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07-24-2024 · 4h 12m

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caseoh_ VODs on twitch
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Broadcasts 30+ hours are truncated. View the Raw Transcript VTT for the full version.

[00:00:00] Oh, I'm so good at this.
[00:00:02] Thank you all for being welcome to the door
[00:00:08] of a slave on the lawn
[00:00:10] where we can go and have fun
[00:00:12] and enjoy our lives Ha ha! Yo! Yo! What's good, Wade?
[00:00:14] What's good, Rob?
[00:00:15] What's good, Azzy?
[00:00:16] What's good, Jack?
[00:00:17] What's good, B?
[00:00:18] What's good, Chad?
[00:00:19] What's good, ladies and gentlemen?
[00:00:20] What's good, Hunter Burwell?
[00:00:21] What's good, D.J.?
[00:00:22] What's good, D.J.?
[00:00:23] What's good, D.J.?
[00:00:24] What's good, D.J.? What's good, D.J.? What's good, D.J.? was the way was no problems good as he was good Jack was good people's goods
[00:00:24] what's good chat was gonna lazy gentleman was going on the bird was
[00:00:27] good block was good jack now listen say how we doing
[00:00:39] Chad look as much as I hate to play into the mean I
[00:00:43] Quite literally was late because I was eating Literally eating.
[00:00:49] Literally
[00:00:53] Like quite literally was late because I was eating and didn't even get done
[00:00:55] I had to start streaming cause y' was about to throw a riot up in here
[00:01:00] look at all that man
[00:01:05] nothing i could do i got three fourths of the way through with this Steakhouse
[00:01:09] Burrito before I start a stream chat.
[00:01:10] What's good baby?
[00:01:12] Yo rat spider buff slayed grizzly void.
[00:01:15] Appreciate you W subbers. Shout out's day going on a scale of 1 to
[00:01:20] 10 let me hear it nukes top 5 uploaded new video what but
[00:01:28] yeah chat homemade steakhouse burrito from But yeah, chat.
[00:01:29] Homemade steakhouse burrito from my mom.
[00:01:31] W Mom.
[00:01:33] I got hungry bro.
[00:01:35] Ate two of them things earlier.
[00:01:37] I got hungry right before stream,
[00:01:40] I started slamming this one.
[00:01:41] That's why I was late man.
[00:01:44] What you want me to do bro?
[00:01:45] I'm human bro.
[00:01:47] You know what I mean?
[00:01:49] Like bro, I'm human man. Man, you know what i mean
[00:01:55] like bro i'm human man like it's not the first time i've been late for something because i'm eating and guess what and this ain't the first
[00:01:59] time y'all been late because you was eating.
[00:02:01] What are you talking about?
[00:02:02] Yo, Alex with the fire.
[00:02:05] Like you'd be going to lunch or something.
[00:02:08] Bro see that's why only getting an hour on lunch break at jobs is like the worst thing ever bro.
[00:02:15] No dude some jobs give you 30 minutes chat how long is y'all's lunch break bro?
[00:02:24] But how long is y'all's lunch break, bro?
[00:02:26] Bro I've worked at jobs that give you an hour
[00:02:30] I've worked at jobs
[00:02:32] That give you 30 minutes bro yo Maya with the
[00:02:36] fire what you want to do in 30 minutes man
[00:02:40] W Maya you know?
[00:02:45] Cause look,
[00:02:46] cause look bro,
[00:02:49] think about it.
[00:02:52] Unless you're pre ordering bro, the there ain't much you can do in 30 minutes man
[00:02:58] unless you're pre-ordering food like say it's like 1145 right it's like a living 45 you know what I mean say it's
[00:03:11] like alright wrong hungry imma go and pre-order so you
[00:03:15] pre-order dude here's the key when it's lunch
[00:03:17] break chat you always leave 10 minutes early for lunch bro
[00:03:22] on everything i love here's what you do with a job right look show burrito with media
[00:03:36] bro
[00:03:42] dude
[00:03:43] my mom started making these
[00:03:46] chat I'm telling you dude it looks just it tastes
[00:03:53] just like a steakhouse burrito bro it's got the cheese sauce it's got the chipotle sauce it's got the cheese sauce it's got the chipotle sauce
[00:03:59] it's got the potatoes it's got the steak action dude i'm telling you man make you one of them
[00:04:07] fine Make you one of them thine.
[00:04:14] You know what I mean?
[00:04:20] But yeah, Chad, like I said, when it comes to work, bro...
[00:04:23] Here's what I do when it comes to work.
[00:04:26] Because last time
[00:04:27] the nine-to-fivers
[00:04:28] the oh man I'm
[00:04:31] pulling myself up by my bootstraps
[00:04:33] and I'm working 70 hours a week.
[00:04:34] I'm getting that money crowd.
[00:04:36] Got on me last time I was talking about work.
[00:04:39] It's like hey bro
[00:04:40] if you want to work
[00:04:41] 70 hours a week for your whole life
[00:04:43] just to make some money, you go ahead, bro.
[00:04:45] But I'm good.
[00:04:48] Like when I was working, bro
[00:04:49] dude straight up, I would value my time more than some extra money
[00:04:53] You got me messed up and you'd be like hey
[00:04:56] You want some overtime or you want a day off? Bro i'm taking the day off what's you talking about?
[00:05:02] Bro what a day off. What you talking about? Bro, what?
[00:05:06] Yo, K-So fan
[00:05:07] with the team gifted. WK-So fan
[00:05:08] with the team gifted.
[00:05:11] Chat, be honest. You gotta work Saturday for some extra money
[00:05:14] for some overtime or are you taking off
[00:05:16] let's be real
[00:05:17] I'm deployed right now love you with the five appreciate you
[00:05:21] L work ethic amen hey call it what you want to do any more
[00:05:29] anything else work at the dude you know
[00:05:34] yo Maya what the
[00:05:41] fuck did to appreciate
[00:05:41] you
[00:05:42] chat come on man you can't say l work ethic so you mean to tell me you wake up
[00:05:51] what did this dude just say?
[00:05:59] Yo, KSO fan with 25 gifted subs.
[00:06:04] Give me some Ws for for queso fan with the 25 get them maya with the five
[00:06:12] how do you feel about streamers saying streaming is harder than a real job? who said that
[00:06:36] anybody said that?
[00:06:41] Streaming harder than a real job?
[00:06:46] Bro, what?!
[00:06:49] Dude! Bro, what? Dude, what?!
[00:06:53] Yo, Mango with the five gifted.
[00:06:58] Nah bro I'm sorry man no... Nah, bro.
[00:07:00] I'm sorry, man.
[00:07:01] No.
[00:07:03] No.
[00:07:04] There ain't no way.
[00:07:07] Buddy, like, yo, Mikayla with the team. Get to W. Miikaela with the team gifted.
[00:07:11] WMikala with the team gifted.
[00:07:15] Matter of fact I know what y'all are talking about
[00:07:17] cause before
[00:07:19] I was a streamer I would see like a YouTuber or a streamer.
[00:07:23] Dude! No actually I just think- I don't remember who it was on YouTube.
[00:07:28] Before I was a streamer, I saw a YouTuber say like man y'all
[00:07:32] just don't understand.
[00:07:34] You wouldn't understand until you get in this position
[00:07:36] This is more
[00:07:38] difficult than just normal 9 to 5
[00:07:40] Well guess what Chad? I am in the position and i can sit here
[00:07:43] and tell you it's not even close as hard as a real job what are you talking about
[00:07:51] dude what Dude, what?
[00:07:53] Bro you want me to sit here and lie?
[00:07:57] Like I ain't about to sit here and tell y'all like oh man
[00:08:01] I'll be working hard. Bro I don't!
[00:08:07] Yo Petty with the five gifted. Dude I sit here and stream every day
[00:08:11] Do you know what I get to do for a living bro?
[00:08:13] I get to hang out get to do for a living, bro?
[00:08:16] I get to hang out with my people For four hours
[00:08:17] Four hours a day, bro
[00:08:19] I wake up at like 2pm every day
[00:08:22] Get up
[00:08:23] Don't do nothing all day And I see here in stream bro like what I'm
[00:08:29] about to sit here and act like oh man I'm just working so hard dude what yo sparkle with the fine this is why
[00:08:44] people think you have a right to take a day off. Well, yeah
[00:08:47] I'm gonna take your day off every now and then because if I don't take like a day off here now that I can never
[00:08:51] Kick it with my friends or not when they're off work
[00:08:54] That's why we're not taking day off
[00:08:56] It's on the weekend because that's usually when
[00:08:57] my friend can come over you know what I mean like Mike Brown look Chad hey I'm gonna keep it a complete stack with you bro it's as
[00:09:14] hard as you can make it be you know what I mean?
[00:09:18] And even coming up, right?
[00:09:20] Even becoming a streamer.
[00:09:23] Dude, I'm going to be honest with
[00:09:25] you bro. Even becoming a streamer
[00:09:27] people's like oh man, you got to work so hard to become a streamer, people's like, oh man, you got to work so hard
[00:09:29] to become a streamer, become a YouTuber.
[00:09:31] Man, you got to work so hard, bro.
[00:09:33] You got to grind.
[00:09:34] I'm going to keep it a stack with you right here.
[00:09:36] It's 90% luck, 10% working hard bro. Like what? I ain't never going to sit here and tell you I ain't here gonna sit here and tell you I'm here cuz I got lucky to what
[00:09:56] yo queso's bookie butter with the five gifted it's still hard work though yeah i'm not saying
[00:10:03] there's no hard work involved but i am saying that 90 of it is getting lucky lucky because because chat listen if becoming a streamer or a youtuber was
[00:10:20] only based off of hard work,
[00:10:22] almost there would be tens
[00:10:24] of thousands of more of them.
[00:10:28] Anybody can work hard.
[00:10:30] Can't anybody just get lucky?
[00:10:36] And that's the unfortunate part of life man you know what I mean dude like a yo anonymous with the 5
[00:10:44] And that's not even
[00:10:46] That's not even just streaming either
[00:10:48] That's any certain situation
[00:10:50] Technically every time
[00:10:52] You get into a car and drive somewhere,
[00:10:55] You got lucky that you didn't die in a car crash.
[00:11:02] Yo Solar with the five gifts appreciate you.
[00:11:06] Or every time you walk outside
[00:11:09] You got lucky there wasn't a psychopath out there waiting about to like snap you up when you walk outside or something.
[00:11:19] You know?
[00:11:25] What is bro yapping about?
[00:11:27] If you think this is yapping, then your brain is not capable of giving off legitimate sentences and consuming legitimate information into your brain
[00:11:37] and like taking it.
[00:11:39] You need to go, you need to seek help.
[00:11:49] Somebody said this is wisdom? This ain't even wisdom, this is just straight up like okay, this is what it is.
[00:11:56] Yo booty O'J Jones with the five.
[00:11:59] Life is a game?
[00:12:01] Okay, okay stop trying to be philosophical buddy.
[00:12:05] What you talking about life is a game? Buddy you ain't him, stop.
[00:12:09] What are you talking about life is a game? Buddy, you ain't him. Stop. What are you talking about life as a game? No it's not.
[00:12:15] Yeah, you go ahead and live your
[00:12:17] life like life's a game buddy. You go ahead and live your life like life's a game, buddy.
[00:12:19] You go ahead and ramp your car on a giant ramp that you would see in GTA
[00:12:23] and see if life's a game.
[00:12:26] See if you respawn 10 minutes later.
[00:12:38] You know what I mean?
[00:12:48] The present is already the past see why y'all trying to get philosophical in here dude what are you talking about? The present is the past.
[00:12:58] I mean, you're kind of right though. Wait a minute.
[00:13:02] Wait a minute. Wait a minute he cooked!
[00:13:10] Wait a minute he cooked!
[00:13:12] Shrimp with the five think about it
[00:13:15] the present is already the past everything that i'm saying right now
[00:13:21] is the past a second after I say it.
[00:13:31] Yo, yo he cooked. Yo.
[00:13:36] Yo, he cooked.
[00:13:39] Oh my goodness,
[00:13:40] he cooked, dude.
[00:13:44] Queso's booty with the five.
[00:13:48] Chad, you know what I mean?
[00:13:52] Type one if you understand that. Thanks, Captain Obvious. your name is 12 tap shut up man shut up 12 tap yo yo tap
[00:14:11] yo you know what this loser just say this dude thinks he's socrates this dude thinks he sucks Mr. Big C Socrates! What is everybody in here, Socrates all of a sudden?
[00:14:22] Chad look what this loser just said I'm
[00:14:31] buddy come home and
[00:14:34] well you know you stole that quote from somebody.
[00:14:38] Stop it, man.
[00:14:39] You did not make that up.
[00:14:42] You read that off of a card or something.
[00:14:44] Owen?
[00:14:46] Poe-ing?
[00:14:48] Say something, Poe-ing. My bad. I'm sorry. No, I'm not.
[00:14:54] Bro said... Yo, chat. Bro said...
[00:14:57] Chat bro said every man dies few ever really man say something did he leave?
[00:15:15] Yo Owen
[00:15:20] Yo Owen you good Yo, Owen.
[00:15:21] You good?
[00:15:24] I just lost a follower.
[00:15:27] Owen, where you at, man?
[00:15:43] Oh! man Owen explain yourself bro Owen Owen! Chad, how do you refresh this?
[00:15:55] Yo, bro, you have a lot of questions in here.
[00:15:58] You're not even going to answer them all.
[00:16:00] You're just going to keep on saying it.
[00:16:02] You're going to keep on saying it. You're going to keep on saying it. Yo, you humiliated him?
[00:16:06] Yeah, my bad, Owen.
[00:16:08] My fault, bro.
[00:16:12] My fault.
[00:16:15] Ban him though, ban Owen.
[00:16:18] He thought he was a philosophical-a philosophicer or something.
[00:16:23] What? I'm going to find you, Owen."
[00:16:29] He said, bruh.
[00:16:30] Yeah get them banned!
[00:16:31] That's all you're gonna say bro?
[00:16:33] Yeah just ban him.
[00:16:36] After all that
[00:16:37] you're just going to say
[00:16:38] bruh?
[00:16:38] Yeah, you're gone.
[00:16:42] What are you talking about?
[00:16:44] Wait
[00:16:45] somebody said Nook's top five uploaded a new one
[00:16:55] what is this wait a minute what is this? Wait a minute. What is this?
[00:17:00] Yeah, I'm Deadpool's roommate.
[00:17:03] Lying down...
[00:17:05] I can't see.
[00:17:10] Yo.
[00:17:20] Yo, wife! Yo. yo life your life crazy Bro!
[00:17:35] Where does the time go? go okay bro you don't have to feel the elbow for the whole video this is
[00:17:46] supposed to be nostalgic move around man we did it Move around, man! We get it. The Elmo was 1688!
[00:18:00] MOVE! He gon gonna zoom in. Bruh.
[00:18:16] Oh man, we got Elmo's number one fan in here chat.
[00:18:24] Dude Oh my goodness.
[00:18:27] Chat, y'all remember when the cameras looked like this?
[00:18:28] Y'all remember... Y'all remember...
[00:18:29] You know what I mean?
[00:18:32] When them cameras look like that.
[00:18:41] He's still on the Elmo. Oh my goodness, that thing is great.
[00:18:59] Dude it's actually crazy how far technology has come in literally like, what's that 10 years ago?
[00:19:09] No, that was 20 years
[00:19:11] ago.
[00:19:51] ... I remember this sign the always with the little line under it bro I'm a lot prices was still kind of crazy back there look at that dude that's not a crazy home for that for a DVD player and uh in a what's it called? Case held
[00:20:10] Jinxy. What happened to him? He got leaked?
[00:20:27] What got leaked, His booty cheat? His address got leaked what you want me to do?
[00:21:00] I can't change his address!
[00:21:07] Dude, you know what this-you know what sound
[00:21:11] this L friend-oh so i'm a l
[00:21:13] friend because i cannot change jinxie's address comfort him
[00:21:43] chad he didn't leak his address bro
[00:21:51] dude the old tvs man man
[00:22:06] to get security outside his house no you need to get like some animals or
[00:22:11] something
[00:22:14] like I got stuff be like hey you pointed something you're gonna get eaten chat he did not leak his address bro what y'all talking about, man.
[00:22:47] Dude, look at how different the vibes was.
[00:22:48] Not a cell phone in sight, just people living in the moment...
[00:22:54] Walmart!
[00:22:58] You know what's crazy? That dude is probably dead now chat for that dude
[00:23:03] and look how old he is right here this This was 20 years ago check this dude dead, bro
[00:23:21] Bro Bro.
[00:23:27] Oh, my God!
[00:23:32] Who you snapping at?
[00:23:40] Who do you think you are, snapping?... snapping uh Oh my goodness, look how old everything is! Bro technology's come a long way in 20 years.
[00:24:15] We went from this to robots on Mars, bro.
[00:24:33] Yeah! so why is this oddly comforting?
[00:24:40] Sims 2! Oh my goodness. Is that that old Pirates of the Caribbean game that dropped on a PC like 15 years ago do y'all remember that
[00:25:04] they would give you like auto generated name like swashbuckler07 or something
[00:25:20] check nocturnals on Steam.
[00:25:22] No way it's out. Fuck. Dude! Dude, what?
[00:25:29] Okay it doesn't release until September. Shut up! You ain't gonna get me with this again!
[00:25:51] I'm sorry. get me with this again Oh, shit! Ow!
[00:26:07] Wait, hold on.. Bro, he did leak his address. Are you kidding me?
[00:27:01] Bro. bro Hold on. No, he didn't leak his address.
[00:27:06] He's good. He did.
[00:27:17] He did? Yo, Aaliyah! No he didn't.
[00:27:22] I literally have his address. I'm about to leak his leak is actress if you don't shut up is his address he's good so
[00:28:05] chad he can move in with me bro
[00:28:14] dude this the best guillermo watch watch
[00:28:41] dude this is great i'm about to sit here and watch these the whole stream is Everybody's just chilling! Look at the-
[00:28:52] Oh my goodness, i remember these dude
[00:29:04] oh my goodness bro You'll knock channels with the five.
[00:29:08] Roll to game crew. so um I don't know. away like i know this is like a nostalgic video but like these dudes
[00:29:54] like walking around like filming people
[00:29:56] like it's kind of weird right I am a free hunter
[00:30:09] It's easy to run
[00:30:13] if you're unchill
[00:30:15] and your about to turn it all upside down show
[00:30:25] is that the only one you like hold on a second i'll take the GT I can't. Hold on, Ted.
[00:30:27] I'll text the GT.
[00:30:29] We got another one.
[00:30:33] Bro, you remember these things?
[00:30:37] It's too light. Yeah? And then you say you like the yellow monster car, what do you like about that one?
[00:30:44] What do you mean what does he like about that ma'am it's cool!
[00:30:48] Why wouldn't he like it?
[00:30:50] Mm-hmm. Yeah.
[00:30:52] What do you like about it?
[00:30:54] It's yellow!
[00:30:56] Ha ha ha ha! Yo W answer bro. Wow.
[00:31:01] Yeah? What do you like about it?
[00:31:04] Bro said its a car. Its a big car.
[00:31:07] Yeah? Okay.
[00:31:09] Hey man!
[00:31:11] What else do you see like?
[00:31:14] Um...
[00:31:16] This one.
[00:31:18] This one right here?
[00:31:19] Yeah.
[00:31:20] Wait how did Jinx even leak his address? Ordering wings? He was looking at the Scoville on Buffalo Wild Wings.
[00:31:56] . Yo, chat.
[00:32:15] Y'all wonder why every single time that I Google stuff now,
[00:32:22] I hide my...
[00:32:22] Dude, I was rogue back in the day
[00:32:25] when people would send me insults
[00:32:27] and tell me I look like so-and-so.
[00:32:29] I would just type it in on Google
[00:32:31] didn't even care. There we go. I'm going to go him a new house?
[00:33:06] Why can't it be 2004 again?
[00:33:09] Why are we watching this? I don't know.
[00:33:13] I'm kind of chilling right now.
[00:33:17] It's kinda cool. I know.
[00:33:18] It's kind of cool.
[00:33:22] Alright, I'm done.
[00:33:25] Oh yeah, we were trying to look for the new Nuke Top 5.
[00:33:25] Hold up. Did it just come out today?
[00:33:37] Let's go, Nuke.
[00:33:38] Prove me wrong!
[00:33:40] Prove me wrong, Nuke. Prove me wrong! Burn them all! Prove me wrong, Nuke!
[00:33:42] Not all of them.
[00:33:46] A father says that he was busy working in his office one day when his son came running in and seemed very upset.
[00:33:54] The boy claimed that, quote, a man was moving things in the other room.
[00:34:03] Lock in! in the other room a father says that he was busy working
[00:34:05] in his office one day when his son came
[00:34:07] running in and seemed very upset
[00:34:09] The boy claimed that quote a man was moving i guess let's believe the classic
[00:34:15] child something new than i don't! Contact!
[00:34:24] In the other room. The dad follows the boy into the living room to find things scattered all across the floor.
[00:34:29] So, he checks his security cam to see just what happened.
[00:34:33] What he finds chills him to his core.
[00:34:36] Oh, was it?
[00:34:40] Oh.... hmm That's also a fishing train though. You know what I mean? Like, hello! hello like bro you know to this day people are still going in comment
[00:35:22] sections of me like debunking these videos and they're still like getting mad at me for it
[00:35:27] because they're coping so hard that they refuse to believe
[00:35:31] that these aren't real. so Let's steal fishing string. Notice how it's only moving in one direction?
[00:36:07] You notice that. It's only going THAT way. I'm gonnaaked out.
[00:36:40] A small toy and a dog bed can you see-
[00:36:41] Yeah, it only moved in one direction. Which is a... which... which...
[00:36:45] You know what that means, chat? Fishing string.
[00:36:47] Lying across the living room floor, all by themselves.
[00:36:51] Sorry!
[00:36:52] The seemingly annoyed little boy rushes over to the objects and even starts picking up
[00:36:56] the dog bed and throwing it back to the floor in frustration.
[00:37:00] The dog bed then aggressively slides back towards him
[00:37:03] knocking him over but look at all mr. nuke or simply slides back toward he
[00:37:12] jumped on it! lands right on the soft bed. So, just what was
[00:37:24] the boy seeing when he told his dad
[00:37:26] that, quote, a man
[00:37:28] was moving things? He was seeing his
[00:37:30] dad tying fishing string to random
[00:37:32] objects around the house and he thought it was weird
[00:37:35] that's what he seen could some dark presence be haunting their home you
[00:37:42] decide glitches in the matrix You decide.
[00:37:46] Glitches in the Matrix... Oh, okay! Hold up now! Okay!
[00:37:48] Glitches in The Matrix? Maybe!
[00:37:51] TicTac user Eddie is parked in front of a Boston pizza restaurant
[00:37:54] in Fresno, California
[00:37:56] when he spots something very
[00:37:58] weird.
[00:38:00] Okay where is this car that's
[00:38:02] reflecting on
[00:38:04] this Boston Pizza pizza window it's a corvette c8
[00:38:11] i seriously don't see that car anywhere no buddy
[00:38:16] it's there somewhere you just ain't looking hard
[00:38:18] enough it's in the parking lot where's that card it's in the parking lot somewhere what where is that car won't you do me a
[00:38:36] solid oh there's that car
[00:38:43] we're where is our car hello oh where's
[00:38:48] I caught I know exactly's that car?
[00:38:49] I know exactly where that car is. It's behind this bush.
[00:38:53] Notice how in the reflection
[00:38:55] the car is right beside a
[00:38:57] bush, the car is hidden by that bush reflecting off the door
[00:39:07] you're banned, mom. Where is this car?
[00:39:13] It's a buddy.
[00:39:15] Stop it.
[00:39:19] In the reflection of the restaurant window, Eddie sees an orange Corvette C8.
[00:39:24] But when he looks around the parking lot... it's not there.
[00:39:28] In disbelief, Eddie posts this video to tick-tock wondering if
[00:39:32] he might have caught a quote glitch in the matrix our footage goes viral receiving over 2.8 million
[00:39:39] views in the comments viewers repeatedly ask Eddie to go back and
[00:39:44] film a location one more time yeah go back and feel the
[00:39:48] location when the cars Okay, we are
[00:39:54] parking lot because one o
[00:39:57] you guys were saying is g
[00:40:00] it uh the cars either ins the car is either inside of a pizza parlor or it's a wrap on the window. I don't know, let's
[00:40:09] check it out. So walk into it right now. If you look at it actually from this point of view, the reflections look kind
[00:40:18] of accurate. There's a white car reflecting, that's right here.
[00:40:31] And no there is like no car in there.
[00:40:55] I knew that! This time the shop window accurately reflects what's right in front of it. It was accurately reflected the other time!
[00:40:58] Orvette is no longer there.
[00:41:02] Cut to another video of a supposed, quote,
[00:41:05] glitch in The Matrix.
[00:41:06] I said maybe this one's
[00:41:07] a little bit more believable, Chad.
[00:41:08] Let's see.
[00:41:10] Late one night in Nashville, Tennessee
[00:41:12] a woman's friends tell her
[00:41:13] to quickly grab her camera
[00:41:14] and hurry outside
[00:41:15] to check out some very bizarre activity going on in the night sky. so Oh my goodness, what kind of camera are you using? What? What?! Dude, like do you take me as a fool?
[00:42:16] What?! WHAT?!
[00:42:18] WHAT?!
[00:42:20] WHAT?! IT WAS A LIGHTNING BOLT! What? What? It was a lightning bolt.
[00:42:26] What the f*** was that? I got that. The group of friends watching shock as the moon seems to change colors from green to red, and then suddenly seems to just discharge some kind of electricity.
[00:42:41] I know Neil deGrasse Tyson's life story. seems to just discharge some kind of electricity.
[00:42:44] I know Neil deGrasse Tyson, okay? So i'm not gonna sit here
[00:42:52] and tell you exactly what this is,
[00:42:56] but I can tell you one thing.
[00:42:59] This is explainable
[00:43:01] in something natural.
[00:43:04] It's either that or it's just a lightning
[00:43:05] filter.
[00:43:09] Spectators to the shocking event
[00:43:11] believe that they witnessed everything from
[00:43:13] a possible government cover-up. A cover up of what?
[00:43:33] It only seems to just discharge some kind of electricity.
[00:43:37] Spectators to the shocking event believe that they witnessed everything from
[00:43:41] a possible government cover-up...
[00:43:49] aliens, Aliens And of course
[00:43:50] Maybe even
[00:43:51] A glitch in the matrix
[00:43:53] But whether it's a glitch
[00:43:54] Aliens
[00:43:55] Or
[00:43:56] Maybe just
[00:43:57] A really good fake I leave that up to you to decide
[00:44:06] Funny you called me the buffoon when you're the buffoon here.
[00:44:09] If you want to go through your life believing that for some weird reason
[00:44:15] The government needs to cover up aliens,
[00:44:18] You go ahead and do that buddy you keep living in a fantasy
[00:44:22] world but over here in reality there's absolutely no reason why they would cover up aliens. Why?
[00:44:38] Followed home.
[00:44:40] Why wouldn't they? No, the question is why wouldn't they. The question is why would they you absolute goober! What do you mean why wouldn't they? That's not the question you ask.
[00:44:50] The question you ask is why would they cover it up
[00:44:56] why wouldn't they is obvious Mass panic.
[00:45:04] That wouldn't cause mass panic.
[00:45:09] So the public is not scared? Man, shut up!
[00:45:14] Back in 2015 Candace Gardner and her husband attended a Halloween party at an abandoned and allegedly haunted prison with a dark history it was a huge mistake hey look here's my take on aliens
[00:45:28] i believe that aliens exist but i don't think they've been here
[00:45:34] that's that's my take on aliens, straight up.
[00:45:39] I think they
[00:45:41] exist but I don't think they've been here
[00:45:43] because in order for them to be
[00:45:45] here, this other alien
[00:45:47] species would somehow
[00:45:49] have found a way
[00:45:51] to travel faster than the speed
[00:45:53] of light which if they did that would break
[00:45:56] every law physics ever
[00:45:58] known and created.
[00:46:04] So buddy, trust me,
[00:46:09] if they did come here we wouldn't have even noticed because they're moving faster than the speed of light which is absolutely incomprehensible. Literally Literally. that the entire night at the party, she felt like something was watching her.
[00:46:29] And ever since that night,
[00:46:30] strange things have...
[00:46:31] Did this loser just say?
[00:46:40] Theoretically, they could warp or teleport.
[00:47:06] So you're telling me that you more likely believe that they teleported or warped here and traveled faster than the speed of light? You mean to tell me they are opening up wormholes. You might get me at wormhole,
[00:47:08] that's it.
[00:47:12] Wormhole is the only one that you could even slightly try to conceive,
[00:47:18] and even then that's ridiculous.
[00:47:19] Y'all know what a wormhole is jack No.
[00:47:37] Wormholes are simple. Say my hand is a piece of paper, right?
[00:47:45] You know what I mean?
[00:47:46] Say the Earth is right here and the planet we want to go to
[00:47:50] is way over here
[00:47:52] And it's millions upon billions of light years away, you know what I mean?
[00:47:57] So yeah obviously can't travel faster than the speed of light so you're not going to be able
[00:48:01] to travel all the way over there matter Matter of fact, let's just use
[00:48:04] the Ferris wheel for example right? We're here, the planet or
[00:48:08] star that we're trying to go to is here right?
[00:48:12] Wait hold on.
[00:48:21] Hold on I'm about to educate y'all
[00:48:24] I'm about to leak somebody's address doing it though.
[00:48:44] Okay. lock in Ted talk of the day wormhole wormhole right this right here
[00:48:55] this right here is space.
[00:48:57] This
[00:49:01] is space, right?
[00:49:05] This right here space okay
[00:49:09] we're right here in space you know what i mean
[00:49:14] earth here Earth up in
[00:49:18] here somewhere.
[00:49:20] Planet we want
[00:49:21] to go to
[00:49:21] over here
[00:49:23] somewhere.
[00:49:25] The way
[00:49:26] wormholes work
[00:49:27] which they
[00:49:27] obviously don't work because
[00:49:29] how would you do this?
[00:49:33] Say
[00:49:33] this planet 10 billion
[00:49:35] light years away
[00:49:37] this earth over here.
[00:49:40] What you want to do instead is
[00:49:42] shorten the distance
[00:49:44] between us and that planet.
[00:49:46] What you would have to do
[00:49:48] is grab the fabric of space
[00:49:51] and bend it in half, to where the two points
[00:49:55] of Earth and the planet would be meeting right here. You'd
[00:49:59] have to keep the wormhole open so you could travel
[00:50:01] directly through the hole to here. But you'd have to keep it open.
[00:50:05] Say you went from here to here and the wormhole opened, you're stuck way
[00:50:09] over here and Earth is way back here.
[00:50:11] You have to reopen the wormhole again, refold it come back through unfold Why does this actually make sense? Because that's legitimately what it is.
[00:50:33] This isn't like a theory I made up, this is
[00:50:37] legitimately what it is. What do you mean? Of course it makes sense?
[00:50:46] But obviously in order to do that you have to figure out how to bend space itself, keep
[00:50:50] a wormhole open, travel between.
[00:50:52] But then you ask the question, what's between
[00:50:55] a wormhole opening? What if it opens when you're going between and you're just floating
[00:50:59] in what's not even space or is in an abyss?
[00:51:03] Yeah, sign me to Harvard.
[00:51:07] ...been happening in Candace's home. She now believes that a malicious entity might have followed her home from the old prison.
[00:51:15] A dark spirit that intends to harm her and her family.
[00:51:19] Oh, here we go!
[00:51:20] Soon after the prison trip,
[00:51:21] Candace begins to experience unexplained activity in her home.
[00:51:26] Lights flicker on and off at night...
[00:51:28] Oh, look at the kitty!
[00:51:30] ...unexplained activity in her home.
[00:51:32] Wait, screen?
[00:51:32] Oh, my fault.
[00:51:38] My bad. Y'all didn't miss nothing. Lights flicker on and off at night while Candace and her husband sleep.
[00:51:43] Doors in the house open and close on their own.
[00:51:47] Or you mean by fishing string? Yeah.
[00:51:50] But scariest of all,
[00:51:52] The spirit begins to aggressively throw objects at Candace.
[00:51:59] You okay, Candace?
[00:52:01] Why did all of our savings go to
[00:52:03] B-
[00:52:16] ... I'm sorry. Ale acting! Are you serious serious Candace.
[00:52:39] Oh you get...Dude! Dude, I should be a body language scientist.
[00:52:45] Watch this really slowly, I wanna show y'all something real quick.
[00:52:49] This is proof that she's acting. You want to know
[00:52:52] how I'm about to prove that she was acting?
[00:52:54] Watch this.
[00:52:57] There was a brief frame
[00:52:59] where she almost
[00:53:00] looked at the camera to make sure it was on her watch
[00:53:07] Her first instinct is to make sure camera watcher why you looking over here ma'am she's not looking at the camera?
[00:53:25] I'm not saying she looked directly
[00:53:26] at the camera.
[00:53:27] I'm saying she looked in the general vicinity
[00:53:30] of the camera before this thing.
[00:53:34] Look! There was a little eye flash,
[00:53:37] it went slightly above 90 degrees when it should have stayed at floor level. She's looking at a spoon?
[00:53:53] Okay, you're getting debunked too. That's not a spoon.
[00:53:55] That's a spatula loser.
[00:53:59] Matter of fact, ban that guy for spreading misinformation!
[00:54:03] You can tell there is light passing this, which makes it a spatula.
[00:54:08] Or a straining spoon.
[00:54:11] A straining spoon....
[00:54:23] Spatula. That's a spatula! That's a SPATULA!
[00:54:28] SPATULA ALL DAY!
[00:54:36] On everything I love that's a spatula. That's what I thought. W pole.
[00:55:17] See, chat?
[00:55:18] Sometimes y'all don't hide mine.
[00:55:21] Sometimes y'all don't hide mind sometimes you'll actually you know vote the right way and these frightening incidents continue also i have another question
[00:55:39] where did this thing come from
[00:55:41] and these frightening Where did this thing come from?
[00:55:49] And these frightening incidents continue to escalate as it seems that the entity wants... Oh, I know what it is. Chat you ready? You don't want to hear this but you listening
[00:55:56] here's the debunk right here she has somebody that's kneeling
[00:56:00] behind the counter and they just threw it as hard
[00:56:04] as they could up there.
[00:56:08] ...incidents continue to
[00:56:10] it seems that
[00:56:12] the entity wants to seriously hurt Candace.
[00:56:15] Okay, dude, really?
[00:56:18] The fact you think that's a delusional take is like on you entirely.
[00:56:34] Oh my god! What? This seriouslyiously hurt Candace.
[00:56:52] Why does the video always start when the knife is borderline midair? Can you show me what's happening like 10 seconds before and after?
[00:56:57] Candace.
[00:56:59] She flipped it over his shoulder!
[00:57:03] Like the scene from Dumb & uh where harry spills the salt
[00:57:09] and then what's his name throws it over his shoulder
[00:57:12] and hits that dude they almost get into a fight she threw it over her shoulder. No, that one. Her arm didn't even move.
[00:57:33] Alright, I'm about to prove you wrong again.
[00:57:35] Yo, Emiliano with the five.
[00:57:36] Alright, here you go.
[00:57:38] I will be able
[00:57:40] to make this fly over
[00:57:42] my shoulder without
[00:57:44] being able to tell that
[00:57:46] I threw it. You ready?
[00:57:51] Exactly! Ready? Exactly.
[00:57:52] Clip it and run it back.
[00:57:57] Where'd my spoon go? bro y'all get the clip? Clip. Alright, here you go. I mean is there a way that I can go full screen to twitch you know is there any twitch staff in here
[00:58:45] yo pluto are you in here like what's going on Yo Pluto, somebody.
[00:58:59] What's going on right here?
[00:59:02] I know there is a Twitch staff in here somewhere. Hey, come on now
[00:59:09] Oh this
[00:59:12] Alright here you go
[00:59:15] Now watch! You're going to see the spoon fly without seeing me move.
[00:59:21] It's flying over my shoulder without that I threw it.
[00:59:25] Are you ready? Go back.
[00:59:28] You ready?
[00:59:32] Exactly!
[00:59:40] Okay. am I that wide that's crazy bro
[00:59:42] your shoulder moved
[00:59:47] joke's on you I didn't throw it with my right shoulder,
[00:59:48] It was my left... idiot.
[00:59:54] Yeah! Hey man! Chat the proofs in the pudding Hey, man.
[01:00:00] Chat, the proof's in the pudding, dude.
[01:00:05] Chat, proof's in the pudding, bro.
[01:00:05] Let me tell you. Well... Well, this wants to seriously hurt Candace.
[01:00:24] Her left hand isn't visible,
[01:00:29] so until further notice she threw it.
[01:00:32] The toaster? There could be a toaster on this side of her and she angled it to pop up and the knife flew out of the toaster yo mob that
[01:00:45] guy I'm sorry. While Candace is sleeping, she starts to wake up to painful violent attacks as if if some unseen force is roughly grabbing or pulling at her.
[01:01:15] And she says...she caught proof. So late one night Candace and her husband fall asleep
[01:01:21] while watching TV on the couch tv as the couple sleeps a ccpv
[01:01:26] camera in the room captures something absolutely horrifying if i had a dollar dude I'm sorry ma'am, but unless you got snapped in half, I'm not believing you.
[01:02:08] Now if this would have kept going and it would have folded you in half, then maybe I'd have believed you.
[01:02:14] But if not, you either raised your own leg up or it's fishing string.
[01:02:19] Now, if you wanted to fully convince us and let us believe that ghosts are real,
[01:02:24] you should have let it break you in half.
[01:02:32] Ah! You should have let it break you in half. You know what I mean?
[01:02:48] Ha ha ha! oh Oh, my God! No!
[01:02:51] There's something on the lake.
[01:02:54] This is going to break me in half!
[01:02:57] Ma'am, come on!
[01:03:18] The driver's leg! She comes in! She caught a cramp! Ha! Bro, she caught a cramp because she was trying to lift her leg up that high.
[01:03:34] Candace's leg appears to get grabbed and twisted painfully into the air. on. help her but all he can do is grab her leg and pull it back eventually he manages to free candace's legs from whatever is pulling on it okay but poor candice is left sobbing in pain and fear.
[01:03:46] Now I have to say that after watching this footage
[01:03:49] and hearing Candace's desperate pleas for help,
[01:03:52] this video is very compelling, but...
[01:03:55] What did I miss? His hand? What'd he do?
[01:03:58] Please for help, this video is very compelling,
[01:04:02] But, do you believe
[01:04:04] that a dark entity followed Candace home
[01:04:06] from the prison? Um, no Mr. Nuke
[01:04:08] I do not. And is now
[01:04:10] violently haunting her home?
[01:04:12] Let me know what you think.
[01:04:14] As for Candace, she says that her family still experiences terrifying paranormal events to this day.
[01:04:22] We need scary videos so if you've seen one or you have one send it our way at nukestop5
[01:04:28] at gmail i'm gonna make one and see them and send them one a calm hell or high water
[01:04:43] back in august 2021 an unexpected flash flood swept through downtown omaha nebraska
[01:04:50] p.m tony liu and his two friends are relaxing in his apartment and watching the weather reports about the flood
[01:04:56] Take the elevator down to have a look at the flooded city streets for themselves.
[01:04:59] It was a very bad idea.
[01:05:01] Let me see your best moose impression.
[01:05:06] That's you, no match to God for a panda!
[01:05:09] I said it is you, daddy Yo, that timing is crazy!
[01:05:15] Where Peyton Manning at? Omaha?! Bad idea. we're paid many at all I idea
[01:05:19] let me see your best music for
[01:05:29] you know let me see your best moves in practice. Oh man man oh man what
[01:05:44] oh no that's actually scary you're stuck in a flooding elevator?
[01:05:55] Tony and his friends didn't realize, but the lower levels of the apartment building were completely flooded with disgusting
[01:05:59] sewer water. Okay that's not... I don't think that's
[01:06:01] sewer water but...
[01:06:03] As the elevator reaches the lobby
[01:06:05] water pours inside
[01:06:07] causing the elevator to malfunction
[01:06:09] and track them inside with the rising water.
[01:06:12] Once it got towards kind of my neck, chest that's when I kinda okay like
[01:06:16] I could hopefully die again.
[01:06:19] The water continues to flood in filling
[01:06:21] the elevator to the point that the three friends
[01:06:24] can barely keep their head above water.
[01:06:26] Oh, that is scary!
[01:06:27] Tony is par-
[01:06:28] Paranormal?
[01:06:29] Panicked, he makes an emergency phone call to his roommate Daylen Stapp.
[01:06:33] And the roommate hurries downstairs to try and help his trapped friends.
[01:06:37] I told him hey, uh, I'm gonna die in here if you guys don't come and try to do something we went down this is fake
[01:06:46] this isn't something you say it's fake this obviously happened shoulder deep water and just tried pulling it apart with everything because we had to get him
[01:06:59] out or fatal tony's roommate dalen finally manages to pry open the flooded elevator doors
[01:07:06] to free his friends from what could have been their watery grave.
[01:07:11] Luckily, they all escape and swim to safety without so much as a scratch not surprisingly tony lou says that this
[01:07:20] was the scariest thing that has ever happened to him how scary was this honestly i would say the green screen
[01:07:28] that has ever happened to him how scary that's giving green screen
[01:07:37] is that a green screen. Is that a
[01:07:38] green screen?
[01:07:46] Fake video.
[01:07:49] Now I can't believe none of it.
[01:07:53] GG
[01:07:58] Honestly, I would say this is number one. The most scariest thing in my life. Yo hands down.
[01:08:00] Give me the water.
[01:08:01] Okay, thank you.
[01:08:02] This first.
[01:08:03] Okay, thank you.
[01:08:04] Shoot!
[01:08:05] Watson, the Rainbow Fountain and Grill in Charleston, Texas was built back in 1924
[01:08:11] and before it became the popular local soda shop that it is today,
[01:08:15] it was home to a pharmacy and a medical office.
[01:08:18] One of the doctors who frequently worked out
[01:08:20] of the building was Dr Robert Blackburn,
[01:08:22] who is famously known for bringing
[01:08:24] his cute little dog Watson
[01:08:26] along with him everywhere
[01:08:28] into patients' houses.
[01:08:30] It is said that Dr. Blackburn's loyal little dog Watson
[01:08:33] still haunts the building to this day.
[01:08:37] Over the years workers and customers at the cafe claimed
[01:08:39] to have had strange unexplained experiences with
[01:08:42] the ghost of watson the dog saying that they could actually feel
[01:08:46] the spirit of the little dog jump right up on their legs since
[01:08:50] the restaurant added security cameras What?!
[01:09:39] Uh huh. Okay. okay so I appreciate you. CCTV footage shows employees and visitors getting nipped at the ankles or even scratched by something that they can't see.
[01:09:42] Now with so many people experiencing the exact same phenomena, and with all of it caught on camera
[01:09:48] It makes you wonder whether the spirit of little Watson the dog is still hanging around the old soda shop.
[01:09:55] Scary Still hanging around the old soda shop. Scared...
[01:10:01] ...the patrons, but perhaps only trying to find new friends to play with.
[01:10:17] In a flash
[01:10:28] Sometimes very Hey! Hey man, what you do? I'm gonna do some pranks on people bro. But then like a bolt out of the blue, fun time is over.
[01:10:39] I'm gonna do some pranks on people boy.
[01:10:41] Yeah!
[01:10:42] Hit it up.
[01:10:48] A sudden very close lightning strike rips through the clouds and scares the living out
[01:10:52] of them, sending them running inside in terror. Yeah.
[01:11:25] He didn't see it. So are these like specifically like not all paranormal ones or? Yeah I don't know man.
[01:11:27] Axel Ulza frequently explores caves and tunnels in the woods of Colomos, Mexico after finding AXEL WILSA FREQUENTLY EXPLORES CAVES AND TUNNELS IN THE WOODS OF COLOMOS, MEXICO.
[01:11:41] AND NOW FOLLOWS HIM WHEREVER HE GOES. attached itself to him. Uh oh! And now follows him wherever he goes
[01:11:43] One day, in the
[01:11:45] strangest place
[01:11:47] a public restroom, Axel starts
[01:11:49] to hear bizarre sounds
[01:11:51] He takes out his phone and hits record,
[01:11:52] and what happens next is like something
[01:11:55] right out of a nightmare.
[01:12:04] Like we saw this one
[01:12:09] yeah we saw this one something for sick it face looking out yeah was the edited face in the stall on
[01:12:22] a nasty bathroom y'all remember that but axel says he didn't see it hello doggy
[01:12:31] it's a little before six in the morning when a reddit user's dog who's home alone experiences something very creepy
[01:12:45] we saw this too! It's just doing what a dog do.
[01:13:12] The camera captures the sound of an unexplained voice whispering,
[01:13:16] Hello!
[01:13:34] Which seems to send the dog right into a panic that man the owner says that absolutely no one
[01:13:36] other than the dog was home at the time
[01:13:38] of this recording he also says that he's never experienced anything
[01:13:42] like this in his house and wonders if he captured something paranormal, but what do you think
[01:13:49] this voice is?
[01:13:50] I think I'm screaming. That's what I think.
[01:13:57] Mirror, mirror...
[01:13:59] Who the fuck was that?!
[01:14:00] ...from Colima Mexico says his four year old mother What the fuck? and features a pre-recorded voice that says cute little phrases.
[01:14:12] Nothing too odd there, but over the next few weeks
[01:14:15] Edgar starts to notice his niece talking to the mirror daily.
[01:14:19] Oh here we go man!
[01:14:27] And some of the toy's responses are eerily intelligent.
[01:14:31] Almost as if it can hear and respond to the little girl.
[01:14:34] Oh my goodness you're going to jail!
[01:14:38] That was Freddy! Did you hear that?
[01:14:50] That was Freddy!
[01:14:52] Listen!
[01:14:55] Intelligent. Almost as if it can hear and respond to the little girl. On everything I love that was Freddy.
[01:15:13] Intelligent, almost as if it can hear and
[01:15:17] respond to the little girl i've noticed hector
[01:15:20] on the girls mom decide to ask some questions
[01:15:22] themselves what happens next is truly disturbing.
[01:15:28] I don't want to hide from them anymore.
[01:15:30] What do we do?
[01:15:31] Are we not men?
[01:15:33] We used to do it Welcome to the castle of dreams, The Magic Mirror.
[01:15:49] What is your name?
[01:15:51] I'm Jessie!
[01:15:53] Princess Marcella from the magic mirror's
[01:15:56] Castle of Dreams. You're so cute! castillo de los sueños If you ask me, my favorite is my dad.
[01:16:10] If mom asks, I'll answer that the one I like most is my mommy.
[01:16:15] And if you ask me, I will tell you that the one I like most is you. is
[01:16:25] the mirror says that its name is jesse and it gives oddly specific answers to the mother's questions.
[01:16:32] Well, Edgar and the girl's
[01:16:33] mom are a little freaked out.
[01:16:34] Get the AI mirror!
[01:16:38] Out.
[01:16:39] They remove the batteries from the toy and store it in the barn behind the house.
[01:16:43] Years pass, and the family forgets all about the toy... until they start to hear a strange
[01:16:49] little voice coming from the barn in the middle of
[01:16:52] the night. Edgar says that the voice sounded
[01:16:56] just like the mirror toy, and was saying things like
[01:17:00] followed by a sinister little
[01:17:03] giggle. He posted his
[01:17:05] video and story to TikTok
[01:17:06] and things got even
[01:17:08] weirder because you see
[01:17:10] some viewers commented that they had the exact same mirror toy.
[01:17:14] But they said their mirror didn't talk at all.
[01:17:17] You're just gaslighting them! Yes it does!
[01:17:24] Viewers urged Edgar to make one more video with the strange toy.
[01:17:28] He's reluctant.
[01:17:29] Okay, you know what else I noticed?
[01:17:31] If the other ones don't talk...
[01:17:35] ...I notice that in this one...
[01:17:40] There's no plug-in running down the side of it.
[01:17:43] But on the haunted one...
[01:17:45] ...there is a plug a plug in what's that
[01:17:47] you're just saying I've urged Edgar to make one more video with this strange toy.
[01:18:00] He's reluctant, but eventually he searches out the mirror in the family's barn, and this happens.
[01:18:08] For those who were asking me to look for the mirror
[01:18:11] and put batteries on it, here they are.
[01:18:13] I could only find these pieces
[01:18:16] and I did put some batteries that he had here in the house.
[01:18:18] As you can see they are new.
[01:18:20] Honestly, I don't think it's going to turn on but hey, let's go and call him.
[01:18:24] Shit!
[01:18:26] The phone is ringing Let's get it.
[01:18:40] W quality by the way, that thing works all these years later. That's crazy.
[01:18:42] Hola
[01:18:43] Hola
[01:18:47] Gracias Amiguel
[01:18:48] Me da gusto Eres muy inteligente Thank you, friend.
[01:18:53] You're so funny! Do you have a party?
[01:18:56] No I don't have any parties. Do you?
[01:19:00] I don't know when it's going back. He's still like this.
[01:19:06] Don't cuss at it! You trying to get haunted?
[01:19:11] Gur says that at this point, he is just............
[01:19:13] ...
[01:19:15] ...
[01:19:17] ...
[01:19:19] Oh, you're good now! Now your whole family's curse for 30 generations
[01:19:23] buddy good luck to this toy let me know what you think around an empty collector says he stores all
[01:19:33] of his collectibles in a local storage unit but lately things have gotten a little strange
[01:19:39] dude i want to do i want to go to a storage auction and bid on our storage thing.
[01:19:45] He says that he started to get odd complaints from the staff at the storage facility.
[01:19:50] They said they heard bizarre loud noises coming from inside a storage unit at all hours of the day and night.
[01:19:57] The antique collector is very confused at what the noise could be,
[01:20:01] and sets up security camera inside the unit to see what can
[01:20:04] be going on when he reviews the footage the next day
[01:20:08] he is shocked
[01:20:13] seen it If this was real, that would be creepy. creepy
[01:20:44] woke up for a minute and went back to sleep!
[01:20:50] An old antique monkey doll that he recently purchased inexplicably sits up
[01:20:55] And just moves around on its own
[01:21:01] After witnessing this creepy incident the antique collector says that he believes that the old doll might be cursed or...
[01:21:08] Dude, it looks like the Cat in the Hat guy from the Cat in the Hat movie!
[01:21:13] ...a paranormal entity attached to it.
[01:21:16] So is this footage real?
[01:21:17] Y'all know that movie a movie we're going man
[01:21:22] yeah bro hit pose 28 or isn't all just an elaborate hoax. As always, you decide. Man, I know.
[01:21:54] I know!
[01:21:58] I know!
[01:22:04] I know! i know i'm gonna get three i'm gonna get three first places and that's gonna be it so Beam is famous?
[01:22:27] Okay, they're going.
[01:22:34] It's kind of giving Ariana Grande, I'm not gonna lie.
[01:22:38] That's giving some Ariana Grande action.
[01:22:43] You kinda ate a little bit.
[01:22:49] Okay, I see what you did.
[01:22:52] It's giving Ariana Grande...
[01:23:37] I see that you ate a little bit okay Oh, I see what you did there. This sucks. This is terrible, get out of here. This isn't giving famous to you? You ever play poppy play top
[01:23:39] pre safety ball guys
[01:23:49] That's also not... Oh, that's just a bad outfit in general, ma'am.
[01:23:52] Look at the shoes going through the dressy.
[01:23:55] This is bad!
[01:23:59] That is not giving Taylor Swift, Maddie.
[01:24:01] Okay? Get out of here.
[01:24:33] You kept the base drawls on? These DRAWLS! It's just basic, man I can't with these basic outfits
[01:24:39] oh i'm about to destroy this whole lobby.
[01:24:44] Jack, dude!
[01:24:48] I'm about to destroy this whole lobby.
[01:24:51] Mid-air! i'm about to destroy this whole lobby
[01:24:53] mid
[01:25:27] and let's go It's my lobby now! Come on!
[01:25:29] Come on!
[01:25:31] Bro, they don't even give no effort. Tomo!
[01:25:36] Bro, they don't even give no effort. Yo, Tomo, it's my lobby. Come on. Give me a good thing.
[01:25:58] My style? my style so so Okay, I know what I'm gonna do here.
[01:26:40] I know what I'm gonna do here.
[01:26:45] Watch!
[01:27:17] Hold on, let me cook, let me cook! so sucks
[01:27:21] what is my style I don't need that!
[01:27:25] Refund, yeah refund them.
[01:27:29] Dude i don't have a style, I just wake up and eat.
[01:27:34] Oh, I put on dress-up as a burrito!
[01:27:46] Yo, I lowkey love this game. You are low-key to throw some burrito action. Ha ha ha!
[01:27:48] Spa day?
[01:27:52] Chad, don't you get your ass kicked for that? I've come here with no shoes on. Personally...
[01:28:12] Uh, ma'am? You can't put a blindfold on and say this is giving spa day.
[01:28:14] Cause them draws ain't giving spa day at all. Get out of here.
[01:28:18] That's not
[01:28:19] giving spa.
[01:28:54] I see what you did there. is that giving spa day?
[01:28:55] it's really not I don't think that's giving a spa day
[01:29:04] is is it
[01:29:13] this also isn't giving spa day you're gonna come out here with no shoes on!
[01:29:25] They're making makeshift robes? Oh!
[01:29:32] Oh, you wear a robe to a spa, huh.
[01:29:41] Spas give you slippers? Should I go to a spa?
[01:29:46] What is that? that i mean
[01:29:59] look did you see the green face paint?
[01:30:00] That's what they do with the cucumber action.
[01:30:07] I need a good thing. Just give me a good theme.
[01:30:10] Come on.
[01:30:14] Just give me a good thing. All I need is you give me something and I'll cook.
[01:30:23] Oh, hey!
[01:30:28] Beach day!
[01:32:32] Oh! What was it? ¶¶ so I got to look it up so Is this it? I have a plan! so It's giving it all.
[01:32:41] 10 10? Okay.
[01:32:49] 10 so yes
[01:33:06] what kind of makeup we talking talking. Help!
[01:33:37] Help!
[01:33:41] Help!
[01:33:46] Change the face? What kind of what kind of face action should I do?
[01:34:37] Fur boots? Ease, I bet! What's that? Is this gyaru makeup? That's kind of giving gyaru big eyes Move! Chet, what kind of shoes we talking hold on i need to get the what's it called Fur boots, okay.
[01:34:52] Yes! Oh my god. It's giving Say action this is also giving the hour oh my goodness slay oh man
[01:35:25] yes Get a belt? Okay.
[01:36:13] Oh my goodness, it's giving gyaru oh my goodness a bag gucci bag A bag? Gucci bag! No! I got the clam!
[01:36:20] Ooh, that's giving gyaru. I like that. Yeah, that's giving- yeah, that's giving- yeah, I fear fear you ain't i'm not gonna lie you hate
[01:36:28] i'ma give you two though because i don't like it but yeah hold on
[01:36:36] yeah that's not bad
[01:36:42] ah is it giving Gyaru?
[01:36:51] That's not giving Gyaru at all.
[01:36:55] No. Vader, no I, not a hater.
[01:36:56] I tried to talk to him earlier and he didn't say nothing.
[01:36:59] Ooh that's deep!
[01:37:00] Yeah!
[01:37:01] That's some slay action right there.
[01:37:03] Is that a belly button piercing?
[01:37:05] What is that?
[01:37:06] Yeah you ate. I'm not gonna lie. Let me give you another one. Is that a belly button piercing? What is that?
[01:37:07] Yeah, you ate.
[01:37:08] I'm not gonna lie.
[01:37:09] Let me give you three right here.
[01:37:11] Colors could have been a little better but it's still good. Never play this game again.
[01:37:32] Never touch this game again, man! Get outta here! so so Swing!
[01:38:07] Swing!
[01:38:13] Come on!
[01:38:18] That's podium man!
[01:38:23] Oh that's giving Garu 2 I see with the winky face
[01:38:27] Dude, Imma give you 3. I messed with that
[01:38:31] Yeah that's some sleigh action.
[01:38:33] Yeah you're slaying a little bit.
[01:38:35] Okay I see ya.
[01:38:48] I see ya! Um Yeah
[01:38:51] Okay
[01:38:52] I'll give y'all a three
[01:38:53] I feel like duo Kinda cheat though Yeah, okay. I'll give y'all a three.
[01:38:56] I feel like duo kind of cheat though.
[01:38:59] Ain't y'all in a discord seeking up your motions too?
[01:39:00] Yeah, y'all cheating.
[01:39:06] Oh my goodness, I fear you eight.
[01:39:09] Wow!
[01:39:12] Wow!
[01:39:16] Yeah that's a slay right there. There is no doubt about it.
[01:39:19] That is a sleigh if I've ever seen one.
[01:39:25] Um...
[01:39:29] I see what you did.
[01:39:32] I see what you did, I'll give ya a three. Yeah.
[01:39:36] Yeah? okay.
[01:39:45] Um... I'll give you a three because you're a six little bit, it's not bad!
[01:40:04] Whoa!
[01:40:10] Whoa!
[01:40:15] You missed the opportunity with the bow and the hair, so for that I'm going to give you two.
[01:40:27] But not bad, I see what you did. This is not rigged let's go
[01:40:37] slaying
[01:40:50] actually there's no way you're gonna say this is a rig
[01:40:53] this is giving uh uh whatever it was
[01:41:00] it's giving.
[01:41:07] That some slay action right there.
[01:41:11] Hey, that's some slay action right there dude.
[01:41:13] It is straight up.
[01:41:18] Chat come on man don't be trying to take my uh...
[01:41:22] Don't be trying to take my, uh... Don't be trying to take away my accomplishments.
[01:41:24] Okay? That's a good
[01:41:26] fit man!
[01:41:30] That's a good fit!
[01:41:35] What you mean
[01:41:39] if you played the game off stream you'd realize how hard this game is
[01:41:43] no you just suck phoenix quit coping
[01:41:55] i have a vision.
[01:42:01] I don't want to hear any,
[01:42:04] I am not going to hear any any criticism you understand me I am going to be looking like a Waffle House mascot! so me. so so It's giving Waffle! Incoming copycats, watch!
[01:43:46] Yo KFC!
[01:43:56] KFC just gifted 100 gifted.
[01:44:01] WKFC with the 100 gifted. KFC MC Whopper with the 100 gifted.
[01:44:16] Yes! Stop! oh my goodness so so so oh my goodness so How much would a to bet people trying to steal my my uh
[01:45:54] chat what am i missing what am i missing what am i missing This is going to be the menu.
[01:46:03] This is giving menu! I'm reading the menu when I walk in. so so Oh my goodness!
[01:47:01] I think i'm okay with this. This is giving waffle right here!
[01:47:16] Wow Wow.
[01:47:20] Wow, yeah.
[01:47:24] That's giving Waffle House employees...
[01:47:47] I'm going to give you two of those because i don't like it, but that's giving employee. uh Uh, ma'am?
[01:47:54] I don't know what you thought she was doing but you did not do what you think she was doing.
[01:47:59] What are you doing?
[01:48:07] Waitress, so I see you've never been to a Waffle House in your entire life. Get out of here!
[01:48:23] What is this? Do you know how to read?
[01:48:27] Me going to the water.
[01:48:29] Yo, Skye! Nobody asked about you going through waffa house the demon's waffle house so so Yeah!
[01:49:07] Oh yeah baby, come on!
[01:49:16] Dude that basketball is giving so much waffle.
[01:49:22] What are you...
[01:49:26] Scramble there.
[01:49:30] Now that you elaborated, I see what you did Imma give you three yeah
[01:49:35] Uh huh I see what you did with the
[01:49:37] scramble action dude
[01:49:43] The chicken tender encases the- I see what you did.
[01:50:02] You copied me, but you sold!
[01:50:04] You wanna know why? No, you you can't sit and say your waffles
[01:50:07] look better than mine because waffle house doesn't do square
[01:50:10] waffles they do circle waffles NO! THEY DON'T DO SWAG! That don't look like a waffle, ma'am. Did it say Bleak 182 concert or did it say Waffle House?
[01:50:47] It says Waffle House! say waffle house it says waffle house get off the stage man yeah you kind of aim a little bit. I'm not gonna lie, I messed it up.
[01:51:12] Yeah, you kinda slay that and slay action.
[01:51:20] No walkout music is tough. And your fit sucks.
[01:51:25] What is it? Foot Locker or Waffle House, Moony? Huh? Did you not read? Did you not read?
[01:51:32] Did you not read?! Alright, get off.
[01:51:49] Come on, baby!
[01:52:06] One more round! Y'all some haters chat there's the two Y'all are just some haters if you think this is rigged!
[01:52:08] This is the best wa- Waffle House colors?
[01:52:11] Waffle and the menu in hand you're you're hating
[01:52:18] luna with the five scrambled eggs was good so i remember
[01:52:24] all right yeah the scrambled egg yeah i like the scrambled egg this is The scrambled eggs was good too, I remember.
[01:52:24] Yeah the scrambled eggs, yeah I like the scrambled egg.
[01:52:26] This is good.
[01:52:37] Saving that one. save an hour one more let's go
[01:52:41] three feet right here come on give me a good
[01:52:44] thing
[01:52:44] give me a good thing give me a good theme please so are we gonna do ellen from the grocery store chat yes or no so so Man.
[01:53:52] She wore a long sleeve, Ryan? Did she wear a long sleeve?
[01:54:31] She wore a long sleeve in a black dress so It's giving Ellen.
[01:54:35] I really didn't copy this what i was looking for anyway loser shut up
[01:54:50] did she carry a bag? I don't think she carried a bag.
[01:54:52] You ain't about to see her tell me how you're copying if she's not what she's looking for carrying a bag
[01:55:07] what kind of shoes she wear? She wear heels? I think she wore black heels, right?
[01:55:11] Perfect.
[01:55:17] Perfect!
[01:55:21] Ooh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...
[01:55:25] Uh-huh
[01:55:29] okay it's giving it's giving ellen
[01:55:34] it's it's giving ellen it is I think there needs to be nothing else. so When it comes to your wellness routine, the details are the difference.
[01:56:08] Dove Men Body Wash with plant-based moisturizers.
[01:56:12] What?
[01:56:18] Wait! No... oh Need a cashier? Oh thanks game, I know I need a cashier.
[01:56:33] That's good sir thank you so much. Hey Ellen how are you doing?
[01:56:36] Okay uh huh who paid my car that's the first car today.
[01:56:40] Fifteen, fifty...
[01:56:49] Look at me over here! What is this?
[01:56:52] This is giving Ellen. I think I'm good with this
[01:57:00] Chad, I think I'm good with this.
[01:57:03] This is the most Ellen...
[01:57:05] She has a simple fit in the game.
[01:57:07] This is what it is! is wait a grocery bag what's the most grocery looking bad there is chat so mvip
[01:57:53] oh my goodness you ate! Oh my goodness dude!
[01:58:00] Yo!
[01:58:03] What a man. we're back Yes!
[01:58:25] There we go. Ground?
[01:58:28] It's good, it's fine.
[01:58:30] This is giving Ellen
[01:58:32] the bag is just...
[01:58:56] ... so Oh, ma'am.
[01:58:56] Ma'am.
[01:58:59] I'm afraid you must not know.
[01:59:03] Ma'am, ma'am we're not talking about Ellen.
[01:59:06] Ma'am they are talking about Ellen.
[01:59:08] Ma'am no. You got the wrong Ellen.
[01:59:12] Ma'am you no. You got the wrong Ellen. Ma'am you got the wrong Ellen.
[01:59:15] No!
[01:59:16] Y'all got the wrong Ellen.
[01:59:24] Did she say the wrong Ellen? This is the only airline, one star.
[01:59:36] No! Y'all are sailing right now. Did you lag out mid-game or something?
[01:59:39] What is this so so I didn't know what Ellen.
[02:00:26] Well, you sold. You're not getting any stars. Sorry Not bad.
[02:00:41] Not bad.
[02:00:44] Not bad, it's not great either because she like...
[02:00:49] Nah, it's a little bit too bougie to be hailing.
[02:00:52] I vote for you. You call me a copycat.
[02:01:29] Yo look, Ellen ain't got green drawers she's got black drawers you sold Okay, I see what you did with the $10 for water.
[02:01:30] I got you a three star.
[02:01:33] Okay, yeah.
[02:01:38] I'm not a hater man what is this baba You made her too bougie!
[02:02:14] Nooo! No way.
[02:02:20] We all sold.
[02:02:23] We all got it wrong.
[02:02:26] You are not welcome in KSO's grocery store.
[02:02:29] She wears khaki pants!
[02:03:19] We all got it wrong! I still had the best one. ah Too easy!
[02:03:28] Don't you dare sit here
[02:03:34] and tell me that this is rigged d copied too d literally saw me go get that jacket from
[02:03:44] the corner and then she got the jacket from the corner right after I put it on
[02:03:48] so I won even when somebody copied my jacket that's crazy literally literally literally
[02:03:59] literally
[02:04:01] dude three
[02:04:05] three
[02:04:07] shows three first places Three, three shows.
[02:04:10] Three first places.
[02:04:12] Chat, am I the GOAT or what?
[02:04:13] Be honest.
[02:04:20] Y'all can keep coping and say it's rigged
[02:04:45] wait let's see if you don't think it will today's was rigged I put my heart and soul in them fish. Y'all some haters.
[02:04:48] Chat, just say you're jealous, man.
[02:04:50] Chat,
[02:04:52] just say you're jealous. Just say you're jealous.
[02:05:01] Chat it's okay! Just say you're jealous.
[02:05:09] Yo!
[02:05:21] Queso with the the 10,000 bits WKsos Casa with the 10,000 bits. WK shows Casa.
[02:05:25] What's up, Chase? My name is Ella. Today's my birthday at turn 14. Happy birth chat.
[02:05:30] Happy birthday, Ella man.
[02:05:32] Happy birthday Ella dude. Happy birthday Ella man happy birthday Ella dude happy birthday Ella everyone know
[02:05:37] what you mean I appreciate the work that whatever she be to make me feel better
[02:05:39] when sad he deserve everything your sweet guy great personality I hope we
[02:05:42] meet you one day we have a great day always be
[02:05:45] your number one fan yo happy birthday ella you know what WL though. Happy birthday, Ella. Is this the plug?
[02:06:10] We're about to get on horror games, just hang on.
[02:06:15] Lost Arkansas Medicaid? to get on horror games just hang on lost arkansas medicaid where can you find a low-cost health plan
[02:06:20] what about a planet covers today i will show you 10 plus useful outfit hacks and dress
[02:06:25] to impress they all look amazing and will definitely improve your
[02:06:29] outfits significantly. It will certainly help you win as well. This is a part 2 to this video,
[02:06:34] don't forget to watch that one as well. Make sure to keep watching!
[02:06:46] Before we start, let's see who won the 500 Robux in my previous video.
[02:07:03] Congrats to the winner. Let's start the video now.
[02:07:06] So in the first hack, we're going to recreate this top hack.
[02:07:11] It was submitted by TotallyJC from my Discord server. Let me show you how to make it.
[02:07:18] You need this top,
[02:07:21] and grab this dress. Make it top only plus no sleeves.
[02:07:29] Then you need these sleeves.
[02:07:33] Lastly, you need this top.
[02:07:38] Now use the fishnet pattern for the first color option of the tank top.
[02:07:45] And color everything else any color or pattern you'd like.
[02:07:49] This is the result!
[02:07:51] I think it's a pretty cool hack and
[02:07:52] it's quite unique as well i've never seen anyone using this hack
[02:07:57] it's really easy to style as well alrighty next up we got a very cute
[02:08:03] loafers and leg warmers combo.
[02:08:05] This was submitted by Lee from my Discord server but they said it was not theirs.
[02:08:13] And I found out it was by k underscore mbi on tick tock so credit to them
[02:08:19] credit to me i made that let's recreate it you need these sandals
[02:08:25] and You need these sandals. And then you need these Mary Janes.
[02:08:30] How does she know the name for every item?
[02:08:37] What do you mean, these Mary Janes?
[02:08:44] Make sure to add socks use the medium strike toggle lastly grab these leg warmers
[02:08:50] use the medians
[02:08:54] make sure to add socks Use the medium strike toggle
[02:08:57] Lastly, grab these leg warmers
[02:09:00] Now color it
[02:09:02] This is the result
[02:09:03] It's super cute
[02:09:05] If you only use the Mary James
[02:09:06] You won't get this stubby platform shoes look super cute if you only use the mary james
[02:09:07] you won't get this stubby platform shoes look
[02:09:10] it's a really great oh man i had no idea this game ran this deep
[02:09:21] let me know what you think. The next hack is a really cool top hack.
[02:09:23] It was submitted by Sade from my Discord server.
[02:09:26] I'm not sure how to describe it, but you can see for yourself after i show you how to make it
[02:09:32] you only need two items this madoka top madoka top like how do you know that you only need two items this madoka top
[02:09:44] and this turtleneck top let's color the hack so here it is i went with a bayonetta style outfit
[02:09:53] the top combo looks really good with the rest of the outfit
[02:09:57] it's such a cool hack next up we got a shoes hack it's to make
[02:10:03] these sandals it was submitted by nick from my discord
[02:10:06] server let me show you how to make it okay
[02:10:11] you need these new sandals
[02:10:15] And then you need the Mary Janes
[02:10:19] Make sure to add the socks
[02:10:22] I didn't know there was an Add Socks button!
[02:10:27] Mary Janes, make sure to add the socks.
[02:10:32] And here is the result. It's super adorable. I think it looks perfect styled in a summer outfit.
[02:10:38] DUDE THEY'RE PLATFORMED! I absolutely love the hack.
[02:10:50] Moving on, we got a beautiful necklace hack! It was sent by may from my discord
[02:10:54] server let's recreate it we're gonna need this
[02:10:58] flower necklace the fact that they're called hacks is
[02:11:01] just the new pearl necklace.
[02:11:07] This collar cuff necklace.
[02:11:11] And lastly, this pearl necklace.
[02:11:13] Let me just style it real quick.
[02:11:17] Here we go!
[02:11:18] This is the result.
[02:11:20] It's stunning.
[02:11:21] I really like this combo.
[02:11:23] I styled it with a mermaid fit and it looks amazing.
[02:11:26] Moving on, We got another shoes hack.
[02:11:29] It's this super cute loafers hack with a bow on it.
[02:11:32] It was sent by Ying in my discord server.
[02:11:35] Let's recreate it in game game you'll need these sandals
[02:11:39] and then the mary janes go to mary james Mary Janes!
[02:11:55] Make sure to add socks. Let's style it.
[02:11:57] This is how it'll look like
[02:11:59] Super adorable right?
[02:12:01] I think this will be perfect for kawaii outfits
[02:12:05] Next up, we got a bag hack
[02:12:07] It's this really cool bag with a bear charm on it.
[02:12:10] It was submitted by Lil Bro in my Discord server.
[02:12:13] Let's make it!
[02:12:15] So we'll need this bag,
[02:12:16] and this bag simple right now all you need to do is use the same color for all
[02:12:25] of the color options but use brown or any color you'd like for the bear charm
[02:12:28] yes I'm gonna style it. Here is the result
[02:12:34] i went with an office siren look and the bag looks amazing with it
[02:12:37] It's such a cute hack but i think it'll look so much better on lower graphics without all of the details
[02:12:42] What?
[02:12:44] Next, we got a ghost dress hack
[02:12:46] Ooh
[02:12:46] It was submitted by Ori underscore Ocean in my Discord server
[02:12:50] This hack is interesting let's recreate it
[02:12:54] so first you need to grab this skirt then put on this new dress.
[02:13:05] And this mermaid top. NO I NEED THAT!
[02:13:16] I'm getting codes tomorrow.
[02:13:18] Remind me before we get on here,
[02:13:19] I'm getting codes tomorrow.
[02:13:24] Lastly, this dress from the hunt event.
[02:13:25] Let's style it.
[02:13:28] So this is how it'll look like.
[02:13:30] It looks pretty.
[02:13:34] Maybe you can add a bit of red for blood and brown for dirts.
[02:13:36] But it looks really cool.
[02:13:39] Next, we have a dress hack.
[02:13:43] This is the only VIP outfit hacks that we have in this video.
[02:13:46] It's this super pretty dress submitted by Evelyn and my discord server. Let's just begin! We're gonna need Kim K's
[02:13:51] dress.
[02:14:02] And this VIP dress, gonna style them real quick. They doing all of this just to compete with me? It's crazy!
[02:14:05] And they still get second.
[02:14:09] This is the result!
[02:14:11] I saw someone styling it this way and I got inspired.
[02:14:13] This is super pretty,
[02:14:15] I love it! The hack is really unique as well.
[02:14:18] Let me know what you guys think!
[02:14:21] Lastly, we got a skirt hack.
[02:14:24] It looks adorable.
[02:14:26] It was submitted by Linny from my Discord server.
[02:14:28] Let's make it in-game.
[02:14:30] So we're gonna need these biker shorts
[02:14:32] and this mini skirt.
[02:14:35] Just use the same color
[02:14:37] for both of them and you're done
[02:14:38] This is how I styled it
[02:14:41] I had to expert from VIP to make it cuter, but without it, it's already adorable
[02:14:46] What do you think?
[02:14:49] That's all for today.
[02:14:51] Comment the rose emoji if you made it to the end. Man, bro. Wow.
[02:15:14] Chad, do i suck
[02:15:29] dude the thing is i put a lot of effort into my fits though.
[02:15:37] I put a lot of effort in to my fits
[02:15:43] Watched the lore? is there a lore video?
[02:15:55] Remind me to watch that tomorrow Unzord VHS
[02:16:01] Lock it Jack
[02:16:02] We're doing this and then we'll get on RL craft yes Oh, oh, oh.
[02:16:23] Case played for what's on the board with a 5. Let's go! I'm not dying on RRO craft 3214.
[02:16:42] Last night, last night was a nightmare.
[02:16:44] You wake up hanging from the ceiling,
[02:16:47] box of VHS tape sits in front of you.
[02:16:53] You pick up a tape
[02:16:55] it softly quivers through your hand the label reminded you of a distant memory i know that you want him so bad he can't slide you on his way
[02:17:12] you'll kb with the five suddenly you hear a strange voice
[02:17:20] play the tapes find out how you got here
[02:17:24] everything is interlinked don't you remember eject the tapes at any time with G.
[02:17:35] I'm scared. scared
[02:17:49] what does that say?
[02:17:50] What primary school mountain view.
[02:17:56] That's an Arkansas!
[02:18:07] GG. GG. Thank you so much for that. Hello?
[02:18:31] Hello?
[02:18:35] What's that over there? Is that a note?
[02:18:37] What does it say?
[02:18:41] Alice, do you want to go play at the cabin after school again? It's so fun! I just realized you don't...
[02:18:50] ...poof through the cabins that are already open.
[02:18:55] This will change the game of tag forever.
[02:18:59] Okay, it's kind of dark
[02:19:03] Am I kinda dark?
[02:19:05] I mean it's extremely dark, help me.
[02:19:13] Hello? Hello?
[02:19:28] Can you stop?!
[02:19:35] Go brim with the five.
[02:19:40] Should I eject this tape?
[02:19:44] That was the first tape. Okay.
[02:19:48] Second tape. Okay. Second tape...
[02:19:50] The what?
[02:19:52] The Looker! Uh... uh Ahem.
[02:20:28] Uh, Gigi? The door? GG the doors locked I'm kind of glad it's locked because I don't really want
[02:20:34] to go in this house anyway it's scary see I really don't want to go in the basement.
[02:20:44] It's also locked.
[02:20:45] Okay?
[02:20:46] You know what?
[02:20:47] That's good.
[02:20:48] We can just hang out here.
[02:20:49] You know what I mean
[02:20:54] don't eat me
[02:20:57] chat would you live near what is this over here? oh nothing
[02:21:40] should i uh should i hit g you think Well, looks like we're going in. It goes to the basement.
[02:21:41] Of course it goes to the basement.
[02:21:55] Yeah, we are good buddy hello Hello?
[02:21:58] Door! I'm friendly, don are so good. oh no Oh no!
[02:22:50] Why? I can't crouch. Okay, that's fine. Let's get out of here.
[02:23:04] What did this loser just say?
[02:23:11] GG by the time the ads are over,
[02:23:12] the stream will have ended.
[02:23:16] Yo listen here sunflower child,
[02:23:35] what is wrong with you? Okay, is this the end of the tape?
[02:24:04] Chat, this must be the end of the tape, right? Alfred! Alfred, George, I'm sending you from the Looker in hope that it does not find me here.
[02:24:05] Put the cabin anomaly
[02:24:07] on full lockdown.
[02:24:10] If I were you, I would put the pulse
[02:24:12] sonar down.
[02:24:15] The high level security
[02:24:17] access code is 4142.
[02:24:28] Remember that chat? 4142
[02:24:36] i'm assuming that's will be on the next tape.
[02:24:55] Cabin anomaly, investor brief. The ¶¶ so Whoa, he went into the house and came out the other way. so. Okay.
[02:25:55] Okay.
[02:25:59] Okay. Security room!
[02:26:09] 4-1-4-2!
[02:26:12] Security room! security room 442
[02:26:18] gg
[02:26:41] is that a helicopter Hey! Insert this.
[02:26:44] Uh, what did you circle? Was there something there I didn't know?!
[02:26:52] ... Is that M&M? I
[02:27:15] Bet I know what we have to do. We have to go back to that other... Wait a minute! This game is crazy!
[02:28:11] There's gonna be something there, watch. so so Am I in the right spot? Hold on, let me look at my picture.
[02:28:15] It's at the front of
[02:28:17] the house! Chat why didn't y'all kill me
[02:28:19] why y'all got me walking around like a goober It's in front. This is where the key was Where do I get the disc, chat? Look that disc is broken half though. Oh! Oh no. Okay.
[02:30:13] Yo Tim, by the way this is the same developer that made buckshot roulette Why is the door broken? What's that, a metal detector? Why is it deep again? Did something walk through behind me? Everything's locked. This door just opened on its own.
[02:31:21] Oh!
[02:31:25] Can I come in here real quick?
[02:31:29] Okay, here we go. the key
[02:31:33] okay here we go chat lock in Don't kill me! I'm going to get you. Yeah.
[02:31:57] Yeah.
[02:32:03] The answer to this equation is negative 17.
[02:32:08] . Most of the financers are simply not interested in an unmarked location.
[02:32:26] And if I'm being completely honest, I might not even exist...
[02:32:29] Oh! It might not even exist.
[02:32:31] Our best option right now is to try moving one of the cabins
[02:32:34] it could prove
[02:32:36] to be a revolutionary way of transport. I'll assemble a team after Tuesday."
[02:32:40] Alfred, Alfred...
[02:33:08] Yo Rubber Duckie with the five. Should I go down there?
[02:33:22] Use the head. You see him? Take me! I'm sorry. Yo!
[02:33:42] I heard y'all got some cabins out here. Oh, my God. so I'm friendly by the way, I'm coming in.
[02:34:21] Hello? Chat, I'm kind of scared. I'm not going to lie.
[02:34:22] I think we're getting close.
[02:34:23] We've got a lot of people here.
[02:34:24] We have some people that are in the back.
[02:34:25] We don't know where they are.
[02:34:26] They might be on their way out.
[02:34:27] I can see them coming from behind us.
[02:34:28] I'll go check it out.
[02:34:29] Okay.
[02:34:30] All right.
[02:34:31] I'm going to get you up there and then I'll come back for you.
[02:36:32] Okay. All right. uh chat i'm kind of scared i'm not gonna laugh so Wait, what? so Wait a minute. so if i go in this one and do it is it gonna teleport me to the missing cabin? No. Wait.
[02:36:35] What was the, uh... Wait a minute.
[02:36:38] Wait a minute.
[02:36:40] Wait a minute.
[02:36:52] Wait, this game is crazy. Lock in!
[02:36:56] Lock in! That music here though. Yeah.
[02:37:19] Yeah. W active.. I didn't tell me anything!
[02:38:00] It's not 4-1, 4-2. Shut up! 142 shut up Chad, how do we get there? Are y'all actually like, are y'all good dude I will literally do 4-1, 4-2 just to prove to you that that's not it.
[02:38:56] Y'all see one code in the game and think it applies to everything.
[02:39:02] Four!
[02:39:07] This is One. this is one
[02:39:16] four one
[02:39:32] back to four, then two. There we go.
[02:39:40] Then two, and let's see if it magically takes us there chat That was five? Doesn't matter. The point stands that that is not how you do it, you absolute bum I'm going to open all the doors and then i'm gonna try it in the last one. Wait, what? It wasn't 4142.
[02:40:57] Banned the entire chat.
[02:41:05] Well, we found the snake's cabin.
[02:41:11] Yo Jay Erickson with the five.
[02:41:16] Where are we?
[02:41:27] Why do we stuck?
[02:41:33] Why are we stuck here forever?
[02:41:37] Uh oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh!
[02:41:40] We just got stuck forever.
[02:41:53] With all you can...
[02:42:04] You can't close the door either. This is not good!. right Okay. Okay? oh Where did he got me? so Hello?
[02:43:50] What is going on?
[02:44:07] Oh no! oh no are you good?
[02:44:15] Was that me with the VHS tapes? No way. Wow! so so we can stop for So we got stuck forever. so that was good.
[02:45:08] W game, Chad,
[02:45:10] that was actually good,
[02:45:11] no lie.
[02:45:14] Dude, chat. That was actually good, no lie. Bro, W
[02:45:15] game, man!
[02:45:17] That was solid!
[02:45:20] Ladies and gentlemen,
[02:45:22] listen.
[02:45:27] I know that last night...
[02:45:37] We don't really talk about last night. Okay? Last night type one if you were here last night look Last night was rough, man. It was rough.
[02:45:46] We lost all the stuff we had.
[02:45:50] We lost
[02:45:50] all of our items.
[02:45:53] You know, whatever.
[02:45:55] But you know what? We didn't know, whatever. But you know what we didn't lose, chat?
[02:45:57] We didn't lose our determination.
[02:46:02] So you know what, chat?
[02:46:04] Last night was the literal worst possible episode.
[02:46:09] But tonight...
[02:46:12] It's gonna be the best possible episode.
[02:46:15] There is no way that we
[02:46:18] have two horrible episodes back-to-back
[02:46:20] type one if you have faith chat chat we
[02:46:25] got this bro chat we got this bro
[02:46:30] chat we literally got this man have some faith. We're going to get in here, we're going to find some good stuff and we're going to find a home.
[02:46:45] Comeback season. Yep!
[02:46:50] RLCraft will not break me!
[02:46:55] Better use the restroom chat. so © BF-WATCH TV 2021 so so so so.. so I will not be broken!
[02:49:01] Incoming most successful episode to date.
[02:49:07] Food break? I'm not even hungry.
[02:49:13] Let's go!
[02:49:15] Ah! Oh... life
[02:49:22] life I think we left off here yesterday.
[02:49:48] I am not dying one time, do you understand me? Not once.
[02:49:57] What I AM gonna do off rip is I'm going to steal one of these beds. Thank you
[02:50:04] Here's what we're gonna do chat look first things first
[02:50:10] First thing first.
[02:50:14] Should I steal their iron?
[02:50:18] What y'all doing?
[02:50:20] Chill!
[02:50:23] That's not worth my time, let's go.
[02:50:30] Wait do I move faster with the Sorrel?
[02:50:39] We are going to walk.
[02:50:41] We are going to journey until we find
[02:50:49] until we find a place yeah A place?
[02:50:55] Yeah.
[02:51:00] We're not dying.
[02:52:13] Mothman! I'm sorry. uh so I'm not dying this episode! matter of fact keep I might die like a couple times this episode, but nothing crazy. I'm gonna go around over here
[02:52:17] It's all good, we see enemies we dodge the enemy okay
[02:52:22] see enemy guards enemy
[02:52:27] what is this thing What is that?
[02:52:45] Those things are friendly, right?
[02:52:47] Those things are friendly.
[02:52:55] Hey, we're two minutes in and we ain't died yet.
[02:53:13] Hey chat what you want me to say? Um, why is there so many dragons? Can y'all explain?
[02:53:23] Hey!
[02:53:30] I'm friend.
[02:54:01] You ain't got nothing? That's all y'all got? oh my goodness wait just a second
[02:54:07] oh my goodness wait just a second This is better than nothing!
[02:54:42] Wait, wait chat. Hey this episode is already starting off positive Hey, W little Dylan, chat. W... Why is it purple?
[02:54:45] Yo, what's over there?
[02:54:49] Yo, what's going on over there?
[02:54:57] Yo, why is it purple over there? You don't know?
[02:54:59] Uh-huh.
[02:55:00] Oh, okay.
[02:55:02] Yeah, I feel you.
[02:55:04] Yeah.
[02:55:05] But I was just trying to figure out like is there like death over there?
[02:55:17] Oh. death over there? Bro, what are you talking
[02:55:19] about man
[02:55:24] no like for real though chad is it a bad idea to go over here okay you can't touch those. They hurt you.
[02:55:47] Tee hee!
[02:55:58] Wait I see a building over here yeah I don't know what this purple action is but not really messing with it what is this, a Lean Biome?
[02:56:08] No no no we can't do that.
[02:56:12] I'm begging you!
[02:56:17] Hehe, hello.
[02:56:23] Hello. Haha! hello Shut up!
[02:56:41] There's a dragon! okay I don't know where I am, Chad.
[02:57:09] I'm panicking.
[02:57:10] Please!
[02:57:53] Oh my God. so chat please What was that? I got trapped! You gotta get in the building!
[02:57:58] Please!. Nobody panic. I don't know why y'all are panicking, I'm completely fine.
[02:58:39] So here's what I want to do, Chad. I'm going to that building over there. Y'all see that building? I'm going to that building over there.
[02:58:44] Y'all see that building?
[02:58:45] I'm going over there.
[02:59:33] So it turns out if you touch the red plant, it explodes. Noted. so I'm never going to beat this game. What are the odds
[02:59:35] I can sprint straight past the dragon again I'm leaving with the five. libya with five
[03:00:06] that dragon looks friendly is he friendly so Thank you, thank you, thank you. THANK YOU MA'AM!
[03:00:55] Oh... Oh my goodness.
[03:00:56] It is a Christmas miracle. W plays chat. Oh my goodness, W place man!
[03:01:09] First things first let's melt down these axes because I can't use an axe yet.
[03:01:19] Good news is this place is cool! Bad news is I don't know if we'll ever be able to get
[03:01:24] out of here alive
[03:01:33] this is home?
[03:01:38] There's a 50,000 pound dragon flying directly above my head.
[03:01:43] This is not home
[03:01:51] your W's case wk so then something with the 5,000 bits. Appreciate you.
[03:01:56] Live you with a five. I'm going to go downstairs.
[03:01:58] I am
[03:01:59] okay. Wow, one.
[03:02:10] Gee, thanks pal.
[03:02:13] Did I not take the iron?
[03:02:18] Yo, let with a five.
[03:02:34] All right. Oh my goodness, W plays.
[03:02:36] Like, yo, W plays.
[03:02:40] W plays!
[03:02:48] Oh my goodness.
[03:02:52] I can't believe some random shack in the middle of the woods is literally what am I gonna be able to get out of here without this dragon killing me
[03:03:08] uh without this dragon killing me?
[03:03:12] Probably not. Wait, smell the bucket.
[03:03:35] Chat in case y'all didn't know coming from the RL craft expert you can't smell the bucket
[03:03:44] you're welcome
[03:03:48] okay um should we make some iron armor real quick? A pickaxe?
[03:04:10] Wait, can I use honor pickaxe I can't we need some stone action chat so you know
[03:04:23] what's crazy we're gonna have to make this
[03:04:28] we're gonna have to make a uh of this a shield yeah hold on i gotta get
[03:04:34] i gotta get i gotta get somebody first
[03:04:37] where's that dragon okay so for? No, I only need flint, i only need flint
[03:05:12] spawn? I already did. What if I die here
[03:05:15] I'm good because i slept right
[03:05:23] gravel i'm begging you for some gravel There ain't no gravel around here? Where's the gravel at?
[03:05:48] Oh hey, how you doing? W, please!
[03:06:07] I'm gonna get four.
[03:06:19] Lake and stone pickaxe? Buddy buddy i can't
[03:06:26] wait but why don't y'all tell me to do this chat
[03:06:39] how many rocks do i need for a pickaxe? I need 12.
[03:07:08] Wait, how many rocks makes a piece of cobble cell now?
[03:07:45] four, really?! Oh my goodness, let's go dude come on
[03:07:49] This episode is going great right now
[03:07:56] Boom!
[03:07:59] Okay Boom! Okay.
[03:08:01] We need a stone axe too, huh?
[03:08:19] I'm sorry. so I'm gonna grab a bunch of this, I'm not going to lie.
[03:08:24] Lying man...
[03:08:30] Did i just dig into a cave?
[03:08:38] Were they strip mining?!
[03:08:44] Who would have thought that of all the places we went to,
[03:08:47] We would get a come-up from this place, chat. Come on. so Okay, we're gonna make a...a...uh...
[03:09:10] Get out of here.
[03:09:12] Another stick.
[03:09:16] What was that noise?
[03:09:44] What? what the pixie i avenge you
[03:10:07] w avenger I'm going to go. I think that dragon's friendly, chat!
[03:10:15] Alright... All right.
[03:10:22] He is? Is he really?
[03:10:26] Boom. Boom.
[03:10:33] Friend? Hey buddy!
[03:10:35] What you doing?
[03:10:37] You want some food?
[03:10:39] Ha ha!
[03:10:41] You want some food or something?
[03:10:45] What's he do-
[03:10:47] what's he doing?
[03:10:51] Alright.
[03:10:55] Smelt this... We make some armor now, right chat?
[03:11:02] ... right chat he stole from you
[03:11:18] you did what Let's make chest piece iron.
[03:11:21] Oh my goodness, the come up should be studied.
[03:11:26] Chat, the come up
[03:11:28] should be studied dude.
[03:11:30] You want to make some draws too
[03:11:35] or boots let's do boots
[03:11:39] because we got chain action.
[03:11:49] Next step, shield, right? Wait, I thought y'all said y'all could make we can make leather out of this can
[03:11:53] i get leather back from these things chat or no No.
[03:12:12] Use a knife on it? If I use a knife on these, I can... Really?! wait a minute let's make it tonight so Let's make a knife!
[03:12:51] If this actually works... I'm afraid you're banned.
[03:13:28] Sleep?
[03:13:33] Offhand? Wait, I have to
[03:13:37] have the leather in the offhand?
[03:13:52] Are y'all trolling me? Put it on the table with a knife? so we're about to ban the whole chat yeah It only works if it didn't take full durability.
[03:14:16] Or, if it was full durability.
[03:14:19] Well that's great!
[03:14:27] Alright chat look we're about ready to head out of here.
[03:14:31] Here is what we are going to do before we leave, right? Listen. Before we
[03:14:33] leave...we're gonna go make some bottles
[03:14:37] and we're gonna get some purified water before we go, okay?
[03:14:41] ... before we go, okay?
[03:14:52] Jack,
[03:15:08] this has been a great episode so far though though right? This is a million times better than yesterday's already. You jinxed it?
[03:15:11] Dude, even if everything started to go wrong right now It would still be better than yesterday's
[03:15:13] Because yesterday's was nothing but a negative oh yeah i gotta make it see you All right.
[03:15:29] Get that going. Let's make a shield, wooden shield
[03:15:39] all right
[03:15:42] w plays man
[03:15:46] how many say I'm eating? uh Can you stop?
[03:16:26] Alright.
[03:16:29] You know what... All right.
[03:16:30] You know what?
[03:16:32] Should I kill him? No. No?
[03:16:54] He's bullying me! Oh, no. dude
[03:17:09] the come up that the dude
[03:17:13] the come up that we have had from this one
[03:17:17] jack w little shack double you shack man
[03:17:22] this place roll oh man the relax we're good
[03:17:41] give him a carrot He didn't want it!
[03:17:48] Fine, that's go get some more water real quick.
[03:18:06] Oh drop the carrot?
[03:18:12] W dragon...
[03:18:13] You know what, chat?
[03:18:14] W dragon.
[03:18:15] He has not even shot at us hey buddy you want to carry it All right.
[03:18:32] There we go.
[03:18:35] There we go
[03:18:42] i'm not killing him chad chill yo nelson with the team gifted w nelson with the 10 gifted
[03:18:46] w nelson W. Nelson.
[03:18:57] Alright, Jack.
[03:18:59] We had a little come up right here.
[03:19:05] Let's leave you ready? Decent come up, not bad.
[03:19:12] Make sure we got everything useful and we're out of here. He moved.
[03:19:27] He moved.
[03:19:31] Take the ball, I'm not scared of you.
[03:19:48] Get over here!
[03:20:01] I'm not scared no more! I didn't leave my cola, I got it. Next. Next thing we're doing, yo Kulo with the T get the W on.
[03:20:20] WKULO what's good?
[03:20:21] Kulo with the T get the W cool out.
[03:20:23] Next step. Get the W cool out.
[03:20:26] Next step...
[03:20:39] There's another dragon! Let's farm this.
[03:20:49] Let's farm this right here. Yes.
[03:20:52] So do y'all want to try
[03:20:53] to get a boat and actually see if
[03:20:55] my stuff ever despawned.
[03:21:32] Okay. I'm sorry. chat am i being delusional it's gone What is this? Yo Kulo with another 10 W.
[03:21:34] Kulo with another 10 Chad W.
[03:21:36] Kulo!
[03:21:37] I'm dead. Chad W. out What is this? uh Oh my goodness, this is the same village. Village. wow he dominated those!
[03:22:48] Does that mean there's a dragon around here?
[03:23:07] ... so so
[03:23:15] i just made another full circle yo Yo, Pilot with the five!
[03:23:19] I'm tweaking it.
[03:23:22] I'm going straight this way.
[03:23:23] Straight this way. Straight this way
[03:23:29] straight this way, straight this way chat I'm panicking we're good
[03:23:48] please don't kill me. Y'all side with the five as well?
[03:23:52] We should be sleeping right now
[03:23:56] This isn't the best place to sleep in or
[03:23:58] sleep under this tree cozy vibes
[03:24:03] chat cozy vibes right here Don't destroy the bed okay so that's what the sleeping bags are for.
[03:24:35] Should I just leave this bed here, chat?
[03:24:37] Yeah, we probably should, huh?
[03:24:48] We definitely should.
[03:24:55] I'm dead to a dragon.
[03:25:19] Do you think my shield can block off like a dragon thing This dude that just got an ad Just said what's happening
[03:25:20] I just killed a dragon
[03:25:21] He shot a fireball at me, I'm grabbing it. Dude, like I said
[03:25:54] All the stuff that we have been dying to and getting absolutely destroyed by has been on the surface.
[03:26:01] Y'all realize we haven't even been in a deep cave yet?
[03:26:07] Like bro, we are hooked,
[03:26:09] man!
[03:26:53] Let's farm this. so idiot Idiot. Who are you?
[03:26:58] Are we cool? Yeah! You have a good apartment. yeah I'm gonna get up out of here
[03:27:22] yeah
[03:27:26] I'm gonna get up out of here real quick
[03:27:28] and I'm not going to lie
[03:27:29] my leg hurt life chat we have not died this episode and we're not gonna. wait a minute Princess Princess Peach? Is that you? I don't dare you. Don't run from me.
[03:28:41] I'm about to find out...
[03:28:50] I'm about to find out once and for all whether these things are friendly or not.
[03:29:18] Are you friendly? The Flimley! Thank you so much.
[03:29:46] I-I- so Ma'am, can you heal me again real quick? I'm sorry. Thank you. Level up.
[03:29:54] Chat, we're to level up you want to go mining again real quick until we get little late mining one more level till we get level 8. Can you heal me again?
[03:30:07] Magic, yeah we're gonna start on magic after Marnie gets one more level.
[03:30:14] Hey! Thank you!
[03:30:17] You got an attitude! You don't wanna help me?
[03:30:21] Why are you flying away I'm not sure if you can see it, but the game is pretty much a mess. A what?
[03:30:58] How much stuff is in this game
[03:31:30] okay so chat do y'all want to go up to that tower? so What is this?
[03:32:25] There's some iron. I can't mind that can i so so so yeah I think i'm good on that remember we're not dying I'm going to have to go back and get some more. Thank you so much. See, you ain't got an attitude.
[03:32:41] That other one? She was just flying around all room-stunned!
[03:32:45] Wouldn't look at me, wouldn't do nothing. Try to fly off she wouldn't help me.
[03:32:49] Thank you so much I hope they give you a raise.
[03:33:05] Okay, judging from the latest...
[03:33:16] Bro, these things are so creepy dude.
[03:33:24] Hey! How y'all doing? Y'all doing good? Ha ha, okay.
[03:33:35] Life man... life man wait this could lowkey be a home
[03:33:38] wait I'm messing with
[03:33:41] this
[03:33:48] wait dude I could live up on this mountain?
[03:33:52] It depends how cool this thing is in the inside. Let me get out.
[03:34:00] Well that's not real vibey
[03:34:18] there was a door right
[03:34:26] let's go all the way up first. life Life. I'm trying to see what's around here.
[03:35:18] Bad news is, I don't have a sleeping bag.
[03:35:23] Okay, let's see what's down!
[03:36:24] We're cooked. Help us! oh man I'm not dead?
[03:36:27] OW!
[03:36:32] What's that...? I must. birthday cake um so so so Oh, no. Oh no, where was I? What? What is this?
[03:38:13] What is this, do I take it?
[03:38:18] Economical? What?! Okay. so so so I'm here.
[03:39:19] I can't see nothing!
[03:40:24] Leave me be! so the fact that I am alive is absolutely insane. so so Can you shear the big sheep?
[03:42:16] I can't even use the shears. What I can now. Thank you so much I just need three. Chat, what are those chat what are those Oh, I got three. Okay. hmm I am scared. scared
[03:42:21] chat
[03:42:27] I am scared.
[03:42:31] Type one if you're also scared.
[03:42:39] What is going on?
[03:42:47] Why does it say I have weakness? Oh, am I like one shot chat?
[03:42:57] I need to be able to sleep again.
[03:43:01] Make bandages?
[03:43:02] How do I make bandages?
[03:43:09] Oh, y'all get right on that you loser.
[03:43:15] He didn't just say make bandages he said make bandages and he had an insult behind it too.
[03:43:27] Wait, I can do that.
[03:43:30] Wait, hold on.
[03:43:35] I can do that. Wait, am I high enough level to use these?
[03:44:15] Okay. Oh my goodness, wait a minute. so Yes. Yes.
[03:44:19] YES!
[03:44:31] Whew... Yes. I'm going to apologize
[03:44:32] to that loser!
[03:44:34] He really said make bandages then he insulted me I ain't apologizing to that loser!
[03:44:38] He really said, make bandages then he insulted me in the same sentence.
[03:44:41] I ain't apologizing to that dude!
[03:44:45] I'm gonna crap on his pillow that's what i won't do
[03:44:53] yes make some more.
[03:45:03] I literally have been playing this game this entire time up until today
[03:45:05] with the thought that these things were evil.
[03:45:11] And y'all just let me think that, Scott! Why?
[03:45:16] Why?
[03:45:20] Make a bed and respawn here?
[03:45:27] Should we actually?
[03:45:34] Wait, I'm already cooking.
[03:45:38] Wait a second
[03:45:43] wait a second
[03:45:48] wait a second i know where I am!
[03:45:58] Is that the... Whoa!
[03:46:00] Is that the same place?
[03:46:07] No, it doesn't look like the same one. Dude!
[03:46:25] Chat is that the same one we saw it does does that set my spawn point though is it set We got more band-aids.
[03:46:50] Let's go, chat.
[03:46:52] Wait what? that
[03:46:59] wait what that's not what i wanted to do live Life.
[03:47:38] Is the spawn point set so should i just make a bit let's just carry this bed with us all right y'all just do that you want to carry this bed with us
[03:47:48] w realism W realism.
[03:47:56] Why y'all saying no? Why y'all saying no? So Chad, I'm assuming that it would be the worst idea in the world to go over here, right?
[03:48:15] That looks like final boss territory.
[03:48:22] Okay. Final boss territory! Yo, chill. Don't walk over it.
[03:48:24] Yo, CHILL dude.
[03:48:37] Yayyyy okay we'll do that now y'all cool with this right here?
[03:48:43] We have an extra. There we go. We still have yet to find our home, chat.
[03:48:57] We will find our home. so so
[03:49:33] chad it's the lean biome again.
[03:49:35] You see the lean over there? That's not good!
[03:49:43] Boat action. W blaze! boat action w place
[03:49:50] w plays yeah i do need a backpack should we kill the next cows we see oh i need earplugs Why is everything in this game out to get me. We got a bandaid. Chat, we must band-aids with us this whole time like should we have been doing that the whole Take the stinger. Nah, ain't got no room in there, bro.
[03:51:05] There will always be another one, Chad.
[03:51:07] Don't worry.
[03:51:15] Okay. Don't worry. Oh my goodness, that's my home!
[03:52:57] Fuck! Is that my home? so What? wow so um so Feet got ate up. Oh! Oh.
[03:53:29] Chad, you wanna go in that treehouse for the night? so Don't die. Don't die, don't die, don't die! Do not die.
[03:53:31] We're just gonna sleep right here.
[03:53:35] Sleeping bag?
[03:53:37] Cause we just said our spawn. Sleeping bag, right?
[03:53:47] Chat, we just used a bed yeah I don't think that bed up there activated.
[03:54:01] You're right.
[03:54:06] Just clicking it doesn't set spawn you have to sleep?
[03:54:09] So that's 100% confirmed, right chat?
[03:54:14] And we're leaving this bed here
[03:55:49] Alright All right. out of here so so uh oh so Bro, you're so bad.
[03:55:51] Won't you play the game?
[03:55:51] Huh?
[03:56:01] Won't you boot this game up and see how many times you get absolutely clapped buddy huh
[03:56:08] what was that?
[03:56:15] Chat, what was that? Chat who in here has beat this game?
[03:56:16] Type one if you've beat this game type one if you beat this game
[03:56:26] rl craft is easy
[03:56:28] your just bad there There's actually...
[03:56:31] I am not about to get gas lit
[03:56:35] for y'all to sit here and tell me
[03:56:37] that this game is easy
[03:56:39] there ain't no...
[03:56:45] ...
[03:56:47] ...
[03:56:49] ...... uh so chat what is this It summons a boss?
[03:57:30] Ha ha!
[03:57:32] I bet.
[03:57:33] I'm gone!
[03:57:45] So Chad... How long... So, chat.
[03:57:49] How high of level do you think we're going to have to be?
[03:58:16] How high of a level do you think We're going gonna have to be before we can actually like not instantly die everywhere we go? I was about to put the ear plugs on, but... What's that?
[03:58:20] Who was that?
[03:58:24] Am I in danger? Oh, no. uh Hey, we haven't died yet.
[03:58:46] The doubters are in shambles right now so so wow uh this game sucks dude.
[03:59:54] I'm not gonna lie.
[03:59:56] Like that's actually like unbelievably ridiculous.
[04:00:02] Like that's actually disgusting. That's... What else could I have done to survive there? Like, what?! There was two of them! so so so so so so I'm going to sue the developers of this game.
[04:02:06] I better get my stuff back bro.
[04:02:17] Like he just randomly went blind?
[04:02:26] Where was I? No, I'm getting it back. Case, where did your stuff go?
[04:02:59] Your band. That's where it went. Where did I die? Was I past this?
[04:03:43] Yeah, I was here. No. No!
[04:04:09] NO!
[04:04:15] I WANT STA-
[04:06:17] ... oh so so You can play them out. so so Don't start playing music right now. so so so What's going on, huh?
[04:06:34] The fact that I made it all the way back and was actually about to get my stuff And then there was a what's it called? so This absolute loser just said stop going the same route, idiot.
[04:07:08] As if there isn't something new every single time on the
[04:07:12] same route it's not the wow it's the game you bomb
[04:07:17] there's something new every time!
[04:07:52] Lay him off, man. them I'll never get back, bro.
[04:08:00] It's gone huh? Chad it's gone ain't it? It's gone?
[04:08:03] This game sucks man!
[04:08:09] We go from best episode ever
[04:08:13] make a full comeback
[04:08:16] to this
[04:08:17] because of a bird! Open!
[04:08:31] Open! so so so uh Don't you dare. The the reason my stuff is gone is because of that thing No way.
[04:10:16] Good stream chat. so What did you just say to me? Your stuff was still there? Yo, Ursula. I was at the tree! There was nothing there.
[04:11:08] I lost everything because of two birds that shoot arrows out of their butt cheeks and then a shrimp that trapped my body yet somehow still a not worse episode than last night.
[04:11:41] Yeah Jeff we got to full rebuild, we gotta full-we gotta full everything.
[04:11:47] Check it out! fool we gotta fool everything
[04:11:56] ted it may end in disappointment but great stream either way the bird that killed qu so with five gifted soft let's get him back
[04:12:02] hey great streaming away chat I love y'all bro dude bro hey great straight out a little bit
[04:12:12] first they talk for kickin which is going again tonight pre-sold to get the
[04:12:16] song don't know bits follows of course I I pre-set all y'all for this hanging out a 11 good rest
[04:12:20] Y'all's not have a good day tomorrow. See you tomorrow ladies and gentlemen, I love your man. Alright