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Full Broadcast: ESL Challenger Atlanta 2024 CQ - Day 2 - OCE

08-22-2024 · 8h 13m

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[00:35:08] day two of the ESL Challenger at Oceania and Mac you're so happy you're so
[00:35:16] excited and I am as well because man what a day we had yesterday so many
[00:35:21] crazy games upset school or upset city yeah and we've kind of got ourselves
[00:35:26] kind of tantalizing day today as a result yeah I'm keen to see what happens
[00:35:30] we got that rematch that I don't know if anyone was waiting for but we
[00:35:34] certainly were after that first game yesterday my freaking rooster to kick
[00:35:37] things off and then the art of war as well making it into the final already one win away
[00:35:43] from making it all the way to Atlanta is old challenge out that is going to be that is
[00:35:49] going to be insane and look I can't wait to see both these games again we might get
[00:35:53] a double rematch if my freak end up beating Rooster or get out of war and my freak all
[00:35:57] over again yeah I guess what first question we have to ask is like what are the chances
[00:36:01] that my freaks going to beat Rooster again because I mean yesterday they kind of dismantled
[00:36:06] They demolished them. There was very much a conversation around maybe even rusa not making it out of that game against house bets
[00:36:12] inevitably they did get the win there in
[00:36:15] The final map, but even that one went to 1311. So I look at those results from rusa. Yes, and I think they
[00:36:22] Definitely did not look like the rusa that we would have hoped that they would have they had one really good map against house
[00:36:28] Bets where they won 13 and one but aside from that it was a pretty topsy-turvy day from rusa and
[00:36:34] And Mindfreak as well, it has to be said, kind of went a little bit up and down in that up bracket final against Art of War.
[00:36:40] But they generally, I will say, look pretty solid across the day.
[00:36:44] So, I'm giving Mindfreak honestly the benefit of the doubt.
[00:36:48] Like if nothing has changed from day one to day two here for Rooster, which, man, a lot is going to have to change for them to come back and win this qualifier.
[00:36:55] I actually think Rooster might really struggle to make it to the grand final today.
[00:36:59] Yeah, well, it'll it'll really show, you know, it'll show their mental what they've learned from yesterday to today if they've identified
[00:37:06] Things that were going wrong. Maybe we're gonna go a different way with the veto
[00:37:10] Maybe they weren't happy with how they played on the maps that they chose and they might be able to flex in a different direction
[00:37:15] But I guess we'll see once we get to that conversation and we don't have vetoes that
[00:37:20] Graphics so we can just talk about it. Yeah, I'm gonna be doing it on dust mirage and an oevis
[00:37:25] is the exact same veto so let's hope that rooster have brought a better game than what we saw from them yesterday
[00:37:32] yeah i don't know i mean i would hope so as well i think i i don't even think it's just
[00:37:36] necessarily down to the maps here i think in general rooster need to bring a better level
[00:37:41] regardless of like oh did we need to see them play better on this map or that map or who
[00:37:44] or who or whatever they just need to kind of like go back to basics and like remember who they
[00:37:51] You know like did they forget a little bit that they're supposed to be the best team in this qualifier on paper, you know
[00:37:57] Because I didn't really get that vibe from them. They look very very messy. They didn't really look super sharp
[00:38:01] It didn't didn't really seem like it was coming together yesterday at all for rooster
[00:38:04] There was a couple of good moments
[00:38:06] I will say I thought Chell he had one good map that we got to watch where he was kind of doing a bit with the
[00:38:10] Orp and I thought a sap had a couple of like nice
[00:38:13] Opening kills in some rounds where we went. Oh, you know like he that was a sharp shot kind of thing
[00:38:18] But when we're talking about the level that rusa brought and the way that they looked in the survey yesterday
[00:38:24] They just didn't seem to like they didn't seem to have that pizzazz. You know what I mean?
[00:38:27] Like I'm just I'm just trying to find the word for it, but it just didn't really seem like they were all that exciting at all
[00:38:32] So yeah, we'll see what happens here today, but for me
[00:38:36] I think it's a tough ass gonna see for rusa. I'm kind of looking at mine for you can thinking they looked consistent yesterday
[00:38:42] They had I think the best player of
[00:38:44] of yesterday that we got to see was tech side. So obviously he's in the server today again for
[00:38:49] for my break if he can bring that level across as well. And then you get a little bit more maybe
[00:38:54] from one or two of the other guys whether it's I don't know like pain obviously looked pretty solid
[00:38:57] yesterday as well. You really just need one person I think to activate alongside text time is
[00:39:03] my impression today. And you have a recipe for success. That means said though if you look
[00:39:09] on the other side of things with rooster if they're hitting their shots they're feeling a
[00:39:12] a little bit better today. It felt like no one was really carrying Chelyos on Dust2 started
[00:39:18] to get a little bit of momentum for them, but it felt like Slimy just kept on getting
[00:39:22] caught off, Danger wasn't able to do his stuff, TJ not having a TJ performance, and I don't
[00:39:28] know if that's the IGL debuff coming through, but apparently he played a bit better in
[00:39:32] that series against Housos yesterday. Keep going to say BNK, I'll get there eventually.
[00:39:40] Who knows, are they gonna jump Orgs again?
[00:39:43] They're house bets for now.
[00:39:44] That's just what they are, you know?
[00:39:45] Yeah, I mean, if they don't make it to Atlanta,
[00:39:48] what does that mean for them?
[00:39:50] You know, again, it's sort of that same conversation
[00:39:54] as like Rooster where now house bets, first of all,
[00:39:57] haven't qualified for Atlanta,
[00:39:58] how are things going in ESL Challenger League?
[00:40:01] Maybe not amazingly, you know,
[00:40:03] what's actually coming up for this roster,
[00:40:05] which is again, in theory, a roster
[00:40:07] that you'd probably be building to say,
[00:40:09] We want to be a team qualifying for international spots
[00:40:11] We want to be competing toward the top end of things and do we get a Rio qualifier
[00:40:17] I
[00:40:18] Would soon not
[00:40:21] Or is it maybe off because it's an I oh no usually the Cheng Cheng dude was a qual
[00:40:26] So Rio would be a qual because it's not the colonel the cat or for the IEA I'm looking
[00:40:30] I'm looking for a qual somewhere. No, there's no real qual for those happen. Yeah. Yeah
[00:40:35] No, there's no qualifier. There's Asia qual which rare out of one
[00:40:40] Okay, and then there's South America North America Europe Europe, but there's no Oceania qual. There won't be any Oceania team at Rio
[00:40:48] Oh, really? So Flak West didn't didn't even get a world ranking invite. It was Virtus Pro complexity Mongols 9z
[00:40:57] Okay, I'm not like hugely surprised by that
[00:41:01] I am because the flight from Australia to Brazil would be like a bit a bit shorter than no
[00:41:07] I don't think so anywhere in Asia to brazil right I'm pretty sure it's pretty long
[00:41:10] isn't yeah but what but we can like can't we cut like towards Antarctica no I think you
[00:41:17] can do that yes but I'm pretty sure when I've heard people go to Brazil it's a
[00:41:21] quite a long flight last year 2023 there was no oceanic team in I am Rio either so I
[00:41:28] I guess it's just one of those things I'm good on it flights to Rio de Janeiro
[00:41:37] Whoo one day 10 plus 10 hours plus this one 22 days 22 hours on latin
[00:41:46] That's 22 hours is right now. I'm gonna check
[00:41:50] Who?
[00:41:51] Let's go from Mongolia to Rio. Let's see
[00:41:54] Mongolia is cool. Mongolia. It's gonna take forever to get anywhere
[00:41:58] Cardario, let's all this like hey, no, don't you anyway me we're looking this is this is good content
[00:42:04] they're gonna go to Hong Kong and then they're gonna go from Hong Kong to
[00:42:08] Doha or something and then from Doha they're gonna go to
[00:42:12] Rio I always get the wrong amount of L's
[00:42:18] for all in the park
[00:42:20] It's I get like one all in the wrong position
[00:42:22] It's one one and then two ways. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't miss the two ways
[00:42:27] 2As on both.
[00:42:29] Depart. Let's go tomorrow. Let's go on Saturday.
[00:42:33] And let's get back on...
[00:42:35] Let's just go to Rio on Saturday.
[00:42:37] Let's just go for a week Jordan.
[00:42:39] We're going for a week.
[00:42:41] Let's see what this site has to give us
[00:42:43] after the well-timed search option.
[00:42:49] Are there even flights out?
[00:42:51] Will this work?
[00:42:53] I'll tell you what mate.
[00:42:55] for the best 33 hours for the fastest so it's 10 hours longer from Mongolia to
[00:43:02] Rio than it is for the best flight from Sydney. There you go. That is amazing and
[00:43:09] I'm glad that we're not on camera anymore because that rain of sunlight I
[00:43:13] don't know if you could see it on my camera it's really starting to annoy me.
[00:43:17] You brought out your beaches you know. You're like nice little highlight across the
[00:43:22] the wrong draw line by strong draw line that's right yeah I had a shave earlier
[00:43:27] just to be ready for this show so people could see but yeah we're into the first
[00:43:31] map dust to rusa and main freak and that's not looking good yeah it's so
[00:43:42] anyway since we were talking about it here you get to see it look at this
[00:43:46] Look at this sunlight. It's actually extremely bright.
[00:43:50] Any time I move my head, it's so bright.
[00:43:55] I didn't notice it was that bright right there. What time is it in Brazil?
[00:44:00] If I put like water, can...
[00:44:03] Where's it? There.
[00:44:05] It's so bright. You're gonna create a fire. It's like the light through the magnifying glass.
[00:44:10] You're gonna light your wall on fire, man.
[00:44:13] Be careful. It's not going to be a wall either. It's your mum's wall.
[00:44:17] I'm living on the Sunshine Coast now. And if nothing else, it's the Sunshine.
[00:44:23] I have a door to a balcony right in front of me. And the sun is just going straight through the door.
[00:44:31] It's got some balcony guys. Do you hear that?
[00:44:33] It's not a very big balcony. I'll tell you that one for free.
[00:44:39] it's just like i can't see anything
[00:44:43] i love it, i absolutely love it. now while we're on the subject of anything but counter strike, tell us about your run today, i saw you're on the beach mate
[00:44:49] i didn't actually go for a run, so this is actually a conversation to be had man
[00:44:53] i've got a sore knee
[00:44:56] okay and i've been having a sore knee
[00:44:58] i think it might be from too much running, yeah i think it might be from too much running
[00:45:03] i don't think it's from too much running, i think it's just from running too much too
[00:45:06] early if that makes sense I did a 15 kilometer run a couple of weeks ago
[00:45:10] actually probably more than that it was like maybe a month ago at this point
[00:45:14] and um directly after that the next day my sister came
[00:45:18] and visited and she was like let's go for a 5k and I was like
[00:45:21] that's probably not a great idea after having run 15 kilometers the day before
[00:45:24] and having you know sort of hurt myself a little bit by
[00:45:27] yeah just going crazy but I was like I'll do it and I I knew my knee was
[00:45:31] sore my knee was sore immediately after the 15k but then I did the
[00:45:34] the 5k anyway cuz I was like fuck it we'll just do it and then after that run
[00:45:39] I was like yeah my knees really sore so I little you know took took a little bit
[00:45:43] of a break you got to care for your joints me you got to care for your
[00:45:45] yeah took a little bit of a break and then you know I got back into it and
[00:45:50] it's fine when I'm doing like the 5k's and whatever but last weekend I did a
[00:45:56] 5k in the morning on Saturday and then my sister it's against my sister's
[00:46:00] fault okay she came up for a visit again and she's like let's do a run and I was
[00:46:04] like well I've done a 5k this morning already my knees are a little bit sore
[00:46:07] from because when I do this one I was like running downhill and if you run
[00:46:10] downhill sometimes that's problematic so when he's already sore there's I'll do
[00:46:13] another 5k fine and yeah I've hurt myself again I think or less than I've
[00:46:20] hurt myself again and more than I just haven't actually properly recovered
[00:46:23] from the initial time I just keep re-injuring it a little bit and it's
[00:46:27] not that bad but anyway I'm gone overseas for two weeks tomorrow probably
[00:46:30] I've been doing too much running. I've started doing some strengthening exercises for my bum
[00:46:34] Because I think that might be where the problem is don't know if you you have any thoughts on this one
[00:46:38] But my gluteus medius may be weak. I think it's called a gluteus medius
[00:46:43] Maximus no this is the thing. It's not the Maximus. It's the me
[00:46:49] Is it me? Yes, I I'm instantly looking at that. I have a feeling that's the one that you would strengthen if you do the
[00:47:00] adductors, because there's adduction, and there's adduction.
[00:47:05] Adduction is the one where you want to get, it's really hard with this weight.
[00:47:09] I can actually, shout out to Steelcase Funtime.
[00:47:12] So you can, you want to do these, I did them today.
[00:47:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:47:16] Pat here, and you push the weight out like that.
[00:47:20] Yeah, so basically what I'm doing is I'm lying down on the floor,
[00:47:23] and I'm like lifting my leg up behind me, if that makes sense.
[00:47:29] and sort of strengthening my gluteus medius because I think,
[00:47:33] basically what I think I have is ITV syndrome. That sounds really bad but
[00:47:36] Into the Breach Syndrome. Yeah, actually what it means is there's like this
[00:47:40] muscle or something that runs down your leg and it ends at your knee and you think it's actually
[00:47:44] damaged your knee or your knees hurt but it's not actually your knees. It's something to do
[00:47:48] with that muscle not being strong enough or not taking enough of the form when you're running
[00:47:54] whatever yeah and um yeah so that's that's where i'm at right now and i hope everyone
[00:48:00] if they ever just decide to start running just i've got i've got too much glute drawn in
[00:48:04] so i can i can give you some of mine and it'll probably even it's out yeah this flashbang is
[00:48:10] getting worse by the way like it's only on your nose now it'll go into your eyes shortly
[00:48:16] you know don't worry it's a good look it's a good look it's really warm bro it's really warm
[00:48:22] Well that's like a direct light sunlight
[00:48:27] I have a light on by the way as well like it's actually really bright
[00:48:32] Yeah, when the when the Sun hits it it buddy hits, you know, it's just one of those things
[00:48:37] Is this like some secret art of war strategy that they've come up with you know because I um I was on the broadcast yesterday saying like
[00:48:44] I don't know about other one
[00:48:45] I think they're gonna do too much in this fall and now they're like actually they summoned the Sun
[00:48:50] There they are taking parts on the art of war this is the art of war
[00:48:54] This is my camera can't even handle this because it's trying to expose for the flash bang
[00:49:01] Yeah, I'm getting really tough trying to figure out what's going on now look speaking of flash bang Jordan
[00:49:06] We're flash bang in the straight back into the game. Mr. Pistol, but we are
[00:49:10] Well underway with the second round looks like my freak took it which means they are
[00:49:15] are five from five pistols in this head-to-head matchup from the last two
[00:49:22] days true that's got to be a bit of a tilt of a rooster for sure maybe today's
[00:49:27] gonna be a better day so that we can only hope let's find out because we're
[00:49:32] gonna go ahead into round number two couple of grenades out there for rooster
[00:49:36] haven't really done too much and looks like it's a good call immediately for
[00:49:39] mine free to go towards the deep on site because there is absolutely
[00:49:42] nobody here and we're off to the races into B. Mindfreak you're gonna win the round. Easy peasy.
[00:49:47] I respect the hell out of the like five layered flashes in the site. The layering was optimal. No one was there to get blinded, but Mindfreak didn't have to worry about clearing a lot of lines because no one could be on half of them without being bloody blind.
[00:50:01] And Roostart just gonna be looking for exits. Maybe get themselves a couple of little upgrades here. You can play the high-loat in multiple aspects, get a little boost going, someone's sitting up top.
[00:50:11] It should look pretty good. I'm hoping that this isn't our solution connection to the server again because that could be problematic
[00:50:17] No, everyone's just holding post plants
[00:50:20] Everyone's just holding post plants. Don't worry about it, Mac. It'll be all fine when we get into the next round
[00:50:31] I don't even know what's going on anymore
[00:50:33] But it's it's on your bottom eyelids. What do you put it on your face different than your eyes?
[00:50:38] I'm like, uh, is it like a helmet? It looks like a helmet now
[00:50:44] Like a night you are what's that? Uh, what's that guy from Star Wars? Is it Darth Revan?
[00:50:51] Wait, are you thinking about like the bounty hunter? I
[00:50:55] Don't know. I think there's like a guy that has a helmet that kind of looks a bit like this
[00:50:59] I think it might be Reverend
[00:51:02] Remember it is Darth Revan. It's not exactly like this, but he's got like it's got like an ice slit and then it goes down
[00:51:08] Oh, yeah, you're talking about is he in any normal movie though, or is he just from like a show from the game
[00:51:16] He's from the game man. What is up with your Star Wars knowledge? Which game?
[00:51:20] That's the old Republic I
[00:51:24] Only one of the most go-to video games of all time. I finished that I just haven't played it in so long
[00:51:29] Actually downloaded on the switch to play
[00:51:31] But do you know the thing about the switch is you if you download games
[00:51:35] You have to be connected to the internet to start them and even if I buy internet on a plane on a 24-hour flight
[00:51:42] like
[00:51:44] It can't connect to the switch. I can't like
[00:51:48] Get my phone to be a little like Dingle dongle or whatever to connect to the internet
[00:51:52] So there is no way to play any of the games
[00:51:55] I downloaded on my Nintendo switch while I'm traveling the only way to do it is having a bloody card like the little
[00:52:02] So the internet from the plane is not acceptable to the switch is what you're saying.
[00:52:08] Yeah, it's horrible. Why does that make sense?
[00:52:11] What do you mean why does that? It doesn't make sense.
[00:52:14] I know that's what I'm saying. Why is that a thing?
[00:52:16] I'm paying through the nose to connect to the internet to try and play a game that I've already bought.
[00:52:21] Purchased with real hard-earned cash from eSports which is hard to find, okay?
[00:52:27] Yeah.
[00:52:28] Crazy.
[00:52:29] Yeah well I don't know man that's just like that's capitalism or something what
[00:52:37] can you do? So I mean it's gonna be a big day. I'm gonna need this
[00:52:43] caffeinated beverage but at the same time did you see today's update? It's a
[00:52:48] nice little update nice little clean one or did you not see it? What was it? It was
[00:52:52] there a CS update? I didn't. There's three CS updates in three days. I did
[00:52:56] not see it today. It's a lot of little map changes you know that do you
[00:53:00] Remember me telling you about that angle you can play on pit in A on inferno?
[00:53:08] Yeah.
[00:53:09] How you can jump onto that pixel at the top of the pit.
[00:53:12] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:53:12] I see that.
[00:53:13] Yeah.
[00:53:13] You can't do that anymore.
[00:53:14] Oh, whatever.
[00:53:14] That's not fun, is it?
[00:53:15] I don't think they liked it.
[00:53:17] Valve didn't like the fact that you could stand on it.
[00:53:19] Did anyone even use that, though, in any plug game playing?
[00:53:22] Yeah, even like pugs.
[00:53:23] I don't think I saw it one time in a pro game.
[00:53:26] But like that's no less that's no more broken than the fact that you can now boost and look into CT spawn from crane on vertigo
[00:53:34] You know tell me that like
[00:53:36] That's more broken than that. I don't think that's more broken than that
[00:53:40] Anyway, that got removed
[00:53:42] lots of little bomb stuck spots and
[00:53:45] other little
[00:53:47] Edges that were potentially blocking people from jumping onto them got like nice little smoothing
[00:53:52] So hopefully that allows people that are struggling to jump on things sometimes
[00:53:56] to not struggle to jump on things.
[00:53:59] Yeah, but isn't that jumping issue more than just the boxes?
[00:54:04] It was, and that got mostly fixed.
[00:54:07] It was something to do with the,
[00:54:09] if you were like pushed up on a surface
[00:54:12] when you crouch jumped,
[00:54:15] but you didn't jump, then crouch afterwards,
[00:54:18] it would somehow sub-ticket itself into the ground again
[00:54:22] and you'd make a sound and it was horrible.
[00:54:24] Do you want to do a science experiment Mark?
[00:54:27] I hate sub-tick.
[00:54:28] I just want the game to be back on normal ticks and then sub-tick won't keep ruining random
[00:54:32] things.
[00:54:33] What's the science experiment?
[00:54:34] Okay, so if I don't move, like if I line the shadow with the bottom of my eyes-
[00:54:38] I'll give you like two more minutes, two more minutes, don't move and it'll go to your
[00:54:41] top eyelids.
[00:54:42] Because it gets increasingly more hectic as the day goes deeper.
[00:54:49] I used the time lapse, this stuff.
[00:54:52] See?
[00:54:56] It's already about to touch your eyes.
[00:54:58] stop moving bro. I can't, I can't not. English or Spanish? I can't, I can't man, I can't
[00:55:10] not, I can't not move like I'm a human being. What do you want from me? Yeah, look we tried.
[00:55:15] I think it's there now. I think it's getting, getting to where it was. Ooh, are you good?
[00:55:19] You want some sunnies? Do you have sunnies? I've got sunnies actually. I don't know why
[00:55:22] I haven't thought about that. You have them available too, at the computer? Yeah.
[00:55:28] You've been making content or you've just been staring into the sun?
[00:55:32] Yeah, I've done this before.
[00:55:35] Crazy.
[00:55:38] Ooh, looking good, mate. Looking...
[00:55:41] What do you got?
[00:55:43] I'm trying to get the moustache clean.
[00:55:48] Are you doing November again this year?
[00:55:51] I could be vaded.
[00:55:53] Oh, you could always have a Moe now.
[00:55:56] I could I don't know always want to mow though. There's no one stopping you from having a mode 24 hours a day seven days a week
[00:56:06] Yeah, but I don't even like having a mustache man. It's kind of looks so good with a mustache
[00:56:10] I know it's a kind of a coated mustach. You have such a solid like handlebar boy
[00:56:18] One month a year is enough for me. Honestly one month a year is enough
[00:56:21] Go for two months this year. Go through Chrissy.
[00:56:23] Maybe. See the thing is last year I actually did, I did actually have the opportunity to do that because I was overseas from
[00:56:30] all of November into December.
[00:56:33] I remember because you went over to a different gig and then I saw that you had shaved it and
[00:56:38] my immediate disappointment was...
[00:56:40] But it got so scratchy and itchy, man. I don't know how you do it.
[00:56:45] Do you have beard oil?
[00:56:47] No, but it got to a point where it was like too long and just I don't know.
[00:56:50] I just didn't like it you just need to moisturize the skin with a little bit of oil
[00:56:53] You just do that one two three little drops do little little rubby. Yeah. Yeah, I don't I don't have any of that
[00:56:59] So yeah, it's not it's not expensive. It's like 15 bucks. You can get some good stuff. I can hook out with
[00:57:05] the the stuff I use which I like it's actually
[00:57:10] Not being made anymore, but you can get it online still from Shabashop. So why is it not being made anymore?
[00:57:16] Maybe people will like it, but to me it's like it's the best smell because it's like a coconut smell and I really enjoy it
[00:57:22] Yeah, yeah, I don't know man
[00:57:24] All right, I'm gonna ask the chat if they want us what do they want us to talk about
[00:57:29] And in five minutes when we're not back in the game, we'll start talking about it. Is it five minute delay?
[00:57:34] I think it's five minute. I said give us some topics to talk about not CS
[00:57:40] So let's see what happens. Oh
[00:57:42] Oh, never mind guys never mind. We can talk about that thing in five minutes
[00:57:49] We'll save it for later if uh, yeah if we need to go back
[00:57:53] Someone says Valorant come on bro
[00:57:56] Come on bro
[00:57:59] Politics
[00:58:01] Politics politics. I can't remember the last time I paid attention Australian politics
[00:58:05] I'll tell you what made me not happy today
[00:58:07] I just got my tax returns ordering that looks like I need to pay a lot of tax
[00:58:10] I think that's because they've taken the tax middle income offset or low income offset whatever it is
[00:58:19] I don't know the name of it, but that doesn't exist anymore. So everyone's tax went up a lot. So that's not cool
[00:58:24] That's your politics. I don't like it. That's all I'm gonna say
[00:58:30] Anyways talk about the game now because that's what we've got going ahead. Yeah, they did win the last round
[00:58:35] I believe they did not lose a single player in doing so just from having a look at the HLTV score box
[00:58:41] So pretty nifty stuff from them, the rooster obviously bought in here.
[00:58:45] They don't have a huge amount of cash to play with.
[00:58:47] So lacking a bit of that util.
[00:58:50] Doing a good job of holding onto some of those smokes later into the round, though,
[00:58:53] and setting things up not too bad.
[00:58:58] I really got to focus back on the game.
[00:59:00] So chat was just popping off.
[00:59:02] It's hard.
[00:59:02] It's hard.
[00:59:03] I really want us to talk about political and economic state of the world.
[00:59:07] Yeah, it is.
[00:59:08] I think it's a great bridge burner.
[00:59:15] I'm hearing some typing in the chat, which does have me a little bit concerned, but the
[00:59:21] round is still playing out.
[00:59:23] Hmm, if Hopping was after the death, maybe.
[00:59:27] Anyway, 27 seconds on the clock, decent util from Mindfreak, Molly's, and the two flashes.
[00:59:33] We'll force Chelly Occh out into the open.
[00:59:35] He's gonna whiff his opportunity, but Slimy looking good on the A1 right now.
[00:59:39] A couple bullets left in the clip, and Gump goes hard at him.
[00:59:42] We'll be able to get the plant down as well for some extra cash in the next round.
[00:59:45] Popping up here might be his way to the grave. It will be TJP could cross their placement
[00:59:50] So lock it in three a lot at the end as Rooster take that first
[00:59:54] All right
[00:59:54] Well a little bit of a better start here for Rooster than what we got yesterday. I see currently if I'm wrong
[01:00:00] We're doing rooster start on the T side yesterday
[01:00:05] Let me just have a yes. Yeah, so we got different sides today. You're correct
[01:00:09] Yeah, and they kind of got they kind of got smashed on
[01:00:12] T side. Yeah, they got a T side both times and it felt like they just had the
[01:00:16] roughest start there so today I'd assume they're gonna try for the CT side
[01:00:21] although they don't have a choice on Mirage. But they did a little bit of a
[01:00:25] better job on the CT side that's kind of what I was saying. Remember, yesterday
[01:00:28] we were like oh imagine what this map would have looked like if they would have
[01:00:30] got to start on the CT side and now we kind of get to see that. This was
[01:00:34] definitely a better looking half for Rusey yesterday so might give them
[01:00:38] something a little more to play with but also in the back of your mind you
[01:00:41] You do have to be aware that, well, Mindfreak moving on to CT are going to look pretty bloody good.
[01:00:45] So, we can't need a very good first half here for Rooster.
[01:00:48] I hope the smoke coming through.
[01:01:00] And Mindfreak is targeting to the east side of the A.
[01:01:05] Ringo's smoke coming through eventually with a point pop in from A-Sap.
[01:01:08] He's going to be able to snatch one away.
[01:01:09] Danger, hoping that he could live there.
[01:01:10] But he will get found through the smoke by Texter.
[01:01:13] And Mindfreak, a little standoffish.
[01:01:15] Just expecting maybe someone to swing through those smokes.
[01:01:18] smokes but they're not gonna and in the 44 rooster are possibly to try and go
[01:01:22] for the retake I think my friend will be pretty happy with what they've
[01:01:26] established in this round though close fight on the B bomb site quite a lot of
[01:01:30] util two molotovs in particular the big focal point unless they go into no
[01:01:38] man's land just exploding in the mid air there still it doesn't really give
[01:01:42] rooster any wiggle room and they just have to decide we're gonna go ahead
[01:01:45] save. So, unfortunate. Minefreak back into the Winner's Club, but at least Rooster hold
[01:01:51] onto four guns. So we'll just sort of put a strike through that round and say that one
[01:01:55] didn't count. Yeah, minefreak get the round victory, but at least as far as the economic
[01:02:00] situation is concerned, it won't really change too much up. We'll get a buy back in here
[01:02:04] for Rooster and run it back. Well, into the fifth. Let's see what Rooster are
[01:02:15] going to be able to do it. There's some fire coming through, mind-freak. Plenty surviving that round.
[01:02:29] They look pretty good, playing, hosting, and unable to connect there with a flick on mid-doors. Danger.
[01:02:37] I'm going to ember this to hold down to the east side. Low is where the action's at though,
[01:02:42] Ricky. Nuts. They're definitely able to cross here. But Shell is going to see that little booty
[01:02:47] coming around the corner. Boost across the top. He's unable to find any damage the other way.
[01:02:52] The nades almost get it done, but it's still 5 alive per month.
[01:02:58] Take root, do a little bit of a number to tux, down to 82.
[01:03:04] So good of damage back and forth. Space being taken by Mindfreak.
[01:03:08] Towards short, but not really enough to put too much pressure on Roo Stone anyway, shape or form.
[01:03:13] It's actually going to be that pressure into mid, all top over the top,
[01:03:17] but Mindfreak don't get anything from it.
[01:03:21] And it'll be a good old-fashioned A hit, five players up
[01:03:25] Through short into the site
[01:03:28] Smoke off CT maybe trying to fake a mid to be
[01:03:32] But no rotations out from rooster and three players on the A side of the map to work with
[01:03:41] most importantly
[01:03:42] Shell in the pivot position can swing back toward car
[01:03:46] Set yourself up without ought to watch the cross of mine free food
[01:03:50] Haven't given themselves a lot of time to work with now 30 seconds left to go as that multiple starts to fade away
[01:03:55] They're gonna smoke across and
[01:03:57] and make their entry into the site.
[01:04:33] What was the score on dust yesterday?
[01:04:37] I want to say five
[01:04:40] That's right. They got a little they got a couple of rounds on the season side. It was 13 13 6
[01:04:45] They got five rounds on CT side. Yeah, two five more. So not too bad
[01:04:51] Well aggression not gonna work slimy didn't have the spawn and certainly did not get there in time. No, sir
[01:04:59] Ricky putting that one AK to good use. It could be to kill them opens around up a little
[01:05:05] Catches Ricky!
[01:05:07] Oh, why Ricky's the first one around the corner there, unfortunately, for Main Freak.
[01:05:11] Needed to be the one looking for the trade more than anything else, but Texas got it done with the Glock.
[01:05:15] And he's going to go looking for Chell as well.
[01:05:18] Another rifle retrieved for Tux.
[01:05:21] Tux, however, doesn't have any armor.
[01:05:26] I'm allowed to cross and take the fight against ASAP! He's won the duel!
[01:05:29] How's he done that?
[01:05:30] Grenade over the top!
[01:05:31] over the top, Texter catches Chel, don't tell me that
[01:05:34] Rooster are gonna let this round slip, would swing,
[01:05:37] and good trade as well.
[01:05:39] That was really well done from Texter and Tux,
[01:05:42] and they steal around away from Rooster
[01:05:44] with pretty much nothing.
[01:05:46] I mean, yeah, they had the AK
[01:05:47] that Ricky was able to get the opening kill with,
[01:05:49] but really, Texter with the glock finding the trade,
[01:05:53] then catching up with that M4
[01:05:55] is actually what makes the difference.
[01:06:06] Connection on the cross.
[01:06:08] down you go still alive and after the shot it looks like Payne has you left mid.
[01:06:12] You can hit it from back yard instead you're going to be able to snatch one off on a Chellios
[01:06:16] and in the meanwhile it is just going to be noise made from the A site players on Rooster
[01:06:20] trying to draw attention away from that flank. Short control going to be protocol here knowing
[01:06:26] that at least at a closer range maybe they can make this work but with one free going
[01:06:31] was long it's very unlikely that this round is successful for rooster yeah
[01:06:37] dangerous signs for rooster I gotta say obviously first of all the fact that
[01:06:41] they're losing around like that one you know it's gonna put them back in that
[01:06:44] bad mental state that we probably saw from them yesterday and on top of that
[01:06:51] text up looking like he's not really gonna be missing a beat from day one
[01:06:56] to day two mm already looking like a really big threatening presence in the
[01:06:59] server today.
[01:07:00] There's TJ.
[01:07:03] He's hitting the rainbow shots of what we saw from him yesterday in that dust game.
[01:07:08] I went back and looked at the stats.
[01:07:11] He did play the best out of all the rooster individuals up against Housos.
[01:07:16] So keep your eyes on him to keep that going.
[01:07:19] Difference maker again.
[01:07:20] I feel like I think Slimey was pretty much missing completely in that Dust 2 game yesterday.
[01:07:25] He was not getting away with a lot.
[01:07:26] And today seems to be hitting a few more shots.
[01:07:29] That being said, Mindfreak already off to the races here in the first half.
[01:07:34] Dust2, slightly went 15-15 yesterday.
[01:07:38] Too bad. 12-12 from TJP.
[01:07:41] There was ASAP and Danger that kind of went missing on Dust2.
[01:07:45] And then, sort of everybody on Mirage.
[01:07:49] But again, you kind of have to look at that second half from Rooster and say,
[01:07:53] well, they probably did just enough to kind of salvage some of those scoreboards,
[01:07:57] Obviously not enough to really have an impact in the game.
[01:08:00] The shell just breaks his legs but takes zero damage.
[01:08:06] Yeah that can happen sometimes.
[01:08:09] It's like the perfect distance.
[01:08:11] You still make that sound.
[01:08:13] What sound?
[01:08:16] But like with some crackles.
[01:08:20] Like a crunch.
[01:08:22] I didn't hear it.
[01:08:26] It goes for longer than that.
[01:08:28] That might be the sound that ASAPs are going to make here as well.
[01:08:35] That is a shooting gallery on the other side of the smoke though.
[01:08:40] I don't think they actually spotted him out. Either way, Molotov's gonna force him to exchange his position.
[01:08:45] He is lucky he took no damage in that situation.
[01:08:49] Well played. Dodge the sprays, dodge the molly, and has B on lock.
[01:08:58] Three rooster members able to play for A control, and that's been my freaking heady.
[01:09:04] might have even heard them jumping up here on xbox but he's also heard the footsteps coming up
[01:09:08] short tj sucked away in a goose and that molly's gonna force him out into the open he has to fight
[01:09:14] man he can't help him out from this position point one and then some bit of extra damage as well
[01:09:21] on the elbow members and it's all up to sap to save because he's not winning this one
[01:09:25] yeah a bit too clean so far today from minefreak there was moments where i was starting to think
[01:09:33] Okay, Rooster might be back in it, but that is very much starting to dwindle.
[01:09:39] Pain 8 and 4, T side AWP.
[01:09:43] Takes them looking dangerous, comes looking solid.
[01:09:46] Tuxes turned things around, he was 0 and 4, now he's 5 and 4.
[01:09:51] So, I don't know man, is it just a reiteration of what we got to see yesterday,
[01:09:59] our Mainfreak running it back and do Mainfreak have the Rooster number?
[01:10:03] How quickly things can change because it was only a month ago or so
[01:10:10] Over a month that they played in yourself challenge league and
[01:10:14] 134 Mirage 13-1 on new
[01:10:17] That was still wet soup and slimy stick around
[01:10:24] What maybe there'd be something happening
[01:10:48] you stretch when you run
[01:10:50] uh... yeah actually i do
[01:10:52] before after
[01:10:53] do you do a little warm up and then
[01:10:56] a little bit of both but more before than after
[01:10:59] um... usually
[01:11:01] so what i've learned is you don't do static stretches when you're running
[01:11:05] you've got to do
[01:11:08] dynamic? yeah is that what they're called?
[01:11:09] where you're moving
[01:11:11] you're moving rather than
[01:11:12] just holding the stretch
[01:11:15] holding the stretch is bad
[01:11:17] I guess for some reason
[01:11:19] yeah I know the leg stuff you can you can do like the big swing sort of pendulum
[01:11:23] thing going on yeah yeah love one of them on the bridge oh yeah put your hand on
[01:11:27] the right front and sideways yes sir yes I feel there's a lot of stretches I
[01:11:35] feel like you have to do
[01:11:38] yeah but you do different stretches if you're
[01:11:43] I don't know, you just need to go about the glycogen stores and this and that and what's
[01:11:54] glycogen?
[01:11:55] Just look it up mate, just google it and you don't know, you don't know, that's all
[01:11:58] I'm going to say but yeah, look you know stuff about video games and counter strike
[01:12:03] and that's cool man but like I should go outside so I wouldn't expect you to understand
[01:12:07] but yeah of course.
[01:12:10] I go outside to go back inside to the gym.
[01:12:13] Yes, fair.
[01:12:15] Go outside to go inside to your car, to go outside again, to go inside to the gym.
[01:12:19] Hell yeah.
[01:12:21] That's it, baby.
[01:12:22] Well, this round has unfolded for a minute, and...
[01:12:26] My free-cab short control, not quite long control.
[01:12:29] That's gonna be all down to how Slimey plays this one.
[01:12:32] I think he's playing...
[01:12:33] I'm gonna be impet? Yeah, he's impet now.
[01:12:35] So it has a bit of cover.
[01:12:36] I've been helping him to get a flash to throw.
[01:12:39] Great timing on it, but it must have gone too deep.
[01:12:42] Gump wasn't blind at all, and now Long Control is there.
[01:12:45] Rooster has to try and pivot back to try...
[01:12:48] ...and White Control controls the broken DJ.
[01:12:51] Has seen one more.
[01:12:53] I think he knows that it's pain as well.
[01:12:56] Yeah, he looks like he wants to take the fight.
[01:12:58] He's gonna get the flash from ASAP.
[01:12:59] Doesn't even need it.
[01:13:00] Gets the dual one, ASAP as well.
[01:13:02] Catching Ricky off, and this has kind of fallen apart a little bit for mine.
[01:13:05] Just a few individual
[01:13:08] One text of those that's not that Valorant gameplay coming through with one time headshot, but couldn't line up the rest
[01:13:16] three for Rooster at least
[01:13:19] Saving this half somewhat
[01:13:21] But I tell you what I was as you say earlier. I was uh
[01:13:25] Taking a bit of a walk on yeah, I was taking a bit of a walk on the beach with my glycogen stores ready to go
[01:13:30] So, contemplating, I was contemplating the ESL Challenger Atlanta 2024 Oceania Close Qualifier
[01:13:36] while I was walking on the beach.
[01:13:38] It was a very humbling experience, you know, looking out at the ocean, the power of nature,
[01:13:42] and I was really thinking, today might be the day, you know, today might be the day.
[01:13:49] But we send an extra team overseas that we haven't seen in a long while or ever even
[01:13:56] to play at a tier two lane.
[01:13:58] I'm not actually going to expand on that statement.
[01:14:01] All I'm saying is today might be the day.
[01:14:03] Might be the day?
[01:14:04] Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I was on the beach,
[01:14:06] looking at the waves and the ocean.
[01:14:08] And you can get it back later on
[01:14:10] into whatever statement you want.
[01:14:12] Exactly.
[01:14:13] I love that idea.
[01:14:13] I'm just coming prepared for the Grand Final.
[01:14:16] Well, look, if Rooster loses this game,
[01:14:19] today actually will be that day
[01:14:20] because we would never have sent a mine for it
[01:14:23] once it overseas.
[01:14:24] Like, I don't remember the last time
[01:14:26] any of these players would have gone overseas.
[01:14:28] Ricky Tuck's Texter certainly have at some point, but gun for pain? I don't even think so.
[01:14:34] And then, obviously for Art of War the same can be said.
[01:14:36] Chell has got another radius though. He's got that off in hand.
[01:14:40] The bomb just went in the CT spawn. The bomb is down in the CT spawn with 40 seconds.
[01:14:48] Texter has gone hard, Painter's on 8 points of health, Ricky's on 22, and Danger has an AK
[01:14:53] Which does 24 to 25 maybe even 20
[01:14:58] It's in the right spot by the way peak close to the corner and pain had the advantage
[01:15:03] So it's not happening this time in my freak are on the road
[01:15:07] The fun night probably you think about that
[01:15:10] my freak
[01:15:12] In a long time between drinks for these boys
[01:15:14] Art of war
[01:15:16] Never they've never had a drink. They've just they've just turned 18
[01:15:21] in terms of my free like pain
[01:15:23] has just been such a breath of fresh air, a great individual,
[01:15:27] has been climbing the scene and surrounded by the experience of the others
[01:15:32] who have played at S-tier events in the past,
[01:15:34] as well as all the big stuff in Australia,
[01:15:38] all the lands that we used to have, rest in peace.
[01:15:42] And he's carrying this game.
[01:15:45] 13 and 6, doing a lot of the work,
[01:15:47] but he's got a couple of these rounds, oh!
[01:15:50] The only time he is not good enough, but it will force Zap away in the 4v4 tux, he is going to be lurking in the cutout.
[01:15:58] That is criminal! That is criminal!
[01:16:03] That is criminal! Zap has snuck through the smoke on the side, he's got paint above him!
[01:16:08] Who's ratted him with the Tec-9! Slimey in a 1v2!
[01:16:11] He'll have to get past Ricky first, a paint after!
[01:16:15] Oh! What?
[01:16:16] That's the half, 9-3. We'll leave it there.
[01:16:19] Oh, back into the second half now of Dust2 and the story doesn't really change from day 1 to day 2.
[01:19:53] Minefreak, 9-3, look very dominant here on Dust2, doesn't matter which half, doesn't matter if they continue to have that success.
[01:20:02] Texa, only the one, but dump 2, nice work.
[01:20:06] Yeah, that looked good for the little lineup, maybe even a bigger clip, but unfortunately couldn't make it happen.
[01:20:11] And a good time to push through that smoke is while someone's planting because you know that they're probably not gonna be on it.
[01:20:17] Danger, 17 points of health, Richie just waiting to get his last little bullet, but it's danger to land it back.
[01:20:22] Four on the board and Rooster finally, finally take a pistol off of Mindfreak.
[01:20:28] Yeah, it's been a long time coming, they've been working on it for a couple of days.
[01:20:32] Don't know that it's going to save their map, but at least it gives them something to play with.
[01:20:37] Second half might present a little more than what we got yesterday.
[01:20:42] Maybe Rooster can do better than six.
[01:20:46] Five grenades though for mine for it could be quite dangerous.
[01:20:50] Oh, especially if this is a B hit. Hang on a second.
[01:20:53] That is just off time.
[01:20:58] Yeah.
[01:21:00] So they're doing that and then trying to go back through the smoke towards A before the road's A.
[01:21:05] It's not worth it.
[01:21:07] Great net. Tuck's destroyed.
[01:21:10] A dangerous cross there. Sap on the repeat when he was low
[01:21:17] and Slammy just waited for the push. Chelyos has fallen in the meanwhile.
[01:21:20] while A site in the hands of rooster, but the bomb still needs to make it
[01:21:23] play all the way along. Flimie gets two taps and things are going real south real
[01:21:30] quick, guns on short and TJ wants to fight for it on his own. Paying here for
[01:21:35] the Mac 10, reloads alerts TJP of his presence and Mindfreak have not gone
[01:21:42] for the retake together so TJ is aware that he's got that one V1 on short.
[01:21:47] We'll take it. Very interesting plate.
[01:21:51] Texture.
[01:21:52] Engine is distance all the way towards car. Nice little unpeak.
[01:21:56] Uncrouch from danger.
[01:21:58] And the gumpinator is looking like he must just go for the Galil on short.
[01:22:06] Actually, there's a Mac 10 on short.
[01:22:08] It's a Mac 10, yeah.
[01:22:10] Locked down by TJ.
[01:22:13] A little bit of a hard stopper there for Rooster, but they get it done.
[01:22:17] Yeah, might even better off just all three of them charging up short. Yeah
[01:22:26] At least trade one out
[01:22:28] Put it into a 1v1 potentially something like that
[01:22:31] By the way
[01:22:33] My freak get themselves there by first one for the half
[01:22:36] Good action. I'm short here
[01:22:48] Jump peeking from pain. He didn't see the push from TJ
[01:22:53] The s-stop jumping so maybe saw that second man
[01:22:56] And Rooster, I'll just creep him up short here, might have a casual timing of pain on the off angle.
[01:23:03] Spots the heads, caught me open, but fights for himself one for one.
[01:23:08] Not the worst thing that could have happened.
[01:23:10] And Rooster, he procs Smoke, I'll just gonna hit the brakes.
[01:23:16] Before before though, we're not hanging in the balance and with Texter working around this Smoke,
[01:23:24] you're expecting to see a kill or two going his way, there we have it!
[01:23:28] maybe even three but Texter gets a little bit more than he buys them for.
[01:23:33] He's timing into Middles. He's gonna give up his life but he's still locked it down.
[01:23:40] Percy of Tarx and Gump finds the fight on the slimy and the blink of an eye.
[01:23:43] The round is just gone. The Mainfreak up to double digits.
[01:23:47] They are just not messing around. They really do want that rematch against Art of War.
[01:23:51] A matchup which I dare say Mainfreak were a little bit perturbed to have lost.
[01:23:56] loss. I'm interested in how TJ is calling this one. They had some decent spawns towards
[01:24:13] A, didn't decide to take them. Just going a little bit slower, giving that long control,
[01:24:19] mind-freek going heavy towards mid and low as Ricky, maybe able to catch a time in the
[01:24:23] game across there in a good position. Lovely, straight on the head, free kill, man advantage
[01:24:29] and make it a second as well with TJ finding Texter there on short.
[01:24:37] That gun much less retrievable though, with Mindfreaks positions.
[01:24:42] They've given full long control looking just to retake,
[01:24:46] re-clean mid.
[01:24:51] Gump and Tux might be able to work a fast flank over towards bedroom,
[01:24:54] but they're going to be spotted by Danger,
[01:24:56] who's on the full rotation, up is full clear.
[01:24:58] They know it's probably all in at a nice kick from Gump.
[01:25:02] In the meanwhile, and Tux is going to be the first and only line of defense here at A.
[01:25:07] Pretty reliable fellow though and he's got a bit of a helping hand coming through here from Gump.
[01:25:13] That flash is a very good one. Actually didn't a lot of work but ASAP was able to land his shots on the tux.
[01:25:20] All the time he's going to slow things down a little bit there for Rooster but nothing substantially and a bomb plant will go down.
[01:25:27] Gump coming to look over the smoke. He's now been spotted out very nearly getting the kill on the ASAP but
[01:25:33] Spray won't land and that will have to be the red light for Rooster.
[01:25:38] I suppose the green light for Rooster and the red light for Manefreak really.
[01:25:43] Manefreak are gonna turn around and try to find an alternate route.
[01:25:47] So there'll be six now for Rooster which is where they ended up yesterday on Dust2.
[01:25:53] But a good chance of now doing a little better than that.
[01:25:55] Kachow. Six on the board. Rooster.
[01:26:10] Looking good. Looking warm.
[01:26:13] up and maybe the extra momentum from their first half will allow them to have a
[01:26:18] better T side today. So far so good. They need to get through minefreak with guns
[01:26:27] one more time. Three to split, Ricky for a cheeky flash, take the one on Sui
[01:26:40] and Roostar opt in to make their way down mid. I don't know if that door
[01:26:44] smokes it because yesterday it wasn't. Looks fine. I think it's blooming to the top.
[01:26:53] Yeah
[01:27:00] Doesn't quite manage to land his shots and nor Ricky
[01:27:04] TJP down 31 HP, but no kill as of yet. Mine freak
[01:27:10] Little bit worse for when it comes to the util so they are gonna need to be hitting
[01:27:14] the bullets Ricky doesn't even get a chance to fire any so
[01:27:19] Text us backing off and it's might again just be a save call from mine free
[01:27:24] Not the worst thing, Tark's not given anything from long and he's also just got the Famous
[01:27:29] which isn't known for its accuracy at range, yeah that looks like it'll be it.
[01:27:38] Tark's probably going to have to play for exits, I think Rooster won't expect him in
[01:27:43] pit if they do save here.
[01:27:45] So he should be able to at least get one, maybe two if he's not forklift.
[01:27:49] Oh, they will be.
[01:27:52] will be Chelyos heads up realizes the danger and of course maybe lunch from
[01:28:00] not checking some angles earlier on in the game seven to ten three rounds the
[01:28:10] gap if Rooster are chasing so not much for Ricky and Tux to play within this
[01:28:35] round and Rooster are definitely making this map more competitive than either
[01:28:41] of the games for yesterday I'm not from at the point of belief yet that they're
[01:28:47] gonna be able to get this route this one over the line 10-7 deficit is still
[01:28:51] quite a bit to come back from but another round win here starts to change the
[01:28:57] narrative up a little bit needs to do a lot of damage to tux and texter but
[01:29:02] mind-fick of similarly exchange a little bit there on to TJP and ASAP as
[01:29:07] well pain is looking to get aggressive find the duel against shell but won't
[01:29:15] win it. TJP in the meanwhile does go down to Techstar. So there's a little bit going on on both sides.
[01:29:22] There's still some very low HP players as well. Yeah. And Mainficar's continuing to try to pepper
[01:29:28] Rooster. Big picks coming through. Gump looking sharp on the rifle again. And the timing of Gump
[01:29:46] getting into gate here. Which he has played a few times against Rooster now. He's going to
[01:29:53] to favor him on that short side of the smoke. Can just hold it, can just wait, and realize
[01:29:58] it's probably not going to be the beat. So, my intrigue should be solid here with three
[01:30:03] towards the A site text up. It won't catch a time, but he might hear the sound of the
[01:30:09] jump up there. He hasn't quite called it. Ricky now looking over the wood short,
[01:30:13] puts it down to come in. Molly over the wood, get a ramp instead of a goose, so
[01:30:18] keep your eyes on Tuxi. Oh should have been good for one at least. A$AP was low, but didn't
[01:30:25] manage to land a bullet. It's gonna make the job even more difficult for Texter and
[01:30:28] Gump and really it looks like it might just be Texter to see if he can open this one
[01:30:33] up with something special. Gump's down to one on two, spot ahead, but very quickly
[01:30:39] gets his banged off. So we'll start bringing it another step closer, ten, eight. Money's
[01:30:45] is good enough for a buy now for Mainfreak, but this is starting to get into some sort
[01:30:49] of worrisome territory for Mainfreak. Money's low, obviously with this reinvestment. You're
[01:30:55] on CT side. Gap's starting to close. Rooster, maybe starting to wake up a little bit.
[01:31:03] Oh, there you go, a bit of info. Couple of squads on the map. Staff may be stuck
[01:31:15] towards Greenbox. Nice pop flash at middoors to get paint off the line. A little flash
[01:31:20] his way back on, still has to peek, Chell's line wins that.
[01:31:24] Another flash will force him over towards B ramp, but only 4v4, Mindfreak seem to be
[01:31:31] happy to play 2-2, text up, aggressing towards mid.
[01:31:35] This could certainly come back to hurt him, depending on the timing, TJ, not hurt on
[01:31:43] the dump up.
[01:31:44] Oh, great.
[01:31:46] Good cross there, but he just can't manage to swindle the kill.
[01:31:49] Sucks find SAP as well, swing it on Cat side.
[01:31:52] So we're still in this 3v3 pushdown to come in from Lowers.
[01:31:55] TJ up on Xbox still and ready.
[01:31:59] You can see how I'm gonna be made there.
[01:32:01] TJ playing this one perfectly.
[01:32:02] Mid-door smoke, blew him into the top
[01:32:04] so he's able to fully control mid.
[01:32:06] But the bomb's down on Cat
[01:32:07] and that's gonna be the problem.
[01:32:08] 50 on the clock, sliding and danger.
[01:32:10] Both looking to get this pick on the site
[01:32:12] which they will and now.
[01:32:15] They can try to lock this bomb plant into TJ's way.
[01:32:18] You know, pain's not having a bar of it out of there.
[01:32:22] Take the ult through the next round.
[01:32:24] That's what I'm talking about. It's starting to get a little bit worrisome for Main Freak.
[01:32:28] We've sort of had the assumption that they were going to win this map,
[01:32:31] given that they had such a strong first half.
[01:32:33] They looked so good yesterday.
[01:32:35] In both the games they played against Rooster, but...
[01:32:38] It's the nature of the beast when you're an underdog,
[01:32:41] which I would still argue that Main Freak are against a team like Rooster that...
[01:32:47] You give this team an inch they're gonna
[01:32:50] Really punish you for it and rusa might just be in that position to do it where yeah, we lost yesterday be lost in the upper bracket
[01:32:58] but
[01:33:01] Down in the lower bracket today in the elimination game is where it really matters and
[01:33:06] How many times have we seen that story line where the favorite gets knocked down and then makes that low bracket run? Well,
[01:33:13] I've already beat house bets.
[01:33:16] Is that yesterday?
[01:33:17] It does.
[01:33:18] Better today.
[01:33:19] Only Greyhound.
[01:33:20] And they're not.
[01:33:21] Yeah, but what I'm saying is why can Ruse not fill those shoes, right?
[01:33:30] Why can they not be the Greyhound in this circumstance?
[01:33:33] We need to iron out a few things.
[01:33:39] They might be doing what Greyhound have done many times in the past.
[01:33:44] Could be. Mindfreak. Need to close. Not having anywhere near as successful of a time on the CT side as they were yesterday here on Dust2.
[01:33:55] But I think that just goes to show that Rooster might have been coming in very flat.
[01:34:00] And they seem to have worked out a few things coming into today's game.
[01:34:05] A little technical pause. Just making sure everyone's A-OK to play.
[01:34:17] good with life. Pico is extremely excited about that.
[01:34:21] I was going to say, someone's getting pretty keen.
[01:34:24] Yeah. I'm going to go tell her to shut up.
[01:34:27] I'll be back in 10 seconds.
[01:34:30] I'll take the mic with you. It sounds like a great one.
[01:34:38] Alright, we're getting to round number 20. Money isn't to be mind-free. So,
[01:34:46] first case scenario, they've gone for half-life here. Investment into the next round.
[01:34:50] They've really given up the B side. And with that, they've pretty much
[01:34:53] I'm not even hoping this round as well, Molotov coverage is going to deny them any semblance
[01:34:59] eventually into being, I've already lost them as well, sorry.
[01:35:01] I won't be taking much out of this one for mine for each, but they don't really want
[01:35:05] to take these jumps through the next round anyway, so they're going to give it a crack,
[01:35:07] pain and ricky.
[01:35:08] You can find for one a piece of shell all the way out in backyard, lining a couple
[01:35:14] up and will secure the equalizing round for Rusa, and now it's really on.
[01:35:19] It's definitely felt like it's been on for a while but the fact that Rusa have equalized now the score line
[01:35:25] That's a quick rant. That is a real spanner in the works for mine for you. They are now no longer
[01:35:30] The big boys in this matchup. What happened? Was it a B rush?
[01:35:33] Yeah, they just ran into me
[01:35:35] No, you gotta defend it. Oh, I found out what the issue was guys. There was a dog walking on Pico Street
[01:35:40] You know, we can't have that
[01:35:43] So you just let them know who Street it was. Ah, but we're back. We're back and we're all tied up
[01:35:49] shell looking for an opening not going to be given anything gum again in this
[01:36:03] position just isolating away from the flashes that would come out on that
[01:36:07] right side of his screen contacting the line he had the line he didn't have the
[01:36:21] patience yeah I might just be another round lost for my freak yeah I know that
[01:36:27] you can reliably say let's go for a retake when you've got two players on
[01:36:32] zero dollars one on fifty one in a hundred and you're double all thing and
[01:36:36] you've got barely any useful and you don't have a deep use kit and it's the
[01:36:38] B side that's been taken and you have another step aside don't like those odds
[01:36:42] I mean I'm not a mathematician you know I did pass me you were but not the
[01:36:49] smart maths I did the dumb maths so you're a financial advisor right that's
[01:36:54] right yeah what I'm saying is the math ain't add enough in that respect for
[01:37:03] minefreak it was looking so good it was looking so promising it was it was
[01:37:16] promising again slimy cracking shots
[01:37:25] yeah
[01:37:30] that second man of blue tux living big damage to the rooster economy but the
[01:37:36] problem is they've won so many rounds in a row now that they have so much money
[01:37:40] to reinvest into the next like this for my freak at all I like it your class
[01:38:00] long-tick yes it is indeed I feel like yesterday the calls and the shots just
[01:38:05] were good all over the place today it looks like they have a better game plan
[01:38:12] maybe my freak have changed something up it feels like they're not playing
[01:38:15] for long as much and they're going way towards way more towards short if
[01:38:24] If Rooster just keep on getting into sights in like a 3v1 fashion, it's just not looking too good.
[01:38:32] You've still got that double tunnel setup coming through for Mindfreak. That's the on lock.
[01:38:37] So you can just cheat some numbers further to all day.
[01:38:40] They're still very worried about what could be there on Cat.
[01:38:44] It isn't fully cleared, but they will turtle up here today.
[01:38:48] That's been by no means perfect today from Rooster, but it's certainly been a lot better.
[01:38:52] That's what they do about it.
[01:38:54] You'll get close over the top, Molotov at a peak of gun.
[01:38:57] If you've been seen, you should have been aware that there's a player close.
[01:39:00] That one pretty accordingly.
[01:39:02] TJP looking for a little bit more here.
[01:39:05] It's actually gonna see ASAP and Slammy drop early,
[01:39:08] but very well placed Molotov.
[01:39:10] Oops, he just hit a step of three
[01:39:12] and tucks down low off that spray.
[01:39:16] It's meant to conceive territory
[01:39:19] and allow the bomb plant
[01:39:22] to be taken by TJ.
[01:39:28] I was waiting for Payne to go for the jump shot there,
[01:39:30] but he would have had to walk out into the open.
[01:39:35] Going to jump up.
[01:39:40] Oh, awkward angle for him to fight on TJ, ready,
[01:39:43] and Tuck knows just how important an M4 in the next
[01:39:48] will be, and have max round loss bonus,
[01:39:50] so everyone should buy it.
[01:39:51] If the save is successful,
[01:39:55] might even have money to drop Payne off across.
[01:40:00] We just are fainting.
[01:40:02] I don't think anyone's got the time to find it.
[01:40:09] crazy counter strike bro.
[01:40:12] Crazy indeed.
[01:40:14] Crazy.
[01:40:30] That's my point for Rooster.
[01:40:32] Not unsalvageable for minefreak though.
[01:40:35] Tux has got 5.4k so even if this is an expensive round for minefreak they win it, they can still fight for the mechs as well but
[01:40:44] we've lost pain very early on in the piece or duel or battle looks on the way of Chel this time.
[01:40:51] Chet's wild today.
[01:41:12] I'm making crazy accusations when rooster are just playing good
[01:41:18] Flash out
[01:41:22] Close left, not gonna be mullied out actually goes in with a flash
[01:41:26] Interplay of falls
[01:41:28] Tunnels gonna be able to take tunnels control in the meanwhile. Chels still making his way back this direction things getting a little bit awkward gum
[01:41:35] He needs to hit a heater himself
[01:41:37] It's shelter do it to the ball rooster with two men advantage to close here smoke on the door
[01:41:42] By in 20 seconds in the post plant and we've even got shell wrapping the whole way around on the flank if they don't make a move
[01:41:48] Through window right now shell gets a free one if not soon there you go
[01:41:52] Boom big round out of cellios the full ace to close it 10 to 13
[01:41:58] Dust two in the bag for rooster
[01:42:00] boom indeed and that is not the time that mine freak would have been
[01:42:04] Hoping to be on the receiving end of such a shot because well down in the lower bracket now you've got one life left
[01:42:10] It's one map centered between minefreak and elimination from the Atlanta qualifier after what was a pretty decent day yesterday
[01:42:17] And a day where honestly they probably wouldn't have even expected to be in this position
[01:42:21] I think going into the bracket final
[01:42:23] They would have thought that they would have beaten out of war and now they'll be looking at that and thinking man
[01:42:27] We really missed a trick because we might just get knocked out now by a rooster and could have avoided all of that by
[01:42:32] I just went in the upper bracket final and being straight through to the grand final, but unfortunately not the case for them and
[01:42:46] First and into map 2 they can't hear you but we're going to a break
[01:42:54] move until the sunrise you're taking my mind out you fall in love at low time and we should never
[01:43:26] hello guys welcome back it's ESL challenge are the ocean air qualifiers for Atlanta 2024 and
[01:57:00] we're in the lower bracket final things have been pretty interesting pretty toxic curvy in this
[01:57:05] qualifier not really going to expectations and even today maybe that's kind of continuing where
[01:57:12] Look going into yesterday. We probably would have said rooster was the favorite in this match up
[01:57:16] But coming into today, I don't know if we would have made that argument
[01:57:18] Mindful it definitely looked better yesterday, but rooster I did back it seems like it that second half very very good from them
[01:57:25] I'm dust too so could be a bit of a swifter one here this evening if you know rooster
[01:57:30] I've got it together on their map pick here for dust for the next map
[01:57:34] I should say after having one dust to
[01:57:36] Yeah, Mirage will be interesting and fair because now we're gonna have to see rooster start on that T
[01:57:42] side again, which look they're dust two T side looked clinical looked great you
[01:57:47] saw after they won that pistol round up against the rifles it was just stonk
[01:57:50] stonk stonks going up up up before rooster so if they're able to get a couple of
[01:57:55] decent swing rounds you know when those first couple of gun rounds I'm sure
[01:57:58] that we'll see a decent game of Counter Strike here it's just a matter of what
[01:58:02] form mindfreak you're gonna come into there was rounds where mindfreak were
[01:58:05] losing purely off of timings like that's what it was you saw that
[01:58:08] around where Gump was like in a great position.
[01:58:11] Brewster knew where he'd been playing, though,
[01:58:13] so you could see Chell was slowly clearing all the right
[01:58:15] angles, all the perfect spots.
[01:58:17] So who knows how that would have gone.
[01:58:19] Can't go back and change the past,
[01:58:21] although Brewster probably would have if they
[01:58:23] could have gone back to yesterday.
[01:58:25] Yeah.
[01:58:26] Look, either way, I think it doesn't necessarily
[01:58:28] matter hugely for Brewster.
[01:58:30] You know, when we're talking about these kinds of qualifiers,
[01:58:32] we often sort of talk about the length of the days
[01:58:35] and this and that.
[01:58:36] But it is only two best of threes,
[01:58:37] And there is quite a significant break in between the best of threes, even if this is a long one.
[01:58:41] Yeah.
[01:58:42] So these sort of close qualifiers for ESL Challengers and for IEMs and what have you, the format plays out pretty nicely.
[01:58:50] I think it's pretty favourable for teams, even if you're having to play the multiple games in a day.
[01:58:55] So I don't know that it's as big an advantage as it might have been in the past to be going directly into that grand final.
[01:59:03] Either way, we'll still be trying to book their way into that grand final here, Mirage.
[01:59:09] Again, we said the same thing yesterday, usually a pretty solid map for them, so let's see if they can get it done today.
[01:59:15] Fight fire with fire here, going forward. I don't know if Slimey was on the line in time, but with a crab walk into that one, ooh mate.
[01:59:27] Gump has made a grave mistake.
[01:59:30] Let's see if he can catch a timing. Ricky out on an island and he's hoping that maybe Texter can get here in time to help him out, or at least watch above him, but that hasn't really helped him out.
[01:59:39] The Surrey, Techstar is gonna lose his life as well and Rooster are off to the racist
[01:59:46] nice hit on Mirage.
[01:59:50] Just paint.
[01:59:51] And 1v3 gonna be required, the Flash is a good one, forces him to duck back behind
[01:59:55] Ticket.
[01:59:56] Nice, how does chances here, a couple of game battles, not quite going his way and
[02:00:02] eventually he'll be finished off by danger in the end, that is, the pistol under
[02:00:06] the belt for Rooster.
[02:00:07] You know, they're fixing that up from yesterday as well. Yeah, sure
[02:00:10] You know, they did not win a single pistol yesterday against blind freak, but here's another one in the back pocket for roostop
[02:00:15] that was a really nice like
[02:00:20] Really well red play from pain, you know, just peeking out on purpose expecting that swing from pal
[02:00:26] unfortunately didn't win the fight but
[02:00:28] by the way roostop
[02:00:30] great protocols great shots and
[02:00:32] and the ground getting up distance so they may be back let's see if they can get through a
[02:00:40] relatively stacked A site they are just going to be playing for mid kane going to be flashing
[02:00:43] over con if anyone is spotted there is tj there you just got jewelies and he's hiding at tap
[02:00:51] it looks like that flash is just going to be repurposed let's go
[02:00:55] tech star
[02:01:01] down low already and taking out kane to do a bit of damage almost doubling down
[02:01:05] won't matter largely that that one gun was gone by the wayside.
[02:01:10] These were things we'll start to turn a little bit.
[02:01:14] If they are to turn at all, mindfreak, first gun round for them,
[02:01:17] they were sublime on Mirage yesterday.
[02:01:20] So they're going to have to channel that again today to take Rusa to the sword.
[02:01:24] What kind of sword?
[02:01:29] A big one.
[02:01:31] Like a great sword?
[02:01:36] Would you classify a long sword as a big sword?
[02:01:40] What is it? A long sword thick and double H.
[02:01:43] A long sword might be the biggest of the swords.
[02:01:45] Like, what else could be bigger?
[02:01:49] That's what I have to ask you, you know?
[02:01:51] That's true.
[02:01:54] What about a granite maul?
[02:01:57] A granite maul?
[02:01:58] Yeah, a gene maul.
[02:02:01] What is this?
[02:02:02] You don't stick with the gene maul?
[02:02:03] You don't stick with the gene maul?
[02:02:04] Is this a root scape reference?
[02:02:06] Yeah, but, that's not a sword, bro.
[02:02:08] That's a hammer.
[02:02:09] It certainly is.
[02:02:10] You've got a little bit of a root scape knowledge.
[02:02:12] Congratulations.
[02:02:13] No, I just googled it.
[02:02:15] Nice.
[02:02:16] My Google food was strong.
[02:02:19] But yeah, I do speck with the G-Mool actually.
[02:02:24] I'll be honest.
[02:02:25] Because I don't know about you, but whatever I used to make a character in, let's say like
[02:02:30] the Skyrim or Oblivion or one of those kinds of games, I used to always do like something
[02:02:35] sort of stealth build or something like that.
[02:02:37] And that was like before stealth was cool, you know what I mean?
[02:02:39] Like that was just my thing.
[02:02:41] But then I did a playthrough where I just was like I'm just gonna be the biggest baddest guy
[02:02:46] And I had the big hammer, and I just put all my points into doing damage
[02:02:52] Hell yeah, and it was pretty fun
[02:02:54] So I kind of I kind of like with it
[02:02:58] I can't believe you said before stealth was cool. I thought it was always cool
[02:03:05] Rainy became cool in Skyrim
[02:03:07] I'm going to strut through.
[02:03:09] Well, Mindfreak, keeping it pretty cool, having to give that mid control, and getting two picks in the meanwhile.
[02:03:19] Roostart, not going super well against the first gun round from Mindfreak.
[02:03:23] Again, we're going to be seeing Gump throw this Palace Smoke from the back of Market Text.
[02:03:27] Has he seen that?
[02:03:33] Mustn't have.
[02:03:35] Timing, favourite sap, and that could be the way back in the round.
[02:03:37] Gump knows he's in the corner, just trying to pre-fire, and it works out for him.
[02:03:42] 2v4. This round is just falling apart. Let's see what danger and slimy can conjure.
[02:03:50] Gump will be there to receive slimy's entry into the window.
[02:03:56] Jump will get it locked down. So that's a pretty damn good start for Main Freak.
[02:04:03] That's exactly how you'd want your first gun round to go.
[02:04:05] Four guns taken through. Solid as.
[02:04:08] And it looks like we're set for a real contest here on Mirage.
[02:04:12] Alright, Rooster don't have the best of finances, but we are going to see Slimey be the hero.
[02:04:22] Danger going for the insta window.
[02:04:27] And he's missed it.
[02:04:30] Dumpbine's probably a life thing now.
[02:04:33] But if they miss it on purpose, maybe they can.
[02:04:36] He locks out first, drawing attention.
[02:04:38] Okay, Slimey gonna be able to take two, which are Retrievable Rifles.
[02:04:42] TJ4ly over towards their main in the meanwhile, and now on the 4B3.
[02:04:47] Dump is hoping that he can solo B.
[02:04:49] Yeah, Ricky.
[02:05:00] Already starting his rotating map direction, but he's got to worry about the murder hole.
[02:05:06] But he's out with P250. No armor. On the entry duty.
[02:05:14] Give it a crack, mate.
[02:05:15] He's gonna go for the Glock instead. Trades out the P250 to chill.
[02:05:18] And Jane does. Just needs to...
[02:05:33] Right way. And he has it. Paints, caught him off.
[02:05:36] Seems he's just not clear.
[02:05:38] All the rotation is already coming up.
[02:05:40] Plenty of time to get this one planted.
[02:05:42] He needs to fade at some point again.
[02:05:44] Going to be blocking off the extra bullets.
[02:05:46] He's going to tap on Ricky.
[02:05:48] Almost wins that one on the gump.
[02:05:50] Mage pulses him off.
[02:05:52] It's going to be so I'm going to have to do it all.
[02:05:54] He's going to post those players positions.
[02:05:56] Almost gets it all done.
[02:05:58] But gump, 4 points of health between him and an L.
[02:06:00] But it's a dub.
[02:06:05] And that's what matters for my infreak at this stage.
[02:06:07] Obviously a very expensive round.
[02:06:09] Money is there for Rusa to again continue to hammer down the gump.
[02:06:11] for rooster to again continue to hammer down the door don't think are treading
[02:06:16] above water let's say they're trying to keep their head above water but rooster
[02:06:21] are very close to pushing them under what happens if you go under you die oh
[02:06:31] danger that's a new smoke I haven't seen that one before man what's that one for
[02:06:37] I think MC, um, thought of that in the downtime.
[02:06:44] So we'll have to check in with the mastermind.
[02:06:52] Certified Mirage Lover.
[02:06:56] Mirage Campania. That's his name.
[02:07:02] Mirage Campania?
[02:07:07] Yeah.
[02:07:08] Yeah, I think I've heard of him before on the YouTubes.
[02:07:12] Well, there were a fair few individuals hitting them W jump throws yesterday,
[02:07:21] but today we have seen more mist than hits as far as we paid attention to.
[02:07:26] practice. Oh, good entry from ASAP. A nice double entry, in fact. Wasn't enough to get
[02:07:36] Roosa a win in the last round, but this time they've got a little bit stronger of a setup.
[02:07:44] Ricky needs to draw attention away from Tecster if this is going to be effective. Ricky's
[02:07:49] ducked. Oh, peeking. Hoping for an angle. Haven't cleared Firebox in the meanwhile.
[02:07:56] The question is, Narikki just needs to draw attention, he needs to, but he hasn't, that's
[02:08:02] the force of three, untreated.
[02:08:04] Now Narikki, we'll get one on the fader wave, should be five angle, let's see if they can
[02:08:09] even find any more.
[02:08:11] Yeah, ooh, eyes on the prize and I shot from slimy and gum.
[02:08:16] He's hidden here at jungle, has a kit, hopefully he can time himself a defuse but
[02:08:23] it looks like they're not gonna hide to jungle there is an opening danger
[02:08:32] hanging around there are no problems here free kill in a second that time
[02:08:38] taken away not ready for danger to be down on the ground think he was up in
[02:08:41] top just got it can't risk to take the lead it's just got me all yeah it's
[02:08:46] expensive for Roosa in the end with those two kills coming through from
[02:08:48] dump but take it rounds around keep your nose in front and obviously mine
[02:08:54] freak don't really have the cash at the moment so they're gonna force buy in take
[02:08:59] the eco next round this is where Rooster can really start to get things
[02:09:07] rolling I don't really feel like this map has kind of gotten rolling just yet
[02:09:10] you know I feel like we're just kind of easing our way in it hasn't been
[02:09:13] anything too crazy it's been a little back and forth but early days early days
[02:09:17] We'll put this they make a noise pushing here TJ's got the tool for the job
[02:09:21] Bucks helmet he's done come
[02:09:28] Trying to fall away
[02:09:30] When he takes it Mollie little unfortunate that getting a bit too frantic pain here tucked at the hand
[02:09:39] Maybe if we get at least a little more damage, but that Mollie is good. They hear the T-Pain note
[02:09:45] and they will just evacuate the area actually no they don't they're looking to keep on fighting
[02:09:51] the only way they could lose the round is if pain went huge and they gave her an opportunity
[02:10:04] but asserted dominance overall.
[02:10:07] Might have forgotten no money now all eyes on danger let's see if we can do it again
[02:10:16] are they saying track this or are they saying please stop don't watch him do it that's
[02:10:20] Let's see if chell hits the mark.
[02:10:25] Danger's just been given the one where you don't have to do a jump throw.
[02:10:29] Yeah, just to top me in smoking.
[02:10:31] Chell looks fine. That smoke looks pretty good.
[02:10:34] On the meaning out there.
[02:10:35] TZD finding entry onto Texan and Ricky.
[02:10:38] Oh, he's had to have stacked a lot of it.
[02:10:40] What is that?
[02:10:41] The molly putting him on the ladder and...
[02:10:45] Oh, yeah, he has gotten away with it.
[02:10:48] Mother-
[02:10:52] Messy, messy!
[02:10:53] How does it work out for Ruta?
[02:10:55] We're trying to cook in Mindfreak a little bit now, 5-2 is going to be the lead.
[02:11:00] This is a position from Chell with the orb holding onto the bomb as well,
[02:11:03] who's getting collapsed on by a couple of members, come.
[02:11:05] Expected though, by a slimy.
[02:11:07] Chell's got a good spawn to smoke window.
[02:11:20] Danger has a smoke out though.
[02:11:26] Come on, Chavez.
[02:11:27] I believe.
[02:11:28] Tactical.
[02:11:30] Called by Mindfreak to try to change the momentum here.
[02:11:33] Yeah, not quite having the same success as they were yesterday
[02:11:43] Texas really gone missing here on map 2 as well
[02:11:46] He was actually the highest rated player
[02:11:50] Across the board yesterday
[02:11:53] And so to see him 0 and 7 right now, it's a
[02:11:57] Big missing piece I guess for minefreak even with pain looking alright dump looking alright
[02:12:02] You know rick and Tex are not exactly rick and tux as well not exactly having the impact
[02:12:07] So it's just you know, you sort of don't have enough players online right now to be posing much of a threat to roost up
[02:12:14] That's why the whole line is starting to go the way it is they just hit it by the way
[02:12:21] Boosts into ladder for tux no one's gone up short there
[02:12:30] There is gonna be three here, maybe the fourth
[02:12:37] What would slimy forgot about it for a second TJ gonna be able to crack open gum
[02:12:41] Here to be three though
[02:12:45] You can ascend their way to CT instead
[02:12:48] And maybe just
[02:12:50] Give pain a moment or two to try and work some angles and if you can get anything
[02:12:54] then the retakes on but
[02:12:57] Based on the positions of Rooster you don't really expect pain to be given too much here
[02:13:03] I was gonna go into firebox
[02:13:05] He won't draw out any swings from Rusa, Chel still watching, he's expecting someone actually
[02:13:10] from AMAIM, but yeah, there's the issue.
[02:13:14] Alright, Maimfreak aren't actually able to find themselves a pick into the site, so 3v2
[02:13:18] doesn't make them too keen to go for it.
[02:13:21] He'll save their guns.
[02:13:22] We'll lay.
[02:13:23] See you dad.
[02:13:24] If you heard those footsteps, he's hunting, he's hungry, tough, nasty, long, peaking,
[02:13:32] wins that fight, and should be right as rain to live here at the bench.
[02:13:38] 6-2, Mindfreak keeping 2 rough as alive will allow them to go for a force if they want.
[02:13:44] You're looking at the financials from Rooster, some looking shaky, most looking fine.
[02:13:52] Mindfreak realizes they probably need some rounds sooner rather than later, so Texas is going to buy in.
[02:13:57] But he's going to be the only one to go below 2k at Ricky, half investment there, 60% of the stock.
[02:14:05] They're playing the long game. They're taking their best scene if they can maybe get a pink hero there, but the gump, that's not going well.
[02:14:12] That must be Sada.
[02:14:18] Oh, it's very open now. Tux was sort of half there, you know what I mean?
[02:14:23] Yeah.
[02:14:24] Might have been going to make something happen, but he just gets his head back off and he's going to go from bad to war, never mind.
[02:14:28] It's not gone worse, it's gone better.
[02:14:30] Oh, what a shot from Ricky.
[02:14:32] But I don't think it's gonna save the day.
[02:14:38] Factible shot.
[02:14:41] But as you mentioned,
[02:14:41] this round is pretty much fully locked in.
[02:14:44] I love the pace changes coming out of Rooster,
[02:14:45] going for some early round hits on A,
[02:14:47] then a fast one, quick B split,
[02:14:50] off the back of the pick on Gump.
[02:14:52] Nice reactive calls, just going in with a goal,
[02:14:56] not taking too long,
[02:14:57] not waiting for too much of a brawl,
[02:14:58] knowing that Mindfreaks economy
[02:15:00] may not be in the best place.
[02:15:03] If they can manage to pry away this AK from Richard mid, then they're cooking for some more damage, but I don't think they want to go there.
[02:15:13] Yeah, it's just kicking through a lot, going about their own economy is the call to order.
[02:15:19] And the 5 round lead now, rooster with the majority for the half and potential for 10.
[02:15:24] How the tables have turned. Here we go again, danger in the spotlight. Why they got to do it to him?
[02:15:32] He's getting him. He's figuring it out.
[02:15:35] He's got it. He's getting him.
[02:15:36] What I want to test, I haven't bothered yet, but...
[02:15:39] Because you can press W as you're in the air and it still counts as you're moving forward.
[02:15:44] But I want to know if you can jump throw, but like, jump W throw.
[02:15:48] And it still be a W jump throw?
[02:15:51] Or if you need to say it like, press it and it ruffles at you.
[02:15:55] I would assume that W-ing after you jumped isn't going to give you the same velocity as you did.
[02:16:03] Exactly.
[02:16:05] But then again a double jump throw was, you know, all at the same time.
[02:16:09] So maybe it's a similar thing. You never know.
[02:16:12] You never know.
[02:16:15] I want to give it a crack.
[02:16:16] Just obviously I'm working now.
[02:16:18] So I'll have time.
[02:16:20] Maybe in the rest.
[02:16:21] It really sucks to leave them.
[02:16:22] Yeah, I'm not complaining. I'm just bloody making a statement, Jordan.
[02:16:26] It might be a really long break again, because the way Rooster had gone, and this is going to be a pretty solid map for them.
[02:16:31] And they're going to be wrapped up in two, and we don't come back till 8.30 again.
[02:16:36] Two hours, ten minutes. Big break.
[02:16:41] Go to the gym in that time.
[02:16:44] It's probably been today.
[02:16:45] Me too.
[02:16:46] What'd you do?
[02:16:48] Saving, by the way. Perfect time to talk about it.
[02:16:51] You know, full body? Full body every day?
[02:16:53] Yeah, full body. Three days a week.
[02:16:54] week. You are pretty limited in that gym. I am. Yeah. I feel like the body is a pretty
[02:16:59] good core. Yeah. That is it. The thing is, I can't really do any of the fun workouts.
[02:17:05] You know what I mean? I can't bench. I can't do it. I can't do it. Yeah. So. You're going
[02:17:10] to get a membership. Is there another gym close? I'm sure there is, but I don't know
[02:17:15] how long I'm going to be here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could find like some casual
[02:17:19] I think the thing is like just do a bit of strengthening, you know working on the running anyway
[02:17:28] So looking on your gluteus medius. Yep gluteus medius gluteus maximus biggest bonus
[02:17:34] Few things to get sorted out
[02:17:36] But then once I'm in a bit more of a set place
[02:17:38] Yeah maybe you see.
[02:17:40] So in the mid for Rooster,
[02:17:46] I bought him one for Mindfreak Trade.
[02:17:48] Turned the tides of this first half.
[02:17:52] But he's coming through everywhere,
[02:17:54] they're not going to go blow for blow with him.
[02:17:56] They're just not feeling themselves, you know.
[02:17:58] Tux, Texter, Ricky, both,
[02:18:00] well all three rather, on two kills.
[02:18:02] Ten rounds in.
[02:18:04] Whereas yesterday, these three were
[02:18:06] people you were looking at.
[02:18:08] You were going, wow, they're farming.
[02:18:10] But today Rooster seemed to be avoiding them, exposing them, I don't know what to say.
[02:18:15] Yeah, like in contrast to yesterday, Tex-Up went 20 and 8 on Mirage.
[02:18:20] He was farming.
[02:18:21] Ricky was 14 and 7.
[02:18:23] So, those two guys had gone a little bit missing here.
[02:18:27] Payne's sort of up holding his end of the bargain.
[02:18:29] He had a really good map yesterday too.
[02:18:33] Tex-Up did play good on D2.
[02:18:35] Tex-Up was good on both maps, yeah.
[02:18:37] No, I mean just today as well.
[02:18:38] Today, yeah, yeah, no.
[02:18:42] I expected it to be perfect every map and seems like he's kind of run out of steam
[02:18:46] yet and that might just be the catalyst for a rooster victory.
[02:18:57] The polarity of Counterstrike 2. Sometimes you just do the peeking, sometimes you just get
[02:19:05] peeks and one of those gives you an advantage, Jordan. Which one? Figure it out. Well speaking
[02:19:30] of peeking looks like rusa are peeking at the right time yep today it's all about
[02:19:36] in chemistry don't worry about yes don't worry about it you've got your
[02:19:41] lives but today is the day like I said today's the day today's the day I'm
[02:19:52] sure what for but it is the day we're stuck four rounds away from a w in the
[02:20:01] series look at my they are trying to make it a quick second map but let's see
[02:20:06] they can do on the CT side and if they can win another pistol, at the moment they're
[02:20:10] mindfreak, all forced in, all brought in, as much as they can in the final round of the
[02:20:14] half. And Bruce up, not letting them breathe, just going straight out towards B, double
[02:20:19] short set up, big naïve stack on the TJ, is going to finish him, soft an ASAP,
[02:20:23] Tuck's going to take him, he's on the 3v5, mindfreak for 4, more than enough time
[02:20:28] for the full rotation already, but Slimey's got full A, is he ready for Ricky? No.
[02:20:33] So that'll give at least a little bit of something to Mindfleet to play with in the second half, but
[02:20:41] It's still gonna require a fantastic start to the second half pistol round for sure. I haven't given themselves a lot of wiggle room
[02:20:51] That's not count out chill and danger just yet to be fair rounds not over
[02:20:56] But it ain't looking good. Hmm. You're gonna regroup in mid
[02:21:10] Time starts danger. Oh hang on
[02:21:13] One player over towards B, two on A, some clean entries here from Rooster on A and this could be round done.
[02:21:21] Chill, he's going to try and take that fight forward. Molly's going to go through the bomb, keep planted.
[02:21:25] Chill gets flashed and now it's on to danger solo. Let's see if his shots are better than his smoke so far, so good.
[02:21:32] But run down by Tux, shot through the box and that'll be mine for you to grab themselves to third.
[02:21:37] It was a good effort from Danger and Chelt, but Rooster remain on 9 at the end of the
[02:21:42] half.
[02:25:17] Wait, where are we going with this one?
[02:25:18] Is this straight to a 2-0, straight to the grand final for Rooster?
[02:25:22] Wishy!
[02:25:28] Didn't get to see Art of War and Rooster play each other so far.
[02:25:31] So wouldn't mind having a little bit of a crack at that one.
[02:25:37] The TJ, Viridian, IGL matchup that we all never asked for but definitely deserve.
[02:25:44] Molly, gonna be dropped through trying to split up, she's in nice hold by Danger
[02:25:48] for the first one.
[02:25:49] Already there towards van Piller swinging nice trade nice site control plenty of space to get this bomb planted
[02:25:56] So step one accomplished and Montreak looking for more. It's all down at the headshots now for rusa
[02:26:01] No, you till to make their way back in the side. I've already lost slimy
[02:26:06] They do appear to be struggling to find many of those straight backs finally chill able to chime in with one and now
[02:26:12] ASAP collecting Ricky starts to look doable for rusa all of a sudden and it's over
[02:26:17] It took a little while to get going, but once it started rolling, it was unstoppable.
[02:26:22] A double-digit start to the second half for a roof thrust.
[02:26:28] Very bad news, indeed, for Mindfree.
[02:26:30] Not bad, not bad.
[02:26:39] They got places to be. Three more needed.
[02:26:42] And Mindfree is going to be going for the fourth gear with that plant.
[02:26:46] Payne with an AK.
[02:26:47] Full armor. Tuck's going down to the UMP.
[02:26:51] I'm going to get some extra utility.
[02:26:53] I'd love to see it.
[02:26:55] As I had done for some individuals loving that slow fire rate in CS2.
[02:27:00] And what we got here, bit of mid control,
[02:27:04] Texture with the Mach 10 already escalating towards Connector.
[02:27:11] Double A main setup, make it a third with Gump Rotating in.
[02:27:15] Got all that Util, Top Con Smoke going to be coming through just in time for Texture to just move.
[02:27:21] Chellios is just going to try to play around it, nice little triangular defensive setup.
[02:27:27] But it's all going to build down at the time. He texted me making his way into jungle through those smokes.
[02:27:31] And we'll get jungle control, but it's...
[02:27:33] ...the stairs they need to worry about.
[02:27:35] And the front slide.
[02:27:36] Text, I think he got tagged by that molly.
[02:27:38] So they are aware the jungle's dirty.
[02:27:39] We'll see if the communication has come through.
[02:27:41] Danger not quite ready to go to the fourth base.
[02:27:43] Ooh, a shell!
[02:27:44] Oh! That's...
[02:27:45] How many does he have to hold it?
[02:27:47] It was sap to take the two from short, though.
[02:27:49] I thought shell was going to get that third player there, but...
[02:27:54] ...not quite.
[02:27:55] Text up.
[02:27:58] You know very powerful. Slimey though. Oh, you can straight through you just do that you just know he's there and you can't do that
[02:28:06] That's madness. Nice gonna do enough
[02:28:10] This round has gone from very winnable Bruce it's now maybe almost impossible for ASAP I
[02:28:17] Love this though great community communication
[02:28:21] Communication communication my brain's a little tired ladies and gentlemen, sorry
[02:28:24] Ricky, you're gonna be stuck here at default, but the bomb is gonna be planted at the open text up.
[02:28:28] He picked up a pistol. I think he picked up a pistol or a smoke or something.
[02:28:33] He thought he was stopping at his gun.
[02:28:35] That was weird. But it works. Mindfreak, get on the board.
[02:28:39] Nice little tunnel of smokes to allow Texter into jungle.
[02:28:42] Ended up being the difference maker.
[02:28:44] Even though he had a very rough first half, he's here just in time.
[02:28:54] Alright, Spanner in the works there for Rooster.
[02:28:57] I don't know if Maimpreet can do to roosa what was just done to them first after 9 3 score line
[02:29:02] Can you come back from it?
[02:29:03] You want to stay in the Atlanta qualifier you better hope so
[02:29:07] Down on dust 2 but they did also get themselves a win on Raj yesterday
[02:29:15] You know, they've got the chops
[02:29:16] What's that strange now noise? I just heard in my my ears my I've got a very good email. Oh
[02:29:25] Okay, yeah, so it's like yeah, you got like you got like a
[02:29:29] your masterclass by three.
[02:29:32] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[02:29:35] Alright, I'm picking up what you're putting down.
[02:29:38] Well, ace up.
[02:29:40] I'm going to hold onto this mid-control shot.
[02:29:42] Oh!
[02:29:43] Oh!
[02:29:44] Okay!
[02:29:45] He's doing more than just hold on on the mid-control.
[02:29:47] Take a couple of heads with him.
[02:29:48] 2v2.
[02:29:50] Text up low on site.
[02:29:52] The bomb is out in the open in that text.
[02:29:54] He's got to do it late.
[02:29:56] No way.
[02:29:57] Could have planted safe.
[02:29:58] Could have absolutely planted safe.
[02:30:00] safe and now they might be punished for a good shot by ASAP, Slammy and Shell to follow up.
[02:30:05] Certainly there and Texa with 8 HP, how can you hope to win this round?
[02:30:12] He's got to find a way to retrieve that bomb, doesn't know necessarily where both of these
[02:30:17] CTs are, he's still very wary of apartments and Shell will finish it off so just as quickly as
[02:30:23] mine for you think they're back into the half, it is immediately stolen away from them.
[02:30:27] two more need it mine free looking to lock in here and try to make the comeback
[02:30:40] happen but yeah rooster just keeping him guessing a low-bite hitting them with a
[02:30:43] dub like that is certainly going to ruin any momentum any confidence that
[02:30:49] they had
[02:30:53] Head out valve one-time.
[02:30:57] A bit of a creep from mine-tree through the underpass.
[02:31:08] A lot of noise being made by a rooster in mid at the moment.
[02:31:11] Text up.
[02:31:13] You'll be aware there's somebody on short.
[02:31:14] Acer could be in danger.
[02:31:17] But instead, Texter takes the fight into connector instead and TJP's ready for it.
[02:31:21] Something like a toffee for mine-tree.
[02:31:32] Port out Ricky.
[02:31:34] One's on there on a chelt.
[02:31:35] on a chill. In the 2v3 it's gonna be difficult for Rooster, but I'm not gonna say it's unachievable.
[02:31:41] Slimey swinging, gonna be able to snatch one away and TJ finds one more on 4 points of health.
[02:31:45] Just like bomb goes down, they played for the objective, they knew that something was going wrong.
[02:31:50] And Slimey might be the difference maker, that's the thing, that's the thing.
[02:31:56] If nothing else, I mean TJP goes down here in connector, low HP, but Slimey's full HP, and next to the bomb.
[02:32:03] Yeah, now we'll come into play.
[02:32:08] Still favourable for slimy right now. Gump's got a lot of angles to clear.
[02:32:13] You have to be aware of the top midboxes as well, cut out.
[02:32:18] But starting to isolate a few of those bills. Nice little off angle though from slimy.
[02:32:24] And that is 12 secured for Rooster.
[02:32:27] Tough day to be in the minefreak camp unfortunately. It was looking so promising yesterday, but...
[02:32:36] today a different beast for minefreak and for rooster and one round away yeah
[02:33:00] they're not gonna go down without a fight flying in as best they can here just
[02:33:04] going forward with old XT rooster don't have too much utility to deal with it
[02:33:09] but they're not gonna need that utility already ripping them to shreds
[02:33:12] chel looking for anything across the top there's just gonna be fire with fire
[02:33:16] rooster 13 to 4 2 to 0 and closing this one out getting
[02:33:20] Reventry yesterday. Yeah, that was something and that's a promising sign definitely for rooster that they're kind of going from strength to strength
[02:33:28] They look really bad yesterday in that first game. We've got you've got to watch of them a little better in the game against house bets
[02:33:34] Even better today against mind-freaking game one of the day and obviously now into the grand final against art of war
[02:33:42] Could be could be a nice little comeback from rooster, but see what art of war have been cooking up in the lab because they also
[02:33:48] So we're very surprising yesterday right the win against house beds the win against mine freak didn't predict either of those
[02:33:56] Probably won't predict them to beat rooster in this grand final, but if they've done it twice yesterday and
[02:34:03] Started to sort of shift that narrative
[02:34:04] They can maybe continue to do it again today
[02:34:06] Especially if they clean up a couple of the little things that were going wrong for them
[02:34:10] The guard of war may be going to be a little bit more of a handful for for rooster than most might anticipate
[02:34:16] But it's the way the brackets sort of played out
[02:34:19] Over the course of the close qualifier and find ourselves with the art of war up against rooster in that grand final
[02:34:24] That's gonna be at 830 Australian Eastern standard time. So just over a couple of hours
[02:34:31] Yeah, I'm keen to watch it to be honest rooster and art of war
[02:34:35] It's a tailor's oldest time TJ making fun of Viridian for as long as possible Viridian
[02:34:42] infiltrating
[02:34:44] Brewster know thy enemy know thy friend whatever the bloody quote is I haven't actually read the art of war myself, but
[02:34:51] mate
[02:34:53] Eddie might be in the head of TJP. We don't know which way this is gonna go
[02:34:57] But Brewster are playing much better CS today Jordan
[02:34:59] Then what they were yesterday and that could be the recipe for success
[02:35:04] So we can see other of these teams making their way to the US of a yeah indeed indeed
[02:35:10] Well, I tell you what, that is us for the moment, like I said, it's going to be an extended
[02:35:14] break here before the grand final, couple of hours away, but Rusa and the art of war at 830. Be there.
[04:34:36] What is up my gamers, welcome back. I hope you had a nice little break there. I did. I did.
[04:34:41] What did you do? I had some dinner, played some games, relaxed a little bit,
[04:34:46] and now I got ready for a big game of Counter Strike. Is that what we're going to get though
[04:34:50] from this Grand Final War. Maybe. Is it maybe going to be a disappointing one?
[04:34:53] Maybe. Let's see, Mac. The Art of War and Rooster. I didn't get to have a chance to
[04:34:58] chat with the Rooster boys just yet, but I did get to chinwag with a couple of
[04:35:02] the Art of War individuals and they're pretty confident, so I'm keen to see
[04:35:05] what they have lined up. Yeah, they should be. They looked pretty good
[04:35:09] yesterday. 2-1 over Mainfreak, 2-1 over Housebets.
[04:35:13] Rooster certainly looked a little bit shaky yesterday. It has to be said they
[04:35:16] They did lose the mindfreak and only just got over the line against House Betts.
[04:35:20] But a bit of a reinvigorated looking rooster coming into today.
[04:35:24] They were able to sweep that lower bracket final against Mindfreak and they booked themselves
[04:35:29] a ticket into the Grand Final against Art of War.
[04:35:31] Now this is the only matchup that we could have gotten today that we haven't seen already.
[04:35:36] So that'll be interesting in and of itself.
[04:35:38] Don't believe we've actually seen these teams play against each other at all in,
[04:35:44] in this qualifier, but even just generally speaking, there isn't a huge amount of history
[04:35:50] between these teams. We've seen them up in ESL Challenger League where Art of War was
[04:35:55] able to actually grab the 2-0, but a very, very close couple of maps there. And again,
[04:36:01] like I'm saying, a bit of a different looking rooster today. Maybe makes you think that
[04:36:08] what we saw yesterday wasn't what we're going to get again today. But I've continually
[04:36:13] doubted art of war is it fair to keep downing them going into this grand final?
[04:36:17] Maybe, maybe it is you know in terms of history it's been a bit interesting you
[04:36:23] know there hasn't been a lot of history for art of war they've just been friends
[04:36:26] sort of playing for a decent amount of time and I'm hoping that we get get
[04:36:31] some kind of decent game here I have a feeling if rooster aren't coming in ready
[04:36:35] if they aren't coming in warm there is every reality every world where we're
[04:36:39] going to be seeing house house of war my brain art of war going to America yeah I
[04:36:48] think the crazy story right like we would not have ever expected out of war
[04:36:53] probably to even be in this grand final let alone to go to Atlanta so there's a
[04:36:58] big big opportunity for these guys I don't I don't remember the last time
[04:37:01] that any of these players would have been a game away from an international
[04:37:06] qualification spot maybe for ESL Challenger Melbourne were they involved in
[04:37:11] in that final the qualifier for that one but Viridian was on one of the teams that's
[04:37:17] what I'm thinking right but then you had to observe and couldn't play I think is
[04:37:23] that what happened I don't know what they lost anyway what I'm trying to get at
[04:37:27] it's like for Rooster this is sort of like irregular day at the office
[04:37:31] whereas for out of war like I said I don't think that they've really had
[04:37:36] this kind of an opportunity before so big big pressure I guess on Art of War
[04:37:41] yeah that they'd love to get it over the line but I think that that may
[04:37:44] actually play against them we can touch on the video quickly here as well got
[04:37:48] inferno nuke and then Mirage inferno was the pick of Art of War yeah so
[04:37:55] something a little bit different for rooster to have to deal with but again
[04:37:59] definitely a map that's in the wheelhouse for them I did hear that
[04:38:03] that Art of War were very happy with Avido, so we did see him have a very good affair
[04:38:08] on Nuke yesterday, and we also saw them play Pretty Bloody Well on Inferna, so there is
[04:38:13] every reality, every world where they're going to be able to take a dub today, but it just
[04:38:17] depends on what we're going to be able to see from the likes of Roostup, because
[04:38:22] we have seen them on the Orange map pool two times, but we have not seen them on
[04:38:27] any other maps, maybe, yeah they got to flex it a little bit up against House
[04:38:31] space yesterday but we'll see what they're going to be able to do here in this series
[04:38:35] against a very strong looking art of war.
[04:38:38] Yeah I was talking to her a little bit earlier today and he was sort of saying that they
[04:38:44] had identified the same kinds of things that we were talking about yesterday on the broadcast
[04:38:48] in that they were getting into good position but they weren't really executing on that
[04:38:51] or converting on that in the sense that you know they'd be up 4 on 3 or something
[04:38:56] like that they'd have site control and then they would lose that round and that's
[04:38:59] That's kind of what I felt lost them nuke against minefreak, and that they were even
[04:39:03] sort of indicating they did feel relatively comfortable on nuke, so even despite outloss
[04:39:06] yesterday maybe nuke not going to be the worst map for them going into this grand
[04:39:11] final, something to sort of keep in mind, obviously going into it, I would say I still
[04:39:20] will be favoring rooster here, but I think if Art of War can get off on the front
[04:39:28] foot on the right foot and pick up inferno. Maybe that starts to convince me again because
[04:39:35] I don't know like what's yesterday an overperformance from Art of War or are they
[04:39:39] going to be able to bring the same kind of level to the table again today and can they do it
[04:39:43] against Urusa that you know if Urusa if Urusa plays as well as we know that they can
[04:39:49] is that a team that Art of War at their best can be. Look now's the time you want to be
[04:39:54] peeking next week and all over the weekend is when you want to be peeking as well.
[04:39:58] You've got the RMRs coming up. You want to be bringing and playing your best
[04:40:02] Counter-Strike possible in the oceanic region right now because there are a
[04:40:05] lot of international opportunities on the horizon and if you play a best game
[04:40:10] you're gonna give yourself the best shot to take these opportunities and
[04:40:13] really show which capable of. Man I just want AUCS to do well you know. I
[04:40:18] don't care who's going overseas as long as they don't choke as long as
[04:40:22] play good counter strike as long as we see some success for the region it's
[04:40:25] gonna make me happy well I mean just in the context of what they would be
[04:40:30] qualifying into I guess we can touch on that quickly teams that are already
[04:40:34] confirmed attending Atlanta big Bet Boom matey fly quest and audit so M80 M80
[04:40:42] yeah yeah I like to go with matey I do too but it caught me off I wasn't
[04:40:47] M80
[04:40:50] So it's not a bad shout actually like these these teams are
[04:40:54] fairly solid teams, but not unbeatable teams
[04:40:58] I would say for the likes of rooster and maybe art of war if they can get through this qual
[04:41:04] Yeah, I have to see who gets through the North America qual and the European qual
[04:41:09] It'll be interesting as well because I don't know how say like pro league next year because we're going into the open circuit if it's still gonna be
[04:41:17] Some invites some
[04:41:19] Qualifications through other things or if it's all gonna have to go back to the valve ranking
[04:41:24] Because there's that whole conversation with how the tournaments are all gonna work and I just don't know
[04:41:29] So look the winner of this you would assume quals to pro league next year, but then will
[04:41:35] Will that happen or is it gonna be to maybe a different route?
[04:41:38] Other way you make it to Atlanta you have a shot of Atlanta
[04:41:41] Maybe you get a win or two in Atlanta or you get some of those teams you listed
[04:41:45] You're gonna put yourself in a good position in the valve rankings leading towards next year international experience
[04:41:50] It's national wins prize money all that means a lot and you know sometimes here in Oast we just don't get prize money
[04:41:56] Or even games sometimes that are on HLTV. So they're the kind of things we need to be focusing on you
[04:42:03] Yeah, I don't know. I mean that's yeah, like you can't really make any kind of informed comment at this point
[04:42:10] I suppose as to how things are gonna look in 2025
[04:42:12] We just have to sort of wait and find out and hopefully it'll all work out all fall into place
[04:42:17] I know that there's a few cool things at least I've heard there's a few cool things kind of coming up in in 2025
[04:42:23] So you're looking forward to it
[04:42:24] But for now I think especially in the case of art of war
[04:42:28] You know if this team is gonna go the distance and if they're gonna maybe solidify themselves as a as a real conversation point in
[04:42:34] Anz like this actually would be the time to do it, right? This is the best
[04:42:38] Performance that I think we've seen from art of war
[04:42:40] really ever in any of the iterations of this team and any of the iterations of
[04:42:46] like the banana Terry mixes that we've seen in the past this is them now feeling
[04:42:51] like maybe they've had that experience they've had that time building it up in
[04:42:54] A&Z champs and going through the motions even playing overseas a little bit
[04:42:57] in Hong Kong again coming back and putting it kind of together and this
[04:43:03] would be a really big announcement to the rest of the competition in A&Z that
[04:43:07] Hey Art of War is actually a legitimate conversation point rather than you know
[04:43:11] Just another one of those teams that's kind of thrown in there to fill out the numbers which should I mean honest
[04:43:15] Has kind of felt like they have been in the past, right?
[04:43:17] I feel like in the past we go to an 18 competition and we go okay
[04:43:20] We've got fly course bad news kangaroos rooster, you know minefreak vantage DXA and it's like
[04:43:28] KZG like who else should we get who else is gonna fit in there?
[04:43:31] Okay Art of War, you know, they sort of just slip in there as one of the last sort of teams in
[04:43:35] but obviously with the performance we saw from them yesterday like that's a
[04:43:39] really solid, consistent kind of conversation that now they have to back
[04:43:45] up again right? A one-day wonder is great you know we're talking about that day
[04:43:49] for a while every time we're looking at the Art of War matches we'll be saying
[04:43:52] well we know what level they can actually bring but is it gonna be a
[04:43:56] level that they're gonna be able to bring on a consistent basis and do it
[04:43:59] more than once you know more than twice are they gonna be able to even
[04:44:03] actually seal the deal and make that qualification slot there so if they did
[04:44:06] that you know then people are gonna go okay who actually is this out-of-war team
[04:44:09] right because they're playing internationally and people start to
[04:44:12] pay attention but I think if they don't manage to convert this grand final
[04:44:16] once again it's gonna be kind of like well that was fun but yes rooster again
[04:44:20] and out of war sort of fades back into obscurity so let's see if they can do
[04:44:24] it today big day ahead for out-of-war certainly for rooster as well with
[04:44:28] this new iteration of the roster wanting to qualify for their first
[04:44:31] international land as well. Kick things off on Inferno. Let's go! Let's get it!
[04:44:38] Let's see what Rooster have here on the T side of Inferno, which is where they've
[04:44:43] opted to start. Just passive a banana expecting out of water maybe throw
[04:44:47] something at them, but out of war playing a passive approach all the
[04:44:50] way tucked on to the back of site Viridian with a flash looking to take
[04:44:54] that one way or another and the O's also got that smoke to try and block
[04:44:57] or at least just drop it back aside and play around passively.
[04:45:02] Honestly, that's not a bad setup for Art of War.
[04:45:06] Three players over toward the B bomb site and that's where Rooster...
[04:45:12] are going to be headed by the looks of things. They've got a lot of you to play with here.
[04:45:15] Couple of mollies, couple of smokes.
[04:45:18] First smoke is going to go toward Coffins.
[04:45:22] Second, of course, towards CT.
[04:45:25] And then I dare say the Molotov is probably going to be a good spot for Nio,
[04:45:28] He's actually got the
[04:45:30] Of his own ready and waiting for that again set up good for out of war conversion nice as well
[04:45:36] Viridian at Neo banana all striking for one danger able to trade back on in but not doing enough just yet
[04:45:43] One head goes pop another as well and all of a sudden we find ourselves in the 1v1
[04:45:48] It was such a great start for out of war
[04:45:51] And now it rests in the balance oath to try to close
[04:45:55] Danger, creepy, in a solid position to deal with the banana pressure, but with 20 seconds left he's got to make a move, he's got to put that plant down, and Oath is ready, passive, waiting.
[04:46:06] And gambling that he hasn't gone to A, it's a great gamble, we know it.
[04:46:11] And Oath not getting an inch, oh the tap, the stick, in comes Oath, he's got the timing, got the angle.
[04:46:18] got the angle. Oh he's got an opportunity. One more bullet surely. Get this job done.
[04:46:23] He's running in the pit, mate. Far away and gets it done. Art of war going to be taking
[04:46:28] that first pistol.
[04:46:29] Yeah, it's just that fake tap that really undoes him, isn't it? Right, if he commits
[04:46:33] to the plant there, he's probably able to change up his positioning a little bit by
[04:46:37] being stuck behind Pillar, both getting the opportunity to close that gap on the
[04:46:42] second tap. Thanks for the difference and do all these. I was expecting to win
[04:46:47] that fight. 1 to 0, Art of War. Start, well, and that is important for them today.
[04:46:54] Rooster are not going to be an easy team to put away even in the best of
[04:46:59] circumstances, and I wouldn't necessarily say these are the best of circumstances
[04:47:02] for Art of War. Rooster looking better today than they did yesterday, so make sure
[04:47:10] they cross the trees, dot the I's, and this is one of those rounds. We have 4
[04:47:14] I don't want to know where chicken in the way out of war not backing down just
[04:47:26] looking for full banana control and I like the way they're doing this not
[04:47:30] over investing not overstaying in banana rather just taking the initial
[04:47:35] control leaving banana here at the Nana makes sense and the rest of them
[04:47:40] just going to stack out so far so good for out of war but I'm just got a
[04:47:48] a lot of utils as well that you can hold on to banana with.
[04:47:51] I'm pressured enough to force that smoke out just yet.
[04:47:59] Called for the rotation of Neo.
[04:48:04] But Neo doesn't have a whole lot of assisting utils, so at the end of the day, push comes
[04:48:09] to shove up this- actually never mind, it's Terry.
[04:48:12] I don't even know what I'm looking at, but it was Terry that was coming across all
[04:48:14] of the time.
[04:48:15] Well, plenty of utils, so I'm lying.
[04:48:17] That's fine.
[04:48:18] It's been a long day.
[04:48:19] Yeah, smoke went down.
[04:48:21] Good timing there for Art of War.
[04:48:23] in as well. Good timing on that one. So it's fallen into place for the CTs.
[04:48:27] He's going to be forced to go straight through it. MP9 should shred in the bits.
[04:48:42] Limey going to be able to find one trade onto banana.
[04:48:45] The Terri with 14 in the clip is calling to switch locations.
[04:48:49] Neo not going to be able to get here in time and a lovely couple of shots from the P250.
[04:48:52] Bring it to that 3v3. While I'm going to explain it, they know it's a potential 3v2 on site.
[04:48:57] AK pulled out. Molotov's new box.
[04:48:59] It seems to be getting a little bit awkward, they're just trying to fight for it, but it's the CTs, Art of War, to successfully retake, taking everything, and Rooster, at least get that point down to the AK, initially net a lot of damage, so Rooster probably gonna force up here and keep on that financial pressure.
[04:49:16] That's a good look from out of war.
[04:49:19] Potentially the area around played it quite nicely on the retake.
[04:49:25] Force flight here though for about once again.
[04:49:28] Really gonna keep that pressure on.
[04:49:46] This time Rooster, not going too aggressive anywhere.
[04:49:49] Keep J.
[04:49:51] Still got a big collider with Char.
[04:49:53] Banana disrespecting it.
[04:49:54] Have it take some damage for the Info.
[04:49:56] But don't find anyone there.
[04:49:58] And Rooster, let that wave of utility settle.
[04:50:01] So I'll set him into the race for Rooster here as they look to clear apartments
[04:50:14] Not making any inroads into banana in the meanwhile or looking for info in mid not really seeing much of that flash
[04:50:35] About finding a timing out of board
[04:50:41] Rest the team to come across Molly over to dig
[04:50:45] Rooster now have brackets I've done a pretty good job of forcing out of wall back for Indians on the rotate across
[04:50:50] Will he get there in time?
[04:50:52] If only he has a H&E to assist these two side players.
[04:50:56] He's about to peek out from the library.
[04:50:59] Now that he's getting dumped, Meridian's got one through the smoke.
[04:51:02] It's a good start again for Art of War.
[04:51:04] And they're trying to halt it onto the A bomb site.
[04:51:06] Oath!
[04:51:07] That's one of the M59s from Peer.
[04:51:09] He can't get more than that.
[04:51:10] But still, he's done his job.
[04:51:12] And now it's up to the rest of the lads to make the retake happen.
[04:51:15] So I'm going to port Meridian, spanning back through that smoke.
[04:51:18] smoke now two on two things getting a little awkward with that next smoke going
[04:51:25] down again Neo trying to draw attention of the arch side but going quiet
[04:51:29] hasn't quite done his job just yet but now I'm gonna be able to take his contacts
[04:51:32] liming waiting for the push from Neo who never comes through the smoke and
[04:51:36] rooster going to secure themselves
[04:51:39] A2v4 on the smoke
[04:51:43] I'm a little bit of cover but can't find the first man and that's a solid round from
[04:51:48] rooster and that'll also track the economy from the art of war yeah unfortunately the art of war is
[04:51:53] the straw that breaks the cameras back anything off rounds couple of clothes like that just look at
[04:52:02] and given the economic bias of the game of the map coming the scorelines two to one very quickly
[04:52:13] being equalized it's a little bit to play within this round for art of war to be fair
[04:52:22] Some upgraded pistols, a couple of flashes, but I'm sure the rooster are going to be too susceptible to a round like this one.
[04:52:33] Might be a little bit more scared if I saw some banana and terry.
[04:52:44] There's one flash, Nio's got another one. Flash round the corner goes banana.
[04:52:53] There was a couple of players that were fully white, but yeah, that's a little bit too much to get done with just pistols.
[04:52:59] And so, let's be around for this stuff every day of the week.
[04:53:03] Here in the grunts, here in the YouTube, flooding the rumors and the hoaxes, you need to come in,
[04:53:09] on this contact, and then you get something number 5-7 that roost our heads up everywhere.
[04:53:13] And eventually, Terry, give us that 10 second ninja.
[04:53:19] That's no idea, this is me, Dara, there you go.
[04:53:36] Also heads up late.
[04:53:38] Danger, none the wiser, but slimy.
[04:53:40] Does the dirty work, and roost out, we'll tie things up here to a piece.
[04:53:44] Start looking pretty good and out of war going through a force by back myself with the MP9s and utility
[04:54:08] I don't mind it
[04:54:20] Yeah, it has
[04:54:21] Not been too successful and bananas gonna go down as well on the way out
[04:54:26] Even that Nate not quite going deep enough to tickle the toes of rooster
[04:54:30] Slowly but surely get the feeling that out of war
[04:54:45] or losing any grip on this half that they might have had, gripping, hoping.
[04:54:55] Are you absolutely gripping right now?
[04:55:02] What I did.
[04:55:04] Out of aura.
[04:55:06] Getting themselves a grip in the correct position.
[04:55:10] Double incite, Terry.
[04:55:12] I can see the tank giving in around here.
[04:55:14] I've got to make a couple more push and now it's all off the ferry.
[04:55:17] He's making it work for the first, not able to do it in a second.
[04:55:20] And he knows how to do this, getting hit on the plank.
[04:55:23] It'd be nice if they a little arrived.
[04:55:25] Oh, it's like what you say today.
[04:55:26] Welcome to take heroic effort off the falcony.
[04:55:29] Danger, good to be able to get that one back.
[04:55:31] It's costly for Rooster, but they get it, though.
[04:55:35] Yeah, it was a good effort for most, but just too much to be done with a sub-standard weapon.
[04:56:01] Smokes over towards B
[04:56:04] And it looks like they're gonna suck the a bomb site you only have so many options when it's a run like this one for out of war
[04:56:10] Yeah, I appreciate the effort more pre-fire near
[04:56:20] unscathed and one smoke to buy time it looks like chill is just gonna disrespect it
[04:56:30] Art of war unable to have the right read and now it's just exit see how many exit so you're really gonna be getting here
[04:56:42] I don't think any rooster are going to just eggs her through the banana.
[04:56:45] It's been a pretty classic rooster tea side hasn't it?
[04:56:50] Yeah it's been alright.
[04:56:52] Slow and steady.
[04:56:54] Working the rounds one by one.
[04:56:55] And now they're well and truly on top of the half.
[04:57:14] Holding pattern over man.
[04:57:15] It's time for the other round.
[04:57:17] It is time for the part of war.
[04:57:21] To the out of war?
[04:57:24] Yeah they need to live up to their name you know.
[04:57:27] Oh yeah.
[04:57:28] of like the art of do okay but lose the game that's what i'm kind of getting it right now you know
[04:57:34] i want the art of war i want the art of war too i feel like they got something up their sleeve
[04:57:40] let's see what they can give us here on a true gun round awp in the hands of iridian on the
[04:57:47] glass cannon and look it's been a rough start but let's see what they're gonna be able to whip
[04:57:52] out now, half banana smoke coming through from both sides.
[04:57:56] A bit of a gentleman's agreement.
[04:57:58] Now they're caught, now they're peeking.
[04:58:00] But there's going to be some aggression from seconds.
[04:58:05] Look at that top mid smoke there.
[04:58:07] There's a chance that they might just bust for some info.
[04:58:11] Good timing. Almost good.
[04:58:26] The idea that part of more of,
[04:58:30] got a bit of a spider-sense tingling,
[04:58:31] this might actually end up being an A here.
[04:58:33] So they've got four players on this side of the map.
[04:58:35] They're not going to be able to do it in this round.
[04:58:36] They're not going to get it done at all, Nioh!
[04:58:38] He's bitten off a little more than he could chew there, but he does well to at least get one before going down.
[04:58:43] He gets the confirmed information that Rusta have multiple members on this other map.
[04:58:49] But Ana even has sort of rotated his way across to make sure...
[04:58:52] ...that this can't go around the world.
[04:58:55] Brilliant one for one, but Slimy!
[04:58:57] Doubling down gets them back into the round.
[04:59:00] All comes down to Oath's position, but as he is able to bring that first player unstuck,
[04:59:05] 33 HP looking for the clutch against Banana. It'll be tough to get a bomb plant with that Molotov available.
[04:59:11] Banana, that's the molly in just a little bit too late.
[04:59:17] Exit to the site. Sly me looking for the headshot but can't find it.
[04:59:21] It will be Banana to grab it and grab the round but man it's an expensive one.
[04:59:26] But it's a round and that's the most important part.
[04:59:33] We saw out of war in a couple of these really close rounds yesterday.
[04:59:37] yesterday, the big spin around, so put them in a winning position, banana of course, let
[04:59:42] them know I have the orb, that's going over Riddion, don't run at him or he's going to
[04:59:46] shoot you. Send in messages Jordan. Yeah. Yeah. What's the setup for round eight? Brust up,
[05:00:09] then you're going to go a bit more aggressive on the banana control, then send back the
[05:00:14] banana native going through to Mollie's lovely utility to completely punish any
[05:00:20] of art of war for going for that banana control that is classic that was
[05:00:27] lovely that's a lot of investment from you till but it got a kill it's a dangerous
[05:00:30] spot to be in now for art of war as well just within that last round you sort of
[05:00:34] get yourself back into the swing of things you G yourself up all of a sudden
[05:00:38] maybe back to square one again with a broken economy five on four
[05:00:43] This round's not going to be easy to hold on to. Oath has only got a MP9 as well, I asked
[05:00:48] to be said, but perfect timing on the holotov. Who caused some problems for Roostup? Oath
[05:00:52] is just such a rock on this A side at the moment. He's doing a lion's share of the job
[05:00:57] with that MP9 and Terry trading nicely. A really nice hold from the Art of War A players
[05:01:04] and they have been rewarded with another round. We'll take it. We'll take it for
[05:01:12] sure. Now into the ninth roost up. Oh my god you scared the fuck out of me holy shit.
[05:01:23] What did rooster do? No Jess just came and kissed me on the head and it scared the shit out of me.
[05:01:28] I can't relate. Sorry. This is why you don't kiss girls. This is why you don't kiss girls.
[05:01:36] Don't don't let them kiss you all right. Apologies for the naughty words.
[05:01:44] My children will be hearing about this you said it earlier I've done my one we're even Stevens or
[05:01:51] I said one you said three in the same sentence we are not the same I thought I said it one to one
[05:01:57] you're gonna get us demonetized just like Billy gets my podcast demonetized
[05:02:03] he's a little bugger he's a little bugger back right oh maybe Bruce is about to be demonetized
[05:02:18] as well. They're on the T side so not as big of a concern as it is for Art of War who have
[05:02:25] already really been able to scrounge their 4 CT rounds together. They have definitely not been
[05:02:30] doing this easily. Had to work hard for all the rounds. Huh? Just tell me. Yeah, he's waiting
[05:02:56] patiently. No push up, no one's beat though. Well, it's actually going A. Nio, important job here.
[05:03:03] Had to get that one unlocked. Didn't manage to do so. Again, Oath and Terry. Oh, you
[05:03:07] You gotta stop going. Hey, these guys are just too good
[05:03:10] Just able to play off one another
[05:03:14] In an effective manner banana has her two jagers running around
[05:03:21] Won't necessarily be hunting for that one looks like he has accidentally hit his banana hit his banana
[05:03:27] Banana has hit his mouse on something Jordan. It's probably bent on. I'm sorry guys. It's getting late
[05:03:33] Yeah, we're gonna get scared by things that don't usually scare me
[05:03:36] Wrap it up go to a break and we'll see
[05:03:42] No, it's time for bed.
[05:03:44] Oh yeah, true.
[05:03:46] Very good. I'm glad we're both on the same page.
[05:03:50] Same planet? Maybe not.
[05:04:02] Alright, being chillin'.
[05:04:04] Roost up, looking to
[05:04:06] try and get a bit more damage done
[05:04:08] to Art of War to at least thin out that economy.
[05:04:10] And a bare minimum, Viridian.
[05:04:12] You can see him getting left solo
[05:04:14] on B as the rest of the Art of War
[05:04:16] happy just to rotate.
[05:04:18] Stack that A site.
[05:04:20] Roost have just been throwing this mid-banana smoke to block any information
[05:04:25] and have just been dripping up, going harder exit towards A.
[05:04:29] Nice timing on the block.
[05:04:32] Oh, there's Info. TJ.
[05:04:38] Moulding. That's really good.
[05:04:55] Again, good read from Art of War.
[05:04:57] War players on the A site.
[05:04:59] Roost are going to try and barter down that door once again.
[05:05:02] It's been relatively unsuccessful.
[05:05:04] Over there to double down Terry in for one as well. That is a super solid hold from Art of War
[05:05:11] On the A bomb site. It is looking like an absolute fortress at the moment
[05:05:17] And as we go through this half Art of War are looking better and better on the CT side six to four now with a chance to
[05:05:26] Even go further than that
[05:05:29] It'll have to be a half by best case scenario here from Russo pistol armor
[05:05:33] And out of war, I mean, the way they go, they're on freight.
[05:05:37] It just looks pretty bloody good.
[05:05:44] On the horizon, they just need to get past the tech 9s from Rooster, which can be a problem.
[05:05:49] Looks like it won't be this time, TJ, beating the accusations, beating the odds, and beating the utility.
[05:06:05] Get a nice little timing towards the top of Banana, and Rooster definitely setting their sights on B this time.
[05:06:22] I think they're realising there's been a bit more success towards this side of the map.
[05:06:27] Indeed.
[05:06:29] There's two bangers, so if he can flash Nioh off the line, it's looking good.
[05:06:35] This is going to be one of the first tests in quite a while for Banana and Nioh.
[05:06:40] They haven't over-rotated an extra player over towards A, so that's already a decent start to the art of war.
[05:06:45] They need to find some frags though and Banana, ah, the pressure!
[05:06:48] doing very well gets himself to lots of low HP players here as well for
[05:06:54] rooster so you know fan sees himself as a chance and like the hole in that smoke he
[05:06:58] looks to exploit it doesn't quite get away with it but still alive and four on
[05:07:04] three for retaking the round like this should be art of wars every day of the
[05:07:08] week even with that smoke coverage coming through from rooster but of
[05:07:12] extra damage onto oath who's a bit spooked about a flank potentially
[05:07:16] coming through. It's a matter for Chilgut himself to kill with the P250 in time.
[05:07:22] Get away! Roostuck! Can they find themselves an avenue in they something?
[05:07:27] Did get himself two but it's not enough as again Oath continues to have a
[05:07:33] phenomenal half 15 and 6 now. Part time imminent. Let's see who take the final
[05:07:46] one of this half. Rooster back on the guns looking to fire for you try and keep it
[05:07:53] as close as possible given the circumstances at halftime and the
[05:07:58] Art of War all brought up utility out the Wazoo extra flash has probably dropped
[05:08:03] in spawn near that ridge. Let's see what Rooster do early aggression.
[05:08:09] What's the mid smoke gel? That is a dangerous game. He's found a shadow
[05:08:14] So he's found a pick, that's lovely work out of him.
[05:08:17] Could be just the uh, little dampener at the end of the first half here for Art of War if they lose this round.
[05:08:32] Been motoring along very nicely up to this point, but no Terry is Terry-fying, potentially.
[05:08:42] For Banana, especially, who has to go high-tailing it out of Banana.
[05:08:45] Actually, forced to drop his smoke pretty early on in the piece as well, called for the rotate of Neo.
[05:08:51] Defense is very much being thinned out.
[05:08:54] Neo has come floating across, he's in a good position to help on out.
[05:09:04] He does have a clock flash available.
[05:09:06] You can have to use it now.
[05:09:08] Already looking a bit rough there. One for two.
[05:09:11] It's not what Art of War we're looking for.
[05:09:13] So Oath will have to conjure a bit of magic here.
[05:09:17] He has been the man of the moment.
[05:09:19] Can you do it again?
[05:09:21] Find a round of the half.
[05:09:22] Loft at a perfect moment and Art of War showing their hand
[05:09:41] Little extra moment. Dell waits for the repeat
[05:09:44] Lovely trigger discipline to make sure he didn't miss that one and Oath in the 1v4 is gonna give it a red hot crack
[05:09:50] He's got a kit. He's got a host of almost all magazine and that first
[05:09:58] And he will burn to the end five on the board for rooster there Art of War lead by two
[05:10:04] 4th first half there but Art of War do manage to get themselves a 7-5 lead.
[05:13:38] Is that going to be enough to secure their map choice? Maybe go to the T side.
[05:13:42] Jury's out but previous history in the Atlanta qualifier would say yes.
[05:13:48] Actually they've been pretty good in this event so far so in the grand final
[05:13:52] why not start with a 1-0 map lead? Why not huh? Why bloody not?
[05:13:58] That's what I've been saying all along. Oath is 7-0 even 7. He's been saying it too.
[05:14:04] And if you can bring that into the second half then it is gonna be curtains for rooster on map one
[05:14:11] But even that I'm not sure is necessarily going to be job done for out of war
[05:14:16] The kind of team to go down without a fight in a qualified like this one
[05:14:23] It's going to toss that one out and keep out of war at bay for an extra couple of seconds now a name for smoke
[05:14:30] He knows duals kind of nicely, but Terry's gonna win it anyway
[05:14:33] And TJ was the only one over toward the B bomb site so this is already bad news for Rooster in the second half
[05:14:39] Yeah, let's see what they're gonna be able to maybe swindle back here
[05:14:46] They gotta get a wriggle on slimy looking to be the point man
[05:14:55] And it's that full clearing outcome, but they're taking so much time in doing so
[05:15:00] Chelyos
[05:15:03] Won't put the cross here in the right position this time
[05:15:05] But it's looking bloody good for Art of War to close things out here, time is ticking, there is a kit on danger but they go in the wrong direction.
[05:15:12] And that means Art of War have secured themselves 8 ASAP, just gonna farm up some cash, maybe get some armor of 2 more individuals and that's what you're gonna see.
[05:15:21] So at least some financial numbers is done in a way, but Art of War 3 rounds in the lead.
[05:15:27] Let's see it.
[05:15:29] Man what a story this would be if Art of War would qualify for Atlanta.
[05:15:32] And with every round they're getting a step closer
[05:15:36] It's not gonna be a force by food from rooster. You got an MP9 for danger upgraded for the rest
[05:15:42] for smokes
[05:15:44] It's not a lot to work with but
[05:15:47] In general is one of those maps where you can make a lot happen with a little
[05:15:50] Now I asked you yesterday in this same situation
[05:16:00] If you were rooster
[05:16:01] What would you call to win the rent? What's the call here?
[05:16:04] Yeah, this is I mean this is a little bit different because it's a little bit more to play with I think
[05:16:07] Yeah, a little bit.
[05:16:08] What we'd be trying to do is just try to recycle some smokes on the B site with TJP
[05:16:14] trying to keep Art of War at bay just through the sheer utility factor
[05:16:18] and stacking the extra members over on A.
[05:16:22] That's more or less what they've gone for.
[05:16:25] Worst case scenario, you
[05:16:28] save the upgraded pistols and the armor through to the next round.
[05:16:32] Best case scenario, Art of War go A
[05:16:35] And you have a fighting chance
[05:16:38] Looks like it's probably gonna be the worst-case scenario though for roost up
[05:16:43] Cjp would have to do something monumental with five seven to
[05:16:47] Really make any inroads
[05:16:56] Okay, Terry gonna be able to crack open the festivities here
[05:17:00] couple of skulls and
[05:17:02] roost up
[05:17:11] yeah it really is
[05:17:13] that's fair enough
[05:17:15] we're gonna get a buy-through next round anyways
[05:17:33] and it saves city
[05:17:38] he's up
[05:17:39] can you find an exit
[05:17:40] is he gonna get hungry he doesn't have armor he's got a little bit of cash in the bank
[05:17:47] Smoke's gone through, get down it's gone up.
[05:17:50] Oh! Too late.
[05:17:52] Smoke's been survived.
[05:17:54] And we'll be buying the hero orb.
[05:17:58] For Chelyos.
[05:17:59] I mean it's not even really a hero orb at this point, is it? It's actually just a...
[05:18:02] It's a mixed bag.
[05:18:03] Yeah, it's a party mix.
[05:18:05] This is a weird buy.
[05:18:07] 2.9k loss bonus.
[05:18:09] Simey's down to 100 bucks, A-taps on 50.
[05:18:12] A-taps got Dually's no armor.
[05:18:14] Chels got an AWP, Slimy's got a rifle,
[05:18:18] Dangerous and MP9, trying to maybe catch Art of War
[05:18:22] off guard with a bit of a cheap buy.
[05:18:25] Art of War isn't necessarily expecting to be going up against some AWP and a rifle in this round
[05:18:29] it will be anticipating, it will just be those four save pistols.
[05:18:34] Rooster have traditionally been a team that, you know, likes to throw some sort of
[05:18:39] wackier buys in here and there, not as much of late,
[05:18:43] But it certainly was a something that they would pick up every now and then
[05:18:50] See if that can bait Art of War into something a little bit silly
[05:19:03] GG Smokes there, Shell playing in front of it
[05:19:05] It's a dangerous game, but with that orb getting seen we'll chill hang around or are we gonna see Art of War
[05:19:11] Keep the accelerated towards A if they can get this pick at a nice timing on ASAP
[05:19:15] It'll work out for the block at apartments is world red
[05:19:19] And if they walk through that into SAP's jewelies, maybe he can still get a solid amount of damage done
[05:19:23] I was on short be him chill covering the rap a couple of bangers in the head from ace up would
[05:19:34] Turn things in the favor of
[05:19:37] Quite going to happen in the end, but chill is really putting in work with the off
[05:19:41] I don't know a bit of an overstep there from oh considering the slope was coming through and
[05:19:47] These shots are so close
[05:19:51] Sometimes down. Yeah three on four
[05:19:54] should still be around for Art of War given the circumstances but first kill
[05:19:59] of this little passage of play does have to go the way of the tease. There's a gun
[05:20:03] at dig, a baseball Viridian in this position, maybe he falls here, attention drawn away from
[05:20:11] Banana who on 2 HP is gonna still have some kind of impact,
[05:20:14] stoffing some individuals but unfortunately for the Art of War it is
[05:20:19] going to be the force by a mixed bag whatever the hell that was winning for
[05:20:23] Rista. Yeah I've been a little bit disappointing for Art of War to lose that one.
[05:20:29] Should have probably been on double digits. 10-5 scoreline would have been really nice.
[05:20:33] Haven't quite been afforded that and to do it the old-fashioned way. A bit more
[05:20:54] hard work going to be required. Yeah. Look they're on the T side. Money's
[05:21:05] relatively healthy still. They were able to get a buy through so no harm no
[05:21:11] foul if they can just pick up this next round. Clashes in, faster approach out of
[05:21:35] war not wasting any time to take bracket but also not showing their hand to walk
[05:21:40] the peace light either but they're still gonna use retake util, some kind of
[05:21:46] utility ASAP close that smoke which means he's gonna swing out in the open
[05:21:50] next to that molly fortunately for him it is that little bit deeper someone
[05:21:53] else had one to save him. Thinks he had a little bit of an awkward, he's gonna get one for one as danger
[05:21:58] I can't cut them off at the pass and roost up you look at the money here saving is a very good option
[05:22:05] Indeed
[05:22:06] TGP's gonna hang around have I think about it. Maybe the comms have gone through that there's a couple of lower HP players
[05:22:15] A couple of ticks of damage you wanted to draw out the peak maybe slimy does get the trade now oath
[05:22:23] Oh, he's head's gone. So I mean wins the clutch for rooster and
[05:22:29] Art of war that's one of those rounds
[05:22:33] that was all too familiar from last night where you thought they were in a good
[05:22:42] position you thought they were gonna convert the round and they just let it
[05:22:45] slip how impactful is that gonna be in the long term in this grand final it's
[05:22:52] not a huge concern right now but if rooster goes on to win this map maybe
[05:22:57] that's the round we point to and say that's kind of where it started to
[05:23:01] come back. That's where it happened. That's probably the previous round to be fair.
[05:23:08] First we're half-life of rooster. It's two sort of like 50-50,
[05:23:12] generally like 60-40 rounds for Heart of War that have actually both gone the way
[05:23:16] of rooster and the answer is so good. What? Meridian two kills with the tech nine.
[05:23:20] Rooster beaten for pace, smoke scowl, spam. Looks good but didn't quite do enough
[05:23:26] and banana able to cross with the bomb so maybe there's still another
[05:23:30] a twist and turn in this game. Looking for angles looking for answers but they're just
[05:23:41] not going to quite find it or the molly. Okay it's gone to a decent spot we'll burn
[05:23:47] one out into the open carry. Will fight impact two on 20 health and that will be the impact
[05:23:55] that they needed. We'll deal with that as well from Chelle missed shot missed opportunity
[05:24:01] and the Art of War are very very close to booking themselves a first map in the bag.
[05:24:08] This is getting hectic George, this is actually getting... getting spicy.
[05:24:15] Yeah.
[05:24:17] 10-7. Great response from Art of War.
[05:24:20] Little bit angry about what happened in the previous round and they answer back so nicely.
[05:24:26] Roostart forced Nel to save.
[05:24:55] Everything's slowing down.
[05:24:57] TJ...
[05:24:59] But he stopped playing it.
[05:25:01] And it's cost him, but he might have set up the base.
[05:25:04] He's slimy in a solid position after maybe find himself a freebie.
[05:25:07] Shell gets too hungry for guns.
[05:25:09] But it has been allowed to get past a danger.
[05:25:11] And because it was under the ragdoll, they didn't see it get picked up.
[05:25:15] Danger's found more than that.
[05:25:17] Because slimy might not get cleared.
[05:25:19] He will.
[05:25:20] Viridian, P250 at the ready.
[05:25:22] And they know where danger is.
[05:25:27] You good?
[05:25:28] What's going on?
[05:25:30] this game
[05:25:37] they just can say
[05:25:38] normalcy has returned
[05:25:43] is going to be eleven four art of war
[05:25:46] but i i i
[05:25:48] i i i indeed
[05:25:57] give me the record scratch right now mark if we if we record scratch freeze
[05:26:02] frame
[05:26:04] from this position right now
[05:26:06] was out of all we
[05:26:10] work
[05:26:11] eleven seven
[05:26:14] What's happening? What are you talking about? What's happening on the next episode of rooster vs. Art of War?
[05:26:20] I want a teaser
[05:26:22] No, you're good. Just tell me he's gonna win the map. Oh
[05:26:31] All right, okay, who's qualifying for it?
[05:26:42] What are you saying?
[05:26:52] Art of War
[05:26:54] I don't believe it. Oh, you're a believer
[05:26:57] I told you I walked on the beach today. I thought today's the day
[05:27:00] you did tell you did say that you have a rough start to this round out for art of
[05:27:08] war losing two players very early on dangerous in a nice position behind this
[05:27:15] smoke there's going to be a walkthrough Terry though is actually going to check
[05:27:21] it and I put the smoke down before he looks to progress chill could think
[05:27:31] about going through it, let's instead to wrap around and watch for CT push, and that meanwhile
[05:27:41] Terry's been able to push through the smoke but can't get a better ace happen, it's gonna
[05:27:45] prompt a response from the Art of War, good coverage though from the AWP, Ryan's gonna
[05:27:49] be locked down pretty comfortably in the end by Rooster, nothing really going astray.
[05:28:01] Hello.
[05:28:02] Let's try a big pick from TJP and we might have jinxed it.
[05:28:08] Roostar finding that 8th, but not quite crushing Art of War's economy.
[05:28:14] Terry with the big money.
[05:28:17] Both can buy himself.
[05:28:20] So you get a gun, you get a gun, you get a gun and you get a gun.
[05:28:23] And we've got a full buy out of Art of War, but it's their last chance
[05:28:26] and Roostar will crack their economy if they win this one.
[05:28:30] save the same the other way.
[05:28:39] Well it's a good play from Nioh, they're going to keep the pace up towards A, it's probably
[05:28:45] not a bad call from Art of War if they do just smash A, they'll have to clean up ASAP,
[05:28:51] dump that molly into pit, and ASAP will fall back to 3 on 3, that's a good recovery
[05:28:59] from Art of War, not quite enough to keep the numbers advantage, but decent damage done
[05:29:04] on the slimy and dangerous, plant bomb plant down as well, it's going to, you've got
[05:29:08] rooster scrambling for the retake TJ through the smoke though will put Terry
[05:29:14] in the one-on-three and this is about as unwinnable as I've ever seen one 17 HP
[05:29:20] not able to get off the site give me difficult to isolate duals I'm just
[05:29:25] gonna go over the top and TJ people get it done himself so rooster get
[05:29:29] themselves a 9th let's get rid of this Gary now of course that's not over until
[05:29:40] Let's save it, Jordan.
[05:29:44] It's true.
[05:29:45] Keep on trucking.
[05:29:47] You know the saying?
[05:29:48] Keep on trucking.
[05:29:51] What was the truckers?
[05:29:53] What was the name of the truckers?
[05:29:55] The attitude.
[05:29:56] Truckers with attitude.
[05:29:58] TWA.
[05:29:59] Oh, yeah.
[05:30:04] Those are good times.
[05:30:11] I had a war, not enough to buy into this round,
[05:30:13] but they do have a lost bonus building up a little bit
[05:30:15] now, so I think we're safe.
[05:30:19] Ambitious from Oath.
[05:30:21] Crossfire on that beach side.
[05:30:22] Isolated now by the smoke means slimy will get run down and it's a question of whether or not anyone can get danger
[05:30:28] They're going to soften the target up, but no finishing flow from the desperate attempt at a bomb plant from brilliant won't work out 11 to 10
[05:30:36] The gap is closing
[05:30:39] Mr. Rampaging
[05:30:41] Towards maybe of his initial map victory of their own
[05:30:45] See it happening
[05:30:58] don't choke now you gotta be closers if you want to be going overseas you got to
[05:31:03] be a closer all right that's the rules
[05:31:07] get on the chase for the moment but they need to keep it up themselves
[05:31:13] they start relocating over towards pit out of war
[05:31:40] B site is definitely the place to be right now
[05:31:45] TJP there's a smoke and molly to block maybe there's some more utility on the
[05:31:49] ground there but you can see that that will reach this position by where that molly
[05:31:53] was thrown from smoke has actually missed TJ a little chaotic but in the
[05:32:00] meanwhile out of war I don't think they know it's missed they haven't seen it
[05:32:03] they haven't spotted it it's gonna be a late pop in and roost up probably gonna
[05:32:09] have to play with the retake with the decent amount of you to do here one's
[05:32:13] good who's better 3 would be insane oh he's gonna line up both up
[05:32:20] Oh, he's actually held on to it as well. That's a big big mistake from rooster
[05:32:26] Losing two players on that rotation might just lose the map
[05:32:31] TJP desperate
[05:32:33] For someone to peek him, but no swing coming through from Art of War. It's back to three on three
[05:32:37] But how do you make this retake work with cell on 17 and TJP at half?
[05:32:43] It's not a great spot to be in
[05:32:45] Looking for a pick, they're looking for anything to give them an in-road into the B bomb site, but Art of War are not giving anything to Rooster and that is a big round 12-10. Art of War now have map points.
[05:32:59] That's beautiful. That's well played. Kudos all round, but they got to close Jordan. That's what we were talking about, Rooster having to force in here with whatever they have. Whatever's available.
[05:33:17] This round is not going to be the issue for Roostar. It's going to be the next round.
[05:33:22] If they don't keep the guns alive, the fight is going to be still a little bit spotty.
[05:33:28] So I don't have a couple of bites of the cherry here.
[05:33:32] Should things go right here in round 23.
[05:33:41] But importantly, Port Death for Chels, he's been impactful on the map so far.
[05:33:46] Danger down on MP9, though.
[05:33:49] Not really what you'd want to see.
[05:33:51] Right here, TJ.
[05:34:03] Again, very solid timing.
[05:34:07] Bates out two nades, which is a bit of info
[05:34:11] on how many of the Art of War are at Banana.
[05:34:14] Speaking of Banana, he's on the other side.
[05:34:16] Looking up the storm, gets blocked.
[05:34:18] Nice to move.
[05:34:20] And Rooster even going to cheat danger
[05:34:22] across towards the B site this time.
[05:34:35] Bework before.
[05:34:37] They're looking for it again.
[05:34:38] Really nice timing to go for the block there.
[05:34:40] There's five seconds of damage from the HG and out of war, they are rotating out after
[05:34:48] the execute but now I'm not going to be looking for a lurk at the moment, but Shell's still
[05:34:51] here at short postage, smoke there, if they don't get the flash then Shell might find
[05:34:56] a free B, great utility, you're caught on sight as well, it's up to HG.
[05:35:01] Oh, won't get it done, this could be a Jordan.
[05:35:05] I think it is, I think it is, four on three for the retake, I mean to be fair, out
[05:35:09] We've talked about them throwing away a couple of advantageous rounds yesterday even today. Could this be another one out of war?
[05:35:16] Have got it signed sealed, but it's not yet delivered. Gotta make sure they lock this one down brilliant really under pressure Terry stopped as well
[05:35:24] Not like this not like this. You've got to close it now
[05:35:27] You're not gonna get a better chance against a team like rooster banana stepping up tall in the pit
[05:35:32] He's found two and one more to go with slimy to save the day does he have a kid does he have the time?
[05:35:39] Yes, rooster will survive one more round, but Mac it's cost them a lot
[05:35:49] It's gonna be a slog fest the overtime or for the whole thing for out of war here have a look
[05:35:56] There is some money to drop across from slimy which may just save the buy save the day a little bit
[05:36:03] There on the other side Viridian probably gonna be down on the Mac 10 or maybe just a tech 9
[05:36:09] Two players without head armor for Rooster, a couple of Mac 10s in there for Art of War. It doesn't look as bad.
[05:36:16] But again, my other team really have been perfect by going into this one. Massive Nades back over to Banana. Doesn't actually do any damage.
[05:36:24] Art of War, how big of a mishap is that last round going to end up being? How big of a mish is that?
[05:36:31] Prusa goes back to the overtime goes on to win this map. Yeah, that's crazy.
[05:36:36] Art of War will be kicking themselves a five on three post plan.
[05:36:39] Come on, close it.
[05:36:41] I don't know if they get another chance like that.
[05:37:01] TJ just jiggling. Art of War.
[05:37:04] Full contact in taking a risk here to take banana.
[05:37:12] Quickly, map 10s will, you know, give him the movement speed.
[05:37:15] TJ has to go to the reload now. It's all up to Swami on site to hold.
[05:37:18] Yeah, TJ gets a forward-smoking of the site.
[05:37:23] Out of four.
[05:37:25] Not sure where they're all going to end up.
[05:37:28] They're a little bit concerned about the push-in.
[05:37:31] He found himself in some post-plants.
[05:37:34] Not great ones, though.
[05:37:36] Oath caught by TJP.
[05:37:38] It's now down to Banana and Viridian to try to stave off the overtime.
[05:37:41] Plenty of time for Rusa to go for this retake as well.
[05:37:44] Smoking for Banana.
[05:37:46] Cut too much off first back must go the way of art of war and it does it's brilliant for one now
[05:37:51] It needs to be for four Molly's gonna pull him out
[05:37:54] But time a factor won't matter in the end the diffuse
[05:37:59] secured by ASAP and we will go
[05:38:02] OT and the art of war you have to ask have they thrown it away
[05:38:14] Yes
[05:38:16] You think so to an extent I think they miss their opportunity was not last round around me for
[05:38:25] That was when it looked real good
[05:38:27] When they got those two picks they had man advantage on site
[05:38:31] 43 post plant Rooster somehow beat him
[05:38:38] Anyway, we are an overtime
[05:38:49] Art of war showing more presents up towards mid making a whole
[05:38:54] Asap, gun out, waiting for Cheldra to take that contact and he's going to be stuck here, open wards, wall up, molly, maybe bind him a little bit of space, but all depends on how Banana makes his move, molly it off, danger going to be tucked away inside, there goes Asap, Banana found him, make his way through, freeze up, block going to be coming in, over towards Bartlett with that smoke.
[05:39:11] Now they're going to be sent away. TJ Solo on B already using his smoke, one molly to buy time, which is going to be 5.5 seconds.
[05:39:20] Shedout to the incendiary change, and that's it he uses it.
[05:39:25] Tell you what though Art of War have generally been pretty resilient in these closer
[05:39:37] Results of late yesterday they had the 16 to 12 map win on Mirage against house beds
[05:39:45] Recent history against rooster as well
[05:39:48] 13 10 16 4 in their ESL Challenger League matches. So maybe the overtime is their home
[05:39:55] already roostered down a member in this round but now so two are out of four that's
[05:40:01] ever towards A might end up being somewhat influential made the retake a little bit
[05:40:05] easier I guess for rooster if they ought to go for it but we have on plant down four and four
[05:40:09] very nearly close out for danger he's so close so many times but can't get it done
[05:40:17] and with those two extra kills going over to out of four this round kind of falls
[05:40:20] by the wayside peru stop it's kind of crazy chill already thinking about
[05:40:25] saving the orp precious in OT danger I don't know if he's gonna be allowed to
[05:40:30] save so he may as well just try it and rip a couple of guns at the end of the war
[05:40:36] okay damage has actually almost finished off Oath Riddian and Terry will
[05:40:42] take oath with him maybe able to find another on the exit nice shots but he's
[05:40:46] gotta run boy
[05:40:51] It's out of there with the old that's the main thing danger did go down to the bomb
[05:41:01] 1312
[05:41:03] Artifor not done yet
[05:41:05] Maintaining the lead over rooster. This has to be frustrating for
[05:41:16] Yeah
[05:41:18] When you look at this qualifier on paper, so should be
[05:41:26] It's going to be tough for Mr. Sinslam's magnetic.
[05:41:29] Once again, another reiteration of the actual whereabouts.
[05:41:35] We see them really struggling in this grand final.
[05:41:39] We didn't actually kill ASAP, but the blue smoke opened and Nioh was able to strike.
[05:41:45] So, 44 secured again for Art of War.
[05:41:48] The war's slowing it down.
[05:42:05] We've reached the 2-2 split, but Shell, deep at Arch, needs it his high priority.
[05:42:11] And a lot of weight on danger, Mollie, smoke to save some time, but it's gonna get a little
[05:42:20] bit awkward to get back in there if you get sprayed down.
[05:42:23] That's bomb.
[05:42:24] Sheldon will be able to trade, the nade finishes off danger, so I think it can't start a war,
[05:42:27] but they need to hold it at both plant and the bomb's not planted yet.
[05:42:30] Yeah, it's gonna be scrambling back into pit to recollect the bomb, it's supposed
[05:42:33] to be a couple of seconds, but nothing too major.
[05:42:35] Mollie's over the top, not really denying any presence for hard of war.
[05:42:42] That's a fantastic grenade. Right on the head of TJP, shell-copping.
[05:42:46] A little bit of a tickle as well.
[05:42:49] Oh, vanilla.
[05:42:50] Just gonna be head down this whole time. If he just holds it, he just waits.
[05:42:54] Yep.
[05:42:54] And plays the bomb.
[05:42:56] That is the smartest thing that they could do.
[05:42:58] Shell is fully aware of his position there.
[05:43:00] He's gonna come in very late indeed.
[05:43:04] Now, he's still holding, still waiting.
[05:43:06] That smoke's gonna fade at some point. Slimey's stitching it.
[05:43:09] Hoping that he's gonna be able to climb it.
[05:43:10] The shots will find him an art of war find another here in
[05:43:16] 14
[05:43:17] Yeah, well done from banana if he popped his head up at a wrong time there. He was dead
[05:43:23] Joe was
[05:43:24] Watching it like a hawk, but
[05:43:27] To no avail and so far this overtime is to no avail as well for rooster
[05:43:36] 1412
[05:43:38] Out of war can they convert a perfect first half of overtime?
[05:43:43] They're on their way to it
[05:43:45] That's your force shell out of the big line, but he opts not to fire a shot
[05:43:48] So at this point Art of War don't know exactly where that orb is
[05:43:52] Just letting that Util bleed out from Rooster
[05:44:15] I'm still on the retake Util here. This time TJ goes with it
[05:44:24] Get dunked by three nades, but still able to stand on 30. Art of War, it's a good punish
[05:44:35] But if TJ can still take one or two from this spot, Art of War could be in trouble
[05:44:43] trouble for the third round of OTS, that nice angle found and TJ falls for free.
[05:44:50] Yeah what an entry from Neo, out of war and I'm going to slow down and I'm like oh oh
[05:44:54] Neo gets two, thanks they hit us slimy, fine now, where danger is and there's just too
[05:45:00] many bodies for danger to deal with, out of war, on for 15, Banana should be able
[05:45:06] to cut that rotate off, he's hurt ASAP, backstabbed.
[05:45:11] 15-12 that is a menacing score line. With all the hard work that rooster did in regulation to bring that back to OT it might be for naught.
[05:45:26] Is Eddie just figuring them out at the right time? Is that what's going down?
[05:45:34] He's big braining it.
[05:45:36] And this is just map one. Still one or two maps to go after this.
[05:45:41] Let's see if there is any adjustments here.
[05:45:48] Now on the CT side, we're just holding on to that HE.
[05:45:59] Someone makes their way to a cutout, but it ends up being ineffective.
[05:46:05] Molly misses the mark there from TJ, and in the meanwhile,
[05:46:10] over towards the A site, Roost up, contacting in through apps.
[05:46:15] Getting full apps control.
[05:46:17] Roost is just going so slow, so sneaky.
[05:46:32] Nana's got a few more smokes to play with here, but he's going to allow Viridian to come in and grab them.
[05:46:38] Probably a smoke and a flash, can't quite see on my screen.
[05:46:45] Smoke going to be coming down to block, TJ does not get touched by that Molly.
[05:46:51] Then we'll find ourselves an opening with Molly, Roussa.
[05:46:55] Maytime gaff him a move and he's going over the top.
[05:46:57] Molly's going everywhere, but Nana reveals his position with that smoke.
[05:47:01] and we'll try to find him eventually, crack him down one more time, we'll see if we can find him
[05:47:07] and Nio answers back with one through the smoke, so maybe Art of War, think about going for this anyway
[05:47:13] Yeah, Terry looks like he's going to be boosted or boosted through, you know
[05:47:17] smoke fades at a pretty inopportune time, that's falling apart for Art of War, fair enough
[05:47:22] so we go again, that's a pretty convincing looking round from Rusa, it has to be said
[05:47:35] Like that bicycle there or no?
[05:47:37] Uh, no.
[05:47:38] You might have to invest in one of them.
[05:47:40] Bicycle?
[05:47:41] What?
[05:47:42] Yeah.
[05:47:43] Both are standing on the bike in T-Apps.
[05:47:46] Have a look in a sec.
[05:47:52] Look like a racing bike, you know?
[05:47:54] I am actually going to invest in a bike.
[05:47:56] A bicycle?
[05:47:59] Not become a rider.
[05:48:01] No, you should become a runner.
[05:48:02] That's what you should do.
[05:48:03] No, but the bike's faster, you see.
[05:48:05] And a lot of places to be.
[05:48:06] Not if you run fast.
[05:48:08] A lot of big quads.
[05:48:09] It allows me to ride better.
[05:48:11] ride better.
[05:48:12] I feel the better for running with.
[05:48:16] A lot of power.
[05:48:19] I'm gonna swim soon, you know.
[05:48:21] I've got a big one ahead of me.
[05:48:22] A couple of days.
[05:48:24] But...
[05:48:25] Do a triathlon.
[05:48:26] Yeah?
[05:48:27] You can work it out.
[05:48:28] Best of every world.
[05:48:29] All three of them.
[05:48:32] That's uh...
[05:48:33] That's what Rooster needs.
[05:48:34] Three rounds.
[05:48:35] All three of them.
[05:48:36] In the second half of Ooty.
[05:48:38] It's that approach from Rooster.
[05:48:43] This time out of war.
[05:48:44] Again going for the early fight at Banana.
[05:48:46] Almost possible, DJ can't quite find an opening, maybe a right one.
[05:48:53] And Art of Control is going to be theirs, Art of War pushed all the way back to site.
[05:48:56] Yeah, Art of Control definitely there for Rooster, but beyond that, not a whole lot.
[05:49:07] Art of War just keeping an eye on sandbags from now, so Rooster have to go re-collect that.
[05:49:19] TJP will clear it out, but very soon after Art of War are going to clear Banana out
[05:49:25] and they're going to have the info that there's not a whole lot happening over
[05:49:27] towards B and they're going to be able to rotate across to A as a result it's not
[05:49:30] just one player but it's both 45 seconds up from the clock Rooster could very well
[05:49:36] still go back to B. Oh I thought TJ was gonna risk it but out of war with the
[05:49:42] reed oh they almost committed to it as well banana just second guessing
[05:49:46] himself as there hasn't been too much noise over towards bracket here. They're gambling it.
[05:49:51] You can do this.
[05:49:53] You've got more things you can see.
[05:49:55] Roost got running straight into this one.
[05:49:57] TJ finds an opening.
[05:49:59] Makes his way over Morte.
[05:50:01] Can't find, can't find, can't get carried.
[05:50:03] Waiting for a squeak around sight.
[05:50:05] Ace up, can never be able to get into entry work.
[05:50:07] But again, that time is ticking away. Neo falls.
[05:50:09] We're written on two points of health.
[05:50:11] Nine seconds.
[05:50:13] Needs to live, needs to hit some shots.
[05:50:15] But he won't this time. It's slimy.
[05:50:17] Cut him down at the knees.
[05:50:19] Man, you couldn't not have asked for a better call from Art of War to bring the extra players over to A, but even with all five members, they couldn't hold on.
[05:50:31] The entries were just clean enough for Rusa. They had just enough time to find Viridian.
[05:50:36] 15-14. One round to go. Still a full buyout on both sides pretty much.
[05:50:43] Brilliant marking a kit. Couple of pieces of utility, but not a big deal.
[05:50:49] Could be headed in the direction of OT2.
[05:50:58] My attention.
[05:51:17] Coach teams.
[05:51:18] Thriving on the T side.
[05:51:21] Who will crack first?
[05:51:23] Progression molly.
[05:51:34] Neo.
[05:51:35] The retake utility lined up.
[05:51:37] Actually no, he's just gonna block.
[05:51:41] Make it a bit of sound from first on if you're ringing and he smoked off and it looks like Brewster may just go straight through with a gold flag.
[05:51:48] God's black
[05:51:51] One fishing through the smoke that can be a man advantage. He can get ran at through CT man at tree is TJP
[05:51:57] He gets knocked down to great trade from open the backside defense is looking bloody good
[05:52:01] This might be it Jordan danger gonna be burning alive at barbecue
[05:52:04] One be three to find and jumps for dear life
[05:52:07] That is that 16 to 14 and that ladies and gentlemen is just map one
[05:52:13] But the art of war they take it
[05:52:15] Yeah, that's a big result for Art of War in the end. They had to work hard for it
[05:52:19] But glad to see them getting their map over the line
[05:52:22] And now it's time to see how much they can really cook because I feel like when we look at these series
[05:52:28] Inferno was just step one, you know, that's like the minor boss
[05:52:33] Then we've still got nuke which you know, rooster map choice
[05:52:37] We've still got a big best of three yet to play. I don't know if they have even got to the final boss
[05:52:42] Yeah, I think there's still a lot of work ahead here for Art of War, but they've got through step one of the process
[05:52:48] And now there's one map away from qualifying for Atlanta and maybe the first time in years
[05:52:54] I feel like that we've seen a really big upset in one of these kinds of qualifiers
[05:52:59] But we might be getting to watch it tonight, and I'm so glad to be
[05:53:03] Having the opportunity to watch and I'm sure you guys are as well
[05:53:06] I'll have to take a short break here before we do head into map number two
[05:53:08] But don't go too far away. We jumpy got to nuke right after this
[05:53:12] You want some avocado?
[06:07:29] No, I've actually got some apricot delights.
[06:07:32] Do you want some apricot delights?
[06:07:34] I have a cargo, some guacamole.
[06:07:36] That looks good. I do like it. I do like a bit of guac and corn chip.
[06:07:41] Yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready for map 2.
[06:07:44] Let's get it cooking. Let's get it going.
[06:07:47] Do you know what map 2 is going to be?
[06:07:49] Nuke, mate. We love Nuke.
[06:07:51] We do love Nuke, and I think we need to talk about this map,
[06:07:58] of war yesterday. They obviously lost it against Mainfreak. But I didn't actually think it was
[06:08:04] the worst performance we've ever seen. At 13-8 you would think that's a pretty clean
[06:08:10] win from Mainfreak. But there was definitely rounds in there where they're like out of
[06:08:13] war, we're kind of on the right track and they just sort of let slip maybe one or
[06:08:18] two rounds at inopportune times. A couple of 4v3s were lost, 2v1, stuff like that.
[06:08:23] couple of clutch rounds out from Mindfreak. If they can get themselves into those same
[06:08:28] sorts of positions but actually convert on those rounds. They're a bit of a match today
[06:08:32] for Rusta who again have been really up and down in this qualifier so yeah I don't know
[06:08:37] if a 2-0 is necessarily on the cars but I'm not going to say it's out of the realms
[06:08:43] of possibility. Yeah it's been, their nukes been up and down a little bit as well.
[06:08:47] They dominated Mindfreak on it. That's their last win but their last rep on it
[06:08:51] was
[06:08:52] was that nine days ago against arcade and they lost
[06:08:56] thirteen to six so
[06:08:58] it feels like uh... ever since losing netik
[06:09:02] there's been you know
[06:09:03] a couple of holes that needs to plug it
[06:09:05] and they have not yet been plugged
[06:09:07] but it could be not too far away because
[06:09:11] that arcade that's the one with the foggers in it
[06:09:16] so say what you're gonna say man
[06:09:18] say what you're gonna say
[06:09:19] I thought you'd finish my sentence for me, I thought we were on the same page here.
[06:09:22] So that's the team with Foggers in it.
[06:09:25] That's the team with Foggers in it.
[06:09:26] So they're pretty poggers in it.
[06:09:27] They're pretty poggers, that's what I was aiming at.
[06:09:29] That's what you were aiming at?
[06:09:30] Yep, yep, yep, super, tri-plus, uh, versus Void Foggers, not so long up there.
[06:09:35] I don't see, yeah, I actually watched that game where, um, Arcade played against
[06:09:40] Rusa and Arcade, they were doing alright.
[06:09:42] I can't remember who it was, they had someone standing in, I'm pretty sure.
[06:09:48] Who did? Arcade. Who is it?
[06:09:53] It was the match page, more of a match page I'll tell you in a second.
[06:09:57] I don't think anyone was standing in, I think that's just their line up bro.
[06:10:00] Or did they make a change? They might have made a change.
[06:10:03] I think Kobe had just moved out of the roster, maybe that was what it was.
[06:10:09] I don't know, either way.
[06:10:11] Wait, isn't Kobe playing on... Wait, is Kobe playing? I don't know where Kobe's playing at the moment.
[06:10:15] Maybe I'm making it up, and it was a different team just for the record, but I thought Arcade had just made a change prior to that game.
[06:10:23] Anyways, they took a game off of Rooster. That's pretty impressive, I think. But again, it kind of speaks to the susceptibility we've seen from Rooster.
[06:10:33] And again, we'll see whether or not that's going to be a bigger conversation at the end of tonight if Artifor can win this map.
[06:10:39] But, what I will say, can I just, I need to get something off my chest, Mac.
[06:10:43] Yeah.
[06:10:44] We just had a 15 minute break, alright?
[06:10:46] We've only got 5 out of 10 players in the server.
[06:10:49] That's crazy.
[06:10:50] What's going on there?
[06:10:51] I can jump in to you, speak, I can yell at them.
[06:10:53] That's good.
[06:10:54] Like, you know, we've got it, we've got it, we've got it, we've got a grand final
[06:10:58] to play.
[06:10:59] Yeah, we're doing, you know, I guess, it wasn't even double OT, you got it done
[06:11:02] in 1 OT, come on.
[06:11:04] What's everyone doing?
[06:11:05] Is everyone having a, you know, a bite to eat or something?
[06:11:08] We had a two and a half hour break for that.
[06:11:10] Where are we?
[06:11:12] Get in there.
[06:11:13] Let him know.
[06:11:14] Get in the game.
[06:11:16] Who's that?
[06:11:17] It's Eddie.
[06:11:19] No, he's in.
[06:11:22] Brilliant's one of the five players that's in.
[06:11:23] I can see on the HLTV scoreboard.
[06:11:26] Oh, apparently, uh...
[06:11:31] Yeah.
[06:11:32] Uh-huh.
[06:11:33] Uh-huh.
[06:11:35] I'm getting poked back,
[06:11:35] but no one's actually given me an answer.
[06:11:39] someone's having issues joining. I have a feeling this may be because of today's update because we
[06:11:46] didn't have these issues yesterday and apparently the observer was saying there's these weird issues
[06:11:50] going on. So it could be a relay thing, it could be something else, it could just be like even the
[06:11:55] players, you know the fact that they have issues joining them. So about shed out valve for
[06:11:58] updating so consistently. We love it, we do, but we're getting these issues now and that's
[06:12:06] That's a problem.
[06:12:07] You know what they say, Mac?
[06:12:08] You love it.
[06:12:09] You'll wear it.
[06:12:10] And right now...
[06:12:11] What they say, yeah.
[06:12:12] What I'm lovin', there's nothing.
[06:12:14] There's nothing.
[06:12:15] I'm lovin' nothin'.
[06:12:16] So we should just be wearing nothing, really.
[06:12:18] It's kind of what I'm trying to get at.
[06:12:19] Did you see the ESL Champion collab?
[06:12:22] Yeah.
[06:12:23] Yeah.
[06:12:24] I didn't get any of that.
[06:12:25] It was givin' out to everyone around me.
[06:12:26] And I was like, hey, can I have...
[06:12:28] Can I just get me some of the one with the chicken?
[06:12:31] And...
[06:12:32] You're not pretty enough.
[06:12:33] I just wasn't pretty enough.
[06:12:34] That's unfortunate.
[06:12:35] am i not pretty enough it's my heart to broken and maybe i can get on to some of
[06:12:40] that basement dweller business once i'm uh yeah yeah once you once you're what
[06:12:49] once i'm what i'm waiting once i'm once i'm dwelling in the basement you know
[06:12:55] once you grow up a little bit yeah we were all waiting for that once i grow
[06:12:59] up a little bit maybe all right let's jump in here and do your heart this
[06:13:03] one up you love nukia i do love nukia actually it's one of the maps that i
[06:13:07] think is one of the best in the pool at the moment so I am quite keen for it.
[06:13:11] Honestly how hard I will start this one off. Pistol round victory. Can they keep the ball rolling
[06:13:16] going into map number two? Oath onto the hut with the doolies but Roosa are so quick in a ramp.
[06:13:23] Mio might have a little bit of a rude awakening here with both TGP and Slybee so close.
[06:13:32] Wades the dangerous waters though. Back to a safer position. Roosa still figuring out
[06:13:37] Where they want to go but the bomb is gonna be making its way all the way to A site no one here to stop it
[06:13:41] Neo
[06:13:42] Pop a little flash to make their way up vent or do something but he's gonna be self
[06:13:46] It's hopped off the top side
[06:13:48] The vent players are out and
[06:13:50] Oh shoot
[06:13:51] Viridian gonna be able to get that late trade, Neo low at heaven
[06:13:54] Viridian needs to pretty much do it all
[06:13:56] Neo down, 1v1, ASAP on 47
[06:13:59] You're hitting the right side but ASAP holds strong
[06:14:03] Shoot's good
[06:14:04] And Rooster in the lead
[06:14:06] Yeah that was a weird round from Art of War though, like they had two players down
[06:14:10] on the B bomb site, like 15 seconds into the round. I imagine they were expecting
[06:14:15] Rooster to go down ramp. They didn't, Chel just sort of walked out squeaky and
[06:14:19] said, we've got the A site, let's go here. And they did. And then Rooster
[06:14:24] able to deal with the rotation up from Art of War. Just around all ready to
[06:14:30] start things off for Rooster on the T side. It's a good start. We'll be
[06:14:33] setting ourselves up for a long night indeed.
[06:14:36] Art of War, can't lock things down here on Nuke.
[06:14:51] No damage done yet.
[06:14:54] Art of War, gambling towards lower with four,
[06:14:57] and Terry with the only upgraded weapon,
[06:15:02] maybe hunting for an open, through squeaky, break and vent.
[06:15:08] We're gonna draw out any attention
[06:15:09] from these T's in the lobby.
[06:15:13] Main smoke comes out.
[06:15:14] Look at it potentially wrapped here through the rooster,
[06:15:17] bomb making its way out as
[06:15:19] Lobby controls there.
[06:15:20] With bomb going out, it's either gonna be a late walk into the stack with a ramp pressure.
[06:15:27] Or they are just gonna split, eh.
[06:15:29] Terrier with the Deagle.
[06:15:31] Mac.
[06:15:32] Terrier with the Deagle.
[06:15:33] Terrier with the Deagle.
[06:15:34] There's one!
[06:15:35] He was so dangerous yesterday.
[06:15:36] No!
[06:15:37] I get the feeling he could get another one here.
[06:15:39] Time of the essence, though,
[06:15:41] because Rooster are trying to make their way in and he's waited patiently,
[06:15:45] but he's not rewarded for it.
[06:15:47] That could have been a disaster.
[06:15:48] to say bomb dropping would have been a bit of a spanner in the works for Rooster
[06:15:52] but they negotiate the treacherous waters and they get their way into A and they
[06:15:56] get a bomb plant down as well so five on four for the retake but out of war have
[06:16:01] very little to play with that's gonna be that Rooster with two on the
[06:16:17] board more than early two casualties as well we will be able to carry across
[06:16:22] three rifles into third out of war gonna be able to go for the full bite we're
[06:16:26] already in straight onto the big green glass cannon my lord he has really picked
[06:16:31] that one up from your boy chel but he has all right let's get rolling
[06:16:42] danger it's harsh the smoke you know that what are you so funny back in the
[06:16:48] day time to smoke I like to see it again you have to ask him say he remember
[06:16:56] we used to joke about it all the time I have seen a lot of 48 months what do you
[06:17:08] think about that that's pretty good nice little shot from Charlie heard the
[06:17:11] he shot at the siren and got a kill. Kinda crazy how that works. Counter-strike 2. Using
[06:17:18] every one of your senses. Well, it's going to be some aggression into
[06:17:27] lobby from out of war. And they timed it pretty nicely, so don't be set up and pushed, but
[06:17:34] Nioh! He had a lot of angles to be aware of, but he chose the right one in the
[06:17:40] end and that is going to put rooster down to two members for the first gun round.
[06:17:47] If you're not going to win the pistol in the first round, you definitely want to be winning
[06:17:52] the first gun round. You want to be doing it cleanly. Viridian going down there is less than
[06:17:55] ideal but out of war, still very much have a stranglehold on the round. 30, A$AP and Chelt.
[06:18:09] I'm not going to team up to make something happen here but if A$AP can't find something
[06:18:13] shortly if you can't get past banana.
[06:18:15] This one's all said and done.
[06:18:17] Flash, not enough of an attention draw.
[06:18:21] Banana eyes on the prize.
[06:18:23] And it's save time. Brewster.
[06:18:25] Won't be able to string three together
[06:18:27] at the start of the game, but Art of War are here.
[06:18:29] They're on the board. They've got three alive.
[06:18:31] But Chela's got the warp,
[06:18:33] so let's see if we can do it in the next.
[06:18:50] Yeah, it might be somewhat ruinous
[06:18:52] of what we got on Inferno,
[06:18:54] where it was a little bit back and forth to start things off.
[06:18:56] until one team can really settle themselves.
[06:18:59] Don't have a huge amount of cash built up.
[06:19:04] I need to make sure this one's clean,
[06:19:06] but what you'll have in that orb, like you say,
[06:19:09] is always going to be a never-present threat.
[06:19:12] He's very poor at outer, and he's instantly going to be dead,
[06:19:15] but damage in there from ASAP could trade from Bridean,
[06:19:18] though we'll ensure that no guns are going to be retrievable from Rooster
[06:19:21] and things are going quite swimmingly so far for the art of war.
[06:19:26] this round. Danger and slimy. I haven't got a bit of an expedition to ward out. At least
[06:19:34] been able to retrieve the AWP. It's at the cost of danger, slimy. He is an AWP
[06:19:40] himself. I'm not taking that role because Joe is being bullied and doesn't let him
[06:19:46] have fun, but not a bad shot. Not a terrible round for Rooster, but I'm not going to get too excited about
[06:19:56] So I'm building up slowly for out of war.
[06:20:00] I'm building up a U-Tilt, which has missed the mark through the skylights.
[06:20:27] In the out of war.
[06:20:29] Really, any priority over a grand just blocking straight away expecting to be used up.
[06:20:36] Let's go through and make a dreadly upper fast, but they need to deal with it.
[06:20:40] Nade's going everywhere.
[06:20:41] Slow-pushes coming through banana.
[06:20:43] It's an awkward angle to fly from, but he's managed to go for a downward spray transfer.
[06:20:46] Find two danger trades, gets into off the upgrade.
[06:20:49] One bullet into Terry can bring this into a 1v1.
[06:20:52] He's got the bomb, he's going to drop down the vent as well.
[06:20:55] Silently, I might add.
[06:20:57] No information for Art of War.
[06:21:00] He will get the bomb plant.
[06:21:03] Very wonderful 1v2 for danger.
[06:21:08] It's going to take Art of War a long time to get down to this B bomb site in May.
[06:21:12] For a second, they're opted to split up.
[06:21:15] Terry's got the AWP in hand.
[06:21:17] He's leading that charge, but the spacing is not great here from Art of War at all.
[06:21:21] Art of War at all. I can really see this one falling apart. They will go together in on-site
[06:21:27] Terry, getting that charge, but the trade's not there. You could just see it coming together,
[06:21:33] couldn't you? And that's a pretty big loss for Art of War. Yeah, but arguably an even
[06:21:40] bigger win for Rooster, one that they needed just to get some confidence and also keep
[06:21:45] get these tea rounds on the board. Yeah but same kind of thing popping up again
[06:21:51] for Art of War on here. I saw it yesterday. Winnable rounds, rounds which they have an
[06:21:57] advantage in going by the wayside and we're already five rounds in to the Sapa Nuka.
[06:22:04] Already it's half of the game. So not a great sign but they're gonna have to do
[06:22:10] something about it and maybe banana's push into radio is gonna be the
[06:22:16] catalyst for that. Out of control there for Rooster. Viridian must send an accurate
[06:22:44] weapon to try and fight at range. A1S can still beam if he finds the right moment
[06:22:54] Chellios. He's posting lower all the peak comes out through heaven and Viridian
[06:23:00] looking like he will commit to the upper hit making his way to Mustang only
[06:23:06] slimy on the lurk the bombers match way down lower all will they do the corner
[06:23:10] they do but Terry shoots that little bit better slimy finds one on to open the
[06:23:16] meanwhile and now we're gonna to be three situation every night has been
[06:23:19] pretty good for Art of War today show of 30 seconds left is gonna go stomping
[06:23:25] around on out I don't know that he's quite been heard there but
[06:23:27] Rydian watching for the smoke is going to catch Shell on the way in and
[06:23:33] Art of War do make amends for the last round as they grab themselves that third.
[06:23:38] He's going to force Rooster back onto a save.
[06:23:41] So still anybody's game at this point in time, the first half, but
[06:23:48] getting the feeling that Art of War are starting to pull ahead again.
[06:23:53] If Rooster can catch a timing, but he can catch some strays,
[06:24:20] most find an inventory as well, dominates the other area.
[06:24:24] Dangerous range, we'll find one Viridian, get embarrassed but look, you'll take that for
[06:24:31] the round win and only one weapon lost.
[06:24:34] Yep, just a shame that it was a rifle, not the MP9, orbs out for a Viridian anyway,
[06:24:45] And the buy here from Rooster, leaving a bit to be desired, not even a single AK.
[06:24:51] I can't even look at the details if they can, but it's not what they want.
[06:24:59] Definitely could have afforded AKs.
[06:25:06] I mean, look at all the Util on these Rooster guys.
[06:25:08] So, I'll have to go to a couple of extra pieces of Util here and there
[06:25:14] as opposed to upgrade the rifles, which is an interesting choice.
[06:25:18] See how this works out for them.
[06:25:20] It's gonna be an ATK, that's for sure.
[06:25:23] A lot of YouTube, I mean, if they've been getting one, that's a good start.
[06:25:26] But, instant trade back from Oath and from Neo.
[06:25:30] Yeah, it leaves Roostar a little bit worse for wear.
[06:25:33] Yeah, still, all eyes on thought.
[06:25:40] Roost, smoke, again, on the annex.
[06:25:48] ASAP peeks through. Nice little gap there.
[06:25:51] If that was intentional, that's huge.
[06:25:53] I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was.
[06:25:58] ASAP certainly knew what the assignment was.
[06:26:02] And this art has kinda fallen apart for Art of War.
[06:26:05] Rusa definitely getting it done.
[06:26:07] Grigen's gonna flash Terri in through the smoke.
[06:26:12] Thinking about it.
[06:26:14] Yeah, if you look at the money, Grigen on 1k, Orp still in his hands.
[06:26:19] And Terri on 300, even though he's hitting a lot.
[06:26:22] I think the money game is going to be more important here. Give yourself a very good shot in the next.
[06:26:28] Terry does have a kit. If he hears them leave a little bit earlier or gets a little pick,
[06:26:34] maybe there was a chance, but Roost up had an inkling that something was going on.
[06:26:39] Do you ever wonder if Richard's pronouncing Terry the same way and he's never corrected anyone and his name's actually Dango?
[06:26:48] I've never thought about that and I don't think I'm ever going to think about that.
[06:26:52] that why do you ask me how do you pronounce banger banger so why is
[06:26:57] danger danger well this is so go to the gym yep and yummy in the car as I was
[06:27:03] like yeah did I'm doing squats today yeah that could be it no it's not don't
[06:27:10] start you want to get lost I don't even want to pull seas maybe I do you don't
[06:27:22] I don't know, if I don't know.
[06:27:26] If you don't know, you don't know. That's all I'm saying.
[06:27:28] And we don't know!
[06:27:30] Danger is danger, and not danger.
[06:27:32] Yeah?
[06:27:34] Like, he hasn't confirmed it, has he?
[06:27:36] Are you okay?
[06:27:43] Long answer or short answer?
[06:27:45] Uh, give me a little answer.
[06:27:47] Uh...
[06:27:49] Viridian getting the pig with the oar.
[06:27:53] Out of war, just desperately hanging onto some of these rounds.
[06:27:55] And hanging onto this economy at the moment.
[06:27:57] They've been able to get a buy together for a few rounds in a row, but...
[06:27:59] in a row but this could be the throw the base to camels back if they do lose it
[06:28:04] I like war terry but he'd actually have to do something with the information
[06:28:11] that he can see from the pixel cap instead he just stands there and dies and
[06:28:14] Viridian's gonna miss the shot with the AWP and that's rooster into the B
[06:28:18] bombsite another perplexing round for art of war where yeah it looks like
[06:28:26] they're doing the right things but then the round just becomes hard it did be
[06:28:37] like that doesn't it?
[06:28:39] Sush in, getting in, edging looking, front angle, the smoke's going down Viridian can't
[06:28:47] quite trade and that is all she wrote Rooster gonna be able to secure the
[06:28:51] Siles 5 but will it go down with the ship TJP needs to get runnin' with
[06:28:55] where the bombs planted maybe he survives that secret Viridian hmm I
[06:29:00] I think he's dead.
[06:29:01] I mean, you know, that round, Terry's just fallen asleep at the wheel.
[06:29:11] There was a Terry that was holding the pixel, I wasn't pretty sure, but...
[06:29:15] You can't do that, you can't afford that.
[06:29:17] Yeah, like, he full stood there for like a second and just got absolutely pulled.
[06:29:24] And that opened the round up for Rooster.
[06:29:27] You know, you have the 5 on 4 lead, you're in the perfect position to get some delaying
[06:29:32] you till down.
[06:29:33] Instead you dive a free, Viridian comes across tries to find a trade, doesn't manage to
[06:29:38] lock down the B side, and Brutes run away with things and then break the economy.
[06:29:43] So if Art of War wanted to go to Atlanta, those guys and things can't be happening.
[06:29:49] Twice in 9 rounds now, we've seen a bit of an eyebrow razor.
[06:29:53] A lot of war is not going to recover from that one, we're holding on to it for a little
[06:30:01] while but now the half is falling by the wayside a little bit.
[06:30:06] Now there's six for Roostup, they're really getting deep into the half now, out of war,
[06:30:24] need to stand their ground here and now or it's looking like, might have been a little
[06:30:29] bit too out of hand.
[06:30:30] You never know, maybe they've got something cooking for us in that second half, Viridian
[06:30:35] has been calling some pretty solid t-sides in the last couple of days, going through
[06:30:42] what a spiny, nice flash for Riddion. Can't see a thing. We'll live on the side, but won't
[06:30:48] be able to look too much longer after a game of revision. Hopefully they're out of
[06:30:52] war. They're thinking about saving, surely.
[06:30:55] So, it goes from bad to worse. Full out of war. I had high hopes for Nuke. It
[06:31:13] was looking okay it was definitely looking okay but has died as his ASAP the money
[06:31:42] doesn't matter there's plenty of it going into the last round can you even
[06:31:46] jump up on that left side I don't know if that was a skill issue or if you just
[06:31:50] can't do it Jordan do you know I do not know it's the movement guy
[06:32:02] movement god movement boy yeah that's what I am move your boy definitely not
[06:32:09] I'm selling foggy flies on the broadcast.
[06:32:11] No, I never jump foggy flies on the broadcast, mate.
[06:32:14] Well, would you say Art of War need this last round of the half to be competitive in the second?
[06:32:18] I don't understand. I don't think they can do it with four, but maybe I'm talking out my bum.
[06:32:22] Which would be a sight for sore eyes.
[06:32:28] Neo.
[06:32:30] Lost a little two zap, not expecting the swing from Slimy.
[06:32:33] We go back to a four on four affair.
[06:32:38] One wasn't enough. Art of War not happy with the man advantage.
[06:32:42] Terry.
[06:32:44] The smoke blasts, is he good at gunning out?
[06:32:47] He does, finds one, not the second.
[06:32:49] And Chel may have found himself the firemane shadow not seen.
[06:32:53] Going to credit, oh yes.
[06:32:55] Chel may singlehandedly win this round,
[06:32:57] but he does at least get this pick.
[06:32:59] Terry's making up for the last round.
[06:33:02] He's just built different, bro.
[06:33:04] He is making up for it.
[06:33:06] Might just get out of war their fifth.
[06:33:09] Army and danger
[06:33:14] Looking to try to save the day Terry's in annex
[06:33:18] You have very hanging around on the A-type as well
[06:33:21] But maybe gonna be unnecessary Terry's hitting everything at the moment. There you go
[06:33:25] Five seven is the score line at the end of half first half leaning a slightly to rooster
[06:37:01] It's sort of shoes on the other foot type situation now where are the war brought up seven five on map one
[06:37:08] they were able to convert that in the OT, win to win.
[06:37:13] Now it's Rooster's turn to try to close their map out from a slight advantage.
[06:37:18] This surround will be all important for competitiveness on this map.
[06:37:24] So let's see what they're going to opt for.
[06:37:25] Looks like it'll be quick playthrough outers.
[06:37:28] Waterfall smoke on annex, dropped down on top of it, and out of war.
[06:37:35] We'll see a chapter in here.
[06:37:36] They'll become their campaign on the T side.
[06:37:38] Yeah, Rooster dropped three on the site.
[06:37:40] So they're going to be fighting heavy for that lobby control.
[06:37:43] you can see that oath is going to activate at some point but doesn't get a chance to
[06:37:48] slimy through sharp and now with man advantage rooster can just get that
[06:37:51] A site play for the retake and that's if TJ doesn't even snatch one away as the
[06:37:56] heaven push comes through fight in the main awkward position for him he'll fall
[06:38:00] that'll bring it back up in favor now banana finishing off the dink of oath
[06:38:06] from earlier and things are getting a little bit awkward now they're very
[06:38:09] nice terry ever to hold on to heaven as well and even the bigger tick in the
[06:38:14] book it's gonna make a difficult retake year for rooster and it's not rooster
[06:38:19] anymore it's just danger or dang depending on who you ask but you should deal
[06:38:24] with terry pretty effectively usp can cause some problems that still will
[06:38:29] drop makes a lot of noise and loses some hp in doing so the head shots are
[06:38:37] enough no way car three rounds now I'm counting I am counting that is three
[06:38:46] rounds the art of war should have one or at least we're in a position to win that
[06:38:52] have gone the way of roost up and that might be the most painful one of all I
[06:38:57] do I actually really do because when you're when you're lifting yeah
[06:39:08] sometimes but I don't know if that's because I'm lifting too heavy or
[06:39:13] because I'm doing it wrong or what could be many things but I feel the pain of
[06:39:20] this map because this is out of war they could be on their way to Atlanta
[06:39:27] right like they could actually have an advantage right now a nuke but just
[06:39:33] letting it slip one round at a time and I wonder if they're going to be able
[06:39:38] to salvage the map in the Mirage decider against Rooster as well as
[06:39:48] quite a scary prospect so I'll be taking advantage of these opportunities and
[06:39:54] just don't think they quite are here on nuke. Unfortunate flash, won't change too
[06:40:11] much, nip smokes here. As we know, Chell's already made his way to the top of
[06:40:16] secret out of war. Going on the front side of the smokes instead of the
[06:40:22] back side and then they just be wrapping into upper.
[06:40:26] Flaps on his shell, smoke fade, drops the bomb on the ground and that's going to make
[06:40:32] things a little bit awkward as he picked up and then ran into the cross-air as slimy
[06:40:35] children with so much work on the back side that it leaves banana solo in the 1v3.
[06:40:40] I'm unwindable, especially if he's going to be given 1v1.
[06:40:44] I'm unwindable because I'm on his HP, but man Russo, give me a couple of chances here.
[06:40:51] 8 bullets remaining in that girl Lill, A-Sat's position will not be checked so line up for
[06:41:00] Rusa and they're starting to make Nuke look cleaner and cleaner.
[06:41:03] That's not bowed well for Art of War's chances, yeah, start to potential slot at Lanthar.
[06:41:14] Outers from range, nice little high vantage point, Nidavidam looks like he's not getting
[06:41:45] any action.
[06:41:46] Yeah, I observe his sleep.
[06:41:48] I just want to get a...
[06:41:50] He's just gonna stand on the shelf.
[06:41:53] Hang up.
[06:41:56] We'll soft him up for ASAP to follow through.
[06:41:58] But then none of the techie gets a little bit of work done.
[06:42:01] Soak me up.
[06:42:03] I'll be three. Won't get any more done.
[06:42:05] And that'll be ten on the board for Rooster.
[06:42:08] Yep.
[06:42:09] Cool Carmen collected at the moment.
[06:42:11] They're looking on the CT side of me.
[06:42:15] Terry needs to activate.
[06:42:17] He's 16 and 12.
[06:42:22] Maybe if we all say turn it on Terry in the chat, he will indeed turn it on.
[06:42:29] If you'd like to see Terry turn it on, you can turn it on Terry.
[06:42:33] There you go, Terry's turned it on with a nice flash.
[06:42:41] Set up Nioh?
[06:42:42] You come up with some good shit sometimes.
[06:42:45] Let's see what Terry, turn it on Terry.
[06:42:47] You can do it here with the L-Smokes, walking on the front side.
[06:42:52] Shell's posted, Shell's ready and takes Terry out.
[06:42:55] No, we shuffle around some utility Terry's turned off Terry's turned off
[06:43:00] Terry's turned off
[06:43:02] Hashtag Terry's turned off in the chat. It's all right next round
[06:43:05] We've got him next time
[06:43:16] Hotside out of war maybe giving a couple of tells because rooster seem to be aware that it's going to be an upper hit unless it's not
[06:43:24] They really out to rain
[06:43:26] They really could be anything it could be an uppers hit unless it's not
[06:43:34] But it looks like it is going to be a nice utility.
[06:43:37] Slimey lucky to be alive and that damage done was too much for him to deal with.
[06:43:42] 3v1, great upper pop and even though Rooster seemed to be aware of what was coming,
[06:43:47] he still couldn't dodge the flashes, dodge the utip.
[06:43:50] I've got points.
[06:43:51] Well, it's not over yet.
[06:43:53] You need to see a little bit more though from Art of War before I start to bleed again.
[06:43:59] He's not exactly the greatest for Rooster at the moment.
[06:44:16] We can't cause the same problems.
[06:44:21] Or being saved at least for danger is going to help out.
[06:44:25] It's really not quite there.
[06:44:33] Simon could buy himself.
[06:44:37] Danger can buy a rifle.
[06:44:39] So it doesn't look like they're going to have enough to force in.
[06:44:47] It's going to be a bit of a spotty buy though.
[06:44:53] It's sort of like hero-esque buy from Rooster.
[06:44:57] Couple of players having invested a couple holding on to a bit of cash
[06:45:01] gives us something to play within this round at least but
[06:45:06] Art of War
[06:45:09] will definitely be
[06:45:10] looking to improve upon their scoreline
[06:45:22] Canada on Terry
[06:45:24] back in the round
[06:45:27] cleaning out the whole
[06:45:31] If the Art of War get full ramp control, which they have been allowed to do it is free on beat
[06:45:37] It's just a matter of how quickly Rooster can rotate Terry's
[06:45:40] Ooh, was able to control vent. Just want to make sure double is clear.
[06:45:44] Turn to Daunt Terran, bring it on for armor. That's what the Art of War needs.
[06:45:51] You'll take this round, though. It's not going to go too far in helping break down
[06:46:01] Rooster, but at least it builds up Art of War. As far as at the moment, that's
[06:46:06] what Art of War needs to be focusing on. Wasn't a great start to the second half,
[06:46:10] but so I'm putting the pieces of the puzzle into place and once they get
[06:46:15] themselves sorted they can start to focus on bringing down roost up ct economy a
[06:46:21] little bit as much as I love Neo does he have to get forced to go back to Neo
[06:46:30] agricola because Neo video is a is a legend both of me but yeah but doesn't
[06:46:41] doesn't neo write it with all caps no neo yeah Philip we could we could get into
[06:46:49] that Nico conversation yeah I think it's Nico low case Neo versus uppercase
[06:46:55] Neo look what would happen if someone took the name Mac but they wrote it all
[06:47:05] all caps. Come on, dude. There's some Aussie players who've got your retake nerd and started
[06:47:12] playing in some league and all these other offenders. Up on us, it's not as good.
[06:47:22] You're dead. CT, Ben. He's gonna be dealt with eventually, slimy low, so is Asap, hard
[06:47:28] for Riddion. He's got a lot of time to play with. Chell on the wrap on the flank, quick
[06:47:31] push through trophy. Wrap this one up for 11 and the Vruestar dealing with the pressure
[06:47:37] of the art of war that was almost a turn it on Terry moment but not quite and
[06:47:45] he's running out of time to turn it on here 11-7 Rooster two rounds away from
[06:47:49] forcing us through the Mirage. Art of War not doing enough on this T-side didn't do
[06:47:55] enough on the CT side threw away a couple of rounds this round certainly
[06:48:01] can be haunting them. They won that they've given themselves a little bit more wiggle work but now it's gonna have to pretty much be perfection
[06:48:08] from Art of War, close this mountain series out. This is interesting moves from Banana,
[06:48:30] won't get away with it. She'll have to spot him out. Ace up, catches Terry. I think that
[06:48:36] might just be all she wrote for Nuke.
[06:48:37] It's feeling that way, Chelyos, makes me feel all kinds of ways as well. Both in Nioh.
[06:48:51] Both had a cracker of a game on Inferno that seemed to have gone a little more missing
[06:48:55] in here, maybe role based, Leo, position known, tablet range, sprain range, and all else fails.
[06:49:05] Reload. Reload, go next. Look at least they got Inferna, so we got a series going all
[06:49:16] the way to three. Not yet. As they say around the tracks, Mac. We already saw one little
[06:49:23] over time, little comeback happen, job's not done, job's not done yet, but as you know they do say
[06:49:32] we've got a series on our hands, and I'm looking at my hands right now there's a series on them
[06:49:41] assuming Rusa closes map out which is looking more and more likely as we progress through
[06:49:46] a little sizzle damage there for NEO's feet, TGP feeling it, walks straight in through secret
[06:49:52] Squeaky even picks up the opening kill on the banana
[06:49:58] danger will be
[06:50:00] Holding ramp room waiting for the push through the smoke
[06:50:04] Art of war signaling their intentions with the flash danger backing away
[06:50:09] They can see territory and allow art of war to at least take ramp control
[06:50:23] Danger making noise up the ladder
[06:50:25] Trying to bait art of war to make a move and that'll happen towards out as
[06:50:30] Turned it on Terry
[06:50:33] Terry tapping through sap. Oh, I think you see that gun go up
[06:50:42] Next is another like comes through Terry turned it on enough
[06:50:52] And that'll be that 30 to 7 we got one map apiece this job's not done
[06:50:58] We're not booking tickets just yet. Yeah, a little bit cleaner on map to from rooster than it was on map one there
[06:51:05] For out of war but that leads us to mirage
[06:51:08] And I think mirage is quite a tantalizing prospect both teams happy to go there as a third and final a decider
[06:51:15] Both teams in working hard in this qualifier as well
[06:51:17] And so lots to play for one map to go some for us to take a break. Don't go too far away though
[06:51:22] Mirage is coming up right after this
[06:51:24] Number 3, Art of War and Roostuck comes down to Mirage.
[07:06:25] A very big opportunity for both these two teams, right, considering obviously the FlyQuest
[07:06:29] get the world ranking invite, 9 times out of 10 in a qualifier like this, you don't
[07:06:34] even consider having really much of a hope because FlyQuest is there as the ultimate
[07:06:38] final boss but not this time around and so it's a chance that cannot go begging
[07:06:43] for either team.
[07:06:44] Yeah, well they are here, they're just chilling in chat, watching it, seeing who's
[07:06:47] going to be joining them on the flight over to the U.S. at least a couple of them.
[07:06:51] But who's that going to be?
[07:06:53] Look, Mirage has been relatively successful even earlier today against
[07:06:57] Mindfreak for Rooster, but you know if the Out of War
[07:07:02] just call a couple of good strats and you've got Terry doing Terry things,
[07:07:06] you've got banana doing banana things. If Oath shows back up, because you know that
[07:07:10] he can be incredibly sharp, given the certain moments, they win.
[07:07:16] They can do it. They win. I believe. I believe. Do you believe?
[07:07:19] I did say I believed that was our nuke yeah it wasn't like super convincing
[07:07:30] you know but Maraz was pretty good from out of war yesterday against mine freak
[07:07:36] no I won't believe you know like I want to believe have you watched the X
[07:07:42] files Mac like it started wrong but it was yeah it was now it's not right
[07:07:55] I mean maybe I'm not sure is it different or is it the same I'm not familiar with the Simpsons Simpsons version of the X files
[07:08:07] But you're pretty you're pretty close with the X files theme tune then I don't know if you know, but the
[07:08:13] The tagline for that is I want to believe so that's me basically
[07:08:19] Like I'm wanting to believe in the art of war out of war are the aliens in this analogy
[07:08:25] And I'm Fox Molder I want to believe
[07:08:28] Well, maybe I'm Dana Scully. I feel like Molder already believes anyway. That's besides the point who won the knife round back
[07:08:33] We just saw it. I don't remember because I was talking about it. Matt files in Counter-Strike
[07:08:47] You have to play both halves no matter what true
[07:08:51] All right fair enough. What was there an orphan in offering I?
[07:08:59] Don't think there was an orphan in the knife round back, but what am I being attacked?
[07:09:04] Stick em up.
[07:09:05] Okay, here's something.
[07:09:06] Well, we've got a little bit of time.
[07:09:07] Can you do some show and tell?
[07:09:08] You've got a lot of knickknacks behind you.
[07:09:10] You've got a little stuff.
[07:09:11] I do.
[07:09:12] Give us...
[07:09:13] Do a show and tell.
[07:09:14] Quickly!
[07:09:15] Quickly before we go in-game!
[07:09:16] Unpack it.
[07:09:17] We've got, uh, Intel Chicken.
[07:09:18] We love Intel.
[07:09:19] What don't we?
[07:09:20] Intel Chicken.
[07:09:21] Fear the clock.
[07:09:22] Yeah, fear the clock.
[07:09:23] Don't say that in chat!
[07:09:24] You'll get banned!
[07:09:25] But I'm allowed to say it because I'm the caster and I can do what I want.
[07:09:27] They can't stop me!
[07:09:28] They can't stop me!
[07:09:29] You should say it in chat and see what happens.
[07:09:30] I tried to say it in chat and got banned on the ESLCS channel for a week and had to beg the mods to unbanned me
[07:09:38] And I've got one more chance and I haven't said it in chat, but I'll say it on stream. Fina cock, baby
[07:09:43] Let's get it. Oh my god. That's an abuse of power right there
[07:09:46] That's crazy. That's what the gym is for power. Yeah. Well, you know what? That's what that's what you get
[07:09:53] Yep, that is cast of privilege
[07:09:55] Smoke's over the top, though, for Roostar.
[07:09:58] They're gonna hit the B-bomb site while hitting the A-bomb site.
[07:10:01] It's sneaky.
[07:10:03] It's cheeky.
[07:10:05] But is it gonna work?
[07:10:06] Oath is there with the dualies.
[07:10:07] He doesn't care!
[07:10:08] Headshot!
[07:10:09] Go on!
[07:10:10] Boom!
[07:10:11] Off you go, banana brilliant, as well.
[07:10:12] In there, and Oath 4, the double.
[07:10:13] That's what you need to do.
[07:10:14] You've got two guns.
[07:10:15] Your job is to get two kills.
[07:10:16] Where'd they go?
[07:10:17] The lead.
[07:10:18] You're all dead.
[07:10:19] Bomb out on the other side of the map, TJ.
[07:10:20] Nice movements.
[07:10:21] Bomb up on the other side of the map TJ nice movements. Love that out of him.
[07:10:26] Just the timing.
[07:10:27] Oh can't quite thread it onto the head. Viridian, one fallen elbow not seen from
[07:10:36] Oath for Viridian. Gonna do a nice little pop flash Oath for Info, Tuck in, waiting.
[07:10:41] Viridian to play the high load. Oh my lord TJ is he doing it? Is he really
[07:10:48] doing it not this time TJ against Viridian and he can't take down his
[07:10:54] phone his rival now arch nemesis tell me Mac if you're Viridian right there
[07:11:00] you're not sprinting over to TJP to drop the bag round one of the third map of the
[07:11:08] grand final which which bag Jordan the sleeping bag because you've just told him
[07:11:13] he's taken a nap he's taken a nap in the pistol round you're dropping the bag
[07:11:17] on him you can only tea back well all I'm saying is that's me if I'm Viridian
[07:11:23] that's what I'm doing you want to get in TJP's head
[07:11:27] unsettle him from day dot but if you're all him up he can play really well
[07:11:33] that then that's also an issue so you don't know which teach you're gonna get
[07:11:36] depending on what you need given the situation out of war though good to
[07:11:43] see them get into the lead in a few drinks since then. Banana, mostly solo here, playing
[07:11:52] close today against pistols. The MP9 should farm through the unarmed T's, and that's
[07:11:59] going to be a nice tough one. Pickies! That's the round. Clean! Art of War, flabalock.
[07:12:06] Like, I want you to delve into the annals of history and tell me when the last time
[07:12:12] a team that was not flyquests or rooster bad news kangaroos got to go overseas
[07:12:19] I thought you were gonna say to a challenger because we had a fair few of those at the start of the year
[07:12:24] Yeah, it's April a couple of us get
[07:12:27] Not bad answer. I was looking for
[07:12:29] This is LFO two years ago
[07:12:37] It's been a long time between drinks for anyone outside of that top three
[07:12:41] They're like curious individuals making it to the RMR by the...
[07:12:46] Maybe someone in the chat can let us know. Any AUCS boffins?
[07:12:52] Yeah, Australia at the IASF stuff.
[07:12:55] Viridian went to Saudi for that last year pretty sure.
[07:12:58] Leo?
[07:13:04] Leo?
[07:13:05] He wants to be one of the first in a long time to break that stronghold, that stranglehold.
[07:13:11] Yeah.
[07:13:12] Of the big three.
[07:13:13] He's down to range, works out for the MP9s, TJ down to half, 2v5 angle, Rista's first gunround
[07:13:22] has been torn to shreds until ASAP chimes in, TJ down, ASAP's position known, and Art of
[07:13:28] War should just be able to triangulate on his position and lock him in.
[07:13:44] No chance for ASAP.
[07:13:45] This is the perfect start to the final map of the grand final.
[07:13:48] Art of War going to be feeling good, they're going to be psyching themselves up in
[07:13:52] the chat could today be the day what's
[07:13:57] veridian saying right now what are you
[07:13:59] reckon
[07:14:00] right boys keep at it yeah everything's
[07:14:15] working keep doing what you're doing
[07:14:18] I think he's probably going trippity
[07:14:20] trippin boys there trippity trippin
[07:14:22] boys yep lock in focus up trippity
[07:14:25] trippin let's warm it in trippity
[07:14:27] trippin all right Terry turn it on
[07:14:30] Terry trippity trippin my way to a
[07:14:31] a victory against TJP. Oh Terry is turning it on, he's got himself a double kill, slimy
[07:14:37] danger chill, not really much in this round to them, but they might get a bomb plant.
[07:14:41] And a kill apparently, onto Terry. Ooh, and onto both as well, hang on. Let's count
[07:14:49] this one out, banana is a cat's whisker away from a kill there on the chill, but
[07:14:54] now the round is falling apart out of war. Are they trippity trippin'? Varian's trippity
[07:15:01] trippin he's caught that flash
[07:15:03] He's running out of time now. He's got to push his way forward. This is just getting out of hand to the view
[07:15:08] He's gonna stick it. That's a big nuts play brilliant
[07:15:12] We'll win the round and that's rooster trippity trippity five ever seen it
[07:15:20] That time out all right boys focus up
[07:15:33] Trippity trippin
[07:15:35] Turn it on Terry
[07:15:36] Don't know Terry Terry how far can they push it? I mean it's an expensive round for art of war
[07:15:46] So every opportunity very
[07:15:50] Bummer not very room it up very. I thought it was bombing up
[07:15:56] room room
[07:15:57] room room room room like a card John room it up very
[07:16:02] Bring it on banana
[07:16:03] Oh, it's a hard one. I don't know if I've got one for both
[07:16:16] Best I can come up with is
[07:16:18] He's OR-ed up, Oath.
[07:16:22] Like, you know, like he's sort of, he's sort of a kayak, you know, and he's got the oars.
[07:16:26] He's got to go.
[07:16:27] OR-ed up, Oath.
[07:16:28] Ornce it up, Oath.
[07:16:30] Ornce it?
[07:16:34] Well, they're gonna have to do it.
[07:16:35] They're gonna have to do that.
[07:16:36] Whatever it is.
[07:16:39] Because...
[07:16:40] Roosterang's done yet.
[07:16:41] Looking somewhat threatening still here on Mirage.
[07:16:44] But it's a 4-0 lead for Art of War.
[07:16:47] So you'll take what you can get against a team like Rooster.
[07:16:50] We're just letting that time tick down, making sure they don't tripity-trip for anything on the way in.
[07:17:20] They're just holding pal control, we're just starting to make their way up.
[07:17:26] Con looking to set up the pincer.
[07:17:28] The banana is going to spot the Lord CT, Viridian making a welded noise over the wards.
[07:17:32] This rotation, turn it on, Terry turns it off.
[07:17:35] Give the second.
[07:17:36] We've got one-for-one on the way to site.
[07:17:38] Danger, cracks open, banana.
[07:17:40] And now the Art of War are going to have to go up the retake with Amanda's Bench.
[07:17:43] It could be a save here from out of war, maybe not though, brilliant's gone down.
[07:17:50] At least let's get the trade on the TJP, but is that gonna be enough for Nio and Oath to make the call
[07:17:56] to still go ahead with this retake? They don't have any util, not even a smoke to put on the bomb.
[07:18:02] Do have a defuse kit there for Oath, so time maybe on their side a little more so, but
[07:18:09] it's taken away pretty damn quick, Nio's not gonna find anything, Chel will grab one.
[07:18:14] and opas no hope anymore so we'll finish it that is the first round first round for
[07:18:19] roostuck and their campaign begins on Mirage. One more round needed to crack the
[07:18:35] economy of the art of war and down to the pistols.
[07:18:41] Benanna is already there. Util, no kev, a couple of bits of util.
[07:18:46] As far as I can just throw those across to Eddie, Mr. Mobile.
[07:18:53] Banana being that con player. Quite important, I guess the molly smoke, I'm just going to be used there.
[07:19:01] I'm going to find some early control, Terry hanging around like a bad smell as well, and Rooster just slowly but surely making sure there's no early aggressions.
[07:19:13] Yeah, poor banana. There's only a deagle and a sandwich. It's a banana sandwich, have you ever had one of them?
[07:19:22] Yeah, back in the day.
[07:19:26] Fan? Not fan.
[07:19:27] Yeah, I was. I used to think they were all right.
[07:19:31] I don't hate them. I don't love them.
[07:19:35] I definitely got to a point where I was, uh...
[07:19:38] I thought bananas were really questionable. I struggled to eat them.
[07:19:42] What?
[07:19:43] I don't know man, I just started gagging on them one day.
[07:19:46] Okay, like I just couldn't...
[07:19:48] You might be eating it wrong. You're not supposed to follow the videos you've seen on the internet.
[07:19:52] I just couldn't swallow the bananas man. It just got really weird. My brain did something weird.
[07:19:56] You disgust me.
[07:19:57] I was just shot on the right.
[07:19:59] And then I learned you just have to swallow that one.
[07:20:02] You're not supposed to eat him in one bite.
[07:20:04] Well, Rusa, they're going to be walking into a few players on this site.
[07:20:08] Yo, just couldn't quite hang on for one more, but 2v2 trade, not too bad.
[07:20:13] For Art of War, considering HP advantage is most definitely there.
[07:20:17] Brilliant.
[07:20:18] Taking this way across.
[07:20:19] Connector.
[07:20:20] Damage done.
[07:20:22] Danger down.
[07:20:23] Terri traded back out.
[07:20:24] There's a Mischop open shell and Oath...
[07:20:27] Has he seen the head of Slimy? I think he might have.
[07:20:29] Either way, Slimy cannot get off the site.
[07:20:31] He's managed to get under balcony. They don't actually know where he is.
[07:20:37] It's a tough ass with 1 HP, but Viridian has caught the fancy footwork.
[07:20:43] And he's got the information as well. That'll be the round for Art of War.
[07:20:46] And they will continue to stride forward. It's 5-1 now.
[07:20:54] Not bad, not bad for the first half.
[07:20:56] Both showing up, Viridian hitting a loss, calling, shooting, doing a whole lot of the work, clutching
[07:21:04] out rounds in 1vx's that should be unwinnable, and Rooster still trying to find any kind of
[07:21:15] consistency in these rounds.
[07:21:16] Back to the guns though, bomb plant means they can afford another gun round, and if
[07:21:22] they win this one it will probably be detrimental to the art of war's economy and we might
[07:21:27] Let's see who's to come back in the half.
[07:21:38] Brilliant.
[07:21:39] Walk in the hand.
[07:21:40] I'm starting to get the chance in this round
[07:21:42] to start things off on the right foot
[07:21:43] but Nio continues to have impact.
[07:21:47] So he is third kill for the map so far
[07:21:50] but I feel like he's kind of in everywhere.
[07:21:53] He's just getting the important frags
[07:21:54] and that's another good one for Art of War.
[07:21:56] Opening the round up quite nicely indeed.
[07:21:59] He's gonna be given the AWP
[07:22:02] to play with for the rest of the round.
[07:22:03] Bit of fun, love that.
[07:22:09] smoke on the bottom of the con, must have a line up there for you. No jump, throw, necessary.
[07:22:20] 3-2 split for the Art of War. It's going to be a long rotation to beat. The first is
[07:22:29] to just pump on in. And with that con smoke, there's a world... there's a huge time that
[07:22:34] they're going to make their way through, molly in a window, short frog smoke, and
[07:22:37] the B site now is...
[07:22:38] You're looking a little bit raw, fucking balcony, OZ just runs at him,
[07:22:44] and starts to split into a one-pronged attack,
[07:22:47] Shell last alive in the 1v3, and Neo takes him out.
[07:22:51] What a hold from the Art of War.
[07:22:53] Yeah, they're really doing it, Mac.
[07:22:56] Six and one now.
[07:22:57] This is starting to get believable.
[07:23:00] I don't know if I really, truly, honestly believed
[07:23:04] in the Art of War at any point throughout this qualifier.
[07:23:08] But we're in the last map. They're up 6-1.
[07:23:12] If not now, then when? When do you start to...
[07:23:16] I think you have to now.
[07:23:17] Oh, well.
[07:23:22] But it's Rooster, man.
[07:23:23] Rooster shouldn't be losing these.
[07:23:25] CS has been incredibly...
[07:23:29] I still don't believe it's like one-sided.
[07:23:31] It's a great one, and you'll still have a good chance in that second half as long as they can hit back a little bit earlier.
[07:23:38] He's going to be able to find themselves. He's quick too. Terry makes his way out.
[07:23:44] Oh, he's so sharp. He's so good. Turn it on Terry.
[07:23:49] Bobby 3. Turn it on Terry.
[07:23:53] Oh, Terry really has turned it on.
[07:23:58] He's 11 and 5. He wants it. He wants to go to Atlanta.
[07:24:03] Just get me out of here, get me out of Australia.
[07:24:06] Let's get it.
[07:24:08] Have any of these players qualified for an international LAN ever?
[07:24:13] I don't think so.
[07:24:18] And I don't believe that it counts that Terry and Banana played in Hong Kong one time.
[07:24:22] Okay? That doesn't count for the people that are going to put that in.
[07:24:25] Nor does it count that Viridian observed international LANs.
[07:24:30] That also doesn't count.
[07:24:31] I mean, as a player.
[07:24:32] I don't think any of them have done it.
[07:24:34] Now it could be the time. Today it could be the day. I'm not trippity trippin'. I'm believin' it.
[07:24:52] I'm allowed to hold onto his Util. Look at how much Util Art of War have. They know Rooster are just playing slow towards the mid-round.
[07:24:58] So they can just hold onto this, block him out, counter him when they need to, just play reactive.
[07:25:04] At the moment Rooster have a decent amount of Util as well. So we'll see what they can do.
[07:25:13] From mid control, shoot with danger here at Al, maybe they'll pivot off the back of it for Rydian.
[07:25:19] Flushing over Con, trying to get that line back.
[07:25:23] All men pumped through Con, boosting to window, TJ getting to be able to take down Terry in jungle.
[07:25:33] And the defences are looking a little bit spread here, but Banana is in the key position.
[07:25:38] Now danger, danger man Terry is out of the picture.
[07:25:43] If Viridian can get one and Banana can buy this time, maybe there's still a chance in the round
[07:25:48] but Banana's been dropped now by Acehap and that pretty much locks it in for Rooster.
[07:25:53] Money...
[07:25:54] Kind of in an awkward spot here for the Art of Four.
[07:25:59] Don't really have any loss bonus, so...
[07:26:02] It's pretty important that Oath is able to hold onto this M4.
[07:26:05] Would have been really nice if Viridian could have kept the AWP in play, but...
[07:26:09] Say lovey.
[07:26:25] Oath's safe and sound here.
[07:26:26] I'm done in the next Terry with a bit of cash in the bank can probably go for
[07:26:32] Ruffle Kev
[07:26:34] Banana can do SMG kev and you've even out that economy
[07:26:39] Maybe just save for an open the next just try play around oath
[07:26:43] Recycle it. Oh, they go for the force in
[07:26:46] Feeling confident. Yeah, I guess Terry can drop. Yeah, they go for it. Yeah, you're up seven to two
[07:26:53] give it a crack
[07:26:55] still got some distance to
[07:26:57] You put in in this half?
[07:26:59] You want to get more than 7.
[07:27:04] Make it 8, make it 9.
[07:27:06] Brilliant.
[07:27:09] With the scout.
[07:27:10] I'm on a scout.
[07:27:11] Glass cannon.
[07:27:12] Keeping an eye on the apps.
[07:27:13] There's nothing else going on over towards B for Art of War.
[07:27:16] Maybe attacking before the A site.
[07:27:17] The rooster are taking this one slow.
[07:27:18] As has been their want to do for the most part on the T side, that's been very
[07:27:19] stylistic of rooster.
[07:27:20] I would say over the last 12 months.
[07:27:21] I'm going to take this one slow.
[07:27:22] The rooster are taking this one slow.
[07:27:25] As has been their want to do for the most part on the T side, that's been very
[07:27:31] stylistic of rooster.
[07:27:32] I would say over the last 12 months.
[07:27:33] I would say over the last 12 months
[07:27:41] just try to use all the time available to them.
[07:27:43] Hmm, Nio's just got himself some pal control.
[07:27:53] Danger with the bomb.
[07:27:54] Usually the pal player.
[07:27:57] So he ends up walking through, walking far, Nio.
[07:28:01] Does he play the Shadow?
[07:28:06] He's hearing it.
[07:28:06] Has he heard them drop some nades?
[07:28:07] No, no, no, no.
[07:28:08] Yes, he would have heard the nades for sure.
[07:28:13] He's got the info.
[07:28:13] Probably other weird quick switches and shit, but...
[07:28:16] There's gonna be the crab walking out.
[07:28:17] TJ already here at Tetris.
[07:28:19] They might just wait for him to come up on the top of default oh, it's gonna be able to tear the head off of TJ
[07:28:27] Down to the 4v4 Terry barely living oath on the back of sight gets torn apart and they know that Nio
[07:28:37] Waste
[07:28:40] Today again the 1v2 they need to stop it the molly the Tersian and a risk to get to a postman man
[07:28:49] Imagine if Viridian hits a shot, denies that bomb plant, what a round.
[07:28:54] Don't know that he's gonna be getting it done here though.
[07:28:58] With only a scout, oops he's been spotted, and that's it.
[07:29:02] Bird on the board for Rusa and Art of War can now have to take a save.
[07:29:07] So best case scenario they're playing for 8-4, 2.4k loss bonus.
[07:29:13] Buy in the last round of the half is not going to be a fantastic one for Artipore, but I've got the job done.
[07:29:23] Rooster are working hard to salvage the half.
[07:29:28] Exactly, cool. See if they can come up with any little strats, slow down the trippity trip.
[07:29:56] But yeah, 7's already good.
[07:29:58] This round, not much cracking.
[07:30:03] I feel like Terry is almost better at this point, just to not even go for that pizza or kev.
[07:30:09] Just go for the full eco, get everything you possibly can into the next 2-2-1 split.
[07:30:21] Double unders.
[07:30:22] So you can manage to catch a timing on the slumminator.
[07:30:26] Then, some AK picked up.
[07:30:30] Just wait until he crunched through apartments.
[07:30:33] I don't know if Slimy's heard this, or if he's just got an itch. Got a feeling.
[07:30:39] So I don't know if the itch and the feeling is going to work out for him though. There's four players.
[07:30:43] Yeah, he's going to kill them all. Oh, he's not quite going to get them all.
[07:30:46] Talk about the AK getting picked up. Well, there it is for Oath.
[07:30:50] Obviously he wasn't the cleanest of kills for Art of War. It's not going to be
[07:30:52] putting them in a winning position, but that damage is damage. An AK's an AK.
[07:30:57] Last round of the half, both just saving it up, tucking in and holding on for dear life.
[07:31:18] Yeah, Rooster not too eager to chase him down, so he's going to get to keep the AK into the
[07:31:36] final round.
[07:31:49] But Rooster gets four, so far the halftime score in map 1 and 2 have both been 7-5, I
[07:31:59] for Art of War can go one better this time around.
[07:32:02] That's very expected.
[07:32:03] Buy into the final round of the first half.
[07:32:07] It's not going to be a perfect one for Art of War.
[07:32:10] They're not going to get everything they would have wanted.
[07:32:12] They don't get the Orph out for Veridian.
[07:32:14] And I'm missing for a couple of members.
[07:32:16] Some U-Tills aren't quite going to be afforded.
[07:32:20] Now, Leo's got 1800 in the bank.
[07:32:22] Hasn't bought a kit.
[07:32:26] I don't know about that one.
[07:32:27] Seen that on the last one.
[07:32:30] but this is now the second time so see if that plays a factor in this round
[07:32:37] block on apartments towards the mid-round one molly one smoke remaining
[07:33:10] and a couple of bangers for the art of war terry in a key position
[07:33:15] hit towards firebox but we'll get cleared eventually by danger
[07:33:19] just having a bit of a rough day only four and eight here in mirage
[07:33:23] Banana spotting the Infert and looking like he's just going to have to flash across Ferretti in the meanwhile.
[07:33:29] Going to be able to ruin that split from ASAP.
[07:33:32] The Chelsea will post it to the top of the net.
[07:33:34] Safe of passage.
[07:33:36] Bound from Ferretti and dropping it into window, but Chelyos is going to cut him off at the pass.
[07:33:41] You know the Molly forces back these CTs deep towards spawn site.
[07:33:44] Terry looking to make a move before the Palpe and makes his way out long as he's walking around.
[07:33:48] They know that there's one above him. Try to make his way below that Terry takes a second with him
[07:33:54] And things get awkward now
[07:33:56] Rotation all the way back to a main needs to try to cover here
[07:34:03] One flash available to Neo that's been tossed in
[07:34:07] Hard of war gonna lose a player to Chelsea's
[07:34:11] Coming together. That's a great shot from Dane just and five secured for Rooster
[07:34:16] might just be enough heading into the second half. Coming down to this one, the
[07:37:49] last half of the Isle Challenger Atlanta Oceania closed qualifier, roost up
[07:37:54] and a bit of a deficit down five to seven. They're in a position to really lock in that
[07:38:03] first half and one might say they didn't quite get what they needed to
[07:38:07] out of it. Well they could have gotten at least but they do have the
[07:38:12] advantage and second half pistol start could be a big wincon for them
[07:38:17] 3 players stacked over Wards B for Russo. This is already looking quite positive for Art of War.
[07:38:23] First up, get off of some potshots. Looks like we are going to see Art of War play for CT control.
[07:38:41] Clean the triple. Play for main effectively. Up in palt. But 3 towards CT, they need to win this fight.
[07:38:49] One smoke from Slimey. No flash to get around the corner. He has played anti and traded effectively.
[07:38:55] It's danger to try it as well.
[07:38:56] Nade can be able to polish off Chilios, and now maybe they can just play for jungle instead.
[07:39:00] Zap can be starting to make his way up.
[07:39:01] Con, aslami's keeping him sharp.
[07:39:03] Now, nice shot from the pistol.
[07:39:05] Run and low.
[07:39:06] So I can just go through the smoke from the bomb instead.
[07:39:09] It's another pick and has plenty of time to go through the defuse.
[07:39:11] Nice retake coming through there from Rooster,
[07:39:15] getting a sick from the board,
[07:39:17] and now just one away and trying things up with the Art of War.
[07:39:20] Alright, well, we're not done yet.
[07:39:22] That's for sure.
[07:39:23] Hard of all though with the bomb plant they have some options, some considerations to make.
[07:39:29] Doesn't look like they're going to go for the full investment.
[07:39:35] Just going to try a bit of split and pick with the eagles.
[07:39:41] To be fair, Terri has been a bit of a terror with the eagle in hand so it might actually
[07:39:48] get more than they bargained for in this ground rooster.
[07:39:50] Terri's booking it straight towards the apps but will be smoked off.
[07:39:57] already the first in road made by rooster
[07:40:19] part of war
[07:40:25] brilliant jumping around
[07:40:29] KZ skills slimy
[07:40:33] banana
[07:40:35] very unlikely here
[07:40:39] maybe they can get a pick at best
[07:40:41] Well down to the timing, very at mid, this is where the action is potentially going to
[07:40:53] happen.
[07:40:54] Oh, miss chance for adjustment, no good, can't fight, goes for, oh that micro shot, that
[07:41:01] micro flick onto the head, and Viridian has a flash, so flash himself out, nice effort
[07:41:08] mate.
[07:41:09] 7-7 out of war buying into the 15th
[07:41:14] Let's see if they can win this one over roost up with their first time there
[07:41:18] Yeah, get back on that bike
[07:41:23] And get a peddlin straight out into me. It's gonna be played for
[07:41:43] Actually being
[07:41:45] held at bay for the moment, but are you till getting tossed in there by rooster the nade and the molly for
[07:41:49] boxes
[07:41:51] Art of War still have enough smoke coverage that they're going to be able to creep their way out, Terry leading that charge and
[07:41:59] maybe a
[07:42:02] misspoke of words is a charge given that this is a little bit slower than
[07:42:06] that might infer, but they do have mid
[07:42:10] That's the first protocol always when it comes to Mirage, so
[07:42:15] one
[07:42:17] step forward for Art of War in round 15
[07:42:20] Now they have short as well. Okay?
[07:42:42] Got me infirmed towards the ticket side there, you know.
[07:42:45] It's winging, it's just going on a balcony, but aren't they ready for the sandwich play?
[07:42:49] And here it certainly is, and I see we'll flip around, and only four, quite be three rather.
[07:42:54] It was looking very secure until Slimey and Sattrime in with one piece.
[07:42:58] They didn't know.
[07:42:59] They were getting a little awkward.
[07:43:00] They didn't know about Terry and Latter Room, and so he's been able to pick up ASAP for free.
[07:43:05] Just when it was looking like it might be a bit awkward for Art of War, instantly that response comes through.
[07:43:11] And Rooster now was forced to save, Slymie's pretty keen on that over towards B.
[07:43:17] Danger might get one on the way out here, you know that's AK upgrade for him given he's only got the Famous there.
[07:43:22] In the meanwhile Slymie's gone down, so pick a poison I suppose.
[07:43:28] And that'll be that.
[07:43:38] Out of war getting their first T-Rounds on their first game around.
[07:43:44] Rooster looking at the cash, AK saved, they're gonna go for the force here.
[07:43:49] Kevlar, Light Utility, let's see what they can conjure.
[07:44:06] Yeah, I mean, this would be the economy breaking round for Art of War, if Bruce would drop it.
[07:44:12] And that will definitely set them up for success.
[07:44:14] A bit of a default spread across the map from Art of War, some progression through the underpass,
[07:44:24] oath of winning the duel against Chell, that pushed the B-Apps.
[07:44:30] It's gonna mean danger now.
[07:44:32] Has to sort of move away from short, no more priority for him in direction of mid.
[07:44:36] He's just gonna have to anchor B.
[07:44:39] And so the response from Art of War, after now having taken mid-control,
[07:44:43] will be revert back over to that A bomb site that got enough util
[07:44:48] to cause some unrest with these mollies, but they don't actually have any smokes to get in with.
[07:44:55] It's gonna have to be the good old-fashioned firepower route.
[07:45:02] TJP set on an off angle.
[07:45:05] We'll be able to find more than one.
[07:45:08] Maybe not even that.
[07:45:09] Slimey does manage to catch Oath with a grenade, but that's about as good as it's going to get for Rusa on this entry out of war.
[07:45:15] Now have the A site.
[07:45:22] There he is, into the default.
[07:45:24] He's very easy to spray, position, but not a false, but Neo trades and now it's up to Sap and the 1v3 to find anything, but no one is giving him an inch.
[07:45:33] So the AK will be saved across to the next...
[07:45:49] 9-7, out of war, stay a step ahead.
[07:45:51] There might be a few steps ahead after this round because it's going to have to be a save for Rooster.
[07:45:56] Double digits would be taken by Art of War.
[07:46:01] That will start to be concerning for Rooster.
[07:46:06] Not far away now for Art of War when you think about it.
[07:46:09] Four rounds standing between them and a spot at Atlanta.
[07:46:14] Gonna take attack timeout. Maybe settle down the troops a little bit.
[07:46:22] So we get too far ahead of ourselves just yet.
[07:46:25] I can't have that. Time passes by, out of war, making sure that they don't choke it.
[07:46:40] Under the leadership of Riddion, they are keeping it together.
[07:46:48] In the smoke, top mid smoke. They're connecting, and out of war trying to nade the cross,
[07:47:03] but Rooster just going for the full gamble.
[07:47:06] Coinflip, B-Stack.
[07:47:08] Why they always got to make it difficult for themselves, I don't know, but they do.
[07:47:26] At least it's entertaining.
[07:47:27] Art of War, 4v5 actually now.
[07:47:30] Well, a little bit more of a difficult time closing to count out,
[07:47:33] but they were afforded a free entry into the A site.
[07:47:37] Get that bomb plant down.
[07:47:38] He sells up post-plant.
[07:47:40] A-Sat B, play with the AK, has had his head taken off.
[07:47:44] And that'll be enough for Rusa to say thank you very much.
[07:47:47] We'll get out of here with the AK.
[07:47:49] Give you the round.
[07:47:51] So, Art of War.
[07:47:54] Do dodge the iceberg.
[07:47:56] Nice shots. Danger finds one on the Neo, but banana with the coverage makes sure that there is no more casualties for Rudean,
[07:48:12] but a space wave from the explosion. Good live! Art of War, over to 10, but remember this is very similar to the scoreline we had on Nuke.
[07:48:22] Rooster were able to flip it back around so we'll see if they can do it again from here.
[07:48:40] This would be a big round to win for Art of War.
[07:48:42] And he's still pretty problematic for Rusa, TJC the only one with any semblance of buying
[07:48:47] an X-Round and things go awry here.
[07:48:49] I could put Art of War in a map series winning position if they could get it over the line.
[07:48:55] Terris been unable to cross all the way into Lateran.
[07:48:59] TJP caught up with him in the end.
[07:49:01] The shoot on the other foot this time around is 4v5.
[07:49:07] Rusa have the advantage locking in, focusing up and dealing with that short push.
[07:49:27] This happened TJ
[07:49:36] So here's right side, Solidity
[07:49:38] Move towards stairs
[07:49:40] Try and supply for a missing smoke
[07:49:43] Vanara going to try to make his way to site
[07:49:45] The Flamie's got the line across the top of the jungle smoke
[07:49:48] 40 on the clock, Viridian's looking at the money
[07:49:50] thinking maybe this is the same city
[07:49:54] Flanking Brewster
[07:49:58] Happy to play this one together
[07:49:59] Giving beat
[07:50:00] Rotating in, triple
[07:50:02] On jungle, one at CT
[07:50:04] Lost protocols to lock in an 8th.
[07:50:09] Yeah, but you're nice stabilizing round for Rooster. Keep 4 guns alive.
[07:50:24] Build that money up a little bit.
[07:50:26] Bit of a war chest for what could ultimately be a real grind to win this map.
[07:50:32] Tender 8th though. Still a bit more work to do before Rooster can start thinking about getting that up on the board.
[07:50:40] First just equalize. So I have to put some of that pressure back onto Art of War.
[07:50:45] Still got a little bit of breathing room and some cash as well.
[07:50:50] I don't walk a bike again.
[07:50:52] Top mid smoke getting broken.
[07:51:17] ASAP finds nothing off the back of it.
[07:51:21] A lot of war going for a late prod out mid.
[07:51:24] Terry leading the charge for them in terms of KD.
[07:51:29] 18 and 13.
[07:51:31] What's the work that you're getting done?
[07:51:36] On his front, Neo and O is in the window,
[07:51:40] but they won't clear short and ASAP gets a freebie.
[07:51:43] It gets a little bit of a nape for his troubles, but it's not really going to cause too much of an issue.
[07:51:54] Out of war wondering what to do now, what's planned B.
[07:51:59] Who seems to window hasn't worked out, but now has been given a little bit of time to work there in the palace.
[07:52:04] It's not spotted anything, not opened anything up.
[07:52:07] But might just have to end up being an A-split here for out of war.
[07:52:12] The only option that they've got, Molly, on short push going in the direction of A, but
[07:52:18] TJP has connector on lockdown.
[07:52:22] Banana, while he will look to activate, probably has a little bit too much to do here.
[07:52:29] No slimy stuff behind ticket.
[07:52:30] He has to go hunting for a couple 1v1s and he's not going to get them the way that
[07:52:36] he'd like.
[07:52:37] 9-10.
[07:52:38] We used to bring it back to a one round gap.
[07:52:41] He's getting a little hectic.
[07:52:50] a little close, a little heated.
[07:52:54] History looking like it is currently repeating itself.
[07:52:57] Roostar nipping at the heels of the Art of War, who had a great start to this half, but
[07:53:06] lost all control.
[07:53:11] Roostar full spread across the map on the CT side, and the Art of War, looking like they are just
[07:53:16] going to try and force their hand here at B, danger.
[07:53:19] Ready to be tested. Not having the greatest game that we've seen from him before. Nade placement.
[07:53:26] Pretty good. Good damage. Banana. Not gonna last for too long and ASAP from short. Just gonna get
[07:53:32] him to mop up before they even get out. No real damage done. Who's feeling the pressure more at this
[07:53:52] point? Ten-ten. I would say out of war surely. Money's looking good for Rusa. They've won a
[07:54:00] a few rounds in a row. Start to feel confident, start to look solid. Art of War are gonna
[07:54:07] know that there are only a couple of rounds away from their dreams being crushed. And
[07:54:14] those rounds can sit by the wayside so quickly. So here's a big one, a really big one for
[07:54:20] both teams. Art of War don't have a lot of cash, 2.9k loss for this is not gonna
[07:54:25] enough to get them a buy next round. And that will put the institution to win the map.
[07:54:32] Terry though opening frag will go his way as he survives with the flash and out of all have mid.
[07:54:39] They have a numbers advantage and they have a sliver of hope once again.
[07:54:44] I'm going to crack one onto dangerous slimy four points of health, we'll get away with
[07:55:09] his life and at this point you might as well get that save for Chelt, doesn't want to go
[07:55:12] to hell with that fight.
[07:55:13] No!
[07:55:14] Watch the head across the top, it's Terry now in the 1v2, can he turn it on?
[07:55:19] Not like this.
[07:55:21] Not like this out of war, oh they had the round and they are letting it slip,
[07:55:29] it is as you say on the shoulders of Terry.
[07:55:34] He's gotta turn it on.
[07:55:35] But first he's gotta get that bomb plant down.
[07:55:38] That much it seems is going to be allowed by Rooster.
[07:55:43] He's gonna try and use that time available to him
[07:55:45] to go for a little bit of a hunt into CT spawn.
[07:55:47] Won't find anything.
[07:55:52] Where'd he go from here?
[07:55:53] If he crosses back to CT, that could be huge.
[07:55:57] I haven't spotted him.
[07:56:01] Terry wants to fight.
[07:56:03] Just worried about which route they come from.
[07:56:05] Smoke on Shell to potentially smoke the bomb off, but that's not even a conversation yet.
[07:56:09] Surely someone saw that foot and let him know he's going deeper into CT.
[07:56:13] He has one flash to play with. Flash on the tap, go for the screen, maybe that's the angle.
[07:56:18] He's supposed to go close instead. There's the flash, Shell watches.
[07:56:22] They're aware of his position, but he's livin'.
[07:56:24] Winnable. Winnable now for Terri.
[07:56:26] Spam through the smoke. He gets it done. Heart of war.
[07:56:30] It's a huge round from Terri.
[07:56:32] turn it on Terry 21 and 15 and the art of war will breathe a sigh of relief at
[07:56:42] that art of war almost throwing that 4v2 shell doing so much work that just
[07:56:53] unfortunately gets tagged down through the smoke at the final hurdle slow on
[07:56:58] time well we're stuck I'm gonna get this reinvestment into the next
[07:57:03] Yeah, this could be it for Rooster though. If they lose this round, 1900 in the bank.
[07:57:11] That is all they're going to be getting out of it.
[07:57:15] And it will not be enough to put together a goodbye next round, so it is really hanging in the balance now for Rooster.
[07:57:23] They don't have rounds to play with. You either win this round or save guns.
[07:57:29] Can't afford to lose with all your guns going down. That would be a death sentence
[07:57:38] But similarly
[07:57:40] Art of war aren't looking too healthy economically either
[07:57:45] crazy
[07:57:47] Hanging in the balance the art of war now two rounds away from Atlanta
[07:57:52] Danger jump spotting the arts spot them out. It's gonna prompt the push out of war. They're gonna go. It's the green light
[07:57:59] Maybe they run into a stop sign oath drops as well
[07:58:03] He only got one, it was not enough. Art of War, they're not quite sealing the deal right here.
[07:58:09] They're not even doing enough damage to make it scary for Rooster Eye, the only two guns drop.
[07:58:15] And now, maybe, it's advantage Rooster again.
[07:58:27] I think he's not there for a buy for Art of War.
[07:58:31] Rooster, get a little bit of a reprieve. They get some breathing room.
[07:58:36] We should go to 12. Art of War will be playing for OT Terry.
[07:58:40] He wants to take matters into his own hands. He's got a galil. He wants to make the hero play for the team
[07:58:47] But there's nothing to assist him not a single flash
[07:58:57] Trader mount Terry been a red-hot minute. I'll try something on orthodox. Yeah
[07:59:19] TJ not gonna be spotted by it
[07:59:25] Silently ASAP still ours on this position turns back
[07:59:29] Swings boy, what's banana the cover? That's a gun retrieval
[07:59:36] banana has saved the day can Terry
[07:59:38] use this gift he has been gifted can he pay it forward out of war he's been
[07:59:47] spotted out by TJP and will fall can't park there mate so it's all for naught
[07:59:52] that the little's not retrieved that in foreign ladders also not retrieved I'm
[08:00:04] seeing helmets on all the rooster individuals but can banana with the
[08:00:09] Deagle do it again danger in a very tough nut to crack
[08:00:26] There was moments there was glimpses of hope for art of war and they will be able to buy it and play for over time
[08:00:32] But it's Rooster who are one round away from America
[08:00:36] Yeah here it is, here it is!
[08:00:42] One very big round for both teams and it could be so sweet and so easy for Rooster if they
[08:00:47] got this one done, 13-11.
[08:00:49] But I think we all want it over time.
[08:00:54] I think we all want to see it over time.
[08:00:57] Can Art of War deliver one more time at least.
[08:01:02] It would be heartbreaking to go out in such a fashion.
[08:01:05] He's sat kind of on the look over the top of that smoke.
[08:01:14] He's this way out of four frees, letting the pressure get to them.
[08:01:18] He's still getting juggled, but not contesting mid.
[08:01:39] Not yet.
[08:01:41] Brilliant.
[08:01:42] A couple of smokes to fake that late mid control, or maybe they use it, window smoke,
[08:01:49] con smoke, all going down there, but I'm seeing a full group up at B.
[08:01:55] Neo with one smoke, a couple of bangers to try and make this one happen.
[08:02:00] Oh, it's a bold call, man.
[08:02:01] Going B on a round like this.
[08:02:03] Double short, gotta get past it.
[08:02:05] Chell with the AWP as well.
[08:02:07] Oh, I don't like it.
[08:02:09] I don't like it for Art of War.
[08:02:11] I do like it for Rooster. Chell already first shot onto Oath.
[08:02:15] It's not looking good. It's falling apart.
[08:02:18] And it's heartbreaking to watch the Art of War.
[08:02:21] They're gonna be so close yet so far.
[08:02:23] Banana and Neo have to save the day and they're just not quite doing it
[08:02:28] Banana will fall and Rooster will take the slot at Atlanta. It was so close yet so far and Mack
[08:02:35] I thought today might just be the day
[08:02:39] But it wasn't wasn't the day it was almost the day many times it was almost the day
[08:02:45] But it wasn't the day and
[08:02:47] and nice try, really good shots in there, really good rounds.
[08:02:54] I think at the end of the day, that storyline, we all wanted to see it.
[08:02:58] There was a lot of people in chat that were keen to see the Art of War at Atlanta,
[08:03:04] but end of the day, you know, Rusa are expected victors in a matchup like this,
[08:03:10] in an event like this, a qualifier like this, and they have managed to lock it in,
[08:03:15] and and that's it's for good reason it's because in moments like that they are
[08:03:18] going to be the team that's going to seal the deal but
[08:03:21] man that was close that was way too close for comfort for rooster
[08:03:24] closer than it should have ever been and at the end of the day
[08:03:27] i think you have to kind of look at this bracket and say
[08:03:31] that was a damn good job from the art of war you know they
[08:03:35] they beat house beds they beat mine freak and they were so close
[08:03:39] to beating rooster as well and causing what would have been
[08:03:44] such a fairytale run in this qualifier
[08:03:47] that you can only take away positives it's gonna suck
[08:03:50] it's gonna suck man losing like that
[08:03:53] but it's gonna feel bad
[08:03:54] no one would have expected them to get that close
[08:03:57] there's learnings
[08:03:59] they're gonna grow as individuals grow as players and
[08:04:02] they almost tasted success
[08:04:05] i have reached to do it the hard way though
[08:04:07] going all the way through the low bracket getting revenge against mindfreak as well
[08:04:11] in a convincing fashion
[08:04:12] earlier today and then that slog fest. I was expecting that to go to overtime. I'm not going
[08:04:18] to lie. I thought it deserved it to be honest.
[08:04:21] Yeah, I would have liked it. I think I agree, you know, in a sense that definitely deserved
[08:04:26] it over time but unfortunately not the case for Art of War and fortunately for Rusta.
[08:04:35] Is that enough to settle some of the conversations around the shakiness of Rusta? I don't think
[08:04:41] So you know that was still a pretty shaky grand final from them for me expect better obviously from rooster
[08:04:47] So I need to sort of take a step back and have a look maybe some of the more upcoming ESL Challenger League games before I'm really
[08:04:54] Like settled. I think this rooster team still has some moving and shaking to do
[08:05:00] But at least they've upheld their end of the bargain and they qualified for ESL Challenger Atlanta
[08:05:05] Let's get in there. It's getting really close and look once again congrats from me. Congrats to Rooster and
[08:05:12] Look, they're gonna do well overseas. They just need to you know figure out the inconsistencies and hopefully things will start to go
[08:05:19] Right that yes so far so good TJP is looking pretty good on the call
[08:05:22] Indeed well, that's the end of that ESL challenger Atlanta
[08:05:26] Qualification spot does go the way of Rooster will give our congrats to them and we'll wrap it up for the night
[08:05:31] It's been a pretty exciting qualifier, and we hope you've enjoyed it make sure you do tune into ESL Challenger Atlanta
[08:05:37] Though that won't be for a little while what I will say is keep an eye on
[08:05:40] The Oceania RMR qualifiers because that is going to be very interesting as well
[08:05:44] But that's all from us tonight. I hope you enjoyed. We'll see you next time. Have a good one