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LIVE: Betclic Apogee vs Betera Esports - ESL Challenger League - Season 48 - EU - Stream A

10-02-2024 · 2h 40m

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[00:30:48] Welcome back everybody to ESL Challenger League season 48 and we're here the low seed group up lower brackets
[00:30:55] Sorry final these teams have worked long and hard to get here many of them fighting to
[00:31:01] Through the lower brackets to be here today
[00:31:03] But two teams remain the terror that we saw battle yesterday and lose to guns and ended up here
[00:31:09] But apogee awaits them
[00:31:11] They have long been in the lower brackets and here it is one of these teams gets to
[00:31:16] to qualify one of these teams faces relegation.
[00:31:20] But it is my pleasure to announce our index.
[00:31:22] Welcome to ESL.
[00:31:24] Welcome to your inaugural Challenger League broadcast.
[00:31:27] How are you today?
[00:31:28] Thank you, yeah, I'm great.
[00:31:30] It's good to be here.
[00:31:31] I'm excited for this game as well,
[00:31:32] because as you said, there's quite a lot on the line.
[00:31:34] It's been an absolute battle for Apogee
[00:31:36] coming through this lower bracket.
[00:31:37] And if they lose this one, then
[00:31:39] they're going to have to carry on battling through
[00:31:40] relegation just to stay alive.
[00:31:42] So it'd be a much needed respite for them,
[00:31:44] I think if they're able to pull through in here and just stay in ECL.
[00:31:49] Massively so, but should we actually take a look at the bracket as well,
[00:31:52] see how things have shaped on up.
[00:31:53] Now, this is of course the low seed group.
[00:31:56] This means that all the way back in July in their group,
[00:31:59] so group A for the Terra and group B here for Apogee,
[00:32:03] they came in the bottom two of their group,
[00:32:05] meaning that they were put into the low group C.
[00:32:06] Now, none of these teams can qualify for pro league.
[00:32:08] All they can do is stay in ECL, be relegated,
[00:32:11] or unfortunately head back to advance.
[00:32:14] But this is how it has shaped up here.
[00:32:16] And as you can see,
[00:32:17] Bedley Apigee has been in the lower bracket
[00:32:20] since that round two.
[00:32:22] So it has been a long, long fight for them to get here.
[00:32:26] Yeah, it's been a real scrap for them.
[00:32:28] You can see them fighting all the way
[00:32:29] through the lower bracket.
[00:32:30] Some of these games haven't been clean.
[00:32:31] Either you got a two-one there against Rebels.
[00:32:33] So it's been a long run.
[00:32:35] And Beterra on the other hand,
[00:32:37] because both of these teams
[00:32:38] have sort of played the same opponent,
[00:32:40] We can kind of contrast them a little bit.
[00:32:43] Beckclick did, Apigee, sorry, did give Gunfiber
[00:32:46] a lot tougher of a time than Batera did.
[00:32:48] That's still, both series still went to three maps.
[00:32:53] So it's kind of a tough one to call,
[00:32:55] but you've got obviously a lot of history
[00:32:57] for Apigee and less so for Batera.
[00:33:00] Yeah, and for those of you who have been stuck
[00:33:01] with us and watching Jalanger League
[00:33:04] since the beginning of this season,
[00:33:06] Apigee, you may remember as Brigilski Loz,
[00:33:09] that is what they started the season as.
[00:33:11] They were picked up in the middle of September
[00:33:14] by Beckley Apigee, so that's what they are now rolling as,
[00:33:17] but it is exactly the same lineup
[00:33:19] that you are used to, Paterra.
[00:33:21] They've had a little bit of roster shenanigans going on.
[00:33:24] They started the season with Lollipop 2K,
[00:33:26] but then they bought in Supra.
[00:33:28] Supra is sort of on the sidelines right now,
[00:33:30] and instead they are playing with Tripex.
[00:33:32] So it's been a little bit of a weird season for them here,
[00:33:36] but let's actually take a look at the lineups here.
[00:33:38] Now, anything that jumps out to you initially here in Dex?
[00:33:42] I mean, obviously you've got that substitution.
[00:33:46] When I was looking through the history of these two rosters,
[00:33:48] the one thing that sort of surprised me
[00:33:51] is that Apogee have essentially two orpers in their lineup
[00:33:55] and they'll alternate depending on the map they're playing.
[00:33:58] You've got Virtuoso who picks it up on some maps,
[00:34:01] notably Ancient, where you've got Polo
[00:34:02] as the main author, sort of a lot of the other maps,
[00:34:05] which is a little bit confusing.
[00:34:07] It's a little bit unorthodox.
[00:34:08] don't see that too often these days. No you don't. Usually you like to stick with one person holding
[00:34:13] that expensive weaponry throughout the the entire series. Alas maybe a little bit of a surprise
[00:34:19] there. It's maybe more difficult to anti-strat if they're mixing it up as well but it seems pretty
[00:34:23] consistent on which they're playing on. A little bit odd to see but I think still very very
[00:34:28] interesting here. But these teams we've seen them play quite a bit before. But Terra I
[00:34:32] I actually got to cast yesterday with the wonderful Mac.
[00:34:35] And it wasn't maybe the most structured style
[00:34:38] of Counter Strike that I've ever seen.
[00:34:40] It was very heavily aggressive in the beginning of rounds.
[00:34:43] And unfortunately they didn't quite close out the series
[00:34:45] but they had some really shining moments
[00:34:47] and some really shining players as well.
[00:34:50] Namely, of course, our player to watch,
[00:34:52] our Kdea player to watch for this match
[00:34:54] is actually going to be Ona.
[00:34:56] Now Ona had a stellar series yesterday.
[00:34:59] I know you were looking at the numbers index.
[00:35:01] What a life game.
[00:35:03] Yeah, a massive game from him.
[00:35:04] 1.23 rating posted across the series.
[00:35:08] And he was the third highest rated player on the server
[00:35:11] across the three maps as well.
[00:35:12] He's consistently at the top of the scoreboard for his team.
[00:35:14] And is it considerable void underneath him on the scoreboard?
[00:35:18] I mean, the next highest rated player is 1.09.
[00:35:20] So shining well above the rest of his squad
[00:35:23] who perhaps didn't quite rise to meet the occasion.
[00:35:26] Indeed, indeed.
[00:35:27] I do believe, however, that we have the map vetoes
[00:35:30] as well.
[00:35:31] Now, this was something that we were quite intrigued coming into, because Patera, they were a very mess Vito, they seemed to spread themselves quite thin, they picked and banned, seemingly trying to go against what the enemy is good at, but to very varying results, which means they don't really have necessarily a perma ban or a map that they consistently play here, which makes them actually quite easy to pick against, because you can find the maps that they have been weakest on, and Apigee, I think they really came into Vito with a little bit of an advantage on that side.
[00:35:59] this is it's a really
[00:36:03] interesting video to break
[00:36:03] down because both teams have
[00:36:04] the same perm a band and both
[00:36:06] teams have the same first pick.
[00:36:08] The difference being the terror.
[00:36:09] Once you go into that sort of
[00:36:11] fallback first pick that spread
[00:36:13] equally across four different
[00:36:15] maps, which means there is
[00:36:17] you quite rightly said they're
[00:36:19] spread incredibly thin.
[00:36:21] Apigee on the other hand have
[00:36:22] quite a strong core map pool.
[00:36:23] They're very good on new
[00:36:24] they're very good on vertigo
[00:36:26] and they're very good on
[00:36:27] ancient as well.
[00:36:28] That causes a bit of a problem for Baterra it does indeed so we've got dust too fast up then ancient and if we end up going the full three ways we will end up on the site of nuke which I think as we both said very much favours apache here as a veto
[00:36:44] Vito, but terror we saw them play dust two yesterday and it's something that I was very keen to talk about yesterday
[00:36:49] And I'll say again now they had a weird CT side. They were rushing and taking so much early control
[00:36:57] They were you know rushing and taking T spawn in the first 30 seconds on CT side
[00:37:01] They were just very aggressive and to varying results. They didn't end up taking the map off of guns
[00:37:06] But I do need to ask you index if you were to predict an outcome for this Matt
[00:37:11] Who are you calling as the winner?
[00:37:13] Yeah, it's got to be Apogee, the strength of their map pool,
[00:37:16] the fact that they're then able to flex on Baterra
[00:37:19] and just immediately ban Baterra's best map
[00:37:21] straight out of the gate.
[00:37:23] And the fact that they've got a better win rate
[00:37:25] on both teams' first picks as well,
[00:37:26] they've got more reps in the locker.
[00:37:28] I struggle at least looking at the statistics
[00:37:31] to see a world where Baterra take this one.
[00:37:34] But look, I've been wrong before,
[00:37:36] and I could be wrong again.
[00:37:37] I was wrong yesterday about Baterra,
[00:37:39] I put them to win the series and unfortunately they did,
[00:37:42] but I'm gonna stick with them on this one.
[00:37:44] I liked what I saw.
[00:37:45] I liked some of the plays that were coming out.
[00:37:47] Shinejez having some of these stellar clutches,
[00:37:49] but really the only way that we can truly decide
[00:37:51] who gets to continue on in the season
[00:37:54] and who is going to be forced back into relegation
[00:37:58] is going to be with this match.
[00:37:59] And actually relegation is a scary prospect
[00:38:03] because some of the teams that I've been seeing
[00:38:05] topping advance that we've been seeing frequently
[00:38:08] in that relegation have been of insane caliber recently.
[00:38:13] And advanced is a difficult gauntlet to run as well.
[00:38:17] There are very few slots available at the top level
[00:38:19] of advanced to get you into those relegations
[00:38:21] to begin with.
[00:38:22] So now that you're here, now that you're in it,
[00:38:24] it's best to just stay here rather than, you know,
[00:38:26] dropping down and then trying to run
[00:38:28] that difficult challenge of qualifying again.
[00:38:31] It'd be much easier for them to obviously stay in here
[00:38:34] and both teams have the option to,
[00:38:36] path will be slightly longer than the other one will be immediate re-qualification the other one
[00:38:40] the loser will be going into the relegations uh but there's still you know a way forward
[00:38:44] advanced would be a nightmare for both of us. Yeah advanced is looking like a breeding ground
[00:38:50] for talent at the moment especially within the confines of EU but it's it's a little bit of a
[00:38:55] scary one yes but Tara have had this upper bracket run in the group but apogee this would
[00:39:00] be the fourth team they've sent to relegation if they win this series so they've got that
[00:39:06] that track record, they're looking better on paper.
[00:39:08] But they've got to look better on these pistol rounds.
[00:39:10] And Pateri, yesterday, five of the six pistol rounds
[00:39:13] in the series, can they make it another one?
[00:39:15] That's not the way to start.
[00:39:16] They lose the opening tool, but there's an immediate trade.
[00:39:18] But look a woozy.
[00:39:20] What a shot to hit there.
[00:39:22] Yeah, really nice opening shot.
[00:39:24] Falling back as well, not wanting to overextend there.
[00:39:26] They've got this man advantage here.
[00:39:29] Polo forced back off of middle.
[00:39:30] There's Massfile does take some space.
[00:39:32] Look at Virtuoso, another kill found on short.
[00:39:35] massive advantage in the hands of our Pajina is indeed that bomb is very much able to be retrieved
[00:39:41] I say that woosie still wants a little bit more and now Ellie and so far removed from the situation
[00:39:47] and actually prism holding a lovely angle here if he's too apprehensive actually
[00:39:52] toying back and forth you can tell maybe a little bit worried this battle actually not
[00:39:56] waiting for it prism uh probably should have been something you had your gun out
[00:40:00] there for there's an upgrade to the usps there but unfortunately they know where he is
[00:40:04] and they all gonna come hunting.
[00:40:06] Yeah, there shouldn't be a World War early
[00:40:07] and is able to win this one through.
[00:40:09] Apogee should be going for nice controlled peaks here,
[00:40:12] double peaks stacked in the odds in their favor.
[00:40:14] There's another kill handed across though.
[00:40:16] Numbers dwindling, Polo finally gonna put an end to it.
[00:40:19] You can see what the terror wanted to do.
[00:40:21] They went for that lower push,
[00:40:22] looking to split kind of up short,
[00:40:24] but they just immediately stopped at the gate
[00:40:25] as soon as they come through lower tunnels
[00:40:27] into middle, complete shutdown.
[00:40:29] And it looks like we are going
[00:40:30] into a technical timeout prism.
[00:40:33] got caught off guard with his knife out and then suddenly wasn't in the server anymore so maybe
[00:40:38] going to be getting him back on in hopefully very shortly but for Tara there we go there's the
[00:40:43] almost flawless pistol round streak broken already maybe they have indeed met their match on this
[00:40:48] one it doesn't mean yeah I think quite possibly I mean I imagine polo walking in long there
[00:40:56] or not polo sorry prison walking in long that was part of the the technical issue I can't
[00:41:00] I can't imagine that that was a planned manoeuvre.
[00:41:05] Didn't look like it did it.
[00:41:06] That very much feels like something
[00:41:08] that you pull your gun out to check
[00:41:10] if you're going there at least knowingly.
[00:41:12] But yeah, back in the server now
[00:41:14] and they will be awarded a fairly nice buy
[00:41:16] off the back of this Patero, no bomb plant
[00:41:18] and very little to be found
[00:41:19] in the frag department there as well.
[00:41:21] So they aren't just going to be running
[00:41:23] on these pistols.
[00:41:24] A Diegel actually on Elian
[00:41:26] who struggled a little bit yesterday
[00:41:28] hoping to see them in better form today
[00:41:30] of this time gun out looking to get up close and personal at doors
[00:41:35] and immediate spam straight through the smoke trip x not going to be getting anything done there
[00:41:40] interesting ellion does go for the desert eagle obviously the couple of extra kills in the pistol
[00:41:44] round that could have been a little bit of extra cash in the back pocket to pull the awp out but
[00:41:48] instead going for the desert eagle personally not a fan especially with how much of an orper's
[00:41:54] Paradise Dust 2 is. You see this eco getting absolutely blended up a single weapon lost.
[00:42:00] Not too bad. I think the biggest issue in that round was Kloku trying not to do team damage,
[00:42:06] if anything, all sort of lining up a little bit there. But yeah, very clean, just against the
[00:42:10] pistol side with this round. It's going to be the first proper test of the metal. Now it is
[00:42:14] going to massively be a bonus round here for Apigee. But Terra, what can they pull out now
[00:42:19] now that they've got the firepower and utility.
[00:42:22] Yesterday they're very much favoring this util
[00:42:24] over the heavy machinery.
[00:42:26] Today, maybe a little bit more of a mixed bag.
[00:42:29] Yeah, I mean, they've got that massive amount
[00:42:30] of range advantage at the moment
[00:42:32] with those two MP9s still being in play for Apogee.
[00:42:34] That said, it's just gonna be a fairly passive default.
[00:42:38] Knowing that these SMGs are in play,
[00:42:40] but Tara can just sit and wait a little bit
[00:42:43] for an early initial opening attempt from Apogee.
[00:42:46] They are gonna start to now take a bit more map control
[00:42:49] to lower tunnels though.
[00:42:50] They are mid, definitely a proving ground yesterday
[00:42:53] for Botero.
[00:42:54] Mixed results, often time getting a little bit over-aggressive.
[00:42:57] HG to pot, the smoke can get some information
[00:42:59] and actually just to dink through the smoke
[00:43:01] after it reblosons, Koku gonna need to be quick here
[00:43:04] but not quite looking in the right direction.
[00:43:05] Massive will doubles down
[00:43:07] and that's gonna be a lovely way to crack this round
[00:43:09] on open, smoke to cover and head over
[00:43:11] towards that B site and suddenly swizz
[00:43:13] in trouble here from both sides goes round.
[00:43:16] Just misses the timing on Massive
[00:43:17] has the idea, can hear the footsteps around the corner, catch him on out, but unfortunately
[00:43:22] so many teammates ready and waiting to trade, but he's actually just bought himself so much
[00:43:25] time to work with and hides in the smoke.
[00:43:29] Monumental played from Swizz, I mean, Round was looking just about done, he somehow manages
[00:43:34] to slip the net and pick up a kill and throw a little seed of doubt into Batara as well.
[00:43:39] They've had to slow things down, wait for this smoke on site to dissipate, finally
[00:43:42] they do find the kill should be back to business as normal here now with a 4 to 2 advantage.
[00:43:52] Indeed Virtuo so probably just having a look to back away here difficult angle and got little
[00:43:56] to do and little safety net to try retreat especially with Onigun around the corner the
[00:44:03] double swing is looking good and now present the last one left alive actually going to
[00:44:07] get the drop there that's a lovely AK-43 does he even have a look for a bit more?
[00:44:12] I don't think so.
[00:44:13] No.
[00:44:14] No defuse kit, save the gun.
[00:44:15] I would have liked Virtuoso to back away a little bit sooner there as well.
[00:44:18] You could see him sticking around, sort of hedging his bets to see if Batara gave him
[00:44:23] anything, but in the end he's lost that rifle.
[00:44:26] It's absolutely mandatory that Prism holds onto this one.
[00:44:29] Ideally you would have saved two and then you had a fairly comfortable buy next round
[00:44:32] as it stands with Clock You and Virtuoso both being on 2K.
[00:44:36] There's going to be compromise in the next.
[00:44:38] I think Swizz there on site, the fact that they bunkered down and held on as
[00:44:42] as long as they did. If the Rotates had maybe been a little bit quicker there, because they
[00:44:45] had somebody coming in from all sides, they could have very much re-encircled this site,
[00:44:49] but no. Unfortunately the Rotates, all the way from A through CT spawn, is not exactly
[00:44:56] how they wanted to play this one. But here we go, back into the fray round number four,
[00:45:01] and it's definitely an awkward buy here for Apogee with Foku on that deagle. The
[00:45:07] the rest of the team looking pretty sharp. Virtuoso going to be orping on this one. No
[00:45:12] such lot, however, for Elion on the other side.
[00:45:14] Yeah, there's that juggled off coming out. It's going to be Virtuoso taking it this
[00:45:18] round on short and you can see the compromise as well. Clock Q forced to essentially be
[00:45:23] a stall for Virtuoso to stand on here on short. He's going to miss the timing
[00:45:27] on short peak as well. Flashbang would have pushed him off the angle regardless,
[00:45:33] but map control completely lost now.
[00:45:35] Yeah, forced back onto their sites and as that door smoke fades they're gonna suddenly have even more space to work with him
[00:45:41] But you can see by his working their way over towards be that bomb clearly committed right now
[00:45:47] Apigee, they're just sitting tight trying to stop anyone heading over towards a they've heard nothing long
[00:45:53] Yeah, they've got to be getting a little bit questionable that smoke is gonna be huge
[00:45:56] However, I'm really well out as much as they can but muscle what a contend with this as well and swiz
[00:46:02] is what an anchor on this site.
[00:46:04] Can he dispatch with Strynges?
[00:46:06] No, he cannot.
[00:46:07] That's the site going to fall and rotate really far away.
[00:46:10] If you have a look at the mid control that they've got now,
[00:46:12] they can stop anything heading over through spawn.
[00:46:16] Really impressed with MassVol's entry so far.
[00:46:19] Both of these rounds have come off
[00:46:20] of massive entry kills from him.
[00:46:23] Both the double kill in middle followed up
[00:46:25] by that entry into the B bomb site.
[00:46:28] If he doesn't get that one, then
[00:46:30] could be looking around where Apogee can contest further but as it stands they are going to end
[00:46:36] up saving. You can see them leaning more towards long after they lost short which is fairly typical
[00:46:42] response. The benefit of that now is that they have a fairly solid position to save.
[00:46:48] Indeed they do and the terror they're looking to go hunting for this. They had an issue yesterday
[00:46:53] throwing away so many weapons and so much economic advantage going hunting.
[00:46:57] Well, we're gonna see a repeat of that owner actually not going to be awarded the chance here for any sneaky gills
[00:47:03] And so they're gonna tie up the scoreboard to to and Apigee lots of saved weapons
[00:47:09] It's still gonna be a little bit messy for the remaining players trying to buy here
[00:47:13] But they can at least comfortably try to put something around that all
[00:47:18] Yeah, it's a tough call to make I mean looks like we'll be seeing
[00:47:22] I'm a fan of, I think. I think
[00:47:26] it's the smarter play financially.
[00:47:28] Miss shot from early and early on.
[00:47:32] He's been struggling a little bit recently.
[00:47:34] Doors has been slightly a problematic area for him.
[00:47:38] I say that actually when he had the scout in hand,
[00:47:40] he was tearing up the battlefield.
[00:47:42] Just seems to be when you've got the bit more expensive sniper rifle.
[00:47:46] That's where the shots start to slip a little bit.
[00:47:48] Massful, we talked about the entries going for a little bit more.
[00:47:51] more and nobody gonna be showing face just yet. Yeah, fairly slow. The terror,
[00:47:57] obviously with those saved weapons, need to sort of sniff out what Apogee have
[00:48:02] done with this bite, because it's absolutely possible they could have
[00:48:06] forced around those saved guns. And again it's gonna be more mid-pressure, double
[00:48:12] smokes either side, a mask well again, taking that point position, entering in.
[00:48:18] question is are they expecting
[00:48:23] prism to be just dancing around
[00:48:24] the back of the smoke here?
[00:48:25] Masful is going to need to be
[00:48:26] very careful because he is
[00:48:27] being watched here.
[00:48:28] On the other side of things,
[00:48:29] Tripex is going to be trying to
[00:48:30] break into the site.
[00:48:31] Polo jumped up.
[00:48:32] The flashbang is immaculate
[00:48:33] but there we go.
[00:48:34] Prism gets the kill on Masful
[00:48:35] suddenly that pressure from mid
[00:48:36] is all but gone.
[00:48:37] Prism fighting some more.
[00:48:38] They've managed to get the
[00:48:39] site and actually dispatch of
[00:48:41] any nearby reinforcements.
[00:48:43] Apogee needing to quickly move
[00:48:44] on over.
[00:48:45] They've sent Cloku around the
[00:48:47] world to buy pins at this site, but can they really lock down on it?
[00:48:52] B bombsite does too, possibly the hardest bombsite to retake in the map, if not one of the hardest
[00:48:58] bombsites to retake. It looks like Apigee are going to have a stab at it. I'm not entirely
[00:49:03] convinced by this decision, but we'll see if that improves me wrong. Already the first
[00:49:06] player has gone down and now the safe decision is going to come through.
[00:49:10] Yeah, rough one. Ellie, missed that shot earlier in the round, doesn't miss twice, but
[00:49:15] you were so looking to do a bit more damage as he escapes and oh no unfortunately gonna
[00:49:19] be the one with the trap sprung on them.
[00:49:22] Ellie and still hunting a little bit knows that there's someone up there but I don't
[00:49:25] think anyone's gonna be silly enough to show face their Tripex however might be called
[00:49:29] upon one more time and oh just in the last second of the round luckily enough money
[00:49:35] around them to maybe not be too deterred by that but it's certainly not a fun position
[00:49:41] to be in.
[00:49:42] Yeah, it's a little bit of extra economic damage. I mean, I'd argue that Apigee probably had more to lose by going for that little hunt
[00:49:48] But I think absolutely right to call their first tactical time out here
[00:49:51] They're being abused on the B bomb site at the moment every single time but error have gone there
[00:49:55] Which is the three previous rounds they've managed to
[00:49:58] Take control with some massive entries in middle
[00:50:00] But also just coming through the tunnels as well
[00:50:02] It got close with a couple of kills being picked up early last round
[00:50:07] But again, you're coming into these three-on-three retakes scenarios where you don't have a lot
[00:50:13] of utility to commence a retake and you end up just getting locked out by these choke pots.
[00:50:18] Yeah, it's definitely a rough one.
[00:50:20] And the mid control that we've been seeing taken as well has been quite nice for Ambitera.
[00:50:23] Yesterday, they were just running it down.
[00:50:25] They're playing a little bit more methodical today, which is nice to see.
[00:50:29] And I'm sure Apigee probably appreciate as well, although this is on their T side.
[00:50:35] So I can't speak for what happens in the second half just yet.
[00:50:39] Elyon looking to go for this peek again, this time a tag, it's getting better, maybe next
[00:50:43] time we see the kill come on through.
[00:50:45] Actually does a little 360, jumps back down, going for some more, but nobody really going
[00:50:50] to be contesting him here.
[00:50:52] Once again, this B bomb site, now they've sent Prism to go have a look along, be
[00:50:56] that contingency that they need, but they're already floating people over towards B conditioned
[00:51:01] by the previous four rounds.
[00:51:03] Yeah, and again, they slow things right down here, getting a bit of utility deployed, cautious
[00:51:11] of a lower tunnel's push, shot rattles off, just methodically taking this control again.
[00:51:22] And it's really difficult for Apogee here to find any openings because of head procedural
[00:51:29] but there are being.
[00:51:31] They haven't done the usual of pressuring long even once yet in a gun round.
[00:51:38] entirely be centric so far and Apigee don't really have much of a tailored response to it.
[00:51:45] No, and this is scary. Sending swizz so far out as well. I like that they're setting up the flash for
[00:51:50] this but unfortunately playing so far back it doesn't even matter but you are so taken off the
[00:51:54] angle. Massful hobbling into the site and that Molotov so very much could have been the end
[00:52:00] of him but luckily the smoke grenade is that pocket of air to breathe polo enemies all around
[00:52:05] They even spotted him hiding in the smoke eventually taken on down there its owner that finds the pick look who little window
[00:52:11] But all he can see is a bomb site swarmed and now the rest of them just backing away
[00:52:16] Probably gonna be looking to save early on here that site is on lockdown to pay disadvantage
[00:52:22] Not today
[00:52:24] It's another be hit right another be hit and the interesting thing is as well as that after you take a time out
[00:52:29] They've definitely discussed this in that time out and the terror have called their bluff and gone
[00:52:34] And yeah, you might have made an adaption to, you know, bolster the defence on this B1,
[00:52:39] so we're going to take it anyway.
[00:52:41] If they go A even once now, it's going to come as a surprise.
[00:52:45] And I think that would be quite interesting to see.
[00:52:47] But at the moment, you know, if A1 broke, don't fix it.
[00:52:50] And why would they continue not to?
[00:52:51] They called the timeout, and I think it was very confident of them to continue to
[00:52:54] go B after that timeout, knowing that something was discussed, some way that they can try
[00:52:59] combat this hemorrhaging on that site.
[00:53:04] they still win the round and that's definitely a confidence booster as well, knowing that
[00:53:08] they can take all the timeouts that they want, still doesn't matter just yet. And actually,
[00:53:14] the double AWP seems to be what they're going to try to pull out as an answer.
[00:53:18] Yeah, it was interesting because they seem to have the right idea in the last round
[00:53:21] as well, going for that little bit of aggression into tunnels. It's unfortunate that the
[00:53:24] flashbang doesn't work. There was a timing there where that absolutely just shuts
[00:53:28] the round down. Apogee instead changing things up, yeah, quite right, going for
[00:53:32] that double up polo picking up one as well.
[00:53:35] Kertros so immediately contesting suicide early on
[00:53:38] and he's found an opening for it.
[00:53:39] This is a good start.
[00:53:41] Lovely start indeed.
[00:53:43] We've got that second orb bolstered over towards B.
[00:53:45] Now this is where the terror switches it on up as well.
[00:53:52] Yeah, we've had a little bit of presence made long.
[00:53:54] There's a smoke on the corner,
[00:53:57] but still heading through those lower tunnels.
[00:54:02] This is gonna be difficult one.
[00:54:03] cloak who so much responsibility on the shoulders once that smoke fades actually
[00:54:08] they're just gonna be heading catwalk instead
[00:54:10] oh forced off the angle don't think anyone was quite close enough to hear that
[00:54:15] however yeah finally the terror have been forced to at least prod the a bombsite
[00:54:22] you see the setup that apogee have on the tunnels as well the fact they've
[00:54:26] got two players just staring down the entrance they've got mid control this
[00:54:31] This is a nice switch up from them as well, because Baterra, the rounds we've seen them
[00:54:35] win, we haven't seen it get this far in with this little map control from them.
[00:54:40] So the fact that they've slowed them down, this is where Baterra is going to start to
[00:54:43] struggle and actually, Timer is going to start wearing a little bit thin as well.
[00:54:47] Massful Wheeling's to find this pick as they sort of conger out through mid.
[00:54:51] Poku, it's a lovely flashbang you get too.
[00:54:53] Can you get the serve as well?
[00:54:56] What more could you ask for there?
[00:54:57] Now the round completely shut down, forcing them to play slow, forcing them to wait for
[00:55:02] the end of this round. Clearly is yielding them the results they desire.
[00:55:06] Yeah, the benefit of that opening pick shines bright there. The fact that Swizz is able
[00:55:11] to hold on to a full belt of utility until there are 30 seconds left in the round. He
[00:55:15] can smoke the tunnel. That's meaning you either go through the smoke where you wait
[00:55:19] until the last 10 seconds of the round. It's still got a flash bang to enable
[00:55:22] that massive multi-kill from Clock Q in middle. Just because they have that opening pick that
[00:55:28] gives them a little bit of breathing room and forces Batara to explore other options gives
[00:55:34] out plenty more avenues to strike back.
[00:55:38] And they've been really good at dealing with Massful as well. That flashbang just so perfect.
[00:55:45] Any less than full blind on either of those players, he wouldn't have got to let alone
[00:55:49] but so well done. The fact that the third goes down is quite frankly daylight robbery there, but
[00:55:55] alas that's how it cookie crumbles, but they do need to bite right back into this. They've got a
[00:56:00] little bit of padding from their fairly successful win streak here. You have to start being a little
[00:56:06] bit cautious however, but virtuoso. What a pick to come on through now. Tripex. Quiet game from
[00:56:13] him thus far needs to find something. Spots the head of the player jumping there on cap,
[00:56:18] But not even gonna go for the shot cloak who knows the people starting to encroach on this territory. Let's stay steadfast
[00:56:27] Much of the same from Batero, right? We've seen this approach pretty much every round here the lower tunnels slow push
[00:56:35] But this time again
[00:56:37] Apigee have found that opening which was Batero's undoing in the previous round virtuoso playing the crack angle here on mid-doors as well
[00:56:46] Flashbang
[00:56:47] Not gonna matter timing shot fully blinded now clock. You can get aggressive. There's one. There's a second
[00:56:52] Leaving shine jesna one versus five another strong round a statement from a
[00:56:58] Yeah, so hyper fixated on the other side of the door that they forget that there are even other angles to be peeked from
[00:57:04] Cloku bid his time
[00:57:06] He waited so patiently there as well from the initial spot the players in tunnels and all he has to do is sit and wait for
[00:57:13] His time to come pops out. Lovely little 3k there
[00:57:16] and sweeps off the round. Now even once again this feels like it's going to be a
[00:57:20] little bit of a back and forth there if Batera can find this round break the
[00:57:23] stalemate will continue this game of cat and mouse for a bit longer but the issue
[00:57:27] that they have here they are fresh out of cash they've got nothing left padding
[00:57:31] their pockets they do have shine jazz on this hero aka and yesterday we saw
[00:57:36] some amazing multi kills coming out from them round defining half defining
[00:57:41] moments even. But alas it's gonna really need to shine here and unfortunately
[00:57:47] locked out a bee again forced down tunnels and it seems like they're not
[00:57:52] quite learning. Yeah I mean again repeat performance this time we weak a
[00:57:57] weaponry and a single hero AK nice HE grenade gonna chunk down especially
[00:58:02] some of these unarmored players. And that Molotov as well is looking
[00:58:07] particularly dangerous was in the tent to the boost there clock you decided
[00:58:12] pranked and walked away it'd be a short pop lovely shot at a clock you transfers
[00:58:19] on to the second plenty of information now polo can do his rest of the bidding
[00:58:23] and shot on the jewelies as well just over the left has got that a paper no
[00:58:28] Kevlar nothing to be done and the contingencies there from Swizz and
[00:58:33] virtuoso, just to make sure that there's no escape left either, just nicely played there
[00:58:39] from Apogee. They're shutting down this really early aggression that Baterra's kind of known
[00:58:43] for a little bit, especially on DOS2. And suddenly that's where we see that they start
[00:58:47] to struggle a little bit, is they shepherd themselves in one area and all it takes
[00:58:52] is one person, one nice flash in a peek and it seems that everything sort of crumbles
[00:58:57] in a matter of seconds. So, Baterra, I'd love to see, I was going to say I'd love
[00:59:02] I was going to say we waited long for this and there's the first one and
[00:59:07] Immediately back away there. They tried it. They lost the opening pick not for them
[00:59:12] Back to mid they go
[00:59:14] Yeah, so we've gone nine rounds with Pitera defaulting towards lower tunnels
[00:59:19] At the start of every round on the tenths. They finally do decide to mix it up go for a bit of a long peak
[00:59:25] But and again completely shut down again another warp pick. It's gonna be virtuoso activating his
[00:59:32] two-man advantage for the CTs already this one is a little bit rough all that
[00:59:38] would have been a lovely pick to find there from Massville would have just
[00:59:41] opened up something anything a possibility for them
[00:59:44] Shaijai is going to need to be the difference maker here they are trying to
[00:59:47] flash him through the doors he's having a little nosy smoke to try by himself a
[00:59:51] little bit of cover but actually they're just gonna head back through
[00:59:54] tunnels instead too much utility being pelted their way you have to maybe
[00:59:58] We start to worry about Prism however, who's going round the world, a little bit of a lurk
[01:00:03] entity in the wind, and hopefully maybe back towards B where it's worked before, and their
[01:00:10] attention's a little bit more divided now.
[01:00:13] They do have to contend with Virtuoso on this orc, still the double orcs not really
[01:00:16] had a chance to shine as much, goes for the first, Massful does trade, go in for
[01:00:20] more but this is not the weapon to be entering with jumps upon the box.
[01:00:24] Swizz had the right idea, the wrong execution.
[01:00:26] Masvill on the legs, Polo finally puts him down.
[01:00:30] But it's Onor instead, Masvill's still going
[01:00:32] for a little bit more switches to the AK,
[01:00:33] trying to bait out the shots round the door,
[01:00:35] gets the first prism.
[01:00:37] Can he be the last piece?
[01:00:39] But there's only 10 seconds left.
[01:00:40] He has the blood now in prison.
[01:00:41] All he has to do is catch him,
[01:00:44] trying to bait out the peek.
[01:00:46] And there it is, an ace clutch for Masvill.
[01:00:50] massive, massive fumble. It has to be said from Apogee, a wonderful clutch. Don't get me wrong. But the fact that you've got a five versus two, and you're giving up that many 1v1 engagements for Masful to take. This guy's an entry demon. This guy's a headshot machine. You should not be giving this many jewels in a situation like that.
[01:01:10] like that. Masful is the only one who's been getting stuff going for Patera so far in this game.
[01:01:15] The fact that he's now also closing the rounds, sure, like fantastic clutch, but not a great sign.
[01:01:22] It's the fact that he was doing it off-weapon as well, because Masful is not exactly known for
[01:01:27] being the AWP team and if the team early is the one that will to the fact that he gets the
[01:01:31] first three with the AWP switches over. But yeah, as you said, they shouldn't have just let
[01:01:35] him isolate those fights there. You just wait for a little bit. You back away. You back
[01:01:39] over towards doors you do not try fight onto this b-site a notoriously difficult angle on a fight
[01:01:46] that somebody is clearly just feeling the moment. So that's pure flow state love to see it from
[01:01:52] Massful but as she said the other members of the team need to start stepping up. Tripex,
[01:01:56] ShineJazz, one kill each and we're in the 11th round now you really ought to be seeing more.
[01:02:01] We said this about Tripex yesterday I think it was on Nuke he got his first kill in round 10
[01:02:06] and you really can't be waiting that long to activate.
[01:02:10] I was getting ready to say this is going to be an 8-4 half before that two versus five,
[01:02:14] because at least tactically it seems like Apogee completely have to control the game at the moment.
[01:02:19] That said, a little bit of individual flair could be what Patera needs.
[01:02:25] This is a bit scary. Two players up close to the smoke and the handed flashbang to his prisoners.
[01:02:29] He's going to go in, gets himself one, fumbles the spray for the transfer, has to double back.
[01:02:35] So he is only good for that one, but at least virtuoso can escape in the meantime and polo rattling off shots as well
[01:02:41] We've got two warps on long
[01:02:43] This is not a fight that you want to pick
[01:02:45] This is the one part of the map that you cannot afford to be peaking double orb
[01:02:49] And so they back away
[01:02:51] They've got a little bit of presence from shine Jess trying to work his magic over towards here
[01:02:57] If he can find the pick onto cloak who they are waiting for in virtuoso's move from over
[01:03:01] That's a lovely headshot to find but can't make it a second
[01:03:03] Now, Masful and Tripex are going to need to do so much, as we've seen him do it once as
[01:03:08] well.
[01:03:09] This utility so much has been left for this later round to work with both of them staggering
[01:03:14] their positions.
[01:03:15] Mist shot, Masful gets the first, and now they're letting him isolate the fight once
[01:03:18] again, but this time, Khloé Kouve doesn't miss.
[01:03:21] Oh yeah, it gets a little bit scary again, but he is pulled across the line by the
[01:03:26] CT side at least, a bit of a shutdown on Long, and as soon as you take Masful out
[01:03:31] round which will be it. That was the final kill. Things get a lot easier because the pieces around him
[01:03:37] aren't activating nearly as well as he is. They might be doing a great job of setting him up,
[01:03:41] but if he's the only one with any kind of output, especially on the T side, you're going to struggle.
[01:03:48] Yeah, and struggle they are. Monetarily this time however,
[01:03:53] Polo, it's going to be the all versus scout battle. And actually I've seen Elyon win this one
[01:03:57] out a whole bunch of times here. So I'm not quite parted in the way that's going to allow
[01:04:02] them to meet eyes. So this stalemates does fall away a little bit.
[01:04:08] Once again.
[01:04:09] The mobility of the scout with those door shots is such an advantage. What you lose from having
[01:04:16] to hit the head you gain in just being able to whiz around. That said, if you miss the
[01:04:21] head you just get a tag on the body and Polo is going to come out on top of that
[01:04:25] Shangers has found frag on short prism. Oh lovely three K lines them up
[01:04:32] Patera hiding in the corner to try and allow the effects of a flashbang to fade
[01:04:38] Creating a perfect line up
[01:04:41] It's just trippix with the deagle here final round at the half. So there's no reason not to just go for it
[01:04:47] I guess
[01:04:49] Please just add something anything to your kill counter there spots to on out
[01:04:54] That's a little bit of information, but what do you even do with that now?
[01:04:57] I guess you try your head long the issue is you know where they are
[01:05:00] You know how quick they are to rotate over towards a jumping on up to cats
[01:05:04] So it's that even really an option peaks out
[01:05:07] It's going to be taken down by swizz and that's a seven five half to Apigee. Oh, I'm welcome back to the ESL
[01:08:27] Challenger League stream
[01:08:28] We're coming into the second half of the first map here of the terror versus Apigee
[01:08:34] It's been an interesting first half with Baterra going B a lot
[01:08:39] And then as soon as they stop going B they stop winning rounds. So
[01:08:43] It's gonna be interesting to see what they've got on the CT side
[01:08:46] It'd be really funny if they were really strong a defense here and nothing on B just a complete opposite
[01:08:51] Yeah, that would be that would be the cherry on top of all of this as well
[01:08:54] But as I said yesterday Baterra on the CT side, they actually this wasn't their pick yesterday
[01:08:59] this was the pick of guns so they started on CT side and
[01:09:03] And round number one, they were in T spawn by about one minute 30 left on the clock and had also swept up everybody on the way they had a three player advantage here.
[01:09:14] So I'm curious to see if they're willing to run at the same level of pace today or whether they've met an opponent that's actually made them stop think and have to reevaluate just this balls to the wall confidence and pace.
[01:09:27] pace. Yeah, I mean the the scoreline I think if anything's been fairly generous to Batera,
[01:09:34] I mean they had those those four b-hits which obviously worked but you've also got that that
[01:09:38] fifth round which I mean you have a fantastic two versus five like incredibly well played
[01:09:45] by Batera but a bit of a fumble from Apogee around that they absolutely shouldn't have
[01:09:50] let go you've got Mazbal getting five kills and completely dragging his team across the line
[01:09:55] kicking and screaming. It could have been helpful. But that said, that scoreline is great for them because
[01:10:02] it means if they pick up the CT pistol here, then they've got that springboard to tie up 7-7.
[01:10:06] Exactly. And you know, five rounds on CT side Mirage, Mirage or it does too, is it's not a bad
[01:10:12] scoreline. You know, 5-7 on any map, you can probably be pretty comfortable with going on to
[01:10:17] your CT side. So maybe not too worried if they can win the pistol, which is something I
[01:10:22] sung praises about them for yesterday five or six but then they lost the first pistol here
[01:10:26] and actually in quite a stellar fashion apogee they really looked confident on it so if they can
[01:10:33] take this one it's gonna be another matter they can tie up the scoreboard pretty nicely otherwise
[01:10:38] CT economy when you lose that pistol round it hurts it's a rough start to the half.
[01:10:43] Yeah it's it's incredibly difficult obviously one of the massive conversation topics switching
[01:10:49] to MR-12 is the lack of gun rounds and the pistol rounds incredibly important.
[01:10:53] Elyon, looking to take the fight immediately straight up middle, engaging on the suicide
[01:10:59] corridor.
[01:11:00] He's going to back away before he gets intercepted.
[01:11:02] Quite a default spread for Apogee really.
[01:11:04] They've got some long control here.
[01:11:06] Batara flashing in late.
[01:11:07] Woozy is lurking out here behind the container.
[01:11:10] Seem to be aware of it, but even still, the choice of who's going to pick up that
[01:11:14] kill and even a second owner
[01:11:19] running tail between his legs to
[01:11:24] get away from long. Yeah,
[01:11:25] difficult position to be in
[01:11:26] because he now has to be very
[01:11:27] wary of anyone coming up short
[01:11:28] but actually a little bit delayed
[01:11:30] and has the backup here.
[01:11:31] Elyon has his I say has his back.
[01:11:34] They've actually both just divided
[01:11:36] their attention up long and
[01:11:37] ought to be very careful because
[01:11:39] they've now sort of been wrapped
[01:11:41] here polo. He can get a spot
[01:11:43] might be able to help out his
[01:11:45] down the line. Mass will going to be the initial point of contact here. Spots the first, and
[01:11:49] actually takes contact with the second instead. There's Polo from behind. Bombsite empty. Just
[01:11:54] shown Jez left, and this is an awkward angle to fight up from, especially with the smoke in the
[01:11:59] way right now. Yeah, 1v4, no kit. Really nicely played from Apogee. The fact that they have
[01:12:06] that lurk contingent on short, able to come through and wipe out the long defense. You
[01:12:11] you could see Paterra just really expecting Apogee to double down on long, missing that
[01:12:18] element of the Polo Lurt coming up through short and the round ends up completely disintegrating
[01:12:24] from there on. A couple of exit kills is probably all Shaijez can hope for here with
[01:12:29] his location. Yeah, this is pretty rough. That's a difficult one and also running
[01:12:35] out bullets towards the end there as well. The Julie's reload is a lengthy one at
[01:12:40] that so difficult. No getting out of that one alive either way. And that click apigee they
[01:12:46] take their second pistol round of the series. They're going to force on up and actually they're
[01:12:50] choosing to invest into this scout instead, which I think I like the idea of as you said
[01:12:59] the scout has that maneuverability to play that suicide window very nicely.
[01:13:03] Yeah, I think it's it's perhaps more specific to dust two I think where you'd want to
[01:13:09] take a scout over any other weapon, especially on the T side and around such as this one.
[01:13:14] Will be a full eco for Batara here. No SMGs to capitalize on that fact. It is just going
[01:13:19] to be the lower $300 kill rewards. And hello, Massful is absolutely on one. That is crazy.
[01:13:26] Is looking good here from him, but unfortunately he's going to need the rest of his team
[01:13:31] to step up with him. They want to fly in very much and actually they've managed
[01:13:35] to keep us fairly even. They've scooped up a gill. Unfortunately losing that player advantage to prism there, but
[01:13:41] Shainjazz still has one, Tripex. I like the idea, but unfortunately not the right angle and definitely not the weaponry to win out that fight.
[01:13:49] Can Shainjazz find much more damage, but he's stomping around and Swizz can hear it all.
[01:13:55] Yeah, Tripex spent a little bit too much in that round, buying that P250. He's down on $4,100 at the moment.
[01:14:01] means almost certainly there's going to be compromise this round it looks like
[01:14:04] that compromise will be in the utility department he's got a single incendiary
[01:14:10] it's looking a little bit rough for UtileWire's for Batara here they have
[01:14:13] got the AWP on Elyon which is the one sort of saving grace there but Utile's
[01:14:19] looking low. Is indeed Elyon is he gonna go for the early window peak? Yes he is
[01:14:24] I think he spotted something out but miss? I was saying that shot isn't gonna be
[01:14:29] just yet holding the trigger and
[01:14:33] waiting. They're sending people
[01:14:35] down long and I like that they
[01:14:37] are just talking in triplex here
[01:14:39] just in case and he'll probably
[01:14:41] stay here until the later ends
[01:14:43] of the rounds, but you can hear
[01:14:45] everything going on around him.
[01:14:47] Appagy taking a relatively similar
[01:14:49] approach to what works so well
[01:14:51] for Bataire at the start of the
[01:14:53] first half here going for that
[01:14:55] lower tunnels control. The
[01:14:57] two there turning their attention towards long a lot quicker that said a smoke has gone down
[01:15:02] which is going to block them for a little bit longer here. Yeah this is going to stall them on
[01:15:07] out and actually might cause some problems later on in the round just having to sit and wait but
[01:15:13] actually nobody looking to press the issue on catwalk here Ellie and it's lined up on the
[01:15:18] angle post but drops on down here backs away that's going to all be heard actually going
[01:15:23] reposition on Long. I say that. Looks very hesitant because suddenly he's been called back by something.
[01:15:30] Some sort of call here for a Masful. It's going to be huge. Oh, lovely shot from Swiss there.
[01:15:37] They haven't cleared out Tripex. I say that the smoke starts fading and Woosie's got it.
[01:15:43] Masful needs to cling on a little bit longer here. Needs this first pick. Gets the first
[01:15:47] attention. Not quite sure where to look. Almost toyed with Long but too many people there
[01:15:52] and now the rest of his team locked on out. They've got that player, they've bought Glocku here.
[01:15:59] This will, should, well, should at least be a save for Batera, whether Apigee decide to hunt
[01:16:06] particularly aggressively is sort of remains to be seen. Their economy isn't established themselves
[01:16:11] just yet. What choice has got enough and it looks like he's having a bit of a nosing.
[01:16:17] Yeah, I don't hate it. I mean he's got the M4 as well, so it's not like he's going to
[01:16:20] going to hand across an upgrade in the form of an AK either.
[01:16:23] And taking these weapons away is going to be huge, because, yeah,
[01:16:25] Batera, the score line, we're still not quite in the danger zone yet,
[01:16:30] although it's getting close.
[01:16:31] But to me, it feels like they're on the ropes at the moment.
[01:16:35] Massively so, especially now that, you know, Ten signifies the fact
[01:16:38] that Batera are going to have to double their current score.
[01:16:41] Do we even tie this on back up?
[01:16:43] And they've not yet found something in the half.
[01:16:45] Yeah, Tripex is still on two kills.
[01:16:49] And Massfowell is the only one really on double digits at the moment.
[01:16:54] In fact, you could add three of his teammates together and you'd only then just be equaling his kill count in this game.
[01:17:00] It's been a rough run for Paterra because they started the season with Lollipop, and Lollipop not with the team right now.
[01:17:07] And then they bought in Supra and Supra wasn't really having, I think, the impact and the the ratings that they were hoping to see.
[01:17:15] and then Tripex comes in and unfortunately Tripex has also not been really a highlight player at all.
[01:17:22] It's been really struggling to get online and even later maps in the series, we still see this very,
[01:17:27] very slow start. Can't really afford to have a player on, you know, two kills, 15 rounds in.
[01:17:35] No, no, absolutely not. Again, bit of short control taken, but with very little contest
[01:17:42] from Botero that said a deeper setup with three players is gonna bear fruit
[01:17:48] that's an opening kill going the way of the CTs so now an attempt at the B bomb
[01:17:53] site polo playing with fire here up by the smoke he's gonna get the timing
[01:17:59] shine jess is in the corner the question is is he cleared here polo
[01:18:03] gonna take his time clear all these angles no he's not but a quick trade
[01:18:07] beautiful stuff there. Maswell has
[01:18:12] managed to keep themselves somehow
[01:18:14] with that little bit of a lead. It was
[01:18:16] looking so good. Pulstern off of the
[01:18:18] plant there, but Oner, a bullet to the
[01:18:20] dome, is going to put him down now.
[01:18:22] Both players rushing on over. They
[01:18:24] are going to allow maybe these
[01:18:26] isolated fights. We can see Elliot
[01:18:28] toying with the idea of window, but
[01:18:30] just waiting for Tripex to make his
[01:18:32] way on up here. The issue is
[01:18:34] Virtuoso is staring down this
[01:18:36] Just waiting for this exact moment. Yeah, this is so tough two versus two on the post plan and you're in untradable positions as well
[01:18:45] Incredibly difficult retake that said alien made things a lot easier now taking down the rifle or in prison virtuoso
[01:18:52] Gonna go nuclear pull this one off a miss shot alien is gonna swing in and get the kill
[01:18:56] So we have got a CT round on the board for the CT
[01:18:59] the tunnel.
[01:19:00] Ely and alleviating the pressure there is massive and I think it was the fact that we
[01:19:05] saw the staring down the tunnel for as long as we did, just waiting for somebody to peek,
[01:19:13] goes, looks away for a second to throw some utility and that's when they pounce.
[01:19:17] That one hurts just a little bit to see, but it's good to see Viterra not down for
[01:19:22] the count just yet trying to close this up a little bit.
[01:19:25] is going to need to be the momentum for them now though to tie up this game and Apigee they're
[01:19:31] looking a little bit light on the utile here and this might cause them some problems but they are
[01:19:36] just going to head up long here take these fights early get ahead of all that utile they lose the
[01:19:40] first but it's a trade immediately a lot of damage goes both ways and now they're bringing over
[01:19:46] that or try getting a little bit of line of sight see if they can find something anything
[01:19:51] to break the stalemate here as they also have a poke through mid.
[01:19:55] Yep, really nice change up of the pace. Not limited utility, use the flashes,
[01:19:59] try and close the distance and take as much map control as you can in the chaos.
[01:20:05] That said, still in a four on four here in the remainder, the value utility has now been used
[01:20:10] mass file caught on short. He's going to open things up a little bit here but the CTs
[01:20:15] are all staring at middle until they're not. They've turned away and walked back through
[01:20:20] the smoke right as Apogee have emerged. Oh my goodness. The timings when we say ships in the night,
[01:20:26] this is what we need. The spray transfer is immaculate. Gets both of them and now suddenly
[01:20:31] Elliott's probably wondering what on earth happened to the rest of his team. But actually,
[01:20:36] they're just going to head on over towards B. They've got the time to work with and they've
[01:20:40] got the buffer of Chloe as well to try and hold him up here. If he even dares to have a peek
[01:20:46] that is wild. I love it. I
[01:20:50] absolutely love it. Two players
[01:20:51] walking straight through the CT
[01:20:53] smoke and it just so happens
[01:20:55] that it's right as the terror
[01:20:56] have pulled their CTs out of
[01:20:58] middle, leaning them towards the
[01:21:01] A bomb site and then coming
[01:21:02] through like a firing squad.
[01:21:05] It's it's rough. It hurts to
[01:21:07] see the timings just
[01:21:09] sometimes they're on your side.
[01:21:11] Sometimes they're not and it
[01:21:13] could be if they've been
[01:21:14] even you know I was gonna say they got very lucky to get as far into the site
[01:21:21] as they did because the smokes they just managed to step into as everyone
[01:21:25] rounded the corner from doors so I mean they were dead men walking from the
[01:21:30] stop but here we go Elyon is just gonna be able to save the weapon there's a
[01:21:33] little bit of a prod going on from Kloku here they've not got massive
[01:21:37] amounts of money to fall back once they really can't afford to lose too
[01:21:40] much it's worth having you know if you can get the jump on him you can
[01:21:44] get the drop and take away that orb and you know that they're not likely to be in a position
[01:21:47] to rebuy it. Yeah, I think he will be allowed to get away with it, but I mean the rest of
[01:21:52] his team's economy in an absolutely dire situation and now there's a difficult call to make.
[01:21:57] Do you force buy now, which it looks like they will be doing, or do you take an eco,
[01:22:02] but then you're up against map point? And that is a scary thing to be staring in
[01:22:07] the face in D-Paterra. They've had some really nice comebacks over the season.
[01:22:12] team that eat to this point and you know many people white off the series and then they make
[01:22:16] an amazing comeback they take it to overtime and then losing ot seems to be unfortunate
[01:22:21] story alien there's the aggression that we like to see from them and then immediately
[01:22:25] peels away however meantime trip ex has lost their life and that's open a little bit
[01:22:31] of a gaping vacuum that suddenly everyone else is now having to fill yeah really difficult
[01:22:37] position owner puts a nice smoke down to try and lurk out into goose this is gonna
[01:22:41] slow apogee down, counter-nade is beautiful. It's going to allow them to completely wipe
[01:22:46] out that A bomb site, a man advantage, full control of the site, and Batara left reeling.
[01:22:53] They've got two players completely locked out and it might just be another save again.
[01:22:57] It has to be. It has to be here. Elyon, even if he gets the pick on the player on car,
[01:23:01] how do they get past from these positions or anything else? But yeah, there you go.
[01:23:05] the safe holding onto it. And unfortunately, not really. I say that shine just take a little
[01:23:13] bit more of an advanced position over the safety and comfort of the walls on site. Not
[01:23:19] sure what he's really looking for here. Yeah, it's looking for an exit, but is you have
[01:23:29] to play the odds play the priorities here, right? Like exit damage ultimately in a round
[01:23:34] win isn't going to do much damage for Apigee. But if you die losing this Famas, that's devastating
[01:23:41] for you. But you know, clearly have the confidence to maybe take a flight if it came his way?
[01:23:48] I mean, yeah, he survived. You know, that's the main thing that rifle can never be dropped across.
[01:23:52] A second one can be bought up. Interesting that Maxwell is the one on the Famas. If I'm one
[01:24:01] of these lower fragging players, I'm absolutely saying, Maxwell, you need to take this M4
[01:24:04] because you are having a heater of a game.
[01:24:06] I feel that. I don't feel the same.
[01:24:08] If you're having a really bad game, you don't want to be the one asking for the nice weaponry.
[01:24:12] You know?
[01:24:13] Now please take it. Please just whatever it takes to not be down on the elo.
[01:24:18] But there's a missed shot.
[01:24:20] An immediate response however.
[01:24:22] You can see them moving massful over, trying to push tunnels perhaps,
[01:24:26] and keep the trapped in the options they've made.
[01:24:30] They've made lovely he is going to go really deep and do a lot of damage here and push the issue so many people waiting
[01:24:39] Ellie and lovely shot go for another peak though. They know he's here pixel angle and
[01:24:45] The back way test this again
[01:24:47] It would be silly to do so and I think that smoke perhaps from prism gonna allow them safe passage up towards the cat
[01:24:55] No, flashbang to go for the fight, not going to be the right call to make because
[01:25:00] Elyon has the only angle that he needs and gets away with his life and keeps his
[01:25:06] team in this series for a little bit longer.
[01:25:09] Change's going to be the next one, challenged, might get a little bit of an
[01:25:13] opportunity here on the jiggle spots, the elbow, that's all that they
[01:25:17] require and now another kill has been found on to Elyon but that bomb,
[01:25:22] They can retrieve it. There's nowhere really that they can go right now. They can maybe head B
[01:25:30] Yeah, this is what so this is looking like a
[01:25:33] Bataire around all day long with only 25 seconds left on the clock as well virtuoso almost certainly gonna want to save this a
[01:25:39] WP prison
[01:25:41] Has some utility on his belt and also has some spare cash so he can reinvest and buy nades next round and
[01:25:48] Bataire they don't have the money to hunt here
[01:25:50] so they're going to just sit back, accept the round win, not try and get any more for their money
[01:25:56] and the timer will just expire and we'll let this one Gigi go next.
[01:26:01] Smart move and they need to keep hold of this as much as possible because now the
[01:26:05] Apogee are on match point, they need as much money as they can to keep forcing the issue because
[01:26:10] of course they can't afford to lose another round because then next up we are on to the next
[01:26:16] map. But they need to be able to make sure that they have the money to keep investing heavily,
[01:26:22] to keep themselves at maximum capacity to keep this fight going. Because they have the rounds go
[01:26:27] expensive or get very close. Suddenly they're having to read by weapons, it's not looking pretty,
[01:26:33] they're not at full strength to keep this fight going because over time, still five rounds away,
[01:26:37] it is massive uphill battle and it's made even harder by two opening picks here as well,
[01:26:43] 3 players left alive to keep their map pick going, Oner rounding the corner.
[01:26:48] He's got a window in the smoke, gets the first, spraying wildly, desperately, not able to find anything else.
[01:26:53] Bags away, H2P the smoke with the reload, trying to find anything to equalize the tables.
[01:26:59] I'm not going to be allowed that. Bags away, find another angle, but look who is waiting in mid here.
[01:27:07] Yeah, nicely set up, Polo.
[01:27:09] Oh, not even able to get one there.
[01:27:11] So we are into a three on three.
[01:27:14] The terror operating is a bit of a death ball in middle.
[01:27:19] Now looking to try and retake the bomb site,
[01:27:22] Shaijia is caught by the spam from Prim.
[01:27:28] This is a difficult retake, it's an incredibly difficult retake, especially when you've got
[01:27:32] all shots
[01:27:32] like that and it is gonna be 13-2-7
[01:27:35] with Apigee stealing their opponent's map pick away.
[01:27:38] It looked like there was a hope there, it looked like there was a chance but no
[01:27:43] not going to be allowed so
[01:27:45] apogee they steal away their
[01:27:47] opponent's map pick they put
[01:27:49] themselves one oh up in the
[01:27:51] series and now
[01:27:53] their map pick is all that
[01:27:55] remains this is their golden
[01:27:57] tickets to season 49 no need
[01:27:59] for relegation and they send
[01:28:01] a fourth enemy there however
[01:28:03] but an interesting map to say
[01:28:05] the least and I think really
[01:28:07] suffered from that
[01:28:09] initial T side that second
[01:28:11] there. They came into the second half feeling weak. They couldn't get it started. They lost both
[01:28:17] pistols. A really awkward position to be in there with all of those key crucial beats they needed
[01:28:22] to be hitting. Yeah, I mean, Patera a little bit of a one-trick pony on the T side. They had a
[01:28:27] really nice set up for these B hits, the mid to B hits. They were going through lower tunnels
[01:28:32] at the start of every round. I mean, they played every default pretty much the same up until
[01:28:36] the end when they realized in the last two rounds of the half that's clearly not working
[01:28:40] the first few rounds. But as
[01:28:43] soon as Apigee got a grip on
[01:28:44] that, it was just a complete
[01:28:46] shut out bar that slight slip
[01:28:49] in the two V five. It was it
[01:28:51] was pretty much all apigee for
[01:28:53] the rest of that game. Indeed
[01:28:55] are cadet play to watch was in
[01:28:57] fact owner. He had an amazing
[01:28:59] series yesterday, but really,
[01:29:01] really suffered on this one. You
[01:29:03] know, less than 40 ADR is a
[01:29:05] rough position to be in for
[01:29:07] anything finishing 1850 and to
[01:29:09] as well there, but it's it's going to need to be something that is switched up, you know, seeing players only getting their first kills 11 rounds in, that's not where you need to be because yes you've got massful and absolute monster on these entries, but you cannot be depending on that especially on your CT side here so that is going to be something that we definitely need to see switched up.
[01:29:33] Over the next 10 minutes a conversation needs to be had because there's not much they can change in this time
[01:29:37] There's not much they can do differently. They can't reevaluate everything fundamentally
[01:29:41] So they've got to figure out what they want to focus on and just you know level heads
[01:29:46] Wipe the slate clean gg go next
[01:29:48] Yeah, absolutely. I mean look this is an unknown territory that they're going into it might be their opponents map pick
[01:29:53] But at least this is still batara's most first picked map
[01:29:57] They first pick a lot of different maps, but ancient is the top of the list at the moment that said
[01:30:03] to be able to get to the
[01:30:05] top of the map. They're
[01:30:07] going to be able to get to the
[01:30:09] top of the map. Appagy play
[01:30:11] it a lot more. Appagy have a
[01:30:12] higher win rate on the map, and
[01:30:13] they've just stolen away their
[01:30:14] opponent's map because what's
[01:30:15] they're going to be feeling
[01:30:16] good, uh, but Tara. I don't
[01:30:18] by no means I think around
[01:30:19] this. We could absolutely
[01:30:20] still see a close game in the
[01:30:21] next, but they do need to
[01:30:23] lock in. They do indeed. But
[01:30:25] with that being said, I think
[01:30:27] we should head to a little
[01:30:28] bit of a break replenish
[01:30:30] our snacks and drinks and get
[01:42:46] ready, of course, for
[01:42:47] wonderful people. Another map awaits us, DOS2. It seemed like a little bit of a one-sided
[01:42:53] affair after the initial upfront showing from Baterra, but can they bring it back? Can they
[01:42:59] redeem themselves and keep their dreams of not being demoted to relegation alive?
[01:43:04] Now, what are your thoughts coming into this one, Index? What do you want to see maybe
[01:43:08] a little bit different?
[01:43:10] Well, I want to see more than one successful strategy on the T side is what I want to
[01:43:16] see. Luckily, they're starting
[01:43:21] on the CT here. It looks like
[01:43:22] Apple GR going for a bit of a
[01:43:23] cave hit. I've seen this one
[01:43:24] done before. They're going to
[01:43:25] fight out cave here, try and get
[01:43:26] that bomb planted, that molotov
[01:43:27] on long. They're going to fight
[01:43:29] as soon as that fades to try and
[01:43:31] take a bit of post plant control.
[01:43:33] It's lovely initial upfront
[01:43:36] that they're straight onto site
[01:43:38] and other retake has to come
[01:43:39] on through and it's going to
[01:43:40] be 5v5 on site here, but I
[01:43:42] like what they've done with
[01:43:43] they've done with Gloku. This is a tricky retake. The smoke is going to be going down
[01:43:50] on cave, which is exactly where Apigee are postponed. They actually opted not to take
[01:43:53] long there. Now, surging into the bomb site are Batara here. First kill is going to go
[01:43:58] to the T side, Prism, fighting from behind the bomb site. Absolute pandemonium. There
[01:44:03] is a man of advantage for Apigee and now just Tripex remains. Absolutely nothing
[01:44:07] to be done. Batara trying to surge back onto the bomb site late. Get completely cut
[01:44:12] down. This one's so difficult because I think Gloker's little lurk there at the back had been
[01:44:18] noticed but he kept them so distracted that they really couldn't put their full firepower and
[01:44:22] concentration to what they were trying to do. But that is unfortunate. Three straight pistol
[01:44:29] rounds in a row for Apogee here looking snazzy. Unfortunately, Baterra, they are just going
[01:44:33] to be on the pistols, not a single piece of utility or upgraded weaponry in sight here.
[01:44:38] This is going to be just throwing themselves straight over towards a site and actually the gamble stack. They've called it right here
[01:44:46] They have the a bomb site often a
[01:44:50] Favourable choice on these sorts of rounds use the range advantage that you have with the assault rifles that you've been able to
[01:44:57] Invest in that said prism has searched through the entirety of B
[01:45:01] I really like this set up in general the set up for a full execution
[01:45:05] They've got a little bit of a speculative play going on a bit of a scout mission from prism and now because he's cleared the complete bomb site
[01:45:12] They're not going to execute into a stack
[01:45:14] They've also sent him on forward as well to get that early information the moment anyone even tries to sort of
[01:45:20] Look at a retake or look at rotating here as well
[01:45:24] And so the fact that he's managed to clear all the way back over towards a as well knows that there's no immediate danger
[01:46:01] as a pack here to try and maximize the firepower that they've got in some of these exits but
[01:46:06] Appedition hunt too hard. They have very little to gain from farming kills on
[01:46:13] MacTens and USBs and they've just lost a rifle unfortunately.
[01:46:16] And handed over a fair wad of cash in the midst of that.
[01:46:20] But maybe not the worst case scenario there. Maybe a little bit of a faux pas to go for it.
[01:46:26] but overall scheme of things is not going to put too much a damper on their plans here.
[01:46:32] By finally coming out here from Batera in round number three now as you can see
[01:46:36] it's quite a bit of utility lacking on most of these players. Barl Masful who of course
[01:46:41] was the team mascot over on that first one doing everything that he could to try to get them
[01:46:46] around. So I like this though early out mid. Shine Jazz the only defense they had here.
[01:46:51] The smoke maybe a little bit haphazard but still does block out any information Tripex
[01:46:55] could one and they are cutting through the map like a knife through warm butter actually just double on
[01:47:02] back meet back up with each other reinforce their attack yeah i mean getting that deep info they're
[01:47:08] forced to retake that now arbitrary and a lovely flashbang is going to grant apogee their opening
[01:47:15] taking down the soul a defense as well must well locked out by this molotov h even a going to go
[01:47:22] the double in fact, chipping that health away.
[01:47:27] Issue being there's no smoke to cut off these sight lines,
[01:47:31] other than that one that they've just deployed.
[01:47:34] That's it.
[01:47:34] Once that fades, it's going to be so difficult to keep hold of this.
[01:47:37] And yeah, they can head over towards Donut.
[01:47:39] Yeah, but Tara, just looking to save here.
[01:47:42] It's you can be too much about it
[01:47:44] because the A bomb site on ancient in contrast
[01:47:47] to the B site of Dust 2, which I was talking about last map,
[01:47:51] probably one of the most retakeable in the game.
[01:47:53] That said, not in a five on two and not when you've only really got two smokes in a single flashbang to get in there.
[01:48:00] And already Apigee starting to hunt incredibly aggressively.
[01:48:04] I like this. They've got a little bit of money on some of these players and they absolutely can afford to just ruin the Terran in every way that matters.
[01:48:12] And this hurts, Kloku, so much information.
[01:48:15] Back's turned, he's going to just spot the elbow against the first peek to the corner.
[01:48:19] Might have been awarded a second there, not going to find it.
[01:48:22] and it's going to walk away
[01:48:24] or be very scared by the bullets.
[01:48:26] You can see hailing and outline around him.
[01:48:28] It's a massive kill, though.
[01:48:30] The difference between saving three players versus two is huge
[01:48:33] because you've gone from a majority to a minority saving,
[01:48:36] which means you're almost certainly losing money in that round.
[01:48:39] You can see it reflected in the buy.
[01:48:41] There's an MP9 on TRIPX.
[01:48:43] If they'd saved that extra rifle, that could have been an M4.
[01:48:46] Very much could have.
[01:48:48] It's nice to see Elliot out on the Orp early.
[01:48:50] really had the opportunity to shine as much as we'd like to see on it the moment they got on to the CT side on
[01:48:56] Dust 2 it felt too little too late and the money just wasn't really allowing him to get his hands on it so it's she
[01:49:02] To find something with it here. Hopefully waiting for somebody to pick up the doors waiting maybe for that boost as well
[01:49:12] That's gonna be a little bit of a worry
[01:49:14] But there's the first one peeks backs away with his life course over his teammates
[01:49:17] They are forced to the back of sight and now it's just owner left alone try to fight Ellie and still managing to put his name in the
[01:49:23] Have though through the smoke
[01:49:27] Yeah completely pretty much single-handedly shutting down that the execution there owner with a nice kill in cave as well
[01:49:37] He's gonna be one to watch out for in that cave position constantly present there
[01:49:41] a massive advantage now as well for Baterra and they can just sit back in their set-ups
[01:49:47] and wait. You can see much more passive on B playing on the back square. There's no need
[01:49:52] to play quite so pushed up into the bomb site.
[01:49:54] Yeah, this is a difficult one. There's not really much to be found, I think, to save
[01:49:59] likely to be called here. They've got the money, but it's not worth it for how
[01:50:04] big of a risk it is. The issue is going to be that, it looks like Polo's in a bit
[01:50:08] of a rough position here. If
[01:50:12] Elyon tries to get even slightly
[01:50:13] more aggressive exit and
[01:50:15] escape, not looking particularly
[01:50:16] on the horizon, but actually
[01:50:18] Paterra very patient on this
[01:50:20] one. Something we've seen them
[01:50:21] on a couple of these maps
[01:50:22] struggle with a bit is just
[01:50:24] sitting still and waiting.
[01:50:26] Actually only 20 seconds
[01:50:28] left. I want a little bit of a
[01:50:29] chit chat about what comes
[01:50:31] next. Yeah, Apigee can be
[01:50:33] relatively safe in a position
[01:50:35] save here because again,
[01:50:37] sustain many losses in a hunt, so they're going to want to keep their own economy rather
[01:50:42] than trying to damage that of the tea side who will be able to buy regardless.
[01:50:46] It's a good first round to get on the board there. It's a nice one. You keep everyone
[01:50:51] alive. You don't have to rebuy anything. So you can start building up a little bit
[01:50:55] to fall back on because they are a team that really likes to hunt. When they've
[01:50:59] got the ability to do so and they know they have the money to, they really like
[01:51:01] to go for it. So this is that little bit of padding that they have that just encourages
[01:51:05] to be a little bit out there, a little bit wild with it sometimes, but Apogee, straight back into the fray with things, full buy, full utility, everything in the kitchen sink, but straight down mid actually, look at the early aggression, shutting down anything, Kloku could want to find here, and actually up close,
[01:51:22] to be quick. Almost spins
[01:51:27] around upgrade to the A K and
[01:51:29] they have all of mid and they
[01:51:31] still want more. There is
[01:51:33] nothing to find right now. It
[01:51:36] was support for that clock.
[01:51:38] You play through the smoke in
[01:51:39] middle. There was a flashbang
[01:51:40] being thrown by his teammate,
[01:51:41] but the issue was because of
[01:51:42] how late it was gives triplex
[01:51:44] plenty of time to get
[01:51:45] incredibly close to where
[01:51:46] that flashbang is completely
[01:51:47] ineffective and we saw the
[01:51:49] result of it there early
[01:51:50] is going to have a little bit of nosey over towards the A site here and if
[01:51:56] Drip-Bex can catch him on out stop any chance that they head over towards A
[01:52:01] because they've still got time on the clock only a player down but it seems like
[01:52:05] they are very adamant about just sticking over towards B for now actually
[01:52:10] no further attempt from Polo to have a look. It's interesting there's no
[01:52:16] concerted effort at the moment from Apogee to try and claw a player back
[01:52:19] They're more than happy just holding a default and wait for Batara to get curious.
[01:52:23] ShineJazz has been spotted now on Long.
[01:52:25] They've dealt so much utility onto this B bomb site.
[01:52:27] Polo in the meantime has lurked out A.
[01:52:30] Still unclear as to exactly where the T's want to take this one.
[01:52:33] And they don't have any choice because they've all been blended up.
[01:52:36] It's just Swizz left it on versus 4 and he falls in succession.
[01:52:42] Little bit of a rough one and now the money is going to be in an odd place for them.
[01:52:48] couple of these players have enough that they could force something together but it does look like the tech nines might be the play here
[01:52:56] Something fast something poppy to catch Paterra off guard, but they should be expecting this. They should know
[01:53:02] The money is going to have been broken here
[01:53:07] That's just what they choose to do. They choose to go early and mid. They've already met with aggression there
[01:53:10] So I think maybe straight towards a
[01:53:13] limited defense lies in wait
[01:53:15] Yeah, a bombsite execution looks to be on the card smoke dropped across to virtue oh, so I believe we'll be seeing
[01:53:23] Looks to be a donut smoke there, and I imagine we'll see elbow as well
[01:53:26] So the options for your post plan here need to fight in towards temple if you want some post plan positioning
[01:53:32] We'll be seeing them popping out and the terror quite right most retakeable site in the game just playing off the bombsite
[01:53:38] After she can have it will pick you off
[01:53:41] When it comes to the post plan
[01:53:43] They might even be able to deny the bomb going down completely.
[01:53:46] Tripex just slightly missing that spray there.
[01:53:51] That one is a rough, and now they just crunch back down on this site.
[01:53:55] They have the numbers here to do so,
[01:53:57] despite Tripex really needs to win this one on out as well.
[01:54:00] Not the rest of the team available,
[01:54:02] but he needs to cause a bit of a distraction here, a commotion.
[01:54:05] Doesn't really matter, because the cave players jump on out instead.
[01:54:07] And there we go, one by one, the Domino's topple Polo left, and is smoked off.
[01:54:12] maybe a saving grace here for them
[01:54:16] and nobody really willing to disrespect the smoke for the sake of a pistol
[01:54:21] yeah no need for it a mission accomplished as far as
[01:54:23] uh apigee are concerned i think the bomb plant sort of the main name of the game
[01:54:27] there so that they can get full belt utility here in this round they're
[01:54:30] going to be working with five ak so no t-side or
[01:54:33] but full util belts everything they could possibly need to try and contest it
[01:54:38] Indeed indeed
[01:54:43] There is the smokes for me trying to block off any line of sight knowing that that allp is online on alien
[01:54:50] Actually, they are just gonna try to get ahead of it a little bit sending trip ex devil look actually the fall away and just relying on aliens information from
[01:54:56] Donuts in
[01:54:58] Reed
[01:54:59] Elean repons into donor in order to try and counter this fast shelf play that comes in from apogee
[01:55:04] So unsuccessfully hitting the shot at least does get the information and triplex is there to hold the line
[01:55:13] Oh, my god
[01:55:14] Hold inside that all gonna continue gonna find anything just yet. Actually not even really gonna be tempted there
[01:55:21] Smoke coming on out
[01:55:22] But there is someone ahead of it here
[01:55:24] Swizz wants to try take this fight and unfortunately is gonna fall and now that's gonna mean everyone else has to back off
[01:55:29] Numbers dwindling another AK picked on up spam through the wood
[01:55:34] not going to find anything that is going to scare them owner playing with fire and going to lose
[01:55:37] their life to it and they have recovered a little bit but the health is looking particularly painful
[01:55:44] here for apogee already this site looking stacked you've got the lies of likes of ellian
[01:55:51] holding for anyone coming excavation got maskful waiting on ramp they are just going to back
[01:55:56] away here and there's no one watching mid from red room incredibly limited in the
[01:56:02] the NAID department as well. You've got no smokes to block off any of the sightlines here, so
[01:56:07] getting onto a bomb site is just going to come down to taking raw aim fights. Looks like ramp
[01:56:13] is going to be where they begin to contest here. Now if the lurks timed well,
[01:56:17] Polo will be able to catch the AWP off when attention's taken, and that's beautifully timed
[01:56:21] beat as well. Quarter to the NAID and the hand trades are good. Bomb site is under the
[01:56:25] T's control. Bomb can go down with just 10 seconds on the clock, and the two maining
[01:56:31] CT's a split as well coming at it from opposite angles. This could be what they need to get
[01:56:36] it done alternatively they don't coordinate this right they isolate the flights polo got his eye
[01:56:41] set on one and actually just a look away for a second the brief hesitation and that's going
[01:56:45] to be all they need but polo doubles up doubles down and that's going to be another round they
[01:56:49] finally get back on the board here keeping themselves afloat and in the lead. I think
[01:56:55] I think that's definitely a difficult one there as well.
[01:57:00] And coming at it from split angles,
[01:57:02] you really don't want to.
[01:57:03] The only benefit that you have is that they have three
[01:57:05] different places to try to keep hold of
[01:57:08] and to fight their attention.
[01:57:09] But yeah, icky one there.
[01:57:14] It does look like we've had a player drop from the server.
[01:57:15] I imagine that will get sold pretty quickly here.
[01:57:19] A nice round for Apogee to win
[01:57:22] after Patero was starting to build up a little streak.
[01:57:25] Nice one to find, yeah.
[01:57:29] That breaks the momentum, hopefully they can use this to build their own now because if
[01:57:34] this is a one and done sort of round it is going to allow Batara to sort of get away
[01:57:38] with themselves.
[01:57:39] We've seen them, you know, we saw that they struggled a little bit on their T side when
[01:57:43] they're one strat, started to falter a little bit so anything Batara can get on
[01:57:46] the board in their CT side gives us a little bit more hope I think especially since
[01:57:51] this is a map that they're not as really weird but yeah, BRUSH is on the card,
[01:57:55] the first one for some more as
[01:57:58] well. The fashion muscle is
[01:58:00] absolutely perfect to look at
[01:58:02] that one by one bit by bit
[01:58:04] site. The central defense is
[01:58:06] gone. Just trying to get ahead
[01:58:08] of any post plan setups here,
[01:58:10] but the issue that he has his
[01:58:12] lower health on his teammates. I
[01:58:14] say teammates. What teammates?
[01:58:16] And that smoke right in shine
[01:58:18] Jesus face. Yeah, you can see
[01:58:20] it sort of written all over
[01:58:22] the buy at the start of that
[01:58:24] They're economy not quite established, they opt to.
[01:58:28] You share aggression rushing onto that beat bomb site and they survive with four players.
[01:58:32] The Mach 10 entry player gets three of those kills.
[01:58:35] Beautiful flashbangs.
[01:58:38] Everyone was fully blind on that bomb site.
[01:58:42] It's some of these flashes have been impeccable today.
[01:58:44] They've actually been really impressive and it's been mostly on the side of Apigee
[01:58:49] that it's been working.
[01:58:52] So Batara, interesting one.
[01:58:54] I'm sorry, I've just been distracted by the fact that Elyon has one of the best guns in
[01:58:58] the game.
[01:58:59] And I'll fight anyone on this.
[01:59:00] I'm a massive Swag 7 fan.
[01:59:02] Oh, we're... listen.
[01:59:06] It is certainly one of the weapons in the game.
[01:59:09] I won't deny that.
[01:59:11] It's beautiful.
[01:59:12] It's beautiful.
[01:59:13] And the issue that he has here, however, is that he's on the wrong side for it.
[01:59:16] Love the angle.
[01:59:17] Wrong side.
[01:59:18] It's not a retake weapon.
[01:59:20] So he's in a spot of bother here is just probably gonna have to play with the side arm
[01:59:26] Yeah, it's uh, you know, maybe set up for some exits
[01:59:29] You've got a teammate in cave here if you can maybe catch a player retreating through caves, but they're completely locked out this bomb
[01:59:37] So they've got three smokes set up to delay this retake even further
[01:59:42] Yeah, more utility just being shut today and borrow still has one more model just in case all else fails here
[01:59:49] They are still hanging around a little bit. The cool hasn't been made. They are definitely pushing for this as well
[01:59:55] Swizz waiting, but look at that another shot from virtuoso
[01:59:58] They dismantled it and yes, they didn't have much to lose but still making it hurt for Baterra
[02:00:05] Yeah, you're quite right nothing to lose really so they kept it there
[02:00:08] Throw the hat in the ring in the final stages of the plant there if they can
[02:00:12] Force one of the teas to stick around and maybe get caught by the bomb take them down bit of extra damage
[02:00:17] but I'll still be able to buy here regardless.
[02:00:20] Yeah, this is going to be a dare I say a must win round.
[02:00:24] We're running out of rounds in the first half here and, you know, 9-3 we've talked about it
[02:00:29] being the curse, it's the new one is Niori's lore over on ESL Impact, that's what we've
[02:00:34] been calling it, but it's definitely a rough one if they can't find much more else here.
[02:00:39] 4-8 we saw as the scoreline previously, so, I'm sorry, 5-7.
[02:00:43] I like this aggressive push on out with the flash. It's so messy, he does still get it, but shine chest.
[02:00:48] These are the multi-kills we talked about, him stepping up when it's needed.
[02:00:52] We do see one from Virtuoso, but Ono right back at it, and now Polo left alone a clutch on his hand to that bomb in a dire position.
[02:01:00] Yeah, really nice mid-hold coming out of the terror there.
[02:01:04] Just completely shutting down Apigee at the gate, unable to pass that threshold through the elbow.
[02:01:11] And Polo left in a really, really tricky clutch.
[02:01:15] That's a bit of damage with the HG grenade.
[02:01:18] But, I mean, with this possession,
[02:01:20] a double peak here should be absolutely his downfall.
[02:01:25] Yeah, either of them just even had a little jiggle there
[02:01:28] as he's throwing that Utilis wide out in the open.
[02:01:31] This is a very long and arduous walk
[02:01:33] with three different bodies waiting for you
[02:01:36] and you are very much trapped here.
[02:01:38] Fish in a barrel waiting to be shot at.
[02:01:40] spot the first actually I think spotted the second dancing on around that
[02:01:43] monotone as well and buy him the space that he needs to work with bomb collected
[02:01:48] he should not third in red room as well from that flashbang should do but it's the
[02:01:52] orb as well so this is a really rough one but back turned so paranoid about that
[02:01:57] player behind him but alas I like the idea I like the
[02:02:02] attempt and I could see the train of thought unfortunately just double
[02:02:05] guessing if he just had the confidence to stick with it go
[02:02:08] straight for red room very much could have caught off guard but not how the
[02:02:14] chips fell we head into round 11 speaking of double guessing mass fall from the
[02:02:22] first game seems to be double guessing his own play at the moment because he
[02:02:25] hasn't got a kill yep it seems to be recurring theme with the terrace
[02:02:32] there's always a player that is 10 rounds in and doesn't have a kill and you
[02:02:36] We said it. I said it time and time again broken record. You can't afford to go 10 rounds with no kills
[02:02:44] no, absolutely not and
[02:02:46] You know, it's a bit of an issue that said scoreline is still competitive at the moment
[02:02:52] For how much longer remains to be seen this is good opening though in fact owners
[02:02:57] With the M4 tripex comes in with a frag of his own as well
[02:03:03] Seems like the rounds of the terror winning seem to be in
[02:03:05] incredibly one-sided but then as soon as Apogee come through with a round like
[02:03:12] both these there haven't been many close rounds no they haven't it's it's very
[02:03:16] back and forth alien just lining that shot on up there and polo I know he's
[02:03:23] kind of doomed a little bit here it's got a bit of time to play with yeah I
[02:03:29] want to refresh his info on oh my gosh the timing is horrendous for Polo
[02:03:32] Yeah, that one hurts to watch. And there's Baterra on another round. Every time you think it looks bad for them, suddenly it's not.
[02:03:40] And Massful still saying no kills, but still one of the least amounts of deaths on his team. Something to be said there, you know?
[02:03:49] Yeah, the guy who's playing long on the B bomb site for the majority of the time just seems to be living constantly.
[02:03:55] Yeah, um, but I mean we were talking about it
[02:03:58] He did struggle a little bit on the CT side over on dust who it was really on the entries on the T side that we were really
[02:04:03] Singing the praises so maybe maybe in two rounds time when we finally switch halves
[02:04:09] We'll see him activate a really a half without a kill would not be the way to end it
[02:04:12] But your opponents are on tech minds. This is where you need to be farming
[02:04:16] You really shouldn't be letting anything too silly happen to you here
[02:04:21] and close range is the name of
[02:04:26] the game here going for that cave
[02:04:28] contest. And also looking to pop
[02:04:31] up the ramp. This has been read
[02:04:33] by the terror that got three
[02:04:34] players over here on the B bomb
[02:04:36] site. Spam through the smoke is
[02:04:37] going to tag mass fall down
[02:04:38] low. Nice entry from Prisman.
[02:04:40] In fact, it's a double mass
[02:04:41] fault. It's going to finish
[02:04:42] the half with zero kills.
[02:04:45] Tripex running in through the
[02:04:47] smoke on longest court. A
[02:04:49] All over the place from Bataire and sort of retake it there and now you've got Elyon
[02:04:55] In a one versus five to close out the half with an AWP and a bomb planted
[02:05:00] And a smoke in his face nothing really to be found
[02:05:02] They now know where he is damaged down tagged and all they have to do round this corner
[02:05:07] There it is five seven yet again at the half, but this time in favor of apogee and welcome back to ESL Challenger League
[02:08:28] teams fighting to stay out of the relegations here. Winner will go through to the next season
[02:08:36] of ECL. We've got a pistol round for Batara here. It looks to be a bit of a spread across
[02:08:41] the map. We have got flashes set up for a midtake.
[02:08:47] I like this. I like that it seems very structured. They've not just tried to hold themselves
[02:08:52] straight into a bomb site here. And actually that's not going to be cutting off anything
[02:08:56] from prison. They are going to be relying solely on the truly as a virtuoso. Should they progress
[02:09:00] any further up mid and that's exactly what they're looking to head. Elyon, very cautious, very aware.
[02:09:07] Yeah, they're putting a lot of stock in Elyon here to try and find an opening with that P250.
[02:09:11] Amolotov going to clear out the back of dough and I think be relatively safe in clearing these
[02:09:15] closer angles now. Virtuoso is going to activate and find a double trade, not quite
[02:09:20] available. Spacing a little bit too separated for Batara. So they are going to be operating
[02:09:27] with a two month disadvantage as the smoke comes into Elbow and they're looking to just draw a
[02:09:32] rotation here and try and keep the CTs in place because in the meantime Massfile has walked out
[02:09:38] on to this B bomb site. Might get his first kill of the game. There it is. Long control.
[02:09:43] control. Now Apigee get to scramble and try and recover this lack of map control that they've
[02:09:51] found themselves in. Yeah, there's still a tussle going on in mid as well then. Tripex
[02:09:56] unable to contribute to the team because he's been trapped but there he gets broken and
[02:10:00] now everyone hitting their shot. Masful where were these frags? A couple of rounds
[02:10:04] ago there's the bomb going down and just swizz left now and around that looked so good
[02:10:09] for them slowly but surely dismantled spots both of them that keeps pressing on forward
[02:10:14] trying to clear our excavation not going to be allowed to and then it's all over and
[02:10:19] done.
[02:10:20] What a round to come alive for Massfile, picks up three kills lurking his way successfully
[02:10:24] out onto the B bomb site as well, but Terrigin a really nice job of pulling the rotations
[02:10:29] there despite losing those initial two players they're able to keep a load of the CTs
[02:10:33] on that A bomb site anticipating that's where the final play comes in and it gives
[02:10:37] that opportunity for a lurk to secure a bit of map control on the opposite side of the map
[02:10:42] and then holding down the back lines as well works really nicely.
[02:10:47] Indeed indeed now finally uh we are going to see weapons coming out from Apigee second round here
[02:10:53] and I like this we've not really had an opportunity to and if they can take the fight
[02:10:58] to Beterra might just find something but the issue that they have is they're not going to
[02:11:02] be able to spot just yet smoke cutting off line of sight I say that there is a gap mass will
[02:11:06] gets the first but an immediate answer but swizz hobbling away from this encounter now.
[02:11:12] Virtuoso so much lies in wait for him, so much he needs to do here. First battle up is versus Tripex.
[02:11:22] Killfan on alien there and it doesn't look like Virtuoso has gone down without finding a kill of
[02:11:26] his own. The health is so bad this should almost certainly be a save. You'd hope so,
[02:11:32] but they're here and they don't look like they're moving. That should be the answer,
[02:11:36] right polo to HP in a gillil there we go running away they have to get really far away here because
[02:11:41] the bomb radius is even a slight tickle and polo is dead so other side of the map they go
[02:11:48] I mean yeah nothing to do here it might be the benefit obviously because we can see the health
[02:11:52] we can see the map and stuff but it seems like for the majority of this match so far every sort
[02:11:57] of save call has come like one death too late with the health on your team there you've got
[02:12:02] two players with five HP combined. There's very little chance you're retaking a bombsite with SMGs
[02:12:10] and ultimately these could have been weapons that you use in the coming round as an eco.
[02:12:17] Yeah, would have been nice to have there. Maybe we see a couple of upgraded pistols coming out
[02:12:23] to join them. I had a little bit more five power but I don't think so.
[02:12:28] They don't really have the money for it, yeah, I'd much prefer them to keep the USPs here
[02:12:32] There's a couple of flashes which I like so that they've clearly got some sort of wing condition in mind
[02:12:36] I'd be interested to see where they put these two rifles to try and set them up for the most amount of success
[02:12:42] Looks like they're
[02:12:44] Heading towards donor at least one of them is mid with the other actually
[02:12:49] Turns out both gonna be crunching on mid here getting ugly early
[02:12:56] There's gonna be a fight actually. Yeah, there's one of them
[02:12:58] is it another victim of jump
[02:13:02] throw is not working or just
[02:13:03] misplacing but there we go.
[02:13:05] Actually coming up spades here
[02:13:07] for Apigee. They've managed to
[02:13:09] look Paterra out here that
[02:13:10] Molotov coming in such hand.
[02:13:13] Elliott does find one.
[02:13:14] That's one of the weapons bomb.
[02:13:16] They have managed to scoop up
[02:13:17] these Mac 10s. It looks so good.
[02:13:19] They have whittled it back down
[02:13:21] to 2v2 but health advantage
[02:13:22] still in their favor.
[02:13:23] They've got this bomb in a
[02:13:25] it's such a horrific position
[02:13:27] though. Like, the terrorists going to win both these fights.
[02:13:33] And but Apigee you're going to have to win their fights cleanly because these two remaining
[02:13:37] players don't have any Kevlar. What was a four versus two is now one versus two for
[02:13:44] Swizz. Apigee will handle this round on a plate. I'll explain why in just a second.
[02:13:49] Let's see what Swizz can do here. It's the first and the second. There we go.
[02:13:52] He managed to steal it away despite just having a Mac 10, despite having no Kevlar,
[02:13:57] able to steal it. That Molotov was the absolute downfall of Batara. The fact that misses, it
[02:14:03] splits their A site hit up. They have four players in main there. Two of them go ahead
[02:14:08] of the Molotov. Two of them are like, no, we can't go through this. We're so far back.
[02:14:12] We're going to take loads of damage. That gives the opportunity for now the players
[02:14:16] on the A bomb site. They've only got two targets to fight rather than four. And there's
[02:14:20] no utility to support them because they're not quite sure whether they're coming or
[02:14:23] that is it hurts to see as well doesn't it because it's all but just a miss I say
[02:14:30] miss click miss inputs really and luckily they do manage to secure the
[02:14:36] round even off the back of everything getting a little bit scary towards the
[02:14:40] end there now a little bit of a conga line through the corridors but it does
[02:14:45] find an opener there in virtual I might be awarded another one to readjust
[02:14:48] on the aim not gonna find it takes a bunch of damage and it's gonna be
[02:14:51] overwhelming the Molotov forces them forward into the fight and actually they
[02:14:55] come out victorious that's a picked up scout suddenly weaponry looking very nice
[02:15:01] for them prism having a look going to be met with aggression here in cave if
[02:15:09] they're given anything for free okay never mind no there should be a say no
[02:15:12] there we go yeah that's the one I maybe clock you clock you could be cooking
[02:15:18] here. Let's let him cook. He has got to win this round single-handedly, but there's a nice
[02:15:22] double to open things up. Spots, yeah. Suddenly the cool right back prisms running on over
[02:15:29] by the timer. That's going to be what damns them. There's one from prism. Now last player
[02:15:34] standing, Massful finds the first. That time is so, so low. Both players, HP looking a
[02:15:39] little bit worse for where. HG Grenade going to take down Massful. He's just going to
[02:15:42] stick it as well. Four seconds. Is he going to run for it? He does. And it's just
[02:15:46] He doesn't even find the kill switches to the tech nine and prism low HP called back off the back of an amazing play there and you can tell muscle spinning around and despair.
[02:15:59] What a massive hole to leave in your post plan.
[02:16:02] Apigee were done. They'd clocked out.
[02:16:05] You could see already one of the players on the other side of the map getting ready to save massive double kill fan and I really like that detail as well.
[02:16:12] as well, the HE going in at the end. It gives you deafness. You can't hear anything. So it's
[02:16:17] going to mask the sound of the diffuse, meaning the muscle's not quite sure whether he's actually
[02:16:23] on the bomb or not. And it ends up costing him.
[02:16:28] Just so beautifully played there as well. And it was the fact that they kind of written it off
[02:16:33] and still managed to secure it. They're never truly done here at Apogee. It means they
[02:16:37] keep the lead as well, which is a nice little advantage in padding to have. And it means
[02:16:42] that the opponent's on a messy buy here. Yeah, theirs isn't great. It's lacking a lot, but it still
[02:16:46] means they have the advantage. And there we go, two opening picks. They are not going to be allowing
[02:16:50] Massful the same leash and same extended range he had to go for those crazy openers. They are
[02:16:57] going to get rid of anybody on the bomb site and the bomb is planted, but it's a retakeable site.
[02:17:02] Clocky runs in. Prism is miles behind him. If they wait until they're together,
[02:17:07] That's a tradable frag instead.
[02:17:10] Closes the gap between these two teams in terms of manpower.
[02:17:15] That said, still an advantage in the hands of the CT.
[02:17:18] He's taken away by Tripex. Oh, no!
[02:17:20] Ooh, fumbles the bag a little bit there.
[02:17:23] But ShineJazz picks it up and runs with it.
[02:17:25] And now it's a 1 vs 2 for Virtuo.
[02:17:27] I suppose he plays incredibly low on HP.
[02:17:29] The first kill found.
[02:17:30] He grenade, he's sailing, but it's the wrong side.
[02:17:33] No time on the clock, but Terra managing to steal around away.
[02:17:37] If TRIPEX had been on the other side, if the NAID, they'd thrown it elsewhere, that round
[02:17:43] so easily could have swung, but that timer, that's what really damns them and they were
[02:17:51] allowed one round where it got a little bit scary.
[02:17:54] Give them the benefit to doubt they pull off this amazing clutch, they're not going to
[02:17:57] be awarded a second.
[02:17:59] That one hurts to see a little bit.
[02:18:00] This is a little bit of a swing round here.
[02:18:02] You can see both teams reinvesting.
[02:18:04] The money is not good for Batera, despite winning that round.
[02:18:07] They lost everybody.
[02:18:08] They've been forced to reinvest here.
[02:18:10] Apogee are much worse off.
[02:18:13] Let's not get this confused.
[02:18:15] There's two 5-7s, there's a couple of MP9s, just that single off on Virtuoso.
[02:18:20] But both teams are on breaking point here.
[02:18:23] This round's incredibly important.
[02:18:25] Yeah.
[02:18:26] And as you said, with Apogee coming into such an important round at such a disadvantage
[02:18:31] as well. This is going to need to be impressive and you can see timeout being called from Batara.
[02:18:37] I think they have also realised how crucial everything needs to be, how impeccable their defence
[02:18:44] needs to be. And so, yeah, it's the early rounds going to decide a lot here. Are they going to
[02:18:50] let Massive will run rampant with the Mach 10 again? I'd expect something relatively fast
[02:18:55] from Batara judging by the fact that they've got two Mach 10s in play and I think it might
[02:19:00] might just be a B rush. Rushing B, the Mac 10s at Mac 10, but his Tripex, there's the
[02:19:08] first up, Dorches, the HE kind of, but the rest of the team is going to be suffering a
[02:19:12] bit, but they don't click. It doesn't matter though, because he's just fumbling the short.
[02:19:16] ShineJazz gets one, they still have the advantage, but there we go. It's a bloodbath.
[02:19:23] I mean, what an absolutely monumental play from Prism. The 5-7 and armour in the back
[02:19:28] lines of the bomb site picks up three kills absolutely shutting down betera and I said
[02:19:34] that was a swing round betera down on eco the money's gone it's not only a swing round in terms of
[02:19:39] the importance of the overall game the economy it's also you've got to walk away from that with
[02:19:45] hurt feelings a little bit if you're betera there you know oh ellie and scott said oh he
[02:19:50] did this yesterday and he got a kill with it as well index it's I don't like that the r rate
[02:19:57] coming back into style kind of oh my goodness well and look the utility they've clearly got
[02:20:05] some semblance of a plan here it's it's usable in the right situations it's a high damage weapon
[02:20:11] we saw jl recently have a pretty massive clip with every four kills on the b-bomb site at dust two
[02:20:17] a massfile a headshot machine has managed to give an opening frag
[02:20:21] I'm going to have to go back to
[02:20:24] the flag.
[02:20:29] Polo able to claw one back made
[02:20:32] for the information. Not going to
[02:20:34] buy anything there. However, it's
[02:20:36] the sound cue that somebody is
[02:20:38] crazy enough to run the
[02:20:40] revolver, which if you watch
[02:20:42] the match yesterday, they
[02:20:44] probably be aware might be
[02:20:46] something that happens. All
[02:20:48] Brisbane spots both of them,
[02:20:49] but they kind of line up a
[02:20:51] little bit there. However, has
[02:20:53] back away with that one. Again,
[02:20:57] just reset the defense here,
[02:20:58] gather with his teammate in order
[02:20:59] to be able to play together a
[02:21:01] little bit. If prison flashes
[02:21:05] him in now. Fantastic. Look at
[02:21:08] that. One two and a third. Mose
[02:21:11] them down. Nice bit of team
[02:21:16] play. Yeah, this is it. It's
[02:21:18] all up to the all right and
[02:21:20] shadow. That's going to be a
[02:21:21] little bit of a problem as
[02:21:22] well. Lines up the shot. You
[02:21:24] can hear the click but not
[02:21:25] It's just the moments of excellence that we've seen coming out from him have been game defining.
[02:21:32] Yeah, absolutely. I'm really tightly played as a team as well. The fact that that sort of protocols in place, they're asking each other for the utility flashing in, giving themselves every advantage there.
[02:21:43] And now just two rounds away from knocking the terror down into relegations.
[02:21:51] Yeah, this could be it. Straight down mid, they head.
[02:21:56] Should I say that? Back into doughnut a little bit.
[02:21:58] Definitely the right call given the hindsight that we have, seeing them crawl towards A here.
[02:22:03] Do have that little bit of a presence from Tripex, having a look, trying to see if the coast is clear.
[02:22:08] It's gonna have to deal with Polo. Unfortunately, he's dispatched of himself virtually,
[02:22:11] so spots the first miss shot. It's information calls on Swiss.
[02:22:14] The dispatch gets one, gets two, gets three.
[02:22:16] a lot of time. It's a lot of
[02:22:20] time. It taps away for the
[02:22:22] fourth with the side arm and
[02:22:24] that's 12. That's much point
[02:22:26] serious point in the blink of
[02:22:28] an eye. Yeah, I mean, look
[02:22:30] their eco frags, but Swiss does
[02:22:32] make it look good. But Tara
[02:22:34] going for an eco pop onto the
[02:22:36] A bomb site desperate attempt
[02:22:38] to maybe force a bomb plant
[02:22:40] unsuccessful. And now it's
[02:22:42] series point for Apigee.
[02:22:44] like they've got I mean it's now or never if they do take it it's over time then they get more
[02:22:51] they get more timeouts I do believe the current situation is one timeout per overtime
[02:22:57] yep I think might as well use them you've got to burn them now try get yourself in a position
[02:23:02] where you you get them refreshed we get overtime we get to try again but for in a row needed
[02:23:07] we've just really not seen them three rounds this half is all that they have got a muscle
[02:23:12] actually redeeming themselves a little bit here. I really don't think the slow start
[02:23:19] did them any favours. It needs to be now, needs to be those opening picks that we saw him
[02:23:25] getting away with over on Dust2. Have to see that same level of star quality once again.
[02:23:31] Yeah and Beterra quite low on utility as well here, they've only got two smokes to work with
[02:23:35] so whatever fight they're going to make, they're likely going to have to do it soon,
[02:23:39] they don't have the luxury of being able to bait out opponents you tell with their own.
[02:23:48] A lot of dry fights forthcoming here. Flash out into middle, they are going to take some
[02:23:53] initial control. Virtuoso in jungle is going to miss an absolute stinker.
[02:23:57] And alien in the meantime has found a kill on to clock Q as well. So two mana advantage for
[02:24:01] Viterra. Star starting to align here. Prism however wants to throw his name into the ring.
[02:24:07] there gets one. As another trade
[02:24:11] honest teammate. Massful picking up
[02:24:12] the all we've seen amazing
[02:24:13] things from them, but I don't
[02:24:14] think it's going to be needed.
[02:24:16] Prism last one left alive and
[02:24:17] yes, full HP in the whole of the
[02:24:19] A site to his name, but that
[02:24:21] doesn't even matter. This one
[02:24:23] should just be a save. Yes,
[02:24:25] they've got the money, but no,
[02:24:27] they really don't have much
[02:24:29] option to contend this round
[02:24:31] in the slightest.
[02:24:33] Yeah, there's a couple of
[02:24:35] the bank accounts here of Apogee but there's no real need for Prism to throw his weapon away
[02:24:40] on a whim. Especially if Botero wants to go for this comeback, they're going to need the financial
[02:24:46] padding to keep these last three rounds in check. Yeah, absolutely. The last thing you want is it
[02:24:52] to get up to 1211 and you're on a P250, horrendous. They are searching though. They've
[02:25:04] search everywhere except jungle and I think owner might get the first pick here all the
[02:25:09] timing terrific but he's got his knife out the stairs at the floor so quick trade frag
[02:25:15] nobody surviving for apogee not going to be the biggest issue at least here in round
[02:25:19] twenty two but they don't put this map away quickly then money issues are on the way.
[02:25:28] This is how it spirals this is how patera makes these comebacks to take it to overtime
[02:25:33] You saw it yesterday, very much could see it again here as well, is that it all starts with one round that looks good, spirals, you lose it, you start to lose your call and then suddenly you're 12-12 on the scoreboard.
[02:25:46] I love this super fast play with Naziness, standing in the fire, they must have heard this but he's still going for more, gets the pick, jumps back as well, that is crazy!
[02:25:56] and look so much mid control suffocating them on out if polo here can find shine
[02:26:01] Jess it's all but over an inspired play from virtuoso polo finding a pick as
[02:26:10] well it's the second on the AWP just two players remain for the terror triplex
[02:26:15] is able to at least take down the AWP but they're locked in at this point
[02:26:21] down at the bottom of the ramp is caught by alien a nice quick scope not
[02:26:26] able to find the follower. Sleeves Tripex 1 versus 3. Quiet on Dust 2. Is this the redemption arc?
[02:26:33] No. Apogee are gonna take it 13 to 9 and they're gonna knock them down into the
[02:26:40] lowest, into the relegation rather. That is a rough one. And considering some of the other teams
[02:26:47] that we've seen in relegation, even from the rest of the season and from this low seed group
[02:26:52] as well. It is going to be a rough once of commiserations. But of course, congratulations
[02:26:58] to Apogee. What a stellar way to end this. The lower bracket run reigns supreme. Four enemies
[02:27:04] lined up. Four enemies knocked on down to continue on and qualify for season 49 automatically
[02:27:12] as well.
[02:27:13] Yeah. A massive sight of relief for Apogee. I mean, if you'd have gone through that
[02:27:18] entire lower bracket run right to fall through the final hurdle and go down into relegation,
[02:27:22] it would have been absolutely destroyed.
[02:27:25] But I mean, that said, you've still got, you know,
[02:27:27] the tear of thought their way through the upper bracket,
[02:27:29] they fall in the upper bracket final,
[02:27:31] come down to the lower bracket final,
[02:27:32] and it's a steep fall all the way down to those relegations.
[02:27:37] That one hurts when you do the whole upper bracket
[02:27:40] and then it's just two series in a row.
[02:27:42] That's it.
[02:27:43] And it looks so good, looks so clean.
[02:27:45] They're strong coming into this.
[02:27:47] And yes, they had a really rough start.
[02:27:48] They're in the low seed group
[02:27:49] because they didn't come quite bottom of their group.
[02:27:52] they managed to secure two games, but it was definitely not a great time over in group A for them.
[02:27:57] But yeah, as you said, it's just punching down, rubbing soul in the wounds from yesterday.
[02:28:02] But of course, congratulations for getting this far as well. They've had some fairly good
[02:28:07] showings against some fairly solid teams in the midst of all of this as well. But that is
[02:28:12] unfortunately going to be it. We have one more thing to look at. We do have to have a quick
[02:28:16] a good one. You know, so
[02:28:22] he's quite good. It's a great
[02:28:24] look at how our Hidia player
[02:28:26] of the match did which feels
[02:28:28] adding on to the soul in wounds
[02:28:30] there as well as owner had such
[02:28:32] a strong game yesterday, and I
[02:28:34] think he's actually calling at
[02:28:35] the moment doesn't quite
[02:28:36] manage to finish the series
[02:28:38] positive one kill off that
[02:28:40] it's it's an improvement from
[02:28:42] the first map. It was I
[02:28:44] It was not so maybe a little bit of reevaluating need to be done
[02:28:48] Maybe in the map feature department talked about this is that the fact that it came to ancient if it had gone to new
[02:28:53] Maybe it's a different matter
[02:28:54] but starting on a map that both of these teams play and then going on to a map that
[02:28:59] Of course, we've seen that they don't play much at all
[02:29:02] Ancient is a map that they've had very mixed results on they ban it outright quite a bit as well
[02:29:07] Maybe a little bit down from the beginning there
[02:29:09] But still moments of brilliance from some of those individuals as well mass
[02:29:13] Well, we need to we need to talk about those openings, you know, a shining star in a very pitch black night there
[02:29:19] Yeah, I mean there are positives to take from this
[02:29:21] You know they're in a little bit of flux at the moment as well as when it comes to the stability of the roster
[02:29:25] So this kind of thing can be expected. I think silly to find their map pool is going to be the name of the game for them
[02:29:32] If they can manage to get that in before relegations
[02:29:35] Or if not just something to look at in general because they are a bit all over the place
[02:29:38] and they were exposed here by Apogee that they share the same first picks and they share the same
[02:29:43] first bands gives Apogee just carte blanche to do whatever they want in the veto.
[02:29:48] Absolutely, but that is going to be it from the lower seed group. It's been a pleasure to bring
[02:29:54] you the finale of all this. There is still, however, more challenger league still to come
[02:29:59] within Europe because of course the top two groups, the high seed and middle seed,
[02:30:03] They have their playoff brackets still to come and the first opening matchups of that will be announced fairly soon to keep your eyes peeled for that and for all of the streams, but index any parting words for your first ESL stream?
[02:30:15] I've had a great time. We watched some great CS. We saw some good moments. All happy from my end.
[02:30:21] also well thank you for joining me and thank you everyone at home for watching
[02:30:25] and for supporting both of these teams as well hopefully you're not too far down
[02:30:29] on your channel points I know my ego is wounded from two straight days of
[02:30:33] but error making me lose my predictions but that is gonna be it have a
[02:30:37] wonderful night everybody and we will see you in the playoffs