04:35] I wanted to ask, who's the best shit talker from Brazil?
[05:04:39] In Brazil?
[05:04:42] Maybe, but Kenji.
[05:04:44] Yeah, Kenji.
[05:04:45] Okay, so like when you're playing against
[05:04:47] some of these teams at Pro League,
[05:04:49] who's been the team that you've enjoyed
[05:04:51] going back and forth with with the yelling matches?
[05:04:55] Could zero, maybe?
[05:04:56] Maybe, yeah, could zero or apex, yeah.
[05:05:00] Apex?
[05:05:01] Yeah, yeah.
[05:05:01] Okay.
[05:05:02] And the thing is we can't understand
[05:05:03] what you're saying half the time.
[05:05:04] Do you have any like really funny lines
[05:05:06] or is it mainly just like yelling just as loud as you can?
[05:05:09] Just on the flyer, yeah.
[05:05:11] I like it sometimes like,
[05:05:12] cause we can tell when the English stuff
[05:05:14] like yelling about saving or like they're just
[05:05:16] eco kills and all that type of stuff.
[05:05:17] Like, is there any,
[05:05:18] Is there anything that you particularly when you're playing against like want to talk shit about to the opponent like or is that they played around badly or if they're just getting exit kills?
[05:05:28] When the guy go save you, I say, you want a KG? You know, you know, yeah, yeah, it starts playing around, but I know the other guy hear me, but it's all I talk shit.
[05:05:42] So do you like this? Do you like this type of environment that we have here where, you know, you're so close to the opponent. It's like old school lands, right?
[05:05:49] Yeah, I play CS, 20, no, 19 years. So I take the 1.6, family 1.6, you know, talk shit every land. So I'm a good guy.
[05:06:05] What do you think about this new kid, Snow? He gets really loud, but he's got like a baby face. What do you think?
[05:06:11] I don't know what to say. It's a kid.
[05:06:15] He's going to learn.
[05:06:17] Can't trash talk the kid or the kid shouldn't trash talk?
[05:06:23] Okay, trash talk the kid.
[05:06:26] Fair enough, bad for the image.
[05:06:29] Now gentlemen, do you know what you're doing today?
[05:06:32] You're going to be in front of a green screen putting on costumes.
[05:06:34] I saw on Twitter that Vitality was in costumes,
[05:06:38] costumes so I am assuming that we are going to do the same. Yeah do you like you know getting dressed up?
[05:06:44] I mean we can find something funny for sure I think. Yeah we get to work with Stana so you see what he
[05:06:49] has in store. Oh yeah yeah I can't wait. All right well I think I'm holding you up from doing exactly
[05:06:53] that so uh I guess thank you for your time. Thank you I was a pleasure. Thanks boys.
[05:07:00] And like every episode of the lobby we need an ending and there's a man working down the
[05:07:04] the hall who can give us any Jason. The lobbies come to a close for another day.
[05:07:08] If you would like to give us your full breakdown of the playoff bracket,
[05:07:12] everyone at home would really appreciate that. Yeah. In the first round, it's going to be teams like,
[05:07:18] I don't know, you know, some of the teams from Group A, B and C and D are all going to be there.
[05:07:21] They're going to look good. G2 is skipping a couple of things. So is Vitality.
[05:07:26] Very good group stage from those guys. You know, I'm just really excited. I don't want to,
[05:07:29] I don't want to spoil anything. Okay. The best team is going to win. Yeah. I think the really good
[05:07:33] teams are going to do better and 15 teams are going to lose.
[05:07:36] Yeah. 15 sounds about right.
[05:07:38] All right. Thank you.
[05:07:38] It's on. Yeah. Have a good day.
[05:07:39] Goodbye, everybody.
[05:07:45] Going to have Alexi team up some flashes to try and get his teammates
[05:07:48] out through middle and with eternal fire stacking heavy over the wards
[05:07:51] B, this A split should have very little in its way.
[05:07:56] Just walk seek to get passed over on that side of the map.
[05:08:01] Don't be disrespecting Woxic like that.
[05:08:03] He's done it before he can do it again.
[05:08:05] or maybe not. Not this time. He has been very classic with that P2K though. This tournament
[05:08:12] in particular, some crazy, crazy holds. But not this round. The other Eternal Fire members
[05:08:19] going to be having to do that shooting, good flash, but it's going to be able to deal
[05:08:24] with two and things getting quite difficult. Match up one of the double layer on the
[05:08:29] retake and pushing in from a main. It will be walking into a bit of an odd crossfire.
[05:08:34] lovely shot there from the cake and his Calyx in a 1v3 but time against him as
[05:08:39] well as some sharp individuals from Navi grabs that kit and we'll just be
[05:08:46] sending it back to the safety of T spawn that's going to be one on the board for
[05:08:53] Navi solid way to kick off the festivities it feels like it's been a
[05:08:56] couple of days since Berthys teams have played that two dozen I think the
[05:09:01] reason why Navi is maybe in the best T side team in the role right now is their
[05:09:07] default is so good like you see the information play come in Ema is giving
[05:09:11] that information to Alexi right okay they're just cleared outside B but he
[05:09:16] didn't get punished you can see slowly the reactions putting more pressure toward
[05:09:20] they right they can't be strong anywhere at the same time okay
[05:09:25] Here's the extra damage coming through there, Alexi falls with some chunk damage onto Wakadia
[05:09:31] who makes his way back and will dodge that HE, but in the 4v2 he gets the Eternal Fire
[05:09:37] very much, happy to play for the retake, good damage, Kalex denying that aggression
[05:09:41] from J.L. and WandaFly has way too many to get past, successful retake and Eternal
[05:09:46] Fire will be able to take the first Gunner hit.
[05:09:50] The pace of the game right, sprinkle it in so that keeps you on your toes and
[05:09:54] You can't just save nades against them because we're not playing slow all the time
[05:09:57] And can't just play to counter the default let's say by double op right because then an execute comes in and that's oppers
[05:10:05] worst nightmare
[05:10:12] Trying to get involved there for on a usually
[05:10:16] Pretty reliable piece for now be taking this control, but he gets snuffed out straight away trying to play through this smoke here
[05:10:22] What's it's been entrusted with the AK
[05:10:26] Okay.
[05:10:29] Uh, no.
[05:10:30] Full focus now, by the way.
[05:10:31] Full focus.
[05:10:32] Yeah.
[05:10:33] We win this round, it's GG.
[05:10:34] We win this round, it's GG.
[05:10:39] Oh, that's more like it from Alexi.
[05:10:50] Last time we saw him on that mid, Legg fell short in a key fight.
[05:10:53] This time it's a crazy opener from the Mach 10.
[05:10:56] Make control, take it.
[05:10:57] But that bomb on Wonderful's back is heading over the wall to remain alone.
[05:11:00] It gets another kill and a player retaking over from B.
[05:11:03] But it's match a hall in the backstop that really could look to complicate matters here
[05:11:07] It comes down to how fast wonderful goes nevermind
[05:11:10] Santar is has ruined the entire round for Navi a quick double up
[05:11:14] Through the smoke. Yeah, and then why Katie are there to close right at the very end eternal fire turn the heat up here
[05:11:22] And the meanwhile Navi starting to throw some progression utility to draw attention towards a man
[05:11:27] 40 seconds and they need to regroup that bomb needs to be picked up which will be by bit
[05:11:32] And it's gonna be that big you can see how split the defense is with that lack of mid control and the smokes being thrown by
[05:11:38] Navi look where Voxic is with your he's in CT spawn, right?
[05:11:43] That's a lot of damage from it on the open is an SGL to capitalize on it
[05:11:48] It's left down of the wire here for Navi is that late rotate comes in the bomb on the back of bit
[05:11:55] The gifted a golden opportunity there is the dark players light up
[05:11:59] And now for you the easy equalizer with a lot of the legwork done across the round as you were kind of highlighted
[05:12:08] that Yanke really restricts eternal fire's defense.
[05:12:12] And your AWP is having to sit all the way in the back line and just hold an angle.
[05:12:17] You don't even love it.
[05:12:18] Woxig didn't really get to choose whether or not he was involved in this round.
[05:12:21] Yanke, what's your favorite karaoke song?
[05:12:25] Total Eclipse for my heart.
[05:12:28] Okay, throw it in the set list.
[05:12:31] We can cue that one for later.
[05:12:36] Yeah, maybe like the Grand Pharma or something.
[05:12:38] Yeah, I think that's a pretty good idea.
[05:12:39] I think that's going to explode the finale.
[05:12:42] Yeah.
[05:12:47] Why have you given an early fight here?
[05:12:51] What you're seeing from the mid-play as well for Eternal Fire
[05:12:53] is they're holding onto utility for a long time.
[05:12:56] They're realizing Nabi's playing slow.
[05:12:58] That was the adaptation you saw them make a little earlier
[05:13:01] and that's now he baits them onto the swing.
[05:13:03] Woxic takes the first pick and let's see if a tonal fire can convert here with the man of damage
[05:13:09] And this double creep over towards dark is coming through with
[05:13:19] Wonderful holding all the way from the back line. It's gonna walk up close
[05:13:23] So they have the chance to double swing this wonderful gets the spot. He doesn't want to get caught out there
[05:13:29] He needs him to go a little bit wider. So the bit actually has the chance to fight for this
[05:13:33] The tonal fire even bring woxic over on the awp
[05:13:36] The opening kill of the round came from it, doesn't look destined to get any more here.
[05:13:42] There's a backstab out of Wikipedia all the way through the A push.
[05:13:45] And so it's down to him to try and get them away through, opens up on the first mark.
[05:13:50] Now it's Alexi, attempting to follow up here.
[05:13:52] Him on wonderful.
[05:13:53] Kills in tandem and opened up a route to the plant.
[05:14:00] Bring them back.
[05:14:01] Eternal fire, yet to convert even though they started with the man advantage and
[05:14:05] they realize exactly where both the CTs are coming from.
[05:14:08] close to the B main smoke or reposition before it fades just so he's not out on
[05:14:15] an island now able to pivot off of each other's information wonderful trying to
[05:14:21] spot the cross out of the dark and swings to keep on fighting with his teammate but
[05:14:25] things don't go right initially 50 HP to play with
[05:14:29] I backed up but Likardia is gonna have plenty of time to get that defuse off
[05:14:34] four to four you guys have nobby's nuts yeah yeah that's not just an Australian thing
[05:14:42] well in Europe in Europe we say nobby's nuts okay that checks out yeah
[05:14:50] oh they try to fight wonderful he would have loved his chance to strike with the
[05:14:56] AWP but they get out now Navi starts tip-toe over towards his dark control
[05:15:02] JL is going to look for the opener here, Molly goes in, that's going to stop anyone trying
[05:15:06] to trade, meanwhile Alexi springs the trap over in middle, that's a very forward play
[05:15:11] from Alexi B, runs across and now Zantares is going to watch a hundred different angles,
[05:15:17] he's just one man, let's see if he's up for the job, they've got him boxed in here,
[05:15:22] deals with Alexi sure but just too many left to deal with past that point and so
[05:15:29] So Navi onto a winner.
[05:15:31] Those beautiful patients from Lexi.
[05:15:34] This time Voxi was towards A, that's where they wanted to get some information, but then
[05:15:38] it's so hard for Major towards B to keep track of everything and even the split comes in
[05:15:49] and another pretty straightforward round for Navi.
[05:15:54] ain't that well G2 can hold their head time knowing that they
[05:16:03] oh dear this could get out of hand this could get out of control they've walked right into the nest of
[05:16:08] pistols Alex gets out with another and now suddenly bomb dropped over towards main that one killer
[05:16:13] camera at least gives them the safety to go and retrieve this bomb jail with the plant
[05:16:17] holding on double orbs for the retake here they scabbage that second one the body a wonderful
[05:16:24] Chalice moves in first one HP even a nade even this flash if it hits him
[05:16:29] Then money walks right into the fire. So it's all good. He kind of wrapped himself up here Zantara's and Woxic
[05:16:35] They're the two that have got to make the play back in for eternal fire around where they only come into it with those saved guns
[05:16:41] And they get so close to upsetting RV, but it is a locked in
[05:16:48] If you were scared you'd be hiding in that little corner over to the right and you'd be saying guys
[05:16:52] They can push B but that wouldn't be helpful. That wouldn't be useful and that's not how this guy rolls
[05:17:01] He's gonna go retake that space now with a bit of support from a bit
[05:17:07] Zantara's
[05:17:09] That could be something
[05:17:12] Like that heads up to expect that second man over the start side wonderful
[05:17:17] It'll find Zantara's eventually down low also has the help again from Lexi B to trade that one through
[05:17:23] Wokadia on the flank finds two and brings this one back in the Tunnel Fire's favor
[05:17:30] locks it
[05:17:32] Awkward moment for their Imaq back and away realizing there's two CTs
[05:17:37] Coming from that position and now they need to find exactly where Calyx is as well
[05:17:44] Went to check for it
[05:17:47] So that leaves it all on bit he at least is the info about this all but it's coming in through main
[05:17:51] But an awkward clutch nonetheless can have to swing out play early delwin woxic in the backline
[05:17:58] But couldn't quite finish the job
[05:18:00] And so eternal fire salvage a fifth round on the CT side of anubis before all is said and done
[05:18:09] There we go, please play a glyph smoke coming in should allow them to go for the plant box that's already CT
[05:18:16] It's actually yeah, it was starting to like peek ahead of the utile there
[05:18:20] But you also don't want to lose him you were very much set up to play retake over here towards B
[05:18:25] So I like that he fell back a little bit wait for everyone else to rotate over you've got a smoke two flashes
[05:18:31] You know use that smoke for the bomb smoke off one of the angles smoke off dark
[05:18:34] There's some options here for now be based on how these early fights go
[05:18:38] But the flashes don't blind Calyx and you really wish they did three kills from the man
[05:18:43] And now the rest of eternal fire look to get involved as Calyx chases down
[05:18:48] that last remaining player. It's just JL! The Calyx left it! Oh God! Don't lose this! JL out of ammo!
[05:18:59] An eternal fire! Grab the pistol round with Calyx offering up a big old hat-trick.
[05:19:06] This is concerning. That extra money made allowed an M4 to be purchased up here.
[05:19:25] And so this is not gone swimmingly for eternal fire. They're attempt to get our mid thwarted
[05:19:32] And now they're down to not only less manpower but almost less firepower as well two Mac 10s and a
[05:19:40] Galil left up in this one one smoke one flash
[05:19:43] That's not that's a little bit unfair towards Calyx major and Woxic Harry, but if you say so
[05:19:49] I think their firepower is still good despite Vickadia and Xantara is being dead, but that's just me
[05:19:55] Now in the 3v4, they're in the right place but will they go at the right time?
[05:20:03] Oh, bitch, just move back over that molly, you know, at least.
[05:20:06] Man, that molly's not gonna do anything actually, they're just gonna walk right around it.
[05:20:11] Through the fires, the burn eternal, 3v2, JL moves in but only had that USP to work with.
[05:20:20] Didn't go for the AK dropped over in middle.
[05:20:22] Imma now looks to join, bit when looking for the plant, but couldn't find him.
[05:20:26] 2v2 here, bit's calling for that support, and Imma finally arrives.
[05:20:30] Oh, chance on a Calyx as he's caught out in no-man's-line.
[05:20:33] Match is gonna do this alone.
[05:20:34] Maktem by his side, but Imma's on the AK.
[05:20:37] Gonna try and play around this bomb, backs out into main.
[05:20:40] Knows that Akira won't have been purchased up here,
[05:20:44] and Sumatra is very much cooling their bluff, taking a very deep angle.
[05:20:48] He knows that Imma's gonna come hunting, gonna go looking for this kill,
[05:20:51] And there's just not enough time left for him to win this match up plays the 1v2 to perfection
[05:20:58] As safe as he possibly can to tie this game up
[05:21:03] out play
[05:21:06] Okay, double molly is it mid we're gonna show this some really early aggression ton of fire going fast JL a
[05:21:19] Cracker onto Acadia. It's like the
[05:21:24] craziest opening you kind of looked for right like he's already gone he's already
[05:21:28] out of mid you never even had a chance to even realize what was happening there
[05:21:32] and he's very very quickly ended up back over towards this A site wonderful
[05:21:35] as Deagle now gets the strike there's some team damage in there this is a
[05:21:39] disaster they claps upon camera the highlight reels in and Calyx now left
[05:21:44] up all alone to try leave his mark on the round but he can't do a thing well
[05:21:51] the diggles the difference make up but eternal fire have some themselves and upgraded pistols
[05:21:56] bit of util and centaurs on the hero galil let's see if it's going to be enough bit won't drop the
[05:22:01] bag going to be able to mop them up over towards a main molly still in the way and mcaddy are
[05:22:06] going to be chipped down to half hp but bit i hope he just flashed himself and keep on looking for
[05:22:10] damage naid you should be able to do a good chunk damage walk stick down to 52 and eternal
[05:22:16] I can't believe he was able to get out of there.
[05:22:21] Yeah, kinda crazy.
[05:22:22] It's one of the worst feelings like when you have to go for a buy like this and you have
[05:22:31] to because of the loss bonus and sure you have a call but you're like this is gonna
[05:22:36] be hard.
[05:22:39] And then the first two guys die like this just goes even harder.
[05:22:43] And now it's over.
[05:22:45] Yeah.
[05:22:46] Yeah.
[05:22:47] You know, it's like on Inferno when it happens and you don't have utility to fight for banana.
[05:22:54] Yeah, you can't actually have any resources to do anything.
[05:22:57] Any call you can make.
[05:22:59] You know, uh, Mr. Cameron, not David, James Cameron.
[05:23:03] Oh, yep.
[05:23:04] Not David, James Cameron.
[05:23:06] I felt like I really used to it.
[05:23:08] Just making it clear.
[05:23:10] Yeah, you talked James Cameron.
[05:23:13] Let's take your medicine today.
[05:23:16] No, but I'll fit for a while.
[05:23:19] Yeah, he ran out.
[05:23:21] Oh, okay, right.
[05:23:24] There was a bit of a skirmish to open up this round.
[05:23:26] Bit of a skirmish.
[05:23:28] Eternal fire.
[05:23:29] Come out looking slightly better off.
[05:23:31] Wonderful's hurting, but things might get worse
[05:23:34] based on this mid-fight.
[05:23:36] Jail has the shadow advantage there.
[05:23:38] His match is coming around the corner.
[05:23:40] Cool.
[05:23:41] He's gonna be left with this A-pop.
[05:23:44] Wonderful up close.
[05:23:45] loved one more before he goes down still even on here and a double set up for
[05:23:50] tween camera and the side player jail knowing to play up to the cameras but
[05:23:56] Woxic gets rid of him so now that leaves it on Alexi versus Woxic backstab in
[05:24:02] Woxic is none the wiser Alexi flashed he doesn't know that left doesn't
[05:24:08] know where he was blind yeah he doesn't know where it came from oh buddy
[05:24:16] oh my god why did that feel so untimely? why? it's not over till it's over
[05:24:22] yes they don't want to concede the 12th round but their bias was pretty poor from
[05:24:29] the get-go and now he's not in the decent territory so oh but they knew this was
[05:24:34] Yeah, if the stars are lying for you.
[05:24:38] Acadia given the double openness.
[05:24:40] Yeah, all right.
[05:24:41] To the stars.
[05:24:42] If the winds are born for you.
[05:24:45] They'll take him.
[05:24:48] Kind of like.
[05:24:50] Like a rumple still skin type vibe there.
[05:24:54] Don't know what that is.
[05:24:56] Well, sounds made up.
[05:24:58] I mean, I guess it is.
[05:24:59] It's not a parable, more of a fairy tale.
[05:25:02] I like the three piggies. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:25:06] Oh, that's a fable.
[05:25:09] Is that a fable? Yeah.
[05:25:12] Surely that's a... It's like an educational story with animals.
[05:25:17] Wouldn't that be like more of a stable?
[05:25:24] Yeah, because you're biking out of the other stables.
[05:25:29] slow day Harry isn't it?
[05:25:34] we're warming up it's early days it's not it's the last game
[05:25:37] you know you can always get a couple of zingers in there right down the
[05:25:41] close and that's what eternal fire
[05:25:42] are trying to do right now they finally break through the navi ranks
[05:25:46] one of the veteran players still looking really good
[05:25:50] but also then you look at like who's in the team it's like come on
[05:25:54] come on Santaris let's get you up there too
[05:25:57] Why are we talking about mages so much?
[05:26:00] Give me some of them Zantara's rounds. Give me a couple of Woxic Flicks.
[05:26:06] Whoa, great counter utility.
[05:26:10] At the time of the flash, perfect there for a tonal fire.
[05:26:19] Compression util.
[05:26:21] Pull that E-Box control.
[05:26:24] And they need to crack the smoke and just draw attention away from the A site,
[05:26:26] which is where we're going to see a tonal fire group up and hit Alexi in a solid position
[05:26:30] to potentially peek in from bridge,
[05:26:33] But the timing fade is eternal fire. No one there, no one seen.
[05:26:37] And Alexi can go looking.
[05:26:38] Oh, drops in. Someone's close enough to hear that.
[05:26:41] But they're not turning around.
[05:26:43] No one's reacting to it.
[05:26:44] Oh, Kalex is looking.
[05:26:45] I feel like they should have heard that.
[05:26:46] Kalex tries to take up the angle.
[05:26:48] They heard someone else throwing the utile.
[05:26:50] So, Alexi should be cognizant that there's a second man here,
[05:26:53] but it's that Woxic AWP.
[05:26:56] Holding the line. Woxic, this is all him this round.
[05:26:59] Let's go. That's what's been missing.
[05:27:01] Oh, yes, Woxic! Come on, get the ace! Let's go!
[05:27:04] No, wonderful. Come back, come back, come back, come back.
[05:27:09] All right, well, you know, four out of five ain't bad. I'll say that much.
[05:27:12] That's pretty, that's pretty sick from Woxic.
[05:27:15] You take that for sure. Navi keeping the AWP alive.
[05:27:18] Looking at the money, everyone gonna have a full blind the next.
[05:27:22] And then maybe even one after, depending on how the next round goes.
[05:27:25] But eternal fire, trying to close that round gap as best they can.
[05:27:28] get some momentum going for themselves after the force by after a round win with three alive
[05:27:35] They can do it. I'm a believer
[05:27:38] Just what the doctor ordered for Woxic
[05:27:43] If only Harry had his prescription filled before today
[05:27:52] We would all be so much better off
[05:27:54] off. Sometimes I feel like in this matchup he couldn't say the same thing because the
[05:28:01] tonal fire, like some of them are so sharp if you give him that kind of opportunity.
[05:28:05] Yeah, when it's eternal fire, it does it really good. Sometimes it becomes temporary
[05:28:15] fire and then not so good.
[05:28:21] Yeah. Well, that's not the best start to this one. They tried to go tango a bit
[05:28:27] over the wards A main and this time he's very involved playing up close with the smoke drop in
[05:28:32] you see the problem also with not defaulting like look at the nades on the B players there's two
[05:28:37] smokes still EMA just used one there's one more on alexi yeah wonderful is there as well with the op
[05:28:45] and incendiary too so that'd be feeling good about this oh now feeling good about that
[05:28:52] Zantara's peek is in, in a whole blind!
[05:28:56] Major flash!
[05:28:57] Mikaedia, now it's a plant, LXE, just trying to spam, hoping that something connects here
[05:29:04] around that was looking good for Navi, now left hanging in the balance.
[05:29:07] Next to the quick entry work, Mikaedia and Zantara's, three on three in the post plant.
[05:29:14] The Voxxx scoped in, holds the line, and it's all Zantara's peek!
[05:29:22] Juarez, right now, walks again with the close!
[05:29:28] Wonderful, not biting off more than he can chew, happy just to hold that line.
[05:29:32] Although he will keep on going forward as that timing, it is damn good for him, a big shot of little Katie up.
[05:29:40] And with the man down, eternal fire. I've won a couple of rounds, but let's see if this is going to be another one in the bag.
[05:29:46] This time, he's there to try and blend the helping hand and play the trade game so that even if wonderful, full of short.
[05:29:52] Ooh, they've got a way out.
[05:29:54] Those molly tags will be heard.
[05:29:55] And with only 20 seconds left, it kind of
[05:29:57] breaks down the illusion of where this round was hoping to end up.
[05:30:00] This time, wonderful.
[05:30:01] He hits the mark.
[05:30:02] This time, he hits it thrice over.
[05:30:04] Alexi, smoke spam at the close.
[05:30:07] But my last round, it was from desperation.
[05:30:10] This time, it's trying to rob even more from eternal fire
[05:30:13] as Navi lock in map point here on the opener
[05:30:17] with a flawless round and a 3K from wonderful.
[05:30:20] Yeah, no dots from eternal fire.
[05:30:21] They just held onto their cards a little bit too long.
[05:30:24] Beautiful timing on that incendiary to get the info.
[05:30:26] Then big shots from Wunderfoul to lock in the round.
[05:30:29] Last tactical gonna be used here from Eternal Fire.
[05:30:32] Need two more to take us to OT.
[05:30:35] Na'Vi two chances to close map one here.
[05:30:38] And kick off the series with a duck.
[05:30:42] We'll see if they go for more of a mid-round approach
[05:30:44] back towards the B site here.
[05:30:45] But again, you can see Na'Vi turtled up with three,
[05:30:47] putting heavy presence on that dark control.
[05:30:49] Na'Vi has been playing this setup for a lot of rounds.
[05:30:53] I mean, just the 3-2 really, okay, they've been switching where the arc goes.
[05:30:57] Wow, major fights, great timing on Twima.
[05:31:00] That's so awkward as well.
[05:31:01] Alexi just handed him a smoke to go and re-smoke the arc and in that move.
[05:31:05] That extra second of changing the UTL over leads to him as death.
[05:31:09] This could get awkward now as this B defense comes down a two.
[05:31:13] Ooh, Alexi tries to make a move.
[05:31:15] Eternal Fire really putting the pressure on and blow that smoke open.
[05:31:18] Alexi's dead.
[05:31:20] Right, so it's coming in over from that A site, but they're gonna arrive late here and in the three on five
[05:31:25] I think you're already thinking about saving here if you're not B
[05:31:28] You can't really justify giving this one a look in
[05:31:32] You want to make sure everything's just peachy in this upcoming round bombs got across though and
[05:31:37] There's no smoke for it does get thrown great toss
[05:31:41] And that window opportunity from now to get back in gets closed and now it should just be save time
[05:31:48] the wild inner woe inner inner workings of brokey eventually I certainly hope not
[05:31:57] what are you worried about?
[05:32:00] oh Na'vi no heads
[05:32:03] get a funny feeling about this A side of the map
[05:32:08] and for in mid flash to set up Santarez on the swing JL plays close with some support
[05:32:14] Olexi from Olexi tucked back to the leash but our molly forces the reposition however
[05:32:18] But now they discount JL, he springs the traps, Antares dead, bit tucked in, needs to withstand this hit.
[05:32:25] Can't find a thing as Padio runs him down, Alexi fully blind, these flashes help I get him massively on this journey in.
[05:32:34] But JL is that bastion of hope for Nabi, three kills deep.
[05:32:38] him and now moves in a lend helping hand Woxic tagged up JL up in the heaven
[05:32:44] smoke fades he's given open sight lines here but Kalex gets rid of him and now
[05:32:50] tries to creep up to shut down these players up in heaven bomb drop 20
[05:32:53] seconds left someone's got to make a move to grab that you've got to go for
[05:32:57] the kills no one's moving a muscle right now Woxic had to win it in the
[05:33:05] gunfight and Kalex delivers overtime locked in between Eternal Fire and
[05:33:11] NAVY!
[05:33:13] Let's go, Navy.
[05:33:14] Need this fucking round.
[05:33:16] That's my captain, dear.
[05:33:18] I like that.
[05:33:19] Keep the spirits up. Keep paroling.
[05:33:21] Game isn't over.
[05:33:25] Ooh, man.
[05:33:27] They've got wonderful going, and he's still here.
[05:33:30] He's hit another shot to maybe have a chance in the rounds
[05:33:32] and Taras starting to tear apart NAVY.
[05:33:34] Ooh, lovely little shot here.
[05:33:36] Dance around the glizzy, but won't be able to get any more.
[05:33:39] There's an Taras pick. He's just...
[05:33:41] Oh strong.
[05:33:46] It's like washing a silver player with a wall hack.
[05:33:50] No, you can't shoot there.
[05:33:53] Oh, the turrets!
[05:33:55] On for the ace!
[05:33:57] Go on, get it! We've had so many...
[05:34:00] No!
[05:34:01] JL!
[05:34:02] JL stops him!
[05:34:04] For the round, should still be safe for eternal fire.
[05:34:08] No counter-util used just yet, Alexi broke a bang on timing, favors Zantaris!
[05:34:19] Voxix flashed that little bit better than Alexi's.
[05:34:22] No mid-control though, eternal fire and an advantage.
[05:34:28] Looking to regroup and hit something 40 seconds, no one's going back for the bomb just yet looks like Calyx might do that.
[05:34:34] After fainting some main pressure, flash across the top, baits out an incendiary and B site in the crosshairs.
[05:34:45] If you want success on the Anubis Oasis, you need the Wonderwall, line held, first shot connects.
[05:34:55] I don't have to keep them out of the side yet, but enough to slow their roll, certainly.
[05:35:01] Oh my God, that's a lot of hate!
[05:35:03] Timmer is so dead!
[05:35:05] Barely even time to realize what was happening, it was already over.
[05:35:09] And even though there's been this kill from the AWP, hasn't bought Narvi back into the
[05:35:15] fold here, weighing up some awkward decisions.
[05:35:18] They run down over a dark and Alexi really caught sleeping at the wheel there, flash
[05:35:23] rex him.
[05:35:24] He's now trapped in the site fighting here with wonderful dead.
[05:35:27] It's all eyes on Alexi.
[05:35:29] Amadja puts a stop to it.
[05:35:31] Eternal fire, two in a row on the T side and overtime.
[05:35:34] You can see how, compared to the regulation now, Eternal Fire is using mid a lot. This is where they made the adjustment.
[05:35:45] Yeah.
[05:35:47] Okay.
[05:35:48] Oh!
[05:35:49] Grimmin' in.
[05:35:50] There's that hole.
[05:35:51] Once more, it's good to tango, Jay. I'll get involved.
[05:35:54] A quick turn around for a bit. You walk into the triple stack here in the final round.
[05:35:58] Have your T side for Eternal Fire.
[05:36:01] A bit of a sad way for it to go. Woxig left up in this clutch.
[05:36:05] Well, you wanted him to ace before he's got another shot.
[05:36:09] True.
[05:36:10] Objectively true, I guess, but I'm not going to get it.
[05:36:14] It's a flawless round to close there for Nar-B.
[05:36:17] Satisfaction.
[05:36:18] Balmside.
[05:36:19] Oh, that would have been better.
[05:36:21] Lankas faction.
[05:36:22] Oh, what a little push in the meantime out towards B. Still, Nar-B teed up to win
[05:36:27] that one out.
[05:36:28] They had the trade game locked in and they needed him to get that opener and he
[05:36:31] provided it.
[05:36:33] So that's going to trigger the B play to come through for this Nar-B squad.
[05:36:35] Even though Wickedia is holding their heels, he's going to be loud on the approach till he's not and suddenly they get a little bit more interesting.
[05:36:42] Magia wanted some resistance from the guy, but they line up for this backstab.
[05:36:47] Wickedia complicates matters and walks, he hits the flick, miss shot from wonderful.
[05:36:52] And now he's going to contest with a bomb plant and this 1v2, they swing him early.
[05:36:57] Relentless on the backstab, Wickedia finds the perfect timing and so eternal fire.
[05:37:03] From the back foot there, 2v4, they lock it in.
[05:37:08] They got the first pick of O.T. as well, wonderful, hit that AWP shot.
[05:37:11] I thought they'd win that round, but then, yeah, eternal fire, doing it very much the hard way.
[05:37:15] Couple of clutches needed, couple of great individual efforts.
[05:37:19] Molly, almost disrespected by Zentara, but he will get away from that AWP shot.
[05:37:23] Ooh, Alex has been good at finding these timings, or at least he was in regulation.
[05:37:33] Gets out mid and even finds Calyx on that push into wards temple.
[05:37:37] So now if you're on B you're suddenly gonna look behind you.
[05:37:40] They try to pressure down over towards dark, but Bitt was there ready and raring to go for the trade.
[05:37:45] So they keep this in their favor, Duna B.
[05:37:47] They even pick up Zantares over towards that B safe.
[05:37:51] They don't give anything over. This round is nice and safe.
[05:37:54] And so Bitt is trying with all his might to not be that first domino to fall.
[05:37:58] Getting out with one should be enough, but it's like Kadea, the man who robbed that last round.
[05:38:03] From now V left up in the clutch and with 10 grand in his pocket screw it. Why not try it?
[05:38:09] Let's go insult to injury on this. My Katie are gonna try get Paul's AWP
[05:38:16] But he wants the AK once the once the AK thought about it. He was really really considering it. We all saw it
[05:38:23] He was thinking about it. We all kind of wanted him to
[05:38:26] They're just giving it to him round after round. Yeah, at least now
[05:38:30] Now, Picardia is playing close A main, have three guys on B, major shoulder peeking.
[05:38:39] Ooh, gonna drop the small deal.
[05:38:43] Oh, that one's pretty!
[05:38:45] This communication is gonna be awkward as hell, but major gonna be able to find two there, nice little trades,
[05:38:50] but unfortunately can't find a third. Now, it's Woxick in 1v3 to try and close here.
[05:38:55] Has to go for it.
[05:38:56] Yeah, now he's got it.
[05:38:57] Now the round of OZ.
[05:38:58] Let's go Woxick. Come on, give us something worth screaming about.
[05:39:00] This is it. This is walk six around. We've been waiting for the big flicks to get switched online
[05:39:04] They know what that all pays now
[05:39:06] But it's all a bit of deception from walks it because he plans three steps ahead fires off from CT wraps around to temple
[05:39:13] He's hoping that's drawn their attention onto a bit of a red herring because walk sick is making his play
[05:39:18] Through that temple doorway right now looking for the first incision and get the spot for free
[05:39:23] It's gonna be player in the side off it up first now wonderful
[05:39:27] shifts off the line gives Woxic a little bit of room that's them trying to play
[05:39:31] around this bomb. Woxic very very quickly has to suss out where both these
[05:39:36] players are and there just isn't time for him here so that 1v3 was attempted
[05:39:41] but does not come through and Na'Vi get us into another overtime.
[05:39:47] Job's not done yet. I think we'll see that secondary op from Zuntaris.
[05:39:53] imma doesn't have a gun
[05:40:00] oh god
[05:40:03] i mean i need ya
[05:40:06] still disfade jail played in behind him though so there's at least the trade
[05:40:10] serious ground taken
[05:40:11] alexey owns me and Darby owned me
[05:40:15] just and that's the round that is that seems to be the round
[05:40:20] Ima spent most of it running back to buy an AK, which he didn't end up needing, but we'll carry across to the next round. Plants the bomb still has...
[05:40:27] Probably we'll get the MVP for the round according to Counter-Strike because he planted the bomb.
[05:40:31] I think unfortunately this is where Eternal Fire takes the time out, because you know, the round before this one and this one pretty one-sided,
[05:40:41] and Tyrus has the AWP both times, you know, I'm just gonna tell him, listen, just go back to the rifle, you know.
[05:40:48] You've been owning them, you've been shooting at them, that's the part I didn't like, I would get it, if Santar is had like 8 kills and is really struggling it's like yeah fine do whatever to get switched online but I didn't feel like it didn't.
[05:41:03] See they're putting some pressure dark but most of the players are outside there.
[05:41:09] Here comes the re-aggress from Eternal Fire.
[05:41:12] On both sides, okay, smokes there, locks here, gonna be able to pick one off.
[05:41:24] He saw another one coming through and is gonna fully regress.
[05:41:28] No decides to play that cake, but wonderful.
[05:41:31] Locks in that line, men have ended up being thrown away with Katie up, unfortunately will
[05:41:35] be falling as well and that's the A site taken.
[05:41:37] Still with Imma on the lurk here, might be able to cut him off at mid but there
[05:41:41] is a slow flank from Majo which could bring this back to a 3v3 and make it a
[05:41:44] a little more achievable for Zantara's picks.
[05:41:48] Badger, able to go for the trade,
[05:41:50] and they're gonna have to think about this one.
[05:41:52] AK retrieved, 3v2, no utility,
[05:41:55] no eternal fire, and if they can't get a pick shortly,
[05:41:57] then that's probably just gonna be that.
[05:41:59] Magic coming out and gets domed by wonderful,
[05:42:01] and 17 to 15 will be the current scoreline.
[05:42:05] But you're having to do more with less in this round,
[05:42:07] and you've struggled in the others.
[05:42:10] Zantara's up close, hoping he goes unchecked,
[05:42:13] And he does! Gets away with a free double opener!
[05:42:18] Couldn't do that with the AWP now, could he?
[05:42:21] Yes, indeed, Harry.
[05:42:26] This one would be huge for Eternal Fire. Their T-Side has been pretty good.
[05:42:30] Ooh, the timing.
[05:42:32] Rotate-Star and a half an away from this B-Side, but these players in mid have heard that,
[05:42:35] and so now they tell Bit to be the first man to make a move. They tell him to start playing.
[05:42:40] One of the process all the way back through middle,
[05:42:42] I don't imagine here's this and he hears the bomb go in towards B so eternal fire starts to move back in.
[05:42:47] But that's when BIT strikes with all that room he took.
[05:42:49] Santares, 1-3-B on Alexi over in middle with that bomb crossing out through main.
[05:42:54] Oh, wonderful!
[05:42:55] Goes ahead and gets past the Woxicorp 2B4, but BIC continues to take names.
[05:43:01] Wonderful! Lands the next shot.
[05:43:04] 2B5, or 2B4 rather.
[05:43:07] 4, now V.
[05:43:09] Backing up into a cross set, Calyx gets this one, eternal fire.
[05:43:13] 2v1 and Bit here.
[05:43:16] Playing around the glizzy.
[05:43:17] But can he gobble it?
[05:43:19] Ooooooh, not this time.
[05:43:23] Ooooooh, that was awful.
[05:43:25] We've been waiting for that one to go!
[05:43:29] Oh, he's nicknamed the answer, damn.
[05:43:32] Alright.
[05:43:33] You kind of could have seen that one coming.
[05:43:35] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:43:37] Of course, famously.
[05:43:39] I thought that was pretty straightforward.
[05:43:40] 1996 to 2011 those were the years for the answer
[05:43:49] Oh
[05:43:50] That's when blade was an active player as well. It's a legs easy to cut out that water. I know he's there
[05:43:57] Double setup over here in mid Santarese
[05:43:59] Nice there with the flashbang magic tease him up and they even get past JL
[05:44:04] They lose marge in the backline show the Santarese golden opportunity, bitch. Just kind of tries whatever
[05:44:09] Whatever, tries whatever there to make a play, flashing himself through the smoke at main.
[05:44:14] He's getting split so he just decides to go for the full send.
[05:44:19] Tried to make something happen, he was hoping there was just going to be one guy there potentially
[05:44:23] and he could make this play awkward for Eternal Fire but didn't happen.
[05:44:33] Interactually battles forward a decision he will live to regret as it forces him
[05:44:38] into a fight with Zantares, one that he just wasn't ready to take.
[05:44:44] Alexi suddenly the only hope of defending this B site has started so well for Navi,
[05:44:49] but eternal fire.
[05:44:51] With all the answers, Zantares another multi-kill opening to get the ball rolling.
[05:44:57] Two openings in the previous round, the important kill in dark in this round.
[05:45:06] As a fact, he couldn't shoot back even, you know, even if you negate the fact
[05:45:09] he's up against Zantares.
[05:45:10] the whole peak named Oscar and he's really quick.
[05:45:13] Oh and now this would almost be poetic, wouldn't it?
[05:45:22] Because Narvi in the T side all first half long were running these like slower rounds
[05:45:27] and then would finally come through with the uppercut B rush.
[05:45:29] This time, eternal fire hoping to roll the game away with a play like this.
[05:45:34] Taking a page from Narvi's book.
[05:45:35] They run out into the B site and they're left unmatched.
[05:45:39] Just one from Emma but the advantage lies with eternal fire to walk this long over
[05:45:44] the line bit does a lot of damage to v2 retake us to slow for a moment JL plays
[05:45:54] out through the smoking temple magic back at main but there's falling utile for
[05:46:00] navi two smokes two molotovs flashes they can get all that in now make life
[05:46:04] really uncomfortable for magic second molly out that's gonna force the swing
[05:46:09] They didn't tell him where they planted! It's not fair! He's spamming defaults!
[05:46:14] But the plant was for Dark!
[05:46:16] Can we go again?
[05:46:18] Yeah, this is what we got.
[05:46:24] JL, playing that Zantara's position, also gets away with a double kill.
[05:46:29] Oh, and now Alexi even throws himself into it.
[05:46:34] Two on three, Calyx and Maja.
[05:46:37] I'm going to pull that first man from dark to...
[05:46:43] Now if he wanted him out of there, they wanted to tear themselves up to the retake here.
[05:46:47] What?
[05:46:48] Wonderful!
[05:46:49] What?
[05:46:50] No scope, but he burns alive!
[05:46:51] Mach-a-rimmer!
[05:46:52] Clutch is the one to lock that in!
[05:46:54] Give me that replay.
[05:46:55] And roll a coaster of him around!
[05:46:56] Give me that replay.
[05:46:57] As we're all strapped into the Eternal Fire Helter Skeletor that finds 19 on this T-side.
[05:47:03] Eternal Fire has still had plenty to use, but...
[05:47:08] They're just going to be mid control they're looking for.
[05:47:11] They seem to realize by contacting back towards the water
[05:47:15] that Navi have left the vicinity.
[05:47:17] They're going both ways. We'll all missed opportunity. Wonderful. We're going to be stuck here on the cutout, though.
[05:47:22] Oh! It's back to safety.
[05:47:27] From over to the A side of the map is all this is going down. Alexi takes
[05:47:31] Vakadia out of the
[05:47:31] equation. Imagine now just looking to draw attention away by
[05:47:37] Making a bit of noise. Eternal Flyers still figuring out where they want to go and the only real option now is that.
[05:47:43] Oh, Flash in, Bittito! Perfectly!
[05:47:46] JL with the assist!
[05:47:48] Hell of a lob on that Flashbang!
[05:47:51] And it teased Bitt up for a nice easy close.
[05:47:55] That's unlikely, Eternal Flyer didn't want to do something with this.
[05:47:58] Knowing that they've pushed this mid-set-up back to be a little bit more passive.
[05:48:04] JL floating around the camera.
[05:48:06] Alexi making his way over they will have Alexi here in time and with JL
[05:48:11] That's a lovely set of openers JL wants that further
[05:48:16] And he is exploded onto our screens here
[05:48:23] But a hell of a run and nonetheless
[05:48:26] 20 rounds locked in for Navi as they take two in a row to close out the CT half of this what?
[05:48:32] Let's see if anything changes
[05:48:36] Na'Vi with the lead need two more to close here, 22 for the magic number.
[05:48:42] More of an aggressive approach from Na'Vi, going straight through the canal all the way
[05:48:55] looking for dark control.
[05:48:56] Emma, right on up there, Molly.
[05:48:57] We'll equip the force amount and JL going to be able to find and continue this tirade
[05:49:02] as it towers.
[05:49:03] Okay, going to be cooking with gas.
[05:49:05] It will end with two and hold on to the V-side.
[05:49:07] Also, if they're helping here from Calich, who's found one in the meanwhile,
[05:49:10] Molly forces him into the open and Na'Vi, it looked so good until it didn't.
[05:49:14] Yeah, that's been the case of a lot of these navi rounds
[05:49:19] Lexi now attempting something here on the face
[05:49:25] Like good trust up I like you saw it from that taris is POV
[05:49:30] wonderful
[05:49:33] Not so wonderful hang on. Hang on have some faith. Let's just see if you can get anything here
[05:49:41] Well, that's a good time to
[05:49:43] Oh, he's dead
[05:49:46] You can't win every round sometimes it takes over 40 of them to figure out who the real winner is
[05:49:54] Well, no, he's any been there twice
[05:49:57] He's like I'll take you over there. You do speak for me. Exactly
[05:50:03] Hey flash
[05:50:10] Okay, man down
[05:50:11] Eternal fire have managed to scrounge their way back in arounds many a time in these 4v5s, which is kind of crazy
[05:50:18] That's gonna be a nice answer back in two nades or
[05:50:23] spam and one made but Calix finds the equalizer Xintara's finds the information
[05:50:33] can make KD a and
[05:50:36] Calix holds a bombsite
[05:50:38] They just need to delay. Just buy time for them.
[05:50:44] Well it's a nice little bait setup as well. You can have Vokadia facing and the Molly won't go to the right position.
[05:50:49] Although there's another one coming which could completely ruin the CT setup.
[05:50:53] Fager not going to be able to get there and try and the Molly burns Cap Galaxy.
[05:50:56] He's not even able to activate and things go so bloody wrong.
[05:51:00] Then Taras, two of these tees are so smushed up, so soft. One bullet and they're gone.
[05:51:07] Ima, the funny number of health and wonderful can still have huge impact but
[05:51:16] it looks like Santaris is happy just to keep the AK into the next round and
[05:51:21] that's what you're gonna see. Kalec's just waiting with a HE there. Might be able to
[05:51:26] crack open the smoke and catch a timing but by the time he throws it they're already
[05:51:28] through this molotov and Wakadia has fallen in the meantime able to take one
[05:51:31] away with the molly but Woxic unable to find any damage things get
[05:51:35] awkward again, Eternal Fire. They're gonna be rotating in from C to C. Calyx has been
[05:51:39] heard against the molly to that position from Beach and wonderful picking off the flank.
[05:51:44] Now it's all from the front that they have to worry about.
[05:51:49] Tarez dead over in middle and it's just left to Calyx. He opened up this entire affair
[05:51:54] by getting that 1v2 that forced them into overtime but expecting a 1v4 half the time
[05:52:00] ticked off this bomb already. This might be the end for Eternal Fire on them at
[05:52:05] pick. Calyx low on health as
[05:52:09] Na'Vi look to avoid the storm
[05:52:11] on this to lock in Anubis and
[05:52:14] set themselves up one map away
[05:52:17] from a quarter final appearance
[05:52:19] for Na'Vi. I'm going to have to
[05:52:20] see if they can win out their
[05:52:22] pick at Mirage. I don't know.
[05:52:25] I've I've commented that pretty
[05:52:26] much every eternal fire game
[05:52:27] this year, I would say. And I've
[05:52:29] commented a few on Mirage.
[05:52:31] Santaris is quite hit or miss
[05:52:32] when he's on it. It's unreal.
[05:52:34] It's like kind of like
[05:52:35] the config style of the CT side running up middle, going for those frags. If he's hitting
[05:52:38] the shots though, it's scary.
[05:52:39] Yeah.
[05:52:40] You say config style?
[05:52:41] Yeah. You don't like that?
[05:52:43] So he's terrible.
[05:52:44] No, the config's got a mirage famously. That was kind of his thing, you know that.
[05:52:47] Like the same year when Resol's good?
[05:52:50] Sure. It was the first example I found when I reached into the darkness. But here we
[05:52:55] go. We're off to the races. The bomb's being planted. And we've got a 5 on 4.
[05:52:59] Mac, you good?
[05:53:00] Yeah, I'm good.
[05:53:01] Let's go.
[05:53:02] I'm chilling.
[05:53:03] away from the mushrooms. We'll see how the fungus goes. We'll see if there's fungus in
[05:53:09] the midst of Na'vi because things are looking pretty good. So no fungus here, an eternal
[05:53:14] fly up, 3v5 is, oh okay, something's happening but the time has taken away. Madge up a little
[05:53:21] bit too far away, run into the wrong bomb site in fact and Woxig will escape the
[05:53:25] vicinity that's going to be the first round of the bag for Na'vi. The last of us
[05:53:33] TV show was so well put together like I haven't seen it no no I didn't play the
[05:53:39] games either so that's why I didn't want to as you play the games yeah play the
[05:53:42] game first okay it's one of the best games of all time as well right I mean
[05:53:46] it's really cool I heard it's good the prince of the palace maybe this is
[05:53:50] Alexi's trademark fakes. Yes. We've sort of came to be.
[05:54:03] Well I'm interested to see if they can get this one of the Lanquinis. Antares here he comes.
[05:54:08] You don't want to see him when he's angry.
[05:54:11] Magi will have the USP at the back of the B site and might not be long to this world.
[05:54:15] I'm afraid USB only
[05:54:17] No Kevlar no grenade to the Zeus though. I oh my god. Okay. It could actually work. They're gonna assume this position is clear
[05:54:23] No one's gonna check it. There is a world yet. She wins this
[05:54:37] Position with the USP
[05:54:39] You'd hope for two though with all that space Zeus has jumping accuracy now, right?
[05:54:45] That's all I've got for you, Mac.
[05:54:48] I enjoy the extra movement speed that it got given.
[05:54:51] There's a couple of changes.
[05:54:53] At least in CS2 as well, it does give you an insta-kill whenever it connects.
[05:54:56] It's not like, oh, 95 damage for no reason.
[05:54:58] Yeah.
[05:54:58] I wish I could be a little more like you, Mac.
[05:55:00] Mm-hmm.
[05:55:01] Enjoy the simple things in life.
[05:55:03] He loves the game.
[05:55:05] Every aspect of it.
[05:55:07] He's deep in there.
[05:55:08] Don't you wish you were still there, Henry?
[05:55:09] Dude.
[05:55:10] I used to be a little bit more jaded these days as the M4s tumble down.
[05:55:16] going well here for eternal fire casted one too many twin fire games
[05:55:21] I think I've done every series of there's a line at least this year like it's been unreal
[05:55:25] we could take the whole exaggeration a little bit exaggerated actually done
[05:55:31] so you fab you guys out like the gravitas of this situation there's so much on the line we've got a
[05:55:35] seeding situation up in his right so one goes into quarterfinals one goes into second round of
[05:55:40] the playoffs I was thinking about that though what's the difference in the prize money from
[05:55:43] Okay.
[05:55:44] What is this?
[05:55:45] Seven and a half thousand dollars.
[05:55:46] Yeah, I think that's true.
[05:55:49] Now, if you might want to double check his numbers, but...
[05:55:52] If you really did that, you trusted...
[05:55:54] Trust but verify.
[05:55:57] Currently schooling a total fire on the T side.
[05:55:59] Five, zero.
[05:56:01] Yes, you heard correctly.
[05:56:02] Zero rounds for a total fire.
[05:56:03] They have got a nice buy this time.
[05:56:05] Walks in combat.
[05:56:06] Dangerous AWP.
[05:56:07] Needs to be activated though.
[05:56:08] Currently set on one kill.
[05:56:10] And three deaths.
[05:56:11] MacCardia challenging towards short
[05:56:14] Pretty much damage to reports takes a lot himself from the HE and we are
[05:56:19] Slowly the surely resetting the rounds mid control granted in RV. Oh, that's not the peak you wanted to see
[05:56:27] E2's both looking at the
[05:56:34] Bit the king of palace there we go steps up again. That's a little racer. We need to take takes more
[05:56:40] territory for himself
[05:56:42] They've got connector as well, bomb is going back, T spawn, works like misses, another shot.
[05:56:48] And it's save time.
[05:56:50] Sorry, Jamie time.
[05:56:51] Save time.
[05:56:55] Okay, yeah.
[05:56:56] It's also so clear, the confidence of Navi on this map.
[05:56:59] You can see it in the calling as well.
[05:57:01] I mean, the first gun round, it's basically just throw the mid smokes, two guys going underground,
[05:57:07] and then walking out Palace and ramp at the same time.
[05:57:12] Okay, Yanko, delivery of crayons and paper has been delivered.
[05:57:17] Alright, let me see what you got.
[05:57:20] Jason came from upstairs to bring that as well.
[05:57:23] He wanted to be part of it.
[05:57:25] And he's actually delivered a pretty good gag there.
[05:57:27] And we've got some creativity.
[05:57:30] Oh, hold on, I'm speaking of which is Magi looking to injure this.
[05:57:34] Boys, he is known to be a little bit cheeky, but it will be an XCB, his rival.
[05:57:40] Not gonna be falling for those old trips. No, no, no, I agree. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please, uh,
[05:57:46] which is
[05:57:47] Fair enough, I suppose. It's not. You should care about every game you play. Okay, maybe I misquote. It's another game.
[05:57:53] It's a sentiment I gather. It's another game. No, I believe you that that's what he said
[05:57:56] that every game is another chance for you to prove that you're the best team in the world
[05:58:01] To exert more dominance over your opponent. That's exactly what they're doing.
[05:58:05] Humiliate people on the server, Henry.
[05:58:07] for the thousands in the stadium and the millions watching at home welcome to ESL
[05:58:12] pro league and woksig with the mp9 mowing them down this could be their first in the
[05:58:16] board is getting sloppy it's getting scary through the full retreats and
[05:58:20] somehow comes out on top so on to advantage Navi of course there's only a
[05:58:25] deagle in the mp9 in the hands of eternal fire here Bobby had to be
[05:58:29] planted with Kadia makes his presence no trying to take aggro from Majo it's a
[05:58:33] Big flank at the timing, that is crazy.
[05:58:36] Unfortunate, my cardio did what he could, so I've got that gaze, but for now it's the
[05:58:42] Desert Eagle.
[05:58:43] He's going to be pretty good with it, that's a lovely first shot, can he find a second?
[05:58:47] Close penosa guard this time, I'm afraid we go 7-0.
[05:58:51] Oops, so good until it didn't.
[05:58:53] Great Tommy from 1-4 to Reclear, eh mate?
[05:58:56] Demirage is something else.
[05:58:59] And as you mentioned the confidence was tipping over the brim and that's not going to change
[05:59:06] shit.
[05:59:07] Lexi.
[05:59:08] If Mirage is such a simple map how come Navi's owning whoever they play?
[05:59:13] These are the questions.
[05:59:14] How come there's so much better than everyone else on it?
[05:59:20] It's important to remember that anything can and will happen Yankee, it's going great
[05:59:26] so far.
[05:59:27] Can't deny that.
[05:59:28] But it's not over yet.
[05:59:29] It's certainly not over yet.
[05:59:30] As always, room for a total of more swiss turns as they might fumble the 5 on 4th situation.
[05:59:38] It's going to be Kalex though, keeping it to an even kill.
[05:59:41] We've got a 3 on 3 ladies and gentlemen.
[05:59:42] Wonderful.
[05:59:43] It's poised but not for long.
[05:59:44] Xantaras will remove him from the equation.
[05:59:46] Oh, Alexi V gets a taste of lead as well and it looks that we have got a round on
[05:59:50] our way.
[05:59:51] There's going to be nice spots.
[05:59:52] Hold on, hold the phone.
[05:59:53] Hold that statement.
[05:59:54] The window whisperer does it again.
[05:59:57] That's a good one.
[05:59:59] That's real nice.
[06:00:00] How'd you gonna be able to work up a flank on a flank on a flank Calyx?
[06:00:08] Could reverse clear here seems to be aware that market is dirty
[06:00:13] Yeah, this is no awkward for him. Yeah things they must have put a little
[06:00:19] Yeah, got a little lost in the source that is the rounds
[06:00:23] There's nothing you can do although they have given up possession the bomb that's fine considering
[06:00:28] It's time is so low. It's likely you finish it up towards be here
[06:00:31] Calyx will be
[06:00:33] First point of contact as you want to swing in and try and deny the plant.
[06:00:37] Oh, this best work.
[06:00:40] Could have waited that.
[06:00:41] The money's there, probably don't need to deny that plant, but it's all good.
[06:00:45] And Zhentaris will be winning the round.
[06:00:47] They're first.
[06:00:50] I'm spilling.
[06:00:51] Give me a smoke. We will win this round.
[06:00:53] Actually, perfect call.
[06:00:56] Okay, window smoke misses.
[06:00:58] Is it intentional? Who knows?
[06:01:00] I'm gonna be able to find one and the info that bomb has been seen falling in apps
[06:01:04] And it's up to what Katie and how much he can do here repositioning over towards van makes things really awkward big damage on a bit
[06:01:10] But there's gonna be no trade just get Zantara's out the window
[06:01:12] There he goes watch out
[06:01:16] Wonderful lovely show of the AWP however
[06:01:19] 15 seconds no attempt on the bomb just yet
[06:01:22] We're looking to change things up nice Molotov to allow them to focus on the window only both CT's
[06:01:27] Needing to get out it starts with Woxic on the AWP and Kalex to potentially close things out here
[06:01:33] Lost Woxic and now this reason it becomes all that much more difficult
[06:01:37] I should have been wonderful closing things out in a clinical manner boys. He's feeling it
[06:01:40] That is a bit of a reset. Janko didn't want to see
[06:01:44] He needs to recharge his batteries the social battery out
[06:01:49] He's had a good day, but
[06:01:51] Don't really mon
[06:01:53] Can't keep on the mic the entire day
[06:01:55] kind of is the pro league goes at this point
[06:01:59] admittedly as that goat syndrome he does it's had a few years
[06:02:06] Zantarus has that goat syndrome for a while as well as his timing Alexi
[06:02:13] going wide wonderful waiting that smoke as well won't be able to trade
[06:02:18] vision plays a dangerous game which you'll lose although I don't think
[06:02:23] Wukadia spotted JL going out towards the B site.
[06:02:26] He is now known with Woxxug falling.
[06:02:28] Wukadia opts for the AWP instead going for Bogdan's Law.
[06:02:32] And Zentaira's...
[06:02:34] ...going to go up towards APS.
[06:02:35] Spacing from eternal fire is terrible.
[06:02:37] There's gonna be no trade game at all.
[06:02:40] But...
[06:02:41] ...depending on where this bomb goes...
[06:02:43] ...and what happens here in market...
[06:02:44] Calyx got 6.
[06:02:47] Okay.
[06:02:47] Eternal fire.
[06:02:48] Could be cooking.
[06:02:51] But it's BIT.
[06:02:52] known for his clutching now in the 1v2
[06:02:57] he's dead, he's dead
[06:02:58] good try, good awareness
[06:03:02] good decision to get off the bomb, didn't quite nail the shots, Kalec has a good round
[06:03:06] got a full back, oh here we go
[06:03:10] JL up to the window, up to the plate, an old mirage classic here
[06:03:16] standoff, waiting for the smoke to disobey, he will come up
[06:03:20] On top of the fade
[06:03:22] Mac who have you got? Who's winning this one?
[06:03:24] JL has his gun out
[06:03:28] No one, no one wins that one
[06:03:30] The people went
[06:03:32] Ooh, him up
[06:03:37] Able to
[06:03:39] Crack open that A site, great trade from Lexi
[06:03:42] You don't have for KDM making his way all the way to CT
[06:03:45] Awkward approach from Maja
[06:03:48] Bomb butt first, like Wombats
[06:03:50] Except, not super effective approach here in Counter-Strike 2, 1v3 though, Wakadia needs
[06:03:56] to cross a dangerous line or bonnet.
[06:03:59] Ooh!
[06:04:00] Last couple of bits of damage from Alexi as well through triple.
[06:04:02] And it's just a matter of moments.
[06:04:04] Big shot from Wonderful, and 10 to 2 is going to be pure dominance from Na'Vi as
[06:04:09] Birdhead into party on me half time.
[06:04:16] presumably
[06:04:17] Just to get
[06:04:18] This over with that's a nice a execution to open things up
[06:04:22] We don't have a lot of a control here
[06:04:24] CTs all scramble back here in the utility being deployed down a bit first point of contact here
[06:04:29] His team has been segregated from the bomb site here from the back
[06:04:33] It's gonna have to step up and he gets nothing walks it destroys him with the block
[06:04:38] Am I trying to get some damage to the smoke, but that's an open bomb plan. This is looking good
[06:04:41] Oh, that XCB doesn't convert upon the advances and now they're getting flashed off into a score and what's up bomb getting plowed
[06:04:47] So there it is. It's out of fire should have this one in the bag
[06:04:50] Okay, managing to get that pick on the con makes things a little easier for them. Okay, yeah
[06:04:54] Waking the hell up a navi man down, but there's gonna be that smoke on wonderful
[06:04:59] So let's see if he's going to be able to get it down in time
[06:05:01] He will it's out for the 10-second diffuse is on the horizon
[06:05:04] It's on the top Lexi be gonna be able to find the close man
[06:05:07] And oh, look at the up 32 points of health is now going to use that smoke against a Lexi who's struggling to tap it
[06:05:13] Going over the top looking for
[06:05:16] All right 10 seconds left no time good try no fly habit in the bag good try good try
[06:05:22] Game cat mouse mother's in life. Good try
[06:05:25] Didn't quite work out in the end
[06:05:28] Turnip fired getting to their feet. That's an important pistol to win for obvious reasons
[06:05:32] Don't need the force by this one Yanco
[06:05:34] Yeah, because the second round as well you don't have everything you want right after you equal here
[06:05:40] Yeah, sure you don't have everything you want
[06:05:43] So do you really want that to be your first gun round? So I would be fine with buying like a pistol and an aid
[06:05:49] And then seeing if you can make something happen that just make sure that in the first gun round you have an awful
[06:05:53] Wonderful you have everything you need. Oh, there's two in the window
[06:05:57] Yeah, it's gonna say the chance of the eagle lying away towards me
[06:06:00] There's one from him up through the smoke straight to the dome of Woxic
[06:06:05] But that's probably all she wrote at this stage just a question of whether they can get some weapons on the exits
[06:06:11] We're talking about this yesterday Henry. I think it's like
[06:06:15] underestimated a little bit, you know
[06:06:17] How little time there is in MR 12 or you know how few rounds there are like key rounds and everything
[06:06:23] Yeah, because it was so dominant dominant from now in the first half, right, but let's say
[06:06:28] You know EF they win this round obviously 10-4 in the first gun round 10-5 anti equal 10-6 then they lose
[06:06:35] 11-6 but if they get the reset then again, that's why it's like 11-9
[06:06:39] Yeah, and that's why they see it over times fairly often
[06:06:42] That's why I think like seems like VP for example as well that dropped off that play style of saving and trying to build up
[06:06:48] Into the half like doesn't seem to work as effectively or nearly as effectively in ML 12
[06:06:52] And I think that's a main reason why that they're struggling after the re-event themselves right now
[06:06:55] hmm not me Henry gonna keep them watching keep it about 50 absolutely all
[06:07:04] right here we go fast and towards a centaur is looking to crack open some
[06:07:08] heads yet but a bit of space his teammates closing the gap in the bomb
[06:07:12] side he comes up like 12 miles a bit of a meal of it doesn't get what he was
[06:07:16] looking for and that's just gonna be calyx this one falls apart quite quickly
[06:07:20] First gun rounds. Easily goes in favour of Navi.
[06:07:24] That was a rough one to catch.
[06:07:26] As our financial expert, MacMate pointed out, he's not looking good with the monies, and trust him, he knows the maths.
[06:07:37] He's done the crunch the numbers, researched the data, and we're going back in towards this A site.
[06:07:43] I brought my avicus.
[06:07:45] A little bit of space granted towards Tetris, but there it is, a couple of kills. Make it three for eternal fire!
[06:07:50] Fire!
[06:07:50] Okay!
[06:07:51] Navi...
[06:07:52] Crumble...
[06:07:53] They can't hold on.
[06:07:54] They still have fighting chance for Lexi B.
[06:07:57] Ooh! And all three alone out. That nade.
[06:08:00] Not quite. That's a sandwich.
[06:08:02] That's another go-it-up.
[06:08:04] That's all I get.
[06:08:06] Lexi B stands for Lexi Baller.
[06:08:09] And that one was from downtown.
[06:08:11] Centaur isn't with Katie up.
[06:08:15] I haven't locked this one in just yet and...
[06:08:16] Lexi's got another HE by the way.
[06:08:20] That's him.
[06:08:21] The grenade best prayer doesn't blow that one and it will blow heads
[06:08:36] That's insane
[06:08:41] And I've had a great time today then we didn't have fun for a while because you you banned it
[06:08:47] Oh, yeah, everyone missed it everyone realized that this is the core of the show
[06:08:51] Fun has to be had a pro league, but unfortunately that fun is closing down here
[06:08:56] We've got the bomb over towards the the apartments a bit of a fake here towards a calyx
[06:09:00] We'll try and limp in with the galil can he find anything can he open things up?
[06:09:05] Yes, he can a dickboard CT sport double kill from calyx
[06:09:09] And they might be down with a nod outs now still continue with the pressure towards the B bombs
[06:09:14] I hear Lexi be the last line of defense gets nothing done
[06:09:17] and Wakadia guarantees the round of his sport.
[06:09:19] JL fighting back from shore, but he's surrounded as well.
[06:09:21] Good effort on a swivel.
[06:09:23] We'll find Major.
[06:09:25] Still no chance, no way.
[06:09:27] That's wonderful.
[06:09:29] It's locked out of the round.
[06:09:29] We keep going at C03's points here.
[06:09:33] Now, if you hold onto the rifle
[06:09:34] or the AWP I should say, but the money is pretty weak.
[06:09:38] Where does the...
[06:09:40] It's not over until the fat lady things come from.
[06:09:45] Say again, I missed it.
[06:09:47] One more question.
[06:09:48] It's not over until the fat lady is saying it.
[06:09:50] And where does that come from?
[06:09:51] Yeah.
[06:09:52] The opera, I think.
[06:09:53] Nice, Henry.
[06:09:54] Yeah.
[06:09:55] That's what I thought.
[06:09:56] You're just an encyclopedia of knowledge.
[06:09:58] You know me.
[06:09:59] I'm all about the etymology of idioms and catchphrases.
[06:10:04] What about Close Bindosa Guard?
[06:10:05] You know that one?
[06:10:06] Oh, I was here when you said it.
[06:10:08] Yankee wasn't, so I thought I'd impress him with this novel.
[06:10:12] I think we went through this last season as well.
[06:10:15] What's it from?
[06:10:16] you know, like fairgrounds or carnivals, you like win a game, you can win a stuffed animal
[06:10:20] these days. Back in the day, you used to win a cigar. So when you missed the shot with
[06:10:24] a dart, you go, ah, I'm lucky, close, but no cigar this time.
[06:10:29] Text document also known as like newspapers, I think.
[06:10:32] Also known as like newspapers, I think. Yes, indeed. That we would. And another
[06:10:42] chance to close things out. They come for the force buy. They don't want to mess
[06:10:45] around on her pistols here they saved the wonderful AWP and gonna go for
[06:10:48] broke. Let's see B that's not bad looking for the double kill now on the
[06:10:52] Desert Eagle. JL he contributes nicely in the in-game lead I think he's done enough
[06:10:56] here Kalex what have you got for us if anything looking for the triple wonderful
[06:11:00] beatings of the punch ladies and gentlemen Navi are going to the
[06:11:04] quarterfinals. Hell yeah and gonna get seven and a half or eight and a half
[06:11:09] more than a thousand of dollars then of course eternal fire the total fire of
[06:11:14] course still are gonna be in the playoffs Navi have won this game to play
[06:11:18] and have one more day off as far as I'm aware people think our English is bad
[06:11:23] but that's not true sometimes how many minutes do you have?
[06:11:28] There's a boy in your hoodie!
[06:11:31] Here's our Pro League season 20 about to get underway tomorrow last few
[06:11:36] the game. We've got some
[06:11:40] new final finishing touches
[06:11:41] going on here. You can see
[06:11:42] they're just covering up some
[06:11:44] wires. The players around for
[06:11:46] media, but the setup is the
[06:11:47] same as you might remember
[06:11:48] from last time round. We have
[06:11:50] everyone's favorite ASMR
[06:11:51] background noise of the ping
[06:11:53] pong table. We've got the
[06:11:55] five PC setup over here. We
[06:11:57] have some nice new neon
[06:11:59] branding this time round,
[06:12:01] which is pretty cool, but the
[06:12:02] players can check out over
[06:12:04] there. Sit down have
[06:12:05] area as per usual which is where all the shenanigans will be based. Caster desk
[06:12:10] over there in the far corner. We've got tournament management walk and by
[06:12:13] there doing all the good stuff. Mix zone which is where some of the producers
[06:12:16] out right now will have our buzzers and of course the tournament area which
[06:12:21] we've been able to get hooked up from last season going into this season
[06:12:24] again facing each other. The nice little frosted glass. All the good
[06:12:28] stuff. Another season at ESL Pro League come in your way direct from
[06:12:31] Malta. Alright right now Faiz are embracing the madness that is ESL
[06:12:34] Pro League. The phone blasters are out. Oh, they're being put away. There's pop part happening.
[06:12:40] It's all kind of kicking off right now. And I can see they're in good mood because they
[06:12:44] don't know that I'm about to talk to them. Carragans just looked at me. Rops has done
[06:12:48] the same. They're smiles on the faces. Let's try and work our way into this. Just nice
[06:12:57] and quietly. Nothing crazy. Don't make any quick movements and just now put a microphone
[06:13:03] in front of their face. Hello, how about you guys? Now, Rops is running away. All right,
[06:13:12] let's go. Yeah, I'm coming. What do you think I'm doing right now? Working too. All right,
[06:13:18] we're going. Finn, would you like me to carry your bag for you? Yes, please. I've got it.
[06:13:23] All right. Where are we going? Oh, you're paying to talk now. Paying? Yeah. You're working for me.
[06:13:29] Well, I have to do this. And they want me to talk to you. So I'm here to talk to you.
[06:13:33] All right, talk.
[06:13:35] Now, we're going this way.
[06:13:36] We do this very frequently, almost every event,
[06:13:40] and you're always talking to people,
[06:13:41] and there's always interview questions
[06:13:42] and all this nonsense.
[06:13:44] Hold on, let's get up on stage.
[06:13:46] Ugh!
[06:13:47] Up the stairs, okay, understandable.
[06:13:49] In the middle, of course,
[06:13:50] let me just map my way back through here
[06:13:53] and I'll place your bag on the table like this.
[06:13:56] Okay.
[06:13:58] Now, what is a question
[06:14:02] that you would like to be asked that you but you never get asked
[06:14:08] how is rain as a teammate
[06:14:10] how is rain as a teammate
[06:14:11] how many minutes to have
[06:14:13] as long as you would like
[06:14:15] where does that
[06:14:17] uh... first of all
[06:14:20] it's nice
[06:14:24] i would like to do this another place where rain is not presence because i feel
[06:14:28] pressure
[06:14:29] to threatened
[06:14:30] pressure is the word
[06:14:32] i was funny
[06:14:34] well together forever
[06:14:36] I hope not.
[06:14:37] Why?
[06:14:39] You threw me out once.
[06:14:41] Oh, is that still unresolved?
[06:14:43] Yes, we still unresolved.
[06:14:44] We should still go to therapy about it.
[06:14:46] I just loaned you out, man.
[06:14:48] I loaned you out.
[06:14:49] You came back a better person.
[06:14:50] Wow.
[06:14:52] And he became a worse person, though.
[06:14:55] Wow, OK.
[06:14:56] A lot's happened.
[06:14:57] A lot feels like there's a bit of animosity there as well.
[06:15:00] OK.
[06:15:01] Well, fair enough.
[06:15:02] When did you get in?
[06:15:02] Yesterday, I assume?
[06:15:03] Yeah, yesterday, midday, I think.
[06:15:06] So yeah, chill, always no straight flight from Copenhagen, but that's just part of the game.
[06:15:10] Classic for Malta. Are you going to go for a swim? Can you go to any of that stuff?
[06:15:14] Not for now, first of all we're here to play, right? And then some days off, if you're doing good,
[06:15:19] you have days off, you can enjoy the weather, practice and just a little bit more, but
[06:15:24] no, force on the tournament. We don't have the good results lately, so we need to focus a
[06:15:28] little bit more. But probably it's the fun event!
[06:15:31] Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Oh, okay.
[06:15:34] Fair enough. Anything that happened recently in the news that caught your eye? Obviously,
[06:15:41] Rob's is very happy to snap that band. What are the jump throws?
[06:15:45] First day of practice, Muscle when we didn't kick in. It was very strange first day of practice
[06:15:51] because we had to get used to it. A lot of good hits failed in the practice from
[06:15:56] every single team but now back to normal. I think I was used to it for so many years to
[06:16:00] used to bottom, so it requires slightly more skill, but that's fine.
[06:16:05] Okay, so it doesn't really bother you?
[06:16:07] No, I think it's unnecessary, but if that's, we know well, either they draw a line,
[06:16:12] or they don't draw anything at all, but when they draw a line, everything just under that line
[06:16:16] is getting, get crashed, like we know in the past.
[06:16:20] Fair enough. Now I would ask you about your group, but I'm sure you're just going to say,
[06:16:23] yeah, we need to play our game and we can beat anybody, and you know,
[06:16:27] I don't think I have any exciting questions for you about the field at this event.
[06:16:31] I think Senka is pretty exciting.
[06:16:33] Well, 12-in-a-row or something, aren't they?
[06:16:35] Yeah, they play pretty good in the tie.
[06:16:37] Two teams are playing, so they're coming with momentum, right?
[06:16:39] And we just need to be sharp.
[06:16:41] It's similar to that.
[06:16:42] Like you say, the boring answer to play our game,
[06:16:44] we need to figure out ourselves right now, then focus on other teams.
[06:16:48] So that's the most important thing for us this tournament,
[06:16:50] focus on ourselves, try to build up some momentum,
[06:16:53] try to get used to some of the new stuff and how we want to play.
[06:16:56] And then, you know, like Cologne, what we wanted to peek in Cologne, we didn't, but maybe this
[06:17:01] tournament has this pressure on peeking, but more like playing good CSM that sometimes is more fun to
[06:17:06] play with. That's a good point, right? Because the runway now, I guess the next big focus point
[06:17:10] is going to be the RMRs. So all the tournaments in the lead up from this point onwards to the
[06:17:15] RMRs, how do you treat these events? Because you still want to play good Counter Strike. And
[06:17:20] as a competitor, I assume you always want to win, but the same level of intensity would be
[06:17:25] be hard to replicate?
[06:17:27] Yeah, I think you always choose some events
[06:17:28] during the season where you want to peak.
[06:17:30] You know, you do everything you can.
[06:17:31] You're training specifically.
[06:17:33] You're improving your map pool.
[06:17:35] But for these tournaments, we need to gain some momentum
[06:17:37] and that is winning.
[06:17:38] And that is winning games, so to say, right now.
[06:17:42] We haven't really had like a free winning streak.
[06:17:44] Now we're coming from showdowns,
[06:17:45] which actually was nice to play online
[06:17:48] because it kind of made us in some scenario
[06:17:50] where we can play different maps
[06:17:51] and not always trying to pick what's comfortable for us.
[06:17:54] but also getting some momentum on the maps
[06:17:55] because I believe sometimes in practice
[06:17:57] when you go to land,
[06:17:58] you still wanna play your comfort zone
[06:17:59] even though some of your worst maps got better in practice.
[06:18:02] So you, but you're always scared to go that direction, right?
[06:18:05] So playing some different maps online
[06:18:07] actually think helped our team improving
[06:18:10] and also people punished picking against us
[06:18:12] but they're not the best teams in the world.
[06:18:14] So we kind of get some momentum on the maps.
[06:18:16] Okay, nice.
[06:18:16] And have you been taking much of a look
[06:18:18] at how next year shaping up regarding the circuit?
[06:18:20] Yeah, it's gonna be interesting.
[06:18:21] It's going to be a fight for the teams, I believe.
[06:18:25] Some orcs are paying the organization,
[06:18:27] some orcs are paying our price money, right?
[06:18:29] So let's figure out how it is in 225,
[06:18:33] but I remember 215,
[06:18:34] orcs wanted to go to one team,
[06:18:36] but the players wanted to go to another tournament.
[06:18:38] And I think we might be in kind of the same scenario now,
[06:18:41] where we have to agree with the contracts
[06:18:43] with the tournaments we are going to.
[06:18:45] But also it's hard to plan peaks, I believe next year,
[06:18:49] because the world ranking, as I see right now,
[06:18:51] is changing really fast compared to what we're used to.
[06:18:55] So it's very interesting dynamic,
[06:18:57] especially the first six months next year is gonna be crazy
[06:18:59] because I think everyone wants to make sure
[06:19:01] they are top seven, top eight.
[06:19:03] So they are through to the next stage
[06:19:05] when they qualify for major.
[06:19:07] Okay, cool.
[06:19:08] Well, thanks for your time.
[06:19:09] I'll let you set up.
[06:19:09] Thank you.
[06:19:10] You got some fun and games coming your way.
[06:19:12] Let's get down the end here.
[06:19:14] Rob, do you have a short and concise message
[06:19:17] to all the SnapTap abusers out there in the world?
[06:19:19] No, I'm fine how it is happy though. I mean, I don't really feel I have any feelings about
[06:19:32] it. It's like, it's just like, I come from that background where it's not allowed. This
[06:19:36] is the way it should be, right? I mean, it should be because what's next out of money
[06:19:39] up? Yeah, I was thinking we could get a mouse that controls the recall for you. It could.
[06:19:45] I mean, there's many things you could do, right?
[06:19:48] All of them have the same idea.
[06:19:51] Maybe some of them are more obvious
[06:19:54] and they lower the skill ceiling even more.
[06:19:58] But I mean, there's many things you could do.
[06:20:00] Like as you say, recall,
[06:20:02] you can just put all the money up in your space bar
[06:20:04] without pressing it or whatever you want to do, right?
[06:20:07] How deep the rabbit hole goes.
[06:20:08] Did you see Pog you found the solution
[06:20:12] or the causality of the boost bug?
[06:20:14] Yeah, I saw that, yeah.
[06:20:16] How long do you think he's going to take about to fix it?
[06:20:18] I don't know, I think they've missed something there for sure.
[06:20:22] What I saw, it's their own doing.
[06:20:25] I think it's with the ragdolls, and they created something new with them.
[06:20:29] And ever since then, boosting has been a bit messy, yeah.
[06:20:34] So I don't know.
[06:20:37] Yeah, you've got to be careful talking to me.
[06:20:38] You say one thing, and it ends up on the front page of Reddit.
[06:20:41] Yeah, I mean, the guy who found out is also a backbam
[06:20:44] because of moving his mouth too fast.
[06:20:47] So I don't know if Val wants to look at his fix.
[06:20:50] Well, that's the thing.
[06:20:51] If they acknowledge the fix,
[06:20:52] then they need to acknowledge his band, right?
[06:20:55] That's right.
[06:20:56] I mean, it's kind of ridiculous
[06:20:58] that Valk has been banning people with high sensitivity.
[06:21:02] So Val should fix this for sure.
[06:21:04] All right.
[06:21:05] Now I was asking Finn
[06:21:05] and I'll ask you the same thing
[06:21:07] because you guys do a lot of interviews.
[06:21:08] Are there any questions that you never get asked?
[06:21:11] you like why do these people not ask about this I was a good question right now I
[06:21:16] can't really come with one stubble my head but there's definitely many like
[06:21:22] inside the game I saw the game I would say but yeah I can't give you one right
[06:21:26] now that's fine then I wanted because I want to I really want to get getting
[06:21:30] broke his head right when he's not not a bad way in a good way and when he's
[06:21:34] playing with you guys he communicates a lot right you hear it in the videos
[06:21:37] that Finn puts out and you hear him getting hyped and he likes to talk
[06:21:39] share and obviously the double birds that came up back in Cologne, what's the best way
[06:21:44] if we do a couch interview with Brokey to get him to be Brokey?
[06:21:51] You need to ask those questions, which don't get asked, I guess.
[06:21:55] It's like those Narwhar interviews, I don't know if you see them, you get some deep
[06:21:59] insight, do some research and then you're going to unlock some part of them.
[06:22:04] That's how you do it.
[06:22:05] Okay, nice.
[06:22:06] That's a good lead.
[06:22:07] Thank you.
[06:22:08] No problem.
[06:22:09] I like that. Frozen, do you agree? Is that the way to get the most out of Broke?
[06:22:12] You go deep into the history, so you can get some nerdy questions?
[06:22:15] I say ask questions that he needs to think about and he cannot answer yes or no.
[06:22:19] Okay. All right. What if we put him in front of a computer or in CS?
[06:22:23] You know, would he be more talkative then?
[06:22:24] Maybe, yeah. Because, you know, CS is something you love to do.
[06:22:27] So maybe you can like kind of catch him off guard in there, you know?
[06:22:30] Yeah, because we were thinking of doing this one idea and I don't know.
[06:22:33] I didn't know whether or not to just do it live on air and see if you guys would participate
[06:22:37] or to try and talk to you guys beforehand.
[06:22:39] But we're here, so let's talk about it beforehand.
[06:22:41] One idea for like a post game after you guys win a match
[06:22:44] would be we would have a couple of the members
[06:22:47] of the broadcast and we would go to those PCs over there.
[06:22:50] And let's say you would coach me in, I don't know,
[06:22:53] let's say Henry and we would play against Moses and Yanko.
[06:22:57] And we would do, all right,
[06:22:58] so you're, we're gonna be on T side
[06:23:00] and Moses and Yanko be on CT.
[06:23:01] You will do this easily after the game.
[06:23:03] Yeah, yeah, well you just have to stand behind us.
[06:23:04] You just coach us and you just throw some flashes
[06:23:07] And you tell us what to throw at.
[06:23:08] I understand.
[06:23:09] It kind of sounds like a good concept, but you also have to think that a lot of players,
[06:23:11] after they are finished with the game, they just want to chill, relax, get some nice food,
[06:23:15] maybe go home.
[06:23:16] So where if we bring you food?
[06:23:17] Yeah, sure.
[06:23:18] Bring everything.
[06:23:19] Five minutes is all we need.
[06:23:21] Quick little dry run session.
[06:23:22] I mean, I think there is definitely ways you could get this work and make it interesting.
[06:23:28] But there's, as I said, there's going to be players who will shut it down probably
[06:23:31] right away because they just want to chill.
[06:23:33] But I mean, personally, I'm done.
[06:23:35] So you've signed yourself up now?
[06:23:36] Sure. Thank you very much. I'll keep on moving.
[06:23:38] All right. We heard from Karrigan. We won't, we won't keep him too busy.
[06:23:41] We, Rain was very vocal. Rain, it seems like you're in a good mood at the moment.
[06:23:45] What's going on?
[06:23:46] I'll manage. He's going. I'm now tired.
[06:23:49] Oh, you used it all.
[06:23:51] I used it all for a few consent on this. The time has worked.
[06:23:53] Do you guys know what you're doing after you do the SSD setups?
[06:23:57] You were playing something which is now, yeah.
[06:24:00] Yeah, you are, but for fun, for fun, for sure.
[06:24:02] Oh, okay. Well, if it is what I believe it is, I think you're going to be playing
[06:24:08] train. That's a good man. Yeah, it is. And I, yeah, every round. And I think there was
[06:24:17] another thing we were going to do. Actually, I don't know if any of you remember, there
[06:24:22] was a thing called the championship gaming series. Many years ago, it was on source.
[06:24:27] and it had a format that was MR9.
[06:24:29] You start with 16K.
[06:24:31] It's a minute and 20 second round time,
[06:24:33] a 35 second bomb time.
[06:24:34] I think you guys are gonna play that format
[06:24:36] on either a Tuscan or a season.
[06:24:37] Does that seem interesting to you at all?
[06:24:39] You can say no.
[06:24:40] I mean, it's faster pace counter strike,
[06:24:42] so it's more fun to me.
[06:24:43] Yeah, there you go.
[06:24:44] And you start my no pistol rounds.
[06:24:45] Actually, you're great on the pistol rounds.
[06:24:47] Maybe.
[06:24:47] No pistol rounds?
[06:24:48] Well, do you wanna know what the,
[06:24:49] so, because this is what I played back in.
[06:24:52] The overtime back in the day was one round,
[06:24:55] Whatever side you finish on, piss around.
[06:24:57] And that's the last round of the game.
[06:24:59] Piss around?
[06:25:00] Yeah.
[06:25:01] In what source of it?
[06:25:02] It was in Source, yeah.
[06:25:03] I play Source as well, but I don't remember.
[06:25:04] It's too long ago.
[06:25:05] Yeah, I am too old, yeah.
[06:25:06] But you turned 30 the other day?
[06:25:08] No, I turned 21.
[06:25:10] I'm 21 in here, at least.
[06:25:11] That's what counts.
[06:25:12] I don't know.
[06:25:13] I'm all that quiet from there.
[06:25:15] Bloody hell, the advantage between you two
[06:25:16] is like an old married couple.
[06:25:17] Fucking old yapper over here, man.
[06:25:19] Like an old grandpa yelling at clouds.
[06:25:22] The ancient, do you mean that because of the map
[06:25:24] Or because he's like, you know, you should ask him about the big boom, how the plan started because he was here on the planet.
[06:25:30] That's how old he is.
[06:25:31] Why is he talking so much shit?
[06:25:33] I don't know. It's up his ass, man.
[06:25:36] Grumpy old man.
[06:25:37] That's how they get.
[06:25:38] All right. Well, thank you for your time.
[06:25:40] Brokey.
[06:25:41] Hello, sir.
[06:25:43] Hello.
[06:25:44] Now I've been talking to your teammates.
[06:25:45] We want to get you activated, right?
[06:25:47] Because they're saying that we need to make sure we ask questions that aren't yes or no.
[06:25:51] Because I want to come up with some good stuff to show the bro key that we see in game on the couch and do an interviews with us
[06:25:57] What would be interesting for you to talk about if you were to join us on the couch?
[06:26:00] I don't know you could say nothing like you might do you just not enjoy doing interviews?
[06:26:10] Depends if the question is good
[06:26:12] Okay, so they we really need to work super in-depth on the questions
[06:26:15] What about if things were more like counter strike related if we had you in front of the PC and it was more like counter strike focus
[06:26:21] Would that be something more interesting to you?
[06:26:23] I'm not sure.
[06:26:25] Okay, so we need to come up with concepts and we try.
[06:26:27] That's, we get, maybe I can get the people at home
[06:26:28] to submit some stuff and we'll give it a go.
[06:26:31] Cause Rob suggested the, I forget the guy's name,
[06:26:34] but the guy that interviews the rappers
[06:26:36] with those super in-depth questions.
[06:26:37] Would that be something that you know,
[06:26:39] you might be interested in?
[06:26:40] No, that's the guy.
[06:26:42] No, thank you.
[06:26:43] No, thank you.
[06:26:45] Okay, all right.
[06:26:46] Well, we'll see what we can come up with.
[06:26:47] But thank you for your time
[06:26:48] and good luck in the tournament.
[06:26:50] Thank you.
[06:26:51] All right, that's Faze.
[06:26:53] You wanna grab them?
[06:26:55] I don't know Theo.
[06:26:56] They gotta go over there? What are they doing?
[06:26:59] They got a setup.
[06:27:01] Alright, Navi have to do the SSD setup.
[06:27:04] English or Spanish?
[06:27:08] Portuguese.
[06:27:10] Spanish.
[06:27:12] I think we all know what that means.
[06:27:18] We all know what that means.
[06:27:20] Anyway, Navi, you've got some SSDs to setup so we can't talk.
[06:27:23] Wait, I wanted to talk but you've got to go and set up your SSDs
[06:27:27] What are you doing with your SSDs?
[06:27:29] You just set them up
[06:27:31] Just bring your own from home. Why do you have to serve one on you one up every time you come?
[06:27:35] Yeah, I told them the same thing but they said I
[06:27:39] Like you know you've never cheated a day in your life. I can't I say no one's seen Alex
[06:27:43] Yes, where he was around is oh, hey, yeah, you set up you serve a few SSDs in your day
[06:27:48] I have you got nothing to say, you know, so you have done that before and and
[06:27:53] have you ever installed the cheating software on your device at any point in your life? I'm not talking
[06:27:59] about in professional career. Do you ever have a little look? Actually, no. The only game I cheated
[06:28:05] was GTA San Andreas. The Money Glitch? Yes, I used to remember everything. The actual code? Yes, yes.
[06:28:13] I always forget that you're actually quite cultured, you know, just because you look so
[06:28:17] youthful and full of life. You're actually a cultured old gentleman. It's true. Yeah,
[06:28:21] Yeah, it was a good game.
[06:28:22] It was a good game.
[06:28:23] So we're going to set up a wrestling scene over here, and you're playing FaZe Clan.
[06:28:26] I obviously know what it's for, but could you remind me?
[06:28:30] Content?
[06:28:31] What?
[06:28:32] What?
[06:28:33] Why are you setting up against FaZe Clan right now?
[06:28:34] Is it a match day?
[06:28:35] It's not a match day.
[06:28:36] I don't know.
[06:28:37] You spoiled me.
[06:28:38] I didn't even know we're playing there.
[06:28:40] Oh.
[06:28:41] Well, well, this couldn't get better actually so far.
[06:28:45] I think I'm doing a really good job.
[06:28:46] Do you want to look at the Naked people?
[06:28:47] You can see over here.
[06:28:53] So these people will need clothes.
[06:28:55] And, oh, it looks like we've got some new toys
[06:28:58] in the box as well.
[06:28:59] So that's cool.
[06:29:01] Okay, that is cool.
[06:29:06] I, I'm gonna look after this.
[06:29:10] Let's go find someone else to talk to.
[06:29:11] I saw a major somewhat.
[06:29:15] Oh!
[06:29:16] All right, look, mine's cooler than yours.
[06:29:20] Yeah, I'll catch you, Shane.
[06:29:21] Have you, is it loaded?
[06:29:22] Yes.
[06:29:23] What's this, what's this?
[06:29:24] No, thank you, thank you.
[06:29:25] What is this supposed to fire?
[06:29:26] it's elastic bands I think. You must like start building quite solid
[06:29:37] relationships with these referees when you go to every event you like do you
[06:29:40] end up having the same guy behind you for like multiple events? Not every time but
[06:29:44] usually yes. So it gets to the point where they're like kind of you know
[06:29:47] familiar. Do you ever have like a teammate or a player that has like a
[06:29:51] particular habit like I play with some people that they'll always find a way
[06:29:55] to describe like oh man packet loss or I know I was just my games a bit
[06:29:59] stuttery or there's always something wrong with their game there's always an
[06:30:02] audio issue does anyone you know anyone like that
[06:30:04] a bit cursed so i'm trying to think about it for sure there's
[06:30:08] there's been i think but yeah see it's maybe complaining whenever the pc is
[06:30:14] like phrasing a bit lagging a bit maybe low fps
[06:30:18] something's wrong something's wrong something's wrong i whereas i feel like
[06:30:21] some other players just put up with it and play i'm distracting you but
[06:30:24] apparently you're the fastest to set up your sd is it done already are you
[06:30:27] finished. I just up on my face. Okay, okay. I got excited. Monster
[06:30:31] PCs. I thought you played on the nooks. These are absolute
[06:30:33] Titans. Okay. Well, I'll stop interrupting and distracting. Hey
[06:30:39] wonderful. How you doing, brother? You doing good? Yeah, good.
[06:30:43] Good. Yeah. Okay, always going through the Nvidia settings.
[06:30:46] First things first, the order of business. Are you a full
[06:30:49] screen four by three 1289 60 kind of guy? Yeah, always have
[06:30:54] been? What? You always been a stretched gamer or did you ever try native? I tried
[06:30:58] black bars but it was like long time ago and I didn't like it. It's not for you.
[06:31:04] All right, okay. And you have to sit next to JL. Do you normally sit next to JL?
[06:31:09] Is he normally your partner? Yes. Okay. What's it like sitting next to such a
[06:31:13] smiley man? He's always smiling. Like it doesn't not... Do you sometimes just
[06:31:18] want to be like, stop, stop smiling. We've got a game to play. No, she's
[06:31:21] He's like doing this and fishes.
[06:31:23] Oh, he's a little ranger.
[06:31:25] I thought it was a nice boy.
[06:31:27] Are you a little?
[06:31:29] Nice boys, but sometimes it's crazy.
[06:31:31] Yeah, okay. We all have our moments of weakness.
[06:31:34] Let me explain myself.
[06:31:36] Being the highly emotional, you have very high positives and very high negatives.
[06:31:39] Right, you can't have one without the other.
[06:31:41] Exactly.
[06:31:42] Absolutely.
[06:31:43] It's in the balance.
[06:31:44] Yeah, it's all in balance.
[06:31:45] So Yengyang, a little bit of philosophy from JL and the boys.
[06:31:48] I love you and leave your boys.
[06:31:50] too much. Alright we're about to have a chat with one of the least talked about
[06:31:54] teams in Counter Strike. Of course you guys all know them as G2 not too many
[06:31:59] people chat about this team they're not very popular they're never in the
[06:32:02] headlines they don't even really have any exciting players but we'll see if we
[06:32:06] can get something out of them. Manager Petzer hello sir how are you doing
[06:32:10] today? Hey mate really good really good happy to be here again. Were you on the
[06:32:13] plane with Mr. Nico and Mr. Hunter? I was with Mr. Nico Hunter had a
[06:32:18] different flights. Was he in business? Of course. And you were back of the plane?
[06:32:23] Well, I was in the middle of the plane, not far back, but you know,
[06:32:27] not really, not in business with him. You made sure he got here safely? Of course, yeah. I'm a
[06:32:33] security guy for Mr. Nikola as well. Any special requests when he travels? Not really, not really,
[06:32:40] you know, like just something standard, you know. We follow Starlines Alliance and
[06:32:47] some sandwiches in the morning, freshly picked oranges, juices, but they're just normal, you know,
[06:32:56] nothing out of the order. Yeah, fair enough. Now, would you say that the contributions that you've
[06:33:02] been bringing with the juices, the Star Alliance, the sandwiches have returned this man to form,
[06:33:07] because we need to find what's got him back in form? No, no, no, I don't think so. It's
[06:33:12] all about him, you know. I'm here just to assist, you know. We are not that important,
[06:33:17] they are important on the server. All right, well, we'll get to him. We're Dan,
[06:33:20] we'll talk to the big man, Taz. He's, oh, found another Polish gentleman to speak to.
[06:33:24] Hello, sir. We're going from manager to coach. Now, on the media days, on the setup days,
[06:33:30] what do you find yourself doing? I'm just vibing. I'm here to, you know, I wanted to
[06:33:36] do some pictures because they told me that I need to be from pictures. I didn't have to do
[06:33:40] pictures, but I'm used to it. Like a couple of events in a row is like you have the interview,
[06:33:45] then you wait for two hours, you don't have interview, it's fine.
[06:33:50] Could you show me your best pose if you were to do photos? This is it. Wow.
[06:33:58] Yeah, it's professional, no? It's great, it's great. You go by the default and I think it's
[06:34:02] fine. Now, you've been doing this for a decent amount of time. We'll say we won't say
[06:34:06] a long time because we will age ourselves here, but you would remember the legend himself,
[06:34:09] Jason Lake. Yeah. You remember he used to kick the chairs? He used to do everything. He used to
[06:34:16] like punch the guys but not like in a bad way in a in like a good way like but they thought it.
[06:34:24] Just a question regarding Jason Lake have you taken anything that you saw from him over the
[06:34:28] years into your coaching? I think that when Jason was like behind the team I was kind of I was
[06:34:36] playing so we were kind of similar but he was just behind the guys and I was in
[06:34:42] the game so there are some similarities. I want to ask because he used to wear a suit
[06:34:48] while doing his job. Have you ever considered wearing a suit? I'm open to it
[06:34:52] you know but you need to talk with our GM here and then maybe we can change it.
[06:34:58] Is it going to be a suit that needs the sponsors on it? Is that why? I think so.
[06:35:01] All right, fair enough. Now, look, I wanted to ask some really important questions and
[06:35:06] some really deep analytical counter-track questions.
[06:35:09] I thought that these were the important ones.
[06:35:11] No, these were the fluff questions to warm you up so that you're now open with me.
[06:35:16] Let's try.
[06:35:17] Now, this seating arrangement here, this obviously determines whether you win or lose games
[06:35:20] at Counter-Strike, the seating arrangement, right?
[06:35:23] Well, if so, actually, it shouldn't, because we, like, yeah, I got nothing.
[06:35:31] Okay, but why is this your sitting arrangement? Why is Malb's next to Hunter?
[06:35:36] I think that's basically because Ilya and Nico are sitting close to each other for a long, long, long time and we just didn't change it.
[06:35:45] Okay, so there's nothing fun behind this. You don't have a fun story. There's nothing exciting about it.
[06:35:50] I think maybe the guys will have something.
[06:35:53] I'll talk to Malb's. Thank you for your time. Hello Malb's.
[06:35:56] Good morning.
[06:35:58] Why do you sit on the end? Do you like sitting on the end?
[06:35:59] Yeah, what I fucked you to sorry for the word when I farmed you to I was on the other side of Nico side now
[06:36:06] I'm here
[06:36:07] The only one problem I have is that I play like
[06:36:10] close
[06:36:11] Put the clothes the money are really close and I turn like this so Nema cannot look at my monitor
[06:36:16] And he gets a little bit, but yeah
[06:36:19] Just like a monitor. Yeah, I wanted to ask what is your living arrangement at the moment my living arrangement like where are you living?
[06:36:27] Okay, so you just get to play on low ping in Europe all the time?
[06:36:32] Yeah.
[06:36:33] I can go back to Guatemala and play with 140 ping.
[06:36:38] I was going to say, right, because this is the thing, now that you're in a European counter
[06:36:41] strike team, you need to be in Europe and you need to be playing counter strike at the
[06:36:44] top level.
[06:36:46] How much of a difference getting to play like European face and low ping counter strike
[06:36:50] is it compared to being back home in Guatemala?
[06:36:53] It's super different because I can say I was playing with 130 ping to it there and I was
[06:36:58] dropping 30 kills so, yeah.
[06:37:00] Okay, so a bit nonchalant about this, aren't it?
[06:37:03] Yeah, I know it's kind of easier, I would say.
[06:37:06] Fair enough.
[06:37:07] Now your group, you're looking forward to your match, your opening games versus Koi?
[06:37:10] Yeah, of course.
[06:37:11] Trying to get some wins like I did with M80, so, yeah.
[06:37:15] Good memories of this very studio.
[06:37:17] Yeah, exactly.
[06:37:18] Did you see the M80 rebrand?
[06:37:20] Yeah, I did.
[06:37:22] The boys look good.
[06:37:23] You like the rebrand?
[06:37:24] Uh, yeah, I knew about it even since before I left, but, uh, I think it's cool.
[06:37:30] Okay.
[06:37:30] Now look, I'm going to go down the line here and talk to the rest of your
[06:37:32] teammates.
[06:37:33] Do you have any questions that you would like me to ask your teammates?
[06:37:35] Anything you want, uh, unraveled?
[06:37:38] Not really.
[06:37:39] No, I think I'm good.
[06:37:40] All right.
[06:37:40] Thank you for your time.
[06:37:42] All right.
[06:37:42] We'll leave maps.
[06:37:43] We'll go to the gentleman himself.
[06:37:44] Uh, what do you mean?
[06:37:45] I'm a, you're a family man.
[06:37:46] You've been busy with that.
[06:37:47] Yeah.
[06:37:47] Of course.
[06:37:48] I mean, we had a lot of practice, but we were at home.
[06:37:50] So all time off I spend with my daughter, with my wife.
[06:37:53] So it feels good.
[06:37:55] Yeah, it feels good being at home overall.
[06:37:57] I like it.
[06:37:58] But of course, it feels good to be back to events as well.
[06:38:00] You got any words for your boy, Janko,
[06:38:02] who's going to be experiencing the same thing very soon?
[06:38:05] I mean, very tough to explain the feeling and everything
[06:38:07] you need to feel it yourself.
[06:38:09] It's the best feeling, at least for me
[06:38:10] and for most of the deadies and moms.
[06:38:13] So yeah, it's really great feeling, great experience.
[06:38:16] And I wish you all will have it very soon.
[06:38:19] Let's get more and more of you out there in the gaming world.
[06:38:21] Yeah, I mean, it's fine.
[06:38:22] Yeah, my wife is pregnant as well.
[06:38:24] I am waiting for a second one very soon, November.
[06:38:27] Congratulations.
[06:38:27] Thank you.
[06:38:28] So yeah, we need some more.
[06:38:31] We need whole team, yeah?
[06:38:32] Making a clan.
[06:38:32] Yes, of course.
[06:38:34] OK, nice.
[06:38:35] Two kids already there, right?
[06:38:36] Yeah, right.
[06:38:36] Well, you're the one.
[06:38:37] This is the thing.
[06:38:38] I was asking about the seating arrangement.
[06:38:39] How do you feel being between the two jokers, two trolls?
[06:38:44] Trolls?
[06:38:45] Hmm.
[06:38:46] Oh, it's good.
[06:38:47] It feels good, honestly.
[06:38:48] They are both in very good mood always, and when we play, it doesn't matter what is going on, they always support, so I'm very happy sitting in between those two gentlemen.
[06:38:57] All right, no, thank you for your time.
[06:38:58] No problem, thank you, Chad.
[06:39:00] We keep going. Look at this, we get to talk to everybody from G2. Save Polish CS.
[06:39:04] Polish kids CS.
[06:39:05] There it is. Snacks.
[06:39:09] Well, your coach is laughing.
[06:39:10] Yeah, I don't understand him.
[06:39:11] What's he laughing for?
[06:39:12] I don't know, I want to save Polish CS by Polish kids CS, and he don't understand anything yet.
[06:39:17] Yeah, you're going to translate for him, he's got to work out, get him involved in the memes or what not.
[06:39:21] Now look, you guys had a bit of time off between Cologne and now. Has it just been practice non-stop?
[06:39:25] Yeah, actually, yeah.
[06:39:28] Just practice, nothing, you didn't go hiking?
[06:39:32] No hiking, no running around, no sleeping, just playing.
[06:39:37] 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
[06:39:38] Yeah, this is what we need to do in G2.
[06:39:42] How many rounds are you going to lose per game this time around?
[06:39:44] because that lower bracket run from you guys in Cologne, you absolutely destroyed everybody.
[06:39:48] This time we want to lose more, so we are not that confident in playoffs.
[06:39:52] Okay, so will that overtime or just like 13-10?
[06:39:55] Overtime is good actually, more runs, more playing, this is what we like.
[06:39:59] Okay, and do you think if you play more rounds it will help
[06:40:02] Monosy to be considered the best player in the world?
[06:40:06] No, he don't need.
[06:40:09] Okay, all right, fair enough.
[06:40:11] Who is the best player in the world?
[06:40:12] Donk, Monosy, Ozawa.
[06:40:14] It's me.
[06:40:14] me. Alright, thank you very much Snacks. You got anything you want to say to the people
[06:40:19] at home? Potsky says. Bang, bang. Uh, Mr. Ilya. Oh, man, I'm getting all this half
[06:40:28] of me to get down here. What's wrong? Nothing is wrong. My luggage is lost. But you've
[06:40:34] got some gear? I got some gear. It's more important. Yeah. So you have no clothes?
[06:40:39] No, but my manager went to buy me something so.
[06:40:45] So you have some underwear?
[06:40:46] I have some, yeah.
[06:40:47] All you need is a jersey and some underwear and you're good to go?
[06:40:50] Yes, and also remember to put the jersey in your bag, in case something happens.
[06:40:53] You didn't do that?
[06:40:54] No, I didn't.
[06:40:55] Sounds like you got in trouble for that, mate.
[06:40:58] For what?
[06:40:59] For leaving your stuff in the check-in luggage.
[06:41:02] No, it's fine.
[06:41:04] What's life been like lately?
[06:41:05] You went home after a cologne?
[06:41:07] I went home, I had practice at home, I met my friends, since a long time I didn't see them,
[06:41:12] because I was outside of my home like for two or three months.
[06:41:17] You found my much face about your home?
[06:41:19] Not a lot, not a lot, you can see. I played like maybe 10 games maximum.
[06:41:24] Okay, all right, that's not a lot for you.
[06:41:25] That's very bad.
[06:41:27] Very bad? What do you mean? You should be playing more.
[06:41:29] I should have played more, yeah.
[06:41:31] Well, what would you do relaxing or your practicing?
[06:41:33] Snacks is all you're doing 24 hours a day, you're practicing?
[06:41:35] Yes, we practiced a lot and I was just chilling sometimes outside with my friends.
[06:41:42] Okay, chilling outside? Well, it's summertime, that makes sense.
[06:41:45] Yeah, yeah. I can play some grass sometimes.
[06:41:47] Yeah, we all do, we all do.
[06:41:49] Alright, you got anything you want to, you know, anything fun going on in life?
[06:41:53] Anything exciting outside of Kamistrak? Or just chilling?
[06:41:57] No, just I love CS.
[06:42:00] You love CS? That's a message for all of us. We can all go with that.
[06:42:03] And finally, making it to the end of the line, we did manager, we did coach, we did in-game leader,
[06:42:07] we did cousins, we did orpas. And yeah, that's a good one. Mostly says you're a legend.
[06:42:13] That's a nice voice from here. Nice voice. Thank you, Ilya.
[06:42:16] Trying to hype you up. But you're back in form, mate. What's going on?
[06:42:19] I don't know. It just feels good.
[06:42:21] Yeah, but in the beginning, ULIS CS2 sucks. This is a game for donkeys. You didn't say
[06:42:25] that, but that's what you're thinking. I mean, no, I definitely got better, but I just
[06:42:30] I just feel like a good use of the game, I don't know.
[06:42:31] But actually, those are feeling better here in Malta,
[06:42:34] when I played last Pro League.
[06:42:35] So hopefully I can keep up the form for this event as well.
[06:42:38] But overall, I feel better, not just by playing,
[06:42:41] but also in the team and everything.
[06:42:43] So it's good so far.
[06:42:45] Okay, no.
[06:42:46] So it's all positive vibes going into things,
[06:42:48] because Malta was just talking about last time here
[06:42:50] at Pro League.
[06:42:51] He had some positive memories to remember,
[06:42:53] but now he's on your team.
[06:42:54] Yeah, I just totally like he was sitting here
[06:42:56] when he played the first time against us,
[06:42:58] when he destroyed us.
[06:43:00] So yeah, happy day on the team.
[06:43:02] He's insane.
[06:43:03] How things going for you guys?
[06:43:04] Cause obviously Cologne, you make it to the playoffs,
[06:43:06] but the playoffs didn't go as planned.
[06:43:08] That interview you had, I was like,
[06:43:09] man, it looks like Nico just saw a fucking ghost.
[06:43:11] Man, I feel like you repeated this so many times.
[06:43:14] Heck, don't watch all my content, man.
[06:43:16] Come on.
[06:43:17] I mean, obviously I felt bad after Mars.
[06:43:20] I felt even worse like after watching how we played,
[06:43:23] but also how they played.
[06:43:24] I felt like we had to do better
[06:43:26] than what we have showed in Cologne.
[06:43:28] or in playoffs specifically, because I don't feel like they played that good, honestly.
[06:43:33] I feel like they were forcing some of the things which we couldn't really punish.
[06:43:37] But again, I think we are a new team. It's the first time we played on the stage as well,
[06:43:41] so I think there is some nerves as a team, so it's something that we discussed and I think
[06:43:47] it's going to get better. But overall, I think ever since we got this roster together,
[06:43:54] I think we have showed some good signs.
[06:43:56] I think obviously, I mean, I feel like I'll say it often,
[06:44:00] our high is very high, but obviously we need to work on our low.
[06:44:04] And I think this is a good event for us to kind of establish our level,
[06:44:09] to see where we actually are, and especially playing against some of the teams that we
[06:44:13] should win. So it's important that we actually, you know, I don't want to say
[06:44:18] going to play as comfortably, but I think it's important to win those games to establish
[06:44:23] ourselves. All right and obviously Snapchat we got banned recently but we don't need to talk about
[06:44:27] that. What about the jump throw stuff? How are you feeling about that? I mean for me like those
[06:44:32] features are there is nothing really like that can do about it you know I think we just have to
[06:44:38] get used to how it is and everyone is impacted the same way I would say. Who's missing the most
[06:44:44] Who is missing the most smokes on the team?
[06:44:46] Who is missing the most smokes on the team?
[06:44:53] Actually, maybe the first day was a bit rough for everyone I would say, but I think we all got used to it quite fast.
[06:44:59] I think there's still a way more accurate than they were in CSGO, so that's a good thing.
[06:45:03] I feel like even though you don't...
[06:45:05] Like in CSGO sometimes when you press all the keys at the same time it still doesn't go the same way always,
[06:45:10] but I feel like in CSGO in CS2 it's actually pretty accurate.
[06:45:13] So, I don't think we have too many issues with throwing the smokes.
[06:45:17] I guess the only issue is just the double-click W jump throw.
[06:45:21] That's probably the hardest one, but I guess it's fine.
[06:45:25] Okay, and anything you want to say to Janko?
[06:45:28] To Janko? Why is she not here yet?
[06:45:32] You know why, right?
[06:45:34] Wait, did he...
[06:45:36] No?
[06:45:37] Did this happen?
[06:45:38] Really? He became a death?
[06:45:39] Well, I don't know if it's...
[06:45:40] It was just a labor study yesterday, I think.
[06:45:42] I have no idea. I don't I don't haven't talked to him. Okay. Well, yeah, I haven't spoken to him about 12 hours now
[06:45:48] You check on him. All right, I'll leave you with that. Okay, perfect. Thank you. It's on. Thank you. Ah
[06:45:54] Yes, the lobby
[06:45:55] Look who it is. It's heroic and every one of them kind of looking at me
[06:45:59] They know I've got a microphone that know I'm gonna talk to him
[06:46:01] And so they've got to hate that for the most part so I could just start all the way down the end
[06:46:05] He looks like he's super happy and if he's lucky, I'll just keep walking right past him
[06:46:09] I might I'll do that Dexter
[06:46:11] Hi, Phil and buddy. I'm good bro. Nice to see you as well. You're you found your way back to land. I see. Yeah, I did
[06:46:18] I'm so happy right now and shy and shy. Well, you know, don't worry the internet is forever
[06:46:23] So if you do say something ridiculous here, it will be here forever. So you're setting up your SSD, right?
[06:46:28] So tell me about this process. Where are you at right now in the process?
[06:46:31] I'm checking my mouse and stuff like in windows pointer options
[06:46:35] You see this thing that you need to always turn off and it isn't turned off because you're on your way to turning it off
[06:46:40] You are absolutely right man.
[06:46:42] Windows precision, what is it?
[06:46:44] Enhanced point of precision even, Jesus.
[06:46:47] England, don't even know about that place.
[06:46:49] Cool, so it's good to see here Dexter.
[06:46:51] We're going down the line a little bit,
[06:46:53] kicks in right in the middle.
[06:46:54] How far are you from being completely set up?
[06:46:57] I just started.
[06:46:58] So this is a perfect time to bother you.
[06:47:00] Yeah.
[06:47:01] Nice.
[06:47:02] You've been to Malta before, tell me about this.
[06:47:04] I've been here two times,
[06:47:06] and both of the times I was one game away from the playoffs,
[06:47:08] But I never made it so maybe third time is the lucky time maybe if this time if you buy a Negev
[06:47:14] Right like if you buy it here now, you might get that extra round you think that'll be the difference maker
[06:47:19] I think they have always been skills and maybe even luck. So it's a good idea
[06:47:23] Well, why do people talk down than to give I don't understand like I do think it has a somewhat of a viable purpose
[06:47:29] It's kind of kind of viable. Yeah, I mean I've seen some hate comments about it
[06:47:33] But I don't care too much about it because it's a gun
[06:47:36] It's an option that you can buy it in the game. So I don't see any reason why I shouldn't use it if I want
[06:47:40] They can become a little bit of a laser beam to like a 200 bullet laser beam, right?
[06:47:44] Yeah, I think it's a good gun. So what's the best place to play with an agave on any map across any of the competitive pool?
[06:47:51] Most fun place I should say I think I know be Smith. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that does sound mildly terrifying
[06:47:57] Well, thank you for that kicks in. I've always wanted to know personally
[06:47:59] So I felt like we should ask the man with the plan himself
[06:48:02] these two down here I don't know just getting logged in to steam of course you
[06:48:08] know who this is you want to introduce yourself to the class and baby nets baby
[06:48:15] nets is my name baby nerds okay well cool how was your guys's travel getting
[06:48:19] here it was fine like a connection flight not direct so but it's okay it
[06:48:25] wouldn't be this move so just one connection though right went to Rome get
[06:48:29] some pasta. Straight to my house. Straight in. Yeah, I think I had like two
[06:48:33] layovers. How many did you get? Five. No, but I've been with him and I wanted to
[06:48:38] say like the shitty part of our job is like with these flies and stuff. We were
[06:48:43] being in the plane while I was sitting close to him. Now the plane is going like
[06:48:48] he's, I see that he's coming close to the ground and suddenly boom! I'm like,
[06:48:53] I'm like, he was starting to laugh at me because I'm doing like this.
[06:48:57] So after it, like this is kind of the shitty part of our job, so I'm fine, I'm safe right now.
[06:49:05] Well, one day maybe they'll invent teleportation because I gotta admit, like the travel part of our job is probably the worst part
[06:49:11] because other than that, it's a blessing in my mind to have this job and work here, but the planes do get old, don't they?
[06:49:17] It is annoying, it is annoying, but the thing is what they help us every time, we are asking each other.
[06:49:22] For example, we were in Chengdu, no joke bro.
[06:49:26] I was with the kick some asking how much would you spend to spawn from exactly the same from
[06:49:34] the hotel in Chengdu to your house?
[06:49:36] Well, it's like every time we will pay like at least we will pay more than three, four
[06:49:41] K for this.
[06:49:42] That would be easy, right?
[06:49:43] Easy, bro.
[06:49:44] Easy.
[06:49:45] No, no, not like it's all my salary.
[06:49:47] But you know what I mean?
[06:49:48] You know what I mean?
[06:49:49] Not the money part.
[06:49:50] I'm talking about like the moving from one place to the other.
[06:49:53] If someone will create something that will be super epic, to be honest, if it's possible,
[06:49:58] do you believe in Time Machine?
[06:49:59] Yeah, I have one actually.
[06:50:01] I go back sometimes.
[06:50:03] I look at what Heroic was and where they are now.
[06:50:07] I'm messing with you buddy.
[06:50:08] I know it was a little abrasive, I'm sorry.
[06:50:12] I wish I had a Time Machine, honestly, that would make life a lot easier and I could
[06:50:15] take back what I just said even.
[06:50:16] It looks like you need a password though so that's unfortunate.
[06:50:20] Admin man.
[06:50:21] Anyway, this is Heroic.
[06:50:22] I'm gonna get out of here before they kill me. So there's that. Thank you
[06:50:26] Movistar Koi or is it Koi Movistar? How about which way is it?
[06:50:30] Movistar Koi. I did it right the first time. All right. How are we doing just?
[06:50:34] How are we doing fine?
[06:50:35] Now look gentlemen, you've got a tough game to kick things off here. You've gone up against G2.
[06:50:39] Am I right about that?
[06:50:40] Yeah, it's gonna be a tough game, but it's a game.
[06:50:43] It is a game and it's pro league. How do you feel about this studio, this environment?
[06:50:47] You have good memories here?
[06:50:48] Yeah, I mean, it's the second time I'm here, maybe the third, no, the second, I think.
[06:50:55] I mean, it's awesome.
[06:50:57] It's a nice stage studio, and a nice environment to play.
[06:51:02] Alright, now look, lots of counter strike going on, non-stop really.
[06:51:05] In the last couple of weeks it just felt like this game after game after game.
[06:51:08] Could you give the viewer at home a bit of an update of what's been happening
[06:51:11] with Movistar Koi in the last couple of weeks and months?
[06:51:14] I mean, in the last weeks we had a lot of games.
[06:51:24] Some of the games we didn't get the results that we expected.
[06:51:34] But I think now we have to focus on what we are playing right now, which is Pro League
[06:51:41] and we need to do our best here.
[06:51:46] So obviously, well, there's a bit of an elephant in the room.
[06:51:48] There's qualification for the RMRs, right?
[06:51:50] Is the main thing that we're talking about here,
[06:51:52] which like for most people, that's the focus.
[06:51:55] And you're obviously talking about being able to play through
[06:51:57] and look forward to other events and whatever's on the table.
[06:52:00] So when it sucks, because this is shit,
[06:52:04] like this is not, it is not a fun feeling.
[06:52:06] Nobody wants to have this kind of a feeling.
[06:52:08] Well, what is the goal now?
[06:52:10] Was it just whatever's in front of you?
[06:52:11] Because next year it's all going to be based on the Valve ranking points, right?
[06:52:15] So what's the mentality at the moment?
[06:52:17] I mean, the major, I think it's the main focus for all players and all teams.
[06:52:23] It's the main focus, but I think we need to look to other tournaments like ESL Pro League
[06:52:31] and many online tournaments and line tournaments we need to focus right now
[06:52:35] and get the much points that we need to get
[06:52:41] so we can have a nice ball of racking and play at bigger stages.
[06:52:47] As a Vertigo lover, I don't know if you are a Vertigo lover, but you always seem to play well on Vertigo.
[06:52:51] Yes, I love Vertigo. It's really nice.
[06:52:53] Even the new changes?
[06:52:54] I mean, I think I prefer the old one, but this one is...
[06:52:58] Okay, I think everyone will help me for saying I like Vertigo, but I like it.
[06:53:02] Every every Davy G game I'm like if it's vertigo he's gonna pop off
[06:53:06] Probably not but some of them maybe and you can't pick it against G2 though. That's a bit of a problem, huh?
[06:53:11] Well, we have other picks. That's true. There is a seven man pool. So Dota
[06:53:16] What is the inspiration for your nickname?
[06:53:19] It's my town your town. Yeah, the Maya from Portugal and
[06:53:24] Stado, it's like a
[06:53:27] word from
[06:53:28] From my town. Okay. Nice. That's good. We're learning. Yeah, of course. How you been good?
[06:53:34] Very little how some of in very good, too. Yeah, you're from a nice hot place like me
[06:53:39] It's good to get outside made the most of it. Yeah, I got this good and I travel so
[06:53:45] It's been a good summer. Where'd you go?
[06:53:48] I go to Mexico. Wonderful. Oh, that must be nice. Yeah, it's gonna be nice. All right. Wonderful. Thanks for your time
[06:53:54] Well, keep them quick. It's the ball, El Toro.
[06:53:57] Oh, yeah. How are you doing?
[06:53:59] Good. I'm looking forward to some crazy plays from you this event.
[06:54:01] Are we ready to expect some Mopos moments?
[06:54:03] I expect that if everything is going to work for the team,
[06:54:07] individually I'm going to destroy them for sure.
[06:54:09] Awesome. All right. Now, G2, your first game.
[06:54:12] How are you feeling about that, Macho?
[06:54:13] Well, it's going to be really hot because they are playing really good
[06:54:17] and Monace is just destroying every single player in the world.
[06:54:21] It's the dunk, but because it's dunk, you know, but I think that if we are playing
[06:54:28] just without being nervous and just taking the path of the game, we are going to
[06:54:35] to make something that's going to be really good for us. I mean, just getting some confidence
[06:54:40] and if we just beat them, it's like we are going to get the wings just for the rest of
[06:54:46] tournament so I expect that we give our best and everything works for us.
[06:54:51] Oh no, so you just mentioned Monty and Donk.
[06:54:54] Zahewe is also in the conversation, who is the best player in the world in your opinion?
[06:54:57] In my opinion it's going to be, since CSGO is going to be Zahewe because
[06:55:02] I mean it's really hard to have a player that's that skill-wise with the I mean it's
[06:55:10] that good and the attitude that he has is as incredible because he is not an
[06:55:16] arrogant person or something like that he's always really kind with the people
[06:55:21] and open open to talk with everyone and for me that's the most important thing
[06:55:26] of the players and of the persons and that's that guy is an example for everyone
[06:55:29] awesome all right nice now you're all fans at home the the spanish anything
[06:55:33] you want to say to them in Spanish
[06:55:35] Thanks a lot to all the guys for supporting us, we're really going to leave our lives behind, we'll find out how the results will be, we hope they're good, but if we can do something, we won't give up.
[06:56:05] How do you like this process? Is this your least favourite part of the day? What do you think about it?
[06:56:12] Actually I don't think it's too bad. I think it's a part of the job and I think it's a bit of fun actually.
[06:56:16] Nice to get to meet you properly by the way. Max, nice to meet you Alex. How are you feeling coming into Pro League this season?
[06:56:24] What's the general approach coming in for the NIP?
[06:56:27] Yeah, actually we are feeling pretty good and can't deny that we have had some rough results online lately
[06:56:33] But we're feeling good. We're working hard and we know what we're capable of and we know what we can do
[06:56:39] So we just head up and they train our best and hopefully the result is come. Oh, yeah
[06:56:43] No, that sounds like a good plan a good a good state player
[06:56:45] I bet this man's probably been helping you. He's a I see you look it away
[06:56:48] I sure you don't you don't want to be doing this shit man, but yeah
[06:56:52] Yeah, your favorite. No, but you know, you've been on our screens for many years now and helping
[06:56:57] the kind of the generation behind you. It seems crazy to say, but there is the next generation
[06:57:02] now behind you. You were the next gen for the longest time, but there is a new gen. You
[06:57:08] know, integrating that, obviously the ups and downs. Hello, I don't think you're getting
[06:57:11] away from the interview, so I'll get out of your way. But you know, coming into this,
[06:57:16] what has been a rebuild for the ninjas and pajamas, and you being such a focal
[06:57:20] point of it, have you found your roles like what's needed and required of you changing
[06:57:25] a bit? Are you becoming kind of like Daddy Rez? Like I'm kind of transitioning into kind of,
[06:57:32] you know, the veteran, I guess, and being more of a kind of leadership, maybe not the full leadership
[06:57:37] like Alex, but I'm trying to like helping him a bit on that part, especially like inside the
[06:57:43] server. You know, like I gained a lot of experience throughout the years now, so I just
[06:57:48] want to share that that's not possible with you guys. And you know, like you know how,
[06:57:53] Like, what a good round feels like, you know what, like being full map awareness and understanding of all of your gaps.
[06:58:00] And so when you know how it feels, I'm sure you're chasing that dragon, right?
[06:58:04] You're like, OK, we can have that.
[06:58:05] And how is it now? Would you say you're having, you know, there'll be some games
[06:58:08] which do feel like you're kind of a sign of what you can do or is it more like burst of potential?
[06:58:13] You have like a good half or, you know, a good best of three and you kind of up and down like that.
[06:58:19] Well, you know, like we, like obviously we are in a rough patch right now, but I can definitely
[06:58:25] like see glimpses of like really good counter strikes. So like, I know we can do it. And I've
[06:58:29] seen it as well in certain games and certain practices. So we just like kind of need to
[06:58:34] keep the consistency, like trying to like have that standard, you know, but it's rough,
[06:58:40] like especially right now. And yeah, we just need to keep grinding honestly.
[06:58:44] And that's how it works basically, like get the experience and get the
[06:58:47] repetitions in and then eventually it would come. Yeah I mean and this roster of five is very
[06:58:53] very exciting to see Rinkle getting his photos taken as well. What an interesting team I mean
[06:58:58] have you ever played with someone like Rinkle before? Never like he honestly one of the most
[06:59:02] surprising players I ever got into know like I first like previously joined us like I've never
[06:59:08] seen such like a mechanical and skillful player ever and probably one of the best like players
[06:59:13] or I ever play with honestly like and I play with a lot of players so yeah you play with some big names that's
[06:59:18] high praise yes of course it's insane it's insane I mean I'm I imagine that's so motivating when
[06:59:24] you're when you kind of you know you die you're watching your teammates pfv you're like oh he's
[06:59:27] nuts oh you know it's kind of comfort you know like I died but I have him it's all good like he
[06:59:33] can do like a random one before out of nowhere like completely impossible run and then he is
[06:59:38] magically happens.
[06:59:39] In my mind, I know it's weird, but I always think of that as like Oscar energy, you remember
[06:59:43] Oscar, like Sin is Oscar, but he always had that aura around him, it's like, you could
[06:59:47] just do this.
[06:59:48] It's scary, it's scary.
[06:59:49] Like you see him on the server when you're like playing against him, like, ah, you need
[06:59:53] to keep yourself sharp, you know, when you're playing against him.
[06:59:55] Wrinkle, can I have a couple of words?
[06:59:57] I would love to get to meet you properly.
[06:59:58] Hello.
[06:59:59] We're just glazing you right now.
[07:00:00] He's, yeah, you're getting glazed.
[07:00:03] But yeah, just wanted to talk a little bit about your path to Counter-Strike professionalism,
[07:00:07] Because I don't tell your story, I don't know how to tell your story appropriately.
[07:00:11] But how would you say you kind of got your foot in the door?
[07:00:14] Was it FPL?
[07:00:15] Was that how your name started getting noticed?
[07:00:18] How did you climb the ladder?
[07:00:19] I think it was FaceIt.
[07:00:20] I just played FaceIt Premium and some guys noticed me and asked me to play their team.
[07:00:26] But I was back in the days like 14 or 15 and someone didn't want to pick me up because
[07:00:32] I was this young.
[07:00:33] Because you sounded a bit like this.
[07:00:35] Yes, and we couldn't play like Caramark qualifier, so yeah, it was a bit tough, but yeah, I just played face it.
[07:00:41] Yeah, awesome. And I'm interested when it came to kind of getting into the professional CS from the face-it realms, like, it's one thing to be very dominant pug player.
[07:00:52] And I'm sure you have skills now because of how you, you know, because of the thousands of pugs you've played, but transitioning into professional CS.
[07:01:00] What would you say are some of the noticeable differences of what you need?
[07:01:06] I mean, you just need to trust your teammates, I would say.
[07:01:11] Yes, true.
[07:01:12] And also, for now, in CS2, I would say you can do more of this face stuff, I would say.
[07:01:20] But of course, you need to work with your teammates.
[07:01:29] with your teammates, like properly.
[07:01:32] Because your opponent is as well, so yeah.
[07:01:34] Whereas in a pub, you don't trust your teammates.
[07:01:36] I bet you're the guy that just has dropped me off, man.
[07:01:38] Just dropped me off.
[07:01:39] Like it's a big competition right now in cyber sports
[07:01:41] and you need to evaluate like very fast.
[07:01:44] But confidence doesn't seem to be a problem for you.
[07:01:47] You seem to have good belief in your own ability.
[07:01:50] That's not everyone has that.
[07:01:51] Yeah, I mean, I'm just playing the game
[07:01:53] and don't really think about some weird stuff
[07:01:55] like that can like break me.
[07:01:58] So I just play CS.
[07:01:59] And you play well.
[07:02:00] No, I'm looking forward to seeing you.
[07:02:01] Good luck.
[07:02:02] Good luck.
[07:02:03] We've got Rinkle, we've got Max,
[07:02:04] and who have I spoken to?
[07:02:06] Alex is hiding over there.
[07:02:07] Hello, I'm loving the dress, by the way.
[07:02:09] It looks great on you.
[07:02:11] Hello.
[07:02:11] Hello.
[07:02:13] English or Spanish?
[07:02:23] We've got Alex over here, ladies and gentlemen.
[07:02:24] Good to see you.
[07:02:25] But let's talk a little bit about the pajama ninjas
[07:02:28] and this roster of talent.
[07:02:30] I'm speaking to your teammates, man.
[07:02:31] You've got some pieces.
[07:02:33] You've got some pieces.
[07:02:34] And I know it's not all been sunshine and rainbows,
[07:02:36] but no new team is.
[07:02:38] I mean, this is a process.
[07:02:40] You've been thrown into the middle of it
[07:02:41] with some responsibilities.
[07:02:43] How are you adjusting to this new role and new approach
[07:02:45] and what I imagine is a long-term project?
[07:02:47] Yeah, I mean, it is actually.
[07:02:50] I mean, the Venus is being a,
[07:02:55] I don't know, easy journey with them.
[07:02:57] I think they are like really good players,
[07:03:00] really good environment,
[07:03:03] especially the people that we have around us
[07:03:06] working, like, exactly. I think it's like it's easier to work with them and stuff,
[07:03:11] especially now that we are like having, as you said, like, rough times, but, but yeah,
[07:03:16] like it's a long process and we still believe in. So when it comes to your mind for the game,
[07:03:23] you, correct me if I'm wrong, but with your kind of rise in the, with the riders, you
[07:03:28] probably got to a point where you were playing your game at how you saw it to be played
[07:03:32] at the highest level, right? Okay. So my question is, is like, how has it been to learn like, what you
[07:03:39] can keep, what was depends on the player? Is this been a big part of your life recently of like,
[07:03:44] kind of working out which parts work for everyone? You know, I'm thinking, Kady and trying to make
[07:03:49] heroic CS for Liquid, and it just just couldn't work, but even though it has worked. And so
[07:03:54] in his mind, he was left going, I know this is supposed to work, it has worked before,
[07:03:59] but it's not working now. Have you encountered something similar?
[07:04:01] I mean it's kind of hard, I think it's the hardest part.
[07:04:05] When you are like, we are becoming a new team and stuff and you have like
[07:04:08] different personalities inside the server, right?
[07:04:11] So everyone wants to have the data space and server, they want shine and stuff, but I mean
[07:04:17] I'm trying like to bring out my system, right? We need to try to believe in it and then
[07:04:23] as I said, like I think they are like pretty good adapting to it,
[07:04:26] But of course it will take more time.
[07:04:29] Like for sure, like we need to go.
[07:04:31] I think every team has to go through this kind of process, right?
[07:04:36] With the ups and downs, but in the end, we're still playing the same.
[07:04:39] I mean, we are trying to play the same CS, but of course we have a lot of things to
[07:04:44] improve, but I think we're in the correct way, to be honest.
[07:04:47] And how are you liking your group?
[07:04:48] Do you think you can do some damage here?
[07:04:50] It's not going to be easy.
[07:04:51] I think it's a tough group over there.
[07:04:54] I don't know, it's hard to predict now that CS is so equal, especially on LAN I think everyone can win, it's so hard to predict, but I would say of course we are here to shoot.
[07:05:11] Do your best of course, it makes sense, absolutely, and when you say everyone can win, is that because of the game right now or is that because you're okay?
[07:05:20] I think so, like, to be honest I don't have the clear answer of that, but like you can say the latest results, like I think, of course there is some teams, few teams that they are over there, like top three teams, Navi maybe, Vitality, Spirit, but it's so hard to make the difference in this game, like so hard, so that's why I think it's not random, of course, but I think you have like more opportunities than before.
[07:05:49] Yeah, no, I definitely, I mean, I, from my personal experience, I will play the same players that I'll be in 13-3 new map and I'm getting a 13-1 and I'm like, I did well, well, well, well, what changed? What changed? Like, I can make you so easy to play. I don't understand.
[07:06:03] Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's the same for, for us.
[07:06:05] Timings and aggressions and those tiny little things, but I mean, I guess focusing on what you can control.
[07:06:11] Yeah.
[07:06:12] That's the goal.
[07:06:13] That's the goal.
[07:06:14] Hell yeah, man.
[07:06:15] Well, I wish you the best of luck.
[07:06:16] Thank you.
[07:06:17] with Wrinkle, something Rez talked about was just how interesting it is.
[07:06:20] How is it to kind of IGL a player that I imagine is going to be calling his shots?
[07:06:25] He's like, I want to do this, let me do this, let me do that.
[07:06:26] Exactly. It's like that. Yeah, I mean, if he has a day, it's like, is it for me?
[07:06:33] Like, no, but yeah, yeah, it's like a first time, especially,
[07:06:37] like Alex, I want to do this and stuff, okay?
[07:06:39] Go for it. Yeah.
[07:06:41] Right, you heard him. That's what he's doing. We'll do this.
[07:06:43] Exactly. Yeah, that's nice.
[07:06:45] That's a nice luxury.
[07:06:46] Yeah, that's what you look for in an opera. Oh, I said striking a mean pose. Look at this one. Yeah.
[07:06:50] Scra! Scra! Bop! Bop! Bop!
[07:06:52] Run! Tong! Tong!
[07:06:53] All right. Yo, I'm going to peace out with the NIP. I'm distracting you, but thank you very much. Thank you.
[07:06:58] Let's start with Techno, because Techno always likes talking to us. Don't you, Techno?
[07:07:03] Hello.
[07:07:04] Hi. Look, you see this here? See what I brought some prep work today.
[07:07:10] Is this a tweet from your social media account?
[07:07:13] I don't know. Maybe I think it is. Is this your social media man right here? No, it's not here. He's not here. Yes
[07:07:21] Okay. All right. Well, let's let's let's do the fun stuff first before we get into the serious tweet business
[07:07:25] No, you guys last played in Cologne. What have you been up to between Cologne and now?
[07:07:31] I think
[07:07:33] We just lost the clone
[07:07:35] There's all bad. I think it's the
[07:07:38] Not our they really didn't reach the goal. Yeah, okay
[07:07:42] But you guys beat spirit there. Oh, yes, that's a huge win for us. Yeah, they're in your group here as well
[07:07:50] Your group B you play 3d max first, right? Yes, we just faced against them at the India
[07:07:55] Yeah, just lost that they got the grand final. Yeah, you guys own 3d max those like two maps
[07:08:00] It wasn't close. Do you remember the games very much? Yes, which we just got all in the chair now
[07:08:07] I think it's the revenge time. Okay
[07:08:09] Between Cologne and this event, did you go back to Mongolia?
[07:08:14] Yes, we were in Mongolia all the time and practicing for this tournament.
[07:08:19] Okay, so just practice it, playing European face it?
[07:08:21] I think we will no longer do that again.
[07:08:27] Really? How come?
[07:08:28] I think that at this CSTU, the Tiger Pingus is hard to play to difficult.
[07:08:34] Okay, did you see the results from the Asian RMR qualifiers?
[07:08:39] Yeah, we were watching, yeah.
[07:08:41] You see, ATOX, they didn't beat the Russians, right?
[07:08:45] Yeah, that's so sad for them, yeah.
[07:08:48] Did you think there was going to be them or the Chinggis warriors to qualify?
[07:08:52] I hope our Chinggis warrior or ATOX is going to qualify, but they didn't make it, yeah, he said.
[07:08:59] Which of those two teams do you think is the next strongest from Mongolia?
[07:09:03] I think maybe ATOX, yeah.
[07:09:06] Okay. We also had Talon go through from Oceania, right? There's FlyQuest, who else do we got there?
[07:09:13] Did you see owner pixels team, drillers qualified as well?
[07:09:16] Oh yeah, that's so interesting team, yeah.
[07:09:20] Waro2K and Haji and everybody like that, but you guys are obviously the favourites for that event.
[07:09:24] You've got about two months until the RMRs in Shanghai.
[07:09:28] How many events do you have between now and Shanghai?
[07:09:32] I guess including this tournament I think it's a three-event yeah okay do you know
[07:09:39] the other events I don't think so there then we will go practice maybe okay okay
[07:09:46] okay and you're gonna try and boot camp in Europe at all or you just gonna be
[07:09:49] practicing from Mongolia I think we're gonna go Europe yeah after the Elisa I
[07:09:54] think it's in October yeah okay nice I want to ask you you've been to a lot
[07:09:59] of events this year which has been your favorite event of this year so far?
[07:10:04] Maybe the other compass. We just won the tournament here.
[07:10:10] Okay what about the one that you had at home in Mongolia?
[07:10:14] Sorry? The event that you won at home in Mongolia.
[07:10:17] Oh it was really nice. Yeah it's the crowd and stage.
[07:10:23] Okay now look I did bring some stuff here but I want to show Blitz
[07:10:26] Because apparently Blitz did a stream.
[07:10:30] Oh, yes, yes.
[07:10:31] Now in the tweets, yeah, I didn't do it.
[07:10:35] Yeah.
[07:10:35] But did you see what it said?
[07:10:38] Very fun.
[07:10:39] Uh, here we go.
[07:10:40] This one here.
[07:10:41] Can you read this one about his English?
[07:10:43] People think our English is bad, but not that's not true.
[07:10:46] All of our places speak this in English.
[07:10:49] We just don't want to give in through seal.
[07:10:51] What do you have to say about that?
[07:10:53] I think it's the false.
[07:10:54] I think, yeah.
[07:10:55] Yeah.
[07:10:55] Yeah.
[07:10:55] I think it's big.
[07:10:56] Well, you think this is fake?
[07:10:58] Yeah, yeah.
[07:10:58] What do you think Blitz is going to say?
[07:11:01] I don't know.
[07:11:01] You can ask them.
[07:11:02] I think we need to ask him.
[07:11:03] It looks like he's done with photos.
[07:11:06] Oh, hold up.
[07:11:06] He's talking.
[07:11:08] They're talking about he's getting in trouble here.
[07:11:15] We're going to see if we can get involved in this.
[07:11:21] It's not the bad finger, though.
[07:11:23] It's the ring finger.
[07:11:28] Well, look, I need to talk to Blitz.
[07:11:29] Blitz, hold up, hold up, hold up.
[07:11:32] Blitz, I have some questions, my friends.
[07:11:34] Hello.
[07:11:35] Hello.
[07:11:36] First question.
[07:11:38] Is this you?
[07:11:40] No.
[07:11:41] Okay.
[07:11:42] Well, this here says this is your YouTube channel.
[07:11:44] Yeah.
[07:11:45] Did you stream on your YouTube channel recently?
[07:11:47] Yeah, seven days ago.
[07:11:50] Okay, well, just quickly, next one.
[07:11:53] See this here.
[07:11:54] Is this the Twitter handle
[07:11:55] of your Mongols Twitter account?
[07:12:00] Yeah.
[07:12:01] Okay, can you do me a favor?
[07:12:04] This one here. Can you please read what it says here?
[07:12:09] Just read. Just read.
[07:12:12] About his English, people think our English is bad, but that's not true.
[07:12:17] All of our players speak decent English. We just don't want to give interviews. Did you say that?
[07:12:26] Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Why don't you want to give interviews?
[07:12:31] Yeah, I don't know. I'm just a little bit shy and actually my English is not good. Yeah,
[07:12:41] that's it.
[07:12:42] That's not true at all. First of all, you just spoke to me and you read that and you
[07:12:45] answered me and I'll tell you this. The people at home really like your team and you're
[07:12:51] the in-game leader who frags a lot so we want to talk to you. So it'd be nice if
[07:12:55] you'd talk to us. What do you think about that?
[07:12:59] I don't know, actually I don't know, yeah, I'm just a little bit shy.
[07:13:05] That's okay, yeah, that's fine, it's okay to be shy, but I tell you, you don't have to worry
[07:13:09] because the fact that you try, that's the best part, because people want to hear what you have
[07:13:13] to say. And for me, watching you guys, right, where's Mara? Yeah, he's in head alone.
[07:13:19] Okay, because I want to learn, because do you know Mara, when I was playing, he was coaching
[07:13:24] like Zilkenberg and that against my team, do you, like that was a long time ago,
[07:13:28] But does Mara ever talk about that sponge guy as an idiot?
[07:13:33] No.
[07:13:34] No, that's what I'd be saying.
[07:13:36] They beat us at an Asian qualifier back in the day.
[07:13:39] We lost to Mishin, Gun, and Zulk and Berg and everything.
[07:13:42] Like, back when Cobblestone was in the map pool.
[07:13:44] Were you watching Counter-Strike back then?
[07:13:46] Yeah, sometimes, but not always.
[07:13:50] Okay, okay, okay.
[07:13:51] Now, you come into this event, right?
[07:13:54] You're in Group B.
[07:13:55] You play 3D Max.
[07:13:56] Do you think that's a good matchup for you guys?
[07:13:58] Yeah, we lost them at the Skysports Championship. We need to get revenge from them, yeah.
[07:14:06] You think you were Skysports was just a one-off? Do you think you're a better team than them?
[07:14:11] I don't know. Actually they are so good team.
[07:14:17] Okay, now see with this one here, you says all your teammates speak English. Who else should I talk to?
[07:14:27] I don't know. They all can speak.
[07:14:30] What about you, Miss Inyo, speak to me, you think?
[07:14:32] Yeah.
[07:14:33] Let's try. I'll take this off you. Thank you, Blitz.
[07:14:37] Miss Inyo, the travel from Mongolia to here, how long is it?
[07:14:41] I think it was... We... I think it was 20 hours and pretty long.
[07:14:53] Where did you fly through?
[07:14:54] Beijing to Germany and Germany to Mazda.
[07:14:58] Okay, nice. I swear last time you were here you guys lost your bags.
[07:15:02] Yes, but we received it.
[07:15:03] This time you have it?
[07:15:04] Yeah, we have.
[07:15:05] Okay. How are you feeling about this tournament for the Mongols?
[07:15:12] It will be just for us. Take a ranch for 3D Max and G2 and try to outgroup.
[07:15:24] One seed, number one seed.
[07:15:25] You want a number one seed?
[07:15:26] Yeah.
[07:15:27] I think the spirit is in your group as well.
[07:15:29] You beat them in Cologne.
[07:15:31] Will you do the same thing?
[07:15:33] There's some confidence from Virginia, nice.
[07:15:35] Anything you want to say to the people at home?
[07:15:37] You can say in Mongolian if you want.
[07:15:43] Thank you for cheering us.
[07:15:45] Your English is good.
[07:15:47] Not that good.
[07:15:48] Thank you for trying.
[07:15:50] Perfect.
[07:15:52] Safe.
[07:15:53] I just typed in.
[07:15:54] How are you, bro?
[07:15:55] I'm good, how are you?
[07:15:56] I'm chilling.
[07:15:57] Are you looking forward to a bit of multi-senshine or have you been here a while?
[07:16:02] No, I just got here so yeah, we kind of missed it, you know. It's similar to Brazil so every time we are here it's fun.
[07:16:11] Where abouts in Brazil are you from?
[07:16:12] São Paulo.
[07:16:13] São Paulo? Okay, a lot of people say that's one of the coolest cities.
[07:16:16] Yeah, but we have beaches close. It's like one hour from home. So yeah, you know, it's
[07:16:24] not like real that they have there, but you know, it's just one hour. So yeah, we can go
[07:16:30] there whenever you can still have your beach lifestyle. Now I've got some Brazilian phrases
[07:16:34] on my phone. Could you explain a little about what they mean? For example, to take
[07:16:39] the little horse from the rain, Tira, Tira or Cavalinho da chuva?
[07:16:53] It's like to chill out, maybe to slow down.
[07:16:57] Yeah, to lower your expectations.
[07:17:02] Oh, okay, take the little horse from the rain, man.
[07:17:05] Yo, take that little horse from the rain.
[07:17:07] right that's okay to stick a foot when Brazilians want to leave a situation apart
[07:17:19] you're in a vent they sometimes say stick the foot metahope yeah to leave
[07:17:26] yeah it's ticker for you leave leave it's not it's not nice just leave you
[07:17:30] say that in Counter-Strike you know if like you want to rotate you like what's
[07:17:32] I'm going to stick a foot.
[07:17:34] Yes, sometimes we do.
[07:17:36] Okay, cool. To lower the ball.
[07:17:39] When someone's talking about this, lower the ball.
[07:17:42] Say that for me.
[07:17:44] I buy Shaboya.
[07:17:46] Oh, that sounds good.
[07:17:47] Yeah, it's like to... you know, chill out.
[07:17:49] You're talking too much. Chill out. Chill out.
[07:17:51] Yeah, you're being too cocky. Chill out.
[07:17:54] I bet trash talking in Portuguese just sounds so bloody good.
[07:17:57] Insani, I feel like you could trash talk.
[07:17:59] Yo, if I wanted to like kind of like, you know, intimidate someone, you know, in the server,
[07:18:04] someone's like, someone's being nasty to me and face it.
[07:18:07] What's like a good way to kind of say, stay in your place, little boy, in Portuguese?
[07:18:12] Yo, as you said, like, lower your ball is a good...
[07:18:16] How do I say it again?
[07:18:18] Like, Bacha Boa.
[07:18:19] Bacha Boa?
[07:18:20] Bacha Boa is a hoonie.
[07:18:22] Bacha Boa is a hoonie.
[07:18:24] Okay, I got it.
[07:18:26] Lower your ball.
[07:18:27] Yeah, yeah.
[07:18:28] You're weak.
[07:18:29] Oh, I like that, yeah.
[07:18:30] Okay, okay, like to lower your tone, boy.
[07:18:32] What else have we got?
[07:18:34] You are with the knife and the cheese in your hand.
[07:18:37] Have you heard of this one?
[07:18:38] Yeah, like,
[07:18:39] like,
[07:18:40] like,
[07:18:41] like,
[07:18:41] like,
[07:18:42] like,
[07:18:43] like,
[07:18:44] like,
[07:18:45] like,
[07:18:46] like,
[07:18:46] like,
[07:18:47] like,
[07:18:48] like,
[07:18:49] like,
[07:18:50] like,
[07:18:51] like,
[07:18:52] like,
[07:18:52] like,
[07:18:53] like,
[07:18:54] like,
[07:18:55] like,
[07:18:56] like,
[07:18:57] like,
[07:18:58] like,
[07:18:58] like when you're like you've got a good group of teammates you're at a big event
[07:19:02] the knife is in your hand and the cheese is too yeah you have the knife in
[07:19:06] in the cheese in your hand I like it okay okay I'm learning a bit more about
[07:19:10] the Brazilian Brazilian culture and sayings so anything I should add to the
[07:19:14] list what else we got to hold the candle
[07:19:19] sing a round of yeah like this is like when you go like to somewhere like a
[07:19:27] party and you have a friend and your friend is with with his girlfriend and you are like just you and
[07:19:33] third wheel couple yeah yeah exactly that yeah and like because they're in that situation you are
[07:19:41] holding the help you're just like this yeah oh that's good okay okay one more one more for fun
[07:19:47] because I love the way this one sounds to fill a sausage and chendoling what is it what is this
[07:19:54] Listen, he's enchendo lingüeço.
[07:19:58] He's filling the sausage, right?
[07:19:59] Who is filling the sausage?
[07:20:00] Oh, it's like a,
[07:20:02] It's like a, you already know what I'm saying,
[07:20:05] but I keep like saying things about it.
[07:20:07] It's like, oh, you're handsome.
[07:20:09] No, you're so beautiful.
[07:20:11] He's filling the sausage.
[07:20:11] Yeah, yeah.
[07:20:12] He's filling the sausage right now.
[07:20:14] Okay, okay, okay, I'm having too much fun.
[07:20:19] When a Brazilian is extremely annoyed
[07:20:21] something he is esta bolado this one you should ask for him because it is
[07:20:27] from Rio de Janeiro excuse me mr. Rio apparently this is a this is a Rio de
[07:20:32] Janeiro thing when I when a Brazilian is really annoyed about something they say
[07:20:37] estubolado yeah could you give me a proper pronunciation how do I say that
[07:20:41] I'm angry.
[07:20:43] That is not what's written again.
[07:20:45] I'm angry.
[07:20:47] I'm angry.
[07:20:49] I'm angry.
[07:20:51] Okay, what does it mean? So it just means I'm pissed off.
[07:20:53] Yeah, it's when you're angry.
[07:20:55] When you're angry, really pissed off.
[07:20:57] Okay, and sorry, to travel in mayonnaise.
[07:20:59] Viajana mayonnaise.
[07:21:01] What are you saying?
[07:21:03] Viajana mayonnaise.
[07:21:05] When you...
[07:21:07] How can I say it?
[07:21:09] How can I see it?
[07:21:11] You'll say something clueless about anything, you know
[07:21:16] You're uninformed you don't know the answer to truth. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and you're like, yeah, you're crazy
[07:21:21] Something it doesn't make sense. You say you travel. Hey, wake up. You're in you're traveling in Mayonnaise
[07:21:30] Bro you are traveling in Mayonnaise right now. Otherwise, I will fill your sausage off
[07:21:34] I'm learning I'm learning I'm gonna get ready for Rio you know gonna get a couple of phrases to have to peel a pineapple
[07:21:44] Oh, hang on when Brazilians have to cope with a tricky and complex issue guys
[07:21:49] I bet you've had to peel a pineapple in MIBR before
[07:21:52] Yeah
[07:21:57] Yeah, and when you have to solve some problem like difficult problems
[07:22:01] Yeah, you have to talk about it.
[07:22:02] Yeah, yeah.
[07:22:03] Feel the pineapple?
[07:22:04] Boy, I haven't learned in today.
[07:22:05] That love a little bit.
[07:22:06] Thank you for your help.
[07:22:07] Yo, have you got to take your photos?
[07:22:09] OK, I want to interrupt you too much.
[07:22:11] And son, you don't need any makeup.
[07:22:12] This man doesn't need any makeup.
[07:22:14] Does he really?
[07:22:14] Do you think so?
[07:22:15] What do you think?
[07:22:16] No, I don't think so.
[07:22:17] No, I don't think so either.
[07:22:18] He's got the complexion of an angel.
[07:22:20] That's what I think.
[07:22:20] And how do I say he has the skin of an angel in Portuguese?
[07:22:24] He's got it.
[07:22:27] Tempe?
[07:22:28] Bailey.
[07:22:29] Tempe?
[07:22:29] Tempe?
[07:22:30] your margin.
[07:22:31] Yeah.
[07:22:32] Don't be a little bit more.
[07:22:36] It's hard.
[07:22:37] You've got a great voice though.
[07:22:38] I haven't noticed how lovely and deep your voice is.
[07:22:40] You should do like, um, audio books, you know, like the podcast stuff you listen
[07:22:44] to you like it when he shuts his mouth.
[07:22:48] No, you've got a good voice.
[07:22:50] Have you heard that before?
[07:22:51] Yes.
[07:22:52] Yes.
[07:22:53] I did.
[07:22:54] You know, backup career when you're when you're old and gray, you just sit in
[07:22:56] your cottage.
[07:22:58] My voice was like kids voice and then like later years later, my voice got like that and
[07:23:05] the guys go, oh my God, how did you do that before it's like you put the teams, teams
[07:23:10] because like, hi guys, everybody I'm getting this one day just hello, 100% dude.
[07:23:16] I was late as well.
[07:23:18] Finally got my voice.
[07:23:19] I still squeak.
[07:23:20] I'm 30 years old.
[07:23:21] I still anyway, thanks for speaking to me.
[07:23:24] We'll leave him.
[07:23:25] I'll be out to it.
[07:23:26] Thank you very much.
[07:23:28] Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
[07:23:31] Chris.
[07:23:33] Yeah.
[07:23:35] How's the house going?
[07:23:37] House life's good, enjoying it, and yeah.
[07:23:40] Just doing weeds and...
[07:23:42] I saw that, you're doing the lawn.
[07:23:44] Do you think that that is influential
[07:23:46] in your counter-shot?
[07:23:47] Honestly, as long as I don't burn my hand
[07:23:50] with like weed killer or something like that,
[07:23:52] or throw it in my eyes, then yeah.
[07:23:55] I feel like that would take an effort
[07:23:57] do that on purpose or is it just like a rub and the sweat might accidentally happen?
[07:24:00] I was like actually just spraying the lawn with a weed killer and like the wind
[07:24:04] blew it into my eyes the other day so yeah. So if the aim is a little off this
[07:24:09] week that's the like pre-loaded excuse? Yeah if the wind yeah yeah definitely
[07:24:14] that's sorry there. Beautiful beautiful. Now in terms of this are you excited to
[07:24:20] be back in Meltdown or is it kind of like too sweaty? I feel pretty excited
[07:24:24] I haven't played in the land for a little bit after clone and been working in different ways. So
[07:24:30] That's the hour goes. Yeah, I saw a couple of things when you went back to Oz, but I won't name here
[07:24:37] But I thought it was interesting. I
[07:24:39] Don't know what it is. That's good. That's good. That's the poker face. I was looking for
[07:24:45] Who did I not talk to I spoke to everyone. What about I want more Ali. Do you think Ali needs more chatting, too?
[07:24:51] Yeah, yeah, Ali loves the camera. Come here
[07:24:54] Come here. Come on.
[07:24:56] Come on. Have you been to the gym yet?
[07:24:58] Yeah, I have. I went today, actually.
[07:25:00] Me and Declan went.
[07:25:01] Declan had a leg session.
[07:25:03] Decky did legs.
[07:25:04] Yeah, I did indeed do legs.
[07:25:07] Yeah, what exercises?
[07:25:08] Anything special due to deadies?
[07:25:10] No, I don't do any big compound movements.
[07:25:11] Let's do the lay extensions.
[07:25:15] Isolated ones.
[07:25:16] Yeah, lay extensions, leg curls, all those ones.
[07:25:19] Beautiful. Is he like, caked up or?
[07:25:22] Good, man. I swear.
[07:25:23] Checking them out from behind you got a little wagon back there. Oh, a little way
[07:25:30] Got to see the bloody hammies out action
[07:25:35] Look, can I borrow your room card by the way
[07:25:39] For the gym, yeah, you don't actually need you tell me
[07:25:42] Oh, don't don't leak that because then random people are gonna come in
[07:25:46] That I don't know how to tell
[07:25:50] Anyway gym sessions are gonna be happening soon
[07:25:52] I'm gonna be taking deck II. Did you do arms with him yet? No my arm says tomorrow. Cool. I'll come I'll come do arms
[07:25:59] Actually, you're playing tomorrow, right? Yeah, I can't do arms on game day. That's that's a bit dangerous
[07:26:04] You know you can do it after the game. That's that same day. You can do it
[07:26:10] You can do it it's a mental barrier
[07:26:12] You don't believe in cardio buff. I don't think I think just going to the gym in general just put you in that space
[07:26:19] That's true. It's just positive mindset. Whatever makes you feel good makes you play good
[07:26:22] Good endorphins. I haven't been to the gym in like five days or something. I need some endorphins like
[07:26:28] When you have a little break, it's good. It's gonna be mad. What about
[07:26:33] Urki, is he being gone on the gym?
[07:26:35] You wait you do the legs. Oh
[07:26:37] I just what I did. I work for a bit
[07:26:42] Did back a bit of back you do pull-ups
[07:26:46] No, I can do only like fresh. That's good. That's good. You know, I did none when I started
[07:26:52] So you start in a good spot how much you wait 92 maybe less because I haven't like protein here cost too much
[07:26:58] I don't been belly eaten. I'm 105 kg
[07:27:01] That's good. I pull up half times
[07:27:08] Huge and on that night we are done with flow quest
[07:27:13] Hello gum. Yep. Nice to meet you. I'm gonna come sit down next to you one second. Oh, man. I'm getting old. How old are you?
[07:27:19] almost 32. Okay, I'm 35. So you know, we're in the 30s. So generation unit, same it did. Now,
[07:27:28] for those people uninitiated, you are the coach of Lin vision. And I might as well talk to you
[07:27:33] about your team, because lots of things have happened recently. G is no longer on your roster,
[07:27:38] you have flying. And then you no longer have starry and you have a foo foo. Is that as I
[07:27:42] saying that correctly? Yes. Could you tell me and I guess the people at home about these
[07:27:48] two new players. Okay, so I think a lot of players didn't know flying. He was in
[07:27:57] IG and Winsub and he played for a couple years professionally and Fufu
[07:28:06] is actually a new player and never played a professional match before so
[07:28:11] Yeah, now many people acknowledge him and he's pretty young, you can see he's a matcher in this scene.
[07:28:21] So what should we expect from the new boy Fufu in the server? What type of player is he?
[07:28:26] He's very calm, but they don't see, I don't know.
[07:28:31] Yeah, like Winnether, you know, this is his first international big event, so yeah we're looking
[07:28:40] forward to what he can deliver. Very exciting. Okay, so it's been some time since we've seen
[07:28:46] LinVision play, obviously there's been some roster changes, and he's only, the new boys
[07:28:51] only been part of the team for 30 days. Have you guys been bootcamping in Europe or just
[07:28:55] practising in China? We have been in Serbia for almost one month and you know the
[07:29:05] adversary is actually very new so we need a bit more time I think. How did
[07:29:11] practice go? Okay. Okay, it's okay. So later in the year if it's obviously the Shanghai
[07:29:19] major you guys are already gonna be in the RMR which is fantastic. All of the
[07:29:23] teams have now qualified. Who do you think other than I guess the Mongols, the scary teams,
[07:29:31] you may accept Mongols who will go through qualify for the major? Hopefully we can make
[07:29:39] it. I think FlyQuest is very strong right now. And there's a lot like, we're at them
[07:29:48] they are quite challenging. They have the experience and I think they can perform much better on their
[07:30:01] pressure. Was it surprising for you to see Tyloo lose to Rare Atom? For us I think it's 50-50
[07:30:12] from between very active and title so we didn't get surprised about that.
[07:30:18] I have a bit of maybe a controversial question. With Starry and G no longer in the team you know is
[07:30:25] it like hard feelings or it was something that you know was everyone was okay with it?
[07:30:30] Actually it's quite painful for us it's like way it's like for this instance
[07:30:37] Yes, it's a product for us. It's like a receipt, you know. Last year we've come here as a new team and everybody goes to know us.
[07:30:46] And then we grow, grow, we go to the, we qualify for the major and now everything just come back to the start point and we need to improve again and again and try to see if we can make it to the major this time.
[07:31:01] Yeah, so that sucks right because you put so much time and effort and there was exciting rounds that you guys were playing as a team
[07:31:06] I really like the mid-round you guys had on an oebus with double mollies
[07:31:09] I still use it today when I'm playing pugs, but now you have a whole new roster
[07:31:13] So well not a whole new roster. Well, I suppose looking at the roster today. You can correct me if I'm wrong
[07:31:19] West Mellon has been a part of LinVision for seven years. Yes
[07:31:23] Yeah
[07:31:24] Has been the professional player from day one in
[07:31:28] innovation. That's crazy. Seven years. It's a long time. Yeah, right. So like, I don't think I'm trying
[07:31:35] to think of other Counter Strike players who have been in an organization for that long. It's not
[07:31:39] many. Like West Mellon must be one of very few players. Yeah, sure. Yeah. And Crims and Crims even
[07:31:45] left. Mm hmm. Okay, so how come Lin vision is West Mellon's home? You can say that. Yeah,
[07:31:51] Here's the king, here's the leader here. Nice, okay. So to this group, how are you feeling about
[07:31:58] your group for Pro League? How the group is actually very tough. The first offense is Na'Vi,
[07:32:05] and then we have FaZe and very big names in this group. It's very hard, and Eternal Fire,
[07:32:13] they are like they just played the final of the but yeah yeah that's just so yeah this group is
[07:32:23] very tough very difficult for us all right well excited to watch you guys play is there anything
[07:32:28] that you would like to say to i know because when we were in Chengdu that a lot of chinese
[07:32:33] counter-strike fans would talk to us and there's like different groups and they translate all the
[07:32:36] content and they put it on the chinese like a version of youtube and everything like that
[07:32:41] So is there anything that you want to say to the Chinese viewers at home who are watching?
[07:32:45] You can say Chinese.
[07:32:46] Yeah, I'm gonna ask that question.
[07:33:08] Yeah, that's it.
[07:33:11] Thank you very much, thank you for your time.
[07:33:22] And that's game, ladies and gentlemen, Martina is the champion of the EPL, Ping Pong League.
[07:33:28] And coming into the Counter-Strike, what do you reckon? What's the vibes?
[07:33:32] I think good vibes right now because I don't know, we play a lot of tournaments like in,
[07:33:40] Yeah, and we are not playing well, but I don't know, we've had a lot of mistakes.
[07:33:45] I think we fix a lot.
[07:33:47] So we'll play good CS.
[07:33:50] I hope so.
[07:33:51] Absolutely.
[07:33:52] Because you can, you know, is it difficult to like see how good it can be?
[07:33:57] You know, like you have good game, good tournament, good results, and then
[07:34:01] not being able to kind of do the same thing.
[07:34:05] Is that frustrating?
[07:34:07] Or is that just a part of the process?
[07:34:08] Yeah, a little bit is frustrating because I don't know we work a lot and maybe I don't know I don't know how to explain because we play a lot of against good people, you know, and you have to do always good if not, you know, the people is too good in these tournaments and if you do something wrong, they just punish you so it's frustrating because I think we're playing well so.
[07:34:34] And how is the morale in the camp as well, like for the team?
[07:34:37] Like, is the unity still there?
[07:34:39] Cause that can be the main problem is when people start,
[07:34:42] you know, taking stabs at each other.
[07:34:44] No, it's good, it's good.
[07:34:45] I mean, yeah, we're like a family, you know?
[07:34:47] So yeah, it's okay.
[07:34:48] That's good.
[07:34:49] I'm happy to hear that.
[07:34:50] And talking of family, is there any fun facts
[07:34:52] about your family that no one knows about your teammates?
[07:34:55] Is there any fun facts, you know, like,
[07:34:57] we learned that Roy was scared of bananas?
[07:35:00] That was weird.
[07:35:01] Roy, yeah, from Copenhagen Flames,
[07:35:03] remember back in the day, Roy Danish guy, Roy, he was he was he was scared of bananas
[07:35:10] he find he was scared of fruit. You know any fun facts for us? I don't know. No, that's
[07:35:17] okay. Hey, Madge, good to see you man. Sorry you playing ping pong? Yeah, you're not disturbing
[07:35:22] me. No, but you have to you have to pay the one interview price. I'm afraid that
[07:35:26] this is a this is the new strategy. I've worked it out. If I just stand by the
[07:35:29] the ping pong table. They have to give me interviews. So it's all good. Thank you. Appreciate
[07:35:34] your time. Good luck at the tournament. Ha ha! I gotcha now. I gotcha. I saw you printing
[07:35:40] off your notes earlier. I was like running at you. You ran away. No, it's okay. He didn't
[07:35:46] see me. Okay, yeah. I just saw your super cute tweet with your little boy playing
[07:35:51] Counter-Strike on the warm-up. Starting a new generation incoming, yes. Amazing.
[07:35:56] Are you on the deathmatch or is he on bot still?
[07:35:59] He's now learning to grab the mouse.
[07:36:01] Yes.
[07:36:02] Only one and four months.
[07:36:04] Baby steps.
[07:36:05] And then you'll have a little wakari.
[07:36:06] Yes.
[07:36:07] I had the dreams to play with my son but I think it would not be possible.
[07:36:11] You got it.
[07:36:12] Stay on the grind.
[07:36:13] There we go.
[07:36:14] That works.
[07:36:15] That works.
[07:36:16] And for you, it feels like you've been at every tournament right now.
[07:36:18] You've just been grinding.
[07:36:19] You just finished the tournament.
[07:36:21] You're in a final now.
[07:36:22] You end up straight back here.
[07:36:23] Came yesterday night.
[07:36:24] There was no flight so we took a private jet.
[07:36:27] Sorry?
[07:36:28] There was no flight so we had to take a jet to come here.
[07:36:32] Private jet!
[07:36:33] It was the first time in my life so it was very good.
[07:36:37] Tell me you enjoyed it.
[07:36:38] Did you kind of?
[07:36:39] Yeah, it was perfect.
[07:36:40] It was a really good moment with the teams, with everyone.
[07:36:44] So it was very good.
[07:36:45] We came yesterday night, at midnight, we just sleep and we are here.
[07:36:49] Do you live in that rock-style lifestyle?
[07:36:52] you got a performance in one country, get on your private jet, get to another one. My
[07:36:57] wife has that. I know you that whole thing. We give you much love and we appreciate you
[07:37:03] and definitely, but you're... We do our job. I think we're doing some really amazing
[07:37:10] job everyone. We do something we love and I think we can't complain. So we just accept
[07:37:17] and keep our best and even if we're tired or there is something we need to to work at it.
[07:37:22] Well especially because what you're doing for the region's counter strike as well,
[07:37:26] how many years was Turkey chasing having like a foot in the top 10 to being a part of
[07:37:32] presence in competitive counter strike? You're always so close, you know kind of like we see
[07:37:36] with the South Americans now you know like the 9 Z's and stuff you'd show up for an event
[07:37:40] to see it so rigid now. It must be so special. Yeah bro you know since space soldiers
[07:37:46] You are following us, you are commanding our game.
[07:37:49] So yeah, it's been like seven years, eight years,
[07:37:53] we try our best.
[07:37:54] I try my best to make a Turkish team win something big,
[07:37:58] do something great.
[07:38:00] I think we're in the good world now with my boys,
[07:38:03] which are our best.
[07:38:05] We really work hard for that.
[07:38:06] And I hope one day it can be the biggest things.
[07:38:09] Like we fail beatings, we lose the final against spirit.
[07:38:13] But it's just about experience and keep working.
[07:38:15] and never do the same mistake that we did in the past.
[07:38:19] And that's all.
[07:38:20] I've been saying to myself, I'm trying to get better at CS.
[07:38:22] Whenever I make a mistake, I say, it's not a mistake,
[07:38:24] it's a lesson if I don't make it again.
[07:38:27] And you got to just not make it, yeah, yeah.
[07:38:28] This interview with these words, is that perfect?
[07:38:30] Finish?
[07:38:31] Man wants to play his ping pong,
[07:38:32] so I'm going to leave you to it.
[07:38:33] How do I say your name properly, Brett?
[07:38:36] It's like Boorah.
[07:38:37] Boorah, Boorah and last name, Argon.
[07:38:40] Argon.
[07:38:41] Argon, Boorah, Argon.
[07:38:43] Nice to meet you, man.
[07:38:44] At least say your name properly.
[07:38:45] But yeah, how you been? How's life? You've been traveling.
[07:38:48] I heard you got a private jet.
[07:38:49] The other day, what's going on in the high life now?
[07:38:53] Yeah, it was because bedroom dacha.
[07:38:57] We played the final, so we didn't have much time to come here.
[07:39:01] So it took the private jet or boss made this happen.
[07:39:06] So sweet. That's so sweet. Yeah.
[07:39:08] He said thanks. He did say thank you.
[07:39:10] But yeah, coming into this one,
[07:39:12] when you've been doing so many events back to back,
[07:39:14] Does that kind of make you feel like you're kind of really zoned in and like because you've just been playing so much or at this point do you feel like you're kind of struggling to have be the best you every day when you're flying in different hotels and you've been very busy?
[07:39:29] Yeah, I don't know if this affected a little bit, you know, but I think you need to play more to be better. So it's good.
[07:39:41] Yeah, it's good.
[07:39:43] And does this feel kind of familiar as well as the same place, same studio?
[07:39:47] No, we love to be here.
[07:39:49] Yeah, yeah.
[07:39:50] A lot is good, yeah.
[07:39:51] Yeah, it's good.
[07:39:52] It's a good laugh.
[07:39:52] It's a really good laugh.
[07:39:54] Who do you reckon is the team to beat in your group?
[07:39:57] Who's the one that you guys are most focused on?
[07:40:00] You focus on face, waiting face, yeah.
[07:40:03] How many, do you play to each other a lot, haven't you?
[07:40:05] Like, I swear I've seen like eternal fire phase nuke, like.
[07:40:08] I think tournament organization is making this kind of purpose, yeah, but it's always good
[07:40:19] to play against them.
[07:40:20] You have good matches, like they're always very close.
[07:40:23] It's always intense, so basically we focus on phase game, if we match up, you know, and
[07:40:31] I think we will.
[07:40:33] would make sense but playing against FaZe must be weird because their individuals are so strong
[07:40:39] that they're always making their own individual plays does that feel like does that make them
[07:40:42] hard team to beat because you can't like have a read on them because they'll do something different
[07:40:46] every time or is it not like that is that just from the outside no we have good players as well
[07:40:54] And the game against them always like who make the less mistakes means so basically that
[07:41:05] I was I was just talking to 9z and they were saying the same thing just in general like
[07:41:09] making the fewest mistakes at this level is it's how you win yes but but you can't be perfect
[07:41:16] you know one can be perfect we're humans no yeah but that's the thing you need to
[07:41:21] made less mistakes than your opponent so just minimizing mistakes like as few as
[07:41:27] possible yeah well I've got a long way to go but you've been at it for a long
[07:41:32] time you feel are you kind of getting there now do you when you when you've
[07:41:34] catch yourself making a mistake in game do you take note of it then and
[07:41:38] there or do you wait for a view and then look at it or when like how do you
[07:41:42] stop yourself from making the same mistake when I do mistake personally
[07:41:48] I know, except after the moment, you know, after making the mistake.
[07:41:53] Yeah, yeah.
[07:41:55] So I just try to remember that mistake after the games and try to not do it again.
[07:42:01] Sounds simple when you put it like that, bro.
[07:42:03] Yeah. No, I wish you the best of luck.
[07:42:05] Thank you. Thank you for your time.
[07:42:07] We'll start with Sonic, not the hedgehog, the South African.
[07:42:10] How you doing, Matt?
[07:42:11] Oh, good. Nice to see you again, Sponge.
[07:42:13] You're in and out of jerseys all the time.
[07:42:15] We always have this conversation.
[07:42:16] he's doing uni counter structures for fun now he's in wildcard the org is now
[07:42:19] owned by amaranth have you met her yet i have not only on stream um and the
[07:42:24] squad she was streaming your games the other day
[07:42:26] yeah she was she was and uh after we won epl i think she said in chat that she's
[07:42:31] in a rock up to isola lantern a cheerleader outfit so make sure they're
[07:42:35] why are you looking forward to that or the fans are looking forward to that
[07:42:38] um married man so the fans oh dear okay condolences or congratulations which
[07:42:43] Which one is it?
[07:42:44] Develink, congratulations.
[07:42:46] Now look, you guys qualified for the RMRs.
[07:42:48] You get to play, who were you, it was against, no, that was the NIG Nouns game which I was
[07:42:52] watching, that one I thought was quite fun.
[07:42:55] You guys over in North America are playing with two Swedes now, and they're playing
[07:43:00] with high ping a lot of the time, is that correct?
[07:43:02] Yeah, I mean at the start we had some visa issues between Fuzi and Susp.
[07:43:08] So they were playing in 100 ping a lot of the time and teams were trying to scan
[07:43:12] us on the servers, even though we had two Europeans. All good in the end, you know. But eventually
[07:43:18] that we got them over. Tim Sasspey made it over to America and Fuzzi, he came to Toronto
[07:43:24] with me. And yeah, we played out the Arma and the Atlanta qualifiers on good ping.
[07:43:30] Okay, well, I thought they were still performing pretty well on hyping, weren't they?
[07:43:33] Yeah, they were. I mean, I think it was just war of fear factor, I mean, for these
[07:43:38] teams, seeing how dominant we were, even with players who were playing all the way from Europe,
[07:43:43] probably shitting their pants knowing that they were coming back to the States eventually.
[07:43:47] You guys have done the liquid model, though. You've got yourself who counts, I guess, from
[07:43:53] technically the Asian region, right? I don't know. I wouldn't call that. I mean,
[07:43:56] I think I've been playing in America for as long as I can remember.
[07:44:00] Don't live out here, man. You're the loose piece.
[07:44:04] I'm a global citizen for legal purposes.
[07:44:06] But no, you've got two representing North America, right, JBA from the US and then Stan
[07:44:13] obviously for Canada.
[07:44:14] Then you've got the two Swedes in there.
[07:44:15] So you've got a little bit of everything going on.
[07:44:18] How does the Swedes demeaner kind of fit the crew because normally they're pretty chill
[07:44:22] guys.
[07:44:23] Yeah, I think if you're going to pick up in your European talent for Americans, I
[07:44:27] think Swedish, I'd like to say the most normal Europeans, I mean, personally I've
[07:44:32] played with Swedes, you know, from where I was young, just as like online friends.
[07:44:36] I'm familiar with them in their culture.
[07:44:38] And I'd call them pretty normal.
[07:44:40] And it just seems like now with North America,
[07:44:43] the new formula seems to be picking up to European talents
[07:44:47] and sliding them in with your American prospects
[07:44:50] or something like that.
[07:44:51] I think that brings a very good mix of CS style
[07:44:54] to the gameplay, especially since we
[07:44:56] can have the European style, which is the dominant style
[07:44:59] right now, along with helping out some of the Americans
[07:45:04] and obviously some of the experience that we have
[07:45:06] like myself and Stanislaw.
[07:45:08] So I think it's a really good mix
[07:45:09] and they fit very well into the team.
[07:45:12] You know, we're like buddies from like day one,
[07:45:15] nothing weird yet.
[07:45:17] All right, how are you feeling about your chances
[07:45:18] in this group?
[07:45:19] Honestly, pretty good.
[07:45:21] You know, I haven't felt this good about a team
[07:45:23] probably since when I was coming up with Provado.
[07:45:27] It's almost like that same sense of feeling,
[07:45:29] you know what I mean?
[07:45:30] kind of just skyrocketing at one point, you know, from just bullying this roster and just jumping to
[07:45:37] a really good place in like our region and feeling like or more so like knowing at this point that
[07:45:42] we can be competitive in the international scene. You know, it's one thing to say, it's another
[07:45:47] thing to do, but you know, I think if you've watched us, we have some pretty good kind of
[07:45:51] strike. We work pretty hard and we know somewhat what we're doing. All right, sweet,
[07:45:56] thanks for your time. Yeah, thank you, Sponge. See you later. So yeah, all right, let's see
[07:45:59] Let's see who we can jump on to.
[07:46:00] Maybe the Swedes have some league upsell right now.
[07:46:02] And so does JBA.
[07:46:03] So we'll go with the ever reliable Mr. Sanna's law.
[07:46:06] Stan, how you doing, Matt?
[07:46:08] I'm good. How are you?
[07:46:09] Not too bad. I was just talking to Sonny.
[07:46:10] He had a lot of positive things to say.
[07:46:12] Are you also conveying positive emotions for this event?
[07:46:14] He's lying.
[07:46:15] Well, has it all got fallen apart?
[07:46:17] Yeah. We are terrified coming into this event.
[07:46:20] And you hate the Swedes?
[07:46:21] I love them, actually.
[07:46:22] Oh, okay.
[07:46:23] That part was true.
[07:46:24] It's just, what are you scared about?
[07:46:26] Donk.
[07:46:27] That is a yeah in and out of game. Well, they're arriving a little bit later today
[07:46:31] So maybe you know, you get a bit of a head start with them rocking there. I think they're delayed on travel
[07:46:35] Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, I'd like your mousepad. I forgot in the hotel room. So I'm improvising, you know that experience coming in handy
[07:46:42] Yes, yeah, I like what you've done. Well, this is just for the setup obviously, right?
[07:46:46] So you don't really have to get anything to you know, switch on how long you guys been in Europe for when did you land?
[07:46:49] I did yesterday.
[07:46:52] Okay.
[07:46:53] Jet lag.
[07:46:54] Not really.
[07:46:55] No?
[07:46:56] You've solved that puzzle?
[07:46:57] Yeah.
[07:46:58] You're a healthy lad.
[07:46:59] I see on your Instagram stuff, you're always looking after yourself.
[07:47:01] So probably easy way to buck the trend of jet lag and stuff.
[07:47:03] You've mastered over all the years.
[07:47:05] I've kind of gone off of social media lately just for the mental health.
[07:47:09] But yeah, keeping up with the health trend.
[07:47:11] I want to stay healthy so I can play as long as possible.
[07:47:14] Okay, nice.
[07:47:15] And playing with the Swedes, Sonic seemed very positive about it.
[07:47:18] in terms of, you know, because we've seen Fosy before,
[07:47:21] Suss, he's a twin, you know, that's not obviously,
[07:47:24] not only that he brings, but having them as part of the team,
[07:47:28] what is it, I guess in America,
[07:47:31] you're having to either deal with new talent
[07:47:32] who aren't experienced,
[07:47:33] but these guys play European meta CS already,
[07:47:35] so you get to skip a few steps.
[07:47:38] Yeah, that's a good way of putting it.
[07:47:40] I feel like they're very young still
[07:47:42] and have a lot of potential,
[07:47:43] but also have a lot of experience.
[07:47:44] And so I feel like we had a different starting point.
[07:47:47] I didn't have to teach them the basics,
[07:47:48] like I've had to teach other younger players
[07:47:51] coming in through America.
[07:47:53] So it's been a nice experience, honestly,
[07:47:54] and they've also taught me a few things.
[07:47:56] Nice, okay.
[07:47:57] Boy, sitting next to you here, JBA,
[07:47:58] he gets a bit of hype in terms of, you know,
[07:48:00] North American prospect.
[07:48:01] From captain perspective,
[07:48:04] what do you think his future's gonna look like?
[07:48:06] Very bright.
[07:48:07] Yeah?
[07:48:08] Yeah.
[07:48:08] If you had to define him as a type of player,
[07:48:10] like compare him to players that you've played
[07:48:11] within the past, is there anybody
[07:48:12] who we could maybe look to as a comparison?
[07:48:15] It's tough. I don't like to do comparisons, but if you're asking the question, I have to do it.
[07:48:21] It kind of reminds me of what Breeze was on EG in his prime when we were one of the best teams in the world.
[07:48:27] He just has the similar mechanics. I don't know how he does it, but he gets the headshots and it's just nice to watch.
[07:48:33] What about personality-wise? Quiet guy, loud guy, what are we thinking?
[07:48:36] You've got to get to know him. It's like a hard exterior, but then once you get in there, you know, he opens up to you.
[07:48:43] So he's a he's a very nice and humble kid. What about with the microphone in front of his face?
[07:48:46] Should I leave him? He just leave him alone for now. All right, well no protective pop of beer.
[07:48:50] No worries. Thank you Gertan. Thank you. All right, and over to the Swedes. Everyone's favorite.
[07:48:56] Wait, you guys are from the Nordic region, right? We are here. How does it feel playing with
[07:49:01] a Canadian, an American and a South African? It feels really good actually.
[07:49:08] Pretty similar to you. Not so many differences I would say. Yeah.
[07:49:12] How did it all come about? You guys joining this roster?
[07:49:15] Basically I got benched on MetSport.
[07:49:17] Yeah, what happened there?
[07:49:19] What happened? I can't really say what happened.
[07:49:23] It wasn't really like a clear decisions. It was more of the management.
[07:49:27] They had their vision.
[07:49:29] Yeah, that's all I can say.
[07:49:32] And I wanted to get back playing Insta.
[07:49:34] So I joined Wildcard with Lowe.
[07:49:36] It made me really excited to travel the world, play CS.
[07:49:39] That's what I want my life to be about, playing CS.
[07:49:43] So you guys just recently qualified for the RMR's.
[07:49:46] I heard that you guys had one of you was in Canada and one of you was in the States. Who was where?
[07:49:51] All in the States.
[07:49:52] Okay. Have you been to America before?
[07:49:54] No, it was my first time.
[07:49:55] How did you find it?
[07:49:56] I enjoyed it. It was really nice, yeah.
[07:49:59] What about you in Canada?
[07:50:00] Yeah, it was nice. A bit similar to Sweden. So I felt a bit like home.
[07:50:05] Similar to Sweden? In what way?
[07:50:07] way? I mean it was a bit harder there for sure and a bit more humid but it wasn't
[07:50:15] too hot like like in Texas or something in the States for example yeah. I got to
[07:50:20] avoid that all right well gentlemen thank you for your time I'll leave you to
[07:50:23] set up I won't get too stuck in here and good luck in the tournament. Thanks boys.
[07:50:27] I'm here with 3D Max we're gonna be doing some SSD setup or at least walking
[07:50:32] to there. Boys who wants to have a chat with me and Mac I want to talk with
[07:50:35] you right because we've got like similar names you've got a K I've got to see
[07:50:39] what's the thoughts on that hell yeah brother hell yeah now what's what's the
[07:50:44] goals here pro league for you guys obviously I have a bit of a tough match
[07:50:47] up to begin with but do you prep do you ready yeah we're ready to play against
[07:50:52] them we play them in Ninja so we know what we have to face so I'm keen to
[07:50:58] see you guys play more at Cologne you guys did like a good couple of games
[07:51:01] there during the groups and I was I was back in it you guys are getting
[07:51:04] loud you guys are doing really well. Now what's changed coming here of course we've got you
[07:51:08] know the change to the jumpbinds has that affected you guys in your practice how many
[07:51:12] maps did it take for you guys to not miss your flashes? I don't remember being in Cologne,
[07:51:18] I don't think it was us, it wasn't, no? Was it not? I swear you're not in Cologne?
[07:51:24] Yeah we are but I don't think it was us, we didn't play the game in Cologne so I didn't
[07:51:30] I think that's in a way so that's me need to like repressments oh yeah yeah yeah
[07:51:38] but it went well now what's your thoughts on the the nade like the new
[07:51:42] nade bonds you know obviously you got to jump now you can't just press one
[07:51:45] button is that going well for you guys yeah we practiced a lot and we don't
[07:51:49] smash our buttons like some people do so we should be okay not too bad now I'm
[07:51:55] to bounce over to someone else. Exercise mate. What is your favorite exercise?
[07:52:01] None. None? None of them.
[07:52:04] Why would you go with that alias if you don't have the favorite exercise?
[07:52:08] It's more like a theory than a practical, you know.
[07:52:12] Yeah. Do you like him?
[07:52:15] You what? Do you enjoy his company?
[07:52:19] Maybe you should ask him first, but for sure.
[07:52:22] You do, right? I'll ask him, I'll ask him. Do you like Exercise? Do you like, yeah, do you like him?
[07:52:28] Yeah, I love him. I love him.
[07:52:32] Homies, look at that. This is great. This is a bond as a team. Now SSD setup, are you a pro at it?
[07:52:39] I am what?
[07:52:39] Are you a professional at setting up the SSDs?
[07:52:43] Are you quick?
[07:52:43] Yeah, we are really quick in 3D Max to set up here.
[07:52:46] Very good. Does that mean like your configs are small?
[07:52:48] Yeah, I think it's going fast in USL, so we never have issues with conflicts, so yeah.
[07:52:55] Very good, very good. Now who should I bounce to next? Who's a good interviewer?
[07:53:00] Joko.
[07:53:01] Joko? Let me chase him. Joko mate.
[07:53:03] Yes.
[07:53:04] How you doing?
[07:53:05] Good interviewer.
[07:53:06] I'm great mate. Nice to meet you.
[07:53:07] Yeah.
[07:53:08] I've heard you go to the interviews.
[07:53:10] What?
[07:53:11] I've heard you go to the interviews.
[07:53:12] Yeah.
[07:53:13] I'm trying, trying.
[07:53:14] Beautiful. Do you reckon we're all going to fit in?
[07:53:16] I have a feeling this is going to be a bit squishy, but I think we're going with it
[07:53:24] Now teach me some French because I know we and that's it
[07:53:31] There is different type of French what you don't like sauce I'll I'll go south a lot south here, okay
[07:53:36] I will give you a savale son
[07:53:42] What does that mean
[07:53:44] How are you doing?
[07:53:46] How do you do?
[07:53:47] Beautiful.
[07:53:48] Anything else that's like still safe for broadcast but a bit more colloquial?
[07:54:09] I don't know but I hope that's good.
[07:54:12] Beautiful.
[07:54:13] beautiful now what's what's happening down here I heard that you guys are really
[07:54:17] quick with your setup yeah we are used to do that now we it's our like third time
[07:54:24] for for trip something like this we did the product so we know the admins I
[07:54:30] mean it's nice and we are pretty fast nice now how's Malta for you is it your
[07:54:36] first time here review a few a few times now fourth time absolute veteran now
[07:54:42] Now what's your favorite thing and your least favorite thing about Malta?
[07:54:47] The rooftop.
[07:54:48] Rooftop is the favorite or the least favorite?
[07:54:52] Now the hotel and the atmosphere is very nice and the organization and admins are very cool and very skillful.
[07:55:03] You don't have to be so nice, you could just be rude.
[07:55:06] I'm saying the truth, everything is smooth and it's for me, I think it's the best line
[07:55:13] I have at the moment.
[07:55:16] You think it's better because there's just like no pressure, the studio or do you think
[07:55:20] it gets a bit too humid because for me it's humid as hell?
[07:55:23] Yeah, in the practice for me it was a bit humid but we managed to remove the humidity.
[07:55:31] He knows.
[07:55:32] Lucky knows.
[07:55:33] He's on the artisan, he's got the bloody, the good pads.
[07:55:36] Yeah, it's false. It's true.
[07:55:37] No swamp pad with that. Do you like it?
[07:55:39] Yeah, I love it actually.
[07:55:40] I've been using it for like a year now and it's probably the best ones I've ever used.
[07:55:44] So I don't think I will go back yet at least.
[07:55:47] Yeah, well, we'll see, we'll see.
[07:55:49] Anyway, I'm going to leave you boys to it so you can actually get the SSD setup.
[07:55:52] Thanks for talking to me.
[07:55:57] Do you use it for fun?
[07:55:58] Angles or flowers?
[07:55:59] I feel like it's for fun.
[07:56:00] Yeah, yeah.
[07:56:01] Just being a showman.
[07:56:01] No, like, yes.
[07:56:02] You're showing off a bit.
[07:56:03] Yeah.
[07:56:09] We're about to embark on a world first exclusive.
[07:56:12] Not only do we have Donk to run through how he sets up on a tournament day, we are doing a
[07:56:17] live environment SSD setup. So things will get crazy. People will be walking around.
[07:56:22] It's going to get nuts, but Donk, everybody at home, they look at you playing Counter Shrike,
[07:56:25] they go, how the hell does this kid do it? So let's investigate how you set up from how you
[07:56:31] sit to where your desk is, to how we plug everything in. Do you have any rituals when you
[07:56:36] you come in like you need to have a certain drink before you play you don't
[07:56:43] care yeah yeah okay most part I need him to be on the monitor okay but also he
[07:56:51] need to be like down the table so my like elbow won't like touch the table
[07:56:58] okay yeah no I understand so you want it over the edge yep okay so you pull
[07:57:05] the monitor forward, tap back, monitor forward. It's like always random way. Okay, a little bit different every time. Yeah, yeah, it's not, it's not consistent. Okay. What I'm doing first, I'm doing the table height, it's always the same, it's 73, for me. 73. Yeah. Okay. But again, it's like not consistent, because it's always different on different tables. Sure. Okay, so 73 if you can.
[07:57:34] It's like lucky number.
[07:57:36] Lucky number 73?
[07:57:38] Yeah, when I'm trying to line up with this,
[07:57:42] but again, it's always different.
[07:57:46] Different table, different height,
[07:57:49] so just to be cool about it.
[07:57:52] Alright, so it's kind of a rough idea of how you want to do things,
[07:57:55] but it can always change.
[07:57:56] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:57:57] I have numbers, I'm doing them, and I'm just chill.
[07:58:01] Okay, I like it, nice and chill.
[07:58:04] First of all, we need to change mouse speed, because I don't like it, I'm taking like 6 out of 20.
[07:58:13] Yeah, right.
[07:58:14] And then here we should turn off this.
[07:58:16] Of course, turn off and hands point of position.
[07:58:19] Now I'm just doing every better sort of default, because I have default settings in on media.
[07:58:27] So you don't change anything in those settings?
[07:58:29] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:58:30] What I'm changing is GPU, full screen and there is this.
[07:58:35] Okay, what about digital vibrance or anything?
[07:58:38] You don't touch any of this?
[07:58:39] It will just stay standard?
[07:58:40] Oh, that's default.
[07:58:41] I'm not going to change to accept this.
[07:58:44] Okay, nice and simple.
[07:58:45] Yeah.
[07:58:46] All right.
[07:58:50] What about on the monitor?
[07:58:51] Do you change any like brightness or anything on the monitor?
[07:58:53] Yeah, I'm putting here mode the Gamer 2
[07:58:56] just less to change something than Gamer 1.
[07:59:00] So I'm just putting Gamer 2.
[07:59:02] Here I'm putting 6 or 65.
[07:59:05] It depends on the light, on the studio, on the scene, so until sometimes I'm not even changing it
[07:59:14] You're just trying to sit down and you like what's there?
[07:59:16] Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay
[07:59:17] Like I played one game, one official, and I sit and I see like nice screen, seems like mine
[07:59:24] And they're like, I forgot to change something
[07:59:26] Okay
[07:59:26] Brightness 60, Compto 60, Sharpness 10, MAA, High and Diak Premium
[07:59:32] All right
[07:59:33] I don't really know what are they doing, I know like people are talking about the
[07:59:39] deck is not good for EFF shooters, like Zontik told me about this, but to be honest I don't care.
[07:59:45] Okay, so for you it's good? Yeah. Okay, do you do any launch options?
[07:59:50] No, no, they're not working in CS2 and I've never had them in CSGO.
[07:59:55] Okay, I guess we'll talk about your graphic settings first once we get in,
[08:00:02] like your resolution and those other things.
[08:00:05] What we started with the video settings I guess.
[08:00:09] I'll stop here.
[08:00:11] This should be high and low.
[08:00:13] And now I'm just doing low.
[08:00:15] This Trillionaire low.
[08:00:17] A bit laggy, disabled and there is too quality.
[08:00:20] I always play with the 8x because I don't like the smooth look.
[08:00:27] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[08:00:27] Not so sharp.
[08:00:28] Yeah, yeah.
[08:00:29] Okay.
[08:00:29] So I'm always playing with these settings.
[08:00:31] Even in CS go, even if I had bad PC, I was playing with this because I don't like the sharpness and not how to set.
[08:00:40] This hand, all it's about shadows, you should put all and high because it will be like high shadows in CS going, CS 2 and 4.
[08:00:49] Nice. So you do use boost player contrast? Do you notice the difference?
[08:00:52] No, I just put it.
[08:00:53] Okay, you hope it makes a difference. Oh, it's alright.
[08:00:55] And what about your resolution?
[08:00:57] The most popular, I guess.
[08:01:01] Why do you like stretch? Have you tried native?
[08:01:03] Black bars stretched or just like 19, like 16 by 9?
[08:01:07] Yeah, I played 16 by 9 like for five days and it was really good first two days, but then I was so bad.
[08:01:16] Okay.
[08:01:17] So I changed because it's not like mine.
[08:01:19] In CSGO, I liked 4G but it's kind of hard to get used to it.
[08:01:25] Okay.
[08:01:25] I was trying to play with black bars as well.
[08:01:28] You have less health than on stretched.
[08:01:31] Sure.
[08:01:31] So it's kind of annoying for me.
[08:01:33] Okay, all right.
[08:01:37] There's everything that is default.
[08:01:40] Do you have anything with the 10 second music, like the bomb music?
[08:01:43] No, I've never used it.
[08:01:46] Okay, so you just, you know, with your internal timer?
[08:01:49] Yeah, they change the 10 second sound to the bomb.
[08:01:53] You don't need it anymore?
[08:01:55] Yeah, okay.
[08:01:56] There's a bunch of different settings here, right, with the EQ.
[08:01:59] You just keep it all default?
[08:02:00] Yeah, I don't know.
[08:02:01] All right, fair enough. That's cool.
[08:02:03] Nice and simple.
[08:02:04] I have to put scale in one, put color, where is this L11
[08:02:13] Display results sound, this disable for sure
[08:02:17] I need to debounce, zoom in zero I guess, pause
[08:02:21] If you have throw, you should press right click for scope
[08:02:26] Every time, you cannot hold right click
[08:02:28] So it's kind of annoying for me
[08:02:31] The crosshair. I can play with this.
[08:02:38] You don't care about the crosshair?
[08:02:40] No, to be honest I care a lot.
[08:02:42] Okay.
[08:02:43] I'm always trying to find something for you that's going to help me feel myself battle better.
[08:02:48] Okay. So you change the crosshair frequently?
[08:02:51] I'm just searching. We have a break before the tournament for sure.
[08:02:56] Sure.
[08:02:57] Games and I'm trying to search some new crosshair if I feel it.
[08:03:00] If I think all good and I'm killing people, I'm not changing.
[08:03:04] You stay.
[08:03:05] So I have size 1 dot minus 4, thickness 1, drawout 1, 0, and yeah, that's it.
[08:03:17] Okay.
[08:03:22] Alright, what about like your binds?
[08:03:24] What do you use for jump?
[08:03:25] I have three buttons for jump.
[08:03:27] Three buttons?
[08:03:28] Yes.
[08:03:29] I have space, I have a heal down on my mouse, and up as well.
[08:03:40] Okay, so you're using up and down?
[08:03:42] Yes.
[08:03:43] What about grenade binds? Do you bind any specific keys like Molotov?
[08:03:46] Yeah, yeah. So I have Molly for C, flashes for X, and the smoke for Z.
[08:03:53] I don't use it at all and the NAPE HG I'm just pressing for.
[08:03:59] Okay, well they've got rid of the jump binds now so we don't have to worry about those anymore.
[08:04:03] So do you have any other binds that you might use that you made the radar bigger or smaller
[08:04:07] when you're in a smoke or anything like that?
[08:04:09] I have been that makes my radar bigger closer to me.
[08:04:15] It's good when you're in the smoke and you need to come out the wide door on
[08:04:20] new or get down the vents, also I think like this we can yeah we can go and aim
[08:04:28] bot and we can check because I want to take a look at your your crosshair and
[08:04:32] everything in the server and all of that I was seeing you said it was you went
[08:04:35] with hot color 11 what color is that it's pink I guess think okay but I think
[08:04:39] In CS2, it doesn't exist.
[08:04:42] Okay.
[08:04:42] This model is kind of...
[08:04:45] Just close to...
[08:04:47] They have style.
[08:04:49] So...
[08:04:51] That's right?
[08:04:52] Yeah, yeah, and...
[08:04:53] Tender is moving, so...
[08:04:55] It's my bin.
[08:04:56] Yeah, okay, nice.
[08:04:57] We can see that's working.
[08:04:58] You did that off the top of your head.
[08:04:59] I mad respect for that.
[08:05:01] One more unique thing is about each hands.
[08:05:04] That I have like two buttons for it, like H.
[08:05:08] And also I've always been doing it on F2.
[08:05:13] In CSGO, I had like Kailh, Riten, Zero and One for case button.
[08:05:18] Okay, do you use this for angles or what?
[08:05:20] I feel like it's for fun.
[08:05:22] Yeah, yeah.
[08:05:22] Just being a showman.
[08:05:23] No, I guess.
[08:05:25] Okay.
[08:05:25] It's cool to like...
[08:05:26] You're showing off a bit.
[08:05:27] Yeah, it's cool to take your knife.
[08:05:30] Sure, I see what you're saying.
[08:05:31] Okay, what mouse sensitivity are you using?
[08:05:34] So, sensitivity 1.25.
[08:05:36] And what DPI?
[08:05:37] 800.
[08:05:38] 800 DPI 1.25, okay, nice.
[08:05:40] Do you use the binds on your mouse for anything?
[08:05:43] No, I have like on the disk, on the thing.
[08:05:45] Okay, on the thing?
[08:05:46] Yeah.
[08:05:47] Pretty sick.
[08:05:47] I have default settings.
[08:05:50] Okay, what we're gonna ask is, when you play, do you sit like this?
[08:05:52] Always different.
[08:05:53] Always different?
[08:05:54] Yeah.
[08:05:54] Okay, because I spoke to some players, like Aleige will sit on his leg.
[08:05:58] You know, I've seen some players there and they...
[08:06:00] So you just sit however you sit?
[08:06:01] Yeah, yeah, like when my legs start hurting...
[08:06:05] You're changed.
[08:06:06] Yeah, I changed.
[08:06:06] Okay.
[08:06:07] I thought, you know, maybe there was some special style that Donk would sit with.
[08:06:10] All right, do you just want to play aimbox for us for a little bit?
[08:06:13] And then we can just get some shots of you so we can see how you're sitting.
[08:06:16] So the keyboard, slightly tilted, but everything as you feel it.
[08:06:21] Yeah.
[08:06:21] OK, the real answer that everybody wants, why are you so good?
[08:06:26] I don't know.
[08:06:29] For everyone, the most key to be good at the game is you should enjoy this game.
[08:06:34] You should love this game.
[08:06:35] You should get only positive vibes.
[08:06:38] I really enjoyed the time that I'm playing with my team, with my teammates.
[08:06:43] I really love them.
[08:06:44] I really appreciate all what they're doing, so it's the key to be good.
[08:06:49] That's perfect. That's the best way to end this. That's a very nice message.
[08:06:52] Thank you, Donk. Thank you for showing us how you set up for the tournament.
[08:06:55] Yeah. Thank you.
[08:07:02] And just waiting.
[08:07:03] So a little bit of a distraction from Chopper,
[08:07:05] but this is all to try and keep defenders on this side of the map.
[08:07:07] The B bomb site is the final destination,
[08:07:10] And JL has just shifted away.
[08:07:12] It's working perfectly. Bit all the way in CT.
[08:07:15] Don't count. Fighting D3B site and JL not going to be able to grab them on the cross.
[08:07:20] So if they want to go for this, it's going to be that 5v5 on the retake, flashes across the top. JL missed opportunities here.
[08:07:26] Look at the flood. It's awkward.
[08:07:28] Has to go for the reload head down. Up, up, it's looking good.
[08:07:32] The flood. It's hitting everything.
[08:07:33] Alexi, Bit, Ultraman, Chiro and Chopper.
[08:07:36] At least the bomb's not planted so they've got a bit of time to try to figure out how to get back into the ramp,
[08:07:40] but the bomb's down on B, Navi, just hitting him with the Uno reverse cart.
[08:07:44] Now you don't get back into this round, they're all over the bomb site. They've got everything.
[08:07:47] They've got great positioning, they've got utility, they've got an HE.
[08:07:51] It seems spiritive. I don't know how that retake was so impressively perfect.
[08:07:54] Gosh yeah, the pre-take as well. Bomb was getting planted when they come running in, and
[08:08:00] Spirit, we're not going to count them out just yet. They grab a quick kill,
[08:08:03] They've realized that there's no one lurking around the map that Navia all stacked up side by side
[08:08:08] So the crossfire has to be important here. JL is currently open to that flank
[08:08:12] We'll see if that's a fact that Shira has very good timing on this play right now
[08:08:16] Surely you realize that he just turned back he gets that spot
[08:08:19] But Shira drops in 2v2 they get aggressive 13 seconds now
[08:08:23] I don't know if there's a will or a way for Shira
[08:08:25] He may be clutched but it's too much
[08:08:28] Navi with a pistol
[08:08:30] Mother batter tense
[08:08:32] Maybe even short control to follow Emma gonna be that first point of contact if team spirit commit here
[08:08:38] Wonderful such an important piece of this Navi roster right we saw him with some awkward very late games in cologne in that grand final
[08:08:47] Some awkward moments. Shiro is so dependable. So capable on the other side
[08:08:54] Still waiting on the boxes. They jump up with the MP9. Emma helps out pistol out
[08:08:58] This is getting desperate right now magics had to get that kill 2v3
[08:09:02] But a minute on the clock, with a bomb is lost and it's only Sontex a long way out.
[08:09:07] Needs to activate right now.
[08:09:09] But little does he know.
[08:09:11] There's something lurking.
[08:09:13] In the darkness behind it.
[08:09:15] Spotted.
[08:09:15] Flicks around at the NP 9-2 strong.
[08:09:19] JL gonna pick up another kill with that.
[08:09:21] As well as an upgrade and Navi keeping it incredibly clean.
[08:09:26] Seems to be a bit of an issue with that, but nicely timed smoke doesn't spread all the way across Long live.
[08:09:30] Yeah, we've seen Fury throw a deep one with a high enough height of fully blocks long, that's a more on the fly smoke.
[08:09:36] I love that.
[08:09:37] Try and slow down Spirit's roll, it's not going to do so though, they go round on the car side, meanwhile Lurker waited patiently punishes Bit.
[08:09:46] It's a big risk for Navi, they're saying that if they're going to take long from us, we need to be able to take middle so we can use Catwalk as a launching pad into the retake.
[08:09:54] Molly might be able to split up the troops, but they've got, what, 2 in CT, 1 up on Elbow.
[08:10:01] That was a wonderful feeling trying to play around that smoke there.
[08:10:04] We'll be able to connect on to Magix, it's another one for 1, but no one out on top just yet to smoke.
[08:10:08] Fade in, Chopper hitting the ground rather than Shiro cannot connect.
[08:10:11] It's all up to the big man, Donk, to try and make this one happen.
[08:10:14] How's the spacing? Not too good for Na'Vi, and Donk wants to keep on taking the fight.
[08:10:19] Five times, strikes true, and keeps five locked in, thus two still flawless.
[08:10:27] Again, the Romanian rock here for Na'Vi, keeping them in this game solid and flawless, slow and steady, very brawly game at the moment.
[08:10:36] We saw all that util run out for Team Spirit, came just down to fight, and JL, Ema do it right.
[08:10:42] Donk tries to cross mid, getting a bit optimistic on his position, and Bit's going to punish him with a double mid set up for Na'Vi.
[08:10:49] They put a lot of pressure on. A is extremely weak right now, and I love this group up for Na'Vi.
[08:10:53] They're just going to try and crunch together, get aggressive in the middle.
[08:10:56] That Molotov will stall there, and they think better of pushing in the 5v4 right now.
[08:11:02] Spirit of burn almost all of their utility. They don't have a single smoke to cross anywhere.
[08:11:06] Yeah, just one flashbang as well.
[08:11:08] Great reactive utility from Na'Vi just to lock him in and make sure there was no beast that come in this direction.
[08:11:12] And look at the protocol as well. They've even slid the AWPer over to the B bomb site.
[08:11:15] Wonderful can post up on back platform and that frees up JL to rotate and be aggressive in middle be aggressive on getting over to the
[08:11:21] A bomb site. Navi's reading this but low HP can they stop it?
[08:11:24] Yeah, it's gonna be hard for Pit to fall out from this position in CC. Good shots from Magix firing up just when it was needed.
[08:11:29] Pit falls to the Molly and this should be a save.
[08:11:32] Wow, that's uncomfortable for Navi very quickly. We needed a hero to step up with dunk dead early and Magix will do exactly that. Great, Molly.
[08:11:42] But it's not going to be easy, we've got Chiro, Toto Toto, it's wonderful, but neither
[08:11:51] see each other.
[08:11:53] The classic AWP stalemate, you always want that little duel, it sounds so exciting when
[08:11:59] you read the names and they just don't go head to head here in round 7.
[08:12:03] Not yet at least, we'll see if Chiro tries to work middle.
[08:12:08] The smoke is beautiful, but wonderful Nule was coming so he gets the opening kill this time
[08:12:15] We didn't have to wait long. That is the bomb. Oh chopper good fine though. He's got the robot all okay
[08:12:20] I didn't know chopper was an offer not known to be a no not known at all
[08:12:24] Don't couple Xbox is trying to make a play trying to see exactly what he wants to do looking for a peek in mid
[08:12:29] Now a step towards catwalk, but spirits all split
[08:12:32] They're all very isolated from each other to empty spawn one catwalk one upper dark and tunnels
[08:12:37] The big difference here is Spirit actually have the utile to throw in whatever the hell they want.
[08:12:41] They've got Molly's, they've got Smokes, they can leave Zontik's to Lurk late.
[08:12:44] It's Ema who's under a lot of pressure right now. Goose Molly's site, but nothing on the ramp.
[08:12:49] So Ema's able to swing out late. That was a big kill for Chopper.
[08:12:52] That would have been the bomb. Drop to the back of Cat with 10 seconds to spare.
[08:12:56] Instead it all goes perfectly for Team Spirit. Lurk finds his entry and that will be a save call by Na'Vi.
[08:13:02] Alright, back to back rounds. Spirit's found the solution in a late round execute out Catwalk
[08:13:07] without even all the bells and whistles as you've mentioned.
[08:13:09] Zontix is going for the hunt here too.
[08:13:11] If he can get the AWP out of the hands of JL, then then we could be cooking.
[08:13:16] AWP retrieved himself.
[08:13:17] AWP spots that helmet coming around the corner.
[08:13:20] We need Chopper the AWPer back.
[08:13:21] Oh yeah, get Chopper back here.
[08:13:23] I mean, it's thinking about it.
[08:13:24] It's not like Spirit really liked the second AWP.
[08:13:26] Sometimes you see Donk do it on CT side or on maps like Ancient occasionally.
[08:13:30] But it's not a common piece of this Team Spirit team.
[08:13:34] No, you're still coming in. Don't get risking it on the cross. He's playing very confident,
[08:13:39] but yet to get truly activated in this map, 3 and 6 for Donk.
[08:13:43] Burning wall is Utah here, pushing back Narvi.
[08:13:47] That's all he thinks.
[08:13:49] It's interesting, they punished him early on, right? They punished him when he was jumping up onto Xbox in the early gun rounds.
[08:13:55] It was, I think, JLMVP just swinging on it, and they haven't really applied that pressure since then.
[08:13:59] It was like that one round. They just kind of wanted to put a little fear in him.
[08:14:03] Ooh, JL in this position is going to be in front of the close flashes and he is just
[08:14:08] coming up on that second box.
[08:14:10] We'll be able to top him up the second bit, mows him down and Team Spirit try to change
[08:14:14] that pace up, but it has not worked at all.
[08:14:17] Shiro 1v5 angle, he's looking to save in the upper best.
[08:14:20] That game play never changed that whole round.
[08:14:21] It seemed like Spirit called that for a B-boss out of spawn when the smoke came up early.
[08:14:25] They were like, okay, let's just delay it.
[08:14:26] Let's make sure no one's pushing it.
[08:14:27] We're going to come right back up into it, but they didn't actually apply pressure
[08:14:29] anywhere on the map.
[08:14:31] And you know you're calling it right like no one's hoping me no one's like trying to fight don't yeah
[08:14:36] Navi was set up in their setup from the start of the round to the end of the round
[08:14:39] No one ever had to move they would double B. They can see it middle
[08:14:43] Spirit and that's running something in middle the corridor smokes coming in left right
[08:14:47] Trying to draw attention, but it will also bring an A player over so Navi are getting closer
[08:14:51] Have they got a flash for that spawn even look like you wanted to go through but instead of gives room for chopper to
[08:14:57] Get aggressive. He's playing this lurk first
[08:14:59] as his team wait to go hiding on the edge of the smoke.
[08:15:01] Chopper won't check it, big gets the kill, now they know exactly what's up.
[08:15:04] JL here at the big box, gonna be able to swing it out for two, and again this B site hole is so damn dominant.
[08:15:11] She wrote again, no way to be seen.
[08:15:13] And Team Spirit, they do it again, Na'Vi just reading it every time.
[08:15:17] Na'Vi just have such good reads as soon as they kill Chopper, big gets three kills.
[08:15:21] He's immediately back in the B site with two more to help out JL, make it four good bits.
[08:15:26] His first kill after a chopper when he turns back to the B bombsite saves JL's life and makes that such a dominant win.
[08:15:33] JL? Random no.
[08:15:35] Why are you coming to my bombsite? He not learned your lesson yet.
[08:15:38] He did get knifed out of spawn so it's not all gone well for JL.
[08:15:42] That's alright. He decided to play with a handicap in this round.
[08:15:44] They might need it.
[08:15:46] Another break and another pull!
[08:15:48] Wonderful.
[08:15:50] Nice guy.
[08:15:51] Loving these combos, setting up their AWP player.
[08:15:56] That's like Fox going to take the round in his own hands though.
[08:15:59] He's beat that Slugs.
[08:16:01] And he wants it all, there goes Run-Defil.
[08:16:03] And he knows there's one more tapping away, won't win that fight.
[08:16:06] That's Alexi.
[08:16:07] Yeah, can't take down the go.
[08:16:08] Just gave him an old double tap.
[08:16:10] Through the wall with a headshot, and finally JL's had enough of sitting around on this B site.
[08:16:15] He knows if Fox is running a cat like that, he can get aggressive.
[08:16:18] He can get on a flank because on six is holding down short right now jail
[08:16:22] Oh, this is a bit of a fake out though. He's gonna keep son takes lost to the wind
[08:16:25] And the bomb is still good for him
[08:16:28] It's a bit decides to re-enter little window flash gonna be thrown up shero still on that line at long
[08:16:34] If you can take out a lexie that makes it so much easier for team spirit to find that fourth brown
[08:16:38] But they're creeping forward all the way up the ramps here chop up head down
[08:16:43] I'll peek a bit at the wrong moment, bit that little sharpen now on the smoke as well.
[08:16:48] We'll be able to spread across to the board, JL going to be able to make his way up that short box.
[08:16:52] And Team Spirit, lose.
[08:16:59] No Vee, how do they win that round? It should be unwinnable.
[08:17:03] I'm telling you dude, they look so clean playing together right now. It's just unreal.
[08:17:08] Donk activates for one round, gets a double entry, doesn't matter.
[08:17:12] Yeah.
[08:17:13] It seems like they're having like a really hard time actually activating Donk in any kind of way.
[08:17:17] I mean he's getting Xbox whenever he wants it.
[08:17:19] He can get up Catwalk, but turning that corner I think is such a difficult prospect.
[08:17:23] Although as I'm saying the words, yeah, he shuts me up.
[08:17:26] I think he's been very passive though for the most part.
[08:17:28] Like the couple of rounds we've seen him just kind of try and take spawn.
[08:17:31] Surely he got punished by the AWP very early in the half or the MP9 on mid.
[08:17:34] But I want to see Donk make these plays.
[08:17:36] I want to see them kind of freed up from the pack. They can go for these four ones
[08:17:41] Don can try and crack open a bomb site he needs to right now and again Navi
[08:17:45] I feel like JL every single time a different position. They're not gonna be ready
[08:17:50] I feel like this calling is just been is just been so simplistic once again. You have to be bombsite
[08:18:01] He's gonna follow through
[08:18:03] 2v3, absolutely wiped, JL has made them guess every single time and they've never got it right.
[08:18:09] This has to be a game plan from Navida, that had to have been a conversation to just be like,
[08:18:13] look bro, like just park yourself in the B bomb site, make sure we're two in B bomb site,
[08:18:16] like more often than not. And Team Spirit have to go for this, last round of the first half,
[08:18:20] this is something they have to attempt, 2v3, they've got no utility, their biggest hole,
[08:18:25] I was gonna say, Shiro's off as their biggest hole, but Donk is just, you know, he's Donk.
[08:18:29] It's got to do it, but I don't think he is wonderful here in the site to shut down this half a miss shot
[08:18:33] It recovers with another and we know shiro is good for a clutch every now and then 1v1 goes to the pre-fight
[08:18:41] CPS saves the round again
[08:18:43] 9-3, Na'Vi in this quarterfinal absolutely roasting team spirit
[08:18:49] Even they didn't think they had time but we all know now that they did and Na'Vi lead by six
[08:18:55] 9-3 though, what some people think is the new curse scoreline, I think it's going to take more than that though for Team Spirit to get back into this game, and it has started incredibly poorly.
[08:19:06] Jay Legend.
[08:19:09] Oh, that's so funny to me.
[08:19:11] I think the longer this round goes, the more time Shira and Bunkter have to tilt. Like, this is such a horrible position to be in.
[08:19:18] You're two star players down instantly, and you know Navi are closing the net right now.
[08:19:23] This is interesting, it's interesting though, Navi just used their only smoke, so I kind of wonder what they do.
[08:19:27] And now actually, they just push up Catwalk, they realize we've got both players trapped inside the site.
[08:19:31] Even though if there's a long smoke, there's only one way they can fight you guys, and that's the perfect position we want them to be in from Catwalk.
[08:19:37] And Zontex is feeling very lonely at this point.
[08:19:40] Confident JL feels like the worst possible thing to run into, and so he comes to them.
[08:19:45] Three kills on this pistol round.
[08:19:48] Oh, good crosshair placement, dinged through the box.
[08:19:51] If you want to look at how the first half went, the perfect indicator is JL coming into
[08:19:56] the second half with 13 kills, BIT coming in with 14 kills.
[08:19:59] Yep.
[08:20:00] Beep-op.
[08:20:01] No surviving this one.
[08:20:06] It's NAVI on 10 rounds.
[08:20:13] Strap on the back side.
[08:20:16] Lexi just looking for that info and now they're all here.
[08:20:19] Sweating so much just to get one exit.
[08:20:22] Oh, you've lost four series of games this year.
[08:20:26] You're not giving them any...
[08:20:27] Not a single thing.
[08:20:29] It's ruthless from Navi.
[08:20:30] It's kind of best-case scenario to get one gun, pop out longs on tics with a molotov.
[08:20:36] They will not respect that.
[08:20:37] And Navi come running and gunning for the throat.
[08:20:40] Its magic's getting overwhelmed.
[08:20:42] Shiro gets a kill.
[08:20:43] Magic's repeating with the Famas, making it look viable as he finds three kills on long.
[08:20:49] Spirit land back on their feet for now.
[08:20:52] Now the supportive Yutso just didn't blind him enough, just didn't hit the right spots I guess.
[08:20:56] It's also a smart play from Shiro as well, he was staying tucked at Kars, so when they came around the corner to dispatch that second player Magix against the wall,
[08:21:02] Shiro was the one popping up to take the fight. His one kill bought a lot of time for Magix to settle down and find some frags.
[08:21:08] JL gonna start moving up Long, he's crawled right past a smoke for the cross.
[08:21:12] They're giving him everything, they have to group and play flank timing right now, they're gonna do it on Long I hope,
[08:21:16] but this is terrifying how much room JL's been given, he's not gonna be ready for it.
[08:21:21] Oh my goodness. My dog wasn't ready for that.
[08:21:24] He's got a ton of utility, man.
[08:21:26] This split. They split up. This is terrifying.
[08:21:30] Okay, I'll turn those back. Takes a second and on 10 points to Hell.
[08:21:34] Nade. Nade.
[08:21:36] He needs to get out of the bomb, so he needs to get out right now.
[08:21:38] Oh, he crossed forward.
[08:21:39] Oh!
[08:21:40] Check it out!
[08:21:43] Hell, is he allowed to even get that close?
[08:21:47] What a blunder from Team Spirit.
[08:21:50] Those might be three of the most spectacular shots I've seen of a clutch.
[08:21:55] And Chopper had the Nade out, he fumbled it!
[08:21:57] Just take a sip!
[08:21:59] Take a deep breath!
[08:22:01] This map is absolutely over!
[08:22:03] Bro, I think he even gave him the bird after this.
[08:22:05] Just let him know who's in the server.
[08:22:08] The Nade would have just... he ends up 1 HP!
[08:22:11] 1 HP!
[08:22:13] Look at this.
[08:22:15] See you later, Donk.
[08:22:18] What did we just watch, Moltser?
[08:22:22] Well, be careful though, because if you get too confident, you're going to swing into the
[08:22:25] op of Shiro.
[08:22:26] I don't think that's going to matter.
[08:22:27] Yeah, I don't think that's a problem.
[08:22:28] I think he hits it.
[08:22:29] Make up your mind, Jail.
[08:22:30] A little Molotov going in.
[08:22:31] Bit deep.
[08:22:32] Context is going to be fine.
[08:22:33] He's primed on a smoke.
[08:22:34] It's Chopper on the shore walking into the op, and the op comes to him, there's
[08:22:37] two more players.
[08:22:38] They line up for a second.
[08:22:39] They're getting the...
[08:22:40] Famer somehow gets a kill.
[08:22:41] Donka Magic's combined for a couple more.
[08:22:42] Can they get out of here in time?
[08:22:43] Donk tries, hits the ground, but he will escape.
[08:22:44] Somehow gets a kill don't come magic's combined for a couple more can they get out of here in time bug tries
[08:22:49] Hits the ground, but he will escape gives him cow walk control. There's the Molotov flashbang
[08:22:55] Don't try to use the new box inside the bomb site one player tucked out and dispatched on but don't
[08:23:01] At the final second and kids a Lexi does a Lexi have a clutch in them
[08:23:05] Well, yes, three times the HP of JL. So I'd say he's in for a shot
[08:23:09] But they should just trade this kill every second every step of the way
[08:23:13] but will they yes they will this time playing for OT that's a lot around that
[08:23:22] team spirit need to even have a thought about taking their own mafic now but
[08:23:27] Navi the domination the shots to retake here if no we commit with their initial
[08:23:35] setup they've got long lurkers they're re grabbing the bomb spirited
[08:23:39] Yeah, desperately looking for information, we got Magix tucked close long, hearing steps,
[08:23:43] we got Zontix peering into middle, and he's gonna eat a bullet for his worries.
[08:23:49] 50 seconds, but this is a good long setup, does Bit clear it?
[08:23:53] Very hard to check this corner, when you're going in dry right, you're so scared of Pit,
[08:23:57] all the potential, the other side, but it's Magix to fall sick, and Bit gets away with a kill,
[08:24:01] he saw him far away, he didn't know Bit was right there, crossing the car,
[08:24:05] In the nick of time, it's Sontek's getting out.
[08:24:07] They're in the open.
[08:24:08] This could go disastrously wrong.
[08:24:10] They're the flashes over the top.
[08:24:11] They know this more.
[08:24:12] And Navi absolutely run over Team Spirit.
[08:24:16] We knew it was inevitable after that JL clutch,
[08:24:19] but they look to make it so.
[08:24:21] Off the back of the B-bombside defense,
[08:24:23] JL and Bitt set up a dominant map.
[08:24:27] They just picked Team Spirit apart.
[08:24:29] There was no fight here on Dust2.
[08:24:32] 14-5.
[08:24:34] Navi has taken the first map of the series, and it's a statement, a 1v3 U3 from JL.
[08:24:40] And Navi's looking to take this series for the first time this year.
[08:24:45] And with what you've just laid down the lore regarding Mirage, it's going to be a tough task for, but surely you guys
[08:24:50] really knew that this was going to be Navi's map pick.
[08:24:52] Yeah, no doubt.
[08:24:53] It's about what's the prep looking like and can the individual switch off from map number two?
[08:24:57] Well, the bare minimum of the prep on Dust wasn't enough, there's contact replays of the week, and to be honest,
[08:25:01] Jason donkling like he was chained up on a leash are they gonna let him off?
[08:25:05] Yeah, I don't know if that was maybe his own his own choice to be playing that passive or if it was that some kind of a
[08:25:10] Gameplan that Team Spirit had overall, but yeah, I think when you get to the T side
[08:25:13] It's got to be on leash donk just let him do whatever he wants
[08:25:16] Let him put some numbers on the board because they really struggled when he wasn't having production
[08:25:19] It's a bit of a b-fake, but they're fully spread on the D flash. The flash is beautiful
[08:25:23] They actually crouched under to get crossed on ramp and they still clear it
[08:25:27] Spirit, a five on four and already more signs of life.
[08:25:32] They've found it with the feelers there, Navi, across the map, right?
[08:25:34] Players, B-Aps, A-Ramp over towards middle,
[08:25:36] and the fact they give up that opening kill so early
[08:25:38] gives Alexi a lot of time to micromanage them into a site here.
[08:25:42] Create a little bit of a crossfire once Magic skits the spot.
[08:25:44] How good is the flash? That's the big question.
[08:25:47] They're after the fact.
[08:25:49] Spot comes in, and Spirit go back.
[08:25:51] It's Magic, trying to fade for Zontics on the bench,
[08:25:53] but they clear it anyway. They saw a player here.
[08:25:55] It's ugly, but he gets it done.
[08:25:57] And so far, a clean pistol for Team Spirit.
[08:26:00] Can they keep it that way?
[08:26:01] Magics, one more with the optimal here.
[08:26:03] And Alexi getting tagged up armless at the back of the site.
[08:26:06] They won't give JL his kill.
[08:26:08] So this one is falling by the wayside.
[08:26:10] Spirit, come in swinging.
[08:26:13] I admire the patience of Zontics.
[08:26:15] You know, he can just start spamming away.
[08:26:18] But he took his time.
[08:26:19] He focused on the single kill and delivered
[08:26:21] what he needed to.
[08:26:22] Yeah.
[08:26:23] But yeah, it doesn't allow you to play the map.
[08:26:25] It's kind of like, OK, in the mid-round,
[08:26:26] We have to pick if we want to execute a day or be bombsite mid window smoke is going to do nothing
[08:26:30] There's no denial of information because spirit control it deep
[08:26:34] Yeah, the cons work as well, but spirit has just done one of their own
[08:26:37] Maybe to fake the fact that they have full middle control if now we were out top then not
[08:26:43] All five or four other grouping that all this a split
[08:26:48] It's even we got to keep an eye on in the back of our head bit picked out of the palace by the York
[08:26:52] They start crossing in 40 seconds
[08:26:54] You must get a guy's kill on the luck though
[08:26:56] So already putting some pressure on the back line forcing spirit to turn around forcing shiro to turn around to take the off
[08:27:01] Of the angle which is such a luxury you didn't have a smoke to block the cross so he mutates the attention
[08:27:06] In the open and naffy pounce
[08:27:09] Perfectly timed and that's the first round just the pressure of even there is enough. It looked perfect
[08:27:16] Didn't it and that email finish it off. It looked fantastic
[08:27:18] Yeah, team spirit in the defense
[08:27:20] They knew exactly what was coming. They had the players in the right position and in is able to thread the needle massive impact
[08:27:26] And they played around so well. There's an open midspace. They had been completely clear
[08:27:30] They blocked the a ramp at the perfect timing
[08:27:32] All right early challenge over towards the B bombsite bit jumps up
[08:27:39] Here's as well magic's in spots and he's just jumping and bet just places quick timing on one of the jumps
[08:27:45] Really nice pop into B right now with two players that don't even have to commit bit will
[08:27:50] jumping into the site that smoke buys a little bit of room but bits of no hurry
[08:27:54] right now don't wait you out bombs dropped in now now not be are fully
[08:27:58] committed to the kills luckily come to them wow both entries bit and jail on the
[08:28:03] B site it's like dust to all over again what a two-man play what a two-man
[08:28:07] play she read that pixel angle over the van into market but none of this
[08:28:13] matters it's all na'vi it's an eight effort in spirit coming up if na'vi
[08:28:21] can keep going after the races now with a full buy no shiro AWP and play not the
[08:28:26] finances available for do they continue this mid harass but quicker from Nami
[08:28:29] I'm not going to be taking the drill finds the opener eventually traded to love
[08:28:35] that pace change though now he's just keeping the pressure on the space to
[08:28:39] burn utility they don't even know that a dude is in sandwich right now but JL
[08:28:43] won't get much further out from under every working they're in the back of
[08:28:47] your head, through your bed. It's Shiro trying to put him to sleep, finds two kills on the
[08:28:52] cross, wonderful. He has a shot, no one connected, and Shiro stops this round in his tracks.
[08:28:58] The player's spirit's very lucky they're getting away with this one. What a round from Shiro
[08:29:02] to hold on to everything as it's falling apart around him.
[08:29:05] She ties things up again, Phamis is in the mix, starting to be troublesome as Shiro
[08:29:09] gets his ult. They have no idea, they're heavy mid. Even if they pair all the stars,
[08:29:12] he's ready for this position. It's actually caught out, Pappalus, they don't even
[08:29:15] know again the scaling from JL is so close already sandwiched on takes the
[08:29:20] Molotov hits the smoke he's swinging in but he's gone nice attempt from dog to
[08:29:26] hold Navi at bay and now everyone's gonna fall down around it complete control on
[08:29:31] this very quick highly aggressive strategy from Navi so as a well yeah
[08:29:37] and without a whole lot of utility to go from the two-man B pressure round
[08:29:42] where they drop the bomb in and find the entries to the rush-up cat for a bit, now an A-pop immediately.
[08:29:49] Those double smokes come out, and now they walk the walk.
[08:29:56] With that information denied, that flashbang show in Catwalk take.
[08:30:00] They don't know if actually anyone's posted on Catwalk.
[08:30:02] I like this spot for Donk, it's all on timing though, cause he's gonna wait for that window fade.
[08:30:06] They've already gone through the con smoke, now his vision's up, and Alexi's down.
[08:30:14] Ooh, good dink.
[08:30:15] Now it's gonna play all precision is well-known misses the opportunity there knows ones at ticket office gonna be over in jungle
[08:30:21] Chopper is the one that you don't know about it. He will clear it he'll grabs a second
[08:30:28] So quick to the dome of email and it's all on bit
[08:30:31] Mullets off deep to hold back the AWP and he's got a little pocket of time to work with but he's got to recover the bomb
[08:30:39] barely looked like a scope
[08:30:41] Shearrow squeezing a third and a fourth in the round
[08:30:46] That was a two-gun save for Team Spirit and Shiro, put some on his back.
[08:30:50] He might be the only reason they're in this map right now, this isn't 6-2.
[08:30:53] He had that triple kill over towards stairs a couple of rounds back now with the AWP.
[08:30:57] Well, what speed do you think we need that Shiro apparently scope AWP kill?
[08:31:01] Yeah, I didn't see a scope.
[08:31:02] Like 10% or something, that was absolutely filthy from Shiro.
[08:31:07] Oh, two, three.
[08:31:08] Oh, Jesus.
[08:31:10] It happened, there was a scope in play.
[08:31:13] Unbelievable.
[08:31:14] What a sequence.
[08:31:16] Yeah, if you're gonna get this, Spirit's gonna get back to this game.
[08:31:18] I see.
[08:31:19] You need some of those individual heroics.
[08:31:21] Spirit's got another opening.
[08:31:23] So fast.
[08:31:24] Navi's working fast, slow over and over again.
[08:31:26] And Spirit...
[08:31:27] They lost.
[08:31:28] They have no idea what to do.
[08:31:30] And just now, finally, holding onto the bomb,
[08:31:32] said it's Shiro again with a double.
[08:31:34] Trust in Shiro.
[08:31:35] He will deliver as he takes another multi-kill.
[08:31:37] This time on the B site.
[08:31:39] Three from him.
[08:31:40] And he's been getting loud this event.
[08:31:41] He's been screaming over the stage.
[08:31:43] But essentially four players for Team Spirit dedicated towards the A site for now
[08:31:47] It's just the one defender of magics at short traditionally the anchor YouTube being set up
[08:31:51] You've got the classic crawl from Emma through underpass Alexi has been able to get up to the top mid box
[08:31:56] Jails toes need to be careful. I mean if he drops down right if he drops in the corner
[08:32:00] The you got you got chopper really exposed. He's playing timings checking palace ramps. So there is a window
[08:32:06] Drop could be very good right now
[08:32:08] Tom just getting spammed through the smoke, he hits the molly, he can't escape, Zontek's still in this position
[08:32:13] Chloy over the drop, the timing is perfection, but Shiro is still here on the scope looking for a full multi-kill
[08:32:19] It's denied
[08:32:21] clinical headshot for Bit, Na'Vi looking just to save this half with a fifth round
[08:32:27] You get stuck in that cover, you drop down against Bit and you got to just know you're dead
[08:32:30] You got to know there's no escape, smoke over towards Khan
[08:32:34] Ema's already in the B bomb site, bomb coming up behind him as well, Magix
[08:32:38] They're in a whole lot you can do. Yeah, I don't know if he really I don't think he realizes how deep they are
[08:32:44] You make it just swing. It's not like him
[08:32:47] Oh, and swing I suppose or is he considering the save? I know it's going to be fine
[08:32:51] He's not gonna get the choice in it will remove that from him and the one round game great round to see them
[08:32:56] Actually still go be despite all those entries on a they know they just feed into the chaos so spirit playing very heavy a
[08:33:04] And it's emo who's lurking at the top
[08:33:06] See where he goes later on, not if he's getting re-smoked as they pump another re-palice smoke.
[08:33:12] It's gonna have to come through.
[08:33:14] Oh shoot, a bit too soon.
[08:33:17] Here he comes out.
[08:33:19] Shopper inside the bomb site.
[08:33:20] Has the off angle, misses the shots, goes down, bit has indeed come through.
[08:33:24] Oh great counter flash, but Dark gets distracted, too many targets.
[08:33:28] JL falls next, it's a three on four, still within the reach of Team Spirit.
[08:33:32] Bomb being planted just now, but that smoke's fading.
[08:33:34] Alexi knows he can't plant there.
[08:33:36] Gotta find a new spawn and that's exposed to the AWP.
[08:33:38] So now you gotta fight for your space if you want to plant.
[08:33:41] Okay.
[08:33:42] Towards jungle we go.
[08:33:43] MP9 to handle.
[08:33:44] It's magic.
[08:33:45] It's down to 1 HP.
[08:33:46] And the AWP gonna start making its play.
[08:33:48] Shiro still doing God's work for Team Spirit inside this bomb site.
[08:33:52] Eight team kills and a double in this round.
[08:33:54] It's all Alexi.
[08:33:56] As things calm and go quiet.
[08:33:58] A quick peek.
[08:34:00] Keeping track of this CT spawn swing.
[08:34:03] What HB Magic skits across that's the high speed player. Alexi might just do it
[08:34:19] Felt like they were in more control than the school line dictates, but spirit have woken up from an abysmal dust to opener
[08:34:26] This is molded serviceable for now to get things closed in to an execute lined up for spirit
[08:34:31] Bitplane retakes over towards Ticket. Wonderful in jungle.
[08:34:34] One kill, one little tap. Oh, he went the other direction. Lovely.
[08:34:39] Now that's the guy you're going to need in the second half of your skier to step up.
[08:34:42] Donk needs to have a little bit of a...
[08:34:44] What the...
[08:34:45] Donk away!
[08:34:46] JL's got another one. All three through smoke. It was broken open.
[08:34:49] But now it's just Donk and Chopper. And how quickly the tables have turned.
[08:34:52] Oh, this round is broken on right. Donk's going to have to go here right now.
[08:34:55] Flash is good, but Donk dodges and shoots his teammate in the process.
[08:34:58] Another flash. Donk coming back.
[08:35:00] Too many targets!
[08:35:02] Navi with a pistol, off the back of a big 3k from JL.
[08:35:07] Smoke shooting, round robbing.
[08:35:10] Navi.
[08:35:13] I wonder if they wanted to use these MP9s on the offense.
[08:35:16] Doesn't look like Alexi.
[08:35:17] Ooh, missed window smoke.
[08:35:19] That is ugly.
[08:35:19] You hate to see that.
[08:35:21] You hate to see that.
[08:35:22] Look at the money in the jar.
[08:35:26] Well, across mid, smoke towards connected.
[08:35:28] Deep break of the smoke.
[08:35:29] JL having a look.
[08:35:30] That's wonderful as well.
[08:35:31] And they just peppered them down.
[08:35:32] Pinched them to the pet tracks and then they smoked.
[08:35:34] Yeah, I was going to say, did they even realize that smoke was missing till that smoke was broken open?
[08:35:39] They probably thought they were completely protected.
[08:35:41] Ooh, I like this play.
[08:35:43] Magic's finding a bit of a gap.
[08:35:44] Yeah, heard that, surely.
[08:35:45] Yeah, so me, Jimmy, and Nate.
[08:35:47] And a swing.
[08:35:49] That's a daring play for Bitt.
[08:35:51] It's kind of left him hung out to dry.
[08:35:54] He's swing off the rope, snows.
[08:35:56] Sontics catches him, he turns from a flash.
[08:35:58] Oh, this is disaster striking for Navi.
[08:36:01] They got to be really careful.
[08:36:02] Deepnade towards Palace instead of breaking the smoke.
[08:36:04] Jail slid over towards Ticket.
[08:36:05] Timing again.
[08:36:06] Shiro just slipped past his glance.
[08:36:08] Thankfully, there's a smoke.
[08:36:09] So his teammates cover up to the stairs.
[08:36:11] That's a big win.
[08:36:12] And that's the bomb that rolls down to his feet behind Ticket.
[08:36:15] Magix is close up and he's going to work up the nervel.
[08:36:17] The smoke is still there, but the MP9 swings.
[08:36:20] And Navi recover.
[08:36:22] Alright, we've got the full X-Hack of 30 seconds here.
[08:36:28] Team spirit with smokes with mollies
[08:36:30] and with five players approaching the site.
[08:36:32] only bit committed inside behind the big box. He's going to get one. Donk with a huge
[08:36:37] eagle kill to give space and weaponry as well. Can I get that plant in quick? Trying to take
[08:36:43] back some spawn control, wonderful core in the glimpse of a nade and Alexi B awaits further push.
[08:36:49] He's got to wait for Ema to arrive. There's no flashbangs, he's going to triple swing.
[08:36:53] Ema, they can't handle it. That's it, Donk. He's here.
[08:36:56] That's the most impactful round he's had in this series so far.
[08:37:01] He's got a net team spirit and eighth round tying things up.
[08:37:04] JL, I don't know, don't kill this guy out of anything.
[08:37:07] If he had the kid, I'd give him a crack.
[08:37:11] Too far.
[08:37:13] This space has been taken from beer into what the palace buys them something.
[08:37:17] Pond smoke is a bit awkward as well for Chopper.
[08:37:20] Those are the last smokes that team spirit, excuse me, has.
[08:37:23] out against him ground off this one Jail missed the time. Oh my lord! How is that even possible?
[08:37:28] Mozart dropped down, he's got another! Darn can't find him! And the slow... Excuse me!
[08:37:33] He's got the spam! Breakthrough! Dude! Unchained! How do you... Jail's insane!
[08:37:41] How do you play against that? He is in insane form. The clutch in the last map,
[08:37:47] but they're just locking him down towards B. He's just mauling them. It was a
[08:37:50] the whiplash shot into the verse of the Zondik.
[08:37:52] Dude, he just goes dunk into that fight with the Molotov
[08:37:56] and he just wallbangs the wood the whole time.
[08:37:59] Like, he is in my Molly.
[08:38:00] He is gonna die.
[08:38:02] He will not escape this.
[08:38:04] And the Spirit, well, escape is all they can hope for
[08:38:07] right now, saving in a 2v5.
[08:38:10] I don't think Tropp has had a kill
[08:38:11] in the second half either.
[08:38:12] I mean, you're not calling him out,
[08:38:14] but it was the only reason they're even alive
[08:38:15] after the first half.
[08:38:16] He saved them.
[08:38:17] I think we countered it during the break.
[08:38:18] What, four rounds?
[08:38:19] He was the hero that got him a win, that half would have been a disaster for Spirit of the
[08:38:22] One for Shiro.
[08:38:23] And now that you're missing that production on the T side, who do you turn to?
[08:38:26] Who's going to step up and fill that void?
[08:38:29] Emer, top mid, further than Donk ever was in that first half, but it's wonderful who
[08:38:37] gets picked after a leg.
[08:38:39] Impact will kill from Donk to start this round.
[08:38:42] Are they ready for the Snacks-esque play in the smoke?
[08:38:44] If he waits in the fade maybe, but he walks through with a last second and Chopper
[08:38:48] does catch him.
[08:38:49] 5v3, no excuses for Spirit, they need this round desperately to respond to Navi.
[08:38:54] Hold up, hold up, hold up, he's in no excuses, he's in the right place, boy.
[08:38:58] Oh dear, how many?
[08:39:00] And Navi is just starting this, so they keep things spread in case Team Steer try and stress test the map
[08:39:05] and now they're all grouping up towards this A bomb site, which is the perfect call.
[08:39:09] Zontics has a Molly, could throw it under balcony.
[08:39:12] Oh, this is such a terrifying gamble, I take back the excuses, it's all three in the wall.
[08:39:16] Narvi need no help they need no support another double from bitch al forced out takes the molotov now they know
[08:39:27] He doesn't relent and with 25 seconds and the bomb down spirit are about to get 3d5
[08:39:32] They're piecing it together now. There's jail. No, they are in the side. They are looking for this kill so desperately
[08:39:38] JL still tucked in one v2. They could line up right now 10 seconds
[08:39:43] They just desperately need this kill and Spirit will do it!
[08:39:47] Chopper!
[08:39:48] Subscribe to ESL PS.
[08:39:50] It's too late, they got locked in a Tetris.
[08:39:52] Could have just taken round for one round at a time.
[08:39:56] Oh dear, oh dear.
[08:39:57] I mean, that's a warning, though, for Spirit.
[08:40:01] Oh no, not again!
[08:40:03] It's happening again so quickly.
[08:40:04] They still have the bomb in control, thankfully.
[08:40:07] Chopper?
[08:40:07] Balamad again.
[08:40:08] Yep, he's gonna work up.
[08:40:09] God, he's got the first in.
[08:40:10] He doesn't want to peek, not with the Deagle.
[08:40:11] Smoke goes down, there's the peek.
[08:40:13] Get it, Kex!
[08:40:14] 4v2!
[08:40:15] Shiro and Magix have to play up ramp.
[08:40:20] They might just get swung.
[08:40:22] A 3-2-1?
[08:40:25] There's a jiggle, there's info.
[08:40:27] Magix spotted with the bomb.
[08:40:28] They don't know about Shiro.
[08:40:29] But you don't swing anymore, do you? Surely.
[08:40:31] I mean, you have your teammate up in Palace.
[08:40:33] You let him be an insurance policy for you.
[08:40:35] It's such a strong position.
[08:40:37] Pissed just not giving Shiro the kill.
[08:40:39] If he got it, it would free up so much room.
[08:40:41] But he's still having an anchor right now.
[08:40:42] Bad smoke.
[08:40:43] Re-smoke through.
[08:40:44] And a couple of kills potentially, but Shiro's just over-whelmed.
[08:40:48] And Na'Vi double digits off of an armless buy.
[08:40:52] Shortly that's it.
[08:40:53] How are you meant to get back into this Na'Vi team spirit?
[08:40:55] You broke them, the finances were wobbly, it was a really poor looking investment from Na'Vi.
[08:41:00] Spirit is still making this look like a default, but they are getting closer and closer to Catwalk for this split.
[08:41:05] And Na'Vi's just not making their move.
[08:41:07] Bit just got activated over in Palace, so he's cleared it.
[08:41:09] Now, that's gonna cause wonderful to rotate with the AWP, Ema spamming towards Catwalk is a good signal they have an idea of what's coming.
[08:41:15] Now or never, for Team Spirit, can they survive in ESL Pro League or will Navi put them to bed? It's three instantaneous kills, Shiro falls after one frag, and there is not even a blemish on the Navi record.
[08:41:28] That's what we call the shutdown right there, the fact that they can't get into trades, they can't get into any space, they can't get any room.
[08:41:33] Team Spirit are done like a dog's dinner right now.
[08:41:36] Fresh out the can, and it stinks.
[08:41:40] We've got Galils, we've got one smoke immediately thrown, we've got two flashes.
[08:41:45] All you can do with this utility is an A here. An A-pop. Good luck.
[08:41:49] Here you go, it's a little bit different.
[08:41:50] A-pop!
[08:41:51] Pop's heads from the back of the site, it's Ema under balcony, they just come running in.
[08:41:55] Kills, what do you do?
[08:41:56] That's wonderful swing for another.
[08:41:58] Donk, there's no saving this series, there's no saving your life, Brian.
[08:42:02] It's Naveed. Pop to those semi-finals.
[08:42:10] I swear, loyalty and service to Gitto.
[08:42:22] I do not think we should so lightly abandon our defenses.
[08:42:26] Defenses that others have long held intact.
[08:42:30] What would you have me do?
[08:42:32] I will not yet, the opening best of three, unfold.
[08:42:37] Our pride must be retaken.
[08:42:40] My lord, the bracket is overrun.
[08:42:43] Wish must be risk and more.
[08:42:51] Is there a captain here who has a strut to face spirit?
[08:43:01] You wish now there are places that have been exchanged, that I was taken by Falcons and
[08:43:06] Nekomir was not?
[08:43:10] Yes, I wish that.
[08:43:19] Since you are robbed of Nekomir, I will do what I can in his stead.
[08:43:28] I should return, think better of me.
[08:43:33] This will depend on the score line of your return.
[08:44:11] Can you sing, Master Mongol?
[08:44:14] Well, yes, in my own language.
[08:44:18] But we have no songs for gay long hauls and evildoers.
[08:44:23] And why should your song be unfit for my hauls?
[08:44:31] Bom, sing me a song.
[08:45:23] What?
[08:45:43] What was the rush?
[08:45:44] I'm going to the door, I'm going to the door
[08:45:45] Guys, guys, guys, guys
[08:45:47] Shark, what do you want to run?
[08:45:48] Yeah
[08:45:49] Go for me, go for me
[08:45:51] But wait, wait me, okay?
[08:45:53] You go close, but you wait
[08:45:54] Shark, you will fake A and you go B
[08:45:56] Okay, sorry, I have to give it to you
[08:45:58] Oh, A is there, okay
[08:45:59] Assault A is behind the wall
[08:46:01] Oh my god, did you play the map?
[08:46:02] I did, how was the server?
[08:46:04] I don't know, where are you?
[08:46:06] I don't know
[08:46:07] There are two doors, run
[08:46:10] Push me in, two, two, push me in
[08:46:11] Yeah, push me in
[08:46:12] And now, pushing, tionate, tionate, let's go, let's go guys, whoopie, whoopie
[08:46:15] Let's push main, let's go, let's go
[08:46:19] Oh, 3p, 3p
[08:46:20] 3p, I can't, I can't, stop, I can't, stop, I can't
[08:46:23] One more, one more
[08:46:24] And one more on the other side
[08:46:27] Let's go
[08:46:28] Get smoking, maybe no
[08:46:30] Smokesman
[08:46:31] I can't, I can't
[08:46:32] I'm gonna throw, I'm gonna throw, I'm gonna throw
[08:46:34] I'm gonna throw, I'm gonna throw
[08:46:35] Good
[08:46:37] Nice try, nice try
[08:46:37] Get down there, Fischer!
[08:46:39] Woooo!
[08:46:41] Some sort of a draw in the team
[08:46:43] Zantik is smiling for the first time since he was in Svile
[08:46:47] Watch out for the mid, watch out for the mid
[08:46:49] Watch out for the mid, watch out for the mid
[08:46:50] Watch out for the mid, watch out for the mid
[08:46:51] Watch out for the mid, watch out for the mid
[08:46:52] Watch out for the mid, watch out for the mid
[08:46:53] We buy?
[08:46:54] No, no, we full eco now, moros
[08:46:59] Guys, if it's all boosts up, I will take fast mid
[08:47:02] We don't buy Zagrain
[08:47:03] Yeah, so I've got to take 9, don't worry
[08:47:05] I'll smoke window, I'm in mid, come
[08:47:37] He's dead
[08:47:39] I have big push
[08:47:42] Big push, big push, big push, big push, big push
[08:47:45] I have big push
[08:47:47] Check out
[08:47:48] Yeah, check out
[08:47:50] Nice, we're in
[08:47:52] 2x, 2x
[08:47:53] GANAT through the roof
[08:47:54] GANAT through the roof
[08:47:55] I have big push
[08:47:56] He's low, he's low
[08:47:58] I have smoke
[08:47:59] Can we start the CT?
[08:48:01] Come on
[08:48:02] Maybe he's already on the roof
[08:48:04] He's very strong, he just showed us
[08:48:07] What did you do?
[08:48:08] Killing port?
[08:48:09] The Russians are able to do anything for the win.
[08:48:12] Media decking?
[08:48:13] I'm running right forward.
[08:48:14] I can't show you.
[08:48:15] No, no, no.
[08:48:16] They said it's the bank now.
[08:48:17] You have the bank?
[08:48:18] It's your turn.
[08:48:19] We have a spot to...
[08:48:20] Guys, I did that!
[08:48:21] We caught through!
[08:48:22] Guys, I can do the one way boost.
[08:48:23] I do it, I do it.
[08:48:24] You do what?
[08:48:25] You win this over there.
[08:48:26] You just boost me with them.
[08:48:27] Yep.
[08:48:28] We...
[08:48:29] We...
[08:48:30] We...
[08:48:31] We...
[08:48:32] We...
[08:48:33] We...
[08:48:34] Let's boost me with him
[08:48:36] Wee, come on, I'm gonna charge
[08:48:38] I'm gonna get him with the backup
[08:48:40] I'm gonna charge
[08:48:42] I think he's going
[08:48:46] I think he's going
[08:48:48] I think he's going
[08:48:50] I think he's going
[08:48:52] Nice
[08:48:54] I try default
[08:48:56] I try default
[08:48:58] Blind the blind
[08:49:02] You came from me?
[08:49:04] I'm gonna get you for the first
[08:50:13] I saw some sighted in the water
[08:50:15] Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay
[08:50:17] Nice guys
[08:50:19] Shut the fuck up, you know
[08:50:21] No, no, but you
[08:50:26] You don't do shit, that's why I'm with this friend
[08:50:28] Nice, I know
[08:50:30] William, mate, what are you doing?
[08:50:32] I'm going with the bomb
[08:50:36] William
[08:50:38] William, take him
[08:50:40] Wait
[08:50:42] William, William, William
[08:50:44] Now I'm going, let's be careful
[08:50:46] I have a key
[08:50:47] I can push middle with him if you want
[08:50:49] Pash?
[08:50:50] I'm shooting at you
[08:50:51] I'm gonna go
[08:50:52] I'm gonna turn in the corner
[08:50:54] Pushing main
[08:50:55] Ohhhh
[08:50:57] What?
[08:50:57] He's gonna kill you, he reached out
[08:50:59] I'm gonna go down
[08:51:00] Ah, he shielded me, and he might pop up
[08:51:02] One B
[08:51:03] Lent, he reached out
[08:51:04] I'm gonna push this one
[08:51:05] I'm gonna go
[08:51:06] I'm gonna go
[08:51:07] I'm gonna go close with him
[08:51:09] I'm gonna go close with him
[08:51:11] I'm gonna go
[08:51:12] I can't
[08:51:13] I'm gonna go
[08:51:13] What the fuck is this guy doing?
[08:51:15] I'm hiding on him
[08:51:19] One shot!
[08:51:20] One time?
[08:51:21] I don't know what is shot
[08:51:24] This is shot?
[08:51:25] Yes, yes
[08:51:26] I'm running short if you come back
[08:51:28] One APK
[08:51:29] And one site here
[08:51:30] We're pushing
[08:51:31] I feel
[08:51:33] What?
[08:51:35] Is there one in Waisa?
[08:51:36] Yeah, yeah, yeah
[08:51:37] It can't be, I don't know
[08:51:38] I don't know
[08:51:40] She doesn't let me
[08:51:42] Is there a gun there?
[08:51:44] Yes
[08:51:45] Help me guys
[08:51:47] No, no, no, let him go
[08:51:49] No, he's not
[08:51:52] Wait, wait, wait
[08:51:54] Fuck
[08:51:58] I have a smoke
[08:51:59] I think I can do it again
[08:52:01] I'm going up
[08:52:03] He's reaching out, he's a Zeus
[08:52:05] I mean, he won't
[08:52:07] Yeah, of course, he's trying hard
[08:52:09] Shut the fuck up guys, I'm gonna get this one before he'll...
[08:52:11] Bents in the city
[08:52:13] What the...
[08:52:14] You're gonna die, you're gonna die.
[08:52:20] Oh!
[08:52:21] You're gonna die!
[08:52:22] You're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die.
[08:52:24] You're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die.
[08:52:26] I want to kill someone with a gun.
[08:52:28] Where are they?
[08:52:30] Where are they?
[08:52:32] Where are they?
[08:52:33] They're in the mood.
[08:52:35] Go do the 5v5.
[08:52:37] Yeah, okay, save the corner.
[08:52:38] We kill him, yes, and we kill him.
[08:52:41] So maybe we can do that.
[08:52:43] Yeah, let's do this, let's do this, let's do this.
[08:52:45] They're coming!
[08:52:47] They're coming!
[08:52:49] They're coming!
[08:52:51] They're coming!
[08:52:53] I'm not watching you now!
[08:52:55] Wait, thank you Glocks.
[08:52:57] Three, two, one!
[08:52:59] No!
[08:53:01] Wait, no.
[08:53:03] Great charge!
[08:53:05] No, no!
[08:53:07] Two is only...
[08:53:09] Eight, nine, ten.
[08:53:11] What the fuck?
[08:53:13] Decade! Decade!
[08:53:18] He's on the phone.
[08:53:20] Look at him.
[08:53:22] Guys, we shoot two furia.
[08:53:24] Okay.
[08:53:26] No, we're on everywhere.
[08:53:28] Fear on everything.
[08:53:30] Thank you.
[08:53:32] Much better.
[08:53:34] Much more on big events, everything.
[08:53:38] Arash, Arash.
[08:53:40] One.
[08:53:42] Nice, nice
[08:53:44] I didn't kill him, nice
[08:53:48] Another mid and fake one
[08:53:50] Mid is coming!
[08:53:52] They are fighting us, we fucked up
[08:53:54] Clutch!
[08:53:56] Let me play fast, I'm low
[08:54:10] I wasn't supposed to kill him
[08:54:12] Guys, they killed him in the zone 6 in the corner?
[08:54:16] Yeah, same place.
[08:54:18] Guys, you are making them dead for sure, they won't perfect though.
[08:54:21] It's a dead-end for you.
[08:54:24] They're dead.
[08:54:26] Let's have a quick middle-down.
[08:54:27] I flush you.
[08:54:27] I'm scared for each one.
[08:54:29] Nah, don't be...
[08:54:30] Wow, you are pushing?
[08:54:31] There's some money...
[08:54:35] Let's go slowly, let's walk.
[08:54:37] I'm hiding in the other, guys.
[08:54:39] I'm in the end.
[08:54:39] I'll call you in the other.
[08:54:40] Oh, fast mid for Yop
[08:54:43] It's your play, it's your play
[08:54:44] You're so bad, sorry man
[08:54:45] One more, one more
[08:54:49] Good job
[08:54:49] One more
[08:54:50] One more, one more
[08:54:53] Oh, you guy
[08:54:55] One more CT guys
[08:54:56] The other guy
[08:54:57] Go, go, go, walk away, walk away
[08:54:59] Wait, I have one kick
[08:55:01] Shift his pams
[08:55:02] Shift his pams
[08:55:04] Two
[08:55:05] Two
[08:55:06] He's the A we made
[08:55:07] He's running like shit
[08:55:09] Nice guy
[08:55:10] We are not out.
[08:55:12] I'm shot.
[08:55:14] We need more deathmatch with the open.
[08:55:16] Oh, you, you, you, you.
[08:55:21] Good, they got it.
[08:55:23] Let's play slow.
[08:55:25] You know, just to finish it.
[08:55:27] We beat them, it's shorter.
[08:55:29] Yeah, we lose faster.
[08:55:31] Yeah, we lose faster.
[08:55:33] I'm going to do all the door in the round.
[08:55:35] Go with me with them.
[08:55:37] I'm going to do all the door in the round.
[08:55:39] What are you doing with him?
[08:55:41] I'm going to kill you
[08:55:44] There's gonna be so much fire in this game
[08:55:46] No, it's a booster, guys
[08:55:48] I'm going to kill you
[08:55:51] It's a boost, guys
[08:55:53] I'm going to blow up the boost
[08:55:55] Come on, come on, come on
[08:55:57] I'm running to mid, I'm in the corner
[08:55:59] I'm going to kill you
[08:56:01] More, more, more
[08:56:03] I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you
[08:56:05] I'm going to kill you
[08:56:07] I'm going to kill you
[08:56:09] I'm cutting
[08:56:11] I'm dead!
[08:56:13] I'm giving you a molotov, and you give me a molotov and boost me.
[08:56:18] Okay, okay.
[08:56:19] Yep.
[08:56:20] Can I have one above? I'm 147, buddy, mate.
[08:56:24] We're up.
[08:56:25] Push in middle.
[08:56:26] I thought you killed my guy.
[08:56:28] H mid.
[08:56:29] Watch out.
[08:56:30] I'm on the corner.
[08:56:31] Get in the middle.
[08:56:32] They're more in the middle.
[08:56:33] They're more in the middle.
[08:56:34] I'm dead.
[08:56:35] He's out.
[08:56:36] I'm mid.
[08:56:37] They're not reading.
[08:56:38] I'm mid.
[08:56:39] I'm alive, I'm alive.
[08:56:40] I hit one.
[08:56:41] No more.
[08:56:42] One, one down, one main.
[08:56:43] I'm dead.
[08:56:44] He's alive, two are dead.
[08:56:46] More!
[08:56:46] More!
[08:56:47] He's dead!
[08:56:47] More!
[08:56:48] More!
[08:56:48] He's dead!
[08:56:49] He's tough!
[08:56:50] More!
[08:56:51] He's dead!
[08:56:52] He's dead!
[08:56:52] He's dead!
[08:56:53] Ava, you're not going to make a good shot.
[08:56:55] Yes, I'm not going to.
[08:56:56] Fuck, you made me tough, you bastard.
[08:56:58] I'm not going to make you a good shot.
[08:57:00] Come on, I'm alive, I'm doing it.
[08:57:01] Come on, come on, it's a B rush, right?
[08:57:03] Shit, I'm not gonna make it.
[08:57:06] I'm alive.
[08:57:09] I see the church
[08:57:11] Everybody's good
[08:57:13] Nice with them, let's go wave to them
[08:57:15] One more top
[08:57:18] Nice with them, they do what they do
[08:57:20] My job, my job, come
[08:57:22] 10 more to the north
[08:57:24] One is coming, one is in the deep
[08:57:26] That was me
[08:57:28] Me shot, he was
[08:57:30] Come with him, come in
[08:57:32] He's in the van
[08:57:34] I'm not doing anything
[08:57:36] she is golden
[08:57:38] can i please go to vent
[08:57:40] look this
[08:57:42] oh my god
[08:57:44] i swear i will kill it
[08:57:46] oh nice
[08:57:48] vent vent vent
[08:57:50] ah calm down guys
[08:57:52] then guys
[08:57:54] we need to come in for next
[08:57:56] we don't came top for everyone
[08:57:58] exactly, we need to come in here
[08:58:00] no way don't keep saving work
[08:58:02] is this a blue or the second
[08:58:04] You killed him.
[08:58:06] What is this?
[08:58:08] You were still or what?
[08:58:10] One more and you only need ice cream.
[08:58:12] I'm a good music.
[08:58:14] But you don't look at me.
[08:58:18] Someone in the decade guys?
[08:58:20] Yeah, no.
[08:58:22] No, Matthew.
[08:58:24] You are a good music.
[08:58:30] Go, Samuel.
[08:58:32] Yeah, this is the end of the story.
[08:58:34] Fucking bitch.
[08:58:39] Yeah, it's moving up. We got it.
[08:58:41] i see him
[08:58:45] oh fuck
[08:58:47] he was behind me
[08:58:49] he was behind me
[08:58:51] i hear him
[08:58:53] go there
[08:58:55] one more
[08:58:57] there is gonna be an avi
[08:58:59] he will be sitting in control
[08:59:01] i am on the right
[08:59:10] he is doing great
[08:59:15] so cool
[08:59:17] he is so smart
[08:59:19] I thought it's good in the bathroom
[08:59:26] Don't tell me we have 3 minutes pause like a official
[08:59:31] How do you hold to the smoke?
[08:59:36] I really don't know main from outside
[08:59:39] Wait, we play together or together?
[08:59:41] No, we play together
[08:59:42] My two girls, come with me
[08:59:44] I'm going with you
[08:59:45] You go be with you
[08:59:47] come come
[09:00:00] wait wait wait
[09:00:02] one city one site
[09:00:05] site default
[09:00:09] site
[09:00:11] one more site
[09:00:13] WB
[09:00:15] WB
[09:00:17] WB
[09:00:19] nice
[09:00:52] I smoke middle down
[09:00:54] I just smoke
[09:00:56] Can we meet again?
[09:01:00] Yeah, I'm gonna give my side of the smoke
[09:01:04] They were here, I can't fall in there
[09:01:06] So much
[09:01:08] Close the pin
[09:01:10] I'm close to the pin
[09:01:12] I think so
[09:01:14] Sorry
[09:01:19] They know about me
[09:01:21] I'm gonna go
[09:01:23] One more
[09:01:25] What in the bottom round are you going to do?
[09:01:35] Even though I do UT in 58, 50 in this phase.
[09:01:38] Oh boy, so we should actually get them around.
[09:01:40] What?
[09:01:41] We should actually...
[09:01:42] Yeah, don't get the...
[09:01:43] Don't get the...
[09:01:44] Don't get the...
[09:01:45] I'll give you...
[09:01:46] I'll give you...
[09:01:47] I'll give you HE as well.
[09:01:48] Yeah, give it to...
[09:01:49] Give it to...
[09:01:50] Give it to...
[09:01:51] Give it to...
[09:01:52] Yeah, yeah.
[09:01:53] Don't get the...
[09:01:54] I'll have them.
[09:01:55] I'm short.
[09:01:56] I'm on the middle, I'm on the left.
[09:01:58] I'm short.
[09:01:59] I'm on the middle, I'm on the left.
[09:02:01] One down
[09:02:03] I'm going to push
[09:02:05] I'm going to smoke
[09:02:06] I'm going to push
[09:02:08] I'm going to smoke
[09:02:09] One is going to be loaded
[09:02:11] One is going to be loaded
[09:02:12] I'm going to be loaded
[09:02:13] Nine
[09:02:14] We need a splitter
[09:02:16] I'm going to jump
[09:02:17] It's a fucking faggot
[09:02:18] It's a fucking faggot
[09:02:19] I'm going to put my main
[09:02:22] I'm going to kill
[09:02:24] One is being moved
[09:02:25] Someone is knocking
[09:02:26] One is being?
[09:02:27] Yes
[09:02:28] He is fenged today with him
[09:02:30] yeah yeah
[09:02:32] what do you mean?
[09:02:32] thank a new player
[09:02:34] thank a new role in this
[09:02:35] nah, i thought that...
[09:02:36] hey! hey! hey!
[09:02:37] how do i know how to go it?
[09:02:37] what was i saying?
[09:02:38] i thought you were fighting
[09:02:39] yeah, bye
[09:02:41] shh
[09:02:43] he was on the...
[09:02:44] yeah
[09:02:45] is this a second day?
[09:02:46] i imagine that there's another molly mid
[09:02:48] on every mouse mouse
[09:02:50] what did you do?
[09:02:50] he has a mid to do only
[09:02:52] what?
[09:02:53] yeah, i have to smoke mid
[09:02:54] okay, let's go
[09:02:54] and the molly was bad
[09:02:56] could speak again
[09:02:56] i mean, i mean, that's why it's city molly
[09:02:58] it's normal
[09:02:59] I did 40 and it wasn't my molly
[09:03:02] Yeah it was in my molly
[09:03:04] You were 2 mid, 1 scott and 1 dee
[09:03:06] Shiro is calling guys, prepare
[09:03:08] I know because of you
[09:03:12] I was talking to you guys
[09:03:15] I'm molly boost and I'm coming here to show you
[09:03:18] We can do a first pick main if you want
[09:03:20] Smoke connector
[09:03:20] Perfect
[09:03:21] Yeah but they're in my red agnesty
[09:03:23] I'm low
[09:03:25] I'm low, you have a shot
[09:03:27] go go go go go go go
[09:03:29] I'm going to William
[09:03:30] flash him, peeking
[09:03:31] peeking in the door
[09:03:32] okay
[09:03:36] go
[09:03:37] peeking in the door
[09:03:40] in the door
[09:03:42] this one is the back
[09:03:43] wait wait wait
[09:03:44] no no no
[09:03:45] he's not an Aeon
[09:03:46] hey hey
[09:03:47] plus peek
[09:03:48] he saw the flash but he didn't
[09:03:50] turn around
[09:03:51] nice boys nice boys
[09:03:52] focus focus
[09:03:53] there was a line of
[09:03:54] come on boys
[09:03:56] there are two in the back
[09:03:57] they were in the back
[09:03:58] Guys, they touched.
[09:04:00] What do you think about the economy here?
[09:04:02] We have tactics.
[09:04:04] We have tactics.
[09:04:06] We are doing well.
[09:04:08] Flash B came in.
[09:04:10] Flash B, yeah.
[09:04:14] Flash left side and I flashed.
[09:04:16] We are on this.
[09:04:18] Yeah.
[09:04:22] Nice B.
[09:04:24] I'm gonna get molly
[09:04:29] Can you need dope?
[09:04:31] Eh, no, no, no, no, no
[09:04:33] I'm gonna get you, you're dead
[09:04:35] I'm gonna get you, you're dead
[09:04:37] I'm taking minnow, we don't have a roading
[09:04:39] I'm gonna misspoke minnow
[09:04:41] I feel like I'm not a bad playing class
[09:04:43] Chakers are dead
[09:04:45] I need to get molly
[09:04:47] I need to get the bomb
[09:04:49] I need to get the bomb
[09:04:51] I need to get the bomb
[09:04:53] It's my time
[09:04:55] It's my time
[09:04:57] I don't like to shoot
[09:04:59] I hate it
[09:05:01] Oh my god
[09:05:03] Wow
[09:05:05] New one
[09:05:07] New one
[09:05:09] Stop it
[09:05:11] Inb
[09:05:13] One
[09:05:15] Inside
[09:05:17] He's out
[09:05:19] He's pushing
[09:05:21] ECT?
[09:05:23] Wait a minute.
[09:05:25] I took one.
[09:05:27] I smoked one.
[09:05:29] I just smoked one way.
[09:05:31] I'm gonna fall by and then we'll come.
[09:05:33] I'm gonna try to right side.
[09:05:35] I'm gonna go here without me.
[09:05:41] I'm down.
[09:05:43] Semen, Semen!
[09:05:45] Oh, yo, yo.
[09:05:47] Yeah, mama.
[09:05:49] Don't fall down!
[09:05:50] I'm dead, f**k!
[09:05:51] Semen!
[09:05:54] Retake me, I'm coming!
[09:05:56] F**k, you're f**king crazy!
[09:05:58] He's so tough for the other guys.
[09:06:00] F**k you, man!
[09:06:01] I'm f**king...
[09:06:02] I'm f**king one tapped.
[09:06:06] I'm f**king one tapped.
[09:06:09] I'm f**king one tapped!
[09:06:10] I'm f**king nice!
[09:06:12] I'm f**king nice!
[09:06:13] I'm f**king nice!
[09:06:15] I'm f**king nice!
[09:06:17] Let's go, let's go!
[09:06:19] We're playing 1.
[09:06:20] I'm pushing, I'm pushing!
[09:06:22] I'm pushing!
[09:06:23] No, I can do it!
[09:06:25] Come on, come on!
[09:06:26] He's going up!
[09:06:28] I'm blind on B!
[09:06:29] Mirage!
[09:06:30] He's alive!
[09:06:32] What is that?
[09:06:33] I'm on!
[09:06:34] On the box, on the box!
[09:06:39] On the box!
[09:06:40] One low, one low!
[09:06:41] One low, one low!
[09:06:45] He went back!
[09:06:46] He has the bomb!
[09:06:47] Nice health, B william!
[09:06:53] Thank you, that's all I'm infosin' with!
[09:06:55] He killed me, he killed me!
[09:06:57] I'll take it.
[09:06:59] I'll take it.
[09:07:01] I'll take it.
[09:07:03] Let's take an legendary position.
[09:07:07] Hit the smoke.
[09:07:09] Wait.
[09:07:13] What happened?
[09:07:15] One is down.
[09:07:19] Two mid and one main.
[09:07:21] Still small.
[09:07:23] I'm firing.
[09:07:25] Machine!
[09:07:27] Machine is red.
[09:07:29] I can see him.
[09:07:30] Joker.
[09:07:31] Not Joker.
[09:07:33] He's the bomb.
[09:07:34] I'm pushing outside with the default.
[09:07:36] I'm pushing left.
[09:07:39] I'm pushing left.
[09:07:40] Left.
[09:07:41] Joker.
[09:07:42] I'm pushing left.
[09:07:43] Left.
[09:07:44] Nice.
[09:07:47] Hello.
[09:07:48] Hello.
[09:07:50] Hello.
[09:07:51] Hello.
[09:07:52] Hello.
[09:07:55] Even in so much later, I'm dead.
[09:07:58] Wait, wait.
[09:07:59] Wait.
[09:08:00] I keep one.
[09:08:01] He's on 60.
[09:08:02] He's on 60.
[09:08:03] He's on the way, on the wall on the way.
[09:08:05] You don't have to tell him.
[09:08:08] No way.
[09:08:13] He will never expect you not to have kids.
[09:08:15] No way.
[09:08:47] Mollie on Monacy.
[09:08:50] Come before the storm, the set up is in it and bit for the apartment hold.
[09:08:55] Gonna be tested here. Who goes first? Is it mid? Is it apps? Apps steps in.
[09:08:59] Immap bait confirms and they clear out bit. A lovely headshot.
[09:09:03] In the apartment's no less and it's now empty handed as Immap.
[09:09:07] Mollie to clear out the pit, smoked off Alexi on the rotate.
[09:09:10] It's already looking like a G2 pistol. Just a clean clearance of the apartments.
[09:09:15] I want to see Hunter drawing first bloods.
[09:09:18] Let's be real, there should be no way back into the round for Navi.
[09:09:22] Good opening kill on the bid, I think.
[09:09:23] Ema felt like he had to be the aggressor to find some safe space up in halls
[09:09:27] and it's just not there.
[09:09:28] So G2 with a nice simple pistol.
[09:09:29] This is the exact same setup that G2 had against Liquid yesterday.
[09:09:34] So it's a bit interesting that they go up against and find the entries immediately.
[09:09:39] That's what you like to see.
[09:09:40] That's it. Game stuff started in the first round of play.
[09:09:43] I was about to start asking you know a little bit about what the best case is for Na'Vi in this scenario.
[09:09:47] Is it just saving Kev, being a bit more threatening into the next, bring that smoke and flashbang through?
[09:09:52] And cheap upgrades to the armor. Yeah, that is the best case scenario at this point.
[09:09:56] We'll see if Wonderful can do it. Smoke, and that's going to hold modesty off.
[09:10:00] So they do get a kill. Oh no, oh he's gone through restraining places.
[09:10:03] He didn't take any damage. That was the main objective. Keep the Kev luckily.
[09:10:07] Getting that free upgrade if he so desperately seeks it.
[09:10:10] Yeah, I think we touched upon it a little bit in the pre-match, right, for G2 it's about minimizing gun rounds, right?
[09:10:18] Like, you know, winning pistol, big deal, converting now, then maybe lose the first gun round but win the reset round, right?
[09:10:25] So, they always keep Navi on the back foot, and for Navi, obviously, you see, even with the savings,
[09:10:29] they want to maximize those rounds with good utility because they feel like when it comes to that, they're the superior team.
[09:10:40] The battle for Banana is going to be a big conversation.
[09:10:43] It starts there, JL flashed off of the line, still nails the headshot.
[09:10:53] That's a headscratcher for Snax, he's got, you know, okay, well there's another one.
[09:10:56] A response of a bottle as JL jumps up, so we give it right back.
[09:11:01] Make, who can see Top Banana after that equal trade?
[09:11:07] Established that they've taken it, and that alone, that knowledge for the non-VD
[09:11:10] defense is going to be a pressure point. Bid still holding on to a smoke that he just now
[09:11:15] deploys, open holes. Alexi's got one as well.
[09:11:19] This is very threatening, very uncomfortable, wonderful. Gonna have to get the multi-kill
[09:11:24] Niko with the UMP. Bid press well, the Deagle's shy of the mark. Malibs gets away with murder
[09:11:29] there. Guess himself the necessary double.
[09:11:31] Will be the second round for G2 converted. Same story as that pistol now, I guess
[09:11:37] Let's see if we can recover a Galil, see if we can bring that through to the next.
[09:11:42] Just keep the pressure up, right, on G2's economy as well.
[09:11:45] If you're able to, well, not necessarily find the kill here,
[09:11:48] but you maybe get a couple more kills in the next round as well
[09:11:52] that keeps pressuring the first gun round if they lose it.
[09:11:55] They're going to not have a great situation economically,
[09:11:58] but good reaction from G2 in the mid-round.
[09:12:01] They didn't waste time, you know, you see a lot of times
[09:12:04] The T is taking too long to organize when a trade like that happens and then that late utility from the A site players weren't pressured can play a bigger role, but
[09:12:15] Here they just reacted really well
[09:12:18] Nice Mac 10 entries from bulbs as well fearless turn of the corner bombs gone off
[09:12:23] It's two to nothing in the favor of G2 and Navi gonna have to sit back on just pistols
[09:12:28] But yeah lessons learned from G2 yesterday Yanke one of them
[09:12:33] I think I heard you saying just gonna regret to tell your opinion is my own
[09:12:37] Just let the players play when you've got such such talent in the ranks and he's kind of direct hits any calls out of spawn
[09:12:43] It seems like you're not doing yourself a good service
[09:12:45] Listen, you have to do it like you have to change the pace
[09:12:47] You have to go for executes every now and then because if you just play default all the time it's predictable, right?
[09:12:52] But you have to be careful about not overdoing it
[09:12:55] Even if you think you're having a really good read or a really good call or you trust your scouting
[09:13:00] You know, you have guys like Monocinico, Hunter, Malibus, just let them play the round a little bit more,
[09:13:06] default, get some information, show them some trust, believe in them and I think they absolutely will deliver for you.
[09:13:16] Imez, the one that has to deliver for Naby in this one, just a partial investment with that saved Galil,
[09:13:20] just keeping themselves ready for the full buy-in to the next stand.
[09:13:23] That's Imez Galil in the feed first, another opening death for Snacks and back-to-backgrounds on the banana area.
[09:13:29] Just a contact walk-in.
[09:13:33] Yeah, I smoked off.
[09:13:34] There's gonna be a boost up coming in as well.
[09:13:36] He left it open though.
[09:13:37] They'll surely be accounting for this.
[09:13:38] A late boost.
[09:13:39] Turn the flash.
[09:13:40] This is an opportunity here.
[09:13:41] Oh, underneath.
[09:13:42] Two cross.
[09:13:43] Barrow spotted.
[09:13:44] Imma didn't see it.
[09:13:45] Imma did not clock it.
[09:13:46] Now...
[09:13:47] Huh?
[09:13:48] Imma?
[09:13:49] What's it all?
[09:13:50] Pieces it together and gets himself another double!
[09:13:52] A triple kill with a safe Camille!
[09:13:56] Oh, this is some trouble.
[09:13:57] some trouble. Hunter's gonna have to be plan B, gonna have to open up this A bomb site.
[09:14:00] He's gotta be aggressive on this guy. Bomb's already coming back. Flashbang doesn't land
[09:14:03] its mark. One in library. He spotted it. He's called it out. This is an awkward engagement
[09:14:07] for Hunter. But he's handling it well, all things considered. And all of a sudden, you
[09:14:11] can isolate this player. Modesty's still not arrived. But Hunter's done his job.
[09:14:15] He's done so much work. They have to push the smoke. They have to apply the
[09:14:19] pressure. But he hasn't done it! How has Hunter done that? Keds away with the double
[09:14:24] with 4 HP to spare.
[09:14:26] Honestly, to cover the smoke push.
[09:14:27] 10 seconds and JL walks through,
[09:14:30] isolates the two individuals.
[09:14:31] How is he gonna do this?
[09:14:32] JL's been pulling clutches out of his hat
[09:14:34] every single day here at Pro League.
[09:14:37] And today is notice from JL.
[09:14:41] Hunter's her relics all for naught.
[09:14:45] What a round.
[09:14:46] What a roller coaster.
[09:14:47] They aim a triple on B.
[09:14:48] You feel like it's done.
[09:14:49] Hunter finds his way into the bomb site,
[09:14:51] finds them the openings they need.
[09:14:53] And then JL with just a crazy 1v2 clutch.
[09:14:57] A very hard clutch coming through that smoke.
[09:15:02] Like they were both low.
[09:15:04] But the setup had me feeling like G2 had the edge in that one.
[09:15:07] I mean, it was tough, honestly.
[09:15:09] He saw his teammate was low on site.
[09:15:11] It's an uncomfortable plant.
[09:15:13] And he was swinging into his demise.
[09:15:15] Yeah, a little bit of impatience there, but also some of the basics just from G2.
[09:15:19] I think one thing you can count on when you're playing against them in these anti-equals,
[09:15:22] they're going to be putting pressure on B.
[09:15:24] So, Ema just hits a good timing on peeking, but, you know,
[09:15:28] You're showing the smoke on the run, the boost isn't going to be covered, that's where the gun was, not being aware of it.
[09:15:37] The triple kill from Ima really, being the difference maker in that round.
[09:15:40] Yeah, I'm down.
[09:15:48] Well, Wunderful's got his own perch at the A bomb site as we saw, G2 not being super aggressive about banana.
[09:15:54] I'll have the weaponry necessarily, it might come back to you in the mid rounds.
[09:16:00] Yeah, they were a bit more aggressive in the mid-take, you know, that's why you see Alexi already rotating over.
[09:16:06] JL playing it safe, just falling completely back towards the CT, not even playing for information in banana.
[09:16:13] He gets some now from the utility used by G2, double mollies, a lot of flashes.
[09:16:21] That's why the third player now it's a 3B setup, so this round-out becomes all about timing for G2.
[09:16:26] If they go back to A, it has to be soon.
[09:16:29] With that B smoke, you'd imagine EMA would start to shift back towards the A bomb site content at the moment,
[09:16:34] just a deep spot from spawn but now that utility reigns over and wonderful is
[09:16:37] gonna call presence in mid, Ema's gonna have to hustle back, maybe not hustle, it's a double kill.
[09:16:45] One bullet, two kills, clean. There's more for wonderful as well. Do they dare test him again?
[09:16:51] A bit of a fumble on the movement there but it's not gonna cost him.
[09:16:53] And for G2, I think it's cost him the whole round. They put all their pennies into this one.
[09:16:58] They don't want to be letting those rifles go for no reason whatsoever.
[09:17:01] Niko gonna linger a bit more forward hoping perhaps for an over extension
[09:17:05] in an M4 upgrade, but doesn't look like it's coming his way.
[09:17:08] So, Navi will take one with five alive without a point of damage done.
[09:17:12] Wonderful's collateral pulls him across the line, and I love that you described him as
[09:17:16] a phenom.
[09:17:17] Every good team needs one.
[09:17:18] Well, wonderful.
[09:17:19] He's been under the microscope as well by Navi fans and otherwise, but he's got talent.
[09:17:25] There's no denying it.
[09:17:26] His performance at the Major was incredible in Copenhagen.
[09:17:28] He was absolutely spectacular for this team.
[09:17:31] His clutch factor was amazing.
[09:17:32] His multi-kill potential with the AWP was amazing.
[09:17:35] Little bit of a drop off after it, but there's no doubt. He's still very very deadly
[09:17:39] There's that smoke that we've been discussing that Chad and steel broke down this smoke. There's been shifting the matter
[09:17:47] And now we see problems arising you've just lost monosy surely that's enough for now
[09:17:52] But you cut your losses you take it
[09:17:57] A multi-kill massacre on banana
[09:18:00] They re-invested.
[09:18:02] You can just see the good protocols on the side of Navi, right?
[09:18:06] They know save guns, they're going to rebuy if they do.
[09:18:09] It's not going to be amazing.
[09:18:11] So what's the most likely thing that they can do is,
[09:18:13] okay, something fast in banana, or an apps pop.
[09:18:15] So you open 3B, you use great counter utility,
[09:18:18] you shut that play down before it can even develop.
[09:18:21] But they don't go too deep, right?
[09:18:23] They don't send the player sandbags that can get blown up by double HEs
[09:18:26] and Amoli or anything.
[09:18:27] They do it in a smart way.
[09:18:29] That's really JL taking contact and then the rest checking out utility and then swinging after that second round of it, that second salvo of flashbangs perfectly executed.
[09:18:39] Yeah, we were sitting there brainstorming the count of that smoke. It's obviously just stand there and shoot them.
[09:18:48] Yeah, stand there and hold the angle.
[09:18:50] When they swing through. It has resulted in a very uncomfortable position for Hunter and Snacks. They kind of do need to die.
[09:18:56] These pros always make it look so easy, don't they?
[09:18:59] Death.
[09:19:00] Required.
[09:19:02] Not for assault eventually.
[09:19:05] Sorry about that.
[09:19:07] We just got real deep.
[09:19:09] Yep, real quick.
[09:19:10] Yeah, accidental philosophy.
[09:19:12] Yeah, they're coming in.
[09:19:13] They're going to try and do as much economical damage as they can.
[09:19:15] You know, a couple of kills a bomb plant,
[09:19:17] a round win, but not to be a hunter.
[09:19:19] Get that ace alone.
[09:19:21] And it's denied.
[09:19:22] Wonderful. Steals away the final kill,
[09:19:24] but JL 4 up to 7 and 1.
[09:19:26] He just doesn't let up the gas.
[09:19:27] of the gas, he has not taken his foot off of the pedal.
[09:19:31] Four kills in that round, he wanted 1v2 clutch.
[09:19:34] Just a stop.
[09:19:35] Yeah, just a nice start to the day in the office for Jail.
[09:19:37] Five rounds in, you've clutched down, got a multi-kill here, and defensive B. So that
[09:19:41] was Monty trying to get through with half wall smoke in this fucking dump.
[09:19:45] The double kills are filthy.
[09:19:47] Didn't even look like he got the third one.
[09:19:49] That's a little bit of love from that final bullet that comes out, you know?
[09:19:52] So you get a little bit of RNG in your favor there.
[09:19:55] Now I start poising the question, right?
[09:19:58] Just to make sure they're not going to hit a 1v1 start the round, but psychologically,
[09:20:03] I know none of us are like, you know, trained psychologists.
[09:20:06] But from our armchairs, do you not think that when you haven't beaten a team so as much
[09:20:12] as this head-to-head, do you not think that as soon as you have a bad round, it's going
[09:20:15] to exacerbate things?
[09:20:17] You know, you fumble, you go, it's happening again.
[09:20:18] Do you not think that you kind of start to kind of self-fulfill the prophecy?
[09:20:21] You do, but I don't think there's been a bad enough round for Gigi to slip into
[09:20:24] that.
[09:20:25] at the moment it's just like we haven't really had money for a good buy in the last two to three rounds like this is
[09:20:30] It's fine. We haven't really been able to get our economy going
[09:20:33] So just wait for that next gun run and we'll get it underway. I think round three was pretty bad
[09:20:38] I think I was really bad
[09:20:40] Because it started the downfall of the economy and everything in these four buys. I mean look at it now
[09:20:46] It's an eco look at the money on some of these Navi players already
[09:20:49] So they're in the driver's seat. This is exactly the scenario the G2 was hoping to avoid
[09:20:55] I mean you have to avoid this scenario in every game you play well
[09:20:58] Yeah, but when there's one safe rifle and you run into it and you get to triple kill that's gonna feel bad
[09:21:03] Sure, but against you know a team liquid Jason you could still
[09:21:08] Recover from it. Yeah, or a similar North American team pick your pick whichever North American
[09:21:14] Oh, look at this.
[09:21:16] Oh, okay, we still got it.
[09:21:19] Okay, he's away in round.
[09:21:21] Hunter has an orb.
[09:21:23] He's got at least one of them.
[09:21:25] Or is he going to get MP9 long range?
[09:21:27] There's no way he's an AWPer. Hunter's orb is like Kareen's orb.
[09:21:33] Not seen very often in the wild.
[09:21:35] I wonder how many career orb kills he's got.
[09:21:37] Someone please, 25.
[09:21:39] Yeah, I was going to say 7.
[09:21:41] is the G1st G2 tactical timeout has to get an opportunity on the mic as we'll
[09:21:46] blade and even the gun around after the Quran you know on a macro level wasn't
[09:21:52] that bad I mean G2 was about to end a 5v2 right but the problem is with 30
[09:21:57] seconds left you're walking up mid yeah wonderful gets a collateral and
[09:22:01] that's pretty much it from from that point on and you already see saw them a
[09:22:05] little bit right you taking mid you taking top banana you've gone back to
[09:22:07] mid you'd already kind of shown a couple different moves throughout that
[09:22:10] See what they come up with during this time out.
[09:22:13] The conversation yesterday on the couch and for monocling the interview was play simple
[09:22:16] counter strike no need to make it too complicated.
[09:22:19] Yeah, that's the solution.
[09:22:21] I mean, especially what you've been talking about, Alex going up against opponents beating
[09:22:26] you so many times, just don't overthink it.
[09:22:28] Just play the game like Kewood against any other opponent, right?
[09:22:32] And believe in your game, play with confidence and let the chips fall where they may.
[09:22:37] Also remember too, Na'Vi yesterday took down one of their long-time hurdles
[09:22:40] and now they're able to beat Spirit basically ever, and finally doing it.
[09:22:43] So in their minds it's like, yeah, we've beaten them eight times,
[09:22:45] but we obviously know that that can all change very quickly.
[09:22:50] Yeah, don't take it for granted.
[09:22:51] I mean, I'm sure, I don't remember if Na'Vi came in thinking they got a free win today.
[09:22:55] No, and we see this 4B opening for more and more teams, right?
[09:22:58] It's there to sort of simulate the number of players, right?
[09:23:02] Because from the number of HEs being used or smokes or incendiaries,
[09:23:06] is where Niko is giving information to Snacks.
[09:23:08] Okay, I think there's this many players,
[09:23:09] or this is how much utility they have left,
[09:23:11] but because you opened with four,
[09:23:13] those two guys have more utility than you expect.
[09:23:16] You really only get punished for it by a fast A-play,
[09:23:18] which wasn't what G2 went for.
[09:23:22] Fast A-plays don't seem to be in the meta
[09:23:23] nearly as much as they used to.
[09:23:25] Maybe we start seeing that come back
[09:23:26] if teams are gonna stick to the 4B start on the CT side,
[09:23:29] see more teams take the risk, take the gamble.
[09:23:31] And G2 only has two smokes and a flash left,
[09:23:35] So, not too much to work with to end around, I mean the CTs have way more utility.
[09:23:39] Yeah, this is actually harsh.
[09:23:40] This cut of noise and now Niko is gonna, I assume, fully commit.
[09:23:44] Always just making steps.
[09:23:46] Because they're really trying to force a rotator.
[09:23:48] Ime is the one to think about it.
[09:23:49] He's library, there's...
[09:23:51] How's he done that?
[09:23:53] Amazing catch, it will start.
[09:23:54] Ime looking towards the B-side, wonderful looking for answers mid.
[09:23:57] They were ready for it, this is well structured, it's taking shape beautifully.
[09:24:01] And another one caught out, Ime in response,
[09:24:03] They're getting ping pong around the map.
[09:24:05] That is near flawless from G2.
[09:24:08] Crazy what happens when you don't run through a smoke
[09:24:10] in the first 15 seconds of a round.
[09:24:12] But, bro, I almost want to, like, yanko it, you know?
[09:24:14] I want to pull up the Skybox and tell you
[09:24:17] about all these little steps and moves
[09:24:19] in order to force the rotations and find the gaps.
[09:24:21] Everyone got pants.
[09:24:22] I think the reason G2 didn't have a lot of nades
[09:24:25] in the end is because the call for them
[09:24:27] was they're going to have to reclear mid, right?
[09:24:29] Like, and that's what we're waiting for.
[09:24:31] That's why everyone was in brackets.
[09:24:32] They're just waiting for what's wonderful eventually,
[09:24:35] but that was due to, you know,
[09:24:36] Nico also finding a kill, which definitely helped.
[09:24:40] And that was the first Domino sort of to fall,
[09:24:42] but you can see that's something that Nami does a lot.
[09:24:44] You know, they take space and they make you uncomfortable
[09:24:47] and then they sort of just wait for the reaction
[09:24:49] and the whole round is developed
[09:24:51] about punishing your reaction
[09:24:52] because that's what you can almost count on now
[09:24:55] when you're playing the T side.
[09:24:57] The CTs are going to be doing stuff.
[09:24:58] Like you're never going to see anymore.
[09:25:00] The CTs lose banana and lose mid and just sit back and hold, right?
[09:25:05] They're going to try to re-aggress somewhere.
[09:25:07] You know, Virtus. Pro do exist.
[09:25:09] Well, they will gamble stack, you know?
[09:25:12] Yeah.
[09:25:13] Which is also something that teams you see them play 3B late, right?
[09:25:16] Yeah.
[09:25:16] Then it's just figuring out how to make that read
[09:25:19] and how to get that information.
[09:25:21] Now, here's the thing with that round for G2.
[09:25:23] You're not going to get that opening from Niko every single time.
[09:25:26] Yeah.
[09:25:26] Maybe not that one.
[09:25:27] Actually, he can provide you openings that bebops are pretty consistently,
[09:25:30] But it's not all going to be as easy as just spamming a smoke at the right angle
[09:25:33] and letting Alexi walk into the bullets.
[09:25:36] There's a different layer of the land now for Bede.
[09:25:38] With JL catching that grenade, I thought he'd have a more passive stance,
[09:25:42] but he's still confident to try and take a head-to-head aim duel with a 50% discrepancy.
[09:25:52] There's some bravery from him, wonderful catching flak elsewhere.
[09:25:55] It's forced to reposition.
[09:25:58] So full-amps control, early doors.
[09:26:00] It's a rap side setup though, if G2 do this mid-exact with, you know, with the left side
[09:26:06] smoke, with the rap side smoke, with the library smoke, you could be in some trouble.
[09:26:09] They're going to be aggressive on it.
[09:26:11] There's now a fourth player at this bomb site as well.
[09:26:14] But still all the attention on the wrong side of the bomb site for the moment.
[09:26:19] He was only working with a couple of pixels there.
[09:26:22] The fingertips wasn't able to convert.
[09:26:24] Unlike Ultimate and that Sean Anubis.
[09:26:26] Oh look at that, he's really trying to piece the puzzle together and he's holding onto his
[09:26:33] utile right now.
[09:26:34] I think they're assuming that this is going to be another one of those ping pong rounds
[09:26:36] where you just go back and forth between the bomb sites because you're already seeing
[09:26:39] Alexi shift over despite the fact there's a lot of pressure and Niko that smoke is going
[09:26:43] to help out a lot.
[09:26:44] They're testing bit, they're trying to force a reaction out of bit and this is a position
[09:26:48] he's very comfortable in.
[09:26:50] In it is biting on the bait though.
[09:26:54] He has wonderful but it is just bit and wonderful.
[09:26:56] Up against it, he misses another.
[09:26:58] What have you got for us, Bit? It has to be outrageous!
[09:27:01] In the smoke! Can he adjust? He does for the spray!
[09:27:04] Can't find it! And wonderful, only the one.
[09:27:07] Bomb scooped up with a second to spare. Where's the bomb?
[09:27:09] No time. Hunters!
[09:27:10] Oh, we didn't get it! Oh, Navi get a gift there!
[09:27:16] It was about six seconds, I think, because he picked it up.
[09:27:18] I'm not sure what the delay was.
[09:27:20] See, that might be the bad round.
[09:27:21] That one right there is going to be really frustrating.
[09:27:23] That's the second one on the half.
[09:27:25] I wonder if he... I almost want to give him the benefit of the down.
[09:27:28] I'm sure we'll see it in the replay.
[09:27:29] I felt like he got blocked by monosie trying to like path into the bomb site.
[09:27:31] Pick it up.
[09:27:33] Yeah.
[09:27:33] Or couldn't find it maybe with the wrong way around the box.
[09:27:35] I mean I know what I'm playing with my minimap super zoomed out
[09:27:37] and I'm trying to find it on the minimap, it can be difficult.
[09:27:40] So, six.
[09:27:41] Nope.
[09:27:42] Five, oh he walked past.
[09:27:43] It's the minimap.
[09:27:43] Yeah, he's straight up just walked past it.
[09:27:45] I did my best Hunter.
[09:27:46] I tried.
[09:27:47] Oh, I tried bro.
[09:27:49] Gonna be tough to shake that one off, but it's necessary.
[09:27:51] They have to just forget that happened.
[09:27:53] A round that was destined for GZ's glory instead reads five for Navi.
[09:27:57] Pushing, we regressed, monosy flashed off the line but Nika does well
[09:28:02] They might just pick up the pace here, they got all five people in banana
[09:28:06] They might not even just ignore this smoke, maybe break it open and no, they're gonna back off from it
[09:28:10] Happy to concede with a five on four advantage
[09:28:15] Okay, the problem is they have no information on A so they might just be resetting for that full XZ
[09:28:24] We see Emaq come over here, he has a full utility set as well so...
[09:28:31] I don't know what you do here though, you have all five players in banana.
[09:28:37] You can't really go anywhere else.
[09:28:39] So you're just trading utility until they run out of smokes on the B bomb site.
[09:28:43] Yeah, I think that's what they're doing, Hunter's going to try to apply some pressure
[09:28:46] but Bit is also moving towards the B bomb site, right?
[09:28:49] They're just leaving wonderful there.
[09:28:51] They clear, Alexi B...
[09:28:57] Exposed, re-aggressed! Does well! Finds an E-Cobra, it's Malbs!
[09:29:01] It's opened up the site!
[09:29:03] With no bit in sight, maybe they overlook him there? Still there!
[09:29:07] Lighty-more! Malbs, what a shot!
[09:29:09] He is an absolute beast, Malbs.
[09:29:18] Give me such an asset for the G2T side, I'm sure for CT as well,
[09:29:22] but just the amount of space he's comfortable taking.
[09:29:24] It's also just like the fights that he likes getting in are all ones that are like,
[09:29:27] You know the aggressive I want to take control of this bomb site or I want to entry into this part of the map
[09:29:31] And having a second player that can do that along with Nika who's also a fantastic opener is such a luxury
[09:29:37] True to his namesake. I think hunters got him booked here
[09:29:39] Wonderful will not be able to find a safe haven hunter and snacks are slowly clearing out arches
[09:29:44] Don't know how far they push it though. They are being quite slow about this
[09:29:47] They double peeking from two different angles. He's a dead or walking
[09:29:52] Yep miss shot so it takes a mountain to keep saying the same the triple kill from him
[09:30:06] Yeah, well G2 get back on the horse after letting one slip away, well done, now within one round
[09:30:11] and they forced the timeout out of Blade and Na'Vi to talk things over, plenty of cash
[09:30:15] for the, well not plenty, but a good amount of cash for the Na'Vi side.
[09:30:18] And you can see it was a couple of times G2 would get top banana, right, and go back
[09:30:23] to A or try to end the round on A, so that's what prompts Alexi to go for an information
[09:30:29] play, you know, okay maybe they're doing it again, maybe they're just like one
[09:30:31] or two guys here and then if we can get rid of them, can equalize, we can have
[09:30:35] have a chance to win the round but the majority of G2 was just sitting banana waiting to go
[09:30:40] for that execute so they punished the aggressive play. Pretty clean round in the end and this
[09:30:44] is the final buy for Navi. Their money is all tapped out after this. So G2 potentially
[09:30:52] if they can win this round could even win the half. They had money for an AWP Navi
[09:30:57] that decided not to go with it. An extra MP9 instead with the utility. So wonderful
[09:31:05] gonna be without that weapon for the time being JL and him taking control of Anna
[09:31:08] here's that 4B start again from the defensive side snack steps in front of
[09:31:12] the Molotov cautious crawl towards apartments they know the bit has got
[09:31:30] progression in the mix this time not the case popped in on pit deep banana
[09:31:37] control taken look at this from JL and Niko that's both of them that's both three players
[09:31:41] how have they done that two smoke shots two completely blind smoke shots
[09:31:46] And it results in a wide-open B bomb site, now we know that this one is just going to get investigated, Niko the probe is going to be searching.
[09:31:52] I wonder if he commits.
[09:31:54] I think they're too far away and still too spread across the map, because at this point you maybe want to group up.
[09:32:00] You want to make sure you're playing the trade game with the man advantage, you can maybe leave a lurker, but one of the ways these 5E3s fall apart is being too spread out.
[09:32:06] And that's what coming deep from CT is going to prompt Niko to think there's no one else more in the site, like that's the first rotate coming in.
[09:32:13] Oh, Bid, does that see that?
[09:32:16] They're taking some, I'm told that maybe.
[09:32:22] Oh, yeah. Now they've down a dead other site, Hunter.
[09:32:25] Cache is the search.
[09:32:27] Hang on, Bid does spam away at Niko, but he's rotating back.
[09:32:29] It's all missing, Fox.
[09:32:33] Well, it's all fair play to get it through the smoke.
[09:32:35] You know, Niko and Monosy each now won this round.
[09:32:36] We had to give one to Bid just to make things clear.
[09:32:38] Yeah. Yeah.
[09:32:40] I don't think now he's going to be happy with the trade, but...
[09:32:42] No, probably not.
[09:32:43] They're on the heavy losing end of that.
[09:32:45] So now I think it's kind of dead even in terms of the BS that both teams have handled.
[09:32:51] I don't know, the Hunter defusing could still be kind of in my head, but
[09:32:55] I think you two are going to be pretty damn happy with the way this round has played out.
[09:32:58] And Rico spamming the smoke onto JL. Satisfair's share of hero moments in this half as well.
[09:33:04] Oh, you're losing a lot at the end of this, trying to hunt down these weapons.
[09:33:07] Really nice job from Bitten, wonderful.
[09:33:09] Now Monace is also around with the AWP. I mean, you don't want to give that away.
[09:33:13] Nope.
[09:33:13] For an M4 for a chance to punish, so I think he's aware of it as well.
[09:33:18] That's why he backs up, backs out.
[09:33:23] Another default round, Jason.
[09:33:25] Another default round.
[09:33:27] Effective default.
[09:33:29] I did say you're not going to get many openings like just through the smoke,
[09:33:32] just spamming, and here we have two more, just for no good reason.
[09:33:34] Just one round.
[09:33:35] And one with the AWP as well, as they're particularly dirty.
[09:33:40] Yeah, Lika looks like he's quite happy with the way that one played out.
[09:33:43] It's a very sheepish grid and chocolate.
[09:33:45] He's like, I know what I just did.
[09:33:46] I know what I've done to them.
[09:33:47] I mean, you know, it goes both ways, doesn't it?
[09:33:49] Sometimes you're the guy getting, never mind.
[09:33:52] Sometimes you're the bug.
[09:33:53] Sometimes you're the windshield.
[09:33:54] That's what I'm saying.
[09:33:58] Well, G2 almost lost a round like this earlier.
[09:34:01] So let's hold the phone for a second bit.
[09:34:03] And wonderful can certainly, OK, wonderful can certainly
[09:34:07] bring this back.
[09:34:10] That's a nice work.
[09:34:10] I mean, honestly, in bit, they know each other's game
[09:34:13] very well.
[09:34:14] They've had a lot of faces together.
[09:34:17] I want to see you even say it's stated in interviews that
[09:34:19] eventually he'd love to be on a team with him.
[09:34:23] And now when they get locked in a server against each other, it's all...
[09:34:27] The gloves come off.
[09:34:28] Yeah, they do.
[09:34:29] No friends in Counter-Strike.
[09:34:31] Niko, you got your hand up like you're questioning something at the moment.
[09:34:33] Yeah, I mean, look for a second there, they were going to just go into a full B,
[09:34:36] execute after getting two kills on A, so...
[09:34:38] Wondering what, you know, what the read was there, but...
[09:34:41] Maybe at least let Hunter search A a little bit after you throw all these
[09:34:45] nades on B. Or walk into the only rifle and lose snacks. Okay now they know there's
[09:34:52] two more guys on B because the flash came from CT. Obviously the player in the
[09:34:56] sights. Oh my gosh. A little alarming now. Unfortunately Hunter will call
[09:35:03] A-Claire. Now it's your time Hunter. It's time to lurk. Time to get us some
[09:35:07] information. Catch moving. Well an AWP is recovered they never picked that up
[09:35:10] and threw it over the wall too afraid of sticking around in fair play and its weapons recovered
[09:35:15] for free for Navi not too much of an impact there's only one round remaining after this
[09:35:18] but the AWP is something they wouldn't have had.
[09:35:21] Yeah the AK that's wild yeah it's gonna be happy with that.
[09:35:25] It's gonna be very happy with that but G2 is gonna take a six to five lead.
[09:35:29] Their map pick starting on the T side and it's looking good.
[09:35:33] Yeah winning the pistol converting the Navi goes on on a little run after winning
[09:35:42] that E-core of their own.
[09:35:44] Well you gotta be pleased too because one of the things you saw in the couch was
[09:35:46] because you felt like G2 had to play with the lead.
[09:35:48] And this is them fighting back and muscling their way back into the game.
[09:35:52] Yeah, this wasn't exactly that, which makes it a little bit more impressive that they managed to stabilize.
[09:35:58] But listen, for Navi, if you're going to look at them, you're going to say CT side,
[09:36:02] no matter the map, the map is the weaker side.
[09:36:04] I mean, they do their best work on T side, so it feels like for G2 winning this final round,
[09:36:09] and maybe even the pistol has to be the way that they can end up taking Inferno,
[09:36:15] because Navi is always able to rack up rounds on their T-side.
[09:36:22] That was so scary.
[09:36:23] They could have gotten doubled so easily at that point,
[09:36:26] and then the round is really in contention.
[09:36:29] One round lead going into round 12.
[09:36:31] By virtue of the save as well,
[09:36:32] it's a nice solid healthy looking buy
[09:36:34] for the final round to defend 4-6.
[09:36:37] Could have had a more head-to-head, both posted for it.
[09:36:40] He's done it again.
[09:36:41] He's done it again.
[09:36:42] JL's having a nightmare up against Niko.
[09:36:45] Two rounds where Niko has just caught him on his aggressors. I mean there must be a
[09:36:49] Q, right? That deep smoke arrives, the Marley logs and that's another that's
[09:36:53] another double as well. He tagged Hunter through the body of Malb's out of 35 HP.
[09:36:57] Two collateral's and a half, not too shabby. Lexie B has to function without
[09:37:03] JL. Gets a bit awkward, but it's been uncomfortable as they look to
[09:37:05] reclare. He was looking for what utility he could salvage off the body
[09:37:08] and JL's last use Nade was a flashbang so that's not... You probably wanted
[09:37:12] the smoke, you might have wanted the Malbots off. Didn't get either one.
[09:37:14] And we'll see now Snax is all the way in apps. He's not with the team. So let's see what the call will be for this round
[09:37:27] She's gonna find some action in apartments. Oh
[09:37:30] He'll find action. All right, just as he looks away
[09:37:34] There he goes wonderful flashed off the line did not fall back in time Niko opens up the account for B
[09:37:39] The bomb is disconnected from them needs to be retrieved and bit and monosim might clash on the retrieval
[09:37:44] Lexie B confirms the sign is lost, but there you have it. Just picked up the bomb.
[09:37:50] There's one more smoke on Monacy as he comes in, so he's going to be okay to refresh that
[09:37:54] towards CT spawn if it's needed.
[09:37:56] And it is indeed. There it goes. Coffin's already smoked, but we've got a 3v3 at this
[09:38:01] bomb site. Davi is in the right place to go for a retake to harass this bomb plant.
[09:38:06] See what they can get. And they must go for this. They go- Oh no way! Again the
[09:38:11] late boost. This time it's a double from Bitt.
[09:38:14] And hold your horses. Montessy lives.
[09:38:16] And Montessy lives for moments like these.
[09:38:18] It all lies on him.
[09:38:21] Smoke grenade available. Kit on the Lexi.
[09:38:23] It will deploy it. And as an AWPer, that is your worst nightmare.
[09:38:27] Smoke shots required. What does he do?
[09:38:29] He pulls the trigger onto him.
[09:38:30] Trying to find the lineup going for the nosecoach.
[09:38:33] He's coming in from the kit of a Lexi.
[09:38:34] Montessy, one more chance.
[09:38:36] He can't get it done. And a 6-6 half.
[09:38:38] Swapping sides. We'll be right back.
[09:38:41] This semi-final has only just begun.
[09:43:00] for us an opportunity for Hunter gets away unscathed.
[09:43:04] That's risky though.
[09:43:04] You got to hustle out of that position
[09:43:06] when you take your first shot.
[09:43:08] See the bullets whizzing past them.
[09:43:09] They've got control of banana as well
[09:43:10] or at least deep information in banana.
[09:43:12] Nico spots one jump across.
[09:43:16] Dangerous game they're playing.
[09:43:18] Then you go up against Nico.
[09:43:19] He's even pre-aiming the next time you try.
[09:43:20] I feel like you see someone standing in the open
[09:43:22] of banana in front of the board like that.
[09:43:24] You've got to be a little bit cautious.
[09:43:25] You've got to be like, there's something else.
[09:43:26] There's like another layer to this setup
[09:43:27] we don't know about.
[09:43:29] I mean, it's baity, isn't it?
[09:43:30] They're trying to set up for Monosy, but they're not having any of it.
[09:43:33] I mean, it gives you info.
[09:43:34] They're not banana shawl, but there is two of the one they...
[09:43:37] It sets them up for a very fast push too.
[09:43:39] As you can see, there's no one jumping across now.
[09:43:41] No more information, no utility, no flashbangs reigning over, so G2 just shrunk the map
[09:43:44] in half.
[09:43:45] Oh, and they're still exposed.
[09:43:46] Trying to line up his nades, wonderful gets brought.
[09:43:49] Very low.
[09:43:50] A single bullet would do it.
[09:43:51] It channels them into the three man hold.
[09:43:53] Make it two.
[09:43:54] Malph's deleted by Immek.
[09:43:55] Clear's the corner.
[09:43:56] Traded by JL.
[09:43:57] Onto Moto.
[09:43:58] Snacks delivers.
[09:43:59] And now a chance for the plan of the moment's respite.
[09:44:02] As Monosy needs this in the head shop a bit.
[09:44:05] Takes him down, makes this a two on two now.
[09:44:08] JL brings aggression to the mix.
[09:44:10] They're not accounting for this as he gets a clean one.
[09:44:12] No!
[09:44:12] He points of health in a two versus two.
[09:44:17] And his first thought is, I'm going to push and play the fade.
[09:44:20] And if you're G2, you just say, why?
[09:44:22] Why would he do that?
[09:44:23] You never expect that kind of a play.
[09:44:24] And I mean, if you're JL, that's just supreme confidence
[09:44:27] in yourself, but supreme confidence in Bid,
[09:44:28] who would be the guy left alone behind you?
[09:44:30] Give me that Glock 2 up. Spin on that thing!
[09:44:40] Saying J somebody was seeing this analysis for the last time.
[09:44:42] Yeah, it was good, it was good, it was good. I like that a lot.
[09:44:47] Here we go, push down middle. Aggression from G2, they want it right back.
[09:44:51] Good flashbang, but they're lined up and it's JL again.
[09:44:55] Okay, here's the deal. You're gonna get spammed through the smokes in the first half,
[09:44:59] but you can get multi-kills while flashed in the second.
[09:45:02] Yeah.
[09:45:02] That's how the trade goes.
[09:45:03] That's a rough second round for G2. Thanks so much for that good start in the second half.
[09:45:11] But I'm really interested to see what the game plan from Navi will be in this one,
[09:45:16] because you obviously have now Niko and Malbz on the B bomb side. I think for me,
[09:45:21] the way I do it is, I try to, especially after winning pistol, like if you start 3-0 here and
[09:45:27] if you're Navi, just winning the first gun round on B, and just putting a lot of pressure
[09:45:33] there if you were able to win that banana fight and win the round towards B and after that I would just go
[09:45:38] away until the end of the half right because you it's sort of expected to go A now against G2 in this
[09:45:44] sort of setup where on A you have snacks and hunter and then monesty depending on where he opens up
[09:45:49] if he has an AWP and all that sort of a thing so with that one win on B you're selling them the
[09:45:55] signal okay they don't care about the fact that you know we have Niko and Malbz here or
[09:46:00] if you open 3B and whatnot and I think that can open up the map for you a lot more if you're not in
[09:46:13] you may as turn for a multi kill
[09:46:17] whoa that may looks destined for some damage but they get away
[09:46:22] they shy the mark as well didn't have the forward momentum
[09:46:28] and already lurking under the B bomb side jails got a pretty deep angle he steps away as I
[09:46:31] believe they heard the footsteps over in CT spawn another round of smoking utility coming in
[09:46:36] Alexi is gonna lead with the Mac 10. Let the AKs come in late
[09:46:40] Here they come. It's all about timing for these GT USP's and oh
[09:46:51] Lovely like
[09:46:52] Hesitance there from Navi like they were they were diligent all the utile came in and they were also not in a rush like those smokes
[09:46:58] Are 20 seconds. We don't have to immediately go and you know when like you hit when you when you're the team stacking that bombs
[09:47:03] I you know like you hear those footsteps entering
[09:47:04] It's like all right flash now. All right go through the smoke now, and that's what Navi's like just staying far far back
[09:47:11] That's a good shot. Yeah, yeah, that's a really nice shot very nicely done
[09:47:20] Okay, so m4a4 enjoyers
[09:47:23] Eatin good tonight
[09:47:25] Eatin real good tonight on a single silence m4 in the mix in a dangerous game walks through the flame to get early control
[09:47:33] Towards the boiler position a he chips further away at him operating at 79
[09:47:37] These M4A4s in one bullet headshot now available
[09:47:40] Come on two in there
[09:47:42] Lexi be the same now after the maid. This is gonna be a big fight. How well can snacks do against pit?
[09:47:50] I talked about it just as we went live into the map
[09:47:55] It's so good and so precise in these positions at these headshot angles
[09:48:00] Snacks is gonna have to play mistake-free counter strike this second half
[09:48:03] He needs to block apps here because they're just made the name for play on B
[09:48:06] And by time for the rotate for the four guy to come back today
[09:48:09] Get it down, just in time, just as he repositions, monosy delivers only the one,
[09:48:16] Snacks, it's good, takes the head off a bit,
[09:48:19] the Navi have the man advantage and the site.
[09:48:23] Already up against it are the B defenders, Niko amounts later the party,
[09:48:27] and I don't see a kid, do you even have a look?
[09:48:30] I mean, welcome to Inferno folks, this is a conversation G2 are having right now.
[09:48:34] No, I don't think you go for it at all, it was no kid with only the one smoke,
[09:48:37] three people to find, you've got no information,
[09:48:39] and they might have even stuck around too long.
[09:48:41] When M4 goes down to the hands of Niko,
[09:48:43] Moms is gonna back off now, it's truly lost,
[09:48:45] so they'll only be able to bring
[09:48:46] the single rifle into the next round.
[09:48:48] And G2's gonna start running out of opportunities
[09:48:51] to get back into Inferno.
[09:48:52] So one of the two defenders there,
[09:48:54] Monosy or Snacks, needed to get a multi-kill, right?
[09:48:57] I guess that's what it boils down to.
[09:48:58] I mean Hunter was there as well,
[09:48:59] they had three players there,
[09:49:00] I think they were just a little bit late
[09:49:02] with their utility, and Navi was already up close,
[09:49:04] so I think,
[09:49:05] I don't know if you want to see him die while he was switching back to his rifle as he threw out the molly, but also not smoking apps earlier.
[09:49:12] You know, if you're a hunter coming back from long, you have to worry about that angle, so I'm holding you from app, so it just makes the setup and the crossfire is more difficult.
[09:49:20] Oh, come on, you see the way Hunter died there as well? JL's got his pre-fires down, a wallbang.
[09:49:25] Did you see him? Or maybe he had the info he was there?
[09:49:27] No, I think that's him.
[09:49:28] Maybe he was just a spam as you're going in. I had no idea. I didn't see him.
[09:49:32] No, but that's been kind of the case for a lot of JL in the light here a BL. Yeah
[09:49:38] 15 and 4 yeah, do you remember that like mirage short round? Yes, it's there like doesn't see them just has a sack of 6 cents
[09:49:45] It's such a fun thing to be like Navi has no star player and I want to be like I think JL might just be it now
[09:49:50] Yeah, you might be there
[09:49:51] It's hard to dispute and I think when bits in for me looks like
[09:49:55] Sorry, right now
[09:49:59] Everyone in delivering look at the look at the frag distribution right now. LXCB got that IGL debuff
[09:50:05] But at the moment it's got in that bit JL and wonderful all in the teams or head in there bit on 12
[09:50:13] And in there getting to double digits
[09:50:15] How do we finish this one?
[09:50:19] Round 17 and G2 with only really one friend the same rifle
[09:50:23] I say that those side arms they pack a punch if you over commit
[09:50:26] And in there going down to monisees a great start for g2 finally finds a response since the headshots next can't get the gun out in time
[09:50:37] They don't expect me quick to be yeah, you ever looking right?
[09:50:39] He's you're thinking okay. They're both be just like last time just like last time
[09:50:42] Do they let the smoke fade first though?
[09:50:44] They're taking this very patient and very cautious Nico around the box
[09:50:47] Yeah, they're wrapping around him and he never got a clean fight a clean look at it
[09:50:51] But Navig is so patient, so aware, so disciplined, never trying to pick up the pace and trying
[09:50:56] to do things too fast, a perfect round and they're going to be at 11.
[09:51:00] They're just never in a hurry.
[09:51:01] No.
[09:51:02] They're so comfortable at that point.
[09:51:04] I suppose that's the perk of, you know, kind of the 40 seconds left on the clock as
[09:51:08] you exit.
[09:51:09] You've got time to make sure you cross your T's and dot your I's.
[09:51:12] And you have the conversation at some point in those situations where you're like,
[09:51:14] and maybe it probably happens to you in an early match and you're like, the only
[09:51:17] thing that could go wrong in this scenario is someone hiding inside the smoke that
[09:51:19] we don't expect.
[09:51:20] Why don't we just wait for it? Why don't we just chill? We got 40 seconds.
[09:51:23] What do we lose other than time?
[09:51:24] We put plenty of that. You can see there is a slowly creep and crawl, all the smokes covering all of their bases.
[09:51:31] 17 and 4. Another multi-kill. I wonder what he's up to now. I'm gonna have a quick deep dive.
[09:51:42] Six multi-kill rounds for JL.
[09:51:44] That ain't bad.
[09:51:45] Standard.
[09:51:46] Not too shabby in 16 rounds.
[09:51:51] Oh, come on.
[09:51:52] Oh, the slideshow.
[09:51:53] I like it. I like it.
[09:51:55] Second timeout called by G2.
[09:52:07] I always feel like in this instance, calling a timeout is just like, why give Blade more time?
[09:52:11] Like, he's just like taking these opportunities, reminding his troops.
[09:52:14] Look, he's got something to say. He didn't even call it, but he's like, I've got stuff to say.
[09:52:17] Yeah, I mean, not much here to say for Taz, really.
[09:52:21] I think it's more so it's 11-6, right? We're about to lose the game.
[09:52:24] Maybe the energy is down a little bit on the players, you know, they're not communicating as much.
[09:52:28] Right, so you want to try to raise the morale, get some momentum going.
[09:52:34] Imagine Blades just reading off a list of like tendencies remember they like to do this remember to watch out for this when you rotate here
[09:52:39] Remember to what these smokes mean. Yeah
[09:52:42] Cuz Navi's on point you don't need to change anything at this at this moment
[09:52:47] Well, Altar is also trying to raise the morale of G2 here
[09:52:55] Aggression
[09:52:56] No, not quite Hunter and Monosy are close to mid though
[09:53:00] Snacks, Snacks anti-needed the cover from Monosy
[09:53:07] Opening kill for G2 off the back of a timeout
[09:53:10] And the defense sinks back
[09:53:21] happy with the man advantage. C2 hasn't had to shift anything just yet. Just still two defenders
[09:53:28] of the B bomb site jiggling in tandem. Three players at A. Monacy has wrapped around from lane.
[09:53:34] Out of the corner, missed Molotov as well is going to be very helpful so that Monacy can
[09:53:39] keep information on brackets. 55 seconds left for Navi. J2 has to win this round, right there in
[09:53:45] a 5v4. B players have both of their smokes still. Now they're looking like they want to go
[09:53:54] for an apps pop in this one. What the worst call? There's space for it with this setup.
[09:53:59] They have no smokes and Monosy is still here with the AWP. Just looked away towards Long.
[09:54:08] They crouched out, good spot, Hunter. Holding that angle now, Monosy can contribute,
[09:54:13] JL down and looking for a clean round, but one back from WandaFuck.
[09:54:18] Alexi B. Is that a quiet one here? But hang on, if he gets one more, I can't do it.
[09:54:23] Hunter nails it and a must-win round for G2 is won. Hunter a big one, high impact from him, top of the tables with Monossey going toe-to-toe with him.
[09:54:35] In Monossey trying to hype the boys up after that win as well. Maybe you're touching on what you said, Janko.
[09:54:40] Maybe low energy at that point and that round win is very nice for Monossey to try and get the boys back into the game in a timeout immediately called by Navi.
[09:54:48] We drop with these two bodyguards, the uniformed up, shout out to all the Brazilian Sporting
[09:54:55] MVP are in the first game, but yeah, I mean, first time he gets the AWP in the second half,
[09:55:00] does a lot of damage with it, immediately a timeout from Blade, so let's see what it
[09:55:04] is that he wants changed up and does this prompt monosy to open the round on B perhaps.
[09:55:13] For Navi so far on this T-Side, when it comes to the gun rounds at the very
[09:55:16] at least you know it's been very A focused not too surprising. It's surprising I think that it
[09:55:23] feels like they haven't really even tested canada like they haven't even really...
[09:55:27] Well they do this thing also it's kind of a cool approach where you do it against
[09:55:31] equals right like and so if you look at the rounds okay they're still landing B some rounds but
[09:55:36] actually the gun rounds not really. Yeah the gun rounds over at A blow by rounds towards the B bomb site
[09:55:43] they can feel like you're still willing to attack there.
[09:55:47] So is Jail doing that right now with an extinguished flash and a jump-through?
[09:55:51] Is there a HE coming?
[09:55:53] He suspects so and actually manages to evade the entirety of the assault.
[09:55:59] Niko's firing smokes. This time I think Jail's learned his lesson.
[09:56:06] Yeah, I'd say that is actually...
[09:56:07] Now he's catching him straight through, and XC steps up to the plate.
[09:56:11] He brought the Dink on wonderful way behind as well.
[09:56:14] He's uncomfortable again for Navi.
[09:56:16] Super uncomfortable and Nika's got back up in the form of monocy.
[09:56:20] Well, maybe this is why they didn't try and test banana too early on, that's a convincing
[09:56:24] win for the G2 defense for Malz and Nika, well handled.
[09:56:27] One for two trade and again a man advantage into the mid-round of round 19, so Navi's
[09:56:33] going to work themselves back towards the A bomb site smoke for left mid, once again
[09:56:37] looks like at least Halls is going to have one member of pressure bit moving into that.
[09:56:41] That's a reason for the positions swap, it allows you to go for more two-man banana
[09:56:46] takes right so you don't leave too many gaps on the A bomb site and again G2 at the right
[09:56:50] spot with three players on A. No smoking holes though so Bid has that clear line of sight
[09:56:54] Snack still has one in his pocket. His signature precision on the first tap and now Bid takes
[09:57:04] him down on top. A necessary trade. Little late. All the same a gap perhaps Nico had
[09:57:10] no idea about. I think that's like you won't feel too bad about being baited
[09:57:16] in that one. It was around securing bait. Those are allowed. Yeah, you get a full golden
[09:57:22] star for that one. And it's also, you know, off the back of the time now, back-to-back
[09:57:27] G2 rounds. Yeah, and you can see Blade wanted to... Hey, let's make sure we get Banana before
[09:57:32] whatever it is that he wanted them to do after, but just wasn't too great and shows
[09:57:37] you how difficult sometimes it is for T's to take Banana late if there's still two
[09:57:43] two CTs playing for it. Entering out a number of different utility
[09:57:49] companies at Navi on this T-side as well. Hunters throwing that really deep smoke a couple
[09:57:53] times. And also those Antiquas were so clean from Navi that they have three full buys back
[09:57:59] to back. Um, to back. To back. So still able to put pressure on G2 in this one.
[09:58:08] Yeah, but like you said on the T-side, like you said, if you wanted Navi to take
[09:58:12] the B-bomb, say maybe in the first crown run, insert conditioning and just let
[09:58:15] to know you can do it. I mean, this has such a negative impact it feels on your playbook
[09:58:19] to an extent if you're Navi where you've gone A, you've succeeded a number of times, and
[09:58:23] then the first time you try to go back to B you get deleted. So instead of challenging
[09:58:27] him early, this time they decided to do the same idea just a little bit later in
[09:58:30] the round. Niko and Malphs have backed up into the bomb site.
[09:58:34] So they have no answers mid right now, G2? Yeah, just jiggling short and long,
[09:58:40] First smoke from Niko.
[09:58:47] Pushing through! Niko delivers the double!
[09:58:50] Traits needed! Malves delivers! Bit finally brings him down!
[09:58:54] A retake available here for G2, but Navi can come up clutch.
[09:58:59] He really hinges on Imma. If Bit can deliver one, it's up to Imma to do the rest.
[09:59:03] Unlikely, Bit gets the multi-kill.
[09:59:04] They've got a smoke on Hunter if they want to block off Banana when they eventually go for this retake.
[09:59:08] Leaves the low HP Bit inside the bomb site.
[09:59:11] Oh, perfect.
[09:59:12] IMO already knows his contributions will be limited.
[09:59:15] Actually, it's a bit of a bad smoke.
[09:59:16] It's a terrible smoke.
[09:59:17] It gives IMO such a sick angle.
[09:59:19] You're not going to be ready for it.
[09:59:20] IMO realizes it's too good to be true.
[09:59:22] And now they can isolate.
[09:59:23] Up to IMO in the 1 vs 2.
[09:59:26] And the angle around the smoke is giving IMO absolute easy clutch.
[09:59:33] These errors, they compound.
[09:59:36] And it is going to be four opportunities to take the opening map,
[09:59:40] to take their opponents' map pick.
[09:59:42] That's a really sloppy smoke.
[09:59:44] That's not even a bad smoke.
[09:59:45] That's like a that's a good smoke for Navi. It's a good smoke. Yeah, I even looked and it was like, oh
[09:59:50] They've only got a Hina flash. This is difficult. And suddenly there's like
[09:59:54] A truck around that smoke so it's all good. I shouldn't be laughing. I'm gonna shout in front of that
[09:59:58] But like we've all thrown a bad smoke in our day. We all have one. Everyone gets one. Yeah
[10:00:03] I mean, that's one and a half player really from Navi clutching that I think it was
[10:00:09] Yeah, a bit who wasn't on 10 HP. So
[10:00:12] So, yeah, exactly the sort of a round, the G2 is not in a position to lose considering the score, right?
[10:00:19] And that puts Navi on map point.
[10:00:23] G2 comes together with a buy, but it's not going to be great. Hunter and Monosy and Malibus on MP9.
[10:00:30] Zniko has an M4 and a full utility kit and snacks, an M4 and an incendiary.
[10:00:35] Which I almost want to be like, get the smoke.
[10:00:38] Hmm, you know for that holes play late in the rounds
[10:00:41] Can we know I'm influential they can be?
[10:00:44] Well time smoke, but yeah, miss it a lot of bells and whistles on the CT by such each he's got to do with the hard way at least
[10:00:50] You're for round 21
[10:00:52] No more mistakes that they can give up
[10:00:54] No half wall smoke this time JL's just doing it dry and that's what they're ready for needless being flashed in JL
[10:01:02] Safe by the half wall man and made ready
[10:01:04] They had a need in response to the flash push. It's really nice
[10:01:10] Boost on the half wall, Jiglin, caught with his nades out, Malbs flatlined by JL as he finds his 19th and his 20th could be close.
[10:01:22] A lot of pressure on the shoulders of Niko with only a flashbang to his name and a whole bomb site to defend.
[10:01:31] G2 not really on the same page and that's when look at the A set of the whole time they have complete mid, right?
[10:01:36] The B players trying to retake top banana and that might be the end of them.
[10:01:40] He can't even push the molotov. He can't even push the molly.
[10:01:44] Because of that earlier, hey G, JL pick hits 1-2 on the search from Snacks.
[10:01:49] And it looks like it's a done deal on G2's map pick here. Hunter and Monosy trying as hard as they might.
[10:01:54] A second wave, a second layer. It's not going to happen. JL hits his head, he's
[10:02:00] a triple kill to close it out. JL is the real deal here in Mulder.
[10:02:04] And he will finish with a quad.
[10:02:06] 13-8, map 1 of the semifinal.
[10:02:09] Well, Na'Vi continue to be a problem for G2.
[10:03:27] Oh yes, Na'Vi taking G2's map pick 13-8.
[10:03:30] You might want to remember that statistic
[10:03:31] because it is time for another installment of Were You Paying Attention.
[10:03:35] I'm coming to keep you go. I'm coming to you, Chad.
[10:03:38] Can I say I wasn't?
[10:03:39] Ah, that defeats our point of the game show.
[10:03:41] Chad, you weren't.
[10:03:42] I was paying attention.
[10:03:43] I was paying attention.
[10:03:45] But was I paying more attention than Hugo?
[10:03:47] That is the question that we are going to find out the answer to just about now.
[10:03:52] Now, I've got almost an unlimited selection of questions.
[10:03:55] I think this could probably last us probably all night.
[10:03:58] Yeah, thousands of questions.
[10:03:59] I'm pouring my heart and soul into question number one
[10:04:02] of those thousands is, wonderful God collab on round four.
[10:04:05] Who did he kill?
[10:04:07] Oh, dearie.
[10:04:07] So I thought you would ask this question.
[10:04:09] I actually don't remember who it was,
[10:04:11] but I'm going to do process of elimination.
[10:04:13] I'm going to think who's in the front line.
[10:04:15] I'm going to think someone like Malves is one of the two.
[10:04:17] And I'm going to put the other is maybe a snacks.
[10:04:21] I was in a snack that is correct just well there. That's not even attention. Chad. That's just knowledge
[10:04:26] Yeah, you've done really and they was from short side and I was into the round they saved and then from that point forward
[10:04:30] It didn't it didn't look great. I feel good about myself. I do two kills
[10:04:35] This was of course G2's not pick but what was their win rate before the game? I'm talking percentage in the last three months
[10:04:42] I have no idea. I'm gonna go with
[10:04:47] Wait, so G2's percentage. I'm gonna go with 50. It's higher than that
[10:04:51] I'm going to go with 78%.
[10:04:53] I will give you that.
[10:04:54] It's a nice round.
[10:04:55] 75% is nice.
[10:04:57] I'll take it.
[10:04:58] I'll take it.
[10:04:58] Three quarters of the time,
[10:05:00] but not so much anymore after that result.
[10:05:02] In what round did Niko get his first kill?
[10:05:05] It was a bit of a late one.
[10:05:08] Nine?
[10:05:10] Not that late.
[10:05:10] OK.
[10:05:11] Yeah, I was going to say,
[10:05:12] because I remember having a look,
[10:05:13] he's getting entries through the smokes towards banana
[10:05:15] onto J.O. as the first half went a little bit later.
[10:05:19] So, yeah.
[10:05:21] if we're gonna go let's let's go with round number four. Well that's the thing that's just about
[10:05:26] round six first. So unless we're working backwards. I'm not helping. I'm just gonna say it was round
[10:05:31] four was the first question. Oh, round four was when Wonderful got the collab. So.
[10:05:38] Well, I thought it was round six that Wonderful got the collab. Okay, so let's go let's go with
[10:05:42] round five. Incorrect. It was round seven just in the middle of it. Fair enough wouldn't it
[10:05:47] Um, what size did Navi start on?
[10:05:51] They're on T, so they must have started on C2.
[10:05:53] Great places of elimination.
[10:05:55] The hot this game is hitting the buzzer and then thinking about...
[10:05:58] No one buzzes quite like Hugo.
[10:06:00] I am the buzz master, they call me.
[10:06:01] Yeah.
[10:06:02] The HL drop at least.
[10:06:03] That's why you get paid the big bucks.
[10:06:05] Who planted just a little bit too late on R&B?
[10:06:09] Hunter.
[10:06:09] Oh, Chad, you've been told me that one in the green room.
[10:06:12] Oh, it is.
[10:06:12] Made a 10 jam here.
[10:06:14] It was a late one, didn't even matter.
[10:06:16] to the round because it was over already.
[10:06:19] How many players were wearing glasses whilst playing?
[10:06:22] While playing?
[10:06:23] Yeah, while playing.
[10:06:24] What a tie round this way.
[10:06:25] He's going to work it out.
[10:06:25] Dun dun dun dun dun.
[10:06:26] Malbs?
[10:06:28] That was very quick production.
[10:06:32] I want to go with three.
[10:06:35] Nope.
[10:06:37] It is only Malbs and snacks.
[10:06:41] So you're trying to answer?
[10:06:43] What does that add up to?
[10:06:44] Two. That's correct.
[10:06:45] Only two players.
[10:06:46] Nobody on the side of the knowledge.
[10:06:47] I'm just guessing there was a secret third.
[10:06:49] Who's the secret third?
[10:06:50] I don't know, like Alexi, Wixhouse and some other people.
[10:06:52] That's what they all did at some point.
[10:06:54] Yeah, yeah.
[10:06:55] They all like he did, but maybe not.
[10:06:56] Oh, so I got it right.
[10:06:56] I don't know.
[10:06:57] No.
[10:06:57] Not that name.
[10:06:58] If you put them on for like a round and took them off, does that count?
[10:07:01] I can never confirm nor deny.
[10:07:04] Question seven.
[10:07:05] True or false?
[10:07:07] G2 planted the bomb on their last round of their T-side.
[10:07:12] It's a 50-50, so here's where you drop in
[10:07:14] and you just, you roll a dice, Freya, and you go in.
[10:07:17] false and correct. That's your
[10:07:22] position. Still this is one
[10:07:24] option. This is have a big
[10:07:25] thing. True. That is correct.
[10:07:28] Congratulations. I was going to
[10:07:30] go with true regardless. Okay.
[10:07:32] I even remember the last round,
[10:07:33] but I didn't know if I was
[10:07:33] postplot. It was shot,
[10:07:35] honestly, through the smoke
[10:07:36] coming around. Yeah, okay. It
[10:07:38] was a good one. It was around.
[10:07:40] Question eight in the second
[10:07:42] pistol. Please tell me in
[10:07:43] detail the order of the players
[10:07:45] who dies. Tell me the order
[10:07:47] of the players and their deaths.
[10:07:50] Malbs?
[10:07:51] Yep.
[10:07:53] Emma?
[10:07:53] Yep.
[10:07:57] It's either Alexi?
[10:08:00] Wonderful.
[10:08:01] Oh, you can't just.
[10:08:02] You miss someone.
[10:08:02] You miss someone.
[10:08:03] Malbs, Emma.
[10:08:04] Malbs, Emma.
[10:08:05] Someone else.
[10:08:07] There was a G2 player who died.
[10:08:10] It was a G2 player who died.
[10:08:12] Someone, you know, paid.
[10:08:14] He's going into A.
[10:08:16] Going into the A site was a guy.
[10:08:19] You were so, you were so good.
[10:08:21] Was it Monosy?
[10:08:22] Was it Monosy?
[10:08:23] Had a fire or something.
[10:08:24] Oh, God.
[10:08:25] Because then it goes Alexi Wonderful, right?
[10:08:26] Yes.
[10:08:27] So I've forgotten one G2 player because Alexi Wonderful.
[10:08:29] And then there's another...
[10:08:30] And then the one you just said.
[10:08:32] Monosy.
[10:08:33] Yep.
[10:08:34] And then...
[10:08:35] This feels like...
[10:08:36] JL gets two, the last two kills, I'm pretty sure.
[10:08:38] On to the last two G2 players.
[10:08:40] So which would be Niko and Snacks.
[10:08:42] Yes.
[10:08:43] So you were just missing that.
[10:08:44] I was Hunter.
[10:08:45] So I think I'll give you half a point for that.
[10:08:46] I can't believe I forgot Hunter.
[10:08:48] Yeah. And who won that second
[10:08:53] pistol? Well, obviously,
[10:08:55] Navi because Joe won the 1v2.
[10:08:57] That was to be correct. Yeah.
[10:08:59] He's the oldest player on
[10:09:01] the cell phone. It's obvious.
[10:09:04] It's next. That is correct. How
[10:09:08] old is he? Oh, okay. Yeah, 30.
[10:09:13] first answer. Who clutched on
[10:09:19] round 20 to put Navi on map
[10:09:21] point. Only two punches in the
[10:09:23] game. So I'm going to I'm going
[10:09:25] to get a little bit. I'm going to
[10:09:27] go with J L incorrect. Okay. Well,
[10:09:29] I know who it is. I do know
[10:09:31] who it is. Who clutched on
[10:09:33] round 20. Just to be certain
[10:09:35] here. So wherever it wants to
[10:09:37] be bombs are when the B bomb
[10:09:39] side that smoke comes in from
[10:09:41] That is correct. Shut up. You pay attention. What's trying? What was the final score on
[10:09:48] the final? 13. That's not the first half. There we go. The second half, therefore, must
[10:09:56] be a number. No. That's correct. That's with him with a steal. How many kills would
[10:10:05] jail get on 20. So I'm the last round. 20 kills of the last round. I don't even overall.
[10:10:11] On the last round, he got two kills. How many kills did he get on the last round? How many
[10:10:19] kills did he get on the last round? Three kills. 20 kills in the last round. No, no, no,
[10:10:25] no, no, just in the last round. You mean just during the last round of play, we were
[10:10:29] all watching how many killed in total did he have? You know, you don't ask the questions
[10:10:33] I just very asked the questions.
[10:10:35] Wait, wait, wait. How many kills in total did he have?
[10:10:36] Did you know the number?
[10:10:37] I don't want to tell you because, uh, we, for my, uh...
[10:10:39] It's not a question. It's not a question.
[10:10:40] Well, I'm asking this right now.
[10:10:41] Did he have 22?
[10:10:42] Why are you guys discussing this? I didn't even find out.
[10:10:44] Am I right? Am I right?
[10:10:46] I don't know. I didn't find out.
[10:10:48] If he had 22, I think he got four kills in the last round.
[10:10:50] Oh, shoot. That is correct.
[10:10:51] What? I just said one.
[10:10:52] I just said one.
[10:10:53] So, we were walking.
[10:10:54] Chad, I just pitched this.
[10:10:55] We were walking, right?
[10:10:56] So, I knew that he had 18 kills when we left the green room.
[10:10:59] I don't know how many...
[10:11:01] I thought you were trying to make me look good instead. You were using me. Yeah
[10:11:06] Alex's beautiful class, you know, he ends with the fall. I'll be honest. I had the volume a little bit low. Oh
[10:11:11] Oh, but I gather I get it right. You did get it right
[10:11:14] Well done in a horrible cruel twisted way. You got it right question number 14. What's the next map?
[10:11:20] newt that's correct and
[10:11:24] Once again production are saying to me when it does indeed take away because really got if I know if I've been counting these points
[10:11:31] Who was like USF or same?
[10:11:35] JL.
[10:11:36] That is correct.
[10:11:38] I guess you both win.
[10:11:40] Everybody wins, particularly when he's put up numbers like this.
[10:11:44] Yeah, he had a great game.
[10:11:46] He started very strong on the T side and then he cooled off a little bit.
[10:11:49] And then when they flip back over to the T side,
[10:11:53] not over back, but definitely over,
[10:11:55] then he had another strong start and a strong finish.
[10:11:58] So if anything, there was just the middle part of the game.
[10:12:00] You just see the middle.
[10:12:02] No matter how the middle goes, if anyone remembers, is the star in the finish shot.
[10:12:06] That's true.
[10:12:07] No one wants to be the middle man.
[10:12:08] Most people during a marathon, I'm not watching the majority of the race.
[10:12:13] They watch the kickoff and they watch people go over the finish line.
[10:12:16] A big kickoff.
[10:12:17] A big kickoff.
[10:12:18] They kick off the marathon.
[10:12:20] I love that.
[10:12:21] I love football.
[10:12:22] Me too.
[10:12:23] When's the big game?
[10:12:24] Tonight actually.
[10:12:25] Don't change an accent before the cast and waffle because of it.
[10:12:29] Let's follow him, he has great second nature, they're onto forest. Can he get it like this? He can!
[10:12:36] Short!
[10:12:38] Short, cross.
[10:12:39] Short side.
[10:12:40] Short side.
[10:12:41] Still on mid-short.
[10:12:42] Speaking.
[10:12:43] Side.
[10:12:44] Short side.
[10:12:45] He's coming, he's coming.
[10:12:45] Short side.
[10:12:46] Alright, I'm watching other guys coming.
[10:12:48] Follow me.
[10:12:48] I'm watching short, cross.
[10:12:49] Ups other guy, Ups other guy!
[10:12:50] Wait, can you go?
[10:12:51] Oh no.
[10:12:52] They're not moving.
[10:12:53] Side.
[10:12:55] Ups.
[10:12:56] 7 HP, side.
[10:13:06] RHP.
[10:13:07] Bukla.
[10:13:08] No.
[10:13:08] Okay, I'll take it.
[10:13:13] Nice, ICO guys! Let's go, man!
[10:13:15] It's very good, LoL.
[10:13:16] Touch the bike! Touch the bike!
[10:13:19] Up! Up! Up! Up! Up!
[10:13:21] Up! Labyrinth!
[10:13:23] Where are we now?
[10:13:25] Where's the phone? Fuck!
[10:13:27] Fuck!
[10:13:27] What the...
[10:13:34] Wait, wait.
[10:13:35] What's next, Trey?
[10:13:35] I see it.
[10:13:36] Come on, bomb.
[10:13:37] I'm not around. I smoke one.
[10:13:39] If you use one, we are all...
[10:13:40] Same, I need to take it, though.
[10:13:41] Where are we still?
[10:13:43] I'll spawn another one.
[10:13:44] I have to be. I have to be.
[10:13:45] I'm good, I'm good.
[10:13:50] Nice! Nice, boy!
[10:13:52] Let's go!
[10:13:53] Bro, we have to take B.
[10:13:54] Yes, bro. Let's go.
[10:13:55] Okay.
[10:13:56] I'm holding, I'm holding, I'm holding.
[10:13:57] I'm holding, I'm holding, I'm holding.
[10:13:58] I'm watching CT.
[10:13:59] I'm watching CT.
[10:14:00] I'm also here, CT.
[10:14:01] Go close, go close.
[10:14:02] I'm watching, you can do it.
[10:14:03] I drop, bomb, you take it.
[10:14:04] Five calls.
[10:14:05] One dead.
[10:14:06] Alt.
[10:14:08] PUSHED ATTACHE.
[10:14:08] Nice, boy!
[10:14:10] You're up.
[10:14:10] Clean, clean, clean.
[10:14:12] My favorite is Antico.
[10:14:13] I'm holding, I'm dodging, okay?
[10:14:15] Hold flash, please, Mario.
[10:14:15] I'm holding it.
[10:14:16] Dead apps, one.
[10:14:17] more more more
[10:14:19] I'm riding
[10:14:21] I'm riding
[10:14:23] I'm flashing in three seconds
[10:14:26] over site
[10:14:28] flashing over once
[10:14:30] flash it
[10:14:32] take it off
[10:14:36] let's go guys
[10:14:38] where is opa?
[10:14:40] they smoked something
[10:14:42] they smoked some passive smog
[10:14:44] I'm gonna clean this one
[10:14:46] one clean
[10:14:48] Left last, see if we're down short
[10:14:50] Short, Short, Short, Short
[10:14:53] Hey!
[10:14:54] Rushing to you
[10:14:56] Nice guys!
[10:14:57] Nice guys!
[10:14:59] Nice Rache, good job
[10:15:02] Check him down again
[10:15:05] One more, yes
[10:15:08] One more
[10:15:09] Nice!
[10:15:13] Nice, Miha!
[10:15:15] What the fuck is this?
[10:15:17] Just bomb city!
[10:15:18] Do it, do it, do it
[10:15:19] I'm almost dead
[10:15:20] I'm almost dead
[10:15:21] Don't peek
[10:15:22] I'm just a kid, it's misunderstood. I'm just a chill and kind guy.
[10:15:58] what points you see while earning rewards. Drops are activated and lucky winners will receive
[10:16:04] basic points. And if you have a miss a match, mods are now available. Get instant access to
[10:16:09] demos with multiple POVs and commentary. Watch it, control it, basic.
[10:16:15] We've got Churchill from the Crisis Management team. What did you see over a count every
[10:18:38] I just started my shift, it would have been 9.40, 9.45, I'd only just been started cleaning
[10:18:48] and it was then when we were doing the main pipeline, we found the...
[10:18:59] Was there anything else with the body?
[10:19:03] Nothing unusual, I mean we called you guys up straight away, looked like it had been there a while.
[10:19:09] At the moment, there has not been any suspect identified, but we are working quite hard
[10:19:30] behind the scenes, trying to establish exactly where this suspect put her ground.
[10:19:35] There is evidence of foul play here at the crime scene, and my heart goes out to all
[10:19:40] the effect on the parties, family, friends, and everyone out there that has seen or
[10:19:45] witnessed this devastating, devastating crime scene.
[10:19:50] Thank you for all of your condolences and your work into the late hours of the night to make sure that this suspect does not get away.
[10:20:00] Give your fighter player one, player two.
[10:20:22] Getting back into the server is G2 taking on Navi. G2 down one map to nothing so they better strap themselves on and get ready for a huge fight on this second map of Nuke.
[10:20:32] She's not always coming for an Alex.
[10:20:34] It's going to be huge. I really don't know what to expect with this one.
[10:20:37] Last time they played it, of course, in the head-to-head of the Esports World Cup.
[10:20:41] It did not look fantastic at 13-6. G2 unable to get a single T-round.
[10:20:46] However, they'll be starting on the defense in this one.
[10:20:48] That's the luxury when it's picked into you. You get the choice.
[10:20:52] And so G2 will start on the favorite side.
[10:20:54] And we've got ChanceBunch, Burchel joining us for map 2.
[10:20:56] It's got a while that two times of these teams have faced each other
[10:20:59] since this new G2 can put together is in the semi-final and the grand final, right?
[10:21:03] You can see it was obviously the grand final on the debut of that roster.
[10:21:06] And back in again deep within the playoffs, we've got the grand final coming up tomorrow,
[10:21:10] eternal file sitting hardly behind.
[10:21:13] Well, when they played this map at those grand finals,
[10:21:15] it was a little bit of a smackdown, wasn't it, Alex?
[10:21:18] Yeah, no, not pretty, not pretty whatsoever after G2 winning the first map,
[10:21:21] 13-6 back to back.
[10:21:23] Nuke, one of those.
[10:21:25] Let's see if they can start with the right foot forward on this one.
[10:21:27] You tilt, Rob Tao, Alexi sacrificing Kevlar in pursuit of that gives it to someone else.
[10:21:34] Nico tasked with yard monocy task with the ramp and this is going to be your...
[10:21:38] It's Feast or Famine and he's opted for neither.
[10:21:41] Actually there's a middle option if you want him done.
[10:21:44] Oh, clean from Snaggs.
[10:21:45] That's very nice.
[10:21:46] He hears that player closing the gap, JL catches the lobby flank.
[10:21:50] Now look at this space, one of us has been able to accrue by forcing those rotations,
[10:21:56] so able to take a waltz in the yard.
[10:21:59] happy about this, patrolled and caught snacks with the information.
[10:22:02] He's got to be worried about Malbzee, obviously has no idea this is coming.
[10:22:05] Alexei over towards hot, big fight for him goes down.
[10:22:08] Nico, there's another second player, he's looking for Jail on the flank.
[10:22:11] Jail's going to be coming right from hot as well.
[10:22:13] A one versus three.
[10:22:15] I know he was radio with that kill earlier.
[10:22:20] 10 round, best snacks, a nice one tap, Monacy at least getting one.
[10:22:25] And it's the Nico that makes a difference, that double kill.
[10:22:28] Clean clicks from the USB.
[10:22:29] I don't know, well, JL showing some frustrations there, wanting to get things done quickly either soon, but he's had a fantastic map number one, continuing to deliver, right?
[10:22:39] And I feel that this team, we've spoken about it a lot, there's so many individuals who can have big games. I think that must take the pressure off of one player to have to deliver time and time again.
[10:22:48] And the fact that JL continues to have these big games is an evolution for Navi because it was all about the system, the team, and then the difference maker, especially in the huge games, is the plays that these individuals are able to make.
[10:23:02] But he just seems to be a playmaking machine right now, JL that is.
[10:23:07] I think when you have a strong system, it's easier to put yourself in the right place at the right time.
[10:23:12] The information that's flowing the structure of understanding where your teammates are all of that plays into it
[10:23:18] And then when it does need to be absolutely mind-bogglingly insane it gets to be. Yeah
[10:23:22] And then those informed decisions if every decision you make is informed then you're you've got a good system
[10:23:29] It also lets you know when you like you can break out of that system, right?
[10:23:32] Like that's also part of it as well. It gives you the freedom to kind of pick and choose like this is the moment
[10:23:36] I'm allowed to have the freedom. That's a nasty shot from bit turn in the corner
[10:23:39] but with no armor, no utility, and no real weapons in their hands.
[10:23:44] This should be pretty much all over for Navi.
[10:23:46] G2 is applying a lot of pressure outside.
[10:23:49] Trying to keep another if it's given though, surely.
[10:23:51] It's a very long range dink with the MP9.
[10:23:55] Nico keeps himself at range as well, tapping through that smoke.
[10:23:57] He's taking a little liquor damage.
[10:24:00] Now looking to lose his M4 to this, what it was just a bit deagent.
[10:24:04] He's given over the MP9, or him has recovered that.
[10:24:07] How dissatisfied was Janko with the last map of play?
[10:24:11] There were some moments in there where he was very unpleased.
[10:24:14] A lot of hand gestures, quietly.
[10:24:16] Okay.
[10:24:16] Yeah, a lot of questioning hand gestures, I would say.
[10:24:20] Understandably so.
[10:24:21] Yeah.
[10:24:21] That was their map choice.
[10:24:23] We're in obvious turf now, which is where things get scary.
[10:24:25] Ancient is the third in deciding.
[10:24:27] And if we get there, I think G2 are well and truly in this,
[10:24:28] but they're gonna have to get it done on Nuke.
[10:24:30] And yesterday against Liquid,
[10:24:31] it was a lot of aggression from G2 on the CT side out the game.
[10:24:34] We'll see if that continues.
[10:24:35] We do turn into the first rifle round.
[10:24:37] with a couple of saved MP9s and likes of MabSnacks and Hunter.
[10:24:41] M4s from Odyssey and Niko, important positions to have those rifles and the bifinar V.
[10:24:49] Top U-Till.
[10:24:51] Gale invites the fight and good night, Hunter.
[10:24:56] Another player completely flashed off.
[10:24:58] He's lucky that Niko didn't walk back into that spray, so he's saved himself
[10:25:03] by remaining static and that name looks destined for glory!
[10:25:06] Balling from Niko!
[10:25:08] Catch that.
[10:25:10] They had a little back and forth on Inferno as well.
[10:25:12] Trading kills through Smokes. Both of them getting a couple here and there.
[10:25:15] Now it's Niko with the nade to clean him out of door.
[10:25:17] He must be going to walk this route, but there's two in secret.
[10:25:20] Nicely done.
[10:25:22] They only know of one, so getting a move on right now, Na'Vi, trying to take this space.
[10:25:25] They've identified where at least two of the four players are.
[10:25:28] Then Mobs is driving back towards control side and the lower bomb side as well.
[10:25:31] That second player they never spotted over in secret, so he's already got a good jump on this.
[10:25:35] You know, Monosy's already gonna bolster the numbers lower as well, this is very well made and a good decision made by G2.
[10:25:44] But what's the finish, right? You could smoke single and Molly into double, and that's how you're gonna force your way towards the site.
[10:25:49] Well, it's dark and backside with the Molly, so there's nothing for the windows, and Monosy swings open the door, takes that one easy as you like.
[10:25:54] Only the MP9 for Malb, so it's a tough fight for him. Goes down, now the bomb gonna be planted, they gotta be careful.
[10:26:01] Monosy doesn't just swing back out, spam through the smoke, doesn't connect enough. And we've got a retake scenario for G2.
[10:26:07] How is bit on that catches Niko these wallbangs connect it puts it all on to wonderful as monos he brings him down
[10:26:16] Yet to see wonderful frag here on nuke and this would be a wonderful time to do it
[10:26:23] cautious
[10:26:25] goes down
[10:26:26] Can he come up clutch?
[10:26:28] That's tough for G2 isn't it?
[10:26:36] It would be approached from Navi down towards the lower side
[10:26:39] It felt like hey, they had read the situation incorrectly
[10:26:42] They're expecting a player to actually be tucked in with those mollies that we saw
[10:26:46] This trade from beer is important, but I think the kill on Taniko, that's the defining because now it's the 2v2.
[10:26:50] Monizi's position was already given up, so he plays first, but Snack's unable to trade.
[10:26:55] And now one's gonna feel beer.
[10:26:57] And the bit of confidence is they...
[10:26:58] Well, one more round and they break G-teams finances.
[10:27:01] Those have to be the rounds that the G-trip had a number of conversations on, because I feel like, well, no one person's did any massive mistake.
[10:27:07] I feel like all four of them probably say, I could have played that so much better.
[10:27:10] Right.
[10:27:10] That's a 2v2, that's a 4 on 2 that they just lost.
[10:27:13] In the lower bomb site.
[10:27:14] I love the awareness of like from Navi that there's an absence of helmet here
[10:27:19] To deliver it back into the top side snacks is handle J
[10:27:23] I'll be ease and the coast dig is delivered as well trying to break their money and they've run into the side arm
[10:27:30] already
[10:27:32] This pace change has resulted in two casualties and G2 now sitting on a comfortable cushion of a two-man advantage
[10:27:40] If they can work their way back into this round
[10:27:42] I'd be hugely impressed because you only have a smoke in the Mali to work with on beat
[10:27:45] So if you go challenge yard, you may have this modesty AWP bearing down on your position currently parked towards ramp
[10:27:51] But how much info do they get?
[10:27:54] At this point you start to think okay, maybe they're not going to be coming through lobby
[10:27:59] We can block them and we've turtled up with the type of buy that we have available and the last minute juggling of utile
[10:28:05] So that's going to be left with Emma on this Mac 10
[10:28:07] Could he try and do the smoke in front of the door and drop down the vent?
[10:28:10] But if they can get across to secret and get down he can constrict the road. No never mind
[10:28:14] I was thinking the same thing. They're not maybe not the drop down then
[10:28:16] I was thinking maybe many you say they're saving now. Okay. I mean, this is I don't know
[10:28:20] I don't know what kind of a mindset you'd come into a round like this or certainly
[10:28:24] Thoughts going through your head when you lose around like this because it almost feels like this is one
[10:28:27] You just write off you just won around with only one player surviving
[10:28:30] You just didn't have the funds to actually get a clean buy with a k-47s across everyone a really crappy position to be in
[10:28:36] If we're honest for a T side
[10:28:38] Well, they were running through a smoke in hearts that didn't help anything
[10:28:41] their own smoke as part of an
[10:28:43] exchange. Yeah, so if that was
[10:28:46] they're really trying to force the issues. So they're expecting something completely different from G2 in a round like that.
[10:28:51] But that one's got to feel real comfy. I think Snack's quite content with how that one unfolded.
[10:28:56] So that's the smoke I was talking about that they're running through. And that makes it really quite easy for them to lock down this topside
[10:29:01] Niko leering into the smoke. And that's just one of those calls that you make hoping that they're stacking elsewhere.
[10:29:07] Yeah, not always gonna land.
[10:29:09] Well, the save does facilitate a threatening looking round from Narvi.
[10:29:18] Ooh, indecision. I just watched Alexi start lining something up, change his mind.
[10:29:23] I do feel like the yard duo for G2 is fast becoming a threat.
[10:29:33] You have to be able to put down Monosia and Niko.
[10:29:36] You saw how Liquid struggled to do so just yesterday.
[10:29:39] I think Liquid would have killed to have been able to play them in yard.
[10:29:45] I feel like most of the times they got in the engagement, this is a lot of elections.
[10:29:48] Is there a flash for this?
[10:29:50] Nina get Monosy off the line somehow.
[10:29:52] Can't go dry.
[10:29:53] We'll absolutely pip to the toe.
[10:29:54] Alexi hasn't lined up, but it's not going to come into play.
[10:29:56] Monosy on the bit.
[10:29:57] Friends, now foe.
[10:29:58] And he doesn't even feel pressured, that Molly.
[10:30:02] Oh, Miss Molly.
[10:30:03] Yeah, absolutely.
[10:30:04] Screwed that one up, haven't they?
[10:30:05] And you just have to back off.
[10:30:06] You can't go now.
[10:30:07] So another round is very flat for Navi.
[10:30:08] Might almost be a blessing in disguise if they land that Molly.
[10:30:11] Maybe they go into Ramp Room and they obviously don't have the MP9 around the corner on
[10:30:14] mobs.
[10:30:15] Channel towards hard with that smoke landing door.
[10:30:17] Still 50 seconds on the clock.
[10:30:18] They can't wait.
[10:30:19] But it feels like we're going to find ourselves in a similar position as last round.
[10:30:21] There's no good option.
[10:30:22] Are we better off saving?
[10:30:24] Which in only one man disadvantage, you know, feels even worse to do.
[10:30:28] But what are you going to have next round?
[10:30:28] Yeah, I promise you don't have any money to repay utility, do you?
[10:30:31] Give it a go.
[10:30:35] No money for the C2 ban.
[10:30:37] The fight's given to them.
[10:30:39] An equalizing frag.
[10:30:41] Potential fumble.
[10:30:42] Now, you know where Monacy is.
[10:30:43] What's your decision?
[10:30:43] Hunter perhaps going to be overlooked.
[10:30:45] It's a collateral from Monacy.
[10:30:47] Paul's the trigger.
[10:30:48] Takes down two with just the one Paul.
[10:30:51] And Emma, the last victim, runs to his demise.
[10:30:54] G2 in full control as they break through.
[10:30:59] Top spot for Navi now.
[10:31:01] We'll just have to take some lie investments
[10:31:03] and buy into the next.
[10:31:04] This is going to be a 5-1 start for G2.
[10:31:07] But it doesn't look too worried.
[10:31:08] It does adjacent.
[10:31:09] No, he never does, though.
[10:31:10] I can't ever read what he's thinking in his head.
[10:31:13] That's a beautiful shot.
[10:31:16] Monosy on the reaction speed test.
[10:31:20] Ooh.
[10:31:21] He held it back.
[10:31:22] Fair play. He cuts it back, but he held it.
[10:31:24] No, strong recommendation to any desk slammers out there.
[10:31:27] Just go for a bald fist and pretend you're about to punch him on the head, but don't.
[10:31:31] That's a nice alternative.
[10:31:32] That's quite a strain. When you're frustrated, you tend not to have much of that.
[10:31:34] No, that's true too. I had a couple of slams last night.
[10:31:38] Even when we're playing here, you got so frustrated you couldn't crouch, there's a clip of you punching him on the head.
[10:31:42] They call you. You're in one of the monsters moment.
[10:31:44] Am I? Oh dear.
[10:31:46] Live on film.
[10:31:47] Punching ESL property. I've been in trouble.
[10:31:49] You won't get fined by the players. It's okay.
[10:31:52] This is an interesting setup. What's Niko doing? He's just hanging out looking for the top main drop, I suppose, with these Deagles sent out searching. What can they find?
[10:32:00] This is important that Navi gets some kills here. You don't want G2 to have a clean round and then be staring down at Nuke's CT side that's got two buys beneath him that can always have replenished utility.
[10:32:10] The scoreline last time they met on Nuke was 6-6 for G2 on this defensive half. That was the only six rounds they managed to recruit.
[10:32:20] crew. But they're also doing it to Navi with Navi through to them in the first map. Remember
[10:32:23] G2 on the CT side inferno or T side inferno couldn't really get a whole lot of their money was always
[10:32:28] in such a weird place and I think G2 is inflicting that very same pain right now. We've essentially
[10:32:32] had three rounds in a row where there's been a really cluster five for the Navi side.
[10:32:38] Yeah I think the point that Alex has just brought up is the work needs to be done from G2
[10:32:46] within the first half. So maybe if we shift our expectations to a back and forth close half,
[10:32:51] more as G2 needs, let's say, eight plus rounds. That means the metric of every time Na'Vi do post
[10:32:58] a round or put G2 in a breaking point, that excitement can grow because we know that G2
[10:33:02] and some of the T-sides can look worse for wear at times. Whereas Na'Vi, I understand that
[10:33:07] right now they're still four rounds behind. They can also have strong C-T-sides. So we're
[10:33:11] expecting them to most likely have a better t-half in this map. Now that could come back
[10:33:16] in age like milk. But is it pasteurized? That's the question. It's an important question as
[10:33:22] well. Well, Blade's on the mark. Now, I always say this and I never keep track. So I need
[10:33:27] the two of you to keep me on it right now. Okay, I'll start. Wow. I like to say the
[10:33:31] Blade and Timeouts, you know, we find conversion. So let's make sure we have this round ends
[10:33:34] if Blade's Timeout has found the round conversion and we'll give him a tick. We need to
[10:33:38] make sure that we're keeping track of that because I can't keep saying it and
[10:33:40] And then maybe he loses a round. I don't even remember myself, so...
[10:33:43] Yeah, okay.
[10:33:43] A whole minute and fifty-five seconds goes past.
[10:33:46] You were countable, yeah, exactly. Once the round's over, I've forgotten everything.
[10:33:49] So what's the blade adjustment? What is the change from Na'Vi?
[10:33:51] I agree with Jason's point about these buys being pretty busted for Na'Vi considering the sequence of the start of the game.
[10:33:56] They're into everything they want besides a wonderful AWP, so what does this look like?
[10:34:02] So dynamic, he starts out.
[10:34:08] Well, a barrage of utility to open the round for Na'Vi into the upper bomb site.
[10:34:11] Just to test things.
[10:34:13] plenty of Utah left for them down the stretch nobody's going outside do you
[10:34:18] feel that this maneuver from monosy is a direct play to deal with the fact that
[10:34:22] okay now we know that the all-piz in play we want to avoid it to long corridors
[10:34:26] like ramp or outside if we're gonna search and try and go across towards
[10:34:29] heaven or hell or try and get in towards that garage position I will say
[10:34:33] Niko's got no HE so this he's not gonna be able to give any answers as to
[10:34:36] Ooh!
[10:34:37] Ooh.
[10:34:38] I think they took him.
[10:34:39] Yeah, I think so.
[10:34:40] But now Hunter's been told to get out of there.
[10:34:42] Not a C!
[10:34:43] What?!
[10:34:44] Goes super wide, tracks out a Lexi, costs him his life, it's up to the rest.
[10:34:48] Snacks, what have you got?
[10:34:50] What are you made of on this topside?
[10:34:52] A full versus three.
[10:34:53] Disadvantaged for Narvi once more, but a wall bang can change it all.
[10:34:56] Snacks gets brought low.
[10:34:57] Hunter delivers the dog.
[10:34:58] Six for G2, and keeping four alive as well.
[10:35:06] And I remembered this time round.
[10:35:08] timeout not converted. But look it'd be great at some point if we ever are able to and I think
[10:35:16] maybe one day it might be possible. But it'd be great if we can integrate right like the tactical
[10:35:21] timeout into ground conversion. And I understand that the conversation gets a little nuanced like
[10:35:25] what if they're taking it on a round where they're going to be partial by and they're talking
[10:35:28] about the next rifle round but regardless I think it's still important. Exactly and it's never
[10:35:33] going to be perfect. Nothing is this is life. We'll clean up the details as we go.
[10:35:36] Oh, yeah, yep. He's on I think I think if you're a nappy player
[10:35:41] I imagine you feel pretty frustrated. We already covered the weird economy
[10:35:45] They've had to deal with in the busted buys but even that last round of the time out their their entire plan gets disrupted
[10:35:49] It's before they can even begin it monosies position throws them off a little bit. This is a cool drop-down ramp
[10:35:54] There's already players here. It's Malph's. He's worrying about secret though. He's just a coping cold back
[10:35:58] They've probably heard the sound cues, but it's his chance for a multi
[10:36:01] Oh, he's left the first one go missing shots
[10:36:08] It's a frag, Malbs.
[10:36:09] Onto the USB, it works just as well.
[10:36:11] One to the head could do it, but unable to hit it.
[10:36:15] Wonderful.
[10:36:16] That's an important frag.
[10:36:17] Is there more trouble brewing?
[10:36:19] I think there might be.
[10:36:20] Ima's brought down Monacy.
[10:36:21] Alexi playing the doors, Hunter might overlook this
[10:36:23] as he goes for the clear.
[10:36:25] A two-man setup.
[10:36:26] Lovely, checks it.
[10:36:26] Wonderful delivers another.
[10:36:28] Massive round from Wonderful so far,
[10:36:30] but the job is not done.
[10:36:31] Ima, sinking down the vents.
[10:36:33] Last scene, holding this.
[10:36:34] Snacks, that's another hero.
[10:36:35] Blue gets off it.
[10:36:36] He looked up too high.
[10:36:37] Now he could get knocked off it with a well-placed eagle head shot, but he doesn't fire the shot!
[10:36:41] And it's a 7th for G2!
[10:36:44] Mouse got something.
[10:36:45] Really? That one didn't he?
[10:36:47] What about Chef's kiss? Is that what he gave him right there?
[10:36:49] Yeah.
[10:36:50] I think it's just the pressure that he's under because it's unarmored players, right?
[10:36:53] But still, the fact that they have infiltrated his bombsite and he gets two.
[10:36:57] One, okay, but two, that's more than par for the course.
[10:37:00] He manages it well. He's all alone, right?
[10:37:02] And you can see he even takes a couple of shots towards the window conserving ammunition.
[10:37:05] He knows there's a timing that he's gonna get wrapped upon
[10:37:07] There's a really good double kill to make sure this retake is doable because it was still it was still labeled
[10:37:13] Wasn't clean monistee's got the off back
[10:37:15] He missed the first like seven bullets and then still managed to adjust to find his double so
[10:37:20] Yeah, I understand why Tanz is so happy with what mouse has put out then his output in fact the whole teams output right now
[10:37:25] Nook looking like a Matthew
[10:37:27] I put out this fucking guy man
[10:37:29] Fucking Tigglesman, how was working in this game?
[10:37:31] It's like I'm in Team Speak with him.
[10:37:35] Well, the round, but he's still going off his tree.
[10:37:38] That's what that was, Niko.
[10:37:41] I did two at first, you know.
[10:37:43] You can see he's been spending time with him.
[10:37:45] OK, Malbs, you got another one in you?
[10:37:51] Tested early this time, and bit just flattens him.
[10:37:54] Ramp lost one of the reactions.
[10:37:56] This is where G2 can get caught out.
[10:37:57] Hunter and Niko immediately dip down the vent loudly,
[10:38:00] and that's been heard.
[10:38:01] They're in, though.
[10:38:02] All good kill from Hunter, smoke comes down to his door, Niko is picked and a clear, slides under it, that's a massive clear and he's controlling the double doors.
[10:38:10] And there's a good lurk from Wonderful as well. Three players go down, two lurkers left up top, Nami in complete control.
[10:38:18] Well felt tough to let that one go, didn't it?
[10:38:20] I think he thought he had it, like he thought it was done, but the pole absorbed a couple of the bullets.
[10:38:25] Well they are taking their time about this, and I want to give Monosir a chance in the clutch, you can see how diligent they are and understandably so.
[10:38:29] so this kid's flashy.
[10:38:32] You give him an opportunity to start hitting shots
[10:38:33] and he will, well, wonderful, won't.
[10:38:36] So will he get into the AWP?
[10:38:37] Will that be scooped up?
[10:38:38] No, they wanna continue this two-side game plan
[10:38:40] with rifles aplenty, so wonderful.
[10:38:42] And the blades tutelage does not want the big green.
[10:38:44] Monacy, oh, Hunter can drop the AWP.
[10:38:46] Yeah, but this is the thing
[10:38:47] and this is what I was gonna touch on.
[10:38:48] The finances for G2 considering the scoreline
[10:38:50] are not fantastic.
[10:38:51] It's not like they had two residual buys available.
[10:38:54] So this is that breaking point.
[10:38:55] And we were talking about maybe shifting the bar
[10:38:56] because we want G2 or expect G2
[10:38:58] they're gonna win this map to do their best work on the CT side. So we're talking about eight or nine rounds, if not better.
[10:39:04] Now obviously that's still possible. They could get ten at the half. If they lose this one, they will be broken.
[10:39:08] And that means the Finances are part of the barrel. They're gonna have a tough time getting back into this and now they can definitely find four or five for the half.
[10:39:17] Important round.
[10:39:18] Tongues of smoke outside. Four smokes deployed for this cross. One of them a CG smoke.
[10:39:30] The utility and Molotov to delay access to secret as best as possible, but there's no
[10:39:35] nades to break open in these smokes.
[10:39:38] And Navi's starting to cross them.
[10:39:41] Oh, that's quick.
[10:39:43] Straight to the skull of wonderful, and Niko plugs out Imre as well, so the yard crawl
[10:39:48] halted early.
[10:39:49] They missed the timing on that little crawl in the big garage as the smoke clears.
[10:39:54] I like to see you just sitting back in the chair there because you have to reset and
[10:39:59] re-contemplate what you're gonna do because earlier on in the piece we
[10:40:01] submitted a couple of these rounds that trickled out but they couldn't make it
[10:40:04] then and this all trouble really started when they won around and then went for
[10:40:08] the top pop and just got absolutely denied and from there G2 have just
[10:40:11] been able to stack them on we just discussed the breaking point it feels
[10:40:14] like G2 are gonna hold on to this yeah if you don't get any kills in this
[10:40:18] round it's not be it's horrifying that Molotov forces oh my lord oh yeah
[10:40:25] Look at that. That's the fire extinguisher. Look at it.
[10:40:29] Just got to say... They have to go down the vent.
[10:40:30] You have to go down the vent. This is the only way.
[10:40:33] Look at them all taking heavy damage.
[10:40:35] Knife is out, one ready for Nico so soon, and he knows his job is done.
[10:40:39] Slams the door shut, reposition, safe angle,
[10:40:43] and his teammate, Miles will sweep the rest of the rug.
[10:40:45] It's Miles and Nico getting the job done with Modesty, just outside.
[10:40:49] Big good team counter-strike late there.
[10:40:50] Nico could just stand and take that fight if he wants,
[10:40:52] and it allows him to potentially isolate a one-on-one against
[10:40:55] but they take contact off of each other, they shut things down and it was their round to lose
[10:40:59] considering these two openings will catch them again. Monosy from Lockers,
[10:41:02] shatters, wonderful soaps and dreams in that one. And Niko being down as I was saying that was the only way.
[10:41:08] You're not going to topside Monosy's, Orph was on the floor, you still had Hunter,
[10:41:11] they're still a player top heart, so they've been able to dial in G2.
[10:41:13] Finances again for Naveed, now it's only four rounds possible. Great CT half for G2.
[10:41:18] can it be greater said 10 was possible and now maybe not because JL has managed to find
[10:41:28] an opening spams out Niko through the smoke a little revenge from Inferno but in there
[10:41:32] oh spotted and at least he gets the information a leg shot a quick shot from monosy confirms
[10:41:39] the secret occupied by the opposition also hit him in the ankle through the wall not
[10:41:43] a whole lot of damage done but hunters drop down at least the information is there at
[10:41:46] at least he caught that piece as Ema descends into secret.
[10:41:50] A few more Na'Vi players bringing up the rear.
[10:41:53] A complete rotation downstairs.
[10:41:55] Heavy rotation.
[10:41:56] You've got so many rounds,
[10:41:57] it feels like you can gamble a little bit.
[10:41:58] You can take some of these chances
[10:41:59] and you have been reading them decently.
[10:42:01] So I don't mind this whatsoever.
[10:42:04] I'm honestly going to go checking ahead of the line.
[10:42:06] Na'Vi catches him out walking.
[10:42:08] He is an absolute nightmare for Na'Vi right now.
[10:42:11] He's everywhere.
[10:42:12] Yeah, but look at what this over rotation has allowed.
[10:42:14] Look at all the space gained.
[10:42:15] Lexi can try and cut off snacks, getting back to the site, it's through his smoke, doesn't see it, comes back for more.
[10:42:21] Oh, Lexi didn't commit to the fight because he knows he's got J.L. Endure, and Heaven is controlled by Navi as well.
[10:42:26] Bit is gonna save the day, mobs can do absolutely nothing, and there's one more who's trying to make it up the ladder, and the vent.
[10:42:34] And G2 just locked out of this round after the rotation downstairs.
[10:42:42] Where are they?
[10:42:42] I mean, he's on the reload.
[10:42:45] Not really, no expense.
[10:42:46] The fact that Bit has gone down the ladder
[10:42:47] while Bonacie's preoccupied,
[10:42:49] just, yeah, it's just gaming.
[10:42:51] He is gaming.
[10:42:52] And that's the thing, look at the money, right?
[10:42:54] Look at the finances right here.
[10:42:55] We're going into this final round of the half.
[10:42:57] We're going to have only the 1400 loss,
[10:42:59] but it's going to be slightly touch and go.
[10:43:01] Bit's making sure that AWP can't be picked up by Hunter
[10:43:04] if he was to be sneaking around.
[10:43:05] We can see he isn't.
[10:43:06] He's in the bend and actually,
[10:43:07] Bit's going to carry the AWP into the final round to play.
[10:43:10] So I suppose Wonderful is going to be getting that as a gift.
[10:43:12] They'll change up. I mean, they've been very stubborn about seaside orbs and I'm really pulling money out
[10:43:17] Hasn't been a part of the game plan so far. So if Hunter drops from monocie both mobs and snacks can buy themselves
[10:43:23] I assume stacks will probably go into something a little bit lighter like an MP9
[10:43:26] Malbs is going to as well. So they feel that they need utility in this
[10:43:29] Niko will have an M4 monocie the same Hunter's gonna have a rifle. So this isn't a bad buy
[10:43:33] It's obviously not idealic
[10:43:35] You don't have everything that they would be hoping for but still they can contend for nine rounds at the half
[10:43:39] I don't frequently attend the casino, but is there a term for when you gamble and you gambling correctly?
[10:43:45] losing
[10:43:48] Okay, yeah, that's what they did G2 losers aggression in the 11th round mouse charges through I love this
[10:43:55] Okay, they've got it the G2 lobby control flies around the corner
[10:44:00] Wings in the feed Malves takes down JL gonna get a move on
[10:44:04] They've got the FCB with haste, juggling the smokes to try and reposition.
[10:44:13] Hamstrung early, big yard focus on their setup as well here, they've got plenty cover.
[10:44:22] Wonderful though, that T side ult, will it be overlooked in their movements here?
[10:44:26] G2 need to be careful, Takton unbreakable is one.
[10:44:29] Monosy, Malbs jiggling, Niko.
[10:44:33] The warehouse, he actually tags him. Good shooting from Wonderful.
[10:44:37] Hunter's come up secret. They're really focused on this part of the map.
[10:44:41] Understandably so. They're walking out now and Wonderful just turned his back as Hunter rounds the corner.
[10:44:46] I think he will.
[10:44:47] Oh!
[10:44:48] We spot the information. He says they've fallen back from outside.
[10:44:51] Nobody's here. They've repositioned back towards Lobby and Navi.
[10:44:54] They found that window that G2 had to vacate the premises.
[10:44:58] This is uncomfortable if Snacks goes down cleanly.
[10:45:00] cleanly. Lovely double dink out of the MP9 close range. Modesty finds the right angle to deliver
[10:45:08] the killing blow onto bit. And one by one, Na'Vi fall. We said eight's great. Well, nine
[10:45:14] is better. And they're just one kill away from a nine to three CT half. Is that Malbs?
[10:45:24] I'm starting with the same goal.
[10:45:26] The save! Yeah, exactly.
[10:45:28] 9-3 G2. They want to take us to the distance.
[10:45:31] They want to see map 3.
[10:45:33] 4 rounds away.
[10:45:34] Got the second half of the second map of our second semi-final.
[10:49:08] Navi and G2.
[10:49:10] I got Jason Mozzo, Torchabh Spunj, Bershaw in the booth.
[10:49:14] Looking to see if we need 3 and it looks likely
[10:49:18] 3 to work with as discussed last time they met.
[10:49:21] G2 was the second half and G2 struggled to post any rounds on their T-Side.
[10:49:26] It's been a consistent recurring theme that G2's T-Sides have lacked some polish at times.
[10:49:31] You said zero rounds the last time they played Nuke on their T-Side.
[10:49:34] Yes, zero.
[10:49:35] Yeah, zero.
[10:49:36] But Nile ready.
[10:49:37] You only need four.
[10:49:38] You only need four.
[10:49:39] That's true.
[10:49:40] A pistol would be huge.
[10:49:41] A pistol all but locks it in.
[10:49:44] Looking problematic.
[10:49:46] It's looking too comfortable.
[10:49:48] Everyone from Nile V in attendance, the Imma Double,
[10:49:51] Off for a quiet first half, and JL just throws the cherry on top.
[10:49:54] Now, Alex, if you don't mind, I'm going to take Jason down and remain with myself.
[10:49:59] Oh, please. Here we go.
[10:49:59] Back in the day, Jason, we were sprightly young teenagers.
[10:50:04] And we were playing Counter-Strike for the love of the game.
[10:50:06] For love.
[10:50:07] There was no money in it.
[10:50:08] We were just playing.
[10:50:09] Nuke used to be a 12-3 scoreline, but the half would be pretty standard.
[10:50:13] Pretty powerful, the call, so I would say.
[10:50:15] Yeah, even, even, you know, 14-1s were out there once in a while, yeah.
[10:50:19] Sometimes Alex you would even bring those games back
[10:50:21] Yeah, you would get one or two rounds on a new T half and you'd be like well
[10:50:24] We can work with that because you can shut this map down now. I don't think that's the same in the modern conversation
[10:50:30] I definitely think the T's have a lot more options secrets change position
[10:50:33] Under isn't crazy with those massive
[10:50:35] Yes, almost bulletproof doors that used to exist once upon a time
[10:50:39] But the 9-3 scoreline at the half
[10:50:41] This is something that I feel is recoverable for now V and obviously the woes of G2 and the T side
[10:50:46] that they're going to break within this series, and then also the curse that they're hoping to break against the Lexi B.
[10:50:51] So there's a lot against G2. So if Navi can get off to a good start, the pissed around helps.
[10:50:55] This conversion against some Deagle upgrades is going to be good, and then if they can deal with the first rightful round, this game's on.
[10:51:00] And if you have any long-time ESL Fair League listeners tuning in, I believe that a previous season, when CS2 had just come out,
[10:51:06] we mathematically decided that 9-3 is the new most dangerous scoreline.
[10:51:10] That's right.
[10:51:11] It's like the 11-4.
[10:51:12] Yeah. It is the equivalent.
[10:51:14] We call that one O-Tools Law.
[10:51:16] We've got a lot of laws.
[10:51:18] But we're starting to get quite a lot going on.
[10:51:20] We should write them down at some point.
[10:51:22] Harry invented another one the other day.
[10:51:25] I think he was feeling hungry. Cole's Law.
[10:51:27] Cole's Law? Yeah, that sounds good actually.
[10:51:30] Alright, here come the rifles.
[10:51:33] Malm's going to operate with the Galil.
[10:51:35] NK47s for everybody else.
[10:51:37] So light on a little bit of crowd control utility.
[10:51:39] We are lacking molotovs on four out of the five members of G2.
[10:51:42] and smokes to work with though. Let's see if they go for just a classic smoke wall outside.
[10:51:48] And wonderful in pursuit of an AWP has opted not to get the helmet. Just keep your eyes
[10:51:51] on that if he meets maps. 9-5, let's go! First Gunny! Will there be anything off the rip?
[10:52:01] Will they let Niko take some space yard first? This is the type of round if you're G2 you
[10:52:10] want to play out a little bit slowly. Now you want to see if the CTs are going to operate
[10:52:14] with any opening gambits, allow them to use their protocol utility of blocking the top
[10:52:18] rushes, blocking ramp, and then once it subsides, then your individuals who we know are on point
[10:52:22] are able to take some of these jewels. You're having a good game from Niko, Monosy, Hunter
[10:52:25] the same, and it's not like Malbs and Snacks are lacking too far behind. They've also had
[10:52:28] some impactful kills, especially Malbs now on the T side. This is where he can do
[10:52:32] a bit better work because he gets to initiate a few more jewels.
[10:52:36] Only two smokes left for G2 on this T side though. If they want to go downstairs,
[10:52:39] they're going to have to use both of them. But at this point, Navi's getting a lot
[10:52:42] of information starting to push up ramp room to try and clear up lobby there's
[10:52:47] mobs waiting there to meet them. Okay Malmst is gonna get a first test and there
[10:52:54] is one to fall without his helmet getting deleted but fortunately bit was
[10:52:58] present and the trade is in. And then Navi's in a weird place because they
[10:53:03] dropped one down they had to respect the fact that secret that access to
[10:53:05] secret was open they also have to respect the fact that heaven is open
[10:53:09] This is a lot of this. Oh, the angle from bit is almost a guaranteed frag.
[10:53:14] Just like... Almost! I said almost!
[10:53:18] Because Hunter does not get the memo, takes the head off of bit, and AlexiB needs a multi-kill here.
[10:53:22] He's only had one frag, and this could be a difference maker.
[10:53:25] Can he have an impact round? Can he maintain the momentum?
[10:53:28] Modesty does hit two clean headshots, and time is up.
[10:53:32] The essence, the plant won't be denied, but maybe he can isolate.
[10:53:35] They put the G2 starting to believe that he's going to be determined on the third.
[10:53:44] Yeah, you're talking about Alexi there.
[10:53:46] It felt like he maybe should have been able to get another kill,
[10:53:49] but the pressure mounting and bit as well.
[10:53:51] Yeah.
[10:53:51] I felt like a guaranteed kill. I was with you.
[10:53:53] I agreed 100% we did that scenario.
[10:53:56] Did JL drop his M4 to pick up that Galil?
[10:54:01] They all M4's at the side of this round, correct?
[10:54:04] Maybe, yeah.
[10:54:05] But still, the M4 is practically a little advice-versive, right?
[10:54:09] Yeah.
[10:54:10] I don't feel like the recoil's a little weird in the glill.
[10:54:12] Okay, yeah, fair enough.
[10:54:13] Bit more than laser boom, depending on the M4.
[10:54:15] Yeah.
[10:54:16] Well, that's a dream start.
[10:54:17] You can ask for more!
[10:54:18] More, you're testing bit!
[10:54:21] And he handles ramp with poise, with elegance.
[10:54:24] This is the kind of Rambo Yanko would have his hands up and being like,
[10:54:27] What's going on in the map?
[10:54:29] Yes.
[10:54:30] Well, I don't know what the memo, honestly, was given,
[10:54:32] but he seemed to be under the impression that bit was not going to be present.
[10:54:35] This is a tough round to swallow if you're G2 right out of a win.
[10:54:41] out of a win. No, no, no, no, no, no, boys, we're not going to sit here for a minute and
[10:54:45] twenty seconds. We're not going to sit here for a minute and twenty seconds.
[10:54:48] It's so fucking difficult!