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🔴GENG VS HLE UPPER BRACKET FINALS MEGA BANGER #LCKWatchParty🔴 !discord !youtube !vods !fnatic !displate

08-31-2024 · 5h 50m

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[00:00:00] We hadn't seen them in a little bit, but they were able to show up huge here and
[00:00:05] Challenged a bit by D plus with the unique drafts, but they had answers throughout not only with their hands
[00:00:09] But in their preparation
[00:00:11] And I think having champions at any set of pace of the game like the zakes is so good for Gen G because as
[00:00:17] Wolf was talking about the tower taking potential if you're a team who can find ways to overload side lanes get numbers advantages
[00:00:24] Find any opportunity where you've given pays free access to towers the speed at which you can snow
[00:00:30] the game is absolutely massive.
[00:00:32] The moments like this, you know, end up getting
[00:00:34] a big ult to zone them off, but the follow-up
[00:00:36] here is they end up getting this top lane tier
[00:00:38] two. And really, they just get
[00:00:40] so far ahead in gold. Paze is
[00:00:42] being so solid on the Ziggs.
[00:00:44] Feels pretty untouchable. We even saw Malphite
[00:00:46] trying to get on him. It just wasn't possible.
[00:00:48] And he becomes such a monster in the latest stages.
[00:00:50] They know exactly when to swap
[00:00:52] lanes as well. Like, their lane swap reads
[00:00:54] have been incredibly strong, even without the Ziggs.
[00:00:56] Their ability to get gold into
[00:00:58] into three man, say a top tower zone out the top laner,
[00:01:01] get all those plates and then grab the turret
[00:01:03] and then flip around, go bottom side, defend there,
[00:01:06] control mid-pryo because all their players
[00:01:08] are so incredibly good at laning.
[00:01:09] It's just so rough to even imagine playing
[00:01:11] against a team like this is,
[00:01:13] LeHen's also pulling out the Blitzcrank
[00:01:15] and snapping the neck here of D plus.
[00:01:18] It's just such a clutch team.
[00:01:20] Looks like a team fight has lost.
[00:01:21] The out team fight you.
[00:01:23] The early game went well,
[00:01:24] but then you lost all your turrets,
[00:01:25] all of your plates and we've even seen games
[00:01:27] for Genji at 14 minutes or up like 2200 gold and it's one kill on their side to three on
[00:01:32] the enemy team because it doesn't matter whether they die or not.
[00:01:35] They just play the map so much better in moments like this you could just see I mean they know
[00:01:39] exactly where they want to be at any given time.
[00:01:41] They punish top laners they punish anyone who's isolated and when you start winning
[00:01:45] the game and then you get jungle control for Canyon it's just over.
[00:01:49] You can't give this team an inch or they take a mile.
[00:01:52] I love the fact that again, we knew that Nasus was going to be a key pick coming in.
[00:01:58] They had the Garen ready to go for the mid lane when it flexes to the top side of the
[00:02:01] map.
[00:02:02] They were ready for that too, pulling back out the Skarner, which we've generally
[00:02:05] seen mostly in the top lane of the season.
[00:02:08] We know that can flex into the jungle, and Canyon pulling that one out, showing the
[00:02:13] diversity of skill set there.
[00:02:15] Specifically of diversity, the Ziggs.
[00:02:17] It is dominant so far this playoffs here, Ox.
[00:02:20] Yeah, and I talked a bit about how Gen.G have really been good at utilizing it, but I think a reason Ziggs has sort of
[00:02:25] rose enough in the meta is because we saw nerfs to a lot of the AD carries, the early items like Shiven, Kraken, Doran's Blade nerf.
[00:02:31] But the reason I think he's having so much success is teams are really getting better at learning how to play and make the Ziggs effective.
[00:02:39] Instead of leaving him in the bot lane and being like, okay, Ziggs is a weak side, he can wave clear. They're actually using him as a tower killing machine.
[00:02:45] I think teams should have you ziggs tower taking capabilities the same way that you view kindred marks that you should play around it like it's a minigames objective that really makes a champ work and I also think that pays a great example of this.
[00:02:58] Teams have been better at itemizing in different situations for the longest time every game was just not Angels rush.
[00:03:04] There is times when the IM is what you want to take.
[00:03:07] Sometimes you want to have the landry to cut through both, but we've also seen teams and Pays in particular pick up like the Ludens horizon focus
[00:03:14] So when your team engages you have the maximum damage follow-up to ensure that you based out the squishies
[00:03:20] Gives you know some vision so you can have the follow-up damage as well with your mid laner and
[00:03:25] Justin generally me see some of these builds here the horizon focus you mentioned
[00:03:29] I think ziggs kind of rose up a little bit early on as a
[00:03:33] answer to Senna and that was even before Senna was reworked and I think it's part of why we're not seeing Senna as much in playoffs here in the
[00:03:39] LCK because he just simply burst her down, but then they figured out I think all teams that does a lot for zoning does a lot for map control
[00:03:45] Does a lot for killing the enemy 80 carry no matter what it is. It's misfortune doesn't matter
[00:03:49] just bomber bomb anybody and
[00:03:52] The pick has just been so prolific. I think that it's almost ban worthy in first rotation against Genji
[00:03:58] Yeah, I will mention in the last graphic the Imperial Monday
[00:04:00] I can't tell you what it is
[00:04:03] because he's, like, he's
[00:04:04] really good. I mean, he's
[00:04:06] really good. He's got the
[00:04:07] ability to play. He's born out
[00:04:08] right at the end of the game,
[00:04:09] so I wouldn't take too much
[00:04:10] stock in that. But yeah, I
[00:04:12] feel like we've been seeing him
[00:04:14] really as kind of the best
[00:04:16] explain also. K because not
[00:04:17] only of how he's played
[00:04:19] mechanically but also the
[00:04:20] decision making in these sort
[00:04:21] of items, and it feels like
[00:04:23] a lot of supports as big
[00:04:25] engages like rel picks like
[00:04:27] If you have teams set up to ensure that you're able to land those skill shots, you know
[00:04:31] We've seen countless games where Ziggs is just absurdly topping the damage shots
[00:04:35] And yes poke champs are always gonna do more damage
[00:04:38] But really teams are learning how to give him the best chance as possible to take over a game
[00:04:42] Yeah, and if you're dodging everything like Pays is dodging mouth fight ults like there's no punish for him
[00:04:47] But another reason why Ziggs is strong obviously beyond his damage is his zone control
[00:04:51] Obviously the the early game play takes he can get and how he could snowball games is actually how strong he is in a lane swap
[00:04:56] We've seen 8 out of 14 of our games here in playoffs thus far have had it a lane swap of some kind
[00:05:02] Ziggs absolutely
[00:05:03] Smashes if your opponent lane swaps because bottom side doesn't actually have that plate protection
[00:05:08] So you just get a ton of money and even if you are in a situation where your top laner needs to swap and you need to go
[00:05:13] Top you actually do better than other lane swapping champions because you have the ability to actually then get so many plates
[00:05:19] Even with that plate protection there because it's passive and you can even take the turret out
[00:05:23] left alone enough because of his satchel charge so in lane swaps he really warps
[00:05:27] things in your favor as well so an added extra layer of safety and value
[00:05:32] yeah I think ultimately even if he's not the one getting the most plates in a
[00:05:36] situation if the tower ends up getting low it just allows to get that chain
[00:05:40] reaction where you take one suddenly you move the ziggs elsewhere you know
[00:05:43] we've seen games for teams able to get all three out of towers all 15
[00:05:46] plates and it's just over from there well a key to a great lane swap is
[00:05:50] the jungler both the ability to dive and to cover the dives and we've got two of the best in the
[00:05:56] league to do so. Canyon and Peanut as we take a look at some of their key jungle picks both from
[00:06:01] their LCK career and what they've played so far in the summer. A large large discrepancy here on
[00:06:08] Lilia and Vi between these two. I mean the main thing for me is you look at the Malachi
[00:06:12] win rates for both of these players both undefeated here in 2024 summer with just a few games
[00:06:18] Honestly between them because the band against them so often as it should be
[00:06:21] But you know career as well how many games they've played on this pick
[00:06:25] I think it is gonna be a very very high prio pick
[00:06:27] I think very often be picked in B1 if left available. I think Canyon not playing Vi is not a weak point
[00:06:33] It's just not Genji's style. They don't often play dive
[00:06:35] They just want to play a very oppressive comp or they could siege turrets and win early
[00:06:40] They don't need to actually constantly looking for picks because their team fighting is also so good
[00:06:44] Yeah, and the AP jungle met has been so fantastic for Canyon. He's really lent into that and being so formidable
[00:06:49] You know a lot of those picks have been pushed away Lily is still there
[00:06:52] But peanut he has been more about playing those utility picks obviously Maokai shared
[00:06:56] But you know he'll play the Ivan and what the Vi is about setting up for his team and having an early impact
[00:07:01] So both these junglers very formidable top two in the league the very different styles from what we've seen for them so far
[00:07:07] Yeah with so many styles so many different stars on the roster
[00:07:10] up to the coaches for their preparation and how they want to tackle it. Let's hear from them now.
[00:07:40] I think we will be able to play a variety of champs.
[00:07:43] We are good at one player, so we won't be nervous,
[00:07:46] and we will work hard to win.
[00:07:49] The score is not important, and we are only thinking about winning.
[00:07:53] The summer is coming to an end, and the playoffs is coming to a victory.
[00:07:57] We will finish well, so we want to smile with the players.
[00:08:01] Gen.G, fighting!
[00:08:04] Hello, I am the sports director of the Korean National Team, Choi In-Doo.
[00:08:07] I'm very happy to be able to win this spring season.
[00:08:13] I think we're a very strong team, and we're a team where everyone's doing well.
[00:08:20] I can't tell you in detail, but I think we're trying to stick to other ways, not what we did against Gen.G.
[00:08:29] I think Gen.G is good at everything, so we all have to be good at everything.
[00:08:37] I think we're going to be 3-1 as expected.
[00:08:43] I'm sure we'll win today, and I'm sure we'll win the final.
[00:09:01] You know we have a different strategy different approach. I think you need that against Gen.G
[00:09:04] I think you need a different approach and you were just gonna have to play better than you have all
[00:09:09] Season long all year long if you're gonna tackle this team all right Gen.G and Honolive these sports a spot in the grand finals
[00:09:15] Over in Gyeongju who will win? Let's find out together as we send it on over to our upper bracket round three
[00:09:41] I escaped from the hatches and I'm trying to kill you
[00:10:20] What's popping Chetamines?
[00:10:22] What's popping?
[00:10:24] What's popping?
[00:10:30] Are you feeling better? I'm feeling better, I'm feeling...
[00:10:34] I'm chilling
[00:10:37] I'm not gonna be a prisoner once the fighting...
[00:10:51] Okay, we're all good, we're all good, Soltan
[00:10:55] We're all good
[00:11:05] Sorry, I'm just finishing the settings, one sec
[00:11:20] Are you feeling- I'm feeling good, I'm feeling good
[00:11:23] I'm feeling good
[00:11:24] Chahou won the E-Masters, was it good?
[00:11:26] Was it 4 games or 5 games? BDS3 won? BDS3 won and who won the LCS World's score?
[00:11:50] Refresher stream is delayed. How is it delayed?
[00:11:59] What the fuck? How is it so delayed bro? I just put the stream on and then tur-
[00:12:03] What the fuck? I didn't even change tab. 100 thieves, 3-2 dig.
[00:12:14] Classic dig baron throw at the end.
[00:12:17] Was quitsmerthing chat?
[00:12:20] Was quitsmerthing?
[00:12:21] Yes.
[00:12:26] I told you that guys make a good one
[00:12:31] Run a clerk that I'd never have realized how much
[00:12:37] My energy is that of Mario Kart this series in a bang. Absolutely. It's just my prediction
[00:12:45] My prediction is perfect 3-1 Gen G. I don't think are expecting this to actually go the distance given how insane Gen G is even
[00:12:56] Even given how good Hong-Wong's performance was
[00:12:59] That's Karakor actually leaving Korea
[00:13:01] No, he flies over from the Netherlands like every three days
[00:13:06] But every week
[00:13:08] So that he can cast
[00:13:10] He'll finish his cast on Sunday, fly home
[00:13:12] Maybe as big as Monday
[00:13:14] And then he'll get back
[00:13:16] And then he'll fly back on Wednesday
[00:13:18] That's really the question, I think our speedster did a really good job of talking about it
[00:13:22] Wolf also very nicely mentioning
[00:13:24] If some life eSports wins, we are denied GenG T1 finals, which I know
[00:13:29] Oh yeah, if some life eSports wins, no GenG T1 finals
[00:13:31] Although we've had some good ones in the past
[00:13:33] Yo, look at fucking GenG with all their fucking sunglasses
[00:13:36] Look at them
[00:13:37] These butter suckers
[00:13:39] They're the long-standing trend today
[00:13:41] Are you good, Curly? I'm good, I'm good
[00:13:42] They're gonna bring out a new style, they say they have new stuff prepared
[00:13:45] I think the drafts are all over the place nowadays
[00:13:47] There's a lot of room for creativity in this current meta
[00:13:50] Yeah, the drafts are insane
[00:13:52] and i'm hoping that they lean into our genji frauds i know we didn't really get to see that
[00:13:58] in the series between dk and genji but that's what genji have struggled the most even as good as
[00:14:03] home wildlife team fighting definitely not genji right now there's too much of a well
[00:14:08] oiled machine what am i spelling here ban is a player that especially to get a with chovi
[00:14:15] just has so much impact if you can get to that mid to late stage but early keenad has
[00:14:19] in the past many times
[00:14:21] Benzix, really?
[00:14:23] and Zeca's form right now is really...
[00:14:26] Malzahar, yeah, that's exactly what I was writing
[00:14:28] and it's all about this game
[00:14:30] Ox and I have been talking about this forever
[00:14:33] it feels like finally we have gotten to a point where teams are like
[00:14:37] it's a really good spot for Zex all the time
[00:14:39] and we've seen it first pick
[00:14:41] we've seen the man's pieces 7 and 0
[00:14:44] in summer and Viper did counter pick it up against T1
[00:14:48] T1 with Kaisa, will they try to bring that out once again against GenG?
[00:14:53] It will be a very different situation.
[00:14:55] Let's take a look at the threats here because you mentioned nobody's expecting the full
[00:15:01] five games, but I do believe we have one and it's Wabid.
[00:15:05] And he was the only one who voted 3-0 the last time.
[00:15:09] Bro, there's this guy on the Twitter community that's rioting on the Twitter community for being banned.
[00:15:13] Oh my god, the mards and gods are corrupted.
[00:15:15] The guards are corrupt.
[00:15:16] Oh my god, and he's sailing to screenshot where he got banned for writing his name G2K's legal ban for saying is he going to the stadium?
[00:15:22] No, please don't ban me and writing anything bro. He's a bannerator
[00:15:25] He just got perma banned on his other account and made a new account. That's why he's banned
[00:15:29] He got unbanned, I leave it to the mods.
[00:15:48] He resolved it with Jordan, okay nice.
[00:15:51] Well this is resolved.
[00:15:53] So that means he's here.
[00:15:57] Oh, it was fine. He forgot his password.
[00:16:00] What do you mean, he forgot his password?
[00:16:02] That little rabbit.
[00:16:10] Keen!
[00:16:15] Keen-Sante!
[00:16:22] I'm adding some more mods to the community.
[00:16:37] Keen!
[00:16:38] Keen!
[00:16:41] he did not he did not but now he is part of the reason why they're there's door and
[00:16:50] oh good old door and sometimes tell me some fun games clutch he was able to get all lck second
[00:17:01] team in the top lane it was kind of between him and king and and say you saw kind of looked in
[00:17:06] there in the top show me some funny games and also as you mentioned in their last series
[00:17:13] Did you see Ludwig's league games? Has he been playing more league? Has Ludwig been playing
[00:17:21] more league? Good old Canyon. Let me turn it up real quick. Sorry. He has been on
[00:17:36] the most oppressive when he gets to build an early lead and just further build
[00:17:41] and build and build upon that and that is something that's why this has been
[00:17:47] such a dumb and split but individually I think in spring was more consistently
[00:17:52] at the very top and at the beginning of the split it was the case with all the
[00:17:55] AP travelers but those have kind of no we got hit by a car I saw that how
[00:17:59] crazy is that what the fuck and then he presses are how crazy is that
[00:18:03] I'm feeling pretty good.
[00:18:04] Peanut, you never know what you're going to get with this guy,
[00:18:07] but generally it is early dominance.
[00:18:09] It is fantastic pathing.
[00:18:10] It is a lot of early game presence and game changing play.
[00:18:15] I think that Peanut is one of the junglers.
[00:18:17] If you're going to have somebody challenge you,
[00:18:20] it's got to be Peanut.
[00:18:21] And I think for Hummel AP Sports, they have to look.
[00:18:23] LCK junglers love their chains.
[00:18:24] So much for the jungle if they're
[00:18:25] going to have a good match up here tonight.
[00:18:27] Especially because Peanut isn't really scared
[00:18:31] by Canyon's reputation.
[00:18:32] like the idea of
[00:18:34] Pina doesn't care because Pina has been around for a very long time
[00:18:37] and especially the mess of this man
[00:18:39] you can trust him as the undisputed mid lane king of the LCK
[00:18:45] regular season MPP
[00:18:48] as been at the top of his game
[00:18:50] as been just winning ever since he started
[00:18:53] it took him a while to get his first LCK title
[00:18:56] but he was truly 100% winrate
[00:18:58] I'm excited to see Genki's world jersey this year
[00:19:01] He just played game. I'm really excited. I feel like Gen. G always goes a bit crazy with their road to these
[00:19:11] Whatever you want, and it's gonna look OP and
[00:19:14] You know Toby definitely extremely always rely on him. He talks about reliability
[00:19:20] He is there now Zeke was very reliable in the last series of against C1
[00:19:25] And he has been kind of that's a little Zeke has been playing so good
[00:19:28] Not necessarily the most flashy but sometimes he gets his moments on you know
[00:19:32] He's got to keep peeking though
[00:19:34] If he fucking starts inting we got problems
[00:19:37] But you know like our space was saying I think this is a much bigger opponent than Joby
[00:19:41] And he is going to have a much harder time
[00:19:43] Shit I forgot to buff the axe actually we're fine maybe
[00:19:45] This time around
[00:19:46] Yeah we look like we're fine on ants
[00:19:48] I fucked up the adds yet
[00:19:49] And Zeka as you're saying I think the level of the opposition you will face today
[00:19:53] We'll see a little kid then
[00:19:55] It was hard to see
[00:19:56] It was hard to see
[00:19:57] All right show it to you baby
[00:19:59] Show me PACE
[00:20:03] Where are the sunglasses bro?
[00:20:05] Why did they take away the sunglasses?
[00:20:07] Why did they take away the sunglasses?
[00:20:11] Sunglasses are $110
[00:20:27] Are you gonna watch the LPL finals as well LPL regional finals. Yeah
[00:20:40] I
[00:20:57] I think the same thing for Viper, you know, he had a good series of hits, but he's playing whack-a-mole.
[00:21:02] You don't miss a single high-five.
[00:21:04] Kind of reached the higher levels that he was hitting earlier on in summer.
[00:21:08] If they really want to have a chance, Viper could.
[00:21:11] That's true.
[00:21:12] True?
[00:21:12] Yes.
[00:21:13] Yes.
[00:21:14] I would agree.
[00:21:14] Viper, good, also nice.
[00:21:17] Good and nice?
[00:21:20] What were coming up next with Valdas?
[00:21:23] As Lahans?
[00:21:26] Another example of a player that in spring was often named to be one of the weak points of this team
[00:21:32] And does he every now and they'll have a little laning oopsie. Yeah, but this man
[00:21:39] I think good old Lahans one of the big reasons why Gen G are so oppressive the way that he said
[00:21:47] Yeah, there's a long date there we go ever feared blitzcrank which here we got Gen G. How much
[00:21:53] Then we got... I think it's NIPJG's first round, or is it LNG Uwebo?
[00:21:58] One of the two.
[00:22:00] Then we got G2 vs MAD, and then we got Fly vs TL.
[00:22:05] It's LNG Uwebo first?
[00:22:09] We will 3-0 TL for him? Will you?
[00:22:23] Oh, there's a little kid again. He ran down to the high-five.
[00:22:48] The bowls?
[00:22:50] The bowls in the vest?
[00:22:53] weird and when very weird drops are combined with top level
[00:22:58] the bowser is exactly one out of the playoffs after we had
[00:23:02] a meta that was throughout most of summer pretty stale and then messes for some
[00:23:09] reason rose to the top priority and garen came in and that
[00:23:15] yeah i saw it all time well this to me definitely the player
[00:23:21] Damn, look at that DPM in playoffs.
[00:23:26] Big damage.
[00:23:30] 8 CS deficit. I mean he was playing a lot of zigs.
[00:23:50] a lot worse. Yeah, he is on the most winningest team, which obviously will help a lot. Yeah,
[00:23:57] Viper, as mentioned, I think looked great in the previous game, but I don't like getting
[00:24:03] coffee the second I wake up. The second I wake up, I don't like doing it. Man, I just
[00:24:07] realized how long it's going to be. Then I have to finish Fly Quest for STR, then
[00:24:10] I have to go to sleep, and then I have to watch T1 DK, and then we do Elysse Finals.
[00:24:18] Holy fuck man.
[00:24:22] The pace is gonna be crazy.
[00:24:23] Jembo Zeus called me, I do remember what Zeus called me.
[00:24:26] Zeus called me cute boy.
[00:24:28] He did.
[00:24:29] He did do that.
[00:24:31] He said, hey cute boy.
[00:24:35] That happened.
[00:24:39] That happened.
[00:24:48] Or is it like, no, I don't care.
[00:24:50] I beat you at the time, but it really mattered.
[00:24:53] Yeah, I think second doesn't care too much.
[00:24:55] He's happy that he got his world champ
[00:24:57] and he would like more,
[00:25:00] but I don't know if few of you's gonna let him.
[00:25:02] Especially, you know, Genji, the top seed here in the LCK.
[00:25:05] It was Chovy.
[00:25:06] They are going to have side selection
[00:25:08] and they start off on blue.
[00:25:09] This has been a bit of an issue
[00:25:10] because as we move into drafting,
[00:25:13] what do you ban against this team?
[00:25:14] Because you've got a ban rumble.
[00:25:16] Okay, let's see it.
[00:25:17] Genji, have a life.
[00:25:18] Normally people just ban jungle resource Hamalai, and I'm hoping Hamalai's look at taking away the Ziggs
[00:25:25] Vibe and his flash, Sennemann's good
[00:25:32] Yo, Canyon, nothing, wake up
[00:25:37] Lock in Gregory
[00:25:39] Yeah, I wonder if their last bans are just Ziggs rumble. Is that it? Is that let's site your bans versus Genji?
[00:25:45] They might have to take me in Italy we the only but it's pretty good. It's a good ball
[00:25:49] I like that because I don't know. Yeah, I think it's just rambles. It isn't it have a counterpick
[00:25:54] But I don't I don't really know what else you can do against them. They can first pick six
[00:26:00] And I got to get credit
[00:26:03] They didn't bad Maokai
[00:26:06] They're looking for Maokai themselves
[00:26:09] Maokai's edge trade is open
[00:26:11] Peanuts don't commit too happy about that. I think it is just yeah like I said zigzbam
[00:26:17] Malkai first pick and they trade it for
[00:26:21] Yeah, pretty expensive pre-expected
[00:26:25] What he do said you want to he has areas kind of annoying to paint the Malkai
[00:26:32] Feel like peanut does play such though. You could do the search
[00:26:35] I think that
[00:26:38] The nine-mile kai kori
[00:26:47] Finally this has also been a strategy that many times it's smaller and six we smolder MF
[00:26:54] We'll see if strange
[00:26:57] Very strange and I start playing lily on three
[00:26:59] I don't like MF here because unless it's a denial pick. I think it's a denial pick from Pace
[00:27:09] I mean they'll just pay a poke comp, no? Yeah, Ezreal Maokai. I think they'll do Ezreal Maokai Zerri
[00:27:16] They should play Zerri
[00:27:18] Porking the small but not the best. I don't like this unless you're doing Lillia on 3
[00:27:22] But I think Lillia on 3 is dogships. I don't like Lillia on 3. I don't like Lillia into Maokai
[00:27:28] I just don't like it
[00:27:30] I don't like Lillian to Maokai
[00:27:40] I'm gonna put 500 bucks on HamoLive game 1, really? Are you a psychopath?
[00:27:44] Yeah, there's a Sejuani, I think there should have just be one B2 Sejuani
[00:27:48] R1 R2 Sejuani
[00:27:50] Okay, they dropped Lillian, the Sejuani Maokai is good for HamoLive
[00:27:53] Join the matchup right now for HamoLive, it's really good
[00:27:56] But I just don't think this is really good right now.
[00:28:02] This doesn't look great.
[00:28:06] Unless they can maybe get...
[00:28:08] Leona-Band.
[00:28:11] Yeah, I just feel like if you get Rell here it's fine, but you're not getting Rell here.
[00:28:17] If you got Rell here everything would be great, but that's not gonna happen.
[00:28:23] Let's change here completely clueless.
[00:28:25] So what do you play for on 4? Maybe Rakan?
[00:28:27] I think that Sejuani pick is kind of the first...
[00:28:31] I wouldn't call it a question hard, but it's like the beginning of uh-oh.
[00:28:34] Genji are running away with the draft again.
[00:28:36] That kind of feeling, that pops up.
[00:28:38] I really love the rail ban.
[00:28:40] I think Delight is fantastic on rail ban.
[00:28:42] It's extremely strong right now.
[00:28:43] It is amazing as a front-lining gate support alongside of MF and even Svolder.
[00:28:48] They want Casantem 4.
[00:28:50] Is this too obvious though?
[00:28:52] They're just gonna abandon states to every once in a while and they're trying to force a Kassanthebane
[00:28:57] Sometimes you have to ask yourself, are they really, is this, cause this is covers of Kassanthe right?
[00:29:04] Is Genji gonna ban Kassanthe and take the bait?
[00:29:07] Blind pick a top laner
[00:29:08] Or not
[00:29:09] On R4 here as Kassanthe
[00:29:11] Yeah, well that was, that was, yeah
[00:29:14] Camille, they didn't take the bait
[00:29:16] Camille gets taken away
[00:29:19] Wow
[00:29:19] They even banned another Kassanthebane
[00:29:21] They double down being like yeah, we don't want it.
[00:29:23] We don't have to pay Casante, we'll buy another counter to Casante.
[00:29:28] So they're playing a game of truth, we dare here.
[00:29:31] They pick engage support or Casante.
[00:29:34] Nautilus on four!
[00:29:39] What?
[00:29:40] What?
[00:29:41] They have Braum into MS Nautilus and Casante blind for King.
[00:29:47] It's over.
[00:29:49] It's over.
[00:29:50] It's Keen-Sante plus Braum into MF Nautilus. It's just over.
[00:29:55] What?
[00:29:58] Take the free win, take the free win, Genji.
[00:30:00] Kasante Braum. Just slam it in.
[00:30:10] You're crazy if you don't play Braum here.
[00:30:12] Ooh, unless they're trying to bait them to play Braum so they can play Vladimir.
[00:30:20] Now there's no way they'll play flat in this game.
[00:30:23] Will they play flat?
[00:30:25] I think Brown here is free win into MF.
[00:30:35] Bro, he has an obsession with just picking Blitz, it's crazy.
[00:30:41] Alright chat, I'm going to add real quick a few more ads to see if I want to switch between them.
[00:30:44] I don't want to see you back for the game charges with this.
[00:30:50] No one plays Vladivostok pro, it was played like 2 days ago
[00:30:59] I don't know why he picked Zedjuani in Nultus with S-Roll AD carry though
[00:31:05] Feels kind of bad
[00:31:07] Yo X-Duella, much love
[00:31:10] Feels kind of bad
[00:31:12] Wait hold on, let me scan this QR code real quick so I can get this fucking hold up
[00:31:20] out of anyone because the amount of stuff that he does
[00:31:24] Ludacris always go back to the example of Genji at MSI where Pace got a 28 kill game and that was talking about him
[00:31:37] Who's draft is better? Well, I think Hummelite I think Genji could have slammed them in draft. I'm gonna say it again Chess
[00:31:44] I'm gonna say it again. I don't like this Blitzcrank angle. I don't
[00:31:48] Why is he playing Blitzcrank in the Nautilus with S-related carry?
[00:31:57] Oh, it's because they're playing Maokai Blitz. Oh yeah, they have Maokai.
[00:32:00] Oh yeah. Bro, the Gen G just think Maokai Blitz is just the most...
[00:32:05] Like the best jungle support combo? Crazy though.
[00:32:08] Walk up the tower, Maokai ult, and Blitzcrank off the Maokai ult.
[00:32:12] Is that just... is that simple?
[00:32:18] I just run away with the game. Let's hop into the rest for game number one.
[00:32:32] There's a lot of Hamonite fans.
[00:32:36] Here we go. Game number one of the upper bracket match between these two.
[00:32:41] Again, for stakes, the winner of this one goes directly to the Grand Final.
[00:32:45] Level one in Vades with the double hook champs.
[00:32:47] Just straight ticket. They've earned it.
[00:32:48] They haven't lost anywhere along the way here in playoffs.
[00:32:51] Level one in Vades with level one stacks.
[00:32:54] So we'll see if the team expected Victor can pick it up
[00:32:58] or will HamalAV sports get the upset tonight?
[00:33:01] As we are taking a look at the level 1s here, DeepInvade coming through from Hanwha, both teams stacking up as 5.
[00:33:08] Main thing of note is that Paze has actually gone for TP here.
[00:33:12] This is something we've seen more and more, it started out obviously, oh they're not gonna be able to sweep out that ward.
[00:33:17] No lane swap from HamalAV to match, GenG is just gonna take it, bro, GenG are, maybe Team Liquid are the best in the world, the team that just spam lane swaps.
[00:33:27] Gen.G is going to commit to the lane swap, which should not come as a surprise.
[00:33:31] Peanut, however, is not aware of this fact.
[00:33:33] Uh...
[00:33:34] Bro, Peanut is fucked.
[00:33:35] Okay.
[00:33:36] He's just going to flash away, and, I mean, it's not the biggest deal in the world, especially
[00:33:42] with the top team.
[00:33:43] He is fucked.
[00:33:44] Maokai takes this.
[00:33:45] Maokai can maybe greet the red, but that is too much.
[00:33:46] I think he should just go to the top camps and take the plus one camp.
[00:33:48] It's...
[00:33:49] It can be a bit rough to expect to get a lot of value out of this combo, especially
[00:33:51] when...
[00:33:52] So, another lane swap iteration coming out from Gen.G.
[00:33:54] The support is taking XP, and Top lane isn't.
[00:34:02] Why are they not down then?
[00:34:04] I guess Cassante is sharing with Zarya a bit.
[00:34:08] Because look what Doran and Viper are doing.
[00:34:11] This is a very normal thing to do on a lane swap.
[00:34:14] The Jax takes XP with DMF, and it's almost like they're the bot lane.
[00:34:21] Maybe it's just for Blitz to get level 2, and now he just leaves.
[00:34:24] That could be it, but it doesn't look like he's leaving.
[00:34:43] I wonder if G2, random side thought, I wonder if G2 is going to rock up to the LEC season finals this weekend and just spam lane swap.
[00:34:50] because g2 kind of dropped their lane sobs a bit didn't they even though they
[00:34:56] were like the lane swap connoisseurs they saw someone do it and they did it every
[00:35:01] game especially when you're playing against someone like Mirwin right he
[00:35:06] picks small to top lane swap he picks fucking god knows what top lane swap I'm
[00:35:12] surprised they haven't done it
[00:35:15] quite and look at this actually hasn't skilled anything yet so just waiting seeing if he is
[00:35:20] gonna have to like use w i bait something out yeah you saw that hook almost said him he still
[00:35:25] didn't skill anything so here comes the blitz crank and pays for tb bot and now they take a fight
[00:35:30] maybe replace going away but now we got a dive here la hens and a lot of stuff is down the
[00:35:34] bottom of the turret but the damage is there again what was that given over to bifer as gen g
[00:35:41] they say well sorry the hands you're kind of the sacrifice here as we try to get
[00:35:45] under our bot lane turret and the idea there from this is nice meeting you on
[00:35:49] the telephone so we can get pace to the turret and then try to fight oh that
[00:35:53] would have been a really big okay a shelly really big catch if we could have
[00:35:57] gotten the F sort of MF first base against here and the glowing mode so
[00:36:02] she won't it's been a little bit behind but extra member there and Lance
[00:36:05] just ends up going down he saves his TP because he's bouncing annoying
[00:36:10] But now even further accelerated and keen obviously is gonna be able to catch this way
[00:36:15] So it looks like it's gonna be when it's cold you ever do like this with your t-shirt. You put your hand in there
[00:36:20] And then like
[00:36:28] Yeah, it's a bit strange very strange they just kind of run past team
[00:36:32] And they have set you on a jacks
[00:36:34] MOLTULUS mega CC
[00:36:36] Weird
[00:36:40] Wait, I'm just gonna increase the weather
[00:36:58] The temperature, the temperature, the temperature
[00:37:04] there from the side of homo IP sports and set up as Doran is gonna get a nice
[00:37:10] board down and spot cannon taking some Raptors away but now this means that
[00:37:14] Pino's gonna start on the dragon extremely early on in this game a
[00:37:18] infernal drake here five minutes in basically yeah a quick ball situation
[00:37:22] get a drake nice no they're not in any danger for the moment so they just get
[00:37:26] a nice little objective in this game now one of the things Gen G have done in
[00:37:30] the past really well is get early advantage through lane stops and then
[00:37:33] turn that into very early objective leads because they are what the ones first
[00:37:38] the objective is actually flipped on its head the volume is fine right I'm looking
[00:37:41] at one guy very aggressive early game wave state here is a little bit dicey now
[00:37:45] okay this is obviously very safe so we'll just be able to farm with Q that we
[00:37:49] haven't seen chat I didn't get one guy was also the one that picked up the kill
[00:37:51] so he's sitting on a straight up bf so this early on and a map isn't a mobile
[00:37:56] carry I think lands is impacting this game is going to remain really well top
[00:38:00] as tp vented which is fine grab the spawning which is good there's a pink
[00:38:04] that's gonna spot canyon right now walking into reverse so pina does full
[00:38:08] info so here comes the bot dive there's a pink or the canyons clearing right now
[00:38:12] so they know where canyons is and in comes pina income zekka and bye bye
[00:38:17] goes as fuel blitzcrank and bye bye goes bottle on wow so genji lane swap they
[00:38:27] They fuck up the lanes up just perma dying to set you on 8 and Nautilus oh what?
[00:38:34] How is Genji?
[00:38:36] Genji just got treated a bit, did Genji just treat before them?
[00:38:56] How is Seri there first?
[00:38:58] I thought Smulder was way earlier
[00:39:01] Look where Smulder is
[00:39:07] Darius eased the wall I guess and flash
[00:39:16] I guess Zaka has to fight harder against Darius. I would love to see the camera between Zaka and Chovy there
[00:39:23] Because Zarya not getting blocked fucked the whole dive
[00:39:28] Valdes yeah the issue with this that we oftentimes talk about is you got to look
[00:39:31] where the gold is. So Genji get drops and they come with a bot dive.
[00:39:35] Two and zero on Zerri seven minutes in the game I mean you can stamp that as
[00:39:39] a Zerri moment already and this is the issue when you're facing against Genji
[00:39:43] it's like yeah you banned out their main stuff that they play on this patch
[00:39:46] but. Oh that was a career the last one. I guess enough is six Jesus.
[00:39:51] What the f**k?
[00:40:01] What the f**k?
[00:40:09] That wasn't the one being bill card
[00:40:15] No flash on Tobi, QR flash
[00:40:21] on a call Chovy doesn't have something it's waiting but doesn't look like he's
[00:40:26] actually gonna be able to get something and this is the first blood tower to
[00:40:30] MF blood thirst for Viper right I don't think Viper should go back
[00:40:34] but there I think Keen says being mega greedy here because he hasn't
[00:40:39] based look at that he's just sitting on door and shield still Keen just being
[00:41:14] Just like in the game that we saw previously where you say about viper. Yeah, I didn't want my personal thought out of base because he was running like this
[00:41:21] And then the replay hit so I didn't want my personal thoughts as real is one of the carries
[00:41:26] I'm gonna take some a long time to get through but you do have a lot of safety. You can just poke with Q
[00:41:31] Yeah, they also have an immense frontline that I think deals with Jax very easily. Yeah
[00:41:35] I don't repay his running though. They're not just hanky, but they're some of the best disengaged champs in the game with the
[00:41:41] Cassante and the Malchai Doran's perma jumping in on top
[00:41:44] Within the Genji comp to deal with the jacks
[00:41:48] But if Doran gets insane and he starts winning the site all around and then he's also a problem in team fights
[00:41:53] And he's also got gold Elstor put Doran bot and then small it takes over
[00:41:56] I mean, they do have a they exist a good lane assignment for Drake
[00:42:00] Is a true top laner I think to be a top laner. That's just my god viper. I read that he has blood there sir
[00:42:06] Double up. He wants to Q that. Oh, yeah, he saw it. He wants to Q that backline.
[00:42:13] flux of gold once it gets to it. As the teleport comes in, maybe looking for a dive here, only
[00:42:19] TP on pace.
[00:42:20] He does not have ghost, but he's just gonna walk away, but the issue with this is that
[00:42:25] Hummellite Esports are getting so much value out of the play, so now Delight does come
[00:42:29] in, he's only level 5 and that can be cancelled, but Hummellite Esports nice map movement
[00:42:34] here to come in.
[00:42:35] So Hummellite's TP top with Jax because Chovy was freezing, but Chovy fast pushes
[00:42:39] quick because he realized what's happening.
[00:42:42] So, not gonna have as much damage to the turret as he otherwise could
[00:42:45] Looks like top lane turret is just going to roll here
[00:42:48] As Humm-o-Life takes the grubs denying the 6 grubs to Gen.G as well
[00:42:53] Jovey, yeah, I don't know how much
[00:42:56] Zeke could push out top in TB vault
[00:42:58] Very risky though
[00:43:00] Your honor, big threat of a dive
[00:43:02] It's gonna be a lot of gold, but now Humm-o-Life
[00:43:05] Mountain Soul
[00:43:06] Ooh, that is gonna be big here on either side
[00:43:09] Good macro from both sides so far though
[00:43:11] Like the cross-mapping is great
[00:43:32] So we won't get this tower?
[00:43:34] In micro they got grubs, so in 3-3 grubs they lost Trigzo but they got 2 powers now
[00:43:41] I mean, Chovy has a lot of golden base right now.
[00:43:48] Look at his items. Rammtsepp to Dekker will see all the insta-blade or what.
[00:43:55] Yeah, mega fed.
[00:43:58] Mega mega fed.
[00:44:04] Why are there two Gen G's on my screen, K.G.l? Shut up.
[00:44:14] we're not gonna drill any sweeping conclusions just yet. Drake's one-to-one, Grubbs are even as well.
[00:44:21] A level is gonna come down to how well can the team fight be set up and also what is
[00:44:28] Genji going to do about Doran in the side lane because uh post tri-force it's gonna be
[00:44:33] perfect for them. Oh look at that city skyline damn. It isn't really an easy answer as Chovy's
[00:44:37] pushing up quite far they will stop it's a bit hard to collapse on chobi
[00:44:42] to keep him safe canyons also there and obviously he has incredible disengage
[00:44:47] but i like that humble life is continuously poking and prodding looking for an opening
[00:44:53] as the peanut actually going for the not much is gonna happen till herald the extra beef
[00:44:57] in his be careful as tp disadvantage so into the gen g composition yeah you mentioned the
[00:45:03] Doran's frying sides. He doesn't have Triforce yet.
[00:45:10] Okay, listening to me.
[00:45:18] 110 stacks is not the best.
[00:45:22] Or smoldy.
[00:45:24] But he should have Triforce, based on a pint. Maybe after this bolt wave.
[00:45:33] with our top laners. This time it is definitely working out for Hummlype sports in game one.
[00:45:38] We'll see just how far Doran can push the issue because it's one thing to get a lead
[00:45:42] and actually, you know, have that lead but to actually utilize it and really change the game
[00:45:46] and the way it plays out is another question. There's also still a Blitzcrank in this game,
[00:45:52] which, oh, thank you. Yeah, Nautilus is not very tanky right now, so he's just gonna have to
[00:45:57] a flash away he's got a giant spell and he's not able to proc after shock in that case so
[00:46:03] the hands will very happily hook the Nautilus at any time in this mid game you see the
[00:46:09] war that lands played in it as well that's the type of war that I tell you up here it
[00:46:14] is there's a triforce x it's not gonna get swept out the lights can be amazed is it
[00:46:18] just gone though over the wall of the river this is where you start to slowly get
[00:46:23] ship the way out as I'm alive because look at all the top side but they lost
[00:46:27] Harold so what is there what are they getting here even can sometimes they're
[00:46:32] getting nothing
[00:46:34] we're all human I mean happens to the best of us and I think that it's very
[00:46:41] big to just highlight that one little thing you know it's like oh well
[00:46:44] delight absolutely nothing but it really does open the mat now because Gen G you
[00:46:50] give them an inch they'll take a mile yes they're behind me farming pretty well
[00:46:54] as well they've been in the situation before he's gonna be a tanky boy
[00:46:57] for them or they're just like a 126 tax we're just gonna make some nice
[00:47:01] rotations around not great get some objectives fine but it's not like
[00:47:04] crazy there and then all of a sudden they're in the lead so how like these
[00:47:08] sports really the onus is on them to continue putting on pressure which
[00:47:11] hat goes crazy bro this which that's crazy they're leaving not a lot of
[00:47:14] This trap is the generous fuck.
[00:47:44] in terms of spikes, we'll have to see, giving us a little bit of a trade, I think, is something that you never want to do, and they are definitely moving on the right side, because we're talking about them with a gold lead.
[00:47:54] Honestly, I want to say a really good teamfight.
[00:47:57] Something like a really crazy teamfight.
[00:47:59] A single bot lane can be enough, and we do see both top laners having TP available as well.
[00:48:05] Looks like we're going to get a fight for this trade with all those.
[00:48:08] Team Chris is going to play in Mad Lions or Gados. Gados.
[00:48:16] Here comes the base. There's a ward on top of four of them.
[00:48:20] There's the Malkai split-scrank combo.
[00:48:23] Split-scrank got the drake. What?
[00:48:28] Meffold was pretty good. Oh, the Jax pulled in for the... for the... for the sun.
[00:48:42] I mean they got Drake Genji, yeah
[00:48:45] So it's still fine I think for Genji, but this Blitzcrank Maokai
[00:48:51] The targets they have
[00:48:53] It's similar to the DK series except they're not tank able behind like DK was
[00:49:05] So hooking these tanks, it's not gonna be a guaranteed kill
[00:49:12] As we take a look, so Genji tried to just turn onto Pena, but they don't actually have the damage.
[00:49:17] That was a smite from like, I don't know, like, LL.
[00:49:20] It was a smite from Pena.
[00:49:21] Yeah, 12-25?
[00:49:22] Yeah, he smite from LL.
[00:49:23] I got keen so it actually killed Canyon, but...
[00:49:26] LHEN's ulted at the same time, which even though it was like 25...
[00:49:28] Is T1 out? No, T1's not out. T1 played Diamond more morning. Users out.
[00:49:32] Very funny.
[00:49:34] Indeed, it's a really big moment, because for Humber Life that could have been a straight up win.
[00:49:40] really strong though. Chobie's another Chobie.
[00:49:49] Do you want Gen.G's inevitable?
[00:50:08] 266 stacks, Zaka still slowly getting there. 2k gold lead top.
[00:50:13] He asked me how HammerLife Gen.G was going to go and he told me that Doran is in a gap
[00:50:19] keen in game 1 really hard. I'd be like, what the fuck are you on about?
[00:50:22] The keen is going to smash him.
[00:50:23] a really big team fighting performance because there's a lot that Genji needs to do right right they need to ensure that
[00:50:29] Viper doesn't just wipe them on the nose because there's a good amount of lock down on the enemy team and
[00:50:33] We're also gonna slowly get to the point where Zaka is gonna be a really big deal. I also want to see
[00:50:45] Disgusting and you don't need to kill meanwhile. I want to see Viper pop off. I want to see the return of Viper
[00:50:49] It's been required recently
[00:50:53] The T1 series is good though, but end of summer
[00:51:04] I wanna see the Viper
[00:51:09] Yeah, they got Bot tier one here, it's still a gold lead for HammerLife, but Gen.G is slowly getting map control
[00:51:15] They're not pushing for Bot tier one, why?
[00:51:18] He's freezing it
[00:51:19] have the next drake within two minutes and denying so put why is he freezing it
[00:51:24] deal we talked a little bit about why it's good for Genji to deny it small
[00:51:29] but also relies on slowly why did it take up here on that it's very straight up
[00:51:34] really nice from keen to get into the fog there catches him up guard and then
[00:51:38] gets the all out and also Chovy was there so I don't even think that
[00:51:42] would have been enough he denied like four minions for instead of getting
[00:51:45] bot here on. Now he's pushing. Oh he wants to keep the tower alive. I think I know he
[00:51:53] did it. I wonder if he wants to keep... you know how sometimes you don't take a tower
[00:51:57] and that is disgusting, it's like I keep it there. Oh the MFL is really good. It's
[00:52:06] just a tip on the mountain.
[00:52:15] Going to flash in! He gets that R'Longa Flash!
[00:52:17] Yeah, Gen.G are wiped here. Maybe Chovy can clutch it.
[00:52:20] Oh, how well I de-sports a lot of low health bars there, Gen.G!
[00:52:23] He has to flash forward to clutch it, but he doesn't have flash.
[00:52:25] So many low members of how well I de-sports a lot of low health bars there, Gen.G!
[00:52:28] Right, now sometimes you want to keep your lane phase going so you can punish your laner more.
[00:52:33] Whereas if you take that tower they can farm for free.
[00:52:36] I wonder if he left the tower up while he waited for Maokai.
[00:52:40] Because when someone comes to catch them, they can just dive him.
[00:52:42] Or they're like way further up than they should be, you know what I'm saying?
[00:52:45] Like this, look at this.
[00:52:46] Look at the sequence they do here.
[00:52:49] I mean, if they can get in range of the Blitzcrank hook, that'll be a kill, you know?
[00:52:53] I feel like they captured a life for that play.
[00:53:00] But Hummelife were quick on the reaction, they're all here.
[00:53:09] Hey, Chely must have stuck it out as well, because...
[00:53:11] I would love to see the map set up before I
[00:53:19] Love the freeze there actually I love it
[00:53:21] He's not I mean he is denying minions sure but what he's actually doing is he's setting up a play to give the enemy later like a fake
[00:53:30] A fake sense of like safety, you know
[00:53:33] And then try to kill them then take the tower and then you can push for tier 2 as well
[00:53:41] But one hook isn't enough
[00:53:44] Also security that's the worst
[00:53:47] And he's only saw it as well. That's the most impressive thing
[00:53:49] Hey, shelly saw that freeze and realized if they were trying to make up like a
[00:53:54] Kind of bait play and it should be very happy about their current spot in this game really are
[00:53:59] Don't know what the smaller stacks are at is we're staging mid
[00:54:03] I'd be able to get this one, but mom comes down and denies it and the knockback
[00:54:07] I'm not gonna have it, but now the Kettering games comes out and the bullet time is huge!
[00:54:11] Look at that damage on the canyon!
[00:54:13] Oh, you're Zekka.
[00:54:13] You think you're Zekka assassin at the canyon?
[00:54:16] And that's two more kills than maybe a Baron to Hummelite!
[00:54:19] Aw, the little kid is screaming.
[00:54:21] I tried earlier.
[00:54:21] The little kid is fucking...
[00:54:23] I'm losing his mind!
[00:54:23] It's going crazy.
[00:54:24] He's just rushing forward!
[00:54:26] And now they start a mash in Hummelite in this game one!
[00:54:30] Doing an absolutely stellar job.
[00:54:33] And in that mid-fight once again, Tinty are doing things that have worked against many a team,
[00:54:38] The Gen.G downfall. Yo, I'm not gonna lie chat, I still stick by it if Gen.G picked round this game was gone.
[00:54:47] I'm sure of it. I'm convinced.
[00:54:51] around but the straight up get hooked, Viper's positioning is great and the front line just
[00:54:58] can't tank the amount of damage if you're standing in bullet times and dying turrets.
[00:55:03] Yeah, I think this is how the bitch should have looked against Damwon but Damwon was completely
[00:55:08] impingant. But he does have 100% kp so he's got that both of them.
[00:55:21] Jumping forward gets the hook onto a blitzcrank
[00:55:24] Puppa really said blitzcrank, a brown would be too tryhard
[00:55:27] How insane would brown would be in this one? It's crazy, no?
[00:55:30] A lot of times we talk about the Malkai is so strong because you know
[00:55:33] Wow, Vibra is so fucking strong, look at that, 23 minutes
[00:55:37] If they're using the Malkai ultimate proactively and essentially wasting it
[00:55:41] Then it opens up a perfect opportunity for how well I P-Sports to engage
[00:55:45] Jesus
[00:55:46] Now the question becomes, how much can Hanwha get?
[00:55:48] His ult is gonna shred
[00:55:50] this setup say the line Sally no i'm not saying the line i don't have a horse in this race
[00:55:57] i'll say the line if we're robbed of a five game series as we saw just now
[00:56:04] one of the one of the things that genji can hold on towards is knowing that they are facing a
[00:56:09] composition that out of the true damage is going to be uh mostly ad so we do see the atomization
[00:56:15] help from that look I've been like look at what keen has he has like an ice
[00:56:19] foam golf lead and like oh my god the double up also need on a minion kill it
[00:56:24] was just on a base on a base meaning it was just on a full HP minion
[00:56:29] not working against Doran and that little win today G2 or Matt I think I
[00:56:36] actually think G2 lanes off G2 to win but also then I don't know why G2's on lanes off G2 to win
[00:56:42] So, nothing's gonna happen just yet, but this does give a little opportunity for Humble AP sports now with Malki Ultimate down to push in the bottom lane.
[00:56:50] They need like a crazy hook from lands or something.
[00:56:55] Well, there's a way you can bomb and I mean they need an engage. Here we go, the bullet-time cannon is so tanky though.
[00:57:02] They're trying to turn it on a peanut, but the burn coming out from the smolder is huge peanut getting very low.
[00:57:07] This base really wanted to punish that one, not gonna happen, Keen.
[00:57:10] Again, doesn't really exist, Doran's just kinda...
[00:57:15] Smaller's really strong now.
[00:57:28] TB top by Chobis, get top there one.
[00:57:31] Yeah, I'm not sure if he'll get it in time. He's rushing for it.
[00:57:34] They're all sprinting out.
[00:57:36] They also have Jax that can collapse, you can't get it.
[00:57:40] Just the pushouts.
[00:57:45] How long has it been since Gen.G lost a game?
[00:57:52] It was KT, right?
[00:57:54] Like, I'm not talking a series, I'm saying one game.
[00:57:58] Was it just KT? Jesus.
[00:58:06] He's sitting on a two-level lead over Keen, so I'm lucky I've the funniest every time through the funniest thing ever
[00:58:14] 3-0 Gen. G and and Zeca well
[00:58:17] I think that he's on as we said like he's a little bit behind but the kill me assist gonna help in that regard
[00:58:23] It doesn't matter that much because he does this doesn't have his stacks now
[00:58:26] He's rapid fire cannons. I didn't say the line. I didn't say the line. It's not a curse
[00:58:30] Expector on this Gen. G team which is lands has been having a very
[00:58:36] game of Blitz. It would be an easy Drake. It's quite hard for Jenny to fight this. Let's
[00:58:47] see if they go for it though. Maybe they can play a Malkai with Hook and then 4v5 or something.
[00:58:51] I don't know. It's really hard to fight. Please look at jungle levels. Yeah this says 13,
[00:59:04] 18 if they said 18 and this guy was all 12
[00:59:07] That would be the most disgusting general if ever
[00:59:17] Doran's actually gonna die here
[00:59:20] They can get the kill over to pace. Oh my god, Lehens. Oh, it's a chubby, sorry. Yeah, I'm big kill
[00:59:26] and it's a shutdown and a ton of gold to Chovy
[00:59:29] nice little win for Genji, actually I love that Doran didn't flash there
[00:59:33] really really big and keep your life there's no objective on the map
[00:59:36] mid tier 2 is dead, nice gold to Chovy but yeah mid tier 2 is dead
[00:59:41] as the homo-life immediately counter punch, get the mid lane in her
[00:59:45] so not even going to be that bad of a trade for them
[00:59:48] Doran has TP in 20
[00:59:50] They just try and play it here a bit, and with Risky I think, with Nash in 50 seconds
[00:59:56] there's no reason to lose the game over at tier 2 top.
[01:00:00] Shogun on Ezreal, I mean Genji is getting some pretty big items.
[01:00:04] Like Chovy is super strong.
[01:00:12] Blitzcrank just gets one shot.
[01:00:15] He survived against the old dog and now peanut
[01:00:19] Achoo he's gonna die here
[01:00:24] All right
[01:00:29] How much win game one that's crazy I didn't expect I didn't expect Lauren to gap team
[01:00:38] And for Canyon to be kind of invisible. I also hate the mid-skine pig still
[01:00:43] Come do anything
[01:00:44] Viper at the ready
[01:00:46] And all my life about to take a very convincing game a number one year Valdes
[01:00:52] Barring a miracle. King and doesn't even have his flash. I don't think there's any way they're gonna be able to get in the pit
[01:00:59] Unless they let him
[01:01:05] But it's just one kill
[01:01:06] Okay
[01:01:07] Powerplay here for the set of how well a few sports going to be much much better
[01:01:12] Sure, Doran dies classic
[01:01:16] Let's take a look at this fight once again.
[01:01:18] Look at Blitzcrank in this fight.
[01:01:19] So we have an attempted setup, but like you're going in the front, like both fighters are right there.
[01:01:25] And if they like immediately blow up this fight, they're immediately in the front.
[01:01:28] Joey tried to clutch it by Eing forward to the ult and trying to kill MF, but...
[01:01:30] They tried to use it, but the wind that we're doing was dead.
[01:01:33] Doesn't really land anything.
[01:01:34] ...for very long as we can see, this is in the fight.
[01:01:37] Doesn't really land anything.
[01:01:38] Yeah.
[01:01:38] It does get caught off guard here by pace.
[01:01:41] He does, uh...
[01:01:42] Are you tired? Yeah, a little bit, but I have...
[01:01:43] I'm gonna get coffee after this game.
[01:01:45] doesn't have a lot of space
[01:01:47] there's another bar above gonna go the way
[01:01:49] I don't see it's like I woke up at 7am
[01:01:51] or 7.30
[01:01:53] the inhibitors are sure to fall
[01:01:55] which, look at the timing
[01:01:57] I'm tired, get a meal
[01:01:59] for the mountain drake
[01:02:01] Genji!
[01:02:03] looking very likely to go down
[01:02:05] 0 and 1 here
[01:02:07] you look hungry
[01:02:09] we're in our upper bracket
[01:02:11] here between the two
[01:02:13] Yeah, and again like we said before the stakes are huge. I'm like these sports if they win this one best of five
[01:02:18] They go directly in the recent spoiler
[01:02:21] Right now today so far. Oh like these sports have looked like the better team
[01:02:26] The team fight setups have been better Genji have been reaching it feels like they say
[01:02:30] I feel like both teams macro was good. It was really good the game obviously turned for me heavily on the ball play where
[01:02:36] Jenny tried to bait the freeze
[01:02:38] And let's see an all comes in
[01:02:40] One tap. Absolutely one tap.
[01:02:46] The semifinals are shredding everything.
[01:02:52] Yeah, I think Gen.G go game two, go blue side. They can run back a similar draft. It just depends.
[01:02:58] I actually think Humble Life are in a great spot. If they're playing, Malkai said you want to trade in jungle.
[01:03:03] And there's no Zyra, there's no Nidalee, there's no Canyon games, you know?
[01:03:09] I think they're very happy to be
[01:03:12] And I also think this MF is really annoying
[01:03:15] Actually get in and finish the job but with the mountain drake up in the mountain sole
[01:03:22] Available in 30 seconds. They're just gonna try to back and go for that
[01:03:26] Top in hit now down
[01:03:30] And a final stand I think about to
[01:03:33] Be attempted here by Genji if you give over this drake, it's game. Yeah, I'm gonna have to fight the drake
[01:03:39] We're pretty close base base into there gang. It's a yeah
[01:03:43] It's a Nike gold, that's it.
[01:03:45] We'll see if our bikes are done with the caretaker.
[01:03:48] I'm gonna check out all of the Leandris as well, making these already paper thin front liners.
[01:03:57] Feel like they're worth even less as Chovy desperately wants to clear this topside wave, so that he can TP towards the play.
[01:04:04] I mean actually Genji don't have that bad of a team fight like set up here.
[01:04:09] They actually have even ground if that makes sense. They're not face shaking.
[01:04:15] Not bad for Genji, but obviously they take it down.
[01:04:23] That's over. They got Mountain Soul and Doran's out.
[01:04:29] Dragon!
[01:04:34] Soul and they're gonna be looking to put the cap on this game number one a
[01:04:38] Stand up in here from on my life start up with the early aggression
[01:04:43] never let Gen G
[01:04:46] Get to know Ziggs no win
[01:04:50] Shut up
[01:04:52] The prep for my life very clearly working out in the no Ziggs no win
[01:04:59] It's continued
[01:05:04] I think Genji just trolled a bit in drafts and trolled a bit in games. They need to change up their draft a bit.
[01:05:11] Why are you putting... I don't know.
[01:05:16] If I was Genji, yeah, I just don't like creating Maokai situation on it. I don't like the Bitscray pick.
[01:05:22] Everything else is fine. He just needs to stop inting.
[01:05:34] match. Definitely a great game from Humbleye. They couldn't take in the Braum. I can't believe
[01:05:42] they do Cassante Braum 4-5. It was completely Jover. They're so addicted to Maokai Blitz.
[01:05:54] Hold up, let me just get this hotel thing one second.
[01:06:05] Game nowhere to be seen, lots of up from burst, Piper ends up topping the damage chart, but
[01:06:10] it really felt like our whole life, with the draft that we were like, okay, can work, but
[01:06:16] the execution was amazing, and you know, there was the one moment early on where they had
[01:06:22] to play the backfire, outside of that, supremely clean game or in-game number one.
[01:06:28] Yep, absolutely, how life eSports a dominant victory in this first game.
[01:06:34] Now we'll just have to wait and see if they can tally two more and maybe get the victory here in this series.
[01:06:40] A great start for them. We'll have to see after the break, guys. We'll take a break and have this based. We'll be right back.
[01:06:46] World's Gen G. Oh my god, when I get my coffee, it's gonna go crazy.
[01:07:24] Chad, don't say F. I'm on hotel internet, man.
[01:07:28] you can do the baits when I'm at home but I'm on hotel internet XQC lost money betting on Gen.G
[01:07:45] wait is the OME guy betting on the series you have 5k on Gen.G and I think Gen.G will win 3-1
[01:08:10] Gen.G should win 3-1 I think hold up one sec I'm gonna do a red check now I'm just finishing
[01:08:37] hotel order. The way hotel orders work are weird. It's weird Chate. I have to go on the
[01:09:52] kids menu. A croissant, yeah. Chate, the kids menu has like fucking sausages and shit bro.
[01:10:12] Kids menu sometimes clears main menu. Factor. They have like chicken nuggets and shit.
[01:10:26] So much better. Chate, Nuremberg. Nuremberg. Sausage, is that good? Nuremberg.
[01:10:42] Nananananananananana
[01:10:47] Yes
[01:10:48] I kinda wanna eat some porridge
[01:10:51] I do like porridge
[01:10:58] I do like porridge
[01:10:59] Hmmm
[01:11:09] But chat porridge is it with hot water or milk?
[01:11:12] porridge
[01:11:13] Well they make it with hot water or milk
[01:11:18] You can't have every item on the menu
[01:11:20] So milk
[01:11:21] Eww who makes porridge with milk?
[01:11:27] what?
[01:11:28] Who makes porridge with milk?
[01:11:35] That's disgusting. It's making with hot water.
[01:11:38] Chad, I'm such a genius. Instead of abiding by
[01:11:49] their menu, I ordered four sides, and I'm gonna make it into a dish.
[01:11:54] Like I'm actually insanely smart. Hold up. Because now, yeah, now I ordered
[01:12:16] nuggets, sausage, and bread. And what I'll do is I'll put the sausage and nuggets on the bread, and I'll make a
[01:12:24] nugget sausage sandwich bro absolute genius is what I am fact fact that's a
[01:12:35] fat W right there everyone was quiet when Halo blades when right there's hair
[01:12:41] blades now people are yapping how this patch is the buff T1 one absolute
[01:12:44] nonsense what are you yapping about? bullying works what what yeah chat
[01:12:57] Why did they make this a mode and call it let me breathe like who the fuck
[01:13:02] Called it. Let me breathe like how fucking what are you on about?
[01:13:06] like everyone knows that this is cope or coping or or
[01:13:12] Copage
[01:13:13] How did it get through let me breathe? What?
[01:13:18] This is got banned for what?
[01:13:31] Got banned for what we're talking about the emotes
[01:13:45] where on twitch you're the fault in me the what do you say what the fuck
[01:14:07] the raining chance here in the lck dig on alongside ox and wolf to break this one
[01:14:12] check his tweet unique draft a couple of things here that maybe yeah I'm not
[01:14:16] on buddy more yeah I'm not on buddy more yo yo yo yo
[01:14:29] was really fantastic from HLE as it was so decisive and oftentimes peanut
[01:14:33] would be the one to like block to make sure if the hook was coming in or the
[01:14:36] mouth out was coming in he was there to soak it sometimes even like pre-alting
[01:14:40] sweet aftershock up the tank it hey whoa anyway Sally skips LCS for one day
[01:14:50] and this is the draft nestled SGO sinner who come top who come top in the
[01:14:54] knocked on sound that just sounds kind of nice Pedro you should use this milk
[01:14:57] to keep you healthy for the co-streams yeah no I'm actually good
[01:15:00] Thanks more changes for worlds riot be like we need more t1 buffs aribuffs e base damage increase your AP ratio increase
[01:15:08] Tins up us
[01:15:10] Ivan nerfs
[01:15:11] Leona buffs
[01:15:12] Nessus nerfs
[01:15:14] Rumble nerfs the a go changes Zaryner will read the pattern comes out zig nerfs
[01:15:21] Trinity Force changes reverted. Okay. Thank God. Oh, is there a Leona nerfs base armor down by four that hurts
[01:15:33] Looks like Tarzan is the only uncrowned player who was coached by CD-Max.
[01:15:39] Koma, we have to go Vayne. Faker X Stealer.
[01:15:43] Damn, he actually looks like that Vayne skin with the red glasses.
[01:15:48] It looks like he's got those glasses from it.
[01:15:50] He didn't wear a suit, but he did his nails.
[01:15:55] What the fuck?
[01:15:58] Okay, dude, shut up.
[01:16:03] Me munching on Kato's wires.
[01:16:06] No more going bold, get this haircut instead.
[01:16:08] What the fuck?
[01:16:11] Competitive League this year sucks.
[01:16:15] Why does it suck? What's wrong with Competitive League this year?
[01:16:20] After 10 years, there are still big parents.
[01:16:37] Who could have seen this coming? Oh my god!
[01:16:40] It did come to relax here.
[01:16:42] Shocking revelation guys. Starting Baron with everyone alive.
[01:16:45] I mean, back in bed is fucking dog shit.
[01:16:47] Well played! Well played!
[01:16:49] Zero Ace and Baron stolen.
[01:16:51] Oh mega throw. Jesus!
[01:16:55] Jesus, they're going in on them.
[01:16:57] I don't want to feel the clock of the smolder.
[01:17:00] And it wasn't the last time either that they made an over-extensive play like this.
[01:17:04] Bro watching T1 vs HLE while driving ain't no way.
[01:17:07] He's watching T1HLE on his what the Korean Railroad decided to report him to the railway police
[01:17:17] He'll most likely be fired for it. What the fuck why are you snitching man?
[01:17:27] He wants to see the lane phase
[01:17:29] If you need to punish and it feels like H.L.E. has done a lot of preparation and they're ready for what Gen.G. is going to try to do to snowball the game in the mid-game.
[01:17:36] The whole game fails? What is this?
[01:17:37] Do you guys like my Pokemon Nuzlocke names? Merc, Kerr, Burr, Durr, and Tar?
[01:17:41] H.L.E. we're ready to counteract that and they really pay dividends.
[01:17:45] And part of that is the execution on that last one.
[01:17:48] Yeah, obviously chat, you shouldn't watch or be on your phone while you're driving.
[01:17:50] Yeah, I'm memeing. Chill out there.
[01:17:52] And then on the opposite side Nautilus landing there, so great job by Delight and the rest of the team.
[01:17:56] Watching Viper and Mephile kill Chovy's area? What is this?
[01:17:58] Let's see
[01:18:09] Shut up
[01:18:11] We wanted to door and one MVP. Oh hell. Yeah. Hell. Yeah
[01:18:17] massive rat found in Johannes Burger
[01:18:24] Oh, there's been a leak we hold up
[01:18:27] According to eros a team from the Arab League that played in UMass is buying rogue spot
[01:18:31] it's very likely that the LPL player spotlame will join this new org.
[01:18:35] What? How can you know that in August?
[01:18:39] Go to 4843.
[01:18:46] Right now what is happening is that there is a team that is, or as I said at the beginning,
[01:18:50] 95% closed.
[01:18:53] If it is not closed, then...
[01:18:54] 95% chance of the deals done.
[01:18:56] Now, okay?
[01:18:57] That's what there is right now as to the new team that can enter the leg, okay?
[01:19:02] It's not a team that anyone's been talking about.
[01:19:09] It's a normal expected organization.
[01:19:18] It's a very well structured organization.
[01:19:27] And the information that he has about the heroes that he can't give it all, but there's one thing that he's going to say today, that seems impressive to me, that's the heroes.
[01:19:34] Something's really like crazy about it.
[01:19:36] What is it?
[01:19:37] I'm going to give you a little more clues, because the last time we talked about the Ablazar and Robin, we were talking about Paparazupermas.
[01:19:47] The last time we were talking about Rogue's spot we were talking about SuperMassive.
[01:19:50] The Turkish team.
[01:19:51] The Turkish team.
[01:19:52] So the people were talking about the supermassive buying spots, they also said team Falcons didn't have a chance to enter and stuff like that.
[01:20:03] Things are progressing. I think Supermassive did make an effort, but it was worse than the team that is now in the lead of getting the spot.
[01:20:18] It's a team from the Arabic league.
[01:20:23] Yeah, I think he's talking about, I think it's Nigma Galaxy, isn't it?
[01:20:28] It's a team that played in the European Masters.
[01:20:33] It's a team that played in the EU Masters, was it in the EU Masters?
[01:20:38] What's going on?
[01:20:40] Obviously, you are in the last final checks of Riot.
[01:20:45] Did NigmaGalaxy play in E-Masters? I swear they played in E-Masters.
[01:20:50] Because you have to present a solvency, right?
[01:20:55] And be able to demonstrate to Riot that you are capable of...
[01:20:59] They are trying to show to Riot that they have enough money.
[01:21:03] Minimum, minimum, minimum.
[01:21:05] So that's it. The finals are over and once I give them the okay of everything, I would skip closing anything.
[01:21:14] I mean, few details that stay with Rogue.
[01:21:33] say Crocs. Yeah, that one is my favorite. I'm a big fan personally.
[01:21:40] There sounds like a team from from Saudi Leagues coming in. But there
[01:21:44] does mean the Saudi League substantial increase from Gen G both
[01:21:48] in individual performances. I didn't say you're so annoying.
[01:21:52] All right, here comes Gen G running it back. Maokai ban.
[01:21:55] Thank God for that.
[01:21:57] Like that's thank God for that. Maokai ban. Obviously, as
[01:22:00] I have to listen out for the door chat.
[01:22:07] Oh my god, good bands.
[01:22:10] Good bands. There's the peanut bands right there. They're copying everyone from the last few weeks.
[01:22:19] They said that Larsen will stay in the team and they will bring in an LPL bot lane.
[01:22:23] Smolder first pick.
[01:22:30] about gindy's drafting is that they were late to games in the best of five to make big changes they say
[01:22:35] well seems like humble life we're very ready for that let's change it up they're very confident
[01:22:40] that they can play multiple different styles they don't have to stick to one they don't
[01:22:44] have to play malchai there's cms lillia spoon with malchai then okay we're gonna play it totally
[01:22:50] different but peanut mics play ivory you know i think peanut blinds it though the blinding
[01:22:55] Ivern vs Canyon is definitely like inting yourself, ooo MF Zyra well.
[01:23:13] There it is Canyon Italy in the slam, he's done fucking around, he's completely cold,
[01:23:19] ice-cold locked in
[01:23:32] Team Sante again
[01:23:34] I think they kind of have to pick rel here in my life
[01:23:38] They could do yes though, but I don't know is that I think if you're in mid just go Yone
[01:23:43] It's Yone rel or Jax I think I start picks here. Those three are pretty good picks
[01:23:49] I think anything else is a bit odd, like yes or it's a bit crazy you know?
[01:23:54] Yeah, Jax is fine.
[01:23:56] Ooh, you don't go running, oh my god, Doran, just go Jax man, I thought it was Jax was
[01:24:03] good.
[01:24:04] I think it's Jax was good, you know?
[01:24:11] really felt the same way. I do think that specifically Renekton Zyra is a strong combo
[01:24:17] the same way. They should look at a Jin Ben I think, how am I? Yeah, absolutely.
[01:24:22] Genji should definitely look at things like Yone or Rel or Leona or what else would Zaka
[01:24:29] play in this kind of game? Yo, what things do I do for much love?
[01:24:34] Uh, bands for the support role, which we oftentimes see, the rel is going to come through the center of the ash also
[01:24:42] Taken away from yeah, ash pants fine this time. I'm a bit scared of gin for genji though
[01:24:46] So no focus on the israel so they say okay. Well if you want to play israel again, that's fine
[01:24:52] You can go ahead and do that and that
[01:24:54] Let's make up in the last game. I imagine it's something that genji is also going to shout away from
[01:24:58] We were talking about brahm brahm is great into nautilus great
[01:25:02] I don't think it's necessarily as nuts here as it was in the last game in the game, obviously in a different kind of a show.
[01:25:10] Maybe they think Smuldermen is good in Tione because you can stack easier.
[01:25:13] I don't think the Smulder is flexing anyway.
[01:25:17] And you have Rakan into Brown.
[01:25:19] Alistair is still available and you know, it's the life. I imagine he's going to pick one of those.
[01:25:27] Are you serious in Tione?
[01:25:29] save our five for support
[01:25:31] What are you playing here?
[01:25:32] Do you play Zyra or Akhand?
[01:25:33] Pfft, fuck, I know.
[01:25:35] Jin kind of works.
[01:25:37] Oh, Kalista, Renata, Jesus.
[01:25:39] Or Kalista, Leona, yeah.
[01:25:44] Oof, that's nasty.
[01:25:46] I keep forgetting about Kalista now and then.
[01:25:50] That is nasty.
[01:25:52] This is an extremely aggressive bottom lane with a still a good amount of late game fallback
[01:25:58] Is it just Leona on 5?
[01:26:01] I mean you can't when you play MF karma
[01:26:05] I think you just kind of have to tank it and go Leona or Rakan or Alistar. You just have to tank the lane
[01:26:13] There's no range support you can play with MF really
[01:26:15] I'll see you in a second.
[01:26:27] Chad, who is this breaking news?
[01:26:32] Andrea, Kimmy and Tonelli will race for Mercedes in 2025.
[01:26:36] Chad, who the fuck said that?
[01:26:44] It's gonna be him and Russell in Mercedes. He's replacing Hamilton
[01:26:57] Bro drove into a wall and Mercedes died decided we want to drive for us next year
[01:27:01] The setup you have is Passante, who isn't, you know, on the level of something like Renekton, where you have guaranteed easy point and click lock down.
[01:27:10] What?
[01:27:10] So that's definitely going to be something that will make their mid game hearts actually pull off.
[01:27:16] That said, when it comes to Canyon in Italy, you do kind of just trust them, even though the pass falls off.
[01:27:21] Man, I kind of wanted like a mega sign-in, I guess.
[01:27:24] Echo again.
[01:27:25] Sometimes you just have to sign the youngins.
[01:27:27] In that last game, you didn't have the impact that you needed to expect.
[01:27:29] F2 drivers, like an ERL player, right?
[01:27:32] Take the flip.
[01:27:34] Cheaper, it's way cheaper probably, no?
[01:27:35] Hamilton was costing Mercedes like 40 million euros, no?
[01:27:40] You can just get a newbie and put them on one there.
[01:27:52] He's the most hyped young prospect in over a decade.
[01:27:55] Now I doubt that.
[01:27:56] Okay, so he's the most hyped young prospect in over a decade. That's cap
[01:28:02] Also, there's so many high prospects in the last decade Verstappen Leclerc Norris
[01:28:08] Russell the upper bracket match
[01:28:10] Yes, I wonder if this goes
[01:28:13] Directly to the grand finals. Oh, and I want to highlight something chovy actually going for the grass pair
[01:28:18] Into a melee matchup and into the amount of upfront burst that's available for Hanra
[01:28:22] That actually can end up being a really big difference maker in some of these early mid game skirmishes
[01:28:27] But I'm alive is going to be looking to just burst out the small bar. All right. Let's lock in here
[01:28:32] Big fan of that setup. I would love a lane stop from him life because this spot matchups gonna be a bit tough
[01:28:37] I think I wasn't really wait. He's playing smaller with grasp lost game
[01:28:41] But I'm alive did turn it around or Toby stop it man
[01:28:44] Could be looking towards an in vain. They're gonna invade here because they probably think that they're lane-sopping
[01:28:49] So we'll see board has been placed and they'll see it's Leona's ward
[01:28:54] being a hit the spear on to Zeca already peanut Dishon is red so this
[01:29:00] invade definitely why is it being grasped smaller Jensen did it in the
[01:29:05] LCS is there a different build or something question mark pings coming in
[01:29:10] they don't know a hundred percent but they have a very highlight we hit in their
[01:29:14] mind that yes can in is in the jungle lands all in his bits for the nice
[01:29:20] nice chunk though
[01:29:35] you don't go hard deal on smolder mid
[01:29:38] where about that
[01:29:45] hi dude
[01:29:50] The list of Renata is strong, yeah it's mega strong.
[01:30:05] And his grasp seems annoying.
[01:30:07] This seems mega annoying.
[01:30:16] I don't know why Peanut didn't walk into this topside, into Canyon's topside.
[01:30:20] It's finally going now
[01:30:37] Oh God, please don't tell me spot dive works. Oh my God that wave is fucking gigantic
[01:30:43] They need a TP cover here from Doran 100%
[01:30:47] 100% Doran's gonna have a TP down here
[01:30:49] Oh, he's a bit late. Maybe it's fine though.
[01:30:54] That's really not fine.
[01:30:56] Ah, he needs a TP in earlier. With such a stacked wave.
[01:31:06] I think Viper should run top, no? It's kind of hard to run.
[01:31:10] Okay, they're gonna put Viper mid and second TP top. Okay, good.
[01:31:15] Good, good, good.
[01:31:19] Then Zekka goes towards top and then you can catch the next waves and kind of go from there
[01:31:24] But don't look at MFCS. Don't look
[01:31:27] While the stacking in bot lane Gen.G was perfect
[01:31:30] Perfect
[01:31:31] So I think it's a hard game to play as Maokai because you have to play pretty forward into
[01:31:36] Into an MFC, so well played
[01:31:38] We know Maokai is better. Reactively, as we take another look at this
[01:31:42] A lot of the initial CC also goes down on my hands
[01:31:45] but not the end of the world.
[01:31:46] Cazen Canyon gets to do their damage
[01:31:49] and I just don't think there's really anything you can do in that scenario.
[01:31:52] Look at that midway, if he wants that midway.
[01:31:54] Or the Homba Life bot lane.
[01:31:55] Surely MF gets his midway right here.
[01:31:57] Yone kind of needs to run back mid though,
[01:32:00] so it's a bit weird now.
[01:32:02] He's like running mid while MF's trying to catch the stack wave.
[01:32:07] That's going to crash when Yone gets there, so they share it or?
[01:32:09] There's been an extra turret shot over the lens as he tanked another one even though.
[01:32:13] Oh yeah, look at his wave state.
[01:32:15] This is basically the polar opposite of what happened in the last game.
[01:32:19] What I do like is again these coals...
[01:32:21] So I'm guessing what happened was...
[01:32:23] Keen pushed out, Zeca TP'd, Zeca cleared, wave bounced,
[01:32:27] and by the time Doran Basin runs top, the waves already bounced and Keen freezes it.
[01:32:31] It's so good.
[01:32:33] So, so good.
[01:32:34] And then, he has to lose as little as possible, which is why Doran...
[01:32:38] I think a large part of why he got the MVP or the POG in the last game...
[01:32:41] Either that or Zeca completely into the wave.
[01:32:44] happen even despite that dragon is gonna go over so Gen.G really course correcting after what was a
[01:32:52] very very solid game number one to buy humble life with so good amount of mistakes i think on the Gen.G side
[01:32:58] is the cross sex and the smolder sex. He's in time for Grubbs as well. Oh my god man's forcing
[01:33:06] splash. Jesus. Mega worth. But yeah you're playing Yone. And I think Tanyin has time for
[01:33:13] for a wrappers and the grubs, but I think top push is a problem, right?
[01:33:17] Good problem.
[01:33:29] You're nailed.
[01:33:43] really isn't and all look at the bot lane wave state as well this is a kind of a
[01:33:48] nightmare scenario where you are playing in a 2v2 that is heavily lopsided
[01:33:52] already both waves frozen mid was frozen a second ago top was frozen
[01:33:57] everyone's freezing it's cold tracks on to the fire on the top of the map so
[01:34:02] they can just fully deny even wave lands on the back here Canyon really
[01:34:08] Once the smite this
[01:34:10] He was able to get away with it would be very funny
[01:34:14] Nice very funny
[01:34:22] Still freezing but
[01:34:26] And they can't walk up because my breast no flash of it. I think yeah, yeah, Gen G
[01:34:31] You know, especially if you're not specifically trying to get an aggressive play going you might as well
[01:34:35] just do this as this has been talked about many so they're gonna call a swap but
[01:34:40] it's nice yeah they have three grubs but the problem is Doran's freezing now
[01:34:43] Doran has to break his freeze
[01:34:47] you know it's the little things Genji do have just a little lead at this point of 400
[01:34:54] we'll see if Genji read this because if they know that Viper and the Light of
[01:34:57] Lane swapping to get out of this 2v2 there's no TP available so I
[01:35:01] actually think this is gonna be a colossal amount of freezing I mean yeah
[01:35:05] Freezing is amazing. Freezing is great in the first 10 minutes, 10-12 minutes of the game. Freezing is super strong.
[01:35:11] Everyone knows that. That's the basics. Great swap though. I had no choice.
[01:35:36] from humble life right like don't stay in the unplayable 2v2
[01:35:39] you don't have grub so genji what's bot here on it's two two plates
[01:35:44] does humble life get top tower with those grubs or not
[01:35:48] he's not playing this could be mega good for humble life so eventually he will
[01:35:52] reach a point where he can play the video game which that's not maybe not
[01:35:55] honestly a tower health yeah on two plates still so it's probably quite
[01:36:00] healthy or reinforcements are on the way might be a bait all ends the
[01:36:04] show beautiful by so good wow wow wow they left the tower up and they
[01:36:23] proxied the trap and they trapped Kenyon
[01:36:28] And that's why you get the light, his Leona, beautiful engage on top of the lane.
[01:36:32] Okay, HammerLife, I see.
[01:36:34] Along the weak point of this champion, if you get to see the lost champion, just end up going down and have all the light.
[01:36:40] Turning it around early on, this started with their bot lane getting kind of unceremoniously destroyed.
[01:36:48] Their bot lane gets frozen on, HammerLife swap, they dive top.
[01:36:51] Rage play, amazing.
[01:36:53] Maybe trying to go and...
[01:36:54] And they hit top tier one.
[01:36:56] If 4 man proxies between towers with vision and they turn on the Kenyan, it's like, it's perfect.
[01:37:07] And Pace only sit there in bot and do nothing.
[01:37:11] He has no grubs.
[01:37:18] But this, this, if Hamalath win this series, that drastically hurts the chances of a Gen.G T1 finals.
[01:37:26] of the year, Veldas.
[01:37:27] Yeah.
[01:37:28] Starting into a very interesting series,
[01:37:30] because we really liked how Gen.G kind of made changes
[01:37:33] coming into game two.
[01:37:35] But now, immediately, Hummelite Esports are like, yeah,
[01:37:37] cool changes.
[01:37:38] We're still going to win this early game.
[01:37:39] We're still going to be very proactive.
[01:37:41] And we're still going to play fantastically.
[01:37:43] So, you know, I want to play your game.
[01:37:45] Maybe Hummelite's just insanely good.
[01:37:46] I mean, so far, what I've seen in this early game,
[01:37:48] I'm like, man, maybe Hummelite can actually do it.
[01:37:50] Their micro is really good.
[01:37:51] Their early game micro is good.
[01:37:52] I'm still very good on here in game two.
[01:37:53] I think even though second, maybe
[01:37:55] and show a lot of it. Zecca's form is incredible. Doran is playing really consistent, which is worrying.
[01:38:03] I don't want this to be like Doran plays good for one series, they win, get the finals, Doran runs it
[01:38:07] down 0-3 for Hummlife. Like Doran was locked in on that turn, his lane phase was great in the last
[01:38:14] game. Let's see though, it's only a one-play goal, dude, they got to close it out,
[01:38:22] Alright, then it's got a really good sequence in top, Gen.G are probably not done yet.
[01:38:29] Oh, turn, face, good, the cleanse flash was perfect by face.
[01:38:34] Seconds dead.
[01:38:37] This is why I said it's like we should calm down for a second.
[01:38:40] Because Gen.G is Gen.G, right?
[01:38:43] All the bailouts, oh my god, it's beautiful, four kills.
[01:38:46] There we are, that's more like it.
[01:38:49] There we are.
[01:38:52] down just like that all right calm down cost there's that was a bit much when it
[01:38:57] comes to cursing that's wrong yeah what do you mean i altered hammer life i said
[01:39:01] that we shouldn't overreact from one sequence insanely far it's gen g if the
[01:39:06] plague is not they're one of the best in the world for a reason
[01:39:09] well i knew that part which i appreciate the problem is i mean pays cleanse
[01:39:13] flash was clean really clean very quick they use your nose for as well and
[01:39:18] And Chovy is dead here, right?
[01:39:20] Also Renekton is DC, changing song.
[01:39:45] And Chovy's playing a scaler.
[01:39:47] Chovy on a scaling champ is just playing as a scaling champ is one thing playing as Chovy on a scaling champ is another thing
[01:39:57] like these sports did. Sometimes we talk about the difference between Nautilus and Leona especially
[01:40:02] when the aid support meta was coming in. It's it's cleansable cc for Leona and you mentioned it.
[01:40:07] The second the cleanse comes in it's just kind of over for how long he says.
[01:40:13] I'm never going to talk again. I'm never going to open my mouth. This is the stupidest thing
[01:40:16] ever. Why do I even say anything? Why do I even say anything?
[01:40:23] You're gonna pick up his third kill as well. I actually think I'm a walking like I don't believe in curses
[01:40:30] Like every time of my mouth something bad happens for that person. I don't know. It's crazy
[01:40:41] Big mistake from showbie there, that's a nice influx of gold, but it's very telling but with the steel caps done
[01:40:48] between the grasp and the bone plating it is actually pretty tough to get through this smaller already and
[01:40:53] And I wonder I imagine Murphy's low to use it earlier because did see that he was in the area
[01:41:01] You have to trade kill
[01:41:03] You just take another look at this
[01:41:06] Yeah, I'm pretty much strange face check, but I guess I mean
[01:41:12] The information he has is not that bad, but he should never go that path anymore
[01:41:15] I'd like reading the light actually stuns the hands to deny him to get in range to get a bail out
[01:41:20] That's well done. Yeah
[01:41:22] Yeah, this is kind of crazy, Stadno.
[01:41:28] Zeca vs. Chovy is 15-1 to Chovy, but the one time Zeca won was World Semi-Finals.
[01:41:34] Oh, that's crazy.
[01:41:37] 15-1, but Zeca got the World Semi to win Worlds that year.
[01:41:43] My guy.
[01:41:44] round in the fight and especially the cleanse there's really not any beat me
[01:41:49] 15 times second gets you shame on you beat me 16 times and on me he's in
[01:41:55] particular it's also one of those videos where his biggest strength is his
[01:41:59] positioning and he's had a ton of Callista games that have gotten a little
[01:42:03] bit silly when it comes to the killscores one hot it's not something
[01:42:06] why a question mark even relevant now the show because my life is cute to burn
[01:42:12] people through desire plans and it's not something that's very fun to play into as
[01:42:16] Hummelite, I don't know about that, I do, don't. They've made the the same conclusion.
[01:42:25] Get some coffee yet, it's on the way. It's on the way, I think if you have a better
[01:42:31] setup and you're able to have someone then maybe but a very nice spread from
[01:42:35] Gen.G they know what Hummelite View Sports is comp does and they're able to
[01:42:39] approach it safely and essentially kind of escort, kind of like these ports out of the
[01:42:45] Rift trial pit. We're not gonna, well actually we will, that is a missed cannon.
[01:42:50] Tobi trying his best to just farm stacks and kind of messes with that one, cancels the auto.
[01:42:57] Not the end of the world, but you'd really like to get your smolder online as soon as possible.
[01:43:02] Really is a rare game where Tobi is actually behind in CS.
[01:43:04] Smaller stacks? Yeah, he has 125. It's not the best.
[01:43:11] Not the best, but it's okay.
[01:43:16] It's Kalista is what's OP.
[01:43:19] Oh, I'm going to check my doorbell.
[01:43:34] I would say maybe like a 22 at latest if he gets rubbed into a bunch of teamfights and stuff like that
[01:43:41] It kind of depends who's up against as well
[01:43:43] I feel like it against Renekton it's a little bit easier to get some potshots whereas with Yone obviously if you
[01:43:48] Missed that has a lot easier access to
[01:43:53] Getting on top of the smaller Chovy doesn't have flash still though and how my life their composition
[01:43:58] I again want to remind you I think the initial setup has to be good
[01:44:02] That's a good start as Paze does just kind of face tank that does have some sustain
[01:44:07] But I feel like this is happening to Gen.D a lot where they're kind of just running into things
[01:44:11] They're extremely confident to just go in as now speaking of which the lightening at hands that uses dead
[01:44:17] Which I what happened how I slend? I was like that
[01:44:19] I just got this
[01:44:21] The most important tool when it comes to the engage and they're gonna have to give up a third grade to Gen.T
[01:44:26] It's Ocean Soul. It's not the biggest deal
[01:44:29] But for Gen.T, they're gonna happily just walk away with a soul if you give it to them.
[01:44:34] And this is part of the pivot that we saw Gen.G make into a heavy early game, right? Right now, sitting at its sole point,
[01:44:41] and what is it, like, 17 minutes?
[01:44:44] That's kind of insane, Velades. Yeah, 17 minutes very early.
[01:44:48] This is a very different Cassante, but we'll see if they can get it done with three members as, yeah,
[01:44:54] Yeah, he's just gonna be taking down the sheer damage from these three.
[01:44:57] The whole the Cassante in place for long enough will be enough to take him down.
[01:45:01] There is only a certain amount of fun that's allowed to be had by a team in League of Legends.
[01:45:06] And unfortunately for Keem, two games in a row, he's not getting anything.
[01:45:12] His amount of fun has been giving over to the rest of his teammates.
[01:45:16] And he just has to kind of accept that this is his fate in life.
[01:45:20] Nice catch there by how well I
[01:45:28] So what happened they herald the mid
[01:45:31] And Leona got caught
[01:45:42] Okay
[01:45:44] from the renekton and a little bit of a bonus well hen's not able to deny what
[01:45:48] you ordered not much just something like a like a little sandwich tender than me
[01:45:52] with a quest on check it available quest on you're gonna stick around for too
[01:45:57] long unless the light wants to get brisky that's the handshake the light is
[01:46:03] totally fine getting henchup over a wall into a wall that's not great
[01:46:08] that's his yeah flash any overestimating how yeah really strange
[01:46:14] he's here but if you thought it was to run out of you to be cooled down to run out of you
[01:46:18] fuck him up a bit caught up guard a little bit of that amount of damage
[01:46:20] that was coming out of Gen G has a bit of a tragic flash there don't already
[01:46:25] started to wind up and it isn't the buffer that's crazy go up and as a
[01:46:29] result guaranteed lockdown for second which means peanut can follow up
[01:46:33] bluetooth rank in W I think peanut being there is actually a pretty
[01:46:36] big deal because again Keen is gonna mostly go for armor as mentioned. Yeah crazy. Yeah I mean
[01:46:47] I like red chats. Red is like the best invention ever. Never made red to a job. That was really
[01:46:56] smart. So Genji are going to be like I really respect the people who made like
[01:47:02] really their comfort zone I would say.
[01:47:04] Electricity or NASA's motor some shit, but the person who made bread, that guy has to go.
[01:47:10] Hummellite eSports still have extremely reliable engaged, I think the cleanse is still an issue for them on the side of Paze,
[01:47:15] but you know, Choby gets out of position, you can take him down.
[01:47:18] Canning gets out of position, you can take him down, even the hands.
[01:47:21] And if you cast them off guard, Hummellite eSports still have a lot of tools in their kit to get some really crispy engages off
[01:47:27] and they're really going to have to rely on...
[01:47:28] Oh yeah, rice, also rice.
[01:47:30] in the smith. I do actually like the defensive atomization that comes through to acknowledge
[01:47:35] that as well. Can you already go for at least an arm guard can build that into a full Zonya's
[01:47:39] as well? Imagine Paz is going to go for the term this next, which is another example of
[01:47:43] that. Did you come to the agreement that F on 20 minutes? They choose Spaciously B-Fee as
[01:47:47] Chovy and wants to try and farm some stacks. Z1 EO. You're so stupid. Fates call being
[01:47:54] attempted to get a catch on Peanut there, but he does just leaping out. You're
[01:47:58] So stupid is that old alone probably not gonna be enough
[01:48:02] Really this Baron kid as well. I feel like that's the dream for Renata being able to
[01:48:09] Try to go on a peanut beer. That is a very nice old from the side of the hand store and all the clenches good
[01:48:17] He's preclented only oh my god
[01:48:28] Wait, Paze is crazy!
[01:48:33] Jesus!
[01:48:41] Holy shit, Paze is nuts.
[01:48:54] That was crazy by Paze.
[01:48:56] The kitey was good.
[01:48:57] I think his pop...
[01:48:59] He almost hopped into MS auto attack range, but the rest of it was pretty perfect.
[01:49:13] He's top 2 and he ain't number 2.
[01:49:45] That cooldown is gone, I guess one of your games will see if Viper and Pina can pull it back
[01:49:53] I mean they have to try to stop this one. They don't want to give Ocean Soul over
[01:49:56] It's a nice damage by Zaka
[01:49:58] But Pina's just getting murdered because he's queuing through the dragon
[01:50:02] Oh my god Pina, that's so dead, it's crazy
[01:50:05] The trap, oh god
[01:50:06] And now they're just ripping him apart in this teamfight and it's not a close one
[01:50:10] As they get the execution, double kill, four, and this as well
[01:50:14] And even King gets to have just this mission of fun as he picks up a kill of his own is
[01:50:19] a facial
[01:50:20] But yeah, Genji has a lot of control
[01:50:23] Yeah, it's a it's a law of equivalent exchange
[01:50:25] Unfortunately with how much fun case is having the law of equivalent exchange
[01:50:29] What the fuck does that mean?
[01:50:30] This game of Elvis
[01:50:33] I particularly given how home while I troughed look unless we get some really big mispositions of the
[01:50:40] the key carries
[01:50:41] M-A-B
[01:50:49] Oh, it's full metal oxygen
[01:51:02] He's gonna Q through it and kill Peter
[01:51:11] Well, I think Tina might die here right now.
[01:51:13] You don't necessarily have to die this turret, but they will.
[01:51:17] And you know what? Why not?
[01:51:18] As he is legendary, as he hits now his ninth kill.
[01:51:24] And it goes back to what you were saying in the drop.
[01:51:27] And it might be one of the biggest weaknesses that we saw with Genji, particularly at Worlds last year.
[01:51:32] The willingness to adapt and pivot in a drop.
[01:51:35] Yeah, Genji R, I agree.
[01:51:37] When you go game 2 and Kenny picks Diddley and Pace picks Kallisa, they're done fucking around.
[01:51:45] No more Malka I've destroyed.
[01:51:56] Ooh!
[01:51:57] up here from Zeca but he's all alone so yeah looked really cool and I'm sure the
[01:52:03] only fans out there are clapping their hands but they don't do anything no
[01:52:07] damage and they can't really do anything I'm not really blaming him but at the end
[01:52:11] of the day how are they these parts are just too far behind every bite of food
[01:52:14] my energy is getting so much higher are definitely looking much better in this
[01:52:20] game to compare to game one yeah the emotions so as well so a lot of what
[01:52:26] It's crazy
[01:52:47] He was hoping Zyra with Facebook
[01:52:56] Thank for me as on us
[01:53:01] No, you wanna
[01:53:03] a lot of place I
[01:53:05] Guess from ahead wait, it's almost like food. Did you really means that pays no way?
[01:53:11] Pulls strings then perhaps you would normally do
[01:53:17] Does it not too surprising?
[01:53:20] And here's
[01:53:22] Far behind
[01:53:28] chase friend probably a smart idea they don't have too much vision in the enemy
[01:53:32] jungle imagine the damage that would have done if he actually got the full
[01:53:35] stack transfer on the yeah bizarre would have been very funny Doron is on a flank
[01:53:41] when it's been done you'll see okay what type of there's there's you know there's
[01:53:46] a bunch of different type of plans pull day level flank like what are we
[01:53:50] talking about here I don't think it's quite pull day but it's getting
[01:53:55] close as now the Engage just gotta come out and the life is stopped. And get what? Doren also just dies.
[01:54:02] Probably these words do not get the fight in this game. They don't have to play the game anymore.
[01:54:07] The gold lead isn't that gigantic but it feels like it's 10,000 more than it actually is. The top lane
[01:54:14] Nexus turret nearly falls and will be just fairly safe. It's fine Valdes. That's a strong turret.
[01:54:24] DeNexus hasn't fallen yet.
[01:54:26] Bro, DeNexus hasn't died yet.
[01:54:32] Say the line, Sally.
[01:54:34] Bro, I could say the line 5.
[01:54:50] The line doesn't work.
[01:54:54] them recently see how he's completely done it like seven K go behind
[01:55:02] they can't get up to any of the carries Renekton is a handbag at this point
[01:55:06] Baron yeah that's good top lane no not the dex is turret Valdes no I think
[01:55:15] it's gonna fall that's okay for Rodney in the top lane no yes it looks and
[01:55:21] And Genji's just gonna move in and take the Baron himself.
[01:55:23] Yeah!
[01:55:24] Completely done.
[01:55:25] Like beyond them.
[01:55:26] Now both side-laning in it.
[01:55:28] And now, get Baron and run through to mid.
[01:55:33] Yep.
[01:55:34] More little window there.
[01:55:36] Could have been stolen by Peanut if he was allowed to do the pit.
[01:55:39] Which he surely wasn't.
[01:55:41] He could say this game is...
[01:55:44] Eh, come on, Jet.
[01:55:45] No, that's...
[01:55:46] Genji don't like fun, they like winning, okay?
[01:55:48] and um
[01:55:50] yeah it does look like they are going to read this in number two unless how many of these
[01:55:54] sports have some miraculous surge of gold in this one but
[01:55:58] over it's over they're gonna hand me a little tutorial way take out every single inhibitor
[01:56:02] and every single engage to all that the side of probably these sports have they've already taken
[01:56:08] out the light as the xyrel comes in tries to disengage for them and pays to still just
[01:56:12] no curses here buddy a lot of damage has been done to the
[01:56:16] non uh main characters in this game on the side of Gen Z but not much has been done to deal with
[01:56:22] Paze as as the bailout is able to help more takes out the redacted in and takes down the game. Game
[01:56:28] two we'll go to Gen Z we've got a series on our hands. We do because now how will I
[01:56:34] have blue side? Game number one and we bring the score to one and one. This one has a lot of
[01:56:43] That lane swap in particular, the way that they've been able to punish King for it feels like
[01:56:48] not only two games but like what is it like three or five separate plays in a row continuously
[01:56:55] just punishing Cassante off on the side lane, just big!
[01:56:59] Honestly the new daily dose, I didn't see it.
[01:57:06] Hello everyone, this is your daily dose of internet.
[01:57:13] That's completely... what?
[01:57:15] Oh man!
[01:57:27] What?
[01:57:28] They were trying to harass a self-driving taxi.
[01:57:37] I KISSED ME!
[01:57:44] Oh my god, there's one in the back there.
[01:57:46] So, this is pretty crazy.
[01:57:53] This guy missed his flight and started begging anyone on board to open the pine door.
[01:57:57] What?
[01:58:08] He was eventually arrested.
[01:58:10] Bro, how do you get so- how do you like- how did you get that far?
[01:58:14] How did you get next to the plane? In the first place?
[01:58:17] But how is that possible?
[01:58:19] You got all the way to the plane when they're not letting him board?
[01:58:22] Let's see it, bro
[01:58:25] Okay, dude, I had no idea that an ostrich could be so violent
[01:58:31] That's an emu, no she forgot how to use sunscreen be sure when you roll it on
[01:58:49] You roll it
[01:58:59] Do you think they're training to fight?
[01:59:07] Damn leak boomers in Lane. You never know what you might find outside your front door. No
[01:59:24] Oh, he's cute!
[01:59:28] Today I learned that some toucans can have some really cool hairdos.
[01:59:34] Toucan?
[01:59:35] Can I tell everybody why he loves privileges?
[01:59:37] He's right there!
[01:59:39] What is that thing?
[01:59:41] I think I have a wikiu card.
[01:59:43] You're in a stew room.
[01:59:45] What the fuck is he doing?
[01:59:48] Was that supposed to happen?
[01:59:59] You really never know what you might find in your lawnmower.
[02:00:03] Oh, you got a f***ing kidding me.
[02:00:10] Hey, Gekko.
[02:00:11] Ah, she's low.
[02:00:13] Who's the most handsome cow in the whole world?
[02:00:20] Is it you?
[02:00:21] What the f*** happened to his head?
[02:00:22] Who's the most handsome cow in the whole world?
[02:00:24] People are noticing that this wall was starting to collapse.
[02:00:26] I don't know how someone so small can be so brave.
[02:00:43] Jesus, Walter!
[02:00:44] We only turn one once, and we are doing the whole princess thing, but it's still new.
[02:00:51] Run!
[02:00:53] What the f***?
[02:00:54] Whoooaaa!
[02:00:56] Don't let go!
[02:00:57] So I guess the Sulwhas in Japan are really quiet.
[02:01:06] Oh my God!
[02:01:09] Why is this like something out of a film!?
[02:01:14] Big metal thing that I don't know what it is!
[02:01:16] Yeah?
[02:01:17] Bye Bye!
[02:01:18] Bye Bye.
[02:01:18] This police officer was brave enough to grab an alligator with his own hands.
[02:01:36] Haha, I think he passed.
[02:01:39] Oh my god, bro, why, what what what what what.
[02:01:45] Oh my god, he actually got it!
[02:01:48] I think this duck might be broken
[02:01:55] Coggers what the fuck actual Coggers wait what the pork I spin so relaxed with being buried
[02:02:04] What the fuck this cat's just mega chilling?
[02:02:07] Yo, you know, he's on the zaza. He's on the catnip
[02:02:22] Didn't even think about it
[02:02:24] He was instantly pulled out there. Oh, yo feed him
[02:02:30] What the fuck?
[02:02:32] What the fuck we're running down the stairs customer state steering wheel shaking violently
[02:02:51] Customer is right
[02:02:53] This guy saved a crow they got stuck in his fence using a crowbar
[02:02:57] He used a crowbar to save a crow
[02:03:00] Wait, is that huh?
[02:03:02] Hold up. Okay
[02:03:09] Have you ever had a nap that was so good that you woke up like this?
[02:03:15] Jesus
[02:03:17] Don't touch him, he's jolty on it.
[02:03:20] This video is for people that might still be in the fence about owning a bike.
[02:03:38] Bro, I would shit myself.
[02:03:42] Imagine getting dragged away by your mom like this.
[02:03:45] When you grab the cat like that, they get paralysed, right? Paralysed.
[02:03:53] They can't move.
[02:03:55] Tunnel lock, right?
[02:03:57] Oh my god.
[02:04:00] Some of my subscribers-
[02:04:01] Yo, you can't just jump off the fucking cabinets like that.
[02:04:03] Some of my subscribers accorded themselves going down a really trippy staircase.
[02:04:13] This is why you shouldn't cut your own hair.
[02:04:15] What?
[02:04:17] What the fuck is that?
[02:04:22] What the fuck did she do?
[02:04:24] This guy tried to jump over this bush.
[02:04:30] This little guy tried Baha Blast for the very first time.
[02:04:33] Bro, I- I-
[02:04:42] Bro, what is a Baha Blast? What is in that shit, man?
[02:04:45] Why would she give it to a baby?
[02:04:47] Just give it fucking milk, no?
[02:04:49] For the very first time.
[02:04:52] It's just pure sugar. That baby's gonna go skit-so.
[02:04:59] Just give him water and milk, no?
[02:05:01] Ooh, is that a sausage?
[02:05:06] Paw?
[02:05:07] Good boy.
[02:05:08] Speak.
[02:05:09] Good boy.
[02:05:10] So, one of my subscribers has a really weird talent.
[02:05:16] What the fuck?
[02:05:20] Why?
[02:05:21] Ooh, shit, he's...
[02:05:24] Wait, he's actually good at driving, isn't he?
[02:05:26] Wait.
[02:05:28] Bro, that's a laugh front.
[02:05:36] No, no, no, don't turn it on.
[02:05:40] This guy and I have re-loss his hat and trying to get it back.
[02:05:56] Wait, this looks mega cool.
[02:05:58] Oh, shit! He got it!
[02:05:59] That is him, this video. Are we hoping droid?
[02:06:01] And I'll see you guys again, Riverson.
[02:06:04] Later.
[02:06:04] Later.
[02:06:05] He actually got it. That was crazy.
[02:06:07] Comfortable spot here.
[02:06:08] That was crazy, you got it. What the fuck?
[02:06:10] We've seen so many times like melee support struggle in this matchup.
[02:06:13] Mid-air.
[02:06:13] And delight really hasn't been leaning on rain supports very much.
[02:06:16] I mean, all the LCK supports have been heavy all in on melee support.
[02:06:19] Sugar daddy, furtose father, glucose guardian.
[02:06:22] And there's probably pretty bad presence in the game.
[02:06:24] If we go to our first clip we can see that
[02:06:26] They don't even get a chance to really touch the wave.
[02:06:29] They're zoned off so heavily.
[02:06:30] And this is kind of the reason
[02:06:32] lane swaps actually became a thing.
[02:06:34] If you play into like a cluster of anata
[02:06:35] or we saw things like Varus Ash,
[02:06:37] this will happen.
[02:06:39] The new picture of the Mercedes driver for F1, you know?
[02:06:43] This is a picture of him and Hamilton.
[02:06:50] Isn't that crazy, bro?
[02:06:51] Hamilton racing for Mercedes.
[02:06:54] He says hello to him.
[02:06:55] And now he's taking his spot.
[02:06:58] That kid took a spot in West Craze, you know?
[02:07:04] Listen, say what you want about Hamilton, saying he got carried by his car.
[02:07:08] Bro, that guy, Hamilton, is on another level.
[02:07:12] Like, he is one of the greatest drivers ever.
[02:07:16] He's just built different that guy.
[02:07:18] I'm not even a Hamilton fan.
[02:07:21] I want the first happen to win the championship against him.
[02:07:24] But, like, bro, you put some respect on the name.
[02:07:27] He's one of the goats, he's one of the goats.
[02:07:29] The 21st century is one of the goats 100% in F1, he's crazy that guy.
[02:07:38] He's crazy.
[02:07:41] Ludwig's playing League right now.
[02:07:43] Yeah, hell yeah.
[02:07:59] The deck was waiting a bit by having him TP down in that situation the CS after that die
[02:08:03] It was like 20 to pay he's in like for the viper. It was just really such a rough spot. Yep
[02:08:08] Well, we take a look at how he's popping off with that lead that
[02:08:13] Genji had you know, it was kind of close. How will I found some fights early on in the top lane?
[02:08:18] Yeah, what was Ludwig Solokyuk on him? I forgot
[02:08:22] What was Ludwig Solokyuk on him?
[02:08:24] Genji in the last game kind of a desperation move even though it's this early in the game
[02:08:27] They don't want to give five air coats older stacking time by giving a dragon
[02:08:31] So they heard commit into this, but you're not set up to take this fight at all as Honwell life
[02:08:35] And is that obviously is engaged does not go off the way he wants to desire. Oh, he's grinding
[02:08:40] He's grinding just given this up and tried to continue to find advantages. He's grinding hell. Yeah
[02:08:45] I think it would have been a way better option instead. He changed his names as well
[02:08:50] Damn, and this is just when judging become too big to fail. Yo, don't know. He's grinding
[02:08:54] It's grinding because like even smaller was coming on the flank so when the you and a snap back you have always playing solo queue
[02:09:00] No, and also in our situation. Oh, it's playing duo queue. It was definitely. Nidalee was doing with QT Cinderella
[02:09:04] Oh, there's no cleanse. They went on pays. They laid all that CC yeah
[02:09:09] And's washed out so everything just listen it'll take him like seven or eight games to unrust, you know
[02:09:14] All right, Pog time here for game number two who gets it for Jen G and it does go to pays on the Calista
[02:09:21] PACE!
[02:09:22] Did exactly what he needed to do, and more, like you said, with some of those, uh...
[02:09:27] I really did want to get one click.
[02:09:29] I mean, who else was gonna get it?
[02:09:30] If it's 12 out of 12, I'll do a backflip.
[02:09:33] We're gonna take a look at it, because we knew PACE was gonna get POG.
[02:09:37] The bailout timing from LeHens in this moment, look at how low he gets before it actually goes off,
[02:09:42] allows him to have so much agency.
[02:09:43] He and LeHens trust each other so much.
[02:09:45] And when they first were the duo here in the bottom lane, we had a lot of questions.
[02:09:49] They weren't playing well together in spring all the time
[02:09:51] But you can see that this is definitely grown and blossomed into a fantastic bottom
[02:09:55] Do his positioning was was massive obviously the Callista pick crushed the lane and the game was all about him
[02:10:00] He tried to go for the full stack here on this red buff to actually just one shot peanut
[02:10:05] But it's still able to come out the end. That's also so great seeing the growth of Paze as a player
[02:10:09] You see in like the replay here
[02:10:11] We had the the voice comms how Boakley is saying what he needs saying what he wants
[02:10:15] how confident he is, but you know, a lot of people talk about how, yeah, Payne's looks great.
[02:10:18] He's on Gen G. They've been so strong.
[02:10:20] Games like this just really remind you how talented this player is despite being so young.
[02:10:24] Yeah, I'm not sure if you guys at home can hear it, but our studio for Global is near
[02:10:29] where the audience is outside the stadium where they get to watch.
[02:10:34] And there was a massive roar when they heard 12 out of 12 for Payne's again,
[02:10:39] his growth and his ability to carry.
[02:10:41] It's no longer, hey, he's filling in for one of the greatest AD carries that has played in the LCK.
[02:10:46] It's now his role. He's owning it now, especially against those that are like,
[02:10:51] ah, he's a product of being on a good team. No, no, no. Paze is going to be a leader on the squad.
[02:10:56] Moving into this next draft, you won't be able to ban all of Pina's champions away because you will have to...
[02:11:01] I'm not saying that.
[02:11:02] ...tell them to not rumble, so I do wonder if maybe we'll see a Malkai first pick for Pina this time around
[02:11:06] if it's left available.
[02:11:07] Honolife have a lot of flexibility and that's what you get when you actually win against the higher seed in game 1.
[02:11:12] Now you have side selection advantage going into a longer best of 5, so it goes to 5.
[02:11:16] You actually have blue side there. Honolife in a really good spot here in terms of draft.
[02:11:20] Yeah and also I mean the Ziggs obviously if you see a situation where they do commit to the jungle bans
[02:11:24] or maybe like ban on the mark high, maybe you end up banning picking up the Ziggs and getting ban on later rotation.
[02:11:29] Fun life esports, they have so many options on this side.
[02:11:32] So even though this second game was a big get bounce back,
[02:11:35] H&LE winning game one really does help them out when it comes to draft priority
[02:11:39] Yeah, great to see both squads having huge preparation on these important champion magics where draft is gonna be huge
[02:11:46] So let's get on into it right now with both Valdez and Chronicle
[02:11:51] Thank you, Deagon, Aux, and Wolfe for that breakdown
[02:11:57] Valdez back here for game number three
[02:12:00] Yeah, and Tom and I, these sports have selected the blue side to the surprise of nobody
[02:12:05] But I'm very happy to get into this draft and see what is the preparation for both sides after the swap for the first time in the series
[02:12:16] What are the drops gonna look like is Gen G again going to invest heavily towards the plot side of the map
[02:12:22] That's keen just play Cassante yet another game
[02:12:25] And I just want to remind everyone because I feel like I've seen this more because keen is even higher profile than was last year, right?
[02:12:31] this man
[02:12:33] If you give them an R5 counter pick, generally, you won't disappoint.
[02:12:37] That's just not the role this team generally has for him.
[02:12:40] Because there is the Nidalee ban, all the life taking into account the adaptation.
[02:12:45] And I love to see that. I do think that it is very justified,
[02:12:48] as I'm loving to see the Smolder ban as well.
[02:12:50] I feel like this pick has been not the mainstay,
[02:12:53] but I feel like a lot of the decisions that are being made in-game,
[02:12:56] it's just people feel like if we don't flip now,
[02:12:58] we are going to lose the Smolder.
[02:13:00] eventually this pick is just gonna reach a breakpoint so if we don't fight now it
[02:13:06] might just be the GG very quickly this does mean the jungle
[02:13:10] alright I'm back I'm completely different the Space Rider was
[02:13:14] talking about with the the Maokai to me it was 11 and a 12 really what who the
[02:13:23] fuck it was media how was it not 12 by the 12 it was 12 by the 12 they're
[02:13:36] trolling you bro this chat is so annoying you're so annoying shut up
[02:13:41] us yes you're you're they snitched they snitched chat okay they let us hear
[02:13:52] through. I mean I think Hummellife would just play Azir, Sejuani, Reniton, Azir, Sejuani,
[02:13:59] Cassante. I mean if you pick Sejuani here they'll get Ivern so yeah need to be careful
[02:14:06] of Sejuani blind here as GenG especially with this band but mouth flies down so Lilia and
[02:14:11] MF feels pretty safe. They're gonna go Ashe. Ashe. Yo Reng, thank you for the five
[02:14:21] gift it come much love provide you with reliable but soul in the amount of
[02:14:26] engage no matter what which gives you a lot of extra flexibility as we get into
[02:14:31] these drafts why did I get excited about this I don't know obviously gonna be
[02:14:38] corky honestly ash corky span idea ash corky wait vise open and realize
[02:14:45] virus opens but I guess Ziggs is down so LCK teams really like Vi with Ziggs.
[02:15:01] Why is there a Camille Hopper? It's Kennen, right?
[02:15:07] Surely. Surely it's Kennen or Cassante.
[02:15:19] How does he have a secret lecture in the hotel? I don't know, Marriott hooked me up bro.
[02:15:23] They're fucked go to them
[02:15:26] It went crazy on the setup
[02:15:32] Mordekaiser time think about it in Mordekaiser here into Vi Kassante that are still of a Mordekaiser
[02:15:39] Think about it
[02:15:44] Skarner jungle, where's the Mordekaiser at I don't mind that I think that one of the big things when you're playing into
[02:15:50] Mordecai's are in Divide, what happens if Vi is ulting and Mordecai's are ults are in the ult?
[02:15:56] It cancels it?
[02:16:05] Unstoppable?
[02:16:11] Does it go on cooldown or is it reset? It probably goes on cooldown, right?
[02:16:20] as he does on his carries. I love banning bar particularly when you're playing an immobile
[02:16:25] AD carry because the game is already going to be hard. You're playing into Azir, you're
[02:16:29] playing into Vi. There's the Mordekaiser ban. Once again, it seems like this is really rising
[02:16:37] in priority as a fake game at Cassante. We see it banned out oftentimes by teams threatening
[02:16:42] to pick up Cassante or in places like this where they already have it. And so that gets
[02:16:48] off the board. Do you target another support here? Maybe another engaged support that you want to take away from the lights? Or do you look elsewhere? It's just going to be the lights are gone. It gets taken away.
[02:16:59] If I recall, I think it's an incredibly strong support.
[02:17:03] Bard Rakan.
[02:17:04] The ability to just go really deep on the dives together.
[02:17:08] That signals Brown to me very heavily, that they want to blind pick Brown on 4 and play Ash Brown.
[02:17:14] Why would she ban Bard Rakan?
[02:17:17] four here and we haven't talked about the fact this could theoretically also be
[02:17:21] Skarner top for keen believe mostly seem to pick their screaming brown on
[02:17:25] four to me also don't think that it is Skarner top as they bend Udyr away
[02:17:30] NASA's top so it might actually be or corky top NASA's counterfeit for Jovey
[02:17:36] so a bit of a pivot coming out from Gen G but what happens if they blind brown
[02:17:41] What do they have?
[02:17:42] Ash.
[02:17:43] Ash.
[02:17:44] Ash what?
[02:17:45] Ash karma could work, but I don't really like it.
[02:17:51] Oh maybe they're gonna play Seraphil on 5.
[02:17:58] No, no way, right?
[02:18:00] There's the Senna.
[02:18:01] Senna what?
[02:18:02] Senna what?
[02:18:03] I wanna see the Senna.
[02:18:04] Senna Ornn.
[02:18:05] Wait, what?
[02:18:06] Wait.
[02:18:07] Huh?
[02:18:08] I wonder what the build path is going to be. In my opinion, I think the AP version of Senna, the healing one, is the one that is insanely strong at the moment, like frankly absurd levels of...
[02:18:20] Can you still do Senna AD? I thought they removed her Soul Drop, the Lethality Scaling.
[02:18:25] And even if you're building Black Cleaver, you have Ornazir.
[02:18:30] Ah, they have Renata into Brown. Okay, so they were faking a Brown blind pick.
[02:18:35] And they have Renata.
[02:18:37] Hold up, I'm gonna run ads real quick and we'll be back for the game, sorry to be a kiss.
[02:18:42] Chat, even Senna in this comp, where's the damage?
[02:18:46] Senna is an enchanter now, right? So best item you can build is Black Cleaver.
[02:18:50] You have no Lothalete scaling, your drop rate is lower, and you have Ornn Azir.
[02:18:56] Azir has to carry, I guess, but...
[02:19:02] I mean I guess it's all on us here
[02:19:08] It's all on us here
[02:19:32] Obviously, banned everything in the game so far.
[02:19:34] Um, some stuff just doesn't feel quite as good, doesn't it, Chroniclare?
[02:19:39] So, yeah, I think the Vennatic last priority that we are seeing from the side of the hens
[02:19:45] in many of these games...
[02:19:46] Senate damage is underrated as an enchanter, is it?
[02:19:49] I can't play it for a loop, it really did that in game two.
[02:19:50] I think this game won't be too different, especially with that kind of weird current,
[02:19:55] you know, 1416 bottom lane.
[02:19:58] You missed a high?
[02:19:59] I'm just getting tea real quick.
[02:20:01] What did the sign say Chad?
[02:20:03] What did the sign say?
[02:20:05] It said Cajal No Playoffs.
[02:20:07] Did it then?
[02:20:18] Don't wait until you see that.
[02:20:20] Okay, I got it.
[02:20:24] Chad.
[02:20:26] I'm worried that...
[02:20:28] Chad.
[02:20:30] I'm worried that...
[02:20:35] I'm worried that...
[02:20:37] I'm worried that...
[02:20:39] I'm worried that...
[02:20:41] I'm worried that
[02:20:43] Aquapanna is that sparkling or still
[02:20:47] The aquapanna
[02:20:49] I think it's just gonna be hard from a life to reliably get that still okay finally I found it sorry like peak late game status
[02:20:56] I finally found still huge
[02:20:58] I am also really surprised to see that home what isn't looking to set up for a possible lane swap
[02:21:04] Because I don't think you want to play early to be to against Ash Vanada
[02:21:09] I hope you can open the bubble
[02:21:25] Oh, it's just high Pedro at the bottom. Oh, yeah
[02:21:31] I like to pin, no, I wouldn't like to pin anything, shut up
[02:21:39] I am so so excited. Sorry about that. I have to talk about so they didn't lane swap against Ash Renata as Warren Center
[02:21:47] What are we and Canyon invaded this bit map box?
[02:21:53] So how much of a horror is it? Oh my god, how much of a horror is it down here?
[02:21:57] So they lost all of the XP on the first me lays. Yeah, and Canyon has invaded, okay?
[02:22:03] But how much of a horror is it's maximum horror isn't it? So it's fine
[02:22:09] They have triple wards, taking all their camps, split map on a Kassan Tei lane.
[02:22:15] I mean, can Gen.G pull the trigger on the dive? Probably not.
[02:22:21] Can you level 2? He could soak XP if he really wants to dive.
[02:22:28] He's gonna soak the canon XP and the rangeman XP to get 3.
[02:22:34] He doesn't get 3, does he? Oh my god, he doesn't get it.
[02:22:36] That's so unlucky. How do you die? Kill the minions.
[02:22:41] Kill some of the minions!
[02:22:44] Or just die at level 2.
[02:22:46] They do force the TP.
[02:22:48] He's out. He's okay.
[02:22:52] Okay well no TP.
[02:22:54] He's just alone.
[02:22:56] He's top lane now.
[02:22:58] With the wave and a perfect spot.
[02:23:01] Oh, Doran has to do the Warp of Shame.
[02:23:03] Quickie-Bots, Defend, get nothing.
[02:23:09] Or Gang-Mid.
[02:23:12] Oh!
[02:23:13] Double.
[02:23:14] Ow! Pina missed his Q!
[02:23:16] Okay, got it.
[02:23:17] He's dead, though, I think, execute.
[02:23:18] No, he got killed!
[02:23:20] Oh my god, Choby's laughing.
[02:23:22] Oh my god, he's laughing.
[02:23:23] He's like, guys, really?
[02:23:25] Really?
[02:23:27] Really, guys?
[02:23:28] Really?
[02:23:29] It's like, what the fuck?
[02:23:31] What the fuck are you doing?
[02:23:39] P is just doing the Nesta stance
[02:23:42] What a sticker
[02:23:53] Oh it was the E, he just got the ult off of it with the E as well I think
[02:24:08] Good old lens
[02:24:09] have a change so sure he's just got a 3D donated to him and then gets the tv back to lane and it's
[02:24:15] completely fine so that's not ideal then the genji died as mentioned the pta is here but you get a
[02:24:21] colossal uh top lane lead over it not just because yaskin is now sitting on the lead within
[02:24:27] himself is nice which they might be a bit rough we'll save canyon come back towards top and maybe
[02:24:31] help him out there or if the play is pushing back naturally because pina is on the top of the
[02:24:35] the map but he also doesn't have to TP back by king can just walk back to the
[02:24:41] way yeah the pita it's it's the previous time because we're not having a lot of
[02:24:47] funding to boring game one that maybe it's his turn yeah you know you know
[02:24:53] time how life these parts have also made at the bottom lane from Genji have
[02:24:57] a lot of fun as well as anion who is kind of just farming off a storm yeah
[02:25:02] He got
[02:25:05] One you know the level three denied from him so the guys didn't call for whatever and peanut
[02:25:09] I should say is farming better, but Kenan is going to get the first three very early on and this is actually quite big
[02:25:17] Pre-six they might have enough damage that didn't you're just sitting both side playing for both
[02:25:21] Having priorities then go into his own vision spot Tina
[02:25:25] So that they have the response ready because if King gets dove on that huge wave
[02:25:28] Like he'll be able to TP back at most of it, but that could be a great way for him alive to kind of equalize the top half gap is
[02:25:35] Kenyon is a level down and doesn't have a lot of health
[02:25:38] Yeah, he doesn't win those but maybe he can join them. Oh my god
[02:25:45] Yet so he has aftershock and he is also scarner so I imagine pains like I don't think kill him in time
[02:25:50] But they had the room so they are going to be able to get themselves the grubs here
[02:25:55] at me while Keen is just living his best life as Nassus and he stacks six minutes
[02:26:02] it doesn't even need to buy maybe glowing yeah I mean this is the thing you
[02:26:08] don't have to do any weird builds you don't have to like level your maybe
[02:26:11] Ludwig could learn scarring or jungle that sounds kind of good that sounds
[02:26:16] great pressuring you at all and it just allows you to stack even faster
[02:26:20] it's like me enough that it'll never be banned in a while now the light
[02:26:24] It's probably not that complicated
[02:26:27] He's playing it right now
[02:26:29] Even with Senna here. They were struggling and it's like it's like
[02:26:35] Like kind of the the gotcha factor of the team like to come in because I agree with the bands that came out from
[02:26:41] From home bar, right? But now one guy's on my best 80 carries in the current meta and he's just
[02:26:47] completely
[02:26:49] blowing up the lane
[02:26:51] I guess the like in TP back so we won't be able to, or we won't be missing too much, but yeah per my bot lane prior we can get the second dragon as well, there are a lot of good tactics.
[02:27:02] Yeah I mean bot lane is winning for Gen.G, they're not winning as hard as I thought they would after having a split map, but I think if Canyon was level 3, maybe the bot lane would have been easier.
[02:27:11] You get an inferno, you get a hex stack of a Corki and Anash is going to be feeling really really good about it.
[02:27:18] Yeah, and it really just sets up Gen.G for a very strong mid game.
[02:27:21] Kenyan's such a rat.
[02:27:22] He knows red and blue buff are spawning at the same time for peanut, because he invaded,
[02:27:27] right?
[02:27:28] So he just runs to any blue and just takes it, because he knows peanut will go to red.
[02:27:32] Oh my god, it's so disturbing to scare.
[02:27:38] And now here he comes, fucking bin diesel in top lane.
[02:27:41] What?
[02:27:42] What?
[02:27:43] What?
[02:27:44] What?
[02:27:45] That's crazy.
[02:27:46] That's crazy.
[02:27:47] Now Pina's going to zone Chovy, but I don't know how long he's going to zone him for.
[02:28:10] Yo, how many Raptors has Pina had this game?
[02:28:12] They really have that much damage this early on so it doesn't end up being enough
[02:28:17] Chovy's just annoying as all teammate
[02:28:20] And really big because that was a pretty hefty investment there towards the topside from Gen G
[02:28:25] Doesn't end up paying out as Doran just takes the gank
[02:28:31] in stride. That's crazy if Cassanta gets out on that plate.
[02:28:34] He's happy that he still has TP because he can just TP back.
[02:28:36] Mods removed huh? Mods.
[02:28:38] And keep the wave right once it, yeah
[02:28:40] So, you know, Gen.G, they've got this really strong mid game and I'm a bit worried for
[02:28:47] how I'm gonna like these boards because they need to wait until like, what, 45 minutes
[02:28:52] to be in a really strong spot with their comp.
[02:28:55] I'm curious to see how that looks as this game comes along.
[02:28:58] We'll take a look at what Doran says in the gank.
[02:29:06] I live.
[02:29:07] I'm dead.
[02:29:08] I'm dead.
[02:29:09] I'm dead.
[02:29:10] You gotta...
[02:29:11] That's crazy.
[02:29:12] as the senior Kenyans and not deny him access to every other champion he dies there
[02:29:18] I thought they could burst him down before but except for Sunday so never
[02:29:25] never understand what still he just can't we'll see Gen G still have but like
[02:29:32] prior as mentioned actually if Echo was there and he altered he would probably
[02:29:36] lift it up I think it's quite gonna be the same pace as it was last time
[02:29:42] We will see what is going to come Echo would get one shot in that scar noodles
[02:29:48] Viper not gonna go for
[02:29:51] An 80 build so maybe yeah is looking in that case
[02:29:55] Think the airy was what you'll be dead before you can press R because it just gives you so much extra on your heels
[02:30:01] None of it was tank echo talk to me. See what he actually ends up going what actually ends up coming through
[02:30:07] But that does not alleviate my worries about damage
[02:30:11] exactly in the mid game that's why I'm like okay you know you are doing with
[02:30:18] I'm arguing with the pixels on my screen okay four items let me argue you've got
[02:30:22] something going on you got a Cassante right maybe but I really just don't see
[02:30:28] it and maybe they can make us believe versus this game comes along but at the
[02:30:33] moments still need to be convinced let me argue the pictures on my screen you
[02:30:38] You saw the way they drafted their first two picks are Ash and Corky, it's immediate priority on the best carries that are available on the patch, and so they're gonna have a...
[02:30:48] The headphones look like they're too small for your ears. Yeah, it's because I have it slightly off so I can hear the door ring. This is how it's done to me.
[02:30:54] I have a beer.
[02:30:59] Alright. Well, Genji are giving a top tower with five drops of Hummelife. This is a great game for Hummelife, even though I don't know how their comp does damage.
[02:31:08] but maybe they do damage maybe am I under rating how much damage
[02:31:12] just a couple of plates to come through here
[02:31:16] because you want to make sure NASA's keeps his access to the
[02:31:20] let's see if they have damage should be flying here
[02:31:24] yeah just hanging out making sure that King is
[02:31:28] just okay he's gonna throw a withered down on the viper and now
[02:31:32] coming along the wall but maybe Kenny was gonna go for that
[02:31:36] We've done a strong keeping it a secret. It is six grubs to the side of homo like these sports Gen. G
[02:31:41] I live prior to testing the drinks and how many people sports able to play a lot around the top side of the map and take down
[02:31:47] Yeah, Gen. G scaling
[02:31:50] Gen G is like break point is obviously like one two items on ash quirky whereas how much it's like three
[02:31:56] so as much as both teams are scaling Gen G will have a window where they're stronger a
[02:32:01] Pretty big deal as I think I'm not sure if
[02:32:04] Keen just got the cancel there with VE, but it looks like Fiber and Doron were both looking to back, and then were able to hunt so now.
[02:32:13] And Jovey's just off inside lane farming along, and the real breaking point for this game, because I know that Hanwha has a slight gold lead here,
[02:32:22] but we haven't actually seen any 5v5 fights, and I think that's for good reason. How much value can Canyon get from the Impale?
[02:32:29] Can the Humbley deal with Keen in a mid game fight?
[02:32:34] Yeah, Delight's farm is not bad.
[02:32:35] Because if they don't and they like give up the next dragon, then all of a sudden Infernal Soul remains as it is in McHale's first.
[02:32:41] Uh, Kajal? Kajal?
[02:32:44] Yeah.
[02:32:45] Why does Choby only have 130 CS?
[02:32:48] I mean, it's into Ash.
[02:32:52] Well, it's actually, well it's into Ash, right? So you deny that.
[02:32:55] There's also...
[02:32:56] Into Renata, since it's Ash.
[02:32:57] There's Wither.
[02:32:58] I mean it will counter Ash right?
[02:33:08] I thought Senna was going to rush Black Cleaver this game, what's she going to do damage-wise?
[02:33:19] So she's gonna, I mean, I know she's rewarding Chenta, right?
[02:33:26] But that's obviously
[02:33:30] We're gonna hurt them damage output, right? Even I don't think Blackcator is that useful this game
[02:33:34] I feel like it at least helps a little bit in getting through Nesta's garner
[02:33:45] But yeah, is it even worth going
[02:33:49] What's that item?
[02:33:52] What's that item?
[02:33:54] Staff of Flowing World? Is it worth this game?
[02:34:03] They're red
[02:34:09] What?
[02:34:10] I mean, Azir is there only damage? I know Echo's appeal is good, yeah, but...
[02:34:15] Isn't that...
[02:34:16] And like Dawn core is like third item or some shit, isn't it? I don't know.
[02:34:19] But I swear their only damage is here this game, Vy's damage falls off in 5 minutes time. I'm not kidding, unironically.
[02:34:41] Cassante is there AD carry?
[02:34:44] This is my first time seeing a Chen Zorcena with Ornn.
[02:34:51] Thanks to the old versions, it's a lot easier to pull off because you have damage, but...
[02:35:00] The good news is, Gen.G don't really have a champ that can lock down and kill Azir, other than Skarner, but it's not that reliable.
[02:35:08] You know, it's not like they have... let's trade junglers, and Gen.G have the Vi, and Azir has a little bit more threat on him.
[02:35:15] But I don't think Azir has that much threat.
[02:35:17] straight, but I think that actually could be a good amount of trouble to see if they're
[02:35:23] actually able to do so. Yeah, I mean there are angles for Hummellife eSports to just
[02:35:29] stack four in front of Drake slowly and safely and if Denji can't really do anything about
[02:35:34] it, you still gotta give them a decent amount of credit when the game does go late. Here
[02:35:38] comes the Rift heralds and you take a look at this turret, I mean a charge and maybe
[02:35:42] auto yeah well there it is enough damage and here comes a reptile go on then
[02:35:49] go on it just shows me I haven't seen a drifter in a while very safe about oh
[02:35:54] yes there is why not oh gorgeous now can you get out of the bottom lane turret yes
[02:35:59] you can the TP love it shelly I said to give a little bit of extra hitting
[02:36:04] time into that one here comes cannon that's more like it oh yeah much the
[02:36:08] arrow the TP right there what you know from game as they want to get the
[02:36:11] Mike going, but Lehenz is in a lot of trouble, Thorin!
[02:36:14] Even lower, though!
[02:36:15] Thorin's getting one tap.
[02:36:16] Zeke is there only damage, and he's in melee range.
[02:36:19] I'm trying to disengage, actually, before he sees the wall.
[02:36:22] He keeps everybody on the other side.
[02:36:24] I mean, all of Gen.G were full HP, and Lehenz is the only one who was under any threat, and he's fine.
[02:36:31] Is that worth it?
[02:36:32] No.
[02:36:33] I'm gonna say no.
[02:36:34] If it was a...
[02:36:35] Oh, shit, my door does roll.
[02:36:37] I think this is gone.
[02:36:38] He's thinking he had a great smile.
[02:36:39] That would be something.
[02:36:40] We'll see, Zeca, they're TP back in, Lahens is low.
[02:36:42] Yeah.
[02:36:43] How do I realize that they really need to make a stand on this one in the center?
[02:36:47] Healing, as you mentioned, is pretty huge.
[02:36:49] Show me big, hit with the two soldiers, and now all of a sudden it's turning into a flip.
[02:36:53] Who's gonna get it?
[02:36:54] It goes to Peanut!
[02:36:55] He's the one with the fastest might end this time around.
[02:36:59] And he takes it down for the team that is used for Hanwha.
[02:37:03] And we talked about Lahens being a Mario Kart player.
[02:37:07] Peanut's trying to top him.
[02:37:09] Go for the middle lane charge and initially it looks like it's just a classic setup for an objective, right?
[02:37:15] Like you just throw it down and then you go to Drake and then you go from there, but he gets the charge, it's only Chovy, so Chovy doesn't actually make you see, so I can't do too much to Pina.
[02:37:23] Karen Ben, which I mean must Karen Ben, what happened? Sorry for not seeing it in my mind.
[02:37:33] Cassante all in Trenata, zero damage. I mean actually Kenny ult was pretty good.
[02:37:44] Wait where's the replay of the drake? What happened? Did they just unit and that's it?
[02:37:47] It's 1-1 and kills right? That's it, we just stole it, that's it.
[02:37:53] inner get bought out or sorry get mid outer get bought outer i think i'm not looking back
[02:38:00] there valdas door and trying to go all out onto an ass is i'm not sure if he wins this
[02:38:04] one so appear what is dead but you will do it though oh my god nessus oh my god nessus
[02:38:15] you really gotta respect god that's last house at least they killed them yeah if i was timing
[02:38:21] I don't know if it wasn't available, but otherwise I definitely could have saved Doran, that would have been good.
[02:38:26] Maybe we'll see in the replay.
[02:38:29] There is no counter punch for Gen.G on the opposite side of the map.
[02:38:32] Maybe they'll go for the Outer in top, but Outer and Mid is getting very heavily defended.
[02:38:39] That's all we're talking about with the Nasses.
[02:38:41] Now how does this thing work?
[02:38:42] There's an incredible amount of available damage.
[02:38:45] Is that Canyon?
[02:38:46] It's gonna get a gromp, but not too much more.
[02:38:49] I got it. It's an interesting game though. That's it definitely is wacky. I mean how like these sports
[02:38:58] I feel like are in a pretty good. I got it. I got it at this moment in time. Hey, Genji can't really utilize
[02:39:02] Yeah, sorry to the doorbell. It's really like it's nice that King gets a kill
[02:39:06] But you're not really doing too much with that you need like a big team fight for Genji into a Baron to really get away with this game
[02:39:12] So take another look in this is tri-force watch the out play. Glacial shroud Nessus. So he's
[02:39:18] Thank you
[02:39:20] Then what is your Q again?
[02:39:23] Q? Then he Q's him, and then he Q's him again.
[02:39:27] Final ult.
[02:39:33] Very matter of fact Lee. Lee gets a lot more fun in this one.
[02:39:36] Obviously you want to ideally fight on Spiritfire to reduce the armor of your opponent so that you do actually get through the...
[02:39:43] You know if you had Steelcamps before, maybe you would win that actually.
[02:39:46] Warden's mail.
[02:39:48] Glacial Buckler.
[02:39:50] Doran ends up being not too bad,
[02:39:53] Too bad, but
[02:39:58] Keen's just gonna fight them. I mean, I guess they don't really have that much damage just run it down
[02:40:06] I can't open this
[02:40:13] Nope
[02:40:23] Hey, is that guy a ring?
[02:40:36] I mean, I guess these team fights are like...
[02:40:40] How can anyone die in these fights?
[02:40:45] Like, HL E can't die because of Xenna?
[02:40:48] But Gen G can't die because they don't have enough damage.
[02:40:51] I mean they don't have SNH, right? So this is free for Hummelite. They have double Sniper, Spellbook and Ornn.
[02:41:03] That's huge. Looks like this slow-paced game is going really well for Hummelite.
[02:41:09] I mean that fight was fantastic, right? Getting Canyon with the Viol last second. There's not been many fights, but...
[02:41:21] The items coming in are so strong for Hamalak.
[02:41:30] They're getting the three items on this here.
[02:41:32] a transfer from Mith Jungle or Metabot didn't really end up working out. And then here, again,
[02:41:39] I want you to pay attention to what happens to the Renata in particular, because I think taking
[02:41:43] this fight in itself is fine. Nice buff for there from the light. Mekil comes out to try to
[02:41:47] turn onto Doran, but obviously, actually killing Doran is a bit of a loss.
[02:41:49] Yeah, Lahen's positioning here is kind of weird, isn't it? He just gets hit by a Senna W,
[02:41:53] I guess? Because they turn onto... He just kind of joins the fight and dies.
[02:41:58] Pace doesn't do anything in this fight and Lance just dies and now there's Bounty's Veldas!
[02:42:06] I mean Genji are pretty massively behind. Tell me if he sports now.
[02:42:11] 6k gold lead with Senna, Ornn, Azir. So much gold and their opponent's act.
[02:42:17] Senna, Ornn is doing a bit more than I expected.
[02:42:20] I think he's already quite chumped.
[02:42:22] But to see we have to see a crazy...
[02:42:23] A lot more than I expected actually.
[02:42:24] I
[02:42:54] Oh my god, the azir didn't have mana for ulti to enter
[02:43:02] He just drifted in and his wheels fell off, man
[02:43:09] I think he had no mana, you have no mana
[02:43:12] And as it turns out, when they had a Pays and Lans in the fight, it looks a little different, but I understand from Hama, like it felt like they had more than enough, everything was going right.
[02:43:23] Maybe I was right, maybe HamaLatchComp really does not have damage, but I can't tell.
[02:43:27] Some fights, they look like they have damage, other fights they look completely different.
[02:43:32] this as we take another look at this team fighter canyons looking on a flank trying to maybe get
[02:43:42] something going keena basically can't walk up so arrow hits door and then q then when out the
[02:43:46] wolf and then at easy w flashes out ornald hits canyon but he has aftershock on him i think
[02:43:52] when i don't think that it's fine he flashed zeka here zeka flashes and then i think azir
[02:43:57] goes in here with no mana look at azir mana on the trobe he doesn't end up working out and then
[02:44:03] He has no mana for ult, even still he's just gonna die.
[02:44:21] He's a Clapper.
[02:44:25] Road was missing? Road.
[02:44:28] Road was fucking closed.
[02:44:33] Jonas Strong is very happy with that.
[02:44:35] Azir's not even 3 items yet. I don't know why I thought Azir was on 3 items.
[02:44:39] I mean, especially when the enemy comp doesn't have much damage and you've got Nassus on your team, it's like, well...
[02:44:44] Does Azir get to attack more than once or twice?
[02:44:47] Say the line, Bart.
[02:44:49] I got Azado. I do think that early on they kept King inside.
[02:44:53] He sold Blighting, very low sold Blighting deal.
[02:44:55] Azir?
[02:44:57] Only sitting at like 2 items.
[02:45:00] No way he sold Blighting deal.
[02:45:01] It's fine, but really ideally you'd want to try and get you mean he refunded right the side blades, right?
[02:45:07] There's no way he sold it. Eventually. We're gonna reach a point where is that in particular?
[02:45:11] I think has the shred available to just chew through
[02:45:25] Okay
[02:45:31] Yeah, it's not even into him directly, right? It's for top.
[02:45:36] But the B1 Azir doesn't seem to quite be working out in this one, Valdas.
[02:45:41] And let's me forget, Zaka hasn't always been the best Azir,
[02:45:47] but he's been a great Azir recently.
[02:45:49] 72 stacks on Xenna. What the hell?
[02:45:52] 72 stacks in 26 minutes.
[02:45:56] Ah, shit.
[02:45:58] Keen really isn't bothered. Maybe it should be a little...
[02:46:02] Keen?
[02:46:03] Yeah, he doesn't have all the space thing. He also doesn't have flash.
[02:46:06] He's trying to just sit here and take the kill.
[02:46:08] Oh my God!
[02:46:09] He's fine.
[02:46:10] He's absolutely fine. They don't do damage to him.
[02:46:16] They do nothing to him.
[02:46:20] Oh my God.
[02:46:21] Keen is
[02:46:23] showing everyone that he is the most important shorty in Umbrella tier today, okay?
[02:46:27] Okay, there is no one else as we take a look bonker
[02:46:42] Bro Nessus bro, I hope that stays appropriate for many years to come. It's just fantastic
[02:46:51] I've seen enough
[02:46:57] He doesn't even... he doesn't even absorb!
[02:46:59] Like he's gonna hit level 3 old very soon.
[02:47:02] He added by the end of that play, but because the cooldown is so low,
[02:47:05] because obviously you get an incredible amount of ability haste.
[02:47:09] And now, Homolife is gonna have to take this fight with only two Oran items.
[02:47:19] Yeah, and I mean this is why I was expecting Homolife Esports
[02:47:23] to really only have success when we got to the very late stages of the game.
[02:47:27] But this game is
[02:47:29] Really just kind of
[02:47:31] I'm gonna pick up something
[02:47:33] Which, the light should be an expert of that
[02:47:37] But I haven't really seen it in this far
[02:47:39] Well hence, it doesn't need to be in the fight
[02:47:41] I know of this, but we'll be fine
[02:47:43] Peanut, oh he's gonna get out
[02:47:45] Or rather hit by the arrow
[02:47:47] But no one will follow up here
[02:47:49] From any and not gonna hit that one
[02:47:51] And Peanut's able to just get in the sails
[02:47:53] And walk away
[02:47:55] It's all points for Gen.G.
[02:48:00] Oh, the Rattles are pretty good.
[02:48:14] Yeah, I mean, Hammer Life really don't have damage.
[02:48:17] with the missile and
[02:48:19] That should do it should give the infernal soul to Gen. G. They don't have sustain either the way in which we got there
[02:48:26] Was was definitely something Veldas, but we have reached
[02:48:31] Genji have infernal soul
[02:48:33] Now and all my life they need an I can tell a 10 minutes to do damage
[02:48:37] I think six items here with orn upgrades and shit and like was a 21 minutes
[02:48:43] Seems like a distant memory Veldas is now lands. Oh, no
[02:48:48] Yep, hands up and now he's dead. Nowhere to go, no addition to desperation to predict the environment.
[02:48:56] And now, you can pull off into the scaling, and then you can come off and team...
[02:49:01] There's a lot of good data, but there's a lot of great data that love damage as well.
[02:49:06] And have infernal soul, and they can kill things.
[02:49:12] Contrary to down the line when we've seen this issue again,
[02:49:17] And then again, like this is not the same Senna that we used to have.
[02:49:20] I feel like it's important to know that she might have been able to do a lot more
[02:49:24] as highlighted. Try to go for an engage onto Pina. Not actually going to work out.
[02:49:28] Thanks to Viper still. I mean look at this, Canyon only took what 40% health damage.
[02:49:35] Oh, they went out to ult last great. They went out to ult last great.
[02:49:38] You get an ultimate combo. You get a great ult.
[02:49:41] I mean Keen is just standing there tanking everything.
[02:49:44] as homo life try to get through these front line is try to get to the two
[02:49:49] people that matter which are chovy and pace and both are just completely fine
[02:49:53] I say chovy and pace let's not pretend that he just like this watched on mute
[02:49:58] until now did Sally say the line for most of the members on Hanwha Sally
[02:50:02] didn't say the line desperately trying to kill one masses how can they deal
[02:50:06] with the rest of the team is fit to ask that guy gonna get hit by an arrow
[02:50:09] Did Sally say the line? Oh my god, second is flashing from wall.
[02:50:14] Aye aye aye.
[02:50:21] Trish had loved it when someone flashed into the wall. The OME just goes crazy.
[02:50:26] The OME goes crazy. Not like they've done it like 10 times in the last 3 weeks flashing into wall.
[02:50:32] But lol, pro player did it too. Lol.
[02:50:39] I'll take you down, Viper.
[02:50:40] And he's going to do exactly that.
[02:50:42] I did one hour ago.
[02:50:43] Oh, I mean.
[02:50:44] And that's a bunch of CC on the game.
[02:50:46] But again, he's just really there.
[02:50:47] He's got a side force, and he's got 10 items.
[02:50:50] And nobody can kill him.
[02:50:51] Peanut goes in.
[02:50:52] Desperately trying to take up Joby.
[02:50:54] Will not be able to use that as the bail out.
[02:50:57] OK, Viper.
[02:50:58] He's not going to be able to get up, but it does not
[02:51:00] matter.
[02:51:00] The Nexus will fall for game three in favor of Gen.T
[02:51:03] as they take a two-to-one lead.
[02:51:07] as in the last game we had a main character and in this game we had a main character it took a
[02:51:13] little bit of time to change the show I would love to see you play more tft you'd love to see me
[02:51:18] play more tft oh we love to see me play more tft really it was him I mean it's because I'm good
[02:51:24] at tft say it because I'm good at tft or what I can't believe there's 40k rats in this
[02:51:31] this fucking minute. Sally as a champ. What is this? When we went winning, they went losing.
[02:51:38] Sally locks on a team as the best on this team will unfortunately be cursed.
[02:51:41] I'm tired. Sally emerged from a nation after a solid eight hour shift and now she's tired.
[02:51:46] I'm tired of applying a chat wide debuff to the pace will be low. Okay. W all meals
[02:51:51] lead to me. Sally demolished the meal in sync to the most exciting engaging part
[02:51:54] of a 40 minute sleeper. This doesn't give enough energy to switch to Petro form which
[02:52:00] unlocks new abilities. E. Chat my doble run. Sali inter-stealth and vanishes from
[02:52:05] stream. This ability makes even the most boring game states absolute bangers until
[02:52:08] Sali reappears from stealth. What? R slash ultimate. Say the line Sali. Sali confidently states the
[02:52:16] game is an unloosable front team. This calls the team to immediately berserk and throw the
[02:52:21] game regardless of gold lead. Petro form from the W. Q. Petro glazes the player.
[02:52:27] The player is merely forced to int.
[02:52:29] Alright, I'm gonna run ads. W.
[02:52:31] Pedro raises unblockable, undutchable barrage of ads.
[02:52:33] This burst of ability can only be counted by being a pay-to-win or buying a sub-shield.
[02:52:38] E. One guide.
[02:52:39] Pedro's brain rot reacts to a retro game in rat state.
[02:52:42] Friends he completely derail whatever was happening.
[02:52:45] R. Big Pace.
[02:52:46] Pedro, generally after coffee, powers up.
[02:52:49] Imitating Big Pace mode with a maximum duration of two minutes.
[02:52:52] Big Pace is a real game-changing meal to hype up a stream.
[02:52:54] Once the pace is done, Petro runs to Sally.
[02:52:59] What the fuck is that?
[02:53:01] What is that?
[02:53:05] That sounds like a- that champ sounds kinda-
[02:53:07] kinda busted though.
[02:53:09] That champ sounds kinda busted.
[02:53:12] Pays on Kalista.
[02:53:13] I'm gonna go back to being a guy since they all seem to have forgotten.
[02:53:17] Seek, select all images with Vayne.
[02:53:19] What?
[02:53:20] I can't man. Ratman eats porridge with water under no circumstances have any valid opinion on food ever again
[02:53:34] Yeah, that's what you're about. Okay. We saw basically all of this
[02:53:43] We saw this we saw this on the new
[02:53:49] Chat, what's wrong with hot water?
[02:53:52] Hot water in porridge is great. Yeah, what's related to the reddit on them? Oh my god, KJLDM on Instagram grams
[02:54:07] Hi, card. It's card. You're the red king and all no way
[02:54:10] Aldo on door bell rang 11th meal is here. Oh my god. It is you
[02:54:16] This is so what are you on about the Viper is the world's shittiest center player
[02:54:24] I won't say he's the shittiest
[02:54:26] shout
[02:54:27] Joe who needs to be permanent things to all in
[02:54:31] Wait
[02:54:33] Is this when show who doesn't TP to bot tower?
[02:54:37] Just look at the mini map assistant spings. Yeah, look at the assistant spings in bottling
[02:55:04] Oh my god he teepies in when the plays over as well look they're backing away oh maybe
[02:55:32] Maybe he doesn't sire it, it just shows.
[02:55:36] Then he takes the whole wave!
[02:55:38] Janker!
[02:55:39] Oh my god, did he take the cannon too?
[02:55:43] No, at least he gets the cannon.
[02:55:45] Yeah, I mean I think the problem is, I think he needs to just base and start instantly
[02:55:49] tunneling GP now.
[02:55:51] No matter what, so they can enter.
[02:55:52] But I think he wants to save it, because it looks like Bram's dead.
[02:55:55] But then he sees that Tarzan dies and he's like, oop, that's bad.
[02:55:58] And then he thinks the play's over, and he sees Leona's knocked up, he's like,
[02:56:01] well if I TP now she's already dead.
[02:56:02] And he's like, well, I guess the play's over.
[02:56:04] And he's like, ooh, well, Ezreal's going to get dove, and he sees Zyra now.
[02:56:07] And he's like, okay, well, I guess I should save Ezreal, at least.
[02:56:09] So it's actually kind of hard to TP in.
[02:56:19] Dignitas, if throwing Baron plays, it's a competition.
[02:56:26] L-lighting, but it was nice to meet Kajal.
[02:56:31] No way, Ka is 180.
[02:56:33] Right there! Right there!
[02:56:35] There it is! Look to heighten! Look to heighten!
[02:56:39] There it is!
[02:56:41] You're on a step?
[02:56:45] No, I'm not there. No, I'm not there.
[02:56:50] Can you shut up?
[02:56:57] Can you shut up?
[02:57:02] Can you try to stream LCS playoffs after missing 4 series?
[02:57:06] I told them that I couldn't stream yesterday's series and I can't stream Sunday's series either.
[02:57:11] I told them I can't do it.
[02:57:13] Okay, so Pedro does not watch and it goes to game 5.
[02:57:19] Bro, can you fuck off?
[02:57:26] Can't wait for the LEC opening ceremony?
[02:57:28] Hopefully it's good.
[02:57:30] Oh yeah chat, John broke his foot or like fractured his foot.
[02:57:35] Okay, John, you rat.
[02:57:42] But he's still fit to play, he's fine.
[02:57:44] He's fine.
[02:57:47] The- the- the- the- the- the- the- the- the- the- the- found a rat in Munich. What is this?
[02:57:53] Hello rats, I'm trying to arrange a few minutes in Munich to have Kajal film a quick vetting video for my friend.
[02:57:58] Any help?
[02:57:59] 3pm on Saturday, 3pm on Saturday at the expo. I'm there, 3pm on Saturday at the expo.
[02:58:04] Be there.
[02:58:07] Be there.
[02:58:08] you're doing the porkchamp face was nice meeting the big rat it's true he's
[02:58:16] actually tall guys fact that found Pedro stand in the arena
[02:58:21] only needs a rat supports real pace you're a fraud where's this one ten
[02:58:29] best of fives and 60 hours yeah brah I'm basically doing the same thing what
[02:58:33] you don't bother I did you masters as well but I felt a bit sick during the
[02:58:36] you master stream you must one maybe feel mega sick reimagining the rat as a
[02:58:41] League of Legends champion Rat Kajal. Raising a cup of black coffee in the
[02:58:45] face of endless streams Kajal battles marathon broadcast with unmatched with
[02:58:48] cheeky banter and an impressive collection of uber eats meals. The expert
[02:58:53] navigates chaos twitch up. What the fuck is this? Dishing out predictions,
[02:58:58] running ads and lens kisses. Abilities, chat frenzy. Did you mean frenzy?
[02:59:07] or what is this one guy the meal POV what is that the abilities wrap breakdown
[02:59:21] mega elusable game this is really well made I'll give you that I'll give you
[02:59:30] that it's really well made it I saw this as well digital art before the
[02:59:35] game starts fraud Sally but like I don't get the art is that me is that
[02:59:43] me. What the hell? I don't have a tail. I don't have a tail. There was an opportunity
[02:59:55] for me to go up in this series, but it's not the case here as now it is two to one at Gen
[03:00:01] G taking control of the series. He got alongside ox and wolf here to break it down. And another
[03:00:08] wrinkle in the draft is we're starting to see the bands change on up the pocket
[03:00:12] picks getting banned on out. Still not quite enough here for Honolite these sports.
[03:00:16] you know, sometimes I think draft criticism is overblown and it's like, look, you can outplay like a draft disadvantage.
[03:00:21] I think Honolite Beasles played the early game really well, but this draft was borderline unplayable.
[03:00:26] The center on, you know, we've seen it be so successful, but that was when it was carry center.
[03:00:30] Carry center has been nerfed, but I still think you should have gone carry center,
[03:00:33] because the Enchanter center here had no damage. You have a Cassante in the top lane,
[03:00:37] Vi is in a damage threat. Your only damage threat in your whole team is Nazir,
[03:00:41] and you have to cut through Skarner and Nasus, and if Nasus ever withers Azir,
[03:00:45] you'll hear like the DSL noise and the soldiers just disconnect and they aren't doing anything so you know one damage threat is so easily shut down and
[03:00:53] That's on top of the fact that like center on is gonna have a rough time in lane
[03:00:56] But I think there was so many problems and even though they got this massive lead with some fantastic plays
[03:01:01] The longer the game went on you could just see in the fights
[03:01:04] Just no one on the side of Gen G was really getting close to death and the Nazis became immortal
[03:01:08] I really like the corki to come through from Gen G here as well because it keeps you guessing if there's gonna be a
[03:01:13] a Nasus coming through. They played the quirky top already. So it was a really nice pick here
[03:01:17] from Genji that means that you probably still get the Nasus, because it's difficult to ban
[03:01:20] it in second phase. I wanted to give Keen, or not Keen, Doran a good matchup topside.
[03:01:24] At least make him stable up there, because he's going to be your front line, your brick
[03:01:27] wall for the center. You're planning on building Enchanter later on. If I do agree
[03:01:31] with Aux on that, this comp just doesn't have the tools to actually win laking fights.
[03:01:36] Despite that though, again, just like game one, Humble playing really well with
[03:01:39] some weaker tools doesn't make you wonder if they actually had a more standard or stronger draft
[03:01:44] maybe they could actually push across the finish line i think really impressive game considering the
[03:01:49] circumstances on top of the fact that oxy win these patch changes came out specifically to senate
[03:01:55] i mean you were saying hold up hey look enchantre senna is going to be busted it doesn't include a
[03:02:00] macaels first build here for viper normally i don't know that was weird but but honestly you
[03:02:05] You know black cleaver also got buffed the center
[03:02:07] I think you should have gone that route like carry center like enchanted son is the one everyone saying is broken
[03:02:11] But you needed a damage there and I've also like you could have put
[03:02:14] Top lane on a carry instead. Well pair with something different like Senate one was carry center tank on you could go like Senate
[03:02:21] Wukong or like Senate swing like there's so many different variations where
[03:02:25] To compensate for the fact you no longer have the damage center
[03:02:28] All right, let's take a look at some of the highlights double highlights here at the drake as
[03:02:33] as the first one here around 22 minutes.
[03:02:37] There were some fights here, obviously, for Hanwha
[03:02:39] that really showcased the weaknesses of this draft
[03:02:43] and how difficult team-fighting is,
[03:02:44] because we got this so late into the game
[03:02:46] because we're like, okay, well, now it's pushing late game
[03:02:50] and the Senna is scaling in range,
[03:02:52] but she just doesn't hurt people.
[03:02:55] Yeah, and you see how much damage a Cassante takes
[03:02:58] and then the chin around, you know, nothing really happens.
[03:03:31] If you can use the Empress divide to isolate a target or two so far away from the team that then you can burn through them
[03:03:36] I take a while sure you can win those fights
[03:03:38] But when Genji got to the point where they actually got the setup fights on their terms in front to back
[03:03:43] That's when the damage numbers don't come through. Yeah
[03:03:45] Well, the second highlight here from mid lane over to Drake yet again
[03:03:49] This is when Genji really closed on out and you see the gap in damage
[03:03:53] Because it's a one damage comp here for how much and we even get this weed with some Canyon or you like
[03:03:58] Like the wrong direction and doesn't get punished for it, you know
[03:04:02] And I think as well the nazis in the situation is just such a threat because it is a pretty like there's a lot of melee champions on this
[03:04:09] composition from the side of
[03:04:12] HLE and also when they don't have the damage to cut through the nazis
[03:04:15] He can just kind of move freely to the fight feel hip the Reynard is massive and there's just no real tune around coming through
[03:04:21] and
[03:04:25] Not that useful
[03:04:27] I mean it buys the time to look in now
[03:04:28] sorry that I'm getting up
[03:04:31] Unfortunately, not really what they're looking for this comp also isn't really looking to
[03:04:34] I got my team out for hard early
[03:04:36] And obviously you had a chance on like a Herald fight that ultimate with the Azir ultimate
[03:04:40] Who won PogChep?
[03:04:41] Really strong, but they just couldn't utilize the comp together in that way
[03:04:45] Yeah, also we saw
[03:04:47] Luhann's go for the Locket Rush
[03:04:48] Now we've seen even on Renata a lot of champions rushing Warlocks
[03:04:51] But I think Locket with the end, already low damage is so insane
[03:04:55] Like you just mutualize all the damage from a shriema shuffle and then what yeah, and with it being an infernal soul
[03:05:01] Would have been helpful, but they just didn't have to damage to fight for it early
[03:05:04] Gen G stacked those up force them into a fight. They didn't want let's see POG here for game number three as it is keen on
[03:05:12] The Nasus getting it done. I mean obviously he scaled really well
[03:05:16] You know, we didn't know you know if this nasus was gonna be a lot
[03:05:20] I opened the bottle first time check or anything like that
[03:05:22] But it didn't it didn't end up first time because it's pretty self-sufficient and we didn't see any real
[03:05:28] Massive attention going into trying to shut him down
[03:05:30] First time in the mid game where they tried and the moments like this
[03:05:33] He's like I'm still trading one back
[03:05:34] He just became a big threat that was too difficult to deal with and it wasn't just like how tanky he was
[03:05:39] It was the fact that if you tried to go in and punish him there was never any going out
[03:05:44] Fantastic clash there, and then the entire game warped by this NASA's already enjoyed the play
[03:05:49] You didn't see in those clips but on the bot lane when he's killing the tower and the enemy team turn up
[03:05:53] And he just keeps killing the tower and
[03:05:57] People and then he had no don't say back
[03:06:00] There's no back to it. Well again unique drafts here throughout
[03:06:05] We'll see if Genji can keep it up and close off. You know see if it's parking water
[03:06:09] We'll life battle on back. I don't know the brands men some brands are like sparking water somewhere else
[03:06:14] Thank you spacers for that great breakdown
[03:06:19] I think we can all agree that how many these sports cooked a little bit too much in the max subathon goal for the next
[03:06:24] I'm going to be removing top of xd
[03:06:27] Ro they can be broke
[03:06:29] In the subathon one sub remove sdv going into this one is that is a very
[03:06:37] Interesting orange sneaking up to the to the five subs remove
[03:06:43] Again, you know stakes for this one if how many these sports were to come back
[03:06:46] And when the series they would go directly into the grand finals
[03:06:51] They're gonna stay on blue side. I swear Veldas because I'm no longer a believer. I treat about this as well. If somehow
[03:06:58] Hummel life go down in a free one against Gen G and they get to the lower bracket and somehow G1
[03:07:06] DK and then find the other one
[03:07:11] Solid experience, my guy
[03:07:13] You watching ALGS? Nope. Alright, here's at least blue side. Now don't fuck up the draft like it did last time.
[03:07:24] Now Ziggs ban. You could also play Ziggs if you want though. Actually you could play first pick Ziggs if you want.
[03:07:32] down to that the bot side where the trouble really arose and also you probably dropped
[03:07:38] the view on Azir after Zecai his individual performance that time around.
[03:07:42] Oh, they helped Azir then. They're going for Zeke's first pick.
[03:07:45] I think they're gonna try a last-ditch effort allow P's to play Zeke's and just go for
[03:07:50] a dive comp again maybe?
[03:07:52] Yeah, go for like Kai's Ione.
[03:07:54] I mean that's what this looks like right because...
[03:07:57] the yone band hurts the yone band hurts a lot
[03:08:09] it seems like 10G maybe have the same reason as down
[03:08:12] because we get ziggs yeah we'll take your yone away
[03:08:16] now they're gonna play the ziggs well Gen G get Maokai
[03:08:19] I think how am I fine with it because I'll just play seishoani into maokai
[03:08:22] so what happens maokai what they could do like
[03:08:26] Malka, Zery, Malka, Corky, 1, 2, Ziggs, Setsuani, also Midlaner like Corky or Zery.
[03:08:40] There's no Yone, it's a pain.
[03:08:42] They could play Ziggs, Vi as well.
[03:08:45] If they play Zery, yeah, if they play Zery here they have Vi.
[03:08:50] If Corky here, Smulders down, they can still play Vi.
[03:08:54] Midlaner can they play into it? Yasuo?
[03:09:01] Porty Maokai?
[03:09:04] You could do...
[03:09:06] Yasuo said you wanted to do Vaai, Canon.
[03:09:11] I don't like Canon that much.
[03:09:16] Oh, they're gonna do Vaai, Yasuo, huh?
[03:09:20] They do Zerri, okay.
[03:09:24] Ash maybe? I'm not sure.
[03:09:26] What's the best pick in the Ziggs phase? Tell me.
[03:09:31] This will be nice to see. Best pick in the Ziggs? What are you thinking?
[03:09:37] Yes, feels good.
[03:09:39] Put to Zaya, but if Ziggs is annoying, it's a good buy.
[03:09:43] Jin.
[03:09:44] Jin Maokai.
[03:09:50] Good.
[03:09:51] Good, good, good.
[03:09:54] I do think can struggle because you are
[03:09:57] When you alter stationary which makes the life of the Zeke's very easy
[03:10:01] This does kind of work the latest there's a severe lack of time
[03:10:05] I'm sure while also having a good amount of range has
[03:10:08] Gone like maybe we're con braille. I imagine on events going to be here unless the only one she want to pick it up
[03:10:14] Yeah, Leon has another one
[03:10:16] There it is
[03:10:18] Getting the respect Nasus deserves
[03:10:23] Yeah, I think I
[03:10:27] I mean, Malkai obviously does do a pretty good job into some engaged supports, but
[03:10:32] The plan is to delay you want to deny some good combos with the Ziggs. I
[03:10:37] Feel like Leona's a good one. Rel potentially
[03:10:42] Nautilus. They're scared of the Corki-top flex.
[03:10:44] There might not be a world where Genji just goes for the rel here and then...
[03:10:48] Poppy-Band is quite nice there.
[03:10:49] ...for Keen, which I do think is likely...
[03:10:51] I mean, they're gonna get no matter what, they're gonna get Rel, Leona.
[03:10:54] and they're gonna get probably Cassante or Naur or Renekton so on 4-5 Hummelife's pretty safe
[03:11:10] Bro they're so addicted to Maokai Blitzcrank. They're so addicted to it. It's crazy. I think Leona pick is so good
[03:11:21] Leona, I don't like Braum
[03:11:24] Leona is so good. And Cassante is so good.
[03:11:29] Like, I don't think I don't like this Blitzcrank pick.
[03:11:34] I don't like Maokai Blitz. I don't like it.
[03:11:37] I don't like it. I'm a hater still.
[03:11:40] It worked one game versus DK when they were 10k down.
[03:11:44] It was not the greatest in game one.
[03:11:49] Is Malfight actually playable here? No joke?
[03:11:54] What do you think? They have Blitzcrank, Corti, Jim?
[03:12:11] I mean, Gragas is pretty good here.
[03:12:15] I mean, he has loads of options.
[03:12:17] play into this. It's kind of like a little riot. I don't think you want to pick a
[03:12:22] Sante here, especially after game one. Okay, all right, Chad, quick ad run.
[03:12:29] You'll be back for the game starts because I'll see you in a sec.
[03:12:32] Chatterments. Oh, that's con. See my expression. The Veldas can. It's not
[03:12:39] it's just what it's not a very happy one. King Sante. I'm gonna again say
[03:12:48] thing do not think that like keen go on crack or see the thing he has it that he
[03:12:57] doesn't have to self-counter pick Cassante in this scenario so this is a
[03:13:02] mostly reminiscent of game number one where Gen G are our blinding blitzcrank
[03:13:08] they are this time self-counter picking with the Cassante I do think that that
[03:13:14] game was also due to some some pretty lackluster play from winning of the
[03:13:19] jacks pick between the Moukai between yeah I mean Doran's best champ this
[03:13:25] series was jacks I mean solo killed Keenie looks really strong and so maybe
[03:13:28] it's just comforts they banned poppy blind blind jacks not much counter that
[03:13:31] really in all the life end up winning this we're gonna go to a game five
[03:13:36] and I'm gonna be sad about that Valdus even though I did predict a
[03:13:39] 3-1 victory. A lot of lost win-win-win signs on the side of G&G and at this point not 100% sure
[03:13:53] about this one. I mean I'm excited to see Viper on the saves. We'll see if he can get a lot of
[03:13:57] value out of that one. Why do you have such good takes? I don't know man. High fighting for the
[03:14:02] Malkai and the Wings. The takes are crazy. It has had a lot of success in the past. We'll
[03:14:06] working game for let's find out right now that's what I'm saying you're voting
[03:14:15] how many sports just for a game five game number four you're drinking tea yet
[03:14:25] my stomach is a bit weird so I'm having some nice teas to fix it up but the
[03:14:29] teas are working so that's good honestly where everybody expects them to
[03:14:33] I don't know why I had these weird stomach issues like the last few weeks
[03:14:35] everybody here on our side expected them to win this series
[03:14:40] Another we zaka, okay, they're not I was about say
[03:14:44] Watching LPR this yeah, hell yeah wait corki has conqueror
[03:14:48] Did he miss kick favorites to win it on what is your conqueror?
[03:14:52] What absolutely ground breaking split when it comes to the records that they shattered. Oh my god five kills 12 deaths one minute
[03:15:00] damn
[03:15:01] That's gotta be a record
[03:15:04] And then Katie immediately coming to playoffs and just lose to
[03:15:10] Yeah, and then it's like, oh, we'll see a TT again in the regional qualifiers fleet is gutted
[03:15:16] Yeah, but not on this patch. Is it on this patch? It's fine
[03:15:21] One of T1 and Gen G or a T1 and DK most likely I'm sure that's scenarios we can think of one of those teams making it
[03:15:31] regardless
[03:15:33] We do have that show we actually go and conquer pretty weird the egos conquer and
[03:15:37] Maybe it's because against Zerii you have extended traits, and maybe Corky wins with Conqueror in these extended traits.
[03:15:52] I'm not sure.
[03:15:56] I dare you to read this, whatever it is.
[03:15:58] Can you start to regen it?
[03:16:00] You know
[03:16:01] You kind of want to like get the efficiency of the mana regen, right? You got a
[03:16:04] I would understand if they had a little front line, but I know you've played blitz and you know that that is
[03:16:09] Technically true. That's not how it feels. Here we go. Come on. Just throw one out so you can start regenning mana
[03:16:14] It's like hex flash, you know, you got to unlock it in there and then you have an opportunity to use it
[03:16:19] Blitz isn't so many ways an old champion, but I feel like his mana costs are like the best example of it
[03:16:25] Where it's like we're back to the old hud
[03:16:27] not one yeah nowadays every chance like yeah I queued 15,000 times I'm oh wait I
[03:16:35] don't have mana oh yeah so this is the swap saves in the top lane not going to
[03:16:44] do as much damage as the bottom laners will it's just the way it works no matter
[03:16:50] what chance you've got up there that's the way that lane swaps have been quote
[03:16:54] I mean, it's a lane swap chat, it wasn't happening, Ziggs will base here, Leona wants to enter
[03:17:06] so Ziggs can TP but she's not going to enter so Ziggs can't really TP and Keen's going
[03:17:14] to have the TP top soon.
[03:17:16] But Canyon's here, Peanut hasn't base yet.
[03:17:22] Do you think they can dive in between tier 2s? Hardcore?
[03:17:29] It is 3v4, but Keen is recalling
[03:17:33] Okay, Keen's gone. Yeah, they have to give up
[03:17:41] Canyon's red buff. Canyon didn't take Peenup's red buff, but Peenup didn't check the red buff
[03:17:45] So I don't think Peenup knows this red buff sub
[03:17:47] He probably will be able to be in a scenario where he doesn't have to invest his TP early which gives him a little bit more
[03:17:52] He just ran past it. He didn't get vision on it though
[03:17:55] It's only a surprise when he realizes red buff stuff
[03:17:57] But as you can see like you can take trades now can you took the sweepy clan and he sees that is red buff stuff
[03:18:02] Why isn't he taking it? Is this on purpose surely not red? This is kind of intake. It doesn't take the red buff
[03:18:07] It's like intentionally not taking the red buff side
[03:18:11] Viper and delight they both have flash no cleanse obviously
[03:18:15] Viper might be in trouble though, they have GnW and Maokai Flash W, and Hooker.
[03:18:22] Ooh, the Hook's not gonna hit though. And the W's not gonna hit either.
[03:18:25] Oh my god, he W'd away! Oh god, he shouldn't have done that Viper!
[03:18:28] Why did Viper do that then?
[03:18:31] He gave himself light of sights for Hook.
[03:18:41] He kinda gave himself...
[03:18:44] A hook angle.
[03:18:45] We'll be able to immediately catch this wave does have the TP so
[03:18:50] Not the end of the world, but nonetheless coming through as a really big win here for GenG Canyon with the pathing
[03:18:56] Our main criticism of him in game number one was a lack of early impact. So this gank
[03:19:01] Absolutely huge. I think he was fine. You know as a lands the one calling it go on go on zigz
[03:19:09] Here if you just place up away from the way
[03:19:11] Oh god, Viper trolled that bro. He trolled that then.
[03:19:16] He can't run away from the wave.
[03:19:19] He needs to run up like opposite of where Blitzcrank is.
[03:19:25] It's also Lens and Viper probably used to play together still.
[03:19:30] Makes it even funnier.
[03:19:32] It's a little subtle.
[03:19:34] It's one of the...
[03:19:36] Oh Lens is dead here.
[03:19:38] Yeah
[03:19:40] There's the Surrey
[03:19:42] Just going into Canyon that's really strong. Oh, nice
[03:19:47] There's enough
[03:19:50] I'm a bit of trouble but Piper is gonna come over and help heal
[03:19:54] Joe is six. Yeah, it's conquerors to stack number one
[03:20:01] Forcefully out of the river pace was actually reloading for part of the fight. He was just reloading spending there
[03:20:07] I'm looking at the fight transpire, one for a trade, no that's your order, so that's not gonna happen, but that was a big investment, so I can protect it over at the cost of a lot of minions, which is that what we're gonna be looking at here, that's that's not gonna happen, and I'm gonna have to find a way that's been giving up here.
[03:20:28] they do get a lot of damage out of the canton actually nice thing
[03:20:31] if you ate your roast you'd have an extra meal
[03:20:33] that's why you shut up
[03:20:34] the setup of this play lands again with some great hooks
[03:20:38] takes them a little bit of time to actually get it
[03:20:40] good sidestep by the light because even with the clebs i'm pretty sure that
[03:20:42] paze just takes him out if he does get tech
[03:20:45] uh
[03:20:46] saves his knockup for zerry e
[03:20:49] and he's gonna go over the wall
[03:20:51] yeah gets over anyway
[03:20:52] i actually canion could have been in some trouble there if he missed times that
[03:20:56] yeah
[03:20:57] So that that's could have gone worse. Lions again definitely trying to be a little bit
[03:21:03] Wee, Lions is playing with fire man. He's playing with fire.
[03:21:07] Canyons level four, peanuts level six. Just take that in for a second.
[03:21:13] And it's not like canyons close to level five. He's halfway through level four.
[03:21:20] Does he level up on this? Okay, he leveled up on that. Thank god for that.
[03:21:24] We did have a nice roam from Doron to ensure that Canyon doesn't actually get any of the drops
[03:21:29] currently sitting on zero as we can see but unfortunately they just land prior and lands
[03:21:38] didn't get caught so he's just able to make back his way towards these drops and it's
[03:21:43] it's night and day between the last time that we saw this specific combo come out
[03:21:48] this time around Genji will be securing a lot of these early objectives
[03:21:52] Yeah, it feels very nice for them to deny the grubs get ahead the first rate still in the cards
[03:21:58] But it's three grubs to Jim G
[03:22:02] And it's over for him alive. How is it over the hammer life talked a lot about the game just started
[03:22:08] Just to have two very reliable carries like Jim is
[03:22:11] separate question, but the fact that Toby just it's so hard to be the hot spot
[03:22:15] You know, it's always gonna consistently be carrying a game whether it's on Tristana or court he or
[03:22:22] It's airy, right? You can always dig deep for that one.
[03:22:24] It's a big issue, and he's not the main character of this game, but he's still ahead in CS.
[03:22:28] You saw how much damage he did in the last game, even though we weren't even talking about him all that much.
[03:22:33] It's very impressive to have to deal with a player like that.
[03:22:37] Really weren't. And one of the big things for me with this is that
[03:22:40] the amount of pick potential on the Gen.D comp is actually kind of insane to think about.
[03:22:46] Because if Canyon hits a sapling,
[03:22:48] So Peter should get 7 of crows.
[03:22:52] So he's still up a level on Canyon.
[03:22:54] But no one's done 3 kills.
[03:23:01] He has a biscuit here.
[03:23:05] He even gets his revenge. Nope. Missed. Nice dodge by Doran.
[03:23:18] uh okay we're actually at the back of the bush i thought they were to try to collapse onto
[03:23:23] you know level all right there's marker all in the hook but uh they're just gonna let the light
[03:23:26] come to them that's the combo to get in onto can oh my peanut's getting one shot by shobie
[03:23:32] now we'll go pace the peanut will have to trade one second going kind of crazy here on the
[03:23:37] area a couple of kills and open up so much damage big win for homo life there able to this
[03:23:45] This time keep the backline safe and you see what the difference it makes when all the damage goes into peanut and the light as opposed to into Viper and Zeca
[03:23:53] Is yet another wave though that Zeca or at least a couple of CS that the Zeca was
[03:24:01] struggle with
[03:24:03] Right now
[03:24:06] The boat lead that we talked about for change really doesn't mean that much in the grand scheme
[03:24:11] I think some new dragon has been taken
[03:24:12] I think by far the slowest dragon pace that we've seen so you take another look here
[03:24:17] Initially, it feels like this fight. I thought they would just kill the owner not to go by but I guess
[03:24:23] Crazy the damage on Peter from Chovy
[03:24:30] It's a bit of a split fight which when you have
[03:24:34] characters like dessert it can easily get over walls and ziggs wave is very big effective range
[03:24:38] And I'm working up quite nicely
[03:24:40] Drake is gonna be one of the main things and the one thing I do worry about for
[03:24:45] Hanwha is that once we get further into the game is that actually getting on top
[03:24:50] of Gen.G in a jungle fight where there won't be as much setup before Gen.G will see if this
[03:24:55] time around can be the same as land. The light, the light's not gonna fall for that one.
[03:25:01] You mentioned it before, they have so many ways to get picks and
[03:25:05] Chobee's choeing. Even just the vision of one sapling, it doesn't even need to hit him.
[03:25:08] Like the fact that they know exactly where the owner is and that the light has to respect the blitz hook means that you just control so much
[03:25:15] more space
[03:25:16] than you normally would
[03:25:18] And you know, that's the power of alchai and corki malchai corki corki malchai
[03:25:24] We've seen this combo really have a success between these two players for a good reason
[03:25:29] Is it really that the s tier champs right now are corki malchai six also the champion as year
[03:25:34] Rumble, just red champs, smolder as well, it's all just like XTD red champs, ziggs smolder
[03:25:51] life at this current point in time.
[03:25:56] Zerry carry is a classic. We've seen this one countless times as
[03:25:59] with the lane swap to come out here.
[03:26:01] They should try and contest these grubs at least.
[03:26:03] They're looking to get six grubs.
[03:26:05] Like they're giving up so much here, home life.
[03:26:08] Wave is going to get lost.
[03:26:10] General, I think Genji have been way more proactive than they normally are.
[03:26:13] Dropped a lot of wave.
[03:26:15] I mean, here comes the fight.
[03:26:17] I feel like we're a little bit late to the play.
[03:26:19] very late to the fight.
[03:26:20] That's deep with no level 6 on Leona.
[03:26:22] They get a big SIGselt on top of everyone with a bomb.
[03:26:25] Oh my god, Zeca.
[03:26:26] Get to the other side.
[03:26:27] I think they're overreaching here a bit too far.
[03:26:28] Hummelite, excitement work.
[03:26:30] Let's see if Doran to the next time he's going.
[03:26:32] Light nearly dies, but they just turn onto the Zeris.
[03:26:34] Super low.
[03:26:35] Get taken out of the SIGselt.
[03:26:37] Actually, Viper's in big damage all Doran.
[03:26:39] Hummelite, these sports definitely overstepping.
[03:26:43] Yeah, way too deep from Hummelite.
[03:26:45] Just gets to do whatever he wants.
[03:26:47] Yo, Paisus.
[03:27:02] I mean, peanut's ulting. I mean, if Leona's level 6, I think it can work.
[03:27:06] But Leona's level 5, he can't go like that.
[03:27:17] Chat what was the score between Genji and HumbleLife in spring in the best of five?
[03:27:22] Here if you don't have six I think it's fine
[03:27:26] It was also three ones, wait the script is repeating itself
[03:27:30] Pay attention to the position it pays on this ultimate
[03:27:34] It just splits the fight because you have you want to get out of the range of it
[03:27:39] But you have on one end HumbleLife that's forced to fight doesn't really have any opportunity not to and the other end can't get
[03:27:46] to their teammates that's crazy it all starts with an initial engage where like
[03:27:52] we dive that this script writers got a bit lazy
[03:27:57] already in a position I love the one to between Vi and takes I think it's an
[03:28:00] incredible combo but it's got to be better coordinate say the line selling
[03:28:05] like Genji and team fights yeah and this is actually unusable for Genji no cap
[03:28:12] When I saw the draft, I'm like, okay, you got the Ziggs, we'll see if you can play it all around it.
[03:28:16] Actually, GG.
[03:28:17] It feels like it's just a takeaway and they can't play well around it.
[03:28:19] Because we've seen Gen.G play really well around the Ziggs, we know how to do it, and I'll like...
[03:28:23] Hey, no, but this one's not the first one, this one's real version.
[03:28:26] You can fake an attempt to contest, right, like you move in, and then they keep everyone there.
[03:28:33] You just, even if I have to TP the bot and just head and hammer away at the turret, it fails...
[03:28:39] If this ends up being a Genji win, again, I think Homolive still will have team fighting powers.
[03:28:42] The setup's kinda cozy, the camera angle, the lighting, it's kinda cozy, you know?
[03:28:48] That if Genji win this game, it's gonna be you losing the game over what, amounts to free grubs?
[03:28:54] Yeah.
[03:28:55] When you could have just pushed that bot lane in?
[03:28:57] Malkai Sapness.
[03:28:58] I mean, the setup before, somebody from the set of Homolive, these thoughts,
[03:29:03] they're like, somebody it feels like wanted to push that turret.
[03:29:07] I'm guessing it's viper just the fact that he was down there, but the team call is probably no you come up here
[03:29:12] We're gonna fight this and somebody didn't like that
[03:29:16] That's my read this based on the one ping, but yeah, we don't know right? Yeah, it's not the teleports always gonna be a team call
[03:29:22] So it's not about vipers. I'm alive as a team that play
[03:29:26] Yeah, I think it's gonna harm them if they do end up dropping this
[03:29:30] on the bracket finals you
[03:29:32] Gen G and
[03:29:34] And right now it's feeling pretty likely Veldas. I'm not gonna lie
[03:29:38] Yeah, this is just like the zigz team is supposed to be the one for me
[03:29:42] It's a mature one so far ahead after a couple of team plays Harold though. This doesn't matter and pays
[03:29:47] You know when we saw the gym at first
[03:29:51] But it's great for 20 to deal with the zigz it has a lot of setup with the pick comp that they already have
[03:29:57] Fantastic. Well, yeah
[03:29:59] The the team is really good with the malchite. I feel like you have so many ways to get
[03:30:03] my pink sign in the bush what I've learned from Jen G actually doing damage is to me
[03:30:09] pays actually sounds like he's a bit of a shotcaller. They knew as well
[03:30:16] even pros sometimes miss their war spots. This is definitely gonna be this is a very strong
[03:30:22] dragon chill the high that's a great trait to have especially at the level he's playing
[03:30:26] the fact that he can play at that level and he should pull is really impressive by this
[03:30:28] Dragon specifically glitz shield value. I'm guessing that Genji's bot lane and a big shot call is then as well
[03:30:34] Yeah, you got a lock in you know
[03:30:38] No, it's ocean soul
[03:30:40] It's been it's been very very
[03:30:43] Oceanic hasn't it? Yeah, like the second
[03:30:48] That a lot of these in playoffs I do know that what if it's just that everyone talks
[03:30:52] Or I mean everyone can talk right, but someone will make a call
[03:30:55] And then other people will be like, yeah, or they'll be like, maybe something else.
[03:31:06] I feel like the quietest is Canyon for sure, yeah.
[03:31:09] He just goes, ah, ah, ah.
[03:31:15] What's happening? How is something like running?
[03:31:19] What? They got top tier 2 and 2 kills?
[03:31:21] Eh?
[03:31:23] Eh?
[03:31:24] And 6TP to bot and save it?
[03:31:26] No.
[03:31:32] What?
[03:31:33] What's Canyon doing?
[03:31:35] Psychopaths.
[03:31:47] Leona finally level 6, yeah.
[03:31:51] Took a while.
[03:32:07] Twitter in Brazil is gone? Wait, really?
[03:32:09] They're able to get the turret down as well thanks to the Ziggs, so nice showcase of the value of the pick there in that little moment
[03:32:17] in that they don't have to worry about the turret and then Pays alone, obviously.
[03:32:21] I mean, Twitter will probably collapse soon.
[03:32:23] Damage in that fight.
[03:32:24] Yeah. Feels kind of sad for Viper here. He's trying to have presence in mid, he's trying to drop some bombs,
[03:32:31] but really he's just on way clear duty.
[03:32:33] There's from behind, this is essentially what the Ziggs does, at least as you mentioned, which was a good quality.
[03:32:38] One where everyone will go when Twitter dies.
[03:32:42] Probably outside I guess.
[03:32:44] Cause that's where I'll go.
[03:32:54] And I'll turn around and come back and open up Reddit.
[03:32:57] So probably Reddit, yeah.
[03:33:08] Yeah, he doesn't offense right so like if he gets attacked by that he just dies gets hooked
[03:33:12] That'll be in the end of it and Zaka. That's actually one of the big wing conditions for all my eyes Zaka on the Zary
[03:33:18] Then we should make our own social media button
[03:33:20] But still on a pretty good look at the right side you see so there's item parity there for him
[03:33:27] He's gonna have to come up huge if home alive want to win
[03:33:30] But one upside is that I do think that
[03:33:33] As good as basic positioning has been if you ever get a flank
[03:33:36] If Peanut can't o' Paze, Paze just dies. Like there's just not really anything you can do about it.
[03:33:43] And this Genji composition is the game you want that means.
[03:33:45] I mean, the only person who does damage in this humble life is Derey.
[03:33:48] If we're lying, I'm keeping both Paze and Chovy alive for at least a good amount of time.
[03:33:51] But Chovy is still stronger than Derey.
[03:33:53] I'm very double-locked, as I've felt this so gracefully points out to me.
[03:33:56] Also, like you're also playing Intermaukei and Intercassante.
[03:34:00] I really wish we could be able to double-lock it.
[03:34:02] I'm glad I see a lot of it.
[03:34:04] I'd rather see...
[03:34:06] There's a ton of...
[03:34:08] You can go for a ride that we've seen.
[03:34:10] Wouldn't even mind.
[03:34:12] This is one of the games where, like, you know, Leandrie's on canyon?
[03:34:15] With the amount of poke that you have?
[03:34:17] I didn't think I'd ever see the day where you were...
[03:34:20] Saying that I have Malachi should build AP.
[03:34:23] But Leandrie's just that strong.
[03:34:25] Just a little bit. It is.
[03:34:27] I know they nerfed it repeatedly.
[03:34:29] But this is... You're also full AD.
[03:34:31] limited set of carries unlike the previous game but it obviously had the
[03:34:36] real carry in top in the the NASA's. It's kind of a pick-comp dream where you
[03:34:42] control all of the vision. Oh yeah. Please educate yourself before you
[03:34:46] spread false information. Somebody's gonna have to check a... What did I spread? I asked, it's Twitter blocked in Brazil and Chad said yes.
[03:34:53] What did I say? What did I say?
[03:34:55] What did I say? What did I say? What did I say?
[03:34:57] What did I say? What did I say?
[03:34:59] I didn't talk about anything else.
[03:35:01] I'm trying to come up with new names for social medias.
[03:35:05] What the fuck am I doing wrong here? Hello?
[03:35:07] Hello?
[03:35:08] Hello?
[03:35:09] Yeah, taking Baron is also against the amount of AoE that's available for Hanva live.
[03:35:13] You have to be very confident to do that.
[03:35:15] I don't think that they're going to do so anytime soon.
[03:35:18] Unless they get a pick on Zeca and or Viper.
[03:35:21] That's just gonna die
[03:35:23] Yeah, I probably will
[03:35:25] What's wrong with that? Is that false information? It's not an opinion. I think we'll die
[03:35:31] Pretty sure Hanma is just gonna sack this dragon
[03:35:34] And just leave it be. I don't really think that this is the scenario type scenario where you want to try and go
[03:35:41] And lose the game. Well, you could have done that a grub which they did
[03:35:44] But they're not doing it over ocean soul, which is our soul point rather, which is good
[03:35:48] It's called x you know I think the grubs have value and I think that's just gonna
[03:35:54] get stuck in the back of their heads and they're like we have to fight this we've
[03:35:56] gotten angle still don't think it was the right call but yeah they make the right
[03:36:01] call here and you can fight for the next time all right well how much I do
[03:36:05] like their store links with three items area for the full three fight
[03:36:10] them really looking for some kind of play in which is which is fine if
[03:36:14] if netline chart was down or if pays or
[03:36:17] chobi were nearby
[03:36:19] he's technically is but he also has his entire team with them
[03:36:22] yeah simt who are engaging actually and there's the route that is going to be a
[03:36:27] hook and it's going to be a hold up but it just doesn't matter
[03:36:30] someone had to take it
[03:36:31] and now how about like these sports they don't have a record of it
[03:36:35] it's all so scuffed
[03:36:37] and simt they're going to have this tin to open up and continue with them
[03:36:39] it's all so scuffed
[03:36:41] Doran gets in front of it just get down mr. President, but Doran is also going to be taken out
[03:36:47] And down he goes right for us. It's all scoofed in a chair. He's out of the game this one
[03:36:53] Chronicler is looking very solid for 10g
[03:36:58] And that's that Maokai blitz combo that we never got to see in game number one where it just feels
[03:37:04] kind of crazy how good all
[03:37:11] I don't move
[03:37:13] Toby has counter-frustrated
[03:37:15] 2v3
[03:37:17] Conqueror 40
[03:37:19] Look at the damage
[03:37:21] There's no damage here
[03:37:23] I guess Paze is here, it's fine
[03:37:29] Chat Paze is
[03:37:31] Really fucking good
[03:37:33] I think people need to start accepting the fact that Paze
[03:37:35] Is insane
[03:37:37] He is just insane
[03:37:41] As we take another look it really does feel unfair. The fact that they have vision there as well
[03:37:46] It's just icing on the cake. He's crazy good
[03:37:49] I've been through a decent call while my life like the idea is it's good to try to get them paid and show
[03:37:53] Be as they over extend, but not only does that not happen
[03:37:56] They can't really quite sync up with the damage on to fight or the damage I told you is top 2 in the game too
[03:38:03] Genji complete blowout in the fight
[03:38:06] Well, I just think a lot of people when it comes to like
[03:38:08] Oh, he has a lot of people talking about Viper, Gumiushi.
[03:38:19] Or Rula.
[03:38:21] Or aiming.
[03:38:22] The pace is...
[03:38:28] Pace had a great regular season.
[03:38:31] And now in playoffs he's just a cut the buff.
[03:38:34] Oh, I see, I cut the buff, he's just really really really good, but everything he's doing
[03:38:41] it's very rare to see a pace making a mistake here.
[03:38:45] Oh, they almost died there.
[03:38:50] How is that possible?
[03:38:56] What?
[03:39:00] it wasn't able to get away, so how many V-squares get one kill?
[03:39:03] That's not bad. That takes a...
[03:39:05] Again, I feel like it felt like Genji got a Baron, but they actually didn't.
[03:39:10] Didn't get the Baron. And Paze now won't have sums,
[03:39:13] which means his effective range is going to be severely mitigated,
[03:39:16] and Viper can also get a lot easier angles with the ultimate.
[03:39:20] Don't necessarily need Pina to actually get to him quite in the same way
[03:39:26] that you need for Guaranteed Lockdown otherwise.
[03:39:30] and it's gonna be a kill and keen outside of that not too much here but definitely
[03:39:35] a little bit of an opening for him the problem is that the dragon timer doesn't really line up with
[03:39:39] this so there's still plenty of time for gen g to now shove up mid and bot retake control of the
[03:39:45] bot side jungle because they are still so far ahead and then create a scenario where no one
[03:39:49] can really walk off as i i i did kind of miss white team was this far off they have kill pace here
[03:39:55] Flash ult, Ziggs ult
[03:39:58] Zac can't even auto, he needs to right click on his Q
[03:40:01] Maybe he'll kill
[03:40:09] Alright, Dragon's 40
[03:40:11] Is that enough for a Baron?
[03:40:13] Maybe like taking Paze away is actually a big deal because again with Keen already gone
[03:40:18] And the fact that Paze will be dead that means that only Chovy is the damage dealer on Gen-G.
[03:40:23] They need to somehow lock into Gen.
[03:40:25] I mean Leona has Flash and Paze has no Suns.
[03:40:28] Also, maybe they can connect on Gen, maybe.
[03:40:31] Yeah, no, you're right.
[03:40:33] But yeah, it's still gonna be big if they take out a Gen for sure.
[03:40:36] Yeah, Lahem's kind of standing on one and they're taking banana brush control. I'm like these four. They're identifying that this is their best shot
[03:40:44] Hot wave is quite cute, but it's okay.
[03:40:46] Ocean's all the way
[03:40:47] There comes Malka, all this kind of...
[03:40:49] Leona goes in the front after shots, so she doesn't die as quick, but still one shot left
[03:40:53] It's not going to matter either, the light goes down
[03:40:55] And now we got the curtains coming out here as well
[03:40:58] Tina's all over the front line and Paz is just sniping people from screens away
[03:41:03] As Joby is able to front line, look at that. Oh no, the root comes down!
[03:41:07] Oh god, Doran.
[03:41:08] Just to die. And that's gonna be four kills.
[03:41:11] You know what? I will take it back. I think my opinion was right.
[03:41:15] I think Blitzcrank and Malkai can pretty much work in most comps no matter what.
[03:41:19] As long as you have double AD carry, it looks strong.
[03:41:23] I thought Blitzcrank and the champ was just bad
[03:41:26] to engage support meta, plus like, cruisery tanks.
[03:41:30] But after seeing it for three games the second time it wasn't that strong, but I mean I'm looking at this team fight, right?
[03:41:36] You just mouth out the first target and you play the five before the fives in one for like two seconds and they're dead
[03:41:46] Looks pretty good I
[03:41:49] Think the blitzcrank player needs to be very good though because as much as you have this one
[03:41:53] I think the Blitzcrank obviously has a lot of pockets to fill during the game by being useful.
[03:42:00] Penta? What's this guy about Penta?
[03:42:10] Like the Blitzcrank has to be really good I think.
[03:42:12] Because he can hook Malka also right, but for the rest of the game he's got to be like...
[03:42:16] Like that. Just like that. Like when he just gets there.
[03:42:20] You saw that hook on the Viper? That must be ridiculous.
[03:42:23] That hook was ridiculous on the Viper.
[03:42:33] Did he see him there?
[03:42:50] As he is alone in the south side
[03:42:53] He must have seen the ziggs right?
[03:42:55] But how?
[03:42:57] How did he see the ziggs?
[03:43:00] He just sits there and does a bajillion damage
[03:43:04] The wave was crashing?
[03:43:05] So reliable
[03:43:06] Was it just the wave?
[03:43:11] He was a bit like the tower was here, the wave was here, the ziggs was here
[03:43:15] He must have seen it for like a second maybe, I don't know
[03:43:17] I don't know
[03:43:18] To the Callista game where I feel like it still feels like Lahentz is kind of the main character with how the early game played out in particular
[03:43:24] But man, this game is easy on the grubs
[03:43:26] It's easy, these are the type of dreams you're getting
[03:43:29] And there wasn't one thing you didn't get
[03:43:34] At this point, the Gold League is basically insurmountable
[03:43:37] Because that's what they just...
[03:43:39] He just walks it off
[03:43:40] He has a squad, that's more than enough
[03:43:43] but in these types of engages where you have such a big effective range and you can like get a couple
[03:43:50] of walks back and how it pays a hundred percent kp1518 to cc we're still adding extra damage with the
[03:43:57] flowers um piper doesn't seem to have a sad soul that's a ramp from miles away and there you go he
[03:44:06] is dead has legendary oh
[03:44:11] Sonya's versus by
[03:44:17] It is now it is when you've got oodles and poodles of extra cash that you can just throw away
[03:44:24] Fantastic items. I'm a big Sonya's fan
[03:44:27] It's crazy. No 100 Kp 16 in one looking for the final
[03:44:32] Pace is faster through the roof. He's a clutch player, hard to make mistakes. He broke the record in the MSI finals for highest kills ever in international with 28th.
[03:44:42] And one Pace has been having, like, numbers-wise, Pace has been going ballistic this year.
[03:45:02] And now, Zeca does eventually go down, Dory not able to solo Ejin as Jax, and that's going to do it.
[03:45:10] Guys, game number four will go into the hands of Jax.
[03:45:13] Man, I feel like losing the top East Broads has really just put a little bit of a...
[03:45:16] Just to really send the message.
[03:45:18] I don't know. A stain on the Jengie doing it.
[03:45:21] ...the weight in the lower bracket.
[03:45:23] Jengie will be your first team.
[03:45:25] Like if EWC never happened, this would be the craziest year ever for my team.
[03:45:30] The development of our hands and pays into an absolute dog's tear of bot lane has been a pleasure to watch.
[03:45:39] They were, and again, I keep going back to this because it was so true.
[03:45:43] Okay, Dom said Peanut and Tian are the same player, I think. Both insane pathing and compared to the lead level, but one bad play and their mechanics fall apart.
[03:45:52] Obviously, we're always expected to be a big powerpoint for this team, coming into Everstyle as well, and they were.
[03:45:59] But coming in, Temiside, there was also a vacationing plan.
[03:46:03] We're having the weak point for...
[03:46:04] Alright, we're gonna watch Waybo vs LNG,
[03:46:06] because the winner of this goes to Worlds Chat.
[03:46:11] Winner of this goes to Worlds Chat.
[03:46:14] I think they're playing in the finals, Arena Chat, right?
[03:46:17] The problem is, Waybo are the team which wants to be playing disengaged.
[03:46:21] They want to be saying, look, Cassante, press EW in front of that arrow, or something like that.
[03:46:25] I think they're the ones who want to stand in Gage.
[03:46:28] It's much harder for that comp to do so,
[03:46:30] I feel like LNG now feel very comfortable now. They've gone under way both skin
[03:46:34] There is a timer though keeping an eye on giving birth energy. Okay, I changed the
[03:46:41] Take away the banner
[03:46:45] This is the strongest
[03:46:47] What's the game say 4k leave for LNG
[03:46:51] Renekton smaller brand. What the fuck this game is mega for LNG
[03:46:56] mega game
[03:47:00] head at least all the cars from the sort of way ball gaming so you are gonna
[03:47:03] well too right now yeah they do have the tools to deal with in a 5v5 and it
[03:47:14] won't be one much less so I see exactly what a webo can do to deal with
[03:47:18] him right now it's standing everyone who is laying is currently the
[03:47:21] way go now have to back off on both sides the parents now stopped as well
[03:47:27] because Waybo stopped, they don't commit to all of that.
[03:47:29] Also, you can see these mindgames,
[03:47:31] Waybo want to stop that Renekton,
[03:47:32] but they don't want to give up the Baron,
[03:47:34] so it's a kind of a push and pull across the map.
[03:47:36] Now it's all about being like Cryo,
[03:47:38] which Gala's going to unleash the arrow at some point
[03:47:40] on an unsuspecting victim,
[03:47:41] but it is how he's losing a little bit of that Cryo.
[03:47:46] This will give him a clear objective,
[03:47:48] and it'll be like Tower.
[03:47:49] Yeah, Mom's coming in.
[03:47:50] That's a big slow across the wall, team members,
[03:47:51] and now Elegy just have a front and back in Zika.
[03:47:54] He has made the back a wide open door of Waybo.
[03:47:57] He found the flank and Wayvo found literally nothing.
[03:48:00] That's a huge play from LNG towards the end.
[03:48:03] It's just gonna be run down into the dirt by LNG.
[03:48:07] Wayvo got themselves the finals.
[03:48:08] LNG were very much left out to try in playoffs.
[03:48:11] They're here in regionals.
[03:48:13] It really has been LNG.
[03:48:14] Striking first has been scoured.
[03:48:16] Striking first, as these teams fight off the balls
[03:48:19] for that third spot,
[03:48:20] they all can take that price of the barring after the fight.
[03:48:22] And the bigger question we're going to be
[03:48:23] to gain into this particular series
[03:48:25] is that LNG were not necessarily known.
[03:48:26] Oh, guys, guys, guys!
[03:48:50] So what's happening?
[03:48:54] What's happening?
[03:48:56] I
[03:49:06] Hate the skin childhood based on Gorky all the railcube flash miss
[03:49:11] Chat does well
[03:49:26] What's mechanic is relevant actually I understand that it's like sucking you in but it's when you
[03:49:32] went is it like a mini airborne or is it a knockback? What's CC form is it? There must be like a
[03:49:45] tiny displays right? It's an airborne or is it knockback? Like in Yasuo Ultron I guess it's impossible
[03:49:50] This is a slow but steady massively for LNG right there on three items now
[03:49:56] They have everything they could ask for to try to close this game one out
[03:49:59] So LNG still have that baron buff for a minute and a half
[03:50:02] That should be at least one more time might even be get themselves a second one after that telephone
[03:50:06] This is a big TP. This is all in play for Weibo
[03:50:10] All in play for Weibo ready for this no TP they have a 4v5 for a little bit
[03:50:14] Ghana has no flash as well. Oh my god
[03:50:16] They get Darla, but Zika's going to hook him.
[03:50:34] Nice to see, nice to see LNG winning.
[03:50:38] Scout looks like he had an amazing game, 11-3 and 4.
[03:50:42] Man, hearing like the audience and crowd is great.
[03:50:49] The arena vibe just feels different.
[03:50:51] This is the finals arena, right?
[03:51:03] I like that they hold the regional gauntlets in the finals arena. That's quite nice, no?
[03:51:08] Big arena for worlds qualifying, because when they qualify all the teams, they have a big gathering of all the LPL teams, right?
[03:51:14] And they all wear like the LPL jackets and stuff.
[03:51:21] You can see right here, yes, Wave are worth the finalists, but Alan G were the team that came in the second
[03:51:26] Rebels mechanic is called Kinematic. It's the only Kinematic mechanic in the game.
[03:51:29] This team has a lot to show, they couldn't quite imply us.
[03:51:31] And they did also give us a 5-way partner in the last match.
[03:51:34] They have some people coming out clutching this one now.
[03:51:37] The most important question that we're waiting to the series with is, please, Wave or Gave?
[03:51:41] Interesting. Chat, what do we think? Should we watch the Chinese stream? How's the quality?
[03:51:44] My monitor is a bit big, so I can't tell. It's not 9...
[03:51:47] It's not 9... I don't know how interested it is.
[03:51:53] interesting on the reddit dighunter thieves I made a playable league of legends in minecraft
[03:52:00] they made a playable league of legends in minecraft why aren't they wearing their green
[03:52:08] bro what is weibo's win rate with the green
[03:52:24] six minute break what is this
[03:52:28] This league craft, a playable minecraft.
[03:52:33] What is this screenshot?
[03:52:34] It's just atrox.
[03:52:37] Flaming his gigantic sword onto a minion.
[03:52:42] Contracts on the Sackdown, Vex fanart, cute.
[03:52:50] I actually fractured his foot bone before the finals weekend.
[03:52:53] Bro, it's crazy.
[03:52:54] What is this Victor gliding?
[03:52:58] No audio.
[03:53:16] Contracts in Tew was really insightful.
[03:53:18] Really what did they talk about?
[03:53:21] Damn, good job Victor.
[03:53:24] What did they talk about?
[03:53:25] 7 now I swear it started at 6 what the hell did you see the LEC final Caesar no I
[03:53:32] didn't it's the LEC season final Caesar out LEC teaser oh LEC Grand Finals 2024
[03:53:47] opening teaser it's got a bang right this is the season finals one come on
[03:53:52] tell me a banger teaser we are competitors we want to be the best
[03:54:00] Time in 2024, Mad Lions Koi will take you Samus of G2.
[03:54:05] Day by day, I'm reminding myself how it will feel to list the LEC 12K and season finals at the end of the year.
[03:54:14] It's been a very long year, it's been like the end, now it's been a bit hard for us.
[03:54:19] If he lost at the end of the year, we would be going home crying.
[03:54:22] I would actually feel like all the three skates in Europe were actually wasted.
[03:54:25] I'm really confident to be honest. I think we're at the shoulder that we're going to beat J2. The series versus Fnatic was super close as well. I think we're capable of beating both of them.
[03:54:43] They have been in tough situations and they didn't make it and we have been in tough situations
[03:54:57] and we made it.
[03:54:59] That's if you did little thing in your head, we're going to make it.
[03:55:03] They're not strong enough and we are.
[03:55:05] The second play brings himself into the ring, a triple knockback, then BD has a court napping, you plus your mid lane carry!
[03:55:12] I lost three finals already, I didn't win anything, but if you keep working on it, you're gonna win eventually. This is a matter of time.
[03:55:19] I will just take it as another opportunity to play another best of five, to have our revenge in the ring.
[03:55:24] They don't have mention of us! Supern is immediately forced out of the fight!
[03:55:33] Out for a wall fall first! And the audio will follow soon!
[03:55:36] And once again, it's Oscar winning!
[03:55:40] Do you want to win? I'm the best.
[03:55:42] When I went to Montpellier, it was the best day of my life. I wanted to win everything.
[03:55:46] Now we're here. I want to take the trophy.
[03:55:48] I lost you in most of it, and I want to give them credit for that.
[03:55:51] But again, that is the last time they will do that. It's full of happening again.
[03:55:54] They are actually hungry to win, but I'm more hungry to win.
[03:55:57] win so I'm gonna win water water water yeah you know I want to watch you know
[03:57:07] what I want to watch I want to watch this video this video just came to me
[03:57:10] this video just came to me now this gets me hyped up okay don't don't think
[03:57:18] about the outcome you'll never stand out and you'll never be good enough
[03:57:25] you'll never make a living in playing this game your plays will never take
[03:57:31] your team to the next level. You'll never get a spot in the LCS. You'll never be able
[03:57:36] to carry your team to playoffs, and if you did, you'd never actually win a trophy. And
[03:57:41] even if you ever won it, there's no way you'd ever win it again. Let alone back to back.
[03:57:47] And definitely not back to back to back to back. You'll never be able to justify
[03:57:54] your vacation. You'll never be able to recover from that loss and completely rebuild
[03:58:00] the team, run the gauntlet, you'll make it to Worlds. You'll never make it deep on the
[03:58:05] international stage and deny the best team in the world their title. Don't even dream about it.
[03:58:12] You'll never be able to switch roles, redefine and dictate the meta and if you think you could,
[03:58:18] you're actually crazy. You'll never be able to lead a team that wins and has fun at the same time.
[03:58:27] Even if it works in Europe, there's no way it works at MSI.
[03:58:32] The whole world will see that your creativity is just a random mess.
[03:58:38] You'll never be the best. You'll never be a legend.
[03:58:43] And you definitely won't win once.
[03:58:50] Watch me.
[03:59:02] Bro, that ship got me fucking gassed.
[03:59:05] Oh my god. That's the kind of stuff that gets me fucking pumped!
[03:59:09] Oh my god, I'm still watching no fucker
[03:59:14] Still watching
[03:59:29] Yeah
[03:59:35] That was wrong with that. What's wrong with it? It was a nice watch. You're becoming the grand pa. You know I'm becoming a grand pa
[03:59:49] I'm not that
[03:59:51] No, I'm not there
[03:59:59] What is this
[04:00:30] Keep the plane!
[04:00:36] Keep the plane!
[04:00:44] Put the music back on!
[04:00:49] What is this?
[04:00:56] Uproom!
[04:00:59] Why is this opening on that website rather?
[04:01:12] Oh, what am I hearing?
[04:01:13] Welcome back everyone to the regional qualifiers.
[04:01:17] LNG is one step closer.
[04:01:20] And Wable gaming is yet struggling a little bit.
[04:01:25] Honestly?
[04:01:25] What do we make out of this?
[04:01:27] This first game.
[04:01:27] Someone linked the chess game fucking left looking.
[04:01:29] I think we're completely different how I would
[04:01:30] expect the first game to go.
[04:01:32] Even just starting from early on,
[04:01:33] where we see both junglers getting involved in mid lane,
[04:01:36] we see Bran flashing just trying
[04:01:37] to find his own stun, hitting combos,
[04:01:39] kills going back and forth.
[04:01:40] But I feel like the big thing that kind of set the president for the early game
[04:01:44] is the fact that a lot of these kills for LNG were going on to scout
[04:01:47] where they were much more divided on way both side.
[04:01:50] Tarzan getting a couple of criss-binding a few kills with some of his roms towards mid.
[04:01:54] And it really feels like the fact that scout was the big beneficiary
[04:01:58] is what pulled this game in LNG's favor so heavily.
[04:02:01] Yeah, I think just it's kind of the power of concentrated gold, right?
[04:02:04] It's actually something that's kind of prevalent right now in the community about like,
[04:02:09] Hey, you know, a team can be up 3000 gold by 2000 that gold is unlike or an ecton info
[04:02:14] company never has access into the backline that two case kind of useless to a point.
[04:02:18] This is kind of another kind of derived example of this where scouts always going to be useful
[04:02:23] on this moulder. Any gold that goes towards scout is good gold, whereas you split the gold
[04:02:27] kind of across multiple members here. Whilst this nice in the case of LNG, there's a very
[04:02:31] actively player on scout protect protect him and ensure that he's always able to get his
[04:02:34] damage out and yeah very consistently throughout this game LNG just finding
[04:02:39] better suited team fights for themselves as Waybo with a lot of peel tools never
[04:02:43] really stood the ground able to actually set up and re-engage off the back of all
[04:02:47] of their elements. I just feel so bad for Stuck because you know we were singing
[04:02:52] Chris praise about how Chris needs to be the one to get things started for
[04:02:55] Waybo he found some great early realms are like even this time to save
[04:02:59] breathe but I'm stuck just really wasn't enough and honestly we were just a very
[04:03:04] kind of panic they were playing very great I agree to a lot of fights but
[04:03:08] also I greased it I should push the palms I just think a general lack of
[04:03:13] like fundamental discipline now of way both this game is kind of what led them
[04:03:18] down and there's a lot more than an individual bring up the queen cohesion
[04:03:21] level and I think that's kind of more than I never saw they both group
[04:03:26] together so like hold up hold up moving into this game to need to see like more
[04:03:31] proactive plays where I'm seeing three or four people actually involved in said
[04:03:35] play because again a lot of this game I don't have time what's he doing is he
[04:03:39] researching stock engines or something yeah I am wondering you you did mention
[04:03:47] to me before that you think that the Waybow before the BLG match might have
[04:03:53] looked a lot better against LNG today and I just want you to break that down for me a little bit
[04:03:58] because I do think that maybe there's a little bit more than just the panic that this has had.
[04:04:04] Come on, come on, come on, use your brain cells. Come on, man.
[04:04:07] Maybe we'll really want you trying to get a lot of things to happen, right?
[04:04:09] Yeah, three seconds.
[04:04:10] Three seconds.
[04:04:10] Three seconds.
[04:04:11] Start that from the topside. We saw the play flip on its head,
[04:04:14] whether it's moving down through the river and getting caught out.
[04:04:17] LNG weren't showing that same level of proactivity, decisiveness, matching punch for punch.
[04:04:22] Nymar even mentioned it on cast of like, hey, typically Alan G aren't going for these plays trying to match
[04:04:29] 5v5s make plays enough to serve the map. It's a lot more about the checklist of like, you know
[04:04:36] average good korean style league of legends kind of right? Like very very slow
[04:04:42] Exactly, you know, again one earning MVP not surprised like his actually throughout this game
[04:04:47] Well, what actually set up a lot of that slow game there right? Weibo are trying to pick up the pace find pics on sidelines
[04:04:53] And it's like I guess we can react
[04:04:55] We're LNG and then also Nash are just like completely slow way boy in their face
[04:04:59] And we did have the pleasure of taking a look at the drafts, you know before the game started
[04:05:05] I'm wondering if you guys do think that this went
[04:05:08] Well, how it should have played or if you actually think that maybe there's going to be I mean
[04:05:16] I think the biggest thing that was really great about this draft for the side of LNG was actually a lot more of the takeaways
[04:05:22] I feel like out against Weibo even the specifically actually the opening of the draft over Necton and there you go
[04:05:27] Renex and Ash and I think
[04:05:29] putting Breathe in a position where he doesn't really get to be super active really hurts Weibo in terms of like their overall options in an
[04:05:36] early game and then
[04:05:37] The takeaway of Utilii picking Ash does so much to Light's champions
[04:05:42] I think he could have maybe answered that would have been a little bit better as the Varus
[04:05:45] Yeah goes for the Ezreal instead so that didn't set your bot lane super behind in terms of tempo and priority
[04:05:50] Most of the time in the early stages and then again in terms of setting up plays across the map
[04:05:55] Gala was just executing far better and of course as the Ezreal you're just waiting on a time
[04:06:00] It's actually be useful exactly and this is where you're gonna find them especially when weibo typically a found success by being the team to
[04:06:07] Overload one set of the maps are to fight on their terms
[04:06:10] It's like hey champion like Ash would have been great for that now having
[04:06:13] Again more of a disengaged poke-style composition light now not gonna get as much attention as weibo usually gives him in the early game
[04:06:20] Right, I think overall this great planning by LNG and they were able to execute
[04:06:26] Amazingly, oh, I fucking up draft and this game aside when we are looking at gala versus light
[04:06:31] What is you guys's state on this?
[04:06:34] So like coming into the series even looking at the stats
[04:06:37] These teams for Gala was much more about he doesn't get much attention in the early game
[04:06:42] It's a lot about him trying to be that hero later on LNG were never much of a team-fighting team
[04:06:48] But if they did get to that point Gala was the one, you know dealing the most damage
[04:06:52] He didn't the most gold to carry them over the line to her for light
[04:06:55] It was a bit of the opposite
[04:06:56] He's the one who was helping them find action and buying
[04:06:59] In that early game, but again, we kind of saw that completely flip on its head in this game
[04:07:04] Yeah, I think just again the nature of that that opening draft and kind of enabling gala
[04:07:10] Like through early lane fire an ash pick to then also put light behind and also I think again
[04:07:16] We've had the opportunity to put light on utility pick like gin like virus
[04:07:19] It's not like it wasn't a possibility. Yeah, they just happen to opt for the Ezreal again
[04:07:23] I think it stripped love of the agency talking about light and gala was the one that was able to really dictate a lot of the
[04:07:28] Pace of the midgame plays once they started yes
[04:07:31] Yeah, absolutely. Well, I'm excited to see what they're going to come up.
[04:07:34] Yo, come on, man, come on, come on, come on.
[04:07:36] We are ready for game two. Let's see if Wable takes it.
[04:07:39] Let's see if LNG takes it, but WorldSpot is at stake.
[04:07:43] So please, na mera, this time, to you.
[04:07:47] Right, this is my big moment. I best not waste this.
[04:07:49] Hey, everyone, I get to do one thing.
[04:07:54] I'm the plug-a-flick.
[04:07:55] I'm na mera, joined by Trouble and Mazzal.
[04:07:59] As we go into game two of this series,
[04:08:00] LNG struck really really hard in the first game here. We know that this is a rivalry actually at this point
[04:08:06] Which does deliver and we're into this trap hold up. I'm playing this game. I'm so locked in
[04:08:13] We'll see those likely bands that we've seen time-to-time again of the Aziggs against the LNG team and the ocean against
[04:08:20] I love the respect immediately paid towards gala with the ashtray
[04:08:24] The thing which I'm gonna be questioning right now. Just on that red side. What happens with corki now?
[04:08:28] You know I don't have time so you were fucked all my boys. You were fucked you were fucked
[04:08:33] But now we've seen the corky get counted by the smolder to an extent does that change the drive?
[04:08:37] Yeah, he was a few pigs right here that you guys mentioned
[04:08:41] You know we didn't mention I you know it
[04:08:43] I know it's fun from the side of way bull gaming and I'm thinking that it could potentially be sleepy through the cracks
[04:08:48] Right here misfortune and your name not all three of those
[04:08:51] She's it's rumble. I'm going through and
[04:08:58] Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai.
[04:09:12] Very. The IFR in bed?
[04:09:15] It's a Malkai bastard now? A one?
[04:09:18] Oh, they first week smolders.
[04:09:21] Well, it's Wable first big kill.
[04:09:23] I don't think the corki is as much of a power picker. I mean corki smolder can be traded
[04:09:28] Renekton. Oh, yeah, LPL loves Renekton. It's crazy. Why though?
[04:09:32] And the last time he's CTS based off of that, he was quite powerful because the corki's now going to be in the hands of scouts
[04:09:38] Oh, because they're going to be smoldered. What so maybe a little bit more on the CTS. Smolder brand or some shit?
[04:09:41] We're using on this pick and trying to have as much of an impact as the Renekton did in the last game
[04:09:45] This was also something that was banned out in the second phase. Maybe this is maybe that more
[04:09:50] that way we can bring that
[04:09:52] Da-da-da-da
[04:09:58] The Guts!
[04:09:59] The Guts!
[04:10:14] MF Lilia really?
[04:10:16] Really? Really? Don't do it.
[04:10:20] Lilia is not good. Don't do it. I promise you.
[04:10:27] Just... Lilia and the Maokai is bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Not good. It's bad.
[04:10:35] Don't pick Lilia in this game. Don't do it.
[04:10:38] Don't pick Nidalee? Sure. Don't pick Brand? Sure. Don't pick Rel here? Sure.
[04:10:43] Can I make smolder? Fine.
[04:10:45] Don't pick Lillian.
[04:10:48] Don't do it.
[04:10:53] Perfect. Alright, thank God.
[04:10:54] They're not going to bronze it up.
[04:10:56] But here, on three, you just pick Cassante, don't you?
[04:10:59] Or Ash? You know, Ash has been...
[04:11:01] Jin maybe?
[04:11:04] I think they have Jin, Cassante.
[04:11:08] Yeah, Jin is good. I like it.
[04:11:10] He makes Lista.
[04:11:13] It's a pretty good answer into the maglustra now
[04:11:17] Brand or rel or yeah, perfect coming into the second round of the draft now way bow band
[04:11:23] If you jungler sit down, there's a bunch of things which come up. Well, I mean, they can take away Cassante if they want to
[04:11:28] Benz as well. I mean vye is open right? So they do have a chance to go like
[04:11:33] Could look to the last six support and they can then the brand does Zika play corky top if she does you can cook a bit
[04:11:40] Yeah
[04:11:43] hate playing as the braum LG already have enough I would bang only have enough
[04:11:46] gauge that could be a good thing for them so I wonder what they want maybe
[04:11:49] Zyra actually maybe Zyra would be better yeah we only got that rail band by
[04:11:53] Waybo maybe see me is annoying but I think Zyra can be more annoying in the
[04:11:58] game-state where it's like really to bring to the table this time around
[04:12:01] okay then maybe that's Zyra is a bit more annoying as Tarzan plays Zyra
[04:12:05] showing plays Zyra well what well what he was played in their previous
[04:12:13] I think Cassante or Poppy Bannas good
[04:12:23] Nice and now on 4 what would I pick here?
[04:12:25] I would pick
[04:12:31] I think maybe N'R, I would pick on 4 here and then look for Brown, Leona on 5
[04:12:36] But they can get Leona for free
[04:12:39] Oh my god, Eke is disgusting here
[04:12:42] Yeah. Then there's Leona Brown, which is annoying. If I was Wave-O, I would just tank the Leona blind here, and I would play Leona Zyra, personally.
[04:12:54] Yeah, for sure I'd go Leona Zyra. You could go Rakan if you're scared of Brown, but they have Maokai. I don't like Rakan with Maokai.
[04:13:09] They are going to go Sedge. I don't like Sedge too much, but it's fine, like it's a tank. I think Zyra does better for fights.
[04:13:19] But Zyra does get a little bit outraged by Corky Jin.
[04:13:22] Set you on your walk. I mean it's Leona and Braum and Rakan really. There's nothing else.
[04:13:26] Braum is bad because they have Rakan.
[04:13:29] Rakan is bad because they can go Leona, and Leona is bad because they can go Braum, but which is best for the cons, is what you have to say basically, right?
[04:13:34] They're going to go Brown, so they're going to deny Brown from them and then M&G are going to play Rakan for them.
[04:13:40] They could play like Renata, but I think G-Renata, shit.
[04:13:43] So there was a trifecta of support there, right? It was Leona, Brown, Rakan, and your counter-attacks.
[04:13:48] Rakan counters Brown, Brown comes Leona, Renata comes Rakan.
[04:13:51] You just have to choose, but Brown, for them, it's not that good, because they're Jin, but it's really going to MF.
[04:13:58] And I think what they said was, if we pick Sedge, we can go Brown because we have a gauge already.
[04:14:04] She can not very easily catch him to clean him down.
[04:14:06] Chat, quick ads, you're back for game starts, you want to sub, big kiss you sub, and yeah, Mods drops the game back.
[04:14:14] I got Chat, my Stumber, what the fuck is wrong with my Stumber?
[04:14:34] They've got the tools to gift my head.
[04:14:35] Yeah solo AP, Maokai's head.
[04:14:37] I mean, Maokai's fine, but solo AP's head sucks, that's what I think is there, I could work that out.
[04:14:42] Very consistent of what it does.
[04:14:43] But a lot of people, yeah, they're like, oh my god, full AD comp, oh my god, full AP comp.
[04:14:49] Yo, Wave will gain an enjoy, thanks for the 15 gifted subs.
[04:14:54] Yo, thanks for the 15 gifted, my pup, my kerf.
[04:14:59] I appreciate that.
[04:15:01] I was also gonna say that.
[04:15:03] Yeah, everyone's talking about like, full AD, full AP, but to be honest, who can really build AD8, MR and armor, right?
[04:15:11] Like, in this case, the Maokai covers off quite a lot and can go Leanderies, which is fine.
[04:15:17] And in this case, who builds armor against him?
[04:15:20] Maokai is gonna go AP, Nara is gonna have Tabi's and maybe Rakanabit.
[04:15:25] Not that big of a deal.
[04:15:28] I mean, Smulder could go Leanderies if he wants.
[04:15:33] to get this team over the line. We're in game number two now. Let's see how those gyros...
[04:15:37] Herbal tea helps with stomach. Yeah I'm pounding Camomile's teas real hard.
[04:15:53] I need to put my phone on charge because it has 4%.
[04:15:55] There's a brome to pressure Weiwei into his jungle. This time around it's not going to be the case.
[04:16:08] Every single member is going to be guarding every entrance and exit of their jungle.
[04:16:12] So so far so good but my eyes in this particular game for waver gaming are going to be
[04:16:18] towards the box of the map and his fortune was banned out in game number one. Our light
[04:16:22] How's that in the sense?
[04:16:24] Yeah, just when you have the MF Rorm as a deer as well, it means you can protect the MF very well if you start jumping on top of it.
[04:16:29] Was Ivern Leona not good? Ivern was banned, my pup.
[04:16:32] Otherwise, yeah, Ivern would have gone kind of hard.
[04:16:37] Chat, do you want the bilibili stream?
[04:16:43] And if you remember back, not only the set that we've seen in the games and a lot of the back and forth, we've seen between these teams over time.
[04:16:49] We're just getting a little bit early level on there on bot side, but it really is that you're looking back at the track record of this Webo to you
[04:16:54] And this team wait, I could sync it up perfectly if you want
[04:16:57] We're literally in the world finals just a year ago
[04:17:00] So being able to try to hone that in and find what suggests that led to but this new iteration of LNG is so important
[04:17:06] I mean we would change the two in these new teams and the junglers crossing over but then you know last year was LNG
[04:17:12] Can I sync it up?
[04:17:13] And then they bombed out of worlds Webo bombed out of plows, but then they go to world finals
[04:17:16] I've just said there's a lot of weird kind of completely not connected things between these. I think it's not like I'd like to be a person of
[04:17:27] Hold up Chetan. Hold up.
[04:17:30] Let me sync it up. I'm gonna get you English cast with higher quality game. Hold up.
[04:17:52] end up seeing Tarzan here. There is a little bit of safety for LNG around the back side
[04:17:56] now. We're getting a little bit of a 1v1 in the top here with the NAR. Trying to get that
[04:18:00] mech NAR bar, but it is about the influence these two junglers are going to have early.
[04:18:04] We have seen Renekton's play around that NAR early and later into the game in mid
[04:18:07] game you're really- This, this scream keeps skipping. Hold up. Hold up. Let me sink
[04:18:12] it. I can sink it. I can sink it. I can sink it Chad. Hold up. I can sink it.
[04:18:20] He doesn't work, give me one minute, if it doesn't work, then we'll just go back to normal.
[04:18:38] Yeah, I can't. The Billy Billy stream keeps skipping forwards, I can't do it.
[04:18:54] I tried.
[04:18:56] But the quality is probably better this way, right?
[04:19:02] I can sink it. A man who can't sink it. Shut up.
[04:19:06] I don't think there's anything wrong with that
[04:19:08] We still have to watch the first round
[04:19:10] Who will be the first one to do that?
[04:19:12] Hopefully the quality on this stream is better
[04:19:14] We can slowly wait for Nautilus to get up
[04:19:16] And then we can slowly push the wave out
[04:19:18] Yeah, and then we can pull the wave
[04:19:20] Oh, you like watching that
[04:19:22] Nautilus is also under pressure
[04:19:24] He's being punished
[04:19:26] Nautilus is punished
[04:19:28] He's going forward and then he jumps one or two
[04:19:30] Yeah, I tried thinking of it on YouTube
[04:19:32] It didn't work
[04:19:34] Oh, big problems maybe. Tarzan's here, said 20 broms really strong.
[04:19:42] Shalas too far for this.
[04:19:46] Our NNG is just running away 2v3, they're so, I don't think any damages.
[04:19:52] I'm sure there's no such thing as a big tree.
[04:19:55] Yeah, these two guys are pretty good.
[04:19:58] On the left side, there's a female gun.
[04:20:00] There's not enough damage.
[04:20:02] And after this game, I'm going to shower.
[04:20:05] Because I have to offend me today.
[04:20:07] In two or three hours.
[04:20:09] And I think I stink.
[04:20:12] And they're going to smell me.
[04:20:13] And the rats are going to smell me.
[04:20:14] But what the fuck?
[04:20:16] What the fuck?
[04:20:18] I don't think anyone's going to turn up though.
[04:20:23] 6
[04:20:25] Do you want to wish for it?
[04:20:26] But ZK is almost 6, if ZK doesn't drop gold, he'll drop gold
[04:20:29] Wait, he's just dead on the tower or what?
[04:20:31] Oh, ZK kills him back maybe
[04:20:33] He's changed
[04:20:34] He's changed
[04:20:35] And he did drop a bit high
[04:20:38] Yes
[04:20:38] Plus, when ZK first started to move, the wave was gone
[04:20:42] So before he moved, he already used the A to warm up
[04:20:50] When ZK was about to use the A, he dropped gold
[04:20:53] Otherwise, he'd have to use the A to kill ZK
[04:20:54] Are you going to stream it? No
[04:20:57] I'm too awkward to do an IRL stream like interacting and it's crazy. This chat is just gonna be NPC spend
[04:21:08] Oh, if he jumped on Wellington's head and actually got the distance, maybe he could actually live baby. Oh
[04:21:13] No, we meant shower stream
[04:21:27] Who started the double AD carry meta? Riot came when they reworked Corki to be a bot laner, but then he became even stronger in mid.
[04:21:47] And then once Corki is meta, AD carries the counter because they bot pit items as well.
[04:21:51] as well. But they're gutting 80 carry items next patch. Like 80 carry items are getting
[04:22:04] fucked. They're nerfing BT, they're nerfing shield bow, they're nerfing fucking Doran's
[04:22:11] blade or some shit, they're going crazy. Fleet footwork, absorb life. They're buffing
[04:22:20] All major items how funny would it be if we get to worlds and worlds is double mage
[04:22:26] mage mid mage bot
[04:22:29] Ad carry meta on both roles all year, and then it's like rice top Victor mid zigzag ad
[04:22:37] Probably will never happen, but it's funny if it would that would be funny if it happened one day
[04:22:41] It's never gonna happen, but it would be funny
[04:23:31] I'll help you out, your favorite league. No, my favorite league is LCK.
[04:23:36] LCK bias, oh my god.
[04:24:00] Tarzan's just joining his red right next to him.
[04:24:02] And his top laner is basing. He's probably gonna get away with it.
[04:24:05] Nice punt. He doesn't even have upgraded smite.
[04:24:17] Nice flash.
[04:24:18] Yeah, that was a weird sequence because Tarzan invaded red.
[04:24:21] Weiwei saw the red was pulled and pinged Tarzan was here, so Korky fights mid and then he gets ganked by Sejuani.
[04:24:27] He wasn't actually doing the red, so...
[04:24:29] The play from Tarzan gave way way false information.
[04:24:31] The MF was strong, could have been a little bit better maybe but...
[04:24:55] Mods? Check his PC? How do you know that?
[04:25:00] and then went to the other side.
[04:25:02] This is a car lane.
[04:25:09] We're going to take care of it and then go home.
[04:25:11] Yeah, but LNG just changed it.
[04:25:13] You can see that after the first step of the flight,
[04:25:15] we're going down to pick up this lane.
[04:25:17] Then we're going to let the two teams go back home
[04:25:19] and go straight to the middle lane.
[04:25:20] Because there's a three-speed train,
[04:25:22] the speed of the middle lane is still very fast.
[04:25:24] So, Dazhu, come up here first
[04:25:25] and see if we can help.
[04:25:26] We're going to relieve some pressure.
[04:25:27] Cao Chong will be at the bottom in a few seconds.
[04:25:29] This round,
[04:25:30] on the two teams' dynamic,
[04:25:32] LNG is a little bit faster.
[04:25:34] And
[04:25:44] Says you only tried behind them they lose to the two
[04:26:01] Are they gonna fight this Herald
[04:26:06] What's the champion with the longest standing of never been balanced change in the patch?
[04:26:18] Archive on the Chris, he's got some scout is okay.
[04:26:22] Bro, Shaohu's doing it again, he's taking forever to TP.
[04:26:26] He's finally here, alright.
[04:26:30] Oh, the flash also Q'd and hit.
[04:26:35] Kill, sorry. The Jhin is just stinging them from the side.
[04:26:47] Light has no flash.
[04:26:48] Weiwei's behind him, but he has got cleansed.
[04:26:50] Breeds here too. Weiwei's in trouble.
[04:26:53] Ace rush maybe?
[04:26:54] He has to mount. Oh, Gala!
[04:26:55] Oh, Gala!
[04:26:57] Hello? Oh, the double up!
[04:26:59] They're all won! They're all won!
[04:27:00] Gartus, please! Gartus, where are you at, Kev?
[04:27:04] Oh, the W.
[04:27:06] Jesus, look at that!
[04:27:10] Are you kidding?
[04:27:12] That's a quadra kill for Kartus. I mean, gnar healed up a bit on the way for Tf3.
[04:27:21] Man, Xiaohu really needed to get in there earlier, I think.
[04:27:24] But it's fine, actually, maybe. I need to see the replay.
[04:27:27] LCS tonight? Yeah, yeah, LCS tonight.
[04:27:31] I might be late for LCS if it goes to 5 games today, because I'm gonna be in the stadium.
[04:27:39] But I'll try to get there in time.
[04:27:43] Like, Shahu is still... Okay, now he's keeping.
[04:27:48] What happened this fight? Jin was ulting from the side, and MF is gonna flash auto-Q here to try and finish N'R.
[04:27:54] But it doesn't kill, and the ult doesn't hit either, which would have killed as well.
[04:27:59] If that kills N'R, maybe the fight's a bit more playable.
[04:28:03] I don't know if he has presence of mind or triumph running.
[04:28:05] Oh, then, I mean, Sejuani wouldn't have died, right? And they would have just killed Rakan, or got Rakan's flash.
[04:28:10] And then, yeah, this would never have happened, yeah.
[04:28:14] Okay, so if Light played that fight a bit better, I think they would just win.
[04:28:30] Yes, he has W in 1 second, yes, W now.
[04:28:33] Oh my god.
[04:28:36] Couldn't get it off.
[04:28:42] That has no flash, but Weiwei is blocking the Sejuani.
[04:28:45] Mai is blocking my Weiwei, he's gonna die for example, but it's worth a scout lift.
[04:28:51] Or Brown tagged him.
[04:28:53] Sejuani Brown stuns forever, is he dead?
[04:28:55] Steelcaps, do you have steelcaps? I was like, what was that quirky damage on Smolder?
[04:29:00] What?
[04:29:07] I don't even have steelcaps, he has no boots.
[04:29:10] I'm so tanky.
[04:29:12] It was Tower Ramp? Was it? Okay.
[04:29:16] I thought it was just Corky QR auto.
[04:29:21] The smaller we get actually?
[04:29:51] Oh, he has W up. Now, let me E-scratch him.
[04:29:57] If I want to pull the car again, I'll have to wait for the other two who don't have a job to pull the car.
[04:30:03] But this wave of the bot lane is also very decisive.
[04:30:06] The two ice cubes of the team, plus the extra damage on the tower,
[04:30:10] will be used after the round 1, round 2, and round 3.
[04:30:15] I mean, I lost the tower shot as well.
[04:30:28] But this wave is a bit too much for WPG.
[04:30:32] You're already in the two lanes.
[04:30:34] You're in the second half of the round.
[04:30:35] Yeah, the U-Bing is a little bit more than the last game.
[04:30:42] The last game was a long time long, but the last game was a normal game.
[04:30:51] But the normal game was in a very tight situation, and the game could have been out of 225.
[04:30:57] Yes.
[04:31:18] Nice move for the wave.
[04:31:24] This is not Twitch chat, it's an assignment.
[04:31:26] Yeah, Xiaohu's struggling, but he's playing smaller, so it's probably fine.
[04:31:45] All the stacks are on the left shatter man.
[04:31:49] 1-3-3.
[04:32:11] I can't see the rats on X anymore when you can't see the rats on X.
[04:32:15] It's still there. It's still there.
[04:32:17] He's still there.
[04:32:18] Very good.
[04:32:30] Breaking 40.
[04:32:32] I mean, if I didn't get the strafe, it's...
[04:32:37] It's a horror. I mean, Jin, Corki, Malkai.
[04:32:40] As long as they're there first.
[04:32:42] Full setup. Saplings, Jin W's, traps.
[04:32:47] Yeah, they should have set up fortress bot push.
[04:32:52] Scout is also waiting to push out bot, he's waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting.
[04:32:55] He pushed it up now.
[04:32:57] Oh, a greeting for this wave is crazy, but for...
[04:33:03] He's gonna put Smolder on the tier 2.
[04:33:05] Yeah, they set up for LNG is so much better.
[04:33:17] Rala having the face check that push like that is not optimal. I don't know why he did that to...
[04:33:27] Rala who's giving up a bot wave.
[04:33:30] Herald mid.
[04:33:44] Nara's a little bit chunked. Jin traps and saplings should hurt a little bit here.
[04:33:50] Oh, it's so annoying to face Shrek in face, but they don't actually have that much shit on the ground.
[04:33:56] Running to TP, Corky TP. They're trying to turn onto Running to Xizin in their jungle.
[04:34:01] Oh, the flash from W was good. You should die.
[04:34:09] I don't know, he just gave it to me
[04:34:11] And now ZK is just getting bigger, he can just go back to the main team
[04:34:15] How do you get this team?
[04:34:17] I feel like it's going to be so good
[04:34:20] I like ZK's position here
[04:34:23] It's kind of force his waybo to go up a bit
[04:34:25] But only 4 people WP, few of them still have the risk
[04:34:29] The small one is on the front
[04:34:30] The MF has ult
[04:34:31] But no one can enter the scene
[04:34:33] The MF has ult
[04:34:34] The main team is going to go
[04:34:36] Where's the metal it's gonna go? It doesn't really have any on the cc
[04:34:42] I can't flash w miss. Oh, it hit light
[04:34:45] Oh the W the Q doesn't push them back Zika's cooking them. Yes flash. Oh, he flashed already
[04:34:54] You should die as well
[04:34:57] Embarrased up in five seconds. It's perfect. The Zika positioning was so good
[04:35:01] I told you like jumping over that dragon pit was so so good because essentially like
[04:35:06] How do I draw it? Dragon Pit is here. This is mid lane brush and Zika jumps over to go here, so when they're here, they can either run up into their jungle or they can run out while Zika is hitting them and stopping them from getting to mid.
[04:35:24] So, Zika's positioning was so so good. Also, STP by Reid got spotted, because I think the ward was in tower range or something, or I think Scout maybe saw it as he was TPing. Mega good turn on to Reid, ever called off Drake among the runnigians.
[04:35:42] So, watch what I mean when I say Zika jumped. So, he's here, right? So, now where do they run? They can only play up here, and go into their jungle to run away, or they can run away this way while Zika can like hit them here, you know?
[04:35:54] Zika is so annoying. How do you mark this now? Look at him. He's so frustrated. Look at him.
[04:36:08] I think they're really well.
[04:36:11] Pretty nice.
[04:36:24] It's really rough to play against Mountain Soulpoint.
[04:36:56] It's not good for Fahri.
[04:36:58] He can get 2v5 in the first 20 minutes.
[04:37:03] He still has a lot of damage.
[04:37:05] He still has 45% of damage.
[04:37:07] 40% of damage.
[04:37:10] It's hard.
[04:37:11] The main thing is that time is standing in his team.
[04:37:14] No matter if he continues to push Dragon Soul in the next round,
[04:37:17] or if there is a advantage between the two lines,
[04:37:19] he has to think of a way to make Fahri come to the team.
[04:37:23] Yep, that's Renekton looks super vegan.
[04:37:34] Shut up.
[04:37:36] Oh, Chatnill, I'm excited for.
[04:37:55] I'm excited for Pickens
[04:38:20] Black shield guy
[04:38:22] And Renmin's Merciculli guy, same time, what the fuck?
[04:38:34] I think this is a bit harsh for the team. This is really hard. Because the most important thing for the team is not to lose the space.
[04:38:48] Now Narm is on his face. He can't handle it.
[04:38:52] Yeah, Jin has IE soon.
[04:38:54] I don't know what to do with him, but except for the purple dragon, who else can he kill?
[04:38:59] Plus, he's very sensitive.
[04:39:01] Corki is based on Rapid Fire maybe?
[04:39:04] 30 seconds on Drake.
[04:39:08] Yeah, Rapid Fire, Corki.
[04:39:12] Smolders only on 206 at 24 minutes, this smolder is fucking useless.
[04:39:17] Someone find the time with him.
[04:39:19] We need a polymerization on this baby dragon.
[04:39:24] 206, he's not gonna get it for his soul.
[04:39:37] They're losing top tier 2, they're not gonna lose it on this wave though.
[04:39:40] Braum is one-taped.
[04:39:44] Good engage by Hong, really good engage.
[04:39:47] It's all over the place. Energy, murder them.
[04:39:50] Scout a bit deep, but it's fine I think.
[04:39:58] Nice fight.
[04:40:00] Nice fight. Yeah, Hong's engage for me was great there.
[04:40:05] Fantastic engage by the Rakan.
[04:40:07] Rakan smurfed it, I think.
[04:40:15] The smolder just never hit a breakpoint.
[04:40:19] I know they highlighted Gala because he got a triple, but I think Hong just played the side perfectly.
[04:40:30] It's definitely not going to be opened. You just have to poke it.
[04:40:32] Braum takes a lot of damage. What does he die to? Is it Jinot?
[04:40:42] Nope, he just dashed in against one shot. Was there a GQ bounce shot?
[04:40:46] Our Huns engage us right there.
[04:40:50] He just spit them up a bit too much.
[04:41:02] Mountain sold. Energy win this game. Easy mode.
[04:41:08] I'm almost gonna die. Oh, I found a nice double tromp, Crisp said again. But Gala's gonna die. Hold up.
[04:41:29] Zika cooks here. Zika cooks hardcore. Nice, nice one.
[04:41:37] This caster has really good like breath control, random thought. He fucking goes, man.
[04:41:48] He's insane as caster. He like spits for like 30 seconds straight.
[04:41:54] He's crazy.
[04:42:01] He's the best class in the LPL, is it Teddy?
[04:42:12] Yeah, Baron's gone.
[04:42:21] Tarzan might die here as well. Looks dead. Rapid fire again. Zika's fucking sending it.
[04:42:53] Nice game by Zika. Very nice game by Zika. As much as Skelton and Gala have very nice
[04:43:02] I think Zika and Hung had a really good game.
[04:43:15] Top support played very well.
[04:43:21] How did Wave make the finals?
[04:43:23] Are they about to go 0-6 in two days?
[04:43:27] What the fuck is this?
[04:43:32] What the fuck is this?
[04:43:58] Look at PCS meanwhile
[04:44:02] What's going on in PCS, my little pup? What's happening?
[04:44:06] He says, look at PCSXDD, you know something degenerates going on, what is it?
[04:44:16] This is SHG vs FACT, what is this? Winner goes to Worlds?
[04:44:21] Yo, fuck off with the UFRAWD messages.
[04:44:36] Boris got it, Kiwing's sending it, pretend he was just dashed in over the wall against Poppy, flashed out
[04:44:42] Kiwing has no flash, oh the Rook's from the Ivern, I pretend I went back in the pit by accident I think
[04:44:48] They don't have vision on him though, the push, Jinult's looking for Zyra, no way he hits right there
[04:44:54] OUCH! He just dashed in the galley, he was just dashed out of the way
[04:44:58] Oh my god
[04:45:00] Oh Jesus
[04:45:08] That was a good fight there, it was funny because Jerry E's over the wall, gets Poppy stunned,
[04:45:18] flashes out, and then gets sucked by him by the Ivern Q onto DMF.
[04:45:23] Or onto the Lucian, sorry.
[04:45:36] Look at this, look at this. Good reactions from Thoris realising his top laner is in.
[04:45:44] Oh shit. What? Whoa whoa whoa. What? Wait, that hit. That hit.
[04:46:58] I think that hits by the way are you kidding really really are you kidding
[04:47:21] high ground low ground has to be ridiculous that is crazy that is absurd
[04:47:32] man flash I wing and he has warmogs but he won't have that health activation so
[04:47:38] this is a nice chunk he flashed yeah but the skill shot already went through
[04:47:41] him what does it lead to looks like maybe the mid tower Ken Walker get there
[04:47:45] doesn't seem like it. Yeah, honestly, a really clean sequence from SoftBank using Gemini being out of
[04:47:50] position. Maybe it's a spectator bug, maybe, but I doubt it because the replay was the exact same.
[04:47:56] You can say it's a spectator bug, but the replay of the fight is the exact same.
[04:48:05] This is the replay, look.
[04:48:06] The exact same though.
[04:48:16] Probably this high ground, low ground I guess.
[04:48:26] I guess it missed.
[04:48:32] But I'm not gonna be able to find the way back, but yeah the amount of damage that just came out was extremely scary
[04:48:37] That is gonna cost teleport out of Dasher as well if the flash was used to there. So
[04:48:42] This horrendous
[04:48:45] does
[04:48:46] We'll be able to find pretend ever nice. Yeah, really that's yeah
[04:48:51] Tender is in no trouble without the poppy being able to get on to him
[04:48:56] We're kind of looking for pretenders
[04:48:58] It wasn't the same for replay, which I mean, it wasn't the same, it was the exact same.
[04:49:01] Got good frontline in the Alistar, and Jiang and Waco, in terms of relative power, definitely weaker than the Zerry.
[04:49:10] Am I getting one guide?
[04:49:12] Well, Waco and Jiang only working on their second.
[04:49:17] The replay looked even worse.
[04:49:20] The replay looked even worse, my guy.
[04:49:25] dash her and then watch every dash out from in front of his junk that looks
[04:49:32] even worse no here look how far the bullet goes through I feel like Zyra
[04:49:38] hitbox that should hit is that a miss on Zyra hitbox really that's a miss that's
[04:49:45] at least her right finger that's the fucking middle finger on her right hand
[04:49:48] you're in force for a splash out that's her middle finger on her right
[04:49:55] and I'm sure of it.
[04:50:04] The Jalliol is so strong to help him.
[04:50:09] Eddie's doing work.
[04:50:11] They're finally going to get the Zyra and the Zyra is still alive.
[04:50:18] What?!
[04:50:19] Coyne just getting dragged around, he's trying to use that route that comes through from Gemini to find more damage and Waco
[04:50:25] Waco's gonna get CC'd, ah, put the fantastic bullet time, but not enough to get one of the kills to make it rain so many outlaw health bars
[04:50:32] But only one bullet in the chamber can Waco do anything that doesn't seem like it
[04:50:38] Again, so much damage to come through, but just not enough
[04:50:42] Abbie playing his fucking Galio Topper
[04:50:46] They outplayed the fight for tender gets baited in he thinks he can one shot this as Ira
[04:50:50] But they turn around immaculately on to him and once this there he goes down and the rumble alters down for young
[04:50:56] There is just not enough damage coming out of the student
[04:50:59] They're mostly to facilitate
[04:51:02] Probably the first time this game he's used cleanse, but he does use it now
[04:51:06] Well that guy's probably not dying
[04:51:09] I mean he's gonna half-ace for you now
[04:51:10] He's turning it around and he's trying to find any damage that he's done here
[04:51:14] maybe this flash though all the gym foreshots with the rumbly andries yet
[04:51:19] flash up everybody couldn't really flash there oh my god pretend oh my god
[04:51:24] like the full fire is that holy shit oh no he got knocked up all the days he's
[04:51:29] thinking is he's always thought that nice rumble sniper
[04:51:44] enough damage to Frank that they won't be castors are good yeah the castors are
[04:51:47] really good just losing the game on the spot there
[04:51:52] oh my god I thought the fight was over but how wrong I was team fight in
[04:51:59] castle it's nice so much value out of the Ivern on that dive observer Smurf to
[04:52:04] we'll have to rewatch that fight I don't even know what happened
[04:52:07] heavy just tepees in finds himself surrounded by four people do your best
[04:52:11] super galaxy rumble voice no no oh pretend they're miss one of the cues
[04:52:37] I thought about it, but I'm not doing it.
[04:52:40] Sniper.
[04:52:41] Yeah, he knew junglers to jungle syndrome.
[04:52:43] I'm on HP.
[04:52:44] I could base, but I could also farm my raptors.
[04:52:47] Oh shit, we're back.
[04:52:53] Hyperflame, Spitter!
[04:52:57] No, I'm not doing it, shut up!
[04:53:05] Fuck off!
[04:53:07] Shut up
[04:53:16] Oh my god
[04:53:36] Bro you know what happened yesterday?
[04:53:39] Someone came up to me
[04:53:45] Oh my god
[04:54:00] Someone came up to me and I asked for a picture
[04:54:02] I was like, yeah sure man
[04:54:03] And then we sent the picture and he was like
[04:54:04] Yo man, I love watching the streams
[04:54:05] I like to watch on the TV
[04:54:06] I'm like, oh that's cool
[04:54:07] Oh that's cool, it's like yeah my mum always gets mad because you swear a lot, I was like what do you mean, he's like
[04:54:11] Yeah my mum tells me I have to turn your sheep off all the time because all you do is swear
[04:54:15] And I'm like bro, what the fuck, no I don't
[04:54:23] Am I bad influence really?
[04:54:29] You just did
[04:54:31] Maybe by the time that flash getting ever closer to get another stair coming through from mark
[04:54:37] I don't think fuck this way, but he's not really taking all that much damage
[04:54:41] Maybe it is one and a half item on this Gallio
[04:54:45] Does a heavy and he still just looks so tanky
[04:54:48] Thank her really I swear I use that word too much this baron, but they will take a recall now
[04:54:52] Look at all these pinkboards for a I don't say fuck that much. They're still sacrificing. I say hell
[04:54:58] Right
[04:55:01] draw gonna be aware that the tempo is gonna be in favor of Frank although
[04:55:08] Tim did just teleported bar. Yeah, they can just hit us
[04:55:11] He will be quick to get there equalizer can come with this year forcing Nash
[04:55:15] you to sit in that pit against the equalizer each I'm gonna use it immediately and look at the damage
[04:55:19] It's gonna do marble burning forest burning route connecting walk over and generally use it a bit
[04:55:25] I'm against taking force able to get that Baron and now can they make it out at least one person's going down
[04:55:30] That's mr. And pretend is found as well in the back line through comes w won't connect though
[04:55:34] And how do we find these last two members?
[04:55:37] There's four members alive. It's a 4v5 but barren buff for soft bank
[04:55:40] They have to navigate this phenomenally heavy standing at the front trying to tank up
[04:55:46] It's
[04:55:50] Time takes up
[04:55:53] Take that anybody here as entrance gets them out and coming
[04:55:55] What it's me he is
[04:56:16] He sounds like a don't cast her he does sound like a don't a caster doesn't he soft bank so far
[04:56:21] They're probably losing this dragon too. I don't know what that is
[04:56:26] Now I can imagine his voice over a delta game
[04:56:30] And it's Frank they're only up a small amount of gold but they're up a lot of tempo a lot of money
[04:56:35] I could imagine his voice in this top tower over like a quarter to be in a delta by Jim and I'll be joined by Jung and Kylian
[04:56:42] Well, this game is completely degenerate as fuck. I could have just tried to get some members out and sacrifice the rest
[04:56:48] They end up sacrificing everyone because they try to take the team fight this game is complete illness
[04:56:52] What is this they get Nash they sacrifice Vista, but then they run away
[04:56:57] They gotta go up here somehow for a fight rumble is blocking them on the side of soft bank
[04:57:04] But they just have the confidence run out. Oh, I guess rumble with flash on them. Yeah, it's kind of fuck
[04:57:09] Bill's I mean Zerry in said and they still lose with a very
[04:57:12] Serious mega trolling here. Look at very completely trolling, but they still lose?
[04:57:21] Waco, hook them all.
[04:57:32] Oh, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble.
[04:57:38] My god, he almost broke his phone. Yo, yo, yo.
[04:57:42] it feels like Waco's damage in that fight. Yeah. This is a gym that's kind of behind the rest of the
[04:57:49] map in terms of gold as well. Probably not anymore. I'm just... quite rich now with Waco B,
[04:57:57] 7 and 0. Yeah, still very strong carries on the side of Softbank. This essentially just gets...
[04:58:04] Say turbo shock rockets? No, I'm not doing that. They can fight
[04:58:08] on even footing with these carries. Look at these Ivern items too.
[04:58:11] Gemini caught up.
[04:58:14] Gemini just doing a great job of allowing Khaiming to walk in and all take damage.
[04:58:20] Thanks to that trigger steed.
[04:58:25] I don't know what we're fighting for.
[04:58:27] But it seems like it's time to fight.
[04:58:30] Yeah, there's no dragon, there's no Baron buff up anymore for...
[04:58:34] ...softbanks, so...
[04:58:37] ...kind of just araming.
[04:58:39] We're kind of just araming.
[04:58:41] PCS araming is still hard though.
[04:58:44] Yeah, it doesn't have flash on the Alistar
[04:58:47] Right get position off of the tower though. Let's go a beat. Look him
[04:58:53] Yo yo yo double flash or what was that?
[04:58:57] Carling
[04:59:04] Jim's big problem for fact
[04:59:07] What is that poppy just saw?
[04:59:09] The bullet time is good, but it's gonna be run away from
[04:59:14] Couldn't call even as actually coming out if he if he just walked back in
[04:59:18] If he's just walked in and being claimed. I mean walk who just gets an absolute freebie there
[04:59:23] Yeah, Evie's Evie's panic altered onto force. They're thinking for us was in more trouble than he was I think
[04:59:29] Frank glad the kill W hit easy over there trying to solo kill out forest is
[04:59:34] rest of Frank here working on his mid tower
[04:59:37] who were able to claim it
[04:59:38] for us very low in own manner
[04:59:40] this Ivern is feeling really difficult for soft bank to deal with
[04:59:44] what the fuck is he up here on you?
[04:59:48] it's up a tower and somehow from nothing
[04:59:51] it's two towers two tier two towers picked up for Frank out of nowhere
[04:59:54] massive injections of gold and now approaching
[04:59:59] 32 and a half minutes still
[05:00:03] It is going to be SoftBank. They're on SoulPoint. They can absolutely win this game.
[05:00:06] It's only a 3k gold lead. It's nothing substantial at this stage.
[05:00:10] Yes, so far into the game. It barely matters.
[05:00:12] Help yourselves.
[05:00:14] Waku just picked up an Infinity Edge.
[05:00:15] No, they're not!
[05:00:16] Yep. He is the target for the side of SoftBank.
[05:00:20] They don't have all that great backline access.
[05:00:22] They kind of want to front to back though on the side of SoftBank.
[05:00:26] Yeah, I mean, 4 item, Jin.
[05:00:28] At this stage, probably going to be able to make some good work on even Evie.
[05:00:33] Yeah, he only has one armor item and a couple cloth armors.
[05:00:37] 140 CS at 33 minutes.
[05:00:40] Pretender as well noting that he is on the weak side of the map, but maybe it's a little bit too late.
[05:00:45] He actually walked off and then ended up walking back.
[05:00:49] Maybe they're not going to find him.
[05:00:50] It will just be this tower going down.
[05:00:53] Yeah, finally.
[05:00:53] The team's turret just got destroyed.
[05:00:55] It felt like they've been in control for a lot of this game.
[05:00:59] Finally, getting the solution into the side.
[05:01:01] kind of a weakness of not going to play the room cake is just how much better
[05:01:04] this area has been on the sidelines
[05:01:07] stop saying NPC shut up
[05:01:09] oh my god more than on the con no way
[05:01:12] more less more reminder doesn't feel super necessary
[05:01:15] and it also looks like we're getting bramble vist
[05:01:19] oh my god I hope it's a frozen heart
[05:01:23] all for anyone that would be bad
[05:01:25] I mean it doesn't look like it does that it's hard to tell though because
[05:01:32] Blamo Torpedo
[05:01:48] Flash rate is fine, but there is a level 16 rumble on my screen
[05:01:52] He's about to press R and click with what an Anastar flash combo onto MF
[05:01:55] I can see it. This guy's a block this flash combo onto MF
[05:01:58] Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay
[05:02:02] But he gets out he managed to find out the
[05:02:03] Where is Kanna's Dark Humble?
[05:02:04] He just ulted them, perh
[05:02:05] And now he's in trouble
[05:02:06] Evie has no way out
[05:02:07] He's cancelled his heroes entrance
[05:02:08] Won't be able to go through
[05:02:09] And Vista's solo
[05:02:10] And Gemini lands yet another root
[05:02:13] Marvel's got clenched for one reason
[05:02:15] One reason only is that
[05:02:16] Pretender's low
[05:02:17] For the full of time
[05:02:18] He's able to get away
[05:02:19] And that's Adobe and Waco
[05:02:21] He's so low as well
[05:02:22] Dash is gonna be able to get this gen
[05:02:24] One more
[05:02:25] And Blaze will do it
[05:02:27] And Pretender and Gemini
[05:02:29] They are out of sight of the map
[05:02:32] They've got to try and find a way out. I think I said she was too national, but it's not very early going
[05:02:37] Pretender he gets over the wall and should be baron do Baron
[05:02:40] I would get a little bit in that fight immediately, but it's a puppy all time
[05:02:45] Oh the E flash hits
[05:02:46] Oh, he finds time and time again
[05:02:49] Pretender still going. Pretender's not going down. He manages to get out, but how is he getting health back?
[05:02:55] There's no way to John 10 seconds. No way Gemini feels this. No way
[05:02:59] if you're gonna bless good way he can do it again no he's not he's not gonna try
[05:03:02] he's gonna die actually from Eddie's SSG was won the game they get mashed as well
[05:03:06] so they were able to claim a kill onto the jungle of the fake a yeah and they
[05:03:10] still have the lead on Frank but it feels like the game is completely fallen
[05:03:13] apart for them now Waco lost both his summoners in that fight Gemini had
[05:03:18] to spend that fight protecting pretender and that's GG for SSG
[05:03:21] Yo, someone said LPL on draft-
[05:03:24] Fucking-
[05:03:25] Frank, now where does this TP come out?
[05:03:28] Yeah, it's right behind Gemini. I think he had to just go for the Suicide Seal or not.
[05:03:34] Because now up against this Hextech dragon, Rapid Fire can then pick up for both the ADCs as well as the Zyra, they- all these champs use it so well.
[05:03:42] Now the game just got 10 times harder.
[05:03:46] Waco, he lost cleanse, but now he has a QSS.
[05:03:48] I swear to God, Evie has not hit a minion for 10 minutes.
[05:03:53] I've been watching the CS number on the Galio all game, but he doesn't need them
[05:03:59] He doesn't need the creeps on the Galio apparently. That's right, he's feeling good
[05:04:04] Yeah, looking like it should just be a soft bank win now
[05:04:07] We're kind of riding the game off because of how strong the Hextech solo is you'll see in a second
[05:04:11] Once the Zyra gets some plants set up why this is so...
[05:04:14] and teacher will be we're not
[05:04:21] 140cx evi wait, yeah, she has 140cx on gallium
[05:04:26] Yeah, what he has actually in Draft now the Alistar. I'm not actually I haven't looked but it's usually the build
[05:04:32] Have he's gonna get the way then the rest of soft bank on the bot wave
[05:04:38] Just you're gonna teleport down. They have Baron still for a minute and a half
[05:04:41] This will be at least this tower going down for certain
[05:04:44] What more can they get though is what needs to be answered
[05:04:49] Yeah, they're looking for more evi's wave
[05:04:53] Looks like it's up in a crash in time. I
[05:04:56] Can't believe Evie has a hundred and forty CS that's crazy delay this mini wave. What a massive mini wave
[05:05:00] It is all we've landed nice route on the forest is half HP. I mean ssg
[05:05:04] Can't lose some unloose blue with xx all no cap actual no
[05:05:08] Massive wave the wave almost takes the tower by itself
[05:05:11] self and he's getting the top way then okay we made it
[05:05:24] are we gonna first pick maokai or are we gonna keep trolling denny
[05:05:28] are you gonna ban ivern
[05:05:34] go back i feel like b1 should be a lot more competitive than just the right
[05:05:37] The game's over, cunt
[05:05:42] Go back, go back, go back
[05:05:46] It's over
[05:05:53] I told you it was Jover
[05:05:55] They banned the Malkai
[05:05:58] Why?
[05:05:59] Are they first picking?
[05:06:01] Oh my god, they're first picking Corki
[05:06:04] oh my god I mean scout it's time for a Zerry Smolder or a time for Smolder
[05:06:13] something Zerry Ivory now Tarzan has to go
[05:06:23] nidally or it's lost he has to go nidally nidally brand or some shit
[05:06:36] matchup between these teams I think there was only one game where but in the last
[05:06:41] best of five in front of five and then the two well now three grass here well
[05:06:45] I even wasn't picked right now yeah I snooze them in a double AD carry
[05:06:50] Cannon you need to lock invite anybody you got a lock in the vise
[05:06:56] What the hell you're gonna play cannon will you?
[05:06:59] Mods mods mods mods mods
[05:07:04] Mods
[05:07:07] No, not snooze. I said snooze snooze snooze the ads
[05:07:12] cannon Zyra
[05:07:15] Oh
[05:07:18] My god, okay, I'm a better
[05:07:21] Alright, is it just small down on three? You could play Jace on three actually if Zika's feeling himself.
[05:07:31] A Jace game would be quite nice.
[05:07:34] Oh yeah, he played Ryze, but I don't like it.
[05:07:37] F-MF, Kennen, Corky, just play Jace.
[05:07:40] Or just pick Rel, or pick Smulder, or pick Jhin.
[05:07:45] Yeah! Hell yeah!
[05:07:51] Bro, ban Vi and stop engage support.
[05:07:56] Ban Vi ban Rel, LNG chilling.
[05:07:59] What does Waybo ban?
[05:08:03] You could ban his Ryze, you could ban his Jace.
[05:08:06] Hello Mr. Kodrel, I'm an elderly man trying to sleep in the Mario Bomb Boy hotel room.
[05:08:12] Brown ban, Bas.
[05:08:13] Bas for an brown ban is Dustin.
[05:08:17] That's what I want to look at.
[05:08:18] Is my phone charging?
[05:08:19] Yeah, this 89% DOCAP.
[05:08:21] Did they buff chargers on the recent patch?
[05:08:22] How do they charge my phone quicker?
[05:08:24] On the other side, you need to have some consistency here
[05:08:27] to deny maybe some of those pieces here,
[05:08:29] and have something that you can rely on.
[05:08:32] Nasus.
[05:08:33] Oh yeah, Nasus into Kennen.
[05:08:35] I forgot about that.
[05:08:36] They have a very big Ivan-efficient Nato with his hero
[05:08:39] in the studio.
[05:08:40] Jamada loves that champion.
[05:08:42] And he gave us a playlist in terms of the best picks
[05:08:44] to play with Ivan.
[05:08:45] So the best is Nautilus.
[05:08:46] Then you have Alistair and then you have Leona.
[05:08:48] Your battery is getting weaker.
[05:08:49] You have a mega chance with the Ivan and of course all of them are still available.
[05:08:52] Yeah, chat's crazy.
[05:08:53] You've been buying your phone one week, you don't have to charge it, and then you have
[05:08:56] to charge it every two hours every one year, it's crazy.
[05:09:00] Now they can get themselves one of their choice melee supports on 4 if they really
[05:09:03] want to be one snap that up early, but they can also just save them on some last
[05:09:06] pick as well, try and get a pseudo spot.
[05:09:08] It's not going to be as much of the support kind of bit without that one, but you
[05:09:10] can do something with it.
[05:09:11] I mean, doesn't Weibo have a free, I mean, actually they have to pick, I think
[05:09:15] what happens here?
[05:09:16] It's a bit old, but I think Leona has to be taken here.
[05:09:20] Okay, well...
[05:09:22] Okay, um...
[05:09:24] I mean, Top gets picked then.
[05:09:26] I like Jace.
[05:09:27] I do like Jace, Jin.
[05:09:29] But you are gonna like AP, don't pick Erelia.
[05:09:33] Something...
[05:09:34] What do you do here? Do you do Nautless Alistar?
[05:09:39] And then what? Nautless Alistar plus...
[05:09:42] Vi? Is that it?
[05:09:44] Something about their comp just seems strange.
[05:09:49] Something about their comp seems strange.
[05:09:54] I don't really like it.
[05:10:02] What is it about their comp that seems strange?
[05:10:06] Maybe Rakan is better.
[05:10:08] No, it's not.
[05:10:10] I don't like Liliya.
[05:10:12] I don't like Liliya if you're playing Kennen.
[05:10:15] What are you playing Lillian Northless?
[05:10:22] I think Poppy supports maybe looks quite good here and they have to pick Alistar right otherwise if they play Alistar on 5
[05:10:28] They're not it's a bit of annoying to knock into cannon
[05:10:39] What's gonna honk cooking support here his rock on last game was great, but rock on into Alistar is a bit annoying
[05:10:51] final pick is going to end up being he's gonna go for it again all right fair enough
[05:10:54] champ ads are gonna run real quick you can sub to avoid them we don't have to
[05:10:58] stop if you don't want to and I'll see you in a second
[05:11:01] big kiss
[05:11:02] look at both the flavors here for the teams they suit them so well
[05:11:05] Waple Gaming is all in Wombok GoBos LNG is like we're rating we're good we have
[05:11:09] shields we have shields we have daisy we have tanks we have online we've got so much
[05:11:13] rating in genus well come on us we will be ready for you and it has been the
[05:11:16] name of the game for LNG you're the better team you might as well
[05:11:19] I'll scale into that late game and wait for the opponent team to engage in you.
[05:11:22] I know I'd be a rattling through those points, it's like, can we just...
[05:11:25] I'm gonna OP real quick one sec. Hold up, I'll OP real quick one sec.
[05:11:28] Sure, awesome tank, that sounds awesome.
[05:11:29] What, are we missing some damage? Yeah?
[05:11:31] Yeah.
[05:11:32] Put that in there so that the Zerry...
[05:11:34] I'm gonna put it on the shopping list.
[05:11:35] LNG comes together with, again, a really good front-to-back style of team comp.
[05:11:39] They can play it a little slower.
[05:11:40] The Ivan has been very, very powerful for them.
[05:11:43] Wabo have been terrified of the Ivan.
[05:11:45] They have banded away at almost every opportunity over the last now.
[05:11:48] 8 drafts they have played against them.
[05:11:50] Webber do have some power of their own.
[05:11:51] I'd like for Lillian misfortune.
[05:11:53] But look at LNG's draft.
[05:11:54] That is scary.
[05:11:55] Absolutely.
[05:11:56] If they scale into their leg game,
[05:11:57] they have the chance to take over with all the shields
[05:12:00] and peeling that they have.
[05:12:01] However, the thing that brings the alarm for me
[05:12:03] for Webber gaming, it's a sudden oversimplified composition.
[05:12:07] Everyone press your R's at the same time
[05:12:09] when the entire series, they couldn't have five people
[05:12:11] on the same screen.
[05:12:14] You're setting yourself up for either success or failure
[05:12:17] here.
[05:12:17] It is a double elimination bracket here in regional qualifiers.
[05:12:20] Wave will not be done if they lose here,
[05:12:23] but to lose six games in a row, six meaningful games
[05:12:28] with a world ticket on the line,
[05:12:32] it cannot be the way that this Wave goes down.
[05:12:35] It is all about coming back in this series,
[05:12:37] finding some life for a team that looks so defeated
[05:12:40] as we get into game three.
[05:12:41] Let's hear those gyos roar.
[05:12:44] Getting into it now,
[05:13:03] we're actually gonna see a little bit of a level one
[05:13:05] I'm actually set up on the top side of the map, but I'm just trying to find a way to protect myself.
[05:13:11] So I've been all over the world.
[05:13:13] In case you want to go for a show.
[05:13:15] It's a big thing when you're in a ranged top lane.
[05:13:17] Getting in a ranged top lane, a student side of brush, it's really, really good.
[05:13:21] It's a Galaxy Combo Breaker.
[05:13:23] They all go attack you, they hop back into the brush and they drop many naggers.
[05:13:25] You see there's a lot when you have stuff like Jays lanes or Cannon lanes like this.
[05:13:29] Someone will get into the house and put that on.
[05:13:31] Also it's a lot of the safety for the melee top laner as well, right?
[05:13:34] You get to dip into the fog of war, get that last hit, deep back out again, especially since it's going to have a rage on to you.
[05:13:39] Pepper Painters!
[05:13:40] Double-edged sword in favor of a group right there.
[05:13:43] Do you know what, though?
[05:13:45] I thought you were going to see double-edged sword.
[05:13:46] Read the donos? Oh yeah, the donos are disabled, Makka.
[05:13:51] Let me check.
[05:13:52] I've chosen to go with the flash, trying to make the place.
[05:13:54] There are so many carries on the set of Wablegaming, so if you dust favor,
[05:13:58] being able to get into the backline, get into this behind.
[05:14:00] Didn't wash your hands, no I didn't.
[05:14:02] No what?
[05:14:06] Although the donation he says, hello Cajal, it is your champion that made you famous, Mildrar.
[05:14:10] I heard you were doing voice lines since you dissapeamed my name by canceeing my list.
[05:14:14] I requested your entrance.
[05:14:16] One of my voice lines, thanks.
[05:14:25] Someone says, look at Lahens Braum stats, that's why he didn't pick Braum and picked Blitz.
[05:14:29] Importantly
[05:14:35] What's wrong with these bromsets on the bed
[05:14:38] We hung flash water about the creeper a miles of our voice line
[05:14:43] I
[05:14:46] Don't know a miles of our voice line. What is the mouth of our voice line? It's snooze. No, it's not snooze
[05:14:50] It's a cover for a coffee cup
[05:14:54] On that first player already set up one mark on that blue buff is like see that green dot on the mini map
[05:14:58] That means that his passive is ready on that one. He can also be towards what side we might be setting up
[05:15:02] 3v3 in the next minute or so we'll see how the waves look to help with that with a flash on Chris and no not on hung
[05:15:09] That might be the target
[05:15:11] You know what Ivan has almost no counters a few a few people I've heard here. They're like gaziks
[05:15:16] Maybe he's just a jobless jungler. He's a jobless jungler. He doesn't have to spend the time in the jungle
[05:15:23] He gets to move around the map set down visa potentially look for a fort died
[05:15:28] I believe in our ways
[05:15:29] right now in the mid lane just threatening them up constantly putting down the brushes
[05:15:33] enabling his laners hey maybe being a jobless jungler is a good thing
[05:15:37] i like how you look at like his you know his tree tree man brethren of uh malchite hang on christ
[05:15:41] again i'm just afraid that flash's combo and nothing about it is just a little gin not a lot of
[05:15:47] mobility but unfortunately not able to follow up much damage there towards and did show his
[05:15:50] face here weiwei was sneaking around robless jungler looks like pentro wondering about the
[05:15:55] realize the threat of that place they don't leave themselves a easy kind of options now if
[05:15:59] We're fighting over the bot scuffle way. We see a Hong say better. Remember Hong no flash. No exhaust will definitely hurt
[05:16:04] Yeah, they want to try to get the invader. I love that Chris is trying to set it up
[05:16:07] Oh God, I can flash kill. There's the deadly flier flaning on Tarzan. Chris is the primary Tarzan
[05:16:11] Oh God, I'm sending it for it
[05:16:13] First blood to LNG
[05:16:14] Hong, you have a knuckle up there. No, he doesn't, right? He doesn't have anything
[05:16:17] Trying to get those lobstabs in
[05:16:20] Back in the end
[05:16:21] Gonna hit him or what then?
[05:16:22] Now blight has overextended gonna flash out of the deadly flier
[05:16:25] Oh yeah, he has barrier I guess
[05:16:27] God, I fucking maintain
[05:16:28] One for one.
[05:16:29] And this entire time Scout and Shaco were going at it as well,
[05:16:33] trying to stop one another from getting any action to the Bolshevik River.
[05:16:36] I think the biggest thing for me now is that Tarzan picks up that kill.
[05:16:39] Tarzan for me is the player who can play with almost any one of their games.
[05:16:43] Yes, they have a lot of star power across the roster.
[05:16:45] ISW got the Corky recall.
[05:16:47] But Tarzan...
[05:16:48] He's gonna lose the Kanon from that now.
[05:16:49] ...the leader for the macro of the team.
[05:16:50] Minus one Kanon.
[05:16:52] Man, why is Gala the frontline? This is crazy, no?
[05:16:54] If you're walking in here for Wablegaming, this is a winning play.
[05:16:56] There is no flash.
[05:16:57] Oh wait chat, we were watching the Chinese stream, I forgot, now we're watching the English one, so I guess the quality is worse, or?
[05:17:12] Midsiko just messaged me.
[05:17:16] She's at the LEC expo, she said,
[05:17:19] it's very, very hot, just a heads up.
[05:17:24] Oh my god, what's the weather in Newnaker?
[05:17:27] I don't even, I haven't even opened the curtains yet.
[05:17:31] 27 degrees.
[05:17:33] Full sun.
[05:17:34] I haven't even opened the curtains yet.
[05:17:36] As far as I'm aware, it's midnight there.
[05:17:39] And it's 20 degrees on the fucking team.
[05:17:57] and if there's somebody that's gonna step up it's gotta be him
[05:18:00] maybe i can wish oh he dubbed it into the wall
[05:18:02] though as another entrance comes through
[05:18:03] oh no he didn't dub you into the wall
[05:18:04] why didn't it look like that was the interaction where he went into the wall
[05:18:08] the eye of the shield doesn't kill either
[05:18:10] oh god what happened
[05:18:12] he was alive and well
[05:18:14] the way he bowed me
[05:18:15] wait he's alive
[05:18:15] what what what what
[05:18:17] what what
[05:18:18] what he got out
[05:18:20] how did they get out of there
[05:18:21] they both missed
[05:18:22] I thought there was a tower shot coming in
[05:18:24] I'm sure who seeks me.
[05:18:26] Oh jeez, they'll manage to finish off that kill though.
[05:18:33] Tarzan gets to stick around, he'll go towards the grubs off of this and give themselves something to play around.
[05:18:38] While this is happening, Greed's doing fine in the early lane and with the cannon not really being interrupted against the Kassan,
[05:18:43] he's going to use the grubs which are now being picked up fairly effectively.
[05:18:47] It's a nice little bit of a change of momentum, a little bit of change of pace for Waybo.
[05:18:51] Definitely showing a little bit of signs of life there and they'll be able to return to that grub side of the map itself.
[05:18:56] Now we do a dragon on the other side it's taking a heavy backseat in this series so far
[05:19:00] But we saw LNG utilizing the side of the map very well
[05:19:03] I would say LNG is winning
[05:19:07] Yeah, absolutely. I feel like as long as I think the gold is in great positions for LNG
[05:19:14] There is curls faster. She has Vamceptor small lead
[05:19:18] Right here that have the chance to get up
[05:19:19] Bot is uh, wait, is Kennen really gonna die here or the W from Zyker was really good
[05:19:26] Yeah, he's dead.
[05:19:32] Yeah, and Ivan being down in gold really doesn't matter because his items are really cheap.
[05:19:37] All he does is buy fucking...
[05:19:41] Moonstone, Redemption, Mikael's...
[05:19:47] Dawn core.
[05:19:51] Is he dead?
[05:19:54] Oh my god, Zika went back in.
[05:19:56] What a psychopath.
[05:19:59] You so what happened to wait? I did? I did? And it was on Lilia?
[05:20:04] I don't know man, I just look at Lilia's like that
[05:20:06] I just think this champion has way too much damage at that moment
[05:20:08] Chad, do you wanna go back to the Chinese stream? Yes or no?
[05:20:10] Yeah, that's those wankos yesterday too
[05:20:11] Yeah, he thought that too, I guess there was a wrong
[05:20:13] This is really bad for Gala
[05:20:14] Ooh, Gala
[05:20:15] He has no ability out of this one
[05:20:16] And he does have the flash, still he's gonna reserve it
[05:20:18] And Scout thinking his way over
[05:20:20] This is massive paralysis
[05:20:22] Scoot scoots here, no flash on Leica
[05:20:23] And they're gonna get the light he crashed to
[05:20:25] Light is not being blocked for cram
[05:20:27] Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
[05:20:29] Oh, he's gonna kill Hog maybe.
[05:20:30] That's Grant, lived again!
[05:20:32] That's Grant, lived again!
[05:20:34] How's he getting away with this?
[05:20:35] Double-kill for Skow!
[05:20:37] What's the L-Far?
[05:20:38] What's the L-Far?
[05:20:39] Tiny Hawk wall rides again.
[05:20:40] What's the L-Far?
[05:20:41] Midland and the Port Line, the guess himself two kills on the board.
[05:20:44] Webo have had eight bets at early game and the rest of the series, with Skow,
[05:20:48] just takes that ball-lay and play by the scruff of the neck, with that mobility
[05:20:51] that's very-
[05:20:52] The scruff of the neck?
[05:20:53] Me next?
[05:20:54] This is so tilting right here. You lose your top laner and then you get roamed down bot lane by scouts on this area
[05:21:01] Sure, this place happened. Kenan is very weak. What what what what?
[05:21:08] Show me Raccoon and Hellbarth now
[05:21:18] You have to think of Zerri he just like a semi-boy will get to the place so quickly
[05:21:22] But you know Chris is trying to back off from the knock up. I think he's watching his health
[05:21:26] 308 303 9 9 you had 9 health 9
[05:21:32] Is that shadow
[05:21:38] Crazy you was playing in mad lines LEC and now he's chilling on LNG
[05:21:49] Why do you keep writing like F at random times
[05:21:51] What are you doing?
[05:22:10] I'm gonna bring up elibri chill out the way.
[05:22:16] I don't want to skip during a teamfight though.
[05:22:21] okay we're good we're good no that's all right who flashbang the summoner's rift
[05:22:43] who flashbang hello who flashbang summoner's rift who threw a flash is that
[05:22:58] better chat the quality better now happy
[05:23:10] Let's see if we have a chance to go to the tower now.
[05:23:17] Much better. Say it, chat. Much better. Say it.
[05:23:19] The tower is still full. He's also doing a good job with the line.
[05:23:26] And he's just taking the 11-minute break.
[05:23:28] Much better. Save, chat.
[05:23:36] Hyperflame, Spitter.
[05:23:38] There is a ward. I was looking at this ward, but I mean how can they use it, right?
[05:24:07] Drake's in 3.
[05:24:22] Oh, he's facing the Kennen. Maybe he gets his flash?
[05:24:24] Oh, the stun was clean.
[05:24:27] Oh, he's really trying to force Kennen's flash.
[05:24:31] Oh my god! Yo, Observers kind of popping off.
[05:24:41] Oh, is he out?
[05:24:42] No, he's not there.
[05:25:13] Maybe they can't.
[05:25:16] They have decided they can't. They have decided they can, they cancel their recalls.
[05:25:27] Oh, this is taking a while. I don't know if they're... are they gonna get it in time?
[05:25:31] Yeah, they should get it in time.
[05:25:37] Nice gold to Zery. But, Shahu matches. Easy mode.
[05:25:41] Flash has been OP for 14 seasons. Flash is like the core of League of Legends right now. Flash is like League of Legends.
[05:25:54] And if you exchange it like this, even though Xiaofu is very fat, but he doesn't eat anything in his breathing.
[05:25:59] Yes.
[05:25:59] ZK is sharing his experience with the two of them here.
[05:26:03] And ZK is the first one to eat, right?
[05:26:05] Yes.
[05:26:05] Yeah, it always has been.
[05:26:08] Removing Flash from League, it's like removing the bomb plant from CS like what?
[05:26:22] What do I do now?
[05:26:23] what do I do now? what do I do now? I can't flash? like huh? you play the hostage
[05:26:33] maps instead. yeah it's more like removing AK and M4 you're right, fair enough. it's
[05:26:43] It's like removing the XDD from Twitch, it's like what?
[05:26:48] It's still there, but why?
[05:26:50] Oh, the bushes are crazy.
[05:26:56] Ooh, this turn from LNG, is it gonna work?
[05:27:06] Scouts kinda imping, Zika is also kinda imping.
[05:27:17] Sleepy time, come on and grab your friends.
[05:27:19] going to very distant lands. Yeah, if we're going to get Drake off that.
[05:27:33] I think I'm actually going crazy. I'm in a rubber room. No joke.
[05:27:39] I think the enemy is a bit off the line.
[05:27:41] And then Liu Xin Song came over to the tower and he was like,
[05:27:43] Qsandingxia is a scot.
[05:27:47] And then the enemy was like,
[05:27:49] He's coming back.
[05:27:51] He's trying to kill the enemy.
[05:27:53] He can't do it, so funny. He's like,
[05:27:56] Yeah, they're badly hurt.
[05:27:58] They're scouting a bit crazy on the zombie one.
[05:28:00] And maybe they need to play exhaust on Corki if they do that.
[05:28:04] Like Rakan marking and exhausting.
[05:28:28] LNG, two dragons, six vacuum sails, weibo here, two dragons, six vacuum sails, all under control.
[05:28:36] And there's a chance to take another tower's HP.
[05:28:39] The summoning of the tower was already at 1.3% and the dragon has been hit, but there's no CD.
[05:28:44] LBG is a 4-core champion, I'm afraid that the current release rate is very comfortable.
[05:28:50] Yeah, after the small pot game, the economy has fallen to 1,000.
[05:28:54] And now, 15 minutes like this, two towers are very good.
[05:28:56] Man, not having grubs is so sad.
[05:29:01] I want Widow Gloves
[05:29:16] I want Widow Gloves
[05:29:34] Good side-aimed tower trade, Ivern has Herald, I mean LNG has to play this next Rake 5, they need to be waiting for it.
[05:29:54] Guys coming up that support and base, jungle is in base.
[05:30:19] Yeah, Canon's a bit behind but it doesn't really matter. It's just the Corky is Giga fed right now.
[05:30:25] His LNG is going to go blue side game 4 and first with Corky.
[05:30:29] He's not over yet.
[05:30:52] Both sides are on the same path, but the left side's both sides are getting more aggressive, let's take a look at gala
[05:31:00] I saw the dragon standing up there, I thought there was a little guy down there
[05:31:06] Oh, it's on the cannon, isn't it?
[05:31:08] Please, can I have the cannon?
[05:31:10] No, you can't, right?
[05:31:12] It's dangerous, but both sides have nothing to do with it, they are going to turn around
[05:31:29] This teamfight, you have to see, one side is protecting the plane, the other side is cutting the plane
[05:31:37] And Tarzan is not fat enough.
[05:31:42] I think WBG is better off on the team.
[05:31:45] Although there's not much difference.
[05:31:47] The only thing that's not sure about this game is the advantage of the enemy team.
[05:31:55] He's good at making waves, but this time...
[05:32:01]'s not a big deal.
[05:32:05] Dead silence.
[05:32:07] Chat, if you have a fire on your stove when you're cooking,
[05:32:11] you just wet it even if it's a big fire on the stove.
[05:32:14] You just wait a towel and put it over GG, right?
[05:32:43] Is it gas? No, it's electric
[05:32:46] You throw the pan in the oven.
[05:33:05] What?
[05:33:07] Really?
[05:33:09] Does that work?
[05:33:21] Is that work?
[05:33:32] They're done botm stuff.
[05:33:34] Alright, here we go, NG.
[05:33:36] They're trying to get Alistar. Ooh, they got it.
[05:33:38] Yummy, yummy, that's all they wanted.
[05:33:44] They need to get the mid wave so they can't lose mid tier 1 and then they can move back to dragon and Alistar as Nult.
[05:33:49] Lilia flash Q is everything this fight.
[05:33:51] Ziko has the base TP. So now Weiwei has to rush right because I'm in the base.
[05:33:59] But they're not going to go for it. They're not going for the drake rush. Why?
[05:34:03] My arm is moving by itself.
[05:34:08] Big engage of the Korty! Xiaohu caught it! Xiaohu caught it!
[05:34:12] Bro, Xiaohu's having a rough, fucking, rough couple days.
[05:34:20] Is he out actually, brief? He's out.
[05:34:24] Xiaohu's having a rough time.
[05:34:30] He went to the front line in the middle of the road.
[05:34:32] He pushed the turret, but he could have taken down the dragon.
[05:34:37] And the key was to break the rhythm of the plane.
[05:34:41] The team didn't really have that much time to fight the dragon.
[05:34:46] He was the main primary source of DPS in this fight, but...
[05:34:49] How did he get caught like that? Was it JinW or something? On RakanQ?
[05:34:52] Or was it just Rakan knocking him up? That's it.
[05:34:54] He saw the female enemy and went straight to the top of the road.
[05:35:03] Yeah. Way too far up.
[05:35:06] He just walked into the bush and died.
[05:35:09] Can't do that, especially when your MF is calling, he's gonna push mid, look at MF.
[05:35:13] MF called, I'm gonna take mid tier one, stole them.
[05:35:17] You can't fight. Oh, scoots.
[05:35:23] Oh, if he had ult, you would kill him there, actually.
[05:35:26] Corky's so OP, isn't it?
[05:35:28] He's three items, I guess.
[05:35:40] I think it's okay.
[05:35:42] I think Pace is...
[05:35:44] ...sperthing a bit too hard.
[05:35:46] HL played okay.
[05:35:48] They played okay.
[05:36:10] I think the enemy is pretty strong right now.
[05:36:12] There's still a lot of enemy aircraft that can attack and hurt the enemy.
[05:36:16] Are you coming to the Odin's Plats? What's that?
[05:36:19] After the mid-tank drop, the LNG is very small.
[05:36:31] But the mid-tank drop is not that good.
[05:36:33] Oh, the Munich Expo? Yeah, I'm gonna go to that soon. I'm going in like an hour and a half.
[05:36:37] I have to go after this game, so hopefully it's a trio.
[05:36:45] Otherwise, you're gonna have to enjoy the rest of the series of Albni.
[05:36:48] I have to do something at the expo.
[05:36:55] But I'll be live again later today, the LEC G2 vs MAD, I'll be live from the stadium.
[05:37:01] The stream will be live at around 4 o'clock, 4.30 with a countdown till...
[05:37:06] I think the stream will go live at 4, with a countdown, and then 4.30 I'll be live, yabbing.
[05:37:18] I have to put a countdown on for like 30 minutes, I think.
[05:37:27] They really need to wait, LNG. LNG just need to wait. Slow it down. Scout might have TP out here, nice, maybe mega dead.
[05:37:52] Unless you can E the wall here, the thin part of the wall then TP out. Actually, maybe he's fine, he's fine.
[05:37:57] They have to stop Alistar from getting here and he can E up.
[05:37:59] Oh, he didn't have to E, that's not a serious one.
[05:38:02] Yeah, so the reason LNG need to stall is Gala is so close to getting IE
[05:38:06] and Scout is also getting close to BT.
[05:38:09] I wonder if Webo forced Baron, to be honest.
[05:38:12] I don't think it's that bad to force Baron right now.
[05:38:15] You know LNG is stalling, all they're doing is kiting you around.
[05:38:18] LNG is stalling.
[05:38:22] Does Scout have BT in base?
[05:38:24] There's the TP from Zika.
[05:38:35] has a really good combo here but he didn't go for it. I wonder if he was a little bit out of range.
[05:38:40] Zika, he's a ult maybe to get out of here. Oh my god scout.
[05:38:43] Oh yes, no ult. He's trying to get some damage to up. Re-vulted, that's perfect.
[05:38:47] MF Lilia sleep is on Rakan only. Yeah, looks good for Weibo.
[05:38:51] I've been LNG, sorry. I'll say Weibo.
[05:38:55] Zika is maybe out actually. No sleep on Lilia. Oh, Hong's great turn.
[05:39:02] Fantastic turn by Hong. Hong's Rakan has been amazing.
[05:39:04] They have to flash maybe? No. Oh he can't take the portal. Did he risk click? It's not
[05:39:17] perfect. Shou who's still alive. Redemption is huge though. Weiwei has Daisy. There's
[05:39:22] Daisy. Oh, scouted him. I can't be as flash as well. Gala W does he have it? On Delivia
[05:39:28] four shots. Stopwatch. Alistar is back. W is good by Zika. Flash from Sars and was
[05:39:33] It's good, nice peel, he's gonna die for it, but they're both out, Kawo has TP, Drake's up, yeah, NG can just get Drake in back.
[05:39:53] This is what I mean, right? Why is NG stalling? Look at that, double IE action, or even BT? Maybe BT.
[05:40:35] of energy drop this much tempo lose parents I think energy is going to lose
[05:40:39] Nash but they should wipe them here because you know it's up in five
[05:40:41] seconds up now what a good one though hung as old but his team's too far Zika
[05:40:56] dies on just sends it I don't know if it's good though in W on guys it's hard
[05:41:02] to chase into it oh my god breathe oh breathe
[05:41:07] They lost flash, they lost Baron but from Kennen
[05:41:12] Ah, it's a good angle, because they have no exhaust up and Rakan is dead anyway
[05:41:20] Pretty even game
[05:41:39] They hung up wards, he did
[05:41:44] I think they spotted Ivern somewhere
[05:41:47] They must have seen Ivan somewhere.
[05:42:23] Barrier was nice
[05:42:26] Oh Tarzan caught the Estonia so
[05:42:34] Jerry's pushing top tier too. He has TP, Corky TP'd in. Jerry should get top tier too
[05:42:51] TP from Cassante Bob, I think they get the tower anyway though
[05:42:58] Yeah, Corky is really strong.
[05:43:05] So they do all the gold to Zerri?
[05:43:15] At a star's level 9 at 31 minutes, I know his support's roll.
[05:43:21] Oh, he hung. It's fine.
[05:43:27] Yeah, Winner goes to Worlds.
[05:43:39] After that, we entered the mid lane again, and then weibo could only wait for the mid lane to be pushed back again.
[05:43:48] So we still have to see the next dragon.
[05:43:50] So the bracket looks like this.
[05:43:58] The winner of this goes to Worlds. Loser plays the winner of this, and the winner of that goes to Worlds.
[05:44:05] Because these are the lower seats, right?
[05:44:06] So NIP will play JDG, let's say JDG wins, JDG progresses to the next round.
[05:44:11] Let's say LNG wins this, and Weibo loses.
[05:44:14] LNG goes to Worlds, and then Weibo vs JDG for the final world spot.
[05:44:19] Because Tess is locked at Worlds.
[05:44:21] So for JDG to make Worlds, they're gonna have to beat NIP and then beat the loser of this, and then they make Worlds.
[05:44:28] BLG and TopB Sports are locked.
[05:44:36] Top esports is locked on championship points.
[05:44:45] From spring and summer.
[05:44:57] Alright, Drake in one second.
[05:45:03] You have to be careful on midway sometimes against Lilia. She'll throw out E's randomly. If that hits Gala, they can sleep and then Alistar will...
[05:45:09] Oi, this Karen just pulled rabbitons.
[05:45:12] Crisp is kind of far already, way too far up. All the sleep is good, but I don't think Breeze can connect and it looks like Scalp or QSS.
[05:45:20] Oh my god, Scalp just sent it and got him. The shield, the redemption, the everything, the exhaust on the Keenan.
[05:45:30] Audi MF ulted, penciled it. Down goes Tarzan.
[05:45:34] It's over, LNG wins, LNG is at Worlds.
[05:45:37] LNG is at Worlds.
[05:45:42] 3-0, Weibo wins 0-6 on the finals and they got stomped.
[05:45:48] This was what it looks like was the closest game to me.
[05:45:52] So, can LNG end? They should be able to end, right?
[05:45:57] Even without scoots?
[05:46:00] Crisp had a horrible game.
[05:46:02] Just going in way too early, wasting Alistar ult a lot.
[05:46:05] LNGs at Worlds locked us the third seed, top esports second seed, BLG first seed, one spot left, who's it gonna be?
[05:46:15] Weibo, NIP or JDG, who's it gonna be?
[05:46:21] Weibo need to get their shit together if they want to go to Worlds.
[05:46:24] Weibo need to get their shit together.
[05:46:33] Scoop TPC and it's over.
[05:46:39] They're playing for kills these fucking rats.
[05:46:42] Wait, can they end? They were playing for kills!
[05:46:45] Okay, fine, Jesus! Jesus, man!
[05:46:48] If Cassante died there, I don't think Scout can end,
[05:46:50] because he just got knocked away by Alistar.
[05:46:53] Oh my God, Worlds qualifying, and Nexus end, and they're playing for kills?
[05:46:58] Jesus, man.
[05:47:02] Alright, chat, I gotta go.
[05:47:03] I gotta go. I gotta go to the LEC expo.
[05:47:06] I'll be live in about three hours.
[05:47:09] No, two hours I'll be live.
[05:47:10] No, three hours I'll be live.
[05:47:12] Okay, three hours I'll be live for LEC from the season finals arena
[05:47:15] And then after that we end the stream and I'll be back here in the hotel room at around 9 or 10 p.m.
[05:47:21] for LCS
[05:47:22] TL versus fly quest, okay, so stream ends I run to the stadium streams live stream ends
[05:47:29] I run home to the hotel streams live, okay, I'll see you a bit later my cuz
[05:47:34] I've seen a few hours
[05:47:36] Where's chicken dinner?
[05:47:37] All right, because where's the ending screen is it this one? No this one. Yeah
[05:47:43] Originally flowers start too good
[05:48:15] And did you know?