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🔴GENG VS DK - LCK SUMMER PLAYOFFS TOP 4 #LCKWatchParty🔴 !discord !youtube !vods !fnatic !displate

08-28-2024 · 8h 54m

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[00:00:54] Watch over! He's cancelled! Wait! Canceled! He just cancelled it!
[00:00:58] Pog, let's go man!
[00:01:40] Yeah, nice music!
[00:01:53] Pog, let's go man!
[00:01:56] Wide time!
[00:04:11] Pog, let's go man!
[00:04:15] Rat King!
[00:04:26] Pog, let's go man!
[00:04:29] XDD!
[00:04:30] Pog, let's go man!
[00:04:44] XDD, hi my Rat King! Hope you're doing fine, car!
[00:04:50] Pog, let's go man!
[00:05:09] Pog let's go man
[00:05:57] is time
[00:06:23] Shomaker 07
[00:08:43] Pog let's go man
[00:08:45] Put me in CoachwideMeal puff, put me in CoachwideMeal puff, put me in CoachwideMeal puff, put me in CoachwideMeal puff
[00:09:08] immersиц
[00:12:37] pork let's go man pork let's go man i am subbed pork let's go man any primers
[00:14:04] what's popping what's popping why saying haircut EW
[00:14:57] my hair shorter my hair shorter you see it kc katelle katelle katelle
[00:15:05] let's go man love you see drill thanks for always streaming okay we're good we're
[00:15:27] good the child was rolling my hair is it bad is it bad the green child's now you
[00:15:36] don't like it you don't like it let's go man 30 year old streamer manifest
[00:15:50] I don't do my hair. I don't do my hair just wake up. I don't fucking care
[00:16:01] Beedie dee dee dee dee dee
[00:16:04] I don't care
[00:16:06] balding
[00:16:09] Chat I got and I got deadlock. I got deadlock. I
[00:16:14] Got deadlocker. I didn't play it yet though. You will play that after the games today. Let's go man
[00:16:20] I've heard mixed things. I've heard it's good. I've heard it's bad. I don't know if it's good or not
[00:16:24] Reactions for LCL.
[00:16:26] Lover content, Cedral.
[00:16:28] Where's that man?
[00:16:29] But I think we'll give it a go. We'll give it a go, Chat. We'll give it a go.
[00:16:32] Oh yeah, when he's finished Monkey Game, that's true.
[00:16:36] Oh, wait, hold up my toolbar just for one sec.
[00:17:15] 14 months, punk.
[00:17:31] Chat, while he's gone, did you know that pressing Tab will auto-complete your emotes?
[00:17:36] Pog show me your air emotes. Pog let's go man. I almost died. I almost died
[00:18:14] Kiss gauge 24 Pog
[00:18:26] Pog let's use busted bro. It's busted busted knowing that you're a rat and being content with it
[00:18:34] It's busted
[00:18:42] There we go. I fixed it. I
[00:18:45] Fixed it me next TV me. I fix it. Just me
[00:18:49] What are you guys doing? What are you doing? What are you doing right now? Yeah, what are you doing?
[00:18:54] What are you doing?
[00:18:57] We being all ill or what?
[00:19:00] Actually, what are you doing? Why is there a golden Kappa train for level 8?
[00:19:05] golden Kappa
[00:19:07] And I'm not playing the last house today. Yeah, so we need to play monkey game and deadlock. What is this?
[00:19:33] Wait, who was that?
[00:19:39] Oh god. Congrats Sully.
[00:19:42] Mark Robert LeMond wins eSports CUNY leader of the year.
[00:19:47] Bro, I swear I look like such a fucking clown ass. It's crazy.
[00:19:51] What happened to my face, Shad? How do I undo my face?
[00:19:55] Wrist drill?
[00:19:57] Faker crafting mid meta? I always recommend mid Garen.
[00:20:01] Bro. Shadda.
[00:20:10] Is it not Faker who's doing it?
[00:20:12] Pog, let's go, man.
[00:20:16] Hi.
[00:20:16] Oh my god. Oh my god. What's up Pedro? I am finale COVID-free after one week of being sick.
[00:20:35] Yo, your COVID-3 that's huge.
[00:20:38] K-Troll is a rat, okay. I made full Korean subtitles for the turning point.
[00:20:46] Jesus man.
[00:20:50] What the hell?
[00:20:51] You posted it on FM Korea as well.
[00:20:57] XDD.
[00:21:05] Jesus, man.
[00:21:07] What the fuck?
[00:21:12] You're crazy.
[00:21:13] Yo, thanks, man.
[00:21:14] What's your thoughts on the winner of Streamer of the Year, Pup?
[00:21:19] I think Kaisen asked for the one Streamer of the Year.
[00:21:22] But yeah, it looks like it's all just a bit biased.
[00:21:27] So, um, Kaisenat is like absolute next level, absolute next level.
[00:21:36] Let's go, man.
[00:21:39] Speed.
[00:21:40] Bang the games.
[00:21:41] Yeah, maybe speed as well.
[00:21:42] I don't know.
[00:21:43] But I feel like Kaisenat has done a lot this year that it's like become a new trend
[00:21:50] in streaming communities, right?
[00:21:53] Like maybe I'm wrong in this, but from what I've seen, having like these big backgrounds
[00:21:59] in streamer marathons now is a thing because of chrysanthus
[00:22:02] he's like done all of these game marathons and shit like that
[00:22:06] and changed all his backgrounds and like i don't know this guy
[00:22:10] he's done some crazy collabs and stuff as well like the
[00:22:13] the kevin hart stuff was crazy ddx it's not about how many followers you have
[00:22:22] on twitter or instagram it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how many
[00:22:24] how many to the followers you have it's not it's not twitter
[00:22:27] following of the year it's it's what have you done to make streaming
[00:22:32] like different or peak or you know um but yeah i think this year i think kaisen that's
[00:22:41] an a really good job i mean i also think speed did like his european tour which was crazy
[00:22:47] i don't know man i don't know i don't know i'm not a f***ing
[00:22:52] unless it's war after his tweet what is this
[00:23:00] everyone's off the problem with taking this video is i watched this video i watched this
[00:23:05] video I didn't like it personally. The reason I didn't like it is it takes away from the
[00:23:14] main question, and we can watch it if you want, but the main question was is taking mid tier
[00:23:20] one worth? Then it went to discussions about like the references in my opinion were bad.
[00:23:28] This as an example is terrible, it's just a terrible example as to why mid tier one
[00:23:33] useless like even the easiest solution for not like a small solution for
[00:23:37] not let's just don't write the Herald and it would have crashed you could back off
[00:23:40] the only reason it doesn't crash because they put a wall up and you drive into it
[00:23:43] right because you might have taken herald but there was a lot of video I
[00:23:46] didn't like maybe I should go through it with you but I really liked Reven's
[00:23:49] points at least and like the idea I think that the main idea that I
[00:23:55] dislike is um they were laughing at people saying if you take
[00:24:02] mid tier one you open up the map right which is true if you take mid to run you do open up the map
[00:24:07] and they were laughing they were laughing at it because i don't know why maybe they thought it was
[00:24:10] just funny but i don't understand if you you don't understand the concept of the mobile like if you
[00:24:15] take mid tier one you do open up the map it is it is like it's crazy to me that this isn't like
[00:24:20] understood i can push waves in further i have a shorter task on rotating to tier two or zoning
[00:24:26] off of tier ones and you have longer distances to cover to be able to defend your towers like
[00:24:32] It just makes it so I can push you in and have shorter tracks into your jungle
[00:24:36] and take your towers and it's a way of snowballing the game.
[00:24:39] And if your counter argument is it's to slow down, it's not good to take mid tier one if you're playing a comp that like wants to slow the game down
[00:24:45] and then that's also a valid argument but if you take mid tier one you also do make it so if you do ever get one lane of pressure
[00:24:52] then you can push in that lane of pressure further.
[00:24:55] Where the fuck is the thing?
[00:24:57] Where is the fucking hand thing? I don't know where it is.
[00:25:00] Anyway, you can push in that lane further, so they have to catch deeper on any lane.
[00:25:07] Bro, this fucking thing is fucking completely bugged.
[00:25:11] They have to catch deeper on any lane, which gives you more time, and time is the most valuable resource when you're scaling, right?
[00:25:16] So if you ever have the option to take a free mid-tier one, you should do it to open up the map,
[00:25:20] so you can push them in deeper, so you can have shorter rotations if you want a cross map.
[00:25:24] And the game when you're scaling isn't just about standing at your towers and clearing waves and doing nothing and waiting for time.
[00:25:31] It's about finding opportunities that are very low risk.
[00:25:34] And so if you have a low risk play of taking mid tier 1, you should take it.
[00:25:37] Am I saying you should 5-man mid-arrowman 20 minutes with tier champs, smolder and like no stacks and like try and take mid tier 1? No.
[00:25:44] But if they like overload top or something and they play for like your top tier 2 and you have a chance to take this while you defend this, it's always worth it.
[00:25:50] You should always try and cross map.
[00:25:52] The argument of taking jungle camps is a bit outdated, I think, I think the idea that if you take their towers, you can take their jungle camps.
[00:25:59] Yes and no, I don't think jungle camps in the current like climate of League matter as much, sure they're useful.
[00:26:05] If you get mid tier 1, can you take their wolves? No, to take their wolves you can't need their mid tier 2.
[00:26:10] The only thing I think it opens up mainly if you take mid tier 1 is like blue buff and red buff contests a little bit easier.
[00:26:16] I don't think that taking their raptors is decided by mid tier one
[00:26:20] I think you can take their raptors no matter what whether mid tier one is down or not
[00:26:25] Like this is the only real camp that matters if you take a mid tier one in people's eyes
[00:26:30] I disagree. I think you can just you can contest raptors no matter what I don't think mid tier one is a huge factor
[00:26:36] But I think it just it makes it easier to contest buff response
[00:26:39] Which actually is a lot of value
[00:26:40] Considering that League of Legends now if you get a buff you you get a five-man buff, right?
[00:26:44] Also, it just means that like if I'm in the game and it's 30 minutes in another example of it's 30 minutes into the game and dragon spawning and they have a mid tier one up and I don't
[00:26:54] Obviously contesting mid ways become harder because they can play on bushes and I have less places to retreat to in a sense, right?
[00:27:00] I can't just run back to my tower and clear the wave and then contest the next one. My tower is dead, so I have so much little space to work with when it comes to contesting
[00:27:08] Whereas if they have a mid tier one up, no matter how much poke I land, I can't chase because they have a tower
[00:27:13] So when it comes to opening up the map in that regard if you want to contest rakes
[00:27:18] Or barons for example, and you want to contest mid prior for that objective having the tower there
[00:27:23] Just makes it a lot easier to be able to contest and like
[00:27:26] Like not be chased in that sense
[00:27:29] So I think the video was really cool. I think Alice's video was really good
[00:27:34] But I just disliked the way that they kind of went off of the point in my eyes
[00:27:38] I know like it's that the argument started should ton of thieves take this picture one and then it moves to like
[00:27:43] Is material one valuable and in the mid-year one is valuable
[00:27:45] Can this discussion only happen for like a minute and they moved on to like how Starcraft works and how economy in Starcraft works and
[00:27:53] Comparing League to Starcraft and I feel like it just kind of removed from the idea of like what is the key argument as to why you think?
[00:27:58] Mitter one is bad to take you know like what is what is
[00:28:02] What is the argument as to why you think Mitter one is bad because the problem with taking mitter is the argument
[00:28:06] But there's only one example of a game where 100 thieves just blundered the whole game because they troll the mid-seach and
[00:28:12] Using that as example and extrapolating someone who's a top eight starcraft pro player and then comparing it to the best in the world
[00:28:19] When it's a hundred thieves and saying this is why I shouldn't take me to our
[00:28:23] Yeah, I feel like it's a very nuanced discussion that needs a lot more examples and context
[00:28:29] But anyway, I'm rambling. I do like the idea the thing that I don't want to say here is I love the idea of
[00:28:36] Having different opinions, I think, you know, having different opinions always brings more discussion to the game
[00:28:43] However, I do think if there's one unanimous thing that a lot of people will agree on in League of Legends
[00:28:49] It's mid tier one is insanely valuable. It's not about getting 112 gold
[00:28:53] Like it's not about 112 gold. It really is about how much space you have on the map to work with
[00:28:59] How you have shorter rotations if you ever do get leads and adventures
[00:29:02] How you can like if you are a scaling comp and mid tier one is down
[00:29:06] That's one less objective that you have in your way when it comes to
[00:29:11] Taking objectives if you do win a fighter go three for three, right?
[00:29:14] And mid tier one opens up so much on the map. It's crazy
[00:29:17] It just prevents it just it just makes everything so much easier when it comes to rotating anywhere
[00:29:25] Yeah, so yeah, I like this
[00:29:34] Seven months
[00:29:37] And a lot of the discussion was like they're doing this because they're stressed they're doing this because they're stressed
[00:29:41] No, I actually think the argument that they had here was that hundred thieves is stressed and they're like not sure what to do
[00:29:47] So they're like we should do something like ADHD. Let's herald mid. I actually think and and I think their heralds mid is fine
[00:29:53] You know why I think their herald mid is fine. It's because they should just press herald and not get in it
[00:29:58] They're just they just lacked a bit of game knowledge. I actually don't mind heralding that here when they just saw Cassante bot and
[00:30:04] and Taliyah has no TP. Taliyah ult is a good form of collapse but Jax is first
[00:30:09] and all they have to do here is press herald, clear the wave, the herald
[00:30:13] crashes, mid tier one dies, they back off. The game's fine. But the problem is
[00:30:19] they maybe misunderstood the mechanic between Taliyah and herald and as soon as
[00:30:25] they start driving the herald, Taliyah ult comes out, Malthus realizes it's just
[00:30:29] going to hit the wall and that's it, the charge is gone, they can't get a
[00:30:31] tower so he greets by trying to go around to hit the tower and then they
[00:30:35] greed even harder by walking up to take the tower right this is the problem if
[00:30:39] they just didn't get it if they just knew the Taliyah wall mechanic with
[00:30:42] Herald that if you don't drive it when it autopilots and no one's in it it
[00:30:46] crashes through Taliyah wall anyway and then then they'd be fine mid-tier one
[00:30:52] would be dead and they back off and they can just catch top but instead
[00:30:54] obviously they they got like a bit dizzy and like they maybe got stun
[00:30:57] unlocked by the fact that this Nautilus is trying to play fucking Need for Speed underground
[00:31:01] and yeah they all walk up and die.
[00:31:04] So it's just yeah.
[00:31:05] Now I don't want people to clickbait title, Cajal disagrees or the less, no, no.
[00:31:11] I don't want any of this dog shit drama shit.
[00:31:13] I love the idea of people coming up with discussions so you can talk about it.
[00:31:17] I just, I didn't like the video because I feel like they kind of straight off topic.
[00:31:21] If they had more arguments as to why they think Mithir won't be bad that would
[00:31:23] be awesome and I'd love to watch that.
[00:31:25] in my eyes the only argument they used was one community sentiment argument that you can take
[00:31:30] jungle camps and two that pro players make the decisions because they're stressed and the mid
[00:31:36] towers were the 112 gold. So yeah that's all my only thoughts on the tweet. I do think people
[00:31:45] are being really weird though. The problem I think the problem LS has is he tweets a take
[00:31:51] and you can only get so much of your take in characters on text and so when
[00:31:58] people read it they come to conclusions that you're not really like they come
[00:32:05] to conclusions of what your opinion is without real context you know like I
[00:32:11] think with ours uses cuz only worth 112 gold it's like well you're fucking
[00:32:14] you know the borough now you can start yapping but yeah cage or reacting to
[00:32:19] Ludwig reacting to cage or reacting to Ludwig's sulky game let's go.
[00:32:27] Oh my god I don't want to watch this man I don't want to watch this.
[00:32:31] I didn't know I didn't I actually didn't think I didn't think that he would watch it.
[00:32:35] I didn't think that he would watch it.
[00:32:36] Not that I not that I I just think that I'm too much of a random for him to watch it you know.
[00:32:46] Oh my god.
[00:32:48] Oh my god.
[00:32:49] Now is my it was my literal dude. It was my first league of legends games in like like since Tyler won
[00:32:57] Connor and Llewot Ludwig played duo Q today. Did they?
[00:33:00] Kajal reacted to it and it has a hundred thousand views already. Did it get that many views?
[00:33:05] What? Dude. Oh my god. I don't want to paint him. It's like a bad player
[00:33:09] I mean he is a bad player, but I don't want to paint him. It's like a bad player, you know
[00:33:13] I mean if someone reacted to I can imagine someone reacted to Kajal's solo queue game after I had
[00:33:19] I haven't played League for four months, it would just look bad, right?
[00:33:21] It would just look so bad.
[00:33:22] God gaming challenge for Seedog.
[00:33:26] Does he play League?
[00:33:27] Oh my god, I gotta watch this game, Odo.
[00:33:29] Odo, you can play while I'm out here, I need to watch this game.
[00:33:32] Let's see.
[00:33:33] I hate listening to my own voice, I hate it, like, I actually, like, well watch
[00:33:39] this after I'll skate, watch that.
[00:33:41] I can't stand listening to my own voice, I actually can't do it.
[00:33:45] Come back to the LCK summer playoffs, we are here on round number two as the teams look
[00:33:52] to take another step closer towards an LCK championship and solidify their spot at home as we welcome
[00:33:59] the space that your boy D gone after those with a break. Joining me is Chronicler and
[00:34:04] returning from Militia. I can't do a chat. What do we have to game on? What do we
[00:34:10] Well, you were at the game one.
[00:34:13] Well, you were at the game one.
[00:34:17] What did you think?
[00:34:33] Wait, what mistakes did you make?
[00:34:35] What did you say? Me mistakes?
[00:34:40] Very excited to have
[00:34:50] It was a count sharing and the Koreans go re-mediting
[00:34:58] All right, let's take a look at the playoff bracket so far as we had those two
[00:35:03] Single elimination round matches in round number one as it was D plus taking care of business against B and K fear X and T1
[00:35:10] Winning the telecom war against KT then the surprise happened here chronicler. Yeah, DK
[00:35:15] The surprise Gen G makes sense in light of the history between the two teams
[00:35:19] But it is an interesting choice. I'll say teams generally grafted towards picking the lower seed
[00:35:24] I think some you know some pain in recent history for lands and keen might have a
[00:35:30] Chat I feel like I look like such a clown as the short hair
[00:35:33] With that pick it leads us to a quick and early
[00:35:37] I feel like I look like such a fucking idiot oh my god, why did I shave it off?
[00:35:44] Why did I get rid of it?
[00:35:46] Why did I get rid of it?
[00:35:48] You look the same little pup, do I look the same?
[00:36:02] them all here today now since this six seed bracket format playoff started in
[00:36:09] 2021 how many times has an upper seed selected a lower seed where I don't get
[00:36:16] it the Gen G opted to select D plus here including I just mean that they went
[00:36:22] for a higher seed as opposed to a lower
[00:36:24] seed I'm going to say four times four I don't get the question did the
[00:36:31] How many times is the upper seat selected a lower seat?
[00:36:34] Doesn't the upper seat always choose?
[00:36:36] It's out of the top.
[00:36:38] I think...
[00:36:40] Doesn't the upper seat always choose?
[00:36:41] I don't get it though.
[00:36:47] Oh!
[00:36:51] Oh, they choose the higher seat from the options.
[00:36:55] Oh, bro.
[00:36:57] That question made me dizzy.
[00:36:59] What happened at this time, right? So both these guys got it wrong. I'm sure you all at home got it, right?
[00:37:04] Let's take a look at the playoff selection result here are all the times
[00:37:08] Genji chose DK wait, it's the only lost once the higher seed
[00:37:13] Wait the higher seed only lost once and it was KTT won
[00:37:18] Well, it's about to happen twice
[00:37:20] The only team that has ever lost against their selection is Katie. That's that's yeah
[00:37:25] That that always that makes sense from Katie chose T1 is a
[00:37:30] Lastic teams are stronger so we can expect that this time around as well Genji is gonna be favored
[00:37:36] But we need to see feel five is always random Katie chose T1
[00:37:41] these guys played it was a
[00:37:45] 2 1 that was the first loss at Genji
[00:37:47] Hey, look at that though in terms of game score, and it was a great wait when the fuck what the fuck is that?
[00:37:53] 2022 this has been literally once what it has been but it's also created some of my favorite theories of all time the
[00:38:01] 2022 spring
[00:38:03] Boutless incidents obviously that's a classic when I thought chronicle was casting this with at loose was
[00:38:09] Shockingly as good as it was and I think that this
[00:38:13] Team or these two teams are added that the driver between them is just something special
[00:38:16] I can't wait to see if we're gonna get something about to your calibrated today as well
[00:38:23] I lose two teams met this
[00:38:29] Twisted fate coming out and it was a unique draft that led to their success here. Yeah, still, I think this is one of the game that
[00:38:37] Maybe Jenji died my hair
[00:38:39] When it comes to a radio, let's play and I think I mean I just died my hair blue
[00:38:44] And then like write a book and become a fortline pro and today's game is a bit more but
[00:38:50] What are your thoughts and feelings?
[00:38:52] What was really big here for me, and it's something that we've seen DK opt into for the various parts of the season.
[00:38:59] No, no, why not?
[00:39:01] I think that's also why they're one of the teams that has a good matchup.
[00:39:04] When we see all the life of the Gen.G, even though it's sometimes close,
[00:39:07] I really want to buy CS weapon cases to try and get the 8k hard and 6x1 pattern.
[00:39:13] I've been researching too much about CS skins, it's crazy like it's becoming a problem.
[00:39:17] I wanted to buy boxes to try and get the AK-661 blue gem.
[00:39:25] Oh my god.
[00:39:42] What's your prediction for today's game?
[00:39:44] 3-1 DK.
[00:39:46] Trap, did only Pixie get a 6-6-1 blue gem? Has he got one? He owns it?
[00:39:52] And yeah, this is what I mean, like you look at these clips and you're like, man, surely DK1 that's...
[00:39:58] No, they did not. They lost 2-1 and even that time I got A-2 in particular I think is big.
[00:40:03] To me the biggest standout on this list is that Nastyus Wild would love to see showmakers tier.
[00:40:08] I think in the show... Bro, has showmaker playmaking make-up in practicing...
[00:40:11] That is not gonna happen initially, right? I think the first drafts...
[00:40:15] as you're practicing here on either side with all these new
[00:40:18] darren mint he hasn't
[00:40:21] yeah there's hot picks over there but we can also see i mean expecting
[00:40:26] garen mint hot picks especially against all of top nesus mid ziggs mid ad small
[00:40:33] the mid ad is at the border the player who wants to pull the trigger
[00:40:36] and using his unique pigs are like today's gonna be a long stream
[00:40:42] I can't wait to see his Garin right here. Yeah, Garin being prepared as well as a potential azeir
[00:40:49] But we are the world
[00:40:51] Earlier against being KB Rex the Nazis came on out caught the fearless bosses out of
[00:40:57] So it's like Oasis cruise to success here. Yeah, the only chance we're gonna see Nessus today
[00:41:01] Is if the teams have a very specific plan prepared for him
[00:41:05] If you look at Gemma Drift as well, we have actually seen a considerable amount of haul
[00:41:09] 25k views on the film channel
[00:41:18] You're my wonderwall
[00:41:20] Actually my favorite song from
[00:41:24] Oasis isn't Wonderwall
[00:41:28] The other one
[00:41:34] What is it?
[00:41:36] Sooo sadly couldn't wait
[00:41:39] You know it's too late
[00:41:42] That's all so he's playing it. Don't look back in anger. That's it another history. That's why every song for Moises
[00:41:50] I think one of the walls can't overrated but don't look back in anger is nuts
[00:41:53] I think nighter support really is outside of some of the hands of counterpick the type of player where it's all about laying
[00:41:59] Not overrated now when the walls are overrated. It's definitely won't read it's overplayed. It's better series than it is
[00:42:05] Overplayed compared to playing as being K
[00:42:07] I think as we all expected wasn't really yo Papa Schmidt. Oh, yeah, you're coming to Berlin because you won
[00:42:14] You won
[00:42:15] Yo Papa Schmidt
[00:42:18] Papa Schmidt question a little bit of question we answer my question if I ask my question
[00:42:22] Schmidt players again all professionals as we take a look at the bottom side of the map
[00:42:28] They too. Yes, your brother the LCS and the LEC
[00:42:33] All three teams go to main stage
[00:42:35] We all know that both ad carries are really good players and also this time around there's so many strong picks that we can see like
[00:42:42] misfortune and zigz but
[00:42:44] Only pace plays their teams and planes
[00:42:47] If he can actually make the difference really
[00:42:51] I don't think wait really
[00:42:54] Oh shit
[00:42:59] No, yeah, I chat something no even more records being broken as you said
[00:43:05] 4900 90
[00:43:08] They change the format 5000 probably going to be hit today. So records being made all over the place on the opposite side for
[00:43:17] What did he have for lunch and I had a fantastic lunch for the match yet a fantastic lunch after
[00:43:24] Chuck League PDA you fraud
[00:43:26] Has been a really funny player ever since he debuted. What do you mean check League PDA? Where do I check it?
[00:43:33] What do I check?
[00:43:35] genuinely looked like like the main character in an anime yeah it's it's really really funny and
[00:43:41] i think that he has been a breath of fresh air for a decade and he seems to be off to be
[00:43:46] experiment with bible the first player that has seemingly sold some of their uh they're missing
[00:43:52] a barrel which i think has been an ongoing thief with his team ever since 2022 well the support
[00:43:57] in bot lane not the only role making records today oh yeah it says the first three american seeds
[00:44:02] 100 games for keen he's been around for such a long time and I don't want to get to in trouble Papa Schmidt you good
[00:44:09] Highly unique thing about that is the unique champions played here. If you haven't watched Gen. G beforehand
[00:44:16] You might be like man this guy's just he's just a cassette. No. No, he's not this band has an insane champion
[00:44:21] Paul even as recently as well chair
[00:44:23] We saw this with a little bit are you sure tomorrow? Yeah
[00:44:25] that we saw it last year where his impact on the project was, I think you're, I think, I think
[00:44:31] League PD is wrong, Chad. Zayas and Zayas isn't even remotely close when it comes to consistency
[00:44:36] the way that Keyn is. I mean, I think League PD is wrong. He's playing stable, we called him Keyn,
[00:44:43] you know? I mean, he's one of the players he never loses, so I think that brings Genji
[00:44:50] really strong points, so I think he's showing a really great performance even now,
[00:44:55] So I'm really excited to get in trouble.
[00:44:58] Let's move on. Let's move on.
[00:45:00] Let's move on. If there's an announcement about something, we'll read it.
[00:45:03] I'm not here to leak nothing.
[00:45:05] Our coach interviews, as I always do, they bring the fire in turn.
[00:45:10] Come in and run at now, and then add the draft, and you're good.
[00:45:12] I'm nervous, but I hope we can get ready for a long time and win today.
[00:45:20] T1 is a strong team, but I think we're going to lose.
[00:45:28] Meta has a lot of weird things happening in the mid lane, so I'm worried about the champ.
[00:45:34] But we're going to get ready for it, so we can win.
[00:46:07] I heard he ordered spicy chicken soup
[00:46:12] On the other way, he mentioned that if the match goes wrong time, he might order something more to eat
[00:46:19] What are they all about?
[00:46:21] Why are they all about Moham's fucking meal of choice?
[00:46:38] Fighting I'm very excited to see how mom and the rest of D plus are gonna play as they have a huge
[00:46:44] It's moham. Just pop it up or what G they need to show the world
[00:46:48] They are the best team at the LPL players have already got all the way through. It's time Gen G
[00:46:54] GK with moham. It's build difference. We'll find out here round two of the LCK playoff starts right now
[00:47:00] This is freebie. This is freebie. This is freebie. I'm never a hired
[00:47:03] This is a freebie, this is a freebie of the days...
[00:47:32] Yo, this intro's good, man. I'm gonna miss it.
[00:47:34] I'm gonna miss this intro, Chad. This is one of the last times it's gonna be played.
[00:47:38] and and and they should ask me to put a wrap over this now this pop yeah that
[00:47:48] red cat yeah oh my god I spit baron at them oh so ill it's crazy
[00:48:53] roll so ill it's crazy
[00:48:58] I mean yesterday was really good, but it's true yesterday
[00:49:32] No, that's the point, that's the point, exactly
[00:49:50] I'm coming to kill you, can you?
[00:49:52] Why is chat kinda funny today actually?
[00:50:06] Chat kinda funny today, it's only 50 minutes in and chat's actually kinda main funny.
[00:50:10] My last prediction was KT beating T1 chat, I don't miss, it's gonna be an epic when Dumbon win 3-1.
[00:50:21] My man, my man Papa Schmidt, he knows, he knows it. Only the real ones know!
[00:50:27] Real recognition is real!
[00:50:30] That's right Papa, that's right. Me and you baby, me and you.
[00:50:34] You know who else is gonna pick it? I bet you, I bet you five gifted subs on the predictions here.
[00:50:39] It's all Gen G, except for Chronicler and Jonas from there.
[00:50:43] I'm sure of it.
[00:50:44] So another day of the LCK, but a special one as we are here for the UdiBank Summer Playoffs for 2024.
[00:50:58] I'm Valdez with Niaz Wolff and we're gonna bring you Gen G versus D plus Kia. One best of five. We've had a bunch.
[00:51:04] Refresh the mainstream.
[00:51:05] G always seems to get the upper hand.
[00:51:07] But especially this season, Wolf, Kaila's like the big team.
[00:51:10] They certainly do.
[00:51:11] It's round two though.
[00:51:12] So the loser will, of course, have an opportunity
[00:51:15] in the lower bracket to make a quick playoff run back,
[00:51:19] of course.
[00:51:19] So as the distance bar was, no longer single elimination.
[00:51:22] I like how these best of fives are really massive.
[00:51:25] Obviously, being able to just go directly ahead up
[00:51:28] to round three in the winner's bracket
[00:51:29] would be a massive rider of these teams.
[00:51:32] the massive favorites as D plus are continuing to do a northern expedition here in the playoffs.
[00:51:40] Trying to head to Gyeongju of course the winner will qualify.
[00:51:44] DK's northern expedition continues.
[00:51:47] What?
[00:51:48] I think looking at today's matchup, it's the theory that maybe it goes to five.
[00:51:53] Modern expeditions.
[00:51:55] What is that film chat?
[00:51:57] The VNOTO Caprio won, Braveheart for some shit then, close it then.
[00:52:12] Revenant, that's it. What is it? Is that Revenant?
[00:52:16] That's crazy.
[00:52:18] In the NA. In the NA.
[00:52:20] in the Nafas.
[00:52:21] Yeah, that finals you were talking about before wasn't the most entertaining.
[00:52:26] It was just a beatdown back in 2021.
[00:52:28] It was a different Dom 1 beating at the time.
[00:52:32] Don't talk about it.
[00:52:33] Don't talk about 50-0.
[00:52:34] Obviously, the times have changed.
[00:52:35] Oh my God.
[00:52:36] It's going to be 55 and 44 after a quick 3-1.
[00:52:40] Showmaker's kind of cute though.
[00:52:42] This is a very special time for them to hit each other because they're both playing
[00:52:45] really weird stuff in the mid lane.
[00:52:47] Even coach Tim kind of looks he's got a cute smile a little bit coming into this one worry
[00:52:59] Let's take a look at the prediction. Yeah, we think it's going to happen. I think it comes down a miss Gen. G prediction
[00:53:05] You three ones here scattered in on our side a little bit more on the three zero
[00:53:10] G-sun given a win over the D-plus Crogler given two
[00:53:14] Chronicle says he's a dumb one fan. He says he's a big dumb one fan. What is that?
[00:53:20] Guys, you're all delusional
[00:53:23] Are they crazy or what?
[00:53:26] Actual, what's going on there? 3-2 is almost ambitious
[00:53:30] But maybe they will strike again and bring us to another fifth game because it's not the first time of those
[00:53:35] You know last but by that that's the fight that went to five. We were also leaning towards gendy very heavily and he plus did surprises
[00:53:43] Absolutely, we saw that pony on the green side also
[00:53:46] Sometimes getting a little bit clear with the spread, you know, he did go for TT against T1
[00:53:51] The only one to do that that didn't quite pay him out
[00:53:56] He also went for free to give it a couple of games to DK but
[00:54:00] I've seen that before though. I've seen a little bit before
[00:54:03] I've seen T1 vs KT, it was all KT predictions.
[00:54:09] T1 1.
[00:54:10] Hey, hey, I'm down to run it back.
[00:54:13] I'm down to run it back.
[00:54:17] I'm down to run it back.
[00:54:19] That's KT.
[00:54:25] This doesn't work on GenT.
[00:54:27] Stop dinging me, you fucker.
[00:54:33] Another LCK title
[00:54:35] You're so annoying with your being so emotional after getting his first in that incredibly close series against T1
[00:54:42] And his opposition on the other side
[00:54:44] Oh my god, King and my goat
[00:54:47] Absolute mega form
[00:54:51] King is in god mode, he is in god mode
[00:54:54] God no, King
[00:54:57] Don't miss a high five
[00:55:00] One
[00:55:00] he just gave that guy a fucking full on handshake
[00:55:03] he just dapped him up
[00:55:05] one one one one one one one one one one one one one one
[00:55:08] he just dapped that motherfucker
[00:55:11] they went like this
[00:55:27] what is gangon wearing
[00:55:29] What the hell is that?
[00:55:33] Okay, dude. Okay. Okay.
[00:55:39] Canyon rocking up the worlds.
[00:55:44] Rocket up the worlds.
[00:55:47] Hey.
[00:55:49] Actually, he's a traitor. He's not an ex-d-plus. He's a traitor.
[00:55:52] playing gets his old team today here he was often in those long best of fives
[00:55:57] the Genji and the Damon logo. Cute!
[00:56:00] He is the favorite against his old team.
[00:56:02] Le hands!
[00:56:03] He definitely is. Fear is Nidalee. Fear is pretty much anything.
[00:56:07] He is just insane.
[00:56:09] Lucid boy, Lucid. Yo, if you want to bust out a Lee Sin today, I'm here for it.
[00:56:13] From the side of D plus E.L.
[00:56:14] This is the same as Sub as Spring.
[00:56:16] The end of Spring, Lucid looks a bit shaky.
[00:56:19] Gets to playoffs. God mode.
[00:56:21] Oh, he tapped him up again! Yo, full on!
[00:56:25] Alright, now we're in summer.
[00:56:29] He's playing a bit mid. Fult in the split.
[00:56:31] We need to lock him for playoffs. He's going to do it again.
[00:56:51] Yeah
[00:56:53] Okay, Toby's got a month is a different pair, but also looking pretty cool
[00:57:00] Just you know you guys know Toby he is fantastic
[00:57:04] regular season MVP and
[00:57:07] All else you paper steam
[00:57:10] Okay, dude any mid jungle have sunglasses on man
[00:57:15] Ahead of show me green and there were seasons I can't flash
[00:57:18] Ash.
[00:57:30] BONJWA!
[00:57:34] Showmaker!
[00:57:35] My go-to.
[00:57:40] He looks so cute though.
[00:57:41] Is he going to deathmove as well?
[00:57:43] LCKs or winning regular season question.
[00:57:45] If you're gonna give him the...
[00:57:46] I wanna see a nice clap.
[00:57:47] If they clap here, then Dabwon's gonna win.
[00:57:49] Trust me.
[00:57:51] Oh, that was kind of mid though.
[00:57:53] Dabwon was kind of mid.
[00:58:06] Man, the mid-jungle-difficult series is some roster.
[00:58:08] I'm not too worried about the side lanes actually.
[00:58:10] I think Mohan King and Ailing will be fine.
[00:58:12] be fine. It's the mid jungler I'm a bit worried about. God pace, oh yeah of course he's got
[00:58:17] his sunglass sun. Why do they all got sunglass sun? Okay, they're just farming easy emotes
[00:58:23] man. This is crazy. They're just farming easy emotes. Nnaaaah.
[00:58:42] Agency has an 80 carry and he gets it done
[00:58:44] He's not giving the same amount of gold as his opposition, but he absolutely gets the massive amounts of damages team needs when they've sent him up
[00:58:55] A lot of people actually giving aiming the nudge I feel aiming a lot of the other
[00:59:01] Absolute volunteer right now just played so
[00:59:06] 30 at a few votes for first kind of me
[00:59:12] I'm gonna demand the gold he is the gold king and this match of to me is the most interesting to see how
[00:59:18] These two plays how awful is it the stages like this and the players are all standing here waiting
[00:59:23] And they're looking into the audience, but you'll see them
[00:59:27] So that means king and a king have been sitting there for five minutes staring at the audience
[00:59:33] There is with the glasses
[00:59:42] like to not to wear those and he just ruined it. Bro the aura of Gen G was crazy with the
[00:59:48] sunglasses now he just ruined it. Minus 10k. It was... look at the machine, we're just
[00:59:54] staring into the audience. Keen's been staring into the audience for like the last five minutes.
[00:59:58] All pro but certainly this time around he does feel incredibly consistent and he's
[01:00:03] a very important part of this roster. Yeah really helps get Paze ahead. He's looking
[01:00:08] 5000 assists as well today just five was almost guaranteed as this my boy moham
[01:00:15] My boy moham
[01:00:18] This is the difference maker right here. There's the difference maker
[01:00:22] Absolute difference maker
[01:00:24] Go on show me a good high five. Show me a good on the manager. Oh shit the shoulder
[01:00:31] No, it's a it's a one. It's one this guy's gonna carry alone
[01:00:34] This man who's been calming this patient carry alone. He keeps getting away with play absolute carry alone
[01:00:39] On that champion right now
[01:00:40] He might be the best one to play it right now here in the LCK
[01:00:43] And he has really changed the tone of D plus and how they play around
[01:00:50] Well, give him a player a huge rise for him after his time on
[01:00:55] Kwong-dong freaks for about very muted was a sub was never really a mainstay now
[01:00:59] He's the one who has to push his team across the line against over right here. Hello elite
[01:01:04] Gen G going down, crazy undefeated almost throughout the whole summer just to get
[01:01:11] there's a good out there lower bracket in the front round to play off that's crazy
[01:01:19] imagine the scenes imagine the scenes
[01:01:24] So in the team they're moving into playoffs
[01:01:27] Showmaker looks incredibly focused today
[01:01:29] It's almost like he's doing zero emotion
[01:01:31] Okay don't show that don't show that no no no don't show that
[01:01:35] Come on man
[01:01:36] Showmaker is the only player who was able to play the nasus
[01:01:40] He played at the very beginning of playoffs in the very first game
[01:01:43] The worst part this is over four games this stats look nice
[01:01:47] This is over like fucking 36 games or something I don't know
[01:01:49] Well we've got on this channel we might not see it anymore
[01:01:52] Toby stats obviously and this was against Fox
[01:01:56] DPM and an 80 carry meta he's got first across a lot of metrics his laning stats are as phenomenal as ever
[01:02:03] The showmaker I feel like has had some picks there showmaker exclusives that have really I feel like risen to the top of banning lists
[01:02:10] Like the LeBlanc for example, they aren't really standard meta picks, but you have to consider them. You have to do that nasus
[01:02:17] 700 games as he takes the stage here so much history between these squads
[01:02:22] You can look at where he sits as well over other players here in the LCK. He's played longer than Joby.
[01:02:27] He's 17 games from 1000, totally fucked.
[01:02:29] Showmaker, almost 200 behind him right now. He's been at the bottom of the LCK.
[01:02:34] He's risen up to being the gatekeeper of playoffs.
[01:02:37] That's all the LCK games always play.
[01:02:38] Then found his way on a top tier roster to now be trying to defend a title.
[01:02:43] He's always been a strong player. It just took a while for him to join the top roster
[01:02:47] and really showcase what he's capable of.
[01:02:50] to carry alongside of such insane players that he has on the stand the roster
[01:02:56] don't doubt my ghost filmmaker when I ever doubted 2024 it looked like the big
[01:03:01] Goliath all right visit here's what it's going to go I think the draft is what a
[01:03:07] lot of people are very excited for because you really don't know what to
[01:03:10] expect in mid lane could be standard or we might see garen you know like I
[01:03:14] really feel like we're on both extremes here maybe we just see like
[01:03:18] corki versus is here or we could see nazis versus garen and then you've got the bottom lane
[01:03:23] which uh mouse looks like a fucking transformer really brings in some nice aiming seems very
[01:03:29] happy everyone else's mouse aiming towards the end of summers is always really on point always
[01:03:34] very focused and maybe he's the only one that can really challenge then then then we moved so
[01:03:39] far away from an engage or a enchanter support meta so now mohammed is getting because he is
[01:03:45] so good at engage. I don't know, he's played a lot of enchanters actually in the past.
[01:03:48] I feel like such a great place to be in.
[01:03:51] But DK Challenger team lost 3-2 to KDF Challenger because they didn't have mohan.
[01:03:59] They were like a first place team and now they lost already without him.
[01:04:04] And a best of 5 that might be what he's just fucking rolled without mohan.
[01:04:09] They got the first swept.
[01:04:11] Alright Viaban, let's see, are they gonna ban Nessus, are they gonna ban Rel?
[01:04:17] Azir ban, I like it. Leblanc ban, I like it. Rumble ban, I would like a nice Rumble ban.
[01:04:23] Now, Rel, no one tell Gen.G, but the reason that one won most of the games is because this guy plays Rel.
[01:04:31] Smolder ban, okay that's a Rel.
[01:04:35] Surely they won first pick right?
[01:04:37] Nah, they won first pick Ash I think.
[01:04:51] Genji do like their Ash.
[01:04:54] Massus mid-bend, oh my god.
[01:04:56] It must be Ash right? What else do they want to do?
[01:04:59] Malkai!
[01:05:00] Okay, they won us first pick Malkai away from Lucid.
[01:05:03] It's really weird they first pick Malkai, Canyon only likes to play things like, I mean,
[01:05:08] mid lane, Zyra, Liliya, but this shuts off Liliya quite hard.
[01:05:14] Now, here you're about to be like Liliya MF, or you could do your Ashe, you could do
[01:05:21] Ashe, Rell is kinda hard to play 1-2 though, especially against a team that plays Kalista
[01:05:25] really well.
[01:05:26] MF, what kind of doing MF, Liliya?
[01:05:29] I mean, all they're gonna do then is Corky-Cosartake.
[01:05:31] This is the most stock standard Gen G ever.
[01:05:34] Malkai Corky-Cosartake.
[01:05:35] Yeah, I mean, I've never been in the first rotation.
[01:05:37] Moham is on the record of saying it's not just about Rell.
[01:05:41] Like, I can play other picks.
[01:05:42] It just feels like Rell was really good in those moments.
[01:05:45] I think the Ivern is something you really have to look at.
[01:05:48] Lillia's also been a very common answer to the Malkai
[01:05:51] in the jungle, so kind of-
[01:05:53] The Lee Sin hovers is out on the Lee Sin.
[01:05:56] He's teasing them with Lee Sin.
[01:05:57] Oh Ziggs, Ziggs, Gorky, Ziggs, Tristana, okay, that's disgusting.
[01:06:04] Oh my god, they're like BLG style as well, just early on, take Ziggs, it's busted.
[01:06:11] I mean, you have to pick Rel here, you need MFVRL, you just have to take BL, and then
[01:06:16] mid takes the bends.
[01:06:17] I think Shoemaker's gonna have a tough one this game, Shoemaker needs something cooked
[01:06:24] He's so good at enabling on the mix. I feel like it is especially strong.
[01:06:28] Show me if you need something cooked up.
[01:06:29] And that is just an incredibly strong 1-2 from the set-up.
[01:06:32] He needs a good AD mid.
[01:06:33] He's in here banned out as well.
[01:06:35] Yeah, they all banned Alistar and Leona here I think.
[01:06:38] Alistar and Leona bans.
[01:06:40] Or maybe you could drop a Cassante ban as well.
[01:06:43] And then Gen.G, I mean what are you looking at?
[01:06:46] You're looking at...
[01:06:47] So unsurprising here Chovy wanted to be able to have Tristana in the AD mid open or Jscorky Lucian?
[01:06:53] As boring as it may seem
[01:06:55] Jscorky, Lucian Yasuo, who's the only AD mid open, he really is not really playable at all
[01:07:00] So it is very very scary just looking at those three champions in their, you know
[01:07:07] Isolation, the Yasuo taking away here now. I would love a guarantee right now in this meta
[01:07:13] TrindyMimit, he picks TrindyMimit into Turkey, he wouldn't play TrindyMimit into Cassana, that's horrible.
[01:07:19] Leona, so here's probably an Alistar or Cassante, man.
[01:07:22] I'm a bit worried of Keen's Cassante blind here, and then just playing like, Nautilus or some shit.
[01:07:28] I just feel like Genji's fine.
[01:07:34] Alistar's blind here.
[01:07:39] He plays Olaf.
[01:07:43] I don't think so if I can he's gonna play Cassante. He's gonna play Nulti
[01:07:46] Not a lot of supports you can play that can punish Aurel with the zigs
[01:07:52] The last van here might just be once again towards the mid lane
[01:07:57] Corky still a strong option here for the side of D plus maybe that's where they go
[01:08:02] It'll be a Mordekaiser ban. So that's screaming Cassante, obviously, right?
[01:08:06] They're screaming that they're gonna buy and pick Cassante. Now Dumbled's kind of been giving it
[01:08:11] They've been forced in their hand now. Are you gonna pick Korky Jace or are you gonna take away the Mordekaiser and the Kassante, sorry
[01:08:19] This feels really obvious
[01:08:21] Mordekaiser band feels like a really obvious Kassante pick, right? So maybe they're trapping them. I doubt it though, they're Korky, they're gonna pick Kassante
[01:08:29] I think JG's comp is busted already like it's crazy
[01:08:33] They're playing their best games
[01:08:35] to Malchi as well so there's a puzzling pick there. It's so big.
[01:08:40] Turret takes though. As it will just once again be keen, Santé, it looks like here in the
[01:08:45] top lane. So we'll give Kinko the opportunity to play something like a dollar into this if
[01:08:50] he wants to. We'll have counterpick. It's so big.
[01:08:53] Well a little bit of extra hover time but it does get locked in.
[01:08:57] Poppy supports. This has been one of the other smaller...
[01:08:59] What do you like to pick here? It carries top. I don't know what do you like
[01:09:01] to pick into Cassante.
[01:09:02] the poppy all left love to see it a king and has played a bit of a happy
[01:09:06] sautee has played us Katie roaster to great success very strong when you have
[01:09:11] a lot of heels for it this is not a standard competition the Senate has
[01:09:13] been completely absent from this draft yeah
[01:09:16] mouth fight! mouth fight the mf lillian roll?
[01:09:21] oh my god what if we just knock him up okay I like it I like it I like it
[01:09:26] I like it kinda clean that's clean I like the dress both dress are pretty clean
[01:09:31] You know you were talking about things that aren't great into the Malachi
[01:09:34] Well, that's pretty keen. You don't really have to worry about Malachi for Malphite. You just press your R button
[01:09:38] You're unstoppable. You're unstoppable you go straight
[01:09:40] I try to run out if you're not there, or if you're trying to get on top of what you want, I'll see you in a second
[01:09:46] I can get away from that type of engage. Ziggs is going to be playing from far away
[01:09:50] So it's hard to actually get on top of him and punish him
[01:09:53] So while I do like this Malphite in terms of the lane matchup, I like the Malphite
[01:09:57] But do they have three losing lanes like top gets blasted mid gets blasted
[01:10:03] Lillia can't in this set you up to guarantee you get a multi-man knockup instead of that
[01:10:08] assassination
[01:10:08] Malfight old we're seeing that so many dangerous draft
[01:10:11] Horlings
[01:10:12] Oh my god, Gale force was removed kill that aphelios right and get on top of them knock him up and destroy him
[01:10:19] This is not that kind of better
[01:10:20] But when you have a rel to set up and when it's mohams rel he's seven and one on this pick since he became
[01:10:27] support. I think you can trust that those engages are going to be good. Hey, Kana's there!
[01:10:32] Kana my goat! Oh, an XDP plus player himself. Yeah, he better be reppin' VK. It's like his
[01:10:40] second time ever coming down to watch the games, I believe that said there. Yeah. Since birth.
[01:10:47] It's the way he said it. But look at this competition. He's very comprehensive. Tons of
[01:10:51] disengaged. I mean, Ziggs, Poppy, Malchai. How are you going to get on to anything?
[01:10:56] Whereas on the set of D plus Kia, you know, they have some range, but they also have ways to try to get over all of that disengaged
[01:11:02] We'll see if it works out for them as we hop on our it for game number one
[01:11:13] Genji fighting D plus Kia fighting harder bitch
[01:11:22] Locking DK game number one in this best of five between Genji and D plus Kia there have been
[01:11:29] in a very big best of fives between these two, the baldless incident, which Khranikov
[01:11:36] was talking about during our pre-show where Atlas was like-
[01:11:38] The baldless incident.
[01:11:39] No way they lose.
[01:11:40] I'll shave my head and then they lost.
[01:11:44] And also the fantastic quarters at Orange, which was incredible in 2022 with, I believe
[01:11:52] it was the cane that was played right out of Canyon.
[01:11:55] An insane best of five it always feels like these two make for really fun
[01:12:01] Best of five so we could be getting
[01:12:03] For something really awesome or maybe just that king and what's happening come what happens though is king of king and rather
[01:12:08] Is in a lot of trouble my god the lane swapping absolute rat mode
[01:12:12] Getting invaded in their job lane swapping. Yeah, I mean mouth
[01:12:16] Why are they mean swapping mobile cop laner at level one?
[01:12:18] There's nothing you can really do to get out of those types of exchanges can toss out a cue and get slow
[01:12:24] but ultimately when there's no cover for him and he gets caught like that he
[01:12:28] will be in trouble his pace will be like this happened into this top lane to
[01:12:32] avoid that really a cyber drop 100 gifted subs absolute psychopath straight
[01:12:37] down holy shit your cyber thing is someone behind you give the subs you're
[01:12:42] absolutely mental because they know what's up chat adamantz a bog please
[01:12:45] that's crazy disguised and you know if this were not case oiler patch where
[01:12:49] that top turret was you're not cyber much love
[01:12:52] Thank you, man, and get some alone time and you would feel great about this
[01:12:57] What's wrong with you go back down there? Here's King and good morning rats rats high for the banger match
[01:13:04] Supports this going made a lot right. Yes. They thank you
[01:13:07] You got a son and we see cannon also because of that. All right. This is a fool
[01:13:11] They saw this is already starting to get involved no dives no jungle camp denials
[01:13:16] It's just full clear full farm on these raptors, which could be cleared very quickly by Lilia
[01:13:20] So a nice target here should be able to appreciate it. I'm gonna take that red buff away as well
[01:13:25] It's now can it's gone back to his normal clear. Let's see how much damage
[01:13:31] Protection here for plates on the top side, but it is six and with his passive
[01:13:34] He is going to a lot of you can't miss you all get a tattoo of XDB. Well, this deal is very few red side minions
[01:13:40] And then just absolutely crush that turret
[01:13:42] I'd still think the bottom side will get a bit of an edge here
[01:13:45] Especially with the numbers advantage they have down there
[01:13:47] but they should still be able to get a lot of value here
[01:13:50] So Keen is going to TP bot here I presume
[01:13:52] and Lahans is arriving to cover
[01:13:55] Otherwise, I know, it's obviously Keen Paze is going to TP bot
[01:13:58] Is that why they lane slot? Because Zeke has TP
[01:14:01] Is this what they're using?
[01:14:02] They're using Zeke's TP to force Marthite TP
[01:14:06] Also Zeke gets TP on base
[01:14:09] Nah, DK carries this game
[01:14:15] Did he just knock the minion out of tower range so they can hold the wave?
[01:14:21] Absolutely rat behaviour.
[01:14:29] Absolutely rat behaviour. It is still slow pushing to DK.
[01:14:33] Red side.
[01:14:35] Malhen.
[01:14:37] Showmaker is going even in lane. We take that.
[01:14:40] He's farming.
[01:14:42] Jungle is even, but we should go to raptor respawn which is huge.
[01:14:45] Pays can start putting some more play pressure down here on the bottom side aiming about a call as well with that back
[01:14:50] So just cold caching it on the fact that this is going to be probably a very quiet lane for him
[01:14:56] I'm gonna have a ton of kill pressure here. Just wants to hit those spikes a little bit faster. Yeah
[01:15:01] Very excited to see so much. I don't get so okay. He was serious really good
[01:15:06] Everything will be fine. I shouldn't say what he is very good at canceling pretty much any CC in the game
[01:15:12] including Poppy's ult. He can just pop out of that apparently. He is one of our midlaners that has really said
[01:15:20] Yeah, the Tristana nerfs happened. I do not care at all
[01:15:23] I will just play this if it makes sense every single game and he really has bought into that and has made this champ
[01:15:30] Still look incredibly busted. Yeah, and it's the macro of Gen.G that really empowers him to make those plays. Yeah, Marca is
[01:15:38] What happened in jungle?
[01:15:40] Lillia got her raptor respawn and botcrab
[01:15:45] Ten is going for the infidrate start because Lillia hasn't based
[01:15:49] Lillia hasn't based
[01:15:57] And it's okay, we just clear top camps, we play for the grubbs. Yeah, Keen has TP is a problem
[01:16:03] So Genji swap, use Zeke's TP to catch bot wave when Lehen's base is, they actually don't lose as much so they get both waves
[01:16:10] Then they get bot, they get drake because enemy bots have the base and they get push and they get jungled in base.
[01:16:17] Then because they swap top lane as TP bandage so keen can base soon and TP back and then they're stronger for grub as well.
[01:16:24] Absolutely madness.
[01:16:26] gonna help out keen yeah like in this match up against the alpha every time we
[01:16:30] get hit by one of those wagon wheels just walk it off get that health back
[01:16:35] obviously has a large amount of health so we'll recover a lot thing in six though
[01:16:39] lucid is on the top side of the jungle right now trying to reset this is
[01:16:43] raptors won't be able to make a play here topside Lahine's is here nothing
[01:16:46] will hence could do more hands here too more hands here to don't worry about
[01:16:49] it and mid Pryo kind of dead even right now faster rotation for moham
[01:16:54] Oh, Genji are playing for everything.
[01:16:56] Look, King presses B.
[01:16:58] I'm guessing on TP's back?
[01:17:00] No, he's just moving.
[01:17:02] Yo, yo, yo, this crab looks good, too.
[01:17:04] Hey!
[01:17:06] Oh, my God.
[01:17:08] Look at that.
[01:17:10] Oh, my God.
[01:17:12] He's getting that.
[01:17:24] is just gonna push king and out of this lane
[01:17:26] there's no reason for king to get old
[01:17:28] just old, just old, just old away
[01:17:30] should be able to force it, there's the ult
[01:17:32] and flash the ease
[01:17:34] he doesn't have flash, but he's trying to get in range
[01:17:36] he's a level 3 puppy
[01:17:38] and he just soloed a level 6
[01:17:40] and keen actually didn't base in tp back
[01:17:42] it's because they had bot push
[01:17:44] he stays and base in tp's bot
[01:17:46] to stop aiming from getting bot to run
[01:17:48] yeah this is just the fucking shit that's in it
[01:17:50] absolutely could have ulted earlier
[01:17:52] wanted to hold those tools and chovy should be able to get out of here not
[01:17:55] about his buffers earlier and now two grubs to a ziggs yes turret plate
[01:18:01] protection topside but again it's gonna feel so helpful ideally would have like
[01:18:06] three out of this one but if you get the next group fight to go your way is
[01:18:09] going to be massive aiming didn't show up to the last fight as soon as they
[01:18:12] scouted that there was gonna be a heavy contest he's how is this fair where's
[01:18:17] Where's my teammate's at? Where's my MF? Why is my MF standing in bot?
[01:18:34] The King is in his ult earlier.
[01:18:35] King and slowed as well, and then LeHens comes over here and he drops the ward, he's aware of it.
[01:18:41] It's okay. That one are normally slowed to get like ramping up into the series.
[01:18:47] That one are kinda slow. It's okay.
[01:18:51] Even time, the longer the game goes on the better.
[01:18:54] Let him cook, let him cook.
[01:18:58] Crazy he's playing Maul Fight against Maul Kai Ziggs.
[01:19:03] It's not like they're full AD. They have Maokai Ziggs. That's crazy, right?
[01:19:09] Maokai Ziggs. It's not like they're playing fucking Vi, Tristana. What is this?
[01:19:14] Now there's two amazing scenarios here for GenG on this next dragon. Obviously picking up the Infernal
[01:19:21] itself will be a huge boon stats wise for their composition, especially with the Grubs they've already picked up.
[01:19:25] But if it goes from...
[01:19:27] Okay, we got one of the Grubs. We got one.
[01:19:29] Hex tech it's like actually so insanely strong for them if it goes to mountain also very strong for them
[01:19:35] They have a poppy they have a Cassante everything right now go and genji's way my god
[01:19:41] Amings gonna get chunked out of the lane
[01:19:43] Something you could do on zakes against immobile
[01:19:47] MF has the ultimate right here. It happens later on in the game, but you can do it just now
[01:19:50] just to push him out of lane and Amings just gonna throw his ult in just to counter that essentially, but
[01:19:55] Generally, MAP won't be able to do much to avoid that damage, especially as the game comes along.
[01:20:00] Yeah, we'll be able to continue to ult him at the beginning of the fight and just say,
[01:20:05] well, now you can't really auto anybody, you can't set up for a bullet time.
[01:20:08] He doesn't base, he can't just recall. Why would he cancel his recall?
[01:20:11] I don't know.
[01:20:12] And the oldest confused for aiming is to try to prevent any plate damage.
[01:20:16] So he was successful at that.
[01:20:18] Still sitting at half health.
[01:20:20] this game is how they know basically on one hand it's still relatively early so
[01:20:25] relatively even but on the other hand Genji have gotten some really big
[01:20:28] advantages for the comp so early now the big question is can they get the second
[01:20:32] dragon because if they do they have so many ways it's canceling free okay
[01:20:38] space now or a cloud he's gonna run out top by the field but we have no
[01:20:43] for the grubs contestant
[01:20:45] he's not even gonna contest the grubs
[01:20:47] are they gonna set up for drake?
[01:20:49] if you have the grubs they get 5 grubs and top tower dies
[01:20:53] if this is what's gonna happen
[01:20:55] they need to
[01:20:57] but first we'll not die top would be great
[01:21:01] you're so greedy just ult man
[01:21:03] oh my god it's the same thing as before
[01:21:05] the same thing as before
[01:21:12] So greedy so Lydia's gonna clear this year they need to get
[01:21:17] Top-tier one first because they just have
[01:21:19] some ziggs in just a moment it's okay I think I think I've realized something
[01:21:23] really important I've realized something crazy chat one if it's
[01:21:27] pocket sound here with demolish that we don't give them
[01:21:30] spots what if we just did that they're getting the dragon so that is
[01:21:33] Pretty significant here, but the ziggs getting accelerated is always what genji you want
[01:21:37] And they just stack up the gold right canyons also gonna get have grub control because they went for the that's crazy
[01:21:43] No, I feel like what if we just deny Ziggs for a ziggs is actually more valuable than the solo drake
[01:21:48] Yeah, well, I'm just gonna come over here. I absolutely agree. I feel like this is a consolation prize
[01:21:53] Which is really weird to say about bro. I can make another turning point episode from this game alone genji is fucking crazy
[01:21:58] with these maps we need to see like at least they get one drake it is mountainous
[01:22:02] absolute degeneracy which is going to be new to i would say for both sides
[01:22:06] i will get more of those drakes and it eventually gets the soul if it even spawns
[01:22:10] the glazing the glazing oh that is dooming early but i don't know this is
[01:22:18] it's just such a great decision to make that topside play go for the turret
[01:22:22] go for grubbs that's way more valuable i tried my hardest to curse jrg before
[01:22:26] for their game. Okay, I actually released a video about how good they are before they play the best of five.
[01:22:32] Surely that's enough guys. Come on, that one.
[01:22:34] Pan Ziggs and Luckin.
[01:22:47] So the line Sally, not yet. It's fine for now.
[01:22:50] Now they're gonna move their mid push with zig spots, Triton is gonna hit with five grubs
[01:22:58] They're actually just playing
[01:23:01] Demolition fucking tower comp on thing with these grubs map rotations with the swap
[01:23:06] With these champs. It's just tower demolition
[01:23:11] It literally is
[01:23:13] Especially if his first game just ends up being kind of a now what I would love is if no
[01:23:18] I'm can get a war somewhere for a king and steepie
[01:23:21] Not yet. It's not too much action
[01:23:22] So deep was his comp commas online not in these early skirmishes
[01:23:26] But when we have this guy right by fights and they can wobble and combo as you said with this mouth
[01:23:30] Fight with the rail with the bullet time
[01:23:32] There is no way there just an enjoyer in my chat for every team or what why is it every team?
[01:23:37] I might my team demo plays against I'm getting told it man. I'm gonna fuck off
[01:23:43] So if the combo hits three people even two people and aiming gets a big ultimate off the fight could just end there
[01:23:50] For D plus there's just so many ways a good word from my fight somewhere for the side of some kind of good war for
[01:23:55] malta
[01:23:56] I think we should counter tickets before their hatched here because D plus have such an explosive
[01:24:01] Set of champions when we get to a fight
[01:24:03] We're paying one bow combo guys just land your spells
[01:24:05] I want a fair man mouth idle into a four man sleep with a four man rail engage with a four man mental
[01:24:11] And then we're gonna win the fight then just one more than
[01:24:24] I'm actually surprised how even with this normally showmaker troddy is rough
[01:24:41] point in time I'd imagine showmakers should be pretty close no doubt actually you know what I
[01:24:46] think Genji's comp unironically is what they were playing a blind pick these four picks
[01:24:53] if they were given blind picks they would play these four champs I'm not even kidding
[01:24:57] there's no place as they fall off here so besides to ultimately push another wave and back off
[01:25:03] TP to the top side they're going for herald of course they're going for herald
[01:25:07] What are we going to do about it DK? What are we going to do about it?
[01:25:12] What are we going to do about them doing heralds with Zeke's tricenter and these five grubs?
[01:25:15] It doesn't look like they're really in position to solve it at all. I mean...
[01:25:19] Nothing. What if we do nothing?
[01:25:20] I like it. I like it.
[01:25:22] So they elect to choose option C which is to well do nothing about it. None of the above.
[01:25:28] I like it. I like it.
[01:25:29] And Genji will say, hey, you can't lose the game if you do nothing.
[01:25:32] We'll use that with the Sages or not.
[01:25:35] We're gonna scale right? Just give up everything and scale?
[01:25:40] Give up everything? Let them have the house? Let them have the stream key? Let them have everything?
[01:25:47] We'll fight them here.
[01:25:57] Give it all up!
[01:26:05] D-plus have that D-plus don't feel like they can contest
[01:26:09] But without contesting it
[01:26:15] I know exactly what it is. It's showmaker being like yeah, we could fire but I could get triforce and turn off
[01:26:24] We can wait for triforce. I'll allow it. I'll have the illusion base
[01:26:29] Okay, I believe in work. I believe in work. Okay. I'll sit up after this well
[01:26:32] They'll let the rift herald go what is the key need to do to win the series need to break Toby left hands
[01:26:38] Still in the park and maybe they have a chance to use that in mid
[01:26:41] I would imagine yeah, and I think there's gonna look to drop that right before the dragon fight here
[01:26:45] The timing is perfect for Canyon to toss this through once pace clears this way
[01:26:49] Toby and can you get some doubt? I think he can time key has TP three of the we'll be able to join at a moment
[01:26:55] Snow the showmaker can match that as
[01:26:57] Fighting for vision is what they gained
[01:27:00] Okay, take the dragon fight, we got Triforce.
[01:27:07] Actually he'll just play Tracenna and right click.
[01:27:10] Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[01:27:13] Just commit, Mohan! Confidence! Just Q flash that bitch!
[01:27:17] Just Q flashing, he's dead on my screen.
[01:27:19] KING IN!
[01:27:21] What is Poppy doing? The fuck?
[01:27:23] The fuck does he think he is? That's a rock, Kurt?
[01:27:25] Rock, huh?
[01:27:31] Ooh, he's kicking, really.
[01:27:33] King is in a base in TP, you get the health back.
[01:27:35] Yo, this is kinda playable for DK, I like this fight.
[01:27:38] Wait, hold on, what if they just don't fight
[01:27:39] us when they're Herald Moon and then the tier 2?
[01:27:42] I don't-
[01:27:45] Guys?
[01:27:46] Guys?
[01:27:47] Toby.
[01:27:48] Ha ha ha ha.
[01:27:49] Ehh.
[01:27:50] He was too scared to hit a Tawa.
[01:27:52] Wait, this is perfect for DK.
[01:27:54] this is perfect you hold up oh shit there's no fashion zigz
[01:27:59] why are we there why are we there king and flesh out oh yeah your life your life
[01:28:05] oh yeah no I'm right much and where's my court he has always
[01:28:13] I'm just kidding! Yo this is big! Yo this is big! No flash, no flash!
[01:28:17] No hand-dumped item minions!
[01:28:23] Get the dragon! Get the dragon!
[01:28:26] That is a 1-5 for DK. And that's also an increase of volume by 3%
[01:28:31] Every time we win a 5, the volume gets louder.
[01:28:34] Cause maybe it's playable.
[01:28:36] Punish there trying to set the ultimate and then to be also
[01:28:41] Not a snow way they look for a steel
[01:28:44] Pretty hard to lose it. You can't get us right about a guy
[01:28:49] Bro the observer needs to stop it. Stop it observer. Why is he zooming in like that? He's getting me like worried, bro
[01:28:56] He literally his fucking mouse scrolled. He was my anxiety level
[01:29:02] And then yeah kingen is getting mold
[01:29:04] But look at how Splutters are getting molded into the hens
[01:29:06] Caught by the bullet time and he's seen bomb damage in trade
[01:29:10] And then gaming, it just has so much protection
[01:29:12] Toby goes up here for his first drop
[01:29:15] Toby would have stole that dragon, no cap
[01:29:16] Which in this case is just a very very low health gassante
[01:29:20] And Toby's just never able to get a reset here
[01:29:22] Nobix, nobix, good on the steals bro
[01:29:24] He's good on the steals
[01:29:26] When the moments matters, nobix locked in
[01:29:28] Now I have the LDR second item online
[01:29:30] I think a fantastic item choice considering the composition
[01:29:33] and the build here from Canyon, and you know, misfortune we consider her to be kind of just
[01:29:38] an old button a lot of the time in fights, but with double ups and with her passive, you
[01:29:43] get multiple targets, you actually do a lot of damage.
[01:29:46] Yeah, absolutely do. That fight was very close.
[01:29:50] He's easy to be reworked.
[01:29:51] I think on that first dragon, it does look like Genji though.
[01:29:54] This is so stupid. This guy's literally running around the map destroying the Towers,
[01:29:57] man.
[01:29:58] He's wall-tapping down.
[01:29:59] They're gonna have all tier one turrets taken down early on the five grubs really
[01:30:04] He's such a weird spot. He's supposed to be a mid lane major
[01:30:08] But he's used as an AD carry turret destroyer to have an AD carry mid instead so they can be higher level
[01:30:13] It's like a bot
[01:30:14] Maybe they can gain some confidence. They say hey, we can't fight
[01:30:16] He's literally a way clear turret tier bot from bot lane
[01:30:19] I mean the fact that they want a team fight like that that they dictated the pace of you know
[01:30:23] pushing Canyon down to low health splitting
[01:30:25] Chovy off of each of you kind of split soft office of that with terrible play
[01:30:28] We saw there, but he wasn't able to make the impact he would normally have on Tristana in the moment
[01:30:32] Oh wait, we're 200k STDs nice without that
[01:30:34] Good job check
[01:30:35] Perfect Wombo combo it's so wonderful even when the zig splashes your mouth fight engage and King is basically worthless
[01:30:41] In turn uses a damage sponge you can still win that team fight makes you feel like it gives you confidence that this D plus
[01:30:46] Combo
[01:30:47] Mountain soul with mouth fight
[01:30:49] Ideal conditions are not met
[01:30:51] Sounds fucking great
[01:30:52] Gimme gimme
[01:30:53] Maybe there's a real fighting chance for them
[01:30:55] in this game because if the Goldie there's only sub 2000 here and that
[01:30:59] Dierke hasn't hit the two items spike just yet stacking that tier right now
[01:31:02] It's an aiming disc this game isn't it? It's a Malfi Bolt if they can layer on aiming
[01:31:06] bolts then it will kill them. Ziggs sitting on the Seraphs right now
[01:31:09] The second MF Bolt is wasted or Malfi Bolt is flashed it's over.
[01:31:13] Yeah I think it makes sense. Oh you're trying to take my tower?
[01:31:17] I'm Ziggs! So much wombo combo if you get caught by that
[01:31:19] Hey, hey, hey.
[01:31:20] Noooo.
[01:31:21] Okay, I can see why you did that, but now it's completely amusement.
[01:31:24] It's just an around death.
[01:31:25] Around death.
[01:31:26] Around death.
[01:31:27] Around death.
[01:31:28] Here comes Joby and the rest of them.
[01:31:29] Now, roll that.
[01:31:30] This is your fault.
[01:31:31] Well, are we?
[01:31:32] Yeah, we're dead.
[01:31:33] Hey, hey, hey!
[01:31:34] No, no, no, no!
[01:31:35] Oh, sleepy time!
[01:31:36] That's not bad.
[01:31:37] Took one sign.
[01:31:39] So it is a two for one.
[01:31:41] Canyon will go down.
[01:31:42] This event goes slightly too far forward.
[01:31:44] It's a bullet time to the face.
[01:31:46] went a lot better I think for d-plus than I expected after they did overextend there
[01:31:51] this this mouth fight though
[01:31:52] onto that turret and no success found there it's not even low at all so
[01:31:56] you know when you get you get auto-filled in solo queue and you like y'all pay a
[01:31:59] mouth fight top and somehow you're like really far behind this is the vibe I'm
[01:32:02] getting from the mouth fight
[01:32:04] and uh look at this turret it's that full health
[01:32:06] it's hard to get in here because they have the seeds of this mouth fight I
[01:32:09] guess they thought okay we can engage on them if they try to defend
[01:32:12] yeah he would have got stunned there he would have got one tap
[01:32:14] Valkyrie 2 ult in return, BOOM! I think for a half second it was like, do I actually re-engage on this team?
[01:32:21] Like they're on top of me, I'm fairly tanky, maybe I get a Magnus from the bullet-time combo, does not do it.
[01:32:26] They actually lose, it sets up a sleepier, and then the Valkyrie ult Canyon goes down, so they trade one back in that retreat.
[01:32:34] Still a huge win for Gen.G though, and no damage really gone to the turret, but...
[01:32:39] It's not over yet. One minute on Drake fight, the next Drake fight will decide. Pretty much everything, but they have Bloodthirster, LBR, BF, Muraman as finished, like the carries have damage, and the frontline's behind, but they're Ruby crystals.
[01:32:59] Just walking Ruby Crystals, that's fine.
[01:33:04] Just Malfight Ultra Stata, make her flash backwards and the fight is playable.
[01:33:09] Actually playable.
[01:33:10] They've still got the Ziggs, which is fantastic as pushing and pushing, so they just leave
[01:33:13] Paze there, they push that in and they look to get presence around the dragon.
[01:33:17] So it will be a bit more difficult for DK, I'd say, to enter into this area of the
[01:33:21] map this time around.
[01:33:22] Oh, absolutely.
[01:33:24] And this is where it gets hard to set up those Engages.
[01:33:26] You don't have vision when the hens get to shove you to wall or hold you out of the fight
[01:33:31] You don't know where he is and they have that banana brush control
[01:33:35] I'd say almost
[01:33:38] Amy please stop
[01:33:49] Yo, kind of nicely held a flat sky though over commit to that
[01:33:52] That fears of a countering gates, but the damage done to Moham already as they do look to set up here in the division around the dragon is pretty much non-existent.
[01:34:02] How the showmaker could get there? He's looking at the T.P. for me.
[01:34:04] Wait, just go.
[01:34:05] How do-
[01:34:06] Even the Malphites just running straight at them, they know how to deal with that.
[01:34:08] So yeah, DK just not really going to be able to get in on this dragon.
[01:34:12] Get in on this dragon? What about Diggs? What about Diggs?
[01:34:14] What about Diggs?
[01:34:15] We'll go over towards Gen G.
[01:34:16] Look at Canyon's positioning.
[01:34:17] Yeah.
[01:34:18] He's got a very nice angle on this one.
[01:34:20] I'm gonna throw him in the middle of the map!
[01:34:22] Stop! Stop! Stop!
[01:34:23] Who is not quite able to buff for that one, the sleeve coming down, and mohaw's totally gonna miss on the left side of the map!
[01:34:28] Yes! Yes! Yes!
[01:34:29] Will go show me in the green!
[01:34:31] That DK will enjoy, and now they're just looking for Canyon, who is also just kind of on the run, doesn't have a way to get out of this one.
[01:34:38] Get him! Get him! Get him! Get him!
[01:34:39] He's able to slow up a couple times.
[01:34:41] We have blue spike, though. We have blue spike. Oh my god. Let's turn junglers into fucking rocket ships. Good idea.
[01:34:46] He's FaZe Rush now guys, so we'll be able to get out of there pretty quickly
[01:34:51] That's not bad, definitely put up a lot worse there for D-plus
[01:34:54] 3 Flashes is big for their comp
[01:34:56] That's big
[01:34:58] That turn onto Chovy from Kingen
[01:35:00] So you look at this, I was like, oh man, like D-Blast did we not learn?
[01:35:04] It's an old school textbook classic
[01:35:06] What if it is Flashoff on Malphite?
[01:35:08] Absolutely Flashoff's Chovy
[01:35:10] Absolute fundamental right there
[01:35:12] He's then slept and there's nothing he can do
[01:35:14] He's the flash up and now he's also down flash end up losing ball on because he was trying to peel on the left side
[01:35:21] There was an ideal you mentioned. It's kind of a big with their
[01:35:23] Ultimate at least keep Genji somewhat honest. It just joined it there from D plus
[01:35:27] But what a snap call from King and yo, I had it's been a while since I've seen showmaker this strong like what is this?
[01:35:34] Again Genji, he's like fed. He's fed ironically. Oh, yeah, a little bit more than but instead
[01:35:40] 1% volume there.
[01:35:42] One kill.
[01:35:59] Showmakers can leave it down and XT but it's okay.
[01:36:01] Yo, this 2k gold lead doesn't matter.
[01:36:03] It really doesn't.
[01:36:05] This 2k gold lead is what?
[01:36:07] Where is it? On top lane?
[01:36:09] I would love to know.
[01:36:11] We'll see if they can continue to make things interesting here in game 1.
[01:36:14] Because AV looks same items, mid looks same items, maybe a little bit more to Tristana.
[01:36:18] They still haven't even had that good combo.
[01:36:20] It's just top lane. It's just top lane.
[01:36:23] And support. But who cares?
[01:36:26] Not me. Not me. Oh my god, but DK wins game 1.
[01:36:31] Absolute scenes in the Twitch chat. Absolute scenes.
[01:36:35] Then their comp can be both strong and strong as they have problems with ulti
[01:36:39] And that's why they've committed so heavily to this mid turret, because theirs is down
[01:36:42] Don't dive them guys, don't dive them
[01:36:44] And there's a flank and they're kind of being squashed, shaming in a very awkward spot
[01:36:48] You're fine here, you're fine, don't panic
[01:36:50] Don't panic, you're fine
[01:36:52] But now the Sig's ult comes in on top of Amy, he's just on the run
[01:36:55] You're fine, you're fine
[01:36:56] Wait, no one's dead!
[01:36:57] They're gonna go Baron
[01:36:58] Hello, you have TP?
[01:36:59] Yeah, you're fine, you're fine
[01:37:00] Have you signed? That's fine
[01:37:01] That's fine, I know they have Cassante, it's annoying
[01:37:03] 3 for 3 on D plus trying to get the mid turret
[01:37:07] all good all good
[01:37:08] at least the second time they were able to turn it into a successful turn
[01:37:11] ooh IE on aiming is big
[01:37:13] they want that mid turret down
[01:37:15] try not to troll police you're lucky on the edge of trolling
[01:37:17] push some aggressive picks but now TP coming through
[01:37:20] they're starting up as baron
[01:37:22] what the fuck is that it's still there
[01:37:24] look at that
[01:37:26] what? guards
[01:37:28] they just don't have any setup
[01:37:30] is it just gone?
[01:37:32] Ziggs E, what is that 6k 3 trucks on the ground?
[01:37:52] If you ask me, this does look unusually for GenG now. Unusable. Amazing mission. Crazy.
[01:38:00] Zeke's for Senna's five clubs, no Dragon Wing Edition, and Baron.
[01:38:04] Because like you said, there's no engage.
[01:38:06] That's a win, that's a winning game right there.
[01:38:08] Lucid can't get in there, he doesn't have ult anymore.
[01:38:10] Oh, they're gonna do X-Play mid to bot.
[01:38:11] And winning game.
[01:38:12] Plus, it's just without that mid turret,
[01:38:15] they feel priced into forcing it,
[01:38:18] because without it, they can't play the game,
[01:38:19] they can't play the vision war,
[01:38:20] but now they have Baron against them,
[01:38:21] so guess what?
[01:38:22] I don't think you're ever getting it back.
[01:38:25] And maybe your prediction about Minako and the Soul
[01:38:26] could come true if Genji win one more decisive fight.
[01:38:29] The push power they had in the early mid game and then the five grubs coming through top tier one space
[01:38:34] You have TP as well bearing on top of that. That's a nice bit of gold long for this world. What are we gonna do?
[01:38:40] Are we gonna TP on bot yet?
[01:38:43] It's been a lot about control and it felt like a couple of fights where Genji were kind of a little bit wishy-washy
[01:38:49] DK found some angles, but the second that they kind of
[01:38:52] Just don't die on bot yet. You just give it. Just give it. Just feels like they don't really have an angle
[01:38:57] And it's it's not a huge amount of action. It's not any crazy, you know back and forth east big team fights
[01:39:05] Yeah, yeah take the dragon fight. It's still Gen. G with a very solid lead
[01:39:08] We didn't work that I mean surely we don't lose the game from this dragon fight
[01:39:12] Maybe get that mid turret there is a Baron buff on the side of Gen. G
[01:39:16] Make things pretty difficult. Yeah, they're just trying to clear this wave and try to contest the dragon
[01:39:20] But I mean Toby's playing Tristana, so he gets solo that he doesn't care
[01:39:25] Who will have some teammates come to the tower?
[01:39:27] Oh, there is no fight, yeah, just give it to him.
[01:39:28] If they needed to come defend the turret, he would just be able to sit over here and take the tower.
[01:39:31] So why do King and base and TP mid-mid tier 2 when the clip is taken top tier 2?
[01:39:34] Because Gen.G have no TP's.
[01:39:35] It takes way more resources.
[01:39:36] Like, it's Blunder Central.
[01:39:37] Blunder Central.
[01:39:38] And it does for Gen.G to keep pushing it and maintaining that cryo.
[01:39:41] Blunder Central.
[01:39:42] So the teleport ends up being a big whip here for King in.
[01:39:44] Doesn't get anything done with it.
[01:39:46] They've slowed this Baron.
[01:39:47] It's sub-2,000 on the power play right now, but I think a lot of that's because they killed some of the turrets earlier, to be honest with you, Valdez.
[01:39:53] I love the zoom in here on the mid tier one. I'm sure on the Korean side. They're also talking about this
[01:39:59] Look, it's just stood here the entire game. You look at the word the vision score here for
[01:40:05] Land is at the top hits a hundred right now
[01:40:07] It's the vision that I think the Korean castors are talking about as well that D plus doesn't happen has to have this
[01:40:12] Whole game and I thought I like fighting for that mid turret
[01:40:15] At least this time. They don't get punished. They don't commit
[01:40:17] They don't get the dragon either and this Kassate is already stacked too. It's tank Malachi
[01:40:25] They don't have Baron though
[01:40:28] Next four minutes that the soul is gonna be there is because my god show us in a flamethrower
[01:40:31] I think she'll make her again. Come on man. We had such a good vision
[01:40:35] He can't be where he wants to be without vision. Yeah, it's also really fun to watch Genji that even from this lead
[01:40:41] They're showing an immense amount of respect. I mean they are good away. Don't be afraid. Yo step back step back
[01:40:47] Oh, and here on Second Gold, that's the old pile of my guys.
[01:41:05] That should be fear the draft. Zeke Strasana should not be allowed to play it for the rest of the game, for the rest of the series.
[01:41:09] It's fear the draft. It's using now referees.
[01:41:17] You can't even look for it. You can't even play that game.
[01:41:19] Where's the rest from World 23? Where's that guy? Get him here.
[01:41:23] Let him draw from a box. Fearless trap? Or no fearless trap?
[01:41:27] Let him draw. Mid game. I know exactly what he's going to draw.
[01:41:32] IE is done for aiming, picked up a pickaxe as well.
[01:41:36] And he's very strong at this stage in the game if set up for success.
[01:41:41] But in 31 minutes of gameplay here, we have not once seen a combo
[01:41:46] from D plus because they have had literally no miss the cannon though control
[01:41:51] whatsoever I said it like what was it 20 minutes ago 15 minutes ago we haven't
[01:41:56] seen the real combo yet wait for it because this play we still haven't
[01:41:59] wolf yeah we still haven't seen it's not not happening I just don't know if it
[01:42:04] is gonna happen it looks very unlikely because that you know 1700 gold
[01:42:08] lead has now turned into a 5,400 gold I we've been talking about Malachi a
[01:42:14] lot in recent times I really feel like that should have been bad on the red side
[01:42:18] they are building defensive items though right QSS barrier so damage wise
[01:42:28] surenaker and trevi sing really just clogging things up and it really does
[01:42:31] feel like it's kind of weird it's been a very safe game from Genji but maybe
[01:42:35] Canyon is the POG if we had to choose like he pressed alt yeah so I mean
[01:42:40] that mine has been real
[01:42:42] and it's open
[01:42:44] and lehens and maybe
[01:42:46] could get a shout out because he had some really
[01:42:48] fantastical plays
[01:42:50] so that's a lot of the stuff that happened in the top side
[01:42:52] it just feels so suffocating
[01:42:54] for DK to play into this
[01:42:56] like they were just playing into the mk
[01:42:58] and there was action abound
[01:43:00] i mean every game was in chain
[01:43:02] listen guys baron's in 30 seconds
[01:43:04] the problem is how do you contest baron
[01:43:06] this zix just presses E on the ground
[01:43:08] And you can't walk into Baron pit
[01:43:10] Disgusting fucking champ, remove it
[01:43:27] Nah, they can't lose a game
[01:43:29] One minute till Draco
[01:43:32] DK, we need to right click mid and then just flash R or some shit
[01:43:35] I don't know how to win a game
[01:43:37] It's very defensive itemization as well from Gen.G. They have the comp to deal with the pressure
[01:43:43] But now they also have the items to deal with them as well
[01:43:46] You know you talked about the serifs and now he's going Banshee's as well with the verdant barrier
[01:43:50] Show me your please don't get flash mark out of me
[01:43:52] How bad in teamfights here
[01:43:53] Eh, Chovy's trolling!
[01:43:55] Guys!
[01:43:57] Just hit him!
[01:43:59] Are they like brain controlled?
[01:44:01] This guy just jumped into four people and he got away with it?
[01:44:04] Where's my Q flash on rail? Where's my Malfi daughter?
[01:44:06] Where's my Nalfa, Drutus?
[01:44:08] Where's my Lillia Flash, where's anything?
[01:44:10] Sleepy time? Anyone?
[01:44:12] What? Is he just an aura?
[01:44:14] What, just fucking killing?
[01:44:16] I guess he has material, but still
[01:44:18] At least you get his flash
[01:44:23] I need to check to replay there
[01:44:26] Yeah, we're kinda in, we're kinda in
[01:44:28] That's enough space, that's enough, we can work with that
[01:44:30] We can work with that, we ping the Baron, we go away
[01:44:32] most risky gendy has played i feel this game right now hold up hold up hold up hold up
[01:44:37] i'm looking at this mouth by flash ults i'm looking i'm looking at it
[01:44:40] i'm looking at the mouth by flash ults i'm watching you king end i'm watching you
[01:44:47] i'm watching you king end
[01:44:50] look at me okay this ziggs is so so good look at gendy's positioning you can't hit multiple
[01:44:54] members with the magnet storm here bomb is trying he's fishing man that's not his day
[01:44:59] This is so stupid. This is so annoying.
[01:45:08] Chubi's gonna finish right.
[01:45:09] We have Mountain Full. Oh my god.
[01:45:12] Maokai Saffley, if you walk into the river,
[01:45:14] Zig's Buttons, if you walk into the middle.
[01:45:16] Hey, the warm-ups are sticking though. I like that.
[01:45:18] Hey, push him up, push him up. Look at him, look at him.
[01:45:20] Look, look, look!
[01:45:24] On the side, maybe on the side.
[01:45:55] gives D plus a huge tip of the scales, a huge twist, but unfortunately, even with barely
[01:46:02] King and getting off that combo, they don't fall off, looks like you might not have been
[01:46:05] able to use that.
[01:46:06] Their champs are disgusting.
[01:46:07] They have Maokai saffins if you enter river, they have Zeke's poke, who's fed and took
[01:46:13] all your towers, and then, on top of everything, they have Cassante.
[01:46:18] King and gets rooted, still wants to save his ult for the fight, boom, triple here,
[01:46:21] into the Magnix form it's massive but look who's alive look who's full health
[01:46:26] and the enemy DPS is dead yeah the zig bomb I was looking at that actually
[01:46:34] and Amy's got a big BT shield he seems like lines up a huge bullet time over
[01:46:40] the top of the Magnix form because he was scared of a jigsaw in the matter
[01:46:44] because he gets bomb blood to death yeah and then gets jumped on all outed like
[01:46:48] You know he had a rally oh man what is this alongside of oh, I mean that's all
[01:46:53] and that's not matter and that's a second Baron going over to the side of
[01:46:57] Gen.T alongside of the Mountain Soul which happened after the end of that team fight
[01:47:01] obviously Gen.T picked that up his team's dead and he's trying to stay in the fight
[01:47:05] even more shields like Banshee's veil seraphs GA GA shields
[01:47:14] vicarial scimitar, alchai, mountain soul, kassante, lock it
[01:47:20] I mean they're never getting this comp again though
[01:47:22] zikshri-sena, alchai, it's never happening, never
[01:47:25] this is absolutely vile
[01:47:27] actually the most disgusting shit I've ever seen in my life
[01:47:29] that was the one combo d plus god
[01:47:31] holy, a false act
[01:47:34] I thought maybe they had, they finally found their angle
[01:47:37] this may be gonna be the dk redemption arc in this game one
[01:47:40] instead
[01:47:42] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just don't even before you get there
[01:47:48] How they
[01:48:12] And now they're looking at the game.
[01:48:14] That is gonna be it.
[01:48:16] Some nice attempts from D plus.
[01:48:18] That ain't AP.
[01:48:20] It's okay, they're blue side and they're abusing OP champs.
[01:48:22] They're lucky.
[01:48:24] They're lucky.
[01:48:30] Lucky.
[01:48:32] Alright, let's go through some plays of that game because
[01:48:34] that one is completely trolling.
[01:48:36] What are they doing? Here, look at this.
[01:48:38] What is that one doing?
[01:48:40] Just look at the map. Gen.G have no TPs, right? They have double TP. They didn't even watch the turning point. Maybe he did. Maybe he did.
[01:48:50] This is what separates them from being a world-class team.
[01:48:56] Alright, dragon spawning, yeah? 40 seconds. All of Gen.G are setting up bot side. They're mid and bot, right?
[01:49:02] They're mid and bot and they're setting up for dragon.
[01:49:04] So, what happens here? Genji have Nash and they're sieging bot tier 2 and bot tier 2 dies. Meanwhile, King and Threading top tier 1.
[01:49:11] There's no TP what's behind. So they can't make a TP play, right? They can't make a TP play because there's no TP behind.
[01:49:20] So what does King and Dooh here? Option A, does he A take top tier 1 and go top tier 2 while they're going to go for Drake?
[01:49:28] Or does he option B TP to mid tier 2 to try and fight Drake? Yeah, correct. Option B.
[01:49:33] he based in TP's mid. Why? Why? If you fight the Drake shore, but they end up just giving
[01:49:42] it and then running top as if like, oh yeah, let's get top tier 2. Like he literally recalled
[01:49:52] TP mid, ran mid and then ran back to top. And it's not his fault, right? It's obviously
[01:50:00] a team decision. Let's fight Drake. But if you can recognize this earlier and they
[01:50:04] They have no TP's and mid wave's dead because they're mass catching it, then you can just
[01:50:08] right click top and if anything Shoemaker can TP there as well and you can take the tower
[01:50:13] and you can base together, give up Drake and you're in time to defend mid.
[01:50:16] It's just these kind of place right where Corky could be TPing here now taking this
[01:50:21] and it's one of those things where you need to trade no matter if you're behind,
[01:50:24] if there's options to trade like there is 700 golds sitting there on Shoemaker's
[01:50:28] TP and no one can stop him, no one, they see everyone, they already saw him
[01:50:32] But because they decide that can we fight Drake, they can't get that 700 gold.
[01:50:38] And then they don't fight the Drake, and now they got nothing, and now they don't even
[01:50:41] get top tier 2.
[01:50:42] And now Gen.G's top, and now they push our top.
[01:50:45] These are the things that teams need to be locked in.
[01:50:49] If you can make that decision and say, nope, we're not fighting it, we're going to take
[01:50:54] top tier 2.
[01:50:55] Then you're going to be in a great spot if you do that more often.
[01:50:57] Because I can tell you for a fact that's what Gen.G would have done.
[01:51:03] they would have threatened top tier 3, they would have pulled someone to base
[01:51:06] they would have made the game so much more like more variables
[01:51:09] also yeah what is this aura of chobi because honestly what was that
[01:51:16] what timer was that at? it was here somewhere
[01:51:27] it was the Nash Contestant Drake where was it? it was here somewhere no?
[01:51:46] look at this game state what is what is that?
[01:51:58] and no one does anything? no one? no Malfight build
[01:52:04] No Rell Q flash, no Lillia Q, nothing.
[01:52:08] He just runs away.
[01:52:11] Lillia hits him with Q, but like, can we just fucking,
[01:52:14] where's my Corky W on this guy's head?
[01:52:16] Like, what is that guy doing?
[01:52:18] He actually has just inted.
[01:52:20] At worst case, right?
[01:52:22] Worst thing that happens here is Rell Q flash ultim.
[01:52:28] Choby QSS flashes out.
[01:52:29] Fine, that's fine.
[01:52:31] I don't mind that.
[01:52:32] You know, I'm not saying he should die,
[01:52:33] but something has to happen there, right?
[01:52:35] He needs to lose his flash, he has to.
[01:52:38] Something has to happen.
[01:52:40] I mean, you could even, if you wanna overcook it, right?
[01:52:42] Malfight could flash and then ult his flash, right?
[01:52:45] Flash E, rel could flash and then traceracan flash
[01:52:48] and then Malfight can flash ult him.
[01:52:50] And he has to die there, no matter what.
[01:52:54] You can't QSS Malfight ult,
[01:52:55] obviously he'd react to Malfight ult.
[01:52:57] He would flash Malfight ult 100%.
[01:53:00] And I understand that he has materials,
[01:53:01] but something has to be forced there.
[01:53:03] Like, in an ideal world, in my head, Rel is gonna Q ult him, Q flash ult him,
[01:53:08] and Chobee's gonna Q SS, flash away, and then Malfi's gonna flash ult him, and he dies.
[01:53:12] Right? Use Rel flash, use Malfi flash, but Tristana's dead, and you can deny the soul.
[01:53:16] Perfect.
[01:53:17] But, this is a mistake, you can see it's a mistake.
[01:53:21] I don't know if Chobee thinks Canyon's flashed W-ing or something, but this is clearly a mistake by Chobee.
[01:53:26] Because he instantly starts running away as if he's fucked.
[01:53:29] But no one does anything. That's crazy.
[01:53:32] No one does anything to him.
[01:53:33] Obviously it's a mistake look where Cassante is look where poppy is but no one punishes it
[01:53:42] Weird he knew he made a mistake look at his cam
[01:54:07] But you couldn't even see his cam what are you all about the oh my god
[01:54:30] Check the reddit
[01:54:33] They have no vision the bush. It doesn't matter bro. You cannot find an argument
[01:54:38] That says that this is okay
[01:54:41] Doesn't matter if they're not visioning the bush Tristan. I just jumped on them
[01:54:44] It's crazy. No
[01:54:47] new emotes from Mr Pork Shop
[01:54:49] hup hup hup hup hup hup
[01:55:00] chat!
[01:55:06] I was thinking about this
[01:55:07] I was watching Alice's video
[01:55:08] and I was reminding what we were talking about a couple days ago
[01:55:12] if Riot could introduce some kind of replay feature
[01:55:17] right?
[01:55:18] right? where you're in a scream game
[01:55:21] and you're 30 minutes in
[01:55:22] and you fight the dragon fight
[01:55:25] and then you can finish that dragon fight
[01:55:27] and you can pause
[01:55:29] and you can rewind back to that Dragonfly two minutes before and then play that sequence again
[01:55:35] and again and again and again and again and again that would be so good for pro teams
[01:55:41] it's like a chrono break for scrims but instead of chrono breaking the game you can just rewind
[01:55:48] the game kind of rewind itself and then it plays again that would be amazing for pro teams
[01:55:54] It would be amazing.
[01:55:56] Yeah, let's just talk about that in the video.
[01:55:58] And we were talking about the other day of having some kind of team fight simulator where you queue up and like you get put in random team
[01:56:04] fights like chess puzzles and you have to fight them out.
[01:56:07] But if you could obviously you don't have to put it on the live client, right?
[01:56:11] Because that'll break the live client maybe.
[01:56:12] But if you can somehow put that on a tournament realm, that will be incredible. Like they scrim on TR anyway.
[01:56:18] But my idea was if you could have some kind of
[01:56:21] app that you queue up in and 10 players queue up and the game starts and it
[01:56:27] randomizes like it gives like a meta draft for both sides but it's randomized
[01:56:32] and it goes good items but it randomizes the game state like a dragon
[01:56:35] contest when you're behind or ahead or anything like that that was my
[01:56:38] idea some kind of some kind of app that does that which I think it's kind
[01:56:40] of hard to do because Vanguard probably just blocks it but if you could do
[01:56:45] some kind of replay feature that would also be crazy
[01:56:57] after. The new Neo D plus Kia came in with dreams of finding success here in game number
[01:57:07] one. But Gen G had it under control. You saw it in their walking intros with the sunglasses.
[01:57:16] They just had to deal with it and they did game number one heading on over to Gen G to
[01:57:20] boy D gone here alongside Connickler. Doctor would did guys that was a very comprehensive
[01:57:26] even as Wolf put it, old school LCK kind of win here.
[01:57:30] It cowards victory is what I could know.
[01:57:33] That was insanely clean League of Legends.
[01:57:36] And you can only imagine the frustration
[01:57:39] as you end up with what is an amazing team fight draft.
[01:57:42] Like look at these five champions on DK's side.
[01:57:44] Right, you have the Lillia combined with the MF.
[01:57:47] That's not easy.
[01:57:47] But you have Raul on top of that.
[01:57:49] You have Melphite.
[01:57:50] You're like, man, if we get to 5v5 with it,
[01:57:53] this pop is so good.
[01:57:54] That is true, but the difference between Gen.G's draft and DK is that Gen.G has the option because Trees and Kshanty can actually go on the side and look for the map rotation, but I don't think you can actually go on the side and using the map wide with the Malfight and Korky.
[01:58:11] So I think that was the difference between those drafts.
[01:58:14] Getting stretched out across the lanes and...
[01:58:17] Damn, those classes go kind of hard.
[01:58:18] ...with Malkai. Let's take a look at some of the highlights here because...
[01:58:21] Those classes do go kind of hard.
[01:58:22] You get to see how one small mistake losing flash early then led to a snowball effect for the top side of the map
[01:58:28] Yeah, and the main thing we want to highlight is that if you again, and this is gonna be a recurring theme DK
[01:58:33] Didn't really get to play the game that much and that is something that Genji does so well
[01:58:38] Why it was so hard for DK because you saw Moam was looking you saw King was looking
[01:58:42] But they were behind right from the get-go. Thanks to this lane swap
[01:58:46] Yeah, because they had the MF and rel and malphite on the side lanes
[01:58:50] so they had to win the Alila most bad because of the JG and all the plans are kind of screwed up
[01:58:56] and also they had the TP advantage on Jigs as well so all the tempos were on JG and that
[01:59:02] the problem with this emote is like it's got too many like this takedown it's just bad for
[01:59:08] twitch chat it's just bad for twitch chat when people spam it it's just gonna be really really
[01:59:14] disturbing to look at and it also means that
[01:59:17] Pace can just move around the map freely right so they crashed his wave
[01:59:21] They already are able to get the dragon which in of itself is a big win
[01:59:25] But because Pace is still staying with the wave they're able to push with this one out as well
[01:59:30] Mom can't really threaten reliably and then
[01:59:33] Getting Drake alone is good
[01:59:35] But then this also goes into the next setup which is the grub fight where Pace because again
[01:59:41] has to shove can just make his way over. Yeah, that's why the lane saw was really impactful.
[01:59:46] I mean, if you just play the lane normally, I don't think Diggs could have the prior against
[01:59:50] MF and Rell. But I mean, all the sequences that Genji had was just so perfect. And top of that,
[01:59:56] Kingen was off point as well. Yeah, Kingen unfortunately shoved out here. Oh, that's
[02:00:02] really annoying. So basically, there's a bit of a scheduling conflict, which is really annoying.
[02:00:07] So this weekend is Saturday, LCK playoffs, right, is at 8am, but LPL Gauntlet Worlds
[02:00:22] qualifier is also at 10am, 1030am, and that'll be LNG game.
[02:00:32] And then Sunday there is an LCK best of five as well, but there is also the LPL gauntlet.
[02:00:39] Bro, why is that?
[02:00:40] Bro, none of the LPL is on this screen.
[02:00:43] None of the LPL is on...
[02:00:45] There's the finals, I guess.
[02:00:50] Yeah, the gauntlet's happening on Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
[02:00:56] Is the gauntlet.
[02:00:58] fan their team which is not great as on rel and also genji is just having great
[02:01:03] time and from this like I just again want to they removed the schedule button
[02:01:06] from up here Genji lost one turret like the mid lane turret is still standing at
[02:01:12] 26 minutes right as we get the zoom out there like you have so much additional
[02:01:17] map control you have so much additional gold and then there is just no way for
[02:01:21] lucid to ever approach here like not only do they don't have vision but
[02:01:24] there's a Cassantel enemy team and for DK, they're gonna have to find a way to throw Genji off because even with as good of as a
[02:01:32] teamfight comp as this was, I don't think Genji get involved in openings. It was like maybe one or two angles but it's really hard against this team.
[02:01:42] I want to see a big bounce back from DK.
[02:01:44] around the drake pit there was an opportunity for the ziggs that
[02:01:48] flashed out of the mouth fight all other than that not many chances for the big 5v5 team fight
[02:01:54] let's see who the pog is here in game number one and it does go ziggs one bog its pays getting his
[02:02:00] first one to play off yeah i mean as we said on the show the ziggs was the difference between
[02:02:07] getting ziggi with it the two drafts and also that flash reaction i mean if he actually did
[02:02:12] got hit by that ultimate I think Genji could lose all the advantage that they have. It's also a
[02:02:18] two-carry composition so if they do lose Paze or Chovy because of a misposition which we saw the
[02:02:22] one-time Chovy did get caught out they do actually lack damage right like yeah we make a lot of memes
[02:02:28] about Cassante but there's so much fret on DK's side that that could be a really big problem
[02:02:32] but his positioning is crazy they lost that fight has been one of the strongest and most
[02:02:37] reliable points for Genji we see how heavily they rely on it here in this game.
[02:02:41] Yeah, what is this? Hold up. Is it muted?
[02:03:06] I don't know. What did it? Is it better?
[02:03:08] It's Chrony Keckler for bringing that heart-hitting analysis here after game number one.
[02:03:13] Yes, it was a very suffocating win from the side of Gen G.
[02:03:17] Good one, KTroll.
[02:03:19] This is where the series re-starts.
[02:03:23] This is where the series re-starts.
[02:03:26] in for that alone. DK are going to take the blue side unsurprisingly. Yeah. DK blue side
[02:03:32] this is where it really begins. Alright I want to see a Ziggs band 100%. Very patient game.
[02:03:38] What would you ban against Gen.G? Wow. Azir, Ziggs. Obviously, plus they're going to take
[02:03:43] Nidalee maybe. I'd like to bring it back to seriousness here. And I wonder if Gen.G
[02:03:50] will also budget that nasa's ban in that we have seen everyone else banned since
[02:03:56] showmaker played it that one time I know you weren't super thrilled about the
[02:04:00] azir ban on red side they pick on blue side definitely a little bit more viable
[02:04:05] here for the plus and yes it's very strong on this patch but you could also
[02:04:11] pick it up yourself zigz ban please hello
[02:04:14] Tristana, I eliminate at least the Tristana-Ziggs combo
[02:04:18] No, it won't. They'll just play Korgi, Zeke's, Malkai, won't they?
[02:04:21] Surely they're covering that off, right?
[02:04:24] I mean, they can threaten their first play Korgia, I guess.
[02:04:26] They could also play Lucian.
[02:04:28] Like, I don't get it. The AD carry's not the problem.
[02:04:31] In my mind, the Zeke's is the problem.
[02:04:34] The AD carry can slot them out. It doesn't matter.
[02:04:36] Tristana, Zeke's, Korgi's, Lucian's, Zeke's.
[02:04:39] It all kind of works the same.
[02:04:41] at least get one of those maybe if you're thinking about playing the vine into the
[02:04:44] mountain and going for a dive. We're gonna see a nidalee band here. They're gonna
[02:04:50] ban rumble and we're gonna first pick malchai.
[02:04:54] The rumble will be taken away. By available we've talked about this a
[02:04:59] lot is almost a permanent ban pick against lucid but they've often
[02:05:02] Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai, Malkai.
[02:05:13] It's just illness, it's just illness.
[02:05:16] It is just illness, I hate them, I hate them with the passion.
[02:05:32] like in the mid lane and then the side lane he is very strong in the 1v1 what
[02:05:36] happens if they do Malkai ziggs and then they play corky illusion on three oh
[02:05:40] my god it's like the Chirstenow wasn't the problem oh shit it's almost like
[02:05:45] ziggs is the problem no no no
[02:05:50] and ziggs is still available and crazy bro it's crazy to me and then he ziggs
[02:05:55] bomb them and this is just blind it's such a difficult pick to punish with
[02:05:59] Now they're gonna do level because you could just go somewhere else what you're gonna do is set you on E
[02:06:03] And you're not doing by your fucking joking. You're not doing fine. That's just like you're completely
[02:06:09] Leona, which I feel like would be pretty strong here
[02:06:11] They could do I bring I wouldn't mind I bring
[02:06:14] I'm gonna be swapped to here. Maybe losers just having a little bit of a mature
[02:06:18] I feel like you need to play I'm going to my vibe
[02:06:21] But then you lose the the the on a pic or the rel pic chat show me
[02:06:25] Okay, I'll say it to you. Chovy has been practicing Garen in solo queue.
[02:06:28] Honestly, I feel like Chovy because Piki has into this process.
[02:06:32] He doesn't have to lock it here.
[02:06:34] Like I'm talking disturbing.
[02:06:36] I mean, it could be, it could be.
[02:06:40] But they could just get from the other side of the ideal themselves.
[02:06:44] But I think Corky is the best pick on three.
[02:06:46] Because Maokai's Corky is absolutely broken
[02:06:50] and Damwon have completely into the draft again if they do that.
[02:06:52] I would love it if he picked Garen.
[02:06:54] Other tree in Ivern which has been a response for fuck sakes, bro. Like I swear to God
[02:07:01] How they not realize this?
[02:07:04] How they not realize that corki's the issue as he's the issue with her you still have like look at this one, two, three
[02:07:10] It's broken with the weather looks like a showmaker is going to try to be aggressive on you the main thing about the
[02:07:17] So he wave clearing you over and over and over again. Yeah three points into his e
[02:07:21] before he starts maxing his Q and becoming a big threat later on.
[02:07:25] We just traded Nessus for Korki's ex-multi!
[02:07:28] Oh my god, that one you're so ill, I can't believe it.
[02:07:31] Nor did you pick up Leona, which I think will have to be banned here, which is fine,
[02:07:36] since Chovy did pick up the Korki instead.
[02:07:38] Real ban, yeah, ban Leona again, I guess then.
[02:07:41] I wonder what comes next here for Genji's ban, because there's not a whole lot of
[02:07:46] I mean that would be nice, but is it going to happen?
[02:07:56] Are they going to ban Cassante?
[02:08:03] Let's see what happens here on this ban.
[02:08:05] This will determine a lot, but I do think Cassante here is very needed.
[02:08:15] Northless ban. That means in my head they want Rakan on 4 or Senna. Rakan and Senna are screaming to me now.
[02:08:28] But I think you need to ban Cassante on 5 here if you're that one. If they don't ban Cassante here, they didn't learn anything from game 1.
[02:08:35] They're actually just convincing themselves of delusions.
[02:08:42] Alright, thank the lords.
[02:08:44] Thank the lords.
[02:08:46] I mean, they're probably playing Rakan or Senna, I would imagine. I guess, with Nautilus ban?
[02:09:01] What else would you pick?
[02:09:04] Blitzcrank makes sense with Nautilus ban, actually.
[02:09:07] I don't think it's that bad though. It's not like they're playing MF Seraphine or some shit, but I do think
[02:09:14] I do think that one needs to look at Braum now Braum is very good against Blitzcrank. It's very good against Corfi
[02:09:21] Braum support is great
[02:09:24] It's not the best in the poke though
[02:09:26] Shit, I don't know what to think
[02:09:31] Yeah, Braum is good. Poppy! Poppy support?
[02:09:37] Poppy is going to be picked here
[02:09:39] I mean what are you blind top now?
[02:09:41] Are you going to go Ornn or what?
[02:09:43] I'm going to flex this because you all have sides
[02:09:45] Olaf? Olaf blind?
[02:09:47] We'll be looking to see something else here
[02:09:49] Blind Olaf
[02:09:51] Do you know what actually goes crazy?
[02:09:53] It's not goes crazy hard into their comps
[02:09:55] It is a pretty strong pick
[02:09:57] No joke, maybe Jarvan top is good against Olaf blind
[02:09:59] And because they have Ziggs, Malchite
[02:10:01] They can't play Kennen here
[02:10:03] I just don't think that's an option
[02:10:05] Jarvan top is kind of good into their champs
[02:10:07] use range I think maybe plays rise yeah I mean rise actually good good shout but
[02:10:12] again it's too much magic dams in this comp and you have a really strong team that
[02:10:16] could build a lot of MR I get to go too hard into that magic profile so maybe
[02:10:21] just GP or NAR here or Garen oh my god it's chovy Garen mid corky top oh my god
[02:10:28] it's chovy Garen mid corky top I can't believe it they actually play
[02:10:32] Garin versus Nessus mid. It's Garin versus Nessus mid! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
[02:10:42] That's going to be just hard shopping waves. You can just add some. No one adds. It's going to
[02:10:45] avoid adds. Clear that yourself. Silence is very valuable actually in the laning phase.
[02:10:50] It's difficult for Showmaker to all in this, Garin. It's stabilized there quite well. You
[02:10:55] still have the Ziggs composition that's very very strong in the mid game. Oh my god.
[02:10:59] Making an impact from a long distance away
[02:11:04] How have we gotten to Nessus versus
[02:11:06] Gary mid
[02:11:08] It is it is that melee matchup
[02:11:10] So you're not really losing anything with the garen going mid and keen has been so good at range top lanes
[02:11:15] for his entire career that
[02:11:17] Quinn was mentioned earlier Urgot
[02:11:20] We finally made it in the top. We made it. You just count rise obviously mentioned
[02:11:26] we made it ends up being a pretty nice way to set this one up and I think it's
[02:11:31] with Ivern extremely difficult punish that's a quirky how are you gonna gank
[02:11:34] the quirky with an Ivern I just don't think that is something that's realistic
[02:11:37] here we made it the world is healing see what the Olaf Ivern dive looks
[02:11:46] like also what now all I need them to do is run mid and dance next to each
[02:11:51] I'm going to get it somewhere, maybe Gen.G just opts into it once again.
[02:11:55] Run mid and then deal with DMF early on with their zakes.
[02:11:58] Yes, that is Jovey playing mid Garen into Nasus.
[02:12:02] This is 2024, welcome to the Unix-Ulux.
[02:12:06] I wonder what they're going to do, um...
[02:12:08] We're ready for game number two.
[02:12:09] I wonder what they're going to do.
[02:12:12] Like T1 must be watching this like, huh.
[02:12:16] I wonder what they're going to do tomorrow, Zekka vs. Faker.
[02:12:19] He has been actually practicing Garen mid for Nessus midline. That's where we are right now
[02:12:28] I really enjoyed the fact that neither of these teams are on the Sennahype train
[02:12:31] Just on the other crazy wild ride. They've been practicing the Malfight
[02:12:35] I mean Garen mid kind of makes sense with
[02:12:38] Doran shielding his passive right because I guess Nessus just can't poke him right?
[02:12:42] He didn't go for the area build. He went fleet. So he's changed his runes around because they're playing Garen
[02:12:49] We will get the pop-up eventually.
[02:12:51] He changed his runes around, right?
[02:12:53] And I'm guessing Nessus won't max E anymore, right?
[02:12:56] It's probably completely pointless against Garen.
[02:13:01] It's interesting though, I would have thought that Garen needs face rush against Nessus.
[02:13:10] Look at them, they're both hovering around mid because they're scared of, like, swapping.
[02:13:16] Oh yeah, Q removes slow, you're right.
[02:13:19] So he just, so Garen just never presses Q until Nessus W's in.
[02:13:25] I forgot that Garen Q does that.
[02:13:27] I had my session like earlier in the year, if you're an OG viewer, in like February I
[02:13:32] was playing top lane Garen every game, and I actually was maining Garen top to like
[02:13:36] 5 and LP master.
[02:13:37] But I forgot that Garen Q removed slows, that's crazy.
[02:13:43] That's how you used to play Garen top into Olaf, right?
[02:13:45] You just Q this Q.
[02:13:46] I was waiting to see what the showmaker would do. There's the wave.
[02:13:49] And, you know, blind Olaf, generally, not great.
[02:13:56] I think it would be much better if it had healing if it had some alongside of it.
[02:14:05] Mid lane where the greatest mechanically skilled players lie.
[02:14:08] Some of the greatest players of all time stem from the mid lane.
[02:14:11] Now in 2024, we have played champions from season 1.
[02:14:18] Oh, you thought Hazeri Kasante?
[02:14:21] You thought Corky mid?
[02:14:22] You thought AD carry mid meta?
[02:14:24] No.
[02:14:25] It is Chovy, aka, piece of the greatest player, or the best player in League right now, versus
[02:14:32] Shoemaker World Champ.
[02:14:34] They will stand with each other and they will both hit minions with point and click
[02:14:38] abilities.
[02:14:39] And there it is.
[02:14:42] Um, how could we have known, well...
[02:14:45] Well, this is what we do here in the old game.
[02:14:47] But what's the...
[02:14:48] How many times can Garen can ult with that Vanessa while he gets his specs?
[02:14:52] Jesus.
[02:14:54] The fact that this Garen pick has been being played so much by Chovy,
[02:14:58] like this isn't a surprise or shock to anybody because it's been going around
[02:15:02] through solo queue just like Nasus was going around for Showmaker on his stream
[02:15:05] and stuff like that.
[02:15:06] But this was like being tweeted about by everybody.
[02:15:09] It was very known this pick and then it just allows the Corki to go top which ends up being a comfortable matchup when you have an Ivern.
[02:15:15] If you had a stronger ganking jungler, 4d+, you might be able to actually punish that Corki, but he is Valkyrie and I don't think he's really going to care that much about the Ivern.
[02:15:24] Now look at Lucid right now, he is coming up here, he needs to hit that root.
[02:15:27] I mean Nessus seems pretty happy in this lane so far.
[02:15:30] I'm guessing Garen not having ignite means that Nessus isn't really under that much kill threat.
[02:15:35] I think team dies here, and I see them get out of the snow.
[02:15:43] Big kill for Kingen. That's a big kill.
[02:15:48] I feel like level 6 Garen would ignite, probably does kill.
[02:15:52] What am I watching?
[02:15:54] Zeke splitscrank bot, MF80 carry, puppy support, Corky vs Olaf, Pop, Nessus vs Garen, Mohams dead.
[02:16:01] What am I watching? I just like clocked it all in my head
[02:16:05] We'll also flash away and so this is great
[02:16:08] It was all very I'm so used to
[02:16:10] Cassante vs Reniton, Corky vs Cofano
[02:16:13] I picked up my Lehens
[02:16:15] Lucian's very vs Numb, Lucian's very moving, fucking whatever the fuck it is
[02:16:20] Aiming, on one way you might look at it and be like, wow he really didn't mohawk dirty
[02:16:24] He flashed away and mohawk gets hit instead
[02:16:27] But mohawk also flashes, ends up being kind of a disaster
[02:16:31] It's a replay of the draft I think
[02:16:49] Showmakers laughing he's having fun normally it's like this
[02:17:00] Now he blind picks Nexus mid and he laughs when it's big Aaron
[02:17:06] Flash is in the bottom lane, Bazelheims didn't have to use anything for that, and it's a huge win there, so...
[02:17:14] Now all you have to do is revert Sion back to being an AP champ.
[02:17:18] And BOOM! We got the mid lane trifecta of champs, thoughts!
[02:17:21] Maybe another opportunity here for a grab.
[02:17:23] I'm gonna see it.
[02:17:24] Yeah.
[02:17:25] The thing about the Garen into the Nasus is like, okay, well you want to play a melee champion that has wave clear.
[02:17:29] And then it comes down to, do you want to pick Nasus and scale mid with stacks?
[02:17:33] We're trying to go boots of mobility silent and roam around with five Doran's rings
[02:17:43] Everybody's going to go. Yeah, everybody's grouped up here do not want to allow Gen. G to
[02:17:49] Once again, he loved their grubs
[02:17:52] But Amy never moves for grubs. You always just push his button. You get value of this Olaf in this fight
[02:17:56] And
[02:18:26] And 3x13!
[02:18:28] Wait, that's mega!
[02:18:29] Wait, that's mega!
[02:18:30] Wait, the boys are all...
[02:18:31] That's at least 3% volume increase.
[02:18:33] Okay, okay.
[02:18:35] You've picked me up.
[02:18:38] I see it.
[02:18:44] They couldn't...
[02:18:54] That was big.
[02:18:56] one rotation of spells
[02:18:58] which he doesn't even use because he isn't there as you say
[02:19:01] this is a really nice turn around here
[02:19:03] he really just didn't want to get D plus D to use Grubbs
[02:19:05] but engaging the friend to stop that was probably not the play
[02:19:08] how many can see the value of the root here
[02:19:11] when everybody can just follow up on the Ivern
[02:19:13] it is massive, you have a melee
[02:19:15] a follow up position with the masses and the Olaf
[02:19:18] look at this, no flash
[02:19:20] I like Olaf Ivern
[02:19:22] I like Olaf Ivern Poppy
[02:19:24] I think this blitzcrank pick is actually so useless. Who do you want to hook?
[02:19:28] Daisy, the 4-0 Olaf, Tank Poppy or Nexus? Like, I'm sure you can maybe get a MF if you're lucky.
[02:19:35] That's your options, and that's too far away!
[02:19:39] You're just hooking either a tank or someone who's gonna clap your ass.
[02:19:43] This blitzcrank pick sucks.
[02:19:45] It's wild because this is a completely different game than Game 1.
[02:19:50] And uh
[02:19:54] I can't believe Chote he picked garen like this
[02:19:57] Kingen I don't think he really cares
[02:19:59] Intenty or just not respecting the Olaf at all
[02:20:02] Okay Blitzcrank no flash
[02:20:03] Not bad
[02:20:05] No ghost for drake though
[02:20:07] That's not good
[02:20:09] But look at top, look at top, he forced them bot so they can hit top tower
[02:20:11] Just don't die bot
[02:20:13] Lucid
[02:20:15] You had one job
[02:20:17] Oh my god
[02:20:19] no flash no alt we're pushing top lane top tower this is going to be why are we
[02:20:25] fighting to be for both why why you should be both here surely okay
[02:20:30] taking attempts gold and look at what you're doing 40 slaying both with them
[02:20:35] games when you're getting plates I come with you up here the gold king until
[02:20:39] your bottom side it's literally a lane swap and as much as we said all they
[02:20:42] should respect king in there cuz it's true yes goes the as all and they're
[02:20:46] a first-foot tower because they have ZW. Wait. Oh yeah.
[02:20:54] That's at least minus three percent.
[02:21:04] Yeah.
[02:21:09] What the?
[02:21:10] What the?
[02:21:13] Oh no.
[02:21:16] back like you mentioned
[02:21:20] Just to guarantee
[02:21:30] More high value flash than those opposition on the other side they give the kill to keen
[02:21:34] So the corki gets 600 gold
[02:21:37] injected
[02:21:38] And it's okay
[02:21:41] to assist to assist called me in favor of DK all that's still pretty strong
[02:21:49] anything has BT at minute 10 yeah we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're like so much more
[02:21:56] taken here by the side of Genji they've got these drafts are great
[02:21:59] it looks actually looks like their camps were auto selected
[02:22:04] like randomly selected
[02:22:06] you can't buy that guy right sure you know
[02:22:08] right sure enough question I don't think so well we're gonna figure it out here
[02:22:12] oh my god King and absolutely not even close beautiful thing about new methods
[02:22:17] it's like here I'm betting it's Gary in pro play can you dive him on side when
[02:22:21] you're tributing on the side of cross map to come in there's a weird as well
[02:22:24] to be in a bit of trouble and the knockout comes in from hazy yeah you can
[02:22:28] Finally, they do take down.
[02:22:30] But I now counter dive up on the top side.
[02:22:32] Can we dive Nasus?
[02:22:34] Can we dive to Nasus?
[02:22:36] Yes, you can.
[02:22:38] Okay, so we learned that it's going to be a kill going up.
[02:22:40] Three and four are bigger numbers than one.
[02:22:42] Still. Still counts even if that's season one terms.
[02:22:44] We have to try it.
[02:22:46] We have to check it out.
[02:22:48] We have to check.
[02:22:50] You couldn't kill him the first time.
[02:22:52] Wait, king and die!
[02:22:54] Wait, when did king die?
[02:22:56] How did King just die?
[02:22:57] Mods? Mods?
[02:22:58] That's it, you guessed it!
[02:23:00] It's going to be another turret for Genji.
[02:23:02] Yeah.
[02:23:02] What?
[02:23:03] I mean trading turrets against the Ziggs.
[02:23:04] What?
[02:23:05] How?
[02:23:05] Never a good idea.
[02:23:06] Diving a Garen in general, not the best idea, they make it work.
[02:23:11] I'm going to press W on the tower real quick, just take it.
[02:23:13] Anyway, that's another turret that goes over to Genji.
[02:23:15] It's disgusting.
[02:23:16] And Dan want to go backstage to him like, yeah, we think Garen was the problem.
[02:23:20] No, it wasn't! It's the Ziggs! It's always been the Ziggs!
[02:23:23] As quickly as they do.
[02:23:24] I don't mind though.
[02:23:25] Like, we're showing spots.
[02:23:26] Toby's first-person view here
[02:23:28] So Toby talked to me and he makes that call notice the party king on the minimap instantly
[02:23:33] He's gonna go through that make the play king and ties here. Oh, oh
[02:23:37] Relax, you guys. Yeah, okay. He goes down off camera, but
[02:23:41] We'll bonus kill a third shot. So it's just not not ideal here and then obviously ruching to put
[02:23:48] I mean, didn't think about the Malkai Blitzcrank synergy.
[02:23:55] You take like Garen, the most degenerate League of Legends champ, that like some brain
[02:24:00] that players get mega high elo on because it's completely OP, because people have no
[02:24:03] idea of its burst, then you add like one of the smartest brains in League of Legends history,
[02:24:07] and you like combine the two, what do you get?
[02:24:10] He's probably bad at it, because I feel like Garen players, you need like this level
[02:24:14] of just degeneracy.
[02:24:17] You need to be like an up slightly a psychopath because you see angles that don't exist and you make it work
[02:24:23] I
[02:24:24] Feel like it's similar like being a Draven main
[02:24:26] You know you can put 10 games of Draven and learn the champ but to be like a really l9 Draven
[02:24:32] You've got to be like slightly degenerate
[02:24:34] And they don't have a Tristana this time. There's some leak champs like that
[02:24:40] Like Darren is one of them
[02:24:42] 103 yeah, I thought that when they banned Italy they were gonna first make Malachi
[02:24:47] I thought that would be the idea, but it didn't happen Lenn's gonna get rooted, but oh he's decently tanky at least gonna hook in days
[02:24:54] He's gonna get some extra gold over 50 for himself. She wasn't even hitting you. Why would you do that?
[02:24:59] Also take a look by the way at the different build from pace
[02:25:02] Yeah, this time when he doesn't have to play safely this time when he's not vulnerable to a dive comp
[02:25:07] He's gonna go straight into burst damage. Luton's companion here. No tier required
[02:25:13] And Shoemaker once again is in trouble.
[02:25:16] Oh, where have we seen this combo before?
[02:25:18] Well, press R, drop a hook, pays, not even needed.
[02:25:22] Drops a bomb just in pace.
[02:25:24] Yeah.
[02:25:25] And, you know, I don't think he cares too much about missing that ultimate right now.
[02:25:29] It's not gonna affect his constant push towards his mid turret.
[02:25:31] Only 10 seconds left on the plates.
[02:25:33] So he won't be picking up any more of those, but so much gold already in the pockets of Gen.G here.
[02:25:37] And, I mean, for Shoemaker in that moment, like, he can't flash the Maokai ult.
[02:25:41] He's gonna get hit by it no matter what so he just kind of has to sit there and die
[02:25:46] And there is no cross map
[02:25:47] LaHen's in a little bit of a rough spot here probably gonna go down DK nice catch
[02:25:51] Nice pick.
[02:25:52] On to LaHen's who did have flash but did not elect to utilize it.
[02:25:56] Nice pick.
[02:25:57] And that's gonna be Rift Herald going over the side of DK.
[02:25:59] Yeah a little bit sloppy there, Pychengy on the back off there.
[02:26:03] Shut up.
[02:26:04] After killing the showmaker but they obviously had to go really deep to set that up
[02:26:08] So somewhat forgivable a really nice punish does come through
[02:26:12] See what they can get done with this because top turret already died earlier
[02:26:16] Mid and bottom are very healthy, and they don't have themselves a great siege composition
[02:26:22] Or some guy just like woke up. He's like way too. Oh man for the kill. So what's happening though?
[02:26:27] Oh lck's on let me have a look dragon. What?
[02:26:30] Nice scaring if he goes up. Is this a show?
[02:26:33] He dies. Yeah, why are they so far up?
[02:26:35] He doesn't avoid the ult, but there's literally no counter play here.
[02:26:38] Even if he flashes under turret, it still gets hit by the ult, still gets hooked.
[02:26:43] And Kingen also TPed up this. I think they were hoping they could maybe save the play.
[02:26:47] Or dating up topside, this is a big big boon because they wanted to set up a herald anyways.
[02:26:51] And end up catching LeHens on the retreat.
[02:26:54] Small victory! I mean, it's a very big olof.
[02:26:57] Six kills.
[02:26:59] Stridebreaker going to feel really good in this composition, but it's really good.
[02:27:03] What I said yes, I wonder how many stacks shoemaker has I'm gonna guess he has
[02:27:10] And
[02:27:20] 285 not bad actually not bad for a hundred yes. I thought this would be way worse, you know
[02:27:24] You don't have to make tough choices about what you want to buy you can just buy the good item
[02:27:29] Yeah, it's bad obviously, but considering the CS even more values like this like fine brushes
[02:27:34] You can get vision. Yep with that item and it's
[02:27:39] What if we just hide in this brush and then
[02:27:46] You think I know every move three past 12 bro, I have no fucking clue. What are you on about there?
[02:27:51] Yeah, I mean it's quite quite a valuable buy
[02:27:54] And completed now, at 16-15.
[02:27:58] As you mentioned it, speak of the devil, it's just right in front of our screens,
[02:28:04] showcasing the lead he has, over-aiming right now.
[02:28:07] And BT is so valuable, obviously, into this comp, but...
[02:28:11] ...Hanz is playing a game here with Moab, and he loses.
[02:28:15] They're gonna hook a poppy, generally not a good idea, but I'm not going to stand.
[02:28:19] The Genji are on the edge, the ult comes down from the go-on, but the devil's still on Hanz.
[02:28:24] was kind of trolled. There we go! Is that eight kills on Yola? Is eight kills on Yola?
[02:28:30] No, gonna get another double kill here.
[02:28:32] The side effect now is eight.
[02:28:34] Ken. I mean look, Mom was a loser of the minigame of trying to...
[02:28:38] You know, King Corky vs. Chovy Corky? Hey, let's keep giving it to Ken. Let's keep giving it to Ken.
[02:28:43] What effect do you want to take on?
[02:28:45] Wait, oh my God, Gary just one-tucked him.
[02:28:48] Oh yeah, headshot him with the fucking middle of the hero.
[02:28:50] Boom!
[02:28:52] What are you doing?
[02:28:54] It's worse than... nice.
[02:28:56] One HB Herald just fucking quit scaring me.
[02:28:58] I like it. Watch out for W.
[02:29:06] I can't believe there's 8 kills on King and Dola.
[02:29:22] And he's everything for it and now he's not here for this fight. I feel like they got a little bit of that
[02:29:28] It's okay second right now. It's
[02:29:33] Stresses have just been happy with the turret, you know, I would have been as
[02:29:37] This is that game a long plan a little dodge action. We get satchels
[02:29:41] But it's a double knockup here and then the hands is very very low and look at King and like I mentioned it
[02:29:45] Yeah, it's something of this kind useless. Oh my god. That's creepy from King was
[02:29:49] and
[02:29:54] Yeah, the flash Q maybe to get there from
[02:29:58] My god
[02:30:01] Also, the usage of the herald was nice by
[02:30:03] Long goes in and he's like
[02:30:06] I guess I guess so if the kill goes over to a show be the queue goes over the ball
[02:30:11] Flash auto our combo flash that was really well played. He talked about the burst damage
[02:30:16] It's just something that's not often
[02:30:18] My go to you know, we talk about no
[02:30:21] You just flash with it. We don't even harder talk about disengaged constant stuff like that
[02:30:25] But the burst from to be rogue Aaron such a cool job there underneath the turret lucid thinks he's fine
[02:30:30] He gets flashed on by assassin garen gets one shot. You know what and
[02:30:36] Listen, you know whatever happens in solo queue in the next 24 hours. Just brace yourself and now
[02:30:41] Squand the race yourself
[02:30:43] Look at the damage in this game actually pays currently I guarantee you even if Genji lose this game that will change
[02:30:48] But you're gonna have garen mitzvah against like Tristana and they're gonna be like, but chobi played it 11,000 there really what he played against my guys
[02:30:56] Yeah, but I think this purchase goes down. They're in front of all save it
[02:31:01] All right. Well, that's the root and that's the hook underneath the turret and facts range doesn't matter
[02:31:06] You get rooted you get hugs and mom trying to disengage with the zone alt is not successful
[02:31:13] This keeps being a bit of a problem.
[02:31:16] The Skiddle, Maokai, setting up for the hens to hook people in.
[02:31:20] I think D plus didn't hard commit to that.
[02:31:23] They kind of half committed and then when the ult came out, they were still caught.
[02:31:27] But a bomb was so far forward there.
[02:31:29] I wanted to get the turret so badly, end up getting punished.
[02:31:32] This game is super wild.
[02:31:34] I feel like Gen.D have so many edges here because of the composition.
[02:31:37] How simple it is to blow up aiming.
[02:31:39] It gets caught by a Maokai ult.
[02:31:41] Some of the same problems they had last game and the side lane issue they have to deal with as mom
[02:31:46] Obviously channeling this to try to help his teammates to just gauge means that he's immobile
[02:31:49] He's gonna get caught by the roof. He's then gonna be hooked and
[02:31:53] Lens might have even been able to hook them without the roof, but either way that does connect
[02:31:57] I look at this comp where I where the Olaf has this massive shield
[02:32:01] I guess Olaf just has to carry. They don't really have that much DPS
[02:32:05] He's a level up on Keen right now, but I'm worried that level 16 Garen just fucking won't tap his ass with a bit of damage from 4kz
[02:32:11] But that's not going to be an issue for him, but long-term damage from the quirky within the garen old might just blow him up
[02:32:17] When he tries to actually frontline
[02:32:18] Yeah, still got a run through mines and stuff. Okay. Yes, I'm so and while he doesn't have Senna to back him up
[02:32:24] He does have an Ivern so the fact that this Olaf is so big is very punishing
[02:32:29] Watch as I think like they did next to that dragon fight
[02:32:31] And if you are split up or if you teleport on top of him, he is going to he's gonna do a lot
[02:32:37] Sony there's still an angle here. He could run through Canyon's ultimate block for his teammates
[02:32:42] And set aiming up for success
[02:32:59] Okay, he wants to cook will out cook
[02:33:07] He will play with crank and he will run the game and that is kind of been the way
[02:33:12] It's been for a very long time here nails is D plus are just gonna see
[02:33:17] Not surely turning doesn't check right that's kind of weird to check Baron for all of them two men
[02:33:24] That's weird yo guard check it
[02:33:30] They might be in trouble here Valdez wait, we're still going
[02:33:33] We're still going
[02:33:50] What did they just do
[02:34:33] They see you for the next victory. He will not
[02:34:37] Yeah, I know the reason I'm red days on here right on the war. I wonder if I was on the lens, okay?
[02:34:41] that's just the truth and
[02:34:44] We've all we've all seen it. We've all been serious everybody watch every dimension
[02:34:48] Bro, what did that one just do?
[02:34:52] No, you're wrong. Oh, let him splits to buy this. Oh my god. He hooked Amy. That's crazy
[02:34:58] Ziggs damage is nuts in this fight though, Corky as well.
[02:35:05] Gaming's flash was like 10 seconds from being up, redemption wasn't up.
[02:35:18] That was so stupid.
[02:35:19] Yeah, we'll do that then.
[02:35:36] Oh my god, man. Why is Ziggs even open, man?
[02:35:49] on top of a teleporting Garen like maybe if he threads the needle and it's like over the wall and
[02:35:54] an aiming flash his way it's not merely as impactful but the fact that he pulls him into
[02:35:59] Chovy who just immediately blows him off it's just so oppressive I don't blame aiming at all
[02:36:05] and you see aiming is third to last on the damage card. Mynessus is like first timing man
[02:36:10] what is this? I guess it's been there for some of the fights but...
[02:36:12] Enemy Kerin is a main and my position is like,
[02:36:16] Come on, bro. Come on, man.
[02:36:19] He's able to flash the hook. Might have been able to do anything in that point.
[02:36:21] Oh, my god.
[02:36:23] I just think he didn't expect it.
[02:36:25] Really
[02:36:26] Classic Lahans and the kills are close, but the map control is not.
[02:36:31] Uh-oh. Oh, oh no.
[02:36:33] Again!
[02:36:34] Oh, so, Vick, you get rooted at the very end of the Malkai Ultimate
[02:36:38] and it's just set up on a team for Lahans once again.
[02:36:42] Regresses the Q's and they have the damage from ahead
[02:36:46] And this is what this composition does I stand by it blitz is a bad pick and
[02:36:51] Right now the hands, but the hands bit screens
[02:36:56] Just bro just fucking get me out look at like he's gonna get me out of a 90%
[02:37:01] Get me out the setup. He's been given by Canyon some quick math. Yeah, I see done
[02:37:07] Yeah, I mean, you know sometimes you can do
[02:37:09] Get me out there.
[02:37:24] Into Olaf, Nessus, Poppy.
[02:37:26] They have one range champ.
[02:37:28] Nobody will pick bits into like range supports or...
[02:37:33] I mean like champs like Azir, you know.
[02:37:36] Nessus, Poppy.
[02:37:39] Oh left. With Ivern, the champ should get run over, but they're so far ahead, they just
[02:37:47] press Malco at a tower and they hook.
[02:37:49] And it works.
[02:37:54] It works.
[02:37:56] I think Zeke's is the absolute horror pick in this draft.
[02:38:02] He's just hook him up.
[02:38:04] against being K it gotta win and maybe they're saying okay maybe we can utilize
[02:38:09] this again but not into this team not in the Joby King instead
[02:38:14] He's going to go ahead against Joby's Garand
[02:38:17] King's laughing he's like he can't contain his laughter
[02:38:20] he's actually crying of laughter by getting one shot from this guy
[02:38:24] I mean it's done
[02:38:26] BK they don't have an angle
[02:38:28] Well I guess
[02:38:30] Nessus won't be banned for the next team
[02:38:32] Stand and watch but I hope this is like all right. Well, I'm just gonna keep pushing my team has full control the mid that inhibitors down
[02:38:39] It's got mortal reminder as well. Nobody's healing in this game. Nobody's healing
[02:38:45] Nobody's doing damage. Everybody is however getting hooked as aiming will avoid this one
[02:38:55] They're not going to ban Zeke's brother, they don't ban Zeke's in game three. I'm gonna lose it
[02:38:59] I looked already, I already looked, I looked multiple times in mid CS, I wish I did.
[02:39:15] I looked at the level 2, yeah I saw that as well, I feel that.
[02:39:18] Here we go.
[02:39:22] He's in the middle of a blanchot by Darren.
[02:39:29] and the hems he's going to taunt Olaf away from the team fight so that's gonna
[02:39:34] wait there it's Gen G almost looks like they're playing solo queue at this point
[02:39:38] it's so much better so we didn't even have to hold in that last kill on the
[02:39:42] aiming I'm sure who he ulted and ultimately a year but somebody died I
[02:39:48] think off-camera we're watching King and Jesus what are you doing King and
[02:39:53] you're just this is a playoff best of five everybody
[02:39:58] This is a playoff fest5 guys.
[02:40:00] This isn't a regular season.
[02:40:02] This is a playoff fest5.
[02:40:28] Ziggs was still good, was still getting gold, and Ziggs was so defeated, I mean there were smiles on the showmaker's face.
[02:40:36] Guys, we gotta figure something out.
[02:40:37] King and Laugh when he died in the bottom line there, so we're killed by Joby.
[02:40:40] Ziggs needs to be banned.
[02:40:41] But you just know man, we came into this serious thinking, maybe there's a chance, maybe this goes fine.
[02:40:45] Maybe we should ban Ziggs, maybe.
[02:40:47] Maybe.
[02:40:48] That's what history has showed us for the last few years, but not this year and not this season.
[02:40:53] Genji with a massive massive
[02:40:55] At least that one is the most entertaining team to watch
[02:40:58] That one are the most entertaining team to watch
[02:41:01] They are fun
[02:41:03] It's just I wish they would have explored more nexuses while being fun
[02:41:06] You know what I'm saying?
[02:41:07] They found two different kind of zones to do the one side of games
[02:41:11] And Genji 2-0 ahead it has not been a close series
[02:41:14] We'll see if DK can come back after the break
[02:41:17] We'll be right back
[02:41:18] please man please give me a six pen quick change the genji jersey no yeah we'll
[02:42:05] check the loot we can get afterwards I can't believe they picked corki on three
[02:42:12] and flexed it top to then put garen the internet is like what if song goes
[02:42:46] It's hard, yeah, the song must go hard.
[02:42:48] All right, then.
[02:42:49] I thought they thought laughing when they won some both of them.
[02:43:06] Okay, thank you.
[02:43:15] What did you say? Garen what?
[02:43:26] He said Garen is OP I told you
[02:43:35] Chat please don't go into solo queue thinking oh my god Garen mid is the most busted thing in existence
[02:43:40] Be careful
[02:43:42] Put some practice into it and pick it in the right matchups
[02:43:49] Which I'm guessing so far is definitely in T'Nessus
[02:43:53] And maybe, I don't know, what's a... Maybe it could work in the Corki? Maybe, I'm not sure though.
[02:44:04] In the Silas, yeah, for sure.
[02:44:07] For Kali, maybe, yeah.
[02:44:14] I'm in queue right now.
[02:44:22] But I feel like Gen.G, maybe I'll make a video on it.
[02:44:27] I feel like Gen.G is doing things that any team can do.
[02:44:31] And that sounds very silly, but map movement-wise, Gen.G is just really smart,
[02:44:35] and there's so much to learn from what they're doing.
[02:44:39] Maybe I'll compare and contrast their games to EU and NA games.
[02:44:43] Let's feel like, guys...
[02:44:44] Look at this. Very simple. Why don't you do it?
[02:44:49] Like here for example
[02:44:52] Even Damwon doesn't do it again
[02:44:55] Hold on. Like here in this game state
[02:45:01] This game state, JNG don't even do anything crazy
[02:45:07] Like Damwon's swap Damwon swaps and they want to hit top tier one, right?
[02:45:13] Okay, fine. Let's swap and hit top tier one. What does Keen do when he sees the swap?
[02:45:17] He runs bot. He's not gonna go top. What does Kengen do? Well, he's on drake. He's gonna go bot.
[02:45:23] Why is Lucy the no-life here? Like what are they doing?
[02:45:26] I think Kengen, he can get this wave. Fine. Get Blitzcrank flash. Great. And I think now he just has to leave.
[02:45:32] Now I think they just have to leave. He can base run mid. Ivern has all of this he could take. Look at that.
[02:45:38] Ivern has all of this. When it said what happens, they just try to defend 2v4. Kien comes down, doesn't lane top.
[02:45:45] It is kill Ivern and on paper
[02:45:48] On paper they should leave and in practice sometimes you can be like well. I'm really strong
[02:45:52] I'm real PS Olaf. I got this flash maybe we can defend this in the top tier one
[02:45:55] But just used Olaf ult and ghost and like keen smithing Canyon
[02:45:59] Just you see Canyon like everyone's bot side that you have your bot lane is top
[02:46:03] So your strong side is top so you have no business being down here. Anyway, so what happens?
[02:46:08] Ivan dies Olaf dies you give over a shutdown of 700 gold to keen or 600 gold to keen
[02:46:13] who's not even laning top and then you give first blood tower to keen as well like
[02:46:20] So what how much gold did this cork you just get he's got like 1k golds from just not laning top
[02:46:26] so no
[02:46:29] Surely surely surely they just need to be more topside
[02:46:33] be
[02:46:34] Play with your numbers on your shrunks like why are you trying to if you're maybe playing orn if jungles
[02:46:39] I mean I think the person that I want to criticize the most here is Ivern like Ivern should be up here somewhere
[02:46:43] Maybe if you're playing like Ornn or Cassante you can like play the one before and try and clear your wave and delay them.
[02:46:49] But, especially if you're the one swapping, why are you swapping but then also trying to cover bot?
[02:46:56] I guess Olaf's strong but I just feel like, fundamentally it just feels weird to just MF'ed bot wave, run top when Drake's up anyway.
[02:47:06] And then still lose the split map.
[02:47:10] Why?
[02:47:12] Why? You give up first blood tower, you give up swan keg ult to Korky, you give up your shutdown on Olaf, you give up all these top camps that you could have had.
[02:47:21] Why aren't they just... it's the same thing as game 1 where they could have had a free top tier 2 instead of when they gave Drake.
[02:47:28] It actually makes no sense to me.
[02:47:32] And then they finally play numbers on the right side when it comes to like the 3v1 dives, right?
[02:47:36] And both top mid laners think they can delay the dive, right?
[02:47:39] which is fine like sure you know in some games it feels like you can just clear
[02:47:43] the wave and it'll do good justice but they won for one the 3v1
[02:47:47] Genji doesn't Genji has four grubs five grubs on the on the reswap which
[02:47:52] that one could have matched they get first but the second tower faster and
[02:47:55] bot tier ones fine because Olaf died so if anything surely this is one where
[02:48:00] you would want to match right I don't know where to me where to me what
[02:48:10] They're doing something like the the macro plays are just I feel like they're
[02:48:16] They can be quite simple no
[02:48:31] Welcome back to the space dig on here alongside with David and chronicler and
[02:48:36] Garin getting the victory being piloted by chovy Genji now up 2 to 0 here in the playoff round
[02:48:44] Against D plus Kia and one win away from at least going to the in-person event in Gyeongju in the higher seat
[02:48:51] Yeah, definitely looks like other teams will be matching them dig on
[02:48:56] They won't be in the grand finals now. Genji look incredible here
[02:49:01] What is really interesting to me is that they are actually playing stuff like the Garen
[02:49:07] But the Garen I'm gonna tell you as good as true. What you're basically saying is I can be chovy if I play Garen
[02:49:13] Yes, look and Garen will be chovy that is very funny
[02:49:15] But what is actually insane is that Maokai zix keeps getting through because I feel like
[02:49:20] Like, and I imagine Decaying Game 3 is going to swap this because you need to not give
[02:49:26] Gen.G that it's too strong, like you just, it works so well for what Gen.G as a team
[02:49:31] wants to do.
[02:49:32] Yeah, exactly.
[02:49:33] Two melees with Ibron was feeling great, but they couldn't reach through the Zeaks
[02:49:37] and that was the main problem for the Game 1 and Game 2.
[02:49:41] And also, Malkai Zeaks just makes game really easier.
[02:49:45] So I think that was the main problem.
[02:49:46] Just ban Zeaks.
[02:49:47] And I think they didn't get the problem.
[02:49:48] Ban Zeaks and stop inting.
[02:49:49] Well, let's take a look at some of those early highlights here.
[02:49:52] Early on, before Maokai can press R and engage, Olaf got in there.
[02:49:58] Petro, save the line.
[02:50:00] And what I love is that Olaf is in Olaf, because they're all champions.
[02:50:04] They don't really have great days.
[02:50:05] But I will say, in the last week, there has been two reverse sweeps.
[02:50:11] You know, actually, there's been three because of the G2 one
[02:50:14] against BDS that happened the week before.
[02:50:17] There has been a significant amount of reverse sweep recently.
[02:50:21] Now, Damwon's Academy team got reverse swept yesterday.
[02:50:25] Who's just saying that Damwon's main team can't be the one to reverse sweep today?
[02:50:28] Until Pace is having a deathless series by far.
[02:50:33] Yeah, it worked well on these early skirmishes but I think you see it again.
[02:50:39] This all looks great and this sets them up for a good scenario but then Lucid makes a mistake in both sides.
[02:50:44] Moham makes a big mistake in mid when they overchase and don't get the dragon showmaker ends up falling like 120 CS behind
[02:50:52] There's just
[02:50:53] Continuously in this series the longer it goes. We see very clearly
[02:50:58] How far at Gen G is and and everyone on DK basically needs to play perfect and that's just not happening. Yeah, again
[02:51:04] This is a conversation needed to snow. I don't know what we're gonna do today
[02:51:06] We're gonna watch the series then snowball. I think we'll either play monkey game or we might play deadlock
[02:51:12] I haven't played deadlock yet. I can't wanna check it out.
[02:51:16] I do kinda wanna check out deadlock.
[02:51:19] Cause there's a MOBA, right?
[02:51:21] MOBA is my gem.
[02:51:26] I'm okay at FPS games, it sounds like mine.
[02:51:37] But the good news is, if this is a 3-0, we have a lot of time.
[02:51:42] Yeah, the game is just immediately done.
[02:51:44] I don't think aiming has had a major impact in this series, but also he's playing a math.
[02:51:52] And yes, in theory, in lane, she is obviously insanely strong, but the key is going to have
[02:51:56] to really change how they're playing, because right now, aiming doesn't get ahead in lane
[02:52:01] because Paze is a great Zeke, and Genji actually used the Zeke across the map.
[02:52:06] And aiming in teamfights can't do what he's done on the Kaesar, on the Ezreal,
[02:52:10] that's just not really how the pick works so I think DK they're gonna have to
[02:52:14] completely change up what they do in this final game if you don't want to see
[02:52:18] a free-zero all right POG time let's see who gets it here in game number two is
[02:52:23] it the Garen no that goes to the Blitzcrank of what happens so many good
[02:52:28] this time gladness game clutch pulls on the moham onto the misfortune that
[02:52:32] led to them I think Pace is wrong game towards their fate as he said the
[02:52:37] The difference between support right now is showing up that we already talked about this in pre-show
[02:52:43] that maybe Moham will struggle against a good support which is Rehance.
[02:52:47] He's literally showing up how he's experienced and concentrated.
[02:52:51] The reason, I think Lance played well, but he's hooked every Maokai ult.
[02:52:55] So I don't want to be like Dan, but most of his hooks are off Maokai ult.
[02:53:00] As a support player, right? Is the enemy support blinds Blitz?
[02:53:04] No way.
[02:53:05] That's disrespect.
[02:53:06] I mean, yeah for sure.
[02:53:07] This was a crazy hooker.
[02:53:09] I mean, like as a Blitzcrank, you can get underpicked all the time, but you showed up the Blitzcrank on the draft blind.
[02:53:17] It's just amazing.
[02:53:19] Yeah, I think the Canyon votes, he played Maokai.
[02:53:21] We went for Paze, because I think Paze is happening in the same series.
[02:53:24] Oh my god, what about the Malkai again?
[02:53:26] He never died, he never got caught.
[02:53:28] I agree, I agree with Paze.
[02:53:29] It was saying Deathless still so far in the series.
[02:53:31] I can see a Canyon votes as well.
[02:53:32] Surprised.
[02:53:33] Chovy at the very end, we got to hear the cards yelling.
[02:53:35] I told you Garen was broken still didn't sway the voters as he didn't get a single vote in this one
[02:53:40] But that's how good Gen G has been so far in this game
[02:53:43] But it is a best of five will they close it on out and be able to get it or will D plus be able to come on back as I
[02:53:50] Got asked what band gets dropped here Ziggs is clearly a problem
[02:53:54] Malchai's clearly a problem what drops so that you can insert at least one of those in there at least
[02:53:58] Ben one of them please please or you can see
[02:54:02] Ziggs Ziggs Ziggs Ziggs Ziggs having a great zig spend. Yeah, I imagine they're gonna drop them and pick
[02:54:08] I've been asking this
[02:54:09] And maybe three hours for a six-pack that and then see if that gets you somewhere because the pick is obviously really strong
[02:54:15] Yeah, all right
[02:54:16] Well, we'll find out D plus looking to try and buck the trend and get themselves a victory on board
[02:54:21] Gen g looking to close it out 3-0. Let's send it on over to cashews to find out
[02:54:25] Thank you Spacers for the great breakdown. Yes, please take the Maokai out of Kenyon's hands
[02:54:37] He doesn't need to get POG to showcase just how powerful it is to get a couple of votes and
[02:54:46] Yeah, what do you think Wolf?
[02:54:47] What are we gonna see dropped in the pig band phase because I do agree
[02:54:50] I think DK really need to swap something up here. I think dropping the Azir is a good start
[02:54:56] Especially when you have blue side you can pick it instead if they ban the Maokai away from you
[02:55:01] Don't sleep on that one yet.
[02:55:06] When you sleep on that one, it's when they pop off the most.
[02:55:08] They did not grab it themselves.
[02:55:09] We did mention that obviously it's been a really high win rate for Lucid on the pick.
[02:55:13] I think unfairly often characterized as a weaker Maokai player because in spring he
[02:55:17] had some pretty wonky games on the pick, but I think it was just his inexperience.
[02:55:22] So moving into this third draft and D plus's last blue side draft in this series,
[02:55:28] use of the fact that you can pick these high-file picks and if you pick Malkai and
[02:55:34] Joby picks Azir you have Nasus if they leave that one open again they left the
[02:55:38] open last game so maybe real incoming
[02:55:41] residency against Closer and our first Nasus game of playoffs so I think
[02:55:47] they're gonna go blue side they're gonna ban Ziggs I really like what
[02:55:51] Proxler said to about not playing to what aiming is normally good that's
[02:55:55] It's taking over the game on fix like I said as we started and they're gonna first with my combo oriented
[02:56:00] playing around a mom's pretty big boon for this roster, but
[02:56:04] He didn't have the rel that MF just didn't hit at all
[02:56:09] See what they'll change up. They don't change anything
[02:56:12] I don't think it's just a play better and we'll win the game situation against Genji
[02:56:17] No, I mean if they could out of nowhere, you know of the play level by three or four
[02:56:23] I hate it. It's interesting because if you watch their series against Fear X, Shomeiker plays Nasus into Azir and Genji's bread and butter is AD mid so Kenyan can play AP jungle.
[02:56:36] So that's why I think Tristana zigs Nidalee and then first pick Maokai is better because you cover off Nidalee into Maokai.
[02:56:44] Maokai can play into Lillia. They don't have zigs, they don't have Tristana. What do they play? They have to play Kenyan Setyuoni or Kenyan Tyra?
[02:56:51] They can play Azir as well, sure, but at least you can play Nessus Malkai if you're really worried about that, like, let's say, Sejuani Azir.
[02:56:59] If they ban Malkai here, and then first the Korki, I will do a backflip. Absolutely mind blown.
[02:57:07] Smallther can remain the same, like you said, Jhin, you don't need to change anything.
[02:57:10] Yeah, don't need to worry about that Smallther scaling. Okay, they ban it.
[02:57:14] Okay they ban it. So this is what I was kind of feeling because of what happened in game 2.
[02:57:19] Now Vi is still available.
[02:57:22] So that might be a look here as the rumble is a required bang.
[02:57:27] And maybe they'll play some sort of pick based comp instead, but again that's not really playing the aiming.
[02:57:31] That was the other type of Gen.G that we'd like to see in round 1 where we were looking for some of the aiming to play.
[02:57:37] Oh my god.
[02:57:42] I don't get it! I don't get it!
[02:57:47] I don't get it! What happened?
[02:58:01] I don't get it! I don't get it!
[02:58:05] Like, what is happening? Bro, I don't get it! It's two games of this! We're on the third!
[02:58:11] They don't even try!
[02:58:14] What are they doing? I'm sorry if I'm mad, but like, bro, this is so infuriating!
[02:58:18] What are you doing?
[02:58:20] You're literally, it's right in your face!
[02:58:23] Our side towers are dying, our mid towers are dying, they're playing for grubs, they're getting gold leads through side.
[02:58:29] Why? Why? Why?
[02:58:32] Because Ziggs, we can't take your mid tower, why? Oh, Ziggs!
[02:58:41] This is not a traditional by-comp. This time they'll take the Leona maybe here early
[02:58:46] And that indicates that we're probably not gonna see them as fortune lane
[02:58:50] Why why I don't want to see my spy Leona and I would love to see Zerry
[02:58:54] Picked here actually save because then you can try to match it against the Corky potential
[02:58:59] We can bang Darren though. We know that's corky and also go top
[02:59:05] Now if you don't lock the Garen here, it's probably gonna be banned
[02:59:08] But if you do lock the garen here, then you're playing everything face-up and you also have a jungle pick so
[02:59:15] If you don't if you just leave this to a jungle pick for canyon
[02:59:19] There's a lot available the nilly's off this time then you know at least you get a ban out of it
[02:59:24] But they will just lock this
[02:59:26] Yeah
[02:59:27] Pretty sturdy very difficult to gank even with a fly
[02:59:32] Right so where are we getting our AP damage are we gonna play cannon?
[02:59:35] Why was it even Kenan Rumble's already down?
[02:59:38] You can play Kenan blinds
[02:59:46] Kaisa man, okay. Well there goes one AP champion
[03:00:01] AP Nassus
[03:00:05] Maybe he has to play like rise top this game. I'm not sure
[03:00:09] Probably Ben
[03:00:15] They could play Seraphine Neon above and then do what damage and then do what damage
[03:00:25] Maybe 40 minutes Nessus stacks up looking very not even Seraphine Nessus
[03:00:30] either. He's just ready to type in the ban. Now, might be Beze is giving some input on this ban.
[03:00:36] Well, ban the Olaf, because it wasn't a problem to deal with in the last game, but I think a lot of
[03:00:42] that based on that one team fight. Okay, I trust him. Surely they've got something cooking in 4-5.
[03:00:46] So, will it just be a well-banned here? Should I ban Poppy? I mean, that's actually targeted
[03:00:51] jungle. It's not even targeted at support. They're going to ban another jungler here.
[03:00:55] What's good with Karin's jungle? What's good with Karin? Tell me.
[03:01:00] Zyra, fantastic.
[03:01:02] Canyon's Nidalee's open if he wants it.
[03:01:08] They also could play Ivan on 4 here if they want to.
[03:01:12] But they don't need to, they could just counter pick supports. What's going to do now?
[03:01:15] Rel?
[03:01:16] Rel Brown?
[03:01:17] Brown's shit with Ziggs, and yeah, Rel.
[03:01:20] Vaspik Jungle, keep him guessing.
[03:01:24] Oh, it's definitely a cart angle, that's a good call.
[03:01:26] Oh, fuck.
[03:01:29] Or they play Seraphine?
[03:01:32] You know what? I think they might play Seraphine.
[03:01:35] Seraphine, Leona, Nessus.
[03:01:40] Oh my god, let them go.
[03:01:43] They need damage though. I feel like they lack damage.
[03:01:45] Oh my god, they're gonna do it.
[03:01:48] I feel like they're lacking damage.
[03:01:54] Vayne top?
[03:01:55] Well, that's some damage. I like that lock the vein vein top
[03:02:00] Okay, you know what I can get behind that I can get behind the vein top
[03:02:04] How far are the chefs? I can't get behind it. Yeah, what do you mean?
[03:02:08] Stop it. I mean, I hope you can just play this game. You just fall some king into place. You're just jailing him in draft
[03:02:15] Mid lane to Leah to work. I actually really like this for D plus you have a lot of pick this way
[03:02:20] So they're forcing King into play now are going to be incredibly powerful
[03:02:25] That CC and the Nazis and in my family deal with follows up on it really well proud of light they in top actually
[03:02:31] What's the choice for this?
[03:02:33] I don't think so
[03:02:36] Definitely not an option. I don't think so
[03:02:38] Can and can play pretty much anything. It's gonna be scarner. Oh
[03:02:43] Actually don't mind that too much. I thought that's something like a
[03:02:47] Brand would be ready to step forward as I'm gonna run as quick if you're on a point
[03:02:50] He has been playing Nessus. Really? He's been practicing Nessus top. With Comet. Aha! Wait, they put the Nessus top because King hasn't been practicing Daren.
[03:03:16] He hasn't, but Chovy has.
[03:03:22] So, the Garen is less experienced.
[03:03:24] Uh-huh.
[03:03:28] Uh-huh, I think that...
[03:03:38] It doesn't matter, does it?
[03:03:40] It doesn't matter, does it?
[03:03:41] Corky that comes out of LCK Vietnam is here. Oh hell yeah
[03:03:49] Yeah, and
[03:03:51] You know Vietnamese League of Legends is getting very very big these days a lot of people are
[03:03:58] Are watching in Vietnam. Yeah, I can't all the fans. They're so active. I can't speak the language
[03:04:04] But I did recognize the Cassante
[03:04:07] They go is Ziggs gonna carry alone maker fans
[03:04:11] Because they must have said
[03:04:44] Come on DK don't get knocked out like this, bro. I'm convinced they have no damage like I can feel it
[03:04:50] I can feel it man
[03:04:52] I personally am a little bit disappointed to see aiming on Seraphine after he's had the season that he has had on Dix that are hard carry.
[03:05:01] Seraphine feels good in the comp, feels good into what they're playing against.
[03:05:05] And they're lane-sopping with Garen.
[03:05:07] It's very good in the Ziggs, it's not aiming.
[03:05:08] I mean of course it's Nasus top right, housing the stacks if he got no minions.
[03:05:12] It's not correct, it can be so strong into the Ziggs ultimate.
[03:05:15] Actually, unironically, do you think Nasus should run bot?
[03:05:19] Lane with Seraphine, and Seraphine should give him all the last hits on stacks.
[03:05:24] Unironically.
[03:05:27] I think that's the only way here. Nasus has to take the farm on the bot.
[03:05:30] He goes and lanes with Seraphine, takes the farm,
[03:05:34] and then they dive him. But Ken is taking away Wolves.
[03:05:39] and
[03:05:44] Force a smite so that means that Lucy is down a camp and can't get level four unless it takes this
[03:05:50] Here's King in the king just decided to take the farm side. He's just gonna lay
[03:05:57] See that purple bar appear below his HP there bottom left that's what he's looking for
[03:06:01] That's what top players are really having a lot of trouble getting right now with these lane swaps
[03:06:07] What has happened to League of Legends?
[03:06:10] First it was NessusGaren mid, now it's NessusGaren top, it's Zeke's or Seraphine bot lane, no AD carries.
[03:06:16] And the AD carries laning top, the top and AD carry are laning bot, the top is laning bot and the top is also roaming today.
[03:06:29] What is happening? Jungle support are top, laning with their bot and top.
[03:06:33] I mean they're playing Seraphine Nessus. They don't have much damage. Is Keen just gonna flip the dive?
[03:06:44] He did take W. His W's up in three seconds.
[03:06:48] He's actually gonna lift the dive I think if he W's the Leona Q.
[03:06:54] They can't dive him! They can't dive him! They're playing Nessus Seraphine Leona!
[03:06:59] He's getting chipped out a little bit over here.
[03:07:01] He's totally fine.
[03:07:02] He wasn't going a little bit too far, but he avoids the dive.
[03:07:05] And everybody on the team is just going to use the topside here.
[03:07:08] There's no way he bases here and TP's back.
[03:07:10] That would be absolute horror.
[03:07:12] Can you imagine?
[03:07:13] He does that.
[03:07:14] There's no way, right?
[03:07:15] That makes sense.
[03:07:16] His bot lane needs to run out bot.
[03:07:18] Oh my god.
[03:07:19] Oh my god.
[03:07:20] He TP bot.
[03:07:21] And Nassus TP top and Nassus is dead.
[03:07:24] And now Garen can't dive bot because Nassus TPed away.
[03:07:27] away so Kingen's laughing he knows the game's over. Genji just baited into TP top, he TP
[03:07:36] top, King TP bot, and now Nessus can't play the game. Wow Genji are actually just humiliating
[03:07:44] them. Is it next to him he's killed again? Here they come, flash Q out of rel? Oh my
[03:07:56] He's not gonna die. I think maybe he's gonna die
[03:08:00] Oh Kenny got his flash
[03:08:14] Good night. Good night. Good night.
[03:08:17] Should I grab the flash or what? No, it's fine.
[03:08:20] Actually just baiting and now Toby's just dead.
[03:08:24] So now he goes, Lucid can get that kill in this wild early game.
[03:08:28] And at least DK gets something back.
[03:08:31] Yeah they do get something back here with Lucid shoving this wave.
[03:08:34] They will be able to deny some farm.
[03:08:36] They'll be able to just a little bit here.
[03:08:38] King and Dice on this teleport is grabbed by Canyon.
[03:08:40] Stung into the turret.
[03:08:42] The Hens goes super low.
[03:08:44] And the Hens flashes before they engage.
[03:08:46] Denies him the ability to get into that turret.
[03:08:49] But they can keep kingin' out of the turret and eat his matter, and he flashes towards it
[03:08:55] Haha, I see
[03:08:57] Ah, shit
[03:08:59] How can I play the game? How can I play the game?
[03:09:02] He said a naughty word before that, or nearly did
[03:09:04] And uh, yeah, this is a little bit of an overestimation here
[03:09:07] Probably great play from Lucid
[03:09:08] How can he play the game, actually?
[03:09:12] Well, the way they play the game is somehow
[03:09:15] They need to dive bot, somehow
[03:09:17] So it's again, it's a small victory, but it's at least something but they couldn't die bot. Yeah, and the garen
[03:09:25] He has 15 stacks a minute
[03:09:28] Like it's just going to outdo the masses avoids the dive feels like yes Genji set up the dive better
[03:09:34] Now they put ziggs into NASA so we can't farm even more see a plane as they is much easier to dive in these situations
[03:09:41] and
[03:09:43] And that's not going to do anything this showbaker just gets pushed into the realm look at his face to man
[03:09:50] Showmaker is so tilted. They're just high-fiving this entire series. And team can farm both and they can't dive in
[03:09:55] Showmaker are just linked on frustration based on being together. I mean this is really stupid
[03:10:02] And you know the other thing about this we talked about the the ziggs getting some power topside even with the plate protection and stuff
[03:10:08] But Seraphine just doesn't man. I would be so mad if I was DK
[03:10:12] Now they're going to try and dive the garen. If they can't pull this dive off, it's absolutely
[03:10:17] bad. He's got level 6. Oh my god, he got level 6. Oh my god, it's actually a horror.
[03:10:26] Look at top lane, he's level 4 and he has 30 stacks and he counts farm. And the garen's
[03:10:33] level 6 and he can stand on the tower dancing.
[03:10:42] two levels ahead of king and this is crazy man yes plates went over to a
[03:10:46] seraphine we'll utilize that gold quite well this early game is just not been
[03:10:51] playable for king and D plus we'll get this first dragon man lane swapping is
[03:10:55] painful sometimes it is just painful to watch
[03:11:07] too much for the draft the only big thing that's a problem in draft right
[03:11:09] now is I mean they played NASA's top right so Genji just said oh you're playing NASA's top
[03:11:14] what if we just lane swap and Genji know that Garen can't get Dove on the lane swap against
[03:11:23] NASA's Seraphine because they have too much scaling and they know they can dive the NASA's easy
[03:11:30] The garrant he doesn't have flash he's well he might be able to get out. Uh-oh. Well Lucid's got his hands on this game
[03:11:36] This game is brutal this is this is brutal
[03:11:40] This is actually savage. It's unbelievable early game stomp from the side of Gen T
[03:11:44] I thought maybe just maybe we'd get one close game in the series
[03:11:49] Well, it doesn't look like this one is it so maybe if we have a fourth exhibition game perhaps where is calling the shots for Gen
[03:11:56] It's adaptation from yes 5,000 like you good, you know, I wouldn't sell the surfing necessarily
[03:12:02] But yeah, obviously that one strap is terrible. It's fucking bullshit. Tell you a seraphine together trash
[03:12:07] That's a stop trash into into Garen or what what Jenny if it is Lane saw
[03:12:13] They gave them Zeke's again for no reason
[03:12:17] But still Jenny just playing way better anyway
[03:12:26] Into the fight, I'm not sure that's gonna work out for him, but the damage, where is it from the set of DK?
[03:12:31] There it is finally. That's not the first time you'll be asking that question
[03:12:35] Not gonna get over the wall, it has to flash
[03:12:38] And finally DK gets something. Crazy bro
[03:12:41] I get something Valdez
[03:12:44] Malam is able to walk past him
[03:12:48] What? I need Q stacks. Oh my god, this is the way that King plays the game because
[03:12:56] What is my goats doing?
[03:13:00] What are my goats doing?
[03:13:03] What are my goats doing?
[03:13:07] They're all so tilted, just get them out.
[03:13:09] I didn't actually see that he did that.
[03:13:12] Just get them out.
[03:13:13] Maybe build it into items.
[03:13:16] That will not sit well with a lot of people.
[03:13:19] I will tell you right now, Veldes.
[03:13:20] Oh my god.
[03:13:22] I mean, this is, that will not sit well with a lot of people.
[03:13:25] This is one of those games, you know, there's been a lot of proponents for...
[03:13:29] This is rough, man.
[03:13:30] This is so rough to watch.
[03:13:38] Chai, it's our troll. He gets ability haste for his Q stacks, but it just looks really silly.
[03:13:44] Could he just not have to sell them, right? Maybe one or two we can keep.
[03:13:48] I mean, what do you want King to do? Like, honestly.
[03:13:51] He is unplayable Grim. Unplayable.
[03:13:56] His team can't punish Garen so he gets punished for it.
[03:14:05] Oh, he got the wave as well.
[03:14:10] And Lihanz is getting the rest of the wave.
[03:14:13] So now even if they got a kill they can't hit Bot tower.
[03:14:17] Jesus.
[03:14:19] Now they're picking Bot tower. See that one?
[03:14:21] for that of course I don't have a wave so good punish there from D plus okay so
[03:14:27] lands on award here nob goes in for a bit of an engage I guess you could say
[03:14:33] but it's more more so just a bait like his poppy is very tanky that's what he's
[03:14:36] Leona excuse me is very tanky and this means that showmaker and Lucid rotate
[03:14:41] down even though showmaker didn't have his ult can just surf like I'm tilted
[03:14:44] for them needed Lucid picks up the call to pays so bit of a trade back
[03:14:49] You can see it at the same time King of the Zones wolves, so
[03:14:54] You know, he's still not playing the game on the other side, the Ziggs
[03:14:57] I was going to talk about the items earlier, he got his looms commanding a long time ago
[03:15:01] And aiming is still
[03:15:04] Trying his best to finish that first item, wasn't able to do it on that last back
[03:15:07] Why is this guy here?
[03:15:10] Fuck's broke you little pup
[03:15:11] What in a month?
[03:15:12] What the fuck?
[03:15:13] You're not even here, shut up
[03:15:15] And I guess a lot of ability haste was set to use the Nassas will infinitely scale Valdez
[03:15:19] I mean, they're very cheap you can sell them back, you know at the end of the day it actually can make a bit of sense
[03:15:24] It looks very trolly, but it can work. He's gonna be getting a lot of cues. He's gonna open up my Twitter page
[03:15:30] look at this so let's really kind of buy into that idea and
[03:15:35] Yeah, I mean try to eventually be a champion. That's on my Twitter page for the moment. I'm not I'm really not
[03:15:40] Yeah, he has no choice. He's even ulting for Q cooldown so he can get stacks faster
[03:15:45] just a witherbot as well which is still relevant kind of tanky if you can ever
[03:15:49] get items oh my god accepting that I mean he is doing what he kind of needs to do
[03:15:54] it's just like he looks like he didn't think that's the problem
[03:15:58] get a lot of q stacks that may change but the foreseeable future not so much
[03:16:03] as lens is fully fine here the bold engage there from lucid especially with
[03:16:08] the sample charge at the leading four pays but I mean they're desperate for
[03:16:13] They want to fish for a pig. They want to find some sort of angle. They want to find
[03:16:16] Some sort of set up. They have a pig based comp or if mom sets up the CC
[03:16:20] Shummer gets the only one left now
[03:16:22] If he's there, I'm guessing he converted to and sold one low upright and
[03:16:27] Q as many as possible as he has picked up the sheen now. Yeah the buckler
[03:16:32] He has a lot of ability. He's still he's gonna be trying to stand in the side lane and
[03:16:37] Just try to catch up as we've mentioned Zeke's first here for you being a lawyer or you being serious
[03:16:43] I mean, he did the right thing, right? He's 0-3, maybe he could have avoided TP in top, but he kinda had to, because they couldn't die Garen.
[03:16:51] Then he got dove on the re-enter, because he thought they base him in bot.
[03:16:55] And then he got dove when he was trying to catch bot wave, when his team should have covered with Taliyah ult.
[03:17:00] So he built full ability haste to try and get as many stacks as he could before he died.
[03:17:04] And he ulted for Q-Q then.
[03:17:07] I don't see anything egregiously wrong with what he did with the information he had.
[03:17:13] Genji just played with them.
[03:17:19] Maybe he shouldn't have re-entered top, maybe.
[03:17:21] Until he had defeated the information, the bot lane was bot.
[03:17:25] That's the one thing I would say.
[03:17:32] But he's in a state where Garen is catching bot waves, not being able to be dove.
[03:17:37] And
[03:17:41] Yeah
[03:17:47] Oh my god, he was
[03:17:59] It's uh, this is the kind of game that makes it feel sad, you know
[03:18:03] Because you can see the thought process of this car break long flashes in
[03:18:06] They just don't have like their com-
[03:18:11] They play Taliyah Seraphim. Oh my god.
[03:18:15] I actually think if they had an 80 carry top their comp would kind of work.
[03:18:20] But without an 80 carry top, this track is just-
[03:18:25] Obviously they would lane swap anyway, right?
[03:18:33] This is the thing, you can't pick a strong top lane these days, you will just get swapped
[03:18:39] on and if the enemy team knows how to swap well, you're just fucked.
[03:18:45] I do think lane swaps are a bit, I don't know, they kind of hurt top lane too much like you
[03:18:59] You can't play anything good top, you'll just get soft on him.
[03:19:03] It's crazy.
[03:19:04] Oh my god, he has herald recall.
[03:19:07] Oh wait, he canceled his base!
[03:19:10] Wait, maybe he can kill him?
[03:19:16] Why does kingen look so weird?
[03:19:21] Yeah, Nessus is up here, or what?
[03:19:27] Oh my god, that's 12 stacks in the bank account.
[03:19:40] Not 12 stacks in the bank.
[03:19:42] two kills here 700 gold yeah I mean it's a lot of money
[03:19:46] lose it again pot though yeah it'll be silent stuff and now he's kind of
[03:19:49] starting around with a nice knockback here from the
[03:19:52] filmmaker just desperately trying to help out his buddy
[03:19:54] now he's got his seraphs complete now once he gets to the andreys
[03:19:57] wait he's hitting the tower they're going to go really well and king is
[03:19:59] starting to become relevant now there's like he's going to take this
[03:20:02] this turret out picks up two kills right ends up getting that shut down
[03:20:05] and more gold in his pocket he's sitting on 282 stacks here
[03:20:09] He's a Clapper.
[03:20:14] 2188 stacks, okay, we're getting there.
[03:20:16] Nasus is slowly getting back into the game.
[03:20:20] Chat, I think that's a plus 2% volume right there.
[03:20:25] Okay, slowly.
[03:20:39] I'm not sure like if show makers a little actually thought so yeah, I actually thought he could have because like it's a
[03:20:45] He doesn't know exactly how close showmaker is for K. Goldefs it all looks closer. I gotta stop my thoughts
[03:20:52] But I think from knowing all of the vision. I think just barely he could have gotten out
[03:20:57] I do would have been his best bet. I was surprised you stopped the channel as well
[03:21:00] I it would have been close, but I do think not expecting the NASA's TV
[03:21:05] What is that one plan? Just put wars behind them and TP on them? Anyone to push the sides?
[03:21:12] Is that what's gonna happen?
[03:21:13] And next up is Taliyah TP behind Ignacius Hovers and the next up, Ami will TP.
[03:21:19] Is that gonna be the plan here? What's the plan?
[03:21:21] I do agree it seemed like he could have completed the recall there.
[03:21:24] I don't know how else they can fight.
[03:21:25] And as Leona finds Zeke somehow.
[03:21:27] Flash
[03:21:28] Now once again, they're using the Hextech Rift incredibly well
[03:21:31] And Keen's the next target
[03:21:32] As he dies?
[03:21:33] Just starting to come online about this
[03:21:34] Yeah, Keen is scaring, trying to trade one back here
[03:21:37] But not gonna complete the spin
[03:21:39] Okay
[03:21:40] And they do commit, bring Nebulae up to the top
[03:21:42] Center of the map here
[03:21:43] Satchel, passive, down goes the turret
[03:21:46] And there's a Drake available
[03:21:48] So yes, you got the kill
[03:21:49] Oh my god, a crash on the Tier 2
[03:21:50] Oh my god, there's no way it crashed on the Tier 2
[03:21:54] I hope it's just BOT
[03:21:55] That is not good against Ziggs
[03:21:56] Okay, no flash lands. We're in the vial to win the vial to...
[03:22:04] They do have six scrubs guys.
[03:22:23] It's fine, keep Drake.
[03:22:26] There's a lot of things
[03:22:28] Yo, NASA's in a spot that I never thought I'd imagine he'd get to this early. He's in a great spot
[03:22:34] Considering what happened
[03:22:41] Now they're keeping on the TPs
[03:22:46] He's doing a ton of damage
[03:22:56] It was TP play central, wasn't it? That's the plan.
[03:22:59] Hey, listen, listen, listen, listen.
[03:23:00] Oh, the shot from Showmaker!
[03:23:01] That's massive! That's massive!
[03:23:03] Chomino flash!
[03:23:05] Okay, okay, we're cooking, we're cooking something.
[03:23:09] Hey, it's like the leftover ingredients.
[03:23:11] We can make a dish, we can make a dish.
[03:23:15] We can make a dish, we can make a dish with this.
[03:23:17] Yo, Seraphine got kind of strong now.
[03:23:21] That's at least 2% volume note.
[03:23:24] Holy shit!
[03:23:26] to take and they keep the ATP caught this time for keen everyone backs but
[03:23:30] Sarah is easy to be seized on but then Seraphine TV's teleporting by the
[03:23:34] riots and real arrives looks like okay maybe they just want to go but you'll
[03:23:38] make her definitely flashes the old has that Seraph shield scorn is on Drake
[03:23:41] it's slow down we're not done in life happening though just never done with
[03:23:45] the action this time it's a 2v1 nobody else is nearby and team will just
[03:23:50] pick up the kill so that's a lot cleaner in that last fight when you
[03:23:54] consider how scrappy it was now well it was played you can see the value of the
[03:23:57] Seraphine sure they don't have that extra damage that 80 carry provide in a
[03:24:01] scrappy fight like that but the extensions on on core could be so
[03:24:04] incredible if you hit them in a choke point if you have map control there or
[03:24:07] the shielding that gives you more longevity for now we keep the percentage
[03:24:11] and for your squishy members that are trying to or that playable game we were
[03:24:15] trying to blow up toby is trying to take out
[03:24:18] as here we go again another flash canyons
[03:24:21] i'm just gonna use it to his advantage
[03:24:22] tries to pull bohom after the wall
[03:24:25] oh my god niggs
[03:24:26] sacks are coming in and a big bomb to the face of bohom
[03:24:29] we don't take a
[03:24:30] cannon once again
[03:24:31] you need to ult the scarner or some shit
[03:24:32] i'll make a screening
[03:24:33] oh what about syrupy naked
[03:24:34] of course good once again but it's not quite as good
[03:24:37] as the team played from the side of gen g
[03:24:40] and now aiming on syrupy you know he did his job but
[03:24:43] he's gonna be able to get away and now we're gonna be on 21 minutes
[03:24:46] They're like two seconds
[03:24:49] That's minus two percent volume
[03:24:55] What's the plan?
[03:24:59] Hey, Pace is kind of splitting
[03:25:12] More damage more damage
[03:25:16] Can we try again? Can we try ending as a manna? Oh my god, he has no manna, he has no manna.
[03:25:24] Maybe playable though, maybe playable, we can stop that.
[03:25:27] Oh, oh, oh, maybe we can cook something though.
[03:25:31] No, we can't.
[03:25:33] Not bad, not bad. We got ace, but...
[03:25:37] 50-50 steal, and Lucid sneaks around there, could be a disaster for us.
[03:25:41] Lucid gonna look for any stragglers.
[03:25:44] Oh, what? How did he know that? Can we get that kill easy? Nice!
[03:25:54] Was there a ward in the bush?
[03:26:03] Yeah, there was some ward, there was another ward.
[03:26:07] Nice acting by Lucid, getting the Oscar.
[03:26:09] All the ability is you want King in but I guess this one probably doomed
[03:26:13] Let's just sit back and make it so they get scarred a flash but scarder
[03:26:22] It's can be diesel or what bulls is drift look at this
[03:26:35] Really is starting to pop out
[03:26:37] changes he just survives fortunately for him which allows him to come over here for this contest and
[03:26:43] look at the turn here it's whipped from the side of Genji but so much damage is done to these Genji
[03:26:49] members that elusive response they decide not to take the baron as they're grouped for it once
[03:26:55] he comes in. Yeah there it is this time Lahans opening himself. That was a lot of ultimates but
[03:27:00] it's a kill just kind of running into the brush oh yeah oh yeah who wins this is garen we're
[03:27:04] We're gonna see who wins this one. Looks like
[03:27:06] Wait a minute. Nessus is cooking in it.
[03:27:08] Slow that bitch shit.
[03:27:09] He's withered up as well and he has nowhere to go.
[03:27:11] It's a shutdown.
[03:27:12] Nessus wins on side in that shit.
[03:27:14] Damn!
[03:27:15] Didn't Garen have red buff as well?
[03:27:17] On a rogue lehens, you're gonna kill
[03:27:19] and the one view on the Garen not having the big lead
[03:27:21] that you'll be having last time with Joe Maker.
[03:27:23] Now, can they get bot teal on?
[03:27:25] That would be good.
[03:27:26] The dragon fight sounds a bit too tricky though.
[03:27:29] There's no Seraphino, no Neonult.
[03:27:31] Nice chunk. We have vile.
[03:27:33] Play on the vile. Play on the vile.
[03:27:34] But the F2 looks good. King in should have frozen heart and base.
[03:27:39] I thought the Butzer one looks good. But I don't know if they can get it.
[03:27:43] There's pings behind. Oh my god, Keen's gonna keep you here if they go.
[03:27:53] Just recall, recall. Don't let them make a play.
[03:27:56] Okay. How's there's 30 kills in this game? I don't know. I thought this game was done at minute 10.
[03:28:01] and King and Ross dancing on top tier 2, but we're here, we made it, we made it.
[03:28:16] Hey, go back to life, go back to life, go back to life, go back to life, go back to life, aloo!
[03:28:24] He's going Spirit besides.
[03:28:25] All five members on both teams, but showmakers got first push
[03:28:29] Someone say this does look unloosable for Gen.G
[03:28:31] Someone should be back here to try to clear that one out
[03:28:33] But...
[03:28:34] Someone say that
[03:28:35] I mean, yes, Gen.G still ahead
[03:28:37] I feel like P's especially is in a really good spot
[03:28:39] He's got three items and
[03:28:41] The game has just been so crazy
[03:28:43] Like Gen.G have been all over the place
[03:28:45] DK have been picking them left and right
[03:28:47] Yeah, push up on the risk, they've been paying off
[03:28:49] But I really want to see whatever
[03:28:51] Don't you dare walk up there, Lucid
[03:28:53] I don't know if we're going to get it, because Lucid does not have a rush.
[03:28:58] Maybe we do get it. Maybe we will.
[03:29:04] Oh, the Angel Shrek of running down mid.
[03:29:06] And, uh, well, I'm trying to force an engage, trying to force something.
[03:29:11] They know that King is on the right side.
[03:29:13] And again, in the 1v1, King has to be very careful about trying to fake that against the Nassus.
[03:29:17] It's not going to work out.
[03:29:18] What's the plan? What's the plan? I don't know.
[03:29:20] Once again, the recent positioning.
[03:29:22] That's plus three, isn't it?
[03:29:24] to get over the wall take it if you can get it then reset on the dragon as well
[03:29:28] trying to punish king and flank here but he just keeps walking back go on
[03:29:32] though isolated it's so it's so difficult for him to play I mean he
[03:29:36] has to get a flashing gauge in otherwise the seeds just rip them apart now
[03:29:41] Lucid has to flash away the wall goes over the hill show me that just like that
[03:29:45] wait oh my god can you and it shouldn't get enough room here for the
[03:29:52] What is Showmaker doing?
[03:29:56] Hextech Greek and a triple kill for the Corky.
[03:30:00] I'm so close to greatness every single moment here in that fight.
[03:30:04] Like the constant planks from King and he's trying to set up a wither there onto a private
[03:30:08] private target, uses ult there as aiming and while I'm get that engaged but mom is
[03:30:13] constantly poked.
[03:30:14] Like it's just so frustrating to play this and Showmaker is like okay this is
[03:30:17] the angle.
[03:30:18] Ziggs put the bombs down, took a bit of a bow down, and unfortunately just isolated himself, knocked off the wall, and yes, it's a nice on-core through here, just comes in, with mom.
[03:30:30] This Seraphine is just not going to offer enough damage alone, none of this stays with the game, and maybe not in any state of the game.
[03:30:36] This is also going to be Gen.D taking Baron in-live, solo-point for X-Tec solo, and man, it has been a good and fun run for D-Plus because I, I mean, I've been watching this team
[03:30:50] flounder throughout the entirety of the early game, most of the mid-game, I started to make some picks happen in sides, starting to feel like this Nasus is online, and just a crushing teamfight there,
[03:31:00] Unable to deal with the Zeke's poke the one champion. That's been the biggest
[03:31:04] Thorn in their side this entire series is once again just proving to be
[03:31:09] Difficult to handle he has zonias as like game one itemized defensively
[03:31:13] Don't get caught by a seraphine charm don't get caught by a flip. Yeah, it's uh, you know
[03:31:19] It's a bit of both goes loser a bitch goes to the lower part of the zonias, and they'll play against the loser of T1
[03:31:25] Hummelife.
[03:31:26] Yeah, and now he's going to have a lot of even more to puncture through some of the tanky
[03:31:32] stamps, especially the Nazis who has the spirit of the Saaj.
[03:31:36] And you know, the Ziggs was even better with the mountaineer, but he's still really good
[03:31:40] by himself.
[03:31:41] So whoever loose that T1 Hummelife series, I'm sorry, you're losing, you're going
[03:31:45] home in fourth.
[03:31:46] I'm going to have six turrets down.
[03:31:48] Plus eventually sitting back here in the base is going to get worn down by a very threatening Gen. G
[03:31:56] Baron and it's hard to pick when there's no over-extensionist
[03:32:00] What's the surfing open?
[03:32:18] Gen.G is pulling! They're pulling! They're pulling!
[03:32:29] Come on man!
[03:32:31] Come on man!
[03:32:32] You'll get away with it this time Gen.G, but not next time.
[03:32:49] We'll let you have that one, but when we come next time you should have killed us when
[03:32:55] you had the chance.
[03:32:56] It gives them control to take Baron and take Sergius for you and your whole family.
[03:33:01] They will be moving to round 3 of the winners bracket.
[03:33:06] And man, Gen.G, the dominance just doesn't seem like it's ever gonna end.
[03:33:12] Yup, certainly not today. I feel like they really just ran TK all around the series.
[03:33:17] Yeah, Gen.G are pretty good at League of Legends. Spoiler alert, watch out.
[03:33:22] on Olaf in game 2.
[03:33:24] Fuckers, man.
[03:33:25] All we got to see, you know, there were some moments, as you mentioned, you know, DK had
[03:33:29] some nice standing moments, some plays from behind, but it's just...
[03:33:32] Fuckers.
[03:33:33] It's too suffocating to play against this team.
[03:33:35] You can't ban everything.
[03:33:37] Why are they so good at the game?
[03:33:39] Where we have five bans to start off...
[03:33:41] That one didn't play that good, though, I will say.
[03:33:43] That one didn't play that good.
[03:33:45] The coach is laughing.
[03:33:46] He's like, you've got three Ziggs games in a row.
[03:33:48] a very strong team maybe not quite on to a huge level at this moment but they have a second chance
[03:33:55] actually oh and being backstage loses okay yeah that's what's gonna happen to you when we face you
[03:34:00] next time buddy i i do want to give i mean obviously t plus or not three always says they will be in
[03:34:05] the lower bracket now but i do have to give them mad credit for you know staying pretty resilient
[03:34:11] In that game
[03:34:14] When I saw him buy the ability haste I was like
[03:34:17] I mean, I don't know if this is going to be worth it. I don't know if this is going to be the right call
[03:34:21] And I I really
[03:34:25] When can we play deadlock
[03:34:44] 3 p.m german time
[03:34:50] And
[03:34:56] Alright, BRB one sec chatterments. One sec chatterments. Alright, if you're an LCK frog or a league frog, thank you so much for coming out for the Coast team. I'll see you in the next one, which is tomorrow. Hold up, I'll go back to the room. I still want to give up. BRB quick.
[03:35:17] Okay, it's happening. It's happening. It's happening. It's happening.
[03:35:20] Beautiful! Holy shit! Holy...
[03:35:41] Hahahaha. Hit me? Does this look good chat? Does this look edible? Salted caramel-style moves.
[03:36:14] I'm not gonna die from it
[03:36:30] Pretty good, I don't do a belt. I mean velvet prior. Are you want to do this?
[03:40:08] Are you cheating you guys just see him pop barrier there. He just bought barrier somehow wait
[03:40:37] Why did he does not stay behind his wind ball, but I don't like my position from that is
[03:40:46] I would be even willing to give a tower.
[03:40:49] He's dead, he's dead.
[03:41:41] Oh my god bro, bro, bro.
[03:41:45] Oh my god WGF!
[03:41:47] I can't go because I have to stay.
[03:42:11] One second, I have to order breakfast and then we're locked in.
[03:42:25] Triple play.
[03:42:27] Triple play?
[03:42:39] Wait, they're not open.
[03:42:41] Wait!
[03:42:53] Y'all is here, did I not?
[03:42:55] Did I not tell you I was him?
[03:43:08] Okay.
[03:43:10] Open the gates.
[03:43:12] That should be bad. Let's watch this Ludwig video. Let's watch this. Oh, I hate my
[03:43:21] Where is it Ludwig reacts to Kajal
[03:43:31] Okay of legends games and like like
[03:43:38] Did they wait am I wearing the same shirt Joe reacted to it and it has a hundred thousand views already
[03:43:46] dude
[03:43:48] Now there's no way he will react to the dog does he pay league? Oh my god. I watch this game. Oh, okay
[03:43:53] Oh, you can play one mouth me. I need to watch this game
[03:43:56] Let's see it. Oh, it's jungle. Yo, he's playing jungle. That's pretty big. I'm not gonna. Yeah, like him. I get absolutely bound
[03:44:03] Wait, how many of us are there? What the fuck? I'm not he's using blitz. Okay, like him
[03:44:09] He's a fiddle 602 pink. I'll literally just follow you sage. Why is he so wise? Why is that face, bro?
[03:44:15] He's he's fucking dreading it. Wait, how many cameras are there?
[03:44:18] It feels like this feels like like if someone could have CCTV footage of you
[03:44:24] Yeah highest at 4 a.m. In your own house in your own kitchen making a decrepit sandwich to eat to fill you up
[03:44:32] And then all of a sudden Gordon Ramsey charging for the cooking like bro. It was yeah
[03:44:37] No, don't take it like don't even like that
[03:44:39] Like that non-stop gaming and I played my first League of Legends games in three years and now
[03:44:44] Reacting to it like how is that fair man? Yeah, that's that's it
[03:44:48] like
[03:44:51] Worst and then reviewing me like I'm at my best. He's called. He's called close
[03:44:56] Absolutely exposed
[03:44:59] Yes, the full blitz you hear really blue though. No because you're in bushes, right?
[03:45:03] You pop out of bushes. That's a good thing. Does he know what the jungle items do? I feel like he should just uh
[03:45:07] No, I start down I start down here. I start blue. Did you fall the guy to send you? No
[03:45:16] Okay, it loses take well
[03:45:19] But I talk as if he's what should I do shoot?
[03:45:22] Yeah, I didn't know what to do. I didn't think actually watch this. I
[03:45:26] Didn't think you actually watch this. You don't need a leash. You don't need a leash. Oh, he's even putting mini map cover
[03:45:31] Yeah, we put minimap cover, we don't fuck around.
[03:45:36] Yeah, we don't get ghosted.
[03:45:37] See Ludwig, the problem with minimap cover is like you cover your minimap to hide where
[03:45:42] your jungler is, but like, you know, your jungler.
[03:45:47] That's why playing jungle on stream, it's really difficult because, you know, if you're
[03:45:52] a mid laner or top laner, you can just cover your minimap, but if you're the jungler,
[03:45:56] you kind of need like a 30 second delay otherwise they're just like, it's even easier,
[03:45:59] you know.
[03:46:00] Do we talk as if we saw like the soda poppin one as if we're talking the soda poppin in hopes
[03:46:06] It won't they maybe you watched it and I think so they did watch it, right?
[03:46:10] I'm watching and then maybe I got I didn't think you'd actually watch it
[03:46:21] What am I saying what I am I saying I've been saying fiddle sticks clear as weird after the changes
[03:46:27] You never need a leash. It's fine though if they want to help you.
[03:46:31] I mean, what's wrong with getting a leash?
[03:46:33] So the problem with getting a leash, Ludwig, is when the bot lane arrives late to the lane, everyone knows that you started there because they helped you.
[03:46:41] So enemy jungler knows where you are instantly. That's kind of why you want to avoid leash.
[03:46:46] They've changed the jungle items a lot so that it's really easy to clear your camps these days.
[03:46:51] You don't actually need any help, especially on pillsticks.
[03:46:55] So it makes it so they get late to lane so they're not getting the push and also they know where you are
[03:47:01] Which is really dangerous, especially his physics
[03:47:05] I was spamming it. I like what you're doing though and press W and you'll suck them both. It'll be a little bit faster. I
[03:47:14] Know I know I know how to suck the gromp off
[03:47:17] Perfect bro. Whoa. Hey, we're already off to a good start
[03:47:20] If you know how to suck the gromp on certain health bar your W executes them as well
[03:47:24] So you can like smite while draining and it kind of like kills it quick like here if you w smite now it'll die
[03:47:31] Yeah, your W has like an excuse
[03:47:34] This is so embarrassing
[03:47:39] It's huge I literally forgot yo you're clear seriously is your clear is so good up till now
[03:47:46] Like your positioning is perfect. So to this end here. Yeah
[03:47:49] He just died
[03:47:52] No, he's saving a smite for his next solo queue
[03:47:56] I'm not saving my smite for next solo queue, I forgot about it
[03:48:01] You got 2 points in W I think right? Don't you? If you're just in a faker on Fiddle?
[03:48:05] Yeah, you should put 2 points in W
[03:48:07] I didn't know that till after
[03:48:09] Oh, your raptors are gone
[03:48:11] I wish I could see his minimap
[03:48:13] Oh my god, it's a horror
[03:48:15] Bro, I got counter-unit shot one
[03:48:17] invaded just in case I got counter jungle it's really rough iron to game I'm
[03:48:23] iron to lose it all he's going for a top kanker baby he's completely locked
[03:48:29] screen I don't even know he's low he's high bro okay no flash top I didn't W
[03:48:40] once there we could have killed him we literally could have killed him I didn't
[03:48:44] W yeah you could have killed him no I could have done so much more
[03:48:47] Looks like he flashed. No, that's so bad.
[03:48:52] That's fine, at least the Kalei get the kill.
[03:48:54] It hurts to watch.
[03:48:55] So Ludwig wins.
[03:48:57] Quick thing, to help your top laner, like this wave, there's a lot of minions here and a lot of minions here, and there's not a lot of minions here.
[03:49:03] So these minions are going to kill these minions, and it's going to take them a little longer.
[03:49:08] So when the enemy top laner is running back to top, he will get there in time to get all these minions, you know?
[03:49:12] Because there's more minions. Does that make sense?
[03:49:14] So what you should do in scenarios like this is you should just kill the minions quick.
[03:49:18] Otherwise your top laner is kind of screwed.
[03:49:20] Because when both top laners run back, because there's more minions here,
[03:49:23] all of those minions will be here.
[03:49:24] Does that make sense? Under his tower.
[03:49:26] And your top laner doesn't really have anything to do.
[03:49:28] Whereas if you kill these minions quick, it means they get to the tower faster
[03:49:31] and then they die before the enemy top laner can get them.
[03:49:33] They get to kill.
[03:49:35] This hurts so much.
[03:49:35] It's a small content. It's just wave management.
[03:49:38] But if you're, I guess the easy thing is, if your laner's dead and you're there
[03:49:43] and there's a lot more minions on your side just kill the wave
[03:49:47] and opposite side if there's a lot more minions on their side don't kill the wave
[03:49:51] okay so gank lane lane or deads on your team kill the wave if you put more minions
[03:49:56] in most cases please check cross you don't have that much follow-up damage
[03:49:59] no i only have an e oh thank god it's crosser up no access what i wanted
[03:50:03] that cross perfect yeah oh dude i feel like you need to unlock your camera sometimes and
[03:50:10] and like check no hard you don't like it if you used any spells you know if you
[03:50:19] put your camera up there and maybe it's against like a cannon and can use e or
[03:50:22] something and they use like dash bells
[03:50:26] What the f**king cannon minion is doing? You sound like a crazy person.
[03:50:30] No, I said cannon, not cannon minion. It's a champ cannon before you gank it.
[03:50:34] Oh, also you have two smites up, you see?
[03:50:36] This guy, bro.
[03:50:37] Yeah, I see my two smites. I see two smites.
[03:50:40] Cannon minions, that's good.
[03:50:43] You can press Q on it, too.
[03:50:44] Man, this is so bad.
[03:50:48] I don't think you can even do anything good.
[03:50:50] So, just smite more often, and obviously, like, the better you get at the game, you have something called F keys,
[03:50:55] F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 key, right?
[03:50:58] And when you feel like you're getting more APM
[03:51:00] and more comfortable in clearing your camps,
[03:51:02] I would say once you've full cleared a lot
[03:51:03] and you're really comfortable doing it,
[03:51:05] you can press your F1, F2, F3 keys,
[03:51:07] and then I'll show you like top lane, mid lane,
[03:51:09] bot lane, you know, if you press these buttons.
[03:51:11] So you can press F1, check top,
[03:51:14] and then press space bar,
[03:51:15] and you come back to your jungle, right?
[03:51:16] So that's a bit more of a complicated concept later on,
[03:51:19] but as a jungler this is really essential,
[03:51:20] like big thing, if you wanna get to like gold platinum,
[03:51:23] you use your F1, F2 keys,
[03:51:25] while you're clearing your camps because like this for example your cameras here which is great
[03:51:28] but when you press when you press W here you can basically take your hands off the keyboard right
[03:51:34] you don't need to look at anything so if you ever want to get better at not using lock cam you can
[03:51:38] try like you can look at the lines I should have waited to use my value for the little
[03:51:46] man so here you should base the reason you should base is right the the simple concept
[03:51:51] I'll describe is like you started on blue buff and you cleared your camps up
[03:51:56] Which means
[03:51:57] When your camps are on respawn timers, it's your grump will respawn first now you have two options one
[03:52:03] Run from your crux all the way to your grump or
[03:52:06] Press B and run from base to your grump, which is basically the same distance. The difference is you can buy items
[03:52:12] Okay, so that's why normally after you full clear
[03:52:15] You either want to do crab and base or just base
[03:52:18] It's a very simple concept very easy out so just get into that
[03:52:23] Because now your grumps respawning probably a lot to work on there's a lot to work on and you're kind of running around
[03:52:30] Your actors are puts good
[03:52:32] Smite it please smite this one, please a little bit please like this one. This is 100%
[03:52:36] This is you baby. I forgot about smite
[03:52:40] Why are you reacting to him reacting to you reacting to him reacting to you?
[03:52:42] Smite I literally because I feel like I feel like I did a really bad job of teaching him because I actually didn't think he would watch
[03:52:49] This so as much as he got caught I also got caught because I feel like I didn't give him good tips now
[03:52:58] Iron to I forget to smite. That's okay. That's okay. I'm iron
[03:53:04] Six like let me just farm and get six
[03:53:07] Thank you your rules keep it up
[03:53:09] All I want to do is get six nobody lets me he's playing is um
[03:53:16] It's quite difficult to see what's happening on the map
[03:53:18] My man, I have no idea what's happening
[03:53:21] An email game shirt
[03:53:23] Which means same shirt you can use your trinkets and stuff. What are the things I think it's like this grump
[03:53:28] I'm sure of it like there's no way he's gonna do it a second. Oh my god
[03:53:32] This is where he loves the grumps
[03:53:34] fucking coming to you, baby
[03:53:37] I don't want this. No, this is it. No, this is so embarrassing
[03:53:41] Oh my god, he knows oh no, this is the worst one
[03:53:45] Oh my god, that was funny. That was funny. I do feel bad that this is a game that hasn't
[03:54:15] I played a month's screen, please, please, please, please, please, oh my god I'm done bro, I'm completely done
[03:54:27] Oh my god, I'm such a bad teacher, imagine he was in the discord and I was screaming and I'm like
[03:54:37] It's not smote, no shot as it's smote
[03:54:39] Oh my god. Come on. One smite. Smite past. I remember I had smite when I read chat. I remember this. I looked over at chat right here. It's actually smote. I thought it was smitten or smited.
[03:54:54] I
[03:55:04] Looked over a chat and they said bro you have smite one smite. Oh he looked at smite. He looked at chat for smite
[03:55:12] I look at chat sometimes
[03:55:20] The gap of farm press be now
[03:55:23] Now now when press be now
[03:55:25] Now now now
[03:55:31] Now
[03:55:34] It's so horrible to play against okay. No, I feel like sometimes in in low Rilo's like I'm not gonna base. I'll just die
[03:55:44] I'm just trying to grasp his skill level
[03:55:47] It's pretty high. He played a fleek. Is he like I think
[03:55:55] I'm not trying to flame. Oh, do I get this kill? No, you don't that's the worst part
[03:56:06] How is she faster than me that makes no
[03:56:30] This is fucking insane. I'm so my lord
[03:56:34] That was rough. So goddamn annoying. That was rough small tip. I mean there's a lot you could have done better here. I love
[03:56:43] But if they're stuck in the alcove, okay
[03:56:46] Never run one side. Never never do that
[03:56:49] Always make sure you're going back and forth. Otherwise they can get out the second you gamble one side and they gamble the other
[03:56:54] It's done. It's over
[03:56:57] Especially when she W's you she gets vision on you
[03:56:59] Oh my so when you go commit this way, it's over. It's over
[03:57:04] God, how is she faster than me? That makes no and vice versa if you were to commit this way
[03:57:08] It's it. There's a 50-50 chance. She'll always get out if you do that
[03:57:12] So you always just want to like walk back and forth, you know and like stop them
[03:57:18] No, no, no, no, you could flash for it, but chat. I mean he shouldn't flash for it
[03:57:22] I mean here. He should just walk up and fear her. I'm not like him here
[03:57:25] could just fear her and even now he could just flash fear her yeah I guess it's okay
[03:57:34] I can't believe I'm reviewing myself reviewing him reviewing
[03:57:38] the fuck this is crazy
[03:57:39] don't wait on level six please oh my god he has no flash
[03:57:47] I'm right here to laugh at him don't have it him
[03:57:48] well why are we doing this why are we doing this let me get level six please God
[03:57:53] it's all I want
[03:57:55] every drunner ever
[03:57:56] So look at your count, someone tell me something something something something something something something
[03:58:00] It doesn't get better when I hit level 6, it doesn't get better
[03:58:04] It doesn't get better
[03:58:07] They gotta shut down a nu, they gotta shut down a nu
[03:58:09] Level 35 bronze 1
[03:58:11] I think we could get him to diamond
[03:58:15] I think we could get him to diamond
[03:58:17] Maybe not in one hour but
[03:58:18] He has good like easy, what's the word?
[03:58:20] Not game sense but
[03:58:22] You can see that he's a gamer
[03:58:24] You know when you're a gamer and you know like how game mechanics work because they transfer across games
[03:58:29] The glazing what the fuck that I glazing yeah, dude. Oh my god. He's doing
[03:58:35] I'm it's winning that it's winning. Yeah, I get that kill. I believe
[03:58:39] Well, it's infinite content. If he reacts to this, I'll react again. What am I doing check check check tower?
[03:58:44] What am I doing?
[03:58:45] Walk up. Walk up. Walk up. Check if she's recalling in folk. Yeah, maybe diamonds a stretch
[03:58:51] Time to see down here
[03:58:54] Maybe diamonds are stretched. Okay, we got a he's over complicating everything like nothing has to be that complicated
[03:59:01] Honestly when you're playing fiddlesticks jungle, all you have to do is full clear full clear true clear full clear full clear
[03:59:07] full clear
[03:59:10] You're getting counter jungled by yourself yourself your counter jungling yourself
[03:59:18] He says he's getting counter jungle he lost one quadrant of his jungle. That's it
[03:59:22] He lost his raptor's red and then this motherfucker
[03:59:27] Your grump is up your blue is up your wools are up everything's up. You're running around in circles
[03:59:33] Not slightly anything and then you do it again
[03:59:37] Like full clear
[03:59:40] They just wanted your head like they see you and they see you that's it go go away
[03:59:45] They are on vision
[03:59:47] Okay, I'll take you on my bad
[03:59:49] But I hate this so much and they're still going
[03:59:57] You can just hear Connor like oh my god, they're doing top. This is so annoying. I'm getting spam ganked. Oh, he's here again
[04:00:03] Like Connor is playing top lane getting spam ganked and Ludwig's camera locked in both
[04:00:08] He's scammed a lot in the fucking fuck off.
[04:00:13] No, I'm gonna get cannon xp.
[04:00:15] Oh, nice.
[04:00:16] Like, Connor is actually like, he's reading, he's literally.
[04:00:20] They queued up duo queue.
[04:00:21] This is so hard to watch.
[04:00:22] He's narrating what he's doing.
[04:00:25] He's narrating what he's doing.
[04:00:26] Come back.
[04:00:27] Tell me how bad this is.
[04:00:28] When he's scammed a lot on the other side of the map, man, Ludwig, we gotta keep
[04:00:32] farming, man.
[04:00:34] You need to have double this number right now.
[04:00:37] be level eight
[04:00:53] You know I would have preferred if he ulted his wolves like honestly this point
[04:00:58] That would be good that would go kind of hard
[04:01:00] very dangerous but you got smite and he smite us oh my god Silver is so crazy
[04:01:08] and of course it's working the bar is so low that he says yeah there's a lot
[04:01:12] there's a lot of things he needs to fix it's okay so I feel like fiddle sticks
[04:01:16] I mean it's actually pretty easy champ but are you say you say up for a bit
[04:01:20] it's an awful beginner champ that's fine bro yeah I forgot I mean fiddle
[04:01:25] came like I think the min max on fiddle so it's hard that means new
[04:01:28] Coming
[04:01:31] I don't think it was that hard. No, it's fine. I think you can you can fiddle is quite it's like 10 games, baby
[04:01:37] You know, I feel like the enemy team is a bit better though. Like I don't think this is I literally had a god play
[04:01:42] Like him in a sense, but like I still bear it's like he's a couple divisions higher
[04:01:51] He did steal Baron it was a good
[04:01:53] I don't remember what I said no he doesn't press tab ever
[04:02:02] Yeah, I'm just kind of watching the game just to see what levels he's at I would say he's like I
[04:02:07] Don't want to be offensive enough. I would say he's like iron one time
[04:02:11] It's true. It's really just call me iron one. I
[04:02:17] Was literally bronze one last time I was ranked which is one away from silver. He thinks I'm iron one
[04:02:23] Now, I think he has an unranked account and he played like five games and got put in bronze, but I just don't think...
[04:02:30] Bro, that is like literally saying he has a heart rate, like that's not even an estimation of skill.
[04:02:38] That's just a pulse check.
[04:02:41] Fucking heavy bronze for me.
[04:02:46] It's a pulse check.
[04:02:51] Some guy in chat is iron right now, he's like, what? What do you mean it's a pulse check?
[04:02:56] I've played 400 games here.
[04:02:58] no way she got that he I think that the two biggest things he doesn't have which
[04:03:02] is re hurting him is uh
[04:03:09] you should know nice yeah I do that he doesn't know what all champs do and he
[04:03:15] doesn't have any mechanics because he never plays the game
[04:03:19] let's fix that sentence I don't know what any champion does at all
[04:03:24] yeah so it's like obviously not having those two things it's just already
[04:03:29] No, no, no.
[04:03:30] Yeah, yeah.
[04:03:32] He's just hard farming.
[04:03:33] Get the fuck out of my life.
[04:03:34] Like, I think if he, I think...
[04:03:35] Out of my life!
[04:03:36] I actually think if Ludwig went into a custom game and for 30 minutes,
[04:03:39] he just picked Fiddlesticks and cleared his full clear.
[04:03:43] Full clear.
[04:03:44] Full clear.
[04:03:45] Full clear.
[04:03:46] Bro, I used to do that.
[04:03:47] I literally practiced full clears before the match with Tyler won.
[04:03:51] I got really good at my Fiddlesticks full clear, but they changed everything.
[04:03:55] Now you don't even get leashed.
[04:03:56] There's like some item you're supposed to grab that helps you in the jungle and then I got counter jungle like he's forgetting
[04:04:02] I got counter jungle like like basically the way it works in my brain is that it's it's like I'm baking a pie
[04:04:09] I have my pie my my pecan pie
[04:04:12] Which is the right half of the map and my apple pie on the left side of the map and it doesn't have the ingredients
[04:04:17] GG
[04:04:19] And after I clear I wait to come back right I clear clear go back
[04:04:23] Maybe I have time for gank here clear go back, but because he counter juggled me my timer was all
[04:04:30] Okay, but but I get that you fucked up your pecan your pecan pie
[04:04:34] But hey every form every couple minutes every two or three minutes a brand new one arrives
[04:04:39] And you could eat that one instead okay your first pie was fucked up
[04:04:43] Okay, if I tried to make a pie and someone fucking threw something on my pie
[04:04:46] It would be fucked up the good news is my pie comes back in two minutes
[04:04:51] So maybe if we just kind of wait for the pie to come back we can make another one
[04:05:05] Then he's a fiddle six main 100% down four clear down
[04:05:08] If you don't want to invade just play just play three divisions play fiddle six Tom, bro
[04:05:14] Talk that shit, bro. Yeah Connor is going absolutely mental in top lane
[04:05:20] I'm not gonna watch the whole thing, I'm guessing they lost because I saw the OBG.
[04:05:49] You missed his baron steal?
[04:05:50] Yeah you bitch!
[04:05:52] You watch every f***ing fail and you skip my baron steal?
[04:05:55] No I didn't know you were clutched like that!
[04:05:57] I didn't know you was clutched like that!
[04:06:00] I didn't know you was clutched like that!
[04:06:02] I got you!
[04:06:03] Two kills!
[04:06:04] Oh my god!
[04:06:05] I got you!
[04:06:06] Press W!
[04:06:07] Why?
[04:06:08] You do that!
[04:06:09] Hey!
[04:06:09] No pr-
[04:06:10] I shoulda got that kill.
[04:06:11] He had a triple.
[04:06:13] Why are you being mad at me?
[04:06:14] I got two kills!
[04:06:15] Yeah you did great!
[04:06:16] You did great!
[04:06:18] I got Baron though.
[04:06:20] That was a big steal.
[04:06:22] That was a big steal.
[04:06:24] Alright, what is his thoughts?
[04:06:26] What are the comments saying?
[04:06:28] Losing to a gromp was a life-altering shit to witness.
[04:06:30] I can't lie.
[04:06:32] Roast me what Tyler1 sees now.
[04:06:34] Logged camera feels like I'm in jail.
[04:06:36] Empathy for Tyler1 up.
[04:06:38] Yo, these comments are fucking brutal.
[04:06:40] They're so painful to watch.
[04:06:42] The Porter Robinson mini-meb is sending me.
[04:06:44] I thought T1 was heavy, too heavy
[04:06:46] Roasting lead now. I get it. Holy after that jinx game. Maybe T1 was right skull emoji
[04:06:51] I see our sub bras watch K drill and now I am plat if it paid what the fuck whose crew tweeted who commented that I
[04:06:58] used to be hard suck bronze son watching K. Dr. Specter pro cleans
[04:07:01] Explaining so well over a year. I've climbed all the way to plat on assisting K. Dr. Be a good coach
[04:07:06] No, hey, I see our sub bras minus 50 bucks now. I am plat if it paid commentator
[04:07:12] It's cute that he's using map cover while iron oh you never know and this is the one where Ludwig misses this game
[04:07:20] So he played a fleek is he like
[04:07:22] Is he double-throttle? I don't want to look at this. I don't look at this again. I already saw it
[04:07:26] It's cute that he's using a map cover while an iron. Why are you using the same shirt because this was yesterday
[04:07:33] I didn't you need to use a shirt at least three times in front of my cool league friends at least
[04:07:38] Please you're staying inside trying to get Ludwig to diamond. It might be your hardest project yet
[04:07:42] But if you manage to do that, you might be the best lead coach to ever do it
[04:07:49] Getting into diamond would take a while
[04:07:52] The these it would take a while these
[04:07:55] Have god damn audacity. It's possible. They have some god damn
[04:08:01] Audacity, bro. It was two days ago. Wait was it? Oh
[04:08:08] Jesus, maybe it was two days ago. Oh
[04:08:11] shit
[04:08:12] All right, that was funny
[04:08:15] That was funny. Good stuff
[04:08:18] Good stuff
[04:08:20] Wait, what are we gonna do today?
[04:08:22] Let's just show cooked
[04:08:24] Why don't you buy more shirts? I don't need more shirts
[04:08:30] All right, I would play deadlock, but we can't play deadlock for another two hours
[04:08:47] We got two hours until we can play deadlock. I
[04:08:49] Do really want to play deadlock today though, but I have it. I have deadlock. I have it
[04:08:52] I have it. I think it just it doesn't open until 3 p.m. So I think we might do monkey
[04:08:58] We might do monkey for two hours or TFT we could do TFT. Oh my god, we could do TFT
[04:09:07] Chow monkey or TFT? Monkey or TFT? Mon TFT yeah TFT. TFT until the servers open. Good
[04:09:23] choice. Good choice. Wait I need to order some shit because I haven't eaten today
[04:09:31] yet. It's 1pm and I didn't eat. I didn't eat. Chow what do you think of the short
[04:09:36] Is it fucking is it is it bad is it good? I do think shaving enough would go kind of hard though
[04:09:42] Try is there a patch wait is there a patch? Oh?
[04:09:47] It's probably 1417 right yet. Oh, this is such a banger song
[04:09:53] This is a yeah, this is the Leblanc nerfs or nerfs ash nerfs brand nerfs cavemen buffs
[04:10:00] Yeah, we went through this already before it is in chaining right
[04:10:04] In chaining a couple things that are pretty big. I think the bright spots are quite nice
[04:10:08] I think the TF buffs are nice, the Varus buffs are huge, and the Absorb Life Fleet Photo of the Nerfs are quite handy.
[04:10:18] What else? Anything else? Yeah, the Nerf Astral again. Base AD nerfs are really big by the way. Base AD nerfs hurt a lot.
[04:10:35] Q cooldown decreases at higher ranks and damage increases.
[04:10:38] Yeah, Graves is... I don't have Graves in the best spot right now.
[04:10:42] I feel like the crit items made me...
[04:10:45] Wait, there's a new TFT mode? What?
[04:10:48] What?
[04:10:51] Talker's Trails. What is that?
[04:10:55] What is Talker's Trails?
[04:10:57] Wait, I win those.
[04:11:03] I win Talker's Trails. Easy.
[04:11:06] Hold up.
[04:11:07] Wait, I'm 1v0.
[04:11:12] Which one? Chaos mode or normal mode?
[04:11:15] Chaos mode is kind of good, I'm really good at TFT.
[04:11:26] Okay, let me think here.
[04:11:36] Wait, is there an end to this? Or is it gone forever?
[04:11:46] It's 30 rounds, you have to get through 30 rounds.
[04:11:49] Okay, I can get through 30 rounds.
[04:11:51] I can get through 30 rounds.
[04:11:55] I can get through 30 rounds.
[04:11:57] Wait, how do I begin? Where's the begin mode?
[04:12:03] Oh, fight, I have to click fight, what the fuck?
[04:12:05] The first round is unloosable.
[04:12:11] Absolutely unloosable.
[04:12:13] Easy.
[04:12:21] Okay, what do I get? Let me think. I get Goldilocks and I get a Vigar.
[04:12:31] You re-roll your shot with all one cost champs.
[04:12:44] The Vigar is kinda busted. I have double mage.
[04:13:04] Or I have Soraka too.
[04:13:07] And Lilia. I think we do...
[04:13:15] Use only unit to open an armory. Oh my god, wait, this is also complicated.
[04:13:23] Wait, I have... I have... Wait, hold up. I have theory, theory, theory.
[04:13:27] theory theory theory and I have majors this is gonna be the angle isn't it
[04:13:31] chapter it's theory theory majors angle hold up where's by the theory chapter
[04:13:45] wait what who's by the theory no I don't need one
[04:13:57] wait this kind of works this kind of works where's my blitzcrank that I bought
[04:14:05] Did I sell the Blitzcrank? Am I trolling?
[04:14:20] Tocke!
[04:14:23] Oh, I get- Game 4 XP.
[04:14:31] Shit.
[04:14:32] Wait, I feel like I should invest, though.
[04:14:40] Probably worth, right?
[04:14:42] Probably worth it.
[04:14:49] Probably worth it.
[04:14:51] Use an unit to open an army containing radiant inversions of the universe craft will-
[04:14:55] So, can I use this on Galio?
[04:15:00] Win that, win that, win that.
[04:15:02] Wait, I can win this.
[04:15:08] This should be an easy round though.
[04:15:10] Wait, this is actually getting hard.
[04:15:23] Um, Vhagar needs items, right?
[04:15:41] Hold up.
[04:15:49] We can make this win.
[04:15:50] Maybe we get him Hand of Justice.
[04:15:58] No, we don't need Hand of Justice.
[04:15:59] He needs...
[04:16:01] He needs...
[04:16:02] Xeraphs.
[04:16:03] Hold up.
[04:16:04] Chai, has anyone beaten Chaos Mode?
[04:16:06] Boom!
[04:16:12] Boom!
[04:16:16] Fighter.
[04:16:20] Wait, I'm actually kinda crazy right now.
[04:16:23] I'm actually kinda crazy.
[04:16:33] I'm actually kinda busted.
[04:16:34] Wait, this is easy.
[04:16:41] Okay, food's ordered, perfect.
[04:16:43] I just want to try this once.
[04:16:45] Gain 1 item and complete the item.
[04:16:47] I understand you've randomized it.
[04:16:49] Ooh, healing and shielding is bigger.
[04:16:57] Your team has 10% omnivamp and converts 20%
[04:17:00] access healing to true damage on their next attack.
[04:17:04] This one's kind of busted though.
[04:17:07] This one is kind of busted.
[04:17:09] Okay, I'm not really sure what I'm doing right now.
[04:17:11] But I think we're fine.
[04:17:17] I think we're fine.
[04:17:18] Use on a 1 cost.
[04:17:24] I need...
[04:17:27] Chao, what's the best item on Vega?
[04:17:31] What's the best items?
[04:17:33] Ramadan maybe.
[04:17:39] Fairy, fairy.
[04:17:40] Fuck man, I don't know what to do.
[04:17:51] I guess I put in Twistana and I go Fury Shad.
[04:17:53] Is Fury strong?
[04:17:54] Wait, I'm dead.
[04:17:55] Wait, I'm dead.
[04:17:56] Wait, I'm dead.
[04:17:57] Wait, am I dead?
[04:18:05] What?
[04:18:09] What?
[04:18:10] Hold up, hold up.
[04:18:47] Fuck me sideways.
[04:18:48] Oh my god.
[04:19:08] We're back, we're back, we're back, we're back.
[04:19:40] We're back.
[04:19:41] We're back, we're back, we're back. I'm on top of things again, I'm on top of things again.
[04:19:47] I need a Lilia! Wait.
[04:19:51] I need a Lilia!
[04:19:52] I should win this round easy.
[04:19:59] I should win this round easy.
[04:20:04] Guys, I have level 2 Vhagar, surely right there.
[04:20:15] Yeah, yeah, yeah, easy.
[04:20:16] Easy mode, easy mode, easy mode.
[04:20:18] Chow, where should I go with my comp, man? I don't know what to do.
[04:20:44] Fuck me sideways, ker.
[04:20:46] Man, how do I get Lilia in?
[04:21:10] I guess I just put her in over Wukong. She's probably more useful, right?
[04:21:16] Come on, I gotta win that one easy. Nice!
[04:21:19] We need more mages! Soraka?
[04:21:22] We need five mages and vanguards or some shit. I don't know.
[04:21:27] I don't know.
[04:21:30] Is it good?
[04:21:39] What is that top left?
[04:21:49] It doesn't work.
[04:21:54] I win that easy.
[04:21:55] They look useless.
[04:21:58] Oh wait, I have to get to the dummies.
[04:22:01] Oh, shit.
[04:22:02] Come on, Vega, come on, Vega, be that guy.
[04:22:06] Easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy,
[04:22:10] easy, easy, easy.
[04:22:11] Easy win, easy win.
[04:22:12] All right, lock in now, boys, lock in.
[04:22:14] We need to get rid of Prasanna.
[04:22:16] He's fucking useless.
[04:22:17] I have five mages right now.
[04:22:33] This doesn't work.
[04:22:34] Now, sugarcrap is useless.
[04:23:04] Is this better, chat?
[04:23:05] Do I give the items of Vega to Nami?
[04:23:23] Fuck do I do?
[04:23:27] This is fine, no?
[04:23:28] This is better, right there. This is better, right there. Yeah, this is better, fuck it.
[04:23:48] Fuck it. We win these. Yes, sir.
[04:24:06] Okay, we get some E-Tems here. We need some tank E-Tems, I think. What do I buy?
[04:24:30] What's a good item?
[04:24:33] Maybe Jules Gauntlet is good.
[04:24:48] Locket of the Iron Celari, Randon's Omen, Grants 30 armor, 30 magic resist.
[04:24:52] The fourth one? That's a good one.
[04:25:12] You just put that on the galley over now.
[04:25:18] Okay, that's not bad. That's not bad. That's winning. That's hard winning.
[04:25:20] That's hard winning. Right?
[04:25:22] Wait, no, he has five matches. I don't have much anymore.
[04:25:25] Now that's cap. Hard win.
[04:25:28] Come on, boys. Lock in, lock in, lock in. Don't get outmaged.
[04:25:32] There it is.
[04:25:35] Chad, how many mages do we go? Do we go seven?
[04:25:41] Five is enough.
[04:25:55] So I guess
[04:25:57] Vex goes in
[04:25:59] Do we care about sugarcraft? I mean do we care about fairy? We do kind of care about fairy I think for now
[04:26:07] That should be a free win wait they have double MR
[04:26:11] Wait, I don't have damage to get through that though
[04:26:13] Wait, I'm actually dead this round no joke. Am I dead?
[04:26:20] Now Mopey. Is it Vanguard mage? Is that it?
[04:26:29] Okay, this one could be hard. Can I put them right side?
[04:26:42] To like hit these fuckers first?
[04:26:45] This round the next champion buy is free.
[04:26:55] Lovely.
[04:26:56] Okay.
[04:26:58] Winnable.
[04:26:59] Easy winnable.
[04:27:04] Come on, get the Akali please.
[04:27:05] Get the Akali.
[04:27:07] Okay, okay, we're locked in.
[04:27:09] Come on boys, come on, get through that then.
[04:27:11] Get through that, get through that.
[04:27:12] Nice.
[04:27:13] Yo, this is it, this is it.
[04:27:15] I should win that.
[04:27:21] Easy.
[04:27:30] Easy win.
[04:27:31] I'm getting close to Vhagar 3.
[04:27:33] I also have extra Vanguard.
[04:27:35] Vex is 2. Wait, this stat actually is crazy over here, what? No, it's fine.
[04:27:45] Vex is 2! Hold up! Does Vex just go in for Soraka?
[04:27:51] Your team has 15 channel in van, converse, extra shielding.
[04:27:58] Your team has gains 40 health. Yeah, we don't care about sugarcraft.
[04:28:03] Yeah, this one, yeah, good idea, good idea.
[04:28:05] Okay, this is probably better. He doesn't have MR. Not bad.
[04:28:21] Oh yeah, Vex is frontline, I forgot.
[04:28:24] This should be a free win.
[04:28:26] I'll get to that nest as easy.
[04:28:47] What do we need? What do we need? What do we need?
[04:28:49] Yeah, move Galio items, Vex, good idea.
[04:28:53] Oh my god, I made it after Talm, I'm so stupid.
[04:29:05] It's okay, maybe we can save it then.
[04:29:13] Spark, I need Ironix Spark.
[04:29:30] Shojin on Nami is good though.
[04:29:34] But I do need Ironix Spark, what is that?
[04:29:36] It's so needless.
[04:29:38] I could make... I could flip it.
[04:29:49] I mean, you need to see how it goes.
[04:29:54] Oh my god!
[04:30:12] Oh my god, if I win this round, I'm chilling.
[04:30:14] If I win this round, I'm chilling so hard. Please kill them all quicker. Oh
[04:30:26] Thank God for that then
[04:30:28] Jesus hold up a chat
[04:30:39] It's more to Kaiser one better than rumble two, but more Kaiser two clears rumble, right?
[04:30:55] So she just rolled for more Kaiser easy and
[04:30:58] Vagar three
[04:30:59] Okay, that's not bad. I need Vagar three though. I Vagar now
[04:31:22] This is a joke
[04:32:36] I need Vex 3, but I win that, I win that.
[04:32:41] Smaller gets one tapped here.
[04:32:42] Wait, he doesn't get one tapped. I have to get to the Shabbana first.
[04:32:47] Oh my god, oh my god, please no.
[04:32:50] You're lying.
[04:32:54] Nice.
[04:32:55] Fuck, what do I do?
[04:33:12] I think I have to roll.
[04:33:15] No Joker.
[04:33:30] I need one more Vex.
[04:33:32] Huge.
[04:33:35] Okay.
[04:33:37] That did a lot.
[04:33:42] I need a Nami now though.
[04:33:43] I think I'm safe for now. I just need to recuperate my economy.
[04:33:58] Spark on Vex, instead of what?
[04:34:12] I need that Tumkhench.
[04:34:13] Fuck, I need that Tumkhench.
[04:34:22] Spark on Vex, you think?
[04:34:25] Well, I still played Bramble, and this should go on...
[04:34:28] Galio?
[04:34:30] I guess?
[04:34:40] Someone says sell Lilia.
[04:34:42] Why?
[04:34:43] That makes no sense.
[04:34:55] I do want this Tumkhench, but...
[04:34:58] I lose fairy.
[04:35:02] Oh wait, I need rumble for vanguard. I'm trolling.
[04:35:06] Oh my god.
[04:35:11] Okay, good luck.
[04:35:20] Yeah, this looks good.
[04:35:29] Bigger.
[04:35:31] Big, big, big, big.
[04:35:39] Big, big, big.
[04:35:50] No Nami, really?
[04:35:53] This game is fucking rigged, eh?
[04:36:04] I could get warmogs.
[04:36:06] Or Sunfire is quite nice too.
[04:36:18] Deathcap Nami, thoughts?
[04:36:25] This is pretty good though.
[04:36:27] Shiv is better on Nami, is it?
[04:36:34] oh it shreds but I have a shred why did I get that
[04:36:38] when I have shreds let me think I need XP I need to level up
[04:36:47] what do I get if I level up though if I level up what do I put in
[04:36:50] what do I put in if I level up what do I put in Kench
[04:37:01] oh yeah I know what I need to do I know exactly what I need to do
[04:37:11] I need a rumble and a rumble I should win this though I should win this I have good
[04:37:17] front line
[04:37:18] Wait that guy is cooking me alive or what?
[04:37:24] I need to level up, put Tom in, sell Lillia and then put Rumble in but I need Rumble.
[04:37:48] I'm kind of trolling.
[04:37:49] 24 on the level up, I need to win this round.
[04:38:00] If I lose this round it's over.
[04:38:01] If I win this round it's winnable.
[04:38:03] I think I'm going to lose this round though.
[04:38:06] This one looks rough.
[04:38:07] Okay I win the round.
[04:38:16] Did I win the round?
[04:38:19] Huge.
[04:38:20] HUGE!
[04:38:21] What is this song bro?
[04:38:38] I need a Rumble.
[04:38:39] Fuck why did I sell that rumble? What is that? What is that the dragons everywhere?
[04:39:17] monster
[04:39:19] Fuck I
[04:39:21] Need some economy now. I could have got the Camille
[04:39:33] Now I need to save my money man
[04:39:36] What goes in next Zerath?
[04:39:50] Yeah, Zerath looks good. Hmm
[04:39:58] Do I win this I should win this right? I'm not sure though
[04:40:02] Yeah, I should give Nami Seraphine's items right? They have so many lockets. Oh my god
[04:40:16] Do I give her a Jeweled Gauntlet? I guess
[04:40:29] Come on boys, lockin, lockin, lockin, lockin
[04:40:32] Windows, windows, windows
[04:40:35] They build off nice
[04:40:40] The team getting Swimson, I mean, I fit in, I fit in
[04:40:42] I think it's the last one I was gonna choose
[04:40:44] I'm gonna re-roll all of them chat. I think re-rolling all of them is best
[04:40:49] Yeah, re-roll all of them right there
[04:40:52] Re-roll all of them right there
[04:40:54] Yo, soju's here! Yo!
[04:40:57] Hold up, don't judge me.
[04:41:05] This one's busted, isn't it? Your crits is now uncut.
[04:41:14] One clears all.
[04:41:19] Milio.
[04:41:21] Hold up, do I need Milio? He is he is scolar and theory. I don't have a scolar.
[04:41:29] He's kind of useful though.
[04:41:32] Nice roll there.
[04:41:34] That's also big.
[04:41:37] Wait, hold up. Hold up.
[04:41:40] Let me give that bitch this one and you can have the blue buff or the green the orange the fucking tier
[04:41:46] And they have ascension which means I need to kill them quick
[04:41:56] That Briar is gonna kill everyone
[04:41:59] You're gonna step on me. I don't think I have a choice right? I need to level up and get Seraph in
[04:42:04] Level two level three level three level two level one
[04:42:08] I mean I'm maxed out bro like what do you want me to do? Shogun is better on Vagar?
[04:42:23] No, it's not
[04:42:24] Okay
[04:42:26] I think I lose this one though. I don't know if I have the DPS
[04:42:38] Wait big win. Oh my god. I'm so disgusting
[04:42:41] But how do I win that?
[04:42:51] No glaze, but this guy ain't even bad
[04:42:55] No, that's what I've been saying
[04:42:56] That's what I've been saying
[04:43:09] Briar is kind of busted. We got more the Kaiser tree. Yeah, you're right
[04:43:34] Right all these items damage items are useless. I need a tank item. I think I put bramble vest on one of these suckers
[04:43:42] guys protect this Val good once per comment of 40% health gain a 25% max health shielded is that bust from vanguard
[04:43:48] Gains 10% durability when shielded. No
[04:43:51] This one's good. This has mana on it
[04:44:04] But it's good for motorcars, you know, you can spam mana and get a secure and queues off
[04:44:08] Okay, this is gonna sound really dumb chat, but I'm against five six eight Olaf's is this stupid?
[04:44:15] Is that stupid?
[04:44:19] It's like good
[04:44:35] They have this one hold up maybe I put now put him here. I think I'm captain captain captain captain
[04:44:55] I'm kept we hold up. I need to level up
[04:45:00] 72 brah. I'm so broke my economy so ass
[04:45:05] Wait, you're right. I should do this
[04:45:08] But they originally they turn back their original location bro. You're so dumb shut up my strats great
[04:45:24] My strats good this chat almost into me man
[04:45:33] This chat almost into me
[04:45:35] Chat. Oh wait, I got a thieves gloves. I think I dragon clawed one of these suckas. Maybe Mordekaiser
[04:46:21] Thieves gloves, maybe on Tumkinch?
[04:46:23] If thieves gloves good on Tumkinch, he's got a milio, so you're right.
[04:46:36] Reforgers. I don't think I need the Briar either, but I feel like he's... but Briar is dope shit.
[04:46:41] Let's do that, I think.
[04:46:45] That puts him here.
[04:46:47] Because then the magic resistance is here.
[04:46:50] Maybe?
[04:46:52] Chat, what is that?
[04:46:58] What is not the explorer?
[04:47:01] I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm not dead!
[04:47:25] This one's kind of good though.
[04:47:35] He'll actually want to keep it.
[04:47:37] Allies within one hex.
[04:47:40] Let's put it on Galileo, right?
[04:47:42] If I do this, is that worth it?
[04:47:51] Now, I could level up here.
[04:47:53] I think I have to level up.
[04:48:00] That's how it works, okay.
[04:48:08] Someone's saying that it's worth to move your items from Galileo to Mordekaiser.
[04:48:12] Is that true? Because the mana for the shield is better?
[04:48:20] Okay, that makes sense.
[04:48:21] So I gave him Redemption for sure.
[04:48:23] And Zunfire.
[04:48:24] And I give this Saka this one, right?
[04:48:26] I'm correct there, right?
[04:48:36] Okay, hold up.
[04:48:37] I think, now this might sound crazy, yet.
[04:48:39] I think I'm gonna level up and then roll for Xerath.
[04:48:43] Is that int?
[04:48:44] I think that's my choice here.
[04:48:49] And worst case, I play something else.
[04:48:53] Worst case, I play something else.
[04:49:13] Is Briar better?
[04:49:15] Witchcraft warrior?
[04:49:17] It does give me the tainted golem.
[04:49:23] I think Milio is better.
[04:49:26] Chat.
[04:49:27] Milio or Briar?
[04:49:29] Eldritch?
[04:49:29] Tree or...
[04:49:31] I feel like Milio's a better champ, isn't he?
[04:49:35] Briar clears, pretty.
[04:49:41] Wait, if I give her a snack, I'm dead.
[04:49:43] Ha ha ha.
[04:49:46] Yeah.
[04:49:52] Yeah, I don't think I can do anything else.
[04:50:00] Oh, whatever, I think I'm dead.
[04:50:01] I'm dead.
[04:50:07] They have MR.
[04:50:10] I'm dead.
[04:50:16] Ow!
[04:50:25] Yo, mages are trash.
[04:50:27] Mages are trash, they're bad, they are.
[04:50:32] One more, one more, one more.
[04:50:33] I can beat that.
[04:50:36] You should play.
[04:50:39] Wait, can you get emblems set?
[04:50:40] Can you get emblems, yes or no?
[04:50:50] You can't get emblems.
[04:50:51] Yo, Amy, thanks for the 50 months sub.
[04:50:54] You're fucking bonkers, I appreciate that.
[04:50:58] You're crazy.
[04:51:07] That lock opens in one hour.
[04:51:12] Wait, I have a plan.
[04:51:16] Yo, chest on, thanks for the gift, man.
[04:51:20] Thank you for the thank you for that.
[04:51:25] I have a mega plan.
[04:51:26] Oh my god, I'm actually genius.
[04:51:53] I have a crazy plan.
[04:51:56] I have a crazy plan.
[04:52:05] Yeah, we take off so much.
[04:52:08] I have a crazy plan.
[04:52:09] I'm about to break the meta.
[04:52:29] I'm about to break the meta.
[04:52:33] Shape shifters are good, right?
[04:52:42] Wait.
[04:52:44] No, they're bad.
[04:52:46] Really, is Frost good?
[04:53:00] 14-17 Frost is good, and OK.
[04:53:04] OK.
[04:53:31] These items are so cheap, man.
[04:53:50] I got this, I got this, trust me.
[04:54:07] Trust me!
[04:54:09] I want to go with Shapechipters.
[04:54:19] I want to go with Shapechipters.
[04:54:21] They don't know?
[04:54:52] Wait.
[04:55:03] Damn, it's so stupid.
[04:55:08] Come on, give me a...
[04:55:11] Give me a...
[04:55:12] ...tear or a...
[04:55:13] ...Negatron belt.
[04:55:14] You're so dumb.
[04:55:17] You're so dumb.
[04:55:25] I don't know what to make.
[04:55:34] I should make...
[04:55:35] ...thrust chat.
[04:55:36] Should make frost what frost what?
[04:55:44] Frost water or
[04:55:47] Shapeshifter what what's the combo? I could do shape shifter NASA's pyro
[04:56:16] Fuck that's what I time-cinch. Am I fine?
[04:56:30] Well, I died to Jace please don't die to Jace
[04:56:38] Bigger big big big big big big big big big big that's when and Jace such a bad chant
[04:57:06] maybe
[04:57:07] Man, this is a horror. I have too much shit going on. Let me think
[04:57:11] this sucker gets Nashor's right there then I have BT and thieves gloves time
[04:57:19] can she gets these gloves and then BT can go on you for now then maybe make that
[04:57:30] into an artifact as well fuck it what is this song bro what is the song actually
[04:57:39] I should put radiant on thieves gloves that would have been so much better we
[04:57:51] win that we win that we can't lose that bigger big pace where's my other
[04:58:17] this now we reroll a bit oh there's one pyro
[04:58:36] okay hold up now wait hold up what am I thinking everything pyro shape shifter
[04:59:10] right or was it pyro frost shut I'm grieving my brain doesn't work I have
[04:59:33] got four shape shape shifter so I don't think that's very good it doesn't
[04:59:39] make sense unless I have pyro pyro and I like my time catch go frost pyro how
[04:59:50] do you go frost pyro rust pyro ain't wait ain't wait
[05:00:01] rust pyro let's go frost pyro go frost pyro now the question is do we is
[05:00:26] blood thirst are good on anyone here I may as well put it on someone I put it on
[05:00:43] fucking I don't know Shen I don't know I'll put it on Warwick I guess for now
[05:00:47] I'll do I see to put it on someone I can take it off okay now what we need to do
[05:00:53] is we need to get Huey and Olaf so we can get five frosts I need Huey and
[05:00:58] Olaf I need Huey and Olaf now let me cook I need Zilean 3 I feel like Zilean 3
[05:01:25] will get me through the early game we tank one more rounds yeah we win that
[05:01:30] round easy. The winnage round easy, then, then, you're locked in. So I level up now and re-roll?
[05:02:08] Do I roll now or re-roll? What could I get if I re-roll? I could get Zilean 3. I think
[05:02:28] Zilean 3 is good. It gets me to the early game. Oh my god, I rolled an Olaf. I lost
[05:02:55] Vanguard though. There's a Hui too. Is this better? Oh the Nessus, which is probably
[05:03:34] better than Varus. Is Nasus or Varus better? Um, I'll put in Nasus for now. Do we get rid
[05:03:59] of Shen? What pyros do we put in? We have Nasus, we need four pyros, right? We need
[05:04:14] Akali, Shen, Nasus, Varus. Nasus, Varus is best. So do we get rid of Shen? Shen's bastion.
[05:04:27] Yeah, Shen's kinda useless. He's good with Diana though. Let me get rid of Akali
[05:04:40] chat them I think a carly is useless chat a carly is useless I think alright
[05:04:51] please tell me when that the please tell me when that bigger not bigger bigger
[05:05:10] real bigger okay now we got a scale we need seven frosts now we're gonna scale
[05:05:24] oh my god wait this is the run actually hmm fuck what do I get here for items
[05:06:08] We give Olaf items though.
[05:06:12] Hand of Justice sounds good.
[05:06:26] We're lying.
[05:06:35] What is this?
[05:06:36] Moonstone when you're every 4 seconds trying to fix it.
[05:06:38] Lowest hoops and health allies.
[05:06:40] Combat starts.
[05:06:42] In the whole life all enemies are...
[05:06:43] Ooh, that one sounds good.
[05:06:44] Eternal Flame sounds good.
[05:06:54] Chat, they're all pretty good.
[05:06:58] You think Banshees is best?
[05:07:04] One is best.
[05:07:06] Wait, Moonstone for Swayne is mega good, no?
[05:07:09] I like that though.
[05:07:10] Fuck, he needs Sterak's.
[05:07:21] Oh, I need to level up. I might have to sell a swing. I could have Therix, I grieved it there.
[05:07:49] We're good, we're good.
[05:08:03] We're good.
[05:08:09] What's wrong with it then?
[05:08:17] Hmm.
[05:08:20] Chalice, Thieves gloves better on Huey or on Nessus?
[05:08:28] It has Jules Gauntlet, so I guess it's better on Huey right now.
[05:08:31] I guess I can just change it, depending on...
[05:08:36] depending on the items.
[05:08:37] I could roll here for some big upgrades.
[05:08:48] Huey is just gonna have to be at the mid.
[05:08:58] I'm trusting that we win this round, because this round is hard.
[05:09:01] Come on, come on, Dylan, come on, Dylan, hook him!
[05:09:15] Yes!
[05:09:16] This is it, this is it, this is the run.
[05:09:31] This is the run, this is the run.
[05:10:00] What goes in on the level up?
[05:10:02] Shorty Hunter, no?
[05:10:05] Hmm.
[05:10:16] Yeah, Shen goes in your right.
[05:10:18] Shen is better than...
[05:10:24] Alright, gotta win this round.
[05:10:25] Win that, win that, win that, win that, win that, win that, win that.
[05:10:38] Win that, good backline damage from the way.
[05:10:40] Big, this way needs some levels now.
[05:10:42] Should I greed?
[05:11:06] I think I got what the fuck and it's lost five gold trying to get this thing
[05:11:14] it just makes me lose money what did I get it what okay now yes sort do I
[05:12:41] So I make Titan's Resolve for Olaf, yes or no?
[05:12:45] I'm gonna do it I think.
[05:12:56] Hand of Justice Varus thoughts?
[05:13:05] No.
[05:13:06] It's a bad item.
[05:13:13] I should win this, I should win this.
[05:13:27] Yeah win win win win.
[05:13:49] Fuck man.
[05:13:50] I need to re-roll a bit I think.
[05:13:53] Like obviously getting Diana in will be huge.
[05:13:58] But I need level 2 Hui, level 2 Nessus.
[05:14:03] And level 2 Olaf.
[05:14:17] We should win that right, surely?
[05:14:25] Come on boys.
[05:14:26] I'm gonna lose this one. Oh my god this level one Olaf is so cheeks
[05:14:33] Fuck me, man. I'm gonna lose this one. How is
[05:14:40] This is a pretty easy round for me this round wait, what the fuck? Where did that Shyvana come from what she wasn't there before
[05:15:17] Jesus I won how is that fair this game is so bugged I need
[05:15:25] Olaf now. I need to re-roll chat. I think I need to re-roll for Olaf, don't I?
[05:15:30] Oh, this could be a... I could roll a switch here. Big, big upgrades. Big upgrades.
[05:16:03] Big upgrades. Big upgrades. Oh, I could reforger for less whisper, you're white.
[05:16:31] Oh, Thief's Gloves Nesses doesn't sound too bad. What am I looking for here? I'm looking for
[05:17:03] level up, I think. Fuck, maybe Thief's Gloves Varus would be good. I got lightning strike
[05:17:15] coming so I think I win this round. Where's my lightning strike, huh?
[05:17:22] Hui actually cooks the backline hardcore. Come on, give me some big items here.
[05:17:43] IE for Varus sounds kind of fire chat. Dot on that, dot on that chat. IE for
[05:17:50] Varus. Yves gloves on Shen, thoughts? Morello for Shen is good.
[05:18:15] K, chat. We either have Gloves on Shen, we have Morello on Swain, Steadfast on Shen or Gunblade for Varus.
[05:18:47] Yeah, we should probably get that. Morello on Swain, I actually agree with Morello on Swain.
[05:18:53] I agree with it, I agree with it a lot, I agree with it a lot.
[05:18:56] Okay, we're gonna have to do two rounds, level up and get, um, what's it called?
[05:19:05] My god, they have so much omnivan
[05:19:08] Good thing I got healing reduction though. My Olaf's winning when we want to get that throw there
[05:19:12] Are you gonna be in Munich for the finals? Yeah, of course, bruh
[05:19:21] My god, I hate being on 1 HP. It's so anxiety inducing
[05:19:27] My god, I think I have a choice, right? I could I could roll for Swain chat
[05:19:31] What do you think? Is it but it's it worth to roll for Swain?
[05:19:33] I'm saving my five free re-rolls for when I level up and I have more chance of getting Diana
[05:19:53] Diana replaces Warwick, right? Wait, I can replace Warwick with Diana and then I can add something
[05:20:00] I can add a hunter or a chrono.
[05:20:04] I can replace Warwick with Diana, right?
[05:20:09] And then who goes in? Camille, right?
[05:20:12] Not bad.
[05:20:17] Do I win this round though?
[05:20:31] If I roll, what can I get realistically? I could get level 3 Swain and that's it.
[05:20:34] There's nothing else to get.
[05:20:44] Put Varus in the second row? Okay.
[05:20:46] Oh yeah, Charm would be good.
[05:20:48] Oh, a temporary Rumble West sounds fine.
[05:20:51] Put that on Nessus, I guess.
[05:20:54] on uh and we could take the items of this guy and put it on warwick i don't know what else to do really
[05:21:21] zillion items to hui you really think level two hui does more damage than level three zillion with
[05:21:26] these items i don't think so but the chat when when hui uses his his spell does he hit the
[05:21:35] backline he does right and i'm gonna go through the front line do you think hui kills the
[05:21:39] backline while we're fighting is that worth it yeah but the bombs are quite
[05:21:54] nice I think we're just gonna have to send it I should have rolled for Hoy
[05:22:02] level three I think looks like we're fine maybe my all life is cooking them
[05:22:13] nice all right what I need is I'm not for 14 zillion items or various
[05:22:19] intank items I'm not doing that I feel like he's my only damage right now
[05:22:23] hmm that's a lot of smolders can I win one more round is it worth risking it is
[05:22:51] it worth whisking this wound I think I win that though surely I win that
[05:22:56] right like my front line is so it'd be my all I've just run around killing them
[05:23:01] shut up smolder you rat okay now I have to level up oh my god there's a
[05:23:22] twitch I could just go seven frost I need Diana hmm not the best not the best I will say
[05:24:13] what do you think chat Camille thieves gloves yeah maybe she's better with the sterax
[05:24:19] and the hurricane is she useful like that it's level one Camille useful
[05:24:34] tiny champion duplicate only walks on level ones wait I could do this is that better
[05:24:39] It's less front climber, it does give him Hunter.
[05:24:49] Yeah, that's probably worth it.
[05:24:53] Now, who should get Sterax on Hurricane?
[05:24:57] Should it be Shen or Camille Chat?
[05:25:00] It should be Shen. It should be Camille, right?
[05:25:03] Like, against these champs, she can hit.
[05:25:05] Quite easy, they're all tanks.
[05:25:07] My Olaf is cooking hardcore.
[05:25:19] And if I had level 3 Olaf, this would be so won.
[05:25:21] Camille did a lot of damage, huh?
[05:25:38] I guess it's because she had uptime.
[05:25:40] Gain a Deathbed and a Finish Edge at BF Sword, that is insane for Varus.
[05:25:46] Gain a Frost Emblem!
[05:25:47] I could get seven frosts. Oh my god three goes crazy
[05:26:00] Okay, a protectors valve. Let's think about this frost emblem. Who do we make a frosty probably Shen or Varus?
[05:26:07] Because they get AD right
[05:26:11] Probably Varus here, right?
[05:26:13] Then protectors valve with one cost higher wait, I could get a Diana here fuck
[05:26:20] Fuck that's unlucky
[05:26:22] hold on I have warwick if I buy the briars that's better I need one more
[05:26:35] swain for three I can't eat the Camille I think fuck the way by this swain three
[05:26:44] is bacon then protectors Val I guess can go on Shen and then we take the
[05:27:00] thieves gloves off you yeah it's it's probably better on warwick Chad what's
[05:27:15] That's better.
[05:27:16] Level 2 Shen, yeah, 3 pyro is kinda nice though.
[05:27:28] I think this is good.
[05:27:29] I think this is good.
[05:27:30] 7 Frost goes crazy.
[05:27:32] Now all that happens is I get Diana to replace Warwick, then I get Bastion, and then I'm
[05:27:37] maxed out.
[05:27:39] And then I guess last thing I can get is, I mean Camille can go in last.
[05:27:44] Oof, I almost hit a Diana.
[05:27:56] Camille level 2 is fucking crazy though.
[05:27:59] Does she clear chat my I think I remove this give her this and then put that there. I think that's stronger
[05:28:23] That's morello and Ionic
[05:28:29] Yeah, I think that's best
[05:28:33] Hmm, I need economy now. I need economy chat random question
[05:28:54] Is it worth?
[05:28:59] Magnetic removering Olaf taking his item off him and giving it to level 2 Camille
[05:29:04] for now
[05:29:14] Because this is three item bis Camille. No
[05:29:16] Olaf is destroying. He has 7 Frost. Yeah true. Maybe Ionic Spark. Hurricane for Varus is nice though.
[05:29:58] Hurricane for Varus? Okay, I'm gonna do my strat again. I don't really care about Twitch though.
[05:30:19] Lesser champion duplicator. Hold on, let me think. Wait. Camilla has some crazy good items.
[05:30:36] I could put the- nah. I need to level up. I need to level up. I need to level up. I need to level up.
[05:30:54] I need to level up. Yeah Shen 3 is good. I think I wasted a lot of gold. I got another Thieves Gloves. Jesus Christ, man
[05:31:19] Well, I think I just have to swap the thieves gloves around right?
[05:31:25] Like
[05:31:26] This one with deathblade edge of night is probably better to swap the Nashor's tooth over right or?
[05:31:32] Holy fuck
[05:31:54] Do I re-roll or do I level up man? Maybe I should play to level up
[05:31:57] maybe I should level up but if I do hit a Diana then more way can come out at
[05:32:14] least I need to play for Olaf this is where you lost last time is it is this
[05:32:23] where I lost last time chat I don't have oh wait yeah I could use duplicator on
[05:32:37] Shen oh you're right oops I'm grieving hopefully I'm fine I think I'm fine that's
[05:32:59] a champion duplicator nice so I used the lesser ones on Shen make Shen three
[05:33:04] wait why am I using them on Shen? I don't even have Shen inside! oh my god it
[05:33:10] doesn't really matter actually oh my god it really does matter that's so bad
[05:33:13] why did I listen to that chatter oh my god I just completely entered it fuck wait
[05:33:22] what am I doing when I level up when I level up wait chat call me crazy when
[05:33:25] I level up I'm putting in Shen and Diana right that's what happens when I
[05:33:30] level up right oh my god it's got into so hard it's crazy alright I mean I
[05:33:39] I have so many thieves gloves at this point, it's fucking crazy.
[05:33:42] Last Whisper is nice for Varus.
[05:33:44] I swap Rageblade for Last Whisper maybe?
[05:33:53] Yeah, for sure.
[05:33:58] So he gets IE, Last Whisper and Frost Emblem.
[05:34:03] God, this guy has Warmog's Ionix Spark,
[05:34:05] so you're coming off, and you're coming off.
[05:34:14] This guy has, oh my God.
[05:34:19] Maybe you two are swapping as well.
[05:34:28] Guardbreaker is okay, to be honest.
[05:34:30] You want guard breaker?
[05:34:33] Which one's better?
[05:34:40] Rageblade giant slayer on Camille?
[05:34:42] Wait, who has better thieves gloves here?
[05:34:56] I think it's okay.
[05:34:58] But these ones are mega useless.
[05:35:06] It's probably fine.
[05:35:07] Rageblade's good.
[05:35:09] Okay, I mean, I kinda need to win this round.
[05:35:12] Oh, this is where I lost last time!
[05:35:14] This is where I lost last time.
[05:35:16] Fuck, should I roll actually?
[05:35:17] No joke, I'm just trying to get level 3 Olaf here.
[05:35:20] I think I should roll.
[05:35:25] I have 6 free rerolls.
[05:35:31] Every 6 seconds a champion joins combat from your bench.
[05:35:39] Is that good?
[05:35:45] I'm not gonna buy the Camille, but I will buy it for now.
[05:35:56] Fuck, I want that whey.
[05:36:02] Like I put that on you.
[05:36:04] And by the way, I think I'm griefing my economy like this.
[05:36:12] Ah, I'm scared, man.
[05:36:22] I'm scared.
[05:36:23] I'm very scared.
[05:36:25] I think I'm gonna lose here.
[05:36:38] Chat, does this thing have a taunt?
[05:36:40] Or is my homie gonna run past it?
[05:36:41] chat I don't have any MR they're fully AP I don't have any MR I think I have to
[05:37:03] roll chat I don't even have a choice and then maybe sell the shins yeah I'm gonna
[05:37:11] have to roll otherwise it's lost I'm not gonna reforge this way and actually I
[05:37:29] could chat question I'm not stalling I'm trying to think that question if
[05:37:33] you reforge something it gives good items right so if I reforge these three
[05:37:37] items I'll get three tank items right no it's random you're fucking lying I
[05:37:49] I need magic resist. I'm thinking of reforging all of these items trying to get magic resist. Is that stupid?
[05:37:56] Look at them man. They're eight AP champs. Should I do it on him or on Warwick?
[05:38:05] I don't know. Reforge Warwick items? Yeah, I think I need MR. Please give me a MR.
[05:38:13] Blue buff and Bramble Vest. Suck my fucking ballsack.
[05:38:26] At this point it's probably worth to just give these items over to Warwick, then isn't it?
[05:38:29] And then Bramble Vest can go.
[05:38:39] I just bramble vests my fucking twitch. I could actually do this and then give
[05:38:51] morello to Huey and then do double bramble on Swain. That might be better but
[05:38:59] I mean what is this armor gonna do really? Fuck man should I roll, should I not roll?
[05:39:07] Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay fuck it. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
[05:39:15] My Olaf needs to cook real hard, not die, that's your goal.
[05:39:26] That round is the hardest round!
[05:39:28] That's the hardest round!
[05:39:29] Fuck!
[05:39:30] Man!
[05:39:31] Fuck!
[05:39:32] I just don't have any MR!
[05:39:33] Peach.
[05:39:34] Okay, one more try.
[05:39:35] One more try.
[05:39:36] Can I have one more try?
[05:39:37] I know what I'm doing now.
[05:39:38] I know what I'm doing.
[05:39:39] One more try and then we go deadlock.
[05:39:40] One more try and then we go deadlock.
[05:39:42] One more.
[05:39:43] Last one.
[05:39:44] I'll be really quick.
[05:39:45] I'll be really quick.
[05:39:49] Okay, so you can get emblems.
[05:39:51] So that does mean playing Eldritch and Portal can work.
[05:39:56] Tell us the most OP company in the game right now, tell me.
[05:40:08] Eldritch?
[05:40:28] Is Eldritch OP?
[05:40:31] Okay, chat, imagine you don't get emblems, what's OP?
[05:40:36] You can't get emblems, cause I don't get specialist.
[05:41:00] Rise Arcana?
[05:41:03] Really?
[05:41:16] Rise Arcana?
[05:41:27] Rise Arcana?
[05:41:51] But does Titan resolve the Kassadin?
[05:41:54] Is that it then?
[05:42:10] Sorry, music's back now.
[05:42:16] Double Gargoyle is good, is it?
[05:42:33] Someone says double gargoyle and drew it is OP. Wait, that's busted. No, oh item that is quite nice
[05:43:19] Fuck me chat. I don't know what to do. I have 10 re-rolls. Is it just a portal game?
[05:43:24] But if I play a portal game, I can't get I
[05:43:28] Can't get 10 I can't get 10 bottles because I don't get a spatula, right?
[05:43:32] I can't do 10 poles because I can't get a spatula. I could play for Wukong
[05:43:46] You can't get a masterware gargoyle
[05:44:09] Wait how is this gargoyle even usage chat? I'm dead on round 4.
[05:44:15] I'm dead on round 4 Ka?
[05:44:18] You're lying.
[05:44:20] Oh my god I got a spatula. Wait you can get spatulas.
[05:44:33] Wait hold up what?
[05:44:35] You can get spatulas.
[05:44:46] I didn't know that though.
[05:44:55] Hmm.
[05:44:57] I have too many items man.
[05:45:02] I have two recur bows.
[05:45:04] I need to work... oh shit.
[05:45:14] I have Nashor's toot on Casio I guess I can
[05:45:24] Lesser duplicate a tiny duplicate champ. I guess I can just do that on Zoe's
[05:45:30] It's master work Nashor's good. I don't know what I have three witchcraft. I'm so dizzy. It's crazy
[05:45:52] Shojin's a good item. Who wants Shojin Zoe? Maybe I don't know
[05:45:57] Chat is there a master word version of Shojin that sounds busted?
[05:46:06] Okay, hold up there. I need to start re-rolling now
[05:46:11] I don't know if you want I but you can have it for now. I guess I can just take it off you. Oh
[05:46:31] I think Ari is better than Cassio Peia
[05:46:38] Right, I don't really want the Vex. I don't know what I'm doing
[05:47:16] But I think I should save my re-rolls till level seven now. I
[05:47:20] Should have gone eldritch this game shouldn't I I
[05:47:23] Should have gone eldritch shouldn't I
[05:47:26] Should I troll?
[05:47:35] Actually my S-Rule can be really busted with that Shogun though. Wait, oh my oh the IE changes every round
[05:48:03] Oh my god, it's the item changes every round. Oh
[05:48:08] Shit oh
[05:48:11] Shit I think I'm trolling a bit. I should have gone eldritch man. I
[05:48:25] And did it okay. What we're gonna do is we're gonna level up and I'm gonna put in I
[05:48:34] Don't know I
[05:48:36] Don't know we're gonna put in I don't know what I'm doing
[05:48:39] This one has no pace in it. Actually we can save this we can save this we can save this
[05:48:47] I want you to out there
[05:48:49] Get out we can save this we can save this we can save this
[05:48:56] Master pops off from we win that then we're going six portals. How do I make a portal emblem?
[05:49:26] Yeah, I win this chat trust me trust me
[05:49:31] Who do we win that with triple gargoyle probably right then triple gargoyles kind of kind of second
[05:49:49] Okay, let me think we have chase
[05:49:51] We need Galeo. Chase plus Galeo. We need to roll a rise. Chase Galeo rise and his full
[05:50:02] sand portals I guess. I don't really have a choice. My god that is so busted. Just economy
[05:50:12] till last boss. Surely we'll win that right now. We're gonna lose this round I think.
[05:50:21] Maybe Escher will kill them in the back. Where's my Escher later? My god they have
[05:50:33] a vamp scepter as well. I'm goooood. Okay, here's what we've been facing now, hopefully.
[05:50:54] There's Galio. This is just a horror chat, I think I ended it there.
[05:51:00] Chat, this is the same song again. Bro, are these songs repeating themselves?
[05:51:05] Okay, there's the Wukong. Locked in now. Oh my god! Hold up. So I sell the Ari right
[05:52:13] Sell this, sell that, well this is saved kinda, this is kinda saved, well this is kinda saved,
[05:52:44] well this is kinda saved, ok the pace is back, the pace is kinda back now, hold up, the Nora
[05:53:08] Yumi goes crazy now, we can make this work, we can make this work, I need items for Ezreal
[05:53:19] now right oh yeah I need items for rice flame I need items for rice I need
[05:53:46] item for rice I need I need I need item for rice
[05:53:51] hold up does this mean this item is so good I'll just put this on galeo for now
[05:53:58] let me think I need okay I think now I might be crazy here do I put in Vex
[05:54:11] when I find it and then you set as an item holder till rice gets in this
[05:54:16] bitch okay here is good I'll get this for the spatula okay I'll just leave it
[05:54:31] like that though did they buff Wukong chat then once we're coming at 50 health the
[05:55:05] whole of spits in the three copies himself each with 30% of the max health
[05:55:09] wait hold up what items are based on rice chat what items are based on rice
[05:55:16] what I'm the piss on rice shoujin deathcap archangel okay I need to level up
[05:55:35] I need to find the rice portal is so effective portal is so effective I can
[05:55:50] actually win this what whenever shield on the hold of bricks 100%
[05:56:03] that she was in this value is this is nice this guy doesn't have a shield
[05:56:07] though but it's nice stats so should I put archangels on this sucker for now
[05:56:16] Thoughts yes or no. I think it's good right there
[05:56:26] Yeah, it's good. It's good. It's good. I think we can win this round
[05:56:29] But these guys might dive the back line. Oh
[05:56:38] Shit the portal emblem. Oh shit. It's fine. It's fine. Let's live live live live live right later
[05:56:58] nice
[05:57:01] Nice
[05:57:08] Then later
[05:57:32] Yeah, what I said adjacent does that mean in a circle or next to left and right there?
[05:57:37] Okay, so
[05:57:48] We have seven portals
[05:57:50] We're gonna portal Wukong. Oh my god, it's gonna take a while. I
[05:57:57] Think that's fine for now. I would have eight portal right now
[05:58:22] Okay, we do this we do this we make this work spell blade is kind of good
[05:58:41] Bell blades kind of good. Oh my god, I got rice hold up
[05:59:03] 72 I mean I could do that
[05:59:11] But the Wukong is broken right then. I mean we can just do that. What am I doing?
[05:59:27] We're gonna do this that might be better right now leave Jace for now
[05:59:42] Question chat. Oh, yeah, he should be solo because of gargoyle. I have a question
[06:00:01] Does Nora keep the item? Yes, you know
[06:00:06] Probably right. Yeah, for sure he keeps for now
[06:00:08] Get a copy of each one star champ
[06:00:11] See that could be useful
[06:00:15] No, it's not useful
[06:00:18] Should I re-roll? I think I can win this one
[06:00:21] Yeah, I'm two out of three on me. Just I get that I get that I get that chat. I get that I get that I get that
[06:00:31] Yeah, this might be better
[06:00:40] That's better, right? You are right chatterman
[06:00:43] Nice. Yo, there's no where I did. 7k damage. Fuck sakes chat. Should I play for sreal 3?
[06:01:33] Well, I will get it anyway, it doesn't matter. Let me think. This round I should win.
[06:01:49] This round I should win. I need to level up. All I need to do is level up. That's all I have to do.
[06:01:57] someone close with sim sim max
[06:01:59] i mean it's just got on rise though
[06:02:01] is that good on rise?
[06:02:14] i guess sim sim max help maybe it's good on
[06:02:16] on on on mokong
[06:02:21] okay i need to think chill out chill out chill out
[06:02:23] okay so let's be real here
[06:02:25] is level 3 gallio happening?
[06:02:27] it would be nice but no
[06:02:29] wait i have astral on the bench
[06:02:31] i have so many astrals man i need one astral for level 3
[06:02:33] astral that'll free up the bench a lot
[06:02:35] we don't need this chase either
[06:02:37] castling could happen
[06:02:41] So you guys think that Estriol level 3 is useless. Yes or no?
[06:02:56] I want to learn here. I want to learn. You think Estriol 3 is useless without items?
[06:03:02] Okay. Does that also apply to everything? Like Galio 3 is also useless and
[06:03:08] Cassadin 3 is also useless? It's useless? So it's better to free up the bench
[06:03:16] space. So in this scenario I should sell the level 1 Jace and pick up the orb.
[06:03:25] I can't pick up the orb. So in this scenario you would keep this and sell the
[06:03:30] Galio then surely right because I'm close to Ezreal. Ezreal 3 is really close.
[06:03:34] You would sell the Galio and pick up. So why say sell the Ezreal? Why say
[06:03:45] sell the Ezreal? What we could do here is get a needlessly large rod and now
[06:03:52] we could turn Wukong into a portal and replace Soraka with Jace or Ezreal
[06:03:57] which I guess is the plan right? You don't need Wukong. Is this where you sell
[06:04:16] Wukong? I think what's better right now, IMO, now you can call me crazy, is 8
[06:04:32] portal Wukong as frontline and when I get a better mage then I'll put it in
[06:04:38] because Soraka is useless. I like that more and I'll level up soon and put
[06:04:50] that fucker in. The Wukong is main tank. Okay, then who gets trickster's glasses? And
[06:04:58] then the mage becomes the portal. And then I got a level 2 taric. So I just need a mage
[06:05:08] that can become a portal, which I presume is just Nami or Vex. I'll just put trickster
[06:05:20] on this guy. And I'll give him bramble vest. It's fine. I'll probably just get a Jeweled
[06:05:28] gondola on this guy as well right? Is Jules Gondola good? Or should I just wait? Because
[06:05:39] I could get Archangels in so it's rageblade rise really. You go rageblade rise. Okay.
[06:05:51] I think this round we should win. Then I need to level up. What do I need to do when
[06:05:57] I level up? When I level up I need to put in a mage and then I can hold that for
[06:06:03] a while. No I need to put in Jace. No. Sorry I know I'm not rushing this because
[06:06:07] I want to think what I should do is I should level up put in a mage
[06:06:13] Play until I get a portal emblem and then Jace can come in
[06:06:17] But until then I should just put a mage in because it's pointless to play Jace without the emblem
[06:06:25] I should level up and play for rise and taric evolutions
[06:06:33] That's what I should do
[06:06:35] This is mega winnable
[06:06:38] Okay, I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing. I know what I'm doing
[06:06:53] There we go, Tarek, perfect.
[06:06:58] Triforce, but it looks wicked on Mukon.
[06:07:00] Actually, no, I can't put it on Mukon.
[06:07:02] Tons of everything.
[06:07:05] 68 to level up, 68 to level up.
[06:07:08] Maybe I spend my rolls, maybe I spend my rolls trying to get one Ezreal.
[06:07:15] Our reforger is quite nice.
[06:07:30] 32% chance.
[06:07:35] I think it's best to roll because if I get an Ezreal, then this round is free.
[06:07:42] Is this round hard, fairy round?
[06:07:44] I don't have...
[06:07:52] Oh my god, I missed a Vex.
[06:08:00] Yes, I know Ezreal's useless chat, but he has a Triforce!
[06:08:06] At least it's something!
[06:08:07] I'm dead.
[06:08:18] Please win that.
[06:08:31] Please win that.
[06:08:32] Please win that.
[06:08:34] Oh my god, I won.
[06:08:35] I think I level up and put in Vex, and I just go for it.
[06:08:50] 68.
[06:08:51] Sell the Wukongs.
[06:09:01] Ooh, that's perfect.
[06:09:03] Fuck.
[06:09:07] 68 sell astral or kassadin jet
[06:09:16] That gives me 68 and kassadin
[06:09:25] Because this gives you 2% of your mana every time your hit. Is it worth to just give the portal emblem to vex now?
[06:09:43] Okay, let's flip the reroll and it tarix and I need rises now
[06:09:52] If I get an emblem I can level up
[06:10:03] Where am I dead?
[06:10:09] What oh?
[06:10:11] My god, how did I lose that?
[06:10:24] I don't lose that
[06:10:28] What? Okay chat, let's do deadlock. I'm first time in this game. So deadlock is an MMO that's just been released
[06:10:45] This is not add by the way everyone's playing it
[06:10:48] It's an MMO shooter. I've never played an MMO shooter before
[06:10:52] Not MMO sorry MMOba. What am I saying MMO?
[06:10:56] MMOba MMOba
[06:10:58] MMOba MMOba MMOba MMOba
[06:11:00] MMOba
[06:11:01] Alright, let's see what it's like
[06:11:11] Let's see what it's like. Is it good chat? I assert this game is mega popular
[06:11:14] Okay, what I do just click play play deadlock
[06:11:33] Looks nice your first time playing if I like you heroes that are great for new players
[06:11:39] What is that?
[06:11:48] I'm not doing the tutorial forget them. Wait, it's our tutorial
[06:11:52] learn to play
[06:11:53] Right hold up. Let me change the fucking game capture. Okay. What is this?
[06:12:08] Introduction welcome to the curse up with 15 once in more tourists. You need to wield both guns
[06:12:12] There are four lanes each with a transit line that players can ride to move quickly
[06:12:16] Troopers periodically spawn in the base and then run so that's minions fighting any enemies they encounter
[06:12:22] So that minions are the first line of defense in each
[06:12:28] Their attacks are very so the guardians in the towers
[06:12:30] It's best to push into them with your troopers walkers lie deeper in the lanes and have an arsenal of defensive moves
[06:12:37] so they're also
[06:12:39] Guardian walkers like deeper towers walkers like your goal is to siege the enemy base
[06:12:44] Okay
[06:13:07] What
[06:13:15] Or letting them float away shooting the blue orb so you can get them automatically
[06:13:29] Interesting destroying an enemy objective earns everyone on your team ability points you can spend these points to upgrade your abilities by holding tab
[06:13:38] So if they get a kill I can take their kill gold when you have also a shot next to each garden
[06:13:49] available until the guardian is destroyed
[06:13:52] Items can modify a variety of things like ammo count melee damage. Yeah, I got it
[06:13:56] Hold left control to slide while moving down a ramp or press space at the top of a jump to double jump
[06:14:01] While moving press left shift to dash dash in a well-tuned jump to perform a dash jump
[06:14:13] Way to think after parry and and we'll receive increased melee damage
[06:14:20] Okay, sounds easy
[06:14:24] No, you know it's the end to measuring you'll need at least three heroes on your roster. No, I don't want you
[06:14:31] Shabbos wants a good champ
[06:14:34] Yeah, Matt hole
[06:14:38] Wraith
[06:14:40] Excels in one-on-one combat isolates target and eliminates them. That's like casics. This is like a tank
[06:14:46] out there rave
[06:14:59] You'll say infernace is fun
[06:15:01] Napalm blaze trail
[06:15:04] Shoot enemies stun all the enemies after short delay
[06:15:07] Is there a mouse a hard chat? I'm gonna use haze. I will play this person. I guess seven
[06:15:50] Okay, let's go
[06:15:52] Okay, change category. Oh shit, am I in the team 5 tactics category? Oops.
[06:15:58] Not bad.
[06:15:59] Alright, what do we got?
[06:16:01] Guys, you found this game? We're gonna pop off or what?
[06:16:09] Yo, is there anyone I know playing this game that wants to do OQ?
[06:16:12] Chat?
[06:16:17] Alt left, alt to unlock an ability.
[06:16:20] Cartridge, deal weapon damage to summon cards.
[06:16:24] Wait, what?
[06:16:26] Project bind teleport to target location, temporary booster fire rate.
[06:16:29] I can't move I can't move I'm playing TF or water I can't move it so F is block
[06:16:43] Q is mealy control this crown what's up are you talking game chatter are you
[06:16:55] talking game hello there's my other Mike yo yo yo what up
[06:17:17] I'm toppling, I'm toppling!
[06:17:20] Chad, I'm toppling!
[06:17:22] Where's the enemies out there?
[06:17:33] Wait, I'm 1v2.
[06:17:36] That's like everything happening.
[06:17:38] I'm farming minions, Chad.
[06:17:57] How do I see my health?
[06:17:58] I'm 1v1ing this guy so hard.
[06:18:04] How is this guy not dying, by the way?
[06:18:10] So you can sacrifice the push by trying to kill the enemy champion.
[06:18:23] Jesus.
[06:18:33] How do I see my last hits, Chatter?
[06:18:35] How do I see my last hits?
[06:18:41] I got the push, I got the push!
[06:19:07] Chatter, can I just ignore minions in this game or what?
[06:19:17] I was just kind of dead, can I die?
[06:19:18] No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
[06:19:23] Oh, good death for it.
[06:19:24] Good death.
[06:19:25] One for one on the tower is always worth, right?
[06:19:27] One for one on the tower?
[06:19:29] Extra regen, basic mag.
[06:19:32] How much gold do I have?
[06:19:33] Where does it say my gold?
[06:19:34] 700 souls?
[06:19:38] Basic mag.
[06:19:39] Okay, I go back to play now. You're down on gold. How do you know I'm down on gold?
[06:19:54] What do you know about how to see much gold side got it wait only have 700 gold
[06:19:58] Why do they have 1.2k?
[06:20:01] Is it some not last hitting or what?
[06:20:05] I have to get the last hit or water
[06:20:33] I don't get it so I got 39 souls left for right there shoot the orbs coming out of the minions
[06:20:57] Shoot the orbs, shoot the orbs coming out of the minions.
[06:21:02] Oh my god, what? You have the last hit, the last hit.
[06:21:09] Oh my god.
[06:21:16] So if he last hits my homie, I can take the last hit. What?
[06:21:23] What's my Q even? What? What? He has a hook.
[06:21:45] He has a hook. Since when did he have a hook?
[06:21:48] Wait, I'm down 1k gold to him, because he knows how to last hit.
[06:21:52] That's a joke, right?
[06:21:54] What is all this shit I shouldn't buy?
[06:21:58] Bye
[06:22:03] Bro, it's top diff or what the?
[06:22:06] Is it top diff?
[06:22:08] Top diff or what the?
[06:22:14] I don't want to buy
[06:22:20] I like learning as I go though
[06:22:31] So I got all of those last hits right there
[06:22:51] So I guess he can tr- I can trade
[06:23:17] I can kinda get it now
[06:23:36] Jesus bro
[06:23:37] Okay, I'm learning my champ
[06:23:38] I'm learning, I'm learning
[06:23:39] I'm learning
[06:23:40] Wait, I have so many skill points
[06:23:41] Chad, I'm first timing bro, chill out there
[06:23:44] I know what I'm doing
[06:23:45] I'm actually gonna clap everyone now
[06:23:46] How do I see how many bullets I have left?
[06:23:50] How do I see how many bullets I have?
[06:24:08] 660, that's my health.
[06:24:10] Where's my bullets?
[06:24:24] You're lying.
[06:24:38] Capped him.
[06:24:40] This is not a Ludwig bolt.
[06:24:42] I have a healer minion.
[06:24:51] If I press R there again, I can reload instantly.
[06:24:53] Oh, I have so much ammo.
[06:25:01] What happened?
[06:25:03] Did I DC?
[06:25:07] Game is paused by Pesci.
[06:25:09] Press P to unpause.
[06:25:11] What? What in the game about the game is paused? Are you fucking fried?
[06:25:15] Ammo is under your cross. Which cross?
[06:25:19] Yeah, where do I see my ammo? How can you pause in an online game? That's bollocks. Unpause it.
[06:25:27] Oh my crosshair! Oh yeah, my crosshair does have it. You're right.
[06:25:35] I just got one shot in the knee. What is that hyper beam? Is it Gyarados?
[06:25:45] I don't know what I'm buying.
[06:26:09] What do you mean, stop feeding? I'm not feeding.
[06:26:17] I don't know what the build is. I should have won one thing. I would kill him actually. I can I can kind of slowly understand what I'm doing though
[06:27:07] Ooh life steal is kind of nice though
[06:27:12] spirit
[06:27:14] Fuck his spirit chat
[06:27:16] I don't know what that is. Is that like a Doran shield or what the?
[06:27:20] Is that like a Doran shield? That's AP. Bro. I don't want AP. Do I want AP?
[06:27:25] Fuck that I want AP for
[06:27:28] Bro top is lost by the way team
[06:27:31] Pop his giga lost.
[06:27:36] Getting more gold for the minions.
[06:27:58] That's good.
[06:28:04] Yeah, good one.
[06:28:16] He tried to hook me now, right?
[06:28:19] Why does this guy have a shield?
[06:28:20] Did he bust it or what?
[06:28:25] Is that a ring or what?
[06:28:26] Not instantly interrupt his ulti!
[06:28:59] I don't get it there.
[06:29:00] This game is so broken.
[06:29:01] That guy's so OP.
[06:29:02] Why is he so busted?
[06:29:17] Check build.
[06:29:19] Check your build.
[06:29:20] Fuck my balls.
[06:29:22] I might build six door-run splits.
[06:29:29] How do I see his items?
[06:29:30] What the fuck is that?
[06:29:35] What is that?
[06:29:36] This game has so much... it's such an information dump, this game.
[06:29:44] I guess that's what every fucking mobile is.
[06:30:06] So I mean, Top is lost guys, I'll tell you that for a fact.
[06:30:08] But maybe I can kill him.
[06:30:11] Let's roam around actually.
[06:30:12] The fuck is down here?
[06:30:23] What the fuck?
[06:30:28] The fuck is going down here?
[06:30:44] This is gromper.
[06:30:46] What up gromper?
[06:30:47] Damn, I got gromper.
[06:30:53] EWGF
[06:31:00] Oh what the fuck there's E-Tems
[06:31:02] Chat is there one jungler in this game? Do you have one jungler?
[06:31:05] Anyone can jungle? But I'm getting no points for it, no LP
[06:31:24] Fuck this dude
[06:31:25] Am I 1v5 or what the?
[06:31:35] Am I 1v5?
[06:31:39] I mean I need to buy some fucking E-Tems don't I?
[06:31:42] What is happening? I don't even know what's happening
[06:31:45] They don't know what's happening?
[06:31:51] More damage, more damage, I need more damage
[06:31:54] can't afford so I should save up my golds save up my golds I have 6k souls why
[06:32:05] did I go down in souls how did that happen oh you lose them when you die I
[06:32:15] roll the same battery
[06:32:26] what is that Mods what is happening he's healing the fool what is that
[06:33:04] Chatter. Can I press B? I'll go back to base.
[06:33:37] Oh, I just stepped back to base or what then?
[06:33:41] Okay, big item spike now! Big item spike!
[06:33:45] Alchemic fire!
[06:33:53] Ooh, that looks kinda nice. Ooh, I can ult him in that.
[06:34:11] How do I see the cooldown a bit then?
[06:34:14] Wait, we're on the rooftop?
[06:34:26] Enemies have breached our stronghold. Wait, is it open mid or what? Did they open?
[06:34:35] Ooh, we can end! Wait, hold up, I'm going!
[06:34:37] Chaudi running this game. I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding! Yo, yo, yo, yo,
[06:34:50] get out of there! Mots, it's Samira!
[06:35:02] Breached our stronghold. What the hell? Samira?
[06:35:10] Bro, what? Chaudi, the ending top, I don't get it.
[06:35:16] It keeps saying we've breached the stronghold.
[06:35:19] Upgrade your abilities. I don't know what I just upgraded. Bro this game is what the fuck is this game chat
[06:35:31] What is this game?
[06:35:33] This is like the worst champion the game isn't it? Oh slowing bullets. What I have to replace my items. What?
[06:35:52] Maybe don't skip the tutorial
[06:36:09] I'm one shot, I'm one shot there. What is that Zack champion?
[06:36:20] Well my team is just dog shit. But how long am I dead for? 50 fucking hours?
[06:36:44] For a moment I was worried.
[06:36:47] Yeah my team sucks.
[06:36:55] Ooh I have 3K elo.
[06:37:06] Yeah, not a skriven.
[06:37:19] What? Gold tier.
[06:37:28] Who dropped the beat? What is this noise?
[06:37:36] Why am I on fire?
[06:37:44] Yo, heal me up.
[06:37:53] Oh yeah, another one.
[06:37:57] Wait, we're pushing it down.
[06:37:59] Hold up there.
[06:38:07] Yeah, yeah, yeah, big pressure.
[06:38:09] Wait, hold up, big pressure.
[06:38:15] What are we looking at?
[06:38:17] We're looking at, we're looking at.
[06:38:20] What is that?
[06:38:23] He turned into a briefcase, huh?
[06:38:25] What the hell?
[06:38:27] What is that? What is that? Is that wall to the wizard? What is this from Harry Potter?
[06:38:34] The one with the animals. Wall to the animal fucking... What is his name?
[06:38:38] Newt Salamander, yeah him.
[06:38:50] But we almost ended actually, no joker. Can we end it?
[06:38:55] This guy is doing 8. What? He's doing 1k damage per auto.
[06:38:59] I do 1 damage per auto. How is that fair?
[06:39:02] I'm coming up. Oh!
[06:39:11] This is just done. What am I playing against?
[06:39:35] It's like a zigz a zigzag ball hamster. Are we winning?
[06:39:52] Are we winning?
[06:39:54] No one's talked to me. It's 6v5. I'm not that bad shut up. I'm useful
[06:40:13] There's a DC on who steam how do I swap her? Oh, yeah, I see it there. What is that?
[06:40:32] It's a bad attack. I need some friends to play with
[06:40:37] sorry is anyone playing deadlock?
[06:40:40] moshers
[06:40:43] ahhhhhhhhh see see see see see see
[06:40:45] boom
[06:40:51] oh they got the message
[06:40:57] he dropped the legendary he dropped the legendary
[06:40:59] there you go
[06:41:21] mobser
[06:41:22] i'll buff you i'll buff you
[06:41:31] look that guy look that guy new skullamander
[06:41:42] i'm CC'd
[06:41:47] i CC'd him back there
[06:41:48] bot side
[06:42:00] op op op op op
[06:42:03] he swung he swung
[06:42:04] are we winning are we winning
[06:42:13] He left her. He left her to die.
[06:42:19] Friendly Patron! Please save him! Get the Nexus, not the Zanker!
[06:42:34] I'm up in 10, up in 10, at 15.
[06:42:37] Oh, big kill, big kill. Yo, goat!
[06:42:41] Go blue side!
[06:42:43] Go blue, go blue.
[06:42:45] How'd I ping?
[06:42:47] What's the plan?
[06:42:48] How'd I do that?
[06:42:50] Wait, I can buy a mega item soon.
[06:42:52] ZZZZ on the entrance!
[06:43:30] Please! Now would help me!
[06:43:35] What is that channel?
[06:43:41] Follow my guide..
[06:43:45] I have you know, I'm an ex-professional legal values player.
[06:43:50] MMO by goat, MMO by goat!
[06:43:53] Shut up.
[06:44:00] From the sapphire flames...
[06:44:06] Who's Troy?
[06:44:08] Isn't that a horse?
[06:44:10] He's poppin' off, but...
[06:44:15] Wait, they're ending?
[06:44:16] When?
[06:44:17] Okay, hold hold hold hold hold hold...
[06:44:23] Where's my homie at then? I feel like this Troy guy is busted.
[06:44:27] Is there a backdoor defense? Is there a backdoor bonus in this game?
[06:44:39] Look Zyker! Fucking rat! That time is along here!
[06:45:32] Zip you fuck! 20 seconds, come here! Come here!
[06:45:43] I can see Zyker the last! I can see him!
[06:45:47] Dead! Last one on the top! What is that? Is that their Nexus?
[06:46:17] Oh my god
[06:46:30] So which one's your next it's a let's slope killed it. Oh my god the patron the patron
[06:47:13] Next I can see see it. He's trying to go in. I got him
[06:47:32] Zack's back door separate up here play the chopper next is next is next is next answer
[06:47:42] Shields up shields up shields up
[06:47:44] too far I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick I'm healing I'm healing I'm healing
[06:47:58] finish at it the patron is transforming what their nexus is turning into a
[06:48:14] little bit elder I've also got that come on you got that who the fuck is
[06:49:01] that he's flying we're backing we're backing we're backing max up I'm six
[06:49:39] items no I'm not I'm like 90 items or some shit the growth of builds on the
[06:49:52] top right where oh that's top left I'm here I'm here full combo is the next
[06:50:51] is now why can't we hit the next is yet I've been a bit I've been a bit
[06:51:04] resupporting the resupporting I'm on fire and they play just like a bunch
[06:51:14] of new years now how do I how do I how do I how do I how do I disable all
[06:51:28] All in-game talk, how do I do that?
[06:51:29] How do I disable all in-game talk?
[06:51:31] It's done.
[06:51:32] How do I disable it?
[06:51:33] How do I disable it?
[06:51:34] Bro, game one, game, the first game, really?
[06:51:38] The first game?
[06:51:41] How do I report him?
[06:51:42] How do I get him, bro, can he get banned or what?
[06:51:49] How do I disable voice, voice comes?
[06:52:02] Voice chat on a player's zero.
[06:52:05] Bro, what?
[06:52:06] Game one?
[06:52:07] Really?
[06:52:09] Really?
[06:52:12] Chat, how do I go into ranked?
[06:52:19] I know how to play my lane now though.
[06:52:33] I want her, and him.
[06:52:35] I'm not playing Sack, I'm not cringe.
[06:52:40] Yamato?
[06:52:46] Wait, what is her spells?
[06:52:48] Become invincible and more powerful.
[06:52:50] Wow, that sounds normal.
[06:52:53] Let me play her.
[06:52:55] Shiv.
[06:53:09] Vindicta.
[06:53:10] Is she a sniper?
[06:53:18] You were feeding with the easiest champ.
[06:53:21] So what? I was learning, Micah.
[06:53:24] I was learning.
[06:53:25] Now I know what I'm doing.
[06:53:27] Now I know what I'm doing.
[06:53:33] Indictize 44% of my rate, bro. I don't care.
[06:53:36] I'm 100% on rate.
[06:53:40] Who's this chat?
[06:53:42] What character did I get? I didn't choose this sucker!
[06:53:45] Who the fuck is 7?
[06:53:47] I didn't choose this guy!
[06:53:50] Did I?
[06:53:54] I did.
[06:54:00] Builds. Oh my god, there's recommended builds.
[06:54:05] There is 4, then this, then this. Yeah, I buy them in that order, yeah?
[06:54:07] In that order?
[06:54:09] Good world lightning and travel in a shred of damage to all targets and radius.
[06:54:16] Oh, Browse builds.
[06:54:20] Czeven ultimate guide builder.
[06:54:22] Oh my god, perfect.
[06:54:23] Wait, that's so OP actually, what the fuck?
[06:54:26] Do I just buy them in that order chat?
[06:54:39] I know what I'm doing now.
[06:54:40] My top lane lane phase is gonna be so much better.
[06:54:42] It's like a Halo 3 BR.
[06:54:46] My game is bugged up. My game is so bugged up.
[06:55:32] He's pushing me.
[06:55:53] Mobser!
[06:55:59] No way, he just one tapped my ass!
[06:56:08] Is that a level 2 all in chat?
[06:56:10] Chat, which one was parried?
[06:56:13] Which button was parried, chat, I forgot?
[06:56:18] F. No.
[06:56:19] Okay, I actually thought you meant F is in the stream crash.
[06:56:40] Can I freeze in this game?
[06:56:41] Hey, Mobser! Mobser! Mobser!
[06:57:22] Why is he so busted?
[06:57:26] He's not even farming, he's just shooting me.
[06:57:28] Now my champ sucks so much fucking cheeks.
[06:57:33] My champ is so dope shit. I forgot to buy.
[06:57:35] Chad, is there a recall button?
[06:57:54] Wait, I will get it automatically, right? If it flies up in the air?
[06:57:57] This guy is not serious.
[06:58:02] Chad, how can I use my number 2?
[06:58:04] What is it there?
[06:58:09] Oh, I'm short range champ or what then?
[06:58:11] Chad, am I short range?
[06:58:13] I want that camp. I want that champ.
[06:58:22] Guys, I have to go back to base or what then?
[06:58:28] Hello. How do I go up here?
[06:58:30] How stupid is this? I have to reset. Come back.
[06:58:38] crazy this game there's a shop in your tower is it okay I got I got this I got
[06:58:50] this I got this there's a shop next to the top what is there well I'm playing
[06:58:58] pretty good I think my turret died what did that bitch go I get the green
[06:59:37] circles even if I don't shoot them right it's only that she can steal them
[06:59:40] if I don't shoot them why is that there hey can she come to this portal wait
[07:00:22] why can she come to that my spell don't work wait okay I know what I'm doing
[07:00:32] I know what I'm doing with this game is actually kind of funny you know I
[07:00:37] could juke him so hard I should have done it there I know what I'm doing I
[07:00:47] don't think actually can kill him I think
[07:00:53] what was that this guy's a pro player by the way
[07:01:12] Me like a flanking he could just fly out of my route. He just flies out of my route
[07:01:43] Co Suck me dry this guy just kites the shit out of me. Hey, how did he do that?
[07:02:18] He stunned himself for water. I'm out of here. Go wait. I'm so fed
[07:02:48] I'm so fed
[07:02:50] Yeah, what did I buy? I forgot her. I have to get these right there
[07:03:16] Actually, I don't know what I sport but I won't buy it. Yo pink Lane is popping now my curse
[07:03:28] Maybe I should roam a bit there because my lanes pushed out. I should just farm right there. It's pushing back now
[07:04:12] Maybe I can flank her
[07:04:22] Where am I going man? I just want to go back to my lane my tower. Maybe I'll stay in my name
[07:04:52] I'm completely buzzing I'll push out far I can make and fuck her up here. I hope it's really high level
[07:05:24] If I can root her here, she doesn't know I'm here probably right there.
[07:05:28] Maybe if she jumps down and gets aggro and I can root all to one shot there.
[07:06:02] I thought someone was behind me.
[07:06:03] Wait, can I take damage in that?
[07:06:07] Awesome, almost hit her!
[07:06:19] Oh my god, it was Q, thanks fuck for that.
[07:06:22] Thanks.
[07:06:23] Wait, we cooked him!
[07:06:36] I should probably base.
[07:06:37] I should probably base.
[07:06:42] I have 4k gold.
[07:06:43] Chat, I'm actually kind of getting used to it there.
[07:06:52] I don't really know how the, how basing works very well, but I think I'm going
[07:06:55] to base here, buy items and then zip line boost back.
[07:06:58] Chat, what do I do?
[07:07:06] I don't know what it is.
[07:07:21] I think blue side is getting fucked here, or orange side is getting fucked actually.
[07:07:28] What is this?
[07:08:14] Is this like a pocketier?
[07:08:15] Bro, they seem so fed or am I crazy?
[07:08:53] Fuck me, if I had ult maybe I would one-shot them.
[07:08:55] I see one guy on red side, maybe I could do like a play on red side here.
[07:09:00] I need to parry man!
[07:10:07] I'm marking to parry you fucking rat!
[07:10:11] I need to parry!
[07:10:13] Where my team is fucking dog shit!
[07:10:16] I have to add my ulter!
[07:10:17] I need to parry!
[07:10:18] F is to parry right there!
[07:10:21] F is parry!
[07:10:22] I don't know how to do my items.
[07:10:23] Okay but we got some big pressure on the map now.
[07:10:28] Pink side is dropped.
[07:10:29] Wait hold up.
[07:10:33] Pink side I can pressure really hard.
[07:10:34] Is side laning good in this game?
[07:10:36] Let me try side laning.
[07:10:39] I feel like a slow healer right?
[07:10:42] Maybe I can just hard push aside.
[07:10:43] hard push aside while they're grouping on orange like split pushing the mobiles
[07:10:55] is always pretty good idea
[07:11:12] can I whack him on the damage? I'm just gonna split push cause I died
[07:11:26] I don't know what to do now like now I don't know what to do
[07:12:25] I have to kill this thing I parry ulted him that was kind of clean though
[07:12:54] there's so many of them what I think I played that pretty good though
[07:14:19] only pixie's gonna play if only pixies plays I'll I'll play with him
[07:14:42] I cannot like understand what's happening now I think I open up their base
[07:14:45] Hardcore no I will then three seconds right from behind me. Is that in all that? No, I'm fed that
[07:16:27] Where's the Baron is it in the middle of the map? Is it this?
[07:16:33] Can I solo it? I'm not gonna die here
[07:17:03] Like I'm dying doing this. What the fuck he hooked me away
[07:17:38] But this champ is busted or water. What is that champion? I can't ride it. Oh shit
[07:18:11] them. You can't shoot to these barriers, right? I'll buy and then I'll just end it, I think.
[07:19:14] What's the rejuvenator? They're fighting on Nash. Maybe I just push. Why does this take me? It's
[07:20:08] up. I have to go back to base. I think my team's losing, but I'm three people here. You're
[07:20:42] 4v2 you're 5v3 oh my god is that gonna reduce my old cooldown superior
[07:21:08] cooldown I think I'm gonna go pink and end
[07:21:10] yeah what is a red square on the minimapper like this red square on the
[07:21:15] right what is that the god is supposed to be my ultimate and they're all here
[07:21:58] what is that champ that they're playing this dragon champ this dragon
[07:22:10] is busted this dragon champ is crazy OP oh my god I have an AFK what bro that
[07:22:22] dragon champ is busted it is OP as fuck what is that that dragon champ is so
[07:22:35] OP 14 kills 37 kill damage not bad not bad not bad not bad what is onus clip
[07:22:49] about me, what did you say?
[07:22:51] Chai, you know what I almost did last time?
[07:22:53] I really want to buy CS weapon cases to try and get the AK-R and 6x1 patterns.
[07:22:58] I've been researching too much about CS skins, it's crazy like it's becoming a problem.
[07:23:02] I wanted to buy boxes to try and get the AK-6x1 blue gem.
[07:23:12] Why not then?
[07:23:15] There needs to be an intervention.
[07:23:17] There needs to be an intervention.
[07:23:18] says you says him says him that's that's the crazy part bro says he puts on
[07:23:25] his Twitter like just open another knife this is my fifth one says him
[07:23:29] absolute league addict opens cases for content okay drill just bust them open
[07:23:35] off fucking screen yeah of course through oh now I think he I think he
[07:23:41] feels like he needs to open those cases because this happened look someone
[07:23:45] Don't be stupid like Erdrow right now. Don't be stupid like Erdrow, but this guy hit a 6x1.
[07:23:50] I saw that tweet. I saw that tweet. That was my inspiration.
[07:23:54] That was my inspiration, bruh.
[07:23:56] Fuck, man. I gotta get a 6x1. I gotta get me one.
[07:24:00] Yeah, I open them off stream. I don't know. I just like, I just like,
[07:24:03] I just like opening them off stream, you know, just like opening them, you know what I'm saying?
[07:24:07] Also, I'm gonna open cases. I mean, it can't be that low of a chance, right, chapter?
[07:24:13] And you'll be wish I could help
[07:24:16] Like it like it's 50 50 it happens or it doesn't it's not that hard who the fuck is a lady jest and why haven't I played her yet?
[07:24:35] Oh Samira
[07:24:37] Wish I could help my friends need me. Okay. Let's try that
[07:24:43] Let's try that. I just want to try all the champs out there. I'm trying all the champs out there
[07:24:47] Yeah, what do you mean that your macro should be good in this game?
[07:24:52] What do you mean my macro should be good, bro? I don't even know what the fucking turrets look like
[07:24:56] I'm having fun with deadlock, yeah, deadlock's mega fun. Mega fun.
[07:25:00] This is all my third game though, I only played two games so far.
[07:25:02] Who am I playing now, chat?
[07:25:05] I was kinda popping off last game, what is this?
[07:25:07] Cancel to increase damage over 1.5 seconds and release a fully charged sword strike.
[07:25:12] Throw a grappling hook to reel yourself towards an enemy.
[07:25:14] Slash enemy in front of you, damaging them and slowing their fire rate.
[07:25:17] If an enemy here was our hit, you heal. Oh my god, bro.
[07:25:21] Oh my god.
[07:25:30] What are you maxed at?
[07:25:32] one this champ is really hard well I guess you it's cuz you're me right
[07:25:40] that's probably why right yeah job musical more playing yeah I've got an
[07:25:59] idea of how to play the game
[07:26:03] I don't play bottom all pay for playing why my playing bot lane chat the
[07:26:07] suddenly we're doing I kind of want to play solo lane is this not a solo
[07:26:11] You're ADC?
[07:26:15] Okay, I'll go side lane late game then.
[07:26:17] Oh shit.
[07:26:23] I hold up.
[07:26:25] Okay, so I don't transport with it.
[07:26:29] Oh, it's like Genji kinda.
[07:26:31] I'm very melee-focus-gen, don't I?
[07:26:50] I'm getting the souls from him, yeah?
[07:26:52] Oh my god, I've never duo-lane before.
[07:26:54] Oh, is bot lane just like one person last hits and everyone tries to steal last hits?
[07:27:05] Is that what bot lane is?
[07:27:12] That's probably what blotting is
[07:27:24] Grapple brings me to them, right?
[07:27:26] Reels me towards them
[07:28:11] Top me up, top me up! That's my poke, right?
[07:28:29] One
[07:28:31] Grab mana
[07:28:57] Where's my damage at then?
[07:29:08] Where's the shop at then? Is there a shop here?
[07:29:12] It almost says shopper
[07:29:14] Oh, right here I can buy
[07:29:21] Oh shit
[07:29:26] Oh I should hold it in more, I should hold it a bit more.
[07:29:57] I went for the one Tapper, oh my god my number 2 it went on the minion I think.
[07:30:07] Slash enemies in front of you.
[07:30:08] Is this like an ALE?
[07:30:09] I can't really jump with this shit can I?
[07:30:50] The fuck was that bro?
[07:30:51] Who the fuck is playing the turret master?
[07:31:02] Where is the shop at then?
[07:31:23] I don't really know what I'm buying still but I'll take it then.
[07:31:32] What is that wall? Oh, it's a fucking wall that gets builded into your wall.
[07:31:35] How does my ult do damage?
[07:32:04] My ult makes me immune, right? So I can tower dive?
[07:32:08] I either right-click away or gold.
[07:32:24] I don't really know what I'm doing on this jump, huh?
[07:33:17] It's like I'm learning, though.
[07:33:23] I'm taking a lot of damage, though.
[07:33:26] What the fuck?
[07:33:27] Is this game in close beta?
[07:33:29] Yeah, it's something like that then.
[07:33:31] So how do I heal up? I just stand next to my homie over here?
[07:33:34] What the fuck is that guy doing?
[07:33:50] The fuck is that then? I don't remember saying my ult chatter. Become infused with Yamato's soul!
[07:34:18] After an invisible, invisible, initial invisible chance of invincible, your minis are refreshed,
[07:34:21] like in 6-5 Sesta, your weapon has infinite mana, you gain damages and immunity to negative 6-6.
[07:34:27] Okay, short man. So there's like a combo here somewhere. I like two them.
[07:34:36] I two them, then I three them, then I one them, then I ult them.
[07:34:41] Sure. That hurts like fuck whatever that is. You could hold your one more.
[07:35:10] Can my one be used as poke?
[07:35:13] Like should I be using this poke? Like this?
[07:35:16] What if I go around the side here?
[07:35:24] I tried to ult and then and then like I tried to grapple hit and then I tried to ult and then grapple the other guy
[07:36:03] But it didn't work, but this champ is impossible bram
[07:36:10] Why don't I just pick the Kennen champ and just fucking Kennen them up? It's so much easier
[07:36:19] Hold one. I'm holding it. It's Chatham. That's the maxed out I held it then
[07:36:27] This is one holder.
[07:36:40] Tap one and tap again.
[07:36:41] When do I tap again?
[07:36:44] There, like that, eh?
[07:37:19] Okay, okay.
[07:37:20] 180 damage?
[07:37:21] Is that it then?
[07:37:22] Channel to increase damage or want them to release fully charged damage, like press
[07:37:26] one or click to trigger this like early-digital partial damage.
[07:37:29] Fully charged damage, 178.
[07:37:31] Chat, does my champ just scale or what?
[07:37:40] Is my champ a scaler?
[07:37:41] I'm gonna have 2k souls, hold up.
[07:37:54] This game is tough.
[07:37:55] You have no AP.
[07:37:58] Yeah.
[07:37:59] Oh yeah, hell it does.
[07:38:33] Bro, what is that champ up there? How do I even get near it?
[07:38:35] Oops, I misclicked him.
[07:39:18] Maybe that's trolling, cause his tower is low.
[07:39:20] Bro, that champ just flies in the air no matter what.
[07:39:48] I've got one tap there
[07:39:55] Your damage is all left click you have no AP
[07:39:58] How do I get more AP?
[07:40:01] Spirit power like that then okay?
[07:40:11] I'm like slowly upgrading name your build is literally ad carry
[07:40:26] Yeah, but then then then then then then then then then
[07:40:32] Actually this game looks winnable, maybe I should roam a bit feel like my champ is good on the flanks and shit
[07:41:00] fuck you can proxying this game super easily
[07:41:05] and proxying this game super easy
[07:41:19] this game is actually amazing you're just making it look boring
[07:41:24] suck my greasy bullsack bro if you don't want to stream fucking close it to the
[07:41:27] geno that's racking
[07:41:28] that's my third game ever what you want me to do
[07:41:31] give me the fucking 360 no scope everyone you fucking weirdo
[07:41:35] I don't know what just happened but it happened
[07:42:12] I'm trying to get my bearings, so hard to talk and like play.
[07:42:40] I have no idea what I'm doing.
[07:42:41] Is anyone playing this game or is there people who haven't played this game who are like
[07:42:46] huh?
[07:43:00] I mean I could, I should probably recall real quick and then go red right and then
[07:43:07] go red and attack like down there.
[07:43:11] Enemies have reached our stronghold!
[07:43:14] You wanna buy a mug to go with your gun?
[07:43:21] Now, big pace here now, Walter.
[07:43:23] But why are the colors different? This one's blue!
[07:43:25] Oh, red is enemy colors.
[07:43:31] Red is enemy colors.
[07:43:32] So how do I get from here to...
[07:43:34] Wait, so if I wanna swap lane, I should just do this?
[07:43:41] Oh, shit, I should ride it out there.
[07:43:59] Okay, so they're dead.
[07:44:01] Man, one of them has 21k gold, that's crazy, no?
[07:44:06] What is this thing? Is this like red stuff or something?
[07:44:11] Done.
[07:44:11] Oh, shit, they're pushing our base.
[07:44:18] Ah, the zipline backer.
[07:44:39] Oh, that's my open.
[07:45:14] Not bad.
[07:45:15] That was a big dasher.
[07:45:18] It was pushed up then, or what?
[07:45:19] Push here?
[07:45:26] Not bad.
[07:45:27] Not bad.
[07:45:28] Not bad.
[07:45:33] What the fuck is hitting me?
[07:45:41] Oh, shit.
[07:45:42] What the fuck is this?
[07:45:43] It's hitting me.
[07:45:44] That sniper is so OP.
[07:45:46] No joke, that sniper is OP.
[07:45:48] chat is that sniper balanced or not? I want to play that sniper real bad
[07:45:53] well is it over? is our base dead? is it actually over? chat I think I think I
[07:46:10] think I think I think the sniper is OP man I wish I had people to play with I
[07:46:13] feel like I feel like having people to play with would make this game a lot more
[07:46:15] fun but I don't really have anyone to play with I don't really have anyone to play with
[07:46:20] if I had teammates maybe it would be kind of fun how many players is it? 6?
[07:46:24] No!
[07:46:28] Five playing solo can be pretty boring.
[07:46:58] Disarmed!
[07:47:04] What?
[07:47:06] Why is disarmed and disarmed forever or what?
[07:47:10] The fuck was that?
[07:47:13] What is this? Quixel reload.
[07:47:14] Impulability with bonus spear damage on the first hit.
[07:47:16] When abilities use weapons reload as a fire rate.
[07:47:17] Bro, bang that shit up.
[07:47:19] But...
[07:47:20] Duration extender.
[07:47:21] Increase duration of your abilities and items.
[07:47:25] We get rid of...
[07:47:29] What is this?
[07:47:31] 16% ability duration, 100% bonus health, 1.5 health region.
[07:47:36] Let's get rid of that then.
[07:47:37] Bang!
[07:47:38] Busted now. Maybe we can win this game.
[07:47:41] It's actually not that- it's not that- it's not that- we're not that behind, right?
[07:47:45] Player with various? I think various is going to Munich.
[07:47:49] I think most people are on the travel to Munich right now.
[07:47:54] Oh shit, my teammate just got wiped.
[07:47:56] Feel like I need the only target squishy champs.
[07:48:38] I just tried to go through, I think, what is a tank champ?
[07:48:41] Is that a tank?
[07:48:42] Murrow and kill? Is that a tank? Is that a tank? I feel like I need to only target Squishies.
[07:48:50] I didn't know that was a tank though. That was pretty stupid.
[07:48:58] You need armor pen. What is armor pen?
[07:49:03] What step is armor pen? What is it called? I should also probably melee attack more, no?
[07:49:11] With Q? Bullets resist shredder. Is that what it's called? I'm just instantly dead.
[07:49:32] I sold it. Oh shit. I sold it. I thought I bought it. Oh my god. My Yamato is dog shit
[07:49:44] My Yamato is dog shit
[07:49:48] Okay
[07:49:49] Okay, well this game is hard, isn't it? Don't right-click with Yamato. It's dog shit. Don't right-click with Yamato
[07:49:56] So only left-click
[07:49:59] Only left-click. I did no damage, bro. That champ is hard
[07:50:02] hard. That champ is mega hard. I want to play the sniper. I want to play the sniper,
[07:50:12] this bitch or I'm not playing right then. What's a good damage dealer? Inferness. Let's
[07:50:53] try Inferness. I'm sorry if you have no idea what's going on. I'm trying to learn
[07:50:59] this game but I'm trying to learn it. Yeah, Nemesis or Baust needs to get this game.
[07:51:09] enemies are busting to get this game so we can get on the MOBA grind okay I'm
[07:51:15] playing the sniper chick this is who I want to be nice throw a stake that
[07:51:17] tell us enemies in location where the stake lands enemy's movement is restricted
[07:51:20] leap into the air and fly one and flies weapon deals spawn a spirit damage
[07:51:24] your crow family really really really deals impact damage and bleeds
[07:51:30] sniper DPS sexy feet build chat do I literally just buy left to right
[07:51:38] like that is that it is that it that's it that's just how you build it yeah if
[07:51:51] anyone if anyone on the league scene has this game bro I'm down to grind all right
[07:51:58] I'm not in now okay maybe I can play this bit better because I feel like I was
[07:52:01] completely in thing but now I feel like I'm a bit more I'm I need a carry so
[07:52:03] I guess I'm yellow team
[07:52:07] well I think it's gonna become a big game I'm not sure if this will be a big
[07:52:15] game. Don't finish who can help me, I finish all of them.
[07:52:24] Just like Dr. Mundo or what? Why is he healing? I think Fly level 2 is kind of busted.
[07:53:40] Can I Q that? I don't know. It's a weird mechanic being able to take their gold from
[07:53:56] your minions. By an item I guess. Okay, yeah I can kill him here then.
[07:55:04] Bro this champ is busted I think, is it just me?
[07:55:16] Like this just feels completely OP.
[07:55:27] This feels completely OP.
[07:55:28] The Mundo is boosted, I mean the Mundo is boosted.
[07:55:34] Chat, which one is my strongest damage, is it 1, 2, or 3?
[07:55:50] 2.
[07:55:51] Oh it increases my damage, yeah that makes sense.
[07:55:54] Oh yeah shit, I should have maxed type 2.
[07:55:57] Chat is there floor damage?
[07:56:26] Fuck I think I could have killed him. I think I could have killed him there
[07:56:48] But I guess it doesn't really matter. I mean I am so busted. It's crazy
[07:56:52] I'm killing him now. I think this guy's getting far
[07:57:02] This champ feels so big
[07:57:13] This was you in your first game. Yeah, true
[07:57:57] Fuck me. I had so much gold
[07:58:07] So how does my old work, let me just try and do this I guess
[07:58:19] Is it an execute?
[07:58:21] It's kind of busted I guess then, isn't it then?
[07:58:30] I just won something.
[07:58:41] Holy fuck.
[07:58:43] Maybe I can just collapse on side lanes now?
[07:58:58] Bombing general camp is actually a bit nice though.
[07:59:05] I trolled her.
[08:00:00] Where the fuck do you go?
[08:00:05] What the fuck bro, this champ is crazy fun.
[08:00:20] I just feel like an OP.
[08:00:21] Like a mop fuck was that someone just sent me in there. Yeah, I should go back bottle
[08:00:37] I think Mundo is ending the game. I think I will just one shot Mundo won't I this game is kind of chill
[08:01:04] Jett you get less gold more than killing so like this Mundo is probably worth nothing
[08:01:09] This Mundo is probably worth nothing right? I can buy something wait the shop's gone
[08:01:31] But where did the shop go? I don't get it. Yeah
[08:01:34] Go where the shop go?
[08:01:36] Oh, you're towers dead. Oh, yeah. Okay, that makes sense. Ha, wah.
[08:01:56] What is that thing? Too far. What is that damage on me? Jesus, man, what is that damage?
[08:02:50] Kind of popping off though.
[08:02:52] Okay, why are you not shooting the orbs out of the CS?
[08:03:05] Because I think you don't have to shoot your orbs if no one can steal them.
[08:03:07] You can just let it happen.
[08:03:08] Well this guy is getting pretty tanky, not gonna lie.
[08:03:30] I think I missed one of my spells though.
[08:04:10] Okay, I'm getting kinda fed.
[08:04:35] I have 5k soul, should I recall?
[08:04:37] Kinda trolled though.
[08:06:22] Is he stuck in that corner?
[08:06:23] I think I should go base, no joke.
[08:06:49] Okay, I'm kinda missing.
[08:06:51] So that green guy can put his teammate in a fucking blocker and Lissandra. Lissandra with them
[08:06:58] Is there a shop here somewhere?
[08:07:10] Where's the shop the house on the minimapper
[08:07:26] Here
[08:07:29] Should have bought the 6k upgrades. I don't really know what upgrades to buy in my car
[08:07:38] This champ feels like a split pusher. I don't know. I feel like I can kite really easily inside him
[08:07:44] That best mega speed. I don't know my fly up now, so I probably keep it careful
[08:08:49] But the towers are dead. I don't really know what to do with this one. What was block? It's not V. I pressed V
[08:09:45] What is V?
[08:09:47] It's F
[08:09:52] Fucking shit
[08:09:55] Why am I pressing V?
[08:10:05] Ooh, that sounds busted.
[08:10:06] Toxic bullets from Wundo.
[08:10:08] Makes him bleed over time.
[08:10:10] Oh, hell yeah.
[08:10:11] Oh, hell yeah.
[08:10:19] Need a glass cannon?
[08:10:22] Ooh, 70% weapon damage.
[08:10:24] I don't even know if that's the best thing about it, but yeah, that sounds forsaken.
[08:10:27] Q for melee, F for block.
[08:10:28] Q for melee, F for block.
[08:10:30] Q for melee, F for blocker.
[08:10:46] Who's shooting at them?
[08:10:52] The fuck?
[08:10:55] They're like, all dead basically.
[08:10:56] I do think that if enemy team has a fucking Yamato, then he can pop me.
[08:11:03] But they have no Yamato's.
[08:11:36] My champ scaling is pretty shit.
[08:11:39] It scales with like hitting your spells so it doesn't scale very well for me.
[08:11:59] How do I heal up, man?
[08:12:21] I keep pressing space bar to go higher and it cancels this.
[08:12:24] I keep fucking tensing it on Iraqi.
[08:12:26] There's a heal thing?
[08:12:29] Oh my god, this is great.
[08:12:35] I don't really know what that does, that number three.
[08:12:37] Is he still going?
[08:13:26] Why is it still shielded?
[08:13:54] Melt that shit, that's...
[08:13:55] Damn!
[08:13:57] That was a good one!
[08:14:00] That was a good one!
[08:14:00] That was a good one, Chad!
[08:14:01] That was a good one!
[08:14:02] That was a good one!
[08:14:03] Are they all giving each other...
[08:14:06] Are they all giving each other keys or what?
[08:14:09] Damn, I kind of popped off that game.
[08:14:11] I did 22k damage and I was 15 and 1.
[08:14:15] Damn!
[08:14:17] Damn!
[08:14:19] I kind of popped off that game.
[08:14:20] play with friends watch watch live now or you can watch games yes 4,000 games on
[08:14:31] right now I don't have any friends guys any ranked mode those are high low games
[08:14:45] there is MMR okay so I will get matched against better people okay that's all
[08:14:49] that matters as long as there's MMR then that's good because then I'm gonna
[08:14:52] play chat house only pixies team doing only pixies is this team winning
[08:14:56] I was the only pixies team doing
[08:15:08] All right, let me try this character again
[08:15:10] If there's keys in the chat and you can give them and you can help the chattermans
[08:15:16] I'll roof me shit that
[08:15:18] Get moxie
[08:15:28] He's online
[08:15:30] Feel like everyone who plays this game plays in NA anyway
[08:15:35] But they don't play this game in EU like you should trade like that early
[08:15:58] Then you should contest the push
[08:16:00] Bro, can I kill that tower or not?
[08:16:03] Bro, this guy is murdering my ass.
[08:16:52] This person is good, like he line of sights when I use W.
[08:16:55] When I use a jumper.
[08:16:57] I can't shoot, fuck.
[08:17:12] Where's my shop at?
[08:17:13] Okay.
[08:17:45] Bro, this guy is line of sight to me like a fucking absolute rat though.
[08:18:03] I can only imagine.
[08:18:04] Oh shit, he healed?
[08:18:07] What?
[08:18:08] Yo, this champ with a solo layer is kind of busted there.
[08:18:49] I had that all in
[08:19:06] This game is so stupid. I'm dying to air. I'm dying to air. She's not even hitting me her tower. She's fucking me
[08:20:14] The lane is pretty fun. Oh, it's got blind upside to me so well. It's crazy
[08:20:49] This guy's completely smoking me by the way, but his character has a heel
[08:21:02] That looks like an oot or some shit
[08:21:22] She's too tanky
[08:21:38] She's too tanky! She's too tanky! What do you mean, press P? What does that do?
[08:21:46] P what? You tanked the whole wave, huh?
[08:21:49] Impressive.
[08:21:55] You're so annoying.
[08:22:09] It has been destroyed, tavern brings.
[08:22:24] This could follow me the time I need.
[08:22:26] That line of sighting, like a rat there.
[08:22:35] Can you fuck off?
[08:22:37] She's playing around my cooldown so well.
[08:22:53] She's also abusing the fact that I can't aim.
[08:23:02] Where's my ult at, then?
[08:23:35] I need to change my sense
[08:23:59] Yo heal bot heal me you cah
[08:24:16] Maybe I should buy. Maybe I can kill her though.
[08:24:26] Went for a chat then
[08:25:26] Did I not headshot that bitch?
[08:25:28] Did I not headshot that bitch or not? I'm gonna kill him now. I'm gonna kill him now
[08:25:48] Bro I'm hard countered on gromp I'm countered. It's a hard counter. That's me bitch
[08:26:13] Don't even fuck with me ever again. Don't fuck with me. I'm crazy at this game
[08:26:27] Wait, why am I maximum knowledge max?
[08:26:33] Damn
[08:26:34] Shoot the orbs. They give you more money. They don't look see look
[08:26:44] Come on, let's take her tower. I'm doing eight damage mods
[08:27:05] Boxer. I need to buy this one. I need LDR. I need LDR. Which one? Bullet armor. No. Which one's the one? Toxic bullets maybe?
[08:27:39] Let me push out bot. Let me push out bot and then we roam. Oh my god. What the fuck are you doing there?
[08:28:06] Hey listen, you guys are a bit much different. Oh my god there's fire there. He's just
[08:28:18] There's nothing all over me, like, what do you want me to do?
[08:28:24] I can't.
[08:28:25] Is she going back to bottom?
[08:28:30] Where's my healer?
[08:28:40] We can sneak a tower here, rats.
[08:28:41] Who's that?
[08:28:57] Is it Homed?
[08:28:58] Okay.
[08:28:59] Yeah, we can hook him.
[08:29:06] Okay, my number three, is that this Ash E?
[08:29:16] Walling.
[08:29:17] Wait, you're Yamato.
[08:29:19] Bro, these towers are stronger than me.
[08:29:26] No joke, I'm losing the towers.
[08:29:28] Why does she have six health bars?
[08:29:42] You have to snipe her.
[08:29:44] How to snipe?
[08:29:45] I need I need active reload
[08:29:54] Then when I get active reload, I'm gonna cook somewhere for I thought for was an executor
[08:30:08] I'm gonna gank bot. I'm gonna gank
[08:30:16] This is kind of smart by me he's running
[08:30:30] He ran wait, I can flank this guy the double sinks phalanx
[08:30:57] They need a flank bot now. There's a bush there. Nice big kills for me.
[08:31:34] Now I gotta go, now I gotta go base. I need toxic bullets. That one is busted right chat or burst fire. Which one's busted?
[08:31:41] I'll get sharp shoot high.
[08:31:50] What's happening on bot lane? Mods? I'm actually kind of popping off now.
[08:32:05] Like the ganks worked.
[08:32:15] It's so hard to talk to chat though while I do this.
[08:32:18] They dead or are they just like...
[08:32:27] Am I dying to fucking crab?
[08:32:29] How many souls does this give me?
[08:32:53] Oh my god, I'm like a little bit mad.
[08:32:55] Gromp!
[08:33:20] Little man is angry.
[08:33:22] Wait, they're in our Nexus. What mods?
[08:33:31] What is that? What is that?
[08:34:02] Oh, that's over.
[08:34:15] This head bounced.
[08:34:41] We're back. What the fuck?
[08:36:04] We're making a mega comeback here.
[08:36:10] They're throwing omega harder.
[08:36:12] I need the base quicker.
[08:36:14] Wait, it's a comeback if I've ever seen it.
[08:36:16] I've never seen it's a comeback there.
[08:36:20] Yeah, let me on.
[08:36:23] Chowichon's the best one.
[08:36:24] Glass cannon?
[08:36:34] Holy fuck, I'm doing big damage now.
[08:36:37] Big time.
[08:36:38] Wait, I have an idea.
[08:36:40] Wait, I have a mega idea.
[08:36:41] I should be able to find some fun spots to shoot from.
[08:36:44] I should be able to find some fun spots to shoot from?
[08:36:52] Wait, I have a mega idea.
[08:37:22] The fuck was that?
[08:37:51] Got a Vulna Trotter.
[08:37:52] Fuck, he's out there spinning.
[08:38:24] Go Baron! Go Baron! Go Baron!
[08:38:52] Where's my teammates at then?
[08:38:58] I'm dying bro, I'm dying!
[08:38:59] Oh my god, we're getting fucking trolled.
[08:40:34] Push out all lanes, now!
[08:40:36] I'm going base now, I'm going base, I'm going base!
[08:40:57] I'm gonna go base it!
[08:40:59] Are you- can you suck us on Nash?
[08:41:20] Oh my god, we're gonna get Baron, I've never gotten Baron before.
[08:41:28] We did it then!
[08:41:30] Cheta!
[08:41:34] Refrigerator!
[08:41:40] What is that, the Frigid Refrigerator?
[08:41:47] Rejuvenation credit, is that it?
[08:41:54] I have so many souls.
[08:42:04] I'm gonna fuck this guy up hardcore chat. What does it do the boss the boss?
[08:42:14] Off your respawn time and make stronger means great. I'm kind of op or what?
[08:42:36] What a fucking you go doesn't really matter I guess right I should just push oh my god my minions are fucking huge
[08:43:04] I'm gonna end bottom my team hold love me
[08:43:37] Should I go bottom?
[08:43:46] I'll try to tap the up for windows update them.
[08:43:51] Show what I have to kill now.
[08:44:03] Oh this thing.
[08:44:11] Guys hold it.
[08:44:20] Just need to hold this.
[08:44:22] I can end it.
[08:44:23] That's it then.
[08:44:31] I can end it.
[08:44:33] I can end it.
[08:44:34] I can end it.
[08:44:39] I can end it.
[08:44:40] I can end it.
[08:44:47] Hold it.
[08:44:48] Hold it.
[08:45:12] I can end it.
[08:45:13] I can end it.
[08:45:17] Oh it is.
[08:45:18] We have to walk to Nexus.
[08:45:19] I'm disarmed.
[08:45:20] This doesn't seem fair.
[08:45:21] This doesn't seem fair.
[08:45:22] This doesn't seem fair.
[08:45:30] Disarmed.
[08:45:31] Disarmed.
[08:45:32] Bolox that's what I call it.
[08:45:33] Yo I made some damage in their Nexus though.
[08:45:34] I put some pressure on the back door
[08:45:38] Enemy patrol is weakened. Wait, our patrol is weakened. Wait, can you get that?
[08:45:43] Yo, I'm up in 30! I'm up in 30! Hold that!
[08:45:46] This DC.
[08:45:51] They're all boosted. Yo, Defender Chip, please.
[08:45:54] Yo, can you fucking reconnect, Micah? What is he doing? Oh, yeah? Oh, he's on the back door!
[08:46:09] Wait, they're fucking sending it there.
[08:46:14] My pops I'm coming like mega speed. Why are you going in the way? No good?
[08:46:24] Come on boys. I'm with all cops. I can't move it. I don't route it. I got rooted by Zyra. What is that?
[08:47:53] Yo, they're so busted. You're fucking it bro. Come on time and he won. We're in the late game now
[08:48:39] We're in the late game now
[08:48:41] Damn
[08:48:42] Look orange. I'm gonna set up a slope or some on meter
[08:49:02] slope we're set up is there a homie down here or what
[08:49:11] he's wreck side where the wreck side goes you guys okay wait we can end
[08:49:41] water I'm under attack they're in the next
[08:49:45] sense don't defend it they're back dooring they're back dooring someone
[08:49:50] defend please holy fuck that was huge that was massive that was a massive hold
[08:50:40] massive hold by the team that was a big hold if I lost that game I would have
[08:50:47] fucking said this game sucked 12 and 6 was my score 35k damage Delta 23k
[08:50:56] objective damage that would be bouncy proud of me there 23k objective damage
[08:51:00] and bouncy would be happy with that that bowser be mega happy with that
[08:51:05] Mega happy.
[08:51:13] Chat, I'm gonna peace it for now.
[08:51:14] It was fun though. That looks fun.
[08:51:15] I'll be back tomorrow morning with Tamonite vs T1, which will bang.
[08:51:20] That looks okay.
[08:51:23] Maybe if I had a group of people to play with, it would be more fun, but it was okay.
[08:51:28] Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Anyway.
[08:51:31] Big kiss, enjoy the rest of your days, nights, mornings, evenings, weekends, wherever you are in the world.
[08:51:35] And I hope you have a good rest of your day.
[08:51:37] Thank you all for hanging out, and I'll see you soon. Peace.