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🔴LCK PLAYOFFS ROUND 1 - DK VS FEAR #LCKWatchParty🔴 !discord !youtube !vods !fnatic !displate

08-23-2024 · 15h 13m

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[00:12:25] dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee deeeeee
[00:12:39] Daa
[00:12:48] Quick TFT game for the boys-
[00:12:50] Wait hold up, my whole scenes are fucked up
[00:12:53] Cause of yesterday
[00:12:57] My scenes are fucked up, man
[00:12:59] We're locked in now
[00:13:06] Try have a sp-
[00:13:08] Try-
[00:13:08] I have a spot here, you see it?
[00:13:11] Ehhhh
[00:13:13] Ehhhh
[00:13:14] What is that, though?
[00:13:15] Fuckin' shit.
[00:13:18] Eeeeh!
[00:13:19] Stay safe, Sally. Yeah, Sally's chilling, bro.
[00:13:25] Sally's all good, Keh.
[00:13:29] Alright.
[00:13:31] Alright.
[00:13:32] How we doing, chat? How we doing? This is good night's bad. How we doing?
[00:13:36] What's popping?
[00:13:39] What is popping?
[00:13:45] What's happening on Reddit?
[00:13:46] You're cyber, bro. You've been gifting subs all morning. What are you doing, you psychopath?
[00:13:50] You've gifted 50 subs, bruh. You gifted 50 subs. What in the fuck?
[00:13:56] The oiler is out of control
[00:14:01] when we put alerts on.
[00:14:03] You're thinking so much about 25 gifted.
[00:14:06] You're fucking crazy.
[00:14:09] Thank you, man. I appreciate that. Everyone at Simon say PogChamp.
[00:14:12] Wait, Cyber, I thought you went away from it. Did you just come back now or what?
[00:14:17] Didn't you go away from it?
[00:14:21] Ding ding
[00:14:23] Pork let's go man
[00:14:26] Yeah, I'm safe. I'm doing well rat king life is life's life's life's good. Life's good. I slept good. I slept good. I slept good
[00:14:32] I slept good
[00:14:34] everything's chill
[00:14:38] All right, what's happening on the reddit? What's happening on the reddit? I'm super hyped for today's series
[00:14:42] Yeah, I'm gonna change the dam on t-shirt. It's fear ex enjoyer here
[00:14:48] Showtime my fraud. Ha ha
[00:14:50] okay i was out of country for work are you back now you're chilling everything good you're you're
[00:14:55] you're happy happy days happy days chat is the valerant is it the finals now no it's the
[00:15:09] upper bracket finals chat is valerant having their finals in a big stadium is valerant having
[00:15:17] their finals in a big stadium let's go man yeah they are the top four let's go yeah let's hear
[00:15:24] everyone's lck playoff predictions, lck playoff predictions, my lck playoff predictions, i think
[00:15:34] dk will win, i feel like t1 should win that, then i think genji will pick dk, actually now they'll
[00:15:43] probably, now they'll pick dk and then genji will be dk and dk will go here and t1 will face
[00:15:54] Hummulife and Hummulife will win and it'll be T1 DK and then T1 will win sadly
[00:16:04] and then we all know what's gonna happen
[00:16:09] Gen.G will go to the finals, Hummulife will fall to the lower bracket, T1 will get their revenge and it'll be Gen.G T1
[00:16:14] and it's like nothing's ever changed the last two years of LCK, Gen.G T1 Classic and Gen.G will 3-0 T1 in the finals
[00:16:22] and then everyone will say for fuck's sake why did that happen again
[00:16:26] That's exactly what will happen.
[00:16:30] Stay safe Sally, oh thanks bro.
[00:16:32] No more excuses, no more second chances.
[00:16:35] One final shot of redemption, ultimate showdown and a decay frauds inbound.
[00:16:38] Time to show them what we're really made of, 3-0 Fox fighting.
[00:16:41] You're made of fucking nothing, you're made of nothing.
[00:16:45] You're made of nothing, you're gonna get annihilated, you're gonna get destroyed, and you're gonna get dismantled.
[00:16:51] And E or X are gonna get absolutely fisted.
[00:16:56] Nice graphic though.
[00:16:59] Stop using your real name in coffee, drinks and food when you order things to your house
[00:17:04] That's a good idea actually when I move I'm gonna do that
[00:17:13] They're gonna be a Munich. Yeah
[00:17:17] Ran to a KT fan BD actually using a different name is smart
[00:17:21] What the hell is that in the LEC? They did Sally so bad
[00:17:24] They did me pretty fucking dirty
[00:17:26] Maybe I'll use maybe I will use the name Sally when I order food
[00:17:31] No joke
[00:17:33] I got a I got a delivery for Sally. What is this? If DK loses a game change your profile picture to this deal
[00:17:50] No, no, no, no, I'm not changing my profile picture to nothing
[00:17:56] It's not happening. It's not happening
[00:17:59] That was not losing. I'm not changing my my property the problem to change your profile picture on Twitter is it takes
[00:18:04] Once you change it it takes you two weeks to be able to change it back. I am not I am not I am not
[00:18:11] Allowing myself to look like that for two weeks straight
[00:18:17] Then it's just not gonna be a thing
[00:18:21] top three setup checks
[00:18:23] It's gonna be a long one
[00:18:26] Okay, that's my setup we saw that one
[00:18:30] Damn, this is my world's final setup
[00:18:34] This was the world's final setup
[00:18:36] Bros right in front of the fence
[00:18:38] was crazy big bro this was a floor here as well of the world's finals
[00:18:44] was massive bro worlds was massive wait what's number one oh my god bro where do you find this stuff
[00:19:04] if dmw loses you have to buy a bnk fox jersey
[00:19:11] Why do you find this stuff? POV watching all the Waybo non-believers lose their bets.
[00:19:19] We buy it's going to have a watch party for AC finals and he wants to set a low income price
[00:19:26] just so that people wouldn't go in and didn't get tickets, as has happened in the Co-operation.
[00:19:29] Tickets are free, but Riot is enforcing it to set a second certain price.
[00:19:33] Huh? What is it then?
[00:19:38] Fuck man, Riot really decides to us to the price of the entries that the Watch Party has to have
[00:19:56] Gentlemen, this dictatorship should end, I'm sorry, the people...
[00:20:00] It should be reversed in any way
[00:20:02] is gonna stop it's time to revolt it's crazy it's absolutely mind-blowing
[00:20:11] he said that he said dictatorship I didn't think you mean I don't even meant
[00:20:19] dictatorship I think he just said it this like a word it's I think he's
[00:20:26] using like a form of expression he's like this dictatorship needs to end
[00:20:28] It's time for the townspeople to revolt, you know, he's basically saying that he's like it's it's getting out of hand
[00:20:37] Jesus Jesus. Yeah, I think it's kind of sad that he buys on at the event
[00:20:43] I mean, I guess it's nice. He's hosting a watch party though, but um
[00:20:48] Yeah, it's really sad. He's not the event. I'm surprised. They can't get him at the event. I'm surprised. I'm really surprised
[00:20:58] Let's go man.
[00:21:02] What is this? Ain't no way lawyer skin is coming to league for Sally. What is this? Azir lawyer?
[00:21:09] Objection. I found a road.
[00:21:14] Let's go man.
[00:21:16] What is this? Say cheese.
[00:21:18] T1 win.
[00:21:20] New updated masteries really?
[00:21:22] Is there... there is a new dev update.
[00:21:29] Ooh, ooh, there is new dev update.
[00:21:32] I'm Paul aka pro bro. Oh, yo, yo, let me listen up. Hold up. Newish
[00:21:38] Hey folks, I'm Andre also known as Madeleine. I'm Paul aka pro bro. The newish EP for League
[00:21:45] Today is what is EP? What is EP? I thought EP was like a like a track you dropped. What's EP?
[00:21:51] Today August 8th
[00:21:52] So as usual anything that happens after today won't be covered now for this dev update
[00:21:57] We'll be doing something a little different. I don't have a lot of you really chunky new topics this year
[00:22:01] So we're going to be answering some questions we've received from many of you instead
[00:22:05] We'll be back with a regular dev update in September though. So let's get started
[00:22:10] When are you gonna fix the client? Is that one of the questions? Okay, so question for you Paul
[00:22:15] Okay from a player in North America. I've been playing swarm since its release. Will it be permanent?
[00:22:20] What about arena? All right at the time of this recording you have all spent over 49 million hours fighting the primordial
[00:22:27] You saw a lot of good player feedback taking notes for future modes especially from players looking for ways to play league outside of some measure
[00:22:35] If we want to replicate all the fun and it's just a small
[00:22:38] Thank you for playing we haven't decided on arena's future yet
[00:22:43] But we'll be able to talk more about it arena as a concept is awesome. The problem is it's just dominated by tanks
[00:22:50] That's it base damage fucking billies run that arena
[00:22:53] They just need to find a way to make it a lot less one-sided for tanks.
[00:22:58] Our state of modes update, which includes coverages for the arena season, arena airing, and the future of modes in general, are our next update.
[00:23:05] Alright, so let's go on to this question from Korea. Streamers are having their game snagged by people looking to manipulate the game's outcome.
[00:23:13] What are you doing to fix this?
[00:23:14] Stream snipers. So, we do not condone this abuse. A mysterious about fixing it.
[00:23:18] We've just shipped some changes in patch 14-15 to make the penalty for declining queues
[00:23:23] more severe.
[00:23:24] The first penalty now starts at 2 declines instead of 4, at least a 5 minute suspension
[00:23:28] that then ramps up to 30 in minutes and then 12 hours.
[00:23:32] We want to see how this change lands.
[00:23:33] We're certainly open to additional changes to how the decline functionality works if
[00:23:37] needs be, but there are some trade-offs from those, to things like increasing time
[00:23:40] to get into game or putting afk players into lobbies making those eventually get reset
[00:23:44] while you autododge.
[00:23:46] So, keep your close eye on the problem. I can defer the changes if needs be. But there's a bunch of complex trade-offs.
[00:23:51] So what is he talking about then? I don't get it. It's just punishing people who don't accept.
[00:23:59] I don't get it.
[00:24:03] I mean, for me, stream sniping was like people watching the game and like intentionally changing the way they play the game from what they can see.
[00:24:12] They decline when a streamer does Q doesn't pop.
[00:24:19] Yeah, but I mean I think every streamer these days just hides their client.
[00:24:22] Don't they? Like, how psychotic are you if you don't hide your client in Q?
[00:24:26] This one comes from Europe. It feels like ADCs have taken over the game recently
[00:24:32] and now have to play them mid. Is this gonna get changed anytime soon?
[00:24:35] So we made some changes to ADCs at the start of Splat Show.
[00:24:39] Yeah, I was gonna say that's what I'm saying. When it hit stream sniping I was like, how are they gonna fix this, what the fuck are they gonna do?
[00:24:43] But that's fine.
[00:25:13] it before worlds or not like it's surely this is not gonna be allowed for worlds
[00:25:18] right working on it try and stick the landing better it's okay from plays in
[00:25:23] China it feels like my games are decided by how many fill players there are
[00:25:27] especially in diamond plus are there plans to make auto fill players on each
[00:25:31] team equal we care that when you load in both teams feel like they have an
[00:25:35] equal chance of winning so by the time you're hearing this message I mean if
[00:25:38] I'm on a team it's a one mid-august that should better balance the amount of
[00:25:41] out of field and secondary players in each team a matchmaking is something we
[00:25:45] saw a lot of questions on so we'll do a deeper dive in our next update from
[00:25:50] Brazil can you bring back on our opponents I mean short answer yes in
[00:25:57] September you'll be able to honor opponents again and you'll be able to
[00:26:01] honor multiple teammates we're making some other changes to the honor system
[00:26:04] as well okay next up we got a question from a player in the
[00:26:09] Everyone's happy about that chat. I should honor more. I swear I never use honor.
[00:26:19] I should honor more. It's not even a thing that I like. I just click. When my screen pops up at the end of the day, I just click someone.
[00:26:29] Is that toxic? I just click. I don't even know what the honor lines are. I don't know what the difference is.
[00:26:38] Doing anything to fix people inting my games.
[00:26:41] Not used specifically, Andre, but for everybody else on the planet
[00:26:44] we definitely want to make changes here because it sucks what it happens to us too.
[00:26:47] Maybe that's a bad thing. I should probably do it more.
[00:26:50] We're making some changes to our detection systems to improve this.
[00:26:52] We'll have to focus more on a total set of behaviors across more games
[00:26:56] and things like selling items to buy fairy charms, wasting all on cooldown,
[00:27:00] report rate over many games. We're going to have to study a lot.
[00:27:02] This work is still ongoing, but we are optimistic that it should have
[00:27:06] have a much higher success rate of detecting griefers.
[00:27:09] So we're expecting to trial this in the next few months.
[00:27:11] We also have a dev blog that's out now
[00:27:13] that goes into more detail on both the honor system
[00:27:16] and our improved griefing detection.
[00:27:17] So stay tuned.
[00:27:19] All right, so this next question
[00:27:20] comes from Southeast Asia.
[00:27:21] My friends who are new to League are playing two-times.
[00:27:24] They lose a lot, they get flamed,
[00:27:26] and they don't want to play.
[00:27:27] What do you do in to fix this?
[00:27:29] OK, so there's three things we're working on right now.
[00:27:32] The first is Vanguard removing bots
[00:27:34] has made it to the matchmaking system,
[00:27:35] It's much better data about how new players are chat. I would love to see the player base count ever since van Gogh released
[00:27:41] Probably all these bots just got smoked indeed
[00:27:43] Actually doing because they're not getting matched against or compared to bots when their skill is being calculated second for new players to ranked
[00:27:50] We recently added a 10 normal sr. Game requirement all accounts before they're allowed to play ranked at all
[00:27:54] That gives us a lot more data on how players skill will actually perform there rather just comparing them how they did and ARAMs or
[00:28:00] or IGMs or whatever.
[00:28:02] And then third, we're also currently working on more
[00:28:04] improvements to how we detect smurfs in general,
[00:28:06] so that they're placed more accurately.
[00:28:08] Here we've got a question from, well actually a lot of players
[00:28:11] all over the place.
[00:28:12] Did Vanguard actually stop botting in League?
[00:28:14] Like you said it would, is Vanguard working?
[00:28:16] All right, the short answer is yes,
[00:28:17] and let me hit you with some stats.
[00:28:19] Ranked scripting fell below 1%
[00:28:21] for the first time in four years.
[00:28:22] Only one in 200 ranked games has a scripter,
[00:28:25] and we have seen very few false positives,
[00:28:27] but several cases of accounts being stolen
[00:28:30] shared with cheaters. Now cheaters are running out of accounts so please don't give them yours.
[00:28:34] Slide note here if you haven't already enabled email multi-factor authentication
[00:28:38] please do that'll really help prevent this. It'll help you a lot.
[00:28:41] Yeah the way it works is they hack your account then they sell it don't they?
[00:28:45] There have been some integration bugs mainly with all of our vulnerable drivers or certificates
[00:28:50] and we have seen issues with leaving your client running for long periods of time
[00:28:53] or launching on two machines. This can cause issues with Vanguard and we're working to
[00:28:57] to make sure these issues don't happen again.
[00:28:59] We haven't seen any Vanguard cause problems with boot looping or bricking machines, but
[00:29:03] let us know if you experienced it.
[00:29:05] The biggest complaint we are seeing is, why does this have to run from boot?
[00:29:09] Microsoft is making some changes to Windows.
[00:29:11] We may get to a point where Vanguard may not have to do this in the future.
[00:29:14] We'll see how this goes and give you an update as soon as we can.
[00:29:17] We're starting to see bad actors move to Mac, so Mac, Vanguard should be coming
[00:29:21] soon.
[00:29:22] You can read about that and more today on our dev blog made by our Wizard Lee
[00:29:25] Vanguard team.
[00:29:26] We need to have a question from a player in North America.
[00:29:28] Do you have an update on the champion master emotes that you promised you'd be updated?
[00:29:32] We do. We've gone through a few explorations, but we've landed on this.
[00:29:36] Now our goal was to respect the previous side of Paris Love.
[00:29:38] So much better, bro.
[00:29:41] Today, bro, they need some more quality checks.
[00:29:43] That old one, how the old one got through is crazy.
[00:29:46] Figuring out a way to make them look different and updated.
[00:29:49] We want to get your feedback on this new version.
[00:29:51] So much better.
[00:29:51] So please do let us know what you think.
[00:29:53] Alright Andre, here comes another question from players in Oceana, which I believe you're familiar with, yes?
[00:29:59] Okay, why do you force champions into existing thematics?
[00:30:03] So, a lot goes into the process of selecting what theme we're going to use for champions.
[00:30:07] OCE Gang.
[00:30:08] Sometimes that's an existing thematic that players really want to see a champion in.
[00:30:11] Sometimes that's particular aspects of a champion's personality or whatever.
[00:30:14] But we are going through a bit of an update right now where we're going to put less focus on existing skin lines, as I started point at least,
[00:30:21] and a bit more focus on, hey, what does this particular champion need from a new skinner?
[00:30:26] So we're gonna look more at their portfolio, figure out what they're lacking,
[00:30:29] whether that's skins that really closely align with their base existing theme,
[00:30:34] or things that actually take aspects of their personality in ways that work but really reinvent them.
[00:30:38] Like, what if Azir was a practitioner of the lore?
[00:30:41] Yeah, we want to have that wide range of of vibes and just like feel for the skins in ways that still make sense for the champion they are.
[00:30:50] Sometimes that means, you know, you get things like the bee skin line.
[00:30:53] Sometimes that'll mean things like, you know,
[00:30:55] rain ship to really enhance existing champion fantasies.
[00:30:58] If you're here to hear more about how we choose skins,
[00:31:00] we've got a dev blog out now that goes into a lot more detail.
[00:31:03] And to spoil some stuff from it,
[00:31:04] the upcoming prestige skin list is Xerri, Diana, Swain, and Cagal.
[00:31:09] Okay, so this one comes from number one.
[00:31:11] When are you gonna delete Yumi?
[00:31:13] Yeah, so we're not gonna be doing that.
[00:31:14] We're gonna be adding Yumi's sister, Tumi, instead.
[00:31:18] To me, we'll have two box, we'll be permanently attached, we'll have double crit, we'll have a three hit, a four hit, and a five hit passive, multiple dashes, global ults, yes, multiple global ults, we can transform into Lisa as his entire kit when she needs it, and it's also useful as such.
[00:31:34] Good memes.
[00:31:35] Alright, that's all we have for today.
[00:31:36] Good memes.
[00:31:37] Now if you like this format, and we'll try it again sometime. Or if you like, we can try something completely different.
[00:31:42] I'll get too wild here.
[00:31:44] But also, don't forget to check out the dev blogs we mentioned today.
[00:31:47] We do want to take a minute to remind you that this October we'll be celebrating 15 years of league
[00:31:51] We'll be sharing 15 years have some missions you can complete for free rewards all as we ramp up for worlds 2024
[00:31:58] Thank you so much, and we'll see you on the left. Bye
[00:32:01] 15 years what the hell what the hell
[00:32:08] Da da da, I think they should redesign the client a little bit
[00:32:13] Wait new intro. What's fuck I missed it?
[00:32:15] Alright, something that's not a crazy one.
[00:32:26] The CEO flung.
[00:32:29] Lee is older than the average KG viewer and no, that's nothing.
[00:32:44] Oh, it's Nolta.
[00:32:51] It's Nolta.
[00:32:59] KJ, I'm gonna make a T. I'm gonna get my Dumb on Jersey. Hold up.
[00:34:05] fear x this one will the first one always you know third place versus sixth place always feels like the third place team
[00:34:12] Generally comes out swinging and takes it down
[00:34:14] However, you know the last time these teams played against each other
[00:34:17] It was a down-to-the-wire absolute banger match with some base trade scenarios
[00:34:22] I do think that we could be in for a very exciting series today
[00:34:26] We'll talk a lot about the stylistic
[00:34:29] similarities between these two teams and their junglers as we get you know moving forward here
[00:34:33] But, you know, right now, as you say, we have a clear favorite in D plus one of our top seats here, third versus six here, the beginning of round one, you could see the finish here, a difference in 20 games between these two teams.
[00:34:48] So obviously right now, being K coming in as underdogs, but, you know, with a lot of momentum after the round two changeups we saw and how they were playing, we'll see if they're a little bit predictable here versus a team that's shown so
[00:35:02] much draft flexibility, especially moving into our playoff patch.
[00:35:06] Yeah, always seems to be that the third place team is the big favor coming into
[00:35:10] these matches. You remember last time around, the quantum freaks kind of got
[00:35:13] bopped and it was not very close. Hoping that we get a bit of a closer match
[00:35:18] between these two. This is going to be the first match today. If you're
[00:35:21] looking for the telecom war, that'll be tomorrow, two hours ahead of time
[00:35:25] because it is on a Saturday weekends to start two hours early. So that
[00:35:30] That one should be a bit closer as well on paper, you know T1 up against KT, but for today
[00:35:34] we will have the first team to make it on to round two.
[00:35:38] Yeah, tomorrow we're going to find out which telecom timeline we diverge into.
[00:35:42] Check out the Pog State, if you guys have not watched it yet, there's a lot to discuss
[00:35:46] about how that bracket might shape out, and we did discuss a lot.
[00:35:50] Lot of D-plus fans coming to show up here, rookie of the year, lucid, those votes
[00:35:55] didn't come through, he did get it, and a lot of hype coming into this one.
[00:36:01] Yeah, that's empty.
[00:36:05] Yeah.
[00:36:07] I hope you cry with happiness what it says there.
[00:36:10] And, uh, it might happen.
[00:36:15] But look, his ex-team mate, Henna, you know, is going to be playing in today's match,
[00:36:20] a very tough match for him, but let's talk about the patch.
[00:36:22] So Aurora is still disabled. That bug hasn't been fixed yet. So that's the number one thing to mention here
[00:36:29] Posterous bomb getting nerfed pretty significantly here for Corky in the laning phase
[00:36:33] Doran's blade also
[00:36:35] Significantly nerf this affects a lot of champions not only in the bottom lane
[00:36:38] But also in the top lane 80 carries in the mid lane
[00:36:41] So we'll see if we see a little bit more long-sword starts
[00:36:43] Well, this is just gonna make the early game a little bit weaker black Cleaver
[00:36:46] You can apply the proc of it a lot easier. You can apply two stacks faster
[00:36:51] They changed it a long time ago, so that wasn't possible because it was too strong
[00:36:54] He used it back and then you could see some of the nerfs here to blade of the ruin king because it was performing too well
[00:37:00] Yeah, Zeria was building it. So well, we had to get rid of that
[00:37:06] Although I mean we'll have to wait and see what these builds do look like as
[00:37:09] Some changes in the mid lane trying to put down some of the 80 carries that we've seen that very often in the mid lane and buff
[00:37:16] some of our mages yeah so some AP ratio buff for Orianna won't be too
[00:37:21] significant same with Syndra's ultimate getting a little bit more damage on that
[00:37:25] the big one of these or the big two of these four are going to be the Azir who
[00:37:29] has more health regen it's a huge increase from like three to five and he
[00:37:34] actually gets larger base armor so will perform very well into 80 carries in
[00:37:38] lane he definitely needed more safety not a very safe mid laner Azir and Silas
[00:37:44] of course was not doing very well. They buffed his passive and the Kingslayer
[00:37:48] damaged some of his base health stats of course as well going up so maybe
[00:37:52] something that we could see at a showmaker today is really the only one
[00:37:55] who's picked it up this season and then this is the biggest of all not a
[00:37:58] mid lane discussion anymore but Senna becoming more of an enchanter support
[00:38:03] lot of AP ratios buffed for her healing her root last longer starting
[00:38:09] very early on as well in those level ups you're still going to get that
[00:38:11] that the initial route is going to be a lot stronger, adding 0.25 seconds is actually quite significant.
[00:38:16] Then the AP ratio on the ultimate as well.
[00:38:18] The nerfs are that she doesn't scale as fast in Senna into an AD carry threat.
[00:38:24] So in theory, and in practice as we've seen so far already, this pick is now no longer really going to be the AD carry role
[00:38:32] with like an Ornn or you know, a Nautilus in the bottom lane, but actually a traditional Enchanter support.
[00:38:37] Yeah, and the important thing to note is that she's completely busted and extremely strong.
[00:38:42] So she will be getting banned or picked, I would assume, very often.
[00:38:46] But we'll see how many melee and d-supports we get as we also have some death timers that have been increased,
[00:38:53] but some extra movement speed coming out of the fountain.
[00:38:57] So it's a change that will definitely affect the top lane a lot.
[00:39:00] Definitely feels a lot better if you end up getting a solo kill or again goes off there
[00:39:05] and you can control the wave a lot better.
[00:39:07] It's not actually just, okay, well now he TP'd back really quick
[00:39:10] and now I'm in a disadvantage and can't farm as well
[00:39:13] that we saw a lot of the time.
[00:39:16] That's right.
[00:39:17] Yeah, he figured it out.
[00:39:18] This guy, that's his top gap basically in Korean letters.
[00:39:23] This guy is a huge DK man.
[00:39:25] And he's ready for the show to begin.
[00:39:28] He's got his bicep ready with the top gap
[00:39:31] just like Kingen's got his biceps ready in the top lane
[00:39:34] And we have a B&K fan here as well.
[00:39:39] And look at this.
[00:39:41] In terms of the head-to-head between these squads,
[00:39:44] it has been very D-plus-favorite.
[00:39:47] Only in 2023, Round 2 did B&K get the better of them.
[00:39:52] But notice that summer, Round 2,
[00:39:54] I was the matchup that was extremely close.
[00:39:56] 2-1 there. Very, very exciting series.
[00:39:58] And I think fans are hoping that today's matchup
[00:40:01] delivers the same win.
[00:40:02] Yeah, their first playoff round two appearance in two years is what they are hoping for, but
[00:40:09] I mean for me, I think DK are coming into this one just
[00:40:14] Really on a big role. I mean they've only lost five matches and this guy specifically is just insane aiming
[00:40:20] Towards the end of the years. He always gets really really strong really focused and ready for the playoffs
[00:40:24] And I think he's going to be the big difference maker for DK in this match
[00:40:28] Absolutely, you know, he wasn't able to get that second all pro slot
[00:40:31] Which I think was a bit shocking for a lot of people and breaking records and our kills. I did as well
[00:40:38] He's breaking records in terms of kills right 301 kills is a record and he is
[00:40:45] Really really getting all of the resources and D plus are funneling back into him. He's there
[00:40:52] Walter's field and then some challenge in the bottom lane along
[00:40:56] I need to face them
[00:41:01] He's the frost
[00:41:07] Absolutely creepy
[00:41:14] Oh, it's contract here? You would have contract, my bro
[00:41:21] It's 3-0 Damwon
[00:41:23] 3-0 Damwon
[00:41:26] and then 3-3-0's and then on the right side
[00:41:30] That is right
[00:41:32] I do have her with the 3-0
[00:41:33] That is right
[00:41:34] for a little bit more
[00:41:36] in the end, I guess
[00:41:37] towards the side of BNK
[00:41:39] giving them a couple of extra games
[00:41:40] here and there based on
[00:41:42] fake predictions
[00:41:43] I went for 3-0
[00:41:44] Kiesun
[00:41:45] also gonna be joining us
[00:41:46] with a little spoiler on the space
[00:41:47] he also said 3-0 for BNK
[00:41:49] and, uh, I mean
[00:41:52] fan spreads 84%
[00:41:53] 84%
[00:41:54] and I do think that
[00:41:56] But you could say the experience that this roster has when you consider the
[00:42:00] Plexus team has on a new patch that their planning and preparation has always been strong
[00:42:05] and PNK being very good at pick-based compositions or dive compositions
[00:42:09] But it's very predictable and if they end up being forced to play a more traditional composition a scaling composition
[00:42:15] They have not been able to find success with that. So when you consider that it's easy to use ES5
[00:42:21] You know, wait did someone just drop 25 gift of chubs?
[00:42:23] I feel like if a series gets longer if it extends
[00:42:25] It was Cyber earlier or?
[00:42:27] Wait Cyber did you drop 125?
[00:42:29] When I wasn't even here?
[00:42:31] Well guys we do have an interview with a couple of the coaches from either side
[00:42:34] Why did you drop 25 gifts when I wasn't even here?
[00:42:36] Bruh?
[00:42:37] What?
[00:42:41] Why are you fucking dripping an oil or what?
[00:42:44] Jesus
[00:42:48] Yeah thanks so much man I appreciate it
[00:42:49] I appreciate it, eh shit then
[00:42:53] Thank you so much, Ben.
[00:42:57] Take this Unbreakable and hit their peak.
[00:43:00] And Fox lacks PO5 experience. Yeah, good choice. Good choice.
[00:43:16] Are you playing last last later? No, not today, Simon. Not today.
[00:43:23] They lack a mid laner. Haha. What's been checked pinned message? What's the pinned message?
[00:43:29] You have KJF when you go bold, if DK wins, I'll ban Fyrex.
[00:43:34] No, no, no. Let's talk. Let's talk.
[00:43:37] Chat, stop talking while going bold. It's round 1 of playoffs.
[00:43:53] I'm not changing pro-fuckers, Ryder.
[00:43:58] Oh my god, it's a quick downwind blasting session today, isn't it?
[00:44:04] Making my way downtown, walking fast, face is past, and I'm home now.
[00:44:12] What do you mean he's scared?
[00:44:21] I'm scared. Get involved in.
[00:44:24] Get involved in.
[00:44:37] BNK, Phyrex fighting.
[00:44:51] Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum.
[00:44:55] Bum bum bum bum bum bum.
[00:44:58] bum bum bum bum bum bum.
[00:45:05] ?
[00:45:06] Come on.
[00:45:09] Come on out we talked about the biceps earlier,
[00:45:12] But he has really been
[00:45:15] Worlds 22 King and more often that nod here
[00:45:17] in summer season as he was one of our most
[00:45:20] Criticized players in spring a lot of people are calling for him to be replaced
[00:45:23] So I think that this summer season has been fantastic for me
[00:45:26] It's just been way more consistent than he was in spring and it's a huge boom for the roster right now
[00:45:32] Yeah, I feel like those carry performances are happening more often than not and that's really what they needed from him
[00:45:38] We know he's capable of it. The King and Glob in summer is crazy
[00:45:42] Here in summer very very important
[00:45:45] They're gonna take a look at his opponent in the top lane. This is clear. Yo clear is underrated
[00:45:52] Up against a variety of different teams very good. It's the very end of the season did fall off a little bit
[00:45:58] So excited to see what he here is pretty good
[00:46:00] Snar his cannon range man. This is elimination. Yep
[00:46:04] And has really had a massive look I finally living up to the DRX clear that we had in challenges that moved in
[00:46:10] We have elimination series
[00:46:20] Lucid, my boy!
[00:46:22] Rookie of the year, that's right!
[00:46:29] Now both teams are playing the regional tournament, they're not in the other worlds
[00:46:34] Lucid, listen, what are we going to do today?
[00:46:36] We're not going to play Ciceroine, no matter what
[00:46:38] I don't care what that says, don't pick said you want to stop it
[00:46:46] Look man, look no stop it stop it stop it
[00:47:08] And surely even as the coaches did mention I think Zeppo sucked about how their team synergy with this guy in the jungle
[00:47:14] Yeah, I seriously improved
[00:47:15] And it's gonna be his first career best of five as well as he was on Breon in Challengers wasn't able to participate in playoffs there
[00:47:22] He has never heard a best of five before this will be his very first one
[00:47:26] He will be tested against a team that has massive
[00:47:28] I got breakfast and coffee on the way
[00:47:30] On the way
[00:47:31] On the way
[00:47:32] Huge pace
[00:47:33] Of Challengers playoffs in best of five so definitely a huge test for him a huge challenge
[00:47:37] champion pool though pretty similar to to Lucid's no who come well after all the
[00:47:42] K-1 pain will come to me to LEC the LCS oh there he is there is yo the glow up
[00:47:47] is good the last couple weeks the last couple weeks he's locked in make that
[00:47:52] run that miracle run for D plus through the playoffs new diamond it's just me
[00:47:56] or this jerseys message the one constant for this roster look at a size
[00:48:01] He did not make it into a one of three teams and he had a rough end of the summer but when he comes to S5's when it comes to experiences, he's gonna play expecting big things from him and hoping that he can turn up the heat a bit if you're going into playoff.
[00:48:17] Let's close that.
[00:48:18] Another player we know is very capable of carrying even solo at length.
[00:48:22] Let the show begin.
[00:48:24] And speaking of carries, Closer.
[00:48:28] Closer is pretty damn good.
[00:48:31] Pretty damn good.
[00:48:32] While the main key parts, a meta-dependent player often times.
[00:48:36] Yo, he's running, running.
[00:48:38] Someone's going to go, ha, ha, ha.
[00:48:40] And it's not just, OK, well, Closer has to be on Yone,
[00:48:43] or he has to play Akali.
[00:48:44] Otherwise, he's going to have a relatively
[00:48:46] big performance.
[00:48:46] Someone's going to go and reject on the high five.
[00:48:48] Both are really good, as his here is looking improved.
[00:48:49] So it's an AD carry meta in the mid lane, for sure.
[00:48:53] But on this new patch, maybe we'll
[00:48:54] see some of his flexibility shine through for BNK.
[00:48:57] I think it needs to
[00:48:59] Yeah, it definitely does, as, uh, here's aiming!
[00:49:02] And in my opinion, I think this might be the best performing player that will play on the Rift tonight.
[00:49:07] I mean, he just is the gold king. He does everything and plays all sorts of insane picks.
[00:49:13] Only got 13 of all LCK, as you mentioned, we voted for him second. We thought he should be there, but...
[00:49:19] Why doesn't it have blank signs?
[00:49:21] I don't get it then.
[00:49:24] Did you see that?
[00:49:26] What did I remember?
[00:49:29] Oh, it was the D plus logo.
[00:49:31] Was it?
[00:49:32] Oh, the D plus logo is just dead, isn't it?
[00:49:42] opposite side of things and Hanna this is one of his biggest opportunities he's had in his career
[00:49:47] only played in playoffs in 2022 was only able to be in that first round was eliminated there and
[00:49:53] has really been I feel like one of our most consistent Eastside AD carries he hasn't been
[00:49:58] flashy you compare his stats to aiming aiming has all the gold he has all the damage per gold
[00:50:03] he's insane right Hanna's a little bit quieter but he has been relatively consistent doesn't
[00:50:08] make a lot of mistakes if his team is ahead he will absolutely be that guy
[00:50:12] similar to us in the past who will quietly help carry when those big
[00:50:15] compositions come through but definitely a big gap in the matchup in
[00:50:20] terms of star power right now and Hena has to prove a lot tonight they're
[00:50:24] gonna take the win yeah I need you to fucking lock in okay you've had two or
[00:50:30] three series
[00:50:32] Kellan is not here it's probably at home what happens to Kellan man the fall
[00:50:37] needs to be studied my man just disappeared he just disappeared
[00:50:46] he just vanished gone finito finished
[00:50:50] This is up on the coaching staff for making this difficult decision because they've been afraid to make tough decisions like this in the past.
[00:50:55] This time they're sticking with it all the way. No half measure, Bible, nothing like that.
[00:51:00] This time they're going to go all in on this and that's right next to their key player aiming.
[00:51:05] He's still getting it on. It's Duro!
[00:51:07] Yo, Duro's kind of good as well. Wait, there's a lot of talented players in the series. Maybe like long-term talent.
[00:51:12] A player who has brought the bottom lane back to consistency, execute, was flipping a lot of lanes.
[00:51:19] We were worried about how he was going into there's two rookie supports in their rookie debut years
[00:51:26] They're looking really good. You have Lucy in his debut year
[00:51:31] You have clear who's like smirking really hard and popping off and wrapped up as well
[00:51:36] I mean fear actually just full of young talents
[00:51:38] It starts the initial engagement. It could be him as well.
[00:51:42] Such a key part of this roster.
[00:51:44] Absolutely. Here's D-plus Kia.
[00:51:46] My king is in a fucking blastamole.
[00:51:47] And such as a DK win in the audience there with all the cards.
[00:51:50] Nice little ceremony.
[00:51:51] Dreads from the fans also.
[00:51:54] Oh, that's a cool D-plus Kia jersey.
[00:51:56] Yo, that jersey for D-plus is sick.
[00:51:58] What is that?
[00:51:59] What is that jersey?
[00:52:00] That jersey goes mega hard.
[00:52:02] What? I want that one.
[00:52:04] Her rudder has brought in.
[00:52:07] I feel like his most famed moment was getting crushed by Faker in a 1v1 and the match that
[00:52:20] was already lost, but if he can actually prepare it, yeah, look at aiming stats, it's crazy.
[00:52:30] Like it is fucking mind blowing the split this guy is having.
[00:52:34] the highest in the lck cs difference he's up 12 his gold difference at 15 is 600 so
[00:52:42] he's getting the most gold and doing the most with it and this has been a
[00:52:46] consistent strategy in round one there were times we were worried about the
[00:52:49] classic it's crazy this guy had third all pro and I don't know I don't hear
[00:52:55] fuck about it all this is no end to it outside of game obviously but as a
[00:53:00] league player. He is insane. He is having the most insane split of any AD in the world
[00:53:07] right now. It's crazy. Oh, Kellen is there! Oh, Kellen! Oh, come on, how can you not like
[00:53:17] Kellen, bro? He's so cute. Kellen looks like the nicest guy ever, you know? If you ever
[00:53:27] need help with something, you can just call Kelling.
[00:53:53] You still have Kelling the Penguin? I do.
[00:53:55] And Raptor both have a very similar champion pool the vibe the block band. Are they gonna ban five every time?
[00:54:01] I might not necessarily I like the Wellington band
[00:54:04] Listen just don't first pick search. Please stop it. Please tell me Lucid's practice something other than set you on
[00:54:10] You really do have to consider banning that because if Lucid gets his hands on it
[00:54:15] You don't get to play that pick it's bad against you and used against you or Malchi in those moments
[00:54:19] So showmaker will consistently get that LeBlanc. Okay, Malchi band nice
[00:54:23] Why do you ban Vi?
[00:54:30] Why are you banning Vi?
[00:54:34] Is there a cannon first pick coming out or what?
[00:54:41] Why ban Vi?
[00:54:42] Yeah I don't know.
[00:54:43] I don't know why ban Vi.
[00:54:45] Surely it's not because they're going to first pick set you on, right?
[00:54:49] All right
[00:54:51] Shorted in our first main set
[00:54:53] San
[00:54:54] San Imani
[00:55:07] It must be Kennen or Sachiwani, right?
[00:55:09] Oh, yeah, Rumble
[00:55:14] Yeah, okay
[00:55:16] I feel like taking Kennen away from clear is important. What is clear stats on Kennen? I swear this guy is a Kennen main.
[00:55:30] Oh he has 7 games on Kennen, 57% win rates.
[00:55:33] you up for success right away but closeable snatched the azir instead
[00:55:39] azir ash also very powerful okay please don't do seshwani man I'm telling you
[00:55:47] you should be pretty strong don't do leesin either I like releasing you should
[00:55:51] actually lucid playoff sleezing goes kind of crazy it's not just me for
[00:55:59] It's NASA Smith for showmaker.
[00:56:04] It's NASA Smith for showmaker.
[00:56:07] It pulls out the Syndra as well.
[00:56:11] I don't want to read too much about it, but I would love to see it into the Azir.
[00:56:15] Just press E for head.
[00:56:18] It's just rumble jungle, NASA's top flex.
[00:56:20] It must be NASA Smith.
[00:56:22] It must be NASA Smith.
[00:56:24] It must be NASA Smith.
[00:56:26] I don't know. My guess right now would be support, but I was kind of guessing jungle, but then now we've got an Ivern.
[00:56:35] I mean, if you think about the wither into the attacks, three games in solo queue recently, three games in solo queue.
[00:56:42] This is a...
[00:56:44] Three games in solo queue.
[00:56:46] Nessus mid. Nessus mid with Erie.
[00:56:50] As old but it is going to give them an already strong scaling is here with or into rumble
[00:56:57] incredibly strong great for team fights and very difficult to punish into the rumble
[00:57:02] The Ezreal will be taken away from aiming here
[00:57:05] Well, if I'm getting the word actually monks who's on the space Baker has been playing a lot of NASA's mid NASA's mid
[00:57:11] Okay, so into the is here. There is no way they're playing rumble NASA's Ivern. Oh my god
[00:57:18] Oh my god, the degeneracy is crazy
[00:57:27] We're about to watch a team fight where Daisy and show makers necessary stop blasting their front line like
[00:57:32] Are you kidding all this stuff right now?
[00:57:34] Cuz I'm still gonna get through this crap, but it is very exciting very difficult to punish with this
[00:57:38] Ivern to they took the Ezreal away
[00:57:40] They could take the Zarya way will take away the misfortune instead very strong laning phase there
[00:57:45] Diego has been removed the jungle pool is getting pretty thin Zyra's gone
[00:57:49] How do we end up in NASA's mid-meta? I'm actually no question that I like it keep going
[00:57:53] This is much better than watching corki
[00:57:56] Sure, there's no real permafrost synergy here with the pit right now
[00:58:00] But it is so good at setting up picks any of the orange follow-up as well
[00:58:05] So that would be my guess as a final jungle van here from strong with ash was the other consideration
[00:58:11] So I'm guessing that we will see that said to one he walked in and then they could save counterpick for drill for that final spot
[00:58:20] Yeah, I mean making this pick the general here, right? What's open?
[00:58:23] Lillia's down Zyra's down the country big tank seems out
[00:58:28] Okay
[00:58:30] something it's in well yeah that raptor has been playing so he's gonna pull it
[00:58:36] out probably comfort for him coming into this one
[00:58:39] smolder aid what is this fucking comp is this just like they've got a rat a dog a
[00:58:49] tree a dragon and a horse what the hell
[00:58:54] chat I'm gonna run out if you're not avoid active you want to try me out
[00:58:58] so we won't be back for the game side because yo what is that one cookie what
[00:59:02] What is this?
[00:59:03] It's Lucid first timing Ivern as well.
[00:59:05] Absolute Zul'komp, I love it.
[00:59:09] Let me check Lucid.
[00:59:13] He has played Ivern before.
[00:59:14] Who was it against?
[00:59:15] It was against Nongshim.
[00:59:16] Okay well.
[00:59:17] Oh my god.
[00:59:18] They are playing Smuldunesis.
[00:59:30] Yo, keep your eyes on the stacks. Yo, K-DRAW, how many stacks? K-DRAW, Nasty stacks? K-DRAW, Smolder stacks? K-DRAW, Nasty stacks? K-DRAW, Smolder stacks?
[00:59:45] Oh my god, the degeneracy is perfect. I love it. I love it. I love it.
[00:59:55] Absolute... absolute degeneracy.
[01:00:00] B&K have to answer with this first draft and you know, I don't know what the score line is going to be in the series
[01:00:06] But if it's gonna look like this, I'm here for it Valdez
[01:00:10] Nasa Smith in pro play. I you know, this is not a day
[01:00:15] I thought I would see and it's an exciting day to be a League of Legends fan
[01:00:19] And there's a very interesting day. We'll see how it works out though as this one looks a lot more standard on the side
[01:00:25] to be in game let's see how it goes no i'm not changing my profile picture of
[01:00:29] dumb on moon slamming here we go game number one of round one
[01:00:49] master of the playoffs for 2024 summer and she was already dancing
[01:00:55] what are you asking me we also gave king and rumble which i feel like
[01:00:58] right off the bat that was the big question mark in my mind and then it
[01:01:02] was filled with a lot of other question marks right but we have to
[01:01:05] repent that king and was just given rumble i think that when you look
[01:01:09] I mean the thing is he can't really swap us down Monk, his top is winning but bot is losing.
[01:01:15] He is playing Nessus mid with Aery, he's such a psychopath.
[01:01:20] Space through Nessus, is that Space through Nessus?
[01:01:24] And Candy Cane Ivern? I'm actually queuing up for a playoff specified game one, it's Candy Cane Ivern, Space through Nessus mid jungle.
[01:01:31] What the fuck is that thing?
[01:01:35] Oh they are gonna lane swap
[01:01:45] No flash jungle
[01:01:48] No flash jungle
[01:01:53] He marks and smites his raptors
[01:01:55] Oh my god, they've come up with a crazy
[01:01:58] They come up with such a crazy strat
[01:02:01] And now are they gonna do the thing that T1 did
[01:02:03] Where well doesn't take XP and rumble does
[01:02:05] Oh my god
[01:02:07] That one has been watching T1's lane so much
[01:02:11] Where top lane lanes with AD support sex his XP so top can get level 2 on the first few waves
[01:02:18] First two waves rather and then enemy top isn't an enemy support gets levels and you set your support to get your top ahead
[01:02:28] Wow and he took the raptors as well from raptor. Oh my god, raptor no raptor. It's a huge start for them on
[01:02:35] The funnel level 2 on Kingen, exactly what T1 did.
[01:02:47] It's been 4000 days, it was 2013.
[01:02:58] And Ryu is coaching Phyrex in this 4000 days later.
[01:03:02] There he is!
[01:03:06] And there's Ryu!
[01:03:26] Did Lucid walk up and smite his blue?
[01:03:29] Bro...
[01:03:31] Lucid's path in this game is absolute rat mode.
[01:03:35] He took raptors and bloom and mis-getting two cautions as Ivern.
[01:03:41] Look at him.
[01:03:43] Look at him.
[01:03:48] Here comes a swap back.
[01:03:56] Yeah, maybe since I can get the respawn raptors.
[01:04:01] well do oh but I'm not a hundred percent sure I don't think we showed that yeah
[01:04:04] could have been uh could have been shared as well here comes the flash but also
[01:04:07] show me and NASA's mid is here does not have flash and he's already taken so much
[01:04:11] damage from the ignite and there's no way to save him as that's not even given to me
[01:04:16] red buff red buff NASA's going to deal with as closer is also seeing a red buff
[01:04:25] the whole amount of HP here and the alarm is just going to continue to guard duro out
[01:04:30] Aimings freely stacking and scaling down here in the red buff door and shield
[01:04:34] Second wind on the clock. They're a thousand gold ahead. I mean look at the jungle
[01:04:40] CS difference here
[01:04:41] It is so massive as loose. There's just way out jungled rafting here in this early game
[01:04:46] Oh, yeah, I've done it's really good summer. I got a graph anything makes more sense for me
[01:04:51] He doesn't have flash crash down on crazy. Look at his ears. Health. I don't think I'm being messes while struggling this lane at all
[01:04:58] either.
[01:04:59] I don't need enough seconds when I don't know who doesn't, you're right.
[01:05:11] He has airy inspiration Doran's ring.
[01:05:13] Right, how is the lane so easy for him?
[01:05:15] That's crazy, you know?
[01:05:16] He just takes Doran's.
[01:05:17] Huh?
[01:05:18] the pressure and I am after even more get it even farther behind the shingtao basically
[01:05:23] not going to be doing too much in this game and I love strategies like this where aiming to skip
[01:05:27] to free farm and everybody else you know emacs push the roots gonna come down and
[01:05:31] uh oh you're in a lot of trouble here not even going to bother to flash this is not going to
[01:05:37] nice kill nice stacks easily and they can stop drake already I think fox is just going to
[01:05:41] rolled this game there's too much there's too many things happening that oh my god
[01:05:48] and there's too many what do you do after this game everything is so p
[01:05:56] the thing about this is you level up your e and the poke is just way more than a zeer can do to an
[01:06:01] asses and uh he's just gonna ult as well just for extra views and to smack this turret really hard
[01:06:07] I mean those are doesn't have to do anything. He doesn't have level six. There's nothing he can offer back. The jungle doesn't belong to Raptor
[01:06:13] I hate to say it Valos, but it's almost like this game is over at six minutes
[01:06:17] I mean they're 2,000 gold behind they don't have a jungler maybe two minutes ago
[01:06:22] And and and smolder has a kill
[01:06:25] Smolder lane and now clears in trouble. I think you should be fine, but we're gonna come up with that forcing invented
[01:06:32] That's just me and did he I mean there is there is not one single part of this map
[01:06:37] That's not completely on fire for being here right now. Absolutely. It feels like rafters kind of scrambling around the back
[01:06:42] You know, he tries to take a desperate dragon because well
[01:06:45] Let's see what's up there.
[01:06:48] This is the time.
[01:06:50] Top pull up!
[01:06:56] Top pull up.
[01:07:00] Oh, I should make the dude do a thing.
[01:07:02] I thought he was going to go,
[01:07:03] HEADCUT!
[01:07:04] Something like that.
[01:07:07] Make a noise.
[01:07:15] He always does like a fine noise when I have to kill.
[01:07:18] Yeah, I think, I think Fox are overwhelmed with like the generosity of women, you kidding.
[01:07:22] Rumble top is winning in isolation, this Ivern's being a rat on the lane stop taking all of Raptors' camps,
[01:07:27] Shulmaker's playing Nasa's playing with First Blood, Spam pushing with E and Glazier,
[01:07:31] Smulder's getting three stacks.
[01:07:38] It's just, they're getting absolutely outscaled from the get-go.
[01:07:43] Crazy, no?
[01:07:44] Two champs to stack...
[01:07:47] Two champs to stack infinitely, and an Ivern who's ahead from the swap.
[01:08:03] And Poppus.
[01:08:04] Now he's fine here, right?
[01:08:07] Nice, fine.
[01:08:09] He's fine.
[01:08:12] What the fuck?
[01:08:14] What the fuck?
[01:08:16] Slash the W flash
[01:08:20] Oop the wave. Run!
[01:08:22] No, no, no, no, no
[01:08:26] No, no, no, no, no, don't you, don't you, don't you
[01:08:30] Oh, no flash, he picked him with the E
[01:08:32] Oh my god
[01:08:42] able to escape it gets his flash there as raptors coming over they really have the priority there to
[01:08:46] actually set up the follow-up kill fucking ornate as a king and kind of was like look at this nexus man
[01:08:52] i take this damage because i have my harpoons i get slow you i should be able to get out
[01:08:55] ask the flash look at this nexus man i mean i've played against nexus been in so few and i
[01:09:00] would admit like it was wave but yeah it was fucking annoying sure i'll give you that clean play
[01:09:04] there very dangerous they're almost going down that would have completely ruined everything
[01:09:09] They are just able to make it work as yeah, this is still an issue. I mean you didn't get the kill there in the top side
[01:09:15] It's a little bit of golden this pocket, but his jungle still just doesn't really belong to him
[01:09:22] Lucid's water on Joink in camps as you mentioned the drake still alive
[01:09:25] I was worried for them on coming into the series about their champion pool especially like what lucid's gonna play
[01:09:31] I for Nessus. Yeah, that was the last thing I thought that you do, but sure
[01:09:34] Now the best part is they can even give over cannon
[01:09:43] They can give over cannon and flex Nessus
[01:09:48] At this point
[01:09:51] I think you can play Nessus into AD carry mids.
[01:10:10] Maybe against someone who likes Zerii mids, I think you could probably play Nessus.
[01:10:14] But I think against Corky, he just goes first strike and against Lucian, it's uneligible.
[01:10:19] to get out with his life
[01:10:21] as for feeling it's not irrevocable against many other midlaners
[01:10:24] because it's the only one they got
[01:10:26] Nasus has 120 stacks
[01:10:28] 120
[01:10:29] better than nothing I guess
[01:10:31] and uh...
[01:10:32] I mean you see the biggest lead in gold is actually in the midland
[01:10:35] it makes sense
[01:10:36] Schumacher did get that first blood
[01:10:39] I've been seeing Nasus put 4 points at E instead of 3
[01:10:43] Y4
[01:10:45] is 4 when you can launch at the backline
[01:10:47] before now he's gonna use it but I'm not sure he really needed to be there he's
[01:10:51] trying to join up with Hannah in the top lane but I don't know if he can get
[01:10:55] there without Raptor I mean look at where lucid is like there's no three
[01:10:58] doesn't want up to explore and he just has to unfortunately toss his flash to
[01:11:03] the wind now hen is like I need somebody up here or I'm actually they're
[01:11:07] gonna be the next target please help and an ash in this you know game state
[01:11:13] 11 minutes in, significantly behind in farm, the smolder has been freely stacking, got that early kill
[01:11:20] So there's not a whole lot that Hennet can do, there's not much Doroh can do without his ultimate here to try to punish this smolder either
[01:11:26] And if Raptor goes up and loses there, he dies, speaking of
[01:11:30] I mean Fox's teamfight is very strong
[01:11:34] Still gonna be wrong
[01:11:35] This is kind of being Kay's first stance in the game, they're like okay, we're gonna fight for this
[01:11:39] But Dumbled's champs are just degenerate
[01:11:40] I mean, they're gonna get one I do fear for them for the rest of them
[01:11:44] But they're bringing all five members up to the top river very much being case style
[01:11:49] I shouldn't okay there right now, but now we're after kind of an erupt spot already taken down
[01:11:55] And he will be taken down pretty much for free the equalizer does a little bit of damage
[01:11:59] But nothing compared to his death is that bill also hold up closer
[01:12:03] Yeah, Raptor, you know had to hold right was under a lot of fire there
[01:12:07] But that's part of what Xin Zhao can offer you is basically this infinite brick wall
[01:12:11] That cannot be picked in a fight like this in a skirmish like this
[01:12:15] And then a very squishy rumble trying to come over and actually close the flank there ends up just getting picked great turn for me
[01:12:21] And K it's not really a pick comp at the end of the day with what they rounded it out with but
[01:12:27] Still go see target kill target clear is
[01:12:32] Rumin up here. I don't think they have information about this brush party, but he's obviously aware that it's very likely
[01:12:38] well they're not gonna back yes Lucid starts his back also Moham's gonna back
[01:12:45] so it's like Claire should be fine he's also hugging his turret yeah pretty
[01:12:49] aware that he is in a bit of danger so they knew he was there didn't they did
[01:12:54] not grow near it has to press and guard keep it on the pink though
[01:12:58] just straight up walking to face check hoping he's gonna then close the
[01:13:02] apatos the equalizer and even that fight for D plus I think I'm going a
[01:13:05] a little bit on the old angle and not considering
[01:13:08] King has ATCS, I know there's a lane swap but
[01:13:11] definitely have to respect
[01:13:14] this rumble is so weak
[01:13:15] rumble's lack of tankiness, you know, can't just walk into an orn
[01:13:19] or you will, he collapsed on
[01:13:21] second time he's done that as well
[01:13:22] remember that he took basically more than half his health bar
[01:13:25] underneath orn's turret before which is kind of what led to the
[01:13:29] there's a nasus mid, wait, where is there where?
[01:13:31] death, the only two deaths on the team
[01:13:33] And he's still rumble, so he's still gonna have value in this game. He's still ahead on CS, but
[01:13:40] Yeah, not the greatest start for him
[01:13:42] I just see a national spot
[01:13:43] Decay though because they still have aiming they still have showmaker who's the most part of the game and Lucid's also very far ahead
[01:13:50] So still decay in the lead besides the
[01:13:53] Ippiness in the top lane, I guess we may also be approaching. I know what it's gonna be the longest
[01:13:58] Nas is going to be fun to watch, Kingen should be winning his lane, no.
[01:14:02] Aimings gonna have to carry alone at 30 minutes in with Lucid.
[01:14:06] And that one are gonna have the same style they've had all year.
[01:14:11] Solo lanes look good once every fucking two weeks, or maybe then looks good once every two weeks.
[01:14:17] Kingen is like really reliable in some teamfights but Aimings just carrying him alone.
[01:14:28] Kingons are like very wise in staying away.
[01:14:32] First turret blood, I mean it's gonna be a lot here for Closer, we also got that kill
[01:14:36] on to Kingons, so I feel like this is actually being KPRX making some big strides to come
[01:14:42] back in this game.
[01:14:43] I mean you look at the gold it's basically even, and gold is in response for the set
[01:14:47] of DK, but he's also got some gold here on the Azir who's gonna be the main carry
[01:14:52] of the BNK composition.
[01:14:54] They're also going to get that first dragon 14 minutes and 41 seconds into the game.
[01:14:59] 20-30.
[01:15:00] There's a true maker here.
[01:15:02] So, he did take turret.
[01:15:04] How did he get turret, bro?
[01:15:05] Oh, he's just barely out of turret range there.
[01:15:07] Very lucky for him.
[01:15:09] But he also got a shot onto that one.
[01:15:11] Here comes an arrow just kind of...
[01:15:14] If he did stay under that turret, which he did not.
[01:15:17] Well, bit of a funny game for getting turret aggro against clear here in the top side.
[01:15:22] Funny game.
[01:15:23] Plus players, but we'll be fine and now clear is not in the clear
[01:15:27] We'll have to leave and I'm sure it's me here taking in return
[01:15:30] Well, we had the gold lead at like six minutes was a thousand that one of my thousand and now
[01:15:36] Wait, he didn't get it with a few picks
[01:15:39] million killed it grabbing that first dragon
[01:15:42] They put themselves back into the game in a huge way and deep plus still scale incredibly well
[01:15:48] They still have an asses. They still have as a smolder. It's rumble, right?
[01:16:23] on our hands yeah I mean it's very deep plus Kia I'm sure they were having a lot
[01:16:28] of fun and there was a lot of laughing on the comms but now they've got being
[01:16:32] K2DL at this Moham the target but how we caught out to wait for one second
[01:16:36] absolutely yes as he gets blown up and hit air wait what is Hena doing Hena
[01:16:41] just rolled
[01:16:53] I don't know if it's...
[01:16:55] I don't know if it's...
[01:16:57] Wait, it's Nessus Ivern, it's Die Daisy, I told you, chat. Nessus Ivern Daisy is gonna go crazy.
[01:17:03] How many stacks did Smulder get in that fight? I wanna know.
[01:17:23] It's more than 150 stacks, not that much, but it's good, but it's not that crazy.
[01:17:31] So Kingen's useless, and Daisy, Nessus with Ivan Shields are just going to carry the frontline.
[01:17:39] 270 stacks on Nessus.
[01:17:49] 270 stacks on nexus
[01:18:02] and henna kinda told
[01:18:04] but he didn't know what king is like
[01:18:19] even in this early game when you get to the late game it's gonna be very strong
[01:18:22] that heal is crazy no 500 from the Seraphine and if they are all together
[01:18:27] he must I think absolutely win that fight but very decisive call from B and K
[01:18:31] and that's been the story of this game sure behind early but they're not
[01:18:36] pulling any punches yeah and that's just so strong in the mid game people
[01:18:40] think about as infinite scaling but I feel like especially once he hits the
[01:18:43] Trinity Forest and tanky second item you just can't really stop him and
[01:18:48] You saw a showmaker just sprinting at four people, not caring he had Ivern behind him and it's incredible what the Nasus can do in some fights like that and that was...
[01:18:58] I hope Riot doesn't see Nasus mid and Nasus top and it's roll out the nerf on the next patch.
[01:19:06] And then just leave him for a bit. Just leave him. He's never going to be picking pro ever again. Don't just kill it straight away.
[01:19:13] and E damage is very nice and all, but now he's a real...
[01:19:17] And don't find him, just leave it.
[01:19:19] ...with that Q damage coming through.
[01:19:21] Because the way meta's worked, is when he's slotting a new champion into the meta,
[01:19:26] the layers begin, right?
[01:19:29] If I pick Kennen, you pick Nessus top, right?
[01:19:31] But what happens if I pick Kalista, and play Kalista, Kennen, Bot, and I play Vayne top into Nessus, right?
[01:19:37] This is when the thought process starts.
[01:19:40] Of how can you counter the Nessus and bait Nessus, you know?
[01:19:43] So a two Drake lead here could be a huge burden for being
[01:19:46] Can you flex cannon to AD or something?
[01:19:48] And play AD cannon bot in the main top and play double AD or some shit and in the Nessus?
[01:19:53] Stuff like that starts to happen.
[01:19:54] If they can win this next dragon fight, will it timid on the 7 out, rotating over late?
[01:19:59] So I would like to at least give it a few weeks to see what people do.
[01:20:03] And cross the board on both sides.
[01:20:05] Yeah, a lot of spikes hit here.
[01:20:06] And you can tell that I was in the middle of the game.
[01:20:08] Like do you play Cogmaw top in the Nessus? I don't know.
[01:20:10] Yeah, I don't know. I'm just spitballing right?
[01:20:12] BNK start stacking them up and DK would like to stack and maybe small the top into nexus
[01:20:17] Especially with all their damage is trying to set up here is being cave and now a line of brushes already coming in from the side of lucid
[01:20:24] Daisy
[01:20:25] keeping this one least and trying to poke a little bit with some
[01:20:29] Trigger see if Kale never yields going in
[01:20:32] This one is still leased and Daisy getting pretty low might just come down to a spike here
[01:20:36] It does go the way of Lucent and a big doctor from the center, Moham.
[01:20:40] And all of those two finalists is raining down onto that backlight.
[01:20:43] And Rodner is the one that has to pay clear as well, as the rest of the team just could not fight because they were zoned.
[01:20:49] Magnetstorm plus equalizer equals Dan, B, and K, very easy setup here from Moham as they had the questions.
[01:20:58] And that's the moment when B and K have to go in for one last contest and actually look for the smite.
[01:21:01] It's taken away from them. Lucent is able to secure it.
[01:21:04] They're watching more. I'm in this fight like he's in the brush here bring this vision out and everyone on being K
[01:21:10] Is just losing stanza as we are seeing in live a
[01:21:14] Bush
[01:21:21] Direct enjoy your team's looking cataforce in
[01:21:24] Nessus Ivern
[01:21:34] Yo, the observer made me think that this was stolen, by the way.
[01:22:04] two items spikes and then bam suddenly d plus 3000 gold lead and it may get even bigger than that
[01:22:10] with some turrets to be potentially taken down that bottom turret outer still standing here
[01:22:15] aiming is at 201 stack so it's a little bit late of a stack for him in this game but he is about
[01:22:20] to hit that break point they've got that plus the scaling masses and the rumble damage when
[01:22:25] mom's gonna hit big ultimates like the one we just saw it just looks like these fights
[01:22:30] aren't gonna be fights are just gonna be walkovers yeah and we just need to see
[01:22:35] a more decisive call from being K they needed to have closer in position to
[01:22:39] maybe look for a shot the e gifts NASA's insane aiming don't have vision they're
[01:22:42] trying to talk so many wards and as they can but it's cleared out they can't
[01:22:45] see me that's one thought the way right they have to look for that smite
[01:22:48] secure and D plus played it so patiently like you mentioned using the
[01:22:51] daisy leash to keep that dragon in position for them to then look for
[01:22:55] that snapping gaze of law and finds it even with the charm he's still
[01:22:58] Crazy. It's nice to spend a thing.
[01:23:02] I feel like in my head into Zarya's ear goods, into Lucian Corky, maybe not good.
[01:23:22] Level 12 on. Wow, even Amy's L13.
[01:23:26] The behind, 138 creeps
[01:23:34] Yeah this is why Shopify rebellion needs to be brought back in TLCS players, Nessus mid-matter
[01:23:42] Shopify rebellion, the goats
[01:23:56] through as you can see the game was very much d-plus favored early some really clutched plays from b and k some punishes came through it
[01:24:03] Not even and then once the dragon fight happened to the sword ahead for d-plus once again
[01:24:08] Holy fuck the scaling on dummon is crazy. He has 453 stacks 53 stacks per acre. That's pretty good
[01:24:14] The number is just getting bigger and bigger
[01:24:16] for a pro game growing as we speak and
[01:24:20] It's crazy every second is good for dummon. They're getting stronger and stronger and stronger
[01:24:26] What if you just pick 5 champs that stack things?
[01:24:31] Surely one of us will be OP late game, right?
[01:24:34] Genius.
[01:24:35] Stop trying to target King.
[01:24:46] Stop it then.
[01:24:51] Just killing the rumble.
[01:24:52] Yeah.
[01:24:53] And even though the rumble is behind,
[01:24:54] he still does a ton of damage when his equalizer is
[01:24:56] set up for success.
[01:24:58] And they have been able to do that pretty consistently.
[01:25:00] So B and K feel like out of options at this stage.
[01:25:05] And the Ash can scale, you know, which
[01:25:09] is going to get an ornament.
[01:25:10] But when you think about what the smolder scaling level
[01:25:13] is and how it's significantly ahead of D plus R
[01:25:15] and how many tools they have to peel for him as well as
[01:25:17] then just win the fight without him,
[01:25:19] And his ultimate is great with Magnetstorm, plus Kingens, it's just hard to see a way back into this one for B and K, and I'm racking my-
[01:25:29] Fear X Enjoyer is convinced that it's fine, losing game one is fine.
[01:25:32] You think losing game one is fine?
[01:25:34] Setting up some picks, maybe you end up getting-
[01:25:35] With these picks, what are you doing? Game two draft, actually.
[01:25:38] What if Damon first picks like Nessus?
[01:25:43] And they put it support to that.
[01:25:45] And then I can get the work done.
[01:25:47] Please do it then.
[01:25:49] I just don't know if you can ever stop this scaling D plus reverse sweep
[01:25:52] It's going straight to the Kempkragi reverse sweeps ain't happen
[01:25:55] This is just game one as well ain't happen
[01:25:58] Chad how's the new wow expansion is a good bar within?
[01:26:00] I mean I say so many I mean it's an ass spade
[01:26:03] It's it's a good they got the rumble as well
[01:26:05] I feel like VNK not quite as good as
[01:26:10] It's been great so far. Is anyone max level yet? No, sure you're not
[01:26:12] Trying to avoid everything
[01:26:13] Bro can you guys stop it?
[01:26:14] Bull and game simulator he's trying to avoid so many different alps and finally gets taken down
[01:26:19] And yeah, I mean they're gonna kill the rumble again. They did it
[01:26:23] Yeah, they lost the dragon and
[01:26:26] Again with both an Ivern and Seraphine each one of these individual authentic dragons is quite significant
[01:26:32] Wait, they hit people hit max level in two hours. Wait, how do you hit the max level in two hours?
[01:26:40] How is that possible?
[01:26:49] Yeah, Kingen's not really in this game, but it's fine.
[01:27:07] Don't worry about it, Kingen.
[01:27:10] The thing is with Kingen, I don't mind seeing Kingen get carried, because I know in a Vesta 5, he's gonna pay you back.
[01:27:16] Like, he's gonna play the game where he carries you back.
[01:27:20] I know he's a Lannister and he pays his debts.
[01:27:22] He's on a fucking...
[01:27:24] fraud.
[01:27:25] a bit behind I guess standard pace but he's also extremely fed so it doesn't matter probably not
[01:27:30] he moved into the mid lane pretty late as well which I think is part of why his stacks were
[01:27:34] significantly later um because he's just not hitting as many minions so went to the top
[01:27:38] side there were a few lane swaps so it was kind of delayed by what happened in the early
[01:27:43] to mid game there now we've reached late game though he's online he didn't have the viper
[01:27:48] and it's kind of coming back any time soon
[01:27:52] no because they have mass control too so you know it can't be like that one's winning worlds bro
[01:27:57] i'm convinced when you can't see and they are winning worlds there's good baron on respawn
[01:28:02] here again because they're just so the generous how can they not win worlds closer doesn't have
[01:28:06] tp they know what he's rushing over as fast as he can be able to see this at some point it
[01:28:12] looks like dk don't want to take the risk it's g g turning worlds wow really that's a hot take
[01:28:17] I think GenV's known well, GenV is more clean than he is, yeah maybe he's a macro man than he's a mind-corner
[01:28:24] Really?
[01:28:27] The macros, GenV's macros
[01:28:36] Hey, what happened?
[01:28:38] Oh, Schumacher
[01:28:42] Oh, yeah, cook him
[01:28:44] Cook him
[01:28:45] No front line anymore. No front line
[01:28:56] LCK bot with thousand kills 13 to reach it. Damn. That's a bro talents right there. Oh, what a good Ivan Q
[01:29:12] Oh, I just cleanse
[01:29:19] Wait, this is nexus is actually unkillable
[01:29:23] Unkillable unkillable red king
[01:29:31] um dies on this pick and this is the kind of pick so maybe they could get two people they they only got one
[01:29:37] unkillable demon though i like that i like that the zoning ultimate comes out from clear as well
[01:29:42] unkillable demon though but guess what rumble is still gonna equalize and smaller is going to
[01:29:47] layer damage not only with this q but with this ultimate as well and just in the blink of an eye
[01:29:52] you trade one support for three four so after the team's health bar is on b and k end up losing
[01:29:59] be on as well and unfortunately your closers trying to come over and Frank that'll know
[01:30:05] he has no ultimate he's just going in gets caught by the loot imagine that
[01:30:09] plens
[01:30:14] yeah you see it's just let me see you some asses one trick true yo gen g are you
[01:30:19] watching pick that one and play let's do it pussy
[01:30:22] as i don't care who wins between c1 and kc pick that one you won't do it
[01:30:27] I dare you, I dare you to come on Jenji. I dare you
[01:30:32] Let's see what happens
[01:30:38] Let's see what happens
[01:30:53] Don't look Nessus items
[01:30:57] has been a very messy game to say the least in terms of the ways in which B and K have
[01:31:05] tried to take fights but they've been so far behind me who can blame them and D plus just
[01:31:10] deging up these inhibitor turrets now and wait for nests to push mid even if they won't
[01:31:15] tap the tower.
[01:31:16] DDDD.
[01:31:17] I don't know why but every time I look at Schumacher's nests I think of the song
[01:31:24] running in the 90s and he just hits into it.
[01:31:33] I just see his champ and that's all I think about
[01:31:44] Think about it
[01:31:46] Oh wait, he's dead
[01:31:51] Ooh, Moham goes in anyway
[01:31:54] They still have the damage done, Raptor will also burn.
[01:32:00] Yo, Moham is clean this game.
[01:32:02] I like it. I like it, Moham. I like it.
[01:32:05] Picking up all of the kills and all of the balls.
[01:32:06] I like it, Moham. That was very good.
[01:32:08] Instead of the entire game, a lot of focus on the showmaker, you know, all of the balls.
[01:32:11] It's Moham Pog, actually.
[01:32:13] It's Moham Pog of game one.
[01:32:15] Top taker.
[01:32:16] And DK, who won this first game?
[01:32:18] I know that this was cool, and Aining did well in that fight, but...
[01:32:21] Yo, I think Moham's Pog this game.
[01:32:23] Nice game. Look at Thierrex and Jorah, look at him coping. Game 1 and B, pinching end.
[01:32:43] Game 3, 1 to fucks fighting. My throat, Cajal, hack. Pinching end. What the fuck is pinching
[01:32:51] Then break out like the Nazis was great and Lane was basically two shouting people in the opportunities
[01:32:56] He had I got a package by the way someone send me a package. We're gonna open it
[01:33:03] Let me open this package real quick while waiting
[01:33:05] The smolder won most teamfights with a big engage from the support
[01:33:09] There's more. I'm just coming in and taking names every time like look at the damage here on Amy
[01:33:13] Look at the damage on King and showmaker was a cool pick. He had a great Lane
[01:33:17] He got that early pick they had an amazing start in the jungle
[01:33:19] But I feel like even if you banned the Nazis and they play this comp you might just get owned anyways because the
[01:33:25] Moems of Gages were just not
[01:33:27] Damn, just kept doing the damage despite a huge deficit in the top lane
[01:33:34] Feels like DK strategy coming to this best of five is pretty clear
[01:33:38] They want to deny as much pick as possible and just play a bunch of cheesy stuff with the Ivern
[01:33:43] It feels pretty good and very DK. That's game one. We'll be back after the break
[01:33:47] My address is not public info. Just let me open it and let me pull it out.
[01:34:17] You don't know my address. Do you know my address? What's inside? Let me have a look!
[01:34:40] Hold up, what is this?
[01:34:43] What is this Razz clip? What is Razz linking?
[01:34:48] My fraud cage or hat? Pinching hand? What the fuck is pinching hand?
[01:34:55] like the analysis was great and Lane was basically
[01:34:58] in Chingam
[01:35:00] very in Chingam
[01:35:02] ah
[01:35:04] ah
[01:35:06] ah
[01:35:08] there'll be something
[01:35:10] outside now
[01:35:12] ah
[01:35:14] ah
[01:35:16] oh
[01:35:18] da-da-da
[01:35:20] ah
[01:35:22] oh
[01:35:24] Oh, I'm so strong. It's crazy
[01:35:30] Play the whole kid. Damn
[01:35:37] Damn
[01:35:41] Johnny it's from World of Warcraft. Oh my god
[01:35:45] The world of Warcraft within them. Damn
[01:35:57] Damn the epic game key
[01:36:04] Wait, I leak it
[01:36:15] Oh bro, I hate- Oh my god, it's a box in a box, man.
[01:36:19] It's a box in a box.
[01:36:34] It's a box in a box!
[01:36:40] At least I can sit down now.
[01:36:45] Hey, were you younger? Did you ever sit inside big boxes?
[01:36:50] Did you ever sit inside big boxes when you were younger?
[01:36:52] Or it was so cozy, no?
[01:36:55] Is this an ad? No, it's not an ad.
[01:36:58] I didn't even know I was getting sent this.
[01:37:02] But Mitsuko said there's a gift arriving today.
[01:37:08] Ah, full camera sec, shut up.
[01:37:19] Ooh!
[01:37:20] Did you get early access to it? No I didn't I haven't played it yet. I don't
[01:37:24] know if I'm gonna play it. I don't have time to play it.
[01:37:27] Hey what is this? It's the epic edition! How do you open it? I don't know how to open it.
[01:37:52] Full cam? Yeah chill out chill out. Dude no! Damn! Damn! I'm so bad with boxes though.
[01:38:10] I don't know how to open boxes they don't really make sense to me.
[01:38:18] Ooh, I can push it out like this.
[01:38:29] Wait, is there more box inside the box?
[01:38:42] Bro, come on, man.
[01:38:51] Man, bro, I'm too weak.
[01:39:00] What the hell?
[01:39:36] What is that?
[01:39:37] Is that a griffin?
[01:39:39] Damn, I have to build it, I think.
[01:39:44] Wait, this is actually kind of crazy.
[01:39:52] Wait, he has arms and everything.
[01:39:55] I hold up.
[01:39:57] I'm gonna have to build this off stream, I think.
[01:40:08] Does he go here?
[01:40:10] How does he sit there?
[01:40:16] What?
[01:40:18] How do you build that bit?
[01:40:29] The hole's too small!
[01:40:43] Okay, let's do also the gate.
[01:40:46] Push harder!
[01:40:48] Eugh!
[01:40:51] I'm too weak!
[01:40:53] Nah, the hole's too small, I must be missing something.
[01:40:57] Am I missing an extra piece?
[01:41:00] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the playoffs space budget digon otherwise known as atlas and I will be your host
[01:41:07] And as you may have seen we are joined once again by keyson, of course observe extraordinaire
[01:41:13] scientist on the Pogs the Pogs date as well and
[01:41:18] Gentlemen this was a banger of a start
[01:41:21] Yeah, I just want to say it's so funny when we use the observer PC and I'm like moving about and then keyson comes in
[01:41:25] He's like, dude, you just do it all over
[01:41:27] the skills definitely used to the commands on the picture for sure well what
[01:41:34] did your observational skills yield you about this drop let's dive into this one
[01:41:39] first because we had wings shakeups yeah there's a lot of spicy things coming
[01:41:43] out here I think the nazis you really found it to be quite suffocating for
[01:41:46] these here just constantly had prior on the matchup I also think it was pretty
[01:41:49] strong in terms of giving this mid game strength to the composition I've
[01:41:53] Oh
[01:41:55] Too bulky to cut through and I think we saw being k3x makes some mistakes like picking up the zindzal
[01:42:01] Really gonna struggle into the nasters with that wither in those fights and he just kind of served as a brick wall
[01:42:06] Yeah, look at that late game, which is smaller had
[01:42:10] I'm a bit confused because they weren't to bring out the syrophine. They wanted to play an enchanter
[01:42:13] But if you're willing to play an enchanter on this patch
[01:42:16] Why not play senna who is just incredibly broken like I know there's synergies with the syrophine with the ash
[01:42:22] But Senna went all the way through draft like surely you sculpt your composition around one of the most broken champions in the game right now
[01:42:30] Right, and you can definitely see like both teams are playing like a very similar comp
[01:42:33] And they have both have like a sustained they have Narsis and Xin Zhao as for the mid game carries
[01:42:38] And then they have a late game carry as in Azir and Smulder
[01:42:43] but the biggest thing is I feel like DK has more AoE damage and
[01:42:47] and BNK don't have a lot of damage in their CC set up.
[01:42:52] Like, they only have, like, Azir, and he's gonna have a hard time dealing damage against the Narsis, Ivern,
[01:43:02] and all the X just sustain, and AoE from Rumble is gonna really just clean up with the CC from Muham.
[01:43:08] Yeah, and the Zinzal started the game by not having a whole lot of fun either,
[01:43:13] because this early game sculpted by D. Glaskia was kind of oppressive for good old Zinzal.
[01:43:19] Yeah, what was really smart is we actually see King in show level one, so Raptor things,
[01:43:23] oh top lane's there, they're not swapping, he gets forced out of his jungle here,
[01:43:26] he's like okay, I've got a bot side and we see Lucid not only moves in here to prep these camps,
[01:43:32] he actually already did his own Raptors initially, so he's already got an advantage in terms of
[01:43:37] I don't know about you, but I like figurines. I like figurines.
[01:43:39] We see raptor spotted on this ward here, and so Lucid makes a grey adjustment.
[01:43:44] Wait, they're sending a book.
[01:43:45] Exactly what enemy jungle is.
[01:43:46] I can't read though.
[01:43:47] While I slide over in a little bit and steal away his blue buff.
[01:43:50] Ooh, nice.
[01:43:51] Right, and as he goes for the blue buff, he steals the blue buff.
[01:43:54] Thanks for the book.
[01:43:55] Because he knows that raptor hasn't done it, and he's on vision,
[01:43:59] and he leaves another ward in that bush right there on the scene.
[01:44:03] I'm killing it, Henry.
[01:44:04] And that can later on spot raptor growing for the raptor camp and they can play around that, they can get a pick off that.
[01:44:12] So full information here, we see lucid pick up those camps he's prepped earlier.
[01:44:16] He still has in his blue side jungle three camps that are prepped for him to take.
[01:44:20] But the team are like, okay, raptor's heading through, he knows that those raptors are spawning first and the team claps them.
[01:44:26] So not only does raptor end up dying here because he has no flash, but he's so far behind in camps.
[01:44:32] It's such a huge and curbs and he's just never really gonna recover. Yeah, and it wraps his kind of force
[01:44:38] It was a
[01:44:42] So you kind of wants to go for that raptor camp to actually equalize a little bit of the gap
[01:44:47] But it just ends up him dying right?
[01:44:49] Yeah, and unfortunately that meant that the very beginning of the game where give me the coach where chat
[01:44:54] Do you want to go a lot of angles?
[01:44:56] You know, you don't necessarily have the NASA's all over the map at that point in time
[01:44:59] And so theoretically could have done something wasn't actually able to do anything
[01:45:03] So great lane swap set up here by D plus and let's have a look at what the coach made it into because this team fight
[01:45:09] Beautifully orchestrated this was relatively even game state as well because being Kate did manage to push their way back a bit
[01:45:14] And I think it's just so such a fantastic engage here from Mohan, but the team has so much
[01:45:19] I'm gonna read it out. I read the code the code is
[01:45:23] The back line just can't play the game and it means why you first
[01:45:27] oh you dash a r e dash r a t dash lmao
[01:45:38] got it
[01:45:39] but they cannot follow up on the damage
[01:45:41] did you get the code?
[01:45:42] who got it?
[01:45:43] we'll just get the ults off and do damage from like a screen away
[01:45:46] yeah and henna couldn't do anything
[01:45:48] the entire equalizer was just blocking everything off
[01:45:52] so we couldn't even auto attack
[01:45:53] I think we have a problem as well with the syrophene
[01:45:55] stack up you're in a group to get those shields benefit it didn't work means like
[01:45:58] small the Q someone and hits everyone or like yeah I didn't work he got it
[01:46:02] everyone so a kind of backfired a bit there it was ridiculous but let's have
[01:46:05] a look at the PRG see who's going to be thinking about this one it is moham
[01:46:09] oh thank god actually wondering you know whether we thank god Susan the world
[01:46:14] is healing cool but instead the more I'm actually going to all the fights
[01:46:17] it's gonna pick it up yeah I think especially when you have these big
[01:46:20] A we abilities on your team. You know, you don't have the world is healing option in other roles
[01:46:25] A lot of weight is put on the rail to be setting up these fights
[01:46:29] If you connect with your engage, you allow the equalizer to hit your last and small to alter hit
[01:46:33] So you did a fantastic job in this team really follow the benefits
[01:46:38] Like take back take black plastic off of Griffin's feet and put it on stand
[01:46:43] Yeah, the flash from
[01:46:45] And then you killed wrap the cancer. This is a plastic
[01:46:50] I didn't know that! This is a plastic? Oh shit, I can't just put it on. That's why it didn't work.
[01:47:02] Yeah, you're right!
[01:47:06] Alright!
[01:47:13] Oh yeah, now it fits!
[01:47:15] Wait.
[01:47:20] Damn!
[01:47:22] That looks crazy!
[01:47:24] Damn!
[01:47:28] Oh shit!
[01:47:31] Look at the aura of the bird!
[01:47:45] We're I mean they were game deciding just was able to set up for the old the wind wrap the damage in and it was GG
[01:47:53] The Nazis was cool great in lane. I don't think you want to be wasting bands on it. If you are being K
[01:48:00] But I think they have blue side right they didn't have the higher C going into this one D plus will not give over first pick rumble
[01:48:06] I wonder if they're bad mess on blue side. They'll do that showcase a lot of different things here
[01:48:09] Maybe this is where we see the Senate draft come through
[01:48:11] They have a lot of flexibility here. Maybe this time. Okay, nothing. Let's focus on a quick real
[01:48:16] And if I maybe the Malkai goes through for raptor
[01:48:19] See what ends up going down here as they will be your neighbors know your shimmer. No, they probably think I meant
[01:48:25] I think that's all they did to the next one. Oh
[01:48:29] if you're planning on playing closer on his ear more than once and
[01:48:33] You know, it was picked very early on in the last draft
[01:48:37] It's kind of take it away
[01:48:38] I mean some maker can definitely play other stuff into his ear, but what else they're talking about
[01:48:42] I'm surprised at D plus. Yeah, I mean, I guess five and I'm inside friend
[01:48:47] I've been banned after game one. Yeah, they're done being fucked around with come on that one
[01:48:51] Show me another rep come pick right now
[01:48:54] Show me the red comp. Hey man. Yeah, okay
[01:48:56] I'm frustrated to play into sometimes it's hard to even see it if you're a spectator watching League of Legends because we can see everything
[01:49:02] Right, but if you talk about vision for just one moment, you can see how difficult it was for being Katie
[01:49:07] I can't do the drafting
[01:49:16] Zyra, ooh
[01:49:18] That one's gonna play like a
[01:49:21] They're gonna play a Maokai S2o comp. They're gonna do Maokai S2o core here something
[01:49:24] They might be some extended
[01:49:33] Wasted
[01:49:34] There's also the Lillia to worry about.
[01:49:36] Malka first pick denial.
[01:49:38] But it's going to be like Malka is the jungler outside of Ivern.
[01:49:43] You know, the tree is kind of ruling the opening.
[01:49:45] Ooh, last second running to the swap.
[01:49:46] Never mind.
[01:49:46] Malka's fine.
[01:49:47] Ooh.
[01:49:48] I wonder if they if.
[01:49:50] Now.
[01:49:50] D plus are just so confident that would slam down
[01:49:52] like this yearly set.
[01:49:53] Yo, green Viper.
[01:49:54] Another timeline, some other year.
[01:49:56] Thank you so much for the 10 gifted.
[01:49:58] I appreciate that.
[01:49:58] I appreciate it, man.
[01:49:59] Barry's throwing to pick up here.
[01:50:01] What are you going to name the bird?
[01:50:01] I'm going to call it Birdrat.
[01:50:03] Here comes Demons Maokai. Did they do Maokai Astral though?
[01:50:07] Kennen's open. They could do Maokai Kennen.
[01:50:12] Then they could do Lucian on 3 if they play Korki and they play Nidalee, they play Lillia.
[01:50:17] They can't really play Lillian to Maokai though, so they're probably playing Nidalee.
[01:50:20] But as Raptor played Nidalee?
[01:50:27] Either they do a Maokai Kennen in AD or they do a Maokai Astral Korki comp.
[01:50:33] Why I do agree with you
[01:50:35] Does you really give away what you're going for?
[01:50:38] Raptor will play Sedge
[01:50:39] The stage in the ground
[01:50:40] Yeah maybe he'll play Sedge
[01:50:40] Corki will be the option
[01:50:41] I mean he has Nidalee and Lillia as his AP carry junglers
[01:50:44] This is what the reason I don't like Corki here is they will just play Lucian plus Nidalee and Lillia
[01:50:49] This is not annoying as fuck
[01:50:51] We need an AD
[01:50:52] Maybe we don't need it but that is generally how it goes with damage profiles
[01:50:55] Lillia will be locked in in response here
[01:50:58] Don't play Lucian, don't play Lucian
[01:50:59] It's just gonna be a Closer on Fistana
[01:51:01] Don't play Lucian, please.
[01:51:03] Ooh, Ash.
[01:51:04] Chat, what do you remember from LPL?
[01:51:07] It's true, what do you remember from LPL series yesterday?
[01:51:10] Maokai, Corti.
[01:51:13] Maokai, Corti.
[01:51:15] We need a win.
[01:51:17] Maokai, Corti.
[01:51:23] MS.
[01:51:25] I don't like MS, you know, actually.
[01:51:27] I feel like MS.
[01:51:29] Oh, I like well though. I like well the scaling
[01:51:32] Like I'm a doesn't really have a good comp around her yet. You know no tenon
[01:51:37] But he will no well picked. I don't want to wait just yet. I mean it's prioritizing mom's rel. She is still
[01:51:43] I mean one to feed on so
[01:51:45] It looks weird. I do think they should bang Kenan though. This early, but it guarantees that he will have it
[01:51:50] You can cover off corki. I think Lucy man specific and then back. You only minus fun. Yeah
[01:51:55] Yeah, and they have a lot of threats. You mentioned the GP. There's other top lane picks you might be worried about.
[01:52:00] I want to see Closer to you, really. Where's Closer's really at?
[01:52:03] King and GP then. Oh my God.
[01:52:06] He's like, well, I don't really have to pick him up here. We can just wait and see what will be available.
[01:52:10] And there's that GP BAM.
[01:52:12] I mean, he can still play his area in this draft, I feel. It's totally viable, totally fine.
[01:52:17] A little bit trickier with the rail into the ash, but...
[01:52:19] Luchimen? He's got a Luchimen?
[01:52:21] early laning phase or maybe even lane swap and not care
[01:52:24] bram will once again be taken around from the
[01:52:27] faking MF there's no way I think they're baiting an MF
[01:52:31] ban I think this brown ban is so weird they're
[01:52:34] baiting MF ban they must be why would you ban
[01:52:36] brown it makes it so obvious that you're playing MF
[01:52:40] there's no way that's stupid they're surely baiting they're gonna make
[01:52:42] them ban an MF from the big S rule oh my god they will
[01:52:46] ban the MF they force an MF ban
[01:52:50] with this brown band, and then do Estrel or what?
[01:52:53] I actually think they did this on purpose by the way, there's no way they banned brown like that
[01:52:57] then a free Estrel pick
[01:52:59] It's good
[01:53:01] I think I should have just banned two top laners
[01:53:05] I think I should have just banned two top laners
[01:53:07] Smolder, okay even more scaling
[01:53:09] Jesus
[01:53:14] I like Estrel Maokai though, I like Estrel Maokai especially when King has Gragas on 5
[01:53:19] because when they're running from top right, Kingen is the Gragas CEO, Alistar into Smulder,
[01:53:24] into Raleigh, into Ralf's side.
[01:53:33] It could be Smulder top.
[01:53:35] Oh yeah, did Kingen play Smulder top?
[01:53:37] He did, right?
[01:53:38] Maybe?
[01:53:40] I think he did.
[01:53:43] He did play Smulder top, one game.
[01:53:47] Nah, he's not going to cause something.
[01:53:49] Shatter men's matter gentlemen adds quickly if you want to support the streeter and
[01:53:53] You subscribe with prime or tier one for free
[01:53:56] With here on a prime free you have seven no one's really scaling competition with this folder
[01:54:01] I'll see you in a sec. Maybe they're just gonna index into more okay a very standard double rock down
[01:54:05] Very standard. Yo fear X enjoy your fuck. It's over
[01:54:11] Just a stop closer from carrying team fights
[01:54:14] Yo cyber with another 25. Yo, you've gifted my guy
[01:54:18] You've gifted a hundred subs today. Are you okay cyber? Are you fucking okay? Jesus
[01:54:25] Thank you for the thingy for that
[01:54:27] Thank you 100 subs. You're absolutely mind-blowing
[01:54:35] Well chapters if you go to the sub say thank you
[01:54:39] The oiler is out in force today
[01:54:42] Oiler is out in force
[01:54:48] Naturally scaling by farming doesn't get any kills. I feel like she cannot come online fast enough to actually carry these team fights
[01:54:57] so
[01:54:58] You know
[01:54:59] Give me a ride. What the fuck is that the showmaker bus bus?
[01:55:05] Chat someone get me and said can you please delete all the time?
[01:55:08] That is one of the better ones I've seen
[01:55:11] Showmaker bus he didn't get any POG votes
[01:55:14] But he certainly has an effective champion pool this time just going for the quirky
[01:55:18] Yeah, a lot of threats on the side of being K feels like a little bit more even of a draft coming into game number two
[01:55:25] C plus on the red side. We'll see how it goes as we hop onto the right for game two
[01:55:30] Fox three one fighting my goats
[01:55:36] Buddy you're getting three out. Just get three out gracefully
[01:55:40] Don't get three out while being emotional
[01:55:42] It's gonna be graceful. It's gonna be easy.
[01:55:47] Game number two starts now in our first match of the LCK Summer 2024 playoffs.
[01:55:54] And already DK have had their fun. They've picked some weird stuff in game one with the Nassus mid coming in big on this patch.
[01:56:02] A lot of people playing it in solo queue. We didn't expect to see it in game one.
[01:56:06] And there it was. Maybe we should have expected it because it's D plus Kia and it's Showmaker.
[01:56:11] And this is a very aiming pick, the Smulder.
[01:56:13] You know, he's been playing a lot of other picks because Smulder hasn't really been very meta relevant recently.
[01:56:19] But it is a very... I get all the gold, I sit back, I scale, I carry later.
[01:56:23] I'll take care of your team, don't worry about it.
[01:56:26] And we've seen...
[01:56:26] As an escape?
[01:56:27] Yeah.
[01:56:27] Right.
[01:56:28] And we've seen D-plus have very long games.
[01:56:31] It's DK with lane-sopping again. They are. They love lane-sopping.
[01:56:36] They're gonna try and do the same track where he used to sneak to camp, but I think Fyrex have adapted pretty well.
[01:56:40] So if you remember game one Lucid snuck his raptors and then took the swap and took this
[01:56:45] Now we're trying to do the same thing
[01:56:46] He's gonna train take his wolves and then take the swap and it's always plus one camp if you're plus one camp
[01:56:51] You're plus four and in my jungles minus four right, but actually plus eight and you have a lot of now
[01:56:57] What does lilia do? She's gonna try and cross and take his wolves
[01:56:59] I think there's a ward there. So lucid sees that what's he gonna do?
[01:57:04] It's gonna be a rat and go here. No, it's in a clear boat
[01:57:06] So Lillia doesn't go down in camp.
[01:57:11] Crazy, you know.
[01:57:15] To be honest, if you know Malkai's here, could run into him, could run into him, right?
[01:57:21] Now Lucid is like, aha, if I take your woods and you take my woods, what if I take my
[01:57:26] blue?
[01:57:27] And then if you come here, then Lillia can't take my blue.
[01:57:31] So now Lucid still plus one camp because he snuck the blue like a little rat.
[01:57:35] knows that Raptor does come in and now he's going to try and steal the gromp over the wall, I can see it already.
[01:57:39] Nice one. Okay, Alex, right there.
[01:57:43] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:57:51] And just trying to get what experience he can. Farming is kind of out of the question,
[01:57:55] at this point, for top laners. I feel like this strat could be exposed if Renekton
[01:58:01] and it's called the bluff in TP top
[01:58:05] and if Raijin's so botxp got level 2 in his TP top, I think he'll be fine
[01:58:14] if they saw Malka here
[01:58:18] now he can't obviously
[01:58:31] as I was mentioning before and then we can head back down we'll lose a little bit of farm but
[01:58:35] still ahead and D plus once again piloting this early game very well lucid we'll be able to come
[01:58:41] up pretty good I mean I guess lane swapping is just lane safely the thing nowadays one step ahead
[01:58:47] basically of being k in every way right now lane swapping is just the thing look at that aggressive
[01:58:51] play bottom side the vision protected him like you wrote alluding to and it's going to be
[01:58:57] nice start here but I want to talk about closer on Zary because it's not a pick that
[01:59:01] He has a lot of agency on him, and I feel like like Faker, Poser is a player who has the best
[01:59:05] game experience.
[01:59:06] When is PSG vs SHG?
[01:59:07] When is that start?
[01:59:08] He has a lot of play set up picks for his team, and we saw it in the last game of his year,
[01:59:12] you know, Zero Deaths, he's having an incredible impact, win, they're winning anything, it's
[01:59:16] basically because he set up the Empress of Bios, he's playing very aggressive.
[01:59:18] Now, Zerry can win skirmishes, but you're not going to be setting them up.
[01:59:23] You actually have to position well, you have to maximize damage, and has not
[01:59:27] been what Poser is going for.
[01:59:28] So Lucid didn't get her grunt, so that's really good enough.
[01:59:30] Good pick here in this rapid it gives them a lot of scaling gives them a lot of opportunities to front to back
[01:59:34] Especially into you know the tanky frontline that D plus has but why why why?
[01:59:41] People lane swapping these days
[01:59:45] Because both matchups not hard top matchups not that hard for them
[01:59:49] What are they lame-swapping for are they I wonder if the reason they're lane swapping is one so they can sneak extra
[01:59:55] jungle camps if they have a better sequence but mainly two I wonder if they're
[01:59:59] swapping because of jungle matchup is that a thing you think it's because
[02:00:02] Maokai wants to get his full clear off for free and it's just much easier to let
[02:00:07] Maokai get his full clear off and then they can play the game he gets a grab he
[02:00:10] gets a full clear and then you lose a bit of gold but so what does Maokai
[02:00:14] matter if Smolder could just hit a few Q's and the fight is over.
[02:00:18] I think for the set of being K, outside of Closer being a big set up man, they do have
[02:00:24] clear and duro on playmakers.
[02:00:27] I mean, Renekton can be a playmaker with some of the slanks and stuff like that, Clear
[02:00:30] has been very good at that.
[02:00:31] So they've got that in the bag and then hopefully Closer, as you mentioned, can
[02:00:36] do the carry job on the Zerry because he's really going to need to.
[02:00:40] I also have my eyes on Raptor.
[02:00:42] The Lillia has been really soaring in priority recently, I feel like especially in a tank jungler's you can get
[02:00:48] some pretty insane value just because of your kit, but also because you can kind of just run around and have more threat
[02:00:54] than just a tank jungler will, as Spinoitz threatening a play on the bottom side, but Mohan just gonna hop away
[02:01:03] and it won't be punished, and no summers can be expended there
[02:01:08] argument for forcing lane swaps is I wonder if, now this might sound, I'm not really sure about it, but
[02:01:15] if you're outscaling the enemy team, in this case you're playing a double tier with Coal,
[02:01:22] is it not better for you to lane swap to stop the game from being, for five minutes you have
[02:01:27] three five minutes of like scaling in a sense, right? In that five minutes maybe you lose a
[02:01:32] flash, maybe Maokai will lose a crab, maybe you get invaded on your second camps, but because
[02:01:36] you call a lane swap you get an extra five minutes of stalling time and your
[02:01:41] jungler gets full clear I guess it's just I guess lane swapping is just
[02:01:45] nowadays instead of accelerating it's just to slow down now
[02:02:06] Because like for example, I didn't watch LCS this split, but the second I started watching, everyone told me that LCS is lane swap central.
[02:02:14] And I thought to myself, why? Like, LCK and LPL don't really lane swap that much anymore unless their bot matchup sucks.
[02:02:21] But now I'm looking at this and I'm thinking, why are they lane swapping? It's not that bad.
[02:02:26] But I think it is just to get your genre of full clear and to slow the game down.
[02:02:30] So you don't, you have less variants for like 5-6 minutes.
[02:02:33] This wave here
[02:02:35] So this is what you want to see from a first pick redacted this level of not scale lane swap
[02:02:40] Your jungler is a bit weaker early or like slow on the clerks lane swap
[02:02:46] Spawn is here. Let's see what clear you're spawn
[02:02:50] Why are you lane shopping every game?
[02:02:53] Dominance and the Dominus if you can't tell me then just write colon
[02:02:59] Break it as I have more important, but if you actually have a reason farming my jungle
[02:03:02] Am I right? Am I right?
[02:03:08] Is it just for less variance? Or if you're outscaled or for jungler to be safe and get a crab?
[02:03:14] Is that it nowadays?
[02:03:19] Chat moves too fast, I can't explain
[02:03:24] Is that an excuse?
[02:03:26] with no kills just yet as here's the arrow it means he's gonna cleanse that so you're
[02:03:30] blaming chap he's blaming you if you guys stopped typing he could tell you
[02:03:36] at the end of the day DK do not want to fight, play any means yeah they cleanse
[02:03:39] them I was not going to commit his flash to look for the knockback there on two
[02:03:42] moham just too risky to play that one out and if moham perfectly flashes he
[02:03:47] betrayed flashes sometimes can be a boon for the Alistar but not really in this
[02:03:51] If you all shut up, Spawn will tell you whatever he's talking about.
[02:03:59] Everyone stop typing! Now!
[02:04:11] Yeah, you're in this channel, so you're...
[02:04:16] They type now.
[02:04:18] But I see that acting.
[02:04:21] the one lane where they're we're not seeing like okay this is a huge lead but
[02:04:25] fix this AI bot chat now set up some deep vision raptors gonna listen to the
[02:04:29] comments spot lucid out here that ward is about to expire so DK got Drake Fox
[02:04:35] got grubs Raptors not gonna top camps he might get his red as well if those
[02:04:38] croc's just going on his easing the book is up and aiming honest mentioned
[02:04:43] Raptor will now see lucid I'm feeling this game is just playing out the way
[02:04:46] you would expect it I think that being cake could be a little bit more
[02:04:49] Yeah midfushies I know I have
[02:04:56] His mokar will hit it does
[02:04:58] His kassante killing?
[02:05:03] Kassantee
[02:05:07] Let the sky fall
[02:05:13] Nice kill for Kingen, but Jeri's going to kill here
[02:05:16] Run in the air
[02:05:21] I feel like all things considered was how many resources they had to use
[02:05:25] Not bad for them, they didn't have me push
[02:05:27] Every jungle was in their jungle, they went 1 through 1 on the first but fine
[02:05:31] But was able to still use it there to guarantee the kill onto clear
[02:05:35] Was kind of on a nice edge there, was able to make the play work
[02:05:38] Very very clutch, otherwise if he just dies there and they don't trade anything back
[02:05:42] Then it's kind of a disaster, right?
[02:05:45] Clear goes ahead and expends, is Q early, the empowered Q there
[02:05:48] Kingen pulls him back but opts not to go through the wall and uh...
[02:05:53] And if he's coming up, clear is in trouble, has to flash away, Kingen flashes for the kill here.
[02:05:58] Maybe, we'll see depending on the timer.
[02:05:59] And boosted, and was able to get away, but Kingen will not.
[02:06:01] The kill actually going over to Raptor here as well and not Closer.
[02:06:04] Really, it was still used to go pretty well.
[02:06:06] But I think if you had to choose, probably given it over to the Zary.
[02:06:10] A lot of this play is possible here for B and K because the Zary has that cryo.
[02:06:14] China got some good news after this, it's like a million-ouncement, but it's really good news.
[02:06:17] In soul lane at this game incredibly well early. Well now also turn this into a six grub set up here for said renekton
[02:06:24] So actual release start here for being K. Yeah
[02:06:28] I feel like this is kind of what you would expect
[02:06:30] With the renekton and lilia the prio on that in the draft you've got ash to help out as you mentioned and
[02:06:37] You want to be proactive you want to make plays kind of fully enough as well raptor on the lilia
[02:06:41] Just as I mentioned before against the tank just gets to kind of free farm
[02:06:44] And it's now ahead of their top laner which makes sense with the lane swap and stuff
[02:06:49] But being paid really trying to put on the pressure to get ahead at farther
[02:06:54] DK and they don't want to let me just pre-form here
[02:06:57] So trying to get some other big wins on the map, but they should be able to take down this first blood turret in the top lane
[02:07:03] Well, it's gonna be some gold given over to Amy the gold king
[02:07:08] Secure the gold at three grubs. They saw their bottom top dead six grubs. They go top tier one with that first ring
[02:07:13] Yeah, the game is pretty good for a fox
[02:07:19] No shot
[02:07:21] Yo, hey, he dodged it doesn't matter which way you don't see the door shit
[02:07:25] Closer alone could have been able to really capitalize on that, but yeah, I don't think so
[02:07:30] Still gonna be a nice dodge and they do get the dragon B plus
[02:07:34] So it is gonna be a two drake lead for them. We'll see what the soul ends up being because that will be very very important
[02:07:40] The single Ashwood hit the series with this Mulder
[02:07:42] Well to be honest in my eyes, okay, that Ashwood for example is a hit. It's on target. You know I'm saying
[02:07:49] It's on target. So this two drake are you shaking right now? No, they're playing smaller Corky Malkai
[02:07:54] Look, my little buddy, my little buddy, double tier, co, steel caps, two drakes, who cares about a 2k, 1k only, who cares, it doesn't matter.
[02:08:06] Absolutely being killing.
[02:08:09] That's more than that only.
[02:08:14] Why are you guys shaking?
[02:08:18] Is he dead?
[02:08:19] He's dead.
[02:08:20] Also just been able to take him down here. I don't know if he's here in time
[02:08:33] I don't like this one for once
[02:08:35] But at least Lucid gets pot wave and a mix freed up to get a place here
[02:08:40] But at least this time it's an 80 carry that picks it up second time around here. Oh my god
[02:08:44] I'm seeing Fox peeing this word, but it's a trade of kills ox are peeing at a lot
[02:08:48] but there's no way they can make it to be played there. Look right, Lilias.
[02:08:56] F6 grumps as well.
[02:08:59] My god, grumps are so OP, I swear, are grump.
[02:09:02] 79 stacks.
[02:09:04] It's pretty shit, actually.
[02:09:18] get a turret so he's fairly soon we'll have that first item coming up in just a
[02:09:24] moment you can see all the plate gold they've been able to pick up five in the
[02:09:28] top sign with that redacted it's just but aiming on small to mid and let's
[02:09:31] show my complete AP carry ziggs lots of money in the hands of being cave they
[02:09:37] haven't been able to get one is in the X materials folder okay listen X is
[02:09:41] Twitter okay it's Twitter banners and images okay that's it don't
[02:09:47] fucking stop thinking that it's it's it's for the legal words okay don't stop
[02:09:52] thinking that it's something else
[02:10:08] they keep forcing his cleanse but he's not gonna use it
[02:10:15] You're not using it. You can't bait him out like that.
[02:10:28] Bro.
[02:10:42] Last time Fox and Damwon played against each other.
[02:10:44] each other yeah the last time Fox downplay each other that one beat them
[02:10:48] with like infernal soul, Elvdragon, Baron, basically no Nexus towers left
[02:10:54] otherwise they only got two oads so actually recently Fox should have
[02:11:01] beaten them
[02:11:04] The king of dying at this point doesn't know about the rematch and has to flash
[02:11:08] He won't be the king of dying, but he does flash away flash king. Yeah, you don't say X
[02:11:13] Can you call it Twitter? Yeah, but someone sent me the file so they call it X my cut
[02:11:16] It ends up being a pretty significant get here for being K as this is kind of where
[02:11:21] D plus their MO right now is like, okay, we save mid turret
[02:11:26] Maybe we can get a turret bottom side. We push deep enough showmaker is thwarted though
[02:11:30] at worst the flash the bottom turret still up so being K just playing the map
[02:11:34] incredibly well there's a lot of standing gold on the map for D plus to get if
[02:11:38] they get control of the map at any point so a big team fight win for them for
[02:11:42] example will really allow them to catch up on Drake very very quickly I think what
[02:11:46] that one should do with the straights form is they should not fight the
[02:11:51] dragon they should do some shit up here and scare if they fight this
[02:11:55] dragon that spawns Jim because teleports coming back online because
[02:11:58] already here at the bottom side of the map and this is maybe where that big fight
[02:12:02] needs to happen for D plus to come back B and K obviously would look to get some
[02:12:05] additional kills here grab a killer two for closer finally him on his second
[02:12:10] item yeah I feel like as DK you really don't want to give over free drakes but
[02:12:15] they also do have a little bit of a lease with those early two drakes to
[02:12:17] say okay if the team fight isn't looking great if we don't have good
[02:12:21] Is Ori buffed on this patch?
[02:12:23] Uh...
[02:12:24] I don't think so. Is it this patch? Or is it next patch?
[02:12:28] Alright, Drake and Twain. It looks like Damwon is setting up for a fight.
[02:12:32] Is this patch for the Fives and APNQ?
[02:12:41] Okay, Xyla can't get control.
[02:12:43] I really am scared if Damwon take this fight. Like, I feel like they lose, they lose Drake, they lose mid tier 1, and the game's gonna be a horror to play.
[02:12:51] Not only they want this dragon, but they want the fight
[02:12:53] That wasn't a try
[02:12:54] Here comes the arrow
[02:12:55] Okay, arrow's down, that's quite nice
[02:12:57] Show Micra has no flash, and Steuro does have flash
[02:13:01] Like, I'm scared in these kind of fights where Alistar WQ flashes and Lillia flash Q's and then it's...
[02:13:06] Can I be starting this one up now?
[02:13:07] I mean, they can get Renekton TP maybe?
[02:13:15] Fox's setup is weird, where did Hena go?
[02:13:18] Where is Hena?
[02:13:21] Raptor just in to it.
[02:13:23] Where the fuck did Ashe go?
[02:13:26] Yo, we take that, just get out of here.
[02:13:30] Just run, run, run, it's fine.
[02:13:32] It's fine, they got the dragon.
[02:13:33] I'm kicking!
[02:13:34] No.
[02:13:37] That's fine.
[02:13:38] That's fine for DK.
[02:13:40] 4 for 2 is fine.
[02:13:42] Hextech's soul point?
[02:13:43] Yo, we take that.
[02:13:45] Where did Ashe go?
[02:13:47] I looked for one second, Ashe was here.
[02:13:50] I looked again, Ashe was here.
[02:13:52] the start of the fight. Why did Ash go back off so? Did he base? Huh? Isn't actually here
[02:13:57] at the start of the fight but that might have been a move for him. As when this fight
[02:14:00] does break out it's duro really. He does the heavy lifting moves. He gets taken out.
[02:14:04] Then he flashed W's in. Two kills go over the closer early. And the head up like
[02:14:07] oh man this Kassate character is really. Am I crazy? Wait let me check the replay.
[02:14:12] He doesn't have going down here. King of Dots is best to at least get something
[02:14:17] back for D plus but I mean a lot of money where it needs to be now I feel
[02:14:22] finally for being K but if a sloppy start to that fight with Hanna just
[02:14:26] oh he's not cut off and I just completely say that knock up the way he did
[02:14:31] maybe this get completely snowballed against and D plus win the dragon and
[02:14:35] end up getting that gold lead back in their hands but instead it is a great
[02:14:39] play from the Alistar Ash was here she was right here she could just run
[02:14:45] down now with Alistar next to her, but instead he runs away and now Hena is gonna wrap all
[02:14:51] the way around the red buff and go around. Where is he going? He's just stuck there.
[02:15:00] Like he should have just joined the team and let Rennikin take over midway.
[02:15:15] And that's all that happens. Nothing else happens trying to suspect us in the fact that DK run into why they got the Drake
[02:15:21] Easy clap again for DK sitting back scaling fake out another Drake
[02:15:26] They don't want to fight unless it's perfect and without Raptors old now
[02:15:29] They just scale here for being they just farm go proactive play on Baron this early into the game
[02:15:34] Sing on say for real items area, but it's Rubens, you know
[02:15:37] You're not you're not able to rush a Baron really unfortunately for being K
[02:15:40] I think if you looked for a turn when if you had Lillia old maybe that could be the angle
[02:15:44] D plus obviously can't start a Baron either so we're gonna slow down after some aggressive warding there from being K
[02:15:51] But back to the aiming discussion
[02:15:52] You know when you lane swap to you interact with the enemy champions less because they're just hitting a turret
[02:15:58] So you're stacking less in the lane man. I'll say hey listen why is blind?
[02:16:02] I'll say you know we need some stack counters suspect that he is so late because we're normally looking at like at best
[02:16:08] You know the fastest is like 19 minutes. Oh, he reset the red. You're like, okay, you should have it by now
[02:16:13] Yeah, we've seen some from like in the old days when the smolder was very meta before he was nerfed
[02:16:19] We used to see like some of our east side teams are like southeast side teams
[02:16:24] Could sometimes hit it at like 25 to 27 minutes from behind and they're like really trying to claw back into the game
[02:16:31] All right, Muramana is complete Muramana is complete
[02:16:33] No, this is aiming is had mostly free farm in the top lane and they are like you mentioned
[02:16:38] You know, he's not getting a lot of stacks, he's hitting enemies.
[02:16:40] 150 at 21?
[02:16:41] Ooh.
[02:16:42] Either way, I mean, he's gonna hit it eventually, he's got a hundred and fifty, which is, again, not very fast.
[02:16:48] But, they got the Drake, and they're just kinda waiting around.
[02:16:52] Yeah, I mean, they have the opportunity to just say no to every Drake fight now.
[02:16:56] And that's why B and K, kind of have to continue to pressure this idea of barring,
[02:17:00] because, D plus could just walk away from every dragon fight, and side lane a little bit,
[02:17:04] and just let Smulder sit there and farm the stacks.
[02:17:07] And so your best angle is to try to force a Baron fight that D plus aren't ready for because they haven't gotten that breakpoint for the stacks just yet
[02:17:14] No way that's a good ass build. I think this is the ass build.
[02:17:17] And then you go B and K can actually steal that.
[02:17:20] But you go B T or I E now, don't you?
[02:17:22] Why does El Rato bot say I'm not alive?
[02:17:24] Great at rushing Baron at this point in time.
[02:17:26] So they've done their due diligence and this soul is kind of like checkmate basically for D plus.
[02:17:33] I mean it's not going to happen right but it just
[02:17:35] Hey, Dumbum, hey, what are we thinking? Are you going to fight this dragon too?
[02:17:40] Fuck it.
[02:17:41] I don't want to fight either so
[02:17:42] This smaller is fucking actually
[02:17:44] I'm just constantly checking Baron and making sure B and K can't say oh okay like we're
[02:17:47] going to get Baron then get pried and then get the dragon
[02:17:49] So, the dragon is just about to face-check now it's not rumble this time so maybe he's
[02:17:55] okay and you know what they really
[02:17:57] Chat and Malta are we good at streamflying?
[02:17:58] There's a lot of vision in the river right now outside of B and K and so they're
[02:18:01] I'm just gonna let him go closer meanwhile free farm in the top. They're trolling up there for the side of DK
[02:18:07] You those have teleports, so there's really no risk inherently to just a little force this year into this inner
[02:18:13] Why doesn't Jerry step up and hit I know she wants to be there early, but I really think she could press for this
[02:18:18] So while they don't have their smaller just six grubs
[02:18:21] They're still pretty strong. Yeah, and I mean if you have a big back for him
[02:18:24] That's something might just be enough to turn the tide of this fight with the mom ultimate still relevant
[02:18:29] even without those stacks but it is very difficult to win this fight without an
[02:18:34] isolated target getting blown up first and they just don't have the same set up
[02:18:38] with equalizer in this wrap that they did in game one so playing a very slow bear
[02:18:42] this is a crazy fight to take in DK, they can even smash up this and then lose so much gold
[02:18:46] where is aiming going?
[02:18:48] this composition is a little bit awkward without an arrow
[02:18:50] trying to force Renekton out the boss so they can play 3 bots
[02:18:53] aiming is front lining against Renekton and the rest of the NK they're not doing
[02:18:58] their x is lost they're lost they should have just done drake here while
[02:19:01] when he comes dying they are completely lost fear x clean by king and yo
[02:19:10] king and team fighting is nuts there it is I told you he'll pay you back
[02:19:15] he will pay you back
[02:19:18] oh my god you thought oh where's your ex-enjoyer chapter where's your ex-enjoyer
[02:19:29] where's he at this could just be the soul going over they don't have a
[02:19:32] jungler but I mean there's no one to contest him with that final kill going
[02:19:35] over everyone dead I mean that should just be enough evil the little health
[02:19:37] bars dragon does do that much damage and look at the mini-map are you were
[02:19:40] saying there is just greeting down here trying to set up for a long-con flank
[02:19:44] and then control the bottom side bio the rest of the team was just kind of
[02:19:47] Standing around hoping that D plus we're gonna pull the trigger first to walk into their very confident watch King and
[02:19:53] He's a boy. You're going into me
[02:19:55] Full story, bro. It just pulls them completely into the middle of the team fight. And what did I say about closer Zerry?
[02:20:02] Will we see him over extend? Will we see a minor inconvenience?
[02:20:05] This is a mess of a mistake from him and more of a capitalization from King
[02:20:09] But you have to be aware that Cassante can get on top of you if you go in like that
[02:20:13] And he has punished so hard for it. I feel like two games back-to-back King and has had a rough laning phase
[02:20:19] Tough time in the early game low agency. He's giving up plates
[02:20:23] But his plays despite the deficit have been massive
[02:20:29] He's just a clutch master from here
[02:20:34] Help you make up someone oh, yes qss and there was a sampling
[02:20:43] Oh
[02:20:48] Oh, no, no, no, he's on a target range
[02:20:55] Months
[02:21:05] Okay
[02:21:07] three
[02:21:10] Extramarque SS that's crazy
[02:21:17] Where is Hanna this game
[02:21:24] Oh, he's getting blasted by Ken
[02:21:30] Ken's kind of fucking right here
[02:21:37] And then again, I mean this fight wasn't clean Jormaker was cut off
[02:21:41] I was able to at least take closer out of the fight. Otherwise, this could have been a
[02:21:44] 4d plus which could have led to being taken in Baron so
[02:21:47] Kind of clutches it out there, and then they ended up grabbing the top turret meanwhile over here
[02:21:51] Yeah, trying to kill an Alistair not the easiest target
[02:21:54] He is gonna go unbreakable as closers here as well. Even it's not unkillable
[02:21:59] So he does have to back away
[02:22:01] But a nice
[02:22:02] It's got a crab pick up there gonna clear out all the vision around the Baron
[02:22:05] And they do have an insane amount of iron damage as well. I mean at this point
[02:22:10] We're definitely in the we can watch Baron down territory is loses old
[02:22:13] Yep, just gonna zone them away and with the hextech soul
[02:22:17] I mean the Hedda just doesn't get to play the game. He's getting poked down from screens away
[02:22:21] Imagine trying to play Ash into this. It's just not fair
[02:22:25] It is not fair another Malkai corki winning. It's true
[02:22:29] It's just kind of insane as well. I don't know what he's sitting on. Yeah, lozher. You're really trying to kill the lozher
[02:22:35] And they might be able to it looks very close
[02:22:40] But eventually he does go down King and try to put my now little sleep on the lucid
[02:22:45] They want to get some kind of value out of this, but King and still standing guard and they're looking to turn this one around our DK
[02:22:50] as now another
[02:22:53] Yeah
[02:22:59] Oh my god, it's just one time down a long set of showmaker who is full health and it's gonna be
[02:23:04] Like, listen, Damwon is gonna win this game, but it feels like Damwon didn't win this game.
[02:23:11] It feels like Fox lost this game really hard.
[02:23:19] Like, I'm convinced against any other team, they would've, in top 6, they would've taken Damwon out of this game.
[02:23:26] This third dragon sequence was disgusting.
[02:23:30] The fourth dragon was even worse.
[02:23:34] Baron going over that will be the gold lead as well as yes mom is caught here and I was very worried
[02:23:45] As long as Kassan Teh Malkai are in front and showmaker remaining behind
[02:23:50] And they always have like one blocking you see how lucid like blocks for showmaker
[02:23:54] He's literally just a bodyguard
[02:23:56] Standing in front of throwmaker all it matters the moment where the poser actually gets all the work done
[02:24:00] We wipe them. We get to stand next to him. If anything comes close, just roofing.
[02:24:04] But if you can see when he goes in, he gets slowed, and the Hextech slows continue to stack up.
[02:24:08] There is just no way out. You cannot go, oh, actually, never mind.
[02:24:10] I don't think I want to continue to fight with you, because you're locked into that fight by Hextech, so...
[02:24:14] G2-1, 3 on minimal games in the LEC finals.
[02:24:17] No matter how, does Hanzo's ult available, Lucid, though?
[02:24:19] Ooh, no hand.
[02:24:20] I think Hanzo's ult doesn't hit the top, but there's got a nice angle.
[02:24:22] Is it going to be enough damage though from the Hanzo smolder?
[02:24:24] It's just...
[02:24:25] And then the Corky smolder aren't us.
[02:24:27] just absurdly okay and fucks look horrible today
[02:24:34] there's no reverse sleep here buddy here it's a quick two will see you later
[02:24:40] a quick three oh see you later and I was having a fucking disgusting and it
[02:24:49] looks like this might just be the beginning of the end to very I mean
[02:24:53] Honestly very easy teamfights here for D plus over the last one looked a little bit shaky at the beginning
[02:24:59] But this Hextech solo is paying off in dividends
[02:25:03] And I mean yeah, he took a long time to get his stacks with aiming. He's got eight kills now
[02:25:07] He is stacked and they're gonna end the game
[02:25:14] Your ex enjoy it again. He goes in it's desperation
[02:25:17] I think fear X enjoy it could have to be named to be came for
[02:25:20] That's what I think you should rename too.
[02:25:31] I think you need to rename Karex and Yorah and you need to make memes for DK.
[02:25:36] I need to be a super fan.
[02:25:38] Because, well, they can, as in goes Raptor, and as down goes Raptor, as does Closer.
[02:25:44] That's gonna be the end of game two, as C plus Kia took them a while, but once they hit their spike, they won the game.
[02:25:51] Yeah, it was definitely a great start for B and K. I mean, a much closer game than our last one, because they actually kept things really competitive early.
[02:25:58] We're utilizing their solo lane biode stream, they well, Donald was playing.
[02:26:01] What's being motherfuckers trying to employ me? 3-2 Fox fighting my ghost easy.
[02:26:05] He's doubling down!
[02:26:07] He's doubling down!
[02:26:09] He's doubling down!
[02:26:11] Oh, it's not even close these games.
[02:26:13] Even if you're winning, you're losing, because you'll not win.
[02:26:27] I saw a little community on the Twitter check.
[02:26:29] Imagine running a hundred ads per minute just to own three shirts.
[02:26:31] Oh, and me. What the fuck is that about?
[02:26:33] Oh, it's me. What the fuck is that about?
[02:26:37] What?
[02:26:39] Owner is now rank 18 on the Korean ladder on a nine-gaming streak.
[02:26:43] Yeah, all of T1 are grinding. They're grinding hard.
[02:26:47] He's playing a lot of Diana.
[02:26:49] Why is he playing a lot of Diana? It looks like it's off-roll, middle-end champ, but also
[02:26:55] TN and...
[02:26:58] Who was it? TN and...
[02:27:00] someone else is playing all the dynadungle or like they were playing dynadungle games
[02:27:04] faker is playing nasa smith so in round 1 the uskip fails you have the telecom war and the fraudulent war
[02:27:12] okay no no that's not what it is it's it's no if DK loses a game change your probability to this
[02:27:18] wait he even says loses a game he doesn't say lose the series
[02:27:23] don't have to send a big kiss to reterman i know kager was asking for behind the scenes t1 at JDG i think he hasn't seen this one
[02:27:31] I think I have seen this have I seen this chat did we watch this did we watch this
[02:27:44] I feel like we did I feel like we have watched it I must have watched this right
[02:28:07] oh yeah announcement chat announcement oh wait hold up hold up hold up cat
[02:28:16] any full-screen camera real quick one sec hold up hold up chat we finally did
[02:28:59] It took a while, but we have the League Awards branding.
[02:29:09] The League Awards branding is done.
[02:29:12] We're gonna start decorating the Twitter account.
[02:29:14] We're gonna start getting the announcement post out.
[02:29:17] We're gonna start building the website.
[02:29:19] And yeah, the designs are done.
[02:29:23] That's what the logos are gonna look like
[02:29:25] and the title and stuff like that
[02:29:27] or the text and stuff like that.
[02:29:28] But yeah, we're gonna cook up the League Awards
[02:29:30] big time.
[02:29:31] So I'm just gonna, in the next few days,
[02:29:33] I'm going to be pinning the League Awards Twitter in the chat.
[02:29:39] If you want to drop a follow, it really helps.
[02:29:42] Obviously, we're trying to build this sucker.
[02:29:44] Right now, we're working on a lot of things.
[02:29:46] I think we'll probably do a stream with Shocks
[02:29:48] in the next week or two, where we talk about a lot of the things
[02:29:50] that are happening, because there's a lot of things
[02:29:52] going on with the League Awards.
[02:29:53] There's a lot of things, like venue, people
[02:29:58] who will be on the show, the awards we're going to be doing,
[02:30:01] because we're gonna do, there's actually some really good awards
[02:30:04] that we're gonna be doing.
[02:30:05] And then how, we're gonna talk about how the awards will work.
[02:30:09] So we'll probably do a stream of shocks in the future.
[02:30:11] In the next week or two,
[02:30:13] we'll do a stream of shocks in the next week or two.
[02:30:15] I'll tell you the date on Twitter or on stream.
[02:30:17] Is it Riot sponsored?
[02:30:18] No, no, this is just run by me and Shox.
[02:30:22] We feel like, I mean, I've talked about it before,
[02:30:24] but I feel like there isn't like a League of Legends
[02:30:25] awards in eSports.
[02:30:27] There's the LCK awards, there's the LPL awards,
[02:30:29] and then there's like the pro the all pros but there's no like best play of the year or like you know
[02:30:35] rookie year MVP or stuff like that so we're gonna be doing gun stuff like that
[02:30:40] uh we there's a lot of there's also some meme awards coming you know i feel like you need some
[02:30:45] meme awards there's some good memes you know you know there's some good memes and there's um
[02:30:52] some obviously a lot of serious awards it's gonna be a very serious show but there's gonna be
[02:30:55] some meme awards. But yeah, the branding is done. If you guys want to give it a follow
[02:30:59] or support it, I really appreciate anything. I know you say Pog off or deal a lot, but
[02:31:03] this is a big project we're working on. So we'll do the stream of shocks in a week or
[02:31:08] two. We'll announce dates, we'll announce awards, we'll announce like where the voting
[02:31:12] stuff will be and stuff like that, how it'll work and where it's going to be and who's
[02:31:17] going to be on the show. So yeah, that was a big announcement. Some big pace coming.
[02:31:26] big fucking pace. I love how I love and hate how Cajal and Chat has forced
[02:31:34] Ka into my everyday vocabulary. Wait, you walk around saying Ka? Voting? Then it's
[02:31:42] gonna be all about T1? Don't worry, the way it works it's not gonna be
[02:31:45] it's not gonna be popularity contest on the important awards. No joy. Hey rats,
[02:31:51] Sniffs, I hope you're having a good day. Better call Sally a lawyer skin. I think the most important
[02:31:58] thing we want to finish awards is most for most votes doesn't win. Like you can't just out fan base
[02:32:03] a player or a team and they win a good award. No, there'll definitely be some like community focused
[02:32:08] awards and some meme awards, which do have voting systems. But obviously, there'll be like
[02:32:13] percentile, right? But the serious awards will be a bit different. Little tugs has left
[02:32:20] the permanent mark he has. Alright chat I just saw this what is this okay my fraud made it
[02:32:29] we did make it we made it. How come people like I will dominate Kajol etc can draft so well for
[02:32:34] both teams and insta name counter picks but coaches can't I swear every draft that's
[02:32:38] people I mentioned can insert his name in better draft. Ah there's a lot of nuance to that question
[02:32:44] there's a lot of nuance it's like it's a lot of nuance to things like how the team works
[02:32:48] your player champ pools how much leverage the coach has in draft how much they study other regions
[02:32:54] like what their like goals are for the week i don't know i feel like there's lots of uh
[02:32:59] lots and lots of different factors that get involved i can tell you the best theoretical pick
[02:33:03] but there's also a world where the coach said that in comms and the player said no i'm not
[02:33:06] comfortable doing that and then already it looks like on the outside the coach made a bad pick
[02:33:10] ban because the player said no something like that right or vice versa also it's much easier
[02:33:18] to do it from home in my chair then it is on stage with lights in my face and a
[02:33:23] countdown pick-band timer ticking down in my face. This is the first person to
[02:33:31] play Reneferi in a major region pro game. He slumped. That's right. I don't know if
[02:33:36] this is back seating but remember to awaken your relic. I don't know what that
[02:33:39] means. I finished a black mcgulcone game and I can assure you worry not
[02:33:43] variety rats. Cajal will 100% finish the game and here's why. One there's
[02:33:47] No name boss called guy. Okay. Whoa. Whoa, bro. What are you doing? What the fuck?
[02:34:00] What is that? Okay
[02:34:19] Welcome back to the space ladies and gentlemen, I am once again Atlas joined by Orcs and Keith's son here to break down game number
[02:34:25] gentlemen it went relatively similar to game number one this time with a little
[02:34:30] bit more of a focus on some drag VIP would be ma D plus for multiple reasons
[02:34:36] let's dive into the draft keys on Q take me through what your thoughts were
[02:34:40] slash VIP right in this draft like the venet next and first bit here we
[02:34:46] could see that they wanted to play an AP jungle this game they realized like
[02:34:50] last game they tried since out they realized they don't have enough airy
[02:34:52] damage they don't have enough follow-up so they want an AP carry jungle here minus three mil
[02:34:58] to secure that AP jungle making it really strong hey buddy pay your mind that england lost the euros
[02:35:03] oh really comfortable on recently like you can see him really so lucula as well against the koki
[02:35:09] and they build up a really really tight like topside comp and they have the ash to just have more
[02:35:15] cc for that more follow-up more more team fighting skills with the alistar and that's just a really
[02:35:22] Solid Comp but the problem is that they're giving up Maokai, right? Yeah. Yeah, I think
[02:35:28] Maokai, your car will you watch every play after the series? Yeah, of course you will bruh
[02:35:32] The dome shot guy wrote xDD's straight away
[02:35:35] Compositions absolutely to wrap up that down. That's VIP. That's the first thing he writes
[02:35:40] Renekton to Maokai is such a problem
[02:35:42] The old has so much team fighting power and D plus once again went for this smolder
[02:35:46] Who are you supporting tomorrow? You know the games of the time bro
[02:35:49] I'm supporting a fifth game because t1 kt 5 game series is always slam and the fifth game always slams
[02:36:01] Yeah, and the fact that we saw so many traded kills between Cassante and renekton
[02:36:05] But let's dive into our first highlight here as this arrow starts it off and this was one that you had an issue with
[02:36:12] right and like it's just such a random arrow and
[02:36:15] and it also pushes henna into a really bad spot away from his team where they really want to contest
[02:36:21] the drake but he's nowhere near the team and he cannot change the title what do you mean change
[02:36:26] the title i tried to know what the stream what is the stream the title is correct
[02:36:33] what is henna doing in this fight can we just do a henna p o v in this fight dragon i'm like
[02:36:39] you know we try and get raptor going in to sort of mitigate the play just camera on henna
[02:36:43] What is he doing?
[02:37:13] Get any good engages off and then flashing in to do damage and then clear
[02:37:18] Cleaning up the fight as well as killing moham. Yeah, please mention force
[02:37:22] I think skills just really bad like positioning around the start. Yeah, sort of like the setup
[02:37:27] Escape being pain a lot of these instances and that happens once again here in our final fight
[02:37:33] Remember, this is a precursor to a hextech soul, which is so incredibly busted. Yeah, and deep
[02:37:38] Are you going to address the leaked emails?
[02:37:40] Yeah, we can talk about it.
[02:37:41] So, chat, I did in fact play on Chobe's account during the summer split.
[02:37:48] And I'm sorry, that was me.
[02:37:52] I know you might be thinking, damn, that guy was smurfing.
[02:37:57] And I'm sorry for ruining your immersion, but it was me who was going to choke and play us in worlds.
[02:38:08] King is who you are and then the king in super play from
[02:38:13] Just completely shutting down very yeah, I'm removing all
[02:38:17] superplay in game
[02:38:19] Yeah, and the thing with a Hextech soul in particular
[02:38:23] He's very funny seeing even drop down there
[02:38:25] the thing with a Hextech soul in particular is it's so strong
[02:38:30] Especially into a composition like the one that being K-Farex house where you have like an ashes of mobile
[02:38:34] You have champions like Lily and rekt it who need to close a distance on the smolder
[02:38:38] Once that's secured it's almost impossible to win the game from there. It's so suffocating.
[02:38:43] They're gonna coach from the LCS. Yes. Yes. We've got a very long weekend this weekend, Chathamans. A very long weekend.
[02:38:49] And even with the gold deficit still being there, you're just playing at really low unfair odds.
[02:38:55] This series should be a 3-0. Then I'm gonna play some Black Myth Wukong. Wait, it spells BMW.
[02:39:02] Maybe we'll play some Monkey Game. Then we'll come back like an hour or two before LEC and do LEC.
[02:39:07] Then we'll play some black myth, then we got LCS, so today's gonna be long.
[02:39:11] But tomorrow is gonna be even longer. Tomorrow is absolutely crazy.
[02:39:15] Tomorrow is 8am, T1KT elimination series.
[02:39:19] Then, 4 hours later, Waybo vs Top Esports elimination series, winner goes to Worlds and finals.
[02:39:25] Then, Finanek vs Mad, winner goes to Worlds, winner goes to finals, loser faces the winner of G2BDS for today.
[02:39:31] today. Then, 100 users team the good HAAAAAAAMDA, where Quid will beat TL, and KJ will rock
[02:39:37] up and be correct again.
[02:39:39] Oh, TL is the best team in the league, they're so good, look at them, they should be all
[02:39:42] five gold pro, they're the best in the league.
[02:39:44] No, Quid's gonna fist him, okay? Thank. My boy Quid. My boy Quid, you don't let
[02:39:50] me down.
[02:39:51] play in the renekton you really want to get that advantage in lane
[02:39:54] any time you have time you have time you have time to tell you really appreciate that
[02:39:57] and his quantity found ways to challenge clear
[02:40:01] where's my editor at well he's uh he's got food and water
[02:40:04] yeah just didn't quite work out we can see there is a lot of chronicle is a member of
[02:40:07] media with the one random one going over to lucid absolutely fantastic to see that he is
[02:40:12] still here in ask what he's doing today i know that's what he's doing today so he might not
[02:40:16] be on the broadcast but he's still here in spirit and it's time for us to throw it
[02:40:20] back over to the cast is to get into what could be the final game of the series
[02:40:23] let's hope it's not thank you at locks you found QXTD on a crew in front we're
[02:40:32] getting ready for game number three have you played while yet no we had one
[02:40:39] boom-boom damage vote and of course chronicler going for lucid as the
[02:40:42] always does very nicely done right media we're getting ready for this third
[02:40:46] game wolf is there hope for being K to come back right now I'm gonna have to
[02:40:50] say no I mean I it's not until they show us a more solid trap a more
[02:40:54] robust gameplay because the early
[02:40:56] leading phases and the early series
[02:40:58] after this year at LEC, LEC series is
[02:41:00] in about five hours.
[02:41:02] Game one, game two, had those leads
[02:41:04] and so on.
[02:41:06] Refresh the stream.
[02:41:08] Couldn't fail this
[02:41:10] fight. Hanna seems super disconnected
[02:41:12] from the rest of his team and it
[02:41:14] just not, it's not working like a well
[02:41:16] ordered game. What do you think of the idea of starting a subscription based
[02:41:18] perfume business?
[02:41:20] I smell like shit. What kind of
[02:41:22] perfume we're gonna make them
[02:41:30] Same bands into the quirky, but are they gonna first pick Malka though with the sira ban here?
[02:41:39] Renekton band okay, you can have Zyra. Oh, they took the mouth anyway
[02:41:44] You're lucid show me something don't play don't play such
[02:41:47] Mods, mods, guards, if you play Sedge, dodge the draft.
[02:42:02] Smaller flex, that could be triple flex.
[02:42:12] No, Sedge Iwani, no Sedge Iwani.
[02:42:15] Okay, Liliya, thank God.
[02:42:17] can be quite punishing in the lane but they'll just lane swap again because
[02:42:21] that's what they do and like if you're gonna play Ashley you might as well also
[02:42:25] just automatically go top lane because you're not gonna clash with the smolder
[02:42:29] in bottom lane it will not happen and they don't even know that you know this
[02:42:34] folder is definitely going down to aiming chance as you mentioned so this is
[02:42:40] the thing about DK in these drafts is that they are just so tricky I feel
[02:42:43] No, they got Korky Maokai.
[02:42:46] No, that one clears Korky Maokai, right?
[02:42:52] That one clears Korky Maokai, right?
[02:42:57] Fulcrum Ronaldo getting 28 million subscribers in one day.
[02:43:02] Why is Ronaldo like...
[02:43:05] set up on teamfights that looks less robust as Ziggs looks like maybe we'll see after
[02:43:10] this time around as they lock that in to the smolder and you know if you lane swap against
[02:43:17] the Ziggs then the plates go over it so that that is kind of a nice little tactic here
[02:43:21] I feel like.
[02:43:22] What do you pick here?
[02:43:23] I mean you have to pick Lucian or Tristana or I don't know any AD mid you can't drop
[02:43:29] here right?
[02:43:30] Oh my god this comp is really strong.
[02:43:33] This comp is so strong, Maokai Corky Ziggs is so annoying.
[02:43:40] Yeah, I'm happy to announce Ronaldo will be at the League Awards.
[02:43:46] I have but think eventually still wins especially because showmaker can play a whole slew of scaling picks in the mid lane
[02:43:55] Like what are you banned here? You want to take away the azir? Do you want to take away a lucian or something?
[02:44:00] Is every year I think they should ban misfortune because the rail misfortune seems so incredibly strong with this draft already
[02:44:06] And even though that is a leap pair called Ronaldo he plays in the air else
[02:44:10] What do you want him out?
[02:44:11] Or are you doing my football or what?
[02:44:13] I've been kind of alluding to and I think that would be a safe option here
[02:44:16] Leona is banned already. Like that's a pretty big tell to me Valdez
[02:44:20] And I'd say yes, Zeke's Leona is very strong very difficult to die very difficult to punish, but
[02:44:25] Like don't allow them to have that. They're gonna ban the Ezreal
[02:44:28] There is already at least someone rule now though the place in ways of ways on this, you know
[02:44:36] Again, they're just so tricky, but
[02:44:39] Leona been nice mostly a band torturing for sure. I mean, I don't think it's fine, but it's very difficult
[02:44:46] I would say to get the correct quote. I just hope King and it's getting less big
[02:44:51] He looks like he should get less big, but I just hope he does
[02:44:54] Sreal mid
[02:44:56] Yeah, they actually have smaller triple flex. It's kind of crazy. Of course, they didn't get 80 mil on three because they have smaller
[02:45:01] triple flex
[02:45:02] If you ban like as you're here then they like cool
[02:45:05] Well, we just play smaller bottom sure make a place something else because he has a massive champion pool
[02:45:08] I feel like this is such a strong draft here already for D plus. I like the Zeke's a lot
[02:45:13] They are really paranoid about T and GP.
[02:45:19] MF rel is a classic. Where is the smolder going?
[02:45:30] Yeah, I think they're doing this. This is smart by them if they want to do MF.
[02:45:34] The main reason is Braum, right? Braum isn't banned because Ziggs Braum sucks.
[02:45:39] But instead they go Zerry so now they have double flex well triple flex. Oh my god. It's like watching mad lines draft
[02:45:48] I mean the easy option here for being K is Alistar and then you could just go like blind pop
[02:45:55] Cassante in our I mean I even think Camille can work and then they'll play Jax though. I don't like that
[02:46:00] So to be honest, I think it's fine though
[02:46:02] Camille Zeke's is a mega combo with Maokai crazy good now doesn't do Jax on fire
[02:46:07] It's very reliable or does it play smolder top to the Zerry spring the smolder or a fiora
[02:46:17] I get just very much see this, you know calling very far behind fiora
[02:46:23] Pressing our on the smolder or Zerry feels like I hate how is he?
[02:46:27] He's picking gnar into Camille. Oh my god. Oh my god. I would ban him Camille are oh my god
[02:46:37] Why is he doing that? Why is he picking gnar into Camille?
[02:46:40] Bro, I would slap him across the face.
[02:47:01] R chat, you don't need ads, if you've been watching enough ads you're good.
[02:47:10] Malkai? Very helpful, but we'll mostly just be old-
[02:47:14] Yo, Cyber dropped another 25 gifted. Yo, Cyber, are you- Bro, are you fucking-
[02:47:20] What are you writing in chat? Are you okay?
[02:47:22] I mean, we're closer, he was kinda walked down by the Cassante in that scenario.
[02:47:25] But D plus, they kept the draft so flexible.
[02:47:28] Why are you doing so many subs, bruh?
[02:47:29] It was very difficult to know what their next move was gonna be, because in this meta, so many 80 carries are flexible.
[02:47:33] He says, it's all good, I'm mentally ill from seeing Corky, but I'm totally chill.
[02:47:39] I'm mentally ill from seeing Korky.
[02:47:41] She's 33 weeks pregnant.
[02:47:44] And she has come down to see her mom.
[02:47:46] I'm also mentally ill from seeing Korky.
[02:47:48] Yo, Cyber, you're an absolute oil guru.
[02:47:50] I appreciate you, a plan, bro.
[02:47:53] Watch that.
[02:47:53] I've been the same thread onto back lines.
[02:47:58] Someone donated three euros 10 minutes ago
[02:47:59] and said, with Gumiushi and Death's contracts ending,
[02:48:03] you think we would see T1 Deaths?
[02:48:05] No, I think they'll resign from Gumiushi.
[02:48:08] I feel like Gumiushi will stay in T1 forever.
[02:48:10] I actually cannot imagine Gumiuchi on any other team, other than T1.
[02:48:14] It just wouldn't be right.
[02:48:16] I feel like Guma is adopting the mantle of being the new T1 forever player.
[02:48:20] I don't know why, it's just like a vibe, I just feel like Guma is T1 now.
[02:48:29] Like if Faker leaves, T1 is Guma.
[02:48:31] Okay, well, aiming set.
[02:48:33] I think if anyone's gonna stay on T1 next year, it's Faker and Guma.
[02:48:43] I think Xeus is about to China and play in the LPL.
[02:48:46] I think Keriel will probably join something like JG or go to the LPL and maybe owner of these signs, maybe, but I doubt it's my guess for what that means to the roster.
[02:48:55] That's my guess.
[02:48:58] So, just wanted to know if any shenanigans were going to be going down early. They were. So, he found out.
[02:49:05] Like JDG's AOC, I doubt it would surprise me. It wouldn't surprise me. Something like that.
[02:49:11] He's going in there by himself face check and find out that's what they say you're smolder right this this makes a lot
[02:49:16] more sense going in late with the team and
[02:49:18] I mean he's also got teleport
[02:49:20] They are they are they playing this the thing raptors right so you can just kind of come in here and
[02:49:26] Taxi are in to get the raptors, but they do
[02:49:32] It's such a classic Lillia take his raptors. I do like that DK are not swapping against
[02:49:38] T1 the shy now. I would do anything in this universe for T1 the shy
[02:49:44] But it's not gonna happen and it wasn't okay. Yeah, no, it's not okay
[02:49:47] I think that the land sauce would look very good
[02:49:50] But I think this offseason as it's probably gonna be like a mega defining offseason
[02:49:56] Because T1's gonna change
[02:49:58] Half the contracts in the EU are running out. You know, Gen G are gonna change
[02:50:02] They help out Lucid to be aggressive
[02:50:04] Like the, the, it's gonna be
[02:50:06] It's, it's, just think about it, there hasn't been a new player on T1 for like three years now
[02:50:10] So if it's a big signing, then it could be like a crazy, crazy scene, you know
[02:50:15] And so there's not really much time to react
[02:50:19] Okay, so, start here is pretty good for BNK
[02:50:22] Pena has played three games with Zeke, hasn't really found a ton of success on this pick
[02:50:27] But obviously they've been playing it a lot, they've been scrimming it a lot
[02:50:30] Prevents the lane swap like you were saying and we were talking about that in draft and
[02:50:34] It scales really well my biggest question mark though is gonna be this Camille pick this leader and so far
[02:50:41] Tap you mention this team imagine this team just one second again the shy
[02:50:47] peanut
[02:50:48] Paker, guest, barrel
[02:50:51] Oh you mean experience
[02:51:00] in a handle hey at least the oldest team in the world yeah wait I still see
[02:51:07] four in this game so lucid l4 because we're any Raptors and clear up jungle
[02:51:20] closure has right oh yeah we're like zoom out and then zoom out again and then
[02:51:25] Yeah, a lot of training Lucid is playing in Malchi as Lillia. We saw this in game 2
[02:51:33] even the Raptor wasn't able to do too much with the lead he had and Malchi
[02:51:38] feels like he has a much bigger team fight impact most of the time much more
[02:51:43] reliable easier to use. Let's see what this fight looks like though.
[02:51:48] Aeming cons really joined but Pena is only level 3 in low on mana so it doesn't really have much
[02:51:54] damage
[02:51:55] as a mage
[02:51:56] and he's chilling
[02:51:58] lucid be good
[02:52:02] nice
[02:52:03] nice
[02:52:04] where's my shoemaker at the ice basing
[02:52:15] where's lucid rat going?
[02:52:18] what are you gonna do here?
[02:52:20] there's nothing to do here is there?
[02:52:24] play out into this area
[02:52:25] you can have a ton of additional gold
[02:52:27] closer is greeting so hard he needs a little bit more gold for something
[02:52:30] how is lucy still here
[02:52:36] he can't see the space again i'm sure of it
[02:52:41] thanks a lot
[02:52:46] thanks a lot
[02:52:54] He was alone.
[02:52:57] Chad, did Mohan play railing game 1 as well?
[02:53:01] Has he actually just busted out 3 games of rail?
[02:53:04] An Alicer that has damage.
[02:53:07] Yeah, that's right.
[02:53:09] Just the two supports that go down in this fight, big fight over the spellcraft.
[02:53:15] Aiming is very low in this fight because otherwise, you know, against the Ziggs, he's very cooldown dependent, his passive and his bombs,
[02:53:21] but once he uses his abilities, you see, you know, he's not going to offer the same amount of damage back, aiming also early on.
[02:53:26] You can do a decent amount of damage with his Qs, but he's just so low, they have to flash out.
[02:53:30] Once he's gone, you're sure, Lillia gets a kill, but you don't have any damage, you don't have any peel.
[02:53:35] And so, eventually one of these players, like you said, is going to die, and ultimately it's the second kill there going over to Closer.
[02:53:42] aiming did have to flash as well so that is a potential opportunity later on to
[02:53:48] punish this smolder and henna hasn't been able to interact with me just yet
[02:53:53] unfortunately for him we're jumping we're just gonna jump into the land again
[02:53:58] and once again it's just to be too trading Camille Zeke's is scary though
[02:54:04] against again for a serious smolder whoever gets ulted by Camille is
[02:54:08] It's gonna get absolutely blasted by spells.
[02:54:11] Ah, just better off not.
[02:54:14] Um, Lucid is gonna come on in and try to threaten here on the grubs, but...
[02:54:19] The grubs.
[02:54:20] Yeah, it's gone.
[02:54:21] Bro, is Korky Malkai about to just win another game?
[02:54:24] It's...
[02:54:25] What is Korky Malkai win rate together?
[02:54:27] I swear, these two champs combined, it's absurd.
[02:54:30] Not really a good idea to go in there.
[02:54:33] Um, the third one coming back up, if there was an R with an R bar, maybe it came
[02:54:38] and the rotates over but it's close to one now at least as this is a the dance of death we are
[02:54:45] watching here in this top lane very much respected by clear that narbar comes through i have no
[02:54:53] idea what a big narco actually using that into a mega nar and then once this expires you know
[02:54:59] maybe clear starts to trade again but so far the nar handling the match up very well no
[02:55:04] Let's see though, are you a wild PvP or a raider?
[02:55:08] Nah, I hate raiding, I can only do PvP.
[02:55:10] But wild PvP sucks now anyway, so I still...
[02:55:14] Maybe if they make PvP a bit better I'll come back.
[02:55:19] PvP peaked in Raffin Catechism, in fact.
[02:55:22] the fears of a league game dragon coming online
[02:55:26] yep I you know I'm generally a Camille hater personally I'm not a big fan of Camille in this meta
[02:55:34] and I feel like this is one of the games where it's really it's trying to like bring me over to the other side
[02:55:40] you know I feel like this Camille pic really does have a lot of value especially if they do get ahead
[02:55:45] Oh, he's not moving.
[02:55:55] This game is not looking too hot for DK.
[02:55:58] Camille is chilling in lane.
[02:56:00] Maokai is up in camps.
[02:56:04] Korki has two kills.
[02:56:06] I'm afraid to set up this pick for success, Kingen is a very good NAR player, you know, as we've talked about so many times, just loves this base, what no one else was, I don't think Damwon can furniture.
[02:56:19] You know, thinking back to like 2021, you know, a lot of people were like, oh, the game has crashed, I'm not ulting yet, I'll ult if Damwon starts using.
[02:56:25] I know a lot of my picks like Kubeel, but Kingen's always been very good, neutralizing his matchups, getting ahead sometimes as he has a pretty big lead now, will even force clear to back, so...
[02:56:34] If Diamond starts using, I'll use my ult
[02:56:58] Better not push
[02:57:04] single-time this game so that pick hasn't really gotten crazy how the
[02:57:08] corki men are nurse came in and it's still justice opus looking lilia yeah
[02:57:12] working lilia but Megan are coming on in and just like here bowling ball will
[02:57:19] clear the w's alts down and not much that looks to do also it's very close to
[02:57:24] the turret so probably wasn't going to amount to too much at the end of the
[02:57:27] day but lilia coming up means that King gets a nice back here and it's
[02:57:31] gonna feel good especially when nothing really is happening I want to
[02:57:33] That
[02:57:36] Man they gotta do another corki nerf man. It's crazy to me that they just dropped his Q-mana a bit. I mean
[02:57:42] like increases Q-mana
[02:57:44] When I saw that I said yes, Lane will be weaker, but it's corki's Lane even like that oppressive
[02:57:52] It doesn't really even matter when he builds here as well
[02:57:57] You can feel right click you
[02:57:59] There was no cross map when the Lillia showed, and that's just to remove the ability to right click and then see which champions succeed.
[02:58:07] Flash out of showmaker, maybe you can...
[02:58:08] You can no longer basic attack and link left to that change.
[02:58:11] ...and D-plus just freely are unpunished by their topside Lillia play.
[02:58:18] Actually that sounds fun though, a game mode where you can't auto attack.
[02:58:22] You just have to stand next to each other spamming spells.
[02:58:25] It feels like a very similar game to game 2 where it's all top side for B and K
[02:58:31] Joe maker
[02:58:32] Yeah, slow face check flash on into the night the flash the showmaker won auto and the ignite is
[02:58:38] He's 20 HP. Oh hell yeah, no flash Alistar
[02:58:42] YOW!
[02:58:43] And the six bomb over the top gonna take him down and yes, they get the Alistar
[02:58:48] But it feels very good to take down show me. Yeah, still ultimately is a big win here for B and K
[02:58:54] close call there almost didn't get showmaker but he backs in a pretty
[02:58:58] greedy spot and will be found by the bomb the ignite revealing his position
[02:59:03] for a bit there and this goes straight for the channel and ends up being
[02:59:06] punished for it so okay some success here dragon still alive D plus haven't
[02:59:12] been able to take that one just yet but they will group for it here teleport
[02:59:16] back to mid lane for closer but I just don't think they're gonna be able to
[02:59:19] contest this they don't have ziggs old and that is five minutes of camera
[02:59:24] running soon yeah my neighbor has it's my neighbor which alone is quite nice
[02:59:29] Raptor just not here in time and he got the cue on that and Raptor is going to
[02:59:35] lock that one down aiming remember he does not so I think he just kind of
[02:59:39] dies yeah he's he's dead and I mean really the only cleansable thing in this
[02:59:45] game is the mountain but if the mountain hits you then you just die and now
[02:59:48] Now finally, Hena has some time with the turret.
[02:59:51] Yay, they did it, the Ziggs is getting the money.
[02:59:53] I wonder what League of Legends looks like if you balance champions differently in pro
[02:59:59] play and solo queue.
[03:00:00] Because someone made the argument that like, Corky's winrate is going to drop below 40%
[03:00:05] if there's another nerf.
[03:00:06] And I get it, it's the same with Ryze, it's the same with Azir, it's the same
[03:00:09] with Corky, primarily mid laners.
[03:00:11] And in solo queue they'll have lower winrates as they get nerfed, but in pro play,
[03:00:17] It doesn't really matter these nerfs, because the game goes late and it's a lot safer and
[03:00:20] your eager lane phase being weak doesn't matter.
[03:00:24] SoloQ is way too fast-paced, like Cassante, right?
[03:00:28] It's a bit tricky to balance, Xerri was a bit tricky to balance.
[03:00:35] But I think the problem is, if you balance champions differently for pro-play in soloQ,
[03:00:40] then the practice just becomes horrific.
[03:00:43] Unless you somehow open up a tournament realm that is publicly available to play solo queue on, like FaceIt,
[03:00:53] for any player that's reached Challenger or is in at least tier 2 pro play that they can queue up on,
[03:01:00] similar champions queued just in better than the client, and when they play on that client, it is pro-play level balancing.
[03:01:07] That could work.
[03:01:10] But yeah.
[03:01:11] I think that's a bigger deal.
[03:01:19] Yeah, they can keep going with six drops.
[03:01:23] That's crazy. Good swap by Fox.
[03:01:26] They did the same thing in game one, I think. It's the exact same play.
[03:01:31] Camille has ult.
[03:01:36] Rw the wrong way.
[03:01:38] Oh, Shumiko's got a clear here.
[03:01:40] Rappers flash, but Lucer has flash too.
[03:01:52] Alright, 5-0 on Lili, I will 4-0 on Elf, showmaker KS.
[03:01:56] Aiming should get the spot tier 1 before clearing to be bot king in defense mid.
[03:02:17] Clear is looking for him. Yeah, he had a blue trinket drops it down
[03:02:21] I'm just gonna spot him and aiming in a lot of trouble here. There is no ultimating
[03:02:25] I'm not sure if he gets out actually maybe a flash
[03:02:28] AHHHHHHHHH
[03:02:29] OUCH
[03:02:30] fellow flash
[03:02:31] I think this game is done by the way like it's such a BLG comp if you watch BLG
[03:02:36] Doesn't BLG love Maokai corky zigs they just love that shit or Maokai zigs in general
[03:02:42] I thought you actually got like the update on the prompter or something
[03:02:47] I was like that can't be right about this. It's really strong, Maokai Corky Ziggs
[03:02:51] You add in Anastar and Tyrell, which is like obviously quite easy and then Camille gets a free counter in the NAR
[03:02:58] Even though she blind picks
[03:03:00] I think Fox's comp is so strong
[03:03:03] Oh he canceled it
[03:03:05] And now I'm going to hold that bitch
[03:03:07] to be alternate the wall one wall up will not be avoided right from clear one
[03:03:11] okay thank god as he will be taken down eventually all right well one step forward
[03:03:19] two steps back end of getting the pick on the aiming trading flashes but I mean
[03:03:25] it's aiming zero three didn't have his ultimate still I don't want to know how
[03:03:29] many stacks aiming hands actually it's probably really bad taken out by the
[03:03:33] than R and your aiming has been shut down significantly right like he's three zero and three
[03:03:39] let's go back to this play actually before we talk about aiming further because he's getting
[03:03:42] placed during this play going for the dive like you said is a bit of a stretch they had the
[03:03:47] Maokai ultimate and i think if you just once the Maokai ult goes down you just walk away here
[03:03:52] that's that's perfectly serviceable you got an inner turret you got the top side turret your ziggs
[03:03:57] Vibe in
[03:03:59] Walk away vibing that they decide to go back in while his area is appearing one of the fastest best chase down
[03:04:05] Champions in the game and Lillia is showing off and you just are not gonna get out of here
[03:04:10] So the showman got the kill
[03:04:12] Backwards here is aiming actually just show me aiming stacks show me the damage. What are we at 16 minutes?
[03:04:17] Show me the damage. He's at 120. I actually thought it would be worse than that. It's so bad though
[03:04:23] A 1,300 gold lead is not enough at this stage, and even without money, even at 0 and 3, aiming will eventually stack.
[03:04:30] He is at 125 right now, so the faster pace this time around it looks like.
[03:04:36] He's really far ahead, holy shit, he's two levels up.
[03:04:39] He definitely do, and DK, and even six drops.
[03:04:43] A lot of kills, but he must have gotten a camp earlier than that.
[03:04:45] Not that first dragon again?
[03:04:47] This dragon is not a big deal.
[03:04:49] I think B and K should just play for mid tier through here.
[03:04:52] Oh wait, the Heralds crashed? Did the Heralds lose a charge there? No it didn't, right?
[03:04:59] Okay, got the charge.
[03:05:04] I mean, Fox's teamfighting is really strong, but his drake doesn't really matter.
[03:05:07] Oh, closer, what are you doing?
[03:05:15] Camille 6. Camille 6. Really powerful combo, Camille 6.
[03:05:20] I mean this comp from Fox is like blind pickable actually in everything. It's just like queuing up a blind pick
[03:05:27] Nah, I'm gonna have to old chat. This game is unloosable for Fox. I think absolutely unloosable
[03:05:42] But plays like this give you hope that they can be decisive leading into these objective fights
[03:05:46] Because you need to play like this and they haven't been playing like this around a lot of the objectives in our first two games
[03:05:52] Yeah, also keep in mind they don't have to do that to mohan like in a later game team fight
[03:05:56] They can just press that onto a maker on the showmaker and
[03:06:00] One of those hyper carries will probably die
[03:06:03] They do have to get in there and really over commit to make it happen
[03:06:08] But if they're ahead then you know you've got enough power
[03:06:11] You've got this massive corky of the six. Yeah, and it doesn't even have to be either those carries
[03:06:16] It could be King and two if you catch him on the side
[03:06:19] The same way clear was caught trying to push that wave bottom side
[03:06:22] There are great champions to punish here on the side of D plus POV Kader's boss my team
[03:06:28] Which mean they're two are the question. She has a secret arm guard smartly purchased here this time around
[03:06:32] So yeah, the OG Damwon fans will know and remember when Canyon played mid lane
[03:06:38] they'll remember those days
[03:07:08] see more fights like the one we just saw for being here playing oppressively around vision
[03:07:13] it's gonna have to be barons they use i think more than dragons to force those fights those
[03:07:18] uncomfortable positions with d plus or d plus like you know i really i can't clear ag yet
[03:07:23] that's old school i need to go in there i cannot allow them to have the subjective they need to
[03:07:27] you're co-streaming that game as well yeah it was a long time ago 154 9 20 minutes in one botched
[03:07:34] It's gonna take a while. The good news is it's one drake apiece, this is miles away.
[03:07:40] But I really think that their turn with Camille, Malki, Alistar is so good on a Baron force.
[03:07:48] I think Fox have two options. Option one is have Corki top push out, Camille bot push
[03:07:52] out, some kind of mid collapse into Nash, or it's mid and bot to assist you, which
[03:07:57] is the easy one. Camille hovers around her team, drops top, they go 4 man sieging
[03:08:01] with six grubs and there's zigs to finish the... what they'll do is Maokai ult here and they
[03:08:05] should secure bot tier too and they'll allow them to step up and then they can zigs W the
[03:08:11] tower and they can back away so that one has to fight them because Maokai ult down.
[03:08:16] Oh my good god it's such an insane engage.
[03:08:21] Holy shit.
[03:08:22] Wait, Moham was insane on that engage.
[03:08:26] That's Baron.
[03:08:29] That is Baron. Crazy engage by Mulan.
[03:08:47] K-Zoolz ult wins again.
[03:08:54] Mid lane doesn't matter. Free farm.
[03:08:59] inhibitor you can just kind of always be able to push that one out so it's a
[03:09:03] significant catch back here in a great call I didn't think I'd have to oop this
[03:09:06] early in the playoffs for them one but two times in a row what an engage from
[03:09:10] moham it was obvious what Fox wants to do they took me tier two Camille's missing
[03:09:13] from top top wave stacking the Fox it's weird that Camille's not there she's
[03:09:16] hiding in fog she shows me they go 1-4 and then they use bot wave and they
[03:09:21] malkile bot wave and they want to step back take the tower and back away
[03:09:24] and set up now but I mean moham he stuns malchai and then flashes over him
[03:09:31] unfortunately raptor tries to deny him entry but you Jesus man I mean moham's
[03:09:37] engages have been incredible
[03:09:40] I mean he's just like I win this game I'm going I'm going I'm going
[03:09:46] Oh
[03:09:49] He called it crazy
[03:09:56] And you mentioned just before this
[03:09:58] Like they got a lot of turrets and it's crazy in the turrets more
[03:10:02] I'm getting more confidence. I love it to make when people are seeking your turrets this flank plays like that
[03:10:06] And they just greeted super hard of raptor standing further away and they get the twisted advance
[03:10:11] And he can't actually find that angle and then they just grab the turret walk away or potentially even find more
[03:10:15] Yeah, the streak doesn't matter and that one have a lot of standing on the map right mid and top tier one with Baron shouldn't be too difficult
[03:10:21] But the Fox have a lot of control in the map right now
[03:10:23] So they need to be a bit careful
[03:10:25] Like aiming sketching away from tier 3 and NAR wants to take top tier one right and I understand the STP but
[03:10:33] Can be quite difficult
[03:10:36] They probably think Fox is around here, but they're not there
[03:10:40] Clear what are you doing?
[03:10:42] That's really good for them, they wasted Malka, Kamuult and Ziggs, so now the carries are freed up.
[03:10:47] Very hard for Troxified now. Very weird that they wasted their combo onto Nar in Mega.
[03:11:04] Railban? Yeah, railban will hurt. Whoever they play next round will ban rail against them more than I have.
[03:11:12] the side of BNK that got that outer, and you can admit that turret is still very healthy.
[03:11:17] So D plus not the greatest baron power play in terms of structures, obviously in terms of gold,
[03:11:21] quite nice for them, but still have a lot of turrets to go through.
[03:11:25] But Smulder is stacking, you know, that's kind of the the theme of this game. Will he get to that
[03:11:30] breaking point? I don't know how many stacks he's sitting on right now, but obviously getting
[03:11:35] much closer, and even if it's the slowest aiming Smulder stacks, I mean we're four minutes
[03:11:40] away from the worst case scenario. Zero-five days much closer this time. Still pretty slow,
[03:11:45] but it doesn't matter if once that's online, then the fights get so much tougher.
[03:11:48] Strik doesn't really matter.
[03:11:50] If she has all that extra gold, it doesn't really matter, Strik.
[03:11:51] Armguard into a zone is early, so now has a ton of extra armor, a lot more safety,
[03:11:57] and we'll be able to on-command in these critical teamfights,
[03:12:00] block out any type of commando gauge on top of her where she's trying to lock her out.
[03:12:04] Yeah, I mean, Ziggs is strong. I mean, I do think they can kill Smulder very easily.
[03:12:08] Like the smolder being fed doesn't matter. Camille ziggs will kill the smolder.
[03:12:17] What is your ult cooldown? I don't know actually, but I did do it three times in a row in an LAC final, so...
[03:12:22] Can't be that long.
[03:12:31] Yeah, I mean, they still have a chance. I mean, they still have ways to get clear on flanks
[03:12:37] and press R button and they still have a couple of extremely fed carries in their own right with the
[03:12:42] quirky on three items the ziggs on three items include deathcap deathcap who did go for the damage
[03:12:47] build bro build axiom art really happy with the way the ziggs has been played and built this game
[03:12:52] especially early on with all the turrets that went down now i wouldn't favor them they almost
[03:12:58] have zriae despairing just slows the game down right series rather has been going pretty
[03:13:02] heavily in favor of DK and the fact that I think wearing the jersey which is a
[03:13:06] cool down actually might be bad here right. There's IU and Zerry, yeah that
[03:13:11] one is a lot stronger. They're at their spikes now. That baron, that engaged
[03:13:18] block just won in the game I think.
[03:13:20] Yeah, which was certainly more in favor of DK.
[03:13:23] I mean I still think it's winnable, but smaller just hit AMOHAM, 225 and
[03:13:27] It's okay, I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you. There's no objective up. It doesn't matter. You didn't use anything.
[03:13:34] You will be back up. It doesn't matter. They can't get an agreement. In worst case, they have the small rules.
[03:13:40] Like, top tier 3, but...
[03:13:44] It's okay. Don't worry about it. We forgive you.
[03:13:52] They can't do anything.
[03:13:54] They have Kamill, they can maybe force on a smaller or mid-weaver some shit at home.
[03:14:00] They have the inhibitor there, but instead they're just coming back.
[03:14:04] I feel like there was an angle, the group and the siege again, but maybe they've been
[03:14:08] burned twice once in this top lane so they're like, you know what, even though he's dead
[03:14:13] he's going to respawn and I don't like it, but you have all the vision, look at all
[03:14:15] the vision they have.
[03:14:16] I was thinking the same thing, I mean like this is like the great angle to actually
[03:14:20] go for a big siege but I guess they just don't want to be burned again before Baron.
[03:14:23] Yeah, this is just trying to get vision. He's alone. I mean, this is a mistake from all homies
[03:14:29] Come up from challengers in the middle of summer at the tail end of summer
[03:14:33] So you are gonna get some mistakes like that from your from your newer
[03:14:39] Support if we're just gonna be really critical. I mean there was no Baron for 90 seconds at that point
[03:14:43] So trying to get vision of that at that moment wasn't necessarily pertinent
[03:14:47] but
[03:14:49] Ultimately without him there. I thought we would have seen a
[03:14:53] Especially because D plus we're not showing in did because they you know, it's funny to like moham still doesn't have his all
[03:14:59] Okay, we respond so a siege would have gone really hard
[03:15:02] Yeah, I like you get a siege on top you take down a second inhibitor. Maybe you start to threaten Baron and
[03:15:09] Take out all the vision after that push
[03:15:11] Ultimately, they decide not to and you and I don't agree with it
[03:15:15] But again, there's fear you are on your playoff life your tournament life
[03:15:19] You know they have an opportunity for world's qualifiers
[03:15:21] Alright now that money is looking
[03:15:23] Now it's when the game can be a bit annoying because Camille's freed up
[03:15:25] She can TP anywhere
[03:15:35] They're clutch, that's right
[03:15:37] They can flash you or something with the teleport
[03:15:39] And you clutch, say it again
[03:15:49] They were able to get a little bit of app control back
[03:15:51] Maybe if they could start a Baron here and look for a good turn be the window back into this game
[03:15:56] What are you saying?
[03:15:58] He is stacking already have good engage and let's move him does his team
[03:16:01] You know I'm doing
[03:16:02] As you mentioned, you know, you've got Ziggs you've got Malchai. Do the team on the team
[03:16:06] In the draft there's just a lot of different ways to threaten turns to threaten damage without really being in any danger
[03:16:13] Right, you've even got an Alistar to try to peel and this is
[03:16:16] Ow. Ow.
[03:16:20] Ow!
[03:16:22] Maybe Fox is compassed too strong. Maybe it doesn't matter how good you are.
[03:16:31] There's the baron force.
[03:16:33] man look at the zoning here as well from Hannah trying to keep them away from this
[03:16:37] pit but it won't last forever it's a lot of damage bit of Lucian will be given by
[03:16:41] mom but look at Lucent oh god this zig-champ is so disgusting he's dead
[03:16:47] okay aiming trying to block for the juggler oh my god zig-scorky mouth I broke can you
[03:16:54] fuck off zig bombs on the ground keeping them out decisive call from B and K these
[03:17:00] These are the looks that we need to see from this team.
[03:17:02] No, there's no reverse sweep. Shut up.
[03:17:04] Shut up.
[03:17:05] There are just baby steps here that will be barren in Team Dragon.
[03:17:08] There'll be game three in these.
[03:17:09] Well, even it's up two to two.
[03:17:11] But that was really tough to play out for the side of the pluses.
[03:17:14] Lucid just has to go to the Zonias.
[03:17:16] He's almost killed by Leandrie's burn there off of that final cue.
[03:17:20] This is the power of Ziggs that is in a position where he can't really be touched.
[03:17:25] And you have to run into him and there's an Alkai on his team.
[03:17:28] Like, how do you get him?
[03:17:29] get them. And it's just, I mean, all of the moments leading up to that baron take, we're
[03:17:34] clearing the wave, poking aiming, trying to keep him at arm's length where you can't,
[03:17:39] we can't quite reach you, can't actually poke back and return. The issues aren't the issue,
[03:17:43] it's the Q damage, but if you're Q'ing into B and K, you might get punished, you
[03:17:47] might get blown up, and if your health bar is constantly getting chipped away at,
[03:17:50] you have to back away. He does have teleport, of course, but isn't going to be able
[03:17:53] to match that rotation over the baron, and B and K do have that wafer, do have
[03:17:57] that push then they have you know the ability to zone you when eating later was so well handled
[03:18:02] just leaving raptor and closer on the baron and allowing the ziggs to just constantly threatened
[03:18:06] so you can't really scale it i'm not going to allow it to see a rift maker for lucid we'll
[03:18:12] see if he can have a long-term teamfight here with aiming later on this game is not over
[03:18:15] by any means but being caked and once again open up this base that mid inhibitor is
[03:18:19] still open yeah mid inhibitor is almost a gimme especially if they do hard
[03:18:27] commit to it let's see where DK want to make their stand this game's just gonna
[03:18:31] run into a bomb I mean at the end of the day they do have some decent wave
[03:18:36] clear with the smolder but aiming can't be everywhere by himself and they
[03:18:39] still don't have a good answer for the Camille clear is threatening this top
[03:18:43] turret the inhibitor like he says it give me then they can collapse here
[03:18:46] around that top turret mean you are not safety plus have to play really far back
[03:18:51] mom this time not able to find that flank angle this time no way for him to
[03:18:56] actually go and trap or punish
[03:18:59] but all alone here it's not a good spot but you just cannot actually close the
[03:19:04] gap alone it's hard man you know how to engage something but in case something
[03:19:10] got into them they really hunkered down in the last five minutes or so and
[03:19:13] They said we are not losing this game
[03:19:24] Nice
[03:19:35] How OP is
[03:19:43] this Nexus for it. Yeah, King's going in there. It's a TV. King's gonna hit it, but now TP utilized. King's
[03:19:51] gonna go even more than anything. Ziggs and King has no way to open the mines on the ground. I mean,
[03:19:57] they cannot deal with the Ziggs. Ziggs is so OP. Ziggs is so OP. It is just busted.
[03:20:03] It's just busted. This game with these late dragon takes. Okay. Oh, nice fry.
[03:20:07] Um
[03:20:19] How do you counter it there's no it they don't have nothing like more I'm sitting in a bush somewhere
[03:20:31] Oh my god, actually it's about corp damage
[03:20:37] The puzzling timing of the ult unfortunately for Raptor and Enduro is able to survive despite...
[03:20:43] That one's gonna have to force something soon somewhere.
[03:20:45] But anyway, if D plus...
[03:20:47] Because the longer they wait...
[03:20:49] They'll happily give up an ocean break. They don't care about that.
[03:20:52] The more concerned about this next baron here, because that's when you can really start to push through
[03:20:56] and actually just end the game with a zig so you can just basically two shot the...
[03:21:00] Maybe like a mole? Do they need a mark?
[03:21:03] Dave off the pressure all these inhibitors survive here stack it up scale it up
[03:21:07] They still have a chance to win this game
[03:21:09] But it is not over until it's over because being cake can't just walk up and end with this composition, but
[03:21:14] If they over index into a fight
[03:21:16] They haven't even gotten me tear one yet. You know, there's an angle for this the backdoor end
[03:21:21] Just very tricky into the smolder wave. So you mentioned me look at it here
[03:21:25] Just really easy for D plus this go. Okay. Well, it's really unfortunate have inhibitors down
[03:21:29] But luckily we have a smolder on our team
[03:21:31] Yeah, and you know if they were able to get that bottom inhibitor maybe there would be a
[03:21:36] Different story because that that's farthest away from the Baron as you mentioned this biggest threat you put the Camille there
[03:21:42] He's got TP and you really don't have a good answer at all outside of any guess
[03:21:47] And then he's got a hope he doesn't get jumped on or he's never in a position
[03:21:51] It's very much on a thin line here
[03:21:54] It's not an easy game to play out for either side
[03:21:56] I would say but big credit to be in case we're really turning this game around
[03:22:00] Good break. Yeah, and essentially playing the way to win as something got into them
[03:22:05] Somebody made a call and they're like nope. We're just gonna play this way and this is how we're gonna do it
[03:22:09] We're gonna win nobody's gonna make any more mistakes. I'm gonna turn the shit around and yeah
[03:22:13] I mean class I got caught on the bottom side, but it didn't really mean anything. So yeah, ultimately didn't matter
[03:22:19] Being cage gonna take this dragon systematically here. This is the give up of the dragon
[03:22:23] I was talking about for they want elder to spawn. Yeah, they just don't really care about this dragon at all
[03:22:28] It's not so
[03:22:30] And even have war so that you'd be like, well, I'm not gonna force the fight here with two inhibitors down
[03:22:35] I guess was weak for help but these and even that so it's just so point so
[03:22:39] NK do not care to the Baron they do care about they are gonna try to you know clear up some vision over here and
[03:22:45] Prepare for just contesting it while also leaving the smolder in mid
[03:22:49] The fact that they have these three teleports up is so huge for D plus because allows them to deal with the inhibitors and then respond when he play
[03:22:55] Aggressively that being came a look to make they didn't have these TP is being cake at his code look coming like these
[03:23:00] I love your lanes and hard push and
[03:23:03] Then it's very difficult to punish
[03:23:05] And as clear is lurking over here
[03:23:08] So it's actually gonna be show maker who is gonna take the side lane they have three TPs as do being K
[03:23:16] And it's basically this aiming end showmaker
[03:23:22] And they can both see P to a Baron fight if need be
[03:23:26] Yeah, once this wave gets pushed out, you know with these super minions here
[03:23:30] You have an opportunity to start Baron as being K now we're scaling scaling right if you know D plus committal
[03:23:35] Their TP is to the Baron and then clear just hides and he can actually be responding soon. Nice. Yeah, five seconds bottom lane
[03:23:41] Not quite in the position you suggest yet D plus being so patient here not panicking
[03:23:46] Not overreacting, just constantly checking, well, slowly clearing the waves.
[03:23:50] Mid inhibitors back up, 40 seconds till that top inhibitor is back up,
[03:23:53] Kingon is very far out there, but there's no one to punish,
[03:23:56] because they have vision around here, they have vision in the baron pit,
[03:23:58] they have this control ward, so he knows he can be up here like this.
[03:24:02] And now the team is joining, they can double team here to the fight.
[03:24:06] D-plus have handled this, double down inhibitors so incredibly well.
[03:24:11] And B and K unfortunately not able to get anything out of here.
[03:24:14] I feel like they were doing well for the last five minutes, but now they're kind of almost smolders
[03:24:19] Almost 400 stacks coming from too many angles, and they don't know what to do with it
[03:24:24] They don't want to start the barring. They're a bit fearful about that. They don't want to
[03:24:29] Go too hard in the side lane with their Camille who almost has full build by the way
[03:24:34] And I mean they got to do something now moham running over mines. That's never really
[03:24:39] Oh, man.
[03:24:41] Hopefully not.
[03:24:43] Finally engaged, finally.
[03:24:45] Finally, you should have been up there.
[03:25:09] but I don't think it's quite enough
[03:25:11] They literally said no fucking fighting and I'm just bombing
[03:25:13] He can't really punish or threaten this inhibitor
[03:25:15] unless she'll make a leap
[03:25:17] Is this what it takes to beat Malta Corky? Jesus
[03:25:19] So what they need to do is force him to leave
[03:25:21] by, for example, starting there and then confident
[03:25:23] for him to be in care
[03:25:24] There's not confidence in him
[03:25:25] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
[03:25:27] Oh my God, he's in this
[03:25:29] Okay, finally this leap comes in
[03:25:30] but a lot of members up being here
[03:25:32] are here by closer
[03:25:33] No harm again, no harm again
[03:25:34] No harm again, no harm again
[03:25:35] from the top rope
[03:25:36] from the top rope
[03:25:37] Start
[03:25:50] Yes, or no, tell me now. Yeah, can you end top now?
[03:25:59] See that's coming up
[03:26:07] Yeah, I'm not sure I don't think
[03:26:13] They need to go Nash
[03:26:23] Guys
[03:26:30] One minute on Drake
[03:26:37] Hmm
[03:26:39] Oh, they're gonna face checker
[03:26:45] Is it one tap that burn?
[03:26:47] King don't die you rat
[03:26:49] Please run me close
[03:26:53] Just get it and get out
[03:26:55] Run
[03:26:57] Okay, yeah, fight fight run
[03:26:59] You get the mixed up
[03:27:01] Oh you fucking rats man, I swear
[03:27:03] You're so annoying
[03:27:05] You're so annoying. You're so annoying. You're so annoying. You are. You're just so annoying.
[03:27:11] Why just leave? Just leave. I'm based.
[03:27:23] What is- what is leave?
[03:27:27] Where's Keegan going?
[03:27:30] Where's Red Boy going?
[03:27:32] They're gonna try and make a pick on whoever catches Kequage.
[03:27:34] Wait, two rats in one lane.
[03:27:37] No, stay, stay, stay, do it.
[03:27:39] It's good news.
[03:27:40] I feel like over committing there would be a mistake.
[03:27:42] Yeah, showmaker just picks up a GA after this play.
[03:27:45] This is where it all goes wrong.
[03:27:47] I mean, Moe has me just a goat.
[03:27:50] There's so much more they can do with this.
[03:27:52] Moe has me just a goat.
[03:27:53] A lake keeps coming through from clear.
[03:27:55] The mom layering is amazing and that execute damage is just coming through.
[03:28:00] through like you cannot win these fights if you're not dictating the pace of them yourself that you're
[03:28:05] that ziggs is absolutely seated as being k you're not winning these fights and yes there was a ton
[03:28:09] of damage going through there from the ziggs when they were all together imagine they were the ones to
[03:28:13] turn imagine if they start the fight off the mouth i don't help those players in place but they
[03:28:17] just weren't confident enough to do it and he pulled the seekers and water g8 i like it aiming
[03:28:23] i like it double g8 i like it i like it we need a marvo somehow so this is going to be
[03:28:30] different feel now that I like to mark your tricks with maybe fuck
[03:28:35] man what is it but I mean as I'm thinking maybe some of my mouth on the
[03:28:41] very DK we're finding angles when they're hurt and really angles to find
[03:28:45] and now from ahead I feel like DK have a lot more options
[03:28:51] nice gonna look to take down this bid in her and get the most out of the
[03:28:56] the Red Bull Baron power play.
[03:28:59] Yeah, now starting to put the threat
[03:29:00] on the second and Hibber.
[03:29:03] Hibber, it's her first,
[03:29:04] but Wave Clear is coming through, it's good,
[03:29:06] and it has his ult back up.
[03:29:08] Elder spawns, you know, ironically,
[03:29:10] with that consolation drake,
[03:29:12] it gives D plus more of a robust Woon Con here.
[03:29:16] They can get a second and Hibber,
[03:29:17] kind of guarantees that they should be able
[03:29:18] to have Pryo, but they're not able to do so.
[03:29:21] And the game continues.
[03:29:24] This game is so I
[03:29:26] Feel like both D plus are being more decisive, but they're also being
[03:29:34] Not like this it does not walk forward killed at that
[03:29:40] politics generally a bad idea
[03:29:45] You see the entire way
[03:29:48] So not a lot of pressure with the Baron, but yeah, and here comes clear
[03:29:51] Where is that sucker going?
[03:29:53] You have Baron Recall's cuff?
[03:29:55] You're doing nothing.
[03:30:06] Yeah, you'd have to sell shields earlier right, yeah.
[03:30:13] Surely he has the C here in the base, right?
[03:30:15] Ooh, he blocked the entries instead of shoging.
[03:30:18] Is that worth setting?
[03:30:20] setting setting this entire game so Jim for the end is on small done it's like
[03:30:24] really clean two inhibitors down but played everything right they were the
[03:30:29] ones who were able to set up the ambush on the Baron they were more decisive on
[03:30:32] their push no with Baron my money's on there even though this entire game has
[03:30:36] looked like being K have so much control over the map they got the
[03:30:39] inhibitors they have control they have a silent and Camille but deep
[03:30:41] plus it is making the place of Mohamed he doesn't care about the mines
[03:30:46] apparently he's gonna find more mines he's like hey I give me some more
[03:30:49] those actually I'd like to step on more yeah he's gonna be looking at his healing stat
[03:30:55] and so I'll feel stat up with his warmogs after this game on who um it's really funny
[03:31:02] this I mean this is freaking me out because I'm watching D plus threatening everywhere
[03:31:05] non-stop constantly and just one kill just one pick might be with the sides this game
[03:31:11] yeah I mean we might go to a game four like being K four and they had so many I kind of
[03:31:17] I feel bad for them as you mentioned before I feel like if their if their team fights were just a bit more coordinated
[03:31:22] And they were setting the tone they were the ones starting them off and
[03:31:25] Going for all those combos that we mentioned earlier on that just kind of never came true
[03:31:29] Holy fuck lucid had four items better spot right now. I've never seen that before in my laban eventually six items
[03:31:36] They're here. Yeah, four items. I'm on lucid. You kill one of these players with a big combo
[03:31:42] They're gonna pop back up also. Sorry to cut you off. I think he also sold an item and bought the undries
[03:31:47] I'm not 100% sure about that, but I saw him selling item and then you yeah, so my found I think he did I
[03:31:54] Know he had a shogun's and right. Yeah, so he did. Yeah, he sold that
[03:32:00] I'm looking at being K. I'm like if you can't clutch this you're not going around to you know
[03:32:04] You have to clutch this elder fight. You have to be decisive. They have the inhibitor respawn now
[03:32:09] just don't get
[03:32:12] isolated this looks like another one of those fights but lucid oh he nearly
[03:32:16] dies he's burning at one time
[03:32:21] still going on he is saved by the locket thirty seconds on this baron
[03:32:27] mean g-plus will have time for lucid to go back and then re return with full
[03:32:31] health but they're not gonna have prior here being kailis it's so tough
[03:32:35] What? What?
[03:32:37] What?
[03:32:39] Right again
[03:32:41] Right here
[03:32:43] What the hell
[03:32:45] I mean
[03:32:47] It's very good to change that
[03:32:49] Today doesn't have ocean soul, you know
[03:32:51] Yeah
[03:32:53] Come on, come on
[03:32:55] Come on, come on, talk to me
[03:32:59] Wait, we're starting Nesh
[03:33:05] Just very short it is going to try to join with the team
[03:33:07] But Lucia has no stopwatch. Oh my god
[03:33:10] It's taking on this Baron already
[03:33:12] Lucia is in the tank. They just have to damage the Raptor.
[03:33:16] Oh my god, family will be north. That's huge.
[03:33:18] No, no, no!
[03:33:20] Corki's in Jado.
[03:33:22] Corki's in Jado. Somebody up there on the top side.
[03:33:24] No, it's actually closer.
[03:33:26] Elders all the matters. Get the Elders.
[03:33:28] Basically, they can be in K,
[03:33:30] but they just lost their Corki.
[03:33:32] Elders all the matters.
[03:33:34] bro it sucks like are they locked in no they're not they're locked out where's
[03:33:37] the keys who locked them up there's no way to punish their coming over to gnar
[03:33:42] right away they started up boot up and king and walks away he still has tea
[03:33:47] baby give me give me an elder give me give me elder and smolder doesn't do
[03:33:51] anything but sounds cool that's full build the plus with a huge win again
[03:33:56] despite the steal from raptor nice you just get nothing in return in the
[03:34:02] fight and the game's not over but I would definitely leave now just end
[03:34:08] these events they're just gonna walk up and siege this and how do they get past
[03:34:12] this little mother sucker who just spamming spells on the way now the
[03:34:16] issue is do they ever get to fight because again no Baron so zigz just
[03:34:22] clears oh my god it's me with a second elder they cannot threaten and nearly
[03:34:27] died as eggs if they can't threaten zigz and henna's just fine he just
[03:34:30] throws mines, throws bombs, and you don't have a wave.
[03:34:32] So you never really have a chance to fight VNK
[03:34:35] unless you're diving.
[03:34:37] Yeah, and you know, aiming is low range, right?
[03:34:39] He's getting poked out by the zakes a little bit.
[03:34:41] If he gets an opportunity or more,
[03:34:43] I'm fine with these blanks,
[03:34:44] which he is threatening as we speak.
[03:34:47] Wait, they conned actually ends.
[03:34:48] I just never get a wave.
[03:34:49] And I feel like they're very much like,
[03:34:52] well, I guess we have dead zakes,
[03:34:56] now we go next.
[03:34:57] Oh, you're not serious right then.
[03:34:59] I thought it was definitely a much better angle.
[03:35:02] I thought about the Raptors steel action.
[03:35:03] La la la la la la la la la.
[03:35:06] I don't know about that.
[03:35:07] La la la la la la la la la.
[03:35:09] It's a boss get there.
[03:35:12] And elder and quirky they probably just win the game.
[03:35:15] So Raptor keeps them alive in this game.
[03:35:18] Come on man.
[03:35:19] They ended up putting everything in.
[03:35:21] Zeke's remove it from the game.
[03:35:22] What is that creative care bro?
[03:35:24] A target that didn't have Megan R.
[03:35:25] Oh you want to see it?
[03:35:56] Mom I believe in you I believe in you mom show it to me show me the magic show me the magic
[03:36:03] Show me the magic where is it?
[03:36:05] 20 seconds mom I'm watching you, but I'm watching you
[03:36:09] It's you baby. Don't be afraid. Just go. Just go
[03:36:15] Just go now now now now eight seconds now seven now
[03:36:26] Wombo, Kabobu, Moham, fight the Engage is not quite enough. Where's the damage for DK?
[03:36:31] Oh, enemy's alive! Enemy's alive!
[03:36:33] Show me, Kab!
[03:36:34] It's in the backlight as well!
[03:36:36] No! No! Take him! Do something!
[03:36:37] It's not good as well as crying, but it's not quite enough, DMK!
[03:36:40] No! You should do something! Do something!
[03:36:43] They're gonna go base!
[03:36:44] Super clutch move from Duro!
[03:36:46] Saving the game! It's like each individual player has this moment here for B and K,
[03:36:51] who's wrapped again in a baron steel to help to keep them alive.
[03:36:54] 5 for 0!
[03:36:56] 5 for 0!
[03:36:58] 5!
[03:37:03] 5!
[03:37:05] Is it over?
[03:37:13] Bro, Phyrex are so annoying.
[03:37:15] You're so annoying.
[03:37:17] Okay, you won a game. Congrats.
[03:37:20] Congrats, you won a game. Congrats.
[03:37:24] Yeah, let's stall another hour
[03:37:26] Yeah, great, good job
[03:37:28] Yeah, lose game 4 anyway
[03:37:30] La-la-la-la-no, bro, you're so annoying
[03:37:36] You're so annoying
[03:37:38] You're so annoying
[03:37:40] Actually, fear-exile are ultimate rats
[03:37:42] They are just the fucking, they are the rat, the epithome of rats
[03:37:48] They're so annoying
[03:37:50] And it ended up being what is that just to immediately isolate one of the targets and what's been you here silver screen shut up
[03:37:58] It's a game. You see the code. It's a game and and they're playing caught you mouth
[03:38:02] I that's it trusted and you guys could probably tell I thought D plus could end there
[03:38:06] I think they have the elder buff if I'm not one angle into the base
[03:38:09] But it's just such a clutch counter engage from Doro to come through and it's moments like that where you just go
[03:38:16] Okay, they got us, you know
[03:38:17] It wasn't the cleanest step there for D plus and they were like alright now the base is open
[03:38:20] We have enough minions here
[03:38:21] Hannah is not altering the wave because he wants to hold the team the Camille ultimate followed up off
[03:38:27] You know the fallout after that Alistar engage was fantastic, and it's just so
[03:38:33] Incredibly close. It's on such a nice edge
[03:38:36] And maybe D plus should have just played it slower there
[03:38:38] The Ziggs was such a big problem the constant wave clear such a back-and-forth game and an elder fucked
[03:38:45] late game smolders here it's kind of crying well look what you're doing you're
[03:38:50] giving them false hope they're actually weeping with hope everybody in the shot
[03:38:55] that's being came back yet oh my god they're actually all crying wait what the
[03:38:59] fuck that's crazy says do not give up and they certainly did not they have
[03:39:03] another chance for game four we'll be back after the break wait they're
[03:39:07] actually like well bro they're actually holy fucker now that's passion right
[03:39:13] there that's passion damn right or die bro right or die well at least they can
[03:39:22] be proud of their team they want a game they win it more though they win it
[03:39:27] more they win it more so I'm a fraud where can I become a fear ex lawyer
[03:40:15] do I even want to see fear exes chat looks during that game I don't want to
[03:40:21] see it I don't want to see it I don't even want to see it actually
[03:40:46] Let's have a look fear x enjoy your
[03:41:09] Why can't I put his profile
[03:41:21] Let's have a look then what's the damage
[03:41:27] What is your old cool down little pup beisha voo oh me anyone got spare keys ha lock in the showtime my goat mildly concerned and
[03:41:36] And Phyrex takes us to game 5. Little pup got real quiet real quick. I'm blasting that shit on three speakers right now
[03:41:43] My neighbor is gonna end me worth it. Mildly concerned POV Kato supports my team cat despair
[03:41:48] To be one and these fraud bomba it begins game four
[03:41:54] You're so annoying
[03:42:00] You're so annoying
[03:42:01] Well, my ult actually missed
[03:42:33] Sally play Pokemon auto chest
[03:42:36] I'm not playing Pokemon auto chest
[03:42:38] What you mean tally?
[03:42:53] Oh my god.
[03:42:56] Yeah, you can make it into a mode, go on and do it.
[03:43:01] Go on and do it.
[03:43:12] That fear ex base defense was the opposite of the damwon base defense.
[03:43:15] Yeah, it can, well it's, yeah, it's kind of reverse, right?
[03:43:26] It's kind of the reverse.
[03:43:38] One more garbage in mode.
[03:43:39] What the fuck mods, guards, you don't like the modes?
[03:43:44] Can't move the bathroom real quick, BRB.
[03:43:48] BRB on the side, I'll take my water as well.
[03:44:11] I'm gonna win this game
[03:44:13] I'm just gonna be fine
[03:44:14] I'm gonna win this game
[03:44:15] Let's do this well
[03:44:16] Let's go to the spring
[03:44:18] I'm gonna win this game
[03:44:36] It's okay, I won
[03:44:37] Let's win this game
[03:44:48] Let's play one more round
[03:44:49] I think it's the first game
[03:44:50] Oh, really?
[03:44:51] What's the first game?
[03:44:52] Don't be nervous
[03:44:53] Let's play one more round
[03:44:57] I'm ready, I'm ready
[03:44:58] Go, go, go
[03:44:59] Go, go, go
[03:45:00] Jiho, focus on the position a little more
[03:45:12] I'm gonna try to play one more round
[03:45:13] I'm nervous
[03:45:14] I'm gonna play one more round
[03:45:15] I'm gonna play one more round
[03:45:20] Keep going, keep going
[03:45:21] Keep going
[03:45:22] Don't go fast
[03:45:23] I'm going to die.
[03:45:25] I'm going to die.
[03:45:27] I'm going to die.
[03:46:08] I'm going to die.
[03:46:30] Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the space.
[03:46:33] Oh, what's that parking?
[03:46:35] Aha, yes, we do indeed have a series on our hands.
[03:46:38] It is, in fact, all over them because finally BNK have found a game in the series.
[03:46:43] We'll see whether that is going to be enough because this one took about everything that they had
[03:46:49] 60,000 damage from a ziggs, but I think that's probably where one man wants to start orcs
[03:46:56] How did we feel about the draw? It was a pretty good ziggs game
[03:46:58] And I love the fact that they have so much setup for the ziggs of the malki of the Camille
[03:47:02] Yeah, the Alistar you just hold someone in place and then ziggs presses are
[03:47:08] beautiful
[03:47:09] Glorious, and you can see like DK Banda renex in this game
[03:47:12] and they go for, um, VNK go for the first pick, Maokai.
[03:47:16] And that leads into, like, the Ziggs, the Corki.
[03:47:19] I thought you were going to say, and that leads into winning.
[03:47:22] Pretty much. Yeah, right, pretty much.
[03:47:24] And you can see Amin continuing with the smaller pick.
[03:47:27] He definitely comfortable on it today.
[03:47:29] So, yeah, that's the whole comment for most of the matches today.
[03:47:33] Yeah, kind of crazy.
[03:47:34] There was a lot of scaling on the side of D+,
[03:47:36] but does scaling actually matter
[03:47:38] when everything dies from a million screens away?
[03:47:41] That is not what we're up to right now though. Let's have a look at our first highlight
[03:47:44] Which is a lot earlier in the game and I feel like being K fear X did a really good job of capitalizing on this kill
[03:47:49] Amy gets caught by the mouth held doesn't have cleanses game. Did he think that he did have cleanse ox perhaps perhaps thought
[03:47:56] He did because he didn't flash, but um you again six six void rub ziggs
[03:48:01] So that's how much it's gone immediately and then this is what you should do with the ziggs
[03:48:04] He recalls and got okay one tower down, which is next immediately sets his sights on top lane
[03:48:10] they move up towards there with
[03:48:15] the TP and they managed to also
[03:48:17] take this top lane tier one so
[03:48:19] another set of place for the
[03:48:21] Ziggs getting monster fed here.
[03:48:22] You can really see why like
[03:48:24] six blade grubs are so strong
[03:48:26] right now. Just taking down
[03:48:28] towers so fast and then with
[03:48:30] Ziggs even it's even more
[03:48:32] faster and you can really
[03:48:33] skill down the towers and
[03:48:35] then you can see here that
[03:48:36] they go for the tier two
[03:48:38] but it ends up into a fight
[03:48:40] Yeah, they could have disengaged here, but they go for the re-engaged
[03:48:43] They've already just taken three towers back to back to back the gold lead from that on the ziggs is massive
[03:48:49] But they over commit for the fight when they don't have the resources and Zerry is here far before the Corky ever would be
[03:48:55] So this is why the game was so messy because being KFU actually doing a lot of good stuff
[03:48:59] But they were also making some big mistakes that D plus continuously punished and we had lucid
[03:49:06] Extraordinarily fed in this game. I don't think died until the very final ace
[03:49:10] that we've ever seen. But
[03:49:16] things continued to go the way
[03:49:20] of the Ziggs. Yeah, but this
[03:49:22] was the moment this moment. Yeah,
[03:49:24] this This was really why I think
[03:49:26] he was found a way back in when
[03:49:28] Moham got a massive all to the
[03:49:30] big combo, and it kind of shows
[03:49:32] that even though BKFX for
[03:49:34] ahead, there's still
[03:49:36] vulnerabilities. If this
[03:49:38] If this engage gets onto your backline, if the follow-ups there, you can get taken out.
[03:49:44] Right, and you can see in this series, consistently getting huge ups from Mulham, that really, really
[03:49:50] have big impacts on the game.
[03:49:52] That was a huge team fight. They got Baron off that plate, and there was no one there
[03:49:56] barring that plate. It was just a really clean fight.
[03:49:58] Yeah, and the ridiculous thing about this is that both of those fights that we saw
[03:50:02] D plus win were fights where they required B and K to overextend, to go for stage
[03:50:08] Call my clan dead.
[03:50:09] When we saw anything like that happen on the other side,
[03:50:12] the punishment was also severe.
[03:50:15] This was the only way from being cashed.
[03:50:17] And it was big because the elder had just started a timeout.
[03:50:20] That's why they give up the next hour to wait out the elder.
[03:50:23] The rain gauge comes in,
[03:50:24] Amy gets knocked to the gym immediately.
[03:50:26] And it's a very scrappy, messy fight.
[03:50:29] These people are screaming from the side.
[03:50:31] You see Ziggs nowhere near the melee that's going on,
[03:50:34] but constantly landing damage into it.
[03:50:37] Yeah, it's fine. It's a three-waves, trust me.
[03:50:39] Engage from Alistair? Like, you can see both of these thoughts just having really, really good engages here, and that's also, like, on the support side, but also from the other side, they're not ready for just getting the support engages as much. They're losing focus as the game goes on.
[03:50:54] I think it's time we get an event.
[03:50:55] There's also the fact that Ocean Soul existed in this fight as well, that BNK were able to leverage, I think, pretty beautifully. I think, otherwise, Lillian could turn on the team.
[03:51:04] They ain't no way they sent me a fake black myth Wukong.
[03:51:16] Shut up.
[03:51:18] Shut up.
[03:51:22] Shut up.
[03:51:25] What the fuck is that?
[03:51:28] How do you take a plant across an ocean?
[03:51:30] How do you take a plant from Germany to England?
[03:51:33] How does that work?
[03:51:41] Just carry it.
[03:51:45] Oh, just carry it.
[03:51:49] Can't...
[03:51:50] Don't they block plants going into the countries?
[03:52:00] I also feel like wrap the stealing the Baron. Yeah, because when they pushed at the end with the elder if they had
[03:52:06] Baron as well, they wouldn't just end of the game
[03:52:08] So I feel like he could have been an honorable mention, but no votes for him. Unfortunately
[03:52:11] Yeah, I think bit of a base Dura vote there as well
[03:52:13] I do have to say that flash poll that the very end
[03:52:16] Maybe I should take a picture of the planet and then like have it hung up on my wall
[03:52:20] Maybe that's worth shot. You're one of a second. Thank you for 10 gifted subbies
[03:52:23] It's time for us to go back and see whether we can possibly eat out some silver scrapes
[03:52:29] No, we can't Atlas. No, we can't
[03:52:45] Yeah, just ban Ziggs
[03:52:48] Ziggs ban, you know green lemon viper
[03:52:59] Chat, can you put a plant in a box and ship it does that work?
[03:53:03] The answer is 100% me plus, the Ziggs was a problem, they couldn't end the game
[03:53:07] and they almost were able to, right?
[03:53:09] They were super close, but it comes up from 0-7-1
[03:53:11] The clutch play on the steal of the Baron from Raptor, these are big moments
[03:53:16] that gave them opportunities, Hanna was a fantastic Ziggs in that last game
[03:53:20] and at the end of the day, no matter how much you play bit the best
[03:53:23] we changed it up, big pace, get rid of that fucking OP champ
[03:53:27] and we do Corky Malkai
[03:53:30] Okay, well no Maokai, we do Korky.
[03:53:38] Vibe in.
[03:53:41] Vibe!
[03:53:46] Oh yeah, King and Rumble, I forgot about that.
[03:53:49] Are they gonna ban Korky, no shot? Or are they gonna ban Smulder?
[03:53:55] Ness is banned on red side!
[03:53:57] It's Rumble time!
[03:53:59] Nasty's ban on red side!
[03:54:01] I'm a quite a sly player now!
[03:54:04] Like I said in game 1, they're very good cannon, when they pivoted to your position.
[03:54:08] Maybe this time they keep the cannon?
[03:54:10] Yeah, he played Orn against us in game 1.
[03:54:12] I don't really like to see clear on Orn, but guess what Valdez?
[03:54:14] The timing of that!
[03:54:16] Orn?
[03:54:18] Yeah, they're very good cannon, when they pivoted to your position.
[03:54:20] I'm very good cannon, when they pivoted to your position.
[03:54:22] I'm very good cannon, when they pivoted to your position.
[03:54:24] Maybe this time they keep the cannon?
[03:54:26] Orn?
[03:54:28] Orn Azir
[03:54:30] Don't be Orn Corky
[03:54:32] I thought you were playing Orn though
[03:54:34] You can't really play
[03:54:36] I mean I guess you could play Orn Lillia
[03:54:38] but
[03:54:40] I could do Orn Lillia AD middle 3
[03:54:42] but
[03:54:46] Can you scream really loud
[03:54:48] in 4 hours?
[03:54:50] When LAC starts, yeah, from him
[03:54:52] Diego
[03:54:54] Oh, yeah, take the lilya then. Just go lilyacorky or what?
[03:55:00] Could do lilyazerry if I'm a flex, but I feel like maybe a bit too much, maybe.
[03:55:06] Diego?
[03:55:11] I feel like this Ornn is a flex somehow. Maybe not.
[03:55:17] Are they gonna use Senna on 3? No way.
[03:55:23] MF, yeah, classic.
[03:55:25] I feel like taking Zerry here is pretty good. It stops them taking Zerry on 3, which I think is good for them
[03:55:30] LeBlanc's band, Corky's not the best with Diego
[03:55:34] I think Zerry Flex is crazy on 3 here for Fox or Senna
[03:55:39] Because what they could do is Senna. Okay, sorry. It's um
[03:55:43] Wait, Wenz and Chantor Senna patch. It's 14-17, right? Is it 17?
[03:55:53] It is 14-16
[03:55:55] Wow, no one's parriotriting Senna.
[03:55:59] I thought they...
[03:56:00] Did they hotfix Senna?
[03:56:01] Did they do a hotfix?
[03:56:08] No, they didn't. They just patched around 14-17. Really.
[03:56:22] Yeah, the Senna changed the T1 buff. It stops Puma from having to play Senna.
[03:56:27] Azir and Azir get banned for D+, it's kind of non-negotiable.
[03:56:33] Super obvious that they want to play Azir, they ban the Nasus, they pick the Ornn, they want to scale that.
[03:56:39] Yeah, I think Lucian ban them from Phyrox here, it's pretty good.
[03:56:41] There's a way to get banned, Alistar and Pickrel.
[03:56:43] Yeah, that's true. That is a good point.
[03:56:47] We could potentially see, but I don't want to lose my mind if they don't ban Azir.
[03:56:52] I mean
[03:56:54] Just a man as well as fine same thing. Okay. Well, that's not necessarily what I was thinking. Oh, yeah
[03:57:01] So, this could just show me her plate. No, just yet. What is showmaker playing here?
[03:57:06] I feel like he's gonna pay chase very play for us best, but I think he needs to play Lucian this game
[03:57:11] This is a tricky van actually 40 plus. I think the year was those both obvious one rocker and Kate
[03:57:17] I think they should blind mid here fearx and kill this area flex and look for brahman 5
[03:57:26] or pick ad. I think they could also pick an engage support here but I do think the better
[03:57:31] thing to do is pick just cancel the flex. Okay Alistar. They're doing Alistar because
[03:57:35] they know preemptively that they're going to pick rel. I mean I think it's fine
[03:57:40] to just go rel anyway to be honest. They're blinding Alistar so they can't play rel.
[03:57:46] We don't care yeah, it's quite smart
[03:57:49] It's quite smart by fear x2 that I do think killing the flex is better encountering support
[03:57:55] But is it worth to play brown into the interval?
[03:58:00] He said a yes, so game for for showmaker I don't think he plays yes, so though this looks like a nice yes, so draft
[03:58:07] You know both. I think Lucian is better though. I am convinced Lucian is better. Yeah, we thinking about it
[03:58:13] I mean it's good into Ornn, Yasuo war, it's a good Yasuo draft, but closer might play
[03:58:24] like Irelia or some shit or Yone, like closer is the one mid who plays mini mids who won't
[03:58:30] let them get away with it.
[03:58:32] Oh Yasuo blind, there it is Irelia, go on do it.
[03:58:36] Oh Kali, okay you know it, closer is the mid later that'll just call his bluff
[03:58:41] bro.
[03:58:42] He is the melee extraordinaire.
[03:58:44] Alright chat, I'm going to run ads.
[03:58:46] If you want to avoid ads you can use a kill out of his prime.
[03:58:48] You don't have to be long until you're back from the game starts.
[03:58:50] I appreciate everyone's subs, I really appreciate it.
[03:58:54] Alright, Akali mid versus Yasuo mid.
[03:58:56] It's been a while.
[03:58:58] It's been a while.
[03:59:00] And you know exactly what's going to happen.
[03:59:02] We're going to get into the game and the LCK observers are going to be bot lane.
[03:59:04] Mid bot lane, we're bot lane.
[03:59:06] We're set up in early game fights like there's a lot of ways for this Akali to actually get fed early if bot lane mistakes
[03:59:11] That's what's gonna happen when you consider
[03:59:14] Don't do it ask your service. Don't do it the Yasuo setups
[03:59:18] The ultimate from King and don't do it wise team fights and by equalize
[03:59:23] I mean being in a camera made it now with two ultimate's coming through
[03:59:28] If game one is in the indication
[03:59:31] Then I don't know if we're gonna ever see a real team fight with the college
[03:59:35] Let the show begin!
[03:59:46] Fox to do list, I'm guessing that says beat Dammond, make Worlds, win worlds or some shit.
[03:59:53] And the first one is making playoffs.
[04:00:05] Yeah, BNK have really thrown caution to the winds.
[04:00:10] We'll see if it works out for them here in game number four.
[04:00:12] They want to mix up the series and they have done it by their own hand.
[04:00:16] Let's see how it goes as we hop on the ramp for game four.
[04:00:18] Mods dropped the Gemma, chat lock in.
[04:00:25] D plus Kia fighting, that's fucking loud.
[04:00:29] Fyrex are fighting, where's Fyrex and your mods?
[04:00:35] Well, the BNK fans certainly rejuvenated with some life, the first couple of games for them
[04:00:41] very disappointing, but a big comeback in game three.
[04:00:45] And you know, maybe they will turn this one around in this series.
[04:00:50] I don't know if this draft is it, Wolf.
[04:00:53] I feel like they almost got a bit confused here on the red side and somehow forgot that
[04:00:58] Moham played three games of rel.
[04:01:00] Well, they got Alistair.
[04:01:03] I'm I'm willing to be proven or I'm shield mid laners if Duro is somehow able to happen if you remove storing shields on the game
[04:01:10] God that was such a good change like he was unable to do for the last couple of games
[04:01:15] or rather three games
[04:01:18] Then sure that'll be nice
[04:01:19] I would like to see that because that would be a really nice performance that last game
[04:01:25] We start nice by shoemaker there he dropped me in a girl can go again. Oh, we can't result with the cancer
[04:01:32] What is the other thing that goes off?
[04:01:35] Or what's his animation cancel? Just that clean.
[04:01:52] Nice early game here.
[04:01:56] LCK observers keeping the camera mid, that's huge.
[04:01:58] We'll see yeah, six and one all nine sides set by chosen as clearly been his best pick
[04:02:06] So there's a meaning to the guy and it's gonna go back to box. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it
[04:02:10] Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it things. Yeah
[04:02:12] I mean they really want to go bottom of the camera the thing is though is that show makers definitely one of them
[04:02:17] Nice has a deep well, I'll scale service a lot in the always have to pull it out
[04:02:21] especially during regular season where you might hide some stuff and
[04:02:24] and
[04:02:26] Yeah, I mean he's just gonna play Yasuo
[04:02:29] He didn't have to do this as he's going in he wants to get the kill the knock-up
[04:02:32] Oh my god, well he doesn't really have to feel pressure
[04:02:35] psychotic Yasuo
[04:02:37] Nightmares are coming back to haunt me. He's still getting in there. He's still taking good drakes
[04:02:41] Yeah, it's hard in the first few levels here for the Akali to fight a Yasuo
[04:02:44] Oh clean hitter
[04:02:45] Because his base damage is quite high
[04:02:47] and
[04:02:48] Yasuo base now in the shroud she has some some
[04:02:50] He's laughing. Why is he laughing?
[04:02:52] Is he like I'm rusty on yes, or is he like actually I'm pretty good. What's he saying?
[04:03:02] Of course showmaker lanes for the first three ways bases and laughs
[04:03:06] Little rather
[04:03:15] I love showmaker bro showmakers been such an amazing player to watch over the last like five years
[04:03:19] He's so cool. He's just so unique. He doesn't take things too seriously, but he's also just like a great personality. He's cool. I like Showmaker.
[04:03:39] I'll never forget that Worlds 2021, or Worlds 2020, semi has been down on T1 where Showmaker said, I don't want to be known as the next faker. I just want to be known as Showmaker.
[04:03:49] I'm gonna slam the ground and the trade is pretty good for B and K and that is going to force the barrier here out of A
[04:03:57] Was it 21? I was 21, I meant
[04:03:59] It's kind of interesting that Dural almost beats that fight into happening and it feels pretty good for them
[04:04:04] Yeah, Moham is like a nice counter to Ro by the way
[04:04:08] They're going in here on a Moham as well
[04:04:10] Hey Moham, I'm broken, is that a star?
[04:04:13] Mods? Oh he flashed into fog!
[04:04:16] Oh my god, if you had W there and knocked him on the auto buff room
[04:04:19] He's still fighting here against Hanna as he does that the pressure
[04:04:33] Oh, he double-upped his ass. Oh, hell nah, you did not just do that the showmaker broke give him the kill
[04:04:43] We ran all the way both for that this actually canceled some autos and burst fires
[04:04:49] You showmakers roam to the bottom lane. He has lane prior to kills to aiming on the play
[04:04:55] He's 13 CS up and all starts off with that's right. Oh, I'm on the rail and Valiz
[04:05:02] This is not the start you were looking for it or being K-Fan hoping for that silver scraped music
[04:05:08] Well, here's Boham again. This time. It's just a you know normal support Roman in the mid
[04:05:13] He's not gonna look for any kills, but yeah, I mean it's uh, you know, it's like one of those
[04:05:17] It feels like it's a it's like a cliche movie. It's like a rom-com you've seen no W
[04:05:23] a hundred different variations of where it's like we've seen the script before like oh he
[04:05:27] He gets the rel again and he carries again, and it's a great story and everybody's really happy at the end
[04:05:33] It's a Korean movie with the tragedy of it's a comedy when it was tragedy and the third actor like I knew it was coming
[04:05:38] And the thing is it was written
[04:05:40] By the villain who is being Kate. They're like no we want this to happen
[04:05:45] yeah we've been harping on this a lot I mean I we're gonna see more of this so I
[04:05:50] don't even know if we have to say too much I believe we just have two kills
[04:05:54] would I even harping were like tromboning
[04:05:57] why is harp the word anyway yeah I don't know very nice and relaxing yeah
[04:06:03] so it's certainly interesting willing for his raptors down here is a level 6
[04:06:08] Diego maybe they could make something happen but he's so squishy it's hard
[04:06:13] to pull this one off into this rel and they're just gonna let it go aiming with
[04:06:17] this wave maintains that 10 CS advantage on the top side of the map this
[04:06:22] time it's lucid is actually getting grub control they'll trade it for a dragon
[04:06:26] here as I like this from being a lot of times you know being here on blue in the
[04:06:32] last couple of games and they were getting the grubs and DK weren't doing
[04:06:35] much because they were just omega scaling yeah being care like no we're
[04:06:39] gonna get this objective right now go back to this play and mom gets the
[04:06:45] double stun here Dura was super low but look at Hannah's damage coming through
[04:06:49] and I'm getting the first kill attack and I see his fighting blood the flash
[04:06:53] comes through here aiming has to flash for the chase and then this is a little
[04:06:57] messy hits a ton of it's fires hits and then this is it's mrs. those are
[04:07:03] horrible miss has brush control here handed does not have a ward so cannot
[04:07:08] actually execute them there even though if you have one more burst through it will kill them
[04:07:11] just kind of a disaster he said i assume he was saying that to as two i know like i'm your big
[04:07:21] bro yeah he's like i'm the i'm the bigger brother basically like i'm big bro big bro
[04:07:27] he just called henna little bro after he helped play him so gson jim is uh saying it used to
[04:07:34] saying I'm aiming it's me I'm the gold king and you know what he is in this game he's not
[04:07:41] he's got two kills he didn't get the first blood but he's got a big cs gap and meanwhile top
[04:07:47] lane uh hello two biscuits and what same skin for clear this time around what was that
[04:07:59] Can you explain?
[04:08:17] Alright, Lucy's getting aggro with mid push.
[04:08:29] Oh, clean. How is he not dead? Is Alistar balanced?
[04:08:32] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, oh my god, if that one can get cooked mega hard here.
[04:08:36] Yeah, get out of there quick.
[04:08:37] How did Alistar not die?
[04:08:43] These are the types of fights where you index too heavily as D+,
[04:08:47] into blowing up a single target and you're unsuccessful and the closer shows off
[04:08:51] and actually rips through the teamfight with his ultimate
[04:08:54] and takes a few people down, then suddenly the game is basically unplayable
[04:08:58] if you have this sped at Kali early, he's not able to get any kills, so being a bloodless fight,
[04:09:03] they change their d-plus. Still with a significant lead though, those two kills on to aiming.
[04:09:09] Clear is going to give over a plate here, it looks like off of this...
[04:09:12] So you think this is going to go to game five? Uh, no. Actually it could. Like I've watched a
[04:09:18] lot of Yasuo comps the last few weeks and every Yasuo comp gets the two items, goes in,
[04:09:23] doesn't have enough damage to burst their target, gets one shot and then this lose the game.
[04:09:27] I feel like one wrong skirmish for D plus and suddenly open back up, but
[04:09:34] You know this the Zerry is
[04:09:37] Literally every yes, so game I've seen
[04:09:40] In the last few weeks, yeah, like you've been alluding to I think we need to see like a Zerry moments and maybe even the rare
[04:09:45] Akali moments, right?
[04:09:48] And maybe I mean there there certainly hasn't been the cleanest series to say the least and I think that a lot of fights from the side of
[04:09:55] DK
[04:09:56] Had been all over the place trying to punish
[04:09:59] Areas where being a risk position and it gets really down dirty
[04:10:03] So perhaps there are ways for closer and another really punish and also Raptor, you know the Viego moment
[04:10:13] Yeah, I didn't see you
[04:10:21] Torment
[04:10:26] I wonder if I'll make EWC bigger next year and then invite more teams because I
[04:10:33] swear if they change the format and invite more teams in league it could be an
[04:10:38] absolute monstrosity of a tournament but they did best of three single
[04:10:43] It's like disgusting
[04:10:47] That's a three single in really
[04:10:52] Oh, they could sleep and I hope that's area's cleanse. Oh, it's a monster engage
[04:10:57] It's a monster engage
[04:11:04] It's a monster engage your mohams engages are
[04:11:08] This guy is not getting rel in the next round. It's not happening
[04:11:11] There is no rel being picked in the next round. It's absolutely banned
[04:11:19] Absolutely banned
[04:11:21] We want talent what is that there must be a fear ex-fan in the chat. We want talent
[04:11:37] Mom's been impressive
[04:11:39] Mom's been very impressive
[04:11:41] The first weekend he played, the second time, this time, damn!
[04:11:48] I think Kedin's always been regarded as a good laner, but his teamfights are always a bit, huh?
[04:11:55] And that's why they brought in Bible last year? Or was it last year? It was last year, right?
[04:12:00] I don't know, time is like, all mixed together in my head.
[04:12:05] Because Bible was a good engager, but he was a bad laner.
[04:12:11] That was the D-plus KIA fight. That's the way that they win the game.
[04:12:15] And unfortunately for B and K, you know, they have ways that they win the game.
[04:12:17] So Mo-Hambos both!
[04:12:18] They just did not see that enabled at all on that fight.
[04:12:22] They want to fight pretty early on. They want to have this very vehicle.
[04:12:25] It was legendary.
[04:12:27] You're right, it was legendary.
[04:12:28] Mo-Hambos a nice angle from clear, but unfortunately, you know,
[04:12:32] once again, they didn't mark Mo-Hamb.
[04:12:34] Der was not able to zone him away, so the Wambos comes in,
[04:12:37] Marko
[04:12:41] Yeah, they're really strong right now
[04:12:43] You're exerting a gift for now
[04:12:45] What is the Akali build? Is it just
[04:12:53] Is it just proto belt
[04:12:56] Proto belt into what Shadowflame slash Sonya's and then Reviton's and magic pen
[04:13:04] You don't do this bit anymore right
[04:13:07] Alistar is enough of an answer you have to be in a college pain for a while
[04:13:11] They were so greedy trying to look for the pick with clear as ultimate
[04:13:17] Akali doesn't exist in propane these days
[04:13:21] Doesn't really do much, but it turns him away. I mean they're getting the turret so
[04:13:27] A lot of money to the gold king
[04:13:29] Everybody backs away. They're like, yes. Yes, your highness
[04:13:32] The gold king must collect and it's still
[04:13:37] Oh, mega timing by Moe again for the knockup.
[04:13:43] Hit the tower.
[04:13:46] He's saving his knockup.
[04:13:48] What a good knockup.
[04:13:50] Right, King and C.P. in mind him.
[04:13:53] Hello!
[04:13:54] Why is he going to Kali?
[04:13:56] Oh, he's going to go to Kali.
[04:14:00] Nice kill.
[04:14:01] Yeah, this game is a stomp.
[04:14:02] This game is a stomp.
[04:14:03] Yo, Firx and Jorah, where you at?
[04:14:04] Where you at, Firx?
[04:14:05] Jorah, where you at?
[04:14:06] way at my my top most one-sided game yet and I mean a lot of it comes down to that
[04:14:11] bottom-side fight disaster on the girl you're mad and this one just feels like
[04:14:18] a tragedy Valdez closer not gonna be able to show up as a colleague skills in
[04:14:23] this game it doesn't look like I mean at the end of the day you know we talked
[04:14:27] about how T-plus they definitely feel like the better team I think that were
[04:14:30] you definitely put some big risks in the draft to say we'll talk in game
[04:14:33] five
[04:14:36] Your ex has one fan in the shot and you're bullying him
[04:14:40] He bullies me
[04:14:48] Kingen
[04:14:51] Clean by Kingen we knew it. He was like I probably died, but I guess it's often it's a marvelous adventures of Kingen
[04:15:03] YOW!
[04:15:08] Oh my god
[04:15:18] It's just such a huge I mean it's 6000 gold data 15 minutes it's not playable
[04:15:23] And I mean they're so desperate to save the bottom turret
[04:15:27] Rined all the way back like closer tp didn't the flash to lose the turret
[04:15:31] it looks nice to me the rumble notes aren't out yet right they're nerfing
[04:15:35] the tentative health on his passive or why aren't you watching calling wood
[04:15:42] versus Melbourne what is that like NFL
[04:15:47] calling wood versus Melbourne
[04:15:51] My glasses are perma-dirty
[04:15:53] It's Eliathal
[04:16:00] What's that?
[04:16:09] Wait...
[04:16:10] In Australia is football football or is football soccer?
[04:16:15] Nice, Kingen
[04:16:21] Nickname
[04:16:23] Small game in this one. It looks like with a poor a call you zero and one
[04:16:27] At one third health standing on a war. Yeah, and then killing the Viego that is paper man
[04:16:33] What was another big game hunt for sure?
[04:16:36] And yeah, like you said, I mean this game is more one-sided than any we've had before a lot of leads top jungle
[04:16:47] mid
[04:16:48] Also bought I feel like Canada, you know, he gets the shutdown
[04:16:50] That's part of the reason why the 80 carry the gap is not quite as large as the other ones
[04:16:56] But I mean aiming also still probably just on top of the gold
[04:17:00] It is still a gap, you know, and it's hard to kill this misfortune that don't do it. Oh, he's going in
[04:17:06] It's okay. Okay. Okay. Oh, I was getting scared
[04:17:09] uh aiming has to flash away but now you've got a rail but the reset the heartbreak you're coming in on to aiming but he can't get the kill
[04:17:15] well, fearx enjoy it was a good run
[04:17:18] you had a good run you had a good few weeks
[04:17:20] where you kind of might convince the chat that myth fearx was a semi decent team
[04:17:26] but your run is over, 07 will see you in the lck gauntlet
[04:17:31] you're not making worlds, actually he's gonna disappear and rock up in three weeks time for the gauntlets for lck
[04:17:36] it's like I'm back
[04:17:38] It's gonna get burned down a little bit.
[04:17:40] This is 17 minutes of the game.
[04:17:42] Yeah.
[04:17:42] We're attaining the inhibitors for it.
[04:17:45] And they will get it.
[04:17:46] Not even close to a defense here.
[04:17:48] No answers, no opportunities.
[04:17:50] Closer is backing.
[04:17:52] And they'll even save.
[04:17:53] D colon.
[04:17:54] Just watch.
[04:17:55] That's a nice little taxi on the dragon.
[04:17:57] I'm watching, but I'm not seeing.
[04:17:58] You get what I'm saying?
[04:18:02] They could take the dragon.
[04:18:03] Actually, let's go straight back to me.
[04:18:04] They have all the information that we do,
[04:18:06] but it looks like they will start it anyway.
[04:18:08] Yeah, I mean
[04:18:11] Aiming look at the shield here so they know mohan surround. Yeah
[04:18:15] They they're 100% aware of it aiming walks up
[04:18:19] Biggest baiter fair x enjoyer. I need you to rename big bait the decaying joy
[04:18:25] Has the shield from the BT has the barrier to renown comes through say yes, and they just say yes
[04:18:31] You just walk back towards the waiting arms of say yes, I will go on back to farming. We're going for me. Thank you
[04:18:36] Yes 70% KP this game has just widely been shooting people while the setup is there and the setup
[04:18:45] keeps being there for Moham.
[04:18:48] No Korean XED is in the chat, my homie.
[04:18:51] Yes indeed.
[04:18:52] He is on top 800 ahead of Kingen who has 5 kills.
[04:18:57] Just the way he goes.
[04:18:59] He's 30 CS up, you know he's got all those extra assists as well.
[04:19:02] He's back.
[04:19:03] He's played some bots.
[04:19:04] Yeah.
[04:19:05] still ahead
[04:19:07] Doesn't matter. He also a pick
[04:19:12] He's back
[04:19:14] You know, it has a pretty good lane into the Akali
[04:19:17] Yes, we saw you know the Akali not really getting enough done in the lane
[04:19:21] And we haven't seen it have really good team play just yet. He's fine. It's fine. This is all based with all the rules
[04:19:28] Following up with clear. He really wants to be coming to you and I'm trying to reminisce from Dean.
[04:19:33] If you want to remember, Dean will bully the law, but here are a lot of members of the team. That's a kill.
[04:19:37] There it is! Another one! Another one!
[04:19:40] DJ Moham!
[04:19:41] You're gonna see that coming. As closer as trying to run away is gonna ult to away,
[04:19:46] but here comes Lucid trying to dive alongside of Moham. Who's gonna thank the turret?
[04:19:50] Bro, Moham's engages are crazy. Lucid showing us what he's seen.
[04:19:55] Sealed! Ow! Oh he tried to flash in and he died anyway!
[04:19:58] Oh my god, duro!
[04:20:00] Oh my god, duro!
[04:20:10] When D plus took Gen G down, that's correct, they did do that.
[04:20:14] That is a correct, that is correct.
[04:20:18] They did do that.
[04:20:25] and you're like okay well maybe this is a win look at the map there's going in but
[04:20:29] there is no vision in the jungle battle like even a little bit Kingen just walks it off
[04:20:35] they commit ATT and while I'm standing on top of three people and he's like you think I won't
[04:20:41] I will and aiming is just at the ready with the full time bro the one more combos are wild in
[04:20:47] this series they're wild and I don't think anyone will forgive it but for me and K fans
[04:20:53] It is definitely a tragic end to what was a nice battle back in game three
[04:20:59] Yeah, I don't like the mentality of like the Korean coaches. They're like aha
[04:21:03] If we blind pick Alistar on four
[04:21:06] He can't pick rel and if he does it's weakened because Alistar counters rel
[04:21:11] really
[04:21:12] Him playing three games of rel in a row this series and smurfing every single game and you picking Alistar is gonna stop him from pressing
[04:21:20] Flash WR
[04:21:22] That's gonna stop him. Alistar is gonna break Rael's keyboard. Is he? I don't like them in tele-team draft
[04:21:40] They have MF, Lillia, Rumble. What are they gonna pick?
[04:21:44] MF, Lillia, Rumble. What does that comp need?
[04:21:52] BAM BAM BANAN
[04:22:16] What do you mean stopped him last game? That one almost won a game that was unwinnable because of his engages
[04:22:21] What was that?
[04:22:25] Oh, it was Hex Flash, okay, it wasn't real flash.
[04:22:39] Oh my god, how is... how many of these has he hit?
[04:22:45] How many of those did he lend?
[04:22:48] Like, seriously?
[04:22:51] What? What?
[04:23:01] Man, Moms and Gages were incredible this series. I can tell you for a fact he's not getting relevant next series.
[04:23:08] Alright, so DK just locked top 4. The way the breath of works is like this.
[04:23:24] So this is the way the bracket works. DK just beat Firx, so Firx are out. DK now move on to the next round.
[04:23:31] But GenG get to choose who they want to play against. They can choose the winner of this series or the winner of that series.
[04:23:37] So will they choose T1 or will they choose DK or will they choose KT? It depends who wins tomorrow.
[04:23:42] Obviously whoever they pick, the other will play TamerLife and they're in DoubleLin best of five top four.
[04:23:48] The losers will go to lower bracket the winners will go to higher brackets and it's a double in four team
[04:23:54] Bestified playoffs
[04:23:57] Will Genji choose them on you think that they would probably choose them on
[04:24:01] But Genji almost lost to them on in spring in five games. It took it went to five games
[04:24:06] I'm almost lost as well. I just almost lost and Genji BT one all the time
[04:24:11] Hmm
[04:24:13] If it's Katie though, I think they'll pick them on because Katie counters
[04:24:18] Genji somehow somehow Casey counters Genji somehow
[04:24:30] No, King is already leaving he's done he's out
[04:24:34] He's off the gym bro. Yeah
[04:24:37] King is off the gym
[04:24:39] Do you think they ban rail for game 5?
[04:24:41] If you don't have the strelflexibility, why strelflexibility? Show less, win more!
[04:24:47] Yeah, I think game 5, they might ban Raleh.
[04:24:50] No, I think they might ban Raleh in regionals.
[04:24:52] There you go, yeah, see that guy gets it.
[04:24:54] Let the show begin.
[04:24:58] That's what it says. And the answer today was no, but not lose to B and K.
[04:25:04] Alright, matter of chance. There's no more League of Legends.
[04:25:07] This was not the same B and K.
[04:25:10] three and a half hours
[04:25:13] 17
[04:25:15] It's G2 versus BDS
[04:25:18] So if you're an LCS LDC and lolly sports frog I will see you there
[04:25:24] For now, I'm gonna be a monkey
[04:25:28] For the next couple of hours until
[04:25:32] the LEC starts not up to his level and until the LEC starts
[04:25:36] What matters most is that moment in the days that matter on
[04:25:39] Monke, quick thing by the way, LeagueFrogs, don't forget to go to
[04:25:43] And type in
[04:25:44] Slash League Awards and drop a follow on the account
[04:25:48] Drop a follow on the League Records account, do it now
[04:25:50] Big follow on it
[04:25:51] The branding is done, the logo is done
[04:25:54] Big, big, big news to come soon
[04:25:57] BIG NEWS
[04:26:00] BIG NEWS
[04:26:02] I love you Mr. Swimmer, thanks for the swim, see you tomorrow for a T1 win, oh hell yeah
[04:26:07] Let me change t-shirt real quick. Let me put on a sign up to change t-shirt the leak frogs will slowly leave the slow mode will be removed and
[04:26:14] then
[04:26:16] Hold up here. We all take close
[04:26:24] He almost died. Am I DC? What is that DC?
[04:26:43] Have you tried in an out burger in Southwest US? What is happening?
[04:26:54] What is happening?
[04:26:59] What is going on?
[04:27:01] I didn't DC, I... I think my internet is fine.
[04:27:07] I can talk from this bush, okay, it's not in there.
[04:28:59] Yeah, that's why I'm saying no, no, it's fine.
[04:29:05] I can't hear, boom.
[04:29:58] Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home.
[04:30:23] Oh, it's examining the details of the skin.
[04:30:25] I think Ratt has done a good job when it comes to the skin.
[04:30:29] Oh no, what do we do?
[04:30:32] Ah.
[04:30:32] Oh, they're behind you.
[04:30:35] Oh no.
[04:30:40] I don't think I win. No, I don't win. Maybe? I do. Okay, I don't borrow the Nash or anything like that, no?
[04:32:32] What time did you agree on?
[04:33:46] oh oh we changed the in time what the fuck is he doing is he just gonna die to
[04:34:06] nark you you're so fucking you're such a rat pal it's crazy he's such a rat it's
[04:34:14] crazy it's crazy well there's chocolate and there's chocolate
[04:34:25] Well, get rid of this, this, boom, alright let's play some Black Mids Wukong for a bit.
[04:34:33] Let's play some Black Mids Wukong for a bit.
[04:34:36] We got a few hours till LEC starts, but quite a few hours actually.
[04:34:40] I may as well play this for a little bit.
[04:34:43] Hold up, Captain, you're gonna hear a noise, okay?
[04:34:53] We're in Chapter 2.
[04:34:55] Why does it say LCK Watch Party?
[04:34:57] Oh, I got rid of the wrong image.
[04:35:00] there we go we're in chapter 2 chat
[04:35:07] okay play this for a few hours then move to LEC then play this for a few
[04:35:12] hours and then move to LCS then yeah bro if today's LCS series is five games
[04:35:22] and I have to go to bed at 2 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. for T1KT I'm gonna
[04:35:28] go insane no cap okay wait where was I chat okay it's gonna say no spoilers for
[04:35:39] the monkey game what do you mean no spoilers I'm streaming it cut I have 15
[04:35:46] deaths okay I'll change it afters when we do it with ono pixel and CS I mean
[04:35:51] when ono pixel wants to get globally then get carried I'm here I'm here I'm
[04:35:55] here for him wait is this ratland right chat ring ratland bro the mobs are
[04:36:11] mega tanky here by the way the mobs are so tanky this guy is insanely tanky what
[04:36:35] the fuck what why is this guy so tanky this guy was so tanky what the fuck what
[04:37:27] the fuck oh hell no is it a boss please on me a boss no no no I thought I was
[04:37:35] opening the door to where I tried to go to your mods can you remove R9K in
[04:37:39] slow mobs oh my god there's no way to boss man second rat prince what I'm
[04:37:49] I'm the Red King.
[04:37:51] In a way.
[04:37:53] The Red Prince?
[04:37:58] The Red Prince.
[04:38:00] My sons.
[04:38:06] My sons.
[04:38:08] He got a big hammer.
[04:38:14] Cursed that flurry jackass.
[04:38:16] What the?
[04:38:23] Holy fuck, law accurate rats.
[04:38:37] What's that smell? It's the smell of a Red King.
[04:38:39] He came up the other.
[04:39:05] bosses I only have one pot that's it I have no potions how am I supposed to
[04:39:16] witness oh my god the rat in the back is being so annoying I can't heal I can't
[04:39:39] heal chat it's my right trigger is that a heal anywhere I need to reset I need
[04:39:54] to reset I need to reset I need to reset chat I need to reset I need to reset
[04:39:59] them I need to reset I need to reset I don't have pots my car have you just
[04:40:07] try healing chat is there items that can heal you or not i need to increase my potions as well
[04:40:26] oh my god it's such a long run as well i think i missed something back though i think i need to
[04:40:32] go back i think i missed something also do i have a i don't think i can run straight to the boss
[04:40:47] can i oh my god stay hp nice my hp is good all right it's time to one tap this boss i'm locked
[04:41:10] Excuse me, what the fuck the AOE Splash is so annoying this guy is so annoying
[04:43:13] You know the AOE Splash again, wait in my thing run out there. Oh shit
[04:43:51] Can you fuck off red boy? Nice. Wait, I killed them both by killing one. What I thought I'd kill the other
[04:44:04] Yeah, oh my god
[04:44:11] Is there a phase 2 why this motherfucker evolves or some shit?
[04:44:15] Who the fuck is this mother? Oh my god
[04:44:30] wait is that guy running away he's gonna come back the rats have obeyed the
[04:44:35] rule nice big win big winner use tally required strenies of stones keens
[04:44:48] tiger what actually a banger hold on let me rest real quick my guy and then you
[04:45:03] can keep up to the guitar craft weapons don't have enough wheel craft armor I
[04:45:19] I should make it right my current armor is 16 defense this is 31 in a cloud
[04:45:28] step shrouding oh I should make that for sure damn I got the drip now no keep
[04:45:49] going where's my big my way where's my guitar here homie where's my big it's
[04:45:54] cloud step is the easy it's a Y1 right yeah I think I missed something up
[04:46:05] here you interrupted him and licorice I got being a test hop laner who absorb
[04:46:15] the fuck my absorbing the wall yeah you miss play also really why is there so
[04:46:28] many archers men but I have to kill this guy without yo yo yo yo yo hold up
[04:46:43] there how many arches are there what the hell I'm in Ratland oh my god this
[04:46:51] respond as well it's like my twitch chat I missed it what the fuck was that though
[04:47:33] oh he just keeps bomb bang my god this twitch chat here it comes it actually is
[04:48:19] red land you're all so annoying other parts I don't have parts man fuck I need
[04:48:35] to find grace ASAP please summon as a grace up here why is it so hard oh my
[04:48:41] My god there's the red emperor as well.
[04:48:44] Yo, please tell me there's a grace up here.
[04:48:50] Come on grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace,
[04:48:52] grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace, grace,
[04:49:00] grace, grace.
[04:49:01] There's nothing up here!
[04:49:04] There's nothing!
[04:49:07] Come on please have a grace up here.
[04:49:11] There's a chest!
[04:49:13] This better be worth it.
[04:49:16] Nothing lost to Shanta.
[04:49:18] A small piece of gold.
[04:49:20] That's it.
[04:49:23] I all this for a small piece of gold. Are you lying?
[04:49:29] Surely this door is openable, right? I can them
[04:49:36] It's such a retting business defending nothing look at this 15 15 rats for what?
[04:49:42] For what there's nothing even here you fucking rats
[04:50:02] Maybe there's a grace down here
[04:50:05] Don't say he doesn't know I'm fucking dead. I'm fucking dead
[04:50:18] Please someone is a grace over here. Yo guys hold up hold up guys. I promise it's nothing first
[04:50:22] I'm just looking for a grace guys earth wolf. Oh hell no
[04:50:31] Don't tell me it's a boss
[04:50:39] Huh, but I just want to touch grace. Oh my god. I thought I found grace I see grace and I can fight earth wolf
[04:50:53] I promise your earth wolf nothing personal. I'll fight you in a sec. I'm blind blind
[04:51:01] Wait, is this the door? This has to be the door. This is the shortcut, right the grace
[04:51:09] There's 15 reds behind the door. What?
[04:51:14] I couldn't even get out of the opening door animation before I'm dead. It's the neighborhood. It is the neighborhood
[04:51:27] It is what a fuck am I at?
[04:51:32] Wait, where am I actually?
[04:51:34] Huh?
[04:51:36] I'm a disgrace
[04:51:43] Actually disgrace is not too far. Why did I int it? Oh, this guy doesn't respawn. That's huge
[04:51:55] That's huge
[04:51:58] Alright, let's kill the Urtuls.
[04:52:02] The Wolf. That Wolf.
[04:52:30] This is so annoying. This is so annoying. I'm so annoyed.
[04:52:37] Yo rats, can you just let me fight the boss?
[04:52:46] Just let me fight the boss.
[04:52:52] Then you can be annoying.
[04:54:29] Alright, who's this annoying madasaka who keeps yapping?
[04:54:32] About setting him free. Is he up here?
[04:54:34] It's you! It's Horseman!
[04:54:39] Oh my god.
[04:54:41] I think I'm lowest death streamer in this game so far.
[04:54:59] I must be.
[04:55:05] The Jumble of Rats and Cats, yeah no shot, where are the bats as well?
[04:55:14] Okay, you can make your only health.
[04:55:15] You don't want me to untie you?
[04:55:16] You're a skinny one.
[04:55:19] No, I'm not.
[04:55:20] I'm a skinny one.
[04:55:20] I'm a skinny one.
[04:55:23] Okay, I mean, if you don't want to help, it doesn't want to help.
[04:55:39] So I have his move now, right?
[04:55:42] Bro, can you fucking not?
[04:55:44] You're so annoying.
[04:55:54] It's disturbing, actually disturbing.
[04:56:01] All right, let's kill this fucking army outside.
[04:56:04] Real quicker.
[04:56:05] Yo, archers, can you fuck off for one second?
[04:56:36] Ah, no mana. No idea of a potion.
[04:56:45] Oh my god, I have a potion.
[04:56:49] Wait, why is this guy so tanky?
[04:56:52] Do I just do no damage or what?
[04:56:57] And this opens the door to take me back where I was, right?
[04:57:01] So at least I can rest.
[04:57:03] Wait, so that is just up there, up there, it's up, up, up, up.
[04:57:06] Okay, there's nothing there.
[04:57:08] Okay, we check behind real quick and then we go forwards.
[04:57:13] He has a soul.
[04:57:16] Really?
[04:57:19] Well...
[04:57:19] Chat, what does the soul do? Am I blind?
[04:57:22] Is the soul go away if I west?
[04:57:33] No, surely not right.
[04:57:38] Oh wait, I can pick it up in the shrine.
[04:57:41] I'm getting trolled.
[04:57:43] Chat, you're trolling me. A little bit.
[04:57:48] Has glasses still blind?
[04:57:50] Did I miss something behind real quick?
[04:57:52] I think I did. There was a different path.
[04:57:54] There's probably a boss there. I'll just kill him real quick.
[04:57:58] I won't happen.
[04:58:00] new fucking run monkey man where I missed this wait wait which way is the
[04:58:12] way chat you know the way wait what going downstairs is the valley oh it's
[04:58:20] upstairs and right it must be right it must be this way is it these way chat
[04:58:26] Or am I trolling? Oh, yellow frogger. That looks like a boss. What up, cunt?
[04:58:41] Okay, it's a fucking annoying renter. Bro, can you fucking not do that?
[04:58:48] Oh my god, it's a lightning renter. Why does this look so annoying? Yo, can I get out
[05:00:04] of the water? That boss looks so annoying. Wait, so this...
[05:00:34] what is this my home I got your team what are you doing what is he doing
[05:00:44] he's a psychopath shout what is he doing
[05:01:11] evil repelling medicine evil repelling medicine is that it what we
[05:01:24] What here evil repelling medicine? Yeah, he upgrades your pot. See that makes sense. He's Megasus
[05:01:50] Who's winning the Valorant
[05:01:53] Who's winning the Valorant chat? Come on. No, I thought Valorant got released in China later than you and me
[05:02:15] How how is everyone losing China? They got the game later and they're still but it's still stomping us or what?
[05:02:20] How does that make sense?
[05:02:31] Okay, so this is in the cave. This is around the Frog Boy
[05:02:45] But there must be another way here, right?
[05:02:48] Yeah, there must be another way here, right?
[05:02:59] Use your sparkies. Yeah, well, yeah
[05:03:03] Oh my god, remembering the map is so hard. Am I going back? I didn't go up here though. I
[05:03:31] Did go up here. I did I did go up here. I did that's where I got fucking
[05:03:37] Okay, so I must go to the Red King then I have to go to the Red King take me home
[05:03:59] Country road
[05:04:02] Do the place
[05:04:07] up alone
[05:04:08] Wait, you can teleport. I teleported. Yeah, and I'm clean clean with the monkey. Okay. It's right here. All right
[05:04:28] We found the way
[05:04:30] Look your inventory car. It's right there right there is the way that bridge
[05:04:40] that bridge. Why don't you collecting items? I don't need items. Alright, let's rock. Let's
[05:04:55] rock and roll. I feel like if you kill a big boss you probably have to go somewhere where
[05:05:00] the big boss died. I mean there's a bridge right there. I don't know, I think I'm blind
[05:05:05] actually. Is it a bridge chat? It must be a bridge right? Or it could be this way.
[05:05:12] Can you stop blocking mods?
[05:05:25] Bro, these archers like
[05:05:31] These archers are so enough like it's crazy
[05:05:42] How to annoy the player one-on-one. Oh my god. Oh, there he is red boy. Oh
[05:06:11] My god, don't tell me that turn into ultimate red. Yes
[05:06:32] actual XTD mode
[05:06:38] More like XPP
[05:06:54] Yeah, good choice
[05:06:57] Yo, um, listen buddy
[05:07:04] yeah um chat I only have one potion I feel like I should rest first otherwise I'm
[05:07:13] just gonna die and then it's gonna add to that counter and then we'll be less
[05:07:16] of a professional chat I have one potion and I'm half HP it's not happening it's
[05:07:23] not happening it's red on red I don't lose I don't lose red on red also I
[05:07:31] have to I have sparkies red archer spirit make medicines increases damage
[05:07:48] for a long duration. Ooh, that sounds yummy. What is relics? A glimpse reveals that foes
[05:08:02] might at hand. Consumption increases focus gained upon consecutive... well that's successful
[05:08:08] here with the mid. This one's mega broken. That one's mega broken. Okay let's rock. Let's
[05:08:35] rock. Stop it rats. I got a date. I wonder if I can jump in like this. Oh shit. What?
[05:10:13] This ass OP, the stop, the CC thing is, oh my god, it's so broken up, just fucking headbutt them all.
[05:10:42] Can I fucking heal up? This game is so much easier than Elvening, bro.
[05:11:14] But actually it's not even comparable, I guess it's a Soulslike, right?
[05:11:17] It's not even comparable, I think.
[05:11:32] It gets harder.
[05:11:34] Really?
[05:11:35] But I feel like, it may get harder, but I feel like the power curve that you have in this game is crazy.
[05:11:43] Like every single stage I'm getting so OP.
[05:11:48] Whereas the power curve in Eldruring doesn't really exist.
[05:11:50] You just... there is no power curve.
[05:11:53] Fuck, you're flying.
[05:12:43] He's flying.
[05:12:49] Saki-saki.
[05:12:51] The blood of the iron bull.
[05:12:53] Oh, what is that one?
[05:12:55] Swift bat.
[05:12:56] Oh my god, I knew there was bats.
[05:12:58] Chat, he said rats and cats.
[05:12:59] I knew there was bats.
[05:13:00] I told you when there's a rat there's a cat
[05:13:02] and then there's a bat 100% crouching tiger temple.
[05:13:14] Now all we need is a hat. Oh my god.
[05:13:19] Should I go back? Did I miss something? Probably right.
[05:13:22] Before I went through the hole, was there something?
[05:13:26] Is it worth going back for? Or is it useless?
[05:13:39] I haven't skipped anything so far. I haven't skipped anything. I've always checked.
[05:13:45] I've always checked. Always. Always checked. I haven't skipped anything.
[05:14:02] I'm that guy. I didn't skip everything. I did all the bosses.
[05:14:06] What boss did I miss in Eldering, PLC? Did I miss a boss? No, you didn't.
[05:14:14] The death counter? Yeah, I'm changing the death counter many years ago.
[05:14:19] F**k is down here. Fire, belly, flower.
[05:14:35] There are crack here. I killed the right card.
[05:14:42] We shall devour the gods together.
[05:14:51] A Hawaiian worm. Well, that's it. Is that all I missed?
[05:15:07] A Hawaiian worm? Okay, I think we're done.
[05:15:29] Oh, you can bloom my head, f**k it.
[05:15:35] Oh, thank you chat. Yeah, I would have missed that hundred percent. This is why streaming these games is good
[05:15:42] You give me that you give me the secrets. I think that's a secret chat more content pack jump
[05:15:49] Okay, well, I didn't know you could break walls with the head
[05:15:58] But now I do what we got what was it what was it that is in there?
[05:16:05] Loom scales
[05:16:16] Loom scales
[05:16:18] The waterfall! I said there's a boss in that waterfall! Didn't I say that? I said that!
[05:16:36] I said there's always a boss in the waterfalls somehow. I said it. You remember? You were
[05:16:42] there chat. Someone was there in the shadow list. There's always a boss in the waterfall.
[05:16:52] I'm telling you, you didn't say there's a secret boss.
[05:17:37] Okay, should we go kill the Waffle Boss? Where is it in chapter one?
[05:17:41] Which portal is it? It must be... Where was it?
[05:17:51] It was...
[05:17:53] Is it...
[05:17:55] Outside Forest?
[05:17:58] Damn, secret bows.
[05:18:00] Secret bows.
[05:18:10] Is the bows unlocked or not?
[05:18:12] Oh, I know exactly where it is. I know exactly where it is. I know exactly where it is because I remember seeing this.
[05:18:19] I remember seeing this.
[05:18:22] It's on the left.
[05:18:26] I knew it.
[05:18:48] I knew it.
[05:18:56] I knew it.
[05:19:00] Secret boss!
[05:19:10] Why is it saying 07? Is it hard?
[05:19:31] Is it a dragon?
[05:19:32] Oh my god, it's a dragon.
[05:19:35] Red long!
[05:19:37] Holy shit, where this guy is insanely tanky by the way
[05:19:51] This guy is mega tanked last time he did this he exploded. He didn't explode this time. Oh
[05:20:57] My god, I wasted it. Oh my god. I missed it. I miss should I hit the thing where the things are coming out?
[05:21:51] I feel like that's probably gonna be more damage. Oh shit. Oh
[05:22:07] Shit, I'm used three potions. Oh my god. It's so bad. Oh shit. It's doomed
[05:22:34] I don't have mana either.
[05:22:40] Holy fuck.
[05:22:41] But I'm griefing, I'm griefing.
[05:22:43] Me.
[05:22:44] I'm griefing.
[05:22:45] Me.
[05:22:45] Me.
[05:22:46] Right here, chat.
[05:22:55] Go again.
[05:22:56] Now.
[05:22:58] I have an idea.
[05:23:34] Do you see the LEC Commissioner's tweet?
[05:23:36] No, I didn't vote with the tweet.
[05:23:40] Okay, well, I didn't get damage off there.
[05:24:40] So, I'm hitting the balls.
[05:24:41] It's no damage here.
[05:24:49] Oh, it is damage here.
[05:24:50] This part is like, it does so much damage this part.
[05:25:34] This part is so annoying.
[05:27:21] Did somebody dies here?
[05:27:22] The boss was hard, though!
[05:27:34] That boss was hard!
[05:27:37] That boss was hard!
[05:27:40] Holy shit!
[05:28:14] Yo, okay, so apparently Kometo is giving his spot to Ibai in Munich.
[05:28:24] That's some goat behavior though.
[05:28:30] That is some goat behavior.
[05:28:39] Respect, yo, respect.
[05:28:40] That's mega respect to Kometo.
[05:28:45] Uh, wait, is it 18 Death Shad?
[05:28:53] I'll just read about it quicker.
[05:28:58] Nice one, really nice one.
[05:29:00] Now give your spot to Kometo.
[05:29:03] What the...
[05:29:04] Shut up!
[05:29:09] Lennox on site, cut.
[05:29:17] Wait, is there anything else here?
[05:29:18] Or are we done? Is that it?
[05:29:27] We got a new staff or what?
[05:29:29] Moderally increased damage dealt by pillar stance moves.
[05:29:32] That's pretty good.
[05:29:37] Grants considerable damage reduction when gourd is used, is depleted.
[05:29:41] Moderally increased defense.
[05:29:43] 14 defense on my bro.
[05:29:46] We get rid of the other beat.
[05:29:48] We also have...
[05:29:53] This gives plus 10 stamina.
[05:29:59] I just think this froggy, this fucking wandering white is too busted.
[05:30:04] I think we're done right.
[05:30:15] We're done, right? There's nothing else here.
[05:30:20] Right, chat?
[05:30:21] Chat, what's the thing that TP's you?
[05:30:28] It's this one, right?
[05:30:54] What?
[05:30:55] You just TP'd me here?
[05:30:56] How's the pace? Pace is good.
[05:31:05] Wukong no TP.
[05:31:09] That's really annoying.
[05:31:10] I'll run back to the shrine.
[05:31:11] Easy.
[05:31:12] Green Niski TP.
[05:31:22] Wait, you're doing meeting in Phalanx Munich?
[05:31:45] Yeah, I'm doing a meeting greet in Munich.
[05:31:47] If you're in Munich.
[05:31:51] I don't know what time I'm doing it,
[05:31:52] but on Saturday I think I'm doing a meeting greet.
[05:31:54] Which is PopChamp.
[05:31:56] Say hello to everyone
[05:31:59] All right, where the fuck were we at temple entrance?
[05:32:05] All right, the pace is good. This is good. Oh the cake offense are so annoying
[05:32:24] I tweeted something about Kometo being like a really nice guy and then they all just write suck it slowly suck it come on
[05:32:29] Then why I'm so annoying
[05:32:32] Yeah, what is blood of the iron bull? I don't get it. I swear. I've seen it like 20 times
[05:32:55] craftable item
[05:33:01] Oh meditation that's huge that's huge oh yeah upgrade the spirits relaxing
[05:33:44] Okay three sparkies all right let's upgrade wait how do you upgrade the summons my curse
[05:33:55] Was it here the degrees
[05:34:09] Something that's useful that was kind of nice cat i'm just gonna kill the boss i don't need summons
[05:34:21] Oh my god, it's a tiger rat. Oh my god. Oh my god, bruh.
[05:34:35] Don't breed more rats. What the fuck? Whoa!
[05:34:47] Huh?
[05:34:52] Our first Friday's monosuck
[05:34:57] Yeah, first base move
[05:35:11] What he broke so quickly is greedy. Oh shit. That's quick. That's my two um, I
[05:37:46] Into my two freezes my bad. I did my two freezes
[05:38:04] So how do you upgrade your fucking?
[05:38:07] Oh, Cultivate Spirit, it's dead, right?
[05:38:09] Oh, shit.
[05:38:20] How do you upgrade your fucking flask?
[05:38:24] How do you upgrade flask?
[05:38:27] Is it blue?
[05:38:32] There's a guy who sells it, right?
[05:38:34] Somewhere?
[05:38:37] Whatever.
[05:38:44] Come upstairs to the right.
[05:38:45] Oh my god, I missed it!
[05:39:54] No!
[05:39:55] It's a horror despite that.
[05:39:58] I have to play so good to win this now.
[05:40:00] I don't understand what those forms are.
[05:40:28] It's only so busted.
[05:41:13] I'm not doing all my staff, here.
[05:41:18] That is not so hard.
[05:41:20] Chat, can you get mana potions?
[05:41:44] He's dead now.
[05:42:02] I don't think they hit my headbutt.
[05:46:00] That's all I gotta do.
[05:46:15] Mods Gamba.
[05:46:16] Mods Gamba, this try.
[05:46:19] Do it.
[05:52:37] As if he goes first.
[05:53:50] I'm so bad.
[05:53:55] How am I dying to a tiger?
[05:53:57] Never believing again.
[05:54:18] Never believing again.
[05:54:27] There's something behind it.
[05:54:28] There's something behind it.
[05:54:30] There's nothing behind it.
[05:54:36] Is that the tiger?
[05:54:37] What?
[05:54:47] Mods Gamba.
[05:54:50] I'm out of free so quicker.
[05:57:10] You don't heal for shit though.
[05:57:12] Where was it chat?
[05:57:53] If I upgrade my potion,
[05:58:19] I'm Elden Lord mode.
[05:58:21] True.
[05:58:22] I'll first time him.
[05:58:23] I will first try.
[05:58:28] Chat, where the fuck I at?
[05:58:31] Where was he at?
[05:58:33] Was he down here?
[05:58:34] No.
[05:58:37] Yeah, he was down here.
[05:58:39] He was down here.
[05:58:40] He's in this cave.
[05:58:44] Yo, upka.
[05:58:45] Upgrade me now.
[05:58:46] Upgrade me now, monkey.
[05:58:49] Wait, chat, which one's better?
[05:58:59] 越沉越香 人生越牢越糊塗 死真得还人间佳疆
[05:59:29] 小老弟切记 硬心贵求
[05:59:33] Easy, that boss is dead now.
[05:59:36] That's an extra 10% healing.
[05:59:39] Yeah? And 10% of 50 is 5.
[05:59:53] He's right.
[05:59:54] He's right.
[05:59:58] That's 50%!
[05:59:59] Bruh?
[06:00:02] Watch this.
[06:00:17] Where's my pot? Which one am I sipping?
[06:00:20] How do I see what I'm sipping on?
[06:00:29] Coconut wine.
[06:00:36] Hell yeah, washes.
[06:00:38] First try washes, mods, gambad.
[06:00:40] Mods up the gambad.
[06:00:49] Okay, lock in now, Mac.
[06:01:16] Huh, I wasn't even up her.
[06:02:08] Wait, everyone voted doubt.
[06:02:29] Wait, why?
[06:02:30] Chant I believe him.
[06:03:02] I'm missing my staffs.
[06:03:05] I'm done, I'm done.
[06:03:15] I'm panic rolling.
[06:05:19] Mods.
[06:05:20] Ow, it's so unlucky!
[06:05:28] It's so unlucky!
[06:05:30] I'm no mana! I'm no mana!
[06:05:54] Nah, this is mine now.
[06:06:01] Chat, am I too weak?
[06:06:02] It must be like, I must be missing something.
[06:06:05] Hell's shields, my ult!
[06:07:53] Shit, this is crazy.
[06:08:44] He is lunging, my cus.
[06:08:46] His boss just hard.
[06:10:24] Did I miss something? Am I missing something? I don't get it.
[06:10:51] 3% crit chance, baby.
[06:10:57] I already just crit now.
[06:10:58] Wait, how much more damage am I doing with this crit chance? It's crazy, no?
[06:11:14] The game functions differently to Aldenry.
[06:11:16] There's something wrong with my controller.
[06:12:24] Cuz I am dodging dodging this controller it has a bug in it the orange. She is so bad
[06:13:40] Come on, bro. Come on, bro. That was stupid charge attack again on that timer. She's men. It hits me
[06:17:10] It's game is not serious so unlucky. I'm so unlucky. It's crazy. I am so unlucky
[06:17:43] This is the one
[06:17:55] It is the one I'm sure it's my mom always said that I might it's one. This is the run
[06:21:13] This is the run now. Everyone relax.
[06:21:19] I will beat this boss before at least he starts some kind of chance at...
[06:21:27] I've lost so many coins!
[06:21:29] Really? You are not the father.
[06:21:37] Believers, where are you at?
[06:24:35] I'm at the top of the mountain.
[06:25:20] Yep, rock. Huge. Huge win there by me.
[06:25:25] The god. The god of Wukong.
[06:25:30] How do I equip it? How do I equip it? I forgot that. Oh rock solid. I'll do the shrine.
[06:25:57] Is it 30 deaths? Bro, this guy is... Oh wait, what the fuck is this?
[06:26:22] Requires sturdiness of stone. Oh wait, hold up. I need to do my rock solid there.
[06:26:31] If it's 31 deaths, okay, I'll do it. I can't wait until this guy's song.
[06:26:56] Chat, that tally I have to use stone form to open it, right? Or what?
[06:27:14] You have to get an item. I have to get rid of... I'll just take it for now.
[06:27:33] I need more will man my my my my my my my my weapon is so bad oh yeah I can sell
[06:27:59] stuff I forgot but it's will that doesn't it's not doesn't some guy chat
[06:28:16] keep saying check the top right statue there's something behind it I checked
[06:28:22] top right like four times bro there's nothing there there's just where we
[06:28:29] got that chest he says there's something behind the statue there isn't
[06:28:36] there's nothing CEO so chat how do I open sesame how do I open this required
[06:29:00] sternese of stone okay well I'll go find it what is up here nothing I'm
[06:29:24] getting baited fantastic we're gonna bonfire
[06:30:23] Pega, Pega, ok that guy's cool.
[06:31:00] What the fuck is that then?
[06:31:32] No way, can you just die?
[06:31:43] But how many of these rats are there?
[06:32:03] I didn't know the rats teamed up with the zombies, what is this?
[06:32:08] Like a chest here?
[06:32:28] Any chesters?
[06:32:29] I don't know what's happening but we're inside a building and we're both blasting each other.
[06:32:39] Oh here we go, chests.
[06:32:47] Still stuck in chapter 2, I'm not stuck.
[06:32:49] I'm here by choice.
[06:32:58] Fuck off.
[06:33:02] Wait, hold up this guy does damage.
[06:33:04] you can't move right now what if I'm hitting him from behind I'm still
[06:33:55] hitting the shield how does that work guys my damage low it's my damage low
[06:34:05] there's my damage low how many fucking rats are here
[06:34:11] a ring stone wait no that's not what I needed right where the fuck did you come
[06:34:55] from now. Can you just make a monkey noise? How many of these fuckers have I just killed?
[06:35:08] Are we done? At least he's starting soon. I thought I just fell down a hole. We're good.
[06:35:42] We're good at the mantidling. Chat say something. That's a bit funny. Yawgwai core. Are they useful
[06:35:50] or not? Or am I completely in thing? You guys just want to see me do a boss. That's
[06:36:03] it. You just want to see me do boss Gamba and watch me die in red. Ha. That's it.
[06:36:08] That's actually all these chat ones.
[06:36:19] Is he you fucking fried or what?
[06:36:21] Oh my god, there's another red boy up there.
[06:36:34] I don't think I can kill all this.
[06:36:37] There's three of them.
[06:36:38] How do I win those?
[06:36:39] I'm one HP.
[06:36:40] Is Sentinel throw or what?
[06:37:31] That means Sentinels are out?
[06:38:29] Holy fuck.
[06:38:30] I don't know how I won that.
[06:38:31] I'll get the soul from the bonfire.
[06:38:41] Bonfire.
[06:38:42] There must be one right here, right?
[06:38:44] There's a bonfire right as soon as I open this door.
[06:38:46] There's one right there.
[06:38:55] Mods? Where's the bonfire at? Mods? Oh, bonfire right there. Oh my god, I made it all the way to the bonfire.
[06:39:20] Wait, I'm actually kinda crazy, no? Heal! Heal with water! With water!
[06:39:33] I didn't have any heals, Micah. Got pots left? No, I didn't.
[06:39:44] Oh, getting to this guy sure takes forever.
[06:39:46] Oh, there's anything behind! Oh! These things are mega useless.
[06:40:15] Alright, where's the boss at? I'm in mega good form right now.
[06:40:19] What do these things do, chat? These green things. What do they do?
[06:40:33] It refills your gourd. Wait, does it?
[06:40:37] Wait, I didn't know that.
[06:40:42] The stream title says Monke. Monke? Wait, it doesn't say Monke?
[06:40:49] Uh, Cajal, you forgot to take the rat spirit? I am the rat.
[06:41:09] All rats leave to me.
[06:41:10] Oh yeah, now we're talking.
[06:41:18] Now we're talking.
[06:41:20] Get the spirit at the bonfire. Chill out, chill out. I can capture the spirit again.
[06:42:48] Complete the sally.
[06:43:06] Or tally.
[06:43:07] Happily.
[06:43:17] How many wills do I have, chat?
[06:43:18] glazing reliquary wow the glazing why was that what was that here trap you
[06:43:51] finished this game or not because anyone fucking long game or not can't go
[06:44:03] through there on chapter 3 or if there's a boss here I'm so cooked it's
[06:44:08] crazy if there's a boss here I'm so fucked
[06:44:19] yo please please please have a fucking bonfire my guy
[06:44:23] Aleish. Now that doesn't look friendly. Left or right? Oh that's that's that's that's that's that's one right there.
[06:44:45] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
[06:44:50] Wait, TPB. Hold up. Yes, I know you're angry. I get it. It's okay. Oh my god locked in here with you.
[06:45:10] Oh my god, well it's not gonna go down well.
[06:45:16] LEC is starting soon, so we'll call it for now. We come back to this. We come back to this. We come back to it.
[06:46:22] Welcome back to it.
[06:46:23] I'm not scared. What would I be scared of my pup?
[06:46:28] You're scared
[06:46:30] You're scared swimma. You're scared missus. We ma
[06:46:40] My mouth doesn't work. Does my mouse work? Why does my mouse work? How annoying is that?
[06:46:59] It does work. My keyboard doesn't work either. Oh, that's why you had that can someone write hashtag in the chat
[06:47:19] It's all right hashtag. I don't have it on my keyboard. Okay
[06:47:31] Now final thing
[06:47:33] we open up the LEC then we add window capture LEC boom done then we put that
[06:47:45] there and the piece super bad it's be super bad
[06:48:00] yeah what do you want to watch what do you want to watch while I go pee real
[06:48:08] quick there but is there a video give me a video quick
[06:48:25] I know what to put on. I know what to put on. I don't know what to put on.
[06:49:05] W analysis, L haircut. What are you on about? There you go.
[06:49:17] You can watch this and then I'll put... How is my haircut an L haircut?
[06:49:24] That's cute.
[06:49:27] Okay, I'm ready.
[06:49:30] Tonight, the story of Lee Roy Jenkins.
[06:49:48] The man who got famous for prematurely ejaculating himself
[06:49:52] onto the face of battle.
[06:49:55] Here's Ben Schultz, a regular guy from Lafayette, Colorado,
[06:50:03] only an hour's drive from Ballyboy's house as it happens.
[06:50:07] At the time, he was 24 years old and earning his degree in electrical engineering.
[06:50:13] So Ben and a few of his mates got drunk one night on 40s and decided to make a guild.
[06:50:18] They settled on the most sarcastic name I could think of,
[06:50:20] Bells for life, but they needed more people to join so they could raid.
[06:50:25] So they made this video.
[06:50:27] Yes, it's strange.
[06:50:32] The guild admitted it.
[06:50:33] So it goes on, they get 720 no scoped by the welks.
[06:50:37] Here I made a map so you can see what it looks like without the chaos.
[06:50:41] Final version on my section.
[06:50:43] As soon as they uploaded it, the views went bananas.
[06:50:47] Leroy became a star, baby.
[06:50:58] But fame was a cruel mistress to LeBron, taking as much as she gave.
[06:51:04] People started following him around in the game.
[06:51:07] They would camp outside UBRS, hoping he would show up.
[06:51:11] He would get hundreds of whispers every day, some like this, some like this, but mostly
[06:51:17] like this.
[06:51:18] He even had a stalker that would follow him day in and day out trying to find personal
[06:51:23] information.
[06:51:25] In those days, WoW didn't allow cross-server play either, so that meant huge queues and
[06:51:31] wait times.
[06:51:32] And when you got in, there were even bigger problems.
[06:51:36] Loot lag, rollback, disconnection, which meant re-queuing.
[06:51:43] And Leroy's video was attracting tens of thousands of new players to his server.
[06:51:49] It was beginning to impede the way he played the game.
[06:51:56] Worse? It wasn't the kind of fame that allowed him to get rich, either.
[06:52:00] It was meme fame. He and his guild tried to make money by selling merch.
[06:52:05] But they had trouble with Blizzard's copyright, so the best they could do was sell shirts with Ben's face on it.
[06:52:11] They didn't sell very well.
[06:52:14] They invited him to host at BlizzCon.
[06:52:17] Alright, I was canning Russian just being a jackass, just drinking.
[06:52:20] It went okay. Ben was offered a job at EA, but he turned it down because the pay wasn't great.
[06:52:26] And it was only a six-month contract that would require him to move across the country.
[06:52:30] Meanwhile, Blizzard sees the popularity of Leroy and pumps out figurines and lore.
[06:52:36] Ever notice how Leroy gets whiter over time?
[06:52:39] Interesting. They even make him into a quest.
[06:52:43] But it's voiced by some random guy.
[06:52:47] Ben decides to send an email to Blizzard and say, uh, he, uh, uh, what about, uh, me?
[06:52:55] So they let him V.O. for it.
[06:53:00] And then, that's it.
[06:53:03] He was invited to a few other events, but that's about all the recognition offered
[06:53:25] him.
[06:53:30] Meanwhile, Pal's for life had become the most attractive guild on the server.
[06:53:35] And it was turning into a veritable bukkake of success, with glistening splashes of
[06:53:40] legendary items and trophies glazing its founders. We'll be right back.
[06:53:45] Police on the lookout for Leroy Jenkins Jr. of Jacksonville. They now have a first-degree
[06:53:51] murder warrant out for the 43-year-old. But back to Ben Jones. During an interview he
[06:54:02] says he's working on a new viral video that will be out by the end of the year. But
[06:54:07] instead of another viral hit, he died. Okay, no, he didn't die. But he did quit
[06:54:16] the game. He was bored with it. All of his friends were.
[06:54:23] Jamal and Anthony quit in 2007 and Abdul in 2008. It seems that pals for life
[06:54:31] really meant pals for about two years. Leroy comes back in 2011 but he doesn't
[06:54:39] stay around for long. He doesn't even play his own quest. In 2011 he makes an
[06:54:55] parents in a fake trailer called The Chronicles of Rick Roll. A full version of the movie of
[06:55:00] course is inevitable. But in that same year he gets a proper brush with Hollywood. The
[06:55:12] Warcraft movie is announced. One of the first versions of the script here features Private
[06:55:19] Jenkins, a rogue soldier who breaks rank and charges into battle before he's shot.
[06:55:27] But before production, they cut him from the script, no leeway.
[06:55:34] They do invite him to the premiere, though.
[06:55:37] Here he is with Jamie Lee Curtis.
[06:55:39] Jamie, I hear you've been yelling Lee Roy Jenkins all day.
[06:55:42] Yeah, I'd love to hear your best one.
[06:55:47] Ready?
[06:55:48] You got us the crides for you though.
[06:55:58] I know. I know.
[06:56:00] Alright, John, let's do this.
[06:56:02] Pleasure meeting you, by the way.
[06:56:14] The movie did alright in China, so they'll probably make a sequel.
[06:56:18] And if they do, it'd be nice to see Ben make a cameo.
[06:56:22] Ben has gone back to his regular life as an electrician.
[06:56:31] And that's the story so far.
[06:56:34] The man, the meme.
[06:56:37] The icon of internet history.
[06:56:40] Ben Shulls.
[06:56:42] Good night.
[06:56:50] Alright, no problem. I'll just be here doing my research.
[06:56:58] Ooh.
[06:57:00] Ooh, yeah.
[06:57:01] Ooh.
[06:57:04] Ooh.
[06:57:11] I didn't hear anything, huh?
[06:57:13] I think I'm gonna have to go back to where I was.
[06:57:15] The trash can ain't no.
[06:57:27] The trash can ain't no.
[06:57:28] The trash can ain't no.
[06:57:29] As we say, the way we treat other people,
[06:57:39] Working together is so important to preserve that freedom and to really
[06:57:45] Perfete, perfete, perfete
[06:57:47] Ta, ta
[06:59:05] I actually was muted
[06:59:06] You know why I know I'm muted? You know why?
[06:59:10] When I actually know that I'm actually muted and not being baited it's when people write
[06:59:15] So true or good one. If people just write muted it's fake, but it's almost like so true
[06:59:22] No, it's just sometimes like it's really hard to like let myself loose
[06:59:42] They locked him to the chair from his pants and now it's kind of clean
[07:00:00] Oh my god, oh shit
[07:00:10] Oh my god.
[07:00:21] Have you dropped like the tequila bottle in the store?
[07:00:27] Did they make you pay for it?
[07:00:28] I mean, it's just sitting in my neighbour's bed.
[07:00:31] Or are they like, oh it's an accident, that's okay.
[07:00:33] These fucking orange juices have been out on the balcony for literally like six months.
[07:00:38] Ooh, they're candles.
[07:00:40] What?
[07:00:41] Yeah, I think they're citronella candles.
[07:00:43] Oh, that would make a lot more sense.
[07:00:46] What the fuck?
[07:00:54] Alright, there's a cow.
[07:01:00] Oh my god!
[07:01:01] There you go.
[07:01:03] What the fuck?
[07:01:04] What?
[07:01:10] Yeah!
[07:01:15] You know I got a pet peeve about this, right?
[07:01:26] Might as well fucking eat him, slip him on the fucking truck.
[07:01:31] Is there a fever?
[07:01:41] I'm getting a cold, so you get in there quick.
[07:02:04] Oh, he's ironing his t-shirt with a pot.
[07:02:06] Wait, it is ex-QC.
[07:02:19] He's ironing his t-shirt with a pot.
[07:02:32] No, I'm not.
[07:02:38] I'm Cinderella.
[07:02:40] Come on, let's go.
[07:02:42] Watch the shit in the camera.
[07:02:44] Fuck that frog.
[07:03:19] He's getting absolutely plastic.
[07:04:47] Guys, guys, guys, what's this?
[07:04:51] Where's the TV at?
[07:04:53] Oh, well, what's up?
[07:04:58] Hey cozy for a day anyway, it's getting later
[07:05:08] Good night
[07:05:10] Is there a new daily dose really? This is a new daily dose. Do we see that? Hello everyone?
[07:05:18] This is your daily dose of internet. She wanted to prank these workers by spraying far spray outside their window spraying fox
[07:05:34] Why why are you doing that?
[07:05:37] why though why oh my god what oh shit so apparently this guy stole the identity
[07:06:05] of someone who wasn't alive anymore and used their information to try and buy a
[07:06:09] car the car dealership realized what was happening and set him up to get
[07:06:13] Rest in
[07:06:25] Oh big save oh my god, bro. What's it?
[07:06:34] Yo, you can't be you can't be doing me like that. Seriously. What was that? I?
[07:06:41] Jumped I jumped what the fuck
[07:06:44] Who happened? Oh my god. Don't just headshot his legs. What is that laugh? Oh my god, young
[07:06:56] Her dog wants to attack the magic she shows interest in.
[07:07:11] So true!
[07:07:12] Yo, that dog is crazy!
[07:07:24] If you're someone that's trying to learn how to code,
[07:07:27] it must be mega easy to get them to eat the medicine then.
[07:07:31] What is this? Coding?
[07:07:32] Learn how to code, this is what your competition looks like.
[07:07:35] What is he doing?
[07:07:48] Crazy is this.
[07:08:02] 900 people signed up to run a marathon inside of a tunnel.
[07:08:06] I'm currently running it as well, so I cannot stop,
[07:08:09] but this is one of the coolest things I've ever done.
[07:08:11] Oh my god.
[07:08:15] The power on this carnival ride.
[07:08:16] Can you imagine being like at the end of the tunnel and you're looking into it and there's
[07:08:21] just like hordes of shadows running towards you.
[07:08:28] Out at the absolute worst time.
[07:08:29] Yeah, that was the first test, no?
[07:08:32] It's been being a hanta.
[07:08:36] The first test.
[07:08:37] Oh, a haircut.
[07:08:41] Yo, what the fuck?
[07:08:43] Why did you do it like that?
[07:08:44] One man's subscribers wanted to show off an incredible view they found while traveling
[07:08:48] in Turkey.
[07:08:49] is in this video hope I made your day just a little bit better and I'll see you guys in
[07:08:56] a very very soon later um okay chat anything else we have 25 minutes what we do it for
[07:09:01] what could you for 25 minutes and I'm sending the drive-thru workers are already having
[07:09:07] a bad day I'll never send people who've arrested yeah true true true check the discord what
[07:09:18] What is it?
[07:09:19] What's in the discord?
[07:09:24] Is there any Mule mode?
[07:09:26] Oh my god, there it is.
[07:09:35] Oh my god.
[07:09:40] What do we get rid of?
[07:09:41] I feel like Keckwaddle is just a bad mode.
[07:09:44] It is.
[07:09:45] It's a bad mode.
[07:09:46] I said it.
[07:09:49] New oversimplified video dropped.
[07:09:51] You're lying.
[07:09:52] Yeah, you are lying.
[07:10:00] You actually are lying.
[07:10:01] Ciao.
[07:10:06] Is he dropping?
[07:10:07] Is he going to drop Punic Wars Part 3?
[07:10:09] Is he working on it right now?
[07:10:10] they say on anywhere on the social medias.
[07:10:12] Wait to get...
[07:10:23] I actually have watched every single of his videos.
[07:10:27] We could watch World War II oversimplified.
[07:10:30] But I know World War II, I know it.
[07:10:42] Yeah, I watched all his videos.
[07:10:44] Yo, I'm actually a big fan.
[07:10:45] A 60 ton dead whale was loaded onto a flatbed truck in Taiwan.
[07:10:55] But as it traveled through the crowded streets,
[07:10:58] gases built up inside the decomposing carcass.
[07:11:01] Eventually, the pressure from these gases became too strong, causing it to burst out of the whale.
[07:11:08] The bloods sent blood, organs and blubber flying through the streets.
[07:11:13] It covered cars, shops, and bystanders in a-
[07:11:17] Why do you link that?
[07:11:20] Ewww.
[07:11:23] Ewww.
[07:11:24] What is this?
[07:11:29] The five most-
[07:11:33] The five most badass people of all time.
[07:11:36] Hugh Glass was a 19th century American frontiersman famous for exploring the
[07:11:42] watershed of the American River. What gained him the status of a national hero
[07:11:47] is an endeavor he made as a fur trapper in 1823 when he famously survived a
[07:11:52] brutal bear attack. While scouting for food along the Grand River in 1823 Hugh
[07:11:57] Glass ran into an enraged grizzly bear mother who attacked him to defend her
[07:12:02] two cubs unable to reach his rifle as they wrestled on the ground. Glass
[07:12:06] As it was able to-
[07:12:07] Child's video sucks.
[07:12:08] I just can't listen to this.
[07:12:09] I can't.
[07:12:10] I actually can't listen to this.
[07:12:13] The biggest PvP battle.
[07:12:16] What is this?
[07:12:18] Thanks to-
[07:12:21] Improbable tales of survival.
[07:12:23] Dashlane for sponsoring this video.
[07:12:26] These guys' videos are pretty good.
[07:12:33] Hey kids, the human spirit is a very powerful thing.
[07:12:36] With the right temperament, it can allow us to survive things you wouldn't believe.
[07:12:39] However, some people are stronger than others.
[07:12:41] For example, I've never so much as broken a bone in my life, haven't been in hospital
[07:12:45] license that first time 20 years ago, so I'm like 90% certain if I'm ever forced to dance
[07:12:50] with death, my soul's pushing out to the great beyond first thing.
[07:12:53] Same thing.
[07:12:54] So, to the end of the spectrum, you got guys like Phineas Gage.
[07:12:57] Gage was a 25 year old railroad worker in mid 19th century Vermont.
[07:13:01] He and his crew were busy gang blasting rock to prepare the road bed for a newly
[07:13:05] planned route.
[07:13:06] This involves a big hole being drilled into the ground, filled with gunpowder and
[07:13:10] Yeah.
[07:13:11] Oh my gosh.
[07:13:12] Let's take a look.
[07:13:13] Ah.
[07:13:14] Well, being the gentleman and scholar that he is, Gage decides to lean forward and look
[07:13:16] directly into the hole, right?
[07:13:17] Oh my gosh.
[07:13:18] Now, the first rule of gun safety is to never look down the front of a gun.
[07:13:21] Everyone has that.
[07:13:22] Yeah.
[07:13:23] Gage basically just turned the Earth into a gun and decided to put his head right
[07:13:26] in front of its gaping barrel, and wouldn't you know it, the powder goes off.
[07:13:30] Oh my gosh.
[07:13:31] The teeth and iron shoots up into his cheek.
[07:13:32] Moses right on through his frickin' brain and goes soaring out the other side,
[07:13:37] 80 feet away all smeared with blood and WATCHEWS.
[07:13:41] Now by and large, Gage should have dropped dead immediately and been thrown into ravine
[07:13:45] for his blatant disregard for OSHA regulations, and that would have been the end of it.
[07:13:49] But I guess Shiva Gotama Christ-chan, the one true god, decided Gage still had unfinished
[07:13:54] business down here on shit out of luck 3, cause after a few minutes of twitching
[07:13:58] on the ground, he got up, looked around and thought, well, now's a good time as
[07:14:02] any for my yearly checkup.
[07:14:04] According to the doctor he went to, while Gage was retelling the story of what happened,
[07:14:08] he suddenly started vomiting all over the place, what how is he even functioning, pushed out
[07:14:12] about half a tea cup full of the brain, which fell upon the floor.
[07:14:17] He didn't say what they did with it after, I'm picturing his-
[07:14:20] Is this a true story, what?
[07:14:22] Dog just running over and immediately scarfing it down, then being plagued with the memories
[07:14:26] of a human railroad worker for the rest of his life.
[07:14:29] In the months following, Gage made a near complete recovery, physically anyway.
[07:14:33] He did lose a bit of his mind, which caused him to lose his mind a bit, whereas Gage was
[07:14:36] once an upstanding, hardworking citizen.
[07:14:39] His untimely brain blast transformed him into an angry, incoherent drunkard, mumbling, quote,
[07:14:45] the grossest profanity whenever he deemed fit, and showing little to no regard for human
[07:14:52] life whatsoever.
[07:14:53] Naturally, he was fired from his job at the railroad, so Gage ended up wandering the
[07:14:57] earth, earning money anyway he could.
[07:14:59] For a while, he hung out at Barnum's American Museum in New York City, basically making
[07:15:04] an exhibit of himself standing there with a tamping iron like, hi, this went through
[07:15:08] my brain.
[07:15:09] Bye!
[07:15:10] He later had a stint as a farm hand in California and a stagecoach driver in Chile, which,
[07:15:14] I don't know who let the guy with severe brain trauma and no depth perception drive
[07:15:18] a vehicle, but whatever.
[07:15:19] Over time, he actually became a lot more functional until finally, 10 years later,
[07:15:23] when his brain remembered, oh yeah, I shouldn't exist, leading to Gage having a bunch
[07:15:27] of seizures and dying at age 36. A similar story happened with one Ron Hunt in 2003. He
[07:15:33] was an American construction worker who was drilling a hole above his head. When the
[07:15:37] latter he was standing on decided to get away, we had Hunt landing face first on a 1.5
[07:15:42] inch auger drill bit. The drill went straight through his left eye and out the back of
[07:15:46] his skull. To give you a reference of what 1.5 inches of drill looks like, here's the
[07:15:51] actual x-ray that Drs. Tuck went hunt arrived at the hospital. Miraculously, the drill
[07:15:55] ended up just kind of pushing his brain out of the way leading to no cognitive impairment
[07:16:00] whatsoever.
[07:16:01] Matter of fact, Hunt was perfectly lucid while the doctors tried to figure out the best way
[07:16:04] to take the thing out of his head.
[07:16:06] Initially they considered cutting it out, but that would have been too messy, so eventually
[07:16:10] they decided to literally-
[07:16:11] Chom, sorry, do you find this disgusting?
[07:16:12] Should we change video?
[07:16:13] Uh, yeah.
[07:16:14] Just unscrew it from his head, like, alright, hold him still now.
[07:16:17] Oh, you fucking milf.
[07:16:19] Lefty Lucy.
[07:16:20] Does that mean the top or the bottom?
[07:16:22] What?
[07:16:23] It's a rotating circle.
[07:16:24] I'm eating leave it on what you mean leave it on one way the top goes left one way the bottom so which
[07:16:31] Clearly the one on top why tell me why why clearly same reason north is up on the map
[07:16:35] It's just common practice. All right. Well, sorry for not subscribing to your Eurocentric propaganda Dan. You soggy cunt
[07:16:42] Whoa, we're doing if you think hunt was just a little too lucky with this incident
[07:16:46] Don't worry according to snow. She was helping chat. Is it because are these people surviving because in the boeing in the boeing?
[07:16:54] You have the hippopotamus, hippopotamus, and if that dies, then you're dead.
[07:16:59] But if you go through here, it's still fine if you have this, right?
[07:17:03] The hippopotamus, if you have that, you're fine.
[07:17:06] Isn't that like where your fucking movement comes from?
[07:17:17] Well, not fine, but like, obviously, you're gonna have like,
[07:17:20] you're missing your brain, right?
[07:17:22] But isn't there a part of your, parts of your brain you don't need, I guess then?
[07:17:27] Floyd and didn't have insurance so while the accident didn't ruin his life
[07:17:30] You can sleep easy knowing the hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills and rehabilitation costs probably did our next tale revolves around
[07:17:37] Greg Rasmussen a British born animal conservationist who was studying wildlife in Zimbabwe one day
[07:17:43] He got reports of a highly endangered rhino being spotted in the area
[07:17:47] So Greg took to the skies in a single passenger plane to track the beast fate was looking down at Greg that day and after a
[07:17:53] moment, it said, No, Rhino must die.
[07:17:56] And a huge gust of wind came out of nowhere, sending Greg into a tailspin, crash landing
[07:18:00] right in the middle of the untamed African bush.
[07:18:03] When Greg woke up, he found that his legs looked like used up tubes of toothpaste, so
[07:18:06] he was essentially trapped right where he was.
[07:18:08] What?
[07:18:09] Obviously worse than that was the fact that Greg was dehydrated before he even took
[07:18:12] off, hoping to get water in his destination.
[07:18:15] And just when things looked like they couldn't get any worse, they got worse.
[07:18:18] A group of elephants showed up and started harassing and straight up stampeding
[07:18:21] at Greg.
[07:18:22] With no other option, he starts banging on the wreckage as hard as he could.
[07:18:26] The elephants went BAH!
[07:18:27] And decided to leave him alone.
[07:18:28] He was also perched by a pack of hyenas, an actual lioness on the hunt.
[07:18:32] But fortunately, animals are all moron, so the same trick worked on them too.
[07:18:36] Greg spent an entire day and night pinned under the wreckage, fighting off wildlife,
[07:18:40] severe dehydration, and extreme temperatures before finally being rescued the next morning.
[07:18:45] Incredibly, after over 100 operations, doctors managed to get Greggy's leggies up and
[07:18:49] running again.
[07:18:50] He was not shorter, which is probably for the best because now they can just stick the keys to the plane on top of the fridge
[07:18:56] So he never has another incident like this again
[07:18:58] So more of these people are crazy
[07:19:00] Resilient creatures who will do anything in our power to survive and just as Greg was moose and banged on his destroyed plane to
[07:19:07] Word off predators in Zimbabwe you should bang on your keyboard right now the word off predators online with Ash Lane in
[07:19:13] This day and age cybersecurity and privacy have never been more important and only a select few people at the time energy and know how to keep
[07:19:19] No, I'm not gonna stream. I'm not gonna coach BDS. What do you mean?
[07:19:23] All right, what's this link chat? I'll tell you it's link and then you can fucking dash link on slash shut up Salmonella
[07:19:29] There you go
[07:19:30] What is this?
[07:19:31] There are an abundance of iconic the dumbest Russian voyage that nobody talks about
[07:19:38] Yeah
[07:19:40] Combinations out there
[07:19:42] Sorority girl in a white Jeep
[07:19:44] Russian and alcoholism.
[07:19:45] It's well as a banger, wait really?
[07:19:46] It's well as a banger, wait really?
[07:19:47] Not everything can be a match made in heaven.
[07:19:49] And as much as Mother Russia would love to dominate the high seas, nearly landlocked
[07:19:53] nations and stellar navies don't exactly go hand in hand.
[07:19:56] But for all the Russian navies, dismal, underwhelming, pathetic lack of glory in
[07:20:01] the early 20th century, it's always important to look on the bright side.
[07:20:04] The bright side?
[07:20:05] Like how it gives me good YouTube content.
[07:20:07] So on today's episode I'm going to learn you all about the misadventures of the
[07:20:10] Russian Baltic Fleet.
[07:20:11] The Russian Baltic Fleet.
[07:20:13] Hi there.
[07:20:14] I'm Blue J. Russia's kinda cool, right? That was a trick question.
[07:20:20] You're under arrest, what?
[07:20:22] You're on the way to kick off a new era than an expansion.
[07:20:25] Russia is cold, which is great for things like stopping Nazis and badass tiktoks, but
[07:20:29] not ideal for ports. Having your port turned to ice every winter is what those of us
[07:20:32] more versed in nautical terms would call not very cash money. The Russian Empire
[07:20:36] notices China has a pretty nifty port with, get this, warm water. However, it
[07:20:40] It's a little thing called a border in a way.
[07:20:43] But that's okay.
[07:20:44] China isn't European.
[07:20:45] It's not a real country.
[07:20:46] So Russia takes control and gets the Qingmili in the port.
[07:20:49] Japan doesn't like what they see.
[07:20:50] So they meet with Russia and are all like,
[07:20:52] Hey, vodka boy, invading China is our thing.
[07:20:55] But Russia won't share, leaving diplomacy dead in the water.
[07:20:58] But that's okay.
[07:20:59] The new DLC just dropped and everyone's just itching to try out their new toys.
[07:21:02] So the Japanese attacked Fort Arthur, kicking off the Russo-Japanese war.
[07:21:05] Fast forward a few battles and the Russians were losing pretty badly.
[07:21:08] So the Tsar authorizes quite the preposterous proposal of sending the Russian Baltic fleet to reinforce the east.
[07:21:13] And you may be wondering,
[07:21:14] But Bluejay, what's so preposterous about sending reinforcements?
[07:21:18] Well kiddo, the Baltic part of Russian Baltic fleet means it operates and, get this, the Baltic.
[07:21:23] It has to be earlier.
[07:21:25] Boats don't like ice, so you can't go this way to Port Arthur.
[07:21:27] Meaning the Tsar authorizes a plan for an 18,000 mile journey around the world,
[07:21:32] Which is 29,000 kilometers or 1 billion 140 million port why didn't they just go here and make the boat
[07:21:40] Wait, okay
[07:21:42] China get
[07:21:47] 180,000 gumballs the voyage was also a logistical nightmare as the Russians didn't have any holdings in Africa or South Asia to
[07:21:54] Refuel along the way add that to the fact the fleet spent months at a time frozen in port
[07:21:58] So the crew don't have a port to make a boat couldn't tell you the difference between a bow line not in a porcelain pie
[07:22:03] This is gonna be a dumb idea, right?
[07:22:19] 18,000 miles?
[07:22:22] It's actually not that hard though, right? You just have to hug the land?
[07:22:33] to return for repairs. Don't worry men, surely this can't be foreshadowing. As the
[07:22:36] fleet pushed on, a growing hysteria spread amongst the crew. They were afraid that at
[07:22:40] any second, they'd be ambushed by Japanese torpedo boats. By Denmark. This is where the
[07:22:45] war is that you forgot. But the crewmen didn't have time to worry about things as frivolous
[07:22:49] as logic, so when two fishermen approached the fleet to deliver a message, they opened
[07:22:53] fire. The two fishermen survived the false alarm without a scratch thanks to the
[07:22:56] horrible standards of the Russian gunnery. As for their message, they informed rear
[07:23:00] Admiral Rosetsvensky that had been promoted to Vice Admiral.
[07:23:03] I earn this. This wouldn't be the only false alarm, as later another ship
[07:23:08] signaled that she was under attack by eight Japanese torpedo boats, only to find out that there were
[07:23:14] none. Zero Japanese torpedo boats.
[07:23:19] There was just nothing there. Having survived the Baltic, our heroes-
[07:23:22] Wait, they only got the Denmark so far?
[07:23:23] They encountered a small group of fishing
[07:23:25] trawlers at Donger Bank, but surely by now our skittish sailors have learned their lesson
[07:23:32] Chaos ensued as the Russians laid down hellfire upon the unsuspecting fishermen.
[07:23:36] The Russians are going bonkers.
[07:23:38] Some run around the deck aimlessly waiting culuses to repel imaginary boarding parties,
[07:23:42] while others just cuddle up on the deck with life jackets, accepting their demise.
[07:23:46] Keep it up, men!
[07:23:47] These Japanese have horrendous aim, Igor!
[07:23:49] We haven't even taken a hit!
[07:23:51] But hey, at least it's time we made sure they weren't fishermen first.
[07:23:54] We're shooting at fishermen, aren't we?
[07:23:58] Definitely a possibility, sir.
[07:24:00] Bro, what is wrong with these people on these boats?
[07:24:02] Well, at least we didn't fire on our own ships, killing a sailor and Russian Orthodox priests.
[07:24:08] The British trawler fleet were sitting ducks as their nets in the water prevented a hasty escape,
[07:24:12] and the Russians fired at them for 20 minutes before realizing their mistake.
[07:24:16] While this sounds like the setup for a massacre, you forget our heroes are about as effective as a guy holding a fish on tinder,
[07:24:21] sinking only one trawler and damaging two of their own ships.
[07:24:24] The battleship Oriole really captured the story of the TikTok pickup artists reportedly shooting 500 shots without scoring a single hit.
[07:24:30] Two fishermen and two Russians died in the mayhem.
[07:24:33] So, at least the survivors can brag at the local pub that they tied with the Russian Navy.
[07:24:37] This event became known as the Dogger Bank Incident, and nearly a half-warship.
[07:24:39] They tied with the Russian Navy?
[07:24:41] The Brits just settled for revoking their access to the Suez Canal, forcing the Russians to make a slight tweak in their course.
[07:24:46] The smoke on the powered fleet made its way towards Africa,
[07:24:49] attacking more civilians and cutting underwater telegraph cables along the way.
[07:24:53] They made up with some German supply shit.
[07:24:54] What is wrong with them?
[07:24:55] Due to the aforementioned lack of African holdings to make ports.
[07:24:58] What nice friends of the Germans.
[07:24:59] I'm sure their relationship will last.
[07:25:01] Africa's pretty big.
[07:25:02] Almost as big as my self-loathing.
[07:25:04] So they took on double loads of coal
[07:25:05] and kept giant piles of the stuff just sitting on deck.
[07:25:08] Definitely the kind of thing that land you an EPA audit.
[07:25:10] But it's not like any sailors were gonna die from black lung,
[07:25:12] except for the ones who did.
[07:25:13] Morale is low.
[07:25:14] So the Russian crew decides to lift their spirits
[07:25:16] by treating themselves to the exotic pets of Madagascar.
[07:25:19] All right, man.
[07:25:20] You all can.
[07:25:21] Hey, Igor, stop sniffing glue for somebody.
[07:25:22] You all can go to shore and pick out one thing to bring back with you.
[07:25:25] Nothing too crazy like snakes or crocodiles.
[07:25:28] Mother fu- What did I say, sir? I can explain.
[07:25:32] Watch it throw back the shot at Tito's.
[07:25:33] The ship became a floating zoo as the crew brought on a bunch of animals to run the deck freely,
[07:25:37] including a crocodile and a venomous snake, which apparently took a liking for vodka.
[07:25:41] Panic followed shore, and the snake wrapped itself around guns and bit a commanding officer.
[07:25:44] One sailor gifted the admiral a parrot, which soon took after his rather extensive vocabulary of Russian curses.
[07:25:50] Waaah!
[07:25:51] Wragyi podkonytsvostoka!
[07:25:52] The flagship soon became overrun with chameleons who would frequently go missing due to their ability to seamlessly camouflage.
[07:25:58] Hey Igor, have you seen Comrade Camo? I can't find the little guy anywhere.
[07:26:01] No, I don't think so. Have you seen him private?
[07:26:05] Yeah, I don't think you've seen him either.
[07:26:06] But a good zero isn't complete without an underwater exhibit.
[07:26:09] And luckily for them, the cooling plant on the refrigeration ship broke down,
[07:26:12] forcing them to dump all their meat into the ocean and giving them a nice following of sharks.
[07:26:16] At one point, the flame was holding one of many funerals for a sailor who died of illness.
[07:26:20] During the ceremony, the Kamchatka fired a gun salute.
[07:26:24] Excellent work, gentlemen.
[07:26:26] What did they hit?
[07:26:27] You boys did make sure to load blanks, right?
[07:26:28] Yes, sir.
[07:26:29] Yeah.
[07:26:31] Igor, you're looking kind of pale there, buddy.
[07:26:33] After some more shenanigans like foiling a mutiny and
[07:26:35] receiving a shipment of fur boots and coats instead of ammo,
[07:26:38] Admiral Rosasvensky realized that they were approaching Japan.
[07:26:42] Oh, shit, that's right.
[07:26:43] I didn't train them.
[07:26:44] So he decided to run some gunnery practice on a stationary target.
[07:26:47] Miraculously, our group of misfits managed to score a single hit.
[07:26:50] On the ship towing the target.
[07:26:51] Bye, thanks potato batata.
[07:26:53] At long last, the Baltic fleet closes in on Japan, approaching the Tsushima Strait during the night.
[07:26:58] The fleet extinguishes their lights to maintain stealth, all except for the Orrel, which, as a hospital ship, kept them burning in accordance with the rules of war.
[07:27:05] The Orrel comes upon a Japanese ship in the dark, and finally, after an extensive list of false alarms, attacking fishermen and merchants alike across half of the city.
[07:27:13] Don't tell me they don't attack.
[07:27:14] they come across an actual Japanese vessel and determine it to be Russian.
[07:27:21] Oh my god.
[07:27:33] The battle of Tsushima ensues, while our gallant sailors hold their own against the Japanese.
[07:27:38] The Baltic Fleet was decimated.
[07:27:39] 4,000 Russians die with an additional 7,300 taken prisoner, compared to roughly 100 Japanese
[07:27:45] deaths.
[07:27:46] This effectively ended the war, marking the first time in history that an Eastern
[07:27:49] power defeated a European one.
[07:27:51] Way to go, buddy.
[07:27:52] Let's add that one to the scoreboard.
[07:27:54] Oh, oh dear.
[07:27:56] So in conclusion, the Russian Baltic fleet's Odyssey
[07:27:59] around the world is a tale full of shenanigans and blunders
[07:28:02] with our travel-making peasant crew
[07:28:04] racking up quite the body count of innocent civilians.
[07:28:06] How long did it take for them to get there?
[07:28:07] An actual enemy.
[07:28:08] And yes, they may have attack ships
[07:28:10] from practically evergillable power,
[07:28:12] disabled cities communication grids,
[07:28:13] killed fellow sailors with gross negligence
[07:28:15] of safety practices,
[07:28:16] nearly ignited a major European war,
[07:28:18] and were about as accurate as Helen Keller
[07:28:20] playing laser tag. Jesus.
[07:28:21] They also tried to sneak to drink vodka.
[07:28:23] What happened if the war was over when they got there?
[07:28:25] That's our s**t.
[07:28:26] Stop f**king unleashing on everyone or what?
[07:28:28] That's crazy.
[07:28:30] That is crazy.
[07:28:35] Even the biggest break needs a champ.
[07:28:40] All right.
[07:28:41] LEC is starting now, Chattermans.
[07:28:43] I need to change something real quick.
[07:28:48] Oh!
[07:29:03] Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum.
[07:29:06] All right.
[07:29:09] I'll say this now, but I'll say it later too.
[07:29:12] G2 versus BDS
[07:29:14] If G2 win
[07:29:19] Madline's locks worlds. What is this?
[07:29:28] Oh my god
[07:29:34] Yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, why did they put down me? Okay, dude
[07:29:38] Okay, dude
[07:29:40] Worldwide sign up today for free and claim your masterwork chest and key
[07:29:46] Okay shut up bro, what is that at the end? Okay?
[07:29:50] Hey, shoot to the left.
[07:29:51] No!
[07:29:52] Okay.
[07:29:54] Okay, I got done there.
[07:29:56] Oh my god.
[07:30:02] Oh my god.
[07:30:11] Okay, chat.
[07:30:12] So if G2 win, Mad Leon's lock worlds.
[07:30:15] If BDS win, no one locks worlds.
[07:30:18] Huh?
[07:30:23] Huh?
[07:30:26] Huh?
[07:30:27] Oh, I love this song, chat.
[07:30:38] As you fight it all in the mud, we fall in the ice.
[07:30:42] Stink Paris deserves a Red Bull seat.
[07:31:29] Wait, our dominant take is that G2 should just lose this weekend and go to Korea to bootcamp next Monday.
[07:31:35] I mean, it's not a bad idea.
[07:31:37] They're already locked worlds.
[07:31:43] It probably would be better for them in the long run.
[07:31:48] Good take.
[07:31:49] Shadow, push the ads now, okay?
[07:31:51] Three minutes of ads, three minutes for the game starts, the broadcast ads.
[07:31:55] I saw a video of CLG doing that though, and then Riot got really mad at them.
[07:32:07] I can't imagine Riot to be very happy if they disappear and they go to Korea.
[07:32:11] Chat, I've got a better idea.
[07:32:13] Let me one up here.
[07:32:14] Why doesn't G2 just buy a spot in the LCK?
[07:32:17] And then just play in the LCK?
[07:32:18] Oh yeah, because maybe they won't make a road then.
[07:32:21] Actually they probably would.
[07:32:22] Maybe it depends.
[07:32:23] Four slots.
[07:32:24] Possible.
[07:32:26] Possible.
[07:32:27] Definitely possible, especially if they get trained there through the whole split.
[07:32:31] you are an NA fan you are you are an NA fan you are you just are a NA fan you
[07:32:53] fucker shut up now g2's locked worlds g2's locked worlds g2's locked worlds
[07:33:34] stop saying tally we think the better ad carry in the series I don't know
[07:34:25] actually as much as I am like the CEO of not of like being critical of Han
[07:34:30] Summer because of I feel like this year Han Summer struggled a lot I still
[07:34:35] I don't think he's like really good. He's a really good player.
[07:34:42] If G2 wins today, Fnatic and Mad Lions go to Worlds, yeah.
[07:34:45] If G2 wins today, Worlds is decided. It's Fnatic, Mad and G2.
[07:34:50] Crazy, we only got three teams.
[07:34:53] Well, I say only. We only deserve three teams.
[07:34:55] In the first place, maybe we deserve less, but...
[07:34:58] Wait, chat, who won the PCS finals?
[07:35:00] PSG? Was it a 3-0 stomp?
[07:35:13] Against SHG?
[07:35:14] Man, PSG just keep looking stronger and stronger. I don't know.
[07:35:23] Shoxx is back!
[07:35:42] So how long has Vincent Shoxx is back? Holy fuck sir!
[07:35:54] He was at CS, then Gamescom, now LEC. Holy fuck bro, she's locked in.
[07:36:00] Locked in.
[07:36:05] It all comes down to this for them, right? For BDS for their year. It's insane to think about it.
[07:36:09] And I know someone's going to say, yeah, and you can't even kill a monkey boss. Shut up then.
[07:36:12] Yeah, it's part of a BDS G2 last week because it could have been a lot of easier road for them.
[07:36:16] But in the end, if you're going to win anything in Europe, if you're going to represent Europe on the international stage,
[07:36:21] beating G2 is a very good way to do it.
[07:36:23] It's such a good point. They saw MDK do what they couldn't do.
[07:36:27] And we can talk a little bit later about if maybe they have found some strategies to do that.
[07:36:31] But how did we get here? Last week was pretty short, Medic.
[07:36:34] Yeah, it was really quick. A lot of 3-0s all around the world, I think watching BDS, they reverted to their roots, they had ice on hypercarries, they played with a double-tank composition and it just worked well for them.
[07:36:44] I wasn't surprised to see them succeed with that sort of composition.
[07:36:48] Yeah, I think for G2's sides, they kind of found their footing again, putting caps on Marksman, playing more supportive junglers like Maokai and Ivan in the jungle and just ultimately coming together as a team with a very, very strong early game.
[07:37:02] Yeah, for G2, Bruxai it is that question of can they keep it going?
[07:37:05] They've won every single split and trophy this year in Europe.
[07:37:09] It's kind of already the golden part, what we call it.
[07:37:11] I'll give them a trophy, European Grand Slam, European Grand Slam, European Grand Slam,
[07:37:15] or Bronze Road.
[07:37:16] Anyway, it's a Bronze Road.
[07:37:19] It would be very impressive if they pull it off, but it's also very difficult things to do.
[07:37:22] Yeah, definitely.
[07:37:23] But I think the beautiful part of G2 is that we've fought so many times during the year
[07:37:27] that somebody often, often a fanatic, could beat them.
[07:37:30] But every single time we started getting hope with a different team, they would just go beast mode and absolutely slam them.
[07:37:37] And I think this is really their comfort zone.
[07:37:40] Like now they have a big chance after losing term decay to showcase to all of us that they are really the best team in Europe by far.
[07:37:47] Absolutely. And we'll see who waits, of course, in the final because we have Fnatic first.
[07:37:50] Thanks and a stomp man tomorrow.
[07:37:52] But you can have your LSE season finals and have EU Masters, some are EMEA Masters, some are finals, 2024 tickets.
[07:37:58] It's all going down in Munich and next chat I'll be in Munich
[07:38:02] Package. I'm is anyone chapter to the match between goodies and G2
[07:38:06] Let's see how both teams did in a new edition of pop. Oh poppy golf is fun
[07:38:12] I like poppy golf name is unpronounceable, and I've designed three golf courses to bring
[07:38:19] Ultimate challenge welcome to GB's poppy golf
[07:38:23] And welcome back to GB's poppy golf for a season final special the rules are simple
[07:38:28] You have to get an enemy target dummy over to the ally target dummy in as few strokes possible
[07:38:32] Your ultimate is your driver which counts for one and your e is your Potter which also counts for one so let's get right into it
[07:38:39] Hold on one
[07:38:41] How confident are you Adam?
[07:38:43] I have no clue. I'm legit no clue. I don't know how the angle works, but we'll see okay
[07:38:47] Do you have a ruler for my money thing?
[07:38:49] No, it's okay
[07:38:52] That was easy and there it is you've really cracked almost easy
[07:38:58] Okay, I want to be a bit fancy right now.
[07:39:00] Wait, what is he doing?
[07:39:01] Yeah, I don't know.
[07:39:02] Okay, let's see.
[07:39:03] No, he wasn't charged enough.
[07:39:06] Oh my god, so bad.
[07:39:08] Okay, just...
[07:39:10] Nice, too far to the left.
[07:39:11] A bit more to the right.
[07:39:12] That's ultimate, let's see if that's enough.
[07:39:14] Ooh, it's in.
[07:39:16] And in his first ever poppy ultimate,
[07:39:18] Handsomer gets a hole in one.
[07:39:21] Oh, I gotta go all the way.
[07:39:26] And that is simply a hole in one from Cabs.
[07:39:29] Incredible stuff.
[07:39:32] And where's that gonna land?
[07:39:35] Oh, so bad.
[07:39:39] Top lane is getting one go.
[07:39:41] You're asking me what do you need your E for?
[07:39:42] That's what you need your E for.
[07:39:44] It's still not in the bush, Shail.
[07:39:45] I have to use the Jager?
[07:39:46] Yeah, you have to use it again.
[07:39:47] And that is three strokes.
[07:39:49] Oh, okay.
[07:39:50] On the first hold.
[07:39:52] Hole two.
[07:39:54] That's...
[07:39:54] Oh, Kavs, that is very far.
[07:39:58] Too far.
[07:40:01] Medium charge here.
[07:40:02] Too far.
[07:40:02] Too far.
[07:40:03] Is it just enough?
[07:40:04] No, what the hell?
[07:40:07] Too far
[07:40:13] Perfect
[07:40:22] Perfect
[07:40:34] Perfect
[07:40:41] Oh my god, Hans-Sama.
[07:40:48] Oh my god.
[07:40:50] Yes, that counts.
[07:40:55] But I did the list I couldn't do.
[07:40:57] Eh, I'm not sure about that one.
[07:40:59] Nice.
[07:41:01] How do you feel about the performance?
[07:41:03] Pretty good.
[07:41:05] Pretty good performance.
[07:41:08] Oh, Adam is too clean.
[07:41:10] We leave the source.
[07:41:12] First a perfect ever poppy golf.
[07:41:14] need to make a harder course for you because that was frankly amazing thank you thank you
[07:41:17] i'm a bit you know smart in a way i know the lineups kind of like involuntary like the
[07:41:22] bridge lineups oh yeah same with poppy a different ride game i like that lineups now i obviously need
[07:41:28] to make a harder course for next time but that has been popular for the season finals we'll see
[07:41:31] you next time that's amazing items like that mean it's like the trophy in europe where's the
[07:41:37] bdus entrance i thought they walked in in suits and stuff but perhaps i'm underselling them because
[07:41:41] Volvig. G2 Esports. Different ways. I think it's a big series. What kind of form was G2 sitting in?
[07:41:57] What's the form?
[07:42:13] BDS or the one they can you imagine kind of the pressure that goes into the single best of five one that they haven't won all
[07:42:19] Year versus G2 it is immense because as you said they have never ever won
[07:42:25] I think a best of series against G2 and their seat overall games for looks also quite poor and
[07:42:31] They like to find themselves in a situation where I was before with Rogue when we won in Malmo. We are leading up into that series
[07:42:39] Barely winning against G2
[07:42:40] I don't think we again had like a positive win ratio or anything against them
[07:42:43] 26 to 6, 7 to 0 in scores, 13 to 3 this year
[07:42:49] What the hell?
[07:42:50] The rest of the line is not looking pretty
[07:42:52] So I think that's about to get fucking smoked
[07:42:54] There's a lot of factors that would help for their mental coming to the series because
[07:42:57] they need to do some extraordinary things to pull this through
[07:43:00] Yeah, if you could look at it from the other side, you're mentioning Malmö
[07:43:03] They're about to get fucking blasted
[07:43:05] If you ever wanted to beat them or had to beat them
[07:43:07] Imagine being in the lower bracket
[07:43:09] Like, yeah, we just have to play against SK then Madden will make it to season finals.
[07:43:13] And then day one G2 loses and he has to play a fucksakes.
[07:43:16] It's G2 in the lower bracket. Oh my god.
[07:43:19] Help!
[07:43:21] A pretty small amount of pressure and to me, we've already seen them playing their
[07:43:25] own style against G2 many times in the past.
[07:43:27] Hang on, small amount of pressure?
[07:43:29] Well, everybody expects G2 to win, so they don't get me wrong.
[07:43:32] Okay, I see, I see.
[07:43:33] They're playing for a world spot, right?
[07:43:34] Yeah.
[07:43:35] But anyone's going to predict G2 to win, at least.
[07:43:37] I see.
[07:43:38] And in that sense
[07:43:41] You just need to come in with something crazy some spice last week
[07:43:45] We saw Adam playing the lights of cash. Let me have a look at the PDS solo queue accounts
[07:43:49] Like any surprises is what I want to see them bring to the table aggression catch Adam's been playing a lot of cannon
[07:43:55] Maybe with that kind of mindset rumble Varus top GP
[07:43:58] Let's keep talking about those special picks in just a second
[07:44:01] She is even playing Gwyn Jungle
[07:44:03] Ooh, Gwyn Jungle
[07:44:06] Leaked
[07:44:14] Luke's practicing very mid
[07:44:17] And Vex, ooh, Vex, who was playing Vex Chat?
[07:44:20] And Zeke's
[07:44:21] Yo, they're gonna pick some random shit
[07:44:27] Who was playing Vex?
[07:44:28] Oh yeah, it was FreeScooby
[07:44:29] from having either a mental block or at least be in the best mindset best mental
[07:44:33] dispossession to face against you. Ash, Ezreal, Nagrov, Hopi support, Hopi support,
[07:44:42] oh wait they've cooked, they've been cooking. They have been cooking. That's what I find
[07:44:49] interesting peeking at the right moment, being ready at the right moment, how,
[07:44:54] what kind of an indicator you can find that's gonna explain how the brackets
[07:44:58] Yeah, I'll explain it
[07:45:28] out winner goes here and plays against the loser of fnatic math they had a
[07:45:32] weird series against the winner of fnatic maths in finals and the winner of this one
[07:45:35] we fnatic math. Now if g2 win it's done fnatic math and g2 are going to
[07:45:42] worlds if g2 lose g2 are at worlds but there's three teams left so let's say
[07:45:49] bbs win and g2 lose and we'll say for argument's sake if madwin
[07:45:57] And Matt moves. This series determines who goes to Worlds. The winner of this and the winner of this goes to Worlds.
[07:46:04] Not the winner of this, if G2 loses.
[07:46:06] So BDS can make Worlds. They have to beat G2 and then beat the loser. They'll make Worlds.
[07:46:11] Matt can make Worlds if G2 loses as well. They just have to beat BDS and same for Fnatic.
[07:46:19] Best of luck today, Stryker. One chance.
[07:46:22] And the Roto are you? Shucks. That was weird. Back to you, Shucks.
[07:46:27] Thank you all just to make sure that we weren't the only one. Our brain sometimes messes up, it's normally we're interviewing a French person.
[07:46:34] Otto, I saw you perk up when you answered that first question about, you know, you can't really look at the opponent, you've got to focus on yourself.
[07:46:41] We've heard it a couple of times from BDS.
[07:46:43] We heard it a couple of times, yeah.
[07:46:45] So all of GEU's world teams could lock today if G2 just blasts BDS.
[07:46:49] I'm wondering if it was maybe just a PR answer and they did a lot of pretty hard to see, because that's what I'm expecting.
[07:46:54] And I'm excited to see it today because I think also with Adam, I think he's going to be standoff today because you already seen before he adapted to this champion pool.
[07:47:03] One day from Gods, now he has a lot of different champions, Camille, Ornn, Cassapria, Kennen.
[07:47:11] That abbreviation doesn't really work out as we want.
[07:47:13] But we saw MDK tackle this against G2 because in their series they utilized double flex a lot.
[07:47:20] That side was really good given how usually that side is very weak in LEC
[07:47:24] They made it work very well with the with the flex picks and the unique bro
[07:47:28] I still can't believe LS has a
[07:47:32] 10 pristine black lotus like that is crazy
[07:47:40] You know he has four of them
[07:47:42] He has four of them
[07:47:44] have great soon in the past we've seen both junglers move towards the Ival and the Marca
[07:47:48] there works 500k each utility style junglers will have to head there and get that advantage
[07:47:52] that's why i really like what BDs has been doing they've been back they've been moving back to the
[07:47:56] Ruse because their experiment so far this season they really work with Empowering Shio and putting
[07:48:00] him on the funny champions Adam back to the funny champions you know Shio back in the cage
[07:48:05] playing Malka, Ise, Joani all of these utility champions that empower their lanes because
[07:48:09] crazy they just have strong lanes Ise has been great the whole year Adam when he's allowed
[07:48:13] They are worth 500k yet.
[07:48:14] Pristine 10, Black Lotus worth 500k.
[07:48:18] Looker.
[07:48:19] How much it worth?
[07:48:20] Around 500k, maybe it's more, I guess.
[07:48:21] My most recent offer was more than that.
[07:48:23] Last 500k offer was 2022.
[07:48:25] So actually it's worth more than 500k.
[07:48:27] You got a higher offer than 500k for that.
[07:48:29] What the fuck?
[07:48:32] That's crazy.
[07:48:43] these two teams I think some of the streams are pretty clear in terms of
[07:48:46] their synergy, their team fighting, their objective setup and macro both are really
[07:48:51] good at playing by the book and when they get an advantage they very rarely throw
[07:48:54] it away. The issue for BDS is that G2 is slightly better than every single one of
[07:48:58] these aspects and therefore I'm going to predict 3-0 for G2. 3-0 G2? 1 for G2 as
[07:49:05] well but I really would like to see BDS tackle G2 like indicated where they
[07:49:11] attack them not when the fight is gonna have a great attack them when the
[07:49:14] serve is gonna happen for the day because that's the only way to stabilize
[07:49:17] destabilize G2 because so far they're not gonna tackle BDS and attack them at
[07:49:22] these objectives so that's the way everyone else does yeah they can't play the way
[07:49:25] they've always played versus G2 you give it a tier 3 sub yo Dinger forgive me a
[07:49:30] tier 3 sub what the fuck G2 versus BDS again we've seen this match up so
[07:49:33] so many times and G2 came out on top overcome their nemesis or will G2
[07:49:38] Secure the final spot in Munich. Let's find out zero seconds Murphur. Oh
[07:49:44] The season finals trailer, please be good. You took a blood sweat and tears of an entire year into reaching this moment
[07:49:52] Forget your past triumphs forget your past failures all that matters is what happens this weekend
[07:49:58] The question is who wants this isn't this isn't the season
[07:50:01] It's a little bit different.
[07:50:16] They've been actually beating us like this entire year.
[07:50:18] I don't want to go to Munich without beating G2.
[07:50:21] It feels wrong in a way.
[07:50:25] Oh!
[07:50:29] I think we won in Munich.
[07:50:30] I think we're the strongest team.
[07:50:34] Office flanked all the way around, it's spotted on the wall now, there's the ball of time, and I'm on the front line!
[07:50:39] It's somehow no against it!
[07:50:43] For me, that is the best thing about playing actually, in the big arena, knowing that we have five games,
[07:50:49] and if you win, you're the winner, and if you lose, you might as well be last, because it doesn't matter if you second.
[07:50:54] Team's armor's gonna get stunned up, like a fish coming out first, now we're waiting around the corner,
[07:50:57] with the charm onto caps, and caps is sent packing, now G2 would find a way to fight back,
[07:51:03] but I will not give them that opportunity!
[07:51:06] No!
[07:51:07] No!
[07:51:08] It will be an immense upsets for everyone if we win the LEC finals.
[07:51:13] As we sink into this final weekend, let rage, let passion accompany us on this glorious
[07:51:19] stage.
[07:51:20] Okay.
[07:51:23] Well.
[07:51:28] New classic, but a classic all the same, BDS vs G2.
[07:51:31] If they end on the stage, we have one question in the back of our lives.
[07:51:36] Yike looking clean.
[07:51:37] Do it!
[07:51:39] And they beat G2 in a best of five, where many have failed.
[07:51:44] G2 is the demon on BDS's shoulders that they have struggled to shrug off.
[07:51:50] And today, that demon is poised and ready to return to the stage that they believe is rightfully theirs.
[07:51:55] And it will be up to BDS to stop them.
[07:51:57] BDS has to win this.
[07:51:59] BDS loses this. They're out. They're done.
[07:52:01] A revoir, bonjour. See you next year.
[07:52:04] for them not to qualify by beating this team.
[07:52:06] Yeah, I mean, as you say, they have to beat the demons.
[07:52:08] Never have they beaten G2 in a best-of series,
[07:52:11] they've only ever beaten them twice in best of ones,
[07:52:14] and now they find themselves against the Goliath that is G2,
[07:52:19] trying to make it to Munich.
[07:52:20] And we have to remember that Zed Goliath as well has got a good track record over the last time they actually
[07:52:24] didn't win a championship.
[07:52:26] Crazy. Crazy of Madda making worlds after that summer split.
[07:52:29] And we can imagine, only enough that we've seen G2 fall to the lower bracket
[07:52:31] because of that Zed organization.
[07:52:33] We open up this Vesta Vibe and again, that we hope is going to be a boozy, starting with the Vibe ban, the Azir on the other side as well since Capz has started to pick that up more and more.
[07:52:42] Let's see what we got.
[07:52:46] Brown ban. They want to first pick MF or what?
[07:52:52] They want to double ban LeBron with Brown rail?
[07:52:57] Because you can't deal with LeBron rail unless you're first picking it, but then why don't you ban Brown?
[07:53:01] It has to rob him.
[07:53:06] Is the draft pre-recorded? No it's not.
[07:53:23] Kalista ban.
[07:53:25] Ooh, MF is open. It's a nice first pick here.
[07:53:27] pick here. It's a nice first pick here because with Braum and Rao gone that feels like one
[07:53:34] of the big strong ones. Yeah, so we're going to take the Ashe close. Now, I feel like you
[07:53:38] kind of set up for LeBron to take a Leona on the opposite side. Maybe you want to
[07:53:41] try and go for the Ashe. Oh my god. They've been watching the streams, bro. The Corky
[07:53:49] Malkai!
[07:54:00] Yeah, I'm surprised no one's picking Yona. Why don't you just pick Yona here G2? Wait, what the fuck?
[07:54:05] There's some real brown bands
[07:54:09] GVS even writes in the chat, of course they do write in the chat sometimes. Why are they picking Nautilus?
[07:54:17] Why don't they pick Yona?
[07:54:19] He just likes to start.
[07:54:21] Okay, good.
[07:54:22] Just always have to ask, because again...
[07:54:23] Well, I think it's a yike old to his girlfriend.
[07:54:25] I might be wrong in that, but I'm pretty sure there's a simple reason to ask this.
[07:54:28] I believe so.
[07:54:29] Thank you for that as well.
[07:54:31] Ivan does get locked in.
[07:54:32] You know, another Piki talk about it.
[07:54:33] Ezreal?
[07:54:34] Oh my god.
[07:54:35] This is...
[07:54:36] I mean, a Piki zix would work better, but bro...
[07:54:39] This is BLG101.
[07:54:41] This Piki's priority is surprising to me.
[07:54:44] It's weird.
[07:54:45] It's weird.
[07:54:46] It's very weird.
[07:54:47] I mean, we've seen him play the champion.
[07:54:48] We saw him playing in Summer, but...
[07:54:49] I don't know why I'm not playing Leona.
[07:54:54] There's a ban Lucian here.
[07:54:56] Lucian Smolder, I think.
[07:54:58] Against Caps.
[07:55:00] Or I guess you could do...
[07:55:04] I guess you could do Cristana.
[07:55:07] Has Caps played Smolder?
[07:55:10] Wait, is Fyrex enjoying here?
[07:55:12] No, Fyrex is not.
[07:55:19] And let's not just go into a solo lane, let's just leave the launch of room for Broken Blade to play with his champion.
[07:55:26] But I love the point about LeBron without agency, LeBron without a gauge as well. I know that's definitely been the playstyle of BDS throwing through throughout the year.
[07:55:33] Pool's not going to shrink too much though. We get rid of the bar, switch again, can be a flex pick. They're thinking maybe Adam takes that top.
[07:55:39] Yeah, DK World Theory.
[07:55:41] Yeah, it is smaller
[07:55:56] Is Cap gonna play Lucian?
[07:55:59] Rumble
[07:56:02] Crazy Rumble band in 4-5
[07:56:11] finals is not going to make its presence just yet. We'll see if it comes through in the final two
[07:56:16] picks for G2. It does feel like teams have kind of been able to see it in the CG2 and prepared for
[07:56:21] that cannon like we saw in the AK commitment. The Galileo and these kind of things to try and
[07:56:25] shut that down may not be. Although in this case I think it's actually a really strong pick
[07:56:29] because not really a super strong engage or at least there's many squishies that you can
[07:56:35] try and find with that cannon. So it could be an option here for a Bronco player in the
[07:56:38] Remember as well Adam had played the Casio top. What are they cooking?
[07:56:41] They're kind of wild with their draw thing and if you're talking about answers and maybe draw preparations towards G2
[07:56:46] Renekton top, okay
[07:56:48] Maybe Kenan for Adam if he played it well and we questioned him earlier in the split but
[07:56:52] And Caps is very mid. This must be the first time Caps is playing Zerimid. I've never seen him played
[07:56:56] Renekton, bit of an LPL staple I would say. Something that is a very high priority
[07:57:01] over there. It's gonna be locked in for G2 who is basically a safe blind
[07:57:05] Isn't Poppy like decent? Poppy, Gragas, NAR, Tullfire here.
[07:57:13] Mundo, oof, chat, I'm gonna run ads.
[07:57:16] If you wanna put ads, you can use the Flare on Twitch Prime.
[07:57:18] You don't have some of the other things, we're back for the game, so I'm here to kiss you.
[07:57:21] I mean, they're full ADG, dude.
[07:57:23] They're full AD.
[07:57:28] They're full AD.
[07:57:29] Kinda works. Kinda works.
[07:57:35] With that she want to go for static ship into a lot of these builds and just isn't ready a tank shredder
[07:57:39] I'm when you look towards area as well even though we've been seen like and immortal shubo force first
[07:57:44] Are even some work builds. It's not great and taking in the Mundo
[07:57:47] So if I don't get time to scale he's gonna be in a great spot. Let's drop the gamba. Have the eye
[07:57:51] Damba who you think's in a win?
[07:57:55] Yeah, I don't know I don't I like Korty Maokai Ezreal feel like their support top picks are a bit shit
[07:58:01] I like Renekton's area, but I think G2's comp is also a bit weird, but I'm basing it off of like LCK and LPL, right?
[07:58:09] So the priorities in the East are a bit different.
[07:58:17] Like, they would have played like Kennen, Vi, Rumble, Ashe, Rell, they would have picked these champs first big.
[07:58:24] But obviously Rell was banned, I think. I don't know if Vi was banned. Two million was? Two million was?
[07:58:31] 3rd place throughout the year. BDS is a classic story, right? They are a 3rd place team and, you know, coming through has faulted it well last year as well.
[07:58:38] They're like, hang on, this team is doing so good.
[07:58:42] The question is, is that enough to beat the type that they have not been able to beat in a best-off series?
[07:58:49] We're going to be finding out today. It's game 1 versus BDS and E2.
[07:58:53] I have to close my eyes sometimes. I always get beaded.
[07:58:56] Fnatic and Madline's Coy will lock the spots of World Championship. We'll have our three teams going to Munich if G2 lose
[07:59:03] Then only the finalists will be locking their spots for the World Championship
[07:59:08] BDS you've never beaten G2 ever in a best of five
[07:59:10] Madline for BDS to keep their remaining gear alive
[07:59:14] And I mean they're gonna keep going as well. Don't forget they got the matchup between Fnatic and Mad, the loser of that
[07:59:18] to go through and try and get to the finals too
[07:59:21] It all hinges on this
[07:59:23] Oh, there's a BDS fan in the shed and he's going to grab it.
[07:59:40] There's one BDS fan. He's fighting.
[07:59:53] Oh he's going crazy.
[07:59:58] Alright, they're lane-stopping here. BDS have been watching.
[08:00:02] Are they even watching Damwon lane-stopps or what?
[08:00:05] They're swapping into Ivern, taking blue buff on weak side.
[08:00:10] Adam's faking that they're not lane-stopping.
[08:00:12] Team that have leveraged this to beat g2 in the regular season before broken blade is very suspicious
[08:00:19] He has no information. He knows that Adam was spotted in mid lane. Yeah, I've been no sales. I think
[08:00:30] Yikes kind of fucked here think of it this way he's marking these camps are now in this swap
[08:00:42] You see the cycle.
[08:00:47] You see the red side pings, they want to stop Ivan getting those top camps.
[08:00:51] So maybe Shiyo can go one-camp up.
[08:00:54] It's going to be really easy for Ivan to take these wins at least.
[08:01:12] BDS want to try and mitigate that by picking the Ezreal and the Rakan, it gives the roaming potential, it makes the Ezreal very safe and it gets them out of what it should have been a very difficult lane.
[08:01:21] The only thing I'm worried about though is what it looks like for teams like Voidcrups and stuff, right? Because there are moments where, yes BDS might push here, but Hansama and Miki will get a good lead on just having an extra gold available from this map.
[08:01:32] Maybe he got level 2 though
[08:01:40] I'm gonna have to push this way and swap back I guess
[08:01:43] No other choice
[08:01:51] Oh he's TPing bot, he's gonna flip the dive
[08:01:57] Does he die on the dive? He's gonna have to pot early
[08:01:59] Really good. Oh nice by the broc could put it. He's dead. I don't know what he's doing
[08:02:04] Little bro thinks he's munger or what? Oh
[08:02:07] My god, he died on the diet. Oh my god. Yeah
[08:02:15] It's a horror baby TP back is he dead or not?
[08:02:23] Yeah, he'll be on the night or she'll go now
[08:02:29] I mean, they traded one-to-one bot. I mean, they basically negated the playstiff.
[08:02:39] Adam got a lot of XP.
[08:02:44] Not too shabby. Not too shabby.
[08:02:52] That bot dive was so scuffed.
[08:02:59] New the difference with the Ruby Crystal Dagda very well spotted as pick up there might help a little bit more with the landing phase
[08:03:04] Cuz we go back to stand here, and that's three plates still picked up that's still 300 gold lead for Hansa
[08:03:10] Yes, it is very sure agrees with the longsword in lane. He's got the damage actually play out this to be to a little bit better
[08:03:18] Ultimately, I think this was better for G2 because I think that as you rightly said
[08:03:22] The fact that Adam TP to bot ended up costing him a lot and experience is very valuable in the other game
[08:03:28] Especially when you're considering looking to play around these early objectives early objectives just give you a lot of
[08:03:34] control over the direction of the game moving into the big game especially
[08:03:37] I want to think we look at G2's most recent series that control in the game is really their biggest strength as a team
[08:03:42] And a lot of that control is gonna help out with the fact that you're gonna stay in the jungle
[08:03:47] Yeah, he could have saved it for the bot dive, but I don't think he knew the bot dive was coming
[08:03:52] Or is he just fucking Jesus man, Mundo damage is nuts
[08:04:04] Oh Mickey almost died
[08:04:05] Oh my god he's dead, oh my god
[08:04:10] Oh dear lord
[08:04:17] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he took the Ivory Q and then, oh my god, he got went in the towering.
[08:04:31] Oh my collects.
[08:04:33] Oh my collects.
[08:04:47] S there because that gold lead that was barely sizable in the ball in about 400 gold now any down to 200. Thanks
[08:04:53] That was horrific
[08:04:56] Holes in the game plan. I mean look at least
[08:04:58] But the kill that went earlier still having a gold lead is something but hunt summer. How long does he rate maintain that?
[08:05:04] I'm still really had an exp or what push in bot now. He's a full level up on history
[08:05:08] He's jungler nearby. I guess because Adam shared the ice right in case there is one
[08:05:12] It's an interesting dynamic that, honestly we've seen from G2 many times before, where
[08:05:19] the real game is still under question.
[08:05:22] You kind of look at the goal and you think, oh it's not too bad, and ultimately you're
[08:05:25] right.
[08:05:26] But the next question then becomes, well who do we favour when it comes to the Laker?
[08:05:29] Well naturally, Renekton is a champion that you inherently assume is going to fall off,
[08:05:33] especially into things like Cork in the Ezreal who just have that huge range advantage
[08:05:36] and the question always becomes, how do you as Renekton get onto these champions?
[08:05:40] Of course there are also the fact that you've got the Ivan utility paired up with the double
[08:05:43] lady carry.
[08:05:44] The both Xerri and Ash do have great scaling and I think it's tough to say it's just about
[08:05:50] a lot of the elements around these carries that I kind of favor these guys.
[08:05:53] So Escalus has two kills but he's down in gold.
[08:05:55] Escalus has no sums and Escalus arrows so they still lose spot quite hard.
[08:05:59] Oh my god.
[08:06:02] Let's just hope BDS know how to control objectives with Escalus.
[08:06:10] Malka Korki, cause if they don't it's gonna be a horror.
[08:06:22] He's gonna die on the stun maybe.
[08:06:26] Oh my god.
[08:06:30] Oh my god.
[08:06:34] Really clean dive by Gigi.
[08:06:40] exacerbate the experience
[08:06:50] Yeah, BB smuggable
[08:07:02] Yeah, what I think you're probably gonna look for now is if G2 can off this recess
[08:07:07] Maybe look for an arrow through mid lane, especially because you can see I could already start to hover in towards the main
[08:07:12] So fine. Here's E to the wall now to try and set this up worst case. You can eat a wall
[08:07:19] So objectives traded I mean Estrel is not even that strong. It's crazy. No ash got the plate gold
[08:07:25] I presume is just a different zero five CS plus paid goal is covering over a kill
[08:07:29] The XP difference is crazy
[08:07:31] Some of the most consistent players that we've seen from them so far in the season finals
[08:07:35] Especially Han summer played it's been under a lot of scrutiny
[08:07:38] We know behind the scenes he's been putting a lot of time into grinding the solo queue ladder with nonis champion Paul and
[08:07:43] G2 seemed to find a formula for him by ice mr. Consistent on the other side
[08:07:47] I feel like that we have two very powerful lady carries that in this game already set up a success
[08:07:50] And ice is just terrifying in this Ezreal when he's able to get rolling as well. Isis be incredible pick up for BDS
[08:07:56] But that's my choice baby down here to try and put that pressure on towards them
[08:08:00] to Bob the spot the mail is Mickey can't get the hook here though.
[08:08:03] Went to the dredge line but away with the battle dance is super easy here as G2 go a little bit deeper.
[08:08:08] Yike is now at level 6 with Daisy to pop on out as gonna steal the count first.
[08:08:11] Mickey went over the wall but he's gonna get poked out a bit he can't stay here for long
[08:08:15] as it's just the camp.
[08:08:16] They're pealing bot wave.
[08:08:18] I mean exactly as you said.
[08:08:19] He's trying to site the best build there.
[08:08:20] I just saw this Ezreal.
[08:08:21] Did you see how much damage he was able to do there?
[08:08:23] And the two versus three.
[08:08:24] That was true aftershock on Nautilus.
[08:08:26] once again and he's very close to completing that Trinity Force so I
[08:08:31] Continuing to ramp up a player that BDS are gonna put that trust mid is very quiet, isn't it?
[08:08:35] I feel like both mid laner so just handshakes farming
[08:08:39] Chaps getting crap here. He's gonna make him look like he's the head in CS
[08:08:46] They saw North of space, right?
[08:08:53] He's dead
[08:08:58] And buddy is having a good time with the tarot while Hans just keeps getting bullied out
[08:09:02] Cuz be really well here's the cleanse now so we're come
[08:09:05] Level six is a bit scary huge amount of that is the fail play that you to went for because Mickey was too low to stick around
[08:09:11] After that BDS, they have to punish and get this fan the bottom side some nice response from BDS
[08:09:15] The only thing I'd like to see them do is maybe leverage this into
[08:09:19] They want to dive this
[08:09:21] But I don't know where Ivan is she was trying to get info maybe next wave is diveable
[08:09:26] but she look at look at look at look at the eye okay it's coming back down
[08:09:32] but he was running topside he thinks they're on grubs oh no they're pinging
[08:09:38] grubs
[08:09:40] oh they're TPing already
[08:09:44] nice play by Labrador
[08:09:48] easy kill
[08:09:54] It's bad still by BDS though. It's bad from BDS. They're leaving top of the tower for fucking grubs. It's so bad
[08:10:03] But it will leave broken blade with that. It's so bad from BDS
[08:10:07] We've just been seeing throughout this early the game that
[08:10:12] Israel, Maokai and Rakan just have a stronger 3v3
[08:10:16] And then that was only further reinforced the moment that Adam joined the fray
[08:10:19] You still have slowly they're actually working through shit. It's not worth it at all
[08:10:23] The game Ash doesn't quite have that same power that the Ezreal does when you combine that sheen with the constant Qs that you can throw at.
[08:10:29] So then my simple question is, would it be a little worth here if you look at the side of the team?
[08:10:33] I mean I guess if he doesn't TP, then I'll try to dive.
[08:10:35] They thought that they were on Grubb so they have to make the play.
[08:10:38] I think it's basically what Adam's logic, and I can see why the logic, right?
[08:10:43] Adam wants the TP bot because they think Jungler's here, and if they dive bot, then he's going to dove top.
[08:10:49] So what's the point in saying top when they're gonna have six grubs and I take my top tower my face
[08:10:59] It wasn't the correct information right he wasn't done
[08:11:11] Black tea is so tasty that it's crazy
[08:11:19] But still g2 zone him often tower is gonna go down
[08:11:22] It's very good priority is just securing this turret, but also I guess
[08:11:27] Haven't even done the tower yet. I'm not gonna get a power
[08:11:31] And so the moment that they see all this pressure being thrown towards in this idea
[08:11:34] Why does caps have a 200 gold shutdown both mids have been absolutely AFK farming?
[08:11:39] I'm not kidding. They have been genuinely AFK
[08:11:42] Experience-wise he just hit level 11 and corki is one million from 11
[08:11:47] I know that I complain sometimes about bounties, but what on earth is 200 gold doing on caps?
[08:11:54] Midlaners have done nothing this game. They're just farming
[08:12:00] It's crazy
[08:12:02] They should have, like, realized that Nuke is resetting off of where he was positioned, even there, they should spot him.
[08:12:08] Was it scuttled?
[08:12:08] They're just gonna reset as well, because I think with this reset, with double Triforce now up for BDS, I don't think...
[08:12:14] There's 160 CS at 14 minutes.
[08:12:16] ...because they don't have that first...
[08:12:18] Yeah, but Corky will catch the top wave here, right? And he'll be on what, 153 or some shit?
[08:12:24] What if it's two?
[08:12:26] Oh, like he's that far behind.
[08:12:27] as well a BDS did just match out grub so if anything course it might be a heading
[08:12:31] goal that's this hopefully the thing I'm noticing though is because G2 are up
[08:12:39] against Adam on this mundo they thought to opt in for double blade
[08:12:42] for anything which is fine don't get me wrong but it does mean Ash is way less
[08:12:45] threatening on trying to show that he's trying to look for pigs but Ash is gonna
[08:12:49] become a little bit more difficult now so BDS using that advantage he just
[08:12:52] forced their way in towards river having ice just nestled him behind the
[08:12:56] Terry will catch me up a tiny bit
[08:13:03] We're going on Michael X. No aftershock on Maokai though, he's playing FaZe Rush.
[08:13:08] Ah, this is horrifying to me, yes.
[08:13:10] Oh, he caps almost got one tap though!
[08:13:14] Ah, the caps almost get one shot there!
[08:13:26] the TP came through surprisingly he didn't run away he actually went in because caps is a head for
[08:13:31] the BDS team and it will actually be G2 to have control over the dragon yeah it's probably because
[08:13:36] Corky has same gold but because his team is behind he doesn't get a bounty I guess
[08:13:39] because they use so many ults in the exchange with service to the utility godness and you
[08:13:44] know what we'll concede it it's on the other side of the map is losing
[08:13:47] and instead we look to try and put some cross map pressure towards top you know this game one
[08:13:50] reminds me of winter caps remember the caps that was just always fine and he has to
[08:13:54] demolish easy
[08:14:04] First power from BBS not bad
[08:14:24] Shouldn't this fall off now then?
[08:14:34] Adam only has 80 CS and a 9th spot purge I guess but still.
[08:14:46] One of these traits. It's just gonna be a scaling game.
[08:14:49] I think Ivan is still strong in games like this, where both comps are the same, enemy has tank jungle
[08:14:57] Ivan can be really strong
[08:15:19] Mickey say flash they're keeping behind the drunken
[08:15:25] Wasted splash there a bit
[08:15:27] Newcast flash as well as BB's there, but nothing will happen. They have no redemption now G2 I think right?
[08:15:38] Okay, well three kill on Mickey, he lost his flash
[08:15:45] Yeah, three grubs on BB
[08:15:47] Adam's chasing a bit, she's just behind. Yeah, nothing to happen.
[08:15:50] I kinda need a reset for Herald.
[08:15:55] It's a big top wave for Nid.
[08:16:05] Pretty even game. I know Renekton has a 1.1k gold lead, but I don't think it really matters.
[08:16:12] I think the most important thing for G2 right now is Renekton has flash up, he needs flash.
[08:16:17] downside of that is use a lot of farm on the cross map, but then G2 actually TP'd into
[08:16:21] contest them in the fight, and then they're in a numbers disadvantage. So in the grand
[08:16:24] scheme of things, it's Mickey's KDA that's going to be hurt, but now the Herald's going
[08:16:30] to begin, and it's G2 that once again, first to the objective.
[08:16:32] I don't think Mickey hears what is KDA anymore, but he's in his minions.
[08:16:36] Yeah.
[08:16:37] So BDS isn't timed for Herald, but nothing's broken, I'm fighting.
[08:16:40] In game 2, he was 1 and 8 to Nautilus, with a win in game 3, he was 0, 8 to
[08:16:44] We're the Nautilus, we're the win.
[08:16:46] So, you know, win game is all that's to him, yep.
[08:16:50] Win game, loose lane win game, loose KDA win game, that's all that matters.
[08:16:54] As they pick it up, BDS, they're not going to commit anything else.
[08:16:57] Note that Adam does have a teleporter advantage for the meantime.
[08:17:00] Maybe something that can be leveraged here.
[08:17:02] Ashen's very copying each other's builds.
[08:17:04] Corki and Ezreal copying each other's builds.
[08:17:07] Literally the same.
[08:17:09] We fast-approach 20 minutes into the game, and they already said it's a tense one.
[08:17:13] Can you build Sheen and Muramana?
[08:17:15] Yes, your meta. Can you build Blade and Azielite? Yes, your meta.
[08:17:20] Oh god, handsome, I joined K-Club.
[08:17:22] Oh, there's Leaky.
[08:17:24] Alright, what else? Anything else?
[08:17:27] One minute on Drake, slow farming.
[08:17:29] I think the big one for me is that at this stage it's still so neck-and-necky, you know G2 have a slightly more difficult to operate composition
[08:17:36] I feel like when it comes to setting up engages and so in back and BDS just have a yeah
[08:17:41] I'm not sure how many people knew LEC was on Friday today
[08:17:43] You've always got opportunities for BDS to try and try to have new projectives
[08:17:47] The problem that they're having though is G2 are just doing a better job of leveraging sideline pressure to get deeper vision
[08:17:52] So they can spot out where BDS are and it's making it hard now for BDS to control the map for them to
[08:17:57] move people into positions to contest G2
[08:18:00] Yeah, what I think is interesting is that
[08:18:02] when I kind of look at the map and the G2 is the best match
[08:18:04] You're all just copy-pasting one person's message
[08:18:05] with the eye-giddens
[08:18:06] You know how I know?
[08:18:07] Because there is no way in hell
[08:18:09] Twitch chat has this good punctuation
[08:18:11] because of the fact that they're heralded, the fact that they still have an extra out of tower
[08:18:13] They're likely going to be setting that herald up to secure that mid tower as well
[08:18:17] You don't have the punctuation, you're just copy-pasting
[08:18:19] However, the big advantage for BDS is I think that
[08:18:21] with the iron sights coming through, as the arrow tries to connect
[08:18:24] it's going to go wide
[08:18:25] But BDS, I think they're just gonna be spiking harder that much sooner.
[08:18:29] We'll see if G2 has completed their second item in the near future,
[08:18:32] but Nuke and Ice are about to fully stack those tiers,
[08:18:36] and that's gonna be a huge spike for BDS with their frontline as well.
[08:18:45] Ooh, he got out, but at what cost?
[08:18:49] Wait, Caps! Caps is down!
[08:18:52] That brobs spacing, yike is down maybe?
[08:18:56] No, they can't get in range.
[08:18:58] Getting BDS? Yeah, call a Baron. No TP on right, and hold on.
[08:19:08] No smite on yike.
[08:19:10] If BDS knows there's no smite, they should just play confidence here.
[08:19:14] Yeah, it's gone. It's just gone. Crazy.
[08:19:17] I missed the skew on the Baron there.
[08:19:20] mid to one might die, they have herald
[08:19:23] mickey's in it
[08:19:25] mickey gonna die for that drive
[08:19:27] work!
[08:19:29] work!
[08:19:31] fuck it, WORTH!
[08:19:35] why didn't he just let the herald run and charge?
[08:19:39] maybe he thinks he wouldn't have crashed you and stopped you
[08:19:43] you can go two maybe or just go base with drake
[08:19:49] Yeah, they're really strong medias.
[08:19:51] Chat!
[08:19:53] Two words!
[08:19:54] Korky, Maokai!
[08:20:15] Bro, what is this?
[08:20:16] They nearly get LeBrov, sure, but this is still a 3v3.
[08:20:19] Yeah, Cap's way too far up.
[08:20:20] And I still have a quick rotation from mid.
[08:20:21] Now you get Adam on Bob.
[08:20:23] So there was always a relatively high chance
[08:20:25] that this was just a chance for the team.
[08:20:26] Look at the last tweet.
[08:20:27] Mickey XDD with the shaking mode.
[08:20:29] And again, G2, first team check.
[08:20:31] All right, Drake fight, Hanson has flashed.
[08:20:33] The objective was Mickey goes in,
[08:20:34] but I don't know if he's gonna get out of the line.
[08:20:36] Is he dead again?
[08:20:36] He's dead again.
[08:20:37] Or I'll be in the side heat,
[08:20:38] never getting out of the fight.
[08:20:39] Oh my God, Mickey man.
[08:20:42] Look up the chat.
[08:20:43] Yeah, in this series,
[08:20:44] I've never been in a game.
[08:20:46] Dragon might even be theirs too, as G2 at the back away, because Adam's also pushing mid.
[08:20:50] Adam is pushing mid, which means the G2 might spot them.
[08:20:53] Caps has been a bit invisible. He's not really like Caps in, you know?
[08:20:55] I feel like if Caps gets corky, the game still looks a lot different,
[08:20:59] but on Xerion he doesn't look like he's like Cho being super hard, or... you know.
[08:21:03] The beauty of what BDS are doing is that they don't really need to do anything.
[08:21:08] They've just allowed G2 to be the ones to make the plays,
[08:21:11] and they punished them with just a very straightforward and easy to execute composition.
[08:21:14] What do you mean CAPS is king for them?
[08:21:16] And you fuck off?
[08:21:32] Has CAPS been practicing a lot, Zerry?
[08:21:34] I'm convinced. I bet you that G2 will go blue side game 2 in first pick orgy.
[08:21:40] BDS is kind of taking a page out of our convience turning in a back going on to GT
[08:21:44] saying they will be an astro van you are the ones making mistakes he's played six
[08:21:48] games in sort of you and the G2 always thrived in and pummeled them quite easily
[08:21:52] I like it how Betty has said kind of just done nothing to just play their
[08:21:55] confident the easy to execute style had worked out amazingly here I mean
[08:22:00] show has had an easy role to impress us our encounter engages I mean it's
[08:22:04] so easy for pro teams to over complicate the game yeah and BDS is
[08:22:10] the team that we've always praised them for their patience especially around their objective
[08:22:13] setups and what we didn't always get to see that in summer I think this is a great demonstration
[08:22:17] of okay we know what we need to do we were the ones initiated the swap we have to execute
[08:22:21] this properly they put the pressure down into broken blade they did in fact set that up
[08:22:24] but on the cross map they also Adam traded one for one in the dive and so at every single
[08:22:28] point every single play that G2 tried to make BDS they either traded even or up.
[08:22:32] Yeah it's interesting because BDS's early game wasn't that great.
[08:22:37] I mean, there was just one mistake by G2 on top brush, gave them Baron, and now they just look all over the place in teamfights.
[08:22:51] Actually G2 haven't looked good this game though.
[08:22:56] They just made loads of silly random mistakes which, I don't know man, G2 last year looked so strong.
[08:23:02] wrong. Now they look like when G2 was going to worlds last year I was like holy fuck, the
[08:23:09] pace is unreal. Yeah I think G2 will go blue side ban Estrel and Prophet Corky. Okay
[08:23:21] I mean that's one way to go in. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
[08:23:29] I see what G2 is doing, but it feels good, but it doesn't result in him, right?
[08:23:41] You use Renekton and Nautilus Flash.
[08:23:43] It's basically their engage other than a natural.
[08:23:46] They killed Maokai, and everyone backs away.
[08:23:50] Shor or Corki keep Eed, but this does nothing for the game.
[08:23:53] It actually does nothing.
[08:23:54] CC'd for days. Unfortunately for Sheo, he was the target that they got to kill, but ultimately, it's just gonna slow down a little bit if that.
[08:24:02] And Red can not have flash. I think Corky is the problem.
[08:24:04] Caps would love that.
[08:24:06] NS real right, but you can't really touch S with this one in the game.
[08:24:08] Hang on a second.
[08:24:10] Damage here. I mean, Caps is showcasing again.
[08:24:12] I know, bro. You think G2 is gonna put BB on Ornn?
[08:24:16] Like they did against Fnatic?
[08:24:17] And just fucking pick Corky, and then it's gonna... Oh my god, is this really gonna happen after game one?
[08:24:21] There's always that thought at the back of the mind, three item, Zerri plus three item Ash with an Ivor on top of that.
[08:24:28] Support jungle.
[08:24:29] Like the support jungle can be a very effective tool at really elevating these 80 carries in the late game.
[08:24:34] And remember that these fights are ultimately about who can kill the frontline first.
[08:24:37] Yeah, chat, don't doubt EUV1 worlds in season 1.
[08:24:39] The same thing he has just made is a showcase of how G2 can get it back.
[08:24:42] They had new pushing site.
[08:24:43] They stepped too far forward, not seeing G2 on the map, and they get the pick on towards Shadow.
[08:24:48] when did you win worlds?
[08:25:04] NA invented the game?
[08:25:07] invented the game but never won in international
[08:25:10] sus
[08:25:21] I love starting Chateau Wars, it's my favorite thing to do.
[08:25:38] Just like England with football loan.
[08:25:42] 1966 Micah.
[08:25:44] No idea who was on that team.
[08:25:50] Oh my god, Cap's got CC there.
[08:25:54] Ooh, a bit of fun to back here for G2.
[08:25:57] Adam's almost dead.
[08:25:58] Oh my god, that S-Reload was brutal.
[08:26:01] I think G-VVS should be barring here.
[08:26:05] Or Dragon. Just starting objective, it's free.
[08:26:18] Yeah, Labrov gets one shot.
[08:26:20] The problem is, it visually looks nice for G2. Oh my god, one down, we can move forwards.
[08:26:25] You can't move forwards.
[08:26:27] There's a full suns, full mobility up for Nuke and Ice, they can't touch them, no matter what.
[08:26:33] I disagree, I think no matter what the second Rakan dies, it doesn't matter. They're using everything on Rakan, Rakan dies.
[08:26:39] S2 or Corky doesn't murder them, no matter what. They're mega engaged.
[08:26:44] G2 is very scared of broken light along with the normal soldiers.
[08:26:46] Here, Corky and Escalator are fine. Here, I think they just destroyed them.
[08:26:50] That ultimate there from Ice just did so much damage and immediately forced G2 to back away.
[08:26:56] They no longer had the health bars to be able to chase them down.
[08:26:59] So that could have been a massive disaster for BDS, and I want them to be very cautious moving forward
[08:27:04] about the fights that they take, and they don't overcommit.
[08:27:06] And in this epic bot lane battle, we saw the two and pro in the early game where Hansar and Mickey X started getting caught out or rather targeted.
[08:27:13] Nice with the 2k gold
[08:27:17] That's all quite nice
[08:27:19] Which is quite large. Thanks to my guys added into the pot. All right, it's not a court. Yes, and now key this double
[08:27:25] Okay, corky. Yes real. Oh, yeah, the point in the game where you really do have to be careful if you'd be yes
[08:27:29] You've been winning a lot of these fights because
[08:27:32] There's no real threat. Okay. Yes. You're sorry double lady carries on the baron place
[08:27:37] Giving up a lot of mutha
[08:27:39] Upside for them is that there's no LG or isn't play
[08:27:42] So I don't have a ton of armor and now Randwin's plus the thornmail on the way for Shale means that they're gonna be in a round
[08:27:48] If you go spot to try to fight back against this
[08:27:50] But you still have to be very careful because basically yikes shields give you so much on hit magic damage
[08:27:54] It's absolutely absurd. So that's where a lot of that excess damage is coming from that. We saw take down Adam in the last
[08:27:59] I mean, I will say it's it's nice to see finally this AD caravan of being punished in terms of itemization
[08:28:05] Part of the reason why Kenan is so valuable in the meta is because of the AP damage he brings to the game
[08:28:10] Well, I see Brutalize on Ezreal.
[08:28:12] I see Zediel, but...
[08:28:18] Adam?
[08:28:30] They're waiting for Nubes to push out bot so someone matches and then they can see Osparon.
[08:28:40] Careful because if you end up with a male coyote just coming in across this line here
[08:28:43] Yeah, it becomes really really difficult for G2. Let's push that all the way stop Baron lovely
[08:28:48] Forcing G2 back. That's new cap
[08:28:51] Mortal reminder
[08:28:54] We actually missing sucks a bit
[08:29:00] I'm gonna spray the finish no
[08:29:03] very clean turns
[08:29:10] another party
[08:29:13] a great sequence of plays from bds they controlled the map they played it patiently and they did exactly
[08:29:19] what they needed to do nuke on the bot side creating that pressure going back to base TPing in they had the members
[08:29:25] advantage the nice flank from the brawl that was a level of
[08:29:31] Because I was like
[08:29:33] Wintercaptory farms and he's this reliable carry for the team, but you could always be one step ahead, whether it's 10, 15, 20 CS, having the bounty on his head as well.
[08:29:41] He's at 350 CS at 31 minutes as well. He may as well be the extra guy on the trial, and he gets up yet another time in the inner.
[08:29:49] All W, we have to cleanse flash before the knockup with him. That's how you get out of Rakan CC, but otherwise he is dead.
[08:29:54] That's the one that opened up the map for Nuke to start to play out and get into that side lane, get this CS for himself.
[08:30:00] But you can see here, this is a great setup from BDS.
[08:30:04] G2 lose on purpose, fly to Korea tomorrow,
[08:30:07] bootcamp for four weeks for Worlds,
[08:30:09] lock up to Worlds, win Worlds, BDS, they're less on purpose.
[08:30:13] Flash in so there's no way Hunts can react
[08:30:15] and manage to get the knockup as well.
[08:30:17] It would be good.
[08:30:18] It would be good.
[08:30:19] Honestly, I kind of expect that.
[08:30:20] Honestly, probably a good idea.
[08:30:22] Not gonna lie.
[08:30:22] In any case, we find BDS down the bot side of the map,
[08:30:25] setting their sights on G2.
[08:30:26] An extra week and a half in Worlds in Korea.
[08:30:28] This is the last round for G2, because they've already made it to Mickey, or should I come down right now?
[08:30:33] I'm running from the side, work and play down to one of my best players, so I'm down there.
[08:30:36] I'm trying to get my money into ice, but he's unperturbed.
[08:30:39] He's gone, everyone. With the Baron as well, he's...
[08:30:42] He's in the band, his mask is now right in front yet again.
[08:30:47] If he chooses John, who has made a very different BDS this year,
[08:30:53] and is making a very easy BDS, the game that we're on.
[08:30:57] And the tactic for BDS, the whole game is real.
[08:31:00] I said you can end it. G2 are collapsing!
[08:31:02] Uh oh, G2, uh oh, uh oh, la la la la la la la.
[08:31:09] We're hyping up the G2 and they're hyping up G2 in another challenge.
[08:31:14] Bro, G2 new sister not going to be in Munich. How crazy is that?
[08:31:17] No G2 in season finals.
[08:31:19] We're not going to get some start to finish to found advantage after advantage.
[08:31:23] And now they're looking to secure game one against G2.
[08:31:27] chat how much chat you make a deal to make a deal chat to make a deal I bet you in game
[08:31:37] 2 g2 early rotate slash first with something like orkey then as we learn
[08:31:44] Malkai and puts BB on Ornn. How much? How much? How much? How much? How much?
[08:31:51] Cat, don't forget.
[08:31:55] And go to slash the legal wards. The branding is finally done. There's some big announcements coming.
[08:32:01] I'm going to be doing a big stream about big updates on the legal wards. If you could go there, drop a follow.
[08:32:06] We're going to do a big stream with Shox in the next couple weeks. In two or three weeks we're going to do a stream with Shox.
[08:32:10] We're going to talk about the awards that are there, we're going to talk about who's going to be in the show, we're going to talk about how to vote and stuff like that, and where it's going to be held, the awards.
[08:32:22] We just finished the branding today.
[08:32:24] Definitely think I performed better on a big stage, I think I might be under the pressure of it.
[08:32:29] My first big stage was when I played Dark Pressage, and that final was one of my favorite moments of Esports because it just felt so great to have all this energy from the ground.
[08:32:37] But don't unpick his language.
[08:32:39] Very angelic, he's very angelic, it's angelic.
[08:32:44] Yeah, there's going to be a lot of serious awards, but there's also going to be some meme awards.
[08:32:49] Good old memes.
[08:32:51] Bro, my stream is not Google. You can't type in back pain relief in my chat and get an answer.
[08:32:57] No, type it in Google.
[08:32:59] I'm not Google.
[08:33:02] I'm gonna pull out some more IDKs in the world, probably come up with some new strats.
[08:33:06] Hey, Kajal, do you want a meme?
[08:33:24] Hold on, what is this mode?
[08:33:26] Kajaling, 41 CS, 22 minutes.
[08:33:29] Bro, that's not me!
[08:33:31] I'm good CSer, I'm not adding that.
[08:33:33] I'm not adding that.
[08:33:34] I'm not adding that, it's not happening.
[08:33:36] Even the biggest champ needs a break.
[08:34:07] Even the biggest champ needs a break.
[08:34:13] Do you need a break?
[08:34:17] Do you want a meme?
[08:34:23] What have you got, T1 Rant?
[08:34:24] What have you got?
[08:34:25] What have you got?
[08:34:29] He won, Rat, what is it?
[08:34:47] Imagine having to contractually defend this region and a clears.
[08:34:50] Okay, shut up. Can't unsee it.
[08:34:52] For the League Awards logo.
[08:34:54] Ooh, looks giga-chattish as Griter.
[08:34:56] Black tea is excellent. Add a little orange, and what do you get?
[08:34:59] Earl Grey.
[08:35:01] Yeah, we saw that.
[08:35:03] Moham, remember his name.
[08:35:04] K-Drow, 2024, Worlds Finals, Game 5.
[08:35:07] Hello, Rats, we win Worlds.
[08:35:08] Wait, PSG's in the community?
[08:35:10] 07 Kali, it was a good run.
[08:35:12] What is this?
[08:35:14] K-Troll won burst 3 meals.
[08:35:17] 2020 for Summer Etoffs.
[08:35:20] Sadi 2000 bro, what are you making?
[08:35:23] What are you making?
[08:35:25] What are you making?
[08:35:27] The Etoffs.
[08:35:30] I don't eat that much on stream.
[08:35:32] I swear I eat like 3 meals a day. Normal.
[08:35:34] Yeah.
[08:35:37] I'm a bad red cat.
[08:35:40] In the chat you know I on the floor chat.
[08:35:43] chat yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah in another timeline chat I was a wapa a
[08:35:59] wapa guys are we to check win rates of champs together I want to know what
[08:36:07] Maokai Korki win rate is together bro I swear I've seen this combo enough
[08:36:11] time to know it's OP can someone do the math check Maokai Korki win rate
[08:36:20] together? Let's go through a chat. Maokai, the fearac series 2-0. Maokai Korki 1. Maokai
[08:36:38] Korki 1. Then, in the Wave-O series, Maokai Korki 1. Then, Pristana Maokai, Kaisa Maokai,
[08:36:51] Korky Malkai G2 win
[08:36:54] Zerri Malkai
[08:36:56] Korky Malkai BLG 1 Korky Malkai BLG 1 Korky Malkai BLG 1 trio
[08:37:02] Azir Malkai so it hasn't had a loss yet. There it is Katie Katie waltzer, but that's against them one
[08:37:10] That doesn't count them ones the goats
[08:37:14] BDS Lucian Malkai
[08:37:17] Cassio Malkai
[08:37:19] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, where's the Korky Malkai is that bro?
[08:37:27] KorkyMaukai against JNG doesn't count, where's my KorkyMaukai at?
[08:37:38] In the last like seven games of KorkyMaukai I won everything, but I can't go for the
[08:37:43] back-ass.
[08:37:44] I'll tell me while they're going further.
[08:37:45] But BLG3OdeLNG with top esports with KorkyMaukai, Damwon and FearExpo with KorkyMaukai
[08:37:52] in one, here's a meme.
[08:37:55] Found a bootleg one-direction CD at my bodega, it looks like the other members
[08:37:59] are probably eating during the cover.
[08:38:01] Diamond one.
[08:38:02] debut album. Bro, you're just, bro, T1 rap, you're like, you're fucking unchained.
[08:38:09] Wait, what do you mean followed by Mexico? Wait, so you were raising my agent. So you
[08:38:17] were raising my agent. Oh my god, what the hell? Jesus, he got the followback.
[08:38:27] Wait. Wait a second. Oh, maybe you're kind of popping off. I don't. Much love from
[08:38:42] Portugal you're much better man he's gonna be your boss soon no he's not
[08:38:47] various laughter dance mama joke he did he did laugh striker at first I got
[08:39:06] that because their coach is called striker wait I get that that was funny
[08:39:22] this is how me and my wife spend our Friday evening with the rats yo wait
[08:39:28] you're kind of trolling you're kind of chilling I'm gonna say throwing I'm
[08:39:31] wait you're flat's kind of nice bro you got snackies cheese cheese ham the
[08:39:41] Millennium Falco PS5 board games wait you're mega chilling wait damn is that
[08:39:48] Oh
[08:39:56] Martin I like to set up
[08:40:00] I like to set up
[08:40:02] Yo, Chad is that cheese is the cheese that he had is that the stanky cheese?
[08:40:06] I hope it's not stinky cheese stinky cheese is disgusting. Why don't we just make it mold maybe they'll taste better?
[08:40:12] Really?
[08:40:17] It is the stinky cheese. Oh my god, bro
[08:40:21] It was going so good until it was the stinky cheeseman.
[08:40:25] Now I can smell the picture.
[08:40:28] I can smell the picture now.
[08:40:40] This is me and an in stinky chees, you rat.
[08:40:42] He actually went from his phone to write that.
[08:40:44] He actually pulled out his phone to write-
[08:40:45] It's not stinky chees!
[08:40:48] He went to such lengths to try and deny it
[08:40:50] that it's fucking stinky as hell that chees, I'm sure of it.
[08:40:53] Absolutely disgusting. Martin the Molder.
[08:41:14] Mold recognizes Molder. Let's just know that.
[08:41:30] the objectives locking it down there was only one time where they were a little
[08:41:34] out of place and that was it yeah I mean if you took the the name plates off you
[08:41:38] would think it was G2 on BDS aside I think this was a great example where G2
[08:41:42] were over forcing BDS is ready to respond Mundo TBS in immediately and
[08:41:47] what a surprise oh my god I open up Twitter the first thing I see is
[08:41:51] someone bet 30 on G2 win well there goes your money
[08:41:57] They just run in mindlessly leads to BDS getting a Baron for free and then even now when the play should be over
[08:42:07] As I saw him coming into frame on the Rift air, he's just dead
[08:42:11] He's obviously dead in that situation. Decisions like that alongside that on the on that try brush play
[08:42:16] If he pops the ultimate on LeBrov as soon as he sees LeBrov LeBrov down
[08:42:20] I love telling me finish my water, don't be ill
[08:42:22] It's just small things for Mickey and small things from G2 and BDS being very happy to capitalize on it
[08:42:28] And it is that thing where we say we cannot bash a player by itself because it's usually a team decision
[08:42:33] I will say here kind of it was right because you have no business trying to push that advantage mitts because they were
[08:42:38] Collapsing on you as well. I just want to have it said because I know how people receive these things
[08:42:44] I think ultimately we've seen time and time again that in order to be a top support in Europe
[08:42:49] If you've got to have some dirty games once in a while, we're making a really pretty much the same person in that regard.
[08:42:54] Shout out to Selfmade, we saw you.
[08:42:56] Maybe next game we're going to see the opposite, you know.
[08:42:58] Yeah, we don't know. G2, they chose the blue side.
[08:43:02] So, you know, are they thinking we're happy with our comp?
[08:43:05] Just, we can't do these mistakes. It's pretty simple.
[08:43:08] I think if you are G2, you're definitely going to look back at the game and realize all the countless mistakes you made that for these to have been avoided.
[08:43:16] play a bit slower, a bit smarter perhaps, but also for the team comp I don't think it was fully
[08:43:21] optimal. They had a little short range into the likes of Ezreal and Corky and we saw it
[08:43:25] time and time again in fights that they had a very very hard time reaching them because
[08:43:30] who's gonna go in and also lose Renekton? Yeah, not all his answers, yes. It just didn't work out,
[08:43:35] right? No, okay, I see. So some tweaking the composition, all right, will see JT think
[08:43:39] they're gonna stay with the same comp or do they have to mix it up? What time did you say?
[08:43:42] 15 minutes?
[08:43:44] No, I don't think they should!
[08:43:46] I think I will, because the normal speed is very, very early.
[08:43:50] Don't you dare!
[08:43:52] Very good. I'm hysterics. It's a dag that this is Vettius, and Vettius even said...
[08:43:55] Shut up!
[08:43:58] I didn't like that one.
[08:43:59] You said it was messy, as that one.
[08:44:01] Off-camera, this guy is great.
[08:44:04] I like that more than that.
[08:44:06] No, nine. Nish, so good.
[08:44:09] I would like to see them prioritize something else.
[08:44:13] Maybe they don't need to ban
[08:44:15] I think if you're BDS, you can see that
[08:44:18] Here it comes chat, what did little Pedrito predict?
[08:44:20] Chow, what did Pedrito predict?
[08:44:22] Especially if you want to prioritize the Ash
[08:44:24] Because they showed that they're willing to swap
[08:44:27] And so breaking the first thing between them
[08:44:29] The first thing they planned against
[08:44:31] Was the time, the problem
[08:44:33] Did they misexecute the swap
[08:44:35] Did they care to swap?
[08:44:37] If they had a chance
[08:44:39] Oh, one tick box already
[08:44:41] Maokai ban, now they're forcing a rail first pick, rail first pick, and BDS are gonna have
[08:44:54] to take court yes or actually they're not gonna get court yes, they have to first
[08:44:56] pick rail, shortly they're gonna take rail away from you, maybe my T-shirt is just full
[08:45:04] of Greece why can't I go clean oh yeah it was the side was better
[08:45:13] what
[08:45:16] it's your eyes not your glasses yeah corki actually was good they shouldn't
[08:45:24] be said you on in the problem of doing such you on in here it's an yeah I've
[08:45:28] I think it's so bad. I think it's so bad. You can't plug and play such they should play
[08:46:00] I hope they're confident to run the Ivern back. So good.
[08:46:04] So good.
[08:46:06] Ivern, MF.
[08:46:08] Mmm, yummy.
[08:46:10] Yummy.
[08:46:14] Brand MF is fine too.
[08:46:16] But I'm convinced Ivern is where it's at.
[08:46:24] Yeah, I think MF brands well.
[08:46:26] I think Kennen has said so.
[08:47:00] They ban Alistar
[08:47:03] Maybe Alistar, Brombe, all the way around Brombe, yeah
[08:47:08] Can target mid, Tristana again, Small Duragen, Alistar
[08:47:13] Maybe Leona, maybe
[08:47:18] And then what, the 4-pitch
[08:47:22] Rakan again
[08:47:24] They play
[08:47:27] Ornn, Lucian
[08:47:30] I think that G2 should, well I was going to say that I think that they should, hmmm,
[08:47:44] they banned Lucian, okay well Smulders open now, why do they, why do they ban Smulder
[08:47:54] game 1 and Lucian game 2, Renekton then, why they're just going to pick Rakan or Alistar
[08:48:00] What are they blind top that Renekton's going to be scared of?
[08:48:12] Oh yeah, Rumble's open your eyes.
[08:48:15] And Rumble would be nice.
[08:48:17] Is Rumble smaller than Aist though?
[08:48:19] try and play this you know ages play with patience so getting rid of Renata to try and counteract where G2
[08:48:26] have to go for these high octane engages with the rel is going to work out well but it does mean
[08:48:30] they're doing something like that yes or even this kind of infrared means us you kind of with
[08:48:36] a revitalized trucks blinds well i guess adam with no bends
[08:48:42] I hope Adam has a counter to it. Oh and Cap Zery again. I didn't like it. Go on and do something psychotic. Go on and do it.
[08:48:59] Pick Camille. Pick Darius. Pick Olaf. I don't know. Just be fucking weird with it. Don't pick Rumble. Don't pick Rumble.
[08:49:07] I just don't believe in it. I don't believe it. Don't play rumble sit you on. Oh my god
[08:49:13] All right, I'm gonna add you kind of what as if you just you want to be fine
[08:49:16] I'm not so you don't want to be back for the game first
[08:49:19] Seem a second. I would say front to back composition, but it's down to highlight it
[08:49:22] It really was more like they should have played more towards picks this time round G2
[08:49:26] Just have a strong and mid games bike misfortune and brand on what items are just just strong
[08:49:30] And so if G2 want to go for these others going she's same for the the aatrox
[08:49:34] They have much better setup for success with the late game insurance something like a Zerry and the engage from the rail to give
[08:49:40] The more team fire potential later on BDS going for their try the true style their front line is much weaker than it was before
[08:49:46] Because they're replacing oil up Sally with a rumble oil up for what they do have good follow-up damage or what following this edge
[08:49:52] Rani or the Rakan or the ash thanks to the rumble being there for what things they just have a lot more pressure on the top
[08:49:58] Side of the map they should be able to win out on that one versus one in the top lane
[08:50:01] It will be fairly neutral, and I think the BDS should look to try and invest on that top side to put broken play behind
[08:50:07] Broken blade will be broken
[08:50:21] And I'm trying to close you didn't oil up
[08:50:24] When did I say I was gonna oil up if you're not lost? What are you talking about?
[08:50:27] get to the value add so if you can play this slow as BDS and just deny G2 these big engages to enable
[08:50:34] the misfortune the brand of that Betty was mentioning I think BDS are a decent spot.
[08:50:38] Well I mean after game one they sure as hell are they started the series so well and G2 been
[08:50:44] thrown back a bit as we start getting closer to the end of this series one way or another
[08:50:51] BDS versus G2 remember what's on the line G2 witness and we have our three world teams
[08:50:57] I'm getting gassed. I'm getting gassed.
[08:51:27] But he said toodalame, he walked away.
[08:51:30] He's wearing sunglasses, and the two of them are wearing sunglasses and knives.
[08:51:33] But I think the information that G2 wanted is there.
[08:51:37] They spotted Ice in the sky moving up towards the topside.
[08:51:39] So expecting some sort of lane swap, I'd imagine.
[08:51:42] But now Ice and the brav is trying to play off and go, no, actually, maybe we just go in towards the bot side.
[08:51:46] But it's going to be a late invade.
[08:51:47] He's the bot lane.
[08:51:48] They spot Hansama.
[08:51:49] No flash, miss fortune.
[08:51:51] And they're going to split the map bot.
[08:51:54] Ay-ay-ay
[08:51:58] Very good by BDS. I like this level one. I feel like BDS level ones are way more prepared than G2's
[08:52:04] They've got level one strats prepared
[08:52:07] Split the map up. Not a bad strats, especially when the map has no flash. Now G2 can never push
[08:52:16] Do you know where Worlds would be?
[08:52:18] Worlds will be in Europe. My pub. In Berlin, Paris and London
[08:52:24] true strategy against G2 is attack their bot lane.
[08:52:28] We talked about it in the previous game,
[08:52:29] but when I think about G2 at their best,
[08:52:33] when it comes to their early game specifically,
[08:52:35] it was thanks to their bot lane.
[08:52:36] Draven, Kalista, Lucia.
[08:52:37] So, Sejuani's crossing.
[08:52:39] Why don't they just keep the map speed?
[08:52:40] All they'd like to have,
[08:52:41] and he's just trying to shut that down as Yike.
[08:52:44] He's quite low.
[08:52:45] Oh, is he gonna get it?
[08:52:45] Oh my God, he got it with W.
[08:52:47] Oh my God!
[08:52:48] Wait.
[08:52:49] Flash over the wall as well.
[08:52:51] Oh my god, the cross was so good actually, Jesus.
[08:52:55] Actually done by Shale, so the ward was placed defensively at the raptors to spot out that Yike could come across
[08:53:00] Now the brav was pressing bottom lane, but it meant that Shale could come across and kind of push Yike out
[08:53:05] No flash on towards Yike means his ganks can be easily turned around
[08:53:09] So Yike has to be very careful now if he tries to go for any sort of play in the lane
[08:53:14] You're seeing as well in the bot lane 2 vs 2 why Ash is such a powerful laner
[08:53:18] The range that she has, the slow that she applies, typically especially on this Rakan
[08:53:23] You shouldn't have that much control in the 2 vs 2 lane, but because Rel actually struggles to punish it, it's very committal in terms of your...
[08:53:30] Normally you start in the dismounted form and then once you mount and you go for that early play, you can get some nice trade.
[08:53:34] I wish he ended up here then.
[08:53:37] If they had vision on me, it would be a horror.
[08:53:39] So Yike...
[08:53:41] ...did blue moves and went to his bot side, thinking he can take Krugs, and he's gonna try and, I guess, surprise gank bot here.
[08:53:48] And they're gonna die to it probably.
[08:53:53] Oh, he got first blood. Oh my god, he's out as well because Hanzo has no flash and none of this yike.
[08:54:03] Oh my god, they two betrayed them and captured their teammate. Oh my god, G2, what is happening? Oh my god.
[08:54:15] You know, the biggest loser of all of this is yike. Yike is so fucked.
[08:54:21] Adam's taking top crab, Shio took his gromp, bot crab is dead, don't Q flash, don't do it Shio, oh my god, oh my god BDS is counterinting, it's disgusting
[08:54:37] Well it's actually kind of worth no, kind of worth no, rel got the kill
[08:54:45] Chats, one of you in chat needs to queue up in League right now.
[08:54:51] Is anyone in chat the next League Prodigy in Europe?
[08:54:54] FUR, I swear on grump, start queuing up now.
[08:54:57] We need to- NO! We need to ASAP!
[08:55:05] Oh my god, Bibi's playing the OP Atrox skin.
[08:55:07] Look at this Atrox skin. Q1 looks like Q3, watch this.
[08:55:10] Watch.
[08:55:16] What the fuck is this?
[08:55:18] What the fuck is this?
[08:55:34] What is this?
[08:55:36] What is happening?
[08:55:40] What is happening?
[08:55:42] Come on man.
[08:55:44] Lock in guys. It's the season final.
[08:55:46] It's the end of the year. This is the peak of the teams.
[08:55:48] the teams. This is the last two best of fives before World Cup also. It's okay. Yo, come
[08:55:56] on. Chad, stop, yo, shut up. Chad, everyone reset. Everyone spam PPX. We're fine. Okay,
[08:56:11] we're fine. Our best team is Fnatic and Mad. Don't forget that. This is a battle for
[08:56:14] third at the fourth place though was a great place accept reality oh my god it's so unlucky for
[08:56:25] bb actually it's so mega unlucky the spacing
[08:56:38] the kill here Michael X is here oh he's gonna kill us all he missed the W I'll
[08:56:43] point the guard he's gonna save it oh my god this is almost I'm not the game ever
[08:56:54] that's what I would do that's what I would do right it's so do oh my god I
[08:57:00] would punch my monitor I would punch my monitor oh my god I would punch it
[08:57:05] If I was them six to one and kills I would punch it
[08:57:09] I would punch my monitor to the series events is so unlucky. Oh my god. They got nothing
[08:57:18] Take down G2 and move on to potentially going to the world. They lost everything like they lost everything. Oh my god
[08:57:28] Isis one HP here
[08:57:30] The flash auto attack range extended on the atrox passive wasn't in range for the kill on the rumble
[08:57:37] Then the rail comes in and like drops ignite on the ice, but then guardian comes back up
[08:57:41] But like oh my god, I would and the W misses I would be screaming if I was G2
[08:57:47] It's so unlucky. It's so lucky
[08:57:50] Oh my god
[08:57:53] It's just a serious unfortunate events
[08:58:00] Nah, this is unloosable for BDS now. The mental damage is too much. If I was Aatrox, I would be so checked out.
[08:58:22] Uh oh. Uh oh. HALA! Oh my god, Yike fucked up his combo.
[08:58:26] I guess it doesn't matter, they're gonna get them both right.
[08:58:30] Okay, counter throw.
[08:58:33] Alright, I'm Sam, I see you.
[08:58:35] Come on, BB, get the kill. Come on, BB, get the kill.
[08:58:37] Come on, this is you, baby.
[08:58:39] Alright, I can't kill.
[08:58:51] What is the BDS fan cheering in between the Let's Go G2s?
[08:58:55] G2 is a team of experienced veterans at this point that can easily brush off that kind of
[08:59:02] experience.
[08:59:03] They've already shown multiple times their tendency to find ways back into games, whether
[08:59:07] it be through smart macro moves in the mid game, or simply hero individual outplays
[08:59:12] and BDS can't afford to be making these mistakes.
[08:59:15] BDS will look to pass.
[08:59:17] Now BDS will find themselves in a very strong position.
[08:59:20] Be lucky at the bottom of your screen, and you can see that after all of this
[08:59:23] I'm gonna have this hairstyle.
[08:59:24] What do you think?
[08:59:25] Did it shoot me?
[08:59:31] What do you think?
[08:59:32] Like a slick back?
[08:59:36] Would be pretty cool though.
[08:59:43] Wide screen forehead.
[08:59:53] We're about three to G2 here in the field again and dragon as well
[09:00:01] G2 are back they stabilize again through these early on some I can carry it's all okay
[09:00:06] The amount of unwisely series of important events is stopped
[09:00:11] Who wrote that book it was lemony snicket wasn't it a series of unfortunate events
[09:00:16] Was it lemony snicket on to bds so an exciting stop for bds
[09:00:21] You see I know my authors. I know my authors. I'm crazy. I'm so I'm so cultured
[09:00:27] Of course still in a great spot they find themselves with leads across the board but nothing so significant that
[09:00:33] G2 need to be especially terrified of we're still
[09:00:37] Looking towards that mid game. You'll notice that the locket of the iron slyre being completed for the atrox q1 on the skin
[09:00:43] Looks like you three. I'm serious yet. It does come through
[09:00:46] This is gonna be a scary spot for bds because in game one
[09:00:49] We talked about how I remember the ash and the Zerri once they hit that first time spike
[09:00:54] What's your favorite book the double training force by it's the ninja get good ultimate guy to gaming
[09:01:00] That's it's the best book on the fucking planet and they should have an advantage of a BDS if they can find those
[09:01:14] Up is crazy
[09:01:16] range you'll also burn by Lebron with Hansama.
[09:01:18] The brav six.
[09:01:19] We're getting a gleaming quill.
[09:01:21] I'm saying Lebron is dead.
[09:01:23] He was trying to bait for Sheridan to come in from Hansama.
[09:01:26] Just takes him down with ease.
[09:01:27] And I think everyone's in the brush.
[09:01:29] So you just get a couple of others from Hansama and Lebron
[09:01:32] that's going down.
[09:01:33] I mean, unfortunately, he'd look like he's trying to
[09:01:35] come in for Sheridan to come in but gives his life and said
[09:01:38] both supports only just over the level six.
[09:01:41] And he's going to carry this one.
[09:01:43] He was disengaging and LeBrov, as he just entered the brush, as you rightly said, he was setting up for that play for Sheo, but he waited just a little too long and he underestimated the damage from the Hans-Sommer's MF.
[09:01:55] Look at the blood-duster now completed as well. The dragon is...
[09:01:57] Hans got to carry this. If Hans carries this, then...
[09:01:59] ...Mr. Orchin is ready to fight, and this is the period of time that BDS has to be respectful of how strong Hans-Sommer is.
[09:02:05] I hate BDS Comp. I hate it.
[09:02:07] I hate Rumble Sejuani, I hate it.
[09:02:14] Adon, Adon, Adon.
[09:02:23] I'll burn for the slow he's about to overheat but he wants that auto attack damage
[09:02:26] Yeah TP on you bro
[09:02:27] I would set him off but Cass now teleported in
[09:02:29] That's not fair
[09:02:30] The ulti comes through he tries to burn him alive
[09:02:33] It's great damage but not enough
[09:02:35] Teleport committed for the kill on top side
[09:02:37] Where Cass pushed our top with the kill
[09:02:40] As we got rubs get some plates
[09:02:41] No TP on Numbul for a while
[09:02:44] Pretty good
[09:02:45] Yeah our tp control is just in now
[09:02:46] I've been saying hey
[09:02:47] We can't really take control of the game though
[09:02:48] Which is five
[09:02:49] Let's instead use that early dragon we picked up
[09:02:51] Transport Caps to the topside, make a play, get Blades from there as well.
[09:02:56] That's a huge swing of gold over towards G2.
[09:02:58] I will also say the broken Blades just bit bullied in the early game, right?
[09:03:02] We saw an Ash AD carry ganking him at level 5.
[09:03:05] We also then saw the whole squad ganking him again upon his return.
[09:03:10] It was about time that he got some assistance from his team.
[09:03:12] And it's rightly said that...
[09:03:13] Bit Goldy in top now.
[09:03:14] And how much Caps is benefiting off the back of this.
[09:03:16] Crazy that BB's even after what happened in the top, man.
[09:03:19] Oh my god.
[09:03:20] It's also unlucky
[09:03:38] Didn't you say it was unfurlable?
[09:03:42] I have to get my ult in early to make it a 5 game series
[09:03:50] Looking for that pick, but Nuke with the Valkyrie out as Harold spawns in five seconds or rather the end of grubs
[09:03:55] I should say as I can find a summer also move mid, but
[09:04:00] Yeah, as I saw I think you're kind of happy to get that because you can always look for picks with the
[09:04:04] Oh ashles is the broad and shale start to move down river and that's what hunts on many to be careful of G2
[09:04:09] Try to cut off the reinforcements so the broad will have to just back away over towards us
[09:04:13] We started by G2 at the very least we've also got a static shift by the way for ice
[09:04:18] You know this time we don't need to compare between bills for the ashes
[09:04:22] This is gonna be five grubs six grubs. Actually
[09:04:34] They pay some mid for you to hear
[09:04:39] She was respected so much went over in the LPL she is a very high priority pick and you're respected in the same
[09:04:46] No cleanse on Sedge, oh nice block by Michael X
[09:04:50] Right, I swear, no matter what happens, Mickey dies
[09:04:52] He's gonna make a play with you guys
[09:04:54] BDS is getting me, guys
[09:04:56] We're in draft, Mickey's dead
[09:04:58] Like, every play, Mickey dies
[09:05:01] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
[09:05:16] it into the Herald and I think that G2 is not too unhappy about that. Yeah I think it's
[09:05:21] a 0-same Betty with both side lanes under pressure, they can't really turn towards the Herald
[09:05:25] so instead look to defend towers but if you made a bet with your friends at one stop
[09:05:29] every time Mickey dies, bro. That mada suckers on the floor 15 minutes into game 2.
[09:05:34] He won't be as effective in a teamfight if he doesn't have that ultimate available
[09:05:39] and only 35 mana, he won't be able to bring that one out so I'm not sure exactly
[09:05:43] with the plan is there maybe it's gift blue both over towards handsome as the
[09:05:46] test for it turns noticing on the top lane with people trying to set up for a
[09:05:50] play g2 trying to play around caps yet again terrible start regardless though as
[09:05:55] we chat about it yike is just gonna take blue first then move and Han summer
[09:05:58] now ulti back up and available in his flash you can see that the priority for
[09:06:02] bts has to quickly get this way and then not stick around g2 control around
[09:06:14] the objective I've been there 40 this time I'm broken by sitting on a wall
[09:06:17] He doesn't know this. He thinks that BDS aren't familiar with his game, but they very much are
[09:06:23] Acharo like playing where's boy, but you know where he is
[09:06:27] You just play him for your son for the meantime broken play gets stunned up and I try to turn it around
[09:06:33] There's a good quickness for your son getting the kill. That was a nice break as first heart goes down
[09:06:38] I don't think they wanted to invest the quickness, but they kind of saw how much damage is going to enter onto ice
[09:06:42] And they're like, maybe we don't risk this so broken blade will be collapsed on once more
[09:06:46] We're getting a lot of free kills here BDS, but I don't think it's gonna matter.
[09:06:54] It ain't gonna matter.
[09:06:56] Yes, BDS. They committed three members to finding that pick on the broken blade, and I believe they also stole away the red buff, but mid tower gone, top tower gone.
[09:07:05] In terms of actual map control, G2 continues to find those advantages, and with the Herald, they can look to bring that bot if they want to, to threaten the setup on the next line.
[09:07:14] Don't look at the items. No, I looked, I looked.
[09:07:16] to tower to then have that guaranteed mid control as the BDS is forced to take the long way around
[09:07:21] back to contest that wave then giving G2 easy access into the river it's G2 that kind of gets
[09:07:26] to decide how the next sequence of plays happen unless BDS can find a pick and it looks like this
[09:07:30] at the site some hearts well see i'll be again flash misses we're from shay oh Han still flashes
[09:07:35] those they're gonna flash you'll take a small win for BDS in 15 seconds from dragon and the
[09:07:39] cleanse was still down so that could have been that could have been the moment that BDS
[09:07:43] needed but something to miss in a g2 we get the last editor really gonna full
[09:07:47] send it to your videos as bds try to cut off cops but there's just no way a bit
[09:07:51] tricky
[09:07:53] take a picture goes over the wall push them out second dragon for g2 now
[09:07:57] looking more likely here the health bar does come into advantage of ads why is
[09:08:02] the ui quite so bad i don't know i'm on 1080p but the camera's looking a bit
[09:08:05] blurry don't they something looks it looks a bit grainy
[09:08:09] as well again bds i mean we don't have the sejwani ultimate one of
[09:08:12] their key engages they said that it's not worth trying to force the fight they'll just take the
[09:08:15] flash away from Han's armor second dragon secured for g2 third of the game and uh i will say it was
[09:08:23] looking scary for g2 after pds found themselves six to one up a kill i thought that it was gonna end
[09:08:30] in disaster but credit to them they found some great individual caps up to k because it's power
[09:08:34] movements and uh they steady dead nerves many teams can collapse in a situation like that but
[09:08:39] they've kind of reattained that map control. Now we enter the mid to late game. This mid game is
[09:08:45] where you start to see those two item spikes. This is where some of the most important fights of
[09:08:48] the game happen. And this is where a team can either build a solid lead to then look to close
[09:08:53] things out, or it's where the chaos can begin. I do think the windows of opportunity for BDS
[09:08:59] to create that chaos are kind of gone though. That play in the mid needed to succeed because
[09:09:03] now all these outer turrets being down means that G2 just get to push in all these waves,
[09:09:07] they get to establish vision it was way more difficult to look for
[09:09:10] they're only on 6k bitrate with really as long as I think they need to take the
[09:09:14] setting to get 8k bitrate then the cameras wouldn't be blurry all that
[09:09:17] time and resources into the mid lane but they're probably not using RBS right
[09:09:20] I don't know what production you use for streaming on Twitch
[09:09:26] Twitch bitrate is capped at 6k, check my bitrate
[09:09:35] Inspect my Twitch channel, you'll see the video. I'm on 7.8
[09:09:53] Actually you're on 7.600
[09:09:56] Okay shut up bro
[09:10:05] God, I actually despise Rumble, said you on his, well, I don't think I hate a draft.
[09:10:10] Quite like I hate Rumble, said you on his drafts.
[09:10:35] get some gold into him and try and fly back but with everyone on two items for G2 or at least close to us
[09:10:41] Especially the Kairil, that's where he starts picking up his friend for G2 where they can just continue this dragon stacking
[09:10:46] Look towards Baron now and just continue taking these outer turrets
[09:10:50] Getting that D-Town ball also just sets you up better for the back
[09:10:53] Because now you have the opportunity to do that
[09:10:55] I just don't like Sergiooni with same damage here at top
[09:10:59] Because I think Sergiooni benefits a lot playing with champs like Renekton or Camille or whatever
[09:11:04] Meaning because of itemization
[09:11:11] Is he dead yet?
[09:11:13] Yeah
[09:11:14] Big shut down the corki
[09:11:20] Haps
[09:11:24] So look at top jungle, atrox and brend, they're both just by mercs and I actually think that atrox
[09:11:28] can basically almost 1v2 them, I don't know, atrox is so strong
[09:11:34] towards mickey or anyone else on g2 so at this stage yes it's a pig but also with
[09:11:39] rakan i do i don't know i will say that they're demonstrating said you want it
[09:11:43] doesn't have enough it's not an ap champion right i feel like vye and
[09:11:47] advisor rumble brand rel mf something like this yoni kind of works a bit
[09:11:51] better because merc's on this big of a deal because brand will have magic pen
[09:11:55] and i just want to give a fuck about merc trade it doesn't really affect his
[09:11:58] damage right i think merc's just really hurt said you want to give him
[09:12:01] Really hurt said joining team like said joining Ash is fine, but now we need a chance
[09:12:14] It's itemization why I don't like that we're almost at your own base
[09:12:24] Like imagine a tropes against Linux or NAR or Camille or any
[09:12:28] It's my nation system is harder threats that are just kind of being obnoxious
[09:12:31] And again, we look at it, look at why CAPS is right now.
[09:12:34] BDS are doing the right thing.
[09:12:35] They're over-committing members towards the top side of the map
[09:12:37] to start threatening that tier one tower
[09:12:39] to kind of open up that side.
[09:12:40] I will say CAPS is really strong, but I think he's just...
[09:12:43] Meanwhile, mid is being pushed in.
[09:12:44] Now, what jungle is complete...
[09:12:45] I don't feel his presence on the map.
[09:12:47] I don't feel it.
[09:12:47] He's gonna push bot.
[09:12:49] Someone's gonna base and catch bot.
[09:12:50] It's hard for BDS.
[09:12:52] And BDS with committing everything to the top side
[09:12:54] now aren't going to have control over midway
[09:12:56] because CAPS could always threaten mid.
[09:12:57] That opens up vision control over a river area
[09:12:59] and the spots like jungler BDS and dragon in just a few moments so even though BDS got the turret
[09:13:04] it's still g2 heavily focused on these objectives
[09:13:07] alright sole point for g2 if I get this
[09:13:09] does BDS take the fight, he leads the base TP
[09:13:12] he probably has rfg in base I'm not sure
[09:13:14] but it would be actually no way to do the rfg in base right
[09:13:17] no shot
[09:13:17] got old fag asho
[09:13:18] and scap just sitting on a third item too
[09:13:20] shield though
[09:13:21] something undamined as g2 just get a free dragon stock
[09:13:24] yeah yes shield going base
[09:13:25] corki must have rfg
[09:13:27] Yeah, okay, three items on both mids.
[09:13:29] I mean, the drake's gone.
[09:13:35] Michael?
[09:13:36] I don't know.
[09:13:37] I'm trying to force our BDS back
[09:13:40] Gremlite isn't on the map though
[09:13:42] so they do have to be a little careful about postures as aggressively as this but
[09:13:45] with BDS now only really starting to enter in the mid lane
[09:13:48] there's not much to think
[09:13:52] We're trying to instill one
[09:13:53] Five kills to nine
[09:13:55] The whole threat is a bit...
[09:13:56] Oh, there's the ulti
[09:13:58] Oh, that's three ultimates on Gremlite
[09:14:01] and he didn't even flash
[09:14:03] He's alive and didn't even press flash
[09:14:06] Jesus
[09:14:09] Well, they got 8rocks. They got 8rocks DB. I mean, I would, I don't know, actually it's hard to force, isn't it? Can you force Nash on this window?
[09:14:27] That was Volsi actually. Volsi's left hole.
[09:14:39] of this baron and they can use it to start a fight knowing that they have an alt advantage
[09:14:43] and nuke is on the bottom side they want to get his teleporter out of bts what are you
[09:14:46] going to do and look away with bts as well hex flashed from the long way he doesn't want to
[09:14:50] commit just yet he spotted out by the old baron with nilts being down here comes the tpp
[09:14:54] can she osteal it put this game two on the line caps dolby out as well hex is going to die
[09:15:00] oh my god i meffled jesus nf friend oh my god oh caps fieldo oh my god corticondo
[09:15:09] Quarky no flash, it's one for one.
[09:15:13] It's pretty even, you know? Pretty even trade.
[09:15:19] They got Bren flash.
[09:15:22] And they got Sejuani flash.
[09:15:28] Pretty even.
[09:15:30] They got Quarky TP though, but it doesn't really matter.
[09:15:34] Yeah, I think scaling-wise, GT rolls them on scaling.
[09:15:37] getting doesn't know anything
[09:15:49] they got ash flash where did they? oh yeah they're running
[09:15:53] they did get ash flash
[09:15:57] what do you mean no?
[09:15:59] I can say no, c2 scanning is insane
[09:16:01] they have brand area meh, they have insane damage
[09:16:07] Insane
[09:16:12] Gold in the top right now three items of gold in top once again on this corki really farming up a storm
[09:16:26] Yes, that's corki
[09:16:27] Yes, so what for these pigs are now starting to get the damage that can actually ramp it open to potentially a lot more
[09:16:32] The downside is having burnt that teleport on nuke to get to the play if BB and caps can just wait for the
[09:16:37] G2 roll the next fight
[09:16:39] need G2
[09:16:40] Oh my god capture center on the wall
[09:16:42] Adam's in trouble and flashes immediately broken blade now unleashes with the arrow stops him in tracks
[09:16:46] He could have gone in with this flash rumble not bad by caps
[09:16:49] disengaged the fight train adults two ulti's gone
[09:16:53] exchange for two ice and out of burning their ultimates for caps and broken blades
[09:16:57] Dragon about a minute and a half and again
[09:17:00] We talked about in the previous game the reason why you have these kind of mid lane ARAM situations is because it's the fight over the mid wave and AD carries with so much wave clear, but normally it's just a numbers difference to help guarantee it.
[09:17:12] Number.
[09:17:13] Normally what you'll see is these push on sides again. You look at bot lane right now. It's in G2's interest to keep BDS as a option.
[09:17:19] Yeah, I think G2's got the skin on the base.
[09:17:20] Because BDS is then just losing farm on the bot side of the map, right?
[09:17:22] Cricks in a minute. Ocean soul. They should have set up. No flash on the edge.
[09:17:26] Yeah, Miki has flash, PDS flash.
[09:17:29] Their backline damage is higher, so I would say G2's favorite game is...
[09:17:40] It's not a curse, it's just... I'm telling you what's happening, my pot.
[09:17:44] Offensive vision in river and then they just stay it on the map a little bit longer
[09:17:47] But G2 a bunch here so they're matching when BDS are trying to set up that vision from 45 seconds left until dragons
[09:17:54] Fishing for now and this guy has a warm-up by the way Adam. We got a quadra and they'll end the game and Mickey cannot
[09:18:03] Gentlemen pretend I'm your therapist 30 seconds until dragon comes in start venting to me
[09:18:07] What are the problems here as BDS look for an angle?
[09:18:10] Well, my support has left me from my jungles
[09:18:14] Maybe, maybe we need to pull back that in a later session.
[09:18:16] Mickey runs away.
[09:18:17] The arrow hits on the right side of the lane.
[09:18:18] Oh, he's got the ice hockey movement.
[09:18:19] It's down with the equalizer.
[09:18:20] The ice movement was crazy.
[09:18:21] The brand-newt is done.
[09:18:22] I'm thumbing flushes away.
[09:18:23] A bit deep here by Labrov.
[09:18:25] The weakness there, but Minion's in the way.
[09:18:27] Adam gets poked on the way out.
[09:18:28] Uh-oh, look at the side lanes.
[09:18:29] Look at the side lanes.
[09:18:30] Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben.
[09:18:33] The need to try and settle this objective,
[09:18:35] but it's a second dragon for an inhibitor.
[09:18:39] I take that every day of the week.
[09:18:40] And she too.
[09:18:40] I'm scared because Morgan plays on the flank as well
[09:18:42] with everything up and available.
[09:18:44] I mean, BDS will get the trade, but do they get out alive?
[09:18:52] It looks like they'll be fine.
[09:18:54] Mega worth for BDS.
[09:18:56] Worth for BDS.
[09:18:58] Losing a top tier 2 and tier 3 sucks, but losing solo is way worse.
[09:19:05] That's one of the better outcomes BDS could have had.
[09:19:08] Tier 2 top, tier 3 top, sure, sucks. Jerry gets gold, but I mean, G2 would have had ocean.
[09:19:14] if they didn't force me right?
[09:19:16] Use it on Ocean Soul, at least they can stall 5 more minutes
[09:19:19] Yeah, why is this chat spamming no question mark?
[09:19:22] What would you rather do? Give over 2 towers?
[09:19:24] Give over Ocean Soul, are you fucking fried?
[09:19:26] What are you talking about?
[09:19:28] Gamble it, flip it, right? Why didn't he try and make that a...
[09:19:30] First thing, he didn't have flash available
[09:19:32] So that's the key part
[09:19:34] But also, it just wasn't a huge advantage
[09:19:36] They try and force that 5-4 v-5
[09:19:38] They didn't even lose an enemy
[09:19:40] It's whatever
[09:19:42] Control or that setup that you just gained for yourself would be thrown away
[09:19:46] So you're fine delaying the layoffs, okay
[09:19:48] Because BDS will find themselves in the exact same position in four minutes time
[09:19:52] So instead you take the wins that you can get you concede what you don't want to win I guess yeah
[09:19:57] Good enough and you'd be happy with the position that you find yourself in caps once again find yourself in a side
[09:20:01] They do win this one. He does. He absolutely smokes him. He's going to take you over this wall. He's smoking.
[09:20:06] He's a lightning surge. He gets out of the way, but Cap starts chasing
[09:20:10] but how to range until he flashes the arrow
[09:20:12] I only have a pair of pans
[09:20:14] I only have a pair of pans
[09:20:16] get to shut down the pain
[09:20:17] I'm gonna break the record
[09:20:18] but now he's in the middle of the whole of Spain
[09:20:21] this guy
[09:20:23] and the vision of the LEC was in shame
[09:20:26] but now the Baron for the cost
[09:20:29] G2 are quick with the fingers though
[09:20:31] and they have to finish it off
[09:20:33] and they'll be able to take it
[09:20:34] maybe yes
[09:20:35] actually it's not the worst for BDS
[09:20:36] they'll get two tower smith for that
[09:20:37] two for one, two tower smiths
[09:20:39] The thing is, you have to understand, Baron is really powerful, right? Look, it's gonna be even here, it's gonna be like 0, but Baron is really good for snowballing the goldies, right?
[09:20:52] But they have no towers here, they have no towers here, they have a tower there, so what's she too gonna get off this Baron?
[09:20:57] They'll maybe get a mid tier 2, they have no side laners with Baron buff, so again, the play for BDS, not that bad.
[09:21:06] bad enemy team got baron but no side laners have baron and there's no
[09:21:10] stemming on the map they'll lose mid tier too maybe but it's again it's like a
[09:21:17] scenario where it's not that bad
[09:21:24] atrox flashed down xerri flashes down mf flashes down this might die but I
[09:21:31] I wouldn't be too upset if I was BDS.
[09:21:45] I mean, look at the Baron. They're up what?
[09:21:46] Two under gold, three under gold.
[09:21:49] I mean, when they catch this wave, I mean, what is she playing for here, right? There's nothing.
[09:21:53] There's no stunning gold.
[09:21:56] Maybe, maybe, maybe they can try a tier two siege.
[09:21:58] Maybe, but with what spells, you know?
[09:22:00] It's not like they have Maokai ulti zone of towers or Ornn ulti to push them back.
[09:22:07] They can't really force them back unless Miki just flashes onto this Rumble.
[09:22:13] Let's see.
[09:22:15] And that comp will just hit the tower on my pup.
[09:22:19] They're gonna get mid tier too. That's it.
[09:22:21] But Caps doesn't even have Baron buff on the wave.
[09:22:23] immediately fast pushing that bot wave because they need to wait for this mid
[09:22:26] wave to come out. Maybe they have to rumble the wave BDS like if you see a
[09:22:30] rumble it's because they're desperate. Let's see how they do it.
[09:22:33] Most of the pressure is on the bot side where you'll find the device and add it.
[09:22:36] The tower is slowly chipped away but... I think G2 should get mintier too but maybe that's it.
[09:22:41] The biggest problem BDS had is like it thought that the gold even right
[09:22:45] doesn't really matter to him at all. If the drake will be up 10 seconds after the
[09:22:49] Bambuff expires, so that means you two should have push
[09:23:05] He missed
[09:23:07] Tinder
[09:23:08] Caps dies, 60 seconds with 39 on drake
[09:23:16] No, BDS fine
[09:23:17] Caps is doing his best to respect him, but the second that he doesn't, LeBron is blind-weight and ready to pass.
[09:23:22] The scary thing about that is obviously there's no tower, so it's never going to bounce, right?
[09:23:27] That's the problem. There's no tower to stop it.
[09:23:29] So if you lose this fight, they could TP top and end.
[09:23:33] That's the only scary thing about sidewigs, when you go through late game fights, it's like, can they end on that wave?
[09:23:37] No, there's no vision here.
[09:23:39] 20 seconds on Caps, he has the TP available.
[09:23:42] This is a choke point for G2, a rumble alternates.
[09:23:45] the rumbling perks there but so does the NFL does bb die if he dies it's worth
[09:23:51] for bds they have ashore in four seconds ashore could be big here
[09:23:58] oh it hits hands but he has cleansed
[09:24:02] HACKLE!
[09:24:04] oh my god
[09:24:07] oh my god can they base and end mids maybe
[09:24:12] you think they can do it I don't think so okay I think they're not gonna put
[09:24:18] they're gonna get Drake oh my god oh my god G2 how is it falling apart like
[09:24:25] this force the 4v5 they could have just falling apart like this to respawn
[09:24:30] oh my god the moment that they started that fight but it was over before he
[09:24:36] told you I had to early time and time again G2 have shown that they will
[09:24:40] I'm scared that I rumble to us trying them
[09:24:45] Also brand-altered new and then court and then court you w over the brand q which was actually mega keen so brand
[09:24:51] Didn't really do much in this fight. Actually brand did nothing
[09:24:58] Arrow was nice mega nice arrow, even though it cleans it for the next fight no cleanse on MF
[09:25:03] So why say I'm the curse I've been telling you BDS have been fine this whole time when you're beginning
[09:25:07] No, actually they're gonna look no actually broke
[09:25:10] Just fuck up.
[09:25:26] Oh my god, that's it, you wanna build?
[09:25:31] Does this motherfucker have font of life or something? What is he building?
[09:25:35] A lock-hits redemption?
[09:25:37] Wait.
[09:25:40] focus on improving their mid game. They wanted to make smart map decisions, they wanted to be
[09:25:44] better at converting early game leads. Actually, kind of good, no? They do have
[09:25:48] pretty good action, though. Thanks to good map movements, and we saw the benefits of that once
[09:25:53] they get to the side. Rummels and Johnny's could not go together? Yeah, I still don't think it's
[09:25:55] good together. Korky's, Korky, Ash are scaring. Rummels was good. The foundation of BDS,
[09:26:02] they've been called a gatekeeper for a reason. Their fundamentals are solid. But I did
[09:26:06] I did say G2 up scale. I still think G2 up scale, but I still think G2 come in 5th, they're mega strong.
[09:26:19] Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh my god the Ethan caps were so good.
[09:26:25] They're gonna start baron now, just fucking rush it. Rush it!
[09:26:31] The call feels good to rush, I can see it, I would have done the same thing, but can they get it?
[09:26:36] If they get it and get out, perfect. They have notes.
[09:26:41] No flash on Brand neither.
[09:26:43] They have a metal... a metal, a metal, a metal. Where's the metal?
[09:26:47] Oh my god, what? Brand's wearing three.
[09:26:49] Not gonna go with this. Jesus.
[09:26:56] Another road in.
[09:26:59] The pavement?
[09:27:00] Caps tries to go in but ice can turn soon. That's the ultimate available now for the are slow chasing
[09:27:06] Why doesn't that fly forward for what make that distance be?
[09:27:13] She's gonna catch someone
[09:27:15] I'm gonna have to get his double QS at the end of the board, thank you dearly he says, but now that item is down and Adam still pushing in mid they're picking the top way because they want to boost him up because they're forcing G2 back they over extend broken blade
[09:27:39] Stop watch out
[09:27:52] It's the
[09:28:01] It's a bf sorry, it's one of the two
[09:28:09] I think GA is worth it.
[09:28:11] But like, BT is great.
[09:28:20] One minute or so.
[09:28:23] Some money.
[09:28:27] They're trying to push all lanes with TP here.
[09:28:32] Why do I feel like G2 is just gonna win the next fight and end all of this like, suspense of BDS coming back.
[09:28:36] She's gonna disappear.
[09:28:38] Set up or are they?
[09:29:08] Wish he come for G2.
[09:29:09] There are three men.
[09:29:10] Have a warm-up.
[09:29:11] That's real.
[09:29:12] Oh, yikes!
[09:29:13] He lands everything in!
[09:29:14] I can't be so bold!
[09:29:16] God, he's so big!
[09:29:18] What is that champion?
[09:29:19] What is that champion?
[09:29:20] He's trying to bring back Buckley, who came back stronger!
[09:29:23] What?
[09:29:24] He doesn't land.
[09:29:24] He just wants to...
[09:29:26] Caps, what the hell?
[09:29:27] Get that Mena Corky!
[09:29:29] Get that Mena Corky quick!
[09:29:31] Run in front of BDS!
[09:29:32] And BDS...
[09:29:33] Get that Mena Corky!
[09:29:35] The soul is in front of them only hands is alive with me get that man a corky
[09:29:40] I swear the difference looks crazy when he's on corky versus when he's on Zerry
[09:29:43] You don't give me a little button that goes forwards
[09:29:47] Overwalls don't do that so well for G2 BDS find the outplay and they will secure the soul
[09:29:54] Stop this base
[09:29:56] Yeah, she went GA maybe it's cost-efficient as fuck or what the answer champs. Oh my god. I'm so nice moldy
[09:30:02] He just wants to hit him.
[09:30:04] La-la-la.
[09:30:06] Delay the deck.
[09:30:10] Sheo's changing song real quick.
[09:30:12] Trying to find the right playlist.
[09:30:15] Frank Sinatra on the win.
[09:30:19] Nikki flashes in, gets the ice.
[09:30:23] But look at Corky.
[09:30:24] Flashes out of Atroc's Q-tree.
[09:30:25] Boom, Atroc's dead.
[09:30:28] But show the replay of the Corky on the brangs.
[09:30:29] That was criminal.
[09:30:31] That was criminal.
[09:30:33] I mean, the Ike's doing the right thing.
[09:30:36] They're on bases, just less QE quicker.
[09:30:41] What happens to our replay?
[09:30:51] BDL, shake on it.
[09:30:54] What, in him a top?
[09:30:57] Hanson, I still dead.
[09:30:59] There's no way BDS is going to match point.
[09:31:02] I mean that's double GA. Double GA, they have lock it, they have fucking double lock it's redemption.
[09:31:22] I mean actually, if you think about it, if G2 can hold on...
[09:31:29] If G2 can hold on for an elder fight, I don't know if they'll get a build.
[09:31:49] Bro, I'm telling you, G2 have to game 1, they should've just gone first pick Corky, Ornn.
[09:31:59] But they always struggle to do and that is go too often a series against you too on my bar stat batting the breakchats
[09:32:05] People have been DMing me things like hey, cut your bars or trash here some better ones
[09:32:08] That's right. That's like a stick guy that send me bars. My bars are good
[09:32:13] Now of course they still need to win this game now
[09:32:16] We're gonna close things out. We can address that problem when we get to it
[09:32:19] But that thought lingers at the back of my mind as BDS
[09:32:24] Continue to find these avenues these angles of attack that punish the mistakes
[09:32:28] We've been seeing from G2 the only two teams have done our pranatic and bad lines are waiting for them if they can try and close out
[09:32:38] What happens to the overlay if he gets double digit kills
[09:32:42] Does it go over it?
[09:32:45] In an over Alice ever think that oh, no, it's here. It goes down to the right a bit. Okay, but what if he has 4,000 CS?
[09:32:50] Oh, like a four-digit CS
[09:32:58] That is both a pun and a lot of fun for BDS mid laner and BDS won't have Baron
[09:33:04] But G2 have a natural friend builds. They have a little AoE rail flash
[09:33:10] Okay, Xmithie is on the server
[09:33:21] The damage is
[09:33:23] The breath is it is yelts he's out redemption ice comes here to drags that it's over
[09:33:32] It's over
[09:33:35] If I had a penny for every time the BDS got the reverse sweet in this position though this I have two pennies
[09:33:45] They go
[09:33:47] And... Madline. Another SG-2 in the same spot as they did the last two years ago.
[09:33:54] Oh, Michael X! Wait, hold up it! Michael X!
[09:33:59] I've got no flash, but Court is alive!
[09:34:07] Oh my god, they're two all up it.
[09:34:09] Yo, they have thrown series like this before.
[09:34:12] Bro, I don't feel like it's a trio for BDS. I just don't.
[09:34:16] They've been here twice before and they've got rumors swept both times.
[09:34:21] They were first at both times.
[09:34:26] They got to relax.
[09:34:28] They got to relax.
[09:34:34] Listen, G2.
[09:34:35] Get cap sunk or Kira's here.
[09:34:37] Get your top laner on Ornn.
[09:34:39] Scale.
[09:34:40] Scale.
[09:34:43] Wow. G2 is not going to Munich if they lose one more game.
[09:34:46] That's mind blowing.
[09:34:48] Not going to the season finals.
[09:34:50] You said G12 scales?
[09:34:56] Yeah but BDS is playing better, they're playing so much better.
[09:35:00] Look how proactive BDS are on midways.
[09:35:02] Enfield midway if they're trying to engage on caps, force, cleanse, cleanse, catch out,
[09:35:05] caps, they're collapsing on sides.
[09:35:08] I feel like G2 is trying to contest midway and they're just fucking, they're just
[09:35:12] busy.
[09:35:13] The midway if contested by BDS is so much better.
[09:35:23] Maybe BDS are actually winning worlds for Europe. G2 get a reality check, we suck, they finish fourth in the season finals, they go to Korea tomorrow, they bootcamp for an extra week and a half, they come back to Worlds, they're playing God Tier, EU wins worlds.
[09:35:41] Think about it, hold your horses BDS fans, they've lost three, two, four times in the last three years and never been reversed twice.
[09:36:05] Oh my god, they gotta be breaking records out here if they do it again today. Jesus, they're gonna be breaking records.
[09:36:16] Even the biggest champ needs a break.
[09:36:21] What a G2 tweet.
[09:36:22] A tweet.
[09:36:27] TLDR the series so far, I can show off my stupidity.
[09:36:32] It's disgusting.
[09:36:35] Actually scrolling Twitter on stream is a bad idea.
[09:36:37] Yo, that's a recipe for a quick perm.
[09:36:42] Bull gives you wings.
[09:36:48] Didn't you get on stage right now?
[09:36:50] Actually how crazy would it be if G2 losers now, they're knocked out.
[09:36:53] Tomorrow morning T1 loses to KT, they're knocked out.
[09:36:57] the hey yeah yeah yeah
[09:36:59] i think that secured you the win how did you come up with it
[09:37:09] if t1 lose tomorrow can they make worlds still yeah they have to play in the regional gondor though
[09:37:13] they're gonna have to play in the regional gondor
[09:37:15] where's the lc stream on youtube how here it is i found it
[09:37:21] show me that corki damage real quick guys look corki look corki i'm going he's stunned
[09:37:34] comes out of stun, Brand's dead. Oh my god, what in the fuck?
[09:37:44] Jesus, like what? Yeah, we're gonna take away Corky's passive from his package and we're
[09:37:56] gonna add some mana on his Q. That way we'll push him back to bot lane. Meanwhile, imagine
[09:38:02] one shot Zarya as well, or Zarya at shield though I guess, get all up chat, I'm gonna be!
[09:41:52] They have been delivering so far to an amazing extent. Oh, absolutely
[09:41:55] I want to talk about ice because we've been talking about him a lot
[09:41:59] I know but he is
[09:42:02] Insane this series and this was a game in which he had the early advantage
[09:42:06] But Han Sama and G2 fought back right so he had to be pixel perfect in all of these fights
[09:42:10] Of course flanked by his support. I think in a lot of ways this guy
[09:42:15] I'm gonna say he's the reckless of the current generation
[09:42:18] He has to have a leak in the sense that he's always really consistent, he's always making major mistakes and fights, he always does a lot of damage and you can always rely on him to perform each nerf game.
[09:42:30] And what I like is that BDMC is setting him up for success because a lot of the map trades they're doing, they're sub-optimal in the grand scheme of things with gold allocation and everything, but they are getting the gold on the most valuable member on their team right now and it's Ice.
[09:42:42] He's getting most of the gold, everyone else is setting themselves up a little bit behind, but he's delivering man with all of that gold that he has.
[09:42:48] Those steps are insane. Yeah, let's call it out damage per minute 999. That's exactly what G2 said when they saw I'm coming
[09:42:57] Why do you have vtuber is one of your tanks, but I think we need to talk about so you weren't here from my vtuber arc
[09:43:02] I have to talk about the whole context
[09:43:04] It weren't here for my vtuber arc pressure for BDS of all these things
[09:43:07] They want only the real rats were here for the vtuber arc. I mean, it's always the elephant
[09:43:11] It was crazy
[09:43:13] You still got to kick the ball turn it on now
[09:43:15] Yeah, I think from a mental standpoint, I can't turn it on now
[09:43:21] But I turn it on now suddenly so close to making it all the way beating G2 going to Munich and G2 on the other side
[09:43:29] Will have posted that out using on team I forgot the failure in a lot of ways if they went free splits
[09:43:33] And then don't even get to play in Munich. They don't go to the road show
[09:43:36] I'm supposed to you know win the split that matters the most
[09:43:40] I also think that G2 are shooting themselves off in the foot, because the draft I feel like it just gives them way too narrow wind conditions
[09:43:46] And right now even in this fight, it's G2, like BDS has been falling behind, but they have so many tools to catch on caps on mid lane
[09:43:55] Set them up for this...
[09:43:56] Okay, I'll show you my VTB, I'll show you my VTB
[09:43:59] And if they stabilize it, they still play to their things, which are quite narrow at this point of the game
[09:44:04] It should be a free win, but BDS just has so many tools and they're just so decisive and identify wind conditions and windows
[09:44:10] The G2 is being sloppy around I'll show it to you, but then I'm gonna go back to normal. Okay
[09:44:15] I'm gonna go back to normal straight away
[09:44:21] Hold up
[09:44:23] Well, I was the glasses mega empty for BDS time to this day because I was like, yeah, they need to do this, they need to do that, they have never done this and right now I'm all in on the BDS hype train.
[09:44:35] So your last is a slowest over and I wanted to take a look at some stats in terms of Vesta 5. Now, we know there's enormous prowess in terms of Vesta 5 for G2 Esports.
[09:44:45] They themselves have only reverse swept once in the LEC in 2019 versus Fnatic.
[09:44:49] Hold on.
[09:44:49] Sorry, cover your ears Fnatic fans on the first week, I know.
[09:44:52] BDS we got to bring it up. They got reverse swept twice and they have lost
[09:44:58] Three to two four times over the last two years
[09:45:00] I only say this to put it all in context boxer right because we talked so much about
[09:45:04] Slaying your demons as a competitor for BDS. It's more than one thing now in these next games
[09:45:09] The good thing why does it work for points for a few games? It's not just this next one
[09:45:13] Yeah, and if they actually managed to come out on top if they surprised you to here imagine the momentum
[09:45:18] You're gonna have coming into the rest of playoffs and nobody who they're gonna go up against
[09:45:22] They're gonna believe that they can actually go all the way
[09:45:24] It doesn't work
[09:45:25] And right now, I believe it's a critical point because coming into the series it doesn't work
[09:45:29] BDS face your team once you're playing the team that you are
[09:45:32] I don't know what the setting is
[09:45:33] You're at 2-0
[09:45:34] I have to fix the settings
[09:45:35] And all you have to do is deliver the final blow
[09:45:37] And you have three shots
[09:45:38] I have to fix the settings
[09:45:39] Are you gonna miss or are you gonna take it at any of those three opportunities
[09:45:42] I do have to do it again
[09:45:44] But keep in mind, if they lose just one game
[09:45:47] The South is gonna start creeping in
[09:45:49] So this next game is gonna leave on both sides
[09:45:51] It's so important. We're gonna cover the draft right here on the best outers ready. We'll get into it
[09:45:55] But you're right, you know, you've both probably be yes up to oh, that's crazy guys one game lost
[09:46:01] That's fine. Then you start to realize all your little mistakes
[09:46:04] Then maybe you have a pick that is suboptimal
[09:46:08] This is my Vtuber avatar chat
[09:46:14] I remember clearly that we were backstage we were comfortable and I'm confident
[09:46:18] But then we looked over at the G2 camp, and I think that's the first thing that got to us, because they were laughing, smiling, they were in a really good mindset.
[09:46:27] I'm convinced there's a reverse sweep on the cars.
[09:46:32] I'll tell you of the draft of G2's reverse sweeping.
[09:46:35] I saw the time
[09:46:37] This is one of those areas where having really good staff around you to bring a good speech and to make sure that you're in a good mindset going into the game is so strong
[09:46:47] Be careful BDS of CapsAzir, CapsCorky and Ornn for a spick
[09:46:51] Be careful
[09:46:53] Ooh Azirban, I like it
[09:46:55] I like the cover
[09:46:57] I like the cover off
[09:46:59] What is that clip?
[09:47:01] you down but some more feelings from the G2 side right now but my god didn't
[09:47:08] looks like aware aware emoji me too on the other hand you know you want to see
[09:47:14] I'm convinced G2's for rail band I'm convinced they're gonna ban Maokai and
[09:47:19] they're gonna first be corky I can feel it I can feel it like I can I can I
[09:47:24] can sense it mistakes are made here and then we're off to a good foot and G2
[09:47:28] They remain on this man. What are the main adaptations they have to make?
[09:47:32] Well, so far the adaptation we're seeing to make is leave open the braum question is if they're gonna ban it last BDS also
[09:47:39] Yeah, they'll ban Malkai I'm convinced. I told you they do this after game one
[09:47:42] They would ban Malkai on blue they first pick Korky and they'll play Ornon 4-5 or or or 2-3 like I
[09:47:50] Can smell G2's Hallbacks. I can smell it
[09:47:52] Bro, I would ban Corky here. I think it's a snipe from BDS.
[09:47:57] Then they first pick Ash and you play the game with no Corky.
[09:48:16] Draven ban, they must first pick Corky here. They must surely they're first picking Corky.
[09:48:22] Oh my god, they took the Ash.
[09:48:24] I guess Ash was the problem.
[09:48:26] The previous game.
[09:48:28] Oh my god.
[09:48:30] They took the Ash.
[09:48:32] I'm shocked, bro.
[09:48:34] Why don't they take the Corki?
[09:48:36] What are they cooking?
[09:48:38] They must have accounts to Corki.
[09:48:40] I'll wait. I'll wait.
[09:48:42] If they do something like Corki, Sejuani here, or Corki-S here or whatever.
[09:48:44] Surely they're picking Tristana for Caps.
[09:48:46] Surely.
[09:48:48] Surely they're doing some Tristana.
[09:48:50] They're doing some Tristana maybe like Ash, Leona Tristana or like Ash
[09:48:57] Ivern Tristana maybe if they pick Sejuani
[09:49:05] They're hovering Gwen because she has been practicing Gwen jungle and solo queue he has
[09:49:10] Here yeah, they should pick Ivern Tristana 1 million percent. I said they should do this in game 2 as well
[09:49:16] Oh my god, we're locked in
[09:49:18] Bro, I don't know what his brand dog shit is
[09:49:21] I've been to Santa is so good here if they play corkis edge. It's just the counter
[09:49:25] I've been is so good to say Johnny's draft is that both you can shoot
[09:49:29] At least I have a somewhat good draft and still sign
[09:49:33] Some what good. I'm convinced they're gonna play orn as well. I'll be careful of orange
[09:49:37] especially if they start banning like
[09:49:43] Like Adam's the general champs
[09:49:45] Take a similar approach and beat you.
[09:49:47] Maybe he's talking, so I wonder if they're gonna ban tops.
[09:49:49] Why else would they be talking?
[09:49:51] A route to go down, because it would be very, very sad to see them, you know, getting to this point.
[09:50:00] Nautilus ban.
[09:50:01] And letting that ego get to the shelf just removing them.
[09:50:03] Okay, Nautilus ban. I mean, there's Brown, Rakan, Leona, right?
[09:50:07] So they're banning Nautilus, they ban Rakan, yep.
[09:50:10] Now, they could ban Brown, I don't like it actually, I think Brown blind here is good.
[09:50:15] Drop support ban, fuck it, just ban a top laner.
[09:50:19] You could ban something like Brown here, force Leona ban, you could ban Leona, force Alistar ban or something, I don't know.
[09:50:24] But I think Brown blind pick is so good.
[09:50:33] Leona ban.
[09:50:35] It's probably difficult here for G2, right?
[09:50:37] If you ban Brown and they pick Alistar, what mini support do you have left?
[09:50:42] You have Poppy.
[09:50:45] Ooh, he's gonna play Poppy support.
[09:50:48] I would blind brown 1 million percent here.
[09:50:51] If they ban brown, our blind pick Poppy actually inflex it.
[09:51:01] Smolder ban.
[09:51:03] What the fuck are they banning smolder? Is anim gonna play smolder top?
[09:51:07] It's a brown blind 1 million percent.
[09:51:10] They could play Ash Renata, but rule number one of Ivern.
[09:51:13] Ivern. If Ivern has a ranged support it's already open. I'm telling you Ivern needs mini-sports, it's completely unplayable with other mini-sports.
[09:51:24] Now, they have Poppy or Alistar. What are you picking to Estrel Brown? Because both of them are fucking shit.
[09:51:32] I think they should have banned Brown here. But then if they blind Poppy what mini-support you play? It's a horror for handsome-o.
[09:51:38] It's a horror for Handsama and Miki. You either fuck bot lane, or...
[09:51:45] They're gonna pick, what are they gonna pick?
[09:51:50] They're still talking about bot lane I think. They must know their top laner.
[09:51:53] Cassante, I mean, Bibi knew what he was playing. They're still talking about supports.
[09:51:58] What support can you pull out here, Miki, into Braum that's a melee support that doesn't get fucked like Alistar Poppy?
[09:52:03] He must have something.
[09:52:09] And Mumu support.
[09:52:17] Skarner support.
[09:52:21] They went Seraphine.
[09:52:23] So they sacked jungle and played for bot.
[09:52:27] So basically, I mean Ash Seraphine is good into Brownheart, your lane is good
[09:52:32] but Ivern without the midi support is really weak man and I'm telling you
[09:52:37] double enchanter is overkill.
[09:52:38] Chat, I'm gonna run out, if you wanna avoid them you can subscribe with a free Twitch Prime
[09:52:43] if you have it on your Amazon account or you can subscribe with a tier one
[09:52:46] you'll get no ads for a month, you don't have to be the one to be back for the game twice
[09:52:49] Chat, who we own up here, crazy mode
[09:52:53] It's an Enchanter. When you don't win front to back and you don't win this sort of, you know,
[09:52:57] stuff fight where enemy has to be.
[09:52:58] I mean, if they get to 60 minutes, it's fine for 40 minutes.
[09:53:01] But we do see...
[09:53:01] Olaf.
[09:53:02] Olaf. Is it the first?
[09:53:03] Nah, he must have played Olaf so far, but...
[09:53:06] I mean, it's... He loves playing it.
[09:53:07] Yeah.
[09:53:08] G2 scaling, crazy good now, double AD carry, double Enchanter.
[09:53:10] But is it too much?
[09:53:12] The problem is, Cassante's top lane, right?
[09:53:14] But they're playing four range champs.
[09:53:16] It's up to him to get some leads in the early game.
[09:53:18] You need one melee, you do. You need one person to be that barrier.
[09:53:21] You know, just a shot of gold.
[09:53:22] Who does Ivan shield now, who walks up?
[09:53:25] Daisy?
[09:53:32] I'm chatting 4v4, I know you say something, I'm saying 4v4.
[09:53:41] But, Mickey comes, run it!
[09:53:44] And die a lot, if he's on a range shot.
[09:53:49] It's a lot harder.
[09:53:52] laugh that brings DDS to Munich over to you. Let's hope there was some magic in that Red Bull can
[09:53:59] or at least a Red Bull bottle because G2 needed the back star against the wall. Yeah Tarik in the
[09:54:04] Braum to the rough. You know we came on seeing so much good from BDS, but Benius is sus. Benius is
[09:54:10] very sus because BDS to be reverse swept before. BDS in a best of five versus G2 hasn't happened
[09:54:17] before and it's G2 we're talking about when the doubters start showing. I just hope that they
[09:54:25] can keep a strong mental okay because at the end of the day, that's why it's so important at the
[09:54:31] highest level of play. Everyone is a good player. Like I know that people love to mean on the
[09:54:37] fact that I got this player play bad, they misplayed here. The reality is that these guys
[09:54:42] are some of the best players that we have in Europe and we know what they're capable of.
[09:54:47] The thing that's gonna affect them the most is...
[09:54:49] BDS have been pretty proactive in the last...
[09:54:51] They normally stop chanting G2 at one minute.
[09:54:53] Confidence to make those plays
[09:54:55] and being able to deliver and execute on the gameplay.
[09:54:57] They chant for the first minute.
[09:54:59] That's why I'm not just...
[09:55:01] That's right, tilt, right?
[09:55:03] That's what you ought to be!
[09:55:05] It's so funny, because I play two games in solo queue
[09:55:07] and I'm instantly tilted.
[09:55:09] Niki X runes, he's playing Guardian, yeah.
[09:55:12] Let's talk a little bit about these tracks.
[09:55:14] I feel like if they're gonna play a range support
[09:55:16] I would have preferred Renata
[09:55:32] Renata sucks first round
[09:55:34] Yeah, but Renata builds tank items at least doesn't she go warmonks anyway
[09:55:37] I do think that this Olaf is a bit of a gamble because as Odoamne was saying and what Broxie was talking about is with the shielding that's going to come out on the side of GZ, maybe they could have played, I don't know, actually, I don't know, he could run in and he could melt immediately or he could just run down.
[09:55:52] He barred actually, you know, and they have S4 cord. I don't know.
[09:55:57] I do think he's kind of a...
[09:56:00] Anyway, let's see it.
[09:56:02] I just want to see caps wake up. I feel like I'm worrying about both matchups right and competitions
[09:56:07] But caps has been completely invisible the series
[09:56:11] It caps to step it up
[09:56:17] I need caps to step it up
[09:56:21] We're in for a long one trap. They're playing Seraphine Ivern. It's scaling central
[09:56:32] I think BDS can't try and play this game.
[09:56:34] And before we get into the leverage of this game,
[09:56:36] is Cheryl Hopper's mid around what has been arguably
[09:56:38] one of his strongest opponents.
[09:56:40] They saw that you wanted him.
[09:56:41] Oh my god.
[09:56:42] By the way, Ivern's full clear speed is quick.
[09:56:44] Again, on this Corky.
[09:56:45] My god, what the hell?
[09:56:46] Highest damage I've been told in a single game in LEC history.
[09:56:49] Highest Corky damage, ladies and gentlemen.
[09:56:51] Highest Corky damage.
[09:56:52] Almost 40% there.
[09:56:54] Ivern full clear, level four, three minutes.
[09:56:57] Very quick.
[09:56:58] He's had a spectacular series overall.
[09:57:01] Here's Eric, you're someone that's been a big advocate of nukes throughout the summer split
[09:57:05] and someone that's really kind of developed into the star of the team
[09:57:08] or one of the stars that we've seen
[09:57:09] Look at Sashuani!
[09:57:10] That guy's like, he shines because he's lost it
[09:57:12] Well, see, you can have a noise like that in this game through your...
[09:57:15] Alright, steal the way the blue belt...
[09:57:16] Bro, Ivor is just so... it's just so... bro
[09:57:19] I don't know, that chance is so stupid
[09:57:21] So, this is definitely the game so that G2 want to find themselves in in the other game is brawl
[09:57:26] It's not serious that time, right?
[09:57:28] You're against the Chanda support
[09:57:29] I wouldn't be surprised to see this...
[09:57:31] He's trying to get away with the crab as well.
[09:57:35] They want to take Braum's edge and only fight because of the chains you see, but what are you flashing in for? There's no damage next to you.
[09:57:42] He tagged everyone. Oh my god, they're gonna get smoked in this fight for you. I missed, oh my god.
[09:57:48] They're throwing themselves in, what are they doing?
[09:58:00] This motherfucker took my crab! Get him!
[09:58:03] Guards!
[09:58:05] Or is it my blue rather?
[09:58:14] Sejuani from CC and
[09:58:30] Sees him
[09:58:35] There's no way BDS can ever reverse-swept for the third time, right?
[09:58:40] Ah, well it's only two kills, four minutes into game three, but I can feed it in the air.
[09:58:46] I can feed it in the air, I can sense it.
[09:58:49] It smells like... smells like reverse sweep.
[09:59:02] Remember my chat, I'll say this again.
[09:59:03] The winner of this, if BDS wins, they play against the loser of FnaticMand for a world
[09:59:11] spot.
[09:59:12] If G2 wins, Mad and Fnatic are locked worlds, and that's the world's representative for
[09:59:19] Europe.
[09:59:20] If G2 wins, Europe's locked its world teams.
[09:59:24] If BDS wins, no one's locked worlds.
[09:59:28] Crazy.
[09:59:29] Just G2.
[09:59:30] I mean no one looks at Locked World between Fnatic Man and Midias.
[09:59:34] Only you choose Locked.
[09:59:40] Oh well.
[09:59:41] Oh well.
[09:59:50] Would you say Mickey X's Seraphine is better than Karius?
[09:59:52] Shut up.
[09:59:57] Ooh, Nuke's spacing.
[10:00:00] because the push and hit and push on Fawcett LeBron, it's happening to shift over to trying to cover for Shale there as well
[10:00:04] Is there ever a game that's been released that's better than Bloom's tower defense? No cap
[10:00:09] I'm just getting that health bar whittled down, but now Yite, he's just gonna move topside
[10:00:12] should be able to get these void grubs for himself because he knows Shale more than like
[10:00:15] Bloom's tower defense is a classic
[10:00:17] Caps traded off in constant push here from Caps as you expect good Fawcett respondent
[10:00:21] That's how charge is also doing
[10:00:23] Oh!
[10:00:25] Oh no!
[10:00:47] I'm not the target, hold up, I'm not the target.
[10:00:55] Nuke just got the memo that a little bit too late, but there's Shale moving up a broken blade, Bibi will pop that ghost
[10:01:01] So then he can't be CC by Shale who's moving into it later
[10:01:04] Information given over it's all for the grubs here in the top side that Shale now thinks about his next option
[10:01:09] G2 constantly pushing in this bot side while HanSama uses this time of the wave crashing to get himself a nice reset as well
[10:01:17] Things otherwise actually as things are coming down from Yike now that he's level 6 and coming bot
[10:01:21] Yeah, I'm curious if he wants to try and get that level
[10:01:24] Oh, they're gonna go for dragon, but also just hit the level six off this next wave
[10:01:27] And maybe you can look for an arrow play because nuke has no flash now
[10:01:30] So trying to get away from that ash arrow can be very difficult especially
[10:01:48] That's random question when you have when you have a great series of darkling gunners in bloons
[10:01:53] You lock them on the entrance you do right or do you mouse mouse attack?
[10:02:04] You lock them right
[10:02:18] Lock on entrance lock them on the longest straight
[10:02:25] I'm not playing bloons, I'm not playing bloons.
[10:02:51] You're on Golem.
[10:02:53] Bit of a profical truth. Talk there.
[10:02:57] I'm setting up for a bit of a play
[10:02:59] Sneaky, help of gaming
[10:03:01] This is Shaiyo
[10:03:02] Snuck his way into the tri brush
[10:03:04] Hunts on it
[10:03:05] Not sure if he has the E available
[10:03:07] Flash in the bush, go on do it, I dare you
[10:03:10] Nah, there's nothing here
[10:03:12] Maybe a cleanse
[10:03:14] I mean they get the summoner spout still a valuable one for sure
[10:03:26] Caps 2 kills nearly game. Let's see if caps pops up this game. Caps for Santa is a classic. I want to see his impact
[10:03:32] I want to see it
[10:03:33] But instead his priority is just getting a bit of vision down. Oh, I stand correct. Yeah
[10:03:37] I mean the eye on the angle doesn't pull off the trigger remember again
[10:03:40] We talked about that nuke flash that was punished from the
[10:03:44] Poverty exerting force that he was made a couple of moments ago
[10:03:47] That's almost back up and available looks like about a minute and a half max left until caps has that match to
[10:03:52] Lots to gather Rose. I love each other by name
[10:03:58] I was gonna say some sort of song of ice and fire
[10:04:01] But I feel like that there's gonna be some singing and it's gonna be cold in the bot lane level six now coming
[10:04:05] He broke the law. The law is no ASCIS fan. No ASCIS fan means a permit.
[10:04:11] Guard season. Put him in the dungeon.
[10:04:31] Why can they sing but I can't? You don't let me sing.
[10:04:35] Second I started singing
[10:04:37] It was good that guy was thinking more DMCA
[10:04:41] At the very least we wait for those timers, you know, he already talked about setup for a bot
[10:04:45] I'm still looking at top and something Odo said is ragging the rock is
[10:04:49] That was a mess click
[10:04:51] They happen
[10:04:53] It happens to everyone
[10:04:55] Odo wanted to see that top, you know, get ahead right he was talking about a lot in the draft
[10:04:59] But Adam so far, yes, he is in a CS lead
[10:05:02] But for now, top-being-chill like this, we always know it's going to favor a Cassante, right?
[10:05:06] When the game stayed, even if he's down 20, 30 CS, what he brings to a fight?
[10:05:11] He's obviously going to be so much.
[10:05:14] I think a huge amount of that does rely on the G2 engage, and then him kind of providing that follow-up,
[10:05:19] or at least looking for a good flank put.
[10:05:21] With the way G2 are planning this out, I feel like that's going to be semi-easy for them to try and set up.
[10:05:27] You've got good push, so these turrets will slowly be chipped away on regardless of anything else.
[10:05:31] else and then you just get to play for those team fights off of the push that you have been made
[10:05:35] on the cap. Caps, you heard the desk glued to your head.
[10:05:38] Three plates top! Jesus.
[10:05:40] I'm just fantastic whenever you get hands on them.
[10:05:41] You know, you've been very good buffering those jumps, but also just the threat he offers in
[10:05:45] a side lane can be very difficult.
[10:05:48] Three to zero the kill, Skull.
[10:05:55] Two and a half take all the other G2s.
[10:05:57] Copy my homework, but don't make it obvious.
[10:05:59] Okay, I'll buy a longsword instead of a cull.
[10:06:01] You motherfucker.
[10:06:02] Changing your name on the homework doesn't mean it's different. Come on, man. Help me out here a bit
[10:06:16] Yeah, G2 takes this fight anyway. Where's the arrow? Show me the arrow. Look at the arrow. Nice block.
[10:06:20] Bramble's gonna be big here.
[10:06:23] Oh, it's pretty big that Bramble's. Now where's Broneff? Oh, Cap gets a reset.
[10:06:28] So he jumps on evil attack though
[10:06:31] There's a tight does he die though?
[10:06:34] No, he doesn't flash and shield
[10:06:37] Jesus Olaf can't join they needed Olaf videos needed all that. Oh my god
[10:06:43] I can smell it
[10:06:46] I can smell it
[10:06:57] MVP is broken late
[10:07:01] I
[10:07:05] Kill
[10:07:12] Fuck you Sterex
[10:07:24] I'll think of my solo few games because I always go at least 7-1 in lane
[10:07:31] doesn't quite work out for G2 like the good guardian that the block it comes
[10:07:36] through to keep the ball man Adam I think just has to go to the run past
[10:07:38] TV like what's he doing I think he has to just go to run past this guy
[10:07:44] G2 just soak up so I should think maybe BDS could have won the fight if he did that
[10:07:50] also secured for caps. It just went my way.
[10:07:56] Caps, caps, caps, caps.
[10:08:02] Bro, if G2 look at BDS in the eyes and laugh up in the game while they're walking backstage, I'm convinced BDS are gonna need to check out.
[10:08:20] System is showing up and finding those moments to pick them off
[10:08:23] We thought it was going to be trade before the Rick Harrell on topside
[10:08:26] But G2 just gonna take dragon and terrorists instead
[10:08:28] I love this progression of series like game one was astounding for BDS game two was chaotic back and forth game
[10:08:35] Three in the early game has been like G2 waking up that extra mile a 6k gold lead in the early game
[10:08:41] Or five if I could do proper math is astounding here at the 15-minute mark and two things to note
[10:08:47] And with the first being that only fuck Tristana has believed the glory at the minute 15 and seraphine
[10:08:53] They can't get away charging berserker, but he wasn't even involved in that fight
[10:08:57] We could broke a blade just single-handedly kept him busy right so that's the first thing the second thing is
[10:09:01] I think this seraphine was such a great pick when you blind pick brawl
[10:09:05] I hated the answer should always be enchanted supports because he doesn't get to lane and in team fights the utility
[10:09:12] They provide out scales what he provides especially when he's very limited in terms of his ability
[10:09:16] you actually start fights and we're seeing the value of that Seraphine. I think that G2 is only
[10:09:20] going to continue to scale even stronger as the game goes on. You'll never convince me Ivan plus
[10:09:25] Enchanter just thinks. Just based on how they're executing the draft, this game looks very favorable for G2.
[10:09:31] But I think as well like credits G2 in the draft because they set it up so that then the
[10:09:36] only engaged champions left were going to be ones that were bad into Brawl like the Alistar
[10:09:42] like they even got rid of the Leona so you kind of set up a draft for a BDS get baited into this position
[10:09:48] and then having a enchanter support that has engaged is so rare and Seraphine isn't really
[10:09:52] something that we see apart from like over in the LCK it gets changed by it a little bit so
[10:09:56] there's the other guys but it's just like it's not one that's on a lot of people's radar so it's
[10:10:01] been a really cool and these people make worlds they're already locking worlds they are locked
[10:10:05] and loaded in worlds now we're getting with the Seraphine as well this week it feels like
[10:10:10] like we're getting back to G2 having these really niche pocket picks for these perfect scenarios.
[10:10:15] I feel like that's what boys threw teams off as well.
[10:10:17] You can even say internationally, it's part of their charm when G2 just pull this white
[10:10:23] rabbit out of the bag for the hat to get it correct.
[10:10:27] And here in this game, well, we put it into the hat and Australia is completely different.
[10:10:33] People get annoyed, they want to see the rabbit.
[10:10:36] Mickey this time around as well, you know much cleaner game
[10:10:38] I guess that happens when he's playing Seraphim not an on-the-engage
[10:10:41] It's been a progressive series for him too
[10:10:43] Now obviously in this game
[10:10:44] We've been talking a lot about how G2 is kind of set up for success
[10:10:47] And it's kind of from this position their game to lose because when we look at this composition
[10:10:51] We feel like that they do have the better scaling especially with this double enchanted comp around their 280 carries
[10:10:56] But that doesn't mean the BDS is completely out of options
[10:10:59] We've seen G2 make these mistakes around objectives with a overforce fights
[10:11:02] And BDS needs to be primed and ready to punish
[10:11:04] BDS in a bit of time before I can even try and fight these carries.
[10:11:09] What would be your EU superteam?
[10:11:12] It would be Pedro Top, Sally Jungle, Broad Midlane,
[10:11:17] ummm, Cajal AD,
[10:11:22] and Rat Support.
[10:11:24] Mega Team.
[10:11:26] That was originally fun by me.
[10:11:29] Uh, yeah.
[10:11:31] I'm getting out of there the rocket jump is there. He comes to redemption TP
[10:11:36] Nice drift. Also brought in the thunder. Oh, what a Seraphine ult.
[10:11:42] You got no damage BDS. You ain't got no damage
[10:11:49] Oh my god, there's a turret there wait. I'm Kasante
[10:11:52] Now ready to fly as well. I still haven't much better to contribute as the G2 top turret was what they came for
[10:11:59] Caps is never alone
[10:12:01] Like is always in his back pocket and is just there to make sure that he can force me away
[10:12:05] That was risky. They will get the tower. How much for most cancelled the question is not because grabs are doing a bit of work
[10:12:10] G2 with only one bit. It's enough. That's it with Tristana. They open up top
[10:12:15] Can't three calls gonna get them back and they still maintain that gold lead that we've been sprucing about all game long
[10:12:20] It is funny to me how you know 80 carries that they are champions designed around items rather than levels
[10:12:27] Right, and so you think about how majors in the past if there was some sort of major for a young or something
[10:12:31] Someone probably would have died there, but because we're 80 carries and because we're still like
[10:12:36] What did you dream about last night?
[10:12:37] The H3 bars are still a little too big people get very long with the presence of the tower
[10:12:42] It means the BDS are able to limp away. I don't know. I swear
[10:12:45] I remember my dreams for like an hour after a wake up, and then I forget
[10:12:50] But the biggest concern for BDS is we watched Adam dive onto caps and a single shield from Yike was all that took
[10:12:56] Yeah
[10:12:58] Sometimes I write in the long but I don't know
[10:13:03] So yeah, it's a situation where if you're all off really can't threaten
[10:13:07] Yeah, he carries which is what his job is supposed to be
[10:13:11] You can already see why G2 do have the advantage in the comp and why this game is only gonna get harder for BDS
[10:13:18] I think it comes down a lot to
[10:13:20] Hand BDS find a moment to get a pick where say Han Sam is overextended maybe you can bring Shail in but again
[10:13:26] It just becomes very difficult, especially I'm curious to see what Taps wants to do with this Rift Herald
[10:13:30] because he still has a distinct quality.
[10:13:32] S.F.U.L.D.M. is just so low.
[10:13:33] You could have Mega Blast Cone, yeah, hunts some of those, does have healing by side.
[10:13:37] Meanwhile, Taps, we can only concede this 1v1 as they all in and Caps disengages while getting some good trades.
[10:13:42] Adam heals up LaBros, now he's dead.
[10:13:44] They want to dive top with TP and they don't have TP.
[10:13:45] Why don't they ward like that?
[10:13:46] Oh, Caps is pulling the Herald down.
[10:13:48] It's time to win this way out of there.
[10:13:51] Oh wait, hold on.
[10:13:53] Herald is just here to provide moral support until that in a turret and now g2 look to see
[10:13:58] Yeah, my food gets really quick. I'm so hungry. No one you're so hungry
[10:14:00] You're like easy as fuck
[10:14:01] Yeah, pretty much back to fall
[10:14:02] In the threat of that dive the redemption doing work is life stealing adding as well
[10:14:06] Yeah, this game's pretty done
[10:14:07] BDS need to go
[10:14:08] What is BDS doing games for though?
[10:14:10] Did I go blue side?
[10:14:11] It's squirted in the top lane towards that tier 2
[10:14:15] So I laugh again struggling to have input there and
[10:14:17] I mean we've got to see what could be the closest fight between him and
[10:14:21] They could go blue side Ben Tristana
[10:14:25] What do you have to ban on red side? You could go blue side Ben Tristana, force a Corky ban and then look for
[10:14:31] Maokai first pick, and if they ban Maokai you can go Ash first pick
[10:14:35] Or you go Azir first pick
[10:14:39] Good work
[10:14:42] Again, I think a lot of it is trapped out of the game
[10:14:44] You think Caps plays Nessus bit into Azir like Chomaker did today? I feel like that's such a Caps thing to do
[10:14:50] hate to see G2 in a series to cure it, and not respecting things like the Corky, not respecting
[10:14:55] the Cisrani, this mid-jungle duo that have been so effective at finding these advantages.
[10:15:00] But G2 has said, you know what, we actually think the problem is LeBrov. We think that
[10:15:04] he's the one that's been causing this chaos in terms of setting up these fights and his
[10:15:07] Recon specifically has been the one getting on top of Hans Summer and finding these picks
[10:15:12] on the map, and by shutting his impact down, getting him in a very unfavorable
[10:15:17] The matchup putting him on the Broadway doesn't have the agency to make place with all that responsibility and Shaiyo
[10:15:21] And who does he even find a pick on?
[10:15:24] There's a cleanse ash there's a tristana with an I burn
[10:15:27] Can you cast also BS frills?
[10:15:29] I'm casting off on this game bro. There are two thank you
[10:15:33] Also I think it's the Ash pick as well like this was so crucial to finding those plays in the last game
[10:15:39] Where they were just getting picks and finding moments as cops catching hands. I'm all over extended
[10:15:44] They're way too tanky
[10:15:48] BDS guy still there
[10:16:04] This guy says
[10:16:06] You mean the caps that picked pike in game five in the world finals FVX? Yes game five. We did make it five games
[10:16:14] We were one game away from winning worlds.
[10:16:16] broken blade it doesn't matter Adam is struggling to live this game and it's
[10:16:21] all I think has not worked out it certainly has that he was doing well in
[10:16:26] the laning phase but now caps is just this uncontrollable monster 503 in the
[10:16:31] mid lane Baron is on the cards for G2 they have three dragons secured their
[10:16:36] own soul points this is just a one-sided stop in favor of G2 crazy
[10:16:43] the difference in impact, Cap just having Ultrasenna versus when he plays Zery.
[10:17:05] He's so much more active and comfortable I think, Ultrasenna.
[10:17:08] I feel like some games you can steal like player presence on certain champs, I think Cap has
[10:17:18] a strong presence on Tristana on the map, he's like a lot more aggressive on side, jumps
[10:17:23] on Olaf, knows his limits a lot better, on Zery I feel like he was just farming sides
[10:17:28] and like glooping but so much less impact if he's playing Tristana, he can actually
[10:17:35] be the one to start fights or like not start fights I mean Terry can do that as well but
[10:17:40] you know like he just looks like he knows his limit so much better. His lane phase looks
[10:17:56] a lot more confident. BDS doesn't have healing reduction that's insane I think. Yeah bro their
[10:18:06] Broke his fuck man. They're trying to reach their two items before they go healing reduction. They're absolutely broke
[10:18:11] They don't have any money men
[10:18:13] What are they gonna do just pull fucking 15k gold out and just stop blasting the healing reduction?
[10:18:22] I can't believe corky doesn't have healing reduction rapid fire cannon, serpent spang, infinity edge
[10:18:28] Crazy the audacity of nuke to go try force more mana. What is Adam doing?
[10:18:41] Well it shields shields just have a chance
[10:18:43] Oh my god, this corky just got ping ponged around.
[10:18:52] Yeah, it's a stomp.
[10:18:55] Absolute stomp by G2.
[10:18:56] Absolute stomp.
[10:18:58] BDS on match point, they're hidden passive activated.
[10:19:01] Play like a 10th place team.
[10:19:12] Well, I don't want to frame that hard.
[10:19:14] I say play like a 10th place team.
[10:19:15] It's more like, I don't know, I don't know if it's like a mental thing.
[10:19:18] I don't think they should care about this game too much, it's whatever. They played a bot fight, they gave over two many kills in the early game against Double Intentor, they um, this is an absolute stomp.
[10:19:35] I don't think this much BDS can do, it's no more than a control.
[10:19:38] Your backline can't escape this time around Duke doesn't have anything that you can do
[10:19:42] You two can just hit the target that's in front of them
[10:19:45] Because BDS only play best of trees in regular season so they don't know what happens after
[10:19:49] when they're 2-0
[10:19:52] Okay
[10:19:56] That's why we should make the LEC regular season best of fives so we're even more prepared for international
[10:20:08] Yeah BDS just need to shake this off. Can they shake this game off? It's a horror game. Sucks. Happens. Go next.
[10:20:19] Just don't let it get to your head.
[10:20:23] Because G2, I know what G2 are going to do. They're going to win this game. They're going to have 1 kill, maybe they'll get 2 BDS.
[10:20:32] G2's going to walk off stage and they're going to laugh as they're doing it. And I swear it's going to hurt like mentally.
[10:20:37] He looks like a game for Han. Sama gets very low, but he's back up nice and healthy.
[10:20:44] Kazanze says that the play, that's one member gone.
[10:20:47] 27 minutes in, G2's looking to bring us the game 4.
[10:20:51] It's 12-1, it's 3 dragons to 0.
[10:20:53] What's the body language?
[10:20:56] G2 are gonna go 5-man to the bathroom together like they always do while they're laughing.
[10:21:00] Even though they're on match point down and BDS, they're like, ah shit, what do we do next game?
[10:21:04] I'm gonna cap to smiling, Nikkie smiling
[10:21:19] Show me BDS, no nothing
[10:21:24] Where's the BDS stands?
[10:21:27] Go outside, get some reset, relax
[10:21:31] Relax
[10:21:44] Okay, we're shooting through a break.
[10:22:04] Did Mickey have zero deaths?
[10:22:06] Wait, is the solution just putting Mickey X on range shots?
[10:22:09] Is that it?
[10:22:49] What?
[10:22:50] There's a podcast, the Sackdown, you should check it out.
[10:22:52] They just got released with Karzy.
[10:22:54] And this is what Karzy said on the podcast.
[10:22:56] He said, okay, here's the red boy.
[10:23:04] Karzy said, and I quote, I'm not gonna high five Katie Frost, I said this for.
[10:23:12] This is crazy that he said this.
[10:23:17] The roster with Armut, El Yoya, Humanoid, me and Kaiser, we cancelled every scrim, went
[10:23:23] home and did nothing.
[10:23:24] One week before we won the finals I had 150 hours in Baldur's Gate and when the finals
[10:23:28] happened we just stomped them.
[10:23:30] The day before the finals I opened the door and saw Armut eating a pizza and a burger.
[10:23:34] I went next door to Humanoid and he tells me we need to end scrims early because
[10:23:38] Armut has a wild raid in a couple of hours.
[10:23:41] What the fuck was going on in that team?
[10:24:05] Jesus
[10:24:08] Wow raids cancelling scrims
[10:24:17] Chovy's playing garen mid and solo queue. Oh my god. Oh
[10:24:26] My god
[10:24:28] Are we going that deep?
[10:24:30] All right, there's g2. They've got the cafeteria blueberries fruits nuts everything the galore
[10:24:59] Talk about draft. They're probably talking about red side. They probably expect BDS to choose blue side
[10:25:04] Where's the BDS cam was it there that I miss it that I missed the BDS cam
[10:25:07] Where is the BDS cam then? There was no BDS cam?
[10:25:17] Bro BDS haven't been on cam since they left, since they finished the game
[10:25:19] Where they at then?
[10:25:21] Chat! Quick thing!
[10:25:22] Quick thing!
[10:25:24] Make sure you drop a follow on the League Awards Twitter account
[10:25:27] There's gonna be some big, I hate plugging but I feel like it's a League Awards
[10:25:31] Hopefully it's gonna be a big thing
[10:25:32] We're putting a lot of effort and working through it Shox and I
[10:25:34] So I know I keep yapping about League Awards but go drop a follow
[10:25:38] And some tweets will be coming out soon
[10:25:40] Feels weird plugging your own things you know
[10:25:43] But then yeah the branding's done. It's gonna be mega-pog mega-pog champ
[10:25:48] I don't know if you have X though. Do you guys even use Twitter? Do you guys even use Twitter?
[10:25:59] No, I only use it for the Twitter community
[10:26:14] Then then then then yeah, yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. It's a K drill stream
[10:26:19] Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. K drill history me. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. All he does is yep
[10:26:26] There was some better bars. No some better bars
[10:26:41] some guy tweeted at me saying that he's at work watching the stream bro where do
[10:26:49] you live look at that palm trees in the ocean are you in fucking Hawaii
[10:26:55] kind of kind of nice view two more cheats are feeling it you guys hear boss
[10:27:13] music you guys hear boss music did he need to wake up he played well but he
[10:27:22] He could stand like three years behind his team and still do a really effective job, so.
[10:27:27] Well compared to game one and two, yeah, very true.
[10:27:29] He did wake up, so I'm happy with this Miki, I love this Miki X.
[10:27:32] What a stump, I mean, to come back after the first two games, right?
[10:27:37] And you gotta be in BDS's shoes right now, we talked about it so much,
[10:27:40] and the thing is, why do we talk about so much?
[10:27:42] Because these things happen.
[10:27:44] Now they haven't happened yet, Odo,
[10:27:46] but can you put me in the shoes of both G2 coming into this third game and playing?
[10:27:50] the way they did and BDS getting that shillacking after going into that game on match point.
[10:27:55] I think it's more of a manner of how did G2 and how did BDS play in the first two games
[10:28:04] because even though it was a 2-0 it was quite back and forth everyone could have won at
[10:28:08] any point of the game and you can't get too relaxed given that all the games were
[10:28:14] not you know complete some sort of convincing because this one was our most convincing
[10:28:17] game and I feel like this is the type of game that will give G2 more, I wouldn't say
[10:28:22] relaxation but more confidence, going forward and also kind of spook BDS.
[10:28:26] Yeah, what changes was it? I mean the surfing did work, right?
[10:28:30] The surfing was a big change. The fact that they were able to get pressure in bot lane
[10:28:33] really helped and Micky wasn't on something that would be, it would have to be as
[10:28:37] aggressive. It wasn't the primary engage. The idea was we let them come on to
[10:28:40] us and then we can fight from that position, right? And I think the game really was
[10:28:45] over after that Drake fight. After it was like four minutes into the game, you see BDS
[10:28:49] over investing on a dragon fight. Oh, it wasn't even a dragon fight, it was at the dragon
[10:28:53] pit, right? And they start losing, and it's really indicative of how the game is going
[10:28:59] to go. I think BDS, if they had waited a little bit, got two items on Corphia Ezreal,
[10:29:02] they could have won some of these fights. But as soon as you go for these early plays
[10:29:06] and you don't get anything out of it, all you're doing is allowing the Double Enchanters
[10:29:10] double AD. It's a really scale into the game even quicker than they meant to.
[10:29:14] Well I like this adaptation in terms of you know the style of the team comp. I
[10:29:17] think an added bonus, a secondary bonus, is the fact that you are building a team
[10:29:22] comp and especially a bot lane with Seraphine that is catering to Hans because
[10:29:26] he has been quite I would say underrated coming into this series because I
[10:29:29] think he has been ramping up slowly throughout you know summer split and
[10:29:33] now season finals and he's been playing very very consistently and he's
[10:29:36] He's been a powerhouse so every time G2 gives a lot of resources to Huns, he is delivering
[10:29:41] G2 pretty much every single time.
[10:29:43] Yeah, I think it works both ways on both teams, I think that's a good call out for Huns.
[10:29:48] Rather, also Caps had a tremendous game, we know how much he loves that for Stonna and
[10:29:53] then when you're given an advantage, obviously he's going to push it.
[10:29:57] But let's get into it then in terms of what this series looks like from now on.
[10:30:01] BDS chose Redside so they are electing to stay on that site, thinking the solutions
[10:30:05] that we found in games 1 and 2, we can replicate those.
[10:30:09] Would you give them the same advice?
[10:30:12] I think it's all right because the draft looked OK up until 4-5
[10:30:17] where G2 had the adaptation of picking Seraphine,
[10:30:20] baiting the Braum to come through,
[10:30:21] and then all of a sudden everything went down.
[10:30:24] Didn't really find any sort of value.
[10:30:25] I think the first thing was OK.
[10:30:28] If they cooked a lot and they're
[10:30:30] prep coming to today, they have a lot of plans
[10:30:33] and everything and how to fix this 4-5,
[10:30:34] I think it makes sense.
[10:30:36] I would have maybe liked to go lose sight
[10:30:38] and kind of just chop the momentum off at his neck
[10:30:42] and just completely switch it over,
[10:30:43] but maybe they will throw me wrong again.
[10:30:45] Maybe.
[10:30:46] It's interesting psychologically, I feel like,
[10:30:48] Maddy, because we had the situation where BDS last week,
[10:30:51] you know, Adam was going for the Casio
[10:30:54] and that they were trying things
[10:30:56] and they were being inventive,
[10:30:58] which is something historically you had to do to beat G2.
[10:31:01] That is how MDK did it.
[10:31:02] But I feel like maybe they learned
[10:31:03] into a false sense of security because
[10:31:05] BDS chose red side, did they?
[10:31:07] Wait, how did you see that? Did they just put that on the screen?
[10:31:09] Why are you blind?
[10:31:10] Why did they choose red side?
[10:31:12] I think this is the game to do it, if you're going to do it because
[10:31:15] I would have preferred
[10:31:17] choosing blue first
[10:31:19] trying out a blue side game
[10:31:21] If you lose, then you can at least
[10:31:23] weigh up which one you want to do
[10:31:25] If you do red side now
[10:31:28] and you lose
[10:31:30] then you have to go to an uncertainty
[10:31:32] You know, you go to something that you're not really sure if it's in a work or not, you don't actually know which side feels better.
[10:31:41] I've done blue side game 4. When I lose you can choose which one felt better.
[10:32:02] and BDS have to get over that and the question is whether you try and do that
[10:32:06] this game or whether you say what worked for us in game 1 and 2 worked for us so
[10:32:11] we're just going to do that again until it works again. That's an interesting
[10:32:14] question going into game 4 and one if you answer incorrectly you find
[10:32:19] yourself in a game 5 versus G2. I mean I would go for it because right now you
[10:32:24] can't take the coward's approach and you know just say oh yeah let's just try
[10:32:27] again because as I said the game 1 and 2 they were not convincing wins
[10:32:30] They're just back and forth crazy back and forth and why is blue side better than red side?
[10:32:34] Who said better than red side because you can target Ben and first select so you can false-handed bends
[10:32:38] Because you go to come I can force your hand it bends easy. Yeah, why not if I ban
[10:32:44] Lucian you have to ban corky right or five I'm standing out by corky if you don't have if I know your dranstar
[10:32:50] I
[10:32:51] Can force your hands I can target Ben and I can first select
[10:32:55] That's why blue side is normally good at better in draft
[10:32:57] Also, blind pick tops these days and supports don't really get counted that much anymore.
[10:33:04] Like red side counter picks don't really have that much value.
[10:33:10] The strongest thing about red side is third pick and two bends.
[10:33:14] That's probably the strongest thing about red side of my team.
[10:33:17] Well, I'm not sure the deaths could suede our minds suede our opinions. No, it hasn't really we're just expecting this to go to five now
[10:33:31] Somewhere in the middle
[10:33:35] BDS then win in game
[10:33:37] That's the
[10:33:39] I think a lot of people missing context of the region don't might not understand how good G2 has been or rather like they're off
[10:33:45] or how G2's dynasty has forever been shadowing the region of LA6
[10:33:51] What do you got from G2?
[10:33:53] What do you got from BDS there on the red side? What are they thinking?
[10:33:56] Because I mean G2 is going to ban the same thing I think
[10:33:59] It's BDS, there's GZ here, ban?
[10:34:01] Now here's the Malkai ban
[10:34:05] What did they ban last chat? What's it? Malkai, Rel? Ash, Frostfig?
[10:34:12] What was the last ban?
[10:34:14] They didn't work out for Adam in the previous game, but to be fair that game was not really about him
[10:34:21] The bot side of the map just fell out of control. They're very good at getting involved and then they all just kind of fell off
[10:34:26] The roll ban suggests that G2 is looking at the Ash priority once again
[10:34:31] The question is how will the MES adapt their draft strategy?
[10:34:35] They're not gonna blind Sejuani anymore. Sejuani blind opens up Ivern and I don't think it's very fun
[10:34:41] Do you consider this ash to be a problem that needs to be removed the thing is if you don't take away the ash
[10:34:47] Yes, the problem
[10:34:48] They then pick Tristan on the next rotation if you don't take that away as BDS
[10:34:52] And suddenly you have the very same problem
[10:34:54] They didn't ban Maokai
[10:34:55] Which is if all these pushing lanes can't really deal with G2 gets to play a third game
[10:34:59] And Caps is on a very comfortable champion
[10:35:02] They ban Tristana because noot can play Lucian. I like it. Maokai or Corky
[10:35:08] or ash wait if I'm g2 I would think I like what you ask is open oh my god
[10:35:14] they're giving them court you know guys what they are I burn but I think that
[10:35:20] having Mickey as your can only engage oh my lord oh my god please I'm coming
[10:35:27] I brings the solution don't do it again Adam's gonna laugh you will solve it
[10:35:30] in the cap should something like a yo-yo is there is there I think it's
[10:35:34] Maybe G2 have a response. Maybe G2 did this on purpose. Do they have anything here?
[10:35:41] What is it? Brands? Zyra?
[10:35:43] Lilia? And Lilia is not the best.
[10:35:47] Smolder made it the answer. Okay, actually a good answer.
[10:35:51] I like Smolder and T'Korky.
[10:35:54] But I still think it's not the best, man. I think these two champs with SG-1 3 is just so OP.
[10:35:59] BDS in some regard, but I imagine yeah, probably this is where it's Kenan this game by the series Kenan's is disappeared
[10:36:06] Okay, it's a list priority
[10:36:08] We're back to this. Oh
[10:36:10] Maa
[10:36:14] The BDS
[10:36:16] Again, sure in terms of the landing phase it struggles, but there's always the possibility of a swap
[10:36:20] I wonder if they'll prioritize something like the Rakanet for LeBron. We've seen how impactful it was to play him
[10:36:27] You can see the deliberation right now between what they want to secure
[10:36:31] That's really is the easy pick and that's what they're gonna go for
[10:36:34] Makes the most sense especially when there are still multiple
[10:36:37] Support options that are open like Alistair still does well into Nautilus. We already looked Leona is fine
[10:36:42] Rakan is fine
[10:36:43] So can't get rid of all them as G2 so imagine BDS in the opposite side
[10:36:47] But I start to find a way the junglers get rid of the Sichuanee
[10:36:50] Maybe get rid of something like the Zyra or the Ivern would it other be the other big one for me
[10:36:54] And just trying to make get G2 onto something that hasn't been their comfort pigs, which is yike on the carriers
[10:37:06] To the Rakan take my way makes a lot of sense. I wonder if they will ban Yona or
[10:37:15] Ivan ban sure
[10:37:18] Is it a set you on a gun or not
[10:37:20] We're expecting a Sejuani here to pinch that kind of jungle supportive tanky type of option.
[10:37:30] No, I think we start pulling in our minds.
[10:37:35] Sejuani ban, Rakan ban, I mean the good ban, Leona. Leona has to be the ban here.
[10:37:40] And then what? Rakan, Leona, Brown down. North is picked after Goreal. And a Reals ban as well.
[10:37:47] Well Braum, Rakan, Leona, Ben, Northless picked what he played, Ezreal whoops, Alistar?
[10:37:58] They didn't Ben Leona, they bent Varus top.
[10:38:03] Are they blinding Renekton?
[10:38:06] Huh?
[10:38:08] Is he gonna pick away Cassante here actually?
[10:38:10] Maybe they're picking Cassante.
[10:38:12] They're calling out that Adam has no counts to Cassante.
[10:38:19] You kind of want some sort of damage to facilitate the Ash fake burst.
[10:38:23] He doesn't play Leona or what this guy? Does LeBrov not play Leona?
[10:38:26] That's a untold.
[10:38:30] Yep.
[10:38:31] Yep.
[10:38:31] I think it's a good window game for BGX.
[10:38:33] Yes, one game on Leona, zero win rate.
[10:38:36] Oh my god, because Leona is 18% win rate in 11 games.
[10:38:40] Yeah, I don't love blind cannon.
[10:38:42] Oh boy.
[10:38:44] Um, it's hard, I...
[10:38:46] Wait, is that this?
[10:38:48] It could be smaller, top.
[10:38:50] It couldn't be.
[10:38:51] That could be Draven mid. So you're right. Oh, okay. Just wait though. We do get that Zyra in the end.
[10:38:57] I know you guys are crushing a lot of the jungle pool that was banned out.
[10:38:59] Zyra. AP added into the pool. I wonder if that is legit.
[10:39:04] Cassante, Renekton. I don't love Renekton here at all. I think it would be very bad.
[10:39:09] It's a Cassante game.
[10:39:11] Cassante is safer.
[10:39:13] The most cheers for Cassante that he'll ever get.
[10:39:16] I think the biggest difference to game one is that G2 have multiple damaged sources.
[10:39:21] Is it a garen game or some shit? What's the play?
[10:39:25] Oh my god, I hate it
[10:39:36] He's gonna do an AP top up first
[10:39:38] I don't know, Cassie or something, I don't know.
[10:39:40] Alright, chat them on ads, if you want to vote ads, you can use Tona for trying the answer
[10:39:43] if you want to, but put a game start, there's a big kiss.
[10:39:51] Um, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
[10:40:08] just the lack of pushing lanes for G2 it was kind of signature for that game 3
[10:40:12] where they were to push bot which made good control but not having that in
[10:40:15] small or not having that a Cassante would give it a little bit more need away to BDS
[10:40:19] I imagine to open up Labrov to start to roll around and try to get nerfed a little bit
[10:40:23] and I think that's where BDS could try and find the certain success and then leverage what is an incredibly strong team fighting comp
[10:40:29] because very squishy apart from the Cassante on G2 Esports and anyone can get cut down by the
[10:40:35] much damage that can come through.
[10:40:37] My biggest follow up question is how does the mickey game for Nautilus look when again
[10:40:41] G2 early priority on this north, we talked about it in the first game Gents.
[10:40:45] I know it was under different circumstances but they didn't have the best showing here.
[10:40:50] I feel like again G2 have been under scrutiny here in this series.
[10:40:53] Yes they won the last game, yes you can never count them out in a best of five
[10:40:57] series and yes the desk was also talking about their reputation in a B05 especially
[10:41:02] against BDS.
[10:41:03] But big videos have never ever taken a video five versus G2 the record is
[10:41:10] Disgustingly in favor of G2, but here it's 70 to G2 and best of five
[10:41:16] Against BDS. I think it's a series. I don't know the time
[10:41:22] Just win again
[10:41:25] It's two to 15 series
[10:41:27] There's two best of legs. That's it
[10:41:33] We picked up summer this year and summer this year and summer 2022 are the two best of one for BDS one
[10:41:41] It's out of that. It has been G2 all the way, but now we're into game number four
[10:41:46] I'm much prepared to drop the BDS up this time around it feels like G2 over less
[10:41:51] They play Moncaf in this? I don't know are we ready for five or not? We got LCS in two hours
[10:41:56] Right, yeah, two hours? It is right?
[10:41:59] Let's see if they can do the same coming into game number four
[10:42:02] last interesting because i think in game lcs in two hours yeah the thing that
[10:42:05] really resonated to me was g2 elimination series mega pace right
[10:42:11] and then chat 12 hours from now right now in 12 hours
[10:42:15] is ktt1 oh my god now g2's patience is going to be crucial here
[10:42:22] as bds will go for once again the lane swap knowing how difficult that
[10:42:25] bot lane 2v2 metric is going to be elimination
[10:42:30] So, BDS called the lane swap.
[10:42:46] Okay, she got the wolves. Adam kinda needs to defend the wolves.
[10:42:49] In these lane swap scenarios, Broke and Blade gonna do what he can to soak up as much XP as he can,
[10:42:59] to stack the wave into the dive as the play that we're expecting.
[10:43:05] Yeah, he defended the wolves.
[10:43:06] Zyra can't take them. So pretty good for Maokai.
[10:43:09] It's a very common thing in the Oskar, they did a dumb one where you just take
[10:43:12] this camp or this camp depending on what side you're on, and then swap, right?
[10:43:16] So when you swap, Maokai gets wolves. Zyra takes three camps. Invades, misses the camp.
[10:43:20] Malka, this wolf comes here, takes blue, crump, wolves, level 3, then has one Campeche.
[10:43:25] Oh, easy!
[10:43:26] Oh my god!
[10:43:27] Oh my god, I thought he stole it then.
[10:43:28] That was at 3 HP!
[10:43:30] Yeah, Broken Blade started E, not Q.
[10:43:32] Yeah!
[10:43:32] Maybe had Q?
[10:43:33] That blue buff was gone.
[10:43:36] Lucky duck is, uh...
[10:43:37] Lucky duck!
[10:43:38] ...waves for Broken Blade who's getting zoned at XP.
[10:43:40] Remember in Game 1, gents, this is another day, Javu.
[10:43:43] We saw the exact same thing in Ash Bot that got freeplating.
[10:43:46] I remember and recall we talked about g2 coming out of lane swap plot ahead here again
[10:43:51] It's the same as to play also good read from mickey on the potential lane swap
[10:43:55] He started with demolish which you can I suppose take into this matchup because you should have some push
[10:44:00] But definitely feels like it was a prediction of this lane swap gonna come through
[10:44:03] So at least we'll be able to very quickly work through this bottom lane tower and start that early lead for handsome
[10:44:09] But what it's worth. This is how you learn a juice. No, no, it's just lane swap
[10:44:13] What happens on a lane swap? Both junglers opposite clear. Both bot lanes hit tower and they swap on the fourth wave or some shit.
[10:44:19] And they match.
[10:44:23] Oooooooh!
[10:44:25] It's fine.
[10:44:27] Early game doesn't really do anything.
[10:44:30] Absolutely nothing. Why would you want a lane swap?
[10:44:33] I don't know, Malka gets a full clear off, ESL goes even.
[10:44:36] I don't really know actually.
[10:44:39] They probably trust their lane swap sequence to stop variants.
[10:44:43] but it's nothing so significant that I don't like lane so so ultimately
[10:44:48] you should write an email to riot about how you don't like lane sobs I like
[10:44:53] lane sobs actually like them
[10:44:56] TP shenanigans guys left and right it was yes this is definitely a lot less
[10:45:02] chaotic I can now make it to a top to escort this wave underneath
[10:45:05] I like them because they don't last long you know four minutes into the game
[10:45:08] lane slots done, fair enough, you don't even have to expand the TP either, just because
[10:45:13] of the wave space. As long as it gets underneath the tower and it's not frozen, they definitely
[10:45:18] don't have to HB. Makes more champs more pickable, you know.
[10:45:24] Adam, why have you turned clear out too? Remember again, he has teleport in this lane as well.
[10:45:30] Meanwhile, we've spanned the camera mid, and Nuka's doing exactly what Nuka's
[10:45:34] He's been doing all series long, bulky, just foaming it out and chilling out.
[10:45:40] Dragon makes spawn though, you can already see Shairo starting to make his bait into the spot side.
[10:45:44] Ice on the broad, set up a nice, slow push in this bottom side.
[10:45:47] Minstering well, small to lose early, but he scales infinity.
[10:45:50] He's gonna bait in towards this bot side jungle to get vision.
[10:45:53] Maybe he'll medic towards the dragon, the Shairo, spot on the ward.
[10:45:56] I'm with Yike being on this bottom side.
[10:45:58] Might be a big took to try and get that early check.
[10:46:00] Our our our our our nuke has two biscuits as well caps is kind of diveable there, but he's a pressure that she ought to get dragon
[10:46:20] Yeah, I think nuke's been playing really well this series. I know he's been playing a lot of corky, but he's been playing very well
[10:46:30] four and a half minute recess and they push out top way and then go for the early void groups but
[10:46:34] it's just become less of a thing because you just become very predictable as a team then and
[10:46:38] teams can figure out how to play against you and oftentimes it has been a case of oh but we're
[10:46:42] going for a ash in bot lane that provides a push that then can lean us into that place so it
[10:46:47] almost becomes like quote unquote uncountable but when you're playing into the ash and yet
[10:46:51] you're playing as an edge hero it becomes way more difficult to leverage that push because
[10:46:54] you just don't really have as much so bds kind of resolved to go for some lane swaps but
[10:47:00] Not being as focused on the early board.
[10:47:02] It's definitely interesting how the perspective has shifted.
[10:47:05] Shut the fuck up, Captain.
[10:47:06] They give them a lot of that.
[10:47:07] They see teams prioritizing those early grubs.
[10:47:10] They're right.
[10:47:11] Because they suddenly shifted all their priorities to the bot dragons.
[10:47:14] So they were even going for those early bot fight dragons.
[10:47:16] And it kind of became this epiphany where they were like,
[10:47:18] how valuable are grubs?
[10:47:20] They're going to fight this?
[10:47:22] They're both in move, but he's not 6.
[10:47:24] But he's got the objective that makes the most sense.
[10:47:26] Based on the map.
[10:47:27] Three grubs.
[10:47:28] Three grubs for take.
[10:47:29] Yeah pretty even game very even game
[10:47:40] Pace is ramping up give it time
[10:47:43] The early dragon for BDS should help out and you're gonna have a slightly tankier squad
[10:47:48] I'm minus because I'm to the opposite side, but for Jail and rob in the 4v4
[10:47:52] So at least an early mountain dragon does help out in some of these skirmishes
[10:47:56] I have to see if it starts to play
[10:47:58] I don't know
[10:48:08] LCS today, yeah, in a few hours
[10:48:15] It's 6 minutes in, why hasn't the Mickey died yet?
[10:48:26] He's right.
[10:48:27] He's right.
[10:48:28] He's trying to leverage that and I think that's where it seems like we're going to fall apart.
[10:48:33] Steve, how it works out this way?
[10:48:36] Now, you know, lane swarm check-in, right?
[10:48:38] Obviously the experience differentiates from the top side of the map with a full level
[10:48:42] difference that exists between both Adam and Broken Blade.
[10:48:44] He's going to take over at level 6 right now.
[10:48:47] And Adam has already crested at level 7.
[10:48:49] Me on the bot side of the map, Hansama has held onto that gold lead, but it
[10:48:52] hasn't really impacted Ice's ability to farm.
[10:48:55] already guaranteed a tough matchup when playing with the Alistar anyway so ultimately he's doing a
[10:48:59] very solid job and finds himself comfortable with the timing in the 2 vs 2. Overall we find
[10:49:04] ourselves in a slower the game now the team is looking to try and fight. This is a very slow game.
[10:49:13] I think the short of the series has been how up and down it's been in short people can criticize G2 in the first couple of games
[10:49:18] But the chaos especially in the second game. They have slowed it down both teams have slowed it down
[10:49:25] I mean, I just like the fact that for the first time ever BDS in a best of five against you two have been able to get to win
[10:49:30] Yeah, right and I'm up to zero. I mean
[10:49:33] Like this that you know, oh do I'm there's a believer. He believes that our BDS can overcome that
[10:49:38] that wall that is G2 on this plate them throughout the history here in the
[10:49:42] LEC but we'll see you fast forward in the playback settings small goal
[10:49:48] they can't pull off this guy as the blue they can't do it
[10:49:52] the pressure from Hans and Mickey it's gonna secure them another plate
[10:49:57] as it will. I'm not sure I was gonna do anything there he was hovering bot after
[10:50:01] Yike made his back but a plate goes down a bit of extra gold as you're
[10:50:05] Talking about well back to next me. Yes first blood timer who gets it and I'll give you some if you're right
[10:50:12] Time who gets it on you
[10:50:24] You can never apply to him
[10:50:33] I'm gonna say
[10:50:37] I want to say 9-43 on Adam. Or, Adam on BB.
[10:50:45] What? 9-43, Adam solo kills BB's Kassante.
[10:51:01] You got his right chest, really?
[10:51:07] I'm throwing it out, and Nuke goes down instead, Lebron with edges in case Suza G2 can't play off that magic pick.
[10:51:14] It looks like G2 though, we're going to try and play for the void grubbs, with the reset, they sent Ash to the top side,
[10:51:20] now we're going to contest, Adam we just tp'd up to the top end, so they can't really now play.
[10:51:24] Everyone in that chat got it right, really, every single person.
[10:51:26] We're going to try and shift Ezreal up very quickly, and get some of that experience and go back onto broken blade,
[10:51:32] by ensuring that he can catch that bottom wave completely by himself.
[10:51:36] Cher is just grub, in the meantime, Jyke is owning off the hook, goes over the wall and now threatens Jyke.
[10:51:41] Can Jyke take one? Taking one with Smythe would be so great, he's on the edge.
[10:51:45] Cher is gonna wait here, Cher is gonna...
[10:51:47] And they're out, three for three in grub, so now BDS can...
[10:51:50] Match on the top side here, with an infernal dragon sitting down waiting for this.
[10:51:53] They can't look for Drake, they don't have TP on Adam though.
[10:51:56] But their bot lane is top here G2.
[10:51:58] They were never ready to be able to...
[10:52:00] I think, yo, can't get to the top man.
[10:52:02] What's up? I appreciate that I shit on...
[10:52:04] He can just rumble with top lane, but it's not up yet
[10:52:06] Instead they're like, okay, we're going to ship Rok'Vaid down
[10:52:09] He gets the wave, but out of isn't able to really get
[10:52:12] He's gotten some plates off himself because they were expecting ice to shift up towards that boy grub
[10:52:17] And now you're in a perfectly okay spot, at least to get some of that experience that Rok'Vaid
[10:52:22] The camps today just drop a refresh
[10:52:24] He's actually evened up now with Atom
[10:52:26] The biggest problem is just the gold tepuses, thanks to that early success that Atom has
[10:52:31] Ashe is going top lane
[10:52:34] I feel like BDS could contest this, but I guess because Nuke still has to catch the mid-wave and Azir can't really get involved right now.
[10:52:41] They don't want to take the risk. They'll be happy conceding it. It's not the end of the world.
[10:52:45] So, Drake a piece, Grubbs a piece.
[10:52:47] Yes, they find you have it.
[10:52:48] Lane's are even apart from, I mean, top of the solo kill, but it's Cassande, so who cares?
[10:52:53] Because Alicert hits level 6, potential dive on the cart here in the summer.
[10:52:57] I mean, you've got Adam who has his ultimate back up and available, so you see Mickey trying to trail LeBruh up towards this top side,
[10:53:02] Yeah, I mean they're gonna farm for like four or five minutes.
[10:53:10] Not as bad as it happens.
[10:53:19] They could cross map.
[10:53:20] I think it's such an awkward stage for BDS because Rumble's catching top and has ult to clear the wave.
[10:53:25] But Esur's laning against Cassante.
[10:53:32] So they can't dive Rumble for Shio's top, but also you can farm for free as well.
[10:53:38] The weird, weird, weird game-state for BDS.
[10:53:47] Kind of hard to progress the game for either sides, right?
[10:53:50] Unless they can space on Ezreal and get him top or something.
[10:54:04] 11 so keep in note that that equalizer
[10:54:06] Used to clear away if we only end up being 40 50 seconds at the absolute max at this mid game point is
[10:54:12] Again, we've said it's been a little bit slower. I think it kind of builds up the trepidation of this series and
[10:54:18] All of the fun cast the narrative stuff that we've been telling you into your ears. I hope you've absorbed it
[10:54:23] It's like it's like, you know coming from school and you got you got all this homework
[10:54:27] I will test you all we will test you if this goes to a game 5 you better believe you got a hand in your nose
[10:54:32] If you want to watch the finals you actually have to answer five questions
[10:54:35] Well to get into Munich we should do that, the audience can't get in unless they're going to do the final
[10:54:39] Haha, good one Kajal, so true
[10:54:42] Anyone say, my chat's just coming F, that's it
[10:54:45] If you have just joined us, of course, the winner of this
[10:54:48] The challenge is a lot
[10:54:49] You're so annoying
[10:54:50] Because G2, they've already locked a spot of Worlds after winning the Summer Squad
[10:54:53] I told you, this doesn't happen to the next race
[10:54:54] Which means that if they do win
[10:54:55] No one's got first batara yet either
[10:54:57] The gold's dead even, the grubs are dead even, the drakes are dead even
[10:55:00] representatives it's absolute sleepers in a team fight and that's how them get
[10:55:05] solo killed here
[10:55:09] journey flashes away the arrow is just an inch shy otherwise broken
[10:55:13] right at the blade proven right so flash traded for ghosts but yeah if BDS
[10:55:19] win that means that only the finalists will be securing a spot it
[10:55:24] at worlds alongside G2 so even a win here for BDS would not confirm that
[10:55:29] of worlds they need to win one more best of five after that in order to lock the spot
[10:55:33] the funny thing is it could be versus mad it could be first fanatic i mean this
[10:55:36] already first fanatic this herald star can't be legal mad would be funny since mad have the
[10:55:40] opportunity to go to world thanks to g2 kassan is in the first bot tower bot the gold is even
[10:55:44] up on top the solo kill doesn't matter management books he's got a tp back to the bot side
[10:55:48] where his broken blade has himself now he's just spotted now on that board ice is in the best
[10:55:51] stage for bot terror and trade okay they're gonna give it we think that g2 are being wise about
[10:55:56] this though because we look at the atomization training force fights again for nuken ice mean that
[10:56:02] g2 would very likely lose a fight the smaller isn't scaled up yet on summer isn't that strong on the
[10:56:08] ass just yet and this is a large part of why they faulted in game one trying to force fights
[10:56:13] before they were really ready to take them and knowing how strong adam is 128 and 15 is fine
[10:56:19] I think it's wise to just mind saying not that bad
[10:56:23] Stabilize the game just slow. I mean there's three tier people and they're both playing double-colon
[10:56:30] Yes, we can see the broken blade in the ice
[10:56:33] Can't beat Adam, but Adam can easily care of waves nuke demolishes cop to the sideline at the moment despite the try force
[10:56:40] Cap song very versus caps on Tristana once
[10:56:44] try to match up against Nuke in this topside because if you're able to isolate Gwarki to get
[10:56:49] chip damage on Terra, you can always play for that Terra take, then use Rift Herald on mid
[10:56:54] where Dragon spawns 50 seconds, make a very tough bridge E2 to hold on to a lot of these
[10:56:59] other turrets. That's still going. My only contest of that one is I feel like at a certain
[10:57:04] point, Smulda should ship that. Yeah, but it's while Rift Herald is playing.
[10:57:08] That's like it. In the next like 10 minutes. Yeah, I will say that I'm not really sure
[10:57:13] at one point, smolder kind of would be the corki in the one we want.
[10:57:17] It's two and a half to three items, that's where you're at this time.
[10:57:19] Guys, guys, guys.
[10:57:20] I've got about a 10 minute window here.
[10:57:22] Guys, guys, guys, I'm gonna go to see the light.
[10:57:24] I'm gonna hear this echoing in my brain.
[10:57:26] I like the conversation.
[10:57:27] Guys, guys, guys.
[10:57:28] I'm all down for chanting, but...
[10:57:30] I mean, you guys go to G2, I go to bed, and I still hear it.
[10:57:41] The hysterics is me, really.
[10:57:43] I feel like this is what they need, G2.
[10:57:45] That's from PBX.
[10:57:47] That's from PBX.
[10:57:48] They are Europe at this point.
[10:57:49] That's time PBX.
[10:57:51] La, la, la, la, la, la. I'm gonna unmute and they're gonna be finished.
[10:57:55] Hold up. Ready? And they're done now.
[10:58:07] Oi.
[10:58:08] Time dead.
[10:58:14] Not the worst for BDS.
[10:58:23] Not the worst.
[10:58:27] They are gonna lose strength in this play.
[10:58:32] Ice is back on full speed. They could try a 4v5 if they want to.
[10:58:37] It's very difficult to play this 4v5 though.
[10:58:43] I mean, the broth has flashed and ult.
[10:58:45] Oh, the S.E. ult's pretty good.
[10:58:47] Lock him in.
[10:58:49] Yeah, I mean, he's just gonna knock us down.
[10:58:51] Can he get the ult on Maka?
[10:58:53] Oh my god, ice!
[10:58:55] The lockup is massive, shield stole it!
[10:58:58] Nuke's gonna kill broken blade!
[10:59:00] Me and Mickey's dead!
[10:59:02] Holy shit, ice!
[10:59:05] That was big fight, BDS.
[10:59:17] BDS played that fight really well.
[10:59:19] It ice goes to he'll just got the W on to get behind him
[10:59:23] So it's on the conglomerate. He landed a multi-man ultimate that ice all
[10:59:27] Was so good
[10:59:29] To follow up on the engage from the rest of BDS and they're able to catch off Han summer
[10:59:35] We're sitting a second. I'm gonna be here where she too fella. She's gonna go up with the numbers advantage
[10:59:40] But look at the heat. She'll just get to W. Oh, I'm gonna look at the Q
[10:59:45] Now look at Aysa.
[10:59:46] He's dead.
[10:59:47] Q-flash from LeBron was good.
[10:59:50] Very nice from LeBron.
[10:59:53] Very nice.
[10:59:54] Very nice.
[10:59:55] Teamfight from BDS.
[10:59:57] And that could be the beginning of BDS closing out this series.
[11:00:02] I think they can see the road much like I saw the road in that teamfight.
[11:00:05] And he started walking it.
[11:00:07] Now for G2.
[11:00:10] After that fight, we have to think about the repercussions.
[11:00:13] What happens to BDS?
[11:00:14] Gold is even, Dragon did go to BDS, but importantly as well, kill over the Nuke, kill over the Ice too.
[11:00:19] And in this early game we've got two item AD carries through BDS that are now gathering power.
[11:00:25] One AD 3 on caps.
[11:00:28] Actually not the worst, it's caught up a bit.
[11:00:38] The fire is too hot, take a step back.
[11:00:45] They're the first on the objective of the last.
[11:00:47] They have the answer.
[11:00:49] G2 on the other hand,
[11:00:51] they're very reliant on Mickey connecting that CC.
[11:00:54] You can see how difficult it is to lock people down.
[11:00:56] I think people are fine.
[11:00:58] Both teams are fine. They have so much scaling.
[11:01:00] It's crazy. I think they're going to have to scale it fine.
[11:01:04] If those things are gone, then what real ways that G2
[11:01:07] to have to start a fight outside of Broken Blade may be finding a flank.
[11:01:10] It comes back to this game one scenario.
[11:01:12] The beauty of Maokai is it just makes your comp very simple and straightforward to execute.
[11:01:18] Are the stars old there or not?
[11:01:20] Great board there.
[11:01:21] Is that a visual bug?
[11:01:22] It's behind the second chapter.
[11:01:23] I set up a pick but I said just thought out that was a visual bug right?
[11:01:26] I keep looking for a thanks to single reward.
[11:01:29] That's a value now BDS.
[11:01:30] They get to push out waves, they're going to get the recess
[11:01:33] and it feels like it's just waiting until now.
[11:01:35] They go shove in mid, they start to establish vision
[11:01:37] and it's pick off G2 trying to hold onto these side lane turrets.
[11:01:41] Once you're in that position it becomes way easier than to control a g2 get to operate in the map but cops
[11:01:48] Look at those stacks 293 already. He's starting to tick up. Yeah, but he must be sitting on a lot of gold been passed
[11:02:01] Purple oh, I think it's because of the ash skin all towards our classic. No, it's not a shit
[11:02:07] It's a visual bug, but
[11:02:09] I mean if it makes you get like in that is the stunned visual animation. I'm pretty sure because oh
[11:02:18] You just a slightly bigger oh yeah, so it's harder to see maybe this have aura I
[11:02:24] Mean I think it's a visual but because I tell you because it won't end the game
[11:02:29] Yeah, I like my one better that the chosen one and then LeBrov as well with that last engage kind of the same
[11:02:37] He's mewing as the kids say.
[11:02:57] Someone in chat said, looks like they got Mildahar Eve, he must have moved it earlier.
[11:03:01] Yeah, you can see this is where BDS trying to leverage the fact that they have control of the map and have
[11:03:05] Well, specifically that mid lane turrets down because you just playing off of three man mid into setup pressure on top side
[11:03:12] And they can try to take the top tier one bus
[11:03:15] Be a G2 or doing a good job. Oh, yeah caps did have a lot of gold. He hasn't murdered man enough
[11:03:18] I think she'll be no need and then
[11:03:21] future of fun
[11:03:24] And now G2 in response trying to do a similar thing to get the dragon fight is cooking and Adam's in your top-tier one
[11:03:30] So that means BDS is going to be a bit late, which isn't ideal, but they have a lot of
[11:03:40] poke.
[11:03:41] They have a lot of face-check, you know.
[11:03:43] Maokai saplings, SGOQs, Corki Qs, you can face-check really easily.
[11:03:50] Okay, rockets.
[11:03:51] Ooh, Maokai just W'd the penta.
[11:03:56] Something's about to go down, but he doesn't want to wipe the neighbors how do they fight this G2?
[11:04:01] Did they fight this?
[11:04:03] They're onto the dragon, and they don't care if they make noise.
[11:04:06] The BDS walking in the dragon already gone. It's to a piece.
[11:04:10] BDS think about their position in this fight, but they don't pull any triggers.
[11:04:14] They'll take the wave.
[11:04:16] The dragon just goes over to G2 and BDS do not want to overforce.
[11:04:20] The game went to being even to being more even.
[11:04:23] You can see the Cassante stayed on the bottom side, it could stick around but...
[11:04:26] It's good.
[11:04:27] Yeah, I'm kind of surprised, I thought they would actually go for that, especially with like the Triforce Brox,
[11:04:31] it should be able to take it relatively quickly, but looking to set up Iron Visions instead,
[11:04:35] Asholt goes a bit wide, just trying to see if they could fish for someone off those resets.
[11:04:40] Now I see them by G2, they get to the objective first and take the dragon.
[11:04:44] Caps is continuing the scale.
[11:04:48] Um...
[11:04:49] Sorry, I don't normally eat during games, but I was still hungry.
[11:04:53] series then caps when I look across all the games that we've seen
[11:04:56] Nuka's in a great position right now on the cork heat himself. He's already broken one record today
[11:05:02] Yeah, you may be able to break another personal one if he's able to take down G2 in this best of five
[11:05:07] This is gonna go to like 40 minutes. Yeah, like the slower game really just goes to show
[11:05:13] The tension that is mounting G2 if they could win here
[11:05:16] This is going to have to think of the mental advances that they would gain
[11:05:20] given that BDS would be on the cusp of being reverse-swapped again.
[11:05:24] They would be in the fifth game and G2 would ride the momentum of winning the previous two games.
[11:05:29] However, BDS know that all they need is one more game.
[11:05:33] And they're in a good position, the cold is very even, the minimization is good.
[11:05:37] Like, they have all the tools they need to win, they just gotta win a fight.
[11:05:41] And so both teams are hyper-focused, they're locked in.
[11:05:44] These are the type of games where you see them.
[11:05:46] that attention to detail a single mistake is all I could do in this
[11:05:50] be it's a good line could be that but it could be a ruse as well we question
[11:05:55] with a headbutt that disengages the fight and caps comes on in now with
[11:05:58] his executors mum flies in as well one cue LeBron knows and has to flash away
[11:06:03] good poke that comes through from you can ice on the back and the key to
[11:06:07] wince unless caps running into the gauge tool from BDS
[11:06:11] I'm sure he's gonna be in the back end Adam.
[11:06:13] Hand flash available with capses out of range.
[11:06:15] He's low, he has the baron but he has TP.
[11:06:17] That was huge from Ice and Adam.
[11:06:20] G2 were immediately starting to have that baron knowing that LeBron had no ult.
[11:06:24] No flash, little to add to the engage tools.
[11:06:27] So the fact that they managed to push caps back buys the space that BDS needs to show G2 away.
[11:06:32] Keep your eyes on the mini-map here.
[11:06:34] Notice that Luke immediately pings out the bottom wave.
[11:06:36] Knowing after the chaos of topside sees the wave, wants to push it in, may even secure this tower.
[11:06:40] He's very close to level 16. A nice upgrade to his ultimate would be a lovely boon to have.
[11:06:47] Recognize that the rest of my team is resetting, I can't afford to overstay, so I'm now going to go back to base.
[11:06:53] You do one with Mitteron, but they're not going to get it.
[11:06:55] It ain't happening.
[11:06:56] It should be in a very good spot off the back of this.
[11:06:58] Yeah, it's going to come down to the dragon fight.
[11:07:00] I'm going to have a feeling that dragon fight is going to go over to a team without anyone fighting.
[11:07:06] the hex tech portals in this fourth game like these chunks come you're
[11:07:12] William that's against anybody
[11:07:13] something with this kind of rift it doesn't be as much as I normally would
[11:07:16] absolute order is engaged you're crazy wait for our support to come back out
[11:07:19] and they're out with it thank you mr. order more second so it changes the
[11:07:24] whole dynamic of the game here as we start approaching potential third dragon
[11:07:29] for either of these teams one minute 40 until that Baron of course watered
[11:07:31] by both as G2 go and clear that control G2 have a very fast baron so
[11:07:35] Like Baron is so quick for G2. Desire with double AD carry melts it.
[11:07:53] I'm minion ready, really. You're thinking about it.
[11:08:05] to give any space
[11:08:12] waiting for that
[11:08:13] that was supposed to be like a dramatic pause, you know
[11:08:14] but, but yeah, I can't feel it, but you're not wrong
[11:08:19] 45 seconds until the next dragon
[11:08:22] the attention turns towards the waves, caps level 16 on the horizon
[11:08:26] will it be able to get it off this wave, he's gonna save for another
[11:08:29] this means that BDS is first
[11:08:31] are you viewbotting?
[11:08:32] yeah I am, watch this
[11:08:33] for a deal ward, a little dangerous going this far in but he's able to do it unscathed alright
[11:08:40] he's gonna go for another one and you'll get it great vision now for LeBrov means that
[11:08:45] there's the potential for flank TPs from both Nuke and Adam should they so see it cap saying
[11:08:51] you know what screw it we'll concede all control over the bot side and I'll trade
[11:08:54] this run out of tower level 16 is secured I wonder if he has the gold to buy it
[11:08:59] Upgrades oh my god, it's true
[11:09:10] Man Corp the s real are omega spiking this moulder looks like he's okay, so I'm a fire from the base. Okay
[11:09:29] It's the blood dead.
[11:09:38] They're going straight to Baron.
[11:09:41] They can't kill Baron.
[11:09:46] That's a big soul point for G2.
[11:09:59] They could cook here a bit BDS if they want. Nuke's TP's in 20 though, so hard. Hard, hard, hard.
[11:10:09] 999!
[11:10:16] A THOUSAND!
[11:10:20] They're gonna force Baron, it's 1.
[11:10:26] Hmm.
[11:10:29] I try to zone off your eye kids remember the wall. He has hex gates and hex gates are a few
[11:10:33] I think we got a timer on it as well G2 run on it and BDS are trying to flip this game
[11:10:38] Give themselves a match point to remember Vicky jumps on in the zone control huge from chairs
[11:10:42] They go for the Baron they take it down while the broad sacrifices like he has to get zoned away
[11:10:48] Or most eyes as four barrens up and available counts it down as BDS run for their lives
[11:10:54] The smolder mum gets some damage down his eyes, he's in the front line but I get the way
[11:10:59] He kept getting his E up there
[11:11:00] He can't get any more kills
[11:11:01] Spam cubes to get his E up
[11:11:02] Oh he pushed B forward there
[11:11:04] BDS with a great read of the map
[11:11:07] Really nice by BES
[11:11:08] Recognize that Caps doesn't have the HP to stick on the fight
[11:11:10] Even if he dies
[11:11:11] Really nice, they kept track of smolder TP there
[11:11:13] But he ends up going back to base
[11:11:14] And then he starts to block everything with Maokai ult
[11:11:16] The prof soaks up so much
[11:11:18] And the prof lost everything
[11:11:19] Maokai ulted in the prof
[11:11:20] Good death
[11:11:22] To allow them to secure the objective
[11:11:23] And initially this play looks slow, but BDS are able to make it.
[11:11:26] All he does is ult, the ash arrow, and looks at Zyra.
[11:11:34] God's work.
[11:11:37] Good Baron, actually good Baron, look at ice as well.
[11:11:39] E spam's Q spam hits, very good.
[11:11:42] Get the E up quicker.
[11:11:44] Standing gold, botzer one, nice.
[11:11:53] You kind of look at the gold and it hasn't given a huge swing in the favor of BDS
[11:11:57] But it's gotten their carry slightly closer to completing that fourth item. I stopped cats in base. That's usually the reason they got the baron in
[11:12:05] Yes, they've set themselves up to start sieging if nothing else
[11:12:08] They do have great poke especially with the rumble ultimate sieging onto these towers is going to be very effective
[11:12:13] The wave clear I think with smaller is solid from g2, but I would argue if it's enough to weather the pressure
[11:12:19] The Baron's good. They're gonna play for top tier 2 here at BDS. Orc is gonna go top, they're gonna fight my red buff as he'll take mid wave.
[11:12:30] Can G2 go for bot tier 2?
[11:12:34] Maybe not.
[11:12:37] There's pings on this tower are crazy.
[11:12:43] They're gonna try and flash in on mid, they don't have flash on mid.
[11:12:45] All they have to do is bust mid wave and clear it while Corky pushes and it's not getting gaged on.
[11:12:50] All he needs to do is just not getting gaged on.
[11:12:53] BDS I'm sure would have loved to have moved that pressure into the top side jungle.
[11:12:57] If he's going to be first onto that tower, Broken Blade is going to be the one to respond.
[11:13:01] Decided not to overstay his welcome.
[11:13:03] So yeah, really, BDS didn't get the huge amount of the back of the dragon.
[11:13:07] It's more so an objective that they've taken off the map.
[11:13:09] And this game is going to come down to the dragon, hysterics.
[11:13:12] It's gonna be about that soul. It's gonna likely be about the elder as well
[11:13:16] And a single fight is likely what's gonna determine this game
[11:13:18] 30 seconds to get that push in order and give yourself a bit of pressure to move into the dragon dragon is also up in a minute
[11:13:24] 32 is BDS on the top. There's small timing window with the banshee bail bait down that BDS need to try and play for
[11:13:30] BDS need to get mid pushing the bot now
[11:13:32] with nukes rockets to just get that then it's beyond this wave
[11:13:35] and maybe you can look for engage maybe you can look for something but as long as you like has that tool available
[11:13:40] They're basing on a way to the interview, I think
[11:13:48] As you have surreal doesn't base for what's happening
[11:14:09] 40 seconds on Drake, he's there 10 seconds late
[11:14:12] real objective on the map to uh for g2 to play for they'll be able to get some vision control but
[11:14:18] again there's no baron available the dragon is still 30 seconds away and the brawl will be up in
[11:14:22] time you already mentioned the hex gates those are available to help him get back into the space
[11:14:26] it's just about that control yeah hex gates rop he should be there all right this is where the
[11:14:30] game really starts to ramp up now we're locked in now this is where it really starts to happen
[11:14:33] 30 minutes later i mean he's got a shield he feels comfortable he has no stopwatch what
[11:14:37] What's in you?
[11:14:41] Uh-oh, uh-oh, Kasampi!
[11:14:43] Oh, triple knocker!
[11:14:45] And he got Corky!
[11:14:47] Corky's dead, mega dead Corky.
[11:14:50] Mega dead.
[11:14:53] It's over. It's a game five. I knew this was going to be five. I knew it.
[11:14:57] I knew this would be five.
[11:14:59] They're here again. Another reverse sweep. Oh my god.
[11:15:10] Not another reverse sweep. No way, BDS.
[11:15:13] No way BDS caught another one.
[11:15:32] Come on, they didn't have vision there, did they?
[11:15:35] Yeah, why is he walking?
[11:15:41] Why don't teams go through boats?
[11:15:45] Maybe they need this person on mid wave like rumble and it somehow goes through here, I don't know.
[11:16:02] Well, Hextech Dragon is pretty much...
[11:16:05] Hextech Soul rather is pretty much GG, but I mean Astral is strong, Corky is strong.
[11:16:10] It's just smolder ash sira. Oh my god. It's so annoying the plans of Hex that's all
[11:16:31] Trying to get mid control initially Adam playing off towards the side hiding there
[11:16:35] See if you maybe can get a big equalizer
[11:16:36] But by making some good vision cops again pushing in that topside cream pressure on the map the BDS
[11:16:42] Have to respond to have to do something
[11:16:45] Owah, owah, owah, owah, owah, owah
[11:16:47] He just walks up with no fear
[11:16:48] All the flash threats line hour goes into the probe, it's an okay start
[11:16:51] You see it's missing a few skill shots here
[11:16:53] Oh my god, he missed three Q's in the road, yes, real
[11:16:56] And no step
[11:16:58] And hit around
[11:17:00] Another Q missed
[11:17:02] Another Q missed, oh hit it
[11:17:04] We're going to fight
[11:17:08] We're getting that from this. I think G2 can't lose this one.
[11:17:13] Their scaling is crazy.
[11:17:16] Crazy scaling.
[11:17:30] Probably not.
[11:17:34] Well, he's dead now, but no, he's not dead.
[11:17:51] Ice was taking their red.
[11:18:01] Absolutely red.
[11:18:04] like they've just shut down those embers maybe they can stall six item and play
[11:18:08] for the elder fight maybe now I start to push in looks too hot
[11:18:14] tension
[11:18:16] converted into so much pressure for BDS it's broken blade exerting it all I
[11:18:20] missed what is used here look miss it walks up ice is immediately forced to
[11:18:24] treat look at new from the bottom side of your map miss I get trying to zone
[11:18:27] him away Mickey turns his attention good damage comes out and he's able
[11:18:32] miss
[11:18:35] It wouldn't change the fight but if Ezreal misses the Q's like it obviously slows down his Q's coming back up
[11:18:45] He needs Q's to keep landing, keep up the dead
[11:18:47] the entire time there's nothing the bts you can say the pressure to get into the
[11:18:50] mind is what's that fight of ice hitting one two out of seven like it really
[11:18:54] shows the game state it shows you how bts again another game five
[11:19:01] another game five i want to see adam garen do it
[11:19:07] also maybe taking kasante would be a good idea because i swear bb is just
[11:19:10] playing kasante playing front line and he just seems so comfortable as well
[11:19:13] after what started as a clean series, a brilliant start of the series as well.
[11:19:19] BDS now fishing, looking for anything they can get top, while their bottom lane is broken.
[11:19:24] You can see after game two, it was all smalls for BDS going back to the stage.
[11:19:28] I think Assante is covering off a lot of the ream misses broken behind the first few games.
[11:19:31] The last thing that looked good was that potential game number five, one that has
[11:19:34] not looked good for them over the course of the organization's history.
[11:19:39] They managed to find one win in that game five this summer playoffs,
[11:19:43] but it was not against the team team and it was not in a position like this
[11:19:47] it's BDS this is dire straits I'm done eating we're locked in for the next four hours
[11:19:56] buy a bit of space I don't really see how an engage can happen here but broken plate will
[11:20:00] not be perturbed Mark right is he dead here he is right
[11:20:07] there's nothing they can do they're so outscaled Cassante is unkillable and they have
[11:20:11] They have PXXL and they are smaller with 4 on the stacks.
[11:20:20] It's over.
[11:20:24] Oh my god.
[11:20:25] I hope for BDSZ that they win the next game, because otherwise this is a mental...
[11:20:29] Ups.
[11:20:29] I mean, it's a horrible way to lose that.
[11:20:33] Third reverse sweep in 2 years.
[11:20:41] nothing the BDS can do. They just have to watch as their base falls apart. G2 continue
[11:20:48] to fish for hooks, they continue to look for picks.
[11:20:51] Adam is playing like this. Look at Adam's cam if you can see it. He is fucking chilling.
[11:20:57] He is absolutely leaned all the way back.
[11:21:01] But a band next to the nature's graph G2
[11:21:04] Flex once more, but then go back on the counter attack good flips away as the minions
[11:21:09] I counted in
[11:21:12] This was a much better game by Mickey
[11:21:19] Much better game by Mickey
[11:21:21] Of course it's game five of course it's game five
[11:21:25] It was bro. Of course. It's destiny bro. I destined to happen
[11:21:29] a 2-0 lead for BDS destined to happen but they found themselves in that position before
[11:21:38] off the game three and bro just take a straight to game five closing that series bringing us the
[11:21:43] game five we're gonna go to a break but don't go anywhere because game five is coming your way
[11:21:51] then then then then then then then i think we have a feeling i think we all have
[11:22:07] the same thing about what might happen in this game 5.
[11:22:09] It's G2 just gonna stomp them.
[11:22:11] Oh, Jaren, just put this in the kitchen and you'll be real quick.
[11:22:28] One second.
[11:22:29] And then let's lock in.
[11:22:31] You just tweet what they're tweeting.
[11:25:50] I ate too quick.
[11:25:51] 3DS when they're 2-0 upper.
[11:26:33] Check Choby's solo queue account.
[11:26:35] Yeah, he's playing Garen.
[11:26:48] Choby's playing Garen in solo queue.
[11:26:56] If G2 wins, Mad and Fennec lock worlds.
[11:27:00] And that's the world teams.
[11:27:02] If BDS wins, only the people who are in the Final Talk world.
[11:27:29] True.
[11:27:32] is the one where you need to close it out because it's so much easier to go up to O
[11:27:37] because there's a lot less pressure in that sense even though you're facing the wall that is G2
[11:27:41] True!
[11:27:42] plenty of times before for me when it we went to two
[11:27:44] Are you locked in for game five?
[11:27:45] Bro, I'm...
[11:27:46] It's kind of shiny
[11:27:47] You know, you need to close it out
[11:27:48] You need to put on your best performance to get the team that is playing with the back against the wall
[11:27:51] and a lot of times the teams end up faltering
[11:27:54] And on the other side, Broxa, you could look at it as we did at the beginning of the day
[11:27:57] you know when I also asked you when it came to much point is your blast half full
[11:28:01] or is it half empty and I know that we're very inclined to say it is so empty and I'm so thirsty
[11:28:07] Bruxah but for BDS you know and on the other hand you have this one chance now and now there is
[11:28:13] really no ifs, buts or maybes there are no excuses there is nothing you can go for this is over for
[11:28:20] you 11 of the series is pretty good in the last game. Mechanically it's been pretty bad
[11:28:26] Micro-wise it's been fun. Mechanically there's been some silly mistakes.
[11:28:33] Silly, silly, silly. Goodbye, KTroll.
[11:28:48] Why are you deciding Game 5 of BDSG to rewatch G2 FENIC?
[11:28:56] What are you talking about?
[11:29:00] Why are you doing that now, of all times?
[11:29:04] on a look at it medic from the side of a g2 a g2 that is sovereignly leading
[11:29:09] europe and has done for a very long time that was with their backs against the
[11:29:13] wall of that match point and realized again we're not gonna win all that we
[11:29:16] are one team reason to join all of our fans in munich who've already bought
[11:29:20] tickets probably and already bought their transportation oh yeah what if
[11:29:23] you're a g2 fan and you bought tickets in munich and then lose this next
[11:29:27] game. Oh my god. Oh, shit! We're in no team region.
[11:29:42] I live in Munich and I bought tickets. Did you buy tickets? Because you want to see
[11:29:49] G2?
[11:29:50] strike someone can struggle and the other team other parts of the team step up
[11:29:54] and I think we continue to see that and I think a lot of credit has to be given to
[11:29:57] their coaching staff for that as well Dylan Falco and Duffman were on euphoria
[11:30:00] this week talking about they have multiple people fulfilling multiple roles
[11:30:04] and even crossing over the roles to make sure that they don't have gaps in
[11:30:09] their knowledge and their team exemplifies that. Absolutely, Odo quantify it for me then
[11:30:13] because for G2 something is working. The study still have those worlds tickets.
[11:30:16] We talked about how BDS is going for the shut up over and over so how has G2 I think I just hope
[11:30:23] Do you think BDS picks blue sides?
[11:30:26] Man, I really think they should have picked blue side last game like I said picking blue side now is so risky
[11:30:31] They realized that all of these scrimmages that happened in the early game are not really working out in their favor
[11:30:35] Mickey went from you know seven deaths in the first game to like now three and finding great engages
[11:30:39] That's great finding great engages
[11:30:41] They picked red? Okay, I don't see that
[11:30:43] performance and that's just because they realize that if the game slows down their fundamentals are better their maps it up is
[11:30:49] Better the way they just
[11:30:53] Synergize so good in the teamfights have been going up
[11:30:55] So I think this is what they have been doing and this is the core thing that made them so good this year
[11:30:59] And I think a huge difference that we've seen from G2 is in the summer finals against
[11:31:03] For five years I've tried to see caps live in a final but then finally I got tickets this year if caps doesn't make it
[11:31:08] I'll be heartbroken. Holy fuck man. I hope they win for your sake Jesus
[11:31:13] And so by slowing the tempo Jesus and then good
[11:31:18] Can then play to their current strength
[11:31:23] G2 all come on stage in the same time
[11:31:28] This we already said before three twos the two rivers where's where's Mickey at
[11:31:35] They were never able to kind of stop the motions, you know, whenever they started losing the game
[11:31:41] and that is also diamond because that speaks to their momentum
[11:31:44] and you both as competitors it is probably the hardest thing to overcome
[11:31:49] I mean you are in the shoes of losing to g2 over and over and over until you did it right
[11:31:54] so what advice can you give bds well I think both me and all of us have been in
[11:31:59] situations in the past where it felt like we had a curse that needed to be broken and
[11:32:04] eventually all of bds is back in the same way that's one more game if bds lose their
[11:32:08] year is over if G2 lose they are still locked in world you actually believe
[11:32:23] BDS will win game 5 really do you aware I believed I think you know I think they
[11:32:38] I should put Adam on Ornn and just play the scale.
[11:32:51] Do you have a prediction?
[11:32:53] I'll do it after draft.
[11:32:54] I'll pick a little bit more for late game, I'll say.
[11:32:56] Okay, who wins game 5, Medic?
[11:32:58] I'm a BDS Ambassador, so I'm gonna say BDS.
[11:33:00] Okay, Broxa?
[11:33:02] I wanna say BDS. I'm gonna go with BDS.
[11:33:10] What?
[11:33:12] What? G2 is in a stomp then.
[11:33:14] We have Mr. Ambassador over here, he's inspired me so much, so I would go for a BDS win,
[11:33:18] just so we don't have another G2 final, so we need a new champion in Europe.
[11:33:22] Nice.
[11:33:24] You know, I know more than enough about Jinx's that I'm not gonna give my opinion about this because they did that for me
[11:33:30] But what a base but I do think G2 is about to blast him back
[11:33:33] Your season is over. You are blessed him to January 2025
[11:33:36] If you cannot win this game five and G2 will you really let your fans down and not make it to Munich next week?
[11:33:43] Let's find out all those tickets that people bought in advance thinking G2 is a sure thing
[11:33:50] Is it really we talk about momentum G2 obviously have that in their favor going into this game
[11:33:55] Yeah, that's oil up into game five.
[11:33:56] Anything's up for grabs here.
[11:33:58] One final game to decide it.
[11:34:00] One moment.
[11:34:01] I'm spaghetti.
[11:34:02] Yeah.
[11:34:05] We're going to walk you through it, because drafting
[11:34:07] was something those guys down there talked about quite
[11:34:09] a lot considering that.
[11:34:10] I feel like the drafts have been both interesting,
[11:34:12] but the dynamic that's evolved in the series,
[11:34:16] especially with this Ash pick as a prize.
[11:34:17] Where's my silver scraper?
[11:34:18] Screw you, Jacob.
[11:34:19] And what gets picked up in early jungle.
[11:34:22] I think that's where we can at least start.
[11:34:23] I mean, I agree a lot with Otto's point about Adam's pins.
[11:34:27] What does BDS have for game five?
[11:34:29] What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?
[11:34:31] Oh, they're laughing at least. That's good.
[11:34:33] Now, admittedly, again, I'll reinforce in game three.
[11:34:36] The bot side of the map was collapsing
[11:34:37] before he really had an opportunity to do anything.
[11:34:40] But I really want to see BDS really make use of this fifth counter pick
[11:34:46] of this last pick.
[11:34:47] So, Rell-Ban, to give him an advantage.
[11:34:49] And then, what was the next ban chat from BDS?
[11:34:51] What is the band last time?
[11:34:53] They are banning Braum and BDS Ban Draven right?
[11:34:56] Or something?
[11:34:57] Or they ban Tristana, you will try Tristana.
[11:34:59] Quar key band game 5.
[11:35:01] They banned Quar key themselves.
[11:35:03] So what does that...
[11:35:05] Where are they going with their team?
[11:35:07] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:09] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:11] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:13] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:15] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:17] They banned Tristana.
[11:35:19] Where are they going with it?
[11:35:21] We shoot, we shoot, this is Ash first pick, right?
[11:35:24] Yeah, this is Ash first pick.
[11:35:25] It's been so strong.
[11:35:26] Surely they do Ashe real Malkai then, right?
[11:35:28] Ashe first pick, Ashe real Malkai.
[11:35:30] There's no way that this, like, because you can't afford to give nice Ashe.
[11:35:33] And it's proven how strong just the champion is in this series for Stanna.
[11:35:37] I mean Ezreal is going to be higher priority of course.
[11:35:40] Ashe real Malkai.
[11:35:41] So basically that priority shifted where they clearly wanted to go.
[11:35:44] So they haven't gone off-route so much, but they dropped the core key.
[11:35:47] What did G2 do last game here?
[11:35:49] They did not list...
[11:35:56] Oh yeah, they did not list Smulder.
[11:36:00] But they can't really pick Smulder now.
[11:36:03] But G2 can't pick Corky either.
[11:36:07] Okay.
[11:36:08] They can't go for smolder because the corki band stops the smolder counter
[11:36:19] They're gonna go for the Cassante. Yeah, I think the Cassante is so strong for BB. It's so strong for BB that Cassante pick
[11:36:29] I think BDS try to set up for a Casio
[11:36:32] They can now send the Casio P into the top side if they want to up against the side tape
[11:36:36] No, they won't pick Casio
[11:36:40] Rakan, yeah
[11:36:42] This is why they did it
[11:36:44] They wanted to get the Rakan back full abroad
[11:36:47] It was denied for them in the second phase of bands and they just didn't want to pick mid lane here at all
[11:36:52] Hmm, just don't pick Rumble Adam, please
[11:36:55] The counter pick becomes clear. It's new. There's gonna be given that option
[11:36:58] We're gonna see we may see tank versus tank on the top side of the map
[11:37:02] We may see Adam default back to that but now BDS have a little bit more flexibility rather running double-a to carry
[11:37:07] They can look to lock in a mage
[11:37:12] Yeah, they could ban Ivan's edge
[11:37:15] Sejuani and Ivan likely to be taken away. They can ban our tops for Kasanti
[11:37:22] Given that so far this series Yike really hasn't gone for this Sejuani going for both the brand and the Zyra ahead of me
[11:37:27] And also, I think I tried to force...
[11:37:30] ...Ultra Great Zyra or Sedge.
[11:37:32] ...who all caps into that Mage battle.
[11:37:34] Can't work and actually relative...
[11:37:35] Are they gonna ban Garen next? Oh, they did ban Zyra.
[11:37:37] So, Sedge is up.
[11:37:38] Are they gonna ban Garen?
[11:37:39] ...the Lucian he's looked great on.
[11:37:41] So, I think there's one...
[11:37:42] I feel like... What is Nuke playing this game in Game 5?
[11:37:44] ...he can still go, Fran.
[11:37:46] ...getting counterpick.
[11:37:47] ...but I think just trying to guess...
[11:37:49] ...caps onto...
[11:37:50] They could flex S.R. mid and play Zyra, but...
[11:37:52] ...I'm just curious you can't...
[11:37:53] ...shittin' to Ash.
[11:37:54] a priority on things like the Tristan of the...
[11:37:56] What does cap spline pick mid?
[11:38:01] Lucian ban is good. Lucian ban is good.
[11:38:04] You know what I would like here from BDS? I would like GP on 4.
[11:38:08] Into Ash, Nautilus, Cassante.
[11:38:10] Feels pretty good now.
[11:38:19] It's a very dumb one pick, or a gen G pick.
[11:38:23] Picking something like GP.
[11:38:26] But I don't know if I'm gonna play it. Mundo? That's probably over here.
[11:38:37] I don't know what Caps is blinding. They're probably gonna play Sejuani, Brand or Lilia.
[11:38:42] I've probably Sejuani or Brand. And then I guess Caps is gonna pick Cristana, isn't he?
[11:38:47] It's gonna be Brand, Trist, or Sejuani, Caps, or Caps here, isn't it?
[11:38:56] Once again that kind of scaling late game, but then what about the counter picks a new potentially bring out? I knew it
[11:39:00] It's last because you
[11:39:04] Actually BDS can play a last because you're here. It's just half the double hyper scaling 80 carries double infinity last because you it's gonna happen
[11:39:11] They know it the border reminders. Oh
[11:39:14] I like it a lot more. Yes. I think this is it. That's why they didn't last victim in
[11:39:19] It's yummy. It's tasty
[11:39:21] Alright chat. I'm gonna run ads. If you want to avoid them you can sub with a free twitch prime or use your tier one. You can also press call on the stream. I really appreciate any photos. Alright let's get into it.
[11:39:31] Final game. They're quite AP heavy but I think it's the right call.
[11:39:41] I think it's the right call. I still prefer G2's combo. I think the Cassante does so much work in this game.
[11:39:51] And I think the Cassandra does so much 17 games paid under the 65% win rates on the pick overall in his career
[11:39:58] It has been something that he's gone back towards numerous times and sets up well for what such big comfort
[11:40:04] Which is find these pigs go for this kind of all-in jump in on to a single target. It's got the open by that space
[11:40:10] It's great. You got such big comfort for you to Tristana Tristana
[11:40:13] It's going to be a case you can perform once more. He has been the standout performer alongside ice for this squad
[11:40:21] And now he just needs to find that performance
[11:40:25] This is a very pds draft
[11:40:29] They fairly said we have to double down on comfort. It's what helped us secure the first two games
[11:40:34] They also diversified their damage portfolio more than what they've shown in the series
[11:40:39] It's not a double lady carries
[11:40:42] I mean I think you do have an AP carry carry the both scale very well into the late game
[11:40:48] If they can't win with this like this is really the best that they have to offer
[11:40:51] This is the best version of themselves, and they're putting it all on the line against you to game five everything on the line
[11:40:58] Both teams want to win both teams want to make it to Munich
[11:41:03] And it's all gonna come down to this the funny thing is all we're missing is the jinx for rice
[11:41:07] But we'll have to see how the test against that Jinx instead as you roll on into game number five
[11:41:12] BDS already setting up. I don't know the wall here. They potentially collapse onto Mickey here. They're going for a cheeky level one
[11:41:20] Mickey saw the Mundo though as you said Mickey saw the Mundo
[11:41:26] Oh, Hans, mama
[11:41:33] Uh-oh, this is not good for BDS nowhere, they're gonna lose the game number one
[11:41:37] We bro Adam isn't happy already has caps on him with rocket. I'm gonna get this flash
[11:41:41] I have to flash if I want to go for it. Are you see you out with the problem? Oh, yeah
[11:41:46] Yeah, yeah, yeah
[11:41:48] Yeah, yeah
[11:41:49] G2 spent none just a couple more seconds and Bravo to have that grand entrance open again
[11:41:55] But not quite the case has to burn the heel to get away from the slows from Han Sama
[11:41:59] So some flashes burnt as BDS getting burned by that level and ambitious invade against an ash
[11:42:06] They thought that they had fought on summer isolated, but G2 were quick to collapse
[11:42:11] Losing those summoners already puts that pressure and this is the biggest thing the mental pressure for BDS game 5
[11:42:17] They found themselves in this situation so many times before the analysts believe in them to be able to overcome that
[11:42:24] No flash window will it be punished?
[11:42:26] But they're gonna have to kill one Rakan's not a big deal because I don't think they get bot pushed no matter what anyway
[11:42:32] Like Ash Mortyless is so strong
[11:42:34] Maybe they get bot push level 1 now though. They were way earlier on the wave.
[11:42:43] Oh, the timing on the level 2 perhaps.
[11:42:47] Did he get a ward or something? Is he level 2 on the first wave?
[11:42:54] They level up. Nice trading.
[11:42:58] A bit late on the 9 there from G2 I think. Why were they late? Did one of them base or something?
[11:43:04] Because I think a couple more of those mystic shots would have spelled disaster for him, but
[11:43:07] We'll be able to hold on to those similar spells will be the push as that will tune a hit Mickey
[11:43:15] He's dead mega play by Mickey ice needs to flash that flash hook mega play by Mickey
[11:43:26] It's it's it's you can feel it it's happening on to ice the cleanse offered no real value in that situation
[11:43:34] Oh my god!
[11:43:43] Captain's gonna have to flash as well, if Shio flashes.
[11:43:46] Maybe. Nah, he doesn't know where Jungle is, Shrodingh can't chase if Shio.
[11:43:58] If Capsa jumps, Nuke's dead.
[11:44:00] Levels up on the mini though. Nice on the range.
[11:44:02] stillness the guy who never got a base here for BDS but Mickey wants to cancel it so
[11:44:08] bad. He's like me for real.
[11:44:21] The wave is horrendous. He needs his jungler, but his jungler's on crugs.
[11:44:51] I think Nicky doing a smart thing of just moving away from the bot side of the map looking to try and impact the fact that doesn't want to stop in his camp.
[11:45:00] Is it done? No, it's not done yet, but it's really rough for BDS.
[11:45:03] I think it's set up. At least a combo.
[11:45:05] Yeah, he taps it in here.
[11:45:07] It's a one-for-one so far in terms of trading, but Nuke wins out in the end.
[11:45:10] He does. Nice trades from Nuke. You see how deadly this Casio can be in extended exchange.
[11:45:15] Now the Robb in contrast to Nicky looking to do the same.
[11:45:19] I'm just trying to catch up in camps, he's behind, he's like fuck you can't hover mid, he needs to clear
[11:45:28] Probably dead there, but Niki didn't have ignite actually
[11:45:31] The growth could probably make it in time
[11:45:34] Awawa, awawa, awawa, awawa, awawa
[11:45:39] Caps is low
[11:45:45] Nuki just push out and base, and just relax
[11:45:49] Don't overcomplicate it, don't overcook anymore, just push that wave, base, now, Mickey's in a freeze hit, maybe we can stop it.
[11:46:01] Fine, that's a crash.
[11:46:04] Good.
[11:46:19] So curious to see where dragons bond and those the boycrups about to come up
[11:46:23] You give me spank half of action is here for yike. You've also got a push the bottom side to dragon
[11:46:28] Just quickly off rip could be something watching LCS. Yeah, we're watching LCS after the series
[11:46:33] Levering those dragons has been great in the early stages of game three and four to get these leads that begin
[11:46:39] Then utilizing the mid game
[11:46:40] It's elimination vestive. What a sad story being six minutes in grubs now spawn once again LeBrov does not like bottom lane
[11:46:49] He's allergic to it. He says you should just leave the stream on and put sleeping till kpt one
[11:46:55] And then they're banging on
[11:46:58] G2 now they feel comfortable with caps hitting level six first moving down for this first dragon of again
[11:47:05] Look about that early dragon priority going to be the secure foot g2
[11:47:09] Level six are starting to come through
[11:47:12] Which means that with these ultimate
[11:47:15] These horses
[11:47:17] Yeah, it's horrible for BDS. First blood bot lane sucks but you lost streak and now you're going to lose grubs as well.
[11:47:30] It is not good at all BDS, it's a rough ball none.
[11:47:47] Yeah, they got dragon and now they're getting three grubs
[11:47:50] I'm confessing to show you behind. I mean you took the words right out of my mouth is out of now and a bit of danger
[11:47:55] Yeah, the game jungle advantage is going heavily in favor of yike. Sheo
[11:48:00] Sheo surprisingly afraid to contest in this other game. You look at like who's stronger
[11:48:04] These are the levels okay, so go for a dive up the grass is forced to concede
[11:48:08] But the problem is you can't think BDS needs to swap on the next scrubs for the game G2 showed you in game three
[11:48:15] I do strike I guess
[11:48:34] Pain do they have and they're playing on a local tournament run, right? So they're probably zero pain. Yeah, they are zero pain
[11:48:39] I'm saying probably you have zero pain
[11:48:45] that's the difference right now I have to say we came into this series being a bit
[11:48:49] wary of y'all I think from season finals in the summer as well we're
[11:48:53] thinking performance is going to be an arrow
[11:48:55] pauses me and hits! is he dead?
[11:48:58] oh clean by caps
[11:49:00] uh-oh uh-oh the cracks the cracks the cracks
[11:49:05] BDS are cracking
[11:49:07] the coordination the execution we've been seeing these arrows come through
[11:49:11] How are G2 getting away with it all the time?
[11:49:16] They're not going to get away with anything like this in Worlds.
[11:49:41] The finals, the qualification best of fives, the Munich season finals, they're getting
[11:49:50] away with too much, it's crazy.
[11:49:53] Even if he eases over a Zerry wall and gets picked out, Caps is always strong in these games, and once again, he's not the only member as we look towards top lane. Adam is just going to be popped back and broke blade tech turret shot while Shere has to hover again.
[11:50:08] I think it's slowed here, that's the flash
[11:50:10] Oh the move, he stands
[11:50:12] Oh, thank you
[11:50:17] Good save on the flash there by Nuke
[11:50:20] He's gonna need that
[11:50:22] Now they're gonna push out bottom swap or something
[11:50:26] Is there any kind of swap here?
[11:50:28] Or the grub?
[11:50:32] Cassio needs boots, really
[11:50:40] You can see advantage is starting to build a jungle mid and ball
[11:50:43] But that's the thing every game the G2 of one it has been them getting firm control in the early stage of the game
[11:50:49] And right now we're seeing a very similar story is ice wants to trade against cops has
[11:50:56] Bro caps is the buffer king the bro flash now down
[11:51:01] Caps just waiting for the wave to come in. Is there any dent that caps can't buffer out?
[11:51:05] That's the real question. He's a panel leader
[11:51:07] I get it couldn't buffer my mouth
[11:51:12] again many teams try to lock this man down on the Tristana and a fail to do
[11:51:16] so now Mickey it's are we in season one Ash mid the mid lane and out down bot
[11:51:23] he doesn't have TP
[11:51:25] Ash ulti and TP in the top of the video
[11:51:27] TP revive right there
[11:51:29] there are viewers that have no idea what I'm talking about
[11:51:33] Isn't it crazy and and people don't remember revive like that's also
[11:51:53] Adam to stay healthy enough
[11:51:55] This topside their positioning because you can see grubs. I've now spawned yet again
[11:51:59] G2 have picked up all the objectives this game and handsome is still bought
[11:52:03] I mean if this is only equating up to three groups that have already been taken by G2
[11:52:07] you're happy because G2, they have Hansam pushing in a bot, they're gonna be totally fine
[11:52:12] as I say that Nuke gets some nice poke on to Hansam on bot. You can't really push up
[11:52:16] and they even look for potential dive here. Yeah dive is a bit tricky.
[11:52:21] Nike here as well. That's a lot of damage that can come out very quickly.
[11:52:24] I think Drake is quite easy to secure here.
[11:52:27] Kind of impossible for BDS to fight before like two or three items at least with Cassius
[11:52:33] for Santa.
[11:52:35] Oh, maybe. Close.
[11:52:37] G2 just going to maintain this lead.
[11:52:39] Two Drake's.
[11:52:41] Chemtexal is not the best, but
[11:52:43] Chemtexal will be nice for BDS
[11:52:45] with Marcai and Rakan.
[11:52:47] Cast your Mundo.
[11:52:49] I think BDS is just going to
[11:52:51] bleed out.
[11:52:53] I think he's going to
[11:52:55] bleed out.
[11:52:57] I think he's going to
[11:52:59] bleed out.
[11:53:01] is just gonna bleed out I mean they do need a lot of gold just G2E to make
[11:53:06] mistakes if you know Tristana Ashe get caught and they get some kills and get
[11:53:11] a tier one then BDS is fine but I don't think it's happening
[11:53:19] hmm Adam STP could try this grub start the branch is gonna walk up to him and
[11:53:25] hit him like unironically it's that simple
[11:53:28] Let me make a pick on Teyay.
[11:53:33] Oh my god! Oh my god!
[11:53:35] He just got taken to Narnia!
[11:53:39] Oh my god.
[11:53:53] Yes, no way that just happened.
[11:53:55] He forgot this as he goes on a magical journey, he never wanted to go on.
[11:53:58] And that's another pick for G2.
[11:54:00] What?
[11:54:01] Molly should somehow be...
[11:54:03] Just clap that power.
[11:54:05] 5 grubs to G2?
[11:54:07] Oh, never mind, 4.
[11:54:09] Our BDS, just modern day rogue, is that it?
[11:54:16] This game already feels like it's rapidly slipping away from BDS.
[11:54:21] The reverse sweep, a curse that has plagued this organization so many times before.
[11:54:28] Is it the cusp of doing it once more?
[11:54:29] But the good news for BDS is that we still have a scaling composition.
[11:54:33] But we all remember Rokan.
[11:54:35] They have a solid frontline that's no easy feat to break through once they get that atomization.
[11:54:40] What's important is that they're able to control the bleeding as much as they can.
[11:54:44] Cheetah is such a contentee.
[11:54:48] Oh, the ult buffer on the ult.
[11:54:51] They're just feeding kills over.
[11:54:54] I still mistaken the 2v2.
[11:54:56] LeBrov maybe could have ulted earlier there, healed him.
[11:54:59] I don't know if he could have got out, but...
[11:55:02] Sheo's death was so stupid.
[11:55:04] They're down grubs, they're down herald, they're down drakes, they're down kills.
[11:55:08] Caps is laughing, you know when Caps is laughing, that smile, that damn smile.
[11:55:14] He's going to take over on Tristana.
[11:55:16] They're going to give the Herald to him as well, as they often do, so that he can be a split push.
[11:55:21] Menace, because we've got the...
[11:55:22] Is BDS even going to get a tower, let alone are they going to come back in the reverse sweeper?
[11:55:26] They use it to give Caps an extra escape route, when he's split pushing.
[11:55:31] And now with that option available, we'll say Nuke at least able to defend, but...
[11:55:35] While we speak of Caps, I should also mention, 1600 gold is the lead.
[11:55:39] It all started with that smile from Caps.
[11:55:41] You almost won worlds twice.
[11:55:43] You guys were talking about BDS before, but I had to call them out.
[11:55:46] Caps vs Nuke!
[11:55:47] And a good dodge away, Noxious Blast rather, wasn't actually avoided, but Caps wasn't sick around for the Twin Fang range.
[11:55:53] But the support's now roaming up.
[11:55:55] Someone is going to make a plan towards this top side, so Caps may just try and reset.
[11:55:59] This Caps is going to be useful forever.
[11:56:03] Grip killed.
[11:56:04] He's probably going to the Undies as well.
[11:56:05] Because they just get to control so much of this base now.
[11:56:08] Yeah, this Caps here is mega- oh my god.
[11:56:10] They're all being annoying.
[11:56:12] This cap's gonna be a rat and stop him again?
[11:56:14] Surely not right.
[11:56:16] Okay, he sees Rakan, he's not gonna do it.
[11:56:20] Does he keep you back to top tier then?
[11:56:25] Nothing's gonna happen here.
[11:56:30] I think BDS will get all over the place. I feel like Shiyo is just trying to clear his camps.
[11:56:43] 4k now on the board. You've already highlighted the individual differences at the bottom of our screens as items are being completed
[11:56:50] Third dragon of the game spawns in 50 seconds
[11:56:52] G2 have their sights set on this top out of town for now that they're desperately trying to defend on the side of BDS
[11:56:58] With the TP BDS so fixated on red side
[11:57:03] I don't know maybe they think G2 can flex random shit on red side till 5 and they don't want to play inside
[11:57:09] can now be sent to go and catch the top way because he has his TP so G2
[11:57:13] quickly is fixing their line of assignments ready for the upcoming
[11:57:16] attack. And Hans-Hammer just used that sweeper to show that there is no pushing on that bottom side for BDS, so Mickey gonna be perfectly fine and just wander in here set up his own vision and slowly clear that that ward just placed by Mundo but they already know that everything is going to be shallow for going a lot away.
[11:57:31] Wait why? Why haven't you gotten them?
[11:57:32] to get deep provision and this is where i need to dbs crossbar you are not taking this
[11:57:38] right it's the top the top them throw we need to find something somewhere on this map right now
[11:57:44] what of ages only four stacks here no trophies really build that up to get towards the second
[11:57:50] art of really how many do you have i'm kidding and i'm kidding and i'm not going out of
[11:57:55] cap and malsias is even there's so much gold just keeps going out of this twist
[11:58:00] They're on sole point at 17 minutes.
[11:58:11] Oh, it doesn't have its passive.
[11:58:14] Oh, it does have its passive.
[11:58:15] What the fuck? I thought it was like a visual beam that's destroyed.
[11:58:19] Is Ice just going to send it here?
[11:58:24] Oh my God, there's no way they're going to get perfect damed in the game 5.
[11:58:27] the game 5 like we all knew gt was gonna stomp them this game
[11:58:44] noob doesn't have tp, broken blade does no matter what they do in vault
[11:58:47] it's a number disadvantage
[11:58:51] and hey though they have two grubs i don't give a fuck they have two plates as well fuck the
[11:58:55] the grubs. I found it a perfect game.
[11:59:02] and this shift and BDS is quickly sinking and unfortunately this would be the
[11:59:06] fourth time they found themselves in this headroom. Twice they've been reversed
[11:59:09] by Fanatic, once by Mod Lines and now potentially by G2 because this is not a
[11:59:16] crane that is gonna stop anytime soon. G2 wants to mercifully put down BDS in this game.
[11:59:23] Alright, I cleared my trap card. Go 2-0 up and then be used to the next three games.
[11:59:32] we can still go
[11:59:34] but g2 in game 4 was kinda okay but it was just
[11:59:37] for the first week that it was looking like and again it's not like you could have any
[11:59:40] I don't know if I'm still in the story short but g2 are in a good position
[11:59:44] they're on salt point and
[11:59:46] have looked like the better team in the past three games
[11:59:50] and it is crazy how this team just turns on
[11:59:52] that's the most wild thing
[11:59:54] when the first two games looked very bts sided and granted
[11:59:57] you're gonna do LCS after or yeah I'm gonna get a
[11:59:59] G2's ability to
[12:00:02] Cafe and then we'll do LCS
[12:00:05] Need to say is nuts
[12:00:12] I'm saving my power spike for an LCS thoughts
[12:00:20] Man
[12:00:22] You could just see the second like halfway through game 3 you could feel it
[12:00:26] It's just over the series
[12:00:36] Arrow showed to me hands
[12:00:44] They're both trying to backstep the castle
[12:00:46] BDS for the flank for BDS, the mages grasp, the enemy BDS ain't out of this fight yet, true job raj with good damage, but there's no more of those roadblazers, the prognosis, a medic quoted for the other one as LeBron flashes out of the way, throat line there as well, damage being done.
[12:01:03] Please get a kill guys, come on.
[12:01:05] Yike separates the feathers of BDS that in a tarot left standing though after everyone's barred BDS was throwing everything that they have a g2
[12:01:14] But the vision is there just some are shaking his head. They're happy with those arrows push BDS back
[12:01:19] And there was once more hands summer pushing in mid way as they just look for the easy recess
[12:01:24] notice how
[12:01:25] So if G2 win mad and fanatic are locked at the world championship this year now the goal gap is
[12:01:32] Locked, locked, locked.
[12:01:58] When does World start?
[12:02:00] The world starts on the 25th of September, oh and just about a month.
[12:02:14] It starts two weeks earlier than last year I think, because of Asia Games isn't on right.
[12:02:19] How do they keep doing it? These are the teams that we ask.
[12:02:22] How do they keep doing it? And in game number five right now, G2,
[12:02:26] as Betty has already alluded to, it's in E area. It's in Berlin,
[12:02:31] for Swiss stage, quarters and semis in Paris finals in London.
[12:02:36] London, bruv.
[12:02:39] I just want to lose a little bit of this, but I just want BS to get a kill.
[12:02:44] Just don't get blasted this hard in the game five, please.
[12:02:49] Yeah, we're gonna be tracking the pros when everyone comes to Europe find their accounts the classic
[12:02:57] It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun
[12:03:00] All right, Kim takes all BDS if you're gonna fight to me as I was fucking fight now
[12:03:05] What do you got for me?
[12:03:06] What do you got for me?
[12:03:09] He wants down not bad actually good start from BES
[12:03:13] Good start
[12:03:19] He's going to try and smoke, but I'm not going to say anything.
[12:03:21] He's in a bit of danger too.
[12:03:23] BDS trying to use that health bar advantage.
[12:03:25] They're going to get this.
[12:03:27] Luke has flash up in like, what, 10 seconds?
[12:03:31] G2 are going to give it.
[12:03:33] It's smart by G2.
[12:03:35] What's the point in trying to take a fight here?
[12:03:37] Let's say you lose it, you go in four of you die,
[12:03:39] and you die to get national and they can stall the game.
[12:03:42] Just give them the drake, it's five minutes extra.
[12:03:44] I'm going to let the party have some TP back in.
[12:03:46] The recess before he didn't know
[12:03:53] Chasing here is a bit risky to do to me
[12:04:01] Let's capture the fight to the poison he's not right okay, it's over
[12:04:08] Oh my god, but I'm gonna get a kill. Oh
[12:04:12] My god, they're so tilted
[12:04:14] Oh
[12:04:20] Oh my god, it's so depressing
[12:04:24] Oh my god, they were this close to worlds. You have to win one game in the Earth worlds. It's so sad
[12:04:32] In spring split
[12:04:34] BDS was 2-0 up against Fnatic
[12:04:37] For MSI spot
[12:04:39] They lost 3-2. There were one game from MSI
[12:04:43] They're 2-0 up against G2
[12:04:45] Then it's one more game to play against Fnannikormat for a world spot. Oh my god, they're always so close
[12:04:52] Always so close man. It's always one game
[12:04:54] But it felt like that was a miracle
[12:04:56] They forced G2 back and then Adam trying to get up towards that topside to find that wave gets caught
[12:05:01] Ice tries to help, Caps immediately jumps on him
[12:05:04] And there's nothing they could do even here, Nuke tries to go forward to get to Meiasma to kill Caps
[12:05:10] But ends up getting knocked back by Broken Blade, dies with no ultimates
[12:05:15] to use he dies actually mid-alt animation and it's just g2 chasing down the
[12:05:20] nah i don't think bds will keep the same roster next year i feel like keeping
[12:05:24] this roster is a mental breaker and you can see the reality setting in bds no
[12:05:30] the situation nukes yeah you know when you smile in those situations you're
[12:05:34] like miracle after miracle to turn this game around it would be like wow maybe
[12:05:39] i am just cursed you know the g2 i don't think is gonna give you like
[12:05:43] Holy shit, maybe it's just never gonna happen
[12:05:47] I feel like when you're like sad you're sad, but when you smile you're so sad that you can't help but smile
[12:05:52] You're like you've seen it too many times, you know
[12:05:59] Holy fucker
[12:06:05] That's sad man, I feel bad for Luke. I feel like Luke's been playing pretty well this year
[12:06:09] 3DS off on the edge here. We're only gonna find out now on the show. It's me flash over and see it
[12:06:15] Flash over and see it. They're flipping it. Oh, he's gonna go over. Oh my god. I thought as we'll stole it there
[12:06:21] Jesus
[12:06:24] It goes from bad to worse with the Baron G2 siege will now be unrelenting the bot lane
[12:06:30] And my heart skips the beat outside. We hold up that constant wave of pressure is going to continue coming in
[12:06:35] The reset will come through for G2
[12:06:37] They're going to look to spend spend the gold that they have double and they got a kill carries
[12:06:44] They got a kill on the shoulders of BDS has been something that has played them
[12:06:50] But it looks like that once that has no intention of going anywhere the saddest part is BDS a sister team the academy team
[12:06:56] Just made a me a finals. They'll be there in Munich the fact that the mother roster or father
[12:07:02] So whatever you want to call it won't be there alongside it
[12:07:05] would be heartbreaking now it's a 10k gold lead I'm gonna level with you this
[12:07:11] would be a miracle if I is really nervous I'm so happy for you by because
[12:07:15] if you to win this game mad goes to words you buy those two words that's so
[12:07:19] much those in your team go to worlds everyone doubted that mad roster this
[12:07:26] idea they thought man maybe 10th place now they're locking worlds in the
[12:07:30] next 10 minutes crazy
[12:07:36] Easy feels, the arrow will fly short, but the brand-old...
[12:07:39] Oh, Luke's ult was not bad.
[12:07:40] from Luke, get off him, but...
[12:07:41] Oh, Hans-Sama's flash was perfect.
[12:07:43] wait for Hans-Sama, keeps him alive!
[12:07:45] Luke's...
[12:07:46] Hans-Sama's flash was perfect.
[12:07:47] ...while it looked great in the draft, hasn't been able to play the game.
[12:07:52] He ends up falling, LeBrov ends up falling.
[12:07:55] The wall that was BDS's topside has crumpled,
[12:07:59] and now with the Baron buff,
[12:08:00] G2 set their sights on the second inhibitor,
[12:08:02] and maybe even the game.
[12:08:03] I mean, now the death time is a long enough,
[12:08:05] It's over. It's done. It's done. It's over.
[12:08:12] It's GG. Farewell. Goodbye. See you later.
[12:08:16] No more BDS for the rest of the year. They're gone.
[12:08:21] Fanatic and Mad Lines are locked the world. EU has its world's representatives.
[12:08:31] Even as its world's representatives locked.
[12:08:39] Amazing.
[12:08:42] Wow.
[12:08:50] Oh my god, this picture of Nuke is so sad.
[12:08:54] Oh my god, Captain Sparrow.
[12:08:56] because they put up a valiant fight but this wall that is G2 is stood in their way at every step.
[12:09:01] I don't mean cops on the Tristana was actually trying to keep some play for him,
[12:09:05] have your play of the series, if you want to ask LEC on xclubs.
[12:09:08] Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah yeah.
[12:09:10] But honestly, impeccable performances across the board.
[12:09:14] There was big kickstaps, Smicky's novelist looking great for the last couple of games,
[12:09:17] but the Tristana for him was just night and day across the series.
[12:09:21] This is clearly a pick.
[12:09:22] I can't believe Mad Lions have made it to Worlds though.
[12:09:25] So, after that summer split, I can't believe it.
[12:09:51] So Dom just tweeted a stat.
[12:09:52] Mad Lions have qualified for Worlds with a 36% winrate since February.
[12:09:59] What? Really?
[12:10:01] It's amazing how somehow Mad Lions go always find a way.
[12:10:08] What?
[12:10:09] PDS always losing game 5 and MBK always making friends in the world.
[12:10:13] We thought certain script writing issues.
[12:10:15] Yup.
[12:10:17] It was crazy. I mean, again, I thought that...
[12:10:19] That is crazy. That's that.
[12:10:21] They won a best of five against G2, so I think for me that's like a passable reason, you know
[12:10:26] but
[12:10:27] If you generally like zoom out, it's really really weird that they all they had to do was beat G2 to go to worlds
[12:10:34] on paper
[12:10:40] They won a best of five that mattered and that's it
[12:10:44] Is it is it wrong that they had to win one best of five that managed to qualify the worlds? Yes
[12:10:48] Barthed was against the best team in the region is there a similar example in
[12:11:08] LCKLPL I don't think so is there LCKLPL you need to win a couple
[12:11:20] Well, that's less than very hard to sneak in
[12:11:23] Mickey acts with his mortarless. Is it a God or what is it Mickey?
[12:11:28] I actually actually don't know if it even made me
[12:11:34] Chats we're gonna just going to LCS now. I'm gonna grab a coffee real quick. We're gonna pace it up
[12:11:37] I'm gonna lock in for LCS
[12:11:45] Yo, what time you coming over to a weapon what the fuck does that mean?
[12:11:50] It means I'm not shit.
[12:11:55] What the fuck!
[12:11:57] What the fuck!
[12:12:01] Jesus!
[12:12:20] the game just felt a lot easier now.
[12:12:22] How did you guys adapt?
[12:12:23] We will touch on the Natsy this performance guy.
[12:12:25] Do not worry, that's on the menu.
[12:12:27] But how did you guys readjust actually?
[12:12:30] And what was the difference maker studying in game three?
[12:12:35] Let me change the title real quick.
[12:12:37] Well, we stopped picking Zerimit.
[12:12:38] That was like the first adjustment that we did.
[12:12:41] Summer playoffs, elimination series.
[12:12:45] It was also a bit skeptical just before the game.
[12:12:47] But we kind of expected anyway.
[12:12:49] They also played a lot of Corky, had really high prio, and they banned a lot of Midsford.
[12:12:54] Alright, let me grab my drink, quick one sec.
[12:12:56] After the first game, I was sure not confident in the Nautilus, 2-3, that we did in the first game.
[12:13:00] But then 4-5, I was back mentally, so I was like, okay, we can do it again.
[12:13:04] Just a good game of Seraphine to get you back on track, Miki.
[12:13:07] Let's talk about the first two games, though.
[12:13:14] I want to know what happens when you do something like this.
[12:13:16] Obviously not running it down, because obviously something is not clicking here,
[12:13:19] but I'm just wondering if you miss one engage, the second engage, the third engage, do you have like a
[12:13:24] mental block afterwards that goes in your mind where like, well I'm just not gonna land one hook
[12:13:29] this game and I don't know how much your mental crumbles when you have a bad start with this
[12:13:34] champion. I mean I think the engage part is not really the problem, I think the getting caught
[12:13:37] and dying a lot is like the bigger problem because then you're like scared to rock anywhere
[12:13:42] because you feel like they're always out to get you but I think yeah actually that first
[12:13:47] game I just actually could not play the game I don't know what was wrong with me
[12:13:50] I was calling Canon minions grumps for some reason like that I don't know what's
[12:13:54] going on and what about game four and five actually you've been playing
[12:13:57] perfectly I know that there was even a Mickey redemption so you felt
[12:14:01] confident enough to pick the champion in the end look at this yeah well after
[12:14:06] the Seraphine game I felt like okay the games are pretty easy if I just
[12:14:11] like chill out a bit and also I guess the first two games their level
[12:14:14] ones were a bit different, so we got caught a little bit off guard, but then we were much
[12:14:19] more ready for it. Actually, game two, they said plot armor, like they always leave the
[12:14:25] one HP. I was like unbelievable.
[12:14:27] Enough about the Neslit, honestly, congrats on taking this one. I just want to ask something
[12:14:32] about G2 in general, because I know that your coach has talked about this in EU4,
[12:14:36] yeah, the fact that there's always expectations for G2. No mistake expectation, but also
[12:14:41] international expectations and you're beating your opponents is often not enough people assume
[12:14:46] excellence from you guys and expect excellence on the side of G2. Is it some expectation that has
[12:14:51] a weight on you or is your coaching staff helping you actually just like get rid of the fact that
[12:14:57] if you don't show up great then people are going to talk about it. I think we don't pay
[12:15:01] too much attention to what the public perception is. I think we just expect a lot from ourselves
[12:15:07] So, I guess in that sense, there is pressure on us to perform every game, because especially in Europe,
[12:15:12] we expect to dominate Europe, so we can actually have a good shot internationally.
[12:15:18] And, you know, if you look at the first two games, that wasn't really the case,
[12:15:20] but I think the last three was pretty good, you know? So, if we keep up the trend and the momentum,
[12:15:25] I think we're going to be good to go, yeah.
[12:15:27] It's all about recovery. One down, two to go. And in that sense,
[12:15:30] MDK is going to face off against Fnatic tomorrow.
[12:15:33] What are going to be the main take-aways from this series,
[12:15:35] and who's advancing in Grand Finals?
[12:15:38] I'm not really sure who will actually win tomorrow.
[12:15:42] I would say Fnatic looks more convincing, I would say,
[12:15:46] and I think M'Lannes showed a lot of their cards against us.
[12:15:49] Don't say F20 against the PGL.
[12:15:52] I think M'Lannes played really well anyway.
[12:15:55] I can see what you're writing. I can see exactly what you're writing.
[12:15:58] We'll see about that. Miki, thank you so much for all this effort.
[12:16:00] Why don't we say F20 against the PGL?
[12:16:01] Again, on advancing to the next round, shots over to you in post-game lobby.
[12:16:04] Look at this chat, we got a big one.
[12:16:08] Oh yeah.
[12:16:09] Thank you very much, I am here with Cap and with Yike, and with Odoamne to talk about the reversing a little bit more.
[12:16:16] Talk to me Cap.
[12:16:17] We heard it from Niki already about kinda like...
[12:16:21] Tell me what the fuck that was, and tell me why you're never playing Jerry ever again.
[12:16:25] What for you was the main thing that changed up your momentum?
[12:16:29] I think for sure in the first two games we were a bit more scared.
[12:16:33] We even said it like after the game 1 and 2, we were like not really paying us a service.
[12:16:36] We were also like reaching a lot. We were trying to look for a place where we actually can't really go.
[12:16:40] And we were doing that like all the time in the first two games and then we told each other to just...
[12:16:44] Like we were winning the games kind of. I think we were ahead in some of the early games.
[12:16:47] And we needed to like play our game.
[12:16:50] That's crazy that Mad Men into Worlds.
[12:16:52] Yeah, and CapStyle, I mean you had a huge game. That first one, you know, when they were on match point you're like, okay now I'm gonna start playing.
[12:16:57] I hope Mad Lions in their series against Fanatic look good.
[12:17:02] I hope Mad don't just bomb out of season finals.
[12:17:04] As Jack said, we were like overreaching a lot.
[12:17:07] I think we had some okay early games, also some maybe some not the best.
[12:17:10] If they bomb out of season finals, I'm gonna be so out of it.
[12:17:13] We bounced back anyway, and then I think we just ended up overreaching a lot, I think
[12:17:17] especially like when we were trying to kill Rakan on top in the first game I think.
[12:17:20] It's like we could probably just get Drake, and if we fight there we'll probably
[12:17:22] be winning, but it's like we made a mistake.
[12:17:23] But what is this take?
[12:17:24] lose so yeah a lot of chat mad lines did the same thing last year didn't they
[12:17:29] make worlds by winning zero best of fives all year long last year it's
[12:17:38] always mad but we also always add zero best of five wins was that 2022 is the
[12:17:45] one that dies etc is there anything you say about that because you know that
[12:17:48] he's probably coming off the earth thinking oh my god I had such an awful
[12:17:52] game do anything in a team talk that's like usually it is just like
[12:17:55] Yike calling for it right so that's why Mickey died.
[12:17:57] Oh is Yike okay?
[12:17:59] No no, I mean it's team calls for sure right and I think some of the times it was just like very bad team calls we had
[12:18:04] and it was like Mickey was trying to to force through it right and I think the later games
[12:18:08] I think he also got better at calling off like okay this is just like very indefatigable here right so
[12:18:12] I think like we know I mean I don't know what is his tweet.
[12:18:17] What is his tweet?
[12:18:19] Yeah I saw this I saw that look.
[12:18:21] Man G2 tweets are pretty good.
[12:18:24] He's played a lot of Nautilus games throughout his life.
[12:18:27] 2023 they won 1-Best of 5 so it's kind of the same.
[12:18:30] Was Mad at Worlds last year?
[12:18:31] A lot more pressure.
[12:18:32] They were right.
[12:18:34] You guys lost obviously to M2K last week and now we're coming into the city.
[12:18:37] They were, they lost to Waybo didn't they?
[12:18:39] And also I felt like it was extremely wanted that you didn't switch sides
[12:18:42] which you did against M2K game 5.
[12:18:44] Did Mad win 1-Best of 5 in 2022 and 23 to make Worlds both times?
[12:18:49] Are you serious?
[12:18:51] For sure, I mean...
[12:18:52] Nah, they won a few best of fives. They won against Koi in a best of five in winter.
[12:18:56] And I was also a bit scared, but...
[12:18:58] They won against SK in a best of five in winter.
[12:19:00] But we always played and we were always like, successful with, even in like, international, so...
[12:19:04] I mean, they won Winter Split in Spain, yeah, they did.
[12:19:06] We used to go over the game, and then for the next games, it just went easier and easier, so that was nice.
[12:19:11] Yeah, I mean, for sure, I think we were all like a bit stressed, right?
[12:19:14] Because we were really just not playing up to par, and we really were making Munich as well, and playing...
[12:19:19] or spring near a campsite
[12:19:22] Like BDS we played at BDS a lot of times this year
[12:19:25] And I think the series have always been quite messy from us like we won a lot of them
[12:19:28] But it's definitely been a quite messy
[12:19:30] And you know, we just have to be ready for messy messy messy
[12:19:35] Did you you are aware of were you aware of the fact that BDS does have a history with best of fives with reverse sweeps
[12:19:41] With three twos in general and if they know or do they have no idea kind of channeled or did you not know?
[12:19:46] Yeah, I didn't think they would know
[12:20:01] Yeah, why did you make them cry? How could you man?
[12:20:04] You make them sad
[12:20:06] That's your fault
[12:20:16] Cap's Kia player of the series.
[12:20:18] It's like everyone else was inting too much, I think.
[12:20:20] I got the insect off after last week.
[12:20:22] I tried to do an insect as well, but...
[12:20:24] But you did it like the old man, you just flashed.
[12:20:26] You didn't even do a flash, you were just like...
[12:20:28] Your hands were shaking.
[12:20:29] Yeah, I mean, he was starting for like three seconds,
[12:20:31] so I was like, you know what the hell, it's like...
[12:20:33] Nice and easy.
[12:20:34] Nice and easy.
[12:20:35] But what do you like? Is this your first reverse sweep?
[12:20:37] I think so.
[12:20:38] Yeah, I think I've never done a reverse sweep.
[12:20:40] Have I ever reverse-sweeped?
[12:20:42] No, I don't think I've done reverse-sweep.
[12:20:44] Yeah, this is the first like reverse
[12:20:46] No, but I've been reverse swept
[12:20:48] I don't know
[12:20:53] I don't know
[12:20:55] Game 5 is getting to him
[12:20:57] I would too after a game 5
[12:20:59] My god, don't worry about it
[12:21:01] I've been reverse swept
[12:21:05] But yeah, your performance I feel like
[12:21:07] This year is kind of fun
[12:21:09] The league was really really insane
[12:21:11] And people kept singing your praises
[12:21:13] You were going on the up and down
[12:21:15] I got reverse swept in the Challenger series
[12:21:17] 2016 we were 2-0 up against Huma
[12:21:26] We were 2-0 up, we lost 3-2
[12:21:30] Oh hell no
[12:21:42] Corky merchants returns, it's true
[12:21:47] What can I say bro?
[12:21:49] You have to get used to it at some point
[12:21:51] Someone is going to hate you
[12:21:53] Yeah, where in the world do you expect me to be that fucking rat?
[12:21:55] We got an expert here on that
[12:21:57] Yeah, I mean, I'm not winning as much as Yeg
[12:22:01] Oh, I've been through that
[12:22:03] I'm a master, I can teach you all about that
[12:22:05] I can teach you how to piss off a lot of communities
[12:22:07] You know?
[12:22:09] But yeah, it's also kind of a transition period
[12:22:12] Because you're coming out on a rookie
[12:22:14] Especially when you come on on on G2 side everything just so to the moon
[12:22:31] Haxen LCS, I'm actually kind of hyped. It's been a while. I missed the other LCS series on Sunday last week
[12:22:35] Also was for BDS, unfortunately they did not like it. What's going on with your hair? What's going on with my hair, what's wrong with it?
[12:22:39] I would strike her in the Married Bonvoy postgame.
[12:22:41] But I put it like this? Is that better?
[12:22:43] I always thought about doing that with my hair. It is quite long.
[12:22:45] Striker, thank you so much.
[12:22:47] Oh my god. An interview, loser interview.
[12:22:49] It's not easy and it's obviously not the result you guys expected today.
[12:22:53] Quick reaction about this series.
[12:22:55] Is there anything that caught you off guard with G2?
[12:22:57] Because you guys started phenomenal.
[12:22:59] Again, I'm just wondering what happened here.
[12:23:01] I think that caught us off guard not really.
[12:23:03] I think that we kind of knew what they wanted.
[12:23:05] And we drafted accordingly.
[12:23:07] started well but yeah it was not enough did you see any change because from game
[12:23:16] one game I feel so bad for him what can happen with BDS sometimes and I just
[12:23:21] like that something you guys had to be careful about maybe just like not not
[12:23:27] let the situation get out of hand so I think loser interviews are important
[12:23:30] though it really encapsulates like how they feel I think worst case you can
[12:23:34] I don't think it's too bad in terms of emotions, but I think Luthor and Schuess are good.
[12:23:39] I think Luthor and Schuess are good.
[12:23:41] When there are emotions involved, I think that game went well.
[12:23:46] Not fully proactive, I think that we could have been way more.
[12:23:52] We played a bit better, but I don't think that the game 3 decided the BO.
[12:23:57] I think that we are still in there mentally.
[12:23:59] We just didn't manage to win one more game.
[12:24:02] about emotions and I'm actually wondering the impact of emotions in a situation like
[12:24:06] this when game 3 slips from your hand, game 4 as well, you arrive, game 5, what was the
[12:24:14] mindset of your players and also maybe the advice that you shared if there were any
[12:24:18] and again the impact of emotions in a best of five like this when you reached this game
[12:24:22] 5?
[12:24:23] I mean you just have to remind them that you just want two games and we did not
[12:24:27] become worse in the span of one hard right so there is not too much to be
[12:24:32] worried about even though it's easier said than done that was basically what
[12:24:35] I told them and we just made adjustments in draft and tried to go for the game
[12:24:38] five. Are there any learnings that you would take from this series as a coach
[12:24:42] maybe not just so much for your players but in the way you handle series
[12:24:46] like this? No I would say that's still early need to reflect a bit right on
[12:24:50] everything that happened but I think the biggest takeaway is that you can
[12:24:53] rather more like for the year right than just the best of five series because what got us here
[12:25:00] but most likely also what didn't allow us to go past this day is things that we done before that
[12:25:06] before today. And talking about what's next I'm I can only imagine how much your players are
[12:25:12] going to need each other and need their stuff coming out of the studio. What kind of attitude,
[12:25:19] what kind of words would you share in your players in a situation like this?
[12:25:24] I mean I think the most important is for them to look forward, take lessons from this year,
[12:25:31] whatever the future brings right, and get better individually or as a group, but that's the only
[12:25:38] thing that you can do since the season is over right. Like you have hard moments in a career,
[12:25:44] the only thing that you can do is try to use them, you cannot really change them,
[12:25:48] It's normal to feel sad in this kind of situation, it's just hard to reflect.
[12:25:52] Champions mentality, overcoming and adapting, whatever life throws at you to close this interview,
[12:26:00] would you like to say some words to the BDS fans, maybe?
[12:26:02] A community that has been cheering for you all year long and for the past years you've been at BDS.
[12:26:07] This is your camera.
[12:26:08] Yeah, sure. Thank you very much guys for everyone who supported us.
[12:26:12] as the BDS Koenigchi is not the biggest but it's growing slowly and it's of
[12:26:18] a bit help to see how you guys support us during the year so thank you and we
[12:26:23] hope to do better next year. Community is growing and thanks to you, your efforts
[12:26:28] and your players of course and on behalf of LEC fans I want to say thank you for
[12:26:31] the year and looking forward to seeing you guys next year. Thank you so much.
[12:26:34] Thank you.
[12:26:36] Shaxx, over to you.
[12:26:38] Chat!
[12:26:39] I just realized that every team that just made it to Worlds are teams that reverse-swept BDS,
[12:26:44] Manchee2 and Tlnk all reverse-swept them, and they've only been reverse-swept by those teams.
[12:26:49] Oh my god, it gets worse.
[12:26:52] It gets worse.
[12:26:55] It is sad, but at the same point we have to be cut off here because they have been
[12:27:00] a contender for a lot of time now, it's been two years I think where they've been
[12:27:03] constantly going to the AOL.
[12:27:04] Aware.
[12:27:05] always falls short at the finish line and it's sad because as Stryker said the BDS community is growing
[12:27:10] I wonder who they change and then roster
[12:27:12] Everyone just kind of starts liking BDS because they're a serious contender
[12:27:15] Attracts everyone but at the same time they always fall at the finish line and yeah, I guess it's next year to see
[12:27:22] What the expectation is because when they fight these guys every single time when they get into playoffs
[12:27:26] And they end up losing it's just sad, you know because you start getting remembered as the guys who are always
[12:27:30] I don't know who they change
[12:27:30] to g2 and also i think you know uh this is a league where you have to be g2 if you want to
[12:27:35] reach anything right and mdk did it and that's why i like nuk partly why mdk finds themselves
[12:27:41] in munich mdk fanatic and g2 all heading to munich but bds academy is insanely good on day
[12:27:46] championship of europe in europe um caps what do you think about the fact that you lock
[12:27:51] their academy teams crazy right with you at world i mean definitely i feel a bit bad for bds
[12:27:56] just because they got third both of the old three splits actually so far.
[12:28:00] So it was like really looking up for them to like be the third third seed and I think
[12:28:05] us losing to MAD last week was like...
[12:28:07] chat tomorrow is MAD versus Fnatic winner goes to Fnals.
[12:28:11] The G2 series that they play against
[12:28:14] Solution will be in Munich next weekend on the Saturday.
[12:28:17] But again we just have to win against MAD now win against Fnatic.
[12:28:20] Who's the jungle support at BDS Academy?
[12:28:22] I'm sure they will represent us well at Worlds.
[12:28:24] Yike, how excited are you to head to the big stage that is Munich?
[12:28:29] Yeah, I'm very excited. I was a bit scared to settle, you know, today if we're not gonna miss it, but we made it.
[12:28:34] Scumant and Paris.
[12:28:35] I think it's a good top three. I think Matic is looking strong, Madlion's there beat us, so they're for sure good.
[12:28:40] Really?
[12:28:41] Yeah, it's gonna be exciting for sure, and also us, after going five games today, probably gonna be some spicy games coming.
[12:28:46] Hopefully.
[12:28:47] For me what's the most interesting is that I think we haven't had a pure dark horse in a while, because every time,
[12:28:53] Every year we would look at the playoffs and be like who's gonna be our dark horse
[12:28:56] We wouldn't have one and it always used to be a clear cut
[12:28:58] You know top three with when's reckless pain? It's been Monday morning. I know with MDK
[12:29:02] They're just Monday morning. You don't really know if they're gonna win a lisi or they're gonna get some three zero
[12:29:07] So for me it is a really nice addition
[12:29:09] There's a lot of flavor and spice going into into the into Munich. I will say out of the two scenarios
[12:29:14] I maybe would have liked the one where it was still all for world
[12:29:18] Qualification that would have meant that G2 wouldn't have made it
[12:29:21] But this one is also nice because I have this hope that because you're all already locked into worlds
[12:29:26] You're just gonna play your hearts out and play with a little bit less nerves
[12:29:29] And we're gonna see kind of the best version of these teams that we could one can dream right?
[12:29:34] Yeah, I definitely prefer this one.
[12:29:35] We need to set up a lot of alarms tomorrow, so you wake up.
[12:29:38] Yeah, I'm gonna have to wake up in around, well, it's 10 o'clock now.
[12:29:42] I mean, I need to wake up at 7 a.m. and we got a best of five now.
[12:29:48] Yo, NRG versus Dignitas.
[12:29:50] please I never thought I'd say this but please don't be a five-game series please
[12:29:55] please be a quick one bless up bless up I want three 30 minute games we cover it
[12:30:05] and then tomorrow's best of five TL 100 thieves that can go to five games I
[12:30:10] promise five game series it can be a 10 game series tomorrow Sunday can be a
[12:30:15] 15 game series I'm down but today because I gotta wake up at 7 a.m. and
[12:30:20] do this whole thing again give me three give me three you're feeling out of
[12:30:27] juice now I'm feeling I'm feeling good I'm not feeling out of juice at all yet
[12:30:30] I'm just worried that tomorrow morning I'm gonna be out of juice
[12:30:36] if I'm gonna sleep and you'll see G2 in Munich they won't be back in the
[12:30:40] studio this weekend so yeah we'll let them go we'll say good night I will
[12:30:44] see you tomorrow for fanatic versus MDK to see who gets their ticket
[12:30:48] Straight to that grand chat who's in the wind quick Tommy?
[12:30:52] The biggest summer blockbuster is coming back to the LCS for the first time
[12:31:00] What is this the drama the action the upsets the unthinkable miracle runs the quest to qualify for the LCS championship?
[12:31:09] And a chance to prove yourself against the best teams in the world is a gladiator of this not just a title on the line
[12:31:15] Yeah, that's me this stage
[12:31:16] You're trying to punch your ticket to the greatest show that League of Legends has to offer when you
[12:31:22] throw down this playoffs will your team be stoked by the flames of battle or reduced to ashes
[12:31:27] falling through the rubble it's all in a high stakes no-hold barred turbulent all-out brawl as
[12:31:33] teams fight back up the mountain for one last chance at glory every match matters as lcs playoffs
[12:31:40] three visits and old favorite in the clash for the championship no more go faster go faster
[12:31:47] go faster go faster go faster go faster go faster go faster through the gauntlet
[12:32:00] there's my boys a hundred teas
[12:32:12] a hundred teas what is this
[12:32:17] you got bro i love kobe kobe is my favorite did you see the nature of podcast what do you mean
[12:32:22] Did I see the nature of podcasts? No, I don't what's the nature of podcasts?
[12:32:35] What's the nature of podcasts
[12:32:40] Check streams
[12:32:54] He regrets going into e-sports
[12:32:59] Wait, what do you mean that he regrets going into e-sports?
[12:33:04] So he regrets making a hundred thieves
[12:33:11] Is it a link I want to see that clip
[12:33:13] knock-turn compositions you can do these very easy to execute is the main thing I'm going for here
[12:33:20] Galeo engages with the clip or some shit or any of those hard-engaged champions and you can use kaisa
[12:33:27] you can do these dive comps I think there are lots of other looks that these teams haven't necessarily
[12:33:32] branched out. Hold up there's 50 minutes till lcs starts I kind of want to listen to this actually
[12:33:37] I'm curious how long do you've started how money ruined esports 100 you've struggled
[12:33:41] What time was it that is it here in nature almost quit on a deeps? Is it this pot?
[12:34:03] 2320 now and I just don't know what's right and wrong anymore
[12:34:09] So I appreciate that perspective the fact that you actually think and we're soft and the outside looking in that we made a huge
[12:34:17] impact on gaming and just in that culture around eSports, but
[12:34:22] My my opinion and like my perspective on hundred days and the decisions we made in passes
[12:34:26] I truly don't know what's what was good and what was bad because I just
[12:34:31] I'm too far down the fucking Pandora's box. What was your perspective Jack from the outside looking in pre
[12:34:38] So this isn't a time stamp. Yeah, like as as a fan of the industry as a commentator
[12:34:43] Sure, this is the time stamp your perspective as 100 thieves came on the scene
[12:34:47] I mean the first moment I saw 100 thieves was when I was
[12:34:50] It must be here, no, Burbank for the first year, the Caldady World League and Matt tweeted
[12:34:55] out about 100 thieves and I was like follower number 416 like 10 minutes after it went
[12:35:01] out for actually one minute after it went out with that early.
[12:35:05] And I remember buying like the first shirt, actually a photo of me just as a fan of
[12:35:09] was before that line out and we just tried to do too many things at once and it put
[12:35:17] in a position where we just bottleneck the entire business and burnt everybody out and I have felt burnt out for so long
[12:35:25] And so like when people would ask me five years ago, hey, what do you think about this creator?
[12:35:30] What do you think about this player that we should sign? What do you think about this apparel drop?
[12:35:34] What do you think about this theme these colors? I would have an answer about every single thing
[12:35:39] But now I've like second guessed my instincts because of how much has changed from 2017 to now
[12:35:46] and I just don't know what's right and wrong anymore.
[12:35:49] So I appreciate that perspective,
[12:35:51] the fact that you actually think-
[12:35:52] Interesting, check for it.
[12:35:54] We saw from the outside looking in
[12:35:55] that we made individuals.
[12:35:57] So like-
[12:35:58] Is he saying that we're making esports
[12:35:59] is just burning money, I guess?
[12:36:01] In her own event, helping her facilitate that,
[12:36:04] bringing in the sponsorship.
[12:36:06] Doing like individual creator style events.
[12:36:08] Yeah, I think those are just two,
[12:36:10] like very different businesses.
[12:36:12] With the amount of capital that we have raised,
[12:36:15] if like we could go reset and start from scratch,
[12:36:18] there probably would not be any focus on eSports.
[12:36:21] If you had, if I had to make that decision today,
[12:36:24] as a businessman who has tens of millions of dollars
[12:36:29] as fingertips to deploy as a CEO of the company.
[12:36:32] And I don't think that takes away from any of the validity
[12:36:35] behind the value behind eSports teams.
[12:36:37] Like that could get clipped.
[12:36:38] You might think I sound like a fucking moron.
[12:36:40] Why does it think eSports?
[12:36:41] How money we're at today?
[12:36:44] what I think the best courts of action for a legacy team like optic or team
[12:36:48] liquid or cloud nine,
[12:36:49] it's being content or what the seven years that we've been in,
[12:36:52] is it just content?
[12:36:53] Consider us like a legacy team compared to some projects and,
[12:36:57] you know, spin offs that I see like, you know,
[12:37:00] Ludwood working with moist or disguised toast,
[12:37:03] which I like some of the things that he's doing, but it,
[12:37:07] with where we're at,
[12:37:08] how much money that we've raised and,
[12:37:10] and just our position in the gaming community and esports as a whole,
[12:37:14] That's why I say it's probably best that we operate as a traditional sports company
[12:37:18] We do content because we want to not because we need to sell the merchandise and then really bank on e-sports
[12:37:25] continuing to grow over time as
[12:37:28] Dispectator experience gets better for the games that are being played. That's the beautiful thing about gaming
[12:37:32] I think there's there's always gonna be another opportunity in the future and that might sound like a fucking
[12:37:37] and infomercial fucking like sales pitch,
[12:37:43] but it's like to me with how Valorant popped up
[12:37:46] four years ago and Riot with the staying power
[12:37:49] of League of Legends, like we know that they're gonna
[12:37:51] continue to play more games.
[12:37:52] We know that Call of Duty is not gonna let Esports
[12:37:55] of competitive Call of Duty just go away.
[12:37:58] And there's gonna be more in the future that happens.
[12:38:00] I'm not understanding though how-
[12:38:01] Chat, the teams make more money from Valorant
[12:38:04] or from League, I wonder.
[12:38:06] I know that's a very, like, that question probably has a lot of new ones behind it, but, like, is there an answer from Vaderant, you think?
[12:38:15] Is it because of... you can sell in-game shit, right, in Vaderant?
[12:38:18] How you make money as a sports team, and, like...
[12:38:22] You can buy champions bundles, but why don't they have that in League, then?
[12:38:26] Or is it just, like, coming in League or some shit?
[12:38:29] When you're saying that...
[12:38:29] ...part of shit for every now and then.
[12:38:30] They're also probably cheaper, yeah.
[12:38:32] All of their wastage.
[12:38:33] Got it.
[12:38:33] ...content that the player...
[12:38:34] They're also probably cheaper.
[12:38:36] Why does he say money is ruined, these sports?
[12:38:38] Yeah. I'm curious how that, how that started to unravel and play out, you know,
[12:38:42] for me a little bit more unfamiliar with like the world of eSports.
[12:38:46] And I watched the scots phase and there's a moment I'm listening to where they
[12:38:51] say in like 2017, a kid who won a fortnight, like world championship or
[12:38:57] something like that took home a $3 million prize. Yeah. Same year.
[12:39:00] Tiger Woods wins the masters takes home a $2 million prize.
[12:39:04] Yeah. It's like an exorbitant amount of money. It's a big difference.
[12:39:06] What kind of shocking to me and surprising so obviously there's a ton of money falling into this space
[12:39:16] I'm getting some blood in my legs. How does that start good idea? No unravel and show itself as a problem
[12:39:21] Well, I think you know on the other side where Matt was at the timeline
[12:39:25] I was still
[12:39:28] What I was doing was e-sports commentating so I casted the finals of the four-net world. I'm on a breath
[12:39:32] So that was June or July 2019. Okay
[12:39:36] And that was a booga who won.
[12:39:40] Bro, I didn't answer my question.
[12:39:41] So basically we're all losing our minds.
[12:39:45] There was like, they did all these weekly online tournaments.
[12:39:48] One guy, the first weekend of it, one guy, I think it was the first weekend of it.
[12:39:52] Got first place.
[12:39:54] People thought it was like cheating, won a quarter of a million dollars.
[12:39:57] Got his money, never showed it up in an online tournament again.
[12:40:00] Like it was just the Wild West in regards to prize pool at that point.
[12:40:03] They didn't really need to do that.
[12:40:04] I don't even remember why they did this.
[12:40:06] were making there was no no one was budgeting they had it was making so much
[12:40:09] money and it was just like yeah let's just do it and yeah fortnight was quick
[12:40:13] it came and went as quick as it was there bro back to like it might have ruined the
[12:40:16] game but the idea being like let's make million they burned bro that fortnight
[12:40:20] burnt quick has changed epics approach I would say from speaking with people
[12:40:26] there you know Mark Rain co-founder of epic and you know it's still big
[12:40:31] conversation with him. But didn't they have like 10 million or something for the
[12:40:36] winner of of the first fortnight worlds? Yeah, right. Like what do you think? I
[12:40:45] don't know the answer to this question. How much does Epic Games make or like a
[12:40:48] Roblox or something like that? Well, you know, I know the biggest thing that's
[12:40:52] gone on in gaming in the last year, which has been a lot of flak is the
[12:40:55] amount of layoffs in what many people in the gaming scene be like this game
[12:41:01] is doing layoffs like they're the most successful got it of all of us well
[12:41:04] they're reasons for that though no absolutely but i'm just saying you know
[12:41:08] with the amount of esports i'd actually be really interested to see about esports
[12:41:13] if epic is pro like as a possible business yeah they have them real epic epic must be profitable
[12:41:18] right for them is a loss is could potentially be a loss leader to promote unreal engine and promote
[12:41:26] There is no way Fortnite's operating at a loss, right?
[12:41:31] No shot.
[12:41:33] Well, they're, you know, that service, which is probably just like
[12:41:36] their AWS. Yeah, exactly. It was just where they were people
[12:41:39] go to develop games and everything along those lines. Like
[12:41:41] there's a reason Fortnite now does yearly chapters is to
[12:41:44] show off what's the biggest and brightest in Unreal. So
[12:41:49] I mean, yeah, they're fucking, I mean, Matt, Matt, I'm
[12:41:52] sure you have thoughts on this, but hundreds of millions
[12:41:55] billions of dollars. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of money. Back when I was in the office
[12:41:59] with John and like in the room every day, they would talk about these numbers all the
[12:42:02] time. I forget exactly like from the calendar year of 2022 to 2023, how much money would
[12:42:08] Epic be making. Jack's right. Like I actually they started spending money just as quick
[12:42:12] as they were making it because they were just trying to continue to 5.6 in revenue.
[12:42:16] Like, I'm certainly not qualified to talk about like the macroeconomic climate and
[12:42:20] the recession that it never ended up getting labeled a recession, but there was such a
[12:42:25] significant downturn in spending across the board in every industry. And Epic at that
[12:42:32] time, you know, they were just spending money. Every company was that was making it. You're
[12:42:36] just continuing to say everyone just expanded too quickly, like five years ago, didn't
[12:42:41] they?
[12:42:42] The best and then they just kind of reached a scale where it was too much and every
[12:42:48] The company goes through layoffs, but it's not like they aren't still like unbelievably
[12:42:52] well.
[12:42:53] Oh, no.
[12:42:54] They're done.
[12:42:55] I know.
[12:42:56] Was it COVID that caught up to them?
[12:42:57] Or was it just an empty being to catch up to them?
[12:42:58] No matter what.
[12:42:59] And I think I'm talking myself around circles in my head before I even say anything.
[12:43:02] So I got it like.
[12:43:03] And I think it's been interesting to just to see just how well indie games have
[12:43:06] now started to really take over.
[12:43:08] And partially.
[12:43:09] To like.
[12:43:10] Indie games taking over type games like a lethal company.
[12:43:14] Yeah.
[12:43:15] And that's the problem with the gaming industry is that you have publishers and
[12:43:17] companies that are trying to either venture back a video game or I think the
[12:43:23] people who just come up with new game genres are what pops off like the people
[12:43:28] who came up with Valheim with the like I know it's not unique but like
[12:43:31] questing RPG survival banged when people came up with Among Us which was like a
[12:43:37] it was a basically town of Salem but they made it into like a re user friendly
[12:43:40] game that was tick-tock easy banged when they came up with lethal company
[12:43:45] Which is like an exploratory multiplayer game with like slightly scary banged easy good short-form content
[12:43:51] I feel like and now there's a new game coming out called deadlock, which is like a FPS
[12:43:57] FPS MOBA could bang fall guys when it came out obviously those loads of games
[12:44:02] We just like fucking jumping falling shit, but it banged it was easy to understand. It was fun
[12:44:07] And you could play with friends
[12:44:09] Only only up came out which was I don't know if it was the first of its thing
[12:44:12] But it banged as like a jumping simulator thing. It's like I think the people that don't repeat shit
[12:44:19] And then she think outside the box create the new meta and then people for some reason
[12:44:25] I don't know if it's game devs or people are just slow
[12:44:27] But they catch up on this genre and they're like, oh, we'll make a game like that
[12:44:30] But it's it's a year too late buddy. You miss the fucking train. It's over like right now
[12:44:35] I saw the gamescom games release everyone's makings multiplayer RPG and
[12:44:42] Survival games it's just the same shit repeated. It's like make your building
[12:44:48] Discover the map. It's just vampire survivors or Valheim v2
[12:44:52] They're all the same, but it's just different items or some shit
[12:44:57] Yeah, like when you come up with something new it's insane
[12:45:01] Like Marvel Rivals is overwatch. There's Apex copies coming out. Like you need
[12:45:07] something. Everyone's doing cozy games. Just you gotta find the new genre. You
[12:45:11] just gotta combine random shit, you know? Why don't you make like a fucking RTS
[12:45:16] survival, I don't know, FPS game. I don't know. I feel like you just gotta find
[12:45:22] new genres. Yeah, there's loads of Tarkov copies. I just feel like game
[12:45:31] game death C game, game death make genre, don't work. Because I feel like the OG always wins.
[12:45:37] The OG always wins. In most cases. Maybe League took out Dota in the MOBA battle, but in most
[12:45:44] most most cases, the OG genre game, or like the boom genre game that you're copying always
[12:45:50] stands on top. IMO. Like imagine TFT right now. Imagine you made a TFT competitor,
[12:46:00] auto chest competitor it's not gonna work man tft owns it it's done once there's
[12:46:12] once they're like once they're once they're like I don't know I just might
[12:46:20] think I feel like the OG is just dominating like wow is OG MMO and it's
[12:46:26] It's still the best MMO isn't it? Like MOTS played. It just... wow roles doesn't it?
[12:46:37] MOTS played MMO 2024. Let's see it. MMO populations by server.
[12:46:44] Watercraft's number 4. Well it's actually not number 4. It's number 2. Path of Exiles
[12:46:49] number 1. What?
[12:46:51] Well, the total player count is 147 million. Jesus. That's crazy.
[12:46:57] Baldur's Gate 3 has a 122 million, but active daily players, it's 4. It's second.
[12:47:07] Panthex has 386k. Is it an MMO?
[12:47:12] Yeah, Baldur's Gate 3 is also an MMO. It's just an RPG, right?
[12:47:17] The fuck is this list?
[12:47:19] Hold up.
[12:47:28] Oh yeah, Warcraft's still number 1 in 2024.
[12:47:32] Old school runescape number 2, Final Fantasy 3, Path of Exile 4.
[12:47:36] Is Path of Exile a manual?
[12:47:39] Oh my god.
[12:47:49] The drama, the action, the upsets, the unthinkable miracle runs.
[12:47:54] The quest to qualify for the LCS Championship and a chance to prove yourself against the
[12:47:59] best teams in the world.
[12:48:01] Random list aim no way.
[12:48:03] On this stage, you're trying to punch your ticket to the great level of the best
[12:48:08] to offer.
[12:48:09] Can you play Path of Exile 1 co-op?
[12:48:11] Be stoked by the flames of battle or reduce the ashes falling through the rubble.
[12:48:16] It's all in.
[12:48:17] Like from the very beginning of the game, I think I'll play Path of Exile 2.
[12:48:23] I think I'll play Path of Exile 2.
[12:48:26] I never played it.
[12:48:36] This might be a very stupid question chat.
[12:48:40] Is Path of Exile on mobile?
[12:48:45] I swear I saw it on mobile.
[12:48:49] No?
[12:48:50] Okay.
[12:48:51] I've never seen something like Path of Exile on mobile.
[12:48:59] Cut.
[12:49:00] Fresh?
[12:49:01] Okay.
[12:49:02] Oh man, I love the song intro.
[12:49:03] LCS intro does hit.
[12:49:06] I like the LCS intro.
[12:49:07] It does gas me up.
[12:49:08] It gasses me up.
[12:49:09] Yo, gas me up.
[12:49:10] Gas me up.
[12:49:11] Hit me.
[12:49:12] Hit me.
[12:49:13] Hit me.
[12:49:14] Hit me.
[12:49:15] Hit me.
[12:49:16] Hit me.
[12:49:17] Hit me.
[12:49:18] Hit me.
[12:49:19] Hit me.
[12:49:20] Hit me.
[12:49:21] Hit me.
[12:49:22] Hit me.
[12:49:23] Hit me.
[12:49:39] Hit me.
[12:49:40] Hit me.
[12:49:41] i'm a bad rap cat yeah no i can't find the pacing i can't find the pacing why not
[12:49:57] chat is anyone sca gang in the chat is anyone sca gang today the lower bracket kicks off with
[12:50:05] energy and is anyone sca there's no way sca gang's awake you're lying there's no way you're awake
[12:50:15] Oh my god
[12:50:19] Is there any NA games?
[12:50:21] Yeah, NA games rise in China
[12:50:23] NA games rise in China
[12:50:26] What time is it in LA?
[12:50:31] 1 pm
[12:50:36] Do they stream LCS in like China and Korea?
[12:50:39] Is there like Chinese and Korean cast of LCS?
[12:50:42] No
[12:50:47] I mean no
[12:50:48] Really? No
[12:50:49] No, why do I expect there to be something at least as here right in Benz? Wait
[12:51:09] Who would work at 4 a.m.
[12:51:17] Oh dignitas wait dignitas is so fucking
[12:51:21] So they've banned Renekton, I think...
[12:51:24] Not the best.
[12:51:26] Right.
[12:51:28] If Senna's banned, they first picked Lillia.
[12:51:30] If Senna's off, they should first pick Senna.
[12:51:32] I didn't say bad.
[12:51:33] I didn't say bad.
[12:51:34] What?
[12:51:35] Nidalee Ivern banned.
[12:51:37] What the fuck is that?
[12:51:39] Nidalee Ivern?
[12:51:41] Ah.
[12:51:43] The winner on that champ is like out of control.
[12:51:45] Ash ban on Blue side.
[12:51:47] Ooh.
[12:51:48] Ooh.
[12:51:49] We'll champion right now in bot lane, but one thing I will say is it does kind of change how you have to
[12:51:54] Ivern is turbo P in the LCS, is he?
[12:51:56] Yep, you can obviously play, you know, those maps down there, which we see when we see it in pro
[12:52:01] But Xenna also touches you and has no real support, you can play double
[12:52:04] Xenna first pickin'
[12:52:06] That I think is really really powerful, I just don't know that we'll see it in the LCS
[12:52:09] We can see there's so many players in the LCS, of course you're in support
[12:52:12] Yo, the LCK didn't even touch hit it
[12:52:14] Okay, we got it!
[12:52:15] Okay, we got the orange Xenna
[12:52:16] Me who remain dreams is a hell of a pro
[12:52:18] I didn't say 1st pick, I said he's gonna play Corky or Chastana
[12:52:21] Okay, that's... sure
[12:52:23] Hi, yeah
[12:52:24] Not 1st pick though
[12:52:25] No, not 1st pick
[12:52:27] What else we got, what else we got, talk to me
[12:52:32] No one wants to split
[12:52:33] It's 14-16, yeah, LCK was 14-16 to chat
[12:52:39] LCK's 14-16 as well
[12:52:41] see
[12:52:43] Lillia already suggesting that we would get an AD mid here from Pal of OX of course it's not guaranteed
[12:52:47] Or else okay, I'm not okay. I like it switching in this direction. They have the I don't like Senna
[12:52:56] What is the Senna combos now Senna Kalista is that a lane?
[12:53:01] What happens if they just slam like a blitzcrank on three good on it?
[12:53:04] Yep, so I'm happy to see I'll see came never tried anything new
[12:53:07] Well, they played NASA Smith today
[12:53:09] What's kinda cool? What's kinda cool?
[12:53:18] What are the best pairings with Senna since the changes?
[12:53:21] Is Senna cake in a link? She was probably fucking annoying to play that.
[12:53:26] Cassante on 3.
[12:53:29] I mean Poppy Top here is just absolutely sexy and it's a really good matchup top against Calista as well.
[12:53:35] You can ban AP junglers for Lillia, like Poppy Top here is absolutely delicious.
[12:53:40] Rell is, oh my god I love it, it's disgusting, just fucking do it, what a beautiful pick, what a beautiful pick.
[12:53:48] The best part of that pick is that it's a flex as well.
[12:53:50] I think works a lot better than trying to find that Nautilus Senakamba where you have to have the AD carry warning and all that other stuff
[12:53:56] I mean people really do have to think about it like an enchanter when you're going the full AB build
[12:54:00] Especially if you're skipping Black Leaver and you're just going echoes in the moon zone and this type of build
[12:54:03] You really have to think about it
[12:54:05] We don't talk about the LEC series. We don't talk about it
[12:54:11] Contracts loves Poppy. Okay, and we'll hear the judge. It's not about the damage
[12:54:15] It's not like the lethality builds of old where yeah, poppy poppy is great here
[12:54:19] You're getting played to your getting kills you could actually pump out some real damage. This is not bad. Yeah, you still have a capable early game
[12:54:26] Midfield or genius classic show who chords good one
[12:54:32] Vibe and mm-hmm like Vibe and kind of useless Kalista by center sounds fucking terrible
[12:54:38] I mean if they had something like rail now the jungle pool would be a bit more cautious of a vibe big
[12:54:43] Yeah, I think I would have been said you are need to know as well
[12:54:46] So trying to target speak up here a bit. They already have their jungler. It's also good blind mid
[12:54:51] And thrown towards speak. I feel like Zeria is really good here. No
[12:54:54] Why he can play here? Zeria is really good for damage share. I don't know what Palafox plays though
[12:55:00] What is Palafox play?
[12:55:02] That's the only mage mid that has actually been done. Palafaker
[12:55:06] Very standard very easily even with all of these jungle bands because my god, his win rate is horrible
[12:55:13] It's still completely available. So it does dictate a little bit. What don't play Alice star man
[12:55:19] Yeah, rails better. They're gonna have to lane swap
[12:55:27] Rats I missed that you see what happens don't go back
[12:55:32] Is there any secret champ you think could pop up more
[12:55:37] No, there's anything secret as well as any secret champs
[12:55:43] from Jensen. I do think we could have
[12:55:45] I think I should have banned Mark, I said
[12:55:47] what are we going to play? Callister
[12:55:49] R. Revive. It's Poppy.
[12:55:51] Enjoy that.
[12:55:53] What are we playing? Zinzal.
[12:55:55] We're playing TF
[12:55:57] Miderot or Rihanna.
[12:55:59] I don't think the Orianna buffs are that good.
[12:56:01] I don't think the Orianna
[12:56:03] buffs are that good. Oh my god
[12:56:05] he's yawning. Wake up man, we got a
[12:56:07] best of five to play. Holy shit that was a big one.
[12:56:09] That's going to be a very powerful Zin
[12:56:11] have the power of senate as well as the power of the jensen's otp don't hate them going for a more
[12:56:16] it's a lablon game actually it's not a lablon game would be relatively more interesting i'm
[12:56:22] actually a pretty big fan it might be a tristana game learnings of last patch and moving it here
[12:56:25] you can also completely with your own ult you pop progressing guards yeah and that becomes
[12:56:30] you know okay it's just so important for chat i'm gonna run ads real quick uh so you don't
[12:56:35] get the ads during the game you can subscribe by the free twitch prime or tier one it's up to
[12:56:38] You you don't have to sub I'm gonna run them now you'll be back before the game starts properly and yeah
[12:56:42] You won't get them during the game ever never ever ever really get answering even I'll always run them before
[12:56:46] All right lock in
[12:56:48] Yeah, I don't the reason I don't like Jace. I like Jace with Maokai. I like Jace with Ziggs ad
[12:56:54] I like Jace with rumble with gin. I don't like Jace with Lillia poppy
[12:57:01] I would prefer a DPS champ. I feel like
[12:57:03] Jace is a bit poke, but he doesn't really have a poke comp here.
[12:57:08] Lilia wants to flash in, Rel wants to flash in, MF wants to ult, and Poppy wants to knock someone away.
[12:57:12] So you can't need someone that can burst someone.
[12:57:14] Jace has a bit of burst, but...
[12:57:16] I would prefer something like Tristana there.
[12:57:19] Or Xerimu...
[12:57:28] Da da da da da da da da da da da
[12:57:32] Yo NA frogs, I know you're awake now.
[12:57:34] listen actually I'll tell you after the ads you're not used to any meta comp is
[12:57:41] Jace, Lillia, any meta comp? I mean I will slap my cheeks and call me Susan
[12:58:00] If NRG doesn't pull a lane swap here, they're absolutely crazy if they don't pull a lane swap
[12:58:12] You cannot convince me you're gonna play MF rel against Senna Kalista and not swap. That's gotta be Skitso
[12:58:22] That's gotta be Skitso and not to do that
[12:58:26] The Lilting Lullaby
[12:58:30] You're almost 13 hours deep. Yeah, I'm only halfway there, baby only halfway there, baby
[12:58:38] Listen, this is actually an incredible T1 vs. Katie in 10 hours, bro
[12:58:44] T1 Katie, holy moly
[12:58:47] They didn't swap
[12:58:48] Unchanged abilities. I think MF's going down 10 20s. Yes, and for Jensen
[12:58:53] This is the first time that ability has been buffed in his competitive history
[12:58:57] So in that sense he is playing a new champion and this is his best champion historically
[12:59:02] He's been so good on the Orianna over the years. All right. I want to see some good gameplay
[12:59:07] So he wouldn't have good set up. Oh, they are swapping. Thank the Lord's bro if they didn't swap this game
[12:59:13] They I wonder if they've been watching ever too late to stop since I'll maybe
[12:59:19] Okay, we were losing just because he was on
[12:59:21] Lilia has to win both camps. Okay, all good, all good, all good.
[12:59:24] Wait, Poppy snuck past the ward, she's gonna go here or she's gonna gank mid?
[12:59:28] And Jensen's hovering top side.
[12:59:29] Ay, ay, ay, start E.
[12:59:31] Oh my god, hell yeah.
[12:59:34] Three damage from mid. Oh my god.
[12:59:37] It was hovering top side.
[12:59:38] Ooh.
[12:59:47] Okay, so Linsop's good.
[12:59:48] I hope they stack properly because what could happen here is if MF and rel don't stack properly with Lillia Poppy being here
[12:59:56] Cassante just calls to bluff and catch stop-wave and poppies and I have to end up stemming bot
[13:00:04] Yeah, licorice should think about this I think staying on the tower could work here, let's see
[13:00:14] They stacked it decently actually
[13:00:18] Because the lane swap, that's being negated.
[13:00:20] Yep.
[13:00:20] Yeah, I mean, looking at the early jungle pathing,
[13:00:24] Lillia is just going to be doing a normal full clear.
[13:00:26] He's just going to do a normal full clear down.
[13:00:29] So...
[13:00:29] Can he hold that? He's level 2.
[13:00:31] I think he's fine, you know.
[13:00:33] I think if Sin Zhao comes down,
[13:00:34] I think big can win the lane swap here.
[13:00:38] Good camp skip there by Sin Zhao.
[13:00:42] Yeah, this was...
[13:00:43] Hey!
[13:00:46] He's going to have to stack his Q on the minion,
[13:00:48] and they didn't have to EQ him
[13:00:52] ah it's a horror, it's a horror for NRG
[13:00:54] it's a horror, oh my god, it's a horror
[13:00:56] I can't describe how big of a horror it is
[13:00:58] it's like an absolute jump scare
[13:01:02] there is no way Cassante just caught the whole wave
[13:01:06] in the lint swap
[13:01:09] oh, don't clap, I don't blame you, just go die on the tower
[13:01:14] oh he miscued Sven
[13:01:16] I
[13:01:26] Don't blame him he's watching the enemy top laner catch a whole top way to get level four while he's zoned away at level one
[13:01:31] Just fucking walkover. Oh
[13:01:34] Yes, and a heel. That's why okay
[13:01:37] To be honest, it wouldn't have been that bad of Calisthenia when the next
[13:01:40] I mean look at this, his enemy top is level 4, and also he's very close to level 2.
[13:01:52] He needs 2 minions for level 2, he needs 1 more minion for level 2, but Kalista gets
[13:01:56] aggro.
[13:02:00] It was heal right?
[13:02:01] Yeah, it was heal.
[13:02:06] Very good dive, good dive, good stuff.
[13:02:08] Good pace.
[13:02:09] He's already level four and lane swaps have been abandoned so not a good start there for digger toss
[13:02:15] Doklai is
[13:02:17] Top is disaster look at top lane about this swap is two levels down full two levels down this puppy
[13:02:24] We've seen this lane play out poppy favored a lot of times
[13:02:27] And it was also going back to the draft. This is the first poppy game up Doklai this tree
[13:02:32] No, he'll be two levels down maybe one one and a half levels down many after this wave
[13:02:37] Maybe two.
[13:02:39] Yeah, maybe one and a half.
[13:02:41] One and a half every time.
[13:02:43] Okay, here comes their deadbots.
[13:02:45] Oh my god, he cleans nothing and he missed Q.
[13:02:47] And FDI got aggro.
[13:02:49] Oh no, who contracts for aggro.
[13:02:51] They got gents and tb. He could flash over this wall.
[13:02:53] Double flash, not bad.
[13:02:55] Oh my god, I'll W flash.
[13:02:57] No cleanse on MF.
[13:02:59] Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
[13:03:01] Yo, NRG have fucked the game.
[13:03:03] Yeah, and actually have fucked the game not only did they not dive top because Lillia was clearing they both Bob and lost the dive
[13:03:12] So both side lanes are fucked
[13:03:18] This is the comfort zone for dignitas because previously they've been a team that is very
[13:03:24] Poor about creating their own advantages, but now that they have that
[13:03:29] 1700 gold lead one through their own dive and two from their own dive defense
[13:03:33] They can kind of just slow play this out with their strong scaling. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna lose to this
[13:03:40] Your sixth best team in an a g2 lost it up
[13:03:43] He's playing the fact that he gets those additional healing in a pores then and a very fast EP from Jensen and then aisles here
[13:03:50] You see the movespeed
[13:03:53] W flash over the wall gets through it on FEI they grab that kill Jensen's the one that actually does pick it up
[13:03:58] I guess even our gap was real
[13:04:01] How has who he been this bitch at the is he good or is he meant for digs?
[13:04:04] I mean that was just a high-risk high reward type of play for energy that did not be off whatsoever
[13:04:10] Because here at the grubs for the first rotation it looks like contracts is able to you and go away the first one
[13:04:15] And how long is who he been in the LCS? I swear he joined in 2016 didn't he?
[13:04:21] Eight years in the LCS
[13:04:23] Have full control of whatever objective they want to contest for they're actually
[13:04:26] Re-initiating the swap. So part of this was to make sure they didn't give up three grubs to the jungler who was ahead
[13:04:32] So the fox is slumping real bad. Is he test those grubs as soon as they take the grubs
[13:04:36] They teleport liquors down to the bot side
[13:04:38] He's actually gonna be able to force the teleport out from doklah as well maintain that two-level lead and get yet another plate
[13:04:44] Most likely yep, he'll be able to get that plate no problem has the demolish
[13:04:47] Yeah, I mean energy has to losing sideways right up here because speaka isn't the area
[13:04:51] So they don't want to allow I can't even walk out
[13:04:53] So FBI is gonna be denied that full wave who he could try to play some shenanigans here and hold the wave outside the tower range
[13:04:59] But then it becomes a waiting game
[13:05:00] Yeah, eventually you will have to let it crash and that's what he realizes because the colors that we see me
[13:05:06] Which is what they're gonna try to do anyway
[13:05:09] FBI is no flash
[13:05:13] It's good that I also thinking there, but they're both gonna die maybe in a long play from the last turret shot
[13:05:18] Does Sven hit 6? No, he doesn't.
[13:05:20] Maybe Sven can tank this. If Xintar can stack his Q, let's see Xintar.
[13:05:26] Oh no, Sven just gonna tank. Oh my, it's over. It's over. It's over.
[13:05:32] It's done. It's done.
[13:05:40] Oh my lord.
[13:05:48] Poppy's a full level down
[13:06:07] Jack, who's the favorite in this? Who would you say is the favorite?
[13:06:10] Time I mean the items for the 80 carries just feels so depressing as well and they're looking over you have a
[13:06:16] Vamps after in a call dig is the favorites ready as energy just look awful or what and then already has it your two boots already
[13:06:22] Working for is up with the Rune King. You know he is gonna be quite strong here. They swap back
[13:06:26] They're gonna be able to get first-hour on both side pretty much here
[13:06:28] Really any way that doklok could actually defend that and then they could even pick up the dragon if
[13:06:33] Speaker wants to go down there
[13:06:35] Licorice is not going to be able to be shoved off by a VAMP Sector only MF, so he's going to be able to pick up all that farm.
[13:06:41] Bad just goes to worse, it feels like for energy.
[13:06:43] Yep, energy immediately recalling that top side. They know these wave states are bad.
[13:06:48] I don't know if there are good wave states in the current game for them though.
[13:06:53] I mean all big have to do here to control the game perfectly is at 124, if they look for some kind of swap for 6 grubs, they can stop the murder of the map.
[13:07:01] They really can.
[13:07:03] If they swap on a grubb's time and they'll take tower top, I mean bot tower stay at 9 minutes
[13:07:07] NRG are all in a place, doltless roaming bot
[13:07:10] Oh my god
[13:07:12] Enemy top laner is ganking us bot, red alert, enemy top laner is ganking bot with no TP
[13:07:22] Oh there we go, 5 grubs, yeah same thing
[13:07:26] And now top tower's dead as well, dead as well
[13:07:29] At the end of the day, you're dropping two plus...
[13:07:32] That's such a BWIPO play actually.
[13:07:34] Don't go ahead and TP bot.
[13:07:35] Yeah, top tower is dead. Let's gank bot.
[13:07:37] You prevent the first tower gold from going this way, but instead it just goes to licorice,
[13:07:41] and you lost your base in an already really rough game.
[13:07:44] We're already down a ton of experience.
[13:07:46] He's denying the entire wave before allowing that tower to go.
[13:07:49] So then they're just going to get that tower bot right after.
[13:07:52] Yeah, Poppy is completely done so, man.
[13:07:54] That Cassante can take over a game.
[13:07:56] Giving him the gold is also really scary.
[13:07:59] Yeah, tomorrow's specify is going to slam. Quid's going to destroy the squirt team a little bit.
[13:08:04] So you're telling me both sides of your towers are dead in 10 minutes?
[13:08:09] It could rel might be dead as well, or MF might have to flash.
[13:08:13] Good call, they still did your feeling psychotic. Are you feeling psychotic?
[13:08:21] Yes, claims for Lilliold.
[13:08:23] They're getting perfect games.
[13:08:26] They're getting perfect games.
[13:08:29] One sided ten minutes and 30 seconds of the split maybe even the most if anything was gonna happen to bring it back
[13:08:36] It would have been Palafox getting some type of kill on a Jensen here. That's avoided
[13:08:39] It's one side
[13:08:41] Can you know I
[13:08:44] Know she have a grub and therefore that means that there's no perfect fuck
[13:08:49] Did they get a plate as well? Did they get a plate as well?
[13:08:59] Yeah, it's gonna be tough for energy. I feel like at this point, you're almost
[13:09:02] Did they get a minion too?
[13:09:04] You have to just start thinking about game number two
[13:09:06] Actually, perfect game is they got nothing. Therefore, 0 CS, 0 plates, no
[13:09:10] Oh, we have a main advantage. You just pull the trigger
[13:09:12] I don't care about your fucking grub
[13:09:14] But for energy, they're gonna need like five plays like that in a row to even have a chance of coming back
[13:09:17] They're gonna get four grubs
[13:09:19] I don't count grubs to perfect games unless they're above three
[13:09:21] I did confirmation that it's the largest dig gold beat of the split of 8 minutes, which was 2.9k
[13:09:25] Okay
[13:09:26] We'll get that in 14 minutes as well if they keep expanding, because Pika is in
[13:09:29] gonna charge into the fight pops the pressing guard and blocks a lot of the
[13:09:32] damage from range is able to pick up the first kill bullet time rips through
[13:09:36] is undeterred speak it does fall but it's a sacrificial lamb for the greater
[13:09:41] cause of dignitas this way yeah there's a one-for-one at the end of the day the
[13:09:45] bullet time coming up from FBI got quite a bit of damage which mean okay
[13:09:48] noodle arms can you fuck off Halifax snipes one out to get the first
[13:09:52] kill on the board here but at the end of they still the eight-year
[13:09:55] Or I see it again.
[13:10:07] The Umi Arms.
[13:10:09] A 15 plate, huh?
[13:10:11] Jesus, 15 plates in 12 minutes, 30 minutes.
[13:10:15] In game 1.
[13:10:17] Okay guys, I'm gonna stop and be in draft.
[13:10:19] What if we change everything? I like it.
[13:10:23] This is LCK, they say, nah let's run it back.
[13:10:25] And I see no reason for Dignitas to relent here as Venon Isles should just be camping this mid lane taking little pokes every time they can
[13:10:32] I mean everyone on Dignitas has a first-item power spike. Everyone is so insanely strong. What is this?
[13:10:38] If you have any even numbers fight, it's winning
[13:10:40] So Dignitas should always feel incentivized to just push the tempo and the advantage as much as they can and do not give energy to the play
[13:10:47] Cajal's tweet got featured on the LCS broadcast
[13:10:49] Yo Subway, where's my sandwich? It's been half an hour
[13:10:52] with that as we are seeing this in danger shut up who are you finding that fight they do get
[13:10:57] it on the speaker and he gets slept up and then the both the rats are unleashed today
[13:11:01] they are yeah speaker barely getting hit by that last you motherfuckers are unleashed
[13:11:05] turned tail completely he would have been able to keep the team deathless but that's not
[13:11:09] a huge when speaker joined the league wasn't he like really good and it's or he was like
[13:11:14] claust is like the next you can see oriana he just got jailed for a year right and everything
[13:11:19] is kind of fed up as long as they keep wards throughout the jungle here then the midlaner
[13:11:23] has a lot of questions to just keep taking this turret down. It was crazy though. But at the end
[13:11:28] of the day we will see if they're going to be able to do that. Ekko's failure is completed.
[13:11:31] The nine men's sleep broken. So he's going that more full enchanter style build. You can see
[13:11:36] he's working on more AP after that. So not going to be going to the Black Cleaver like we saw
[13:11:39] last week. Black Cleaver was more of a rush item in that game. The nine men's sleep is such a
[13:11:43] good meme. A couple early kills and was just like hey I can buy this expensive item. Yeah I
[13:11:48] I played a few games of this Senna
[13:11:50] Speak us intro if they ever make the finals should be some kind of like sleep when he gets announced
[13:11:55] And in the jungle speak up
[13:11:58] For a lot of years, I played this last time it was meta years ago with the kind of AP style build
[13:12:04] It was already pretty strong then it's just even way better. It's it's a rocker. We'll go kind of hard
[13:12:09] Get the bonus healing from the dream maker the echoes a heliostack so synergistically it is
[13:12:16] You cried at roles at year well, I'm going to cry at roles this year when when EU loses to NA again
[13:12:35] Contracts was in my chat this morning
[13:12:37] So much in the league of saying especially if you do get those pastors 800 is gonna make it back
[13:12:41] You know echoes and all this extra stuff if you have a lot of items
[13:12:45] But it definitely can be a ton of feeling and the TV turned off. Oh my god
[13:12:49] It is very very powerful
[13:12:52] And you know is something that is gonna have to be respected and I wouldn't be surprised if it you know
[13:12:56] It does get banned out later on the series
[13:12:57] Who's the best player on an RG track has not really been about the Senate be honest and it has been strong
[13:13:02] But everything has gone wrong. Yeah, and that is I think is the bigger picture for this game
[13:13:07] so far when we were coming into the series we had contracts who was going to be more
[13:13:12] coordinated because the last time we saw them in last week against well 100 these and fly
[13:13:16] class respectively it kind of have three losing lanes middles in that bet but digna
[13:13:19] toss have been so coordinated in every country and i think the worst part for energy is they're
[13:13:28] the ones that wanted to swap and they're the ones that failed to swap this would be to me
[13:13:31] their last true swapping and fucking up the swap is you ain't swapping for the rest of
[13:13:36] a series I can tell you that for a fact.
[13:13:42] Yo, good night, Twitch.
[13:13:48] I mean, jungle POV early in this game.
[13:13:52] I'm a good laner.
[13:14:06] Wait, what are they doing?
[13:14:16] That worked wonderfully.
[13:14:20] Did NRG not get anything there?
[13:14:24] That's crazy. I'm surprised why they didn't just herald the tower and they just...
[13:14:31] NRG have no damage.
[13:14:33] He's dead.
[13:14:35] Oh, he doubled it? Oh, nice W by Bobby.
[13:14:39] Okay, a bit deep. A bit deep. Okay.
[13:14:43] Go. Hoppy is down two levels.
[13:14:50] Surrising C. Callista is actually down an XP against the map.
[13:14:54] Yeah, the reason I thought that was weird is I was surprised they didn't Herald and then do the dive, because at least Herald will kill the tower while they're diving.
[13:15:06] diving it's all play and kill goal
[13:15:11] basically because it's definitely not from
[13:15:12] the CS he gets a little bit from the
[13:15:13] souls of Santa but that's more of a fun
[13:15:16] fact for how we get to this game is
[13:15:17] become I like the attempt here from
[13:15:19] in Texas Q on tower also good flash
[13:15:21] by Sven he's gonna be able to be okay
[13:15:23] from this spot but did know if we are
[13:15:25] stunned in here the wall right from
[13:15:28] dick comes in collapses they don't
[13:15:29] underestimate the blade and not
[13:15:30] spitting off and trying to take top lane
[13:15:32] power plus the dragon all that camera
[13:15:34] He's a tap spammer. I'm a taps. Oh, yeah wait, we can click a kill. It's a my like
[13:15:43] Guardian Senna really
[13:15:50] I forgot he could do this
[13:15:55] That's crazy
[13:16:01] And a production
[13:16:07] I mean this this looks almost how do you do that for energy to come back from I'm just uh
[13:16:12] I'm just a magician. What can I say?
[13:16:16] So, yeah, I know it. I know this is honestly the time where energy needs to
[13:16:20] Preserve their mental as much as possible. They'll try and keep making plays. Yeah, preserve mental
[13:16:24] Nice looks not necessarily expect to win the fight. I kind of more just
[13:16:29] See to get this ASAP. That's a cool. It's cool. Here throughout the Russian series
[13:16:32] I mean one thing I will say yeah, cb. Little has it, right?
[13:16:34] Maybe I'm crazy, but surely it's just a twitch extension, right, that's it?
[13:16:40] Surely it's just a twitch extension, right?
[13:16:46] Yeah, I'm high for tomorrow's series.
[13:17:00] How can I use that twitch extension if I watch you?
[13:17:10] You can't.
[13:17:14] Just tell me what's ligging.
[13:17:16] Yep.
[13:17:17] playoffs as there's some
[13:17:19] Contesting of this red buff. He was the master of the Jace Tristana matchup
[13:17:22] Yeah in both sides of it
[13:17:23] So finding windows where he can play those champions where he found his most success on
[13:17:28] I think would be something to build off of throughout the series because it does also feel like energy is
[13:17:34] Kind of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. Can you see the cooldowns?
[13:17:38] I don't think I can see the cooldowns. The poppy is a huge
[13:17:41] The lane swap is a huge miss
[13:17:43] not having sent a priority figured out in the right way from last week to this week and then letting take
[13:17:48] first because he's a cooldown speed needs to be a lot smaller question though is is it you know a failure of ideas
[13:17:53] that are filled about execution because to me it's more of a failure of execution I call it now tl dominates na wins
[13:17:59] the split and goes zero three at worlds but the way that you don't obviously really really bad
[13:18:06] they're bot laner you know they're well that sounds like something g2 would do well licorice is farming all the
[13:18:11] experience not getting pushed off at all you know that just can't happen in these
[13:18:15] kind of situations you know generally that alone you know maybe they would like
[13:18:19] dominate screams or some shit and everyone stage e2 is really scary and
[13:18:22] they'll get three oh that sounds too to me they got TP done not only they
[13:18:27] failed the dive they got killed so it's it's really really tough in those
[13:18:32] situations to have a kind of unemotional read on what the problem
[13:18:35] was in a game like this where everything failed yeah
[13:18:39] See that I'm flyquests on Sunday, I saw it.
[13:18:49] Jhin's damage is pretty strong here.
[13:18:51] Oh, he misquits.
[13:18:56] He's scared of ult.
[13:18:58] Oh my god, that arcane, your shield is crazy.
[13:19:05] With the Sennel player, yeah, it was big.
[13:19:08] You wanna go baron guys? Kill Orianna and go Nash?
[13:19:11] Oh, they can kill the Torrena. Flash, flash, flash, Ducla.
[13:19:14] Ah! Fuck, thank you.
[13:19:16] They have to go Baron.
[13:19:22] Yeah, they have to.
[13:19:27] Yeah, I think it's Gromp here.
[13:19:31] There is no way I think it's gonna throw this game.
[13:19:34] have GP this is actually a window back let's see if then I'll speak I can hold
[13:19:38] them what is what is energy doing what is chase doing five on three all the
[13:19:43] centers one that that kind of though they don't think they have the damage
[13:19:48] for the objective I kill sure oh my god chase chase chase but they keep the
[13:19:54] range I think they should have committed to a full send on the bearing it's
[13:19:59] not like they can get poked down so annoying here almost as a hundred
[13:20:02] souls by the way so that's why that range is getting ridiculous yes they
[13:20:06] I think they should have full centre baron, they should know there's no double TP up.
[13:20:13] Passante TP'd in and Orianna got cancelled on the TP out so they're dead with no TP's.
[13:20:23] They should have just full centre baron I think.
[13:20:28] I know their damage is bad but Jace just needs to hit.
[13:20:30] The way Jace was standing was, Pitz is here, Jace is here, trying to poke, he should
[13:20:35] be here and if they woke up they were well conzoling maybe or they can flash go
[13:20:39] and lilia sleep and then back to Nash
[13:20:41] that is a big mistake actually for dignitas could have been a lot worse if we think about
[13:20:46] the Baron actually going over if the objective bounding could have been converted but as
[13:20:50] of now it's still very heavily in the favor of big that was a that was a pretty big
[13:20:54] window though yeah it's like what you guys said about 10 15 minutes ago I mean energy
[13:20:59] would have to get five miracle winning fights in a row to shore up the gold deficit that they have
[13:21:06] against Dignitas right now. Yeah I mean Palavrux though still deathless, contracts deathless as
[13:21:10] well. When will Fredoji, Paul Shemba, play happen? Was big so they haven't given up in this one just
[13:21:15] yet but Dignitas is moving themselves to soul point which is going to be difficult when you're
[13:21:20] behind they get mountain soul it always feels that much harder. I love the Dignitas face
[13:21:25] by the way that is fantastic
[13:21:27] that is an STR emote right there
[13:21:29] I mean Dignitas have a really good baron
[13:21:31] there is a bit of annoying poke
[13:21:33] like chase poke is annoying yes
[13:21:35] but mf ult will stop baron into me
[13:21:37] energy
[13:21:39] a little bit of confidence boost knowing that Dignitas is not completely immortal
[13:21:41] and they can punish
[13:21:43] some of these mistakes that Dignitas make
[13:21:45] when they're over extending on the side lanes here
[13:21:47] mf ult should stop baron into me
[13:21:49] don't teleport from the solo laners of Dignitas
[13:21:51] for a few more
[13:21:53] At least under a minute
[13:22:23] But if you ignored and then her old place like the last 12 minutes, I don't know
[13:22:30] I didn't think that far
[13:22:40] They are making dignitas earn it from a spot where it felt like the game was gonna be free
[13:22:45] Yeah, which is actually something they should be able to mentally build off of the figure the next day
[13:22:48] That's kind of the beauty and the curse of
[13:22:50] Of Moba's right is that what you mean bro needs a meal. He doesn't get stronger
[13:22:55] So it just gets harder and harder and harder
[13:22:57] So, you know a good play later that would at parody when you the game does not do so right?
[13:23:02] You know, that's the challenge is that how the game can really make things incredibly difficult for you
[13:23:08] God this MF does look useless doesn't she like you said she does look useless
[13:23:15] BT
[13:23:18] Mortal reminder
[13:23:20] Ow.
[13:23:30] So MF will should stop Baron.
[13:23:33] Pretty handily.
[13:23:35] I think FBI needs to come around though.
[13:23:39] Are they just flipping Baron? Am I high?
[13:23:42] Oh my god they got it.
[13:23:43] They just went for it. It was just a complete flipping.
[13:23:58] Absolute flip.
[13:24:04] Right, energy still there, that'll be huge.
[13:24:08] They have Kalista.
[13:24:11] True. True. Right.
[13:24:13] for them though and now with the Baron buck and a massive gold leaf they're
[13:24:16] gonna still do it yeah I guess it is it is slightly reliable I mean law of
[13:24:21] averages if there's what I would much preferred is if Cassante can just flash
[13:24:24] out of the pit in Ultec that the Lillia and then just finish I would much
[13:24:28] prefer that yeah I'd much prefer Cassante here just have a water over in
[13:24:32] his flat with Lillia they just let contracts it was so close what was the
[13:24:37] number there yeah and he's aside from xmithie stolen the most barons of any
[13:24:43] player in lcs history yes yeah I mean licorice was playing to the wall so
[13:24:47] maybe he thought he could like find an angle to like get vision on them and and
[13:24:49] stop them before he could get the smite but then they needed to stop
[13:24:52] damage on the Baron and let him come in then all of them back over the wall
[13:24:56] if there needs to be some cooking they're from licorice for sure from
[13:25:00] dig to prevent that but at the end of the day it did not end up
[13:25:03] happening they are massively had 10k looking for the last outer tower here
[13:25:07] Now as they do push in Smithies the goat and look to try to put the finishing touches on this game
[13:25:14] You're a showmaker or a blinker
[13:25:24] We're gonna TP and to make sure they're safe. Yeah
[13:25:28] After the tier two turret they back off way from the next minion wave our energy tries to
[13:25:32] deal with licorice is also pushing into the mid lane yeah licorice has played a
[13:25:37] really strong game after getting that early advantage hasn't let his
[13:25:41] experience advantage decline which can be a trap that a lot of top laners fall
[13:25:45] into when they are very far ahead they oftentimes will overgroup because it
[13:25:48] seems easy but he's very strong at applying the side pressure and he's
[13:25:52] actually just letting them break these turrets this might be the look for
[13:25:55] energy watch who he good flash by Jensen oh man silver hands all the
[13:25:59] He sleeps big here though.
[13:26:01] Does he have stopwatch?
[13:26:02] Okay, nevermind. That shield is...
[13:26:06] Absolutely massive.
[13:26:07] Shockwave's big.
[13:26:10] Uh, Casante's Casante.
[13:26:12] Yeah, did you?
[13:26:13] Did you?
[13:26:16] Did you?
[13:26:20] Big win.
[13:26:22] I mean, the second little baron again was done, but, um, yeah, great early game from Dignitas.
[13:26:27] They got swapped on.
[13:26:29] Play the confidence, pull off the bot dive, Ligurus pulled their bluff on top, worked out really well.
[13:26:38] I still haven't gotten my 20k gold lead though.
[13:26:43] All my 20k gold lead now.
[13:26:46] Now.
[13:26:50] Now.
[13:26:54] Yeah, agree. The first 10 minutes were super deciding.
[13:26:59] So check is Senna OP as fuck
[13:27:04] What website do you use to check pro solo kill counts?
[13:27:08] I use DPM double you just go like e-sports
[13:27:12] And they can see any region right if I want to see ding the tass is
[13:27:16] Sven also tapping Sven I guess I can see what he's been playing
[13:27:25] handy
[13:27:29] Very handy
[13:27:32] where we're still talking about lane swaps and where I'm gonna flip my prediction
[13:27:37] I can't tell whether you guys are booing that or the lane swap
[13:27:43] Bro, why are you just sitting in the chat saying mention of Pedro eating or to say eat now?
[13:27:47] I'm gonna start at mid-30. This is the last time things are gonna look at the right way
[13:27:52] Because they're actually the ones calling for this swap. We're gonna have Doka come
[13:27:56] Yo, SCA gang, you gotta go to bed. What time is it in SCA?
[13:27:59] So they pushed Jensen back.
[13:28:01] It's 4.30 AM.
[13:28:02] Go to bed.
[13:28:03] Go to sleep.
[13:28:04] We're at about 2.44.
[13:28:06] We're looking at speaking.
[13:28:07] They're fucking in bed with their phone.
[13:28:09] So he is on the rotation.
[13:28:10] He skips the camp's offside, sets up.
[13:28:12] Most importantly, still bad.
[13:28:12] Bro, just go to bed.
[13:28:14] Is level one still, and Licorice is already level two.
[13:28:18] So he's soaking up all this XP.
[13:28:20] We've talked again about how important it is
[13:28:23] to try to get your top laner ahead.
[13:28:25] And these situations,
[13:28:25] all meals lead to selling.
[13:28:26] They do.
[13:28:27] Energy were the ones that actually initiated
[13:28:29] Meals do lead to selling all the way back. I wasn't ready to get zoned off of this entirely almost and then they are gonna have
[13:28:36] A woman comes into the chat first time messages. You're not my real mother
[13:28:40] And is not a swear the level two in time ends up dying right here
[13:28:46] So on the swap back, we're gonna fast forward again to my editor miss spell elimination series on the YouTube video
[13:28:54] So we've swapped back now and NRG are looking for a dive on bot side, right?
[13:29:03] Dignitas are able to TP Jensen in, respond to this immediately, and then they get another kill.
[13:29:15] Alright well, now we're gonna go into 634 about here, uh so we're gonna watch NRG's recalls
[13:29:24] across the board, so we're gonna go in here, MF has recalled so now NRG's bot lane are going
[13:29:31] top side, but we'll get what happened here, because not only while this is happening, so
[13:29:36] doke is still getting my licorice, and on this top side, FBI is all the way back here,
[13:29:43] Twitch chat talking about the game versus Esa.
[13:29:46] They're going to be able to get two kills off of this entire thing.
[13:29:49] At this point, this is way out of NRG's control.
[13:29:53] And we had talked previously about how Dignitas have not responded as well to swaps.
[13:30:00] Wait, don't mind. Don't mind the swaps.
[13:30:01] Because that would be the best I've seen them be able to actually respond to.
[13:30:05] I think Dick played the swap well, but I also think NRG was fucking clueless on the swap.
[13:30:09] Oh my god, it was disgusting.
[13:30:10] These are them in in one of these situations. It would make mistakes. It was crazy
[13:30:15] Really tough look for energy and that's kind of where the game was decided right because even with the little
[13:30:20] Plub crazy bad in the top lane where they did get that catch on to Jensen. What are we eating?
[13:30:24] I yogurt yogurt. What flavor yo show the flavor Kevin is absolutely abysmal
[13:30:29] Speaker looks like about to cry the best recommendation for them is delete this from your memory
[13:30:35] Focus on game number two. I mean don't repeat the mistakes that you've made
[13:30:39] So don't completely believe it, but do not focus on that at all. They have to recenter. There you go
[13:30:45] Doka is recentering already. Yeah, it's fine
[13:30:47] I mean next game a brand new game because this one by like seven minutes
[13:30:53] I already knew you know, you have such a low chance to win this game. You are check the reddit
[13:30:58] Let me have a look massive one view on me in chess. Okay, go link it. I for one
[13:31:02] I'm gonna link it my prediction
[13:31:04] My 3-0 energy
[13:31:11] But it's one plus one let's go
[13:31:14] I'm a bit tired though
[13:31:16] I'm a tired though
[13:31:19] That's my spot. Well, guess what wait someone clicked it before me. Oh my god. It's not even me
[13:31:25] You're disrespecting timbers, man. I was spectating
[13:31:31] Who in the chat took my position
[13:31:34] I know why our couch is so dirty.
[13:31:37] Yo, it does ain't George.
[13:31:38] Jim, it's me.
[13:31:38] Don't put that on me.
[13:31:40] I hardly sit on this thing.
[13:31:42] But no, like, it's rough.
[13:31:44] And I would say from Dignitas aside,
[13:31:46] we talked about how good their swaps have been.
[13:31:49] That's a clear improvement.
[13:31:50] They've also talked about interviews,
[13:31:52] liquorish specifically with the anime.
[13:31:53] Go!
[13:31:54] Go!
[13:31:54] That's how basically they've been focusing and working
[13:31:57] and they needed to work on their practice.
[13:31:59] And it's looked like it's gotten considerably better.
[13:32:01] Yeah.
[13:32:01] This was a little bit better.
[13:32:03] Dig 3-0 now, I'm calling it now. As we head to break, listen to this week's LCS Connected Combs Replay presented by AT&T and voted on by chat.
[13:32:13] Energy 3-0!
[13:32:15] Can't happen.
[13:32:16] We can dive here, okay? We can just watch for this.
[13:32:18] I'm diving mid here, they go.
[13:32:22] Just watch if Jay smooths this way though.
[13:32:24] Hit tower, hit tower, hit tower.
[13:32:26] I'm keeping, I'm keeping.
[13:32:28] Hit tower, hit tower.
[13:32:30] I flashed out.
[13:32:32] I
[13:33:02] I think I'm TPing maybe?
[13:33:05] I think I'm TPing, I think I'm TPing
[13:33:06] Looks good, looks good
[13:33:07] Yeah, Lilio?
[13:33:08] Yeah
[13:33:09] They have every spell, every spell
[13:33:11] What do they have?
[13:33:12] Every spell, every spell
[13:33:13] I'm waiting time
[13:33:15] If you get rich?
[13:33:16] MF?
[13:33:17] Okay, I'm Q'd up here in one
[13:33:18] Yeah
[13:33:19] Nice
[13:33:20] Nice, nice
[13:33:21] Jayce can come now, okay?
[13:33:22] What the fuck?
[13:33:23] I'm trolling
[13:33:24] Yeah
[13:33:25] And you guys can swap
[13:33:26] It's like pretty fucking good
[13:33:27] Oh yeah, I can swap right now
[13:33:28] Okay, okay, okay
[13:33:29] It's fucking great here
[13:33:30] I need to wait maybe so
[13:33:31] I'm too tired
[13:33:38] Jace could be a what?
[13:33:44] Wait, my brain just got absolutely Jace could be a what?
[13:33:55] Jace could be a
[13:34:06] I'm gonna die here. I completely lost focus when I just heard something my brain is like
[13:34:28] Can someone link me to clip?
[13:34:32] Someone link me to clip?
[13:34:42] Your ADHD kicked in?
[13:34:43] It did.
[13:34:53] Oh well.
[13:34:54] We won't look at it too much, we won't look at it too much Chad.
[13:35:05] Almost a slip of the tongue I think.
[13:35:07] A slip of the tongue.
[13:35:09] Chad someone play Connect 4 against me.
[13:35:13] Someone play Connect 4 while waiting.
[13:35:15] I'm going to show you the link okay?
[13:35:18] a link. Don't play against me. Come. Come. Am I against the Kinect 4 Pro? I'm so locked
[13:35:42] in, it's crazy. I'm so boosted. Next. Next. Go. I'm 1-0 versus Chatter. Is this the
[13:36:25] comments again no way it's an inside joke in big what they call the enemy
[13:36:42] later of pdf
[13:37:03] i mean jesus
[13:37:07] as long as your team knows what you mean
[13:37:12] Yeah, big shield.
[13:37:14] Okay, behind.
[13:37:14] Yeah, we can wait. Heart rating, heart rating.
[13:37:16] They cut it out?
[13:37:17] Yeah, I'm behind now. Look at me.
[13:37:18] Yeah.
[13:37:19] Hey, dude.
[13:37:20] Like a shield.
[13:37:21] Good cheer?
[13:37:22] Yeah, it's just bank.
[13:37:23] It's just bank, I think.
[13:37:24] It's just banked?
[13:37:25] That's drop guys.
[13:37:28] My champ is really good.
[13:37:29] Your champ is really good.
[13:37:29] We kind of visited them early enough.
[13:37:31] Yeah, this is vegan, no?
[13:37:32] Yeah, I've seen it.
[13:37:33] Vegan.
[13:37:39] They have so many little words for certain things, don't they?
[13:37:44] Please drop new merch.
[13:37:48] Yeah, I saw you made merch for us.
[13:37:49] Now what do you think of this merch hold up
[13:38:00] Where is it then?
[13:38:01] Taking sauce is highly illegal
[13:38:05] Not taking flash is no wall it's just like
[13:38:07] You know I'm playing front of point
[13:38:09] I think taking exhaust
[13:38:10] You're not allowed to take exhaust
[13:38:12] You have to take flash and the snopel
[13:38:14] No matter why I can't be here for you guys
[13:38:16] Exhaust for sure
[13:38:17] If the unspoken rule of Aram
[13:38:18] Being the person found in the game to be honest
[13:38:20] Yeah, you're just cringe if you do that
[13:38:22] Nothing ending the game is in the air
[13:38:24] I'm as alive as Cajal's plant
[13:38:26] Dead rip, what the fuck is this
[13:38:28] I work hard so my favorite streamer can eat five times a day
[13:38:45] Our game is the next draft
[13:38:52] stat
[13:38:59] My god echo
[13:39:01] Alright, what's energy gonna adapt
[13:39:03] Let's see a good draft.
[13:39:13] Insulting them.
[13:39:16] Are we going to make a wish?
[13:39:17] Okay.
[13:39:25] Ivan first because he's just the best in LCS or what.
[13:39:33] They're like, ah, we can't die.
[13:39:35] We're going to die because of Nidalee.
[13:39:36] That was probably the toughest one, is that, like,
[13:39:38] if you have both Senna and Kalista,
[13:39:41] and as in Dao, my god, Nidalee's down level one,
[13:39:43] because once he hits level two, and he's going to die,
[13:39:46] they felt like it was really...
[13:39:47] Is Spika a good Nidalee?
[13:39:48] He was sitting there.
[13:39:50] So, yeah, that's a decent change.
[13:39:53] I'm interested in whether or not
[13:39:54] Senna's going to be left through again,
[13:39:55] because I didn't expect Senna to be even available
[13:39:58] for a first pick.
[13:39:59] A lot of the pro players going into this week
[13:40:01] Wow, Rito game.
[13:40:06] How trash do you find my region? I think the region's not bad.
[13:40:12] I'm guessing last ban is Senna here, right? It's just Enchanter bans, isn't it?
[13:40:18] It is just Enchanter bans.
[13:40:20] Ivern ban, Seraphine ban, Senna ban, yep.
[13:40:25] So what's the first pick in the name? Normally you see something like Ash here.
[13:40:28] something like Ash here or Rumble or Renekton, this would be very standard and then if they
[13:40:36] first pick something like Ash then you would see something like Renekton Maokai or you
[13:40:41] know something along those lines. Rumble first pick, alright, surely they pick Ash right.
[13:40:49] I think maybe they didn't think about Vi, who are you going to see here? Is it time
[13:40:53] for Palafox, Nessus mid into Azir, A, or they're just going to go Corky. I like Nessus mid
[13:41:07] into Azir. They're going to go Corky. I would love an AD pick here then if they knew that.
[13:41:17] Something like Corky, Jhin is not bad with Rumble. Especially considering Maokai is open, right? You
[13:41:22] You can drop jungler, you have Maokai, you have Vy, you have Brand, you have Zyra, Sachiwani just depends what you pick.
[13:41:32] If they're smart here in Archie, they will pick Jhin. Jhin rumble very powerful and there's 4 junglers they can drop.
[13:41:39] Or Rell maybe, could work.
[13:41:42] Jhin, very nice. I actually expected him to do that. Good stuff by Archie.
[13:41:49] engage with Nocturne, with Camille or something like that.
[13:41:51] But I don't even need that much, you know?
[13:41:54] Even at something like...
[13:41:55] Very good stuff.
[13:41:56] I mean, I guess the same...
[13:41:57] Cassante ban hurts here.
[13:41:58] It stops Rumble.
[13:42:00] It makes Rumble quite strong.
[13:42:02] And if you drop top, what do you play?
[13:42:04] So how do you feel about that?
[13:42:05] What do you play into Rumble if you're licorice?
[13:42:07] Plus Rumble.
[13:42:08] So we need some more frontline for energy, some engage,
[13:42:12] somebody to keep them in place for this Rumble ultimate.
[13:42:15] That's rough.
[13:42:15] They actually want to get value out of it.
[13:42:17] So for 4-5 here, N.O.G is really easy, they're drafted straight forward.
[13:42:21] They could Sejuani, Maokai, Brand, Daira, plus Rael, Alistar, or Kaden.
[13:42:28] Very fun.
[13:42:30] Okay, Maokai then.
[13:42:36] It's Skarner jungle? Is it?
[13:42:39] It sure is not Skarner top.
[13:42:47] Even though it's not the best lane phase enter rumble, you just provide so much frontline utility for your team
[13:42:53] And this is our van for Dynatos is set yourselves up with a nice team fight. Have some really sturdy, you know
[13:42:59] The problem is you can't ban out here. You can't ban them out on four fives. They're gonna get jungle support easy
[13:43:05] It's also worth noting. It was against nrg
[13:43:08] It licorice play the scar on top jungle. Hmm. Leona ban. Um, the zinjao taken out
[13:43:14] Why are they banning Yota?
[13:43:34] They want rel
[13:43:44] The four pick here is hard. I think they have to go Sedge. Vi is awful, awful champ.
[13:43:53] Unless you're playing Skarner support, Canon on five, that's disgusting. Ash, Vi, Skarner?
[13:44:02] On a scale of hard engage to no engage, Dignitoss...
[13:44:07] It's a denial pick. It's not...
[13:44:10] The denial pick would be Sejuani. I think Sejuani's... I don't like rumble safer with Shin Kouki. It's not bad.
[13:44:16] Sejuani, Zyra, Brand. I think it doesn't matter what they did. They can't deny it.
[13:44:21] They're all good.
[13:44:32] Hardest target.
[13:44:34] Just pick Rell.
[13:44:36] Yeah, I do think just generally on whole historically
[13:44:47] Why no don't become a please just pick rail go flash WR and just let
[13:45:01] Why it's laughing as well
[13:45:03] It's laughing. Hicks arranged the port with Rumble and in less. Oh my god, I would be so mad.
[13:45:10] You need, you need Rell. Malthus is not bad here.
[13:45:15] Is who here a Bard main? Is he like carry level Bard?
[13:45:21] He hasn't played Bard once this bit.
[13:45:23] Oh
[13:45:37] Didn't play this year or last year
[13:45:40] Or the year before
[13:45:43] Or the year before that
[13:45:46] It was season 10 when he played Bard
[13:45:49] What?
[13:45:51] energy has locked in. We will see what the casters think as we get to see it.
[13:45:58] Thank you so much, Emily. Listen, we saw the Doku and Rumble first kick lock in at
[13:46:05] Jat. Listen, I have some things to say. They are tripling, quadrupling. I don't know
[13:46:11] what the word for seven things in a row is down on this rumble because there was
[13:46:15] a point in the season where energy picked rumble five games in a row and lost all
[13:46:20] all of them. Then they see it again in their elimination game against FlyQuest and Lost.
[13:46:25] It is Doku's most played champion to split and they are winless with it. And then in
[13:46:30] this series, they first pick it for top lane, give away priority picks in Azir and Ash
[13:46:35] in mid and bot, which put those lanes at a disadvantage. They are so locked into making
[13:46:41] this rumble work and if it doesn't work, their season is going to be over.
[13:46:45] That's rough.
[13:46:47] And it could work!
[13:46:49] It is a globally very high presence champion, 80% presence, 65% win rate, it has not worked for them at all.
[13:46:55] Yeah, I mean this is one of those things where you have to think it's working for them in scrims, right?
[13:47:00] Otherwise they just wouldn't keep going back to it.
[13:47:02] Or maybe they're looking at those games and saying,
[13:47:04] I mean, Jin Bard is really good together.
[13:47:06] Jin Corky Bard is good.
[13:47:07] It's hard to know, but for whatever reason it is not working at all for them.
[13:47:11] It's not the best the rumble all on the match history for sure
[13:47:14] We'll see if they can turn it around because dig also has I think a pretty tough comp to play rumble into there's a tremendous
[13:47:22] RCC yeah, well on the sidelines. We do have razz
[13:47:26] With an interview with think card
[13:47:29] What's up that is right I got to think hard here just coming off of last game just any assessment off the
[13:47:34] Last game large advantage digging toss had with the lane swap and also just any learnings you had from it
[13:47:40] I'm not sure against FlyQuest, we also kind of our brains didn't really work in one either.
[13:47:44] So good news is against FlyQuest we bounced back in one game too, so it is something that
[13:47:49] we've done before.
[13:47:50] So it's unfortunate that in game one we never really got to play.
[13:47:54] That's fair enough.
[13:47:55] And just looking at your composition now we have both the Rumble and the Bard pickups
[13:47:59] really interesting one.
[13:48:00] And also just kind of comment on what we're seeing right now just from your team
[13:48:03] both Dokla and Contracts looking for mid.
[13:48:06] Yeah, so the Bard is something that you can kind of play with these types of compositions
[13:48:11] because once you're showing value of a lot of heart engage and Bard is very good at disrupting
[13:48:15] that type of follow-up, so a lot of teams do play Bard in these situations. It's going to come down
[13:48:18] to whether we can use our mobility in the factory of such long-range tools to really punish them
[13:48:22] like between objectives and midways. I appreciate you, thank you for that one.
[13:48:26] I'll send a straight picture to the casters. Thank you guys.
[13:48:30] I like how Think hard dodged the other question from Raz, like, hey what are
[13:48:34] Contracts don't look so the barred is you know looking for disrupting the backline engage to be fair
[13:48:41] Why why?
[13:48:45] Why even with the double question. Yeah, let's part old fight why why?
[13:48:50] And it is going we saw that was it was just that leash just go in pick a relin
[13:48:54] Just going they were on Jim shooting them from a mile away
[13:48:57] Actually, so he was kind of just sitting around the corki gets vile did I play he's gonna bring vile all the way
[13:49:02] to the backline. W flashing the backline. Let's fuck up Vi. Vi doesn't really have any follow-up
[13:49:08] this game. There's no zigzolts, there's no rumbles, there's no cannon. Vi doesn't really have that much
[13:49:16] to work with. There's no Taliyah, there's no R-E. You can kind of just go random and click any of
[13:49:21] the damage runes and it's fine. It's a bit of a dealer's choice. I will say that early game
[13:49:26] is already much better than it was in game one for energy. Nobody's died yet, there's been
[13:49:30] I like how that's the standard, no one has died yet.
[13:49:35] On top of this they actually have 3 lanes of Pryo which is allowing the Sujuani to invade
[13:49:39] Speekah's Vi and it looks like there was a smite fight over the blue buff that Contrax
[13:49:44] didn't get but they still hold this Pryo so Contrax is going to try and steal this
[13:49:48] wolf away and maybe even...
[13:49:50] Contrax is psyched back.
[13:49:51] That was smite down on the wolf camp, Contrax...
[13:49:54] He's invading a Vi with red buff advantage.
[13:49:56] He has that much buff push.
[13:50:00] And that's the thing is when you have Pryo,
[13:50:02] even if they win the first smite fight on that defense,
[13:50:05] you just follow them to the next camp, right?
[13:50:06] And he still has his smite.
[13:50:07] So yes, he got the smite on that first camp.
[13:50:09] Contracts just holds his smite, pushes him out
[13:50:11] of his own jungle.
[13:50:12] Maybe, Speaker could win that 1v1 in an extended play,
[13:50:15] because once, you know, so 20 uses the upfront damage,
[13:50:17] you kind of have nothing.
[13:50:18] But it doesn't matter because Bard is coming,
[13:50:20] because FBI is coming.
[13:50:21] It's never going to be that fair fight.
[13:50:23] And they've already warded this bot crab
[13:50:26] while holding Pryo in top and mid.
[13:50:28] So I don't know if Contracts is gonna contest this since he does have all three camps bot here
[13:50:33] But they have complete eyes on speaking now as he tries to secure this crab and only having
[13:50:38] What they checked his gromp as well, and they know his gromp is up, which is really nice
[13:50:41] We might try a mid-gank here, but it's not gonna work through another ward, you know
[13:50:44] Unless he turns to go top, it's actually way worse for him because he's only one. This is horrible
[13:50:49] He should just be able to back off and waste even more of his time. This is horrendous
[13:50:52] Dokla knows that he is here if he dies for this this is
[13:50:56] inexcusable
[13:50:57] I mean the Q lands on the Doku and he's gonna come up with the...
[13:50:59] Run ball, run ball, run ball, run ball, run ball.
[13:51:02] Throwing out the white flag!
[13:51:04] Gimo, first blood.
[13:51:05] Yeah, really well done.
[13:51:06] So he tries to bait it in.
[13:51:08] Who he's making the role of.
[13:51:09] He just got the one shot there.
[13:51:10] He felt confident that he could survive the initial play.
[13:51:12] Oh yeah, who he's playing, the T1 Bart skin.
[13:51:14] Who he has the summoner heal as well.
[13:51:17] Oh, he's in January.
[13:51:18] Doku alive.
[13:51:19] Drops the little Coco there as well.
[13:51:21] They are able to get first blood.
[13:51:23] Now he's gonna cover vaults while Bart's top.
[13:51:25] That's still nicely done.
[13:51:26] Contracts here on the bottom side of the map. No, maybe the flash wasn't really needed
[13:51:30] But the 2v1 all in on the FBI. It's a trade of flashes for the jungler versus the 80 carry
[13:51:35] So just smooth early game so far from energy playing the prio into the top gank into the cover bot lane and just winning these small trades
[13:51:42] That way
[13:51:44] That was close. You probably could have traded flashes for sure there with Jensen because if you flash
[13:51:48] It doesn't basically has to flash that if you get bound you're dead
[13:51:51] Yeah, but Alex not to do so was probably hoping that he could get the flash without Genji lose back to back
[13:51:58] They still go to regionals active on the map and you just matter Genji's locked worlds
[13:52:01] They want MSI when you're MSI locks worlds where they're gonna be weak on the map who he goes top to cover
[13:52:06] So then as you said contracts gonna go bot actually cover there because that's where the natural counterplay will come in
[13:52:11] So this is very well played here
[13:52:13] So far by energy and they're out to a
[13:52:15] 1,000 gold if you're only five minutes in so the shoe on the other foot for sure in this one
[13:52:22] Now we asked the question again since dignitas had their best early game in game one as a result of energy
[13:52:30] Miss executing a lot of those moves in the early game
[13:52:32] What does dignitas do now when energy is actually executing correctly? And this has been
[13:52:38] One of the Achilles heels of dignitas. He won't get the rules. I won't say that's a question
[13:52:42] of who is the playmaker why do i find that funny
[13:52:45] who is supposed to create action on this team i'd say compositionally it's the cc that lands from
[13:52:52] the bottom lane and they're the best in random jumps like we left and then speaker because he's been
[13:52:58] set behind needs to hit level six you know what surprises me this game so it's a bit of a tricky
[13:53:01] Sven doesn't have cleanse how is run will bot who invited bro with the equalizer will burn
[13:53:07] Niles to a Chris and then it's forced in a TP top now daling out. Oh my god
[13:53:12] This is actually a really surprising room there from Doku. He just had a straight bot use that prior top to run down here
[13:53:18] It did get pretty dicey, but at the end of the day, they do get the
[13:53:21] You can zone away action and see me talking this bush then uses bear uses flash. She cannot get cast this wave whatsoever
[13:53:27] So then don't go just TP's back up towards top
[13:53:30] Yeah, and speak of war to that so won't be able to get anything
[13:53:33] This is really well done here by Dokla, you know, doesn't get the extra kill that maybe he would have wanted
[13:53:37] But just hold the TP walk spot uses that prior TP's back top
[13:53:42] This chat is carrying your stream
[13:53:43] End of play, end denies the fall
[13:53:45] One step ahead this entire game
[13:53:47] That was exactly the moment where Dig was gonna try and make something happen
[13:53:51] And Dokla as you mentioned loses almost nothing for that
[13:53:55] So even though their wing is making it work in this game
[13:53:59] Yeah, just look at where the wave is talking
[13:54:01] He has set up topside. He's not really going to lose anything from it.
[13:54:05] Likrish is keeping back towards top lane, so he knows there's not going to be any sort of answer on this play.
[13:54:10] So that's why they're trading so heavily into these minions. You're baiting them in.
[13:54:13] Then the equalizer gets dropped.
[13:54:15] Almost no one can do that.
[13:54:17] He is going to be able to get away. Unfortunately, the Flash is committed.
[13:54:19] Can't actually tag him with that electro harpoon. Otherwise, it could have been another kill.
[13:54:22] But they get the barrier. They get the play.
[13:54:24] Yeah, why doesn't he have played this game?
[13:54:26] He's against Bard, Jin, Sedge.
[13:54:28] Absolutely pick central.
[13:54:30] wave was stacked and had to be pushed out from licorice then he's TP's back to answer so that's
[13:54:34] great stuff from dope club on a pick that has not been successful for them. Now contracts is here
[13:54:40] to further accelerate the lead for fbi and moving on the bottom side of the map protecting them
[13:54:46] as they crash this big wave contracts is level six they're going to take out the tower with
[13:54:51] the temper fate so he can go for an easy glacial prisoner to the flashlights then fbi and
[13:54:56] Who he grew forcing their way through aisles and Sven is no longer in this world
[13:55:01] You're next how Fox is coming in to help the cause four man dive onto one
[13:55:06] I'm gonna try install with that depth charge clean. Yo clean dive by energy
[13:55:12] Really good
[13:55:14] This is looking like a block the other way this is looking like yeah the other way around it's still good Matt movement
[13:55:21] Nice Rome's good coordination and handling of the dive
[13:55:23] Palafox even gets down there to help out. Yeah, he's gonna lose a little bit
[13:55:27] We'll see if Justin can kind of keep him away from this wave, but it doesn't look like it
[13:55:31] It's actually kind of close last game
[13:55:32] I think was two point nine K at eight minute lead
[13:55:34] We forgot the cannon and now it's a two and a half thousand gold lead at nine minutes
[13:55:39] What you mean NEC is doomed. How is that your conclusion from that both sides?
[13:55:43] In terms of the fear of energy being completely mental boomed after that game one
[13:55:48] That's gone because they're coming out and everything's going the way of energy here
[13:55:53] Oh, Likrish just...
[13:55:55] Just realize you're playing with the U.S. situation, the wave is in a bad spot, and you're still here.
[13:55:59] And he has no TP, and look at the squad that's coming up here, so if he stays, he's dead.
[13:56:04] If he leaves, he loses a full wave at least.
[13:56:06] He's gonna stop him, he won't be able to kill him, but he's gonna delay the base even more,
[13:56:10] so that's gonna be even more annoying.
[13:56:12] There's no TP available, so it's not even like Jensen can come up top to try to cover,
[13:56:15] Likrish can't come up top to try to cover.
[13:56:17] So they are trading turret plates down on the bot side, but Isle has left bot,
[13:56:21] So it is just going to be ass racing against the three so energy should have the edge up here on that top side
[13:56:27] Even though Jin is absolutely awful at killing towers
[13:56:32] Jin is terrible at killing towers
[13:56:34] 40 seconds on the second part of the prectile
[13:56:36] Pretty good
[13:56:37] Continuing to play through Doku's rumble the fact that their confidence in this pick has
[13:56:43] Completely unwavered through all the staffs that we've seen throughout regular season and playoffs
[13:56:47] maybe this is what they've been seeing results in in terms of a rep left makes
[13:56:51] perfect man if at first you don't succeed loses improve try and try and try and
[13:56:55] try and try and try and try again there you go and it's gonna eventually work
[13:56:59] for it eventually we'll get there well now what does dignitas do because they
[13:57:04] still have the benefit of having a lot of go buttons on their sides they can
[13:57:08] always force engages but they just need to make sure oh my god check this free
[13:57:11] you're free not getting completely isolated as licorice it's gonna get
[13:57:16] the wall
[13:57:18] But that sets him up
[13:57:21] Into the temperate he's gonna stall time with the impale
[13:57:24] But surely he goes down to the last bullet of the fii. That was also pretty well done from Ligur trying to buy as much
[13:57:30] Time as he could I thought maybe he had a chance to get out when the glacial prison actually got barred all to it
[13:57:34] Unfortunately, but still energy sent enough members there one thing that is
[13:57:39] Yeah, it's just looking like the opposite game one solo gold on the bot side
[13:57:42] So he'll likely be able to cash in on that turret down on bot lane
[13:57:46] But FBI has picked up a couple early kills the gin is getting very far ahead and
[13:57:50] This game starting to spiral here
[13:57:52] And if you can toss just needs to slow down the pace of the game try to play a little bit defensive
[13:57:57] Because they do still have so many pick tools and they have good scaling six grubs
[13:58:01] Yeah, it's as well though and the tricky thing here is I actually feel like dig is trying to slow the game down
[13:58:07] It's a horror. Dicks completely fucked. They're compass terrible.
[13:58:11] Energy is so far ahead.
[13:58:14] Oh my god.
[13:58:16] Jin has absolute wet dream of a comp against any comp.
[13:58:21] Absolute wet dream.
[13:58:27] Jin rumble. You know it's my favorite.
[13:58:37] You can see a lot of the first items completed.
[13:58:38] Chat, there are LCS finals next weekend.
[13:58:40] The ship bought up, the Triforce is completed, we have the Zeke's purchase, so a lot of these
[13:58:44] items now completed all at the same time here for energy.
[13:58:47] No, they're the weekend after, right?
[13:58:48] They're spiking at a very good time.
[13:58:53] Next objective will not be for another four minutes on the bottom side of the map,
[13:58:57] but the Rift Herald is spawning in under two minutes.
[13:58:59] We're going to see how well energy are able to swamp their lane assignments over
[13:59:04] to the top side of the map, because at this point you want to just strangle Dignitas
[13:59:08] out of this game you don't want to give them a way back in with that late game
[13:59:12] scaling insurance from Jensen's here who you know despite the sidelines
[13:59:18] when the bot picks any better in hindsight he is still remaining
[13:59:21] I still think rel is just it's just the pick no matter what
[13:59:24] Jensen might be the target though temper fate does land
[13:59:27] hindsight's hard because the game statement will always be different
[13:59:29] contracts and FBI are also here the deadly flourish lands here comes the
[13:59:33] curtain call and I was going to try to block it and nice stun from
[13:59:37] Downtown as FBI's curtain call is cut short the assaults coming from absolutely everywhere
[13:59:43] Dignitas has to just defend for their lives here. They do not suffer a fatality and I don't want to stop
[13:59:51] I want to make it until I'd say they can get come to anything
[13:59:55] They have to circle each power and try and slow down the beating
[13:59:59] Is the fact they lose every lane so energy wouldn't have a soul threat that soon, but they're threatening everything else
[14:00:05] Yeah, and I mean Dignus is just trying to overload that bot side to keep him away from the tower because with six grubs
[14:00:10] It's so difficult and also that bot lane tier one is so low that you just want to pick up that gold
[14:00:15] But oh
[14:00:17] Now Jensen is stuck out. He tries to blink away, but cannot escape the winters wrath contract picks up another kill
[14:00:25] Another one going the way of energy, you know I was playing one the first series
[14:00:29] The longer the series goes on the less sleep I get for T1 KT
[14:00:32] Also going to be backing off Isle's bases.
[14:00:34] Jensen does not and ends up getting caught out for another kill and now, you know, bad kind of going to worse here.
[14:00:55] I'm new to League, Kato. Who do you play for?
[14:00:57] I play for a team called Lost Ratonage. They're four world titles.
[14:01:01] and they have a middleman called the Unkillable Red King.
[14:01:23] How do they go on Jin? Yeah, static RFC in the IE, if you can build.
[14:01:26] them to bar this game. You know I also went back and was looking at the games that he didn't have.
[14:01:30] These teams finished fifth and sixth right?
[14:01:32] Like Ash and playing Senna and playing you know double range,
[14:01:35] bot lanes and these types of things where they could push and could create these advantages
[14:01:39] where I think he's more unlocked on the map like we see this one.
[14:01:41] As now he's going to try to threaten Lycra. She was forced to flash again but the Glacier
[14:01:45] Prison locks him down. The tempered fade is going to make sure the turret does not
[14:01:50] deter them from getting the kill on the top side of the map. This tier 2 turret was also
[14:01:54] So the destruction isn't it?
[14:01:58] Jensen has no cross map here. He doesn't have to throw up a ton of damage to towers.
[14:02:09] I don't think I ever want to see Skarner again.
[14:02:24] Because basically that is where it's that energy was down like seven six thousand gold at 14 in last game
[14:02:30] And now they're up five thousand gold so that ten thousand
[14:02:35] Yeah, but digger that's a hundred years of the goats
[14:02:38] Sometimes you do have these series where it's a best of five it goes all five games
[14:02:41] But all five games are stomps. Yeah, you know and it can be really back and forth
[14:02:45] But in a weird way some games so one-sided. I mean, there's no wall. It's just too strong, right?
[14:02:49] It's no ball from there
[14:02:50] When you fall behind you have less options, and if the enemy team is good at shutting down any options you have,
[14:02:56] then there's nothing really you can do unless they make a mistake.
[14:03:03] The energy is still building really well, and Dix comp is useless, so it's not like they can overload a side or just play for scaling.
[14:03:10] There's nothing they can do and they're gonna outscale.
[14:03:13] I want to continue that point. That's the worst game to be in game one at least have some scaling for a bike is great
[14:03:19] But they're only scaling is as year, but energy got back on scaling on a year against Jim Corby rumble
[14:03:24] They all out range you after 20 minutes and see if we can get back in this game
[14:03:27] Maybe I have to shuffle in here. Maybe I think but I'm gonna try a shuffle here. It looks good
[14:03:35] I guess I don't think so at this point
[14:03:37] But Jason managing to survive before he finally burns down to the equalizer the tier 2 turret falls
[14:03:43] His dive is a bit stealthy but it should be fine.
[14:03:51] Oh my god, get a kill challenge impossible.
[14:03:55] My...grudge.
[14:03:58] Oh my god.
[14:04:00] What on earth? I will say NRG Snowball is a lot better than BigHit's asses from Leskin.
[14:04:06] They got both side tier twos in 17. Oh my god, someone old chat that I heard it.
[14:04:10] I just heard someone old chat. What did they say?
[14:04:12] What did they say in old chat? I just heard it.
[14:04:15] Energy does have a bounce back game.
[14:04:17] And I think critically, again, Palofax is having another solid performance.
[14:04:21] He's looking strong. He really has been the most important part to a lot of this team's success.
[14:04:26] I heard the old chat.
[14:04:27] So seeing him have two back-to-back good games is really nice.
[14:04:29] And again, just aggressive play after aggressive play.
[14:04:32] They start to dive here. They're able to delay things a little bit with the Vardal on the contract,
[14:04:36] shuts off the tower, resets the aggro on him, which was quite nice.
[14:04:39] Let me just get it. Oh shit, I suppose that hashtag LCSCokingMachine.
[14:04:42] It is a gold ditch at this point.
[14:04:44] And his van is free-firing, but he just doesn't really come enough in the tank to turn it around.
[14:04:49] No, don't fire me. Chill out. Chill out. Don't fire me.
[14:04:52] Several auto attacks there and really not seem to be just the static shiv.
[14:04:57] So, at this point, Azale, I have no idea what's going to happen in this series.
[14:05:03] I had some level of idea.
[14:05:05] Oh fucks, it's like a hundred and a hundred and a half.
[14:05:09] And blood, you hooked me like a hundred autos and it's fire and damage to the mouth.
[14:05:12] I knew someone else, Shepard.
[14:05:14] I knew it.
[14:05:15] That thing feels awful.
[14:05:16] He doesn't even have Tabby or anything.
[14:05:18] He's just got Mertrex.
[14:05:19] He's got a Triforce.
[14:05:21] He's got some HP.
[14:05:23] I don't know what to make of this series anymore.
[14:05:26] Well, whoever gets the early lead.
[14:05:29] Yeah, Shepard.
[14:05:30] In these mysterious series, how do you analyze it?
[14:05:32] Whose favorites are they?
[14:06:04] Right on top of this man, no way that he was able to escape had both flash and barrier, but the sequencing was just marvelous from energy
[14:06:13] Well, how are objective bounties not on?
[14:06:16] That's my question. You know what?
[14:06:18] Dragons, yeah. Dragons play really heavily. So there's some weird games
[14:06:23] Especially when it first came out where you could be down a ton of gold and have multiple dragons
[14:06:29] And they would have the bounties and weird stuff like that
[14:06:31] So dragons are definitely valued very heavily as far as that is concerned, but they are active now finally, but I mean you're down
[14:06:39] 9k you're gonna need a lot of bounties. Yeah, I mean I was thinking about the way the energy pulled this off they
[14:06:45] Got prior in all three lanes
[14:06:48] Contracts did the early engage and then they were so connected throughout the entire game
[14:06:53] I guess wins this game really of connection really is the secret sauce that got them
[14:06:58] This last year and allowed them to beat you to a world to make the quarterfinals
[14:07:04] But that level of connection has been largely absent for the whole year
[14:07:09] Yeah, so it almost felt like a fever dream and you wonder if they could ever
[14:07:13] Then we'll find a road really that they can do it
[14:07:16] What is it gonna be a cool beside can still happen occasionally?
[14:07:19] I always think back to the quote from contracts in their
[14:07:22] Vogue review content they did with energy towards the tail end of summer and how they were kind of joking around with contracts
[14:07:28] like, why do you always push this limit?
[14:07:29] It's like, well, I always feel like the best players in the world
[14:07:32] are always going to push the line as far as we can.
[14:07:34] And if we ever are synced up on that,
[14:07:35] then we can be one of the best teams in the world.
[14:07:38] That is what allowed them to achieve international success
[14:07:41] against G2 in worlds last year.
[14:07:43] And maybe I'll get my 20K gold differences game.
[14:07:45] Hold up.
[14:07:46] Unfortunately, I'm still for a majority of the year,
[14:07:48] but if they can continue building upon that,
[14:07:49] then this series can be theirs to claim.
[14:07:50] Yeah.
[14:07:51] And also, like, I need to go back to this Rumble pick
[14:07:55] because it is just so abnormal for a pro team for during the regular season to have five games
[14:08:02] in a row on the same champion and then just keep picking it. Would you say it is counter to logic?
[14:08:06] She too mentioned it. It does actually. It's counter to your emotion. It's actually no.
[14:08:10] Kobe is stirring in the lounge right now. So weirdly enough, it is very logical.
[14:08:16] Emotionally, you can't do it because usually you're less like, dude, we lose on this pick
[14:08:20] all the time. But if you're actually Rafa to your point talking about trying to be a
[14:08:24] Top top team the top team play rumble. Yep the top teams winners rumble
[14:08:28] You'd have to learn how to do this. Otherwise you will fail
[14:08:32] So maybe that's something that can explain why they just never stopped picking
[14:08:41] We also have impact who's mostly just playing tanks all the time forever
[14:08:54] The on
[14:08:57] Energy now have five men to four and they can look to turn this into a parent play as
[14:09:03] Isles is next on the menu, and now it's five to three surely this is a parent play
[14:09:08] Look at my get well. Docla is gonna stall for time in the rest of energy
[14:09:14] Preserve his perfect KDA and just the threat of the collapse alone pushes both
[14:09:20] I have never seen such a one-sided game in my life.
[14:09:24] Well, I've never seen such a one-sided game this year in the first game.
[14:09:29] And I've never seen such a one-sided game this year after the second game.
[14:09:46] This is a fucking stump.
[14:09:50] Just take the dragon and then kind of slowly move towards the back
[14:09:53] But knowing there's no smite steal right now
[14:09:54] I think this is the smart play
[14:09:55] They're just playing and breaking
[14:09:56] Especially with Howard don't leave the deck
[14:09:58] The one there for his ganker
[14:09:59] You know he is going to be pretty desync from the rest of the team
[14:10:01] So they guarantee that they're in here pretty well
[14:10:04] No one from Big Best really even looking like they're going to take a peek
[14:10:07] Until it's already going to be gone
[14:10:10] Energy now 11,000 gold ahead
[14:10:13] 23 minutes in
[14:10:14] I just want to watch TL vs 100 thieves
[14:10:15] And I want to watch FlyQuest C9
[14:10:18] I feel like those series are going to be really high octane
[14:10:20] I kind of think this one feels um this series feels
[14:10:24] They're get ace in the game one. I think they are gonna. I get the sensation that I haven't watched much lcs
[14:10:30] But no, I think that's just gonna get slapped in the next round anyway, though, maybe yeah, we'll see I mean
[14:10:35] It's pretty fast
[14:10:38] Oh
[14:10:40] Get the great. All right. They don't even care. They're gonna try to catch Ben again
[14:10:43] He dodges the temperate and he flashed the flash for the best time!
[14:10:47] The combo is dodged out by Dignitas's ADC and they manage to escape back to the safety of their base.
[14:10:53] The question is though, now do you just get dove in the game ends, right?
[14:10:55] Because Zven has no flash now, it's pretty easy for them to look to force something.
[14:10:59] And Spika is not with them, Spika is going for one of these long distance plays.
[14:11:03] Oh, that's Mikael's, that's Nolte.
[14:11:05] Mikael's crucible, Likrish is trying to separate the two ADC carries with the suppress on the avail.
[14:11:11] The Skarnold didn't even blast comb them in. Oh my god, he found a road and it wasn't a cul-de-sac.
[14:11:27] He raised a white flag. Yo, I would personally drop the FF out to save the KDA. Do it. Do it in solo kill mode time. Do it now.
[14:11:36] Guys, what are you doing? He's alive.
[14:11:38] What on earth is the series bro?
[14:11:44] Absolutely stomps on both sides are you kidding?
[14:11:48] Are you kidding?
[14:11:49] Are you kidding?
[14:11:50] 21 to 1 is absolutely a destruction of Dignitas here in game number 2 to extremely one sided
[14:12:04] games one a piece for each team to kick this one off and now the question is can
[14:12:10] dignitas bounce back in the same way the energy did. Just shake it off short
[14:12:17] memories long careers that's what these players have to have moving through the
[14:12:21] rest of this series it's the next two or three that's going to decide who
[14:12:24] sees and gets to continue and it is literally anybody's game right now
[14:12:28] because of how disparate both of these two games were. With that we're gonna
[14:12:32] head on over to the LCS lounge to break game two down the lights are off turn the lights on
[14:12:52] if you haven't seen move rebirth deadpool yet or whatever the fuck it's called it's actually
[14:12:56] mega good we're gonna start out it's mega good oh this is a great state right here right
[14:13:00] I got three arrows. Yeah
[14:13:03] You know they're hard to do that so far. We'll play it out. I know what is this a mode with all these arrows?
[14:13:13] Look at that. We love pushing lanes
[14:13:17] What is that?
[14:13:19] What is that?
[14:13:22] This is what allows what do we get it off?
[14:13:24] uh come in and uh what are you doing this is great honestly this is just like yeah i kind of want to throw confetti like over the mini map
[14:13:32] yeah like whoo that's a good way to play this game
[14:13:35] speak as heavy as life yeah oh so this is what sets up right because we were talking about uh
[14:13:41] i will not yield it's about a mode everyone spends riot games anyway
[14:13:46] the pick has been incredibly strong this game we finally see them execute on this let me tell you
[14:13:53] Everyone is playing League of Legends.
[14:13:55] Three pushing lanes is the best way to play League of Legends.
[14:13:59] I love that way to play League of Legends.
[14:14:02] I love that.
[14:14:03] With this draft, yes it is the series has been about execution, but this draft was also really nicely done.
[14:14:09] Standard lanes, pushing lanes, anyways we just highlighted there you had the roaming barred so it wasn't even just contract skanks.
[14:14:16] With all your winning lanes you get the freedom for Bard to go.
[14:14:20] as you watch LCK coaching lane movements.
[14:14:22] You get top laners going for ganks too.
[14:14:25] Doku is in his pushing lane.
[14:14:27] Circle that rumble.
[14:14:28] I can't because it's being blocked.
[14:14:29] Yeah!
[14:14:30] I'm getting trained.
[14:14:31] Yeah!
[14:14:32] You're in some confetti or something.
[14:14:34] Yeah, it's an LCK series in seven hours, eight hours.
[14:14:38] It's going to bang that LCK series.
[14:14:40] T1KT is going to go crazy.
[14:14:42] Listen, if you're an NA frog, you know, NA frogs,
[14:14:46] I know you might not stay up for LCK a lot, OK?
[14:14:48] And I'm not going to sit here and convince you
[14:14:49] But, but if you ever gonna stay up late, I promise you staying up late for this
[14:14:57] it's gonna be absolutely nuts, absolutely nuts, absolutely nuts, you gotta be there
[14:15:06] just for one game, try and make it for one game. I'm not here to tell you to
[14:15:14] watch LCK every night because it's probably really late for you guys but
[14:15:17] if you can trust me one time that it's gonna go fucking crazy it's that
[14:15:21] series right there and be crazy what time is it in in a actually in eight
[14:15:27] hours from now what time is it time in LA let's look at a it's 8 it's 2 p.m. so
[14:15:31] it's in eight hours so it's like 10 30 that's not too bad I guess 10 30 I'm in
[14:15:39] New York what about the West Coast 5 30 that's a bit later
[14:15:46] 2am. Yeah, 2am is tough. If the game is bad, should we consider you a liar?
[14:16:02] No. No. Don't call me a liar. Although everything I say is a banger turns into a sleeper.
[14:16:14] Oh my god, I thought that green stuff was his hair. I thought he was rocking like a fucking bird paratalk at the back.
[14:16:23] Jesus. Jesus.
[14:16:39] I'm gonna destroy themselves in multiple...
[14:16:42] It's his razz, not me.
[14:16:44] Razz.
[14:16:46] Can they even see ghosts? They can't see them. They better see the ghosts.
[14:16:49] I think if the series was a 3-0 or a 2-0 up, I would probably full send the series,
[14:16:54] but maybe I should just host LCS and then we watch the full 100 deep series tomorrow.
[14:16:59] Maybe.
[14:17:00] Here's my goat.
[14:17:02] I wanna watch that one. I wanna watch that one.
[14:17:04] one. I need everyone in the chat. I don't trust you. I don't trust producers. I only
[14:17:13] trust chat. I'm chatting my own chat. If you're new here, by the way, uh, the legal
[14:17:22] award springing is done. None of us have manners. We're going to be hosting an award
[14:17:26] show at the end of the year for worldwide League of Legends or, you know, players
[14:17:32] of the year, teams of the year, MVPs of the year, plays of the year, you name it, there's
[14:17:38] going to be loads of awards, they'll be announced later, but that's the branding and the Twitter
[14:17:42] account made. It's going to be hosted somewhere on November, December, the dates and stuff
[14:17:49] will be announced soon, but yeah, if you want to give that a follow, much appreciated.
[14:17:53] It'll be hosted by Shox and me and a couple of other people, which will be mega fun,
[14:18:01] Mega cool meal of the year. Yeah, I already want that
[14:18:10] We're gonna be suited up and it's gonna be great
[14:18:29] Absolute degeneracy
[14:18:36] My god, flashbang!
[14:18:40] Actually, Rat of the Year is Zeus, you're right.
[14:18:44] Rat of the Year is Zeus.
[14:19:00] Hit some bars.
[14:19:05] You guys don't like my bars.
[14:19:07] I don't feel like I should give you any more bars. You guys, you guys don't like my bars.
[14:19:17] Holy shit, you've been following since 2020. Your respect.
[14:19:22] Respect.
[14:19:25] You guys hate my bars.
[14:19:27] You muttasuckas.
[14:19:29] I put a lot of effort into those bars. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Oh chat I found a
[14:19:46] video I'm gonna pin it. Ancient Roman 20 minutes yo that's getting pinned we're
[14:19:50] watching it tomorrow. Yo someone remind me to watch that tomorrow. Someone
[14:19:56] remind me to watch that tomorrow. Oh a new daily dosha's got released. A new
[14:19:59] daily dose she's got to release hold up wait this is seven minutes long wait
[14:20:05] seven minutes of daily dose yeah we watch that tomorrow what seven minutes
[14:20:10] of daily dose watch okay we'll watch it tomorrow ooh a new daily dose for seven
[14:20:19] minutes that's mega it's so funny that contracts was in the stream watching
[14:20:23] the LCK and now it's in the playoffs series yeah that motherfucker contracts
[14:20:27] was in the stream this morning, watching LCK with us, then he went to sleep and then he woke up and now he's in the playoffs.
[14:20:34] If he was listening, he would have heard Korky Maokai, he would have heard it.
[14:20:39] He heard Jin Rumble as well, Jin Rumble, Korky Maokai, he would have heard it.
[14:21:00] It's not good. Oh, no, I was
[14:21:02] first go first go. I'm not
[14:21:03] think I go. No, no, nothing.
[14:21:05] Run.
[14:21:07] Is that your flash?
[14:21:09] What you flashed?
[14:21:10] I got stunned after.
[14:21:13] Let's get out of here.
[14:21:14] It's just, it's just, it's just
[14:21:16] we're all checking one second.
[14:21:18] Hopefully on dragon first.
[14:21:19] I think I'll base you guys.
[14:21:20] I will help.
[14:21:23] Work here.
[14:21:24] Watch it.
[14:21:24] Yeah, I'll check.
[14:21:26] I'm finding one.
[14:21:28] Let's go back.
[14:21:29] Yeah, let's go, man.
[14:21:30] Who's that?
[14:21:31] Who's that?
[14:21:32] Who's that?
[14:21:33] Yeah, our turn is literally just, like, running at them.
[14:21:34] So, yeah, yeah, yeah, look at this, look at this, look at this.
[14:21:35] Yeah, I love the Q.
[14:21:36] Haha.
[14:21:37] I was actually buying this, I guess.
[14:21:39] I just got a Waff of Energy chat.
[14:22:07] Oh my God.
[14:22:08] I just got a second wind.
[14:22:11] Holy fuck!
[14:22:12] Wait, I just got a crazy second wind.
[14:22:15] I ran around the house, I did a lap, and now I feel fucking great.
[14:22:21] Chat, I didn't do drugs.
[14:22:23] Shut the fuck up.
[14:22:24] I just ran from here to the end of the house and back.
[14:22:27] Is it an AD champ?
[14:22:29] Nah, I feel good.
[14:22:31] Oh my god.
[14:22:33] I don't do drugs.
[14:22:35] Bro, this is a guy.
[14:22:37] Fuck drugs!
[14:22:40] Is it Yordle?
[14:22:42] Is it Teemo?
[14:22:44] No.
[14:22:47] Nihar?
[14:22:49] Kennen?
[14:22:51] Yes, I've had mana.
[14:22:53] Oh shit.
[14:22:57] Yordle with mana?
[14:23:01] He says he doesn't do drugs, it's coffee or drug, the sugar from this drink is hitting me man, I swear on grump.
[14:23:06] I swear on grump.
[14:23:09] It has a really long name.
[14:23:11] Actually Chad, you know what it was? You know what it was? You know what it was?
[14:23:16] It was the fact that I realised.
[14:23:21] Today and tomorrow are the last times that I'll ever be able to do like a 17 hour stream until next year.
[14:23:32] Because next week is LEC Munich, so I can't do LCS next week, sadly, because it's Munich.
[14:23:38] I'll try, but I don't know how to stream it from the...
[14:23:41] I'll be in the LEC stadium, right, in Munich.
[14:23:45] And a week after that, when I do LCS, there's no LEC.
[14:23:47] So this weekend is the final time we're gonna do 17-hour streams.
[14:23:52] I wonder if Ryder let me stay in the stadium.
[14:23:55] Yo, can I stay in the stadium while you pack everything up and do the LCS?
[14:23:59] There was like one player from the LGL I want to say who played it did a little bit. Oh, yeah
[14:24:04] And then it's been played support obviously a bit over the years, but
[14:24:08] Definitely a hard one to guess we are going on to game number three
[14:24:12] It's one to one after two absolute slams one way then the other well dig the test is blue side
[14:24:18] What dig is gonna go for that means they're gonna stomp right on blue side
[14:24:22] And if you remember game number one, that's when they first fixed in it
[14:24:25] So the question is, does NRG ban Senna on red or are they willing to...
[14:24:29] Do you see that red dog head?
[14:24:30] If they do ban it, are you then picking up something like that on or whatever?
[14:24:34] Yeah, Renekton open as well, currently, that is now banned by Dignitas, so they want to set up that Senna first pick again.
[14:24:42] Senna ban? Oh, praise the lord.
[14:24:44] Listen, I think NRG's favored the series because these suckers joined the win with Senna first pick.
[14:24:54] They carried this game away, which is not worth the trap.
[14:24:57] And given the situation again, I could see that match up coming into play around game four or five.
[14:25:01] Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how far it is.
[14:25:04] I'm obviously still up-available, quite high-pryo.
[14:25:08] I'm a little bit interested to see what I'm affected by on the mages,
[14:25:11] because Jensen has really not been on these ADs,
[14:25:16] so I really do wonder if energy should have higher-pryo on things like the Ori,
[14:25:21] with easier ban out, you know, take away some of this bumper from
[14:25:24] the T-Pix.
[14:25:25] They can play Vi Kenden or what?
[14:25:26] They can play Vi Korky and then lose it.
[14:25:29] Because he did look good in Game 1 and Game 2, he was solid.
[14:25:32] You have to wait.
[14:25:33] You have to go to the beta 2-3M.
[14:25:34] Yes, that's fine.
[14:25:35] Yes, that's fine.
[14:25:36] Palopox though has been having back-to-back strong performances.
[14:25:38] He was kind of at lone shining light in Game 1 and had another good game in Game
[14:25:43] 2.
[14:25:44] Vi.
[14:25:45] So, same him performing again, I think, really is for energy.
[14:25:48] Vi Ashie.
[14:25:49] Okay, they need Kenden on 3.
[14:25:50] I mean they also need MF on hit 2-3 with Lillia. They need MF, they need Kennen on 3.
[14:25:57] What happens? You could take away the Kennen, Kasante.
[14:26:04] You have to take MF here, right? Shortly. Unless you do Kasante, Korky, they take Kennen.
[14:26:12] Then what happens? They ban MF.
[14:26:17] Without all the other stronger top laners during that summer 2020 split
[14:26:21] And a lot of the faves in that rumble pitch
[14:26:24] Surely they're picking K3 there
[14:26:25] But obviously it is banned this game as they don't want to give it over to Lycrish
[14:26:28] But we're gonna see now that Cassanta is blinded
[14:26:31] Cassanta?
[14:26:32] What's my Christmas present, bro?
[14:26:33] What's my Christmas present?
[14:26:34] Yeah, do they want to actually...
[14:26:36] Oh my god, don't play Taliyah mid, I hate it
[14:26:38] I hate it, I hate Taliyah mid
[14:26:41] Oh my god, bro
[14:26:43] I hate Taliyah mid
[14:26:45] with the ulti you flick them back
[14:26:49] with dashes as well with both Korky and Kasante have so pretty solid interview already
[14:26:54] and Korky obviously on the other side you know they kind of needed that AD pairing they felt alongside the Lillia
[14:26:59] so it is Jensen back on Marksman and we'll see how he's gonna perform
[14:27:03] I will say Korky's the most traditional Marksman though so it's a Palaforte special
[14:27:07] competitively for probably a decade at this point
[14:27:10] Korky is here, Korky is here
[14:27:12] Genius.
[14:27:21] I hate Taliyah in the bottom of the role. I think Taliyah's stage right now is not that good.
[14:27:29] Alright, I think NRG's S-Rail ban here is pretty good.
[14:27:33] Yeah, nice. And then, I mean, Wally-Ban with Ashe. You could ban, I mean, Browns up.
[14:27:37] Well, Alistar trade, maybe Rakan ban, if you care about our support.
[14:27:44] I still think Kennen is OP for their comp, but I don't like Kennen's earlier too much.
[14:27:56] I think Rakan ban Bram blind is pretty good against Viash.
[14:28:01] Ooh, Nautilus ban, I don't like Nautilus ban.
[14:28:06] Alright, what's your top lane pick here?
[14:28:08] On 4.
[14:28:10] What is it?
[14:28:12] It's Cassante top, you can play.
[14:28:18] Poppy, Kennen, NAR.
[14:28:22] That's all you're allowed.
[14:28:24] Yeah, Poppy's fine.
[14:28:30] They need to be careful of playing NF rel here because they can play Ash Brown into it.
[14:28:35] I do think they should go
[14:28:38] Yeah, they should go they should go MF. Yeah, it's good. MF rel is really good here
[14:28:43] But I think brown one five is really annoying the poppy top. Just like there's something better than this
[14:28:49] You know what's actually cooking really hard here arrange counterfeit now you can't play it in man
[14:28:55] In this
[14:28:57] Really leaner. I mean brown here clear super good against MF the priority bottom how important that hash brown is classic
[14:29:03] Number two, so I think that's what they're going for here. The class is not gonna play Seraphine, right? Oh
[14:29:09] My god, don't play Seraphine. Oh my god, please don't do it
[14:29:14] Okay, Alistar is fine. I cannot see Seraphine in any universe
[14:29:19] I will do a backflip in ventime travel go back in time go on this mouse and change the picket that happened
[14:29:25] So that is a pretty standard answer. It makes us why would you ever play Seraphine in this ref?
[14:29:30] You're playing Taliyah Vi, Taliyah needs things to play off, she needs hooks to play off, combos to play off, she needs CC to play off.
[14:29:37] Baratheon is not reliable, plus you're playing range support Vi, range support to Taliyah.
[14:29:44] start out fights can actually start out these engages it's a really good synergy
[14:29:48] with Taliyah as well a lot of times with Taliyah comps you're just trying to have
[14:29:52] as much CC as possible to line up the flicks how did I get nominated for
[14:29:56] streamer of the year on dignitas so how did that happen I understand why he
[14:30:00] also do know there's people like in smashes they win and show speed how
[14:30:06] am I there bro in the series bro of course you know maybe
[14:30:13] down that that lane but then you have a quite squishy comp here which does make you you know
[14:30:17] worried about potential rel combos into the engages there from the mf but it's going to be
[14:30:24] an interesting one because there is a lot of onus i think on palafox you're moving around the map on
[14:30:29] on being this person who's working well with the team he's had a great series so far he's on
[14:30:32] this leah if he can get push he can move through those side lanes there's great combos to pull
[14:30:36] off with the alistar as you touched on obviously the vi is really that main comp that he's
[14:30:39] looking for but even towards the poppy you can alt up towards top lane behind the enemy top laner
[14:30:44] poppy can stun you into the wall there's a lot of nice combos that he can work around with really
[14:30:48] everyone on the map. By being the best streamer? The first two games when or last they're just
[14:30:57] farming it out and just trying to become a reliable carry. And speed go crazy bro speed
[14:31:04] streamed in every country in Europe almost
[14:31:08] Which is what brought a lot of that success the energy had the last time they were at the top of the table
[14:31:14] And there's gonna be some early scouting going on here just because we did see a lane swap
[14:31:19] Your name's gonna kill you bro
[14:31:21] My neighbor wants to fucking fuck me up I'm sure of it
[14:31:24] There's definitely some defensive lines here to see spots
[14:31:26] And with that we do have Emily on the sideline with Mavericks we're gonna toss to them for the interview
[14:31:31] My neighbors bro. Oh he looks he looks a lot like Alice.
[14:31:36] As he watches his team's level one, it's always fun to get coaches back here.
[14:31:41] Now say hey, now say hey.
[14:31:44] Game one, really really great. Game two, pretty tough loss. How did you regroup going into this game?
[14:31:50] We didn't worry too much about the game two. The game kind of just spiraled out of control from the early game.
[14:31:55] I think Rumble made a good play. Would you give it away if you win?
[14:31:58] They had an easy dive and after that the game was hard to play. So we kind of just regrouped and went to Blue side and talked about what we wanted to do for the next game.
[14:32:05] And it looks like, I'm not necessarily going to call it, it looks like we're at least scouting for a potential lane swap.
[14:32:11] One of the things that did impress me in game one was that you guys did seem a lot more comfortable in swapping even when NRG initiated it.
[14:32:17] That was something that you really struggled with against 100 pips and cost me in terms of your prep for this week with lane swap specifically.
[14:32:23] Yeah, that was one of the big things we focused on too like each person's individual role in the lane swap and just kind of like looking at some of the
[14:32:29] Pieces up when stuff that we were missing the previous one
[14:32:31] Lollipop, Lollipop
[14:32:32] What did you think you were missing the most?
[14:32:35] Um, I don't want to spoil too much, but just like all I will say is like individual roles and what each person should be doing
[14:32:41] Take like in the early game. Yeah. All right. Well all the best
[14:32:45] Thank you so much for taking the time and we will get back to the game
[14:32:48] Thank you so much Emily and as you were saying as they all did in the interview this is just like game one all over again.
[14:32:56] Big Dokes! Popi Hale of Blades kills there, that's what I'm saying Chad.
[14:32:59] If you speak a load up, it might not actually be able to stick around.
[14:33:02] If you speak a comp due to his Raptors, you get level 3.
[14:33:05] Oh hell no.
[14:33:07] Chad, how do you... what's a good exercise if you've been sitting down on this?
[14:33:11] You know, Dokes against this level 1, he was coming in, in game number 1, gets the charging, gets the chunk on Jensen and put a bind.
[14:33:18] Alright, at least this time they're zoning away the Kassadin this time, thank fuck for that.
[14:33:22] Ooh, Dokes is the one calling the blast!
[14:33:26] Oh my god, and contracts is covering!
[14:33:29] Bro, the lane socks in NA are crazy.
[14:33:32] Wait, Alistar has flashed away.
[14:33:35] Wait, what just happened?
[14:33:37] Huh? How did that sequence happen?
[14:33:38] Alistar flashed and Kassadin flashed.
[14:33:41] Did he knock him over the wall, Q flashed and then...
[14:33:43] Eh?
[14:33:44] Eh?
[14:33:45] Eh?
[14:33:45] Eh?
[14:33:46] Eh?
[14:33:46] What just happened in Bob? Something fucked up just happened.
[14:33:51] Something mega fucked up just happened in Bob.
[14:33:55] Oh my god, Dope is getting those.
[14:33:57] Vy's here, though.
[14:34:00] Only claimed by contracts.
[14:34:03] But Poppy don't have TP.
[14:34:06] God, this lane slot is all over the place.
[14:34:12] EEL CONTRATTO!
[14:34:18] Or if he actually stepped back and thought he was out of range of the tower already, but
[14:34:22] Re-acquired tower aggro there and does end up going show me to replay a box. Just show me the flesh is please
[14:34:29] Please
[14:34:31] Please show it to me
[14:34:35] That's like almost catching
[14:34:37] Jensen just on the tail end of that Valkyrie, but he survives
[14:34:40] He is in trouble though and speaka is around so if he needs his help catching this wave
[14:34:46] But who he is also around to see if he can try and punish this yeah who he is no flash
[14:34:51] So it would be difficult
[14:34:52] Maybe there's an angle to try to hex flash behind him and just W him in but likely you will die if you do that
[14:34:57] So it would be a pretty high risk. So who he just trying to see if they'll overextend like files comes in
[14:35:05] Jensen really does not want to recall no on this amount of gold
[14:35:08] He's a greedy mother suckas any waver. He said he wants to get more golden
[14:35:12] I think he just hex flushes over the raptor pit here. No, this is really dicey stuff
[14:35:16] I think he just hex flashed over the raptor bit.
[14:35:18] Raptor, hex flash.
[14:35:20] Hello!
[14:35:21] What, Favard?
[14:35:23] Yes, biscuit! Yes, biscuit! Just hex flash!
[14:35:25] How about that, please?
[14:35:29] I'll have you!
[14:35:33] I think he shot it down earlier.
[14:35:35] Not really gonna be able to do it so all the sustained you know built some of these marks on this is something that is being targeted and has been targeted over the last
[14:35:41] Little while but obviously he is flash over and Drake of his voice all these different runes are helping you to kind of
[14:35:47] Sustain in a situation where normally you missed it. What did I miss wait? They showed the box replay and I missed it
[14:35:53] I might be lined if you're not serious
[14:35:58] What am I high
[14:36:00] in the first few minutes of the game, so you saw that once Iolz got unlocked by the game
[14:36:05] he was consistently on the top side of the map, game 2, who he pays that favor back to Oplot
[14:36:12] and now both supports, all eyes are in this mid lane, because if Palafox is unlocked
[14:36:17] then he gets to be a roaming monster for the mid game
[14:36:20] and he will be level 6 and will be the game, get his first buy, teleport back
[14:36:23] and potentially impact the science, looks like
[14:36:27] I don't smoke, I don't drink super out of the game. I do drink coffee though.
[14:36:34] And coffee is a drug, caffeine is a drug.
[14:36:39] My favorite drink is black tea and water.
[14:36:57] League of Legends is my drug
[14:37:02] He has one, he has one, he has this one
[14:37:27] Total number 10,000 total gold difference. However, it's the largest in the gold
[14:37:31] This isn't lane swaps. This is cover lane swaps
[14:37:33] So the game wanted to work crazy. All they're doing is they lane swap and then both sides are covering lane swaps
[14:37:39] It's crazy, right?
[14:37:41] Also, why the fuck do you start Doran's blade on Poppy?
[14:37:44] That guy's a psychopath
[14:37:46] Yeah, and one of the reasons I think a lot of people sometimes, you know, especially if you're a newer fan to leave
[14:37:51] You may be asking well
[14:37:52] Why do people keep believing in Dignitas and it's it's reasons like this this is just him in the LCS headshot
[14:38:00] Unreal tournament in chapter the first player to actually win
[14:38:04] Multi-kill and that's quick fuck
[14:38:06] Perennially at the top right and this is even a roll swap in there where he went to say quick
[14:38:11] Still winning titles has been such as a castle player for so long both across in a multiple regions
[14:38:17] No. Wait, how old is my character? You all zoomers or what the?
[14:38:27] Are you all fucking zoomers?
[14:38:30] Oh my god, 2001.
[14:38:33] 2001.
[14:38:38] How old are you? I'm 28.
[14:38:42] 28 and I look like I'm 18.
[14:38:47] they need to go and it really does come down to this series it's who can win if
[14:38:52] you ask my chat I'm at least 54 and that's largely gonna be dictated by
[14:38:56] literally who wins the skin and I think there's so much pressure on these kind
[14:39:00] of series because when you are finishing towards the bottom whoever loses
[14:39:03] this would finish sixth place overall in the LCS yeah we have two teams that
[14:39:07] are gonna be coming in that are new next split you are fighting for your
[14:39:11] career right yeah I wonder if the zoomers ever played blooms tower defense
[14:39:14] It's absolutely a monster game.
[14:39:28] K, combo.
[14:39:31] Oh, Rell got interrupted. Oh no. Oh my god, I really had to stop blasting into the wall. Nice fire.
[14:39:37] Don't have damage, I think. Don't you have damage? Oh, cute flash. You definitely have damage.
[14:39:42] Nice play by NRG.
[14:39:44] What year and age is Zuma to you? I think anything post 2004 is Zuma.
[14:39:54] Damn it, Palafox, back to back to back games now, really able to perform well for the squad,
[14:40:04] gets the play up towards topside. I'm gonna say who he has been having an incredible series as well.
[14:40:09] as well I think he has been everywhere when there is success he is there he has
[14:40:14] been so heavily involved throughout this in fact 2002 is not that bad on the
[14:40:19] replay it's all about the 22-23 I'm finding this angle here for Palafox to
[14:40:23] try to get that wall in behind them Zven has a pretty good bullet time to
[14:40:27] cover but unfortunately for Isles his W got interrupted by the alt there from
[14:40:31] Palafox he got knocked out of it to the wrong side of the wall so we didn't
[14:40:35] have that gap closer to get back over the wall and 2007 if you get so yeah the
[14:40:40] flash real nice bro I was in art class and I made a plate with a smiley
[14:40:47] things in 2007 and I gave it to my mother's a presence from school that's
[14:40:51] what I was doing in 2007 how about just talked about you know how he is
[14:40:55] really no one played on my under hunt my my night out hunter level 23 is the
[14:41:01] player that he was. He's been so disappointed with the performances that he has been putting up.
[14:41:05] It's not like the fans are the only ones to see it. It's not like Cash is the only one to see it.
[14:41:08] He has to feel it and live it. And he knows that he's capable of so much more.
[14:41:12] Does your mom still have it? Does she really turn things around? Honestly, I was doubting
[14:41:16] it when I saw that too. And I'm like, well, it's been a whole year of not being able to
[14:41:19] have that. Yes, let's go. That's my genius midfielder. Really, really good in this series
[14:41:24] against they know that people stay for the Horde. But no, alliances are attack. That's what I'm
[14:41:28] I'm saying early days in league, Alliance was where it's at, in fact.
[14:41:38] For the Horde, more like for the Fjord.
[14:41:41] Now it's a good one by me actually, double knock.
[14:41:58] game incredibly competitive that's finally a little bit of Wickersh's advantage
[14:42:02] you went to the gym with the guy who made Bloom's tower defense that stopped the energy from being able to
[14:42:07] that's actually kind of cool thanks for the leash moment right there i think what we're going to see
[14:42:11] from energy you know over these next couple minutes is they want to keep pushing lanes spread
[14:42:14] off the maps and look for opportunities to use their vision advantage with the ash and find picks
[14:42:18] with all of this engage they have with the ability to find things with the vibe oh my god
[14:42:22] contracts he actually got it they want to section members out from dig and find those picks and
[14:42:26] contracts actually just stole one of the grubs away and they're being tied it
[14:42:30] back towards you're trying to bait corky flash there doesn't look like speak
[14:42:34] because able to get marked by contracts he queued at him yeah and I think he
[14:42:38] thought that he wants Jensen to flash away thinking he's in a queue flashing
[14:42:42] right moment but he didn't he didn't pull trigger and jensen didn't finish
[14:42:45] fractions of a second for grubbies for L contract though very very small lead
[14:42:49] to energy but most of it is just a big guy keeping the Lillia down very
[14:42:53] Very very big yo, and they're not gonna cover cold kill this top wave since she is not you're not serious guys
[14:42:58] Okay, good flash flashes away from the headbuff overized combo gets out alive
[14:43:02] It's going to give respect to the flick combo as well coming out for power box
[14:43:06] But he should be fine collecting the next wave coming out backs it up
[14:43:09] Oh, it's not they're going all out they crash all out on a dokl as you called it
[14:43:12] But he's gonna throw out the question mark frog because there's no more way the question mark frog as now
[14:43:18] He all out will time out and don't play should be fine
[14:43:20] He's gonna slam them into the wall and get some decent damage back
[14:43:23] You might be fine just enough to defend this turn
[14:43:26] The question mark frog is collapsing in and they want to get this first turret brick
[14:43:31] Dokela under fires then steps up a couple of very good old by Sven
[14:43:36] Very good. He knew he was gonna flash there
[14:43:40] Oh God
[14:43:42] Oh my god
[14:43:44] It was so low. I felt like the grocery school is going that aggressive and using the all-out really
[14:43:49] Very well played by Svendor
[14:43:52] Man I'm convinced if Svendor renames the big Niels
[14:43:55] he's gonna do fucking 10% more damage
[14:44:10] I am convinced
[14:44:12] Stop thinking of Niels
[14:44:13] Okay shut up
[14:44:19] Game 3 is now the most competitive game we've gotten in all series. This is now both teams trying to play at their best
[14:44:24] That's the joy of series play
[14:44:28] It's just such a tragic moment there for because an award
[14:44:33] He's on this word are they gonna go for it doesn't look because no else I mean if they're smarter energy
[14:44:38] They'll hold the mid with telly and they'll die pop with corky
[14:44:41] With poppy via maybe you can send it with a combo power fox is also getting ready. He has weaver's wall
[14:44:47] And now contracts gotta be careful he bolt breakers running to speak up
[14:44:51] He's very good by contract with a two-man knock up the weavers very good by Palafox
[14:44:55] And he's gonna fight speak on the back half throwing that red it voli and effort so cool down
[14:45:00] I yeah, yeah the flash away the rest of energy now
[14:45:03] How to separate away from nice W who wants to join into the fight?
[14:45:06] We can't get a good old angle though. Sets up a son under who he now trying to solo kill rel
[14:45:10] They get traded one back. Ios doesn't even die in the exchange
[14:45:15] Really greedy there, but a successful play by Isles to even the kills in this fight
[14:45:20] Arrow going back for oh, he shouldn't flash there. She knows he has cleanse
[14:45:23] Side steps the flick from Palafox energy are forced back off
[14:45:27] You should know he has cleanser
[14:45:28] He committed the flash there maybe not tracking the cleanse was still up. His friend doesn't even have to flash himself
[14:45:34] He just cleanses structurate out of there so they get the flash off multiple
[14:45:38] The contract.
[14:45:51] Yeah chat, by the way, good news for the Worlds giveaway.
[14:46:04] We have a fully signed T1 jersey, a fully signed Gen G jersey, and a fully signed Damwon jersey so far
[14:46:18] That is gonna be great for the world's giveaway. That's gonna go mega hard
[14:46:22] And we'll see if he can try to turn things around still in a fairly close game.
[14:46:26] There are 500 gold in fact, one dragon apiece, so it really is going to be about the sevens here.
[14:46:33] And if you do want, if you do want,
[14:46:35] Hobi signature on the Q1 jersey, maybe we can do that for you too.
[14:46:38] I'm working on getting a handma life one as well, I'm hoping we can get a handma life.
[14:46:42] Dignitas, especially as Jensen scales up, you know, as Korky's getting later on in the game,
[14:46:46] there's so much poke to set up these potential hard engage that then could come through from
[14:46:49] Isles with the follow-up from Sven to really blow people up because there are some squishy members
[14:46:54] I wouldn't get a KT1 but they make it worlds bro, but by the same token if you get caught by it's T1
[14:46:59] Dumb one Hamo like Genji you know it
[14:47:01] I know it might just be going hundred zero. Yeah, they ain't got a world shirzy
[14:47:06] I'm like rough for the Lilia in this early game, but I don't know if Lorce here, but it's not them
[14:47:10] as you accumulate more farm with an even game state you will be
[14:47:14] such a huge damage threat against something like the vibe whose only job is I'm going in I'm setting up
[14:47:20] she is here no she's not. Is she here?
[14:47:23] and I think I have an interesting choice here by the way
[14:47:26] I'm just leaving this drake to be started Jensen wants to get this turk gold up top lane
[14:47:30] and allows energy to start on the drake I wonder if we can have time to TP in
[14:47:34] could just be a 4v4 potentially but Jensen is backing off to look for a TP maybe
[14:47:38] he's getting TP now
[14:47:39] yeah they want to stop it
[14:47:40] it's matched by total
[14:47:41] I regret nothing
[14:47:42] Bye bye, there's the combo. Clean.
[14:47:44] Like, Contrako's one shot.
[14:47:46] Oh my god, didn't have enough damage to kill a speaker.
[14:47:50] They didn't have the damage. Oh, hell no.
[14:47:58] Vi-Talia doesn't have the damage to one shot Emilia.
[14:48:00] Oh god, it's only gonna get worse from here when she gets on us.
[14:48:04] They missed their on to speak and spent all their spells on the jungler hoping to burst him down right off the bat
[14:48:09] But he survives and it buys so much space there for Jensen for Sven to step forward
[14:48:15] Feeling totally confident to go into that fight. We watch it one more time
[14:48:19] They make the call to go for speak of here
[14:48:21] He's off to the side they say we can burst down the jungler and then take the fight
[14:48:25] But committing everything to him and not getting the kill was critical and look at liquors blocking the follow up after
[14:48:30] there was massive with the Pathmaker. Beautiful bullet time there by Sven as well arriving at the
[14:48:36] back of the fight and then once the original dive doesn't get the kill, dig it completely,
[14:48:42] having the upper hand in this one. Palafox knows that's a very crucial fight to lose.
[14:48:50] And with that, we have a huge milestone pass for one of our players in this game, Jensen,
[14:48:57] Passing Bjergsen for second all passing Bjergsen
[14:49:06] Someone all chatted I heard it someone all chatted who was it I heard an old chat Lisa wasn't Jensen
[14:49:15] Show the old chat say what you want about how his performance in this split definitely not up to his standard
[14:49:19] But he's absolutely one of the most legendary LCS mid laners of all time. Yeah, I got second
[14:49:25] I think rightfully so behind Bjergsen. We did that voting for the top 10 all time for each position
[14:49:30] He has been incredible for so long even holding the global record for most of worlds appearances in a row made worlds
[14:49:36] Hey, straight time. Yeah American flags come in tomorrow. I forgot it's my bad world semi-finals
[14:49:41] He made MSI finals this guy is one of the best Western players of all time and congratulations to him for I think a pretty big issue
[14:49:49] From downtown instantly cleanse once again by Sven. I
[14:49:51] I heard another roll chat FBI just wrote some FBI just wrote something no chat
[14:49:59] Position since second game it was a lot tougher
[14:50:01] He had to play against tempered fate and glacial prison and equalizer
[14:50:05] But this time around Sven has been ensuring that he is in a safe position. He's not been compromised
[14:50:11] Yeah, he is down both summoners though
[14:50:13] So energy will probably look to target him a little bit more
[14:50:16] 20 point series on drafts yeah maybe I appreciate you like the content man I
[14:50:22] appreciate you like the content there's a very big YouTube video coming out
[14:50:27] we got a very big YouTube video coming out next week it's basically a long
[14:50:35] video about why is Gen G so good a lot of efforts going through it
[14:50:43] out of that seismic shove both altis down licorice it's gonna be like i think people kind of want to
[14:50:47] know why is genji the best in the world that topside but he's so uh it's got some reasons and some
[14:50:52] examples just the way the rest of the teams also gonna slowly rotate towards the topside of the
[14:50:57] map to offer you kind of show me support and protection to see if they can control and prevent
[14:51:02] that top tier one actually a 10 second video hey guys welcome to my genji breakdown with the
[14:51:07] something
[14:51:10] You ready? Let's go. It's gonna take color. Show me
[14:51:13] I'm gonna say energy has remained active. They were extremely active in game two and blowing out jacquard toss and even from a deficit here
[14:51:20] Looks like they're trying to start a lot of plays
[14:51:22] So that's gonna be what dick has to watch out for a little bit since they've accumulated this goal lead is just
[14:51:28] Guardian is a shack arrest production baby. That's right. We have the upper hand in very even game
[14:51:32] I know Dick has a small lead, but NRG's mid game is really strong. They need to find the pick though.
[14:51:38] Like, the problem they have actually, and ironically NRG's biggest problem.
[14:51:42] The problem they have is this, Seeker's Arm God on Elyia.
[14:51:48] One minute on Drake, there's gonna be a big dragon fight, people go on Soulpoint, NRG needs to take the fight.
[14:51:53] And the way you catch someone off guard with stopwatch is when they're here and you're here and you're channeling vile,
[14:52:00] You actually flash mid-cast and you knock them up earlier
[14:52:04] Then you change CC Natalia and a dead one
[14:52:07] You catch some off guard while flashing
[14:52:10] During the vile
[14:52:13] What do I just do with my fist?
[14:52:30] I mean it's always tough when you're playing a tank and you're pretty far behind
[14:52:35] I mean Doku is down now nearly 2,000 gold individually in that matchup against Ligurish
[14:52:39] But you also have two carries on the other side who are actually quite fed LDR is already done
[14:52:44] I'm trying to cap some Jensen, they gave Taliyah ult for this
[14:52:46] The second item here is done for Jensen as well
[14:52:48] Flash on the Jensen, he still has flash, he's trying to get to his team
[14:52:51] Oz will try to bail him out with the Magnet Storm
[14:52:53] But the Ceasing to Siss will lock Jensen further down in the side
[14:52:56] They got him but at what cost?
[14:52:58] Big shutdown goes over to contract
[14:53:00] Then we'll look to equalize it still has the bullet time is waiting for the right. I told you energy refined
[14:53:04] But are they fine and Kasan they might fix them. Let's see it right here. I thought then I thought you'd be big here
[14:53:10] Not the best but
[14:53:23] My god, he's still going if you're still on puppy that passenger. Oh my god triple killed them
[14:53:30] Seriously this champ man like what is that?
[14:53:34] He just won before and killed three of them on to Jensen
[14:53:38] But it's too slow and Cassante always arrived. Let's give me flashbacks of the Golden Guardians a malice
[14:53:44] What?
[14:53:44] Oh my god
[14:53:45] Are you serious?
[14:53:47] Oh by the dragon
[14:53:49] Energy full send it on to Jensen
[14:53:52] They had to commit so much actually taking him down
[14:53:54] But they do finally get him and then Goku was actually positioning pretty well to keeps them from being able to just let that full-time rip
[14:54:00] Oh, Jensen's caught. Again, popular. No, it's Taliyah.
[14:54:04] Ooh, no. Nah, Baron's too hard here.
[14:54:08] I mean, big super favorite between this game, even if he gets caught there.
[14:54:12] I mean, Casante is just 2-0 B. Casante is 2-0 B this game.
[14:54:16] When you're playing Vi Taliyah, what you're doing is you're sacrificing DPS for burst, right?
[14:54:21] And that's good if you can get ahead and you keep bursting down their carries.
[14:54:25] But if a tank like Casante is ahead, you don't have the DPS to kill him.
[14:54:29] kill him so it's on Ash to kill Cassante she's not gonna kill Cassante it's gonna
[14:54:34] take her four items at least before she can really.
[14:54:38] The last one is on us, point that arrow, it's over, it's over, they're outscaled,
[14:54:53] until your Viaget outskills very quickly if you fall behind
[14:54:56] I mean Ash can't be the move
[14:55:00] It's still fine I think
[14:55:02] FBI can't play
[14:55:06] Maybe if they kill Cassante
[14:55:11] Hold up
[14:55:16] It's Jensen in the Viaget
[14:55:18] Okay, they got some big kills actually. Wait, there were 5.5k down, another 2.5k down.
[14:55:26] That's not doable. They don't have damage. I still think NRG, they need more than this, they need way more than this.
[14:55:34] The fact that they're this behind still.
[14:55:40] Jensen died three times in three minutes, he did.
[14:55:48] that in this replay we're going to be watching Sven over on this side here
[14:55:52] now this arrow was crazy nice timing I mean Poppy would have taken him out anyway
[14:55:56] it's hit by the arrow at the same time and then Doku is just hanging up as long as he
[14:55:59] possibly can then kiting back I still think it's I still think big is fine
[14:56:03] much it's it's later in the fight when Sven wants to try to they're just
[14:56:06] getting caught Jensen needs to stop anything you'll notice again that Doku
[14:56:10] will come over here who he will come over here they'll make sure that
[14:56:13] they're not actually getting this happen was because Jensen died here and they
[14:56:16] I got so much top push that they can invade.
[14:56:37] Objective bounty is big.
[14:56:38] Ooh, they saw Viobot, this would have been a thorough run, man.
[14:56:47] Are we caught in top now? Come on guys!
[14:56:52] Yeah he's dead. He's pinging Bautria too.
[14:56:54] They have 4 grubs, could work.
[14:56:57] I mean, big has to start Baron right.
[14:56:59] No matter what. Taliyah's showing what.
[14:57:07] I mean, he could get Bautria too in CBN afterwards. It's a bit greedy, but I like it.
[14:57:12] Can contract steal it.
[14:57:17] I didn't even have to be up all on my saying.
[14:57:19] I can't see it.
[14:57:21] Not the worst though, you know, they got baron, but I don't think it's that big of a deal.
[14:57:25] They got bot tier 1, they got bot tier 2, they got mid tier 1, and it was 3 objective bounties.
[14:57:29] 1k gold, that's it.
[14:57:31] They were 2.5k down after they were fighting in the jungle.
[14:57:36] They're only 1.1k down after they got the objective bounties.
[14:57:39] because they collected two of them right away so I think energy because the
[14:57:43] bounties were up the problem they're gonna have is 50 seconds before soul
[14:57:46] actually complete soul point they'll have minute but push this is where I think
[14:57:50] that's really hard you're gonna have to find the way to face check into the
[14:57:53] drake and what they can do on soul point is they can drop drake and just
[14:57:56] play for top and mid to do if they want to we baron buff because you have to
[14:57:59] suck wades so energy kind of needs to force something now but it looks like
[14:58:04] contracts wants to base for sterax and we'll see can they make this fight
[14:58:07] happen because dig has not a good timing to base but it's gonna have to it looks
[14:58:11] like and they're gonna be trying to play for this soul to close this file and it's
[14:58:14] the it's the level 13 level 16 I wish I didn't look at that all flashes are up on
[14:58:20] the side of dig and energy it's a lot about position but they're gonna throw
[14:58:25] down in this fight with these summoner spells up critically as well Jensen
[14:58:27] now 16 and completes his three items so okay they're gonna go through both for the fight nice I mean
[14:58:32] Taliyah wall can do work if they want to just engage with I and try and make a pick
[14:58:35] They're gonna spot out liquors on the bottom side of the map knowing that the sound is quite split in through the bottom lane
[14:58:40] The sound they flanks aren't that good. I think when they're playing in a video
[14:58:44] And they're gonna turn right on to liquor shredded guys. You're gonna use dragon if you do this
[14:58:48] They're just gonna kill dragon before you kill the Sunday and the rest of diggin toss and I'm trying to burn the dragon
[14:58:53] He's gonna steal this contract. It's over with the weaver's wall contract is in the bed. Can you see my
[14:58:58] Terrible it goes over to speaker the rest of energy now have to fight through the bullet time as he gets interrupted by who he
[14:59:04] He's speaking now finds himself in the backlight, licorice all out on the FBI, brings him in isolation, it takes him down, the rest of the energy are forced to run.
[14:59:13] Dokla's gonna try to hold his own against the enemy, but can't put them to death.
[14:59:17] The smite was first, then it was 200, then it was 1, and then Lillia got it with Q I think, or her dot or her pet.
[14:59:23] Can they try to end the game right now?
[14:59:26] That's a fraction down to 1 HP, I don't even think Spicka used his smite, I think he got him with a tick of damage from the liandrys or the passive,
[14:59:33] But Dignitas do get the soul do win the fight and I'm marching on to hold this maybe
[14:59:40] It's not over yet. I think I think vice-mite that is one for three
[14:59:45] It went like 200 and then something hit it went to one and Lydia ticked some damage was quite unlucky
[14:59:50] But still is that though for contracts to literal one HP? That is insane
[14:59:55] I think I might be the first time I've ever seen that in competitive. It wasn't spiked much people
[14:59:58] I'm sure of that. Yeah, so I slow-mode this
[15:00:01] He smoked at about 1500 as he was combo with his spells and he hit 27 to 1.
[15:00:10] So I think the 27 to 1 to death was all Lillia dot damage.
[15:00:14] He got stunned by the rail so he couldn't continue his combo.
[15:00:17] So somebody went through but Isle's actually sticking him up there so the auto attack
[15:00:21] didn't go through from contracts to actually combo that down.
[15:00:26] That is actually insane and has to be incredibly frustrating for contracts because not only
[15:00:31] don't you get the steal it is so much worse than that you give over the soul you lose the fight
[15:00:35] is it smoted or smited chat off of that tiny tiny difference i want to echo a phrase from
[15:00:41] jat said earlier in this game it's all about it's smote and it's not smitten it has been so close
[15:00:49] in so many of these fights and it's smitten before then the gold advantage was never that
[15:00:55] It was smitten. She smitted. No.
[15:01:00] What? Are you fucking fried?
[15:01:06] If it was smitten, you were smitted.
[15:01:12] No? Wait, what?
[15:01:16] What are you on about? What are you on about?
[15:01:18] What a game and MF now on four full ad items it's smoke the pf items collected I
[15:01:25] Smoked you smoke they smoke it
[15:01:33] That's the problem. There's no there's nothing on the map
[15:01:35] They're continuing the play on his vent
[15:01:36] He still has flash when he has cleanse and he flashes away from the seismic shelf
[15:01:39] This is to wait until the end of the combo first
[15:01:42] I think it's generic. Sleep Delia. Sleep Delia.
[15:01:44] Uh, Delia, sorry.
[15:01:46] Emethel, Emethel, Emethel, Emethel.
[15:01:48] Oh, who is behind him?
[15:01:50] What is happening? What is happening?
[15:01:52] What is happening? No joke, what is happening?
[15:01:54] Is Poppy gonna kill Emeth?
[15:01:56] Nah, he can't, he can't.
[15:02:00] I guess not to do.
[15:02:04] Oh, it's like bite. Oh yeah.
[15:02:06] Bite, bitten, smite, smitten.
[15:02:08] Smithen
[15:02:10] But you don't say I boat
[15:02:12] Do you?
[15:02:15] I boat you?
[15:02:16] No you don't say that
[15:02:17] So it's not smote
[15:02:28] They don't do fucking nothing with this push
[15:02:30] They're gonna, they're gonna, let's hit it
[15:02:32] They're gonna go baron on base, base baron
[15:02:38] have to look for another fight next. Yeah and if you can't end it now you always
[15:02:41] have to have that little nervous voice in the back of your head saying that well
[15:02:44] they steal elder like elder can be the great equalizer but don't go again doing
[15:02:49] a great job markings then stopping the ultimate immediately as it started because
[15:02:53] what I was talking about is you get all of these AD items the ulti fully
[15:02:57] can you say smite it? I smited the wrong target you can say that right?
[15:03:00] It's actually in saying how much damage the MF ult can do late game but it's
[15:03:04] very difficult to position properly to get it off. What do you mean no?
[15:03:07] I'm done.
[15:03:08] I'm done.
[15:03:09] I'm done.
[15:03:10] It's smited.
[15:03:11] It's smited.
[15:03:12] I decided to stop that.
[15:03:13] It's done.
[15:03:14] It's done.
[15:03:15] It's smited.
[15:03:16] It can absolutely be game ending, but by the same token, if you miss positions that get
[15:03:20] stopped, he has no summoners, that could be really problems for them, too.
[15:03:24] It's smited.
[15:03:25] Deal.
[15:03:26] And it's done.
[15:03:27] Deal.
[15:03:28] Smited and done.
[15:03:29] Deal.
[15:03:30] Deal.
[15:03:31] Deal.
[15:03:32] Deal.
[15:03:33] in the stop of game one contracts had a total shot at stealing that Baron this
[15:03:38] infernal going to the congee gator calm that's how they at least get contracts
[15:03:43] flash out which makes the steal less likely makes it really hard if they go
[15:03:48] to Baron now because they also have flash on aisles they have flash on
[15:03:51] liquorice is so easy the wall is so easy now with no flash on hand and
[15:03:56] having to go to English is so easy how can I get this
[15:03:59] There's a long flank here, but oh my god
[15:04:29] And now they can turn on to licorice instead it's kind of a little though elders in 20 seconds
[15:04:38] Guys your base your base
[15:04:51] Who's gonna succeed in these small multiple number fights I have to apologize for circling Cassante gaming because the upset was happening
[15:04:59] on the other side of the fight licorice was taking on two but then every care can they get that can
[15:05:03] they get elder as the elder will get started now by contracts jensen has i mean energy will take an
[15:05:10] elder flip anytime then is up now licorice will be up in 20 seconds but i don't think they're gonna
[15:05:15] give it they're gonna try and flip it with splash on speaker why he recalled they're just conceding
[15:05:21] it he's only gonna try and see it you have this kind of small window during the elder buff
[15:05:26] Where energy are supremely powerful, you know, they will run the show. The question is, can they actually push-
[15:05:32] How did- how did Corky die?
[15:05:34] ... these inhibitor towers, people with Corky die chat?
[15:05:37] Because while you are incredibly strong in a fight, it doesn't make your minions any tankier,
[15:05:41] and all Dignus is gonna want to do is delay, delay, delay, clear out the waves, avoid any sort of potential conflict,
[15:05:48] and just try to buy time for that elder to fall off.
[15:05:53] He smited the elder chat, didn't he?
[15:05:55] this is such a close game now yeah that Baron play was an absolute
[15:06:01] shocker yeah I mean we just really found a great angle and credit to him he
[15:06:06] bought so much time waiting in the dry brush finds the angle I didn't think
[15:06:09] they were actually gonna be able to finish off as Ben because besides we
[15:06:12] didn't hit from Palo Alto three players of the replay yo hello enough of those
[15:06:16] cues through yo members yo yo I decide to kill yo yo that really did change
[15:06:21] things but now can we drop the replay real quick and summoners back
[15:06:24] Begging? No?
[15:06:27] Look at the arrow, watch out for the arrow.
[15:06:29] Is the MPI gonna play in fog? No, not yet.
[15:06:33] Only 30 seconds of Baron versus 120 of Elders.
[15:06:36] Even though they've had such a decent advantage after the Baron play that we first saw
[15:06:42] Persistence has been so key to energy. They throw out an arrow. It is tanked by licorice
[15:06:49] Smoke is the past tense bro. Don't give me an unbolox. Rat is the present tense. Rat is the past
[15:06:55] Ratting is the current. Shut up
[15:06:58] Volumes of how much they are willing to throw against the wall
[15:07:01] I mean energy either have to just hard force a dive or accept that the elder is gone now because it's so easy
[15:07:06] Even if desperate, you know, they got a force of fights then can just alter wave like bias gotta send it this way
[15:07:12] Then one more this wave is mostly already gone. They are gonna be able to push up and get the tier
[15:07:23] Objective bounty
[15:07:25] Dragons are so be in only 30 seconds worst case you alter it. Yeah, it still keeps him in the game though
[15:07:30] It's yet another bounty secured. Yep, they've pulled it even in gold
[15:07:34] 20 seconds left if Dignitas tried to defend a little bit too strongly. They might go here
[15:07:41] The arrow is a field goal
[15:07:44] Weaver's wall was already used by Palo Palo Palo Palo was off intending to toss numbers with all them ended up on the safe side of the wall
[15:07:50] Shorty they're not gonna lose with inferno. So right of the elder dragon Bob
[15:07:53] It doesn't look like they're gonna continue the siege the trolly not even but because of the soul
[15:07:57] They still have a deck of animals
[15:07:59] La la la la la la la
[15:08:01] Of course, I was gonna give you it's around 4,000 gold worth of stats ballpark, you know
[15:08:07] So it is quite powerful. They are still on a lead in that way
[15:08:10] But you know, it's definitely not that clear cut of the game. No, it's catering. Wow
[15:08:15] What is that enormously ahead in top lane? It's a 5.6 K Gold lead of Palo Altox in mid lane, which is absolutely
[15:08:22] That's enormous like that is ridiculous. He has almost
[15:08:26] A lot more girls has taken a lot of power gold
[15:08:29] So he is ridiculously fed. He's on true six items. It has a
[15:08:37] You know, it's really gonna come down to these super fed members who can get more done is it gonna be about power
[15:08:42] I love you. I love you that back lot
[15:08:45] Pal Fox has actually earned 20,000 gold this game
[15:08:47] So he has crazy 1200 gold that he can't even spend at the moment because he's collected a lot of bounties
[15:08:52] So he's really of any bright spot energy been the one and this could be a pic
[15:08:57] Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wait, hold up.
[15:09:02] And out, out of star, see that's ulti.
[15:09:27] if you were to go for it you also have to look at the map and we're seeing
[15:09:30] no very little division from them you know really they have this one more on this side they've
[15:09:36] got nothing you know past the Baron so if it is energy starting up a Baron there's nowhere
[15:09:41] let's make a pick on Cassante they said pick on the liquor season assist into the seismic
[15:09:45] shove combo i did my combo knock him down tell me hold up wait he's actually gonna die
[15:09:51] joke he's Cassante he's out just when you think he's killable he's got a dash and a
[15:09:55] and a W and an unstoppable and a damage reduction and a shield.
[15:09:59] That shows how fed he is, but that also shows how disconnected Dignitas continued to be.
[15:10:03] That was almost another pick for energy when there are currently no objectives
[15:10:08] that are available when that happened.
[15:10:10] Now that Baron is up, they've chunked a few of energy down
[15:10:14] and they're going to start setting up this Baron.
[15:10:16] Yeah, there's the decision to come out of Foxo.
[15:10:18] Everyone from here is going to be playing about the engage.
[15:10:22] It's all about the execution in this situation.
[15:10:24] gonna be a flip. Come on Contract, so many steal. Oh he tried to flash North Livia, she's
[15:10:30] got Ben, she's my bro. Ah Contract's trolling. He tried to bait by Qing out and flashing in
[15:10:43] but then he has no damage for the Baron shield did he? I think I'll be loose. And then
[15:10:51] He pulls on up yet though
[15:10:53] My god, Anastar is tanky
[15:10:55] I'm gonna have Eldian in 30 seconds here
[15:10:59] Oh my god, Cassante
[15:11:01] Where is the damage?
[15:11:05] It's big calling for the end
[15:11:07] Oh, Flash sleepy time
[15:11:17] Alright, it should be D now, they only have one next tower
[15:11:19] They only have one next tower.
[15:11:31] Damn.
[15:11:32] Okay, that's more like it. That wasn't one side. That was fucking psychotic.
[15:11:38] That was degeneracy.
[15:11:40] Then, energies started getting bounty after bounty after bounty fight after fight after
[15:11:46] Yo, my cars, I actually don't want to go to bed but I got to because I got to stream this in 8 hours.
[15:11:51] I'm not going to get 8 hours of sleep. I'll sleep in like 10, 20 minutes.
[15:11:55] Yo! But this is the last time I have to wake up at 8am for an LCS series.
[15:12:01] So, tomorrow's series isn't the whole thing. Sunday series isn't the whole thing.
[15:12:04] We gotta go. Otherwise I'm going to be dead.
[15:12:07] I have to do T1KT, Waybo, TopPies, Wards, Fennec, Madden, 100, DSTL, I got another fucking 15 hour stream tomorrow.
[15:12:13] Alright, I'll be back tomorrow morning, and I'll be here for LCS all day, all day, all day tomorrow. I promise, I promise.
[15:12:22] Thank you all for coming out, I'll see you soon.
[15:12:24] The big pace LCS streams are coming, I promise.
[15:12:26] Big kiss, I'll see you soon chat, okay?
[15:12:28] Take care.
[15:12:29] Shout out to Lucas Bitters, get to the Shatterstubbers, don't know his resubbers.
[15:12:31] I'll be back soon, take care.
[15:12:33] Peace!
[15:12:34] I'll raid the LCS as well if you want to go check out the LCS see you in a sec chat
[15:12:48] Much love I appreciate you off coming out. You're crazy as fuck