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LIVE: paiN Gaming vs Hype esports - ESL Challenger League - Season 48 - SA

10-02-2024 · 2h 26m

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[00:35:53] We are here for some more Tuesday night ESL Challenger League action in North America.
[00:36:00] It's Boggs and Pineapple Phillips second to last week of the regular season eight.
[00:36:05] Next week is the last regular season week for North American ECL, for all ECL really.
[00:36:10] And we're really winding down to figure out which are going to be our top teams moving
[00:36:15] into playoffs.
[00:36:16] But that means every game means that much more.
[00:36:19] Every game means that much more.
[00:36:21] It could mean the difference between starting off in the lower bracket, not qualifying at
[00:36:24] all for playoffs, or starting off in that upper bracket, all dependent on maybe four
[00:36:29] or five or six different seeding spots right there in the middle.
[00:36:32] So a lot relying on these later games to really decide who will start out where.
[00:36:36] And as I mentioned, that can have tremendous implications on your aspirations and your
[00:36:41] chances in playoffs.
[00:36:43] Because if you start that lower bracket, you don't have that second option, that
[00:36:47] backup option, if you lose the map.
[00:36:49] start with the schedule though for this evening because there are two matches
[00:36:52] being broadcasted officially ours of course is wildcard versus boss over on
[00:36:57] the B string ESL CSB we do have m80 versus party astronauts two bangers with
[00:37:03] a lot of top tier to middle top tier teams playing it is going to be an
[00:37:07] exciting evening of ECL action yeah m80 inside that top 20 at rank 19 in the
[00:37:14] world as of yesterday. Wildcard took a series against Koi at pro league, party
[00:37:20] astronauts and boss, both going through roster changes more recently on the
[00:37:25] party astronaut side. But it's gonna be two good matchups. I think there's
[00:37:30] more intrigue with the one we have, though, especially given Wildcard's
[00:37:34] recent form of the past couple of days since they returned from EPL. I
[00:37:38] think that's going to be something to keep an eye on moving forward. We'll
[00:37:41] break that down a little bit more. Let's look at the standings though. See where these two teams
[00:37:45] settle. Wildcard have had a stellar season. They played at Pro League and they're on pace to get
[00:37:50] back there again, sitting at second place in the regular season, 18 and 4. And for Boss,
[00:37:57] they're just inside that top 8 right now, which is not exactly the best place to be,
[00:38:03] but it's playoffs. And given the fact that Boss have essentially been constantly rebuilding
[00:38:08] since about season 46. It's not a bad place to be.
[00:38:11] No, that means those stuff in that lower bracket because seeds six
[00:38:15] through 10 start there if I'm not mistaken or seven through 10.
[00:38:18] It's something like seven through 10, seven through 10.
[00:38:20] So still down there.
[00:38:22] But you know what?
[00:38:23] Qualifying to mention when you've been struggling for so long,
[00:38:26] I'm honestly surprised this team is still together under the same name
[00:38:30] and with the same core because they have been battered down time.
[00:38:33] And again, so 11 and 11 is OK in terms of record.
[00:38:37] That's gonna be a rough matchup and as we mentioned in the start of the show the teams that are playing these last couple games
[00:38:43] So we figure out their seating
[00:38:44] I'm looking at m80 to see where they end up there at 17-1
[00:38:48] They have only 18 games played I believe you played 22 or 24 in the season 24
[00:38:52] I think they could very well escape with the number one seed as they wrap up these last couple of best of ones
[00:39:00] Yeah, they have a couple of matchups tonight
[00:39:02] They had a matchup against Mao or against now excuse my mouse. That was over an EPL and then against
[00:39:08] party as well since it's on the schedule
[00:39:10] But if you want to have your shot at playing in ESL challenge
[00:39:14] Really it all starts with open and the registration for ESEA season 51 closes tomorrow
[00:39:21] Wednesday October 2nd at 11 a.m. Eastern Daylight time. That's 8 a.m. Pacific
[00:39:27] So if you want your last shot at registering for this season of open get in there get in there now
[00:39:33] get yourself some league bastards the best way to do it and
[00:39:36] Get up squad up with the friends or find yourself a team and
[00:39:40] Nate I've never regretted playing the season of open
[00:39:43] I've never regretted the time spent in the server with the friends and the boys and it's always a good time
[00:39:48] Yeah, no one ever regrets it and of course if you're watching this live go register tonight
[00:39:52] It's closed at 11 a.m. Tomorrow, not p.m. Don't rely on your alarm to save you if you're on the
[00:39:59] Pacific the West Coast specifically
[00:40:01] Oh, yeah
[00:40:02] Make sure you register now because that is an 8 a.m. Close time and no one wants to be up that early
[00:40:06] It's a weekday, but you definitely don't have to log into your computer before work or before we are going to sign up
[00:40:11] With some friends, but we're gonna circle back to our actual game
[00:40:15] It is again wild card versus boss and we have split our decisions boss is my decision
[00:40:20] of course, number one boss fan always have been, always will be, bogs going for wild card.
[00:40:25] It is probably the safer of the two choices, given these teams recent performances.
[00:40:29] But as bogs hinted at, this might be a closer game than one would expect.
[00:40:33] Yeah, our producer could attest, it took me a very long time to decide how I wanted
[00:40:38] this to go.
[00:40:39] And I based my decision predicting that you would predict boss.
[00:40:42] And the reason I say that is I think there's a very reasonable possibility that
[00:40:45] this splits one on one.
[00:40:47] it is not a best of three since it is two individual best of ones you can have two different winners
[00:40:52] they can split the difference each leave with a game of peace and I think that that is a very
[00:40:58] reasonable possibility out of this matchup between wildcard and boss here and I say that because
[00:41:02] wildcard has not looked great since they returned from pro league our player to watch though is
[00:41:08] going to be sonic has been rifling out of his mind for this wildcard team and that's a very good
[00:41:13] thing for them to have both Sonic and JBA performing at such a high level individually. I think the slower
[00:41:19] pace from Susp is a bit of a concerning point for Wildcard, and Fosy not exactly as consistent as they
[00:41:25] would like, but having two stellar rifles, a 1-2 combo between Sonic and JBA is going to be a
[00:41:31] fantastic thing to watch. Yes it is, and circling back to what you said, they're looking a little
[00:41:35] bit more mortal than they normally do in the North American scene, likely caused by just a
[00:41:39] Stint at pro league that's a long time away from home in a whole new environment
[00:41:44] Figuring out how to play they honestly did pretty well by most metrics for what you would expect from a team like this
[00:41:49] It's still relatively new but as you mentioned since coming home
[00:41:52] They have struggled they lost both of their best of ones versus NRG in this season of ECL
[00:41:57] They lost versus legacy and failed to qualify for ESL challenger Katowice in a 2-1 fashion after beating them earlier closed qualifier
[00:42:05] So this wild card is struggling a little bit against domestic competition
[00:42:10] That gives a hungry team and I call them a young team even though at this point
[00:42:13] They really aren't a young team a new team like boss could really give them a surprise
[00:42:19] Give them a shock given the map that we're going to play and speaking of let's get into the veto for this first
[00:42:24] Bastard one boss is going to ban first and make sense wild card have their choice of first or second in this kind of format
[00:42:30] You always go for team B
[00:42:32] So oh, yeah wild card go second in front of the band of boss makes sense
[00:42:37] Not their greatest map and a great map for wild card mirage and nuke removed by wild card makes sense
[00:42:43] Mirage is their best map nuke. They're not the best on and
[00:42:47] While boss aren't great on it
[00:42:48] They really do like to at least try to play the map does to an anubis taken out by boss makes sense as well
[00:42:56] That's too some that it's not too bad for them
[00:42:58] But it's also not that it's very stellar for wildcard makes sense given the choice between vertigo and ancient
[00:43:04] wildcard elect to send us off to the ruins in South America
[00:43:08] And if I'm boss, I'm debating playing over on dust too
[00:43:13] I think what really kept them away from it is the fact that they've lost a wildcard before on the map in recent times and
[00:43:19] the fact that
[00:43:21] They haven't played it half as much as they played ancient
[00:43:23] They played ancient 10 times, dust two, four times.
[00:43:27] While Wildcard do possess a 17 and seven record,
[00:43:30] it's been a little shaky as of late,
[00:43:31] a one and one record against Legacy
[00:43:34] in the kind of it's a qualifier over the weekend,
[00:43:36] a loss to NRG recently as well,
[00:43:39] and 3D Max, a tenuous win over Koi at Pro League.
[00:43:44] Boss is thinking maybe that's where they will find
[00:43:46] a weakness to exploit and predicting that
[00:43:50] as the better of the two options
[00:43:51] between dust two and ancient.
[00:43:53] I wouldn't have not minded a dust to pick in from boss here. Let slight get into the game with his off
[00:44:00] Ancient you can have a good hopping prowess, but it's not as
[00:44:04] Open and fluid as dust to
[00:44:06] No, it's not and you mentioned dust to a nuke being those two maps
[00:44:09] They played in the last head-to-head they had that was in late august for the rmr qualifier
[00:44:14] And that was dust to a nuke. It was a 2-0 for wildcard 13 7 13 11
[00:44:19] So, looking at Nuke specifically, that was a very close engagement.
[00:44:22] Makes sense as to why they would ban it, not wanting to play it in this best of one or
[00:44:26] the next spoiler.
[00:44:27] I'm going to put that out there now.
[00:44:30] So, across the board, Vito makes sense.
[00:44:33] Ancient is a map that they should be heavily favored on.
[00:44:35] It's also a map that boss were really hot on, especially when it's still a lot newer
[00:44:39] to the map pool.
[00:44:40] The record is not as stellar as it was at 6 and 4, far more humble.
[00:44:45] I believe it's the map that they have the best record on.
[00:44:48] Yes, it is their second most played map as well. No, I think their first most played map is by one
[00:44:54] when compared to new so
[00:44:56] Given the veto, I think this is one of the best case scenarios for boss
[00:45:00] Yeah, it's not a bad veto for boss. It's not a great veto for boss, but
[00:45:06] Considering how their map pool matches up with wild card. It's probably there as the best case scenario
[00:45:11] That dust to pick was just me theory crafting a possible curveball and trying to big brain of veto process
[00:45:18] and thinking, maybe that would be an interesting, pardon the phrase, wild card pick for boss.
[00:45:25] But you know, one of those little spanner in the works, unexpected map pool picks, which
[00:45:32] how many times does those actually work though?
[00:45:34] Dude, that's the other thing on the other side of that coin.
[00:45:36] How many times teams try to get cheeky and they big brain themselves and outplay themselves
[00:45:42] in the veto process.
[00:45:43] So I'm curious to see how ancient goes down.
[00:45:46] I'm very curious to see how Boss stacks up against a wild card team that has looked a little vulnerable as of late
[00:45:51] And I'm expecting a little bit more out of a couple of players on this wild on this boss team
[00:45:58] And I almost said wild card because boss was on wild under the wild card
[00:46:02] Organization a while ago before this new roster was picked up
[00:46:06] There's a whole saw that I go back there too. So there's a little bit of a chip on the shoulder
[00:46:11] For the boss core coming into these matchups against this organization as well
[00:46:16] But I want to see a lot more out of Slite and Fruit Cup in particular.
[00:46:19] They need to be strong for Boss if they're going to take this opening best of one of Ancient as we hop in here, Nate.
[00:46:25] It's Boss on the T side, double flash, double smoke, Fresheen's Slite holding on to those.
[00:46:31] And there's a kit for Fozy, a smoke for him as well. No dual Berettas for Wildcard, interestingly enough.
[00:46:37] And a fast contact play in towards Jaguar, one for one trade on the Stannislaw.
[00:46:42] A Susp has back up in towards Cave, one for ones again through the Cave side.
[00:46:45] Full five stack on B. Oh my god in the info five seconds and fresh he might just ruin it
[00:46:50] He spotted all three freshy fresh use on the guy
[00:46:53] It's all death slight and Sonic and Sonic on the last bullet in the magazine
[00:46:58] Hits the head shot to save the round for wild card and their five man stack almost bolt over by one
[00:47:05] three-man cave push
[00:47:08] That is a chaotic and hectic round and what I want to see out of this map again
[00:47:12] both teams very well versed on it most played map for both these teams and it's
[00:47:16] already starting with some fireworks and theatrics individuals popping off both
[00:47:21] Sonic and Freshi finding a fair but it's the team play that's really going to be
[00:47:25] what makes this game exciting and spectacular. Boss unable to get the bomb
[00:47:30] plant of course Freshi saw that player but in the chaos in the craziness
[00:47:34] wasn't realizing that he saw the player and was caught. Boss now going for a smoke
[00:47:39] They're gonna get the bomb down, which was objective number one at this point. If they get a killer is just icing on top of the cake
[00:47:46] It won't go their way
[00:47:48] These views will come through but the bomb plant is all they were after it was straight glocks maybe a flashbang
[00:47:55] The bomb plant will give them AKs good utility and armor going into round number three very quick explosive rounds early from boss
[00:48:02] But every round has a very clear and intended purpose. This is a very scary
[00:48:07] 3. Boss coming out early.
[00:48:10] Yeah, boss are playing aggressive, they're playing hard and they are out to the gate fast,
[00:48:16] you have to put a round on the board but narrowly losing the round on the pistol up against a 5
[00:48:22] man stack, getting the bomb plant down, the smoke in the last round also a very good sign.
[00:48:28] Now if they fall flat on this gun round, maybe then we start saying the eye test
[00:48:32] isn't enough.
[00:48:33] But for right now, boss are passing the eye test early, they just have to start
[00:48:37] actually getting rounds on the board. And the other thing is too, if you're coming close
[00:48:42] and yet coming up short, it gets more significant than being just completely shut down. Because
[00:48:48] you're like we're doing the right things and we just still can't win, which can get
[00:48:52] honestly much more frustrating than trying to mix things up playbook wise. Sonic up on
[00:48:57] Snake might just catch cryptic off. He's made noise. Darty there to try and keep
[00:49:01] him alive. Slide around the corner as well. Good flop bang for Sonic though is JBA.
[00:49:07] him to push, and a 1-2 punch will work for another kill. Two for one, Slyte takes a take on that,
[00:49:13] and Sonic's still alive for a moment before Fresh is able to trade, and now the Jaguar player in
[00:49:18] Susp has revealed his position to, allowing FruitCup to zero in on his position, moving up the B ramp.
[00:49:23] Fozy and Susp though, the Swedish duo might converge upon FruitCup's position.
[00:49:29] A lot of games within games right now, the bomb still outside of B main on the team's side
[00:49:34] the things and fruit cup spots out sus does a lot of damage does not see foesie
[00:49:38] yet but the Molotov forces susp in towards a cave connection and slides
[00:49:43] right here to low HP players the AK should win the fight if it comes down to
[00:49:47] it should is the key word the MP9 shoots very quickly
[00:49:53] I magically oppose the angle you can worry about slight on the spam however
[00:49:57] drops foezy. Always a very quick and well play to spam the wall. 15 seconds left though
[00:50:04] and Susp in cave despite being low HP still chimes in for one. Fruit cup grabs the bomb
[00:50:09] falls away. 10 seconds left the timers of the S&C MP magic closing the distance. They
[00:50:13] stop the plant and now the player in the corner slight has to do it all. He's found
[00:50:16] one but can't plant the bomb. He's going for the fight and Susp is already logged
[00:50:20] on. Wild card steal away the first rifle round in a 1 vs 1 off of time.
[00:50:27] Boss is a little bit too slow in executing their game plan, but again it's still looking okay from them.
[00:50:35] The play is still quite good all things considered.
[00:50:37] Very good all things considered, but again, doing everything right and yet still coming up short.
[00:50:51] Boss's B take is close, it's coming down for Wire. They're just not able to get it over the finish line.
[00:51:00] And that's a concerning point of view as well because yes, they're doing everything right
[00:51:06] But still when it comes down to the final hurdle they fall
[00:51:10] They move away from B in this round beginning to work their way towards the East site
[00:51:16] Forced by as well. Mm-hmm. I don't say rifle
[00:51:19] Eagle Lil's Mac 10. It's okay. Honestly, you can definitely work out
[00:51:24] a lot of this
[00:51:27] Spotted all the time. They're not gonna force the issue. They actually went over
[00:51:33] I thought it was a flood.
[00:51:35] That's a very cheeky piece of kit.
[00:51:41] Op is in play for Fosy as well.
[00:51:49] Disciplined hold from Wildcard.
[00:51:51] Going far back, giving space.
[00:51:53] Knowing it's a compromised investment.
[00:51:55] And knowing that boss have to clear things
[00:51:58] the old fashioned way because they don't have
[00:52:00] cash for utility.
[00:52:04] Going up, spotted by the up first.
[00:52:06] There in main, almost caught.
[00:52:08] It's cryptic in the space, they don't get
[00:52:10] more in return, but JBA is still
[00:52:12] slinking around the site.
[00:52:14] Double on to cryptic and slight two found
[00:52:17] Group cup and fresh in the final pair freshy
[00:52:19] Readily upgrades to the op and the timing couldn't been more shambalic. He's found stand drop fruit cup
[00:52:26] It's a four zero start for wild card very solid on their CT side both teams favor the CT side might I add
[00:52:33] And fruit cup when he was picked up had a very solid start
[00:52:38] However, he's really cooled off as a late. It's struggling to get started in this matchup
[00:52:44] Yeah, and a boss as a whole are struggling to get started. Yes signs of positivity good things happening
[00:52:51] But they didn't get a positive result
[00:52:56] over all out of these rounds and
[00:52:59] it's gonna start weighing on the minds of boss in the mind of
[00:53:03] cryptic in particular the IGL
[00:53:05] Because he's gonna be thinking what else can I do? What else will work the game plan is not working out well enough as
[00:53:12] As the pistols are going to go to for one JBA has a duel
[00:53:16] He has to win darty at range with the tech nine looking for a third spots out a deep push and susp
[00:53:22] That's gonna spring rotations and the right read from boss about the a rotate
[00:53:28] But foesie still quicker on the draw deals with freshy
[00:53:31] That will mean slight on the glass can and rifle. He has no armor behind that M4
[00:53:36] We'll get the bomb down do whatever damage he can nose or somebody coming doughnut
[00:53:40] And this is a pretty awkward spot. He's been spotted by Stanislaw as well.
[00:53:43] All Stan has to do is wait for his teammates to come in and stab Slyte in the back one way or another.
[00:53:50] Slyte is going to be found and as you can see his head on a swipple one way than the other.
[00:53:55] No way he's getting out of that fight.
[00:53:57] And there's a 5-0 start. 4 wild card on that CT side. Yes, they favor it, but 5-0 is a pretty tough deficit to overcome for boss.
[00:54:05] They want to keep this close. They have to win 5 of the next 7 reasonably.
[00:54:09] If they get four maybe they're still a closer chance, but the pistol round becomes that much more important
[00:54:14] And this is a necessary timeout here for boss
[00:54:18] Yep, a very good well timed timeout as well
[00:54:22] Going into a full rifle by
[00:54:25] They've got some good rates. They've gotten good information and they know about wildcarts tendencies at least to an extent
[00:54:32] Now, how do you open is how do you want to position your op of slight you want to go middle
[00:54:36] Want to go catwalk do you want it to peek be early perhaps you want to try to go for the opera's duel soon as possible
[00:54:42] It's a lot of questions
[00:54:44] The boss are definitely trying to address in this tack pause
[00:54:47] Questions do they go back to their perceived to bread and butter of be?
[00:54:51] We're they spread out for any more bounce to default like they did in the half by round prior
[00:54:58] They'll see up going for to be though
[00:55:02] Snake controls the name of the game, smoke top snake tells me to go for a P-Ranth to play perhaps, or maybe a cave peak.
[00:55:13] Spam! So good. The cop gets the leg shot, not the kill, and things fall apart quickly for boss as cryptic boosted only gets one and his teammate is the trade.
[00:55:24] Boss really changed things up, tried to go for something different, but wild card were
[00:55:30] one step ahead of them, cutting them off before they could even take peeks proper.
[00:55:36] That spam is absolutely brutal to start off around.
[00:55:41] This is still recoverable for boss, but you take the bomb, you need to group up.
[00:55:47] There's plenty of time to do so, so don't count them out just yet.
[00:55:52] It is still winnable, but winning a clean fight against Stannislaw is
[00:56:00] Objective number one. They're reading it while they're clearing up the cubby never mind
[00:56:06] Fruit cup, don't expect Susp around towards long and Susp will not be topped
[00:56:12] He'll finish both of the headshot and 6-0 the start now for wild card
[00:56:17] And that was my concern Nate was boss trying to do something different that drastically changes everything and just gets completely outclassed
[00:56:25] That's gonna be a lot more pressure on cryptic here and this T side
[00:56:30] Just hanging on by a thread if you can even say that it's about to be
[00:56:35] Obliterated here 6-0 already to start for wild card and a four spy from boss. They have rifles the utilities not the worst
[00:56:42] Glills in hand
[00:56:44] you have
[00:56:46] Players blow up money suspect a lot
[00:56:48] that's a good open fight though. That by bottom middle can start a positive snowball for boss
[00:56:54] as they have their first untreated man advantage in the entire game.
[00:56:59] But he didn't want as well. With opportunity for darty however, just some damage onto JBA.
[00:57:06] They're opposed to inspecting free fires there, but not connecting.
[00:57:11] His light was one bullet away from death and he escapes
[00:57:15] Bozy
[00:57:17] Finally drops him from Dona
[00:57:20] Gryptic isn't able to trade
[00:57:21] So it was a man advantage. It's taken away from them by the aggression of wild card
[00:57:26] And I keep praising bosses strategy because I am the number one boss fan
[00:57:32] However wild card are truly outclassing as you put it
[00:57:37] Your totes good that their reads are good their intuition is unrivaled and
[00:57:41] They're hitting shots at a different level
[00:57:43] Cleanly put I'm gonna harken back to that spam on the cross early on at least two more times in this broadcast because that spam was
[00:57:52] disgusting
[00:57:54] That was all but flawless. That was beautiful
[00:57:58] All three grouping up be first good start
[00:58:02] Smoke off for the two on short
[00:58:05] Susp does get one as it blooms
[00:58:07] The spruce cup taken down, cryptic tag down quite low as well by spam through the aforementioned smoke.
[00:58:12] All they have is a molly for you, Tilt.
[00:58:15] Knocked up the susp on the way to the point, he's caught, good trade from Fosy, and a good combined fire from both him and JBA.
[00:58:25] Solid spacing from Wildcard. They again take the round, they again leave boss with nothing in terms of rounds.
[00:58:33] But the last one is combined with the bomb plant means that there can at least be AKs once more on the board for boss
[00:58:41] And there's a couple glaring issues right now for boss
[00:58:44] one
[00:58:46] No one yet
[00:58:49] Anywhere near double digits to
[00:58:51] Three players on three kills and fruit cup one and seven the way you put it wild card
[00:59:00] Outdaining them on a whole completely different level kind of sums up how it's been for boss
[00:59:05] Because their reads haven't been worse, generally.
[00:59:08] There's been one or two mistakes here, one or two clears that probably should have been done a little bit better.
[00:59:13] But for the vast majority of this game, Boss has been making the right reads, making the right plays.
[00:59:19] They're doing everything but finishing the kills.
[00:59:22] And at this point, Boss cannot be feeling confident anymore.
[00:59:31] And I'm hoping that they're not losing confidence in the game plan because the game plan is solid.
[00:59:36] The gameplay of what they came into this map with an idea to do on the T side has been very, very good.
[00:59:43] It's just they haven't been able to click heads, essentially, if you want to put it into simple terms.
[00:59:50] In this beta, everything's looking great, although Darty just walks through Molotov, doesn't quite get the finishing blow.
[00:59:56] That's a good idea. Again, this duel in the cave, another duel that needs to be won by Boss who's just coming up shy.
[01:00:03] 11 HP, 17 HP. That's a clean win on the slight, which is a good one for Wildcard. The bomb's not
[01:00:10] ideal to go down here anytime soon. A very aggressive fight with Freshi, but that did do something.
[01:00:16] Sonic will double up there, but for Boss it's just tumbling out of control. The cascade is
[01:00:22] flowing in Wildcard's favor, and this half for Boss can both end very quickly and hopefully
[01:00:29] for them at the same time they don't want it to end quickly because that score line is
[01:00:34] going to get very bad before it ends.
[01:00:36] It is.
[01:00:37] Now I did do pregame interview prior to the scan.
[01:00:43] What if Fresh was dead?
[01:00:44] Did ask Fresh if they would win.
[01:00:45] He said yes.
[01:00:46] That's all I got.
[01:00:47] Okay.
[01:00:48] On that note, how many times have you asked Fresh that and how many times has he said
[01:00:53] Zero and a lot or less I'm a lot and he's never said he's gonna lose it. So
[01:01:02] Unreliable narrator
[01:01:05] You know asking a person if they're gonna lose a game or not. Oh, I know I know
[01:01:11] Again boss
[01:01:25] not sure. Bitter end for the boss team.
[01:01:32] Typical timeout 2, used going into a rifle round, makes sense. We've seen a lot of different
[01:01:39] looks from boss, but no look has gotten past the barrier that is wild garden.
[01:01:45] You know for not, she's like this, constantly looking for good, before good utility.
[01:01:55] I've been working at this point.
[01:01:58] Struggled with it last time he had it, he had it once before and he legged the
[01:02:01] stand slot in the cave, where Jai wore it.
[01:02:03] It's hard on the T side.
[01:02:05] It's hard on the T side, and I liked the aggression from it, but of course as I mentioned, didn't
[01:02:10] quite connect.
[01:02:11] Slight, no helmet.
[01:02:13] You wait utility that way instead.
[01:02:15] It does have the challenge foezy and co.
[01:02:18] But still look we're going to see from boss this time.
[01:02:26] Boost the op towards B, see if you can get a pick quick.
[01:02:28] That's going to be my guess here.
[01:02:30] A little bit of nade damage taken.
[01:02:37] Where is that op?
[01:02:39] What is it doing?
[01:02:42] Very aggressive from JBA down in the middle, Sonic kinda backing off and keeping an eye
[01:02:45] on Snake, but letting JBA do the brunt of the heavy lifting, Sonic now coming in supporting
[01:02:50] for one on the cryptic, Stannislaw slips behind that smoke, will he be watched for, Susp
[01:02:54] is down B ramp as well, the opposite, nothing it runs through blind and it's a freebie
[01:02:58] for Susp, Fruitcup tries to trade and he is successful, but do they expect Stannislaw
[01:03:02] right around the corner, smoke B, free one, not the second, but he did get some
[01:03:08] more chip damage, JBA, Flatsillograph, doesn't clear the corner, focuses up on Snake, and
[01:03:14] Rookup now on a 1 vs 3 as Boss back to go down 10, and oh, everything just collapsing
[01:03:21] for Boss now despite that.
[01:03:24] I want to say positive start, even though they didn't get around to the board in this
[01:03:27] first 3 or 4, but at this point, the playbook's gone out the window, and players in
[01:03:37] this trying to fight trying to get that individual confidence up I hate to say
[01:03:48] right off a map at this stage when it's 010
[01:03:52] sometimes it's a brutal reality it's like racing top cats in the middle early but
[01:03:59] it has been abandoned by wild card who are showing us a different look okay you
[01:04:03] can't win not with this so I'm just spamming the mid smoke he had someone
[01:04:10] dropping cats. Boss are getting bullied and battered in a borderline supernatural way.
[01:04:20] Timing. They've done them in multiple times.
[01:04:23] Smokespans too. The mid reads, because it's not just Sonic who's playing in house too.
[01:04:30] Fosy's done it, JBA's done it, Stannis Law's done it, Freshi's gonna get dry peaked and destroyed.
[01:04:38] At this point, Boss are prepping for vertigo.
[01:04:40] I know it's already out there for those who want it but you have a whole segment devoted
[01:04:54] to it but that's an aside nice little op clip from fozie couldn't have come at a more relaxed
[01:05:04] time from the broadcasters but again this map is probably gonna relax for the most part
[01:05:08] from Wildcard who've had no contest.
[01:05:11] Yeah, also I mean, cuz he got peaked one by one there.
[01:05:14] If he doesn't hit those shots, it is deployment, and he's a very capable oper.
[01:05:18] So I can also manage to tie for top friend.
[01:05:25] I have Sos, Osirong, Galilz, and a Mact 10.
[01:05:31] And JBA's back to his normal stomping grounds in the middle with Sos.
[01:05:37] Sos.
[01:05:38] They don't lose angle again, they get one, but JBA gets two, and just be a nerd.
[01:05:43] Presses here with no rifle. Slight will get the trade, but three kills for JBA in an overlooked angle.
[01:05:56] Posey, taking up perfect timing on the Slight. Just a fruit cup to try and get a round on the
[01:06:02] board. Bomb down middle, three against him. Given how this is gone, so aren't as a dream for him
[01:06:09] at most. Clear Jaguar, he'll bite his time 55 seconds left, still plenty of it, but it's only
[01:06:16] a matter of time before he walks into the jaws of one of these three players.
[01:06:20] Op in middle appears to be, way to go, walks into the crosshair, 12-0, flawless start for
[01:06:26] Wildcard as we hit the halftime break. Bolt doesn't do the situation justice for Boss as
[01:09:41] they are down 12-0 as they enter the pistol round of this second half, but I have a
[01:09:48] feeling this game is already over halfway done.
[01:09:51] Spot up a Phillips and bogs on the mic and wild guard to try to put this away in flawless
[01:09:56] fashion.
[01:09:57] Straight race out in the middle, all five are here for this rat race.
[01:09:59] They're picked, taken down to 17 to start things off, he'll fall away very quickly to
[01:10:03] Red Room.
[01:10:04] These USPs are being played to the maximum optimal ranges, but shots just simply are
[01:10:08] not landing.
[01:10:09] Sonic, the man at the helm, falls finally, cup the newest addition, trying to put
[01:10:13] up a buck of a hold, a front.
[01:10:16] But Fosy is the one to put them down slight a 1v2 and he is caught by the very same Fosy
[01:10:26] tripling down 13 and 3 for him and a 13 nothing for wild card.
[01:10:32] They make this first map a quick one.
[01:10:39] That was a roughly 26 minute map name.
[01:10:44] That is even shorter actually because we didn't start until like 601, 602.
[01:10:48] Yeah, and we had the three-minute break so
[01:10:53] Boss it looked so good at the start and I wanted to be wrong about my
[01:11:00] Guess about if things were coming so close yet not working out things would utterly collapse
[01:11:07] Unfortunately they collapsed for boss Sonic had a great game
[01:11:10] But who on wild card didn't have a game something akin to this one oh seven point two three eighty are
[01:11:16] 2.33 kill death ratio 14 and 6 only to assist finishing off the bulk of his damage
[01:11:23] and how many smoke spams do we see from Sonic that were just either shy of lethal or perfectly so.
[01:11:30] It's not like two or three at least from him we saw the wall bang spam for both
[01:11:34] themes but I think they're more for more impactful for wild card I would say and as
[01:11:39] you mentioned boss had a good look at a good pace they played relatively together
[01:11:43] The spacing wasn't perfect, but the biggest glaring issue to me was that the individuals were not here
[01:11:49] They did not wake up
[01:11:50] They were not ready to contend with the international talent that is wild card
[01:11:55] The question is can boss turn the engine on and get things started on map 2 or will they flounder and fail in the second
[01:12:03] Best of one we're gonna take a brief break when you return
[01:12:05] We will have the pre-game show for the second best of one on the evening between these two teams
[01:12:09] They don't go anywhere. We'll be back soon back ladies and gentlemen
[01:25:21] It was a quick and rough first map for boss against wild card
[01:25:27] 13-0 on ancient but they're looking to regroup and
[01:25:32] Prepare for what will be hopefully a more contentious second map. It's pineapple Phelps and Boggs on the Mike
[01:25:39] Boggs, what are your thoughts going into the second map having seen the first?
[01:25:44] For Wildcard, keep doing what you're doing. For Boss, click heads. Just shoot back better.
[01:25:52] That's all they really need to do different to actually have some success. And if they can get,
[01:25:58] they need to get success early too. If they don't get success in the first few rounds,
[01:26:02] they're just gonna collapse like they did in the last map. Because that mental damage is
[01:26:05] going to stack and be multiplied exponentially without any form of success going into the
[01:26:12] early rounds of the second map and overall Nate for boss it's it's just
[01:26:17] rough it is rough let's get the vetoes for the second map it's gonna look a lot
[01:26:22] the vetoes from the first except of course that first ban for boss is being
[01:26:26] taken away and replaced by ancient so we don't get the same exact series of
[01:26:32] course barrage nuke banned by wildcard makes sense in front of dust to those
[01:26:37] Where the bands first and second bands from boss now shifted down a ways given the option between a newbison vertigo
[01:26:44] We go off to vertigo, which is an interesting call to map that both teams do play
[01:26:49] Okay for no record for wildcard 4 and 3 for boss
[01:26:54] They really do struggle on that T side when compared to their adversaries
[01:26:59] Wildcard should have a hefty advantage again. You put it best both teams seem sound tactically
[01:27:05] Their spacing is pretty good. I would say boss focus on the spacing a little bit more perhaps
[01:27:10] We're focused on a team play a little bit more perhaps
[01:27:12] But their idea and their game plan is solid. They really just need to hit heads
[01:27:16] That was the difference between these two teams because that first map was still entertaining
[01:27:20] Even if it did fall apart and it wasn't 13.0
[01:27:22] We're still entertaining because it was two teams with very clear strategies in mind. Yeah
[01:27:28] There was a game plan for boss. They relatively followed it up until the end. There was an idea
[01:27:32] There was a method to the madness. It was a more simplified form of counter strike
[01:27:36] But the utility was there the spacings the timings it was all there as they should be doing it
[01:27:40] They were still
[01:27:42] Following everything as they should
[01:27:44] but they just couldn't get the kills that they needed to open up the space to make the strategy successful and
[01:27:50] That's going to be a big problem for them if they cannot fix that issue and for wild card
[01:27:56] They had some great spams you got to chalk that up and just kind of move on if you're boss just okay
[01:28:03] They had that cool. Whatever
[01:28:05] Maybe don't put yourself in that position at that timing alternate the timings a little bit more because I feel like a lot of those
[01:28:11] Spans especially in middle were all due to timing plays that wild card were ready for
[01:28:17] Yeah, it was the spam middle
[01:28:19] It was the spam of the wall on B as well find an opening
[01:28:22] I think that was in the first or second rifle round as well, to add insult to injury, right when they had a strategy in mind and a aim plan to go for.
[01:28:29] You are heading into the second map of Vertigo, the 51st floor, Wild Cart. It appears they won both knife rounds because on both maps they start on the CT side.
[01:28:38] That is a very non-trivial advantage.
[01:28:42] Where it wonders on ancient it should work wonders here because again as I mentioned the T side of boss is sub
[01:28:49] 40% win rate on this map in spite of their positive record
[01:28:53] Yes
[01:28:55] Not a good T side and boss need all these CT sides
[01:28:58] They can get also don't have a great pistol round of this map either 35.7%
[01:29:02] So just over one third of the time they win the pistol so far not really any damage taken and cryptic might be able to get
[01:29:09] something creeping through the smoke
[01:29:11] But the bomb's gonna go towards B and it's leading the charge.
[01:29:14] Stannislaw and Sonic, two heads of Bs, maybe a third on the board, no, Sonic falls.
[01:29:20] Freshi has the bomb, but he is getting converged upon and kind of has to hold the bomb all
[01:29:24] along.
[01:29:25] Block, dink, block, line-up, not a kill, though, and it's all a collapse for Boss.
[01:29:32] No bomb plant, get the kills.
[01:29:33] Can't get the kills.
[01:29:35] No bomb plant, we're gonna be on Glocks again.
[01:29:38] Round two on Ancient was over in the blink of an eye.
[01:29:40] It was a Russian to be with a bomb plant secured see if that comes through again if they'll play a little more slowly on the second of vertigo
[01:29:48] Wild card and no, it's gonna be safe
[01:29:51] They're reading into that tendency from the last one and they're going full SMGs on the CT side foes
[01:29:58] He's saving a bit in the bank not buying utility presumably so he can farm up some cash and buy an op ASAP
[01:30:03] And boss, not going as quick, but perhaps for a pop-play ramp if they hear contact.
[01:30:23] Train from boss, they'll move around.
[01:30:35] And Susp is ready to receive the oncoming kickoff.
[01:30:37] 59 up top, gets one, and actually takes a kick, so Susp will have to retreat a little
[01:30:43] bit more.
[01:30:44] Perhaps a second, he's low on ammo, has to get bailed out by Sonic!
[01:30:47] does just that. Three for Sonic, two for Susp, all MP9 kills out of the all MP9 CT side for Wild Guard.
[01:30:59] As good of a start, if not better than they had on Ancient, and if they can shut down the
[01:31:04] rifle round here from boss or cause significant damage, it becomes even more positive for them
[01:31:10] because Wild Guard have MP9s in utility, and you cannot underestimate the power
[01:31:18] of the MP9.
[01:31:20] Especially on this close range, almost across the board, A ramp and many long range mid
[01:31:26] if you get there.
[01:31:27] Are your only two really long range engagements, everything else is kind of niche, angle related,
[01:31:33] must be very specifically peaked.
[01:31:36] So the MP9s will thrive in this situation, I no doubt Wildcard will play them to their
[01:31:41] maximal effect.
[01:31:44] Boss, walking up ramps slowly getting controlled, they're lacking a bit of utility, that's
[01:31:49] That's because they didn't get the bomb plant in round two like they did on that first map
[01:31:52] of Ancient, but it's 4 AKs and a selfless Galil from Threshy.
[01:31:59] Hit 10, have control, and they will throw their execute as well.
[01:32:07] Fozy, getting ready with the nade to prevent or at least hurt the bomb planter.
[01:32:12] The boss are kind of doddling, sitting, they throw their exec utility, now they're
[01:32:17] on the ramp, biting their time, hoping that someone probes for information.
[01:32:21] Not the look I want to see from the proactive T-side.
[01:32:25] There's two whole games that was dependent on damage, not the state you initially did.
[01:32:29] And now that they do, cryptic's going to farm too.
[01:32:32] But still, boss are slow to move to the site proper. The smokes will fade.
[01:32:35] There's only one left for Dardi, a flash as well. Fruit cup finally advancing and getting the bomb down.
[01:32:41] Boss holding near wildcard. There's not only a reason to save,
[01:32:44] Go do what damage you can and if you
[01:32:48] Spirals out more slight and
[01:32:51] Hope like with two fruit cup at the last only one falls that slight thought site was gonna go one for one on that little elevator engagement
[01:32:58] But he wins both rules and for the first time in these two best of ones boss get on the board and
[01:33:05] Now with wild card coming at it with their rifle pie
[01:33:08] It's gonna be limited because JBA wants all that utility Stanislaw will only have a smoke and a flash unless
[01:33:13] JBA drops some to him or somebody else on the roster
[01:33:17] There's only one kit in the two players the sands helmets up against the AKs. It's not gonna matter too much
[01:33:22] But it's shooting for boss here
[01:33:24] How much have been given up?
[01:33:27] Over you can drop is get a little bit of extra utility
[01:33:30] Same for sus or they can go for kids. We have one on in place. He mentioned on JBA
[01:33:35] Don't need helmets. You know, they're gonna be on a kids across the border
[01:33:38] If not, maybe have an op and play maybe that's a big maybe
[01:33:40] He shouldn't be paranoid.
[01:33:46] Bob guard.
[01:33:47] Spam, he stops.
[01:33:48] Good for the first.
[01:33:49] Walk of middle almost works on a timing for fresh.
[01:33:51] He'll be talking in the green room about him not really lurking.
[01:33:54] It's like he's back to his old antics at least on Vertigo.
[01:33:58] Didn't quite find the timing though.
[01:34:00] He was felled by foesie.
[01:34:02] And that's a very nice angle towards side-hop.
[01:34:04] Catches dart, he's shoulder.
[01:34:06] He's shut down before he can do anything.
[01:34:08] Cryptic behind him smoked off.
[01:34:10] Stymied from any further aggression.
[01:34:13] Rook up, we'll group up towards A, but 2 vs 5, and what can a pair of AK lead do?
[01:34:18] Inser's struggling.
[01:34:22] JBA got the spot, that was the bomb as well that he noted.
[01:34:27] Not looking good for Boston around 4.
[01:34:29] No, it's looking the opposite of good for Boston around 4.
[01:34:35] They're just walking into angles and getting picked off.
[01:34:39] And well, we saw a good game plan for them on 2.
[01:34:43] Vertigo looks like they've achieved a little bit of the status element. It's just unsure, unstructured, and all around flat.
[01:35:02] One kill, not really worth much at all.
[01:35:06] And no bomb plant means boss are going to have to force into this, be lacking firepower and utility, freshes on a tech 9, which he'll downgrade to a p250.
[01:35:14] I'm very concerned right now for boss as am I all the promise from last map gone
[01:35:27] it's vertical it's a lot more than a lot less map I am concerned as well
[01:35:33] more productivity were splits perhaps or at least if you're gonna peak an angle
[01:35:38] buddy if you don't have you don't like to try peaking angles is not gonna work
[01:35:42] against it's definitely not gonna work at the arm are
[01:35:51] These two could face off at the armory.
[01:35:53] Mm-hmm, my point.
[01:35:56] It'll be good practice for them.
[01:35:58] Dude awakening.
[01:36:01] Tanisaw up close.
[01:36:02] The first attack lines one side of good trade.
[01:36:04] It's the combined power of numbers.
[01:36:07] To get the in-robes for bosses,
[01:36:09] they get two kills in response.
[01:36:10] Free cup and slight tag, relatively low.
[01:36:12] Fozy at side hall.
[01:36:14] Might not be expected.
[01:36:16] Fresh is actually holding it in her mind.
[01:36:17] He is expected.
[01:36:18] The question is, will those be a shock?
[01:36:20] Fresh, there is a good flick.
[01:36:23] Shot connected
[01:36:25] Two versus four for Sonic and Susp
[01:36:28] CT's getting a little bit too aggressive
[01:36:31] For their own good
[01:36:34] Looks like a save is already going to be the call both heading towards B both, you know, it's likely going to be an A play
[01:36:39] I like to cut out here
[01:36:42] Intentionally hunting cock on the side now they go for it
[01:36:46] 2 vs 3 is far more manageable and that gives them a way back in.
[01:36:51] Good damage on the slight, time is now of the essence, 20 seconds left.
[01:36:54] Fruitcup finds one though.
[01:36:55] That might make Sonic reconsider his situation.
[01:36:59] I'm not going to watch for a reason.
[01:37:02] Good shot.
[01:37:03] I thought it was a dink, it was not.
[01:37:05] Fruitcup's shot, his aim is better.
[01:37:07] At least in this scenario.
[01:37:09] 2 to 3, a second secured for boss.
[01:37:13] and infinitely more rounds found in this map than the last.
[01:37:18] Yeah, and a boss player's aim being better is not something we've been able to say throughout the course of these two best of ones so far.
[01:37:26] So for boss, that's a more promising round. They take advantage of wildcard sniffing around, playing a little over aggressive,
[01:37:33] and wildcard are going to try to fix their early issues by calling the time out here.
[01:37:38] There's also a very awkward spot of MP9 for foes, we have 5-7 on there Captain and Stannislock
[01:37:45] No kit appears to be available either
[01:37:49] If I'm foesie, I'm probably dropping that helmet getting a kit or JBA because
[01:37:56] We're done with helmets if you're one we're done with helmets two if you're gonna force you might as well give yourself a chance
[01:38:02] It your chances are significantly limited without a kit
[01:38:05] But we have a technical pause now, so things will not start all the way on the conclusion
[01:38:13] of that wild card attack, which will give us a little more time to, I don't know if you
[01:38:19] can really analyze that last round too much, it was pretty much wild card trying to fight
[01:38:23] and establish dominance down B and they got number-difft.
[01:38:26] Down A, yeah.
[01:38:27] Yeah.
[01:38:28] Sorry, I still get the side to confuse on this map sometimes.
[01:38:32] covered our backs. You know, we say things who make mistakes more often, not honestly.
[01:38:40] More often than I would like to admit. Sometimes they slip under the radar, sometimes
[01:38:44] you get cooked in chat. Gotta cover it quick. True that. Thank you for the covering, Clire,
[01:38:51] my friend. Mm-hmm. We're at war. As our wild card and boss who've done away with
[01:38:59] Temporary ceasefire and are ready to butt heads once more M4's a trio
[01:39:07] 2-0 and S is 1-8-4 love the 8-4 being a play back in Bogue
[01:39:14] You mentioned no kit and helmets a little bit stupifying but
[01:39:25] PSYD and fruit cup is lurking over towards B. We saw that tried and true with the fresh Ian middle
[01:39:31] I can't tell on the map.
[01:39:34] He's playing deep middle for the push.
[01:39:38] I don't hate it either.
[01:39:39] It's an anti-pistol play, generally.
[01:39:42] That spot, Devly doesn't have at least one pistol in play.
[01:39:45] Stanislav has one jumping.
[01:39:46] He's dancing as the entry.
[01:39:48] There's so much damage, but it gets no kills.
[01:39:50] He spots three.
[01:39:51] That should signal a rotation.
[01:39:53] Sonic doubling down.
[01:39:54] Things are going to spiral out of control rather quickly.
[01:39:56] Slight one.
[01:39:57] Rain things back in.
[01:39:58] No, it was a trade from Fosy.
[01:39:59] It rained as the entry.
[01:40:00] Now he gets another spot.
[01:40:01] so much damage on the fruit cup it's the two lurks alone versus what was three what was four excuse me
[01:40:09] freshi gets a trade on the fruit cup sonic and suspe though still have the main advantage on paper
[01:40:16] although sonic is low a mid flank is a very interesting call another a nor b instead going for
[01:40:25] a proactive rotation down middle this hook catcher freshi who has stopped in his tracks and is
[01:40:30] is hoping someone gets aggressive. The issue is the aggression is coming around to the back
[01:40:35] side, not the front.
[01:40:36] Will he check his back side?
[01:40:42] He does get around the corner, but he's spotted. Not long for the world at this stage. The
[01:40:53] product should have him.
[01:40:55] And the smoke, oh it doesn't connect. It gives FreshEan an opportunity now to throw a flash
[01:41:00] high and get out, but he misses the player, so Susp gets to try to knock or duel. And
[01:41:07] that very nearly works in freshies favor but a dual lost and the lead reestablished for wild card
[01:41:21] now Nate one thing I have to say the spacing that you brought up over on
[01:41:27] ancient is being highlighted here on vertigo especially on those a ramp takes that first
[01:41:35] First duel there's no trade potential. Same thing in the round prior. No trade potential initially on that side-haul contact.
[01:41:44] There needs to be some sort of trade potential on those initial entries.
[01:41:48] If you have the trade potential for dirty, it's a different round. Wildcards scale up, they win the round.
[01:41:57] But because they have to fight from the back foot, it puts everything into a different scenario.
[01:42:02] Here's Tannis on charging down side hall, one trade there, and Darty, there's a nice double kill.
[01:42:07] They don't know if Fosy's over towards side.
[01:42:09] They still expect one more here towards A, and Darty's all alone right now.
[01:42:12] Finally, teammates are coming to join up with him.
[01:42:16] Looking all over the place.
[01:42:17] The bomb goes side of the pistol, and Freshly gets two tapped dirt napped right there.
[01:42:22] FruitCup's lurking out A, though, or B, excuse me.
[01:42:25] This is creating a lot of space for the A players.
[01:42:28] do wildcard expect play they don't and fruit cup catches suss peeking towards
[01:42:35] middle fozie had high somewhere else not on the prize that's going to be a b-site
[01:42:40] rotate from wildcard for boss getting the bomb down his wildcard we'll read
[01:42:45] this well it's that Molotov damage and another two bombers down here more
[01:42:50] damage here against the wildcard team might entice him to be safe my fozie had
[01:42:59] had the read he was holding the long range angle towards CT but as you mentioned slow on
[01:43:04] the trigger pull.
[01:43:05] I gave fruit cup, was it fruit cup I believe it was the window to peek out and get the kill
[01:43:10] and slink back.
[01:43:13] It was.
[01:43:14] Two AK's saved for the CT side this has been a far scrappier affair for them though their
[01:43:21] economy is going to be in a rough spot sonic might drop an SMG so with the investment
[01:43:27] If there is one, is in Round of Number 8.
[01:43:34] It's already containerized, it's not secure enough, great stage on the Galoo.
[01:43:39] Boss found themselves again within one, within striking distance of a wild card.
[01:43:47] And Boss are the ones to use the time out here.
[01:43:49] Don't seem to be too satisfied with the way that round played out, and I don't hate this time out from Boss.
[01:43:55] I feel like there are things they're getting away with right now that they should patch before we get too deep into this T half.
[01:44:02] They're also almost to that 40% rate, which is above what their statistics day they should be, 37.2 T side 1 rate for boss.
[01:44:16] They're at about 25 right now.
[01:44:19] They'll get to 33 if they win one more and they get to 5.
[01:44:25] It's a very competent T side half of this map.
[01:44:28] They get to 6.
[01:44:30] It's fantastic.
[01:44:32] Anything after five is really just great. Honestly, I would say four and they might have something with a pistol round
[01:44:39] Five just gives them a little more comfort zone to work with this five wild card significantly lacking in utility
[01:44:45] especially in the Molotov and smoke departments
[01:44:48] Flashes are very low and nades are all expended one kid for foesie and
[01:44:53] There's an M4 and two the lils for bus
[01:44:57] Two players on wild card. No helmets
[01:44:59] This is the kind of round where the no-helmet actually matters.
[01:45:03] Yes it is. Boss.
[01:45:08] Two glills.
[01:45:09] M4.
[01:45:11] Could find a potential one-shot headshot.
[01:45:14] Boss will open his early leans, early plays.
[01:45:16] Have an idea in mind from the outset.
[01:45:20] It becomes rather one-dimensional and rather easy to read.
[01:45:25] Wildcard trying to press down the ramp though, again too aggressive for their own good.
[01:45:29] Susp caught on the stairs
[01:45:33] Sonic falling away. It's what's hero AKs. He could do some damage
[01:45:38] I was going for a straight contact play so I get the spawn first clean kill watch the second falls back
[01:45:44] That's not getting second kill fresh. She runs them down
[01:45:48] And smokes off CT
[01:45:51] Remaining players might just save if Kevlar they have some weapons that could be well used in the next round
[01:45:56] Save this round save the next
[01:45:58] but have some teeth in case the opportunity presents itself.
[01:46:08] 4-4 boss, sign things up and as you mentioned, very close to that 5 that would make them
[01:46:14] more than comfortable on this T side.
[01:46:16] Yeah, I'm liking what I'm seeing as far as the execution, the final execution is concerned.
[01:46:30] It's much less strategic and much less structured, but at the end of the day all that matters
[01:46:38] boss right now is getting rounds on the board and getting out of this with one map each for boss
[01:46:44] if they can get out of this keeping their record at 500 it's fantastic they went into this at 11-11
[01:46:52] they can get out of this at 12-12 try to stay somewhat at pace with laser maybe higher
[01:46:59] if they can get lucky laser drop the last two maps they have to play there's opportunities for
[01:47:08] boss here five rounds money's still tight for wild card this could turn into a boss half and that's
[01:47:16] where things start to get weird and this ramps rims the off of slight I just take the dividends
[01:47:21] danislaw flashed it's there trying to add more losing fruit cup might be a bit of a sore spot
[01:47:28] for boss but danislaw is 10 and five right now so I'd say that's a pretty good trade
[01:47:34] it is again so much aggression though from wild card that gives away one of the rifles
[01:47:40] They were long recoverable for Sonic or Sus for JBA who were all stuck on MP9s and FAMAS respectively.
[01:47:50] One for one definitely worth it for Boss.
[01:47:53] Or so with that information as a spectator.
[01:47:56] Another contact play from Boss. They get to kill the early shenanigans done with.
[01:48:03] They go for these slow, methodical plays.
[01:48:06] BobCartner is stacked up, you try and get a good flash for the two MP9s, JV and Sonic
[01:48:13] finally want to pop Slyke, gets a trade and Freshi does as well, two versus two secured.
[01:48:19] He's still on the unit, putting still anybody's round and FoZi still has an AK in hand as
[01:48:24] well.
[01:48:25] Off angle played and he finds the kill onto Freshi, even just Slyke with an op in
[01:48:30] hand.
[01:48:31] He'll grab an AK instead.
[01:48:32] Smart call.
[01:48:33] He is on low HP and that makes things considerably more difficult. 20 seconds left time has gotten away from them.
[01:48:40] We'll have to try and attempt the plant and smoke.
[01:48:43] He's being boxed in on a long thing and a short one, Fosy. Allows the bomb plant that gets the kill and wild card.
[01:48:51] We established a lead that's at a rather hefty economic cost. Yeah, only two players survive and it's not good for wild card.
[01:48:58] They do have AKs, sure, but the reinvestments of JBA and Stanislav in particular are going to be quite
[01:49:03] Testy also there's a disconnect on the boss side of things, Dardi has
[01:49:09] disconnected from the server and that is not a tactical timeout, don't let the
[01:49:13] HUD fool you, it is a technical pause. So we'll be back into the action. I don't
[01:49:18] know if we'll need a match medic but despite the bomb plant boss's money is
[01:49:22] shattered. It's absolutely in tatters and this is gonna open up an
[01:49:26] opportunity for Wildcard to build a bank which is huge at this stage
[01:49:30] right now so for a wildcard team that's riding on the edge of a reset they get
[01:49:37] an anti-half buy this is a godsend for the CT side and for boss not exactly a
[01:49:44] fantastic way to go into round number 10 they'll be looking for a bomb plant and
[01:49:48] some damage expect something fast although considering the fact that
[01:49:52] they've grouped up from the bulk of their rifle rounds they might try
[01:49:55] something a little more split oriented and segmented. Still a faster play
[01:50:00] definitely leans into the pistols and chaos they can sew. As they start to charge
[01:50:06] on through Dari, they can buy the AK of SOSC Posey there around as well, but two kills
[01:50:11] come through from the boss. That's not horrible. They would have gotten a third, that would have been huge, but overall no fuss, no harm done to wild card, generally speaking, and we go into the
[01:50:20] ultimate of the half with glills and AKs for boss another reinvestment from wild
[01:50:26] guard who have yet to get the off about four foesie throughout the entirety of
[01:50:29] the CT half of where to go I'm not just going to show how back and forth it's been
[01:50:33] they haven't been able to afford it I've been able to afford it but he's more
[01:50:37] than holding a gun on the rifle 8 and 5 for himself 10 for Sonic the stand
[01:50:44] rifles for boss are Italy AKs are less than I did with three-cut
[01:50:49] He told he's locking.
[01:50:51] They had the firepower. They just need to hit heads.
[01:50:55] That's the simplest form of counter strike, Nate. Shoot them before they shoot you.
[01:50:59] It's the core key idea of counter strike.
[01:51:06] Yeah, if you boil it down to its fairest
[01:51:09] denominators
[01:51:16] Wilfruits Cup shoot Fozie before he shoots him. The Nate will actually scare both players away, so
[01:51:21] So, Fosy will grab the second aid, Darty will eliminate Stanislav, flashed in by Slythe,
[01:51:27] that's kind of the stuff you want to see from a T side, flashed Peaks to get the opening kills,
[01:51:31] Freshly and Fulaghan Sonic to get a double man advantage, look the damage sustained by
[01:51:35] Fos, Freshly, Rook up and Darty all under half HP, Darty in one shot territory, Fosy
[01:51:41] and JBA still here on A, nice little pop up though from Darty, Fosy still yet to
[01:51:46] be revealed Slythe will spot him with the high ground, which for Fosy he'll
[01:51:50] Drop the big ground with an X-File and a third as well!
[01:51:54] One by one they peek and fall, leaving Freshty and Fruit Cup wondering what
[01:52:00] intonation happened to the squad as they have a Molotov and a combined 76 HP
[01:52:07] to let freedom ring. Two versus five attempt for Fozien Susp.
[01:52:16] They went for a gamble stack on B though and this is the wrong decision.
[01:52:20] 15 seconds left, time is up the essence. They should figure it out soon.
[01:52:24] Also that Molotov is still timed.
[01:52:29] So it hurts fresh even further.
[01:52:33] Fozy and Susp will go for this.
[01:52:35] Fozy is on for a potential ace player in having player down ramp.
[01:52:40] Two very separated T side individuals.
[01:52:44] Susp right idea on the first.
[01:52:47] That's the kill.
[01:52:48] Easy one.
[01:52:49] Fozy in the meanwhile finds fruit cup on the ramp.
[01:52:52] Khaleen retake from these two planks separately.
[01:52:55] Still, winning the duels as required, 7-4 wildcard guarantee the advantage into the second half.
[01:53:02] The biggest question is, will Boss hit that minimum 5 that we said would make them happy?
[01:53:08] This first half.
[01:53:10] The money does not bode well for Boss.
[01:53:13] A lot of pistols, Mac-10s, maybe a Galil, or Dardi can go for an AK, no Util.
[01:53:21] He'll go Galil with a little bit of Util.
[01:53:24] more prudent by. One Galil, three Mac 10s, a Deagle for slight. Boss, trying to grab a
[01:53:34] desperate fifth. Fruit cup is needed and that Molotov was dropped over, but fruit cup
[01:53:41] will finally pick it up. I was wondering if that would eventually end up in his inventory.
[01:53:48] Card of Settlement settled in DC beside them. They're looking much more confident and composed and boss
[01:53:56] The one-dimensional counter strike in the red the tools are working out
[01:53:59] Well great support by Sonic on the sus and now Stanislas is gonna take a dry fight on the flake
[01:54:07] He drops down and fruit cup and cryptic both caught with their pants down proverbially of course
[01:54:13] Wondering how all man got in the back lines
[01:54:16] That's the round essentially
[01:54:19] Gotta be
[01:54:21] This is something wacky and zany from a D. Go on a Mac 10
[01:54:24] But it truly does not seem feasible bomb isn't even in their control
[01:54:32] I'll kill brand from slight should get spotted soon
[01:54:36] JBA is holding the cross the spot
[01:54:44] Eagle giving some opportunities, but eventually he's taken down through the girder the hard way
[01:54:51] Freshie knows where two are heard the shots
[01:54:53] The answer is no. 8 to 4 for Wild Carm as we hit the halftime break.
[01:58:08] A better half for Boss than the entirety of Ancients, but it still remains a wild card
[01:58:15] advantage and a hefty one at that.
[01:58:17] It's Boggs and Pineapple Phillips on the call, and if Boss can't convert the CT pistol
[01:58:21] round, this one may be over sooner rather than later.
[01:58:25] Decoy and Molotov, first stand to slump. Smoke and kit for Dardi.
[01:58:30] Fruit cup here to defend on. He has some help as well.
[01:58:34] Well, love Dardi. Fruit cup trying to go wild with a spray.
[01:58:38] As you bail out by fresh as he falls fresh with a pair.
[01:58:41] Dardi with a pair. No bomb play.
[01:58:43] And a succinct pistol round victory for boss.
[01:58:46] Means that we might just have ourselves a game of vertigo.
[01:58:50] He might just, but should get them a sixth as well.
[01:58:53] Then from there the sky is the limit back to within two
[01:58:59] That's realistic more scientific more exacting
[01:59:05] But within two there would be once more boss we're within two touching and going for quite a while
[01:59:15] That is an attempt at the jump across you know what I don't hate it. I don't need an idea
[01:59:19] One idea was the two of the Glock players doing that
[01:59:23] Hey, I at least appreciate the attempt I don't seem to go for it
[01:59:28] Shows us that wild card are having a bit of fun
[01:59:30] Loose for Fosy. He has the Deagle. Four of the two. E and JBA picked up those weapons.
[01:59:37] It's shot on the first. Chance to try the exact same thing again. I hope for a different
[01:59:43] result. And there's the Vamoss taking the duel.
[01:59:46] Dominic is felled in the meanwhile. Spotting the MP9 gets the info. Vamoss continues to
[01:59:53] tap away. Freshly finally finishes. Suss. Even two Deagles.
[01:59:57] That one, Bozy, catches the dropping fruit cup. It won't be a flawless anti-eco, but
[02:00:05] he shouldn't find a second to not lift the ammo running out as it just did. Six to eight
[02:00:10] boss within due, near flawless anti-eco. This is where the going gets tough. This is where
[02:00:16] the rifles come through. This is where Wildcard are looking to kick it into high gear.
[02:00:22] This is where Wildcard looked to get into gear first. It haven't even gotten out of
[02:00:26] Park for this first half the second half I should say and they're gonna try and get it
[02:00:34] Ready to rumble early on him and time for cup
[02:00:37] He wants that utility again. I was wondering if he'd go in for a rifle
[02:00:43] He goes with the ladder
[02:00:46] Minimally totally for wild card one smoke left
[02:00:48] Flash and a Polatob with 140 on the clock. That is a hefty early utility investment for a team that did not possess much in the early going.
[02:00:56] And this mid control from bosses actually watched for by Stan as well. The MP9 and the FAMAS.
[02:01:05] If they go for the peak towards Generator, this will end poorly.
[02:01:09] Should end poorly.
[02:01:10] Not for Stan.
[02:01:12] Should end poorly.
[02:01:14] Stan has all been hidden everything.
[02:01:19] Yes, it's a very niche angle. It's more so spotting.
[02:01:22] spotting. Sonic comes up to work with Stan. He did find Slype and Sonic goes to the bait
[02:01:28] and switch finds the second. So both players are felled. You are right in your expectation.
[02:01:32] Okay, Stanislaw. Laying down the law on two. Laying down the law on the final three. In
[02:01:43] fact four in the round. Very good time to see him chat that someone's calling for
[02:01:49] retirement I was about to say well I hope that person in chat is watching this
[02:01:55] round because I don't think Stanislaw wants to go quietly into the good night
[02:02:00] right off into the sunset with the end credits rolling behind him I don't think
[02:02:06] he's ready to go just yet that was that spray down towards middle holy transfer
[02:02:12] was insane the transfer look at the five of us
[02:02:19] The button to lead from the front, yeah the buy is all over the place.
[02:02:23] I'm forced from boss 5-7 and B-9.
[02:02:30] Wild card.
[02:02:31] What are we going to group for just to play towards B?
[02:02:34] Look at the kill disparity between boss and wild card.
[02:02:37] 16-16-11, 10-8-7.
[02:02:41] And it's only a three round game.
[02:02:47] There's only one player on boss in double digits.
[02:02:50] The drift takes half way there.
[02:02:54] No player on boss is positive, and they're still reasonably within striking distance of the scan.
[02:03:02] So they are?
[02:03:04] Also, Jorah is 4 on H weird.
[02:03:07] It is. He was quite on the first map as well.
[02:03:12] I'm taking the backseat so his old dog can get some frags. I don't...
[02:03:18] Hate it, necessarily.
[02:03:21] At first, that was quite literally Stanislaw running through smokes, so...
[02:03:24] It was.
[02:03:25] My shot towards B, I'm going to bait for Stannislaw, play towards B with a split from middle, is the call.
[02:03:36] Freshy, first to bat, finds his, JBA, misses his jumping skill, pull it back to help, 20 seconds remain.
[02:03:44] Stannislaw went for one, the flank is perfect, Fozy finds one, but Freshy doubles down and return.
[02:03:50] Final two will push him, but the bomb is down at their feet.
[02:03:53] Freshy and Kryptik, and they're going to let it go, 8 seconds left, Wildcourt are playing for the kills.
[02:03:58] cryptic finds one not the second but fresh he's already long gone he knew
[02:04:02] they had no chance he's on the port of parties so boss steal away the round by
[02:04:08] virtue of timing and a nice 3k from freshy yeah freshy maybe he's an anchor
[02:04:14] now me because that was good solid anchor work from him yes he did have
[02:04:20] teammates to play off of but you have to do that as an anchor into the first
[02:04:24] was a dry fight that he won relatively cleanly. And the spray transfer with the
[02:04:29] Famas was also very good. Famas is not a fun gun. It's not great. And Freshy made it
[02:04:36] work for a 3k, a very critical one at that. And Wildcard are gonna go all in
[02:04:41] here, opt for foes, EAKs across the board, but again another lack of utility
[02:04:44] for this Wildcard team who seem content to just say, our aim is better. We are
[02:04:49] going to try and skill diff you. Meanwhile, boss have some utility. One
[02:04:53] kit on cryptic a double mp9 baron freshie over towards jump up drop area right now waiting to
[02:04:59] try to cross spots the head of jba a bit of a messy start clean finish there in the end and cryptic
[02:05:07] was going to try and help him out but the op of fozie there group cup falls as well freshie has to do it all alone
[02:05:12] and he gets a second to dwell on the stand-in swap freshie's still alive fozie through the smoke
[02:05:16] shuts down darty freshie going p spots shadow wins the duel freshie one versus two one versus
[02:05:22] 3 to a 1 versus 1, on for the ace. Can Freshie hold it out? Sonic, our player to watch for this
[02:05:28] matchup has busted out towards A, got the bomb to go down. Play this 1 versus 1 again. Freshie again
[02:05:36] on for the ace. A 1 versus 3, 8th clutch for Freshie if you can do it. Boss of the utility knows
[02:05:41] the general positioning of Sonic. It's planted for him down ramp as well. Sonic going towards
[02:05:46] side hall. Freshie there! Boss of the body! Freshie! Half damage! Full damage! Freshie with the
[02:05:50] That is 8 kills from Freshi in 2 rounds.
[02:06:18] We said the individuals need to wake up, one has at least an at a critical moment, in fact,
[02:06:24] at such a critical moment that he's compelled a tactical timeout out of his opponents single
[02:06:29] handedly.
[02:06:31] 18 kills for Freshi, and as I mentioned, a second tactical timeout from Wildcard, who
[02:06:39] are contemplating an investment, they're going to go for an investment, two go-bills
[02:06:45] A Mac 10, an AK for Sonic, and what will Susp be investing into? Probably a Galil Armor.
[02:06:54] Maybe a Mac.
[02:06:56] Could get a Mac if I need more utility, but I don't think they do.
[02:06:59] Never mind, they do.
[02:07:04] 8-9 though, this is a rather desperate force by, to try and bring themselves, to keep themselves ahead, excuse me.
[02:07:11] Slight on the op as well for the CT side, a big boon to find from Phosy's spot.
[02:07:16] I don't know if I should have found it, unfortunately, but he might have been invested.
[02:07:19] Only especially surviving, he actually bought the AK, so I'm mistaken.
[02:07:25] But an important round for both teams, because they are both very low on cash.
[02:07:30] This is a massive homeground, that is a massively miffed Nade.
[02:07:33] And you can't even call that an NA Nade, because it's the South African native in Sonic, who tosses that one.
[02:07:38] Although he's essentially NA at this point, he's been here for how long, slight!
[02:07:42] I think he moved a little bit, also had to shoot through the bottom of the scaffolding.
[02:07:46] Trying to get that to work has utility in hand.
[02:07:48] He's run down the Molotov, knocking the Lord off.
[02:07:51] The first rum, Stonic, cryptic out in the open,
[02:07:53] falling down as well.
[02:07:54] Freshy though, coming through, only one.
[02:07:56] Up to Fruit Cub and Dardi's MP9.
[02:07:58] Dardi isolating, that's a good fight to stick with.
[02:08:01] If he tries to take out JBA, he probably loses both.
[02:08:05] Knows where he has the one.
[02:08:06] JBA into a one versus one does not have the bomb.
[02:08:09] And Fruit Cub is rotating around,
[02:08:11] spots out and wins the long range duel against JBA.
[02:08:16] And the angels swinging back the way of Phos.
[02:08:18] The pendulum has shifted a tie ball game
[02:08:21] and no bomb plant means a half buy for Wild Card.
[02:08:24] Phos again broke, but this is prime time to build the cash
[02:08:28] as they will try and get things back in here
[02:08:32] and take a lead their first of the evening late on vertigo.
[02:08:39] The hour is late.
[02:08:41] And Freshie the Grey rides to Isengard.
[02:08:47] to get the grade.
[02:08:48] Wooden Chiseled is the team's leader at this point.
[02:08:59] Pistols for wild card.
[02:09:06] A lot of tech nines, which can really run you down if you aren't weary.
[02:09:10] Eagle of Susp as well, it'd be scary.
[02:09:12] Sans on a P250, don't count him out.
[02:09:15] Not as cheap.
[02:09:16] These are the odds of not working.
[02:09:18] MP9, only good for one on the freshy.
[02:09:21] They're top frag, they're king on SMG.
[02:09:25] Mike is won, he's run down by the pistols, cryptic good for trades though, both tagged down by the hopper.
[02:09:32] Just Tana's Law, B250 in a very niche angle.
[02:09:35] Where's our lit for that one was I should say.
[02:09:38] It's the spot on the second that's well done some damage, spots them both as well.
[02:09:41] Enough one-shot headshots now, one headshot secured.
[02:09:45] He took the deeper fight, not the one versus cryptic.
[02:09:47] Expensive round, he said this was a chance for them to build up an economy.
[02:09:51] They aren't going to get that opportunity, but they will at least win it and establish a lead for the first time in the series if I'm not mistaken.
[02:09:59] You are not.
[02:10:00] It's Boss's first lead of the night, and it comes in round 19.
[02:10:07] But the manner in which they gain it is far from ideal.
[02:10:11] They're by now worse than it was in the round prior.
[02:10:13] Three MP9s this time, although they've actually had massive success with the MP9s.
[02:10:17] So it might not be a bad thing for Boss right now.
[02:10:20] Wildcard at the AP is out, Slythe has that off again but the individual, the easy shots
[02:10:28] are proving to be a little more difficult for Slythe right now. Almost as he's second guessing
[02:10:32] and rushing some of those shots and I hope for Slythe's sake and for Boss he can settle down.
[02:10:38] Also somebody had to help Freshie out. He's 10 kills above his next nearest teammate.
[02:10:43] Meanwhile, Phosian Stan in 2019, Sonic at 15, Susp and 12.
[02:10:48] The overall kill support has been there for Wildcard.
[02:10:52] Boss have somehow been able to eat out rounds where they might not exactly been getting a lot of kills in the rounds they've lost,
[02:11:00] but the ones they're winning, they're getting enough!
[02:11:02] Slight as one, light up for the MP9! Damage plus the kill!
[02:11:05] They will finish off that wounded player.
[02:11:07] Perfected will fall, though. Susp and Stanislaw bring this to a very winnable two versus two.
[02:11:11] Fruit cup though, coming through that smoke, runs into Susp, and then the ships around the smoke.
[02:11:19] Stannislaw strikes, Slyte, off in the hand, knife out, they molly him out, and they go towards B.
[02:11:25] He's made noise, but there they go.
[02:11:27] I like that little double back from Slyte though, expecting a repeat, expecting somebody else.
[02:11:32] Hooks up top, knows the fire, and now it's the deal with both.
[02:11:36] General idea where both...
[02:11:37] Or what a shot on to the first, on to Susp, lightning quick from Slyte.
[02:11:42] And now, maybe a little bit of Slyte of hand to try and move around and outplay Stanislaw,
[02:11:48] the veteran, the longest tenured player in this server, Slyte.
[02:11:51] It's right, or left, does not peek right.
[02:11:54] And tied up at 10 we are.
[02:11:57] No buy for Boss in this round.
[02:12:00] And wild card, the red carpet, to retake the lead in round 21.
[02:12:07] The rounds aren't clean, they aren't convincing, but when they're scrappy back and forth rounds,
[02:12:21] it definitely favors the T's.
[02:12:23] No doubt, their economy just won't build for it.
[02:12:26] Bosses in a tactical timeout and do a save, honestly, make sense of this kind of situation,
[02:12:32] this point in the game, because they have two left, two left and at most four rounds
[02:12:37] to play in regulation.
[02:12:38] Might as well use them now to talk things out, cover something wacky.
[02:12:45] this CG side. Not that lucky though Fruit Cup. An investment down to nothing. It's quite the call.
[02:12:56] Sticking with it as well. Odd card. Three glills, two AKs, good utility.
[02:13:07] And one hero in Fruit Cup on boss. Everyone else is saving. I'm not sure what the idea behind
[02:13:14] this is. That deagle. If it finds a killer too, maybe he can salvage a rifle, but that
[02:13:36] That would also require boss being on the right site.
[02:13:40] They're actually moving their way towards A now.
[02:13:42] There's a chance for some damage with the Vizsles.
[02:13:44] Definitely a very low percentage round to win.
[02:13:48] But you're just looking for damage.
[02:13:49] You're looking for guns.
[02:13:50] Maybe you can scale some possible out of it.
[02:13:53] And the flashbang enabling a prime opportunity on a JBA.
[02:13:56] Darty took way too long, but there's the Deagle from FruitCup.
[02:13:58] Now a man of damage!
[02:13:59] Two kills for FruitCup!
[02:14:00] Sonic!
[02:14:00] Skinner's lock!
[02:14:01] Trying to salvage the day!
[02:14:02] And Sonic sprays down three in a row!
[02:14:05] Looking for the last onto Slyte, who picks up a Galil.
[02:14:08] And the low, or the high HP status block,
[02:14:11] keeping the low HP Sonic alive.
[02:14:12] Little one, two, wombo combo around the ramp.
[02:14:16] We'll get things to a wild card lead again.
[02:14:19] The boss made it close and dangerous.
[02:14:22] We'll be buying up again as well.
[02:14:24] Fruitcut MP9, Fresh Famos, and Darty joins him
[02:14:27] in that regard.
[02:14:28] Cryptic M4, Slyte, Glass Cannon, Op.
[02:14:32] His AWP has been starting to heat up in the last couple of rounds. He's had it.
[02:14:38] Can't miss now.
[02:14:40] He got no armor, the aim punch.
[02:14:43] Will make life very difficult for Slyte.
[02:14:46] It's possibly life very difficult for Wildcard in this map.
[02:14:50] It all comes down to this round really and Slyte kicks it off with a bang.
[02:14:55] As I'll start on the fan, I saw the man atop the scoreboard.
[02:14:58] Slyte repositioning, still holding middle as well.
[02:15:00] Wildcard gave up on the fancifulness. They started to play together.
[02:15:07] Fridays go as the Solitary of the Boss.
[02:15:10] Trippic on the headshot angle, crouching down.
[02:15:13] This is one, and by time for Slyke to get another.
[02:15:15] Sonic though gets two in response, and Sus strikes back lines.
[02:15:20] Spot on to one. Sonic spray nearly misses what he connects it.
[02:15:23] And Sus also mops up to be Scythe.
[02:15:25] A flurry of kills that go unanswered, and Wildcard do at long last
[02:15:30] Get to their 12th boss.
[02:15:35] An economy in shambles, and at this point they're trying to limp to overtime.
[02:15:40] Any two rounds in a row to get there.
[02:15:43] Limp might be generous, Nate.
[02:15:45] If they can crawl on their hands and knees, claw their way to overtime, it would be an impressive result.
[02:15:53] Result even now for boss to come back from a 13-0 to a 13-10 or even 13-11 still not a horrible result
[02:16:01] But I think boss will look back at this map and think it's winnable entirely winnable that last round
[02:16:06] They should have won it everything went right the 2v2 even they had the advantage and they couldn't win the duels
[02:16:10] And at the end of the day that might be what it comes down to for boss
[02:16:14] They still have life. They still have one more chance here in round 23
[02:16:18] MP9's, no kit, the 5-7. The boss has to deal with the decent culture much if their
[02:16:24] victory is either they've either won via elimination or lost via
[02:16:27] elimination. And so they'll try to get the drop on the wild card rifles. We're
[02:16:35] playing very slow and methodical, almost a little bit scared and trying to
[02:16:39] goad in boss to early aggressive peaks, but boss aren't going to give it to them.
[02:16:43] The Ferdardie tries to take the side hall of the yellow fight backs away through the side hall and
[02:16:49] Will escape with his life, but not much of its left
[02:16:54] 31 HP for the Indian on the wielder
[02:16:57] While the Cardiff was slowly get control of ramp to try to do something probably an APOP
[02:17:01] They have enough utility to do so just throw the smokes and go
[02:17:05] Also, I'm ready up close and personal slight close all the way on the scaffolding the fix Nade will tag down JBA
[02:17:11] They substantially, he's at 13.
[02:17:14] Already below the crane, nice little angle.
[02:17:16] It's expected, it still works out quite a bit.
[02:17:20] The little player, first kind of looking to trade Sonic as well.
[02:17:22] The spray trancers are impeccable.
[02:17:25] Slyke finds a second, or first for himself
[02:17:27] before heading for the hills.
[02:17:29] But Stan drops Slyke, they can just fruit cup the clutch.
[02:17:31] She's got the one, but not the second.
[02:17:34] A one versus one for Fosy goes his way.
[02:17:37] And this crap is anything but convincing.
[02:17:39] But it is a victory nonetheless. Wildcard survive their bout with boss and sweep both
[02:17:46] best of ones on the evil.
[02:17:48] Survives is a good way to put it for Vertigo. That one was way too close for comfort. For
[02:17:52] Wildcard, they should have had that with lock and key done and dusted a while ago.
[02:17:57] But it took up until the penultimate round of regulation and even that came down to
[02:18:02] the wire, one MP9 bullet separated fozy and death.
[02:18:07] And the fact too, the fresh one versus three ace clutch
[02:18:12] was nothing short of phenomenal
[02:18:13] to really kickstart boss.
[02:18:15] Sonic, another great map form, 93.65 Dar, 1.69 KDR, 22 and 13.
[02:18:23] A lot more assists this time,
[02:18:24] but a lot more rounds played as well, almost double.
[02:18:28] But Sonic definitely did a lot of heavy lifting
[02:18:29] across both maps.
[02:18:30] Stannislaw, another standout, is particularly on Vertigo.
[02:18:34] Yeah, a lot of hero plays, a lot of individuals really shining in this one for Wildcard,
[02:18:38] more something than the last.
[02:18:39] In the last episode of doing their work, they had a lot of flash here,
[02:18:42] a lot of spray transfers.
[02:18:43] We saw one in that last round for the likes of our player to watch, Sonic.
[02:18:48] And we saw one from Stannislaw in middle, a lot more multi-kills from Wildcard
[02:18:52] that simply could not be answered by boss.
[02:18:55] And of course, the back and forth at the end simply favors Wildcard
[02:18:59] with them on the T side.
[02:19:01] Yeah, the back and forth war of attrition
[02:19:02] favored wild card.
[02:19:03] Also, the sheer rifling ability of Stannislaw,
[02:19:07] Sonic and Susp at the end was absolutely incredible.
[02:19:11] Stannislaw's spray transfer out on his 4K round
[02:19:15] was phenomenal.
[02:19:17] Multiple times, multiple rounds,
[02:19:19] one individual of wild card would
[02:19:21] have a beautiful spray transfer or a couple really
[02:19:24] good quick duels that completely shifted
[02:19:26] the tide of the round back into their favor.
[02:19:29] And for Boss, an admirable effort,
[02:19:31] especially after getting battered on map one,
[02:19:33] but they still couldn't close it out in the end,
[02:19:35] but a much better look from Boss.
[02:19:37] And I saw more signs of life from them in the end,
[02:19:40] which is a good thing, but Nate, overall,
[02:19:43] congratulations to Wildcard.
[02:19:45] They're forced to be reckoned with in North America.
[02:19:49] And for Boss, back to the drawing board,
[02:19:51] but things to work on and positive things
[02:19:53] to work on heading towards playoffs.
[02:19:56] Heading towards playoffs and heading towards the RMR for both of these two teams.
[02:19:59] A lot of things to show up as you mentioned, I think the biggest thing was Wildcard's
[02:20:02] individuals.
[02:20:03] Both teams look scrappier on Vertigo, that's something they could both work on.
[02:20:07] But the first map of ancient was a masterclass from Wildcard.
[02:20:10] Again, 13-0 there, 13-10 on Vertigo, both go the way of Wildcard.
[02:20:15] But that is going to do it for our broadcast this evening, ladies and gentlemen.
[02:20:19] On behalf of Boggs and myself and the production crew, have a good night and we will see
[02:20:23] See you tomorrow, same time, same place for some more ECL and North American action.
[02:20:29] See you then.