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🔴LPL ELIMINATION SERIES - WBG VS LNG - WINNER FACES TES - MONKE AFTERRRRRRR🔴 !discord !youtube !vods !fnatic !displate

08-22-2024 · 6h 16m

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[00:07:39] Tee-tee-tee-tee!
[00:07:41] Chatter-man! Chatter-man-man! Chatter-man!
[00:07:52] Chatter-man! I'm a matter-chan! You see me? I'm chanting man!
[00:07:57] I'm a Chatter-man! You see me?
[00:08:01] I'm a matter-chan!
[00:08:03] Did you get enough sleep? I slept super well! I slept mega well!
[00:08:16] I slept so good! Oh my god! I slept mega good!
[00:08:22] chat also I fixed it me I fixed it what did I fix chat well check the kbps on
[00:08:33] the stream now do it check the kbps of the stream open up 1080p on the stream
[00:08:39] and tell me if the stream code is better check it check it 7600 7600
[00:08:49] Ooh! Ooh! That means, that means, that means that when we play Sekiro, no, when we play
[00:08:56] Wukong, the game is gonna look way better. It's gonna look way better. I have a problem
[00:09:03] solver. What can I say? I have a problem solver. That's me. They call me problem solver
[00:09:10] Paul that's me kind speed just beat minescraft did they they just beat
[00:09:19] minescraft oh my god I don't want me that guy chat listen you know me I'm a
[00:09:27] gaming god speeding minecraft on hardcore that hard that hard Jesus I
[00:09:40] I haven't played Minecraft hardcore. I played normal with my friends
[00:09:45] But I mean it's a kids game. Come on, man
[00:09:49] come on
[00:09:50] but Kaisen had did kill millennia and
[00:09:54] Ranna hand so he has got that gaming spirit. He's got that fucking. I mean he's a mega gamer that guy
[00:09:59] But I was surprised that Minecraft was taking that long like taking 90 hours to beat Minecraft
[00:10:07] Bro, it took him less time to beat Ranna hand in it. That's crazy
[00:10:10] 100 five hours 105 hours to be minecraft 105 hours they're going crazy what do you mean
[00:10:26] they're going crazy what are they doing what are they doing what are they doing what are
[00:10:41] What are they doing? Wait, what time is it in there?
[00:10:50] Time? Where are they in LA? It's 2.22 am.
[00:11:03] They beat Minecraft hardcore. That's crazy though.
[00:11:07] They want us to quit! They want us to quit!
[00:11:12] But after the morning!
[00:11:15] Jesus.
[00:11:17] You know, I'll always respect Kaisenet for the effort he puts into these marathons.
[00:11:21] Like, he might not stream every day, right?
[00:11:24] He might take a five-day break.
[00:11:26] But when he comes back, his pace is unbeatable when he comes back.
[00:11:32] Like, I, for example, I stream like maybe eight hours a day, six days a week, maybe like a nice average, but he will take five days off, and then he will stream for two weeks straight, non-stop, non-stop, sleep on stream, you know, even when he sleeps on stream, he has like lights on, and he has sub alerts on, full volume on the fucking, on the speaker.
[00:11:56] that's crazy though like that's actually the generator mega the generator
[00:12:07] he's crazy i mean they're both crazy do you have a clip of them beating it
[00:12:12] do you have a clip of them beating it oh it's my tune chat this is my song hold up
[00:12:21] t1 the mule deer t1 have the greatest of all time they're including all the
[00:12:27] two sides gray sometimes kill okay okay what is this
[00:12:33] whatever game publisher gets kaisen into a marathon of death stare game bro oh my god
[00:13:09] big pace for that game publisher. I wonder how many kids or viewers or people watching decide to boot up Minecraft after that.
[00:13:20] It's the same with me, if I watch a CS tournament and someone pops off bro, I'm opening up CS, I'm gonna play a game and it's already the end.
[00:13:27] And what is that breaking news?
[00:13:33] DK Fraud was seen joining the winning side just one day before the match in an exclusive
[00:13:36] include.
[00:13:37] He said, I always have been fear ex lawyer.
[00:13:40] I don't know what's going on about Kerr.
[00:13:42] No I'm not fear ex lawyer.
[00:13:44] Well AI is getting crazy.
[00:13:46] AI is getting crazy these days, isn't it?
[00:13:50] Why does he make that and then write this like is he ill?
[00:13:54] What are you doing?
[00:13:59] That's crazy.
[00:14:00] XFAS. Less crazy, right? So the 2024 XCD regular season summer all's fraud first team.
[00:14:10] That's crazy. That's crazy. Bro, we saw this yesterday, like bro, I can't. Bro, it just looks
[00:14:27] perfect. Like Sally mid is great. My fraud support looks perfect. R2D1 top is perfect.
[00:14:35] How did you edit R2D one around me like that? Like the suit and everything?
[00:14:39] Oh my god.
[00:14:42] Speeding Kai beat Minecraft?
[00:14:45] Close as Eurelia? Bro, close as Eurelia is crazy.
[00:14:48] Close as Eurelia is psychotic.
[00:14:53] He's crazy.
[00:14:58] Happy Goat Day. Happy Goat Day.
[00:15:02] I think you got the wrong goat, fake her.
[00:15:04] Yeah, I do want to play some Minecraft.
[00:15:07] Like I'm not gonna lie.
[00:15:07] I have been dying to play some Minecraft.
[00:15:09] Wait, let me put the alerts on.
[00:15:10] What do you think of Zoe being back in pro play?
[00:15:13] Or what does it take to have Zoe back in pro play?
[00:15:16] I don't know actually. I feel like...
[00:15:19] What's my opinion on Zoe?
[00:15:24] I feel like Zoe's strength, two of her biggest strengths to stand out to me, was one,
[00:15:36] her lane phase was strong because her W was OP as fuck.
[00:15:41] Like it was so strong, her W.
[00:15:44] And two they slowly like removed what drops you could get didn't they on her W
[00:15:57] XDD
[00:15:58] But also I think Zoe's wave clear. It's just really bad
[00:16:01] I feel like
[00:16:03] Against Corky who can walk up and Q out the wave and scale to infinity. What does Zoe actually do?
[00:16:08] She has to then catch the wave like she has to use like fucking two Q's to get the wave and already like
[00:16:13] Let's go, man.
[00:16:14] Corky's halfway to bot is like, and Corky's playing with Ruby Crystals.
[00:16:18] I need your opinion.
[00:16:20] What do you think it will take to have Zoe back in pro play?
[00:16:23] Oh, there it is.
[00:16:24] Like, I wonder, I really wonder how Riot is going to fix this problem in mid lane,
[00:16:30] where mid laners can rush Merc treads,
[00:16:32] or they can fucking build Ruby Crystals and AD carries,
[00:16:35] or they can rush Steelcaps,
[00:16:37] and they will just outperform any mid laner like Zoe,
[00:16:40] Who goes AP and you know, like it's just
[00:16:45] It's just a big problem title one lost to a 033 corki
[00:16:52] What
[00:16:54] How did he lose to a 033 corki who was running the game down?
[00:17:09] She says I would just leave
[00:17:13] The duo bin and way have played together all best of fives they've won they won every best five RNG JDG RNG tests RNG tests MSI
[00:17:20] RNG EG, RNG T1, T1, T2, T4, Weibo Tests,
[00:17:24] Chiasis, I mean they are the RNG boys bro,
[00:17:27] they are the RNG boys, that's them, they are the RNG boys.
[00:17:30] Why did he hide his face when the new camera zoomed in?
[00:17:34] You have such a great face.
[00:17:37] Right now I have a great face, shut up.
[00:17:39] One of the prettiest one Mocomo's I've ever done.
[00:17:41] Oh my, oh my god, what the fuck?
[00:17:51] That was disgusting.
[00:17:53] LCS all-pro summer split impact blabber appa yeon core gg
[00:17:59] Thanatos inspired Jojo Pune Berserker Vulcan
[00:18:03] Bui Po omti quad masu in bussin. Yeah, I don't know enough about them. I don't know. I don't watch this season. I
[00:18:12] Saw people complaining that omti is getting rolled here by the votes
[00:18:19] Where are the votes at chat where are the votes at
[00:18:23] What is this? Is it just me or is there no high ground at least in finals?
[00:18:26] It feels dull, no consequence. I shouldn't feel like this team is fighting for worlds.
[00:18:30] I've only watched the first series, game of each series, and I'm not for K-Druel.
[00:18:32] I probably wouldn't even do that. All the hype is gone.
[00:18:35] I might take a break from watching League, so I can actually feel anything.
[00:18:38] Yeah, I understand the sentiment. I feel like the sentiment is quite common among fans,
[00:18:43] and I think it stems from either the tournament being like, for example,
[00:18:53] season finals takes four weeks and in those four weeks you get two best of
[00:18:57] fives every weekend and then the finals and that takes way too long and people
[00:19:03] seem to struggle with the idea that this is taking all too long but also there's
[00:19:06] four finals in NLAC season. The problem is if you dislike it right if the
[00:19:13] rumors are true and Riot is bringing a third international next year then that
[00:19:18] means that every region will also move to a 3-speed format. Whether they have a season
[00:19:25] finals or not, I'm not sure. But if they have a third international in winter, there will
[00:19:32] be a 3-speed format across the world. I wonder if the fix is you just remove season finals.
[00:19:39] Like should we just make summer bigger? Remove season finals? I don't know, is that a fix?
[00:19:44] away the season finals. I mean I think winter, spring and summer is fine and then go to Worlds.
[00:19:50] But yeah, maybe just removing, maybe just have three splits and then a regional gauntlet
[00:19:57] for Worlds and that might fix it because I feel like the season finals doesn't really
[00:20:01] like, I think people are just a bit jaded after three splits and then another finals.
[00:20:04] I think they're just kind of like, oh my god. So maybe a bigger format in summer
[00:20:09] or something or like something really big. The thing that I don't want to see is
[00:20:18] I don't want to see LCK turn into a
[00:20:22] Three split format where they only have one finals in a stadium per year
[00:20:27] And the other two finals are just in Lowl Park because I know that's I feel like that's gonna happen, man
[00:20:32] There's no way they're gonna put more money into it to then do three roadshows instead of two that scares me
[00:20:39] Because like the thing I appreciate the most about the LCK is like their finals weekends are unbelievable
[00:20:44] Their spring and summer finals weekends are always insane
[00:20:46] But yeah, I worry that if they add a split, they're just going to remove Spring Road
[00:20:54] Show and just leave it for summer only.
[00:21:00] Just gives it that aura, you know, like the LCK just has that aura in stadiums.
[00:21:05] I saw this post about Monte Cristo, what is it?
[00:21:07] Chobee vs Knight is the main storyline of LoL Esports, right?
[00:21:10] Jesus, okay.
[00:21:15] I agree that both Chobee and Knight are currently by Smiths and Arasbytes regions
[00:21:18] number of times they have faceoff against each other in 2020 in 2024 is about two
[00:21:22] compared to faker vs chovy or faker vs night I mean I think chovy vs night is
[00:21:29] like a it's definitely one of the most well it's probably the most what's the
[00:21:37] word skillful match up matchups I guess but I think storyline is more
[00:21:44] than just like skill level sometimes but yeah I agree that they're definitely
[00:21:49] the two best midlaners, but I feel like there's a lot of stories, you know, I feel like Faker
[00:21:53] has a lot of stories at Worlds, I think Zeka has a lot of stories at Worlds, I think Scout
[00:21:57] has a lot of stories at Worlds. So yeah, I even think Yagugu has a lot of stories
[00:22:04] at Worlds at this point for the internationals. But yeah, I mean, what if Deft goes up against
[00:22:12] Ruler, right? If KT and JDG make it to Worlds, you know, two AD carries who
[00:22:17] World Champs both on teams that were once good and now struggling. I don't know death ruler is like a crazy story, too
[00:22:24] But like stories are also history
[00:22:27] And there's a lot of cool stories
[00:22:30] So what was his point? His point was that it should be the main story of lolly sports show versus night
[00:22:37] Yeah, I could see it being one of the main stories for sure. Yeah, maybe the main story
[00:22:42] What is this? What does captain flower say?
[00:22:45] I just thought of something because some of you guys were asking about Sally being on the show
[00:22:49] and yes we're gonna get Sally on the show. I had a question. If for some reason I would
[00:22:56] find myself in Europe in the month of October which may or may not be during worlds. We
[00:23:06] should do IRL content though. We should like, I don't know, find a mountain in Germany
[00:23:13] or something or something like that though. There ain't no mountains in Germany, co.
[00:23:17] Okay just check it. I just wanted to get a vibe check. I just wanted to get a vibe
[00:23:20] Well, there are, but like we're in Berlin. I think we'll have to go quite far to go to a mountain.
[00:23:26] There's no mountain in Berlin, is there? You'll have to go all the way to the south next to Munich, no?
[00:23:34] A while away.
[00:23:36] There's Brokeback Mountain. Can you fuck off?
[00:23:39] Bro, IRL content sounds fun. If Flowers wants me involved in some IRL content, I'm there.
[00:23:49] And I'm there if he wants to go to like a fucking if he wants to like I don't know
[00:23:54] Go to an ice bar and like take off the fucking thing that's keeping us warm and they cast a league game
[00:24:01] Well, we're both getting hypothermia bro. I'm there. What is this?
[00:24:07] 2016 spring see oh my god, why do you why do you how did you what how did that when did you find this?
[00:24:13] What is this?
[00:24:16] How did you find that this is eight years ago?
[00:24:18] Oh my god, I'm not watching this. Oh my god. Oh my god, man. Why? Oh my oh my bro. Can
[00:24:38] you fuck off? Actually, I think I won more trophies in the first year of my career. Or
[00:24:45] first years and I did that. I'm not watching it. I'm not watching it. My sister's wedding
[00:24:50] 23rd of August why is fear exchange or is so hyped for this this best of five bro
[00:24:55] You're gonna get clapped in this best of five. What are you so hyped about? You're gonna get slammed. It's gonna be a trio
[00:25:01] guards drop the wukong gameplay
[00:25:04] Former LSE pro promoscue hard griefs a ranked game from minute one
[00:25:08] Oh my god, what is he doing man?
[00:25:17] Doing why is it just the zig smile like when I see I'm sorry for laughing
[00:25:22] but the zig smile when someone's inting is just so distracting.
[00:25:27] What is he doing?
[00:25:35] He can't kill Red buff.
[00:25:45] No flash topper.
[00:25:50] Oh, he keeps going.
[00:26:00] I mean, that's an MSI champion where they play.
[00:26:02] Yeah, it's kind of int.
[00:26:04] Obviously very int.
[00:26:04] Anniversary of the top 3 video yesterday, one year ago, I posted my first top 3.
[00:26:08] Yo, Vincent D.
[00:26:11] I hauled some top 3 video today before I'm gonna expose the rat again.
[00:26:13] I heard Kater wants a 1v1 on Pokemon Gen 1.
[00:26:15] No muted, a lot of nuts play against him, if he wants, because the little guy is so bad at the game.
[00:26:18] I'm not bad at that game.
[00:26:20] The shy content.
[00:26:24] Are we missing everything?
[00:26:26] Skelpers, yeah Skelpers are horrible.
[00:26:28] The Sally Instant and Olympic Rath
[00:26:30] archived in the Korean wiki.
[00:26:32] Since the summer season of LAC24
[00:26:34] I've had a meme called Sally instead of my own name.
[00:26:36] The reason is that during the third set of a final
[00:26:38] he rented it.
[00:26:40] Okay, why is it called CAD role?
[00:26:42] Why can't I just put the Cajal?
[00:26:44] Paris Olympics diving silver medalist
[00:26:46] Madison Keeney
[00:26:48] Certified as a fan when she posted or don't call her a fan. We're a fan of her
[00:26:53] We're a fan of many
[00:26:56] How is it that there's different versions of kjul's name? I don't get it
[00:27:00] Like there's cat roll and
[00:27:03] There's cad rel. How does it like why did when does it spell itself correctly? I?
[00:27:08] Was the correct version black myth who can context okay? We'll check that out in a sec
[00:27:17] CR7 opened up his official YouTube channel nice
[00:27:20] Oh my god. I think we got it all. Hacker Crush the client.
[00:27:27] Uh, Pedro playing Nikke on stream even just once with Bang.
[00:27:36] What is Nikke? Or is it Nike? How do you say that?
[00:27:43] Or is it Nike? All right. What was this? What was this link about?
[00:27:48] What was this link about the boss?
[00:27:51] Eat today? Yeah, I had... I don't feel good, bro.
[00:27:54] I had some burger king, but my throat and stomach hurt, so it's like
[00:27:57] better just not to eat and i hate this water so i'm not drinking water
[00:28:01] bro can somebody guys i don't want to be like that chat spammer
[00:28:05] like if somebody go ask boosias if he has any water like spare water like i
[00:28:11] wouldn't be that guy that like tells somebody to go spam and other people's
[00:28:15] chats but this is a death i'm desperate pilot one needs water
[00:28:21] Bro, is he stupid, just made from the top?
[00:28:25] He's drinking tap water!
[00:28:27] Oh, close the stream! Everybody leave me!
[00:28:30] Oh my god, he's drinking tap water like a Neanderthal!
[00:28:34] I drink tap water!
[00:28:35] Oh my god, of course, because he's from Europe!
[00:28:36] He's like, well, I drink tap water!
[00:28:38] Of course he is!
[00:28:40] I drink tap water!
[00:28:41] Oh my god!
[00:28:44] The worst person to ask, somebody from Europe!
[00:28:45] I don't want to be that guy, proceed to be that guy!
[00:28:49] Did he broke his bottles?
[00:28:51] he broke his bottles bro what's going on Saudi what are they doing in Saudi these
[00:28:55] guys
[00:28:57] there's like condition to think it's good it was in charges of it we need water
[00:29:01] through you know you realize the sonny and aquafina is literally tap water they
[00:29:06] had minerals to you know I'm sorry no sane person is even drinking the sonny
[00:29:12] or aquafina so does he get Walter eventually well don't throw him away
[00:29:18] They might even I don't know and then they put normal water in yeah recycle. Yeah
[00:29:25] Just tap water. Did you get water? I mean I presume he gets water
[00:29:29] He got water
[00:29:31] Volvic
[00:29:32] Volvic water. We have water
[00:29:35] We have water. Okay, so he has water. Oh my god. Okay, Volvic was the only water
[00:29:42] I could drink in Europe. It was why only water I could drink I
[00:29:47] I don't understand is this like a thing it at least tastes the same as that what's why why
[00:29:54] Is there like a taste that I'm missing or something?
[00:30:00] Does it taste bad? Well, I drink tap water in Berlin. I drink tap water in England like I don't even remember the last time
[00:30:07] I drank bottled water
[00:30:14] It's good. It's good. Yeah. Why saying you
[00:30:22] Berlin's tap water
[00:30:24] Germany has some of the best quality drinking water in the world. It's completely safe to drink from a foul seat
[00:30:30] Burned tap water is sourced from ground water is naturally purified and further treated through Berlin's water facilities
[00:30:35] It's strictly regulated by the government making it one of the cleanest tap warts in the world
[00:30:44] Some regions in Germany have harder tap water than others which might affect the taste
[00:30:48] easy clap easy clap
[00:30:58] easy
[00:31:00] Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, but yo, NA frogs.
[00:31:04] Well, how bad is American tap water?
[00:31:10] United States has one of the safest
[00:31:12] and most reliable drinking water systems in the world.
[00:31:13] Every year millions of people living in the United States
[00:31:14] get that tap water from a public community water system.
[00:31:17] No, you guys have safe tap water too, or what?
[00:31:25] Okay, let me try it by state.
[00:31:26] Tap water in Alabama.
[00:31:30] It's blessed with relatively pure fresh water.
[00:31:35] Public water supplies in Alabama and the US are excellent.
[00:31:38] Bro, is tap water just taking over? New York water meets all federal standards and standards and is safe to drink chlorine or odors
[00:31:49] Wait, am I drinking tap water? That's not healthy. Wait, is tap water in Berlin healthy?
[00:32:01] Why does it say everywhere the bird that tap water is healthy?
[00:32:04] What is every?
[00:32:09] Why does it say that everywhere has healthy tap water?
[00:32:13] Only in EU and a you can drink tap water
[00:32:16] check Philippines
[00:32:19] Water from the toss and tap water in Philippines is not potable. What is potable? I mean you can wash with it
[00:32:26] Does not meet the standard set by the national government means drinkable
[00:32:36] Interesting interesting wait, where did I go and I couldn't drink the tap water?
[00:32:42] Was it Indonesia?
[00:32:44] It's generally recommended to boil the tap water or drink bottled water. Yeah, it was Indonesia that I was like
[00:32:51] Oh my god, I can't drink this
[00:33:00] Interesting. It's like you guys so you're telling me like US frogs you guys go to the store you buy water and then you come home with your all your bottled water they have to carry upstairs and then when you run out you have to go buy more wait that's crazy what the fuck is that I just walk to the kitchen and fill up my glass bro that's it.
[00:33:30] and that's it that's crazy no can't you guys drink your tap water in the in the
[00:33:38] US my fridge has a filter and I'm in an A all perfect tap water is nasty bro it's
[00:33:46] just me I'm either crazy one chat tap water tastes the same everywhere if I
[00:33:51] drink bottled water or this tap water it tastes the same it tastes the same
[00:33:58] bro. It doesn't have a taste. It's just fucking aquacar. Check Flint, Michigan. Well, Flint,
[00:34:13] Michigan has a water crisis. Well, someone put Flint in the water in Michigan. Why is
[00:34:18] it called Flint, Michigan? Why isn't it just called Michigan? Why is it called Flint,
[00:34:22] Michigan? Oh, it's a, oh, it's a city. It's Flint in Michigan. Oh, shit. Yeah,
[00:34:30] You guys just say word, word.
[00:34:33] Oh, shit.
[00:34:36] Flint, Michigan.
[00:34:36] I thought it was like a different version of Michigan
[00:34:39] or some shit.
[00:34:40] Is Michigan a state?
[00:34:44] It is a state.
[00:34:49] I got to learn my states.
[00:34:50] I got to learn my states.
[00:34:51] I only know like six states.
[00:34:53] I know there is California, Nevada, Alabama,
[00:34:57] North and South Carolina, Texas, Washington, Michigan,
[00:35:04] Mississippi.
[00:35:07] There's another one, but M, Moneta, Montana, yeah.
[00:35:13] North and South Virginia, or East and West Virginia,
[00:35:16] or South and East.
[00:35:18] Isn't there a Virginia state?
[00:35:21] Isn't there?
[00:35:23] Which one is it?
[00:35:28] West Virginia and West Virginia. That's it. I might be the only view you have from South Carolina.
[00:35:41] I can't do the map test USA. Bro, I can't do the map test. Bro, I'm terrible at this.
[00:35:55] How do I start the click on Virginia, bro? I don't know where they are. I think Virginia is here.
[00:36:02] Okay. I know here is Alabama and North and South Carolina and Washington and New York and Florida.
[00:36:10] Here's Texas. Here's Nevada and California. This is Seattle. It's the only thing I know from that area.
[00:36:21] This I don't know what it is. Okay. North Dakota. Oh, I just clicked on that. Washington. Washington is like here.
[00:36:31] here oh my god it is there yeah yeah Washington DC Wyoming wait which state
[00:36:58] is Washington DC in what state is Washington DC in Maryland it's not
[00:37:11] in a state it's a city oh is it like Vatican-esque or what the Wyoming Kentucky
[00:37:26] Arizona Arizona ooh I know that it's down here somewhere okay Vermont that's like
[00:37:36] up here Mississippi oh my god wait hold up Mississippi is probably like here too
[00:37:41] no here Utah wait I think it's here I knew it was there somewhere Connecticut
[00:37:50] Connecticut Connecticut's up here as well Pennsylvania what I'm actually not
[00:37:55] doing too bad actually I would be way worse than this. Pennsylvania. That's probably around
[00:38:00] here somewhere. Oh my god I'm actually locked in. Delaware is like here. Oh my god it's
[00:38:05] here. Kansas. Maine. I think it was there somewhere. Maine is up here. Maryland. Maryland.
[00:38:16] Wait that's where the oh my god. Florida. Colorado. Colorado. Probably here. I'm like
[00:38:26] on the right. Occidentals, you know, I'm saying Louisiana. Yeah, Iowa. Like my my spice
[00:38:35] sensor, not bad. Iowa. I swear. So I am up here. Arkansas. Oh my God, Arkansas. Did
[00:38:42] I see Arkansas? New Hampshire. Oh my God, it's probably up here somewhere. Next to
[00:38:48] Oklahoma. Oklahoma. Here, Georgia. Oh my God, I'm so looking. Missouri.
[00:38:57] Minnesota. New Mexico. Nebraska. Nebraska. Nebraska. Oregon. Okay, I'm lost. I'm lost now.
[00:39:19] South Dakota. I'm lost. Wisconsin. Tennessee. I'm lost. Tennessee. Nevada. Nevada. I'm
[00:39:37] Indiana. Indiana Jones. California. Yeah. Idaho. Massachusetts. Alaska. North Carolina.
[00:40:03] Montana. Where was it? Ohio. West Virginia. Hawaii. Rhode Island. Michigan. New York.
[00:40:23] Not bad, not bad, not bad, that's not bad.
[00:40:28] I think as an EU pundit, that is not the worst, that is not the worst.
[00:40:34] Do Europe now?
[00:40:37] Okay.
[00:40:38] Estonia.
[00:40:39] Oh my god, Estonia.
[00:40:43] Kosovo.
[00:40:44] Bro, it's actually a lot harder than you think.
[00:40:51] Iceland.
[00:40:53] Andora.
[00:40:54] San Marino.
[00:40:56] Malta.
[00:40:57] Where is it? Bulgaria.
[00:41:03] Bulgaria.
[00:41:08] North Macedonia, Serbia.
[00:41:11] Austria, Ireland.
[00:41:16] Moldova, Germany, Luxembourg, Albania.
[00:41:31] Albania.
[00:41:33] Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland.
[00:41:38] France, Latvia.
[00:41:41] Monaco, Portugal, Slovenia, Norway, Cyprus, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Belarus, Hungary,
[00:42:09] Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Romania, Vatican City State, Croatia, Lithuania, Netherlands,
[00:42:29] Montenegro, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Russia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden.
[00:42:41] Not bad. Not bad at all. Not bad. Not bad at all. 60% is pretty good. 60% is pretty
[00:42:50] good. I kind of entered a little bit over there and a little bit down here. Okay?
[00:42:54] Not the worst, could be way worse, let's be honest.
[00:42:57] Kaboors, kaboors.
[00:42:59] Try Asia, bro, I'm...
[00:43:06] Are you fucking lying, Asia?
[00:43:08] Sri Lanka.
[00:43:19] Turkmenistan.
[00:43:23] Yemen.
[00:43:25] North Korea.
[00:43:28] Jordan.
[00:43:32] Mongolia.
[00:43:37] Japan.
[00:43:38] Iran.
[00:43:40] Wait, I'm locked in, hold up.
[00:43:43] Maldives.
[00:43:44] The Maldives. The Maldives. The Maldives, Ka?
[00:43:54] East Timor. Oh my god. East Timor.
[00:43:57] Qatar. Qatar. It's like here somewhere.
[00:44:11] Bhutan. Bhutan. I saw that.
[00:44:20] Nepal. India. Thailand. Thailand.
[00:44:28] Singapore. Bangladesh. Kuwait.
[00:44:35] Kuwait, Georgia. Oh my god, I'm so locked in Myanmar Afghanistan Bahrain Cambodia
[00:44:53] Cambodia Lebanon Uzbekistan
[00:45:04] Uzbekistan Syria Syria Malaysia Malaysia Azerbaijan I clicked there I clicked there
[00:45:16] China. Indonesia. South Korea. Philippines. Where's Philippines? I swear it's like here somewhere.
[00:45:31] Israel. Pakistan. Turkey. Iraq. Oman. Armenia.
[00:45:50] Turkestan. Brunei. Tajikistan. United Arab Emirates.
[00:46:00] Russia. Kazakhstan. Vietnam. Saudi Arabia. Laos.
[00:46:07] Actually not bad actually not bad 50% of Asia is pretty good
[00:46:15] 50% of Asia is pretty damn good
[00:46:18] That's pretty good
[00:46:21] In three minutes as well three minutes
[00:46:25] I know Asia better than I know us
[00:46:28] You Africa now how much time do we have we have three minutes? Okay, bro Africa is gonna be a good
[00:46:36] Gabon. Bro, I don't know. I don't know.
[00:46:40] Somalia. Bro, I don't know Africa at all.
[00:46:46] Liberia. Algeria. Mauritania. Lesodo. Morocco. Namibia. South Sudan.
[00:47:06] What I'm doing is I'm clicking to get the country name so that late game I have memorized.
[00:47:11] Democratic Republic of South Africa, Mali, Malawi, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Botswana, that's here, Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Penine,
[00:47:56] Mozambique.
[00:47:58] Kata. Mozambique.
[00:48:01] Djibouti.
[00:48:02] Djibouti.
[00:48:04] Nigeria. Uganda.
[00:48:08] Uganda was here.
[00:48:11] Equatorial Guinea. Sudan.
[00:48:17] Wait, I did South Sudan here.
[00:48:19] Madagascar. Oh my god.
[00:48:21] Eswatini.
[00:48:22] Eswatini.
[00:48:25] Eritrea.
[00:48:29] Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Egypt.
[00:48:40] What?
[00:48:40] Togo, Senegal, Ro, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe's here.
[00:48:49] Ethiopia, that's here.
[00:48:51] Kenya, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, that's Guinea.
[00:48:57] Seychelles, Seychelles.
[00:49:00] Niger, Gambia, Gambia.
[00:49:08] Mauritius
[00:49:09] Mauritius
[00:49:11] Oh my god I knew it, I knew it, I knew it
[00:49:13] Cameroon
[00:49:15] Cameroon
[00:49:17] Cameroon
[00:49:20] Cape Verde
[00:49:22] Tanzania
[00:49:25] Chad
[00:49:26] Chad
[00:49:28] Zambia
[00:49:29] Zambia
[00:49:30] Angola
[00:49:32] Angola
[00:49:33] Western Sahara
[00:49:35] That's on the west
[00:49:36] That's that
[00:49:37] South Omei and Principe
[00:49:39] Ghana, Comoros, wait, I know Africa better than I know the US
[00:49:47] What I don't know Africa better than I know the US what?
[00:49:55] What
[00:49:57] That's crazy, no, bro, I swear I was shooting in the dark there man
[00:50:01] I had no fucking idea where anything was I was just trying to memorize names from clicking and then get the late game plays
[00:50:07] Alright, alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. It's LPL time chat
[00:50:14] Do Canada? What do you mean Do Canada?
[00:50:18] Da-dee-da-da-do
[00:50:22] Da-da-dee-da-da-do
[00:50:24] Da-da-dee-da-da-do
[00:50:26] Da-da-dee-da-da-do
[00:50:28] Chat, we're gonna play Black Mids Woo Cognitor
[00:50:31] Do you guys have LPL Link?
[00:50:34] Do you guys have LPL Link?
[00:50:36] On Billy Billy?
[00:50:38] On Billy Billy?
[00:50:46] Have you fixed your stream quality? I have.
[00:50:48] Yo, go check right now. Go check right now.
[00:50:51] Check the KBPS of the stream. Do it. What is it? Someone tell me.
[00:50:55] Check the KBPS of the stream right now. Check it.
[00:50:58] Check it. Check it.
[00:51:02] It's 7.6K.
[00:51:05] Damn.
[00:51:08] Damn.
[00:51:12] That's kind of crazy.
[00:51:16] Hold up. Let me open up the stream.
[00:51:19] This guy.
[00:51:20] He just linked me.
[00:51:25] He just what? He just linked me.
[00:51:27] Never gonna give you up on Billy Billy without the song
[00:51:44] That's it equality that's it equality the stream is it better not
[00:51:51] Which region is the most enjoyable for you LPL or LEC
[00:51:59] I don't know I feel like every league gives you something different, you know
[00:52:02] Like for me, for me, LCK is like, LCK is like my, my day one, you know, LCK for me always has a sweet spot in my heart because it's the first thing I ever coached in my life, LCK.
[00:52:17] LEC is like where I grew up. So it's like my hometown, you know, it's like, you know, you know, it's like, you know, your school friends are there and you kind of still see them, you know, that's kind of what the AC feels like.
[00:52:25] It's like watching your homies.
[00:52:26] And LPL is like watching people go like fucking crazy mode and you're like they take it to the next level and that's fun and
[00:52:36] Yeah, so I think all of them are unique
[00:52:43] What is this link
[00:52:46] Here's the original version I made of the XTD regular all-spray fraud split
[00:52:51] I wasn't sure if it was better, but I might as well share it
[00:52:53] Lamont, Jains, Mymap, Sally, Monetman and MyFraud.
[00:52:59] This roster could save EU getting swept by us again LPL.
[00:53:08] It's true though, it's true, you know it, you know I wouldn't go down Murata fight, I wouldn't
[00:53:12] go down Swingwell Swings.
[00:53:15] And if you want to communicate to someone who's maybe watched LPL sporadically over the
[00:53:19] last few years about how much has changed about the bedrock, the things that we
[00:53:23] We take the granted in the LPL over the last few years.
[00:53:26] This matchup is one of them.
[00:53:27] You see, Scout first.
[00:53:28] I'm not adding Kerr or anything.
[00:53:29] It's not happening.
[00:53:30] Or on those legacy orgs, which they made their teams.
[00:53:32] I'm not eating it.
[00:53:33] That made those teams historic with.
[00:53:35] You could say the same for Gala, leaving RNG.
[00:53:37] You could say the same.
[00:53:38] There he is, little Gala.
[00:53:40] All right, chat, quick thing.
[00:53:42] This is an elimination best of five.
[00:53:44] It's between LNG and Wabo.
[00:53:47] The loser is out of playoffs.
[00:53:50] the winner will play against Tess tomorrow? I think. And then the winner of that will
[00:53:58] I think it's on the roadshow next week actually.
[00:54:05] Are you hyped for G2 BDS?
[00:54:21] to bds i am hyped for g2 bds you know g2 vs bds if g2 win madline's lock worlds if bds win no one locks worlds
[00:54:48] who's the favorite i mean the favorite is g2 hasn't g2 got a win rate against bds that's like
[00:54:53] disgusting don't they have like a 90% win rate against bds to invest in five games or some
[00:54:58] shit. Oh the favourites in this game, you know LNG, Wable the favourites? Probably I
[00:55:09] don't think they're the favourites. If they had to be won maybe LNG. So they finished second
[00:55:19] in Red Resil.
[00:55:26] I'm so excited to play Monkei game today I fix the stream the stream calls will be better and it will be great
[00:55:56] The first half of the group stage is not a pretty one for Tarzan
[00:55:59] I think that he's gone on to be the most important player of his team though
[00:56:03] You might just be the most important player today against LNG in LNG lock it in boy lock it in
[00:56:09] This is LNG's home arena
[00:56:16] Come on scoot fucking lock in buddy
[00:56:24] Come on scoot
[00:56:26] You ready for DK to be thrilled by Fox more on bro, what is going on DK's in a blast Fox
[00:56:54] Yeah chat Saturday morning 8am t1 versus kt by the way
[00:57:03] is both of these teams were not top four for pretty much any I feel like I'm him
[00:57:09] I feel like I'm him they have had to grow to that point yes Weber and Alan G
[00:57:14] for Susan
[00:57:15] last year they were made all the way to the finals then these teams were not at
[00:57:21] that level for most of this year they have to change with the roster changes
[00:57:24] they've had to compromise between player styles and they've had to find form
[00:57:27] again breathe because the midlaners are back on form because the junglers
[00:57:31] have been integrated into their roster we are now talking about the teams we
[00:57:35] probably should have seed all year. Tarzan. That way board LNG would not top
[00:57:40] teams that is purely their own fault but they are here now and they are
[00:57:43] deserving of these top four finishes. They did lose both in 3-0s before this
[00:57:48] point but they are very clearly better than the next tier of LPL
[00:57:51] competition and I think that hopefully... Stop vaping it's bad for you. Bro I don't
[00:57:55] I don't smoke or vape my car what be here whenever you ever see me vape
[00:58:03] the fuck won't give me a vape I put it on the floor and smash it with my foot
[00:58:10] I ain't smoking that they're like him I feel like I'm him I feel like I'm him
[00:58:26] Come on please do the ting do the ting do the ting do the ting do the ting come on please please do the ting come on man
[00:58:34] Come on. Yo, please. I'm begging. Yeah, please. Please. Please do the ting
[00:58:38] Do the ting
[00:58:40] Okay, we'll take it. We'll take it. We'll take it. We'll take it. We did something. I like it. I
[00:58:46] Like the gun from the button gunpoint though
[00:58:49] Bang game started
[00:58:51] So what you're so oh my word you've just said LPL is chat those are games come
[00:58:59] swim yesterday chat games come swim with new games being released was running
[00:59:02] good or not was running good was running good or not
[00:59:09] stories now chat can I say kind of say as much as I flame you guys and you
[00:59:17] flame me you guys make me very happy you do me very happy feel like I wake up
[00:59:22] the morning and I'm like damn I get to press start streaming and talk to all these fucking
[00:59:28] psychopaths around the world it's crazy you know like it's such a weird job I was thinking
[00:59:31] about it today I was like I talk to talk to rats every day maybe it's gonna make me a
[00:59:39] skit so maybe I bet you in like 15 to 20 years time there's gonna be a scientific
[00:59:43] study that kids or people in their early 20s who started streaming actually have like
[00:59:50] a new disease called brain rot or some shit, like I'm convinced, but for now it's great.
[00:59:55] You see like all of your favorite streamers in 20 years time just like fucking talking
[01:00:00] to themselves like that, yo chat then, can you bend that guy?
[01:00:05] Holy fuck can you imagine?
[01:00:20] And try and make sure that the team is getting resources elsewhere. It's two very different ways to play the map
[01:00:25] I'm really really interested to see yeah, the memes are good. The memes are good
[01:00:37] When does the shy come back?
[01:00:40] I mean apparently he's back next year apparently
[01:00:46] I'm X for doubt
[01:00:50] mode and we've seen what they are who can do in playoffs typically it's been in those spring playoffs
[01:00:56] in the past if i was last year waybo really came alive where's food chat i went out to a cafe for
[01:01:04] breakfast i ate um mushroom potato truffle oil egg
[01:01:14] they stumbled when it came to this top four i mean both teams stumbled in their matches
[01:01:19] I think rich it cost 11 euros cut 11 euros with a iced tea iced tea with
[01:01:42] Bro, I swear the for real mode is just too good
[01:01:49] Chatter.
[01:01:53] What is the one where the skull turns?
[01:01:55] What is that one?
[01:02:01] That one. Nah.
[01:02:05] I think that's my favourite mode.
[01:02:12] Okay, that one's good. I like that one.
[01:02:15] Nah.
[01:02:19] Okay, I'm done. Let's focus up now. I'm done yapping
[01:02:27] Rumble Renekton bands versus Zika
[01:02:30] Lucian Zyra MF I
[01:02:34] Really liked scoots. Yone. I really liked it. I
[01:02:39] Would love to see scoots Yone again today. I mean it didn't look that good against the
[01:02:42] against Tess, but okay, we're gonna first be Corki of course there. Alright, what are we cooking, Denny?
[01:02:50] What are we cooking? I bet a big fan of Tarzan's Lillia.
[01:02:54] Big fan of Tarzan's Lillia.
[01:02:57] Shaohu was playing Ciri before, right?
[01:03:00] I mean Weiwei has smallcraft, I'm gonna play Corki.
[01:03:06] I wonder if Tarzan's gonna snatch up the Lillia.
[01:03:10] I have seen teams not blind Liliya when Maokai is open for some reason and I can kind of understand why, right?
[01:03:17] But I thought that jungle matchup even though it's annoying for Liliya to play against Maokai, it's like good for Liliya, actually.
[01:03:22] Maybe the fight is just too much.
[01:03:30] Also, Kree was playing Tristana yesterday. Why aren't people playing...
[01:03:34] Oh, Tars and Nidalee game one. What the hell?
[01:03:37] I really think, in my opinion, the best pick in Takorki is Lucian, and if Lucian is banned, I think the best pick in Takorki is Smulder, I just think it is, but Cree must convince it, it's Shustana still, Estrioliona is horrible bro, oh my god, Braum is such a good pick man, oh my god, why he will play Estrioliona 2-3, why do they do that?
[01:04:03] Why don't they just play like Estriol plus jungle and then just drop support everything's open. I have to pick Leona now
[01:04:12] No way, but they're probably gonna swap off of brown even though Brahms. Okay, thank god
[01:04:16] Chris would like no I can play like I can play more to listen. No, you can't you can't
[01:04:22] You ain't who can shit cut you ain't who can shit
[01:04:25] All right, well they can ban me. I mean do you ban?
[01:04:30] What are you banning in shower who because I can tell you for a fact you don't ban Yone
[01:04:33] What's good with Midlee here? There's the Maokai ban against Weiwei. Like I said,
[01:04:41] Maokai with a Corki. So there's the Shao who Zerri that I was talking about as well.
[01:04:45] That's what I'm considering. What do you ban second? Like, Zerri's an easy ban against him.
[01:04:50] His Lucian's down. But do you take away the Banana Yone or do you take away a Smolder or do you
[01:04:57] take away Tristana.
[01:05:00] I'm going to lose a couple of their jungle picks.
[01:05:03] I am very surprised that Lilia has made it all the way through these picks and vans.
[01:05:07] It's such a powerful pick for both of these players, but that's now open for LNG if you
[01:05:11] want to pick it.
[01:05:12] Is Webber going to play Sejuani?
[01:05:16] I hope not.
[01:05:18] They do ban the Tristana.
[01:05:20] Oh, okay.
[01:05:21] What you got for me, Ushahu?
[01:05:22] What you got for me?
[01:05:23] What you got for me?
[01:05:24] Is it smolder?
[01:05:25] Is it banana combo, Yone?
[01:05:27] Is it J-Smith?
[01:05:28] Jace doesn't seem too bad.
[01:05:30] It's ShaoHu engaged? Is he engaged? Was that a fucking engagement ring on his finger?
[01:05:38] Oh my god, it's Banana Yone. The last time I saw ShaoHu Yone it was rough, now rumors
[01:05:45] have told me that ShaoHu Yone has been getting good, but I'll believe it when I see it.
[01:05:53] Is it... is it...
[01:05:55] No shot.
[01:05:57] Okay, I was gonna say. There's no way they're blinding Ornn, right?
[01:06:01] I don't like Sion either.
[01:06:06] Sion? Really?
[01:06:08] Yeah, I don't like Kennen with this comp.
[01:06:11] Are they gonna play Vi?
[01:06:14] He's gonna play Vi.
[01:06:17] I don't like Kennen Vi with champs like Corky and Ezreal.
[01:06:25] Oh my god, it's Breeds Nessus time, baby triple range champ into Kennen. Oh hell, yes
[01:06:31] Okay chat, I'm gonna run ad to kill him, avoid ad to use your TO1 or a Twitch Prime
[01:06:35] You don't want to be right for the game trying to be a kiss
[01:06:41] Nessus just counters, Kennen so hard though
[01:06:46] You press W when that Saka tries to go in, bro, he's stunned
[01:06:49] He's in a ball of lightning, but he's fucking ground dead, basically
[01:06:53] The cannon can't teamfight against fucking Nessus.
[01:06:59] Putting fucking like it's literally like throwing a banana behind your Mario card against this cannon.
[01:07:09] Bannan.
[01:07:12] Nessus W counter 75% of lead champs in the stream.
[01:07:23] The last couple of years Vi has had more than her fair share of presence
[01:07:27] But can she survive in the current meta when these AP junglers have been taken over
[01:07:33] In their first elimination match in Weiwei's first ever top four
[01:07:36] He slams that Vi
[01:07:38] Is it Weiwei's first ever top four? What?
[01:07:42] Really? Oh yeah, Weiwei got knocked out didn't they?
[01:07:45] They got knocked out against LNG in a game five didn't they? Otherwise they would have made top four
[01:07:50] Last year
[01:07:52] Was it LNG that knocked out Weibo last year in playoffs? It was, right?
[01:08:04] No, not that Gamber.
[01:08:06] You got that Gamber.
[01:08:17] Would you prefer more with Kennen Bay?
[01:08:25] Would I prefer more with Kennen Bay?
[01:08:28] That's a good question.
[01:08:29] I don't know I really like champs like smolder with cannon by actually or
[01:08:34] kaissa
[01:08:36] Or rakan
[01:08:40] I don't like s3 on the order
[01:08:44] I like ash with vai cannon as well ash vai cannon and big fan
[01:08:51] Who are you supporting for the series?
[01:08:59] The mods in the gamba
[01:09:05] your mods. Chats, the mods are gonna sort it out, they're gonna redo the gamba, they're
[01:09:10] gonna redo the gamba. They're gonna redo the gamba. Does yes win or no win. I love this
[01:09:26] Is he playing no skin? No, he is playing skin.
[01:09:29] I was going to say, if he is playing no skin, that would be disgusting.
[01:09:36] Why Nasus top? So Nasus top is being played into Kennen.
[01:09:39] Because Kennen can't really bully much in lane.
[01:09:45] And Nasus can actually push Kennen in with his Emax area.
[01:09:50] And yeah, Nasus W on Kennen in teamfights is horrific to play against.
[01:09:54] I mean, cannon is relying really heavily on move speed and mobility and yeah, I mean, Nessus is...
[01:10:01] I'm surprised he's not playing with Ghosts. A lot of these Nessus are playing with Flash.
[01:10:04] I thought Ghosts was where it's at, but I've seen Nessus get the push into cannon whenever he wants it.
[01:10:10] With 3 points in EGG, so the way you max Nessus is you 3 points in E, then you max Q,
[01:10:17] and then when your Q is maxed out, you max W, and you leave your E on 3 points.
[01:10:21] against BLG.
[01:10:28] How's the volume chat louder?
[01:10:34] This is the great thing about the LPL right, where we have so many players on
[01:10:38] great form when you get towards the end of playoffs.
[01:10:40] Okay, do you max R?
[01:10:42] I think that coming into this playoffs, it was very hard to tell who our top teams were coming into it.
[01:10:46] I think we'll say that BLG are really making a run for it again, and both these teams will see
[01:10:50] whether they can contend, if they do get towards that point, beyond this series,
[01:10:54] beyond these teams in front of them as well.
[01:10:56] them as well so let's check in with that on the early jingle pathing again
[01:10:59] the blood journey has gone from top to bottom
[01:11:00] alright Shao hui yone last time i saw this at puke
[01:11:03] was it Shao hui yone plus light zigs last year or some shit i just remember it as being horrific
[01:11:08] allows him to potentially get to his item break points a little more
[01:11:11] little bro i just worked on a product called selly sofa
[01:11:15] it ain't my sofa
[01:11:17] first big player the game hasn't really happened just yet way way is backtracking to contest
[01:11:23] top grab. Oh my god that was a clean spear by Tarzan. Oh my god. Two flash from Chris
[01:11:41] Forces in back. So I think I wonder if Tarzan cleared down and then rematched top because
[01:11:47] he knew Vi would go here and how he knows his grumps up as well.
[01:11:51] Jesus.
[01:11:52] I think he knew grumps up because blue buff was warded level 1 for Wei Wei and he went
[01:12:00] blue to wolves to clear bot and he was level 3.
[01:12:07] Man Wei Wei is super out of it.
[01:12:11] Super out of it this Vi.
[01:12:14] Explain the banana combo for Yone.
[01:12:16] It's simple.
[01:12:17] here your nepresis e q3 misses and ult misses it's the banana combo it's when they q3 in
[01:12:27] and then miss ult as well oh it's my favourite isn't it iconic the Tarzan's
[01:12:47] against LNG now, you betrayed me.
[01:13:01] Get up there Tarzan.
[01:13:04] Yeah, this might backfire. I think they're not going to go for it.
[01:13:10] Man, jungle is a horror because now Tarzan can base and clear here
[01:13:13] and he has ward here and ward here.
[01:13:15] here these two rewards are so powerful he has his gromp respawn timer he knows
[01:13:20] his raptors are up like look at how much information he has she saw Vi, she knows
[01:13:25] bot crabs up she has a ward here she sees Vi run through mid he knows her
[01:13:29] raptors are up like she she knows he's on crab right now and then he's gonna go
[01:13:33] to raptors like he knows where he is for the next two minutes straight and
[01:13:38] after raptors his only camp is gromp it's a crux army and then maybe you
[01:13:42] You can do this, this, and fight him on gromp, I don't know, he has so many options.
[01:13:47] He actually has a map hack on Vi for the next two minutes.
[01:13:51] Because now this ward is going to spot what Vi does next, right?
[01:13:54] If she runs down, then Nidalee can do this, and do drake, because she has the base, or Nidalee can do this.
[01:13:59] And she can cross to this, or she can cross to this, depending on top push or support situation.
[01:14:04] So she sees Pings, she knows Vi skipped.
[01:14:07] So now he knows Vi's going to grub, so he's going to match him.
[01:14:12] Midley has a map pack and it's crazy.
[01:14:19] Try not to call, shut up.
[01:14:24] Oh Tarzan's so close to six.
[01:14:27] He's so close to six Tarzan.
[01:14:31] Oh my god, he's playing with fire here.
[01:14:33] What is he doing? He's actually won before him.
[01:14:36] What is Tarzan? It's a psycho! He's just running at them.
[01:14:40] What?
[01:14:40] He got 6 of this and can maybe fight his gromp or what?
[01:14:52] Level 6 now, fights his gromp respawned, oh my god he has no smite though, and he makes
[01:14:59] Corki stay, Tarzan is being mega annoying, Waze, Waze is not even close to 6.
[01:15:08] all of these things we're talking about you gotta bring them up because if they do end up
[01:15:12] getting a little bit worse than this there will be a domino effect when you have playing
[01:15:16] really good i think weren't secured by lmg meaning that way we hit tower more and by the fact that
[01:15:20] you're getting poked up now that's writing a top dive so liona has to stay oh my god i don't know
[01:15:26] if they can dive top though this looks kind of impossible maybe they're just keeping them
[01:15:31] him here all the ash arrow is flying is that gonna hit they're just poking they're
[01:15:39] just playing dodgeball under the tower and Tarzan's hitting every spear oh my
[01:15:43] god oh my god I thought I was the enemy s ruled Jesus how annoying is this
[01:15:49] they're just laying in top oh he tried to cue smite oh he flashes with cat form
[01:15:54] And now Hunk's dead as well. Bro, there's Tarzan missing. Holy fuck, Tarzan,
[01:16:02] Vindley's brutal this game. And he has all his top camps up, top crabbers spawning.
[01:16:08] Oh my god. Oh my god.
[01:16:26] Oh Tarzan. Oh my god he lost the cramp. No!
[01:16:46] We're all dead one second.
[01:16:56] big problem and now we're gonna start seeing a lot of problems after this yes
[01:16:59] the goal goes to Tarzan but the big thing here is that Nasus is not losing
[01:17:03] lane, Nasus is stacking, Nasus is starting to get gold, we've only seen
[01:17:08] Nasus in the LPLs really when they're winning this game, getting attention like this, getting a slight
[01:17:12] gold lead in the early game it means more because this champion is going to
[01:17:15] explode at some point.
[01:17:17] Nasus is just such a problem player on in the game we've seen it a couple of
[01:17:22] times where he's able to just scale up and it just it's a nightmare it's an absolute nightmare even
[01:17:28] it's absolute horror
[01:17:32] no shot here we go
[01:17:34] ash arrow across the map here from right
[01:17:36] oh
[01:17:39] they should increase ash arrow move speed see shots to protect us we've been hitting so far but uh
[01:17:45] just keeping oh annoying is it to play top lane enemy ad is firing bullet at you
[01:17:49] Fucking hell
[01:18:03] They should make it so you can attach your bird on your e to your ult
[01:18:09] And then it helps carry it faster
[01:18:11] Thanks
[01:18:13] Tell me I wouldn't be the game. I guess we need to check in on another thing too
[01:18:16] Which is or you can put your E on your are so it goes for like it gets more vision or some shit
[01:18:36] Here it comes again dodgeball bot like what is this
[01:18:38] What is this?
[01:18:39] What is this?
[01:18:40] Dutch ball bot?
[01:18:41] But how annoying is this?
[01:18:43] Oh my god!
[01:18:45] Mama!
[01:18:46] Mama!
[01:18:47] Mama!
[01:18:48] Mama!
[01:18:49] Mama!
[01:18:54] No!
[01:18:55] Oh, he flashed onto Tarzan.
[01:18:56] Full send it.
[01:18:58] Oh, seven buddy.
[01:19:03] Clean by Han.
[01:19:04] Clean by Han.
[01:19:05] That's a lot of gold to scoot.
[01:19:07] But Yone gets some mid plates.
[01:19:15] in place in the mid lane and of course another kill does go down as well to
[01:19:19] wave was not that was good by home
[01:19:21] at least someone does die from way but way way it's a big beneficiary of this too
[01:19:25] though at least getting all the ash arrow yes flash but can you get out yeah
[01:19:28] you can maybe get out of the block is due he can't escape be slowed by the ash has to
[01:19:33] flush away chow who was moving over as well
[01:19:36] I can't believe you got away with that to be honest
[01:19:38] yeah me either just about get away from that cost him the flash as well as
[01:19:42] It's worked out well for way way. He's got himself on the early game. Oh man home was
[01:19:47] Tarzan was here
[01:19:49] That is a blue tooth spear
[01:19:51] What what?
[01:19:54] What he's behind the million. It's a blue tooth spear
[01:20:00] I could have lost in the game, bro
[01:20:05] He like push the mini no way or something
[01:20:07] What are you doing here?
[01:20:09] What are you doing here?
[01:20:11] What are you doing here?
[01:20:27] It's a replay bug? Oh, is it?
[01:20:31] Yeah, I do remember the minion not being there, otherwise I would have recognized it in live.
[01:20:37] Black monkey mid later, yeah. Black mid Wolfong, yeah. 100% yeah.
[01:20:49] XDD wires, no bluetooth please.
[01:21:09] We're into those side lanes, LNG. They are going after their destined enemy of turrets.
[01:21:13] That is the biggest thing we should actually do.
[01:21:15] It's gonna hurt.
[01:21:16] Bro, Light's gotta lock in these arrows, man.
[01:21:19] Where are they, where is he sending these arrows?
[01:21:21] LNG are really good at dodging those arrows.
[01:21:23] Man, Bree is the biggest winner of this game.
[01:21:24] He is actually such a good spot. Like, Zika's gonna get 10 off this minion.
[01:21:28] Yeah, we'll look fast to travel faster.
[01:21:30] But look at Bree, XP. He's almost 11.
[01:21:33] You know what? We'll go first to LNG.
[01:21:35] We're not getting hit by the arrows. It's on the whole, a good thing.
[01:21:38] So, Coles, two out of the three being cashed in, Gala has one more wave left in him to get his as well.
[01:21:44] And that does mean that the gold gets even closer back to even, I mean,
[01:21:47] Breeze getting this place in the bot side course, gets some extra gold, taking her up to him.
[01:21:51] This world now being very much a focus on these side lanes.
[01:21:54] We talked about this before we loaded into that first draft.
[01:21:57] Every team in the top four plays side lanes in a different way.
[01:22:00] All of them play side lanes, but they have a different take on how to do it.
[01:22:03] LNG did low-take the first round.
[01:22:04] She believed first but tower hasn't died yet.
[01:22:06] Typically, they've been a bit more versatile in the way that they play towards them.
[01:22:09] They try and play a bit more fluidly around the map.
[01:22:11] They leave Tarzan in position to make big plays,
[01:22:13] and they allow Xiao to play very defensively on one side of the map.
[01:22:15] Typically, it's the middle lane of getting the resources.
[01:22:17] Xiao, who should be the one getting first by Tarra.
[01:22:19] People roaming to his lane, all the time as you can see on his team.
[01:22:22] Oh, he saw that ward brief.
[01:22:23] Breathe once again, try and defend underneath the tower.
[01:22:26] You can see on the minimap.
[01:22:27] You get three stacks for wards, right?
[01:22:29] But he's gonna pause on his way to the top lane
[01:22:32] and look towards the herald instead.
[01:22:34] Crazy though. You don't get stacks for towers though, right? You do. You're not...
[01:22:44] No.
[01:22:51] You get 12 for turrets, okay. Oh my god, Viadus has taken T'Narnia.
[01:22:56] Actually this Vipe is doing work in fights.
[01:22:59] Yeah, he's just dead Oh, be careful. Oh my god
[01:23:14] Why did what happens there on the contest the Tarzan is go way too early
[01:23:29] I think Tarzan can make that play if he has stopwatch maybe
[01:23:46] Is he gonna crash?
[01:23:48] Hope for a way where it's not gonna crash. Yeah, it's not gonna crash.
[01:23:56] Tarzan is playing. Like, I think you can see...
[01:24:01] If you watch his gameplay, he's playing very, very cocky.
[01:24:05] Like, that first Grubbs contest, he was walking into four people, fakingly had three people behind him.
[01:24:11] We only had two.
[01:24:13] And he just did the same again. I think where he's
[01:24:17] Playing like if you don't call his bluff, you're just gonna be stuck in your own jungle
[01:24:20] But if you do call his bluff
[01:24:23] It was there again, then you are gonna get a free kill. He's trying to play a bit too crazy
[01:24:34] There's a cannon level 11 with flash up slightly and they're not exhaust absolutely impossible to fight that
[01:24:43] I think you can read that he's actually just blocking.
[01:24:48] And NNG just pick Vi and ult's first target when it's up and it works.
[01:25:06] Here comes one time to play from WayBowl. This is their first actual team play, I think.
[01:25:11] Oh my lord, he kills both of them. He kills both of them. Oh god, it's such a horror for
[01:25:22] Weibo. The nurses in Yone ran past the killing thinking he was already dead. Maybe Flash
[01:25:29] E kills. Is he out? The trap? Oh my god, the trap would have killed him with the
[01:25:35] Flash E doesn't kill, no it doesn't. Oh my good god, lightning rat.
[01:25:40] Yeah, they've just, the game is gone out of control now.
[01:25:44] If they've gotten that playoff and actually got a couple kills they'd be fine.
[01:25:56] I want to see this replay of this top fight in the river where Tarzan got caught.
[01:26:00] I want to see that replay now.
[01:26:35] So I think that kill is pretty much in the bag, but
[01:26:40] I just want to see the replay of the top part
[01:26:43] Plus 12
[01:26:49] Plus 12 in both
[01:26:53] Routine for Weibo? Nah, not really for anyone. I don't really mind to win this series
[01:26:59] And I think LNG this is where this is where part of their strength shows through as well
[01:27:04] If you give them openings, they are actually very methodical
[01:27:08] I do like LNG, but that's mainly because I really like Hong when he was on FBX back in the days
[01:27:14] Maybe OG, LPL coach from Watchers will know that I was a Hong enjoyer
[01:27:18] And seeing him succeed is nice, but otherwise, I'm already tired that he knows
[01:27:31] Yeah, Hilihan, that was his name, good times
[01:27:34] Wabo very much informed to make it to Worlds finals.
[01:27:39] I'm seeing Wabo win is nice as well though.
[01:27:41] But don't win too much, okay?
[01:27:44] Actually there's not much to take in the win, right?
[01:27:46] They have to win Worlds to beat him with the shy, the rest of the shy.
[01:27:50] They have to win Worlds, because they already made finals with the shy.
[01:27:57] He hit one onto Scout as he fell through the wave,
[01:28:00] and he hit one onto Weiwei, and that's better.
[01:28:02] And that's better, they've noted the really path loads, the big, really different stuff.
[01:28:07] Yeah, tough one for like, so far.
[01:28:09] I mean, this composition from Waybo said...
[01:28:12] They just need to win one game in a world final.
[01:28:14] Well, that's not gonna happen.
[01:28:17] That's not gonna happen.
[01:28:22] See if he can impact the game later on, but...
[01:28:24] I mean, if everything just slows down now and it doesn't...
[01:28:27] They ain't making the finals.
[01:28:28] ...jective control inside they play.
[01:28:30] Ah, that's just...
[01:28:31] That's the way that allergy choose to play if they ever can, so it's all feeling good.
[01:28:37] Is it sad how irrelevant RNG became?
[01:28:39] Yeah, I mean, they just slowly lost their best players, right?
[01:28:45] All of them were blazing in that early game.
[01:28:46] So like when they lost ShaoHu, everything went downhill.
[01:28:48] This is the problem when you're picking towards early game jungles like...
[01:28:52] I mean, they had been at one point, but they had to give him back.
[01:28:54] Sometimes I've seen fantastic things out of them, but most of the time criticised it.
[01:28:57] They had ShaoHu, they lost ShaoHu, they lost Gala, they lost Wei,
[01:29:03] The more suddenly Tarzan went from two kills up in the top lanes and out two and three that momentum has largely gone
[01:29:08] He has gone towards a seeker second that'll help him against the way way
[01:29:12] How do you know master stacks? It's right here. You see it. He doesn't want to be in that position
[01:29:15] All this three 72 that wants to get energy moving around the scout slain
[01:29:19] Just allowing the scouts to get free push in when they get these pushing lanes. They're so dead in brief
[01:29:23] He might even get posted but before that, that's never where it goes. It's the wall instead
[01:29:27] This is a really good Baron call.
[01:29:34] I think NG have just realized what the fuck are we doing on bot tier 2 seeding.
[01:29:39] I don't think they have the damage crit, but the idea is really good.
[01:29:42] Ooh, we cannon has no flash.
[01:29:44] Oh, finally!
[01:29:45] An arrow from Light that hits.
[01:29:50] I feel like Waco might have to just force, but they're not gonna do it.
[01:29:56] I think they get the pick, but so what?
[01:30:01] item ash now sure. I feel like they need a lot more. They need a lot more than that.
[01:30:15] Manxiao who's Yone has been invisible. This corki is so strong. I don't know about the EXPs or leveling up.
[01:30:23] You can see the purple bars underneath their portraits.
[01:30:31] this is what we're talking about here everyone's making a beeline towards the
[01:30:34] sparrows and birds like a shows himself on the minions as he goes through it's a
[01:30:37] blind arrow it's an educated game probably should have just waited for a
[01:30:41] scene to get a little closer
[01:30:43] very good arrow
[01:30:44] I think it might have been just been seen just outside of the driver so I'm not sure if it was blind, I think it could just take
[01:30:49] really overstepping
[01:30:50] um, a little bit of perhaps, maybe just overestimating how quick the rest of the
[01:30:55] gang could get over there to be a part of a play one to be in that great blank spot
[01:31:01] Unfortunately, the low is Ellis, but he should fall in.
[01:31:04] No Baron went down though.
[01:31:06] It's just the drake for LNG, so all things considered.
[01:31:09] It's kind of tricky for LNG to do Baron,
[01:31:11] but they have insanely good turn.
[01:31:13] So I wonder if starting and then turning looks really good.
[01:31:16] Oh my god, look at all my traps on the floor.
[01:31:18] It's absurd.
[01:31:19] Can there's ult's crisp here and kill him?
[01:31:21] Is it worth it?
[01:31:26] Maybe he really wants the ult parts on their way.
[01:31:29] I wonder if he does ult Brown, but they just kill Brown for free
[01:31:34] The problem is the second you lose vile, it's really hard to finish Baron
[01:31:41] Man, Warmox is so OP, I hate that item
[01:31:50] Nassus on Sidelane does look like quite a problem actually, cause this bot's here too is dead
[01:31:54] Oh, we've got some good pace on the map. Look at this. They're pushing top. They have even mid-state. They're pushing...
[01:32:04] Now they have to base and TP top side and force ASAP.
[01:32:08] So LNG, again this is double solo lane in a side lane, finding advance.
[01:32:15] That has been one of LNG's real calling cars this summer.
[01:32:17] I think the way that LNG kind of found their way into the side lane...
[01:32:20] It's Rascort, he's on TPing and they stopped Baron.
[01:32:22] They can Vile and Kennen's in a great spot, no forcing, he's just gonna be able to read.
[01:32:33] So I guess they're just standing there, they don't even have a pink in the pit.
[01:32:36] Like they have no pinks, they have to base.
[01:32:39] safe wherever scout is if energy anyone to set him up it's uh any pinks look at this top side
[01:32:44] control from energy they have zero pinks on top side zero none not that far away from monstrous
[01:32:50] no pink wards what the two items really it's where i was on there that's a useful one
[01:32:58] kebab
[01:33:00] this is the problem that weibo now face you're against a triple fact composition at the end
[01:33:05] at the day and there's incredible setup for those threats with the Leona and a Vibe, with
[01:33:10] Zerka looking for flights with Scout obviously we've mentioned in the gala.
[01:33:14] Just feel hard to win a fight and let's you can find, you know, a great arrow from Lyme that
[01:33:20] turns into a big pick and maybe find an unfair fight. That feels like the only way the Weibo
[01:33:25] win. And the problem with that now is I really like what Scout has done with this build.
[01:33:29] He went for QSS, helps against the weather in the 1v1 versus the masses, helps against the
[01:33:32] the arrows too if you manage to get caught out there. So you've got to cleanse on Ezreal,
[01:33:36] GSS on Corki, two of your key targets can be much harder to hit, even the Seekers on
[01:33:40] Zerka will make it a little harder to register those kills. LNG, kills all around a huge
[01:33:44] point of power, and Crisp is over steps.
[01:33:46] Flare onto Crisp, that's a stun to follow it off. Two more to win here from the
[01:33:51] side of LNG, sorry.
[01:33:54] Is Waco trying to retreat once again? Crisp, are these teams qualified for Worlds?
[01:33:59] Uh, no, if they win, they don't qualify for WorldSiders.
[01:34:17] So what's the point? Well, the loser gets knocked out and the winner pays against top eSports for a WorldSpot.
[01:34:22] I guess the kite ever on a lot easier
[01:34:25] Crunk the crusader can I qualify worlds? Yes, you can don't let your means be dreams
[01:34:31] We's brief caught here
[01:34:36] Yes, there X you can spawn a little bit the Nublin
[01:34:40] Ken is still at our flesh
[01:34:44] Yeah, top tier two at your tree looks quite easy
[01:34:52] Easy as you like, this is not 46 for the dragon, it's not like they're late towards the spawn of that either.
[01:34:57] Great target selection from way away, gets right onto Breathe, with no one able to really help him out.
[01:35:03] Wabo aren't out of the game yet, you know, the thing that Wabo need to do now is stall their bases,
[01:35:10] because Crisp is already basing right, and they're stalling Hong.
[01:35:12] Crisp can come out bot first and put, he cancels his base.
[01:35:16] This has been a slower game in some ways, but they have a vertical, they have a flow drive.
[01:35:19] Crisp should have been base already, running out with fresh wards for the Drake fight.
[01:35:24] He cancels his base from here, ran to here, and then base again.
[01:35:28] Maybe he was scared during Baron, but he needs to be basing before Leona, and then he needs to go here.
[01:35:34] But what NNG could do is just go Baron on the Soulpoint, right?
[01:35:36] It's really frustrating position for Wave-O, but it's not the end of the world.
[01:35:40] Is this damage? Is this- Is this- I know that he's going like Jackshaw or something, but this doesn't even do damage right now.
[01:35:46] Like what the hell?
[01:35:49] Here comes the LNG Baron force.
[01:35:51] It's actually not that bad.
[01:35:52] Webrow can stop this kind of easily.
[01:35:54] I don't think Webrow or White is the arrow of the Leona like that though.
[01:35:58] I don't like what Light's doing on his Ash.
[01:36:00] Oh, he's shot was going to kill.
[01:36:06] He didn't get the flash.
[01:36:18] Oh, he did.
[01:36:18] He got the ult, but yeah, no flash.
[01:36:20] Flashed it up, sorry.
[01:36:23] You just give Cloud Soul? I don't know.
[01:36:25] Oh my god, Scout just combo-breated with QR ult, a little bit of health.
[01:36:29] Yeah, it's gone. Just give it.
[01:36:32] Just give it, like, uh...
[01:36:34] Oh, nice E by Chou.
[01:36:44] Yeah, it's lost.
[01:36:45] Unless Nessus is OP as fuck.
[01:36:47] Oh my god, Nasus is OP as fucker.
[01:36:52] Nasus did so much work though, what?
[01:36:55] If Nasus had Flash he would kill them all.
[01:36:57] If he had Flash, he would kill Gala as well.
[01:37:01] Fuck the hill.
[01:37:06] I'm sick of Corky, I'm sick of it, I'm sick of it.
[01:37:09] He's getting away with too many of them.
[01:37:11] He's winning too many games.
[01:37:13] Wayibo let the controller of the game go up on the sidelines after that, Harold.
[01:37:18] I'm gonna first pick Corky.
[01:37:19] We've tried for years to try and find a counter. There is none.
[01:37:22] It's too broken.
[01:37:24] We're gonna change Corky to make him more of an AD carry, but comes an even stronger middle-laner.
[01:37:28] FIGHT!
[01:37:32] Look at Nessus in his fight. He starts the fight with half health, right?
[01:37:37] Light's gonna walk up in the exhaust. Now look at Nessus.
[01:37:40] His first Q gets Donies.
[01:37:41] BOOM, Lyona dead. BOOM, Kennen dead.
[01:37:45] If he has flash here, BOOM, now he flash Q's Ezreal dead.
[01:37:49] Motherfucker, would have killed them all.
[01:37:53] How many stacks? 4-83? It's pretty bad at 30 minutes, isn't it?
[01:37:57] 4-83? I'm not sure though, I'm not gonna mention the same.
[01:38:01] I say dive, that's a good dive. He walks, is it?
[01:38:05] I feel like you should have at least 6-50 right now, no?
[01:38:09] don't you like isn't it like 2.5 every 10 past 30 minutes 2.5 extra timer 600 plus yeah 600 plus will be good
[01:38:21] I do want to mention play way as well these snapping gauges have been fantastic 22 stacks
[01:38:26] 20 stacks every time and the fact that you haven't a Vi game where you'll be this proactive and this decisive
[01:38:32] and you haven't died a single time like 5 of those champions that you die a lot you just do when you go in
[01:38:38] Yeah, and he somehow managed to survive each and every single one of these fights
[01:38:42] It's a fantastic game on it. What has to be just described as an off-matter jungler?
[01:38:47] Off-matter
[01:38:48] So, when we put onto the scoreboard of who's winning in this mid-juggler team
[01:38:52] Oh my god, Zika stopwatched, he thought he was gonna hook him
[01:38:54] Oh, Jawa got a good ult, but he's just one tapped
[01:38:57] Here comes Nessu still
[01:38:59] He could Nessus like
[01:39:03] La la la
[01:39:05] He's actually almost killing Gorky, he's crazy, you know
[01:39:08] Pfft, no.
[01:39:18] That's right, that's right.
[01:39:20] How are you so jacked? Yeah, good question.
[01:39:26] Crazy, no.
[01:39:35] Easy win by NG. Man, I feel like Weibo had that early game.
[01:39:38] Let me see that top fight again.
[01:40:03] Was it after the first death in bot red?
[01:40:14] So, I mean, look at it from his vision, Tarzan actually doesn't see anything.
[01:40:17] the wa we thing doesn't see the herald so he spears and the spear doesn't connect
[01:40:22] so he jumps to check and as he checks he realizes oh shit then he walks up take
[01:40:30] the pink oh look how far forward he's going if he stays at the back of the
[01:40:35] pit hitting the war he's fine but look how far up he goes like that already is
[01:40:40] a problem I wonder if his camera is like here and he sees Chris is walking up
[01:40:45] to Vi and he's like yeah go Vi go Vi but like he's not really registering
[01:40:50] everything else like Leona's missing his top lane is far his mid laner doesn't
[01:40:55] really like he can't just TP instantly right so now it's like a flashes out
[01:41:04] jumps out he dies crisp dies Jahu TP's in right this is a state like it the
[01:41:12] thing is I think Weibo just fails to realize well Tarzan fails to realize
[01:41:17] here. Here what should be clocking in his head is I don't want to bring my Yone here.
[01:41:24] I want to bring my Yone into a bot tier 1 kill. Like bot tier 1 should die. Ash has mid push.
[01:41:30] Maybe Ash can push and hover down. Braum can run down. He should just come out and
[01:41:33] clear his camps and bot tier 1 dies. The essential happens is they force this fight.
[01:41:38] Now Yone's Tee beat in for nothing when he could have just pushed bot and got in
[01:41:41] first by tower bot. Like they need to think of the cross map quick. Cross map. Boom.
[01:41:46] It's gone. Okay, what can we do?
[01:41:49] Because what you're gonna do there is what's forciified maybe sure but you can also just push bottom get a free objective
[01:41:54] The cross map would be really good there for weibo, but they didn't get anything out of it
[01:41:58] So what essentially then happens is that the map just evolves into madness yone atp into sit like like this sequence of plays
[01:42:05] It's horrible. No, they're even in gold
[01:42:08] Fending there. Yeah, they're even in gold. They lose nidalee. They lose brown. They lose yone atp
[01:42:13] They lose Nidalee Flash, they use Exhaust, they use Yone ult, then Nasus dies.
[01:42:18] So Nasus dead and uses ult, then Yone dies under tower and they lose top tier one.
[01:42:22] So they lose first blood tower, Herald, three, four kills,
[01:42:26] and Ashe is running bot to try and get this bot tier one.
[01:42:29] That's 15 minutes.
[01:42:34] Herald crashes on the top tier two, Ashe finally gets bot tier one.
[01:42:38] And because Ashe gets bot tier one because Light realizes the only thing he can do
[01:42:42] in this situation, which is correct, like his team's dying, right?
[01:42:45] lights like I have to cross-map something right if I run mid and I'm not gonna kill anything
[01:42:49] I'll run bot cuz Ezreal will go mid now try and kill this low HP tower he kills low HP tower
[01:42:54] But by the time he does that
[01:42:56] This is dead. This is this is chunk. They've all based they're already here because they have the herald recoil buff, right?
[01:43:01] So they're quick out of base
[01:43:03] And now light has to lose his flash
[01:43:06] So they lost ash flash on top of that and then I think light actually dies here in a minute
[01:43:15] They get Drake
[01:43:16] They get Drake
[01:43:18] Then they get bot tier one and light dies
[01:43:23] So in the space of three minutes they've lost five kills
[01:43:29] Herald first blood tower bot tier one and Drake
[01:43:33] Because they didn't cross map and this is what happens if you don't cross map if you lose on one side you lose on the other
[01:43:39] Like if you're winning here, yeah, and I can go here and win and oh and then to rub it in this happens
[01:43:45] where Xiaohu sees this and thinks, yeah, Kennen said for sure, I'll try and kill
[01:43:51] their Vi, Kennen 1v2's them, so it's 7 kills and they use, they use
[01:44:00] Nasus TP and Yone ult and Nasus ult, everything's being used here, right, you can
[01:44:04] see it all here, and Kennen gets out, and Ezreal took mid tier one, oh my, what?
[01:44:11] What's it? What's it?
[01:44:13] So I'm gonna pause it here, 1748 into the game,
[01:44:17] there are almost 4K down,
[01:44:18] two Drake's, a Herald and three towers.
[01:44:20] Okay, let's go back four minutes.
[01:44:24] Two minutes, two minutes before.
[01:44:28] Zero towers, even gold, one Drake, two kills.
[01:44:34] That's crazy, no?
[01:44:35] In the space of two minutes,
[01:44:39] They lost seven kills, two objectives and three towers.
[01:44:44] That is bonkers now.
[01:44:48] Like the way the game works in League
[01:44:51] is if you're making a play here,
[01:44:55] I have to make a play here.
[01:44:57] If I gamble and fight you on this play
[01:45:00] and you still make it work and I die,
[01:45:03] you can beat me to this play, right?
[01:45:05] So this is why cross-mapping is slow
[01:45:08] and normally a lot of League games are just slow, right?
[01:45:12] A lot of lead games are just slow because why? You take top tower, I take bot tower.
[01:45:15] Okay now you take my bot tower, I'll take your top tower.
[01:45:17] Okay now let's play 3v3 mid and both just clear waves in front of each other's face.
[01:45:20] Oh dragon spawn and then take a teamfight.
[01:45:21] Hmm doesn't look too good, I'll back off.
[01:45:23] Why? Because you just trade, trade, trade.
[01:45:25] This is what a game looks like when you don't trade.
[01:45:27] And you just run head first.
[01:45:29] Herald's here, we could take bot tier one, no.
[01:45:32] Let's fight the Herald.
[01:45:33] Tarzan dies, Crisp dies.
[01:45:35] Let's salvage the play.
[01:45:36] Nessus dies, Yone dies, tower dies.
[01:45:38] Okay let's get bot tier one.
[01:45:39] Okay well they're fast throughout the base now as well.
[01:45:41] So now this dies I die and because we're all trying to cover this this dies and it's just
[01:45:46] How do I make it say it's like you you gamble on something and then you double down on your mistake
[01:45:50] It's like you lose double, you know, I I defend my top tier one
[01:45:54] I don't defend it it dies and I lose my bot are it dies and I've lost here and here instead of just trading one for one
[01:45:59] They should have trading one for one. You're kind of trading like two for zero. You know, does that make sense?
[01:46:03] Hey, it was a horrendous series of plays
[01:46:07] horrendous
[01:46:08] that's one mistake and
[01:46:10] And also in pro play, like I don't know if you have it in solo queue as well,
[01:46:13] you have the Int effect, right?
[01:46:16] Where like people's brains are, some people have it extremely bad and they're like,
[01:46:24] I'll save us, you know, that's the extreme version.
[01:46:27] The other version is like, I'll see what I can do.
[01:46:29] And you have this mindset in League sometimes in pro play where it's like,
[01:46:33] yes, you died, but I'm TPing and I'm really strong.
[01:46:37] and like Tarzan makes a mistake and Chris makes a mistake, they die, Shahhu keeps him to save it,
[01:46:42] Breed dies, Shahhu thinks he can like save the play here for some reason while Breed's dying
[01:46:46] or maybe we can kill Kennen and won for one while he gets chunked and now he's basically at cancel
[01:46:51] because they're gonna chase him, now he dies, now Top Tier 1's dead and now Light's like
[01:46:54] I'll save us, I'll take Bot Tier 1 so we get an objective off of this
[01:46:58] so Light goes for Bot Tier 1 with Chris and calls him down
[01:47:00] and then Incomes Vi who has a Herald to recall which he didn't account for
[01:47:03] so now Light loses his flash and now Incomes Tarzan like
[01:47:05] I'll save us so we'll play the 3v3 but actually what he did is bait light into staying and they're losing their mid tower as well soon from Ezreal
[01:47:12] And then light ends up dying because Tarzan rocks up and now
[01:47:16] Now breathes pushing top and he's like I'll save us
[01:47:19] So he tipis in and tries to save the play and ends up losing other two people for Waybo and they get nothing and
[01:47:25] in mid tier one dies as well, and it's like
[01:47:27] The way league works sometimes is there's a train and it's on it's on some rails
[01:47:31] You know and the train's going at a certain speed someone's driving the fucking train. It's called the inter in train
[01:47:37] Yeah, someone's driving in train. It's going at like 20 miles an hour
[01:47:40] He's completely into it and he's easy
[01:47:43] It's going faster and faster and faster and more people stop boiling the train because they can stop the train
[01:47:47] Bro, just stop boarding the train now cut it off one person's dead the train's gone
[01:47:53] Don't join the train just it just counted as a loss
[01:47:56] It's like maybe if you're gambling and you used to eat 10 euros
[01:47:59] you're like well if I put 10 euros on an os 10 euros if I put 20 on I put 20 on
[01:48:04] and I lose and I'll put 40 and if I lose that I'll put 80 and if I lose that I'll
[01:48:09] put 160 and if I lose that I put and eventually I'll win my money back right
[01:48:12] right no you're just chaining so yeah it's hard sometimes in pro play because
[01:48:28] you really don't want to lose these small things but sometimes teams even
[01:48:32] the best in the world have these chain ins. Alright, BRB on second, let's go to the toilet
[01:48:39] real quick. Why is the chat spamming? I love you chat. Wait, why are you being nice to
[01:51:48] each other? Wait, hold on a second. Who is that Petro small pee pee? Who the fuck is
[01:51:59] Petro small pee pee? Who the fuck is Petro small pee pee? What is that name, bro?
[01:52:12] chat do you want the fire on or not? do you want the fire on or not?
[01:52:36] yeah we saw the patch we saw the patch
[01:52:38] very nearly did some late game nastiness on that some snow
[01:52:42] I've been some snow dead in and in and
[01:52:58] the autumn leaves are falling for himself but a focus is it autumn chat
[01:53:04] no it's not autumn autumn is September 21
[01:53:07] I think I think I was thinking chat
[01:53:13] when I when I moved to the new apartment maybe like
[01:53:17] on the stream set up on the stream set up that's a very big table
[01:53:24] Maybe behind we can have like the LCK logo the LEC logo the LCS logo and the LPL logo
[01:53:32] Like the logos on the wall and then like a couple of frame jerseys would go mega hard
[01:53:38] Couple a couple of jerseys would be go would go hard
[01:53:42] And then like just a big fucking rat here or some shit
[01:53:45] I don't know. I want to get a nice background. I want to get a nice background
[01:53:48] I want I want enough space where it's also like customizable background
[01:53:51] Make them light up when you're watching the region. Oh my god!
[01:54:02] Wait, you're a genius. And then when it's worlds, I can light up two of them when they're against each other.
[01:54:14] Oh my god. I do like natural vibes though, so I'm not going to go too crazy on random stuff.
[01:54:27] I don't like the idea of having a big streamer thing behind me.
[01:54:33] I like just chill vibes, but I do think having the logos, like I would love the logos of BLSK and LPL and then we see like up here, you know?
[01:54:40] Like their logo stuff here and LCS, question mark, yeah, cause we're gonna be doing it, we're gonna be doing it, we're gonna be doing it, LCS.
[01:54:55] That's smart, man. Will you get an actual fireplace behind you? No, no, that's smart.
[01:55:07] Oh wait, there is no more LCS next year, is there? Oh shit, LCS is gone next year, isn't it?
[01:55:18] It's just called the Northern Conference, isn't it? Or some shit?
[01:55:25] Why?
[01:55:29] Basically, for those who don't know, the LCS next year is turning into the Americas.
[01:55:34] And there's going to be the Northern Conference and the Southern Conference,
[01:55:40] which this is like Brazil and this is LCS.
[01:55:44] And it's going to be like eight teams, six of the franchise teams,
[01:55:52] one promotion team and one LLA team and it's gonna be the same for the
[01:55:57] Southern Conference it's gonna be six Brazilian teams one promotion team and
[01:56:02] one LLA team and I might be saying a couple things wrong here but as far as
[01:56:07] I'm aware they play against each other the another in Southern Conference they
[01:56:11] play against each other a lot and they share world spots so the LCS now has
[01:56:15] three world spots right you have the three world spots for LCS but now it's
[01:56:19] There can be three world spots for the Americas, which means one world spot will be from the Southern Conference, from the Brazilian area, one world spot will be from the Northern Conference, and then one world spot will be determined by a play-offs between them or something.
[01:56:32] It's kind of apparently like NBA style, but basically Brazil's not happy because their community is doing really well already.
[01:56:42] The LLA is not happy because the LLA basically dies and turns into two teams, one in each conference, and LCS loses the spot at Worlds.
[01:56:52] But maybe it brings it all together to pop off, I'm not really sure.
[01:56:57] There are a few people that aren't very happy.
[01:57:00] But I think in the long run it's probably more sustainable and cheaper and easier to like,
[01:57:06] uh marked monetize i guess it probably cuts a lot of costs but also makes it a
[01:57:13] lot more sustainable i don't know i don't know enough about the business
[01:57:20] either but that's what i'm doing i think
[01:57:23] zigz yonezaira wow zigz yonezaira blue side is it first pic corki
[01:57:35] it comes that individual match at the Rumble. No surprise that's been banned away. So what
[01:57:39] are we getting through? No Lillia Friar in the last game as well.
[01:57:42] LEC should do it as well. How would LEC do it? How can you merge LEC? It's already
[01:57:48] merged. But I do think LEC eventually in the long run could move to like country-based
[01:57:58] teams, you know? Like LEC could have like, you know, already you can see it with
[01:58:03] maddened Casey you could have like each team represent a region if that makes
[01:58:10] sense like on a business side I know that works a bit better because brands
[01:58:15] like have regional budgets rather than like continental budgets right you have
[01:58:20] like a budget for like UK and Germany and like and like fucking France and
[01:58:23] Spain so you know having a team that represents that area is much easier like
[01:58:31] You know in the long run, maybe you get Eintracht Spandau
[01:58:33] You get mad you get KC you get I don't know phrenic represents UK. Maybe I don't know
[01:58:40] Yeah, you get on saying
[01:58:43] All right, I'm a Philly has no surprise. I'm a Philly. That's very common. You can do red on three
[01:58:46] You can do Zary on three is really good here. You can you only on three some really good picks here
[01:58:51] Corky. Yeah, Brent could work
[01:58:54] They could also just pick an early Cassante for brief. They're gonna run back to nidalee. I'm surprised
[01:58:58] Guys, Maokai's good against Lilia. I'm surprised that they run back in Italy.
[01:59:07] Wow, Tarzan's on tank duty after game one.
[01:59:18] But the UK is kind of hard to have a huge fanbase for.
[01:59:21] Like, I feel like the amount of fanbase you can get from Spain and France is super high compared to the UK.
[01:59:26] In the UK, everyone's space called a duty in FIFA.
[01:59:31] your chance to try and counter it.
[01:59:35] Everyone plays console.
[01:59:37] People still do Trezena.
[01:59:39] And I get that you can play Trezena into Kennen,
[01:59:41] but the last time I saw Trezena into Kennen
[01:59:43] in test BLG,
[01:59:45] they just fucking altered
[01:59:47] Kennen into his team.
[01:59:49] Yeah, it's very better.
[01:59:56] And as we said,
[01:59:58] particularly with Scout, what he tends to do
[02:00:00] is play very safely on the weak side
[02:00:02] mid game and he just uses that wall ride he just Tony Hawks his way out of every
[02:00:06] single dangerous situation just by skating back to safety we'll see
[02:00:09] whether he does that again now the thing what you need to do to make that style
[02:00:13] work is have someone else be worthy of Maokai Kenan yeah I wonder if they
[02:00:17] could play if they wanted to they could play Senna and then play a
[02:00:22] jungler but I don't really like it the reason I don't like it is because
[02:00:25] you have AP top and AD mid so there's no jungler slots in perfectly
[02:00:29] Like I Vi could work you could do Senna Vi, but is Maokai Senna Vi Canon Corky?
[02:00:37] Hmm, I think I would much prefer if you just did like Senna Naut or something
[02:00:44] But yeah, I think Light would probably play Estrel in this comp
[02:00:49] Or Jin, I think Jin is very good in this comp
[02:00:53] Canon Maokai is really good with Jin
[02:00:58] Also you could buy an Alistar here and just force a rel band and then take Leona
[02:01:03] Ash is really good with the camps.
[02:01:09] Will Aurora be ready for Worlds?
[02:01:14] Yeah, I think Aurora will be fixed for Worlds, I mean, she should be enabled for Worlds.
[02:01:21] Is it a Zika, Jace?
[02:01:22] What are we thinking?
[02:01:23] You know what I'm saying?
[02:01:24] your last picks
[02:01:26] you can also go for the maca and bot side as well
[02:01:28] if you have another combination you want to be playing towards
[02:01:30] you're gonna be nice
[02:01:32] jinn is also not too bad
[02:01:34] cause there aren't any tank slots in for lng
[02:01:36] thinking about that the way bro
[02:01:38] on the other side looking to pick that top lane for zucker
[02:01:40] what do you have left
[02:01:42] you don't have that nasus
[02:01:44] rice top in the cannon
[02:01:46] i like it
[02:01:48] i like it
[02:01:50] i like it
[02:01:52] There's the gene. People still ask me for world tickets and it's your fault.
[02:01:57] Well, just give them world tickets then.
[02:01:59] And they'll leave you alone.
[02:02:12] What are we thinking Chris?
[02:02:14] Gene rel?
[02:02:15] And out of star I guess then into Ken rel. Pretty simple.
[02:02:18] Alright chat, quick ads running back before the game starts.
[02:02:21] Here's a big kiss.
[02:02:23] As soon as I know that I'm not playing last class today
[02:02:39] Scout is first timing Zery, is he?
[02:02:44] Zery is such an easy champ though, I'm just convinced
[02:02:46] Oh yeah, he is first timing Zery
[02:02:48] Wait, Scout played Malzahar this bit? What the fuck?
[02:02:53] that big alternate. A lot of teams I think have forgotten how to play against Ryze off
[02:02:57] and skip you away from LNG to really catch playbo off guard.
[02:03:00] Zika's played this Ryze once already this split. It was against 369, it was against
[02:03:04] Kennen and he dominated 7, 2 and 7. 369 limped away from that game, 0 and 5. Zika has
[02:03:13] set a precedent on this pick already and lots of info game number 2 here. And I
[02:03:18] like LNG have kind of, you know, shown the prowess of that cannon in the top side, bait
[02:03:24] and vapor into going in and already had the answer.
[02:03:27] Linefix cannon is not something you should be doing all too easily in the current matter.
[02:03:33] It is much, much easier to counter than I think a lot of people have been prepared
[02:03:36] for.
[02:03:37] Alright.
[02:03:38] See that adaptation.
[02:03:39] Vesta 5's between these two teams.
[02:03:40] Tats, did you agree that at like 13-15 you all spam F?
[02:03:44] Two minutes.
[02:03:45] Next.
[02:03:46] Did you come to that agreement together when I was away?
[02:03:54] You guys are crazy.
[02:04:02] Who's blue side?
[02:04:07] Whoever's blue side has a better draft I think.
[02:04:09] I don't trust this Ryze top.
[02:04:12] I like Ryze top and the Kennen Gragas.
[02:04:14] I don't trust it though.
[02:04:22] Draft with Corky Maokai is probably just winning isn't it?
[02:04:27] Like I'm convinced the amount of times I've seen people play mid-league get leads throw play lilia get leads throw
[02:04:32] I'm just convinced Corky Maokai will get the job done no matter what. I also like gin in this comp a lot
[02:04:40] But actually I'm looking at Shrava's Corky skin. I'm already triggered
[02:04:48] Who plays pink astronaut Corky bro
[02:04:51] It's a little bit more success.
[02:04:53] What are you doing?
[02:04:54] I've had a wonderful idea, John.
[02:04:57] What if you had like a FedEx rise,
[02:05:00] like a delivery person rise skin?
[02:05:03] Could you imagine?
[02:05:04] Like the alt basically being the little van
[02:05:06] which goes off and you just not throw packages
[02:05:08] with each of its abilities.
[02:05:10] I would find that so entertaining.
[02:05:12] Every character that you teleport with your round wall
[02:05:16] is a parcel until they're using the fantasy.
[02:05:18] Yeah.
[02:05:19] Oh my god, Krispy Kreme on the 4th shot, Jin, nice trade, aftershock proc as well.
[02:05:34] Cleans the exhaust, Jin at 4th shot there, I don't think FlashWater kills though.
[02:05:42] Short
[02:05:45] It's a buts combat some sort down
[02:05:48] Five sub is that a bot lane in two minutes classic LPL TV to the
[02:05:53] Chris down
[02:05:57] Got a splash though
[02:06:05] One of my favorite things about LPL and it hasn't been for years. I think there was a period in like
[02:06:09] Katz, shut up, sir.
[02:06:28] So, Jin took a base to get refilled up there, just a wave expouncing.
[02:06:39] I don't know how we both lost game one and then just took LNG's comp kinda
[02:06:46] Kenan's Corki? Okay deal, we'll take Kenan Corki on blue side
[02:06:51] Yo, this guy is one man spamming super hard. It's a time-on
[02:07:09] This can't be good by weibo, right?
[02:07:12] The wave it's because their jungler was pathing top I guess the wave was held here and frozen
[02:07:16] But it was more so bouncing and it took a recoil for a refillable, but then when a mech crashes on a bounce she can recoil and take a base for a refillable cold
[02:07:24] So isn't it better to just crash it, but maybe they thought they couldn't? I thought they could though
[02:07:30] They must have had no info on Lillia
[02:07:32] LEC, but you saw a load of ADC's picked up in Tiedem, and ADC's can really shred through Tiedem, so they just slightly outrange him
[02:07:38] He's not just pulling down on a Renekton or something like that who has to gap those to do damage onto him
[02:07:43] Something like that, right? Actually forces him to come into you instead. He's gonna double crab.
[02:07:47] It's a big ol' problem.
[02:07:48] Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[02:07:49] We talked a lot about Ernie, but in that last game, Weiwei is the person who's making use of it
[02:07:53] Just flash on the side of Sarasaur or some shit, fucking.
[02:07:56] So tilted to lose double crab.
[02:07:58] Two
[02:08:11] From contest is nice any Q smited it should be up to you smite this easy
[02:08:20] We hung flashed in why why why did fashion?
[02:08:24] Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, why did you think they win that then off the snipe clean by like
[02:08:30] Gala's dead too, it's a triple kill for Jin.
[02:08:33] Actually does it kill him? Does Jin kill here?
[02:08:35] He should right there.
[02:08:37] Lucky Jin reloads then.
[02:08:39] Can't believe it's Season 14, he has to reload his gun.
[02:08:42] Oh my god.
[02:08:44] Meanwhile Jinx gets two resets on her passive and she's a fucking getling gun.
[02:08:50] And the waves bouncing, oh my god.
[02:08:56] Is it gonna crash?
[02:08:58] No, it's not gonna crash. Oh my god, it's gonna. It's not gonna crash
[02:09:06] Why is honky flashing that guy, what's he expecting you to do one shot him
[02:09:11] Yeah, you flashing a mouth hide in level four. What are you gonna do to him?
[02:09:18] I got him he's knocked up so what
[02:09:28] Nice play.
[02:09:48] Oh good. Just don't get one tapped by a random series W.
[02:09:58] to lie on the gin which is pretty terrifying here for LNG we could say they don't have the best anti-gin champions
[02:10:03] we don't normally talk to gin as a carry but thousand gold lead on him and you don't have some money
[02:10:07] hello how gala has abandoned but his bot wave was so fucked he actually ran in
[02:10:11] respect i love it when he carries through that it's a classic
[02:10:14] macro there so i'll send in your ad carry mid this early on into the games
[02:10:18] to set up four bros make sure that you're getting something from the top side because
[02:10:21] it a macro bro his bot wave was absolutely smoked the ingame going down there now he's
[02:10:27] He's not allowed to enter either.
[02:10:38] Oh my god, like Gala is completely fucking out.
[02:10:42] He's so depressed if I was Gala.
[02:10:48] Scoot's here.
[02:10:49] Krispy Kreme has flashed though. Tarzan doesn't get 6 now, he doesn't.
[02:10:53] It's so unplayable.
[02:10:54] Oh my god, the Hong is DEAD!
[02:10:56] Oh my god, and he got presents of mind on Jim so he has mana back so gala still can't enter bot lane
[02:11:01] Bro, just press B and run top. I'm fucking out of this shit
[02:11:05] Making a top lane is problem. That's what normally adc carries do when they're bot waves or fuck
[02:11:09] Just run top just fucking abandon ship
[02:11:22] Chat is it better for Kennen to have conqueror against Ryze?
[02:11:24] especially when it's in your merc trades, roa archangels, maybe not
[02:11:29] I think he was barely just looking near wave control and a good trade
[02:11:32] I mean probably for 1v1 Leandry's conqueror is better, but for team game it's probably better to go
[02:11:38] electrocute sex tech belt, right?
[02:11:48] I do think conqueror Leandry's probably kills Ryze, but I mean look at Ryze's items now
[02:11:54] a little bit later once it starts getting a lot wider too.
[02:11:56] Shatter down a little bit right here.
[02:11:58] Base checking in the mid lane, jumps over the wall, hit the wayway.
[02:12:01] Being troubled though, there's only one roof with time being. Good rocket to follow it up, but the sleep.
[02:12:05] Tromp wayway is enough to deny any follow up.
[02:12:10] Alt down from wayway, alt down from Tarzan.
[02:12:12] Trying to think who that fav is, wall. Ah, about the same, I guess.
[02:12:15] Maybe fav is LNG, because it means that Maka can't just use it on a tower.
[02:12:18] What if Ryus RTP'd enemy too?
[02:12:20] Think about it.
[02:12:21] to LNG for that one, but not really that much to write home against.
[02:12:26] You talked about the battle gym before, and this is just a press surprise.
[02:12:29] This is why we saw the ult earlier, by the way, because you want to stop things like that happening.
[02:12:34] But I do want to see what happens with Light now, because if Light manages to keep getting huge advantages,
[02:12:38] as you can see right now, it's getting slow-crashed towards bot side.
[02:12:40] If you get some self-defeat advantage, I'm going to play for LNG, because there are definitely
[02:12:45] an advantage to see in battle, but you can't really beat them.
[02:12:47] Probably off stream. Like I said, we...
[02:12:49] All this get-tree is a bad string game. You'll show up will miss Q because of xerri-e
[02:12:58] Kenan ult, 10 seconds on his ult. Aye aye aye, so unlucky. They're gonna one-to-one it though
[02:13:05] Man if Kenan had ult, did Ellen she time that? No, they must have just like I swear it, Gala
[02:13:10] Must have just abandoned bot and said dive top or open. Convinced
[02:13:14] Like he can't play the game
[02:13:16] Like he's sitting on 50 CS at 10 minutes like he just runs top and says got a dive top or it's lost
[02:13:28] Long has found his place in mid lane, Gala's found his place on top dives
[02:13:32] Don't look at elicarry levels.
[02:13:51] Yeah, he's level and a half down.
[02:13:55] Who gave you that straw?
[02:14:00] It was Dante's.
[02:14:02] He's visiting again.
[02:14:04] Wayway knows exactly why Light was the safe pair of hands last year because Wayway and crew on the top side of the
[02:14:13] Shire and Shao who did a bit of Teehee funny flipping in the game.
[02:14:16] The Shire mentioned? Hold up.
[02:14:17] The light of the page, just put on the backpack and you sigh.
[02:14:19] Can I type him?
[02:14:20] The slack after that.
[02:14:21] Rice is actually scary tanky sometimes.
[02:14:23] Light has just been the safe pair of hands for this team.
[02:14:26] Maybe less of a carry this year.
[02:14:28] Ah, Brito doesn't think Dove.
[02:14:30] Scout almost in turn right there.
[02:14:32] Ken is so op and convinced.
[02:14:34] Is he dead here?
[02:14:36] to play as well. Yeah, way way baby. Finish the job. Look at that bird.
[02:14:40] Ah, way way. Harzan can't kill.
[02:14:42] The response in the bottom side as he gets roots down but doesn't have any damage to follow up is.
[02:14:46] Huns kept Shahu busy.
[02:14:49] So LNG, they get another kill on a side lane. This time it's not respondenty, but they're still not answering light on the other side.
[02:14:54] They are, they're avoiding the gym. They do not want to deal with this champion right now.
[02:14:58] I understand why. Two thousand gold is, it's a lot.
[02:15:01] You could make yourself a veritable fort nox out of that 80 carries gold lead and
[02:15:05] LNG, don't get really the side lane situation we wanted them to want, that they normally want to see.
[02:15:11] If not been able to get that confident side lane play which they've been wanting to,
[02:15:14] Weibo's stuff in these recalls like this is only hurting them more.
[02:15:17] We did say LNG and Weibo are both very good side laning teams, but they play it differently.
[02:15:22] Weibo haven't really been overloading the map in the same way.
[02:15:25] They've just been responding to LNG in the same way, and they've been finding ways onto Terras when LNG leave one of these lanes unattended.
[02:15:31] Call LNG Vampires because they are avoiding the liar all costs in this one.
[02:15:38] I've got a second.
[02:15:41] I'm going to smash that garlic some time.
[02:15:43] That's a whole different story.
[02:15:45] I wouldn't be here if you do Vampires they didn't do the spell of garlic.
[02:15:48] I'm done man.
[02:15:49] I've messed up my nothing law.
[02:15:51] Well no, I said...
[02:15:53] Talk about them fights.
[02:15:55] Yeah, I'm coming back to reality here.
[02:15:57] Zika gets that classic play.
[02:16:00] Did he die? Okay.
[02:16:12] Sorry, I was like completely zoned out for a second.
[02:16:15] I don't know what I was listening to in my head.
[02:16:23] My head was completely dizzy.
[02:16:26] But this MF is still 2k down.
[02:16:28] Gala's found his place in mid lane.
[02:16:32] Absolutely abandoned this game after that lottery victory.
[02:16:42] I told you any draft with Korky Malkai, I know Jim's 2.5k, but wherever has Korky Malkai, it's just destined to win.
[02:16:50] Like, you have sinned
[02:16:52] by being so shameless that you're playing Korky Malkai, so just take the elo and your cringe.
[02:16:57] Like this is just modern day league
[02:17:05] Next part the hit screen of PLP masters. What will you do if you overtake for peak?
[02:17:09] My peak is 1.2k rank 1 like that
[02:17:13] If you get to rank 1 then I will bow to him
[02:17:25] But rank 1 now is 2k LP it's crazy. I never thought league would hit 2k LP
[02:17:32] You know like every server has someone 2k LP now. What is it in next year? It's a 3k LP like what the fuck?
[02:17:40] What the fuck
[02:17:50] Actually very isn't the outpeaking your peak now
[02:17:58] Hold up
[02:18:09] oh big one big one from brief exhaust was a little late maybe way we live
[02:18:17] so oh my god there is car to please press your arky oh my god
[02:18:25] not if you're on shower no to be on shower
[02:18:29] just about comes in from LNG didn't actually hit this first bit of the cannon also
[02:18:33] but they managed to do just enough work
[02:18:35] their peak was 400 LP in season five
[02:18:37] they managed to save their lives and
[02:18:38] mine was 1.2K in season eight but
[02:18:42] what is 1.2K in season eight's equivalent to these days
[02:18:46] i don't know
[02:18:46] and they still lose it
[02:18:47] back in my days there was like four people in 1K LP
[02:18:53] now the cutoff to charlie is 1.1K
[02:18:56] what the hell
[02:18:59] They get scouts to go off in the sideline terrace and might just be that.
[02:19:01] So, starts off with Alka ult, see that light gets taken a little bit of a bit of damage before that one.
[02:19:07] And a lot of damage goes onto Weiwei, but it doesn't kill Weiwei,
[02:19:11] and you see that Hallyu is sung to buy a little bit of time in that frontline.
[02:19:15] Scout comes in first, not a great ult from Scout.
[02:19:17] I was thinking that was a bit of a misuse tool, but somehow this doesn't end up being the game any kind of.
[02:19:23] Doesn't that look so much better?
[02:19:24] It all comes in late.
[02:19:25] It all comes in late.
[02:19:26] You get top 10, you get 1k.
[02:19:28] anything below that is that's crazy you know 10 people in one case looks so much
[02:19:35] nicer
[02:19:49] the old challenger logo also looks so much better sorry for showing not
[02:19:54] showing a team fight but yeah you got exhausted one second later on the
[02:19:59] in the way we were stood.
[02:20:07] So how does LNG fight? They have 4 range champions and an Alistar, they have MF Lillia combo shore.
[02:20:14] But I feel like old school Ryze top was like such a powerful side laner.
[02:20:20] But I just don't see it in like nowadays league that Ryze can fit in like a side lane.
[02:20:25] side lane. Like they're down 2 drakes, drakes in 2 minutes, Ryze is gonna have to group.
[02:20:37] Ryze short trade WEQ. Yes Comet as well for lane. Comet Ryze is lane phase, Ryze walks
[02:20:47] up, pressures W and runs away. Just so annoying.
[02:21:01] He's sturdier than this one. So very sturdy. Dragon coming up in the middle 30s, that's
[02:21:08] not going to be necessarily the object right now, but the set looks important. Harold's
[02:21:11] going down mid lane with a couple of grubs to play. Wave up, a little push in, try
[02:21:15] and take the full time. Harold down, should be enough to
[02:21:18] Yeah, it dies.
[02:21:23] One minute for drake.
[02:21:24] Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, a couple of pixels to the left, and I might actually hit the MF.
[02:21:29] To the left angle.
[02:21:33] Corky, Maokai, Jin.
[02:21:35] I'll never forget playing in a knockout best of five.
[02:21:39] In 2017, and Jin just got released, and I played against...
[02:21:45] Uh, fuck was it?
[02:21:47] Varus, Jin. Varus mid.
[02:21:49] with GNAD and they were sieging our mid tier 2 and I'm just getting fucking blasted by skill shots on cooldown
[02:21:57] Yo, guards, guards, guards, that's being ill
[02:22:19] playing this game out very different style of game so that first one great
[02:22:23] seat Tarzan you know showing I found the game I found the exact game I was
[02:22:27] thinking of
[02:22:32] and again that first few minutes on this mouth I really bullying way way and
[02:22:36] it's turned into such a huge leap for life and now the way the way both
[02:22:40] I'm playing these lanes out as well Gala forced away in the mid lane
[02:22:44] instantly the second there's a window they threaten to die the camera so zoomed in
[02:22:48] They are giving up a dragon as maybe all their teleports coming through no real good wards behind them
[02:22:55] We might see somebody just go to that control with that
[02:22:58] Put down for all the exhausted corki. Hey, there's the exhaust of corki and Kenan's in the base TP all the other
[02:23:05] It's a good word right for now
[02:23:09] Place dead
[02:23:15] Actually you know how basically would have been if Ryze TP'd on that pink and then he joined
[02:23:24] Lillia and altered her out and they both recalled, wouldn't that be the coolest thing ever?
[02:23:28] You know, cue the Titanic music, that would be so fucking awesome.
[02:23:33] That would be cinema, no?
[02:23:37] Drop award Ryze TP's in he saves you.
[02:23:40] Ro thinks this is a movie.
[02:23:57] I found the game I was talking about. My engages on the Sandra were so good. Actually, my Lissandra was crazy.
[02:24:02] Yeah, and this is a huge thing right LNG when they're winning games is much more structured on methodical way about
[02:24:15] I think they're more towards the improviser this gene build is meta. Yeah rule of justice build as well
[02:24:19] I don't know if it's the best gene build, but it looks like the most common. It's static rapid fire
[02:24:25] I think for me it looks very weak
[02:24:30] Until you get I and when you get I I
[02:24:35] Feel like the gene is really up
[02:24:38] But what is the opposite what is the what is the alternative is the alternative like collector
[02:24:44] Collector rapid fire IE or what is it just you drop the static collector IE rapid fire
[02:25:02] Is the attack speed not useful you don't attack speed
[02:25:15] Wait, they're actually kind of fine here, LNG. What the hell? That's what I'm saying,
[02:25:25] Jeff. That's his attack speed into AB. He's not good. He's not going to get anyone. Oh
[02:25:31] my god. Classic Rai's. I'm chasing. I'm chasing.
[02:25:50] My favourite thing with Ryze is ulting your support behind them.
[02:25:54] Like I love seeing that.
[02:26:01] Kennen counterpicks are the most fake thing ever.
[02:26:03] Yeah of course, the only counter pick to Kennen is 5 exhausts.
[02:26:07] Because Kennen will run into a fight, 0-7,
[02:26:10] and he will press R flash protobelt and he will one shot someone.
[02:26:13] It's just the law.
[02:26:14] Like Weiwei stopwatch here which is nice but he will find an angle at least once in that game.
[02:26:19] No matter how hard you've smashed him in a lane and he will just one shot someone.
[02:26:26] Oh my god, Zika.
[02:26:28] Oh, he missed Q.
[02:26:29] Oh, he could have just EW killed.
[02:26:31] Oh, but it doesn't matter.
[02:26:37] Wait, wait, no way he's gonna flash Q steal this.
[02:26:39] There's no way it's not happening.
[02:26:40] I refuse to believe it.
[02:26:42] Oh my god, Tarzan didn't even smite!
[02:26:45] What the hell?
[02:26:47] Tarzan didn't even smite, it was the 4th shot.
[02:27:02] No source on that burger place, sir.
[02:27:14] Can't miss smite if you don't smite.
[02:27:18] Can't lose a game if you don't join the lobby. Wait, I'm undefeated in worlds, true!
[02:27:37] Alright, now Jhin has got his IE, he's absolutely busted. Busted.
[02:27:42] What is the ratio of attack speed to AD who converts?
[02:27:46] Has anyone done the math on like how much AD you're actually getting off these first two items?
[02:27:50] Versus going collector, are you?
[02:27:53] I'm sure the math is done somewhere and like, numbers-wise, surely static RFC is good.
[02:28:14] It's good for wave clear, I mean wave clear in pro play is very good.
[02:28:28] Wave clear in pro play is one of the best things in the game having wave clear.
[02:28:31] I mean I think you'll probably see that if a champ doesn't have good wave clear, they're
[02:28:36] not meta.
[02:28:37] Chris, what the fuck did you just do?
[02:28:41] Uh, why is Zoe not meta in pro play these days?
[02:28:46] I think if Zoe had really good wave clear, she'd probably fit into this poke meta pretty
[02:28:50] well.
[02:28:51] But her wave clear is fucking cheeks.
[02:28:59] How is this a one for one?
[02:29:04] How is this a one for one?
[02:29:06] Ow!
[02:29:10] What the hell?
[02:29:13] You know we're talking about improvisation, I'd like to use the example of Picasso.
[02:29:19] Picasso was an artist who knew the rules and knew when to break them.
[02:29:22] This is sometimes just like flinging the paint of the wall and seeing what art you get out of it at points.
[02:29:26] I'm not saying it's completely out there in terms of everything.
[02:29:29] Working its way out of the artistic sense.
[02:29:32] Way more still, they have walked away with a four and a half hour of power.
[02:29:35] ISJ is not being played because you can't build you can't build triforce or crit item on Jace
[02:29:40] I don't know. I feel like double DPS is just OP having double AD carry in your comp somewhere. It's just OP
[02:29:48] Like the damage output is crazy. Oh my god. My name's Kenan. It's time to one shot
[02:29:56] It's time to one shot
[02:29:59] Look at corki though look at corki. Oh my god corki
[02:30:07] Alright, we gotta see who's on our hands.
[02:30:11] I told you chat, Corky Malkai, it'll win.
[02:30:30] It's like, you enter a draft meet-up in a pro team and you're like,
[02:30:33] so what do we play into this? Well, we could play like a hard-engaged combat.
[02:30:37] Okay, why are we playing this? Oh, yeah, we could play like a really good Pocom to and the guy at the back is like
[02:30:41] What if we just play Corky Malkai?
[02:30:44] And throw him out the building
[02:31:12] Show the match you were talking about yeah, I found it here looking I remember playing in this comp I
[02:31:17] I remember playing this best of five against the Giants a long time ago, eight years ago.
[02:31:25] And this was the first time I learned how broken poke comps were.
[02:31:28] Like honestly, Varus mid with cleanse was a horrific lane phase.
[02:31:33] I had never played against Varus mid.
[02:31:35] This was so horrible, this lane.
[02:31:36] I couldn't fucking play like I was sitting under my tower half the game.
[02:31:42] And we did a really bad fight in their jungle, which was mega int.
[02:31:51] And then I had to play the game against these poke champs with Varus Jin, and they had so
[02:31:58] much range that I couldn't play.
[02:32:01] I got so tilted, I was like argh!
[02:32:03] So I just TP'd behind them one time, and then full sent it.
[02:32:06] But this is the only time where we could actually do anything against them, otherwise
[02:32:11] it was like impossible.
[02:32:14] like a mega good engage on them and then you get some kills and even if you get those kills they still just respawn
[02:32:19] And then they just siege mid all they do is just go mid with Varus Jin and we couldn't do anything about it
[02:32:25] I was it was so annoying
[02:32:28] trundles morking side lanes and
[02:32:31] Varus Jin just poking us in mid. I was like, oh my god
[02:32:36] All they did was group mid like it's all they did and we just eventually lost the game from them
[02:32:45] Understanding me this for three and playing dodgeball with us because we have no hard engage other than my TP
[02:32:52] Like look at this shit
[02:33:03] Yeah, that's crazy
[02:33:06] And I slowly get chased down. I don't know
[02:33:23] Copenhagen moves men
[02:33:26] This was lane swap meta. It's that long ago season six
[02:33:38] Season six long time ago
[02:33:41] long time ago I
[02:33:43] I mean, I just can't move like it's crazy
[02:33:47] Yeah, Varus mid used to be pretty good back then you used to play poke Varus mid into Azir as well
[02:34:06] crazy times
[02:34:09] crazy times
[02:34:11] We have this mode. What is it?
[02:34:18] I'm not adding that
[02:34:23] It's not getting at it that's me it's spammed that is gonna get spammed. It's not happening. It's not happening
[02:34:29] All right, any links chat any funny links any good links unblock what the fuck oh, I thought it was already unblocked
[02:34:51] What is this clip what is this clip?
[02:35:53] Are these viewer song requests
[02:35:55] He's just viewer a song request or what oh my god his chat's worst in mind
[02:36:02] The one problem right here never fix their game that revolves okay, dude. Oh
[02:36:22] Yeah, the flag of the day. I'm mega good at flags. Watch this
[02:36:27] Australia Austria China
[02:36:44] Chile
[02:36:46] I'm just a god. Wait what it's America. Isn't it a
[02:37:00] Liberia
[02:37:01] Hey
[02:37:04] I've seen that flag before come
[02:37:06] where I see the flag oh it's Taiwan rolled what who that mods mod to that
[02:37:32] Samoa oh my god I'm a goddess flags it's crazy I'm a god so what is to
[02:37:49] shy up to he's playing with who
[02:37:56] It's teaching people league
[02:38:04] Wait, he's playing 1v1s or what?
[02:38:20] Who is he playing 1v1s against?
[02:38:22] Don't lose, don't die, don't die, don't die, don't die
[02:38:24] Don't die, don't die, don't die
[02:38:26] Don't die whoever it is
[02:38:32] Base TP he died who do that to
[02:38:47] Bro he's playing too much battle in that guy he's paid too much battle in that guy
[02:38:57] He was playing against Ning
[02:39:24] There's Pokemon tft. What do you mean there's gonna be Pokemon tft released?
[02:39:29] Yo, yo drop the link quicker
[02:39:31] above average rifle with a little bit of magic apparently for a certain you'll
[02:39:44] get tagged down it tries to go into the short peak
[02:39:47] what's that fast briefing a little off the mark just drawn a silhouette there
[02:39:59] Ayy, got missed from Topo.
[02:40:01] I think they're past the ball for deep now.
[02:40:05] Okay, shot from Wrinkle.
[02:40:09] Wait, did he call him Boaster?
[02:40:13] Wait, Boaster, you go get tagged down.
[02:40:20] As he tries to go into the short peek.
[02:40:22] Here's Max for no numbers in middle.
[02:40:25] Oh my god.
[02:40:27] Why did the chest come Boaster?
[02:40:29] Ooh, yeah.
[02:40:31] Just drawn a silhouette there.
[02:40:33] Unfortunately, ayy, got missed from Topo.
[02:40:35] Oh, Boaster.
[02:40:37] Oh, they're riding boasters.
[02:41:05] Wait, is it because everyone's missing shots or what?
[02:41:07] This is the browser game Pokemon Auto Chess?
[02:41:11] What?
[02:41:12] Is it good?
[02:41:13] Is it good?
[02:41:32] Eh?
[02:41:34] The servers are at max capacity.
[02:41:36] Try again later.
[02:41:38] What?
[02:41:39] what what wait is there gonna take my Google account no shot
[02:42:03] how do you unlink Google account how do you unlink a Google account when you
[02:42:24] give it permission go to Google account and settings and commission
[02:43:01] oh shit
[02:43:06] towards game number three here and it does feel like both teams have shown us something.
[02:43:12] Yeah, so game one, LNG, they took a slip up where Scout got a lot of gold and of course Tarzan got
[02:43:18] shut down around a half-life. They walked into a very methodical overloaded side lane style of
[02:43:23] playing. They put four people into Scout's lane and just made him roll through the map.
[02:43:27] That was the dominant game. Wave-O, this game, they improvised. They got Shawi who had it. He
[02:43:32] actually got a lot of resources this game as opposed to Scout. He was massively far ahead
[02:43:35] At the end and wave over the ones who won out through the through the sidelines the more we play through the series and
[02:43:41] My heck the more I am convinced this is about a stylistic battle between how these
[02:43:46] One early game to those sidelines if you've thought so much about I'm sure we're getting bored of it
[02:43:51] But this point they're really important
[02:43:53] They certainly are also these wacky planes coming up from wave over important where
[02:43:59] I mean, I did not see the angle for this invade but I did and he got the red buff and then
[02:44:05] Bree gets it.
[02:44:06] Sorry, I just have to change the phone number on my account all the time.
[02:44:11] This is...
[02:44:14] You know, sometimes a teamfight is like a coloring book where you have the outlines of it
[02:44:21] and it just happens in a slightly different way.
[02:44:23] Okay, we're safe now, Jack.
[02:44:25] This is not that.
[02:44:26] This is like...
[02:44:27] We're safe now.
[02:44:28] blind fall of the sketchbook see what comes up with it. It ain't what we see all the time.
[02:44:34] We're safe now. Right.
[02:44:53] I love that we had a whole year of and it was relevant criticism but a whole year of
[02:44:59] criticism to what Scout and Shaohu and we were questioning who had won the
[02:45:04] breakup between Scout and Tarzan. Okay, Shadow's announcement coming out in four minutes. Big announcement. Big announcement.
[02:45:14] Of each side of that coin absolutely popping up. Big one. Big crazy one.
[02:45:23] It was a great honor to be able to cast games like this.
[02:45:25] And Chris walks away with the MVP.
[02:45:28] I am surprised he was trying to win first place.
[02:45:30] Yeah, when I changed my drink real quick,
[02:45:31] because this one's manky.
[02:45:32] I got a second.
[02:45:33] We're just ignoring that random alt.
[02:45:34] It's in the middle of nowhere.
[02:45:35] We're just ignoring that.
[02:45:36] It's not going to be a good game.
[02:45:37] It's not going to be in the highlight reel.
[02:45:39] Yeah, I mean, I have a really good game.
[02:45:43] Aside from the weird old mid.
[02:45:45] All of this early game was a lockdown for Chris.
[02:45:48] So fair play.
[02:45:49] Yeah.
[02:45:50] I think that Scott had an exceptional game on the court.
[02:45:52] but Chris did have phenomenal performance on the rail.
[02:45:57] Yeah, and you know, you can see through this,
[02:45:58] Waybo walked over to another dominant early game,
[02:46:01] both early games now going to the side of Waybo,
[02:46:02] in different ways, one of them was very much three,
[02:46:05] Tarzan Stidley, the other one is,
[02:46:06] as you can see here, Chris making huge plays
[02:46:09] getting at the right points.
[02:46:10] I think this is now going to be something
[02:46:11] which LNG needs to really, really tap down on.
[02:46:15] How are you going to stop Waybo
[02:46:17] getting these early skirmishes?
[02:46:18] They're very easy, they're very likely
[02:46:20] rather to leave their lanes,
[02:46:21] They're very likely to go up into your face into the jungle, whether that's through Tarzan having a winning jungle matchup, or the bot lane gets themselves in the third to move as well.
[02:46:29] So you need to be aware of the jungle matchup, you need to be aware of that support matchup so you can stop people moving away from that lane because, yeah, Chris...
[02:46:36] He started this split being subbed out for X-Bare, a player which you've probably not heard of before, because he only played his games in the LPLs, first games in the LPLs.
[02:46:45] He'll replace Chris early on into this split at the end of the group stage, or rather midway through it.
[02:46:50] Chris is on much better form than I am now. I'm not gonna say that Chris is on
[02:46:55] Incredible form in terms of flawless play or whatever. I don't need to say that about great many places
[02:46:59] Do you still on some of the very best?
[02:47:05] Stop saying do this at 14 chat I swear
[02:47:20] that they've showed it off for a heat replay of the uh Neil and Goodlady at the end of the game.
[02:47:26] Fantastic game though coming out from Chris. Fantastic game as well. I got a new one.
[02:47:31] Yo, Cybru! With a 25 gifted subs. Cyba. Cyba. I would not be surprised at all.
[02:47:39] Yo, thank you for the 25 gifts. I think I think it's time for that.
[02:47:45] What is this? What is this?
[02:47:46] Different answers into it. He's right
[02:47:50] If you think that 25 distance shut up. I'm hacking your Gmail right now. No, you're not
[02:47:59] Okay, I got it in chat. I got it
[02:48:02] Stop the court
[02:48:12] Leona first pick Frelin she way both bands the court
[02:48:19] Ken and Maokai and then a d middle tree is pretty good. That's pretty good
[02:48:24] Oh, I like the Ivern disaster jungle match up and then Tristana slammed. Oh, what are you slamming to that Jerry? Yeah, 100%
[02:48:31] This is a quick draft. I like it. I think very good by both sides very very good
[02:48:35] I would look to ban AP junglers here. I mean
[02:48:39] I know AP jungler, sorry, ADs
[02:48:41] Ziggs, yep, Ziggs is a good one
[02:48:46] Ziggs is a good one, is Ezreal a good one? Do you like an Ezreal ban here chat?
[02:48:50] Mmmmm
[02:48:52] I like Jin here again
[02:48:55] The lightning rat
[02:49:01] I just think you can't count the cannon you can't do it
[02:49:05] You can't count the cannon it's too broken
[02:49:10] No, it's just a gin game my pops isn't it or you'll take a easy real
[02:49:15] Because if you don't take it they go if I think you're extra here. They go Kaisa Leona
[02:49:22] Or is it Caitlyn actually
[02:49:24] I mean, you're not
[02:49:27] It's gotta be gin, right? I think Relon's falling to Leona. They don't want to show AD yet actually like that
[02:49:32] I actually like that
[02:49:35] Because Ash is open
[02:49:37] I like that because of Ash
[02:49:41] You could go Kaisa now
[02:49:45] But I still think gin is so super good or Ash is super good. I don't know if I like Kaisa
[02:49:50] And in top lane you could play Jace if Zika's confident, otherwise you're just gonna have
[02:49:55] to play Curse Sante.
[02:49:58] He's going Ryze again!
[02:50:00] Oh!
[02:50:01] Chat, I'm gonna run Agis, if you wanna avoid Agis you can use a tier 1 or a Twitch plan,
[02:50:06] you don't have to serve if you don't want to.
[02:50:08] You'll be back for the gamecharts with a big kiss.
[02:50:11] Yeah, where is this announcing that, bruh?
[02:50:21] It is gonna be like going for the gym once again
[02:50:37] And a big thing here too is you have the rail into the Ivern rail cube breaks Ivern shield
[02:50:43] Keep your eye out for that matchup in some other situations. We have like a Leonid sir
[02:50:47] Zarya, I don't think she you know what I think that's sort of things they've reviewed from her
[02:50:51] She's done a lot of you for that. You would have been right a year ago
[02:50:55] But Zeris had a lot of strength from my kit, it says with the shield he's up.
[02:50:58] I think that's to get... God, this champion has so much in the kit.
[02:51:00] I just look at me if I'm wrong, but seriously.
[02:51:03] That rail into the Ivan, very, very powerful with that.
[02:51:06] I don't know why he announced in that chat, I don't know.
[02:51:07] It makes people so unkillable.
[02:51:09] Leona Ivan is a very hard combo to get through.
[02:51:12] And I'm worried about the Jin damage into that.
[02:51:14] The last time we...
[02:51:15] I don't think the announcement happened yet.
[02:51:16] I thought it was supposed to be now, but it's not.
[02:51:17] Shields on top of that, Leona, are gonna make it a lot harder to kill through that frontline.
[02:51:21] So let's see who can take this one down. It's the Trevac, as you said, the battle for Fangorn Forest.
[02:51:30] But there's a lightning wizard up in that topside that keeps on getting priority.
[02:51:35] Zika wants to answer it once again. The Rites didn't really work for him in the previous game,
[02:51:40] but LNG completely changing tanks as they come into the third gate.
[02:51:45] Wave ult have answered their first punch. Can they respond in kind? These two teams swapped.
[02:51:52] Okay, I should have the announcements.
[02:51:56] Nevermind.
[02:51:58] The announcement is that I will be on site in Munich co-streaming the LEC season finals from the venue.
[02:52:09] PogChamp, let's say PogChamp.
[02:52:11] I think I accidentally leaked it before, but I didn't realize, my bad.
[02:52:28] That's the announcement. Everyone say damn!
[02:52:32] You don't like to delay?
[02:52:34] Yeah, there's gonna be a delay, but that's always there was it bro when we did world finals cast coaching those of the day
[02:52:50] Is is way they a new a new entrance into the since the halls of the ways we have way way way big way and
[02:52:58] Then we've got
[02:53:00] Shall we show?
[02:53:02] God man, there are many of them, turns out that...
[02:53:06] There are many of them
[02:53:10] W start on scoot
[02:53:14] Sorry, I'm not in now
[02:53:16] I got my new drink
[02:53:20] W start on scoot, why?
[02:53:26] You got me hyped up for most lame
[02:53:30] though. You guys knew this was happening so you think this announcement sucks. Now, there
[02:53:36] is some mega announcements later on in the year but there's none now. What the fuck he
[02:53:41] flashed W then? What the hell? This raptor is trying to walk in and he gives raptors
[02:53:48] bro that is such a good fucking feeling. Watching that motherfucker get caught like
[02:53:52] Oh my god, I like that
[02:54:09] Yeah, there's a couple mega announcements later on here that I think are less expected than
[02:54:15] me co-streaming the finals
[02:54:22] jungle is changing teams is so important. This early jungle path and going to where Tarzan is so important.
[02:54:28] Certainly is a scout, it's good trade in the mid lane. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty
[02:54:32] short Tarzan had stopped DPS and his red buff was ticking on Weiwei. I think he was trying
[02:54:37] to get the kill to Xiaohu and it just... They don't think it'd be like it is, but it do.
[02:54:44] It do be that way. They know it that way because the way that it is. So we have Weiwei
[02:54:50] You brought the McDonald's franchise?
[02:55:00] McDonald's is ass?
[02:55:15] No it's not.
[02:55:16] McDonald's is like...
[02:55:17] McDonald's is god tier.
[02:55:19] I'm surprised he's playing...
[02:55:21] Do you play bone-pating on Zeria all the time?
[02:55:28] But I will say McDonald's...
[02:55:30] That's fine here I think, right? Or?
[02:55:33] Maybe not?
[02:55:34] Yep. I will say McDonald's quality fluctuates depending on the country.
[02:55:42] I think when I was in Korea bro, the McDonald's was incredible.
[02:55:47] The fluctuation biff was like Gourmet.
[02:55:50] I felt like I was eating in a rest house, and then sometimes when I order McDonald's here, oh my god, it tastes like I'm eating fucking like they cooked the burger and then rubbed it in dirt, grass, spat on it, threw it on the floor, stood on it, and then put it inside the fatty, inside the bread.
[02:56:26] And these early games, we've said in the first few games, Wave were really come away with
[02:56:32] advances from those early games.
[02:56:33] Of course, in the first game, Elegy turned that around.
[02:56:35] Elegy would like to actually get a lead in the early game for once.
[02:56:38] They did lose that first kill onto the jungle, which isn't exactly what they would have
[02:56:41] liked, but at least they have had to check their lanes a little bit.
[02:56:43] 1v2 a bit later.
[02:56:44] Okay, Scout?
[02:56:45] Yes, guys.
[02:56:46] How do we win a game without Corky Malkai?
[02:56:47] Hmm, what if we play Sherry Malkai?
[02:56:50] My men's.
[02:56:51] My men's.
[02:56:52] He's got a pot in his inventory as well.
[02:56:54] He's quite happy.
[02:56:55] You're going to come to Australia? I can't go to Australia.
[02:57:02] It's impossible I can't ever go to Australia.
[02:57:06] Why not?
[02:57:08] Well, because I'll get eaten by a snake.
[02:57:18] Oh, one shot.
[02:57:20] Woohoo! Bro, I hate Ivan.
[02:57:22] Oh my god, scouts with... Oh my god, Hong got the kill.
[02:57:25] Suco mucho, but I mean Terry loses the wave
[02:57:29] Oh my wood! It's just executing that mid lane with extreme prejudice!
[02:57:33] Ciao here goes down. Mid lane advantage is so important and getting gold into that lane is really important.
[02:57:39] So yeah, not giving that kill over to either mid laner now.
[02:57:43] I guess it's one for one across the board for both teams.
[02:57:46] I want more action, more fighting. I feel like both ADs are chilling this game. I want similar
[02:58:00] game from last game, where AD can't play the game.
[02:58:03] Is there any player POVs? There's always a player POV normally.
[02:58:20] a lot more useful at some point.
[02:58:21] Look, in this game, I will say-
[02:58:23] Chat, I'm not gonna lie.
[02:58:24] I actually think Korky with AP items and package
[02:58:29] was more fun to watch than current version Korky.
[02:58:32] Like, at least he had some fun things
[02:58:34] where his rockets hitting would be fun and do damage
[02:58:36] or package, he would like run it down with package,
[02:58:38] it was funny.
[02:58:39] Now he just builds items and auto attacks
[02:58:41] and it's just even more boring
[02:58:43] and it's even stronger in mid.
[02:58:44] You know why?
[02:58:45] Because you can't int with package anymore.
[02:58:49] It's crazy.
[02:58:58] They both lost to that high octane gameplay.
[02:59:02] High octane!
[02:59:04] They're playing it slow, they're playing it safe, and rightly so.
[02:59:07] Like, everything is...
[02:59:08] Which means I'm finally right for once.
[02:59:10] I'm always right.
[02:59:11] ...full of players that really haven't been able to ever make that stick.
[02:59:18] I mean, all that thought.
[02:59:21] Breathe.
[02:59:22] Those for the ultimate.
[02:59:23] On to Zika here.
[02:59:24] So come with a bit more of a CS lead than last time around.
[02:59:28] Breathe again.
[02:59:29] Can't quite finish the kill.
[02:59:30] You did this exact same thing last time.
[02:59:32] he all in level 7 when he had no magic took him low, crashed away even roamed or based
[02:59:38] Q flash is good no flash
[02:59:43] genold cooks here but hung is so tanky again another thing that annoys me
[02:59:48] leona w oh my god leona w is there a more broken spot in the game than leona w
[02:59:55] crazy that leona w is alistar root basically
[03:00:34] Cassante W and then Blitzcrank W slows himself
[03:00:40] This meme is too good
[03:00:54] Slows himself
[03:01:05] Who uses Reels? I do! I use Instagram Reels
[03:01:08] Tick tock is ass
[03:01:15] Actually fucking trash. Okay, watch Leona here presses Q to aftershock and now presses W. Look at Leona
[03:01:20] La la la we can't hit Leona. She pressed W
[03:01:24] It's all in top again
[03:01:28] Zekker
[03:01:30] Zuckers sets it up for the slice of Maelstrom and it's an easy finish off with Weiwei entering the picture.
[03:01:36] Alright, so we haven't seen much out of the Ryze kind of pick for a while.
[03:01:40] We did say Zuckers had a game with this before the series, it was a win, he dominated that,
[03:01:45] I believe it was a win anyway, but he definitely had a good individual scoreline with that one.
[03:01:49] The last game we saw it, it did okay in the laning phase, didn't really win and it didn't really
[03:01:54] contribute as much as we would have wanted to see after that point.
[03:01:57] I think in this game if you get the early gold lead and you get to an early rod of ages and the early tier stacking as well
[03:02:03] You are very happy though
[03:02:04] I want to see if this rise is a fake counter pick or if it's actually going to be a fake counter pick. I'm convinced
[03:02:12] I'm convinced like bro, you can't sleep on Kennen
[03:02:17] You can't sleep on him
[03:02:19] Kennen will just R flash
[03:02:23] And no matter how useless he is he's gonna want that
[03:02:27] huge in the previous game but this time around it's going to be hung's exhaust that he has to watch out for but way
[03:02:34] way can do a lot as well to protect his team from that cannon
[03:02:38] We'll see how it's gonna pan out for him. I want to see more from brief though
[03:02:42] It's a player that for years now
[03:02:44] I feel like it's been so close to being one of those top players, but it just never seems to quite put to fruition
[03:02:51] fruition
[03:03:22] Well, it's a bit more consistent than I thought it would be.
[03:03:30] Hard to fight that.
[03:03:32] Kennen is ready on the TP button and there's a mega ward here right below them.
[03:03:38] There's a mega ward right there.
[03:03:42] But can you get it?
[03:03:45] Hola!
[03:03:47] I told you Kennen is OP.
[03:03:51] They lost the fight and they lost the power.
[03:04:00] Where was the cannon damage chapter?
[03:04:03] Oh yeah, one.
[03:04:17] You're right, Mimi Exhaust is just more broken.
[03:04:22] I don't believe in it still, chat. I'm a hater.
[03:04:24] I still don't I still I still I know I'm still not feeling it
[03:04:44] Kenan should get unleash spellbook so we can cleanse the exhaust
[03:04:54] Okay, so the cleanse is 1x lost in 1v5 for the whole game?
[03:04:59] I did that.
[03:05:06] Why does he just play top lane with cleanse flash and spellbook td?
[03:05:12] Ah.
[03:05:24] Or maybe League should just introduce three summoner spells.
[03:05:33] Nah, actually both of them would be even more of the...
[03:05:37] Imagine a roll with four summoner spells, then has six...
[03:05:40] Oh my god.
[03:05:41] Six summoner spells in one lane.
[03:05:43] Oh my god, what the hell?
[03:05:45] I'm exausted.
[03:05:46] Oh, shit, they healed.
[03:05:47] Yep, they cleansed that too.
[03:05:48] Fuck, man.
[03:05:49] What the hell?
[03:05:53] What the hell?
[03:06:01] Oh, ha ha!
[03:06:02] Can you imagine six summoner spells, both in my Flash, but both in her Double Exhaust.
[03:06:06] I'm exhausted!
[03:06:07] I'm exhausted!
[03:06:09] I'm exhausted again!
[03:06:10] That's kind of pretty easy, trust.
[03:06:12] Early gold is better, but yeah.
[03:06:14] Early gold is better on people who have items which need time,
[03:06:18] and are only really two tier 2 items which work like that.
[03:06:20] You have tier items, then you have Rod of Ages.
[03:06:22] But Rod stacking quicker isn't always a good thing because Rod guarantees a level and getting
[03:06:39] levels later in the game is harder.
[03:06:42] So early Rod, it's actually not as good.
[03:06:44] You kind of want to balance the Rod.
[03:06:49] from 15 to 16 is a lot harder from going from like 12 to 13 right? So the rod actually getting
[03:06:56] it a little bit later is better. Sometimes. Depends on the game shape right?
[03:07:04] So we get through to that part of the game which we talked about, it's a death this series,
[03:07:17] it's all about side-lating now. So to a big extent of it anyway. So we have Zooka who's
[03:07:21] He's likely going to be pushing out whatever lane that he's in for a while.
[03:07:24] I'm interested to see how Wavok can get themselves somewhere onto these towers.
[03:07:29] LNG, they already broke that top lane out at top.
[03:07:31] See that, Zuckab?
[03:07:32] He's being respectful because he's on the weak side of the map right now, but I want
[03:07:36] to see if Wavok can actually break open the map and slowly slow things down and
[03:07:39] play the more methodical style, which they won't game one.
[03:07:44] Man, these gin items do look absolutely fucking cheeks.
[03:07:49] Like, it does just look fucking trash, doesn't it?
[03:07:53] This guy has fucking Timo's slingshot as well, like where's the damage at?
[03:07:56] Where's the damage at?
[03:07:58] How scammed did Xiao Hu get by fucking Timo?
[03:08:00] Yeah, you can take my slingshot, give me 800 gold!
[03:08:04] Fuck off, idiot.
[03:08:06] Fucking Timo red.
[03:08:11] How did Boris like buy and bulk that item?
[03:08:14] Crazy.
[03:08:15] Madasaka looked on Amazon or the new market for like weapons, he bought Timo's slingshot.
[03:08:21] Boris is clueless scammer.
[03:08:22] Seriously look friend. Let's get a continue for these two teams throughout the rest of this series
[03:08:30] Really like what Alan just done here. They're going into the bot jungle now
[03:08:37] On your kind of doing the thing again where like you're like look look look go go go actually doesn't matter
[03:08:43] He's got Leonor in the first W
[03:08:49] This is exactly that what I want to stop her energy drop the Harold made means that no one's it doesn't matter
[03:08:54] We are currently on a press W
[03:09:12] Why Boris is a GTA character, is he?
[03:09:17] First skip this series and play Monke? No, we will play Monke though
[03:09:27] Let's take a look at what we've built. 200 years of stone, 2 walls.
[03:09:30] It's a great building, great building, very long time.
[03:09:35] It took them 100 years, but they haven't even finished it yet.
[03:09:38] I mean, it knows a lot about my textural logistics and how to build massive projects,
[03:09:46] but it can't take 200 years. Come on guys, we've got the technology.
[03:09:51] That way it's a... how did it... how did it for quite a while I guess at this point?
[03:09:56] What other architect is there?
[03:09:58] The Pantheon in Rome largest freestanding dome I think it was here.
[03:10:02] Famously not built is there?
[03:10:04] Yeah, but I know, incredible right?
[03:10:06] Wait, Rome wasn't built in a day?
[03:10:08] What?
[03:10:10] No one did try and do a Minecraft build of Rome, but they did try and build it in a day.
[03:10:13] That was quite the challenge.
[03:10:15] Maybe someone could find that.
[03:10:17] Great second sheet.
[03:10:19] Don't you just get settler and then turn into city?
[03:10:21] That's a hell of a shit, it's not what I'm talking about.
[03:10:23] We're not looking to build we're looking to destroy that tower still surviving click on it observers
[03:10:29] I need to know the exact yes
[03:10:31] HP on that tower
[03:10:36] Yes, not a full deck of cards one missing from that. It's 52 anyway. We'll leave that one
[03:10:46] Yeah, miss missing a Joker car does that look LG?
[03:10:49] This is their comfort zone now and I'm actually quite worried for a vote. They're against the gold deficit
[03:10:54] You have you know six tax in the road of ages and so you could win a fist fight versus phytostics. Yeah
[03:11:03] Yes
[03:11:06] Can cannon in 20 seconds this means that it's I don't know if I friends double 80 carries what's scaring me friend
[03:11:12] He's come
[03:11:14] They start choking way bow out way, but still probably want to fight this dragon
[03:11:17] I even doubly the carry is what's scary because they're ahead. I don't think I really am convinced Ryze is cannot be
[03:11:23] Champ can't be real, right?
[03:11:25] At this point should control of the river and they'd love to push that vision line even further
[03:11:32] But Drake is the cause prison ward in the dragon pits. Maybe there's some kind of play available
[03:11:49] Not bad by breeze but where's the damage a minute way boss carries buster
[03:11:57] Oh my god, he's shooting right in front of them!
[03:12:12] God, off to the side!
[03:12:13] He's still firing bullets!
[03:12:15] Oh my god, Zyka!
[03:12:16] He's got the shield!
[03:12:18] Oh my god, they won that fight, LNG.
[03:12:21] Oh my god.
[03:12:26] Light just held the ult.
[03:12:28] He just wanted to fire.
[03:12:30] He knew he was dead.
[03:12:31] He knew he was dead.
[03:12:33] huge amount of gold over that and LMG got so much value out of the Ivan out of the continual
[03:12:39] shields and out of the rise Zuck has turned up to play and he's going to go straight back
[03:12:44] now and so walls this baron as LMG looks to get the coup de grace.
[03:12:49] LMG find their advantage and immediately pound, breathe on that top side of the play
[03:12:54] but still 10 seconds until his ult is up, he can't contest it, it's baron for LMG
[03:12:59] It was Drake for LNG. It's a fight for LNG.
[03:13:03] Wait, I want to see the replay. Hold up.
[03:13:06] I want to see the replay. How did they turn this fight?
[03:13:11] Breeze ult was good. It's because Zika and Dala were split trying to kill off Tarzan, right?
[03:13:17] Hung dies, Breeze dies, but he gets stunned there by Kennen just before.
[03:13:22] They split fight over the right
[03:13:25] He's probably got five rotations during this fight gets a free it's light here
[03:13:29] He's an ult from here, but gala's on the side
[03:13:33] The fashion Tarzan was a bit bit deep they should have backlighting a mistake on the super 2
[03:13:38] He just sends it and hopes that they can get two kills here before gala kills him bro. He's committed
[03:13:45] But he doesn't get the last shot off
[03:13:49] My god
[03:13:51] Oh my god
[03:14:14] But actually if if if if light hit one old and killed static shift would have killed the other right
[03:14:19] You probably would have killed both with one bullet two birds with one stone, right?
[03:14:35] They don't have any of this so
[03:14:49] Nice positioning for Xiaohu. Maybe playable here. Let's see the Ryze. Oh, it's Ryze with him.
[03:15:04] Oh, Gala! Oh, Sery had such a good position there. It's another 2 for 1.
[03:15:16] And they're gonna re-fight this Karthus and doesn't have warmups.
[03:15:25] They don't want to let this one go. It's over the bone. It feels like in this last phase of play,
[03:15:29] Wabo though, they are still off the tee, which lose out more from this play. They are still kept
[03:15:34] in their base. I guess they stopped the Baron buff from taking the government into in that midlane.
[03:15:39] So, EZ, who was not trying to get there, they just run around the side.
[03:15:43] I TP'd. Yeah, it's really good they TP'd because Maokai's with him. If Maokai's not
[03:15:48] with him, it's terrible by Zerri. But Maokai's right next to him. That's okay.
[03:15:52] Okay, Shao who comes in and brings me right down to the front and sends her.
[03:15:55] Nice to take down Scout, a lot of damage is gone, but just look how much AoE damage this goes through.
[03:16:00] Just look how much damage keeps coming through there.
[03:16:02] The S-Fiel is frying them.
[03:16:04] We're talking a lot about Rai's, it's a different thing.
[03:16:06] We've seen a ton of the Ezreal.
[03:16:07] Kahala is also just absolutely hunting.
[03:16:11] She's marking these mystic shots into...
[03:16:14] Oh my god, Rai's is actually Shiga strong.
[03:16:17] And it just feels like, unless Waybo can kill this Ivan early in the fight, the longer it goes, the more LNG favour it feels, the value out of these shields, the sustain, I guess not really sustain, but the redemption I guess is a little bit sustained.
[03:16:32] But either way, it's quite big actually, these ones. I'll give you that one.
[03:16:37] just insane way but again like kind of miraculous that the fight was even as close as it is and look
[03:16:43] at that light finishes off in a certain span he knows someone's going to deal with these shields
[03:16:48] and not normally that would be the rails job i i want to eat chat stop telling me to eat i wonder
[03:16:53] if you need stop telling me to stop telling me to eat i'm okay yes sir i'm spaying great
[03:16:58] stuff against the the sarah the seraphs from from zucca from the shields coming three from way
[03:17:04] I'm okay. I promise
[03:17:06] I promise.
[03:17:24] I'll eat that for the series.
[03:17:30] Hmm. Is he building frozen hearts?
[03:17:32] Probably right.
[03:17:36] What's up tankpog?
[03:17:46] Serpent's fact bro, yeah Light is doing no damage, like he is just no, like bro, they
[03:17:51] are just no damage enemies, where is the damage?
[03:18:00] How are they even going to compete against the damage?
[03:18:03] to set up these fights to get that CC down, lying there to shred the shields, maybe that's
[03:18:09] enough but Shao Hu will have to pull out something truly special.
[03:18:13] Slap my knee and call me Sun Zan.
[03:18:15] It's so hard to think of doing it now.
[03:18:17] We're winning team like Wayvo in clean fashion and that's normally the way that you like
[03:18:22] to try and visualize things.
[03:18:23] How can Wayvo win a fight?
[03:18:25] Should it be something which is possible?
[03:18:27] You're probably now looking for someone to get caught out very far out of possession
[03:18:31] for LNG.
[03:18:32] It's kind of hard, as it looks like the observers are carrying a high lag in that build as well, so we've got there a little earlier, but if you manage to then get also a massive AOE teamfight,
[03:18:43] Hey K-Jall, does it make you an Olympian since the LEC finals in the Olympic Park in Munich?
[03:18:47] I mean, is co-streaming classes performing?
[03:18:51] If so, then I am an Olympic athlete that could work, oh, EW, the old base rush?
[03:18:57] Oh, he didn't get him. If he counts on it, then maybe Chahou could cook Shkout, but his
[03:19:14] baron's gone.
[03:19:15] as well as you have hoped for Wayvo's trend.
[03:19:23] Chris uses ulti, Buster shot at Wayvo's scout,
[03:19:26] so that's the big play-making tool from Wayvo we see gone.
[03:19:28] It's quite hard to tell how easy it is for Wayvo
[03:19:32] to mess up in situations like that,
[03:19:33] because we weren't seeing them in their fog of war.
[03:19:35] If you look at how shallow Wayvo's vision is,
[03:19:38] there are so hard for them to play.
[03:19:39] And now you've got Ivan shields on people walking up
[03:19:42] with bloodthirsts as well.
[03:19:43] It is a ton of shields for them.
[03:19:45] Yes, the surface fact, I guess it gets some value now
[03:19:47] that I just don't think you can go to the top.
[03:19:48] around the bot tier one is nice level 16 cannon is nice TP ward is nice or just
[03:19:54] expired maybe as an item in base they can afford to drop top in him but they
[03:19:59] can't afford to drop mid and bot because they're both exposed so they can
[03:20:01] just they can just clean down it's TPing here here he comes I think
[03:20:08] scoots can see him though yeah it's over it's over the flanks are gonna work
[03:20:12] it's done so oh he's in say exhausted oh my god he didn't get the bus yeah they
[03:20:20] have no damage no damage no damage no damage I played black with you con last
[03:20:36] night and I swear to God I'm trying to believe I shouldn't flame you when you
[03:20:38] play games the game's not easy you made it look you're a god gamer
[03:20:43] Didn't come from me.
[03:20:45] Didn't come from me.
[03:20:47] Didn't come from me.
[03:20:51] Didn't come from me.
[03:20:53] Alright, give me a dream 4, quick.
[03:20:55] I'm still... okay.
[03:21:02] The rise worked. I'm still not convinced of rise though.
[03:21:04] I need to see more.
[03:21:06] Because I feel like...
[03:21:08] He's a nice damage dealer to have, but I just think
[03:21:10] Double Lady Terry Ivern won the game.
[03:21:12] Maybe I'm a hater.
[03:21:18] That series by top e-sports webo similar with BLG on the other side both of these teams
[03:21:22] Good positions to look towards the world's right, but as we said the stakes
[03:21:26] Mexico needs to like we need to we need to figure out what the fuck she's sending them bro
[03:21:34] You can't be serious man
[03:21:38] like
[03:21:41] Her messages need to be studied
[03:21:43] What is she doing?
[03:21:45] Look how cool Tolkien looks
[03:21:51] Tolkien looks like he did some professional photographer. Oh my god. It even says to me
[03:21:55] I didn't even notice the name.
[03:22:03] Oh my god, it's just pure illness.
[03:22:10] Can you imagine just being a normal League fan, or like a K-Corp fan, or like a Tolkien
[03:22:14] fan?
[03:22:15] Oh my god, my f-
[03:22:16] What the fuck is that?
[03:22:22] People are complaining that Ebi is not there.
[03:22:23] Why is Ebi not there, by the way?
[03:22:25] Yeah, why is Ebi not there?
[03:22:29] What happened?
[03:22:36] Is it busy or what?
[03:22:42] There's no space.
[03:22:43] What do you mean there's no space?
[03:22:48] He's streaming remote, he didn't think Mad Lions were in finals, so he didn't ask for the spot
[03:23:02] Yeah, but still his team is in finals, right?
[03:23:09] I mean, I get it if he's busy, but I'm not gonna trust what Chat says if they say like, he said no, this Chat's probably lying
[03:23:19] He said that if they didn't qualify, they wouldn't go and they would give him the red cage like they gave him at Worlds
[03:23:33] Just give him a red cage
[03:23:36] Bro, red cage is a comfy, trust me
[03:23:40] My one was mega comfy
[03:23:42] My mom was mega comfy. Not much space but it was nice.
[03:23:46] Everyone say thank you, Mitsuko for the post. No, don't say thank you, Mitsuko.
[03:23:57] Is she in the fucking chat or not? Is she in the chat?
[03:24:00] Did she write something? He said on a stream that his team
[03:24:07] said on his stream that he wasn't sure he was going through so when he knew they already had no
[03:24:13] space for him.
[03:24:13] What is that? He's right, bro.
[03:24:19] I'm gonna be honest, I'm talking to Mitsuko. Bro, are you trying to
[03:24:24] I'm gonna risk up my agent? What are you doing T1 Retta?
[03:24:26] HAHAHAHA
[03:24:28] MIZUKA
[03:24:29] HAHAHAHA
[03:24:36] Bro T1 Retta
[03:24:37] You're just the, you're actually like, you're the best you are
[03:24:46] That's good, that's good
[03:24:49] He slides in with like a meme
[03:24:51] Hey Keh
[03:24:52] Like I'm a meme
[03:24:53] That's a good announcement post
[03:24:58] So chat, I'll be on site
[03:25:00] co-shoming in Munich. I'll be on-site co-shoming in Munich so hopefully we'll
[03:25:13] get like a really cool setup. There will be a little bit of a delay probably on
[03:25:16] the fucking stream because obviously it can't be like live and shit. It'll
[03:25:22] probably be like 10-20 second delay but yeah I'll be in Munich. If you're in
[03:25:27] Munich feel free to say hello and yeah feel free to say hello. We visit
[03:25:38] Harry came no I won't listen if you buy need to spot real bad okay I'll sacrifice
[03:25:47] one of my screens that I use because I probably have two screens I'll sack a
[03:25:51] screen and give him a chair bro he can sit in my boots we can just be like
[03:25:56] next each other cozy I'm down I'm down sacrifice a screen in a chair have it
[03:26:00] then a lot of scoshimers get like four chairs because they bring a gang but
[03:26:04] I'm oh every time I rock up to an on-site co-stream there's like six
[03:26:07] headsets and four chairs or some shit no I just I just need one headset and one
[03:26:13] chair that's it so bro you can if he wants to share you can come be cozy
[03:26:19] with me that'll be fun though that'll be fun I've never I've never been weird
[03:26:33] not casting me at least he and kosher me as well until the finals in the
[03:26:36] season he by talks about kosher being with you but he said it makes no
[03:26:51] sense because none of your viewers are Spanish talkers. Yeah, co-streaming with
[03:26:57] Dubai would be really fun but yeah it doesn't really make sense for either of
[03:26:59] us. His viewers aren't English and mine aren't Spanish. But I'll be weird.
[03:27:14] Maybe some people in this chat are Spanish or can speak Spanish. But I
[03:27:20] know my chat's gonna spam question marks when I start speaking Spanish on
[03:27:23] stream. Oh they're gonna start spamming yo Pedro can you start
[03:27:28] speaking English, bro. Yeah, we're gonna play monkey game after this chat. Yeah,
[03:27:35] monkey stream. Monkey stream is happening after this, I promise. We're just
[03:27:41] chilling until monkey game can start. We can boot it up. We can boot it up. Can
[03:27:56] you add the remote? What is that? What is that? Can you change that animation?
[03:28:20] can you change it bro oh I'm gonna add it chill out chill out chill out add it
[03:28:41] now red man so we have to get rid of something bro it's getting really hard
[03:28:44] to get rid of anything like I'm struggling I'm really struggling to
[03:28:47] get rid of things fuck man fuck is that can you fuck off pepper loser okay
[03:29:14] that's a trash move let's all agree that ammo just sucks all of that and
[03:29:22] Let me order a meal, a meal P.O.V.
[03:29:28] Yeah, what rice is better? Sushi rice or basmati rice?
[03:29:33] Whoever said basmati is wrong. Sushi rice was the correct answer.
[03:29:44] Thanks for trying though.
[03:29:46] Teriyaki sauce.
[03:30:02] I like teriyaki sauce. Actually, no I don't.
[03:30:14] I don't know, I feel like teriyaki sauce. If I'm in the right mood, I'll enjoy teriyaki sauce.
[03:30:19] If I'm not in the right mood then I won't like it.
[03:30:21] Or my stomach, you know, I feel like it's too sweet.
[03:30:24] It's too sweet.
[03:30:25] sushi rice is better but basmati rice is healthier what what what then I start
[03:30:47] using wash DD for your announcements hope that works better no I think works
[03:30:52] better I think that works better what what what what what doesn't say mom in my
[03:31:10] contract with the agency that I can't ban my agent. I feel like someone has to
[03:31:22] redeem, we need to make a redeemer of unbending Mitsuko, we'll put it
[03:31:26] it, okay we'll put it it's maybe one or two billion points. What do you mean
[03:31:41] she's already unbanned? Your mods and guards, wait the guards are turning on me.
[03:31:46] You!
[03:31:47] Guards!
[03:31:48] What do you mean she's already unbanned?
[03:31:53] Oh my god.
[03:32:05] A mod staging a coup?
[03:32:11] The guards are revolting. It's an actual revolution!
[03:32:14] I wonder if she has 7 TV or not.
[03:32:27] My favorite thing is when people come into the chat and they write things without 7 TV.
[03:32:30] And then what they wrote is in the mod.
[03:32:32] I find it so funny, boys.
[03:32:34] I can't believe there's a revolution.
[03:32:43] You have no power here.
[03:32:45] You have no power here.
[03:32:54] Yeah, yeah.
[03:32:56] Screw it!
[03:32:57] I'm a bad red cat.
[03:33:00] I'm a bad red cat in the chat.
[03:33:02] Yeah, in the chat.
[03:33:03] Yeah, yeah.
[03:33:05] In the pants eyeshadows.
[03:33:07] Yeah.
[03:33:08] There is a splat.
[03:33:10] Yeah.
[03:33:11] The chair is on a little mat.
[03:33:13] Yeah.
[03:33:15] really excel
[03:33:18] Gigantic damage out from the rest of the game. Yeah, I wonder if that's now a consideration for way no wings
[03:33:23] I mean, they've been picking the cannon. I've been saying what's that? Yeah, I can't kind of pick it and this finally works out
[03:33:29] He could fail so the rise fell in the game before this but you can see in this kind of
[03:33:34] This kind of game here where it's much more split look at the rise setting a 1v1 at the top side
[03:33:38] You go through this again. He's just finding 1v1s and stuff like that. It's not like he's being that's the way to start the revolution
[03:33:43] What the same time if you can get this kind of machine gun mage just firing down on a single time so much different when you're firing down the whole team
[03:33:50] You end up just getting burst out for you can really use your big continual damage
[03:34:00] Where's washed you did should be there
[03:34:09] And the Spanish fans are really upset that he buys on stream on
[03:34:14] Yeah, they're almost to try and defend but again, why is there someone in the comments that says, thank you, Mexico?
[03:34:23] I think the reason that they were well lasting longer is because you typically expect
[03:34:32] Kenan to be ending the fights very very quickly it doesn't work like that in some redemption and the Leona stop
[03:34:36] You're one side of the fight or or the Ivan shield or something like that
[03:34:39] It became really hot to end the fight in a time span which we both like
[03:34:42] I don't know people don't watch the stream think when they see a picture like that
[03:34:46] Like you actually think there's someone out there who like sees that photo and it's like
[03:34:49] like wow that streamer looks a bit weird and skinny I didn't know he actually looked
[03:34:55] like that Kajal guys I don't look like that can you imagine there's someone out
[03:35:00] there that actually thinks I look like that like that's crazy that's crazy that
[03:35:06] they actually see that and there's probably at least one person on Twitter
[03:35:09] that sees that on their home page and they're like who's that guy on the
[03:35:14] left what the fuck what happened to the game i loved
[03:35:37] get a tank top row let's see it
[03:35:42] i actually have kind of big muscles you see that oh damn see that
[03:35:57] the right kind of team fights for them. This is the big thing for them to knock on the
[03:36:01] bowser's door. Well this knock knock thing, I don't even know where you get the
[03:36:07] notification that you're being knocked on. It's fine. Like when I go back to UK I actually
[03:36:15] and I want to clean. When I go back I'm gonna go hard in the gym. I'm gonna go hard.
[03:36:19] And chats can be proud of me I think. They can be like this time next year chats
[03:36:22] can be like damn wait you actually are you actually like inspired me to like you
[03:36:27] You fucking put on shit under a muscle, I'd be like yep, I'd be like yep, and buffer.
[03:36:57] team back then he was the one getting knocked out. This time around he wins with Guy Verne.
[03:37:02] I mean the matchup last time around was against Old Skarner as well so it was quite different.
[03:37:06] It's a really different look of League of Legends than last year. It's amazing how much has changed in 12 months.
[03:37:11] Honestly, the groups weren't even there last time.
[03:37:13] You ain't fooling no one.
[03:37:14] Yeah. So we've actually had both of these teams knock each other out in plus in the last few times.
[03:37:19] In spring, Wayba locked out at LNG, and Summer of course of last year was LNG doing the same thing as Wayba.
[03:37:24] They are the thing about this is one of the things that the break between games me LPL is so like
[03:37:33] Because there's no like an
[03:37:39] Right
[03:37:41] Get me into the game
[03:37:42] I'm having chasu ramen
[03:37:44] Nice
[03:37:46] I crashed in my game because of you
[03:37:49] I hope that over the next couple of games we can see more of that again
[03:37:52] Your mods, can we unbend what the fuck?
[03:38:05] Were people spamming it or what?
[03:38:08] Gala Penta.
[03:38:11] Yeah, what's the most common letter in the English alphabet? What is the most common letter?
[03:38:18] Is it A?
[03:38:19] It is a right? It's e?
[03:38:21] E? Is it e? Really? I thought it would be a
[03:38:25] Has to be a
[03:38:27] Think of the word tough
[03:38:37] Ooh, they banned Ivern on Blue side
[03:38:39] Oh my god, we're gonna first pick Malka with an album ban
[03:38:45] Ooh, what do you ban here? She has Renekton Lucian or...
[03:39:19] You don't really fuck me up when I was a trial track and I'll never forget this moment.
[03:39:29] It's when I, they took the Maokai nice.
[03:39:32] When I was in school I'll never forget the class where my teacher was teaching us about
[03:39:35] syllables and how words have syllables, like, maokai, two syllables, re, nek, tom, two
[03:39:40] syllables and then they were like, now, kids, think of your name and write down
[03:39:45] how many syllables your name has and I went mar
[03:39:48] cut mar cut so I put two and then these are like nope
[03:39:53] your name is one syllable it's just mark now it's like no it's not
[03:39:56] it's two mark cut mark mark mark mark cut so I thought it was two
[03:40:04] and I was convinced and she said no it's one and I'll never forget that moment
[03:40:07] I'll never forget I'm still convinced too
[03:40:10] get off it because Sunday I loved it as the quote got countered so it acted
[03:40:13] Look, we're just seeing Kett as the blind pick now. Look, it's not gonna be a mistake.
[03:40:17] I suppose. Um, you do get to play Cassante into Maokai though.
[03:40:21] Or is it Brand? Or is... you take away...
[03:40:24] No, you don't take away his own luxury.
[03:40:26] Is it time for Scoot-Scoot's Yoni? Or is it Scoot-Scoot's Azir?
[03:40:29] You allow your team to kind of hunker behind you while you get to WI.
[03:40:32] The four was aggressive, if you really want to turn things around.
[03:40:34] Simply just press that W and go backwards and deny Maokai that easy.
[03:40:38] Well, we just said Renekton had two setables. No, it has three setables, Renekton.
[03:40:42] There's the brand into myokai now. What are we talking here scoot?
[03:40:52] Hey, hey, can't hover that fine find you said to mine. I said three
[03:40:58] Cassiopeia. Oh my god, the mouth of hover nice shout out
[03:41:02] his bandit is not acceptable in playoffs, Scout goes old school, he goes classic, he brings out his Azeer.
[03:41:10] This time last year, LNG using Scout on Azeer was very very special to watch, the way that he was, as soon as you would get Nash's tooth and just go into a side lane,
[03:41:19] much like how LNG do nowadays with stuff like they already carries, to destroy turrets, get a gold lead and carry the game was really really special.
[03:41:26] I do think that Scout, compared to that year where he got so many MVP's, has not necessarily been carrying to the same degree, but it is still very, very potent here.
[03:41:35] Kalista ban, Ash ban, nice. Yeah, I think again... Oh, Zeke is down.
[03:41:42] You know what I think fucks really hard in this comp, actually?
[03:41:46] Seraphine Leona. I actually think it goes mega in that comp against Renekton Malkai.
[03:41:52] Actually Seraphine Leona goes crazy in that comp.
[03:41:57] This is what Gen.G does. This is the problem we play against Gen.G. What Gen.G will do
[03:42:02] is they'll play, for example, they'll play Renekton or Kassante's team. They do Kassante,
[03:42:10] Middle Lee, Lucian, let's say, right? And now you're like, hmm, an AP bot would be
[03:42:15] great. Well, Madasaka pays, will play Ziggs, Kaisa, Zerry, or Seraphine. Or they'll
[03:42:24] They'll play Senna Ornn, so they'll find extra AP damage somewhere, or mixed damage, it's
[03:42:29] crazy.
[03:42:30] Like here for example, Senna Lane could work, Kaisa could work, AP champ, or Seraphine.
[03:42:38] But I doubt Lightman plays Seraphine.
[03:42:42] Yeah, I mean, you make big, big, big, big much that, buddy.
[03:42:48] But I think, no, Varus is not bad as shit either.
[03:42:51] Varus is gaining popularity.
[03:42:53] We've seen some things, like,
[03:42:54] some of the things back over.
[03:42:55] Varus.
[03:42:56] I was expecting something like a Kaiser,
[03:42:58] but the Varus, they're very, very good now,
[03:42:59] if you look at something like...
[03:43:01] Yo, look at the LEC announcement post.
[03:43:02] No, I saw it.
[03:43:03] I saw it.
[03:43:04] You can't play Taric.
[03:43:06] Oh my God, blinding support here.
[03:43:08] It sucks.
[03:43:09] You have to play fucking...
[03:43:11] The rail is OK.
[03:43:11] Maybe Rakan is better.
[03:43:13] I don't know
[03:43:16] And I feel like Ezreal Brown just fucks here doesn't it?
[03:43:23] Oh Ezreal Brown is so fucking good. Don't do Alistar. Come on hung please lock in
[03:43:29] Lock in Ezreal. Come on man
[03:43:32] Come on man
[03:43:34] They have Lucian Varus Leona
[03:43:36] Let's Hong play Brown, we need to look into that.
[03:43:42] Kevin run adds quick, you can stop to avoid them with Prime or Tier 1, I appreciate it on
[03:43:46] who stops.
[03:43:47] You have no engage with Brown.
[03:43:49] You have Maokai or Brown, you can finish effective, mega easy content.
[03:43:56] Let's Hong play Brown.
[03:44:02] In Hong's career, how many Brown games are you talking?
[03:44:06] Okay, nineteen forty-seven cents. I haven't played much this year though.
[03:44:10] He's played two brown games this year.
[03:44:15] How many brown games does um...
[03:44:18] Crispy Cream have?
[03:44:32] I feel like a number one.
[03:44:34] I feel like I'm here. I feel like I'm him
[03:44:40] That's your the virus brand is going to end this game so look at I can't believe hot take
[03:44:47] Aurora being bugged
[03:44:50] Aurora being bugged and like not
[03:44:54] What's the word
[03:44:57] Not fucking chrono breakable actually made it so KDF missed else K playoffs back
[03:45:04] for Shahu scout with only three lbl and one msi but he brings out his old fateful in the azir
[03:45:11] on match point in his home arena scout looks to respond to Shahu and looks to keep lng alive
[03:45:19] in this bracket weibo against the ropes they've got to try and fight back
[03:45:30] Jio, Jio what up co we trapped you like more
[03:45:37] I like way boss draft a bit more
[03:45:42] So getting us back on to the map in the early games
[03:45:45] We have seen a lot of value put onto these early walls. We fancy enemy jungle way
[03:45:49] But I haven't got one down just yet. It's blue side. It's gonna win every game in series. No way
[03:45:54] Where have I seen that before?
[03:45:56] Not able to get that much done here though. It's gonna be basically unscouted starts from both teams
[03:46:01] So very...
[03:46:11] Does Waybo have three pushing lanes early?
[03:46:13] No.
[03:46:15] Now there's no way.
[03:46:17] There's no way to get side push right.
[03:46:29] Chat, do you ever just get like a pepper or an onion to fight it?
[03:46:32] Fight it
[03:46:35] Like garlic could be false information for his team honestly because does that start on his wolves?
[03:46:42] So they don't know that it what they know he's not not starting on blue buff
[03:46:45] But they don't know which side he's starting on this is this kind of information is so important first
[03:46:48] But look think back to the skirmishes we've had previously how much value we put on Tarzan away
[03:46:53] Wait the two junglers which were traded teams coming to this year. It's not just the narrative
[03:46:57] They're really important to that tea you carry me. I'd be shout buddy. Come on
[03:47:02] So mean of him but that early jungle start is really really important for both these teams is show who makes his presence known on the
[03:47:09] Lucian mid which he is so so powerful one of the first place ever to play
[03:47:13] With a mother
[03:47:16] He took it to the top lane after that W level 2 for extra poke Jesus
[03:47:25] We just level 2 to shield himself from the damage. Oh my god, it's a horror in mid
[03:47:32] Scouts gone for the old scaling classic
[03:47:35] Oh, God, it's not...
[03:47:36] Think about scaling, Pixies, you gotta get later on in the game
[03:47:39] You gotta get more abilities
[03:47:40] Or you can really fight back
[03:47:42] And there are ways you can lane against that Lucian
[03:47:46] Azir is not a bad match-up into the Lucian
[03:47:47] If you can end up guessing where he's going to dash
[03:47:50] Because if you put your soldiers wrong and then Lucian dashes out of your soldier range
[03:47:53] You absolutely lose a trade
[03:47:55] If you get him to dash into the soldier and you get an extra 2 for your auto
[03:47:57] So how did this say 400 games?
[03:47:59] Then you actually start getting some lane playlists
[03:48:00] I think it's a real testament to Shadow here and his mastery of this pick over so many years that he's managed to get so many good laning phases over this summer.
[03:48:06] It has been kind of a pick which stayed with him.
[03:48:08] Way way 400 games, Jesus.
[03:48:10] Really falling off across this year.
[03:48:12] What team was Wei Wei on before? He was on BLG, wasn't he?
[03:48:14] He was DUSSY, by the way.
[03:48:15] Or a fun pick?
[03:48:15] I never seen him on form again, but I think Wei Wei was really awesome.
[03:48:18] Gained some of that confidence back.
[03:48:19] You're on BLG, right?
[03:48:20] I think Wei Wei was later in the summer.
[03:48:22] Do you feel like these two players have a huge other?
[03:48:25] Because Scout felt like at the start of this year he was having a really tough time.
[03:48:28] I didn't feel like he was on form, it felt like both of them slumped
[03:48:32] Oh dear
[03:48:33] In a similar time, for shout who called
[03:48:35] And he just killed him over the wall?
[03:48:37] Into Hung's land
[03:48:38] What?!
[03:48:38] Scouts gonna be set up here
[03:48:40] But potentially, first blood flash over the wall
[03:48:43] Scout looking to chase the stun
[03:48:45] You can do that!
[03:48:46] The laning phase looked good
[03:48:48] You can do that on Maokai, you can knock them over that wall?
[03:48:51] That one?
[03:48:52] Yeah, don't worry, all the first two levels in the game
[03:48:53] Doesn't always last way, but they weren't there to support this trick
[03:48:57] They're going on to the river now response. Oh my god, I missed you
[03:49:05] Didn't look like you eat me I'm blind blood goes on see these every said yeah
[03:49:09] It takes a little while sometimes for it to really get a leg over that loose matchup
[03:49:13] If you ever does in a game, but right that this is one of the things about the mid-jungle kind of pairing
[03:49:18] You've got to be on the same page if you're gonna be shoving in like a ludicic early
[03:49:21] You need to have some of that
[03:49:23] I was trying to keep up.
[03:49:33] LPL can't do retakes in early game because they just keep fighting.
[03:49:49] How was ShaoHu even there?
[03:49:51] Where is my man going?
[03:49:57] He like E'd but got Q'd at the same time, so I guess he had the E pushed him over.
[03:50:06] I thought that the Malkak he would push Lucian to the wall and stop his E over the wall.
[03:50:21] It's not enough against Xiaohu!
[03:50:23] Fights the solo two people!
[03:50:24] He tried to pull the wave to make it fresh.
[03:50:27] All right, so if Xiaohu's not gonna have
[03:50:29] teammates in his lane, he'll just do it all by himself.
[03:50:32] Gets one back at least.
[03:50:33] Good damage coming through for him.
[03:50:35] And also...
[03:50:35] Yo, Tarzan, can you come in and help me out here, bro?
[03:50:37] Tarzan's got onto this top scuttle as well.
[03:50:39] Weiwei has to respond.
[03:50:40] Xiaohu POV.
[03:50:40] Again, I guess Xiaohu, with drawing so much pressure
[03:50:43] to mid lane, gives a slight advantage bot lane,
[03:50:45] gives a slight advantage in mid lane as well.
[03:50:47] That is something he has gained for his team,
[03:50:49] as well as that kill he just got back.
[03:50:51] The worrying thing, I think, for Shaohu, this kill is great.
[03:50:56] He made the best out of a terrible situation.
[03:51:01] The problem is, he has no vision, no vision, supports missing, tops missing, and he's walking up.
[03:51:07] This was just bad by him.
[03:51:08] Pop and support are missing, and there's no wards.
[03:51:12] So the wave throw switch is really annoying.
[03:51:15] The worst part is, Scout's about to hit 6 with Flash, and Lucian has no Flash.
[03:51:18] This is where the problem is, so he might go 1-3 and attack.
[03:51:21] If S will come to lane now, they push out and Rell gets one time move
[03:51:25] Or Maokai gets one time move from bot
[03:51:28] Lucian said again
[03:51:29] And then Shahu pulls that out, he's under so much threat
[03:51:32] He responds to this threat
[03:51:34] Hopefully you can start playing safe
[03:51:35] And it's beautiful to witness
[03:51:38] First step to think you could probably criticize Shahu for that second one though gets a lot of value out of it
[03:51:43] And as we said, you know Lucian is very much someone who does kind of want to be ahead of the game
[03:51:47] He's not right now that is a problem, but he has gained something for his team elsewhere with the way that
[03:51:51] Bot lane managed to get that brief amount of pressure there and of course the topside into the grubs as well
[03:51:56] They don't now have those three grubs which will very much help the mid game side lanes
[03:52:00] Which have been the story of this series for most of the games that we've seen so far
[03:52:04] I want to see if whoever can capitalize on that later with the second sport
[03:52:10] Chow and scoundrel
[03:52:12] nine pandas. Who the fuck is nine pandas? Why is that such a cool name? Nine pandas.
[03:52:28] That name is so hard. What happens to the 10th panda? Carson is no flash doing drape in
[03:52:38] front of rel which sums up like what is happening like like what is lng doing
[03:52:51] really no sorry webo and how is it working
[03:52:58] it means that he can be a bit more impressive heading into mid game as well
[03:53:01] lng lose the dragon I think even Chris oh my god he has no TP either way well
[03:53:05] What is Wavre doing and how is it working?
[03:53:09] Oof, ow.
[03:53:10] Yeah, that's the problem there.
[03:53:12] North, cancel the zero space.
[03:53:14] And now Azir is staying to catch the wave.
[03:53:16] You died.
[03:53:17] Good death.
[03:53:18] I don't think one plague is going to be equal to the three.
[03:53:20] Hey, Lucian takes that.
[03:53:21] Gave over to Gala.
[03:53:22] Lucian, it's worth it.
[03:53:23] I'm very happy with that.
[03:53:24] AD, we don't talk about that.
[03:53:25] Lucian is going to be 2-0-0 for both of our AD carries down on the bottom side of the map.
[03:53:31] Shao Hu's wave is in a terrible spot, sure, but both sides are missing, walks up and manages to pull off a 1 for 1.
[03:53:38] Tarzan does dragon in river, with no stuns, gets the dragon, dies, turns into a good fight, like, how is this setup for Wable even remotely good?
[03:53:50] on how he gets away with this with the slide after that point damage coming through from Chris
[03:53:54] for sure he wants to scout means that Lucio Zia doesn't add into this the light getting two kills
[03:53:58] that's really really nice for him we talked about how the Varus brand later into the game is going
[03:54:02] to be disgusting keep rising that combo if they can manage to get that anti-tank damage on to the
[03:54:07] single person in front of the fight it's not going to be pretty folks so lg2 needs to still
[03:54:11] be aware of that and it gets worse with the gold i'm just giving i've got to say at the
[03:54:16] On hit Varus is slowly coming back or what?
[03:54:24] With the Bladers?
[03:54:36] Yes, PTA though.
[03:54:46] You know what? Moving lethal tempo was a very good idea.
[03:54:58] So, remember at this point, if light hits an alt within Tarzan's damage range, someone's getting burned alive.
[03:55:05] That is not going to be very pretty.
[03:55:07] Grubbs, up in 20 seconds.
[03:55:08] Lavo would like to have a hamster.
[03:55:10] Shut up, stop saying no.
[03:55:11] It's difficult given how the circus has been pushing in that topside.
[03:55:14] He hasn't got himself necessarily...
[03:55:15] I don't know when the last time he got a recall in.
[03:55:17] Probably not that recently, he's gonna do that now.
[03:55:19] Wave it and get towards multiple grubs, and if you get a few...
[03:55:21] Let's design a rune that makes hypercarry ADs like Jinx viable.
[03:55:25] Okay, here we go.
[03:55:27] Wow.
[03:55:28] If you can get towards that topside and...
[03:55:29] Yone and Jax mains are using it in solo lanes, and are opious fuck.
[03:55:33] Um...
[03:55:34] That max right here, the eclipse, it is quite risky.
[03:55:36] We might just give that up.
[03:55:37] One move's mid lane.
[03:55:41] I don't know if there's something to Yone or not, but um, he was, he was something happened
[03:55:55] to Yone, all Yone names were complaining.
[03:55:56] I don't know if it was just to leave the temporary move.
[03:55:58] Then he uses fleet and now Yone is like even stronger or more, more popular I would
[03:56:04] I was actually wondering if he should just literally just stay there and take a while to die.
[03:56:35] He's gonna take a while to die anyway.
[03:56:37] Um, alright, gala's gonna head on over.
[03:56:39] Wait, but what do they do with this side?
[03:56:40] They're gonna get grubs for it.
[03:56:42] Six grubs for the unit, it's pretty good.
[03:56:43] From time to time, there's really valuable as a jungler.
[03:56:44] Crisp is taking such an obnoxiously long route to go down.
[03:56:48] It means that...
[03:56:48] Does that have W up soon?
[03:56:49] Yes, go to what's next.
[03:56:50] Tarzan, why'd you actually...
[03:56:51] You know, Tarzan's ganking top.
[03:56:52] This could lead to something up there.
[03:56:53] That was absolutely absurd.
[03:56:55] Crisp and my...
[03:56:56] So long.
[03:56:57] I know...
[03:56:58] Why isn't Tarzan doing grubs?
[03:56:59] If it 2v1, Zyrgos, why does it burn there?
[03:57:02] And like, I guess already...
[03:57:03] He's gonna go to Grubbs now, but can't Malkai cross?
[03:57:06] They don't have a zoo to play, I guess.
[03:57:16] Interesting though, isn't it?
[03:57:33] Jace down, it's a good magna stall from Hotman, no follow-up so far, Gala has to be the one to carry the zinker, jumps into the mix and gets one for himself, Gala falls the way, wave over with another fight.
[03:57:46] It's funny how like Ezreal and Malka are showing you're chasing Luna, and Tarzan decides instead of doing the objective that they're probably going to collapse for afterwards, he goes to force top lane flash so they can get top bush, and then he goes to it.
[03:57:58] is really, really good at his stances.
[03:58:00] The other question in the early lane, he was punished for that but you're not going to doubt his ability to power put damage if you give him the room to do so.
[03:58:06] LNG, I think it's a big worry for them now that they shouldn't use that one item.
[03:58:10] Renekton on that top side of the map early enough.
[03:58:12] It's like a great rise game coming before this point but he's not been able to get a lead at all now at this point.
[03:58:16] It's actually behind the goal to breathe.
[03:58:18] That's quite worrying. Renekton does really need a lead to start carrying that into mid game.
[03:58:22] It was so close to enough as well in that fight and felt like if people had just been slightly more clustered
[03:58:29] Maybe that's a huge connected fight, but it was sort of at times it is to both
[03:58:33] Q gets barely any sustain off does find the one kill for himself, but
[03:58:38] If one's really enough in that kind of situation
[03:58:41] It does mean the wave hope
[03:58:44] Felt themselves just a tiny lead a thousand gold, but it's the five grubs
[03:58:48] I'm more worried about that side of LNG. It's five drops of elution. We know how good a sidelining Xiao who is
[03:58:55] That is a dangerous
[03:58:58] Who just flashed so LNG I swear I just heard someone flash
[03:59:01] Did you hear that make things a little bit more firm before my legs crazy
[03:59:05] I'm just pushing in across the board and forcing them to respond to stuff dragons now up
[03:59:09] They can maybe use that to pull way up away from these towers with a boy, but want to give it up
[03:59:12] I can get on towers they have that option to
[03:59:15] Was it real that power?
[03:59:18] They're coming onto Scout there.
[03:59:20] Good little chunk of damage there.
[03:59:22] Scout, you will even lose a couple of minions
[03:59:24] for the attention of the game.
[03:59:25] Did Rael flash running out of base?
[03:59:27] It was that flash?
[03:59:28] Oh, okay. I wasn't looking at it.
[03:59:29] I just heard a flash, but then, huh?
[03:59:31] I thought she was running out of base.
[03:59:32] I didn't get to show you that no flash,
[03:59:33] but Scout did.
[03:59:34] Scout's wondering if whether he can
[03:59:35] shunt him back into teammates,
[03:59:36] couldn't quite get that.
[03:59:37] Reid pulls Duel out.
[03:59:38] As if he's already losing trades
[03:59:40] against Cassante pretty early on into this one.
[03:59:42] Level 11 for Reid.
[03:59:44] That's a Q3.
[03:59:45] That's a second.
[03:59:46] Oh
[03:59:50] Ranks needs black fever to win just too much armor
[03:59:53] Waves much armor sensei breathes in deep and zucker falls down can't match him that all out takes him out and suddenly zucker
[04:00:01] You know, this is the other game redacted. It's like a spike that well G
[04:00:05] We're meant to be playing around the top side
[04:00:06] It is not going to be easy to play from even and now essentially even just behind the top lane
[04:00:11] Oh, that's a big problem. I don't know why he has a clip
[04:00:14] I think it's a good idea to use the 5 grubs to get this tower in the bot lane.
[04:00:16] Against Cassante.
[04:00:17] Seems kinda useless, or?
[04:00:18] He stabilizes the map for LNG.
[04:00:20] He's got his absolute opposite of what they wanted.
[04:00:22] They can't even stick around to get themselves the Herald on topside.
[04:00:25] Wave will open up a huge lead, and this is typically been something they can accelerate against LNG.
[04:00:30] LNG needs to be afraid of these advantages being opened up.
[04:00:33] And one of the important advantages we've not talked about that much is
[04:00:36] Tarzan consistently evading on this bottom side.
[04:00:39] It's like a 40 CS gap in the jungle.
[04:00:41] jungle. Four Tarzan, he grabs that blue buff again. Wait, wait, a level down. Yeah, looks
[04:00:46] like a hard game for an NG now. Renekton is really behind. I know 200 golds on a lot
[04:00:52] but the game stayed. We saw this in a couple of the matches in the last round. With Lucian
[04:00:56] Baris being this strong, Renekton is just going to walk into a fight and get shredded.
[04:01:00] Absolutely shredded. If you are playing the Useless Alec Marki into the carry,
[04:01:06] you can just get blown out in terms of that farm advantage. We're at a lot of
[04:01:10] This year we have learned that a farm advanced to draw a carry jungler can be a win condition in itself
[04:01:14] No, Tarzan against his old team way way the same thing these junglers this much against each other
[04:01:19] It does feel nice to keep turning back to this jungle that should because it has that extra emotive ump to it
[04:01:24] Tarzan is looking mighty pretty on this
[04:01:27] Brand now with a huge amount of ability to take over this game. That's that top lane won't be one
[04:01:31] This is a powerful red exit the breeze just hits everything
[04:01:35] He doesn't want to run away. He keeps fighting. I mean Cassante just did a lot of damage to him, right?
[04:01:46] He walked back up, maybe thought he could kill him. But Cassante did like 40% of his HP in like 2 seconds.
[04:01:57] Q3 auto Q auto and he was basically dead. No, that's crazy
[04:02:11] Louder
[04:02:13] It's maxed out
[04:02:27] about was a 1,000 gold lead not too long ago for Waybo has extended to three. And Shahu has
[04:02:33] just had so much time in his silo to keep slamming these minion waves in. Harold in the topside,
[04:02:39] that will be a tower. It's gonna get worse, Joe, because you've got five grugs and a
[04:02:44] Herald. They are accelerating buffs. They're wind-hearted buffs. You get the grugs,
[04:02:48] and you hit towers, it really starts making a difference. It's not as easy to play around as
[04:02:51] the Herald. LG, look at that push, maybe. Scout, they'll start to fly. Renekton got a ward
[04:02:55] right behind them
[04:03:08] Really good by energy
[04:03:11] They set up really well
[04:03:13] They get so many options
[04:03:17] Very nice greedy by wabble
[04:03:25] Also with Scout being left alone this topside maybe he gets access to a tower beyond this point as well
[04:03:31] Very nice punish for LNG. This was about a little bit of a loss
[04:03:35] That helps a lot for the next dragon fight because there's no flash
[04:03:37] I stopped falling even harder
[04:03:39] I think that LNG might have been very very hard to find a similar
[04:03:42] I think the way that LNG has to win the next fight
[04:03:44] Because they have to take the next fight is Azeer has to clutch it
[04:03:47] They're denying this snowball
[04:03:49] Finding themselves their own opportunity hunts
[04:03:52] What a great day to have on the round
[04:03:54] Tarzan and Light, they're on the position to try and get that set damage 3, but they can't stand and fight for the longest time that they need to right now.
[04:04:02] They get the one kill back for Zuckufolst, to turn tail and go to different direction.
[04:04:06] The question is, can they do it on 3?
[04:04:09] We're just saying that, hey, it's quite hard to play the red accident at this point in the game, but you're even in gold, at least you get something out of the kind of the tail.
[04:04:14] Ezreal has Muramana in base, maybe?
[04:04:16] Tanks in the LNG coaching room there. You can see that even with them.
[04:04:20] They just want it to be over, don't they?
[04:04:22] I think they are going to have to take the fight, they tried to sneak a ward here for his ear, is Tarzan going to sweep it, oh no, they lost a ward for his ear.
[04:04:36] Now I feel a lot harder to fight since Bren swept up the gift, wow there's going to give them soul points.
[04:04:52] course, a second angle for a waiver to respect, whether that is scout on a flank
[04:04:56] looking for a sweep or Zooka coming in for a flank teleport, then the carries of
[04:04:59] waiver with these items will shred the frontline. What not tanky enough is the
[04:05:03] Leona and the Marukai to walk into Brand, into Lucian, and into the Varus,
[04:05:07] especially if those ultimates get high value. So LNG, the next time they square
[04:05:10] up for a fight, check how many angles they're using. If you get onto the
[04:05:13] carries first, that's great. It's a little bit different that way if it's
[04:05:16] more skirmish than a full team fight, but as soon as you get like the
[04:05:19] Majority of people across the map involved in a fight ask who is one of the Varys buffs on 1417
[04:05:24] What are you buffing? It's Q damage right? They're changing it from total AD to bonus AD right?
[04:05:32] But they're upping the base damage
[04:05:34] Everyone at home aside from LMG fumes wants them to take us to self-scramps as well
[04:05:38] I feel in the previous round we were robbed a little bit
[04:05:42] We had to do the math yet, they did a buff
[04:05:44] In our top four so far
[04:05:46] Do the math!
[04:06:05] It's a nerf for Tank Varus. Good. Tank Varus should never exist.
[04:06:10] going back onto a tank in that top side it does feel like a recipe for success
[04:06:14] for me
[04:06:16] coming
[04:06:19] art
[04:06:20] no calling available for show
[04:06:22] I was wondering if that fight would last long enough for that to be a big
[04:06:25] the only way LNG can win this isn't as your play as here has to make a mega play
[04:06:29] I think Hong needs to sneak awards somewhere he's trying to sneak in
[04:06:33] awards I think
[04:06:34] it's Baron gone
[04:06:37] Now you just lost that push and you've lost a lot of vision here. Baron's gonna get burned out.
[04:06:40] We just flunked him, so we still got the push today.
[04:06:43] It worked for him earlier on at the series.
[04:06:44] NG are fine with this. If they lose the game on this, they don't care.
[04:06:47] Oh, here we go!
[04:06:49] This is a good chance for NG to come back.
[04:06:52] As you need to TP in soon though, maybe you can hold this TP.
[04:06:55] Nah, yes, TP in.
[04:06:59] They're gonna TP.
[04:07:01] They have to take this fight to LNG.
[04:07:03] It's good, they're so low.
[04:07:07] They're gonna try and pressure mid tier one.
[04:07:08] And they trade it to Sante Flash for a 0-TP.
[04:07:10] Haha, that's not really how you want to be cooking that play, Waybo. They don't choose an option between...
[04:07:14] They're gonna re-forcing?
[04:07:15] ...the Baron and you're looking for the fight. They didn't want to go for the flip. I understand that, but if you're gonna do that...
[04:07:19] ...uh, if you're not gonna go for the flip, you gotta find a fight afterwards. They wait too long, they tank the Baron and LNG...
[04:07:24] ...get themselves another...
[04:07:26] It's actually fine that it's ERTPs, right? Running things in a serious way, base and go bot...
[04:07:29] ...and just catch here.
[04:07:31] allows LNG to push in a way that maybe they shouldn't have been able to get some extra gold onto someone, but it shouldn't have been that.
[04:07:36] It's really fine that it's ERTP.
[04:07:38] What happens there is that Waybo just conceived control of that river, right?
[04:07:41] They had complete control of Baron.
[04:07:43] They had so much control they felt they needed to start.
[04:07:45] It's a bit jobless now though.
[04:07:46] You can catch top waves right here.
[04:07:48] As you say, pushing those waves and getting pressure out and importantly, laying down
[04:07:52] some vision, clearing some of the Waybo vision, but I don't think we're going
[04:07:56] to be seeing another attempt on this Baron in time soon because Infernal Soul
[04:08:01] is coming up in two minutes time.
[04:08:04] I wish I had the same faith as you man like look look logically yes, but it's still way
[04:08:09] cool like less we forget it has a lesser the future of their gameplay but this team is still
[04:08:14] just as weird as they were before folks occasionally they do just throw around and play to see if
[04:08:19] it works they do that every so often it scares me Joe yeah it scares me too I'm surprised
[04:08:25] the wind percentage is way more favored obviously 66% for them they're only 3000
[04:08:29] going up that's not even that clearly the stats the aggregate so like you stats
[04:08:36] favor this composition Instagram real clear so
[04:08:39] it's a bit of a terror later on to the game there's no two ways about it close
[04:08:43] to a second item there for Tarzan as well I was wondering what the way we're
[04:08:48] Mike I know it would have been a bad move but I was wondering whether they
[04:08:51] would stop by on a get kind of watch because we were saying what are the
[04:08:55] ways that LNG win team fights with the minutes of dragon keep an eye on
[04:08:58] Getting a second angle onto the carries forcing virus not to fire in one direction then retreating another deal with the renekton on a flank
[04:09:05] Scout is here on a flank as well. You get rid of that
[04:09:07] You know how nowadays contents getting more and more short-form and people's attention spans getting less and less
[04:09:13] What about in ten years time what we watch places?
[04:09:16] We watch like a one-second video
[04:09:19] Laughter every scroll is like a two-second video. What happens if our attention time keeps getting shorter?
[04:09:24] Scary moment for anyone who finds themselves in one B1 against that Lucian
[04:09:28] Scout close to those three items himself can't quite finish off his Void staff there
[04:09:35] Chris get a face check gala can't quite find the damage to punish and that will be vision cleared
[04:09:40] Drake up in five seconds maybe we're gonna be a full circle back to nine dag
[04:09:44] So it's just gonna be images
[04:09:46] In a composition that is all about that damage
[04:09:49] It's not something elegy could afford to lose and they know if they start on to previous Chris
[04:09:53] This is good to find the old fast-smash thing by gala
[04:09:55] Anything can be cooked here.
[04:09:59] Riot. What? What? What?
[04:10:02] What?
[04:10:04] What is that thing?
[04:10:05] No, what is that from?
[04:10:06] Kassamte? What?
[04:10:15] Scout. He needs to find a road.
[04:10:18] Oh, Varus just won the fight.
[04:10:21] Oh, he dashed shots out of time.
[04:10:25] Oh, Zika!
[04:10:26] That was clean by Tarzan that was clean the kills going away was coming up
[04:10:42] He was about a frighten Tarzan QE flash Q flash either face
[04:10:47] Finish that one off LNG. I think they just about got what they came for they don't lose enough to lose the baron
[04:10:54] But they do watch they say that's help what's coming in call me alive
[04:10:58] He's
[04:11:01] Just about lives LNG they now need to respond to the baron
[04:11:10] They have double TP in 10
[04:11:15] They gotta get out
[04:11:18] They got a chase in here at NGs
[04:11:20] Roots come on through three takes a little jump from garland garland want to get too close to sacrifice three
[04:11:26] For no sacrifice defend the president
[04:11:29] Pretty much just got a lot of scott free scoot scoot maybe can find brend
[04:11:33] single pick here Taza now
[04:11:35] Aggressed upon oh my god. They're all out way
[04:11:38] They get away with it without a single casualty
[04:11:42] They do they get away with absolute murder murder of Alan jeer and the dragon and then the baron itself as well
[04:11:47] Now, keep your eyes on Sheldon, so Light's gonna ult Scouts here at the bottom.
[04:12:16] But he sub-watches
[04:12:18] Stop watching scouts good and he's just gonna dash out of the way of the barisque. Oh
[04:12:23] Now
[04:12:27] And then Tarzan is the one who cooked them
[04:12:37] Lake and brown damage we have seen that all year and it still captures me off guard as well
[04:12:41] So way, but with the bar above is
[04:12:43] before the flash across the map and put this to a five-game series might take a
[04:12:46] little bit more than that bar but it might put them in enough into the lead
[04:12:49] I think if Brandon do that two flash Azir could turn that fight a bit
[04:12:53] on this Kassan take going back to what's worked for them and it looks like it might just work today as well 11 11 of the score for the
[04:13:01] Waybo very much in control and now with the Baron for another minute they
[04:13:06] look to break down the final tier two of LNG's base and LNG we talked about
[04:13:12] They're scaling with a good three items on this air on Israel
[04:13:16] What is ticking down it's sort of now or never
[04:13:20] Big fuck on the clock and sheet. They do have some play potential
[04:13:25] We've never really seen scout be able to get into the back line either or do the damage
[04:13:28] He's actually taking so so to the cannon minions to see he's to be quite careful
[04:13:32] This is there is not really been the story of this game despite getting that kill very very early on into the game
[04:13:37] Really has been shower who on this little say energy are being being very competitive in fights
[04:13:41] And getting pretty good setup considering they've taken zero towers
[04:13:47] That's hard to play against zero towers means waves bounce faster
[04:13:58] Look as somebody started playing during the heyday of season 4 DFG RE I missed that item
[04:14:04] It wasn't fair, but that's okay
[04:14:05] I enjoyed myself and everyone else should have just accepted that as a
[04:14:11] Don't say a DFG Vagar.
[04:14:17] Ew.
[04:14:18] Ew.
[04:14:19] Right.
[04:14:20] That's the decision right now for balance is reverting Sion back to AP Sion.
[04:14:34] Right, best decision right now for balance is reverting Sion back to AP Sion.
[04:14:41] That's probably the best balance change I can make in the entire game.
[04:14:46] Reverse Sion and make him a mid laner, but I'll make the whole game fun.
[04:14:54] The way that he positions on the map is totally fearless. He has no qualms
[04:15:00] putting his life on the lines for the squad. So we call him Tenacious C. He's not
[04:15:05] the real thing, he's just a tribute. We'll see exactly how much he can do in
[04:15:08] this game with the engaged potential he's got. They have no vision.
[04:15:14] They have no towers, sorry. How are they finding this much space with no
[04:15:17] towers in the game? They are literally in bot. But it's crazy. The way
[04:15:24] They pushed in it's already bouncing
[04:15:30] They have no box to play on anything here
[04:15:38] Massive props to their
[04:15:49] I will base
[04:15:54] What? Oh, they're gonna do it.
[04:16:00] What's Renekton and Cassante doing? I don't know why I told Malca that the golden claw was crazy.
[04:16:10] Now that Malca... Oh, scout! Ooh, he didn't find the road.
[04:16:14] Oh, he cancelled the Cassante!
[04:16:17] Oh, well, he still got it.
[04:16:21] Oh, my good god.
[04:16:23] I
[04:16:25] Gala is absolutely frightened
[04:16:28] Untouched
[04:16:30] Flething like an absolute maniac
[04:16:32] But it doesn't matter
[04:16:35] I think you should be rewarded for stopwatching a castable ult
[04:16:38] Cause some builds are going cool on there
[04:16:40] How is that fair?
[04:16:42] He actually outplayed him
[04:16:45] How is he still, how is he not punished for using it to a stopwatch?
[04:16:50] Like his animation actually goes off
[04:16:53] And then he comes back and then he goes off again, it's like...
[04:16:57] I don't like the castables. I don't know.
[04:17:01] Maybe it's just Casante, I hate Casante.
[04:17:04] God damn, these fights are so good.
[04:17:06] Singland will be zoned Tarzan away basically with the Maokai ult.
[04:17:10] I feel like Scout just didn't need to do this, you know?
[04:17:14] I get Scout wants to dash in here.
[04:17:17] Didn't need to do that maybe.
[04:17:19] So watch this ult. Watch this.
[04:17:21] He actually stopwatched it. Why is he not getting rewarded for that? He just gets altered one second later
[04:17:39] I don't know I guess it depends on your fate. Do you think that if you punish or rewarded for that?
[04:17:43] I'm not punished when you think they should get something in there.
[04:17:47] Oh, the culling does damage.
[04:17:49] Stopwatch is pretty op already so I can see why you've argued it shouldn't go up with them.
[04:17:55] Wait wait, has no flash again, they can just save this.
[04:17:59] Yeah.
[04:18:00] Bro, the amount of Cassanfields I've seen this game, I'm done.
[04:18:11] Kat, you can stopwatch Mordecai's rules, right? If Mordecai's are all 2 and you stopwatch, you can cancel it, right?
[04:18:17] If you're perfect in timing.
[04:18:22] find the smite easy as you like does more to all scorn cool down or does it come back up straight
[04:18:26] on the way away and hung there's very little front line elegy can't depend on it okay then
[04:18:30] that's fair here one for game trade it's a controversial strategy we'll see if it plays
[04:18:36] out for it works out we're the two members down have to try and hold on way but we're two
[04:18:42] inhibitors down push to try and end the game shout who getting onto the towers the five groups
[04:18:48] Oh, and his flash though and light doesn't so light has to play look at how far back light is
[04:19:04] That's not gonna be the game at this point way, but he's be careful on the retreat
[04:19:08] And luckily there's no one teleporting behind them. They want this big time
[04:19:12] Leona's too short reasons shower now
[04:19:14] I've been there, bro.
[04:19:17] Just a little bit, a little bit more.
[04:19:22] Yes, yay.
[04:19:24] I mean, they don't have railflash. Oh, Barrisol's missed though, bad timing.
[04:19:31] I think it's still over, but yeah, they hold on for a bit.
[04:19:44] If not the dragon fights, but they've been losing the Baron fights
[04:19:47] Bounds off the table now dragons coming up that might be a good omen for them
[04:19:51] Especially with gala getting himself for license on the table to way about they'll reset
[04:19:55] We'll take the fact that they have to inhibit this down and maybe even look for a teleport from shower
[04:19:59] Who wants that nexus of energy misposition enough on cow keep an eye out for that back as you need to rub it on
[04:20:04] Sting you're really strong
[04:20:06] Until then again trying tonight. I just doesn't have the damage so much harder than before with all the towers and inhibitors lost
[04:20:11] Also, this is just...
[04:20:14] I don't know.
[04:20:17] How does he die?
[04:20:18] Oh no, I want to actually look at that.
[04:20:21] Look at that!
[04:20:31] Got power?
[04:20:33] Got a mega into butter, he completely trod.
[04:20:41] Desperate they wanted to get towards the dragon, but they leave gala out of position
[04:20:45] Well color leaves himself out of position without the last dying breath of the baron
[04:20:50] But they go a vote might have just quarters
[04:20:52] We're going the distance today. That's the third in him down baron still just for five seconds for five seconds
[04:20:59] Might just be enough chain encryption on the right by the Zonniers keep to the line way way
[04:21:03] Try to get into the back side themselves
[04:21:05] Wait sounds good
[04:21:07] down is it enough scout has to go out to dash in here he has rubber bombs
[04:21:14] oh the kassan is still surviving he didn't get through though
[04:21:17] oh scout oh hey look he got himself another dash he flashed though
[04:21:20] no is it over oh yeah kassan there's a live it's over
[04:21:26] bro this kassan they actually carried the game by himself gala's in five though
[04:21:32] but gala won't do damage really
[04:21:36] gala's healing him
[04:21:36] They need to go to Drake quick
[04:21:48] There's too many means it's over by the way it's over there's too many minions
[04:21:56] Hey, yo, they can't get him can they he's tanking them
[04:22:00] Oh, he can just kill them the way we spawned
[04:22:02] He stood right in front of them to tank them and ranked and altered them
[04:22:08] quietly they must lose drake here though right they must lose drake all of these
[04:22:15] big team fights into the late game they lose soul for sure
[04:22:19] man soul coming over this is such a low HP nexus me breathe does have teleport
[04:22:25] he's not the best outtake when he's not in his all out form of course it does
[04:22:29] look like wave rock they will get themselves infernal soul look LNG they
[04:22:33] do survive but I mean they're missing like organs at this point they've got
[04:22:37] Smash teeth broken jaw now and cheap they're against it on final soul. I think I think that's gonna be it all the same
[04:22:45] Stopped to that beat. I didn't hear no bells
[04:22:50] I think they're gonna come up and end in the game now we both
[04:22:53] They're just waiting for light. It was really having tools left
[04:22:57] No flash on us here. No flash from well no flash on malchai. I think they can't touch the carries
[04:23:03] Infernal soul now
[04:23:07] Oh
[04:23:15] Yeah, I think I I think I saw what scalded it as well, I'll check the reason
[04:23:22] Nice damage on the front day. Oh my god
[04:23:29] Zika did a lot of work actually considering has no GA
[04:23:37] They have a tower
[04:23:40] Yeah, I think it's a
[04:23:43] Oh my god, Godless damage is crazy
[04:23:49] Let's stop
[04:23:52] Let's fucking do now. He can't cook that hard though
[04:23:59] Don't cook that hard
[04:24:02] Jesus
[04:24:04] has LNG versus Waybo gone, the distance in the chase for the Silver Dragon Cup in the
[04:24:10] lower bracket we go to Silver Springs. Let me see the replay, hold up. LNG, they see
[04:24:15] themselves that, the fed man next is over and over, but it is not quite enough, Waybo,
[04:24:21] they are not going quietly into the night. They certainly are not, they will fight
[04:24:25] against the die-off guys. They scout really do that? Hold up. So look at
[04:24:34] Scouts items he has so watch what Scout does he has Sonya's void staff Nashor's
[04:24:40] needlessly large rod right he runs back to base he dashes back he opens shop he
[04:24:50] sells Nashor's buys Reviton's and thinks I need to kill them with my ult so he
[04:24:59] comes out of base and tries to max damage right now which to be honest
[04:25:03] Reviton's probably does out damage I don't know actually though for his
[04:25:06] here. He probably thinks he won't get that much uptime. I mean I think the
[04:25:11] reason he's doing this is for more AP on his ult, right? I think the reason he does
[04:25:15] this is he probably thinks it's more damage and he has flash ult, right? So he's
[04:25:19] probably thinking if he can just dash in and flash ult someone he'll just do
[04:25:22] way more damage than if he had Nashors. So when he dies and he
[04:25:33] respawns he comes out of base with a blasting one in a recurve bow. Yeah, he
[04:25:38] couldn't really find an angle in these fights. This fight was horrible for him.
[04:25:41] He could have really cooked him all when he came out of base, but he didn't have E up
[04:25:46] So he's just running at Tarzan trying to kill him
[04:25:49] WQ auto gets fleets tries to ult Kasante, but of course Kasante W's it and now he's already fucked cuz Leon understands him
[04:25:55] So he's basically out the fight
[04:25:58] Hmm
[04:26:00] Yo, we got a VIP Redeemer
[04:26:02] Wow, that was a very close game actually. I thought it would be I thought that game was John was John so
[04:26:09] Did you see the new Kaiser W? I did see the new Kaiser W when I said coming to live chat
[04:26:13] probably that's not gonna be able for worlds right check the Tarzan reaction
[04:26:19] cam that's Baron where he said that's after the Drake fight right what did he
[04:26:30] do okay watch Tarzan reaction cam here so he's bottom middle
[04:26:50] Oh my god, he seems screaming.
[04:27:45] Jungbuck said he wanted to sign Zeus in 2020.
[04:27:48] His player said don't hire a random Korean challenger.
[04:27:54] That's a lie, I was on the roster in 2020.
[04:27:56] We had XPECT. You wanted to get rid of XPECT because he didn't want the Korean top laner.
[04:28:02] Davis was never in the discussion. You wanted to get rid of the two Korean players because we had communication problems.
[04:28:08] That's a lie. I was there. I was in Excel. I remember that.
[04:28:17] I remember wanting to keep XPECT and then losing XPECT when I said I wanted to keep XPECT because we needed an EU top.
[04:28:24] Also, 2020, that means Zeus would have been 16 years old.
[04:28:46] He wouldn't even be able to legally play in the LEC.
[04:28:50] What? Or he was 15 years old actually.
[04:29:00] So, what? Would he be able to? 15 years old?
[04:29:09] No, that's a lie. That's not true.
[04:29:12] In Excel 2020, when we were building roster, we had XPECT.
[04:29:18] And then we had Expect and Mickey and then we went into spring.
[04:29:28] We did pretty well in spring and then after spring they wanted to remove the Korean players and get European players a better communication.
[04:29:46] And if it was the end of 2019 for the 2019 offseason to 2020 spring,
[04:29:51] then the most of the talk was around bot lane.
[04:29:54] And yeah, when he says play yours,
[04:29:58] it's just me and XPECT would only want to remain.
[04:30:01] We didn't get to speak about roster.
[04:30:02] We just said that then we wanted to keep a certain, we wanted to keep...
[04:30:07] Oh, it was for 2021.
[04:30:09] Oh, wait, it was for 2021?
[04:30:12] Well, it's also for the 2020 season.
[04:30:14] If it's the 2021, 2020 end of the year off-season then yeah, I wasn't there
[04:30:18] So maybe, maybe 7-2-10
[04:30:23] Why do you give me fake info?
[04:30:27] Why do you one guy me? Why do you give me fake info?
[04:30:33] I thought he was telling me because he said 2020 XL. I was on 2020 XL
[04:30:38] but now I got a
[04:30:41] I got offered from the LEC broadcast team so I went into casting that year. I
[04:30:45] Didn't I didn't know anything about the LEC roster
[04:30:48] So he's probably telling the truth. Yeah
[04:30:56] Bum bum. Was XL a good organization?
[04:31:10] Um...
[04:31:13] When I was on it. Yeah, I think they were just very new.
[04:31:23] They were very new and a little bit like
[04:31:26] So many ideas they had were just like I said from day one. This is a stupid idea
[04:31:31] But they went ahead of it anyway and it only took until it was proven
[04:31:35] It was a stupid idea that it was a stupid idea, you know, ie
[04:31:37] Like I remember starting out on the splits and we had our gaming facility in London and
[04:31:43] The idea was that we would fly from London to Berlin on
[04:31:48] Thursday evening and
[04:31:51] Then compete on the Friday Saturday or whatever it was or filed on Friday evening and then fly home on Sunday night
[04:31:58] After our LEC game at like 10 p.m. So every weekend I would get home
[04:32:04] back in London at
[04:32:07] At like 2 a.m. On the same day we played a matchday on the last flight back to London
[04:32:13] Then sleep wake up have an off-day when I'm fucking tired on Monday and then scream until Thursday Friday from London again and fly back and
[04:32:21] I
[04:32:22] Was saying like this is the stupidest idea ever
[04:32:24] They were like I think it was because Astralis was doing it right and they're flying from Denmark to to Germany
[04:32:29] But Denmark to Germany is like a 30-minute flight from Copenhagen
[04:32:33] to Berlin and it's like the total travel time was like maybe two or three
[04:32:38] hours I guess for us every travel day was eight hours and I was losing it I was
[04:32:43] like guys I'm so tired please stop it
[04:32:48] Astralis also gave up doing it yeah it doesn't really make sense
[04:33:01] London to Berlin is not eight hours well travel times the airport one hour
[04:33:15] wait in the airport like two or three hours waiting in the airport get on the
[04:33:18] plane two three hours boarding and flying and then you traveled to the
[04:33:22] office is one hour driving it like it adds up bro trust me because you have
[04:33:27] to take suitcase and shit I'm telling you it took ages like a long time it was
[04:33:49] horrible bro I was so tired was the London facility nice yeah the London
[04:33:56] The facility was nice but I mean I just feel like modern day, listen a lot of people try
[04:34:04] to like make these training facilities for high performance esports players and I can
[04:34:10] see why they want to push the facilities that players have to make them perform better
[04:34:15] and like have better conditions but I'm telling you the more you overcomplicate the worse
[04:34:20] it gets. Just give them a good setup, a good room that's nicely aired with the window, a
[04:34:26] PC, a couple screens maybe, or one screen to practice on, and just get them like a just
[04:34:32] a standard practice environment. Don't put them in a gaming cafe, don't invest five
[04:34:37] million dollars in entire fucking building worth of facility practice, just a solid
[04:34:42] gaming room, good internet, good PCs, good airing because it can get quite stuffy,
[04:34:48] a chef in a fucking kitchen and maybe someone who looks after their mental health and stuff
[04:34:52] like that and then go from there. Don't fucking invest in incredibly... Maybe if you've got like,
[04:34:58] maybe if you're a mega orc with like 15 different esports teams and you want to get them all
[04:35:03] to practice in the same fucking place, sure. But esports doesn't work like that. All the
[04:35:08] leagues for esports are in different parts of the world, right? If you have different
[04:35:12] teams in different games, you probably have them in different parts of the world,
[04:35:14] They can't just,
[04:35:17] unless you get bootcamped there.
[04:35:24] Like we did this thing where,
[04:35:26] and I think some people still do this today,
[04:35:28] but basically what they did was they made it so,
[04:35:31] your only gaming PC is in the office.
[04:35:34] If you go home to the apartment,
[04:35:35] there's no gaming PC, it's not allowed.
[04:35:37] Because when you go home, you're supposed to sleep.
[04:35:42] But bro, I lost it.
[04:35:43] I was like, bro, can I just have a PC in my apartment
[04:35:45] so I can just play solo queue in the morning?
[04:35:47] Or like when I'm gonna, before I'm gonna go to bed,
[04:35:49] I don't want to have to walk to the office, play on the PC, stay up till 2am or whatever, and then walk back at night.
[04:35:55] I had that in one team, bro. I was like, oh my god.
[04:35:58] And I think some teams have that still.
[04:36:01] Some of the C teams have that formula, where your only PC is in the office, and you're not allowed a PC at home.
[04:36:06] Oh my god.
[04:36:08] I hated that.
[04:36:10] I hated that.
[04:36:11] series three elimination best of fives which have gone for distance and it has been a very even
[04:36:17] and i try to min max i was like uh but maybe some people it works right maybe some people it works
[04:36:23] but for me i just hated it not even more special about this too because of the way how far was
[04:36:29] the work it was like five ten minutes obviously five ten minute walks not a big deal but like
[04:36:34] i don't know it was like you have to stay in the office to grind so with you it's just
[04:36:39] Just give me my room, men.
[04:37:07] How did you feel about the T1 building?
[04:37:09] I mean, the T1 building is a lot different to what I mean by like a big facility for like...
[04:37:19] What's it called?
[04:37:21] For like a big training facility.
[04:37:23] But the T1 building, they do a lot of shit from there.
[04:37:26] They have a cafe, they have a merch store, they have a T1 Academy building right next to it where they live.
[04:37:32] They have like their gym there, they have like three teams there, I think, that play from Korea permanently.
[04:37:38] They have their offices there their CEO lifts is working there
[04:37:41] They're fucking marketing team works there their content team works there
[04:37:45] They have a cafeteria there the top floor
[04:37:47] They have like streaming rooms for the streamers who stream from there every day
[04:37:51] and I feel like that if it's that formula that formula probably works, but if it's just like
[04:37:57] Training rooms it just feels kind of empty. It's like a company. You know, it's like a company. Yeah
[04:38:03] I'm sure their players will be at that
[04:38:08] Do it, do it.
[04:38:21] Lawyer glazing Drill March so they don't get kicked like last year.
[04:38:26] So I don't get kicked.
[04:38:31] Shut up.
[04:38:32] Breathe walks away with an MVP. That's great suckers and MVP
[04:38:35] Oh my god, I'm there playing this one again
[04:38:38] Both junglers have had incredible performance turbo pace LCS tomorrow. There is no LCS tomorrow
[04:38:42] I said
[04:38:43] Is LCS on tomorrow?
[04:38:45] Everyone has had their time to shine
[04:38:46] This has been just quality through and through
[04:38:49] The fact that different players are standing up there
[04:38:51] Duh-duh
[04:38:52] Duh-duh-duh-duh
[04:38:54] Oh, yeah, it is on tomorrow
[04:38:56] NRG, wait, why is LCS on Saturday Sunday?
[04:38:59] Wait, Friday Saturday Sunday
[04:39:00] I thought it was only Chandra Sunday.
[04:39:02] They normally play on Fridays?
[04:39:04] What, they heal?
[04:39:26] Chat, Infinity vs Movistar R7, is that the finals of the day?
[04:39:30] that soul I gotta say I was a little bit afraid for a very a lot of it afraid
[04:39:35] for way we're going into what's that like and they failed to get that solo that
[04:39:39] that's all brought up multiple times on G-Mash drag the game out a heck of a lot
[04:39:42] it really did come down to these baron fights the couple of the heroics coming
[04:39:45] out of Breeze and Co to end this game finally for any credit to LNG they
[04:39:49] made a real fight for it winner goes to worlds well check one second
[04:39:55] fights as well. Bree just setting everything up, keeping people away, scout having to hold backwards
[04:40:01] just to keep the Cassante away from it, but not even the wall can protect him from Bree.
[04:40:06] He was just mashing people in these team fights. Fantastic stuff to see from him.
[04:40:13] Oh so we have we have everything here today. We have X team mates fighting against X team mates,
[04:40:19] players who made their legacy on the team's transplant green passes elsewhere,
[04:40:23] And we're straight into that draft.
[04:40:26] LNG on blue side, what is making it through the draft?
[04:40:29] We have seen a lot of different champions hit the band-base.
[04:40:31] Is Cork going to be a remaining band?
[04:40:33] Are you going to hope so after the wins they came through earlier in the series?
[04:40:36] Yeah, Delusion gone once again.
[04:40:38] Shadow really gets that once.
[04:40:40] I'm really so scout.
[04:40:42] Did not enjoy that early laning phase.
[04:40:45] I haven't gone as well.
[04:40:46] I wonder if there'll be a mount at that.
[04:40:48] I mean it leaves a little bit of potential picks then, but it has been.
[04:40:53] One of the more powerful picks throughout this series.
[04:40:56] It has been, but there's so many powerful picks that have remained on the band as the whole way through.
[04:41:03] Alright, Corki's still on band, but you leave it open as first pick.
[04:41:07] No one's counted it so far.
[04:41:08] I think that one should be very valuable. Corki, left, open, 100% win rate, huge win streak in LPL.
[04:41:14] No way did they give over Corki! No way did they give over Corki! No shotta.
[04:41:20] No shotta they give over Corki.
[04:41:26] why did they ban Yone? what is that? why? makes no sense no? it's just a self ban at this point
[04:41:45] if they're gonna first kill Korky. surely they take away Maokai right? surely. don't do
[04:41:51] Don't do Nidalee, Tarzan. Don't do it. Don't do it!
[04:42:00] Why don't they take the Maokai? Yeah, yeah.
[04:42:07] You see the list of Koshum is in the LAC? Yeah, they didn't invite me to Koshum in the LAC finals.
[04:42:11] They invited someone called Sally.
[04:42:18] I wonder why they're not doing Ken and Vi. They like their Ken and Vi don't they? No Ken and Vi.
[04:42:47] I'm surprised they ban... these bans by Weibo look so weird because what are you really forcing?
[04:42:53] You ban Yone, they first get Korky. You ban Ivern, you don't blind pick Maokai.
[04:42:59] What is like the goal here? It's so you can play Nidalee, I knew it.
[04:43:07] Well, let's get rid of Kennen Vi then, shall we? If we're gonna do this, maybe Vi, maybe just Vi.
[04:43:11] That looked like Vi's, looked like Tarzan's Cryptonite.
[04:43:18] I mean, if your player says they wanna play Nidalee Game 5, trust me, I can pull it off.
[04:43:22] Just gotta trust him.
[04:43:23] So you can battle with the stock which can play disengaged against the renekton
[04:43:31] Varyspan
[04:43:32] The same kind of thing when you play against renekton, Sejuani
[04:43:34] Yeah, I mean Light does play Ziggs but you know
[04:43:37] He doesn't really play Ziggs, you know what I'm saying?
[04:43:44] Why don't they then, I guess, buy us a bit un-pickable without killing?
[04:43:50] I mean, I think Zika should go Poppy and they should play like Poppy
[04:43:54] Poppy Brand or some shit, shouldn't they? Or Poppy Lillia?
[04:43:58] looks kind of good to me but zika would probably play nar wouldn't he
[04:44:15] i list their varuspan i mean it's it's it's kaisa fits uh jhin doesn't fit that well
[04:44:22] uh i mean you can just pick support here as well if you want right don't like jhin that much here
[04:44:29] i would prefer something like ziggs if you're gonna play a champ like that
[04:44:32] Oh, yeah, Ash is good. Ash is really good.
[04:44:40] I think it's Zika going to play Nar or Poppy, or does he have something cooking like Jax?
[04:44:47] There's Lilia.
[04:44:51] What top laner do you play here? Why is he smiling that little red?
[04:44:57] It's definitely not a queen angle chat.
[04:45:06] Ooh, Sion! Are they gonna swap? Are they doing some kind of lane swap? Or like some late invade?
[04:45:20] Chat, I'm gonna run ads real quick. I know you got ads recently, but I'm running them now, so you don't get ads during the game.
[04:45:27] I forgot to run them after the game in the last game, that's why I got them a bit later than normal.
[04:45:30] I'll see you in a sec. Here's a big kiss. It's really a brum. I see the grass being real quick in the kitchen again.
[04:45:45] set up for that Nidalee. This time though, Light must hit his arrows. LNG, watch out for those lane
[04:45:50] swaps early. If you have a Sion, it can potentially be there. All the same, you have a very good tank
[04:45:54] frontline into what Wayboa are bringing to bear with them. Both of these teams have ample engage,
[04:45:59] some interesting ways to play out the early game as well. Kind of Nidalee, you've got a Sion.
[04:46:02] We watch out for those first few minutes of the game. Wayboa is typically getting ahead in them,
[04:46:07] but this is a game five and crazy things have happened that have turned around in that early
[04:46:11] Stop saying 321. Stop saying 321.
[04:46:16] Shut up.
[04:46:21] Stop saying 321.
[04:46:23] How have you come to agree certain times by method? Like, you're so fucking annoying.
[04:46:29] Like, you actually are, right?
[04:46:41] or mostly I'm curious about who is gonna make it through to the next round so many
[04:46:48] stories in this matchup with Scout versus Shaohu in the mid lane Shaohu with
[04:46:54] Gala and Breathe in the series as well the old RNG gang up against one
[04:46:58] another RNGG swapping rosters last year breathe the only new face since
[04:47:05] 2023 within this matchup there are so many big names so many trophies among the names of this
[04:47:14] matchup but here we go Dave Sally I just saw you're going to cast finals live I've never
[04:47:19] seen someone look like that so I dropped by to see if you really look like that and indeed you do
[04:47:34] that's not being mean to me oh we did say that Sion can sometimes lead to some early
[04:47:44] Guards! They're bullying me.
[04:47:56] Chats were streaming in 7800 keep up this.
[04:48:06] We fixed it.
[04:48:14] very who do you think he wins game five well there's only one team on blue
[04:48:24] side and blue side is four zero plus blue side has the corki and the show who
[04:48:30] I don't know yeah I would say maybe energy wins this year if you bet on
[04:48:39] on blue side every game in every e-sport think you make a profit
[04:49:01] why?
[04:49:03] okay
[04:49:03] engages
[04:49:06] Summoners out from Chris to make that happen. It is controlled okay, but that was to some of this. I'm not sure
[04:49:14] This is the thing so we did say earlier in the series LPL work the first region historically to just flash it and try
[04:49:21] Get a good trade to get control of a wave
[04:49:23] You have three pushing waves for wave up if Tarzan can use it
[04:49:27] It is worth the summoners if you can't use it
[04:49:29] He must be forcing bot push for a bot side invade because they have a ward here which must have spotted Lillia so Nidalee can clear her camps and mash Lillia on bot side and Bram can be first on the move.
[04:49:38] And Zery can be first on the move as well if he needs to be.
[04:49:41] So they're flashing bot to push so that they can move.
[04:49:45] What can he do to him?
[04:49:47] Lillia started on Wolves.
[04:49:50] Maybe it was a plan no matter what.
[04:49:53] Oh he's not in the bush!
[04:49:55] Oh my god Tarzan!
[04:49:59] Chris has been so aggressive across this series. This is like a renaissance of Chris as a support
[04:50:07] And this is a lot of difference. No, I think it's clear clear. Oh, he should probably invade the crux as well. I think though
[04:50:14] Take it away. It means that way. We can't do anything. Yeah, it's not the end of the world for a halfway
[04:50:18] There are two things you want to see with pushing lanes one the jungler make use of it to get their own advantages
[04:50:22] But two also our sign was ganking the blast cone the enemy jungler going into your own lanes means broad lanes get
[04:50:28] He lost red buff, but it's on him in the road.
[04:50:35] Is Zika a scion player?
[04:50:44] Yes, nine games of scion career-wide.
[04:50:47] interrupting his own lanes
[04:50:51] if we can keep this pressure on
[04:50:53] because that was what happened in game number one right
[04:50:55] we saw Tarzan on this Nidalee
[04:50:57] we saw a really really great start to the game
[04:50:59] nothing too great
[04:51:01] didn't keep that ball rolling
[04:51:03] and as you said in game number one
[04:51:05] those first couple of deaths in Nidalee
[04:51:07] you lose that momentum really can
[04:51:09] finish out your game
[04:51:11] and in this case Tarzan gets
[04:51:13] a red buff in two quadrants
[04:51:15] but he doesn't do his blue buff
[04:51:17] I wonder why he doesn't do his blue buff. Is it so he can get his Krug respawn on time to cycle a level 2 Krug's faster?
[04:51:24] Yeah, I think what he's trying to do is get towards his Krug's, get towards the second respawn of Raptors which Lillian loves to take and it means that he hasn't taken his first blue buff.
[04:51:32] He hasn't spent as much time towards the bot side but it means that there's no option for him to get into his jungle.
[04:51:36] Is it so he can invade this? No, there's no way he can invade that right?
[04:51:41] If he does raptors now, he gets 5, Lilias 4, and then maybe he can overstay and invade this, maybe that's like a plan here.
[04:52:02] No, he's just gonna base. I thought that he was gonna run here, but I guess he's not in time.
[04:52:15] 14 straight wins in a row for Corky and LBL.
[04:52:20] Really? Corky has 14 wins in a row?
[04:52:23] Jesus.
[04:52:31] I saw I hear Sion.
[04:52:33] Am I going crazy?
[04:52:44] To be honest this Sion is doing pretty good.
[04:52:48] He's chilling.
[04:52:56] He went to blue now and now he's gonna go
[04:53:01] On spawn for grubs
[04:53:03] And I guess when he finishes grubs his crux rubble what is this why he did crux over blue so he could have his top side
[04:53:08] Come spawn at a nice time off the grub
[04:53:11] Rather than a little bit later or some shit. It's just gonna line up perfectly or what?
[04:53:16] I'm glad that the stories have kind of been I don't know what his truck time was
[04:53:20] I'm guessing they're up in like soon
[04:53:27] So we swiped the better one there Tarzan he's gonna lose one so now there was crux one. No, they don't
[04:53:37] Maybe it's one of the cyclists coming to us through
[04:53:46] Yeah, Breed didn't have the best reset for those grubs to help Tarzan take them.
[04:53:51] He was teleporting back in as Weiwei was walking up and that Braves 3 wasn't really there to be able to do that much.
[04:53:58] So, there's a Cull picked up the bell. Remember in game 1, which was similar draft to what Weiwei drafted here,
[04:54:03] Ilungi responded by picking up three Culls on the other side and saying,
[04:54:07] Outlast will get us off the first early play that we can but will not be over pushing for it
[04:54:11] And then we'll try and cash in the calls and get a huge advance for it
[04:54:14] There's only the one this time a shower who's gonna pick up his own so that I know what the camp respawn timer is
[04:54:18] I just didn't memorize it to my car
[04:54:20] monetarily
[04:54:22] As we look through this early game
[04:54:24] Track to see exactly where that first early advantage comes through Tarzan had a good start
[04:54:28] He's to keep the head though actually way we've been doing well to pick up enough farm to give himself an arms reach
[04:54:33] Yeah
[04:54:34] I just loved it
[04:54:36] You know, we had...
[04:54:38] We've had one or two games where there has been a lot of early...
[04:54:41] Well, psychological help that you have when you compete it?
[04:54:44] Uh, I didn't have any
[04:54:46] I'm not meant to deal, I'm serious
[04:54:48] No, I'm not, I wasn't meant to deal
[04:54:50] But I didn't, we didn't have any, uh...
[04:54:52] We didn't have it until like the final split
[04:54:56] Close
[04:55:03] It is tense! Joe is tense!
[04:55:07] I think the I don't know what they I don't know what they do actually I never really worked with one properly
[04:55:14] I think that is give you like breeding techniques on day breeding techniques. They probably like trying to be healthy and active and like
[04:55:29] Because we did take a big chunk and Tarzan has the sustain which way we doesn't
[04:55:37] They have Arrow. Arrow went to, I mean they can chain to seal you on a movie? No.
[04:55:44] Ow!
[04:55:47] Jesus.
[04:55:51] Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
[04:55:57] Oh my god, is it worth it? Actually no, you can't in the plan.
[04:56:00] Thought some kind of flash spear from the side would be cool.
[04:56:05] Wait, Bram Taker.
[04:56:10] I feel like Tarzan's control around lanes on Nidalee is really strong, like when he, like the game, like it was a game 1 where he like obviously lost, but his early game was very strong and controlling lanes.
[04:56:28] As much as he made a mistake that snowballed the, the, the boom state of the game, he definitely did a lot of work.
[04:56:40] Wayvoh, I think they'll maybe be learning from that mistake and not just over-pushing it.
[04:56:45] This is fine for now, but I don't want to be going too far to ignite on the learner.
[04:56:50] Especially if she hits level 6 after a certain point as well.
[04:56:52] You don't want to be giving that gold over to LNG.
[04:56:54] Wayvoh, content to slow roll for now.
[04:56:56] Because they have got Sion Corky, yes, really, on these champs to get her.
[04:57:00] There's a very opportunity to place up against top esports.
[04:57:04] Whoever wins this one will go into that series against top esports
[04:57:08] to decide who makes it into LPL finals well Alan G already had their chance against
[04:57:13] Toppiesports they lost 3-0 Toppiesports were beaten by BLG and BLG beat Wabos
[04:57:19] yeah winner faces Tess
[04:57:20] I wonder if that series goes to Worlds
[04:57:23] check Instagram
[04:57:25] they face off in the best of five as well
[04:57:27] what's on Instagram
[04:57:29] would be out top the sports team
[04:57:31] since themselves
[04:57:33] chance to go and
[04:57:34] so awards that world championship last year
[04:57:36] so top e-sports have had a
[04:57:37] best of five against them this year
[04:57:39] very different stories of both of them
[04:57:40] on this time around
[04:57:42] oh is it the LEC Instagram
[04:57:43] of course for 11 minutes
[04:57:46] it started up to call it like this
[04:57:47] last game we've all had an early game
[04:57:49] advantage and it went in towards the
[04:57:50] end
[04:57:50] okay dude
[04:57:51] that one out every chance the lng
[04:57:54] start to save us
[04:57:55] lng have been a team that's
[04:57:56] really really thrive when they get back
[04:57:59] Yeah, the LAC post, that's the way.
[04:58:00] It's the same one as the two other posts.
[04:58:15] So, five grubs is strong.
[04:58:17] They haven't done any drakes yet.
[04:58:20] I mean, I think it's on Waybo through drakes, I think, with the spot matchup.
[04:58:22] Ash, Braum and the Astralio now, I think they can control Blood as much as they want.
[04:58:26] Oh, Lilias been what the fuck had it on the hit?
[04:58:47] Wave boss should start getting these drakes rolling
[04:58:56] You discovered it.
[04:58:58] But he's... I mean, Chris has just had a fantastic series, hasn't he?
[04:59:01] I mean, getting MVP earlier on in the series as well.
[04:59:03] Remember, this is a player that, earlier on in the split,
[04:59:07] was fighting for his place within the roster.
[04:59:10] Feels like he is fully back.
[04:59:14] You know, he's not here without the couple...
[04:59:15] He had the one that was out of the world.
[04:59:16] Sion will be useless. No, the Sion will build full armor.
[04:59:18] He won't build it infinitely at all.
[04:59:21] Maybe if he's ahead, he'll do one item,
[04:59:23] but he's just gonna go full armor and stand in front of these AD carries and rank him.
[04:59:26] When it's nice by cleaver, which is good. It's gonna be a while before it's the area. I should get armor pin
[04:59:34] Good as the drake
[04:59:42] I'm surprised how even the silence like no impact has happened top from either jungler
[04:59:48] But silence actually like he's actually in a pretty good spot. I would say
[04:59:58] Maybe it doesn't get bad until now because of Black Leaver.
[05:00:06] Shouldn't Zerri be going Blade of the Roon King? Yeah, you're right I think.
[05:00:10] She should. Yeah, why isn't she doing that? Yeah, I don't know.
[05:00:14] She's going static into Hurricane.
[05:00:35] Fine. Worst case, he has a TP backbolt.
[05:00:39] Right, here comes the diamond son, it's gonna be too hot.
[05:00:48] Worst about the Tarzan, nice spear.
[05:00:53] There's no wave to get though.
[05:00:55] one three combo Zooka to protect his minion wave and in fact a TP up to the top side from
[05:01:01] Shaohu to switch a roof. And you can see that Scout is teleported down to the bot side instead
[05:01:07] so he's gonna get himself some alone time there that was false wave wall this is now more
[05:01:10] important remember folks mid tier one top tier one we were playing on two lanes you killed
[05:01:15] towers quicker LMG and then you get bot okay but they're losing out in mid lane good place
[05:01:19] good place good place by webo maybe they're gonna break the blue side curse 14 game winstreak
[05:01:24] taking LPL playoffs but giving the resource zone to that Corbin is it gonna be the same
[05:01:28] if you give him two turrets over in the falsely and the Herald? That feels like a bad trait to me.
[05:01:34] Feels like a huge win for Waveo. It's a 4,000 gold lead for them at 14 minutes, that is monumental.
[05:01:41] You have the first straight, the five groups, next straight not up for another three minutes but that's Herald taken by Tarzan.
[05:01:48] Tarzan is just running this game. Do you give Tarzan three pushing lanes? He's just annihilating Waveo.
[05:01:54] He's a level up, he's taken every neutral objective in the game apart from one grub.
[05:02:01] He tried to match him as much as possible around the map.
[05:02:04] Basically one bot.
[05:02:06] Christine.
[05:02:12] Great spot by Weibo.
[05:02:15] I think that having one drake of 15 and the next one spawning 2 minutes kind of sucks but it's whatever.
[05:02:26] very rough game for lng at this point and i i want you to kind of reiterate to be the
[05:02:33] winning conditions for lng because it feels like i'm gonna have to hold that thought yeah
[05:02:37] yeah yeah nice cute flesh on brown can they commit to this though the sleep is gonna hurt
[05:02:41] here oh yo yo is this waybo over chasing again and then throwing the game it is it is waybo
[05:02:48] over chasing again throwing the game oh you just still missed scouts flashed over the
[05:02:55] slow. Does he have W? Two big kills for LNG there. One of them going to Corki was very
[05:03:08] nice. There's no claims on Zerry and she is against Leona Lilia. So if they can hit her
[05:03:20] with something, it's quite easy to kill Zerry. I mean look at this sleepy time. What can
[05:03:28] Every new right. She's not playing cleanse
[05:03:30] step forever eq
[05:03:35] This game is
[05:03:40] Wavers lead won't mean much soon
[05:03:44] They're gonna get all three outers though
[05:03:49] I feel like LNG to be honest, I think LNG maybe this gives this and takes up to your own if they can
[05:03:53] They could try a fight, they have Lillia flash but I think the easy call is taking top tier
[05:04:02] one at the end.
[05:04:04] Like here I think Sion, I mean you would lose this right?
[05:04:08] That would be the trade.
[05:04:09] We have Sion run here and just ult on Renekton with no flash with Leona hovering and getting
[05:04:14] his top tier one but Sion's running bot so I think they'll just give Drake the freedom.
[05:04:20] I really think Sion shadowing Corky here and Lyona moving up, obviously we have perfect vision but I think that's what they should be looking at.
[05:04:37] As now what happens, you lose mid push, you lose bot push, you lose top push, you lose drake, you might lose his bot lane anyway.
[05:04:44] I really think they should have overloaded top here and punished this flash and try to take it.
[05:04:50] And science if you bought it they go for 2-2
[05:04:55] See if the spot here one is dead
[05:04:59] Oh they're in that herald actually
[05:05:01] They got that herald
[05:05:16] Awawa
[05:05:20] The winner of tests versus winner of this doesn't necessarily go to Worlds. If Waybo or LNG win against Tess, but lose to BLG, Tess still has more championship points.
[05:05:40] points. Really so you're telling me that Waybore LNG to go to worlds they have to win the split.
[05:05:56] Because Tess has way more points. Okay so Tess is kind of locked worlds the only way Tess doesn't
[05:06:01] make worlds is if Waybore LNG wins it and then basically these two teams will fight in
[05:06:06] in uh in regionals then
[05:06:10] is it two spots out of regionals then
[05:06:18] it is two spots
[05:06:21] for some reason in my head i don't know why i thought it was
[05:06:24] two finalists plus championship point highest plus one regional team
[05:06:28] because the regional thing is like best of five best of five best of five best
[05:06:32] of five best of five and you're seated
[05:06:34] I already think I'm right. I guess right. So I guess we both who has more points. I guess Ellen
[05:06:39] Angie maybe so summer they're probably gonna be here and we both be here
[05:06:45] And I'm guessing JDG
[05:06:49] Actually, no, they have to play against you know, don't they cuz I remember test first edg then they played weibo last year
[05:06:55] So it's not actually like a straight go on the visit. There is like losers. Yeah. Yeah. It's just
[05:07:01] Scout there's already got himself an MVP on that corki in the first game of this series
[05:07:07] It looked I see the image of it for Waybo, but who has more points way more LNG
[05:07:13] Waybo has more points. Okay
[05:07:21] These two carries in my opinion
[05:07:24] So that the biggest tools that you can have as a team right now in terms of those team fights
[05:07:29] It's just getting sheer damage out
[05:07:31] I'm worried for weibo. I think there's... let's see if they can get baron. If they can
[05:07:46] do a really good... if they can get baron then I think they're fine, but... if S-Holgen
[05:07:52] gets Muramada and Kork gets his RFC or whatever, I actually think it's pretty loosable for
[05:07:59] wave of the sound it's just annoying as fuck yes no mr other than boots is he
[05:08:06] building building second you just need a four-mail or what with it with a giant
[05:08:11] stuff
[05:08:12] late in things but still lots of a we damage between both 80 carries and the
[05:08:16] start of the star about some vision on that top side we did see briefly
[05:08:20] ellen g's fog of war and yeah that's an important legal evidence folks as
[05:08:25] spectators we are blessed with the ability to see both sides it's really
[05:08:29] scary what you play against this and you know that there is the threat of this
[05:08:31] this is why LNG they have to walk up there this and say wow I had so many
[05:08:35] traps yeah for hug wedding pops to sweep brothers traps everywhere it's like
[05:08:41] don't move a muscle
[05:08:44] clear those ones out in the air get some vision onto the pirate important
[05:08:47] literally pops around the corner just let the girl fully fully complete the
[05:08:52] Jurassic Park experience
[05:08:57] 12 points and 50
[05:09:00] Why are you spamming that amount?
[05:09:03] The fuck is that?
[05:09:06] Yeah, don't forget way by five grubs. So there's always a world where you know
[05:09:10] LNG overload this and waybook and play through top take this
[05:09:15] Pressuring two lanes if they try and go through bot or something
[05:09:17] since I'm for Baron and Dragon.
[05:09:19] LNG, having picked off around this Fog of War yet though,
[05:09:22] this is a good sign.
[05:09:23] They've actually walked their way up through mid lane.
[05:09:24] That's important for them too.
[05:09:25] You can run a condom kill a little bit with Cerak.
[05:09:27] Just look at that archer, see what that land looks like.
[05:09:29] We've been afraid of them in that first game,
[05:09:30] but one arrow could make it.
[05:09:32] I saw it in Italy, it's also very annoying to play against
[05:09:33] at this point in the game when they're ahead,
[05:09:34] because all she does is go horizon focused in the end
[05:09:36] reason for traps everywhere,
[05:09:37] and you get hit by a fucking trap,
[05:09:38] your health bar just bleeds.
[05:09:41] So here is where I think LNG,
[05:09:43] Waybo could be a bit more up here.
[05:09:46] And while they're all coming through here to get the drake, Crisp and Tarzan maybe can hover
[05:09:50] Or Light and Crisp
[05:09:53] And then they can move into Xerathane and take top tier 2 and then play on the top or something
[05:09:58] But Hung went in for some reason so he's dead
[05:10:04] Not sure why Hung went in there
[05:10:05] Wasn't his team positioning terrible
[05:10:08] They used double TP for this as well, so now they're gonna lose top tier 2 and the drake
[05:10:12] That's mega for Webo
[05:10:14] what we highlighted why we want to just make no one stay doesn't reach the back
[05:10:17] like he'll back and kill him it's exciting perhaps show he wasn't there
[05:10:20] scouting was a 4v4 but the important thing is the ash form was there
[05:10:24] such an obnoxious combo and hung can't escape from it soon as he's
[05:10:27] breaking the blue side curse get themselves and Tarzan is
[05:10:32] sold point quite early in the game I suppose no dragon taken by LNG and
[05:10:36] LNG you can't afford to play the frontline back to this home go in
[05:10:40] here his science catching bot wave renington's missing from bot and
[05:10:43] could be anywhere and Corky's pressing B so why does he go on him? Why is he doing that?
[05:10:50] And they know they're not on drake. I think what he was worried about is they're losing
[05:10:57] mid push. But it's not like... Oh what's Crisps dead. How is Crisps dead?
[05:11:07] Right now, I'm clearing vision around the sparring, it's not...
[05:11:15] I feel like I would have been in it too risky.
[05:11:18] Oh, he just walked up and fired a Q and then...
[05:11:21] Oh, he tried the cock move and then he went away as well.
[05:11:23] He's too far from his teammates and Scout goes over to Valkyrie on the wall.
[05:11:26] Chrissie's is one of some of the best teams, so, um, yeah, it's a little bit different
[05:11:30] if the Brawl is on their own against the Corky with two to three items, and that's
[05:11:34] still a bit of an issue, but still, when we come through to the next fight, so
[05:11:37] I think that kind of interaction of front line and engage is going to be so so important I think both teams are probably going to have a very good sense of for this game
[05:11:45] Nah I wouldn't say it's an upset, I think LNG and Weibo and Tess is a great team it's a small exception
[05:11:51] But the LPL teams like BLG and the LPL other three in the top four are quite close in skill level even though they were ranked differently in the standings
[05:11:59] like test energy wave or all
[05:12:03] I thought like there's a big gap between
[05:12:07] well you're gonna do a fox clearest deagle tomorrow
[05:12:17] I'm gonna have to listen to fearix and draw a yap in my stream for the next four years straight
[05:12:22] but how much of a fraud I am
[05:12:27] If you just stand really still you just fucking wrap it's it's a rare technique
[05:12:32] It likes me for visible
[05:12:36] He's gonna be so annoying
[05:12:40] Yeah, that's you're so clever Joe, thank you, that's great
[05:12:44] You could have told me that you know before before I said the thing but you didn't
[05:12:47] He's gonna be at worlds probably not we will see
[05:12:52] I mean this is
[05:12:53] Not really the way we've been seeing way both play the game
[05:12:57] more recently. You know, when you think about last year, I feel like this is exactly what
[05:13:01] you'd expect from LG versus Wayvo. And the series has slowed down as it's gone on here.
[05:13:08] LG very comfortable with the slow game, but you know, is this going to be enough shower
[05:13:13] room for a swell seat?
[05:13:14] Oh, they slept Zuri, but they had a blast come forward. He lost his flash, but he
[05:13:20] left his flash into it.
[05:13:21] Well, the arrow hits, just not on anyone they can follow up with. And yeah, it
[05:13:25] slow down a lot and it's typically we consider LNG the quote quote slow
[05:13:29] methodical team sometimes LNG can be fast-paced but they're always methodical
[05:13:33] it really depends what's on their flowchart for the day and energy are getting
[05:13:35] strong. The armor shreds from E, how about that.
[05:13:49] Yeah, hold roll. Take it through there. I am getting worried for Waybo's up
[05:13:52] They've not been able to push any sort of advantage really across the map
[05:13:56] I mean if the game's decided in one minute 30 seconds, right? It's like that trait is in and aside the game
[05:13:59] I haven't even really been able to get into the end of the game
[05:14:01] I think if Waybo gets Mountain Soul, it's just, it's just your overestimate. How do you lose with Mountain Soul?
[05:14:04] It's 2-0-B
[05:14:05] But haven't really forced LNG in some really back-breaking decisions
[05:14:08] That will change though
[05:14:10] One minute and
[05:14:12] 17 seconds. Dragon coming up. Sol point for Waybo
[05:14:15] If they managed to get the cells into that Dragon
[05:14:17] because they're also on red side as well they're not going to be trapped against the wall it's a much better terrain for them
[05:14:23] They've been stuck in the pit as a blue side dragon taking team. Imagine playing Sion when everyone's lined up against the wall
[05:14:28] That could change everything. Way bowed looking towards that side
[05:14:32] And it's such a valuable soul
[05:14:35] for obviously like breathe on the top side will be a little more durable in those fights
[05:14:39] But importantly crisp as well, you know when you are a support you get that extra value on all your stats
[05:14:45] if you really can make a difference. Chris, you're already pretty tanky with that bounce
[05:14:51] all. But more important than to be honest, I think the key thing really is less about
[05:14:55] how good bounce all is for Wave or more about how incredibly good it is for the side of
[05:14:59] LNG. How does Wave both, how does LNG fight then? I mean like, what is Skarner doing?
[05:15:06] Why is he stepping up like that?
[05:15:09] Eventually way book get themselves push all that operation kill Zerry is a go
[05:15:19] Does hung would have to help thresholds for the war mocks the proc he doesn't write
[05:15:25] The war mocks isn't even gonna proc on hon
[05:15:29] He doesn't even have the war mocks threshold
[05:15:32] Those nerf sharding
[05:15:34] Well
[05:15:37] No Ruby crystal no Ruby crystal
[05:15:42] All right, Lillia flash QR needs to be big
[05:15:55] Tarzan didn't his spear. They should finish
[05:16:00] Nice role-seat big sleep by way of a big sleep
[05:16:06] Oh, Weiwei's one tap though.
[05:16:20] Yeah, Baron's gone.
[05:16:22] Nice by Weiwei, really nice.
[05:16:24] Devs, they're so patient, aren't they?
[05:16:26] Yeah, let's run it and get bot tier 2 and drop the drake and then fault after.
[05:16:43] That was the three that she finished off the tier two in the bottom side before TPing in.
[05:16:48] Very patient from weibo, they don't care about the drake.
[05:16:51] They're like yeah, we want bot tier two, they get bot tier two, and then TP's in.
[05:16:55] Yeah, and a couple big things here, Huns gone for the warmogs first, but with a change of the warmogs, he's actually not...
[05:17:00] I feel like LNG could have gone out if they wanted to.
[05:17:03] Tween my wreath very nice.
[05:17:05] Nice pushing by life.
[05:17:07] Good fight by wreath.
[05:17:09] Absolutely doesn't either, so LNG, they find themselves the problem with the front to back.
[05:17:12] If it becomes about tank vs tank the Ash Braum will actually chew through them much more
[05:17:17] Even though technically the Sion is much tankier than the Renekton
[05:17:20] That Braum is so beat
[05:17:21] I mean look at the items for ShaoHu as well
[05:17:24] Four items out on this Zerry light on three as well I believe
[05:17:29] As ShaoHu indecisive on what I'm talking about
[05:17:33] There is an infinity edge in the end
[05:17:36] An LNG pushed to the very brink at this point
[05:17:39] At this point, Chris, attention to court, but I mean, is there such thing as court with
[05:17:44] Crispy?
[05:17:45] He did get caught once early on the top side, but he's been so bored in the way he moves
[05:17:49] in, he gets visioned.
[05:17:50] This game...
[05:17:51] He's not afraid, I'll give it back.
[05:17:53] He's not afraid.
[05:17:54] And then she will still win?
[05:17:55] I'm not sure about that.
[05:17:57] Not so much, I think you can say, about the grand majority of TNC and the LPL.
[05:18:00] Maybe ten more minutes later.
[05:18:01] Maybe 10 more minutes later.
[05:18:02] And then the squirt, they have some fearless players as well.
[05:18:04] Hey, you all on the top again.
[05:18:05] Wait, but have themselves that Fire Emblem.
[05:18:07] How much can they get out of this though?
[05:18:08] They did better to take the bot lane in a turret.
[05:18:10] Gala has a bloodthirster, so he's actually happy tanking the wave here.
[05:18:13] He says he gets to keep it away from turret.
[05:18:14] Now they go for the engage.
[05:18:16] Okay, it's onto Krispo. That's not what you need.
[05:18:19] Oh, a light.
[05:18:22] Oh, a light.
[05:18:24] Yes, LDR, right?
[05:18:27] Power!
[05:18:34] Wow, Weibo are gonna knock out energy.
[05:18:36] That's crazy.
[05:18:38] It's crazy. They're not got an energy
[05:19:00] And then you're gonna have to qualify through
[05:19:02] um
[05:19:06] The regionals i.e on scout man breed has had a good series i'm not gonna lie gg easy
[05:19:29] Tarzan gets his revenge on lng's this crazy Tarzan gets his revenge
[05:19:35] So now webo go to face top esports that must be mega nice for Tarzan
[05:19:43] Especially when they're down to one
[05:19:50] They find themselves finalists of worlds last year but
[05:19:53] especially not as a player from the regional
[05:19:56] and they start to come to the playoffs of LPL at that same time
[05:20:00] and result from the last year
[05:20:04] and they start to come to the ground and run up and proud
[05:20:09] and what was sadly just a blink and he missed the answer
[05:20:12] that last game sadly for them the frontline didn't
[05:20:15] understand the threat of that ash ball they didn't get on
[05:20:17] start backflying just left themselves as a meat grinder
[05:20:20] Yeah, I think I'm impressed by breathe this series and I think hung was disgusting in some of these games
[05:20:29] Disgusting
[05:20:40] All right, that was fun chapter men's you know it's time for it's time for
[05:20:47] Monkey I've also fixed the stream
[05:20:49] The KPPS is higher. The KPPS is higher.
[05:21:04] Yo, League Frogs, here's a big kiss.
[05:21:08] Much appreciated to the League Frogs. If you want some more Cochins, tomorrow is a big game.
[05:21:12] I'll run you through the schedule for this week.
[05:21:18] The schedule is pretty simple. We got Tomorrow, D-plus keya vs. Fyrax, Elimination,
[05:21:23] LCK playoffs. We've got G2 BDS elimination season finals and we've got NRG vs. DINGATAS. I think
[05:21:29] that's elimination LCS as well, right? So we've got three elimination series tomorrow. Then
[05:21:34] on Saturday we've got T1 KT elimination LCK series. The loser is out in round one. Then
[05:21:41] we have TOPPY sports vs. WABO elimination series. Winner goes to finals. Loser is
[05:21:46] out into regionals. We have Fnatic vs. MAD, winner locks worlds. Hunder Thieves
[05:21:51] versus TL it's not that big of a stakes I think but I know quid's gonna be TL and
[05:21:55] everyone who says TL the best bro I'm telling you they're gonna get exposed
[05:21:58] and then we got fly quest versus cloud 9 they're inting no versus crabber the
[05:22:04] all-pro MVP jungler all right all right I'm gonna change the settings real
[05:22:19] quicker it's monkey time chat also recklessness best of five against KT
[05:22:28] is on Monday Monday if you're interested in that. Monday. Alright hopefully everything's fixed now
[05:22:35] hopefully. I think it is. I fixed it all chat. Me, you know me. When I put alerts on means anything
[05:22:51] no. Now you put alerts on chat. Bro it's in fucking huh? What? Bro it's my why is my stream
[05:23:18] labs always in fucking it's in Spanish or it's in Portuguese I don't know what
[05:23:23] it's in oh my god chat tell me about the settings now oh my god it's loud the
[05:23:34] settings now hopefully it's gonna look mega good the game
[05:23:44] let's go man get the answer all right xdd how we looking is it better is the
[05:23:55] the pixels better? It's fine. What do you mean? Looks same, bro. How is it looks same?
[05:24:17] It is better. They're just rolling. Okay. Okay. All right, we're in act two. I'm actually
[05:24:28] insanely good at this game. And you know it, Chata. I'm actually saying it in this
[05:24:39] game. Hold up. Where what are we doing? By the way, I forgot the wait, these people
[05:24:50] are actually mega hard what great chat is it just me or what the other doesn't
[05:24:58] get harder or what does it get harder oh hell no
[05:25:05] tell you this game get harder you might be underleveled you think so these NPCs
[05:25:16] are so tanky that guy just got smoked he just got smoked it gets a lot harder
[05:25:26] over time sounds like me sounds like me chat sounds like me what what I need a
[05:25:43] new weapon isn't your weapon all right big pace it now I'm gonna I mark
[05:25:51] Cathedral of Mont will beat every boss first try in this area actually I'm
[05:25:56] really comfortable with my build I think my build is mega good
[05:25:59] Do I have sparkies? Hold up, let me use my sparkies.
[05:26:04] When stamina is depleted...
[05:26:06] Yeah.
[05:26:08] I've fought with the game cable, you'll much love my pop.
[05:26:11] Chat, are you playing this game or not? Are you playing it or not?
[05:26:13] Why is it so damaged with that?
[05:26:26] Chat, do you think you'll win game of the year?
[05:26:30] Bro, can you fucking not?
[05:26:33] Bro, why are they so insane? Why are they so OP here?
[05:26:36] Like, the mobs are actually really strong.
[05:26:44] like these rats it's rat town this is rat town isn't it right this is the rat
[05:26:51] section oh my god braze I want to do a boss I want to boss chat on the boss how
[05:27:16] do you fuck up the shield oh you go behind me
[05:27:20] it's made the game a bit louder try the games on loud enough chat there it is
[05:27:30] alright let's rest and let's do the boss take off slow mode your mall take
[05:27:41] I got someone's... wait my doorbell rang, hold up
[05:29:09] chat, what are you spamming?
[05:29:10] what are you spamming?
[05:29:13] chat
[05:29:14] what the fuck just happened?
[05:29:17] bro
[05:29:20] that was so weird man
[05:29:22] someone rang my doorbell
[05:29:24] okay
[05:29:26] like my door door
[05:29:27] not my doorbell downstairs, my door door
[05:29:30] and I looked through the peephole
[05:29:32] and the peephole was black
[05:29:34] it was just black
[05:29:35] there was nothing there
[05:29:38] so I didn't open it
[05:29:39] So I waited like 20 seconds, like 30 seconds, I looked again, it was black, I waited like 10-20 seconds, I looked again, and then I could see through it, I could see the hallway, no joke, I'm not even kidding, like it was pitch black the first time, the first two times I looked through it, isn't that weird?
[05:30:16] He wants you to open the door, exactly, someone's outside, hold up chat, someone's trying to get into my house.
[05:30:55] pork let's go man oh seven oh seven thanks for your service oh chat so much
[05:32:25] I'm breaking pork let's go man chat home invader behind you at 17 a you deal
[05:37:49] pork let's go man now pork let's go man is he all right I just got here what
[05:42:54] What happened chat?
[05:43:24] Pork, let's go man.
[05:43:28] Did he lose the 1v1 early?
[05:44:40] Cancelled.
[05:44:41] Wait, pork.
[05:47:14] Pork, let's go man.
[05:47:18] Good content.
[05:47:19] Alright.
[05:51:40] Pork, let's go man.
[05:51:42] Alright.
[05:51:45] Oh right.
[05:51:46] Jesus Christ man, that was strange.
[05:51:50] Very weird.
[05:51:51] Sorry about that.
[05:51:53] All good.
[05:51:54] Yeah, I'm with my partner in my flat and basically someone ring the bell.
[05:52:00] But they didn't ring the bell downstairs.
[05:52:02] They rang the bell of the front door itself.
[05:52:07] So she looked through the peephole.
[05:52:10] And as she looked, someone's hand went like this
[05:52:14] and then blocked it.
[05:52:16] And it was black.
[05:52:18] I looked and it was also black.
[05:52:20] And then we locked the door.
[05:52:22] And as we locked the door, they banged on the door.
[05:52:26] And then I messaged in the group chat for the apartment.
[05:52:31] So some people from upstairs came down and then we saw it slide off and someone went down the stairs from the people.
[05:52:40] So that was strange. And then they looked around.
[05:52:44] Didn't find anyone.
[05:52:46] So, yeah, I just alerted everyone in the building that like someone tried to get into our flat or like was being really weird.
[05:52:54] Maybe they were just being funny or something or I don't know what the fuck they were doing.
[05:52:57] But I think it's very good. Make sure you check your peepholes before you open the doors. Jesus, man.
[05:53:03] Oh, yeah. That was really, really weird.
[05:53:08] Creepiest fuck, man. The chat was being weird.
[05:53:15] No, I didn't call the police. I just messaged people in the building because there's a group chat
[05:53:22] or someone to come and check the first floor because there's like 20 people in that group chat.
[05:53:27] I thought that would be much faster than calling the police or anything.
[05:53:29] So a guy came down and looked around and yeah no one was there but it was
[05:53:38] definitely quite creepy like you know it's like you the sliding of the hand
[05:53:44] and doing this is just it was so weird also me lock the door he started
[05:53:50] hitting it like what the fuck get a bat get a bat no weird it's it's it's 5
[05:54:05] p.m. it's light outside there's like I can see on the CCTV of the building
[05:54:09] outside there's like families walking around I'm like bro what the fuck why
[05:54:16] the fuck is that guy doing that on the door strange very strange yeah but
[05:54:26] maybe they can check who came in from the front door because apparently there
[05:54:30] was a person the people said that there was a person ringing every flap to get
[05:54:34] in so someone buzzed him in whoever he is
[05:54:38] someone buzzed him in but I feel like everyone like kind of lets everyone in
[05:54:41] these days because they just think it's like someone's package or some
[05:54:44] shit but yeah they basically buzzed him in strange very weird I think it was
[05:55:04] ringing on everyone's doors to let him in he just wants to get in I'm good
[05:55:11] I'm good. I'm good. I wasn't like that
[05:55:15] Freaked out. I mean obviously it was weird as fuck, but oh my god. I don't want to play it
[05:55:20] but the door was locked and
[05:55:24] That door the front door of my place is mega strong like there's no way anyone gets to that door
[05:55:29] Oh, yeah, I just think he was like baiting me to come out. I guess I
[05:55:39] Mean this exact same thing happened to my mom
[05:55:42] like one or two years ago my mom was at home with my dad and my brother and it
[05:55:47] was like 1 a.m. and someone was banging on their door and basically there was a
[05:55:53] man outside and my mom didn't open the door but you could hear him and he was
[05:55:56] like screaming like you need to help me you to help me like my wife she's like
[05:55:59] she's been stabbed or something she's bleeding like I really need help please
[05:56:04] help me and my mom didn't trust him she called the police she said okay I'll
[05:56:08] call the police for you but I'm not opening the door and then like after
[05:56:11] like 10 minutes of like trying to get it to come out he left and then on the news the
[05:56:16] next day or like in the local papers and stuff there was like a group of like guys going around
[05:56:21] robbing houses and it was like a similar kind of story so be very careful answering your
[05:56:26] doors don't like help people but don't open like they the second you open the door if
[05:56:33] my mom opened it then they would have instantly kicked the door in and she was fucked right
[05:56:37] So, oh yeah, don't get baited by just opening a door.
[05:56:48] I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
[05:56:50] Definitely, like, your heart rate goes up a lot, you know?
[05:56:54] But I messaged in the group and people were replying straight away, so...
[05:56:58] Yeah, I just hope they don't come back, you know?
[05:57:02] Kind of strange.
[05:57:04] I think the good thing is, like, the apartment block is on, like, alert now,
[05:57:08] or, like, the building, that they won't open the building door to, like, strangers now.
[05:57:11] hopefully I'm good I'm good I'm good
[05:57:19] definitely makes you rethink like you know it's like something that you don't
[05:57:22] think about and it happens like this has never happened to me in my life never
[05:57:25] I've never had someone try and come I've never been robbed actually like I'm like
[05:57:30] well like Rob Rob isn't like at home and someone tries to break in I've never
[05:57:33] had that that's a fucking weird feeling man definitely need to invest in like a
[05:57:39] fucking bat or something I have to invest in some kind of bat I mean a
[05:57:47] kitchen knife is fine I guess but I don't know if I can fucking stab
[05:57:50] someone probably. I don't think I have it in me to just stab anyone. Maybe to hit them in the
[05:57:56] back, yeah. All right, we're good, we're good. We're good, we're good, we're good. Yeah, maybe
[05:58:05] I should get a camera or something for the door that I can stick on the door. That would probably
[05:58:09] be a good idea. Is that a thing? A door camera or some shit? I need to get something like that,
[05:58:19] I think. Yeah, I need to get that would be very handy. Can you watch the camera from your
[05:58:39] phone or something yeah okay I'll get one for sure actually ordering it right now one
[05:58:50] day delivery yep it's ordered it's on the way the order will arrive tomorrow at 1 p.m.
[05:59:22] big all right okay we good you can only sit down we can take us about everything's fine
[05:59:33] I'm sorry if you heard like bangs there was some banging on the door and shit all
[05:59:40] All good, all good, quarter of a gun, you thought you heard gun shots?
[05:59:52] What?
[05:59:55] The ring is so good, I love mine.
[06:00:08] It's really weird to do this at like 5pm in the day though, isn't it?
[06:00:12] What is that motherfucker doing, seriously, especially like I'm not on the bottom floor
[06:00:17] of the apartment building, let's just put it that way as well, like what are you doing?
[06:00:21] Why is he doing it at 5pm in the day, bro?
[06:00:25] Absolutely fucking cooked, maybe he's drunk.
[06:00:46] Yeah, there was a similar, something similar happened in the same, this apartment building in like 2021, there was a guy who was like on some drugs, who was like,
[06:01:02] he was on the camera of the building entering and like he looked absolutely fucked up and they sent a picture in the WhatsApp group.
[06:01:08] And he was like on the stairs going up and down the stairs at like 3am.
[06:01:12] It's really fucking weird.
[06:01:28] Move out.
[06:01:29] Yeah, well,
[06:01:30] Yeah, cameras on the way everything's fine
[06:01:45] Or good or good or good or good or good. I think it just like raises your blood pressure man
[06:01:49] You're just like I don't know you're you just feels you just feel like holy fuck
[06:01:53] It's not something you think about you know, it's so real you're like holy shit
[06:01:57] What the fuck there's nothing personally inside the door and they're about to fucking kick this shit down
[06:02:01] Jesus
[06:02:07] This guy says I remember you showed that picture on stream
[06:02:10] What do you mean?
[06:02:12] This guy says, I'm you shot a picture on the stream, I didn't show it on the stream and you've been following since 2024, which means that was three years before you found the stream.
[06:02:21] What are you on about?
[06:02:23] What are you on about?
[06:02:48] Maybe he's a Benevator.
[06:02:49] All right, I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Seriously. I'm good.
[06:02:52] It's, I think that there was a lot of people in the building who were like concerned and helping. So they all were looking around. Everything was fine.
[06:03:01] Everything was fine.
[06:03:02] There was a lot of people.
[06:03:03] Alright, I got robbed at 14 years old by someone with a machete.
[06:03:11] What the fuck, jesus, jesus, alright, I think I wanna normally at least, actually I won't
[06:03:27] say it about what I'm doing in my house, but yeah.
[06:03:36] People are sharing their stories but I don't wanna freak people out, I don't wanna freak
[06:03:39] people out when they're going to bed at night, maybe someone is laying in bed right
[06:03:42] now double checking their door is locked.
[06:03:44] I don't want people to start spreading their stories and like freaking everyone out in the chat
[06:03:48] like
[06:03:50] Jesus some of the stories are meeting don't you don't don't say some degenerate stories. Just make sure your doors locked and
[06:03:56] Yeah, make sure you're all good
[06:04:01] Never heard dumb story bro. I've heard dumb stories dumb stories are fucking crazy
[06:04:05] I appreciate you all checking in on me and messaging close friends all good
[06:04:26] All good all good all good all good
[06:04:28] It's so strange, it's so strange, like I don't know, I think the strangest part is like it's during the middle of like a day, a stream, like everything's normal, these people are thinking about doing it now, like what are you, what the fuck, man?
[06:04:42] Maybe it's someone who didn't want me to play variety or some shit, I don't get it, oh that's a rub.
[06:04:58] Yeah, oh good, oh good, oh good, it's down please.
[06:05:07] Alright, let's get back onto the Wukong Grand.
[06:05:15] Let's get back on the Wukong Grand.
[06:05:19] The same thing happened to me in Australia.
[06:05:27] Make sure you buy a security door in front of your door.
[06:05:31] Yeah.
[06:05:32] I think this camera is definitely...
[06:05:34] Just think about it.
[06:05:35] You spent like 50 euros for this camera.
[06:05:37] I've bought this camera 50 euros.
[06:05:39] 50 euros and you can be safe, you know?
[06:05:41] It's not safe, but like...
[06:05:43] I guess safe, yeah.
[06:05:45] Actually mega worth it, no?
[06:05:49] Mega worth. Mega worth. I remember when I first said it. What is this? Okay, you don't
[06:06:11] have to say continue stream DigaJet. I'm actually fine. It's not like a... like I
[06:06:15] think it would be definitely... the thing is I think the door being locked was...
[06:06:20] the door being locked was a big big plus, you know. It's like it's quite
[06:06:26] hard to get through a door. Also the doors that I have in this block are
[06:06:32] like um I think it's quite common these days that you can only open it from the inside with a handle
[06:06:38] the outside doesn't have a handle there's like no handle on the outside so there's nothing you can do
[06:06:42] I think you need to have a key to unlock it because there's no handle my door was made by Orin
[06:06:55] can't legally record hallway Germany what do you mean you can't legally record hallway
[06:07:25] it's german privacy laws not like I'm it's not like I'm streaming man it's just a door
[06:07:37] it's just a it's probably fine it's all like i'm gonna record the whole way yeah i probably i
[06:08:12] think what i'll do is i'll just message this what's up group of the building and ask them if it's
[06:08:15] okay if i have like a like a camera recording the area of my doorway and if they're fine with
[06:08:22] that then i think that's probably enough right i guess it'll be fine with it i hope okay we're
[06:09:06] We're good.
[06:09:08] All right.
[06:09:09] Everything's fine now.
[06:09:10] Let's lock in.
[06:09:11] I'm chill, I'm chill.
[06:09:13] I'm chill.
[06:09:15] I'm chill.
[06:09:18] I'm chill.
[06:09:21] All right, we're in act two.
[06:09:23] We're in act two.
[06:09:26] We're back, we're back.
[06:09:33] What is that?
[06:09:39] I just came back and that happens?
[06:09:42] Are you serious?
[06:09:51] What is that?
[06:09:54] I don't have the talent
[06:09:54] I can run while doing it. Oh my god it drains my energy. You can block that. How do you get on the roof?
[06:10:31] On the open the door?
[06:10:35] Huh?
[06:10:38] How do you get on the roof?
[06:10:47] Am I dumb? But how do you transfer into a- you know chat don't make- don't make jokes for the door thing.
[06:11:13] How do you turn into a, um...
[06:11:16] How do you turn into a bug?
[06:11:22] Hey, it's bug. It's bugged. I found it up there.
[06:11:43] Maybe I can unlock it soon. It's 15 deaths. Okay, I'll change it up.
[06:11:49] I'll change it up, the fuck is that then?
[06:12:32] The deity chat, is deity like, is that god?
[06:12:47] Is it half god or is it semi god?
[06:12:49] Wait, of course I just walk here, that's how I go around.
[06:12:53] So there wasn't a door, unless I can open it from the outside.
[06:13:23] So I'm gonna peace it for now, I'm gonna peace it for now.
[06:13:25] I'll be back tomorrow, okay?
[06:13:31] I'll be back tomorrow.
[06:13:34] We'll be based tomorrow. Okay. All right. I'll catch you there