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07-02-2024 · 8h 40m

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[00:00:00] ............................................ Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum Bum-ba-da-bum-bam Chattermans, what's popping what's popping
[00:08:41] how are we doing i will be your um i'll be your daily streamer for the day.
[00:08:48] Thank you for tuning in, wait let me turn off this fucking keyboard...
[00:08:55] Hold up, you can see the reflection of the keyboard in my glasses lighting off.
[00:08:58] Okay.
[00:09:03] Where's the Elden Ring? The Elden Ring will come. Chill out, okay? Okay?
[00:09:08] Chill out. I'm like the weatherman. I say
[00:09:10] it's gonna rain, it's gonna rain. Chill out.
[00:09:12] Chill out, bro. Chill out.
[00:09:15] But
[00:09:16] I'm also a multi-roller, chat. I'm a multi-roller chat and a multi-roller
[00:09:20] oh multi roller okay yesterday me man me yesterday my pc for four months, Pedro. How fun!
[00:09:28] Honeybee, honeybee...
[00:09:31] Yesterday chat
[00:09:33] I opened up a video game
[00:09:35] And my PC blue screened
[00:09:37] Then I open another one and it blue screens again
[00:09:40] I open an online blue screen again. So I thought you know what?
[00:09:42] Every single time it blue screened
[00:09:44] I took a picture okay
[00:09:46] And every single time it blue screened
[00:09:48] the error message was something about my clock.
[00:09:52] It kept saying my clock watchdog every single
[00:09:57] time and it took multiple screenshots. I'm gonna give you the evidence because
[00:10:06] i am just that guy okay this was the error clock watchdog timeout
[00:10:12] Clock Watchdog Timeout both times times. Double blue screen yesterday.
[00:10:14] So I thought you know what?
[00:10:18] I'll go into the BIOS.
[00:10:22] Yeah, I'll go into the BIOS.
[00:10:32] And I thought maybe something in the BIOS settings is wrong. Maybe something in the BIOS settings is wrong. Maybe
[00:10:33] something in the BIOS settings is wrong. So I went into
[00:10:37] the BIOS. It's a weird world, the BIOS.
[00:10:42] And then I found my RAM
[00:10:45] and it said that my ram was in XMP mode
[00:10:50] so i thought damn
[00:10:53] xmp mode that sounds fucking scary.
[00:10:55] I'll turn that off.
[00:10:59] Then I restarted my PC.
[00:11:04] Okay? Now my PC is working. Okay.
[00:11:06] Then my PC didn't turn on for like 10 minutes, it didn't turn on.
[00:11:11] It was done! I messaged Draco and said...
[00:11:16] ...I think I broke my PC.
[00:11:20] Eventually after 10 minutes it turned on
[00:11:24] and my pc booted up everything was fine Everything was fine for the first, like hour
[00:11:27] I opened up the game
[00:11:29] it opened! There was no problem
[00:11:31] No problem
[00:11:33] I opened up the game, no problem, no blue screens
[00:11:35] everything worked, I was gaming.
[00:11:37] I hopped on some CS
[00:11:41] and then things started to happen
[00:11:43] my keyboard would stop
[00:11:45] My mouse would stop
[00:11:48] My inputs would be delayed by about 30 seconds
[00:11:50] I wouldn't move
[00:11:52] but when I press W, 30 seconds later
[00:11:54] like my champ starts moving forwards
[00:11:56] What the fuck?
[00:11:59] Now I've stopped the blue screen,
[00:12:02] but now I can't even play!
[00:12:03] Man, I was getting shot at in CS because
[00:12:05] I couldn't move.
[00:12:07] So I turned XMP back on.
[00:12:09] I haven't fixed the problem.
[00:12:11] That's my story. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
[00:12:13] My PC is still fucked.
[00:12:17] It's still fucked.
[00:12:28] So here's the deal, tomorrow morning we are going to do an IRL stream and we're gonna fix the PC so please any tech gurus I'm gonna steal my phone
[00:12:38] I need some help I need you to tell me what to do to fix it
[00:12:47] i turned the xmp back on
[00:12:52] we're gonna go through it all, a couple of hours
[00:12:54] of fixing it
[00:12:58] So we are going to get some variety content
[00:13:00] Instead of getting the camera angle this way,
[00:13:03] you guys are gonna get the camera angle
[00:13:05] that way! How cool is that?
[00:13:09] Isn't that fun? All right. all right please be in what yeah i will i'll clean the desk i the desk. It's not that bad today.
[00:13:38] It's only like a little bit.
[00:13:40] This should be pretty easy.
[00:13:43] There's, like, two bowls, three cups and two dishes.
[00:13:46] And it's in bags. It's really not that bad. You know it gets... This might sound really bad.
[00:13:49] You know it gets bad when you can smell it, that's when you got a problem.
[00:13:53] Until you can't smell it, you're fine.
[00:13:59] You said we were going to play Elden Ring today?
[00:14:01] Yeah, we are going to play Elden Ring today.
[00:14:04] We're going to play Elden Ring today. I'm going back to UK soon as well.
[00:14:11] Chad, did you watch the Portugal game last night?
[00:14:15] You watched a Portugal game last night? did you see this by the way did
[00:14:18] you see this wait hold up
[00:14:24] did you see what the bbc puts on their main broadcast that's actually from the bbc That's crazy, no? Like what the hell?
[00:14:43] You guys say basic
[00:14:45] and I'm like...
[00:14:47] I don't know. I think it was wrong you make a reddit thread about them what do you mean based
[00:15:09] aha caught you wait hold up I need to change this sponsor thing. There we go.
[00:15:17] Alright.
[00:15:19] Alright alright alright, alright.
[00:15:23] Bro that guy yesterday...
[00:15:25] That guy? That fucking ummm
[00:15:27] That goalkeeper what's his name?
[00:15:31] That goalkeeper, what's his name? That goalkeeper was fucking crazy.
[00:15:36] Costa bro that guy is fucking Diego Brick Waller. He's crazy.
[00:15:48] Alright, let's get into the real trick.
[00:15:52] Bro... this is what I hate about this shit, man.
[00:15:56] I saw this on the main Reddit yesterday.
[00:15:58] I don't check my Reddit off-stream, so you guys need to chill out a bit.
[00:16:04] You guys need to chill out a bit. You really need to chill out a bit I hear you guys need to chill out a bit you really need to chill out
[00:16:05] this tweet bro
[00:16:07] the reason
[00:16:11] I don't like
[00:16:12] this tweet
[00:16:12] by Jankos
[00:16:13] is his follow-up tweet
[00:16:18] is to point out that it was an educational joke and there's no beef.
[00:16:22] But that came five hours after a reddit hate thread
[00:16:25] came out about all of them with 800 comments and 5 000 upvotes so
[00:16:29] it was i don't want to say it was misleading
[00:16:32] but i think jankos also the way he the way he talks in this video
[00:16:37] he sounds like he's just you know like taking the piss
[00:16:40] in a nice way, you know? He is like your frauds!
[00:16:44] he's not actually pissed pissed, I feel like.
[00:16:47] And this is just
[00:16:49] at first people are like
[00:16:53] DEFEND HIM!
[00:16:55] When actually he's joking but 99 people can't say see that he's like got a little bit of
[00:16:59] joke in his word so everyone's on dom and gillius and the casters as well for not
[00:17:05] knowing this interaction right not knowing that Sejuani
[00:17:08] can be prox from the ult or whatever it is.
[00:17:12] And then there's literally 500
[00:17:14] comments of them calling him dogshit
[00:17:16] coach rumors trash casters waste of time stupid ass like
[00:17:20] and it's like what can we like can we like have addressed that from the beginning or could
[00:17:24] be maybe just talked about in private.
[00:17:29] You guys say base,
[00:17:31] but this is like people's careers, man.
[00:17:33] Imagine being Vettius. First he gets flamed by Upset for
[00:17:35] something that I personally don't think you did wrong.
[00:17:38] Then he gets flamed by reddit again
[00:17:41] for being incorrect about a mechanic right uh and yankees is only kind of
[00:17:47] joking just like guys i wasn't trolling. Right?
[00:17:52] At what point is it any single thing that ever happens that's a single
[00:17:55] minute, it's just going to get called out on Twitter
[00:17:56] no matter what and I reiterate every single time.
[00:17:59] It's like can we cut them some slack even i even i stream and i'll call the
[00:18:05] player out or not call a player out right i'll say like i'm not talking about dominguez and
[00:18:09] i'm talking about videos right i'll say like oh he misplayed that and then my chat will say
[00:18:14] hold on.. I'm back. It's not a meal shut up man it's on a meal um where was that yeah basically
[00:19:02] i'll say i'll stay on stream ah he misplayed that or played it bad.
[00:19:06] And then my chat will say, this is how the interaction works
[00:19:10] or this is the item.
[00:19:12] Oh, OK, shit, I didn't know that.
[00:19:14] My bad, I'm sorry.
[00:19:16] He played it correct then.
[00:19:17] That's happened a couple times this month for sure.
[00:19:21] Like that has happened in co-streams.
[00:19:25] But that doesn't deserve like a, you're so fucking stupid and don't know anything about the game.
[00:19:30] Do I think Dom & Gilius could have phrased it a lot better? Yes.
[00:19:33] Do I blame Jankos for calling them out when they talk too towards him? No.
[00:19:36] But do I think Jankos is for calling them out when they're toxic towards him no but do i think yancos is
[00:19:37] actually calling them out as if he's like mad at them no he's just joking and you can see later on
[00:19:44] it's just choking but then you see like the interaction rate, right? 233 thousand people are like
[00:19:48] Oh okay joking. 600
[00:19:50] Thousand people are now like
[00:19:52] Dom and Gilly is a dog shit and the cats are stupid
[00:19:54] And it's like
[00:19:59] That's what I don't like about it. And, yeah...
[00:20:03] I'm not lawyering up!
[00:20:07] I just don't think it's good.
[00:20:11] He said he was joking, yeah I know he was joking.
[00:20:13] You can tell by his voice that he is joking.
[00:20:16] You can tell at the end that he is joking. This is classic Jankos, bro.
[00:20:20] Classic Jankos. Listen to him.
[00:20:24] Listen to him. Obviously he's joking from this point onwards.
[00:20:27] But some frauds don't know that so shout out to you guys
[00:20:33] You can see it's like being funny, you know?
[00:20:37] Um... So yeah. I don't have anything wrong with the situation i don't have a big take you know um
[00:20:45] uh i don't have a huge take that's like crazy to be like this person is wrong something wrong
[00:20:50] i don't disagree that calling mouth's about thing i don't wrong i don't disagree that calling mount is a bad
[00:20:52] thing i don't think i don't disagree with like i just don't understand how not auto
[00:20:57] attacking and ulting and one person saying he should have altered i didn't know you could
[00:21:00] alter has now turned into a reddit thread with
[00:21:02] 5000 upvotes that they didn't know the interaction like to me that's crazy that is crazy
[00:21:08] i don't understand how not knowing an interaction has blown this much i get that it's because they were being like toxic
[00:21:16] toxic the way they talked about it but yankees is also joking back so to me
[00:21:21] on my surface level they probably have a decent relationship.
[00:21:25] Because Jankos was co-streaming with Dom Mosony
[00:21:28] They were doing like co-streams last year
[00:21:30] They're probably like good friends you know
[00:21:32] And their bantering i would imagine um but now it's like turned
[00:21:38] into this mega drama and it's like jesus christ man um so yeah I'm done.
[00:21:46] Yeah, I'm done now. Termini online rat doesn't know the internet.
[00:21:59] Yeah, I guess maybe I shouldn't yap about this.
[00:22:02] You know what happens, happens.
[00:22:04] Whatever happens, happens. Whatever happens, happens.
[00:22:09] Gilius has never seemed to like Jankos?
[00:22:11] Bro, Gilius has never seemed to like anyone.
[00:22:13] Gilius hated me as well when I was a pro player.
[00:22:15] That's just Gilius. he just got an ego through the roof
[00:22:22] i think he hates anyone that's a jungler that's just his it's his this just his personality.
[00:22:30] I had friends who were on his team,
[00:22:32] who told me that all he would do is flame me
[00:22:34] for like an hour straight in a scrim even though he lost and they found it funny
[00:22:45] anyway um
[00:22:51] cage will cast this moment he also knew about mechanic
[00:22:54] show make his build with the tp and lucidity boots i think a lot of pressure
[00:22:58] hang on a second.
[00:22:59] Is that going to kill?
[00:23:00] There it is!
[00:23:01] Okay, Broken Blade he can't repost and ignite
[00:23:04] And that's just a solo kill from the pig
[00:23:06] Well, that's a counterpick top into a first pick Sejuani and nuguri is now solo killed broken blade will get
[00:23:13] Another plate in this matchup. We'll get another wave in we'll be ahead in experience
[00:23:17] Will team fight better so this sideline just falling apart for g2 yeah that's uh
[00:23:22] that's a
[00:23:31] i mean i did call him out of it there I mean,
[00:23:32] I did call him out of it there.
[00:23:35] The first big Sejuani counter pick has now died 1v1.
[00:23:38] Anyway.
[00:23:41] Should I get a reddit thread about me
[00:23:43] flaming bb?
[00:23:44] like, i don't get it
[00:23:45] whatever, if there's more
[00:23:48] hate threads or reddit threads about people flaming this
[00:23:51] and then people getting this wrong and then
[00:23:52] people saying that then it is what it is just you do your thing
[00:23:59] drake has flamed casual for cancelling it he didn't know the interaction but if
[00:24:02] you actually cancel your mausoleum,
[00:24:04] the old damage still goes through.
[00:24:08] I'm gonna make that tweet today.
[00:24:12] I'm going to make that tweet today.
[00:24:22] Actually, we should make it right now no chat someone record me someone called me
[00:24:33] say who was it
[00:24:37] so long already It's H2K, who was it? So long you're ready to record me.
[00:24:43] No, it wasn't Vitality...
[00:24:44] Well, it WAS Vitality! I swear it was.
[00:24:47] Alright, see ya. uh no it wasn't my title well i was fighting yesterday it was all right here
[00:24:55] why did I do it?
[00:25:03] What time did I do it, chat? Oh, I did it here.
[00:25:13] So apparently there was a cast in 2018 that questioned my mechanics
[00:25:19] and I think my mechanics
[00:25:21] were pixel perfect, so I'll show you the clip first for context.
[00:25:24] These are the tense
[00:25:25] moments, Vedi. This is going to be mid-game. 2k gold
[00:25:27] lead for vitality
[00:25:29] One-to-one in the towers a dragon advantage as well
[00:25:33] Ready to fight flash over
[00:25:36] Just canceled wait, so the casters that was just cancelled wait so the casters that was canceled yeah obviously confused there is no
[00:25:43] way for him to break the cc came from this right click on accident so the casters were
[00:25:48] being quite toxic towards me and they were being like
[00:25:50] really questioning what i was doing there but if you know mazahar
[00:25:53] any no mechanics uh you know that if you ult whether you cancel it or not
[00:25:57] the full damage goes through and all i want to do was chunk esri a little bit for the dragon spawn so we could
[00:26:02] cross map top tier too just make sure that his health bar was low okay um i wanted it to be a
[00:26:07] quick play i want to invest my flash to chunky's healthbar um so yeah i've just found some frauds uh
[00:26:13] fraudulent casters from many years ago and yeah don't question my mazhar
[00:26:25] true no it's true move your phone
[00:26:28] is it making a lot of noise is it making a lot of noise?
[00:26:33] Did it make a lot of noise or what?
[00:26:39] Do I have to do it again? No, I don't want to do it again! Do I have to do it again. Now I don't want to do it again. Do I have to do it again? How bad was
[00:26:49] it? Now just a bit. it does it does look chat i don't know where the you know what my instagram dms
[00:27:03] are sometimes i swear half every day my Instagram
[00:27:05] DM's are people linking me this
[00:27:07] XL video saying
[00:27:09] that did you know Malzahar's ult
[00:27:11] even if you cancel it does
[00:27:13] the full amount of damage.
[00:27:16] It's like bro, fuck off.
[00:27:18] Yo Amy thanks for 4 years much love I really appreciate that
[00:27:20] You're fucking crazy
[00:27:22] Can someone link to video to me on on twitch concerning my twitch teams
[00:27:28] it's only
[00:27:32] linked in a video i need to watch it again
[00:27:41] friend of amit is again where is that video
[00:27:47] where is it?
[00:27:50] It's that voice, I'll never forget that voice.
[00:27:54] What is this?
[00:27:57] Malzahar...
[00:28:01] Damage bug?
[00:28:12] Haha! You see? The full damage goes through even if you cancel it.
[00:28:23] I told you! Now don't question my mazhar don't question my mother all right where's the clip let's tweet it
[00:28:29] where is the clip? i'll maybe actually maybe should i tweet it will it return to a reddit hate thread it's wrong why is it wrong Is Nemesis good enough to play an LEC team? Yeah.
[00:29:09] Alright, also chat I feel like my Reddit is turning into the League Reddit
[00:29:17] It's crazy
[00:29:18] I guess it is a league reddit but also
[00:29:20] I don't want to be a hate reddit
[00:29:22] Okay Because i got few messages But also, I don't want it to be a hate Reddit.
[00:29:23] Because I got a few messages about this thread
[00:29:28] where people are just shitting on each other.
[00:29:30] Guys stop shitting on each other and stop shitting on people.
[00:29:33] Stop being weird.
[00:29:36] All you're doing is
[00:29:37] shitting on everyone.
[00:29:42] Like,
[00:29:43] first you shit on people, and then you shit on each other. And it's like bro can you guys just fucking...
[00:29:50] Again I think they've got the whole situation wrong.
[00:30:01] Like you're just shitting on Dom for no reason like
[00:30:05] You guys don't understand the situation enough I feel like Jankos is just misleading in a sense where he was just joking,
[00:30:08] and now it's just a mega hate thread.
[00:30:17] All right. all right
[00:30:22] carrier when Zeus got caught
[00:30:28] please stop asking Cato to set this at free from the basement, I'm fine.
[00:30:33] What? He's treating me well and keeping me safe. Lies on the internet are only hurting him.
[00:30:37] Please stop... H-E-L-P-M...
[00:30:38] Oh, okay.
[00:30:40] Okay.
[00:30:42] Okay.
[00:30:45] Okay.
[00:30:47] Bro you're a fraud clipper!
[00:30:50] You are fraud-clipping.
[00:30:55] You didn't include the start part of my clip.
[00:31:00] Oh yeah, my phone is terrible chat! Why didn't you tell me? That's horrible!
[00:31:02] And all I want to do was chunk Ezreal a little bit
[00:31:04] For the dragon spawn so he can cross map top tier 2
[00:31:06] It's TERRIBLE!
[00:31:08] Just make sure that it is healthy.
[00:31:11] Oh my god, we're gonna have to redo, we're gonna have to redo
[00:31:13] FUCK man! You said
[00:31:15] it wasn't that bad! It was terrible
[00:31:24] ... 2008 dial-up. This is real, by the way man. He has his name immortalized as a natural disaster.
[00:31:29] Hurricane Beryl? Is it deadly i hope it's okay
[00:31:34] it looks like it's hitting where where's that chat
[00:31:38] is that the caribbean Is it there now or what?
[00:31:48] Beryllium. Why are there so many barrel posts?
[00:31:54] Wait, what?
[00:31:55] Beryllium?
[00:31:58] Barrel varieties?
[00:32:02] It's going to hit Florida? Is it?
[00:32:06] Is Florida okay? Cheer us on during the eSports World Cup.
[00:32:11] Nuguri in Eternal Return Pro Play.
[00:32:19] This guy is a hacker that uses DDoSing to win, what? What?
[00:32:27] A hacker that DDoSs to win. What?! What?
[00:32:40] What happened in this game, his hack just didn't work?
[00:32:44] Fucking deserved red.
[00:32:47] So he's getting zero kills, zero deaths per game mostly and is winning?
[00:32:53] Seven minutes, eight minutes, nine minutes
[00:32:59] oh he's making it so one of them is dc'd at the start so they can't remake after
[00:33:03] he's already bought items or what yes those wait none of them have cs wait he's taking all of them out
[00:33:12] he's taking all five of them out
[00:33:16] these are just damage taken.
[00:33:19] What?
[00:33:23] He's taking his own teammates out too!
[00:33:27] He takes out 7 people per game no eight
[00:33:37] what he takes out two of his teammates, normally bot lane and the whole enemy team.
[00:33:45] There it is again, bot lane and mid gone And the whole enemy team.
[00:33:55] There's a message that instacrashes the game.
[00:33:59] Okay but how does he do that with vanguard
[00:34:03] he just gets their ip to the client then just turns off their pieces
[00:34:13] oh he's still killinguing with a top laner.
[00:34:21] It's a Vanguard bug! He DMs them something that turns off Vanguard and crashes their PC.
[00:34:23] Really?
[00:34:25] He writes it in all chat?
[00:34:30] What?!
[00:34:32] He writes something in all chat and crashes their vanguard
[00:34:36] and then breaks their pc
[00:34:40] biles got hit with it yesterday
[00:35:24] ready got hit with it yesterday? Really? Does the Bounce have a clip channel? Did you click did you clip it no the balance has no clips anywhere Jesus that's so fucked up. I remember back in my days, you'd get drop hacked. You would get drop hacked.
[00:35:25] Basically they will just delete the game if they're not winning
[00:35:33] check through twitter
[00:35:36] we have a look does he show it?
[00:35:37] Yes I do whip it out
[00:35:43] What you mean mean rooted Twitter?
[00:35:54] Huh?
[00:35:59] Huh? His TikTok
[00:36:05] I want a big fucking dick
[00:36:09] WHAT! What are you linking? What are you linking?
[00:36:11] What are you linkiiiing?
[00:36:13] What are you linking? just crashing entire league games. It's supposed to be a friendly emoticon, but it will straight up crash
[00:36:20] your game if you send us the M.
[00:36:21] Wait! My game crashed?
[00:36:24] Hello? What the fuck?
[00:36:26] I have never had that actually
[00:36:28] And it can crash an entire lobby if it's something like that
[00:36:31] Even some of the biggest leachers in the US have been affected by this
[00:36:34] Every time this guy DMs me, IDC
[00:36:37] What the fuck?
[00:36:39] Bro what the fuck is going on?
[00:36:41] What's happening?
[00:36:43] Nah, there's no way
[00:36:45] Oh shit
[00:36:47] Wait you crashed my camera as well by the way
[00:36:49] My camera is dead The dumb way. My camera's dead.
[00:36:51] The dumbest part about this game-crushing emote
[00:36:53] Is that it kinda looks like a dog.
[00:36:54] RENKT!
[00:36:55] Hold this dog, please.
[00:36:57] Okay buddy
[00:36:58] If you crash my game
[00:37:00] I will ruin your life
[00:37:01] I swear to god The dog is coming Crash my game. I will ruin your life!
[00:37:01] I swear to God, the dog is coming.
[00:37:04] I swear to God, I swear to God...
[00:37:06] Some people have actually been farming wins from drop mollies like this so maybe think twice before you go.
[00:37:12] Really? REALLY?! Maybe think twice before you move.
[00:37:15] Really? Really, really, really, really...
[00:37:17] Damn! So people are just getting taken out left right and center
[00:37:30] Oh my oh my god so how are they gonna fix that then did they fix it yet please tell me they're gonna fix it check this what is this
[00:37:36] strategy have a strategy guys don't worry
[00:37:40] i missed the dog is in a new state. How insane is that? The dog has been unleashed.
[00:37:56] Dude, how insane is that? You could just do that!
[00:37:58] Drute did it to me one time...
[00:38:00] Oh I did it to drute, same place
[00:38:02] Holy fuck
[00:38:04] Yo master tier sniper rats.
[00:38:06] Do you want to add me on friend list?
[00:38:12] Hello TikTok new exploit dropped for League of Legends, as you might remember.
[00:38:17] A couple years ago there was an exploit that if you typed something in chat
[00:38:21] either ingame or DMs
[00:38:23] You could disable chat for both teams and it was really hard to turn it back on. Well Riot, Riot Games
[00:38:30] decided to make it even worse and now you can crash any game! Either the game
[00:38:36] you're playing or through DMs.
[00:38:38] So first what you wanna do is find your victim, in my case it's SloppyWallRules testing some
[00:38:44] Gragas combos in practice rule.
[00:38:46] I go to his DMS...
[00:38:50] Oh where is he? There's the victim. I click then I post this and look!
[00:38:58] What? Hello? I'm here to help you!
[00:39:03] Can i get help? HAHAHAHA! THIS RAPE IS FOR RAINSTONE!
[00:39:15] Oh, that was good.
[00:39:17] That was good, that was good.
[00:39:19] There's no way he just made a tutorial on how to do it he made a
[00:39:22] tutorial We'll see, Chovy. We'll see.
[00:39:47] Shut up!
[00:39:49] Just shut up!
[00:39:51] Shut up, Capsy. just shut up shut up best teammates ever
[00:40:00] what is this this video explains the ivan situation in pro play
[00:40:05] the irons improper and cage have mentioned about it being invincible in lsk lpl
[00:40:10] take the time that's awesome there so we didn't scrim very much,
[00:40:15] We practiced I think like five different types of team comps in four days
[00:40:19] and then we felt a bit stressed out going into the game
[00:40:21] When was this?
[00:40:23] Since our last six games so we're feeling pretty good going into next weekend.
[00:40:26] Great! Dude I talked with Jage about this...
[00:40:28] Was there ever the idea you know just sub 500 players in?
[00:40:31] Go to Korea, bootcamp and say fuck it in summer and then you're prepared for words
[00:40:37] you're more rested you don't you don't need to care because you have like your
[00:40:40] season final anyway you're qualified right did the thought ever cross your mind no uh
[00:40:44] g2 made a meme video about it last year though i was now
[00:40:48] can you imagine they won winter spring lock season finals and then just left for a split like
[00:40:53] that would be so bm um but we would never actually do it uh le winning lac and games
[00:40:58] and stuff is still very important to us so that'll be sobering i mean of course but you know what
[00:41:03] yeah interesting yeah i i think we would prefer to stay here.
[00:41:09] Having a coach actually,
[00:41:10] I'm really flabbergasted because
[00:41:12] I watch a lot of LCK and FPL as well
[00:41:14] I don't understand Europe's Ivan prio
[00:41:16] Can you elaborate like what is happening
[00:41:20] So, Ivan is... your europe's ivan prio can you elaborate like what's happening oh perfect so ivern is it's very strong against a lot of the tank jungles and also very strong against some of the ap jungles because
[00:41:26] all of the ap j junglers are shorter ranged.
[00:41:28] And for example, a champ like Zyra
[00:41:30] if you play double long range stuff against Zyra
[00:41:33] or even Ivern
[00:41:34] You kind of just can outrange and outpoke
[00:41:37] So those are the two types of junglers, right?
[00:41:39] Tank jungle and AP jungle.
[00:41:40] If it's good against both then it can be a very good champ to build your comp around.
[00:41:43] I think the weakness is if you're playing a champ like Ivern
[00:41:45] You're very weak to getting engaged on
[00:41:49] Or you're weak if your carries are just weaker, right?
[00:41:51] If you're playing debunker carries and enemy carry
[00:41:53] scale harder than you then you're
[00:41:54] just going to have a bad game.
[00:41:56] Oh that's awesome too actually.
[00:41:57] OK.
[00:41:59] I thought it would be more like a, this is the reason!
[00:42:01] But yeah, makes sense.
[00:42:03] Till today I learned you can be 100 LP and not rank up.
[00:42:06] Wait really?
[00:42:08] You're Diamond 4 in TFT?
[00:42:10] What's this?
[00:42:13] What is this?
[00:42:14] Wires called, okay.
[00:42:17] Okay you can have it, you can have it.
[00:42:19] You can have it.
[00:42:20] What is this Middle Schoolers recreate the rise movie
[00:42:40] What is this how else you can do the mountain scene?
[00:42:49] I I
[00:43:08] He smiled, I saw that smile.
[00:43:17] They're just using the same playground.
[00:43:25] Oh, that edit was clean! that edit was clean.
[00:43:26] The lightning in the air? I like it. one false um peace Bro, this should win content piece of the year.
[00:44:23] I can't tell the difference.
[00:44:29] They couldn't come up with an idea for this one so they just said to
[00:44:32] just trace me Do you know it?
[00:44:42] Or do you want it?
[00:44:47] And when the giant's called and asks you what your worth
[00:44:50] Do you know if We're not dying nice glasses reflection
[00:44:58] what's he doing to his hair? clean edits
[00:45:18] clean edits bro
[00:45:21] so clean edits bro
[00:45:48] now let them do a world strata yo you guys are the coolest kids in school. Let me tell you that you guys are the coolest kids in school I'm 100% sure your chat go
[00:45:52] give them some love on their video.
[00:45:54] You guys said a coolest kids in school. That was
[00:45:56] goated. You should be really proud
[00:45:58] of yourselves, that was super cool
[00:45:59] That was super cool. Check out our video
[00:46:01] 183k
[00:46:04] videos! Hella deserved bro.
[00:46:07] Mega clean.
[00:46:11] That was a good laugh, that was a good laugh.
[00:46:14] They don't... Shut up bro.
[00:46:17] Did I say 183k views?
[00:46:20] I said 183K views!
[00:46:23] It took them 5 months to make that!
[00:46:28] This thumbnail looks a little familiar
[00:46:30] New emote for Mac dying
[00:46:32] to Mesmer
[00:46:36] I'm writing that game crash.
[00:46:39] Wait, hold up, Choby's looking kinda
[00:46:43] fucking clean though? Chobby is looking kind of clean or what?
[00:46:47] ... Choby's looking kind of clean or what?
[00:46:57] Damn! Chobby is looking mega-clean. Oh, Canyon, what's he riding damn look at this whipper teens got a chair Are they sponsored by a fashion brand yo chobie looks hella clean
[00:47:21] he looks hella clean he'll win his lane and then he'll win your heart damn What are they sponsored by?
[00:47:40] Who's Lil Billy?
[00:47:41] Chat, who's Lil billy who's that
[00:47:45] how team became the best teammate My game requires a restop.
[00:48:02] What? My game requires a restart.
[00:48:06] What?
[00:48:08] What, why?
[00:48:10] Why?
[00:48:12] WHY?!
[00:48:15] Just close and reopen you'll be fine.
[00:48:27] Saved! Saved! Oh yes, yes. Yes we can get back on the league.
[00:48:37] Fun fact that Nylastrati and VCS actually originated one year ago in korean solo queue
[00:48:39] did it did it
[00:49:01] did okay okay we're saying what happened to england in euros explained in league terms yep um uh so basically all the teams invited to esports world cup is in saudi now the question is who will play the upcoming t1 and genji blg
[00:49:05] test in the regular season there's a break what do you think they're going
[00:49:09] to do find that a replacement t1 than jengi and just let them duke it out in the lck while
[00:49:14] they're not there like what are you on about who? Who's going to be playing
[00:49:17] for Gen.G and T1?
[00:49:21] What do you want about them?
[00:49:23] No, they're just
[00:49:25] going to pause the season
[00:49:25] The payment Gen.G have to pay for the Golden Road, last place in LCKCL
[00:49:33] Alright I think we're done
[00:49:35] We're done, we're done, we're done
[00:49:36] Oh wait! I have to re-record my video chat
[00:49:38] Can someone record me?
[00:49:46] Can someone record me?
[00:49:50] Ready? Ready? ready it's come to my attention
[00:49:57] that some people have been questioning
[00:49:59] my pixel perfect mechanics most most of those will be the casters.
[00:50:02] I'll give you some context quickly first.
[00:50:04] One to one in the towers, a dragon advantage as well.
[00:50:08] Ready to fight Flash over!
[00:50:12] Just cancelled...
[00:50:14] Wait!
[00:50:16] That was always the case!
[00:50:20] So they're questioning what I did there and I feel really disrespected, honestly.
[00:50:24] Now if you know Malzahar like I do, whether you cancel the ult or not
[00:50:28] The full amount of damage goes through
[00:50:31] So actually tried to chunk Ezreal out there so we could take their top jungle camps
[00:50:34] and then look the base because they're not going to fight dragon anyway
[00:50:37] so i played that as good as possible and i'm not sure why people are questioning
[00:50:41] what i did so yeah i would appreciate if they said sorry
[00:50:44] and we can all move on from this cool to break the season cool just right clicked again on accident accident
[00:51:03] you never read my post what was your post best chess match of
[00:51:06] my life i was a chatter who won against pedro before the lck
[00:51:13] now that's not me that's not me. That's not me.
[00:51:16] 400 Elo? That's not me.
[00:51:23] That's not me. People might meme you for being a rat, but I want to shout out my sentiment that
[00:51:27] You're a great friend of the people around you and an awesome listener
[00:51:30] I appreciate that, I appreciate that
[00:51:31] But how do you know that?
[00:51:33] How do you know that?
[00:51:36] Who is inviting me to duo? I'm not dueling with you.
[00:51:38] How do you know that?
[00:51:42] Open your chest right now and prove it? No, let's not get bogged down with proving this right and this wrong.
[00:51:50] We're not gonna play chess today. It's fine.
[00:51:52] It's fine.
[00:51:54] It's fine.
[00:51:59] Alright I think we're done.
[00:52:02] The corporealism is the final difference in these pictures?
[00:52:04] They are the same picture?
[00:52:05] Johnny Cage meme and me?
[00:52:25] Alright... even mean um all right What is wrong with me chat? What is wrong with me?
[00:52:27] Chat, how do you change your username?
[00:52:29] How do you change your username in League?
[00:52:31] How do you change your loser name?
[00:52:34] How to change it.
[00:52:43] Oh wait hold up.
[00:52:45] Right, I need to change my name from Cajal because if I have the name Cajal
[00:52:47] people are going to open up
[00:52:49] the stream and they're gonna ghost me as jungle
[00:52:52] i need a new name i need a new name hold up
[00:52:59] hold up hold up hold up hold up I have to confirm this email fucking and the code we sent your email
[00:53:10] 6-3
[00:53:18] Stop saying ew shut up stop saying you what's a good new name
[00:53:24] i can't link i can't i can't leak but what's it what's the new name chat what's a good new name
[00:53:32] not casual wait that's kind of smart.
[00:53:36] We've got Red King and Red Emperor and we've got Red Lord.
[00:53:39] We need a new one.
[00:53:46] We need a new one.
[00:53:57] I'm not doing little pup.
[00:53:59] Oh, I've got a good one.
[00:54:07] Should I call myself Sparky?
[00:54:31] What's wrong with Sparky's good, right?
[00:54:34] Elden Red.
[00:54:35] Ooh, I like that name.
[00:54:36] Elden Red. I like the, Elden Red.
[00:54:40] I like the name Elden Red.
[00:54:42] No.
[00:54:47] What about chat Sparky or Lil Sparky? Sparky or Lil Sparky sparky a little sparkly what's the better name Why Sparky? Because my big brother used to call me Sparky when I was younger.
[00:55:15] It's cute, it's good lore!
[00:55:20] Oh wait... good law oh wait what about this chat spark fucker I want to get
[00:55:30] co in my name
[00:55:44] i want to get kinder Delete cur?
[00:55:46] Why do you want to delete cur Oh yeah
[00:55:48] Curdrill
[00:55:49] I could do Kudrell i'm gonna put a space in between it.
[00:56:20] Co-drill, hashtag fraud. Perfect.
[00:56:24] Done! Perfect. Done.
[00:56:30] Okay, that's not as hard to find now it's me.
[00:56:33] What did badkiss great disguise it is a good disguise no one's gonna think about
[00:56:40] it so those who don't know we're going to go back to jungle i played a game of
[00:56:45] jungle yesterday in sort of. I was kind of
[00:56:46] cracking heads. My Nidalee's
[00:56:48] kind of clean.
[00:56:51] My Nidalee's kind of clean.
[00:56:53] Okay, what else did we miss?
[00:56:54] Anything else?
[00:56:57] Captain Flower What else did we miss? Anything else? Captain Flowers, the whole Jankos thing.
[00:56:59] Yeah, we went through that.
[00:57:01] We were playing like shit to spit, carsy.
[00:57:05] My signed SKT1 jersey from MSI 2024.
[00:57:09] Ooh, you framed it as well! That looks sexy.
[00:57:14] Daaaaaaamn.
[00:57:17] Daaaaamn. Daaaaamn.
[00:57:23] Fuck, I should frame mine but I don't know how to frame something.
[00:57:29] So I just have it hanging in my wardrobe.
[00:57:37] Isn't yours also like that? Yeah, I have two like that.
[00:57:41] They're 2022 Worlds jersey and have their 2022 world's jersey and they're 2023 worlds jersey with all five of their signatures on it
[00:57:47] hopefully i can get a 2024 World's jersey as well.
[00:57:53] Then, I'll have 3 out of 4 of their Worlds jerseys
[00:57:56] because they will probably break up this year right?
[00:58:01] I'm hoping that for the Worlds giveaway Giveaway this year, I can get a full signed T1 jersey as one of the main prizes.
[00:58:08] Hoping.
[00:58:20] What else, Chad? Is there anything else, any links?
[00:58:27] Any other links?
[00:58:31] What is this?
[00:58:37] Faker reviews the Ahri skin.
[00:58:39] 400,000 views?
[00:58:41] Hello everyone.
[00:58:43] Today's ad broadcast. Ad broadcast. 2,000 views?
[00:58:47] Sell out! Selling out I'll try to use the legendary Ari. Actually, I didn't plan on using the Ari skin
[00:58:57] but as I keep watching it
[00:58:59] I feel like I'm being sold out
[00:59:01] What is this?
[00:59:03] The legendary Ari that came up Why. Immortal Legendary.
[00:59:26] Legendary... Oh, faked out. I don't like it, guys. Other skins don't work but the one that works
[00:59:28] is moving
[00:59:29] It was before?
[00:59:30] Okay good then it's fine
[00:59:31] It's a skin that moves
[00:59:33] so I'm surprised
[00:59:34] I'm just kidding
[00:59:35] Chill out
[00:59:36] Chill out Stop acting What I'm just kidding chill of him, but I really like his skin. What should we go for?
[00:59:48] Guys, to make it bigger, I'll go with the giant's wing.
[00:59:54] He looks strong, even from top
[00:59:56] Why is he so big? Is that an arena open? He looks strong, even from the top. Oh, this guy is too strong. Now, the game has been issued.
[01:00:22] Imagine queuing up in arena solo like asking your friends no one says
[01:00:29] you're asking other friends,
[01:00:31] someone's replying.
[01:00:33] You queue up solo and get Faker with Ahri skin
[01:00:35] And there are a lot of emotions too
[01:00:39] Cactus
[01:00:40] Trophy
[01:00:42] Dancing
[01:00:44] The opponent is weak here
[01:00:47] Why is Ahri so big?
[01:00:50] Why is Ahri so huge?
[01:00:59] I'll hide here.
[01:01:09] Drink the poison first... Wow, this Abys good skill to use.
[01:01:16] It doesn't matter that I'm bad at it, but I'm doing well.
[01:01:19] I can't get 2000 gold collect 2,000 gold yet.
[01:01:23] It's a legendary item that came up in my mind.
[01:01:25] When you gather gold, it changes.
[01:01:27] I've heard of this before.
[01:01:28] You guys are saying many positive things about me.
[01:01:34] I think I should borrow games. It's serious.
[01:01:35] I think we need to push it.
[01:01:37] Oh, it came out.
[01:01:38] I don't think this is right.
[01:01:40] The I think it's better to use the
[01:01:57] arena. arena is actually kind of fun I think arenas action fund
[01:02:01] uh funny to keep
[01:02:05] the only problem i have with a real Why is the BP so weak?
[01:02:12] I don't know if it's the same, but...
[01:02:17] I feel like if you picked like nine... I feel like we've got 60-70% of the champions are just useless.
[01:02:23] It's just like, you have to play Mordekaiser, Master Yiaisa tank galio all that i don't know what it was
[01:02:32] that was the problem Why is Ahri so big?
[01:02:42] He's too big.
[01:02:43] Says the guy who wants to hit rank 1.
[01:02:46] Listen, me and Moxie would have hit rank one
[01:02:48] we just got fucked over Oh, oh.
[01:03:02] I can't get a counter attack. What?
[01:03:06] I'll go in the right direction. I'm going to use my ultimate. oh Oh. Ahhhhhhh
[01:03:21] Faker is my arena duo
[01:03:23] Cat is there
[01:03:31] Why did I doing this?
[01:03:36] Should I go with Genshi or Zhonya?
[01:03:38] Is it magic defense or defense?
[01:03:40] Faker-Kage and Lorena duo sounds like that would be a rank 1 duo.
[01:03:56] Wow, Ahri looks mega useless in this game.
[01:03:57] Where's his damage at?
[01:04:02] Where's his damage at?
[01:04:12] What does that say?
[01:04:15] It says, are you a rat?
[01:04:20] He's 0-5.
[01:04:22] It's okay.
[01:04:23] Just in case.
[01:04:47] Why don't I like him so much? He's like me for real. Hey, help! Jace, help, help, help her.
[01:04:55] Oh nice kill there. oh nice q
[01:05:00] come on
[01:05:05] whoa no i'm big irie skin it's kind of crazy
[01:05:15] oh my god What is his teammate?
[01:05:33] Jayce, right?
[01:05:37] But Kingen just looks mega broken with Alistar.
[01:05:40] Like, Alistar is 100% health like...
[01:05:42] Alistar can't die!
[01:05:45] Yeah it's mega OP no?
[01:06:14] I'm gonna go for the kill I knew you were a good jungle? Hmm. I need to practice jungle for no reason.
[01:06:18] For no apparent reason,
[01:06:39] I need to get really good at jungle in the next six months. Crazy. But we're gonna play Elven Wing today.
[01:06:44] Ooh, no! win today Now he maybe is broken actually. Maybe the R is OP now
[01:06:55] I'm losing? What? I lose? Hide I don't know how to win. Lethality Udyr is OP?
[01:07:23] It's not going lethal, you know.
[01:07:27] Oh, fake car!
[01:07:30] Fake car!
[01:07:32] That was a rough arena game.
[01:07:36] Okay chat, first came back on jungle does tts work um i can turn it on now but
[01:07:43] monster tds is mega bugged testing testing one two three i am not spending 500 on an array skin minus 500 bits Yes, I'm going to stream with no delay. Does monster TTS work? Knuckles testing, testing 1 2 3 I am not spending 500 on an ARES skin minus 500 bits.
[01:08:16] See what i mean the alerts come through twice.
[01:08:20] So, I don't know how this monster TTS is supposed to work.
[01:08:26] I don't know how monster TTS is supposed to work.
[01:08:28] My goat back where he belongs lets go. how mall city is supposed to work.
[01:08:34] Emerald gameplay?
[01:08:36] Yeah, well, this is a fresh account chat.
[01:08:38] I'm not going to play on my midlane account, am I?
[01:08:42] It's a fresh account.
[01:08:43] It's in placements.
[01:08:44] I played one game. Wait, what elo is this actually?
[01:08:53] Let me check.
[01:08:54] False Judgements.
[01:08:55] Oh it's Diamond too.
[01:08:58] That's fine.
[01:08:59] What fucking Pokémon did you go on this champ chat?
[01:09:05] I don't even think I have the right runes.
[01:09:11] I'll go blue, I guess.
[01:09:12] I think blue in solo queue is normally OP, right? I'll go blue, I guess.
[01:09:13] I think blue in solo queue is normally OP right?
[01:09:16] Do you even need a potion anymore these days?
[01:09:18] Probably not, right?
[01:09:21] How do i turn off this fucking jungle recommendation. Elven Ring, Sekiro, Hollow Knight.
[01:09:39] How do I turn this fucking jungle shit off?
[01:10:02] Pog! Let's go man! all shit off. 07 Sekiro, 07 Paul World, 07 Pokemon, 07 Elden Ring, 07 Mario Kart, 07 Apex, 07 Subnautica, 07 Hollow Knight.
[01:10:06] Can you shut the fuck up O7 variety and solid oh seven variety right is coming today
[01:10:26] a hey I haven't played Vi in a while, but it's not as hard as it is.
[01:10:50] So easy when you don't have to lane against anyone! Pog, let's go man! So I had to exit an app. Man, clearing Dull Camps again feels really weird. i think i'm quite slow actually I also fucked up my passive. Swerves, it's time. I'm back as the first of his name, King the rating this is my protector of the rats ain't
[01:12:29] No way he can so much might you get your wisdom taken out yet paint i can't hear anything
[01:12:38] way lil bro is back to jungle after a failed mid attempt i think i just heard like 14 alerts or some ah uh Let's get cracking. ah I'm kind of trolling.
[01:13:51] I think I could have just killed Hecarim. I was thinking of Q flashing the bush but I didn't do it. Oh my god, I'm inting.
[01:15:19] I should've just Q flashed the bush. I lock in now. I'm doing this my way. I think my clear is just slow. It's not my middle. I can't do anything.
[01:15:29] I can't do anything! oh
[01:15:37] i'm using the alerts i'm losing alerts. Something's wrong with the alerts, something is really
[01:15:39] wrong with the alerts.
[01:17:07] Something's something's wrong with them chat why is he in tv all right let's take so long man does it normally take this long to do the um uh so so
[01:17:28] why is he lantern sorely Guys? guys what are you doing you gotta make the door uh get to the
[01:18:00] you go try for sir Let's get cracking. surely you go try force atce at fucking Zundra and Skye, right? uh ah I'm actually not in I should have known that one.
[01:19:25] That was a bit of a waste there.
[01:19:27] It's okay, we're warming up the Q flashes!
[01:20:42] We're warming up the queue flashes we're good uh so so dd all right then well hecarim reach with turn on alerts something's wrong with the alerts i don't know why do i have two alert boxes or what no that's the show mode. That's a window capture.
[01:20:55] I don't think i have two alerts.
[01:21:00] Just mega bugged her. Mega bug though.
[01:21:12] Maybe it works now?
[01:21:18] Maybe it works now? i was looking my screen
[01:21:40] why does it take vice so long to do this I don't know, there was a step-by-step guide on how to set up Mondstadt TTS.
[01:21:42] And I think I fucked it up though. I tried the queue through it though
[01:21:54] is it open He's going there. ah Oh, let's go.
[01:22:31] Thank you. oh I can't hit it because of the tower, maybe I could shield one here.
[01:23:14] Man, I feel like I'm so clunky. Why don't they just let us end? what is he lanterning you do the crash bugger?
[01:23:39] No I wouldn't because I would take all five of them out.
[01:23:42] And it would feel great if I did that. ah I'm heralding mid and driving this thing into their fucking foreheads.
[01:24:10] Why'd you take my herald?
[01:24:12] I wanna drive, man!
[01:24:14] I'm the designated driver. Go herald him. Oh, Harold.
[01:24:24] Harold!
[01:24:26] You sit there.
[01:24:31] Is he fucking I'll have to get over the rocks, I'll have to get over the rocks.
[01:24:49] Can you charge the nexus
[01:24:59] wow jungle roll it's really fun all you do is kill him twice in his jungle and he'll rage quit
[01:25:10] wait was it 16.06?
[01:25:14] 16.06! Damn!
[01:25:17] Can you say welcome to the jungle? No
[01:25:26] Not saying welcome to the jungle. Today we are doing something special,
[01:25:30] We are following an iron player that we discovered
[01:25:35] on Reddit who was posting about like, hey
[01:25:37] I'm stuck in Iron 4, I'm gonna
[01:25:39] try to figure out how to climb, I need some tips
[01:25:41] and I hit him up
[01:25:43] I was like yo, I don't have any tips.
[01:25:45] But if you want me to cast your games
[01:25:48] and provide some extra hype,
[01:25:49] some extra excitement,
[01:25:50] some extra encouragement,
[01:25:51] that's what we're gonna do
[01:25:53] and so that's what we're doing.
[01:25:53] We are following our Iron Friend through the depths of Iron 4.
[01:26:00] This right here, this is our main character.
[01:26:03] This is Alexis.
[01:26:04] She is the person who made the Reddit post post, she's who we're gonna be following
[01:26:07] That is our protagonist alright? Let's see we got team-
[01:26:10] It doesn't work
[01:26:12] Or are you still scared? Surely ain't
[01:26:16] No way! lil bro is
[01:26:18] scared of a singular tooth for it doesn't work
[01:26:24] why isn't tts versus shyvana in top lane this is a very meta
[01:26:28] it's about playing matchup everybody knows the the timo
[01:26:31] versus your fucking match up six by eight oh chat who's the iron player
[01:26:37] revelation got the pull its first blood for the kai who's the iron player Alexis is our hero oh my god she's a oh you got to kill there lexus oh i thought
[01:26:50] i thought for sure she could have punished that i thought for sure she
[01:26:52] gonna punish that i want to see her go hard on that one man
[01:26:55] hell yes let's go sensitivity Sensitivity. Oh no, Whoopi! Oh, Whoopi's putting some...
[01:27:00] Yo, yo Annie, Annie!
[01:27:02] ...that turret doesn't even care man
[01:27:04] It's a 2-0 game for the red side
[01:27:06] That was FearPo
[01:27:08] Fearpo you're gonna get out of there. No! Not this way!
[01:27:11] Oh Alexis solo kill!
[01:27:13] Revelation gets it done but wait hold on
[01:27:15] Alexis got a kill on Wumbik
[01:27:17] We gotta go back
[01:27:19] Stunned up nice Electroc you proc one big wants to go
[01:27:30] She's on the board she's on the board okay okay okay it's not just a watch we're in
[01:27:35] there we're in there we're in there it's a little bit of a lead for yone but there's
[01:27:39] also a lot of minions the last hitting is good the last thing
[01:27:42] is good then she's gonna be almost it's forcing
[01:27:44] the shavanna chat nice
[01:27:49] nice oh my god!
[01:27:57] I cannot believe she got all of those. She's got all the minions. That is... hold on, hold on, hold on.
[01:27:59] Space Nick Chovy.
[01:28:01] That was skilled as hell! Chovy on Annie.
[01:28:04] Boom, hit him with the Q
[01:28:06] Second minion
[01:28:10] Boom, hit him with a Q
[01:28:12] Last one hits with the W into the otter to secure him
[01:28:16] That was clean
[01:28:17] He's low but he still kiting it out
[01:28:19] Run Nersi- Oh god bless America
[01:28:22] He dies to Shyvana
[01:28:23] Alex no!
[01:28:24] Udyr is so busted.
[01:28:28] I feel like Iron players in their mind TP
[01:28:31] is a summoner spell that should be used when they die
[01:28:34] not when they base So like they will just stay in
[01:28:37] lane forever until they die and they're like aha i can tp back i can tip you back and that's their
[01:28:42] logic it's like iron players you know you can just base in tp visiting mid twice now this guy is a menace it's a tough
[01:28:49] early game it's a tough early game for our heroes a menace sensitivity now needs to get
[01:28:55] out of his own jungle one big still going for the chase here wants
[01:28:58] to go underneath the turrets it's a 30 die holy alex is gonna make it a one-for-one but
[01:29:02] what about the stun you got the stun words no oh she dies to the O-Day but it's all good.
[01:29:07] Oh, nurses on the Teemo damn!
[01:29:09] Top lane making a 2 for 2 trade.
[01:29:11] This is like salty Teemos.
[01:29:12] Teemolexis versus Rude Goose.
[01:29:15] Yeah alright now we got the team.
[01:29:17] We don't normally do a lot of streams here at 10 o'clock in the morning
[01:29:20] So my brain is still turning on
[01:29:23] Nice knockout from FearPo-
[01:29:24] Oh no man! The Blitz
[01:29:28] Man Alexis's team is getting absolutely smoked
[01:29:31] He's immediately just punched to death. Holy fucks like my boy for him now, come on
[01:29:39] This team will run from top to mid the
[01:29:41] bottom got two kills farm got engaged on guys I'm telling you any below silver
[01:29:45] just running around and everyone's a free kill so obnoxious man he's so obnoxious oh alexis just get this dude get this dude
[01:29:53] kill him nice drop the tippers lot of burst need another spell one more one more
[01:30:05] everyone's a free kill literally ip dude f in the chat half in that chat wombit comes around gets
[01:30:10] the punish back on BizBak instead.
[01:30:12] BizBak
[01:30:13] So close!
[01:30:15] Man
[01:30:17] F? oh he said f's in the chat, right? Oh my close!
[01:30:34] Wumbik half HP getting burned low.
[01:30:37] Alexis also down about 100...
[01:30:38] Chat, the stream's been effing a lot recently.
[01:30:40] still dying to the DOT that double.T., the double kill for Teemo, four and one!
[01:30:46] Everybody who's ever played solo queue has had the uh...
[01:30:49] Oh Alexis? She got ignited trying to shoot back a little bit
[01:30:53] No dude he only got it because he hit Ignite!
[01:30:55] Damnit!
[01:30:57] Chat does the Twitter algorithm for likes still
[01:30:59] promote tweets that you like?
[01:31:01] Because I thought my likes are private
[01:31:03] This guy did a funny joke it had three likes so i
[01:31:05] thought you know what i'll like it you're funny why is that 300 now
[01:31:10] why does it have 300 also we don't look the same
[01:31:14] can someone make that panda into an emote?
[01:31:19] I want that panda as an emote.
[01:31:20] That panda is actually in a mega, mega good emote now.
[01:31:23] Like, that's crazy good. It's a crazy good emote.
[01:31:31] They actually look similar.
[01:31:33] That's crazy, no?
[01:31:37] Same picture! that's crazy though same picture All right.
[01:31:56] Chat, so much is happening in the world these days it's crazy
[01:32:03] every day i open up twitter or the news some going in some country somewhere.
[01:32:23] Daaaah... Are you gonna watch Spain versus Germany? When's that, when is that? Euro 2024.
[01:32:35] on friday yeah hell yeah
[01:32:40] actually the ewc's timing was pretty rough no didn. No? Didn't they just run the EWC through the Euro Cup
[01:32:44] like mega bangers as well?
[01:32:50] We ain't got time for that guys Guys, we've got the Euro on!
[01:33:01] You're against Zoukill?
[01:33:05] That's fine, he's not playing Yone.
[01:33:07] He's basically off-roll.
[01:33:08] I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
[01:33:15] This mist has but one cure. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
[01:33:26] F1s this weekend yeah chat i'm going to the f1 race this weekend in silverstone i'm going to the f1 race and silverstone poke champ
[01:33:38] irl stream it i don't know if i'm allowed to do that i feel like i'll get
[01:33:41] like security ymca like fucking security YMCA. yeah going with my dad that's going with
[01:34:02] my dad are you in the paddocks club? I don't know actually, I don't know where I am.
[01:34:10] I'm somewhere though. I got invited by a Red Bull.
[01:34:24] They said i could bring a plus one, so i I messaged my dad and was like, yo...
[01:34:28] Homet!
[01:34:30] You wanna go to Silverstone?
[01:34:34] Me and my dad went together to Silverstone in 2017.
[01:34:45] That's mega fun! make up them. Clear speed is getting better, I'm getting more comfortable after one game already. What did my chickens just do?
[01:35:17] Huh?
[01:35:20] They just scattered around the fucking rift. What? Huh?
[01:35:53] They just scattered around the fucking rift. uh Is that Leona bronze or what? How obvious does she want to make it? I'm not even there and she's walking up. so so so got the crab though
[01:36:44] maliona is dogshitting.
[01:37:00] Oh my god,'s all in top. She died.
[01:37:03] Can I sneak here?
[01:37:21] Why the fuck is Talon here? I'll hard win that.
[01:37:32] All three of my lanes are losing.
[01:38:02] This one will be tough. uh Do I go Thunder Sky on Viego chat?
[01:38:06] I'm guessing so, right?
[01:38:10] I feel like Tunneler is just first item base, right? Every game on Diego.
[01:38:12] Top is so mega fucked it's crazy. has been Hmm.
[01:38:52] Bro, is Raptors bugged for Viego or some shit? Like does it do all these things like what? We have Camille Malfite, just go kill her. Oh my god, my team is so DC'd it's crazy. Don't This Leona is fucking dog shit. Please don't fuck this up now fight This uh so I actually took my top camps but i can't take her bot camps because Talon is op
[01:41:10] scheisse There is one any Red!
[01:41:58] Sorry, I have to do that again.
[01:42:02] He's just standing under his tower the whole game I'm gonna start cutting up people. That's like a dopey. yeah
[01:42:43] how broken is the record Stand! Call me! Yo, 2 kill you wanna duo? Thoughts?
[01:44:17] I want wrestling. I just completely trolled it. I just completely trolled chat did messi retire today or yesterday or some i saw some posts about messy retiring iron right click then
[01:44:23] i'm done with these clown ass. I'm going to use my ultimate. Ghost!
[01:44:48] Hate me, you monsters.
[01:44:50] This returns to my own...
[01:44:53] All will be brought to ruin.
[01:44:55] No fun allowed. Can't take camps.
[01:45:02] Is he ghosting or some shit? Like what is that guy doing man? Wherever I go he's there!
[01:45:28] He was there on the top fight as well like... HOW you know i'm here I'm checking the board I'm checking the board I'm checking the vault. I'm checking the vault, I'm checking the vault!
[01:45:38] Do you go Kraken after this or what? No! You remain!
[01:45:39] Do you go Kraken after this or what? What do you build on this champion?
[01:45:42] You go Kraken first?
[01:45:49] You go Kraken first.
[01:45:54] Did I lose my top camps again? Oh, my Jesus.
[01:46:09] Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm... First level level 11.
[01:46:16] Is it 1 of you? huh Nice, there's a strike up
[01:46:46] I said
[01:46:50] We're done here
[01:46:54] President what is that This is what I didn't miss about jungle.
[01:47:12] Three losing lanes.
[01:47:13] I guess I did int that one top play but top was already GG.
[01:47:24] Both my soldiers are down two levels.
[01:47:28] I'm also down XP.
[01:47:30] The annoying thing about losing lanes is like,
[01:47:32] I don't care if you lose your lane
[01:47:34] but the thing that annoys me as a jungler
[01:47:36] it's like when the enemy jungle
[01:47:38] takes your camps topside
[01:47:39] I can't take her botside camps because
[01:47:41] the winning mid lane comes and fucks me.
[01:47:45] So
[01:47:46] it's omega knowing wiping
[01:47:49] was no who special know
[01:47:57] you consume every
[01:48:02] me i was a grass eater video that game i
[01:48:06] was i was grass eater Viego that game. That was a useless game. Everybody who's played solo is having a team fight.
[01:48:08] Did she win this game or not?
[01:48:09] Oh no, get him!
[01:48:10] Get him!
[01:48:11] Get him!
[01:48:12] Get him!
[01:48:13] Get him!
[01:48:14] Get him!
[01:48:15] Get him!
[01:48:16] Get him!
[01:48:17] Get him!
[01:48:26] Get him! Get him! game. Oh yeah, check the VOD. Check the VOD. Let's do a little bit of inspecting
[01:48:28] real quick. Let's do a little bit of inspecting real quick let's do a little water view let's do a little butterview
[01:48:34] was he ghosting the first one that i thought was sus was the first one that was sus was the top fight so let's see red side vision
[01:48:47] so this is the situation okay I'll give you the situation.
[01:48:52] This one I told Sas. The situation is we had a river fight...
[01:48:55] Malphite died. Okay?
[01:48:57] I've full cleared and I'm hovering bot side in their vision.
[01:48:59] Hovering botside and Ezreal's Q s was killing me so what happens they okay watered
[01:49:05] me okay that one i got water done fair enough that one i thought was mega sus though from my
[01:49:09] mission that was so weird why am i fighting dana and talon's here why didn't you base almost
[01:49:15] weird okay i'll accept the one now were you a rat this time or did you just know so So he thinks I'm going to Gromp.
[01:49:43] He thinks I'm going to their wolves, and I knew he would think that I'm going to their wolves, so I i'm going to their wolves and
[01:49:44] I knew he would think that i'm going to their walls so i don't go to their
[01:49:46] wolves. I run away, i'm here right now in that
[01:49:49] bush. Right now i'm in that bush waiting for
[01:49:53] him to go past.
[01:49:56] So then I leave.
[01:50:04] Then he sweeps that bush that I was in.
[01:50:07] Bro, I don't know...
[01:50:09] I don't know if it's sus or not
[01:50:13] Like, I could've done many things right?
[01:50:16] From his vision, I could be done many things, right? From his vision
[01:50:17] I could be going to wolves.
[01:50:18] I could be going down.
[01:50:20] I could be sitting here.
[01:50:22] The only thing that I think is sus
[01:50:23] is like when he flips over the wall
[01:50:25] and sweeps
[01:50:25] he doesn't check anywhere else other than this bush straight
[01:50:29] away that i was sitting in for a while i was sitting in that bush for a while
[01:50:33] I ran there and I just...
[01:50:36] ...signed that bush
[01:50:38] actually, I didn't sit on that bush for that long Stein at bush.
[01:50:41] Actually, I didn't see him in the bush for that long.
[01:50:44] I don't know. It's not super sus.
[01:50:47] He is just better. Not super sus.
[01:50:54] I don't know. Sus but not super sus i don't know suss but not super sus sass not super sus yeah i know he slept the wolves i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it but you could you could if you sweep
[01:50:57] the wolves you could sweep the bush next to wolves.
[01:51:00] You know?
[01:51:00] The only thing that I think was sus is
[01:51:02] um, if you sweep the wolves and you swept them here,
[01:51:07] why don't you check that bush?
[01:51:08] Why don't you check over like here,
[01:51:10] or check over there. I dunno.
[01:51:11] He instantly checks there and it was nothing
[01:51:13] there and he flips over.
[01:51:16] Maybe... maybe just gave up.
[01:51:18] Maybe... maybe just gave up.
[01:51:19] I lost talent, i wasn't ghosting
[01:51:21] okay i mean i don't really care if you're ghosting that game was lost anyway
[01:51:24] the game was already lost uh i was wondering why i'm getting one shot um all right All right.
[01:51:38] I was, yo Kajol, I was the Talon. Kajal, I was the Talon.
[01:51:41] Yeah, I don't think that's us. I don't think that's us i mean that's us in the game it felt
[01:51:45] suspect not that's us what is that Wait, I have to get rid of something. Hold up.
[01:52:11] What should I get rid off?
[01:52:40] What's a terrible emote maybe xdd that one's kind of bad so Can someone make like a wide pan draw? Can someone make like a wide version?
[01:52:42] I don't know how you do that, but can someone
[01:52:44] make like a...I don't know. I can't tell how you do that but console make like a i don't know i can't tell big is
[01:52:50] i can't see it is it good okay that's good
[01:53:26] why did you put that? Why'd he put that?
[01:53:29] Why'd he put that?
[01:53:33] Man, I wish
[01:53:35] I could see it!
[01:53:37] Let me refresh. Let me open up my stream I can't see it on Google either.
[01:53:59] Oh my god, he just leaked his Discord. Chat don't join it! Don't be weird!
[01:54:05] DON'T BE WEIRD! DON'T JOIN IT! Don't be weirdo.
[01:54:21] Don't join it.
[01:54:27] Absolute illness in this chat all right we win we need a win. We need to win.
[01:54:48] I feel like most strongers just start Raptors these days don't they? That's the Zeta.
[01:55:02] Join the Discord? I'm not joining discord.
[01:55:06] Man, it was hard yesterday that Portugal game when Ronaldo started crying.
[01:55:10] Yo, that made me sad. That made me sad man.
[01:55:13] Why? Oh, Ronaldo was crying.
[01:55:15] Bro, it's good that Ronaldo got the penalty in
[01:55:18] in the penalty shootout.
[01:55:19] If he missed that penalty
[01:55:21] It would be a horror
[01:55:24] Is Portugal struggling with ronaldo i saw some tweets being like
[01:55:30] portugal is so doomed they have so much rookie energy but they have homelander up front who won't allow them to play
[01:55:36] like what do you mean why are people comparing have Homelander up front who won't allow them to play.
[01:55:37] Like, what do you mean?
[01:55:39] Why are people comparing Ronaldo to Homelander?
[01:55:42] Like really?
[01:55:44] Is it really like that?
[01:55:48] Are you going to be get to meet the drivers this weekend yeah i hope so
[01:55:54] he takes every free kick in miss misses them all
[01:56:00] but it's his last international right surely it's like um
[01:56:05] what is this I thought I was dead, what the fuck?
[01:56:21] What happened?
[01:56:26] Wait how old is Ronaldo chat? How old is he?
[01:56:35] 39. And Pepe's 41?! What the fuck Pepe is the GOAT.
[01:56:57] Pepe almost lost the whole match yesterday. yesterday Hello Diego cost the same Diego Costa saved the day. so His nickname is the pig, is it? so so my
[01:58:29] keeping Catholics their don't drummer every time I see me met so so um That's my Lee Sin baby. My pathing was so dog-shitty. so so wonderful so so I'm going to try and get the What do you build on Lee Sin?
[02:01:03] This item?
[02:01:04] I can't At rest, I am the gathering fowls.
[02:01:22] In motion, the hurricane is unleashed!
[02:04:41] At rest, I am the gathering fowls. An enemy has entered. so so Well, that Lily yes a bit so so um so should never claim another Thanks for watching! can withstand my power so so I'm going to try and get the first one. so so so so
[02:05:37] i'm wasting a lot of time i think but they lost so much in bot so so Prime cage wouldn't 10-0. so so my your team has destroyed a turret so so so all right then thank god this guy finally went back to jungle what the does that mean
[02:07:22] what does that mean you rat
[02:07:30] yeah i haven't played jungling in two years it's been a while huh
[02:07:33] we did top lane then minute 80 carry then we went mid then stopped playing and we went mid again so um uh camping bot cringe so so I'm kind of into that.
[02:08:53] Thought I was gonna die, but I guess I'm fine. stop saying pendro wait chat can you show emote panthro? Does that work?
[02:09:22] The show mode panthro work
[02:09:26] I don't know if it works Oh oh Clean ass. Someone send Kayle to the DM, no don't do that. Don't send the daughter Try and love about herald chat.
[02:10:29] Watch this. Someone. it just ends the game like that just
[02:10:49] like that
[02:10:50] the game ends all right come on give me
[02:10:53] to master quick is there any streamer Alright, come on. Get me to Mastah quick.
[02:10:55] Chat is there any streamers that are in Diamond climbing up? They want a duo? apart from zoo kill because i guess uh
[02:11:11] zookill's just chilling right
[02:11:16] is there anyone in Diamond that's climbing
[02:11:16] that can be like fun content
[02:11:18] to duo with?
[02:11:18] Because, I mean
[02:11:19] I'm learning Jungle
[02:11:21] locked-in
[02:11:21] but
[02:11:22] I don't mind hanging out.
[02:11:24] Midby Sin Master
[02:11:25] Agarim's a jungle Midb is in Masta.
[02:11:27] Algoryn's a jungler, Yamato's death is fucking annoying...
[02:11:34] Okay there's no one else
[02:11:44] there's no one else
[02:11:52] called bousy let me message him
[02:12:06] yo man Yo man. Professor Akali is in gold again if you want a duo, which means he's in gold again if you want to duo which means he's in gold again what does that mean
[02:12:17] what does that mean what does that mean? What DOES that mean? Wait, rangers!
[02:12:27] Yo. What elo you at?
[02:12:32] This regards someone's skill just because that person hasn't got an XYZ achievement.
[02:12:39] What elo are you at?
[02:12:49] This is my account right now why? What's up?
[02:12:51] Oh he's Grandmaster.
[02:12:58] I'm not an Elden fraud!
[02:13:00] This is the person that DMs me asking to marry
[02:13:10] Yo, yo, yo, it's it says Jack's to chill what the fuck is that? Yo, yo, yo, yo! It's- it says Jax to Choke.
[02:13:13] What the fuck?
[02:13:15] YO! He's climbing!
[02:13:16] He comes in here first time chatting and he's like
[02:13:17] Oh I thought they were Diamond
[02:13:18] My bad sorry
[02:13:19] Oh okay
[02:13:20] Oh yeah nice
[02:13:22] Thank you Kjell
[02:13:24] Hahaha Oh, okay. Oh yeah nice. Thank you Kdral
[02:13:28] Yo I thought he was climbing climbing
[02:13:30] It says Jax to Challenger
[02:13:32] He's not challenger yet so I thought it would be like Diamond
[02:13:35] You said about Trinidad and Tobago? Which part?
[02:13:37] I thought it'd be Diamond. Say sorry?
[02:13:39] I'm not saying sorry he's a Jax main. Shut the fuck up
[02:13:41] Jax main. Who is adding me
[02:13:43] to friend list? You're only adding me to friend list What do you mean previously on it? You are adding me to friendless you're only adding me the friend list which
[02:13:45] we previously honored you're adding me to friends just so
[02:13:47] you can send in a dog man they're the kudrell rename it's working You dm'd me shit, ka?
[02:14:24] All you wrote was Alou.
[02:14:26] You're such a fucking...
[02:14:32] Like, you are so degenerate!
[02:14:34] You didn't do shit then?
[02:14:36] You didn't make shit you fraud it's in chat check the mods timeouts
[02:14:57] i don't see it
[02:15:04] someone link in and get timed out again why tarik me uh...
[02:15:11] Why have Taric mid Seraphine bot?
[02:15:14] What?!
[02:15:17] I pick Sin's out then I won't just fucking blast everyone.
[02:15:34] So apparently, I have two wickets
[02:16:00] where what is that full grown homemade beard of three weeks i grew in a room or rubber room we'll We'll disable that. Stop saying no like you cared!
[02:16:06] You're such liars, you are such liars.
[02:16:11] This is the best Xin Zhao skin with the best chroma. Fact.
[02:16:17] Fact. Factor. Come on man, Janna boosts AD champs
[02:16:19] her E gives you attack damage
[02:16:21] that means it's bad with Seraphine
[02:16:23] come on think about it Shut up! It's
[02:16:25] fucking solo queue who cares? Just shield
[02:16:27] me and get carried.
[02:16:33] Mmmmmmmm mmmm I actually like the shield AD even on ap champs,
[02:16:47] if i'm playing leblanc and i get shielded bro my auto attacks do so much damage.
[02:16:55] When are we going to get more details about the league awards with shocks
[02:16:58] we're gonna do a stream i think on the 31st of july and we're gonna announce
[02:17:02] where it's gonna be or not where it's gonna be uh what's gonna happen
[02:17:09] i think was it 31st of july we said we were going to do i can't remember let's go man
[02:17:14] but um just know that like ppx the league awards i really appreciate any of you guys supporting and watching it.
[02:17:20] We're gonna try to make it a thing that happens every year.
[02:17:23] Obviously, it's going to be very hard to scale up right?
[02:17:25] So the first one will be a bit smaller
[02:17:27] the second one next year will be a bit bigger
[02:17:29] And then one after that we're hoping
[02:17:31] The third year of League Awards is like
[02:17:33] The fucking boom! You know what I'm saying?
[02:17:35] Where all the league players come together
[02:17:41] Because honestly all the league players come together. Because obviously, if we were to do it first year
[02:17:43] it's impossible.
[02:17:45] So hopefully by the third year
[02:17:47] everyone is going to rock up
[02:17:49] and have pro-players from all over the world rock up we can have like all the pro players from all
[02:17:50] the worlds rock up stuff like that
[02:17:54] welcome to summer's red
[02:18:02] so hopefully it's PogChampion.
[02:18:07] It won't beat the HLTV Awards? Actually, the HLTV Awards is where we took a lot of inspiration from.
[02:18:10] If you watch the 2022
[02:18:12] or 2021 hl tv awards it'll look very similar to that in the first one Hmm, what padding should I do this game?
[02:18:42] Kick Fuhrer is useless early. Do you go W second on Xin Zhao or Q? Probably W is faster, right? Even though I can auto attack reset. it shall be
[02:19:43] what
[02:19:47] i'm not gonna get level 3 now am I?
[02:19:49] Do i get a level 3 now?
[02:19:51] I should right, yeah.
[02:19:55] No I don't I think.
[02:20:01] Do I? No, I don't I think Okay, thanks fuck just was zero out of four and an ATX be 0
[02:20:54] Oh zero I'm gonna go for a flash. Nice. is never broken
[02:21:21] good job bot lane Lillia is here. I don't get it. I'm inside the circle, why is it resetting?
[02:21:24] I don't get it though...
[02:21:26] I was inside it! Was I?
[02:21:46] Yeah chat do you ever have it where your body like does that like one of your muscles does that randomly
[02:21:51] what do you go first this i'm gonna buy a dagger don't ask me why
[02:22:04] it just happened to me now my leg just went like this
[02:22:10] wait do you build the clips on cinzo really so so I'm going to try and get the not retreating practicing jng for your nlc team oh no so Only actions truly speak. Let's fight then. uh Oh my god, he hooked me there.
[02:24:14] I was gonna one-shot that guy.
[02:24:19] Oh my god, that was so unlucky! He didn't mean to do that.
[02:24:24] Fuuuuuuu... fuck so thank you yeah I think that's it. and shield me
[02:25:21] it's my way dc so so so I'm going to go back and do this. so so so uh so The warrior spirit is never broken
[02:27:26] Oh nice Okay oh nice okay
[02:27:30] it shall be done stressful but works so Man, Lillia's clear speed is crazy you know?
[02:28:05] The fuck is that champ. I don't think I can fight top side because Darius is so strong.
[02:28:23] I think it's better for me to just do wolves, contest her raptors and take drake with my bot lane.
[02:28:27] Her ult's up soon on Janna 6.
[02:28:29] Also Shen has ults for top fight so probably better to be both right There are the bugs. so Fuck, let's go then!
[02:29:14] Give me your pot.
[02:29:53] Polk! so sound oh let's go
[02:29:56] she sue on my cut so I bother. Sigh... Oh, let's go now.
[02:30:14] Mega greedy.
[02:30:37] Oh! mega greedy Fuck, man. I should have just gotten one, it was too greedy.
[02:30:42] Have you announced an event? Is that why you have switched role again or is this prep for next year?
[02:30:53] Thunder mana. always forward
[02:31:04] no reason just playing jungle, smiley face
[02:32:01] great job so uh oh so has okay Let's go man
[02:32:09] Okay, you're here that song getting invited by Red Bull you meeting max or what yeah
[02:32:11] I think I might meet Max Verstappen which would be poke time Max Verstappen him max for stepping maybe i can get in if it may be maybe if i can talk to him
[02:32:22] i'll again send a message to the rats
[02:32:28] but i don't think i will uh the warrior strength is never broken. uh so And they're all HP. okay What do you build second chat after this fucking Sun with Sky? so stop saying i command No, don't get caught! Everyone's crawling. so so uh um No one's doing damage where's the damage at okay Hmm. I feel like they have so much more damage.
[02:36:21] Also, I think Merc Treads was the worst buy ever.
[02:36:39] Okay. uh
[02:37:57] a demacian does not retreat her red bus not up so Smooch. uh so so I'm going to try and get him. Oh shit, he's coming. I misclicked there.
[02:37:59] I'm back here with you.
[02:38:01] What am i doing?!
[02:38:10] I thought I had a knock up, my knockup ran out i think.
[02:38:14] Can you kill Quinn actually? It's really good if you can kill her.
[02:38:26] Or stall them? He should TP in and stall them.
[02:38:29] Why is he pushing bot?
[02:38:31] Oh, it's gone. It's gone, just give it.
[02:38:43] That said... fuck my meds. so uh so so hmm hmm Oh my...
[02:40:08] I think we should give it to him.
[02:40:12] It's actually not that bad to be honest.
[02:40:16] We killed their Darius and we got top tier 2.
[02:40:22] Three for one on a top tier 2?
[02:40:33] She's going AP-esque. What do i build next on this channel
[02:40:36] fuck i feel like it's too late for hydra i guess i have to go stirx what the fuck did that furore just do I'm gonna get off that side. not retreat uh It shall be done. Maybe we can win a group fight? The warrior spirit is never broken
[02:42:18] what so old Shadult!
[02:42:33] Ult in lockets.
[02:42:41] Why are you doing crab? I don't know. I don't know.
[02:42:57] I want that crab.
[02:42:58] I don't know why
[02:42:58] I went for that crab.
[02:43:00] I'm becoming crabber.
[02:43:02] Becoming a crab addict.
[02:43:08] Wait, the tournament's today jungle maybe you can finally get channel now is the bouse tournament today Oh shit, what happened? Lil bro is lost without his corky.
[02:43:31] No he's not then. Oh, the Fuhreries popping up uh so so so I'm going to get you. Mods, mods, mods. I'm ready for the fight. Flash over!
[02:45:06] Lil bro thinks watching balls counts as variety and no way he'll ever...
[02:45:10] What's happening? how are you caught? I so nice come by Nice, come back there. I should have E'd Kai'Sa and got my Sun with Sky on her, but I think I would die anyway.
[02:46:02] But I'll get an extra two autos in.
[02:46:12] Thanks for variety! Don't lose it, please!
[02:46:23] Oh my god, that KSW. I'm gonna get you! Jax they're going gonna rush Baron again. the
[02:46:56] unless I'm gonna go in last. it shall be done uh uh yeah so 12 months and still losing. why are you basing i need wards uh so so
[02:48:54] maybe come in so so and a spear behind it.. so uh uh so um um so so so i swear everyone is completely dc drakes in five seconds and my whole team's just
[02:51:23] jacking each other off for fuck fucker
[02:51:43] yellow lock in
[02:51:56] i'll make him kill him yes you have damage they have no damage.
[02:52:01] Huh?
[02:52:05] What they full combo'd her I'm lucky That was unlucky.
[02:52:21] I feel like my team just needs to group, if you don't then we can't die.
[02:52:27] We didn't group. We should group up
[02:52:33] I feel like I should just play genres that can clear really quickly
[02:52:37] I like the idea of playing
[02:52:40] Maybe I should just play like Zyra and shit.
[02:52:43] Yeah, that game was hard.
[02:52:46] That game was hard.
[02:52:47] I think I shouldn't have given them Baron
[02:52:48] and then we would win.
[02:52:50] I shouldn't give them Nash and we would win i shouldn't give them national we would
[02:52:51] win it's time to just rock some nidalee okay baos is gonna who the fuck is
[02:52:56] called lagman lamont shut up
[02:53:05] all right bouse has his tourney today but we're going to do some duo queue for a little bit.
[02:53:19] We can do some duo with Messi, the Messi of League of Legends. The Messi of League of Legends.
[02:53:20] Dagg does in-game?
[02:53:21] Hell yeah!
[02:53:22] Playing some TFT? My man. Bosa's in game hell yeah playing some tft my man bo says in-game as well playing some valorant
[02:53:31] um did it work my friend question
[02:53:36] the bouse ffs eus doesn't exist what
[02:53:42] what's e-west is West is case sensitive, really?
[02:53:49] Oh there he is. The Bowsie. just canceled it
[02:54:00] oh he's d1 okay i need a few more games so
[02:54:03] i need to win two games, so...
[02:54:10] It's a fresh account.
[02:54:12] It's fresh!
[02:54:14] He just joined my lobby and wrote XD left.
[02:54:17] Really? Really?
[02:54:18] Really?
[02:54:22] Shut up, I only have five games played, man!
[02:54:25] Come on, come on!
[02:54:29] Don't be weird about it don't be we don't don't let's not get bogged down with
[02:54:32] this bollocks come on let's relax for a minute
[02:54:36] let's fucking relax yo chill out i'm not
[02:54:39] i'm not that low i'm not that low elo okay
[02:54:42] i'm not that lo he just bro
[02:54:47] you can't just join the lobby x xD me and leave with the Ahri skin
[02:54:49] And the fucking flare and the banner
[02:54:51] You can't... Kectrel I am 13 months. Can I get a su-
[02:55:10] Ooooooooh you!
[02:55:14] A SUI? Isn't that what Speed calls it the SUI?
[02:55:18] Alright okay... What else on Reddit?
[02:55:20] BBC is a sub Alright, okay. What else on the Reddit?
[02:55:24] BBC is a savage, Mistiano...
[02:55:27] What is this? I will dominate quitting the LEC.
[02:55:31] Wait what is this?! Why did Yamato just link me? Is this for
[02:55:32] League or no?
[02:55:33] Can somebody tell me? Is this for League?
[02:55:36] Frustrating disappointing result.
[02:55:37] Oh, that Vitality tweet was so bad.
[02:55:40] Vitality, yeah, they lost their first match against uh i think it was
[02:55:46] i can't remember who it was then they tweeted our season ends here
[02:55:52] but they had a tiebreaker at the end of the day.
[02:55:56] Broke people saying "-500 OME." Bals, shut the fuck up.
[02:56:00] Thank you for all the support you shared with us throughout the season
[02:56:04] Nexus has been destroyed, is this for a league?
[02:56:06] Is this after game one?
[02:56:08] I don't know, it's like a really weird tweet
[02:56:10] It's for a league?
[02:56:12] Did they give up or or do does
[02:56:14] lec team do they just not care enough they
[02:56:17] tweeted that after game one there's an sk logo at the bottom
[02:56:21] oh wait was their game over at 10 45 AM? Were they first game?
[02:56:26] I don't even know which game was first. They were first game right?
[02:56:29] Bro, i'll never forget one of...
[02:56:31] I watched a Bows short one day and he was playing in solo queue
[02:56:35] And someone in old chat wrote to him
[02:56:39] at the bows getting carried as per usual
[02:56:42] and then
[02:56:44] the boss writes if i had a penny for every time someone said that
[02:56:47] i'd be a millionaire and then a minute later he wrote oh wait
[02:56:58] that was such a good one I don't get it
[02:57:01] So the org just doesn't know that they were out
[02:57:03] Or like, they didn't delete it or anything
[02:57:04] They don't know that they're not out
[02:57:05] But I guess they just don't care that much Yeah, I guess that's the only thing Because I knew that they're not out. That was such a good one. I guess they just don't care that much.
[02:57:07] Yeah, I guess it's the only thing because like
[02:57:08] I knew that they weren't out so like
[02:57:11] I mean no one cares about this region
[02:57:13] It is what it is
[02:57:14] I guess they just have FF bro
[02:57:16] It's mental bro
[02:57:17] It's mental We got 1 meant that we got one more game we
[02:57:19] got one more game I'm gonna try not to get too tilted because like I don't know
[02:57:25] I don't know guys it is what it is
[02:57:27] like people
[02:57:28] that are here
[02:57:29] like obviously
[02:57:30] people have seen
[02:57:30] me be really
[02:57:31] negative about
[02:57:31] LEC especially
[02:57:32] in this last
[02:57:32] split first
[02:57:34] split I was
[02:57:34] fine with
[02:57:35] LEC second
[02:57:35] split got a
[02:57:36] little bit worse
[02:57:37] this split I've
[02:57:37] been really
[02:57:38] negative about
[02:57:38] LEC I feel like the people that watch you for a. This split, I've been really negative about LEC. I feel like the people that have watched me for a long time
[02:57:40] know that I don't just hate European...
[02:57:42] LEC is struggling.
[02:57:43] Like, I was such a big supporter of LEC
[02:57:46] for such a long time.
[02:57:47] It was either my favorite region to watch or
[02:57:51] my second favorite uh region to watch at pretty much you can
[02:57:55] say you can even i know some people don't
[02:57:57] like dom he's controversial with some takes and shit like that or he like
[02:58:00] doesn't hide his opinion.
[02:58:01] But I don't think this is a crazy take,
[02:58:03] saying that LEC is getting boring.
[02:58:05] I mean...
[02:58:06] I feel like they've...
[02:58:08] I feel like
[02:58:09] LEC has lost so much
[02:58:12] like i wish i could tell you guys how
[02:58:14] much the casters do
[02:58:16] because of the layoffs like how much
[02:58:18] they're trying but how little they have
[02:58:20] to do anything like they have to do anything
[02:58:22] like they want to do all this as far as i'm aware and from what i've heard
[02:58:26] they want to do all these cool insane content skits these pieces or
[02:58:30] they don't have anyone like when I say this there is no one anymore
[02:58:33] They've taken everyone from the LEC
[02:58:37] They don't have any resources for anything
[02:58:40] All points
[02:58:42] From 2019 or 2018 until...
[02:58:46] The only skits that they can do nowadays are live skits.
[02:58:49] So, that's why you see a lot of the live skits happen.
[02:58:52] They do them like…
[02:58:56] Their casters will pitch an idea they'll break it down
[02:58:57] and they'll write the whole script
[02:58:58] and then they'll just perform it live
[02:58:59] And that's the only real content
[02:59:00] they can put off these days
[02:59:01] It's so fucking sad man
[02:59:02] Till this year And this year and
[02:59:04] this year I don't know
[02:59:06] I just lost it bro
[02:59:07] I just lost like
[02:59:08] I don't know I
[02:59:08] just felt like people
[02:59:09] don't care like I
[02:59:10] don't like the new
[02:59:10] fans I don't like
[02:59:11] the new players
[02:59:12] like I don't
[02:59:12] know I just
[02:59:12] don't like it
[02:59:13] anymore
[02:59:13] we'll see man we'll see if i continue doing it like obviously probably the fact that
[02:59:19] i got rejected co-streaming after like putting so much into the region is annoying probably
[02:59:24] affected the way i viewed everything but like it just seems so weird. Like I don't know
[02:59:28] It seems so strange like this vitality tweet like everything man. It just feels like people who don't care anymore
[02:59:35] Budget cuts. I mean they fired Chakrez
[02:59:36] Like he was probably
[02:59:37] Producing my favorite content
[02:59:39] That they produced anyway
[02:59:40] Chakrez's content
[02:59:41] Was really good
[02:59:42] It's been a weird year
[02:59:43] So obviously
[02:59:44] I feel like the LPL
[02:59:45] And
[02:59:45] LCS streams.
[02:59:47] We still have passion for league.
[02:59:49] We still enjoy like watching competitive league
[02:59:51] and I'm really into it
[02:59:52] and I'm just not in TLC right now.
[02:59:54] So I might be following in Yamato's footsteps
[02:59:55] and,
[02:59:56] um,
[03:00:00] take a break from LEC oh is Yamato not doing anything anymore? Is Yamato taking a break or what
[03:00:03] today reconsider but it's just like there's something seriously missing why is Yamato taking breaks he's just like, there is something seriously missing.
[03:00:08] Why is Yamato taking a break? Is he burnt or did you say why?
[03:00:11] There was some type of... I mean what I was saying with Yamato
[03:00:14] The word that I was using was desperation
[03:00:16] That I feel like it's missing from the league, from the teams.
[03:00:21] It feels like the... It feels like the league
[03:00:23] He prefers CBLOL.
[03:00:25] Is...
[03:00:25] Fair enough?
[03:00:28] What's the best way to put it?
[03:00:30] It feels like
[03:00:31] The League is put on some type
[03:00:33] of, like...
[03:00:35] Some type of hold.
[03:00:37] That's how it feels. It feels like they're just at a point
[03:00:39] where they're trying to run things like this,
[03:00:41] they cut a bunch of budget
[03:00:43] and they're just trying to survive off what
[03:00:45] they built earlier and they're not
[03:00:47] trying to progress.
[03:00:49] There's the stagnation that I feel with it.
[03:00:52] Shackarazza series says 07
[03:00:55] That is really affecting my...
[03:00:58] Yeah, there's like a stagnant feeling that I feel towards it
[03:01:02] I can kind of see what he's referring to yeah league is just
[03:01:05] not because the lec in 20 2018 2017 2019 well when when adc was reformed
[03:01:11] to the lac the lac was like the peak of league content you
[03:01:15] know like the broadcast just fucking was in its prime the teams were playing good all the
[03:01:20] team scared the rivalries were good the viewership was high the content was crazy
[03:01:24] everything was like at its peak um i'm not gonna be 2019 andy when it comes to
[03:01:29] performance but like everything was um
[03:01:33] everything was everyone was super try harding not what it used to be
[03:01:39] it's like on a maintenance i remember watching g2 fanatic as a pro right because
[03:01:42] i was a province in 19. the this mainstream had like 300k viewers, man.
[03:01:46] It was crazy.
[03:01:47] Oh yeah, something like that.
[03:01:48] Just crisis because they denied you co-streaming is fine.
[03:01:50] Stop trying to find BS other reasons to justify it.
[03:01:53] Maybe, maybe.
[03:01:54] Maybe the league is just as good
[03:01:55] as it was before that.
[03:01:56] I mean, that could be the case.
[03:01:58] But I feel like there's also
[03:01:59] this sentiment in the community
[03:02:01] because I don't think
[03:02:03] everyone who has that take
[03:02:05] is just one of my viewers or somebody
[03:02:07] who also got denied co-streaming.
[03:02:08] So when I see takes like, from Reddit...
[03:02:11] Like the number 1 reddit post a couple weeks ago was like LEC feels like it did, like LCS
[03:02:16] did from 2018 to
[03:02:17] 2022.
[03:02:19] And when people are having that take
[03:02:21] that are not directly involved
[03:02:23] the way I was, it makes me feel
[03:02:25] like it's not just a me problem
[03:02:28] And i'm just being mentally ill or delusional
[03:02:30] League hasn't been strong since 2021
[03:02:31] It's not about the strength of the league
[03:02:33] I think it is a little bit about the strength of the league
[03:02:36] When the league wasn't strong it felt fun
[03:02:40] like it felt like there was that like fun dynamic around it so
[03:02:46] it's definitely different now i do think hurts eventually, but it's not the main reason.
[03:02:51] It's not the main reason.
[03:02:55] I don't know...I'm hopeful though.
[03:02:57] Maybe I am the only one who is hopeful.
[03:02:59] I know there's a lot of negativity around the LEC but I'm hopeful
[03:03:01] that next year they'll change the format
[03:03:04] I'm hopeful that the higher-ups in Riot will see what happens to the LCS
[03:03:12] and what happens when you actually invest time into it.
[03:03:14] And they'll actually really invest in the, in the LEC.
[03:03:16] So I'm hopeful that at the end of the year,
[03:03:18] they'll invest more maybe new teams will come in maybe new like superstar players
[03:03:23] a format change there's a new international fearless draft i feel like there's a lot of
[03:03:27] things that could maybe turn it around i think this year is just a drag because
[03:03:33] what i think is the main problem with the LEC right now,
[03:03:36] everyone's just fatigued. Layoffs aside
[03:03:39] is a problem and all that stuff. Everyone is just really fatigued they are like when the new
[03:03:45] format was released at the start of last year and they introduced the three split format with best
[03:03:49] of ones into playoffs into this you had winter into spring in the summer inter-season finals
[03:03:54] into the winter interest there's been eight splits in two years at cedar are we getting double lm
[03:04:00] for worlds after how good it was for ms and out of those eight splits
[03:04:04] six of them were pointless to the viewers right this whole shield thing
[03:04:08] like winning a mickey mouse tournament in the studio i think when
[03:04:11] the road shows died off and the amount of best-of-ones came in
[03:04:15] and all of these splits meant nothing
[03:04:17] to the viewers because it had no real meaning
[03:04:19] it felt like, I think everyone's just kind of
[03:04:21] fatigued. All the viewers are just kind of
[03:04:23] done with it, know they're done
[03:04:24] seeing gold these best of ones g2 fanatic rivalry is just burned to a
[03:04:28] crisp because it's just kind of well it's not
[03:04:30] burnt so chris but it's been seen so many times
[03:04:33] i've seen so many fucking G2 fanatics in these four
[03:04:36] splits per year that it doesn't pump
[03:04:38] me up for a finals anymore, especially
[03:04:40] when the finals is in the studio, you know?
[03:04:42] It's just like telling a joke and
[03:04:44] repeating it 15 times.
[03:04:46] It was funny the first time,
[03:04:48] and every time you remind me of it,
[03:04:49] it's funny but now you say the joke everyday
[03:04:52] I doesn't hit anymore
[03:04:54] So i think it's just fatigue
[03:04:56] I think viewers are fatigued I think it's just fatigue. I think viewers are fatigued,
[03:04:56] I think format change
[03:04:58] inject fearless draft
[03:05:00] Change a few things around
[03:05:01] maybe add a roadshow if possible
[03:05:03] put some money into the scene
[03:05:04] give it some content
[03:05:05] and it'll grow again.
[03:05:08] The plant was growing, it's not
[03:05:10] had water for a while and nutrients and it's
[03:05:12] kind of fallen. Just give it its
[03:05:14] nutrients again and it will blossom
[03:05:15] because you know why I think that? Because the lec has some of the best talent in
[03:05:20] the world if you give shox and dracos and betty's a budget they will give you killer content
[03:05:25] they will that's facts look at all of 2019 2020 when they get given budgets they'll make songs
[03:05:31] they'll write scripts they'll do dances they'll do these crazy ass you just give them a
[03:05:35] budget for it and the content there but you don't give them anything they can't do that plus format change
[03:05:42] plus tier list big injection of investment whether they and you know where i hope they find a way to
[03:05:48] get this like uh money for it but if they do i think the
[03:05:51] league will be fine next year everyone will forget what happened
[03:05:53] and we'll just call it the dark times 20 22 23 24. oh my game's lost
[03:06:20] anyway i'm hopeful.
[03:06:26] I was yapping too much. I didn't realize we were invading. Sorry.
[03:06:31] Also by the way G2 if you you guys could just make top forward worlds like world semis.
[03:06:38] That would help okay? Don't get knocked out by NA again because that's not doing anyone any favors in our league okay
[03:06:44] the amount of times i open up the lec on my chat and all i can see is when does fanatic play
[03:06:51] i thought they were playing as tl NRG, G2's fathers.
[03:06:55] Guys if you just fix that narrative real quick
[03:06:57] That would be great
[03:06:59] I'd really appreciate that so not gonna so Got you! Off the wall like a fool
[03:07:42] My turn
[03:07:46] Your trespassers are dead, but not mine uh uh night so so i picked up another trail I'm going to try and get the Oh, the red buff. and allies has been slain so so so so so so I'm going to go back and get the first one. so Don't talk about my Spearcy. I am always needling.
[03:11:12] Can you survive somehow? okay um I'm gonna what is that guy doing so so oh
[03:12:29] oh he's scooby i don't feel so good i think so My bot lane is just to go for a lot though. uh so so Yeah, that's not happening buddy. I should have maybe...
[03:14:05] Maybe i should've just taken his top camps. oops got you how do they know i'm here Instinct. so so uh Why is Kira so hard to hit? uh Oh shit, she's on barrier. oh shit
[03:16:09] are you
[03:16:12] shits
[03:16:15] bro spears are so hard to hit! Why, why, why, why?
[03:16:29] Why is spears so hard to hit chat?
[03:16:39] When I last played Nidalee in Season 9, my Spears were crazy good.
[03:16:42] I got Rank 1 most-played Nidalee Kha'Zix then.
[03:16:46] That was five years ago, I guess. He stunned the minion. Don't say half a decade ago, don't say that song.
[03:17:16] Oh!
[03:17:17] Caught the crab...
[03:17:20] No I didn't!
[03:17:29] HELP ME!!!
[03:17:31] Why is Anivia there? Oh my god, I'm trolling. Oh, there's that mini.
[03:17:56] Guys my first nidalee game in like four years, shut up! Actually it was when I played one off stream a couple days ago. so So, I'm going to go ahead and do that. stop using cat despair on me man
[03:18:34] chill out give me some time. so so Soft. so
[03:19:27] ah so What the fuck is happening here? Huh? Yeah! yeah yeah take that idiot sir I think
[03:20:09] it's beer
[03:20:10] yeah don't fuck with me again, you big idiot. Let me check.
[03:20:26] Let me cook.
[03:20:34] Don't be so quick to judge you.
[03:20:40] Have some respect for your elders. okay I feel like a Shredbeist. so I'm losing the pace a bit here.
[03:21:22] But i feel like i Don't have her please. Oh, mega hooker nice so wow Is that an Iliya faker or what? I needed to base now. i've got my items
[03:22:55] now it's worth hitting the spears before it was worse just stacking conquer Why did I go play the Steelcaps?
[03:23:09] Feel like I need Sorcerer's Shoes, don't I? Is there any Nidalee OTBs in the chat? I hit that one i meant the one i hit on so uh the trespasses world's worst Italy but you've heard of me so Oh!
[03:25:09] Thought I could kill Jinx there with flash, but I didn't do it. What the fuck? There, right there.
[03:25:38] Headshot!
[03:25:39] Right there, headshot!
[03:25:40] I carved my spears from poachers Can he hook someone's ass? so I missed again though
[03:26:34] I
[03:27:13] Am gonna spear I mean, I'm in a spear. so Damn. Dark seal bugged?
[03:27:15] No, no it's not.
[03:27:17] It's just a graphic error.
[03:27:19] It says 10 but actually is 5 sometimes on the geoi you know the gui i'm a tech expert
[03:27:25] on the geoi it sometimes represents half the actual value that stands for graphics user int my family is oh that's one mom uh I hit.
[03:28:31] I hit gun maybe? Dumb up! Another one?
[03:29:02] I think Anivia's hitbox is a bit small.
[03:29:04] Maybe she's like on a diet or some shit,
[03:29:06] I don't know.
[03:29:07] I can't hit her. Chat, Is An like on a diet or some shit. I don't know. I can't hit her
[03:29:11] Chat is any of you on a diet in the lore or some shit? She's got a fucking skinny waist What the hell, i cant hit those spears
[03:29:38] Oh trespassers are easy to try I'm three levels up though. That's my hidden passive, I took a talent in my talent tree that says,
[03:29:41] miss 90% of spears but gain a 3-level advantage.
[03:29:45] I thought that was good talent.
[03:30:04] That one hits though. The good thing is, the thing I love about Nidalee
[03:30:07] Is when you realize that the spears aren't hitting
[03:30:09] You can just turn into Soraka
[03:30:29] And i'm a very good soraka, let's just say that though. hit it they're feeling the pressure though i'm like cristiano ronaldo with penalties i'll score one there's one hey doesn't matter but it's fun
[03:30:36] two
[03:30:39] three in a row nah almost had bingo this is fun
[03:30:44] this is great come get the traps come
[03:30:47] hit them this is fun another one no no
[03:30:51] hey who's no
[03:30:57] hey who's ruining my fun
[03:31:03] i was enjoying myself bro
[03:31:08] i was having fun in league it was a rare w
[03:31:19] nice Nice Yeah, they can't walk up because of my Spears
[03:31:46] Oh nice good job team They're like, can we defend?
[03:32:25] And they're like, no there's too many spears i'm like a rain of arrows didn't want that trap to hit just in case they invade that's a good trap there Hello? Guys Baron's in 20 seconds.
[03:33:16] What did he just do are they gonna end the level so so My spears are doing big damage here. Stop watching!
[03:33:43] Yeah, yeah that was on me! holy fucker did you see that I let the just hit her. Holy fucker! Hit the nexus, hit the nexus!
[03:34:01] Oh boy, hit the nexus, hit the nexus hit the next system
[03:34:09] oh yeah oh yeah on the back door fake half fake half so your team has destroyed Hit the Nexus, not the Vlad! my friend my prey now
[03:35:16] big hooker big spear as well well Someone ended! Yes!
[03:35:32] I was getting stressed for a second there.
[03:35:36] I thought they FF'd, but I was like huh?
[03:35:40] Nah, I went in on purpose, I knew we had the backdoor.
[03:35:51] Chat when does the tournament start?
[03:35:53] When does the tournament start?
[03:36:01] Deshy started playing League. who's deshy all right boys okay oh ksi brother Fucking hell bro!
[03:36:19] Fucking hell bruv.
[03:36:20] That's so bad.
[03:36:21] Alright, bro what is going on? So bad, that's so bad. Ah, bro! What's going on?
[03:36:24] So bad.
[03:36:25] So bad.
[03:36:26] He is literally like this...
[03:36:37] When are you gonna finish Poker Rogue? That's a good question.
[03:36:40] When am I gonna finish Poker Rogue?
[03:36:44] Wait, do we have a Poker Rogue run going right now? I think we do, right?
[03:36:48] We must have. We must have a PokéRogue run going.
[03:37:11] Oh yeah! We DO have a poker rogue run i remember it's a mega run as well he doesn't get one shot right
[03:37:18] oh maybe we catch him wait i have one already
[03:37:45] Lex he has laxatives what is this one got adamant chat it that good adamant that's trash oh there's my keys i was wondering where they were dog pokemon Is there a hard battle soon?
[03:37:59] Is 69 a hard battle?
[03:38:10] Is 70 a hard battle?
[03:38:13] 70 is hard.
[03:38:20] Chai, is Ki good? I have Tinka-Tonka right, so probably not worth it.
[03:38:29] Okay let's get some revives going. Wait, I'm broke!
[03:38:36] Wait, hold up.
[03:38:37] Maybe I'm dead here. Hold up.
[03:39:13] Okay. you lied there is no gym leader you stupid why did you lie it's not funny it's fucking pig shut up or die it was a little funny.
[03:39:20] I need an electrical cord! Oh, big nugget that's exactly what i needed too
[03:39:23] Breeder
[03:39:24] Lily
[03:39:25] Breeder? breeder Lily breeder
[03:39:38] breeder Breeder.
[03:39:42] Brave Bird!
[03:39:44] Oh my god, that's a mega spell. Okay. knock off What should I play this game chat?
[03:40:04] Tell me a Pokemon. Boom. boom
[03:40:12] a flying fucking um
[03:40:18] sejiwani leona estio what is this? I'm against the fucking...
[03:40:24] Pedro, do you remember me?
[03:40:27] What d'you mean, do i remember you? Who the fuck is this that's sniping me now?
[03:40:32] Wait hold up. I'll check your clip in a sec
[03:40:37] Let's go for a game of
[03:40:41] leasing
[03:40:42] fuck it
[03:40:45] shy styling so NICO!
[03:41:09] It's okay leave it to me, I'll do the rest.
[03:41:17] I'll do the rest Why am i 312. that's you nico murk wolf all right i expect the same kind of performance this game
[03:41:21] it's not the same shirt either.
[03:41:26] Waterfall that bitch.
[03:41:31] Dark muckfall that bitch.
[03:41:37] You wash away the mud.
[03:41:39] Superpower! Is that OP chat?
[03:41:43] That looks busted
[03:41:49] how broken is waterfall
[03:41:53] i got, every time.
[03:42:04] A DNA Splice!ICE combines two Pokemon? What the fuck?
[03:42:12] Wait chat, who should I combine?
[03:42:14] Wait what?
[03:42:16] Wait i can make a fucking...
[03:42:21] I can fusion them?
[03:42:24] It's bad? why is it bad
[03:42:34] but a flamingo is useless so let's get rid of him.
[03:42:42] Flamingo is gonna fuse with...
[03:42:47] Gyarados. Bird on bird action.
[03:42:50] We got Flarados.
[03:42:53] What the fuck? Wait!
[03:42:55] My Gyarados is gone!
[03:42:57] No, I wanted Gara-
[03:42:58] No, I didn't want
[03:42:59] floridos i wanted gara garamingo or something
[03:43:03] where the yo what the where's my
[03:43:06] gyarados at can i refresh chat? Do you give me permission to refresh?
[03:43:13] Do you give me permission to refresh?
[03:43:15] I don't like refresh runs but
[03:43:17] I didn't know that would happen
[03:43:29] floridos the fuck is florido's bro the fuck it's flaredosa you can't be doing me like that bro
[03:43:35] you can't be doing me like that florido's fuck off 30 seconds until minions spawn.
[03:43:45] A slight against a dragon is a slight
[03:43:49] Against justice! wish me luck tomorrow please i have a big test if i pass i'll become a fireman
[03:43:59] yo chat say to caution caution kiss my making cushion king music
[03:44:06] say say good luck to him
[03:44:11] a rat fireman i'm a sub give me crabs no
[03:44:18] what you mean i'm a sub give me crabs it doesn't work like that situation no
[03:44:29] turn it off
[03:44:33] so turn it off
[03:44:43] it's off is it is it awful is it awful really there's like four snipers in this game Really?
[03:44:48] There's like four snipers in this game Oh oh you're not sniping
[03:45:15] true cato fans wouldn't snipe yes would. They would do the ultimate rat move,
[03:45:20] they would snipe, see my pathing and kill me on my red buff. so
[03:45:39] threaten the dragon masters oh so none who do evil can stand against the storm
[03:46:05] not passing this game is going to be a bit cooked but i think i have to so
[03:46:20] johnny's pathing Bolton.
[03:46:33] My kill.
[03:46:39] Why is he actually running past bot? spot so so huh
[03:47:19] what the fuck just happened there I got stuck in the wall did you She's okay.
[03:47:39] Did you want to queue? Yeah bro, I'mma fuckin'
[03:47:41] queue your ass in a second.
[03:51:13] Okay. so I knew he was watching that rat! so so so so so uh uh My lanes are all getting blasted. so so so so okay What the... uh I was chosen to take justice Bro, I think Magical footwear is the worst rune in the game. In jungle.
[03:51:14] I've just decided.
[03:51:15] I have come to a conclusion that magical footwear is fucking cheeks Are you really getting dove. I don't know if i can kill him, or maybe i can now
[03:52:00] is so fast though.
[03:54:41] I don't have boots, man. so so so Hmm. so my body is stronger i hate not having boots, man. I'm going to try and get the so Oh shit. I'm gonna end him, I thought a caught you out. Yo chillout then! Yo, chill out there.
[03:54:48] Chill out, chill out, chill out! Relax, relax, relax, calm down
[03:55:00] give me some time give me some time chill out why did you guys say goal who's playing i strike with the force of a thousand winds Yeah. Yeah, that's happening. so oh ah Just a hunch or what so I don't insta-stunned. I I couldn't author attack!
[03:57:16] Oh man, did the hit even kick? I wanted to hit him and kick it.
[03:57:27] You know what, need, chat?
[03:57:37] I need some meal POVs. chat you know what's actually a mega good food
[03:57:55] chicken katsu curry actually a mega good food
[03:58:20] chicken katsu curry is crazy good no Bro, who eats sour cream? Ugh.
[03:58:25] Ugh, sour cream. Oh my god, my champ backstabbed him. so so so No Herald? so so
[03:59:51] that's your kind of strong like what the, what do he heal?
[03:59:55] That Astral got hands! What do you mean, you're throwing?
[04:00:14] I was trying to keep them there for as long as possible.
[04:00:17] Well it didn't work.
[04:00:22] Oof!
[04:00:24] They do a lot of damage. so so that was a side step by the crab that was well played by crap thunder thunder strike so so so um so I'll just smite it.
[04:02:25] Alright, not bad.
[04:02:36] Can't withstand my power! Not bad.
[04:02:39] No!
[04:02:42] Please don't stay there. Try to int less. Oh, thank you! No! Please, no. Stay now.
[04:02:43] Try to int less... Oh thank you! Thank you that helps me.
[04:02:48] Just stop dying. You could solve homelessness as well.
[04:02:52] Just buy a house right so so uh yeah An enemy has been slain. um so Oh my gosh, hold this. my bad What up guys? Oh, that guy is so cocky.
[04:04:54] I want to fucking clap his cheeks.
[04:04:58] Am I dead?
[04:05:13] Aaaaaah! oh What are you doing?
[04:05:16] Oh, mother of God.
[04:05:19] Please help me find why the sniper is trolling.
[04:06:29] You can't snipe and then troll so so I swear if i was two years younger, I had that My mid laner is useless. Oh my god.
[04:07:20] How did I miss that smite? The light dragon was deceived by me. so so okay
[04:07:51] the okay Ugh! The songs are good though. the songs are jammerous.
[04:07:56] And the champs are so annoying. This Ezreal is really annoying. Can you shut the fuck up Maybe you're just trying too hard.
[04:08:24] I already want that mid tier one. so so
[04:08:53] my food's here.
[04:08:57] FUCK!
[04:09:29] The dragon's skull destroys all human flesh, even squirtle so so The enemy has been slain.
[04:09:37] Double kill! RIP Nice! Führer carried it. nice sir if you're a carrier
[04:10:00] we made it we made it, we made it. so so so Oh, I should not have done that.
[04:10:57] I think Akali didn't have the kill though.
[04:11:24] I think he, did Akali have the kill there? is strong the dragon is stronger
[04:13:11] this one used to be my favorite song when I was younger. so so so so so so so so so see flashing why is she flashing so so That's over.
[04:13:50] My Akali is so useless, I can't kick anyone.
[04:13:53] I killed him in remember flash.
[04:13:57] FUCK!
[04:14:01] Maybe i should not protect Caitlyn?
[04:14:04] Maybe it's useless to protect caitlyn but actually this guys
[04:14:12] i don't even go in there there all right my bad my bad ah man tricksters thieves dragon slayers my storm sweeps them all to ruin so so so um He's out?
[04:15:37] This game is such a mess. so so so That again man i mean it's fun yeah so so I'm going to try and get the first one. uh yes Yes!
[04:17:58] I knew Syndra would defend, cause Renekton was grouping on bot tier 2.
[04:18:01] I KNEW they'd go to try and defend 1v1, fucking ratta. What do you mean boosted? That was my idea.
[04:18:14] That was my idea!
[04:18:18] That was my idea that was my idea
[04:18:25] don't look the damage it's useless stop being weird you don't need to look at the damage let's
[04:18:31] watch it let's watch this time together let watch a synapse together and eat some food.
[04:18:34] Let's eat some food together, you love watching synapses eating food don't you?
[04:18:47] Where is the fool at?
[04:19:01] He's scared. It's a kid. I found it!
[04:19:04] He is playing Nautilus top I found it. He's going now to the top. I fucked with him. Can you style Q?
[04:19:05] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:06] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:07] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:08] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:09] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:10] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:11] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:12] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:13] I'm gonna go for a kill.
[04:19:14] I'm gonna go for a kill. I'm gonna go for a kill. I'm a griefer.
[04:19:20] Griefer?
[04:19:25] Nah, Panthe party is balanced. so you can What? Oh, let's see Oh my god.
[04:20:36] This video is sponsored by Exit Lag. Do you fucking see a thing? I'm going to go in there.
[04:21:01] Remember when the Yone minions were complaining that their champs useless
[04:21:04] and then riot gave it three armor and now they stopped complaining
[04:21:08] funny that wasn't it it is op shut up Shut up. Look! I have mango! I have mango!
[04:21:34] I'm just grief him.
[04:21:35] That's cool.
[04:21:39] Wish i had a ward
[04:21:46] I thought GP ate oranges.
[04:21:50] Oh my god!
[04:21:51] I'm just too good.
[04:21:53] Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango
[04:21:58] Mango
[04:22:02] No way I did that. Bro Oh, bro. GG. GG Yeah, his name is Pantheon. He's good for the game. Good man.
[04:22:42] Damn!
[04:22:43] I misclicked!
[04:22:46] I'm gonna fucking die!
[04:22:48] I juked it as all calculated and then we execute moving on
[04:22:53] my party Oh my god!
[04:23:01] Oh my god, that was a sick flash oh yeah yeah
[04:23:27] holy is crazy bro Wait he's insane
[04:23:34] Can you not do that please?
[04:23:36] Oh the jet room is a pilot in trouble
[04:23:44] Nice juke, Lux.
[04:23:52] Bomb! KILLER DIME! One popper. oh Nice. Ooh, yeah! I'm gonna go for the
[04:24:16] bomb.
[04:24:17] Oh, nice.
[04:24:18] Nice.
[04:24:19] Nice.
[04:24:20] Nice.
[04:24:21] Nice.
[04:24:22] Nice.
[04:24:23] Nice.
[04:24:29] Nice. Nice. ooh Of course Jin is there. I can't believe I missed that last Q. How does he keep getting?
[04:24:36] Oh last Q. How does he keep getting...
[04:24:46] Oh! Bomba!
[04:24:50] Straight from the mid air Jax back trap Jack Spectra! so Damn, Tom Cruise pretty good in the league. oh my lord
[04:25:38] just like old times oh my lord
[04:26:14] just like old times get my awakening book I think he'll ace this. oh Can we... Can we have a conversation about these death noises?
[04:26:18] What's going on?
[04:26:23] How are we...
[04:26:27] How did that happen?
[04:26:31] Lets listen again. I'm not going to let you go!
[04:26:48] What's the point?
[04:26:51] Watch out! They're stamping! Okay, one more time.
[04:27:04] One more time oh
[04:27:30] that's the point I'm not standing up. I think I probably got him.
[04:27:37] There's nothing there! Nice! Oh, she got hit! She died! Oh! She got hit by a tree!
[04:27:48] Oh fuck, she died!
[04:27:52] OMG it's still bias gap!
[04:27:54] It's still bias gap!
[04:29:36] OMG! god oh my god Bomba! That was pretty nice bro a trust is one of the coolest champs ever made so oh up so so He's playing Kane.
[04:29:43] I'll kill him when he comes to me.
[04:29:44] They're going for P-Chat.
[04:29:52] You would love this one,
[04:29:52] I think.
[04:29:53] Okay, BW on second. Alright! I'll be right back He's a penthouse, he's my penthouse.
[04:30:08] I'll get the camera.
[04:30:11] I'll get the camera!
[04:30:13] I'll get the camera because it's my penthouse.
[04:30:15] I'll get the camera. oh so oh the zoning OOOH! The zoning!
[04:30:57] Are we in? That's really good, really good I tanked the max amount i could tank holy he got it again though that's annoying yeah
[04:31:07] he keeps getting the bounties. Fuck him.
[04:31:12] It's okay I'm pretty strong now.
[04:31:14] Oh my god...
[04:31:16] No no no no no no no
[04:31:20] Yes!
[04:31:21] Maka!
[04:31:22] Please!
[04:31:23] Give me the plot!
[04:31:26] Come on...
[04:31:29] COME ON!!!
[04:31:31] NO!! NOOOOOO!!!! come on no
[04:31:43] come on I'm better than you Why do I suffer these more All my suffering feels
[04:31:45] Don't you say
[04:31:47] That it's
[04:31:49] Not true
[04:31:51] I'm better than you
[04:32:00] this isn't the same i'm just dead Holy shit, yone is OP.
[04:32:30] Nahh, Tempest is racist!
[04:32:34] I'm just going for Shaco. There's Shaco... he died? me
[04:32:38] now you don't show me your tentacles oh um uh Oh no!
[04:33:11] Let's get the fight real quick. I'm gonna go whole game, man!
[04:33:42] Okay chat
[04:33:44] There's a tournament today
[04:33:46] Chat when does
[04:33:48] The tournament start
[04:34:15] in 30 minutes do we have time for a game it It's at 4pm in the title. I guess I'm waiting.
[04:34:26] Wait, they're all playing on the same times? Learn to play Corki. He must be watching my VODs in that room.
[04:34:30] He must be having my Vs open in the world.
[04:34:33] When does he open up my vault? Is it towards the later part, save the best for last?
[04:34:55] Yamato says 3pm. He's playing Elden Ring, damn. Who else is in this tournament chat?
[04:35:03] If we get a cube up in the next minute or play a quick game tournament today versus mid beans
[04:35:10] man it's so unfair agarwin angerin's team is so unfair
[04:35:20] what is this?
[04:35:27] yeah i know the teams but I don't know the fucking...
[04:35:30] The times.
[04:35:34] How do you mean it's not unfair?
[04:35:37] Drutod, agar and nemesis what the hell
[04:35:51] oh online qualifiers tuesday the 2nd of june that's today 3 p.m double elimination bracket
[04:36:01] is it best of one or best of three? It's B01.
[04:36:04] Wait, really?
[04:36:05] It's best of one?
[04:36:07] It's best of fives. Today is just best of one. It's best of fives.
[04:36:09] Today is just best of one.
[04:36:14] So we're going to watch Bals versus Alto.
[04:36:18] So Bals is against Alto,
[04:36:20] Agareans against MidB and Lois and Pussy
[04:36:23] Is that tomorrow?
[04:36:25] Or is that today as well? so everyone's playing today best of one
[04:36:34] okay we'll watch the tournament. What's the tournament called chat? Vinny... Wait am I allowed to co-stream it?
[04:36:55] We'll watch the first two games.
[04:36:58] I want to watch Bows and Mid Beast Hagarin. That's all I wanna watch.
[04:37:03] And then we'll watch the rest.
[04:37:13] Oh yeah 3pm 4pm 6 pm 9 pm 7 p.m
[04:37:53] anyone interested in coaching me any other language can contact us so uh yo hey man listen if you can't do english my spanish is great in espanol We can do a co-stream in Spanish.
[04:37:56] Hey, listen...
[04:38:00] This emote gets me every time.
[04:38:34] What? Okay. okay i asked hopefully he hopefully i get a response soon. Who's messaging me?
[04:38:36] Oh, he replied! He says hey Sean no problem
[04:38:41] Sweet!
[04:38:50] Sweet!
[04:39:15] Who's Baus against? Alto Don't say farewell Elden Ring.
[04:39:16] We will finish Elden Ring.
[04:39:17] We will.
[04:39:19] We will, we will,
[04:39:27] we will finish Elden Ring okay cam calm down calm down calm down i solemnly swear
[04:39:32] that before the summer playoffs begin i will have finished elden ring be the elder lord and have completed poker rogue
[04:39:38] amen clip it clip it clip that chat and if i don't then i will
[04:39:48] um
[04:39:51] i'm not going bold chad i'm not going bald i'm not going bold chat, i'm not going bold.
[04:39:53] I'm not going bold.
[04:39:55] I'm not going bold!
[04:39:57] I'll do 100 gifted subs
[04:39:59] I'll do 100 gifted subs
[04:40:01] 100 gifted subs subs how to get subs oh why do you link that why do you link that
[04:40:15] by someone linked me a japanese death animation or some
[04:40:19] that wasn't me on the right of twitch listen that was
[04:40:23] that was a link from rata there was a link
[04:40:26] from a rapper oh i expect poker road for a little bit just like five minutes while waiting
[04:40:34] lost in and nothing that's because this run is going to be the
[04:40:36] finish of poker rogue
[04:40:40] this is gonna be this final one chat you need to talk to me about this though
[04:41:57] this thing dna splice is it good or not yes okay who should i form together so so so No, it's useless. The fuck is this?
[04:42:00] He just linked me a presentation of how to play Pokerug. I don't even know what these Kokomon are in the bottom left.
[04:42:18] I don't know any of them.
[04:42:19] I haven't...
[04:42:19] Ooh, Flamingo!
[04:42:20] I got that one.
[04:42:21] And I got Tinkertongue.
[04:42:23] And I got Excordial.
[04:42:28] Where's the thing where you fucking...
[04:42:44] DNA splitter.
[04:42:45] I just got it, how do I work?
[04:42:47] They are helpful mechanic but a little tough to understand here is a visual guide to help you out
[04:42:49] courtesy of Reddit
[04:42:49] How does it work?
[04:42:51] It combines the Pokemon
[04:42:53] it takes both It combines the pokemon, it takes both
[04:42:55] it takes the first and the second nature and makes them into a pokemon.
[04:43:02] Listen i'm not gonna cheat that looks like cheating
[04:43:37] i don't need a jerrymonger mingo to win this game i just need gyarados okay i'm not weird oh thunder stone is huge! Hold up.
[04:43:43] This is why I didn't want to get rid of my Magnatoon, because I knew he'd become a Magnazoom.
[04:43:48] Can't understand equals cheating? No, I didn't say that
[04:43:53] I did not say can't understand oh my god, it's a fucking Big big A rock.
[04:44:13] We go duck then?
[04:44:14] Nice.
[04:44:29] Nice. nice fuck is that the fuck is that trash
[04:44:34] the grass type pokemon i don't really have anything that's good against air bonk okay chat where's the where's the stream who's streaming the games is it nemesis gonna stream
[04:44:58] it oh they're in a scream right now do you wanna watch it you can give me
[04:45:27] you killed chovi? Did I kill chovi?
[04:45:40] I just paralyzed my own helmet. I didn't think discharge hit everyone. Oh, full Wii Store chat is there a hard round coming up?
[04:45:44] No, surely not right? a hard round coming up?
[04:45:45] Nah, surely not right.
[04:45:52] When's the next hard round?
[04:45:59] 80? Yeah. round 80.
[04:46:07] wait wait Wait is that worth catching?
[04:46:20] I think, is he better than Conkledor?
[04:46:24] I think it's better than Conkledor. Or we got zombie one. that sounds fine
[04:46:30] or we go zombie bard right? yeah, yeah, yeah
[04:46:34] can like either
[04:46:36] okay let's think here.
[04:46:47] Big fight now! Big fight now.
[04:46:48] Big fight!
[04:47:07] Come on, come on come on Mac zap Cannon trash we send our flamingo versus squirrel
[04:47:14] squirrel one I think they are on main. They might truck with Q, i guess.
[04:47:27] They're coming out and maybe Ziri.
[04:47:34] Maybe Ziri has sweet growth.
[04:47:36] Hold up, let me just fight this battle And then we're gonna chill
[04:47:41] I fucking hate that dog it's so busted
[04:48:07] That dog is actually hidden op by the way I guess I just went there. We can do the same as yesterday, won't we?
[04:48:10] Nemesis is quite quiet now.
[04:48:13] Who are they playing against? Who is that Vicky? This is quite quiet, no?
[04:48:16] Who are they playing against? Who's that Viktor?
[04:48:25] It's Chovy?
[04:48:28] It's not wide pan draw, shut up!
[04:48:35] No, she has blood no
[04:48:41] i didn't see when you press tab it's elite 500
[04:48:48] elite 500 is playing victor does elite play if i play other things than vlad and away i saw those for his main tricks right
[04:48:53] man orienta damage is so low early.
[04:49:01] I'm gonna work up Zed
[04:49:04] Elite 500 plays Zed Ooh, Aggrin's on his OT I don't think she can, right? She can't, i think.
[04:49:08] Ooh, aggro in on his OTP
[04:49:12] Maybe she is bot
[04:49:16] Yeah yeah, her timer's off Her time was off so you shouldn't be bot anymore Yeah, I think that the timeout is out.
[04:49:18] The timeout should not be got anymore.
[04:49:21] Is there like a dangerous wave at top?
[04:49:23] Man, Orianna POV is so trash!
[04:49:26] I am the Elden Lord by the way, I am. That's facts.
[04:49:29] Going to base again?
[04:49:30] Facts no email!
[04:49:31] What is this like... they are spamming emote
[04:49:35] Yeah, it's beautiful
[04:49:42] That's disgusting I'm not going to use the level 4. What do we think about Raptor respawn contest?
[04:49:48] I mean, Dot is gonna crash into waves and then we slow push again.
[04:49:53] Zarya could move now on the timer.
[04:49:56] Yeah she can.
[04:49:58] Why isn't Bounce live? Where's Bounce at?
[04:50:01] Where's Bounce at? reclaim trial here but why isn't bounce live where's bowser where is bowsett i mean if you think it's game breaking
[04:50:08] i can do this honestly he's asleep no he started message me a second ago
[04:50:19] she plays in an hour and know it doesn't he plays in 10 minutes he's not even alive
[04:50:24] what's yamato doing yamatos
[04:50:28] in elden ring who is his other teammates chad kermut
[04:50:35] here's jungles ki- rei i don't think he raised life
[04:50:55] oh he went live now big What's he, what's up? Renekton will TP
[04:50:57] And now I have really got away with you on the comp
[04:51:04] Sorry, was that...what did you say?
[04:51:05] Renekton will TP and I have really good way
[04:51:09] If you come here we could just end the game basically
[04:51:13] You're a narnia Oh my god, aggrant ganked mid and died?
[04:51:30] Nah I'm convinced that I can go back to junglers appropriately.
[04:51:33] I'm convinced.
[04:51:35] Yo bring... BRING BACK ARIVIA! convince yo bring back a repo that's nemesis he's like man if my jungle actually
[04:51:42] just full cleared i'd be fine to be honest she doesn't have a lot to do. Yeah I can E him.
[04:51:48] Are you 600? Like after this and this?
[04:51:50] She might be here in about half an hour.
[04:51:52] I think she's taking this.
[04:52:00] We're gonna still need to base the two mids. We are basing on the wave that's coming right now.
[04:52:03] Nemesis is greeeeedyyyy.
[04:52:06] Oh my god, Viktor has double buffs! That's the most cool, okay?
[04:52:16] Viktor has to ult. He ulted! They want to run top for dive or something.
[04:52:19] Are they gonna freeze?
[04:52:21] Viktor's on his way with double buffs and ult
[04:52:23] No flash in areas here he is
[04:52:25] They're going to loop to shield top maybe
[04:52:27] We can ask the next corner
[04:52:29] Care top, care top Unconvinced, unconvinced We can flash the next corner.
[04:52:33] I'm convinced, I'm convinced!
[04:52:39] Hey do you need me on bot? No.
[04:52:42] I have roam timer now, I've time for Martellus
[04:52:44] Serious launch
[04:52:46] How did that knock?
[04:52:48] Is Bowsie in lobby?
[04:52:50] Let me message Bowsie if he's I can come mid lane from base.
[04:52:51] Let me message Bowsie if he's all good,
[04:52:52] if I watch this POV.
[04:52:53] He has no flash,
[04:52:54] no flash mid.
[04:52:55] I could shark raven on the E or whatever
[04:52:56] if you want.
[04:52:57] Can you select crownies for AD carry?
[04:52:59] Yeah we already did.
[04:53:02] The team is me, Bows, Nemesis, Crownshot and little TommyG I hope.
[04:53:06] I haven't spoken to Tommy yet though.
[04:53:09] We don't have too big of a time anymore...
[04:53:12] I think that roster...we can actually win the masters no joke
[04:53:24] to figure some shit out first
[04:53:28] Can you shut the fuck up?
[04:53:32] What is that profile picture? What is that?
[04:53:35] You are so ill
[04:53:37] you're so ill
[04:53:48] I don't If they are on dragon I get 6 from this and no flash on belveth. They're going drake, they're going drake.
[04:53:51] Take the minutes though, take the minutes though.
[04:53:54] You wanna try it? I think we can. Take the mini-scroll, take the mini-scroll.
[04:53:57] Do we want to try it? I think we can. What's the CS numbers in mid?
[04:53:59] He is 8 cs up not bad
[04:54:03] Yo he is inted drake
[04:54:06] Is this dragon fight good? Oh, he's in that drake. I'm 6 so...
[04:54:07] Is this dragon fight good?
[04:54:09] It is very based yeah.
[04:54:11] I got her?
[04:54:13] Yeah big kill.
[04:54:27] I have ult. Big kill. kill big kill don't get called in twitch whispers does true to play top? I know he plays Ek'Sai on top.
[04:54:29] But he probably doesn't play Varus top, right?
[04:54:35] Fullscreen... Yeah, I'm not really gonna fullscreen because we're going to swap to the Bows in a sec.
[04:54:38] Woah woah woah is he showing the Silent Hex?
[04:54:40] The new ones that have been added this season like this one and...
[04:54:44] Maybe this one, I don't know, this?
[04:54:47] They are hard to glide on. Really hard
[04:54:49] to glide
[04:54:51] Not really glidable walls
[04:54:53] I think these are easier
[04:54:55] when it's curved like that
[04:54:57] Oh yeah Oh yeah that oh yeah
[04:55:01] oh yeah oh yeah
[04:55:13] man ulting like from here. Yeah?
[04:55:15] Glide on this wall.
[04:55:17] Yeah?
[04:55:19] Glide on this wall!
[04:55:20] Ah, you see I didn't glide.
[04:55:22] Glide, glide, glide, otherwise it's not cool.
[04:55:27] That's a good glide and then this one?
[04:55:32] I'm washed
[04:55:43] No What? Right into mid lane. Oh!
[04:55:44] That's crazy actually.
[04:55:46] See that?
[04:55:47] Gang of people.
[04:55:48] I'm not even gonna say anything about it.
[04:55:51] I'm just saying, like, this is a good game. to mid lane. Oh, what? That's crazy
[04:55:52] actually see that
[04:55:53] ganking mid
[04:55:55] lane from here.
[04:55:56] Have you ever
[04:55:56] seen that before
[04:55:57] guys?
[04:55:58] You ever
[04:55:58] seen bro?
[04:55:58] He's like max
[04:55:59] first step
[04:56:00] and then
[04:56:00] you're gonna
[04:56:00] hit this
[04:56:01] early so
[04:56:02] you can push through oh damn wait that's so clean
[04:56:11] That's mega clean!
[04:56:21] His mouse is in the wall. This wall is bananas, no this wall is bananas.
[04:56:48] No... bananas no this wall is bananas no this wall is bananas Maybe you get crocs though, with that ult. If you stand right next to a wall I like learning these Bios- Scion texts
[04:56:50] And then you hover your mouse into the wall
[04:56:53] and click ult
[04:56:56] You're not gonna run into the wall I'm gonna click ult.
[04:56:58] You're not going to run into the wall.
[04:57:02] Okay, but why is that useful?
[04:57:06] That's great and all but like...
[04:57:08] What if you want to go up?
[04:57:10] Yo, yo!
[04:57:13] How we doing boys?
[04:57:15] When will that be useful?
[04:57:17] That is nice to hear.
[04:57:19] We are happy with the little draft team, we're gonna say it out loud.
[04:57:25] I mean you guys are the coaches, you guys are in charge of the draft.
[04:57:28] Okay, I think it should be like this right
[04:57:36] i think it should be
[04:57:39] bouse is just warming up. This is what
[04:57:40] Bows would do on the LEC stage if he was warming up
[04:57:52] But I still think we should ban it. I think it's just a skill.
[04:57:53] And you have like auto-picks now?
[04:57:55] We can, yeah.
[04:57:56] That's why I say...
[04:57:57] I wonder what their draft will look like.
[04:57:59] They'll first pick it because of my sister what the just an fyi pepe
[04:58:03] is seven years older than laminia mal's dad oh they're waiting for us by the way.
[04:58:13] I forgot to invite you guys.
[04:58:17] Bro, I think enemy team is not that good right?
[04:58:21] They have Garen OTP, Auto-Fighter... is not that good right they have darren otp autofill i don't know blade show she owes a
[04:58:26] mid laner philly west side i don't know who that is I'm going to go for the T-Rex. I see it.
[04:58:35] Alright,
[04:58:37] Yo who am I playing versus?
[04:58:39] I have no idea
[04:58:40] Who I'm up against
[04:58:42] They didn't get access to TR for this?
[04:58:43] This is the Urgot OTP
[04:58:44] I'm against the Urgot OTP
[04:58:46] Oh, Urgot.
[04:58:47] I thought he was a Garen
[04:58:49] Are we banning Urgot or...?
[04:58:50] This is Sola's Prime League Division 3 team
[04:58:55] ...and see what could be annoying for you oh are you like why does he have my name yeah true why does he have your name
[04:59:03] yeah we do
[04:59:07] We're supposed to switch channels by the way Yeah go on the server
[04:59:14] Alex I'm gonna stop Let's get it to me Alex
[04:59:16] let's get it
[04:59:20] what was that?
[04:59:22] is that you Tommy?
[04:59:27] someone has like an enter sound on their model
[04:59:31] WHAT THE HELL
[04:59:35] That was Tommy Tivo first I responded, i responded No, he has the...
[04:59:37] I responded.
[04:59:39] The goofy sound effects?
[04:59:41] You're gonna use them during the game!
[04:59:43] Of course.
[04:59:48] And Karey is now popping off with the micromanaging
[04:59:55] Wait, who had that soundboard? Was that a sound board or a gamepad? Oh shit, no no no
[05:00:01] Was that a soundboard or a dono chat?
[05:00:05] That was Yamato's
[05:00:10] I want to find that one It yeah oh it's the discord soundboard isn't it
[05:00:21] okay apparently you can mute some board and i'll do so But yeah we're ready to wing it boys
[05:00:25] Ah bro, we are prepped
[05:00:27] Just remove Urgot. I think it's a good call.
[05:00:31] But guys, I swear enemy...
[05:00:35] Yeah, I mean yeah...
[05:00:38] I don't know.
[05:00:40] What do you mean? I don't know. What do you mean?
[05:00:41] I don't think...
[05:00:43] Like I haven't scouted right
[05:00:45] but I don't think we should ban Orc
[05:00:47] And baffles that you're baffled
[05:00:49] Baffled by what?
[05:00:53] No, this guy played in the last tournament and he didn't play Urgot like once.
[05:00:58] What are you baffled by?
[05:01:00] Bro, you brought it up!
[05:01:02] So I told you guys to ban Ornn.
[05:01:05] I ain't playing for specials.
[05:01:07] Yeah yeah.
[05:01:09] Wait chat the fire's off!
[05:01:11] Why did no one say you were cold?
[05:01:13] Bro little Tommy G, I fuck with Lil Tommy G
[05:01:15] I fuck with Lil Tommy G
[05:01:21] That guy is actually mega good Best jungle think best jungle support in the tournament is Baus's team
[05:01:27] Best solo lanes in the tournament is Nemesis' team
[05:01:32] Facts, that's facts
[05:01:34] Blasio as a midlaner? Wait, wait, wait. Fax! That's faxed.
[05:01:42] See that's what I've been wondering too because they're both top laners. Why is no one signing Baus for pro play?
[05:01:44] Because Baus is a solo queue player, he's not a pro player.
[05:01:48] His playstyle won't work in pro play
[05:01:50] That's why we gotta fix him up a bit
[05:01:53] When we're gonna play our team with him,
[05:01:55] we're going to pick some up a bit.
[05:02:00] I'm not very sure it's...
[05:02:03] Okay, hold second after go through it real quick Turn off the fire, it's 37 degrees outside.
[05:02:21] I'm gonna make sure to let you guys know...
[05:02:23] My mom always said if you're cold eat an ice cream and you'll warm up.
[05:02:27] So if your hot and have a fire...
[05:02:29] I will not be the first one out.
[05:02:32] Alright? And that's a promise.
[05:02:35] I will do everything in my power to not be the first team out of the tournament, alright?
[05:02:41] That's not gonna happen!
[05:02:44] Okay?
[05:02:46] I'm going to make it far and if i make it to the finals they will fly me out to Berlin
[05:02:52] And im going to make sure that happens guys
[05:02:55] They're gonna fly him out to Berlin for the finals?
[05:02:58] The finals is in Berlin?
[05:03:02] I will try to not feed too much That's actually kind of pog.
[05:03:15] I can't make the TV screen in an aquarium
[05:03:18] because it fucking...
[05:03:20] You can't see it. It does not hide- I need a bigger TV
[05:03:23] Welcome back
[05:03:26] So this is just best of one, yeah?
[05:03:29] We are ready. Are you in order? This is just best of one
[05:03:35] I didn't scout Blitzchamp, but I just saw you guys now
[05:03:40] This guy is the one who spammed Orianna, no?
[05:03:45] Yeah. When I move house one day, I'll buy a bigger TV
[05:03:50] Yeah he played Ashe and Ezreal in solo queue
[05:03:53] Oh okay, okay.
[05:03:56] We're gonna watch this, then we'll watch Bows, and then Nemesis mid-beast
[05:03:58] and then call it.
[05:03:59] Come on, can start now.
[05:04:02] Wait what is mid-beast's team?
[05:04:06] Nati, Nat, Macro
[05:04:08] Mid Beast, Jinjo, Azap
[05:04:10] It's actually not bad that's team positive
[05:04:18] That's team positive exciting stomachs that seem never ff nervous i'm feeling good bro i'm back to season two and three is yamato cannon good ad
[05:04:23] not the last time you played the game instead of coaching it Is YamatoCannon good AD? Hey, it was a good choice.
[05:04:37] Didn't you promise that you were going to play Elden Ring on Monday?
[05:04:39] Yeah but I had some issues.
[05:04:42] I couldn't stream yesterday.
[05:04:43] I appreciate that boss. That feels good to hear from you man.
[05:04:47] Thank you man. So yeah.
[05:04:55] Did you even carry boi? I did, i had some problems.
[05:04:58] I'm all good Tomaj, I'm chilling
[05:05:02] I'm gonna go to England soon
[05:05:08] The champs we played recently is P1m4 And then... Chat, do you need a good PC to stream Elden Ring?
[05:05:11] In high quality. Is it a demanding game?
[05:05:14] I think a 3080 laptop graphics card could run it in 60fps on stream.
[05:05:24] Well, now you're confused.
[05:05:28] No? Because when Skyrim was released... No.
[05:05:33] Because when I scouted them there was one person who played like Orianna or whatever, at least you don't remember the names.
[05:05:35] Bro this guy is playing Tristana mid lane,
[05:05:37] but this guys not nothing one single ad champ
[05:05:40] what the fuck he played onesie game smaller mid
[05:05:48] you're rich just buy a pc. Guys, guys
[05:05:51] We're gonna buy a pc for three days
[05:05:54] Just pick your best
[05:05:58] Awesome guys i'm just changing plans real quick. Bro why are these guys so...
[05:06:02] They're so sneaky with their answers!
[05:06:06] LVP R
[05:06:13] On mid lane I'm on it, man.
[05:06:58] Three days and then give the PC away to chat? this chat is illness i swear on grump I have to do the Central European time. Did you guys eat a good breakfast, sleep well? Yep I did thank you.
[05:07:00] Yes sir?
[05:07:01] Yes yes
[05:07:02] I ate two kukumbas, bread
[05:07:05] Kukumba?
[05:07:07] Chad what's a kukumba?
[05:07:09] Relax. How much you eating?
[05:07:13] He is big boy man
[05:07:16] Yeah That's how tall are you? 190 or something I think
[05:07:20] Wait, are you?
[05:07:22] Yeah he is a little bit taller than me
[05:07:29] Honestly I'm slowly shrinking. Maybe I'm 194 I used to be 196
[05:07:33] A little bit taller
[05:07:37] Dropped by 7 minutes my passport and uh
[05:07:47] start the draft at 3 3 10. yeah like hip thrusts or so don't
[05:07:50] like you have to do some exercises you
[05:07:51] know
[05:07:51] have you ever thought about hosting a
[05:07:53] tournament before you have the biggest
[05:07:54] league fan base i feel like it would be
[05:07:55] really well
[05:07:57] uh yeah i have i'm thinking about doing I feel like it would be really well. Yeah,
[05:07:58] I have.
[05:07:59] I'm thinking about doing some big stuff next year.
[05:08:03] Some big stuff
[05:08:06] but
[05:08:07] Oh really? Don't you just do the some big stuff, but I just hang
[05:08:09] Oh really? Don't you just do the
[05:08:11] hang on a bar? Do you do the opposite side?
[05:08:13] Yeah nothing's confirmed yet
[05:08:17] What really? I've never seen it before, but eh? You're like a bat. Basically
[05:08:20] I look like I'm a vampire just
[05:08:22] sleeping here.
[05:08:26] Does that actually help your back more than
[05:08:28] the hanging?
[05:08:31] So yeah, maybe next year we'll have some kind of big tournaments we can do.
[05:08:35] Gravity works very hard when in that position.
[05:08:41] But I'm trying to... in that position. I feel like it's just... But,
[05:08:42] I'm trying to
[05:08:42] make this thing
[05:08:44] that's a bit different.
[05:08:46] So,
[05:08:47] I'm not sure if it's going
[05:08:47] to work or not.
[05:08:52] Okay, guys. Probably not. Okay guys, one more minute and then we're in!
[05:08:57] Kwid is coming to AC next year you think? No.
[05:09:01] Probably not.
[05:09:08] Alright, deep breaths gentlemen. In with the good, out with the shit
[05:09:13] We're more for what?
[05:09:15] Yes sir
[05:09:17] Here we go
[05:09:21] Yo Tommy you here?
[05:09:23] No
[05:09:25] Okay
[05:09:26] No
[05:09:28] Only thing in Drakkaz is keep in mind like whatever 1-2 win just think about what you want to play with that and it makes sense
[05:09:34] And think about these 3 champ to play with that and it makes sense, you know.
[05:09:36] And think about these three champs in case they ban on 4-5. That's all, pretty much.
[05:09:43] Tommy, most of the time we just want to play a bit of support.
[05:09:47] What?
[05:09:49] Most of the time we'll be playing really simple today.
[05:09:52] Come on Boutsy you better be winning a tournament
[05:09:55] I think that Kirei gets better options in the cases where we win Come on Bowsie, you better be winning a tournament.
[05:10:01] Alright let's hear their draft what they got for me
[05:10:05] They're on a 5 minute delay? Yeah, makes sense.
[05:10:10] Actually are they on a 5-minute delay? He said start at 310.
[05:10:14] It's 310... it's 311. I think they're on a one minute delay now.
[05:10:16] I wonder if it is annoying to go mid and be an asshole?
[05:10:22] Do you want to... How much do we care about Huey by the way?
[05:10:26] They are on a one minute delay. Mid lane, yeah. How much do you care about Huey by the way?
[05:10:28] They're on a one mid lane. Me?
[05:10:30] I don't care about it.
[05:10:32] But I think we should ban Karthus, their mid laner doesn't pay Huey I think.
[05:10:36] If he's playing AD mid laners then just ban Karthus. It's okay.
[05:10:40] Ban Karthus yeah.
[05:10:41] Ban Karthus? Yeah.
[05:10:44] And we can hold their band in case they ban Gragas and Ornn.
[05:10:48] We could also choose to remove Ornn either way
[05:10:50] If they first pick Gragas I'm gonna freak out by the way
[05:10:53] because that's happened to me in three tournaments
[05:10:55] and I've lost every time
[05:10:57] Do you want to do safety ban ornden
[05:11:00] i think it yeah we're planning more than that
[05:11:02] i think yeah yeah so baos really wants gregas
[05:11:06] he's scared of them first picking up surely they won't first pick it right
[05:11:08] why would the first be Gregas
[05:11:17] Yamato has no delay.
[05:11:23] Yeah, neither does Baustek.
[05:11:27] Let's see the chat.
[05:11:36] Someone said 07 spammer said talia what are you thinking three four five six boy he has like a six second delay that guy just play Pyke, right?
[05:11:45] Because the most comfortable for me probably is Jhin Ezreal
[05:11:48] That's the direction I'm most comfortable I'm down for Ezreal because like
[05:11:49] I'm looking for a Zyra angle
[05:11:51] So mid lane you probably have AD picks If? If not I can always go Kindred or something.
[05:11:55] It's a v9 combat, I changed it.
[05:11:58] Yeah like FB was safer because Jhin is weak against tanks, that's the main thing.
[05:12:01] Maybe cause he's best of one, they don't need the lane?
[05:12:06] Greg has Ezreal, okay.
[05:12:09] What if they go Vi though? Taliyah mid Vi...
[05:12:24] So I think you have a lot of options because against your Gragas we are covered.
[05:12:28] Yeah, we have enough AP damage for real, for real.
[05:12:32] Okay they're going Taliyah Tristana? That's quite annoying actually though.
[05:12:36] Very likely.
[05:12:38] Chad do you want to kiss?
[05:12:40] So we'll go Taliyah and Tristana.
[05:12:42] Yeah yeah, what if I pick a mid lane better depending on that I'll pick my jungle right
[05:12:45] now. If they ban two, that was for you.
[05:12:46] If they ban two, do we have enough champions?
[05:12:47] That was for you chat.
[05:12:50] I would say Vex but I could go AD mid.
[05:12:55] What are the AD carries that you're thinking about?
[05:12:58] I'm thinking... uh what are the other characters you're thinking about okay there's camon or got otp
[05:13:02] maybe let's play draven mid into tristana
[05:13:07] yeah justina owns tf Zyra's pretty good against TF in my mind.
[05:13:09] Yeah Tristana owns TF
[05:13:13] Right now if you go for the Draven, I don't mind picking Zarya here Because they're never gonna win Draven, i'll be very honest
[05:13:17] Wait so what am I picking?
[05:13:19] Uh Zarya, Zarya, Zarya
[05:13:21] Surely they won't ban Draven right
[05:13:25] What do i ban?
[05:13:42] Surely they won't ban Draven right I think BAMPike first. i don't care too much about where you see honestly if i'm playing as room and we have five picking support i feel like they should
[05:13:46] ban draven shouldn't they they see gregas es Ezreal and Zyra.
[05:13:53] And if they look at Kermit's champion pool I'm presuming he has all of Draven.
[05:13:58] Last time I saw him play mid was playing Samira and Akshan but Akshan is already down.
[05:14:07] Okay, Irelia ban? They like to play rail support here
[05:14:09] by the way so they need like engage so you just have
[05:14:13] to think that what would you like to ban he raised doing the whole draft something for it
[05:14:19] i think i'd pick well but the thing is if i pick rel you pick alistar probably
[05:14:23] I-I think we should pick on five for you Tommy
[05:14:26] And we can just remove rel or hui both as fine
[05:14:28] Yeah, that's better
[05:14:30] Ban rell
[05:14:31] Hui? Hui?
[05:14:32] Rebus Bandra, Huey, Huey? No.
[05:14:36] Oh my god! You must trolled!
[05:14:38] Jesus... What are we thinking about Samira here?
[05:14:41] That was close. He got it though.
[05:14:44] Not begging, I think here at all.
[05:14:46] Wow champs!
[05:14:48] Honestly Camu just follow your heart bro
[05:14:50] You have the...
[05:14:52] The heart of a joyful soul Me Me and Kyrae we are rigid from competitive play, yeah? We were traumatized.
[05:15:01] Bro I love the different answers from coaches one person says Samira, Kyraa says no it's terrible your motto says
[05:15:06] your heart is like a butterfly let it flap its wings and find the direction of
[05:15:11] the wind then drift into whatever answer you think
[05:15:14] is correct
[05:15:23] we like draven guys.
[05:15:30] Why does caged on baros look like they're 15 year olds going 40?
[05:15:32] We don't
[05:15:36] I can play bot lane.
[05:15:37] You can or you can't?
[05:15:39] Can't.
[05:15:41] Kermit's actually pretty good though chat, right? Didn't Kermit start out as Bows the Sniper?
[05:15:45] Yeah he did. is bowser sniper Let me see if there's anything else.
[05:16:03] It's an Alistar game.
[05:16:05] Do you dislike Leona?
[05:16:08] I can't go Leona but I prefer Alistar.
[05:16:09] Just pick whatever you prefer, okay?
[05:16:12] Alistar looks better.
[05:16:14] We don't need to be the ones running into the Taliyah like we have Ezreal, Gragas...
[05:16:31] We could chill. I like Bus' draft. Is Kermit a good Draven champ? I'm just gonna sub, brother. That's how I can do rules. Thank you. I have no skins?
[05:16:33] Yes. Okay, if his Draven is like super L9 then they're going to win this game.
[05:16:39] But if he's not very l9 then
[05:16:41] i think they might be
[05:16:44] give up uh i can send out the wave level one
[05:16:49] and we just let them push i think think. They can push if they want to.
[05:16:56] He's gonna carry this game? Does Kermod stream?
[05:16:59] I think enemy is probably going to pester us both sides.
[05:17:02] I'll do the same and I just want to invade this golem pretty much, okay?
[05:17:07] And if you're mid lane you can play like complete psychopath.
[05:17:10] Kermit's such a good name isn't that the name of the frog?
[05:17:13] The main thing is if they can choose to stack 3 and we cannot sub that
[05:17:19] In that case...
[05:17:21] ...vading might be hard
[05:17:24] Oh it should be fine. I'll have level 4 heal bit of a treat Oh, that's Kerr mid. Fuck.
[05:17:30] Barrier Draven mid with PTA domination second. Holy fuck
[05:17:32] that Draven is L9.
[05:17:46] So, the enemy team is a prime league division three team correct chat that's all five of their players
[05:17:52] in this game just make sure we play very slow okay like if don't take free damage, just poke them. They're extremely quick.
[05:17:58] Four out of five of them?
[05:18:03] I'll go Torch in this game, I'm going full poke.
[05:18:12] The fifth one is Sola himself... ah I see.
[05:18:18] Hey don't come top side excuse me topside is a no-no
[05:18:27] oh Could be that they abate him because he showed only good bottom.
[05:18:31] They're basically Div 2 team, they are winning Div 3.
[05:18:35] Baus already booked his flight to Berlin? There's no way he did that.
[05:18:40] God I hope Baus wins. How did they draft teams?
[05:18:42] I don't actually know.
[05:18:44] How do they draft these teams, Chad?
[05:18:47] Do they just make the teams themselves or what?
[05:19:03] I've found you. Mid sound issue.
[05:19:08] Mid sound issue.
[05:19:12] What happened to Baus's sauna? I swear he was in a sauna didn't be wasn't he i swear he was streaming from a sauna the other day.
[05:19:23] Oh, it's his parents' place.
[05:19:35] Yeah my parent's streaming place is my old bedroom. Remember that?
[05:19:46] His GF left him.
[05:19:52] Did she?
[05:19:52] They're pushing.
[05:19:57] No way, no way.
[05:20:00] I don't want them to stack a big wave on us.
[05:20:11] Does he? Oh my god, Bounce is mega cooked.
[05:20:13] The way position is not good for them, I think.
[05:20:14] Mega cooked.
[05:20:15] He always bites his shirt when he knows the lane is lost.
[05:20:24] He started probably top side.
[05:20:25] Topside, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:20:27] We will be playing for you in this play I think.
[05:20:29] Yeah, they are putting some wards in your jungle probably.
[05:20:36] My turn! Yeah, yeah. Oh good, that was it.
[05:20:40] Did he flash or?
[05:20:44] Oh Bowsie man. Lock in. Imagine enemy jungle came top here after 3 camps.
[05:21:02] On planet invader you can hard push the next area that comes, it's really good.
[05:21:06] Nah no way right now. Nice. If you can hard push the next turret, that counts as really good.
[05:21:08] Nah no way right? Nice.
[05:21:13] Oh well just-just push.
[05:21:16] Oh!
[05:21:18] I get a flash though.
[05:21:20] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:21:22] No no that was good.
[05:21:28] Flash... double flash.
[05:21:29] Prediction for the game? Well...
[05:21:32] I think Biles' team should win.
[05:21:34] I think their draft is pretty good but
[05:21:36] this situation in top right now
[05:21:42] it's not ideal.
[05:21:50] I'm surprised they didn't ban Urgot from the one trick Urgot.
[05:21:53] Why didn't they do that?
[05:21:59] Just look at his HP, but I just jailed him here.
[05:22:00] Yeah... Baal said poke him a bit.
[05:22:01] Bows said it wasn't an issue?
[05:22:03] Yeah.
[05:22:04] I am never listening to Bows in draft ever.
[05:22:07] He is full muted in draft.
[05:22:09] I think we can dive the next stage with he's not out this day, just keep pushing.
[05:22:14] Like solo no barrier.
[05:22:16] But i think you made me play the smite trap wrong don't you?
[05:22:19] I feel like sapphire refillable is already really greedy
[05:22:22] e start it's also really greedy shouldn't you just take q level one and
[05:22:26] just try and queue the first three minutes and then
[05:22:28] just play really far back until level three oh my god he's gonna die for this wave i can see it
[05:22:35] oh my god top is so doomed the waves pushing
[05:22:45] is it pushing actually i think it should be right, I'm not sure.
[05:22:49] I guess Urgot can auto push a little bit with his passive I think he might just fast-push that way
[05:22:52] Or he could base on it
[05:22:55] I don't know, depends on the state. Kermut! Brenna flash hex. I'm here.
[05:23:05] Kermit!
[05:23:07] This guy is Omega trolling.
[05:23:13] Yeah, that Taliyah That Taliyah full cleared base I will ward bot side.
[05:23:19] That Taliyah full cleared, based and tried to gank mid from topside... Zyra is 4 camps up on him
[05:23:22] because of the double crab
[05:23:24] and the space at the clear
[05:23:26] He's on gromp watch out guys And the space at the clear.
[05:23:28] He's on gromp, watch out guys.
[05:23:31] He's on frog? What do you mean he's on Gromp Tommy?
[05:23:34] What the fuck? Tommy changed! Why did they call it Frog? Or why did they call him Gromp?
[05:23:36] Just clear the base, I don't think they can dive you
[05:23:38] Yeah, they can
[05:23:42] If we build a slow push we could even get drake
[05:23:44] You changed Tommy
[05:23:54] Yeah, I'm strong I wish we could even get drake but i think we should probably ward your jungle
[05:23:59] I thought that should be for sure both are okay yeah
[05:24:10] okay top is kind of saved actually okay Bowsie. I mean he can't get frozen on like this!
[05:24:19] Top was freezing if you didn't We can push this wave and take the Drake.
[05:24:26] I'm looking from behind maybe, okay? I'm not sure if there's water or not.
[05:24:29] I think Drake here here, I think drake here.
[05:24:31] Yeah yeah.
[05:24:34] I'll do it though.
[05:24:38] Brokil is top side probably.
[05:24:40] We're on the drag here.
[05:24:41] He's there! Behind me!
[05:24:43] We can come in from him.
[05:24:51] Nice good stop. Good situation top
[05:24:54] No flash on both? One hit rail? Anyone?
[05:24:58] Just Ana here
[05:25:01] Ok just out of the pit here Push the... It's still not here.
[05:25:03] Just push on out of it, here.
[05:25:05] Just push on.
[05:25:07] This guy is...
[05:25:10] That proxy saved his lane.
[05:25:16] Tommy is going a bit deep here. I think you can kill them yeah. Oh Kermit got the gold
[05:25:20] oh Kermit Draven damn! Shall we kill Yamato? Damn Show me Kyria motto. Oh
[05:25:26] Shit barrier
[05:25:28] Oh
[05:25:30] That's the ult him here
[05:25:34] Yes boots ingot doesn't.
[05:25:37] Oh!
[05:25:39] Rell is one.
[05:25:40] Get the kill!
[05:25:41] Now!
[05:25:43] Wait, wait, oh fuck.
[05:25:53] Because I've passed. Wait, wait, wait. You want to get the creeps?
[05:25:55] Yeah, but I'm really down temper right now so it's a lot faster.
[05:25:58] I think we can kill one mid too, Kermode
[05:26:01] Did she flash before?
[05:26:03] Uh...I think so
[05:26:07] Yamato is nice to listen too.
[05:26:10] Kirei's also a good shotcaller, I think.
[05:26:13] Erdogan is missing, maybe careful Kirei?
[05:26:16] I don't know where he is
[05:26:17] Relic coming to you right now guys
[05:26:21] He could also just have backed
[05:26:25] Bows they just took i think just clear your camps void grubs
[05:26:30] man the bow stresses me out man my anxiety skyrockets watching him chat what if
[05:26:35] greg has eased and ergot E's? Does it interrupt him?
[05:26:40] Who interrupts?
[05:26:41] Urgot interrupts Gragas right?
[05:26:45] Because that is why Urgot was standing still there. He was trying to bait him to E'im.
[05:26:49] There are four here. Urgot was standing still there right he was trying to bait him to E.M.
[05:26:57] Okay you can also just walk up and die.
[05:27:02] Oh no, the cannon!
[05:27:05] Can we use anything?
[05:27:08] I've got no flash.
[05:27:11] There is nothing here. Oh Bowsie it's rough
[05:27:13] Spare him 3 seconds wait as long as possible
[05:27:15] It's ok though
[05:27:17] Oh he buffered the jump
[05:27:19] Nice jump by Tristana.
[05:27:24] Oh, he's going to book build.
[05:27:26] He's going to book build.
[05:27:30] But this is Baal's comfort zone right?
[05:27:31] He has like this hidden passive.
[05:27:35] The more he stacks up deaths the more impact he has in a game I think, right?
[05:27:37] I just want to scout a drake here.
[05:27:40] Can I push away first?
[05:27:43] You can push, you can push. I don't bolt to be careful and don't die to Taliyah
[05:27:45] Rell is moving to you
[05:27:51] Full breaker Urgot.
[05:27:53] I'm finishing Drake by the way.
[05:27:55] Is he have phase rush here? No he doesn't, it's on cooldown.
[05:27:57] Actually not bad trades, Urgot no flash as well.
[05:27:59] Maybe there is a kill angle soon.
[05:28:01] Oh he missed Q.
[05:28:02] If you hit Q there, next ulti kills him.
[05:28:20] I think he can kill Urgot, but I think Urgot went for the plant which is really annoying. I'm not fighting this, I'm not fighting this.
[05:28:22] I was pushing him out there.
[05:28:24] I hate the honeyfruit
[05:28:25] I was gonna base her better
[05:28:29] So it's going to be like 60% HP catching up with
[05:28:33] Watch out here
[05:28:36] And Rell can... Okay, watch out here they can the sword
[05:28:38] shoe space is big You don't have Sire here, but I need to reset.
[05:28:47] No way she stays this long though.
[05:28:50] Yeah, you can say it.
[05:28:55] If they full from both sides...
[05:28:56] Yeah he's got Hullbreaker.
[05:28:59] Oh my god what? Does Urgot fit nice buffer. Off of this W?
[05:29:10] I'm Luffy okay?
[05:29:12] Yeah yeah.
[05:29:14] Is it flash though?
[05:29:16] Uh...I don't think so.
[05:29:18] Kalea no ult but she will be behind us. Is he flashed though? I don't think so. No Flash, no Flash.
[05:29:21] Nice!
[05:29:22] Get him man!
[05:29:25] Why isn't Baus wanting to kill? He's scared to go in midi range I guess.
[05:29:42] You're gonna kill them. Nah... to go in media range ior good job mid man thank you
[05:29:44] nice call by kermut
[05:29:46] baus is so back
[05:29:48] nice The Baus is so back.
[05:29:56] Bro, Tommy G that guy is so good I think.
[05:29:59] Lil' Tommy bro.
[05:30:01] Damn... Lil Tommy bro Oh yeah
[05:30:05] Kerma dropped a solo Bolo mid Why spouse greeting?
[05:30:09] Wait wait wait This I have to go back to the base and swim by there. Oh look, no, no, no!
[05:30:12] This is bad, bad, bad.
[05:30:16] Oh, Baus is greedy.
[05:30:22] I think we can, don't fight, don't fight.
[05:30:26] But you need to get what Krasav has.
[05:30:27] Where is he going? Where's he going? Baus where are you going?
[05:30:29] I count, I count, I count.
[05:30:32] Oh my god they're all grubs and he wants to proxy the wave!
[05:30:38] Look at them! Look where they are! There's four people there!
[05:30:44] Where can I? Are we?
[05:30:46] It's fine.
[05:30:52] Don't E into their base please.
[05:30:54] I'm rushing there, I'm rushing there.
[05:30:56] This Taliyah is so fucked up, I'm level 9 and he's level 7.
[05:30:58] Well you can't use Hullbreaker if you have no minions!
[05:31:01] What if Taliyah ults here and kills him?
[05:31:04] The stunner has hand bitch kick. Taliyah ults here and kills him. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[05:31:07] I'm pretending that I...
[05:31:09] On me, on me.
[05:31:13] Can we look to dive bot? We We can go mid into bot, yeah.
[05:31:15] Oh yeah, spin bot, spin bot, spin bot...
[05:31:18] HE HAD A SHUTDOWN!
[05:31:20] Oh my god no they nerfed Baus by giving him kills.
[05:31:24] Maybe yeah one second
[05:31:25] He just gave 450 gold to
[05:31:27] Kai'Sa. Instantly
[05:31:29] bites the shirt!
[05:31:32] You know when
[05:31:33] Baus is trolling, if he has a shirt on his mouth or not.
[05:31:37] But Urgot has no wave for now but he will have a wave in a sec
[05:31:39] Yeah I flashed
[05:31:41] Oh wait chat one second
[05:31:47] My ball is fucking gone
[05:31:51] We get free bouldering about it, just don't fight here
[05:31:53] Just clear the wards and oink a bit
[05:31:55] Taliyah's in the jungle though
[05:31:57] I can come
[05:31:58] They lost so much fun
[05:32:01] Come here
[05:32:03] By the way they are retreating
[05:32:07] Frag still up
[05:32:09] He lost his top tower.
[05:32:18] Oh no flash, no flash! No flash!
[05:32:20] This guy is super dead if you come.
[05:32:26] Rell's coming behind.
[05:32:30] Nice easy kill.
[05:32:39] Boom!
[05:32:46] Nice, Bows is now back. Bro, Bows is like out the game in the game, out the game in the game, out the game in the game. Okay so it's a good day but I have nothing to do. And they need to reset, they need to reset
[05:32:54] Think?
[05:32:56] I'm sprinting back, we should get it
[05:32:58] Paulie has no flash as well by the way
[05:33:03] I can hold for more of the lich's raid.
[05:33:05] The drake is in mid now?
[05:33:08] The ability haste is going crazy!
[05:33:11] No dark seal?
[05:33:12] Oh okay, dark seal. Crazy. No Dark Seal? I'm doing Drake here.
[05:33:12] Oh, okay.
[05:33:13] Dark seal.
[05:33:14] He's doing Red.
[05:33:15] Yeah, yeah.
[05:33:16] I think they are giving though.
[05:33:17] They should be giving out.
[05:33:18] But can we fight the Herald too like unspiking Kermit and Zz'Raw?
[05:33:20] Yes!
[05:33:21] We get everything here.
[05:33:22] Like we get everything. Unsplitting Herald that's their... Like next time you're going to have a good game. I'm spiking. Kermit is really strong.
[05:33:26] I'll sprint to help Asteroid. This game is so 1, I think.
[05:33:30] Super one! Kermit is mega strong.
[05:33:35] They are coming out top and we've got probably ftp
[05:33:41] does he want to tap for something like a little bit or this boss get one times one tapped. Yeah, they are on me. I'm coming!
[05:33:45] Play slow, play very slow! We're coming!
[05:33:51] Oh my god, they're both dead!
[05:33:53] Don't have R. Don't flash, don't flash.
[05:33:55] Not worth.
[05:33:56] Thanks.
[05:33:57] I might catch Taliyah.
[05:33:59] Oh my god!
[05:34:00] On me!
[05:34:01] Yeah yeah, I'll get bot, I'll get bot.
[05:34:04] You got him right?
[05:34:05] Yeah he got him right? Yeah, he got it.
[05:34:07] I will go out with the kill.
[05:34:11] Oh! Sorry.
[05:34:15] I just take the health here by then. Yeah, the hullbreaker Urgot is annoying. Can Baust die?
[05:34:17] I can do that though.
[05:34:21] I think we lose like...
[05:34:23] Like someone who needs to defend there
[05:34:25] Sorry I can't cross 3 right here Like someone who needs to defend there, sorry.
[05:34:29] I can't cross the tree right here.
[05:34:31] I'm on the helder now.
[05:34:34] Well, I guess Urgot is OP still.
[05:34:36] Yeah yeah you're fine.
[05:34:39] Antalya respawned. Urgot just got a kill and bot tier 2
[05:34:41] He's got like 1k gold that Urgot
[05:34:44] We always wanted to go on planet Urgot
[05:34:45] so there is no problem
[05:34:46] he cannot play for us
[05:34:47] he's really useless
[05:34:48] This guy is giving me the business though I'm not gonna lie
[05:34:53] This guy is giving me the
[05:34:55] business
[05:35:02] Let's play for Draven side, you should be kind of careful now.
[05:35:05] I need to clear the boss camps first before moving to top side.
[05:35:07] Oh ATP is top.
[05:35:09] Let's try mid. Let's try the mid!
[05:35:13] Don't give T2 top there okay?
[05:35:15] I'll go top no problem
[05:35:19] Baus loves catching waves.
[05:35:25] I'll just take my camps for now.
[05:35:29] Just be careful there's no one here.
[05:35:34] They are moving all their.
[05:35:40] I can push mid lane here, just push out. I'm Zyra
[05:35:44] We can 3v4 slowly if we fight this
[05:35:47] Shostak is kinda useless i think though
[05:35:51] She has no jump.
[05:35:55] We can hook bot side and we can pay this baro.
[05:35:59] As long as you hold your combo, like we actually have to No joke, never go in
[05:36:01] Like they have to go in, the second you're going tell him
[05:36:03] murders all of them
[05:36:07] kermit might be in trouble though for god's around
[05:36:12] amato Yeah, Yamato is thinking about it too.
[05:36:21] They're making two plays at once here.
[05:36:23] They are pushing bot and heralding mid.
[05:36:25] One thing might go wrong.
[05:36:27] Okay, Tristana is top.
[05:36:28] Yeah, he's chilling.
[05:36:30] Go!
[05:36:30] There's no...
[05:36:32] Oh, Bowsie!
[05:36:34] Oops. Oops.
[05:36:37] What about driving the Herald bot?
[05:36:40] What if you drive the Herald bot, Balss?
[05:36:47] He's probably gonna smite you no? We're driving mid. That's easy too.
[05:36:49] Take fast and run.
[05:36:51] We'll push it more.
[05:36:55] I should get bot lane too.
[05:37:01] Bro, Biles needs to warm up before these games.
[05:37:06] Ooh Kermit cancelled Orc out base. Go top, push it out and then I want to come to Drake.
[05:37:07] Kermit cancelled their god base.
[05:37:10] Kermit and Baus are just the wavefarmers aren't they?
[05:37:12] Kermit's just ulting waves, Baus is proxying them.
[05:37:14] Can you put your ward here?
[05:37:16] Let's see if they start started because we're gonna put vision
[05:37:19] all right i can put a ping for there even
[05:37:23] yeah after this game is um nemesis versus mid beast which will be an
[05:37:27] interesting one
[05:37:40] can make a play on you.
[05:37:44] Yes I will
[05:37:51] Can i say it?
[05:37:53] We can cover bot lane first
[05:37:55] let's make sure Draven gets the wave
[05:38:01] I'm hovering but i'm hovering like everything can be sold fine by the way
[05:38:05] yeah i'm okay just keep in mind that tp advantage and kaiser can always hold
[05:38:08] yeah so just take the way I'm not 14 at all.
[05:38:16] You need to be careful of getting called here, Baus and then using Reshiram.
[05:38:23] We need help Okay, there... Okay, there.
[05:38:31] Bro, Biles' awareness of the map is rough.
[05:38:33] But fixable.
[05:38:37] He needs to look at the map more.
[05:38:40] I think Bows,
[05:38:41] I can see what he's doing.
[05:38:42] I think I can see exactly what Baus is doing.
[05:38:43] Baus doesn't look at where anyone is other than jungle top, that's it.
[05:38:47] He sees Taliyah carrying a ward here
[05:38:49] he sees Urgot here
[05:38:50] he says yeah i'm safe
[05:38:53] He just always sees where jungle top is. That's it.
[05:38:56] Wherever enemy top is he will position against that.
[05:38:58] If enemy jungler's not here he'll confirm his positioning.
[05:39:00] That's it.
[05:39:02] He doesn't care about like mid push from bot lane
[05:39:04] He doesn't care about their mid laner dropping bot waves.
[05:39:07] This could be a good play actually if they're doing Nash here.
[05:39:10] They can maybe get a lot of kills here.
[05:39:13] They didn't lose Baron but they can maybe get kills
[05:39:19] holy kermit's going crazy
[05:39:25] maybe there's worth there for bows to flash over and chase Taliyah.
[05:39:29] Get some more Baron buffs off, they're all gone now.
[05:39:33] Push mid or drake?
[05:39:36] I will push mid. Yeah, if you watch the way Baus plays bro, he just sees top jungle and then he knows
[05:39:45] exactly what he's doing even at 20 minutes
[05:39:50] so he is like presumption is i should not care about where any mid bot is
[05:39:54] because if they go on me there's at least three people
[05:39:57] so my team will get something which is sometimes true
[05:40:00] you know but sometimes it's a waste especially if baron spawning and your team's like hovering
[05:40:05] drake being like they could be on nash then you then proxying that top wave.
[05:40:13] Guys I kinda need to pee actually. Pulse is getting bad.
[05:40:20] I mean, there has been LEC games where players have paused to pee.
[05:40:24] It's true.
[05:40:34] Yeah man, I just QW'd them. They have no engage. It's so over.
[05:40:37] Medical issue?
[05:40:51] Good luck today sir! Have you ever needed to? No, I like the edge myself in my P. I think it doesn't matter. There's no real system to control that. Is the wave top already dead?
[05:40:53] The wave is dead.
[05:40:55] Okay, okay.
[05:40:57] Can you hover into us mid one time here so we can take a full look at it?
[05:41:01] I'm channeling recall and then
[05:41:02] I come to you
[05:41:02] guys
[05:41:02] okay
[05:41:03] I can just
[05:41:04] base as well
[05:41:05] here
[05:41:05] yeah
[05:41:06] everyone
[05:41:06] base
[05:41:06] and then
[05:41:07] I just
[05:41:07] want us
[05:41:07] to cross
[05:41:08] through mid
[05:41:08] one time
[05:41:09] and then
[05:41:09] collapse
[05:41:09] into
[05:41:09] bottom
[05:41:10] side
[05:41:10] so we
[05:41:10] take
[05:41:10] over
[05:41:10] everything
[05:41:11] yep yep so i will punish whoever is catching the top You know, as you see I always warn the referees.
[05:41:30] Guys my players are feeling in today if they need to pause, then it's okay. But if you didn't want them, that's not ok.
[05:41:39] LEC referee loophole.
[05:41:42] That's smart! Every day going into into the weekend, yeah my players are sick.
[05:41:45] It's not good to drink medicals be honest, like if you don't pee it's dangerous.
[05:41:48] True.
[05:41:50] Did you guys know that sitting down while peeing is healthier for you than standing up while peeing
[05:41:56] true
[05:41:57] really? honestly i love more comfortable too
[05:41:59] true!
[05:42:01] I love peeing sitting down
[05:42:02] it relieves all the pressure from your prostate man
[05:42:05] huh? Pals knows what's up pressure from your multivariate man. Huh?
[05:42:11] Peeling standing up is cringe
[05:42:13] and unnecessary
[05:42:19] Yeah, that's why I would just want to and unnecessary. Listen, sometimes
[05:42:21] when you're spraying it out
[05:42:23] Sometimes particles
[05:42:25] can... You know what i'm saying
[05:42:33] it's true it's true it's true it's true you know it's true i know it's true
[05:42:40] sit down bro no no problem We can kill Orvold. You don't snipe that shit!
[05:43:00] Taliyah was mid
[05:43:04] They could try to
[05:43:06] nuke this turret or kill it
[05:43:13] We're like so much faster. We can try actually this. No no he pushed solo we defend. We should fuck mid lane.
[05:43:17] They didn't push solo, we are coming Bowsie, boussie
[05:43:20] He's in a one shot and they flashed you
[05:43:22] I think we fight this no?
[05:43:24] Ooooooo
[05:43:26] I think he was going to the one-shot
[05:43:29] Oh!
[05:43:30] Oh! Oh! I'm looking really for an Aurea Oh, oh, oh!
[05:43:32] He's completely trolling.
[05:43:36] He should be going for a flash one shot and then face rush out left towards the wave.
[05:43:43] Do they have Dernnrycht also?
[05:43:47] They can run Kermit
[05:43:51] Get out of there.
[05:43:59] It's a good time to think about the economy. I'll just wait here for you. there
[05:44:08] watch out
[05:44:12] just stop mid and top.
[05:44:14] Mid in the top yeah.
[05:44:17] I'm gonna stay.
[05:44:20] I think they are going through your jungle right now.
[05:44:23] They're looking at us.
[05:44:27] You have no fight with us? your jungle right now
[05:44:35] yeah USD, Ergot. Can we look for anything?
[05:44:37] Tommy G, Tommy G...
[05:44:39] Tommy G, Tommy G...
[05:44:41] Can someone pick up bot wave real quick?
[05:44:47] Come on it's a best of one they gotta win this.
[05:44:49] Baus don't make mistakes.
[05:44:51] It's best of one whoever makes less mistakes wins.
[05:44:54] So just don't make plays let them make plays.
[05:44:57] They will int into you! They did it already twice!
[05:44:59] You got so many kills from them...
[05:45:04] Best of one is just mistakes gap
[05:45:07] and confidence. Best of one is just mistake step.
[05:45:09] And confidence.
[05:45:14] You'll get cancelled, don't do it.
[05:45:16] That's red buff.
[05:45:20] Oh they're losing... Shrinked! I'm coming. Do you have a SKU? I'm coming.
[05:45:28] We win this.
[05:45:29] Just wait for me, I'll come back.
[05:45:30] I don't know what to do.
[05:45:31] I can't see anything.
[05:45:32] I think we're going to get the kill.
[05:45:33] I'm coming.
[05:45:34] I'm coming.
[05:45:35] I'm coming.
[05:45:36] I'm coming.
[05:45:37] I'm coming.
[05:45:38] I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming. We win this. I have a trade, just wait for me guys.
[05:45:43] Okay, wait.
[05:45:44] I'm coming, prepare yourself.
[05:45:45] Knock him to his loop.
[05:45:46] Okay, okay.
[05:45:47] I'll try and get the kill.
[05:45:48] I don't know if he's going to die.
[05:45:49] He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Okay, okay.
[05:45:54] Two seconds? Two sec- I'll wait for a combo.
[05:45:58] Oh... I can't fucking move man.
[05:46:01] Oh my god that Urgot's strong Ok they got one
[05:46:03] Drake is up soon as well
[05:46:05] That's huge
[05:46:16] 40 seconds on drake they get souls but ergot probably has tp
[05:46:25] They did lose dublin though. I'm scared of uh i think he but it isn't one shot stoppers.
[05:46:31] They're coming here. We need to fight this very fast no?
[05:46:35] We draved out there so we should be not that bad. fight we're very fast
[05:46:43] maybe you can't. Maybe you can!
[05:46:50] I think he should have just called mid wave, mid wave, mid wave...
[05:46:55] Oh shit, it's TP'ing my base.
[05:47:01] I defend base don't worry guys, I got base I think i'm dead guys Yeah. Over here?
[05:47:05] I think i'm dead guys.
[05:47:09] Very good!
[05:47:11] Look at our base. Are you sure you can fend against them?
[05:47:12] Yeah, im fine, im fine.
[05:47:14] That Frenzyna is so boosted or what?
[05:47:16] Oh my god that tristana
[05:47:18] is disgustingly bad. What?!
[05:47:24] I want to go for the Baron but they're dead for 40 seconds.
[05:47:31] Well played though, well played by Voss.
[05:47:34] Just trust Messi in those kinds of scenarios.
[05:47:36] He made me disgusted in the back. Just trust Messi in those kind of scenarios.
[05:47:40] Maybe disgustingly bad was a bit rude, I didn't mean it like that. I meant she played it disgustingly bad.
[05:47:43] Don't make her regret about me please.
[05:47:46] Don't make her regretven about me man, please.
[05:47:49] I think maybe we just set Dragan's death and do it?
[05:47:52] What is he building? What is he saving all this gold for?
[05:47:55] I thought you would go for magic pen. Why is he just buying void staff?
[05:48:00] Surely, he needs magic pen right?
[05:48:04] Like Crypt Bloom would be great no?
[05:48:08] He could have like a okay I mean it's not the full item I
[05:48:16] was funny why he doesn't buy the Blighting Jewel, you know? It's like a little bit of magic pen.
[05:48:21] Now this Gragas is mega strong!
[05:48:23] Mega strong Gragas!
[05:48:26] Does he just sit on Lost Chapter and then eventually sell it later?
[05:48:30] Because I think Rabadon's and Zonya Estes' games Does he just sit on Lost Chapter and then eventually sell it later?
[05:48:33] Because I think Rabadon's and Nanzonia's this game is great.
[05:48:41] Bowsie can one-tap tap anyone right now he is so strong
[05:48:47] this double in when you take double in him against the team and then you lose baron against them it really your game because that means you can't progress
[05:48:50] the game
[05:48:51] by getting this because they have Nash
[05:48:52] and they get free farm in both lanes.
[05:48:56] Don't buy another elixir.
[05:49:00] He's so fucking horny for these potions.
[05:49:04] He loves his elixirs.
[05:49:09] The thing is the reason I don't think you should buy another elixir
[05:49:11] Is that I don't think there will be a elixir is I don't think there's going to be a game
[05:49:12] deciding fight soon.
[05:49:14] He can just sit on the gold.
[05:49:15] Like,
[05:49:16] his mid and bot
[05:49:17] are pushing in.
[05:49:18] Urgot's dead.
[05:49:19] Top will be pushed out.
[05:49:20] They have Baron.
[05:49:20] There's no Drake.
[05:49:21] Like nothing's gonna happen.
[05:49:23] It's kind of useless There's no drake, like nothing is going to happen.
[05:49:27] It's kind of useless right? The pot is just gonna tick off... If he really wants a pot, he should buy it in like a minute or two.
[05:49:34] But I guess you did buy the Ahri skin so you can't do anything about that. I would have just killed it then. Stupid thing, Ezreal can be so limited with 4 bolts
[05:49:36] But i guess he did buy the Ahri skin So he does like doing a minus 500 doesn't he?
[05:49:39] Oh yeah you can look at it
[05:49:42] You'd have to careful of Urgot TPing in the base
[05:49:44] If they engage there after 10 seconds TP'n careful of Urgot TP'ing in the base. If they engage there after 10 seconds,
[05:49:45] TP'd by Urgot and he would murder it.
[05:49:49] I think we can fortify in that area.
[05:49:53] We really need to clear that mid wave.
[05:49:57] Give my ult as a TP in like one minute? Oh, our double's at tp.
[05:50:01] I have three ticket counter.
[05:50:17] Okay. I just wanna push here out of the midland yeah yeah yeah yeah dragon 150 again this
[05:50:21] they're all bottom probably i think most important thing is guys that we just
[05:50:24] simplify the game by just grouping up on drake we don't need to complicate it's gonna be an elder
[05:50:29] fight so he just needs to be ready for the other fight see what i mean he could be on 1.5k goldish
[05:50:34] now and so he could complete an item.
[05:50:41] Like he can just build Lost Chapter into something random for this next Rake fight, because you know...
[05:50:44] Just fuck it! The next Rake fights are gonna decide everything.
[05:50:50] Or we could buy the pot now on this base. It's kind of hard I think.
[05:50:52] Okay, you know that's enough for an ult.
[05:50:54] Oh they didn't get soul?
[05:50:58] Yeah, you're right's going topside. Oh they didn't get soul.
[05:50:59] You're right there is no elder.
[05:51:00] Can I echo?
[05:51:02] I guess this is gonna be a long game then.
[05:51:04] There will be a while left on this game.
[05:51:07] They are out of base.
[05:51:10] Out of. Watch out! That's responsible. They're all top, all top, all top guys. All top, watch out.
[05:51:12] We can push them all the way.
[05:51:14] Sneaky thing.
[05:51:16] Sneakies cheaty!
[05:51:18] Guys, one minute Drake.
[05:51:20] I know a Baus brain here would be TPing bot and getting there in it.
[05:51:23] Don't do it.
[05:51:25] While Drake is up don't TP bot and get there in it.
[05:51:27] It's not worth it.
[05:51:28] It doesn't do anything.
[05:51:29] Just join the fight Bausiowsie let's get it!
[05:51:31] I know you got those mechanics in you.
[05:51:35] If i hear him say
[05:51:36] ''I can TP bot and take their inhib''
[05:51:38] I'm gonna fucking flip
[05:51:39] I'm going to backflip
[05:51:41] Yeah yeah, just carry Trist I'm gonna do a backflip.
[05:51:51] What about another potion you know sippy city
[05:51:53] his potions running out in like five
[05:51:54] seconds
[05:51:56] you know he wants to blow his load
[05:51:57] before it
[05:52:00] oh it's portions out i think i have
[05:52:02] flushes i play very slow but they're kind of here Oh, it's potioned out.
[05:52:07] Bounce could be way stronger with this fight right now.
[05:52:15] Yeah just poke them... Oh Kaisa is really low.
[05:52:23] It's okay. Just drop Drake. They just have to drop Drake I think.
[05:52:26] They can't end. Just drop Drake.
[05:52:30] It's okay they're fine, they can't end.
[05:52:33] Don't die. Don't go in, just don't go in.
[05:52:36] Ooh! Bowsie found the angle!
[05:52:40] Maybe you can flash on Kai'Sa here, Bowsie?
[05:52:43] Oh, he was thinking about it.
[05:52:47] Holy fuck, you can go drake now.
[05:52:49] I think i have to go back to base
[05:52:55] Don't go away!
[05:52:56] Help, help, help.
[05:52:57] Yeah, as long as the camera doesn't show it, I don't need to be here.
[05:53:00] Your base looks a bit sketchy right now, doesn't it?
[05:53:03] Anistar is up in one second though.
[05:53:05] I'm coming, I think we can kill him knock nice knock
[05:53:11] it's anastar oh nice oh my god maybe they can come from behind
[05:53:21] what he flashed for botanyp oh i don't know if that's worth it he's dead anyway and nash is spawning
[05:53:26] we'll see we'll see could be worth it they got Dublin in does he sell lost
[05:53:30] chapter now by rabbit owns is enough this loss chapter cell for 800 oh it
[05:53:34] does oh my god I just nutted oh that's perfect. Absolutely perfect!
[05:53:42] Oh my
[05:53:44] god this Gregas is strong!
[05:53:48] He actually one taps everyone now i love watching a stronger i guess the combos just
[05:53:54] look so smooth what's the nash spawn timer um can we take one more mid lane for starters?
[05:54:01] I think they're looking for some kind of endblade potentially. We only spotted red
[05:54:07] They gonna try and rush Baron, no?
[05:54:10] I don't think we can start No, they're too scared.
[05:54:14] Woah woah what's that ward in base?
[05:54:19] That banish on Taliyah is so annoying... Oh fuck! Look here guys
[05:54:27] TOMMY!
[05:54:32] Oh Tommy, Nice try.
[05:54:34] Hey no benches on Taliyah
[05:54:40] Get that potion Bowsie get that potion! Another one I will go bot here they they are going to start Baron probably.
[05:54:47] Sipping.
[05:54:48] They could be doing it through the vision pocket.
[05:54:51] Surely not on Baron, right?
[05:54:55] Is our vision good though?
[05:54:57] Yeah, I did vision pocket.
[05:55:03] Having crab is such a bait.
[05:55:07] I'm coming top, I think they are moving out though
[05:55:15] I guess we have to be careful here It's the best we can do.
[05:55:20] Nice, pushed out. Bots pushed out far so that's good.
[05:55:25] Alright I can see a bouse er flash
[05:55:27] here somewhere the problem with bausi's build he has
[05:55:29] no zhonya so once he goes in that's it is this your son are gonna get one shot
[05:55:33] by bows for the fifth time in a row.
[05:55:38] Get even!
[05:55:42] Look, Paus, look at Urgot! Paus, Paus, Paus!
[05:55:43] Yeah yeah, kill Urgot.
[05:55:45] He's on you, on you, on you.
[05:55:46] On me, on me.
[05:55:52] Is dead guys!
[05:55:55] How did Baus live there? That is crazy.
[05:55:58] Can I end mid? Just end mid? No! How did Baus live there? That's crazy.
[05:56:01] Can I end mid, just end mid? No no no!
[05:56:04] We can maybe full send and mid-end.
[05:56:08] You guys have three mids now?
[05:56:09] Ok, that's fine actually.
[05:56:13] That's fine...
[05:56:16] Can we get bot inhibitor?
[05:56:22] I knew once this game he would TP in bot and say can we go bot-inhib I knew those words would come out of his mouth, i knew it
[05:56:25] No matter what, i knew that would happen
[05:56:28] Oh Kai'sa ult
[05:56:31] OH! INT queue BOOM
[05:56:33] there is a mega play
[05:56:37] oh yes red buff as well
[05:56:42] he has got red buff with chem tech he's healing damn guys you're for the yeah damn bousy that was smooth! Okay guys, please, resident very fast
[05:56:52] Let's get mid-trial please
[05:56:54] Oh you see what I mean by fed? Gregasq feels so fucking good
[05:56:58] Just help me there with vision
[05:57:03] Yeah, I'll just clear blue buff and I'll sprint off the right side.
[05:57:07] There are all mids.
[05:57:11] And over the other days I've got my Crypt Boom. I'm like really strong.
[05:57:15] Yeah! I'm moving to top!
[05:57:17] We'll push that way for just now.
[05:57:21] There there there!
[05:57:24] He could've had money for Zhonya's by now.
[05:57:27] Yeah but he spent 2000 gold on elixirs.
[05:57:33] He spent 2000 gold on elixirs.
[05:57:43] Is he gonna 1-shot Tristanaana for sixth time this game?
[05:57:45] He could ult her into him.
[05:57:48] Uh, kinda failed it.
[05:57:51] She has no frag.
[05:57:57] Oh that's Kaisa. If you push one more I think he's fine. He's here, do you wanna fight this?
[05:57:58] I'm looking, I'm looking.
[05:57:59] He's fine, he's fine.
[05:58:00] You guys are outnumbering them go.
[05:58:01] Yeah yeah, I'm still looking it's good.
[05:58:03] Go go go!
[05:58:04] I have someone there.
[05:58:05] They should be fine I think they're trolling. Oh, she's on a TP bot.
[05:58:12] They are fine though? Can they end?
[05:58:16] Oh no he doesn't have TP on Draven does he?
[05:58:18] But they have super minions and Ineb's respawned.
[05:58:21] It's fine. Tristana is like CEO of Botanyv I think she wants it again.
[05:58:32] I'm going to go back to the base. if I think she wants it again. But Elder 40 seconds, we should do all spawn
[05:58:34] better.
[05:58:52] Guys guys guys! yes yes yeah was that my what's up He did it! I'm coming, I'm coming. Two seconds.
[05:58:56] Are you fine?
[05:58:58] I'm fine, don'm fine. Don't worry
[05:59:10] Fuck Push bot, yeah push bot I'm Zyra My plans are fucked up dude
[05:59:11] What's happening chat?
[05:59:12] Did Bowsie do a Bowsie play again?
[05:59:14] Did he one shot Tristana again?
[05:59:17] Yeah, yeah
[05:59:19] Oh my god the sixth time!
[05:59:21] I was able to lose faster Yeah, oh my god the sixth time I'm taking pressure if you can Us elves will do this faster
[05:59:24] They're gonna get elder too?
[05:59:25] Now I think we just push mid top and get there right
[05:59:29] Guys im not going to lie
[05:59:30] I think the enemy team is going for some backdoor shit now.
[05:59:33] Yeah yeah yeah
[05:59:35] We should go really hard on top of that A vault in this turn
[05:59:38] You can get like a ward in bot side jungle
[05:59:43] Draven can't move bot side? He's going to greet but this is their only play
[05:59:45] They have to push bottom wave
[05:59:47] Tristana, do you see?
[05:59:49] No TP tristana
[05:59:51] Watch out top, watch out top.
[05:59:53] Yeah yeah. This Urgot is going to greet you for sure so I'm just...
[05:59:57] So we can make a call?
[05:59:59] Yeah yeah. But the person in my door is trolling.
[06:00:01] Just push mid I think. I've got a person in my door is trolling
[06:00:06] Is Urgot dead? Wait they're gonna win
[06:00:12] What do you mean chicken legs, i don't have chicken legs shut up
[06:00:15] i can take over mid if you guys want to rotate
[06:00:19] i think this way we can let it end that they're super minions
[06:00:23] everyone come this middle wave is super minutes, everyone come. This mid lane wave is super minions
[06:00:25] Honestly we are diving them with the bot wave guys
[06:00:27] No no they're not
[06:00:31] I mean come come come everybody on this way
[06:00:33] Please just dive them, please.
[06:00:35] Yeah, yeah.
[06:00:37] Sorry about that.
[06:00:42] I have flash.
[06:00:43] Oh! Tommy!
[06:00:47] Bouncy! Oh ho ho! Oh Tommy BOWSIE!
[06:00:51] Nice
[06:00:55] Guys guys I played so bad Oh like oh my god good job every single one of them
[06:00:57] Oh my god they won that game it was crazy
[06:01:00] That was a mega banger
[06:01:05] Bows had some game winning plays but he also had some dumbass plays.
[06:01:09] Big big thank you guys.
[06:01:11] I think we played good no joke on top for sure.
[06:01:13] Alright bounce is through to the next round.
[06:01:19] The least damage done on Ezreal on planet earth guys
[06:01:23] Bows is through
[06:01:25] to the next round
[06:01:29] Not a shabby comeback Not too shady. Not to shady, Kermit draving mid lane.
[06:01:31] Yo, Kermit on Draven though you kinda freak out on it.
[06:01:34] Yeah it was a good...
[06:01:35] Taliyah jungle they just can't gank me.
[06:01:37] It's free.
[06:01:40] Just so you know I believe in you. jungle they just can't get me it's free
[06:01:46] okay now bouse is done i think it was just best of one much
[06:01:47] now another match is playing and then after that our matches I believe.
[06:01:54] Okay let's see how Nemesis does against Mid Beast now.
[06:02:00] The only crucial thing was like when we are preparing for
[06:02:03] drake trick four they had six grabs they got two inhibitors just like that it was mental how OP6 grabbed that.
[06:02:12] The annoying thing is two splitpushes, you know?
[06:02:17] Not too shabby...
[06:02:19] We need to think because Dragoon will not be open for the next one.
[06:02:26] These are kind of reddit threads I hate.
[06:02:28] I dislike these. It's like...
[06:02:30] LEC Summer Regular Season 2024 has 29% viewer increase.
[06:02:33] And it's gonna be on Reddit.
[06:02:35] But why do you think the viewership increases? Why?
[06:02:40] We'll get switched over to that algorithm boys, huh?
[06:02:43] Should we... I would like to see that. Who gets to show the algorithm boys then?
[06:02:47] I will help with this though
[06:02:50] Because K-Corp's here, CoShreams right
[06:02:53] Some of it could be me but I don't know how much of it is me. I think most of it is obviously like K-Corp, right?
[06:02:55] And ebay co-streaming the whole league.
[06:02:58] So contextualizing those numbers is very difficult.
[06:03:01] Yeah, I think I'm hitting that one guy as well.
[06:03:03] Like if I wanted to kill two,
[06:03:06] I might just hit the same guys with you guys it's easy.
[06:03:10] So what?
[06:03:12] Well, what i'm saying is...
[06:03:15] Number going up doesn't mean show is getting better, right?
[06:03:18] In my opinion.
[06:03:20] These statistics can only be
[06:03:22] used to say the viewership is going up
[06:03:24] The only statistic it can be used for is obviously because coaching's open
[06:03:28] it doesn't mean anything else that's thing because to be honest it's been rough with all
[06:03:33] the layoffs it's been mega rough and the cast have been doing their best but...
[06:03:39] Wait what the fuck is this?
[06:03:41] So that's why I just don't like The idea of like, without contextualising it
[06:03:45] What does- wait what is this?
[06:03:50] What do you think I was thinking?
[06:03:53] Nah, I have to look for it Just because of a thing that happened a couple of days ago
[06:04:01] And i said, please
[06:04:03] It would be my dream
[06:04:07] Yesterday Against SK Yesterday, against SK, I saw that the event was going to happen.
[06:04:13] Please Universe, make it depend on me.
[06:04:18] He gave it to me. Basically he wanted his own fate in his hands.
[06:04:34] He says no way are we'll beat Rogue twice and play with Vitality.
[06:04:37] Enjoy the vacation, bro!
[06:04:41] Oh so basically what he's saying is when he shook Vito's hand He shook his hand, pat him on the back and said enjoy your vacation
[06:04:44] How are you feeling?
[06:04:47] Guys, look if I'm a good person
[06:04:51] At first I felt bad.
[06:04:53] I felt bad.
[06:04:55] He said at first he felt bad but then he remembered
[06:04:59] that this son of a...
[06:05:01] He got me in one Q. he got him in solo queue i was two zero
[06:05:05] he was support
[06:05:09] you run him down three times in a row then he made one mistake and he said you're trash
[06:05:15] your fucking i didn't know how bad you are until
[06:05:19] i played with you
[06:05:22] and then he dedicated the whole game to ping me and calling back.
[06:05:26] He says, do you really think that I'm not gonna troll him when I'm shaking his hand?
[06:05:33] Bro it was
[06:05:38] i didn't know he says he doesn't know if there was anything better than that
[06:05:53] that'll be a moment i remember for the rest of my life.
[06:05:56] Can you see that solo queue again?
[06:05:59] Yes, we can.
[06:06:08] People... can watch it somewhere then
[06:06:17] how like he's so celebrating nisky saves me to get the playoffs
[06:06:24] And I knocked out VTO back to his fucking home
[06:06:27] Reaction Excessust, dude. Nah, man...
[06:06:29] A little bit...
[06:06:33] Nothing is missing, you know?
[06:06:35] Like...
[06:06:39] I think it's the end of this chapter.
[06:06:45] That guy will never be able to flame me ever again in his life or say anything to me.
[06:06:54] It's like finished, interesting.
[06:06:57] So there was bad blood between VTO and Supa,
[06:07:00] Supa basically like um...
[06:07:03] Played a soloq game with him
[06:07:04] And Vto trolled the fuck out of him
[06:07:05] Flamed the shit outta him
[06:07:06] Called him trash
[06:07:07] On how dogshit he is
[06:07:09] And then the world gave him a choice,
[06:07:11] he gave him his own fate in his own hands
[06:07:13] when SK won against
[06:07:14] Vitality I think?
[06:07:17] And then yeah,
[06:07:18] he won and said enjoy your vacation
[06:07:21] and he said that was one of the best feelings he's ever had
[06:07:33] here's a screenshot from Kars' stream. I just played support with Super Astral, God have some mercy!
[06:07:40] Jesus... Okay well they both flame each other a bit and a little bit of bad blood between the two
[06:07:47] He wants to play Ash mid or something like it's gonna come out
[06:07:52] I wonder if i should just be playing something that
[06:07:53] actually has cc overcouples
[06:07:57] that's my other thought well man my stomach hurts a bit
[06:08:01] yeah we'll see as cage are watching bows for. Is Kager watching Bows vs Nemesis? No I'm watching Nemesis vs Mid Beast.
[06:08:08] Are you gonna cover the Saudi thing?
[06:08:10] You're afraid!
[06:08:12] Nope nope nope. I'm going gonna take a few days off.
[06:08:21] I wanna go take a piss before those guys arrive it's gonna be like...
[06:08:26] Shit! I have the wrong thing on holdup chat. Let me just fullscreen cam one second into to download this thing.
[06:08:30] Save
[06:08:34] Don't say you. Alright, so Drewtooth and Agroin and Nemesis' team I think is the favorite to win this whole tournament.
[06:08:56] Wait after this game bows plays again
[06:08:58] really
[06:09:05] oh yeah they're playing round two today as well.
[06:09:09] Yeah, they are okay so Baus is playing after Nemesis' game.
[06:09:14] There's too many people!
[06:09:16] Why there are too many people?
[06:09:22] Interesting.
[06:09:26] What's that tool you're using to draw you mean this one
[06:09:30] it's called epic pin
[06:09:37] they're ready.
[06:09:40] Don't start yet. Who are you supporting if it's Biles vs Nemesis?
[06:09:55] I don't know, they're both my teammates next year.
[06:09:57] I need them to pop off.
[06:09:58] I hope they both pop off, I don't care who wins.
[06:10:00] Hey! I'm barely playing...
[06:10:06] As long as they don't fucking run it down.. Uh...
[06:10:36] Uh...
[06:10:40] Uh...
[06:10:44] Get it? A USB. Get it? A USB
[06:10:50] Why couldn't the bicycle keep on running?
[06:10:55] Because it was too tired.
[06:10:58] Oh, good one!
[06:11:02] The next day How do you call a baby cancer?
[06:11:16] Finding chemo
[06:11:17] That was a really bad joke
[06:11:20] There's no need to joke about that
[06:11:21] What are these jokes man?
[06:11:34] What happens when you witness a shipwreck?
[06:11:37] What?
[06:11:38] You let it sink in.
[06:11:41] Almost even worse.
[06:11:43] Ha ha!
[06:11:46] Ehh... How do I fucking...
[06:11:51] Are you guys googling these or what? know this by heart. By heart. so how do you chroma key out black background Would I get disqualified if I linked a NSFW short on the chat in League?
[06:12:27] Like, in the lobby chat.
[06:12:34] There's some children watching, there's some children watching...
[06:12:38] Did I do it?
[06:12:40] Oh my god they could open it on stream! Okay nevermind. I want... I want... Did I do it? Like, only for them to click.
[06:12:42] Oh my god! They could open it on stream! Okay nevermind.
[06:12:42] Yes
[06:12:43] I wanted to link the biggest secret
[06:12:45] Oh I did it
[06:12:46] I'm the GOAT holy fuck
[06:12:50] Alright
[06:12:52] And start Alright. You can start.
[06:12:58] Let's see the bounce!... Save from weird jokes. Alright, let's see what I've got. I
[06:13:31] Even make True Senate Arvin Orin He has really only Ornn games.
[06:13:37] Truesanna, Jarvan, Ornn? That's a weird man...
[06:13:41] I know they will ban Ferdinand
[06:13:43] Wait what was the other Rengar right?
[06:13:45] Yeah. Oh yeah enemy team has NatiNet that's a good ban
[06:13:50] NatiNet, RengarOTP, good ban. Wait who else is their
[06:13:53] team chat? Maybe Nat nothing that was ghosting.
[06:13:59] They have to ban Camilla right?
[06:14:02] Maybe...
[06:14:03] Oh yeah they have mid beast macro
[06:14:06] That's really cool oh yeah they have mid beast macro oh yeah they own ben okay that makes sense
[06:14:16] oh they were first do we just buy it away from them they want to first pick corky Velikos. I think Velikos, yeah.
[06:14:20] I will do Kha'Zix, I think.
[06:14:23] What is he gonna play into mid-beast's core key? Do you guys know that Nathana plays Lee or Neal Lee?
[06:14:26] He plays Lee. He plays Lee.
[06:14:27] He can play Lee.
[06:14:28] He plays Lee.
[06:14:29] Yeah.
[06:14:30] Okay, maybe I shouldn't blind jungle.
[06:14:33] Wait no.
[06:14:35] Syndra!
[06:14:37] They first picked Syndra?! What?! I think we should go Corki and...
[06:14:38] They first picked Syndra? What?! Who's playing Syndra?
[06:14:41] That's what you want to play?
[06:14:45] Do i need to pick it now?
[06:14:48] We can take Jinx.
[06:14:49] Oh, don't tell me they're going
[06:14:51] Syndra bot with Cassiopeia because the game
[06:14:53] is lost if you do that. It's gonna be okay but
[06:14:55] they can just get AD counter like Varus and stuff
[06:14:57] I can also just pick Rand I mean i don't know what you'll play though
[06:15:01] i'm good james that's fun honestly it doesn't matter it's not i have to play a mini now
[06:15:07] i'll play oh maybe his main synd? Yeah but Syndra is such a...
[06:15:13] How do I say it. If the enemy mid laner is very good you can get very easily bullied against Syndra
[06:15:20] Like no, like no, the syndrome can get really bullied
[06:15:23] like if this sindra doesn't play lane well
[06:15:27] the cinderella becomes really useless maybe he plays something like Vi?
[06:15:31] But that's terrible. Karna is terrible as well
[06:15:34] That's top lane
[06:15:35] Karna top lane probably
[06:15:37] Not true, it's McCree
[06:15:39] Let me look at AD carry
[06:15:41] He plays everything He plays Ezreal and stuff.
[06:15:44] It's a takeaway pick? Yeah I think going Corki is safer though.
[06:15:47] If you guys pick Camille then we just win, no?
[06:15:51] Do we want to secure Camille no matter what?
[06:15:53] They have bans.
[06:15:55] I have 20 gems, it's fine.
[06:15:57] How bad is if they...
[06:15:59] Mundo jungle.
[06:16:01] No, Mundo top i think.
[06:16:03] Wait! What?! In Mundo top I think. Wait, Gwen or Fjara?
[06:16:05] Oh no it's Mundo jungle, it's Nati-Nati yeah.
[06:16:07] I don't know why I was thinking that, Aloys and Elf.
[06:16:10] Do you guys think Skarna can be flexed on support?
[06:16:14] I don't know.
[06:16:16] She's poor though.
[06:16:17] Nah, but like he doesn't really play champs
[06:16:19] So i think it just...
[06:16:21] I think just go
[06:16:24] Yeah, I think just's go...
[06:16:25] Vayne, Fiora
[06:16:27] Oh Camille! I'm more confident on Camille
[06:16:30] Fiora could be your threat if i fuck up
[06:16:32] But Camilla will always
[06:16:46] Yeah we've won this I think we pick AD on 4, so ban Ezreal and a good ban? Camille's really good against Ezreal. I'm not sure what Varus bans
[06:16:50] The thing is, if i go Jinx blind it's one of the only champs that can like...
[06:16:54] Is it Blifere T-Varos who you're scared about?
[06:16:56] No he's nerfed on this patch.
[06:16:57] I'm gonna do an attack speed destroyer. Ash is also good.
[06:17:04] I mean, I am really fan of Jinx Zeri that I'll be handshaking it. But we can also ban
[06:17:08] it but they're just gonna go Aphelios then you know?
[06:17:11] Yeah well that's worse
[06:17:12] You can't pick Aphelios into Camille
[06:17:15] Wait chat is the winner of this play against...
[06:17:18] Baus does Valiant with team Babouz wait chat is it winner of this place against
[06:17:20] Baus? does winner play baus?
[06:17:21] so we have it left for us you know
[06:17:24] but they will pick it away
[06:17:26] we pick first
[06:17:28] oh yeah we do!
[06:17:33] Is it the best of one next round? It is right.
[06:17:37] Anything you want, maybe Ashe?
[06:17:39] What do you think, guys?
[06:17:41] What is their ADC even? Which player?
[06:17:44] Jinjo
[06:17:45] Ben-Ace
[06:17:46] I don't know who the ace
[06:17:48] Can we just humegalote their AD carry? WTF Did he just drop a humegaloteude their AD carry? What the fuck?
[06:17:50] Can you just drop a humegalude on their AD carry?
[06:17:56] Jesus, Nemesis. That was savage, man!
[06:18:07] Is that you or Elioja? I can't tell.
[06:18:08] That's me.
[06:18:10] What do you think about giving me Zeri?
[06:18:12] I go Zeritop and then we go Camille support
[06:18:16] I don't play Camille support
[06:18:18] I have one game on her
[06:18:23] Insane Zeri pop. Yeah, that's really good. Insane zeri game yeah.
[06:18:25] And now you have Kaisa north
[06:18:27] does sound a bit scary as Zerido
[06:18:31] Kaisa North they should go brown last pick yeah
[06:18:33] i can't even go bro themselves because we just go enchanted into it and
[06:18:36] it's just auto loose i think we need the front line
[06:18:41] he won't go drivenven because of Braum.
[06:18:43] Yeah, I mean he can't like...
[06:18:45] Kai'Sa needs some gauge as well
[06:18:47] The only thing that they can come off the retina is like Blind Reaclone
[06:18:50] No, they need Nautilus
[06:18:51] If they go Nautilus to refresh
[06:18:55] They should go brown though.
[06:19:05] Brown is so good. Brown is so good.
[06:19:11] Okay chat, I'll run ads now just
[06:19:13] so you don't get them. Actually no, I don't need to run ads. Yeah dude, I'll run them now
[06:19:16] so we can get the money in the game.
[06:19:19] Yeah...
[06:19:20] I think Nemesis should win this game
[06:19:22] Most of the demo
[06:19:25] Mercs are so good
[06:19:29] Yeah but Red is so scared he's being name-plated
[06:19:35] I'm gonna... wait you're at red side, right? Yeah.
[06:19:39] We could pass top here.
[06:19:43] I think it's fine.
[06:19:45] What is this?
[06:19:47] You can just play bot second passing
[06:19:49] I like that idea
[06:19:53] Chad, what is Docomi?
[06:19:56] You can dive-scan by the way very easily.
[06:19:58] Let's go Ignite, right?
[06:19:59] Yes!
[06:20:00] Yeah, we can.
[06:20:01] Yeeees!
[06:20:04] Let's make his life a nightmare overall.
[06:20:06] It's an anime convention.
[06:20:11] What the fuck? It's an anime convention. What is this, bro?
[06:20:12] Dokkaebi was so fun!
[06:20:17] WTF?!
[06:20:35] Why? Why though? Why? what the fuck why why though why why why why why why why why Why? Why?
[06:20:41] No, no it's fixed now.
[06:20:43] Having his custom schemes crashing it
[06:20:47] I forgot
[06:20:49] Forgot what?
[06:20:52] Didn't you say like a normal...
[06:20:55] I can't behave your warning!
[06:21:01] Chat saying bro is gonna end up shooting blanks. No, it's not Half-Life Mundo. What were the champions in this game?
[06:21:16] Escano, Mundo, Senior, Kaiser Leona
[06:21:20] I think it might be the Leona one
[06:21:28] Yeah, like... I have to turn them off
[06:21:31] Wait what was Michael Jackson again? TF? What is this yet
[06:21:37] what is this first iteming leandris or blackfire
[06:21:41] i think leandris is better now
[06:21:43] against mundus, garner and Leona?
[06:21:44] Doesn't everyone say that Blackfire's like better than Red now?
[06:21:47] Probably my own.
[06:21:50] Holy, Andre Andrii can...
[06:21:53] Guys if we load into the game you need to pause it by the way.
[06:21:56] Oh no they're not.
[06:22:01] Oh my god I think my climb is completely fucked.
[06:22:03] Alright.
[06:22:10] No! Alright Oh I think i'm loading
[06:22:16] Okay, let's fuck those mongrel dogs up and move in the bracket.
[06:22:23] Nemesis versus mid beast. Let's see how this goes down. beast
[06:22:32] let's see how this goes nemesis versus mid beasts
[06:22:40] so midbeast took away Nemesis' Syndra.
[06:22:43] I don't like the enemy team's comp.
[06:22:46] I think Syndra Mundo Leona is...
[06:22:51] Kai'Sa is way too heavy AP and really easy for Corki to just go Merc's Hexrinker if he really wants to.
[06:22:54] Now, the way Syndra should win this lane early if she like...
[06:22:58] Syndra is a champ that almost kind of unique to mid laners
[06:23:00] because she's very immobile and she's a burst mage.
[06:23:09] So, Syndra lane phase is really really dependent on skill like sindra is one of
[06:23:15] the biggest skill laners i think oh my god ne Nemesis is like spam pressing every button known to men.
[06:23:25] Is this the fucking...
[06:23:28] Is this the attention deficit just going crazy or is it just like
[06:23:32] is he just is it just a tick is it like i think everyone has a tick but
[06:23:35] like normally it's a button right some people spam tab some spam emotes
[06:23:38] something from caps lock i don't know what you guys do.
[06:23:42] Someone will spam enter.
[06:23:46] He's spamming a lot of things.
[06:23:51] So it's very easy for Syndra to lose the lane
[06:23:54] if she doesn't play it
[06:23:54] very well.
[06:23:56] Like, missing Qs
[06:23:57] on Syndra is...
[06:23:59] Yeah, it's a horror.
[06:24:00] Nice first Q
[06:24:01] is really good.
[06:24:03] Because once Syndra has like Nice, first Q is really good.
[06:24:08] Because once Syndra's out of spells she's completely useless. She has no DPS.
[06:24:09] She's hit and back off or she's hit and all in.
[06:24:13] She's not hit an all-in she's not hit hit hit
[06:24:20] partly in the push with doran's blade Yeah, I think it's fine. I think we just need him.
[06:24:28] Once a mage casts spells has no DPS...
[06:24:30] I don't know how to describe it for you.
[06:24:32] How do I describe it? I dunno.
[06:24:34] Orianna, for example, can trade...
[06:24:38] So if Syndra misses QE, the trade is completely doomed.
[06:24:45] If Viktor misses his E,
[06:24:46] he's already in range
[06:24:47] of just chilling.
[06:24:48] You see that trade
[06:24:49] for Syndra?
[06:24:50] Absolute horror.
[06:24:53] So that's why
[06:24:53] Syndra lane phase
[06:24:54] can be a bit sketchy sometimes.
[06:24:57] If you're against a better player, playing Syndra is rough.
[06:25:06] The best scenario for Syndra is if she can hold the wave. If you're maining Syndra, a lot of times you want to hold the wave like here in your side and your jungler has really easy setup with Syndra.
[06:25:18] So easy setup, you want to make sure that you keep thinning the wave and chunking him
[06:25:21] and holding the wave here.
[06:25:24] You can never really push against Corki because
[06:25:27] Corki's see how he is using spells on the wave? He wants to hold the wave here. I'm gonna TP, I'm gonna TP. I'm on my way. He's tanking the range creeps so the wave doesn't crash.
[06:25:41] Cancel, Nimi no? Oh, Syndra didn't see him.
[06:25:49] Oh my god! Corki just got a lot of damage. Continually, go.
[06:25:51] Oh my god!
[06:25:53] Corki just got a lot of gold
[06:25:55] We chase, we chase
[06:25:57] Two seconds
[06:25:59] Just flash
[06:26:08] I have no flash though Okay now Syndra is offside chase yeah a lot of majors do want to hold the wave but they hold
[06:26:10] the wave so that
[06:26:11] They don't have to push out because they're quite weak early
[06:26:15] Syndra holds the wave and Leblanc holds the wave like that
[06:26:17] Because they have kill pressure right?
[06:26:19] Like they have really good kill pressure if junglers around
[06:26:22] So now Nemez trying to fast push this.
[06:26:25] Syndra ideally would love to TP back, QE the wave, W the cannon and stop the wave from crashing
[06:26:30] but I think he's too late.
[06:26:35] Nemesis just go Merc Treads first item.
[06:26:36] Oh my god, it's so good against Syndra.
[06:26:40] Okay, he needs Tear.
[06:26:41] Yeah, let's forget about that.
[06:26:46] Okay, I don't hate that wait could he have bought those really fun
[06:26:51] no we couldn't what is going to close they could look for drag is it worth to just i think it's maybe worth to just leave tier there because he has no flash
[06:26:54] it's okay i think both are fine us.
[06:27:05] Some situation I think all is done,
[06:27:07] but so it's fine.
[06:27:10] I don't know, I'm a Mercs
[06:27:11] enjoyer. I would have loved just slamming Mercs there
[06:27:13] with no flash. Mega safe. but this is also a bit more greedy
[06:27:17] but it's also still fine especially if he plays like that try and see if they're half HP. That wave now?
[06:27:27] Yeah, we let it bounce.
[06:27:31] Who's the girl in Nemesis' team?
[06:27:33] It's SuperElchi. She supports main.
[06:27:35] Challenger support Velkozcro player really good player but i
[06:27:38] think i think one of those i think mundo is basically moving i think he's like one of the
[06:27:43] highest elo like female players on the server or she is the highest you know okay i'm gonna run i'm gonna try to match
[06:27:49] him i don't want to give him this they're going for drake if we have mid push i think
[06:27:55] if you delay this this is gonna be easy GG. Uh-huh, mid for sure.
[06:27:58] She is a mid main?
[06:27:59] I'm a bit late.
[06:28:00] I thought she was support main.
[06:28:02] Yeah try to...
[06:28:03] I think maybe she is mid support then?
[06:28:05] Yeah he is on the 5%.
[06:28:06] Let me check.
[06:28:08] She is giving the whole wave!
[06:28:09] She's really good at supports.
[06:28:13] Drake, sorry.
[06:28:15] This drake is so greedy with Mundo no flash.
[06:28:17] This could be a complete horror
[06:28:23] oh god they got drake but at what cost everyone's dead she has no flash so she dies
[06:28:30] what is enemy team doing?
[06:28:33] Okay, let's see if they use anything, ult or anything I need to know.
[06:28:35] No, only ult, only ult, only ult!
[06:28:40] They're gonna open top side again by the way.
[06:28:43] Yeah, SuperRodger plays mid and support in this side.
[06:28:46] That drake was the worst call ever!
[06:28:55] Yeah yeah, cause I'm a champion so... Drake was the worst call ever. Miss Corki is so fed.
[06:29:01] Syndra's also down 13 CS and getting up to 5. I'm for sure. Lona is back, I am for sure.
[06:29:02] Syndra's also down 13 CS and getting out roomed
[06:29:05] And getting pushed in
[06:29:07] I'm coming we win this
[06:29:11] Syndra no flash, no mana I still have two cookies so i'll be able to fight
[06:29:14] I go engage
[06:29:16] Oh, Syndra has no TP either he can just fast push this wave
[06:29:19] Just follow Braum
[06:29:24] Can you... come on Follow Brown, no? Follow Brown. Yeah, yeah. Follow me. I'm here.
[06:29:25] Can you...
[06:29:25] Go on, go on.
[06:29:26] Wait, did Sinja stay?
[06:29:27] No, she based.
[06:29:29] Oh my god, this game is completely FF.
[06:29:32] It's an absolute open.
[06:29:35] Top solo killed, Nemesis is 5kp out of 6 already.
[06:29:40] This Corki is unkillable now.
[06:29:43] He's 20 CS up mid what I guess Just the loot. In their fucking mouth!
[06:29:57] Okay, so we've now seen Dono flash for some time and now Noti clean.
[06:30:00] Mondo's here.
[06:30:01] Mondo is walking in our bot lane.
[06:30:02] Yeah, I'm gonna try to get her blue by the way.
[06:30:04] It's only Mondo.
[06:30:07] Hey, hey, yeah. I'm'm gonna follow you just check it with Braum
[06:30:09] Okay, I'll check it.
[06:30:11] Uh... probably
[06:30:15] Do we chase him? I mean we can kill him Do we chase him?
[06:30:17] I'm looking
[06:30:19] If he goes towards the...
[06:30:21] I'm in the passenger
[06:30:23] Nice, thank you
[06:30:28] Leona is walking in here.
[06:30:30] Can we get Syndra flash here?
[06:30:34] I got her.
[06:30:38] What the fuck?
[06:30:41] Yeah, I think so...
[06:30:43] Not sure.
[06:30:45] It's okay!
[06:30:48] Yeah, I think she needs Aery doesn't she Syndra? For the trades to actually get lane prio.
[06:30:53] Syndra is completely useless by the way he can die for like...
[06:31:03] He can actually threaten her on the tower look here yeah
[06:31:13] he has a biscuit from mana first strike comet yeah airy First Strike Comet is all fine I think. I don't know what the best actually is but oh god...
[06:31:18] Nemesis can catch him off guard with the cookies here.
[06:31:20] Like it looks like Corki's UM, but it is deceptive.
[06:31:23] He can like biscuit and all in.
[06:31:28] I don't know what Mundo ult city is rank 1
[06:31:31] It's not up now, it's not up now
[06:31:33] I think we are...
[06:31:36] Oh god mid is so horrible
[06:31:39] I'm literally proxying mid right now
[06:31:43] I can't really help that I'm literally proxying mid right now. I'm sorry.
[06:31:47] Thinking maybe he has TP up now, Mid-East? Just rocket him in base or... No, not Hamza's.
[06:31:54] Just rocket him in base?
[06:31:57] Nem is still staying.
[06:32:00] Syndra has no damage. No, he doesn't have it.
[06:32:04] You need to help me!
[06:32:06] Yeah but there is more, you know?
[06:32:08] What is he waiting for I wonder?
[06:32:12] What is he waiting for?
[06:32:17] He's playing so cocky it's crazy.
[06:32:20] Leona could be mid any second.
[06:32:36] You need to bodyblock the corner! any second Can you check on me as well? Jonas, I have to stay here. Can we set up a ward in bot lane behind them and get TP advantage?
[06:32:38] Yeah, I can.
[06:32:40] I'm warding here.
[06:32:42] Let's look here.
[06:32:44] Saving TP. She think she TP'd back.
[06:32:46] She was moving to bot but she is not there yet.
[06:32:49] He's saving his TP for bot fight, he thinks they're gonna fight bot.
[06:32:53] Yeah, he was right.
[06:32:56] Mega save on TP, I wouldn't have done that actually smart.
[06:33:04] So he lost a wave for this.
[06:33:08] Is it worth it? No, it's really not worth it.
[06:33:11] Syndra is back in the game.
[06:33:14] Yeah, maybe going Leona was a bit greedy
[06:33:16] because now Syndra gets two kills.
[06:33:19] Syndra is mega back in the game now, she was completely out of the game.
[06:33:27] Was it good thought by Nemesis to TP bot
[06:33:29] To cover the all-in bots
[06:33:31] Because Zeri had no sums right?
[06:33:33] You know they want an all in bot with Zeri no sums
[06:33:35] But um...
[06:33:37] Maybe he should just play a bit more selfish.
[06:33:40] Leona has to bait.
[06:33:41] Syndra is really weak!
[06:33:43] She's really weak.
[06:33:46] She has no flash as well.
[06:33:51] One for one?
[06:33:53] Man, this Mundo is addicted to dragons.
[06:33:56] Yeah yeah you can't...
[06:34:00] No ult Kaisa! Let could have been there. No ult, Kaisa!
[06:34:03] Push bot!
[06:34:06] They got two drakes in 11 minutes pretty good.
[06:34:23] We should go bot, I think right here. pretty good I don't have any time.
[06:34:31] Do you need to go Hydra first item on Camille against Skarner for the lifesteal?
[06:34:33] Or what is he going, he's going Triforce first item. Do you need Hydra like
[06:34:35] I feel like the Vamp Scepter
[06:34:37] against Skarner would be pretty handy no
[06:34:39] I feel like Skarner pokes you down so annoyingly
[06:34:41] Looks like jungle saved him though.
[06:34:46] Or maybe he's getting Tiamat,
[06:34:48] So we can just fast push and ignore him?
[06:34:50] But I think the Triforce is really nice.
[06:34:54] They're giving this, they're giving this.
[06:34:55] Resetting Vayne's silence.
[06:34:57] I thought Skarner just poked you down with his W and Q.
[06:35:01] No, I will get Trinity TP and hit it okay?
[06:35:03] Just get the grubs.
[06:35:05] Oh wow nevermind
[06:35:07] I'll just save teleport then
[06:35:13] TM at the Triforce That also works I guess because then you can just ignore him.
[06:35:17] And they have TP behind them by the way.
[06:35:20] Nemesis is almost mega strong.
[06:35:22] Next base is GG mid.
[06:35:24] Just base now and he's fucking broken but the base timer is kinda shit.
[06:35:29] Fight no? I'm gonna be first if you fight right now.
[06:35:32] Mundo's going for crab top side here. Are you guys stronger to be true?
[06:35:35] Yes yes yes
[06:35:40] basing on this wave we got a blind cue here
[06:35:45] yeah i was gonna say it's a bit sus.
[06:35:53] What? Corki is balanced!
[06:36:02] Maybe on next wave. What?
[06:36:03] He's basing, he's bad base again.
[06:36:06] Yeah, he needs to base on the next wave.
[06:36:08] He wants to really ideally against Syndra
[06:36:09] basing on a cannonwave
[06:36:15] Can I also look mid by the way?
[06:36:17] Nah it's so good for corky to base
[06:36:24] he needs the base now it's such a good clammer
[06:36:30] okay you got sucked into it uh it's so bad for Nemesis.
[06:36:33] This is bad, Mundo's gonna collapse this is not good.
[06:36:35] Maybe solo kills her?
[06:36:38] There were plants here I gave to you but Mundo's gonna...
[06:36:40] Leona can be the...
[06:36:43] He just stays in a wave though, that's quite nice.
[06:36:45] I mean, Algorand got a kill, it's not the worst. Actually turns out not to be so bad. His micromanaging is a bit...
[06:36:52] Actually turns out not that bad, because they can push top mid and bot all three lanes of push
[06:36:57] If you die to bot you have 10 seconds before Syndra TP's
[06:37:00] TP someone! Skarner, skarner, skarner
[06:37:02] This dive is a horror. Kai someone! Skarner, skarner, skarner!
[06:37:04] This dive is a horror. Kaisa's also outplaying this area.
[06:37:07] Oi oi oi oi oi...
[06:37:08] This game got a lot closer than I thought.
[06:37:10] They were like 8 to 1 in kills or some shit weren't they?
[06:37:12] Top solo killed, bot was over with the tp
[06:37:17] now camille's trying to dive top and she's gonna die camilla maybe
[06:37:21] like it's not worth it.
[06:37:23] They're trading so many kills on the dives.
[06:37:25] They are getting given positions where enemy team has to invest four numbers
[06:37:28] to get a kill and then they think on the lanes with the numbers
[06:37:31] are missing they can just dive them.
[06:37:35] No ult no barrier.
[06:37:37] She's dead.
[06:37:43] Oh and they don't get it.
[06:37:46] Can I play for her? Or Drake?
[06:37:48] No, no, no. It's fine.
[06:37:50] Okay.
[06:37:56] There is still Leona in my jungle. 600 gold and denied the METAWR There you go Ah this Akorti is so fed, oh god
[06:38:01] Trunks are up maybe?
[06:38:03] I'm going for tier 2 here
[06:38:06] Mundur's bot no? I'm going for tier 2 here, I have 6 drops.
[06:38:09] None are just based.
[06:38:16] Drake's up soon, they're just have to play for this drake
[06:38:23] It's only Camtex all but oh take those wrappers Which means they're still gonna be bought so we can still protect I want to go
[06:38:45] Cinder does seem to agree wave or is she grouping?
[06:38:51] If she's going botwave they should fight, if she's grouping they should be careful a bit.
[06:38:59] Yeah it looks pretty free I think enemy team should just go with the Hald and get top tier one i think enemy team is really slow here seeming like you give
[06:39:02] up waves go mid help them get mid push again herald on top two or one i think
[06:39:05] they're way too late to this fight
[06:39:09] oh my god i take it back they just got the best fight in world history.
[06:39:13] How the fuck did they get a double-scanner ult on Corki and Brandt?
[06:39:18] We had to play slow or we couldn't just go in.
[06:39:20] How the fuck did that happen? I have to play slow, we can't just go in.
[06:39:29] Don't put them together so fast. He's gonna run to you if you're coming. not if nemesis is streamed.
[06:39:42] Well, KGL production's got you. Braum goes Can we kill them? No, they're backing.
[06:39:47] I know! Like when we started the fight,
[06:39:49] I couldn't enter at all because I didn't have hookshot yet.
[06:39:52] Probably too good to go into the double stun, into the Skarner ult.
[06:39:53] Wow! That is absolutely...
[06:39:57] You don't get teamfights like that often.
[06:39:59] I really think they should have tried- The safer option is just to cross map and let them have that drake
[06:40:03] It's useless. You get a lot of gold on Syndra
[06:40:06] But if you can hit those kind of team fights then holy fucking shit
[06:40:10] You just hate them, bro
[06:40:12] That was crazy.
[06:40:15] The LTP is up too.
[06:40:17] That's called clutch right there.
[06:40:19] Mid beast is clutch. Wait I'm gonna use this.
[06:40:28] We're going to play aggro bot.
[06:40:31] There's the bottom wards.
[06:40:33] They are looking for Leona wards.
[06:40:38] Yeah... we can't really contest this?
[06:40:40] They want to do Herald.
[06:40:42] They wanna fight the Herald but it's a bit hard
[06:40:44] because Syndra is first so Brown might just end up dying here.
[06:40:47] I got a ping here! Okay let me push top wave be careful.
[06:40:51] Yeah we need to give like...
[06:40:56] It has to be Brandt now.
[06:40:58] They're moving top, yeah.
[06:41:01] But honestly I don't know if he...
[06:41:04] Should we fight this?
[06:41:07] Looks impossible to fight. But maybe I should... Should we fight this? No.
[06:41:07] It looks impossible to fight.
[06:41:16] Looks impossible.
[06:41:19] It's absolutely criminal if they die here, they can't die there.
[06:41:23] Corki damage that's just Sheen auto from Triforce and a q here comes an r that's three things he has maybe a kill here yeah oh guys stop can you get me i didn't know we should
[06:41:40] we should get in the third of this syndrome
[06:41:43] not too bad he got shindra flash and crisis top they should just get mid tier
[06:41:46] one okay sure but it's okay Sure, but I can still skip the turret. Yeah, you take it!
[06:41:53] Community here and kill her.
[06:41:57] Do it fast!
[06:42:00] Yes, she's out... I can move for us. I can move?
[06:42:02] Nemesis is correct, I think that Camille TP if she popped it would have killed him
[06:42:08] And then if Camille killed top she could take over this wave
[06:42:12] the next wave and hit top tier one and Nemesis can catch bot with TP and they can get Nash vision.
[06:42:16] That would have been a really good like domino effect play if they pulled that off
[06:42:19] but now Nemesis just has to TP top
[06:42:23] and try and get top tower.
[06:42:34] So Syndra's probably top, but he sees Mundo basing right there. He just saw Mundo base so...
[06:42:36] ...he knows he's safe to build like a psycho.
[06:42:39] Man it's crazy you know if you had one person top this cinderella would have to back off
[06:42:43] the tower next way
[06:42:52] mundo should be behind Syndra right now.
[06:42:56] If Mundo is not behind Syndra he is trolling.
[06:43:02] There we go, nice they hovered and got the tower, easy.
[06:43:05] He's letting the cannon die as well. Nice nemesis I like it.
[06:43:08] He is min maxing to fuck.
[06:43:14] Oh, Trude just flashed in
[06:43:16] i just saw him flashing
[06:43:22] they are holding mid lane
[06:43:26] we can go bot everything with land. I'm gonna hunt some ground as well, Triss. You guys need to group
[06:43:29] together stream it. They are giving
[06:43:34] they're probably going on a little bit
[06:43:35] like you., Draken 30
[06:43:37] Yeah Corki is pretty strong but he's not mega-strong yet
[06:43:40] He needs IE
[06:43:41] You wanna fight Drakens now?
[06:43:43] Yeah we can
[06:43:44] Okay I'm first right now mid
[06:43:47] Turner has no ult.
[06:43:48] I don't have it either.
[06:43:50] Is Mid B still in Europe chat?
[06:43:51] He is, right?
[06:43:54] Kite TP here.
[06:43:56] This is gonna be Scar.
[06:43:56] It's Syndra TP.
[06:43:58] Syndra is gonna, it's Syndra TP.
[06:44:01] Oh Mundo gets shredded.
[06:44:06] Meh-meh just cooking a red buff.
[06:44:08] Oh my god VoodooTouch.
[06:44:09] It's okay, chill out.
[06:44:11] Did we do Nash or Greg?
[06:44:12] He just wasted his TP.
[06:44:13] They could have got Nash no?
[06:44:14] Feel like they really could've done Baron if Camille TP'd mid.
[06:44:17] Maybe we get both guys.
[06:44:19] Yeah get both, get both. We're on A first. TP mid. I think the Drake is greedy,
[06:44:26] but...
[06:44:28] Can they go Nash now as well? You think? I'm walking Nash. Go, go, go guys!
[06:44:31] Can they go Nash now as well? You think?
[06:44:33] We need to damage it before
[06:44:35] they fucking come.
[06:44:37] This Baron call is risky.
[06:44:39] I think window went cro I'm not even kidding.
[06:44:44] If Mundo's on Crux that's fine but...
[06:44:46] Yeah, I think they should have it.
[06:44:48] Looks good.
[06:44:52] We need to go out of sight.
[06:44:56] They have to fight us though, Syndra needs her TP on top wave and shit but
[06:44:58] they're not gonna get anything it looks like.
[06:45:05] Get towards! I was coming! Oh my god, if he got that flash ult off instead of getting stunned it would be mega.
[06:45:12] Truthor needs to chill out a little bit.
[06:45:15] TrueTooth sounds mega stressed.
[06:45:18] I'm actually just going anti though.
[06:45:21] And both our turrets are two levels ahead
[06:45:22] so we can take any fight at this point.
[06:45:31] He's...
[06:45:32] I get that it is passion, right?
[06:45:33] That he's like really into the game.
[06:45:35] Sometimes when you are a bit stressed and talking with your voice at a high pitch...
[06:45:40] It can stress everyone else out as well. Nemesis is chilling in this fight.
[06:45:44] He is killing Syndra, he's gone Leona
[06:45:45] they're backing off and all I can hear is
[06:45:46] DP one more! DP!
[06:45:49] Sometimes it just makes you think like
[06:45:51] am I griefing?
[06:45:52] Is there someone behind me?
[06:45:53] What's happening?
[06:45:54] Yeah come here
[06:45:55] Don't do so many much top side Yeah yeah someone behind me what's happening
[06:45:59] that's why you're here like for example obviously i'm not gonna come
[06:46:02] i'm not saying they should be pro players right but if you look at like
[06:46:05] the best
[06:46:06] teams in the world their comms are pretty simple they're
[06:46:08] like Leona yeah I can TP okay and the reason they have that is obviously
[06:46:13] because of the less chaotic right they just trying to focus up.
[06:46:17] But yeah, Judith is mega into it.
[06:46:22] Nemez quite a chill person though.
[06:46:28] Mundo and Kai'Sa both side now. He has no flash, I can engage him. This is maybe warded.
[06:46:33] No we don't wanna! We don't wanna!
[06:46:35] If you watch Nemesis' eyes,
[06:46:36] You'll see how much he looks at the minimap.
[06:46:37] It's kinda crazy.
[06:46:40] He looks at the minimap a lot.
[06:46:43] I think he looks at the minimap maybe 40% of the game.
[06:46:47] They're looking for Kaizo.
[06:46:52] Every time his eyes go like this,
[06:46:56] he's looking at the minimap.
[06:47:00] And if it goes like this, he is looking at chat.
[06:47:04] That's what I've learned from watching Nemesis stream.
[06:47:10] I know his whole setup, second screen is here, minimap is here, game is there.
[06:47:16] Door is that way.
[06:47:18] We don't have time on Nasher to go for a boss!
[06:47:21] Look at the timer on Nasher.
[06:47:23] We kinda need to run-to-run and we probably can't really see anything
[06:47:25] to be honest.
[06:47:27] No no look, we can legit get this mid wave
[06:47:29] and... Yeah yeah legit get this mid wave and i mean the state waste already
[06:47:33] yeah look we can group on this way that is right behind you you know do you see
[06:47:36] this we can all go be in here yeah if you do
[06:47:39] it look at me just spam he's a minimap.
[06:47:43] That is mid lane on side lane basically.
[06:47:46] This is what mid lane is on side lane. 90% of your job on site
[06:47:49] He's just clearing wave and fogging, clearing wave and fogging
[06:47:51] So always just to look at the
[06:47:52] minimap to see if he needs a TP anywhere.
[06:48:01] Oh big brindled.
[06:48:04] Nice QR.
[06:48:08] Yeah this game is over I think unless he has E?
[06:48:10] Oh my god, name a W over.
[06:48:17] Fleet sword sword proc on the minion?
[06:48:20] Honestly this game is really low though.
[06:48:23] I'm a fan of throat guard.
[06:48:24] I also love throat guard but it's just too much.
[06:48:28] Wow that was a mega slump.
[06:48:30] Alright up next is Baus vs Nemesis Elimination Game.
[06:48:34] That was a total slump. Bals vs Nemesis elimination game.
[06:48:41] Oh, that's not elimination sorry I take that back.
[06:48:43] It's BALS Nemesis upper bracket game.
[06:48:48] Go kill him, go kill him, go kill him.
[06:48:53] See you guys.
[06:48:55] My death.
[06:48:57] Should have been closed
[06:49:01] I'm in the slime Do we wanna do like mini review?
[06:49:03] Was Baus watching that game?
[06:49:05] No, it's not Baus That's Baus watching that game? No, it's not Baus. That's Baus
[06:49:10] Uh oh... You know what that means
[06:49:14] You know what that means guys
[06:49:16] Who is POV do you want to watch Nemesis or Baus for this last game?
[06:49:21] I kind of wanna watch Baus versus Drutod.
[06:49:24] That sounds quite good.
[06:49:26] I don't really want to watch Nemesis versus Kermit.
[06:49:28] I like the idea of watching Bounce vs Drifted
[06:49:31] I wanna see how they lane against each other
[06:49:33] because one's gonna proxy and one's screaming to cover
[06:49:40] I mean, I think
[06:49:42] watching their team, we should abuse the weak link
[06:49:44] What's a weak link?
[06:49:46] Who is their weak link?
[06:49:48] Their support
[06:49:51] We can farm them on jungle support you know
[06:49:55] Like with mad movement wise
[06:49:57] What the fuck
[06:50:00] Ban Vel'Koz
[06:50:01] We wanna do something with the brand
[06:50:04] I'm thinking right
[06:50:07] Cause like
[06:50:09] If Brand is out, I don't know if the guy's gonna play like
[06:50:12] yeah she had a card store from that yeah anger in shampoo what would i ban
[06:50:16] against that team i would bang i was listening and he's
[06:50:19] like this he said in comms
[06:50:23] This seems like a Blackfire
[06:50:25] torch game. And that was the moment
[06:50:27] I like
[06:50:29] Wait Chad
[06:50:31] The draft is not fearless in these best of ones, right?
[06:50:33] You can play Camille again next game, right?
[06:50:36] It's not a fearless tournament or anything weird like that, right?
[06:50:38] It's just the best of one with bans, yeah?
[06:50:41] Champs reset.
[06:50:42] Champs are fine.
[06:50:47] I would ban velcos but i agree like i think the issue with brand is
[06:50:50] if we're playing a tanky champion and he's playing some
[06:50:53] and camille and I would
[06:50:54] first pick Zyra.
[06:50:57] If they have blue side.
[06:50:59] I think everything else is
[06:51:01] fine. Like Kermit can play Draven versus
[06:51:02] Tristana. Syndra is annoying but I hope Kermit has play Draven versus Tristana. Syndra is annoying, but I hope
[06:51:05] Kermit has like a weird champ pool for it.
[06:51:07] Gragas is good against everything at the Druted plays
[06:51:09] I think? Other than maybe
[06:51:11] Zeri?
[06:51:15] Like he Gragas is good against everything because all he does
[06:51:18] is proxy them.
[06:51:19] He's just gonna play
[06:51:20] tank spot, right?
[06:51:22] I do think Camille is just such an OP champ.
[06:51:27] Camille, if she gets to...
[06:51:29] Like Bows' playstyle is dying, okay?
[06:51:33] Bows is gonna die! That's just the lore.
[06:51:35] It's Bows' lore he is going to die.
[06:51:36] What champ do I not want to have kills?
[06:51:38] Camille!
[06:51:39] I do NOT want Camille to have kills.
[06:51:40] Never.
[06:51:41] That sounds disgusting.
[06:51:43] Probably not...
[06:51:46] We could ban it honestly like she shouldn't really she seemed
[06:51:49] like an inter like yeah i don't see i don't care about action actually can get one shot
[06:51:56] it's an 80 carry like AD carries being fed is annoying sure
[06:51:59] But I would much rather play against
[06:52:01] A fed ad carry than a fed Camille
[06:52:03] Especially in this shit
[06:52:05] Like a fed Akhshan you know
[06:52:07] You're playing fucking Nautilus.
[06:52:08] You hit a hook, he's dead.
[06:52:09] I fed Camille, fuck me.
[06:52:12] Backflips and my backline is dead.
[06:52:14] Let's listen to the comms difference.
[06:52:17] They're auto-view reviewing the fight on drake
[06:52:19] i think yeah if i'm in the pit this looks different
[06:52:24] if they don't get the bomber off we'll win this fight 100 percent yeah
[06:52:27] brent should play here for sure brian should play there
[06:52:30] and if they charge on brandt they're all gonna get
[06:52:35] someone is normally in dragon fights like this when you finish the worst thing
[06:52:38] you can all do is run like this. You're just gonna group up here,
[06:52:41] you need someone fighting from the pit
[06:52:45] And actually Brandt and Corki are the two best champs to fight from here
[06:52:52] Yeah I'm just melting.
[06:52:56] Do we even want to force a fight here?
[06:52:58] I think we can just go out, no?
[06:53:00] We win the poke poker so easily yeah
[06:53:03] i mean with quirky pork and brand w like we'll just outpoke them and not
[06:53:07] chunk them and then eventually yeah like if scarlet's here it's only one of
[06:53:11] corky and brent The other one is murdering
[06:53:13] here, and the fight looks a lot different. Also Camilla I guess is just useless or what?
[06:53:17] That's right.
[06:53:18] Sides are getting caught on mid but that's like whatever read. It's an individual mistake
[06:53:26] Okay they're doing game review
[06:53:28] They are not really doing drafts review
[06:53:30] Yeah i do want to pick a champion
[06:53:32] That can kill them on side lane.
[06:53:34] Like last time I played against Rootwood
[06:53:35] I mean yeah, I just farmed him on side lane
[06:53:37] This guy doesn't know how to play big side
[06:53:38] But your Syrah is so clean
[06:53:40] Everytime we play you do so much
[06:53:44] We can... you do so much i feel like we can uh we are like if if i can choose a band
[06:53:47] i would consider the very bad is that it ben yeah
[06:53:57] uh brent i was thinking about i mean honestly i actually like playing as brent if i go cyra
[06:54:00] because i outrange him and we never go in you know
[06:54:03] could be one of their battles for sure yeah i think we need to play Black 2 Top side and Jungle, right?
[06:54:09] We can abuse the dude root
[06:54:12] He don't know how to play Wixers
[06:54:14] Right? You said before
[06:54:15] Supporting jungle will definitely give us a good connection as you said before. Yeah, yeah. Support and general
[06:54:16] depth are a good
[06:54:17] connection for me.
[06:54:18] But guys,
[06:54:20] as much as
[06:54:21] drute doesn't know
[06:54:22] how to play weak side
[06:54:23] I don't know
[06:54:24] how to play strong
[06:54:25] side bro the second
[06:54:26] you come to my lane i'm gonna start freaking out.
[06:54:28] It's fine, you can both be weak side.
[06:54:31] You can both be weak side!
[06:54:33] If we go to your side it's not necessary to kill him as well right?
[06:54:35] It's like if he ints, kill, right? It is like to get the push. If he ints, kill.
[06:54:38] If not, we rotate around.
[06:54:40] And one thing about C, last game when I popped Herald mid...
[06:54:44] I mean, I popped the Herald expecting it to move then went for another wave
[06:54:47] Then I'm like fuck maybe I can't crash what happened with mods
[06:54:55] the timing is just off you know so just think how to do that because
[06:54:59] like okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
[06:55:02] i wasn't looking my bad cause i'm fine with that you know your mods are you there
[06:55:05] mods mods mods mods mods mods then i can adapt
[06:55:08] to you or should call earlier.
[06:55:19] Just tell how you want to play.
[06:55:22] Here, okay, yeah, what up?
[06:55:24] If I go for another wave, I'll do that if...
[06:55:27] But you can still like do the play, I think.
[06:55:30] No, I can't actually oh because when i pop
[06:55:33] the health right it didn't come i'm like fuck i'm not because like i have a
[06:55:37] crash that is die you know but does me being there actually change
[06:55:40] that much it does yes your presence doesn't allow them to all in you
[06:55:45] Like even if like just posture
[06:55:50] There it is
[06:55:52] Are we locked then? We just need to... Sorry chat, I'm emailing LCK again about POVs.
[06:55:58] I think LCK probably hates me at this point
[06:56:00] I am spamming them about giving me pro views
[06:56:03] Think i've sent him about 16 emails in the last two weeks
[06:56:06] about giving me pro views of Canyon and Faker
[06:56:09] and Chovy, i'm literally so convinced
[06:56:12] that if you could give me the pro view of Canyon playing Nidalee,
[06:56:16] and I can sit with Jike or Chovy and watch their games and talk about it.
[06:56:23] This would be some of the best content in League
[06:56:25] YouTube, I'm convinced.
[06:56:29] I would love to see how they play the game.
[06:56:33] If you can watch the best player in
[06:56:36] the world play the game and then have a pro player tell you exactly why they're
[06:56:39] doing things and i think i feel like some people can
[06:56:41] just watch that i think that's enough for me and they can learn so much
[06:56:44] we can man everybody i recommend i think watching from a spectate is
[06:56:47] much different than watching from a pro view like proview shows you every camera movement click
[06:56:53] everything I think everything else that i'm carrying is the harvest for me
[06:56:58] I'm still chasing at least
[06:57:06] Are you gonna stream the Saudi tournament? No I just know you have 1k left
[06:57:18] Oh he plays Glista as well a lot by the way.
[06:57:21] Yeah but I think that is for the group right?
[06:57:25] Oh yeah, I mean I think that Clista probably won't be that clean if there's support here so...
[06:57:28] I don't mind.
[06:57:29] But we can ban Eclista too.
[06:57:34] Chat who is playing Knight in Euros?
[06:57:37] Bot lane is weak point let's just pick scaling lane to win the... euros.
[06:57:42] Romania,
[06:57:42] Netherlands,
[06:57:43] Austria,
[06:57:43] Turkey.
[06:57:44] Ooh,
[06:57:45] Friday is crazy,
[06:57:45] Bangor
[06:57:45] though.
[06:57:46] Friday,
[06:57:47] Spain versus
[06:57:48] Germany,
[06:57:48] Portugal versus
[06:57:49] France. Oh my
[06:57:51] God!
[06:57:53] That is a crazy game.
[06:57:55] Do we have any DrewTooth viewers here?
[06:57:57] Do we have any DrewTooth viewers?
[06:57:58] What does this kid blind pick?
[06:58:01] He's gonna blind pick. what does he blind pick? Imagine
[06:58:03] coming here, adding Cajal and leaving
[06:58:05] Who's that cheating asking chat?
[06:58:07] Maybe I'm cheating
[06:58:08] Of course it's a pobe hello
[06:58:13] of course it's a poby the only question then is what do we want to do you want
[06:58:18] to get a pass for the pit lane can you hook me up we can pick the jungle always or what are you crazy or what
[06:58:29] i mean i i still want to first big drag as if if it's open, you feel me?
[06:58:32] But i don't think its gonna be
[06:58:34] 100% yeah
[06:58:35] Sure sure sure
[06:58:37] I'm scared of the Brand
[06:58:38] Like i dont like playing vs. Brand
[06:58:40] We're banning it bro we're banning it
[06:58:44] We can ban it thats no. I'm friends with Michael Masi
[06:58:46] Michael this is not cool
[06:58:48] This is not right
[06:58:52] No Michael no We are ready though No, Michael! No!
[06:58:55] We are ready though.
[06:58:59] Alright, Drewtooth versus Baus.
[06:59:02] What's your champ against Camille?
[06:59:04] Rammus. Okay.
[06:59:04] Can't even trust...
[06:59:05] Wait, uh wait.
[06:59:06] I'm gonna go to the other side of this room and then we'll talk about it later.
[06:59:07] Okay.
[06:59:08] So, um, so you're going to be here for a while, right?
[06:59:09] Yeah.
[06:59:10] And then I'm just gonna have to do some stuff with my friends.
[06:59:11] Oh, okay.
[06:59:12] So, um, so you're going to be here for a while, right?
[06:59:13] Yeah.
[06:59:14] And then I'm just gonna have to do some stuff with my friends. Okay. So, um, so you're going to be here for a while, right? so chat it was bals versus phil autofill then ag, Aggrin versus Mid Beast.
[06:59:27] Actually,
[06:59:28] and now it's this...
[06:59:29] Never mind, hold up.
[06:59:30] I don't want to...
[06:59:33] And now it's Pulse
[06:59:35] versus Mid Beast.
[06:59:37] I think Mid Beast is not out though, right?
[06:59:39] You coming to the A
[06:59:41] Yeah i'm here
[06:59:43] You're not gonna go B?
[06:59:45] Nah, I'll probably repeat
[06:59:47] Alright let's go into the server chest, I keep forgetting.
[07:00:02] Ooh Yamato in trouble! oh yamato and tommy g's icons i like them i really wonder what the draft is eta 1705 okay they're gonna start in five
[07:00:07] minutes Okay, they're gonna start in five minutes.
[07:00:15] Wait, assist?
[07:00:19] Hello? Oh yeah, the other guy. Yeah, they'll top it, hello.
[07:00:21] They told me we're gonna terrorize them up.
[07:00:24] Yes sir!
[07:00:26] But this team like they don't talk too much about who's being first.
[07:00:31] If you're up-tempo, I think
[07:00:33] they aren't really good at recognizing map states that well
[07:00:35] Even Nemesis
[07:00:37] is actually not very aware of it
[07:00:39] His Bowsers account the highest level account I've ever seen
[07:00:41] Level 1539
[07:00:45] It's kinda crazy no?
[07:00:49] We're gonna play like BDS from a sideline.
[07:00:52] Like Mad Lions 2021 just cut them and Gengar will hook on but we have Baus Rammus 10 times better.
[07:01:01] I'm gonna destroy this kid
[07:01:03] Yes you are, Kalsi
[07:01:05] You're going to milk him bro
[07:01:09] The only thing is that they ban a lot of AP genres
[07:01:11] right? I think we should probably look for the Vex-Ginruth comp
[07:01:15] Because like what's gonna happen is that if you pick let's say an idk mid lane
[07:01:19] And well they ban AP junglers then it kinda sucks
[07:01:23] Yeah i'm fine and i think from the
[07:01:25] remnants well let's say last pick
[07:01:27] um i think scion or whatever like this
[07:01:30] fits you know like cyan rems with
[07:01:31] kinrich
[07:01:32] i think honestly i they want to play ramus king i think that
[07:01:37] i wonder what truth wants to be champion and i think like solo ap bot
[07:01:42] they muted for that.
[07:01:45] It's not even fearless, he has bans.
[07:01:51] Just pick whatever is back. If it was a good Vex game, pick Vex, it's fine but I think it's also...
[07:01:56] Like if we see all AP junglers out let's say they ban Zyra and Brand is out when they first pick Karthus I think you should play Nidalee by the way in that case
[07:02:00] yeah i mean they won't ban those champs anyway so
[07:02:04] yeah so i think there will never be a
[07:02:06] case for you
[07:02:10] no i probably don't want to play midi anime unless we like outrange them and
[07:02:15] if like let's say not good engaged then
[07:02:16] it's good but i don't want to play in the front back team comp
[07:02:18] if we don't nidalee don't play niddly ramus please that's completely wrong
[07:02:24] it's very specific against please don don't play Nidalee Rammus, please.
[07:02:28] I think that Nidalee is pretty fucking good against Rammus.
[07:02:30] Please don't play Nidalee Rammus.
[07:02:31] Yeah it's a skill matchup
[07:02:32] I wouldn't say it's really fucking good but
[07:02:35] just decent you know?
[07:02:36] If Marth strolls you can punish him But if he's good, you know? If Karthus trolls, you can punish him.
[07:02:38] But if he's good, you can't.
[07:02:40] But they won't pick Karthus anyway. I have not seen Aggrim play Karthus.
[07:02:43] I ran into him playing Karthus in FlexQ actually.
[07:02:47] FlexQ?
[07:02:49] What was this, FlexQ? When was that?
[07:02:51] There in the nowhere guys
[07:02:53] they play FlexQ there chillin'.
[07:02:57] Is Nautilus... Is he gonna pick an outlist top shut up
[07:03:01] it doesn't matter because uh the only thing i'm thinking for real for real if it makes sense
[07:03:16] how i'm just saying, is Velkoz useful?
[07:03:20] It should be that she played for probably 5 years.
[07:03:23] So if she's banned, it is fine. Anything else? She's probably gonna lowkey...
[07:03:29] Thinking about what I should want to...
[07:03:36] Honestly, if Kindred is open and Karthus is open,
[07:03:40] I legit don't mind picking cartus early you know and then going kinder carters
[07:03:46] what is that yeah like in the ap cases is that the emote can i ever get a queen angle here
[07:03:51] or is that not a thing?
[07:03:54] It's difficult for team comps, but if Leicester you see a really good Quinn angle and the opponent comes to block down and win lane
[07:04:00] I think Quinn is still good.
[07:04:04] So like we will see in draft also I think Quinn is still good you know? Ready
[07:04:14] I'm a deGone peeing?
[07:04:17] We should wait anyway because I don't think it's good that he pees and has to brush
[07:04:20] just like let him chill
[07:04:22] Alright, I'll...
[07:04:23] He pees and has to brush
[07:04:24] We're getting rid of the bush Alright, I'll... He pees and has to brush.
[07:04:27] We're getting rid of Mlem chat! We're adding for real, there you go this one looks way better.
[07:04:34] The Netherlands is playing today right? People ask me do you watch the Netherlands match
[07:04:39] I'm like, I don't watch football bro. Bro who the fuck watches footy?
[07:04:48] I watch the footy.
[07:04:52] There's no point in watching when Zlatan Ibrahimovic is not part of the tournament.
[07:04:57] Simon did you think about any bans?
[07:04:59] Chat why is Zlatan not playing?
[07:05:01] Look maybe for Sain, maybe Gwendal for example
[07:05:05] I've never picked Sain in my life. He's too old now?
[07:05:08] I'm thinking maybe if i were looking for a Jarvan pick,
[07:05:10] If they banned me out
[07:05:12] Then I want to ban Camille
[07:05:14] Didn't Slappan just fucking carry like a
[07:05:16] Mothersucker before? I don't even know what Druid do play like slatan just fucking like carry like a motherfucker before
[07:05:19] i don't even know what drew to play is like kill kill grin
[07:05:22] um every time i tune into his stream he's just playing ring champion so
[07:05:25] there's no way he's picking that here does he
[07:05:29] it could be you should ask tommy
[07:05:33] i think maybe they're starting with just big action bro
[07:05:39] chat we played in na right zlatan did he pop off in NA?
[07:05:42] I mean yeah just knocked out a sec, looked then...
[07:05:48] You tell me, you hear?
[07:05:51] Yeah I'm here.
[07:05:53] Is everybody there?
[07:05:55] What does Drew play?
[07:05:57] His NA retirement in football as well?
[07:06:00] He likes to pick like... If has Camille right? If you go and tank top with a good mixture for him, can you go Zeri or smaller too?
[07:06:09] So they banned Zeri Velkoz.
[07:06:13] And they're targeting Baus, they're trying to put Baus on Sion.
[07:06:19] What about Brand?
[07:06:21] I really think Cam ben brendt I'm not playing Volibear. I am not confident.
[07:06:33] What is Baus playing to Camille now?
[07:06:37] Just think about your answer, Camille.
[07:06:39] Yeah, I have Jax...
[07:06:41] No you don't have Jax!
[07:06:44] They're probably gonna ban Jax
[07:06:46] Your Jax is full AP
[07:06:48] Maybe we should ban Camille on next Ban phase
[07:06:51] What if they pick Camille on 3?
[07:06:53] Oh no your red side, nice I just think Zyra first pick here is crazy good by enemy team though
[07:06:59] But I'm really comfortable just to go...
[07:07:02] What? Just go Zyra?
[07:07:04] You want to go Qantas?? I should just pick some Karthus, huh?
[07:07:06] I think so, yeah.
[07:07:06] Ooh, Karthus.
[07:07:07] But pick it slow first because I'm thinking what else we would like to pick.
[07:07:11] Karthus is down.
[07:07:12] Pick Karthus.
[07:07:13] Yeah, yeah.
[07:07:14] Because I have to take my...
[07:07:14] He can play Karthus's top it's a flex
[07:07:17] i swear to god if he picks ap jacks it's a horror it is the best but i'm just
[07:07:20] thinking what top players we're gonna have
[07:07:22] but i think it's going to be fine pure carter said just go could you just go uh yeah it is
[07:07:26] just to wait
[07:07:29] maybe like we want to play vehicle no no i prefer a unit here who's playing the
[07:07:34] cartus is it your models yeah just keep in mind like the mid laners Who's playing the Karthus? Is it Yamatoz?
[07:07:39] Yeah, just keep in mind like the mid laners that they play Like probably... if there was Zyra Tristana are you happy?
[07:07:43] Uh.. Zyra Tristana?
[07:07:45] When they pick this jungler they they're gonna get mindblown.
[07:07:48] I think honestly guys for me I will just play Elise. Just be safe.
[07:07:53] Oh.
[07:07:55] I mean...I'm down to pick Kha'Zix now.
[07:07:59] Kha'zix? Oof that's a crazy pick.
[07:08:03] Kha'zix-Sinja would be crazy.
[07:08:10] Okay... That's okay. Okay, well...
[07:08:12] If he doesn't play Zarya then...
[07:08:15] Is there ever a world where we pick the Jax before they ban it out?
[07:08:21] They won't know ban Jax I think, I'll be very honest.
[07:08:24] I think they will know.
[07:08:26] Yeah because it's in their hearts.
[07:08:29] Oh shit! I'm also thinking if we should pick Nautilus
[07:08:34] But it's prefer to pick mid no?
[07:08:37] What does Kermit have?
[07:08:39] Do you play bot or mid Kermit have? Do you play Bard with Kermit?
[07:08:41] Barrows mid is bad
[07:08:43] G-sense fights?
[07:08:45] I don't know. You want Vex or...
[07:08:47] It's good vs Kha'Zix, isn't it too much AP if I go Vex
[07:08:49] Oh yeah that's a good TF then, just put TF in.
[07:08:52] What should i ban?
[07:08:55] It's a hard matchup for tf if the Syndra is really good but he should be fine if he gets mercs
[07:09:01] Yeah ban Camille, ban Camille, ban camille ban camille ban
[07:09:03] come here please spend camel give last pick to
[07:09:05] bousy
[07:09:09] actually i don't think boss has a champ that wins against anything.
[07:09:13] Like in my head, if he blind picks Zeri top even,
[07:09:16] I don't think Baus has anything into it.
[07:09:18] There's something they can peel for them because like...
[07:09:20] Something like Kayle is scary.
[07:09:21] He plays Kayle, doesn't he?
[07:09:23] Yeah, he does. Having think kill can be really annoying i'll be very honest i think i'd rather
[07:09:27] knock that out then yeah go for the global because
[07:09:29] honestly brahman oh there is bend yeah i'm just using it as an example though
[07:09:32] right like um I'm just using it as an example though, right?
[07:09:39] Like how it looks like for topside. I kind of want to look into Quinn direction
[07:09:43] What about Jarvan top? What about Jarvan top? I think so, they have three...
[07:09:47] They're very squishy.
[07:09:48] What about Jarvan's top Bowsie?
[07:09:50] The main thing to ask guys is just leave me on the mid waves, doesn't matter if he's at mid turret, just open on site and murder these fuckers
[07:10:00] I don't want to message him about Jarvan because it is probably Claster cheating
[07:10:04] They will not touch me on mid
[07:10:07] Yup yup neo in the matrix they will not touch me on it
[07:10:12] but look at the draft already we're kind of just playing cycling i believe you know if you have ultimate yeah oh then the banter queen Oh, the Bentequin.
[07:10:17] It's a Jarvan game Bausi I'm telling you!
[07:10:20] Or is that too much...
[07:10:22] I can't go with anything we don't have AD
[07:10:25] You want to get another pick?
[07:10:27] It's okay it's okay you can do anything but don't you think...
[07:10:29] We could flex Nautilus by the way.
[07:10:32] Oh yeah we could flex Nautilus.
[07:10:35] I don't care, I don't care.
[07:10:37] How is Jarvan?
[07:10:39] Decent.
[07:10:41] Guys, I'm doing a call because we ran out of time.
[07:10:45] The thing is the reflexing there...
[07:10:47] Braum is such a good pick against them actually.
[07:10:50] Stop telling him that I said go Jarvan!
[07:10:55] Oh, don't go Jarvan against Gwen.
[07:10:59] Actually Gwen blind here is so painful.
[07:11:03] Don't go Jarvan against Gwen. Chat don't tell them to go Jarvan if they pick Gwen it's a horror.
[07:11:10] It's a horror. Okay, it's fine.
[07:11:12] It's a horror if they pick Gwen.
[07:11:14] No, it's for the top.
[07:11:17] I think if they pick Gwen just pick...
[07:11:19] Oh my god don't play Jarvan please
[07:11:21] Just go Cho'Gath, I don't know what to fuck man. Okay so you't play Jarvan please. It's a horror. Just go choke at that Naut. Okay so you're taking Naut this time?
[07:11:23] Yeah yeah
[07:11:24] You're not playing Naut into Gwen
[07:11:25] Alright I want to play...
[07:11:30] Jax against Gwen is good no?
[07:11:32] Yeah you can go Jax.
[07:11:35] It's AP Jax guys!
[07:11:37] It's not the AD Jax!
[07:11:40] No don't pick Jax!
[07:11:42] It's AP!
[07:11:43] It's AP!
[07:11:44] You pick...
[07:11:45] I trust the AP Jax.
[07:11:48] Karthus has
[07:11:49] AP top
[07:11:49] AP mid
[07:11:50] AP support.
[07:11:52] They completely proved the left.
[07:11:53] I mean look at the game right in red side
[07:11:55] I think after 6 they're going to be really strong
[07:11:57] and it might have purity
[07:12:01] And Luke too I think he's gonna get the ultimate now. And look to, I think...
[07:12:05] He's going to completely run it down.
[07:12:08] Oh my god.
[07:12:10] No no no, top is completely fine.
[07:12:12] I destroy him.
[07:12:14] Okay okay.
[07:12:16] Alright, I'm still going...
[07:12:19] I think Karthus should just build Infinity Edge at this point like he's getting trolled so hard.
[07:12:24] Like it's unplayable. Kermit please go AD TF or something.
[07:12:30] I would just go Rapid Fire Cannon Karthus and run it down
[07:12:32] at this point, like it's so doomed.
[07:12:34] Maybe if you had Pyke support, it's a bit more playable but like
[07:12:38] naughtless tf ap jacks we should probably manage and i played your sideline okay
[07:12:45] and tempo is going to be be super important in this game.
[07:12:47] So that game probably... He's going
[07:12:49] AD TF? Okay thank god for that. Yeah yeah
[07:12:51] but they're probably like going through side lane I think
[07:12:53] Thank God for that
[07:12:55] Alright homies, deep breath.
[07:12:58] Let's get the breath. No cleanse on enemy ADC as well by the way so...
[07:13:07] He has a nemesis jack skin Yeah, we can put that there. Yep. I'll try to...
[07:13:08] He has the Nemesis Jack skin?
[07:13:09] He does.
[07:13:10] Do you guys...
[07:13:11] Are you feeling the going Stukamodo on?
[07:13:15] Um...
[07:13:17] Cat on fire. It's kinda useless. I think we win level 3.
[07:13:21] Yeah, and we have a card of the F&RQs yeah.
[07:13:24] We can go to invite right?
[07:13:28] Stream title is wrong?
[07:13:28] I think it's not that, but we do have to be slightly careful.
[07:13:31] It's Nemesis vs Memphis
[07:13:34] Baus vs Nemesis
[07:13:37] Maybe we just don't do it.
[07:13:39] Okay yeah, I'll just go default
[07:13:42] No need to flip
[07:13:47] Most important thing later is our TF card and our Noctlis ult, it's very important.
[07:13:53] It's the only way we really break Syndra so...
[07:13:56] Should I ult Scyther or Jinx?
[07:14:00] Just hold it until we can get him. finder or jinx i think
[07:14:10] so you don't pop a sport have to like not No shield, no potion.
[07:14:16] Is that the Bows strat? He doesn't buy pots? Can you guys hold her?
[07:14:24] I'm gonna sweep that butterfield too.
[07:14:26] Can i get someone covering here, imma clear this
[07:14:29] Rally's here
[07:14:31] It's hard
[07:14:32] You see no bugs boss you have no potion
[07:14:35] By the way rally is here
[07:14:36] Oh yeah but
[07:14:38] I think he might maybe try to cheese me so if he could put a ward there it would be worth the death
[07:14:42] They are invading.
[07:14:44] They don't see it, they didn't use it.
[07:14:47] But I will sweep this first okay? If the late game we should fuck them up.
[07:14:50] We should fucking up.
[07:14:52] Yeah but let's make as if we don't know.
[07:14:55] Let's just act stupid.
[07:15:00] Plus one for Kermit.
[07:15:04] Baos doesn't buy health potions.
[07:15:05] He buys elixir potions.
[07:15:07] They don't do that to be water.
[07:15:10] Who do you think wins?
[07:15:12] I think Baus' team is going to get absolutely bodied.
[07:15:16] I think they're going to get absolutely bodied. I think they're gonna lose in 25 minutes. What the fuck is that guy doing?
[07:15:34] He has face rush, he doesn't even have conqueror.
[07:15:40] Does Jax counter Gwen without Conqueror? Easy.
[07:15:56] Come to my door. The other's on the bush... He doesn't have a potion. We're right there, I don't know if they do.
[07:16:12] Yeah but he can't, he's low too right now.
[07:16:15] Probably that guy already there.
[07:16:17] They just already there.
[07:16:26] Going level 3 I'll just go to my wolves here
[07:16:28] Yeah, they are going to invade gonna hit you yeah i'm fine
[07:16:32] i think we can get this
[07:16:36] nice he gets these last hits
[07:16:39] gwen might take a cheater base though.
[07:16:49] Get from both side, okay?
[07:16:54] They are mid! Watch out!
[07:16:58] He's gonna lose TP advantage.
[07:17:03] He might be in the middle of the house here. advantage. He's gonna be down to GUSP.
[07:17:07] He doesn't take W or what?
[07:17:10] Yeah, I'll do it.
[07:17:13] I thought he would take W to help him last hit on the tower.
[07:17:19] Is he dead? He might get doven.
[07:17:30] Is that the word again? I think it's over. The face rush tech!
[07:17:33] Oh, Drutod knows he's going to proxy.
[07:17:39] Ooh, he knew!
[07:17:42] He knew, he knew, he knew...
[07:17:44] But then he unfroze. What would happen there is Gwen would hold the wave
[07:17:48] and Baus would have to base TP and wouldn't be able to crash
[07:17:51] So Baus went to proxy but because Gwen followed him she didn't hold the wave so the wave crashed
[07:17:56] And now it balances.
[07:17:59] So it was actually kind of smart what Bows was doing there.
[07:18:03] Now he's actually fine and doesn't lose TP.
[07:18:06] And Bows knows he can do this. And now he's actually fine, and he doesn't lose TP.
[07:18:10] Baus knows that he was playing smart there. He is feeling it.
[07:18:12] He has got this.
[07:18:16] Never mind I have TP. He is probably basing on top side here I think. uh he's from outside you might have to be i have tp they don't actually it's
[07:18:17] probably basic going topside here i think
[07:18:20] is I think so, I think so. Feel free to flip it.
[07:18:28] Like yeah, I bet he's just not there.
[07:18:32] Now we just catch this wave and he is chilling.
[07:18:34] He could try and hold it but I don't think it's worth it.
[07:18:38] He's gonna try and hold a little bit. hold it but i don't think it's worth it
[07:18:43] he's gonna try and watch a little bit very soon oh the face rush tech Hopefully he can't get dove, because what you do in a stack when you freeze a wave for
[07:18:57] you it's a freeze. For them it can turn into a stack right if i freeze
[07:19:01] a big wave under my top next to my tower there's a lot of minions here and i have
[07:19:04] a few minions if any jungle comes in he fast pushes
[07:19:07] it turns into a stack wave dive doesn't it?
[07:19:10] So sometimes you have to be careful when you hold waves that it doesn't backfire
[07:19:14] And then it gives them a play
[07:19:19] Grypson 30 I don't think we want to fight this drake do we?
[07:19:22] We're stronger, but I think their mid lane is quite low
[07:19:26] Can you open mid lane here Nautilus?
[07:19:28] Big base TP here looks kind of sketchy
[07:19:31] Okay Galax is mid.
[07:19:33] First blood to nemesis.
[07:19:36] Mid is down 12 CS already.
[07:19:41] I think Nemesis is just going to carry the whole game alone by the way. I did not take treason top Yeah they will dive you for sure
[07:19:52] Ahh, backing
[07:19:54] Like the... already gone down
[07:19:57] You in rake right now?
[07:20:00] He levels up though
[07:20:01] Balling situation?
[07:20:02] I'm in rake right now They're all top probably He levels up though.
[07:20:12] I think Rell is mid lane.
[07:20:16] Get him Kermit! Nice, nice, nice.
[07:20:19] He can use special e-gong i think.
[07:20:24] Kha'Zix is level 6 he might be in my topside camps.
[07:20:28] Ooh, Nashor's...
[07:20:30] I think he IS on the top side but I'm not sure if that makes any sense.
[07:20:32] B, I think you can back now. Or go mid or something
[07:20:36] Okay, Cameru can move towards my...
[07:20:40] Oh it's gonna freeze
[07:20:42] Top is horror
[07:20:46] No, it looks like Nice is rough. Top wave is up for it. Top wave is fine by the way, top wave is fine.
[07:20:48] No, looks like the medis went underneath the tower so maybe its okay.
[07:20:52] But Kermit doesn't think it is he's gonna try and sneak it in.
[07:20:56] I mean it does, think he's... Yeah.
[07:20:57] I'm like just...
[07:20:58] Check this plant.
[07:20:59] I moved to 20 seconds.
[07:21:00] There is a pink one here,
[07:21:01] I can't move mid,
[07:21:02] okay?
[07:21:03] All you two.
[07:21:05] You guys wanna go mid?
[07:21:06] I mean top.
[07:21:08] This is rough.
[07:21:10] Yeah, you can use back and go mid. The wave's good for you.
[07:21:14] Alright, I'm walking there.
[07:21:16] I'm gonna escort you.
[07:21:18] Okay. I'm walking there. I'm gonna escort you.
[07:21:21] But, I think that's okay.
[07:21:24] I will game in here.
[07:21:26] Okay, no worries.
[07:21:30] Nemesis is so imbalanced by the way in these tournaments it's crazy I'll look for a base after this
[07:21:32] They're gonna be here
[07:21:33] Can we use anything badae?
[07:21:35] No flash
[07:21:37] I was going to base go both sides
[07:21:39] Rally's mid I was gonna base go bot side.
[07:21:42] Rally is mid, rally is mid.
[07:21:47] Tommy if you feel like it, you can also do a roam top. Like i can clear waves alone.
[07:21:51] Ren has an anti-air against on mid Maybe Kha'Zix top ladder, okay? Keep it covering.
[07:21:55] I think Tommy you have full freedom to do whatever the fuck you want.
[07:21:59] Yeah yeah, I don't know where they are.
[07:22:01] What?
[07:22:03] He just one-shots the wave! WTF
[07:22:05] I'll take Wolf's and go there
[07:22:08] I'm coming with you
[07:22:10] Yep I feel like we should I'm coming with you.
[07:22:14] I feel like we are a little bit too scared, we're playing like they are everywhere.
[07:22:20] In the Take My Camps you can look to play after right? But he could be top or have a nice full attack.
[07:22:28] After taking McCampus you can just play through lane and play together better.
[07:22:32] Guys don't... like I can play in isolation
[07:22:35] And you guys can start. I I want you guys to farm this fucking gwen by the way after clearing the both side camps
[07:22:41] No, no, no, I I really wanna farm with uh jin Jinx with TF up there and play true mid-inside
[07:22:48] It works too
[07:22:50] With these guys no cleanse and if you take full bossing control
[07:22:53] I think we should be hard chilling and then you can do whatever okay
[07:22:55] the ftf will like probably 40 seconds or something yamato wants him to play topside
[07:23:07] he really wants to play bot side and kill jinx but yamato thinks they lose four before both sides
[07:23:10] so with that info i think yeah the game will be decided in the next 2 or 3 minutes.
[07:23:17] We can lock together mid lane by then and retake but we have to catch bottom a bit.
[07:23:21] No no don't take it away.
[07:23:25] One of them will be right in a minute! Let's just lock in together.
[07:23:28] One of them will be right, in a minute!
[07:23:31] Let's stick together, stay with me, isolation.
[07:23:36] I feel like Top can die... My only concern with top is...
[07:23:38] Like, I think Kha'Zix's top here at Bows is dead on the tower
[07:23:42] But Bows being ahead, I don't think wins in the game
[07:23:45] I think Jax into Syndra is...
[07:23:48] It's quite hard to play the game.
[07:23:51] He needs to E and one-shot the wave here quickly.
[07:23:57] It's not a cannonwave. Oh please don't tell me kazik's in that bush if he is
[07:24:00] gonna one-shot you on the isolation i don't think so much here oh my god the Jinx rocket!
[07:24:11] Could I have 1 minute win? If you have wards and 6, yes
[07:24:22] I also have TP guys, i'll keep tp and let's fucking all in on these grubs ok? Yeah yeah
[07:24:23] You have Cards ult for fight and they don't so
[07:24:25] Unleashed
[07:24:29] Jinx is basing on this.
[07:24:33] 30 CS lead in mid. It's like a 3k gold lead for room side right now.
[07:24:41] I'm coming!
[07:24:42] One more trade like that and he's dead in the base.
[07:24:45] Let's fucking fight.
[07:24:47] Actually maybe Baus could kill there?
[07:24:49] He has Karthus ult but I don't think he's thinking about it.
[07:24:53] Can we go more?
[07:24:56] We can go!
[07:24:59] I'm ulting. Can you kill Karthus? Is there?
[07:25:04] I got him, I got him.
[07:25:09] Big plays from Baus' team.
[07:25:12] Looks like they've got a winning fight in topside jungle.
[07:25:17] Now, Bows is gonna go for the proxy.
[07:25:21] Qiray vs Egorin? Yeah I think Qiray is really good. I think QA's better than aggroing
[07:25:25] You might be trolling here
[07:25:27] Or are you?
[07:25:36] Oh no get the blast going quick
[07:25:44] he's out he says he's out's out. He's going from the left.
[07:25:47] He is doing the crab.
[07:25:52] Is she flashed?
[07:25:54] He needs to execute. I think if we have Syndra, did she flash? He's such a rat!
[07:25:57] I think if we have Syndra flashing it's hard to kill her again with Nautilus ult.
[07:26:03] I can ult him
[07:26:05] but i don't think we will have damage, but I think we don't have damage like...
[07:26:08] Gwen doesn't want to chase him because he has fucking...
[07:26:13] Call me.
[07:26:15] Call me.
[07:26:17] Now this is our chance. and everything will be good. If you have a place for me, we're super chilling Yeah yeah
[07:26:18] Now this is our time to breathe
[07:26:19] We made our play
[07:26:20] We take it easy
[07:26:21] I have TP around here
[07:26:22] They are coming to drake
[07:26:23] Maybe we can try this
[07:26:24] Yeah yeah
[07:26:25] I'm moving but i am bit far okay?
[07:26:26] Why does he...
[07:26:28] I feel like you should just play for an execute there maybe?
[07:26:31] Why does he give Kha'Zix a kill?
[07:26:37] I don't like that, I don't like that.
[07:26:41] They're all mid there, they're all mid probably.
[07:26:43] You wouldn't get it?
[07:26:47] He needed that wave for Nashor's, I get it.
[07:26:50] But I feel like maybe he could've executed with the wave...
[07:26:53] Maybe he wouldn't have gotten the melee stun.
[07:26:55] We can pull mid!
[07:26:57] Ooh Carthus.
[07:27:01] Oh big stun to Syndra!
[07:27:05] Get him Yamato Cannon!
[07:27:07] Holy... Gwen, Gwen, Gwen, fall Gwen, Gwen, Gwen!
[07:27:11] Run into bot side, coming from top side. Get out but not from top
[07:27:15] Gwen is coming from topside get out but not from top
[07:27:21] Jax is here Stop, stop, stop, please. I'm dead, I'm dead. You should just ping Gwen and say
[07:27:23] Just fucking scream that
[07:27:25] Gwen's coming or something.
[07:27:34] They lose so much. Basically Gwen's losing a cannon wave. But if Syndra has TP, it could be a horror for Bows.
[07:27:38] Oh she doesn't thank god. Thank God they have no TP on Syndra.
[07:27:43] Bows is gonna milk this tower.
[07:27:44] Oh my god, Bows is unleashed now.
[07:27:48] Hey the gold they're losing on the wave
[07:27:49] plus the gold he got on the wave
[07:27:51] plus the plates
[07:27:52] He actually got more than Gwyn on the double kill
[07:27:53] No, it's playing team bot
[07:27:54] Even my guys for this Herald I will have TP advantage
[07:27:56] And ult
[07:27:57] We play for Drake first
[07:27:58] Just push mid is Drake
[07:27:59] We win for sure
[07:28:00] Heck not lose both
[07:28:03] Manuel I like the idea of outnumbering.
[07:28:06] Two people talk.
[07:28:09] I'm on my way.
[07:28:11] If they go help me then I'll vote for next wave to spawns.
[07:28:14] They have two matches. Oh, but if they go help me I have both on next wave the spawns. Okay this one.
[07:28:15] They have two matches.
[07:28:17] I have a lot of wards here.
[07:28:19] Soon he'll have to burst or oneshot the scene during that combo.
[07:28:22] I mean technically he got the wave so when they get dragon
[07:28:24] they can't crossmap top tier 1 yet. I mean, technically he got the wave so when they get dragon
[07:28:26] They can't cross map top tier one yet
[07:28:29] If he didn't get the waves, Syndra would have pushed in and been hitting the tower right now
[07:28:31] So she's one wave down
[07:28:37] But yeah, I think Kha'Zix on Herald and Syndra's going to get top tower because plates have fallen off.
[07:28:38] So it doesn't really matter but it did delay for a little bit. I'm resulting.
[07:28:47] Nice play by Kirei
[07:28:50] Kirei is playing really well, they're two man top
[07:28:53] Two men solo in top
[07:28:55] Kirei is just solo carrying
[07:28:57] Yeah, they're top side
[07:29:00] Big burst
[07:29:01] One more E and she's dead
[07:29:03] Oh f***
[07:29:06] Oh my god, sorry.
[07:29:08] It's okay, it's good.
[07:29:10] Trust me they cannot play you can int all you want.
[07:29:14] Guys don't tell that to Baus!
[07:29:19] Don't tell that to Baus! Don't tell that to Baus, what?
[07:29:23] You can int all you want They can't play
[07:29:27] I'm not a positive player Cause you gave me the turret Let's see if he ends.
[07:29:33] Nice! I'm coming, I didn't know about the TP.
[07:29:39] Drop him drop him drop him.
[07:29:40] Drop me drop you drop me down.
[07:29:41] It's okay just bounce there is no need to fight here buddy.
[07:29:42] We can use-
[07:29:43] Call up a tower.
[07:29:44] Yoink.
[07:29:45] Just run out, just run out.
[07:29:46] No need to fight. Yeah, we can use it. Got the tower!
[07:29:51] Just run out, just run out. Don't need to fight.
[07:29:53] Let's 1v1 and play for top lane tower.
[07:29:57] You do stay bot Bout.
[07:29:58] I wanna stay Bot yeah.
[07:30:01] They're moving out to mid with shots
[07:30:03] I'm probably gonna destroy the tower mid
[07:30:07] I am going Bazooka-Geo-Castles
[07:30:09] because I think Li needs Void Staff though. I'm sure, I think he needs void staff too. You want your golem?
[07:30:23] I'll just send bot lane. Karts keep pushing top, you play to send bot lane okay?
[07:30:27] Watch for free I think.
[07:30:29] Just try to live in bot, they can only live in bot.
[07:30:31] He's dead. I'm dead.
[07:30:33] We just get one in here.
[07:30:35] It's okay, no worries about it.
[07:30:38] You can't get mid and top pressure right?
[07:30:41] I didn't spot Syndra, maybe she walks on me right?
[07:30:43] No no no, Syndra wasn't mid, he probably walked me? No, no. He's further along from top
[07:30:52] Top no flash for 1 minute
[07:31:00] We can play for this Herald I think, but I have no ult for 50 so if we bait ult we can never lose any fight
[07:31:02] Just so you know You can catch her wait stop her back I have RFC too.
[07:31:08] You can catch her, stop her back and then I take over bot.
[07:31:11] There's something close...
[07:31:15] Sorry, I was just writing.
[07:31:19] This is a 4v5 sadly.
[07:31:21] Don't look Gwen items.
[07:31:25] When he presses tab chat don don't forget Gwen's inventory.
[07:31:36] Did you look? Oh, you looked... I think we fight this. I want to check out, guys. Yes yes yes yes yes.
[07:31:36] Did you look?
[07:31:37] Oh you looked.
[07:31:38] You can't shoot TF okay?
[07:31:39] Oh my god you looked.
[07:31:41] Why did you looook?
[07:31:42] Why did you look?
[07:31:43] Can i recall or do you want me to...
[07:31:45] Stay stay stay for a little bit.
[07:31:46] Galax boxed watch me if you base
[07:31:50] Just secure Herald and look for base
[07:31:52] Drake 130 ok?
[07:31:56] I'm fine get out
[07:31:58] Try to get out
[07:31:59] I got it
[07:32:04] I'll help us out here
[07:32:05] Okay look out guys
[07:32:06] We've got help
[07:32:08] I'm coming One shot Jinx Look out guys, we've got help with everything you know?
[07:32:11] Does he one-shot Jinx?
[07:32:15] Is aggr in troll in the game or what? I got ganked. okay
[07:32:22] I got, I got, I got Nebot Pryo and Drake
[07:32:26] Kermit can you stay top?
[07:32:32] Man this team is my favorite team kirei is like completely cracking heads tommy g is cracking his best jungle spawn the tournament who are their
[07:32:37] carries it's yamato cannon first timing ad it's biles playing AP Jax and it's Kermit playing AD TF.
[07:32:44] It's like the best general support in a tournament and that's their fucking carries.
[07:32:49] Hell yeah! That dynamic goes hard enemy teams have like reptile who has
[07:32:56] like five child accounts making tearless for ad nemesis playing solo queue all
[07:33:00] day drew code grinding hard alloy sannel with a
[07:33:03] fucking website of getting better they have kermit biles in yamato first
[07:33:07] time in ad
[07:33:13] leaders in this tournament as well
[07:33:15] It's like the laners
[07:33:17] jungle support has to carry alone
[07:33:19] with the boys
[07:33:21] Yeah if I can stall from an ulti that's really good by the way.
[07:33:26] But TommyJKR is cracking
[07:33:30] No rush
[07:33:35] Like if we are farming better on site,
[07:33:37] We're doing a good job.
[07:33:39] I guess the phase rush is just so OP
[07:33:43] I'm surprised that bowser's team is
[07:33:46] competitive against nemesis we can't and i still don't intend to you
[07:33:50] guys
[07:33:55] but i am surprised.
[07:33:57] But hey guys just saying we outscaled them I think as well with like CardsTF you have
[07:33:59] to be playing properly so...
[07:34:01] I think it is just the jungle diff is crazy.
[07:34:05] Jungle support diff is crazy jungle support diff is crazy
[07:34:16] nemesis po dive though right?
[07:34:19] Nemesis POV is cinema right now
[07:34:22] What do we play for now?
[07:34:25] They will play to kill me, I have $500 shot now
[07:34:28] That's not that bad. Apparently, Truthty is whining a lot.
[07:34:30] Is he whining?
[07:34:36] Do you want me to go? We just take the wave and... You never see the type of player to have it. Get some clips, get some clips!
[07:34:41] I can't see it. Just drop a clip for what he said.
[07:34:45] Let's move safe and retake area here okay?
[07:34:49] No no no, i do just commit this spouse is fine when does
[07:34:52] this build spike is it lichbane's bike i guess that just adds to his burst right
[07:34:56] i guess litch bane and he's going to be strong let's take the wave you can back
[07:34:59] in topside after.
[07:35:01] Third item Revedon's GG.
[07:35:04] Why do i feel like one teamfight Baus is gonna rock up? He's gonna be like 0-8
[07:35:09] He's gonna rock up to a fight and he's
[07:35:11] gonna absolutely one shot someone
[07:35:16] that's enough that's enough When is TPing? Where's KT?
[07:35:21] No, no, I'm chill
[07:35:23] Help him slowly
[07:35:29] Big problems
[07:35:34] Big problems there
[07:35:40] I can do Baron, I can TP to it I can TP to it.
[07:35:48] He doesn't have ult, he has the oneshot Kha'Zix.
[07:35:57] Oh yes, he's spinning.
[07:36:04] OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT HE GOT THE BARON AS WELL! the moment oh my god i thought he got the baron as well oh my god next time my guys is three
[07:36:07] minutes i totally got the baron too that would have been crazy
[07:36:12] the timing was also almost wait that Jinx is one shot now?
[07:36:26] It's in ground. Nice! You did a good job. Maybe we can do some draft mid here? We can clear mid tower, mid tower.
[07:36:28] I really wanna try to get on mid for it.
[07:36:30] Yeah yeah.
[07:36:33] Yeah I'm walking so slowly.
[07:36:35] We're gonna get this Jadal too no? Yeah, yeah. I'm walking so slowly. Well it's coming back. Pulse him!
[07:36:36] We can get this Jugga too no?
[07:36:37] Oh cringe syndrome old cringe.
[07:36:38] Hey guys, Gany is here.
[07:36:39] Gany is here.
[07:36:40] I will take mid.
[07:36:41] No don't fight.
[07:36:42] I just want to take mid target and get the fuck out.
[07:36:43] Yeah.
[07:36:44] I'll go for it.
[07:36:45] I'll go for it. I'll go for it. I'll go for it. You just wanna take mid target and get the fuck out?
[07:36:50] They're collapsing on us, I'm exiting. Well they got three Baron buffs off basically
[07:36:52] but the problem is Gwen has Baron
[07:36:53] I think Judith's gonna carry the game
[07:36:57] Okay, I give them a bit more than 30.
[07:37:02] i just wait for olds and like it's really good thanks cinderella has no
[07:37:05] flesh playing his tf nobody that's not playable for him only threats like when
[07:37:15] could be uh kha'zix is there on the Raptors.
[07:37:21] Orc one top?
[07:37:23] Yeah I'll go top.
[07:37:25] Okay, I'm just squeezing the Golem's healing.
[07:37:28] He's going Magic Pen second, uh third
[07:37:29] Does he need Magic Pen?
[07:37:30] I thought it was a Rabadon's angle
[07:37:34] Nah, wish this was a best of five
[07:37:36] That would go so hard
[07:37:40] I'm coming, I'm coming!
[07:37:43] We're hovering...
[07:37:44] I know that he's going Magic Pen because they have a lot of AP but
[07:37:46] They actually haven't built that much MR
[07:37:49] I'm surprised But they haven't built that much MR.
[07:37:52] I'm surprised, but they haven't got any MR yet.
[07:37:59] If Jinx gets a reset you're all dead, makes me careful.
[07:38:12] Oh it's lost I think... It was good until it wasn't.
[07:38:15] Yeah, yeah, I'm looking.
[07:38:18] No W?
[07:38:19] Oh, long as it's...
[07:38:20] Go to the side!
[07:38:21] Oh QA is completely smurfing.
[07:38:25] Faust ran into a trap... oh no.
[07:38:27] That's okay, that's okay by the way.
[07:38:33] Can you help? I think he has a life They're shooting
[07:38:37] Just try to defend by the way
[07:38:47] Just play defensively Oh, Bowsie had a rough one. That's really fucking good.
[07:38:53] What a goal for Karthus! That's really fucking good.
[07:38:55] What a gold Dacartes.
[07:39:00] Bowsie is...
[07:39:06] I love Qiray's positivity, he is like a beacon of positivity even though they're losing Nexus towers He still shotcalling
[07:39:08] Like as long as you save your ult after my ult, they are so fucked
[07:39:13] He's saying that their fucked even though though they are almost losing the whole game.
[07:39:17] I respect it.
[07:39:22] They might all die here, okay they're fine.
[07:39:25] That's ok just clear base. They were gonna get some
[07:39:27] radiation. I'm recalling if a deathcap is...
[07:39:31] Yep. Let's wait for ball and push.
[07:39:40] I got my wits end on Rein, I'm pretty strong right now. I legit think, I should play like a suicide creeper?
[07:39:48] Okay, I got the links, I got the clip
[07:39:52] Yo, I'm looking to just get
[07:39:54] Pan item now because MR is coming in slowly
[07:39:56] Yeah yeah because the MR is coming in slowly. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[07:40:01] In like 3 minutes...
[07:40:09] If we see someone I think we can just fight Yeah, if he sees someone
[07:40:13] I would enjoy being on site to get XP because i want 16
[07:40:18] Listen up. They're mid and AD has no cleanser so...
[07:40:20] Oh god.
[07:40:24] You gonna kill them both?
[07:40:30] That Gwen looks unkillable. Kha'Zix is... Can you hold them both?
[07:40:31] That Gwen looks unkillable.
[07:40:33] Un-killable for their champs, they have so much AP and she has fucking banshees.
[07:40:37] Gwen is TP'd. Get out if you can.
[07:40:41] Qiray's gonna die here
[07:40:43] TF's gonna die
[07:40:45] Nautilus is out
[07:40:49] Can I defend? I think they cannot help.
[07:40:54] Maybe Bows can get bot wave,
[07:40:56] They have one midwave though.
[07:40:58] We need to be close Bows look
[07:41:00] Yeah yeah bounce.
[07:41:03] We're up in 20 seconds
[07:41:13] We can defend this I think. Do you wanna go?
[07:41:14] They will one shot the tower better so...
[07:41:17] It's Lodik, don't go in!
[07:41:20] Nice he got away with that flash. Oh no he didn't.
[07:41:23] Minions! Minions are over there. Nice, you got away with that flash. Oh no you didn't.
[07:41:29] Okay they lost Jax's flash but they defended.
[07:41:36] The burst from the Jax is not that high. We're coming, we're coming.
[07:41:40] Oh my god, Drunted is trolling!
[07:41:43] What is that recall position?
[07:41:46] We're jing, we're jing.
[07:41:48] Nice nice nice.
[07:41:50] Can I counter him?
[07:41:52] Oh my god they can go Baron!
[07:41:55] OH MY GOD BAUSY!! Oh my god they can go Baron.
[07:41:57] OH MY GOD BALSY!
[07:42:06] They're gonna get Nash off that!
[07:42:08] Wait the damage is fucking ballistic
[07:42:10] Did you see that Syndra?
[07:42:11] I thought after the E he was done
[07:42:13] No he's not
[07:42:14] He's not
[07:42:16] Bounce in combat Rank 1 Kureha He's not, he's not! BOOM!
[07:42:17] Baal Sin Kermit! Who'd have thought?
[07:42:18] Rank 1 Korea.
[07:42:19] Best mid-outside LEC and Drew2.
[07:42:22] Who wins?
[07:42:24] Baal Sin Kermit or those three?
[07:42:30] Ooooooh... Bows and Kermit or those three? Holy fuck
[07:42:39] We're gonna get a replay of that one!
[07:42:41] Someone drop it.
[07:42:45] If i can farm guys,
[07:42:47] I have Void Staff as well, and Sixth Sound.
[07:42:49] That was without ult? True!
[07:42:51] Yo can we get some VAR on that bitch?
[07:42:54] I think I should just pre-ult brother to force Gwen W
[07:42:58] Was he about to find the
[07:43:00] jayce yes wait because i also think she
[07:43:03] refunded his dark seals did you just lose all the facts by
[07:43:07] refunding it and they're only conditions split in top
[07:43:08] window so we should play in the top before drake.
[07:43:10] Oh my god...
[07:43:13] Do you need it?
[07:43:14] Oh my god...
[07:43:16] He lost all his stacks on the refund!
[07:43:21] We have TF ult as well, though.
[07:43:23] We should take the next top lane.
[07:43:27] Rally's here.
[07:43:29] I mean Bows popped off but he's still kind of useless
[07:43:31] i think against gwen
[07:43:37] oh mega angle here maybe just get around oh my god he back stepped instead
[07:43:41] of jumping!
[07:43:43] Okay, he kind of ran out a bit. He could have just one-shot Rell but he stepped back because he clicked instead of Q
[07:43:49] So his champ ran back and then he was pressing Q
[07:43:52] But they already clicked back so he couldn't jump.
[07:43:53] Should I give it?
[07:43:54] It's okay to give that right?
[07:43:56] Like I'm telling you we win every single fight
[07:43:58] That's just all the time I use this
[07:44:00] With my next ult as well, I could just murder them.
[07:44:04] Calm down? Why? Bounce is my best friend in esports man!
[07:44:08] He's a bad guy. I'm happy when he's popping off.
[07:44:10] I'm gonna be biased, I don't care.
[07:44:15] I was going to hide and push top lane.
[07:44:17] It's nice seeing him pop off,
[07:44:18] I love it though.
[07:44:21] Or is it esports?
[07:44:22] I dunno, league scene?
[07:44:23] I guess league scene
[07:44:24] League scene is a better one scene leasing is the better one i guess foul season's really esports It's just very important to be prepared. Why are they getting forced on me? Watch out!
[07:44:36] They're going to get my juice.
[07:44:37] You actually got a Stealth Port, right?
[07:44:40] Yet.
[07:44:42] He did win MSI though... No he didn't win MSI.
[07:44:45] We can consider as well preparing prepare elixirs for the overlap of next drake and Nash, keep this in mind.
[07:44:51] Stunners? I think they should have... Rell's no flash!
[07:44:54] I thought Promise Q went MSI.
[07:44:57] I don't think Bounce was there.
[07:45:00] I think they can only look for you though, I really think you shouldn't.
[07:45:02] We're gonna just push our top lane here.
[07:45:06] I'm going in here and top-landing, I'm coming. I don't have TP, but I hope to see this game.
[07:45:11] I'm clearing the midway base now.
[07:45:13] I don't know why, but seeing Baus win with his flash I'm clearing the mid lane, they're still here.
[07:45:21] I don't know why but seeing Bows win with his fucked up builds just...
[07:45:24] It's just funny to me. I don't know why it's just funny like
[07:45:27] I think its so shit what he is playing But it's just working and i don't get it
[07:45:32] And he gets so much joy out of making it work
[07:45:36] I just think its so fucking trash
[07:45:40] I can't believe that
[07:45:42] Take the wave TF, we just come here
[07:45:44] Hey Karthus, I still think you stayed with us buddy
[07:45:50] Place low, we have we have TF ultimate okay?
[07:45:59] Okay I'm calm now, less biased now. That quadra kill got me riled up.
[07:46:03] I was gripping on that quadra.
[07:46:06] Is the Dark Seal stacks off when you refund? Or is it a graphics error?
[07:46:11] Surely he has the stack off. when you refund or is it a graphics error?
[07:46:14] Surely he has the stacks right if he refunds.
[07:46:17] There's no way he loses them, surely it's just a visual bug.
[07:46:18] It is a visual bug...
[07:46:19] I'll take this.
[07:46:29] May I remind you guys that the overlap of Mesh and Let's shadow Jax here on bot. Kirei is so strong
[07:46:34] I'm backing for now but i think they have vision right there
[07:46:37] so he went i guess because he hasn't used his arm guard he went
[07:46:41] plus needless instead of zhonya's is that more ap i guess it is right
[07:46:46] he loves his functions i need to go for pots
[07:46:50] i think maybe we're at the point where we can just walk as five if they don't.
[07:46:54] But I think that Oakley being like that is good for us.
[07:46:57] He's actually a potion merchant, it's crazy.
[07:47:00] Watch out!
[07:47:02] Listen guys, we have to go mid in the bot.
[07:47:04] They win split push so they can end if you go Baron
[07:47:05] Who's the MVP of the team?
[07:47:07] Kirei
[07:47:09] Or TommyG
[07:47:11] I think TommyG is world class
[07:47:15] Obviously Bows got a quadra, but he's inting absolutely out of his mind.
[07:47:21] It's like when you're a jungler and solo lose the game
[07:47:23] But then you steal Baron and it's winnable
[07:47:24] Everyone's like oh my god jungle diff
[07:47:26] it's not okay he stole baron okay yeah it was kind of pop champ that he saw
[07:47:30] barons but he did almost run the entire game down okay
[07:47:35] into outside here Are we in the bot side here?
[07:47:37] I have full priority
[07:47:39] Yeah, I got it on the clip
[07:47:41] You can base now if you want to but...
[07:47:43] If you need to base with us
[07:47:45] This is your last basic
[07:47:48] Their support has no more wards.
[07:47:52] My god three people sent me three different clips
[07:47:59] Yeah Baus is literally He's not Messi He's Bellingham
[07:48:01] Does fuck all, scores a goal last minute
[07:48:03] and then it's winnable
[07:48:05] They are bot side
[07:48:07] Actually Belling him.
[07:48:13] Bousing them. We can rush next! I can pick you and bot there, okay?
[07:48:20] We're getting rushed Nash now.
[07:48:24] Guys guys guys!
[07:48:30] Gwen is TPing boss
[07:48:33] Next next
[07:48:35] Please tell me Kindred ult goes off
[07:48:38] Ix one HP
[07:48:40] Oh my god Syndra stunned him on the engage.
[07:48:41] They're gonna win!
[07:48:47] Can they get Nash?
[07:48:49] Oh man that fight could have gone so much better if Syndra didn't stop Baus' jump.
[07:48:55] If Baus got the jump he would one-tap Syndra.
[07:49:00] I think Drake is more important. They cannot do baron anyway
[07:49:04] Yeah, and we have vision there
[07:49:10] Oh, he has no jax with him but...
[07:49:12] He needs jax I'm backing incoming I think we need to... There's no Jax with you, but uh... We need Jax.
[07:49:13] I'm backing incoming.
[07:49:16] Very fast very fast very fast
[07:49:17] Do they win 2v3 against Syndra Gwyn?
[07:49:20] Oh Gwyn is dead it's Syndra Kha'Zix here
[07:49:23] It's not gonna be- it It's gonna be a 3v3 because Rell is up.
[07:49:27] But TF has TP by the way.
[07:49:29] I think Gwen has TP as well.
[07:49:31] Syndra has no Zhonya or Banshee's lit.
[07:49:35] They're going to get get soul I think.
[07:49:40] I'm here.
[07:49:43] I don't have any more.
[07:49:45] It's close, slow, slow just run away.
[07:49:48] You need to be careful for Gwen.
[07:49:49] Don't die here or they get there for sure.
[07:49:51] We should try and make a pick here though like we should really try to catch them if we can.
[07:49:55] Yeah. We should try to make a pick here though. Like we should really try to catch them if we can.
[07:49:59] I'm looking here maybe?
[07:50:04] Seen was there.
[07:50:08] Just try to stall as much as we can. That QoE in Banshees is really annoying for Baus.
[07:50:14] Oh my god, that was pretty with the vision he had.
[07:50:17] I have a flash dead.
[07:50:20] You can proxy the wave, maybe they can't end?
[07:50:23] I'll take mid-wave try and live.
[07:50:26] Yeah they don't have that midway.
[07:50:29] Let's just go bot tower maybe?
[07:50:31] If they're gonna go Nash you should just go bot tier 2.
[07:50:36] We can push bot that way right?
[07:50:37] Just push bot out.
[07:50:40] I think you could have had it if you were there a bit earlier.
[07:50:43] I have one too, you leave me alone.
[07:50:45] I think we just need to put that...
[07:50:48] I can't flip that
[07:50:51] WHAT?!
[07:50:55] I think he might maybe get for next top lane wave
[07:51:00] WHAT?! for next top 9 wave so you left I honestly think that we should swing
[07:51:02] our balls at them a little bit more
[07:51:04] like we have no to lose ult, tf card
[07:51:06] yeah i can just ult jhinx and
[07:51:08] run them down.
[07:51:12] Our champions right now, one shot at them...
[07:51:14] They can't block us all. Yamato wants to swing his ball! easy
[07:51:24] your mother wants to swing his balls at them respect
[07:51:34] so he has banshees and zhonya's you don't see that combo often. Look here, they're kind of far away...
[07:51:36] Oh look!
[07:51:40] Oh my god, that guy's got tanky.
[07:51:46] Oh he won the Kha'Zix!
[07:51:49] It was a good game though, it was a good game.
[07:51:52] Like Baus had some moments, Qiraii wasn't there It was a good game though. It was a good game.
[07:51:54] Like, Baus had some moments,
[07:51:56] Kirei was carrying, TommyG was carrying...
[07:51:58] Nice try guys!
[07:52:00] That was really good try.
[07:52:02] Enemy team is a bit too unbalanced.
[07:52:07] Why does Truthty have to be an asshole and write huge top gap GG easy? He always does that, doesn't he?
[07:52:10] It was nice try.
[07:52:13] We'll get them in the finals. Yeah, get them in the finals.
[07:52:15] Yeah, get them in the finals.
[07:52:17] Bowsie! Nice try.
[07:52:20] It was a big top gap, it was but you know he didn't have to...
[07:52:24] He's not wrong. I'm scheduling. but you know he didn't have to
[07:52:27] i mean he's not wrong our schedule i guess we played tomorrow i mean i think draft was terrible for bowser team i'm surprised they last
[07:52:31] lasted that long they're playing basically full ap with
[07:52:34] a kindred AD TF, I don't know.
[07:52:42] We have match tomorrow yeah?
[07:52:44] Yeah they are playing tomorrow.
[07:52:47] Yeah Baus got banned out quite hard.
[07:52:49] Baus got banned out quite hard.
[07:52:53] That was a close one though, close one!
[07:52:58] What did they say to drudid watch this clip
[07:53:04] we should get drake why are you going top where are we guys
[07:53:07] no just put syndra to lane And get the fucking drake
[07:53:09] What are you doing bro?
[07:53:11] I'm already here
[07:53:12] Jesus
[07:53:14] Please Rel Move bot lane Right now I mean...
[07:53:20] Please, rel! Move bot lane right now!
[07:53:22] You don't need to fucking shadow Jhin!
[07:53:25] Yeah? Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
[07:53:27] No because-
[07:53:29] They're gonna have 10 for now. you have me muted? You have me muted
[07:53:31] No
[07:53:33] Ok then play please
[07:53:35] Jesus, jesus
[07:53:39] Jesus Jesus, Jesus. We're the best team in the world, Vag.
[07:53:41] Jesus. No but early game I have to tell you that after 6
[07:53:43] I get killed in this matchup
[07:53:45] if I just spot him
[07:53:46] What is this?
[07:53:49] Nemesis what did you want to say? I would appreciate it That's TikTok!
[07:53:51] Nemesis, what did you want to say?
[07:53:55] I would appreciate if all of you would stop talking and just let me call things because
[07:53:59] You guys constantly make horrible calls for two games in a row. It still tickles me really hard
[07:54:00] Actually true Yeah it's still taking me really hard actually true yeah it's also there very valid very about it i'm glad we summed it up with
[07:54:05] that clip that's a very good clip to sum it up
[07:54:08] I appreciate that Nemesis, I think you're completely correct and i think
[07:54:12] everyone's mic should be muted on the spot
[07:54:16] completely agree
[07:54:20] you know in this moment when you're
[07:54:21] calling that we
[07:54:22] should not walk
[07:54:23] on both
[07:54:24] like in this
[07:54:24] moment
[07:54:25] we need to
[07:54:25] cross through
[07:54:26] river mid
[07:54:26] and then if
[07:54:27] we cross
[07:54:28] through river
[07:54:28] mid
[07:54:28] if Gwen
[07:54:29] shows up
[07:54:29] she dies
[07:54:31] but if we
[07:54:31] send one
[07:54:32] bot straight no one can push the
[07:54:33] gwen and we cannot cross from it he flames nemesis to cross into both
[07:54:39] no i don't think you should ever go five
[07:54:41] the thing is this issue with how you are calling the game
[07:54:44] is that we have enemy jinx enemy enemy cinderella they're playing
[07:54:49] with no cleanse against our champs who drive us fire cannon
[07:54:52] they shouldn't be allowed to walk on the mid wave if we cross through river
[07:54:55] and then welcome gwen it's better oh yeah no i agree with that you should go to reviewing excitement
[07:54:59] yeah yeah hey would you call me go on the boat wave and we are ruining uh
[07:55:03] no no no no, no.
[07:55:04] I wanna go mid into site always
[07:55:06] I don't want to just go bot lane
[07:55:07] that's fucking troll
[07:55:08] And the thing is
[07:55:09] We never do this
[07:55:10] No, we did one time
[07:55:11] Why does he say
[07:55:12] Check Dn this Zaza enjoyer
[07:55:13] and all he has done
[07:55:14] Is said low master about 400 times to me.
[07:55:17] Why you gotta be like that bro?
[07:55:21] Why you gotta be like that?
[07:55:22] Because these TFs playing with no cleanse against Nautilus TF, where we have sums up
[07:55:26] they shouldn't be allowed to breathe by the way
[07:55:29] Yeah yeah I think in game it's a different pace
[07:55:32] when Baron is up and you're saying
[07:55:34] all those neutrals go first but it's not gonna work like that
[07:55:36] because Gragas's going to push both of course
[07:55:38] of course if gwen is not on the wave it means
[07:55:41] that we are faster crossing through mid because when based
[07:55:46] okay i mean probably on the same page let's communicate differently you know based. I mean,
[07:55:47] probably on the
[07:55:47] same page
[07:55:48] but just
[07:55:48] communicate
[07:55:48] differently
[07:55:49] because when
[07:55:49] someone says
[07:55:50] in game
[07:55:50] it's good
[07:55:53] to hear
[07:55:54] this shit
[07:55:54] coming from
[07:55:55] me
[07:55:55] It doesn't
[07:55:55] mean that
[07:55:56] five people
[07:55:56] are standing
[07:55:57] hugging
[07:55:57] the balls of the minions.
[07:55:59] Like we're crossing through, cutting through right?
[07:56:02] Yeah yeah of course
[07:56:03] They still are three
[07:56:07] And we need to wait for...
[07:56:09] Yeah, nah I think we're on the same page.
[07:56:11] True mid into side that's like essentially what it wants though you know?
[07:56:15] But hey boys, I had a lot of fun today
[07:56:18] I think that the games were solid.
[07:56:20] I'm happy with how everyone's doing
[07:56:22] and i'm sure we can make the run
[07:56:24] it's no problem
[07:56:26] Yeah for sure
[07:56:35] It's like... yeah for sure yeah yeah much like uh we we got this in the bank
[07:56:40] okay paul's is good you just need to work on his lane phase. When to proxy, trading, level 1
[07:56:42] when enemy jungles top side, support roams
[07:56:45] what side of the map his team's playing too
[07:56:47] when he can proxy
[07:56:48] hitting tower, overstaying
[07:56:52] and then figure out how his champion a little bit better i think he's fine
[07:57:00] his mechanics are really good.
[07:57:02] I will say, Baus's mechanics are really good.
[07:57:04] It was a pleasure guys!
[07:57:05] I'll see you again tomorrow.
[07:57:06] Baus's mechanics were really good.
[07:57:08] See ya guys!
[07:57:10] Bye bye!
[07:57:13] Alright GG! Bye bye. Alright, GG's!
[07:57:17] Bows mechanics really good.
[07:57:21] Why'd you gift me a sub?
[07:57:24] I could watch Aloys, I don't know who's gonna shim the match.
[07:57:28] Alright chat, I'm not going to watch more of the tournament
[07:57:31] I just wanted to watch those two...
[07:57:35] Duel Bows? Yeah? more of the tournament i just wanted to watch those two duo bouse yeah we can do some duo if he's down let me ask him you wanna do some duo or are
[07:57:41] you gonna solo on me.
[07:57:45] Which I will do Eldermink soon,
[07:57:46] I promise.
[07:57:46] I swear to God,
[07:57:47] Eldermink is a game that I'll never drop.
[07:57:48] I just...
[07:57:49] It's not going to happen today.
[07:57:58] It's not gonna happen today let's see if our homie Bowsy wants to do some games. When's the Razor content happening? That's happening when they get back from EWC. by myself
[07:58:34] okay Baos wants to play tomorrow um should we play a game
[07:58:38] yeah let's play a game? Yeah, let's play one game.
[07:58:40] Let's play one game.
[07:58:46] Let's play one game!
[07:58:49] Also our Poker Road run is close to being done
[07:58:55] we're basically almost done done
[07:59:06] i'm in queue yeah thank you breloom chat is that queue
[07:59:11] breloom chat is that a good pokemon oh my god there's two of them
[07:59:40] so far they were good and now they're not during a
[07:59:45] slump i don't know what happened they're all just in thing especially
[07:59:49] humanoid him so
[08:00:07] he totally always breaks panic true
[08:00:13] they do sadly
[08:00:14] yeah we're gonna do a sort of game
[08:00:19] thank you right now manog is just grinding until like round 180 then it gets serious isn't it?
[08:00:29] And then it gets mega-serious. serious
[08:00:44] the is that?
[08:00:50] Oh, multi-lens!
[08:00:53] Is multi lens good or not?
[08:01:16] No I don't have torch song it's trash i don't know who it would be good on why are you question mark pinging?
[08:01:27] Is it hard yet, when's it getting hard again
[08:01:33] bro what are these pokemon so
[08:01:43] steel's got to be good against bug right because you just crush the bug so Oh my god, what is that one, Chatter?
[08:02:07] What do you mean, miss?
[08:02:11] Oh shit, yeah. miss oh yeah
[08:02:15] i was playing releasing
[08:02:21] all right it's boss time right chat
[08:02:31] big boss now.
[08:02:38] Big Boss!
[08:02:42] Okay, lock in Mark, lock in, lock in mark
[08:02:43] Lock in, lock in, lock in
[08:02:44] You win these Pokemon fights
[08:02:45] Come on, come on, come on
[08:02:50] I'm bricked
[08:02:51] We win these
[08:02:51] Grass Perfect opener We go brave bird here are we faster are we faster no that was
[08:03:02] stupid as fuck
[08:04:08] bug Bug. crunch that so Bigger. Big place by me.
[08:04:12] That doesn't do any damage. Flash cannon now, bitch! Sabina bitch. a side beam that bitch down x schedule clears both now.
[08:04:53] He's better than both of them. Whaaaat? What?
[08:05:04] What?
[08:05:09] What?
[08:05:14] What? What the fuck?
[08:05:30] Why do I have an emerald mid and they have Masta?
[08:05:32] Drutod replied to to you what did he say
[08:05:37] what did he say
[08:05:41] why did i sit in i don't even know what I said to him.
[08:05:57] I'm gonna ban this guy. This guys really weird, he's saying this... actually i don't need to show you. The fuck man, absolute creep.
[08:06:11] Creep in the chat. Welcome to Summoner's Guild.
[08:06:18] Alright, let's play a quick game and then change the title.
[08:06:24] Thirty seconds into a minion spawn
[08:06:32] okay it's so hot chat chat chat the stream won't be on tomorrow because i'm traveling tomorrow
[08:06:53] but i'll be back on thursday okay when I end the stream today
[08:06:56] maybe it'll be on tomorrow morning actually.
[08:07:01] Maybe we're going to fix my PC in the morning.
[08:07:03] Tomorrow's stream will be an IRL stream.
[08:07:05] There'll be no League tomorrow.
[08:07:08] Maybe we'll do an Iirl stream to fix the pc
[08:07:13] i need to see if it's uh if it's fixed or not
[08:07:25] you guys don't like league
[08:07:31] chat when you update your bios how out of date does it need to be to
[08:07:35] me to have an update does that make
[08:07:36] sense like how
[08:07:38] how outdated doesn't need to be at least
[08:07:40] about updating How updated does it need to be if we need an update?
[08:07:48] Because my BIOS I think is from September 2023. like september 2023 so so but can updating the bios fix issues with
[08:08:30] the bios does that make sense first uh like i'm a move Could definitely. so Did Kha'Zix go to top ground? No. so so Yo, match length is 5-10 man.
[08:11:12] Watch lover. so That's so unlucky. That's so mega-unlucky, it's crazy. Oh she's gonna die as well
[08:11:24] Fuck I have a fucking magical footwear again.
[08:11:30] Dogshit!
[08:11:31] How did you die? so to ruin
[08:11:55] where does the grub stand there ch chat? I actually know where the in this patch yet. Okay. Your jungle pet also doesn't finish the grubs for some reason, why? so so
[08:13:01] that is inside step He's probably been sidestepped shit.
[08:13:07] Could be on drake. Where the fuck is Kha'Zix at? so He's evolving.
[08:13:52] Tell me I can W you. oh so so I'm going to try and get the dragon is A bit sketchy
[08:15:16] I'm think im dead here, just hear the boots
[08:15:24] if i don't click it I'm going to try and get him. um Ah, we're trolling a bit
[08:16:22] the Oh my god, two int plays. Another game is in a rough spot. spot their way is kind of journey i hope they're doing drake thank god for that That means my blue is up, right? so What is going on down there? uh my husband's so so Thanks for watching! uh so so so so so so so so so I trolled him.
[08:20:04] Collects my stealth on them. so hmm hard game I think. so I think we have a lot much damage.
[08:21:15] Oh well, she died.
[08:21:24] Man, she does a lot of damage, what the fuck?
[08:21:38] In fact they're just running mid and killing my team. Over and over.
[08:25:07] Unlucky! here so Let me think. hmm so so so so so so I'm gonna kill all of it. so I did get a kill elevator. It's likeio kart all over again so so so hmm hmm
[08:25:12] are we chilling chat? Are we chilling or what?
[08:28:44] I'm so sorry, I was gonna sleep I have been slain. so so Oh my god she he's eating something. so of the dragons so so so so i don't like this. uh so so Okay, sorry chat I'm not talking much this game's a bit harder so that will
[08:29:34] the all that process why didn't vayne panic there i hoped i was hoping vain would panic so so it was It was so int.
[08:29:39] Oh, it was so into what he just did that Amumu...
[08:29:43] Like killing the Vayne is great but my whole team has to die for it.
[08:29:53] It's fucking trash. Vayne no sons.
[08:30:07] I don't know why she's in her TPing she's fucking dog shit useless maybe you can kill way
[08:32:07] okay fair enough i take it back you gotta kill slain so Hmm. No, Vinny! hmm huh so so nope so Oh, shit. I got baited again by a Moomoo.
[08:32:14] This Moomoo needs to stop engaging, man.
[08:32:16] Like...
[08:32:19] Our Ashe is mid!
[08:32:22] Oh my god, I feel like our champs are so useless.
[08:32:26] Amumu goes in and then what actually happens when Amumu goes in and gets a big old...
[08:32:30] Brown puts shield up, and no one dies?
[08:32:34] My Amumu needs to stop going in and just kill their carries only
[08:32:43] they have brown set kaziks one's unkillable one has a wall and one goes instead They have Braum set Kha'Zix.
[08:32:48] One's unkillable, one has a wall and one goes in stealth.
[08:32:50] Actually can't do anything to them.
[08:32:54] Ugh. My bad, I shouldn't go with him.
[08:33:03] I should just not go in but then i'll leave him to die, but... Wait, what? I saw a ward there. How did I see that ward?
[08:33:34] Oh my god, I got scared then... I'm trolling.
[08:33:56] I don't know what i am doing. Nice Syndra. Actually good. so
[08:34:21] maybe You have E?
[08:34:24] He's gonna jump on you.
[08:34:29] Okay, that was disgusting. so The dragon's rage is unrelenting. I'm gonna go back to the base. you're dead just don't flash just die and brown counters all our champs i think
[08:35:29] braum into syndra good brahmin to amumu good brahman
[08:35:32] into me good in the mean good
[08:35:52] that you know I don't know who the problem is. Kha'Zix one-shots my Ashe and my Syndra, Vayne one shots me and Ragoat. I guess it doesn't matter.
[08:36:20] Going to fight Nash.
[08:36:26] That guy hurts like a mother sucker! My wrists are crackling like this.
[08:36:32] My blows are crashing thunder!
[08:37:04] Oh, shit! that guy's kind of intimate I'll shame my Ashdod.
[08:37:22] How did my Ash die again? I'm getting one shot by air. I'm getting one-shot by air.
[08:37:24] I'm getting one-shot by my own ghosts.
[08:37:28] Alright,
[08:37:28] rough game.
[08:37:34] My singer I think is eBaybay i don't know how is she emerald in this elo
[08:37:39] all right chat i'm not pizza for today i'll be back tomorrow morning with pc
[08:37:42] fixing live stream maybe uh maybe maybe irl stream um i'm not sure
[08:37:47] but i'll be back later tomorrow uh i gotta travel tomorrow so i'm not sure if
[08:37:51] i'll be streaming or not and then i'll be streaming from Ingerland for around
[08:37:56] until next Tuesday,
[08:37:58] Wednesday-ish, so about a week.
[08:38:00] I'll be taking a couple days off
[08:38:02] for the Grand Prix and shit when EWC is on
[08:38:04] and then
[08:38:05] we'll be back next week with the big pace but yeah streams
[08:38:09] will be a bit slow this week but i'll keep you updated thank you for being here because
[08:38:14] i love you all as always take care sleep well enjoy the rest of your day
[08:38:18] night morning evening and don't forget i'll text you videos
[08:38:24] don't forget that if a storm arrives in your life and the rain is heavy,
[08:38:28] learn to dance in it and you will blossom.
[08:38:32] Peace out, chat............. Thank you.