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LIVE: Fluxo vs paiN Gaming - ESL Challenger League - Season 48 - SA

10-02-2024 · 2h 39m

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[00:31:05] Hello everyone and welcome back to your South America Challenge League season 48 in South America.
[00:31:09] We're getting deep into the season now Brandon and we're bringing you one of the most exciting games
[00:31:15] I think of the season as you have the two top dogs going at it. Yeah it should be an exciting one
[00:31:22] for a lot of different reasons as well. We'll jump into that in just a second because we can take
[00:31:27] a look at how South America Challenge League has progressed. We can bring up the standings
[00:31:32] and walk you through what's going on.
[00:31:35] Because yesterday, Payne lost their first game,
[00:31:38] which is remarkable that it's 21 and one for the record
[00:31:43] over there.
[00:31:44] Red candidates were able to take a map off them.
[00:31:46] That puts them now in third place at 15 and five,
[00:31:49] but Fluxo haven't played their games yet.
[00:31:51] And they are sitting 20 and four.
[00:31:53] It's remarkable really,
[00:31:55] when you think that there's like so many best of ones
[00:31:58] to play, there's 16 teams,
[00:32:00] which means that you play like,
[00:32:03] so it's like 30 maps of Counter-Strike
[00:32:06] and you've got a record of paying 21-1,
[00:32:07] fluxing 20 and four.
[00:32:09] Like it is remarkable really.
[00:32:12] Top 10 make it through to the playoffs,
[00:32:15] all playing four, two spots at pro league
[00:32:18] for first and second.
[00:32:19] So a lot on the line here for these teams.
[00:32:23] Yeah, and in this particular matchup,
[00:32:25] there's a chance of fluxing
[00:32:26] that still end up top of the table
[00:32:28] if they're able to win both of these matches here
[00:32:31] because Payne's other team that they have to play, I think,
[00:32:33] is MIBR.
[00:32:34] So, you know, there's still a chance
[00:32:36] that they could potentially lose those
[00:32:37] and Fluxo could come out ahead.
[00:32:39] But either way, just the opportunity to see the two teams
[00:32:42] that are literally at the top of the table right now,
[00:32:46] going at it is a huge, exciting opportunity here.
[00:32:50] So let's refresh ourselves with these rosters.
[00:32:52] I think Payne, everyone kind of knows
[00:32:54] and loves at this stage.
[00:32:55] They haven't made any recent changes,
[00:32:57] but Flux say Brandon was a couple of interesting moves that have gone on the
[00:33:01] camp there over the last coming, well, a couple of months and one very recent.
[00:33:06] Yeah. So Kai came in for for Shay and Shay was like such a remarkable prospect.
[00:33:12] But we've obviously, like how is he going to M I B R flux?
[00:33:15] I knew the replacement.
[00:33:16] They've dug a little bit deeper into the tier two scene in South America.
[00:33:20] And they got Perrier in to play and he is fantastic.
[00:33:25] He is my favorite player to watch in South America at the moment. This guy is an absolute beast. I thought it was criminal
[00:33:31] He's not been picked up sooner. And the fact that he finds himself on this fluxo team is
[00:33:37] Fantastic, and I think he's gonna turn out a lot of heads because I don't I'm not sure how many people know about him
[00:33:42] But he's definitely one to watch and here we go. I could be a player to watch Peria
[00:33:48] He farmed against Imperial the other day. This is all this guy does this guy farms. He is incredible
[00:33:53] I can't stress enough how good this guy is. I'm so excited to watch him play
[00:33:59] I'm gonna stop now
[00:34:01] Yeah, well, I can continue because he had
[00:34:04] 1.98 rating one of the matches first Imperial and he went 35
[00:34:10] 36 sorry for 16 in the other match in the double OT. So yeah, it's a massive
[00:34:17] Obviously a bit of a risk going on on a tier 2 player
[00:34:19] So to speak but in terms of fire flowers who replace the Kazi
[00:34:24] He feels like a perfect match as long as you can kind of kick it against the big dogs
[00:34:28] Which on these first outings it looks like you will yeah, we've got the Vita we can bring up on the screen as well and
[00:34:35] the cider
[00:34:36] There to go is
[00:34:38] Really, okay. I thought it was nook. It doesn't matter
[00:34:42] That's good the cider. She thinks an interesting one between these two teams
[00:34:45] What I will say is that just more on period is that he reminds me a lot of snow in terms of when he was on car say before he went to pain in which snow was single handedly carrying games in tier two and even against the better opposition like he was pulling his weight.
[00:35:03] weight, but he didn't really have the team to support him. And this feels like a very similar move
[00:35:08] where you've got a young guy that is now going into one of the better teams in Brazil, and he's
[00:35:13] going to show up and he's going to dominate that this move is very exciting. When it comes to
[00:35:19] what's going on here in the veto, I think it's just a balanced map for both of these teams.
[00:35:26] I think Vertigo is an interesting sort of affair between these two. And I think Fluxo might
[00:35:32] the edge now they got Peria. I'm just gonna be honest with that being said I did say Payne would
[00:35:36] win this before we went live so I will stick to it but I'm a big Peria fan and I will probably not
[00:35:41] shut up about it for the next two hours. Yeah I'm a big art fan which is why I picked Fluxo
[00:35:48] and then you kind of sold me on Peria after the fact so maybe even more happy about my
[00:35:52] prediction. I do think Vertigo could be a little shaky for them. They played literally like
[00:35:57] three days ago on this map and it was a 13-6 victory for Payne. So it kind of makes sense that Payne
[00:36:04] want to retread this map given how one sided it was last time. We know that Vertigo, it's probably
[00:36:09] one of their better maps. I would go probably as fast as they could even be one of their best on a
[00:36:13] good day in terms of what we're seeing against some of the top teams on that map. So I think
[00:36:18] they're very happy that it ended up here. Yeah they deviated away from Anubis a little bit
[00:36:22] now. I remember when they first went to Europe Payne it was always Anubis, Anubis, Anubis,
[00:36:27] they picked more into Inferno and Nuke recently and I expect to see Nuke in a
[00:36:32] little bit later on in these videos. But yeah, I think Payne have got such a deep
[00:36:37] map pool, but that's the issue for teams, especially when Perio joins this team. You
[00:36:41] still got Kyder is pretty recent into the squad as well, and obviously you've
[00:36:45] got this transformational leadership of now Art coming into the roster and
[00:36:49] sort of making his mark and sort of integrating these players in. It all
[00:36:53] takes time and I think that's why the map pool isn't as deep as it can be for fluxo when you compare
[00:37:00] and contrast that to pain so yeah I think vertigo might be a little bit of a struggle but I've got
[00:37:04] hope for them in the future maybe not the immediate future but for the future for sure.
[00:37:09] Yeah I mean fluxo beat them on um dust two when they did play net best of three that was to
[00:37:15] qualify for challenger kind of it so that was a big big game and it went all three maps but
[00:37:21] but both Mirage and Vertigo were quite one-sided affairs.
[00:37:25] It was really just us two where Buxa were able to fight back.
[00:37:29] So I'm actually surprised,
[00:37:30] or maybe I'm not surprised it does two doesn't come up
[00:37:32] because Payne just wouldn't want it to go there.
[00:37:34] So makes sense.
[00:37:37] But I think you kind of touched on, you know,
[00:37:39] Pira being this, this player that can be super aggressive,
[00:37:41] right?
[00:37:42] That's what you're kind of saying to me
[00:37:43] before you went live that is very much
[00:37:45] a whole W getting your face kind of player.
[00:37:48] feels like it'll suit well to a leader like us. I think it will and I also think it will be you're
[00:37:54] taking the good elements of Lecauzzi where you got his aim. Lecauzzi is very much much more systematic
[00:38:01] methodical player so I think he'll do really well on MIBR because of the structure and the way that
[00:38:06] they play whereas I think Peria he's used to playing sort of in these let loose how to go
[00:38:12] do what you want sort of rosters because you spoke KNG and KNG you know what KNG is like he's wild
[00:38:20] he's fun he's R basically except worse and now you've got R who's even better and I'm excited
[00:38:28] to see this let's get this underway then Vertigo kicks off between Fluxo and Payne if Fluxo starts
[00:38:33] CT and paying a Russian fee or are they just checking they hear a lot of noise but not
[00:38:42] actually going double smoke double Molly thank you see and big is there are so the full utility
[00:38:49] set ready for an execute somewhere art is jumping behind the sandbag so get some information
[00:38:55] soon. We've got the classic little position. Period. Tux him. What has become such a strong,
[00:39:03] powerful spot to hang out. And on the pistol it feels extra potent. The swing comes through,
[00:39:08] but can't find his mark because they're at Jor's first flood. Zevi trying to get something
[00:39:13] back, but he's caught between so many angles and he is run down. Haida will swing through.
[00:39:18] And in fact there's a player behind him. He thought I was there, but no. Through
[00:39:22] smoke comes another now arts in a very uncomfortable position and he almost meets the night
[00:39:28] in a ironic way for art to go. It's a very quick pistol, very decisive from pain.
[00:39:34] What was that pistol round? That was just...
[00:39:40] You're telling me, aren't you trying to, like, keep track of it all?
[00:39:42] That was brilliant. That was Perrier trying to be set up by art and then suddenly there's
[00:39:50] four players unlucky but the scaling in from pain was fantastic and the fact that art gets lost in
[00:39:57] the source so much the point where his teammate doesn't realize he's there or there's a timing
[00:40:01] window which paint can walk through the smoke is classic in a way oh south america they look
[00:40:08] past each other in the smoke like that's just wild that both players decide to make a smoke walk
[00:40:12] play that. We're so back. Eco for Fluxo. Clay is pushing into middle. It's always the
[00:40:21] Ecos, always the tricky rounds. With the Cowards, he's just hoping he doesn't fall victim to
[00:40:29] all the USPs on the other side. Pain take this one slow. Yeah, a lot of it.
[00:40:35] There's rifle commitments here. We'd hate to lose these rifles.
[00:40:40] NQZ, you're up to the plate, uh oh, there's one right beside.
[00:40:46] There's one, you clean up these players, it'll be collected.
[00:40:51] And now you go into the next round with five rifles, even better.
[00:40:54] Lovely, perfectly handled. No sweat needs to be wiped off the brow, that was just a very
[00:41:02] simple round of CS, one in which pain will take all day long.
[00:41:06] and now they can probably pay a little bit more aggressive and try and take the fight
[00:41:11] to flux so because they know that with this eco it's going to come the investment but
[00:41:15] that will come out a consequence potentially of either weaponry or utility it's going to
[00:41:19] be the latter because there's five m4s in play and there's only a couple of drips and
[00:41:24] drabs and it comes to util for Zev'e, R and Heria.
[00:41:27] 3 Dattons, and what of it? Good damage on the cow-ers.
[00:41:42] Little left open by both teams. Pain on beer, expecting a question with that sort of setup.
[00:41:51] Looking to see if they can catch someone looking for information.
[00:41:54] Backed on both sides of the map, it's quite slow-paced.
[00:41:59] Just see what this 2v2 and 3v3 setup kind of going on at the moment.
[00:42:07] Thing is, if you paint, you know how flux I was going to play.
[00:42:15] You know what arts leadership is like. They're gonna get aggressive. They're gonna try and fight you on the way in.
[00:42:22] And for Pain, they've been playing in European competition. They know how to slow things down. Really good delay in timing on this smoke though for fluxo.
[00:42:30] Replenishes it at the right moment and allows Nix to creep close.
[00:42:33] Yeah, considering they had such a lack of utile, that's a perfect timing for it. But now all the utile comes.
[00:42:39] He's like, okay, they're coming and he can't hold on for the first one HP is snow does drop to kai
[00:42:47] What he scaled out Lux is just charging in do they know is this close?
[00:42:51] Doesn't matter guys able to get a second really delivering as the second be defender bomb
[00:42:56] We'll come in by NQZ. Kai can't deny
[00:43:00] Let's play your advantage in this retake. Oh, oh make it two
[00:43:04] Or maybe not, NQZ just from the back of sight hits one more and Big Uziura has thrown it into the battle of the in-game leaders in the 1v1 and it just swings on art like it's nothing.
[00:43:16] The link and you miss it because Fluxo try and retake attempts and it's snatched away from them in the blink of an eye by pain.
[00:43:24] You're shocking NQZ, able to get the double from that position considering he's known to be there as well.
[00:43:30] You feel that that many players slinging that he's doomed to fail.
[00:43:35] But getting the double is enough. Kai really well handled to be able to give them the advantage there.
[00:43:41] That was a 4 on 3.
[00:43:43] But even trading after NQZ gets that double, sets up because they're a full success.
[00:43:49] First gun round just about goes the way of pain.
[00:43:52] And that was pain with no utility in that after plant.
[00:43:55] They invested all of it to get onto the site in the first place.
[00:43:59] You feel like Fluxo were ahead every single step of the way in every department.
[00:44:03] And yet it's the individuals that shine through.
[00:44:06] And now Big Zero looks to carry on what he started over on this B site.
[00:44:10] He's here with Snow.
[00:44:12] Wait impatiently just on the edge of the smoke.
[00:44:14] No one peeks yet and Nix slides back into this close angle.
[00:44:19] Everyone rotates over from pain. You got to clear your corners
[00:44:28] First kill pocket that second
[00:44:31] Did at least clear it but Nick's a bit faster with the 5-7
[00:44:34] Not gonna matter though scaling bomb arrives
[00:44:41] And it's curing the sport of minimal casualties
[00:44:47] What's about?
[00:44:49] There he is an elevator
[00:44:51] behind you doesn't want them to save even their armor mate come on you up slow
[00:45:03] start not just for him but also for fluxo I'm worrying that I feel like
[00:45:09] recently all I keep saying on broadcast is this person's my favorite player or
[00:45:13] one of my favorite players I'm now up to about 30 I should probably have a
[00:45:17] condensed down of my list. Ash loves CS.
[00:45:22] Addicted. Hell yes.
[00:45:25] It's good to see you. I can't put it just tweeted by the way so. Did they?
[00:45:30] Shalna. Snow, T's in the B-Play and three players start there for fluxo.
[00:45:39] Yeah they're kind of done with getting bullied B. These executes
[00:45:43] just evolved from the last two rounds so this time around they decide
[00:45:47] You know what? We'll take the fight to you, establish that control early, show off some of that patented aggression.
[00:45:55] Open up. Forcing pain now. Consider A, they have four pretty far forward on being barraged by utility.
[00:46:07] Really interesting smokes that are being dropped down as almost like progression ones for Fluxo on the CT side.
[00:46:12] ZEVY deals with NQZ. Peri is now
[00:46:15] touching to his headshot and ZEVY with the aid of all these flashbangs is just picking off
[00:46:20] pain gaming players one by one and has thrown it into a 2v5. You can't go for the round
[00:46:26] anymore if you're this T side. You're looking for damage or you're looking for a safe.
[00:46:31] Biguzera posts on the angle, gets a miss right out of ZEVY and he's like, you
[00:46:35] know what? None of that. We're out of there.
[00:46:38] Cowes is really clear lobby on B, but scaling any further is out of the question. This will be save
[00:46:48] It's exactly what flux they needed
[00:46:51] They played the default in round three it didn't work out for them
[00:46:56] They saw pain tendency in those first couple of rounds to put double pressure on to be so they take that fight with three
[00:47:03] Get the open-air assert control
[00:47:05] Then they've got all the bodies to do it a and that all up in particular
[00:47:09] I don't know if you actually like we didn't see the shot but
[00:47:13] through the smoke
[00:47:15] Imagine if you get a whiff before firing off
[00:47:18] God's second shot looks clean as well out cat and that's nice for flexo. What did they tell you I can't say it
[00:47:24] They replied three clicks Philip asking to take a selfie with his dad holding up something with the date on it
[00:47:30] To make sure they're at he's actually away famously
[00:47:33] Can't check only ever releases updates when three clicks Philip is away
[00:47:36] on holiday. So they're teasing that the update will be coming, we'll let you know, and we
[00:47:50] know. Which will be after you know. Probably. If you're in the know.
[00:48:03] Oh my god! Bye! See you later cowards! That's not even fair man. That is ridiculous. I
[00:48:14] I can't believe that.
[00:48:16] That's a hell of an opener.
[00:48:18] And now for Cowards, he is being pressured.
[00:48:21] Fluxo are looking to take the control back, but that creates room on A.
[00:48:24] Look at Biguzera, he's just in sight.
[00:48:26] They have no one here, Fluxo.
[00:48:28] He's dead. Surely, Nix is dead.
[00:48:31] Well, not to Biguzera who he didn't spot, but then on the rejiggle, the ult was already on the line.
[00:48:41] The Lux is again lurking through the back lines. He will get punished this time, not going to get away with it.
[00:48:48] Bomb needs to be chaperoned to be, so it's going to extend this round a little longer. They are definitely not going for this.
[00:48:56] That's nice though. Cowboys just get to pick in mid on a wide swing and then because they're able to take that timing to walk up while they're focused elsewhere.
[00:49:05] It's just really good reaction. It's just immediately the communication of you hear one flashbang
[00:49:10] But you also sort of hear like multiple players in towards middle because they're just takes the space. He's also got the backup
[00:49:15] It's not like he's doing that solo
[00:49:17] So you've got pain making all the right moves in the right time in Windows
[00:49:22] And this is what separates just sort of the the better teams from just the average pack of sort of tier two
[00:49:29] I guess you put flux in the tier 1.5 now for South America. It's just the instantaneous reactions
[00:49:35] How fast can you piece together? What's going on on the server? And where are the gaps gonna be?
[00:49:40] It's like a massive chess game in which all these in-game leaders are thinking two three steps ahead big ozera
[00:49:48] He comes up with the check immediately
[00:49:50] And suddenly flux on all their mates are just waiting saving holding on so they get dropped over an orb
[00:49:56] You've got 5-1, you've got a rebuttal in from Fluxo and then pain bounce back immediately.
[00:50:02] This is horrible for the money, that's why they're forced into a save on this CT side.
[00:50:08] Is the perfect start to a half for paid Fluxo, they're just suffering, they keep going B.
[00:50:15] Yeah, they're very much identified, this is the weakness.
[00:50:19] Oh, 1QZ, that was a nice way to try and get the opening pick because you know how
[00:50:24] often the B defenders go for the jump part to drop the maid safely.
[00:50:30] What a really cool way to get that kill.
[00:50:36] I don't know if he might still get that open.
[00:50:38] He's really fishing for it.
[00:50:40] Fies off the shot.
[00:50:41] Next maybe has his number instead.
[00:50:45] Anticipate because they are already boosted up.
[00:50:47] No, not at all.
[00:50:49] I slipped in.
[00:50:51] Silently.
[00:50:51] Well, he made a noise.
[00:50:52] But I don't think they're aware he's here in the flashbang.
[00:50:56] Help him swing out on that timing because this teammate though now. He's filling the pressure
[00:51:03] Spamming him making him feel uncomfortable art also spamming though. I
[00:51:08] Will step forward for that kill through the smoke they get to relax
[00:51:12] It's a clutch good timing on this push
[00:51:15] Quite convert that kill two players are so low, but there is gonna be a flank not that far away
[00:51:22] Has the time to work with
[00:51:25] believe just being held if he falls back so going forward is actually the best
[00:51:35] option for him if he can find these kills that first one's nice Kai with
[00:51:40] 8 HP surely known to be behind the genie but no the timing couldn't be worse
[00:51:48] for Lux he's a little bit worried about that quad position and that bit of
[00:51:52] doubt is enough for Kai to strike yeah an art plays that be supportive role to
[00:51:58] help Kai as Zevi should have and that is just taking the contact away but you're
[00:52:04] never fully committed into the fight because Kai cannot peek at any moment
[00:52:10] in that scenario he needs to stay and buy and burn as many seconds off the
[00:52:14] clock as possible Zevi over commits a little bit too much once Nick loses
[00:52:18] his life but it's the reposition as well just out of Kai that gets that
[00:52:24] round over the line here's trademark arc set up by a flash man he gets a second kill out of that
[00:52:30] that's remarkable and that might be necessary because suddenly nqz and lux have found kills back
[00:52:35] and pain have got space up hey rotations have already arrived kai's here you got zavi posted on
[00:52:46] gap as well so pain do want to progress it's not going to be easy despite getting those two
[00:52:52] kills. Get Zebi up the angle, yes. Maltov does the trick. Strap in his entry off his
[00:53:00] arrow now, the smoke's land. Painter's gonna commit through this and not
[00:53:05] respecting this smoke that's been dropped. Spreeks everywhere right now.
[00:53:11] Slightly uncomfortable for Fluxo as they're not sure where Painter at. Zebi does find
[00:53:17] Lux as he jumps up onto the box, gives an opportunity and now gives the
[00:53:21] far dudes to Fluxo. Yeah but they're on a timer as well. No they're not. I was going to say Painter
[00:53:29] on a timer here because you got nicks on that flank but suddenly Zevi just steps in with two kills
[00:53:33] allows Kai to walk through Catwalk. In essence a really simple retake coming out of Fluxo. I think
[00:53:40] Pain just got a little bit stuck on the site and they couldn't move. If they had the space
[00:53:45] in towards Catwalk that would be a lot better. They had space in towards Gap but they lost it
[00:53:49] instantly you do some sharp shots from Zevi.
[00:53:54] I'm going to speak about the financial woes of Fluxo, but by winning two rounds in a row, denying pain from finding too much in the rounds that they've won, suddenly it's an eco, and it can be a one round game.
[00:54:10] I think a cool storyline with Fluxo is Kai's Edition, you know, outside of the fact that he replaced Art temporarily on Fury, which is kind of fun, because they're now playing together.
[00:54:22] on that line up. But that he's actually had this great average head and form on this team.
[00:54:31] He's an average team of 1.10 rating, I think on average the second best performer on this squad.
[00:54:38] Which is really cool because obviously the narrative for him on that time on Fury was
[00:54:42] not good. It felt like he wasn't the right piece for that team. I think it was wrongly branded
[00:54:48] maybe not ready for the step up but I think all the pieces around weren't ready either
[00:54:56] it just wasn't the right mix of everything going on so it's good to see him get an opportunity
[00:55:02] to shine on this team.
[00:55:03] It's really easy to scapegoat the player that comes up from the academy to fill a
[00:55:09] round hole when he's more of a square peg right like it was clear that he wasn't
[00:55:13] the right player and it's clear he was a stop gap and the biggest criticism I had
[00:55:18] with Fury are doing that is I was worried about his career in the future and I was worried that
[00:55:23] people would look at that and think well he's not worthy over there so how's he gonna be worthy
[00:55:26] for our team I'm really glad he was an scapegoat from Swoop Libyan I'm really glad Fluxo gave me
[00:55:31] the opportunity and it makes me so happy that he is now just before this level look taking
[00:55:36] the initiative we speak about him he's dealt with cowards immediately yeah that's the
[00:55:41] the cowards that destroyed Zevi from the middle of the round to go, he's ready for the molotov,
[00:55:51] though he does deal with Zevi in the middle again, this all is struggling, but it comes
[00:55:56] to holding down this middle spot, that's causing problems, headshot angle, headshots
[00:56:02] exchanged, AK wins out every single day.
[00:56:06] Now this is interesting because we've not yet seen Payne having to fight a fluxo
[00:56:12] player who's progressed past this angle at danger. And Nix is in the perfect spot to shut one down.
[00:56:20] Issue is, he's such low HP. I mean he's trying to stay alive and that's even better.
[00:56:25] A kill and a half onto NQZ and there's no way he can. You're expecting Kai here or maybe you just do.
[00:56:32] NQZ hit the adjustment, it's a 2v1, Lux is low, this is winnable for ARC but he has to be brilliant.
[00:56:38] Yeah.
[00:56:41] Find some shooting, that's it, that's Lux crossing the low HP.
[00:56:46] Come down to the 1v5, smoke everywhere, Art's head spotted, NQZ not able to connect, sticking
[00:56:52] to plant but Art is pushing forward.
[00:56:55] He loves to play around these smokes, use them to his advantage so he doesn't want to wait
[00:56:59] for the dissipate.
[00:57:00] Question is, is he ready for White Fox?
[00:57:04] We was almost adjusted but NQZ again, a sharp headshot coming through and another
[00:57:09] 1v1 goes the way of pain. I'll tell you what it's coming down to these individual players stepping up
[00:57:16] for pain. It doesn't feel as comfortable. It feels like flux are in control in a lot of these rounds
[00:57:21] even in that one versus two. As soon as that's reduced into the 1v1 art makes the correct play
[00:57:25] by pushing forward. He even gets the jump on NQZ in terms of positional. He was aware that he
[00:57:31] was in towards white box. Just couldn't land the shot. It's another instantaneous head shot.
[00:57:36] it's another brilliant moment for a member of pain gaming. The school line doesn't really
[00:57:42] reflect what's happening here because I feel like Fluxo has been a really good stead in for the
[00:57:46] majority of these rounds. It just comes down to who hits heads faster and well it feels like
[00:57:51] as pain every step of the way.
[00:57:54] It plays. It plays. Fluxo did so well.
[00:57:58] Oh, I went for one.
[00:58:00] Leave.
[00:58:01] Ouch.
[00:58:02] Ah, you tell.
[00:58:05] Ah, again! Oh, there is a galil if you had an AK. That's a different story.
[00:58:14] That's now a chance. Loish P on screw players. Fluxo have the advantage of just unlooming.
[00:58:21] Kai falls back, stops with the scope.
[00:58:24] maybe someone extends onto him with that low HP who is very close behind and
[00:58:30] will win out that fight on the big Zera who is just scaling forward and no idea
[00:58:34] he was that close. Lux at long range, can't quite get the kill instantly does on
[00:58:40] the second chance and NQC required to clutch again not ready for Kai's
[00:58:45] reposition couldn't quite adjust in time so this time Fuxo will come out
[00:58:50] I'll tell you what that's Kai doing everything yet again. He had to take all the attention away from his teammates
[00:58:58] But the scaling in tandem upstairs and he does brilliantly
[00:59:02] Fancy sorts the orb but had he nearly hits the pre-fire as well onto pain pushing deep into wall's construction and he just leaves
[00:59:11] It just pretends he doesn't exist
[00:59:13] He likes his teammates play and that's more than enough to set them up for success
[00:59:18] and he has to hit a sharp flick onto the player at close gents. Passes the test with flying
[00:59:23] colours, we're speaking about him, he delivers. That's a huge impact round for Fluxo because
[00:59:28] look what he's done at the end of this first half. Tech nine, Mac tens, it's not everything
[00:59:33] that pain would desire.
[00:59:35] So we've got four and a half in, I mean five and one at one stage, right? This is
[00:59:43] is now four rounds in a row.
[00:59:47] Flux there, I have hold.
[00:59:51] Oh no, not four in a row, but four.
[00:59:54] Did one blip.
[00:59:57] He's mid this time.
[00:59:59] Debbie, so they've identified him as a potential weakness.
[01:00:03] It's actually Lux that gets a kill.
[01:00:05] Ah, we'll get one back because they're offer over top
[01:00:08] with a Mac 10 being an absolute nuisance.
[01:00:11] Kai again trying to bail them out,
[01:00:13] but he is Lux and he is Art.
[01:00:15] The problem is, you've lost B now, they've immediately seen the positions of both your remaining players, so lock in the bomb site.
[01:00:23] They've got you two. They know where you are, so at this point, being loud is completely fine.
[01:00:29] And you've also got nades, you've got flashes just to bail you out. There we go, good instance of it.
[01:00:36] Flashbang, oh it's nearly good, but it's not quite. So now Art has to catch up an impossible 1v2,
[01:00:42] he's trying to isolate his fights with Susie Pinks one, the other will swing. Payne take the
[01:00:46] slightly lead as the half ends. Payne just for etch out the lead, but the one of the ones really
[01:04:10] helped them out on their way there. Foxo research towards the end of a pretty good chance to take
[01:04:18] this map, but it'll start to hit this pistol in mid. A big fight taking place. Lux has doubled up
[01:04:23] with the doolies and that sent Foxo scampering. A good reaction there on the the rotates
[01:04:29] for pain just dropping utility to help lux out it has created a little bit of
[01:04:34] space periods now starting to work gap but there's been a rotate cow as is a
[01:04:39] ready deep-holed CT and QZ can just walk over so for now everything is fine
[01:04:45] the pain for fuck so they can utilize this one smoke the arts got for us going
[01:04:52] towards just back site but getting anything further is gonna be a bit
[01:04:57] tricky. Maybe they can plant the bomb at first. Yeah that would be a winning of itself so
[01:05:03] Art is just going to commit to the plant and we'll find success with it. She isn't a kit
[01:05:08] so can they delay enough? Well not if they just fly around the corner. Lucky to get one
[01:05:13] there, Nyx needs to get every single one. It's not a comfortable position. You may
[01:05:19] look fun for a moment, Enkizi was low and if he got that second maybe there was something
[01:05:24] to say that Luxe with the hat trick and pain with the fist.
[01:05:27] That's so true. The guy jumps out of elevation just pirouettes his gap and it's it's deliberate
[01:05:33] so you can't hit his head because he's just turning his head making his model move all
[01:05:37] over the place. What do you see that coming at you just think it's a long day. You
[01:05:42] know, it's such a long day to be that player in gap. Unfortunate but like so pain will
[01:05:49] absolutely love it and it's good to see Lux and NQZ stepping up. I know NQZ has been really good
[01:05:56] over recent but Lux finding his footing again in this squad taking a little bit of pressure of the
[01:06:02] fragging responsibilities of Biguzera has got to feel quite lovely if you're paying, lovely gently.
[01:06:25] Lux are doing the one molly that they know would have undone every single B setup they had.
[01:06:29] Rushing, he's there out, wants to take the fight with the MP9, goes one for one, you can
[01:06:39] see info that this is that forced investment, also you can see info that there was only
[01:06:46] one player kind of there, another that ran through to get the trade, that's actually
[01:06:55] left B open.
[01:06:56] Yeah poor Snowy's on his own, he's got to deal with mids and B at the same time
[01:07:01] and he's long range with the MP9.
[01:07:03] It's a classic B anchor place to end up.
[01:07:07] The good news is, the smokes will telegraph that it will be a play here, so he can drop
[01:07:11] his own smoke, he can creep close, he's playing ANSI, so the flashbangs won't affect him.
[01:07:17] And the scale in, nevermind, that flash was so delayed that he got annihilated by Kai.
[01:07:22] And Kai just keeps on going, finds another kill.
[01:07:25] Suddenly this puts it right back in the favour of Fluxo, Kai does absolutely everything,
[01:07:31] an NQZ can only watch on as he tries to just clutch onto his M4 for dear life.
[01:07:36] Loved how you said he was saying it up right, he dropped this smoke, he was tucking into
[01:07:41] a nice little pocket, playing anti, boof, cops the full flashbang and just gets destroyed.
[01:07:49] What around from Kai? Three massive kills, he's even letting them get into a possibility
[01:07:54] of fighting B. And that's crushing for pain.
[01:07:59] Yeah, it's one of those that you look at back when they come to Bodra view this and then look at the demo and you just think, oh, sweetheart, like you did everything right.
[01:08:08] And it's just the timing of the flash absolutely screws you over.
[01:08:13] But let's talk about Kai, because he scales into sight, but then he disengages.
[01:08:18] He then moves to a completely different angle.
[01:08:20] Payne got to worry about everything as they come onto that retake and Kai's already vacated the premises.
[01:08:25] He backs up.
[01:08:26] He's now with his teammates.
[01:08:27] He's still finding kills.
[01:08:28] Well, now you're forcing around the saved M4 because your money is in the bin.
[01:08:41] M4 has actually gotten fairly aggressive here.
[01:08:46] You see, he wants to try and take the fight with that rifle.
[01:08:48] He doesn't know a place beneath him.
[01:08:50] Oh, it's a disaster, and that's hard to recover.
[01:08:56] You could end up with a tight game in a moment,
[01:08:58] unless Sno could do something special with the pistol,
[01:09:00] but it's just the one.
[01:09:04] And I've got to read that smoke.
[01:09:06] Yeah.
[01:09:07] And I'll beg you.
[01:09:13] No, since he's over here,
[01:09:15] and he just baits just enough.
[01:09:17] the cowards to get the gillil to be free they're really not it yeah I'm gonna say
[01:09:26] you're surely not going for this but if fluxo give you the kills you can go for
[01:09:31] this period one and none he gets both one and so yeah I was scared with the
[01:09:40] HP
[01:09:43] Without a king without information
[01:09:46] Would have been tricky
[01:09:48] That's for the costly and flux I just knew they weren't going for it
[01:09:51] So they just set up for the one escape route that pain had
[01:09:56] Especially you're really nice way to catch up those players just to make sure that pain come in with nothing into this round
[01:10:02] Eight eight in a moment for pistols going the way of pain the future looks bright for flux
[01:10:12] So I'll say it now. We're only a period like 11 days in the roster
[01:10:16] But the kai is still flourishing
[01:10:19] Maybe art wasn't the problem
[01:10:23] It seems to be a new player under his guidance
[01:10:30] Just don't stumble on the pistols and you'll be okay. Check out a it's absolutely fine
[01:10:36] They're gonna take that space. They'll go off this flashbang as well
[01:10:39] So they'll just scale up towards this site and it won't be an issue. It might be Phoenix
[01:10:45] nice chill
[01:10:48] question effective okay he's not sure
[01:10:53] Kai's still there yeah okay in 19 and 9 this guy was not the problem
[01:11:00] i know he gets thrown at eco but 19 and 9 look at this angle lux is on with yeah he's playing for the knife
[01:11:18] i didn't know that was a nice thing spot that's quite nifty yeah okay no you get cleared here
[01:11:26] it's like what are you doing bro i think he was thinking how can i get this knife
[01:11:29] I would have you know what that would have been full respect if Peria just dropped his guns and just went for a knife fight
[01:11:39] Of course, he's not going to do that
[01:11:42] But I'd respect it, you know he'd earn all of our respect
[01:11:46] You should have it already
[01:11:48] It's having the slow starts of the game is now built into it
[01:11:53] Ten and eight second on the board behind Kai who's having a master class
[01:11:57] Fall by, now out for pain, no warp notably for HGZ, that doesn't stop him swinging gap.
[01:12:06] The flame is full though.
[01:12:08] Almost a kill for us, and I think the almost part of that is going to entice him to maybe
[01:12:16] keep on going.
[01:12:17] As he tries to catch Love's ball, Newtilly's thrown.
[01:12:21] Doesn't he cheat?
[01:12:23] That's going to go to the wrong target.
[01:12:26] He'll do.
[01:12:27] We'll go to A target though.
[01:12:34] Zero's playing a dangerous game, a gap.
[01:12:37] The cowards is here to back him up.
[01:12:39] Are they gonna boost?
[01:12:40] Oh, okay, and that's so you can see gaps
[01:12:44] in the tar pooling.
[01:12:46] That's really cool, but I guess I'm done by a spam.
[01:12:49] Payne come off worse for wear.
[01:12:51] Look at the HP bars of all of these players.
[01:12:54] This was really uncomfortable.
[01:12:58] I've never seen that boost before.
[01:13:00] Yeah, I mean, it feels very risky,
[01:13:02] so that's probably why.
[01:13:03] Yeah.
[01:13:04] Uh, cause like, things could span back as we just saw.
[01:13:07] They have no utile pain.
[01:13:09] They have no utile at all.
[01:13:13] Just gonna put their bodies on the line.
[01:13:16] Snow.
[01:13:17] What have you got on B?
[01:13:19] You've got lots of 10 HP by your side.
[01:13:21] So he's done 4.
[01:13:23] Is it?
[01:13:24] Not until he gets a kill at least.
[01:13:25] Maybe he's not done 4.
[01:13:26] Snow, your chance to shine.
[01:13:28] Oh.
[01:13:29] Four players.
[01:13:30] A bullet from death.
[01:13:33] It would save.
[01:13:34] 10 seconds.
[01:13:35] It's been such a nuisance Lux is still alive and there's no time. Oh
[01:13:43] No, flux say that was your rounds what disaster and to be honest
[01:13:48] I thought I was gonna go complete the opposite way
[01:13:49] I think we both did where like states the contact he gets dealt with and then snow cleans up and gets two kills
[01:13:55] It's like okay really good bait and switch. That's not how it works. It said it's the other way
[01:13:59] Pain rotate based off the information
[01:14:02] And flux so take way too long
[01:14:05] And it's because Paine even though they did boost even though they were sort of giving up an opportunity to convert the kill
[01:14:10] No kills came through so flux over completely in the dark about what was going on and only figured it out too late
[01:14:18] What a shame one of these rounds that pain have one that you just don't feel like should have been theirs
[01:14:43] That's the difference that experience brings
[01:14:46] no very experience with the boost up
[01:14:50] Ready for that and reduce some further damage.
[01:14:55] OXO's body and feet being kept at bay.
[01:14:59] Oh, but Zevi!
[01:15:01] Well he's going to put towers at bay.
[01:15:04] Because there he needs to be careful.
[01:15:06] He's got to get out.
[01:15:09] And Pirish is walking right behind him.
[01:15:12] Concerned about sandbags, but thinks Big Izira's moved.
[01:15:16] So he's going to take the space to walk through.
[01:15:18] back turns. No idea that period is going to walk up and it's one click of the mouse that
[01:15:24] sends NQZ to the spectator screen and they just keep walking. Big Uziura is aware of this timing.
[01:15:29] Could be it, but Peria is just that much better. Lux can't contain the excitement either on
[01:15:35] the elevator and suddenly is left up to Snow who got a dink to kickstart this round but
[01:15:40] gets eliminated by Zevi. There he is. That's what he can do.
[01:15:45] You bounce back from Flux there and it's broke pain
[01:15:53] without those last couple of rounds of gun.
[01:15:56] We're tied up.
[01:16:00] Flux there about to take the lead, I think for the very first time
[01:16:03] in this match.
[01:16:14] What was it? You said it was last time? 13-6.
[01:16:16] One improvement. This is already.
[01:16:18] Considerably. That was two days ago.
[01:16:26] Triple boost.
[01:16:31] Fun! If it had any pistol out of the new USB, any weapon out of the new USB
[01:16:35] would have been really cool. Okay Kai you're becoming a little bit of an eco merchant now mate.
[01:16:46] That's seven of your kills being eco's. I know it's not your fault but it's just hunting.
[01:16:59] Don't take it away from Zevi. They won't. Double digits of flux though. Still no warp for Enki's
[01:17:09] unless big is there a drops in one. There we go. Oh run boost!
[01:17:33] And it's Kai. Don't look if it's Ego frags, confer all the frags.
[01:17:38] Unfortunately for him, Snow is playing passive so we go open up trying to punish the aggressive utile throne.
[01:17:45] But they will take advantage of some of this space by making him very uncomfortable and drawing the eye of three CTs.
[01:17:52] Wait, and Lux is pushing mid I think.
[01:17:55] Yeah, Lux is into your sword. 30 seconds in.
[01:18:00] Oh, this is fun. Okay, so Kowers needs to live. It's so important Kowers lives here.
[01:18:05] So he gets dealt with and...
[01:18:09] Oh, what?
[01:18:10] No! What?
[01:18:11] Come on, man. You're the best timing possible. How do you fluff your lines like that?
[01:18:18] I dunno, but he's dead. Kowers did stay alive though, so I guess a pat on the back for him.
[01:18:24] NQZ will find Peria. As he looks to deal with the player over at Sandbag, Zevi knows the orb angles all too well.
[01:18:33] NQZ really wants an opportunity, just to make this even. With 45 seconds left and with no control over towards B, you feel like Fluxo have to go into A, have to go into this double setup.
[01:18:45] Okay, that works.
[01:18:47] Oh, that wins both fights.
[01:18:49] Alright, that's better.
[01:18:51] you try to push against art good luck guys to push master he's never opened a
[01:19:00] door it says pull I can't believe Lux lost his file yeah I I have no idea how
[01:19:12] that happens he was there like a minute 25 like that's such an absurd timing and
[01:19:23] Nyx just waxing over the head. Bonk, see you later.
[01:19:28] I know this Tom Follery.
[01:19:31] Going to spectator jail.
[01:19:36] MP957s.
[01:19:40] Fluxo, a poise to win this 13-9 at the moment.
[01:19:44] Famous last words.
[01:20:06] I fumbled this one, Fluxo.
[01:20:08] This is the easy one.
[01:20:09] Oh my God, that was so close.
[01:20:23] And now Cowards, here's all of them.
[01:20:25] I don't want to benefit by this right now.
[01:20:33] We get mashed to it.
[01:20:35] Fjord.
[01:20:36] Panna just shows heavy dodges.
[01:20:42] I'm kind of clean.
[01:20:43] I've had this time continuing to add
[01:20:45] Eco, is he in quotation marks?
[01:20:48] To his tally.
[01:20:50] He's doing it again.
[01:20:52] Oh, that was almost the button.
[01:20:54] But almost is the operative word.
[01:20:56] Good swing.
[01:21:01] And he gets the kill.
[01:21:03] Not a chip, but there is a smoke
[01:21:04] and there's a chance to be disruptive.
[01:21:06] But that was the opportunity.
[01:21:07] I looked away,
[01:21:08] But over comes NQZ from above, so he can't control it, and it's a 1v1.
[01:21:14] But Lux needs to get on that bomb, and this is the big problem. Nix is slipped into elevator, and he should surely be able to win this round.
[01:21:20] Surely, he just needs to find the kill, because he's to spam him. It's a 10 second defuse, and he can't quite catch him till the very end.
[01:21:27] The smoke fades, and Lux betrayed, revealed in the open.
[01:21:33] that point for fluxo. Firstly, how is this your first time out? Secondly, how does he
[01:21:43] nearly win that? I don't know. Good work from snow because his push, his kill on
[01:21:49] towards Kai creates all that space, creates that window of opportunity. The
[01:21:54] page to go up and overhead shot to swing in towards catwalk. You suddenly
[01:21:57] created all of these different dimensions of fluxo to deal with. The
[01:22:01] back to get into a 1v1. The fact that it nearly gets lost by Nix, but he recovers it with the knife.
[01:22:08] Three chances to redeem themselves, Payne. Three chances to bring it back to O.T.
[01:22:13] With Vluxo, three chances to close on Vertigo, a map that you struggled with only a couple of days
[01:22:19] ago. They've now shown vast improvement on. Yeah, it'd be kind of rough to when it's
[01:22:24] Good air leave. Cleanly here. Even though it's close to go live, Flux is over felting control
[01:22:29] basically since the 7th or 8th rounds. But it'd be so brutal after how it went and
[01:22:36] that was your chance to qualify it. But improvements or improvements?
[01:22:44] I'm pretty certainly a lovely thing to qualify for. Part of the process. Flash 4,
[01:22:54] Cow is deleted. He's so good.
[01:22:59] Aye.
[01:23:01] That's an aye.
[01:23:02] Fox will put it out.
[01:23:06] Debbie.
[01:23:07] An art.
[01:23:08] First time in Brick Killer P's.
[01:23:09] NQZ and Big Zero have to retake and one of those guns is an AWP.
[01:23:13] Two on four.
[01:23:15] Feels incredibly unlikely and this fucker overextended.
[01:23:19] The bomb's not down, but it's just NQZ.
[01:23:22] And he hits the deck out on the swing.
[01:23:24] Fuck so with the dub.
[01:23:26] I think what's awesome to see is you got that
[01:23:28] change pace immediately coming out of fluxo there in that round to put pain off kilter and that was
[01:23:35] even with lux pushing a smoke as well to be a menace and be a bit of a nuisance instantly traded
[01:23:41] but also what's great there is that the floor's being raised as well from fluxo it wasn't just
[01:23:47] a chi masterclass it was all of these players slowly stepping up slowly having their moments
[01:23:52] you're giggling that something what is it it was just arts for a puppet show it was just like a
[01:23:57] little cat in a business suit it just looked really funny when he has like the major trophy
[01:24:02] like next to it uh like the uh semis whatever it was it just looked really funny sorry to distract
[01:24:09] you from your very good point yeah it's it's fine i i knew i'd miss something i was like okay i need
[01:24:15] to know i need to know what this is but it was just a cat image of course yeah yeah just a cat
[01:24:21] image. And just a flux they win on vertigo. I'll play to watch
[01:24:26] period. I had a good game actually. You know, he was a
[01:24:29] one point second on the team wasn't actually in the end the
[01:24:33] kind of star of the show. Obviously, that was Kai, but
[01:24:37] period kind of went under the radar was definitely getting his
[01:24:40] kills.
[01:24:41] I'll argue it. I think he had one of the most important rounds
[01:24:44] in the game, where he walks up behind big oozera. You got
[01:24:47] that one tap on NQZ. And that was the round that not
[01:24:50] only open the bomb site for
[01:24:52] Fluxo, but that broke the money
[01:24:53] for pain because they're not in
[01:24:55] a position at all to go for it.
[01:24:56] And from there they were able to
[01:24:57] win out pretty convincingly.
[01:24:59] So shout at him. I'm clutching
[01:25:00] at straws, but that was a very
[01:25:02] impactful round for him. We now
[01:25:04] go to a little bit of a break.
[01:25:06] When we come back, we're going
[01:25:07] to remove that to go out of the
[01:25:08] pool and we're going to run it
[01:25:10] right back once more. Another
[01:25:11] best of one between these two
[01:25:12] teams just after this.
[01:25:14] We're showing from Fluxo in
[01:37:33] the first game of this two
[01:37:35] back to back best of ones. Pretty convincing victory on
[01:37:38] Vertigo given that as we mentioned, they had a real
[01:37:41] tough time against Payne just a couple of days ago on the same
[01:37:43] map. Really felt they came into this challenger match looking
[01:37:47] very refreshed and individually Kai on fire. It's really felt
[01:37:52] like the whole game plan looked quite good for Voxo. I
[01:37:55] think the I'll send this to you in the break and I think
[01:37:58] this is probably the perfect time to play Payne because
[01:38:01] they're going to be focusing on IEM Rio. They're going to
[01:38:03] to be looking at the tournament they've got coming ahead and with respect the fact that they are
[01:38:08] what 21 and 1 that they won't be prepping too much for games like this coming up and this will mean
[01:38:16] a lot more to flux so currently because if pain can go on a really good run at iam rio if they can
[01:38:22] play on the in front of the crowd and the home crowd as well i imagine they're putting a lot
[01:38:27] more eggs into that basket rather than the chandelier one but with that being said you
[01:38:32] You still know they're going to be prepping for this.
[01:38:33] You still know they're not going to be satisfied
[01:38:34] with how that vertigo went,
[01:38:36] because you want to come into an event such as IEM Rio
[01:38:39] with a lot more confidence.
[01:38:42] What we do in these best of ones as well, Lucy,
[01:38:44] is we remove vertigo now.
[01:38:45] We say bye-bye.
[01:38:46] That's not being played in this iteration.
[01:38:49] It effectively is a best of three
[01:38:50] between these two teams,
[01:38:51] except you don't sort of have that decided map.
[01:38:54] So we then look at the veto for this one.
[01:38:56] And I did spoil it a little bit earlier.
[01:38:59] I'll fully spoil it now.
[01:39:00] it will be Nuke that second map.
[01:39:03] So I think this is going to be a really fun one
[01:39:05] because this is pain, looking very good on this map.
[01:39:08] This is Fluxo looking a bit better on this map
[01:39:10] and considering how Vertigo went,
[01:39:13] it wouldn't surprise me if Fluxo came out of the block
[01:39:16] swing in here and looked for that two zero,
[01:39:18] that the back to back Bayer one wins.
[01:39:21] Yeah, it's certainly doable.
[01:39:23] Given how things went on Vertigo,
[01:39:25] I wouldn't write a possibility.
[01:39:27] I think Nuke is a map that art feels really
[01:39:30] on to put calling on as well. I think it's always one that I think under the in the Furia time for
[01:39:34] art was their strongest map in in many ways and I think it plays well to his way of calling and
[01:39:41] particularly the things you do on the T side so yeah it all kind of points well so as mentioned
[01:39:48] one of Payne's on the map as many tend to be these days. He's a great planet. He's 139.
[01:39:57] today. It's not infallible on it.
[01:40:02] Counter-Strike have not tweeted since that teaser. I just went and checked. So we still
[01:40:08] wait patiently for that. Art waits patiently for the players outside and deals with Lux.
[01:40:12] Takes his head off and is swinging from main trying to get another player but now they've
[01:40:16] identified that Cowares was out secret. Art with another killing blow and that forces
[01:40:22] Luxo down ram.
[01:40:25] He's down here on B. He's down here on B. No players are down here on B. What? How?
[01:40:35] The players are here on Ramp. How have they done that? An AQZ is in such a prime spot.
[01:40:42] They need to clear this and Art does. He's killed every player so far on the pain game in roster
[01:40:48] and he's looking for even more. Snow rears his head over towards control and just shuts the doors.
[01:40:54] doors trying to waste as much time as possible. Arts now been dinked and Bigazera just runs
[01:40:59] away. Art finds a fourth kill looking for the ace. They need to get on the bomb. Art's just
[01:41:05] sticking it. Round over. Art does everything.
[01:41:09] Four kills. The bomb defuse. Not quite the ace. Everybody does his job. Yeah, that's
[01:41:18] a very art. He's got low HP. He's got the kit. Notice he has a bit of cover.
[01:41:22] door shut and Riga Zera doesn't want to peek in the 1v2, hoping that's not going to be the
[01:41:28] commitment with the kit. Art feels all too confident to go for it. And now it's a pain
[01:41:34] getting such nice kills into me. There were three rotates. All of them lose, their fights.
[01:41:40] The NQZ in that power position gets nothing done. Art just hard clears him. From there they just
[01:41:46] charge in.
[01:41:47] An Art Strip, Zevilior, to Hero A.K. out of pain.
[01:41:54] There was a Hero A.K.
[01:41:55] How does this keep happening?
[01:41:56] Here it finds Big Yzera.
[01:41:57] That can now be scavenged and passed over to Lux, but without armor it's going to be
[01:42:02] a little bit tricky to use it.
[01:42:05] Oh, he does.
[01:42:06] I mean, he's been naded.
[01:42:07] So, A.K.
[01:42:08] Okay.
[01:42:09] Isn't great.
[01:42:10] I kind of like the approach of the Hero A.K. and then having a play with armor
[01:42:13] to pick it up afterwards.
[01:42:14] Like it's a very like BTS kind of approach to the second round
[01:42:19] I am surprised they didn't just invest in given anyone play a little on the CT side
[01:42:26] I guess pain playing the long game
[01:42:32] HGC's now got the gun which doesn't have armor
[01:42:36] Save result I suppose 50 seconds fluxo in the power positions
[01:42:41] Here's Zevi. He's about to reveal to pain that he does have the
[01:42:46] And cow has hit the deck
[01:42:48] and they just can't handle him and of course why would you be able to handle him
[01:42:53] when there's no utility and Nick should just be here on the cleanup that's
[01:42:57] can't even get the gun it's simple it's quick and efficient from flux so they
[01:43:02] go to an hour let's see what this by looks like because big is here is gonna
[01:43:06] be one a Mac 10 maybe just a tech 9 with you till that's not too bad
[01:43:27] honestly I think it was cool just to give yourself a chance in that round
[01:43:32] Now you have a pretty good buy in this round.
[01:43:34] Game of Numbers.
[01:43:43] That's done now.
[01:43:44] Nix has been targeted on B on Vertigo.
[01:43:46] He's now targeted on R.A.P.
[01:43:48] He scans Hall for the first.
[01:43:50] The Flashbang actually almost sets him up for another
[01:43:53] and they've devastated him until MQZ gets the double back.
[01:43:57] Oh, but Kai is pushed behind him.
[01:44:00] And MQZ just...
[01:44:02] How has he managed that then?
[01:44:03] Because there will get caught.
[01:44:05] So MQZ needs the full ace.
[01:44:08] He wants this round for pain 20 HPs really tricky though
[01:44:16] And you got a minute left
[01:44:19] I'm gonna smoke to go outside, but that's the last piece of info you had a player was back garage
[01:44:26] Look at the way period is playing this
[01:44:28] Here is in spawn
[01:44:31] Was he timed out? Oh, we might have timed out. Oh
[01:44:35] Well the round is most certainly
[01:44:37] No, we got a kill. I heard watching hell. The thing is I heard I heard type in in the chat
[01:44:45] It was just like ns
[01:44:47] maybe
[01:44:49] He's not moving though like at all
[01:44:53] but might not matter
[01:44:55] because art has
[01:45:01] Okay, it's fine. I guess the kill. No, he was there. Oh, okay. It's holding that push
[01:45:06] There it really looked like he timed out though
[01:45:08] you know maybe someone else these days
[01:45:14] hey we get a check oh maybe it was an ass sometimes it is just an ass they
[01:45:23] were some ns's from NQZ he's the only one with kills apart from big who's era
[01:45:29] All right, let's not
[01:45:36] They have a kill right now
[01:45:42] Here a good little gets juggled it snows time to shine
[01:45:53] Art just walks close to the doorway is gonna join with Kai and they're gonna push Lobby Lux aware
[01:46:12] But Kai takes his head off Nick stands to what ramp in the meanwhile
[01:46:17] Trying to create enough space to find even more and he does
[01:46:21] 2 kills, Zevi steps in from how you got the players that have pushed in towards Lobby already
[01:46:26] Should find Biguzera
[01:46:30] He does see him
[01:46:32] Not the cleanest, he does get the kill
[01:46:36] He remains flawless in Immortal, Soda Fluxo, 4-0
[01:46:40] Enough money for Biguzera to drop NQZ and all
[01:46:43] Time check if he's treated
[01:46:53] Have they?
[01:46:54] Our release note is up
[01:46:56] But it's a troll suite, it's a troll suite
[01:46:58] Oh is it really?
[01:46:59] Yeah, they know that they've got us. We'll do anything for a fix right now.
[01:47:15] Make sure it's a little bit lighter.
[01:47:17] Maybe. Oh yeah.
[01:47:25] I can't believe they got us all on strings.
[01:47:40] Yeah, they just deleted that tweet and they put in another one.
[01:47:46] Saying that they need to make sure they put the link into it.
[01:47:48] They're baiting. It's coming though.
[01:47:53] This round's gotten interesting for Painter.
[01:47:55] pain they're up to lose their opening to the hedge to find two back and Lux catches Kai over the top
[01:47:59] of the smoke. Fun little Lux smoke in front of main. Gazing at space to enter and this looks
[01:48:06] like pain getting on the board. Zevi and Nexu have been so strong over towards route this time
[01:48:12] pain avoid them completely outside is the play where they find the success. Yeah great work
[01:48:18] from Lux just taking the space over towards garage shout out counter strike for just ruining
[01:48:23] in that round because I was so baited by them.
[01:48:27] The good work from Pain, saving the AWP and saving Nix's AK on CT, feels nice.
[01:48:37] This Warflux have been doing quite a lot, they've been going for a lot of these saves,
[01:48:40] they've been keeping their economy really healthy on the CT side,
[01:48:43] so even if there are a couple of blemishes on the record,
[01:48:45] they can still have the strongest buy possible.
[01:48:49] Moving forward with the Pain, it's a taste of success.
[01:48:54] This just needs to be repeated and replicated. Some of them are very used to doing, but how are Fluxo going to adjust?
[01:49:01] For the superior in a few moments outside, just try and take these spikes, try and look it open and get really aggressive early on.
[01:49:10] Maybe there's another player that comes over. Maybe there's a third player that looks to do the damage.
[01:49:14] We saw Fluxo on vertigo send two, even three players to try and plug a hole. I wonder if they do that outside now.
[01:49:22] Jumping up.
[01:49:45] Here he is. Finds success outfit.
[01:49:47] Catches Biguzera, ascending on the boxes of his own.
[01:49:52] Drop onto Main. Three players outside.
[01:49:55] Bomb as well. Art!
[01:49:57] Oh, definitely saw him.
[01:49:59] Manages to get away.
[01:50:01] That's given some space of pain to work.
[01:50:04] Roots to play a back garage.
[01:50:07] He's holding the cross.
[01:50:09] Thank you, Z. Catches Art.
[01:50:11] there's that swing. Piri finds his second and is still present at least for the
[01:50:16] moment. Snow looking for him but Nix and Kai both find a killer piece and a
[01:50:22] force to Lux who's been begging for this head. Just cannot find anything. I don't
[01:50:28] think you will. There's Piriya. Finally gets removed.
[01:50:35] That's doing a tremendous job outside and Art heard the drop from Lux on
[01:50:41] towards top main, which is why Peria never piqued that angle, and he made sure to maneuver
[01:50:45] towards back garage to deny, snap back the bomb, and when it was being pressured that's
[01:50:51] when Kai swings in, Nix does his job over at ramp, again you see the X on the minimap
[01:50:56] and for Lux, he now has to find three kills against his old organisation, he's got a
[01:51:05] time in here 10 seconds down into be that nix is here shouldn't be able to get anything done here
[01:51:26] a new ak skin not released yet new stickers and charms you know like in the other game how you
[01:51:36] you can put the little things that hang off your guns. It looks so cool. You can put it
[01:51:43] anywhere on the AK. It's like a little guy with a tongue that hangs around.
[01:51:48] Oh, that's the monster.
[01:51:49] Yeah, yeah, yeah. How cool is that?
[01:51:54] It's alright.
[01:51:58] I think it's so cool.
[01:52:00] I would prefer a gameplay update, Alf.
[01:52:03] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:52:04] It's coming to you.
[01:52:05] Lobby Crunch out of Fluxo. Cowares, you get to find success. We'll have this
[01:52:38] brilliant timing, no he won't, but at least Snow's holding. And then Cowares
[01:52:43] follows up onto our much better out of pain. They play patient, Fluxo over
[01:52:47] extend and they get punished. Nick's looking to aggress. He's nothing.
[01:53:06] Playing with a two-play lead. I'm looking to fumble this one outside
[01:53:12] I go the majority.
[01:53:15] Coward's just lurking and expecting
[01:53:19] Fluxo to want to maybe attempt a second, go at it.
[01:53:28] Play is the right place.
[01:53:29] Flashbang doesn't quite work out.
[01:53:33] Coward's aware of me.
[01:53:34] He's got the gun barrel.
[01:53:35] Big kill.
[01:53:36] Zevvie doesn't get to fire a shot.
[01:53:38] You know where the final player was.
[01:53:42] So we paint second and we're done.
[01:53:48] So we're giving fights, is all I'll say because it will make it a little bit more expensive
[01:53:53] for Fluxo. They just get undone. I like the idea of the lobby aggression but they go too
[01:54:02] far into lobby. Once they don't see anyone, they should just be the withdrawal. They should
[01:54:06] be back to site, back to figure out what pain are. If you send one player up towards
[01:54:10] the flank fair enough, the art lingering for way too long in lobby, cowers will punish
[01:54:17] And from there, Painer in control, Enkizy keeps his AWP.
[01:54:21] Didn't Painer have any further follow-up here?
[01:54:28] Oh, period. Now start secret.
[01:54:30] Influx.
[01:54:37] That's his position, actually, we did that.
[01:54:41] Oh. Yes, I did.
[01:54:43] Did he cause any pain? No, because...
[01:54:48] So, Nicer's ball top doesn't spread up onto the top, if you're on top of it.
[01:54:51] And I think that hasn't. Yeah.
[01:54:53] Oh, he did run the last.
[01:54:54] On tick. That's the info they need, they should be able to clear him.
[01:54:57] Still gets the dink.
[01:55:00] Betrayed by a single tick.
[01:55:03] Brutal.
[01:55:07] The Zephy's still hitting shots outside.
[01:55:10] So Kawa's looks for the inverse.
[01:55:12] To push into Water Hut.
[01:55:14] To give Payton Avenue back, but Kai's already repositioned.
[01:55:18] And Art's here as well.
[01:55:21] Everything being covered by Fluxo.
[01:55:24] And now this player has revealed himself into Water Hut.
[01:55:27] NQZ is now here in heaven. This is really difficult to manoeuvre if you're pain. So through main down the vent, that could be the escape route.
[01:55:35] There is a little time, a little space they can take. They're doing it through the molly. That kind of lets art know that it's happening, but...
[01:55:47] Oh no, they're faking it. They want to go away.
[01:55:51] 20 seconds. Art has gone back towards height. Kai slips in. Surely there's no way for Pain to make this work.
[01:55:59] Kai went up and over loud about it. Kai's still behind sight. There's less than 10 seconds left. There's just no way.
[01:56:06] His presence alone is enough. Art wins the round. But it's Kai that gets the kills that make it happen.
[01:56:13] happen. That's such a shame because it was the initial missed boost that they
[01:56:18] tried to boost in the smoke and they couldn't quite figure out where they
[01:56:21] needed to go and Cowards falls off the boost and that gives all the audio and
[01:56:25] that allows Art to push through hard successfully and have that time in. If they
[01:56:28] get the boost right the first time I think that round plays out a whole lot
[01:56:31] differently because Art would be caught out he doesn't make that move and
[01:56:34] then Kai at back site would be traded. That's a shame because it's a fun
[01:56:38] idea you fake the vent drop with the smoke to try and boost up onto
[01:56:41] the hot roof. It's the most unexpected thing in the entire town.
[01:56:46] I'm one of those people.
[01:56:49] Okay, what's the cruise control on their CT side?
[01:56:53] Look at this buy now for the T's, it's horrible.
[01:56:56] Rifles again. Block armour for big use there.
[01:57:14] I'm hoping to pick up one of those rifles.
[01:57:16] Grante, most definitely, but no utility to get it done with,
[01:57:32] so it's just going to be pure numbers trying to contact in.
[01:57:36] That's pretty smoke well timed. It's hot that the play looks to take place
[01:57:45] There's no flashes though
[01:57:46] You got a contact in you go win out all your fights and Kai's on an off angle
[01:57:51] To deal with this and then you've got art on the follow-up
[01:57:54] So snow will look high and deal with the play on the other side, but Kai just reveals himself
[01:58:00] 30 seconds left you got to start spring to somewhere else a bigger zero try and get into ramp nix falls off
[01:58:05] 25 seconds left and yeah, you've left it way too long pain
[01:58:15] Yeah with Kai here. They most definitely have he's not gonna flood these lines on that way. Oh
[01:58:22] Okay, snow
[01:58:24] Yeah, oh
[01:58:27] Nice shot. Oh my god
[01:58:31] There was an opportunity there
[01:58:33] What a chat from snow
[01:58:36] Zevvie he would have hit that one off shot, but if he misses that
[01:58:39] That's panes around somehow, but it's not.
[01:58:44] It's fine.
[01:58:46] Fair for Snow for making that look terrifying.
[01:58:51] But the most important scoreline is the one at the top.
[01:58:54] Seven rounds plays two.
[01:58:56] Payne have not had a sniff in this first half.
[01:58:59] That's the closest it comes to and that's 25 seconds ramp explode.
[01:59:05] It feels like we get in almost, but not quite.
[01:59:08] Think about how that pistol started as well, but the kills on B.
[01:59:12] Piria now knows a player is in main, Biguzera will deal with him outside and aren't with the MP9.
[01:59:20] Feels like he needs to try and get the kills, but in the meantime, Kawa's has made it down vent.
[01:59:24] This would be a B split.
[01:59:25] And Lux even gonna walk through into lobby.
[01:59:27] Kai?
[01:59:28] Okay, not caught off.
[01:59:32] Yeah, that's kind of wild move from Lux there.
[01:59:35] You get B and he gets heavy.
[01:59:42] Nix! Oh, I thought he was just going to charge to us.
[01:59:44] Hopefully, take a note, picking up the orb.
[01:59:47] Ah, get to kill.
[01:59:48] Money's just not good.
[01:59:49] It's like, so is the problem.
[01:59:52] Are you going to be enticed by Nix?
[01:59:54] No. No, no, no.
[01:59:56] They were so far away that already committed to the save
[02:00:00] before Art went for this dive.
[02:00:03] So he's now looking for damage limitation.
[02:00:06] If he can push pain up the ramp, potentially,
[02:00:09] into Nix's orb, it's a double edged sword
[02:00:11] because nix has got the potential to do a lot of damage same with kai and then if they go the other way
[02:00:16] they're sort of suffocated in towards art but they will maneuver over towards secret arts completely
[02:00:23] runaways in towards spawn everything's okay everyone will save pain will at least get one
[02:00:29] round back but i feel like they need five i feel like seven five should be the outcome
[02:00:34] that is necessary for pain i know their CT sides are very good but this is not the same pain
[02:00:39] I'm used to watching
[02:01:03] It doesn't mind the MP9 so he thought brooms outside
[02:01:14] as we have
[02:01:15] You're up you fast move towards secret paint haven't extended quickly. So you'll be in a good position to start off
[02:01:22] This round as you can see three players from paint are outside
[02:01:26] Molly just spreading down on towards arts position is
[02:01:35] somewhat unfair
[02:01:37] Molly thrown forward into red boxes all depends on the timing here from Peria, and he will find Lux
[02:01:43] Instance accaptation he's out and he doesn't know about the rest of pain that have now scaled through Zevi's very aware
[02:01:50] That that's just happened a pain of thought so many options of where they want to go
[02:01:55] They can go ramp they can now go heaven they can go through main the world's their oyster
[02:01:59] I didn't love this a lot to heaven there without any information kind of outside. Oh timing on this
[02:02:05] Oh, if Kai went down the ladder, but instead, it's Kairia revealing himself and again running away!
[02:02:13] Nix is down one with the MP9 and Art now reveals his presence. These players have split up and NQZ has got the bomb and he needs to move to snow.
[02:02:21] Yeah, now they should know that this is going to be down to B.
[02:02:24] Again, Kairia's already here and time is again a big problem for Payne.
[02:02:30] They don't have a smoke. Just a molotov and Peria is having a massive round
[02:02:35] kills in every which direction, so what can you do good kill into the first?
[02:02:40] Expecting that swing, but again time means he has no room to move
[02:02:45] Fluxo on their 8th pain had a good opportunity
[02:02:49] But just couldn't find the way to make that work
[02:02:51] What I will say is really good maneuvers by Fluxo because even though Zevi goes Hebbard and throws his life away
[02:02:57] you've got Peria that goes secret and moves to ramp and by him making that
[02:03:02] rotation it means that Fluxo can push in towards Lobby which is the most common
[02:03:06] reaction you expect from a CT side team to take when you lose outside but also
[02:03:11] it gives you control for quick rotates not only to A but also towards ramp and
[02:03:14] Peria staying alive he does everything that's another impact round one
[02:03:18] entirely off the back of Peria. The pain it feels like it's gonna be an A
[02:03:23] It's going to be quite quick at that.
[02:03:25] Yeah, Smogus played them down a little bit.
[02:03:39] They come at bad timing, but then it's just looking back just about.
[02:03:43] It will be run down eventually.
[02:03:45] But their Perius fans for two are blowing the Smogus in the opportunity.
[02:03:49] Kai in the hot nicks in heaven.
[02:03:51] Snow hits the deck.
[02:03:52] It's a 9-3 half. Fluxo lights out.
[02:03:55] We're slow back. 9-3.
[02:07:22] Dominant from Fluxo on CT and then looking to up the ante here.
[02:07:27] We've got him fell.
[02:07:29] See you later. Bye bye.
[02:07:31] Bye bye.
[02:07:33] Cowares wants to try and fight.
[02:07:35] Okay and hits that shot on Kai.
[02:07:37] Art snaps back on Lux. This is chaotic.
[02:07:39] Art's got the bomb and he's surrounded.
[02:07:41] And these players coming in late
[02:07:43] from Red Box isn't going to help matters.
[02:07:45] Art's been dropped with the bomb.
[02:07:47] Snowdeals is heavy outside.
[02:07:49] This pistol is manic and somehow
[02:07:51] Nix can probably win it.
[02:07:53] Lux dropped down the vent
[02:07:55] won the fight he just chased them down I don't know how he managed that that's a
[02:08:02] teammate it's in pain looks like I got three players down successfully and
[02:08:07] still lost the round outrageous they just didn't let them have that space of
[02:08:14] three all right nine three comes five nine that's something to say
[02:08:30] Remember, it is still CT side nuke, but for everything that we've said about 9-3 in Brilliant, it is still CT side nuke.
[02:08:36] You are still playing against Paid, who have just native you on top silo, deleted you outside, and sure,
[02:08:41] it might only be the eco, but if they're able to get a lot of money, if they're able to do this flawlessly,
[02:08:46] feel really confident, Snow now knows that Nix is here in Lobby.
[02:08:50] This game is not over.
[02:08:58] Certainly not.
[02:08:59] We'll see what the first gun round looks like.
[02:09:01] I thought we started to get excited about paint bringing it back because air has been running around getting kills everywhere, went outside.
[02:09:09] I don't know why Snow used the dual breaders there, because it's less money.
[02:09:20] And I feel like the dillies don't do more damage than the MP9 does.
[02:09:27] Stile points.
[02:09:31] Yeah, I guess so.
[02:09:32] I agree though, he maybe should have made money.
[02:09:35] but sailor v he got the kill anyway top the board the pain as well 12 kills for
[02:09:43] him matches Perrier on the other end of proceedings for fluxo the bonus are they
[02:09:50] gonna get aggressive with it they just showed how aggressive they can be
[02:09:54] against an eco I like to sound a little bit more high octane out of pain
[02:09:59] instead it is a slow meander just into their default positions that's so art
[02:10:11] yeah just a casual drop off are you still here anything to kind of say it was on
[02:10:19] the way guys I have time in no I don't mind one back urge
[02:10:25] sees the shadow still got the ding lills they really do suck
[02:10:39] it's a little not only doesn't get the kill but means that he has to expend a lot
[02:10:44] of his health trying to get in and because there is already down here Lux
[02:10:49] also arrives first gun round good for pain surely because there are the job
[02:11:01] here kill and second comes from him as well upgrades to an AK it's a great
[02:11:07] round from pain. Another moment of the zero sent to NQZ, do you want an AWP mate? Okay,
[02:11:13] I can drop you it. Okay, Lux can have it instead. There we go, there's a quick swap over. I
[02:11:19] think it has been every single time NQZ needs an AWP drop, it's been big as zero. We've
[02:11:26] seen it now twice here and once on vertigo. Stats that don't matter, but I'll tell
[02:11:31] you them anyway. Bought to you by V-Dog. I don't know if that segment is going
[02:11:38] catch on. I really don't think it will. Bones of Wisdom. Oh, that's kind of getting somewhere.
[02:11:54] Oh, H.E. of Wisdom. Home in Missile on superior. Alright, 9.30, he comes 9.07. I'm sure you've
[02:12:20] only had one gun round here but you feel like Flaxo should be really good on their T side
[02:12:25] because of the players that they've got. This doesn't feel like a defense orientated
[02:12:29] team that this was a high-obtainable energy, pure adrenaline moments of just chaos.
[02:12:36] Interesting suite that's been thrown here to sort of aid cowards, but it has worked out in the end.
[02:12:41] Artfuls, there was a Deagle shot that looked a little bit scary, but everyone from Payne is now
[02:12:47] stepping in, and even all the damage, period. We'll find one on the way out, but as you
[02:12:52] mentioned Lucy, it's a two-round game. Yeah, a couple of kills to the Deagle is going to
[02:12:56] I mean too much because Pain farmed with those MP9s on prior island so they're sitting on piles of gold.
[02:13:02] I feel like so. I love this slip away after such a strong first half.
[02:13:13] Besides, we're the real story of Vertigo, but...
[02:13:22] Case on you. Flames everywhere, but Lux is in a nice little spot, not deterred by them,
[02:13:34] and it's an expenditure of each other you do, doesn't really gain too much.
[02:13:56] I thought Big Zero was going to be tricky instead of he just spams and then leaves.
[02:14:00] Reloads in bed. NQZ's on the angle at ramp.
[02:14:07] Fluxo haven't really got any map controls. They're going to drop utility in towards A,
[02:14:11] just sort of feign out some presence, but all eyes on NQZ for this ramp hold.
[02:14:16] Yeah, one another fake out on A. NQZ gets his kill. Easy as can be.
[02:14:23] You pay the toll to get ramp control. Where do you go from here?
[02:14:33] Two players down below, no, up above, and cowards outside.
[02:14:39] Everywhere you go, pain are just waiting for you.
[02:14:43] AT does not go deep enough to get that kill.
[02:14:46] This one's looking quite flat and fluxo.
[02:14:50] I think fluxo are really good adjectives to describe this, because whilst you have
[02:14:55] got variation in a lot of these T side rounds from fluxo, it feels incredibly sluggish,
[02:14:59] and it feels like their weight is the pain to make a mistake, and they're going to
[02:15:03] try and pounce off it and it doesn't work. And as soon as you lose one player on that
[02:15:07] ramp, NQZ gets the kill and backs off. Notice how scared Fluxo are to commit further in towards
[02:15:12] those fights. They're worried about another rifle being there because they've been conditioned
[02:15:16] because every single time NQZ's had that shot and an opportunity, you've also had
[02:15:20] cowers that has been over there. There's multiple players attacking you from all directions
[02:15:24] on this defense of the Fluxo. Where you haven't got any map control and where
[02:15:28] you're sort of playing this pack-based CS, if you're not attacking, sort of with enough
[02:15:32] pace and being ready and able to trade, you're gonna lose out.
[02:15:36] Okay, that's- and that one's just not fair.
[02:15:48] He was flashed, he was smirking, I think we're just a random shot.
[02:15:53] Everything about that was ridiculous, NQZ, what a round.
[02:15:57] At least the last few targets you got to see.
[02:16:00] We're tied up, Brandon.
[02:16:02] Yep, Lux is probably a bit sad because he was just sat top half for that entire round.
[02:16:08] They all came out even he didn't see anyone. They were all dead before they could encroach upon
[02:16:13] his position. Snow is 17 and 12. If I was running a podcast called Zoe, there's a pro I'd invest in him.
[02:16:28] If you were, if only you were. You would find out who's doing the podcast like that.
[02:16:34] It's me guys. My phone's a wisdom.
[02:16:39] Well, my phone, here's the blood cell.
[02:16:43] Nothing but pain.
[02:16:45] No, sewing the teeth.
[02:16:48] And here's the smoke. Kite removed.
[02:16:52] Blood cell. A lot of ideas.
[02:16:54] It feels like hanging out in lobby and seeing what happens has been the play and it's not been a good play.
[02:17:01] That's so real the last two gun rounds. They've just sat in lobby. It's been pelted by spam by nades
[02:17:08] I want to go outside
[02:17:10] Yes, he think you see oh
[02:17:14] nearly
[02:17:17] nearly from period
[02:17:19] Indeed this is created room. Oh well. He did but big is there is already rotated down
[02:17:23] That's what I mean like the speed of these rotates have been so good for pain
[02:17:27] Art will try and creep into the main smoke, he thinks he's got this time in again, but
[02:17:31] Snow is watching this smoke unconditionally.
[02:17:35] Nothing will make his attention divert away.
[02:17:38] That smoke, that doesn't matter because that means his goal only heightened since he's
[02:17:42] sharpened as he deals with art.
[02:17:44] It looked like he locked the door into his right side because he was holding them
[02:17:48] and walking out on the left side so he will get the kill back and because he almost
[02:17:52] burns out from that top site utility thrown from outside.
[02:17:56] would have made this an interesting round and something that could have happened but instead
[02:18:00] with the bomb lost outside and no time left gaming will get double digits first a nine
[02:18:10] three half seven in a row on this CT side. How brutal this is and what a crushing reality
[02:18:22] for Fluxo who obviously are going through changes are going through this process have
[02:18:27] obviously improved from the last time they played Paid, but this is a completely different task.
[02:18:34] So not only do it once, but do it back to back. And to be honest, this really feels
[02:18:37] familiar to what happened in that playoff for Challenger Katowice, where it was Fluxo that
[02:18:43] sort of got the best of Paid on one map, and then the other two it was Dominant. And look,
[02:18:47] the score line felt Dominant for Fluxo. But once they run out of ideas, once they run out of Steam,
[02:18:53] It's the experience that shines through. Big Uzerah. We'll molly off secret. We'll do a lot of damage onto these players, but that doesn't stop Fluxo. They're gonna try and get this bomb accompanied over.
[02:19:07] So he makes it and there are now four players down in B, three players down in B. That's
[02:19:14] the bomb. That is a horrible kill to suffer if you're Fluxo, but Kai's potentially can
[02:19:19] trade out snow and he does.
[02:19:22] And Enkizi's been spotted dropping so Piriah has this kill locked in.
[02:19:27] Nothing.
[02:19:28] No, they just hopped around at this point because they've been struggling and this
[02:19:32] will be their round. Fluxo everywhere right now.
[02:19:35] play on A side still. All they need is to go together with a bit of pace outside and it
[02:19:44] works. And this is all we've been asking for for
[02:20:02] Fluxor just for a couple of rounds. Just making sure that when you go somewhere together
[02:20:05] you're committed and you've got resources to be able to trade. And speak about commitment.
[02:20:10] Two players running through a molly, trade from Kai, really smart manoeuvre to go
[02:20:14] down the vent and just gamble. There won't be a paint player rotating because Snow hasn't
[02:20:18] for it
[02:20:20] They get away with one their flux so but it needs to be a lot more consistent
[02:20:24] They're gonna go for exactly the same play that works in the previous the same damage being done to the same players
[02:20:32] But it's exactly the same result. You've even got a player now in then in our only can cowers get
[02:20:45] Lux has been so loud. They know exactly where he is. So that only sells the play further for cowers
[02:20:59] I'm throwing everything out of deal with it, 18 mollies, all of the utile, until he gets the critical kill on the cow, I still cleared it.
[02:21:08] Lux they just took 7 rounds to come online, but they've managed to find something that works.
[02:21:18] That round there, the second kill, the clear on the cow, is that as an example of what some analysts and casters will call good CSIQ.
[02:21:30] And it's because Lux was jiggling and remaining in towards that one area of ramp where he could be completely isolated
[02:21:38] from so many different positions, but he felt safe being there.
[02:21:42] And it's like, okay, why is he there? Like, that's such a weird place to play if you're solo.
[02:21:47] There has to be another player there. So they just, they're just diligent.
[02:21:50] They clear all their corners. They deal with cowwears immediately. He has no threat in the round.
[02:21:55] So super awareness from Fluxo.
[02:21:57] They retake the lead. I'll tell you what, if they win this round Lucy, like, Payne have got no money.
[02:22:03] Can you imagine?
[02:22:05] I think they'll be... okay, yeah, alright.
[02:22:09] It'd be so funny for Flexo to have lost seven rounds in a row and then just to clean-scoot the final ones to win.
[02:22:22] I'd stay on the Mach 10, put the pedal to the metal, and... does get down.
[02:22:32] Maybe I'm moaned too.
[02:22:34] Oh, I like this. They're just gonna get back to ramp now.
[02:22:36] So you put so much pressure outside of your condition in the two rounds that you are gonna go outside no matter what
[02:22:41] And now you take rounds. And the best thing about this is you can still go B with Pyria being a nuisance
[02:22:46] Or you can maybe even ramp in towards Hell. Smoke down, Cower's now known
[02:22:50] You can just go. So you go get Pyria and QZ and Izor
[02:22:53] It is a lot here. Oh. They went too early. I was down. I could have caught Pyria and QZ
[02:23:01] is having or still do the job.
[02:23:10] That's a three on three.
[02:23:12] That's Mac 10.
[02:23:13] What can I deliver?
[02:23:14] Nothing.
[02:23:15] The Knicks baited in swings for
[02:23:16] two.
[02:23:17] And it falls the Cowares and
[02:23:18] Cowares delivers.
[02:23:19] I transfer on to two and we are
[02:23:21] tied up again.
[02:23:22] They were even expecting that.
[02:23:23] I think Knicks was aware that
[02:23:24] that could have been a
[02:23:25] possibility.
[02:23:26] He's the one that swings but
[02:23:27] his teammate isn't ready.
[02:23:28] If they both swung together,
[02:23:30] if the other player was looking
[02:23:31] Another player was looking the right way. That's that's Matt point for fluxo 100% the cow is he gets that half second and he's able to adjust a little bit faster.
[02:23:42] And pain just about stay alive again another tactical time out being used but only the first one of course, of these maps. Of course, where were these earlier fluxo you know when pain went on that massive run and recovered and then suddenly took the lead.
[02:23:58] and equalize the score line on the CT side, ran away with the line share of the rounds in this second half
[02:24:05] Were there any timeouts to be used then? No! 11-11!
[02:24:09] The close round win! Let's do it now!
[02:24:13] It's silly, I feel like one should definitely have been called earlier
[02:24:17] Yeah, especially when you lose seven rounds in a row
[02:24:24] Just take the 30 seconds to breathe
[02:24:30] That's a frustrating number, Fluxo, I felt like that was theirs
[02:24:32] If they get the pick outside, they get all the control they want, everything is set up for success.
[02:24:36] Armour's down there.
[02:24:39] Barge just walks around, and clears control.
[02:24:42] That's the round.
[02:24:48] If you wanted to cut off rotations in vent and didn't anticipate,
[02:24:52] and you see being there, of course,
[02:24:54] you can use out the fight to Lux.
[02:25:00] In this round, you can breathe a little bit more.
[02:25:12] Vigus here is so paranoid about the Garage Cross,
[02:25:15] but you should be looking at main all this time in.
[02:25:17] Has been hit.
[02:25:19] Or has it because they're all sat in this smoke leaving zero and now here the footsteps and period just spams him
[02:25:25] Again, it's flux those awareness getting these rounds snow will find one cow as moves up heaven
[02:25:32] But there's a player right behind him these players on site need to live in cow
[02:25:37] It's provided an outlet almost period might find one
[02:25:40] He needs to get the whole bloody lot and he can't do it with 40 seconds left. Surely not
[02:25:45] knows a lot of things down sight, knowing P. Peria is able to get the job done, a quad
[02:25:52] kill, another moment of brilliance after the individual in this game, Blackstone find map
[02:25:57] point.
[02:25:58] And absurd 3k from Peria, coming up that ladder, that one tap was disgusting but even getting
[02:26:06] the kill in roughed is there was difficult because he had to crouch at the top, the
[02:26:10] The latter movement technique there just to get accurate on that first kill was already
[02:26:15] a display of mechanical skill but then the one tap to follow up, beautifully played, fails
[02:26:24] out, bugs open, stifles, no point in both these maps, first pain.
[02:26:38] You're saying it, look what pain I'm working with, two M4s, they have a flashbang and
[02:26:43] a smoke left.
[02:26:44] while familiar smoke.
[02:26:58] That's going to land over towards Hell.
[02:27:00] So, Fluxo indicating they want to take deep outside.
[02:27:03] NQZ is our resident grenade spotter
[02:27:06] in the wilderness of New Countside.
[02:27:09] Piria did so much work in the previous round.
[02:27:12] He's now looking for even more impact,
[02:27:14] but Bigusira's angle might just catch him off of it.
[02:27:16] Not! It'll be NQZ!
[02:27:18] But he hits the deck.
[02:27:20] Piria is doing everything in this game
[02:27:22] to give Fluxo the win.
[02:27:27] Oh, and Art's now spotted Snow.
[02:27:31] Because there will get cleared in a second too.
[02:27:33] Pira, he's right there!
[02:27:34] Pira! Hello!
[02:27:36] There it is.
[02:27:37] Let's get Snow.
[02:27:39] Look at the two, Lux will live but only for a moment.
[02:27:43] Fluxo took them everybody round but it looks like they're finally gonna get it done.
[02:27:48] 13-11, Fluxo, take the win.
[02:27:53] What a game.
[02:27:54] What a game! From Fluxo having a 9-3 half to Payne building back in,
[02:27:58] Superior having these back-to-back awesome rounds.
[02:28:02] There's that cat picture from art again to light up the series.
[02:28:07] Fluxo, with its zero in back-to-back best of ones over Payne.
[02:28:13] With Jettery in the future, it's bright for this team.
[02:28:16] And for Payne, they've got to just nust this off and go next,
[02:28:19] because IAMRIO is just around the corner.
[02:28:21] Yeah, so it wasn't perfect, those seven rounds in a row that they just lost where we're not
[02:28:29] it, you know, it took them a long time to find their footing in that second half, but
[02:28:33] because they built up such a good first half, it gave them something to work with, right?
[02:28:37] Not quite as dominant as the first map, but still a resounding win and those like final
[02:28:43] rounds that looked a lot more like the flexories on Vertigo, you know, there's
[02:28:46] a lot more comfort in their calls and they finally found the formula to 16.
[02:28:51] So a big win to Fluxo, two dubs over Payne who were top of the table and now Fluxo have a chance to end the season on top of the group.
[02:28:59] Yeah and I didn't expect that, especially considering that Payne were flawless come 48 hours ago.
[02:29:04] Look at our player to watch.
[02:29:06] Perrier Jr. 92 ADR basically, 23 kills in that map had the awesome quad kill where he's just one tap the AWPer out main like he's absurdity from Perrier and all Vluxo needed to do to close the game was just trust themselves.
[02:29:25] That was all they needed to do and once they figured that out they were able to close it pretty convincingly. That was awesome. I'm excited for the future for Vluxo.
[02:29:34] Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. This is such an early stage for this team. We're already seeing kind of the potential for them. I mean, winning over Payne says it all right, but the win over and period is everything they're delivering lately gets you excited.
[02:29:48] It just feels like South American Counter-Strike is in such a strong position at the moment that any of these teams can contend at a different time. So yeah, big win for Fluxo, big win for everyone as we do get the CS update.
[02:30:03] Yeah, that's the armory which is the new one. So a massive patch. I'm sure you're all very eager to look at as well as included. So you won't hold you up. Go check it out.
[02:30:14] There'll be more Counter Strike. I'm sure coming up North America. I'm sure on their way not too far. So come back in a bit for that one. But thank you so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time.