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ECHOES EPISODE [The Journey Ahead] (!gsupps !steelseries !starforge) @starforgesystems @intel #ad

06-10-2024 · 3h 37m

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[00:00:00] . way back oh my god thank God okay all right we're good probably just about that we've got
[00:00:30] some bad storms in Florida and um the internet just cut out but with that being said i wanted us to watch this
[00:00:40] video real quick y'all can tell everybody to refresh we don't have a lot of time so god we're actually cutting it really really tight
[00:00:54] there's no war so hateful as a war between kin.
[00:00:59] And no war so bloody as a war between dragons.
[00:01:05] Come on, fellas! pretty good guys pretty good max
[00:01:08] what are you selling my name is darren i'm a nike nyc trainer and i'm wearing
[00:01:11] nikki zoom tr1 it's versatile all right because we don't have a lot of time...
[00:01:20] I'm gonna skip the intro okay? Not that it's not important.
[00:01:24] Crucial cutscene if you don't. Bungie is still trying to fix things and error-
[00:01:28] And when The Witness has been severed,
[00:01:30] Destiny's light and dark saga.
[00:01:33] The finale to that light and dark saga takes place after Salvation's Edge
[00:01:37] Has been completed
[00:01:40] And when the Witness has been severed from the Traveler's
[00:01:42] light... Everybody go like this video!
[00:01:43] ...the Witness still needs to be defeated in a final
[00:01:46] battle. And alongside our
[00:01:48] allies, we assembled with the Vanguard to make the final assault against the Witnesses' forces together.
[00:01:55] In this titanic battle, we're joined by so many friendly and well, unfriendly faces.
[00:02:00] Familiar voices from the past.
[00:02:03] Keisel, Mithrax, Morozov
[00:02:05] The Guardians, the Eliksni, the Cabal
[00:02:08] Even Savathun and some of her Lucent Hive like Luzaku.
[00:02:12] A massive united force has assembled alongside us to fight through the horde of The Witness's army.
[00:02:19] As this massive force, we pushed back those loyal to the witness including enemies of every single stripe.
[00:02:26] How salvation! The loyal hive of Xivu Arath...
[00:02:30] ...the dread, the taken, the vex of the Sol Divisive.
[00:02:33] The scorn...
[00:02:34] Every single enemy we've ever faced was there to fight against us
[00:02:39] But all our allies stood at our side
[00:02:42] And eventually we pushed through to the witness in its
[00:02:44] titanic form, with Saint-14
[00:02:46] providing us an area of safety
[00:02:48] at all times at our back.
[00:02:51] The damage that had been
[00:02:52] done to the witness in the raid on its monolith,
[00:02:55] it's separation from the Traveler's Light
[00:02:58] had bought us a crucial opening.
[00:03:01] Now the Traveller's light was flowing freely once again
[00:03:06] and we could exploit the same strategy that we'd used in our first battle against The Witness to soundly defeat it for good.
[00:03:12] We would gather the Light of the Traveler, carve a path into the darkness and use the Light
[00:03:17] of the Traveler as a weapon. Just as we had in our first confrontation with The Witness
[00:03:23] We shattered the assembled minds of the Witnesses' chorus,
[00:03:26] carving it away until at last there would be next to nothing left.
[00:03:31] With each moment carving away the Witnesses inner minds
[00:03:35] we were given a chance to strike back at the titanic monster before us until eventually
[00:03:40] the final moment was reached. A cataclysm in a moment of heroic sacrifice,
[00:03:50] our own ghost asked us to channel the light of The Traveler through it
[00:03:52] so that it might become
[00:03:53] the weapon of our deliverance.
[00:03:55] And with that purist of light
[00:04:00] we unmade the witness at last.
[00:04:06] In its final moments, we saw that the last of its moments had been split apart as its unity shattered.
[00:04:09] Instead of referring to itself as we,
[00:04:11] in the last moments... Look at this!
[00:04:13] I don't understand.
[00:04:16] Our ghosts, thanks
[00:04:17] to this sacrifice, had bought us victory.
[00:04:21] But it gave its life in the process
[00:04:24] and as we cradled its shell
[00:04:26] We found ourselves transported to a place of luminance
[00:04:30] A bright light without explanation.
[00:04:33] Perhaps this was the true nexus
[00:04:36] of the traveler's pale heart.
[00:04:39] Perhaps it was a moment within our own minds. Perhaps, it was a vision.
[00:04:42] Regardless we begged the Traveler to bring back our ghost
[00:04:47] and as we've come to know
[00:04:49] The Traveler was silent But in this moment of silence
[00:04:53] someone near and dear
[00:04:54] was still watching
[00:04:55] and made the choice to intervene
[00:04:58] Cade
[00:05:00] he returned and told us that the light
[00:05:03] is connected in all things
[00:05:05] ghosts, guardians,
[00:05:07] The Traveler... In death
[00:05:09] our ghost had returned to
[00:05:11] the Light of The Travel traveler just like Cade had.
[00:05:14] And so, Cade made a choice.
[00:05:17] He used his own light
[00:05:18] to return lights to our ghost and bring it back
[00:05:23] so that he might take its place instead returning to the traveler to be at peace
[00:05:28] once again. And so the light of the traveler flowed through him and into our ghost.
[00:05:35] And as he faded away,
[00:05:37] our ghost was returned.
[00:05:40] There were many things that occurred in the time that followed.
[00:05:43] A lot of them are demonstrated in the cutscenes that follow Oh my god, a keyboard dog Peace. A city filled with people laughing, celebrating, children playing.
[00:06:00] A place for all the people that we had come to call friends and family.
[00:06:04] The humanity, the awoken, the El elixni the cabal together we had overcome
[00:06:11] together we had triumphed and at last there was a modicum of peace.
[00:06:18] But for us personally the reflection on the end of our first long saga came to a close
[00:06:24] in this moment where we were sat atop the exterior of what I presume
[00:06:28] is the helm with our ghost
[00:06:30] looking over the pale heart of the
[00:06:32] traveler, we heard a few words
[00:06:34] from Crow. Words
[00:06:36] indicative of what the future held for us.
[00:06:39] According to Crow, there was a shockwave sent through the universe by The Witness's death...
[00:06:45] With many of its troops being scattered unless they were particularly zealous.
[00:06:49] Some would still hold on, but most of them
[00:06:52] would be divided from here
[00:06:53] on out. Threats still
[00:06:55] exist out there in the universe though.
[00:06:58] A mortal Zivua Wrath a disunited house of salvation they would
[00:07:02] struggle on. The scorn and taken would still be wild and dangerous but were momentarily
[00:07:07] left leaderless. In the wake of this moment, a power
[00:07:11] vacuum has been created
[00:07:13] Who rises to fill it
[00:07:15] is still not clear
[00:07:17] but in time there may be a new menace on
[00:07:19] horizon we need to deal with. But there were other troubling
[00:07:22] things that occurred. Xavathun and her lucent brood had taken root within the pale heart
[00:07:27] of the Traveler itself, and were contesting the Guardians for control of it. Even with individuals such
[00:07:33] as Luzaku showing us that her brood could be somewhat disunited, there is still the
[00:07:39] possibility we will need to fight Savathathun for this ground, especially considering
[00:07:44] the power contained within The Traveler. As if this wasn't bad enough, The Traveler has
[00:07:50] been fundamentally changed by the darkness introduced into it.
[00:07:54] It has begun to bleed energy from the portal, a combination of light and dark spilling forth in a beautiful aurora.
[00:08:02] Bits spilling over Earth and venting into space. The Coalition, which
[00:08:06] now appears to be an alliance has placed cruisers at its border in order to contain the area
[00:08:11] with a no-fly zone. Thus far it has not been tested but the effects of this effluvial field
[00:08:16] of light and dark that are spilling forth from the traveler are yet to be seen probably gonna
[00:08:21] miss a bad shit. an echo of sorts that Crow had tasked some of his hunters
[00:08:36] with investigating,
[00:08:37] an echo that we might soon come to see for ourselves.
[00:08:41] There is still a ton
[00:08:42] for me to break down,
[00:08:44] but for now I just wanted to give a few little observations
[00:08:47] on the broad brush scheme
[00:08:49] of things. And to talk at the
[00:08:51] very end a little bit less about
[00:08:53] what I think on things
[00:08:54] and a little more about how I feel.
[00:08:59] First of all though, the momentary observation I want to make about the very last cutscene is
[00:09:03] Before we hear Crow's dialogue
[00:09:05] We see three stars of a sort leaving the Traveler it almost looks like they are
[00:09:10] Wisps that you can see from The Moment Where We Finally Destroyed A Witness in excision
[00:09:15] whether that's the case or not isn't clear, but if these represent stray minds that were once
[00:09:21] part of The Witness' chorus it could mean there is at least a part of it that remains.
[00:09:26] Maybe saying a part of The Witness that remains isn't accurate, because after
[00:09:30] all the Witness is a compound being – it does not truly exist anymore now that its
[00:09:35] chorus has been scattered. But if this IS something that was previously a part of the witness God, Doggits. We are on a time crunch youtube
[00:10:03] That's worth tracking down at best
[00:10:06] It's a confused mind of a dissenter in need of rehabilitation and a moment where it can be finally laid to rest, as would be
[00:10:13] its desires. But at worst this is a mind that has been cast out of the chorus but truly
[00:10:20] supported
[00:10:21] No more with the tin g, thank you so much. speculative, but it's worth remembering just in case. We don't know what those
[00:10:34] are, but they're worth chasing and figuring out more about. It is also worth pointing
[00:10:39] at again that this is speculative purely based on the fact that... well
[00:10:44] The raw power of the Traveler was used to destroy
[00:10:48] the witness. Furthermore I think I have an answer at last
[00:10:52] as to why the Traveller is so constantly silent This is huge.
[00:10:59] This is huge.
[00:11:05] This is huge. clear by Cayde's choice and our final monologue in the pale heart from our ghost at the conclusion
[00:11:07] of the Final Shape quest.
[00:11:10] In short, The Traveler
[00:11:11] is trying to, in the most clear
[00:11:13] possible way, give us a choice. Back in the most clear possible way give us a choice.
[00:11:16] Back in the precursor civilization
[00:11:18] it was doing this as well
[00:11:20] It gave them gifts and plenty
[00:11:22] but not guidance
[00:11:24] In this moment where Cayde chooses
[00:11:27] to reunite with Sundance
[00:11:29] and sacrifice himself for us,
[00:11:31] he states nobody gets
[00:11:33] to make my fate but me
[00:11:35] before choosing to transfer his light
[00:11:37] to our ghost. When we reunite with our ghost after the finale
[00:11:41] our ghost says, The Witness wanted to provide a purpose
[00:11:45] to the universe but our purpose
[00:11:47] is ours
[00:11:48] to choose
[00:11:49] Our fates
[00:11:50] are ours
[00:11:51] to make
[00:11:52] He also says
[00:11:53] now we get
[00:11:54] to ask
[00:11:55] the question
[00:11:56] The Witness
[00:11:56] wouldn't allow
[00:11:57] anyone to.
[00:11:59] What do you want our future to be?
[00:12:01] The aspect of choice and
[00:12:03] freedom is the key here.
[00:12:05] The Witness reaches out to us
[00:12:07] and offers to make us a part of its final shape.
[00:12:10] Many a time, it actively
[00:12:12] tries to shape the destiny
[00:12:13] of others towards its own means
[00:12:15] and The Traveller is in
[00:12:17] its own way the total opposite of this.
[00:12:20] It wants us to choose our own fate, and it gives us our powers
[00:12:24] The Light, and its blessings, in order to enable those choices
[00:12:28] But it won't ever speak,
[00:12:31] not completely and truly
[00:12:33] because then it does as the witness
[00:12:35] does. This isn't to say
[00:12:37] The Traveler doesn't reach out from
[00:12:39] time-to-time we've seen it over and over again in this saga,
[00:12:42] back in Forsaken,
[00:12:43] back in Destiny 2 Vanilla,
[00:12:45] back in the times of Destiny 1
[00:12:47] even with the release of the ghosts themselves
[00:12:50] in the moment of the final battle in the
[00:12:52] collapse. It occasionally
[00:12:54] offers us guidance and gives us
[00:12:56] visions, but they are always
[00:12:58] vague and subject to our own
[00:13:00] interpretations, even when the speakers
[00:13:03] heard the voice of The Traveler, it
[00:13:05] overtook them with rapturous
[00:13:07] visions and didn't give them clear
[00:13:09] definitive answers. It wasn't
[00:13:11] even clear that they were being spoken to directly.
[00:13:14] It deliberately gives us the chance to make our own interpretations because a direct voice
[00:13:20] is too direct – to speak would be to make a commandment. To demand
[00:13:24] that others heed your own
[00:13:26] divine words would be to
[00:13:28] rob them of a choice, to make
[00:13:30] their own interpretation
[00:13:31] would be to rob them of a choice to choose their own destiny.
[00:13:35] The most intervention that we've ever seen
[00:13:37] from the Traveler
[00:13:39] is when we reach out
[00:13:41] to use its light directly,
[00:13:43] and when it manifests things from our past
[00:13:45] for us to achieve the
[00:13:47] purpose that we have chosen
[00:13:49] for ourselves. Occasionally
[00:13:51] it has lavished us with gifts
[00:13:53] most notably in the moment where it gives us its own blade as a source of power and light.
[00:14:01] But it is worth remembering that it only does this because we made the choice to fight for it.
[00:14:07] We are its chosen, not
[00:14:09] because we carry out its will
[00:14:10] but because it wishes to see our
[00:14:13] will carried out.
[00:14:15] I am convinced through the words of Caden, our ghost, that that is That's fucking huge man.
[00:14:21] That is huge.
[00:14:28] Yeah. the point of the light is freedom to make our own choices
[00:14:34] for the longest time i think we've all been seeking to know what the will of the traveler really is but in a certain sense that idea is a bit foolish.
[00:14:38] We've been seeking purpose from it when all along we should have been seeking purpose for ourselves
[00:14:44] It has provided us with all the bounty of the universe and all the tools to do that. It has provided
[00:14:49] us with the power of a god,
[00:14:51] but it has chosen to allow us
[00:14:53] to make what we will of that power.
[00:14:56] It has chosen
[00:14:57] to let us be free.
[00:14:59] I know that interpretation isn't going
[00:15:01] to satisfy some of you,
[00:15:03] but after seeing everything
[00:15:04] that I have over the last 10 years
[00:15:06] after personally hoping for a moment
[00:15:08] where we would stand before the gardener herself
[00:15:11] and stare upon her face to know
[00:15:13] her truth. After personally
[00:15:15] believing that we were meant to hear
[00:15:17] its explicit instructions
[00:15:19] to be the blade of its will.
[00:15:21] I think now, this is the only way
[00:15:23] things could have made sense. The silence from
[00:15:26] the Traveler in this last moment, if you understand
[00:15:29] and believe that interpretation is perfect,
[00:15:33] because it deliberately chooses never to act according to its own will.
[00:15:38] It allows Kate to make a choice instead
[00:15:41] This isn't something where it's the only
[00:15:43] option that's left to Cade.
[00:15:45] Cade chooses this.
[00:15:48] He makes his
[00:15:49] own fate, and if we
[00:15:51] really did want to get a more direct manifestation of the traveler
[00:15:54] well in the cutscene it was there in the cut scene you see kade and uc sundance
[00:16:00] brimming with light patiently awaiting awaiting Cayde's return.
[00:16:04] And in the one vision shown to Cayde in the campaign
[00:16:07] when Luzaku helps us to raid the One Lost Sector where there is a bloom of light
[00:16:13] what exactly is it that Sundance says again?
[00:16:17] What if what I want is to stay here with you? If that's the fate you make.
[00:16:25] What if i want to stay here with you?
[00:16:28] If that's the fate you make.
[00:16:31] The fate YOU make.
[00:16:34] This is the only way the Traveler can reach out to us and guide us
[00:16:37] and even in this moment where it's trying to give kade some very important information
[00:16:42] his perception affects how it appears if it wasn't Cade it wouldn't have been Sundance speaking
[00:16:50] and it still says that he is able to make his own fate
[00:16:54] if that's the fate you make are the words that it chooses to speak
[00:16:59] if we want to hear anything close to the voice of the traveler we need to experience
[00:17:03] its dreams and visions just like the old speakers or dreamers did.
[00:17:08] If we want to know the Traveler's will, our quest is over
[00:17:12] Its will is for us to do as WE will
[00:17:16] And it makes that choice giving us this power accepting all the pain
[00:17:20] All the suffering
[00:17:22] All the joy and all the happiness
[00:17:24] That those choices might bring
[00:17:26] Because the traveller wants us to make our own path
[00:17:29] Even if we fall and stumble even if we make terrible mistakes. And if it is still playing some
[00:17:33] cosmic flower game with the winnower to this day then we are
[00:17:37] still its most convincing argument. We are still its
[00:17:41] final shape because we define our own final shape for ourselves.
[00:17:47] Lastly, I want to couch the examination and analysis for a moment
[00:17:52] And just say...
[00:17:54] Really didn't think things were gonna end like this
[00:17:57] Near universally
[00:17:58] With some legitimate lore tidbits here and there being discussed back
[00:18:01] and forth, I think the final shape has been received remarkably well.
[00:18:07] It is universally been shot at the top of everyone's list
[00:18:10] of favorite expansions. And I personally Yeah.
[00:18:14] Yeah.
[00:18:18] I...
[00:18:23] Yeah! I think we all have them. I was very much lost after Lightfall with regards to my beliefs that Destiny as a franchise was going to be able
[00:18:25] recover and survive.
[00:18:27] It was one of those moments where I think
[00:18:29] I was left listless and hopeless for 18 months
[00:18:31] And whilst things did recover
[00:18:32] into the light,
[00:18:34] I was still unsure.
[00:18:36] I won't lie,
[00:18:37] I was more nervous
[00:18:38] on day one of The Final Shape
[00:18:40] than I have been
[00:18:40] in a long, long time.
[00:18:47] But here we are it turns out it was a pretty...
[00:18:48] Meet the new target circle
[00:18:49] Okay all right I-I-I this is such a good video please send
[00:18:53] money posted.
[00:18:55] We need to go watch Destiny.
[00:18:58] They're about to be doing the Vidoc here.
[00:19:01] Look,
[00:19:02] back to what he said though he makes complete sense okay
[00:19:09] he's the chat over here spamming I at he makes complete sense
[00:19:15] everyone sits around
[00:19:17] like everyone was like what is
[00:19:19] everyone like think about
[00:19:20] Gaul and
[00:19:22] all the ones that came to The Traveler
[00:19:25] wanting to hear
[00:19:26] the voice of the traveler.
[00:19:30] Here's the thing,
[00:19:31] man. If
[00:19:32] the traveler was to speak directly
[00:19:34] to us, it would influence our will and then it would be worshipped
[00:19:41] and i almost feel like maybe that's why it left the elixni and some of the other races, because
[00:19:51] It was being outright just worshipped.
[00:19:57] I don't know, maybe they just settled on a species that was kind of selfish and
[00:20:02] it's like, yeah, I'll use this shit.
[00:20:05] You know what I mean?
[00:20:06] But I love that interpretation.
[00:20:09] I think that's
[00:20:11] the best interpretation to
[00:20:13] why The Traveler isn't spoken directly
[00:20:15] to us, and
[00:20:17] I would say
[00:20:18] like
[00:20:18] the opposite And I would say like...
[00:20:20] The opposite of, or like what made the witness so bad was the taking away of choice.
[00:20:29] The taking away of of choice the taken way of free will right so which is um
[00:20:36] exactly what the travel's not wanting to do
[00:20:56] all right let's check it out guys this is the journey ahead ahead i don't know what's about to go down so so Episode 1
[00:21:36] Episodes are telling singular stories that stand on their own,
[00:21:40] that are also building up mysteries for the future of Destiny.
[00:21:44] For the episodes we introduce this single object of immense power.
[00:21:46] And Echo is a direct result of the battle with The Witness.
[00:21:50] All of the darkness that was holding it together exploded out, colliding with the matter-making properties of light,
[00:21:56] manifesting all these different memories inside of The Witness.
[00:22:01] This collision of darkness and light created this explosion
[00:22:05] so that these echoes spread across the galaxy
[00:22:14] The first echo that we encounter landed on nessus what they find there is that this
[00:22:18] echo has transformed the planet awoken it into something it's really not supposed to be
[00:22:25] so we go down to nessus and we immediately realize that the Vex are acting a little strange.
[00:22:32] So we work with Failsafe in the first activity, Breach Executable.
[00:22:36] This is a three player activity arena style kind of offensive that we've already
[00:22:40] done before you've got these big cool like geysers of radio layer that explode out of the ground
[00:22:46] and you need to cap them off while you're keeping the enemies at bay
[00:22:49] things that have only existed in vex net are now coming out into the real world
[00:22:55] you're gonna see that like nessus is different now.
[00:23:04] As we get deeper and deeper towards the core, it really starts to become very apparent.
[00:23:07] So you're gonna go down into these landmarks And you're going to unearth the ancient secrets of a lost civilization.
[00:23:20] Oh my god
[00:23:22] but also what are they doing and to what end
[00:23:28] holy shit Holy shit!
[00:23:35] Revenant is gonna be very Fallen themed.
[00:23:39] The Fallen don't have a home planet anymore.
[00:23:45] Reese has been gone for a long time and they've been looking for a new home across the galaxy. Revenant has more dark fantasy themes, it's about slaying vampires with a touch of Splicer mixed in.
[00:23:53] The player gets to be a Slayer Baron. We'll learn
[00:23:55] that, in Liksni culture
[00:23:57] this was a role that was reserved
[00:23:59] for the most renowned monster
[00:24:01] hunters. For that one we took a really hard lean into the vampire
[00:24:06] hunter fantasy. We're introducing this system called potion crafting. Combat
[00:24:12] potions boost your artifacts directly, then your loot potions are going to allow you to have agency over the rewards that you're chasing.
[00:24:20] What we'd like to do in Year 10 is give players more agency in their pursuits. You'll see more
[00:24:25] experiences where you can kind of decide what
[00:24:27] you want to do in this next step
[00:24:29] Fikrul is back
[00:24:31] and he's got the echo, and this is what
[00:24:33] Fikrul's using to build his new army of darkness.
[00:24:36] He's moved into an awoken watchtower,
[00:24:39] Vickrul's vampire keep.
[00:24:41] We took a lot of inspiration from horror for that one.
[00:24:48] Heresy is about the Hive Pantheon dealing with some new interesting revelations that
[00:24:54] happen.
[00:24:56] We want to take the Hive Pantheon and shake up
[00:24:57] the snow globe.
[00:24:59] It means we want to take
[00:25:01] existing relationships that we see inside of it
[00:25:03] and put them through such a
[00:25:05] stress test
[00:25:07] that they come out changed.
[00:25:09] In Heresy, there's this new eldritch force
[00:25:13] that is bubbling up to the surface
[00:25:15] that is opening new doors
[00:25:17] creating powerful mysteries and ultimately they'd lead us back to the Dreadnought.
[00:25:24] We're going back to the Dreadnaught! It's awesome!
[00:25:27] What?!
[00:25:28] Some fans might think we've forgotten about the Dreadnought completely.
[00:25:31] But, we're gonna give it a whole new purpose.
[00:25:34] What is happening right now? They just keep fucking cucking!
[00:25:37] We want this to be an eldritch inscrutable fortress of secrets appealing that
[00:25:43] you'll see on the dreadnought the weapons themselves are peeling back to reveal a new
[00:25:48] spooky bony front since this release deals with kind of two big themes
[00:25:56] we've had some armor sets that are kind of in the heiress theme
[00:25:59] from the past but this is like straight up I'm Aeris' squad.
[00:26:03] And then the Hive ship navigator armor set
[00:26:06] explores what if we were driving the ship?
[00:26:10] What if we were the navigators?
[00:26:13] If you really liked
[00:26:14] Shattered Realm,
[00:26:15] if you really liked
[00:26:16] The Coil,
[00:26:17] you're going to love
[00:26:18] this new Dreadnought activity.
[00:26:20] With every episode
[00:26:20] there are a ton of interesting twists and turns that i don't think anybody's
[00:26:25] really going to suspect we haven't seen anything like this in destiny before
[00:26:30] and i'm excited to get after it I'm going to have to go back and get the light. Bright tears
[00:26:55] Dude
[00:26:59] You cannot
[00:27:03] Bunch of you gotta say more we need more info.
[00:27:22] Guys, guys, holy hell. Holy hell. Talk about edging the piss out of us right now. We are about to be blue balled for the next year
[00:27:38] wait a minute hopefully hopefully in august no it wouldn't be august it would
[00:27:43] be like november wouldn't it they actually may be the game awards
[00:27:50] the game awards they may show more let me just say
[00:27:59] this lineup does not look like things for destiny are slowing down.
[00:28:06] Look, I'm gonna bite right now because final shape has really popped off for us.
[00:28:10] I'm going to bite.
[00:28:11] I'm going to take Bungie's word
[00:28:12] and experience these episodes.
[00:28:15] Originally when I first saw that Bungie was
[00:28:17] going from seasons to episodes,
[00:28:20] I assumed the worst. I assumed that this was gonna be a
[00:28:22] pullback from Bungie and that we were
[00:28:24] essentially just gonna be getting longer seasons
[00:28:26] with about the
[00:28:28] same content maybe maybe less.
[00:28:31] This doesn't look like less.
[00:28:36] We're getting entire changes to planets.
[00:28:38] I mean this first area was like was like okay, we're going
[00:28:41] to get some VEX portals. You can literally put
[00:28:43] VEX portals on anything
[00:28:45] but then when we get down into
[00:28:47] you know, this
[00:28:49] right here. And then
[00:28:51] further, right? Pretty much from here on out
[00:28:55] like, this is crazy and by the way if you've been on Nessus you've probably
[00:28:59] felt the earthquakes or like there's been earthquakes
[00:29:02] happening here and you saw the cutscene
[00:29:04] where like the wisps are traveling out
[00:29:06] those echoes, those remnants if you will
[00:29:09] that also plays into
[00:29:10] the names in here
[00:29:11] but that's incredible but plays into the names here.
[00:29:13] But that's incredible.
[00:29:15] This scene right here, let me just replay this.
[00:29:17] You're going to unearth the ancient secrets
[00:29:19] of a lost civilization.
[00:29:21] We have a mysterious...
[00:29:22] Ancient secrets of a lost civilization
[00:29:25] look there's so much
[00:29:30] I mean I would say out of all the alien
[00:29:32] or enemy factions that we have
[00:29:35] gone up against,
[00:29:37] the Vex are
[00:29:39] the most...
[00:29:41] I don't know what the fuck they're even...
[00:29:42] What?
[00:29:44] I don't know anything about the Vex.
[00:29:46] I really don't know
[00:29:47] anything about the Vex.
[00:29:49] That looks like straight up Atheon.
[00:29:51] That looks straight up like Atheon
[00:29:53] down there.
[00:29:56] This looks like a raiding looks straight up like Atheon down there. This
[00:29:56] looks like a raid encounter.
[00:30:02] They're robots, bro?
[00:30:04] Yeah, yeah, you want to break down time-traveling robots for me?
[00:30:08] Please do.
[00:30:10] Right now.
[00:30:10] Break it down for me.
[00:30:11] Break it down.
[00:30:13] What is their goal?
[00:30:16] Time-traveling robots, give it to me.
[00:30:19] Give it to me right now.
[00:30:29] What's their motive literally Terminator
[00:30:32] hold on
[00:30:37] Saul's daddy says they're not fucking robots Hold on, hold on.
[00:30:40] Saul's daddy says they're not fucking robots.
[00:30:41] Yeah.
[00:30:43] Look, I mean,
[00:30:44] I think this next scene really like look at this part right here.
[00:30:48] Look what she says.
[00:30:50] We have a mysterious new enemy, and they are able to do things that we have not encountered in an enemy before?
[00:30:58] We're seeing new behavior okay all right so that my god what the is going on
[00:31:11] all right so listen is this
[00:31:13] a creation of an exo
[00:31:14] no that's not the creation
[00:31:16] of an exo
[00:31:17] what the fuck is going on
[00:31:19] that's a creation of an exo right we know that vex milk
[00:31:25] is necessary for xo's existence right
[00:31:32] no for exo's existence right
[00:31:54] no yes vex milk and darkness come on man you guys get the good i'm on pay i might like chapter 20 right now of lord
[00:31:58] okay go watch y'all need to watch some life huh
[00:32:01] they're working with outdated information. You need
[00:32:04] Beck's milk, you need guidance
[00:32:06] and that makes an X.
[00:32:08] You make an XO, a robot
[00:32:10] Clovis found this shit out
[00:32:12] Alright Anyways Who of us found this shit out?
[00:32:14] Alright.
[00:32:15] Anyways,
[00:32:17] let's continue.
[00:32:20] ...encountered an enemy before... Dude, there's a fucking hand! Whose hand is
[00:32:22] this?
[00:32:42] Oh my god it's got four fingers and a thumb you slow this down a bit more. I don't know.
[00:32:43] There's a ham back here.
[00:32:51] Okay. I don't know. There's a hand back here. Any guesses?
[00:33:10] No. Everyone here is saying it's Maya. Wait...
[00:33:11] WAIT!
[00:33:13] HOLY SHIT!
[00:33:15] I got it!
[00:33:18] What did Lakshmi used to wear?
[00:33:22] Motherfucker dude, motherfucker I found it.
[00:34:01] Oh my God! It's Lakshmi. Yeah. Yeah?
[00:34:09] Do she's dead? I know she is. But here's the fucking crazy thing.
[00:34:12] Maya is Lakshmi, or in this case,
[00:34:15] Lakshmi is Maya.
[00:34:17] We can assume
[00:34:17] by the hand shape.
[00:34:23] Where's your hands, Lexi?
[00:34:24] Where's your fucking hands?
[00:34:27] Oh my God! Look at those hands!
[00:34:30] We can assume
[00:34:31] by the shape of her We can assume
[00:34:33] by the shape of her arm and her hands, this is in fact
[00:34:37] the original Lakshmi which is Maya.
[00:34:48] Remember this moment.
[00:34:49] Fucking remember this moment.
[00:34:50] Alright!
[00:34:54] We knew this shit was going to come full circle yeah
[00:34:55] we knew it was going to come full circle
[00:34:57] it's my asunder rest everybody
[00:34:59] it's in the game
[00:35:03] look at all echoes art
[00:35:07] look at the endgame echos image and quests what y'all talking about.......
[00:35:27] ...
[00:35:29] ...
[00:35:31] ...
[00:35:33] What are you talking about? We have a quest?
[00:35:41] The hand is the same?
[00:35:45] Hold on, hold on. Let me load in there. Oh my god.
[00:36:01] Look at the fucking image, everybody.
[00:36:05] Details.
[00:36:07] Right here, right here.
[00:36:08] Hold on. The Krypton Echo at the war table in the hell
[00:36:15] when did we get this Quest did it just launch
[00:36:20] did this just happen quest? Did it just launch? Did this
[00:36:20] just happen? That's her fucking
[00:36:22] hand.
[00:36:24] That is Maya.
[00:36:26] Lakshmi is back. Somebody check
[00:36:28] the sea.
[00:36:31] Oh, it's always been here?
[00:36:34] No shit
[00:36:35] that's always been here? That's fucking wild.
[00:36:37] It's been a long week man.
[00:36:39] It's been a long week, man. It's been a long week. Look.
[00:36:42] Here's the thing.
[00:36:43] I may have not known about this quest
[00:36:45] in its existence
[00:36:47] but I guarantee that's fucking
[00:36:49] Maya back there.
[00:36:52] I guarantee it and if somebody
[00:36:54] also check Lixmead's original VA
[00:36:56] who has the best
[00:36:58] fucking voice ever
[00:37:00] see if she's back on Bungie's payroll
[00:37:03] because if she is, that is a confirmation
[00:37:05] that she will be back
[00:37:07] because obviously she's going to be voicing the same.
[00:37:10] She voiced Lakshmi
[00:37:11] and she's going to voice Maya.
[00:37:12] Somebody tell She voiced Lakshmi, she's gonna voice Maya. Okay? Somebody check that shit.
[00:37:17] Literally right now, somebody go check that shit right now.
[00:37:20] Alright. Let's keep going.
[00:37:25] Oh I'm sorry.
[00:37:29] We're seeing new behavior
[00:37:30] from the Vex.
[00:37:32] Who is behind this? But also what are they doing okay so
[00:37:36] this scene right here this is interesting there are people
[00:37:40] oh no there are people in these cubes okay all right but here's the other thing dude maya controlling the vex I don't know man
[00:38:05] These are all copies I don't know, man. I don't know.
[00:38:08] These are all copies of Maya?
[00:38:13] I mean maybe she's just controlling a...
[00:38:14] This is what I'm thinking. I'm thinking of
[00:38:17] what's going to end up happening at some point with the Vex
[00:38:19] is some supreme being that's
[00:38:21] going to show up and be like,
[00:38:24] you know, they're going to show up
[00:38:25] and they're going to instantly shit stomp the Vex with
[00:38:29] the leaves.
[00:38:30] You know what I'm talking about?
[00:38:30] You ever see Vex and they got leaves on them?
[00:38:34] Those are your...
[00:38:35] Those are your shit Vexets if you will.
[00:38:38] They're going to show up and just instantly
[00:38:41] stomp on those dudes
[00:38:42] and just be like
[00:38:43] this is the lesser
[00:38:47] of our kind.
[00:38:50] And you know what I mean?
[00:38:50] And then they're going to reveal themselves,
[00:38:54] their true selves, right?
[00:38:58] Mm-hmm
[00:39:01] yeah and i'm so divisive guys yeah
[00:39:05] now i'm just saying if i was a supreme being them so the vice of ve effects would piss me off you know
[00:39:15] my center edge did upload 227 copies of yourself to the vex Network
[00:39:19] it makes sense think about it like this all the episodes are all the seasons
[00:39:24] last year was set up to build on these the episodes
[00:39:31] and think about last year we had an episode that was rep revolves completely
[00:39:35] around
[00:39:36] my son rash
[00:39:38] uh...
[00:39:39] you'll missy
[00:39:40] and just talked about all the crap that they went through and you know essentially
[00:39:46] how they went mad being in next to the veil amongst amongst other revelations.
[00:39:54] And then you add that this season
[00:39:55] afterwards was Season of Witches which is
[00:39:58] Eris Morn
[00:39:59] Eris became a Hive God
[00:40:01] essentially in that brief moment.
[00:40:04] And everything in that
[00:40:05] season was in preparation
[00:40:08] for us to take on
[00:40:09] Zevo Wrath.
[00:40:13] I don't know the fuck
[00:40:14] Ahamkara is going to have
[00:40:17] To get tied in here at some point
[00:40:18] I would assume
[00:40:19] If that's not being
[00:40:20] Directly addressed
[00:40:22] Yeah
[00:40:23] Yeah of directly address right yeah so sure ray shurei is the actor for lich min 2
[00:40:30] and there are no credits for an echoes she was credited for Season of the Witch
[00:40:35] interesting
[00:40:40] she was
[00:40:42] credited for voice acting
[00:40:44] in Season of the Witch?
[00:40:46] Did she do anything
[00:40:48] in Season of the Witch?
[00:40:51] Was Lakshmi's
[00:40:53] voice...
[00:41:00] Does she have a voice line at all in Season of the Witch? Was there voice logs?
[00:41:09] Oh, the
[00:41:16] mission center. Maybe Oh, the Valmation is okay.
[00:41:19] Maybe they got a different voice for Maya.
[00:41:27] I don't know.
[00:41:37] Voice actors are known to, like,
[00:41:38] do different voices. Get get a out of here
[00:41:41] what did they like change the voice
[00:41:44] huh No.
[00:41:54] There's always one voice actor to
[00:41:57] one character, that's it. That's how it's always been.
[00:42:02] Impossible.
[00:42:08] What are they doing? and to what end
[00:42:12] all right so that's echoes
[00:42:16] right now we're moving into revenant
[00:42:18] dude what in the creepy shit
[00:42:20] is this look Look at this.
[00:42:23] There's a fallen over here.
[00:42:28] Palming.
[00:42:30] I don't know, whoever
[00:42:31] this poor soul is. This looks like the reef so this looks
[00:42:33] like an awoken just straight up skull palming this awoken yeah this is but
[00:42:41] this is the reef the fallen fallen habit out for the reef,
[00:42:43] man.
[00:42:44] They're so pissed off.
[00:42:45] Look,
[00:42:46] here's the thing you were at a,
[00:42:48] you read a terrible asteroid field.
[00:42:50] Okay.
[00:42:51] All right.
[00:42:52] It was hurricane season. You should have expected it, right? They've had a grudge this entire time that they somehow messed up their invasion of which you did. But you should park somewhere else, you know? Um, but that's's that's creepy as hell yeah he's got a couple bodies over here
[00:43:12] fallen uh don't have a home planet anymore.
[00:43:16] Reese has been gone for a long time,
[00:43:18] and they've been looking for a new home across the galaxy.
[00:43:22] See, this is exactly why The Traveler left these guys.
[00:43:25] You know what I mean?
[00:43:26] The Traveler probably got uncomfortable.
[00:43:29] Can you imagine this whole species
[00:43:31] just sitting there worshipping you all day long?
[00:43:34] And he was probably just like, dude dude I just wanted to give you some
[00:43:38] iPhones
[00:43:39] and shit, you know I'll just sit here
[00:43:41] worship me all day long
[00:43:42] go do something
[00:43:44] and they wouldn't
[00:43:45] and so he left.
[00:43:48] That's why he settled on humanity.
[00:43:51] Humanity is just like,
[00:43:52] dude I'll take that fucking...
[00:43:54] Immortality?
[00:43:57] Say no more. Let me go do some with this now i'll be back please have
[00:44:03] some upgrades i mean it's crazy but for some reason the Traveler likes that.
[00:44:10] For a new home across
[00:44:11] the galaxy.
[00:44:13] Revenant has more dark fantasy
[00:44:15] themes. It's about slaying
[00:44:17] vampires with a touch of Splicer in all right so we're about to go
[00:44:22] against falling with vampire what the player gets to be a slayer baron okay oh this is so fucking dope though man.
[00:44:31] Look at that shit!
[00:44:40] Ohhhhhh maaaaan for the most renowned monster hunters. Oh, man.
[00:44:43] All right, dude.
[00:44:44] I'm going to fuck with you.
[00:44:47] Especially if it's true monsters.
[00:44:49] What if Bungie took a monster hunter approach
[00:44:52] and we have to chase
[00:44:54] these monsters down
[00:44:56] and literally
[00:44:58] chip away at them
[00:44:59] piece by piece over an extended
[00:45:03] damage phase throughout a large
[00:45:05] map. I would be so...
[00:45:07] Imagine instead of us just having our
[00:45:09] one single fight with Zoe,
[00:45:11] where all he knows how to do is lay on the ground and blast lasers.
[00:45:16] Imagine if we had to go chase that fucker down.
[00:45:20] First we initially fight then wound wound them and then we chase
[00:45:24] them down in the sewers and literally
[00:45:26] just hack pieces of them off
[00:45:28] the whole way.
[00:45:32] And that would also be a perfect opportunity for Bungie to do the Monster Hunter collab.
[00:45:40] No, no, we had Season of Hunt but it's got to be better than that.
[00:45:44] It's gotta be better than that.
[00:45:45] It's got to be better than that.
[00:45:46] You know?
[00:45:49] Just leaving a little bit of icky-icky on the ground doesn't quite land.
[00:45:50] You know?
[00:45:53] I would... Man, I wish we had big public areas.
[00:45:57] Because my favorite thing
[00:45:58] would be you're chasing a worm down
[00:46:00] a worm god down
[00:46:02] he's running from you
[00:46:03] you got him one shot
[00:46:05] but then there's this random blueberry
[00:46:07] that's doing a public event over there
[00:46:08] and the worm just goes by
[00:46:11] him and he just eats that fucking
[00:46:13] blueberry and heals himself up a little bit.
[00:46:15] That would be amazing, you know?
[00:46:18] On so many levels that would be amazing
[00:46:19] but I don't think we have
[00:46:21] that capability to
[00:46:23] do that inside of Destiny yet.
[00:46:26] That's a D3 thing right there.
[00:46:28] For that one, we took a really hard lean
[00:46:30] into the Vampire Hunter
[00:46:32] fantasy. Oh my god.
[00:46:34] Look at that dude. It's literally
[00:46:36] going to be us driving a stake into into the enemy's heart
[00:46:42] look at that weapon i look all that i requested this bungee go go go creepy with this like make it scary i know that you're
[00:46:53] like but the kids we gotta make the kids make this scary all alright I want to be
[00:47:00] I wanna feel
[00:47:01] these monsters breathing on me
[00:47:04] in complete darkness
[00:47:06] and the only thing I can see
[00:47:08] is what my bullets are lining up.
[00:47:11] I want it to be
[00:47:12] true, not
[00:47:14] truly horror
[00:47:16] but close to that.
[00:47:18] You know what I mean?
[00:47:20] We're introducing a system close to that. You know what I mean? Let's see.
[00:47:22] We're introducing a system called
[00:47:23] potion crafting.
[00:47:24] Combat potions
[00:47:25] boost your artifact
[00:47:27] directly,
[00:47:28] then your loot
[00:47:29] potions,
[00:47:30] those are going
[00:47:30] to allow you
[00:47:30] to have agency over the rewards that you're chasing.
[00:47:34] Dude, we got some hairy...
[00:47:36] We've got fuckin'...
[00:47:38] What is- what was- rumor requirements in this bitch now?
[00:47:42] Look at this! look at this spot.
[00:47:46] We got our own potion table.
[00:47:50] Who's this?
[00:47:59] Is that Mithrax his daughter I don't think so huh don't tell me this item ahda. Ah, shit, dude.
[00:48:03] She's making potions now?
[00:48:07] Ah.
[00:48:08] Wasn't she supposed to become like head scribe?
[00:48:13] Wow, that seems like a downgrade.
[00:48:16] Right?
[00:48:19] Like a demotion. Oh, I like her.
[00:48:29] I like her a lot too.
[00:48:31] I like her a lot too.
[00:48:32] She's multifaceted?
[00:48:34] Okay, okay.
[00:48:34] I like Ido a lot though.
[00:48:36] I do.
[00:48:38] I just don't like
[00:48:39] Mithrax around Ido
[00:48:40] because he's always
[00:48:41] like
[00:48:41] I'm not a killer
[00:48:43] and then when she's not around he's like i'm a fucking murderer
[00:48:48] like the mission we had here recently uh the one we had where he fucking killed
[00:48:58] that Fallen.
[00:49:00] That's the Mid-Tax we love, dude.
[00:49:03] He was like, kids are at home
[00:49:04] nobody knows what the fuck is going on
[00:49:06] I'm about to blast this bitch
[00:49:08] that, that's the Mithrax
[00:49:10] we live for
[00:49:11] that's my only complaint with Ido
[00:49:13] is that Ido makes Mithrax act
[00:49:16] too much
[00:49:17] like a good dad.
[00:49:21] That's cool right there.
[00:49:22] Alright, we got potions now.
[00:49:28] That was Goddard's cooking deck.... over the rewards that you're chasing. What we'd like to do is
[00:49:28] give players more agency in their
[00:49:31] pursuits. You'll see more experiences
[00:49:33] where you can kind of decide what you want
[00:49:35] to do in this next step.
[00:49:37] Vickrule is back, and he's What the fuck? Is Vickrul is back.
[00:49:42] Who the fuck is Vickrul again? I've heard this name like a million times. Who?
[00:49:44] Was he a main general
[00:49:46] for Aramis?
[00:49:47] Or no, was he the guy leading
[00:49:49] the invasion and he lost
[00:49:51] all his ships
[00:49:52] oh no he's the fanatic
[00:49:56] okay
[00:49:58] the fanatic.
[00:50:03] Why is he not dead? How did we, away from us?
[00:50:18] Oh, he's immortal.
[00:50:23] Oh wow! That's why he's a
[00:50:25] vampire. It makes sense?
[00:50:27] It makes sense?
[00:50:30] Yeah, it's going to be kind of
[00:50:31] awkward, right? He's going to look at Crow and call him daddy. And then Crow is going to have to break the news to him, I would assume. Or would he know that Crow that crow is no longer old
[00:50:49] maybe that's why crow got a new haircut i bet that right there is enough for
[00:50:55] Vickeral to be like, oh shit he's different. He knows
[00:50:59] he does know. Got you
[00:51:03] Oh Crowe has been trying to hump this guy down ah gotcha gotcha all right dude I'm down man hell
[00:51:12] yeah make it creepy and let's finally put it into this guy so so essentially what these years really
[00:51:17] boiled down to is like we're going to be tying up some loose ends while also expanding on some areas
[00:51:22] that we're really really curious about about. Especially the Vex.
[00:51:26] He's got the Echo
[00:51:27] and this is what Fikril's using
[00:51:29] to handle Fikril's original staff
[00:51:31] that Jim has been replaced by the Echo
[00:51:33] The effects treatment is now
[00:51:35] Echo Visual Language
[00:51:36] Collate Scopic Prism the effects treatment is now echo visual language
[00:51:45] kaleidoscopic prism subclass colors should feature echo sundog fx when i'm okay um all right Okay.
[00:51:50] All right, all right.
[00:51:51] Fickle probably... He's probably going to be juiced then, huh?
[00:51:54] He's got the...
[00:51:56] Whatever the hell is Echo supposed to be doing?
[00:52:00] To build his new army of darkness.
[00:52:06] Yeah, they went full vampire.
[00:52:08] They really did.
[00:52:09] He's moved into an awoken watchtower.
[00:52:12] Vic rules vampire keep.
[00:52:13] We took a lot of inspiration from horror for that one.
[00:52:17] Revenender's
[00:52:18] good man.
[00:52:19] Heresy is about the Hive Pantheon dealing with some new interesting revelations that happen.
[00:52:27] We want to take the Hive Pantheon and shake up the snow globe.
[00:52:32] It means that we want to take the existing relationships
[00:52:36] that we see inside of it,
[00:52:38] put them through such a stress test
[00:52:40] that they come out changed.
[00:52:42] In Heresy, there's this
[00:52:43] new eldritch force
[00:52:46] that's bubbling up to the surface
[00:52:47] that is opening new doors
[00:52:49] creating powerful mysteries.
[00:52:52] And ultimately they'd lead us back to the Dreadnought.
[00:52:57] All right, we're ready to go.
[00:52:58] We're going back to the Dreadnought!
[00:52:59] It's awesome!
[00:53:01] Some fans might think we've forgotten about the Dreadnought completely,
[00:53:05] but we're going to give it a whole new purpose.
[00:53:11] We want this to be an eldritch inscrutable fortress of secrets the peeling that you'll see
[00:53:17] on the dreadnought the weapons themselves are peeling back to reveal a new spooky, bony front.
[00:53:25] Since this release deals with kind of two big themes,
[00:53:28] we have two armor sets.
[00:53:29] We've had some armor sets that are
[00:53:31] kinda in the Aeris theme from the past
[00:53:32] but this is like straight up I'm Aeris' squad.
[00:53:36] And then the Hive ship navigator armor set explores
[00:53:40] what if we were driving the ship? What if we were the navigators?
[00:53:45] So we're essentially going to be taking Oryx's role.
[00:53:48] We're going to be taking Oryx's role.
[00:53:49] We are going to become the navigator in some sort of way.
[00:53:52] And
[00:53:53] oh my god, what a-
[00:54:00] Can we get our own throne world?
[00:54:05] Do we get our own throne world then?
[00:54:18] I wish.
[00:54:31] It could be a perfect opportunity to give us player-owned housing or clan halls.
[00:54:34] Lundy's always...
[00:54:38] It wouldn't really make sense.
[00:54:40] We could do it in the helm, right?
[00:54:44] But just have our own customizable throne room?
[00:54:47] Now that's fucking wild.
[00:54:50] That would be wild.
[00:54:55] Yeah, they also say like the hive, peeling back and exposing bone...
[00:54:58] I wonder if the entire dreadnought
[00:55:00] is going to experience a transformation,
[00:55:02] like a massive transformation.
[00:55:04] We're probably gonna do things over the course of this
[00:55:06] episode that charges it
[00:55:08] or changes it in some way.
[00:55:11] And then
[00:55:11] it's going to probably
[00:55:15] bring about the
[00:55:19] relationships between the sisters
[00:55:21] and elaborate more on that?
[00:55:30] What are the chances that heresy brings in taos? Is there any chance is because I feel like you can't have a conclusion here to this without tayox right Who's Tayox?
[00:56:13] Tayox is the lady who who's the ox?
[00:56:14] Tayox is the lady
[00:56:16] who was like
[00:56:17] almost like
[00:56:19] a mother figure
[00:56:20] to,
[00:56:20] wasn't the actual
[00:56:21] mother but
[00:56:21] the mother figure
[00:56:22] to the three
[00:56:22] sisters.
[00:56:24] And she was really loving she cooked wonderful meals
[00:56:27] she taught him all kinds of stuff uh and she also betrayed every single one
[00:56:32] of them and got her father killed uh got their got their father killed. Got their father
[00:56:36] killed, and then tried
[00:56:38] to overthrow
[00:56:38] their
[00:56:40] family dynasty.
[00:56:44] So
[00:56:45] you know,
[00:56:48] it's kind of
[00:56:50] a 180 for
[00:56:51] sure and
[00:56:53] so anyways
[00:56:53] the sister Savathun,
[00:57:00] Zivu,
[00:57:02] and I guess Oryx now.
[00:57:03] They all had grudges.
[00:57:05] They all had huge grudges against
[00:57:08] Payox
[00:57:10] for obvious reasons
[00:57:11] so
[00:57:12] one of the biggest contributing factors is
[00:57:16] vengeance, like I mean they pretty much follow T-Ox
[00:57:19] everywhere. Matter of fact, they followed
[00:57:20] T-Ox to one
[00:57:23] alien race
[00:57:23] and that alien race was
[00:57:27] whooping the fuck out of the hive
[00:57:28] even this is like when Ori race was whooping the fuck out of the hive.
[00:57:31] This is like when Oryx and them... This is before Oryx was Oryx, but
[00:57:33] this is like when they were still very powerful
[00:57:35] and... But they
[00:57:37] were getting the shit beat out of them, and it was because Taox was feeding them information
[00:57:40] the new alien race
[00:57:41] this information on how to beat
[00:57:44] the Hive
[00:57:45] and how to beat the sisters
[00:57:46] and that's when Oryx does his whole
[00:57:49] shanks savath And that's when Oryx does his whole, you know...
[00:57:50] Shanks Savathun and then fucking kills Zivu
[00:57:54] and then becomes the Taken King.
[00:57:56] And becomes Oryx.
[00:57:58] And then he ends up destroying the uh ammonites
[00:58:08] oh did i get it backwards? Was it
[00:58:11] Rx then? Oh, okay.
[00:58:13] I don't know.
[00:58:15] Anyways,
[00:58:16] I feel like if you're going to include this episode
[00:58:19] you got to talk about T-O Ox in some way. I don't know
[00:58:23] maybe that's a frontier thing
[00:58:24] To the surface
[00:58:26] That is opening new doors
[00:58:28] creating powerful mysteries
[00:58:30] and ultimately they'd lead us
[00:58:33] back to the Dreadnought.
[00:58:36] We're going back
[00:58:37] to the Dreadnought! It's awesome!
[00:58:40] Some fans might think
[00:58:41] we've forgotten about the Dreadnought completely,
[00:58:44] but we're going to give it a whole new purpose.
[00:58:50] We want this to be an eldritch inscrutable fortress of secrets.
[00:58:54] The peeling that you'll see an eldritch, inscrutable fortress of secrets.
[00:58:57] The peeling that you'll see on the dreadnought......the weapons themselves are peeling back
[00:58:59] to reveal a new spooky bony front.
[00:59:04] Since this release
[00:59:05] deals with kind of two big themes,
[00:59:07] we have two armor sets. We've had some
[00:59:09] armor sets that are kinda in the Aeris theme
[00:59:11] in the past but this is like straight up
[00:59:13] I'm Aeris' squad and then the hive ship navigator armor set explores like what if we
[00:59:20] were driving the ship what if we were the navigators if you really liked Shattered Realm, if you really liked the Coil,
[00:59:29] You're going to love this new Dreadnought activity.
[00:59:32] With every episode there are a ton of interesting twists and turns that i don't think anybody's really going to suspect we
[00:59:41] haven't seen anything like this in destiny before and i'm excited to get after it so let me just back up one more time.
[00:59:52] So looking at the images here, showing the worm gods okay interesting
[01:00:05] okay Okay.
[01:00:11] We have...
[01:00:13] What was that?
[01:00:15] suspect We haven't seen anything like this in Destiny
[01:00:24] before and I'm excited to get after it.
[01:00:29] Yeah, very...
[01:00:29] He's probably going to be a part of the Revenant Yeah.
[01:00:32] He's probably going to be a part of the Revenant episode,
[01:00:33] right?
[01:00:58] Alright. This is probably the biggest thing and it's so small. That right there. So we didn't know what was going to follow D2
[01:01:02] and the final shape.
[01:01:06] And Bungie has laid out things
[01:01:07] because some people might be like,
[01:01:09] they're not gonna tell you
[01:01:10] what's gonna be out a year from now.
[01:01:14] No, they've laid out things.
[01:01:16] They've laid out things and been like,
[01:01:18] hey, here's the next three or four years.
[01:01:21] We saw years ago when they laid out Witch Queen queen lightfall final shape right um
[01:01:29] this is just confirming to us that i wouldn't say i wouldn't say confirmed completely, but I think the probability just went up a little bit higher that we may get some sort of annual expansion next year.
[01:01:50] Maybe, I don't know.
[01:01:52] What do you guys think?
[01:01:54] Because this is code name frontiers
[01:01:58] this could literally be us leaving our solar system I said annual expansion.
[01:02:13] I'm not saying D3, guys.
[01:02:15] I know.
[01:02:15] I didn't say...
[01:02:16] I didn't say D3.
[01:02:17] I'm saying we may get
[01:02:19] an annual expansion.
[01:02:21] Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying episodes
[01:02:24] aren't going to be something...
[01:02:25] We got to also just like what episodes are like
[01:02:29] in terms of like the the the growth of content but
[01:02:36] dude you just brought up a fantastic point.
[01:02:39] I just missed your comment.
[01:02:45] What if in heresy we rebuild the dreadnought,
[01:02:51] we become The Navigator and then we leave our solar system on the dreadnought.
[01:03:03] Oh my god.
[01:03:06] It makes too much sense.
[01:03:08] It makes too much sense dude all right I'm down then I am so down holy
[01:03:26] frontier gives me bad guardian vibes why what do you think we're gonna come
[01:03:30] across some like
[01:03:32] evil guardians out there?
[01:03:36] Yeah. I'm full of coke right now
[01:03:57] and for my people asking what about d3 listen guys
[01:04:01] i Listen, guys.
[01:04:06] Look, man.
[01:04:08] I just got...
[01:04:13] I've got some God Rose over here.
[01:04:18] The only way I would be okay with us going to d3 at this point
[01:04:21] bungee you better let me take my look with me, okay, I
[01:04:26] Listen what? I would I take a D3? Sure. You know there are some people that want to hard reset and also
[01:04:31] like there's an appeal to a hard reset and if there is some sort of technical jump
[01:04:37] from D2 to D3 then I can also get it.
[01:04:43] But in my opinion, for my folks asking
[01:04:47] for a hard reset for D3.
[01:04:49] My folks going hey Cross I want a D3
[01:04:55] I want the hard reset right now.
[01:05:00] My only assumption
[01:05:02] is that
[01:05:03] the reason why you're requesting this
[01:05:06] is because
[01:05:07] you don't have the juice.
[01:05:12] And I get it, I would be
[01:05:13] requesting it too, you know what I'm saying?
[01:05:15] If I saw roles like this god doggy
[01:05:24] i even pissed me off to have somebody on my fire team with this role. I mean, would just eat me up.
[01:05:30] You goddamn right
[01:05:31] I want reset.
[01:05:34] If I saw another Guardian
[01:05:35] with this kind of juice,
[01:05:38] hell no!
[01:05:41] What? kind of juice hell no but for the rest of us i'm good with going with d2 for at least another couple years you know
[01:05:48] the only the only other real thing that I would be okay with
[01:05:51] going to D3 would be like if
[01:05:53] Bungie was like listen
[01:05:53] we're gonna give you... We're going
[01:05:56] full-blown MMORPG.
[01:05:59] Like imagine
[01:05:59] being on one of these planets and it'd be like massive like it'd
[01:06:07] be the biggest area almost feels like multiple games within itself
[01:06:12] and then not only that
[01:06:14] you can load in there with
[01:06:16] hundreds of guardians instead of us being locked
[01:06:18] to a certain amount of players per zone
[01:06:19] Like, imagine feeling like you're playing
[01:06:23] an MRPG where
[01:06:25] you're on Nessus
[01:06:27] and there's a world event going
[01:06:29] on, and there's hundreds of
[01:06:31] guardians around you,
[01:06:32] and you're all collecting to take down this mega boss.
[01:06:36] I would be down for that.
[01:06:39] That, to me, is the D3 job.
[01:06:42] And I know every single person here is like that's impossible
[01:06:45] it'll never work yeah my my system couldn't do it my console couldn't do
[01:06:50] it listen guys i know which is exactly why we have a discount right now Listen, guys. I know.
[01:06:57] Which is exactly why we have a discount right now going on with Star Force Systems.
[01:06:59] I think they have free shipping happening for the next week.
[01:07:01] This is the thing.
[01:07:09] You can and will be able to take full advantage of this major upgrade from D2 to D3 with the Starforce system.
[01:07:12] And right now they have Intel CPUs that are being implemented in all their systems
[01:07:17] that are greatly amplifying them so take full advantage of it while you can alright guys that's it
[01:07:32] that's all I got
[01:07:34] 3k is wild
[01:07:36] yeah all i got 3k is wild yeah yeah but you get some um some artwork on it i suppose that's an AMD one?
[01:07:47] Oops
[01:07:47] Whoops
[01:07:52] That's the wrong one
[01:07:54] Alright all right um i need to do some damage testing everybody i hope you guys liked the year ahead
[01:08:05] listen for everyone that that is wondering tomorrow Tomorrow, has Bungie
[01:08:09] updated their page? Have they
[01:08:11] updated their page at all?
[01:08:14] Seasons
[01:08:18] Okay They haven't done anything for echoes right
[01:08:23] no not yet okay so tomorrow is the launch of echos we will be playing
[01:08:27] tomorrow three my folks that are gonna be bouncing down here uh we will be playing tomorrow three of my folks that are going to be bouncing down here uh we will
[01:08:31] be playing tomorrow here's the big kicker for everybody that is wondering about this episode
[01:08:37] and this is the main thing that you need to remember. You are going to have the ability
[01:08:42] starting tomorrow, to earn exotic class items
[01:08:45] this is where we take one main aspect of an exotic and merge it
[01:08:49] with another main aspect of an exotic and merge it with another main aspect of an exotic
[01:08:52] into one super, super exotic.
[01:08:56] I don't know how its going to drop but its supposed to start dropping tomorrow
[01:09:00] Probably gonna be associated activity in Echos,
[01:09:03] which we'll have a guide on for sure.
[01:09:05] But that's gonna
[01:09:07] be huge. That
[01:09:09] right there... You think your builds are
[01:09:11] nuts now? It's like the first time we played with prismatic
[01:09:14] a few weeks ago I was like
[01:09:15] it's good, it's potent
[01:09:17] but then when we played
[01:09:19] with the exotic class items
[01:09:21] it was like holy shit.
[01:09:24] And that is exactly why exotic class
[01:09:26] items were not given to us before
[01:09:28] the day one ring.
[01:09:33] There's so many crazy combinations man. There's so many crazy combinations, man.
[01:09:36] There are so many nutty combinations it's unreal.
[01:09:43] You think Frontiers is going to leave old gen consoles?
[01:09:46] I don't know.
[01:09:48] Somehow Bungie hasn't done it yet,
[01:09:51] which is quite surprising.
[01:10:08] I don't know how they're able to do it, to be frank. But they've been able to do it what is frontier frontier is year 11.
[01:10:13] please check here you can see the teaser for that besides Johnson my God it 100 needs to leave old
[01:10:20] dream consoles yeah I don't know I don't know I'm gonna go do this echo right now i guess i need to do
[01:10:31] this quest huh is that important before tomorrow
[01:10:36] i may have to do this before tomorrow I may have to do this before tomorrow
[01:10:51] Oh Oh. It says decrypting the Echo Ingram at the Wartable in the home.
[01:10:54] Says I can do it right now, right? Run!
[01:11:13] Ah here we go. Look at that. A handwritten note from Zavala lies on the war table
[01:11:15] addressed to you, guardian. There are no greater words
[01:11:17] to call one to action than a threat.
[01:11:19] There's a blade in our throats in the thing that holds it believes we are already
[01:11:21] being underestimated before.
[01:11:23] We will be underestimated again.
[01:11:25] The desperation will never outshine our hope
[01:11:27] or resolve. Stand with me all guardians
[01:11:29] and together let us show one more god the error of their ways
[01:11:31] because we begin
[01:11:34] that weekend at the conclusion of the final sheet
[01:11:39] okay
[01:11:40] so we can actually start
[01:11:41] earn this is how we get started earning gear now
[01:11:46] we already did that is that it is this all we can do?
[01:11:55] Then the power allies band together.
[01:11:58] We've already done this, huh?
[01:11:59] Does this not work retroactively?
[01:12:25] Okay. Actively? Probably a globe on lock. Okay. Fuck, I need to clear some stuff out, man.
[01:12:39] I know!
[01:12:40] I saw the frame.
[01:12:42] That's a funky-ass frame.
[01:12:44] Look at this shit, guys. it's an aerial denial frame burst fire
[01:12:48] grenade launcher each project out creates a lingering pull and impact that does damage over
[01:12:53] interesting time okay
[01:12:57] why are be messing around with it.
[01:13:01] I-Ground would actually be alright.
[01:13:05] It's like Witherward.
[01:13:07] Oh, it's called the Jizz Cannon.
[01:13:16] Fucking shit you guys got my word. I should finish the campaign.
[01:13:28] I thought I did. ghost in a lost city
[01:13:35] i'm not i thought i did finish the campaign. It's actually ghost in the radio
[01:13:56] have you got the best thing with your life cross. Yeah.
[01:14:01] I'm just like, no, man.
[01:14:08] I need to kick my daughter out of the bed.
[01:14:09] That's really what it comes down to.
[01:14:12] with the 10 gifted subs!
[01:14:16] Kim, thank you so much, man.
[01:14:18] Hope you're doing well, brother.
[01:14:19] Thank you, thank you.
[01:14:26] Jack, if you've been gifted a the sub please drop some lemonade plans maverick how the gates he sacrificed his life so mine could shine again.
[01:14:33] I can feel him still...
[01:14:36] Sundance too, I think.
[01:14:39] Tarj? All the ghosts and guardians who are a part of the traveler
[01:14:45] The witness wanted to provide purpose to the universe
[01:14:49] But purpose is ours to choose
[01:14:53] Our fates are ours to choose.
[01:14:55] Our fates are ours
[01:14:57] to make.
[01:14:59] K decided his was
[01:15:01] to reunite us.
[01:15:03] Now we get to ask the question
[01:15:06] The Witness wouldn't allow anyone to. What do you want our future to be?
[01:15:08] The witness is gone, but so is Cade who sacrificed his life to restore your ghosts.
[01:15:16] He's bet it all on you. Still, ghosts can feel
[01:15:20] Cades presence as though he and every other ghost in the garden
[01:15:24] that came before you are connected by the traveler's light. The witness sought to
[01:15:27] give a meaning to the universe, but Kate has shown you
[01:15:29] that meaning like fate is yours to choose.
[01:15:31] This last act was so true that you and your
[01:15:33] ghost will have a future together in a way that he and Sundance
[01:15:35] could not." Oh my my god it's so poetic son of why
[01:15:45] purchase requires was earned the first Pale Harden Ingrams
[01:15:48] at an increased rate each reset.
[01:15:50] I need to get this. We need to get our rank up.
[01:15:57] Now listen to the radio?
[01:15:59] Okay. Oh my god!
[01:16:03] Oh, that's such a good roll too.
[01:16:07] What? Guardian, if you're hearing this...
[01:16:15] Ah look I hate goodbyes.
[01:16:16] I never was good at them, so this ain't that.
[01:16:20] This is me saying thanks to you and Okora and Zavala...
[01:16:26] And Crow! Yeah, I'll deal him in here.
[01:16:29] Kid deserves a seat at the table.
[01:16:31] But uh... thank you.
[01:16:35] God dog it- Best friends a fellow could hope for.
[01:16:39] Best fire team I didn't want and...
[01:16:42] The best bet I ever lost.
[01:16:45] I know folks will miss me, I'm sorry.
[01:16:48] Never wanted to open up more hurt but I don't think I can just head on back to the tower.
[01:16:55] I'm being held together by light and wishes
[01:16:57] And it feels like I am here for a good time
[01:16:59] But not a long time
[01:17:01] Get me? So while it lasts... I need this life to have
[01:17:07] a reason. I need something. And if you're hearing this,
[01:17:15] it did.
[01:17:17] I want to make everybody proud.
[01:17:19] No even better.
[01:17:21] I wanna make me proud.
[01:17:27] Hope I got it right this time.
[01:17:31] See you around Guardian. God dogged man.
[01:17:37] You know, at first I was upset that Kay
[01:17:40] sacrificed himself
[01:17:41] but it's actually
[01:17:44] perfect in so many ways, dude.
[01:17:50] So many ways.
[01:17:52] I hate it though!
[01:17:54] I fucking miss him.
[01:17:58] But, I get it because he experiences
[01:18:00] what life is like without his ghost
[01:18:02] and the whole time throughout the campaign
[01:18:04] he talks about how he wishes he had some dance back you
[01:18:07] know
[01:18:13] we need to wait until the weekly reset to do the adventure what a big the waste of a wish
[01:18:20] in my opinion I don't think so is if anything it gave everyone some closure
[01:18:30] you know um i think it was it was fantastic
[01:18:39] and then on top of that,
[01:18:43] we really relied on Kate for it. So the hero we needed came in like a badass, completely
[01:18:46] mortal.
[01:18:53] I feel like
[01:19:06] Forsaken was really good but it isn't the way a hero should... like Kade should go out. And...
[01:19:10] It isn't the way he wanted to go out of course right
[01:19:13] and this right here him choosing his own fate
[01:19:18] you got to make that decision. You know what I mean?
[01:19:25] What was the cost of
[01:19:26] the wish, though?
[01:19:27] I don't know!
[01:19:28] I don't know.
[01:19:28] I mean, maybe...
[01:19:29] Maybe... Maybe... know i mean maybe um may made i don't fucking know i'm dude can we
[01:19:36] can we can we can we maybe assume that maybe for once
[01:19:39] ever riven made granted a wish out of the goodness of her heart What if just this once?
[01:19:59] What if just this once she actually...
[01:20:08] ...granted a wish without there being any downside.
[01:20:14] You know?
[01:20:16] Wow, that's so fucking awesome.
[01:20:19] Place vision
[01:20:20] of the traveler.
[01:20:22] The landing at the edge
[01:20:23] of the landing.
[01:20:31] Okay. The landing at the edge of the landing. Are these all collectibles you can gather?
[01:20:41] Oh yeah, oh that's awesome dude i gotta get all these man let's go
[01:20:49] and look at this guy huh yeah what's your guard you're working hard
[01:20:55] yeah just on tower duty.
[01:20:59] He said to go talk to our Korra? Back at the Tower Town?
[01:21:10] Oh, it's Kvasta.
[01:21:13] Hmm.
[01:21:16] For Kvasta? Okay.
[01:21:18] At some point we need need to get Cabasta.
[01:21:20] Alright.
[01:21:26] We've got to do some damage.
[01:21:30] I really don't want to do damage testing all day,
[01:21:32] but we've got to do damage testing on the rate linear fusion.
[01:21:34] Is our review out on it yet?
[01:21:37] Should be out
[01:21:49] butterfies um we need to damage this Because that linear fusion dude is looking nutty.
[01:21:53] So I'm going to join up on
[01:21:54] our checkpoint in Templar
[01:21:56] if I can have five guardians
[01:21:58] join us.
[01:22:01] Nose!
[01:22:05] Oh, look who it is. Finally.
[01:22:08] Undeafened.
[01:22:09] How do you feel about the final shape and the finale? What are your thoughts?
[01:22:18] Good.
[01:22:25] I've been a critique, or critic
[01:22:27] you know
[01:22:28] it was really good
[01:22:31] I'm happy with it You feel like Yeah, yeah. It was really good.
[01:22:32] I'm happy with it.
[01:22:33] Do you feel like Bungie cooked on this one for sure?
[01:22:42] I think so man. i think so man i think so uh it was cool to see destiny like this
[01:22:48] because this is i think what everybody always we always wanted this right
[01:22:51] yeah i don't know I thought it was cool.
[01:22:55] Good stuff.
[01:22:57] Chat does anyone else feel like Nose just
[01:22:59] sounds like K to you?
[01:23:01] What?
[01:23:03] Does anyone else get that act one coming soon,
[01:23:05] like the first episode starts soon
[01:23:06] at the next weekly reset of the first act?
[01:23:12] I don't know.
[01:23:13] To me sometimes Nosey sounds kind of like kate
[01:23:18] mom maybe i'm missing cave right now could you learn a few voice lines for us that
[01:23:23] cade wouldn't like some catchphrases Cade would say.
[01:23:27] And just so that we can all emotionally heal, just join them from time
[01:23:29] to time and just drop
[01:23:31] them for us.
[01:23:32] This is a significant amount of pressure at
[01:23:35] 9.03am
[01:23:37] I get it, I understand
[01:23:39] the coffee's not even finished
[01:23:40] we're completely fine with you taking practice runs
[01:23:43] um, you know
[01:23:45] off stream
[01:23:46] I just mean for my
[01:23:47] ability to heal through this
[01:23:49] I feel like I need to hear
[01:23:51] voices, like hear his voice
[01:23:54] and specifically if I can hear things
[01:23:56] like Azacross is the greatest time ever.
[01:23:59] Without you,
[01:24:00] the witness would have prevailed.
[01:24:02] Things like this...
[01:24:05] I need
[01:24:07] this for emotional healing going forward.
[01:24:12] Greatest Titan ever would have been the easiest thing in the world
[01:24:15] for me to join this voice call and say,
[01:24:17] however, unfortunately... call and say however unfortunately in front of 50 000 people you did not get first dude dude
[01:24:28] yeah it's kind of tough it's tough it's really hard they said super hard i was like Dude. DUDE! DUDE!
[01:24:33] I-I-I-I was like the third, I was like the second or third Titan.
[01:24:35] It's fucking close enough.
[01:24:36] It was close enough.
[01:24:41] Who was that first Titan by the way chat?
[01:24:43] I'm the third best time? I'm the third best
[01:24:45] time everybody! Hey man, you know
[01:24:47] what? I'll fucking take it.
[01:24:50] Don't give a shit. You know what they say if you ain't first
[01:24:55] until this one no no no no
[01:25:00] dgs is those guys though.
[01:25:10] I completely understand why people did it on Hun though because i did my run yesterday on hunter and the amount of
[01:25:15] damage um you're able to do to the witness
[01:25:20] on hunter with still hunt is insanity You don't even need Lucky Pants.
[01:25:24] Even though Bundy disabled Lucky Pants,
[01:25:27] I don't think
[01:25:27] if I was a hunter,
[01:25:30] I don't think I would have used Lucky Pants.
[01:25:32] I think I would have used still hunt celestial every game space that visit sir yeah
[01:25:44] no the fire team.
[01:25:45] The whole thing was popping off, man.
[01:25:48] I...
[01:25:49] Benny, Mac, Les...
[01:25:52] We all had a roast J
[01:25:53] for us like...
[01:25:54] Um... I like that when we got
[01:25:58] to the fourth encounter,
[01:26:00] things got really, really fucky.
[01:26:02] But...
[01:26:03] The nine meant for you
[01:26:04] to have that.
[01:26:07] We were able to finally figure it out with some guidance,
[01:26:11] and then the fifth encounter really just required people to slay adds.
[01:26:17] 33 people to slay adds, and
[01:26:19] Jay was on Hunter
[01:26:21] and he was able to
[01:26:22] completely control one side of adds
[01:26:25] by himself, which is is wild because those ads were so thick i couldn't
[01:26:32] believe it and then frost and i were on the other side um guys i got, I got no
[01:26:39] dialogue here from my core.
[01:26:41] What are y'all talking about?
[01:26:47] I saw it go over, yeah.
[01:26:48] Yeah, I actually came in here to like leverage ransom against you or whatever.
[01:26:55] Oh!
[01:26:56] Yeah, I was gonna do it in public. Cause I have a little bit of honor.
[01:27:00] You know what I mean? Right right right!
[01:27:02] Sure!
[01:27:04] So we hit like 100k
[01:27:06] users for the discord
[01:27:08] Congratulations! Oh fuck yes!
[01:27:11] Let's go everyone!
[01:27:13] Since you're a man of honor...
[01:27:17] If you don't send me a free Star Force
[01:27:19] PC I'm gonna have to delete the entire thing oh
[01:27:25] you forced my hands you know
[01:27:28] you know i knows yeah no but what is what is it if I send you a Star Force PC
[01:27:34] then Liv's gonna want a Star Force PC
[01:27:37] and Kevman's gonna wanna start-
[01:27:39] You don't know where I'm coming from?
[01:27:41] And now I'm in this really sticky situation.
[01:27:45] Are you on PS5?
[01:27:49] No, I play both inputs and I need to clear this up in front of the 15,000 people.
[01:27:55] I play both inputs so I can run your shit over no matter what the input is
[01:28:01] because there's a lot of debate like, oh
[01:28:04] controller, mouse keyboard
[01:28:05] but I just do it on both. I'm just the best
[01:28:08] on both.
[01:28:09] Right.
[01:28:11] That's
[01:28:11] You know what I mean? Yeah. No, no, no.
[01:28:14] I like that.
[01:28:15] I just feel like...
[01:28:18] How do I put this?
[01:28:21] Fuck them kids and just send me the PC.
[01:28:24] You know what I mean?
[01:28:24] Okay, so fuck
[01:28:27] the other Discord admins
[01:28:30] that we
[01:28:30] converse with on daily basis
[01:28:33] who happen to be in the stream right now is that we rebuild which kids are
[01:28:39] we referring we're referring to standard oh just a general, just the general
[01:28:46] kids. Just the
[01:28:47] fucking kids.
[01:28:49] Gotcha, gotcha. Okay.
[01:28:51] Alright. Yeah!
[01:28:53] No, John, you know,
[01:28:54] I don't know.
[01:28:56] Let's see what I can do, man. I I don't know. I don't know. See what I can do man.
[01:28:58] Just think about it.
[01:28:58] I'll think about it.
[01:28:59] You have 24 hours.
[01:29:00] Oh, that's pretty tight.
[01:29:02] That's pretty tight.
[01:29:04] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[01:29:04] I'm thinking about it for sure.
[01:29:08] Okay, okay. Are you doing damage testing? I am! I need five
[01:29:10] guardians, everybody!
[01:29:13] That is my least favorite thing.
[01:29:14] I'll see y'all later.
[01:29:15] My god! Man, as for a star force pc and then bounces uh i need five guardians
[01:29:26] let me just say this um
[01:29:29] did Let me just say this. These damage testing things are really,
[01:29:33] really important and I do appreciate
[01:29:37] especially if like the other day for instance less
[01:29:41] i was damage testing and les didn't join with a game sets when i am desperately trying to find
[01:29:48] pertinent information for us going into the raid what was less doing let's not getting
[01:29:54] kvost off is more important and that that's the thing that kind of you see what i mean
[01:30:00] that's that's the kind of thing that kind of eats see what I mean? That's the kind of thing
[01:30:01] that eats me up a little bit. It's like
[01:30:03] it was
[01:30:07] all I want to say
[01:30:09] is for the folks that join and do these damage tests with me,
[01:30:13] thank you so much.
[01:30:15] I know it is time-consuming, but it does give us some context to things, which is really nice.
[01:30:29] Alright listen for the folks that are joining...
[01:30:32] Make sure we don't have anything no one do damage but me
[01:30:35] okay for those wondering about to be testing the um
[01:30:39] the linear fusion rifle and the thing is i gotta get i gotta get high stacks of this thing i'm gonna
[01:30:47] i'm gonna transfer um by the way y'all can join y'all could join the discord right now i'm gonna promote
[01:30:57] 100 footer and then i'm going to join back okay Where is mine?
[01:31:16] Fuck, I'm in the wrong class.
[01:31:20] We're gonna do it on Warlock.
[01:31:24] Much love, Remus.
[01:31:28] Much love, man.
[01:31:30] We had a fantastic squad.
[01:31:34] No lie, we were like...
[01:31:36] We were pretty behind everyone for a while there.
[01:31:39] So...
[01:31:41] Obviously, we weren't in...
[01:31:45] I don't even know what rank we were. We were the 40th team to beat,
[01:31:49] but well behind
[01:31:51] like what
[01:31:52] the people in day one contention.
[01:31:58] But the people in day one contention. But
[01:31:58] I really enjoyed
[01:32:02] even though it was like
[01:32:07] 30 something hours and shit I
[01:32:09] really had a great time that was just a lot of
[01:32:11] fun dude I just had a really nice
[01:32:13] time doing that
[01:32:14] and
[01:32:16] if I didn't have the squad that I had,
[01:32:19] like it wasn't even like having the squad
[01:32:23] that could successfully do it.
[01:32:25] It was just having a squad
[01:32:26] that was resilient enough
[01:32:27] and I really love that everybody
[01:32:31] was just,
[01:32:33] you know... Everybody was tired!
[01:32:35] And everybody was picking each other up and stuff.
[01:32:37] Nobody was
[01:32:37] shitting on each other.
[01:32:43] That's really important man.
[01:32:45] Alright let's see I got that.
[01:32:54] Okay. Congrats on making it through the contest after 47 hours. Most fun race
[01:32:56] I've had. Most fun
[01:32:58] race by far. Yo, congrats
[01:33:00] to you man. 47 hours who is the mvp in your team i would say
[01:33:07] um every everyone was popping the fuck off.
[01:33:14] You know, I... There were times
[01:33:15] where
[01:33:16] you know
[01:33:22] mechanically I would say Mac you know,
[01:33:24] mechanically I would say Mac and Binnie were by far
[01:33:27] the MVPs.
[01:33:28] I would say AdClear
[01:33:33] Jay was probably the MVP.
[01:33:35] I mean, he literally controlled on that final encounter. Literally controlled the side by himself
[01:33:43] I would say that Frostbolt
[01:33:44] was the MVP for damage.
[01:33:48] He just killed on damage
[01:33:50] and literally clutched up the final.
[01:33:52] But Benny also clutched him in the final too.
[01:33:55] Benny also clutched him in the final too binnie also clutch them on that final dude benny literally
[01:34:02] it's honestly insane how quickly it's it's insane
[01:34:04] how quickly bennie can I know he is a PvP
[01:34:07] player and a lot of people look at Benny as just
[01:34:09] a PvP gamer but its insane how quickly
[01:34:11] Benny can grasp mechanics
[01:34:13] It's fucking
[01:34:15] Benny be saying shit I'm like what
[01:34:16] and he doesn't
[01:34:19] jump down your throats
[01:34:22] or anything like that
[01:34:23] but
[01:34:24] Vinny did great but Vinny and but
[01:34:28] Benny did great,
[01:34:29] but Benny and Mac
[01:34:30] just controlling the mechanics.
[01:34:31] Les is MVP
[01:34:32] for being a flex.
[01:34:35] We needed
[01:34:36] a third person
[01:34:37] to step in, the mechanic.
[01:34:39] Les stepped into the mechanic and he fucking did that shit.
[01:34:43] So I give Les a hard time
[01:34:47] but he really was the MVP on that.
[01:34:53] I am, Jay.
[01:34:54] Everybody did
[01:34:56] really good, dude.
[01:34:58] I'm in a proud gamer dad moment not do myself
[01:35:08] I only get credit for one thing and one thing only.
[01:35:15] I could say there were points in the Ray where I absolutely threw
[01:35:19] The only thing that I give myself credit for
[01:35:21] was I figured out 2D World
[01:35:24] and Fourth Encounter.
[01:35:25] I know other people figured it out,
[01:35:27] but everybody was blurring their fucking screen out.
[01:35:29] There was two frames
[01:35:31] from a their fucking screen out. There was two frames, there was two frames
[01:35:32] from a stream that we
[01:35:34] pulled up
[01:35:34] and that was the only two frames
[01:35:38] that I saw and suddenly
[01:35:40] the fucking light bulb went on,
[01:35:42] and that shit was it.
[01:35:44] And you know what's crazy?
[01:35:45] It was still wrong.
[01:35:48] It was still wrong,
[01:35:49] but it worked anyways.
[01:35:51] That was fucking,
[01:35:51] it was crazy.
[01:35:52] It was still...
[01:35:53] But it got us through the encounter.
[01:35:57] In some ways, we brute-forced it.
[01:36:01] So yeah, that's mine.
[01:36:02] That's the only thing I credit myself.
[01:36:04] Let's see what do I got? Six shots on this?
[01:36:08] Failed successfully.
[01:36:12] Alright! Alright.
[01:36:15] Do some damage chest tests.
[01:36:23] Uh... Uh, just dialing you.
[01:36:28] Can you hear me bud?
[01:36:29] Who else do I have in here?
[01:36:31] I can hear you.
[01:36:32] Okay let's see who is this frosty ham? I don't think he's with us
[01:36:36] Okay so
[01:36:38] I need a
[01:36:40] Well of Radiance
[01:36:44] and Let me see what other builds and...
[01:36:49] Let me see what other builds I have.
[01:36:56] Just put on Weaver's Call, chat.
[01:36:59] I'll put on Weaver's Call and then let me also see if I got a hatchling...
[01:37:03] I'm going to try to get stacks of this
[01:37:05] as quickly as I can.
[01:37:08] Okay, I do have a...
[01:37:09] I could do this as Haxxon.
[01:37:13] That should be perfect.
[01:37:16] I'm gonna try
[01:37:16] to build up stacks of this real quick.
[01:37:18] Let me put on rebirth, okay?
[01:37:20] I got rebirth.
[01:37:21] All right, chat we're gonna do damage testing with his exotic.
[01:37:26] Chat which one looks sexy one or actually one two i think one looks better.
[01:37:40] One or two?
[01:37:44] Can we get a poll
[01:37:44] on this?
[01:37:47] One
[01:37:48] or two? This seems like a very small, wide One...
[01:37:52] Or two, I know this seems like a very small- Like why the fuck are we even worried about this?
[01:37:55] This is-
[01:37:57] We actually will buy ornaments just for damage tests
[01:38:01] just so the weapons look their best what with the 10 gifted subs
[01:38:09] woods thank you so much for the big tin
[01:38:13] one Woods, thank you so much for the big 10. 1-2 looks moldy?
[01:38:16] This has like a...
[01:38:18] This seems like a more refined,
[01:38:19] like more witness-like vibe this seems almost more hype-like
[01:38:27] y'all do the vote guys let me use the restroom and then we'll knock this out. so so so so so. so so so Hello?
[01:40:26] Okay, listen.
[01:40:31] I need just a well
[01:40:36] and no debuffs. We cannot have any type of
[01:40:39] matter of fact
[01:40:40] if everyone can unselect their We cannot have any type of... Matter of fact,
[01:40:43] if everyone can unselect their artifact mods.
[01:40:48] Done it?
[01:40:49] I'm literally on...
[01:40:50] I'm just taking everything off.
[01:40:52] Alright, I just want to
[01:40:53] keep
[01:40:56] this gun-to-gun comparison here.
[01:40:58] Alright, so we're going to start off with
[01:41:00] base everybody. Again for those that are not familiar with this gun
[01:41:03] uh this is the raid exotic we recently done it we did a review on it but it comes to the
[01:41:07] park here unwound dealing sustained damage but this weapon spawns threadlings at your
[01:41:10] target's location there's three threadings every other burst
[01:41:14] and we have spindle rider where threatening damage increases this weapon's damage
[01:41:18] now this will stack up you actually will see spindle stacks.
[01:41:23] And at times 25 that is a 50% increase in damage.
[01:41:30] And this also works off of any source
[01:41:32] of threadling damaged.
[01:41:33] It doesn't have to be threadings created by euphony here
[01:41:36] it can literally be threadlings that you throw from your threatening grenades or
[01:41:40] your bills whatever strand build may be and that will contribute to those spindle stacks the other thing that is going to be the
[01:41:48] final piece of this and we still don't really know what it's gonna bring you go over here
[01:41:52] at the triumphs in salvation's Edge, and scroll all the way over
[01:41:56] You'll find Salvation's Edge Patterns Collected
[01:41:58] And it says collect salvation edge weapon patterns
[01:42:02] Notice right here at the bottom
[01:42:04] Triumph Completed Rewards increases the chance for an extra weapon
[01:42:06] trait for Euphony." Now we've seen... this actually is popping up on other raid exotics
[01:42:13] The point is there's going to be some sort of way
[01:42:16] after you complete that
[01:42:18] to get the raid exotic with the traits.
[01:42:23] The question is
[01:42:24] what traits would we get on it?
[01:42:28] I personally would love hassling on it.
[01:42:33] Precision instrument
[01:42:34] would also be good. A damage perk would be
[01:42:36] good on top of what you already got.
[01:42:38] Brother, accept your triumphs?
[01:42:39] Guys, I give no shits.
[01:42:41] Are y'all fucking with me?
[01:42:42] Let me just give you a rundown.
[01:42:46] I got 279 missed calls.
[01:42:50] Excuse me, 279 voice-mouse that I will never listen to.
[01:42:57] I have 243 text messages that i will never read.
[01:43:04] I have 420,000 emails that i will never read.
[01:43:14] Ain't nobody got time for that?
[01:43:17] I have so much red on my phone, chat.
[01:43:19] I don't even... I don't even i don't even i don't care
[01:43:22] i don't care
[01:43:27] go
[01:43:36] one point I'm trying to make is these triumphs just blinking doesn't bother me how does it even see it we'll do it when we go
[01:43:44] in the game oh my god did this hold on i got started Chaos is what the Witness was trying to get rid of, I understand why.
[01:44:09] Guys before we begin this Damage Phase...
[01:44:11] ...I urge every one of you...
[01:44:20] Um... guys i urge every one of you um to watch the movie whiplash
[01:44:39] i know that's completely random, but'm out of rally flags.
[01:44:44] I better bug down. rally flags.
[01:44:48] I'm gonna bug down.
[01:44:50] Let's just try this at base.
[01:44:55] Jath, if you could pick it up and give me a countdown when you launch.
[01:44:57] Everyone else just have Luna... My War warlocks we have luna faction on burn them all this past week and you live i can I can.
[01:45:12] Does someone else have a well? I didn't check out other guardians
[01:45:14] Oh, you are Jather
[01:45:16] Okay who else is in the Discord right now?
[01:45:18] Pat?
[01:45:19] Pat, can you pick up the relic and shoot it?
[01:45:23] Close gun.
[01:45:24] Perfect.
[01:45:25] Just give me a gun now.
[01:45:27] One sec.
[01:45:27] I'm throwing on Lunas.
[01:45:31] I'll pick up on one
[01:45:41] Got Lunafections Got Lunafactions. Ready?
[01:45:42] Yep!
[01:45:43] 3, 2, 1... Yeah, so we have Strand Surge on right now.
[01:45:57] Guys all we have to do is take the 25% out of the number.
[01:46:01] So, we'll get whatever our number is
[01:46:03] and then we'll do some math
[01:46:04] and then take it out.
[01:46:10] Even with things like unraveling rounds and stuff like that,
[01:46:12] we'll just pull back to 25%.
[01:46:19] Batting.
[01:46:21] Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, Pac
[01:46:23] you wanna give me- Give us time to get set up okay?
[01:46:27] For this pack I want you to give me
[01:46:29] when you say 3 2 1
[01:46:31] You don't have to do 3 2 1 when you pick it up you can pick it up almost immediately um just give me a
[01:46:35] three-two-one countdown on when you uh you shoot the relic and then um
[01:46:40] let's well normally just wait till the well is down and then you can do it 10 years, you think we would have a target dummy in the tower by now?
[01:47:01] Maybe.
[01:47:05] I kind of like this more You can go ahead back yeah you can you can as soon
[01:47:29] as you see his downer man you can grab it The charge is not 25%. what's the search
[01:47:54] that activity search it says that 25% bonus.
[01:48:05] Let me count down.
[01:48:07] Alright brother you just gotta count that down.
[01:48:11] You guys say 3 2 1 and then just pop on one. My bad.
[01:48:12] Your good. Yeah, you gotta get me out a bit sooner than that if I get detained.
[01:48:34] Who was detained?
[01:48:36] Relic was detained.
[01:48:40] It's fine dude, you guys can literally just
[01:48:41] You can do this and then chill afterwards
[01:48:45] So that's act 446, 694.
[01:48:57] Okay so this is at base that's 357,355.
[01:49:03] Now this number is gonna differ from last week's number. Oh, I probably should include a debuff in this bitch
[01:49:07] Yeah... So if I wanted to do a point of comparison
[01:49:11] between this and last weeks's number, we need
[01:49:13] to throw in a debuff. Can somebody go on tether?
[01:49:19] Someone else wants to grab relic,
[01:49:21] I can go on tether.
[01:49:24] Um... Who's that that I just put in here?
[01:49:26] Diamond? Hello.
[01:49:29] Diamond, are you...? Let me see
[01:49:30] what class you're on. You're on warlock.
[01:49:32] Diamond, can you grab relic?
[01:49:35] Sure. So... you're on warlock diamond can you grab relic so just do it wait till the well comes down
[01:49:39] and then do we need a rot wipe by the way pack
[01:49:42] yeah quick one
[01:50:10] looks like the threatens are not hitting the templar oh really were we not getting any stacks uh Yeah, spin up times four.
[01:50:13] Yeah, we should add higher than that.
[01:50:15] And I wonder if it's because the boss is like higher up in the air son of a
[01:50:26] um okay this may not work guys.
[01:50:28] I might have to go do a um...
[01:50:32] I'm gonna have to go to Greg.
[01:50:36] Ummm....... Let's try it one more time.
[01:50:42] Let me paint into the stacks this time, just to make sure it wasn't...
[01:50:51] Try and do Uh, try-try-yeah let's try damage up top. So this time?
[01:50:52] This time?
[01:50:53] Um put the well up here for me.
[01:50:55] Not right now not right now.
[01:50:58] Yeah but you see...
[01:51:00] We'll get our plans and then go with it.
[01:51:02] But I don't think him being a floating boss is bad for this.
[01:51:07] Oh.
[01:51:09] Oh. Oh. Premium Alexander 100 plus 25% is 125, but
[01:51:17] 125 minus 25% is not 400. Yeah, I know Alexander
[01:51:21] I take the number and divide by 1.25
[01:51:27] Are you ready?
[01:51:36] On my head Are you ready? I'm starting up.
[01:51:40] Come to tank, just go and pop me up. I just want to see what we're looking at.
[01:51:46] Alright, I'm getting a lot more stacks right there!
[01:51:48] Oh my god!
[01:51:50] Oh that's incredible!
[01:51:52] Okay, we can make that work.
[01:51:53] That was incredible. Because of the tether
[01:51:55] I'm able to get max stacks really fast.
[01:52:01] That was crazy!
[01:52:03] Because of all the ads, yeah.
[01:52:16] Oh my god.
[01:52:18] This is a good point of comparison right now.
[01:52:20] So that's $778,557.
[01:52:22] They got the 25%. That's $622,000.
[01:52:30] Let's try it again because i was detained there for a bit 845
[01:52:41] okay Yeah, no.
[01:52:42] And we were missing.
[01:52:45] Keep doing it up top.
[01:52:46] Nobody kill adds up top. Nobody kill adds up top!
[01:52:48] Leave the adds.
[01:52:55] Leave adds, so that my threadlings are able to pop their damage.
[01:52:58] Let me actually cook this up a little more, I'm going to go ahead and start... You don't have to kill killer in that.
[01:53:21] Okay, everybody here.
[01:53:32] I need all looking this way up.
[01:53:43] Here we go. Hmm.
[01:53:47] I only got the x20 that time.
[01:53:49] Maybe I just need to leave all the ads up guys and go straight into it.
[01:53:53] Might as well leave them all open.
[01:53:56] See what this number is, oh man, still cooking though.
[01:54:00] This is a special weapon guys all right divided by 1.25 that's 725
[01:54:12] 506.
[01:54:17] So,
[01:54:20] same thing guys,
[01:54:21] same thing.
[01:54:23] Well up top this time I'm going to leave off all the ads except for the ones in the back so You know what would be better though is that if I...
[01:54:57] Oh, I know what I need to do.
[01:54:59] I'm doing this all wrong.
[01:55:01] Yeah we're doing this all wrong.
[01:55:03] Here we'll start this off at with no pre-buff or anything.
[01:55:05] I've got two brethren coming though.
[01:55:11] Everybody get distance from each other?
[01:55:13] We need that tether down as fast as we can.
[01:55:18] Got detained. Yeah, even if you want to pre-pop it is what I'm saying.
[01:55:24] Like before the relic uses buses. Guardian down. Before the brother gives him
[01:55:26] first hit.
[01:55:29] Oh, chat, I'm already...
[01:55:30] So I probably should take off swarmers.
[01:55:33] Let me show you guys what it's doing at base
[01:55:35] without swarmers. This is me with swarmers so we're
[01:55:38] we're throwing swarmers into the mix yeah i'm gonna
[01:55:41] i'm gonna eat a grenade instead here's here's what am i do i do wander or no. What do... The fuck am I doing?
[01:55:51] Oh, shit! Just get off a strand, though, for base.
[01:56:09] Right now... We're not gonna we're not going to use well i do have
[01:56:19] i'm not doing anything right now to pick anything up.
[01:56:23] No unravel, no nothing.
[01:56:25] No we walk this is purely starting app base
[01:56:53] why's the weapon not look more red from here it's a lot darker don't look like When you pop the well, everybody get out of this spot. Need y'all to pop this?
[01:56:54] There you go.
[01:57:03] That's all I'm getting at. Alright, so that is Ab-Base.
[01:57:07] No exotics pairing with this.
[01:57:11] No prebuildup of Thremlings.
[01:57:15] Okay.
[01:57:19] 947,551.
[01:57:20] Let's adjust it.
[01:57:23] 551. That's 758,000.
[01:57:26] That's our new high. Oh my god.
[01:57:29] That's base dude.
[01:57:30] That's literally nothing else guys.
[01:57:34] That's
[01:57:35] no swimmers thrown in there.
[01:57:37] Alright, now
[01:57:38] let's go full juice
[01:57:40] or actually
[01:57:41] yeah, let's just go full juice we're going thread links um you guys said i should use
[01:57:49] hold on hold on god damn i'm not even down here why brook got armory armor Why, why go for it? I don't have any armor.
[01:58:04] I'm gonna compare the RPG effects.
[01:58:10] This is obviously going to outperform RB by a large margin.
[01:58:20] Would Apotheosis Veil be able to spam the most grenades would that help build stacks the fastest
[01:58:32] say what apotheosis veil you pop your super and then you have fast grenade recharge. You can get off about four Threadling grenades Uh no don't worry about any of that. By the way guys yeah Jay you're right i had threat of evolution on look let me take this off hold
[01:58:42] on let me get one more base number but when y'all pop the well not everybody's standing in the well
[01:58:47] y'all back up a little bit and look when you drop that tether pack
[01:58:49] I want you to drop it like right here
[01:58:51] You see where i'm at?
[01:58:53] Go out of his feet
[01:58:55] No no come here
[01:59:00] I want you to pop it right here,
[01:59:02] that way its hitting the adds too
[01:59:04] and that way the dredling damage
[01:59:06] I think its counting from multiple stacks okay?
[01:59:08] Righty-oop Alright lets go with stacks, okay? Right.
[01:59:10] Alright, let's go.
[01:59:16] Apotheosis may be the play but I don't want to waste time
[01:59:18] building
[01:59:19] stacks if you know what I mean.
[01:59:21] Or waste time throwing grenades is what I'm saying.
[01:59:35] Really doing my super into this would be...
[01:59:46] really fucking good. Alright, I'm about to have to...
[02:00:07] How about I just get behind this pillar back here? 3, 2, 1, and we will go. And some of those shots are heavy. Listen, all that I ask...
[02:00:10] Let me show you where everyone else should be.
[02:00:15] Jack in the six months in advance, thank you, thank you.
[02:00:19] Yeah sneaky.
[02:00:20] We're taking a look man.
[02:00:22] 850 thousand F days alright?
[02:00:24] I think we can get a bit higher than that because
[02:00:25] I miss grids. Alright.
[02:00:38] Look, when y'all pop the well...
[02:00:42] I want you all to pop the well and then everyone just go this way that way if you get detained
[02:00:47] you'll be out of the way secondly jacks you see what i'm talking about
[02:00:54] yep okay you want to run to the left and that way the boss is still looking at us
[02:00:59] and we're not in a situation where um i'm probably going to end up doing that dude.
[02:01:13] I think actually that may be some insane damage.
[02:01:30] If you watch the Xbox showcase. No, but I saw the thing on...
[02:01:36] Hey.
[02:01:38] What's happening? Okay.
[02:01:40] I'm not gonna die. Take 2, 1, and little... I don't think that's hitting the boss.
[02:01:56] No, it was going to be a wipe.
[02:02:00] Yeah there was like half of foot too away from us.
[02:02:04] Yeah, that's fine.
[02:02:07] Want to try better better gaming chair.
[02:02:13] I am not.
[02:02:14] Considering we stand it doesn't really apply. I get a better game of chair makes a difference yeah you come for it, not your gameplay.
[02:02:34] Pac when you run up try to be on this side right here and pop it that way he's looking because I think he's aggroing a little bit.
[02:02:42] Yep. I think he's throwing his aggro on you a little bit. No, I definitely didn't stay in the pool 36 hours.
[02:03:01] We cycled between that and the yoga ball.
[02:03:10] I'm 8, 2, 1. Alright, this is the best we can do.
[02:03:34] We got times 25. Pretty quickly.
[02:03:39] That's nice.
[02:03:40] The others definitely help me
[02:03:41] with that too.
[02:03:44] I feel like the threatening damage is counting
[02:03:45] for extra.
[02:03:47] This is base, extra. This is
[02:03:48] base, guys. So that's 867,875.
[02:03:52] That's a good point
[02:03:52] that Jay made there.
[02:03:57] 867.
[02:04:01] We take out the Surge at 694,000
[02:04:05] 300
[02:04:07] Now that is face The number we got a second ago, which was 758,040,
[02:04:12] That was with Threat of Evolution.
[02:04:15] What Threat of Evolution does guys is it attacks on extra damage for your Threadlings.
[02:04:23] That right there, which is perfect for this considering every other burst you're literally making 3 Threadlings.
[02:04:31] Let me write this down. Thread
[02:04:32] of
[02:04:34] evolution.
[02:04:37] Alright, so now
[02:04:39] since we know what threat of evolution does
[02:04:40] we're going to do swimmers and thread of evolution
[02:04:45] and then after this we're gonna do a phase where
[02:04:48] we consume our grenade and we start with multiple stacks.
[02:04:54] Are you getting sick? You're faster than me, your voice just keeps getting deeper.
[02:04:58] Oh I don't know man i probably am getting sick in here but i mean
[02:05:01] i don't feel it yet. Honestly, if you're using this gun, you should be on Warlock and Hard Focus.
[02:05:17] That's running from it.
[02:05:21] Now there are some great hunter builds too.
[02:05:24] Hunter exotic for this is really good.
[02:05:38] I'm so lucky I have a tank down there. Alright, so this is Witch Swarmers guys!
[02:05:43] Oh my god it even gave us another purse.
[02:05:45] Holy crap!
[02:05:57] Let's see what this is. Oof, broke a melt there.
[02:05:59] That's wild.
[02:06:00] So with swarmers on...
[02:06:17] After we take out the adjustment that's 816,937 damage. That's with swarmers and threat of pollution.
[02:06:21] Now, what we're going to do with this one guys
[02:06:25] I'm gonna actually
[02:06:28] do... I'm gonna eat my grenade
[02:06:30] and then pop my rift
[02:06:31] around the time you say two.
[02:06:34] So when you do your countdown, three,
[02:06:36] two,
[02:06:37] I'm gonna do all that and one
[02:06:43] should be good we only gotta have the 21 stacks right there in there
[02:06:47] that's just the power of swimmersers. Again, Swarmers has
[02:06:49] a part destroying a Tango spawns a Threadling but your
[02:06:51] Threadlings unravel targets with big damage
[02:06:53] which is beautiful for this.
[02:06:56] Literally cranking
[02:06:57] the damage out and what that attacked on oh my god i tacked on like almost an
[02:07:03] extra an extra 75k there god dog and we were in a max s
[02:07:11] but I don't want my simply doing the games let me describe this guest
[02:07:20] yeah 3, 2, 1.
[02:07:35] Okay I couldn't... a little late on that. Let's try that again. Still cranked out some dang good damage right there.
[02:07:50] A lot of that's probably like
[02:07:51] you know,
[02:07:52] some of the
[02:07:53] threatening damage that's in there but that's still cooking
[02:07:57] Let's see if we can get a little bit higher than that
[02:08:01] That's $907,000.
[02:08:13] And I may end up throwing my... I'm gonna throw my super in the back of the room. Oh yeah, this weapon is competing against heavy weapons I'm about to provide the
[02:08:40] show you guys in just say they're not competing outperforming that's
[02:08:45] outperforming that's out performing heavy weapons right now
[02:08:48] we literally just did damage testing for things like doom petitioner and stuff 3, 2, 1
[02:09:05] I don't know what happened to my signal right there.
[02:09:13] Guardian down!
[02:09:16] Guardian down!
[02:09:22] That's what it looked like.
[02:09:29] Yeah, I did forget. Okay. Let me try rifting this time.
[02:09:35] I was hoping my Threatlings there that I launched in my super
[02:09:39] Was going to give me like insta stacks
[02:09:40] Oh, that's right
[02:09:46] I got super the pillar beside me, right?
[02:09:51] Okay with a pillar beside me, right? Okay. That's a great suggestion right there. So on the
[02:09:55] countdown... Just give me a long countdown. 3, 2, 1.
[02:09:59] ... two one Jesus, Goku.
[02:10:15] I got double reloading on time.
[02:10:27] No, you can only hold so many that's why I'm not gonna just eat my grenade when I get up there.
[02:10:31] Cause we wanna compare and I can't take the super damage out of it.
[02:10:34] We just want to get a quick comparison of it.
[02:10:38] Oh shit, hold on one second guys, I'm not up there.
[02:10:45] Oh shit! I'm not attacking guys, I'm not up there. 3... 2... 1...
[02:10:49] Hurt! I messed up.
[02:10:58] Oh Jesus.
[02:11:01] Try that one more time.
[02:11:04] I don't know, Th. The red thing seems like it gets caught up in a bunch of stuff.
[02:11:15] Because Super Bacon
[02:11:16] is different every single time.
[02:11:18] This is such a weird super, and it's got so many
[02:11:20] different moving parts to do damage
[02:11:22] with the super and then subtract it every time.
[02:11:25] What if a threatening doesn't hit?
[02:11:27] Or what if multiple threatenings don't hit
[02:11:28] and stuff?
[02:11:30] This is fine, this is going to work.
[02:11:33] Yeah, I feel like
[02:11:34] hurtlings go for adds versus the boss,
[02:11:37] it could cause inconsistencies.
[02:11:39] Yeah, I'm gonna just pre-pop it actually.
[02:11:41] So here's what you're going to do.
[02:11:43] Drop your tether, drop the well
[02:11:45] and then I'll tell you when to do the countdown.
[02:11:49] Yeah, got it.
[02:11:59] You can't, sir. You can't. I'm trying to make life
[02:12:03] easier on myself. so 3, 2, 1... countdown now What the hell just happened?
[02:12:44] Guardian down!
[02:12:47] Guardian down!
[02:12:52] Super gave nothing?
[02:13:26] I got one spindle from my super? The fuck? Oh, they're detonating before they're an actual... Get the fuck out of here. That's crazy.
[02:13:28] Alright look this is what I'm gonna do.
[02:13:30] Um let's be a little bit quicker on this.
[02:13:33] I'm just going to kill a bunch of adds and get stacks going into it, okay? I'm definitely trying to defy the That's actually not happening.
[02:13:56] I'm definitely trying to get like the most perfect, most optimal shit
[02:14:00] I don't think this is actually gonna work
[02:14:04] ... so Alright, moving out. It also seems really strange, sometimes the stacks just jump up super fast.
[02:14:39] Got zeroed.
[02:14:43] Gave him one.
[02:14:46] This exotic seems okay.
[02:14:47] These things out here incredible, guys.
[02:14:49] Fucking incredible. Right now it has a
[02:14:53] stack timer. Dude why did they do that? Resets from 9
[02:14:57] to 0.
[02:15:06] We'll go test this at Greg.
[02:15:08] We'll go test this at Greg very soon.
[02:15:11] Let's finish out this sentence, but we got some context.
[02:15:16] The timer just ran out.
[02:15:20] Alright, we're just going to keep it simple guys I'm literally
[02:15:25] just gonna pop my...
[02:15:27] We're gonna try to get our best number with Stormers.
[02:15:30] I was gonna try to initially go into this with multiple
[02:15:32] stats but um we'll just do it this way uh I'm going to go back. okay I didn't get the
[02:16:20] NOSPR stuff.
[02:16:23] Greg is obviously like, because this boss's feet
[02:16:25] is not touching the ground. The drennings sometimes
[02:16:29] fall off in a difficult time
[02:16:33] The damage is still really, really fucking good though.
[02:16:37] That's the thing you'll probably get even better when we go test this at Greg.
[02:16:42] He's got a larger crit as well.
[02:16:44] Yeah whoever's popping the barricade don't have to pop the barricade.
[02:16:49] I think that's fucking get the last one. Oh, she lost the button.
[02:17:08] Yeah I saw that, Gatrice.
[02:17:14] No we don't need a barricade. We're fine, we have Luna Faction.
[02:17:23] Reg testing would be better. I'm not to count down. Perfect
[02:17:56] That was really not Let's see what we got there guys.
[02:18:07] Again.
[02:18:09] Fucking dead, fucking... Fucking big.
[02:18:11] Fucking.
[02:18:13] Take out the 25%.
[02:18:16] This puts it at 915,117.
[02:18:19] That is our final
[02:18:20] guys.
[02:18:21] I do believe
[02:18:23] this thing is only going to get better
[02:18:24] with a more grounded boss and we're going
[02:18:27] to go Duke-Rag here in just a little bit.
[02:18:31] But the reason why
[02:18:31] we're doing it on Templars is because we did damage testing
[02:18:33] with our lineaers from the other day, and we are doing exactly the same stuff
[02:18:37] so I just wanted to see what it looks like here. And there's also going to be bosses you go up against
[02:18:41] that are in there, right?
[02:18:44] So this kind of gives you a point of reference
[02:18:46] here.
[02:18:48] Now
[02:18:49] let me also...
[02:18:51] 915,117
[02:18:55] is our adjusted number.
[02:18:57] Let's go ahead and break out
[02:18:59] heavy linears.
[02:19:02] I'm going to proc
[02:19:03] Cataclysm with bait and switch
[02:19:09] and let's see we'll sprinkle that in there too
[02:19:14] here we go.
[02:19:20] That seems to be working pretty good, we can keep going in the same spot.
[02:19:23] Hold on, hold on,
[02:19:24] let's do some bets, Don't pick it up yet.
[02:19:27] Will Cataclysm do more damage?
[02:19:31] Yes.
[02:19:40] No.
[02:19:43] One, one or 60 seconds, uh,
[02:19:46] 60 second time.
[02:19:49] If Cataclysm doesn't do more damage,
[02:19:50] I'll delete my
[02:19:52] edge transit.
[02:19:55] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
[02:19:58] Well, Pat... It's only shiny Whoa, whoa, whoa. Well Pat what role is that?
[02:20:00] It's the only shiny I have.
[02:20:01] Whoa, whoa, whoa man!
[02:20:04] Guarantee it'll do more damage.
[02:20:07] Okay alright.
[02:20:11] The roll I have is cascade point auto loading bait and switch deconstruction with quick quick launch high velocity rounds couldn't get the spike nades.
[02:20:22] Alright, well let's see man.
[02:20:24] We'll see right now. Let's get the tether in and let's see if we can cook
[02:20:32] I Let's see if we can cook. And by the way, I mean the highest number that we were pulling off here so it has to beat 915 thousand.
[02:20:40] That's dope. thousand
[02:20:50] i'm serious, I'm gonna find it. All right.
[02:21:04] Three, two, one.
[02:21:09] I'm the same. I have to watch.
[02:21:19] Now, I'm just saying...
[02:21:21] Ma'am, I don't want to hear this shit.
[02:21:24] I don't want to hear this shit.
[02:21:26] Don't come in here telling me you're fucking sad right now.
[02:21:34] Literally the whole time I'm doing the rape man's like look how bad
[02:21:36] you fucking up cross
[02:21:37] God look at that. You see that
[02:21:39] moment? You fucked up right there
[02:21:40] Do you see that very that exact
[02:21:42] moment? Cross timestamp 32 hours exact moment cross time stamp.
[02:21:46] 32 hours, 11
[02:21:47] seconds. That was the point you fucked up
[02:21:49] right there.
[02:21:52] Yo, a trailer just drops?
[02:21:56] Hey guys, hold on one second. We got a trailer that just dropped.
[02:21:59] Oh shit!
[02:22:03] Where's this
[02:22:04] trailer at?
[02:22:09] Okay. Where's this trailer at? I need a link guys.
[02:22:11] I need a link.
[02:22:13] They did a buy dock and a
[02:22:15] trailer?! did a buy doc and a trailer oh my god oh my god hold up...
[02:22:45] Let me pause that.
[02:22:50] Alright, let's take a look at this.
[02:22:51] Echoes. This is Destiny 2 episode Echoes
[02:22:53] launch trailer.
[02:22:55] A voice spoke to me on Nessus.
[02:23:01] I could not deny its commands.
[02:23:08] I hear it still.
[02:23:21] The witness is dead. From that victory, something new emerged. At first we didn't know what to call them, but Echo seemed apt.
[02:23:27] You won't be alone. We're sending our best! I was once the Vex's greatest opponent...
[02:24:07] ...I should remind them. so I think it's gotta be Maya. I never thought I'd see him shaken up like that, he is always so strong.
[02:24:13] Do not forget what you're dealing with. strong.
[02:24:19] Do not forget what you're dealing with. Uploaded, judged and eliminated. Eliminated.
[02:24:28] I will be ready! Dude... Dude.
[02:24:42] You know what this reminds me of?
[02:24:47] Chad, this reminds me of when we used to have
[02:24:51] DLC drops instead of just seasons.
[02:24:55] Just the narrative that's of just seasons.
[02:24:59] Just the narrative that's tied to it, right?
[02:25:03] Oh, that looks incredible.
[02:25:08] I wonder if this figure has control over Saint because of what happened to Saint
[02:25:12] whenever he got essentially killed by
[02:25:15] the Vex.
[02:25:19] I know we did all kinds of stuff around that, but I mean like...
[02:25:21] Hold on. What happened
[02:25:23] with that again? Is there any type of connection
[02:25:25] between Saints?
[02:25:28] I see a cover
[02:25:29] we're gonna look at
[02:25:29] oh
[02:25:36] it's also because he's an exo
[02:25:42] um It's also because he's an exo. Dude, this just makes sense.
[02:25:44] The mother of all exos is Maya.
[02:25:46] It's got to be
[02:25:48] Maya man.
[02:25:51] And look at this right here.
[02:25:53] It's gotta be.
[02:25:54] It's gotta be, dude.
[02:26:04] Okay. No, she's... I would think it's safe to assume maya is going to be pretty bad you know licks mean
[02:26:15] i don't really think election was that bad i think she was misunderstood
[02:26:19] you know but maya i think she's just gonna be genuinely just a bad just a bad person
[02:26:25] you know um Devinside article oh my God hold on all right so Devin science episode Hold on.
[02:26:35] All right, so Devin Sine's episode echoes.
[02:26:39] While The Final Shape is the capstone of the 10-year light and darkness saga that we turned the first page on way back in 2014,
[02:26:43] we've got many
[02:26:44] stories left to tell, and that's
[02:26:46] where episodes come in.
[02:26:49] Echoes launches on
[02:26:50] June 11th and represents the
[02:26:52] first of three self-contained narratives
[02:26:54] that are a direct result of the events at the end
[02:26:57] of The Final Shape. We're so excited to share new
[02:26:59] perspectives and characters in a galaxy
[02:27:01] forever changed following the climactic
[02:27:03] battle with The Witness, and the echoes this produced
[02:27:05] while also
[02:27:07] tying up some loose ends.
[02:27:09] Again all of the narratives that were pretty much set-up
[02:27:11] by these past year's seasons.
[02:27:13] Now each episode will feature a three-act arc
[02:27:16] that focuses on friends and foes
[02:27:18] old and new. Each act will deliver activities
[02:27:20] that continue to expand over time alongside
[02:27:22] their expanding reward pools. We've built
[02:27:24] episodes to deliver more meaningful reward paths tied to your journey
[02:27:27] while ensuring there are lots of secrets
[02:27:29] to discover, solid reasons to return
[02:27:30] each time a new act launches and
[02:27:32] exciting build crafting opportunities to take
[02:27:35] on new challenges.
[02:27:38] Not only this point right here, guys. They're also adding
[02:27:40] new artifact mods
[02:27:41] as the episode goes on,
[02:27:43] which is wild. Now things are
[02:27:45] only just getting started with Echoes as Year 7 will also feature
[02:27:48] additional episodes like Revenant which focuses
[02:27:50] on an old enemy that's back
[02:27:52] with many handfuls of new tricks and heresy
[02:27:54] where we dive back into the Dreadnought
[02:27:56] and shake up the Hive Pantheon, which looked incredible.
[02:28:00] In addition to the name
[02:28:01] of the episodes, Echoes are mysterious
[02:28:03] objects of immense power born out of the epic
[02:28:05] clash between Light and Darkness within The Traveler.
[02:28:07] In Echoes, the Vanguard knows little about these
[02:28:09] artifacts but mobilized after detecting
[02:28:11] the Vex stirring on Nessus.
[02:28:13] With residents of Experts, Saint-14
[02:28:16] or Nosiris at your side,
[02:28:17] and backed by the incomparable Felsafe, you'll find yourself
[02:28:20] exploring the planet to dig up all the data
[02:28:22] you can on a new threat that wields
[02:28:24] an unnerving power unlike any we've
[02:28:26] encountered before.
[02:28:29] It's gotta be Maya, man. It's gotta be maya man
[02:28:30] i am literally
[02:28:32] betting thy vault that this is
[02:28:35] maya
[02:28:36] now new activities and missions launching
[02:28:39] in each act like every episode released in year seven echoes will
[02:28:42] feature three acts each about six weeks in length with that two launching on july 16th
[02:28:48] and at 3 going live on august the 27. These are key points in which new quest
[02:28:52] chains will unfold alongside
[02:28:54] the addition of new activities that feature
[02:28:56] new rewards. In Act 1, you'll be introduced
[02:28:58] to the new three-player Breach Executable
[02:29:00] activity.
[02:29:02] You'll test your metal
[02:29:03] engaging in an active combat zone
[02:29:05] on the transforming surface of Nessus
[02:29:07] while attempting to track down ancient
[02:29:09] Vex technology. Felsafe will run
[02:29:11] intel pointing you towards hots hot spots of strange planetary activity
[02:29:13] while you fend off enemies bent on taking these technologies for themselves."
[02:29:19] I mean the way it looked like in the trailer.
[02:29:22] The way it looked, it almost seemed like the planet is going to be
[02:29:26] changing a bit which is pretty wild i mean it almost feels like a true live events outside of
[02:29:31] just like because this is like one thing to have VEX portals pop up
[02:29:35] and you're fighting stuff. It's another thing, like,
[02:29:37] to have things actually getting altered.
[02:29:40] You know what I mean?
[02:29:41] Now providing your mastery over Breach is equitable means
[02:29:44] you and your firing team will secure more
[02:29:45] technology, and provide the opportunity
[02:29:47] to unlock even better rewards. Much like
[02:29:49] our foes, Breach Executable will continue
[02:29:52] to evolve over the course of Act 1,
[02:29:53] adding more encounters encounters paths to explore
[02:29:56] bosses in higher tiers of difficulty.
[02:29:58] Okay so it almost sounds like deep dives
[02:30:00] with the adding more encounters
[02:30:02] interesting now more season
[02:30:04] rewards speaking of awards Echoes will introduce a new set of weapons from the
[02:30:07] onset alongside a pool of weapons that grows with the
[02:30:10] launch of each act we'd like to give you a sneak peek at some
[02:30:13] of these as well as the new armor look at at that, dude. It's literally all
[02:30:18] Vex themed for obvious reasons.
[02:30:19] We got a rocket launcher, a hand cannon
[02:30:21] sniper, a fusion
[02:30:23] a caster frame sword
[02:30:25] and the grenade launcher that I know many of us have been messing around with
[02:30:29] this is this is like a legendary wither horde i don't know how strong it is i haven't messed
[02:30:32] around with it enough but um yeah the armor what the The armor.
[02:30:39] What the...
[02:30:41] The hell is that?
[02:30:47] Bungie just took Cenotaph and turned it sideways.
[02:30:53] What? why'd you just took cenotaph and turned it sideways oh i just got told that this is not a a sniper rifle this is a scout rifle wow okay a 120 scott rival gotcha dude look at that
[02:31:04] man warlocks you know what i love it i absolutely love it damn blockheads now some of you have already spotted
[02:31:14] some of the new of the weapons that are available in echoes there's also going to be a selection
[02:31:18] of season of dawn weapons reprised a new origin trade, new perks and even
[02:31:21] a new damage type in case of breach
[02:31:23] light now being strand.
[02:31:25] Oh!
[02:31:27] Here we go. Okay so these are the season that dawn weapons
[02:31:29] all make in return. Bung you said they were going to be giving
[02:31:31] it back since they were sunsets they are now coming back origin traits uh breach
[02:31:37] side specifically is being strand i'm not really sure what other changes
[02:31:39] gonna be made to these other weapons.
[02:31:43] But if you miss, I've missed Marty the most.
[02:31:46] Yeah.
[02:31:47] I'm ready to get Marty back.
[02:31:49] Now, to succeed in this
[02:31:50] collection of new activities, adopt a flexible approach and bolster your load
[02:31:54] outs with new armaments designed to face the unrelenting mechanical threat as effects bruce
[02:31:59] lee might have said be radiolurian fluid, my friend. Oh my god.
[02:32:04] I actually am curious to know what the difficulty is because we just
[02:32:08] came off of onslaught which was extremely difficult
[02:32:12] especially on the highway so I'm curious to know what the scaling
[02:32:15] is going to be here. Now expanding Artifact
[02:32:17] and Season Pass. The seasonal
[02:32:18] artifact will also grow and offer new possibilities
[02:32:21] as each episode develops. While
[02:32:23] you get the new artifact early in the Final Shape campaign,
[02:32:26] there's plenty to unlock as you earn experience and
[02:32:27] complete challenges. With the launch of Act 2,
[02:32:30] the artifact will have an additional
[02:32:31] row of perks added with another
[02:32:33] one on the way with Act three as each brings five more powerful
[02:32:37] perks to the table we believe the metal will shift in interesting ways over time this is
[02:32:42] the past we'll also see an expanded path of pursuits as it powers up 50 ranks with each act released. This means you'll
[02:32:50] see the traditional 100 ranks as Act 1 launches, with 50 being added per act for a total of 200
[02:32:56] unlocks and rewards to chase
[02:32:57] before the conclusion of this story.
[02:32:59] Tomorrow, The Witness is no more.
[02:33:01] Journeying to an awakening
[02:33:03] at Nessus in pursuit of a new Vex
[02:33:05] threat when Echoes launches tomorrow at 10 a.m. Pacific?
[02:33:08] It's still crazy to me that the witness,
[02:33:10] we were able to beat the witness.
[02:33:12] I mean obviously we did,
[02:33:13] we literally did it twice
[02:33:14] but actually three times.
[02:33:18] Part of me feels like
[02:33:19] the witness is still out there though.
[02:33:22] Like I know these are the echoes,
[02:33:23] but part of me feels like he's somewhere
[02:33:25] out there, you know?
[02:33:27] Like he's got a Horcrux just laying around you know but I feel
[02:33:36] like the version of The Witness that we meet in the future
[02:33:39] won't be The Witness that we've dealt with before.
[02:33:44] It will be The Eye, maybe The Eye version.
[02:33:47] No, he's toast? You don't think he's fucked?
[02:33:55] All right, he's toast don't think he's all right he's yeah all right that's it guys uh i'm excited man when was the last time we've got a trailer for a season or an episode
[02:34:00] the day before
[02:34:02] the launch. It's like Bungie is going back to old
[02:34:04] we normally get
[02:34:06] the trailers
[02:34:06] literally the day of the launch
[02:34:09] and there's little to no hype for it.
[02:34:12] But, it seems like Bungie is really
[02:34:14] cooking this man and really pushing
[02:34:16] this. And there's supposed to be big narrative
[02:34:18] points with this. So, I'm excited.
[02:34:20] I'm also really excited to see how this follows up into, you know, next year that the year
[02:34:25] 11 timeline which is going to be frontiers.
[02:34:28] It's been nonstop man.
[02:34:29] Yeah.
[02:34:30] Bungie is literally blowing their love.
[02:34:31] I love it.
[02:34:33] And that's Maya. It's got to be.
[02:34:36] Finger's a little pointy,
[02:34:38] but it's Maya.
[02:34:39] Alright.
[02:34:41] Thank you guys for waiting.
[02:34:42] I didn't even realize I wasn't muted
[02:34:43] Okay, let's see
[02:34:47] Let's um
[02:34:47] I got our max damage
[02:34:50] For that right? We're doing
[02:34:52] Cataclysm right? Yep
[02:34:53] Yep Let's do it for that right we're doing we're doing cataclysm right yep
[02:34:54] yep let's do it
[02:34:58] are they going to be dropping a dungeon raid this year i'm not sure
[02:35:00] i'm not sure what the cadence is i think we're getting two dungeons does that
[02:35:03] confirm can that confirm I think we're getting two dungeons. Is that confirmed?
[02:35:05] Isn't that confirmed?
[02:35:07] Pretty sure it is.
[02:35:13] Alright chat, the number The number that it has to beat
[02:35:18] 915 thousand one hundred and seventeen
[02:35:40] Let's hope it beats that number. I
[02:35:46] to be a wife are you what happened?
[02:35:47] Someone jumped in front of me as I cast tether.
[02:35:50] Oh okay, gotcha.
[02:36:00] That's a great rundown.
[02:36:02] Maya Sundarach was part of the East Shark Collective and gave her soul to the bell
[02:36:03] and copied herself into the Vex network.
[02:36:06] It's literally her, dude.
[02:36:07] It's literally her, dude. It's literally her.
[02:36:10] Yeah, she gave
[02:36:11] her life and soul
[02:36:13] to the dangness
[02:36:15] of
[02:36:17] that I don't blame him.
[02:36:23] Big nasty, we've already adjusted for Surgis.
[02:36:29] 915,000 from what we did with Euphonina was what we already adjusted.
[02:36:32] We took out the 25%. No more exotic class times? Exotic class times are supposed to be launching tomorrow. so Alright, pop it up.
[02:37:19] Motherfucker dude what are the chances?
[02:37:22] We're getting screwed right now.
[02:37:37] Clovis Bray is behind us, I think Clovis Bray is overrated. I think Clovis wishes he was a beast.
[02:37:41] He's just not.
[02:37:45] Couldn't even beat his own
[02:37:48] His own creation
[02:37:51] Lame
[02:37:54] Definitely a skill issue. Definitely a skill issue!
[02:38:09] What does I saying? No Maya is definitely more, a way bigger threat than Clovis's. threatening club is this....
[02:38:36] You're in the... Turn that 3, 2, 1 Oh, it can't get much better than that.
[02:38:56] I mean, I put it all in there.
[02:38:57] I put it all in there.
[02:38:59] Let's see what we did.
[02:39:01] Let's see what we did.
[02:39:02] Come on, come on...
[02:39:06] OOOWWW!
[02:39:09] Oh? Phew. Oh! Well, that was the bait and switch..
[02:39:24] Pac, no chat.
[02:39:26] It's his only shiny roll.
[02:39:28] You can't make him do it.
[02:39:30] That is too much! roll you can't make him do it that's too
[02:39:31] that's too much that's too much
[02:39:36] if he had multiple i would say do it
[02:39:40] but for my folks that bet yes, it did just get beat.
[02:39:45] And what's so crazy is this...
[02:39:48] This is a heavy.
[02:39:50] This is a heavy.
[02:39:53] A heavy just got beat by a primary?
[02:39:55] Yeah, and actually when we go through
[02:39:57] all of this guys, you're going to see
[02:39:59] so many
[02:40:01] heavy weapons are getting beat
[02:40:03] so many pretty much all the heavy linears are going to get beat by
[02:40:07] euphony um
[02:40:11] but i'm also okay with taking all the bets in here chat what about search
[02:40:18] months on no we don't just pump up numbers randomly guys you know and you
[02:40:23] don't start losing a bet and go hey let's just tack on 25 with the hell of it
[02:40:29] if we don't attack on the other side it's got to be a fair competition
[02:40:35] so what kind because we do more damage no was the betting to be a fair competition.
[02:40:36] So will Cataclysm do more damage?
[02:40:37] No, was the betting about the winner's bet there.
[02:40:43] Alright. Now let's
[02:40:44] break out. Anyone want to nominate any other
[02:40:48] heavy linear right now do y'all want to do sleeper
[02:40:52] let's see if it beats if you beat sleeper there's no way to be sleeping right
[02:40:59] not fucking sure enough Sleeper's
[02:41:10] about to have performance issues.
[02:41:12] Dude, I love this. We're going to have so many
[02:41:14] bets right now. Prediction.
[02:41:16] Will it beat
[02:41:17] Sleeper?
[02:41:19] Will Sleeper
[02:41:20] out-damage Euphony?
[02:41:23] What was the number to beat?
[02:41:26] The number to beat
[02:41:28] is 915 117. 950 170 radio well let's see.
[02:41:46] Alright, let's see. 915,000 is the surge adjusted number.
[02:42:03] Yes.
[02:42:03] We took out the 25%.
[02:42:05] It was like 1.14 million.
[02:42:09] I don't have a good roll of stormtaster effects.
[02:42:12] I got a doom petition though.
[02:42:18] And Doom Petition is a void weapon.
[02:42:23] Late night power level does not
[02:42:27] matter here. The reason why power level
[02:42:29] doesn't matter here, is we are locked to
[02:42:30] fireteam powder.
[02:42:33] Who's the highest power level person here?
[02:42:37] That would be me.
[02:42:39] Pack is 2001,
[02:42:41] We're all locked to that.
[02:42:49] For this, we can actually pop our...
[02:42:50] No, we'll keep going on top.
[02:42:51] We're not gonna gd it.
[02:43:01] Oh! We're not gonna gp it. Fuck, I missed dude!
[02:43:05] Also don't have Revo Mom's on.
[02:43:09] Let me try that again guys, on this.
[02:43:13] So let's pop the well down low.
[02:43:16] Um, it'll be a little bit easier.
[02:43:24] Yeah dude that's even with us missing shots
[02:43:28] uh yeah looks like sleeper is about to get it about to out damage it
[02:43:33] which makes sense i I mean sleepers are chonkerin'. No, guys.
[02:43:50] I missed shots.
[02:43:51] Hey!
[02:43:52] Put the well down here by the way.
[02:43:53] Right down here okay?
[02:43:54] But still get the tether off on him.
[02:43:58] Yeah.
[02:44:03] You hit a ricochet, though?
[02:44:04] It did ricochet, didn't it?
[02:44:09] Autumn, we don't know yet.
[02:44:09] We don't know.
[02:44:11] It's got to be $915.
[02:44:20] It's Void Surge? Yeah, we take out the surge guys. It's called MATH!
[02:44:28] 3... 2... 1...
[02:44:37] Ah, dude.
[02:44:51] Guardian down! I'm about to lose all my tenant points? There it is.
[02:44:54] No, no, no.
[02:44:57] I mean unless you went
[02:44:58] all in.
[02:45:00] But think about it like this.
[02:45:03] In the grand scheme of things, this is but only a small
[02:45:07] moment. Only a small glimpse
[02:45:11] of a moment you won't even you won't even think about these eggplants
[02:45:20] 25 years from now you won't even think about it.
[02:45:25] Not until your kids bring it up.
[02:45:28] Maybe, maybe then.
[02:45:32] But for the most part you shouldn't think about it.
[02:45:41] Back in my day we dealt with eggplants in Twitch chat.
[02:45:44] Oh my god! In my day we dealt with eggplants in Twitch chat.
[02:45:47] Oh, my God dude!
[02:45:54] I hope this gaming culture exists even in the future.
[02:45:55] I'll be a gamer when i'm 80.
[02:45:57] Ah, quite an attitude man.
[02:46:03] 3... 2, 1...
[02:46:20] I can probably get one more shot off. Guardian down!
[02:46:25] Nice thing, nice thing. down I said I've got a squeeze in one more shot here
[02:46:39] to beat it right now
[02:46:40] right now it's still
[02:46:45] i don't know man we got Lunifaction on right?
[02:46:52] Correct
[02:46:54] Yeah this is wrong, this is wrong
[02:46:58] Just add another 120,000?
[02:47:00] We don't... what the f-
[02:47:04] Guys we don't just add shit. Yeah let's just add on
[02:47:08] A real scenario on. Real scenarios.
[02:47:15] Okay, so in the 3-2-1... Let's try to time it up a bit
[02:47:19] I'm going to be-charging a bit here so that
[02:47:22] all right i'll hit it now let me you as soon as it makes contact
[02:47:31] no guys it's Void Surge and Stranding.
[02:47:37] 3... 2... 1...
[02:47:41] Goddoggin' I'm like one god dog
[02:47:44] that was gonna be it man that was gonna be yet
[02:47:51] whoa Whoa, whoa. Whoa!
[02:48:01] Bruh, if you can hit another one Add 120,000 make the math
[02:48:04] Let me just say this safe
[02:48:06] First
[02:48:07] Do you have a number next to your name
[02:48:10] Unless you got a
[02:48:12] Motherfucking number next to your name, lick it thy asshole. Okay?
[02:48:18] If you've got a number next to your name, you have the right to bitch moan and groan.
[02:48:23] If you've got no number next to your name,
[02:48:25] sit the fuck down!
[02:48:31] We're betting in here.
[02:48:33] We got live bets.
[02:48:51] Oh! We got live bets! uh some people damage tests to learn some
[02:48:54] we damaged test to take a glance
[02:49:05] right too one 3, 2, 1.
[02:49:10] God damn it.
[02:49:12] I don't know the timing.
[02:49:13] Our time is just off.
[02:49:15] Are you shooting on one?
[02:49:16] Like what's the...?
[02:49:20] Uh, I think I'm hitting the button on 1.
[02:49:24] Okay alright.
[02:49:25] Guardian top!
[02:49:26] Guardian top!
[02:49:27] Let's try that one more time.
[02:49:28] One more time. Go back up top.
[02:49:43] Premium Alexander, do you have a number next to your name?
[02:49:45] You do not.
[02:49:47] You say I need to go back up top and get
[02:49:51] ricochets? Oh my god.
[02:49:56] Alright, put me back
[02:49:57] up top. Let's go back up top.
[02:50:01] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Y'all just gotta make sure you're all behind that pillar so
[02:50:03] we can sprinkle some ricochets
[02:50:05] Not every boss is gonna give you a
[02:50:07] ricochet though
[02:50:12] Yeah, not every... say that out loud. What are the chances you're gonna get
[02:50:16] a brick of shit?
[02:50:20] Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't What are the chances?
[02:50:25] Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. You know what I mean? Who can even predict these things?
[02:50:29] I don't know.
[02:50:33] We'll see, we'll see.
[02:50:39] 50-50.
[02:50:47] Right? 3, 2, 1. Oh missed.
[02:50:50] No proc? okay
[02:51:04] we got this this is the. This is the one, this is the one.. Let's just see. How long we been on this face for?
[02:51:49] Hours bro.
[02:51:50] Fucking hours dude.
[02:51:51] This guy is such a dick.
[02:51:54] We'll figure him out soon then.
[02:52:03] Give us another five hours, we'll figure it out. Yeah for sure. Right, two, one.
[02:52:14] That's literally perfect.
[02:52:21] I've got an add walking down low, if you're going to mess me up.
[02:52:25] I can't do any more than that.
[02:52:29] I literally can't do anymore than that. I literally can't do any more than
[02:52:30] that, that's for one. That probably did
[02:52:34] beat it. A very small margin
[02:52:38] that probably did cook pass apparently dude
[02:52:45] 966,480
[02:52:47] wow
[02:52:48] that is wild.
[02:52:52] Look, man, the fact is that I know
[02:52:54] we're pumping the damage
[02:52:56] numbers up with Euthynia there
[02:52:58] but the fact that the difference in damage
[02:53:00] value... I mean, that's pretty comparable and then if we
[02:53:04] get euphony with a trade like precision instrument even something as basic as warple
[02:53:10] um hell even something like rewind rounds even something like Rewind Rounds. Even something like Rewound Rounds would be insane.
[02:53:18] Then this weapon is going to pull the head asleep? It's literally gonna pull the head asleep it's literally gonna pull ahead of sleep
[02:53:45] guys i have the catalyst on on scam wait okay everybody everybody's getting upset and here's the thing. You know,
[02:53:46] die eggplant bets
[02:53:47] give it. Sometimes
[02:53:49] die eggplant bets take it away.
[02:53:52] Okay? Will sleep around
[02:53:53] damage you think think it did.
[02:53:56] My believers,
[02:53:57] you are being rewarded.
[02:54:02] Alright.
[02:54:04] What else we got?
[02:54:07] A surrounded bros.
[02:54:09] Oh, yeah!
[02:54:10] Yeah, I completely
[02:54:13] forgot about this thing.
[02:54:15] I'm going to completely pump up...
[02:54:19] Well, no.
[02:54:21] Browars only does extra damage against Lucent Hive.
[02:54:25] Okay.
[02:54:28] Gotcha, gotcha gotcha tormentor's loose and high i can't get that product on this guy um but
[02:54:34] we can proc surround it so let me let me try this then.
[02:54:39] This is going to be really close. Prediction
[02:54:41] Will Euphony
[02:54:43] out damage or will
[02:54:45] Briars
[02:54:46] out damage
[02:54:49] Euphony.
[02:54:55] I'm going to let this bet run for 2 minutes, and'm going to use the restroom.
[02:55:00] For proc and surrounding on this, though, guys,
[02:55:02] we need to be up here. Just make sure we don't kill the adds.
[02:55:05] And if not right there,
[02:55:06] maybe right here. Can you see where I'm at?
[02:55:11] Is everybody... We may want to just throw the well like, right here
[02:55:15] and I'll stand right here on the level.
[02:55:19] Sounds good. Alright give me just moment. Guys, do the bed! okay..... so so.... What's the split on the prediction?
[02:57:45] What do we got? Yes, no.
[02:57:53] Okay that's actually pretty close. Perfect!
[02:57:57] My favorite bets are
[02:57:59] close to 50-50 or whenever everyone overwhelmingly bets on
[02:58:05] one and then the other side wins.
[02:58:08] That's my favorite.
[02:58:10] Maximum pain, baby.
[02:58:23] Yes, it did. It did,. Yeah I went through. Same in the end. Much love to you man. Thank you so much dude.
[02:58:31] ... Remember, remember well up top okay? Oh shit.
[02:58:44] 3, 2...
[02:58:48] Oh this is gonna crop
[02:58:52] it's going to crop! Oh, this is gonna cook. It's gonna crop oh my god
[02:58:58] Oh my didn't even have to reload
[02:59:04] Oh Guardian down.
[02:59:06] Guardian down!
[02:59:08] Maybe he didn't cook as much as I thought.
[02:59:10] Hey, by the way, no one kill ads.
[02:59:12] Is it because of the tether?
[02:59:14] I can't believe it's because of the tether?
[02:59:17] We've all surrounded.
[02:59:20] I think the tether killed a couple.
[02:59:21] Pop the tether on the left side of him
[02:59:23] this time.
[02:59:27] If we're facing him from the pits pop it on the left yeah i'm from the opposite
[02:59:30] side
[02:59:38] did i use storm chaser? No.
[02:59:39] Why is everybody so hung up on storm chasers?
[02:59:42] That shit be ass!
[02:59:43] What year are y'all living in?
[02:59:45] This isn't 1967 anymore.
[03:00:02] Oh wait, what if Storm Station came came out with?
[03:00:09] 20, 21.
[03:00:13] But no, Storm Texture is not good.
[03:00:17] . Alright, give it to him.
[03:00:23] 2...1...
[03:00:26] That's pretty much a meteor.
[03:00:35] Guys, the only ads that I need you all to keep off of me
[03:00:39] are these ones that explode.
[03:00:41] That's it.
[03:00:42] Everything else, though, y'all can kill.
[03:00:43] But like...
[03:00:46] The other ones are good.
[03:00:54] The harpies are good. Not looking good guys, not looking good. guys Oh yeah, we could just use Tractor instead. That's the most...
[03:01:32] You think you're gonna beat my- Beat? What? Gonna get beat like my... Oh, my God.
[03:01:37] I don't even feel comfortable reading that. I
[03:01:54] this can be a wipe.
[03:01:56] That's probably right.
[03:02:13] There it goes! By the way, it's not necessary to tank.
[03:02:14] We're good guys, we're good. I know, we saw it guys. We're good.
[03:02:17] I know.
[03:02:18] We saw it, guys.
[03:02:18] We saw it.
[03:02:39] Oh. Tragics 30%. You want break out pack, you're gonna break out tractor instead.
[03:02:42] That way we don't group enemies and surround them.
[03:02:47] You okay? Perfect.
[03:03:06] Okay, got it. we just put it out, bud.
[03:03:09] We just put it out. Matter of of fact one of the mods can
[03:03:11] repost that video and then pin it, that'd be great. Great, we can get go to turn one. um
[03:03:49] guardian town so water damage going going up to 45,000.
[03:03:59] Oh my god hold on did someone 913 314 what happened who the
[03:04:15] all right
[03:04:19] i don't think so no
[03:04:27] is it not a solar search? No, it's not a solar search.
[03:04:31] No no we were in a well.
[03:04:38] Chat why the f- Why did we do 45 thousand?
[03:04:43] No hesitation gives you a boost by 10%.
[03:04:47] Does it really? Who's rocking that?
[03:04:51] Uh, Jtholomew was. Yep, that's my mistake. I was just trying to keep
[03:04:55] you alive. off uh okay yeah
[03:05:05] that's pretty damn nice. I'm a driver it only buffs your auto damage
[03:05:39] let's just try and get the Fight. Two, one...
[03:05:44] This run is just cursed.
[03:05:46] Guardian down!
[03:05:48] Down! Were you healing me during sleep?
[03:05:51] No, I only pulled it out just now when you started dying from the adds to procs around him.
[03:05:57] Oh okay perfect.
[03:05:59] Yeah so then the frame itself it says flexible and agile
[03:06:01] frame capable of healing allies and hurting foes. Hit-firing allies with this weapon
[03:06:05] is charged heals them with rapid healing increasing weapon damage bestowing restoration
[03:06:09] And it actually stacks radiant that's really good
[03:06:13] really good okay that's why the damage was so high i thought something was funky
[03:06:17] so that name which number would briar is not correct let's go again.
[03:06:28] We've already watched it. It is correct, yeah.
[03:06:39] That will be fine.
[03:06:48] Our highest damage amount with Euphony was 915,117 so it was pretty hot.
[03:06:55] And it's a special weapon, dude.
[03:06:58] I think
[03:06:59] it's going to become one of the best raid exotics we've ever been given.
[03:07:03] It's not already there.
[03:07:04] 3, 2, 1
[03:07:20] Go guys! So guys, if you can't nobody stand the fuck next to me. Probably y'all gotta bust me out right here.
[03:07:23] I'm ready for myself.
[03:07:24] Nobody's standing next to me everybody let's just spread out what the fuck is this rng right now
[03:07:35] over necro?
[03:07:37] Yeah, man.
[03:07:38] I mean, every
[03:07:40] raid exotic has some level
[03:07:42] of utility and
[03:07:44] divinity is fantastic.
[03:07:48] Condition of Finality
[03:07:49] is clearly the best shotgun
[03:07:51] in PvP especially.
[03:07:53] I just think that
[03:07:55] this weapon
[03:07:56] is just going to be a heavy damage dealer
[03:08:02] i mean already yes but like we get certain traits on it like we got rewind rounds on him
[03:08:07] this is probably going to proc on Threads.
[03:08:13] If you didn't have DPS with the buff in the auto, what's
[03:08:15] the point?
[03:08:17] You're right. The bed is already a loss. Breyers
[03:08:20] already lost. I'm simply just
[03:08:22] trying to get the most accurate number
[03:08:24] from Breyers. That way our numbers
[03:08:26] are not much because we do refer back
[03:08:28] to these videos
[03:08:28] The better than Izzy now? Izzy on its own Would you refer back to these videos?
[03:08:31] They're better than the Izzy now. Izzy on its own is not good,
[03:08:33] Izzy's good when you-
[03:08:56] Sorry! 3, 2, 1. See that ad That literally just walked up in front of me guys
[03:08:58] The one that explodes
[03:09:00] The only one That's the most dangerous add here.
[03:09:04] That's the only add we need to control. There is an explosive ad that must be killed.
[03:09:29] Everything else is good.
[03:09:39] Is there anything to move on? Some of you guys are new to this room?
[03:09:43] Listen, if your tired of of what you're watching, just fast forward.
[03:09:47] Because daddy...
[03:09:49] If you're sick of watching the same damage face, fucking fast-forward the video!
[03:09:54] Hot damn! fast-forward the video hot day
[03:10:03] oh yeah make sure your tractor is staying up.
[03:10:07] You can...Pack will be the only one that stays in the well with me
[03:10:11] In case they throw in I see there's an explosive guy next to me. I'm
[03:10:31] back to you did you not get it in there?
[03:10:41] Got detained.
[03:10:42] Okay let's just go back to the tether strat.
[03:10:44] You just put the tether on the left side.
[03:10:46] That's fine.
[03:10:47] Yeah.
[03:10:51] AHHHHHH! fun. Yeah. We got a comment the other day too.
[03:11:01] It's like, dude,
[03:11:02] the damage testing,
[03:11:03] the live damage testing is so bad.
[03:11:06] There's so many mess ups
[03:11:08] and
[03:11:09] yes, there is a lot of mess ups
[03:11:12] but this is just the nature of it.
[03:11:16] No one
[03:11:17] goes into any damage
[03:11:19] tests and just
[03:11:20] fucking calls it a day after goes into any damage test and just
[03:11:23] fucking calls it a day after one phase.
[03:11:26] It really is part of the process
[03:11:29] but we do put out YouTube videos which means it consolidates things.
[03:11:32] And so then you're good. You know where I'm coming from?
[03:11:38] You could skip to
[03:11:40] the point that you want.
[03:11:42] Okay. you could skip to the point that you want.
[03:11:48] Ronan, we saw it buddy! We've got a quick-saving cutout right now. I'm gonna kill you! 3, 2, 1.
[03:12:02] Oh there's a person that way. God damn it. Three, two, one.
[03:12:05] Oh there's a person that way.
[03:12:08] God damn it! Pack! Okay. just pop the tether to the right.
[03:12:17] Do you see where I'm at right now?
[03:12:20] Observe my body.
[03:12:21] Just pop the tether rider. He has it.
[03:12:29] Chat, what this further proves is that
[03:12:31] Crockett and Surroundit are a bitch.
[03:12:33] That's what this further proves.
[03:12:47] The 18-hour game says you did on the last encounter in the new raid
[03:12:49] is real dedication to your craft.
[03:12:50] There you go, that's a perfect example.
[03:12:53] We just wanted to get that perfect
[03:12:55] damage phase.
[03:13:01] Just to grow the fact we didn't make it to
[03:13:04] final stand until like hour 14.
[03:13:14] Does the final shape come out tomorrow? Echoes comes out, Echoes comes out tomorrow, man.
[03:13:20] But the final shape is out now. You can play it right now.
[03:13:24] I would definitely avoid the internet if you're not wanting to get spoiled. There it is baby, that's the juice right here. This is the juice!
[03:13:51] This is the one we've been waiting for!
[03:13:55] Good god I'm about to get shred in this well, that's crazy
[03:13:59] Guardian town! crazy guardian town guardian down Oh my god!
[03:14:18] It barely beats it!
[03:14:23] That is f***ing...
[03:14:27] that is wild. Wow
[03:14:31] I am genuinely surprised. It barely beats it. Holy crap. 970 damage, beat by 2000 damage you lucky some
[03:14:48] will brier out damage euphony
[03:14:56] i didn't rig it.
[03:14:58] We just have to get the perfect face.
[03:15:00] And look, that's just the power of enhanced surrounding.
[03:15:01] You know what I mean?
[03:15:02] It cooks.
[03:15:05] It's just getting it to prop.
[03:15:06] It's like getting it to prop, keeping it prop.
[03:15:09] Thank you so much for the five gifted subs.
[03:15:10] Actually, the ten gifted subs from earlier, man.
[03:15:13] Thank you, thank you thank you
[03:15:17] all right let's see euphony sucks ass brum
[03:15:22] new finney is fantastic this This thing, a surrounded...
[03:15:27] I know there's some upset people
[03:15:29] right now because you just lost that glance.
[03:15:31] But do not let this cloud
[03:15:33] what you are seeing in front of you
[03:15:35] A Surrounded Browse Contempt with Rewind Routes you a surrounded briar's contempt with rewind rounds is doing the same amount of damage as our
[03:15:41] euphony like threadlings and things building it right but if we get a solid damage part that is crazy then we're
[03:15:50] talking a special weapon versus I have you button let's walk that's why
[03:15:57] I don't even know if we need to
[03:16:02] test any other linear fusion guys
[03:16:05] um
[03:16:06] other than our specials because these are like literally the best heavies in
[03:16:10] the game i know some of you were like wanting me to do doom petitioner but doom petition is
[03:16:15] not going to fare any better right now here we'll do Doom Petitioner real quick.
[03:16:22] Pop the well down low this time
[03:16:24] and look for Doom Petitioner I'll even swing the pot
[03:16:27] I'll even swing the pot. I'll even swing the pot,
[03:16:30] I will put on
[03:16:31] Expanding Abyss.
[03:16:35] This increases my damage
[03:16:36] for Void Weapons against weakened targets.
[03:16:39] I will swing the targets. I will sweeten the pot.
[03:16:43] I guarantee
[03:16:44] a Doom Petitioner is not going to touch this damage.
[03:16:50] Open hand, surrounded in touch it.
[03:16:53] I'm barely beat by what 500?
[03:16:57] Yeah, 222 or 2000 damage is all about.
[03:17:01] Yeah, don't think thisfist is gonna do anything.
[03:17:03] I forget it's not going to beat it out of us.
[03:17:06] Sounds like a bet to me.
[03:17:08] Bottom watchers skip the 40 minutes.
[03:17:12] Dude, I guarantee someone right now
[03:17:13] pulled up a bot and they're trying to figure out how to skip
[03:17:17] I feel bad about it
[03:17:34] Alright, there's the Max Dax.
[03:17:36] DAMN!
[03:17:44] The new Stasis one? There's a new stasis one?
[03:17:44] There's a new Stasis Linear Fusion.
[03:17:49] It's a precision frame on a burst fire.
[03:17:54] Hmm I haven't tried it yet.
[03:18:00] We'll definitely break out of Arbalest. It's not skipping help. never
[03:18:20] thank you so much Doom is going to do better, just watch. oh guys doom petition really did get in he got a heavy nerf
[03:18:46] well look remember the number has to be adjusted here so we have
[03:18:49] to take out the 1.25 or we got to take out the 2 5 divided by 1.25
[03:18:57] um yeah probably so I yeah
[03:18:59] promise
[03:19:04] to What am I damaging?
[03:19:14] Did I miss a shot?
[03:19:22] Guardian down!
[03:19:27] RIP. It's the classic warlock main.
[03:19:36] Bruh, did you not see me? I was playing no warlock for the ring disregard pantheon
[03:19:45] i only played warlock every week in pantheon because
[03:19:48] i was i was requested to all right and i you know i'm a I am a team player. So...
[03:20:01] They might actually have DPS. I
[03:20:19] for that really is not good
[03:20:22] more for the time Warp will defend Kudnick.
[03:20:33] What are people using for the witness damage when not on hunter? I was using things like Levy Breast and stuff, but still Hunter is so good.
[03:20:38] He's going to just bring a hunter with him.
[03:20:42] That's pretty easy to solve.
[03:20:44] Hold on! Thank you. Alright, there it is! It's the best damage!
[03:20:59] Remember we gotta take out the surge, okay guys?
[03:21:03] Guardian down.
[03:21:19] I have 1,. 42,786.
[03:21:21] Hold on.
[03:21:22] We've got to take out the surge.
[03:21:25] It's actually 834,000.
[03:21:27] Alright.
[03:21:33] 834,229 damage from Doom.
[03:21:40] We actually squeezed out a little more damage here in this run.
[03:21:42] We timed it really well, though.
[03:21:46] And that is with the artifact.
[03:21:49] We're pumping the damage up as much as we can that's with expanding
[03:21:52] abyss um that just it just shows you just how clearly how good euphony is. Alright, chat.
[03:22:03] I'm about to break out two weapons
[03:22:04] you probably haven't thought about in a very long time.
[03:22:06] Or maybe yet.
[03:22:08] One of them is Arbalest.
[03:22:10] The other one...
[03:22:13] What the fuck is it?
[03:22:19] Where's
[03:22:20] Lorne's driver?
[03:22:26] Third row, second page oh here we go and Laurence driver let's start with Arbalest first.
[03:22:37] Go on a kinetic Pika, we did do it at times 25.
[03:22:53] Obviously Euphony is
[03:22:55] way better in longer damage
[03:22:57] phases. I don't doubt that.
[03:23:02] But
[03:23:03] in this damage window, which we're comparing it to.
[03:23:09] I'm really...I'm wondering what it can do. Oh, no man down here.
[03:23:27] 3... 2... 1...
[03:23:31] Come on army! Show them why you're meta baby!
[03:23:35] YAAA! Oh my god 50 000 for shots disgusting I don't look good guys, I don't look good.
[03:23:49] Here's the thing, RB is a utility weapon right?
[03:23:52] And it is definitely not a damage giver.
[03:24:04] That's rough.
[03:24:05] Okay.
[03:24:09] Now let's try out my Lawrence driver.
[03:24:11] Look for Lawrence here.
[03:24:13] Here's the thing about Lawrence.
[03:24:14] Um,
[03:24:17] couple things. We can actually boost the damage up even more on this thing.
[03:24:21] That's such a sexy one, too, by the way.
[03:24:24] It's part... This weapon marks targets with an
[03:24:26] automated targeting system. Final Blitz
[03:24:28] and mark targets generate a telemetry pattern
[03:24:31] collect 3 telemetry patterns
[03:24:33] without dying grants this weapon bonus damage
[03:24:35] for a long duration. So we're gonna try that base
[03:24:37] I'm also going to take off expanding
[03:24:39] abyss here the damage numbers actually get pumped up pretty
[03:24:43] good mods initiate a bet right now we're lawrence driver out damaged euphony let me grab some water real quick.
[03:24:56] Maz, if you can do that it would be great.. so... Now listen, listen.
[03:25:58] This is Lawrence Driver with everything.
[03:26:01] We're going to be pumping up the damage numbers in there.
[03:26:03] Yes, Cope!
[03:26:04] Who initiated this bet?
[03:26:06] We are not... We are not to...
[03:26:08] When you put that in there,
[03:26:10] it immediately makes people think
[03:26:11] that there's no way Lawrence Driver would win.
[03:26:25] What? would win. We must be very...
[03:26:28] We must be neutral.
[03:26:30] We must be completely neutral.
[03:26:34] Yeah, we read the article already guys.
[03:26:48] I mean there's no way though.
[03:26:49] This is with the artifact mod, i'm gonna do
[03:26:53] the artifact mod, im serious we're throwing everything in this bitch
[03:26:57] right now were doing doing that base then
[03:26:59] we're gonna do it with everything
[03:27:03] somebody's going to get you if lauren's actually
[03:27:12] all right Three, two, one. What the fuck is this thing aiming at?
[03:27:22] What is this thing aiming at?!
[03:27:31] He finds that! What is that?
[03:27:38] Is that really the recoil now?
[03:27:40] That's terrible.
[03:27:46] This is probably not the best base number, but...
[03:27:51] Let's go ahead and crank it up. Let's crank it all the way up.
[03:27:52] Let's get Lawrence Driver...
[03:27:52] Look, I'm going to be pumping the numbers up even more.
[03:27:54] I'm gonna throw on the...
[03:27:56] We're gonna pick up the patterns
[03:28:01] And we are also going to Throw on the Artifact Mod And...
[03:28:05] We're also going to throw on the artifact mod. So let's go all the way with it.
[03:28:09] We did do imposition with the artifact already, yep.
[03:28:13] We saw it guys! yeah we saw the trailer
[03:28:15] yeah our um our cut above is gonna be up soon guys uh Okay. I'll call out whenever I'm ready for you to pop this field, okay? Did I pick these up?
[03:29:00] Oh, pop it out. What do I have on here?
[03:29:19] Is this not activated?
[03:29:25] I haven't used it in so long
[03:29:43] where is the where wasn't dropping?
[03:29:48] I didn't see it on the ground.
[03:29:54] I'm actually going to have to put on a flinching mask because this is terrible. Exploding enemies don't work.
[03:30:02] That's unfortunate.
[03:30:05] Oh, it's gotta be precision kills.
[03:30:07] Ah!
[03:30:08] Dude, I swear. It's been like literally...
[03:30:10] It may be two years since I used this thing.
[03:30:21] No it doesn't have to be precision kill. so I get the well now, let me give off this glass and put on a healing glass or something.
[03:31:01] I can just throw a healing grenade down.
[03:31:05] That'd be fun. The other issue
[03:31:09] that i have is if it's an explosive enemy that procs, this is why
[03:31:13] I hate doing launch robo- it's the exact same thing to happen
[03:31:16] the last time we did a test for this if it's an explosive enemy it doesn't seem to drop the pattern.
[03:31:29] Alright, we're just going to have to get lucky.
[03:31:30] I would actually hold
[03:31:31] the well until
[03:31:32] I get the third.
[03:31:35] Yeah, I did that.
[03:32:23] Watch us do all this shit and get the 10 yeah i did that watch us do all this and get the tame man oh my god I'm going to have to go back. uh so Alright, get ready to drop it.
[03:32:28] Drop the well, drop the well now.
[03:32:30] Give me the well, give me the well!
[03:32:32] Three... two... one... Oh damn! That flinch is terrible.
[03:32:44] That flinch is wild! Guardian down!
[03:32:52] Yeah, the buff from Laurence Driver with his axes...
[03:32:56] It's crazy.
[03:32:58] I have not used Laurence Driver after the Flumestand, that's crazy.
[03:33:04] Oooooohhhhhhhhhh driver out to the front seat. That's crazy. Alright,
[03:33:05] $989,570.
[03:33:07] This is a void surge though.
[03:33:09] Void surge environment.
[03:33:10] So $989,570. Take away the 25%. Nobody get excited! It's $791,000. It's a surge. $ 791,656 damage
[03:33:28] Which is well below
[03:33:32] I wouldn't say well below.
[03:33:35] It's um...
[03:33:39] So it is actually below Swarmers, the combination of
[03:33:43] Swarmers and Euphonies.
[03:33:45] So, actually
[03:33:47] comparable but it's when
[03:33:49] we did all of our threatening boosting and whatnot
[03:33:51] the tons of
[03:33:53] threatenings is when we got to 915,000.
[03:33:55] So Lawrence surprisingly kept up.
[03:33:58] It surprisingly kept up.
[03:33:59] Now granted, here's the other thing that Lawrence
[03:34:01] has taken advantage of though too, you guys.
[03:34:03] We're also taking advantage of expanding in this, right?
[03:34:08] So that's the other thing
[03:34:13] and there's a lot of hoops to jump through for sure but i think the main thing to take away from this guys is that this raid exotic,
[03:34:17] which we've already done our review for.
[03:34:19] This raid exotic is
[03:34:21] really, really good.
[03:34:23] For it to be a special weapon and then have
[03:34:25] DPS matching that of heavies it's incredible to take that even a
[03:34:30] step further when we get traits on this thing whatever those traits might be and i'm hoping
[03:34:35] they're going to be good like rebound rounds hatching would also be really nice
[03:34:39] a damage perk but I'm not sure
[03:34:41] Bungie's gonna give us that since we have spindle already
[03:34:43] But dude if they tacked on like even
[03:34:45] something like precision instrument
[03:34:46] That would be nutty
[03:34:47] Yeah this weapon is precision instrument, that would be nutty.
[03:34:49] Yeah.
[03:34:51] This weapon is... this is the base one. It's only going to get better.
[03:34:54] And right now
[03:34:55] it's outperforming a lot of other linears.
[03:34:58] Even linears in the heavy slot.
[03:35:01] Alright, guys! That's it
[03:35:02] for my folks that jumped in here for the damage test. Thank y'all so much!
[03:35:05] I appreciate DiamondJathPack.
[03:35:06] Thank you for being on Discord. Thank you, guys.
[03:35:09] GG's. Y'all have a good one okay take it easy later fellas
[03:35:13] um and to everybody else in here thank you so much guys we're gonna have to call it
[03:35:19] i know this is a short term today.
[03:35:21] I got to work on the rate guide.
[03:35:23] I've got to work on the rate guide. We're going to be working on
[03:35:25] the rate guide all evening.
[03:35:28] Let's do a payout. Mons, can you please do
[03:35:29] the payout? The Greg test...
[03:35:32] We'll probably do a Greg test at some point this week.
[03:35:36] But...
[03:35:37] Hold on. Let me get this damn thing
[03:35:38] paid out.
[03:35:40] Choose outcome.
[03:35:45] Yep. She's out. Let me make sure I'm doing that right.
[03:35:49] Laurence, out damage.
[03:35:51] Oh wow! I can actually see who made
[03:35:54] the FX that just saw you.
[03:35:56] God damn it. Alright guys, y'all been
[03:35:58] great. We'll be back again
[03:36:00] tomorrow.
[03:36:02] We'll be back again for that. Echoes is
[03:36:04] launching tomorrow
[03:36:06] I don't really know what
[03:36:08] the opening quest is going to be like, I have no
[03:36:10] idea how we're going to get started on it
[03:36:12] but we'll be live first thing in the morning and we'll be seeing what that is
[03:36:16] the trailer looks pretty high the weapons look really good narratively i'm more curious about
[03:36:21] the narrative than anything else, really want to see what
[03:36:24] the tie-in is there.
[03:36:27] Is it in fact Maya?
[03:36:29] Which has to be.
[03:36:32] We're betting the whole vault on him.
[03:36:33] So we'll see again. Y'all have a great rest of your afternoon, though.
[03:36:35] Okay guys?
[03:36:36] See you in the next one.
[03:36:37] Bye everybody!...... Thank you.