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LIVE: Fluxo vs paiN Gaming - ESL Challenger League - Season 48 - SA

10-04-2024 · 2h 24m

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[00:31:24] Good evening everybody. Welcome to a night of ESL Challenge League, not on our normally scheduled Tuesday or Wednesday.
[00:31:30] It's Thursday night ECL and it's BogPinelple Phillips with you.
[00:31:34] Unfortunately due to the update, we couldn't have it last night, but we have it here for you tonight, Nate.
[00:31:40] And, well, that's just the wonder of online Counter-Strike.
[00:31:44] If it doesn't happen yesterday, it's gonna happen today.
[00:31:47] Yep, if it doesn't happen yesterday, it'll happen today.
[00:31:49] And in fact, we do have the exact same metric we were expecting to have last night.
[00:31:53] So really realistically it is essentially a one-day shift as you mentioned
[00:31:58] And we have a rather exciting matchup on this evening balls as party astronauts versus Timberman on an uncharacteristic
[00:32:05] Thursday night afternoon or Thursday evening. Yeah, I'm excited for some Thursday night ECL
[00:32:09] We can see there's legacy and limitless over on ESL CSB as well
[00:32:14] But party astronauts Timberman is where we find ourselves as the season grinds to a close
[00:32:19] Next week is the final week of the regular season of ESL Challenger League Season 48 playoffs the week after.
[00:32:27] So we're getting towards the end of 2024.
[00:32:31] And for party astronauts, they've had a lot of roster changes as of late, losing both 60 and Wolf, you will get back into that in a little bit.
[00:32:39] But there's been some serious roster changes down the line in North America, despite it being this late in the season.
[00:32:46] Yeah, a lot of roster changes for both of these teams as you mentioned those two heavy hitters coming out of the roster lineup taking a break
[00:32:54] Again makes sense considering their little success outside of the domestic competition
[00:33:00] Of course, party Ash must pick up peeping and og wizard to flush out their roster Timberman
[00:33:05] Pick up Nero and a left I believe they lost Dia and peeping who is now going up against them under his new team name
[00:33:13] That'll be an exciting head-to-head there, but Timberman's the same course, you know snab, dare and shame party astronauts have been leet
[00:33:20] Infinite and fang as their core and this is a very interesting one began because again of those roster changes very late in the season
[00:33:28] Yeah, and considering that now the core of party astronauts is Ben Leet infinite and fang
[00:33:33] That's kind of weird if you've been a longtime follower of North American Counter-Strike the duo of Ben Leet and Pone alone
[00:33:39] and finally fell earlier this year.
[00:33:41] And Ben and Zixie had been together for quite some time,
[00:33:45] Infinite rejoining this party,
[00:33:46] Asthma's roster almost a minus twice,
[00:33:48] plus twice situation there with Infinite and PA.
[00:33:52] But now with Ben, Infinite and a very experienced player
[00:33:54] in Fang as well to round out the squad
[00:33:56] with OG Wizard and Peeping coming in,
[00:33:58] both as younger players.
[00:34:00] It makes a pretty solid roster
[00:34:02] and they just took down nouns two to one
[00:34:04] earlier today as well.
[00:34:05] So that's a very big team for them to drop
[00:34:08] in a best of three.
[00:34:09] And there's a lot of potential for this roster,
[00:34:11] especially with some added firepower,
[00:34:13] oping-wise in particular, in the form of OG Wizard.
[00:34:17] Yeah, Wolfie wasn't an explosive offer,
[00:34:19] but he was a very consistent one.
[00:34:21] He found damage pretty much everywhere.
[00:34:23] It was rare that he would have a bad game,
[00:34:25] but he doesn't take over.
[00:34:26] He's not one of those players you watch
[00:34:27] for the flashy op plays.
[00:34:29] OG Wizard, despite being a young player, very much is.
[00:34:31] He's a man who can be exploding into the round.
[00:34:34] He can take over a round.
[00:34:35] He can take over a game if you aren't careful.
[00:34:37] And so he gives party astronauts a lot of, I don't want to say volatility,
[00:34:41] but he does give them a lot more possibility in terms of the highs that they can hit.
[00:34:45] I agree. And he also plays a very stable form of hopping as well.
[00:34:50] He's not over-aggressive. He'll throw everything to the wind to take over the map.
[00:34:55] He'll still play a very disciplined, very regimented style of hopping.
[00:34:59] A lot of take the angle, take your shot back to the next corner.
[00:35:03] Take the angle, take the shot back to the next corner.
[00:35:06] And he misses very rarely. He hits the shots he should hit 9 times out of 10.
[00:35:12] And that's the important thing for any operator is hitting the shots you should be hitting.
[00:35:15] And he'll go in there and hit the shots he shouldn't be hitting too, just for good measure.
[00:35:21] Yeah, again, it was exciting seeing him throughout the season.
[00:35:24] It's good to see him find a home on a seasoned team like party astronauts.
[00:35:27] I think they can really play around him and play him to his strengths.
[00:35:31] Ben Leet is a very smart IGL to kind of take these young players under his wing.
[00:35:36] We haven't really touched on peeping yet either, as another young gun on this squadron.
[00:35:39] He's more of an impact player. He doesn't take over rounds.
[00:35:42] In fact, there are some times where you're like, he's too quiet.
[00:35:45] But especially when the team needs him, he is there, and he can have tremendous impact.
[00:35:49] A lot of multi-kills come to mind when you think of peeping.
[00:35:51] Again, quiet for a while, but when you need him, when he needs to step up, he definitely does.
[00:35:58] Yeah, he kind of just sits under the radar, and when he's required, he pops up.
[00:36:02] But let's look at the standings here as we are into our final three days of the regular season for ECO
[00:36:08] NRG top of the table at 21 and 5. They've completed their season
[00:36:13] Wild card just behind them 24 a chance to actually take over that top spot legacy and m80 both at 19 and 3
[00:36:21] So they are also within striking distance of those top two
[00:36:24] So the top two spots that get you a bind to the second round of the upper bracket are still up for grabs
[00:36:29] And NRG do not control their own destiny anymore
[00:36:32] No, they don't.
[00:36:34] And this is very interesting because I thought the top two kind of be locked down between
[00:36:38] NRG and MAD.
[00:36:39] Just given NRG's very solid start, but those last two games that I didn't account for,
[00:36:43] I thought it was a 24 game season, actually a 26 game season, really do throw a spanner
[00:36:48] in the works wild card.
[00:36:50] They win both of their last two best of ones.
[00:36:53] They will get 22 and four, Eclipse NRG, Legacy, and MAD still have room to eclipse
[00:36:57] them both as well.
[00:36:58] Legacy was kind of flying under the radar for me.
[00:37:01] They were a team that was very slow to start their season, and I didn't really know what
[00:37:04] to think of them because they were from an outside location, a Brazilian team if I'm
[00:37:10] not mistaken, and made a, of course, slow start because of Pro League.
[00:37:14] But Nouns is sitting at a very solid spot of fifth place, or Nouns and Party Astronauts
[00:37:19] are close behind them at sixth.
[00:37:21] Party Astronauts want to stay within that top six to guarantee a spot in that upper
[00:37:24] bracket so they need to be winning every game they can.
[00:37:27] Yeah, they're on the cusp. They don't really have too much of a challenge for me. So this laser or from lost there at 11 and 13
[00:37:33] Timberman are on the cusp of playoffs keeping pace with Fluffy Amers 8 and 14 respectively with two more best of one
[00:37:41] Series to go for both of those two teams and for Timberman to have to go up against these
[00:37:46] Resurgence in the party astronauts at this stage of the season is not good for them at all
[00:37:51] I don't think Timberman will be knocked out, but it could affect their seating
[00:37:55] desperately and when it comes down to a lower bracket run you need every single
[00:38:00] advantage you can get and Timberman have not been playing great as of late they
[00:38:05] weren't playing the best even before they lost Dia and peeping and they lost a
[00:38:10] ton of firepower and op-ing power when those two players departed. Yeah a lot of
[00:38:16] firepower losses might take away Nero and a left they look decent at the
[00:38:20] last time they played because this isn't their first set of best of
[00:38:23] ones in ECL for this team, but they are not the stars that you would hope they would be.
[00:38:29] Nero is thinking of 0.81 HLTV, Elephant is 0.66, both sub 6080R.
[00:38:34] They does not help them out in the fire power department where they already needed help.
[00:38:40] Now we have the Veto for the first best of one on the evening, party astronauts the
[00:38:44] higher seed, paradoxically given that Timberman are not technically one spot ahead of them
[00:38:49] on the HLTV rating, but they will choose to start as team B. I mean, Timberman banned
[00:38:54] first, banning Inferno, followed by Vertigo and Anxiant from party astronauts.
[00:38:58] Yeah, Nuke and Anubis following up from Timberman makes sense considering that Timberman don't
[00:39:03] play Anubis very well and they don't want to play party astronauts on Nuke.
[00:39:07] So they put it between Dust2 and Mirage, and party astronauts 1 and 4 record on Dust2.
[00:39:11] They're not going to touch that with a 10-foot pole.
[00:39:14] So Mirage, it is an 8-4 record for PA on Mirage, 9-11 for Timberman who played a lot, tied for
[00:39:21] the most played map with Ancient, except it's a reverse record, 11-9 for the Timberman over
[00:39:26] on the Verdant map.
[00:39:27] But when it comes down to Mirage and the head-to-head, the head-to-head ends up going
[00:39:33] to party astronauts.
[00:39:35] And so that goes into our predictions here.
[00:39:39] If me just saying who has the head-to-head and who has the firepower advantage in the
[00:39:43] in the last couple of minutes doesn't give you a clue.
[00:39:45] I'm all in PA.
[00:39:47] Yep, and I agree with you.
[00:39:48] This is one of those times where we don't play
[00:39:49] Devil's Add.
[00:39:50] This is one of those times where I think they just
[00:39:52] have the advantage.
[00:39:53] They were already the better team heading into this
[00:39:55] prior to their roster changes.
[00:39:57] And I feel like the firepower, while not necessarily
[00:40:00] upgraded compared to the two veterans
[00:40:01] and party astronauts, is definitely not a
[00:40:03] strict downgrade either.
[00:40:04] I really don't put much stake in either Nero
[00:40:07] and Aleph.
[00:40:08] As critical as that sounds, they need to prove
[00:40:11] to me and to the viewer that they really have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with some
[00:40:15] of these ECL teams, and this is a good way to prove it, but until they do, I don't think
[00:40:20] that they will be able to help this team get across the line, especially not against party
[00:40:23] astronauts.
[00:40:24] Yeah, neither really has the capability, the ceiling of peeping that we've seen so
[00:40:28] far, and peeping is a very young player, so he's nowhere near his ceiling, and
[00:40:33] nobody on Timberman is an equal op for OG Wizard, but we haven't really mentioned
[00:40:38] particular party astronauts player all too much and he's actually going to be our player to watch
[00:40:43] here. A lot of our focus has been on the young guns, but fang the former complexity and extra
[00:40:47] salt player is going to slot in here nicely. Best record for party astronauts as of late a 1.16
[00:40:53] HLTV rating and given his ability in overall skill cap and experience from Counter Strike
[00:41:00] from all the times he's played internationally, it's no question why he's our player to watch.
[00:41:04] He's no question. He really has a mergers as the star player for this team. It's kind of
[00:41:07] of him and Sxy going toe to toe with each other back when they are on the same roster.
[00:41:14] But now that Sxy has left the stage, so to say, Feng has all the spotlight and a lot of
[00:41:19] room to shine.
[00:41:20] Again, he's assisted by a lot of this team.
[00:41:22] Peeping can play support, etc.
[00:41:23] But Feng is the one that you look to be at multi kills, the one to open rounds, the
[00:41:27] one to clutch rounds if necessary.
[00:41:29] He is your jack of all trades and I'm excited to see what he can do against a team like
[00:41:32] Timberman that is still trying to find their footing following these roster changes.
[00:41:37] And somebody else has been doing really well for party astronauts as of late, especially
[00:41:41] in the last few days has been infinite too.
[00:41:43] He's been having a very good individual performance, which is good because we all thought of him
[00:41:48] as a very promising rifle or back in the day.
[00:41:50] So to see him kind of coming back into that potential that he had a long time ago,
[00:41:54] I mean a few years ago now, but he's been around the scene for a long time.
[00:41:58] I mean, we've been around for four years at this point.
[00:42:01] So we've seen a lot of North American players come up and come down to see infinite
[00:42:05] hitting the stride again. Is a great sign just for him as an individual and for North America as a whole.
[00:42:11] Now the more things change the more they stay the same. I'm glad to see Impa is finding his form once again.
[00:42:16] We are on to that first best of one in the evening ladies and gentlemen. It is Mirage between both party astronauts and Timberman.
[00:42:22] There was a knife round that decide who started where.
[00:42:25] So we'll see who came out on the upper end of that whoever's on the CT side should have won it.
[00:42:30] And the answer is Timberman.
[00:42:31] They will be on the CT side to start Mirage, get Smoke Flash for Shane, double Duallys for Dare and Nero.
[00:42:40] And one set of utility on Ben Leet for the party astronauts team.
[00:42:43] Slow walk with three, sitting out mid-passive, kind of spread out towards B and towards underpassive.
[00:42:50] Looks like maybe a B-split up Catwalk is on the cards with that Smoke connector.
[00:42:53] It would make sense if they do be careful at range that USP over top the Smoke could do a lot of damage.
[00:42:58] It does some, but they get by with all five surviving.
[00:43:02] A left, the first from Sight, and actually a second as well.
[00:43:06] Peeping coming out of the apartment, so lurking around, finds a double in response.
[00:43:08] Though it looks to triple down, a left towards Bench, finally puts that player down,
[00:43:12] but he's traded in kind to be back to even footing.
[00:43:15] Timberman did have time to rotate players in.
[00:43:17] Both are here, but the bomb is alone.
[00:43:20] OGWizard on set is waiting for his teammate.
[00:43:22] Nose Day both are on Sight, but he cannot find either.
[00:43:26] Snav finds that kill. The flank from Fang is a little bit too late, but he can still theoretically clutch the round.
[00:43:32] It's just going to be a far more difficult process for him, spotting one, jumping out, trying to isolate something.
[00:43:38] Get into the first, but the IGL Snav quickly gets the trade.
[00:43:42] Timberman steal the pistol and start things off well for the CT side.
[00:43:47] Yeah, got a little messy though.
[00:43:49] Peeping brought it back to a winnable situation for party astronauts, and OG Wizard bought so much time for Fang to come through.
[00:43:56] I feel like Party Astronauts just thought a little too hard about that round, and if they got Fang there quicker,
[00:44:02] it puts a lot less stress on OG Wizard to buy essentially 30 seconds of time, which is an eternity on a site without the bomb ticking away too.
[00:44:11] So maybe just simplify things a little bit for Party Astronauts, and they take away that pistol round.
[00:44:17] Fang still almost brought it back in the 1 vs 2, but that's an unfavorable situation for him.
[00:44:21] And it was well played by the two Timberman players left alone, so they did well to handle the situation.
[00:44:28] And they'll go back into this with four MP9s, just Glocks and two Deagles for the party astronauts,
[00:44:34] peeping and Fang with the hand cannons. And Infinite is going to get run boosted with the
[00:44:39] Glock across middle for the spot. Doesn't bait out any shots. The idea there is to
[00:44:43] to get those shots in, get the trade with the dig, and party astronauts in a very long
[00:44:48] range area with arguably the worst gun for long range duels and the glocks.
[00:44:54] Some of the worst pistols yet still, they do 95 to Nero before he escapes, and the
[00:45:01] D.E.G.L. combined with the glock actually drops dare.
[00:45:04] OG Wizard finishes where he starts on the Nero, so some good damage done.
[00:45:08] It's only SMGs dropped, but still two kills is more than can realistically be asked
[00:45:13] of the largely Glock round, the final player will fall without too much fuss and the rifle
[00:45:19] again remains in hand for Snav who got two more in this round or that round I should say.
[00:45:24] However, party astronauts are still doing okay damage in spite of the near complete lack
[00:45:30] of investment.
[00:45:31] Yeah, they've done a lot of damage so far and now they actually get guns to use.
[00:45:36] They have AKs across the board, Timberman having three M4s now, just two MP9s investing
[00:45:42] heavily. No helmet for Nero will not pose a problem. There's a bit of a lack of
[00:45:49] utility of a party astronauts as they go all in on AKs instead of getting a
[00:45:52] little extra util. The very heavy mid B lean as well, letting Timberman push
[00:45:56] aggressively with the SMG to clear down a ramp. This is going to give all the
[00:46:01] information they need. They know it's going to be a B take at least early on.
[00:46:04] Nate will do a crap ton of damage to the OG Wizard down to 42 HP as Dare will
[00:46:09] try the jump spot and he'll deal with the first then goes out and he's only
[00:46:13] able to get one so far snap is still hiding back empty pillar as well fang
[00:46:17] out in the middle on that lurks he's three players in direction sprays wild
[00:46:20] it only gets the one so for party astronauts again too much overthinking
[00:46:27] in the strategy trying to go for these late lurks that's ending up costing the
[00:46:33] initial site take on the B area and that's something they'll have to fix
[00:46:36] and quickly no bomb plant means no buy it's gonna be pistols and armor at best
[00:46:41] and for timberman the chance to stabilize the ct economy yeah three surviving that prior round
[00:46:45] is quite good for them get some aks as well for their troubles party astronauts on pistols as
[00:46:52] you mentioned as well the loss bus gives them some armor and some utility making this a scary buy
[00:46:56] but party astronauts have been heavily favoring the b-side at least early on in this map
[00:47:01] This round is no different. Four players here. One is ahead of the Molotov, the rest is behind.
[00:47:08] There's one player lurking out mid as well. That's the thing, again, going for the lurk.
[00:47:14] The left is playing on balcony.
[00:47:19] This is a smoke for a window.
[00:47:21] There is ready to flash this teammate if necessary.
[00:47:27] Just straight hold from party astronauts.
[00:47:29] There's the flash. The peeks see nothing. Left will fall back.
[00:47:32] Smoke it.
[00:47:33] I already have a watch a walk it straight push now for him to see clear thing
[00:47:36] goes out close finds the first good flash from OG wizard dare back site does get
[00:47:41] one and there's a quick rotation from another a1s onto the site dare finds one
[00:47:45] dare finds a second snap actually stole the first thing working up catwalk now
[00:47:50] there's a lot of duals of sake first secured second secured as he races
[00:47:53] around looking for the third around door and he finds it Shane is the last
[00:47:58] he lurked out window and it looks like he's been heard as well thing heard
[00:48:02] The shots doesn't get the kill it's on OG Wizard with a supporting player with the utility and only a peep 250 in hand
[00:48:08] It's just not able to get it across the line
[00:48:11] Heroics of
[00:48:13] Fang are not enough to bring his team back into that round in Timberman
[00:48:18] Find a fourth albeit at a hefty cost
[00:48:23] Very hefty cost again the damage is being done by the party astronauts, but they can't even get the bomb done
[00:48:30] If I'm correct, I'm wrong, but I don't believe they've had a plant in these first four rounds.
[00:48:35] I don't think so, no.
[00:48:37] Yeah, no plant. Hats off to our Observer for getting that information to us, because that's a big part of the game.
[00:48:44] If you're not getting the plant on the T side, it's not going to work out well for you.
[00:48:47] And Fengus runs out middle into the waiting op of Hero in an early pick for no damage.
[00:48:52] Now a double pick as Dare underpass using that aggressive peek from the opposite cover takes
[00:48:57] out Pete and Pade and party astronaut's hemorrhaging body to the initial start of this second of
[00:49:05] this T side and this fifth round is falling apart.
[00:49:08] Infinite goes one for one.
[00:49:10] There's no attempt at a refrag possible there as Ben's way too late at a ramp.
[00:49:15] This is becoming a disaster half for party astronauts.
[00:49:18] Sure, their T side's not great on Mirage, that...
[00:49:22] Actually never mind, I was looking at their Nuke T side, their T side on Mirage is statistically better.
[00:49:27] And...
[00:49:28] Unless they're battling back from down a man again?
[00:49:32] It's only gonna get worse.
[00:49:36] I think you mentioned that. I wonder if Turmin actually won the knife round.
[00:49:39] Most teams typically do pick C T side, but both teams, in this case, are favored on the T side.
[00:49:45] Ben...
[00:49:46] One done, OG was it now, 1v2, doesn't know where one is, but he misses the first shot.
[00:49:50] There's a rather default one as well. Rather give me. I think it's the best way to put it as an offer.
[00:49:57] It's a shot that you should be hitting more often than not.
[00:49:59] He knew where he was.
[00:50:02] Five-zero. Timberman only two survive against their economy is not going to be flourishing.
[00:50:08] They've yet to let a round fall by the wayside, and additionally, party astronauts finally secured their first bomb plant.
[00:50:14] That means with the last one as they can invest, it will be lacking utility on a couple of players.
[00:50:24] peeping, only a smoke, oj wizard, double flashes, infinite amalotov, only ben and fang really have a full kit to work with here.
[00:50:33] Heavy ramp pressure from timberman, ben begins to back off, so do dare and snap.
[00:50:39] Infinite working up towards palace though, may just run into somebody.
[00:50:43] But it's another slow round from PA.
[00:50:46] A very bisecting round as well, as it seems on this T side they get a couple players mid,
[00:50:51] And the rest of the team goes towards either A or B. There's not much else besides that.
[00:50:56] It's mid control and lurk and pressure through apps or a ramp or through palace.
[00:51:04] And it's being read by Tim Furben.
[00:51:10] It's being read. There's a...letting go of middle in this case.
[00:51:14] Stacking on the A side. They always have the right stack at the right time.
[00:51:18] Three towards A.
[00:51:20] Infinite though finds the first, peeping a second, infinite, stellar find on the third, ready to dismantle this A site stack.
[00:51:29] Two remaining Nero and a left hop and M4 might just elect for the save instead. As we mentioned, they've won five in a row, but they have not won these five cleanly.
[00:51:37] And that means that their economy isn't in the best of ways. They don't have that resiliency built up that you might hope they would.
[00:51:44] Eero staying alive would be able to drop an M4, a left would probably be able to do the same if required
[00:51:51] Would give them another solid investment in round six have 31.50. So just enough for an M4 and a flash
[00:51:57] Party Ashlands will hunt a bit, but they shouldn't too voraciously keeping five alive is very good for the T side economy
[00:52:10] It's far easier to build up
[00:52:12] They want that resiliency on the T side so they can continue to bring the hate that they finally found their first round
[00:52:18] Yeah, something to note too, Party Astronauts are already playing three maps of Counter-Strike
[00:52:24] against Nouns, that's not an easy opponent, so they may have some mental sluggishness to
[00:52:29] deal with, they didn't even get a break between games either, they're just gonna hop right
[00:52:31] over here and they're going at it again.
[00:52:34] But that's a much better round from Party Astronauts, they don't lose anybody early
[00:52:38] most importantly, they've been playing from the backfoot consistently in the first
[00:52:41] five rounds, and they peek together when they explode onto the A site, which is
[00:52:45] Which is what really makes that round click.
[00:52:47] Good shot, sure.
[00:52:49] But, there's trade potential for all of those duels as well.
[00:52:52] Nobody's getting plucked apart early.
[00:52:54] Feng's gonna go out mid again.
[00:52:56] But it's a much later start, although peeping.
[00:52:58] Trying to peek out of underpass.
[00:53:00] His card has finally been called.
[00:53:02] Nero's expecting it and Benda's running in.
[00:53:05] Doesn't spot anybody balcony.
[00:53:06] Doesn't even think about the possibility!
[00:53:08] So Aleph can double up and go for more!
[00:53:10] OG Wizard taking half the damage.
[00:53:12] They're great flashbang for Aleph,
[00:53:14] at least able to take him down on retreat, but Party Astronaut's hemorrhaging players
[00:53:19] once more, and Fang on the rotation, read like a book by Shane, and that's a messy
[00:53:24] duel by Fang. He's lucky to get out of that one alive.
[00:53:26] So, there's the fatigue of it, perhaps. Fang didn't have the best of him, no doubt
[00:53:33] in that duel. OG Wizard walking up underpass could slip a gap or find a timing. He
[00:53:41] Has been the bomb carrier, more often than not thus far in this first half.
[00:53:44] Timberman, finding the numbers game now so that they are once more, two in market going
[00:53:50] back towards A, one in platter, lock CT spawn, OVW plants default, Feng is here to support
[00:54:01] but it's going to be difficult this time.
[00:54:09] No U2 for the leading first teammate, no U2 left for basically anybody, Smoke, Molotov
[00:54:15] for the CT side but they definitely want to flashbang right about now.
[00:54:18] Snavelin, the first fight, thanks, up between a rock and a hard place. Finds the first, the second spotted, and third also heard, but not enough ammo.
[00:54:25] And in no fights, cleanly won.
[00:54:27] And the Timberman take away the sixth and isolate.
[00:54:31] Hardy Ashkoss, one round victory in a sea of CT wins.
[00:54:37] But because PA won with 5 alive, they can still buy back again. They've been getting bomb plants in the last few rounds as well, so that's been able to bolster their economy.
[00:54:46] OG Wizard may go for the AWP, and in fact he does.
[00:54:49] I would like to see him try to take a duel versus Nero here.
[00:54:52] I feel like you can't be sending your rifles to die to Nero's AWP.
[00:54:57] And that's something that party astronauts have done too many times on this T-side so far.
[00:55:02] You have an AWP, use it to try and counter an AWP.
[00:55:05] If you want to go for that duel, you don't technically have to either.
[00:55:09] And Timberman are going back to this A-Ramp default, which has again cleared out this angle.
[00:55:14] and instead of playing it more passively as it did the last time, they're going all in and
[00:55:18] oh dude, Wizard dropped early by that op of Nero. So he's having himself a very good performance
[00:55:24] so far and party astronauts are looking tired, they're looking fatigued, they're not looking
[00:55:28] like they normally do and they're about to be looking at a 7-1 deficit because
[00:55:34] Dare is playing this perfectly on the flank. Expecting the players in middle, I don't mind
[00:55:39] him not going through apartments because party astronauts have put so much emphasis on mid.
[00:55:43] This is going to cut out the lurkers and get a backstep free and it'll take down one maybe two indeed
[00:55:48] He'll find a pair reload as well. We'll come through for him as
[00:55:53] Infinite gets tagged down low
[00:55:55] Ben bottom middle knows where dare is but he can't really get out of this
[00:55:59] He's in the low ground
[00:56:00] He's in the kill box and he's going to die sometime or other how many CTs can he take with him though?
[00:56:06] It's timbermen of yet to lose him round. Oh player in this round
[00:56:09] And Deris gapes top mid too with that smoke. He's playing this really well up top.
[00:56:16] He is. Ben and infinite the final pair. 30 seconds remaining and they're more
[00:56:24] paranoid about this flank than they are about the round itself. Seems like they've
[00:56:27] cut ties with it. More than likely going to save their weapons for the following.
[00:56:30] They're walking back in, takes the duel versus Ben Leet, but is bested at long
[00:56:40] last. They're gonna damage is done. 10 seconds left, it's a save. Timberman.
[00:56:51] Timberman. Getting confident. That's a very scary proposition. They have such a lead that
[00:56:55] they're going to take some risks. They're pressing ramp.
[00:56:59] Going away that round, the individuals are simply appearing and showing up for Timberman.
[00:57:05] Snav is leading the team as the IGL at 10 and 2. Nero's finding success on his op at
[00:57:11] 8 and 3. Daer's at 7 and 8, still doing more than respectable damage. And party
[00:57:19] Partie astronauts are obviously feeling the heat. They're going to try and buy around
[00:57:22] this save as best they can. Use a tactical timeout to talk things out. They seem to be
[00:57:29] at a loss.
[00:57:34] It just seems to be a pretty flat T side. I'm not a fan of how they're treating mid
[00:57:43] at all. And party astronauts have essentially run mirrored of the same mid control lurk
[00:57:55] take four, six out of these, not eight rounds.
[00:58:03] And one of them was pistol.
[00:58:05] And even then they still had that midlurk and fang and they go back to it again.
[00:58:11] Three Lenae peeping underpass fang towards top middle.
[00:58:15] The same recipe over and over again.
[00:58:20] They're not changing any of the ingredients.
[00:58:21] They're not even changing the players involved in the situation.
[00:58:24] No. And it's been exploited.
[00:58:26] We saw the opp of Nero just playing connector behind me in the opening.
[00:58:29] This is the one round that worked.
[00:58:31] It was the pop out A with the player palace.
[00:58:33] It's the same setup from Timberman, but with some slight adjustments they'll be able to shut it down outright.
[00:58:37] OG Wizard of the last alive at ramp gets a second in the round for his team, but he is alone.
[00:58:43] And that opp is very unwieldy, not very flexible.
[00:58:46] Walk through the smoke for dare. He's caught by OD Wizard, third spotted.
[00:58:50] But not secured.
[00:58:53] Nero is the one to win the first duel in that technicality.
[00:58:56] And again, very slight adjustments from Timberman allow them to shut down the one thing that
[00:59:01] works for party astronauts.
[00:59:03] And that's completely ret, too.
[00:59:04] The little bit of utility used from Ramp, and Timberman, no.
[00:59:09] Okay, it's going to be there 2A, one palace, two mid-strat.
[00:59:13] That's why the duel up in Palace was won cleanly, because it was just a straight read.
[00:59:19] Timberman are reading it like a book right now, and party astronauts need to go back
[00:59:25] to the operations manual. Something different. An APOP here with the pistols and the hero
[00:59:34] rifle of Fang might actually be able to work too. Party astronauts have yet to try a straight
[00:59:39] smokes A-play. Molotov goes out and ramp, but there's other Molotovs reigning in from
[00:59:44] PA. Do they want to smoke it and go through? They don't have the utility for that, so
[00:59:48] the rotations are coming back in. Now they'll flood out and Shane's actually gonna
[00:59:52] get two on the initial contact. Finally traded out by OG Wizard as Timberman are
[00:59:56] very wary of a potential mid-play. OG Wizard trying to get that bomb down in
[01:00:01] towards triple. It's a bit more of an open plant. He'll get it down and survive for a
[01:00:06] brief moment in time before he's eventually made it into oblivion.
[01:00:09] Deeping has that Khalil, fights for two, but he'll roast after the first. One
[01:00:14] versus three for infinite. One versus two, but he won't live long. Hero peeks
[01:00:18] around and removes some fire. Another bomb plant down, but party
[01:00:22] The astronauts, their 57.7% T side wind rate on the Mirage will not follow over into the
[01:00:30] next round.
[01:00:31] 9-1 is a statement half.
[01:00:37] Normally, when the gun gets tough for Timberman, your star is shamed.
[01:00:40] He's the one you look to really be finding damage when things are difficult.
[01:00:44] But when things are easy, he kind of falls back.
[01:00:46] He's more supportive, he throws utility, and I think exactly what's happening now.
[01:00:50] But you still saw that flicker of brilliance.
[01:00:52] required when given the opportunity a triple he'll double down to shut down the
[01:00:56] take early. Party astronauts on the other by another op for OG Wizards had a
[01:01:01] deficit pointing start to this map and start to this half. Op Beryl spotted on
[01:01:06] catwalk Nero is here he's going to greed out and try to find it that's a free
[01:01:10] one two are in Valley actually a third now is grouped up as peeping has come
[01:01:14] out underpass as he has faithfully throughout this first half and the
[01:01:19] The top of Nero top smoke of a window finds another.
[01:01:23] On to the very same player I just mentioned.
[01:01:25] Peeping, the underpass player.
[01:01:26] Fang, his lurk, it has gotten out of the checkpoint, but it has no easy kills to be found.
[01:01:34] Timberman are reading that he'll go up connector and instead just both playing CT.
[01:01:39] And sure, party astronauts are faking the site, but there's still two players down
[01:01:43] and make that three.
[01:01:44] As dare catches one from window.
[01:01:47] Catches two from window.
[01:01:48] It's just Fang.
[01:01:49] There's a lone, this lurk is supposed to be the one to do a lot of damage and catch rotations and it finds nothing.
[01:01:54] Zero damage in the round, except for a little bit of touches here and there, but no kills, nothing substantive.
[01:02:00] Timberman, double digits and potentially 11.
[01:02:07] Yeah, this is a disaster half, four-party astronauts, and at this point even a pistol round won't be enough to bring them salvation.
[01:02:16] A 10-2 at best is not an impossible to overcome.
[01:02:25] I'm sure party astronauts will be very happy to get out of this half, but this is not going
[01:02:34] to be a fun demo watch.
[01:02:37] This is going to be a very unfun demo watch.
[01:02:42] It's not like PA have necessarily made bad individual plays.
[01:02:47] It's just there's been so little adaptation to what's been thrown at them.
[01:02:54] has played this map with their new five. I'm not sure actually. I'm checking right now.
[01:03:00] But here's the thing. Okay, they played it earlier versus Nouns and won it 13-10. Never mind.
[01:03:09] Out the window. Unless this is just one of the Timberman
[01:03:14] classics where everyone just pops off. Which is entirely possible.
[01:03:19] It's happened plus frequently this season but it has happened and it does happen.
[01:03:22] It's what got them into playoffs last couple of seasons.
[01:03:28] That's just timing, but things not ready for it.
[01:03:31] No trade potential again, and Pardiasna is running into Nero?
[01:03:38] What in the world was that?
[01:03:41] Confusing rounds to end this first half, Pete being paranoid about the push ramp
[01:03:45] finds shame, and Pardiasna is about to finally find a winning recipe pushing up
[01:03:49] connector.
[01:03:50] Left both coming from CT both with AK's in hand and now with no utility hits are at least there and dare gets the double tap on the peeping
[01:03:58] Holding at the head shot angle, but still three more to unseat infinite in polishers buys time
[01:04:04] Planet for jungle, but they're actually flanking CT and playing connector instead dare will tap bomb try to compel players forward
[01:04:10] But this is a losing round at this point for Timberman that is trying to their darkness and the swing of infinite shows
[01:04:15] What he's capable of two to ten from party astronauts as we hit the half-time break
[01:07:30] A dominant 10-2 first half for Timberman on the CT side of all signs, sets them up well
[01:07:38] for a quick first best of one on the evening.
[01:07:41] It's pineapple Phillips and the Boggs on the mic.
[01:07:45] Party astronauts with it all to do.
[01:07:46] Kit Smoke for infinite.
[01:07:47] Molotov, Dualies for Ben Leach.
[01:07:50] And two sets of utility for both Nero and Aleph.
[01:07:52] A dink through the wall it appears onto Nero from OG Wizards USP, but he gets a dink
[01:07:56] in kind from the enemy.
[01:07:59] Bind's there, also receives a shot to the head, but still survives.
[01:08:04] 5 vs 4 on paper for party astronauts, but again, two players with a combined 17 HP.
[01:08:11] Yeah, not a great start as far as HP is concerned for PA, manpower sure.
[01:08:17] Ben with a nice flick over onto Aleph trying to get into the kitchen.
[01:08:21] Ben will say there's too many cooks, but will eventually get overwhelmed by the last three players.
[01:08:25] of Tipperman. Crispy headshot by Bang, as he'll roast, but still escape for one more,
[01:08:31] Shane on site, bomb in hand. Eventually backstabbed by Peeping in that little engagement. One or
[01:08:39] the other was going to find him, and it's party astronauts who grab a pistol round, but
[01:08:43] a very long road back into this one, need to see a lot more from this team to even
[01:08:47] begin believing right now because it has been a pretty rough first half. 10-2 is
[01:08:53] Never something you want to see and for PA
[01:08:57] They can't really afford to lose any more than what they lost in the first half
[01:09:00] So it's back to the buys m4s from us MP9s a full glocks for Timberman
[01:09:06] And this round should be over relatively quickly and in the vapor of the party astronauts
[01:09:12] It should is the key word
[01:09:14] Full locks gonna struggle especially at range
[01:09:17] But keeping also similarly struggling swing from fangs and four will be enough combining fire with og wizard
[01:09:24] keeping and fang got pretty close to death, but
[01:09:27] party astronauts do escape
[01:09:29] with all five alive
[01:09:32] Four to ten as you mentioned this deficit is so large that I just truly don't believe in it
[01:09:38] Not until I see a party astronauts win not even this first right for round, but the second rifle round as well
[01:09:43] They need a lot and quickly
[01:09:51] So utility floods out for the CT side. Pretty standard default here for
[01:10:02] Timberman. One Palace, one Ramp, one Apps, one aggressively towards middle and one
[01:10:08] not so aggressively towards middle. PA are not going to be goaded into a push
[01:10:15] here. They'll hold their line. And so we have a stand still a stalemate here
[01:10:25] with 115 to go in the round. I will say I was very excited to see how the
[01:10:34] the game looked at this level with the animation fixes.
[01:10:38] I forgot about this.
[01:10:43] That was like the biggest thing that stood out to me throughout the update.
[01:10:45] A lot of skins, a lot of fluff.
[01:10:47] But there was some substance underneath it hidden under all the pomp and circumstance
[01:10:51] of three cases, a battle pass and all that jazz.
[01:10:54] A very critical animation update.
[01:10:56] So I'm expecting to see some more strafing success in general.
[01:11:02] I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet.
[01:11:05] I'm not actually.
[01:11:06] I see them dancing around.
[01:11:10] That's the thing that I personally won't use them because of that distraction.
[01:11:15] Sir, less than 30 seconds left though, Timberman, speaking of distracted, finally make their
[01:11:20] play up connector.
[01:11:21] Now you totally thrown in to try and stop, in fact there's not any Molotovs left really
[01:11:26] to speak of.
[01:11:27] Three kills for the price of two, dare and snap make inroads, but with 12 seconds
[01:11:31] left and infinite in window, the MP9 will sing at range, one kill secured, and a
[01:11:35] A lot of distraction onto the second. Shane tries to put the bomb down at a sheer desperation,
[01:11:40] but he won't be given that luxury.
[01:11:43] One and two AKs recovered, three survive for party astronauts. Their bonus round works out.
[01:11:49] And so maybe, just maybe both these teams have suddenly decided to become CT-sided teams,
[01:11:55] because both start things off right on their respective CT set halves.
[01:12:00] I'm surprised to see party astronauts calling a timeout here,
[01:12:07] because they're having success maybe they just want to make sure everything's
[01:12:11] going according to plan so that's something maybe they don't want to get too
[01:12:19] aggressive against what is most assuredly a half-buy or a forced buy at worst and
[01:12:25] timbermen they're gonna go for the half-buy armor tech nines deagle for
[01:12:28] Shane nothing too special there but of utility and snav but party astronauts
[01:12:35] You need to keep their players alive, don't give guns over to the T side to do more damage,
[01:12:42] and get this gap closed to four with relative ease if they want to really establish their
[01:12:46] chances at a comeback in this house.
[01:12:52] Full rifles is also nice, couple of AKs helps out, more especially when the next round
[01:12:58] comes, the actual gun round, but denying the bomb plant would be very good for party
[01:13:02] astronauts here.
[01:13:04] He's playing very aggressive against this potential Force Spy.
[01:13:07] That's something to keep an eye on.
[01:13:08] If he gets overwhelmed as the smokes go out towards jungle and stairs, counter utility
[01:13:15] tossed in by the CTs, Nade going through as well.
[01:13:18] No full commitment to an underpass too to keep an eye on.
[01:13:21] Party astronauts don't know that yet of course.
[01:13:23] Timberman still not made an exit out of ramp, finally starting to go through.
[01:13:27] Fang blinded.
[01:13:28] Now engaging, peeping however falls.
[01:13:31] Do wizard helping out from the smoke infinite another thing falls to Aleph gets another two versus two party astronauts are falling like flies
[01:13:39] This is a big problem for that CT economy Shane and Aleph 58 and 32 HP recovered him for for Shane as well up in Palace
[01:13:46] Spotted and forced away by fire from Ben
[01:13:51] Smoke on his position as well the bomb down by Tetris
[01:13:55] But at this point the name of the game is damage and Timberman have already done it quite a bit of that
[01:14:01] Yes, they have
[01:14:04] Don't have bomb sure but as you mentioned damage name of the game keep the CT economy honest keep it on the brink
[01:14:12] Because if you can keep it teetering
[01:14:15] If you win one round break it suddenly to and that would be 12 for Timberman
[01:14:20] Which would be something massive for them.
[01:14:24] Shane, massive trade and now 1v1.
[01:14:26] OGWiz are of course is beheaded by Shane!
[01:14:29] 8 HP remaining for him and a massive 1v2.
[01:14:33] Shane steals the round and as I mentioned,
[01:14:37] the CT economy now kind of all over the place.
[01:14:41] They had a little bit more than you would expect coming into this round.
[01:14:44] A couple players who'd stocked up and survived.
[01:14:46] But as you can tell two FAMAS, two MP9s and one FAMAS, no kit, a lot to be desired for the CTC side.
[01:14:58] Yeah, that is a very flat round from party astronauts that they should have had no trouble at all converting.
[01:15:08] And that is a massive question mark overall for their further success, it is.
[01:15:21] Lose this round, your economy is truly broken, and you're on pistols and maybe MP9 is going
[01:15:29] up against a 12-5 scoreline.
[01:15:30] You need to at least, I would say 9 before they lose another to realistically have a
[01:15:38] chance because Timberman can just pull something out of the hat, something random and aggressive
[01:15:41] and pulse them even, and it could just work out because of the way the individuals
[01:15:44] are playing right now.
[01:15:45] OG wasn't an uncharacteristic mist to start things off, he does recover on
[01:15:49] On to Shane. Iroh though finds our player to watch in Feng as a return. We're back to
[01:15:56] even footing. Back to even for now. The lone defender in
[01:16:26] infinite the MP9 has to be a turret. And he'll swing out for first contact and fall
[01:16:33] to dare. Peeping at ticket booth. We'll attempt to do some damage.
[01:16:37] Joji Wizard walking unawares a snag. We'll deep-brain a pair. Peeping one and only
[01:16:42] 1 from CT and Timberman. 12 to 5 up on Party Astronauts, one away from taking the first
[01:16:52] of two best of ones in this one. And that would be great for them moving forward towards
[01:16:58] the post season. And for Party Astronauts, they're by to try and stave off defeat in
[01:17:06] this map. Abysmal.
[01:17:11] Abysmal, 2-5-7s, 3 MP9s, no kit, lackluster utility, in fact only 2 players have any utility.
[01:17:17] It's going to be a miracle at this stage.
[01:17:24] The individuals have looked tired, I think it's the best way to put it, fatigued out of
[01:17:27] the best of 3 versus nouns, just like we are after a long day's work.
[01:17:40] And Lee has at least taken Apartments control, lots of good control on the extremity,
[01:17:45] push towards ramp as well coming through for infinite and fame.
[01:17:51] Made it control with the name of the game for Timberman here, not sure which direction
[01:17:54] they want to go.
[01:17:55] Keep it on the Cinder Block stack, Spawns 1 and 2, only gets the first, but the player
[01:18:05] sweeping Conn off contact, OG Wizard finds the trade, Nero on the up, but infinite.
[01:18:09] A kill at ramp in response, 2 versus 4, 1 versus 4, the player underpass caught.
[01:18:15] Nero now racing into site is hoping to find something, he noticed at least one player
[01:18:19] here and he's actually caught by OG Wizard jumping out the door.
[01:18:24] The astronauts do pass the first real test of this comeback before surviving as well as
[01:18:31] in the build up of Good Economy and by solidly going forward, but they need to win six in
[01:18:41] a row to actually secure the comeback.
[01:18:51] Six in a row is a very tall task for party astronauts.
[01:18:56] This round should not be too difficult for them.
[01:18:58] a rifle for Shane, no armor behind the bulk of their pistols and a Glock and nothing on
[01:19:04] there.
[01:19:05] Outlaw has a Tec-9 and a Vest, but of course to prevent one around with a little bit less
[01:19:09] invested firepower wise than the AK armor of Shane alone, so can't count them out
[01:19:15] of a round like this.
[01:19:22] Full mid control for the T side, but nothing further so you far.
[01:19:26] They have not spotted anybody of party astronauts yet, although Fang is moving out towards
[01:19:32] middle slowly and surely peeping in mid window as well a more tentative angle
[01:19:36] backing away is full of management of this spot that's an interesting call here
[01:19:42] so go back to it I think that's a much better call keep it at least a passive
[01:19:46] eye on the cross to jungle as the bulk of Timberman moving up through cons
[01:19:53] bought it by Fang Shane taking out a 41 HP finished off by the op of OG
[01:19:59] wizard and now it's just a matter of time before the dominoes fall for timbermen the
[01:20:05] bomb plant at this point even seems a hurdle impossible to cross
[01:20:12] impossible hurdle and you're doesn't least pick up the AK but no armor it's going to
[01:20:17] be difficult a luck finds Ben that lead to the peeping drops a left in return thing
[01:20:22] actually drops a left excuse me two versus three make it a one versus three Spain finds
[01:20:26] Another peeping the final.
[01:20:28] Pistols fall. Took a while, but they do all hit the dirt. The op though is not going to be recovered.
[01:20:35] Can they afford one? Fank can drop one.
[01:20:38] There it is.
[01:20:42] Timberman, another cracked at bat of the near full investment op and for AKs, decent detotin, everybody barring Nero.
[01:20:51] Mekings.
[01:20:54] Yeah, the double off and party astronauts will be something to keep an eye on too.
[01:20:59] Ben having a secondary omp, peeping diving down, running up towards middle, flash from OG Wizard to allow him to peek.
[01:21:06] A blind Nero, gone and down for the count.
[01:21:10] And down towards Underpass, OG Wizard first takes a bit of a stumble on his retreat,
[01:21:14] and is caught as he goes back in, snabbed, taking out peeping in the meantime.
[01:21:17] Two, three versus three, we're back level again.
[01:21:20] Rotations up by Timberman, going towards A site.
[01:21:24] No, the bomb has to just toss a bit of utility.
[01:21:27] And going back into T-Apps, Ben Lee is here, raiding for them, the Flash will force him away, but he'll still hang around.
[01:21:33] Expecting a slower peak like that, dare, hits the deck.
[01:21:36] And so, Timberman down to two players. Three still alive for the party astronauts.
[01:21:41] And time plenty for Timberman. But to be careful not to run it down too low, like a few rounds ago.
[01:21:47] Snav and Aleph, we'll have to deal with Fang first and foremost and snipers.
[01:21:52] Stop spotted by Fang, second player now known and eventually removed. Support flash from Ben helping out and only four rounds separating these two teams now.
[01:22:11] In this comeback look more feasible, double off is in effect for the CT side of OG Wizard and Ben Lee picking up both those weapons.
[01:22:17] Individuals from party acrimates were rallying around and answering the call at this stage.
[01:22:23] Ben Lee is the bottom at 9, but everybody else is within 8 kills or so of each other.
[01:22:27] Feng is that star.
[01:22:28] Odu is at 16.
[01:22:32] He's at 14.
[01:22:33] Impinence at 11.
[01:22:34] Timberman also across the board really doing well as a team.
[01:22:41] 11 is at the bottom at 7, but everybody else is doing well to an extent.
[01:22:48] Pistols and some Kevlar for the T-side and a pop out of Apartments is the play that made those brutal
[01:22:55] Op shop and Benly misses
[01:22:57] Recovers with the second
[01:23:01] He's still holding on catwalk as well thing finds one drops come through the sprays
[01:23:05] But labor peeping finds one Benly the second the final is dare at van. He's caught by thing jumping forward
[01:23:13] 9 to 12. This is synced one for party astronauts and a clean one as well
[01:23:18] building up their confidence and building up a road for a comeback. They only
[01:23:25] trail by three now. It's still quite a gulf, but it is shrinking, getting closer
[01:23:36] and closer to overcoming it. Op still out for both Ben and OG Wizard. Nero has one
[01:23:43] of his own again. AK's across the board though. Nero, setting up for a smoke first.
[01:23:52] Looks to be a fully set piece from Timberman. This is always a good go-to
[01:23:57] when you're struggling to put rounds on the board on the T side. Sometimes it's
[01:24:02] all you need. Smoke's A, Flash is high. Let's go get them boys and Timberman are
[01:24:06] gonna run on through. They see T smoke from Fang actually to allow him to
[01:24:11] cross. Molotov reigns in behind it. There's a bit of a gap here. Aleph seems to try
[01:24:16] to exploit it, but nobody's going to give him the opportunity yet. Bomb
[01:24:19] begins to take away Aleph. Bots a couple of players only taking down one, Feng there for the trade,
[01:24:24] but no further kills yet for party astronauts as Timurman used their last piece of utility in a
[01:24:28] flashbang. Party astronauts missing the first contact, infinite falling to snap from firebox,
[01:24:34] peeking out for more as the smoke onsite will fade, Feng clearing around, ops on the other
[01:24:38] two players, miss shot from then. Chain has OG Wizard all up to Feng, needing five kills in
[01:24:44] the round as he does not even get the first of his one versus fours of 13-9 in favor of
[01:24:51] Jim DeMens. Took him a little longer to go with the game, but still, the 10-2 half would
[01:24:56] have been almost impossible for them to lose.
[01:24:59] The 10-2 really just made it near impossible for Party Astros to come back into this.
[01:25:03] They showed us some good mental fortitude.
[01:25:06] Stayed alive, tried to their darnedest, won seven in the second half while only losing three,
[01:25:11] But in the end they did not leave themselves enough wiggle room to work with and that simply means that
[01:25:17] inevitably Timberman would win it whether it be
[01:25:20] Random rounds here and there whether it be a sudden and strong resurgence
[01:25:23] It was only out of time simply because they only needed three rounds out of 12 in the second half
[01:25:29] Yeah, they only needed one quarter of the rounds total in an entire half a very easy finish for the Timberman
[01:25:35] Maybe they made it a little harder for themselves
[01:25:37] but overall they set themselves up for success.
[01:25:40] They stellar tend to CT half party astronauts
[01:25:43] back to the drawing board,
[01:25:44] but they have one more best of one to try
[01:25:46] and settle the score.
[01:25:48] We are not done just yet.
[01:25:50] Tonight our player to watch was Fang
[01:25:52] and he had a decent performance for party astronauts Nate.
[01:25:55] I mean, a very good performance statistically 22 and 13,
[01:25:59] but overall a lot of those kills were inconsequential
[01:26:01] and while he had 93 Dar, it didn't matter.
[01:26:05] No, a lot of those skills
[01:26:06] especially the first half for him,
[01:26:07] Pushing up connector alone on a late lurk that was so late, it was ineffective.
[01:26:10] It was him effectively playing from the back foot alone in a 1vx situation.
[01:26:14] The timing and the cohesion simply wasn't there for their T side.
[01:26:18] Party astronauts, can they tighten things up?
[01:26:21] Can they play more cohesively as a team or will they look more disparate in the second
[01:26:25] best of one?
[01:26:26] We're going to take a break and when we return we will have the second map between
[01:26:30] party astronauts and Denvermen.
[01:26:32] Don't go anywhere.
[01:26:33] We'll see you soon.
[01:39:29] back ladies and gentlemen to the two best of ones between party astronauts and
[01:39:33] timbermen we're going straight into the veto with a very brief time before the
[01:39:37] game starts of course mirage the fact though bands taken by my lamp just fell
[01:39:42] over taken by the likes of timbermen vertigo and ancient taken down my party
[01:39:47] astronauts it bands down to nuke basically the exact same bands except
[01:39:51] that first being taken by mirage instead timbermen on the CT side once
[01:39:55] more that means they more than likely won the knife round in this map. Two sets of
[01:40:02] duels for Dare and a left flash for Snav. No kit in play and two outside to start
[01:40:07] things off. Peeping and Ben leaked combined for one. Fang finds a second,
[01:40:11] a brief glimmer of resistance from Nero before he's felled. Four versus three
[01:40:18] for party astronauts going into this hold. A double flank through ramp could
[01:40:23] unseat this post plan. Timberman on their, oh hold on, Snaven 1 vs 2 now as he takes down Fang,
[01:40:30] no kit in his possession yet, but he's done by OG Wizard, nice 3k from the young
[01:40:36] AWPer on the go-ok to get party astronauts their first round of their first lead of this evening.
[01:40:42] And what I was about to say before they decided to start fighting, Timberman even under the
[01:40:49] The Elevate Banner have never beaten party astronauts on this map to 2-0 head-to-head
[01:40:54] in favor of PA on Nuke.
[01:40:57] That also does go back to 6C and Wulfi on the roster too.
[01:41:01] So we'll see how that works for the overall T-Side of party astronauts which fell flat
[01:41:05] as can be only two rounds on Mirage.
[01:41:08] And party astronauts Nuke T-Side a 42.7% win rate despite the EDE and 8N3 record.
[01:41:14] So very good record on the map.
[01:41:16] Not a very good T-Side.
[01:41:17] They haven't really needed that T-Side, a stellar 61.9% defense, which is just shy of 62%, absolutely fantastic.
[01:41:27] They get carried in the blue, they're going to have to put up more than two here on the T-Side.
[01:41:33] Start things off well with that pistol.
[01:41:35] What you need to get the momentum to swing in their favor after it was a rough first map.
[01:41:39] Plant goes down for a little fuss just a bit of damage exchanged.
[01:41:42] Peeping, lurking in the yard does need to be careful.
[01:41:44] He's found the first, not quite the kill, he's got him isolated, that should be a kill
[01:41:48] dead to rights.
[01:41:49] Eventually there it is, fang a triple in the meanwhile though, going down secret, the
[01:41:55] Mk10 harvesting a good bit of cash, leaving a left, a ramp player behind the box.
[01:42:03] Only a USP in hand but hoping the party astronauts will hunt for him.
[01:42:07] Keep in mind that the blast radius on this map is obtusely large.
[01:42:12] If you're in the building, you're basically dead.
[01:42:14] If you're anywhere near the building, you're basically dead.
[01:42:16] In fact, Peeping might be dead here given his 41 HP and his proximity to the bomb site.
[01:42:21] He will survive.
[01:42:23] I want you to wizard down to 27.
[01:42:25] But it doesn't matter. All five will survive.
[01:42:28] Timberman's second round falls flat as expected.
[01:42:31] They were hoping for maybe one or two kills, but it doesn't matter either way.
[01:42:35] Nothing vested.
[01:42:37] And therefore, nothing lost.
[01:42:40] Party Ash not a good bonus now. Heading into this one.
[01:42:43] Chamberman. Not the best advice, a left-on of a moss to prioritize utility, and no kit
[01:42:50] in play makes this one a rather fragile investment.
[01:42:58] Shane ready to defend here, the Molotov softening up these tees running through. He'll drop
[01:43:03] a pair and reload as well without being challenged to Molotov into J-Haul to force Nero away
[01:43:09] to isolate the duel against Shane, the bomb also down, and what a shot by peeping
[01:43:13] on to Shane, solid 15-20 degree flick that instantly removed the loan to Vendor and now
[01:43:20] Ben's lurk outer yard of one tap on the nearer after the spray on to Dare and the player
[01:43:24] advantage swaps from Timberman to party astronauts just like that.
[01:43:30] And with Snav falling as well, it's the hand of the in-game leader, the captain leading
[01:43:34] from the front of the battle.
[01:43:36] The bomb will get planted eventually for party astronauts, Alipine Fire, dropped by
[01:43:42] Ben, who puts up four, and a gun round for Timberman, only finding two kills leads into
[01:43:49] a half-buy here in round four, and an exact opposite start for party astronauts on their
[01:43:56] T-set of nuke, as what we saw on Mirage.
[01:43:59] And the individual is really performing Fen-leap and peeping all at four, OG Wizard at three
[01:44:04] infinite.
[01:44:05] He's only seen one person as far as I can tell, and he failed at that first hurdle.
[01:44:09] Timberman unable to get much of anything regardless of weaponry in hand or now on pistols
[01:44:15] His by has teeth with two needles and three five sevens, but they really have struggled on
[01:44:21] This CT side thus far thing is the work outside yard this time there nearly gets his crosshair on mark
[01:44:27] But thing is quicker with the trigger a little skill forward and again
[01:44:32] Go for the same lurk out in towards garage party astronauts getting a little bit iterative a little repetitious
[01:44:37] It has yet to be called out by Timberman, so they'll keep doing it until it doesn't work.
[01:44:48] 4 vs 5 for the remaining Timber players.
[01:44:50] Nero boosted up ramp, could get someone out to choose to go that direction,
[01:44:53] but it looks like party astronauts have their eyes set on A,
[01:44:56] especially now so that player towards Tetris is caught.
[01:45:00] Timberman even go for the retake here, I mean that's a nice shot from Shane,
[01:45:08] but it's small in comparison.
[01:45:10] The upgrade to the rifle though is the big factor,
[01:45:13] an AK to bring into the next round. I don't think he'll fight for more. Save the armor, save the
[01:45:18] AK. That's so much more valuable right now. Nero dinks OG Wizard, and that actually might be the end
[01:45:25] of him. Could toss it over to Infinite as Snav will rush forward, trying to get kills. OG Wizard
[01:45:31] will strafe him down, and so Shane, one more, drops the Mac 10. That's not a problem for PA.
[01:45:37] Shane will survive with his armor and AK, that's really what he wanted out of this.
[01:45:43] And party astronauts go up for nothing.
[01:45:47] Shane might drop Nero and Op as well to make sure that there's extra utility available for
[01:45:51] the CT side.
[01:45:52] Also to balance out the money a little bit.
[01:45:55] Not a bad idea right there.
[01:45:56] And that's exactly what will happen here.
[01:45:59] Never mind.
[01:46:00] Yeah, Shane will drop the AK to dare, drop the Opt and Nero and buy himself an M4
[01:46:06] to make sure the money's all balanced out of the fun. Shane, I'm keeping the 8k, man.
[01:46:10] He's been hitting heads.
[01:46:12] So Nero bought his own op. Oh yeah.
[01:46:17] Shane bought himself an M4.
[01:46:19] Nero bought the op and then sold it, and then I saw the op pop up and it's into her mouth.
[01:46:23] Okay, yeah, Shane definitely bought him the op. Nope.
[01:46:25] There's a lot of flip-flop been going on.
[01:46:28] Went for a lack of helmet instead to facilitate some utility.
[01:46:31] Makes sense. Don't really need a helmet right now.
[01:46:33] The only player with a gun that doesn't one shot headshot is peeping on an A1S.
[01:46:40] Snav staying on top of the silos is caught early, Deer finds one but Fang gets a trade immediately.
[01:46:45] Fang finds another nose peeping instead, Nero in heaven.
[01:46:49] Does find one through the wall and is in a flurry of kills in both directions, but kills that favor party astronauts in the end.
[01:46:55] It's a one versus one for OG Wizard.
[01:46:58] He clutches up and grabs the op to boot, an expensive round for them, but at this point party astronauts don't care.
[01:47:03] They're able to easily reinvest thanks to the economy built up.
[01:47:06] And Timberman on the other side invested nearly everything.
[01:47:09] Claring, Shane and Dare, it's likely going to be another half-buy from them.
[01:47:15] This is very worrying at this point, as you mentioned, both teams are very solid on their
[01:47:20] CT side, 61, nearly 62% for party astronauts, 56 for Timberman, and they're already down
[01:47:27] 0-5 on their CT side, the Timberman.
[01:47:30] Yeah, this is not a good map to be down on the CT side, especially 5-0 and now
[01:47:36] down a player in round number six off an opening up pick aggressive around red box
[01:47:41] from OG wizard things are going from bad to worse here for Timberman on map number
[01:47:45] two the second best of one Ben tosses a Molotov in and it's dropped for his
[01:47:49] troubles out of around the corner will fall as will dare trying to come down
[01:47:53] the vents as well lots of damage sustained by Ben or Fang rather in
[01:47:56] peeping but not a problem at all for a PA side with four alive year only
[01:48:02] Shane left on B and the bomb making the right read to plant wide open on A. Shane may try to save again
[01:48:10] but party astronauts will have a sixth on the board and Infinite will run into Shane if he peeks back
[01:48:18] box but will they actually go with that intent on a hunt here is the other question.
[01:48:23] Infinite's clearing up towards ramp expecting the last player to be somewhere on B.
[01:48:27] Shade looks the wrong direction and infinite will take his time on that spray
[01:48:33] Six nothing confirmed
[01:48:35] You mentioned infinite one of those places really been hitting his form recently. That's the first time he's been actually asked to get a kill
[01:48:42] Yeah, that's how clean things have been for them. Oh gee wizards yet to die
[01:48:51] This has been a performance and a half in party astronauts who already guarantee themselves at least a tied ballgame going into the second half
[01:48:57] Very likely a whole lot more
[01:48:59] Timberman another rifle by hand including an AWP for Nero. They do have a kit this time on a left.
[01:49:05] The party astronauts have just called them out time and again, they've looked infallible on this T side.
[01:49:11] And frankly I don't expect this one to be any different. Fang.
[01:49:20] Holding passively that's not going to go for a late lurk perhaps. Changing it up, not going from back red.
[01:49:27] The party astronauts lining up a lot of utility towards their spawn. Relatively late into the round.
[01:49:34] Minutes 15 left. Benley looking for the smoke can't quite find it. There it is.
[01:49:38] There's the smokes for the crossing, it's going to be fake outside instead of cross on a ramp.
[01:49:54] Shane will be tested off angle secured.
[01:49:56] He's going to drop before contact proper's taken.
[01:49:59] He values getting set up on site more with rotations from this team.
[01:50:03] Respect the call.
[01:50:04] OG Wizard though wins the operas dual and looks for the flake immediately knows it's
[01:50:08] likely.
[01:50:09] I think he spotted the shoulder and the double scope peek is definitely a choice.
[01:50:12] It works out.
[01:50:13] A little bit nauseating trying to watch for that one.
[01:50:17] Third secure to the meanwhile for Feng.
[01:50:19] Shane lurking back up the ramp, a left at secret, two players opposite sides of the map
[01:50:24] from one another.
[01:50:25] Feng knows this is likely.
[01:50:26] It's all on timing for this kill.
[01:50:28] And Feng has the timing in his favor.
[01:50:30] Shane the last, I think he was spotted by this rifle, or he will find one.
[01:50:33] He drops infinite.
[01:50:34] He's been kind of bullied throughout this map.
[01:50:37] Finds a second on the USP.
[01:50:39] He really tries to upgrade to the AK though and that misses on doing OG Wizard 10 kills
[01:50:45] into zero deaths for the new AWPer.
[01:50:49] Yeah, I was about to mention that.
[01:50:51] You look at his kill count and notice the glaring goose egg over in the death category.
[01:50:57] OG Wizards having himself a great half T side AWP, he had the 3K on the pistol round
[01:51:02] 2 that really secured that opening round victory for PA and Timberman going on the half
[01:51:08] by again. Couple MP9s, two deagles and four for dare, no armor for Nero, and no defuse kits
[01:51:15] and incendiary and a grenade before the CT side, and beefing already with an opening on the snav.
[01:51:21] Starting things off well for the party astronaut's t-side, OG Wizard met by the
[01:51:26] deagle of Shane, and so we mention his flawless start. Which comes down to an end in round number
[01:51:32] eight. Shane trying to go for another kill, but he'll drop down as fire burns around him.
[01:51:37] Aleph trying to aggress into Lobby is shut down, that's the MP9's removed, game 4 still up on A,
[01:51:43] and Shane still doing some damage, takes a little bit more from Infinite who will back away and be
[01:51:47] lucky to get out of there alive. Although Infinite's luck has not been great in this map, then
[01:51:53] we'll spray down one, Infinite gets Shane, and dares M4 spotted. No, no, he'll go down towards
[01:51:59] events and peeping holding onto OG Wizards up. We'll land the shot on the retreating CT,
[01:52:04] 8-0 for party astronauts, buy back up for Timberman, Nero on the yacht once more.
[01:52:09] But aside from Shane, there is nobody else on Timberman actually doing anything positive.
[01:52:14] Dare, Aleph, Snav, and Nero combined have 7 kills to Shane's 9,
[01:52:20] and you may get a good point in the earlier map, Nate. When Timberman are having a rough time,
[01:52:25] Shane is usually there to shine and try to bring them out of the Doldrums.
[01:52:29] He'll take a step back when the team is having a great time like Mirage.
[01:52:34] He's trying to shine here, but he needs somebody else with him if there's going to be any sort of result for Timberman in a positive factor.
[01:52:42] That's a good way to start the round outside by Nero.
[01:52:44] Dare a round in Africa as well, one-for-one trades back and forth.
[01:52:48] Massive damage sustained by party astronauts, but then, despite his teammates falling around and getting tagged around him,
[01:52:54] takes a fight to snap outside garage and looking like the cap wants to put another feather in his hat,
[01:53:00] As he's on for three, Ace potentially infinite.
[01:53:04] Goes down, but Ben has four.
[01:53:07] Knows where Shane is as well, spots him out, taps!
[01:53:10] No gee wizard will keep the Ace away from Ben.
[01:53:13] I don't think he really cares.
[01:53:15] We'll take two 4Ks in a map, and a 9-0 lead.
[01:53:20] Nope, I don't think he cares either.
[01:53:22] The individuals across the board are waking up for party
[01:53:24] astronauts. It's their turn to play the game,
[01:53:26] and Piperman's turn to sit in the back seat,
[01:53:29] and watching horror.
[01:53:34] 3M4s of Amos and MP9 versus the full bi-party Ashnash, which we've seen throughout this half at this point.
[01:53:46] The OG Wizard is almost to the money limit thing, entering out of door, bit foolhardy as they run through them all the time.
[01:53:53] To mix the bag of results,
[01:53:55] 2 versus 2 as the dust settles, the op misses an opportunity
[01:53:59] and leads low HP in towards hut,
[01:54:02] But OG Wizard cracks open the site with a kill on the there Shane the last one alive
[01:54:07] Good trade
[01:54:08] He's weary about where Ben Lee might be lurking
[01:54:12] So 1v1 the star the only one awake for Timberman versus Ben Lee who's been in
[01:54:17] Tremendous form on this map timings everything and so is H3
[01:54:21] Ben Lee does so much damage, but he owes a one shot for the M4
[01:54:26] Which gives Shane to the breathing room required to get the shot down
[01:54:29] One to nine, Timberman finally crack open this first half, but the only one surrounding the economy is going to continue to struggle throughout the rest of this half.
[01:54:45] The party astronauts are not going to have to worry about getting reset.
[01:54:56] At least for Timberman they finally get something on the board, besides the zero.
[01:55:00] But they're still not fantastic, especially utility-wise.
[01:55:05] The Spams from Shane doing damage after the second try onto Infinite, and Aide will chunk
[01:55:11] him down even further.
[01:55:12] But he still lives to tell a tale for now.
[01:55:15] No damage back onto Timberman, I'm not going to count that five damage taken by
[01:55:19] Shane.
[01:55:20] That doesn't count.
[01:55:21] Don't be so literal.
[01:55:22] I already know people are typing.
[01:55:26] You got five damage.
[01:55:28] It's nothing. AKs don't care about that.
[01:55:30] Do they, mate?
[01:55:33] 99% of the time they don't.
[01:55:36] Nero.
[01:55:36] Uncharacteristic miss.
[01:55:37] Not sure how that actually missed.
[01:55:38] Oh, no.
[01:55:39] I feel like he was moving when he shot.
[01:55:42] He's had infinite?
[01:55:44] Might have.
[01:55:46] Nero does get one snap a second,
[01:55:48] but those kills are both answered and traded.
[01:55:53] A left, Shane and Dare versus Fang, Peeping and Infinite.
[01:55:56] Infinite is low.
[01:55:57] Fang has yet to activate his outside yard lurk.
[01:56:00] He's at Africa.
[01:56:08] 30 seconds left, they have to make their move, I think they're both in lobby these two, yes they are.
[01:56:13] A site is more or less abandoned, there's one that could rotate up Heaven, there's one that could rotate up Secret.
[01:56:17] That's what party extras are faking on, they're faking on Shane pushing up Fang.
[01:56:22] Nearly misses the timing, but he gets the kill.
[01:56:25] They are looking out of Heaven, finds the lit player, spots the second as well, a missed spray from peeping is eventually recovered.
[01:56:30] But now both T's are lit a left on the MP9 spots the first miss the shot throws the name but fang gets to kill and survives with
[01:56:39] 2 HP
[01:56:40] 10 to 1 the victory improvement is isolated in a sea of yellow now
[01:56:46] This party astronauts look to make it an 11 1 T side half of nuke
[01:56:53] Timberman buy what they can one hero m4 for MP9's good utility, but no kit
[01:56:58] and a dream at this point
[01:57:04] It's more like a nightmare, a living nightmare.
[01:57:09] There's a type of dream.
[01:57:11] Yeah, but usually a dream is at least decent.
[01:57:15] It has positive connotation, I agree.
[01:57:18] It's now the first Nero traded.
[01:57:22] There is Loa as well.
[01:57:24] Won't stop him from peeking.
[01:57:26] It's a big one for him to find on low HP.
[01:57:31] An awkward duel not smoke outside the way through a spanner in the works.
[01:57:34] as well finds a second. Maybe the MP9s were the answer they needed, Timberman. OG Wizard lurking
[01:57:41] around with peeping above. Drop comes in, kill from the left, and OG Wizard too many players to
[01:57:49] find. Timberman secure a second as we hit the half-time break. We're back in it. It's a 10-2
[02:01:04] half for the party astronauts this time on the CT side of trying to close out Nuke,
[02:01:08] it's Boggs and Pineapple Phillips on the call for this best of one, second best of one of the evening,
[02:01:15] and this is the third to last day of ESL Challenge League Season 48. Seems like we just started,
[02:01:24] Nate, but it's already coming to an eye close. Playoffs, not next week, but the week after,
[02:01:30] peeping an OG Wizard of Unsilenced USP for the latter, just one, but peeping around the silo
[02:01:36] As helped from Fang and Mini, dropping more, Nero will finally deal with Peeping, and it's a 2 vs 2 into the early stages of this mid-round.
[02:01:44] The bomb on the ground, and infinite, again a bit unlucky with his timing zoned, but not removed.
[02:01:50] There goes the final nail, and Fang into 1 vs 2 on this CT pistol, a position we saw him before, back on Mirage.
[02:01:59] I was thinking it might be rotation down vents, instead it's a play on a Fang.
[02:02:03] Takes down the first, good shot, 90 seconds on site, don't let him escape.
[02:02:06] Good call, spots him crossing back and forth.
[02:02:09] And now it becomes a delicate dance.
[02:02:11] Bang.
[02:02:13] Caught by Nero scaling forward, not scared of that pistol.
[02:02:18] Timberman stay alive with a much needed pistol round,
[02:02:20] but again, their T side have not favored whatsoever.
[02:02:24] They have a lot of heavy listening to do to get back into this map.
[02:02:30] And there's going to be a force by here from party astronauts as well.
[02:02:32] four kills they're thinking we might as well go in for it MP9s on three helmets on four
[02:02:40] and now would you wizard will actually sell one of those mp9s and grab a scout I like that call
[02:02:44] and five sevens on ben elite and infinite of an okay amount of utility through smokes and a
[02:02:50] couple of flashbangs considering the lack of overall investments not horrible for pa they're
[02:02:56] mainly going to rely on tagging and bagging strategy to get them forward grab some of
[02:03:00] the golels and the AK up in the hands of Timberman. The shot towards Silo doesn't connect,
[02:03:05] and that will keep one of these rifles up in the hand for now. Split towards Mini maybe on the
[02:03:11] cards as a flash goes into garage. OG Wizard has retreated, so has Ben. No contact yet between
[02:03:17] either side. And OG Wizard splits the goalposts. And that will make things all the more difficult
[02:03:24] for PA. Well, infinite, his weapon's gonna struggle at range as Nero takes down Feng.
[02:03:31] He's being up secret, peeps out, finds one. Ben Lee does get a second as well, the issue
[02:03:37] is his player towards LJ Hall. He needs to be careful, he jumps away and peeping,
[02:03:42] seizes an AK, finding one, Shane trades it back to beat even footing.
[02:03:46] Peeping is a very dangerous player to be reckoned with, does not get another.
[02:03:50] Just two is all you can find. Ben, though, did at least find the upgrade in a Mach 10
[02:03:57] for this attempted clutch, one versus two.
[02:04:00] There and Shane will both walk in towards Mini,
[02:04:05] and Ben is going to hold his nerve back of sight. This could work out if they don't clear him.
[02:04:11] Swing comes through though. Shane is going to clear it. Shane gets the double dink,
[02:04:15] and Timberman can divert their pistol around victory. Only two survive.
[02:04:18] It was against a force spy so they knew casualties were likely going to be inevitable
[02:04:23] Yeah, this should be a fifth on the board for timbermen as this one is proceeding basically a mirror of what we saw on the Rage right now
[02:04:40] CZ an R8
[02:04:43] In the hands of OG Wizard
[02:04:45] The R8 on this HUD looks way so goofy. It looks so long. It looks like a 44 magnum. Yeah, it looks like a Mac and
[02:04:54] And it could work out. I don't know how those first couple shots didn't connect to be completely honest with you
[02:05:03] Okay
[02:05:05] If the three versus three as well damage is being done snap on this flank spots one knows where second is that's actually
[02:05:11] Fane instead of get with the USP peeping on an AK finds another is half by slash nearly full save could just bear fruit
[02:05:19] For the party outside
[02:05:21] Yeah, if we want to call the R8 ADC, we'll go for it.
[02:05:24] R8 Co.
[02:05:27] Chains the last, he's been the star, he has the bomb, he has 17 kills.
[02:05:32] R8 headshot.
[02:05:33] Calling R8.
[02:05:34] He's gonna walk into this pixel angle and get shot, yeah?
[02:05:37] Shots late.
[02:05:39] The info's there nonetheless.
[02:05:40] I honestly just wanted to see an R8 headshot at this point.
[02:05:44] You know, on that angle of all angles, it would have been absurd.
[02:05:52] I'm still shocked he has that available.
[02:05:59] Who has the R8 available?
[02:06:00] What is the percentage of people in all of Counter-Strike who have the R8 in the low-down?
[02:06:04] Oh, do you, Wizard?
[02:06:11] And maybe like two others?
[02:06:12] Maybe.
[02:06:13] I'm sure some people forget to remove their troll picks from time to time.
[02:06:21] And you mentioned people should have the timing.
[02:06:26] Seven seconds.
[02:06:27] It gets down.
[02:06:28] Oh, do you, is that a ammo distracting for a teammate who's caught oh, do you, Wizard?
[02:06:31] R8, though, saves the day.
[02:06:33] You asked for it.
[02:06:34] You prophesied it.
[02:06:37] Two for him on the round, on the trusty sidearm, the six shooter, which has an 8, very odd.
[02:06:49] Because it's the R8, that's why I remember that.
[02:06:55] Makes sense, still hate it.
[02:06:57] 11-4.
[02:06:58] I do, too.
[02:06:59] Party Ash, steal it with, as you put it, a deco.
[02:07:04] And Timberman, because they lost so much against the four spy, are now on a very
[02:07:08] weird force, try and stay alive, snab, invest into a Galil from three, no two AKs, two Galils
[02:07:16] and a Mach 10. It's okay, it's definitely not great when you compare it to what party
[02:07:21] astronauts have in there. I know, they got an R8. It's obviously going to be a party
[02:07:25] astronaut's round, they had the best gun of the game. That's primary and second
[02:07:30] or an OG wizard. Yeah. I did not have two R8 kills in one round of Challenger
[02:07:36] your league on my bingo card for this decade but you know I could check it off
[02:07:42] now I don't know how but we can he still has the RA too so there's a chance that
[02:07:52] you can use it this next round that's a nice shot on the chain takes a bit of a
[02:07:56] second to make sure he's on for that shot around red box I like that call
[02:08:01] the very good call and fang's gonna drop the bomb a snap tries to peek with it
[02:08:05] fang goes forward for more but dairy catches him in rotation oh gee wizard
[02:08:09] at the ladder into heaven keeping an eye on Mini, peeping there as well, helping out this
[02:08:14] CT side defense. OG Wizard takes a shot, hits the railing, misses it as Dare scales up towards
[02:08:20] Heaven itself. May toss by OG Wizard, he's got to be careful of somebody coming in and
[02:08:24] he is! Quick scope on Dare, wasn't sure if he's going to go for the no scope or not,
[02:08:28] as peeping eliminates Aleph in the interim. A 12-4 lead now for Party Astronauts.
[02:08:33] OG Wizard a very good map, peeping 21 and 9 as well, having himself a great performance.
[02:08:39] Infinite really hasn't had to do anything
[02:08:42] Doesn't gotten bullied quite a bit
[02:08:45] He's kind of a country too
[02:08:49] Timberman gonna invest what they can pistols
[02:08:52] Deagles on three tech nines on two a little bit of utility and a true dream at this point to try and stay alive
[02:09:00] In this best of one
[02:09:02] It opened the door left-taken quits spammed away actually taken away of peeping's grenade
[02:09:07] Infinite and Ramp will finally potentially see some action. Peeping finds a second spam in the smoke.
[02:09:11] Infinite's immediately falling away, though.
[02:09:13] Not trying to contest, and OG Wizards' op will be tested, as at this point, Timberman tried to just sow chaos.
[02:09:21] Two around Lobby, one taken down by Peeping. Second spotted, tagged down.
[02:09:26] Peeping's on for the ace.
[02:09:28] Clear out Lobby.
[02:09:35] Both Timberman players are walking Ramp.
[02:09:37] They won't be spotted, but if Snaf peeks into Hell,
[02:09:44] Ojiwizard has the angle. He does not have the shot, though. That's a nice shot from Snav, and so two versus three
[02:09:51] But no bomb controlled by Timberman means this is all but impossible
[02:09:55] The AWP doesn't even really shift the scales at all into their favor, especially considering the fact
[02:09:59] it's an AWP on a retake to grab the bomb on the A site. It's over towards hell and
[02:10:05] Snav's gonna keep it. Nero has more HP, so Snav's gonna go in towards the A site
[02:10:10] Drop on down, surf around, Nero in the high ground, joins him in the low.
[02:10:15] Infinite around Tetris holding, peeking one and maybe even two.
[02:10:19] He does grab the second as well as party astronauts respond in kind with a dominant 13-4 win on Nuke.
[02:10:26] Let's put the difference one and one with Timberman on the evening.
[02:10:30] Party astronauts a solid rebuttal to what was a disappointing first best of one in the evening.
[02:10:35] 10-2 statement, first half on the T side of Nuke.
[02:10:39] However, I will say, it was very iterative.
[02:10:43] It was very much the same throughout, a lot of just lurking outside for Feing or Ben Bleat.
[02:10:48] But the difference maker was the fact that the individuals were here,
[02:10:51] and Timberman looked uncomfortable in the second map.
[02:10:55] Yeah, Timberman looked very uncomfortable on Nuke,
[02:10:58] and I don't know if that's because they had to add Aleph and Nero recently,
[02:11:01] so they don't exactly have the comfort factor on Nuke.
[02:11:03] It's not a map they don't play too rarely either.
[02:11:07] times played five and three record coming into this isn't that bad. So bit of a
[02:11:11] concern for Timberman moving forward especially as playoffs loom and they
[02:11:14] should be just sneaking into that last playoff spot one of those last two
[02:11:18] playoffs spots especially given the map win tonight in the first one but
[02:11:21] overall party astronauts played nuke like we expected them to play both of
[02:11:25] these two maps. Yes again perhaps a bit of fatigue setting in for party
[02:11:29] astronauts following their first best of three earlier in the evening but they
[02:11:32] do stem the bleeding with that second best of one very solid
[02:11:35] performance from them. We're going to take a look here shortly at our Kadiyah player to watch.
[02:11:39] That is Feng. He was not the top of the scoreboard for his team, but a lot of players were vying for
[02:11:44] that position. He still had a more than serviceable performance though. 17-12, 1.42 KDR, and a 118
[02:11:51] ADR in the second map. Very solid performance from him and what we come to expect given him
[02:11:57] in the star role. Yeah, he's in the star role. He kind of gets to what he wants, work
[02:12:02] around areas of the map, sometimes alone, sometimes with teammates, and he won a lot
[02:12:06] of those duels, both on Mirage and more impactfully and importantly on Nuke, so good performance
[02:12:11] from him, peeping as well, showed up in a big way on Nuke, and OG Wizard, we said
[02:12:16] his name a lot on both maps, but mostly positively on Nuke too.
[02:12:21] But one guy I really want to highlight too, for that Nuke performance, was Ben.
[02:12:25] two 4Ks, one almost ace, and some pretty good,
[02:12:29] really, really solid raw individual skill
[02:12:32] showcased by the captain of the party astronauts
[02:12:34] in this second map too.
[02:12:36] And if Ben can bring that more often
[02:12:38] in matches against teams of a higher caliber
[02:12:41] than Timberman as well,
[02:12:42] I think party astronauts might be
[02:12:43] rocketing up to the top again.
[02:12:45] They're definitely good.
[02:12:46] Both teams showing moments of brilliance
[02:12:47] in spite of making recent roster changes.
[02:12:49] Both teams setting into their new five players
[02:12:52] hoping that they can really make a good run in playoffs, but as for now that is all we
[02:12:58] have planned for tonight's broadcast on behalf of Boggs, myself and the production crew.
[02:13:03] Have a good night and we will see you next week with more ECL action.
[02:13:07] See you then.